The Straits Times, 16 November 1980

Total Pages: 38
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Sunday Times No. 2320 NOVEMBER 16, 1980 40 CENTS M.C.(P) No. *****/80
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  • 1106 1  -  ABDULLAH TARMUGI Storm in cuppa over higher prices YOU CAN STILL GET A CUPPA AT THE OLD PRICE AT SOME SARABAT STALLS: PAGE 11 By 4THK teiaJ fcyH <k> (far e*fc* 2mb »s**rl»M«ai) tie Tr»4r Orpmrtarat vsM r^iK to ■•!< H^liMftiHn af tke
    1,106 words
  • 219 1 A FORMER general manager of Resources Development Corp., a government-owned company, was charged yesterday in a magistrate's court with five counts of corruptly receiving a total of $53,000. I Kan Wai Chew, 41, faced another charge of attempted corruption involving $234,000. On three of the
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  • 280 1 THE Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is looking into the need to introduce legislation (or gold trading. Such legislation, if introduced, would apply to companies operating both in and outside the Gold Exchange of Singapore (GES), said the manager of the banking department
    280 words
  • 42 1 ySmOU Sal TW >fam> ><> wwttiwL a coup tato) Pil—mi cutr ra*o r^aruti -Mba, «tfci»J >r—<c— t iron tb* hrntf Kaao Bmbbv and a Gaaacfl j( *r >n»a>»tiai led hj tar Iran Pnmr Maaatpr llajor J— ■emar*> VMra aad t
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  • 2 1
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  • 72 1 NEW YORK. Sat. CBS will reportedly receive (*****.000 l for each 30second commercial broadcast during the cataaacur Nov 21 episode of DaUav in which JR's killer will be unmasked At 1/SSV333 (551T.333) per second, it is Nlaiwad to be the highest amount ever sought by a
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  • 178 1 Bank lending rate jumps to 13 pc THE cost of borrowing money from banks has gone up again From Monday, the Development Bank of Singapore's prime lending rate will be 13 per cent. This rate the bank offers to its best customers has been 12.25 per cent since Oct 21.
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  • 40 1 COLOGNE. Sat Pope John Paul II arrived herr lodav at thr start <a* a five-day viat to West Germany during which hr will crtnratr matt in towns throughout thr country and wri leaden of thr Protestant church Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 69 1 TEHERAN. Sal Thousands of Iranian* today turned up tor a mats rally in favour of President AboUuusan Bam Sadr and against "the party which status to monopolise tele vision" The only party officially represented in Parliament is i the fundamentalist Islamic Republican Party The crowd raDed
    AFP  -  69 words
  • 222 1 JAKARTA, Sat THE state oil company Pertamina has uncovered j a Singapore- based oil theft syndicate. It has allegedly stolen about $12 million worth of fuel destlned for Indonesia, company director Piet Haryono said. Speaking to reporters j yesterday, Mi Haryono I said 16
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  • 33 1 WASHINGTON. Sat President Carter, citing the plight of the 52 US hostages in Iran, called on Americana yiaHnay to observe a week-long commemoration of human rights beginning on Dec 10 Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 32 1 BANGKOK. Sat About 10. 000 prawueii were freed in a royal amnesty today^ including 14 foreigner! in Thai jails on various charges Another 40.000 prisoners had their sentences reduced. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 393 1 Miss World mess: No.2 becomes No.1 LONDON, Sat. THE great Miss World debacle was sorted aat today waea raaaer-ap, Miss (in am, Klmberly Saatoa, If, accepted the title after it was rejected by West Germany's Miss liabriella Brum wh* had beatoa girti to the crowa 18 boars earlier. Tbe 18-year-old
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  • 139 1 6 THE competition to exeel varies (ram primary school to primary school, la some, It has reached a alga pitch and paplls sacrifice their rhtldassd tar the sake <rf good remit*. Net all ehiMrea like to stady la such a ramanfltlrr iivliiMifit Parents nut theretare keep a etoee watch
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  • 65 1 ILLE. (Kentucky). Sat. Colonel Harland Sanders. 90. who developed Kenlucky Fried Chicken franchises into a multi million dollar industry, has developed pneumonia while in hospital A company s|Mkesman said yesterday that Col Sanders h.u, developed pneumonia and is in critical condition" He was hospitalized a
    UPI  -  65 words
  • 35 1 SEOUL. Sat. South Korean authorities today named another 24 people to be banned from politics for the next eight years for alleged rarrupi or Seditious activities brining to the total to 835. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 86 1 Latest Kean Siew wins Penang by-election PENANU, S»»- The Nattoaai Fraat the Peagkalaa KoU state bv-eierttoa whea the MCA t sadlds tf, Mr Urn Keu Slew, 58, was retaraed witk SJ«S v*tes Ualxkt. He seat the DAP'S Tech Teik Hut by 554 v*t< s. Te»b palled Indrp-adrat Lim Ewe Ckia,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 46 1 seals than all other S^ matches combined ML UHWHri»)f»M» > I In our exclusive house of fine watches, we have carefully selected the best makes of watches from around the world. SIOW H1APPTE LTD *taM»kn*r a* S.«*»o«0»r Tct U79I4V 3MJI 1 1 H«iiVicaCcMicMHipp»«l umpic* MwafC«U7T«i lJM«r 3i*44M
      46 words
    • 88 1 t^^#l a^l^^|^st»? How we've packed in the world, a recorder plus 4 speakers in a console? National Panasonic RX 5030F portable radio cassette recorder. A 4-band radio with AFC brings you across the globe 4j in seconds. Other features in the recorder like LED meter, cue and review, and a
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  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 132 2 SOTHEBY'S aatamii Jewellery aactioa la Geneva on Friday said taLs pair of pearshaped rfimMri earrings far rSSS.CS mllUoa (SfISJ mUMon). A record for a dia■•■4 sale. It was boaght by aa laternational dealer. The earriags formed Me of 1$ tote aaetioaed by Sotheby's. Tfeaagh the
      132 words
    • 186 2 S'pore and Thailand accused of plot 1 BANGKOK. Sat. Vietnam today accused Singapore and Thailand of plotting to form a united Kampuchean guerrilla front to oppose the Hanoibacked government in Phnom Penh. The Vietnam news agency quoted the official communist party newspaper Nhan Dan as saying that Thailand and Singapore
      Reuter  -  186 words
    • 289 2 FIRST MEETING BETWEEN POLISH LEADER AND UNION BOSS WARSAW, Sat. Poland's communist party leader, Stanislaw Kania. held his first meeting with Solidarity Free Trade Union leader Lech Walesa here last night, as the country continued to simmer with labour and student unrest. The meeting
      Reuter  -  289 words
    • 237 2 Border row wtih India can be solved. says Han NEW DELHI. Sat China believes that its border dispute with India can be solved through negotiations and that India and Pakistan should also come to terms and be friendly with each other This was stated by Chi nese Deputy Foreign Minister
      Reuter  -  237 words
    • 183 2 CAR EXPORTS: US WARNS JAPAN NOT TO BE COMPLACENT TOKYO. Sat. High level government talks between Japan and the United States ended here today with a warning to Japan not to become complacent over its car exports. US Undersecretary of State (or Economic Affairs. Mr Richard Cooper, told a press
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • Sideliners
      • 80 2 MIAMI coast guard, air! force and navy aircraft and a half-dozen private planes scoured the waters of the Bermuda Triangle yesterday but found no trace of a hencopter with a party of television technicians two days overdue. The search of the Gulf Stream from the Florida
        UPI  -  80 words
      • 47 2 MORE Americans were i married in 1979 than ever before, the largest yearly increase since 1946, the govern- j ment reported yesterday. Yet. for every two mar-, riages, there was one divorce, said a report by the National Centre for Health Statistics. AP.
        AP  -  47 words
      • 83 2 grizzly HERCULES the runaway bear won a "gold joker' award yesterday from Britain's newspaper cartoonists for the fun be gave them last summer when he disappear-1 ed on a Scottish island tor 22 days. The 340 kg, 2 m grizzly j eluded police and troops, after slipping away
        AP  -  83 words
      • 65 2 BRIGHT red signs proclaiming "a woman was raped here" have been spray-paint-ed at about 150 places around Ann Arbor, Michigan. The signs arr the work of about 70 angry women, armed with cans of red spray paint. They called the sign-painting spree a ■guerrilla action and
        UPI  -  65 words
      • 66 2 CONFESSED bank robber Ronald Pennington pleaded for mercy in a Kansas City Federal Court not for freedom but for a prison where he could get a cure to his gambling addiction. Pennington, who told US District Judge Scott O. Wright "I'm sick." got his wish The judge
        UPI  -  66 words
    • 558 2 BEIJING Sat. CHINA has published part of the indictment containing 48 specific charges against the "Gang of Four" and six other major defendants as a prelude to their trial expected to start within the next few days. The date for the start of
      Reuter  -  558 words
    • 69 2 6 NONE of us ka*ws what Prince Charles' feelings are at aay time about the numerous young ladies Fleet Street tries to get him married to. 7 Buckingham Palace official to reporters' queries that Prince Claries, who turned 32 yesterday, would announce his marriage to Lady Diana
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    • 278 2 Foot wants Parliament to get back its powers from the EEC LONDON, Sat. MR MICHAEL FOOT, the new leader of the opposition Labour Party, has j called for all law-making powers Britain has delegated to the European Common Market (EEC) to be returned to Parliament. In his first full-length i
      AP  -  278 words
    • 161 2 LOS ANGELES, Sat. I Hollywood siar and businessman Car/ Grant has filed a slana ?r suit seek- j i ins US$lO million (5520.8 million) in damages from comedian Chevy Chase, alleging that Chase al- luded to him as a homosexual, lawyers for Grant said
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 134 3 Easing trade sanctions on Russia TOKYO Sat Pull-fat- RcMld Reafaa's the XJU*^KS lar its ■HMn onawatiMi of AtardCnpir Mr Cooper the Under secretary of State in charge of uwiir affair* aaid that the Rea take mack m sMp after ii— H^U|imi T~ J the trie*. Own vitw But he aid
      134 words
    • 25 3 Mmaorr Hiu Die '»<kFr mrr b*rr in— to id t«» ■HraS— 1 *itu«iioo a ad praa Eombt Coim— ty •ad Mem -AFP
      AFP  -  25 words
    • 393 3 FIRST APPOINTMENTS TO HIS INNER CIRCLE WASHINGTON, Saturday PRESDENT-riect Ronaid Reagan has made clear in Bis first major staff appointments that he is determined to bring moderate Repute beans Mo his inner circle and shake up the • of the While House The office set
      Reuter; AFP  -  393 words
    • 59 3 MANILA. Sat Australia's new foreign minister. Anthony Street arrived in the Philippines today for an Asean tour. which he described as mainly exploratory. He will meet President Ferdinand Marcos on Monday, and will also have talks with several members of his cabinet including acting Foreign Minister Jose
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 30 3 LIMA. Sat Dozens of smallscale earthquakes this week In the southern Peruvian Andes have Killed at least seven people and left thousands homeless, government authorities reported yesterday AP.
      AP  -  30 words
    • 212 3 WASHINGTON. Sat. THE Imted States has banned imports of certain •sad product* made by a French company that re^ ce«iy agreed tobuild a USHM million (SS7X million) electric steel plant in the SovtM Uasoa The Creusot-Loire Steel Compaay a aaael giant, moved
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    • 110 3 LONDON, Sat. Score* of BoaV* have heea «e*rchU« for aa lateJlfcgeaM* •facer la the British Defeat* MaaJslij atoee his wife reported htm mtosiag oa Moaaa>, officials saM today. At Ihr raoaaat of Ms faaaU> pstteeia the au'i k<nrl»i of Blshsp's Startfara 4M as* «srioar b^bS
      110 words
    • 97 3 SOME the If achooiefciMrea who were heM hostage far more thaa II hoars la their school has by three yvaac gaamea la ItuMili oa FrMay are seen here after they had heea released. Police agreed U the gmamea's reqaeat to broadcast their
      97 words
    • 148 3 TEHERAN, Sat. Iran n ported non-stop fighting overnight around the town of Susangerd, about 30 km from the Iraqi border, with both Iranian and Iraqi forces suffering heavy casualties. Quoting the official Pars news agency, Teheran radio said Iraqi troops trying to close in
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 40 3 WASHINGTON. Sat. The United States yesterday ex£loded a test nuclear bomb Flow the Nevada desert, an Energy Department spokesman announced. The bomb. less than 20 kilotonnes. was the 14th nuclear bomb tested by the US this year AFP
      AFP  -  40 words
    • 168 3 Danger in Toyota petrol tanks, say insurers WASHINGTON, Sat. Two popular Toyota car models, the Corona and Corolla, may have a fault that could cause their petrol tanks to burst into flame in rearend collisions, a research group funded by the insurance industry said yesterday. The Insurance Institute for Highway
      AP  -  168 words
    • 86 3 US central bank raises discount rate WASHINGTON, Sat. The United States Federal Reserve Board has raised its discount rate by 1 per cent and put more curbs on borrowing, in a bid to bring down inflation. With the election over, the central bank is no longer under pressure to keep
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 24 3 SAPPORO (Japan). Sat. Three persons were killed in a cave-in at a coal mine at Utashinai. near Sapporo, northern Japan, yesterday AFP.
      AFP  -  24 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 365 2 Buying a Washing Machine? Beware. Some Pros are Really Cons! NOW. a free brochurr that helps you "An Intelligent Guide To Buying A distinguish the pros from the cons in Washing Machine" absolutely free. buving a washing machine. An honest Plus description of the valuable free guide to choosing a
      365 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 254 3 We've Christmas hampers for children of all ages at Singapore Shui Hing HgL ,Woi\^^^k We've Christmas hampers t0 *o>*^'^ j j* *^^L for boys and Christmas <^k jsttL W hampers for girls. Together -Jp^L j Lj jp-M Bl g^ with hampers for babies, 'Jfc. "Jb t^aW hampers full of stationery
      254 words

