The Straits Times, 4 October 1980

Total Pages: 58
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 198* 35 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 1 1 1/1/80
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  • 986 1 Liberal Western thinking on human rights issues... NEVER aace did Ike S«vlet mhaaMa'ar 1b Slagapare ever raise wltk me tfce qimUw af hum*a rlghti far (-•mmßßlsta la 8lBg»pare. Ob the twa acr*i adaw whea we trlea ud I aeßteaced Sa\let Meats nat a* mark h
    986 words
  • 47 1 WASHINGTON. Fn TV US unemployment rale declined lor the aecoad straight month and wholwite pnce* feU lor it* first uiw in (our >e»rv the US GovcnacM Mid today in two reports that reflected an overall improvement in the immru economy AP SEE PAGE X I
    AP  -  47 words
  • 522 1 Gunman shot dead near Katong bank By LAI YEW KONG A GUNMAN was shot dead when he and an armed accomplice resisted arrest and drew their guns when they were searched by two ?olicemen two doors away from a bank in anjong Katong Road yesterday. The accomplice threw away his
    522 words
  • 1010 1  -  IRENE NGOO and S. M. MUTHU I WAS FORCED INTO CONFESSING, SAYS STUDENT By A PRE-UNIVERSITY ONE student of the Anglo-Chinese Junior College was shamed j publicly and expelled in front of 1,200 students and 100 teachers for allegedly scribbling an "obscene"
    1,010 words
  • 105 1 Mixed bag for Nobel peace prize OSLO. Fri. A richly i mixed bag of nominees I from US President Jimmy Carter and the Pope, to Spain's King Juan Carlos i and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Poul Hart ling are currently in the running for this year's Nobel
    AFP  -  105 words
  • 40 1 new D&I.HI. Kri Cyprus President Spyros Kypnanou will pay a week-long state visit to India from Oct 23. it was announced here today. He last visited India 18 years ago as Foreign Minister of his ountry AFP.
    AFP  -  40 words
  • 74 1 WASHINGTON, Fri. The United State* Congress yesterday adjourned for five weeks, leaving unsettled the 1981 Federal Budget, a 6,500 million-dollar revenue sharing programme for states and local communities, and several other important bills. Congress failure to act on these projects will necessitate a special session set to begin
    AFP  -  74 words
  • 128 1 THE death I*ll m the roada vnt ap U 2*4 when a motarcyrllat ami a petortriaa dtad la read arrldrnta on Thnmiajr. Haapltal attendant, Mr Stan Kok Chooa, waa rUHac Ua motorryeie limYh Oi Kaag Road *t tkHt Ma p.m. when he knocked Into aedcstrtaa, Mr Oag
    128 words
  • 87 1 LONDON. Fri. The price of gold opened here today in quiet trading at U*****.50 iSII.SW) dollars an ounce, i down from yesterday's closing of US$67l 00 But London's five major bullion dealers later set the morning "fixing" the I recommemled trading level at U*****.25. Brokers,
    AP  -  87 words
  • 513 1 TOKYO, Friday FIVE major oil producing countries are raising production levels to make up for the loss of exports from Iraq and Iran, reports from here and New York said. The reports came amid an announcement by the Organisation ol Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec)
    Agencies  -  513 words
  • 334 1 BASRA (Iraq), Friday IRANIAN and Iraqi troops were still battling (or control of Iran's southern cargo port of Khorramshahr today In heavy street fighting, evacuees from the front said. The Iraqi government aewapaper Al-Jum-karlyan reported today tkat Iraqi troops aad finally taken control of the
    Agencies  -  334 words
  • 108 1 BAHRAIN, Fri. General David Jones. Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, flew to Muscat in Oman yesterday after a five-day visit to Saudi Arabia, a US embassy spokesman in Muscat said today. He gave no details of the visit, but Gen
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 46 1 WASHINGTON, Fri. Pmddrnt Jimmy Carter today reaffirmed a is remmltment to defend Pakistan if neceaaary. After meeting President Zla 11-Hao,, Mr Carter recaUed the IMS I S-Paklstaa defence agreement aad said: "If Pakistan aheaM be la danger, that commitment stands today." Renter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 153 1 KING'S SAFETY mm^ SHOES Oil J ResistantyA M*4tl 70S <&£**, KING'S SHOE MFG PTE LTD jR")Sj5t 1 ?2 Blk 36. Dakota Crescent Ty^-av£? Singapore 14, ««T.i.. Tel *****00 *****27. HOME OWNERSHIP THROUGH OVERSEAS UNION TRUST LTD I 'A subsidiary ot Overseas Union Bank Limited) We provide loans for purchase of
      153 words
    • 178 1 l\ pla V a better brand H of badminton with /R4*BUER racket T SOLE AGENT fOOT M 27 FAREASTSMOPPINI. fr}** MSOnCHARDBD SPOfl€o»3 KOI W L :370J38: 370J38 :j?i«39 **\*^r mtM TELEX R5 ***** CABLE PARGOLF I 58 pages today l ARGEST DRUG HAUL IN SINGAPORE Back Pag* NEW free-for-all type
      178 words

    • 481 2 FORERUNNER OF FIGHTING TACTICS IN THIRD WORLD? NEW YORK TIMES ANALYSIS WASHINGTON, Friday THE Iran-Iraq conflict could be the forerunner of a new type of war in the Third World in which ever more destructive military power is applied in an erratic and unrestrained manner.
      NYT  -  481 words
    • 295 2 BAKHTIAR'S MYSTERY TRIP TO JORDAN j PARIS, Frl. Former I Iranian Prime Minister i Shapour Bakhtiar has i flown to Jordan aboard a special Iraqi Airlines flight, informed sources I said yesterday. The sources said he left Paris on Wednesday on an Iraqi Airways plane that had been stranded i
      AP  -  295 words
    • 155 2 Somalia food convoy short of fuel NAIROBI, Frl. Somalia, name af 7as^M refugee* tram the country's war with RthlapU la 1178 aad early 1V», will ran eat af fuel ta transpart faod to the refMge? population la abaat three weeks unless the I ran -Iraq conflict ramea to a halt,
      NYT  -  155 words
    • 130 2 Two Carter objectives in the Suez war DAYTON, Ohio, Fri.- President Jimmy Carter declared here yesterday the US was seeking two objectives in the conflict between Iraq and Iran: bringing the two countries to negotiate their differences and preventing Soviet intervention in favour of either country. Questioned during a campaign
      AFP  -  130 words
    • 72 2 DACCA, Fn. A prison mutiny involving about 650 inmates went into its second week today at Rangpur jail in northern Bangladesh with the authorities hoping to starve the inmates out Attempts by warders and police to storm the jail were beaten off by the prisoners, who
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 225 2 STEVE MrOnern, 51, knew he hmd terminal eaaeer several mtnrhs Miiwlli stUl battling i far kit life, a spakesmaa far the actar said yesterday. Aa International health laatltate spakeamaa la ImJlm said the mavle star b aafferlag from mraatheUsma, a rare farm af
      225 words
    • 211 2 Sparks fly in SchmidtStrauss TV debate BONN. Friday CHANCELLOR Helmut Schmidt and candidate Franz Josef Strauss clashed before a nationwide television audience last night, I exchanging sharp verbal blows but veering little from their established positions in the election campaign. In their first and only scheduled television debate, Mr Schmidt
      AP  -  211 words
    • 156 2 'Floating bomb' defused by tug KIRKWALL (Orkney Islands), Fri. A West German rescue tug today defused an aoandoned Swedish freighter described as a floating bomb and took it in tow, coastguards said. The tug put out fires on the 9,700-tonne ship Finneagle, from which all 22 crew had been rescued
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • Article, Illustration
      49 2 FLORENCE, Fri West Carman television reporter Dieter Kronzucker had paid a two billion lire (Ss4.B million) ransom for the release of his daughters and nepnew who were freed yesterday after 67 days in captivity, Florence magistrates said yesterday Reuter MafOTBH suffering from rare form of cancer
      Reuter  -  49 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 535 2 CALLING ALLGCE A LEVEL STUDENTS HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BE A NAVAL OFFICER The Republic of Singapore Navy invites intelligent SALARY young men to apply for the post of Naval Officers. RANK SALARY PERIOD mm .mcur^rrc. Midshipman«( Junior) $440 4Vi months REQUIREMENTS Midshipman (Senior) $684 4V4 to 12 months a
      535 words

    • 259 3 Europe wants Japan to cut ship building PARIS, Fri Common market and other West European governments have pressed Japan to reduce what they consider to be its excessive share of new shipbuilding orders, informed sources said today. Strong European complaints over the Japanese competitive challenge in a depressed world market
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 175 3 Walkout disrupts Mini output LONDON, Fri. A strike at financially-troubled British Leyland today disrupted production of its new sub-compact MiniMetro, the car on which the company's future is said to depend, a company spokesman said. Five hundred men walked out in support of a man working in the trim and
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 40 3 COLOMBO. Fri The eyes of Sri Lanka's former Prime Minister Sir John Kotelawala who died yesterday will be sent to Taipeh and Jakarta to help restore the sight to two blind persons there by corneal grafting AFP
      AFP  -  40 words
    • 151 3 High interest rates may slow down economic recovery WASHINGTON, Fri. Recovery of the US economy could be hit by the recent pump in interest rates in this country, Treasury Secretary William Miller said here today. He was worried and surprised at the interest rise, he said in remarks echoing concern
      AFP  -  151 words
    • 196 3 NEW DELHI, Wad ■■■RING preaaare tram member* tke raUaa Caacreaa Party to eater paUdea, Balv Prime Mlatater Indira (iaadal, baa left far Hyderabad to traia aa a nammrrclal Jet ca-pUat. Mr (.aadhi, TJ, U a commercial pltot with ladlaa Alrtiaes, tke dameatlr carrier,
      AP  -  196 words
    • 348 3 WASHINGTON, Fri. Haw maay eaaatrtea are there really? Tkere are 141 represented at tke earreat meettag here af tke lateraaUaaal Maaetary Faaa. Bat the PapalaUaa Ref r rear* Bareaa, a aaa-praflt argaalaaMaa tkat staaJes papalaSaa praatoma, says It tkiaks tke total
      AP  -  348 words
    • 149 3 'IMF has not adapted to new situation' WASHINGTON, Friday THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) has ended an annual meeting that heard the sharpest criticisms ever from MM Third World of the way the Westerndominated financing agency does its job. A recurring charge j at the four-day joint meeting of the
      149 words
    • 192 3 WASHINGTON. Fri. The Joint develapmeat committee of the International Monetary Fund aad the World Bank has chases Mexico's Finance aad Public Credit Secretary David Ibarra Manas aa Ita aew president. He sacceeda Phllllpnlaea Finance Minister Ceasar Virata. chaired the gathering of delegates from 141 countries, and China, a
      Reuter; AFP  -  192 words
    • 58 3 ARNALDO Forlanl, 54, president of tke Christian Democrat Party la Italy, waves and smiles In Rome an Thursday as he leaves the Quirtnale Palace. He had been gammoned there by Italian President Sandra Perttnl. Mr Farlani was aakod by the President to farm the
      AP  -  58 words
    • 57 3 CAIRO. Fri. A squadron of 12 K-4 Phantom fighter-bomb-ers flew back to the United Stales today at the end of a three-month Joint training exercise with the Egyptian Air Force. The Phantom squadron was expected back at their home base in Georgia tomorrow after an
      UPI  -  57 words
    • 42 3 BEIRUT, Fri. Israeli fighter aircraft began flying at intervals over south Lebanon at 8.30 p.m last night, particularly over the regional capital of Saida. correspondents in the region reported. They said the planes launched flares to Illuminate the region. AFP.
      AFP  -  42 words
    • 306 3 WASHINGTON, Friday THE United States House of Representatives has expelled one its members for the first time since the American civil war. Congressmen voted 376-30 yesterday to turn out Mr Michael "Ozzle" Myers, a former dock worker convicted of taking a
      Reuter  -  306 words
    • 51 3 ITLBURG. (Netherlandi) FW World champion Anatoly Karpov of the Soviet Union won an International grandmasters chess tournament today when be drew his eleventh and final game against compatriot Michael Tal Karpov, with a total of 7.5 points, finished half a point ahead of Lajos Portisrh of Hungary
      AFP  -  51 words
    • 82 3 WASHINGTON, Fri. President Jimmy Carter, an opera enthusiast, yesterday asked the New York Metropolitan Opera's musicians to settle their strike to avoid cancellation of the entire 1980-1981 season. Mr Carter sent a telegram to both sides, in which he expressed his concern over the effects
      AFP  -  82 words
    • 36 3 LOS ANGELES, Fri Former screen star Mac West, 87, who had a stroke six weeks ago, has been moved from an intensive care unit to a private ward because her condition is stable Reuter
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 86 3 Japanese jobless rate stays at 2 per cent TOKYO, Fri. Unemployment in Japan remained at 2.1 percent of the work force in August, the government said today. The jobless rate was the same as in the previous month but 0.1 per cent less than a year ago, a government spokesman
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 952 3 A long-established full commercial bank operating in Singapore wishes to engage careerminded individuals tor the positions ot ll 1 CREDIT OFFICERS 1 Around $26,000 per annum M Wok Reporting to the Deputy Manager, the developments related to banking Pleasant KB Credit Officers will be responsible for personality, a perceptive mind,
      952 words

    • 226 4 Viets killed border guards, says Beijing BEIJING. Friday CHINA U4ay arra*ed Wtaaroew tr«*p* of aavlax killed three C'hlaeae frontier gaardN laaMe Cklaeae territory, aad *ald this had broach-, a '•rooater-attark la aelMeteM*" by ChiThe official dally Re« mil Rlkao (People's Dally) said the Vlet■■mnor lacaialoa took ataee oa the eve
      AFP  -  226 words
    • 182 4 A SPECIAL revolutionary court in Kabul has sentenced seven Afghans to reform jails or prisons for terms ranging from five to 20 years for the alleged gas poisoning of Kabul students last April and May. Kabul Radio said today. The radio said in a broadcast monitored
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 47 4 THATCHER GREETS HUANG HUA CHINESE Foreign Minister Huag Hu to greeted by British F'rlme Minister Mr* I Margaret Thatcher at No li Downing Street la i>ondon on Thursday Britain's Foreign Secretary Lord Caniagtoa eawseUed kto vtoltto Calaa this week became of the Iraql-Iraalan war. UPI pic tare.
      UPI  -  47 words
    • 164 4 Get rid of feudal lords' says People's Daily BEIJING, Fri. The Chij nese Communist Party today accused its late chairman Mao Zedong of acting at times like a feudal patriarch, and called for a purge of feudalistic influence from the party ranks. The official party newspaper, the People's Daily, said
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 345 4 Biggest ever hand-out in lighting zone 60,000 get rice in flood-hit Kampuchea BANGKOK, Friday SOME 60,000 peasants from flood-stricken Kampuchea received desperately-needed rice yesterday where Vietnamese tanks pressed against the Thai-Kampuchean border and rival factions fought. In what one Red Cross worker called the "biggest distribution ever" at the Nong
      UPI  -  345 words
    • Bushfires raging through Aussie forests
      • 102 4 MELBOURNE, Fri. The worst bushfires in southeast Australia since World War Two are sweeping through large areas of forest. Officials said 70 men and bulldozers and water tankers were being moved into the east Gippsland area to join more than 400 firefighters whose efforts over two days have been
        Reuter  -  102 words
      • 115 4 SAN FRANCISCO California ns sweltered on Thursday in an October heat wave that set records throughout the state, and the national weather service said the heat would linger through the week. The smog accompanying the heat made city life uncomfortable for human beings. At 8 a.m. It was 74
        UPI  -  115 words
      • 105 4 BANGKOK Flooding in this sprawling capital of 4.2 million reached the critical level today as several low-lying areas in the city were submerged in waist-level water. The Education Ministry ordered the closure of schools for an indefinite period and many city dwellers in the worst affected areas have
        AP  -  105 words
    • 41 4 LONDON, Fri. Naval officers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) have identified the first of a new class of Soviet spy ships which trailed the US aircraft carrier Nimiu during the recent Allied manoeuvres, military sources said. AP.
      AP  -  41 words
    • 382 4 Tokyo govt will cut down on oil use, says PM TOKYO, Friday PRIME Minister Zenko Suzuki, in his first maior 1 policy address to the Japanese Parliament, I said today his administration will substantially reduce dependence on oil and straighten ties with the United States. In a 20-minute address, i
      AFP  -  382 words
    • 242 4  -  ABBY TAN By MANILA, Krl. Kamaalaa opera stager Nelly Mlrietota defected today and aaaoaaeed she was seektag politteal aaylam la thePilUaplaea. Mtos Mlridaio, coasidered the saceeanor U the late Greek soprano Maria Callas, was dae to return to i Baehareat this eveaiag
      242 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 450 4 NOBODY PUTS AN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND HOLIDAY TOGETHER LIKE US. /jBBBBBBBBW 1^ SS^ S—~*^ V "I *>--""*~" ~^^a£b^BBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB»^ t C^^^^^^^^* C /*V J 1 /^^f^^Ty' aftSv^ WimJ^^m/(^^ X!k now offers >ov a choice of 5 Rreat DAYS NEW ZE XIANI)/ArsTKAIIA aV*M^ \^FU scenic countries in the world Australia and
      450 words

