The Straits Times, 30 December 1980

Total Pages: 40
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUEBDAY, DECEMBER 3t, l»8t 35 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 111/1/80
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  • 692 1 Mao's widow dragged out of court BEIJING, Monday COURT proceedings against the Gang of Four ended dramatically today with the prosecution demanding the execution of late Chairman Mao Zedong's widow Jiang Qing after she was dragged out of court shouting defiantly: "I am prepared to
    Agencies  -  692 words
  • 212 1 Ghows is appointed Supreme j Court judge MR AW. GHOWS (above), the SolicitorGeneral, has been appointed a judge of the Supreme Court from Saturday for a period of one year. A Prime Minister's Office statement said yesterday that Mr Lee Kuan Yew, after consulting the Chiei Justice, had advised President
    212 words
  • 41 1 TOKYO Mon Sin crew members aboard an firightri wprp missing today .iflri lh«' .(.139 tonne vessel caaataai off southern Japan the Maninne MM* A({en< y said the le maining 18 < re» membeis ,if the (i.itsatiga were rescued UPI
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 131 1 A KEPI BLIC of Singapore Air Pwee C-lSi aircraft yesterday flew home the eight scouts who were Injured in a road accident nrar Semaraag In central Java on Friday night. Fonr at the seriotuly Injured scouts were cArried oo ■tretchera to a waiting amhnlanre at
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  • 113 1 WARSAW, Mon. Thousands of private farmers were converging on Warsaw today to back their new union's bid to win official recognition tomorrow. The farmers, members of the "Rural Solidarity" union which now claims over one million members, plan to stage a rally outside the
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 301 1 MORE government ministers will take to the mass media to explain their policies to the public. Through television programmes, ministers and decision-makers will explain their policies clearly to gain positive response from the people. It is hoped that the result will
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  • 59 1 RIO DE JANEIRO, Mon. Brazilians who choose sterilisation as a means of birth control will be given free hospital operations starting in the New Year, it was announced over the weekend. Health Minister Waldir Mendes Arcoverde said that a vast birth-control information programme, aimed particularly
    AFP  -  59 words
  • 190 1 1>-^~"""M™""'"~"M™""'"~" JAKARTA, Mon. AT LEAST 111 people died in a huge landslide that demolished about 500 houses in Talaga, 200 km east of here. ioc Bal8 al officials Sa"tOd 'y- lMm i UndsUde struck last Friday evening, but bad communications with the area delayed rescue operations
    Reuter  -  190 words
  • 73 1 SEOUL, Mon. President Chun Doo Hhwan said today he has ordered a sweeping pardon for all past and present public servants guilty of one-time misbehaviour or minor irregularities. Mr Chun said he sent the instruction to the cabinet to mark the promulgation today of a five-point public
    UPI  -  73 words
  • 78 1 TOKYO, Mon. Nearly 45.000 police will be mobilised in Japan during the first (our days of the new year when an estimated record 78 million people are expected to visit temples and shrines to pray (or good luck and prosperity, the National Police Agency said today.
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 140 1 NEW DELHI, Mon. Rioting broke out today in the Afghan capital of Kabul, according to a report reaching here. Soviet forces have been trying for more than a year to put down Muslim rebels in Afghanistan. There was no immediate word on any injuries
    AP  -  140 words
  • 286 1 LOS ANGELES, Monday PRESIDENT-ELECT Ronald Reagan said yesterday he would reject Iran's request for the payment of US$24 billion (Ssso billion) for the return of the 52 American hostages. He labelled the demand as "ransom for people kidnapped by barbarians." It was
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  • 32 1 NEW YORK, Mon. Übya has raised its crude oil price by US$4 a barrel to the new Opec ceiling price of USS4I (SsBs) a barrel, industry sources said today. AP.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 362 1 A YOI'TH wfts killed Mid three others criticali ly wounded when an armed gang attacked i them at the Boon Lay shopping centre In Juronj late last night. The dead youth sufterj ed two knife wounds in his chest. Police, who said all the
    UP  -  362 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 99 1 Invest in a Rolex m \.\\T. T.H.H. (Tal Hong Hung Pie Ltd) and Branc* I \Vli/ U4 North Bridge Road Singapore I Tel J.V3993-4 *****1 *****17 *****07 THE FANTASIA OF PAGEANT •LOIVREX R4GE4NT For Everyone CUSTOM-MADE EFFECTS Play your favourite instruments on Pageant. From the serenity of Hawaiian guitar to
      99 words
    • 136 1 m philips The remarkable Philips Pocket Memo. More than just hand-some. Handsome, elegant and impressive, the Philips Pocket Memo is more than just good looks. Feel it in your hand it's slim, ultra-light as portable as any can be. And you'll appreciate its convenience. You can operate it with one
      136 words
    • 150 1 ft Ay f^Sk PotybuildingtSJPte.Ltd. IC^Il Importers Exporter ot lull range O' bail Italian Ceramic tiles marble Tat *****34 3 Itiw* *****11 s [■Ate h •40 pages today S MEN WHO S WILL MAKE NEWS IN 1981 J -P«g«6 5 JOINT aid venture to end tomorrow 2 MORE guns budget gets
      150 words

    • 392 2 Joint aid venture to end tomorrow Project's basic goal has been achieved: Unicef BANGKOK, Mon. The 15-month-old emergency relief effort for Kampuchea, mounted jointly by the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) and the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) will end on Wednesday, Unicef announced here today. The US$5OO
      Reuter  -  392 words
    • 72 2 JAKARTA, Mon. A Central Jakarta district court Judge has been reinstated by Minister of Justice Mujono after the Judge had asked for forgiveness for his apparent involvement In a bribery case. Mr Mujono told newsmen here on Saturday that he decided to revoke the
      AFP  -  72 words
    • 154 2 'FAMILY PLANNING SHOULD BE ON WAR FOOTING' NEW DELHI, Mon. Family planning in India, the world's second most populous nation with 660 million people, should be put on a war footing, a leading gynaecologist said today. Professor Raman Nidkarni, new president of the All India Obstetrics and Gynaecology Federation, made
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 88 2 British best sellers in 1980 LONDON, Mon. The Guinness Book of Records was Britain's best-selling hardback book in 1980 with 520.000 copies sold, according to an annual list compiled by the London New Standard newspaper. The top novel was John Le Carre's spy saga, Smiley^s People, which sold 240,000 copies.
      AP  -  88 words
    • 40 2 NEW YORK, Mon. About 100 people were injured today, eight seriously, when a train tailed to stop at its terminal and hit a wall in heavy fog in the Staten Island section of New York, police said Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 72 2 A PORTION of railway track hanging precariously over a giant hole after heavy rains washed oat the track bed and a section of the TransCanada Highway about II km northeast of Hope, British Columbia. A railway spokesman said it wfll take M,«M cubic metres of earth to Oil
      AP  -  72 words
    • 276 2 Waldheim 'must monitor Afghan talks' HONGKONG, Mon. Pakistan Foreign Minister Agha Shahi has said that his government was ready for talks to settle the Afghan problem but not in such a way that it would imply recognition of the Kabul government. He told a luncheon at the Foreign Correspondents' Club
      Reuter  -  276 words
    • 118 2 34-hour general strike cripples Assam NEW DELHI, Mon. A general strike closed markets, stores and schools, and crippled government operations today in the north-eastern state of Assam, reports from the area said. The 34-hour work stoppage was called by students to protest the killing of eight people in a clash
      AP  -  118 words
    • 71 2 COLUMBUS (Ohio), Mon. Crime is increasing in American rural areas and the director of the National Rural Crime Prevention Centre calls it a "serious social problem" that indicates a parallel rise in rural criminals. G. Howard Phillips, director of the centre at Ohio State University, said
      UPI  -  71 words
    • 197 2 BUTLER university opened today. It Is the world's first school for butlers, with a student body of two, ,ust matching the facnli v. "There's a huge deroand for Knnll*h butlers In Japan and the linlted States," said Mr Ivor Spencer, a toastmaster
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    • 162 2 'Hundreds killed in fights over land in Guangxi' BEIJING, Mon. Several hundred people have been killed or wounded in fights over land disputes in recent years in the south-west Chinese province of Guangxi, according to the agricultural newspaper, China Peasants' News. The paper said that the government was preparing a
      Reuter  -  162 words
    • 424 2 Zhou makes headlines with his works MAJOR Chinese newspapers devoted their front pages yesterday to reporting the publication of selected works by the late Premier Zhou Enlai, indicating a further downgrading of the late Chairman Mao Zedong and his successor, Mr Hua Guofeng. The Communist Party newspaper, People's Daily, the
      AP  -  424 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 127 2 ITO CINEMA I BIPr^H4"L 4 =^F ORCHARD PLAZA lUj 2 ,k, k Q.\* "ti"i«> tt| flu ÜB* PfIOJfCT p O v9\ -M 'Til I HVyOSIP M* *C*( A"iH ft MUM M( N" S ffl /m/ A^W I ~™^Hb^bW~~ NHfJPWW. H I ORCHARD -^o^U ROAD B 1/ XT c i""" 1
      127 words

