The Straits Times, 3 December 1980

Total Pages: 52
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1989 35 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 111/1/80
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  • 570 1 Troops put on alert' reports denied LONDON, Tuesday THE SOVIET UNION today ordered the East German-Polish border sealed off and closed part of its own frontier with Poland, but reports that it had put its troops in the region on the "highest alert status' 1 were
    Agencies  -  570 words
  • 259 1 Union action a threat to peace: Kania WARSAW. Tuesday COMMUNIST Party chief Stanislaw Kama said yesterday in a tough speech that militant independent labour union activities are undermining communist rule in Poland and threatening peace in Europe. Mr Kama addressed the opening of a two-day plenary wartm) of the party's
    259 words
  • 37 1 BANGKOK. TUM Four air men at the Thai army were killed when their helicopter, believed to have been shot at by communist guerillas. fashed into the jungle in northern Thailand, provincial officials said today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 96 1 THEY are among the cream of the crop, the top II per cent who pawed the Primary School Leaving Examinations with distinction. Lee Slak Kian, Urn Chun Wai, Han Foeag Kweag, Tan Plag Ming and Ng Swee Chee (from left te right) have qualified
    96 words
  • 522 1 WASHINGTON, Tuesday THE incoming administration of US Presidentelect Ronald Reagan is discouraging its foreign affairs advisers from talking to reporters and foreign officials in an effort to stop a flow of news stories that have touched off at least one international
    Reuter; AP  -  522 words
  • 177 1 Riots in quake-hit city of Naples' report LONDON, Turn. THERE have been several disturbances in the earthquake-hit city of Naples in Italy where thousands of homeless are occupying public buildings and empty apartments, the BBC reported today. It said riots involving groups of homeless people broke out near the airport,
    177 words
  • 65 1 NEW YORK. Tues Interest rates in the United Suites rose to their highest level for seven months today when leading banks raised their prime rate from 17.75 to 18.5 per cent The move was led by Chase Manhattan Bank, the nation's third biggest commercial bank,
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 65 1 WASHINGTON. Tues. The US spokesman of Lebanon's Christians said today that almost all the 12,000 Palestinians studying abroad had been recalled by the Palestine Liberation Organisation for military training. Mr Alfred Mady. executive director of the Lebanese Information and Research Centre, which represents rightist Christian forces in
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 40 1 ANKARA, Tues. In a move to strenghten its relations with the Arab states, Turkey has decided to withdraw all its diplomats except a second secretary from Israel and to maintain diplomatic relations at only a "symbolic level AP.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 33 1 WASHINGTON. Tues. A congressional Investigating committee was wrong in concluding that two gunmen probably took part in the assassination of President Kennedy, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 95 1 PARIS, Tues. The mo« I popular drink in France ■Mr wine is not beer or milk but water. And only one Frenchman in three drinks wine every day, according to a survey published here today, and one third of them pour water
    AFP  -  95 words
  • 804 1  - 'Discard past attitudes' call by Dhana PHILIP LEE and M. G. G. PILLAI By KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Singapore Foreign Minister S. Dhanabalan today called on government officials on both sides of the Causeway to re-examine and discard attitudes of the past, and develop new ones to help Singapore and Malaysia
    804 words
  • 63 1 LONDON, Tues. Irish Republican demonstrators, in sympathy with IRA hunger strikers in Belfast, dropped stink bombs in tht> food department of the swank Fortnum and Mason store, whirh supplies Buckingham Palace with groceries Christmas shoppers dashed for the exits after the bombing yesterday and one ot
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 66 1 LATEST MINISTER FLIES TO MOSCOW MOSCOW, Tnes. Rumanian Foreign Minister Stefan Andrei flew to Moscow today for Ulks witk President Leonid Brexhnev against a background of East Bloc diplomatic activity apparently linked to the Polish crisis. The vMt wan net announced in advance which Indicated It wait arranged at late
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 J6MTERS PENS LEATHER 600DS Technics Loudspeakers goflatout The world's first honeycomb disc speakers The SB 10 s superb hi ti speakers With a frequency response of 28Hz125.000Hz. Performance that II drive you out of this world A five year warranty guarantees ■■^■■^■■VBVBBBM yOur i^tenmy pleasure Bfejl Ann Resonant Design 4
      58 words
    • 122 1 lav IIBIT iri V LC l '^m^mm^^^mVaWH ||L Jt^Bß r mm iB^L Th. .BaHaV^BaW^ m.-*BW*f*X (riff mtf\ jDrTIWn £<J£3 pTW^r* m\>££ mmA mmmmW^t In. 3 Sm_ *^a» Ba^aV^a rjeMß^B^am TJ l Lv W*£ T^I^HB^L^BI i *a f 4L~^J^nV^Br BY 4 Chts Ctjridtmag, light a canole anb take a photo. Hike
      122 words
    • 126 1 EXCLUSIVE GERMAN CLOCKS with Westminster Chime, Bim Bam or Quartz Movement. Sole Agents CHUN CHONG Showroom A S»mce Cantn: 62 South Bridge Rood, Smgopore, 0105 Tel *****1/2 52 pages today MINISTRY TO CLEAR DOUBTS ON SICK LEAVE Page 9 HOSTAGES: It is foolish for Iran to wait, says Reagan 2
      126 words

    • 396 2 Reagan: It is foolish for Iran to wait LOS ANGELES, Tuesday RONALD Reagan said yesterday it would be "pretty foolish" for Iran to wait until he is inaugurated US President on Jan 20 before resolving the American hostage crisis. As he visited his dentist in Beverly Hills, the President-elect was
      Agencies  -  396 words
    • 132 2 BANGKOK. Tues Soviet and East European leaders have assured Thailand of their readiness to help reduce tension in South-east Asia, said Thai officials who returned from an 18-day visit to Moscow and Eastern Bloc capitals. A Foreign Ministry spokesman said the tour appeared to have
      AFP  -  132 words
    • 210 2 Shift that may hit foreign investors in China BEIJING, Tues. China announced today a stepped-up change in the economy with overtones of a major shift that could hit foreign investment. The announcement, made as an editorial in the communist party newspaper People's Daily, calls for drastic cutbacks in spending and
      210 words
    • 412 2 WASHINGTON, Tues. President-elect Ronald Reagan's efforts to assemble a cabinet have run into trouble. The leading contenders for two of the most important posts, the Treasury and the State Department, unexpectedly withdrew last week and Anne Arm- strong, the former ambassador to
      Reuter  -  412 words
    • 221 2 Begins coalition survives another crucial vote JERUSALEM, Tues. Prime Minister Menachem Begin's beleatfured coalition survived another crucial vote in Parliament yesterday but faces more trouble today over moves to press criminal charges against a cabinet member for alleged bribe-taking. The Knesset vote on amendments to legislation regulating autopsies was close
      UPI  -  221 words
    • 162 2 Suharto and Reddy urge non-aligned group's unity NEW DELHI, Tuesday PRESIDENT Sanjiva Reddy and visiting Indonesian President Suharto have expressed concern over the non-aligned movement's dwindling influence in world affairs and called for unity in the 94-nation etoud. Mr Reddy told Mr Suharto at a banquet in honour of the
      AP  -  162 words
    • 203 2  - Suzuki likely to discuss Japan's new global role YEONG AH SENG By in TOKYO, Tuet. JAPANESE Premier Zenko Suzuki is expected, during his forthcoming tour of Asean, to discuss the political role Japan can play in a new international setting in which it can no longer exist as a purely
      203 words
    • 185 2 Curfew in three Central Java towns JAKARTA, Tues. A curfew has been imposed in the Central Java towns of Kudus, Cepu and Rembang, following violent disturbances against local Chinese businessmen, it was reported today. Indonesian youths ransacked Chinese-owned shops and burned cars, businessmen there said by telephone. The traders said
      AFP  -  185 words
    • 68 2 WASHINGTON. Tues.- The US Supreme court yesterday decided (o consider whether it was constitutional to exclude women from the draft registration programme started by President Carter after the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. A lower court struck down the law earlier this year, saying there was no
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 49 2 BERLIN. Tues. Communist East Germany has decided to rehabilitate Frederick 11. the Great King of Prussia in the 18th century, an absolute monarch in an age of absolutism The equestrian statue of the King has been restored to the Unter den Linden, East Berlin's showcase avenue. AFP
      AFP  -  49 words
    • 28 2 NEW DELHI, Tues. Police have arrested 9.000 farmers squatting on roads in Western India to protest inflation and low produce prices, news reports said yesterday UPI.
      UPI  -  28 words
    • 227 2 A CHINESE peasant who Uved a secluded Ufe for 34 yean because of his frightening appearance be bad two beads Is looklag for a wife after doctors removed one bead, Xinhua news agency reported. Mr Zhaag Zipiag, bow 35, bad a parasitic
      AP  -  227 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 497 2 S S [a [a [a s [3 [3 Is E S (a la [3 S Is [3 [3 [a S la [3 S [3 [a s la [a la [a (3 [a s [3 [3 la [sis la S la 13 [3 igL***** SSBBI H Have an H j imperial
      497 words

    • 215 3 HONGKONG, Tuesday lAAn FORMER Cklaese Defeat* Minster Urn Hm apeat kto iMt aay« Chaaeae aaO la a heavily tartMed UltaMe hMeaat, saM Beiltag reaart U4»> IV t»> rtafty atraetare, Na M, Latas Flavor Rack, la tar aartkera sammer reaart af Beidaihe, baaata aa aa4ccgraaa< alr-raM aaeNer, a
      AFP  -  215 words
    • 427 3 Jiang Qing told me to ransack homes' EX-AIR FORCE OFFICER CONFESSES TO SPECIAL COURT: A FORMER air force officer has confessed that Mao Zedong's widow. Jiang Qing. sent him to ransack the homes of her intimate friends for personal items, official reports said today. The special court trying the officer
      UPI  -  427 words
    • 231 3 WASHINGTON, Tuaa RESETTLEMENT of Indochinese refugees in the United States at an annual cost of US$l billion (SJ2 billion) is attracting I emigres from Vietnam and Laos who should stay i at home, according to a study released yesterday by the Joint Economic Committee of
      NYT  -  231 words
    • 118 3 BANGKOK, Taes. The nveraaaeat ha* arderea the el— are «f i Taallaarf's third largest dall) newspaper Baa I Maaag l«r five days i beginning taday, after the pap" ran a haaaer healllae aecaatag a rahlaet minister af "reaplag persoaal praflO' The saspe— lsa
      118 words
    • 191 3 Laotian PM calls for closer ties with three Red nations NONG KHAI, Tues. Laotian Premier Kaysone Phomviane, in a speech today on the fifth anniversary of the communist takeover of the South-east Asian nation, said that the Laotian people are "in the midst of adversaries." He urged "closer relations" with
      AP  -  191 words
    • 205 3 China team leaves Amsterdam in a huff AMSTERDAM, Tues. A Chinese ministerial delegation cut short its visit to the Netherlands today following the Dutch Government's decision announced on Saturday, to authorise export of two submarines to Taiwan. The delegation was here to study the Dutch industry's possibilities of building port
      AFP  -  205 words
    • 56 3 TOKYO, Tues. Two men held a hospital employee hostage in the town of Tokorozawa today in protest against alleged unnecessary operations to remove women's reproductive organs, police said. The men, who got into the hospital by ramming their truck against its locked doors, were arrested about one hour
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 130 3 BOMBAY, Thurs. A pretty teenage Indian actress, overcome by the charm of Britain's Prince Charles, suddenly kissed his royal cheek at a film studio here today. The surprised prince asked her "is kissing al- j lowed in the Indian films'" The blushing actress,
      UPI  -  130 words
    • 215 3 Japanese ministers begin talks in Beijing TOKYO. Tues. Japan and China will hold their first ministerial meeting in postwar history tomorrow in Beijing, and the three days of talks are expected to focus on bilateral economic issues. Six Japanese cabinet ministers, including Foreign Minister Masayoshi Ito, will also hold discussions
      NYT  -  215 words
    • 109 3 Chinese praise joint Khmer attack BEIJING, Tues. China today hailed a Joint attack by the Khmer Rouge and a non-communist Khmer group, against the Vietnamese in Kampuchea as proof of political reform by the Beijing-backed forces led by Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan. But Xinhua news agency said in a
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 34 3 BONN. Tues The Soviet Union has 3,000 jamming stations to block Western radio broadcasts. West German Member of Parliament Herbert Hupka reported in a Christian Democratic Party bulletin published here yesterday. AFP
      AFP  -  34 words
    • 38 3 DAKAR (Senegal). Tue*. Senegalese President Leopod Sedar Senghor. 73. has informed his too aides be plans to resign before the year's end from the post he has held for 20 years, government sourcat said. -UPI.
      UPI  -  38 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 123 3 Pictured The Rulti Datrjust We invite you to see our fine collection of Rolex watches It takes Rolex craftsmen a year to make each Rolex. They start with a solid block of 18ct. gold or surgical stainless steel and by 162 separate operations, turn it into a seamless Oyster case.
      123 words
    • 201 3 Miistputhlinonoqr\lP mailing list* "^^l m H "^TmJ "*^na^nT *C £m L^K f- *V^^^^nal L^Lv in^n^n^aT^^nnnt. /^^H nSS A IHB^lBESaßPnln^n^LV^m Hnanan-BasainWnin^n^nn^lß^l^n^L^n^l^nlßßßßßßni I It is not easy to become a Later plans and free travel Insurance member of Diners Club. Only one They are entitled to use the Club applicant in three
      201 words

    • 431 4 More American executives at the top get the sack THE list of executives dismissed from top American corporate posts is lengthening, and for several of them the departures have been surprisingly rapid. Management specialists say it is too early to declare a trend. Most agree, however, that life on top
      NYT  -  431 words
    • 283 4 MANILA, Tuesday ASSAULTS on crippling rural poverty in Asia, protectionism by developed countries and on threats to labours' freedom opened the Ninth International Labour Organisation (ILO) Regional Conference here today. "Rural poverty must be the focus of a concentrated attack on the specific economic
      283 words
    • 119 4 LET YOUTHS BE SELFEMPLOYED SAYS U.N. BANGKOK. Tues. About 400 million youths in the Asian and Pacific region need jobs, and self -employment could be a key factor" in reducing their unemployment, the United Nations said today. The report on a meeting here on youth development, attended by UN officials
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 128 4 CHICAGO, Tne*. According to an aid costain, newly swan-la Jadgea In the US Cawt af Appeals far the seventh circuit bawd In Chlcaga are welcomed an to the Bench by a r*nnd af hear hags tram their fellaw Jartste. Nat today, however. "As
      128 words
    • Sideliners
      • 88 4 WOMEN who try to fend off rapists with kicking, biting and other forms of violence are no more likely to be injured than those who don't resist or who try to talk their way out of being raped, a new US study indicates. "There is
        AP  -  88 words
      • 50 4 LADY Diana Spencer's mother entered tne (ray toJay over press coverage of her daughter's romance with heir to the British throne. Prince Charles. Diana's mother, Frances Shand Kydd, wrote a letter to the Times, criticising the British press (or printing "lies" and harassing her daughter. AF.
        50 words
      • 53 4 A FRENCH motorist in Nancy, paid his car registration fee of 5,000 francs (over SJ2.000) with 25,000 twenty-centime coins because the Bureau had refused to accept his cheque. An official had told him that all cheques over 2,000 francs have to be certified by the
        AFP  -  53 words
      • 73 4 CRIMINAL Judge Alan Friess, who made a woman charged with killing her daughter hJs Thanksgiving guest, was cleared of judicial misconduct in an Investigation. But Mayor Edward Koch, who appointed Mr Friess to the Bench in 1979, sharply criticised the judge. "I think what he did
        UPI  -  73 words
      • 58 4 A DEMOLITION man sent to level an abandoned barn apparently lost his bearings and made "a damn silly" mistake destroying a US$l?0.000 (5J313.500) Georgian farmhouse, town officials in Solihull. Britain, said. The Solihull Council has powers under the Town And Country Planning Act of 1971 to prosecute the
        UPI  -  58 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 535 4 CVM A S3BP* Su«<*> Mz/c^ c/^d&A ooa&y **u& &62 1 I ■^k Hb^bl T^^ X \X^>9Bi BB^^^ .•"*►'<*• r^TCf^Bm '^Bk''< *•> m\ i Qin.io4.4i The impressive history of CYMA llx a record of success in the world of time. t/yovl&dd&t /y0vl&dd& Sole Agente in A^an countries: *S YIP HONG COMPANY
      535 words

