The Straits Times, 3 October 1980

Total Pages: 66
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1981 35 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 111/1/80
    14 words
  • 325 1 "700,000 barrels more a day" TOKYO, Thursday SAUDI ARABIA has decided to increase its present 9.5 million barrel per day oil output by 700,000 barrels, news reports here said today. The state-run Japan Broadcasting Corp (NHK) said in its evening TV news show that
    Agencies  -  325 words
  • 69 1 Girls who have only two choices STAND np or lie down are the only choices these two schoolgirls have. Par six months they caat even sit down or bead. They are victims of a disease some afh— lrhlldrea In Singapore suffer. Some thought this condition was caused by carrying heavy
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  • 702 1 UNITED NATIONS, Thursday AN ELABORATE week-long diplomatic effort to stop the Persian Gulf war collapsed yesterday when Iran rejected a UN Security Council call for a ceasefire and peace negotiations, i There was also deadlock on the war front as Iraqi troops were reported
    Agencies  -  702 words
  • 59 1 COLOMBO. Thurs Sri lank* 4 former Prime Minis ter Sir John Kotelawala died today in hospital after ailing for some time He was 83 The Sn Lankan Government derided today to accord him a state funeral wiln full mihur> hoaours Sir John was the country
    AFP  -  59 words
  • 86 1 It's 202 now THK death toll an the roads roar to UK when two people died from Injuries at Tan Tock Seng Hospital early yesterPeoVstrUa Lee Boon Ma, was admitted to the hospital with bead and hotly Injaries on Sept 8 after he was knocked sown by a taxi la
    86 words
  • 23 1 BEIJING. Thurs A case of twin ape-children has been discovered in southern China, the Guangdong newspaper Yangeheng Wanbao reported today AFP
    AFP  -  23 words
  • 455 1  - SIA fastest across the Pacific from Dec 1 J ANIE KHOO SINGAPORE AIRLINES will operate the fastest trans-Pacific service from Tokyo to Los Angeles from Dec 1, following the US Government's recent approval of its plans. The airline's Boeing 747 r Super Bs will fly the lucrative Singapore-Tokyo-Los Angeles route
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  • 42 1 JAKARTA, Thurs The In- I donesian Government may send transmigrants to the industrial island of Batam. some 20 kms south of Singapore as part of the policy of uopulating frontier areas, Junior Minister for Transmigration Affairs Martono said today. AFP.
    AFP  -  42 words
  • 204 1 MOSCOW, Thurs. SoviI et President Leonid Brezhnev failed to attend a dinner arranged in his honour by visiting Indian President Sanjiva Reddy last night, diplomatic sources said today. Sources said Indian diplomats were told that the 73-year-old Kremlin chief had other "impor- tant business". Soviet
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 28 1 MANILA. Thurs Author ities arrested 294 suspected members of 59 organised crime syndicates in the Philippines from January to August, a government report said today UPI
    UPI  -  28 words
  • 106 1 Price of sugar up 15 cts today SUGAR will be Mid at II.SS a Ulagramme from today. This rise «f IS cents Is doe to tat rising cast at raw sugar. A year age, the laterasttsasl price of raw sagar wa. SMI a tonne. Taday, It Is at abrat *1,7
    106 words
  • 645 1 SMA editorial board quits in policy row THE three-man editorial board of the Singapore Medical Association's Newsletter has quit en bloc after a major row over policy. The resignations follow a forthright front-page leader article in the May/ June issue attacking suggestions that private i surgical fees should be charged
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  • 718 1 By our correspondent EDGAR KOH, UNITED NATIONS, Thursday VIETNAM yesterday rejected Aseans proposal for an international conference to resolve the Kampuchean problem. The rebuff came at a private meeting lasting nearly two hoars at the United Nations Headquarters between Thai Foreign Minister Siddhi Savetsila
    718 words
  • 62 1 M- CYCLIST KILLED AN I MDKNTIFIKI) malar cycihrt died Instaatly whea ke waa Involved \m a c*Ulai*a with pedeatrlaa aad tkr*wn lnU tke path «f u •■cMnlag l»rrv la Vl« Ckm KaaR iUad l*te (Mt night, p*Uee Mid. Tk« pedestrian has brro warded la haopital. This hrtan the death UU
    62 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 kßpfVaMWa^^Haw C.M.DfSirvaPte.Ltd. GX Spacalwts Centra. Ground Fir OrctWß) Road SmojpOr* 0923 T«t *****37 *****07 06 DBS BuMng Ground Fir Shsnton tr¥»y Singapore 01& Td *****04 53y. CHESDALE' fora healthier smile! Natural creamery Chesdale sliced cheese from New Zealand Separately wrapped to keep its goodness For a slice of H^P"VH natural
      55 words
    • 159 1 SHARP COLOUR TV Maintenance at your beck and call. For only $70 per year I H ROXY (STORE) PTE LTD 4t3 J ">9''" H "o*" Smgaoor* 3 T" «31»1l *****0 W«2 CAIHAYMOFK TWO FLIGHTS AWEEK SINGAPORE TO KOTA KJNADALU. At 3. 10 pm every Thursday and 2.30 pm every Sunday,
      159 words
    • 140 1 66 pages today STRONGEST HINT YET ON POLLS DATE Pag* 12 IRAQ faces two major options, say Western officials t FLAT 'no' to foreign election watchdogs S MUGABE to army Rope in dissidents 4 BIG Two reject demands to ease credit TEACHER on theft charge not victimised, says principal II
      140 words

    • 51 2 IRAQ's invasion of Iran appears to have come to a stop along most sectors of the front. What next? The following two analyses examine the military options now opened to Iraq and the surprising effectiveness of Iran's armed forces, written off as a fighting force after the February 1979
      51 words
    • 551 2 NOW THAT INSTANT VICTORY HOPES HAVE CRUMBLED SAY WESTERN OFFICIALS LONDON. Thurs. Western officials said yesterday two major options seem to face an Iran awine its nor**, of "J 8 IKS nopes instant victory crumbling on the rocks of Iranian defiance. The first foresees President
      AP  -  551 words
    • 113 2 Envoy to Moscow ordered home LONDON, Thurs IRAN ordered tome Its ambassador U M*ae*w today far taking M ladepei^eat line on the war with Iraq. Teheran Radio, monl- tored In London by the BBC, quoted a csMe from ike Forelgn Mlalatry to Mr Mohammad Mlkrl Haying Mostly: "la view of
      UPI  -  113 words
    • 51 2 NEW DELHI. Thurs. The Soviet Union has offered to provide India with the oil which it has lost because of the Iran-Iraq war. the Press Trust of India reported today. The Soviets will get Indian wheat and rice in return, the agency said in a dispatch from Moscow.
      UPI  -  51 words
    • 299 2 Punch in army attributed to US training Analysis 2 BEIRUT, Thursday IRAN'S military might, which was said to be crippled by low morale and a lack of spare parts, has shown surprising toughness in battling the Iraqis. Western military analysts stationed in the Middle East attribute this to the billions
      AP  -  299 words
    • 206 2 TOKYO, Thursday THE Soviet Union is continuing to send small-scale arms supplies to Iraq according to information received by the Japanese Foreign Ministry, a ministry spokesman said today. He said that the information did not reach Tokyo through diplomatic channels. "We have no
      Reuter; AP  -  206 words
    • 49 2 JAKARTA, Thurs. Th< State-owned Pertamina Oi Company Is planning to doubk its tanker fleet to about 80 h; the end of neit year, i Company spokesman said hen today. At present Pertamina ha: 40 tankers of various tonnage mostly for domestic inter island use. Reuter
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 191 2 BEIRUT, Thurs. Iran's r Charge d'affaires here said the American hostages in Iran would be killed if the United States intervenes in the Gulf war. Mr Mahdi Amir Kamali told a press conference at the Iranian Embassy: "If America enters the war all
      Reuter  -  191 words
    • 134 2 ANKARA, Tsor». Turkey's new military leaders have •rdered male civil servants U trim sad r*mk their ■sastacaes, shave aff their sMehwM aad geaerally tidy themselves ap, Tarklsa aewspapers reported today. Women government employees have been tsrhtriea to wear tr—sers, the tradlttoaaJ Masllm headscarf
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 153 2 W^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^BK^^^^M The 1 larvcst of success m^ I EkS I Every man's success comes after I f Wk^". many years of toil and sweat, and j i B^^* Ils mdn^ esw^ m n s vast acquisition asss^m^ 1 I aM t££ '^Sfl I°f wealth and power. I^K^Jl^^ ii^S F'l No
      153 words

    • 237 3 KAMPUCHEA'S VICE-PRESIDENT GIVES A... BANK G OK. Thursday THE strongman of the Hanoi-prop-ped Phnom Penh regime. Pen Sovann. today ruled out any international supervision of planned general elections in Kampuchea early next year. "Our people do not need the tutelage which international reaction is
      AFP  -  237 words
    • 226 3 By our correspondent EDGAR KOH United Nations, Thursday MALAYSIA, apparently trying to keep the door open for Vietnam to negotiate on the Kampuchean issue, yesterday highlighted the Asean proposal that a sovereign and independent Kampuchea will not be a threat to
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    • 296 3 Floods ruin Viet plan to rebuild economy BANGKOK. Thurs. Storms and floods have wreaked havoc to Vietnam's economic recovery programme. The official Radio Hanoi, monitored in Bangkok today, reported that 480.000 hectares of newlyplanted rice was ruined by Typhoon Ruth, which struck Vietnam's northern provinces last month. The loss was
      AFP  -  296 words
    • 40 3 Xl-WAIT Thurs The North Yemeni Government hai uncovered and put on trial a nine-member spy network incaidlat tw> Americans, the ne^paper Al Rai Al Aam aid today it said the other members »ere Yemenis, including three Yemeni Jews
      40 words
    • 31 3 BACLIO CITY. Thurs Soldiers killed two communist New Peoples Army guerillas and captured two others in a gun battle in the northern Philippines, military authorities said today UPI
      UPI  -  31 words
    • 148 3 KWi.KOK. Tkars. Hr claim* to aa\r ralra at mtoaraate wlthsat Stytac tar thr KSSrd me, and l> »arklac hard to reaHi the IJM mark. Pho-Njrni Kratururk a fare aat »rloame la restaaraats here was arrested b> palter acala ye«terda\ after riuUklac up a Mil
      AP  -  148 words
    • 100 3 Call to SEA to fight sea pollution JAKARTA. Thurs. Indonesia has called (or greater regional cooperation to counter pollution in South-east Asian waters, an oil tanker route and area of considerable offshore exploration. At the second Asian-Ameri-can Conference on the Environment here yesterday, Mr Apnlaiu Soegano of the Indonesian National
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 214 3 'Viet-Soviet pact to explore oil in disputed isles' JAKARTA, Thursday VIETNAM has concluded an agreement with the Soviet Union for the exploration and production of oil and gas in the disputed Natuna Islands, the Indonesian daily Sinar Harapan reported today. Indonesian officials said they were checking the newspaper report. "We
      AFP  -  214 words
    • 195 3 Governor denounces firing on S'pore ship JAKARTA. Thurs. The recent firing of warning shots by an Indonesian customs patrol boat at a Singaporean ship, ms Arch, bound for Sabang free port in Aceh province has been denounced by provincial Governor, Prof A MaUd Ibrahim Prof Ibrahim described it as an
      AFP  -  195 words
    • 70 3 Smiles that didn't last too long TWO hears miter this picture was taken. the smiles turned Into grim expression*. The talks hosted by I'N Secretary -(ieneral Dr Kurt Waldhelm (centre) between Thai Foreign Minister Slddhl Savetslla (right) and his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Co Thach on Wednesday failed to make any
      AP  -  70 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 292 3 I like Cold Storage 1 »O^^ tULkwiai. v sssaV m They have a great selection of wines ifli+Mj ■HUH 1 icHW* A and their free sampling helps me make /^j^^iM^f fcLtSa* (fl sawVA^/^isalssssF^ t J V^^^ ifflE Hfe^ Bsf/ saßaßa^^sßsssa^' --L,^-— —^^„-,-sa^l!" BSsLal sfaf^ I LaT ,Vl/I; Bss^^^^^ssßl^^^^Bsl Isjsssssssssssjft If,
      292 words