    • 385 3 TOKYO, Mon iHt government has approved a "more guns, less butter" budgfence spending by 7.6 per cent in response to the growing Soviet milltary presence in the Far East Th<> inrrvaap was below the^inta!^9*^r eSS rise urged by Washington and the Japanese Defence
      UPI  -  385 words
    • 230 3 TOKYO, Mon, Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki is expected to announce in Bangkok next month Japan's readinessto spend 20 billion yen (SS2OI million), in five years from 1982, to help Asean train engineers, sources said today. Mr Suzuki will visit the Asean countries from Jan
      Reuter; AFP  -  230 words
    • 228 3 Haig is fit to be Secretary of State says Zbig WASHINGTON, Mon WHITE House National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brz«?zinski said yesterday that Mr Alexander Haig is qualified to be Secretary of State, despite his actions during the Nixon administration. Appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press," Mr Brzezinski was asked if
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    • 70 3 CAPE CANAVERAL, Mon Two years behind schedule and far costlier than planned, the first US space shuttle will be moved 5 6 km today to its launch pad In preparation for a March takeoff, officials said. Moving the fully-assembled 1.2-million kilogram spacecraft from the huge vehicle
      AP  -  70 words
    • 57 3 THIS Is the cover of the coming edition of Time magatlne that will name Presidentelect Ronald Reagan as the publication's Man of the Year. Time said the title was given to Mr Reagan "for having risen so smoothly and gracefully to the most powerful and
      AP  -  57 words
    • 47 3 BEIJING, Mon, China's tourist Industry has exceeded Its 1980 target of 200,000 foreign visitors, up from 160,000 in 1979, the newspaper Guangmlng Daily reported yesterday. The figure Is In addition to the more than 600,000 Chinese visitors who came from abroad, the paper said. -AP.
      AP  -  47 words
    • 159 3 JAKARTA, Monday INDONESIA'S 1981-82 state budget, to be tabled in parliament by President Suharto on Monday, will be bigger than this fiscal year y s US$l6.B billion (5J35.6 billion), due to increased income from oil exports, Cabinet spokesman General Sudharmono told reporters today. He
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 172 3 SYDNEY, Mob, Australian airports may be cloned tomorrow by government order if radar technicians continue their ban repairing crucial navigation equipment. The technicians are meeting tomorrow to consider a threat by the government to stop paying them unless they end their baa,
      AFP  -  172 words
    • 33 3 LONDON, Mot.. Mor. *han two out of three Britons are in favour of bringing back military conscription, according to a poll published here today In the conservative DailyTelegnph newspaper. AFP.
      AFP  -  33 words
    • 237 3 Govt troops recapture six towns in Salvador SAN SALVADOR, Monday GOVERNMENT troops backed by helicopter gunships recaptured six towns held by guerillas, apparently setting back a major leftist offensive against the US-supported junta, officials say. i MUitory spolcesmensald an undisclosed number of government troops yester- day drove a 3,000-man guerilla
      237 words
    • 142 3 Jakarta iv Da.D6F *r wr nvot«afi 1»* Olovß LiCB S lAn/]AiiaLi« leadership Jakarta m™ tiu. R?pubS?-s 8°^ nunent and Pro"^ of opportunity for hi. tIT .^.nrui whUe lt *■■n° surprise, «o*cted the supiort he commanded from the island's neonip "Thf^'ty w- ,cc administers his gove'rnmem'and parly reflects has inner discipline...He
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 26 3 I I riha.l attack ttIUU.IV new DELHI. Mon, Tribal insurgents hurled grenades at Indian troops and a governmart radio station last week north-eastern state of »^*u^t^r-
      26 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 I BBBaßßßßßß^^aaßb^_^^oaaaaaTT .^BaBBaaBBBBB>dBaB v JaßVaßsssssflaaßßßßi bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb»»». > N^* %^^*^s^^^Jbbb»b~^^Bbbbbbbi^^ v^tf+L *^Pr > 's0 "^j? >v -L BBBBM^TJaBBW^VBSB'^B aßaßa""^ BBBalaßßßßsslba> vl BBBBBBBTBw 8888, X^BBB^^b! X.HA MITSUBISHI CARS OraAliWNNrE'lN THE 1980 d*"@ t c o'<»0 '<» JAPANESE FUEL ECONOM/ TEST Sole DistnOuto' .Cycle ft Carriage (Enterprises) P«a LW Showrooms ioP*nanofW Tel *****1
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    • Article, Illustration
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    • 311 4 Pope's vow to return may be stopping Russians NEW YORK, Monday POLISH-BORN Pope John Paul II told the Soviet Union he would fly to Poland to be with his countrymen if the Russians intervene militarily there a move which could account for the Kremlin's caution in handling the Polish labour
      Agencies  -  311 words
    • 90 4 ALL puffed np with tke effort, thin male SUmang was staging to visitors at Dade's MetrMM la Miami •ver tke weekend. Thr SUtnMiKN are tke largest members at tke gibbon family. ney caa *rou op to 1.2 metrw tall with aa arm-apaa of
      AP  -  90 words
    • 64 4 LOS ANGELES. Moo. An elderly widow charged with shooting and killing a young aspiring actor because his car was blocking her driveway did not even own a car, police said yesterday. Detective Russ Kuster aaid Kay Marion Beach, 70, who was arrested sitting on a bus bench on
      UPI  -  64 words
    • 163 4 Artillery used to clear rubble at fire site WARSAW, Mon. Polish artillery troops using 152 mm howitzers yesterday destroyed steel remnants of drilling equipment at the site of a crude fire in the north, Polish television reported. The fire at Karlino started 19 days ago when the natural gas 2,278
      AFP  -  163 words
    • 56 4 Robber kills accomplice F Mr NEW YORK, Moo. A gunman accidentally snot and killed his accomplice early yesterday while trying to rob a man on an east Harlem street, police said. The robberv victim also was shot. He was identified as Wilson Rodriguez and reported in critical condition at Metropolitan
      UPI  -  56 words
    • 55 4 Tlin ni77Q 1 lie yILLa rh&lleTlfire BANGKOK. Mon. Thailand's traditional spicy curries golden noodles and savoury fried rice have a new competitor from the West pizrT P The worlds largest pina chain. Ploa Hut, threw down the culinary gauntlet at the weekend, opening its first outlet in a market traditionally
      AFP  -  55 words
    • 42 4 SnOWefl 111 TOKYO. Mon. Thousands of year-end holidaymakers and dozens of nulway services were cancelled today as snow, I the heaviest In 14 years, conUntied In areas facing the Sea of Japan, where more than two metres of snow was reported. AFP
      AFP  -  42 words
    • 250 4 BRITISH trade union i for the first time since Two, the Financial Tin The business daily said members paying dues fell by about one million this year and the trend could continue for the next two years. The biggest unions lost the most members,
      250 words
    • 133 4 UVw** rtc»llo T OOt CSIIS for linitv LUL UllllV x i_ m LaDOUT Party LONDON, Mon. Opposition leader Michael Foot called on Labour Party supporters yesterday to join ranks and fight against the Conservative government of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher instead of fighting among themselves. In a year-end message, issued
      AFP  -  133 words
    • 30 4 Onirifp^l hrPflk OpllllCU UI CaiV lqndON, Moo, A British construction worker escaped a Saudi Arabian Jail fust before Christmas, after being held since May for possessing and distilling alcoholI AFP.
      AFP  -  30 words
    • 252 4 LONDON, Mon. BRITAIN wUl wake mp to breakfast televtrfnn la two yean, but not everyone wkiti te watch It, however. The new* waa announced yesterday by the Independent Broadcasting Authorln (IBA), the panel that renlateo commet.lal television In Britain. At
      252 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 182 4 BBBBSV A BBsffffP^^r^Vv^B^lT^PTlPVllf<Bf!fflf9sßßß! SAMMI GINSENG COSMETICS A n n n *\rr A SLu »< 1 sssL ssPf 1 I W4m ML 1 sssllssssa^ F^_ f 4/^aK I laF^fc BBBBBBBBSI SIA OFFERS THE FASTEST SERVICE TO LOS ANGELES. BKmdi^Bsssssfc-'' ■^S^^^^^^^^^^SSsESß^a^^^^^^^^^^^ m *^*^^^sjßßfc :^^B^^Rasssssssssssssssssssssssss9Siii- -^^B^BffiKHnßflHßEr Ebb ssW^^B sssHP^^^^^sfr J^ Bl mi^r^ B^MhdsQP'
      182 words

    • 431 5 Part of first response to Iran's hostage conditions WASHINGTON, Mon. IN a bid to free the American hostages. President Jimmy Carter was willing to prohibit any transfer of the late Shah's assets out of the US. The offer was contained in the
      AP  -  431 words
    • Article, Illustration
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    • 45 5 A SEA hnnuuUty no*d«l the Imam Hwseta Squre in TefcerM last Sunday to observe the forty days after the murtvrdom of th« Islamfr saint, Imam Howteln. ThoasaiM-i marched thrash the heart of Teheraa eha-tiag anUAmerlca. slogans IbcladlßK "Death to R-a-gaa". AP pictare.
      AP  -  45 words
    • 35 5 LAGOS, Mon. The Nigerian army yesterday moved into the riot-torn northern city of Kano and freed 65 people who had been taken hostage by Muslim extremists there, the radio said here today. AFP.
      AFP  -  35 words
    • 252 5 CA«O,Mon. _^^_i^__ FORMER US Secretary of St^P^«K,Lwrßr says President-e ect Ron"!2i.h o^3 w^th convictton, energy and strength the Middle East peace process startEd by Camp David He also says that with Mr Reagan taking over next month the time may have
      UPI  -  252 words
    • 92 5 South Africa "bans' union official JOHANNESBURG, Mon. The secretary-general of the Media Workers Association of South Africa, Zwelakhe Sisulu, was today declared a banned person by the Justice Ministry, an informed source said. Banning orders in South Africa usually mean that the person concerned is forbidden to make public statements
      AFP  -  92 words
    • 206 5 'Counter-attack by Iran's army is ineffective' BEIRUT, Monday ARAB diplomatic sources in Beirut said yesterday that Iran's "counter-offensive" in its war with Iraq has been ineffective. They said despite Iranian claims, Iraqi troops are still holding on to their captured territory. With the Gulf war entering its 15th week, both
      UPI  -  206 words
    • 135 5 -Arab allies warn US against arms supply to Iran nirTTJirT m«- Bt-IKUT, Mon. Amen«a'«: Arah aiiioc i- m,. Pe^Gu/ha" warned Washington against supreleased, Western diplomatic sources in Beirut said today, They said the governments of Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have advised the American ambassadors
      135 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 445 5 _^_B _I_^_9^^^J^_^_- B _h" _^__i_r^«^_l DC* m^tO^^^^^^^^ l^_^___Bm*_i^_^_P*M* *J*^_^_C^ *J_B _^_Cp *J_^_^lP* r^^H/| •Z_^_^_JP* a _J^_^_^_^_B_&* *i _^_^^^^^^_^_^_X I t^^^^ \^&f lk^_T I I >_^_^_Hs^a_l_l -H-C-BL-AP* IF^rifcw w"C_x v ft _S_fl K-fl _^B^^^^^^ Battery-operated I __<K_ _'^l L _^^tf II fl-ft_______i _H^^^__T Electronic Gun. L-,- J l^lt _X V^V _V
      445 words

    • Article, Illustration
      10 6 Evrrtadv Highlander. Available in a variety of attractive colour finings.
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    • 139 6 IT 18 an imposing Hnaup of powerful fTMnos wd fo#o torn* now (ac*s and torn* old that is waiting to taat tha mattla of tha U8 Prasidant in IMI. Tha moat dangarous ovaraaas criaas that ara certain to buffet tha Unitad States over tha
      139 words
    • 861 6 Men who will make news in 1981 WASHINGTON The success or failure of Mr Ronald Reagan's first ventures into foreign affairs will lie largely in the hands of a small Sfmfirrf men Tho S^S. tL ~«i^- ZtZ nave tne powt. 10 ease world tensions or to create new turmoil. These
      861 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 470 6 When the lights go out, aren t you glad your Eveready flashlight is at hand Evcrcady Highlander. Powerful beam, tough r^f JJ j| Ji| \V\ knock-about case. Designed to give you a good, L^iji^^^i easy grip. £f%£f(|ll Flash it on. You're no longer in the dark. Plunrl Earth's most used
      470 words

  • 314 7 Master Plan puts property owners in the picture WILL the government acquire my land? Is my property worth more? Is it safe to buy that house? These were the questions uppermost in the minds of visitors to the Master Plan Exhibition which opened yesterday at the Ministry of National Development
    314 words
  • 116 7 Guarantee facility for $426 m signed A GUARANTEE facility for 42.6 biUion yen (5J426 million) was signed yesterday at the Development Bank of Singapore for the purchase of equipment and machinery for the petrochemical plant to be built on Pulai Ayer Merbau. Signing of the facility signals the start of
    116 words
  • 63 7 Oral English course THE National University of Singapore's Department of Extramural Studies will hold a 16-lertur? oral English course on Mondays and Thursdays from 7 p.m to 9 p.m., beginning on Jan 12. The course, costing $70. will be held In New Lecture Theatre 3, Bukit Timah Campus Application forms
    63 words
  • 47 7 THE Singapore Combat Engineers will carry out demolition work at the Southern Islands live firing range at Pulau Pawai and Pulau Senang from Jan 1 to March 31 between 11.30 a.m. and 2 p.m. daily. The public is warned to keep clear of the range
    47 words
  • 65 7 \l7U««.*\ in. eritm Where to give DIOOQ THE total number of blood donations received during the P»st week was 841 units with SS 3«-s,t unlts of blood transfusions were given, an average of 108 units a day. The Blood Donation Centre at the Singapore General Hospital wilfbe open tomorrow and
    65 words
  • 44 7 /->, CarrOlTl SCHCS tt\y -rociriontu A icaiUCMlO the Kirn Keat Zone "B" resicommittee wUI hold a carrom competition for residents of the zone, at the Kirn Keat Education Centre, Block 232. Lorong 8, Toa Payoh. between Jan Band 11 Those interested should con- m ffg <*
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 7 MR Lam tracing the Pm-laUod Expre—wmy, —c «f the featarw the Master Ptoa
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  • 183 7 A MAN returned to a car he had broken into earlier to steal more shoes, a magistrate heard yesterday. Mohamed Ali bin Abdullah, 33, broke into Mr Wong Yue Sin's car parked in front of a house at Geylang Road on Dec 20 and took
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  • 65 7 AN 11 lecture course on Engineering Mathematics, organised by the Department of Extramural Studies, National University of Singapore, will be held on Mondays and Fridays, from 7 to 9 p.m., in Room C, History Department, Bukit Timah Campus, beginning Jan 5. Course fee is ISO. Application forms and
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    10 7 YESTERDAY'S crowd at the exhibition... seeking clarification about their properties.
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  • 304 7 SINGAPORE'S leading professional women will speak at a one-day conference on Women's Participation in the Next Dec- i ade, organised by the Singapore Council of i Women's Organisations on Jan 11. It will be held at the Metropolitan YMCA in Palmer Road. Top
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  • 153 7 'Artistes offer glimpses of our heritage' LOCAL artistes and performers were yesI terday complimented I for offering SingapoI reans "tantalising j glimpses into our rich I cultural heritage and j ways of life." I The praise came from acting Culture Minister Mr Ong Teng Cheong. He was speaking at a
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  • 61 7 A WELCOME '81 New Year get-together and dance will be organised by Serangoon Garden's Zone G residents' committee at the HDB Ang Mo Klo (East) area office community hall, Block 528, Street 5, Ang Mo Kio, tomorrow at 8 p.m. Tickets at {7 each are available at
    61 words
  • 47 7 THE Toa Payoh zone B Residents' Committee is holding a "Nelghbourliness Party" tomorrow for residents of Block 61 and 63 to 74. Lorong 4/5 Toa Payoh at 7.30 p.m. behind Block 73. The fee of $1 a person covers food, drinks, and prizes.
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  • 20 7 THE 60-member Yunnan Song and Dance Troupe will perform at the National Theatre on Saturday at 8 p.m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 371 7 I|| \^Ut* WxtF m w&Mf Price-. 517.50. m#Tn9irC^Mi mPB lII] wS^^m &9&' A delightful cocktail served f fi^i^BK"* "''S^C'mß^ JH »i in a porcelain snowman. H^^PHF^^^V H K^ You Cm take Frosty home W^ i L v a memento or use > DSMpHMBMM W^^^^Ht^^^K: A mouthwatering selection of freshly- W
      371 words