    • 425 5 Restraint in oil buying cuts spot prices CONSUMERS world-wide have pushed the free market oil price down sharply during the past week by restraining purchases, dealers said today. Companies and nations were using their stored oil instead of buying on the free market, hoping that weak demand and falling spot
      Reuter  -  425 words
    • 167 5 Moscow targets only 1 pc rise MOSCOW, Tv«. The Soviet Union, the world's biggest oil producer, today published draft plan targets indicating that its output of crude petroleum will rise by barely 1 per cent a year between now and 1985 The figures were included in draft guideline for a
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 90 5 POSTER WAR ON THE 'RIPPER' A YOUNG WOMAN pasting ap acme «f the thaasaads of "n»ard" patten which went sip m shop wtndawi, sapermiLrkets, pubs aad factories la Marley, Leeds, a* Moaday v reoMeata veat tftetr hatred oa tke Yorkshire Upper. The Ripper has murdered If waaiea aad iiwi terror
      90 words
    • 65 5 LOS ANGELES. Tues. A woman who claims she lived for eight years with Kojak. tv star Telly Savalas, as his wife, has sued him for USB million (SS1O.4 million) for herself and her daughter by another man. The suit was Hied last Friday in Los
      AP  -  65 words
    • 160 5 Ewing's law suit over 'Dallas' dries up LOS ANGELES, Tuesday TWO lawsuits over the use of the names "Bobby Ewing" and "Ewing oil" made famous on television's popular "Dallas" series have been settled, the programme's production company attorney said yesterday. A Texas suit against Lorimar Productions by a man named
      AP  -  160 words
      • 52 5 PHILIPPINE mineral exports soared past the US$1 billion (S$2 billion) mark during the first 10 months of this year, dislodging coconut and sugar as the country's leading money earners, the Central Bank said yesterday. Mineral exports reached USJ1.0O7 billion, up 185 per cent from last year's US$486
        UPI  -  52 words
      • 55 5 TIN prices have slumped to their lowest for 18 months on the London metal market as daily sales of tin from the United States strategic stockpile began. Falls compared with Friday amounted to £70 (SS3SO) and £85 respectively for prompt and forward delivery at £6.1%
        AFP  -  55 words
      • 72 5 THE Japanese government is i mMhh i iii|i giving a moratorium to Iran-Japan petrochemical Co. (UPC) for the payment of USO4 million (SC8 million) interest on government loans for a multi-bUlion-doUar petrochemical complex in Iran, it was disclosed yesterday Mr Rokuiuke Tanaka, Minister of International Trade
        AFP  -  72 words
      • 56 5 THE Thai Government yesterday ordered a reduction in the operating hours of petrol stations in a campaign to cope with an energy crisis expected next year. The order, effective from Dec 14, restricts petrol station ot«rating hours from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. instead of
        AP  -  56 words
    • 149 5 Made in Britain... or is it? LONDON, Tues. A 10day goodwill trip by British lawmakers to Taiwan was going well until the visitors toured the island's largest textile factory and saw the finished cloth, packed ready for export and neatly labeled "Made in Britain." The awkward moment was disclosed in
      AP  -  149 words
    • 147 5 Slowdown in US recovery says govt WASHINGTON, Tues. The United States' recovery from recession appears to be slowing down, according to government figures released today. The Commerce Department said its index of leading indicators, a sign of future economic trends, increased by 0.9 per cent in October after a 3.1
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 212 5 TOKYO, Tues. Japan is expected to phase out trade sanctions against the Soviet Union "like melting snow" by resuming talks on pending business agreements, an influential banker said yesterday. Mr Michio Takeuchi, gover- nor of the Export-Import Bank of Japan, said
      212 words
    • 207 5 LONDON, rues. Threatened strikes by Britain's coal miners and firemen were called off yesterday after increased pay offers. The miners, who brought down the Conservative government of Mr Edward Heath with a strike in 1974, voted 56 to 44 per cent to accept a
      Reuter  -  207 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 N© wr education V is second to none Tll«wa>i»^»i r i.«lig.n««fc««>fcn MlCn|]lM ICn|]l ft rt^f^^ I r*cajnma»Moimr*»oi*imfooix)X)non* Nyouwant 10 maka tw ba« poawbto mw«*lm*nt »m lulur* d your son or daughiar. you could do no batter than lo antruat 9mr education to Lanadowna Tutors W» art a oa« aststiasriad and
      183 words
    • 669 5 December 24 tf^i^^n/M/if^ii:^^t///uJ9/A December 31 Christmas Eve < Un^fr^3m^^> New Year's Eve Tiara Supper Club Cl&fL CM/ Jiara Supper Club A special restive dinner at $195 per person /MM \^J7 Gala Champagne Dinner at $315 per person inclusive of a bottle of champagne for two, /CJ>j<w/fff7?//irC// 'Jy inclusive of all
      669 words

    • 397 6 MEDDLING CAN LEAD TO DIRE WORLD CONSEQUENCES EUROPEAN leaders today issued an "antiBrezhnev doctrine" that bluntly warned Moscow and its allies to stay out of Poland or face '•grave consequences" that would mean an end to detente. The heads of state and government of
      Agencies  -  397 words
    • 79 6 MAN FLIES AS RACE CAR HITS HIM A SPECTATOR flying (with one of his shoes up in the air) after he was hit by a runaway racing ear at Pen's "Six Hour" race in lima Autodrome last weekend. The driver lost control of his c»r, left the track and rammed
      UPI  -  79 words
    • 158 6  - 30 children make a plea for better future TAN LAN CHOO By in Madrid, Tues. A GROUP oT about 30 children from 25 countries gathered today outside the Palace of Congresses here and called on participants to the Euroiiean security conference to fight for a better future for them. Accompanied
      158 words
    • 59 6 TOKYO, Tues. Ultrasonic waves have proved to be an effective way of preventing dolphins from approaching rich fishing grounds, a government study concluded today. The fishery agency, in releasing a three-year study, said ultrasonic wave oscillators will be employed beginning next spring on Japanese sea coasts, which
      UPI  -  59 words
    • 55 6 NEW DELHI, Tues. A police officer shot dead his depu ty In central India yesterday because the latter had insisted on a share of a chicken caught earlier by a constable, reports said today. The officer, who was not named, fired six shots from his revolver and
      55 words
    • 231 6 FOB years before Ua death from cancer, Joha Wayne clearly drew the pictare «l a kunu lui every time be adnedUs aame. It's a point MMeMBUl Burke would notice. Mr Burke Un't a deetor, hat hem speU oat a nlwhlt slice
      231 words
    • 291 6 No missiles near East Europe or else...' MOSCOW. Tues. The first deputy chief of Soviet's armed forces warned today that Kremlin will act if US strategic nuclear missiles are deployed near Eastern Europe. Pravda, the Communist Party's official newspaper, complained today that the Carter Administration Is using its last days
      UPI  -  291 words
    • 110 6 Technology can kill, warns Pope VATICAN CITY, Tues. Pope John Paul II said in his second Encyclical released today that spiraling materialism is destroying the fabric of modern society and unchecked technological growth threatens to annihilate mankind. In the 83-page Encyclical entitled "Dives in Misericord ia' (On the Mercy of
      UPI  -  110 words
    • 36 6 NEW DELHI. Tues Seven Sri Lankan national, were detained here today following the alleged recover}' of over 40 kg of contraband silver slabs worth 112,000 rupees (SJ3O.2*, from their pnssmlnn at the airport. AFP.
      AFP  -  36 words
    • 184 6 SEOUL, Tuesday TWO North Korean armed infiltrators were shot dead trying to land by underwater vehicle on South Korea's south-east, the Defence Ministry said today. South Korean troops iwere hunting another North Korean agent who managed to evade capture during the landing last
      Reuter  -  184 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 253 6 I 1^ ii <VW^ < »m T»Ol T/sf^l Specialists' Shopping Centre Orchard Road Viv. mPM 11-c I i\J^^M ■IV. I Te1: *****22 *J^yl l^nW^l^fi^l CUff^entreCoUverQuay/RafflesPlace finLwhtnwu cm enough to giw A/\ the my best thh Chmtnm ...,.-?nSniv. JUH \A<J Limited Editions 1 f ■■!>■■ mm sst^H^snnl snt ''•-^B B^^^^^^sna^^^^^nl -'^^sPIPB^^BBnW
      253 words

    • 1096 7  -  SWITHIN MONTEIRO, CHARLES CHOW and ANNA ABDUL RANEE By WETTER-THAN-USUAL FORECAST MALAYSIANS are bracing themselves for more rain. It has come in five short heavy spells so far last month and a fresh raincausing atmospheric disturbance is now in the South
      NST  -  1,096 words
    • 274 7 Guess who's ringing the siren? WHEN the siren walls frantically these next few weeks, Sentol residents will have to decide whether to head for dry ground or prepare to welcome husbands home from work. Flood-weary Kampung Kaslplllay in Kuala Lumpur is hardly Impressed by the flood*waralng siren primed by the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 304 7 nlll«tntfntiHnV^HP^nilW^nktVV^nni^l^ni(i > n^^o^nß* I naBBBBaaT^ nßßßnl^^^ar^l^iß^fTffTufl L^^^nH flfl_Wj Eo^nMwCTJiirlMg^ W THE SNOWMAN^EB :f HBHH KJfl#Jfl^ tStm 1 f "it SpO^ i A delightful cocktail served US LZ|IbZS3 fil ¥n9QnF from London #"t j in a porcelain snowman ES Wi WftKLSm DecS,olB *T ■4# *>* You «n lake Frosty home WT
      304 words

  • 276 8  - Four grades for PSLE results MAY HO By FOR the first time yesterday, primary six pupils knew how well they fared in the recent primary school leaving examinations. Where, in the past, the slips indicated either a pass or failure, the result slips handed out yesterday used a four-point system.
    276 words
  • 46 8 THE Primary Production Department has issued application forms to 30 farmers who want to set up mushroom farms off Jalan Kayu Their applications to lease land from the government for the farms will be considered on a firstcome first-serve basis, a PPD spokesman said.
    46 words
  • 174 8 Secretary altered figures in parking notices A SECRETARY tampered with nine Housing Board parking notices sent to her boyfriend by altering the amount payable from $184.60 to $30.60, a district court was told yesterday. Leong Kwee Chern, 24, went to the home of her boyfriend on March 1 and he
    174 words
  • 296 8 THE male chauvinists may think it's a bloody riot having them, but anti-mob control may soon be a job for policewomen as well. The Singapore Police Force is planning to assign women to such duties once strictly reserved for men also should a situation
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  • 142 8 CHINESE clan associations should look beyond their traditional scope of activities and recruit more well-educated young ale to take over eveny from the ageing leadership of such associations. The advice came from the Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), Dr Ow Chin Hock, at a dinner
    142 words
  • 487 8 ADVANCED countries should have scientific attaches in their foreign missions in the developing countries, the Science Centre director, Dr R. S. Bhathal, said yesterday. These officials will be able to work "on the same wavelength" as the indigenous scientists and provide the
    487 words
  • 73 8 THE case against two men. charged with robbing a Cisco constable of his service revolv er and bullets in Change Alley, will be mentioned again in a magistrates court on Dec Pakarisamy Ramasamy. 25. and Thomas Sect. 27, who are alleged to have robbed Cisco constable Johari
    73 words
  • 40 8 THE PAP Alexandra branch will hold a kindergarten graduation ceremony on Saturday at 3.30 p.m. MP (or Alexandra and chairman of the branch, Mr Tan Soo Khoon. will officiate at the ceremony at Block 43. Tanglin Halt Road.
    40 words
  • 189 8 THE Housing Beard's first air-conditioned shopping »nd office complex will be ready la two years. To be luMwn as T»njong Katong Complex, the $17.4 million, fourstorey building wlU be built on a t.l hectare site bounded by Geylaag Road, Tanjosig K»tong Extension and Sims Avenue. The
    189 words
  • 199 8 Shipping team due from Norway for talks A NORWEGIAN shipping delegation will arrive for talks with Singapore Government officials and shipping representatives on Monday and Tuesday. The nine-member delegation, comprising government officials and representatives of leading Norwegian shipping companies, will be led by the Permanent Secretary of the Norwegian Ministry
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 131 8 BMmM\m>)M TH£ FURNnVRL CLSTKt xii "i j j»-r|- J I -=1 -a*—^ Ills »ill hr V M m^mm^mi ki>..i.i»..» u»-:\ p i.. sknmi -—M m^^~ I KIM. II IN kiIII. <n.ii.i»..v In, 'f^~^iHM*9 T^fl il mMtiH V f fsW tin ii U Tj^l* 'Cft f\ If A £\t%f\^~ $80 V^-
      131 words

  • 193 9 lata team queries Changi rental charges THE International Air Transport Association (Iata) Kill hold talks with the Department of Civil Aviation today on higher charges for office space, check-in counters and related facilities at Changi Airport The aim of the five-man La la team is to find out the reason
    193 words
  • 95 9 Death came suddenly for two AN unidentified male Indian collapsed and died while walking in Upper Dickson Road at 5.30 p.m. on Nov 28. He was aged about 65. slim and dark romplexioned. His relatives or friends are asked to contact Sgt Tay Cheong Kee of Toa Payoh police station.
    95 words
  • 45 9 A BUS commuter. Madam Urn Jee Wah. 26. broke her right thigh when the SBS she was travelling in made an tm«rt«acy «top at the 7km Bukit Timah Road at 8 25 am yesterday. She was admitted to the Singapore General Hospital
    45 words
  • 468 9 THE Nnrseg Merit Award badges were yesterday preseated to M narses the largest amber since the Health Ministry af Health latradacrd the award In lffl«. The gaidlated badges, with the mettf af the tradlOeaal Nightingale lamp, were pre aeited to the narses
    468 words
  • 255 9 IF A worker falls ill while on annual leave he does not lose his leave. This will be made clear in an amendment to the Employment Act. A Labour Ministry spokesman confirmed that when such cases occur, the ministry takes
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  • 70 9 SYED Abu Bakar bin Syed Mohamed. 22. was jailed (or two years and ordered to be given two strokes of the cane for selling three Roche 2 pills to assistant narcotics officer Ariffin bin Abdul Kadir in Yung Ann Road on Nov 10 at 8.10
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  • 41 9 The Geylang East community centre is conducting classes on cakemaking. restaurant cooking, timsum, dressmaking, tailoring, beauty culture, beauty health, yoga, tai chi, marrame, hairdressing. padang curry and vegetable cooking. For more details, call *****5 between 2.30 and 10 p.m.
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  • 155 9 THE First Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Goh Keng Swee, had discussions with President J.R. Jayewardene of Sri Lanka in COLOMBO yesterday. Dr Goh, who landed there on Monday on a 10day visit is due to have a second round of talks with Mr Jayewardene today.
    AFP  -  155 words
  • 167 9 FACTORY supervisor Ho i Fatt Shing, 37, was grant- ed a consent judgment for j $8,500 damages and costs by the High Court yesterday for injuries to his left leg in a lorry accident. As a result of the injuries, the girth of his calf was
    167 words
  • 67 9 HOUSING and Urban Development Company flat owners who sell their flats will have to wait for three years before they are allowed to use their Central Provident Fund savings to buy private housing, an HUDC spokesman said yesterday. A Straits Times report had said they would not be
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 197 9 I m I _M A. Mm gA ?^^^^4* n»y t^ Ha Jmm m Sven&on is not a treatment, not a transplant, not a wig. tNMM is a new patented process that weaves new hair into yours. When you have this new hair (irmly woven into your own, you can treat
      197 words
    • 367 9 naaaaaaant nsnaaan^^^^^^^^^^^^^***^^^-^ nnnnM* MM #^Sr^P^ H jT^k m Z D»no Showoom G- 302. Uppw Oound f looc IMm Pla» W* Aanm An m nWaV^HBi DTB B»achßo«d Smgapor* 0719 W *****14 1 n«t »c«p»»i JL oniLMaal oSnW^^nn^ Wm TIE otic. Unt 5-316 Sth Floor Mwim Ptaia Beach Road. M I ■m*
      367 words