    • 338 4 SALISBURY, Thursday PRIME Minister Robert Mugabe has ordered the white-led army to round up dissident guerillas, including those who had helped bring him to power, in his toughest move against sporadic factional fighting and terrorism. He said in a radio and television address
      UPI  -  338 words
    • 67 4 PRESIDENT Jimmy Carter cutting a piece of the emke to celebrate his sCth birthday la Wayne, Michigan, on Wednesday outside the Ford Wayne assembly plant, which he towed as part of his election campaign. Mr Carter urged Americans to boy locallymade cars, saying: "There Is not
      67 words
    • 187 4 Talks on flame weapons face breakdown GENEVA, Thurs. AN 80-nation conference to curb the use of weapons such as napalm and land-mines faced total breakdown today over an apparent Soviet change of mind, conference sources said. The conference, which opened a four-week session last Sept 15, was due to complete
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 30 4 NEW DELHI. Thurs. The death toll from monsoon floods in India's northern state of ritar Pradesh rose to 1,607 today, the Press Trust of India (PTI) reported Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 86 4 Bridge Olympics: Ireland in lead VALKENBURG (The Netherlands), Thurs. Ireland amassed 141 points to take the lead in the Women's World Bridge Olympics after the 10th round of matches here last night. Next came the Netherlands and Sweden, each with a total of 135. Singapore's score of 81 points put
      AFP  -  86 words
    • 51 4 MOSCOW, Thurs Two Soviet cosmonauts orbiting the earth in the three-year-old Salyut-6 space station today broke the record for endurance in space According to unofficial calculations, mission commander Leonid Popov and engineer Valery Ryumin passed the record of 175 days 36 minutes at 1414 gmt today
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 199 4 1 AMATEUR sailor Ted McNamara gave up his job and sold his house to finance a life-long ambition sail the Atlantic in a barrel. Yesterday, his barrel was finally rolled out. But SO minutes and 64 metres later, it rolled in again,
      AP  -  199 words
    • 76 4 TOP: Los Angeles seen at its worst on Wednesday when the worst smog day of the year was recorded. ABOVE: The same view, takes on May 23 this year, shows the skyline that Is missing in the blanket of smog that enveloped
      AP  -  76 words
    • 193 4 Soviet forces revamp drive against guerillas WASHINGTON, Thursday SOVIET forces have reorganised and taken over the campaign against Afghan guerillas, because the Afghan army has virtually collapsed, US officials said today. But the 85,000 Soviet troops were still unable to pacify any area outside Kabul, they said. Briefing reporters on
      193 words
    • 78 4 Originally, the Soviet military apparently planned to secure bases, lines of communication and airfields and leave the fighting against the guerillas to Afghan forces, officials said. This was no longer possible. Responding to guerilla attacks, Soviet forces had been "much more brutal" than Afghan forces, destroying villages with
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 81 4 WASHINGTON. Thurs A House of Representatives subcommittee has conditionally approved the saie of US$2O million (SJBO million i worth of arms to Somalia, according to the terms of an agreement granting the United States the right to an Indian Ocean base at Berbera The sale
      AFP  -  81 words
    • Sideliners
      • 70 4 POLLUTED water flooding the Thai capital of Bangkok is fed mainly from the bowels of two whiskey mills, a recent study said. The two whiskey distillers. manufacturers of the country's most popular alcoholic drink, account for more than half of the 96.805 kg of pollution a
        UPI  -  70 words
      • 66 4 A FILIPINO composer who was hit by polio as a baby has been offered free medical treatment by King Hassan of Morocco because of a song he composed for the king The Philippines News Agency reported on Tuesday that Probito Lasam. 23, a guitarist, is thinking
        AFP  -  66 words
      • 66 4 PETER BIRD, an English man who once rowed across the Atlantic Ocean, set out on Wednesday on a ninemonth rowing trip from San Francisco to Australia. Bird was using the Britannia, a boat in which a couple made the Australian trip previously. But Bird was
        UPI  -  66 words
      • 63 4 THE hanger of an Arizona man has led to a five-year prison sentence. Andrew Pennington, 19, was sentenced by Cochise county superior court judge Uoyd Helm to five years in prison after pleading guilty to a charge ot second -degree burglary Pennington said he had entered a house
        AP  -  63 words
      • 42 4 KOI R youths whose (aces were disguised with shaving cream robbed a downtown bar of U551,306 ■5J3.7751 in Pal ma de Mallorra. Spain, yesterday Police said the youths, believed to be in their early 20s, escaped on motorbikes -UPI.
        UPI  -  42 words
    • 58 4 TORONTO, Thurs. Terrified shoppers rushed for cover when a runaway bull weighing nearly 600 kg yesterday bulldozed its way through a shop into the streets, causing a massive traffic jam. It took a team of marksmen to fire 11 rifle shots before the bull fell to the
      UPI  -  58 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 193 4 HPh^fc^^^* Ring now fora pretty practical deal on Lu\afle\ Slimline Venetian Blinds Here s your great opportunity to mm have Luxaflex Slimline the iy I amazing, slender Venetian Wind H-I^Vd It^/V Wit* s*im slats only 25mm wide --3^ m^^MM. tor a clear uninterrupted v<ew With -m ilT\ilU a fantastic range
      193 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 348 5 i?T^ fr I »1 i"4 1 1 1 > Tf^™ PERBm U/ 4m^ M</ cr SNACK CRACKER I W *<fll P*' bl-r r /|<«^H-r(/)\^^L^^ *W W^^bt rGRAPEFRUIT ROLLS *^^rt^fT I k I Km^ k ■^'^F l V\*%a^ honey Bi^^^^^^ £^£^?<fi^^- V j^Bj^ifl tjurti*'/ a^s fei^^^_ STAINLESS RISU KNIFE HH| PORTABLE
      348 words

    • 576 6 Big Two reject demands to ease credit US and Britian insist on tight monetary policies WASHINGTON, Thursday THE United States and Britain have rejected demands by developing nations for an immediate relaxation of international credit. Both countries, which have been accused here of doing too little to help poorer countries,
      Reuter  -  576 words
    • 325 6 Russia at a loss over its child wonders THE Russians have a problem what do you do with child prodigies who recite their own poetry at four years old or discuss linguistic complexities at six. Take the case of little Sasha Selezneff of Omsk, Western Siberia, who drops pearls of
      AFP  -  325 words
    • 60 6 'RAW DEAL' YEOMAN COMPLAINS UNITED STATES Navy yeoman Darlene Aubrey, who posed In the nude for Playboy magazine recently, •bilged the press by posing for them In Washington on Wednesday In her uniform, of course. Darlene, 24, Is demanding a court-mar-tial because she has been transferred to other doty and
      60 words
    • 219 6 One-hour strike to go on despite appeal WARSAW, Thurs. Poland's new independent trade unions will go ahead with a national one-hour warning strike tomorrow despite the personal intervention of Vice-Premier Mieczyslaw Jagielski. a union statement said j today. Mr Jagielski, who signed the accords with the Gdansk workers which <
      Reuter  -  219 words
    • 99 6 22 saved from burning ship LONDON, Thurs. Two j British helicopters saved I everybody aboard a burn- ing Swedish freighter load- Ed with explosive gas near the Orkney Islands, north of Scotland, last night de I spite 120 km h winds and waves 12 metres high, it was learned here.
      AFP  -  99 words
    • 155 6 PARIS, Than. Pascal Vincent spends a lot of time In the bath hat if you cheek behind his ears, yon may see red. The young Parisian is currently trying to break a bath tab record the 37 hoars he once spent in a bath fall of ketehap.
      AFP  -  155 words
    • 216 6 Unexpected bonus for Italian taxpayers ROME, Thursday TAXPAYERS today enjoyed an unexpected bonus as economic measures taken by Italy's fallen government lapsed, returning prices of petrol, alcohol, food and services to their previous lower level. The lower prices came as President Sandro Pertini was considering who to invite to replace
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 115 6 BLACKPOOL. Thurs. The opposition Labour Party conference here has voted to change the system under which the party elects its leader. The conference yesterday approved a resolution that the leader should be elected by an enlarged electoral college instead of, as now, the party's parliamentary
      115 words
    • 100 6 Merger of papers will cost 1,750 jobs LONDON. Thurs. rwo London evening newspapers. The News and Standard, are to merge shortly with the loss of 1,750 jobs on The News, the owners announced yesterday. The new paper will be called The Evening Standard and will be owned equally by Associated
      AFP  -  100 words
    • 39 6 TOKYO. Thurs A fire raged through a large chemical storage depot in western Japan yesterday, forcing authorities to order evacuation of about 8.000 residents near by. Fire Department officials said today there were no casualties. UPI.
      UPI  -  39 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 56 6 I long 1 fSniTT "'w H ->> I fag! afl^fJEfl P9 IbJ iTw^C ran L^LB Jm Hi It n KJ V;< f f£w-«| 1 \m HP PQS Jy A /I \i jv/ j THE WTERNATONAL Ik/1 DIAMOND NvtSTMEhTT WWj GOMOWY V DAYS A WEeK 12 04 MOUNT ELIZABETH ROAD. OFF
      56 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 419 7 B^r^ afl^aV I .^aaa^ aaW a^ flj ■■■■■■■■(■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■H aaKf BBk Wlfl\ B aflß^llflflV B^ ■*taatfl .ate aaHH^. fIBHBHaIH JW !^B^aflSßßa! m Bl.^m. i! 4 bbbbbb LbsP^v BbMbk#| I^bT i^^ J p f I m O§ wM #VbU "J| k BMBbW ■bVP# bbbbbbßb W ww E^JLJSSIjBjjLm Jk JBJMM JB 9 h
      419 words

  • 1706 8 Oil firms here not too worried yet CRUDE stocks are likely to last a while, and the oil industry in Singapore will be all right if the Iraq-Iran war doesn't last too long, report* ZHOU MEI, our Economics Correspondent CONCERNED but not overly worried. This seems to be the feeling
    1,706 words
  • 730 8  -  MUNEAKI MORITA in Tokyo JAPAN has launched a full-scale attack on the world's electronic integrated circuit (IC) market less than two decades after entering the industry with American-supplied technology. The surge in the industry, now the second largest after the United States with
    Reuter  -  730 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 432 8 heshe'S 9th Anniversary Is AU For You with 2 Special Gifts Ji\ is cash cc u p° n worth $5o Use it to get a further $s.(Xffi Gift >-> whole lot of fantastic bargains I ™*»<*™ to P of a^^= T>) direct from our Young Designers V the Mle pnces
      432 words
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  • 456 9 IF SINGAPORE wants to be a centre for a petro-chemical industry, no one among other Asean members will object. The grouping will accept the industries of member-countries even if the location is seemingly not quite correct, said Dr Datuk Sen Mahathir Mohammed, Deputy
    456 words
  • 315 9 AUPE hits at Censor Board's warning to film examiner THE Amalgamated Union of Public Employees has criticised the Board of Censors (or warning a film examiner that he was not performing his duties effectively. The film examiner, a Division m officer who has been with the board for almost 10
    315 words
  • 164 9 Manager faces another cheating charge A BUSINESSMAN who was charged last week with cheating the Bank of China of a total of $48,480, faced a fresh charge on Wednesday of cheating Overseas Union Bank Ltd of US$114,500 ($239,305). No plea was taken from Lim Swee Hong, 33, who was ordered
    164 words
  • 278 9 Rescue within minutes assured with Changi airport fire station PASSENGERS caught in crashed aircraft at Changi Airport can now be assured of rescue within minutes. This service will be provided by the main fire station which was officially handed over to the Department of Civil Aviation by the Public Works
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  • 65 9 THIRTEEN men. with a total of 48 previous convictions among them, were fined a total of $3,310 after they pleaded guilty yesterday to charges of gambling in a common gaming house. Urn Cher Chye, 35, with 16 previous convictions and Tan Ah Hock. 43. with 10
    65 words
  • 76 9 TWO motorcyclists were 1 seriously Injared In srpa- I rate road accident* oa Mrdnmday. In the first mishap, Nc I Chwee Seng, 19, fractured Us right hand whea his machine was la calllsloa with with a lorry la Jalaa Lsymag Be«ay 7.11 ».m. la the aec*nd accident,
    76 words
  • 90 9 Supt Chua appointed training director SUPT Chua Cher Yak, 33, has been appointed acting Assistant Commissioner to take over the top training post in the police force. His appointment as the new Director (Training) took effect from Sept 22 when he was still in Peninsular Malaysia with a team of
    90 words
  • 67 9 THE Singapore Indian Association at its 52nd annual general meeting last Sunday elected Mr Joe Cnellam as president, Mr S. A. Nathan, vice-presi-dent; Mr Paul Thomas, finance member and Mr Sukharshan Singh as chairman of its games control board. Committee members are Messrs C. S. Balan. Eddy
    67 words
  • 565 9 AUSTRALIAN sheep shearer lan Richard Hanson, 24, was jailed 20 years by a district judge yesterday and ordered to be given 15 strokes of the cane after he was found guilty of trafficking in 18.491 kg of cannabis worth $63,000. The judge,
    565 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1045 9 "Golf orbusiness,Fmnot interested in being Noo2" American Express, in conversation with Caidmember Jack Nicklaus. £3MJfiIIHHIHHRMB(rt9tt& I en an<^ OW did you get into Q: How do you get away from the ■^m "'SKaKSr?^ :1 3 'sL^sßOt "f^^^^a^sP IHsflsHa business? pressures of lite? ■■■■^iirfflpEfc started in business even before I A:
      1,045 words

  • 539 10  -  ELENA CHONG •y A PRINCIPAL yesterday denied that he victimised a former teacher in his school who allegedly withdrew $420 from a pupil's Post Office Savings Bank account. Mr Wee Beng Tuan, 49, principal of Woodsville Primary School, was testifying at the trial
    539 words
  • 127 10 SOFT drinks in school i canteens will cost five cents more a bottle if a request by the Singapore School Canteen Vendors Association for a price hike is approved by the Education Ministry. The association's secretary, Mr Kay Woo Seng, said a case
    127 words
  • 57 10 TAN HAI HENG, 19. was charged with the murder of Neo Song Poh, 56, in Pulau Saigon Road on Sept 27 at 10 p.m. He was ordered to be remanded until his case is heard i on Oct 10. On Wednesday, a 56-year-old man. Tan Tuang Kwee.
    57 words
  • 38 10 KHOO Lye Khiang, 22. was charged yesterday with the possession of three knives on June 20 at Telok Blangah Drive Bail of 13.000 in one surety was allowed. His case will be heard on Nov 11.
    38 words
  • 198 10 A REUNION of relatives and friends at a wedding party la Malacca ended In tragedy mi Sunday when two of the gaests died In an accident on their way back to Singapore. Mr Chaa Ken* Hack, 35, a senior •Hirer of the ladastrlal design
    198 words
  • 192 10 Newsman's ban makes things difficult: Ex-envoy FORMER Australian ambassador to Indonesia. Sir Keith Shann, today questioned Indonesia's refusal to renew the working visa of Radio Australia correspondent Warwick Beutler because of the difficulties it causes between the relations of the two countries. Sir Keith is in Indonesia on a joint
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 492 10 New Nation W B^\ Moneywords now y^k offers $5,000 I M minimum guaranteed prize money I Enter the Moneywords Contest in New Nation now and win at least $5,000/- each week. vA Yes, this is the new rronmjm jackpot money to be won each week. It there is no aH
      492 words