  • Article, Illustration
    9 8 THE Hercules Cl3O taxiing to a halt at Seletar
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  • 340 8 Aceh fertiliser plant: Japanese study team for Asean TOYO Engineering Coranfitnai in Japan will send a survey team to the five Asean countries to determine the quality and quantity of materials needed for the construction of the Asean Aceh fertiliser project at Lhok Seumawe, Indonesia. The four-man team, led by
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  • 58 8 Making tops more popular THE Casing Federation of Singapore, (a top spinning organisation) will launch a campaign next year to popularise the game. ft hopes to set up a showroom to display the various types of tops and equipment used for the game. It will also hold courses on how
    58 words
  • 38 8 MOTORIST Mohammed Bashir bin Shahul Hamid, 29, suffered serious head injuries when his car went off Woodlands Road and hit a tree at about 7 a.m. on Sunday. Witnesses are asked to contact the police.
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  • 33 8 THE Radin Mas CCC's scholarships are open (or application by children of constituency residents. Application forms, obtainable from the Radin Mas community centre, must reach the centre by Jan 10.
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  • 209 8 No need to pay to join the National Library- THE National Library has been offering free membership since Nov 15 when it stopped collecting the $5 deposit. A spokesman for the library said this was stopped because they wanted more people to become members. The new ruling applies only to
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  • 446 8 Story: K. BALA Photos: ALBERT SIM and TAN BUAN ANN THE eight Singapore scoobi injured in a road accident on Friday night in Semarang, Central Java Dew home earlier than expected yesterday thanks to a medical evacuation mlsslons by the Republic of Singapore Air
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  • 284 8  - Hearing date set for co-op poll dispute AHMAD OBMAN By THE Registrar of Cooperative Societies has begun a hearing into a dispute over the recent election of the Singapore Mercantile Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society's management committee. The hearing on Jan 6 at the conference room of the Ministry of
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  • 20 8 THE Singapore Organisation of Seamen will hold its 9th anniversary dinner at the Singapore Hilton Hotel tonight at7.3fl.
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  • 194 8 Cook bit the hand that once 4 fed' him A COOK broke into his employer's flat with a set of duplicate keys and stole goods worth $5,630 and $1,200 in cash from the employer and his subtenant. A district court yesterday heard that Ting Yu Choo, 24, a Malaysian, made
    194 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 319 8 Metal Pedal Bin 30cm Cast il VSI 1 aClna^sunaJal 1 uuT Children's School Shirts Mini Sewing Set tajnnf with mnef plastic iron w<* -n«s=^^^ X^B l^m V^^nF bbKS. School Shorts M <y J^ lylfU vp $195 n0w 51,501 ,up $3200 NOW $17.90 11 up $1290 NOW $5.75 *J^o*SEJr^ mW^W W
      319 words

  • Article, Illustration
    9 9 A dejected Mrs L»w at the fire site yesterday.
    9 words
  • 137 9 A THKKK h*«r blue destroyed about $«M,M* wartfc «f fnrnlturr, m» rhloery and pKwssd at Deear Karnlturr la I'pper Baklt Tlmah R«ad early yeaterday. Mrs IreM L.w, »a» nun the company with her hashaad, J*h>, naid hundreds «f finishrd products like tables •nd sideboards were
    137 words
  • 98 9 action THE National Museum will organise a brush and ink painting demonstration by Mr Chang Meng Khwee on Jan 3 at 11 a.m. and Jan 4 at 3 p.m. In this art in action programme entitled "The Spirit of Waves", Mr Chang will demonstrate the main
    98 words
  • 58 9 A 10 SESSION practical course on effective communication through public speaking will be held in Room 32C-2, Waterloo Centre, on Wednesdays from 6.30 to 9.30 p.m. beginning Jan 7. Course fee is $100. For application forms and further details contact the Department of Extramural Studies, National University
    58 words
  • 60 9 THE Minister for National Development, Mr Teh Cheang Wan, will open the Housing Board Workers' Union premises at Waterloo Centre on Thursday at 9.30 a.m. To mark the opening, the union will hold a dinner at Neptune Theatre Restaurant at 730 that night HDB's chief
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  • 590 9  -  YONG POW ANQ By EFFORTS by the Housing Board to make the $15 million Bras Basah Complex a book centre are running into problems. Two bookshops and one restaurant at the complex have closed down because of poor business and high rentals. Sources
    590 words
  • 150 9 Marriage licences sought by 180 in teens TEENAGERS are still applying for special licences to get married despite the government's efforts to discourage early marriages. There were 180 applications (or such licences from April to September the first half of this financial year, compared to 325 applications in the last
    150 words
  • 55 9 SENIOR Minister erf State (Education), Mr Chai Chong Vii, will present prizes to winners of the national essay competition organised by the Chin Kang Huay Kaun and Nanyang Slang Pau. The presentation will be held at a cultural show on Jan 4 at 1.30 p.m. at the
    55 words
  • 42 9 THE police and Registry of Vehicles Jointly booked 274 motorists for various offences between Monday and Saturday last week. Of the total, nine were warned while the rest were issued with summonses. The exercise was to enforce road discipline.
    42 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 157 9 H BRAEMAR the No.1 Answer to all your hot water needs Keeps on delivering at Mains Pressure! SOLAR ELECTRIC Mains Pressure Water Heaters Mad* in Australia B Ready Stock available from 23 lltres(5gal) to 340 litres(75gal) V.E. Heavy Steel Container fully guaranteed for 7 years. Just ring for quick installation
      157 words
    • 305 9 4 DeSr2hrKJ w99 mntwf tnonk lf># consumed loc tt\#(v •nttniskitrn In ■*rtnglngYoufc>a^ourytat>»toelaVw*^oUiwwqrd. I MM Onry3oDoys, l^atT&ndUcflMnCrMrn, I^V showi ftt% beauty cA pcrtonatttyl '^^■•.l^^K ■■■■■■■■111 >V first To Bata Then To School *$f f •< I b^B^^btßbpssßßßJopSbßf^™^^^^^^ *^st***^^^ 1 v^vßa^Baw l. *v j f* i^~ w^ -#t*y*^^BSß^^^^^^ fIBBBI SSSSSbI BsW "•w^BSMMVSBI
      305 words

  • Untitled
    • 227 10 FIRST NINE-MONTH FIGURES PENINSULAR Malaysia's earning in the first nine months of the year from rubber, palm oil, petroleum, tin and timber went up 21.6 per cent comparedwithf the same Deriod in 1979 me same period in ma. However, these five major export products
      AFP  -  227 words
    • Article, Illustration
      12 10 DATUK Hussein taking part In the blessing of K.D. Sri Indera Sakti.
      12 words
    • 159 10 SORRY. NO TAKERS FOR THE PASSPORTS TO TROUBLE JOHORE BARU, Mon. Taxi drivers here are baffled over who should take possession of a lost passport the Immigration Department or the police? The answer they are presented with seems to be neither. Taxi drivers plying the Johore Baru-Singapore route find an
      159 words
    • 222 10 'Security musi grow with development' KUALA LUMPUR, Monday THE Government is striving to expand and modernise its armed forces in accordance with the nation's capability, Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn said today. Although great attention was placed on national development, proper emphasis was also given to security, he said when
      AFP  -  222 words
    • 83 10 w > iuui «pOUU,UUU FOnnPrV at IUUUCI J dl gOluSlllltn S KAJANG, Mon. Four men in a sleek five-minute operation made off with 10 I trays of jewellery worth $300,000 from a newly- opened goldsmith's shop here this afternoon. Three of the men, believed 1 to be armed with automatic
      83 words
    • 30 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Central Welfare Council has received $5,000 from the Japanese Women's Association (or the maintenance of its old folks homes and mini factory hostels. AFP.
      AFP  -  30 words
    • Untitled
      • 34 10 Pay rise I for bus men i I ABOUT 750 bus drivers and j conductors from two companies in Kuala Lumpur will mIfhVJTT Ik Sfit mmfVti^hil^Lr ThJToUo^ an agreement reached veTerdSiv reached yesterday. NST.
        NST  -  34 words
      • 57 10 THE K-km Kuala Lumpur Krai-Gua Musang highway will be completed by 1963, Deputy Works and Utilities Minister, Datuk Clarence Mansul, said in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. He said problems faced by the international firms involved in the $100 million project had been solved and the highway could
        57 words
      • 53 10 THE Postal Department will extend its express service between Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu from Friday. It stated yesterday that express letters posted at the Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu general post offices would be flown by the most suitable flight to the offices in the respective destina
        53 words
    • 251 10 Taxi drivers want protection with iron grilles KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Taxi drivers here have expressed plans to fit iron grfues in their vehicles to separate the driver from passengers, following the brutal" killing of a cabby last Wednesday. j^y aJso tQ permission to lit their taxis with special antirobbery devices.
      NST  -  251 words
    • 37 10 1^ I niCKCd |m, KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The secretary-Keneral of the Asian Pacific Broadcasting Union- Mr Roku It0 |oday tha( K(jala m,,,,,,,,. b^,, designated the centre for television news exchange between Europe and Asian Pacific countries. AFP
      AFP  -  37 words
    • 113 10 Watch the situation call to forces KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The armed forces were told today to monitor closely the situation in the region to meet possible threats to national tyThe call was made by the chief of armed forces staff, Gen Tan Sri Mohamad Sany bin Abdul Ghafar, when addressing
      AFP  -  113 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 324 10 A r I^HH InTouchwithTbmorrow Rise to the classic purity off Toshiba Systems A discerning ear and the finest music f both deserve the technological excellence of Toshiba Toshiba lets you enjoy the percussions in all its splendour, the strings at its breath-taking heights Z"~ and all the mid-range tones clean,
      324 words
    • 482 10 Ufe becomes fascinating when you take control of your mind to our FREE INTRODUCTORY LECTURE and be exposed and learn the realms of REALITY Love, peace, happiness, to the unerring principal of nature's creations Here is your good health, wealth and tranquilly are nature's gifts; but man opportunity to take
      482 words

  • 2 •^■-•■iVtSPS^ I
    • 9 11 t "\j^ k^r^^^f^i^^^r^^f^^B^^c^TT^y^^^B i^»^b Reporting the truth by LAT
      9 words
    • 280 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Sugar retailers have been given a grace period they need not take down the particulars of their customers until they get a fresh directive from the Ministry of Trade and Industry. The Director of Enforcement, Haii Nik Monamed Salleh
      NST  -  280 words
    • 121 11 PENANG, Mm. A roopr raUvr society here is giving away a tree hoone to each «f Its 1,355 members. The bolldlng «f thf booses Is to start early aext year. Mr BaJI Hasklm Hainan, president of the kuprrasl Tanas Mnda Sangal Ara said the heoses
      121 words
    • 210 11  - 'Flying letters' is name of the smear game M.G.G. PILLAI By Our Kuala Lumpur Reporter "I TRUST you are well," said a girl in a letter to a prominent member of the governI ment, "but I am not. I need help. I am pregnant. Please see me soon." j There
      210 words
    • 536 11 the open letters purportly written by a university lecturer, Raja Moktarruddin, and by Dr Mahathir MoI named in 1969, calling on the I then Prime Minister, Tengku AMu! Rahman, to resign. When the Jailed, charismatic former Mentri Besar of Selangor. Datuk Harun Idris, was fighting not only for his political
      536 words
    • 37 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The secretary-general of the Asian Pacific Broadcasting Union, Mr Roku Ho. said today that Kuala Lumpur had been designated the centre for television news exchange between Europe and Asian Pacific countries. AFP.
      AFP  -  37 words
    • 30 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Central Welfare Council has received $5,000 from the Japanese Women's Association for the maintenance of its old folks homes and mini factory hostels. AFP
      AFP  -  30 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 164 11 of Selangor Bewter for the season. i^al a^aA After you've enjoyed the J^JL A exquisite and distinctive taste of pf m j A Otard XO, youll be left not only f 1 A with the inimitable pleasure of 1 M A having enjoyed its glovydng \jL\ mW presence but also
      164 words
    • 604 11 rp Stocka from Sweden Sofvesall I heavyweight »r problems ••r^, JFa k The Stocka Hand Pallet Truck has JB a\ I W several features which make it extremely ii^^H A easy to handle: the steering is fingertip 4 .^H Bf^^'^'^j iignt, the load can be lowered with one J^^^^ J^^
      604 words

