The Straits Times, 15 October 1980

Total Pages: 48
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1886 35 CENTS M.C.( P) No. 1 1 1/1/80
    18 words
  • 806 1 U.N. 'YES' TO THE D. K. GOVT 74-35 vote defeat for Hanoi By our correspondent EDGAR KOH UNITED NATIONS, Tuesday THE United Nations General Assembly, for the second year running, has confirmed the Demo- < cratic Kampuchea delegation as the legal representative of Kampuchea. A challenge by Hanoi and its
    806 words
  • 146 1 MUCH of the Japanese worker's formidable reputation abroad an a dedicated empltyec stem* from his performance as a member of a group. Team effort, wkick la hbiU>rir*lh emblazoned la every Japaaese mind and permeates every aspect of that society, la today as mack a part
    146 words
  • 323 1 CANBERRA, Tuesday THE Australian Govern- I I ment will "effectively de- I recognise" the Democratic Kampuchean Government. Foreign Affairs I Minister Andrew Peacock i announced today. "Australia cannot pro- long its recognition of such a loathsome re- i gime." Mr Peacock said.
    Agencies  -  323 words
  • 699 1  - Singapore happy over Assembly vote AHMAD OSMAN By THE confirmation of Democratic Kampuchea as the legal government of the country by the United Nations General Assembly is viewed by Singapore as an expression of solid suport for Asean's condemnation of the Vietnamese occupation of Kampuchea, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said
    699 words
  • 43 1 MANILA, Tues A pre-dawn fire raged through the headquarters of the Philippine Armed Forces today, destroying a number of vital offices including that of the Chief of Staff, Gen Romeo E-spino. the authorities said. No one was reported injured. AP.
    AP  -  43 words
  • 147 1 ANKARA, Tiei. t •mnuuMlaa, la tkelr aee«a4 reacae Attempt, ■atneaafally ■torroed m kicked Tarktek airUaer la saatkeMt Tarfcey before dawn today, treed mere than IN k» taf«a aad captured tke five Tarttak kljaekera woondljig all af tkem. Tke plaae bad been on tke grooad at
    147 words
  • 83 1 THE world seems to have crumbled around this Algerian youth who i has last his home and family la the earthI quake that hit El Asnani last Friday. Hopes faded last night for survivors still under the rains with i only 14 people were dag oat
    AP  -  83 words
  • 265 1 COLOMBO, Tuesday THE government today declared a state of emergency throughout Sri Lanka to deal with threatened violence on the eve of a move to strip former Prime Minister Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike of her civic rights. The government said the opposition had called on its
    Reuter; AFP  -  265 words
  • 36 1 HONGKONG, Tues Gold sagged by nearly US$l2 today on the Hongkong money market. The metal opened at $678 an ounce, down S6 from yesterday's close, and slid further to end the day $672.25 UPI
    UPI  -  36 words
  • 433 1 WASHINGTON, Tues ISRAEL, on the eve of formal resumption of negotiations on Palestinian self-rule, has accepted for the first time a Palestinian voice in policy on occupied Arab territory, US officials said yesterday. Much to the surprise of American intermediaries, headed
    NYT  -  433 words
  • 67 1 BANGKOK, Tues. Prinw Minister Prem Tinsulanonda is scheduled to leave on Monday (or Switzerland for a visit in the mother of Thailand's King Bhumiphol Adulyadej. a spokesman (or the Piime Minister's o(tic* said today The spokesman said Mr Prem will be on a private visil to celebrate
    AP  -  67 words
  • 37 1 BELLI'NO (Italy), Tnes. Aa earth tremor lastlag several seconds shook this city north of Venice today causing residents to rash Into the streets In panic. There were no Immediate reports of damage or Injuries. AP.
    AP  -  37 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 156 1 Exclusive Accommodation I in the Heart of Singapore I SmM «i m> m<* t«fwn The Cairnhill Hnto* I MteMHMXTm Singapore Newest I BBaL— Hotel I oitfw4 Wqad m B aß as 1^ a Mot* Ik** 100 I ■;^J2L^T" Z-I•• 34fl .4 A a, K« H ;CKk«Haij J W. \*r*imxmni mmitei
      156 words
    • 2 1 v J£f^^a^a^a\
      2 words
    • 97 1 THE COMPLETE COLOUR PROCESSING SYSTEM AT YOUR|^QBD]DEALER NOW! CPE <_#•••, TBE COLOUR s^ > ar. TEMPHdNG PSOCESSOfI l^»*^H BOX Processes I affr^^Ci Fwßnngmg I I mUk, Ma and kwpmg andwMteMm _LH B caour pnnt ano anflo** J «»^^a»»»^ *n chemcals loworting mtc ca taioguc io temperature So* IromM'Cto 4>MC<«> Interpri...
      97 words

    • 49 2 Car's fiery flight stuns stuntman FRENCH stutmu Deals Fkblea'a attempt to fly-drive his car aver three layers ti ears literally exploded Into action In Monthlery, Paris, last Sunday. Tke Slmca car's prtrol tanks burst into names In midair. The stantman miraculously escaped unhurt, hat emerged rather stunned. AP plctnre.
      AP  -  49 words
    • 78 2 LONDON. Tues. Turkey j has the world's most overcrowded housing, according to a report of the Building Society, a nationwide British mortgage loan company. There are only 4.4 million homes in Turkey for 44.3 million people, an average of just over 10 people in each home.
      AP  -  78 words
    • 196 2 MURDER BID' TURNS OUT TO BE A JOKE PARIS. Tues. What was thought to be an assassination attempt against former Iranian I Premier Shapour Bakhtiar last night turned out to be nothing more than a youth trying out j I a tear-gas gun. Police said the youth fired three tear-gas
      AP  -  196 words
    • 257 2 First rebel uprising since war began Clashes with Kurds in border area BEIRUT, Tuesday IRAN today revealed the first outbreak of ethnic rebellion within its borders since its war with Iraq erupted 23 days ago. The official Pars news agency said rebellious Kurds "killed 20 Iranians and injured 50 others
      UPI  -  257 words
    • 209 2 Teheran spells out terms for safe passage UNITED NATIONS, Toes. Iran reiterated yesterday It would agree to the safe passage of merchant snipping out i»f the Shatt-Al-Arab waterway, under the United Nations flag, if Iraq also guaranteed their safety and If the vrsnels did not onload at Iraqi ports. Iranian
      Reuter  -  209 words
    • 190 2 Hostages: Hint of change in Iran's posture BEIRUT, Tues. Iran s Prime Minister Mohammed Ali Rajai yesterday expressed for the first time an interest in solving the hostage crisis but he indicated the release of the 52 American captives was dependent on previously announced demands by Iran. "We are interested
      AP  -  190 words
    • 738 2 Moscow may be real winner in Gulf conflict STRAITS TIMES FOREIGN DESK ANALYSIS THE only form of international morality for the Soviets is one which serves their national interest. In this, they are the masters. Afghanistan and Kampuchea are two recent examples of this Soviet outlook. There are also indications
      738 words
    • 225 2 India launches 'frantic hunt 5 for crude NEW DELHI, Tuesday PETROLEUM Minister Veerendra Patil said today that the Indian Government had launched a "frantic search" for crude oil following stoppage of supplies from Iran and Iraq, the Press Trust of India (PTI) report- cd. About two-thirds of India's crude oil
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 91 2 BANGKOK, Tues. Thai- land is recalling its entire I diplomatic staff from Iran and closing down its embassy in Teheran by < the end of this month, a Foreign Ministry spokes- man said today. Diplomatic sources said I a total of 17 Thais are being
      UPI  -  91 words
    • 79 2 UNITED NATIONS, Toes. A public session of the UN Security Council on the Iraqi-Iranian conflict is expected this week, probably on Wednesday or Thursday, diplomatic sources here said. The Iranian government has Indicated it would wnd a special delegation to the meeting. The
      AFP  -  79 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 218 2 FROM MORE TO MOST... NOW EVERYDAY CATHAY PACIFIC'S MAGNIFICENT D 747 TO HONGKONG. Most popular aircraft, at the most popular time. "*i 'fflfV, Now Cathay Pacific s brand new 8747 departs daily js3j $3 .jjjgtjEl for Hong Kong at 1 1 .00 am. r***^ i^T^ju iS&m^S' Most flights 25 per
      218 words

    • 356 3 Koh: Vacating DX seat would endorse aggression DEBATE ON KAMPUCHEA UNITED NATIONS. Tuesday SINGAPORE said yesterday if the Democratic Kampuchea delegation lost its United Nations seat as the representative of Kampuchea, "Vietnam's policy of might is right would have prevailed." Its ambassador, PROF
      Reuter  -  356 words
    • 76 3 In other words A SCIENTIFIC law was used to explain why the Democratic Kampuchean sea t should be retained at the UN. Singapore mission chief Tommy Koh quoted Boyle's Law which states that nature abhors a vacuum: 6 IN politic**, as In physics, Boyle's Law can be observed to apply.
      76 words
    • 93 3 Marcos puts a stop to arrests MANILA, Tues PhilipRine President Ferdinand larcos ordered the military today to stop all arrests until after he has personally examined the evidence against the people linked to the recent rash of urban bombing attacks. "My order is that no arrests or investigation invitations be
      AFP  -  93 words
    • 262 3 US: Samrin govt propped up by Viet guns CHIEF US delegate DONALD MCHENKY said: "The Heng Samrin regime was installed by Vietnam through its military invasion of Kampuchea and is maintained in power by a Vietnamese occupation force of 200,000 troops. "Such invasion and occupation is in direct violation of
      Agencies  -  262 words
    • 278 3 DEMOCRATIC X am picket rot three awre v*tes thaa last year taroaga combination of switch**. There were affirmative votes tram Bahrain, the DomlaJeaa Republic, Kuwait, Canter*** and Veaesaete all tt which abstained last year— and from EqaaWrtal (iuinea, Israel. Malta and Turkey, ■He *f which veted then.
      278 words
    • 270 3 AMBASSADOR VITHAYA SOIJRINHO of Laos, acting on behalf of 16 countries including Vietnam and Soviet bloc members, called the Democratic Kampuchean Government a "Dand of genocidal criminals." He also said the credentials committee failed to act impartially because it did not consider credentials
      Reuter  -  270 words
    • 324 3 TOKYO, Tues. Fighting off persistent opposition attacks in Parliament, Japanese Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki said today his administration has no intention to propose revisions of the 1960 Mutual Security Treaty linking Japan with the United States. Mr Suzuki, who for
      Reuter  -  324 words
    • 250 3 Kirn II-Sung's son named successor TOKYO, Tuesday THE son of North Korean President Kirn IISung became his eventual successor in office today as the North Korean Communist Party ended a five-day congress in Pyongyang. According to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) monitored in Tokyo, the son 38-year-old Kirn Chong-D
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 144 3 Airlines plan to skip Moscow TOKYO, Tues. Japan Air Lines and other airlines are planning to cancel or reduce the number of flights to Europe from Tokyo via Moscow because of decreasing numbers of visitors to the Soviet capital for business purposes since the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. The Japanese
      AFP  -  144 words
    • 31 3 SYDNEY. Tues. More than 400 bodies have piled up in morgue cold stores in Sydney because of a wage strike by funeral parlour employees, officials said today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 51 3 JAKARTA, Ties. The presidential palace household is considering banning smoking la the palace compound, Cabinet Secretary Sadharmono said last night. He tola newsmen the baa on smoking Is a Rood idea particularly in elated palace halls which are air-conditioned. It U healthy not to smoke, he said.
      AFP  -  51 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 ■nm'V^E I mjSRmLK nWf tt>\' V*Wk_^^*fl MJ I LvXJTb .1 Kf iv! mmmlv m f -m mil Mm 1 m W'*m\ Utlim w jHv ml^K^l mml I M^MMfWWQK&yGQ*tm mil Mm I MmWmmmWmmmmtmm mil Mm I MHnMrW(fm'VlTtirF !m LV I MmMM^ntir/IMifQmliftirm LW 1 *b^*t LniPffffr^ViVxflßVP^fl^Ll mil Mm I M ■nW'rimWWPfWB If
      72 words
    • 180 3 I <«V ■T^BBBavt m i P^^^^BfcJß^^^ Pictured The Rolex Submti rim r Aintfobl, in lHit nnlitur slainliss sin I uilh nmli hmn branlit Wear the toughest watch in the world A Rolex takes a year to make. During that time, the care and skill of our craftsmen ensure every Rolex
      180 words

    • 416 4 Major attack on Schmidt govt's policies EAST BERLIN, Tver EAST German leader Erich Honecker has buried an era of good relations between East Berlin and Bonn with a major attack on West Germany and a demand that Bonn formally recognise the existence
      Reuter  -  416 words
    • 266 4 J. R. IS BACK IN HIS HOSPITAL BED HOLLYWOOD, Tuesday AT LONG last, television viewers may soon be delivered from the weeks and weeks of re-runs that were forced to remain on the air while the longest actors' strike ever paralysed stage sets. J.R. Ewlag mi back In his hospital
      AP  -  266 words
    • 51 4 CROSSING POINT DESERTED A RATHER deserted Checkpoint Charlie, made faunaus by spy navels, In West Berlin after East Germany's new currency regulations went Into force on Monday. West German customs officials said the number of people crossing the border to the East was only one-third of the normal total. UPI
      UPI  -  51 words
    • 79 4 COPENHAGEN, Tues. Karin Mortensgaard, who is in hiding somewhere in Denmark with Louise, the Thai baby whom she and her husband spirited out of Thailand in June, said yesterday she would return the nine-month-old girl to Thailand if she were allowed to accompany her and remain
      AFP  -  79 words
    • 35 4 TOKYO, Tues. Egypt has decided to impose a 25 per cent increase In the Suez Canal fare to help recover first-phase construction costs of the waterway, a Tokyo newspaper reported today. UPI.
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 197 4 Bishops affirm support tor church stands VATICAN CITY, Tuooday ROMAN Catholic churchmen attending the World Synod of Bishops expressed full support yesterday for church stands against artificial birth control, trial marriage, divorce and women in the priesthood. The bishops also called on the Vatican to issue a charter of family
      UPI  -  197 words
    • 75 4 SYDNEY, Tues. The Australian Broadcasting Tribunal has said it blocked the takeover bid of a Melbourne television station by media magnate Rupert Murdoch because it felt the move would not be in the public interest. Such takeovers are subject to approval by the tribunal. It issued
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 259 4 Castro to free all American prisoners WASHINGTON, Tuesday IN AN announcement that caught American officials by surprise, Cuba announced yesterday it will release all American citizens held in its prisons a number the State De- 1 partment put at 33. The State Department called the development "positive." Mr Ramon Sanchez-
      UPI  -  259 words
    • 30 4 TAIPEH, Tues. Visiting South African Foreign Minister R.F. Botha said here today his government has no intention of extending diplomatic recognition to the Chinese communist regime. AFP.
      AFP  -  30 words
    • 115 4 HAVANA, Tues. Cuban workers are to go to the Soviet Union to fell trees for Umber needed on the island, President Fidel Castro has told a provincial Communist Party assembly here. "The Soviet comrades are willing to let us have a
      AFP  -  115 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 166 4 I House of <f CHINA UNION CO. (PTE) LTD. No. 8, Battery Road, has removed to=Unit 124-127, The Arcade, No. 11, Collyer Quay, Singapore 0104. Telephone: *****62, *****63. Telex No. CUCPL RS *****. And: No. 134-135, 105-106 143, Peninsula Plaza. No. 111. North Bridge Road. Singapore 0617. V Telephone: *****00-*****05
      166 words
    • 85 4 help a child grow be a care giver afl ihi fan r-. A W >^j M^tU^a M Jr aj We're looking for care givers who want to join our Family Day Care Scheme. If you love children and have the time to spare, you could earn yourself some income. Call
      85 words