  • 131 10 OFFICERS PROMOTE' TAXI STAND I REGISTRY of Vehicles investigation officers are deployed daily along Somerset Road in front of Phoenix Hotel to tell 1 taxi drivers to use a near- > by taxi stand instead of picking up passengers out- side the hotel. Commuters who hail taxis along the main
    131 words
  • 49 10 BUKIT Panjang Zone A' Resi deals' Committee will launch a project to collect old newspapers and clothings from residents staying at Blocks 1 to 5. Marbling Drive Road on Sunday from 9 a.m. The project is to collect funds to finance activities for residents in Zone A'.
    49 words
  • 356 10  - Income tax: $857 m in first half BOH TIANG KENG By INCOME tax accounted (or two thirds of government revenue during the first half of this year. The government collected $1.3 billion during this period, with income tax making up $857 million. After income tax, the other big revenue contributors
    356 words
  • 199 10 VC gives $4,000 to shell blast woman WITH three yaaag cailim to feed after lowlag a lee aa expU■Ua wfcleh killed Ver kaskaai tmu maths ag«, Madam Chaa Pah Lee, taeetf a Meaktatare. Yesterday, she received a eheaae f«r $4,Mt frem the Vlgilaate Carps e»mmaadaat, Mr Stevea Klaag, wk* had
    199 words
  • 52 10 CC's seven courses JOO Chiat community centre will be conducting seven courses this month. They are Western cooking, vegetarian cooking, flower arrangement, beauty culture, car maintenance, Japanese and gents' tailoring. The fees for the courses vary from $18 to $25. For details, ring *****26 or *****5? between 3 p.m. and
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  • 252 10 VCs VOTE TO SPEND $280,000 ON SOUVENIRS THE Vigilante Corps has decided to spend its entire $280,000 kitty on pewterware souvenirs for its 50,000 members. The money was for its part-time members but the government has decided to phase out parttime national service in the VC and Special Constabulary. The
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  • 159 10 Reminder to re-register for identity cards THOSE born between May 6, 1961 and May 5, 1962 are reminded to re-regis-ter their identity cards at the National Registration Office, Empress Place, between 8. a.m. and 4 p.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m. and 12 noon on Saturdays. For re-registration, which is
    159 words
  • 42 10 SEMBAWANG Zone A' Residents' Committee members will be collecting old newspapers and clothing from residents of Blocks! to 12 in M'^Hwg Drive and Lane on Dec 7. from 9 a.m. Residents are requested to place such items at their doorways.
    42 words
  • 141 10 A TEENAGE boy stole his mother's jewellery worth a total of $1,280 after he failed to get some money from his father, a district court was told yesterday. Rosland bin Jamiran, 16, later pawned the jewellery for $670 and spent all the money,
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  • 327 10 Judge calls for report on man A DISTRICT judge yesterday called for a corrective training report on a 27-year-old man who claimed he committed a robbery because he needed money to pay for medical expenses for his girlfriend who had attempted suicide. Ng Geok Lan, 27, with seven previous convictions
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  • 84 10 MODERN Travel Service in Outram Park has clarified that when a group returned from a trip to the Genting Highlands on Nov 25 and complained of not being provided with an air-conditioned bus for the return journey, it refunded a sum of $3 per person
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 419 10 mis MARKETING INSTITUTE OF SINGAPORE MPlatU SALES I aUMETMC Dip SJI (US.) Apphcontt ore now nvrted for ttvs 2-yeor evanrtg progromme, consisting. of 4 semester* Racognamg the speciol tronmg needs of Singapore's Marketing personnel thn Diptomo Op S M (M IS is rWhated to offer Morketrtg practitioners the opportunity of
      419 words

  • 373 11 THE collection of rubbish from factories in HDB industrial estates built after 1979 has become a thriving business for some enterprising private contractors. In Jalan Eunos estate, for example, factories have to pay between $30 and $50 a month to rubbish collectors. The
    373 words
  • 285 11 YOU can pick up anything and turn it into a good business, if you haw the knack for it. For Mr S V Samy. even rubbish-collecting is good money. The 31 -year -old Mr Samy is the sole proprietor of Balam Cleaning
    285 words
  • 77 11 More wet days ahead THl NDKRY sbawers aad »et aftwsas aver Uk aext eigfct to tea days cm be expected, fareeaats tke Metearalagteal 8ervk«. Widespread ■■derate U h<»vy rala may alaa be expected an tfcrec ar tmmt days, It says. Tfc* service alaa aatos tbat Navember*! rala(all was abave tke
    77 words
  • 90 11 EDB export promotion seminar I THE Economic Develop1 ment Board will hold a seminar on export promotion opportunities for all local manufacturing companies in the Mercury Room. Apollo Hotel, on Saturday at 9 a.m. Held in conjunction with the Board's Small Industry Advisory Committee, the seminar's panel members will include
    90 words
  • 435 11 CHILDREN can look for- ard to more spills and thrills when the Parks and Recreation Department introduces three new adventuristic playground models in its public partis If the response is good, similar models may be introduced to other Hous lngBoard estates The commissioner of P
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  • 27 11 BRAS Basah Community Centre's youth group's subaqua club will conduct a skindiving pre-coune at the River Valley pool on Sunday Telephone &2351 or 3361*09 for
    27 words
  • 190 11 MOHAMED Ishak bin Mo hamed Yacob. 28, was jailed by a district court yesterday when be admitted issuing (our dud cheques on Nov 1 and 1. Asst Supt H.L Miranda, prosecuting, told the court that in October. Mohamed Ishak and another man. Seow
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  • 37 11 TOA Payoh Zone E' Residents' Committee will collect old newspapers and clothing from Blocks 158 to 162. Lorong 1. on Dec 14 at 9am This is to raise funds for future activities for residents
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 545 11 A wave of absolutely brilliant all- suspension geometry that toesnew Mazda 323 Hatchbacks is in to self-correct toe-out action invading all parts of the world. at all times. Under adverse as '^f {\£s\/\ P/lOTCIR^S With great strides forward well as normal conditions, the m^m^p^m^^rw-m^mmrm^^m^^mm in motoring technology, these cars will
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 682 12 IFIUI Bu VJL JULA. V j J.V^V^JL kg B Christmas x I^HRP offer.... I if AW >:1§?: 1§? /-jhrtßH 1 bottle Gilbarto Eau de Toilette yT V m^Lm^ (worth $48.80) from Paris will be V given free for every purchase (of Ba^lW^a^al x-ik>»(7iO attache case) from 1 st December OW**
      682 words

  • 714 13 Studies soon on joint S'pore China scheme Co- production involves two multinationals THE Chinese and Singapore governments, in cooperation with a European agricultural machines engine manufacturer and an American truck components manufacturer, will soon embark on detailed technical and marketing studies under a planned Singapore-Chinese co-production scheme. Under the co-production
    714 words
  • 231 13 AN anaesthetist told a continued coroner's inquiry into the death of a 7>year-old man after a second operation that surgrry was the patient's only chance. The senior registrar of Toa Payoh Hospital, Dr Lim Ee Koon. said Mr Oten Nair Valithanhan chose to
    231 words
  • 133 13 IHK seeaad I aited Stales fl— lk aaat Asia Telecaaasaaalcatteas rsa«f»an aad eihlblttoa will be held at tke Maadarto. HMei tram today to Friday. BfprwaaialliM af CiiiaalnMiai ailalatries trasa several e«aatrtea la Aafa m well aa Aastralla, Brllala, Papaa New liaiaea aad wea« AaU
    133 words
  • 197 13 IJTTLE Fm Yap Wei, sevea, wfc» Junped 1st* drala to retrieve Us fMtball, taadealy (wud that he ntMH get nL The tine: MS p.m. m Satartoy. Like all toy* «t kto age. what else r«M ke <•, except to scream* Ike •Ifcer b»ys wb«
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 131 13 I/^rO irej/ex /oreVj pastel shades. V^H7^| Hoarj o//«« with the These come m tight cotton voile and §V*V1 Centtmon tank from Tarmya. feature lots of lace, shtrrmg and pmtucks mj^^m^kM Which little lady could resist them! TAMIYA $39 $24.50 $23 $23 The Polaroid 1000 Smokes I instant-picture taking kid's play
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 533 14 j—u FREE! A |^^\m 1O IiIBRIDGESTONE .SSTSS IV/V/MUO Superfiller from BONUS new radial technology with the Trou of 1R nar kc special rubber compound for ultimate stability! a Jr Vl v This unique compound made possible the construction l^^l laVal ll In f i ll of the ideal radial profile,
      533 words

    • 137 15 Kelantan assn wants paper banned KOTA BARU. Tues. The Kelantan Indian Muslim Association today sent a telegram to Home Affairs Minister Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie. urging him to ban the Tamil daily, Tamil Malar, in- I siead of merely suspend- ing its publishing licence. The association's spokesman. Datuk Khalid Abdul
      NST  -  137 words
    • 50 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. j Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn is on leave and will be in London on a private visit for two weeks, an official in the Prime Minister's Department said here yesterday. Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad will act as Prime Minister, he added NST
      NST  -  50 words
    • 28 15 BENTONG, Tues. Twelve people were injured, seven seriously, in a collision between an express bus and a timber lorry at Bukit Tinggi near here today NST.
      NST  -  28 words
    • 215 15 Delegate drops suit to nullify MCA polls KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) delegate from Kuala Trengganu, Mr Wee Chwee San, has withdrawn his suit against Datuk Lee San Choon and other office bearers elected at the MCA general assembly in September last year. Mr Wee, with a
      NST  -  215 words
    • 35 15 '< ALOR STAR, Tues. Kedah is to get an allocation of $2.6 billion for development under the Fourth Malaysia Plan, the State's Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Nahar Shahabuddin, said here yesterday. NST.
      NST  -  35 words
    • 151 15 JOHOSE BARI Ta«t. Three mra, eae armed with a pistol, farced a haoaewne to eaefc them a meal hefare rabbin* her aad 1 her basbaad at Bate Paaat aa Sasday alght. They brake fata the haaae at Paaehar, ahwrt 8 km tram ton wfclle Nn
      151 words
    • 348 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Tvs« THE Democratic Action Party (DAP) headquarters here has been flooded with telephone calls, telegrams and letters of support urging party secretarygeneral Lim Kit Siang to withdraw his resignation A apufcewiian at the headquarters said messages of support were pouring in
      NST  -  348 words
    • 82 15 KUALA LINPIB, Tms. Depat) Prime Mialim Datak Seri Dr Mahathir Nahamad mM vesteraay he «U a*t tatak that Deai*rradr AetUa Party wicretary -general Lin KM Steag wmM rcatga tram hai past at asaa. "Hk mala Me* hi to plrUW Uww wk* »ppw Mm," ke
      82 words
    • 323 15 Boy robber gets five years' jail and caning IPOH. Tues A 15-year-old boy who carried a 12bore home-made pistol and five rounds of ammunition during an attempted robbery, was sentenced by the magistrate's court yesterday to five years' jail and ordered to receive six strokes of "a light" rotan. The
      NST  -  323 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 66 15 1 W P^ m F QqjxsM- im,l^ oo*yU, im4U( o^ 4a*"M° L p^yp^3c.%i^ f^rvc^Utorde^ itCfc uuf UfaUcoH t»+JL a*d ofLu l?rcufititrt& SMefirJuJL, The Petikan Fountain Pen in detail: Single ex in set: fountain pen, 14 carat gold highly elastic nib ball point pen. mechanical {jPhlmhMVn «C^^ Hand assembled and hand
      66 words
    • 188 15 ■L. 4 m^kmfl mW ml M fra^\\\^^r»-w m» Imported U.K. Comfort Chair designed by Stewart Griffiths Ltd Light— weight Superior Comfort Modern Design Just one from our large assortment of "X.0." (Knocked Down) Furniture. Easy to move and transport Simple to assemble Also available in pine or with arms at
      188 words

    • 195 16 Body in boot of missing exec's car Xl ALA LI'MPI K. Tms. A tttmmpmtm b««ly, belfeved to be that «l Pakistan Inter atlaaal Alrilaws' ac(■•■■ts tnaaacer, Mr Mohamet) A bill Jabbar, 41, was f«MUMI In the boat M bis car at tke Pertain* nwplciT ba*emft car park bere today. Peiiee
      NST  -  195 words
      • 78 16 A LIBYAN Embassy driver, who pleaded guilty to committing criminal breach of trust of $52. (M belonging to the embassy, was jailed for three years by the Sessions Court in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The court was told that Rashid Hassan. 45. had not paid back a
        AFP  -  78 words
      • 71 16 A 71-YEAB-OLD man was among eight arrested when police broke up a hull fight at a kampung 51km from Kota Baru yesterday. Bachok police chief. Inspector Idris Haji Sulaiman, aid in Kota Bam that the suspects were released on a police bail of $100 each and will
        NST  -  71 words
      • 49 16 TWENTY Malaysians have been arrested for drug trafficking in West Germany since last year, the West German Finance Ministry Director, Mr Hans Hutter, said in Kuala Lumpur on Monday Mr Hutter, who is also the West German customs chief, is in Malaysia on a visit. NST.
        NST  -  49 words
    • 446 16  -  PHILIP LEE AND M.Q.Q. PILL AI By KUALA LUMPUR, Tueaday THE Malaysia-Singapore Inter-Governmen-tal Committee (IGC) is clearly going to be more than a formalised trouble-snooting body. It was going to look, as Malaysian Foreign Minister Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen said, "into new avenues
      446 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 688 16 M I BPgas J THE ONLY NON-RUST, M NON-STAIN. g DOMESNCG& g CYLINDER. BPs domestic gas cylinder is mod* of aluminium alloy. Thus it can be easily moved. BP domestic gas cylinders will not rust and stain your floors. When you buy BP gas from our Authorised Dealers, you'll be
      688 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
      237 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 711 17 ♦J'^^Ming Court Hotel Jasper Productions A SiZZlillCl Sfllß present i>>4^^4y^^|i^ Of Dazzling Diamonds '•***«aaaaa^v3 Lar tflaaaaa^r y^^^ t* m WU B^ > "^aaar^ aal Lar Bar yjl v^T^^aaaaV Tina Turner is a show business phenomenon. X She sings, she dances, she entertains. She's a aaßa»*£" m I Lm. A m^s
      711 words

  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1980
    • 386 18 THE intervention of the Prime Minister in the dispute between SLA and Siapa has brought instant and gratifying results. It has quickly reduced the damage to the tarnished reputation of the national carrier and limited the potentially considerable economic harm that could have accumulated if the due process
      386 words
    • 372 18 THERE IS nothing more satisfying than the thought that you can help yourself without the aid of others. So it is with citizens consultative and management committees in the various constituencies. After all. the principle behind the setting up of these committees is for citizens themselves to galvanise
      372 words
  • 1656 18 Hongkong's image as a British bastion fading? AS BEFITS the biggest small place in the world, Hongkong is addicted to superlatives. But even by its standards, Hongkong's business community has served up some fairly remarkable headlines over the past year or two. "Pao in HK$4 billion grab for Wharf," "Jardines
    1,656 words
  • 469 18  -  KULAMARVA BALAKRISHNA By THERE are growing fears that extremist rightwing militancy may be spread^ ing throughout Europe. Top police officials in Austria, West Germany, Switzerland, Spain, France, Belgium and Italy recently met in Vienna to tighten their coordination in preventive measures against rightwing
    469 words
  • 611 18  -  ANDREW LESLIE Oddities in Language By WORDS are add Iblags. They rti sprtag Irani aa where, I r i v f I rlrraltaa* rNln ta tar kunu Imagtaittoa, aria* applied to aae ttkimr iBathfr tk qaltr aflMi e^tag op In mi arm. of mf lag
    611 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1 18 l#
      1 words
    • 77 18 'Orient' Analogue Quartz. The latest technology with outstanding quality and t^Hj^o*^^^ B^JP^\ I V■ ki *^^P 4* V& aV^ N j •^/C//S^--^BfafaTafl Yv^ i> X^y/y^T-Ref. *****2 Ref *****6 GT ■\-^^BF id* UCuarant««Card U p c cicjafi ffa¥a¥a¥a¥a¥a¥aiJ w^r C\ With r\ Ka rx^^Wx*. Cv Purchat A ORIENT^ ORIENT SERVICE CENTRES
      77 words

    • 198 19 I AM a private candidate who took his Additional Physics practical examination at Nanyang Junior College on Nov 12. All the candidates who took this practical examination at this centre were disallowed the use of pocket calculators. The head of the science department
      198 words
    • 147 19 MISTAKES IN BASIC GRAMMAR BY THE TEACHER I WOULD like to bring to the relevant authority's attention the following matter. Recently, I was going His^ti a Primary 6 exercise paper on English when I came across no k_s than three mistakes Three mistakes on baskEngtisn grammar and vocabulary In one
      147 words
    • 90 19 PLEASE REPEB I* the Mter "Awaris hw private lUifti by "Hnhul Leaver" (BT, N*va>. We mU Hkr to iaf*r_ the writer that prtvate ■tasiite es_ ala* apply far tbe lalverslty-easi-Over-•eaa Merit Othi-fsMas for the Hamaaitae* M OxbfUge^a— the "Saftf"niai_ia_ai Caples the ptmpklrli
      90 words
    • 194 19 You have to read between the lines WITH reference to your report "The bare truth about pupils' reports" (ST. Nov 7) local teachers are not the only ones who resort to half-truths and euphemisms, when writing end of term reports. while teaching abroad, the euphemisms and halftruths appended below, were
      194 words
    • 354 19 ...before taking the exam I REFER to the letter "Not informed of the changes to NUS entry requirements" by "Candidate" (ST, Nov 22) When the National University of Singapore announced its new J mission criteria for Academic Year 1981 82. the press provided a
      354 words
    • 162 19 Maths problems that gave my daughter a hard time MY DAUGHTER is studying in Nanyang Primary School. Recently she sat for the Primary Three Final Examination. She was most disappointed with her Maths paper In one of the problem sums she was expected to convert "km" (kilometres to m (metres)
      162 words
    • 106 19 Mindef reply Education not sole criterion PLEASE REFER to the letter "Upgrading exercise should include these NCOb" by "YKT" (ST. Novl9). We would like to clarify to "YKT" and his undergraduate friends that the educational qualification of a reservist Non-com-missioned Officer (NCO) is not the sole criterion used by Mindef
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 612 19 MEDIC-ASIA® 'BI S.^. Asia 2nd International Medical Hospital Equipment Exhibition Conference Recent trends in health care in\ol\t more automated devices to bring about rapid diagnosis and ~V I treatment More disposable materials eliminate the rak of contamination and re-infectwn More postI operative and rehabilitation equipment cuts down patient time spent
      612 words

