The Straits Times, 20 October 1980

Total Pages: 40
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1981 35 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 111/1/80 Estd. 1845
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  • 882 1 "Recall planes to help free hostages' WASHINGTON, Sunday THE United States last night reacted cautiously and with strong reservations to what appeared as an Iranian hint of a possibility of releasing the 52 American hostages in return for US recall of four reconnaisance planes sent to
    Agencies  -  882 words
  • 256 1 BAGHDAD. Sun IRAN responded to a ceasi-fire appeal by Pakistani President Zia Ul-Haq by M-nciing fighter bombers to raid Baghdad as the Gulf war raged into its 28th day today. Gen Zia had appealed to Iran and Iraq on Friday to suspend hostilities
    Reuter; AP  -  256 words
  • 58 1 A POWER failure afltxted 4km Duneam Road. Bukil Tinuh Road. Namly Gardens. Ascot Rise. Sixth Avenue. Saris Club Road. Kampons Chanu* Raffles Park. Orchid Village and Linden Drive last nUht Th. blackout started at 10 2> y m and until late last nigh!. [>o»er had
    58 words
  • 155 1 POLk't" has identified the man severely burnt in the Kming shop fire in Toa yoh as Lawrence 1 other information of the man «.t» .naii.ihi. SEE PAGE I A MAN was severely burnt in a fire which cl<stroyed printing firm in Lorong 1. Toa Payoh last night The
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  • 78 1 THIS flve-year-ald oraag otan, Hslag Using, wait blowing his own trumpet la the Singapore Zoological Gardens yesterday. He huffed and puffed. uaUhed by big crowd. Pte Russell Officer, M the First New Zealand Infantry Battalion Bud, is helping Using Hslng get his act together. The 22-mrmbrr band,
    WONG KWAI CHOW  -  78 words
  • 62 1 HOUSTON. Sun. Police evacuated a hotel in Amarillo. near here, where a witches' convention was under way yesterday atter receiving a ■serious bomb threat As officers searched the 251room hotel, about 300 "amiwitch" demonstrators gathered outside No bomb was found, the threatened noon detonation time passed
    AP  -  62 words
  • 327 1 Marcos escapes as bomb goes off at talks MANILA, Sunday A BOMB exploded today at an American travel agents' conference here but the guest of honour, j President Ferdinand Marcos, escaped injury, po- lice said. At least 18 people were hurt. Presidential guards immediately threw tight security around Mr Marcos
    AFP  -  327 words
  • 83 1 THE death toll on the roads went up to 211 yesterday. Cyclist Kum Pang Sai alias Kam Pang Sai, 43. died at the Singapore General Hospital after he was involved in an accident with a car at the junction of Tiong Bahru and Henderson Roads on Saturday
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  • 37 1 THERE is no publication of the New Nation today, which is a public holiday in lieu of Hari Raya Haji. All other newspapers in the Straits Times Group will be published as usual.
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  • 179 1 MOSCOW, Sun SOVIET Prime Minister Aiexel Kosygin, It, Is seriously 111 and Westera observers are speculating that he will be replaced at a plenum of the Communist Party Central Committee on Tuesday. Tipped as bis successor b First Deputy Premier Nikolai Tlkhonov, who
    UPI  -  179 words
  • 476 1  -  LEONG WENG KAM By SAYS TENG CHEONG THE Communications Minister, Mr Ong Teng Cheong, yesterday assured the public that the next taxi fare increase, which is likely to take place early next year, will not hurt their pockets. Confirming reports that
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  • 250 1 66-seat win in Fraser's grasp? SYDNEY, Sun VOTE-COUNTINGcontin-ued today but the LiberalNational Country Party coalition has clearly confounded the pollsters and won Australia's general electioas, returning Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser to power for another three years. When counting stopped early this morning, about 80 per cent of the nine million
    Reuter; UPI  -  250 words
  • 34 1 MOSCOW, Sun Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei (Jromyko left (or Warsaw today on the first visit to the Polish capital by a Soviet leader since the outbreak of that country's labour troubles Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 45 1 MANILA, Sun. The Philippine Government tonight suspended Indefinitely thr week-long American Society of Travel Agents ronference here after a bomb went off at It* opening TiirrtlnK. Military authorities have picked op several suspects Including some Americans, military source* said. Reuter. SEK THLS PAUK
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 f^ ik Play a better brand M I of badminton with I /04*Bl£R 1 racket SOUAQCNT am\ no/* m."* •ot*s T SMoeoiN<j I Gnl k FIXED DEPOSITS ACB offers higher interest rates 10 p.a. for one month 9%% p.a. for 3-6 months 9'/4%p.a for 9-12 months Bank with us, Grow
      87 words
    • 88 1 40 p»ges today HDB KEEPS SHOPHOUSE SPACE FOR CLUBS Page 8 WARSAW hauls up three Western envoys 2 OPEN and shut job (or guardians of rail gates 'GUIDED' p.«y policy may be dropped after 1981 forecast II THUMBS down for 'flat within a flat' suggestion for aged 11 Causeway Pages
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    • 416 2 Warsaw hauls up three Western envoys Charges of 'meddling in Polish domestic affairs' WARSAW, Sunday DIPLOMATS from the United States, West Germany and Britain were summoned to the Polish Foreign Ministry recently on complaints that elements in their countries were interfering in Polish domestic affairs, the official news agency Pap
      AP; AFP; UPI  -  416 words
    • 87 2 BOMBAY, Sun. Demonstrators tried to block the route of India's first major motor rally today, held up several cars and smashed the windows of one driven by Kenyan ace driver Shekhar Metha. protesting against what they said was a waste of fuel and money About 100
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 245 2 'US-Russia strategy talks a victory for Moscow' GENEVA, Sun. The opening here on Friday of Wash ing ton -Moscow negotiations on European strategy even while Soviet forces are in Afghanistan is a psychological success for the Kremlin, observers said yesterday. "Even if what went on here was only a preliminary
      AFP  -  245 words
    • 252 2 MRS Ophira Navon, former beauty queen who Is now Israel's First Lady, says male doctors think of the female I breast as "a limb, like a hand or a leg," to be removed automatically when stricken by cancer. Mrs Navon, 44-year-old
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    • 70 2 DEMOCRATlCpresidentlal candidate Ronald Reagan campaignIng 12i metres underground at a coal mine In Pawnee, Illinois, on Saturday. On Friday, the weekly newsmagazine, The Economist, made a rare endorsement of an American presidential candidate by choosing Mr Reagan. Many of America's friends want, unusually in a presidential election,
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    • 428 2 GREECE 'YES' TO NATO'S TERMS FOR ITS RETURN ATHENS, Sunday GREECE has accepl North Atlantic Treat mander, General Bei integrate its forces in military wing, governr terday. The proposals, made known to the Greek Government through its armed forces commander, General Agamemnon Gratsios, who conferred with General Rogers in Naples
      Reuter  -  428 words
    • 147 2 ROME, Sun. Italy's new F'rime Minister, Mr Arnaldo Forlani, worked today on the policy statiment he would present to Parliament next WcdMl day. knowing his government's survival would probably depend on its reception. His 26-man cabinet was sworn in by President Sandro Pertini
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    • 429 3 Dealers strip US oil buyers of $4b report WASHINGTON. Sunday AMERICAN consumers have been overcharged by over US$2 billion (554.16 billion) for oil products over the last two years because middlemen claimed falsely that their oil was from stripper wells, said a congressional report issued yesterday. Stripper wells, which produce
      AP  -  429 words
    • 258 3 US ships can keep Hormuz open but... MVSHINUTON, Su. The IS m •■■■re maritime M*em to and fr»m the PeraUa (iulf bat It still Urka the air mnd neallft capability tor a mijtr ureas' c«nflict. Defence Department wTflclalk said. Planning haw proceeded with rorard speed •ver the past six m—tlM
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    • 52 3 TOKYO. Sun Japans International Trade and Industry Minister Rokusuki Tanaka said yesterday that he will visit Indonesia. Singapore and Australia from Oct 29. His planned trip is a followup to his four-nation tour of Philippines. Malaysia. Burma and Thailand last month He will return home on Nov
      UPI  -  52 words
    • 37 3 VANCXWVER. Sun Mount St Helens erupted for the fifth time in 4b hours yesterday^ sending smoke and ashes 8,000 metres high into the atmosphere and forcing officials to continue the two-day state of alert AFP.
      AFP  -  37 words
    • 149 3 Shun the 'cowards' PM tells women BEIRUT. Sun. In a holiday message to his nation, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein today urged Iraqi women to shun men who refused to fight in the war with Iran. "Arabs and Iraqis never sat with those who cannot fight," the Iraqi leader was quoted
      AP  -  149 words
    • 538 3 Carter is concerned about Iraqis surpassing war goals WASHINGTON. Sunday PRESIDENT Carter said he is concerned that Iraai forces have surpassed the war goal set by President Saddam Hussein and "we would like to see any invading forces withdrawn." Mr Carter made the remarks on Friday in an interview with
      AP; UPI  -  538 words
    • 57 3 BEIJING. Sun A Chinese centenarian is growing younger, the Yangcheng Evening News reported in its latest edition available here today. It said 109-year-old Mr Zhao Wanxing has grown two new teeth this year, while his white hair is reverting to grey and his eyebrows nave changed
      AFP  -  57 words
    • 54 3 EX ASNAM, Sun. With hopes for further survivors having flickered out. bulldozers have launched a massive cleaning of the rubble of this former city, which was ravaged by a killer earthquake nine days ago. The Anal count Is not in, but the death toll may run as
      AFP  -  54 words
    • 195 3 No China economic impact yet, says Friedman PARIS, Sun. China's economy will not be a "big factor" in the Far East soon, despite its recently-expressed interest in more effective free market mechanisms, Nobel economics laureate Milton Friedman said here today, after a speaking tour in China. Mr Friedman, known as
      AFP  -  195 words
    • 130 3 Supporters of Mrs B told to kill me: Jaya COLOMBO, Sun. President Junius Jayawardene, speaking for the first time since former Prime Minister Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike was expelled from parliament last week, said today her supporters had been urged to kill him and his prime minister to prevent the action
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 48 3 KAMPALA, Sun. Uganda's leader, military commission chairman Paulo Muwanga. has warned local administra- 1 tors to brace themselves for a renewed wave of violence to I hit the city. This follows a night of eight unexplained explosions and the murder of at least eight people. AP.
      AP  -  48 words
    • 147 3 POMPEII (Italy), Sun. Queen Klliabeth II toured the ruins of Pompel In the rain yesterday. The famous pornographic wall paintings were concealed from her sight bat Prince Philip managed to get a look, witnesses said. The British royal couple were visiting Pompel aad Naples
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 if(& QMeraer's I fine furnishings WE ARE OPEN TODAY a^Hßcafittv^* Ai,.-, ,J, J Aa&M^afl I bp^b^bh bW' >9KI CHANDELIERS g Milan i Tabl*> l?mps and shades Lb bw n MIAN BRASS ft ONYX DREXtL HERITAGE With variety of occasional furniture; patio and garden furniture; table lamp* and shades; imported oil
      71 words
    • 241 3 J^E^bl at Tiarjßupper Qub m October 29^ novertjjer 8 W* Mention France and you have visions of its tasteful cuisines and superb wines. But the P^^^^^ picture is never complete without French songs and singing. Sophisticated Parisienne Evelyne Dorat will take you on a journey to the Riviera with her
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    • 110 4 House to get more women SYDNEY, Soil. At least two women aad possibly fear will sit In the Australian Hnw of Representatives aa a resnlt of Saturday's electtena. It la the first time In \oMtrallan hlntery that mere than one woman has wen a seat in the Lower House. ne
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    • 364 4 Businessmen hail Fraser's victory AUSTRALIA'S business community wel-j corned the return to power of Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser 's conservative government in Saturday's election, because a vote for Fraser was a vote for business as usual. The next three years of Mr.Fraser's economic policy should not be very different from
      UPI  -  364 words
    • 172 4 Polling booths at race courses SYDNEY, Sun. Australia's general election yesterday battled for the public's attention with two major race meetings. In Melbourne, thousands of punters attended the AJ205,000 (*****.250) Caulfield Cup, one of the major events of the racing calendar. Meanwhile, 30,000 people were expected at the Bong Bong
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 70 4 N. KOREA'S HEIR TO TOP POST A RARE public appearance of Kirn Jong-H (seated front row right), son of North Korean leader Kirn 11-Snng, at a session of the sixth congress of the Workers' Party in Pyongyang recently. The ruling communist party ended Its five-day congress after giving the young
      AP  -  70 words
    • 43 4 ROME, Sun. Tens of thousands of communists, including party delegations from as far away as Australia, yesterday attended the funeral of Luigi Longo, grand old man of the Italian Communist Party, who died on Thursday at the age of 80. UPI.
      UPI  -  43 words
    • 232 4 Indira reshuffles cabinet and adds six new faces NEW DELHI. Sun. Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi today picked a new cabinet minister and added six junior ministers to her 23-member government, an official communique said. Mrs Gandhi, under opposition attack for the inefficiency of her government, also reshuffled the portfolios
      Reuter  -  232 words
    • 103 4 INDIRECT ATTACK ON MRS SUHARTO JARKATA, Sun Vice President Adam Malik has indirectly criticised the Indonesian First Lady. President Suharto's wife, Tien Suharto, for building an impressive mausoleum for her descendants near Solo in central Java. "If we all are true Muslims, we must not collect wealth to build luxury
      AFP  -  103 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 981 4 I Believe it or not, you're looking at a sOQmm •super telephoto lens. It s the SP 500. Tamron s latest Optically the SP 500 s unique thin masterpiece And it s the *ortd s element design with its silver-coated smallest and lightest 500 mm lens reflex mirrors reduces aberrations
      981 words