    • 364 5 SYDNEY, Tims THE Australian election on Saturday looks likely to be a photo finish, with the latest opinion poll published today showing just enough support for the government to give it a narrow victory. The poll, taken over the weekend, showt-ii the
      Reuter  -  364 words
    • 344 5  - Governor to hold talks in China on migrants JUDY WALKER By Our Hongkong reporter HONGKONG. Tues. Governor Sir Murray Maclehose is to visit Guangzhou to discuss the problem of illegal immigration from China. During his three-day visit, which begins on Sunday, he will meet the acting Governor of Guangdong province.
      344 words
    • 111 5 Surprise invite to free union group WARSAW. Tues. Polish President Henryk Jablonski has taken the unprecedented step of inviting leaders of Solidarity, the still unrecognised independent labour federation, to meet him here on Friday, it was learned today in Gdansk. The headquarters of the former strike committee there said he
      AFP  -  111 words
    • 197 5 Jewish hecklers drown out Carter NEW YORK, Tuesday ALMOST drowned out by shouts of "Liar! Liar!" from orthodox Jews, President Carter said yesterday he fully supports Israel and is against any state for the Palestine Libera- tion Organisation. In a strong appeal for Jewish votes, the President flew to New
      UPI  -  197 words
    • Sideliners
      • 47 5 BANGS won't be so loud on Britain's annual Bonfire and Fireworks Night next month. A "quiet banger" which is 20 per cent less noisy than normal is being marketed after complaints about noise. Derrick Worthington, President of the Firework Makers Guild, said. AP.
        AP  -  47 words
      • 53 5 HKLP is finally here for those who have problems with dangling participles, split infinitives and punctuation marks. Professors and graduate students in the English Department at Illinois State University, have established a "grammar hotline" to answer all the bothersome questions that arise in day-to-day dealings with the
        UPI  -  53 words
      • 55 5 MEN'S wages are increasing faster than women's in West Germany, the Federal Statistical Office said in a study. It showed that the annual income of male workers in industry rose by 6.7 per cent from 1978 to 1979, compared with 5.9 per < ent in
        AFP  -  55 words
      • 72 5 A MAN in Milwaukee who called police and reported that a Soviet missile had landed near his home was in critical condition after he collapsed, while authorities investigated the prank by two neighbourhood boys. The 10 to 12-foot missile was made from oil drums. It was
        UPI  -  72 words
    • 55 5 NEW YORK, Tues. President Jimmy Carter's campaign organisation said yesterday that Mr Carter has agreed to debate Mr Ronald Reagan on Thursday on a New York City television station. However, Mr Reagan's spokeswoman in New York said she was "waiting to hear" whether the Republican candidate would
      UPI  -  55 words
    • 52 5 KARLSRUHE (West Germany), Tues. West German authorities have arrested four suspected East bloc spies in the past several days, apparently smashing an East German military intelligence network used to gather information on West Germany's costly new tornado jet fighter a spokesman for the Federal Prosecutor's Office said
      UPI  -  52 words
    • 65 5 LONDON, Tnes. British army reservists on training exercises in Aldcrshot have been reduced to banting toy Kalloons to simulate battlefield explosions as an econoim measure. One exercise area was scattered with balloons recently and soldiers were told to assame they were anti-personnel mines.
      65 words
    • 60 5 PIECE OF GOOD NEWS MR Adoifo Peres Esqnlvel, at his home In Buenos Aires on Monday, showing the cable he received informing him he had won the Nobel Peace Prise for ■m Mr Peres Esqoivel, who heads a Christian organisation, service Pas Jnstlca, won the award for his work 1m
      60 words
    • 45 5 TOULON (France), Tues. The French navy is to shell and sink the Greek coaster Gas- East which has foundered with 1,200 tonnes of butane gas on board. The coaster ran into trouble early yesterday (our km outside the port of Hyeres. AFP.
      AFP  -  45 words
    • 165 5 BELGRADE, Tuesday AMKRKAN journalist Kile Abel said today the United States could not support the Idea of I nesro setting up standards for news organisations and chlded the United Nations agency for trying to be mi "International Mr Abel, a member of
      165 words
    • 48 5 NEW YORK. Tues. Computer problem forced the New York and American stork exchanges to halt trading yesterday for nearly an hour. NYSE officials said. The 54minute delay was the longest stoppage since a power black oul Kept the exchanges from opening on July 14. 19T7 AP
      AP  -  48 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 47 5 fot CVfcW r*\ Orttfd 81 c stocks last' 1 m 4pA%. i Lm /A 1 J i£2 ii\ n i V V "^aV saC*CC*fPM V W V^iJHlrtl; am\ 1 Lbbk 71 1 m\ J^Mik. fcjL JSbbbbbbV k A isssasssssss! < fc— UOILJ Uj_ l* BBSKkjonSßsi BBsW^SBBBSBsH a svyiK|JJ
      47 words

    • 1726 6 Most Japanese workers know that if they are employed by a company, their future is assured for the next 35 yean of their working life. The fact that a man's working span occupies the major portion of his existence is read in
      1,726 words
    • 683 6 6 A branch factory like Ilda may be one way to reward a young hancho (foreman) with better-than-average career prospects Instead of making him wait Us torn for ad- vancement. A THREE-HOUR bus ride out of the busy industrial city
      683 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 298 6 Senior «c^*«*^t** Management x** c f^ Higher *<&? 1 Management Assessment Middle B Management Essay/report writing t*_^ Assessment ol work Supervisory -Most attain I BtfctwvJ 1 1 before 55-60 irJ liiSPlti class 1 SffSrHJ 1 professional B^^P^^X Nkound experience, jl g^ ready for responsiblty^ )%J^ i^rd I alicrl Class 2
      298 words

  • 312 7  - Abducted woman jumps out of moving car K. S. SIOHU By A HOUSEWIFE yesterday told of how she jumped out of a car moving at 20 to 30 km h. after she was abducted by a man armed with a knife, in Katong on Monday afternoon. Madam Chew Peck Kwee.
    312 words
  • 245 7  - Ship model test tank installed at Ngee Ann J.D. INDRAN By SINGAPORE'S shipbuilding and repairing industry can now do research on basic design of ships and offshore structures with a locally-assembled ship model testing tank that can simulate wave conditions. Ngee Ann Technical F College installed the 25-metre testing tank
    245 words
  • 63 7 LABOURER Jamalludin bin Sallehan. 17. slashed two atcunly truants with a knife in his bid to get away after they spotted him and his accomplice shoplifting at KUssr Department Store in Coleman Street on Sept 26. a district court heard on Monday Jamalludin was arrested the next
    63 words
  • 185 7  - Dr Kwan presents his papers to Marcos ABBY TAN By our Manila reporter MANILA. Tues. Singapore's new ambassador. Dr Kwan Sai Kheong, presented his credentials to President Ferdinand Marcos at the Malacanang Palace today. Dr Kwan, who succeeds Prof Maurice Baker, now posted to Kuala Lumpur, said Singapore attaches great
    185 words
  • 124 7 INTESPOL kM tnlarm«J Uir pallo* krrr that a rMwlKBiiM-Dt M Buk af Amrrlri Traveller's rhrqcm U traaall betw*tm the I sited sum ami lUly were stolen early thin year. The cheque* are Ur Baako Popalarr De Phieae Blcenia and J'rlent. Italy. The dfmlaart— and nomber.
    124 words
  • 259 7  - Probe on SIS by Labour Ministry PAUL JANSEN. By our Jurong reporter j THE Labour Ministry is investigating comElaints that the partially government-owned ugar Industry of Singapore allegedly mistreated its staff. A ministry spokesman said yesterday that the investigations began after it received a letter, dated Oct 4 and addressed
    259 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 507 7 KROM THF tMUn IHWHf MANUFACn RIR OK Qt Al IT\ MX II ATORS /^-~sr~i£ ***** SCIENTIFIC I KM mm -1 DIFFERENCE QD n S CASIO FX-7100 0 C 9 riMER I Q B n vl ARM m mm E| STOPWATCH I Casio >«. '-LOCK Hour, Minut*. I ,t, t Q
      507 words

  • 1148 8  -  K. C. GOH THE INAUGURAL SINGAPORE LECTURE By PROFESSOR Milton Friedman, the Nobel Laureate in Economics, believes the world is witnessing the early stages of a trend which over the next two to three decades will see the dimunition of government controls and
    1,148 words
  • 460 8 DR MILTON Friedman said last night he Is against (iovemment intervention or ownership of enterprises in any society nod cited Hongkong as a success story without such public ownership. This was one of the points he made li t minute qaestiaa and answer session laced
    460 words
  • 45 8 PROF Urn Chong Yah is tho head of the Economics Depart ment in the National Univprsi ty of Singapore and not Dean of Arts, as reported in a Straits Times article on Monday on Prof Milton Friedman's visit here. The error is regretted.
    45 words
  • 243 8 THE first batch of parttime students of the Masters of Business Administration (MBA) programme at the National University of Singapore are of such a high calibre that the programme will continue to be run on a part-time basis. The dean of the Faculty of Business Administration
    243 words
  • 72 8 A SECOND post office will be opened to serve residents of Bedok New Town, said the MP for Telok Siangan. Mr Rohan Kamis. at the opening of the town's (entral post office yesterday. Mr Rohan, who delivered the speech on behalf of the constituency's MP, Mr
    72 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 304 8 m^m arTi.B>MiiiVinM7aaMr i m r M Mil b^b^bV jftj ■TV' I "^> H^^^ (Mil WF l nfjj Olympus X A, Son of the OM series Olvnipus XA. This little, big camera Scope tor artistic capability A double-image rangefinder ensures fIHHH (HRMIiM B"^VI .is the newest breakthrough from An aperture -preferred
      304 words

  • 210 9 A THREE-member dele- I gation from Australia opened talks on defence matters yesterday with Singapore senior officials A spokesman for the Australian High Commission said the Secretary for Defence. Mr William Pritchett, Foreign Ministry Secretary Peter Henderson and A(1 m Sir Anthony Synott. Chief
    AP  -  210 words
  • 102 9 THE continued hearing of a suit brought by an Australian meat exporter against a shipping company has been adjourned to a date to be fixed pending settlement talks. Cardncr. Smith (W.A.) Pty Ltd is suing Reefer Lines Pte Ltd for A599.197 ($240,000) for breach
    102 words
  • 404 9  - Car thefts: 3 suspects arrested PAUL WEE By POLICE have arrested three men believed to be involved in a stolen car racket with Malaysian connections. Two cars, with false number plates and believed stolen, have also been recovered. At 5 a.m. on Monday, a police patrol spotted a man waiting
    404 words
  • 103 9 THE manager of Ssanf?yong Construction Co Ltd (Singapore Branch), Mr Oh Byung-June. yesterday clarified that the boulders excavated from the site of the proposed Raffles City complex are not for sale. Mr Oh said he conveyed the wrong impression to the Straits Times
    103 words
  • 339 9 LIFE is never l*nely far l«-m»nUi aid Camellia T»y S»-Yee. Mriag the day, she la cared far hy a subwtltate matter while the evenings are spent with her parents. CameUa'a mather, Mrs P.L. Tay, 27, a clerk la a textile manufactarlag firm, la
    339 words
  • 551 9 THE Ministry of Social Affairs has come up with a jingle to promote its day-care scheme for children of working par- j ents, a project that will release more housewives for jobs. The 59-second jingle would probably be heard over television and radio twice each
    551 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 256 9 f^ YAMAHA C 4 PRE-AMP trie art I Circuitry reduces distorton to 0 0036 m MC Cartridge Head Amplifier H Cartridge Lead Selector Tone control Frequency Turnover Tc^ YAMAHA M 4 POWEB-AMP Dual Mono Amp 120/12OWRMS -THDOOO6 S N ratio 118dB /^YAMAHA K-95Q. METAL DECK "silver ■■■mv**''^ winding in V^LS
      256 words
    • 294 9 H \.t*. -'^iSfc Baflaff- .Jaaaaaaaa aaaatatv laVi i%VV\% li£ a 4kafl Laat "^SaaaV I THOSE WHO KNOW DRIVE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. DE-REGISTER YOUR OLD CAR AND GET A MAZDA 626, MOTORINGS FINEST VALUE llin nT 1T Only Mazda has all these features IMPORTANT REMINDER: A y erodynamic Europ ean
      294 words

  • 324 10 A NEW method of tunnelling using compressed air which will prevent soil subsidence during underground sewerage construction may be introduced for the first time in Singapore. This is now being seriously considered by the Environment Ministry, which is believed to be thinking
    CHEW YEN FOOK  -  324 words
  • 112 10 Cheaper food sends CPI down THE consumer price Index Uat month was •J per erat tower than the prevtoos month, tfce tint decline since March last year. The fall was mainly due to tower food prices which dropped by 1.8 per cent. Cheaper fish, vegetable* and frnlt more than offset
    112 words
  • 83 10 THE Singapore Phonogram Association will host the fifth Asian and Pacific regional conference of the International Federation of Producers of Phonograms and Videograms (IFPI) and the second conference of the Asean Music Industry Association (AMIA). They will be held on Oct 21 and 22 respectively at
    83 words
  • 36 10 THE National Theatre Club and 11 combined choirs will hold a Singma Classical Songs competition at the Singapore Conference Hall on Dec 31. The contest aims at promoting cultural exchange between Singapore and Malaysia.
    36 words
  • 403 10 A DEVELOPMENT company, Tanglin Studio Pte Ltd, was held by the High Court yesterday to be in breach of its agreement to sell a maisonette in Leonie Hill for $130,000 to a purchaser, Mrs M.A. Arrichiello. Mr Justice Chua said
    403 words
  • 251 10 39 LOSE HOMES IN JOO CHIAT LANE FIRE SIX families comprising 39 people were made homeless when a fire destroyed five zinc and wood houses in Joo Chiat Lane yesterday. Three fire engines arrived in time to prevent the blaze from spreading to adjacent houses. The fire was under control
    251 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 195 10 mAwVTWU m -LtL+Jy v -s«.o»«».o ;k^»^^ fj^ Bn£ S*CCUkIISTS CENTNE PLAZA SINGAPURA ROBINA HOUSE Imported Drip-dry Woven Acrylic Curtain Materials from Holland and W. Germany. Solids and Stripes. 120 cm wide. Valued to $15.50 per metre NOW 3>nC..OU PER METRE German Printed Cotton Curtain Fabrics. 120 cm wide U.P. $15.90
      195 words
    • 171 10 British Airways r Derek Nimmo dfe .^n^9 present m^L n^'^^^^^ i^^^^^ni sn^n^^^ n^p^^ r 'T* jk TiA/n f\i fho \iif\r\A'cl M 8 'The biK^est belly lau^h for years' IWO Ol me WOria S V^K^ The People I.K. greatest COmedianS y^MJJ 'OneofthebiKßest comedy hits ever' Chicago Tribune Onstage Jj^.^**m k.' A
      171 words