  • 347 12  -  soh tiang keng JAPANESE CHAMBER CHIEF By Business ReP°rter MANAGEMENTS in many Singapore firms have not done enough to encourage and motivate their workers, the outgoing nroeiripnt nf thp president Ol tn c Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr H. Ohta,
    347 words
  • 65 12 China stamps draw large crowd THE Chinese stamps exhibition at the World Trade Centre, a big crowd puller over the past five days, ended yesterday. Also on display were Chinese pulnHnip, calligraphy, musical instruments, stationery and sports goods. The exhibition, organised by the Maha Yu Yl Pte Ltd. will now
    65 words
  • 70 12 THE Department of Extramural Studies of the National University of Singapore will hold a 16-lecture course on air conditioning design systems on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 9 p.m. In Nissen Hut 9A, Bukit Tlmah Campus starting on Jan 8. The lecturer will be Mr Ahmadul Ameen.
    70 words
  • 38 12 THE Kangkar community centre will bold a Chinese cooking competition on Jan 10 at 4 p.m. Application forms can be obtained at the centre till Saturday. For details, telephone *****9 or call personally at the centre.
    38 words
  • 219 12 Two face 7 graft charges totalling $23,500 TWO former employees of Hewlett Packard Singapore were yesterday accused of corruptly accepting a total of $23,570 from a businessman on seven occasions. Tan Kee Ching, 33, jobless, and Lawrence Ng Kok Chuan (no age available) face a total of seven charges of
    219 words
  • 54 12 AN AIR-CONDITIONING mechanic who stabbed a colleague over a $10 debt was yesterday jailed a dry and fined $3,000. Chuah Teong Yee, 18, a Malaysian, pleaded guilty to hurting Tey Chuan Guan, 17, also a Malaysian, with a knife in a house in Joo Chiat
    54 words
  • 225 12 Copies of union's charter sent to members A DRAFT constitution has been prepared for the new Ministry of the Environment Daily-Rated Employees' Union, a merger of five groups of workers. The secretary (organisation) of the NTUC and pro-tern chairman of the union's committee, Mr V. Jayakody, said yesterday that copies
    225 words
  • 80 12 A SECTION of Jalan Damai and Jalan Perwira is closed to traffic until Jan 28 to enable the Public Works Department to carry out reconstruction work on the wooden vehicular bridge. Residents in that area are advised to use the temporary timber footbridge which
    80 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 12 BO in Singapore yesterday. Picture by NGHAI CHEE WAH
    NGHAI CHEE WAH  -  9 words
  • 218 12 Note of discord for some Accord ABOUT a dozen motorists who bought Honda Accord and Honda Prelude cars from dealers in Japan may not be able to get spare parts lyThe engines of these cars are fitted with compound vortex controlled combustion (CVCC) and are different from those imported by
    218 words
  • 411 12  -  IDAH LATIFF By WE heard Bo Derek had last cheeked oat of Sh»n«;ri-L» Hotel bat her baggage was still there. So we waited »t the h»tel to catch the perfect 11. ..and waited... and waited... awl waited... Nearly five hears later, Bo Derek with
    411 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 675 12 lm\ M INTERPHONE BY NIPPON INTERPHONE CO LTD A jj With 30 years of engineering intercom I specialists experience developing to prepare all models available for Office, Industry, Hotel. M Restaurant. Hospital. School. Apartments •m^^ Homes. BM KS Set W DOOBPHONE UNIQUE DESIGN NEW FUNCTIONS George Fischer offers its well
      675 words
    • 151 12 COLOUR TELEVISION £$£feh SEASON^ OFFER MjMJ^ j" Luxor 5181 w f^^^^^^^^^k§ (51 cm) Colour TV with ij^'ji I Soft Touch Tuning. -Hi, Beautifully finish cabinet <J3m in Rosewood. Teak or Walnut colour. aa— a— I M I LuxorslBiC waamm^mmtm mwai^mmm^—m, (51cm) Colour TV with <U Soft Touch Tuning. BaaMBMHIBI Beautifully
      151 words

  • 645 13 THE government 's call for higher productivity has not (alien on deaf ears. Productivity more than doubled in the first nine months of this year compared with the corresponding period last year. Except for commerce, all the major sectors' productivity increases were
    645 words
  • 168 13 Gave up job to help vice operator A LABOURER gave up his job to assist a vice operator, a district court heard yesterday. Tan Hwee Hens, 22, was paid $10 commission by Chua Yong Meng, the vice operator, whenever he sent a woman to a hotel to entertain clients. Tan,
    168 words
  • 315 13 First garment maker to use SDF -grant?-' WING Tftl Garmeata Manufacturing (8) Ptt Ltd is beUeved to be the first nrmeat nuuinf artnirr to make ■se «f a grmat fr»m the Skills Development Fund to pay for tbe tralalag Its employees oversea*. The company received $1*MI« from the SDF council
    315 words
  • 389 13 DISTRICT Judge Mr Chandra Mohan said at the continued trial yesterday of Lean Tye Hin, former head of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit of Kandang Kerbau Hospital, that the law is no respecter of persons. Lean's counsel, Mr Pala Krishnan had submitted at
    389 words
  • 157 13 SATS TO HIRE MALAYSIAN WORKERS SINGAPORE Airport Terminal Services (Sats) is recruiting, for the first time, Malaysian workers and permanent residents here as "helpers" because of the shortage of labourers. Its personnel manager, Mr Kartar Singh, said Sats will recruit about 200 labourers for a start. Tbe move follows difficulties
    157 words
  • 34 13 THE Enforcement Section of the PWD'i Building Control Division has been re-located at Block 162, Buklt Merah Central, Singapore 0315. Those dealing with the section should call at the new premises.
    34 words
  • 30 13 THE Boon Teck Zone "B" residents committee will screen a Chinese film, The Lotus Camp, at Block 38, Lorone 6, Toa Payoh, on Jan 17 at 130 p.m.
    30 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 44 13 The appearance of BALDNESS y ELIMINATED SVENSON is neither treatment nor wig. The SVENSON method of Hair Replacement securely links woven hair to your own, so you can again enjoy a full head of natural looking hair. For FREE consultation without obligation PHONE *****69
      44 words
    • 445 13 "SOMETHING SPECIAL" is happening at HOUDAY INN HOTEL SINGAPORE this festive season! "SOMETHING SPECIAL" A new show-band formed by former members of "The New Minstrels" from the Philippines twelve special people drawn together by their common love for performing and singing and making entertainment their business and your pleasure. A
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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    • 1730 14 SCOREBOARD Closing tone: Mixed. Turnover: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore Including odd lots "Ready" totalled: 7,388.000. unite valued at J2".558.000 Industrial! accounted for 4.891.000, finance 599.000, hotels 325,010, properties 1.162,000, debentures, loam and bonds 128,000, plantations 158,000. minings 126.000. "Settlement" contracts totalled: 451,000 units
      1,730 words
    • 934 14 BID and offer price, officially listed and busine* in an reported 10 the Slock Btchange ol Singapore yess SZ^xrzFss*. BK Board deal (In lota of 2.000 umlts, «r quoted after the letter. »B SECTION ONE INDUBTBIAL COMMERCIAL COMME.C.AL SSISr,^M».Ji m IJS BA T (IMB 1088) (1) 108
      934 words
    • 1313 14 KUALA LUMPUR BID and offer price, officially listed and business In and reported io the i Kuala Lumpur Slock Btrhanfe yn- I terday with the number of share, j traded shown In bracken in tots ol 1 000 units uiuesa otherwise sped fled v INLMTTTSUAIX rr 1 AtM.l3) 283(2, 2M
      1,313 words
    • Bafnsj *11 H"M'] •! Tali ■JaW *nf 1^ fattTJ^ 111 J-BsaLsaUlk^ 1 fail k jrl TP
      • 49 14 M K I V I llrdta Trading Vg i M.i« iyn Ill* Kirr <ifnum (orpo 1*1 Properties A H.nkm, IcriuBlai > M C .rnllnfi 0*1 1380 1M0 1180 836 48B 1830 1480 1480 1280 1130 840 -111 ■40 -40 40 -25 -17 -10 -10 ■10 -10 -10 -10
        49 words
      • 27 14 f (.1... Iporc Baa Irnlon Securities IBS 4il»n FailU lim Lia 434 520 as 1M 473 340 17t 34 30 33 17 1« 13 13
        27 words
      • 16 14 Spore Land HFlr Bovts Total turnover: 7.85m Total value: C8.99m 531.000 487.000 401,000 382.010
        16 words
      • 36 14 Dec 2$ Dec 29 B.T. Indicator: *****.70 *****. 42 Industrials: 665 90 664.18 Flnanc* 1262.48 *****7 Hotels: 734.10 732.81 Properties: 602.81 600.72 Minings: 410 50 410.10 Plantations 880.45 879 53 OCBC: 654.48 653 48
        36 words
    • |T8
      • 390 14 VT S J'lr/V««m M Kfl TlCr XX IVVFII Cam UY"»rjr*irf\KW"»• c.Aj.La j HUINOKUINIj: oIOCKS ClOSrX] lower in very quiet trading on selected proflt-taklng yesterday. with the Hang Seng index shedding 17.64 points to 1445.08, rf»»lj>~..M dealers said. There was Uttle news to af(ed the market, although aubank's decision to hold
        390 words
      • 13 14 1 T^^vl *L |OK VO j ■vr V**, stock m *rk«t w»» c««^y««*y.
        13 words
      • 331 14 O J aSVIIriPV SYDNEY: Stock prices closed firmer in thin trading yesterday, dealers said. Asa**, fftplnsllsn led the oil sector adding 40 cents to A53.65. with WttrisUe rising seven to $3.17, Strata 20 to $3.70 and Ssatss 50 to $18.00. Pm islls.slil paced the solid fuel* with a 25-cent rise
        331 words
      • 67 14 Tfl nTiPP^ •""1-< t"- *^to See col Umn 8 rTTeVi, (SSOBS-SSs/ (28, 560 (8) 5*5 (U) 5.50 (41) SB > (4.U8) (1) 4.16 H??,, 1"8 1OS) (2) ln (1) [iiaiailf il~"] (1) IT fl) IT in 4.70 sd Prasska. (1.936) (2) 1.47 (l) IJ*(l) J* I* <l) 1* (1) 1*
        67 words
      • 102 14 CHINESE Prwtece Bxehas«e, "wr-jrv^ »rieSOT IM kg JWStSTSSy. Osaassat Butt fob 040 00 scU- old drum (In second hand drum) fob $15X00 sellers, new drum lari «■> On a#Um *»*JS9.B9•««" Ctfm Mlsed (loose) $77.00 buyers. P^" 1 <Mtt -a'SpT^JSWa^ *ak AsU black pepper lob NLW $325.00 aellers. Lampong
        102 words
      • 71 14 THE HLOBAR market for gold deUverable in Singapore uwt^ZFy"* 0™"0™" In the Far East, gold opened SLS^tV-S Z whole morning. It reopened at the same aft<r lunch and finally closed at $600.00/602.00. Gotd was fixed at U*****.25 in London yesterday morning. HaanPM* N M Ba4avaeaalld a» sUsT' m- a^
        71 words
      • 94 14 A 1 TI«M .V R A IH) 1U nTOf 1T ALEXANDRA Holdings Ltd announced an unaudited group I pre-tax prom of $425,931 ($302,432), for the six months ended September 30. The comnany "ld e^oup p,^, unproved because of the maturny of fixed deposit inter- 4^^ the p,^,,,, j after taking
        Reuter  -  94 words
      • 97 14 \f V T FIJIVQ r* O 1 pajfO 25 DCF CCIlt THE New Straits Times Press (ISSh)IM.TZ£" audited group net proot or MJI2 31 million ($8.84 million). year enfed August 31 lOr y~L™7^»^ly~L™7^»^1 on turnover of $89.11 million ($72.10 million). j^ f)anD{ company's net 1 (Urnininn i M ffi PTO"«
        Reuter  -  97 words
      • 67 14 MALAYSIA Tobacco Company Berhad announced a net after Pro"' o* M*3B*s mUUon ($27.78 million), for the year ended September 30, on a tumover of $524.26 million ($482 20 mi11.,,,, million). a final dividend of 36 cents Bross (24 cents), payable on February 26, to shareholders r**"*!
        67 words
    • Untitled
      • 35 14 THE STRAITS tin price fell $9 to $1,927 per picul (equivalent to $31.86 per kilo, down 15 cents) in Penang yesterday, on an official offering up 83 Vi tonnes to 241 V4 tonnes.
        35 words
      • 404 14 PRICES in the Singapore rubber market closed slightly higher with January RSS One buyers quoted at 289.50 cents per kilo, up 0.25 cent from last Monday's close, dealers said. The morning market gained 0.25 cent with end-of-year squaring of positions accounting for the only activity in an otherwise quiet
        404 words
      • 92 14 40ON SSK md SMR prK«i yaManlar IAS J«.u.r, (Carnal Mtk) Buyar* S«1Ur« BID lltoasdbt) 24* SO M»»N BRW llloapaMMI ***** 24SO0N «»LB IMRCV lltonpalbll 2»i» 301 OUN iMRI. llkmp*IMl 2M0O 301 OON ■MR 1 1 M piUMI 2M 10 29« SON .MX I.I' nunpdko UNO UNO MR
        92 words
      • 38 14 Rubber: Dec 29 Singapore: January: 289.50 cents (up 0.25 cent) Malaysia: January: 303.50 centa (unchanged) Tin: M$l,927 (down $9) (equivalent to $31.86 per kilo) (down 15 cents) Official offering: 241 '/i tonnes (up 83Vi tonnes)
        38 words
    • 301 14 TRADING wa* irregular at the Singapore stock market yesterday as baying Interest Interspersed with bacts of profit-taking. After a str-g .pentag p^ i to'uiSJ Udtv' BstiV8 stiVh c sis^t'to^^^at mid-morning to p«ll prices down to last Friday's level*. mate was reversed slightly at tbr l«t trading hour
      301 words
    • 334 14 SHARE prices finished on a mixed note in another active trading session on the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange yesterday. Initial good foUow-through helped the market to pick up some ground in the early morning but support appears to waver soon after. The tall in the Hongkong market was
      334 words
    • 127 14 THE US/Sing ooilar opened lower at C 0885 95 In quiet trading In the Singapore forex market yesterday. It was traded to a high of C 0890 00 before sliding to close at the day's low of 12.0M0/TO. Trading waa confined to Isolated commerlal buying and selling
      127 words
    • 381 14 quoted jreeterday (croe«)p*rity Chang* Local dollar* to oae ■alt f oretjrB currtmcy: US dollar 2.0860 2.0670 2.8196 -26.02 Sterling pound 4.9590 4.9725 7.3469 -32.50 Australian dollar 2.4505 2.4525 3.4286 -28.53 NZ dollar 1.9990 2.0005 3.4206 -41.70 Canadian dollar 1.7485 1.7530 Local dallara to 1M ■Its af foreign cukmIm:
      381 words
    • 24 14 THE AVERAGE rate at which major Singapore banks are currently prepared to lend to their brat customer* Is IS.B per cent.
      24 words
    • 612 15 AILING Veneer Products (VP) has resolved to dispose of its loss-Incurring subsidiary PT Veneer Products Indonesia (PTVPI) The losses accumulated over the past three years as well as internal disputes with the Indonesian partner over PTVPI's inter-company current accounts has led to this decision,
      612 words
    • 506 15 SIME Darby's sale of its 27.6 per cent interest in Guthrie Corporation has drawn UK stockbrokers Laurence, Prust 's attention on Guthrie where, It says, prospects of a successful bid, which have been steadily receding, "are now further off still." Laurence, Prust says that compared
      506 words
    • 117 15 Tengku Noone re-elected chairman of KLSE TENGKU Noone Aziz Tengku Mahamood has been reelected chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) Committee during its recent AGM. The line-up remains virtually unchanged except that committee member Mr Lee Keng Bin has been replaced by Mr Koh Kee Tee of Koh
      117 words
    • 351 15 CLEARLY bearing out chairman WJDlckson's optimism, Malaysian Tobacco Company has romped home with sharply higher earnings for the year Just ended Sep 30. At M 568.48 million, the company's pre-tax profit is up 37 per cent from the preceding year's $51.06 million and the best
      351 words
    • 253 15 Shangri-La results reflect buoyant tourist industry SHANGRI-LA Hotel, which recently delighted its shareholders with a proposal to make a generous bonus issue of two shares for every one held, has Justified the move with Its announcement last Friday that earnings and dividend payments wUI be the beat In the current
      253 words
    • 60 15 Tan Chong Motor subsidiary TAN Chong Motor Holdings Bhd said it has incorporated a new subsidiary called Auto Coil Springs Sdn Bhd to manufacture car parts. The new company's authorised capital is Mslo million while its current issued capital is only $2.00. Tan Chong said it is holding negotiations with
      60 words
    • 585 15 OWING to a slight delay in iti building programme, Bukit Sembawang Estate*' full-year results are unlikely to match last year's. Already, its pre-tax profit for the six-month period ended Sep 3D were sharply reduced by 73.4 per cent to $1 49 million from $5.61 million previously.
      585 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 907 15 r Re-conditioned Colour TV at GIVE-AWAY PRICES! r v j PAYCASH $590 ONLY TA S°£ EL or 12 monthly instalments ■■■■■■■I of $59 each Guarantee: 6 months PAY CASHj^r ajigj VOOU I CONSOLE MODEL I marl 56cm (22") \JNL f 4 67 cm (26") or 1 2 monthly I I
      907 words
    • 495 15 Keppel Shipyard Limited^] Applications are invited trom suitably qualified peraons toi the loKowing appointment LEGAL OFFICER We are looking (or a person with a Bachelor of Law degree or acceptable equivalent qualification and who has at least one year's expenence in legal practice The duties and responsibilities of the appointment
      495 words