      • 377 20 HONGKONG. Tues. Share prices on the Hongkong stock exchange closed sharply lower as (ears of further US interest rate rises gripped the market, causing the Hang Seng index to plunge 80.43 points to 1.361.39, dealers said. Heavy selling orders compounded by margin calls were evident all morning as investors
        377 words
      • 495 20 TOKYO, Tues. Share prices closed lower, led by blue chips and high-priced issues, with many investors discouraged by the sharp overnight fall on Wall Street, dealers said. The market average shed 17.23 to 7,143.06 on volume of 330 million shares. The Tokyo Stock Exchange index ended at 491.28, down
        495 words
      • 140 20 CHINESE Prtataee Exekaage, Stagaswre, fltajig prtcas) per IM kf yeatartoy: Ciuaaal all: Bulk fob $140 00 seUerr. old drum (in second hand drum) fob J152 00 sellers, new drum fob $160 00 sellers. Caara: Mixed (loose) $81.00 buyers. Piapir: Muntok white pepper fob Asta NLW $415.00 sellers. Sarawak
        140 words
      • 112 20 THE KILOBAR market for gold deliverable in Singapore yesterday opened at 5J42.511 and closed at $42,612. Gold in the Far East opened at U*****.50 628.50 The market saw some demand and improved slightly to close at $629/630. Gold was fixed in London yesterday morning at US$629 25 tmtm: H
        112 words
      • 37 20 mm m New Yort IS MB 18 506 ÜBS U.H6 Zurich UNB 18 MB W.OOS MOOS TBM Mm Sta«apan U. 38 11.M8 U.M6 MOOS Ckatng prica in US dollar* troy ouncr Umim: (MH Mm. l>n.
        37 words
      • 31 20 THE interest rate (or United Overseas Bank US$25 million notes due 1981 for the period Nov 28 to May 29. 1981 has been fixed at 17 3/16 per cent.
        31 words
      • 232 22 SYDNEY. Tues. Speculation of an imminent rise in interest rates continued to subdue trading today tut several oil issues made good pi ogress ahead of the Opec meeting in Bali, dealers said Among oil leaders Santos rose 10 cents to AJ18.30 while WoodsKie was unchanged at pa
        232 words
      • 213 22 NEW YORK. Mon The slock market today closed broadly lover la active trading, paced by weakness in the energy group. Concerns about further increases in interest ram sparked the decline, as another rise in the prime rate from the current 17 per cen' anticipated. Major banks
        213 words
      • 218 22 ZURICH. Mon Prices closed mixed with OerlikonBuehrle higher among financial*, dealers s«id Swissair tinned and industri als were generally lower with Ciba-Geigy. Nestle and unofficially quoted Hoffmann-la Roche under pressure Banks fell slightly but unofficially quoted Dow Banking Corp rote while insuraces were little changed CLOSING PBH'IK
        218 words
      • 241 22 AMSTERDAM. Mon Share prices closed mixed to higher with Royal Dutch down from opening levels, but still 0 50 guilders up from Friday, and KLM 0 70 and Akzo 0.60 lower in Dutch internationals, dealers said. Banks firmed with ABN 3 SO and mortgage bank WITH
        241 words
      • 468 22 LONDON. Mon Gold mining shares featured in an oiher•tsp quid maon with gains of up to US (00 cmts noted, dealers said Heavyweight gold producers with gains of between 300 and 600 cents included lUndfon tein. Vaal Reefs. Amgoid. Harttes and GFSA. dealers added Elsewhere, leading
        468 words
      • 54 22 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Monday 493.3 Friday Week Ago SOU DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Monday 989.46 Friday 9JBJ4 Week Ago 9TO.7S H K HANG SENG Tue»day 1M1JB Monday 1441 82 Week Ago 1*94.41 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Tuesday TKLOJ Monday TI0.41 Week Ago 787 J7 ALL ORDINARIES Tuwday lp».l» Monday 1030
        54 words
      • 135 20 THE STRAITS tin price in Penang yesterday fell M|( to $1,905 per picul. C40 below the International Tin Agreement ceiling, dealers said. Sentiment was affected by higher disposal of tin ores ahead of the year-end and a lower overnight London Metal Exchange. Turnover rose to 240 tonnes from 227
        135 words
      • 39 20 Rubber Dec 2 Singapore: Dec: 295.50 cent* (down 4 cents) Malaysia: Dec: 306.00 cents (down 3.25 cents) Tin: M$ 1,905 (down $6) (equivalent to $31.50 per kilo) (down 10 cents) Official offering: 240 tonnes (up 13 tonnes)
        39 words
      • 31 20 LONDON: Copper prices on Monday (previous in brack eu): Wirebar Spot £844.00 (£840.00); sellers £844.50 (£841.00); Three Month buyers £869.50 (£865.50). sellers £870.00 (£866.00). Market taac: Steady Sales: 6,900 tonnes
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      • 466 20 THE SINGAPORE rubber market closed slightly easier yesterday with December One RSS buyers quoted at 295.50 cents per kilo, down 4 cents from Monday's close, dealers said. Morning prices were marked down about 3 cents on speculative long releases and lower Japanese market levels. In the afternoon prices fell
        466 words
      • 76 20 NOON SSK «d SMX pne. rMM fa y ■AS DMMbi {Cirral Mlk) M>» >I-V»pd«l 242.00 244 OON SWaO llloapalM) 2M.00 MOOON kihj SMR CV il baidhtl Sl.00 B&MM smrl nu»pdbu aioo am iu«(«fc4i aroo mioon SMRCP ilu^a.1 UNO UNO SMR 10 (I-KmmNmi M2M M4-MN SMR20 iImMmi JSOM
        76 words
      • 45 20 'roaoa Mia*, kutral Ami Itrail* Tr.din, > C B C l»r,uol., t I' I M C 1 M H I >ab»c Bask «ytap* >uaiop lad (nrnt.l HM|I 20S0 1400 1300 1100 1410 1390 1220 790 980 166 610 570 -1JI -111 -40 JO 30 -25
        45 words
      • 30 20 Uoodwood Ptrk 100 I O I Lou Prop«rti*a VBIOII Boustead it* View row. A City 83 404 248 am 156 430 310 38' 36 30 15 13 10 8
        30 words
      • 21 20 m Unul UOL Sinw Darby F Merlin Total turnover: 9.04m Total value: $38.23 Source: SES i.m.uuu 5-3.000 497.000 377.000
        21 words
      • 36 20 BT.Indtcator Industrials: Finance Hotels: 1 Properties: Minings: Plantations: OCBC: SESInd: Dec 1 Dec 2 ***** *****38 83 ***** ***** 1276 42 1260 37 687.54 04.46 622.54 618.02 440.43 434.03 888.03 ***** ***** 658.31 604.***** 82
        36 words
    • 381 20 SELLERS swarmed the Singapore Stock Exchange yesterday, seeding skare prices br— dly Icwer la imdrnU trading Lying behind tke weaker tread were fears *f farther prime rate Increase* as well as tke paw perl •rmaaccs af •veneas markets. la New Y»rk, tke market saffered Its
      381 words
    • 278 20 Share prices [ell back on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday following further slides in some of the overseas markets. Although opening values were marked a shade steadier, lack of follow-through soon resulted in prices retreating across the boards. By the afternoon session, sellers had returned after the
      278 words
    • 219 20 THE US dollar yesterday opened at 2.1000 25 again*! the local currency and traded (Irmly around 2.1035 35 before doting at 2 1022 30 Eurodollar rale< eaaed slightly on news that US money supply MIA and M1B fell USS2.1 billion How. ever the dollar remained firm on
      219 words
    • 324 20 INTERBANK rates at 3.00 pm: CmodM Momin«l ratM Smithsonian Parcanlag* quoted yaalerday (croea)parlty Chang* Local dollars to »ac wdt of foreiga currency: 5 L ASIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at close on Dec 2: closing Asian dollar certlflcates of deposit for prlme names: 1 month 18 50
      324 words
    • 45 20 RANGE of prices ottered by dimcount houses on Dee 2 OvmUfht su, Call deoosits 6 to 7 uejwsiis iSZT! s.iu_ n»nt IMsassJ 3-month g g BS*lSu .4. 14. 3 months CD 13 9/16 13 7/16 8 months CD 133/16 131/16 B—rea: Niniail DfcmaaX Ca.
      45 words
    • 34 20 Closing interbank rates t Slnfapore dollars on Dec 2: otter Bid Overnight 4 3, 1 month 13 12 2 months 13 13. 3 months 139 1* 13 7 It Overnight mode 11'-
      34 words
    • 23 20 THE AVERAGE rale at which malar Slagaparr haoks are curreaUy prepared to leatfto taeir beat castomen la 11A per ceat.
      23 words
    • 1277 21 THE tarn iti—iW m*r m* .1 tue rtaar *»hhmi ai rt» Smc* EipUmp of Ss«> E^ T'**' "T—"« y. 1-*'*'?.I—'*"1—'*" *r)l1111 IMO UM Bttjk L*w C— ».»> •*>• ..r..,,. ■■■■•i IMMSTIHI t (lIMMUrUL h I N n I Dosing tone: Easy. Turnover: Official figures supplied by the Stock
      1,277 words
    • 1943 21 BID tad —m priem iMddjr Ma* ■ItakiB Ib as ijnm< to tkr tmM am m bndmalouol LM uMi iMlni atacraiav Ited All Ttaai SmlpmtM CoMnn air fnM afttr tkr warn IMt" Bl* Board daaJ (la Mi of 2JM ■alts) are queued after lar trtwn SECTION ONE INDI/8TBIAL
      1,943 words
    • 1935 21 BID aad oOtr artcw aBctm? MaM ud ImMi aul laja-lii to tar Kaaai Ljaaaar Slock Exsaaj? jw*Mi) «ttk tar amber at atom trwtad amakKMiiMi of s INWSnUALB Mna (IMS) (2) IN IM 14 12B 4 2K) (T) 4 1* (1) 4M ■ir 4 1* (2) 4 12 Bm
      1,935 words
    • 498 22 SHAREHOLDERS of Malay an Drtwertes have good reason to drink to the favourable results of their company for the financial year ended Sep 30 Thanks to the evergrowing population of beer and stout drinkers, the group was able to achieve a record pre-tax profit of
      498 words
    • 251 22 Bonus issue from SEAsia Lumber SOUTH East Asia Lumber has announced a one-for-one bonus issue and a higher final dividend of 10 per cent tax exempt (2 per cent previously) following better results for the year ended June 30. 1980. Group pre-tax profit rose by 8 per cent to M$7
      251 words
    • 175 22 MNGAPOBE I NIT TaH 8T [Mlllllll 1 prim tar Dm t) The Commerce J. 38 3.47 The Savings Fund 199 209 Spore Prof Fund 1 44 1.51 S pore Sec Fund 2.14 IB Spore Invest Fund ISO 2 00 Spore Equity Fund 1.35 1.42xd ASA UNIT TSUBT (Haifa"
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 280 20 Non-stick bakeware It s as simple as that EKCO Baker's Secret from $4 20 We coat siiicone in and outside every pan to $8 30 aaMjaaajai So baked foods simply slip right off And because its non-stick its easier so»Ag»nt wt to clean Just rinse, dry and use them HIAP
      280 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 227 21 MB tysUri'*-' nMr^ml I < Pfimßa M. .mßml BBBBBBBBnu. 4nul I m^m^mul^mi K. '^BK m^mT A*& BBBbT .aBBBnI X JMIILmV^SBBBSHBBBnI Hh Kid m wk-^^^JF* farteb 6oc* to oet 1|» 4 f 4 MARANTZ PM 710 f^A J A t J A ff#^^>t A>J^tu o(Jrf£& AIWA AL/"LAoO »*x\ I <ijrs^^^^^\— EPI
      227 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 495 22 REGIONAL MARKETING ENGINEER WEII-STIMULATION/VVORKC^ BACKGROUND Attractive Salary and Benefits Negotiable Base: Singapore A large international trading organisation The position is open to all nationalities and which is expanding into the energy services expatriates will be entitled to the standard industry wishes to appoint a Marketing fringe benefits Engineer who will
      495 words
    • 366 22 JM^SB SPORTS VflSfi COUNCIL TENDER NOTICE TENDER FOR ADVERTISEMENTS AT THK NATIONAL STADIUM Dl RING MALAYSIA Cl'P 1*81 Tenders are invited from I advertisers to display advertisements at the National Stadium during Malaysia Cup 1981 Soccer Series. The advertisements subject to tender consist of the (ollowinga) 20 -A' Signs facing
      366 words
    • 438 22 Mayens de TOurs the gateway to Ifeflto^ playground Nt> Mi EmE. *>* MBaUL^LaaW^V »hT ft^aflaW W "^^^^ata^B^B^baaM a^»^^ i*t 41 The Swiss Alps. Breathtaking. Lots or excitement I and fun. Skiing from one valley to another by I tween larches and Swiss pines hundreds ot years old. There's sun-bathing, sauna,
      438 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 589 23 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX tTelwphoo. S»r»Ke *****22 PERSONAL SERVICES ..msv ,^-bjb^bw -^aBMBBw Mondoy Fttdoy 830 n m 500pm Odanory 80 c»* p«f »*ofd (man >1 2 OOt MERCHANDISE ITKwSL Rood oh S2"r r *SSr. ln < $^V i ??0»t^o, l T^ JH, ISKSw»Ce£|IENTS PERSONAL Uppw Poyo Letxv Rood
      589 words
    • 738 23 Get it at: CATHAY PHOTO STORE (PTE) LTD 36 BRAS BASAH ROAD SINGAPORE 0718 TEL: *****51/*****74 Q-12-14 PENINSULA PLAZA COLEMAN STREET SINGAPORE 0817 TEL *****74/*****08 •Fast-Lunch Service aW^L New Chefs Jr^l Revised Menu rat i^% Meals at economical I prices Esl^^bl I Snenton Way Trade Own House Anneie |lOppo»ieNTUCiTel *****82
      738 words
    • 415 23 EASTERN UNITED TRADING PTE LTD (JUNK DEPT.) Our Junk Store at 63 A, Lorong L, Tatofc Kurau Road Singapore 1542 has varieties of New and Used Merchandise for DAILY CLEARANCE SALE There are MORE Varieties for disposal at CHEAP prices such as gas cookers, washing machines, refrigerators, mattresses, single and
      415 words
    • 502 23 DRAWN >* 4&JJOUSC Come to Orchard Rood Try our Genuine LIVE SEAFOOD DISHES 15-17 TIVERTON OFF KILLINEY ROAD SINGAPORE 0923 TEL: *****33/4 V Busin—s Hour 11am to 3am ck PERANAKAN FOOD. COME to kN Charlie's Cooked Food at Buklt be Merah Town Centre. Blk 161. th 3749. Spore 0315. for
      502 words
    • 480 23 DRESSMAKING Advanc«Lov*< Mon/Wed/Frl 2.30 5.30 pm commencing 5/12/80 Mon/Wed/Frl 6 45 9 45 pm commencing 5/12/80 o tUwnnlar. Duniwaalm Saturday 2-6 pm commencing 6/12/80 o FaaWen Daaigwlog Sunday 1.00 -4.00 pm Enrol now at THE ASSOCIATED SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING ART 801 MB Poopto'i Park Comptoi Ml Floor, {Utt Lift.
      480 words
    • 585 23 II W< laanalind lotmt dmgm ot mm 9Otn, wwi^ow grMrt. aMb* doo. po.t,' Mom. olio contractor for renovation work tuck OS p«»l«H. Hooray »tc CmMwioi ore ■■Icuiiw. YW&tN CO m. LTD. Mock IOS4. Mo IS [«o> A««M 7A SnM^oro 1440. T.I *****56. *****75 40 Aircon/Rel'igeralor AIRCONOITIONERS FOR SALEII Servicing of
      585 words
    • 742 23 li»») fnii i F«aanal rumw ■■J T ic <s— JD 1 £rtsr. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY NEW ZEALAND We have been retained by a New Zealand based client who is the sole proprietor of a prime commercial property located in the capital city, Wellintrton. The property, valued at USD 2.6 million enjoyed
      742 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 564 24 BtiSir>e>ss AaNFRsCA japan EUROPE Trade Dim-lories just arrived Contact Asatnro KM MS Mil. Room 1801 H«h street Centre. S pore SSI7 porters looking (or all sons of motor car acTeaaoftes. gusvaaicks Ana nowtUes Please send cata lea, ana, brochures and export pnre lists to Kahan Associates MG Armenian Street Spore
      564 words
    • 674 24 i. StrvtOeM 4 «ai^Vi Km POSH BOUTIOWE AT Tanglln shopping Centre for take-over without slock $14,000 Area 350 sqfl Intrrrsird call Miss Bin JSSXaM between SJOarn and 53Bpm RCOUIREO ISWOAFOeaT. MADE Transistor Rsdlos. Brooches. Cassette and Video Tapes and other producu for overseas markei Call 2»***** Mr Oh Dominion Pie
      674 words
    • 636 24 Nr» ly established Ladle* Fashion Company requires ASSISTANT STORE MANAGERS aae) FASHSON CO-OMNNATOM Applicants must be bilingual and possess OCE O level certificate previous working experience is not necessary but an advantage Successful candidates will be given training locally and overseas Salary will commensurate with qualifications and expertInterested applicants please
      636 words
    • 606 24 An eetebltsriacj Commercial Firm requires CLERKS/TYPISTS Interested applicants should have completed GCE O' level and must be able to type at about 35 wpm sum* and CONTACT NUtMKR lo 17A PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE 0104 AN ESTABLISHED OIL company requires Male and Female Oeneral Clerks cum Typists with OLE i) level,
      606 words
    • 587 24 A Travel Agency requires TYPIST/ CLERK 1 OCE O' Level certificate 2) Must have 40 to SO wpm typing speed 31 1 to 2 years working experience 4) Accounts knowledge preferable but not essential 5) Salary negotiable with 1 month bonus paid Please contact JENNIFER LOH *****82 or call personally
      587 words
    • 619 24 Company Jurong r#QWifW •*■>- wsdsslsly GENERAL CLERK (Fleet and Offshore Supplies Olilllmi) a Minimum GCE O level with credit in Maths c Typing speed of 40 to 45 wpm c Able to do fast and accurate calculations c Preferably with experience in similar division Pleaae caa astiass Ext. i between
      619 words
    • 854 24 EXPANDMG FIRM M Jurong requires urgently secretary v managing director Must bl ently without supervision Remuneration negotiable abovi $400 per month plus other benefits Interested please apply lo PO Box 3409. Spore 90M will] resume and telephone number EXPERIENCED TYPISTS. PABX/ PMBX Switchboard Operator! and Accounts Clerks urgentl) required Call
      854 words
    • 543 24 JOB I OPPORTUNITIES FOR IMMEDIATE I EMPLOYMENT I MALE CLERKS I* Pleasant personality: I* Some experience in I keeping In an englneerI ing or motor firms: Possess Class 3 driving IiIwe work S day ■week and provide: la) Salary adjustment after I Probationary Period Ibi Transport subsidy 1 In Annual
      543 words
    • 477 24 Legal hrm requires immediately 1) SMORTMANO TYPIST/ SECRETARY II CONVEYANCING CLERK 3) ACCOUNTS CLERK c Able lo keep full set of books Plea** apply personally with com 418 Far East Shoppmg Centre Orchard Roed Singapore 0*23 GOOD TYPISTS EFFICIENT SECRETARIES SHIPPING CLERKS You are needed for immediate assignments at Shenlon
      477 words
    • 456 24 INCORPORATED STORE CLERK I (Female) in English an I .tnd able to do typing I iMMp ai kiih Ke>- 1 in will he ;in .ids.tnuiue a Interested applicant- HUMAN RESOURCE DIVISION 9 PBIHTED CIRCUITS 9 INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD f 23 LOK YANG WAY. JURONG 9 SINGAPORE 22«? m business \\aW
      456 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 626 25 JH eft Srtuatrons Vacant m) BmcrmtarialV CleMcMl P*C*IC OCEAN LANES PTE LTD rrquirr* MALE IaP'BIS CLERK Possess OCE -OlewlCerUf I gats c Abie to type 1 year's working experience In ca* TEL ttssess a» mininili at So** MBS/S. Beer Asm ChaMSwr*. JB, eseCaßewi Sweet part- Teas' rveaST uWOSsfTlv required AMe
      626 words
    • 667 25 SECRETARY W* ere leasing s*r a lm|i»n r**n tainale m h*r endlwevles)gs an** eiperience la The successful csndidste must possess an O Level OCE with good credit In English and have attained a shorthand speed of st least SO wpm snd typing speed of 36 wpm More importantly, she must
      667 words
    • 621 25 WANTED FEMALE OENCRAI Clerk Able to lype snd corre spond Interested applicant please enclose photograph (non returnable i and personal detail! lo The Manager Bik MSI. 1104 Ang Mo Km Industrial Park 2 Spor»2oS» WANTED asaSEOUTILV A Mall Junior General Clerk Pleas, contact *****(7 *****5S J BO AAOSMG CLERKS Age
      621 words
    • 623 25 A REAL ESTATE AOENCY s requires A FEMALE SALES REPRESENTATIVE inlatlve and hardworking must have own transport lauisslss- as»ii«li passe* apply WMfc flies ptYttCMlan, FVSOTt pKOtO- graph and contact liliamm n THE ADVERTISER CRAWFORD e.o. BOX S7S SatOAPORE 111* Ars yea working, retired. weeeeresrr With mm! aa ess* order a
      623 words
    • 584 25 FEMALE BALIS ASSISTANTS re quired Call personally lo Exquisite Olft Shop. 300 Orchard Road Flupatrick's Shopping Arcade between 11am and 5 p m FEMALE SALES PROMOTERS wanted by a ladles' boutique CSII7ST7S2S FEMALE SALES PROMOTORS Requires for Men's and Ladles fashion clothes to serve at departmental stores. Starting salary *****0
      584 words
    • 706 25 PHOTO S SOUND CAMERA SHOP urgently requires MALE/FEMALE SALES ASSISTANTS Interested please write to No BS9. 22nd Floor People's Park Complex. Singapore 0105 (With photograph L telephone) PIAS COSMETICS REQUIRES Counter Beauty Advisors High salary and attractive benefits can be expected for successful applicants Please call Alicia Lee at *****3
      706 words
    • 562 25 WANTED esDOOR EXPERIENCED Salesmen and Salesgirls for tailoring and ready made goods Come personally 114. Far East bhopptn* Centre, or ring *****38. Orchard Road WANTED OUTDOOR SALES Promoters Housewives or school leavers also accepted Good basic salary plus high commission Transport provided Interested call *****23. WANTED SALES PERSONNEL lo market
      562 words
    • 566 25 M PrtOFIMIONAL Ml YOUR CAREER A aatniiilai A Wrnpm Cmwm t$ too pejin. Stop being so IsMpll Win B*l J. Seize this opportunity and it e*tt ba a gr»t leap ronaasra. Gassje ajMt laws osar Oman Ml Mi ass, wen* paw Coßeaaeiy as ELECTRICAL/ ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN Dtptorm/ITC in Electrical or
      566 words
    • 583 25 EXPERIENCED BARGE WELDERS I Apply personally to: Mr. Tan Yew Liang, McConnell Dowell SEA Pte. Ltd. Mo. 7 Jalan Beeut. Jurong, Singapore 2361 FEMALE DESIGNERS/ DRAFTSWOMAN urgently required by an Interior Design Company Attractive salary, part-time considered Please call Miss Agnes Ng al tel *****11 2 for an interview FITTER/
      583 words
    • 437 25 HITACHI CHEMICAL (S) PTELTO 20 KDOK SOUTH ROAO. (I***) requires A) ELECTRICIAN Mgaj To carry oul electrical maint- nance, installation and repair ITC in Electrical Engineering r r NTC 3 in Electrical Fitting ai.J Installation with few years experience B) MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS Dutiee To repair and maintain factory production machinery
      437 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 297 26 H Ef*t]*toyiMnt HA 4C Situation* Vacant c) a*rorf«c(l*Mr An ••fateMaajtaotf peps' fACtory Pfi Jit- »> SMECTMC MaCHMC OPCMATOa a. s>a»*n tub* mac wast OPCRATO* Arrreem* aaleri mm be essst— I* m 'THAI MOAO JUaOMG TOWN asvastk: r*CTo«. Miliviun- siith work permit arr .ii*4 to appl) Ini*T»«t«l apalrranls plrasr rail prrvMially
      297 words
    • 224 26 LAMIPAK SEALS THE WORLD A leader m the field of Plastics Packaging requires (A) MALE EXTRUDING MACHINE OPERATORS |100 VKMCKSI Requirement Prepared to work on 3 rotating Shifts Basic Pay: a $1.00 per hour Not less than $365.00 per month C onfirmatrOni a $2.00 per hour Not less than $385.00
      224 words
    • 372 26 Us?* JOIN US AS MAU/FEMAIi PRODUCTION OPERATORS We offer a High starting pay Transport allowance a Attendance allowance Meal allowance Confirmation bonus a 5-day work week No shift work Medical benefits II F*aaaa apply personally Monday to Fnday: 8 am to 8 pm Tta pinmil NaarßMßi an mum euctimks mm
      372 words
    • 353 26 ■a^Wßgaaaaa m m W W I i Required immediately 1 FEMALE FACTORY OPERATIVES F#fT)«N# o*irninfls p#r dayslo7B and $11 28 after i 3 months probation Working Hour. 7.45 am lo SJO pm Courteous and understanding supervisors No shift work No scope work i Staff price for colour TV other Company's
      353 words
    • 95 26 I^LsS^B^r*~Bß*. *B*L—^■^BBBBr-^t fl QO ~<s m ST 3 ro 3? o> z z I I 5I 5 luL ij i J77A W I! I if liH bbbbbblW* t) Miscellaneous A HOTEL REOUIRES a Night Watchman for clerical duties and able to speak English Age not required Interested please call *****11
      95 words
    • 741 26 DRIVER NEEDEO TO work in Jurong area, must \peak good English and have completed National service Call *****61 between 9 a m and 12 noon lo arrange interview DRIVER WANTED. AGE 30 above Must possess valid class 3 driving licence Please lei *****4 (or interview A LOCAL PLASTICS company requires
      741 words
    • 726 26 CARRIER MTERNA TIONAL CORPORATION Asx-PacifK Office hes en immodtsl. opening lor s DRIVER CUM OFFICE PEON Applicants must possess a valid class 3 driving licence with minimum 3 years' driving experience and be able to read and write English Please call *****59 EXT. IS) during OfftCC (*OOf* to** a«ppO*nlm*nt. CHINESE
      726 words
    • 660 26 FOSTERS STEAK HOUSE require an Experienced Cook and on Female Amah immediately Ca ■I Room 4 238. Amber Man 'ion. Orchard Road (Near Ca Ulayi GENERAL DELIVERY ASSISTAN required Able to ride motorry cle Please call at 1108 Tan Booi Liat Building. 316 Outram Roac S><eeO3l6 GENERAL HELPER* Apply 3(
      660 words
    • 492 26 HARDWARE COMPANY REOUIRES > Delivery Driven Must be physically strong with working experience and English educat- ed Interested parties please call *****1 1 for an interview T n HOLLANDSE CLUB Dm wwntdirtt v«c«wic»m for ttw j •©•owing: 1) CLERK/TYPIST 2) STEWARDS STEWARDESSES i- Attractive salary, incentives and >- lood allowance
      492 words
    • 572 26 LMXTEVfS-JACOKRO CASUAL LABOURERS Interested tandidates are requested to come personally (or interview al LMOCTtVIS-JACOBERO |FI) »Tt LTO No. 1. Commonaeelth Lan* Siojepors 0314 ToeeehV Yea. HITACHI KOKI (S) PTE LTD raquiraa: MALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS c Age between 1 7 and 25 c At least Sec 1 education c Completed N
      572 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 432 27 ■-f ~l** 4* StttMrttoft* Vacant I) i§l TIHatH*MJ [laWWCBHBll)) BOOYBNKLO THE MOST >»OOFINO preceii the tar ACCOUNTS CLERK (FEMALE) c Smaapere CMuen c AMa te maneae cempwto •et er kiimli end work c Typmaw ml OiiiMliiliiiiii A level lIIIIIIM er LCC hiaher preteeaemel eaaatsRUSTPROOFING TECHNICIANS CLEANERS. c Sataepere Cmten c
      432 words
    • 425 27 Rank MOTEL invites applications for the following positions la) ommair. Cumin Mi talary KMOOO Credit in Mathematics Prepared to do shift duties (k) Ber Porter •esarySMOOO Primary Education Prepared to do shift duties (c) Kitchen Cteenir SatanrSMOOO Prepared to do shift duties Id) Kitchen Porte. «llinj SMOOO Prepared to do
      425 words
    • 540 27 \O<fO/ require* 1) TECHNICIANS Far A) STEELWORK B) OUTFITTINOS Candidates are required to supervise project work In their respective fields of work They should be in possession of a Technician Diploma or its equivalent from a recognised Insutute of Learning Their experience should include 3 to 5 years site supervision,
      540 words
    • 453 27 PHILIPS (VIDEO I) Lorong 1 Toa Pay oh Singapore 1231 lo> the teaowing peernene MECHANIC (Kinomat Section) c NTC 3 In Mechanical stream a Experience though preferable Is not essential a Applicants must be prepared to work on Ist and 2nd rotating shifts Dawn. c Operate and maintain Kinomat machine
      453 words
    • 599 27 Our Company ie a member buJrq with lha daaton and tabrtßrtiOß el traneport irtuepwant and dlaMkMMr lor wall known IBM) rial handling aqulpm«nl and ouaHty parta Wa ar* now looking Mr a carwar-tiMridad paraon la roenuaaa:STOREKEEPER a Experience In general store-keeping duties preferably In EngineerIng parts c To perform regular
      599 words
    • 607 27 •HIP CHANOCMC COMPANY requires 2 Delivery Clerks with knowledge of PSA documentation and clearance of cargo Salary will commensurate with experience Please cail at 18. Jalan KHang Baral. Spore 0315 for Interview Tel ******6/1 S.R.S. requires a FEMALE FIELD SUPERVISOR 1 OCE •O' Level or equivalent 2 Able to converse
      607 words
    • 1062 27 AMAH REOUMED FOR British family Dlst II References and g) Tutorial c Tfl z* B2 o3 AMERICAN f AMB.T WITH 3 Children requires experienced fuII-rULL*.ART-T»Mi TUTOR, reou.r- nrseTieanm.^T^ook".*, ed by tuition centres Attractive out ion Able to speak English Income Food/lodging /transport piease cail 45M133 o ;'^tcoLtS e s7n,^ T*
      1,062 words
    • 846 27 k B^K gW^MVBV Bs»^ ivß IWmbl lUiPiPtßM^Bsßsßsßst 1 LIAT ENTERPRISES invites you to come in and test-drive a SUBARU today We're open on Sundays. Available ,1 1300 DU600GIF 1600 S- Wagon Auto Manual and 1800 Gf T^^^-_^s-e_f| pataßaaaafceaßaaaaflß 1 VOLVO SM Car Rent* Rent your Volvo from the specialists! Better
      846 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 984 28 \\t v M c9^^ kH a> a^ak-> aL b^bbbbbb%*> ('Vbbbbt'S IM Ma^Bß*aW««B*B»4l ■BT*ThBB» i* a^^LfaTafafA C/\j USNoUOKjLId nundprootir pfoc a^a#a| ,>^ Spray -p .s>|laß^fi Mr** j&fcMg,g^». Additives I Car Driving Computer II Maori /I I Maori /T I nil PVxr SM6O 00 SS4OO 00 BjBBJBBI /T I BBS run. Coatrol
      984 words
    • 862 28 SS V«hic*M For Sat* d) Fiat I*7l FIAT m Special. 1800 c c 2 selte Eligible for PARF Highest offer secures Call *****6 .'erry 1*74 PUT 114 Special, aircond. sports rims, showroom condition Selling $10,650 Eligible for PARF Tel *****17 1*74 FIAT I*4 Sports Private owner, aircond radio cassette Immaculate
      862 words
    • 727 28 g) Masda ALMOST I*7*. MAZOA 323 One private Cassette, aircond. 5 doors Tax 4/81 $14,900 Exchange scrap accepublr *****9 DEC 1*73 MAZOA 929 Beautiful condition Aircond cassette. radio, one owner $9.500 ono Conuct Mr Robert Llm *****21 MAZOA I*lo CC. July "73. Tip top condition With accessories Must sell Highest
      727 words
    • 945 28 I*7* MERCEDES BENZ 200 Manual One private owner In showroom condition Please conucl *****55 Robert I*** I** AUTOMATIC 1977 250 Automatic 1979 200 Manual Call Peter Cheong *****3. 9 MONTH* OLD Mercedes 200 White color Showroom condition ***** V X Loh I) Mitsubishi ALMOST 1*74, OALANT *****. Aircond cassette Tax
      945 words
    • 799 28 1*77 TOYOTA CROWN Super Saloon One private owner, fully automatic, aircon expensive cassette radio Good condition Reasonable offers secures Tel WISJ.V. I*7* OCTOBER, COROLLA 1200 Road tax Sept -81. nrw tyrrs. Aircond Excellent condition Ring after 11 am *****41/ ******3 I*7* TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 Saloon One owner, aircond sports rims,
      799 words
    • 731 28 rMREWr, CALL *****72 BALESTIER BRANCH *****33 GEYLANG BRANCH *****54 KIM KEAT BRANCH 15 Lilts ttStnrtYti For A Full Range of NEW MARCH I*M SUBARU ULF Road Ux nrw with aircond Tip top condition Selling $26,000 negotiable Trl *****4 Jimmy MID 1*73 VOLVO 144S Nrw aircond compresser tyres RPM Meter, suspension
      731 words
    • 772 28 I*7*. 1*77. I*7*. Datsun IiUO Hi. k ■ptvEßceMntl condition Nti paintwork Selling rhrap Trl ■MBJ 1*77 MAZOA 12M pickup U. 900 1*74 Mazda FlOOO van «3.900 BotM >mf aemat Trl: *****3* I*7*. MAZOA EJOOO Rrgn no YA 7079P Highest otrer vt mrs ConUct *****3* I*7* DATSUM PICKUP one owner Beautiful
      772 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 643 29 BjagUz- Freehold Land Easy instalments available Prompt handing over of shops Book now to avoid disappointment. enouimts i bookings WvSWIwJ S^B>^Pe^*^^^BJie^6eai rMb* e*(A«V 15th Fir. Far East Shopping Ontre. Orchard Road. Sinoapor* 0923 Tel *****1 1 (201 ines) Enjoy all the comforts and privacy of living in a home away
      643 words
    • 1193 29 B»a»^B>B»B>»^l|j FOR SALE BY TENDER COMMERCIAL PROPERTY JALAN PAUL, SEREMBAN Approximately 41.179 square feet of commer- i cial property for sale by tender In the com- < merclal centre of Sererr.ban. Particulars of the Property and Tender documents will be supplied upon application made in writing and tender of a
      1,193 words
    • 794 29 LUXURIOUSLY FUMMSHEO CALI'OMNIAN styled double-storey Dungalow Available for immedlite occupancy In East Coast with very well kept garden 5 bedrooms, with 5 bathrooms and 6 urcons Rental $3,500 not negotiable Interested please call *****41 Sandra OMCHAMD ROAD VICINITY quiet neighbourhood Double-storey »eml-delached house, newly painted, aircond. fully furnished, ipaclousgarden $2,300
      794 words
    • 852 29 A CHOICE SELECTION DISTRICT* c A luxurious high Moo executive 3-bedroomei apartment with spaclou split-level living/ dlnini servant's amenities, aw urn and pool facilities Mental S4JBO DWTMCTI* c A tastefully furnished 3-bed roomed condomu.iun apartment with spit ou balcony, security and sport facilities Mental at $3,500 DISTRICT 11 c A
      852 words
    • 860 29 EXCLUSIVE BRANO NEW Ridgewood terrace apartment 3 bedrooms, large patio. 3JOO sqft r Tennis/ squash courts, swim- mlng pool. 24-hour security, pars tlally furnished $4,200 Orchard Housing *****74 3 2 y EXCLUSIVE TOWNHOUSE AT Shelford Road with large swimming pool, built-in area approx 6.000 sqft All Facilities Tel *****14/ 5
      860 words
    • 790 29 DISTRICT s* FURNISHED room for foreign students single $500 including meal, laundry *****32(9 to spm > DIST 10. TASTEFULLY FURMSHED aircondltioned room with bath attached, access to all facilities Ideal for respectable foreigner only *****3 DIST 112* AMCON/FUMNMHED. Quiet locality No ccoking Bachelor Car porch Easy transport *****2 OIST FURNISHED
      790 words
    • 849 29 WANTED TO MINT 2 3-roomed unfurnished HDB Fiat al Bedok Area Contact *****98 WANTED 4/S-ROOMEO HDB flat Furnished/ unfurnished. Marine Parade. Katong. Haig Road vicinity $400 to $500 Phone *****55 Neel c) Rooms QUIET, FURNISHED/ UNFURNISHED room in dlst 8 urgently required by working girl Tel *****01 SIMPLE WORKING LADY
      849 words
    • 884 29 DIST 20 CLOSI TO *> rus Yaohan. extensively renovated 4 000 mj ft 4 bedrooms Freehold Kul>. furnished 5440.000 IDS *****77 DIST. M, T AM ARHSO ROAO Camel Ha Park double-storey semi-de-tached bungalow, (type A) Selling MSOOOO (Type Bl Semi-dc-Uched bungalow S4MOOO Uist 19 Upper Serangoon Road. sms double-storey semi-detachrd.
      884 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 624 30 S3 tte*Nt*>ntia. ProperkasForSalt a CHSjafiE OP apartments and l< mrfWoK 1500.00* Park Far East Man si.l,. l, %onf Leont Condominium Man 1 u<k> Plaza Maryfakt Park Mimosa Park 1 .rlbank. *-«ta»»«. ACT NOW* RWMelWOmi UHOUHO RMRT 1 000 aan 3 bedrooms on high riimt new Apartment Sa* for completion March
      624 words
    • 773 30 I^J DMT* 1* a 11 luxurious apartments with swimming pool 3 bedrooms Area 2.200 >q ft Vacant possession $420*00 $•50 o*o Tel 2*4306"; OIST I*. ORiaiVß.il CONDOMI MUM best unit lo»er maisonetle with private garden. 2.500 aq ft Facing swimming pool Call 2824*22 OeST MGRENVfLLE A few choice uniu Lower
      773 words
    • 696 30 DON ASSOCIATES LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS: c Kutur* t1 iimliiii BBjaMnm Garden tIW.BM .men -MHJN c Spottiswoode Park UMjm TEL Ml— 4l/ 2 OOWBON OFFERS MOQEWOOO «t,pitr tmfn t I iho 111 1 h o on high floor 1.600 sq ft 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms Completion March 1981 $*****0 Full recreational facilities
      696 words
    • 762 30 KAMEHAMEHA I 1.600 sq ft 3 bedrooms teeSJSO BALMORAL ROAD ye brand new condominium with 3 bedrooms, private garden, swimming pool Only 14 units SSMOSO For details please call MR ANTHONY WONG UNIVERSAL REALTY PTE LTD TEL: 21IBW RIDGEWOOD KAMEKAMEHA 2 units. 4 bedrooms. 2.000 sqfl 5650.000 negotiable Genuine buyers
      762 words
    • 779 30 64 Residential Properties Wan tad WANTED FOR BBMEDUTE PURCHASE a 1 Mi Pert 2 3-bedroomed apartments a CaamMßPkan 2-bedroomed apartment a llnmniToeroraimHimHi a King's Mention a Panaan Vaßay 3-bedroomed apartment TEL: MM3BOO/ 2823*84 We have immadiaH buyer* tar LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS M ORCHARO ROAD VtCBBTV c Draycott Towers c Lucky Towers
      779 words
    • 679 30 65 Factory Space Vacant/Wantad A DMT. 14. OROUNOFLOOR area 1.700 sq ft Eligible for Industrial or office purpose Selling $230,000 Interested call *****91 A OROUNDFLOOR FACTORY space/ machine workshop al Bukll Merah for IBB* 2.239 sq ft Acacia Agency *****09 A MKM.EVEL FACTORY space In Ruby Industrial Complex for sale
      679 words
    • 822 30 FOR RENT AVAILABLE M JURONC. warohoMoo apace with office fac*hee and contamor eemcee to enhance bwameaa lor tranaport company WrMekc IT. BOX ASMS* for rialatli FOR RENT: OFFICE Unit 202 194 sqft Fook Hal Building. South Bridge Road Interested call *****8/ *****. ICB BMLDSM SHENTON Way First Class and most
      822 words
    • 858 30 Street, froundfloor. unit facing Hotel main lobby 351 sqft Excellent location *3.850 psf negotiable Interested call Mantrade *****55 *****25 ORCHARO PLAZA. 2 groundfloor units, totalling 374 sq.ft. Selling $3,000 psf J E Housing Asso ciates *****68 PARAMOUNT SHOPPING CENTRE Mezzanine floor 383 sq ft J9SO per sq ft. Call Chambers
      858 words
    • 748 30 I VI aCta^M^ftfß^tßaß AIW bTbTIbMI final tfft ENGLISH General Courses at at all levels THE ELEMENTARY BRITISH •INTERMEDIATE COUNCIL •ADVANCED Telephone: ***** Courses begin 5 January •ENGLISH FOR ENGLISH SECRETARIES T lj F ENGLISH FOR bditicu BUSINESS firMi REPORT WRITING COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE Telephone: Courses begin 5 January ***** Cambridge University
      748 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      27 31 The Management Committa*. Manager/ Secretary and Staff of Chinas* Swimming Club convay their deepest sympathies to ihe tanyly of the deceased MR RAHIM MAMID 66
      27 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      62 31 ll IN LOVING MEMORY OF who left u« to un*ip*ct«dly nine y*r ago. Tim* chang«« many things but not lh# ntmofy this day brings. D««riy missod by Lov*d on«s i DEPARTED DECEMBER 3, 1t7l DEEPLY MISSED BY CHILDREN t GRANDCHILDREN FOO SAY TOW DEPARTED 3-12-79 ALWAYS REMEMBERED
      62 words
    • 43 31 MOM ARAI GOPAL It. 11. 1920 3.11. 1M0* Aathma Shanli t'.ioja will be h*ld today U2UO. 730 p m at Snan Temple Orchard Road All triends and relatives are mviled to attend MR VERAR GOPAL 1914 27 11 1967
      43 words
    • 45 31 TH£ FAMILY OF tile lale Mr Tan Teng Van wish lo expr. sincere gratitude and thanks to jvHev Qeorf* Wan and members »>l the Trmit> Church, relatiwI and Inends for their condolences, donation*, an tendaiu r and assistance during their rrrrnt tn-r.-.. v^n;.-nl
      45 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      378 31 p..«.a away paaccfull, 1/12/19W. leaving behind b*lovad wifa. Chang Oum Yang Tun Buon Let Toon Boon Jin Toon Boon Cheung Daughtan T.>mi Lm Lm Toon Le? Wan Toon Ler Pink Toon Ut Luang Toon Lee Yong Toon Al M»*nji Toon Ixr Yin Tan Km, (ire Oaughl.t-in-la» YtO All
      378 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 669 31 Hal Catth*M***ae#i^*a>feii a\. *^a_«»ftßV«Js*a#«#ta_*a_fai tm^U^mm avWV^RaVJai PSII Study in England for a M tj Degree or Diploma at Vf 4^sk the University of Kent at Canterbury, England >HAgrf Trie Unrversitv of Kent at Canterbury is situated in the warm south ot Britain at the most arx tent and beautiful of
      669 words
    • 457 31 HOLIDAY COURSES AT 4th Floor Blk 162, Bukit Merah Town Centre The Branch of Lek Meng ProfesMonal Training Centre H»m Classsi i commencing m Book-Keepng c English lor Commerce c impon/Eiport Computer Programming c Public Relations Arch Draughtsmanship c Office Practice c Bawc Electronics Registration rs now open ENROL EARLY!
      457 words
      568 words
    • 712 31 New Claaee* C«MMncno Mm* awakei LEX MENG PROFESSIONAL TRAatMG CENTRE BOOK-KEEPING (Beowiner*) I- n 7pm Sal 2pm Thur 7pm c BOOK KEEPING (kitermadute) Tues Thur 7pni-8 30pm c BUSsNESS AOMM Tues 7pm Wed 7pm. c ALKMTING Tt:urB 30pm c COSTMG Sun 9am 10 30am COMPANY LAW Sun 1030 am lpm
      712 words
    • 704 31 SMORTNANO TYPEWRITING DUTIES PSD Exam I «0 120 vk pm Sunday 2 00 4 00 pm Sunday 300 500 pm lommencmii 12 1 muted pi Please enrol early Peoples Park Commercial School Tel *****8 ***** ***** SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF Science 593-A Serangoon Rd (*****201 Intensive Coaching General Science. Physical Science
      704 words
    • 904 31 LOWREY MUSIC SCHOOL otfer* i.^....— Organ flanu and Uuitar *****85 or call at Unit 322 32.1 OitKithJ Instruction Peninsula Plaza ORGAN TEACHIR uflers indnid senng] 41(111*4 A BEGINNERS SOCIAL DBJBCM m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ m^ 'Mmii rip m Triurs ucl Sunn] l.ov. .i studio *****03 97 Driving Instruction disco jazz and Puppet Dane
      904 words
    • 223 31 MB*trc*9<* HOitOAVS JUtT *o« TO JMG *C<M*VI O*m~*tf Oac i I I 7 i< i)| M THAILAND UK>O« xirm s«»c*o. *a»ia*s c»to»> 'oiTKimnini ■n« ivniT suhoa> mini cun* ay ii m mouan coKTtcT i mkmm nciimc uui MAC MILS (TUVt\ ON i 1 rrm S ass9**)«aM*i dUMCie I «aaaai*saaa>saa>asa*BSSß>aSßW 203N
      223 words
      207 words
    • 70 31 a^BsCT^^P^^'Ta^Bss. NG TRANSPORT TOUR (T/A 042, CS Hotel Royal Limited Newton B.oed(1t30) Tel 25J7749. ?*****» K***** SCHOOL HOLIDAYS PI CHS 5179/SI3S l*|. Ewi nn.l jjao,. l>ep Ever) Mnn 4 \w.l nil, ia SiStVI*l. Hrn m 9pm c MiiiT Kuantan SMSviKuantan BU) In 11. I n ,in a 61H-.T i'<; CHB
      70 words