    • 759 5 VIETNAMESE OFFICER SETS HIMSELF ON FIRE TNAMESE army! attUStt in full uniform Ai'h medals on his §et himself ablaze p*Mrol in Hanoi rei him to protest the nuing dispatch of u<»>pa to fight in X irqpurhoa, according Pana News report by CHIN KAH CHONG quoJJjiß
      759 words
    • 206 5 I HI hlne*e officials stood wide-eyed amid the slot machine*, gamInn table* aad U>ga-rlad waitresses la that most pagan of all capitalist haunt*: the gambling ranis*. "If a pemoa wins, does the mosey go to the private Individual?" asked one
      206 words
    • 250 5 Judge who is against Bhutto sentence quits RAWALPINDI, Sun. A Pakistani Supreme Court judge who disagreed with the conviction and death sentence passed on former Prime Minister Zulfikar All Bhutto has resigned, the government announced yesterday. Pakistan's maitial law government, led by Gen Mohammad Zia Ul-Haq, had initiated disciplinary proceedings
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 328 5 Thailand can use Amber One again LAOS has renewed clearance (or Thailand's national carrier to overfly its territory, despite their continuing border dispute, a top airline official said here. The clearance applies to passenger flights on the vital route to Hongkong, popularly known as Amber One, an official of Thai
      AFP  -  328 words
    • 59 5 SOUTH Korean Kwon Hul-Bom piloting Ms 3.8-m, sail-equiped surfboard as he crossed the Korean Strait on Saturday setting a record ad the first man to achieve the feat. Mr Kwon, 28, from Seoul, wind-surfed across the 71-km strait from Ptisan In South Korea to Tsushima In
      AP  -  59 words
    • 32 5 SYDNEY, Sun. Australia's largest diamond, a 96-caral gem known as the "Golconda Dor," was stolen from an exhibition in the Sydney Town i Hall yesterday, police report- j cd. UPI
      UPI  -  32 words
    • 207 5 UNITED NATIONS. Sun. The General Assembly on Friday adjourned for three days the debate on Kampuchea to look into the financial implications of the international conference called for in the Asean-sponsored draft resolution. The assembly's fifth (administrative and budgetary) committee is to meet
      207 words
    • 55 5 SAN FRANCISCO. Sun Passengers and crew were held aboard a Japan Airlines 747 for nearly an hour after its arrival from Tokyo yesterday until an inspection determined that the plane contained no radioactivity. The pilot had feared the plane was contaminated after he flew near debris from a
      AP  -  55 words
    • 50 5 UFOs calling LERIDA (Spam), Sun. Several unidentified Hying objects responded to police signals for 90 minutes after they were spotted near this town yesterday, police reported. They said the objects, which were flying at low altitude, immediately responded with intermittent, luminous signals before disappearing at the crack of dawn. AFP.
      AFP  -  50 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 168 5 If class can be measured by cost/The New Carinawodd be priced like a luxury limousine A bodywork of sterling silver. A diamond studded dashboard, but there's a certain cut, a certain look, a certain feel about its 100% pure silk upholstery. Specially commissioned 24 carat gold whole design that sets
      168 words

    • 1654 6 THEY are a spirited bunch of kids, the members of the National Cadet Corps Such a zest they have for the outdoor, the rough and tumble and the esprit de corps associated with the 'm-year-old uniformed group. One father was reported to
      1,654 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 187 6 ■BlH^^Bßli *^^^^X 3 bH^V^E B^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .^^tw AVbvJbYm ft& B^bT^^H H^^O^B^BidßW^^^^V^B^Hu '^B~« ißk r"^^ "V^ i .^^^^B^9^hßV^B^B^^^Bfl^sß^Bß^B^HK B^B^B^B^B^ k|^^^|^AvßJ I^BiV^^^^^^VßVhfe^^^^^^^^ The new Sheaffer Eaton Centre. A showcase for Sheaffer pencraft. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM^BI M if he new Sheaffer Eaton Centre houses stationery. Writing paper so beautiful, they look fT^^^B W^ —^^b^w nearly 70
      187 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 341 7 Only Sony lets you fool around with a popular Pink Piggy at this speed. I EEEEEEEEEEEEK! I Sony's Picture Search is unique. For the first want to replay. And when the scene comes up, all you and more fun than you ever thought possible time in home video you can
      341 words

  • 292 8 ALL four-storey HE have two of its floor will be rented out tt The Minister for National Development, Mr Teh Cheang Wan. said last night that his ministry and the HDB had decided this recently because the premises of many cMc organisations were
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  • 188 8 Artist creates a 10-second premier DRAWING from memory, editor and political rartoonUt Mr C. J. -Irsudasan tossed off this likeness of Mrs Indira Uandhl in 1* seconds, give or take a second or two. At 42, I* Is recognised as one of India's top II political cartoonists. H- Is editor
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  • 33 8 DR Tony Tan will be the guest of honour at the semiannual dinner of the Association o( Banks of Singapore at the Mandann Hotel on Nov 4 at 1 p m
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  • 166 8 Plan to build 9 more inter changes NINE more interchanges along the East Coast I Parkway, Pan-Island, Sembawang and Central expressways are planned for implementation within the next five years. At present, there are 12 flyovers and interchanges, of which seven are along roads that will form part of the
    166 words
  • 99 8 MRT: Need for closer study CERTAIN issues relating to the Mass Rapid Transit proposal do not seem to have been studied in sufficient depth, the Estimates Committee said in its second report to Parliament. The committee, while not in a position to make a recommendation on the feasibility of the
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  • 69 8 ANG Mo Kio will have traffic lights in operation at three more junctions from Wednesday. New signals at Ang Mo Kio Avenue 4 Avenue 5, Avenue 5 Avenue 8 and Avenue 10 near Block 409 will be put into operation at 10 a.m., 10.30 a.m. and
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  • 145 8 THE brass section of the band that goes oom-pah-pah, •om-pah-pah was Joined yesterday by Anusha, the elephant. After all, elephants do have the best natural equipment for trumpeting. Anusha, who U a young 32, was caught by cameraman WONG KWAI CHOW In a happy mood.
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  • 127 8 Prices of fish dropped last week LAST week, most essential food prices remained the same, but fish was generally cheaper with more supplies. Average prices of Spanish mackerel, kembong and selar fell by about 80 cents, 45 cents and 40 cents a kg to about $4.95, $2.20 and $3.20 a
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  • 52 8 JURONG Zone C Residents' Committee will organise a collection of old newspapers and clothing on Sunday from 9.30 a.m. Proceeds will be used partly to finance a free film show for residents in the zone at Blk 120, Ho Citing road car park on Nov at
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  • 331 8 REGIONAL shippers have suggested that a joint committee be set up between the Federation of Asean Shippers' Councils (FASC) and the Far Eastern Freight Conference (FEFC) to study costs of operating liner services and for future negotiations on freight rate
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  • 138 8 CHILEAN TRADE MISSION FLIES IN A SiX-MEMBER Chilean trade mission led by the general director of the Chilean Foreign Ministry, Mr Javier nianes, flew in last night. Mr Illanes said on arrival: "We want to strengthen relations, both political and economic, between Singapore and Chile. This is part of our
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  • 45 8 THE Polong Pasir Zone 'B Residents' Committee will be collecting old newspapers, story books and old clothings from residents of blocks 216 to 221. Lorong 8. Toa Payoh on Sunday from 9 a.m. to raise hinds to subsidise recreational activities organiseo by the committee
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  • 82 8 Bath costs tourist $20,000 A JAPANESE tourist has reported to the police the theft of his wallet which contained $20,000, 90.000 yen (about $900) and travellers cheques for USsslBo. Police, who withheld the tourist's name, said he was in his hotel room on Friday when he decided to take a
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  • 66 8 Signing of memo THE signing of the memorandum of understanding on the establishment of the FrenchSingapore Institute of ElectroTecnnology will take place at the Foreign Ministry s protocol conference room on Thursday at 2.30 p.m. The Singapore signatories will be led by the second Permanent Secretary (Foreign Affairs), Mr Chia
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  • 38 8 THE traffic signals at the junctions of Bedok North Avenue 1 Bedok North Road and Bedok North Avenue 3 Bedok North Road will come into operation on Oct 21 at 10 a.m. and 10.30 am. respectively.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 122 8 ON AIRLANKAS TRISTAR, WE DON'T ECONOMISE IN ECONOMY. .ill fr%Syu^ 9w^ What most airlines offer only in first class, we provide in economy. More hostesses and stewards t/jan any other Tristar, to serve you in the warm and gentle style that can belong only to those who live in Paradise.
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  • 864 9 Story by WENDY YANG Pictures by MAX KIAN SENG IN a small wooden house in KranJl, two-year-old Alarma Yanti, sleeps through the rumble and shrill whistles of trains pasing barely two metres from the front door every night. The nobte
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  • 556 9 Pros and cons of using CPF for shares MANY Central Provident Fund contributors yesterday welcomed the suggestion that part of their savings should be invested in shares, but some questioned whether the fund should be released "for more gambling ventures." They were commenting on the Securities Industry Council's suggestion that
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  • 28 9 DR LOH YORK SIONC will rive a talk in Mandarin. Heart Attack: Its Causes and Remedies, at .I'M) Chiat community centre on Wednesday at 8 p.m
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 686 9 The American Express Card discovers that no request is too insignificant at Peter Chew's B^^^^^^^ >^ i^ B^ i^ B^_^ > B^-^ B^^ B^nM|™|^^^«» JBuHHntaHn«B»aßaßßWMnttMaßa Even the most discriminating pro Video and Colour TV Centre t% l^jj^^-^ f*AMra -V+W Wi thrilled by the com P rene 7 sivc Ride the
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  • 527 10 'Guided'pay policy may be dropped after 1981 forecast THE government may abolish its "guided" wage policy after 1961 to help further restructure the Singapore economy through free interplay of market forces. This is predicted by the Asean Business Quarterly in its third quarterly bulletin released last week. It says a
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  • 318 10 Singaporeans moving too fast, warns scientist SINGAPOREANS are driving themselves too fast. The high degree of competitiveness and the drive for money may prove self-destruc-tive, says an environmental scientist. "Eventually, each per- r son will be for himself, the city will rot itself and people will become sick, said Dr
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  • 24 10 A 67-MEMBER troupe from China will perform Liv San Jie, a musical drama, at the National Theatre from Wednesday to Oct 30.
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  • 91 10 AN OUTING by ft urenp •f BcJM*ib*ys ended In tragedy on Saturday when Me them drowned la a pood In ■Handling. Police later recaverd th body of Ch*n Kirn Jeng, 15, ft Primary Six popfi of Chung Hwft He had gone to Ike paid with all
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  • 194 10 Plan to bring region's pilots together PROFESSIONAL pilots in Asia will soon have tbeir own association if Captain Jerry Wheeler has his way. The Professional Pilots' Association is the brainchild of Capt Wheeler, a helicopter pilot, and will be open to pilots earning a living in Australia. India, Indonesia. Malaysia,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 438 10 lU. I Jf A PLAZA SINGAPURA mf 0// fl 4th Floor. Orchard Road. Singapore 0923 f ff Open aaiiy trom 10»mto930pm(istMallMou. ParVmg JZ^T)? M^oSaT^OMar^To^OOpm Sunday 10 30 am to KflM^^B I aVaflhala^Bl^ bH^^^bl Orchard Road Singapore 0923 ■^■V affml 9^blU WWk fi Mon Tue Wed &Fn 945amt06 30 pm Thur&Sat
      438 words
    • 184 10 The Mandarin Singapore and Singapore Airlines PESTA PULAU PINANG October 17-26, 1980 Mandarin Reception Hall (sth Floor. South Wing) urself to all things 'pCTanaken At Highlights \\-,'.,t Pulau Plnang Savour a mouth-wawrtng ncf 43 famous Penang 6 nonya cooks and 16 hawkers from Including PenanyUksd law riik Rol Penang kak
      184 words