  • 300 11  - Amex may refund extra charge GRACE CHNG By AMERICAN Express card holders made to pay a two-and-a-half per cent surcharge by shopkeepers when they buy goods may have the surcharge refunded if they file written complaints to the credit card company. However, if investigations show that there has been unfair
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  • 42 11 STALL helper Hari Narayan Singh. 22. was yesterday jailed lour months for stealing a motorcycle trom Mr Kassim bin Abdullah, 25. a driver, at the car park of Great Eastern Hotel in MacPherson Road on Ort 6. He pleaded guilty
    42 words
  • 539 11  -  RAYMOND MOSES By A SHIP wrecked off the Palawan Islands in the Philippines helped uncover a scheme to cheat banks by using certain companies in Singapore, a district court heard yesterday. Under the scheme, plotted by Taiwanese businessmen, these men opened letters of
    539 words
  • 124 11 Housewife blocked police search HOI SEWIFE Sayamaat (•evlndjuutmy, 23, wm rinrd $3M yesterday for obNtrnrUnK p*IW afflrer from carrying eat his dot> and another M for Housing him. She admitted obstructing Det-vSgt John MbhUi of Pay* Lebar station from rntrrinc a room at Block 44, Madrag Road, to search for
    124 words
  • 30 11 AN Indian national, Bharat Nandlal Kalyani. 25. was yesterday jailed for a day and fined $500 after he admitted stealing goods worth $129 from Metro Supreme on Monday.
    30 words
  • 114 11 A JOBLESS youth hid himself in a storeroom of an emporium after it closed on Sunday with the intention of stealing valuables, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. When Shanmugam Subramaniam. 18, of Kedah, could not find any money in the S-mart Emporium at
    114 words
  • 414 11  -  GRETCHEN MAHBUBANI By BREAKTHROUGH magazine has had its publication permit renewed. A letter was sent to the editorial board of the magazine yesterday informing them of the decision, a Culture Ministry spokesman said. The letter recalled that at the meeting held on Sept 11 between ministry
    414 words
  • 113 11 A HIGH COURT judgment concerning commissions on two sums totalling $4.4 million claimed under a millionaire's will by two trustees, was set aside by the Court of Appeal on Monday. The appellants were Mr Scan Peng Ann and Mr Scan Peng Koon, trustees of
    113 words
  • 37 11 REFUSE collector Shaik Anwar bin Shaik Mohamed Noor, 28, was fined $600 yesterday for stealing ISO from a pick up belonging to Mr Ng Huat, 27, in Chai Chee Street on Sunday. He pleaded guilty.
    37 words
  • 172 11 A FORMER MP and Bari san Socialis member, Mr Chio Cheng Thun, is helping to run the transport division of the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (Silo) as one of its four industrial relations officers. Mr Chio, once actively involved in the now-defunct Singapore Bus
    172 words
  • 75 11 MOTORCYCLIST Nah Lye Seng, 23, was admitted to hospital after his machine and a car collided in Keppel Road at 7.15 a.m. on Monday. Police said he suffered a fractured right leg. At 12.35 p.m. the same day, another motorcyclist Farn Kirn Yu«, 20, was
    75 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 71 11 Adorn yourself in a glittering world of jewels. Up to fcfa i on jeweller^' you can afford. W J Following our promotion at the Asean Trade Fair 80, we're extending our offer by another week. And if you ye got diamonds in your eyes we have them too at remarkably
      71 words
    • 202 11 "In Frankfurt I can usually get a connecting flight the same hour." This is an authentic passenger statement >* y^Haw w Frankfurt airport is Europe's fastest transfer terminal to any one of 55 European cities Lufthansa German Airlines Contact your travel agent or Lufthansa. Singapore: Tanglin Shopping Centre. Telephone: 737
      202 words

    • 109 12 KUANTAN, Tues. Wild Malaysian elephants cause more than $100,000 worth of damage to oil palm and rubber tress every day, a (arming seminar was told today. The Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) said in a paper that during the past five years more
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 41 12 MIRI (Sarawak), Tues. Bricks are selling like hot rakes because of the construction boom In the town, Bernama reported yesterday, saying that each locally-produced brick sells for 25 to 30 cents, and imported bricks at an even higher price.
      41 words
    • 265 12 Hussein: Law Ministry had few tasks KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday THE Law Ministry was abolished in the recent Cabinet changes because its tasks were not many and were administrative in nature, Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn told Parliament today. He said the ministry's tasks would be carried out by the Prime
      AFP  -  265 words
    • 36 12 I KULIM (Kedah). Tues. Two 15-year-old schoolboys now sitting (or the Lower Certificate of Education Examination, have been detained in connection with a number of motor cycle thefts here, police said yesterday. The Star.
      36 words
    • 333 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Tims. THE Malaysian Government has tightened its civil service laws so that government servants found wanting in their jobs or in their character can be retired in the public interest. The new legislation gives the Yang Dipertuan Agung the
      333 words
    • 58 12 IPOH. Tues The govern1 ment must take over completely the diagnose anil j treatment of gonorrhoea the j most common sexually irans mitted disease if it is H be effectively controlled This is the 'ultimate solu- tion" seen by participants of the two-day seminar on Sexually
      NST  -  58 words
    • 270 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Malaysian tourist industry's image has beer tarnished by the unscrupulous acts of some tourist agencies which openly cheat the public, Parliament was told yesterday. In tabling the Tourist Development Corporation of Malaysia (Amendment) Bill, 1980, the Deputy Minister for
      NST  -  270 words
    • 146 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Ties. The Malaysian Government reiterated today that the question of a military pact between Malaysia and other A.scan countries daes not arise, despite the worrying security situation In the region. There Is no arrange meat being contemplated between Aseaa and Aus tralla or New
      146 words
      • 59 12 FIVE Indonesians from Kalimantan are missing, feared drowned, after their boat capsized 24 km off Tawau in east Sabah on Friday. According to reports reaching Kota Kinabalu, 12 other Indonesians, including women and children, were rescued by a passing vessel after drifting for several hours, Tawau
        AFP  -  59 words
      • 70 12 THF Malaysian Fire Department is studying proposals to have police outriders leading fire engines on their way to an emergency, its acting director, Haji Badaruddin bin Mat Isa, said in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. He said the move was prompted by motorists especially lorry drivers not giving way
        70 words
      • 67 12 TWO Municipal Council parking inspectors and a clerk were arrested on Friday in Kota Kinabalu after a fire at the council's parking fees section on Oct 2 which destroyed parking receipts and parking tickets, among other items, Bernama reported. Kota Kinabalu police chief Supt Ong Nai
        67 words
      • 54 12 I THE Trade and Industry Minister is taking steps to I license another company to produce cooking gas and cylinders. The present supplier. Federal Iron Works, which produces 300 cylinders a day, cannot cope with the increasing demand, said the Ministry's Controller of Enforcement, Haji Nik Mohamed
        NST  -  54 words
      • 62 12 POLICE on Pualu Langkawi, off the Kedah coast, last night are believed to have crippled a gang specialising in the smuggling of stolen motorcycles to south Thailand. Three suspects, a Malaysian and two Thais, were arrested in a series of raids on the island, police in Kuala
        AFP  -  62 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 331 12 1 r^ewes' etec'nc 'ypewn'er/ Cor'ectKXi /v Me .»e Element and [s^ V/V/ t'Dori Free se'V'Cirig and repair for 12 rronths Free loan of s'andby machine during ■nair il enance Avaiiaote variety of type-faces Op'iona' fabric ribbons for practice copies niii mJEBy Visit oui Showroom at SmottsSOn B»v3 I bfOthef .s
      331 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
      122 words

    • 290 13 Budget that aims to meet world challenges KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday FINANCE Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah will present a Budget strategy on Friday that will seek to meet the challenges posed by the continuing uncertainties and difficulties faced by major industrial countries. The strategy will also seek as fax as possible
      NST  -  290 words
    • 52 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Turn. Some 40.000 Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) volunteers, who are fully trained for disaster relief work, are on the alert in case of any flood emergpneies, the assistant secretary of the emergency services unit of the MRCS. Mr Abdul Rahman bin Haii Abdullah, said
      NST  -  52 words
    • 124 13 KUALA TRENGGANU, Tues. Trengganu police, assisted by their Pahang counterparts, are tracking down three robbery suspects who escaped arrest at a roadblock in Air Puteh near Kemaman, 160 km from here, early yesterday. Police believed the fugitives, aged between 18 and 24, are
      NST  -  124 words
    • 36 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Forty-three pilgrims from Malaysia have died in Mecca and Medinah while performing their pilgrimage. The Piler'-ns Fund and Management Board Director-General, Haji Hanafiah bin Haji Ahmad. «aid here yesterday. NST.
      NST  -  36 words
    • 31 13 KUAI.A LUMPUR, Tues The Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs. Dr willibald Pahr. will lead a 27-member delegation for a four-day official visit to Malaysia beginning on Oct 22. NST.
      NST  -  31 words
    • 212 13 Ads in all 5.000 Comfort taxis from December ALL 5,000 NTUC Comfort taxis will carry advertisements on the back of their front seats from December. The advertisements will ensure every taxi-driver with a yearly income of about $108 for two years, Mr Michael Liew, Comfort's general manager, said yesterday. He
      212 words
    • 82 13 A SUB-CONTRACTOR had one drink too many on the night of May 22. While driving along Braddell Road, Leng Kee Chong, 32, suddenly turned left into the Singapore Bus Service depot and crashed into a stationary bus, a magistrate heard on Monday. Police who rushed to
      82 words
    • 65 13 STAFF of Singapore Airlines and Brittah Airways are, far the Brat time, U get concession rates for flights on the Concorde. It is a whopping N per cent discount until I the supersonic service between Singapare and liondon Is mwpVndcd at the
      65 words
    • 602 13  -  IRENE NQOO By THE closing date of the Urban Redevelopment Authority's ninth land sale has been extended for the second time owing to overwhelming requests from developers for more time to prepare architectural schemes. The deadline, which was set for Oct 15 and
      602 words
    • 135 13 Ex-union man pocketed $36 from collection for bereaved family A MAGISTRATE'S court heard yesterday that a former branch chairman of the Pioneer Industries Employees Union pocketed part of the money collected for the bereaved family of one of its members. Ong 1 Warn Seng's misdeed was revealed when Miss Ng
      135 words
    • 67 13 ABDUL Rahman bin Rahmat, 17, yesterday claimed trial to two housebreaking charges at Faber Summit Souvenir Shop in Mount Faber, and stealing $2,214 in cash and property between Oct 3 and 6. He is alleged to have stolen from Mr Ng Kok Lin with with four
      67 words
    • 25 13 was fined $400 yesterday for having two Roche 2 pills, a controlled drug, in River Valley Road on Sept 4. He pleaded guilty.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 141 13 AAIII _B_rCi_E_f_F l"**!^ Harope' 7 o* F°°° _SvL I CHOOSE ANYONE THAT SERVES YOUR NEED I /{^B V ACMA-PANELECTRIC-TOSHIBA\#||g J B^^ ACMA !m! m AR-260 ft No Frost X9Bbb_— a— (238 Litres) na^ 1 Monthly Instalment Q I $60 PAN ELECTRIC 222 Twin Door (222 Litres) Monthly Instalment $47 TOSHIBA
      141 words
    • 198 13 _T~^» W A W _v _Tar _> ar _f _> _> _r _f _f •^^il M WJw m M M m m m m m M M THE CLIPTER LIGHTERS V/s_i >/''__■ m\ T^ l ofa-^VsXas^a* LIFETIME FREE SERVICE m W Sole Agent for Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei Thailand i. Malaysia,
      198 words

  • 392 14 The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1980 NEXT TASK THE United Nations has overwhelmingly confirmed the Democratic Kampuchean Government as the legal UN representative of Kampuchea. While the voting pattern of 74 to 35, with 32 abstentions, is not a great improvement on last year's vote 71 to 35, with
    392 words
  • 359 14 IT appears as baldly presumptuous advice. Some readers of the latest bulletin of the Consumers' Association of Singapore will probably take umbrage at the recommendation which it has seen fit to make: "Stay bald, it's not only cheaper but also the most natural look for many men." Not
    359 words
  • 1204 14  -  WIRASAK SALAYAKANOND By in Bangkok 6 Hongkong is the top Importer of Thai gemstones, carat-wise, bat Japan is getting the best quality ones. The Netherlands prefers better quality gems, In marked contrast to the import preferences of the US buyers, who seem to m
    1,204 words
  • 1095 14 6 Lin was only one of several possible successors the Great Helmsman tired of and discarded. It was an expensive habit for China. In a memorable conversation with Mr Deng, shortly after purging him the first time in 1968, Mao alluded to his ambivalence towards Lin, and
    NYT  -  1,095 words
  • 592 14  -  ANDREW LESLIE Oddities in language By NOWHERE Is the Eagllsh language m»rt Msarrr than In the way It Ultra number*. I am not saßgeNting that their la anything particularly rraiy about thr numbers one to ten, or first to twenty-mth thousand, for that matter. The real
    592 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