    • 263 32 LONDON, Ties. Malcolm Allison, whose managerial career looked In ruins when he was forced to resign from English First Division dsb Manchester City In October, has been appointed Joint team manager at struggling Crystal Palace. The 53-year-old Allison is Joining Palace, next to last in the First
      AFP  -  263 words
    • 468 32 SOFIA, Tues. European champions West Germany take their first step tomorrow on the long road to Spain in 1982 and no-one is taking any bets against the Germans being among the 24 teams, who will play in the World Cup soccer finals in two years' time.
      UPI  -  468 words
    • 268 32 ROME, Tues. The United States risk suspension from the International Football Federation unless they conform to the international rules of soccer, FIFA indicated yesterday. FIFA president Joao Havelange said that the Federation's Executive Committee, which met here yesterday decided to inform the American Federation
      Reuter  -  268 words
    • 155 32 Four soccer 'rebels' told: Return to II Poland WARSAW, Tues. The Polish Football Federation have recalled four of the country's outstanding players, who led a rebellion when the team coach tried to stop the national goalkeeper from boarding a plane while drunk. The four players, all from Poland s top
      AFP  -  155 words
    • 65 32 RIO DE JANEIRO, Tues Brazilian soccer selection coach Tele Sanlana yesterday announced his team, who will compete in the Mundalito competition next month in Uruguay and meet a Swiss Selection on Dec. 21. The squad: Carlos, Joao Leite; Getulio. Edvaldo. Oscar, Juninho, Luizinho, Edinho. Junior, Pedrinho; Batista. Toninho.
      AP  -  65 words
    • 27 32 U3NDON. Tues. Carlisle beat Worktiurton 4-1 in a Football Association Cup firstround replay last night. In a first-round second replay. Maidstooe beat fettering J-l Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 80 32 GEORGETOWN, Ties. Cab* beat Gnyana J- here yesterday to qualify from the Caribbean warld Cap scccer qualifying zone with a fatal of sevea paints from four matches. The Cubans had previously beaten Surinam J-t at home and drawn away and edited oat Guyana l-t at
      AFP  -  80 words
    • 299 32 Club before brother in Dundee WHATEVER the outcome of Saturday's Scottish League Cup soccer final between city neighbours Dundee and Dundee United, Sunday breakfast in the Fraser household is likely to be a sombre affair. Indeed, Dundee midfielder Cammy Fraser may find an unappetising bowl of cold porridge awaiting his
      Reuter  -  299 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 667 32 MALAYSIAN RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORPN. BHD. TENDER NOTICE Conerjct No 8079 MAMK M Protect \v-<hjr»<al Uorks t<x Cl Line ModitKjtior M Mentakjb He\.«-*rumfor^<tor\ Wnukab Parving h««Mktv IKR or VUrdet Register*^ Contractor IKK CUss Bind above (Head l\ •♦•a.i4uidn<14<t>i Martlei lass B and above (Heat) Da) and Midi •.entaiionfw $75 00
      667 words
    • 794 32 BERNAMA PERTUBUHAN BERITA NASIONAL MALAYSIA KENYATAAN TAWARAN Taworan odolort dipelowa doripoda pemborongpemborong yong berdoftar dengan Jabatan Ker|o Roya Semononjung Malaysia didalam Kelas D (Kepolo 11. Pecohon Kepola 2) don keatas yang berpengalamon don yong dibenarkan membuat taworan poda masa mi bogi ker|a berikut: MEMBJNA DAN MENYIAPK AN CADANGAN PEJABAT CA
      794 words
    • 166 32 The fast effective relief for headache, pain, fever and cold. V A _gffm The aaive ingredient in Bayer Aspirin k v A Bk gives effective relief for headaches, l^fa^f^hj (^^tL Btk toothaches, colds, fevers and even H9 Bk muscular pains. W| Only one or two tablets will .^■■H H7^^|v j^aH
      166 words