  • 1061 4  - It's the glitter of gold that packs them all in. ZHOU MEI By THE DRAW of gold is truly irresistible I That can be the only plausible rtplianrtna for the full-houa* at teadaacv at the one-day seminar yesterday, ortamted by the Gold Exchange of Singapore (GES) to commemorate its second
    1,061 words
  • 28 4 JALAN KAYU's four management committees of community centra* will hold a joint kindergarten graduation ceremony at the Pei Hwa Public School on Friday at 8 p.m.
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  • 65 4 A HOUSEWIFE, Madam Haaac kal Lr«, tv rrporir^ to the paOet I*m at tm 4UmMd riags worth SM while oat ahoppiasMadam Moan* af Cheag S».a Gardeas, all Jalaa Jaraag Ke«aU, weat ■hasajaf; at P««Pj«'» Pan at 4 ■m. PrMay. The riaga were hi a
    65 words
  • 710 4  -  LIAK TENG KIAT: By KUNMING, Saturday SINGAPOREANS today got a bird's eye view of one of the "stupid mistakes" of the Chinese Cultural Revolution the reclamation of land from Lake Dianchi for use as I rice fields. Because of the stress on j grandiose
    VOW YIN WOH  -  710 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 588 4 There's good money in banking Qualify w*th The School o» Banking The AIB a pco«o«mmnI ajaataficajMoi) •■■■tied b> tfct Iff. of Inn, t^A m* im» ill fcy I ASA 1 i jWfe aroajBd the »orfcd To «teow tfcn prcrtajr qmlift CBHBB vou bcco cvpen t imi ton neaata *«mmi of
      588 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 751 5 A NEW KIND OF CAR FOR SINGAPORE Hoiden Commodore ■■■■■■■■^■^■^^^^^■■■■■■H rni^— i This is it Now. To change all your ideas about I Ki9 I Ln I Radial TuriAd Sunnnrudnn Australian cars rfl^^H^^^^^^B^^^BK VS^^^^^^^^^^^P kLi I rwuiai iuiiou 9UU|JVi mmii With an unusual level of interior appointments. i WHMBj l^^^^iMia^HBHMj
      751 words

  • 388 6 reABcry At PvlaUi Aver 13am bu»u.ii Uut y«f aad HB. tar a tot*] of This was revealed by Emi managfrt duwror Mr Terry f««ag. at the IIIMBj't lfttfc JWHsary oeMnboM at Pilu Ayer Caawaa yesttrda} KdMMd to he spent w ■mini ni
    388 words
  • 56 6 THE Queenstown Branch Library's promotion and programmes section will organise a talk-cum slide show on the Importance of Kindergarten Education at its lecture room on Nov 22 at 3 p.m. The talk. In Mandarin, will be given by Miss Ethel Own. a lecturer at the Pre-Primary Education Department.
    56 words
  • 109 6 ROBIN LANE, off Bukit Timah Road, will be closed to traffic for five months from tomorrow for sewerage work in the area. A government gazette notice said the restriction will not apply to ambulances, fire engines, police and Sewerage Department vehicles and those belonging to
    109 words
  • 416 6 BE considerate to the young and elderly on the roads. Help them across. This is the message of the Traffic Police latest safety drive directed at the public to make them more aware of the dangers these two groups face
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  • 273 6 Students going abroad can now get advice from teachers STUDENTS thinking of going to foreign universities can now turn to their teachers for advice. A total of 33 pre-university teachers have just been trained as student counsellors so that they can prepare tbe students for life abroad. I The in-service
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  • 338 6 Chambers support guidelines on Asean projects THE Chinese chambers of commerce and industry of Singapore and Malaysia yesterday unanimously supported the guidelines for the Asean joint venture projects proposed by the Asean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ACCI). The two chambers said this in a joint statement released after their
    338 words
  • 184 6 Everything you want to know about getting into US colleges All you ever wanted to know about American colleges and universities and how to get into them you can get the answers at American College Night at the Regional Language Centre auditorium on Thursday at 5.30 p.m. Representatives of 14
    184 words
  • 65 6 A SERGEANT in the Special Constabulary, Mr Leong Kim Seng, has been awarded the Clasp to the Singapore Special Constabulary Medal by President Sheares. Two others. Sergeant Chong Sek Jam and Con- stable Liaw Kok Hwa. each received the constabulary medal, according to the latest government gazette
    65 words
  • 376 6 campaign soon to point out ills of puffing IN SINGAPORE where •me la three men Is cigarette siaaker, tkto year's Nifioai I Heart Mi Antt-Caaeer Week will have m Its theme "Tke ClMtce Is Yaws: Smokiag or Health. Tke week starts from Nav 2> aad aae eaa have tree checks
    376 words
  • 47 6 CEYLANC Serai zone A residents' committee will organist a collection of old newspapers and clothing at Blocks 1 to tl» Haig Road, today at HI i Minds raised from the sale of these articles will be used, fc subsidise activities for the residents
    47 words
  • 49 6 MR RUDOLF MOSBEK(iEN has been appointed Dim." or of the Institute of Education, in place of Miss Lim Hsii. M«t who has gone lo England far further studies. A government gazette notification said that the appointment was from Oct 1 this year to March 31. 1982
    49 words
  • 26 6 A MALAYSIAN. Mr Lim Cuan Hual, 37, has been banned from coming to Singapore from Nov 4 the latest govemment gazette notification announced yesterday
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 295 6 i Febi fr^ PAT LeAvma m "Q TO FOR QUICK SALE c condition nlsft Showroom I*7 *«*inp 5530,000 ***•»> *****1 m^^^^^^augm^^^^stut curs. «',,< YOU NEED $1000 CASH l^^^%W%#« f AND THE BANKS ARE CLOSED. WHATARETOUGaNGTODO? ■UppW^ Use your I'nicard. With it, you have financial independence, day or night, Hk cv
      295 words

  • 137 7 'SHOW KIDS LOVE AND GOOO EXAMPLES' PARENTS shnald treat thjar iMlrtna with low and an a ffoad tnwqit W the jMajMn are to Mr SMtefc SwMff MP lot" Kaftan Ajwr. atid th* at Mm a>^ Kradui M cjwiaay <rf tuader farm rtukJrw at Manda nn Tkntre in GeyUac Baaru ycaMrday
    137 words
  • 362 7 CHILDREN properly hrwaslM as. can W a good m vestment for old age This iimnlmi was given yesterday by the Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Sscial Affairs). Mr Own Che* Seng- *hea he urged TJiswiw to make careful preparations for their aid ace He said
    362 words
  • 50 7 MOTORISTS are rrmimiri that their vehicles will m Laager be ettciUe far srefereatlai AddittMal Begiatrmttaa Fee (PARF) if the vehicle* are mare thaa If yean aid tram Jaaavy 1 aext year. The PARF scheme is to eaeaarage materials to rrplsrr their aid ears with new aaes far
    50 words
  • 145 7 Former exec faces cheating, CBT charges LEX Yong Meng. 31. a < former marketing execuMM of Melco Sales Singapore, was charged in a magistrate's court yester- day on three counts of cheating the company of $111,420 worth of televi- sion sets. He also allegedly committed criminal breach of trust of
    145 words
  • 522 7 AS THE last af the madels la tke Magle Nelre faaklaa extravagaaia walked aftstage, the peapte la tke aadieace sat relaxed la their seats at tke Hyatt Hatel ea Friday Bight. Bat tke Bight af tke Big Speaders ni Jut aegUalag. Befere eaaveraatiaa niM
    522 words
  • 213 7 THE senior legal officer of the Inland Revenue Department's legal section. James Chia Shin Ching. 37, faced four charges for cheating, criminal breach of trust and two income tax summonses in a magistrate's court yesterday. He also faces two earlier corruption charges involving £1,220 (about
    213 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 46 7 aaJb>3 w"■ ~^S 'onssnaaasCi t. l\\ R W P JaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaakM a^^^^^^B^^iasP^Bmnl 7 «BX?nnaannnP^ aaaaa^^ aaaaa^anw^s^aaaal amas^naS W^SM 5 V Bk^mnni aaaaaaaaaaaanafßl sssaat^laaaal a#» aanP^aT^lrS ifl Slnl^NaßTS^UV^ B *HaVawMsHsa||r aa uu^^ Ba^T^^^-f^A PMV^HH'aaaaaaaaaaV^BaaaarVi >' JHk &SOs£\ttp aasUfcj*nw*^>nn>^»M^-^^i>— —^a»a»^»— r^KyWr^B^WCy^Wnj^^^^y^^W T* *v 5 B^Rfcjß^*^" m Baaaaaaaa^sßTsSf^BaannaVnßaanifaß^^ 1 111 f
      46 words
    • 320 7 ifinn^- \Ne f^ave *«< over 200 dciiciously preoved anies and desserts annul Oump'ing m Basket (Shanghai style* $3 SO Mad Oumcting Fried To Gotden Cnso $3 50 Korean Red Bean Paste $800 Burger 30 cents per ptece Mince meat (small) $6.00 per dish ™h snow CNno Potoce BiiKxaont _f r^K
      320 words