  • 632 11  -  IRENE NGOO By AMERICAN Express has written to the Trade and Industry Minister. Mr Goh Chok Tong, pressing for action to stamp out the practice of surcharging credit card holders. It contends that if this undesirable practice is not checked, tourists exposed
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  • 443 11  -  GRETCHEN MAHBUBANI By OH! T« br a toartot •kepplag l> Slagaparr...KUmi»rrtiig ttkapfrcata drtppug with tovely r«*4h at aargalaable price* aad, weMiw, a per eeat rhrgf tkr mlmW a rr**lt card la ilMwa. Or twU >«lf b«w prawl af Jrwrilf r>
    443 words
  • 153 11 IE head expected to give up post THE director of the Institute of Education, Miss Urn Hsiu Mei. is expected to relinquish her post next year. She Is now in Britain, doing a course in social psychology at Oxford University. Reporting this yesterday, I the New Nation said Miss Lim,
    153 words
  • 31 11 A SET of three commemorative stamps will be on sale today at post offices to mark the opening of the 10-day Asean Trade Fair '80 at World ''"rade Centre.
    31 words
  • 255 11 Shop loses $150,000 in jewellery JEWELLEBY wortk about $lH,tt( was stolen from two skewcases In Moon Gate a store In Orchard Road dealing la antique*, souvenirs and Jewellery. Employees vhi reparted for wark at about »M a.m. found one of the three doors to the mala store forced opea. Police
    255 words
  • 103 11 THE Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Goh Chok Tong, wil! open the nine-day Asean Trade Fair '80 at the World Trade Centre today at 4.30 ptn A wide range of manufactured products and services will be on display at 300 stalls a
    103 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 64 11 Bsß^SmS mSffk "^a^rnl l [l 7 '^■^9)l^S)Kja^ B^B^ fy Q3 The Neptune Wedding A Uj//ll U^"^ Banquet Special *^fM l^Jl^ Celebrate in style. And it doesn't need to cost '-j-J, the earth. From 5220 nrtt per table inclusive @oT>l lllfv^ °f coveT cltar 9 e servicr charge govt tax /^fr^ll
      64 words
    • 377 11 .a^al ftsSP^^l! EUjal h»^a»aaaaaaaai X^Waiaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaa^ SsBBBBBB^kV stia^Bßßaktell B>S9VBn>BmWIBBI BSBa^^aaßmßml Mazda 323 Hatchback The all new Mazda 323 Hatchback is a QTFFRIMTi Ql IQDPMQinM DDAWCC frontrunner in every conceivable way OICCniPIO 2>U^>KtrMC3lUrM KHAf\tb T%>A\/i rr Rack Pinion steering of the highest order has The suspension is fully independent Front Attention
      377 words

  • 826 12  -  PHILIP LEE STRONGEST HINT YET ON POLLS DATE "A FEW more steps and we shall all be in the thick of battle With that, the first organising secretary of the People's Action Party, Mr Goh Chok Tong, gave the strongest hint yet on
    826 words
  • 127 12 Man held after car he stole crashed A CONTRACT labourer wm arrested after the e*r he had stolen was Involved In an accident, a court heard yesterday. Rammlah Rengasamy, n, pleaded guilty to stealing the ear, a Colt (ialant worth $H,tM. Ob Sept M at East Coast Parkway and wm
    127 words
  • 31 12 THE MP for Henderson. Mr Lai Tha Chai, will open the "Young Art in Asia Now" exhibition at the National Museum Young People's Gallery on Tuesday at 5.30 p.m.
    31 words
  • 529 12 MADAM Ng Swee Kee. a wealthy widow of 82, had every good reason to transfer her shares, totalling $440,000 in value, to two of her four sons in equal parts and not to her other sons, a lawyer
    529 words
  • 40 12 THE Senior Minister of State (Education). Mr Chai Chong Yii. will attend the 45th anniversary celebration-rum-din-ner and award presentation ceremony of the Society of Chinese Artists at the Goodwill Restaurant, at Hong Leong Building today at 7.30 p.m.
    40 words
  • 306 12 THE number of abortions dropped last year the first time since abortion was legalised in Singapore 10 years ago. In the same period, almost 50 per cent more men were sterilised when compared with 1978. The Singapore Family Planning and Population
    306 words
  • 28 12 THE Bedok community <-entr youth group will hold a hart* cue at Marine Parade on Or 11. For more details, rin *****17 between 3 p.m. and p.m.
    28 words
  • 141 12 THE Singapore Malay National Organisation (PKMS) has decided to field three candidates for the coming general election. The PKMS chairman, Haji Rahman Zin, said the party has to shortlist the three from a considerable number of supporters interested in contesting the election. He hinted that
    141 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 610 12 \^Prou could winT4 a Video Cassette Recorder pius $500 You coukJ be the proud owner of a brand new Video Cassette Recorder, the I Nu trition»l Study of Oats, Rice and Wheat tee* in hoim entertainment. And a POSB gift voucher to the value of $500. Per 100r Q»uk« All
      610 words
    • 136 12 I D Hunters Bbwl care an in-bowi deodorant and room freshener X r •n^n^n^nP X s/T— 9^^^^^ m Bc3wl Care is arervotutionaiy, 111. time saving advance in k jnUhtft*, m I vJc txailet deodorizers. rrr>J\ ic rS Kill il n W l Just clips on under the seat! l^j "^^^^^■M
      136 words

  • 297 13  - CISCO to boost use of electronic devices PAUL WEE PAUL WEE WIDER use of sophisticated electronic security devices is being promoted by the Commercial and Industrial Security Corporation. This commercial wing of the police force has art up a Technical Services Unit for this purpose The new unit will also
    297 words
  • 179 13  - Hunt for two revenge' rape suspects S. M MUTHU By POLICE wt ImUu far tw» mea wa«, laalgat*d by tw» wmmi, allegealv raped a <<• ywriU heaatwtfe la a Caatoameat Raad fUt Ut*lart nmata. TW (aw are beUeved to be kMti to the victim. It b aaderrtnd that the pallee
    179 words
  • 19 13 THE National Theatre Trust will present a musical, Liv San Jle. from Oct 22 to Nov 1.
    19 words
  • 79 13 TWO youths. Tng Chye Yong. 17. and Urn Food Sin. 16. pleaded guilty yesterday to breaking into lawyer fUsbir Singn Bajwa's house in East Cout Road on Sept 19 and ilnHi six bMtie* of liquor. tome imitation jewellery, four watches, joitif foreign coins, a lighter and a
    79 words
  • 332 13  -  PAUL JANSEN, PAUL JANSEN our Jurong reporter Govt-owned mint doing study MADE-IN-SINGAPORE dollars may become a reality soon. The governmentowned Singapore Mint, which has been producing all local coins at its plant in Jalan Boon Lay since 1968, is studying the economics of
    332 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 116 13 \W 1 \W\} sK :<^^^^H^ •II I^^^^^H* I^l^l^^Ks^^^llll^llll^lllllllllH in silk. BKh\ aGBLV '^^^■MjMr^^ V I ■L»S HhL fl^^^ JPVBP^***"''^ j m Now you havt* a hov e A At^ SSSSSSsMk^ l BSSSSSK _^dC\ WJ^ 4tP^ 4" I i s^B^^Hi* WW^^^m Jr^sav >o:k^tT^- m Orchard Plaza, Orchard Road ''ill Hsi •'■>'4*t^^
      116 words

    • 22 14 IT'S HAWKERS galore at Sabang Airport oar park at night for hungry Haj pilgrims. NST picture
      NST  -  22 words
    • 337 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. BUS and carloads of relatives and friends converge at Subang Airport here every year when it's time for Malaysian pilgrims to fl\ off to the Holy Land in Saudi Arabia. Such big send-offs usually result in overcrowding of the airport's main terminal
      NST  -  337 words
    • 143 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Wild orchid plants in Malaysia are being threatened with of extinction following rapid and extensive jungle clearing, a Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute (Mardi) research officer said here yesterday. Madam Nuraini Ibrahim of the Vegetables and Ornamentals Branch, said
      NST  -  143 words
    • 134 14 'Merchant banks make more in Malaysia' KUALA LUMPUR, Thors. Merchant banks In Malaysia are making more than thrtr counterparts la Singapore, the manaxUiK dirtier of a major merckant bank here said yesterday. Mr Ixham Mahmud of Asrambankers said thl.s was despite the fact that merchant* banks In Malaysia are not
      NST  -  134 words
    • 34 14 TAIPING. Thurs. Eight buses of the Red Omibus Company plying here were grounded yesterday because their road (ax had expired causing hundreds of schoolchildren and other commuters to be stranded NST.
      NST  -  34 words
    • 73 14 KUALA LLMPLR. Thurs Pie cause of last June s fire a he south port of F*ort Klan> las still to be dett'rmine'l transport Minister Datuk Let vtn ("noon said today "We are as anxious as any >ne else to know the cause o he fire,"
      NST  -  73 words
    • 251 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday THE police want special powers to fight the nation's Enemy Number One drugs more effectively. CID Director Datuk Abdul Rahman Ismail yesterday said hospital authorities found it difficult to cope with the large number of drug users sent for examination.
      NST  -  251 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 530 14 The key to under standing ASEAN The VSH Re|M»rt I pdale Published by The \sian Wall Street Journal MM The ASEAN Report Update tv R«»r o« oo«tnn«« analyses the political. twn*dPr,«»Bi^ni. social, economic and üBauuzATioNOFTRAce '^k investment policies of rTx^!!! n ||b^»M^^ Bß^___^B each country It also h*n»»»tvi*ini offers a
      530 words

  • 193 15 Notable slowing down in rubber output KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Malaysia's natural rubber production has slowed down significantly in the last 10 years, according to official statistics released here today. The annual average growth rate between 1970 and 1979 was 3.2 per cent wlmi 5 1 per cent between I*o and
    AFP  -  193 words
  • 153 15 Man receives sentence for 8-year-old charges PENANG, Thurs A 33-year-old ice cream seller cum construction worker who has been coming to court since 1972 to answer two charges involving corruption and gambling finally received nis sentence yesterday. The Star reported trJday that Low Teik Khoon was fined $50 or one
    153 words
  • 993 15  -  CHE ONG MEI SUI By KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Yakub's scheduled departure for medical treatment In London today has raised questions about the future of the state. With so little news about the state of his
    NST  -  993 words
  • 220 15 KUCHING, Thursday TWO state assemblymen have been appointed state ministers. Sarawak National Party (Snap) senior vice-president Daniel Tajem Anak Miri is now one of the deputy chief ministers and Minister for Communications and Works. The other, Datuk Haji Noor, the political secretary to the Chief
    AFP  -  220 words
  • 47 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Ministry of Local Government and Housing has allocated 8.2 million for a nationwide survey to find out the actual causes of the delay in construction projects, The National Echo quoted Datuk Zakaria bin Abdul Rahman, the Ministry's Deputy Minister assaying.
    47 words
  • 76 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs Malaysia has asked France to provide places for students to do medicine in French universities and institutions of higher learning as well as training facilities for medical specialists The request was made by the Health Ministry to a French medical mission here
    NST  -  76 words
  • 163 15 NEW RADIO LINK SYSTEM TO BOOST CUSTOMS PADANG BESAR. Thurs The Customs Department will from Saturday start using the high frequency radio communication system which will enable it to play a more effective anti-smuggling role. It will also enhance cooperation between the department and its counterparts in Asean countries. The
    AFP  -  163 words
  • 47 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Congress of Unions for Employees In the Public and Civil Service (Cuepacs) today reminded civil servants that they are liable to face the Medical Board if they take more than 45 day's sick leave annually tor three consecutive years. NST.
    NST  -  47 words
  • 223 15 Bookies lose millions on number PENANG, Thurs F(HTt digit beetles an said to have tart mUIhn ef dallan ea tke aamker «1 la the Big Sweep at the Ppaaag races last BatarTae awnker was draw* as tkeseeead prime. Tae Star aimspapm reparted taday tkat same ■tsfcles are ea tke ru
    223 words
  • 31 15 RAUB (Pahang). Thurs. Malaysian security forces have killed 11 armed Communist guerillas in western Pahang so far this year, Chief Minister. Haji Abdul Rahim Bakar said today. AFP.
    AFP  -  31 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 113 15 f Rediffusion has again hunted f down another of the finest Colour TVs gys*y J TC-291-MR (51cm) directly from Japan specially tuned and fully luaranteed by Rediffusion with genuine spare parts including picture tube Iff^' UiLLLlrtfh- ji« IK LULi:I/llLilkiEl* ""SS MM UMM-l. l_U4_mU-U GIFT 1 Downpayment S2lO 0C Answfim ji.iii
      113 words
    • 196 15 Create prestige and goodwill for your company. SINCE 1846 Your company emblem on a Cross on all writing instruments and emblems writing instrument a symbol of is your assurance of quality and years of prestige a messenger of goodwill prestige and goodwill. a quality gift to valued clients, a reward
      196 words

  • 401 16 The Straits Times FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 3, 1980 TAKING CHARGE IMAGINE, over half a million tourists visit Singapore every year bringing with them their rredit cards and a happy-go-spendthrift mood which holidays have a way of inducing But one out of three visitors who use their charge cards here discovers to
    401 words
  • 375 16 SINCE legislation was passed legalising abortions in Singapore in 1970, 88,499 abortions have been performed. From the start, there was a steady rise in the number of abortions. In the last four years, the annual increase has been less spectacular, and the Family Planning and Population Board,
    375 words
  • 1887 16 Fund resists poor nations' call for radical change 6 The resistance to change is very evident. As the Group of II finance ministers put it in their weekend communique: "The basic character of fond lending should be preserved," as should the respective
    1,887 words
  • 103 16 1. Reserve tranche: the basic quantity of SDRs. drawahle automatically. 2. Credit tranche: next stage in drawing, carrying mounting conditionally according to amount drawn. 3. Compensatory finance facility: additional drawing where a nation faces sharp short-term loss In export earnings: mild conditionally. 4. Buffer stock: little
    103 words
  • 657 16  -  JEREMY TOYE By in Manila THE Philippines has set out on a month-long quest to persuade the world's major tourist brokers that this Asian archipelago is the travel destination of the Eighties The Philippines is already known to an
    Reuter  -  657 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 4 16 Wf \\L if v^.
      4 words
    • 299 16 >JtO SINGAPORE SM?$ CONTACT LENS SOCIETY The following members are CONTACT LENS PRACTITIONERS OPHTHALMIC OPTICIANS OPTOMETRISTS EDWARD J. BENJAMIN edward j benjamin pte. ltd F llO F IC.Lr Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre GABY HERMAWI Unit G2. Mount Ehnoeth Road MPTMB IMBT) *****1 Tel *****55. '*****9 CHEN YIN FOOK qah sin
      299 words