    • 824 15 Build the MRT now while it remains within our means 6 There will always be better and better technology, and so when do we stop waiting to decide? To delay is dangerous and we will get nowhere, perhaps into chaos when we wake up from our in- a decisiveness. THE
      824 words
    • 68 15 I FEEL that an MRT system for Singapore should be a wider "ring concept" circumscribing the island, with bus services at each station acting as feeders and the stations themselves as commuter distribution points. An MRT serving only the much travelled route may not relieve congestion, but
      68 words
    • 300 15 What if as often happens two vehicles collide? TWO bus-lane roads expressways will presumably leave two lanes for other vehicles. But what if, as so often happens, two vehicles collide? The hundreds of commuters and motorists who got stuck for more than an hour in the massive Nichol Highway traffic
      300 words
    • 411 15 SUMMED UP in two words the recent MRT forum telecast by SBC was sheer disappointment. If the programme was meant to enlighten the populace about one of the most important topics of public interest, it failed dismally. The arguments presented by both
      411 words
    • 81 15 I WATCHED the MRT debate with laterwt and 1 felt tkftt the key Imm an what quality life the ptwpl? tt Singapore wisa to have and at what «Mt they are wtlllagto pay tor It. Tbear qnMttms, I hetteve, can •«!> he answered by the peaple M
      81 words
    • 169 15 IN OBSERVING the recent written and televised debates on the alternative types of mass transport systems for Singapore, there appears to have been no detailed reference to the energy required for running the system finally chosen. At present, buses and trains depend on oil,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 165 15 High-growth, secure investment property in Canada and the USA Montpelier International Properties invite you to a slide and film presentation at the Bokhara Room, Marco Polo Hotel, October 16 and 17, 1 pm to 8 pm. Montpelier. Palm Beach Polo and A well-established Country Club; and international group other properties
      165 words
    • 248 15 JJI What goes on rl behind the Oeacher'sback? /f The next time you're enjoying a wf Teacher's, turn the bottle round and look at If 1\ the back of the label. I J| There you will see a picture or a malt Remember, all blended brands contain grain whiskies and
      248 words