    • 144 5 I am not sorry at all, he says CHICAGO. Fri. Billy Carter said yesterday he i> not apologising "for a damn thing in his dealings with Libya, and said Senate investigators probably criticised US Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti's actions in the case "because he's Italian." During the taping of a
      AP  -  144 words
    • 79 5 Indonesian law to curb bribery JAKARTA, Fri. Parliament has passed a Bill under which a person giv-l ing a bribe is liable (or a five-year Jail term and a fine of 15 million rupiahs (about $52,250). The Bill, unanimously! adopted In a plenary session yesterday, stipulated that a person accepting
      AFP  -  79 words
    • 341 5 Senate clears Billy BUT PRESIDENT CARTER RAPPED WASHINGTON, Friday A SENATE subcommittee has cleared President Jimmy Carter's brother Billy of any dishonest action in his ties with the Libyan Government, but criticised his conduct as well as the President's clumsy handling of the situation. The preliminary report published yesterday by
      AFP  -  341 words
    • 208 5 Poland's unions strike despite threat WARSAW, Fri. Poland's Independent trade unions went ahead with their token one-hour strike today despite a i threat from the government that the historic Gdansk strike agreement might be jeopardised. In Gdansk, the Baltic seaport that was the centre of the nationwide strikes that toppled
      AFP; UPI  -  208 words
    • 78 5 PLAINS (GEORGIA), Fri. President Carter's mother. Lillian, 82, fractured her right hip in a fall at her home yesterday morning, hospital officials said. Mrs Carter was to undergo surgery at AmericusSumter county hospital later in the day, according to a spokesman who said
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 73 5 Lockheed's multimission Flatbed ARTISTS conception of Lockheed OeTgU Company's 111! technology multi-mission aircraft Flatbed. The aircraft ves a single basic aircraft frame to accomplish a variety of transportation tasks efficiently aad economically. In the case of large construction vehicles, they would be driven oaf* the aircraft's backbone, strapped down, aad
      73 words
    • 69 5 TOKYO, Fri. The Japanese Government said today it was investigating a local press report alleging that South Korea has been dumping low-level nuclear waste in the Sea of Japan for the past 10 years. Commenting on the Kyodo news service report, the Foreign Ministry said it had
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 340 5 OTTAWA, Fri BRITAIN is to be asked this year to send the Canadian Constitution across the Atlantic and there are hopes it will be here by the 50th anniversary of Independence on July 1 next year. "At long last, we will have a
      Reuter  -  340 words
    • 132 5 BERNE, Fri. Swiss police have arrested two men planning to sell Swiss chocolate secrets to China and the Soviet Union. A Justice Ministry statement today said the two men, working for a leading chocolate company, wrote to the Chinese and Soviet
      UPI  -  132 words
    • 145 5 AUSSIE INFANT DEATH RATE HIGHEST MELBOURNE, Fri. AUSTRALIAN babies are m«re likely to ke miscarried *r die am after birth than la many other induitrUIteed natiaas, according to a lacal obstetric* prate— or. Prafemar Joe Carrey told a health seminar ■ere yesterday that of every I, MI pregmaaciea 221 ended
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 247 5 Labour fails to solve left-right dispute BLACKPOOL. Fri. The dissension-riddleLaboui Party failed yesterday tc break a bitter right wing left wing deadlock ovet the way the next part) leader is to be elected and decided to convene a special rank-and-file conven tion in January to tr> again to settle the
      247 words
    • 41 5 STOCKHOLM. Fri. The mystery submarine that has been lurking in the Stockholm archipelago for two weeks was still in Swedish coastal waters yesterday and the navy planned to continue its hunt until it was sure the intruder was gone.
      41 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 518 5 \h^^P# 1 mL*M akv /aY aVm ifSk I ala^al HTl\bVb^B^b3^ \(&J f J Lff^ HvJ .^Ha^H^^ V^b^b^bt^V jCmL ifr B yi^ B^ B fJ fafn a\ 1 1 BbtK^B aaV <> _v ml i ■aanaBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBiaBBil flaft— l ii -!>*s SUITS USUAL 33 00 SHIRAI KNOCKDOWN FURNITURE iapan TAH HSIN FANCY
      518 words

    • 1207 6 6 Like the Singapore political leadership, the military leadership is concerned about ensuring a smooth transition of power to the younger officers. And no doubt also to ensure that those who come after them share the same values and a perceptions. 7 IT was born out
      1,207 words
    • 1020 6  -  ABBY TAN By our Manila reporter 6 Because of its clean record, tourists arriving in other cities from Manila are less closely watched, giving the couriers an easier time. Commented one diplomat: "If yon say you come from Manila, narcotics officials won't be alarmed.
      1,020 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 36 6 L^L^nW .^ißn^n^L^L^L^nlV \m I m! m Hi 998^lin^L^B^n^ BET AN SINGAPORE Havelock/Outram Roads. S Dore 0316 Tel: *****1 ISETAN ORCHARD Liat Towers. 541 Orchard Rd. Spore 0923 Tel: *****1 1 Open Daily 10 am to 9pm
      36 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 541 7 With all these features Sony was hard pushed to keep up with demand. SO? s9 W m .J A dm '1 II -JM 1 All systems go the 2 Standby numerous 3. TTie Timer Button four 4. Easy Eject the tape slides 5. Punch in the time and 6. Rewind
      541 words

  • 712 8  - Our doctors may hold key to liver cancer cure BENGTAN By A GROUP of Singapore medical experts may hold the answer to the prevention of liver cancer, an incurable and fatal disease. They have found that hormones play an impor tant part in accelerating the disease. This means that liver
    712 words
  • 48 8 A 17-YEAR-OLD youth, Se«t Terk Chern, was charged yesterday with the theft <3 a CB, 000 motorcar at Bukit Merah Lane on Sept 9. No plea was recorded and he was ordered to be remanded till his case is mentioned on j Oct 10.
    48 words
  • 64 8 A PARCEL of land totalling 2.63 million square metres in the Ulu Bedok and Teban districts is needed for Housing and Development Board purposes, according to the latest Government Gazette. The land is in the rural Tampines area to the west of Paya Lebar arport. Some lots
    64 words
  • 109 8 POLICE yesterday appealed to eye-witnesses to two accidents on Thursday, involving buses, to contact them. In the first accident, at 5.50 p.m., an SBS bus was turning right into Pipit Road from Circuit Road when a passenger, Seng Kok Cuan. 18, fell off the vehicle through
    109 words
  • 40 8 THE chairman of the Queenstown community centre management committee. Dr Lim dfiin Hin, will open a photographic exhibition organised By ute centre's camera club at the Promotion Centre of Sin Chew Jit Poh on Monday at 8 p.m.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  40 words
  • 388 8 FOR years, Ng Glm Chaaa rlaag to a dream of someday visiting Japaa aad seeing tor himself all the things he had oaly heard or read i ahaat. "When I was aalto yoaag aad la school, my < family played host to
    388 words
  • 97 8 THE Registrar of Vehicles yesterday reminded owners of cars, which will be 10 years or older on Dec 31. that they will not be eligible for Preferential Additional Registration Fees (PARF) for the purchase of new cars from Jan 1 next year. The PARF system was introduced in
    97 words
  • 128 8 I THE HDB has started the building of a new type of block of flats one with i a mixture of units ranging from one room to three i rooms. Before May last year, an HDB block would be made up of solely oneroom
    128 words
  • 41 8 GROW magazine will distribI ute free a set of eight chilI dren's peel-off stickers with its 1 October issue. These stickers to be given to all subscribers in schools are to celebrate the magazine's first year of existence.
    41 words
  • 468 8 Dhana: Open policy is reason for Singapore's success... NEW YORK, Friday SINGAPORE has been successful because of its open policy of at- 1 trading top flight firms in any field to invest freely here. It has consistently welcomed capital, ideas and talent from abroad, and transnational companies, for it has
    468 words
  • 52 8 TEN Singapore companies have been awarded certificates for being the top importers of Israeli goods last year. Representatives of the firms were presented trade awards by the visiting director-gener-al of Israel's Ministry of Industry', Trade and Tourism, Mr Yoram Ziv, at a reception at Century Park
    52 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 922 8 JVC improves cassette decks in five critical areas. TADp monitor either SOURCE or TAPE for more reliable because all modes are '4 ill Ml l c a close Check on recording quality. controlled by a full-logic circuit, 'JOH*!^- I 111 Metal Tape Why it s better The head gap is
      922 words

  • 358 9 WOMAN CLINGS TO BAG WITH $3,000 DESPITE BEING SHOT SHOP proprietress Madam T»b Kb* Sklax, 4», Hug knvely to ber paper bm« c^tUinlßK «,IM, *espitr brlBK *b*t twto la tke let by ft l*ae iuiom nriag r»bbery attempt la Larvae 17, GeyuMK, yeater&y. Tae
    358 words
  • 47 9 j ELIAS All, 56. pleaded not guilty yesterday to a charge of shouting at the top of his voice in Telok Ayer Street on Thursday at 8.30 a.m. The case will be heard on Oct 17. Bail of $500 in one I surety was allowed.
    47 words
  • 94 9 ON Sept 11. we published a report that former Deputy Public Prosecutor Isaac Paul Ratnam, 38, was charged in a magistrate's court with cheating Banque Nationale de Paris of $1.3 million, using false shipping documents to negotiate letters of credit. He was quoted as the "then
    94 words
  • 40 9 THE People's Association will hold a kindergarten concert at the National Theatre at 7.30 p.m. today and 200 p.m. tomorrow. An exhibition of arts and crafts from the PA kindergarten will be on display at the thmtre's foyer
    40 words
  • 28 9 THE Tanglin community centre will conduct a bonsai class on Mondays and Saturdays from 3pm to 5 p m. and 730 p m to 930 pm
    28 words
  • 97 9 Lee for Brunei wedding BANDAR SEkl BEG A WAN, Fri. Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew is among the dignitaries who will attend the wedding of the youngest sister of the Sultan of Brunei, Sir Hassanal Bolkiah Other guests to the wedding tomorrow include the former Chief Minister of Sabah,
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 56 9 MOTORCYCLIST Pang Zee Kirn, 31, was fined $600 yesterday for knocking into a pedestrian while riding under the influence of alcohol. Pang's machine hit Mr Yong Kam Wrag in Neil Road on May 6 at 11.30 p.m. Pang who pleaded guilty to the charge was also disqualified
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 236 9 MHMUI WWWSITY OF QUEERSLAND POSTCRHWIITE MSCMCM SCMLAISNTS 1911 The foUowiog Scholarships ore offered for study towards a Research Master's or Doctor of Philosophy degree UNIVERSITY Of QUEENSLAND POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH STUDENTSHPS $A7,200 per year Up to 200 hours teoching required Teoching ability or potential necessory UNIVERSITY Of QUEENSLAND POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH SCHOLARSHTS
      236 words
    • 349 9 V The One answer v* that works two V > i I ways to relieve %^iy^^^Bliiii I stomach disorders r*+ *\t" Wm s astr'tisr tis an(^ stomach disorders m ■+*>/*+ m The secret is its main active k M »*j\* 'M in 9 redient SUCCUS LIQUIRITIAE. JZzi&tiy} *&Xi:^ :^^y&-&^^7 which
      349 words

  • 230 10 Explosions rip the morning air in Bukit Merah Pictures by VOW YUN WON H-MIMTE fire destroyed the wareImom of a patat faeUry off Jalaa Bnklt Merah yesterday morning, causing an estimated $2 million damage to stocks and property. The Maae wm spotted •boat 8.11
    230 words
  • 212 10 Singapore aid plan for Oman public health THREE senior officers from the Ministry of the Environment may be seconded to Oman to help run its public health pro gramme. 1 Oman expressed the need for a public health officer, a chief health inspector and a sanitary engineer during meetings here
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  • 41 10 SCHOOLCHILDREN aged 14 and above can experience working In factories when the Khe Bong community centre's youth executive committee organises a Youth in Industries programme during the coming school vacation. Registration is at the community centre.
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  • 243 10 Full-time courses to help police get GCE POLICE are planning to introduce full-time courses to help officers in their educational pursuits. Talks between senior officers and the Finance Ministry have begun for running such courses, especially for those wishing to sit for the GCE -r A" Level examinations. If approved,
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  • 38 10 THE Philippines Minister of Transportation and Communications. Mr Jose Dans Jr. will open Transpo-Asia, the second South-east Asia international exhibition on transport, maintenance and ancillary products, at the World Trade Centre on Monday at 11 a.m.
    38 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 125 10 Heralding a new era of PASSystem Electone Organs with features so advanced they are not found even in other higher-priced organs dla^afl A I 'ar^^i A I S nT*"""^^*^ aßn^*^*^^^^^^Bßß» _^B^m^mtfl o»^^^^^ %l "m\ f iMl^L^^nS ASSF B3SNF a^^^^l-^a^a^hl?***>*lill IhHSKBS^HRI ■Tfe^k. SI 875N 855N fc >#r» W^" /|K 55N AUTO
      125 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 741 11 You're invited to put your foot in it today... MTA PENINSULA Singapore's Newest, Biggest Shoe Store! Open Today! Bata s spectacular «^^tf^^^^SHOES FOR P* THEIR of shoe shopping space and more h^* ;l WORII) H It's like no other shoe So you like the good things. whoappreciate^p^n^ t barefooted.
      741 words