    • 207 17 Where we should be laying the blame for educational failure RESEARCH has recently been published showing that children of dialect speakers fare worse in examination results than speakers of English and or Mandarin How the researchers deduced that dialect speaking itself is. therefore, the real culprit I do not know.
      207 words
    • 166 17 IN y ur recent report. "Women told to fight off attackers," a crime prevention officer advised women to "make a scene", in other words, not to give up, when confronted by an attacker such as a thief, for instance. Another report, "Woman is killed in
      166 words
    • 362 17 Many policies have not been properly explained PLEASE refer to the letters "Uncover real problems of teachers who suffer from stress," by "Ex-Neurot-ic Teacher," "High time our unions looked into the matter," by "Anxious," "Proper study is needed now to fet at
      362 words
    • 281 17 WHILE teachers are heard complaining that their heavy workload is a strain, they actually accept doing extra work as within their capacity. It is the lack of a conducive working environment and especially the lack of understanding from superiors that make their lives miserable.
      281 words
    • 274 17 FOR THE past few months, there nave been extensive discussions on issues relating to education. Generally, the issues range from streaming to comments on educational standards. However, I would like to introduce a new style of thinking on assessing examination standards. It apparently
      274 words
    • 603 17 I CANNOT help but sympathise with Mrs Lim Peck Hone ("Education policy a failure if children unhappy in what they're doing, ST, Aug 27) in her frustration over her daughter's plight and in her plea to the Education Ministry to take another serious look at our
      603 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
      164 words
    • 35 17 DON'T BE SHY IF VOl c*n speak Mandarin and are about to ue dialect again, stop yourself and start la Mandarin. The other person may lumw Mandarin bat may also be sky. Be the Initiator!
      35 words
    • 221 17 EachNyal tablet M I ir^c ~y* > vl'*"'^'" \f!C V^V aY (9ffiou?lMr^ r/mwMlllJfll 110 equhatatto 10 oranges. Each Nyal 500mg Vitamin C tablet costs about 10«. And each tablet contains the Vitamin C equivalent of 10 oranges. (1 orange has about 50mg of Vitamin C). Nyal Vitamin C tastes so
      221 words

  • 148 18 Former DPP treed on $500,000 bail POKMEB Depaty Pihllr Pt— wtor, Itaar Pul baa bewa »!>■■>< m Sftt.•M ball after a J»-4m> nmmmt tar* la Qatf iMIIMHI Pll*M. Tw» ruaiUTW each ■at a Wjm fixe* ifpiift Mtmrtty a* ball f«r ill releane m Tbli UU«w» m ••<- <«—fml ■■atteatt— to
    148 words
  • 24 18 THE second international furniture machinery and acccaortes exhibition (Furnima will be held at the World Trade Centre from Jan 12 to 16
    24 words
  • 639 18  -  BENG TAN SCOLIOSIS or curvature of the spine is a serious disease which has nothing to do with carrying heavy schoolbags, the head of the Singapore General Hospital's Department of Orthopaedic Surgery said yesterday. And a child who has srohosis will not get
    639 words
  • 260 18 CJ: Compassion has nothing to do with case A LAWYER who asked the High Court on Wednesday to be compassionate towards his client was told by Chief Justice, Mr Wee Chong Jin, that compassion had nothing to do with the case. Mr Lim Choon Mong was arguing an appeal for
    260 words
  • 315 18 THE Computer Services Department is, like all government departments, not a good paymaster. This is the reason for its problem in retaining staff, its deputy manager told about 90 participants at a two-day computer seminar at the Shangri-La Hotel yesterday. Mr
    315 words
  • 205 18 Mattar: Give priority to instructor training THE Skills Development Fund council should give priority to training programmes to upgrade the standards of staff of the university, polytechnic and vocational training institutes, said Dr Ahmad Mattar at the opening of a seminar on computer education in Shangri-La Hotel yesterday. Dr Mattar,
    205 words
  • 69 18 THE Ministry of Foreign Affairs' booklet entitled. From Phnom Penh to Kabul, is now available at the Singapore National Printers sales bureau at Fullerton Building (ground floor) at $1 a The booklet, which traces Soviet and Vietnamese interventions in Afghanistan and Kampuchea, runs into 52 pages with
    69 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 246 18 Bonne Bell Promotion i Mam l ntrance i >^^F¥ aHHH W YT^^^k^^ll A For every pure h<is<> ot SiS and Ik. I 'V_i_aß^^L^a^a^aUa^Balb»^^^^^l L^v Bl^ Shoes above you arc entitled (oONf Free gift ChiHren's Shoes Al k^, I A Saw Mter Shave lotion s* <ri C dt\ a^a^a^al (Quilted otton
      246 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 535 20 PHIUPS lt 9 s hei the Philips video that turned the world of vi The Philips VR2020 -featuring the world's first flip-over cassette __i _T^^^^^ __h___ t-'H BBH^i Wji ■■^j I ii| Zh The new Philips Video 2000 a truly significant Microprocessor control achievement in the field of video recording.
      535 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 478 21 PHILIPS c now cassette recorder deo recording upside down The only truly automatic search system. Excellent sound quality Apart from the mains power supply cable, all You can operate it with your back turned. that is required is a simple connection between the How do you find your favourite 8
      478 words