  • 369 16 ThoStmitsTiinos TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1980 SPEAKING UP THE government is apparently wasting no time to cultivate what it would like to see happen in the coming years. The latest to echo the government's post-election resolution about getting more young Singaporeans involved in policy discussions is the Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), Dr
    369 words
  • 368 16 EVEN as the government was taking workers to task for their bad work habits, there were already suggestions from various private and public groups that managers were equally to blame. It is clear, of course, that if Singapore's drive to restructure the economy is to succeed, both management
    368 words
  • 1060 16  - Brandt Report on economic reforms bears fruit GEORGE SHORT First concrete result: Summit on Third World problems next June By in London People are sounding off again about the Brandt Report. One wishes they wouldn't.. ..Everyone can agree that to raise standards of living for poor people in poor countries
    Reuter  -  1,060 words
  • 870 16  -  CHARLES HANLEY By THE murder of former Beatle John I>ennon. allegedly by a man who stalked him with a pistol bought over the counter, has drawn world attention to the old debate over gun control in the United States. One
    AP  -  870 words
  • 578 16 THAILAND BANGKOK Thai land'* medical drag market is rioarUhlnx with Ml uia*l turnover of several million dollars, thaaks largely m> the Thai habit of self-medlcatUa and Hflf-prtwrriptlMi. A receat seminar of health authorities here was told that each Thai bays oa the average III haht s$it worth
    578 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 6 16 ieepviste swan PERKIN ELMER Ring *****60
      6 words
    • 169 16 L^n^i^H^n^L^^B ■^■Hn^L^n^sKasflß HK '«T «r^^^*^B^n^^^^Bß^n^n^n^n^n^Hß»WWtt«tWw^ a B^'**^^^^^ M^,i a M^i»nßns»»»'"'*-» "^BSF*S-^> ut*» nrnV \^H nrsa^^HWatnl B —^L. nn i nnnjaw i nna^ v^nnj ns 111 bK V*^|ffv ar r -v IhuluVuiuVß^uV'^ X^nfs^n^Bn^n^B^B^n^n^n^lß^s^nT^n^B^n^n^B^n^n^n^B^n^n^n^afßß A sound start to an evening B^_^^^\ begins at the Fountain Lounge. pp^^^nnß j^ unique charm of our
      169 words

  • Untitled
    • 933 17 New varsity entry requirement... 6 It is only to* obvious that any enquiries nude to NU8 at the time of registration in March this year at regards the "new" requirements would have been useless when its Registrar's Office could not even be
      933 words
    • 417 17 I AM writing on behalf of all those Certificate of Merit Holders who have graduated from the Singapore Polytechnic and who will be proceeding to the National University of Singapore in the near future to further their studies. The present policy
      417 words
    • 151 17 MOST ADULT READERS PREFER SHORT LISTS I REFER to the letter "Why not put up booklet on new books fn the library" (ST. Nov 20) by Karen Chua. We are pleased to note Karen Chua s appreciation of our list of new books for young people. The sheets on specific
      151 words
    • 129 17 NOW HARDER FOR US L TO QUALIFY J IF the NUS is goinc to consider four "A" level subjects and to raise the aggregate points to 80, private candidates will definitely be discriminated against. Paragraph 4.2 of the GCE "A Level Examination Regulations 1980 Booklet clearly states that private candidates
      129 words
    • 452 17 ONE ACCEPTS that in casting down seed, a fair amount will fall on stony ground but not all. A few months ago I wrote under the same psuedonym to enlighten both the Public Service Commission and the revenue authorities as to the view taken
      452 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 7 17 Presenting LaV ~^m B^> Wll naV* sna^k.^nWfe^ti
      7 words
    • 394 17 LUXOR FLYAWAY CONTEST 500 fantastic prizes to be won! Luxor, leading in Swedish television technology, is in a class of Ist prize: Double return air ticket to Tokyo. its own 2nd prize: Double return air ticket to Taipeh. It's brought you a whole range of energy-conserving televisions. 3rd prize: Double
      394 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 3079 18 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX _> H^™^" IT 422 ,00 O^ y 80c«p«.o,dWt,200, «BBONAL SERVES (Saturdoy) $19 50 p«f column cm wu TDiUCI M. Trtl IQC f SSte- r^ 0,, SSZ m IM iM T vm InnolnceSents personal UPP« Paya Rood 900om-l J Popm Bo« Choroet Jb 00
      3,079 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 3987 19 ""-"I 'fll llEMptoyiMiit Hnnplyi Mf |l I |i ■ft»H J (jjli. ===s=== An ..p«>«, mtamMHHMI C...1 E.IMM»hod Amonun company URGENTLY NEEDEO FEMALE Typ- I rS_r=*" 7aßu.M_r™ -wr MITSUMI aSSSS- 5 r~ $5000 C, CoIT«CNT,AL PERSONNEL BANK CLERK .TELLER P-«san, person.,,., »^SB CO. PTE. LTD. Sff T^^oor^a^n^uCn l^^i^, TOBEWON _i^
      3,987 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 3466 20 i Employment l|l^ II Employmmt lII^ II Employment (Jjl^ H Employmmt 11 ft II Employment 11^ World w«le organisation have a con.lrucl... Conwltants OWM .^■BajsajaBBBBBBBBBBaBBkw I '*>' *J1- <<4b' MM I PTkl n QTADtAC MACHINE OPERATOR IS required lew vai -ancles for the post of *^L^ Jil loLJl!!. 1L
      3,466 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 3671 21 J TTI L IIETJ|L. __ZILZ— HITJ I IiTTI L If r■ ii Johopportuniu# i ~^T _Z _T rW^rSSTaTSS -^--.0— a-fftSL^ST^RTSSp SSL 1 >„ 1 EQUA[RtON a,;a=^ j cpollei i§ii^i. s^gssa 995 BT. TIMAH ROAD BOBM store ex- I I jfi (Jurong) Tll'.'Ji^h'.'L '.'"s^rV"*:"., 't^' Uetnce and a motorcycfci amah for
      3,671 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 4787 22 111 VaMdes ft Boats f^ 111 Vehicles ft Boats 111 Vehicles ft Boats 111 Vehicles ft Boats £j^ IV Accommodation ft Properties I JULY 1990 HONOA Accord 4-door I 197S MERCEDES 280 company 1973 TOVOTA COROLLA Ke.ondl BAA B*fc MB DEC 1977 COLT Van 1 37 Hr. lax ANY MOOEL
      4,787 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 4194 23 iv A# 4^B"WVWWw4Sg^^WI Mm 9v^gfM^g^gyfg^k«V IW A/^tf^#WVWVUWIjAt4An ftf" fwmy t.m Q IW Agf^^tfMlMVMMfftfrWwi g^V^fMl^g^P^^AA IW > ivo/>ag^Miig»ji>j4»#* **>■! jft. DffMß^iaUAa .i^gC^g^gt. iv a a -88. IW HwwWlnlnlUHlWi #f vT^p^p^pVlb^bV Iw riUiuiniiitMllßrll •i 1 U^IOT lKf9 IT MMMp^HmMHUWI Wr I I^B^aWllOS IW HCbSO^HbMOQbVIIOvI V •■0^8^0899 ti^gi^g» ACCOWtfftOfiWTlOft W PrOOOftIOS V>Cant WSTS
      4,194 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 2141 24 IV Accommodation A Properties I4^ If Accommodation A Properties jj^ PAMKUkM MWMM m.v near. MBaafi Excellent locauan 67 otiic sd*cb ll is;,^.i l^.n".,;r^r i TH e > WVSvUSmWm bV%MW b| |JbbV*'IIOTMI aiaajJJjailSiaaiVßlßßHßMßßß* PIARL CfNTRt OROUNOFLOOM M^.__. I I'JTI t t 1.., ..tio n .'4O -.q It 1160.000 CLIENT REOUMES urgently
      2,141 words
    • 943 24 VI Edocatton A Instruction O >irr SEtZRETARtUS SCHOOL OF SECRETARIAL SKILLS Prepores students for the London Chamber of Commerce Industry and Pitmons Institute Eiomination The next FULL-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARY'S COURSES commence on 2nd January 1981 The next PART-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARY'S COURSES commence on 12th January 1981 Write for our brochure
      943 words
    • 2131 24 1 1 I VI Education A Instruction \%m vi t Aunt in* a ■ma.iiuj'ibuB aaK IMPORT EXPORT PROCEDURES EFFECTIVE. OEDICATEO TUITION syl O M c T o T vTr C 8°^" (1 PRE-U Terms -> i\r\ 'out r ul Rrrarh of M»w S*»»ton» loc SCIENCE, f muwu itui'uui aWaW V",",
      2,131 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      176 25 ESTHER CHRISTINE GRAEME LEFT US SUDDENLY ON 1« 12 80 SADLY MISSED BY MUM. DAD. BROTHERS. SISTERS AND BOAT. R.V. NATHAN •ora: 21-11-1*41 Ota* 24-12-1980 Passed away peacefully leaving behind wife, son and daughter. Cort.g. will l«av* Blk 3*. 395-*. Lorong 5, To* Payoh tor Mount V»rnon Hindu
      176 words
    • 102 25 aaaaaa.«aaaa.a.aaaaa.Maaaai »**+*«> XMC eAkau v ii a._ w r r vj., THE FAMILY OF late Mr S.<. Sabupathy of Slglap Indal: Prlmary SchooMDeparted on 23rd December I960) thank all relalives and friends for their auPlnS'tne.Vrir^en^r"" 5 MR. HARDY TAN CHIN TIONG thanks Rev. Carl Stanford, relatives and friends lor their
      102 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      115 25 ANN TAN GU AT LAY O who departed On 26.12.80. Thoughlt of you bring tears b«™z^z«>*«.»iKSSU-^ Not jusl today but every day, We remember the timea «h«r»rt we thared i nvln,iv r.mMnh.r«| hv L.OVlngly rememDerea Dy-J-«in. T.y. Shirl.y Lim, Normah, Mary, friends •1811 OlISETAN, SINGAPORE (BOUTIQUE DEPARTMENT).
      115 words
    • 31 25 MARY TAN SIEW GEAK rv^™,-, i/i/o/7a oepariao JO/iz/rs One year today, be Ihere many lo Memories will linger, dear mother.ofyou. ™---h.,.H h. hu.h.~i w^chHoTn "pTI e^d DKk
      31 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 954 25 ¥M TravtJ ft Tours >i< SSlatsSlalDlalalsSSlslala ia --mitiiSrei ifflfflfaaiiiWl 51 sl§*lp»BWßi ILdI ICil aaaVilV^imHa^^laaail I ffTI B] BJ E] B] G] B] G] G] B] E] E] E] E] B] E] 101 Air Travel m^^^^^ri AIR BUDGET TRAVELLERS" aaV T aa-Ataa/ /-fl Worldwide destination Dally aaavVafl nights Tuurs available Your
      954 words
    • 557 25 VII Tram a lour t JL, FEB. 5,68.7 'I M J^^aVO**'^^*^' lUaivA I^LaT^JIC vi 1 fm /V r t^»» aaay^^^B 4ai ■W^^^J^-^laaa. *^^aaal aaV our friends to a Happy Chinese New Year! This is passible through the Kind co-operation of all your overseas hoteliers, restaurants, bus companies and contractors; and
      557 words
    • 746 25 VII Travel A Tours JL^ 'HAM HP W&i TRAVEL SERVICE (S) PTE. LTD «*PgKfVMJMIf*-I-l Head OHrce Gl4-16-18. ]Q2CESaßa^kaaaaaQlaaaal Poarrs Centre. Eu Tong Sen Si (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 0105 999^f^lnBaaCrnPlll(T^H Tel: *****33 (7 lines) ■fvtTnfTKsft#Rttfiat Branch Office 1 1 9 People's _B3!aaaaaaaH?JifeS^ ParV Complex. Ground Floor. fcWrfir: New Bridge Road. ■TTxMnaaVlw'TTßlfEll
      746 words
    • 363 25 i ■^■^a* CQu I IJy|l|FO (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of SPP Limited will be held at the Registered Office at 315 Alexandra Road. Singapore 031S on Wednesday. 14.1.1981 at 10.00 a.m. to consider and
      363 words
    • 212 25 RATES FOR PERSONAL APS inamiimcc OBITUARIES $12.0010r IS wordi i™Sw ••»*■> I f* 200 *?'*f m (aemi-diapiay atyle) $52.50 lor 3cm X 1 CO». I ( sly!.) n "»tobli»rM»d housing developer in Klong is seeking tor o suitobly qualified oersonnel to fill the position of STENOOR A PHER Mn>mtm o«
      212 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1477 26 ■^^■^■■■BIMBBIBBBIBVMBHBIHBIBBIH a palm Oil Refinery in Johore invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysians to fill the fl A m^ ■lßß^^BiM position of Accountant. AN ESTABL^D GARMENT A^^ber of a r nat,ono. fl roup, I T HE ASIA INSURANCE CO LTD I" S^kS^SLSuSS I mZ Tcol MANUfACTURER/EXPORTER REQUIRES •"floo^ h the
      1,477 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1671 27 [for sale] W Factory and machinery for the manufacture V r of picture frames. Located at Gul Avenue, Jurong, on an area of 92,760 sq ft. Machi- nery is adaptable for furniture manufacture. Preference will be given to interested purchasers for the acquisition of the leasehold premises, machinery and equipment,
      1,671 words
    • 233 27 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT. IMS AND IN THE MATTER Of SUN HUP SENS REALTY SON. BHD. (IN MEMBERS VOLUNTARY WINDING UPI Al «i> Ektrsofdwwv G«ne«al M*«ting ol the above Company haldal &th Floof Bangkok Rank Biukfcng. Jalan Bands) Kuala lumpui on Monrtay 22nd Dacembai 1980 al 10
      233 words
    • 544 27 Km ml ■9 W<* Rides cm [or tlu olxdimcc of fools and guidance (if wise mcri Dairid Ogi/vy Ogilvy Mather, the most successful Advertising Agency in Malaysia, is kxJdng for more wise men who are eager to make a successful career in advertising. Ogilvy Mather is the largest, selective. We
      544 words