  • 384 12  -  PAUL JANSEN By THE Home Affairs Ministry has struck Sugar Industry of Singapore off its list of employer-participants in the day-re-lease scheme for inmates of drug rehabilitation centres. Its decision was prompted by the partially government-owned company's apparent lack of concern for the
    384 words
  • 303 12 A YOUTH who robbed a coffee shop proprietor of between $600 and $800 at knifepoint was yesterday jailed for 30 months and ordered to be given 10 strokes of the cane. Tan Boon Hock, 20, a national serviceman, was found guilty of robbing
    303 words
  • 177 12 THE Singapore freighter, j m. s. Arch, was fired at in Indonesian waters recently by a customs patrol boat. It fled from the scene when asked to stop for routine checks, a spokesman for the Indone- I sian embassy here said yesterday. He said the
    177 words
  • 91 12 THE Labour Ministry has questioned a Thai national who is said to have brought in more than 20 Thai workers illegally. Confirming the investigation, the Labour Ministry said the man had been operating here (or the past two months by sup- plying labour without licence.
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  • 56 12 THE Senior Minister of State (Education) and MP for Bukit Bat ok. Mr Chai Chong Vii, will preside at the balloting ceremony for the sale of 288 units of five-room flats costing $48,200 each. The ceremony is being held at the car park beside Block 14, mil
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  • 277 12  - Soft drink bottle deposit now 15 cents NGI AM TONG HAI By THE DEPOSIT on soft drink bottles have increased to 15 cents up 10 cents for small 285 ml bottles and up five cents for the jumbo size 500 ml ones. Soft drink bottlers attribute the new rate to
    277 words
  • 82 12 FIVE experts from Japan and Singapore will conduct a two-day seminar on microprocessor systems i and applications on Oct 27 and 28 at the Singapore Hilton. The Singapore speakers are Dr Poo Aim Neow. deputy director of the Computer Centre and senior lecturer at the National
    82 words
  • 53 12 AN open verdict was yesterday recorded on the death of casual shipyard worker Elankov s/o Ramachan. 24. whose body was found at the rear of Block 72. Wharapoa Road, on March 25. The court heard that Elankov, who fell from the ninth floor of his flat, was
    53 words
  • 176 12 Qneenstown police are Investigating an asnaait case In which a secondary school prefect was allegedly pouched by a for- mer schoolmate on Monday while on his way to a I post office after school. PoUce said the student, Urn Chee Kwang (above), a Secondary Four student
    176 words
  • 252 12 CYCLISTS have been urged to familiarise themselves with the Highway Code and drivers told to make conscious efforts to make way for them. Cyclists who do not observe the code make themselves potential victims of the highway, a spokesman for the organisers of a series
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 681 12 •'afeti Nca^ the shirt 1 X.;: kU NSL The name Mitoga, by Arrow. i V^ Fully imported shirts with a fit that v feels better than tailor-made. Shirts in the newest colours and fabric i designs. Styled right and priced right. Just ask for Mitoga (My-toga) by Arrow. the Fashion
      681 words
    • 153 12 Exceptional value for your SSMONEYSS (This is not just another sales gimmick. We just want to add a little more music into your lives!) For only $16.90 you can get a set of 2 records (For a limited period only) and there are 12 different sets to choose >^nY i^l^
      153 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 338 13 EXTRA EXTRA Put your foot in early and CELEBRATE THE OPENING OF MIA PENINSULA! Put your foot in NOW YOU SEE IT SPECIAL OPENING for 2 days of NOW YOU DON'T j£Sk&, OFFERS 3S7A3'!l!lld nn^m^oinmnnf collection of designer names for trlllCl. tHllllTH3lll In the Basement! One of Vi-— T Hr^
      338 words