    • 327 22 RESISTANCE at the higher level, prevented the Singapore stock market from achieving aaotner sharp advaaee yesterday. Share price* roaaeqneat- I ly Oactaatod la erratic trading before drifting to a mixed rlooe. But on the whole, market i srattmeat was quite steady aad bayers. althoagh a
      327 words
    • 360 22 SENTIMENT continued to improve at the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday after being buffeted recently in five consecutive sessions of heavy selling. Prices, however, slipped from early highs to close off-best. The New Straits Times industrial ordinary share index, reflecting the recovery for the second day, rose 4.88
      360 words
    • 214 22 THE US SING dollar opened lower at *****0 40 but recovered later to close at 12 0945 55 in moderate trading in the Singapore (orex market yesterday The US dollar weakened as a result of the yen's strength in the market which was bolstered by market sentiment and buying ot
      214 words
    • 44 22 RANGE of prices offered by dis count houses on Oct 2: Overnight 7 Call deposits to 7 ClMiag Buy i.i Selliag 3-month Treasury bills 7 7 3-month Bank bills 12 1115/16 3 months CD 1113/16 1111/16 6 months CD 1113/*****1/16 Saaree: Nitliaal Dtoeaaal
      44 words
    • 31 22 Closing Interbank rates (or Singapore dollars on Oct 2 Offer Bid overnight 11 10 1 month 11 11 2 months 11 11 3 months 1111 11 (fvemigtit mode 13
      31 words
    • 345 22 CurrwidM Nomin.l nM Smiltnonian Pwcanlag* quoted yMterday (cro.«)p»ni» chang* LacaJ dollar* to nnr MBit W (orrlun rgr reacy: US dollar 2.0965 2.0965 2.819G -25.68 Sterling pound 5.0040 5.0085 7 3469 31.89 Australian dollar 2.4615 2.4640 3.4286 -28 21 NZ dollar 2 0580 2.0605 3.4286 39 98 Canadian dollar
      345 words
    • chief price change
      • 46 22 Malayan Tin 625 ♦85 I I aJBO ♦00 Brriunl.i 1280 ♦00 Sfan«or Orrd« 575 ♦45 M Hanking 1390 ♦40 P*gi Mm. 820 ♦35 M Cabl*a 328 ♦32 Orirnial Hid«« 550 ♦20 Malakoff 448 »16 Maia Ricr 306 ♦16 Sporr l.und 470 +12 OCBt M3O ♦10
        46 words
      • 21 22 oTf IS "2 MB S 304 -24 S I Hld«» 380 -22 Sri ProixTlie. 1330 -20 Magnum < oron 1240 -10
        21 words
      • 23 22 G S I 533.000 HP >■ Pegi 392.000 M Tin 373.000 Total turnover 9 41m Total value »41 78m Souro* SES
        23 words
      • 38 22 BTlndjrator 9367 83 99K0 16 Industrials 607 56 609« Finance 1123.04 1127 0! Hotels 524.84 522.51 Properties ***** 492« Minings 400 00 ***** Plantations 908 89 909 X OCBt' SHO 57 584.1C SES Ind 554 43 SSSIC
        38 words
      • 294 22 HONGKONG: Stock prices closed mixed in moderately active trading yesterday, with the Hang Seng index edging 3.27 points up to 1243 87. dealer said. Fears of a higher than anticipated prime rate rise when the Exchange Banks' Association meets on Saturday created some uncertainty and operators withdrew to the
        294 words
      • 140 22 TOKYO: Share prices closed slightly lower in active trading as increased profit-taking more than offset buying in speculative^ and some bigcapitals yesterday, dealers said. The Dow Jones average fell 3.68 to close at 7119.40 points. with a volume of 460 million shares. The New index closed at 490 51.
        140 words
      • 156 22 CHINKSK Predict Kxrhuge, Singapore, n«w (-lading prices per Id kg yesterday: Cotmwl all: Bulk lob 120 00 sell ere. old drum (in second hand drum l lob 1130 00 sellers. ne» drum fob 1136 50 sellers Capra: Mixed iloosei J72 00 buyers prayer: Muntok while pepper fob Asia
        156 words
      • 232 22 THE KILOBAR market for gold deliverable in Singapore opened at $46,110 and closed at $45,620 yesterday In the Far East, gold opened at US$6Bl .OO 683.00 and with light selling, the price d/opped to $679.00 681.00 but held steady at that level The price fell to a low of
        232 words
      • 232 24 SYDNEY. Thurs Gold and energy stocks attracted the most attention today, dealers said News of plans to build Australia's first coal -oil liquefaction plant in (Queensland saw major participant Pefco firm 20 cents to lead a generally lethargic mining sector. Elsewhere. Woodside added two cents to S3
        232 words
      • 185 24 NEW YORK Wed A surg ing energy group today led the New York stock market higher in heavy trading, overcoming concern about rising interest rates. Analysts said the IranianIraqi war will probably end the oil glut and Opec oil prices are likely to rise again and
        185 words
      • 239 24 AMSTERDAM. Wed Share prices closed mixed today with Unilever and Royal Dutch 1 20 guilders lower each and Philips 0 10 higher in Dutch Internationals, dealers said. In mixed banks ABN finished unchanged after fluctuating sharply during the day and mortgage bank WIH reduced its earlier loss
        239 words
      • 259 24 ZIRICH. Wed Prices firm ed slightly on some foreign buying of leading industrials and following the overnight recovery on Wall Street, dealers said Banks closed steady apart from Bank Leu which gained strongly after announcing it has acquired a majority holding in the Basle-based private bank Heuaer
        259 words
      • 590 24 L— OM. Wed Gold mining shares rlosed sharply higher in line with the bullion price while others were generally firm though off the day's highs, on optimism ahead of the IK banking figures next Tuesday, dealers said Heavyweight gold producers were mainly between MO
        590 words
      • 58 24 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 483.2 Tuesday 481 0 Week Ago 483 3 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 93«42 Tuesday 932.42 Week Afc 964 76 H.K.HANG SENG Thursday 1243.87 Wednesday *****0 Week Ago 1283 76 SYDNEY INIM STKIALS Thursday 732.70 Wednesday ***** Week Ago 736 08 ALL ORDINARIES Thursday
        58 words
      • 137 22 THE STRAITS tin price fell $13 to $2,147 per pkml (equivalent to $35.50 per Kilo, down 21 cents) in Penang yesterday, on an official offering down 16 tonnes to 134 tonnes The overnight London market was easy with forward buyers dropping £100 to £7,090 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on
        137 words
      • 39 22 Rubber: Oct 2 Singapore: Oct: 296.50 cents (down 2.50 cents) Malaysia: Oct: 299.50 cents (down 2.75 cents) Tin: M 52.147 (down $13) (equivalent to $35.50 per kilo) (down 21 cents) Official offering: 134 tonnes (down 16 tonnes)
        39 words
      • 34 22 LONDON Copper prices on Wednesday (previous in brackets) Wirebar Spot £853 (L 8391. sellers £854 i £839 50). Three Month buyers £880 (£867 50). sellers £882 (£868) Market mm: Firmer Sato: 17.575 tonnes
        34 words
      • 579 22 PRICES in the Singapore rubber market closed easier yesterday, with October RSS One buyers quoted at 296.50 cents per kilo, down 2.50 cents on Wednesday's close, dealers said. After some easiness in early afternoon trading, the market recovered slightly towards the close on short-covering and subsequent London's improvement, they
        579 words
      • 38 22 jamm IAB II 111 |^l| II v* pall«i OcUWr X »rr».l Mlb 8»..r. tlltow 95 ir»rw.rd Mlkl B..rr. S»ll.r. ,MK< MXI Ml ,MX •■< >MX H .MX M II U« I*ll.l 2WOD w•■ aiuo mm mm
        38 words
    • 1368 23 THE IM m— ro< r*ad> mlr at tar rtar .< »iliFB am iNf Start Earaaaar at Suva pflTf yvvlfHi) rom^BTMl Wttfe w pf fVhW dat i pr*-« i«t»Bm »«•> W» aafa aad kw ««MM tar mp r*M> kWU ••0 H.«> lo« <<>■>■• a < Sal* ~t. Tl'A n\r
      1,368 words
    • 1789 23 mi' ana oner \n 11 wm aninauy aaaja aad baaiac in aa tpoiwd to the Sior* rarhaagr at Skafapan ye» lerday with the aumber at shares traded shown in bracked la Ms of I.o*o uaiu nalm otherwiar apKi (led All Times Srl'lrmenl Coatracts are quoted after thr
      1,789 words
    • 2004 23 HID and dttrr prv-n affH tally luted aad lliai>al a in and reported to thr Kuala I Jimpui Stork Exchange yes lerday «ilh ihr numbn of aum traded shown in brackets Ms of 1 o*o units unlem olhrrwtar apert fieri I MM •mtlll* 4jaaaMa>i3 4*8)<213 49 Ateasa I24SS)
      2,004 words
    • 91 23 UNITED Industrial Corp Ltd announced an audited group net profit of J6.33mil'ion ($5.54 million), for the year ended July 31. on a turnover of $70.0 million ($48.1 million) The parent company's net profit was $4 39 million ($4.68 million), on a turnover of $8.43 million
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 95 23 THE MALAYSIAN Mlnunr of Fi •un has tued Umr rain (or ihc pcrtod (tori Oci 2. until further noOc» Baakar: 310 crau a kilo. (•aim: 720.00 a torn* Pafcv kamal: U55 75 a tooor. *>Mat pappar: 0.899 SO a tonnr. ■atek paafar: 12.79*90 a toonr. TV ram of
      95 words
    • 286 24 I "NITED International Corporation (OC), the subject of three unsuccessful take over attempts this year. has achieved a X per cent rise in pre-tax profits for the financial year ended July 31. 1880 Audited group pre-tax profits came to $11 35 million compared with $8
      286 words
    • 220 24 Rahman Hydraulic proposes bonus issue RAHMAN Hydraulic Tin. which came under the effective control of the sugarbased Perlis Plantations this January, has proposed a bonus issue of one-for-one to be paid out of its recent revaluation surplus. The company's 3.618-acre Pinang Tunggul rubber estate near Sungei Patani was revalued by
      220 words
    • 189 24 STMiAPOBE I NIT TKI 8T (MllUlll' frim tor Or! l> The Coalmen* 2 90 3 06 The Savtacs Fund 1.82 l SI S'porr Pro* Fund 130 1 3bd Spore See Fund 2.02 112 S'porr lnveit Fund 1.67 1 IS S'porr Equity Fund 1 X 1 32 AMA UNIT
      189 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 208 22 MB IbbBMB S 1 I aY MMMHaat nnllPi mTV r II m f I MHT^^bbß MB* I M HaH a ■VBMHHHHHHI V M^^Ma^ M Ma^^^ AT _^^^MI aY aY Man Mr ajjajßaaaj HH ant^^^^ aw > H .aaal MMMPW aat «T 7ai aaal MMMMMBka>^_ if w Mr j <Bk- M
      208 words
    • 24 22 Prime lending rates THE average rate at which major Singapore baaks are ewreaUy prepared to lead to tbelr beat eastomers is 11.4 per eeat.
      24 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 481 23 Mayens de TOurs the gateway to jgjw Europe's winter I^^^, playground laaaV LaVallK. v -^■•<-) aV^rirl HaWkw HatT:'' 1-*1 JBa^^tvJ _^?^P* "Ml j^H The Swiss Alps. Breathtaking. Lots of excitement I and tun. Skiing from one valley to another between larches and Swiss pines hundreds of years old. There's sun-bathing,
      481 words
    • 1050 23 H vht Private 1 United RICOH I THE LARGEST COPIER MANUFACTu^ 1 OLD SALES MANAGER Office Offset Systems This position calls for a self starter a well educated and mature person with a perceptive mmd He must have had several years of experience in dealing with a wide variety of
      1,050 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 263 24 ...and lhey all lived happily ever after. Maybe it sounds like a fairy tale. Singapore to help promote road safety But at A vis, we want to make sure among children. that all Singaporean youngsters live To teach them how to cross the happily ever after. road. hen to cross
      263 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 819 25 I AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX <* 1 Telephone Serve. *****22 PERSONAL SERVICES .^aVaaSaw _l~l_ .asaaSav. .^sSSSaw. ataV >W .aaaaaaaaßa. .aaaaa»w .aaaßaa^ MoodOV FndOv 8300 m 500pm OroVwrv 80 ct» per »ord Imr SI 2 00' KCMSUfIAL 9CrIVI(,tS |C it^Ai^Ni^ii^^l BffT^l W ■UT'^ I Ml /"^^l Tfl\l COUNTER SERVICE
      819 words
    • 894 25 I aPt^TftfMft^ Qialtfn#fa*^b# ft. t^aVaft*eV*A»4^.tl.Ma.llkfa>^ UM* SPCCIALOF :ER IS R.n,.1. MS units imported and locally •mbled brand new GEC. Itlonal Acma Sanyo. aa>aßß«SSasaS>B>B>>aaaaaaaadßißai Wesunghouse and Carrier airconditioners 1 1 to 2 I'2hp I on S^lal offer price for cash and /»v^ a* ef* rsTli Is- I hire purchase /Al/l/>f ICfKIC/
      894 words
    • 1258 25 TQXBf 1 s—i ATTENTION' CARPET SHAMPOO f B«O. General House Cleaning »gg2-%i Bl( j^J Office Painting. Parquet Var- THE U nishlng. Floor Polishing Tel *****42 Caldeco Cleaning Elj*^" A CARIHiTBAO«RS IMMEDIATE CARPET shampooing/ dyeing MfUFMF MirC rloor P""si">« house cleaning 6 ItnCnC "JlbC months guarantee Call Angel PEOPLE CLEANWW, CARPET
      1,258 words
    • 1118 25 I PSaT'SaalffHßß M. BBaaavaSaWakaaaSlawM L I i TV ANTENNAE PROBLEMS? We ALLBCST MAMMAOE-AJO Introprovide good T V reception Also duces friends lifetime partners underuke CATV/CCTV systems confidentially 422. Buklt Timah Tel *****54/*****12 Sgopping Centre *****79. 4A***** ll—^^^ ARC YOU FEELING Lonely. Bored Have no time to get friends/Life partners' Call
      1,118 words
    • 1049 25 1| al^k MIDDLE EAST. INDONESIA. V.v 1 r rope Trade Inreciories for sale PRAMOHICBn ss mtl rr r "< S S4 »"i> rhMN^tilOtU Complex Beach Ri.ail Spore DEALERS 0719 T fcR I*"ns1 ns j PARTNER/ INVESTORS REOUMCD Wanted by a u^eenrtSiTnJin'l^r nSun well established ;',',',,".w!Xi™ij international compa- ny to cater
      1,049 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1100 26 m Situations Vacant -•;e<J rompan> TELEPHONE OPERATOR/ RECEPTIONIST »> SecretMMMl* 2 FEMALE GENERAL Cl*rl€i CLERIC f rpasonabl* typing skill UK>no»*nrr prrfrrsfoly ''•.w'tZt"' I li ijii im i *****93 SfCMTARv lerJeeka* W^r it. lyptnc finmn i-ompany n»■«wnu and refwrts RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST BEKVICC SALES CLEPK nnumminti c Abtllt) v 'v- at*»
      1,100 words
    • 1271 26 Bj^^ Blß* a#Jlt K»P»n(lln«K »P» n(lln Trading Company A l*^sO*^ STENOGRAPHER TELLERS CLERICAL OFFICERS EiSSSHI QUALIFICATIONS and 10 w p m At least 4 GCE O level credits including mesiaated. piianea* English For Clerical Officers 2232U4V9 OR *****90 preference will be given to those who expcrsenceo junior secrecan type at
      1,271 words
    • 1180 26 1.1 I FEMALE TYPIST CUM General Clerk required Must be able tn .^Ti"-.. speak English with knowledge of /O Iwl typing and general office rou- /*Xj S "^v^\ tine Pleaae call at 25 Rodyk In/ i \J\ street Singapore 0»23 or tele- J phone *****64 Mr Sng at IX>reen C.oh
      1,180 words
    • 919 26 1 ITT NEXT WEEK +m*J SECRETARIES STENCX3RAPHERS TYPISTS cur TELEX OPERATORS S EL fI L TJ^ J^ TELEPHONE a uallfied S\ngaOPERATORS P o^ citizens t0 aPP'v Tel- *****10 or c aDOve positions. -ravaaTi ■■—111 THE CANDIDATES j*^^T^^W 9C^| we require should Laa^BMiMteakßkaMßißjl have an '0' level ._MLJM Certificate of Edu
      919 words
    • 1123 26 lOlllfGtti TEMPORARY OLIVETTI. ArrnilMTC Europe* largest ACCOUNTS manufacturer of Office equipment CLERK offen a challenging career to people I who can fill the '•'B* mamjlaclurfollowing positions in 8 company seeking in its manufacturing interested persons to fill operations in the above-mentioned poet. Singapore. I c t'ompleted C 5 CM 0
      1,123 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 777 27 m Situations Vacant ESTABLISHED TRADING AeX> SUPPLY COMPANY »> **Cr***rt*lß Has«ca«e,»». CleMcml FEMALE SALES EXECUTIVE ••JTto PBJBMM to b* based *t Shar,.h -UA.E c) Smle% i|M tl)mm 1 a feet expending Swedish or eenisotfon has 4 wiiwdisli ye- cenciea lor Ihe peel el SALES flsinuiisisiisn tnM BenelWeREPRESENTATIVES j An appropriate
      777 words
    • 1137 27 "-"-L^ _Jt»J J.L. MORISON. SON ANO c >»i^.T. P Ip,omo..'^'ml'1 p,omo..'^'ml' JONES (FE) PTE LTD ket htgh eaeWy and world rtownod product %o ene-tieeca. we requires a ore tootling lor s lap isMwi pirsin VETERINARY SALES n.'HiSd'hs.o' fhe'le»e»i|»e elREPRESENTATIVE rpssxwa r otE and dealers Langawgoo Huent English iiw^r^u ik. I
      1,137 words
    • 906 27 —7"" lyi [baker] J.~IJ I V^Vt^l II f "on m our sopnstticatedA OuaWy Control Laboratory LABORATORY SSnTST! TECHNICIAN Starting Salary With the newest and above $400 finest turning and (more it you work on sum milling equipment in or have relevant expe town, we now have nencei several vacancies for
      906 words
    • 925 27 I Tt Cipandmg Eeaclrontc Conpi- 1 r*qi*«r«t an ELECTRONIC XV^4\. ENGINEER < rr| > nUln, D^-ST, HUGHES TOOL CO (FAR EAST) PTE. LTO. Male preferable Slnga- ITISSI 3 year, 1) QUALITY g« Ag-JgUg. a Preferably with suitable academic qualifications. (sjwjios-.wi bulnote-en,,.. 2) ELECTR|C|AN D i>4oo to ***** I Daily running
      925 words
    • 982 27 TECHNICIANS SUNDSTRAND PACIFIC (MeillUnsni I Engineering DasM) (PTE) LTO a Age above years o completed full-lime NS o NTC in Metal M.ichimng A o ITC in EngineerCuKfIMMB >n Aircondilioning and 29 an *B| Mechanical Engineering Please submit full resume slat ing qualifications, experience contact telephone number (if AIR CRAFT
      982 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 678 28 4S Situations Vacant Prmdmctimm A^M gfagV HITACHI CMCMSCAL (t) P" PTKLTO A area sslaKNahsn iLmsn MDOK SOUTH MOAD. cen csmpawy »ea wwmssH (H4») ao> vecanciea tor requires QCOPERATORS n Tl FEMALE pßgaT OPERATORS umilar capacity either in shiprepairtng industry a Above 16 years of age or in refinery Must cosseoM*
      678 words
    • 729 28 H fpiiiyiM (f i T f^ m NICHIAS Ijjj SINGMARINE I SHIPYARD (PTE) LTD I require* I ~~£zrzt£z: male/ U 1) WELDfBS BURNERS/ FEMALE STEELWOHKEHSV «a»^«-»s^a-s-»*» I 2) Z£S£?** WORKERS MECHANICAL Nf£w REV SED I 3) ELECTRICIANS SALARY! II 4) GENERAL WORKERS iT'ITnTi M LE: Starting $313.00 S> IVEXSZ""™ F^LE:
      729 words
    • 422 28 I m ii riißpiPi i ii JiMJ iM bu KUbWTIC rmCJOtj l^^^^j^^^^L^^^^^^—L has immediate? vacancies w^^ for 1) FEMALE B ASSEMBLY }mm£ TORS (Of F mi nia 8) Salary: $270 p.m. S i 2) GENERAL jj j| HELPER AtTACT for Stores I Salary: tK PfIOVtOE I Interested applicants, I
      422 words
    • 1064 28 as r^^^^^^^^^^—A Bm m\ I 'Bj aY ■"■^■^^■^■■■■■■■■■fl AN ESTAatISHED »000 CATCR ING company requires Female SINGAMIP Helpers Interested pleaae'caU ENTERPRISE PTE. LTO. g^^i p'^^Oa^nJ"^ require. 1. PRODUCTION ""'""ggr*" l CONTROLLER ZZZ c Male or female 22 years MALE SECURITY and above OFFICERS c Minimum OCE O' level Re^«lpoio)oiiSa:- P^ferablirwith
      1,064 words
    • 1052 28 I EBBB)BVBMB3t In'a^ I^^^^^ LTtl A wil 0..0b...hed Compa- 1( L £%S > OU MViTt i ny invitee appMcatione tor Must be able to handle forkllft the posts of and Lancer-boss A) GENERAL ZSSSX""**" WORKERS Experience preferable but not (MALI) "^'.11.7 a Age 45 to SO years ooraonaßy or wrMo
      1,052 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 660 29 lit C«AS€RS AND CAR A „her- re in dist 46 Situations Vacant V 010 1 ill mkn f\ jf f^ »«a^e^p4W« < ar»ajj|MU|tt|Jjß tjf If Jf HT^"K^ M aa T^aBBBBBI i UOM CITY HOTEL (jtNuHAL FRONT OFFICE RECEPTIONrSTS CI CPTDIP OCeTtriaWßi Pi tLlnlL to read and comers. n fc-fc Knglish
      660 words
    • 971 29 INGERSOLL-RAND B—^™^^ Applications are invited from m m m Singapore Ct.^ns for the post K»#O|£^| SALES OROCR EXPEDITOR L^essP ™es^ I Ace Below 30 years lkt A level incites applications i At least 2 years experience in from Singapore Malay similar rapacity sian Citizens and 1 Able to interpret* customer
      971 words
    • 1373 29 M EaptoytMflt (l^ We have immediate vacancies for NAKATANI HANDYMEN Minimum pnni.iry 6 requires Able to speak simple English Must complete National MALE Service CTAOCUIUn Ex P* r nc not esaentlal w WnCn«rlU Interested appllcanu. please call •Mac Lynn Owe* at «SMS4s to ar- M range for an Interview at.
      1,373 words
    • 1068 29 llEmpioynMnt 11^ PART-TIME/FULI TIME BEAUTY BMBBS«-eBaBH No experience requlr- I ed Training provided Attractive IW^r income plus pverseas trip Call aa yaHßaw k Amy Ang *****39 *****73 1100 V |a«^^a^^^sl am to 800 pm 032. Kirn Seng W I DAI .shopping fentre I^JJMIJJjJ 1 PART-TIME WAITERS/ waltrrsses I mmm^^^
      1,068 words
    • 665 29 II Employment 111 t THE SINGAPORC aMTTTUTE Of pffT.*"!,*! STANDARDS ANO INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH invitee appbceiione for the pool of-- j,^ su pervisor RCOUIRED b) OFFICE ATTENOANT c Have passed Primary 8 c Be able to read .mit BBJMI Cross Salary rangea IMS to SW7 TluimlTiTrD Additional beneflls include Illh TINPWI
      665 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 453 30 111 VaMctes m BoMs tjl-P J .If if |v, i'_ us today: NG KEON6 CAR TRADERS PTE. LTD. SHOWROOM: 204 Geylang Road *****33 148 Balestier Road *****72 9 Kirn Keat Road *****54 Parts Service: 9 31 A Kirn Keat Road *****83 OPEN ON SUNDAY ■iii^May^^™^^^^^— NEW 0«€0 am ..nditK.nrd rars
      453 words
    • 1737 30 111 VtMclts Boats JTS r"^ LATE 1175 OATSUN I^OY Air I*7» ESCORT 1.1 sports 1 owner. rond radio raueile Prival* aireon sport rims expensive hi- <» Tel 2*BJIS !i antirusl eU- Ne» rondlllon MID 1*73 OATSUN 140J o.ner J?" -^"."'J, T Ok XU U I'ARK eligible Good *>*- n negotiable
      1,737 words
    • 1523 30 IN VtMdn ft Boats j£s itrS. COROLLA IMO wllh airrond a a a ff B PP B J^^Ba anC radio asset te Immarulate m/M^fc^j IrafaV condition Asking $l&.800 ono < X-^ Tel *****2A HSI^ I*7* TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 Air- < con Sports rims. Tape 1 owner ■ar r Tip-top rondltlon
      1,523 words
    • 1414 30 HI Vehlctes A Bolts j g-^ NOV I*7*. OEMtM lfiflU I Sho»- AUGUST I*7s OAMATSU Petrol room condition Aircond Many i. orry n ft. wooden body, ux exextra accessories Tel *****6. Mr plrr 3„, On own er well main- uined. $7,900 Ring: *****77 OCT. T»77 VOLVO 244 automatir AUGUST I»7S
      1,414 words
      340 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 1414 31 tunes friday properties VJH DETACHED BUNGALOW Windsor M laßiAlßi^H ■■M 111 4^bl Wk afM I a DCTACHCD BUNGALOW at Forl V I faf a TllT iJITi aj Road disi 15 Land area 30.000 k^€ I a I L^B l>ecir<M,ms f'.^.is^ Wa T T BL^H DISTRICT 21 I 1 k
      1,414 words
    • 768 31 If Accommodation I LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS WITH/ WITHOUT SWIMMING POOL M EXCLUSIVE DISTRICTS $4 200 M.SSS c Balmoral I MM c Kamehameha $3,500 c Buklt Tunggal Road SSJSS c Pandan Valley Uno c Mimosa Park SJ.OM r«ood ■> Towers CWO $2 500 I Pacific Mansion C 300 c Hilton lowers $2,200
      768 words
    • 1534 31 A Properties g= IV AcconunodstrOfi ATTRACTIVE OFTERt! -^~j~~~~^ 1 Brand new Lusuthmm doubte-slorey Townhowee BMWMMBMBBbBbmbMBMMBBMBJ With ewmwiMng pool and other recreation* lanktie* m prime re*- ARDMORE PARK Oentwi distrKt ACACIA COURT 3 bedrooms and a study separate BALMORAL TOVVFR living dining with spill unit air- mlmuhal IUWfcH cond servant's amenities
      1,534 words
    • 1581 31 Ntn t Properties jJJ IV Aca c) Rooms b) Flats AMCON FURNISHED ROOM bat), APARTMENT AT TONG Sia Buildroom attached in carpeted ing wanted Owners please conapartment inclusive laundry tact *****9 and facilities preferably single flat/ HOUSE WANTED for small "'''i'i^" 0r t0 15t 9 family Any locality Please lei
      1,581 words
    • 1259 31 ••wiiodMtwii A Proportpss CONDOMINIUM 3-STOREV BEAUTIFUL TOWNHOUSE AT IpV PALM BEACH GAROEN ■p BV with swimming pool badminton Court, fi »ith hath- W B 4^H rix.ll. Ceramic paniuet flooring Area 2.SSO mummmmmm OwnyOUrhOWie with a DBS 0,,trk:t,233 Finance loan DETACHED BUNGALOW .SniKlr -storey .1 He.l r..,i ill s
      1,259 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 1261 32 times friday properties a»a a— a»a aa a. DRAVCOTT TOWCR 2JOO sq ft 3 bedrooms swimming pool Con- I «1 tart Orient Express Pte Ltd •M ranatwmami PTOpar- Rr^ s^nt, tMvislon X3MISS 1 IMS For Sat* rrzac Flats cOMrOm MANSKM t?«0 000 >^^__^^____^ :m(S»u{«i»PT JSbTJOOO ."*SG HOW AREALBARCAMT MM 290
      1,261 words
    • 1515 32 IV Accommodation A PiopwlHi OFF BALESTKR ROAD Lock Cho BUYER URGENTLY requires l>eApartment 3 bedrooms Parquet uched house in disi 10 or 11. throughout SIM.OOO furnished Land around 10.000 14.000 sq ft !RTC2S*O6II 25*0*72 Owner offer Eric 91*411 ACE HOUSMG HAS Numerous mmwmmMWk^mmmn genuine buyers for newly com- f i
      1,515 words
    • 1671 32 II |a|| 1 J.""J OWT. 13 BRAND NEW factory for CAE BUH.*****. ALONG Orchard sale 2.410 sqfl $180 psf nego- Road, brand new. completion tiable Contact Rovina *****00 October. 300 sqfl Call Bellian DI«T. 14. 2-STOREY TERRACE Sefumies Real EsUle Dlvlsl.m i factory, area 3.530 sq ft Free- I8O3:J hold
      1,671 words
    • 1192 32 J^aj^Br THi: INSTITLTt OF BEALTY is a professional training centre for indi\ iduals interested in aesthetics and cosmetology, li is associated with the International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC) of London and the Institute de Beaute of Paris. Courses no* open for enrolment PROrtSSIONAI *.rSTHrTKIA\( Ol KM Weekend Session Saturday 2.00pm
      1,192 words
    • 1025 32 VI Education A Instruction JH Pref tr ing for the /Y°:a LCCI 19*' EXAMINATIONS 'l^S^s BOOKKEEPING (Inter) 2l Su'Jicu' 1 Institute ot 3) JJ^ltn'.M.'ifm 111 Mark«ting(U.K.) 4) SaVurdayioo and .omnien.ingll 10 80 in Mameting hkjhjr accounting (CarWteata-Partir) ,omo°rn.» 2) T »lpm A 9rr<ontf narume course *fU be COrxXCted tor I'"
      1,025 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      48 33 wish to express their grateful thanks to all friends and relatives for their messages of condolence, wreaths, scrolls, night visits, assistance, and attendance during their recent bereavement and for their generous donations to the two charitable organizations. I THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MR. ONG KENG WEE
      48 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      183 33 ALEX MIRANDA BROTHER of Beatrice Ambrose I'erelra of 615-F Blk 217 Lor 8 Toa Payoh passed away In Abu Dhabi. Passed sway peacefully on Ist Oct 1960 leaving behind his beloved Wife: Loi Kok Wan Sons: Jnnmy-I'.itt I'.uiK Peter-Pal Hal Andrew-Fall Tat Daughter Sally-Pack Leng Daughters in -law
      183 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      198 33 who left us so uneipectedly one year ago. Times rh.inKes many things. But not thr memory this l,i> brings Dearly missed by loved ones. His life was full of kindly deeds. A helpuiK hand to all in need. Sincere and true in heart and mind. A memory
      198 words
    • 56 33 MILLIE BEATRICE a FAMILY ol Ihe 1.1. MRS TEE SWEE HENG nee ANNA WONG GEK KEOW thanh relatives, Iriends in Smg« pore. Johore. Penang. Rev Father Francis. Rev Father Lee lor their donations, condolences, wreaths visits, attendance and assistanc*dunng thetr recent bereavement TMEFAMsLVOFIh-Ut.- Mr Phua rondolen .mil riurs^,
      56 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 815 33 VI KeBSBftIBBBBBBBSB JL t**a*S«#i^^ BSBBBsI If^HJ Bat Tnsiinn I p>«-»-s»p> y& w»4MUkL/ 1 a) Academic On 7th 14th Oct (Tuest 2 4 p m and 9th 16th Oct| EXPERIENCED CANADIAN pm Mrs Choo university i ,r,, ill he demonstratinf 16 tla- yours Rice table .The E»otic Advanreii Indonesian Cuisine with
      815 words
    • 265 33 L< »J.-BBBm-88.8-B»JBl ■EESkSH mv Ski m^mJ For Colour Brochures Call |-»KENv4IR ♦^3360-411 (We're open on Sunday) Suite 828 Blr\ Floor (Executive Otticel C Suite 125 Isi Floor (Sales Office) C 5 Parklane Snooping Mall Seleqie Road Singapore 071 8 r-b 101 Air Travel XV J^mYm\ jD BasP^^^^^^Bsi •^H LsssL I
      265 words
    • 788 33 W lrmm) 4 Tours LJk isMßßHrkss^rj^rMtMm' SIAKSON H^ottic.Ti *****88 H—6 Ofllc*: 32 Prtnsep Street lopp Calhay. Dhoby Ghauti Branch Unit «44V450. 3rd fir Peoples Part Complex T»h 9101 1 1 Business hr«: 10 am lo 9 pm (Incl: Sunday* t Holidays) Branch: 102 A. Boon Lay Shopping Centre Tal M
      788 words
    • 455 33 Vi Travri A Tours Li< NAM HO TMKI KlflCi R PTL ITI. Head Office Gl4-16-18. Pearfs Centre, Eu Tong Sen St (YangUe Theatre) Singapore 0105 Tel: *****33(7 lines) Branch Office: 1 1 9. People's Park Complex. Ground Floor. New Bridge Road. Singapore 0105. Tel: *****1/91 1662/ *****3/*****2/*****6/ *****8/*****3 TAI4O WKT
      455 words
    • 401 33 VII Travel 4 Tours LtL TRAVELLAWt T»»S TOWW NON-STOP OMCCT FLIGHT V'^j^^B MARIB lr »MAJISP€CUl. TOURS TOHAAOYAI ■kMBg^A NT1NC 2 Way An s I BUN Oanting AcBui PM I GENTING By Air C»im S.l n Zl .1 PEN 2 WAY AIR-Fr,, D H V 4I> GT/PG Oil br Air-Thw Us*.
      401 words