    • 341 16 APART tram a strwg bout of selective trading It was otherwise a moderately active session at the Singapore tock market yesterday, with share pricea either unchanged or fluctuating B UghUy. Tot market saw Its basteat momenta during the but ii minutes before closing. Tradlag, which began
      341 words
    • 339 16 BUYERS made a cautious comeback to the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday to boost prices higher in selective Lading. Sentiment was generally better but there was no buying pressure as yet, in view of the not-too-encouraging market background where tight money supply and heavy scrip deliveries are J
      339 words
    • 210 16 THE US Sing dollar opened at $2 0940 45 and was traded to a high of $2 0960 before closing at $2 0932 40 In very quiet trading in the Singapore forei market yesterday. The Singapore dollar continued to strengthen against the mark and weaken against the
      210 words
    • 354 16 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on Oct 14: US DoUarstSaotl Offer Bid 7 days 13 12 1 month 13 12% 2 months 13 12 3 months 13' 13 6 months 131/16 12 15/16 Smonths 12 11/*****/16 12 months 12 1 12 SwJt. Dbm. IMkUle
      354 words
    • 47 16 RANGE of prices offered by dls count houses on Oct 14: Ovemljnt: 4% to7'.<* Call deposits: to7.^ Closuc B.yiag StUiaf 3- month Treasury bills 7 3/18 7 1/16 3- month Bank bills 12 5/16 12 3/16 3 months CD 12 11 ImonttuCD 1115/*****3/16 gaarct: Nsflsaal Damaat <•
      47 words
    • 31 16 Closing interbank rates for Singapore dollars on Oct 14 Offer Bid Overnight 15 14 1 month 12' 12 2 months 12. 12 3 months 12 12 Ovemigh'. mode 16
      31 words
      • 53 16 Tronoh Mines 1800 +130 M.gnum Corpa 1400 +120 Prl.hng 1750 +100 Auilr.l Anil 1440 +M MI) I 1370 +80 C Su»»r» 1020 +80 U I Hldo 4M +74 Bcrjuatai 1370 +80 PMC 1100 +S0 Peji Mai* 900 +90 8 T P 1»75 750 +50 •land P*n 700 30 Selanfor
        53 words
      • 26 16 Properties 275 -43 Guinnesa 790 -20 Jack. Inl 237 -13 Uleaealy 330 -6 Nat Iron 660 -5 OU E 830 -5 Dunlop lad 535 -5
        26 words
      • 26 16 G I Hidgs 4TC.000 Magnum Corp 342.000 B Raya 221.000 Sup Corp 20C.000 Toul turnover: 5.10 m Total value: $25 61m Source: SES
        26 words
      • 36 16 Oct 13 O< t H BT Indicator: 9757.*****26.15 Industrials: 608.90 613.19 Finance: *****5 11.9.13 Hotels: 590.19 5"1.09 Properties: 508.37 512.73 Minings: 405.33 4-3.02 Plantations: 864 38 864.52 OCBC: 583.64 "*7 32 SES Ind: 551.92 5C9.98
        36 words
      • 395 16 HONGKONG: Stocks closed generally slightly easier yesterday, but rallied from their day's lows on afternoon buying and the Hang Seng index closed 3.99 points lower at 1364.83, brokers said Prices opened firmer, but fell in mid-morning profit-tak-ing, depressing the index over eight points by lunch time before the afternoon
        395 words
      • 89 16 TOKYO: Share prices eased slightly on profit-taking yesterday, and the Dow Jones average dipped 2.46 to close at 7157.80 points, after touching a record high of 7167.87 in early trading, dealers said. Trading was active, with a volume of 520 million shares and the New index rose 0.31 to
        89 words
      • 214 16 THE KILOBAR market for gold deliverable in Singapore opened at $45,820 and closed at (45,415 yesterday. In the Far East, gold opened at U*****.50,679.50 and with light profit-taking was traded to $676.00 677.00 where it closed for the morning session The market re-opened at $676.00/677.00 with selling from Europe,
        214 words
      • 150 16 CHINESE Pradice Exchaage, Slairapwc, mm cUatan price* per 1M kg yesterday: Ciciaal ssl: Bulk fob 120 00 sell•tv old drum (In second hand drum 1 fob $130 sellers, new drum fob SIX 50 sellers Capra: Mixed (loose) 171 00 buyers Pepper: Muntok white pepper lob Asu NLW (425.00
        150 words
      • 38 16 ■tea Krl New York 20 708 21 JOB BOOS 2180S Zurich ***** 21 408 2150S ***** Ta«a Maa Singapore 20 MB 2' SOB 2D9OS 21MS Cloalng pricea In ITS dollars a troy ounce, aaarm: Cra«t »aaat.
        38 words
      • 229 18 SYDNEY, Tues. Shares weakened in quiet trading as traders awaited today's update i>f a poll of voting intentions in Saturday's general election, dealers sai<! Selling was most evident among heavyweight miners which were also under the influence of weaker gold and metal prices. Western Mining eased 10
        229 words
      • 254 18 NKW YORK. Mon Stock prices on the New York market today closed sharply highpr in the slowest trading since Jure 30. Analysts said expectations the Federal Reserve will hold to a steady monetary course for a while encouraged investors. The mark)-! opened weak on concern about
        254 words
      • 171 18 AMSTERDAM. Mon The closing report (or Monday was not available. The following were the closing prices: f'I.OKINU PRICIB l:, MIS ***** »U A,. .1.1 TOUO f|J 9030 k M SO unrh llrrk 9*40 <0> I.\.nk..r! -02 i'tl.ili'l 7100 07 CalVr lirlll ***** -2 IX-H Mlj W3O 0
        171 words
      • 264 18 ZTRICH, Mon Bond prices were actively higher, while share prices were narrowly mixed, in slower turnover, dealers said. The bond market recovery. which set in a week ago, gained momentum, with both domestic and foreign institutional investors active buyers, they said. A belief that interest rates have
        264 words
      • 563 18 Hongkong Bant 143 I Hongkong Land IM -r Huu-hlaon 117 »lli Inrhcap. 406 -4 Jardln» J3» 2 Ocean Transport 122 i unch Slm« Darby »»d Sun Alliance TI4 Swlrr ParlTlr 75 +3 Tootal M i Wherlork ftl +S W Jacks 17 unch TINg Ant Hltam
        563 words
      • 50 18 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Monday «72.4 Frld»y «8.3 WKkAp 484.4 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Monday «6«.«0 Friday SBO.BB Week AfO 98*70 H.K.HANG SENG Tueiday 1384 83 Monday 1388.82 Week Ago 1318.47 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Tue»day 714J0 Monday 715.08 Week A«o 717.71 ALL ORDINARIES Tuesday 987.83 Monday 774.13 Week Afo 985.14
        50 words
      • 134 16 THE STRAITS tin price jumped $25 to $2,105 per picul (equivalent to $34.81 per kilo, up 42 cents) in Penang yesterday, on an official offering down 23' 1 tonnes to 158 tonnes. The overnight London market was steady but quiet with forward buyers gaining £35 to £7,020 per tonne
        134 words
      • 39 16 Rubber Oct 14 Singapore: Nov: 302.00 cents (down 2.00 cents) Malaysia: Nov: 306.50 cents (down 2.50 cents) Tin: M 52,105 (up $25) (equivalent to $34.81 per kilo) (up 42 cents) Official offering: 158 tonnes (down 23Vz tonnes)
        39 words
      • 36 16 LONDON: Copper prices on Monday (previous In brackets). Wirebar Spot E859 (£859). sellers C 859 50 (C *****), Three Month buyers U88.50 (£888.50); sellers £889 (£889). Marae4 Uae: Steady at lower levels Sales: 14.100 tonnes
        36 words
      • 550 16 THE SINGAPORE rubber market closed weaker yesterday, with November RSS One buyers quoted at 302.00 cents per kilo, down two cents on Monday's close, dealers said. Levels improved one cent during afternoon trading on covering interest with news of the declaration of a state of emergency in Sri Lanka
        550 words
      • 99 16 NOON SSR ud SMR pnoa ,«tcrd.. <«»- No«.-b.r <C.rr..l Mtkl B.y.n g«IUr> SSR20 lltoopaUMi 257 00 2WO0N SSR SO lluapall«l U4 00 256 (JON MBILB SMRCV II toapaltoii JHOOO 2W00N SMR I. llu-pai«, WOO 291 00N SMR 5 HuatMllM! ***** WOVN SMRCP <1 u»p^tMI UNQ 1NO bMRio
        99 words
    • 1011 17 THE last InwrM rmrfjr talr al thr < to-• d bwawa on thr Stor* Excftuw* of Sti«a |.t» yr«mU> .mip.r».l »itti thr prrM,»is day prim lafMkrr aith Ml* Mfk and k~ vt)u»trd tor •rrlp riitfiu awl Lad Hlft U« («■•••< Salr or»fi ti<i\ n\y 1 14 11 t.
      1,011 words
    • 1692 17 BUSINESS DONE (Singapore) 'Ill) and otter pnm officially listed and businesh in and reportiil In the B htngr of Singapore yea irrday with ihr numbpr of sham traded nhown in brarkrts in lots of I HOD units unlev. olherwuv spec! Iwd All Times Settlement Contract* sir quoted after the word
      1,692 words
    • 1923 17 BDaalafla pMaaMkHh MM .imi huvirn-v. in and reporteil to th.ii paj stm k BaVaHgß |Mi •h the numhrt o( sh.iuti.uhtl sh,.*n in ht;irk<Ms in lots ct i unl<-vs iMh)T«iar spH'iIMll vniMl.s Ajhuaull (3 445) Aleeai I 2 495) xd AiriHeMllSOß) I l-aar 1 1 208) A M DIO
      1,923 words
    • 53 17 PAN-MALAYAN Holdings Ltd announced an interim 1980 dividend of 7-1 2 per cent gross (same), payable on November 24, to shareholders registered on November 14 The company earlier reported an unaudited group net profit of $1 25 million ($760.000). for the six-months ended
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 34 17 SIM LIM Investments Ltd announced a group net profit of $964,000 (JU0.000). for the year ended March 31. after minorities of $61,080 ($42,000). and provision for taxation of $523,000 ($238,000) Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 487 18 ROTHMANS (Malaysia) has incorporated current cost accounting principles in its annual accounts for the first time with a significant impact on its earnings and assets. Under this accounting method, adjustments are made to the figures shown in the historic cost accounts to allow for
      487 words
    • 235 18 Jack Int'l to sell property at Bukit Timah JACK International has agreed to sell its subsidiary's property at 989 Bukit Timah Road (or $175 million The sale will realise a profit of $11.87 million for the group. Covering more than 197.000 sq ft, the property is owned by Jack Intemational's
      235 words
    • 187 18 HNGAFOME UNIT TRUST (Mi—irn- prim tar Oel If) TV Commerce 2.91 3 06 The Savings Fund 113 1* Spore Prog Fund 1.31 1 37xd Spore Sec Fund 203 213 I Spore Inven Fund ITO 178 1 Spore Equity Fund 1.28 1.34 ASIA UNIT TBl HT QfcM|l<|- prW» tar
      187 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 522 16 The National push-button Key Telephone System. A 3-in-1 system thatis a telephone- intercom, and paging service. VB-36OES V W Works like a PABX, less Feature-packed for absolute The system grows as your expensive than a PABX. reliability. company grows. More efficient than a manual Because of the system's ver- When
      522 words
    • 24 16 Prime lending rates THE average rate at which major SUgaparc baaks are currently prepared u> le«4 ta their beat rustomen b 12.1 per cent.
      24 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 410 17 I.6JJ No. Toworon No. P«ti KENYATAAN TAWARAN ITM 16/80 Tawaran adalah dipelawa daripada Syarikat/ Kontraktor yang berpengalaman dan berdaftar dengan ITM, bagi kutipan sisa makanan di Dewan-Dewan makan ITM, Jalan Othman, Petaling Jaya dan di-Dewan Makan ITM, Shah Alam bagi tahun 1981. 17/80 2 Tawaran adalah dipelawa daripada Syarikat/ Kontraktor
      410 words
    • 321 17 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR (COMMERCIAL DIVISION) COMPANIES (WINDtNG-UP) NO. 58 of 1910 In Hrn Mottar of tha Compooiei Act 1965 AND In tha Mattar of Syankoi Boon Hwa (Sdn.) Bartiod ADVERTISEMENT Of PETITION NotK* ii haraby given that a Petition lor tha Winding Up of
      321 words
      645 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 657 18 Jfe JAWATAN KOSONG JyK!L polis di raja 'iJlfpr MALAYSIA Parmohonon odaloh dipelawa daripada Warganegaro Malaysia untuk |awaton Penolong Penguaso Polis dolam Parfchidmaton Polis Di Rofa Malaysia bagi jawatan(Owotori seperti berikut:(i) Penolong Penguasa Polis (Kodet) (ii) Penolong Penauasa Polis (Kontrek) 2. Tanggoga ji $940 x 75 1 090/ 1 1 65
      657 words
    • 706 18 v ROBINSON AND COMPANY. LIMITED (Incorporated in Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, at an extraordinary general meeting of the members of Robinson And Company, Limited to be held at the 4th Floor, Specialists' Centre, Orchard Road, Singapore 0923 on Saturday, 1 November 1980, immediately following the annual general meeting
      706 words
    • 376 18 TIIK BANKRI'PTCY AC I (CHAPTKR 18. l»7O ID) IN TIIK HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE In Bankruptcy No. 605 of 19HO Re: I.iew Lee Wah Ex-Parte: Topprint Pte Lid Judgment Creditors In the Matter of a Hank rupt<\ Petition issued on the 17th day of July 19»0. NOTICE
      376 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 637 19 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX -j s-^rkC—kCkt r\ r^s* fefe- I^' s^T-sssm v TX^SSS^ i /*> i (IT yv^r^kfiMkllrf^l I fir Ijj )v^l jjS i sS^ 9 ,ZL'-ZZ sshvtz 5 sESS4r*jHtsTer"ce ce s s l—4-44»»l rXSS-.--. S2 W-FW -F^ m .KsKeitnT-.'ren.. J", personal > Upper Poyo Lebor Rood °000
      637 words
    • 780 19 I Personal Services Merctiandttt K^»"s-^gß sV^s^sssssssssk-^BaLTlssil ■'"> -S gggf Now available al lm^ t§T PETER LAI PTE LTD M-10 Mezzanine Floor Far East Shopping Centre Orchard Road. Singapore 0923. Tel: *****22. *****17. *****30 Branch: M9O Lucky Plaza. Orchard Road. Tel: *****41 Wmm No surcharge for jg— ii American Express Cardmembers
      780 words
    • 1041 19 I Personal Sarvtces A Merchandisa TAILORING ANO DES.GN CENTRE (JSBj^BJfl* formerly THE TAILOR t CUTTER ACADEMY HLUy Individual Diploma Courses m Tai lor ing and Cutting Ladies' end Gen tlemen'a Garments Full-tima and correspondence courses. Apply saa Walls St London W.I. Tai ot -*36 0214 t -iK!*TK KMTa?:*" We specwlned
      1,041 words
    • 893 19 V Business Products, Sarvtces 4 »il^V I OppartMlttos V. Hand Pallet Truck Lift Capacity up to 2000 Kg 2 Years Guarantee. Call *****95, *****9, *****0. *****6. *****87 MECHMNCeU H ANOLINC ENGINEERING No 10 Neythalßoad P O Brx 110 jaaaasjipjawaajw Jurong Town Post Office ™II siww Wmm* Member ot the Jebsen
      893 words
    • 885 19 V Business Products. Services A 1 »,A. Opportunities mm SURPLUS STOCKS OF H 1 frozen mcentrate 201. drum SS6.M per litre Interested conUsCt *****51 tropical fish farm *uh over Classified Ads. 10.000 anucls fat sale Facilities include electricity, sleeping quarters, over 200 jars, tanks mTmZTmm\'im m mf i The Daily
      885 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 942 20 II Employment ill A wen established TeiMe Comsteny 46 Situation* Vacant rw w<1 2 FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERKS c Passed Se. < c Knowledge of Book-keeping b) Secretarial U Accurate typing Clerical "guai Pisess write with telephone num- ber and salary eipected to The Manager An established import/f .port and 10
      942 words
    • 1237 20 II Employment ijj] 1 _«_>.- EXPERaIncEO ACCOUNTS CLERK CLERK/TYPIST required Able U> speak Hokkien rseuired and keep a full set of Accounts .*mill company Tel Mr OLevel Tan *****68. 7 p m to p m iccuritelv 0 ln<l «X««'eNCEO FEMALE AC- aßd'v'a'a R d'v'a'n V ii! ce C s<reT^,5 <
      1,237 words
    • 1015 20 J« c fr FREIGHT FORWARDING COMPANY requires 111 1 Secretary Fluent in JUNWR SECRETARY BaalMl and ability to work required under pressure 2) Shipping D established mien t mi«h (lerk Kamlliar with import ex- inienor lurnisn port documentation Write lo: 1 Maxwell P o Uox 278. Spore Appfceanhi must have:
      1,015 words
    • 1001 20 II Employment 111 js Female Accounts HITACHI POWER TOOLS (S) C Ipr k PTE LTD \*1WII» TYPIST CUM GENERAL c IXC Book-Keeplng CerCLERK tlflcate Ability to type c Minimum oce 'O' Level c Minimum 1 or 2 years *wiwhbSe.rd P ate working experience a Typing speed to 40* pm Interested
      1,001 words
    • 1083 20 II Employment (jjl 1 REOUIRED ACCOUNTS CLERK", URGENTLY REQUIRED FEMALE with aMllty to type Please apply lypist and Of flee Bo) t ill i>er with full details statiriK quali- wnallj it »*H RotHnson i tications. salary ex(H-. ted and Rooaa IDC WTIU PX3 Box 1.122. conlacl telephone number lo B"port
      1,083 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 702 21 II Employment II J 111 ■BBWBa«B»BiB^BB»B»»»B»^S~ 4 TRADE PHOSJOTIOSI requires 46 Situations Vacant r ''*ind 1. Huat building b) Secretarial Clerical -ftl (ST lBMto 1) FEMALE TELEPHONE '"»> OPERATOR/ GENERAL CLERK boutkou«salesomls wanted 1 1 all at 'in, ill, -,r today 2) PERSONNEL r u _^a_m__ V*y y a
      702 words
    • 1103 21 II EnuJtoyuwwt I Ii X L I I T J 1 I ANfOME Jaa> Require MALE/FEMALE^ Lnwy.\jiy\n^^m SALES represent a t ,ves invites career- minded m ladiestojoin T^T'^Tmol'team Ol BEAUTY Representative U. help us ADVISORS for its promote our electrical department store counter household apt operations 1 Must complete
      1,103 words
    • 959 21 is-iapa. f 1 immediately COLD STORAGE jl} DRAFTSMAN MANUFACTURING > 2 years DTP I Tn I similar field' other Mechanical c- qualifications would he an in\ lies applicants f,,r Salary 'ippro.Mnalefy SI4OO positions of MALE 2) 2 MECHANICS LABORATORY CUM WELDERS ASSISTANTS fig- OjCX O' Level with Plaeae contactChemistry *****1.
      959 words
    • 898 21 II Employment |J^ iVlfJr& NACHI SINGAPORE w i** 9 PTE LTD j^r-^^__ Om of lh« l*»ding %%\m% Organis*- lK>n ol bearings, culling tool* and ~?y2 »ndu«tri«l *>quipm«nt. invitvt suit- A __W^_*___W w c»ndK)..Us for SINGAPOREAN TECHNICAL =||^§lp REPRESENTATIVE c Ase ato 30 yean eld a Mils' he .VBllßbll fol Jo/m'tra
      898 words
    • 624 21 ll II Employment ill -f izz Top wages benefits and overtime BEN HWA NEW aMo.anc. for to follows, Mga» NDUSTR ESE S PTE. LTD. 2FIRST CLASS WELDERS Ba» immediate lac.incirs lor MALE GENERAL 1 EXPERIENCED QUALITY U/nDI/CDC CONTROLLER WUHIStnO 1 ASSISTANT MECHANIC f^',' JV".-!|",m'alel" including withexpenen... beneltl.s $36.S p in
      624 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 637 22 HEU^M llf |i IT I •6 bifuatrorts vacant jfv \^H c) Production kaJFVVv^iar .illllisß^^Bs^\^Bai«aß^Bsllia^sllr JURONG SHIPYARD LTO Where Your Career Is Our Main Concern apply as A Hull Trainees < &2^ J B. Boiler Trainees Cj±J£?x writ C Boiler Fitters "^^fe^^ VV Pipe Fitters \f|K"% v sj D Machinery Fitters
      637 words
    • 469 22 i~^mt\ZK OFFER BENEFITS IF YOU ARE f C^Son R«quiremente -**od** C L, A. 16 years and J OP C V.^B JJ t i d "I B. No experience required, train 'ng will be provided avJaVB Malaysia C it i Ifl^PHteaatMVlll zen or perma |Bj|aaaMßa|^aMau nent resident B^vejeaß>^Laaaaß i A/C OFFER
      469 words
    • 1087 22 I t-l m\ An EdaMe ON MewtecMnng NICHIAS c-—c A. TELEPHONE mrmmtM operator/ Fygg RECEPTIONIST a OCE O level Bll^a^^^el Able to handle PMBX saßgßJiegiesasSl switchboard an advantage MBjEftW B. LORRY DRIVERS c Possess valid class 4 driving c MALE TRAINEE FEMALE fitters WORKERQ D. MALE TRAINEE WUHKtKb ELECTRICIANS NEW
      1,087 words
    • 1449 22 II Emptoymant 111 X I IT t.,***^***. «•»>, HYMOLD PTE LTD. office boy requires M^'t'£ N 2educauon RECEPTIONIST CUM M^havecl^ 2 driving..- TELEX OPERATOR Preferably with own trans- Oua ,j, lcatlon Apply to BlllnKua )n English at ChiB.T. BOX A9O7S* nese Able to type and handle telex established radio company
      1,449 words
    • 824 22 II Employment lI A M 1 MOTEL alaysta I \sss*^^Sr«a^ CHAMBERMAID nionth J CENTRAL PROVIDENT gantry assistant FUND BOARD 11 312 p i f\£Ctf^C KITCHEN PORTER vlrrlUt Mmimuni $260 OU per ATTENDANT I /MAI C\ WASH-UP MA» (MALt) Minimum $260 00 per 1 1 month QUALIFICATION: Wa |>> duty BSSBI
      824 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 863 23 II Emp*OTtmni |jj|l ♦6 Situations Vacant -Q I^^^^* I) Miscellaneous Promotion Contractor and reqwre (or our client NeetM Singapore the mlm^^ following pariennll /^r~\ 1 LADY ~n*+tr*'H'(( -ftCA DEMONSTRATORS rwWw*» 1 1. I for coametica prodHcta /^pubtuhma aw per- Knglish and ChiGFMCHAL WOMKERS 2) ADVERTISING DRIVER CUM ASSISTANT -sol age
      863 words
    • 1320 23 II ijl JTT r.Z^ BECURJTf AOENCV URGCNTLV I NTUCWELCoejE requires ll Senior Security I riawrn Ciuards 12-hour shift 2) Secun- 1 T"*"*"**** l l ants available in town and Ju- i suPtwvisoßS ron( areas Permanent Bor 12- a Minimum 5 O level credits h r s m ft A
      1,320 words
    • 1018 23 URGENTLY WANTED OFFICE H. y WANTED A DRIVER witn class 4 >rk Apply at 199. licence Please apply personally Halestier Road. Federal Associ- at 161) Blk 1. Kallang Way ales. *****85- 2****** Spore 1334 Tel *****02. VACANCIES FOR: Cashiers. Waitresses. Helping Boys Malay- WELL ESTABLISHED Man. c«n also apply Experience
      1,018 words
    • 1100 23 Ifi 111 VsMcJes A Boats SeVaffli A» lm^ mm $50/- PAYMENT DRIVE away a go<id car (Hire urchase term) 49 Pleasure Boats For iljl" 01 Klam Road *****0T Sale/Wanted 52 Vehicle Accestoriet/ USED MERCURY OUTBOARD Uaiivlon.n/.* Motors 150 h.p 140 h.p.. 85 h p maintenance Complete with power trim Contact
      1,100 words
    • 1537 23 111 Vehicles A Boats A BEAUTIFUL CONDITION. MAZDA I'.tpell.i Coup* spurts rims, air d) Flmt mw-itTi rjob Mr*iV *mm. 41S BEAUTIFUL 1973 FIAT 1.12 New |>«C«74 MA7DA 10.10 5a1,,.,, M tax tyres and paintwork Must i^> >wn top Condition see lo appreciate SIBJOO ono ««SiSI Tel *****28. Raymond SEPTEMBER I*7*
      1,537 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1564 24 1 j HI HMdM ft K»ts jC^ I i«77 COROLLA iioa Excellent rondlUon New lax. airrond 55 VehKhM For Sato gj',7,*, 18 0 n T No t»77. TOYOTA CROWN 3880 AutoMM *^^^—^*JN matir Ist company owner Air- (M)wer steering mindows Mint condition *****1 I) Mitsubishi Colt 1*77. TOYOTA COROLLA lslprlI
      1,564 words
    • 1219 24 JUNE K7S RENAULT Alrron ra.s- ■■■■■■^■■^^^■H »ett». good condition View at Lee Hong Service Station. 6SO I^^ Dunearn Road Asking $8500 saaSSsaSa>aaßßßislSßl>iaa>>^^ n "w"BP LATI UTS VOLVO 144 Alrcond. stereo, one engineer owner. eirrllent condition S2l.Mouno mi '■»<■■» Tel 3M4757 XU lUUR LATE It7t DAIHATSU XTE (*AD EACTTD 4spe»d Air
      1,219 words
    • 910 24 ATTRACTIVE PRJCE OFFERED for PARF#crap cars and good used cars 2S3lS«7\nl«hl *****3 Yeo) 57 Scrap VvhICNM ATTRACTIVE PMCE OFFERED for PARK scrap cars and good used cars Please call 245 Middle Road ort*l 3374*21 *****31 Mr Yeo AUSTIN 1300 AND M.izda 1000 for t Too7fc^ o te7o'!!d D h f
      910 words
    • 1384 24 A BEAUTIFUL. CENTRALLY W* T DOUBLE-STOREY semiLOCATED detached. 3/4 bedrooms, serFULLY AMCONDmONED vant's amenities, furnished BUNGALOW TYPE TOWNHOUSE P a li'»" v furn i»'>r d 2 50 With indoor swimming pool. 3 $2,700 ConUct S22SS3. bedrooms, study, beautiful set- DIST 10. ONE TREE Hill. 3 bedting rooms, single-storey seml-de-Avlsbl. UnfumtolMd
      1,384 words
    • 1487 24 ■> •vaapjpjnpjoiinon m rropvim fi^s LUXURY. APARTMENtTwTT^ I t^ n t^\ ?xCL M U°s"vU??SS2 L Sa. d.d .o CC n rP RReR t ece < a, I TnTrr,;ona, Kamehameha S3.SSO *****83 Buklt Tunggal Road $3,200 APARTMENTS IN DIST Cave- rr nagh Courl 3 alrcond bedrooms Pandan Valley $3 000 fully
      1,487 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1336 25 IV Accommodation 4 Properties s= i- 1 tUBMISMfP ROOMS h »lth out BaUiroom attached at disLs 60 Accommodation eT^'A'*' C n LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHEO APARTMENT overlooking the City aSBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI >ri hard Road has room tvallable for Furopean Ameri- ran bachelor or single person Please rail 2359M2 during office b) Flats MEALS
      1,336 words
    • 1534 25 IV Accompnodi'.ion A Proptrtiss Il^"J JAPANESE FIRM RECHJMES "J CHANCERY LANE Double- storey nished flat about $1,700 renu. bungalow. 5 bedrooms extended disl« 9.10 II Tel *****2 kiu-hen Near Thomson Road MMENTLV REOUIREO A Ne» l 2 otWso.ll $750,000 *****53 apartment al Kalong area Con- CORNER TERRACE HOUSE at Joo
      1,534 words
    • 1522 25 ~_lZ^^^ ft ■■■■^7l A 1 ™J ■bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV PEOPLE'S PAMK Apartmenl. on very high floors 1.100 sq ft $209 000 unfurnished Call *s^^ *****6/ *****8 _^^^^__f^***^] A REAL BAMOABM B^mH I Hong Leeng Garden con d^BBBBBWBBW I— i dommiuw. Slafe 1. Type B. (U groundfloor wllh garden 't^^^HbbbbbbbbbV Immediate occupancy 1.948
      1,522 words
    • 1385 25 I I' I l*Ui OIST. f. JALAN JWTAN Apart- menl Kimsia Court. Blk B 3 bedrooms, servant's. 1.800 sqft r r Highest offer secures Principals roreign only Tel *****16/ 2352«3i Properties DIST. JALAN JMTAN. 2 bedrooms, separate servant's, par- quet flooring throughout, area approximately 1.500 sq ft Selling with vacant
      1,385 words
    • 1301 25 IV Accommodation A Properties gg I PRIVATE HOME SEEKER n |^BHHHHH|^H^^B buy urgently I 3-bedroomed I Ridgewood/ Hlllcrest or Wallrn Townhouse Ring Mac Yang a"^^ B^^^ *****44 No agents please' REAOV BUYERS REOUME Hong win** W :,;,r K s, Xa PP b .'tr r HH k ll l ls ;n°d
      1,301 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1065 26 IV AccotnnMMtotkMi 4 Propsrttes £2 J"l centum. wutLemta HAVCLOCK ROAD M Shop Space Al h hi> n* up to Rental SJJOp.I «J For Sale city development limited TEL »1»M be autiflh. showroom r,.. p CITVPIAZA floor tZW.OOO only „,|imf system SO SF AUTIFIX STOP I OaM liland Realty ClEmenceau
      1,065 words
    • 1281 26 VI Education I, Instruction J^ FOtL/PART TaME INTENSIVE METROPOLITAN T.M.C.A. COURSES FOR ISM LCCI EXAMINATIONS IN Offers Pn.ete Secretary t Cert.fie... CITY a GUILDS Shorlhand'T rp ,.iCartihcata Elaclmal Enqmaaring Practice Typewriting parta Ilia Enghab For Commerce Shorthand T y p.,r,t,n g Out*. V a June 1981 examination (in preparation lor
      1,281 words
    • 548 26 VI Education A Instruction J.l^TJ ENC€D •"-'NOUAL PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION TUTORS pnudr home tuition at; automOTTVE Kngmeenng IMI all levels Reasonable .(large intermediate Kinal CftO I'irt I m 4MM2I I night k Contact *****8 L aU^r *"u!h' YW fs. A T R l !"harc, C A > 'm 0 s/t-< Mu.
      548 words
    • 559 26 Vll Trawl Tours >A< fer CANADA JPV7 YOUNG |y EXPLORER a*ECIAL §P^^^s3O9O L.f m *"rr-m 7-. BK I A new holiday concept WjSy J& for the young explorers 4kJ vifw^ulp^ Io venlurc on tnier own |^Q I J*.Hp benefits and savings of I -i :p *if»afa»aVilW iaallH accommodation and 1
      559 words
    • 950 26 Vll Travel Tours Li< FUGHT DIRECT jiiVvJ^H TO HAAOYAI dep 19 oct so w SPECIAL ONE WAY BY AIR/ONE WAY BY COACH $199 OR TO& FRO BY AIR $299 ONLY TOUR HAADYAI, SONGKHLA PHUKET BY AIR 3 DAYS $349/5499 DEP 17.19 OCT 4 DAYS $369/$569 DEP 1 6. 1 9
      950 words