  • 46 14 THE aged at Woodstock Home i at Orchard Boulevard are in (or a treat this Sunday Fifteen members of the Leng Kee Zone C Residents Committee will bring them I local food and gifts donated by I residents of the zone. I
    46 words
  • 51 14 SAMSUDIN bin Suyat. 25. was rharged yesterday with breaking into the premises of Mr Abdul Hamid bin Mohd Nather at Collyer Quay on Sept 30 at about 7.30 p.m. No plea was recorded and he was ordered to be remanded till his case is mentioned on Oct
    51 words
  • 43 14 LEE Wee Cheng. 21. was charged yesterday with attempted theft and causing rvous hurt with a knife to P.K. Majeed on May 2 at Arab Street. He was ordered to be remanded till his case is heard on Oct 10.
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  • 318 14  -  BENG TAN For former mental patients By A DAY-CARE centre to help former mental patients readjust to everyday life and learn new skills will be set up by the government early next year. A sheltered workshop of sorts, it will
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  • 479 14 'Backdoor takeover of the business' says insurance man THE Life Insurance Association yesterday hit out at the Central Provident Fund's mortgage reducing insurance (MRI) scheme^ describing it as a step-by-step backdoor na-! tionalisation of the insurance industry here. An irate spokesman for r the association said the MRI scheme did
    479 words
  • 67 14 RAMASAMY s o Pakrisamy. 25, was charged on Thursday with the theft of a .38 Webley revolver and five rounds of 38 ammunition from a Cisco guard on Sept 3 at Change Alley. Last week, he was charged with robbing a jewellery shop with a revolver.
    67 words
  • 168 14  - Keeping the chill out of airport job TAN SUAT LI AN By THE more than 1M Immigration officer*, at Paym Lebar can now keep at bay the cold In the passenger arrival and departure halls. They are allowed t« wear their own Jackets. They have distinctive uniforms beige blouses or
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  • 297 14 Two new major sewage plants next year TWO new major sowage treatment works, now under construction and costing $139 million, are expected to be commissioned next year The $65-million Seletar sewage treatment works in Boh Sua Tian Road will serve the north-eastern sector of Singapore, including Yishun (Pinyin for Nee
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 524 14 Haw iH L^. v Bl^te^ I L*e an Samsonite attaches tne Omega is functionally designed to keep all your papers in order When you have responsibilities to carry, carry them in a samsonite Samsonite designs attaches for people who The Samsonite Omega, for instance, comes carry a lot of responsibilities.
      524 words
    • 99 14 A sparkling intnexiuctonofifer fiiom Diamond Boutic jue. Our new boutique in Metro Golden Mile opens with exciting offers on diamonds and jewellery. And we're celebrating at Metro Grand too! Here's your chance to own a beautiful piece of diamond jewellery at the best prices in town. Choose from traditional or
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 949 15 M PHILIPS The maker of the world s first home video recording system does it again Philips have turned the world of video recording upside down with the world's first flip -over cassette The new Philips Video 2000 a truly signi- and think their w.i\ along each signal of the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 388 16 M df JJ /I PLAZA S»NQAPURA #<Jl^L J M *f 4th Ftoor, Orrhard Boad. Singapow 8803 Op«n d«(y from 10 am to 9.30 pm (Ist Half Hour J^ung Refundable) MnJjALf M /Ltlfo robina house 1 M 4M Lrfr [yf[y K^J^CM^ff^ ShentonWay, Singapore 0108 Mon to Sal: 10.30 am to 7.00
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  • 40 17 THE president o( the Singapore Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Mr Wee Cho Yaw. and his wife will hold a dinner (or the Chinese trade mission today at 8 p.m. at toe Hibiscus Room. Shangri-La Hotel.
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  • 583 17  -  T F HWANG $200,000 SHARES CLAIM By A $220,000 shares claim by a millionaire's widow against her chartered accountant son was dismissed with costs after a 23-day hearing in the High Court yesterday. Madam Ng Swee Kee. widow of Mr Hooi Yip
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  • 139 17 TWO drug supervisees. Mohammad Shukor bin Ismail, 33. and Mohamed bin Sawa. 21. were jailed for a day and fined $500 each after they pleaded guilty yesterday to stealing seven choppers from a supermarket. The court heard that the two were seen behaving suspiciously by
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  • 332 17  - Have you seen Mrs Parrett's bilingual parrot? LIM HUI KIAU By MAM ADI XX, ft billn RmaJ pwrat, did Mt •ay nadkye whea ke ierifcd U leave inn aad Us mer, Nn J«m Pwrett, la apart. Tfee Africa* tove-grey parrat, which speaks EagHsa aid Datrh, flew aff whea Mr* Pamtt
    332 words
  • 162 17 $52,950 FOR DECORATOR HURT IN ROAD ACCIDENT INTERIOR decorator Chong Ah Choy, 44, injured in a road accident three years ago, was awarded $52,960 damages, plus costs, by Mr Justice Kulasekaram in the High Court yesterday. The judgment was against tailor Tan Hock Chin who, through his counsel. Mr Leong
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  • 25 17 TEOH Kee Yoong. 18. was fined 140 yesterday for selling towels at Nw Soon Market on Tuesday without a licence. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 294 17 SINGAPORE'S high wage policy has reduced job openings for Singapore seamen, according to the chairman of the National Maritime Board, Mr M. Coomaraswamy In the board's annual report for 1979 80, he says the 1979 NWC recommendation of $32 plus
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  • 37 17 STATE Coroner Mr Seng Kwang Boon yesterday recorded an open verdict on the death of fisher-nan Tan Joo Ens. 69, who was found hanged Trom a tree branch at Loronfj Cheng Lim on July 6.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 189 17 I^J/ FOR YOUR m /o SAVINGS V^ r IKED DEPOSITS 10 branches to serve you: AngMoKio Blk 233 Aye 3 Tel *****66 ShentonWay: ICB Building Tel *****11 Bedok Blk 416 Bedok North Aye 2 Serangoon 305 Serangoon Road Tel *****11 Tel *****58 Boon Lay Boon Lay Shopping Centre Yio Chu
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 134 17 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavanagh Hal Camp TVE MAr EMCfCrM cc SC^u^DA's V* MV WAIT- I I ©UESS ILL FIRE I .VANT VCU TO Pi«E J ILLDO IT oL^l >v I "ER AFTER «ER APTER ..-A. NO*.' > «"1 DlNlvlE(: Blondie By Chic Young ""BEAT IT 3AISV T I
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 196 18 CONGRATULATIONS! We wish Bata every success with the opening of Bata Peninsula y^i j 1 j j iHHllnKft V^\ North Bridge Road /ass£ Congratulations to W vw oaia X^eninSUia riaza m Wm. U\ Peninsula ft ninsula Singapore Polymer from II Ili \v\ Corporation (Pte) Ltd Management and occupiers of 1
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  • 118 19 Arab trader accepts $38,000 for timber loss AN ARAB merchant, through his counsel here, accepted a settlement of 53*. 000 on Thursday from an insurance company for the loan of his timber Mr Haridass Ajaib. for Mr Ahmed Abdullah bin Leswad, said Overseas Union Insurance Ltd will also pay costs
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  • 38 19 I-HE Hiadu Centre's Youth Vine wul hold two-day semiiv on tar Rote and Responsi ftUttes oT Hindu Youths in Siafapore at Trade Union ■lout Annexe. Snenton Way. it 2JO p.m today and at 9 i.m. tomorrow
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  • 464 19  -  TAN BAN HUAT By THE Asean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) is seriously studying several projects with the view to implement them as joint ventures among members. This move could act as a "snort cut" to get such projects going, said
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  • 62 19 Transpo-Asia exhibition THE five-day Transpo-Asia '80 exhibition and seminar will be opened by the Philippines Minister of Transportation and Communications, Mr Jose P Dans Jr. at the World Trade Centre on Monday at 11 a.m. The seminar. Moving Into the Eighties and Beyond, will be held on Tuesday from 9
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  • 63 19 THE Singaore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union will hold a congratulatory luncheon for Mr Urn Chee Onn on bis appointment as Minister Without Portfolio at the SMMWU headquarters at Rocbor Centre at noon today. Tomorrow, Mr Urn will attend a congratulatory d'nner given by the NTUC
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  • 306 19 EXPORTERS URGED TO PUT IN BIGGER EFFORT ASEAN exporters should intensify their efforts to I promote trade under the Asean preferential trading I arrangements (PTA), Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Goh Chok Tone, said at the opening of the Asean Trade Fair yesterday. This was one of three suggestions
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  • 156 19 Sisir plan to move into Science Park THE Stfpre Institafe •f SUadards sad indutrUl Research pUns to DMve late the proposed Science Park to be sited wemr Keat Ridge. Thin, aetwrtlßg to the latest Stair annual repart, will rnabie It to serve the research aad high tech— top lndastrlea which
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 649 19 AT Our client company was tounded in Europe almost 100 years ago It now employs a team of highly skilled Design and Consulting Engineers who operate throughout the world To meet the needs of 'its business in the 1980s and beyond, the company now j requires two additional career-minded executives
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    • 386 19 Special 2-week Clearance Sale Jens Munk is offering some *m »nh polished mirror, brass and chrome and attractive reductions of uptoso«V no» the exclusive Jens Munk look is easier to Reductions on sofas, lamps, wall units. afford. cupboards, cabinets and chairs Drop in as soon as you can on the
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  • The Straits Times SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1980
    • 402 20 THE road back to normalcy for a drug addict is not always smooth, though government agencies and volunteers have given much help. No one doubts that psychological resistance to employing ex-drug addicts exists, and the stigma attached to them takes time to be dissipated. But there have been
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    • 377 20 OLD fighters never die, apparently they keep coming back for more. The living legend of the boxing world, Muhammad Ali, seemed determined to prove the point when he took up the challenge of attempting to become the oldest man to win the heavyweight title and the first to
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  • 429 20 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane THAT COIN AGAIN! THAT old, big and round one-cent copper about which I wrote in this column last week has cropped up again! Not like the proverbial bad penny but as one that grows appreciably in value with each passing year. That lowly
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  • 609 20  -  SAWAENG YINGUAD By in Bangkok THE Thai Government has agreed in principle to proceed with the construction of the controversial airport at Nong Ngu-hao. Its construction was suspended seven years ago owing to massive protests and demonstrations. It was to have been Thailand's second international
    609 words
  • 1996 20 6 The reported visit to Iran last month of Mr Shahpur Bakhtlar, Iran's termer prime minister, and General All Ovelsi, the former Teheran military commander under the Shah, suggests that President Saddam Hussein's decision to invade Iran was not uninfluenced by
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 29 20 Congratulations to all flfcV married W^ couples A^ Your Happiness is our Business OVERSEAS yiUy ASSURANCE COBPN LTD .SINCE 1920) I ICC INSURANCE FOR ALL LIIC BIG OR SMALL
      29 words
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    • 797 21 41 feel that there is no need for os to have an MRT system on soch a large scale as proposed by the Wilbur Smith team while the all-bos system as proposed by the Hansen team appears myopic. STUDIES
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    • 117 21 Don't forget that it's OUR problem FOR a week or so now, we have all been treated to the kind of bull-headed skullduggery academics-turned-businessmen are notorious for I refer to the public "warring" between the two camps of eggheads over the mass rapid transit system and the newspapers' play-up of
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    • 266 21 THE government is trying out a number of ways to cut down the volume of motor traffic on our public roads. As a suggestion. I think the authorities should also encourage the use of pedal power among
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    • 222 21 I READ with great interest about the new scheme of commercial courses announced by the Minister-in-charge of Ngee Ann Technical College, Singapore Polytechnic and the Vocational and Industrial Training Board, Dr Ahmad Mattar ("A chance to train for senior jobs, ST, Sept 24). May
      222 words
    • 93 21 Bring back the fireflies YOIR recent article, "Keeping the OrefUea clawing la Takya" (ST, Aig latereated me partfealarty becaaar twu weefc« earlier a visitor to Hagap»rr neaUaa ei the many fireflies "an a Jungle rmi to Seletar »ir base" th»t be remembered in tke war. The Jangle baa gane aad
      93 words
    • 175 21 Reject all-bus proposal in the interest of clean air I HAVE fallawed with interest the controversy regarding the proposed MRT system kat have aever yet sees any comments or thought given to tke air pollution problem which would be aggravated by the prapased express bus system. We all know how
      175 words
    • 177 21 us KH.FLY to tne critics of the Mercedes-driving HDB flat owners, I challenge their objection. I am a rightful owner of an HDB flat and I drive a Mercedes. So what. I live a simple life. I do not drink, smoke or eat
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    • 34 21 IT WOULD be a help to v literature students taking the GCE 'A' Level course if the Singapore Broadcasting Corporation could telecast Shakespeare's The Tempest and Macbeth. SCORPIO, Singapore im.
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    • 168 21 1 REFER to the letter, "Stop at the same stops," by T.G. Khoo (ST, Sept 3). After passing the Hill Street, Victoria Street and Kallang stretch of their journeys, buses of Services 61 and 148 head towards different directions to MacPherson Estate and Serangoon
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 66 21 CORUM Artisans d Horlogeric Fine The gold coin watch by CORUM, each with an ultra -thin movement in an authentic 2 OS gold coin. Patented Model. Available Bfc^-. *ith other gold coins. .238 BLW SHUI HVs A J EHELLERY CO. PTE. LTD G6 Lucky Plaza. G F (Front Arcade) 304
      66 words
    • 209 21 n n I /vninsu/a I /aza I Congratulations SHOE (S) PTE LTD on the official opening of Bata, Peninsula Plaza Compliments from Ting Khong Chong Ting's Furniture Re Ltd. Ting's Furniture Construction I SjSS Main contractors to BATA, 1 1! 35m Peninsula Plaza S? 3 Showroom Iff fj 317-9 3rd
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    • 334 22 SHAKE prices elased barely steady at the Singapore stock market yesterday bat a lew selected stocks maaaged te attract good deataad. The day's top performer was foaad smsag seeauid seettaa ladastrlals where Malayan Uaited Industrie* led with a solid $I.M advance te $!Mi. la the meaaUme, Malaysia
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    • 301 22 SHARE prices fluctuated to close on a mixed to slightly steadier note at tne Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday. Trading was slightly cautious. Most issues continued to recover from their recent mauling by the bears but their advance was checked by profit-taking at the higher levels. The New
      301 words
    • 246 22 AIDED by firmer US dollar In ovimu markets, the US Sing dollar opened higher at C 1020 30 and closed o« Its peak of J2 1035. at C 1010 X In the Singapore lorex market yesterday The US unit was boosted by a higher prime and dollar
      246 words
    • 444 22 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on Oct 3: L'S DoJUrt(Bpot> Offer Bid 7 day* 13 I U < 1 month 14 3/16 14 1/10 2 months 13t 13 i 3 months 1313/18 1311/16 8 month! 1313/16 13 11/16 i months 13 i 13 > 12
      444 words
      • 43 22 A Banking i<r)unt.i tinfi laU Rice ••fi Mai* Malayan Tia I B 8 Itlanfor Dredg lou.trad L L Keponf nil 1430 1330 WO 338 890 S96 33S MS 580 530 318 TO 10 38 32 30 30 22 20 20 20 14
        43 words
      • 35 22 Kramal Goodwood Park Syn Taipiog Textile Metal Box Bhd M Flour Spore Land Tan C'honl 1SUO 000 800 MO 133 3W 238 4M 1170 -no 105 -70 -25 -21 -It -IS -14 -10
        35 words
      • 22 22 Malayan Tin Boustead Perils GSI Total turnover 6.38m Total value: 130 75m Source: SES 921. 00C 242.00C 226.00C m.oot
        22 words
      • 30 22 B.T.Indicator: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties: Minings Plantations: OCBC: SES fad' 9980 16 *****8 ***** 610.31 1127.05 1137.31 522.57 519.77 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 584.16 584.09 555.10 5W.33
        30 words
      • 428 22 HONGKONG: Stocks generally tinned, though in quiet trading yesterday, due to a strong market rumour that Jardlne Matheson and Hongkong Land would announce at weekend a bid for the Wheelock Marden group, dealers said. Senior brokers nd well placed market sources, however, discounted the rumour. The Hang Seng index
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      • 315 22 TOKYO: The stock market average rose 22.84 to close at a record 7142.24 points, In fairly active trading yesterday, bolstered by persistent foreign demand for big-capital issues, dealers said. The New index closed at 493 09. up 2.58 points, with a volume of 720 million shares. Steels, heavy electricals
        315 words
      • 148 22 CHINESE Pndsce Exekaage, Siajptpwv, asoa elariag prk«s per 1M kg ynteraay ClllSMl III: Bulk (Ob 120 00 sellers, old drum (In second hand drum) lob $130 X sellers, new drum fob 1136 50 sellers. Cspra: Mixed (looaei (72 00 buyers. Peassr: Muntok while pepper lob Asta NLW (430
        148 words
      • 264 22 THE KILOBAR market for gold deliverable In Singapore opened at $45,640 and closed at $45,370 yesterday. In the Far East, gold opened at U*****.00 676 00 Profit-tak-ing brought it down to $671 50 673.50 and it held steady at that level throughout the morning session. The market re-opened at
        264 words
      • 166 24 SYDNEY. Fri P*fco Wall»nd and BHP took the spot lift* la otfcerwiar mixnj »nd MUM tradk* Mm aid Pcko roar SI 00 to a rword SU 70 as traders continued to buy into the company's slake in thr gueemland coaJ-to-oil project BHP. which increaafd its in i.
        166 words
      • 167 24 AMSTERDAM. Thurs i actively traded class with W7 !!r.'!i'*"n. !510 un'r Snare price* closed malaly contract!. Rv***" »S Ui higher with Royal Dutch firm' I ■""> lew -01 -Ttwo raj*™ in oiktrta. cv INCFtIc S£L 22 )V narrowly mixed Dutch intern- i m«!n!^» Uonals. dealers uid mm
        167 words
      • 213 24 ZTRICH. Thurs Share pn<-ei closed higher in increased volume, influenced by a firmer Wall Street and helped by higher liquidity of prole* sknal operators at the begin ■jag of a new account period, dealers (aid Swissair rose in transports on short -covering after recent losses, while
        213 words
      • 119 24 NKW YORK Thurs The New York stork market today edged higher in heavy trading in spite of another riae in the prime rate as the oil group rntlawrt to provide much of the power Citibank raaed its prime rate to 14 per cent from 13 per
        119 words
      • 561 24 LONDON. Thuri Oil shares closed firm reflecting North Se» oil interests while gold mining sham were weak, after a mind opening, as the buUion price fell, dealers said BP was a feature gainiag lip to «Kp after Uup earlier, while Shell, lltramar and Lasmo
        561 words
      • 58 24 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Thursday 478.7 Wednesday 483 2 Week Ago 484 4 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Thursday 9*224 Wednesday ***** Week Ago ass tr H.K.HANC SENG Friday 12M 18 Thursday 1243.87 Weak Ago 1181.78 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Friday 733J8 Thursday ***** Week Ago 734 0* ALL ORDINARIES Friday W7
        58 words
      • 39 22 Rubber Oct 3 Singapore: Oct: 297.S0 cent* (up 1.00 cent) Malaysia: Oct: 302.00 centa (up 2.S0 cents) Tin: M$2,139 (down $8) (equivalent to $35.37 per kilo) (down 13 centa) Official offering: 105 tonne a (down 29 tonnes)
        39 words
      • 30 22 LONDON: Copper prices on Thuralay (previous In brackets) ffirebar Spot £837 X 853), sellers CB3B £854); Three Month buyers SIS. SO (£880). sellers a66SO(LIK) ■siMsw: Easier Sales: 8,975 tonnes
        30 words
      • 140 22 THE STRAITS tin price edged another $8 lower to $2,139 per picul (equivalent to $35.37 per kilo, down 13 cents) in Penang yesterday, on an official offering down 29 tonnes to 105 tonnes. The overnight London market was barely steady with forward buyers gaining £20 to C7.UO per tonne.
        140 words
      • 502 22 PRICES in the Singapore rubber market closed slightly firmer yesterday, with October RSS One buyers quoted at 29T.50 cents per kilo, up one cent on Thursday's close, dealers said The market lost about one cent In quiet afternoon trading on lack of support and some speculative selling, they added.
        502 words
      • 82 22 ■rfOONSSR. ulSUKproM* ■*p IA8 sss XhUH IMRCV 1MRL IMRGP [MR 10 MRS) on bo 11-U.pJbll ESV (1-M.olW (I ttap*l«> Il-Hapdbc) 1 1 loa p>U«l U toapailMl llu^lu O<ut« iCirnil Mlkl Bmyra 8«U«n 2M0O 361 00N 2M0O 2M0ON 9100 2WUON mOO 3M00N i7(.oo rsoos UNO UNO MO iS
        82 words
    • 1532 23 THE la* in— mi n* ak ■< tkr .k» MMiaif Swr> Eir>n» 1 S— i P»r» jiwnt«y nfnl «M pnvtoa u> > miMMi «m an m^ u« k> MfflM kr KTI» miM Mr< Closing tone: Mixed. Turnover: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore including odd
      1,532 words
    • 1582 23 Hand ofler pnrei officially listed id kaslMß Is aa reported to ike ork EIH»— l 4 n ye* ran <s* monter of skans MM aton ia bracked Mi ton at il All Timea Setuemm CoatracU v QMOlvd ifttf itv wird "■•Hi Board deal iu> Ms of 2.SK
      1,582 words
    • 1673 23 BII> and offer prim officially listed ud bun*r» In and reported 13 Ihr Kuala Lumpur Si™-* Exchange ynttrday will) the number of iharei iraded ihtmn in bracken ia lots of I.SM Mitt uiurm otkerwiae aperi M INMmiAU HltiMl ■m(IT4BHU)OT« ■MM 13 MS) (3)3 00 BMMM i 5 758
      1,673 words
    • 156 23 KUALA LUMPUR: Peninsular M&layslan exports ot tin rose to 5,564 tonnes in June from 5,501 tonnes in May but total exports In the first-half of 1980 declined to 34,510 tonnes from 36.726 tonne* in the same 1979 period, Statistics Department figures snow. Exports in June
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 374 24 DESPITE Hs own cautious expertatioßS. Khong Guan Flour Milks* has taraed in creditable results for the yw ended April 30. 19J0 The group's pretax profits. foflowkM; the adoption of eqtsHjr accounting, more tnaa doubled to $3 .48 milbM on a sharp 78 per cent Jump in
      374 words
    • 213 24 Big spurt in Inch Kenneth profits AFTER last years strong recovery, Inch Kenneth Kajang Rubber picked up more steam in the first half of the current year to post pre-tax profits of K29.931 compared with $279,084 previously Of this amount, contributions from its Kajang estate accounted for the bulk of
      213 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 337 22 TAT LEE FINANCE WELCOMES YOU TO HER NEW BRANCH AT UPPER THOMSON 1 Skma Nee Soon m w Ullage ft OPENS to shen TAT LEE TAnAVi Sembawang 1 rjc. FINANCE LTD. TWAT S Poi Eng %<£' ,^a LJ\ l,^ 0 Vl\ upper r IS r ~^Z yw T\ Thomson |>
      337 words
    • 24 22 Prime lending rates THE average rate at which majar SUgapsre baaks are rarreatly prepared to lead to their best customers I* 11.1 per eeat
      24 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 542 23 i^Bssissssll Bssssssssssfl atillssssssssfl Bsk^Sksssnir '^BSssi B^slt^ isssss^lßl MsV^9^T sssssP^li^ Bf W^ a^^ B^ I BSSSSSSSSst as^^asssssv .aWa^ ,a«BSSSSSSsI B|s|r V bkt« bP\^bl bssssW*% jM^MI '^al ■sKP^ssl ssßs^^t^Vsssssa^^^ssi it iL^sssl Hii BsLxJ bssTtT^bs! Is^sUXk' Bsss^Bßßßifil BY ■sK'^^aW sssi iassssssssßss^^sssl bH^B mMb L^b^bH *^^^^T^^^^^^^H •■bsb^^^bsWlbssbsb)*''^ ■a* fl* ■■7 L f vflkm 1
      542 words
    • 122 23 PKNN TkWKI. I'Kl\ \TK I.IMITKI) (In Membrn' \«lunUr> Windinn Ip) Niiril X W UN \l. MKKTINU NOTICK IS HEREBY OIVEN thai a Final OtOtrmJ Mpi-iiiik of the Company will in- held on Saturday. Ist November 1900 at II 30 B at Unit 1004. Jalan Sultan Centre, sinnaport- ir;i9 for the
      122 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1051 24 \w4i M fa ('^■^r^BWl WPv^ H^B?H~^*^^^^ bVLsssL A A^^Bm^u _r-i_i VM# C l^tw* They're favourites in Japan, top-sellers in Australia, and now TYRES ARE HERE Bk\ High-quality Ohtsu tyres, from a Japanese specialist manufacturer, are famous for excellent casing quality, exceptional reliability and durability. B^^b^ Demand has usually outstripped supply,
      1,051 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 2517 25 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX ft* Telephone Serv.ce *****22 PERSONAL SERVICES r- <«f 1 M «<tov F"*>y 830om -500pm »<»nofv -s i>e. -^»d Inwi SI 2 00' 4 MERCHANDISE fjP l{[^\ [lb\* Vv^k V^^ I i I^^ 111 I^^ I llrt /A a^l I fl\\ COUNTER SERVICE w^OitinX,''^!! IV
      2,517 words
    • 902 25 IMPORTED SHETLAND SHEEP- AFTER A HARD .l;i> s ».,rk !,,r 000. Puk. HckliiK.^.- I' relaxation vtatt v ;it Orchard man puppies Champion himKi- I'l.i/.i Health line Male i^in.iir available Ist now Orchard P Contact *****3 iun» Facial opens Hall) I 111 Ok. in llJOpm Tel 7:MO«)« ?:i4(Mi. BALI HEALTH CENTRE.
      902 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1030 26 irwiiitoKLttm ii^iiiiri ™f *»IIS Rf«T»l Kill) |M painting for fridge atrrondi1« House iioner cooker Trade-in Avail- i MM^atK^/RwpMf ttiSi H 1 :o.v ho.. mrvaJZ 41 TV/Soond Sytttn. mi sprcialiapd in Renovation >ouse painimc. rabtneu electn a^BBBBBB«aBBB«BBBBBBBB^eBB«BBBBBS al wirmi «anitar> etr Tel ■M ANTENNAE SMST ALL ATKJN TECH -c rtrnnfi ocialßAl
      1,030 words
    • 1217 26 H Situations Vacant WOELKE umMmMmmmmaßß^^^^ TOP HEADS GMBH requires QUALITY SrtSStT*'*' CONTROL fi c<rtlr ENGINEER Appkcenl. ahoutd neve me iolr c Diploma or Degree in An expanding Ship and Elecuomrs Engineering R.O-buildino Company j Experience m the use of wishes lo engage the lo»- testing equipments for lowing experienced par-
      1,217 words
    • 1330 26 »*J kit- ■JV UJM I A .ya.nti.r, eewpeny el c well I eel.bli.hsil organieelien lequir..: ANGLO-MORSE SECR«TA«Y COMPANY 1 te Sele. Manager PTE LTD ni.uln-i-ti i.iiuim At lrut (HE preferably A level, with credits in A) PURCHASING I English and Mains accictamt Knowledge of Mandarin and ASSIbIANi dialects and shorthand
      1,330 words
    • 1432 26 r EXPWUEMCED CLERSt/TVPWT I qgn! company m Cathay Buildina. I c Must possess 3 GCE O level CLERKS f X- crw t En h I v tnn r r. Oood typing skill on an IBM la Minimum 5 QCE O selectric typewriter level including English Al leaa 3 y, ar
      1,432 words
    • 1130 26 DDV BROWN BOVERI KS^^ A large manufacturing "Good morning, girls, company invites appli am Gr.tce Lee cants tor Ihe poat oi> I 1 talk with numermis people COSTING CLERK a^o^^^.l. 1K rve^pweineni*.- their t'urs. U) prom- U c Minimum IK'F level business or to find LI c Preferably with I.CC
      1,130 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 750 27 H [mpliyw.iH I ijli Situations Vacant I Mann* S.r >ic. Shippn, Cempeny n.mrii imiwi^aSs m, secretmriml X TELEPHONE a M OPERATOR/ GENERAL CLERK "'H I i in English Mandarin Typing at averac* speed T (rp I essential 1 SENIOR S BOOK-KEEPER/ FEMALE STORE ACCOUNTANT CLERK r ..1,,,,,,,., I DMwn-) Cert
      750 words
    • 1254 27 RECCmOMMT CUM TELEPf3NE UNIO N CARBIDE ASIA LTD.. Operator mlth typing proflcien j^nn^ member el the .men ies required by an established c gr .,,p L ,,,,.,i., trading firm 1 2 years expert- v contact telephone number to T(wT i Vr'i^i ? h uXSZIIXS& fSS TlUlloowpill Ability to type al
      1,254 words
    • 1203 27 Well na i iiiiipnn has vs- Eipsnding Or t a>mtinw has encanenetaf Ike teaeoest peats: mediete vecancie* for accountb™.tcl«b( J J4^ST 8e TT T V Ne^iare^iewSs; To further promote and sell Co- Knowledge of accounts lour TV Video systems to exist Typing al least 40 wp m ing set of
      1,203 words
    • 1282 27 SALES RtPSICSENTATIVE »d b» a pfO-tftiiiii* meAmw REPRESENTATIVE iTTc 7m p I, WV^T i..,. conglomerkte to promote and mmrequired urgently by a repula k>l htgh qyallt) and world re Me European Treating Compe nowned product to endnnenv We "T I are looting lor a top csa-ra person to Ml
      1,282 words
    • 872 27 r^^l Nestle aftlfßPl An International 1 I lw*T*vlm_Bslw I lli'wr.iiif Company invites \~jf^k I suitably qualifier) candiII t-Pm II datf.s for the followuiK )»>s, II 'lfi*' «CII lions in l'satfiliated Manu I IwwW wl I farturinß Company in Jurong I l_-W--_-i--l_-] I LAbORATORY BAKER FAR EAST. LTD. ASSISTANTS a 1
      872 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 898 28 EwplDfWWl ili Situations Vacant PjU |Q» at; Technical A) ENGINEERING ASSISTANT m^^ m^^_^_^ should poaam a Uiploma in Mechanical Kn«ineering. preference r im r» given lo candidates EXPANIMNC possess experience in COMPANY Tf selected candidate would bf employed in our raawraa hanical Tool Design loa of our rnglneerlng A) TRAINEE
      898 words
    • 1143 28 f^BUr\ SENIOR PIPING M Ml DRAUGHTSMEN v"eßal |v Wa '"> w r ail and ft pnaacMin plat SNWMZU CONSTrtUCTION tan««. Mallei Mi a*—**- Ba:CO. LTD 23 years oM or over raamraa rtii tun i in Should be qualified to r*awraatha ÜBiiui. tuiisu_ii_. [>,p,o m a level Minimum of 4 years
      1,143 words
    • 740 28 TECHNICIAN X gemeral electric"' (USA) raqairad br *n,1n..,,n f CONTROLS PTE. LTD. eanaßany vrTB In Electronics offers Experience not neres- I sary highar itarting wag** Training provided «n < cemer« P Cl y° u are lookln 'or ca- reer opportunities. Join lw«n»*»aa- partial plaaaa apaty us as m wnitng with
      740 words
    • 668 28 rHHB! Nestle ■L I An International Food and I Beverage Company invites ML y^PaPSaal I suitably qualified randl■t\^r^^iH I (or the following poslf V^a^aslaal I tlons ln ILs affiliated Manuaav (Vm^PQ^^bs! facluring Company In Ju►L^al^^Baaßs^si rong Qnß_ryV Immediate Vacancie*!! 3av I*l PRODUCTION I OPERATORS afl| asft^a^Bsi l^a^uir amenta I Above
      668 words
    • 497 28 (SANYO] l^^ll* EIKTRtaaCSISIPTt LTD B*JaH| J3_ wf^^^\i .AC Wfp' +L\o JOIN US AS s^s^' ATTRACTIVE ALLOWANCES. BONUS, O^ 6 jXP v&^ LIBERAL LEAVE AND e*\*tf*^c*>* OTHER FRINGE .ST^'T WELFARE BENEFITS >!*« r> FEMALE OPERATOB tff£ ji^-tVC^aS (Sporaans/M sians, <*> X Age 18-35 yaars V'° MALE OPERATOR V'V^ Ao. 16-17 yaan
      497 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 1049 29 m omi'c" moi» "iouiMd salary S3OXI Please call Situations Vacant L j* jgj?*^*** Mr t> MtocHi***, Al LOUNGE requires A k HOSTESSES An AMwncan lnt*i n*li*nal riaietil Far,, aw, CMWaMwi wnTIS. Age 17 U> 25 wllh pleastin VJihiuilil ant personality attsiacH I With or without expenCUBICLEP* nr »<'<'*P«»b" fc»»K Monlnl>
      1,049 words
    • 979 29 DUIVER CUM CLEHK Ollh Class J GENERAL WORKERS WANTED Handler- re- Ace from 15 to 17 years Tel ajuari* by transport company in 25*0325 for interviem Mr lx>w 221.18J2 tor DRIVERS REOUtHCO Hlea.v- apply r 0> in person at X 1 and 2. Bras DarVER/ PAMCEL Basah Road DELIVERY MAN
      979 words
    • 1069 29 ir»^^^| D aaaawMaio ELASTOMERS (SINGAPORE) requires 2ND ENGINE A newl> established pioneer rub nOll/CO ber product manufacturer local- UHIVfcH ed at Benol Road Jurong invites applicants for the following Applicants must possess positions Certificate of Competency v 2nd Class Engine Driver Relevant eicperlence prefer(l) tn rioofritliOH Opaialoii rf>(^ Dut not
      1,069 words
    • 1030 29 famuli ASAHI United Motor Works ifl^^'~~^^fl^ Singapore Group of ComR ponies his immediate rgen > equ re vacancies for the follow1. MALE ing positions. PURCHASING rt%utt ASSISTANT AUDIT CLERKS Minimum GCE O' Three oD Requirements wllh credit Ab(e £irry At least 1-2 years relevant work as assigned by fngconc'eTn" 1
      1,030 words
    • 1069 29 WHARF CLERK RCOUMED tail URGENTLY REOUMEO ASSISTANT personally at 19 Harper Road Deliver, (opposite Lorong Tal Seng I Tel prentice Inn r. MM WAITRESS FOR FAST Lack] i rondltioiu Phone *****76 till r II 00a m Bal ..r M WONG'S CIRCUITS SINGAPORE Wanl*da woiio-'s CMCunrs' m) 2U warehouse man TOSHWA
      1,069 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 1688 30 BBHB^BJBJ*B*J*BBO^BaB^BOJBHBfHBOBBJBaO|*IBB^BJOHO^BJOJHOJOJOJBJH ■^■■■HB I S| pmes Saturday car mart |^^^^b^O>^BjflO^^*jXJ^^h*ft*V^B^*^Ho'*l .sHßoMoftolßMolßf^^^^H Wlllflltilllia4^_ pb Charade SUNG KOCH OfFEHS D I .11 I2OY Ol l>all> NO, weekly $250 51 Vehicle* For Hire SSO/. PAYMENT DRIVE BWAf a riaat termt A BEST DEAL M Mttnf «mrlei i%^ and rem M shall Road *****" *****67
      1,688 words
    • 1515 30 EE TO APPRECIATE 1973 Hal 124 NOVEMBER 107) CAPELLA I Mil) I \cepllonally good owner, radio cassette, good nndition Full accessories condition PARF eligible $8,200 ARF Phone *****5 ono Tel *****5 EPT 1074 PUT 128 Saloon, very RELIABLE 7» MAZDA 1000 c c car. ood condition Road tax till with
      1,515 words
    • 1651 30 im SIPT TOYOTA Corona :«0U PARF eligible 2nd owner $7,300 I) Mitsubishi Colt re" o^'" 4 Mayflow r Plac< I«7J. TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 with cassette, new paint, road tax and APR*. WN LANCER 1200. aircond. """I,;*"" 11 T 4435M2 2nd owner eligible PARF. (after 1230pm i $11,000 Call Mr Yeo
      1,651 words
    • 1293 30 u/c P A M M (air-eon) Coll flfc Vrin ffiarswsrßi'a is: help you own con). 1976 OaLiun 120Y latr-coni m. aJMIAI m. s?r?^e^yKssr^s A WCW X Datsun 120Y (aifVcon). k Baton with as much as 90% Van. 1973 M/Minl 1000 Special financirtQ uport-nm). Kiat 128. 1972 Toyota 1600 with good
      1,293 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 1193 31 times Saturday cor mart S MARCH »»78 COLT road tax very good SS YshlClsH FOC SbJs condmon Phone IJJBBJI BUY IST* BBTBU— HI* t oil Van 1 ..>«] condition S6JOO Interest•aov ttSS MAZDA 1800 Bonr' van Tax insurance non-PAKF 38 I) MotorCjrCleS Kiamßoad .JIOSBI BCOOterS SEPT Itrt FORD Courier pickup
      1,193 words
    • 770 31 IV Accohmmmlt tion A Prtsna-rtM! I Js_ Beauty World Opposite Butdt Timah s Beauty World Town -^-^_H_>»i__i »i- >— Jm *Tenure-999 years leasehold Easy instalments Prompt delivery *No restriction to foreigners Book now to avoid disappointment For Enquiries 4 Bookings Victory Realty Co. (Pte) Ltd. 15th Floor, Far East Shopping
      770 words
    • 1596 31 DRAYCOTT TOWERS luxurious WANTED HDB FLAT (small 1 ype 1 apartment with 3 bedrooms, par- For Long Term rental Contact tially furnished Reasonable *****10 Saturday and Sunday rental $4,000 Midfield Realty *****86 FABER HB.LS DWT luxurious 3-bedroomed apartment with *V jihphij swimming pool, tennis court. beautifully furnished. $2,400 Re- glonal
      1,596 words
    • 1651 31 CLEMENTI PARK PHASE »A rim- GREEN MEADOW Phase 1 II domimum. type Q' 925 sq fl 2 Upper and lower maisonettes bedrooms. 2 toilets swimming, wanted by clients Property Agtennis. squash facilities Phone ency *****65) *****16 No agents THOMSON GREEN SEMI-DETACH CLEMENTI PARK cONOOtMMMM ED urgently wanted to purchase luxurious
      1,651 words
    • 1054 31 SHOP. OFFICE. WAREHOUSE. TANGLIN SHOPPING CENTRE I factory space tor rental Inter ested please call Mr Wong Mr $1,500 |i<i Ir Kuli 4Y"*Ni *****.S SEMSAWANO 11 1/4 M.S. ground- fl M.r available for renUl immediai. m/_-»_-j Tel *****Viafter7pm w-«**« SINGAPORE ELECTRICAL ELECTROWCS and hardware centre Kitchener Road Unit T\l
      1,054 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 889 32 95 Education c) MmsU LEARN TO PLAY ftultar from qualified experienced teachers The rourae v inexpensive but a«un*«*ely sallafyin( Tor more «etalU. rail Spanish Guitar Centre Tel (***** PUMSO/TMEO*rV Or Muxir Mrs 1" 1 T< I l.indoni Varanrles inniuitiini non ■examination I^PaSaVaBBBBBBBBBVaBBHaBBB^^ sludenu Sinfapure 0*22 Tel r f73»42 IMPORT/EXPORT I^!f"'V^
      889 words
    • 126 32 VI Tn *el Tourt >1J 1 Vila fIH Zfi bbß r am rt «> For Colour Brochures Gill /iKEN^IR "3360-411 I We >c open on Sunday) Pj Suite 828 Btn f toor i Executive Ottice) 05 50«e125 Ist Floor (Sales Office) C 5 Pdrkldne Snooping Mall Selegie Road Singapore 0716
      126 words
    • 700 32 NORTH EAST ASIA DELIGHTS ALL JAPAN/KOREA (KYONGIU. PUSAN) Kr*sluj. Kunumoto B.ppu Ml As*. UnzM. Fiv* Pml Lwt BrMan Ntgiuki Fukuoki Osaka Niri Tokonjmj AUmi Hikona Ml Furi Tskvo Seoul Walker Hal p u $jn Tmiju Kyonfiu 9/12 DAY $2505 $2830 6/10 13/ t0. 20/10. 27/10. 3/11. 10/11. 17/11 24/11 1/12.
      700 words
    • 636 32 1 HOLIDAYS t A reliable way to travel! REUABILITY at no extra cost! ORIENT PHILIPPINESVI P Hong Kong/ Jfl fi^^. Irom Ssl 2lo "JaV^T /*S Bangkok TU T n stife -Jf»*Wl I I THAILAND Manila/All Ta.wan^^ —vl J Bangkok/Pattaya Hong Kong jfc*4*V*V .^^M<i 1 fromS«7lo 8 days tfl ffl '~rt^Jm.
      636 words
    • 686 32 ly^n NAM HO i^^^illi^ Head Office G l4- 16- 18. BkHtfaVaMMHaißj Pearfs Centre. Eu Tong Sen St (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 0105 InII m Te 2218 *33 (7 lines) i^^ Brandi Office 119. Peoples Part* Complex Ground Floor. I 1 v aaaß New Bridge Road. i^J^V^/JB Singapore 0105 ['i*j A A
      686 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      115 33 FUNERAL Of LATE Mi X I>r>-1 ra iH<M-k> i »h«i pained away In Jeddah an 25 80 will be on Sunday 5 10 80 Cortege leaves 8 Jalan 6 2F PeUling Jaya 3.30pm for Assumption Church, thence lo PJ Cemetery In mourning. wife Emilin Patricia, daughters Pauline I.ynette
      115 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      159 33 Dapartad on 4th Oct. 1976 Always mmmbtud by lamily and loved ones By your art* chadran and grandciMldran Four long years have passed: Thought* of you bring tears i Because we miss you badly The world would be like heaven < Just to have you back again
      159 words
    • 34 33 Our dupul sympathy and coadolancaa lo Mr Wakam Son our poacoruNy on 17 M m Tangkat WSm From me Managarmnl and Staff o( I* ENGtNEEIUNG SEHVICES rreiro and KOOt-AM SERVICES PTE LID
      34 words
    • 33 33 wish to thank all relatives and friends tor their condolences donations assistance and attendance during their recent bereavement. The family of the late Madam Poon Ah Meng. Alias Poon Siew Ping
      33 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      109 33 A friend soo true A partner we knew Oone are the days But memory of you will forever stay First year today Partnaror: HUP NEMO MACHINERY CO. We've been lonely since you left Homr has never been Ihe same We still hear your voice in silent hours
      109 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 473 33 —^"^S? „c 115 Personal MMMaM -»mmw CAMEtII MMOCO l»OV aaaki triend« ot age 27 a Phone reply asaured 8 T Box AMAtt ON-MoaaMM MB your promiied „41 n,v,r ranw {St* a nifhtmar, Tfl ««mt9 .ISTi.H •I.Ot-ESSIONAI ssssvs-^VrwaiTs:: **ur'*w' »OCiabi* ineiKU Fleaar wriu KUUney POfaß ———^————i— 116 Religious luuy»»iu<ii. wnnouncwmtJllll .^T
      473 words
    • 1178 33 4ml Established Singapore-based heavy structural mechanical and civil engineering company carrying out multi-million dollar turn-key projects throughout the ASEAN area requires an experienced MANAGER to take charge of several Project Engineers responsible for individual projects. His Engineering Degree must be supplemented by a minimum of S years experience in management
      1,178 words
    • 145 33 SALES REPRESENTATIVES Owing to rapid growth and expansion, STP Distributors (M) Sdn Bhd STP Distributors Sdn Bhd, subsidiaries of the Times Publishing Group, require mature and career minded men and women to join as Sales Representatives to be based at the various branches in Malaysia and Singapore. This is an
      145 words
    • 340 33 Iflt'il'Md IN THK III). II DM RT OK THK I RKI'I BI.K OKSIN«iAPORK ampanrr* WliMil.r. I p NalJtaflW* In Ihe Matter aT Ike (ampuleArt hapier IKS) Aad a the Matter M Melatl (Pte) limited ADVKRTISKMKNT OK PKTITION Notice Is hereby given thai a Petition for the winding up of the
      340 words