  • 670 11  - 'No sense or purpose... Why leave them out?' EVELYN NG Thumbs down for that flat within a flat suggestion for aged parents By THERE is no sense or purpose in having selfcontained areas within Housing Board flats for elderly parents if the result is more cramped quarters for all. Neither
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  • 467 11 RAPID economic and social changes offer new challenges to community service organisations. So says Mr Lim Chin Teong, the People's Association chief executive director, who suggested new projects and new areas of service. (.'hanging work attitudes, making arrangements for child care,
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  • 114 11 Brolly makers get $1.5 m orders A LEADING umbrella manufacturer and exporter, Teow Hong, has signed contracts to sell 30,000 dozens of umbrellas worth $1.5 million to two customers in Europe, its export manager Stewart Goh said yesterday. The company took part in the recent Asean Trade Fair at the
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  • 40 11 THE Communications Mini ter and acting Minister for Culture, Mr Ong Teng Cheong, will attend the opening of the IFPI-Asian Pacific Regional Conference and the second Asean Music Industry Conference at the Hilton Hotel tomorrow at 9.30 p.m.
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  • 32 11 THE Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), Dr Ow Chin Hock, will officiate the Canon-Na-nyang National Photo Exhibition, Singapore in the 80s, at the National Museum Art Gallery on Wednesday at 6 p.m.
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  • 94 11 TELECOMS will establish, from tomorrow, telefax services to New Zealand j and the Philippines, and a facsimile service to Tai1 wan., Telefax is a high speed international counter-to-counter facsimile service. Copies of messages or documents can be transmitted. The two new links will bring
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  • 327 11 HAKI Raya HaJI Is special day far Muslims. It Is not only the day they pay tribute to Allah bat also the day they glorify Him by giving alms to the poor and needy. A group of the old and feeble slowly crowded
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  • 55 11 THE Old Victorians' Associa tion will hold a dinner and dance to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Victoria School on Nov 8. Tickets at $25 per person can be obtained by contacting Mr Leslie Yong at *****44, Mr Ng Kee Hock at *****8 or Mr Gurbachan
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 24 11 INVEST IN A CROWN Hand Pallet Truck I (Caoacit v 2040 kgl 1 Call 655-744 ryrjwEALco \*±M pt Ltd 2 J»i»" Pes**»t jj-o-j Sir>B«x>'«226'
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    • 146 11 Nipsea the Painter m m _J I All over Asia Nippon Paint Hr^tj I makes products well-known for IJ^E£| the protection they give surfaces SLjSSI against severe tropical climates, and for their decorative colourfulness. The Nipsea Group is working throughout Asia in many other ways to make all our lives
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    • 221 12 Don't raid private sector for workers, govt told LABUAN, Sun THE Sabah Government has been asked to stop its I agencies hiring people I from local firms particularly bumiputra ones. Labuan's Senator Datuk Haji Mohammad Din bin i Jaafar has urged the state government to issue a j directive to
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    • 61 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Malayan Banking Berhad today announced that its prime lending rate has been raised by one per cent to 8.5 per cent making it the second bank to raise its rates within the last 24 hours. Yesterday, Bank Bumiputra also raised its primo lending
      NST  -  61 words
    • 282 12 KL 'yes' to big military games proposal KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday on Friday, recommends the provision of incruwd facilities for Malaysian armed forces personnel training in Aus- tralia Datuk Yusof said the discussions were being held as a follow-up of the consultations between Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn and Mr
      282 words
    • 68 12 ALOR STAR, Sun. Nearly $80 million worth of US investment is expected to flow into Kedah by next year, creating 3,000 jobs, Chief Minister Datuk Sen Syed Nahar Shaha- buddin, said yesterday. The Chief Minister who re- j cently returned home after a two-week visit to the
      NST  -  68 words
    • 203 12 FREEDOM DEAL FOR NEPHEW THAT SMELLS IPOH, Sun FOR fonr Ikan bawal ipomfrrt) and SI, IN In cash, fish wholesaler Lee Men* Huat thought be could get bis nephow oat on hall from the lock-up. He should have thought the deal fishy In more ways than one, because the man
      NST  -  203 words
    • 127 12 PENANG, Sun. What an embarrassment it was for the Penang State Government at the polo ground here yesterday there was no State car for the Deputy Prime Minis- ter Datuk Sen Dr Mahathir Mohamad when he arrived. Red-faced State Executive Councillors looked around for
      127 words
    • 274 12 Batu Pahat cops warn rumour mongers BATU PAHAT, Sunday POLICE here warned that those who spread rumours connected with the attark on the Batu Pahat police headquarters last Thursday will be charged under the Internal Security Act. Issuing the warning, i OCPD Asst Supt Ahmad Long said: The situation has
      NST  -  274 words
    • 118 12 China s Red Cross asks for help to trace kin KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The recently re-activat-ed Red Cross Society of China has asked the Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) to help trace relatives of some mainland Chinese believ ed to have settled in Malaysia. The director of the Tracing and
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 103 12 618 new Viet refugees last month KUCHING. Sun The representative of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Mr Ali Mohamad, said here today, after a five-day vis t, that there were 618 new Vietnamese refugee arrivals in Malaysia last month, bringing the number in refugee camps to 13,500. Last
      AFP  -  103 words
    • 50 12 KANGAR, (Perlis), Sunday The State Welfare Department today rushed food parcels to 200 residents of Kampung Bakong, nearly 13 km from tiere, as the residents were prevented from Hari Raya shopping by floods The village has been under 1.5 metres of water since last Thursday. NST.
      NST  -  50 words
    • 28 12 JOHORE BARLI. Sun. Twenty-four people were hurt, eight seriously, when a bus and an army trurk collided at Air Bemban, 48 km from here, yesterday. NST
      NST  -  28 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 372 12 Mod* WVMS4I2 CIMCHy 3*« SUPASAVE HYPERMARKET f J\* \s JlirOng (Free Parking Everyday) RobUUI HOUSO (Basement) r -jfr 1. Yuan Ching Road. Jurong. (former Jurong Ice Skating Rink) Shenton Way. Singapore 0106 Tel: *****76 f*K[ \^r Tel *****82/*****95 Every day trom 10am— 10pm Mon to Sat: 10.30 am 7 00pm
      372 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
      212 words

    • 2227 13 I NOW come to what I think is the most Important part of the 1981 Budget strategy. Hits relates to the small man, who forms the largest portion of w population and who provides the backbone to our economy. Indeed, without
      2,227 words
    • 266 13 GOVERNMENT employees who excel in their work will be considered for accelerated promotion under an incentive system to be introduced soon. The director-general of the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Manpower Planning Unit, Dr Abdullah Sanusi I Ahmad, said here today they would
      266 words
    • 376 13 A need to increase savings to combat inflation base that is adequate "to finance not only its fixed investments but has enough left over to ensure that funds are always adequate in relation to the size of its aggregate assets over time.' The government's direct involvement in trade and industry
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 113 13 A Gem of an Investment At Constellation Jewellers, we import and wholesale certified diamonds for investment and for the discerning, we have at our helm, a graduate Gemologist, of the Gemological Institute of America. diamond* simul*" 1 or t Afraid of b«y«* "T*! y^ visit oar im it««on «b»»ond*7 I»«
      113 words
    • 270 13 SCIENTIFIC I CALCULATOR Futures f a< o^^^^^^^^^^^ 38 program steps Memory Retention Circuit 10 Oiflit mantissa M ll^h^^^M 2 Digit exponent U 'VV T^^^^B MM Batk calculations etc U J^SS^o, V '^^^^^W CASIO **liii? 0 FX-3500P l dfi^O r ?^o*/ 1 Atxtiable all Scientific series. JV Agents: jgyThakrol emporium II
      270 words

  • Across the Causeway
    • 327 14 THE country is facing a dearth of plantation and i-onstruction workers, bus drivers, computer personnel: it is an almost endless list of areas where labour shortages are affecting the performances of industry and public bodies The situation would seem inexplicable in the
      327 words
    • 307 14 THE General Assembly vote confirming the Khmer Rouge as Kampuchea's legal UN representative is reassuring for Asean diplomacy. That diplomacy is a holding action using continued recognition of the Khmer Rouge as an instrumentality until Viet- namese troops are withdrawn from
      307 words
  • 403 14 The Straits Times MONDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1960 EASY MONEY REJOICE, all you voracious investors who have been eyeing these past years your accumulating CPF savings which you believe could have made you a tidy little bundle, were they not tied down by statutes The Securities Industry Council seems to share
    403 words
  • 352 14 THE public opinion polls were wrong after all. Despite indications that the Australian Labour Party would come out ahead in the general election, the Liberal-Country Party coalition of Mr Malcolm Fraser has defied the pollsters' predictions by scoring a convincing if not so spectacular victory. The swingback
    352 words
  • 1287 14  -  MICHAEL LEIFER China's strategy to 'keep the tiger from the back door' By in London 6 China's policy in Indochina is Intended to drive home the geopolitical reality of life to the Vietnamese. The Japanese, the French and the Americans all
    1,287 words
  • 1218 14  -  BERNARD WYSOCKI By AFTER years of infatuation, some American corporations are getting wary of the MBA (master of business administration) degree. Bank of America, for example, only recruited 79 MBA holders this year. down from 179 just two years ago.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 6 14 Super Sounding Son; CPU 33S SONY
      6 words
    • 204 14 JTHLTEIDO t PERFECTION TOIALTW-BAI^NCE FttOALCARE- Bv£rOZl^ FOR HEALTHY SKN BiaOGrMaybe not the bloom of youth, but the quintessence of beauty is within reach. SHISEIDO has added. a new dimension to skin core, safely using botogicoly active ingredients to energize normal skin functions. Beautiful sMn can be cultivated with SHISEIDO. The
      204 words