    • 246 33 Promise of yet another revenge match PANAMA CITY, Tues. Former world welterweight champion Roberto IXiran, of Panama, said yesterday that he would only reconsider his decision to retire from boxing I if he could fight American Sugar Ray Leonard in a revenge match. Leonard regained the world title from Duran
      UPI  -  246 words
    • 266 33 JOHANNESBURG. Tues Despite rain, a slippery court and a determined opponent, unseeded American Tritz BuehniTic won through to the fina! of the South African Open tennis championship by beating third-seeded compatriot Bob Lutz 6-4. 6-4 In the final. Buehning wiU meet Kirn Warwick, of
      UPI  -  266 words
    • 365 33  -  KEN JALLEH Jr By SINGAPORE WILL RETURN WISER FOR EFFORT KARACHI. Moo. How do you compare amalean with players who eat, sleep and think squash? The same way you compare Singapore's best with the other teams who took part in the recent world open
      365 words
    • 134 33 KARACHI, Tttt. Tap seed Qamar Zaman moved easily Into the pewd r*ud «f the Pakistan Masters' squash tournament, which started here yesterday, reports KEN JALLEH Jr. While Zaman found little resistance In beating Egypt's All Ariz %4, %-t, %-t, his progress I may be halted
      134 words
    • 347 33 AN attorney who attended the Roberto Duran-Sugar Ray Leonard World Boxing Council welterweight title fight yesterday filed a US$3) million ($62 7m) suit, seeking refunds for spectators and charging that the fight was a sham. The suit named Panamanian Duran. the former WBC welterweight champion,
      UPI  -  347 words
    • 185 33 (iYMKASTKB Rumuui Nadu Cooum is traMag to be a sports taiiinf and plan to take up coaching when she mire* from active competition Nadu 1J who woo three ■aid medals 1a the Montreal Oljmni Gum and two in Mown., said that her main obtwtivt Bm yew was to win
      185 words
    • 177 33 NEW DELHI. Tues Gopal Saini. of India, who last Sun day set an Asian record in the 5.000 metres, repeated the feat in the 10.000m at the interRailway athletic meet here yesterday Copal's 29 min 40 sec beat the old marie of 29:566 held by compatriot Han Chand In
      177 words
    • 76 33 LONDON. Tues. The British Boxing Board of Control yesterday confirmed they had not received any application from European heavyweight champion John L. Gardner to fight former world title-holder Muhammad Ali early next year in Tokyo. Despite reports that the Board of Control want to ban
      AFP  -  76 words
    • 64 33 LONDON. Tues. Jerry Martin, of Philadelphia, who has already fought this year for the World Boxing Association version o( the world lightheavyweight title, stopped fel- low American Otis Gordon in the seventh of a 10-round con- test at the Bloomsbury Centre Hotel last night Now he has
      AFP  -  64 words
    • 30 33 CARACAS, Tues Hilario Zapata. of Panama, retained his World Boxing Council fly •eight title with a split points dec&oa over VenezueUn challenger Reinaldo Becerra here last night Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 84 33 Gopal sets Asian mark Three months after the Olympic flame was extinguished at the Lenin Stadium. Soviet Olympic fever has faded rapidly Officials have now turned to the final accounting the money made or lost, the propaganda successes and failures, ard the long-term effects on the first Game* in a
      84 words
    • 115 33 SKI-ING Switzerland's Dora dr Agostini won the first practice run and Czechoslovakia's Jana Soltysova took the second (or the World Cup womb's downhill race at Val d'nere (France). TABLE TKNNH Bob Pot too. who moved up from No. 5 to No 3 in the England ranking list last week.
      Agencies  -  115 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 260 33 VII Tram M. Val IFVW IQUTS 103 Tour* wist ukkcThaHim/ MEXICO CANADA HONGKONG 18 Days ***** EAST ft WEST AMERICA/ MEXICO CANAOA HONGKONG 22 Days $4750 PHILIPPINES TAIWAN KOREA JAPAN HONGKONG BANGKOK 21/16 Days J3050 S29SO Dep Every Mon PHILIPPINES TAIWAN HONGKONG 14 11 Oayt J2016 $1851 D«p Ewy Mon
      260 words
    • 178 33 CITICENTER TOURS Wm QCNTMO Evam Fn Highland Hotel SSS Casino Hotel MS BM FWASC* MJU. Every Fri SM S Day. OSNT/PCN/CAM Every Mon SITS 4 Daya K.L./FRASER/GENT Every Wed L Sun SlS* CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 904N FHASER/GCNT K.L. Dep 23/12 Dinner ft Dance) Jiao 4 Day. X L /FRASER/OENT Dep. 24/12
      178 words
    • 249 33 irwwiiPli I 114 Lost Found A SMALL SIZED prl dog. i female Pekinese Japanese Chin), brown with white front paws and chest. was lost on 26/11/80 in Namly Esale She has mental sickness and she needs regular medical attention Reward tor finder Please ring Henry *****1/ *****83 ■LACK FEMAIE COCKER
      249 words
    • 666 33 TOMORROW AT DELCO ELECTRONICS.... BEGINS WITH TODAY As a company, Delco Electronics and GM Singapore are synonymous. They are vital parts of General Motors Corporation. Delco has brought its reputation for impressive leadership in the rapidly advancing field of solid state electronics to Singapore. At GM Singapore, professionally prepared and
      666 words