  • TV highlights
    • 1796 8 A TV forum about i Mandarin in Hokkien? i Unusual, yes, but necessary, as shown by LMgaage Spakea At HMDf Aad the Leaning iMMgngfi A Dtof— >■■ With The Prime Minister. Ain*>dxat dialect-speak ing adults, this one-hour programme, featuring Mr Lee Kaaa Yew,
      1,796 words
    • 181 8 BIG LEAGI E SOCCER (Today. Ch 5. 1145 ami: The three exciting matches for this week are Settiafthaiii h'MTst vs Maateeater City, Crystal Palace vs Ipswirh, and LJveraeel vs West Breaawirk AlaJea. SPOBTS SPECI.AL THE IS OPEN UOLF CHAMPIONSHIP (Today. Ch 5. 10.55 pun.): Tonight's Final Round (Part One)
      181 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 661 8 IF YOU HAVE THE WILL We'll show you the way it you NM Ml OMMV MB MMOfRMI to fltUOy IMfO, tO OMf) DSttßf FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS HOME STUDIES DIVISION for any o* the examination courses of the following well-established and h*oily reputable U < Correspondence Colleges Instrtuta o» Admantatrattva London Oambar
      661 words
    • 13 8 Aaaa Daaa l/aaa pUWY a B^D f -"B^B^B^i^B^if^^^^^|^^fl I B^atA_J I BWA A
      13 words
    • 17 8 m umfeils y i^ tjffl another 1^ B^Bw v^^ bW. bY V^W II ttr Pine I IL^HH99HHH
      17 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 719 8 On^ouijy_^ 10.00 AM Openinf folowed by Josie And The Pussycats 6.15 News (English) 10.30 Timing Tn«i Tngp (Malay) (r) 6 25 Cartoon Selections 11.00 The Misadventures Of Sheriff lobo 640 ""We S*"*"" F e* Good Men The Day The Shark Ate Lobo 7.30 News (Malay) 11.50 8*f League Soccer 7.50
      719 words
    • 94 8 IBbVBB^BB^BBVBBBYBVBBB' CvT^r^M^rff^^a^^l9s CA|lliiii_^_^_^^-^_^2y m^^T^^^^^^^^^^^^ TODAY: Slagapare 5.11 am- (2.2 m), 10.24 am (1.6 m), 4.04 p.m <2.3 m). 11.04 p.m. (08m) Serfili Kerail 3.52 am (2.3 m). 10.24 am. (1.5 m). 2.30 p.m. (1.7 m). 9.22 pm. (0 8m) Pert Dirksea 5K> am. (Mm,, no? pm. (2Oln) 6.30 p.m. (1
      94 words

  • TV highlights 2
    • 1033 9 Bxeelleat (i—d Pair Paar YES. they've dooe it again Not sat.sfied with last week's excellent The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald. SBC has again managed a double-barrelled entertaiMneat feature (ace PajeS). Not that anyone could liniirtilj,- object Quite Ike <xmir«r> caMmM *v
      1,033 words
    • 891 9  - SPOTLIGHT ON CHINESE PROGRAMMES LEONG WENG KAM TODAY ETERNAL LOVE (3.30 p.m.): Last episode. Three days after Ai Lan leaves the Fei family. Mo Ren's mother injures herself in a fall ana is taken to hospital. She still hopes Ai Lan will become her daughter-in-law and faints when she learns
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 151 9 aWla^TJJff'fcff'*^^^ ata^aP -^kW^^it% C R UMA R 2003 x^^l Feature-packed console organ. \i»^^B^\^Bl S^V Space-age technology, yet remarkably S"^V^b^^ eas y l 0 P la Y because of the rational S*^X^^a^r layout with LED presets and exclusive *sS^^ illuminated digital read-out system. Complete mono preset synthesizer section p produces purest
      151 words
      329 words

    • 211 10 'Lazy Western' workers blamed for recession KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday THE laziness and lethargy of workers in industrialised countries is the main reason for the current global recession, Malaysia's Deputy Prime Minister said here today. D«tuk Seri Dr Mahathir, opening an international seminar on the port on Economic Development, said that
      Reuter  -  211 words
    • 58 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Tkc NatUaal Electricity Baard mill set up a helicopter unit here to laeate aad Investigate electricity ispply breaksfewßS, pararalarly la remate tnd laaccesslble areas, the board's geaeral maaager, Tan Sri Aba Zarim Hajl Omar. SaM today. He said the tfM.Mt unit Is expected to
      NST  -  58 words
    • 361 10 BUTTERWORTH, Sat THE Malaysian Government is against using foreign labour to ease the shortage of blue-collar workers, especially felt in the construction industry. Labour and Manpower Minister Datuk Richard Ho said yesterday that with an unemployment rate of 6.1 per cent,
      NST  -  361 words
    • 59 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat Hundreds of workers at the Shell headquarters building here in Damansara fled from their offices yesterday follow ins an anonymous telephone call that a bomb had been planted in the building After a two-hour search by police, the all clear sign was given
      NST  -  59 words
    • 228 10 Cigarettes with high tar and nicotine levels KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The most common brands of cigarettes sold here have been found to have high tar and nicotine levels by American and British standards. The Director of Health Services, Dr Abdul Talib Latiff. told the Malay Mail yesterday that an analysis
      NST  -  228 words
    • 28 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. North Korea's Minister of Culture and Arts. Mr Li Chang Son, arrived here today with a five-man delegation for a sixday visit. NST.
      NST  -  28 words
    • 134 10 JOHOBE BARI Sat. Oaly Umm exempted I fr«m eTsmlastisa by the CiiUni are altowed to aae the "YIP Laae" at the Causeway taas, G*vers*ra, MlabJaogcs. These YIP« are I ateTexempt frwn taxes. mgh-raakiaKGavera-meat •fnelata may ase the YIP Laae If they kave any argea.
      NST  -  134 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 270 10 aa^^^^^^^^-SBBBB^-^ A9 a I cS&'-^L _^B^Bb^Bbbbbb! I «B^r* 3^Bssß BB 1 1 mmms JVC introduces the New G series Hi-Fi systems. SYSTEM G3O I G-XlOO I G-X2OO I G-X2OOR "~A-X1 A-X2 A-X2 t*TD>-f S»f«oiniaoralBdAmpt*et Su>er-A Siereo Integraied Super-A Stereo Integraied Super W Stereo Integrated 22 «we- mm RMS AmpM«r Amplifier
      270 words
    • 105 10 Features: JVC übes the new Super-A design to r^k. dispel the harsh, metallic distortion that used to fog up reproduction A^■■™m Metal Tape has a wider dynamic range J^f\ Eyi l which improves frequency response X r I*±£~3 and lowers distortion with complete metal rA«coMP«TBu fidelity on cassettes ©A quartz
      105 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 261 10 i SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACROSS: 7. Source of nation to be crooked (4) 3. printer's capital (5,4) 8.- Fight for a bit (5) 4. h-s up for approval (5) 9^ Something on the road to Painful reminder of the stop a snake in its tracks' need for filling time' (9)
      261 words

  • 432 11 THE Public Utilities Board onset hMttfy the need far any mcreaae in rates to avoid bring branded as a "profit oriented body by the pubJic. NTLC secretary -general and Minister without portfoii. Mr I.irr <Tw+ mn said yesterday The board rtnukJ explain ctearty.
    432 words
  • 490 11  -  PAUL JACOB and KAREN LAU ■y OLD habits die hard. Despite dearer coffee and tea. scores of people interviewed in coffee shops and stalk yesterday protested against the unfair increases, between sips, erf course. Several added: 'But i there is nothing we
    490 words
  • 118 11 EFFECTIVE preservation of law and order means more than just deterrent measures: the law should j yed but SecreThe Immanent becreEducatn^Mr^^Kim Leong. yesterday impressed this on NaUonal Police Cartel Conm officers at i^loli^Xca^ In Tokyo, he said, a jaywalker would be crtictsed by fellow pedestrians.
    118 words
  • 159 11 SINGAPORE'S trade deficit has continued to grow from $6,637.6 million for the first nine months of I last year to $7,177.6 mil- lion for the same period this year. Our greatest deficit continued to be in trade with Saudi Arabia. While the Saudis imported only $88.4
    159 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 207 11 THE FABRIC IS SCABAL THECUTISMELWANI'S ai EaV aW. l -'M t m Jm w awai since 1683 G5 O<ttc*a Ct ***** *11d PtOKJ S«ngapura 1s? Floor Tel *****29 315 Singapore HtttonArcoae Tei *****90 114-1 iSSriawCentre SALE DON'T MISS THIS COOL BARGAIN. SAMSONITE and AMERICAN TOURtSTER mm( Bea^y Caaat. Attache Case*
      207 words
    • 425 11 v U pJ\ ft fi/fn\ mYm\ DALE CARNEGIE M COURSES AVAILABLE TO BUSINESS INDUSTRY DALE CARNEGIE h;.n,trr COUWSt OHI KJ »«St TWO SALESMEN and V**loA SALESWOMEN: COURAGE GET MORE CONFIDENCE RESULTS LEADERSHIP This action-packed 1 0 ways the Dale Dale Carnegie Sates Carnegie Course helps Course helps you: man and
      425 words