    • 473 15 Catching a bus to work in the morning always an ordeal 4 If a few known services are always packed with school children at a certain time In the morning, and If they alight at the same place thereby
      473 words
    • 312 15 These two services should resume old routes KKKKK to SBS'B letter "Krrdrr services to •verc«inc rammatcra' mm" (ST. Sept 23). rtspmnur to rompUlßta again"' thr rt- -roatlnß «f Srrvtrr 147 and the cancellation at Servtc* IN. Far Uk past IS yean, (•■Mater* this big bMMiac rt tatr •mmon •tralth ('law
      312 words
    • 416 15 Monthly pass: Key problem is fair fare for everyone I REFER to the letter by Aboo "How monthly passes can benefit SBS and commuters alike" <ST, Sept 27). At present, the Singapore Bus Service is already issuing nine different types of concession passes to various categories of commuters including students,
      416 words
    • 183 15 I READ with amusement the SBS Public Relations Officer's claim (ST. Sept 27) that Service 261 operates at peak headway of three minutes. The PRO may be pleased to know that the claim is only from the beautiful time schedule on paper
      183 words
    • 95 15 CX3ULD the SBS kindly put up a bus shelter at the last bus stop before Service No 261 turns into Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 1 at Avenue 10? The above bus stop has frequently been used by commuters to board Service No 261 via
      95 words
    • 51 15 I AM sure many people will appreciate it if the proper authority will consider building an overpass or pedestrian crossing at Clementi Road besides Block 352 Many pedestrians find that drivers are reluctant to give way. with the result that near accidents have happened PKDKSTRIAN, Singaparr
      51 words
    • 188 15 Was rude and made me pay more ON OCT 3, at about 11.10 a.m., I boarded an SBS Bus No 6146A, Service No 61, at Queens way near the church to go to Ulu Pandan terminus. I paid 40 cents, the fare which I have paid on many other occasions
      188 words
    • 260 15 ON EVERY school day at about 6.30 p.m., a common and dangerous event takes place along Chestnut Drive. It is around this time that the students of the Chestnut Drive Secondary School are dismissed and as the school is about a kilometre from the
      260 words
    • 121 15 I WAS a regular soldier with the Singapore Armed Forces. After completing 12 years of service from 1966 to 1978, I am still liable for reserve in-camp training up to the age of 40. I feel this is unfair because I joined
      121 words
    • 131 15 Why need for 'No Entry' signs WE REFER to the com plaint "My unhappy brush with the law at this post office" by "An otherwise law-abiding Singaporean" (ST, Oct 11). As there is limited space within the compound of the Killney Road Post Office, thenis therefore a need for installing
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 63 15 YOU HEED OUR PROTEITIOIl! Leather, vinyl, wood, rubber and plastic all need the protection ot Armor All. Safe, non staining Armor All combines with the surface on which it is sprayed to prevent fading and aging, protects, preserves and beautifies all your most important possessions. Vinyl upholstary Laathar good* Car
      63 words
    • 294 15 S&ti valuer one fane! >&sxsu Bath Towels \f *V Cleaners 45 pc Brookpark Melamine I •'^tj^N^fc v .uu >us colours M)es li; ns iromiapan Dinner Sets SU WBC^s* Ullinlnlrjmt *"T .adaHWI W lsual>~oU) ■^->ftf I* $26.50 Bedroom Slippers Ittakf^ 1 Spra\s K^Ju^ U I \dnous Colours Vlu^Bifcdp' /*i**i*4 S2()ml ii.
      294 words