    • 399 34 MUHAMMAD ALI, the only man to win the world heavyweight championship three times, seeks to gain boxing's most coveted title for the fourth time tonight when he meets his former sparring partner and World Boxing Council champion Larry Holmes. A capacity crowd of 24.760,
      Reuter  -  399 words
    • 49 34 LONDON, Thurs. John L. Gardner, the British, European and Commonwealth heavyweight champion is being charged by the British Board of boxing control for misconduct. Gardner was recently fined for stealing petrol from a service station. The three-time champion will face the Board next Wednesday. UPI.
      UPI  -  49 words
    • 308 34 26, Hertfordshire M Kent v, Middlesex 39 Eastern Counties 9. North Midlands 15 East Midlands 3. Ctab matefcea Bridgend 18 Cardiff 12, Clifton 3 Bath 15, Cross Keys 3 Ebbw Vale 6 Uanelli 22 .Voseley 4. Newport 16 Abertillery 4. Nottingham 21 Coventry 6, South Wales
      Agencies  -  308 words
    • 41 34 THE fight will be telecant live by Radio and Television Malaysia ver Channel 3 this monUnn in a car park at Caesar's Palace. Millions more will view the fight on television throughout the world, including the Soviet Union,
      41 words
    • 261 34  -  WILL GRIMSLEY By uu veajao, inurs. All calls him "Peanut head." He can walk down the famous Las Vegas strip with his name emblazoned on his sweat shirt and not a soul will stop and stare. He drives up to Caesars Palace, the valet opens the
      AP  -  261 words
    • 192 34 PINEHURST, Thurs. Edwina Kennedy shot a one-under-par 73 yesterday to lead defending champions Australia to a one-stroke advantage in the first round of the women's world amateur team golf championships. Australia finished with 150. while hosts United States were one stroke back on 151. Sweden and the Britain-Ireland team
      192 words
    • 127 34 MIAMI, Than. Mohammad All's doctor fears the three-time heavyweight champion could be "damaged for life" when he tries to win the title for a fourth time tonight against Larry Holmes In Las Vegas. Dr. Ferdle Pacheco has asked Ali to retire several times, but says the
      AP  -  127 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 294 34 a ii k »^«UEIVX%L CARMT PVLUH PTE LTD t*Ofj presents /§3? GRA\D INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC AUCTION OF CARPETS&KUGS FROM IRAN AND THE SOVIET UNION A >^ An exceptional collection of superfine carpets and rugs from Iran and the ic^Qi Soviet Union. Full range assembled for the city of Singapore f -X
      294 words
    • 141 34 M ALI HOLMES 3 Wk m _d 38 AGE 30 jL"V M 98 63 kg WEIGHT 95 91kg Mk S 1 9 metres HEIGHT 1 9 metres gp 9 2 1 metres REACH 2 0 metres r*M A m 119 38 cm CHEST (NORMAL) 110 49 cm j^m 124 46
      141 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 707 35 WlTrMrtftTwrs \JL I A j MC THAKSPOUT TOUN (T/A MI) 103 Totirs omenmeei i—mv tmt nrnm zmiim soct/hm/chs tiro/nebr OT C >ntmo weaken* «M iCT «l»r m Cmmm M.1.1 Tn) -r r-yMimvj A^|:t«H'.iar.lff\ idkukuptouh M-iw i 4^amS^L^a_ BjJja^av^ Ml^vajJ I Day! Gamma toy aw S2ta/I O*» Max WM. Sal ICaam
      707 words
    • 740 35 UNIVERSITI PERTANIAN MALAYSIA (JAWATAN KOSONG) Peamhuii paniuliuti don Woroaneaara Motoysra odoloh dpeiowa untuk memenuhi lowoton Tetap dan Serpencen di Unnenati Pertanaon Maioytio PtSAWAI PfjmUTANAN: KELAYAKAN: Ijazoh Sains Per Hvtanan dan unroeniti Pertonion Malaysia otou ketayakan yang dHMraf setorat denoomiyu oleh Kerajoan. TAMOOAOAJI: Al9: $1060 160 1180/ 1300 k6O 1540/ 1660.60
      740 words
    • 309 35 I Our client, an established multinational cxganisation and a world leader in its particular I V industry, requires an aggressive individual to fill the above position. I Qualifications /Requirements i) Degree in Chemical Engineering or Chemistry or I equivalent 11 (Good knowledge of electrolytic plating preferred iiOSome working experience in
      309 words
    • 818 35 ORIENTAL HOLDINGS BERHAD P O Box 349. 73. Beoch Street. Penong. INTERIM STATEMENT 1980 The Directors hove pleasure in announcing the following unaudited results A the Company ond of the Group for me hoJf year ended 30 June 1980 Six Apt Oftf nt Ended 30 June 1990 30 June 1979
      818 words
      231 words