  • At the cinema
    • 692 12  -  WALTER SEOW fvtow TIM Long Rktort FIRST it was Tom Hern. Now it's THE LONG RIDERS (now showing at the Lido). The Western, one of the screen's most popular forms of entertainment, is back, and galloping fast and furious. Aiders takes another
      692 words
    • 667 12  -  LEONG WENG KAM reviews The Story ot a Refuge* CASHING in on his popularity as the refugee from China in the successful Hongkong television drama serial, Man in the Net. actor Liew Wai Hung makes his debut on the big screen in THE STORY OF
      667 words
    • 647 12  - Home-made films to go on show LIM PHA Y-LING By ON Nov 24, the Singapore Cine Club will proudly show to the public for the first time six of the many good films their members have made. All are welcome to watch these home-made movies at the Medical Alumni Club
      647 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 298 12 |'VVWVV«WVr\>VWWWWWV»A»A)W HURRY! LAST FEW DAYS! UU fcWHi 4. 6 30 4 9 15pm in super slercoßtWPic sound with PI II DOtBV 5TBB) j PWtNT |i| ODEON: NEXT CHANGE! (I THE BLXJE LAGOON < I BROOKE SWEXDS w—-. CHRISTOPHER ATKTtS J \i KERN WILLW* LWtELS I /-N CO*.*!^***™*^. »5 <S»««l«iO«OK)l,R»«o»iiuXS£» j
      298 words
    • 199 12 10 ""^EDROOM™™ "TviNgTSoOm"™" w* CXNING ROOM WL\:, //MY* FURNITURE ■^k I WIT> o louc^ o( i^^^^^^Bfl CLASS Unit 321 3rd Root. Plaza Smgapura Tel *****05 M "Ml^YkMi 'B TODAY MORNING SHOW TOOAV 11. 1.15. JJU. 14. 1.30pm AT 900■ in THE LffiflH X M.H COMMANDMENTS yr^^. :ao«sco« Bk^i nr H
      199 words
    • 486 12 Ttth Can't Stop the Crowd DAY! CAPITOL-REPUBLIC ;CAP337»7S«)Ii,m. 1.30.*. 6.30. 1.15 No Fr,« L»l (ftoe J44M02) L—i 2 Day« 11.1.30,4, 8*5.9 15 Mo Fr., Li.t f» 9 fMfa« Cmm Who gave you Crease" NOW BRINGS YOU P««/V M t± XflflrV -/A m JV^ a£v££2h &mm\mf*.LA. f/Jz£i MT^ "JtT^S W W
      486 words
    • 348 12 v jTcoiisATioi j"| m7Jj?Jj. »ITI 1 JKM Wtl trf 1■ m NOW SHOWKCVNo Ham. i *moo. j*-*'s I I 8 45XXT1 L*«rty-Sovov Or «ntol m ■9 C jprtol-Choogi )ur ,v« Prts a "«t"0«2V0U« MMtOCA TX «Scop* A Cotor V IF! II "KIM 01 OCATtr Waoda ELsaEBExm SHOWIIsiGNio t-e Is» p
      348 words

  • Entertainment
    • 252 13  -  PAUL JANSEN ■3 HEAD far flMiafTl lii liara Siyr riab V >•■ saat >»ir eatertalasMat la grmmm mi DiaMp taw If yd waat to uwuW to saTI strata* af lakewam ■Mate. At least art for the aerM the Bally- «■■< Is stage. Maae af kasaaafl aad
      252 words
    • 592 13 LIVELY, lovely, solemn and gay. Musical contrasts abound in (Starts,, the concert to be i presented by the Inter1 national Festival Chorus on Friday and Saturday at the Conference Hall. Mr John Edwards, venturesome director of the chorus, likes to devise wukiI programmes that wUl
      592 words
    • 491 13  -  TERRY LIM KJ THE Singapore Symphony Orctestra has been tiring itself out with weekly per-!,>-man.-es sir, *c th< ►••cm ning of this month and the strain is starting to show. At Friday night's concert in the Victoria Concert Hall, fatigue was most noticeable in
      491 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 487 13 x\ Commemorating the opening of j^\Jsr Cs^.<^^ our ew Showroom cao/ net 1 V/f llfVo mmm jU /O KJI 7 yjS?~/r on *',i imported local furniture AT ORCHARD PLAZA m imported velvet C^> vi 7rm ■^••■V-'tCb +j J^P^^ I *«.utch guard fabnc Imported Upholstery materials on Sale $1,350 fin^K^ AT
      487 words

  • 702 14 The Sunday Times SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1980 'My school holiday' SCHOOL holidays are here again... and, if you are of school-going age. it will be all too soon before you are back in class. Then comes that first composition lesson, and thousands of young ones will be called upon to
    702 words
  • 50 years ago
    • 55 14 TOWKAY Goh Eng Thye the proprietor of the Negri Sembilan Aerated Water Co., has presented a handsome silver cup to the St Paul's Old Boys' Association, Seremban, to be competed for at billiards in open tournament. The majority of these matches will be played during the Christmas week.
      55 words
    • 55 14 JAMES WHALE, who directed "Waterloo Bridge." has just completed "Frankestein" with Colin Clive and Boris Karloff in the leading parts. AL Jolson is likely to be "empictured" in a new musical talkie. "Sons o' Guns," with Lily Damita and Eddie Cantor, after a long absence from the screen.
      55 words
    • 52 14 If you're a tea drinker, here's an advertisement for you from Gold Leaf Tea. "ARRESTED! ARRESTED!! That feeling of nerves ad ennui from all excesses. Why worry? "A brew of GOLD LEAF TEA provides relaxation and sensation in the Cup that Cheers." Sunday Times. December
      52 words
  • 1041 14  -  BERNARD COLLING By Where did the late ex-Shah of Iran hide his personal fortune? The Iran Government has a team of treasure hunters searching the world for the answer 4 How could one man, even if he was the ruler of an
    1,041 words
  • 647 14  - DON'T THROW AWAY THAT OLD BIKE... RUPERT BUTLER By could be worth up to $5,000 IF THAT old bike rusting in your spare room or garden is getting on your nerves, resist the temptation to throw it away. Instead, take a good look at those old boneshakers...they could be
    647 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 751 15  -  RONNIE WAI WORDS by PICTURES by HAIRIS and ANTHONY WYE /WE hmve been assessing them every day and all of them are coping well although the coarse is crammed. Their attitude is positive and they have an inquiring mind. Given their educational background
    751 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 387 15 At last, a washing machine with 16 programmes, for an unbeatable price. The new Pan -Electric Mark 4 deluxe. It's push-button easy. The Pan-Electric Mark 4 deluxe washing Then there are separate programmes for absorbers to cut down noise and vibration, machine. A luxury you can afford, machine. What a
      387 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 477 16 AT YOUR SEBVICE RATES SECTION INDEX fr Telephone S«rvKt: *****22 I PERSONAL SERVICES .d»^""^. aT*N a^N Mondoy Fndov 830om-Soopm Or*nor, 80 c* per .ord (rr«n »I 2 00) MERCHANDISE ■aSB^aW *BsV ■■■M I ll W \L ->~ '^-^M 11l U aaaaaaasJW fl M fl^ j] JM SotUfO^OV 830 Q fTt
      477 words
    • 623 16 HtW SAUJSM PIANO S4OO dis count and free gifts for Chnstanas Special Offer Hurr> while PIONEER AMPLIFIER. DECK. Tuner Boae Speaker 501. Turn- MB i MJH Ptvaai I contact Ismail *****2S SONY ICF*aoo«r J2-BANO Radio Ke.euer Highest offer secures I Ring Mr Ng *****3 after 3 00pm SPECIAL PROMOTION 2t%
      623 words
    • 433 16 I i i 26 Where To E«l EXCELLENT VEGETARIAN fOOO fast service, aircondiuoned Cuy parking 1000 a m to 830 p m K»an Im Vegetarian ResI Uuram 190 Waterloo Street Tel t FOR OUICK LUNCH ti Reserva1 lion, visit Lai Wan Restaurant. 377C. J»lmn Besar (aircondition I Tel 2M3303 2S8IS94
      433 words
    • 637 16 39 Houm Renovation/Repair PAVEMENT/ PATIO ULES new (ifrnun designs In attractive colours to enhance your home For a free quotation for these economical tiles, please call Keith Lee at 6M2S8 < i 41 TV/Sound System AERIALS INSTALLATION RE PAW Telefunken. Sharp. Siera. GraeLz ITT colour T V on the spot
      637 words
    • 484 16 I 46 Situation* Vacant a) Professional ft Execmtiv AREA MANAGER American Chemical Engi naarino, Company with panding bunntu in Singapore. Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand seek* Manager lor Ihn territory. Candidates should have at least 3 years sales and sales management experience In the fields of water treatment, fuel additives and
      484 words
    • 484 16 ESTABLISHED FMM REOUMf S an Accounts Clerk for immediate I employment. Candidates with 1 year's working experience preferred for further on-the-job i training Apply In own handwriting, stating personal resume i with non-relurnxble photograph) and salary expected, lo: The Admin Manager. Unit 202. Tan Boon Lial Building 315. Oulram Road.
      484 words
    • 219 16 Established Construction Company requires a SITE FOREMAN Applicants must possess a Polytechnic Diploma in Building or olher equivalent with al least 2 years' experlPleese state salary expected and peel references of protects undertaken with contact talephone number lo: S.T. BOX A***** PERFORMANCE MOTORS LIMITED requires VEHICLE MECHANIC (ELECTRICAL) Qualifications: o
      219 words
    • 335 16 FOREMAN REOUMCD. PREFERABLY with 3 years experience in civil engineering Interested applicants please apply with personal particulars, photo and a contact phone number to: P.O. Box 119. Serangoon Road Post Office. Spore 9132 or contact lei *****96 i I c) Production requires FEMALE OPERATORS Seells" 7 TODAY! 8t The Personnel
      335 words
    • 609 16 ■"■■Mill aimellll REOUMCD COOKS ANO Steward for Western coviklng. Indonesian Nationality contact Tel *****72 1) CAPTAIN I Mate) 2) HOSTESSES 3) WAITRESSES OUT SERVICE DELIVERY BOY Apply personally at CAFE SULTANA (Coffee House a Restaurant) 24 1 High Street Centre. 2nd fir.. North Bridge Road Singapore o*l7 for interview on
      609 words
    • 595 16 CATS I a»4-44*l I Classified Advertising Works. g) Tutorial PRIVATE TUTOR REOUIREC icactUfsj Bacondarj -t Engiisr and flestnee Experienced ale or equivalent Con lac I *****7 REQUIRED FULL/PART TIME In ■tree ton iKMKhsh and Chines* lo teach Handicraft Paataraa r'ashion Designing. Diaasasßt ing and Men Tailoring Course v our Institute
      595 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 801 17 1 Ti 1[ IP r .It If n m rWelii 4 toiti fl—a M 4 toats M m VtMcles 4 Boats M 111 hNdn 4 Boats l» Acconwm>ctatlon 4 Properties S5 VahKlas For Sata JUNE 1*77 OATSUN IOOA Aircon sport rims rmarur tip-top 1 romlitMin BSI3.SS* ono Tel sasan David
      801 words
    • 950 17 AUGUST 187* CORTBtA JMO Ghia Manual Private registration In good condiuon With aircond radio ruaette $18 500 ono View 22 One Tree Hill after 10 AUC 1*77 FOBS Cortina 1 GL Pntate owner, immaculate 1 iibiuuii Complete accessories I M t Selling rheap $15,000 OEC 1*73 FOaO Escort 1100 Tudor
      950 words
    • 922 17 JAN 1*74 CAPELLA 1600 New I paint rnimf overhauled Aircond rims radio cassette PARF eligible Tax 1 11 Well maintain- ed HMono Tel JB535O3 JULY 1*72 MAZDA 1000 c r E5644H PARF eligible t&JOd View Kraser t Neave Factory, i 47S River Valley Road. S 30 a m u> I
      922 words
    • 996 17 OEC 1*73 LANCCR MOO Cf, 5 speed, cassette, radio, aircond $9 500 PARK eligible Tfl *****5* 7.TTO10 Of C 1*7* COLT Sigma 1600 OS 1 private owiwt. aircon. cassette spans rims Original showroom condition Low mileage Tel *****09 END 1*7*, COLT Sigma ON 2 owners Road tax new Aircond. radio
      996 words
    • 616 17 OCTOBER I*7] TOYOTA Carina. Second owner Alrcond. radio' caaartM $8,500 park Beautiful condition Call *****37 ONE OWNER. M months old Cellca Liflbaek Power windows, cassette, radio, alrcon. in excellent condition $30,000 ono Highest offer secures View 9H. Bartley Road 1953) Tel *****91/*****51 SEPT I*7* TOYOTA Corolla 1200 In perfect condition
      616 words
    • 789 17 AUSTM 1300 MARCH 1973 Good condition One owner $7,800 0 no Tel *****M Lee AUSTM IMS MK M December 1973 with PARK Radio' casseiuv good engine $7,800 on o Tel: MM BEAUTIFUL 1*73 MMiCA 2-door. I radio. PAKK eligible. J* 400 ono Mt CITROEN OS 1220 Club. 1(77 Diplomatic regd
      789 words
    • 605 17 i»7t NOV DAIHATSU Charade One owner, tip top condition (15.8000 no Contact 452A064 1*7* SUBARU MM C.C. one owner with radio good condition Contact Marina La) Tel 4M9230 1M0 MODEL SUBARU 1800 c I OLF 5- speed. ARK alrcond. seat covers Very low mileage. 7.500 km Selling »2«.9O0 Owner leaving
      605 words
    • 469 17 YAMAHA DT 17SF May 1980 Excellent condition $1,400. carry on h p View 20. Chu Yen Street (2386). Phone 4689*50 after 12 p m YAMAHA M C.C. Price «2S0 New < seat, tyres, tax Good condition Tel *****08 Hamid i«74 HOMO* Wet New model $4S0 Tel *****00 1*74 SUZUKI OT
      469 words
    • 208 17 59 Housing Loans HOUSING LOAMS/ FINANCING up i" $450,000 available For enquiries, lei *****3 *****22 Kath ie Teng Lee 60 Accommodation Vacant a) Mouses DIST. IS4S. OPERA ESTATE. Newly renovated with 3 bedrooms Good location r'UrnishPd Rental $1,800 Tel *****K7 *****43 DO YOU HAVC any accommodation problems' Worldwide will solve
      208 words
    • 396 17 fa CA.T.S. a»4-44*l I Classified Advertising Works. WST M, AMBER TOWER Split level, furnished, airron. $2,000 Telok Kurau. carpeted, furnished. 3 rooms. 1> Mr Wong *****06 OIST IS 2 BEDROOMS. I hall, fully furnished $690 Immediate occu patmn Tel *****14 (No broker^ pie i\». I OIST 17. 1 BEDROOMS
      396 words