    • 418 16 INVESTORS were rewarded with more than what they had dared to hope for last week when the Singapre stock market scaled new height* and brought the Straits Times Industrial index to record high of 551.J5 points. The week began on a hesitant note as Investors were still keeping
      418 words
    • 111 16 THE following Is a list *f the II most actively traded I stocks «n the Stock Exchange Singapore last week. It I gives the turnover In thousand* of units, closing prices Friday and the high and low for IJXI 1 1 I 1 1 (.rapuv Tiraavrr Prim
      111 words
    • 317 16 THE BULLS staged a strong comeback to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange last week, boosting prices sharply higher after a forthnight of general uneasiness and downward drift. From a quiet start, trading picked up markedly and perked with a strong outburst on Friday which alone took the key
      317 words
      • 79 16 f-BT Index ■Industrials ..Finance ••Hotels 1 Proper! ies 'Minings Plantations UOCBC: :SESInd 9757.95 608 90 *****6 ***** 5*37 405 33 864 38 ***** S5192 100X15 613.19 *****3 ***** 512 73 413 02 864.52 587 32 559 98 ***** 03 ***** 1129 48 592 09 526 42 420 71 866
        79 words
      • 94 16 Ucl 17 ••BT Index ***** 93 •Industrials: 713 06 aFinantf 1045 72 ••Hotels: 390 89 •Properties 586 47 -Tins. ***** JRubbers 1215 48 Jan 1. 1975 Dec 30. 19SS to Dec 29. 1962 Jan 2. 1970 ***** 78 726 42 1054 86 ***** 588 63 482 28 1215 05
        94 words
      • 56 16 DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED Current Date Total tor Total for Current payment Hanyang 15'<(b) i Darby 17', Merita 2 (Gn«v 15', (b) Mental 7'7 1 Date payable NYA Novffi Dec 12 Dec 12 Dec 22 Total for the year 15'; m 5', 15'. 7 r ToUl (or prevlooa year 12S 33-; 5'w,
        56 words
    • 421 16 LONDON: Share prices closed last week firmer with news that the engineering union is to recommend an 8.2 per cent pay- rise to its members boosting market sentiment, dealers said Industrial leaders showed gains stretching into double figures as in G£C. Plessey. Tate and Barclays, dealers added. Oils
      Reuter  -  421 words
      • 177 16 THE STRAITS tin price fell another $8 to $2,087 per picul (equivalent to $34.51 per kilo, down 13 cents) in Penang on j Saturday, on an official offering down 29 i tonnes to 141 tonnes. LONDON: Tin on the day was down £70 for Cash and £82
        177 words
      • 256 16 EASIER conditions were experienced in thin trading with levels eventually finishing about (our cents down overall, says H*U4ay, Cutlrr, Bath A C* in its weekly review of the Singapore and Malaysian rubber markets for the period Oct 9 to Oct 69. With fresh factors lacking, markets continued
        256 words
      • 60 16 •Tin Tonnes 'Rubber (S) Rubber (M) Oct 13 Ocl 14 Oct 15 Oel 16 $2,080 $2,105 $2,117 $2,120 181 158 173 146 304 00 302 00 298.50 299 50 308 00 305.50 303 50 305 00 Oct 17 $2,095 171 298 75 303 50 Oct 18
        60 words
      • 546 16 LONDON. Fri Share prices closed mixed after moderate two-way trading throughout the day with Coral and Grand Metropolitan featuring, dealers said The FT index was up 07 point to 481.8. at the close Coral dropped 13p to T9p after news that the offer for the company by Grand
        546 words
      • 169 16 NEW YORK, Fri. Stock prices declined over a wide area as rising interest rates continued to undercut the market. Major banks raised their prime rates to 14 per cent from 13-1 2 per cent a day after Salomon Brothers partner Henry Kaufman said long term bond yields could
        169 words
      • 119 16 AMSTERDAM, Fri. Share prices closed mainly lower, with R»y»l Datch gaining 1 80 guilders and Inllever losing 0.40 among otherwise little changed Dutch internationals, dealers said State loans were narrowly mixed. ABN Ahold Akzo AtfEV Berjo*. Brrk M Borsumij ByinlTo*?" < iUnd Ml Mlj mkk«f ord Gutbroc Gobaln Hagfm-yrr
        119 words
      • 67 16 ZURICH. Fri.- Share prices closed mixed, with active banks and some financial* steady after recent gains, dealers said. Swtmalr bearer continued tn fall under selling presjuiH while RlektrawsCt remained firm, adding 10 francs to 2,620 in high turnover i ne credit suu isse inde losed al 288.2 points jct
        67 words
      • 33 16 opprr prices on Friday I previous in brackets) Wlrebar Spot U46 50 'U6430) Three Month buyen 1J175 SO (1.854 SO, seller! cm (OB) Market taae: Steady al lower leveli Saiea: 13.750 tonnes
        33 words
    • 123 16 LONDON: Rubber Futures closed slightly easier on Friday, with losses from yesterday of mostly 0.70p, basis Jan March 1961. at 66.20 p. to 0 60p per kilo. Turnover was two lots of five tonnes and 441 lots of 15 tonnes including 15 Kerb trades and 10 Options Dealers
      123 words
    • 1841 17 wvioe to readers. Straits Times publishes a detailed analysis of share* on the Stork •e of Singapore The year's high and low, are by the week's movemem in prices, the divie net price earnings ratio and the volume of i« Ohj« (Mat »i» PC Tan pntt week
      1,841 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 128 17 \\t. Singapore loretgn exh.mge market l.iM w«-k MM featured by the Singamt dollar whi<-h exhibited u'nificanl strength against i ".t fnieißn currencies. Serially th« mark iitributed mainly tho connnuoiLs inflow of iind-s which was bt'lii'viil M i( M/.iblc amount and the \»ihitant funding in the >c al money market
        128 words
      • 343 17 NIGHT money rates firmed significantly last week :.i\ Wednesd.i> IM fluctuations .ulminat in* in an all-time high of SO before settling at the *ith little prospect of rates nned to 1 Tub. for their require Hi.-Jun*: :.itt~- higher ..-.nated by thr I-.. i demand for bank bills »orr expectedlv
        343 words
      • 187 17 ASIAN rurrrnrx avenge deposit rates f*r the week rndwi Ort 17: 7 days 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months 8 months 2 months 1 month 3 months f> months 2 months I S| (Bui priced Hi«b Low 13 12 13/16 13 12 133/18 12 11
        187 words
      • 43 17 FOR THE week ended Saturday Oct 18, the range of call rates received from Short Deposits (M) Bhd was as follows: steak fmsvi: 15 per cent to 5 per cent. General fund: 4.7 per cent. Movements of funds totalled $967 million.
        43 words
    • 163 17 Produce prices turn firmer THE Singapore produce market was generally firmer last week as buying support improved and propped up prices marginally. However, traders still found the market quiet but expect an increase in activity this week. Unlike the previous week, the coffee section though quiet was slowly stabilising. Prices
      163 words
    • 153 17 CHINESE Produce Exehaage, Singapore, mm rlMlag priced per IN kg m Satartay: rirml all: Bulk fob ***** sell ere. old drum (In second hand drum i fob $130 00 sellers, new drum fob $136 50 sellers C»pra: Mixed tlooar) 171 00 buyers Prayer: Muntok while prpprr fob Asia NLW
      153 words
    • 122 17 THE KELOBAR market for gold deliverable in Singapore opened at $44,172 and closed at $44,320 on Saturday. In the Far East, gold opened at U*****.00 658.00 and. with buying interest was traded to a high or $660 00 662 00 before closing steady at $659.50 ***** Scarce: N.M R«thaehlM
      122 words
    • 52 17 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Friday 481.1 Thursday 480.4 Week Ago 466.3 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Friday 956 14 Thursday 958.70 Week ago 950.68 H.K.HANG SENG Friday closed Thursday 1430.04 Week ago 1357.18 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Friday 714.74 Thursday 715.55 Week ago 716.85 ALL ORDINARIES Friday 987.85 Thursday 972.52 Week ago
      52 words
    • 61 17 THE AVERAGE discount rate for 91 -day Treasury Bills fell to 6.800 per cent at the latest tender from 7.140 per cent previously, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), said. Applications totalled $176.2 million for the $50 million of Bills on offer. About 13 per cent of
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 360 17 BANK'S prime lending rales as at the close of business on Friday. Oct 17. 1980. BANK'S tPLB Algemene Bank 12 American Express 13 Am dam R'lerdam Bank 11 Asia Commercial 11 A A NZ Banking Croup 15 Ban Hin Lee Bank 11 Banca Commerciale 12 Banco
      360 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 250 16 Fly Kuwait Airways. We have all the right connections. You're just a step away from Bangkok And from there it's an easy hop to And from there Kuwait Airways can fly you Amman, Baghdad. Bahrain. Beirut, Cairo, non-stop to Dubai. One stop to Kuwait Damascus. Dhahran. Jeddah. Tripoli.. With all
      250 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 383 17 Digital means I CASIO RESISTS WATER even 100 meters down! CASK) Water Sports Business. Leisure. Sports. It's the all-around watch. Depth -tested to 100 meters JjM Wo^*?~~ 0000 \u 1«n 5 year non st °P WJ^T*^ o &>^"' S* llB 00 W IOU lithium battery W^ s *^j£*^ jSSpIIEIESSiSS^ 1
      383 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1474 18 t I DaffasafSsfsMM*^ Caßs^peAaTßsffceme* A e^Ba^B^Mß^BaVeaVe^Ba^Ba^atfteaVk \l f M cam** 1 ALBERT PHOTO KPARTMENTAL CENTRE PTE. LTD. i-3 Towers Sngaotxe 0923 > ?3W. Busmets Hours 9e m Bpm (Monday to Saturday! 10a m 6p.m. (Sunday Public HoMeys) Branches a G4l Tanglin Shopping Centre. Tanglm Road Singapore 0923 Tel *****27 s
      1,474 words
    • 409 18 AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service *****22 Monday Fndov 830om 500pm Soturdov 830 am 300pm (12 30 pm for Sun Tenet) Pubkc Holiday QOOom 100pm COUNTER SERVICE T .mis Orchard Centre 10 00am —530pm MIOS Lucky Plaio (Monday Friday) IOOOom I 00pm (Soturday) Tirne^ Centre 900 am 500pm I N»» Industrial
      409 words
    • 428 18 11 Mad Order Products Norwegian mail-order company purchasing for a group of medium-sized fast-growing mall-order companies In Europe, wants to establish contacts with trading companies and manufacturers in Singapore Will visit later this year MAIL MASTERS A/S. P.O. Box 91ie Veterlend. Oslo 1. Norway. MONTHLY SUCCESS MOTIVATION magazine for your
      428 words
    • 1270 18 RATES O'dtnoo 80 CH per word Inrw $12 001 Sem« Ditplov $14 00 per column cm IAAm $42 00l Stroiti Tmts $1 5 50 per column cm <mn $46 Ml Sondov T,me» Deploy $17 bOp»r column cm (M«i $52 50] Stro.t» Jmts $19 50 per column cm (Mm $58 50)
      1,270 words
      484 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 420 19 liEmptoyment iii e% 46 Situations Vacant 1 1 pt ft) Secretarial Clerical %i OIL WELL DRILLING CONTRACTOR r*qw'*o TELEX OPERATOR/ MAIL ROOM CLERK t m with A ran m I l'ri-!«-raM> »ith miii I I lnl*r*il*e" p*f *oo* *4**** c all p*f •ooally Uorr II 10 SO onward* or übcmil
      420 words
    • 346 19 l*blc«h*d |*w*ll*ry *h*p r* imr*« I COUNTER SALESdRLS rj and HMALF GENERAL CLCMC ping Ira** call p*f»o««ll> I* UN FAR EUTIMOfMM CENTNC OnCNADO NOAO th: nmrmi rsrma ALESMAN REQUIRED TO sell equipment .-men rd viii ST x MM d) Technical Engineering ft Trading Company require* TRAINEE ENGINEER/ TECHNICIAN in Technical
      346 words
      527 words
    • 269 19 c) Production CHARTERED INDUSTRIES OF SINBAPORE PTE LTD I requires I WHILE YOU EMJOV c Up to 1 4% salaiv crement DC year c Free transport c Free uniforms c Free medical consultation c Annual X-ray c 13th month pay c In-house-training c Recreational facilities (squash, soccer. billiard, badminton, tennis
      269 words
    • 934 19 II Employment ijjli SUMIDEN ELECTRONICS PTE LTD A subsidiary of Sumitomo Elecirtc Industries Ltd Japan mii liratlons for FEMALE OPERATORS W* offor you: tartlng salary fvdays work week Plea transportation at pickup points Free uniforms Free medical and dental c Clean and light work c No scope work c 12
      934 words
    • 934 19 II Enytoyinwit il j I i CLINK NURSE WANTED Write with personal particulars and telephone to Blk 105. No 6.15 Depot Road. Spore' o4lo ENGINEERING FIRM REQUIRES One Experienced Driver I' urn Worker and One Technical AsMMjni ,ITC Mechanical) with minimum 2 years site experience Interested please call on 21st
      934 words
    • 800 19 111 Vehicles A Boats M 55 Vehicles For Sale a) Mini Excellent condition Oood tor PARK $8 900 ono Tel *****94 MINI CLUBMAN MID 1972 1 owner Asking V 5.300 ono Completely leak pruof and superh condition Tel *****56 OCTOBER 1972 MINI lubman $8,300 ono radio Oood condition Tei a.i
      800 words
    • 655 19 LATE 1979 FORD Cortln I .lir.cinii .asselle. tUI Showroom •"iiditn>n Selling LIKE NEW 1979 Konl »II '1 .li Doneonlj mono km Quaranteed accidenl free Pnc« Mi Inwmted call aSMt 4S2««io NOV 197*. FORD lir.nx j Auto Alrcond, [>..».: nit power windows 18.000 km rfect condition Prlci ne K iiti.ihie
      655 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1004 20 I m)*mkm**Umm I*7l TOTOTA CELICA I*7l TOYOTA CORONA MXII 2000 r.ond. I I*7] TOYOTA COROLLA (or I'AKr on Interested 1*74 TOYOTA COROLLA paintwork >lition 0 Tel *****.18 I*7* CELICA. h i, tor\ .ilnonri. owner ,beauufui condition Jl. KOO Tel .!.■> *****. 11 1171 TOYOTA IRUENO sp<.rts t>r,-s ,n: norm Km,
      1,004 words
    • 789 20 I The Rust Specialist with a •year WARRANTY Kendall Rustproofing System Pte Ltd Call today. *****61 *****38 W VN,^ c v^_*gitf VOLKSWAGEN VAN. MM pusserl <(i\ insprrtlon $IJDOo n Mazda I s>oris ■JMs Tel rOU CAN AFFORD I I .>: on hirr- terms Irom Hong v.~ier.ite MiterRepayment i; ,e.»rs Immecli.ite
      789 words
    • 664 20 IV AccomnKKtottoii K\ PropsrtiM •In the Orchard, Tanglin, River Valley and Havelock vicinity. •Opposite Great World Amusement Park. Only minutes from Orchard and Tanglin Roads. •On the main Kirn Seng Road. Businesses already in operation. For Rent or Lease. •Only a few shop units left. For further details, please contact:
      664 words
    • 599 20 IV Accommodation A Properties j£± i J ROOM WITH PIANO I, si B PH single lady onlj No cooking Sim *****24 RIVER VALLEY FURNISHED room available immediately r ree parking No cooking Chinese preferred Contact *****61 ROOM* TO LET at various districts Hem $100 to $350 Orchard i Hnad beautiful
      599 words
    • 668 20 DIST FOREIGNERS CAN Bu) Hilltop Apartment h' Huilt-m area 2.200 sq It .1 bedrooms .itlachi-il hathr.«>ms teparmte Mr»«nt*i room Fully lurnishcd 10 minutes u.ilkmi: distance from Orchard Road sirens Road and Brotti Road An] oilers above $450,000 will he considered No hrokers Apply Maxwell Road P o Box 2:u.s with
      668 words
    • 327 20 VI Education Instruction IMPORT t EXPORT PROCEDURE DOCUMENTATION COURSE rwrj md Fees $70 WINSTON (CHARTERED) BUSINESS TRAINING CENTRE 419. 4th lloor People s Park Centi Use lilts S or 4 near Tat Lee Bank TEL ***** IMPROVE YOUR READING WITH SPEED-READING learning skill in tin- pursuit knowledge and education Join
      327 words
    • 267 20 THE YORK HERBART SCHOOL TORONTO CANADA A jov<»nderje's^ vcorxia'. ADMISSION QUALIFICATION JurW.' PROSPECTUS I APPLICATION FORMS PROF JACfW 7 MSICH SUPERVISOR SHIU-L OON KONO (PA 0 i PRINCIPALS eOWARO S. JAdWS (8.A.. B. c—m I ANTHONY C V HOIBJk. None.) 96 Tuition a) Academic Reliable hilmguai tetchers giving tuition ili-nts
      267 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      132 21 MMS LEf VONG CHOI NCE Mf KG THERESA AOESI >«ajf peacefully at 924 a m 18 lo 8U •iiind Husband Mr THaj CM Sons Martin 4 Basil Daughter i inn.i Cortege leaving Serangoon Cathode Church. St Joseph Dying Aid Association. Upper Serangoon •load on M/10/M at 100
      132 words
    • 55 21 THE FAMILY OF Ihr lale Mrs Maria Cumes (Buyalii c\|>rrstluir smrire thanks lo the Par- ish Prirst of St Joseph Churrh. S*nlul. doctors and slaf f of Ward 7 and 27 (ienfral Hospital rela- I livks and Inends lor their lariatmet, wrr.illlN ilonalions. inf. S.iKes of condolence! and
      55 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      73 21 tune 1 .nil .ifr.llii. I \lill trust in tll>-r in ood i »iii tram bh yard m Oad I ha«t put nj InM »>n RM tear what llrsh call dn unto nif Psaln lo*lB)| husband and lathrr Whoa** mui'li ol tnmvl! \\r blrvs llir yr.irs »t
      73 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      34 21 In Memory ol Robin Li«w Kwan Weng L in» Mainlvnanca/Apron Servicing Unit Engineering Division Singapore Airlines ia lor the load onei whom you r»r tmber Departed on 20 10.1979 Remembered by friends and colleagues
      34 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 519 21 VH Travtf 4 Tours >*W -aVaVaajC^ V B^a^^^laa^^C i n jriiTflffl IS /^AIRFARES-) W^HSrf DESTINATIONS I^^Mjjjit^ TRY US I WE GIVE THE BEST SERVICE SUNSEEKERSPTELTD 324 ORCHARD TOWERS ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 0923 TEL: *****66 (7 Lines) Branch Office 31 GOLDHILL PLA2A PODIUM BLOCK SINGAPORE 1130 TEL: *****27 ta,7« J 103
      519 words
    • 790 21 VII Travel Tows >tw il^ DINERS > 1 *'M HOLIDAYS* A reliable way to travel AMERICA SPECIAL DEPARTURE 6th December 1980 *Sles9P 18 days American Fascination Honolulu Los Angelas Ananeim San Dwgo Tirana Las Vegas San Francisco Vancouver Tokyo Fully escorted by Diners stel) g fw OfOC rtoras and irormehon
      790 words
    • 183 21 Mechanical Assistant Salary Ronge $650 00 $1,500 00 per month Qualification 1 Mole, Age 25 35 2 Singapore Citizen 3 Completed National Service. 4 National Trade Certificate 11, Heavy Diesel Engine Mechanic 5 At least 2 years working experience as a Mechanic serving hydraulic equipment Applications together with passport photogrophs
      183 words
    • 1147 21 i pjgijnjnj^M JUNIOR TECHNICIAN APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING SCHEME If you are between 1 4 and 1 5 years of age as at 1 181 a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident, ond have completed Primary VI, you ore invited to apply tor this training ottered by PSA If selected, you will be
      1,147 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 900 22 1 I COMPATIBLE WITH THE FITIRE ■•it tti« dynamic demands of the 80s «c I w>vMe hioh canber ptnonn* to M tht following «jtact ing positions I A SALES EXECUTIVES I Applicants sr>ouid preferably have knowledge of I buorwts administration, accounting procedures, computer science or banking operations This position may
      900 words
    • 266 22 SINUAPOKK KIDAI I lIKIMtK X'llllS I.IMIIKII (Mrmbrrs' Voluntary Ijquidatitin) In the Matter ■>( Ningaparr Kidai urpnration Umilrd In Mrmbrrs' Minding I p and in the Matlrr <•! the ompanic. Art, Cap. IK Liquidators' Office: Rooms 606/607. 61h Floor Shing Kwan House 4 Snenlon Way Singapore 0106 NOTICK OK KXTRAORDINARV (iCNKKAI.
      266 words
    • 593 22 I£L "iZ- 1"*"1 Berhad Kurapulan Fima Barhad, a ma** interoreted food company invitn ojitabty qualified Malaysian citizens for the post of:SYSTEMS ANALYST/ PROGRAMMER Applicants should possets a Diploma in Computer Science from any recognised institution. They should have at least 2 years relevant working experience. The candidate selected will be
      593 words
    • 764 22 f VACANCIES I An expanding long established quarry Contractor has vacancies for the following positions: A) QUARRY MANAGER: Must have ot least (5) years experience in the management of drilling blasting operations, preferably with tertiary qualifications. B) PLANT SUPERINTENDANT: Must have at least (5) years experience in the supervision and
      764 words
    • 306 22 MB PERBADANAN KILANG FELDA fcpjjj KENYATAANTAWARAN Pemborong don pembekol yong berdaftor dengon Per badonon don merekamereko yong b«rkebolehon adaloh dipelawo untvk membenkon sebuthorgo bagi p«ker|oon Rujwkan Tawaran Pekerjoan T 700 Membekal, membino dan menyiapkai topak meietok BTB. di Kilong Sowit Sungoi Dusun Perak $50 lenotkah Keterongan lon|ut don borong towaron
      306 words