    • 580 36 KITUOPEASCXV I'mvendtatea Craiova 1 Inter Milan (IU) 1 (Inter 3-1). Red Star (Vug) 4 Viking SU vanger (Norway) 1 (Reo Star 74); Saombierki Bytom (Pol) 3 Trabtoaapor (Tur) 0 (Bytom 42); Baa* Ostrava (Cxc) 1 IBV (tee) I ißanik 2-1), Honved Budapest (Hum 1 Sporting LJsbon (Por)
      Reuter  -  580 words
    • 2367 36 RATF 1 2.0 CLASS 3 DIV 5 1.200 M i K\rLKsn x (sie,ooo $11^00 to winnw) 1 Mtracwl a (Trading) Jaalar 57 (d 2 lame 6eg 1400 m San 2 *7*l*s Mai Lang g Df Cg (KimLeng) Allan 57 id 2 same I 5 us l«lom Ma> 13
      2,367 words
    • 676 36  -  FAIRWAY 8y THE Malayan Racing As- sociation have granted y Adelaide jockey Bill, Sharp a licence. Sharp. 31, who has rid- j den more than 760 win- ners in Australia, is contracted to ride for Inderapura Stable Sharp brought in eight winners
      676 words
    • 309 36 LONDON, Thurs. Nottingham Forest's two-year reign as Europe's soccer kingpins ended abruptly when Bulgaria's CSKA Sofia beat them 1-0 to complete a 2-0 aggregate first-round win in the European Cup at Nottingham last night Eleven minutes before half time. Rudzhi Keri mov burst through to
      Reuter  -  309 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 234 36 =riz~^ I i,^* tatf^L l^aT^a^^lH LiV^bil i^BT *^^X .^^r *M»a»«L<asaCa^al a^adia»rja»l L»-^^aT**4SM V< '^Mf*^&to\ l QfaaT^a»H«l3Hff3^**'^a^3iS3^%^^Wa»Wa^j T*V <£ P^^tT B«.^g#/ -^La.» Vji3^RlC l MaJ^a»aHiSS»»»a» ,t, t k mWfttf*^S? r 't'^9 A TvH ■aV^aT^a'l "'V > J^tjJr^i »>satim '.%aW LibbTsW Baal LaaSsafl H' Ssa Isax'^ I The top performance car, with
      234 words

    • 70 37 ST ANDREWS. Scotland. Thurs West Germany beat Singapore 3-0 today to qualify for the semi-finals of the Junior World Cup golf championship. Their semifinal opponents are the United States. England and Ireland will contest the other semi-final Results. New Zealand 2 Italy 1, Japan 2 France 1.
      70 words
    • 286 37  -  WILFRED YEO By SHADES of Women's Lib! The Singapore Women's Bowling Club are organising an international women's championship from Feb. 16-22 at Jackie's Bowl System 460. In the words of the organising chairman Irene Low: "It'll be a tournament for women, organised by women and
      286 words
    • 414 37  -  PETER SIOW Filipino absence at Asian clinic might affect sport THE Basketball Association of Singapore are worried about the Philippines' silence concerning the Asian referees' clinic in the Republic from Oct 29-Nov 1 For the possible absence of the Philippines, one of Asia's top basketball countries, would
      414 words
    • 223 37 HOR CHIM OR, the Basketball Association of Singapore's coaching committee chairman, will ask the BAS to reconsider sending a girls' team to the Asian Basketball Confederation youth championships in Bangkok next month, reports PETKR SIOW. Hor, who is also the men's national
      223 words
    • 360 37  -  KEN JALLEH Jr By SINGAPORE star centre Andrew Chin is back in the national rugby squad to travel to Penang for their Malaysian Rugby Union-Magnolia Cup match against the Royal Australian A i r Force in Butterworth tomorrow (5.15). But that does not mean
      360 words
    • 18 37 CHUCKLES defeated Yellow Jackets 34-4 in a Singapore Rugby Union Division One match at Dieppe Barracks
      18 words
    • 108 37 ANKARA, Thurs Turkey made a clean sweep of all six C medals contested yesterin the swimming competition of the Islamic Games being held here Malaysia's Lim Yit Sin won bronze medals in the women's 100 m freestyle and 100 m butterfly. Malaysia won only a silver medal in
      AFP  -  108 words
    • 101 37 Biggest sports complex in Asia MANILA, Thurs. V^.«. j is considered to be the I biggest sports complex in Asia will soon rise at the reclaimed Manila Bay area in time for the Southeast Asia Games, which will be held in the Philippines in December next year. The Ministry of
      AFP  -  101 words
    • 384 37 JUDGING by the first day's performances, Singapore s challenge in the Asian Cup bowling Masters' final round at the Sukhumvit Bowl here is more numerical than substantial. After today's first block of 12-games (eight for women) in the four-day, four-block round, only the Republic's champion, C.
      384 words
    • 75 37 Cadet Corps' sevens NATIONAL Police Cadet Corps will hold the final round of their intra-area seven-a-side soccer competition at the Police Academy tomorrow from 130 p.m. Teams in the final round are Area 1 Team A, Area 4 Team B. Area 7 Team A, Area 8 Team A, Area 12,
      75 words
    • 31 37 AMERICAN MARINE beat Consolidated Electric 6-1 in a friendly soccer match at Jurong yesterday Steven (2), Raja (2), Ahmad and Ramlan scored for American Marine, and Tony for Electric.
      31 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 186 37 I olAqn Computer Dialer (hie touch dialing up to 2O telephone number automatically A Microcomputer wtth a memory that can and H 4om unW your cai Is through. Tht •tor* up to 20 Important lalaphons Computer DM* I* alto •12 dtgH numbm and dtete th» numbar you want calculator and
      186 words

    • 346 38  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By MJI \SH"S bottcM proprm. rookie profloaltaal Jr*h»i.rfr kW 11, R»> play rtUHttM watch w la Slagaporr against fellow praffoaiiaaJ Hiddx Jaaaa >a4 the Rrpaattc's top plaNer-.. V iMMili •> arotster Tkaaiac Teo get off the groaad. All the prilf— liasli
      346 words
    • 565 38 NEW Zealander Dean Lovett, 19, speeding along at breakneck pace, took only 30 minutes to snuff out Singapore's 17-year-old Peter Hill 94, 9-5, 9-0 at the Kallang Complex yesterday to enter the quarterfinals of the Anchor Singapore Open squash championships, reports PATRICK B \STI ANS. Lovett,
      NGHAI CHEE WAH  -  565 words
    • 267 38 GHANIAN sailor ObedMrnsah Datsomor, of the British Navy, sailed into Singapore recently, and wondered how best to have messages and goods delivered to relatives In Ghana. That was before he read yesterday's Straits Times and saw a picture Of Miguel Klbelro, Ghana's sole entry In the Anchor Singapore
      267 words
    • 307 38  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By WONG SHOON KEAT, the hero in Singapore's triumph over the highlyrated Malaysians in the recent second leg of the Yonex badminton circuit, has been selected to compete in the Taiwan Open championships, from Nov. 6-9. Wong, 22, a sales promotion assistant,
      307 words
    • 251 38  -  WILFRED YEO B> SINGAPORE'S No. 2 snooker player, Lav Wen« Yew, familiar to many in his billiards saloon "working" attire, has been slipping into jogging gear ana slipping out of the Katong Saloon, where he is the co-owner the past few days. And he
      251 words
    • 201 38 SURABAYA, Thurs. Singapore's G. Mahadevan was disqualified in the first round for striking with the palm and pushing stoopingly against Bambang Reni, of fndonesia, in the light-welter-weight class on the second night of the fifth ASEAN boxing championships, here in East Java. But Singapore's
      AFP  -  201 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 106 38 IM il^^H jj MB /W v Oirli" <v^B m a [fill "m/BCJI X E HW I I Bfflyiffirrn/pu i anW *y \&t i H 39ts 3. naVnaiak^Sr^^awow' I Wb 4 LBcaflJ I BBwf|ri|Wi|BMS^pjj^at^g^M| By .<^H E Bk> B -> r>^HKßci_> R9^KfnfoM/ri'jv < !%i^V bk ja D Bl ■B -''^v!mbP- BlEßiSft^O^^ufljC^-Jt?
      106 words

    • 238 39  -  JOE DORAI !l SOCCER referee Ang Chin Tiong has been suspended for three months. Ang. a Class Two refer- cc, was found guilty of ifV^Hng an opponent while representing the Football Referees' Association of Singapore team in a friendly match against Traffic Police He was sent
      238 words
    • 196 39 FAS tell what top coaches must possess THE Football Association of Singapore are inviting National Football League clubs to nominate their top youth coaches for selection as coaches for next year's Lion City Cup squads, reports JOB DORAI. Ten coaches are wanted !by FAS and they must I have initiative,
      196 words
    • 137 39 'Stars' in action SEVERAL "veterans" of this year's under-16 Lion City Cup will be in action at the Toa Payoh Sports Complex tomorrow in the inter-centre age-group finals of the Milo Football Training scheme. Among them are Sudirman Ahmad, Rosli Osman and Charlie Cher, who failed to earn a place
      137 words
    • 246 39  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By lIV SUKK »\H th«*flag«P»" btead C»mmtr> CUb'* Mffttmttr* ■rilflißil, haa bee*, bvttea- to take part la the I SSI2MM (tSI^M) PrwHart Marea* litiUdM toaraameat •a Not. DiriMit Maalla-i Paerto Anl Caane. The bivltaMaa, received by AJvla liaa, the Stawafare Ptilta^iMl G*ller«' Aaaaeiallaa areaUeat, larladea
      246 words
    • 233 39 Nazam keeps lead KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Nazamuddin Yusof maintained his lead in the Federal Flour golf tournament with an even par 71 for a three-round total of 209 at the Royal Selangor Golf Club course here today. I Naza, who shot 69 for 1 the first two rounds, leads by
      AFP  -  233 words
    • 127 39 MARTHA YOUNG, Singapore's former tennis champion. made a clean sweep in the Singapore Island Country Club s A Division monthly medal golf competition, winnine the medal with a nett 68 and the ball sweep for the front and back nines with nett 34s at the Island Course
      127 words
    • 280 39 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs Midfield is the problem area the selectors will have to cure when Malaysia's pruned-down Asian Youth soccer squad resume their second stint of training here on Nov 7. When 22 of the 32-mem-ber training squad were shortlisted yesterday, < most of the mid-fielders
      NST  -  280 words
    • 153 39 DESPITE two big defeats, Tampines Rovers, the National Football League Division One champions, will visit Surabaya next year to play against Niac Mitra. Said Robert Lee, Tampines' team manager, yesterday. "The defeats were one of those things. They do not deter us from making a
      153 words
    • 118 39 SIA Group to meet FASRC REPRESENTATIVES of Singapore Airlines Group Sports Club will meet officials of the Football Association of Singapore Referees' Committee and the Football Referees' Association today to try and lift the boycott by referees at their inter-department matches. Also invited for the meeting are the chairman of
      118 words
    • 22 39 CLUB HDB beat Singapore Sports Council 54 In an Inter Statutory Board Games' carrom league tie at Toa Payoh yesterday
      22 words
    • 44 39 PREMIER MILK and Hong kong Trail wood last night qualified lor the semi-finals of the Singapore Business Houses Football League's junior knock-out competition Premier Milk beat AngloThai, while Teakrwood eliminated Soxal. both by 2-0 margins, at the Jalan Besar Stadi urn
      44 words
    • 90 39 BILUABIM Nattoaal Jr. toar-tell llnl rbiial*"- tUrn i Kalong Saloon. T) Games i»ier iubmo hmr4: badminton (Club HOB. T), iwthaU (PUBRC. 5.15). wpak Ukr»* (PARC. 5.15). table tennis lOub HDB. 7). volleyball iPARC. 5 15) BOCCEB °to t ipir- But- asaaaißßißj HaMC ÜBTI^II I F E Levingston v
      90 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 17 39 RESULTS DRAW No: 78/80 "TouToTS? 7, 15, 1, 22, 2, ADD No 45 3 CIRCLES 41 3143
      17 words
    • 196 39 X 1 OFFICIAL AGENTS ISETAN EMPORIUM (S) PTE LTD ORCHARD WATCH CO c: n a ore Havelock'Outram Road (Apollo Hotel) Gltvl°. Peninsula Pla/d Coleman Str«ft h p Singaporeo3lb Singapore o6l7. Tel: *****09 SHUI HW A JEWELLERY CO Tel *****1 (PTE) LTD AINBrMtLIU G-6 Lucky Plaza G/F 137& 138G F P*o|rfe's
      196 words