  • TiTOSPOir
    • 142 28 Algeria overcome prCSSIirC tomAVP lllUVt? n||AQ/| dllvdll A KHARTOUM, Mon. a 1-1 draw against Sudan here yesterday in the return-leg of the African Zonf.fc?' orW """^S auaUfving match earned Algeria a berth In the next round of the compete put the Algeria defence under increasing presure in the first-half but
      142 words
    • 55 28 VnlptiPlA Valencia CatCn UD La II II up MADRID, Mon. Valencia closed to within three points of »V e 5Sf i cc "i!L ten l ii! 2?c?ii?T?Jii£iVIErfS StosjaKJtafUctedaseverf 1-4 defeat on the home soccer team Their victory coincided with a disappointing M draw between'fi.asuna and Atletico n^d'fr^mOl7nO^tlX Ve and SS?
      55 words
    • 37 28 Warrincrton Warrillg lUII «nA4- A«nr VlClOry s^&-*m ruX se?nl!rLJl resayySterday^ VTarrlngton meet either Bar row or Hull in the final. Other Brttlsh rugby league results: Dhr. One -Barrow U St. mmm 10, wtdnes 15 Workington 7. Renter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 220 28 Russia recover to clinch Christmas title PARIS, Mon. The Soviet Union won the Christmas basketball tournament here yesterday when they beat Finland 106-86 in their final match. The Russians, unbeaten in the tournament, led 4435 at half-time Finland led 10-2 and 1812, but the Russians quickly recovered to dominate the
      AFP  -  220 words
    • 158 28 HOUTLLES, Mon. —Ireland's Gary Deegan sprinted home to victory in the 9.3-kilometre International Corrida here yesterday, covering the dlstance in 26 mm 48 sec. ahead of Joao Campos, of Portugal and Jacky Boxberger, of France. Boxberger, a three-time winner here, set the pace at the
      158 words
    • 65 28 2§2-£?^JS?3S& KRTaW »s=i SSL'M^SS SLdTW^ASSS ($1.3 millon) (or the 1980 sea--«£?llJSK,rrfe. wi™^m. oJaWSL? SSSr&z An^an'ciX^TpUy^ ln£iffi;Sr!! y Yugos1.. via took the title at the women's Balkan championships in Belgrade when they defeated Bulgaria 88-79. Rumania beat Yugoslavia's B team 65-64(30-31) In Tula, the Italian Junior team beat France
      65 words
    • 70 28 MEMORIAL RA pr, Tn KACfc 1U SUPERSTAR NAKANO Austria their Group A j™,^Fue^n..the^or uMZSS&ZSZX. EJStSSSL *i nY, <* 3.««f peop.e LAWN BOWLING Cyril English, a former Commonwealth Games referee died of a heart attack at his home in Toronto. He was 76. SOCCER Italy won the 12th international junior tournamenl
      Agencies  -  70 words
    • 167 28 ROME, Mon. Roma's I ead at the top of the Italan First Division was cut ack to Just one point esterday when they were eld to a 1-1 draw in an gly soccer match away o penalised bottom-club erugia. The referee's whistle worked overtime Six avers were booked and he
      AFP  -  167 words
    • 128 28 DUTCH DEFY GOVT. MONTEVTOEO, M*a. The Dntch saeeW team, attylag a call by theJr Gavenuneat aat to earnPrt^m2S?^/*! toH *y f"j*<%*<*VjrZ* f^TLT^ s?t^r?' .k v ii =£SS?IS? 2SSI' F^r*"thl. JSjJ?". mwltl to «)"™Petf*!2i' Which marks the Mth anniversary af the h?^ erameat t-~^ The ass.elation decM«d to g. ahead with
      128 words
    • 586 28 Six soccer teams chase 'Gold' MONTEVIDEO, Mon. Six of the world's proudest soccer nations meet in Uruguay this week to play out local and inter-continental rivalries in the Montevideo Gold Cup of former world champions. Hosts Uruguay and their soccer-mad neighbours Argentina and Brazil wUl be joined by three of
      Reuter  -  586 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 596 28 Leading trading company """""^l requires an experienced RETAIL BANKING OFFICER lady QAI CQ CYCP1 ITI\/C A leading American Rank in Singapore invites O#lLCw LALVw I I V l_ applications from Singapoie Citizens for the ah>>ve position to manage its Retail Finance Department to handle an internationally renowned brand of Applicants
      596 words
    • 84 28 f ANNOUNCEMENT /LiQUiD\ V PaPER I V^ COMCCTKM LIQUID FftPER' Changs of Agpncy From January 1st, 1981, Boustead Marketing Management Services Pte. Ltd. of Maritime Building, Collyer Quay, Singapore 0207 (Telephone No.: *****54/*****7 Sales Office) will be appointed the stocking agent for products of Liquid Paper Corporation (Australia), in Singapore.
      84 words

    • 1037 29 HJ A I^l LB^ D*>H Man Wrtjflts far Mi ilrtuli ram hrrr MTUMDAV CkM IM.I- 1,H*H J Wkj IM* TkU 57 0 T Mmmto »S 1 PitarSuwl 555 S tafo«D 55 5 t Wm Mrtodj 55 0 U My Fivourtw n 56 IGuwrB 55 0 U HaUs Bra* SI M
      1,037 words
    • 693 29  -  EPSOM JEEP By Sydney jockey ends six-year racing stint in blaze of glory PENANG. Mon. Thirty-three-year-old Sydney Jockey Chris Gwilliam ended his sixyear stint in the Ma laysian-Singapore racing circuit in a blaze of glory. This dashing iockey easily passed the 200-win-ner mark on the local turf,
      693 words
    • 55 29 SINGAPORE women's team emerged champions (or the third successive year when they beat Perak 11-1 in the Malaysian national youth Inter-state Softball championship in Penang. Singapore, who are the defending champions beat Perak 9-2 in the first round and defeated Federal Territory 22-3 in the semi-finals.
      55 words
    • 399 29 How the beaten favourites fared Saturday (Yielding). B*et t: Senorita Valentino ($21) just stood at the start ana left his stall after the field had gone for about 100m. She is now required to pass three starting tests. Race S: Shanhalkwan (|21) was denied a run on the rails at
      399 words
    • 207 29 Sloop NZ takes line honours HOBART. Mon. The sloop New Zealand took line honours in the 34th annual Sydney-to-Hobart yacht race early today, but dying winds, hours from the finish, robbed the yacht of a race record. New Zealand, from Auckland and racing for the first time, crossed the finish
      UPI  -  207 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 166 29 W^^^nnH -1 ~ae&9 rffci S^KSK39«ib9 7327 5400 20wx2(RMS) New additions to an extraordinary range of ALPINE models. Alpine introduces two of the latest series in car stereo units. .^^^t e^M T^i 1^ The Micro Universal Series. And Super Extro Series. V t£& MJw The 7327. A micro-sized manual Tuner/Deck. Designed
      166 words
    • 786 29 kjvi iiiua fITi WmJ LEMBAGA PELABUHAN KELANG AUCTION SALE By virtve of Section 18 of the Port Authorities Act 1 963, notice is hereby given that a Public Auction will be held at the Kelong Port Authority's premises to sell' 48 units motor vehicles remaining in the custody of the
      786 words
    • 396 29 GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA DEPARTMENT OF BROADCASTING, SARAWAK TENDER NOTICE Tender for the Supply and Delivery of Misc. Capacitors for NEC Transmitters RTMSWK/T.Bl/2 Tenders ore invited for the Supply and Delivery to m« Government of Malaysia of Misc. Capacitors for NEC Trans mifterv Conditions of Tenders, Specifications ond Tender Forms ar<
      396 words
    • 104 29 Perbadanan Pembangunan dan Pemullhan Tanah Negerl Kelantan Darulnalm (TAKDIR) TENDER NOTICE: TAKDIR 1/81 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FERTILIZERS TO VARI OUS TAKDIR SCHEMES FOR THE PERIOD OF IST FEBRUARY 1981 TO 31ST DECEMBER 1981. Tenders are invited from reputable suppliers for the supply and delivery of fertilizers to various TAKDIR
      104 words