    • 1071 23 KIAI A UMPIR. Sun. Jatkcyi Nawari and Rajoo were suspended for three days each and jockey Dahlan for t days by the stewards of the Selangor Turf Club today Nawari MM suspended for not riding out Persuader in a proper manner in Race 1 today, while Rajon was
      1,071 words
    • 436 23 NEWMARKET, Kit land. Baa Ireland 7*7 (aim stamped herself as oae of Enrope's Inadlag three-year-old mlddle-dls-taac* miles when she scored a decisive victory la the Champion Stakes over IJttt metres here yesterday. The neat Irish fUI>, boaght for oaiy UJM (SIS,7M) as a yearttag,
      Reuter  -  436 words
    • 2370 23 I MiiiSmiLiM FIRST: No. *****1 SECOND: No. *****1 THIRD: No. *****0 STARTERS: N*****486 *****9, *****6, *****5, *****8, *****1, *****6, *****8, *****7. CONSOLATION: Nos .*****9, *****1, *****6, *****3, *****6, *****2, *****0, *****7, *****3, *****1. KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Jockey John Murray, who landed a riding
      2,370 words
    • 164 23 MELBOURNE, Sun Seven-year-old gelding Ming Dynasty has entered the record book by winning his second Caulfield Cup here within three years. Trained by the cups "king" Bart Cummings, Ming Dynasty, starting at the long odds of 50-1, defeated stablemate Hyperno (5-1) while the 3-1 favourite,
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 74 23 BANGOR, Wales. Sun Jonjo O'Neill, champion national hunt jockey and odds-on favourite with the bookmakers to retain the title this year, broke his leg in a fall at Bangor-on-Dee racecourse here yesterday. O'Neill, who partnered five winners at Wetherby on Eednesday the second time he has
      AFP  -  74 words
    • 66 23 Soviet's top two for US NEW YORK, Sun Avat and Goboj. who finished first and second in the Soviet Derby^ will attempt to win the Turf Classic on the Aquaduct course here on Saturday, a spokesman for the New York Racing Association said yesterday. Other European horses expected to contest
      AFP  -  66 words
    • 102 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun Y. H Foong, with 3,962 pintails, is the leader after the second day's play in the Malaysian trials for the FIQ Asian Zone championships at the Mirama Bowl here last night. Leading 1 Y. H. Foong 3.962; 2 Allan Lee 3,943; 3 Ringo
      NST  -  102 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1951 23 If JF 3W SUPREME CORPORATION fly ■fc] BERHAD \a wJrM (Incorporated in Malaysia) Notice of Annual General Meeting Notice is hereby given that the 52nd Annual General Meeting of Supreme Corporation Berhad will be held at 4th Floor, Wisma Supreme, Jalan Punchak, Oft Jalan Parry, Kuala Lumpur on 30th October,
      1,951 words

    • 1327 24 vmst division Arsenal 2 Sunder Und 2. Aston Villa 3 Tottenham 0. Covmtry 0 Norwk-h 1. Crystal Palace 2 Leicester 1. Everton 2 Uveipoul 2. Ipswich 1 Manchester United 1. Manchester City 0 Birmingham 1. Middles trough 1 Southampton 1, Notting ham Forest 2 West Bromwirh 1. Stoke
      1,327 words
    • 224 24 TORONTO, Mon. A f goal 19 seconds from time by substitute Jose Gonzalez enabled Mexico to draw 1-1 with Canada in their World Cup North American Zone qualifying soccer match here yesterday. The United States are the other team in the zone. The first two go
      AFP  -  224 words
    • 214 24 Cruyff may make Europe come-back COLOGNE, Son. Dutch World Cap sUr Joha.ii Crayfl rnuld be back In European football early next year, alongside his old taw, Rlnns MlcheU, la the West German First Division. MlcheU, 52, has been railed In to take over at Cologne following their poor start to
      AFP  -  214 words
    • 42 24 U)NDON, Sun. Unefield trounced Ards 4-0 in the Northern Irish league Hennessy Gold Cup soccer tournament yesterday Other results Bally mena 1 Cliftonville 1. Crusaders 0 Lame 1, Distillery 1 Portadown 1. Glenavon 2 Bangor 0, Glentoran 2 Coleraine 2. Reuter
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 23 24 SUGO, Sun. Dtujiro Takai. a 30-year-old veteran Japanese speedster, won the eighth Sugo big road two-part international motorcycle race here today.
      23 words
    • 398 24 A LATE penalty goal by scrum half Gordon Smith earned New Zealand a 1414 draw with Britain in a fiercely competitive Rugby League Test here yesterday. I The tourists fully de- served a share of the spoils. For long periods of the match,
      Agencies  -  398 words
    • 204 24 NEW DELHI, Sun. England led India 2-1 in a badminton international match yeste-day in the northern Indian town of I.udhiana. the Press Trust of India reported. In the opening match, India suffered a shock defeat when national champion Ami Chia lost to Karen Bridge 12-11, 1012, 6-11 in the
      204 words
    • 341 24 England shuttlers lead India 2-1 of Belgium, won the tour of Iximbardie Classic, from Milan to Como. yesterday In a tight sprint finish, he narrowly beat Italian Alfredo Chinetti and Belgian Ludo Peeters In Dortmund. Australians Danny Clark and Don Allan continued to keep the best o( the world's endurance
      Agencies  -  341 words
    • 526 24 WEDNESDAY COULD BE SAUNDERS' D-DAY LONDON. Sun. :i.LA manager Ron Saunders ■xi Wednes••stiny Tottenham In their day. Villa have won iho championship six times but not for 69 Ami not since 1933, when 'hey finished runners-up, have they headed the First Division table
      Reuter  -  526 words
    • 146 24 i. sun Inlet national striker in/ Rummenißge acored mice (oi Bayer* Munich I > hold on to their ..tman First Division with a 3-1 win over Bochum yi>sterday. Hamburg moved from third to secvictory tuna Duesseldorf t& d third place to ng 2-3 blond tefendpd
      146 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 180 24 NAVY ball pen, a totally new concept, lV- is brilliantly designed ior today's need! I last press the nip against the paper or I 1 table, the ball point is out, press it ITV^' s the ball point is backed into the i "*\\y^ pen. NAVY ball pen is artistically
      180 words
    • 284 24 Bauer technology... with simple features to set free your creativity >■ a^-^>^'^fcfc s jaaß— fcao> s*i<\i a^pkßfjk^aj^^ mjb^ B^ MM iiipuu-i H I L ■^a^'^^H Jfl£^"^" aaMavßßoi aaß^Hßß^a) Jl bbw Microcomputer HL>f s II OAIICD ~^^^*^^J H"'\DS V \^^^s*^^^ 5 tSAUcH MOVIE EQUIPMENT ~im f I 1 Bauer is one
      284 words

    • 389 25 KANSAS CITY, Sun WILLIE MAYS AIKENS hit two home runs as the Kansas City Royals defeated the Philadelphia Phillies 5-3 here yesterday and levelled the best-ot-seven baseball world series at two games each. Kansas City jumped to a 4-0 lead in the first
      Reuter; AP  -  389 words
    • 166 25 DEERFIELD BEACH, Sun. Fifteen-year-old Andrea Jaeger, the third seed, scored a shock 6-1, 1-6, 6-4 win over double Wimbledon champion Martina Navratilova, the second seed, in the semifinals of the USSICO,OOO ($210,000) Deerfield Beach women's tennis tournament here in Florida yesterday. First time It was the
      Agencies  -  166 words
    • 320 25 McEnroe sweeps past Gerulaitis to take title SYDNEY, Sun. United States Open champion John McEnroe swept to a 6-3, 6-4, 7-5 win over compatriot and defending champion Vitas Gerulaitis, in just over two hours in the final of the US$l5O,OOO ($315,000) Australian indoor tennis championship here today. Gerulaitis played well
      Reuter  -  320 words
    • 461 25 ST. NOM LA BRETECHE, Sunday with Reai GOLFER Johnny Miller for United States president? "Sure, I'm thinking about politics," said the tall, blond American, who is competing in the 11th Lancome Trophy golf tournament here and is two strokes behind leader Bernhard Langer, of West
      AFP  -  461 words
    • 212 25 ST. NOM LA BRETECHE, Sun. Lee Trevino regained command of the US$6O,OOO ($126,000) Lancome Trophy golf tournament here yesterday with a third round 71 for a five-under-par total of 211. Trevino finished two shots ahead of fellow Americans Johnny Miller and Garry Halberg. overnight leader Bernhard
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 223 25 MOOR PARK, Sun. Britain's Mickey Walker completed a three and two triumph over Karstln Ehrnlond, of Sweden, In the final of the British women's match-play golf championship here yeaterMlckey gained only her second success since turning professional seven years ago when her opponent had a disastrous ttth
      Reuter  -  223 words
    • 226 25 FLORIDA. Sun. David and Danny Edwards posted a seven-under-par 65 to maintain their lead after three rounds of the U*****,000 ($735,000) Walt Disney world national team golf championship here yesterday. The Edwards brothers" eight-under-par total of 188 gave them a one-stroke lead
      Agencies  -  226 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 247 25 Only at the New W>rld Hotel aasnV Lasna. •a**"^ Over 700 luxurious, well-appointed suites and rooms. There are many famous hotels in Hong Kong, but there is none quite like the New World Hotel. It offers you the widest choice of accommodation, ranging from the ultimate in spacious luxury suites
      247 words

    • 193 26 NEW JERSEY, Sun. MICHAEL SPINKS. the 1976 Olympic Games middleweight gold medallist, came from behind to knock out veteran Alvaro "Yaqui" Lopez in the seventh round of their World Boxing Association lightheavyweight bout here yesterday. It was 24-year-old Spinks' 15th consecutive 1 victory
      Reuter; AFP  -  193 words
    • 54 26 R. T. DAWSON. with a 75, won the overall best gross award in the Warren Golf Club's monthly medal competition yesterday Other results: A DtvMca Best grass Mike Gerbich (77), Best sett Tan Chin Huat (65): B MvMsa Beat grass: F A. Shepnard (81) on countback from S.
      54 words
    • 252 26 MUHAMMAD ALI, whose repatatioa la the ring teak a severe and possibly Irreparable baffetiag when be was thrashed by Larry Halmea in a comeback bid for the world heavyweight boxing championship three weeks ago, Is now under attack for Us personal life-style. The three-time world champion's secoad
      AFP  -  252 words
    • 348 26  -  WILFRED YEO By PAENG NEPOMUCENO. the 1976 bowling World Cup champion and the Philippines' representative in this year* tournament in Jakarta from Oct. 26-Nov 2. will defend his Kallang All-star Masters' title at the Kallang Bowl from Nov 26-Dec. T. The 23-year-old Nepomuceno, who also
      348 words
    • 227 26 National stars inspire teams RURAL CENTRAL A and Rural Central B. inspired by the national players in their ranks, yesterday won their respective matches in the People's Action Party inter-district badminton tournament at the Delta Complex Rural Central A defeated City East 5-0. while Rural Central beat Rural Central C
      227 words
    • 243 26 Bali on their minds JAKARTA may be the 1 destination for the 61 bowlers, representing 35 nations, as they prepare for the week-long world Cup championship, starting on Saturday in the Indonesian capital, but Bali is on the minds of many more, reports WILFRED YEO. A fortnight from today, after
      243 words
    • 58 26 CHENG TONU SENG won the Keppel Hub's President's trophy (or golt stroke-play on a c ounthack from Vincent Lam at Bukii Chermin yesterday. Both had nett 60s. Cheng had his handicap revised from IT to 15. Other revisions were Lam's 23 to 21, M. D. Morris's 13 to
      58 words
    • 199 26 Singapore teams beaten in seoul SEOUL, Sun SINGAPORE'S men's and women's teams were beaten in their opening matches in the Asian junior volleyball championships here today. The Republic's men went down by 13-15, 7-15, 13-15 to Saudi Arabia in a Group A match, while their women lost 5-15, 0-15. 0-15
      AP  -  199 words
    • 427 26 MONTE CARLO, Sun Olympic village converted MOSCOW, San. The vtllace «f ikyMruen that kNMd athletes dorlnn the Olympic OunMkcn la July ku been converted to ■•■■lag protect and mw haa Its first teaaata. The village, designed far 12JM athletea, will bonne mare than 14,
      UPI  -  427 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 333 26 WmM Tm m mi "4 I I i. mMV^m Kl^ii I^YIflH Hi R S^Q Syr 5 Mw9LJ% t^m.* of' ssstw -Ji fl| r^ m mSfyPi. '^^ssssti BSBBBBBSBBBSB gP j^iSBBBBBBBs! I BBSBBT "^tW BSBSBSbV. .^0 MsBSBSBBT SBSBSBSBsfI^SBF^SBsPT t*BBBI _^PBSBSBBsI .^Lf A L LbWiT^^lbbK yßm BsßsßsPfV* sbsbssbW bsbsbbb^^ sbsbV 0 J^Ksf Jlbbsbsbsbbsbbbbl
      333 words