    • 218 34 15-minute ordeal of girl bitten by monkey KUALA LUMPUR, Fri A SEVEN-YEAR-OLD •efcawlglrl nflered IS ■iMtea «f ageay wkMi ik wm muM iri Mtten by a m— key a tew metres tr*m her h*oae ■ear B»ta Caves kere yest«r«ay. 8. Skmma. a Ssaa4ard Twe papll sf Bate Caves Tamil Bek#*l,
      NST  -  218 words
    • 320 34 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday THE Malaysian Government is to recruit cardiac surgeons of international repute to help speed up the number of open heart surgery which can be performed locally. The Director-General of Health Services, Tan Sri Or RP. Pillay, said feelers have been sent out
      320 words
    • 254 34 PENANQ, Friday THE Georgetown civil marriage office here has stopped issuing marriage application forms temporarily because all the dates till the end of the year have been fully booked. Referring to complaints from some disappointed couples, an official from the registration office
      254 words
    • 197 34 Accused man gives the law the slip twice KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. An accused who escaped from the Magistrate's Court here last Thursday and was re-arrested on Monday, escaped again on Tuesday. Authorities here are puzzled over his disappearance and cannot explain how he escaped on both occasions, the National Echo
      197 words
    • 48 34 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Visitors to Thailand are being given discreet advice through brochures to enjoy their nolidays without contracting venereal diseases. The brochures, printed by the joint Malaysia-Thailand Border Team for Health Education on Venereal Diseases, are distributed free at points of entry. NST
      NST  -  48 words
    • 36 34 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Three out of every 10 adults in Pensinsular Malaysia have got a sweet tooth, according to a survery carried last year by a leading confectionery manufacturer in the country 1 -NST.
      NST  -  36 words
    • 134 34 JOHORE B ARU, Fri, DRUG-USERS from Singapore are reported to be coming to Johore Barn to get 'fixes' sources said today. They added that police in the state come to know this after finding drugs like heroin, morphine and ganja on several Singaporeans detained
      NST  -  134 words
    • 189 34 BUTTERWORTH, Fri. i A four-day air defence j exercise over Malaysia and Singapore will be carried out from Monday as part of the regular activities of the Integrated Air Defence System (lads) headquarters here. lads commander Air ViceMarshal J.H. Flemming said the air forces of
      Reuter; AFP  -  189 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 1076 34 f^ PERSONNEL ORGANIZATION! L^li DEVELOPMENT (PTE) LTD Our client a leading and well established printing Company is 1 experiencing rapid growth and as a result is seeking suitably qualified candidates to fill the position of Marketing Manager Applicants must possess the following desirable attributes Relevant experience and proven track records
      1,076 words
    • 217 34 ■BBS 1 --^"^TbB^J V* .s^bbbbbH ■a'^4SpShJLS5bbS I I YUETENG colour &iy t 3R=3octs cji (Kodak paper) wCI/ special *£\<y Through M>\9 /O discount (From 31/8/80— 30/11/80) \SIQSSITI6Q with every roll of color film developed and printed. flf^. G44. Peoples Park Centre. Spore 0105. Tel: 9602H CATS Gl5. Pearls Centre. Spore
      217 words