    • 32 18 S. Natarajan oi 3, Puay Nee Avenue (Natarajan and Swaminathan) passed away peacefully on early morning 15.11.80 leaving behind wife Savithn, sons Mam and Prasad, daughter Kanaka, son-in-law, daughters-in-law and 3 grandchildren.
      32 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      63 18 MOM. P.AISHA UMMAL beloved j mother ol Mr M A Majeed. passed away peacefully on 12th j November. 1980 in Mayyanad I MOM LAZARIYA G. PEREIRA Aged 80. paesed away peacefully in Putnucunchy. India on Ulh November HBO O«apty mourned by ions. Thomas iSabah). Gilbert (Muscat); I dajghter*:
      63 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      145 18 InMamoryO) Mdm VMSHoEng Oapartad: 1« Ho«»mb»r 1*75 l*are->i Mother. Just to Let you know that sweet memories ul you still linger in our minds children. grandcMdrwi and all IN LOVING MEMORY Of I who toft iw to unaip*clw»y I four year* ago. Tmm changaa many thmga but
      145 words
    • 67 18 KARUMATHI Kill ba h«ld on Monday mghl 17-11-M foUowed by Alhmuhanli Pool* at Snan Twnpto at 1.00 am lor km Mr S Subfamamam (Gunalan) (Of TdKvml of Block 1. 30-A Tatacoma Orti. Yw Chu Kang Road toattand. SUNDAY TIMES RATES FOR PERSONAL ADS OBITUARIES $12.00 for 15 word*
      67 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 231 18 Vacant •DOM (OH 1 Trl wow *«kn*atf i •..My for Waomq *> Homs*s A MIATI-MATKmAI. COIIPOIIA TIOM >» rail «74*H »> r/ars p«cxf ssxMiAt. couru raomrd MdUOKD 2 iKo*OO*tt HUB 10 T>l fM fill KfOUWt i atanS >•• v-< 'uMOCMTLV ANTED rod) UMGCNTIV •ANTED rounird !U1 in -.k. Call S3
      231 words
    • 410 18 FINAL BLOCK No ■"wtncfeon to toiMyntn •Upto«ONioan Fioehotd lend •CtecroKTVMMcni W*h Mma court* MWTMTOTQ POOL •Amptatnjapiunn. Showtl»ts Open Dairy 10 Mam to 7 00pm Tel ***** 95, 44t»n SaKaiJMllMpM mm Boy Wo %o'os ,_^So» Agents R<U»M TOWEMS 2JM s<4 It iirfl fkior MM) .000 Hone Leone Oar- i d>n rundominiurn
      410 words
    • 1142 18 T" 1 aaaalja«aftaaa. aft LW'iJaaaaaaaaVjatP^Aaaki IW HrV A '^■^•'BpS J^J BjVBJBJBBsnVBMBBBBHBJSI 1 REBTAURANT »•>•>- mnm m A. M i •PACE FOR SAL! 2nd rioor. Peoples Psrk Complex approximately 3 700 sq ft with tenancy SHOPPING SPACE FOR SALE Ist Floor. People's Park Centre Area 800 sq ft Best location lor
      1,142 words
    • 454 18 VI Trawl 4 Tours JL^ SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL fe'jtsW^HOKKAIDO GRAND TOUR 8 Dazzling fun-filled Days $2375. Return journey with stoppage at Taipei. Hong Kong. I Bangkok at no extra cost. Oep 17/11 23/11 26/11 3011 10/12 I US* 'HAWAII. MEXICO •CANAOA'H/KOKG llDavt 135W All U S H»W»II MEIICO CANADA M
      454 words
    • 528 18 VM Tr** Tours JL 103 Tours NAM HO Turn suike is m in HeadOrtice Gl4-16-18, Pearfs Centre. Eu Tony Sen St (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 0105. Tel: *****33(7 lines) Branch Office 119, Peoples Park Complex. Qround Floor. New Bridge Roed. Singapore 0106. Ter *****1/*****2/ *****3/*****2/*****6/ *****8/*****3 TA 140 BOTMUVMTMI 7 days
      528 words
    • 629 18 I Ik 114 Lost Found i LOST MALE WNTTt poodle with .hurt fur aid a testicle only in.unu Bukil Merah View on 13 10 80 If found, reward S2OO I imL xt *****78 or *****48 PEKINGESE. LIGHT GOLD Brown (One Neck Bell), lost on 6 II HO <30 pm Cowdray
      629 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 482 19 ED Th« SGV Group Management Consulting Services Our client a Hong Kong based international financial institution primarily engaged in financial and investment services, needs a top level executive for a new vehicle to be established in Kuala Lumpur as part of its regional development plan SENIOR EXECUTIVE FOR KUALA LUMPUR
      482 words
    • 590 19 SKF is an international group of 1 76 companies with its headquarters in Goteborg, Sweden It has 80 factories around the world and a workforce of over 54,000 employees. One of these modern factories, SKF Manufacturing Singapore i Pte.) Ltd.. is located in Jurong, where ball bearing and bearing units
      590 words
    • 446 19 JOB OPPORTUNITIES JURUTERA KONSUITANT invites oppKcotiom for the following vacancies: A. aVU/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Applicants should possess recognised Civil/Structural Engineering Degrees and have or) least 2 years' relevant experience. B MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Applicants should possess recognised Me chonicol/ Electrical Engineering Degrees and have ot least 2 yean' relevant experience.
      446 words
    • 307 19 A weH-estoblrshed multi-national Company I requires:PRODUCTION MANAGER I QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE I BSc (Chemistry) Degree from a recog- I msed University I Previous experience in manufacturing con- I cerns preferred I Must be energetic, capable ot commum- I eating with people at oN levels and pos- I sess good supervisory skills I
      307 words

    • 396 20 lioness of Africa' out to prove she's as good as the men in motor racing 6 PEOPLE just don't believe you can go as fast as the men and they don't give you the best car, engine or team. Desire Wilson. MACAU, Sat. South Africa's Desire
      AP  -  396 words
    • 270 20 'Jumbo' extends lead to four strokes GOTEMBA, Sat. Masashi "Jumbo" Ozaki, a 33-year-old Japanese professional, fired a four-under-par 68 today to extend his lead to four strokes after the third round of the US$300,000 ($624,000) Toshiba Taiheiyo golf tournament. Ozaki, who took over the lead from American Mike Reid alter
      AP  -  270 words
    • 19 20 MOSCOW. Sat Spartak Moscow beat Army Sports Rostov 5-0 in a Russian soccer championship here yesterday. Reuter
      Reuter  -  19 words
    • 209 20 BRISBANE, Sat. Queensland speedster Jeff Thomson made a strong case for inclusion in Australia's first Test with a fiery spell of fast bowling against New Zealand at the Brisbane Cricket Ground here yesterday. But it was Queensland skipper Greg Chappell, apain in a dimension of his
      Reuter  -  209 words
    • 133 20 PARIS, Sat. Juan Antonio Samaranch, president of the International Olympic Committee, yesterday said that he was in favour of updating the rule on amateur status to allow more latitude to international sports federations to decide who could compete in the Olympic Games. In a Press conference
      AFP  -  133 words
    • 36 20 NEW YORK. Sat Vancou- I ver held Montreal 3-3 in a National Ice Hockey League game yesterday. Other results: Colorado 5 St. Louis 1, Pitts- burgh 3 New York Rangers 3. Reiner.
      36 words
    • 631 20 BRIEFS FISA world drivers' championship hopes brighten PARIS. Sal. The International Association of Automobile Sport (FISA) Formula One world drivers' championship is looking less and less threatened by the alternate event of the Formula One Constructors Association. At the same time, the FOCA circuit seems to be folding FISA president
      Agencies  -  631 words
    • 167 20 SUKKUR, Sat. The West Indian cricketers recovered from two batting slumps on a newlylaid and untried pitch to make 213 all out against the Sind Province Governor's XI here yesterday. The Governor's team replied with nine for no wicket by the close on the
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 188 20 Asami rides to third Macau GP title MACAU, Sat. Japanese Sadao Asami won the Macau motor-cycle Grand Prix today for an unprecedented third time, beating 32 riders from eight countries. Two Britons, Steve Parrish and Bernard Murray, who were second and third behind Asami last year, again finished in the
      AP  -  188 words
    • 28 20 LONDON. Sat Swansea City nave been allowed to post pone today's English Se--onc Division home soccer matrt against Watford because eighi of their players have influenza -AFP
      AFP  -  28 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 649 20 I CD I THE SGV GROUP MANAGEMENT CONSULTING SERVICES CAREER OPPORTUNITIES MANAGEMENT CONSULTING SGV Kassim Chan Sdn Bhd./The SGV Group is a Malaysian firm of management consultants fully accredited by international institutions such as The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank In view of our rapid expansion, we are
      649 words
    • 77 20 Wk m W I** r^gfc aaaaaaaK .^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaf .^a^aaaaaaaaaaaaaar^ jiaaaaal '^VS i, A aaaaHr jaaa7 ifflwr gFP'^f °Vt».yjfl J|vp .^aaaaafl i all M k.-^" a^ l/UfJLk yg^->^ PIONEER OF ELECTRO MOSQUITO DESTROYER. FUMAKILLA(M) SDN. BHD. BAN HIN LEE BANK CHAMBERS, PENANG, MALAYSIA. TEL *****68 What a slash! /^p^ NEW price }^Ji£^r^~
      77 words