    • 698 34  - Kian Tiong the ace among local golfers DEREK WILD By i LIM KIAN TIONG, the slim, unassuming Singapore Island Country Club professional, has established himself, without doubt, as the Republic's No. 1 golfer. And not just because he won three of the nine tournaments on the local cir- cuit this
      698 words
    • 283 34  - Hockey squad to start training By R MANORAJ SINGAPORE begin training (or the Asian Cup final rounds, in Lahore in February, at Balestler Road this evening (5). Team manager Joseph Tessensohn, who called up 25 players initially, has decided to make room (or more. "From this lot, 16 will make
      283 words
    • 491 34  -  By FAIRWAY THE stage is now set for an interesting clash between two of the most promising stayers, Pegasus II ana Grand Harvest, in the Governor's Gold Cup (2,000 metres) in Penang in December. Both have shown tremendous promise. Grand Harvest, who won
      491 words
    • 476 34 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Pink Souvenir is one to keep in mind at the Selaneor Turf Club meeting here this weekend. The grey by Martello Towers finished on board in two of his six starts to date, reports FAIRWAY. He was a first-up second
      476 words
    • 21 34 ADDIS ABABA. Tues. Ethiopia's national soccer team edged out South Yemen 2-1 in a friendly match here yesterday. AFP.
      AFP  -  21 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 339 34 help your child grow while you work If you are a working mother with child care problems or unable to work because there is no one to look after your children, then the FAMILY DAY CARE SCHEME A can help you. For details call us at 914 111 or visit
      339 words
    • 82 34 Are you going our way TOKYO/OSAKA! Let NEWPORT TRAVEL show you how you can save up to 50%* of your normal hotel costs No Gimmicks Genuine Savings Deluxe/First Class Hotels Ask for our brochure that explains it all Call our ladies Valeric/Jennifer at *****24 They have the details Head Office
      82 words

    • 190 35 JAPAN 2 SPORE 0 PHIL 1 HK 1 MANILA, Tie*. Japan defeated Singapore and the Philippine* (•reed a 1-1 draw with Hongkoag mi the seeMd day of the Asian yonth soccer championship. The Japanese domi nated play throughout and were never really troubled In
      Agencies  -  190 words
    • 180 35 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Darulmakmur Football Club have threatened to give Negri Sembilan Indians a walk-over in the Football Association of Malaysia Cup final on Sunday if it is not played in Kuantan their home ground. But Indians' officials sent a telegram to
      180 words
    • 348 35  -  WILFRED YEO By IF Wee Chwee Ang were a singer instead of a butcher and sang "Let Me Try Again", he would be a very boring one. But the competitors and spectators at the 7up Allstar bowling championships at the Kallang Bowl were
      WONG KWAI CHOW  -  348 words
    • 87 35  -  PETER SIOW By CHIONH CHAI GUAN and Choi Yoon Weng will at- i tend an international handball refereeing and coaching course in Kuwait from Dec. 27-Jan. 2. On their return, the two Singapore referees will conduct clinics to enlight- en their colleagues about the game's latest developments.
      87 words
    • 98 35 collected $7,500 for winning the Grand Prix. n?vih came away with $500 mc-*> despite finishing third. But Rajah was not even aware of his good fortune not until the prize presentation ceremony when he was handed a cheque for $8,000. Windfall Rajah's windfall was because of the
      NST  -  98 words
    • 190 35 ADELAIDE, Tues. India, with their match against South Australia apparently in their pocket, slumped to an incredible defeat today when they were skittled out in the last innings (or 78. Set a reasonably easy target of 122 runs in 123 minutes plus 20 overs, India surrendered
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 342 35  -  By JOE DOR AI JEFFREY LAZAROO, the former Singapore soccer team left-back, rejoins the squad today to prepare for the pre-World Cup competition in Hongkong from Dec. 22- Jan. 3. Singapore manager-coach Jita Singh has decided to include Lazaroo, following reports that the player has recovered
      342 words
    • 34 35 MM TH KOKKA OMI TfcalUaa BS-llii kMac's do woiMlaal matrh played la Btagkok Moatey *aa n.t J-l aa itelea tat aa HoMiiit Praa resort wfctea waa MMbM la thr Strait* Time* yesterday.
      34 words
    • 272 35 Syed to play in Hongkong, but not China SYED MUTALJB will join Singapore's pre-WorlJ Cup soccer squad in > Hongkong, but he will not play in the friendly against Guangdong (Kwangtung) on Dec. 16. reports JOB DORM He will not be in China because his wife is expected to be
      272 words
    • 33 35 Festival soccer THE Kallang Community Centre, in conjunction with the Ponggol Festival celebrations, are organising a soccer sevena side competition on Feb. 1. Details can be obtained from the Kallang CT (Tel: *****82)
      33 words
    • 79 35 EIGHTY teams have entered for the Football Association of Singapore's first under- 16 seven-a-side tournament on Friday week, reports WILFRED YEO. The 80 include three sides from National Football League Division One champions Tampines Rovers. The competition is part of the FAS' preparations for the Lion
      79 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 620 35 Digital means ■^^■■^■■■■^■■■^■^^^^■■^^^^■■■■■■■■[^■■■■■■■■■■i CAS I O New Miracles in CASIO Digitals Casio continues to create a new state-of-the-art in digital watches for q hdPPV^^BBI^^^L Fingertip Operation —gg^J? melodies in one watch Electronic hands/ nrGSent I! Revolutionary CASIO Musical CASIO Melody 100 meters down Digital display f* r carfl I ~U~O^
      620 words
  • Page 35 Miscellaneous
    • 43 35 BASKETBALL lalrr-r** ■Matac* taaraaaMat (various venues, 7.30) BOWLING Up kallmac AU-8tar rhtipli— Mat KaT lang Bowl, 1.30V il'GBV SKI Hi. Oae Leane: SAFRA v Bravo (Farrer Park, 5). Police v Bunnies i Police Academy, S). TABLE TENNIS Nattoaai (••■ftaaaMpi (Poi Ching School. 730)"
      43 words

  • 428 36  - Shuttle bus firm scraps plan to build $3 m depot EDMUND TEO By Transport Reporter THE Singapore Shuttle Bus Service (SSBS) has Trapped its plan to build a S3 million bus depot in Am Mo Kio The two main reasons for the decision are the "high rent" and the "short
    428 words
  • 124 36 A MAN and a woman died in road accidents, bringing the road death toll so far this year to 237. Odd-job labourer Madam Goh Hong Eng.6l, died when she was knocked down by a lorry while walking along the grass verge in Jalan Toa Payoh at
    124 words
  • 116 36 IRAN'S PnoMeat Ab*lfcnitnr Bul-S*4r m he ■AS •ever BOOS BGGS b^f»r» WMriu army tetfgaea u4 rkfiag pUU«a mi a maUrry rlr while Iwtot the w»r fr«at vi AbaAui. He wm reported U i have visited the j embattled city last Friday. The picture was rele—
    116 words
  • 487 36 SYRIA-JORDAN CRISIS DAMASCUS, Tuesday THE superpowers have stepped into the Syria-Jordan crisis as the threat of war in the Middle East's latest flashpoint mounted today. The Soviet Union today ratified a 20-year friendship treaty with Syria while the United States said it
    Agencies  -  487 words
  • 47 36 NEW YORK. Tues. The Dow Jones average o( 30 industrials was off 1.87 at 967.58 half-an-hour after the opening of the New York Stock Exchange today. The average fell 23.89 points yesterday, its largest loss since a 26 45-point drop on Oct 9, 1979. AR
    47 words
  • 291 36  - Siapa to call meeting to brief members? AHMAD OSMAN By OFFICIALS of the Singapore Airlines Pilots' Association met yesterday to discuss the possibility of holding a meeting to brief members on the outcome of their talks with Mr Lee Kuan Yew on Monday. Sources said the officials have strongly advised
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  • 39 36 Late CLASSIFIED DEATH M. CECKJA. C AMOS MAN SiSTER. aged 66. passed away peacefully on 2/12/80 Cortege leaves Canossa Convent. Aljunlefl Road at 830 am on Thursday 4/12/80 (or St Stephen's Church and thenceforth to Chua Chu Kang cemetery
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  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 238 36 The creations if^ fWts^B of m Lunettes Trtvenchy(Ruis) <^^|^P* innovators of W fashionable eyewear W t&Jt CIVENCMV V<^sSK Available from all leading opticians BBBBBfciaa«ii«s»aBBBBBBBBl| KENO ENTEPRISES Woh Hup Complex. Ground Floor. Room Sl6l. Golden Mile Shopping Centre. Bcart Road. Sing»pore(f7l u Td: 29M%H 299 UK B^_^_J BLSINESS TIMES Singapore's Finanrtal
      238 words
    • 250 36 FREE 3 Months Rental on Selected Sets. puss Rentals start from $1 a day Absolutely FREE service within 24 hours Over 20 models to choose from Trade-in your b/w TV for $150 $450 Option to buy attfT J Philips 20C 011 51cn^^^^^ RENT NOW FROM The modem way to enjoy
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  • Page 36 Miscellaneous
    • 166 36 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Showers In several places la early morning. TEMP. (C) up U» 8 a.m. tomorrow: 31 max., 25 min. SUNSET today: «.3lp.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: 8.28 a.m. GLOBAL weather Awtertoa -4-5C Rain LmAi|Hm 14-19C Cloudy Athru 13-19C Clew MaMd 0-17C Sunny ■nhmfct 18-23C Oar Maalla 23-31C Fair
      166 words