    • 327 35  -  DEREK WILD COMMENT By IT waa a night whea eaarage, hravada aad that aid Mack hnllsaine were aat ■asagh Aad whea H years, aad thase toag hart weeks af swenHag aft that spare tyre araaad hto aged midriff, were, pateatty, avaeh taa mac* far The
      327 words
    • 797 35 LAS VEGAS, Nevada, Pri. Larry Holmes paonded Muhammad Ml Into sabmlmia* after II raands last night, ending an era that tomeked an three decades, and said, "I didn't want U da It." "We all come, we all go," Holmes said after defending his World Boxing
      Agencies  -  797 words
    • 49 35 Xl ALA LI'MPUK, Pri. A acasteaer enUsnsed aad died an arrival at tke General Haspltal mm after wateatag the Larry Halmes MaJammad All beavywelgkt baxlßß ckamni— isalp an televMan here today. The scad man. Beealvaaagam, 58, *f Jalaa Yew, was deserlhed as aa ardent All fan. NOT.
      49 words
    • 325 35 Forest despite Cup 'disaster' chase First Division title LONDON, Fri. After what manager Brian Clough termed the "absolute disaster" of losing their European Cup soccer crown last Wednesday night, Nottingham Forest wUI try to get back on the rails in the English League's First Division tomorrow. Forest's 1-0 defeat at
      Reuter  -  325 words
    • BRIEFS
      • 482 35 PTNEHURST. North Carolina. Fri. Holders Australia shared an eight -stroke lead with the United States on 2J6 after the second round of the women's world amateur golf team championship here yesterday Australia led by one stroke after the first round, but the Americans scored
        Agencies  -  482 words
    • 219 35 CARDIFF. Fri. American Hubert Green, who says he has given up trying to play golf the way the "Big Boys" of the international game do, took the first-round lead in the Masters' tournament at Chepstow yesterday. The 33-year-old former United States Open champion fired a
      Reuter  -  219 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 328 35 GOOD NEWS ALL CAR OWNERS ■l^W^^^Hfaaa,-,-!; I Introducing the all new fully COMPUTERISED MOTOR (TsnlßL ;^^^E Me J WORKSHOP in Singapore to solve all your car problems with j ****•><♦ "3sfi|f jrQt precise accuracy. *|25 c^sjß?i ]l *N° more unnecessary change of spare-parts due to wrong fcg I Jt diagnosis
      328 words

    • 2427 36  -  EPSOM JEEP By I GRAND HARVEST is one of the brightest staying finds of the current season and a win in Race Six for Class 1 horses over 1,600 metres at Bukit Timah today can earn him a crack at the Singapore Gold
      2,427 words
    • 119 36 HEAVY ram fell la Slagaaare yeatorwsy. Tke gang at BaJdt Ttmaa today will ke yleMlag at ke*. Tkeae karaea will ga well •a a wft tnrk: Ram 1: Bnwi Keatoeklaa, WkMlug Wmi. R»ee 1: Tke liiiii Deface Mmreaga, GeagraRace 1: DkMa KM, Tut Raler, Uagk A Bit,
      119 words
    • 147 36 RACE EPSOM JEEP I FAIRWAY SCRUTINEER Whodunit B. Kantuckian Fabulous Find Fabulous Find Whodunit B. Kentuckian B. Kentuckian Fine Trim Starline Drum Major Celini Maharaj CaMni T. V. Heroes Drum Major Cormack Maharaj Gin 'N' Lime LaoghAßit Ace Of Aces Mahaash AcaOfAcaa Laird's Havan Laugh A Bit Mahaash Laird's
      147 words
    • 2519 36 LEGEND: Klgum ttmuttm kme tn*che4 wlUj<nn tram rmrc) after mmMlt rtolh umberi Anwtr Uw f«rm bane la Uurt tU rmera; t a/ter tone*! uudc imlri aMßty W kme Uru well mv» g«i> x |Hd «r nfl; Df hM m the dlsUace m (M d g^c; C« bmm mum
      2,519 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 477 36 THE FURNITURE CENTRE SALE! The Latest Furniture Range UPTOSO%DIj >COUNT! V/Iliy 9/TU Imports from WwlGemianvWbO onwards Local made $460 onwards ■d^fc*— -»-#n]7SS5O Only $590 "DOUBLE FREI= GIFTS!" ssW: fr«*^ Hurry! While Stocks Last! MOv-AOOrd) I j L ai_ w WBM ■P^4 > m i J^^j^^ T sssißHr™" «masm>LmmamiSim«J $90 $480
      477 words

    • 219 37 TVBBMT <!••*■> 1 daa 1: leakas* fIJ vMft. I L« rntfrtt sad toy 1 Wmrsaaay. Oiairal Ally aaa OraaJ Sanaa* US aaa«y, < "I'linn. Tv i T1.4. I a Th— r IV «.4 1m ML Eats Caaty D aarf Ma)ar KaajaWnJ, Ra>a-» |mw« aarf AB
      219 words
    • 2251 37 DAfF 1 1.30 CLASS 3 DIV 1 1.200 M IW\V,r, 1 tsl7oo0 11f9O o to winiMW) 1 I*!*M VMafaaa)!* Djm (Watergate) Let 57 <avar) IHIMiV aaa U I «}*«U rM**M| DfCfjFteM) Allaa Ssi( +l3 bf) iaxflaVoF Pi*n 10 I ««1«4B Winiii WT Dt (CSM) Nooroa 56 i lii
      2,251 words
    • 389 37  -  SCRUTINEER II SINGAPORE lawyer Lee Ah Seong, whose Jumbo Jet shot to fame in 1972, with some great feats on the local turf, has another potential champion in Grand Harvest. It Is no secret that Grand Harvest has been groomed to contest the season's most
      389 words
    • 402 37 VASTLY-IMPROVED Olympic Game should chalk up another success in Race Five at Bukit Timah tomorrow. The Forli tour-year-old first scored over 1,800 metres in Kuala Lumpur in June, and has since been consistent with a win a five placings in seven other outings. The Irish
      402 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 251 37 Hlllh The Chairman, Board of Directors Management of KWONC LEE BANK BERHAD Wish to express their deepest appreciation to friends, business associates, customers and well-wishers for their attendances, congratulatory messages and bouquets on the occasion of the removal of their Singapore branch to the new building at: 39-41 South Bridge
      251 words

    • 336 38  -  JOE DORAI Hi lACOB CHELLIAH. a Singapore Airines Catering Department striker, ••sterday suspended for five (vats for assaulting a referee in a iPague match CneUiah was found guilty of assaultng referee Mohammed Noor Yay aha in nter -department Division Three between his team and Engineerni; Administration
      336 words
    • 142 38 Apartment and car for the champions IZMIR, Fri. The Kuwait national soccer team can expect an apartment and a car each as a reward from the Kuwait Football Association for winning the Asian Cup. Datuk Sen Hamzah Abu Samah, Asian Football Confederation president, disclosed this on his arrival from Kuwait
      NST  -  142 words
    • 318 38 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. THE Football Association of Malaysia are keeping their fingers crossed that Qatar will accept their in vitation to take part in the Merdeka tournament. starting here on Wednesday week If Qatar accept, this year's tournament will be the most glamorous, with
      318 words
    • 136 38 GOLF Keppel C medal (Keppel, 7.30); A. B, C, D medals stabieford (Bukit, New Sime. Island. 7 30): Monthly medal (Sembawang). HOCKEY SWHA League. Div Two. Berseri Youths v NZ Ladies (3.30, SRC): Police v SRC (5. SRC); Girls Sports Club v Theresians (3.30, St Theresa's Convent); Dlv
      136 words
    • 230 38 Top Soviet club to play in Republic PAKHTAKOR. a top Soviet soccer team, will play two matches against Singapore in December at the National Stadium. The visit of Pakhtakor, i the League champions of Tashkent, is being orga- j nlsed by the Sftgapore National Olympic Council. The Russian club made
      230 words
    • 243 38  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By DECEMBER will usher in a hectic overseas programme for Singapore's national badminton trainees. They have been earmarked already for the Asian Badminton Confederation championships in Bangkok, from Dec. 10-13, followed by a friendly match against Burma. And, now, the Singapore Badminton Association have
      243 words
    • 329 38 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Nazamuddin Yusof experienced "double happiness" here today when he captured the Federal Flour Open golf tide at the Royal Selangor Golf Club 1 course. Besides pocketing the $3,500 first prize-money, the win was also his first at the RSGC course
      AFP  -  329 words
    • 218 38 Malaysia's Yit Sin finishes third IZMIR, Fri. Malaysia's j Urn Yit Sin finished third i in the women's 100 m backstroke of the Islamic 1 Games here yesterday. Sebla Tanik, of Turkey, won the event, with her j compatriot, Sehnaz Uslu, second. Other results: SwtnwdaUC Mri'i IMb haefcftrakc: 1. Zafer
      Reuter  -  218 words
    • 77 38 Junior W.Cup to US ST ANDREWS, FTi. The United States beat England 3-0 here today to win the junior World Cup golf tournament. In the foursomes, the US triumphed four and three, and, in the singles. Tommy Moore beat Paul way three and four, and Tracy Phillips defeated Michael McLean
      77 words
    • 135 38 ECSTASY to written all aver the face al Singapore mldfleld sooc*r player lim Tang Boon as he Usaea a tt,m gold medallion and kelda a trophy at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The medallion aid trophy were part a( the prises Lim recelvedfer
      135 words
    • 267 38 ASEAN meet postponed to next year THE ASEAN cycling com- petition, scheduled to make its debut in Singapore this month, has been postponed to next year, reports BERNARD PEXEIRA. Reason: The Singapore Amateur Cycling Association are unable to host it at short notice, giving them insufficient time for preparation. Besides,
      267 words
    • 342 38  -  PETER SIOW By SINGAPORE, already weakened by the nonavailability of several of last years key players, suffered another setback when Roger Oliveiro pulled out of the team to play Malaysia in the under-23 cricket match for the Carl Schubert Trophy in Jo hore Bahru
      342 words
    • 209 38 THE Singapore Water Ski Federation are I keeping a aharp laok•at far taieat between mw aad December hefare selecting their team far the Seath-east Allan water aid-lag caampiaaahlpa la Maul la la March, reparto PETER STOW. They are aaing the Ihid aerie* twa have
      209 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 474 38 WESTERN Australia ■HlninlnVlnS^nVHniW "SHAMBA KRAAL" ML W H il L«^9Wl 1 .vK Lntvll4nan! Il ?at ir I <C%" Tt hflL I ■UP*' THE ULTIMATE LIFESTYLE ON THE BYFORD ESCARPMENT A rart opportunity «»tt lo combine a iou*>t ah«i rural way ol lit* with rtweomtorts of spacious l^mg m a home
      474 words