    • 712 21  - Think positive, look ahead don't mope over failures RAMSAY ZIEGELAAR COMMENT... By Skipper Song and Teo call Last week's contrasting headlines to call it quits week far Sfcmg&awrr ntgfe) ast eal> mere the aatlaaal tram hamilUtea ta Talpek, hat tw* af their star players crie* aat af tke uiterMaMiasl saipprr
      712 words
    • 395 21 LONDON. Sat Top seed John McEnroe, start ing irritably after a late ■iftat, settled down to beat fellow New Yorker Rick Meyer 6-3. 6-3 in the quarter -final* of the Loodon Grand Prix lennis tournament jrertei i4li 4 1 McEnroe had jeen up
      Reuter; AP  -  395 words
    • 139 21 Tan, Wan clinch Commonwealth Cup title BILL TAN and S. H. Wan beat Frank Yung and George Tan 3 and 2 in the final of the Singapore Island Country Club matchplay golf competition to win the Commonwealth Cup at the Bukit Course yesterday. At the laUad C««rae, Wilson Beng beat
      139 words
    • 420 21 SINGAPORE 16 COLOMBO 28 TAIPEH, Sat. Singapore suffered another humiliation going down to Colombo by four tries and four penalty goals to two goals and a try and finished last in the Asian rugby championship here today. Whatever hopes Singapore may have had before the
      420 words
    • 160 21 Malaysia upset Thais to finish fifth MALAYSIA 19 THAILAND 13 TAIPEH, Sat. Malaysia upset Thailand to finish fifth in the Asian rugby championship here today. The half-time score was 13-13. Malaysia took an early lead when Yassin Said converted a penalty goal in the third minute Malaysia made it 10-0
      AFP  -  160 words
    • 226 21 TAIPEH, Sat. Singapore are assured of at least one silver and two bronze medals in the fourth Asian t.iekwon-do championship here, reports KEN JALLEH Jr. Having clinched a bronze through heavyweight Low Fang Liang, Singapore swung into action with flyweight Cheok Siew Ghee,
      226 words
    • 78 21 TOKYO. Sat. Katsuya Nomura, at 45 the oldest Japanese professional baseball player. announced his retirement today as an active player with the Seibu Lions. "I'll no longer be able ii. :**> my job as an active player, Se said. During his 27-year career he belted 657 home
      UPI  -  78 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 663 21 Sanyo gives people on the go more fun and features in less space. <<W^\t> pleasure cruises, smaller ,s definitely B ■Hj^HgB^HMBH On-campus recording and S^ Early on, Sanyo invested huge amounts 9- mS^UKCaA' 4 playback pleasure. Vb^*4\w We discovered that there was such a Bk^l IwO I Ral recording and
      663 words

    • 786 22  -  EPSOM JEEP By CHAMELEON'S startUMg dlv Mend ef $132 far a place la a I— j hree nee la Imh last Sunday brlßgß to mlad eaoie unique dlvMeais en the Malayriaa-Slagapare raciag circuit. The alMfane retard piaee dlvtdead m Ike
      786 words
    • 1790 22  -  EPSOM JEEP FOCUS ON FORM...with IPOH, Sat. Sichi is unmistakably a topflight stayer in the making and carrying a topweight of 58 kilogrammes is not likely to trouble him in a mixed Class 2 field over 1,900 metres (Race Five) here tomorrow. This Kirrama
      1,790 words
    • 51 22 Race 1: Cede Of SI- leace, Manchester. Race 2: Lajnna, RadlMtPrtaee. Race 3: RagUre, Eres Tn 11, Hop Sen K> CeafMeace 111. Rare 4: Erythriaa, Taer, Speednuwter 11. Race 5: Sraramourhr 11, Seltly Spoken, Pasla. Race <: The Styler, Prince Saraband. Race 7: Priority 111, Lovely Muslr, Saturday
      51 words
    • 113 22 RACE EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY TAURUS A. Award Turf Charmer Code Of Silence A. Award A. Award Napoleon Solo A. Award Manchester Snuffer Neptune Topai La Mer Great Johnson Neptune Topaz Great Johnson Lajuna Arcadia Foraat Fort Lonesome Neptune Topaz EimTu Asian Sovereign Better Mark Hup Sang Asian Sovereign
      113 words
    • 1299 22 RACF 1 2.15 CLASS 5 DIV 4 1.250 M X ($10,500 $7,350 to winner) 1 **809* TurlCkana«ra(Bibi) Yeohsss(d2 •25) 5 ag Tub 1 2 »*t*4 AcMavamam Award a (Award) E Breukelen 55.5 (-1)4 eg P Km) 7 3 *o*o*o LadanaOatakg (Swing) Allan 54 5 (-2 5) Beg fitiiiii
      1,299 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 570 22 Due to i«p— wow o -HI evtoblnhed Inli y m»ij Timber Compiei .nwte jppt'Jtwi' I'ow tu«abty matured and ovoUwd o« Maloyvon ciHicm <•' me ♦ofc) i»W9 powNons MTECNAI AUDITOR ■■PmMHh TSf apj.^ «.h o'- ow» financial operational and monaymtni oudrts the control of •natt of #«c tompony ensure then Boo'd
      570 words
    • 667 22 m 1 1 m rm COtPOHATION KRHAD (\x company, o motor pokn kernel o usher and paint oil iefme<. i§ cur rently undergomg rapid plant expansion m our tortory in Pert Ketang. As a result, we How vacancies le bt filled by suitably quoWied tdnirtm Owiif wti: MCE good
      667 words

    • 1955 23  - Chevron romps in for spectacular all-the-way upset CALL BOY By Gwilliam has armchair rides on two 'maidens' FIRST No: *****. SECOND No: *****. THIRD No: *****. STARTERS No*: *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****. *****, *****, *****. CONSOLATION Nos: *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****,
      1,955 words
    • 640 23 STIPE'S REPORT Stipe fines jockey Foo $200 IPOH. Sat Jockey V X Foo was fined PM for accepting two rides in Race Seven here today The Stipendiary Steward's report the races. The track was yielding for the first four races, aad then turned to good Bar* 1: Template (J Soo.
      640 words
    • 219 23 THE International Badminton Federation have asked Malaysia to host a US$lOO,OOO ($208,000) eight-nation tournament in September next year with a special invitation to China, members of the rival World Badminton Federation, reports BERNARD PEREIRA. In disclosing this, an authoritative source said
      219 words
    • 174 23 THE QBE masters finals will roU off over 18 games at Jackie's System 460 today at 1.30 p.m. The top five finishers will qualify for the step-ladder final later in the evening At the preliminary finals yesterday, 18 keglers qualified to join six others,
      174 words
    • 139 23 Today's events ATHLETICS McDermott SEA meet (Toa Payoh, 1). BOWUNG QBE Mater(Jackie's Bowl System 460. 130). BOXING Gahtoa Gloves rhaa^ateashtss (Geylang Wast <W»ET DsahkvateaM iißipitldlßiiBipitldlB (Balestier Road. 11) BQUEBTBIANIBM Thrce•ay eveat: Shaalaaplng i Bukit Timah Saddle Club. 2) OOLT I.sblis', Intrmnai ate aaa Daffen' etab ehaav pUaahla (Changi. 8); Vaac
      139 words
    • 132 23 NICOLA WARKAL (atove), af tke Buklt Tlmah Saddle dab, makes a clear jump In tke equestrian steeplechase secti«i to finish 1.8 penalty points •eaisd tke leader, Ckeskle Brawn, on tke •penis* ■ay «f tke tkree-4ay event at Buklt Tlmah yesterday. Like her *tker rivals, Nkwia had
      132 words
    • 202 23  - Sully hands Haugen shock defeat BERNARD PEREIRA By MALAYSIA'S Hilton Racket Club professional. Bob Haugen, suffered a shock 7-9 (professional set) defeat by Stanley Sully in yesterday's first qualifying round of the Tretorn Open grasseourt championships at the Singapore Cricket Club. Sully was a member of this years United World
      202 words
    • 38 23 THE Singapore Women's Bowling Cub won the Keppel Club inaugural women's invitational bowling team event with 2.079 pintails at Keppel The American Club (1.967) and Anson Bowling Squad (1.933) finished set-ond and third respectively
      38 words
    • 40 23 SINGAPORE Cricket Club Tankards beat the visiting San Francisco team. Senors, 9-6 (a goal and a penalty goal to a goal) in a friendly rugby match on the Padang yesterIn another friendly. SCC A trounced Perth's Palmyra 30-0
      40 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 46 23 EnginetrinK excellence since 189 C. Congratulations Singapore Bus Service (1978) Ltd on the official opening of the Clementi Interchange and Inauguration of Service 78 from the Cycle Carriage Group proud supplier of 200 units of the latest Mercedes-Benz Bus Chassis vl nP CyCte Carria9e GroU P
      46 words