    • 52 27 THE Sucapor* Medici. A* «oo»uoo Matted their Malayaao couMcrnaru 1-1 10 the ncow) aaaual Medkcal Gune* si fee S^ipnrr l&and Coub try CJub and Delu Com»iiex yesterday Reaulu (Ml Sinnporr M MaUv at M> flaaMß Singapore bt Malay** «-l lißSa ■Wiiit bi Malay** 4 1 iST- Sinfapore
      52 words
    • 402 27 RICHARD GUY POWELL finished well behind in yesterday s Macßit-hie Runner 25 s cross-country marathon, but he won a better pnae than the winner. distance runner Kumaravelu Powell. 41. a construction engineer, won a trip. donated by Ken Air Serv loss International,
      402 words
    • 67 27 ANGLO-THAI, with fiv« points, emerged overal c-hampiotts m their tnan gular games compe'.itiot itb Heli Orietr anc Timuran < both f oui points) yesterday An* lo-Thai won at bowl ing. women's 4 x 100 metres relay Heli Orient won the mixed 4 x 100 m. men s tug-of-»ar
      67 words
    • 262 27 Indons come out on top in clash of Brazilian styles INDONESIA 2 KUWAIT 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Indonesia kept their cool until the very last seconds to come off worthy winners over Kuwait in" this Merdeka soccer match at the Merdeka Stadium here tonight. It was a test between two
      262 words
    • 147 27 TODAY Morocco I Burma 7. IS) Malaysia v Thailand (ft TOMORROW NZ v Indonesia (7. IS) Kuwait v S. Korea 9\ substitute. Wealheed Mrjbal. It was Ronny who paved the way for Indonesia's second goal in the 58th minute. From a deep lying defensive position, Ronny sped up tc
      NST  -  147 words
    • 97 27 GENEVA. Sun Young Boys Berne edg«d out Lausanne [4 laM right to lead the Swxsa soi'cer league First Division Other results: Beliiiuona 4 Zurich 1. Gross hoppers Zurich 3 Sion 0. Lucerne 0 St Gallen 2, Neuchatel Xamax 3 Basle 2 Nonfctern Basle 1 Chenois Geneva
      97 words
    • 19 27 GAMES latcr-sUtaUr. b«»r4 iMntanl: sort pi (PARC. 5.15) SOCCER «■>■■«■■ t*p mri piadaa tad Oml (Toa Payoh. 3.15*4.45)
      19 words
    • 321 27  -  JOE DORAI By SEVERAL aecond-nYrinflcn in tht Singapore soc ccr squad will be gi vw> their first test to earn a ticket to the Bangkok Kiac s Cup vtmuttitkm when the Republic face NtwcartV Lotted, of Australia on Saturday at the National Stadium Team
      NST  -  321 words
    • 400 27 Thai leader: We can upset Malaysia Xl ALA IXMPI'R Sun I Malaysia will be wearing the tag of match favourites with considerable unease when they face the iliwMnij Thais at Merdeka Stadium tomorrow night in their (Ist international soccer cash since the fifties As Thai team leader Pisit Ngamphanich says:
      400 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 20 27 RESULTS DRAW No: 83/80 5 OUT OF 49 15, 32, 23 21,22 ADD No 26 3 CIRCLES 35, 19, 33
      20 words
    • 356 27 nf\ S?\ >>VXvV Buy an ITT colour TV now |r and you could win the Mitsubishi Galant and many other exciting prizes. You've probably been looking for a colour TV that All you have to do is to purchase an ITT colour TV (any answers your most searching questions. It's
      356 words

  • 176 28 MOKE tkas lt,*M fteakaen aaa wanfclp•ers Jaauasa CUOara Pier yesterday aa taetr way to km laiaaa. Laaana wtta pate aad aachagoa ef toed aad Mate, w«iefders, eaadtes. Uss sticks aad sawed dewa Haft— Aheat 1M siarnaf WWY MX tfct M4Mf t# A lew
    176 words
  • 87 28 BANGKOK Stir floodine Mekong River vain, roifl.- ar.u vaai firming areas in Kampu- hea the Vietnimw backed Heag SaBeafctotoy Tae V«ce at the Mil fill here amid 10 Mb hectare* noefirkb were damajwi aad work ers urgently mobilised to M* -d> Mflpi Hi other caaatrurtioe works affected
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 206 28 Carter bid to ratify Salt treaty if re-elected (WASHINGTON, Sun. President Jimmy Carter I said yesterday he would I ask the US Senate to ratify the Salt II treaty with the Soviet Union I "at the earliest possible moment" if he won the Nov 4 election. In an interview yesterday,
    AP; AFP  -  206 words
  • 208 28 BEIJING. Sunday CHINA is building up its southern air, naval and ground forces on Hainan Island in response to the establishment of a major Soviet base at the Vietnamese port of Cam Ranh Bay. diplomatic sources said today. r The build-up has been going on for
    UPI  -  208 words
  • 27 28 KAMPALA, Sun. A small number of Cubans is expected to arrive in Uganda toon tram Ethiopia to train the Ugandan I army, sources said.— AP
    AP  -  27 words
  • 63 28 LONDON, Sun. The crew ol Cunards flagship, the 67.000tonne QE2, refused to sail the ship out of Southampton today after they voted unanimously to delay the ship's sailing to New York by M hours in sympathy with colleagues in the Caribbean striking over plans to
    AFP  -  63 words
  • 473 28 'Plot to topple Karmal govt foiled' NEW DELHI, Sunday AN AFGHAN army plot to overthrow the Soviet-backed Babrak Karmal government was stopped by Soviet tanks that encircled the main garrison outside Kabul last Tuesday, a report from Afghanistan said yesterday. Western diplomats in Pakistan had earlier reported that Soviet tanks
    AP; AFP  -  473 words
  • 182 28 Treaty in Soviet favour, says Sadat CAIRO. Sun PRESIDENT Anwar Sadat said today that the i new Soviet-Syrian treaty gives Moscow an Afghanistan-like beach- head in the Arab world. Mr Sadat, answering re- porters' questions after prayers at his Sinai retreat, said the SyrianSoviet pact was "a treaty to give
    AP; UPI  -  182 words
  • 53 28 KRAKOW. Sun Polish labour leader Lech Walesa. speaking to a crowd of 12.000 workers in a sports stadium at the start of his tour around the country, said his union would act as if it were legally registered from tomorrow whether or not the Warsaw court agreed to
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 43 28 •M LOW MMN LEOMQ Aged 75 paivd away peacefully at 530 pm on 18. 10/80 Cortege leaving 322-A Lavender Street on 22/ 10/80 at 1 00 pm for cremation at Mount Vernon Crematorium Inserted by Dr Kok Kok Kheng. son-in-law i
    43 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 82 28 [FREE Colour TV for a month PIUS Rentals start from $1 a day Absolutely FREE service thin 24 hours Over 20 models to choose from Trade-in your b/w TV for $150 $450 Option to t I —^a** I RENT NOW FROM Tttt moo* r r »s f to •nioy Zotout
      82 words
    • 204 28 ■■'■> PerieiAutD' idtic "encn makes clicking j ecser without hiving to change your gnp on W Teoencil Jjs: use your index finger I s'ead of your riume it s revolutionary ?nrj only from Ppntel AvattDle-in 5 onlliant .otoured barrels at oiack oiue green grange and yeHcw with a large handy
      204 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 179 28 IP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Generally cloudy with showera 1b a few areas. TEMP. (C) up to a.m. tomorrow: 31 max., 24 mil. SUNSET today: p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow 11? a.m. GLOBAL weather Amaterteai 5-12C Sam Lm ABgaies 13-29C Clear Ataeaa 19-27C Cloudy Ma4rM 4-14C Clear Baarala 23-31C Clear Maalla
      179 words