    • 296 30  -  R. MANORAJ By KENYA are the second country to have accepted the Singapore Hockey Association's invitation to their minitournament being held to commemorate their 50th anniversary celebrations in mid-April in the Republic. New Zealand were the first to provide assurance that they would be
      296 words
    • 430 30 MELBOURNE, Mon. Australia had a slight edge, but the Third Test against New Zealand appeared destined for a draw at stumps on the fourth day's play today at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. With seven wickets in hand, Australia were three for 121 in their
      AP  -  430 words
    • 45 30 HELSINKI, Mon. Pertti Karpplnen. the Olympic Finnish gold-medallist in rowing in Montreal and Moscow, was named Finnish Sportsman of the Year here yesterday. The women s title went to Hilkka Riihivuori, who won two silver medals in crosscountry skiing at Lake Placid. -AFP.
      AFP  -  45 words
    • 207 30 KARACHI, Mon. The Pakistan cricket selectors yesterday announced an unchanged squad (or the fourth and final Test against the West Indies, starting tomorrow in Multan. Imtiaz Ahmad, chairman of the selection committee, told reporters that the final team would be announced on the
      Reuter; AP  -  207 words
    • 71 30 BRISBANE, Mon India drew Its first-class match against Queensland when bad light stopped play on the fourth day yesterday Just before tea and the game was abandoned Queensland was two wickets for 85 In Its second innings still 309 runs short of 394 needed for
      UPI  -  71 words
    • 146 30  -  PETER SIOW By THE Basketball Association of Singapore have fixed the date of their annual general meeting for Jan. 25 at Sports House, in Rutland Road. They will be writing to all their 54 affiliates to ask them to turn up at the meeting
      146 words
    • 53 30 ANKARA. Mon. Trabzonspor beat Gaziantep 1-0 over the weekend to stay on top in the Turkish soccer First Division. Other results: Besiktas 1 Rizespor 0, Galalasaray 1 Fenerbahce 0, Adanaspor 1 Adanademirspor 0, Boluspor 4 Zonguldak 3, Altay 3 Mersin 0, Eskieshir 1 Orduspor 0, Kocaeli 2
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 406 30 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Selangor, fresh from their victory in the interstate team competition, won all four Individual titles at stake in the national under-18 badminton championships at Alor Star's Dato Syed Omar Stadium last night. Their top player, Razif Sidek, playing in his last under-18 tournament,
      NST  -  406 words
    • 142 30 MIAMI BEACH, Mob. Second seeded Snsaa Masearla defeated Yagoslavtan Benata Sink «-J, M, M yesterday to win the Orange Bowl world janlor tennis championship In the girls' 18-and-under final. Unseeded Jaoklm Nystroem, of Swedes, beat No. < seed Carlos Castellan, of Argentina, 1-5, 74 for
      AP  -  142 words
    • 318 30 Coach: There is need for improvement SINGAPORE Selection may have beaten Malaysian youths 3-0 in a friendly hockey match at Balestier Road on Sunday, but it was nothing to crow about, reports R. MANORAJ. This is the opinion of Singapore national coach Sheikh Shahnaz According to Shahnaz there is still
      318 words
    • 300 30 HONDA avenged their defeat by Isuzu in August when veteran rally driver John Soh romped home overall winner in the Singapore Motor Sports Club Castrol Boxing Day driving skills competi- Driving an Accord, John whizzed through the five tests in 335.65 sec. to
      AP  -  300 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 462 30 4Ai? *J- world trade centre WW SINGAPORE Bl "sßW»sss»fa >*y^W^yjTßw »»»w- I_^^^|H «l "O* IWe Bring the World's Technology to Your Doorstep. %BEjßf 4_ The p!ace is perfect, the timing opportune and the atmosphere V^4§kN Make it a point to visit the Showpiece of Your Industry! EXHIBITION DESCRIPTION DATE WOOD
      462 words

  • Tini'SlF'Olßll
    • 377 31  -  JOE OORAI By HONGKONG. Mon. Match officials have threatened to boycott the pre-World Cup soccer competition semi-finals tomorrow and on Wednesday because of missile throwing by fans. The chairman of the Referees" Committee, Fernando Alvarez, of the Philippines made the threat today at the tournament's
      377 words
    • 272 31  -  PATRICK BASTIANS ^^hbk^hb By b PEOPLES ASSOCIATION, with a glittering lineup, snatched the judo team championships at Portsdown Road last night. They had Japanese Seiichi Fushimi, a third dan, gigantic Dutchman in the three-team tournaSincaDore Judo Club once the^ bastion o'too udokas in* Smeaoore
      WONG KWAI CHOW  -  272 words
    • 266 31  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By WHEN will Singapore start improving on the penalty kick? It seems to be growing into one of the biggest handicaps of the national soccer squad, judging by the number of times they have muffed it up in various tournaments, including the
      266 words
    • 152 31 SIX team* twi mare tfcaa tkls yctr will take put In next yemr't Women's F**tba4l A»HtrUUra fllagiaarn iMior, wklrh ittrti h Sunday at tke Qaeeaa town Complex, reparta BERNARD PER EIRA. United WtrM Cellege, CNMMat United and rebMi New Stan in ■eweMnen to the eempettttoa.
      152 words
    • 104 31 Osella sign on Guerra, Gabbiani TURIN, Mon. The Osella Formula One auto racing team announced today that they had signed on Argentine Miguel Angel Guerra and Italian Giuseppe Gabbiani to drive their oars during the 1981 season Guerra, a 27-year-old driver from Ezeiza, near Buenos Aires, began his European raring
      104 words
    • 283 31  -  WILFRED YEO By MONEY being like honey, a swarm of bowlers have been heading to the Plaza Bowl, where a hive of cash prizes are being offered by the Plaza Bowlers' Club for their Win-What-You-Score competition. As the name of the tournament suggests,
      283 words
    • 36 31 NEE SOON will meet Chua Chu Kang in the final round of the inter -constituency basketball tournament at Delta Sports Complex tonight. Marine Parade will play Tampines in another round match
      36 words
    • 96 31 HLAZKNGER will maMr a saaasa exalbfttaa match between Paul (haplln, rated among Britain's top II players, and East Alia rhamplu. Zalaal AMdln, pssslMy aext week. Singapore Squawk Rackets AaMctatt«a Necretary Harry Nalr said: "we've no objection to tar match provided Klasenger pay hupiin's Mid Zalnal'H CKpeas
      96 words
    • 206 31  - STTA invited to B'desh meet PETER SIOW By THE Singapore Table Tennis Association have been invited to take part in the Bangladesh tournament from Jan. 25-30. And the chances are that the STTA, who have until Saturday week to submit their entries, will send a team. Says national coach Chia
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    • 108 31 CINCINNATI, Mon. Boxing champion Aaron Pryor was shot in the arm and rushed to Cincinnati General Hospital yesterday, police said. Pryor, the reigning World Boxing Association junior welterweight champion, was admitted in good condition, a hospital spokesman said. Buddy Larosa, Pryor 's manager, said the
      AP  -  108 words
    • 276 31 HE Is not paid a cent, but former national coach Rahim Gul is helping Singaporeans Peter Hill ana Stewart Ballard to practise before they leave for the British under 23 squash tournament in London. reports PATRICk BASt/aNS He defeated his 17-year-old protege, Hill,
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 228 31 FOODFAIR 81 Ist Malaysia International FOOD FOOD EQUIPMENT EXHIBITION Featuring: Food Beverages Food Processing Packaging Machinery Freezing Chilling Equipment Supermarketing Equipment Household Kitchen Equipment Venue: CHANGKAT PAVILION, KUALA LUMPUR. Date: 22nd Jan 2nd Feb 1981 (22nd Jan 24th Jan Trade only, Entrance by Invitation And Presentation Business Card) Kindly call
      228 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous

  • 326 32  -  NQHAI CHEE WAH Picture by /IT WAS MMthor great k*V t*rwara 1 Bat tk« MilMtut'i I «w>*r wai a*t taking aay ekABOM. Madam Kaa Paa CkM, a Ma* »weea»r, armed wlta a rtlck, was aaxtoaaly pradJlaß her t» rrag alaa* yeatertey
    326 words
  • 134 32 Carter meets Algerian diplomat! WASHINGTON, Mm. Presides* Jimmy Carter, (Oil la p*ln tram fractared cellar bone Incurred while enm e»aatry •Ulßg, Interrupted hi* Camp DavM vaeattoa yr*tenl»> to meet Almrlaa dlpUmata Involved la oeg .tUtions to tree the Amerieaa hwtan> la Iran. Mr Carter, wa« ■altered tke lajary la a
    UPI  -  134 words
  • 226 32 Fighting flares up near Thai border BANGKOK, Mon. ABOUT 20 artillery shells fell on a Thai village today indicating that fighting had flared up between Vietnamese-led forces and Democratic Kampuchean guerillas near the Thai border, military sources said. They added there were no reports of any damage in the village
    Reuter; AP  -  226 words
  • 62 32 BEIJING Mon. The government has enforced a set of new exchange control regulations in a bid to nght a booming black market in illegal currency exchanges. All people with foreign currencies have to sell them to the Bank of China except foreigners or overseas Chinese who
    AFP  -  62 words
  • 66 32 BUDAPEST, Mon. Almost a quarter of a million Hungarians have come down with the flu in an epidemic that has swept the country since mid-November, the Health Ministry said today. Health officials said the flu is caused by the A-virus and B-virus strains, the two mildest and
    AP  -  66 words
  • 30 32 New York, Mon. The Dow Jones average of o0 industrials rose 5.38 to 971.76 in the first half-hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange today AP.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 51 32 MM ANTONY MtCHEAL. .iKi-d 66 passed away suddenly oi. Monday 29-12-1980. leaving behind wife. Eyleen and children. Tri-asa. l.ucy. Joseph Francis and Christina Cortege leaves 59. Jalan Jarak (Seletar Hills X,UUM Singapore 2880. on Wednesday 31-12-1980 at 2 p.m for the (liurih ul Immaculate Heart of Mary. Highland Knurl. Singapore
    51 words
  • 372 32 Italian police storm prison to free wardens TRANI (Italy), Monday TWO helicopters dropped paramilitary police assault squads on the roof of Trani maximum security prison today to free 19 hostages held by about 70 prisoners including suspected terrorists. Eight minutes after the helicopters landed, three police cars raced out of
    Agencies  -  372 words
  • 264 32 SYDNEY, Men. EXTORTIONERS have demanded Asl million (5J2.45 million) in cash, gold and diamonds to call off their bombing campaign against the Woolworths store chain, police said today. Army bomb disposal teams early today removed an unexploded time-bomb from a store at Liverpool
    Reuter  -  264 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 40 32 the latest Swiss technology and craftsmanship ■v I E X/ I JjJ B B aa^' m~~ 't' m|E 6143 i *°i°s I s B\\ v V-i// P^" wtrjjr V v v'*yT»/ 1102 kPAGOL jl JCWJk \J JLA swiss yf i
      40 words
    • 315 32 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. Union-management committees are fast becoming the 'in' thing for companies here. FONG MEW LENG brings you up-to-date on i developments in this area. Bus fares likely to go up again. A local fashion house is flying the Singapore flag high in swanky Beverly
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  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 219 32 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Cloudy and breezy with occasional showers in many places mid-morn-ing onwards. TEMP. (C) up to a.m. tomorzow: 29 max., 23 mln. SUNSET today: fi.38 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: CM a.m. GLOBAL weather Amsterdam 0 8C Cloudy l*» A«gek» 13 22C Clear Atheas 8 15C Clear ttadrU
      219 words