    • 29 27 The Family Of The Late DATO S.Q. WONG wish to thank friends and relatives for their kind assistance, condolences, donations to Charity and wreaths during their recent bereavement.
      29 words
    • 42 27 Our most sympathetic condolences Id UM l.ltlllly ol UltOldest Baffletian dir Mi DATO S. Q. WONG OLD RAFFLESIANS ASSOCATION TO MR X NAGIAH Principal TAMPINES PRIMARY SCHOOL loy.uand your family on ftm moth'T MADAM LETCHUMI Start Tamptnes Primary School
      42 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      53 27 IN MEMORY OF GEORGE SEBASTIAN GOMEZ OKD 14 10H U YEARS W.-dld not see >oudle We sad heard that >i.v were UHli ariMMJ Beam whispereil low (t.Hi hles> and keep you 111 his We all loved you ami we vull lillys Your lo»ir.g ail* Mn Camel Gomel,
      53 words
    • 36 27 MOM MARY WEE GEK KIM I Dapartod: 15/ 10/79 No wofdt can d*scrib* th« pain H your suddan k>»« has brought Sadly missed by son. daughlar I daughtar-in-law and grandchil I dr*n
      36 words
      17 words
    • 78 27 iim chin khcmc. i MMm Ottca 1 I Mai ,v Rai sir* 1 I ok Julir a. Clieok Kal (i»ok li r«ll Yrw iir.intii 'hildrrll 4. fnrm1> hrloved Oinsli ins and A.-srmhlirs itl MaU>su SiiiKapurr and Australia doctors nursing >Ulera and sun i>l Tan Toe* Srtm
      78 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 350 27 ¥11 Travel 4 Tours >»W TMAVELIAME TOMtS (TA/070) 103 Tour. SCHOOL hoiio»y SPCCIAI lIM I OUTS OT CNS.'KNIMto/CHCII SIM/PtNt 4 CPATnMar Ilrp I .19 •■■■^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l*** NC6ULAM TCHMS aciMnm. coach tmm gemtiwg w., a« FO« THE MOM OISCMMMATMC (SmwKul Ptn-tut Ah) e JJ" T ot v e» CPA TrKtx-Ukxv Wwl/Sat ""J^""
      350 words
    • 481 27 In line with our expansion programme, we invite applications from suitably qualified Malaysians to fill up the following vacancies in a manufacturing company in Kelang. PRODUCTION PUNNING SCHEDULING OFFICER (1 VACANCY) Minimum Diploma in Production Engineering or Mechanical Engineering. Minimum 2 years in similar or related capacity. MACHINIST (2 VACANCIES)
      481 words
    • 643 27 MAJLIS PERBANDARAN KOTA BHARU Parmohonon permohonon odoloh dipelawa don rofcyot Neaeri Kalontorv Worgorwooro Moloyuo yong berfcaloyokon ootuk manotu (owotan PCNOLONG SCTIAUSAHA (Ecooomici) oi Mo) ms Ptfoonooron Koto Bnoru 1 TANGGAGAJI: A22: S880 60 —1000/1120 x 60— 1360/ 1480x60 1840 x 100 2140 2 KUMTULAN: A 3 UMUt: i) Calun-calun lontikon
      643 words
    • 628 27 ASEAN POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS. 1981-2 To promote ASEAN co-operotion, the National University of Singapore has instituted a number of ASEAN Postgraduate Scholarships Applications are now invited from interested candidates Eligibility Applicants must (a) be nationals or permonent residents of an ASEAN member country except Singapore (b) be fluent in the English
      628 words
    • 922 27 I[*»9) NOTICE TO TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS CUTOVER OF SUNGAI PIOKG EXCHANGE WMi effect from 10.00 p.m on 15* October 1980. telephone •icfconge in Sunoo* Pfong wtH be replaced by outomahc exchange Telephone Subscriber* in Sunga Plong will hove full STD focilrtiet ond ihe« numben wdl be in Ihe range of 03-*****0
      922 words

    • 111 28 LOS ANGELES, Tues An amateur boxing tournament with athletes from five nations competing will be held from Nov. 73 at the Los Angeles sports arena here. The event, called the Mayor's Cup international tournament, will be contested by the United States, Mexico, Canada, South Korea
      Reuter; AP  -  111 words
    • 302 28 NEW YORK, Tues. With the best ringside seats priced at US$l,OOO ($2,090), the Roberto Duran-Sugar Ray Leonard welterweight championship re-match at the New Orleans Superdome on I Nov. 25 could produce I an all-time record gate ■of US$B.5 million ($17.7 m), the promoters I said
      302 words
    • 122 28 Injury problems trouble Hand DUBLIN, Tues. Eire manager Eoin Hand has injury problems in defence for his country's World Cup soccer qualifying match against Belgium here tomorrow. Arsenal's talented central defender David O'Leary has already pulled out with injury and his replacement, Kevin Moran, of Manchester United, needed stitches to
      AFP  -  122 words
    • 300 28 LONDON, Tues. England will find themselves looking into a mirror when they face Rumania in a World Cup qualifying match in Bucharest tomorrow, for the little-known Iron Curtain opposition rely on a bustling centreforward, a rugged stopper centre-half and two touch linehugging wingers. Some of
      AFP; UPI  -  300 words
    • 190 28 GLASGOW, Tues. A confident Jock Stein announced only one change from the side, who beat Sweden recently, for the World Cup qualifying match against Portugal at Hampden Park tomorrow. Stein's original squad remained intact after all his players had come through Satur- day's League
      AFP  -  190 words
    • 138 28 DAKAR, Tues. Krancob Boeaade, who kicked the referee la the groin when he blew the final whistle in the replay of the Senegal Cup soccer final, was suspended for life here yesJeaaae DMrc beat Cup-holders Caaa-Bpert 14 through a penalty In the replay last June.
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 663 28 Norman finds match-play title thrilling WENTWORTH, Tues. Greg Norman was on his {Way home to Brisbane today as Australia's third I world match-play champion in the past five years and with the future of the unique international golf classic assured. The 25-year old Queenslander, who plans a serious assault on
      Reuter; AFP  -  663 words
    • 94 28 Martina wins after a struggle DEEBPIELD BEACH, Florida, Tnea Secandseedea Martina Navrmtllavm straggled past l«-year-*M Sne Maacarln laat night In a lint round match of a USslll, (S2M.*M) women's professional tennis tournament here. The CierhoNiovakUborn Martina beat Sue 6-1, 7-6 after winning a tie-breaker 1-5. Other first-round winners were 15-year-old
      AP  -  94 words
    • 247 28 SYDNEY, Tues Three players were fined a total of A52,475 (about $6,000) and an umpire was sacked on the opening day of the AJ192.500 Custom Credit Australian indoor tennis championship here I yesterday. Sherwood Stewart, of i the United States, and Spain's Fernando Luna
      UPI  -  247 words
    • 559 28 Expert: 'Men and women on equal terms in sport 9 The top four qualifiers all bettered the previous tournament record of 3 hrs. 31 mm 94 sec. set by Belgian Jean Luc Ban denbrouchein West Germany in 1973. Daynis Liepinche covered the course at the national veledrome in 3.23:08, while
      Agencies  -  559 words
    • 401 28 Shock for seeded Krishnan and Popp HONGKONG, Tues Two seeded players were eliminated in the first round of the men's singles in China's first professional tennis tournament in Canton yesterday. The New China News Agency said fifth-seeded Ramesh Krishnan, of India, was beaten 6-7, 4-6 by 22-year-old Australian Brad Drewett
      UPI  -  401 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 271 28 ir,f V in English Vcnxm Available at all book stores at $1.40 a copy Please send $1.40 to: 'WANG KWANG CULTURAL I TRADING CO. P O BOX 4SB L Singapore 8155 Bank of America shows more interest in your Fixed Deposits. Singapore Branch Clifford Centre, 24 Raffles Place Tel *****2
      271 words

    • 515 29  -  FAIRWAY By KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Watch out for newcomers Jordon and Who Dares Win here over the weekend. Both looked very forward when taken out I today and impressed in their gallops. Jordon, with a riding boy up. went better than Desperado (M. Junaidi)
      515 words
    • 515 29 Waramgamba 's credentials make him best of lot KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Waramffamha looks the best of the 21 Class 4 newcomers (two are mentioned in the story above) entered for the Selangor Turf Club October meeting, starting here on Saturday, reports FAIRWAY. Late Sleight of Hand, Warramgamba is a three-year-old
      515 words
    • 345 29  - Biggest draw in Asian Cup qualifying round PATRICK BASTIANS China coining By CHINA, an unknown quality, will make a dramatic appearance in the Asian Cup Eastern Zone hockey qualifying tournament in Singapore from Nov. 10>20 at the Jalan Besar Stadium. At a Press conference yesterday, the Singapore Hockey Association released
      345 words
    • 425 29  -  WILFRED YEO By LOU CONDO, who was in Singapore for exhibition matches in August, faces expulsion from the Professional Players' Association of Australia (Billiards i and Snooker) when PPAA i chairman Eddie Charlton returns to Sydney at the i end of the month from the {world team
      ANTHONY WYE  -  425 words
    • 216 29 Halfback problem for Malaysia KUALA LUMPUR, Tues Malaysian hockey coach C. Thavayanagam found himself short of one more halfback when Chin Boon Gee yesterday cried off from the squad, preparing for next March's Inter-Continental Cup tournament here. Said Malaysian Hockey Federation secretary G. Vijayanachan: "Chin was unable to obtain leave
      216 words
    • 117 29 LAU WENG YEW, dlsappolnW-d that he could not leave earlier for Sydney for practice matches before going to Tasmania for the world amateur snooker championship from Sundayweek to Nov. I, had an unexpected consolation yesterday, reports WILFRED YEO. The consolation was a sparring session and several pointers
      117 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 196 29 nnnw T wt> 2r^ r^^ni '^i I^*^^^^TB IW^^^^MW knW^v I ■VX^^F'nnHßjßJßJßnnnni nnnn\ nnn^^^ u*t **^^^^fc B ?R^*2SR2£'WHD!srln^^^™^^ iAA Price: PARF $17,800 DatSiin 12OA A R F $24,400 The top performance car, with the space and looks to match ~*«^+-m~.i**. You'll know it the minute you get behind its wheel. Others
      196 words