  • SECTION TWO The Straits Times
    • 5 1 SECTION TWO The Straits Times
      5 words
    • Bilingual Page
      • Article, Illustration
        168 1 vat «rfv«s '*«*a« «'ft*SttS*%ft«t I «H «2* ft 2. M It ftH*2W I l*m»itfj¥* i .ft I h ft ft* AAA «sftW« ■MmtKW&xMm lit T<e*e* •W^ **te r^<ff«> -<wiiE^fe> <«♦»■«> <**> w> <'***> •<*(_; *> < -c*> <m TISHAWftII* W fltfjtt** <HQiE AflE*ft« sj«ftft ft ■R«HQ^^«. »JStttt <B:*T<if *.j«»f e«*n
        168 words
      • 448 1 THE great Chinese scholar and writer. La Xaa (Lv Hsun). died at the age of 55 on Get 19, 1936 after a long illness. Born in 1881. Lv Xun dedicated himself to educating his fellow-men to uphold and pursue the truth. Although no Chinese writer
        448 words
      • 47 1 f^ YA yodon duck's egg yoshemdo peaked cap nißfj f" 01" example, you may RfT-'g say, ■**«--duck n p^^ £>J<| tJ{ chTguo B?ijihgya I 9009 yd drake Pi I 'hft ma? meaning, "Have you xtooya duckling tried Beijing duckT" mLWaWaWaWta^aWLWaMaWtM Lean Maadaria, Speak Maadaria
        47 words
      • 10 1 [Tin k? Ifr If 7 to^|f^|tf^lf§~
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 281 1 I You r Invitation 1b Vlsit^-^^^^— afl CaIA^T^C? likJ I lj2h3ala*B*aßa^^^^^^^^l HHB^B^a^a^BP^B^H B^HB ■Ul va^aw^avr^^v I a^» 3B I J "^z a^r m^^m^' a^k^am 1 Lm a^ii Ba^or af^ V om^ [Vl ivJBP 'ip«llsl fc»»f BkX *w bßb Bk^aVH nft Il_a»- LzJ 1^ v Uil Thirty-two companies from tne KANAGAWA
        281 words
      • 132 1 ELMARK LATEST ARRIVALS HH^HTI LOCALIY ASSEMBLED |> IMPORTED L^P— 4H BEDROOM SUITES b^b^b^H aVa^a^^k^ Hbb Exclusive Bedroom Suites set of 1 double-bed, j/tk BVkv 1 bedside cabinet, kotr* Wkk _i_^b^ v -^mLamTa^awwwwi I sav#a/tt alt bb° V* '^^B 1 dressing table 4l»^O' B^ with mirror, M«t' ~~^^^LmmmUa\ 1 three door
        132 words
      • 93 1 Never too young Learalag to read aeeaa't he somethiag palafaUy drille4 late rhiMrea. By gatag ahaat It the right way, raildrea will aatanily lave books. Flaa oat haw It's doae aa Pag«S Creative loneliness Pram aae lonely ehUihssd spraag a creative spirit acclaimed at home aad ahraad. Aad evea. thoagh
        93 words
    • 1256 2 PICK of the DAY C m* THERE is a host of holiday highlights on the box today for those planning to stay at home and not crowd the shopping centres, cine mas and beaches Channel 5 opens at 10 a m with cartoons, and fiom then on it's non-stop, treat
      1,256 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 242 2 fc as^.. *^kx> <sssl<a«»*"^^B Bbw Afidt PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd •AffTS&l an effective balm for: Headache Massage Insect Bites CoM Sprains Cramps Toothache and Backache kasoa r»au hangh *ang Trading Pte Ltd Roc^o»eC«n»T Rochow ßoae We serve your business iti iG res is across Southeast Asia. LfcJ3i ettS I" the mOSt
        242 words
      • 70 2 TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES Do not 'egard Glasses as articles of commerce Professional eye care calls for careful diagnosis and precise SflKgasßty^flV measurement jBS I We have the newest equipment ▼m\ v mL d a 9 nose y° ur eyesight M^^— /^P objectively and accurately PIN PIN OPTICAL CQ
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      • 9 2 ■P^StMIJ^BEyH XI Pan Books i^^ Pick of the Paperbacks
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 273 2 extortion. ttt her Unx». Stroits Times Crossword i i I 1 sssssssssl I I I I I ACBOM 1 Eas>- to havr row about bill <6) 6 Propmstty to us* thr language 4 Cowardly fellow retirvs. dash ol publicity* It' Deplorable (7) I Chaperon of the foreign queen Ogis, for
        273 words
      • 80 2 ROMEO AND JITJET (Bolshoi Ballet) in Soviet Film Festival. Victoria Theatre, 7 30 cm. Tickets $3. 12. II The festival is I on (or the next five nights. YOINU AKT IN ASIA NOW an exhibition organised by the Hong- kong Art Centre at the National Museum Young People's Gallery. Last
        80 words
      • 1162 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 10.00 AM Open* fofcwcd by YaMa 6 15 English) Dabba Ooo 6 25 Botanic Man Land Of Opportuni 10.55 Chet Special 11.30 US A|mt The florid 6 M Ljur M M*^ 1.05 PM HoMav Matinee Sands Of J-g J*'* S**rfrien<h TheKalahar, J.30 News, Malays aa*««
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    • LEISURE 1
      • 561 3  -  NANCY LOH •y LONELINESS is said to be the driving force behind many a creative personality. And so it was with Masuri bin Salikun. Singapore poet. short-story writer and winner of this year's South-east Asia Write Award. "I was an only child and very
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      • 607 3 SINGAPOfiE^m stmphohy/S coujmn OfKHFSmAJjB SSO concert Victoria Memorial Hall Friday, Oct 17 R«»ww by JOHN EDWARDS THE SSO's first public concert in the Victoria Memorial Concert Hall was played to a capacity audience last Friday Obviously the new facilities, the guest
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 917 3 VSnu dAQAruA I m cromemco mjh WuI Us BASIC ■VaSi SS^^BBBB^^ I Mi Business Application etc M>#Ka^^ I TIL tfflfcM L |M| the computer systems I L-«—L Lm M LV«w HB^ksßawf II B«BBBBBBBBBaBSSSBBMSaMSSa rccommodore bbslll m ■K-^Bsssssi Series 3000 family 9 Wkmk HEWLETT PACKARD fMMsssssssV. 111 >UL np 85 Personal
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 380 4 26th DAY: TAnr imw) 5 snows a| aJafmAafaW 11am 130 4 SO 0b I ALL SINGAPORE IS NOT MERELY TALKING BUT RAVING ABOUT. IT lOW SHOWING! I (*****14) 11am. 145. 4.00. 6.45. 9.15 No Fr«* Li«t They're not^jl^^^ hunt human ii k women.^fl mr N t r .*AaH W*" for
        380 words
      • 352 4 FILM FESTIVAL OCTOBER 20 25, 1980 VICTORIA THEATRE j^| k 7.30 PM NIGHTLY P yn| I Monday. October 20 jKk B Romeo A Juliet Jam >^S Hr Tuesday October 2l f ■|W The Pnncess and The Pea jf JlBb^b^ HB^ Wednesday. October 22 y^/Rr Special Destination Force dSUi. H^K Thursday.
        352 words
      • 311 4 Everybody likes the palatable SERRAVALLO'S TONIC (CINCHONA AND IRON WINE) unfits SERRAVALLO Serravallo's Tonic is made solely from the combination of fresh grapes, iron and cinchona bark. The combination has a close relationship in body buildup. Fresh grapes contain bountiful Vitamins B complex, it stimulates circulation and nourishes nerve systems.
        311 words
        376 words
      • 544 4 OOOOOOOOOOOC f&CATHAYJ! \£Jr/ ORGANISATION NOW SHOWIWG' < liawl. 130. 4.t.30. t 15pm 1,1 iSiS^SIMEIaIHI > LAST FEW DAYS! ]l 11am. 130. 4. t.30t9 Isp«n bT~''. 11l i M \l NOW SHOWING' f i CATHAY 111 1 11am. 1.30, 4. 7. 9.30pm V SJurong: 7 a 9.15pm V 1 BROAOWAY f
        544 words
    • LEISURE 2
      • 861 5 Are film buffs in Singapore doomed to be haunted forever by the ghost of bad movies past? In the executive boardrooms of movie conglomerates, the cry seems to be: "Let them taste blood!" And films get gorier and sillier, sequel by sequel, copy
        861 words
      • 688 5 'Island' that sank in a sea of foolishness The Island (bloodshed on mystery isle) Now on at the Prince Reviewed by VINCENT CANBY in New York THAT unholy racket you hear coming from your neighbourhood movie house this morning is Peter Benchley scraping the bottom of his barrel. Benchley, the
        NYT  -  688 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 252 5 W ba^a^fe. a1 Vj aßaaßßa^^T^aTaaaaV bm\^ i aa^ aar** '^•^rvir .'C^^^P v, r^^^^^Vt V\> jg V| ay aiL> *i >^ s^ f\ h ff' MJaaaar k^i^^^t mt^fßik 1 aat J>o-^^ aa> J'^-^^w <aaaaV v lmH < ~~st~~~-_ tt«f -mm-- j-- """111 iiU w s mii.^^k aaa t m r T
        252 words
      • 173 5 Aeroflot offers you A'Bonus'Russian Holiday enroute to Europe i Jfa Ofl-_^-fc»j aaaaArJkMT 7!«T S '-'A |^S**alß Aerotlol operates 3-weekly flights from Singapore to W Europe on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays via ■^^\^^USJh[JB Your stop-over in Moscow Is the beginning of your WW bonus Russian Holiday ajy MfM MOSCOW the capital
        173 words
      • 1127 6 Even at the tender age of four the joys of reading can be discovered. And to do just this, the National Library's Children's Section is starting its preschool programme this Wednesday. DANA LAM finds out what's in store for your children. YOU
        1,127 words
      • 522 6 WHAT do you need to run a service dedicated to making children ranging from 18 months to 14 years' old regard a library as fun to be in? Mrs Lily Chow, head of the Central Children's Section of the National Library, named it readily. "The right
        522 words
      • 489 6 MISS Wong Sheau Horng, 24, was absorbed in a child's picture book when I arrived for our interview. She is one of three library officers in the Central Children's Section of the National Library and is working with Mrs Lily Chow on the pre-school
        489 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 487 6 Fi It /If U, \r ,ITTI Wednesday, one, two, three Oct 22 Storto 3 oo Dm CARLE Eric The yer W P m caterpiar BERENSTAIN. Stan. Ten apple up on top One. two buckle my shoe Fiiftrplty Ten little Indan boys Ma One little elephant Wednesday, animals Oct 29 SloriM
        487 words
      • 80 6 STOP THAT SCRATCHING! Great news for people whoarealways scratching their scalps because of dandruff, seborrhea or even psoriasis Denorex" Medicated Shampoo is formulated to help remove ugly white scales, control flaking, medicate scabby lesions, and lift off scurf It also helps stop itching No matter what shampoo you ye used
        80 words
    • 753 7 No man's land in triads hands Hongkong's Walled City's impoverished residents are faced with yet another water fee hike. And they can't do a thing about it. Not when the triad societies, who have taken over the water and electricity services of this no man's land, are the ones making
      Reuter  -  753 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 434 7 OFFICIAL AGENTS ISETAN EMPORIUM (S) PTK LTD ORCHARD WATCH CO c Havelock/Outram Road (Ape >110 Hotel) Gl6-19, Peninsula Plaza Coleman Street Singapore: Singaporeo3l6 Singapore o6l 7. Tel: *****09 SHUI H W A JEWELLERY CO Tel 4321 91 IPTFIITD AIND r" 1 1 LI L» IT; Vp, r ,K 137 138
        434 words
    • 1188 8 Australia's education system is failing. And educationists aren't the only ones who are alarmed. The opposition Labour Party blames the present education crisis on the Fraser government 'As long as Australians can read the sporting pages of the daily newspapers, the Fraser government considers them educated enough' and
      1,188 words
    • 879 8  -  HEATHER DEWAR By in MIAMI IN HIS 38 years and 50,000 hours of flying, pilot Don Albury came close to crashing only once the day he dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. It was Aug 9, 1945, at the tail end of a messedup army air
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 390 8 l \jp\\/ rnr\rYi i\i£^c n J. JJLv/11l l^i^7^ lil^b7® w Enjoy the delidous difference of this natural,nutritious iamily beverage! Here's a new beverage for \btiiml' Fp^V tnnrmarP 1 the whole family' VITO, from IVUUhiI. Lxtby lOpiCpaiC. M Nestle l New VITO is packed with VITO is a pure extract from
        390 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 150 9 10NT MISS DON'T MISS h DON'T MISi WJ PRESENTS VL This programme offering a spectacular and C^^9i I aflaTC glamorous view of popular American m? IjPJ W^M^TmrS Artistes will be telecast today at t •|i™T*^| 1 >#^B 3.00 p.m. *J 7^ JsW^aJ WSf m Sole Agent: AXROK (SJ PTE. LTD
        150 words
    • 2713 10 When emergency powers were re-adopt-ed in India, the West reeled in alarm. But India's democracy is unique and demands different treatment, claimed their prime minister. JAMES CAMERON, a veteran London Guardian correspondent, BBC television documentary narrator, author of books on India and the husband
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 239 10 Keep your hair healthy-looking Keep it dandruff free Keep it with lT)1 £22ZUil3I£ll x--l^Vxxij^ m^^^^^^^ mi Wkm*m\ NHHitu mm BIRKIN SULFRIN NERIL HAIR-REACTIVE Contains natural sap from Sulfrin is scientifically Neril Hair-Reactive contains the German Birch tree formulated to combat active ingredients which Bir k m Hair Tonic, used dandruff
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 14 11 W ml t L l **-1 _<*<*/-crTri>>*'o j.o v i y /y/ y x
        14 words
      • 363 11 KRAFT PAPER ADHESIVE TAPEo iManulaciixeObv NctiftrCn Lid Jacani r.?M£^ Ideal for carton sealing '\M I PANFIX Kraft Paper Tapes are popularly kno- m for L^H their high quality and reliabilrty. They are aliconusd, and have both high tensile (12kg 25mm I and adhesive IiOOOg 25mml strengths which made them ideal
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 426 12 rfc-, Mimaland. Malaysia's finest holiday resort seeks the following to join in her growth and expansion: I. Food Beverage Department Supervisor MCE with 2 3 years relaced expenence Captain MCE with 12 years related experience Bartender LCE preferably with experience Assistant Cook Experience in Grill and Western food Waiter/Waitress LCE.
        426 words
      • 489 12 GM SINGAPORE (Automotive Electronics) As a result of our rapid expansion, we are looking for dynamic individuals to join our Company as: Production Supervisors Diploma or degree in any engineering or management field. 3 5 years' or more supervisory experience in a large manufacturing or assembly plant. This experience must
        489 words
      • 754 12 Malaysia \*^^F^S Sngapore TRAVEL INDUSTRY OPPORTUNITIES IN SAUDI ARABIA An old established company, holding the General Sales Agencies for many major international airlines, plus a large airport handling organisation which handle Singapore Airlines and many others, urgently requires additional highly qualified and experience personnel to assist the current expansion of
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