    • 379 24  -  R. MANORAJ: By SINGAPORE 4 THAILAND 0 FARLEIGH CLARKE scored a hat-trick as Singapore booked a berth for the Asian Cup final round in Lahore, beating Thailand in yesterday's Fraser and Neave Yonex-sponsored Eastern Zone hockey qualifying match at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday.
      TAN SIIAN ANN  -  379 words
    • 21 24 Schoolchildren in uniform wil] be admitted tree of charge to the gallery seats for today's final game between Singapore and Japan.
      21 words
    • 29 24 £L p m d l r a pt 3 3 0 U 0 t 4 2(3544 4 1 1 4 U I 4 0 4 3 14 0
      29 words
    • 147 24 SINGAPORE are favourites to finish champions 2one"> auaSfytS rWnds Xn Wy uke on Japan in the final game at Jalan Besar Stadium today (4.30 p.m reports R. MANOKAJ. Dore^aus*" 6 on their Cr^ent foVnf and £th home ground advantage. it is hard to choose otherwtse.
      147 words
    • 332 24 LONDON, Sat. English soccer League leaders Aston Villa survived a shock early goal by Leeds to hit back and force a 1-1 draw to sustain their First Division title challenge today. Argentinian Alex Sabella jolted Villa with a 11thminute goal, but Gary Shaw equalised just before
      Reuter  -  332 words
    • 22 24 TURIN. Sat. Italy beat Yugoslavia 2-0 in their Euro pean Grata Five World Cup soccer qualifying match here today Reuter.
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 363 24  -  JOE DOR AI By BANGKOK, Sat. Though apprehensive about the opening match, Singapore manager-coach Jita Singh still decided to place his confidence on newcomers for the Republic's opening match against Thailand B in the King's Cup soccer competition at the National Stadium
      363 words
    • 234 24 Mad rush ends in nightmare for coaches THAILAND A 6 INDONESIA 0 BANGKOK, Sat. Singapore coaches Andrew Yap and Yusope Mohamed made a hurried dash here, but it turned out to be a nightmare as they watched defending champions Thailand trounce Indonesia in the opening match of the King's Cup
      234 words
    • 111 24 Thais in a dilemma BANGKOK, Sat. Thailand, the organisers of the King's Cup soccer competition, are in a dilemma while Singapore and two other countries wait in anxiety. AU because of the nonarrival, so far, of the Brunei team who are scheduled to meet West Australia tomorrow night. Since Wednesday,
      111 words
    • 105 24 CHINA took a step back in form but still came out winners by a 3-0 margin against Macau in a lacklustre Asian Cup (Eastern Zone) hockey qualifying match at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. China took an early lead when Yu Hongun's powerful drive following a penalty corner
      105 words
    • 305 24  - SHA may soon have their own ground BERNARD PEREIRA By i A PLOT of land valued at $300,000 along Mountbatten Road, in Kallang, is now at the Singapore Hockey Association's disposal as a proposed site for two hockey pitches. SHA secretary M. Pu-am disclosed the news after receiving it from
      305 words
    • 55 24 KAMPONG UBI i-deed out Boon Lay 4-3 on penalties in an inter-constituency soccer match at the Delta Sports Complex yesterday. The teams, who were tied at 0-0 at full-time, could not oreak the deadlock in extra time. In another match at Geylang, Chua Chu
      55 words
    • 37 24 FAVOURITES Bukit Panjang beat Tdmpines 2-0 to win the inter-constituency volleyball final at the Delta Spurts Complex last night. In another match, Ulu Pandan also beat Kim Seng 2-0 to take third place.
      37 words
  • 42 24 Late CLASSIFIED DEATH HALOAR SARWAN MMM M/o Bur Singh Village QuJJarwml pused »•>) peacefully on Saturday (*****0) at 1130 an at SUM Coru-gc leaves Block IS. No W Eluabelh Drive. Sport 23M at 2 30 pm on (16.11 JO) tor Mt Vernun crematorium
    42 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 71 24 SUPER MINI This Super Mini Fairmate cassette recorder packs amazing acoustic excellence for its size A whole range of sound from the sweet chirpings of a bird to the blast of a cannon, can be \Vir recorcledand reproduced with absolute IsayEyg^y^y. fidelity J^f 01-353 (HW/HI/Sin v. UteStarl ULTRA LIGHTWEIGHT ATH-0.5
      71 words
    • 190 24 1: AxvJV \Vbw3 l The most elegant value in London Modern s tudios, 2-3 &4 room luxury apartments £H9JL New fully-equipped kitchens and bathrooms s^-mL-l "*S I Fully modern**! eiehf Wall-to-wall carpets CbrmL Z. "J 00^ I 125 year leases and low ground rents "V't Ideal for company apartments A
      190 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 171 24 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: 8k*>wen la several area* armu4 mid-day. TEMP. (C) iptti ».m. Uamrtw: SI max., U mla. SUNSET today: «.J1 p.m.; SINRISE tomarraw: (.18 a.m. GLOBAL weather TiT i Inn 7-UC Rain Ln Aagetoa 10-24C Rain Alfeeaa 15-25C Cloudy MaarM -2-13C Clear ■aarato 25-28C Oar 23-31C Clear
      171 words