    • 323 39  -  KEN JALLEH Jr By "RAIN, rain go way, come again another day" may well be the tune on national rugby coach John Burgess' lisa when he sets out with his team for the Malaysian Rugby Union's Magnolia Cup match against the
      323 words
    • 16 39 NATIONAL Development whipped Home Affairs 4-1 In the Inter-ministry billiard tournament at Dempsey Road yesterday.
      16 words
    • 204 39 TRACK and field coaches from IS Asian countries will attend the International Amateur Athletics Federation's advanced coaching course in Singapore from Nov. 14-21, reports KEN JALLEH Jr. The course, originally scheduled to be held this month, was postponed so itat it will coincide
      204 words
    • 325 39 BANGKOK, Fri. Madoka Amano, of the Philippines, today punished the pins at the 40-lane Sukhimvit Bowl for a hefty 2,526 pinfalls in 12 games to consolidate his lead at the halfway mark of the first Asian bowling championships. Amano, a Japaneseborn playing coach,
      325 words
    • 211 39 ADELAIDE. Fri Australia's Geoff Hunt faces strong opposition from a trio of Pakistanis in his bid to win the World squash title for the fourth consecutive time here. World champion Hunt starts the championship tomorrow as the clear favourite and in splendid form. He
      Reuter  -  211 words
    • 113 39 CLUB Housing and Development Board and Public Utilities Board scored identical 5-0 wins over Singapore Sports Council and Jurong Town Corporauoa respectively in badminton in tite imer-stalutory board games at Toa Payoh yesterday tHher results Caw Club HDB bt PUB 5-0 JTC drew Port Authority Recreation Club 2
      113 words
    • 250 39  -  PETER SIOW By A LARGE party of local board sailing enthusiasts will head northwards for Malaysia to take part in the Port Diciuon regatta from Oct. 18-20. Among them are leading boardsurfers Paul Chan. Vernon Khoo, Yves Kerneis. Raymond Urn, Jason Lim and
      250 words
    • 185 39 A SCOTCH DOUBLES not to be confused with double scotch whiskies, as much as a few of the competitors are likely to imbibe of the spirit bowling tournament will be held at Jackie's Katong tomorrow (1 p.m.). reports WILFRED YEO. Twenty couples have signed up (or
      185 words
    • 86 39 JAKARTA, Fri Of 40 countries Invited. have so far confirmed participation in the World Bowling Cup individual championships to be held here from Oct 25-Nov 1. the organisers announced here today Indonesia have named Indra Gondokusumo and Mrs. A. M Ismail as their representatives in the
      AFP  -  86 words
    • 437 39 IF comedy had a face, it must be that of Munir Shah, a 27-year-old self confessed "Peoples' man", a bearded, moustachioed, gangling comedian, whose main purpose in life seems to be entertaining others, reports PATRICK BASTIANB. The first time I could not help but
      437 words
    • 569 39  -  PATRICK BABTIANS By NATIONAL squash champion Zainal Abidin came of age yesterday, despite losing 3-9, 8-10, 5-9 to top seed Pakistani Atlas Khan after a 48-minute battle in the men's quarter-finals of the Anchor Singapore Open squash championships at the Kallang Complex. He lost, but never
      WAN SENG YIP  -  569 words
    • 183 39  -  WILFRED YEO By THE Singapore Tenpin Bowling Congress are likely to launch a fundraising campaign to send a 14-member contingent six men, six women and two officials to the FIQ Asian Zone championships in Adelaide fro.ti Nov. 2330. They estimate that the I tour will
      183 words
    • 61 39 ALEXANDRA edged out Ang Mo Kio 2-1 in the inter-constit-uency volleyball championship at Bras Basah Community Centre last night. Other results Bukit Panjang bt Ulu Pandan 2-0; Boon feck bt Upper Serangoon 2-0; Delia bt Kuo Chuan 2-0; Bedok bt Toa Payoh 2-1; Fairer Part bt Bukit Batok
      61 words
    • 46 39 CHARLES LEE outplayed Donald Cheok 200-176 in the national four-ball junior knock-out championship at Lav's Arcadia last night In other matches. Jimmy Lee beat Eric Urn 200-166. Ang Ten Swee defeated Tiling San Leong 200-118 and Png Kirn Seng walked over Hoon Fong Joon
      46 words
    • 316 39 GHANA'S Miguel Rlbelro was again the topic of Interest In the Anchor Singapore Open squash championships. Ob Thursday mornIng, It seems, Rlbelro left with foreign players for practice at the Kallang Complex, but reaUaed with dismay, when they were halfway, that he had left his wallet under the
      316 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 150 39 hUH UNIQUE HARDWARE CORPORATION |£Jc I 326, Sims Avenue, Geylang, Singapore 1438. ■aaaJlsßsssßal Store 40, Lorong 35, Geylang Road, Singapore 1438 Stockist and Suppliers Marine Estates -Shipchandlers, Welding, Safety Equipment, Tools General Hardware HBHhSS Hacksaw |Minyrn DRILL BITS J <j7^\ [Sim Blades L Tools UUnwin™ endmill £o^^ ftfflHl SAFETY EQUIPMENT
      150 words

    • The Sunday Times
      • 140 40 PART TWO THE NURSERY PEOPLE WE WILL be bringing you colour again tomorrow... like we did last week In Part Two of The Nursery Nation. THE SUNDAY TIMES takes you behind the scenes to meet the many men and women who are responsible for the green and the colour that
        140 words
      • 86 40 SINGAPORE'S favaarite faad writer ateeaven yet aaatfcer inn a small rcatavaat where the toai hi ■tamed la aM traaJttoa awl the artoM are fair. VIOLET OON writes abaat the bum was gave sp her haapttal wars to sevate all her time to taralag hi the tyae af dishes
        86 words
    • Sunday Nation
      • 124 40 Sunday Nation MORE THAN A TOURIST DRAW UP to about a year or so ago, it would probably have been true to say that the Instant Asia Cultural Show had little to offer the discriminating tourist and nothing to the discerning Singaporean. The open-air stage (at Pasir Panjang) on which
        124 words
      • 79 40 SUNDAY NATION scores a first with colour pictures of a Khmer Rouge camp, taken when a Straits Times team visited it recently at the invitation of the Khmer Rouge leaders. PLUS a special report by H L. LIM and LEE KIM CHEW OTHER HIGHLIGHTS PAIK
        79 words
  • 165 40 THE Maaammad All era eadod at Caesar* Palace la Las Vegas »n Thursday might, when he was battered Into sahmlssUa by WB( heavyweight champion Larry Holmes. Holmes waa oa the verge of tears after the eighth successful defence of Us title. "I dldnt
    165 words
  • 67 40 LONDON. Fri. Australia Fair, the race horse given to Britain's Queen Elizabeth earlier this year by the Australian nation, had her first and Last outing at lingfield racecourse today. The filly, presented to the Queen as a Jubilee gift, finished 16th out of 17 In
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 234 40  -  GERALD PEREIRA By CUSTOMS officers, with the help of two narco dogs, last night seized more than a tonne of ganja with a Singapore street value of about |16 million from a containership in the Port of Singapore Authority. It was the biggest drug seizure
    234 words
  • 123 40 'Stars and Stripes' over Radio Teheran BKIBIT, Frl. Half aa hoar after ptaylag aa Iranian rrviatissary •sag c*Ue4 "Deata to America," Teaeraa Baal* today aristrast "Stars aaa Stripes Forever," oae of America's most moat patriotic military aiarea las**. lraaiaa aroa* Jesters, »k« have repeatedly deasaaces" the IS "the great sataa"
    AP  -  123 words
  • 78 40 BELGRADE. Fri The Israeli delegation to the general conference here of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) was yesterday barred from a reception given for all participating delegations by Yugoslav Head of State Cvi)eun Mijatovk, an informed source reported The decision, the source
    AFP  -  78 words
  • 59 40 TOKYO, Fri Moscow claimed ownership today over all the treasure stored in a Czarist warship that sunk off a Japanese island 75 years ago. Acting Soviet Ambassador to Tokyo, Mr Boris Zinovjev. iodged the claim over the ship and its more than US$l billion (Ss2 billion)
    UPI  -  59 words
  • 36 40 BUENOS AIRES. Frl Argentina's former army commander. General Roberto Viola, will succeed President Jorge Rafael Videla in March 1981 as the country's next President, sources close to the ruling military junta said today. AFP.
    AFP  -  36 words
  • 160 40 Our correspondent EDGAR KOH reports from the UNITED NATIONS: During his press conference yesterday, Mr Thach ridiculed what he said was Thailand's choice of negotiating with him as part of Asean. "It is all very complicated, but still we can work," he said,
    160 words
  • 277 40 BANGKOK, Friday RADIO Hanoi revealed today that Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Co Thach, in his meeting with Thai Foreign Minister Siddhi Savetsila at the United Nations on Wednesday, proposed the withdrawal of "a number" of Vietnamese army units from Kampuchea in exchange for
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 158 40 Banquet minus the host and guest of honour I MOSCOW, Fri. It was a banquet with a difference last night in Mos- cow. Both the host and the guest were ABSENT. Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev failed to attend the dinner, given in his honour by visiting Indian President SanjiI va
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 33 40 NEW YORK. Fri The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials rose 2.30 to 944.54 in the first half hour ot trading on the New York Stock Exchange today. AP. k k
    AP  -  33 words
  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 171 40 The Laser unveiled in Macau RODERICK PESTANA was one of the privileged few to be in Macau for the unveiling of Ford's latest, the Laser. He test-drove the car over a special course. His report is in today's motoring page. Meng Seng, child prodigy TAN BAH BAH, who read a
      171 words
    • 237 40 Rent your Colour TV from YISIONHIRE $450 foryouroWß/Wset The Vislonhire Promise: Ist month Free rental Rentals start from $1 a day No down payment. No deposit Free maintenance. Service within 24 hours Open 7 days a week PHIIIPS true-to-life Kr^U K^al Philips 36cm CALL3376Q3B 3rd Floor Supreme wots* Penanq Roat
      237 words
  • Page 40 Miscellaneous
    • 209 40 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Thundery showers In several places from the late mornlng.TEMP. (C) up to a.m. tomorrow M max., 24 mln. SUNSET today: 1.2S p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: (.21 a.m. GLOBAL weather Amsterdam 5-17 C Oar ,Lh Aagelea 19-30 C Hue Ataeaa 13-23 C Clear Madrid 12-30 C Clear
      209 words