    • 2 1 SECTION TWO
      2 words
    • Bilingual page
      • 75 1 Fun with Chinese Characters MAO hair; fur; 10-cent piece t, l« a plctomph of the hair of man or beast Compared with other parts of the body, the hair is insignificant and valueless. means little, unpolished, or the comma* Itcent piece. Our hairs may not be numbered bat, says the
        75 words
      • 655 1  -  By MAI KE A RECENT report on Hongkong Rediffusion TV's intention to stop its sale of serialised TV dramas to Singapore Broadcasting Corporation has created a ripple of unrest among the local audience. The main worry on everyone's mind is: Will we lose the chance to
        655 words
      • 31 1 MAO moojTn towel mooy7 woon en sweater If r<"»»oo feother s on end (f'^ absolutely rerr,f,ed For example, you may say f^fi'j S^ g meaning, "He is impetuous.
        31 words
      • 77 1 Chao Guo Tiao FRIED KWAY TEOW in Dw«ipttßg= f zongzi Ftofc porrWge- ihWi yu zhou "Fried bee Immi"= tV *ft chao mYfen "Frie* kw»y te*w" #f*s chlo gSo tiao Fried *y«ter with eggs --*>>, ti. jian hao GLtto^rtoe-H^tSnuomrfan Glattiwu rice bail fa [ffl tang yuan Gwea«ptoMg- zhaxiangjiio
        77 words
      • 92 1 i 5 *I Ft«*S»f»*%ftfr *UH*»ft-JIAAft •Hftfn- fcft ttffrft S fHft *f+ t:,£ it KZfflft«ifi**iJtH at»**¥ft«»«K*ft "ftffl A" ftfcfi a b -f -o rfnte «*i f? -«fe*"--.* *7ftA*ftifftf] 1: /;tt- A:**«.htt!ft«- -ft ft c -at fc«*i4iftft ffl«it*ftHii i.*^*? *frs.«inaf-a IT t-fiff-ftUlHaa ftffl* -aSA-lftK «If]»r#«ft*it *f-H*Mft<& *ftrt«F»3l'**.tfK *airiftt «««Mfr
        92 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 595 1 H9HHHH the MIGHTY MIRACLE IP ntnE i^^^B a if^l^^^H .BBM^^^SHQiallHHllliH i^AIL^A <*i«h^^^^ Iff S_k B I fSBj^Sffi' j "~v with irKtaparxtent volume B fcTJill *f Jl™*. L^Hl i OFFICIAL AGENTS 1SET AN EMPORIUM (Si PTE LTD ORCHARD WATCH CO control t« wi ino ngm MK l~ hminJ c Havelock Outram
        595 words
      • 94 1 I Mothers and babies If you are la your late 3fe or early Ms, should you still go ahead and have that much loaged I for baby? Aad If you're thinking of having a baby, are you also thiaklag in terav of a speeaQe sex? Flad out more aa Pag*B
        94 words
    • 894 2 wc» CONNECTIONS (Ch 5. 10.10 p.m.), the upbeat science series which sees invention and change as the products of accident, war, religion, politics, econom- ics and the skills of the community, brings you an episode titled Distant voices. This programme looks at the events leading to
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 292 2 rßediffusion has again hunted down another of the finest Colour TVs 1 Bfl| in the world for you J TC-291-MR (51cm) directly from Japan ■UkiJaj-.") 'v^Tiayßf specially tun*x» and fully guaranteed by Rediffusion with genuine spare partslncluding picture tube I jaw' Itt.llaMyy X'MAS ..IH'MIUkI^kL- GIFT mt\ Downpayment $210 00 piateo
        292 words
      • 151 2 |Ml—I i— m*m PUBLIC UTIUTIES \**P BOPRD f\ UIIITER INH^ 3 NOTICE TO CONSUMERS SHUTDOWN OF WATER SUPPLY The Public Utilities Board will be connecting a II new 300 mm dia water main to the water supply II system serving Boon Lay Gardens and Lim Chu II Kang to meet
        151 words
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 153 2 GROWING UP IN KAMPUNG MELAYU, a talk by Shirley Pollock, National Museum Theatrette, 10.30 a.m. Free admission. SCHOOL HOLIDAY TOUR to places of interest organised by Bedok North Community Centre, 9 a.m. TIME PAIR, featuring the full range of timepieces, World Trade Centre, noon to 9 p.m. Until Sunday. CHILDREN'S
        153 words
      • 241 2 Straits Times Crossword ACBOBB dent's up-dating? (9. 6) 1 Warehouseman peers in be- 7 Slave ship caught in a lava wlldennent round twisted tree Dow OK' ill) 8 Admission card? (6) 9 Ventilator top part contami- 15 Where to get a couple at nated with hydrogen (3-4) horses? (4. 4)
        241 words
      • 1015 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.00 PM Opening folowed by The Young 6.30 Famous Five Five Have A Won And The Restless derful Time 3.25 Mandarin TV Theatre (r) 7.00 The McLean Stevenson Snow 4.2S The Three Stooges 7.30 News (Malay) 5.00 Diary of Events (Malay) J -JJ n i
        1,015 words
    • LESURE
      • 863 3  -  GERALDINE TANG/ By WILL The Diviners go down just as well with Asians as it did with Americans'* This is something the Repertory Company of New York wants to find out when they air their au a ni winning play at the coming 3rd Singapore
        863 words
      • 450 3 The King And I Today till Saturday U WC auditorium, 7.30 p.m. nightly Saturday matinee. 2.30 p.m. $4 ($3 for matinee) Story by X ANNAN CHANDRAN DESPITE being the root of all evil, money is a vital (actor for a successful dramatic production. This can
        450 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 165 3 j&Sy ORIENTAL CARPET PALACE PTE LTD 9 presents a fT GRAND INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC AUCTION OF CARPETS RUGS FROM IRAN AND THE SOVIET UNION An exceptional collection of superfine carpets and rugs from Iran and the Soviet Union. Full range assembled for the city of Singapore ALL LOTS ARE GUARANTEED. IF
        165 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 220 4 JADE 9th Incrsdibte Dsy (*****80) 5 SHOWS ot Mom, I 30. 4, 6 30 49 00pm The HULK brMks out s^r with the FUHYoMhe rljljiiJ^WU BIXBY LCXJ FERRIGNO l^^lrtAJMEm HARTLEY JACK COIVIN LIDO: NOW SHOWING (*****14) 11am, 1.45, 4.00. 6.45, 9.15-Mo FrM List 7 Peter Sellers atm. LAST S a^P^VHaVHaI
        220 words
        649 words
        388 words
      • 535 4 i\ V'jFiOPGANISAnONI I I JT I i»]in»i»liUHP.l C) MHOHBII I ltam.l.»,ll]o.lilp n Jl J (NcFfMUM) ,l, i THE BUTE! fe^Goow > MUHMYI LAST DAVtI 11«n. 1.30. 4. 9 15pm > Bromoo* IS UXP i XIamSWEAT; MOGO TM€ HIPPO r 'i MBaaMtMaTattflj^i j MUMYI LAST DAYS) r I IJO.*.QO. (JO, 15pm
        535 words
    • LESURE
      • 966 5 THE battle of words Debate "80 reaches a climax tomorrow evening. The exciting pace set by previous six Thursdays, will come to a head in a stimulating verbal war between Ngee Ann Technical College and the Institute of Education. It's fine for homeviewers, curled in plush sofas,
        966 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 83 5 ■bh A^jr *^L^^» JL a^BLl s?"^ J I Wssai i i«t^^«y- Il 'iS 1 m .A ■j I E5 i IS* «wv J 1 HiHJ iV^VIiBBBBBV Jjflsßßß^"^' BB^B^^BBIbI A±l±^\^^g La^k^aak JM I bbbbbS W taU bbV ""bbbbbbbbbbb! V bbbbbb^A ff 'Of HiZ^^*d AM 4|B 1/ «n9 W*S M CW c
        83 words
      • 1022 5 The Times Diary. You'd want to keep it for yourself Imagine a large format 27 cm x 21 cm desk diary. Handsomely bound in dark mocca brown simulated- b^bbbbbk. leather vinyl, with thick padding on front cover j^^k and gold-edged pages. And imagine it to carry these features, developed after
        1,022 words
    • 934 6 In the search for a cheaper way to transport people on rails, especially in low-density areas, a "bus on rails" has been invented. The railbus is less costly to run than the conventional train, or so claim Leyland Vehicles Ltd, the
      934 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 351 6 Jaaaaaaaw I aaaaV^^^^^^aai Am A M^ I This is two pens. J rrrfCL fmLWLm L^m iLla*'-' m laaaaaaaaaa^^Balaaaaw >O /MmW aV^aal Li '12ll{/' iMLaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWlL aaaaaaaw aaaaaXaa«k.M P^^^^l B 7* r*^ J Laaar b t "~mX I aa»^^aaa« mmmr The Chromatic ballpen writes red. Available from all leading 9^5 aVfeaaatw
        351 words
    • 941 7 No harassing of a sea monster OFFICIALS have declared the waters of Lake Champlain adjoining this village off limits to anyone who would try to harm a sea monster. Harassing of a sea monster is also forbidden Officials hope this will serve as a model resolution for communities surrounding the
      941 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 257 7 ET *T?' v\* uC^jC> l OO Metro Gift Vouchers* tsionniw i^BnW Hn^B Fir M*rhn Pun B••C^ Sra ■■«..ij«i...vJ»T a...r.,a ...r.,. t T~ TTlLnniM rfi C i^~n^T ■In Ml j*. 1 ijf'jtajg^ffT^B nW^^^ nn I **nj-Bix KB DUv TKM copier U-BIX VSR copies same size and also «f?^ reduces from large
        257 words
      • 967 8 In our mother's generation, it was the most natural thing for a girl to get married early in life, and start producing children. But the horizons for women have widened, and there are more things in life than simply having a family such as having a career. In
        967 words
      • 563 8 Do you have a special preference for a baby boy or girl? PAUL WEBSTER reports that some French doctors who have delved into folklore and cattle breeding, claim that you can determine the sex of your child through the food you eat. BABY
        563 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 32 8 i [11 LI/ J Hbbbmb^^^v I BB^^^^^'^^'^BBBW' A J I I 1^ ji r^ B^r M m B^^^^^^BP^^^^B B^^^'^BB B^P^^ i [•I I I I J^b^b^bH I V b^POT^PV^bbbv^bl H^b)^#jbV bht^bl I
        32 words
      • 33 8 Afe you coming aff> Sorry but I m not the ryoe o« woman wno < man s apartment OH I m the more formal type Well then why dont you come over mjio oreu?
        33 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 384 9 to mark 50 years of service i *^W|g*ffoai h lfc T h' s auspicious day marks our j^a^^, move to our new premises at S^ Sj^Jl L Silk 'B a*^^^^^ IM^^^ nH«4^iT4 VIWJJ 11 JS '85. JALAN TUANKU "™J PTTt ft^ N *~*^-^^^^""U» Mfc^^^^_ 7^*-rA "> ABDUL RAHMAN SH VK
        384 words
    • 1711 10 India's landless 'Children oF Go India's Jaya Prakash Narayan is dead, but the movement he initiated against corruption and governmental inefficiency in 1974 is bearing fruit. A group of young idealists students at the University of Patna in 1974 responded to Narayan's call and set out across India to preach
      NYT  -  1,711 words
    • 540 10  - Newspapers never had it so good in Kampala THOMAS LANSNER By ON Kampala street corners each morning, crowds gather to buy the latest newspaper. Uganda today has perhaps the freest and most prolific press in all Africa. About 12 English-lan-guage newspapers are published weekly, in addition to the government-owned daily
      540 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 344 10 %|6 The Sansui Supetcompo Series. Sansui's complete range of Supcnrompo I I Price list Sound Systems. With the latest I s^ c_i.r.i_ nr n.i inri.iniin mm addition of the 900 series. Exciting new I I spwpw s» 045 00 nik 00 "TTTT s »oo fearan^^dWsx^inprodua I g^jjj lgggl Z^fl innovations.
        344 words
    • Article, Illustration
      65 11 6 Throughout Bihar, and throughout India, many of the socalled backward caste* mn ascending the social and economic ladder as a result of new farming practices and increased holdings. In the course of their rise they have frequently come into conflict with the Heriians, to whom they often appear as
      65 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 641 11 Look your fashionable best this Christmas. BJlUanhattan X<^k Be seen in a Manhattan you II know you are at your fashionable best because Manhattan means the best fabrics, styled in that superb J*S&^ kL*\xt Continental cut. and combined with the latest fashion trends frnjL^\*SS' Make an ''"P 3o this Christmas
        641 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 524 12 c itc regional group of companies with diversified business activities and extensive interests in plantation. We wish to appoint a I COMMODITY I SALES MANAGER to transact the sale of palm oil, kernel, latex and cocoa produced by our plantations. The successful candidate will be based in Kuala Lumpur after
        524 words
      • 607 12 OVERSEAS UNION BANK invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the. following positions: TELLERS 5 GCE '0' levels or GCE 'A' levels, with credits in Mathematics and English. Previous experience is not necessary, but would be an advantage. Job training will be provided. Typing ability 25-35 wpm would be desirable.
        607 words
      • 666 12 Ik *CU ESTMUSHD) MO PtOCKSSNE HTXOMS GOWIWY ENGAGED M nWOUCnON MB MMKHK OF U.IMNUM PWOOCTS. MB BULOW6 DnaOMNT/COBTWCTUI M ASH WBtCS TO MTORT KUNJU. COMKTENT. MO mmt araraca) rasas to assume the resfonsiMUTCSOF: (A) 6ENERAL MANAGER (TO BE BASED M MALAYS*) The selected candidate report to the Managing Director am)
        666 words
      • 595 12 A WELL-ESTABLISHED BANK invites applications for the post of TECHNICIAN (ELECTRICAL) QualificatiMis and Experience The selected candidate should have either an Industrial Technician Certificate in Electrical Engineering or 3 OCE 'O' level passes with a National Trade Certificate (Grade III) in Electrical fitting and Installation. In addition, the candidate should
        595 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      170 13 passed away peacefully at 2. 15 am on 1st December 1 980, leaving behind the following to mourn her loss. HUSBAND: LOK CHWEE HIN SON: Lok Kok Huat Lok Kok Chin Lok Kok Kim Lok Kok Poh Lok Kok Chye DAUGHTER: Lok Kok Lay God Daughter: Goh Ah Soy
      170 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 731 13 Boustead Engineering Pte.Ltd. I V (A Member o* the Boustsaoco Group of ComparrrM) I Dim to axpansion ol our business and internal promotions, we hay* I th« following vacancies in our Jurong Factory:I (A) SENIOR PRODUCTION ENGINEER The selected candidate will be responsible for planning and I scheduling of all
        731 words
        603 words
      • 613 13 IN TBK IWI COUBT OT THE SETinUC OF aNOAPORE COMPANIES WINDING IP NO. 14» OF IM tht Mrtfr ci >» Ciiynln Act (Chaster i*§> lff» EtUttea Aa4 li tkr Matter e( Dart Sun Ttaaar (Pts) LMM advebtbkmknt of petttion NOTICE Is hereby given that a Petition for the Winding Up
        613 words
      • 8 13 O Pan Books LB Pick of the Paperbacks
        8 words
    • 627 14 Debretts has just produced The English Gentleman's Mistress an eulogy and lament for an endangered species. Royalty like King Edward VII, King Charles II and King George I, all had their mistresses here and there to ease the cares of state. But women's
      627 words
    • 561 14  -  DAVID MINTHORN By QUACK doctors are giving Soviet medicine a bad name by peddling cure-all remedies against cancer and other ailments. Health Ministry officials complain. The medical charlatans are doing business outside the Soviet Union's costfree health care system, posing a menace to gullible patients
      AP  -  561 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 765 14 A9^lBfL***jM* MF^Vb^B^bl Uw-Ckn-MO-wUn PA nEVVy^ MaY 10a- -7. Ma- a-Kl«»p«rk«ah.» Sj I \rjr S«aeV, IOOOe- -MOp. ntm, aebh w> I the sphit .^BS^b^JHHI I B^j^^^wkhaKimica I Everyone can be a great photopapher this I AW&\. >y Chnstma*. With an ea»v-to-u*e Konn.a I W /^^^^H AW^^H^^Tl '"•"•J** Vamera It feature* an
        765 words
    • 861 15 No Maxim Gorky. No Vladimir Mayakovsky. No Mikhail Sholokhov Russia's intelligentsia now disdains the exalted laureates of MarxismLeninism. Instead they are rediscovering supressed writers of the 20s and 30s whose sin was un-Soviet independence. ANTHONY AUSTIN reports from MOSCOW. YOU can tell present-day Moscow
      NYT  -  861 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 118 15 M i «a> Laaar?9flOVßaVpßfcarVflLrT?rißaaaaanßaaaV T I aaaaaaaaaaaa 1 I LaVidaWiaaaatoPfeaaa! I Saaar *^^rrVni^^Pl wp aas '-^^n^i*^i isr■VMSL'.^XS TTTI bw* h& v*" A. JOHNSON& CO (SEA) PTE LTD A member of the Axel Johnson Group is pleased to announce the appointment of US ACE EQUIPMENT (PTE) LTD wholly-owned subsidiary of ACE
        118 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 176 16 w l% v '^^S^^^^^^^^B^^^ '■■'^r'^^^m' M f fill I he Hour C j ass is the on yplace in Singapore where you can buy aGeraldGenta watch. i Except this week. y .^Hi^ For the next five days you can see a collection of j| exclusive Gerald Genta watches at the
        176 words