    • 185 30 SINGAPORE'S ace table tennis player. Chia Chong Boon, has, temporarily, pulled out of the national squad to concentrate on next month's Singapore Table Tennis Association senior championships at the Poi Ching School, in Toa Payoh, reports PETER SIOW. Chia wants more time to practise
      185 words
    • 144 30 'Flying Sikh' in India rally NEW DELHI. Tues India's first international car rally, a 5.300-kilometre affair, will begin on Friday in Bombay, the organisers said today The Himalayan Rally Association said well-known car rally champions will compete in the race They include Kenya's Joginder Singh, known as the "Flying Sikn."
      UPI  -  144 words
    • 111 30 Mandarin shock Cathay Pacific MANDARIN HOTEL sent shock waves in the first matches of the Avis travel industry squash team tournament, when they defeated defending champions Cathay Pacific Airways 2-1 at the Kallang Complex yesterday. The most impressive team yesterday, however, were Pan American, who trounced Diners World Travel 3-0.
      111 words
    • 112 30 Watson heads strong field in Japan meet TOKYO, Tues Tom Watson, top American money earner for the last four years, will head a list of 20 foreign players to compete in the rich Dunlop Phoenix golf tournament in Japan from Nov 2023 The strong foreign list, which includes Spain s
      112 words
    • 242 30 AUCKLAND, Tues Topseeded Bruce Brownlee, of New Zealand, defeated tenacious Glen Brumby, of Australia, here tonight to reach the final of the New Zealand Open men's squash championship. Brownlee had to work hard for his points as the fourth-seeded Brumby repeatedly just
      Reuter; NST  -  242 words
    • 66 30 THREE companies of the Anglo Thai Group Anglo Thai. Heli Orient and Timuran will hold their sports meets in Singapore from Friday until Sunday. The events include badminton, soccer, bowling, athletics, volleyball, netball, sepak takraw, table tennis, darts and carrom. The venues are the Singapore Flying Club,
      66 words
    • 473 30  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By SQUASH professional Gogi Alauddin went down to compatriot Maqsood Ahmad 7-9, 9-7, 8-10, 8-10 in a 50minute exhibition match at the Kallang Complex yesterday, then rushed off to catch a flight to Karachi. He will not appear in today's exhibition match
      ANTHONY WYE  -  473 words
    • 306 30  - Singapore triumph but show lack of ideas. flair PETER SIOW By SINGAPORE 17 RN TASK FORCE 4 i FOR long periods, Singapore dominated this friendly rugby match, but could only translate their superiority into one goal, two tries and one penalty goal to one try at the Police Academy yesterday.
      FRANCIS ONG  -  306 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 366 30 Cl 3 n V\ TPJJ No matter how good I FY** 111 your sound system Is, the sound HA IJia 1 EITINU your loudspeakers ■mm can reproduce Listen to [ill iff AR VERTICALS™ AR VERTICALS™ AR VERTICALS™ AR VERTICALS™ AR HIGH-TECH™ AR HIGH TECH™ BOOKSHELF AR 25 BOOKSHELF AR 18
      366 words

    • 393 31 PKNS seem lost without Mokhtar TAMPINES ROVERS 4 PKNS SELANGOR 1 THE absence of striker Mokhtar Dahari and their inability to play three matches within three days proved to be disastrous for Selangor soccer club PKNS at the Jalan Besar Stadium last night, reports JOE DORAJ. Tampines Rovers. Singapore's First
      393 words
    • 171 31 JAKARTA, Tues Indonesia will meet New Zealand in an Asia zone match of the Über Cup badminton championship here on Oct. 28-29, the Indonesian Badminton Federation (PBS1) announced today. PBSI secretary Moelyono said two other countries. India and Australia, will take part in
      AP; ANTHONY WYE  -  171 words
    • 25 31 THKRESIANS defeated New Zealand Forces 3-0 In a Singapore Women's Hockey Association Division Two match at St. Theresa's Convent, in Telok Klansah yesterday.
      25 words
    • 283 31  -  JOE DORAI By MALIK AWAB, the young Farrer Park United midfield dynamo, is Singapore manager-coach Jita Singh s latest addition to the national soccer squad. Malik, who is doing National Service in the Army, impressed Jita with his skill and courage in the last three President's
      283 words
    • 274 31 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues Predicting the winners of the 24th Merdeka Cup soccer tournament, which starts here tomorrow, will require luck or incredible foresight. This is one tournament where the strength of the fancied foreign sides South Korea, Morocco, New Zealand, Kuwait and, perhaps, Indonesia is a
      274 words
    • 51 31 CLUB HDB beat Telerec 4-0 in the semi-finals of the Singapore Government Services Football League Senior knockout competition at Farrer Park yesterday. They will meet Port Authority Recreation Club, who beat Customs 1-0 in the other semifinal, in the final at Jalan Besar Stadium on Oct
      51 words
    • 42 31 TECHNICAL Supplies A trounced Engineering Area Four 10-1 in the SIA Group Division One knock-out soccer tournament at Tanglin yesterday. Other results. Div 2: Ground Services 2 Engineering Area n 1. Div 3: Aircraft Interior 5 Engineers United 2.
      42 words
    • 245 31  -  PETER SIOW By SULAIMAN ZANIE and Tan Khee Wee put Singapore Airlines Group in the spotlight when they became doubles champions in the recent world interairlines badminton tournament in Copenhagen. Their victory, the first by an Asian airline, must surely give added glamour to SlA's boast
      245 words
    • 280 31 NATIONAL player Wong Shoon Keat, as expected, won his match easily, but it was not enough to give his team, Rural Central A, victory in the People's Action Party inter-district I badminton championship at the Delta Complex last night, reports
      280 words
    • 84 31 GAMES ißtcr-aUfetory ba-rrf: billiards (PARC. 6). sepak lakraw (PARC 5 15). squash (Club HDB. 6) RUGBY SRI DlvMm Oae !/uk: SAFSA v Yellow Jackets (Farrer Park, 5), Police v Scorpions (Police Academy. 5). Krte__tm: Western District RFC v Royal Navy Task Force (Padang. 3.30 1. SCC President XV
      84 words
    • 325 31 Merdeka pitch back at its best condition KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The lush greenness is back on the Merdeka Stadium pitch here, which is said to be at its best condition in recent years. "It is even better than it was for the pre-Olympic Games tournament early this year," said Stadium
      NST  -  325 words
    • 29 31 PARAMARIBO. Tues Surinam beat Guyana 4-0 in thei,World Cup soccer qualifying match here to complete a double over their rivals They won the first match 1-0. Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 123 31 LANGUAGE TEACHING INSTITUTE (A suMuuun or en ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSES NEW TERM COMMENCES ON 24 NOW 1980 INTERMEDIATE GENERAL ENGLISH ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BETTER SPOKEN ENGLISH FIRST CERTIFICATE IN ENGLISH These courses are offered on both part-time full-time basis. Part time courses will be offered twice weekly at convenient
      123 words
    • 287 31 Largest source in Asia I L j \J J The only Indian manufacturer equipped to offer a vast and comprehensive range of auto turned parts (screw machine parts) for a range of products automotive components, business machines, domestic electrical appliances, movie cameras, radios, cassette players, television and leisure equipment made
      287 words

  • 190 32 I.ITTI.K Kfflr turn 4mk It again Par thr wnM ttmr «br raw a* a ataadny madrl far pabttrity <ampaJ*ii. Mid again »br mad* It to tar «tarrian rate. Nlcpaaalr Mmn, aged tut aad a half. »b» ralk brrarlf kMtnr Uw (•rf Uwl brlpnl IubtIi
    190 words
  • 519 32  -  IRENE NGOO By THE ban on Singapore-made jeans to the United States will be lifted as soon as an "adequate" control system to check shipments has been worked out between the two countries. The US Government has also agreed to accommodate 65,
    AP  -  519 words
  • 54 32 Late CLASSIFIED DEATHS NM MUTHUSAMY THCVM Mannar Gudl Aatang Kottai father of M. Nallathamby Blk 28 2SI-F passed away peacefully at SOH on 14 1080 Cortege leaves SOH today 2.30pm for Kit Vernon Crematorium MOHAMCO UN HAJI ABDULLAH passed away peacefully 14-10-80. 5 15 pm Cortege leaving 17. Jalan Pisang
    54 words
  • 577 32 TEHERAN, Turn. IRAQI tanks were apparently about to cut the last road open to traffic out of Abadan, the world's biggest oil refinery, a reliable source on the Iranian southern front said today. An Iraqi tank column was spotted three to
    Agencies  -  577 words
  • 85 32 SCORES of residents fled from their apartments when a fire broke out in an 18th floor flat 1 at Peach Garden in Amber Road last night. The gutted flat was unoccupied and renoI vations were Deing carried out. Businessman Yeo Ah Seng, 40, who was in
    85 words
  • 77 32 FIRE broke out in a printing firm on the third floor of a flatted factory building in i Shaw Road, off Upper Paya Lebar Road, last night. The fire, first spotted at about 10.20 p.m. after an explosion in the Ching Shine industrial building, was put out
    77 words
  • 128 32 Three-way split in Nobel chemistry prize STOCKHOLM, Tues AMERICAN Paul Berg today shared the 1980 Nobel chemistry prize with American Walter Gilbert and Briton Frederick Sanger for separate work involved in deoxyribo nucleic acids (DNA) re- search and genetic engineering. Dr Berg, who was awarded half the 880,000 kronor (SJ449.350)
    UPI  -  128 words
  • 70 32 TOKYO. Tues. The financeer of an operation to salvage treasure from a sunken Czarist Russian warship said today some of the billions of dollars worth of booty will be given to France. Gold, platinum and other valuables aboard the ship originally were purchased with a
    70 words
  • 29 32 NEW DELHI. Tues. Maruti Limited, the controversial Indian car company set up by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's late son Sanjay, was taken over by the government today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 186 32 FREE Colour TV for a month PLUS Rentals start from $1 a day Absolutely FREE service within 24 hours Over 20 models to choose from Trade-in your b/w TV for $150 $450 Option to buy Philips 20C 011 51crn^^Pa^^ RENT NOW FROM The modern way to enjoy Colour TV GJ-U
      186 words
    • 292 32 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. Singapore's excellent credit rating among world banks has taken a knock and it is now rated below both Hongkong and New Zealand. LEE YOKE MENG reports on the wide-ranging implications of this development. Other items: The 9th URA sale has been postponed, but
      292 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 175 32 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Cloudy with occasional showers In several areas. TEMP. (C) np to 6a.m. tomorrow: 32 max., 25 min. SUNSET today: S.23 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: S.18 a.m. GLOBAL weather AnuWtUm 2-11C Gear Las Aagetea 18-24C Goudy AUmm 19-26C Gear MaarM 8-21 C Cloudy Bakrala 26-32C Hazy Mull*
      175 words