  • Unknown
    • Weekender
      • 1107 1  - Here's a realistic play about today's S'pore JAGJIT NAGPAL By "One ye*r bmck tome", the controversial drama by Robert Yeo, opens this week at the DBS Auditorium. Robert, also one of Singapore's better known poets, is a fall-time lecturer at the Institute of Education. DRAMA lovers this month can look
        1,107 words
      • 799 1  - Happenings that inspire in us a certain feeling KIRPAL SINGH EVERY day is a new day; every day new experiences await us. And for those of us who write, for those of us for whom every observation forms part of a larger, broader, experience, for us each new day brings
        799 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 324 1 QUALIFY.* promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED COURSES HUN UK. M MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS improve yaw poaaon b> learning ai home and be paid what you are really worth. ICS hi— Hinij courses have helped thousands of ambitious men and women achieve promn+ym and bener pay Moderate fees all books supplied.
        324 words
      • 272 1 |J Lnv^Lannnnnnnnnnnnfannnv.' Whw you purchose on Mr trow GOLDSTAR INDUSTRIAL from Nov 15 D^3l f\ GOtIKT AR DKJ4TAL aOO( RAD4O '^iantatunM^Hp^hafa^^^ I JEKanVaw A FOR PURCHASES FROM $550— ***** b>mm^_ m IW JWj| FOR PURCHASES /^Zarj. r FROM $450 $549 """v ta^-an, m P GOLDSTAR PORTABLE 4-BAND CASETTE RADIO FOR
        272 words
    • Weekender MOTORING
      • 913 2  -  WINSTON LEE The new Commodore is stylish and good value for money too IN the good old days when petrol was cheap and there weren't multiple disincentives to car ownership, the Holdens were among the best selling large cars in Singapore. They were noted
        913 words
      • 805 2  -  SIMON MARSH ByA SPACE-AGE version of the traditional flywheel, spinning 24,000 times a minute, could soon provide the power for both our cars and all our household needs, at a fraction of today's costs. The only drawback is you'd
        805 words
      • 247 2 THE first af the laagawalted right-hand ■rive Mercedes "8" Class ears have flaaliy arrived. Altkaaxb superficially fimllnr In appearance to the previaas madel, the aew "S" Class ears are etapletely aew. The small 1.8-litre twin-cam six la carharettar aad Injected farms has beea a prated while mast Impressive
        247 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 522 2 TRADE-IN upto $450/ for your old furniture Teresa Bedroom Set (Complete with wardrobe) I sH Cash f fl S^% Down Pa^ nenti $145.00 9|a|9^^ HP. $67.50 -24 Mattresses (Pillow Free) tlj Available in all sizes Prices from $25 I upwards. < V^*% S Seater Lounge Sat^B IV Mo(WEU«k| Also available
        522 words
      • 231 2 GREAT NEWS FROM SONDEN FOR TOYOTA COROLLA OWNERS! ■^B. 8; 1 ■I• ft M^^^i^af i t 0 W ■rii A aFSsai ll^^^^P dssssss^l aS^arJ f L B^BSSSSs! SB«^H( BSC^sL^SSS& Engine compartment Fast Idle Control Device Sancton's latest custom auto airconditioner kw) A electrica wiring simply plugs for Toyota Corolla DX
        231 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 396 3 JVC Colour Television. Brings you closer to the One light touch of the sensor switch and you have a show that comes r~* 3~^5tY73h3 to life. In brighter, more ZZZSZ~^^^jP)IA*JE~P% vivid, more natural 3^^ 3 colours. As accurately fl < yHfl^^Bp^t'--I *lBf^w«3S^-- 3m as the TV station -J I E
        396 words
    • Weekender FASHION
      • Article, Illustration
        583 4  -  LIM PHAY-LING WORDS: PICTURES: FRANCIS ONG HAIR trends for 1961 are going up. Shorter with the return of the small shaped head and horizontal form away from the neck. Colouring and hilighting will take on a reddish-gold polish. The look is more natural and casual. So say
        583 words
      • 347 4 CHRISTMAS premises to be wtii^tttwl this year with all the heady mw perfUnes they arc 1st tke year ead testlvtties. Tep at the fragrant Uat are tke Preach, «f cearse. Aad they get mare exette all tke time. S* If ym'n we at thase
        347 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 234 4 like champions! Every chid wants to grow up to be a champion. And you can give him the chance. With Dumex Ful Cream MaV. Dumex Ful Cream Mile provides every chid with the nourishment he needs to grow ike a champion. It's made from fresh cow's ma*, rich m n
        234 words
      • 185 4 The Connoisseurs %teh from Geneva Baume Mercier Jp JaVaBBssiBBBV OFFICIAL AGENTS: anaaaaai SHLH HMA JCMfLLfRY CO'PTi LTD G* Lucky Plata C f 304 Ofcnax) Rd Tti *****40 ISfTAN EMaORIUMISI PTC LTD hmkxi Oui'am Rd lApuno Hoiall T<l 43J191 SINCCRE WATCH DCALEP 023 18 P»""<WaSna<ipin(Coa«i«>.Co<aman St Tti *****06 ORCHARD WATCH CO
        185 words
      • 541 4 Advertisement Women of varying ages can enjoy complexion beauty The scientific development of a remarkable tropically moist oil Mend helps soften and maintain skin beauty. mm This beaut) fluid supplements the natural oil and moLslure which Nature normally lavishes abundantly only on the soft. flawlev> complexions of the very >oun>>.
        541 words
    • Weekender MUSIC/RECORDS
      • 1397 5  -  R. MANORAJ By More groups are staking claims in the sophisticated rock' Premier League. HEAVY Metal is a music form based on the simple riffs of electric and bass guitars, played mainly in unison and at high volume, and sometimes exaggerated with other instruments
        1,397 words
      • 136 5  - It's John Williams' piece of the sky CHRIS LEWIS SKY: SKY? (Aitaia): Is that heavy mel&lman the same John William* who has thrilled us with urbane interpretations of Bach and Rodrigo* Indeed it is and ne^s bacfc with his piece of the sky with digital technology to give us some
        136 words
      • 256 5  -  WELFRED YEO i:oj STEVIE WONDER: HUTTKK 1H \N Jl I (Taarift): If Stevie Wonder albums are anticipated with almost the same excitement as the birth of a baby, this one's a bundle of joy. And "Hotter Than July' is a clone uf the original Wonder
        256 words
      • 158 5  - Light and sentimental oldies but goodies CHUA LEONG KIAN :r.i;h7.i;M:i LENA UM: ADMIRATION (EMI): To my surprise, the first song is adapted from a top hit m China which was created to woo the Taiwanese to the mainland. Its title has been changed from "Deep Ft slings To Be Conveyed
        158 words
      • 296 5  -  PETER TEO NINI ROSSO: ITALIAN DBCO SOUND (Sprint): The sharp, clear trumpet sound of Nini Rosso (The man who gave us "27 SUenzJo" in the Sixties, remember?) goes Disco in this exciting album of four medleys of Italian hits. As one of Italy's foremost trumpeters, Nini
        296 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 248 5 H TOSHIBA In Touch with Tomorrow v ■feJWREr- BUcK«rip»C-18HP V. 4-K j*~ "flit •«57cm(l»")icreen.2 *ay r« t> system. 4 .'■■'^g|lL^ L *«n wodeiandtwwief .Automacfmetunng -^*v jiM'tfSi*^* 2*' One buBon c^ifmc* s*t6Cto» Beautiful images NJ||^» iS^ffiHf reach out to you on H ;^^BMI' Toshiba Blackstripe /»fe 7 =^g Toshiba Blackstripe gives
        248 words
    • Weekender
      • 86 6 VIOLET OON'S FOOD TOUR... Singapore's favourite food writer Violet Oon recently returned from a pilgrimage to France... a visit that she made to learn first hand about the foods and wines of what many regard as the gastronomic centre of all the world Last week, she told us all about
        86 words
      • 2656 6 My best meal... •••in all France KITCHEN SUPERSTARS Where the new-wave eating is an art So here was I after a long drive in an unpleasant drizzle, completely be-dazzled by the vision that greeted me a deluxe room (each one is decorated by Mrs Guerard in its own style), tea
        2,656 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 354 6 DEAN'S PLAYTIME \j f£f> pop up books l m 1 •Jijfc^™ y*T P^Li^l/ I I A delightful range of pop-up iH* JBjjaAjgM W. I books with captivating T *^wA I stories for the young, full of JL jauk I beautiful illustrations plus many amazing "pop-up" iavm^^Ma* I anY d&^ I
        354 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 450 7 LANVIN PRESENTS VISIONS OF SPRING II [I lanvinNN; II >\onsieur Bernard Lanvin 1 X takes great pride in presenting. |j personally, the 1981 Boutique de Luxe I "W Spring/Summer Collection of the House of Lanvin created by ML Jules-Francois Crahay. Ml Just unveiled in Paris. fli T this exclusive collection
        450 words
    • Weekender STARS/COMICS
      • 249 8 W It's ytm Ilittli) ktday...A* >•• g* farwaH k*»H« year at BV,ym aw> tni mmer ■^^dkaa^aa sP^sMkssaßmW Bm«tfW WMHaV "-^nUamWy aßßarajT ut in hat* lag aad >•• tVVtJH •■■^•^■•b. TW» wai aaWi y«ar astasaal Mi ibbbw awa yar Jsa. fWy amass a> the yaaaaar swa» arsaaa ywTVM
        249 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 239 8 m .^■V I .J^P^i W^^ B J -W- .--at, OF JAPAN' as, '"••aimW To maintain an uncompromising IVB lar* ctarv^arH r,< owr^llor^oTn tr.w |fc*. M i JU> itanoara o: excellence in toy a|^Plis m production, modern machines and l.av-rjfiM j»a> computers are installed in all three pan in* Compvur Room
        239 words
    • Page 8 Miscellaneous
      • 409 8 r^^^mmHM^I YOC continue to be happy I^^l^t-^^JI *bout career matters I t^ sW^l I Yju'IJ find too that you've I^^JMnaTsssaM buUt up plenty of goodwill around > ou But an linljlnt worry that has bothered you for some time will be wttk you 'at much at the week You'll feel
        409 words
      • 873 8 VK BUN LOSES. \s v&, "Vr^-^-i^-^-j P%^^q /'louer jJ uswaj.oiewiiGasawijp^jpiF) I I mu. hour (we* let ue work »j misJ I imv mca*j all w frec sows iJ I »»t*u.i<'£a«:Baf> i wWiTcc-TOR^ jjeu,,i*JH*«*<A.~) ZTgouT^T V'gcuwa. Tt^ I 1 HAVE TC MAIL THERE SHOULD NON6HERE) OH DEAR I'VE GOT TO THAT
        873 words
      • 22 8 iBUwl fyy^ 1 'vVr"" --^B^ff^^B B bs. l \t^<^ >• r wt 0TU0tg THAN \mr/^m «r HrxS^^lBW^ ->^b1 I rail *tf -< a-- J|
        22 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 208 9 JM {af. I The freshness of lavender all day is yours. Air Fresh gives pleasanter, fresher, sweet-smelling surroundings. For homes, offices and j. hotels. *T r♦ I Sow Agen' Fen Brothers Co Pte Ltd. Nazda 9 s range is within yours In size and in price, Mazda scores thrice with
        208 words
    • Page 9 Miscellaneous
      • 150 9 1^ fT77r^~3^rTZ^l^^r^ l I'r —n ti tarzan soon rnps himself boonp, not oulv 2*J* antmbo*clO6v r-l have voo *tum«l£P Berreir... mimts op a 1 pob MOiv\e rota new/ apvbntuke j^^L TMI9, II ONTO ftCCCETOiL. WrfT A4££ /TO RNP Rifl ?005 ME39 -e^AS UI M IN TME -C^</^ f5 I K.FI
        150 words
      • 107 9 TOH.NO/ (^C^llff r FRO/^ N OW OSJ, NO IT'S TIME TT^ O^S MOKE PLAYING WITH I you (^\]y^y /^jc V your food/.. J STARTED I J lA^JJSffb V 5 r-, BEING A \Lx^^ M <A^^ V 'f GOOD *2F <~ [yi^ 1 *;A Oi^<^ z^^Ncr? "7 NO MOKE 3/TIN3 D/NOT~~
        107 words
    • Weekender YOU/PENG/PUNCH
      • Article, Illustration
        103 10 Ur\ Q C NOSE In early Old English was "mi" »r the BMtrils. Later "nosa'meant the msc Itself; and I'Vwt from "nosn" (nose) and "thyrel" (hole) came "nosthryrl" or NOSTRIL. So the nose originally was the place with two holes through It. Nature invented the nose for breathing
        103 words
      • 888 10  -  NALLA TAN It is difficult to envisage lawyers and judges allowing the practice of incest WITH only a news report on a "Working Paper on Sexual Offences" recently published in Britain by the Criminal Law Revision Committee to go by, one must not immediately jump to conclusions,
        888 words
      • Article, Illustration
        20 10 "There's 5000 acres of arable, with Elizabethan farmhouse and cottages, but it's well below your price range."
        20 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 288 10 ©-Alakinon _fl I Available Camera mounts: /^MvJC C\^ TUC V -fl I Pen Universal Screw and K. V_/I^IC V_/r IllC ._4r I WmoltaMD. NikonAl, Canon rKICrC _V I o'vmpusOMlo 'vmpusOM1 &OM2. Konica. QtST LENSES I Fu lcil CofWx/Yashica. Rollei f^^ Also Available CPOHA lAPAN H> __^_Hl •80 200 mm f4
        288 words
      • 449 11 AN international exhibition and convention organiser, lieComm Pie Ltd. is orgaaHag Ike liTMttn—l Photo Tech oology aad Optical Fair TO the Erst of its kind in Southcot Aril. It will be hekl at the Exhibition Hall 2. World Trade Centre, from Nov 30
        449 words
      • 188 11 Contest with models supplied TWO photographic contests will be organised in coKjuarboa with the Photech Exhibition by the YMCA's Photographic CM They will be Section A "Ob The Spot Portraiture" and Section B PhotoMca 19M Candid pi s? i 2c& A will be held on Nov S aad 23 On
        188 words
      • 282 11 MESSAGE from Mr Ernest Chen, managing director of MeComm Pte Ltd THKOUGH the year, Suumnsn has eotahn>ht4 rawM aa the third ■—I list soasart m the world. Trade, cemmeree and inanstry Imvo sroarenwd hani la hani wiS the grwth. Tokrisni has reaenwl the 2.1 milnaa mark and a new fnaagJ
        282 words
      • 431 11 A wide range of photographic lenses THERE is no doubt that lenses are one of the most essential parts of a camera. Visitors to the exhibition will be able to see a wide range of photographic lenses. There will be a wide range of Tolcina lenses, including zoom and fixed
        431 words
      • 472 12 Development that removes the time barrier AMONG the many cameras and rolls of films that will be on display at the exhibition will be the latest ones from Polaroid. And among these will be the vibrantly-coloured SX-70 instant film. This Supercolour Time-Zero film has been shown to the internation il
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      • 352 12 GLTHRIE Singapore Pte Ltd (Guthrie Trading) will display a full range of cameras and accessories besides the well-known fully automatic autofocus camera AF3SM. Visitors to the fair will be able to see a number of new products. Among them will be two grip-type units
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      • 704 13 THE "Two-Group" Type is the most modem zooming system in the optical industry today. Lens elements are divided into two groups. Both the front and rear lens groups move independently. Nikon's 2550mm F4 was the first lens of this type. Optical quality of "TwoGroup" type zoom
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      • 303 13 VISITORS to the exhibition can see the latest innovations and computerised techniques in the optical industry in Singapore. One of the latest is the TakubomaUc Computer System Diamond Edger 510 C type, which is aimed at higher performance. The local agents for this are Oliver
        303 words
      • 216 13 FOR those who wish to enjoy photography with as little fuss and trouble as possible yet who wish at times to use accessories tp broaden their photographic capabilities these are the people for whom the Koruca FC-1 was built. This electronic single lens camera permits
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 116 11 Konica FS-1. Worlds first fully automatic 35mm camera. Jsgifc <■ «t«#i HIHSw>.no-*ussi««v Tn«auio<tMhfnaiia(ti«(«ipfx>iog(aphy*m>ngo) .rcompaci «Mtuw toadwlKoncaf S i supranwaneandwuphcity Just»iuct> ttwataci'onic S*«p.v »<*. 36mm m «|Sl?r IO heC^ f n0vOOf dVl0 9htUPyOU fs i >mI «uianiMca«v advance io itw l«s> *uoi^»r»n» Ok* ana m« ne«r turn* wtf be »uiom»ic«»» taking
        116 words
      • 619 11 Hoya ophthalmic lenses do lenses with transmission of over 93% more for your eyes than just J0& Vision interference by ghost images correcting your vision. They are are also nearly totally eliminated. While effective in light absorption, reduce myopic rings usually occuring in highaberrations to a minimum for clearer power
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
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      • 104 12 PHOT#TECH ©PTIGIL KIR WORLD TRADE CENTRE- SINGAPORE -20-23 NOVEMBER 1980 "1 WEEKDAYS jfl E^^ TRADE (By Registration) 1 1 am —2 pm A PUBLIC (Free Admission) 2 pm 9 pm SUNDAY H J PUBLIC (Free Admission) 1 1 am —9 pm Cameras Accessories Cinematography W^lA WW Technical literature Service /£8
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    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 322 13 s^ ptjfl HV3 !%JI PI aaVv' ■■vSjT^^^^^aW^!a*T»jT^aai For the photographer, astronomer, naturalist, educator, or ca>ua< obeervtr Ceiestron has established a new standard in superb telescopes and teiephoto lenses at affordable prices. All feature large observatory mirror/lens type optics folded into a compact, lightweight, portable telescope or teiephoto lens. Close-up detail
        322 words
      • 576 13 Lenses The eye on the world.™ FmsrycrslMdlanaaithMMilldsl^t Ttta amatsur rfwtttrbus or trt« prorasHortai ■^■fla^B^Safc Toluna laraaa an compact a lisjitwaiatu tor jf^ff aa*v harximo and maximum Mnatilitv b^^bß] L^Btma^akJ W'lti a rang* ot ov«t 20 precision ahgnad a^^^^^^^^^3 lanaaa. From tha SLI 7/1 7mm f 3 S ~itt> m Hs^a^a^^aa^HJ
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    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 686 14 fQUR SEARCH FOR Video has come of age with National's NV-7000EN. The slim -line video recorder that's recognised as today's pacesetter. In precision operation. Picture clarity. And high fidelity sound. In short, the NV-7000EN is the complete video recorder that you've been searching for. IJPJBMNPMHB ■"•"■HMMLI I, H^^^ Sit back
        686 words