  • 1 1
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  • 338 1 *^*<rm X^ **X^ —fck-.— BY RADIO L_-:=:_-:_f_: By Lm Shan _:_:_:_:_!J Thte programme will be broadcast over the Kn^llsh Service f Singapore BrMdoMttng Vrporatiun tonight at 7.45 p.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m. ThJ^\"?4r DDm ri 7ve?lltiSI?KrSJrel! TJ.r-da> at MS p.m. over the KM Stereo Lesson 67: An entertaining film
    338 words
  • 114 1 ft BJ ft i* ffc I look atx X 7 iBW— .6 «••**.'*'#***<+ i;fl'j "see "ID-look- «J f&W*.g.J£"I think ft* S fP.ffl il is q^e difficult" o ffe "4 BI U H X »^FS #t* iiiW «#ii »S x I..J rfri tf W ff* fb JAffi IS g -?i?xxrsi^s £fta
    114 words
  • 112 1 IS WIW I 11P IS TODS 1111^ Tf 111^ i/VT^/O MAO TAI is a scenic countryside in Guizhou province, China. H« A^., River through Mao Tai, was S^Jl^filJ JS vlnce could be shipped fhere ""Mo^of "S St.»SS&S? o w T^iL t s^j*«s afe-hrnsw Uq»« »nj" w'nl<>"}f* SSff^Kp IK wine in
    112 words
  • 192 1 /^SHbBbILIB^bBbBb^] >^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ttj*^ #H« f Afrfte-mX^.t, X*« I **n^ ii; X* M "ffrMfrj ft f.ffi ftig i-ft o >Rb TW "sfr m *>H H L /iX H^ T)*H P-3 yf. ft m.„ .t [aiftft-., Mt4 Xirtfftm Mtt -r^7 ii 'l^'ttt lUfi)fii*m .4', ffAlA^^ JftW#^» J-.Wtltt *ffl«^is rSi^UJ"^' J"*".^^^*.' tf*a»-pq/iift ni-?cnw:^
    192 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 Lam '~t^b^^* **-'^^^B^r 4^^^ S X Ln^hka^dftn^^ia^M aaadh^B^B^^aia^kadl 'Am ■^Bil^K^i^^^^i^^^^^B ii P^i^ ■■r I La^Li^^dßß^kßßnvia^B^B^dßV^adkißßiß^BdßV ■^■^■•■^■■^■■^■ilnHi^dßß Bi PBZ^ l^B I B^ :3a *aac9^>^dt BaVk^l BaV^^H Bft r "T^^yß-^: VI s I^^ l^Bj^oiad^ A I I BMr^i!^^jllllT>Wlli»T»jß ItidtßiikW Bm bY Ha Ev^^^^B >rrr tYTKi^^wß*fP •^iaW^^BJ B^ Bl Bs^f^^?^i^^Bnl Bm b^^^S^_ l|^gi^-£!^fc»<n
      71 words
    • 71 1 INSIDE I NPVt VPftr's nrAl J new looks 141 BB lUwllVliß Vp^J--rvJlr V^>/ l*+~lw 1/ Iff ||V* > XV^ 'fS Q&A. I /Vv alfcX >I P Bff A(^C < lIbWL BL.A Are you biting y»nr JX^SIi 7e"w ££V net v^ will hHn»? Mnd wUI brtag? Find «it C^itr^prwd HaKliaa Visual
      71 words

  • Article, Illustration
    712 2 WCB DYNAMITE! It's time for the big-mouthed totem-pole to entertain us in Qmi TlmM (Ch 5, 10.55 p.m.). For a week, Michael's tremendous appetite astounds the family. Finally, the truth emerges: Michael has been the robbery victim of a bully. James suggests that Michael should retaliate with force but
    712 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 211 2 j i i| n^nV I a^n^^^ n^nW If": 2nd PRIZE sr><MM>o *itJ PRIZE $75,000 4th PRIZE $SQOOO sth PRIZE $25,000 DRAW ON 6TH JANUARY 1981 AT THE PREVIOUS GREAT WORLD AMUSEMENT PARK (KIM SENG ROAD) AT 6.30 P.M. ALL ARE WELCOME QX/ obOUt /^ni.^n^nl.^B^ •no deposit m:r 4Jp9| FREE SERVICE
      211 words
    • 340 2 L^nkn^n^ Since 1918, the Kwuk family has catered (o the impeccable tastes of collectors in this region and the world over. Today, wr offer a massive collection of over 4000 pieces representing almost all areas of Chinese artistry from the dynastic days of China to the early Republic. Come, view
      340 words
    • 5 2 I AMITSUBISHI irq a^nVrT^^^9r^(Hri^^^^alaH I
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 499 2 SONG RECITAL by 5 p.m.; Sundays 2 Rumanian baritone Dan p.m. 6 p.m. lordachescu singing DANCESCAPE, a lieder by Schubert, dance performance Brahms, Schumann and organised by Chinese others at DBS Auditor.- Women's Assoc at um. Admission $2 by Victoria Theatre, 8 p.m. programme. $10, $5, $4, $3, $2. Recital
      499 words
    • 1096 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.00 PM Opera* folowed by The You* i *-*J 5T* a rkke Special And The Restless 815 Tnck Treat 3.25 Weekend Variety (Chinese, r) 2 The Rocfcford Fles The Man 4.20 Diary Of Events (English) 9 45 J lhgatorS (Part l) 4.45 Afternoon Matinee The
      1,096 words

    • 1436 3 Search £or visual languages _kJ j tS REMEMBER that a picture. before being a battle tutrse. a nude woman, or some anecdote, is essendally a plane surface covered »Ith paint in a -Miii!rteI a i>Sta!t»». v.-s it is a significant reminder ami one that is repeatedly quoted in the critical
      1,436 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 78 3 Vanraly'a CMnpNtttoa (IMS) Kandinsky's Improvls»aon No 23 (1911) u It s got Style. It% got Action." •^J2 Sir I m V^Qk P^i9 vw..-v« v<»^>«- fc^^H^Lj ART. NO. 2079 ART. NO. 2072 (p) on hard turfsce. Foam backed padding cradles the ankle in toft B^^^ f^\ 1 1 O comfort without
      78 words
    • 245 3 Power Anytime Mitsubishi Power Generators. Reliable, economical and backed by UMW For rural housing electrification A constant power supply for uninterrupted where powerbnes are difficult to reach. work f low and greater ohSoe efficiency bI bMbjl TUKnfifv I I T^i^Hfc I JjCbJ 1 Keep yuur hotel rurnpg smoothly when the
      245 words

  • 875 4  - II Sweaters: A new art form— ^™l^^^ BERNADINE MORRIS By Though not every sweater is worthy of consider- ation as art in a time Of maSS-prodUCed fashion, each does permit a Certain amount Of Self-expreS- Ti,. v o»:iio »:ii narinrm fhoir nrinmal funrtinn- Thou Sion. They Still perform their Original
    NYT  -  875 words
  • 755 4 All that glisters i s not Sold A MILDLY expensive and traditional gift among the American middle classes, I silverware was once consid- > ered a must. Still, tradition or not, if you've got the stuff chances are you didn't want it. That sterling silver tableware you've been polishing and
    755 words
  • 208 4 THEY are always doing it to us innocent consumers, those makers of a million vanity things ranging from handkerchiefs to hair pins to bikini chains to anklets... The latest dictate is the nylon, or if you will have it, "silk" stocking. And we're not refering to the dotted,
    208 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 237 4 At Mondial, the i^'^ sot^e future date at the International Diamond prevailing market price for a small Investment Company, every handling fee. diamond we sell is accompanied by our own A most sensible investment alternative certification of authenticity, and also by one when one considers that diamonds have of the
      237 words

  • 582 5 Well. 1980 is all but over, and every fashion-conscious female will be wondering what fashion has in store for the earlier half of 1981. What have the couture tyrants decided? ALISTAIR TAN, who was in Paris just at the right moment, sketches and comments on next
    582 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 292 5 H 'CKtOIT^ S H FINE GOLC H BH *«>9 H 9999 FINENESS FOR $9 FINE? FINE! Grab this golden opportunity to own a gold ingot pendant of 999.9 fineness at an exclusive price. All you have to do is shop at Lee Onn while our diamond jewellery sale is on.
      292 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 258 6 ■LIDO VONIGHT 9.15pm (NO FREE LIST) r OPENS TOMORROW AT 2 Theatres LIDO SAVOY Bolt Yeur Doors. Lock Your Windows. Theres Something in the Fog! REX: NOW SHOWING! I 9 (*****42)5 SHOWS al 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.30, 9.15 MAXWELL SMART goes undercover to expose a plot to make the world
      258 words
    • 851 6 r^ T^aVill A *-J^ t T i —UEiU*- PJBJ I k "-A i aaai al m aal M —^H Bbb^. by -><■■ .^tf S BBBki^dH I ai9^BP^Bi B^kTVbMB) v^^l J^k^r L '^■Hr^ \^V T»^ kh^m^m^m P^L^^ #^^ke^Bk anC Ot^ er a^| aaaaaaaT Elfe&il "^IBSwNew Yea r surprise^Bß Catch the festive
      851 words
    • 820 6 35TH DAY| I^cathayj O r^H Ek (*****16) O Cl 11« m. 1.30. 4. «00. 9.15pm tl t\m JtM tl II lam, 1 30, 4, 6 30, 9 15pm]", X 3 11l I^Hf Co»h Book«ig» Only/No In- (j| I'lijuj. KSV WT«* 3 I XA«iL^ t» 1 Sensuous Story <5 s™s^™SfpB Iri.
      820 words

  • 1443 7 London's modern 'pony express 9 They've taken Paul McCartney's children to school and walked his dogs. They've shopped for a punk star and shadowed a Prime Minister. They take birthday cakes to posh parties and deliver romantic bottles of champagne and hampers to new mothers. To London's modern 'pony express'
    1,443 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 229 7 4mj''il'''"'''iMi''LiSß^Bßß s* rhe Great -<^a\ nuxßange X V^^^^jCtt ■ft' v '•"•"•'•'on Pump* tor V^^^J^vWy I f I oooUmiou* uh Ml h Vl 0-t »»«^p«V^ J^ Wb Eooantrte Wenn-drtv* Pump.. ■^B^ Flow-fti#t#f». M *JU The 2nd International f^ul t\ Forestry, rimber Processing /y* K^/i Woodworking Exhibition I Vftt Conference. «i f
      229 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 562 8 nwTTHTiiiJL^ TlQjlf GOVERNMENT OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN THE ROYAL BRUNEI MALAY REGIMENT Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following voconcies in the Studies Centre of Royal Brunei Malay Regiment, Brunei. 1. EDUCATION OFFICER Qualifications and Experience: Honours Degree with postgraduate certificate of education or Diploma in
      562 words
    • 163 8 KENYATAAN TAWARAN KEMENTEtIAN PENGANGKUTAN MALAYSIA KUALA LUMPUR Toworon odoloh dipclowa donpodo syariltat-syarikcrl yong txrdafior di Jabofon Percctokan Negoro untuk men crtak BUKU PANDUAN ISYARAT LAIUUNTAS untuk Mo|li> Ktttlomaton Jolonroyo Moloyiia. Butir-butir lanjut dan borong toworon bol«h didopoti dolom mow p*|obat doripodo Majlii Kvielomoton Jalomaya Kcmenterion Ptnoongkuton, Tingkot 6. Wrima Perdono.
      163 words
    • 370 8 PBI KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran adalah dipelawa danpada pemboronq pembekal yang berpengalaman untuk ker^a berikut PERTANIAW A BP NO 900/80 Mencuci merumput di proiek kopi seluas 303 ekar dan di proiek sawit seluas 316 9 ekar di Jengka 24 Penngkat I, Bandar Pusat Jengka Pahang ($2O 00 senaskhah) B BP NO
      370 words
    • 213 8 IN THf HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KNANC ORIGINATING SUMMONS NO: 403 OF 1 9(0 In lh* man«r of Hit Estate of Oh Ytan H«ng. deceoted And In nSe matter of Probate ond Adminntroho" Acl 1939 IRe viMd 1972) And In tKt matter of Penong High Court Originating Summons No
      213 words
    • 256 8 PROGRAMMER/ANALYST We ore a large general Insurance Company with branches throughout Malaysia. We ore inviting applications for the position of Programmer/ Analyst to assist in the development of data processing systems for our branches throughout Malaysia. The principal equipment we shall be using will be a WANG VS, but the
      256 words
    • 219 8 MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL PALM OIL INDUSTRIES SDN BERHAD (A Member of the PERNAS Group) A fnonufoctunrvg Company of Palm Otl product! invite* application* fro AAoloywo Citizen for the post of 1) EIECTRICAICMARGCMAN R*M)uw«m*nts: Musi poim. Chorg«mon Certificate (M*dtum potsturej ond hay* at least 1 /•or •xp*rt*nce Must be prepared to work
      219 words