  • SECTION TWO The Straits Times
    • 5 1 SECTION TWO The Straits Times
      5 words
    • Bilinsual Page
      • 1146 1  -  CHOW SOOK YIN By IK NOT for the 1«62 open duel between members of the Tai Chi and White Oane martial arts schools in Macao, the modern form of modi (chivalrous or swordfighting novels would not have seen the light of the day, let alone shan
        1,146 words
      • 57 1 Wig 6 IB £Eflg \h lf|,', mm\ ii M Ml H N PW*Ml»ftr't i G I W ft flfll iifi ■MY II I HI fl M mi pat** "i mtr ■'< <i H ifu 4H •f*tt**fc«H M 111 ■[16 ,',tw:" Bm V fi Ml)'.—.: •:*Wfif<V',', •te 1 1 Mff n^d-j
        57 words
      • 78 1 M ji «9 pddn (chicken) egg jlrou meat ot chicken limoo (chicken) feather gongif cock, rooster muji"= hen pddngoo sponge cake iTweiiiuhu) cocktail party |i quon bit mng even fowls and dogs are not left m peace (tig) general turmoil 4*mtt#* pdonli tido gutou look for a
        78 words
      • 82 1 nd vs IHK radical stands for bird. The phonetic signifies ar. adult i «T*rS 1 Jt with hand (A. «t A) on silk thread (*»or a MjiMM vFJ I yp=. Primitively, women prisoners were condemned to* without V ssio3 Kitting any benefit, not unlike the
        82 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 99 1 CHLORELLA ARORAMIN CHLORELLA ARORAMIN, a delicious and invigorating drink with B Chlorella Extract. ft 1 n CHLORELLA ARORAMIN is ideal for sportmen and women, CHLORELLA busy professionals, students, housewives almost anyone ARORAMW wno indulges in strenuous mental and physical exercise Manufactured t>v: INTERPOLA ENTERPRISES (S) PTE. LTD. I 21. Chin
        99 words
      • 37 1 to Singapore and Malaysia and our Heartiest Congratulations on the successful mission to Japan on the Alfa-Nissan Joint Venture Agreement. From: NcwShcwiooi.. 27SThom*o R Tt-i 2MBuH» ■VMIMIM*_ i 2P T MUllMalOJrlC LIU. Singapo*2o Tel *****3 C 453<:35
        37 words
      • 91 1 Morning meals i>u ,u\\ wake up »<uh iiiuniinK tv a ..'iiiiin.u.-. hi. .ii ur u» >.>u prefer te di. h that extra few precioda .nii.,,1, .ii sleep? Find out more about the MJ uf .iliiiß breakfast on Page 6 Labour of love f SH^P^^h Fl P4MT Vm N licit u«..«i.ui>
        91 words
    • 624 2 PICK of the DAY SBC 5 A NEW musical series featuring renowned international recording artistes replaces Shirley Bassey Sings from tonight. Live At The Forum (Ch 5, 10.35 p.m. will feature one artiste per episode. The impressive line-up includes personalities like Marilyn McCoo and Bill Davis Jr. Dionne Warwick, Jose
      624 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 280 2 m axe 1 1 Silver Oxide Batteries for Super- Power! Super-Power for J 1 Super-Power for n Cameras! A^A Watches! ff Perfectly stable f.\ Stable power and antiII discharge (or accurate V J leak construction for %V metering Exclusive Wl^f top performance in all ■< anti-creep construction I I temperature
        280 words
      • 77 2 11^ service Jr/J ■I II brand new 1) Option to buy 'tor one yttr contract only. flin DM TELEVISION InUnil RENTALS 4004. Blk 715. Avenue 6, Ang Mo Kio. *****28/9 j G49. Queensway Shopping Centre. *****26 Ji G63, Katong Shopping Centre. *****26 34. Gentmg Une. *****02 X^^^l cm /S £O4Uv)U£
        77 words
      • 16 2 'w o \j2 Pan Books y^x^ Pick of the Paperbacks A...8...C...50NY! ■SONY IsQ^yif |SON V 1
        16 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 237 2 Straits Times Crossword ACBOBB 5 I-and seamen on end o( jetty' 1 IrLsh song arr.inKinent Meet a I") C,«k Robin i 1.4,2,4) 6 Call satisfactory if put in 9 Engineer put into play or book the mghl before (5) I (7) 7 Fashionable way to conceal a < 10 Order
        237 words
      • 160 2 FRIENDS OF THE MUSEUM ART LECTURE on Bali by Roseline Hudson at the National Museum Theatrette at 10.30 a.m. PERFORMANCE BY THE SINGAPORE ECHO CHILDREN'S CHOIR organised by the Herald's Choral Society at the Victoria Theatre at 7.30 p.m. Tickets at $3 and $2. EM E RON SHOW organised by
        160 words
      • 1127 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.00 PM Open foHowed by The Younj 7 5 McLean Stevenson Show And The Restless 7.30 News (Malay) 3.25 Mandarin TV Theatre (r) 7 50 Btntang Undangan (Malay) 4.30 What's My Line 8.40 Charlie's Angels 4.50 Diary Of Events (Malay) 9.45 News (English) 4.55 New
        1,127 words
    • LEISURE 1
      • 1335 3 TUCKED away in a small tworoom shop on the ground floor of Albert House, just off Albert Street, is the home of South-east Asia's only Punjabi weekly. Navjiwan. or New Life Punjabi News hoi most of the wivk. the office's two punting presses an kept
        1,335 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 48 3 TAITIAN A new digestive from Ohte containing digestive enzymes, antacids, and stomachics for effective relief of gastrointestinal discomfort. Instant dissolving, quickacting tablets seal-packed in threes for convenient single dosages .K'turer OlilaV l*an Tokyo. Japan Aaam SEOW KHENG HONG No lbo Cross Street. Singapore 1 Permit Mo: MHFOO739S
        48 words
      • 475 3 f X Good Profitability Plus Maximum Security Don't let your money idle With $50,000 and more you can invest with us on a daily, weekly or monthly basis at the best market rate. Should you withdraw your investment before maturity you can still obtain a high earning a superb advantage
        475 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
        355 words
      • 227 4 r— rßediffusion has again hunted down another of the finest Colour TVs 1 IMI in the world for you E2QS3 TC-291-MR (51cm) directly from Japan specially tuned and fully guaranteed by Rediffusion with genuine spare parts including picture tube Ifft-v' UilUii^t" 31st Ifi? I'll 1- I 111 1 kI 1
        227 words
        111 words
      • 458 4 f CHUNG GAY I "pRINCeTnoV? SHOWING* '.OJUWECTRK LTB i (*****38) 11am. 1.30, 4, 6.45 «9.15-NoFr*«Li»t iiiiiiiiiiicjiiiiiiiiiiiitjiiiiiniii a Thp bluest water. i i PALACE tS a ISS. fcjhe bloodiest > last day' v -m 5 ImS island a at 130. 3 30. 7 15. 9 30pm rf f irT*i MiTBaWnT^T I
        458 words
      • 368 4 I■■■ 1 OWCOW'SATIOW i r I HEX [■■■■'■•^Mr^rtl" last a deadly secret rTrTK~3^^^fT^^T^T~J I PIATCiIRIS g 1 FIREPOWER I DIE LAUGHING 1 SIX HEROIC FIGURES I r.'/t:ony:Vi?Ein.y.nttii m MONKEVKUNGFU FIREPOWER 1 EiofCl II Th«H»r«l>c g PI« Y GIRLS ■lllt.lKMf.l.T.^t.l THE SPY WHO LOVED ME KILLERFISH ih»h:i;>ii N N 1 OURBANI
        368 words
    • LEISURE 2
      • 603 5  -  GERALDINE TANG By THE Russians are the world's second biggest cinema-goers, next to Singaporeans, but they have never seen the sharp screen pugilistic skills of Jackie Chan, Ti Lung or the late Bruce Lee. The average 18 films a Russian sees annually are
        603 words
      • 389 5 l II K Bth Soviet Him Festival, te be held at the Victoria Theatre from (k-t 21 to 25, will start and end with two ballet films featuring the famous Bolshol dancers. Three war adventures and a Hans Christian Andersen fairytale are the other offerings in this
        389 words
      • 162 5 Recital by Leong Mei-Leng Tonight, 7.30 p.m Victoria Theatre SINGAPORE'S Leong Mei-Leng has come nome again to give another performance for opera buffs. This time, she will be singing three major arias by Bellini, Mozart and Verdi and two Chinese compositions, one composed by Mr Samuel Ting,
        162 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 112 5 3 rt B^B^^H if b^bWJ-^^^b^bv*> B^B^B^^^bV t» A B^^aW IbV B^^^BwTryr^B^B^fl mMbB B^K^^^BT B^P^B^^^^BB^L .^B^^^bl > *BlMn%<M| I^^^b^H b^bW_b^b^^b^bvbm^bV m r I v Coining Attractions //jl lk^^ S t <- S '}""< <•> <>f ihr Orient" II L v .in.rK.i/w. ■ihuvir" K *i; (hi 17 Km M) UJB B'7P^r\ Also
        112 words
      • 447 5 PHOT#TECH ©PTKIL MIR INTKNATIONAI PHOTO TECHNOiCXy FAIR INTERNATIONAL OPTICAL FAIR WORLD TRADE CENTRE -SINGAPORE -20-23 NOVEMBER 1980 JL\*^^ WEEKDAYS TRADE (By Registration) 1 1 am 2pm Ift i PUBLIC (Free Admission) 2pm 9pm m SUNDAY H I PUBLIC (Free Admission) 1 1 am 9pm Cameras Accessories Cinematography "^H Technical literature
        447 words
      • 132 5 Texas Instruments jB jy Ttpiitßii bw] ImVi Wl'rnjirammable II 5^ /wji Bdßbt Jp fo 96C (y °9 rarn steps AMj or up to 100 memories l^^r^B^ bt^mbT .Vhen integrated with /MbnMJV 3010 State Software medu'e /a^fai^ll delivers up to 5000 steps l Advonced slide rute A»»»m I cotculalor with statistical
        132 words
      • 1326 6 Each day, between dinner and breakfast, we fast for 10-12 hours; and yet, many of us get up without making any attempt to break it. JANE BRODY says that most people know of the importance of breakfast, but have other priorities instead. She suggests a few ways
        NYT  -  1,326 words
      • 558 6 Healthy soybean gains popularity in the US The humble soybean, known to Asians for hundreds of years, is gaining ground in the American health food scene. LORNA SASS talks to the people responsible for giving tofu a place in health conscious families. UNTIL recently, little white rafts of tofu (bean
        NYT  -  558 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 49 6 »A X*9 bssssw IJm m B^^L^^B Kb Romish 9bh \km 'm. Xl ■a a I HBbb^^J-^bb bsb k^H BM aay 1 wbmwi Mal<e a bid foR The Lainvjn TiiviEpiECE LAN YI N »P\ H S a, NA WATCH CENnP? LuCKy Plaza EASTERN WATCH >ntre LEE Q /WJ~l\ SHUI HING.
        49 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 693 7 Many people can get credit cards. ■V^H 4f Only a few have Carte Blanche. Carte Blanche, the Free automatic travel insurance. \\//^\r*l/HV m/^ct /M BBk. Carte Blanche membership entitles you to a WO I ILJ 3 1 1 lvjSL y^^^^^*!"^^^ free automatic *****,000 insurance cover whenever a 1 J M
        693 words
    • 669 8 THE lights dim. A button is pushed. As family members gather around the makeshift stage in the centre of their living room, the play begins a Broadway smash, threedimensionally reproduced before their eyes via the latest home entertainment rage: Holography. Pressed by a demanding schedule,
      669 words
    • 53 8 4 Simply installing a video-confer-encing system by no means guarantees that employers will be willing to use it... It's important to make the technology match the needs of the people who will be using it and not vice versa." s Robert Johansen, a senior research fellow with the Institute
      53 words
    • 509 8 allow business executives on opposite sides of the country to hold meetings in which both sides see each other as they talk, via wall-sized screens. Such systems have been used on a small scale, and with varying degrees
      509 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 499 8 why not be a^§illF YOU SALESMAN^a^ r nccn nilß KlneT £j^^&\ *4 PRnTEtTIQIH when qualified /fFF 2 rIIUICI I IUII! /if X Y\\ \JjSJ Leather, vinyl, wood, rubber and plastic _,j w /ff I Z^=sr-^ \M~7J all need the protection of Armor All. The men in the or could be
        499 words
      • 195 8 Congratulations to the winners of the X IST ANNUAL ar Canon-NANYANG PHOTOGRAPHK •••CONTEST*** Open Section Ist Prize Lye Francis. J X 2nd Prize: Tan Chuan Lek 3rd Prize Lim Chee Tet Prizes of Merit: Goh Yeow Hwee Kok Choy Foong Lee Swee Yin Lye Km Man Mok Wing Him Seah
        195 words
    • 649 9  - Gates galore to 'fence' Central Park JOHN RUSSELL By in NEW YORK IF ALL goes according to plan, the look of Central Park will be transformed for exactly two weeks in October 1963 by a Bulgarian-born artist long resident in New York who is known sim- ply by his given
      NYT  -  649 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 108 9 w Most gritting cards talk about peace, goodwill andjow. UNICEF cards do something about IT UNICEF saves Millions of children from hungor. disease ignorance Support UNICEF Buy UNICEF Greeting cards tbi nicost way of saying that you carol Call today Goodwill Shop: SINGAPORE COUNCIL OF SOCIAL SERVICE I I Penong
        108 words
      • 201 9 f I INDOSUEZ Rates of interest on S$ Fixed Deposits* 1 month 3 months 10V2% D.a. 6 months 9 months \PfiL n a 12 months IU /0 P" d Banque de I'lndochine at de Suez INDOSUEZ Shenton House, 3 Shenton Way Singapore 0 1 06 For amounts above S$ 100.00
        201 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 970 10 Hfljj 15—19 OCT. 1980 WONDERLAND AMUSEMENT PARK (KALLANG) OKTOBERFEST Comes To Singapore Again "Oans. Zwoa, Drei. G'suffa!" The Bavarian equivalent of the Chinese "Yum Seng will pervade the BB^^Z^l Wonderland Amusement Park in Kallang from 15-19 October 1980 Hk^l W^ Yes! OKTOBERFEST, Germany's most famous volksfest, comes to Singapore again.
        970 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 477 11 15 19 OCT. 1980 WONDERLAND AMUSEMENT PARK (KALLANG) WITH COMPLIMENTS OF OW, 6hmfknents from AUSTRALIAN FRUIT JUICE (S) PTE LTD FBlteX NeW Zealand Limited Supplierof: Airflown Ixrl bom Australia. Froaen U.S. beef. Dutch veal. Rocco Weavers of Virgin Wool Carpets for Guestrooms of Holiday Inn Hotel chicken sausage. Scotch smoked
        477 words
    • 2161 12 What makes Reagan Junior dance? Ronald Prescott Reagan doesn't like politics, but let Jimmy Carter run down his father and the youngest son of Republican presidential hopeful Ronald Reagan leaps to his defence like a young tiger. Still, he has his views on politics, and feels quite strongly about them.
      2,161 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 436 12 Landex quartz clocks give you lovely to choose from These clocks are times Ornamental, porcelain hand- powered by battery pamted timepieces which keep accurate time through modern quartz technology H^B There s a built-in alarm system that gives ui»*d'uii»t wmcov dtc off a pleasant chime at the set time HIAP
        436 words
    • 510 13  -  JACQUES CHARMELOT By in Toulouse, Franc* WITH a couple of fretsaw blades and his supple wrists, Andre Danis these past 20 years has h»H'n conjuring up water spirits from the bowels of the Sahara sands and from deep in the earth
      AFP  -  510 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 344 13 Intel ANOTHER STORED PROGRAM CONTROL ELECTRONIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM GTE 60 ELECTRONIC PABX GIVES YOO BETTER VALUE AT THE BEST PRICE The Syslt:.^. virtually jII We've added SEVEN with call back, solid-state, using tnc most new features like Add on conference, advanced state ofthe dTi speed calling. Station Hunting technologies to
        344 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 619 14 ....ft member of the Tan Chong Group of Companies in industrial marketing, invites applications from suitably qualified persons to apply for the following immediate vacancies: Draughtsmen (male/female* Candidates should possess a relevant certificate/diploma from a technical institution, VITB's preferred. Duty will be to assist our team of designers in the
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      • 510 14 PU SINGAPORE NATIONAL _J PRNTERS (PRIVATE) UMITED Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the position of Personnel Administration Manager Applicants should be able to meet the following requirements Be experienced in industrial relations, staff recruitment, formulation/implementation/review of sound personnel policies c g manpower planning, training and welfare, wage
        510 words
      • 1011 14 INVENTORY CONTROL MANAGER $24,000-$30.000 per annum PMR 1145 Our client is an international compan) local- Che ideal candidate for this position should cd in Jurong which markets a wide range o\' he a Singaporean aajed around JO, having a products used in the shipbuilding and engm- sound KCOndar) education and
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    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 1416 15 <£ CORROSION ENGINEERS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD. An enpandmg Company dealing in corrosion protection mainly in ttte marine industry invites suitable applicants lot the post ol TECHNICIAN Requirements Age not above 26 years Possess shipbuilding certificate GCE O Level certificate Knowledge ol erection and dismantling of tubular steel scaffolding Possess valid
        1,416 words
      • 246 15 SOLUS OCEAN SYSTEMS require ASSISTANT COMMISIONING ENGS ULTRASONIC OPERATORS RADIOGRAPHERS To work Iffshorp )nshore Brunei Asst Corns. Engineers should have experience of working on Offshore platforms, overseeing the lastallation of rotating, electrical and diesel powered equipment. Salary range over $4,000 per mon'h Ultrasonic Operators and Radiographers should he fully experienced
        246 words
      • 324 15 r MOTT, HAY A ANDERSON ASIA PTE Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers require RESIDENT ENGINEER Qualified engineer to supervise the construction of a prestigious multi-storey commercial building. Applicants should have a minimum of S years experience in the site supervision of building projects and should preferably be registered with the
        324 words
      • 332 15 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE i OF SHIP'S NAME We. Ng ii Company of Suite 1604. 16th Floor. Shen- ton House. Shenton Way. Singapore 0106 hereby give notice that In consequence of our clients' purchase or the vessel 'YUKON MOVER" we have applied to the Registrar of Singapore Ships, under
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      • 526 15 SEALION HOTELS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) ANNOUNCEMENT The Directors are pleased to announce that the Stock Exchange of Singapore Limited has granted approval in principle for the proposed Rights Issue of two new shares of Ssl 00 at an issue price of SS2 30 per new share
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 662 16 GM Singapore n (AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS) /^p GM Singapore, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors Corporation, is currently engaged in the assembly of printed circuit boards for car radios as well as in the manufacture of integrated circuits using the latest technology. We are known as a dynamic and growing
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      • 598 16 invites applications for the post of (A) AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL ASSISTANT Requirement*: 1. Singapore Citizens between 16% and 23 years old 2. Minimum Secondary IV pass with credits in English and Mathematics 3. Be able to speak English fluently 4. Good eyesight and not be colour blind Training: Successful candidates
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      • 495 16 MALAYAN RACING ASSOCIATION the body controlling horse racing activities in Singapore and wL West Malaysia invites applications for a small number of vacancies as APPRENTICE I JOCKEYS Th« Requirement* Sex. MALE citizens of Singapore and West Malaysia. Age: Between 17 and 21 years Stature: Candidates must be small in stature
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      • 622 16 Minn mm. dulling <SINU\I*OKK> ITK I. TO (In ntrmbrr> voluntary liquid»ti.n) IaI .111 rxtiaordin.iry general meeting >i Bojrlei Broi Drilling (Singapore) Pte Ltd held on 8 October 1980 the following special resolution w.iv duly passed That Boyles Urns Drilling |(8lngapore) Pu Ltd be 'wound up voluntarily and that Mr Reginald
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