  • SECTION TWO The Starits Times
    • 5 1 SECTION TWO The Straits Times
      5 words
    • 1866 1 In the Garden of West End It was felt that as far as attracting visitors from abroad was concerned, the aspect of the market that would prove to be most successful was the retention of an essential London ambience, rather than impersonal international at mo?- phere. 7 THE town planner's
      1,866 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 123 1 l"X'**!*X***X*! !vX"" Delicious mixes T*« maa> ml as UUak ef aiaialihin aa a pier* mtmX lappra h—tMj heiWffV iwf ■OH hrarf. M I jm aae taair Im»(rlaatlea hi raahtatag daiteraat fUvaan, H raa he qaJtr a camplftf aaa atterty ■atlifylax aeal. TvbU Cantraapraad, P*oMl*nd9 The Nanyang story if yaa have
        123 words
      • 235 1 Advertrsement Who shot JR? V our guess ma\ be right! Record \our guess on the order form when you purchase furniture from Luxury. A mystery gift will he given to the first fi\e buyers from the Luxury range shown below if your order is above $1000. and your guess proves
        235 words
    • PICK of the DAY
      • Article, Illustration
        372 2 SATURDAY Mattaee (Ch 5. 220 p.m.). The Kid From Left Field, is the story of a young "bat" boy (it really means a boy who carries the baseball bate) for a San Diego baseball team His father, formerly a third baseman of the team, is now selling refreshments
        372 words
      • 404 2 THE Wheeler family has a row in today's episode of The Texaa Wheelers (Ch 8. 4.45 p.m.). The Accident. Truckie is furious when he discovers one morning that his pick-up van is badly damaged. He knows that his father. Zack, had borrowed the van the previous night and
        404 words
      • Article, Illustration
        104 2 7.33 p.m.) The Grebes overcome a storm and drought but are challenged again when another storm sets in, this time bringing tragedy. In Swanl Of Jastk-e, (Ch 3, 10.35 p.m.). Jack Cole and Hector move to the island nosing as surfers so that they can protect Julie Lang
        104 words
      • Article, Illustration
        170 2 SSO CONCERT (AM 4 p.m.) features The Singapore Symphony Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Choo Hoey in Part 1 of Haydn's oratorio. The Creation. Soloists are Nada Sormova, soprano, William McKinney, tenor, and Pompei Haras teaunu. bass. Yeath Beat (AM 7.15 p.m.) brings you the fascinating facts about
        170 words
      • 61 2 ONLY once every nine years do Britain's general Knowledge quiz champions have a chance to compete for the BBC's ultimate accolade. Top Brain Contestants are the select of the select, people who have won not only the Brain Of Britain title but have also gone on to beat other
        61 words
      • 30 2 FOR music, music and more music, tune In to Satarday Satm (8 p.m.) with Roger Kool churning out "live" hits together with information, news and lots of telephone talk.
        30 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 391 2 i DISNEYLAND Wk (L XP CtnViFLTiiiON JhrW? M& V Ist I'rirc h..-i.. «-««r )Q>^( I J\ Simple. Simply mall the entry cimixm with cAjL/^- i j I KEN-AIR Disneyland receipt (envy coupon* «v«iubi« fmm i y*>\ >r\^/ f I department stores and emporiums with cveoHT /Yc^^s >SsV v V. t
        391 words
      • 90 2 //One capsuleX /a day keeps your\ appetite away Is your appetite spoiling y°tir diet Then take just one MiraprontN a day to keep your appetite away. Mirapront N acts on the appetite control mechanism, suppressing desire for food. But fr. your diet to be really effective, avoid fatty, starchy and
        90 words
      • 11 2 nvtoooen I B^r— -~^B^l^ ftf video cassette recorder if^^^^^^'^^sl^i^^.jk/ i.\v,rji j
        11 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 262 2 ASEAN TRADE PAIR "8». showing the wares of some 300 manufacturers and exporters from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand at the world Trade Centre from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. On till Oct. 12. CHILDREN'S INK PAINTING AND CALLIGRAPHY at the National Museum Young People's Gallery. From 9
        262 words
      • 1255 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 12.55 PM Openini fokwed by Sesame 6.25 Cartoon Selections Street 6 35 M Creatures Great And Smal 1.55 fenana Spit, JS SKta!? 2.20 Saturday Matinee The Kid From 7 M v^ a$ The Day Gambling StopLeft Field ped 3.55 ABC Wide World Of Sports 8.50
        1,255 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 575 3 A&W puts Bukit Merah on the map Oj^or all you lovers of burgers and Root Beer, A&W\\\ Family Portraits and Lucky Dip s^has a super duper happening lined up for you. It>s /\V\\\ stick your necks out and 9 et a family portrait taken with A&Ws opening at Bukit Merah.
        575 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
        285 words
      • 472 4 mM Ag^ PUIUC imUTIES y][]Jf BORRD NOTICE TO CONSUMERS POOR WATER PRESSURE The PUB will be connecting a new 900 mm dia water main to the water supply system serving the Jurong Industrial Estate at Jurong Town Hall Road. It is necessary to isolate certain water mains and the water
        472 words
      • 449 4 at the pt*ess of a button. National juicers and blenders. In go the fruits. A mere button press. And, hey presto! A juicy cup of vitality for healthy, wholesome goodness. There's nothing like National to freshen you up. National juicers and blenders. The juicy ones. Choos* your la your ite
        449 words
      • 256 4 lid6:Vow b sVoVincT T (*****14) 1 1am. 1 45. 4.00. 6.45. 9 15 No Fr*« List Uf CONCERT: BLONWE. ALICE COOPER. HANK WILLIAMS JR and FEATURMG THE MUSIC OF: EDDIE RABBITT. YVONNE ELLIMAN. EMMYLOU HARRIS PAT I I BENATAR. SUE SAAD THE NEXT z a a Bands make _Mr^K\_^_, make
        256 words
      • 483 4 oirai\_7 OWCANISATIOW W^K.'t'-H-l.f-fM' PLAVGIRLS to. SCHOOL O«! Circk $2 50 Stalh »1 SO -OWtOTIXPtCTATIOWr- »i:mn»«[iii.mi > ORIENTAL PLAY GIRL Tomotro. ant) "SHAOCIN AVENGERS I»I--MiR«_ Wit> „,do<«i I PRfS 11. I 4S 4 00 h 4S 9 l'> "Tha Mangotdi v icf.KioKttrtml OPtNS TODAY' I lorn I 4b 400 r.
        483 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 736 5 m^J^l nBBBVB.aB^B^Br^^9H 1 ißfflPii^^^i^^ 32 BblbH *v lH ij 1 1 A[ M /TAiiiCUT aaliniiidiX' B^B^^vaßn^^^HHßßnVß^^fl //^V 1 Many Kav« b««n you know why?. .He>re> (■^^'^■■^■l^l I/ 1 i 1 f your ••cond chance to n 1 n I•j^i1 •j^i f* I^l aTLLJA^aM (l CttlCfrfWl l fttinn^ THE CRIME
        736 words
      • 251 5 CIRCUIT only v Bl 15 now offers you more Jj elicit BB for your Dining Pleasure ***|*i Genuine IS SZE CHUAN 51 CUISINE jc 0] by reputable Taiwanese Chefs "^•'iJfJJJJ 1 c^ r B As usual we serve Taiwanese Cuisine IE 3 1 B j Seafood also cater for full
        251 words
    • 2 6
      2 words
    • 84 6 Traditions and modernity: The Nanyang Artists For 43 years, this spunky school has given quid- I ance, soul and spirit to Singapore artists. T. K. I SABAPATHY, who did post-graduate work in art v history in the University of California, Berkeley, and the School of Oriental and African Studies, London
      84 words
    • 1645 6 Throughout the Sixties, the academy served as a vital centre for the art activities of Singapore and Malaysia. To the Chinese artist, style and innovation were both an eminently personal matter, although clearly based on tradition. Such attitudes ensured the continuing vitality of the tradition. But the
      1,645 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 196 6 3, Paya Lebar Rd., SPore 1440. V 1 Te1:*****79 *H(ft Business hours 10am-Bpm (Sunday) 11am-6pm FOR AN I UNBEARABLY GOOD TIME I DROP IN AT BUKIT MERAH TOWN CENTRE FUN FOR THE FAMILY ALL WEEKEND I ffl^^i $JM& CONG/ MTUC4TfONS (P^o^\ Data lerminal Systems) W' i^^C^-^ZVf DTS SINGAPORE PTE. LTD.
        196 words
      • 241 6 Congratulations to Bata Peninsula, a new Scholl dealer, on their official grand opening. 1 M **&rW W ■111 i A I |M WM M M tfr JsA^^Hk I w v iH Hill 9JL i^jß Bk Hi V Vj/m m I I Step out in Scholls and you'll look good and
        241 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 346 7 I Precious, beautiful Teak by Diethelm Teak is beautiful. Nature has given it its very own t^JSF*^ finding it more and more difficult mark of authenticity in the many different grain to find it in sufficient quantity patterns and the subtle shades of colour which range from a warm dark
        346 words
      • 2645 8 Sumptious sand sandwiches How nutritious is a pizza Pizzas started on a modest scale in Singapore, but has now reached the multitudes with the establishment of a fast-food pizza parlour. This is by no means a local phenomenon. PATRICIA WELLS discusses pizza popularity in the American context. After taking his
        NYT  -  2,645 words
      • 533 8 THERE'S no truth whatsoever in the rumour that my old leather Mum wraps her steak and kidney puds in my Dad's old vests and steams them for hours on end in an unused chamber pot. But the fact remains that, however she prepares them,
        533 words
      • 1085 8 Cosy ambience of good food bience of good food Pancake* 1.39, 15t Floor, Lucky Plaza Monday to Saturday (10 a.m. to 8 p.m.) Sunday (noon to 6 p.m.) By JOHN DE SOUZA HAM Slam, :ean Extravaganza, Hungry Hungarian, Fruity Freak-Out, Banana Bust they all sound like unsavoury types, weirdos you
        1,085 words
      • BUZZ
        • 288 9 IF YOU are a homesick Englishman, or if you are one of the throng who believe that the English have no cuisine of their own, pay a little visit to the Century Park Sheraton's Hubertus Grill and give British food a try. This event started
          288 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 214 8 n Soft and rich^ S^ like an ever sooming niSm^fc^— m Sk Renait Is range of skin care h^tfJ preparations that wrap you In a caressing film of moisture to keep your fcHLj skinsoft, freah and young. With a J t fragrance of subtle floral bouquet and |K^/ woody scents.
        214 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 150 9 K^ m*^* I ilml L^^m* Calorie-free iweetoeM. Sweet sugar-withoutcatoriev Sweet alternative. Hermesetas. More than just sweet. It helps you to enjoy a fcZ^« healthy and calorie-free #"^^Miß^M balanced diet without giving up sweetness. ■te^^'' 7 4—W Hermesetas in your coffee and fl rV^^Hfr^^Lf tea reduces your calorie intake by *W
        150 words
      • 111 9 Do you take a balanced dief 1^ Nyal Pluravit Multivitamins MM provide your daily requirement of SI essential vitamins and minerals One capsule, helps you see to it Taking Nyal Pluravit Multivitamins H^^ _^H is one way to help your body regain good health I Bounce Back with the help
        111 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 438 10 IL————B-— Ist Fir Merlin Plaza (Ptease enter by Merlm Plaza car park) B- I Jlf Jt*+J f l^TtfllW Z^Hi Be^^A *Qk 1 -v^B^l B^B^^^r l^. I llSa^MV 131 3 mJf «^HH*^ft I BB^~~ if BB>_ -AJP(f^. BY ft H IbV^ J B>BTin Jhb\jml HJ lU BL *C" w »ipg tmm\%23t
        438 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 590 11 BUGSHAN PRINTING PRESS, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia invites applicants for the following postsSALES DEPARTMENT SALES TRAINEE Must have a dynamic pefsonahty and rje able to deal with people at alt levels Have basic printing sales knowledge FYxteig a valid driving licence ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTS CLERK LCC Higher Accounting Preference will be
        590 words
      • 935 11 TOP MANAGEMENT POSITION J -FINANCE (Total remuneration 5570.000 to SSI OO,OOO p.a.) Our client, a large and well-established industrial group of companies, requires a dynamic person as Group Secretary- Financial Controller. Reporting to the Chief Executive, the successful candidate will be responsible for the efficient financial management of the group.
        935 words
      • 755 11 nw^ MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Malaysia Do "you want to pack 10 years of experience into 5, work in a stimulating environment or have a stepping stone for a rewarding career in commerce or industry? If so, have you considered management consultancy? Our local firm, which form part of one of the
        755 words
      • 208 11 PRODUCTS EXECUTIVE MANAGER The position is responsible to the Board of Directors. Responsibility includes the marketing, promotion and sales of a range of building products. The person chosen will be expected to be highly dynamic and result orientated. The position offers challenge ami candidates with resourcefulness and entreprenurial attitude will
        208 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 587 12 Faseal SINGAPORE We are a subsidiary of ASEA AB, Sweden, one of the largest Electrical Engineering Companies in the world, with employees in 90 countries. SALES ENGINEER Wt are looking for a hardworking and rttourotful parson to fill the above position in our Industrial Products Division. DUTIES RESPONSIBILITIES To assist
        587 words
      • 648 12 |}j» RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT COtPOtATION (PTE I LTD To cope with our expansion programmes, we hove created odditiona 1 iob opportunities tor the following personnel PRODUCTION ENGINEER a BE (Production or Industrial Engineering) a Experience is not essential Class M driving licence required SENIOR TECHNICAL OFFICER/ SENIOR PAVING SUPERVISOR 10 yeors
        648 words
      • 762 12 The SGV Group Management Consulting Services Our client, one of the leading companies in the plastic injection moulding business in Singapore, is seeking a selfstarter marketing -oriented person to join their organisation I MARKETING MANAGER I Around 5550.000 p. a. The selected candidate will be responsible for the overall administration
        762 words
      • 639 12 INTERNATIONAI^^^ MARKETING PROGRAM TRAINEES General Electric, the world's largest and most diversified electrical manufacturing company is recruiting talented and technically competent young graduates into its highly recognised INTERNATIONAL MARKETING M PROGRAM (IMP). the PROGRAM Geared to develop well-trained engineers to work in a marketing capacity for GE's Export Sales and
        639 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 529 13 Hywy Private limited I RICOH I ARGEST COPIER MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD SALES MANAGER Office Offset Systems This position cans for a self starter a well educated and mature person with a perceptive mind He must have had several years of experience m dealing with a wide variety ot sales
        529 words
        617 words
      • 1129 13 QATAR PETROLEUM PRODUCING AUTHORITY Our Client is the National Oil Authority of the State of Qatar on the Arabian Gult with its headquarters located in the capital city, Doha. The Authority has vacancies for the following category of staff. I RADIO MECHANICS I Ref. No. 638 Salary QR 3,!195 per
        1,129 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 513 14 Watt Akkermans Pte Ltd WSSZ A toml t»»lu>« comgar ol Qmm» feme Simn Stmmwm Co in f"^ pjajßßßßjaJ| Watt Akkermans is a leading regional workshop for engineering repair and servicing. Our expertise of over 40 years covers Marine, Electrical and General Industrial Engineering We are also the pioneer in gas
        513 words
      • 744 14 KUWAIT NATIONAL PETROLEUM COMPANY (KSC) 1. AREA CO-ORDINATOR REF. (K/IM/2SS/9/M) Requires A Bachelor's degree m Business Administration or Economics or equivalent qualification B 10 years experience in selling oil and petroleum products with thorough knowledge of a particular Geographical region of which at least 1-2 years in a responsible position
        744 words
      • 500 14 A wen" established international organization^B invite suitably qualified persons for the follow I mg posts PERSONNEL OFFICER (SALARY: UP TO $30,000 P.A.) Successful candidate will be responsible for recruitment, salary administration, employee welfore services, industrial relations and counselling REQUIREMENTS Tertiary education preferred plus two years experience in personnel work or
        500 words
      • 587 14 COSMETIC CHEMIST (MALE/FEMALE) Singapore based Regional Office South East Km ol multi national company, manufacturing and marketing ingredients to the cosmetic, totlerteries. and household products indus try. invites applications from Singapore citizen for the above position JOB DESCRIPTION The Cosmetic Chemist will be responsible tor the Technical Service Centre with
        587 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 491 15 FIRE OFFICER SHELL invites suitably qualified Singapore citizens to apply for the above position based at Pulau Bukom Refinery Complex. THE JOB involves shift work and duties include attending to fires and related emergencies maintenance of fire equipment conducting regular fire service drills and breathing apparatus training, taking part in
        491 words
      • 1110 15 FAR EAST REGIONAL SALES MANAGER FOR WORD PROCESSING INFORMATION SYSTEMS TRIUMPH ADLER Germany has established a FAR EAST SALES MARKETING SUPPORT CENTER in Singapore for their agents in the area. We are looking for a top-calibre man with sales and marketing experience in W/P who will be sent to Germany
        1,110 words
      • 594 15 fASEAI SINGAPORE We are a subsidiary of ASEA AB. SWEDEN, one of the largest Electrical Engineering Companies in the world, with operations in 90 countries. Invitations are invited for the position of: SALES CONTRACTS ENGINEERSAUDI ARABIA (Salary package up to :S$ 60,000 TAX FREE to promote low-voltage switch control boards
        594 words
    • BOOKS 1
      • 550 16  -  THE RIVERS OF BABYLON Nelson de Mille BY By I London, 460 pages. $8.75 Reviewed by LEE GEOK 801 •'OUR struggle has barely begun. The worst is yet to come. And it is right for Europe and America to be warned now that there will
        550 words
      • 926 16 AWAY AND BEYOND By A.E. Van Vogt Panther, $5.50 THE BEAST THAT SHOUTED LOVE AT THE HEART OF THE WORLD By Harlan Ellison Pan $6.60 THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE By Larry Niven A Jerry Pournelle Futura $8.75 Reviewed by ANDREW LESLIE EVERY
        926 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 617 16 &J ORIENTAL CARPET PALACE PTE LTD W GRAND INTERNATIONAL W PUBLIC AUCTION OF CARPETS RUGS FROM IRAN AND X THE SOVIET UNION 1 i tm An exceptional collection of superfine carpets and rugs from Iran and the iksQ, Soviet Union. Full range assembled for the city of Singapore >> <.
        617 words
    • BOOKS 2
      • 615 17  -  Dick Wilton ROBERT CHEW MAO: THE PEOPLE'S EMPEROR By London Hutchinson Co. 1979. 480 pages. £9.95 Reviewed by THIS is one of the best biographies of Mao Zedong to appear since the death of the great helmsman in September 1976. The
        615 words
      • 592 17  -  Vladimir Voinovich I DELISLE SCHWARTZ THE IVANKIAD By Penguin, 95 p Reviewed b) VLADIMIR Voinvich is a little man in the Soviet Union a novelist who for five years has been huddling with his wife and typewriter in a cramped one-room
        592 words
      • 704 17  -  Walter Wangerin Jnr J.P. MANLEY THE BOOK OF THE DUN COW By Penguin Books 241 pages. $6.65 Reviewed by THE New York Times called it, "the most literate and intelligent story of the year"; the Los Angeles Times compared it to Animal Farm,
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    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 300 17 When it comes to buying an airline, you may not need as much cash as you might think! ij^Hi^lH J **tiruuio7i _^__|__^__d|__^__| WgZ Selecting the right airline is a very exacting task. The kind of food you will be served on board is speak English perfectly, English language movies, For
        300 words
    • 1626 18 Jerry Lewis: Is he a clown or a schmuck? Jerry Lewis walked away from US films 10 years ago and worked on his annual telethon, nightclub acts and a failed Broadway show. Here he tells MERRILL SHINDLER why he left big-studio movie making and comments on his seemingly split personality:
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    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 311 18 Slip into something comfortable Interwoven is the oldest leading brand of Hosiery in the United States with more than 15,000 outlets. Its Research and Development facilities for the Hosiery is the largest in the States to ensure the highest standard of product quality. Interwoven Dress and Sport Socks made in
        311 words
        38 words