  • 427 40  - Man who left key in flat plunges nine floors to death GERALD PEREIRA By TWICE toefced *it he«imm be left hta key U U« flat, a nu'i tenethkM foot kte Us life wkea be fell time Bnti trytag to get law kl» Be4«k Nartt flat e*rl> yeaterfey. Mr AMU Hamlt
    427 words
  • 106 40 LONDON. Thurs. Gold prices declined from their sharp rally at the close here yesterday. Gold was quoted at U*****.50 an ounce in early trading here, compared with U*****.90 last night, and slipped another dollar by the morning ••fijdng." In TOKYO, the US dollar slumped briefly to an
    Reuter; AP  -  106 words
  • 91 40 HONOLULU. Thurs. A dispute between students from China and Taiwan over which flags should and should not be flown during special occasions has resulted in a ban on all foreign flags from flagpoles at the East-west Centre here. The ban came into effect yesterday
    AP  -  91 words
  • 64 40 COPENHAGEN. Thurs In a bid to save money the Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) airline here has taken delivery of four strange-look-ing unpainted McDonnell Douglas DC -9 aircraft. The firm explained today that the unpainted planes are expected to use leas fuel because they are lighter,
    AFP  -  64 words
  • 55 40 OKLAHOMA CITY, Thurs A woman who says her husband won't give up his T" 1 has filed suit for divorce to end their nine- year marriage The divorce petition filed yesterday by Jeanette Cartledge states her husband, Raymood, also raises rabbits and feeds them to the snakes
    55 words
  • 78 40 ROME, Than. Mr Antlii FOftaat, 44 year-ay pinsHral of tar Chrlstl** Democrat Party, agreed today to try to form aew govrramvat to tmi Italy's poUtleal citato. A artel aaaoaawinwat (rasa tae otßee of Preataeat Saadr* PrrtUl s&M Mr Pcrttal had tskn" Mr FarUai U Uke *n
    78 words
  • 74 40 PERTH, Thurs. The giant hot air balloon "Sultan" which earlier carried Its two pilots to a world distance record became a makeshift shelter when the recovery team and crew became stranded in rugged country about 768 km east of Perth. Hongkong-based pilot Geoff Green and his
    UPI  -  74 words
  • 606 40  -  EDMUND WEE By ni ARVARD review team leader Kenneth Hansen yesterday denied that he ever recommended an "all-bus system," nor was he ever against the mass rapid transit as proposed by the consultants, Wilbur Smith and Associates. In a lively talk to a packed
    606 words
  • 39 40 NEW YORK, Thurs. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, up 17.49 points in the past two sessions, rose another 1.79 to 941.21 in the first half-hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange today. AP.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 49 40 late classified DEATH MM. N. OEVAOASAM AMN. PPN No 5 Lorong Mu] id C 3/60 C) P J Ex Malayan Railway. Kuala Lumpur, paved away .suddenly in Kerala on 2 10 1980 leaving be hind wile Salhyabhama. children Legha. Geelha. Manoj and son-in-law Jaya Uevan to mourn his losa
    49 words
  • 140 40 Radio taxi surcharge from today RADIO taxi driven will be allowed to collect a aareaarge of M ceata from their paaeeagen If they reapoad to calls threat! their radio phoaea (ram today. A Registry of Vehicle* •tatemeat last night •aid the aareaarge will not be levied If the radltphaat ta*U
    140 words
  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 75 40 Big Fight: We'll be the first Catch the result and a full account of the AliHolmes fight with the New Nation today. Gasing Gasing enthusiasts will no longer be restricted to bald patches of playing fields and dusty back lanes. They will be able to play on two $30,000 gasing
      75 words
    • 356 40 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. The shift to high value-added industries has gained momentum and local entrepreneurs have successfully played their part, the EDB annual report reveals. Other items: For East-Levingston wins two orders worth $287 million Insurers are unhappy over the Government's planned introduction of mortgage reducing
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    • 2 1 SECTION TWO
      2 words
    • Bilineual Page
      • Article, Illustration
        1371 1  -  LI LIENFUNG By Escaping from here SHOinjJ anyone ask me who was the greatest of all Chinese poets, I think I would be so preoccupied by technical and aesthetic issues that I would not know whom to nominate. But if I were asked: "Suppose you are to be
        1,371 words
      • 248 1 'Jvft^lttjffi to* Ana mm ft L IH'ttH, ktttl V *'-jtt *M*fr KHfl HID ft H '•ttfttta&JlfcllJ i?te<»' fttttei* fiHtt*» I^Bi»A ftfrfi II til H?" «ft*f|tJllt» ii r». «r ftfrjiflh*«**tt Bf!H#fttt*ft IkfttAßl »ia«9!Z*ftA«tt rfiif fiti'itftfWteS 4;W n ftftAftff*** in »**#>¥*&» ffit*JV*'J ft. JSLUMM K**tfl *mpi*v- ft «t fin ffcttfi&K* tkuE^'fife h
        248 words
      • 111 1 THE Singapore I-IJeii Dramatic Society will stage a Mandarin play, Beware of Fire, on Monday and Tuesday at the Victoria Theatre. The two-night performance is the amateur drama group's contribution to this year's Drama Festival organised by the Ministry of Culture. Beware of Fire is
        111 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 110 1 Superior automotive engineering Smooth automatic transmission Responsive handling, effortless acceleration Superb road handling. Sleek looks with a luxurious interior to match /^EMflLMagarJßciftV A thoroughly German car At a price that will clinch your decision The COr deCiSiOn for deCiSiOn mokerS. Opel-keeping German technology affordable BBBBBB^ (BJBBBBBBBBBBBBBHB^^^^^B f' BBbV BBBb9""^BI Wk
        110 words
      • 119 1 IaMHMBP^iaBi llTS^Blf Shopping for the home wPQß^E^Ati^ WmJ .Bkß If you are looking for something quite unusual that will serve as a focal point in your home, or if you long to brighten up a dark corner, see what our reporter ha* found on Centrespread, Pago* 12 and 13 Tell
        119 words
    • 793 2 PICK of the DAY C wc» TONIGHTS T\' Movie I (Ch 5, 10.35 p.m.) ti- tied The Streets of L.A. stars Joanne Woodward in a contemporary drama which sounds promising. Joanne is cast as a woman whose courage and determination In making two youths pay for their acts of vandal-
      793 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 283 2 Rent your Colour TV from YISIONHIRE Up to for your old B/Wset The Vislonhlr* Promise: Ist month Free rental Rentals start from $1 a day No down payment. No deposit Free maintenance. Service within 24 hours Open 7 days v^\^ a week m^^^^ PHILIPS |"*4 'Me-to-life ■**r'*M It^al Philips 36cm^^^^^^»»»»s|
        283 words
      • 40 2 X-14 INSTANT MILDEW AND MOULD REMOVER Spray on and watch mould stains disappear immediately! No more ugly mould »U as s* on tiles, walls, bathtubs Noora fridge seals, toilet bowk A Ho scrubbing! wU Norin*3k>g! jA Ma MfSAsHfaMi 1~~l ssssV
        40 words
      • 39 2 Aquaflex m isl^Sl THE FINEST FITTING, COMFORTABLE SOFT CONTACT LENSES MADE IN USA For fair price, fnenaly attention plus aftercare service see Aaron J. Judah NATIONAL OPTICS PTE LTD OPTICIANS/CONTACT LENSES PRACTITIONERS 263 Orchard Road Tel: *****79 Spore 0923
        39 words
      • 3 2 V rz 7
        3 words
      • 37 2 S National P^l Built-in storage vacuum cleaners Home cleaning made even easier Free peoa^^^r- /«W bm with every purchase any model oJi^r mk vc 5900 S TeCtllliCS Hi-Fi Components New RS-MBB Sleek Stereo Cassette Deck isss|s ■J||||lEEHfl
        37 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 244 2 Straits Times Crossword ACBOBB 4 Las Angeles right' A Mg 8 Grouse about length and width P»«« standing out with disofroom(B) Unrtnea (T) 9 Rule 5: Hold ring back with 5 Fm»M lead singer has turned pad (or polishing (t) greedy (4) 10 Couples supplied with rail Th weU-'ought cards
        244 words
      • 75 2 CHILDREN'S INKPAINTING AND CALLJGRAPHY at the National Museum Young People's Gallery From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. during weekends. Admission free. On till Oct. 5. CHINESE KINGKRPAINT1NG EXHIBITION by Mr Wu Tsai Yen in celebration of his 70th birthday, at the
        75 words
      • 1233 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.00 PM Opertnf folowed by The You* 7 P*""*"*™ Ku (Malay) And The Restless 7 3° (Malay) 3.25 Housewives' Matinee Reason Vs 7M Jj^JjjT' Who Proteds Emotlon (r) 8.50 BJ And' The Bear Lota's Re 5.10 Man From UNCLE The Survival venge School Affair (r)
        1,233 words
    • LESURE 1
      • 1191 3 FOR some people, like Mrs Rosalyn Yong, writing stories for children is as easy as turning on the thinking Up to let sentences flow. This mother of three teenaged children wrote four to five pages of a pri2*»-winning story during the one hour she stood in
        1,191 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 33 3 Bh&i 'J TmmW\\ mil May Galk, la, am* ■main bbub r»w her Ike Mea |i ■*■^m K^P t fH SABeLLG" 1 I SPORTS WEAR- CASUAL WEAR Trade Enquiry Barry je*n Enterprise Tel: *****66
        33 words
      • 389 3 A masterstroke from bonds Shirt "V-., m,. Bt^BBBB BW The action shirt that lets you move. Patented underarm gusset never binds, never restricts, m~»m never stops your swing. And Grand Slam comes in a knockout range of styles, colours and fabrics. Fine knits in pure cotton, or polyester and cotton,
        389 words
    • LESURE 2
      • Article, Illustration
        961 4 Rita Coolidge Show Mandarin Hotel, Oct 1 Reviewed by JOHN DE SOUZA JUST the other day someone said to me: "You either love Rita Coolidge or you don't." Yet another said that Miss Coolidge, like other middle-of-the-road pop singers, left one cold. One informal garlanding ceremony, one
        961 words
      • 376 4 Roman Tarn Concert Hilton Hotel, Oct 1 Re v wed by CAROLINE NGUI THE stage floor was indistinct under a blanket of smoke. Irridescent lights flashed across the floor. Roman Tarn made a riotous entry in a scintillating top of gold mirror work, faintly silvered hip
        376 words
      • 608 4 SINGAPORE SSO inaugural S/MPHONYI^ COLUMN concert at ORCHESTTIAI^ the new Vie UOJf Review by JOHN EDWARDS THERE was glitter, there was appeal and, of course, there was a sense of occasion all this we expected at the SSO's "housewarming" concert in the new Victoria Concert Hall
        608 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 533 4 •Ov out h East Asia Regional /lny\-- Computer Conference searccso I simcc and Computer Exhibition I October 2124, 1980 I Jakarta, Indonesia SI \Kll H I 'he bunniu! otTkial rrfti- ous induviricv fovcrnnicnl institutions njl Ljihrtini- ot koinpuu- \jxfc uliMs w ill jnd atfcsn in ihoir cfforl>. to BmAm* and
        533 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 45 5 A SFLENDD CPFORTUNrTY TO SEE, TO TOUCH, TO OWN THE MOST SOUGHT-AFTER CHINA i Exhibition of 1^ b mfc Si /iiteroy&Boch 1 IK Jl^:^P ijy I Election includirig Ik V Jl^ JB&^ifc I oiecesaT L -^w^ #r;iy^ >^^|i nei Suite :V .KHMMp ood Pork Hotel.
        45 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 755 6 LIDO: OPENS TODAY! (*****14) 5 shows: Ttom. 145. 4. 6.45 A 9.8 No Frw List In COMCERT: Blondte. Alk» Cooper. Han* WiMlams Jr. Fettui* THE MUSK of: ED«£ RABBin. YVONNE ELIBIAN. PAT BENATAR, EMMYLOU HARRIS STYX. CHEAP TRICK. JOE ELY. SUE SAAD AND THE NEXT Q .jB^BbI BBal^Bak-aßr "^^L*all»»^B^^^^^-- aF^T
        755 words
      • 183 6 .fiCHOUGGAY ffit^TMEatTlK ITS. lllilMlllinillllllllllltjlllMMlll KALLANG A Q'TOWN NOW BNOWBMM KIJB.4JB.7Ja.tWp, O:1-»*JB.7JB.»J|aM Jj2ißaaaa4aatiaaaSisiaai BAI nCM MACM f o«o OULUCII Tel IMV4*7 DA«.Yatll IJO 4 .44 9JO WEMWHANOin MOHE YMOOtr Hind hJK IWWBM TawHa/Tianit.a Minn Hrn Swday Mamma at kn :LOWNaBLB«DQaV >U. KALLAJifijgr B>|y| SMIBHbV BatOmMlfl tBLBBBaSI Q TOWN M nrta Tomacrawi
        183 words
      • 252 6 '\&S^>^^ fz&k B =^=^^^J bF -r££^ 8881 BBBBBBBBBBM T"J/T "—4 .^^bj iL TbWV^ i JTI i «rfjalwe/ y ::2 (Qur Menus) P~~~— O>^ St I JBBar* -»aMB> fM- BB "v ra Coooaqe RHHWBHSI Bu«ine»s Hour UHHgHHHI 30, m 300pm uvotre 4 y BBj I M X ofV^^^^^^^^ 6:30 p.m. 10:00pjn.
        252 words
        328 words
      • 613 6 iiiiSclvHAYij: y^XJ OWGANISAION j i oEZSTKEann c M MOW SHOWING' I IHi 'sPtCIAL MIONtCMT PMEVrTW I (I OO€ON TONIGHT' J|| THECH»NGCLPNG I. i I Fraa Gift* to i tvary Tickat HoMar C !jw.,i:u#vi!»ij NOW SHOWING' 11am. 1304 6 M 9 ISpm f 1 1 1 »:?.Bi:rj?j»MM»..v:?:i II 1 30. 4
        613 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 303 7 Lunch at the A) Date: 4th Oct. 1980 (Boutique) Hairdo "O-in^YV baftxtina REVUE TjJ UV\ AUTuSffi (C 2T tic) r*\H 11 l\ (Leather handbags) a_in^ I NGAIYOONCO I \7 PRIVATE LIMITED 1/ Ir (Leather Handbags) Sf J I ELSA YEO MODEL AGENCY Coordinator IVOR ISAAC Lunch and fashion every Tuesday
        303 words
      • 339 7 Handheld Portable 10 Digits Printing I)ispla\ Calculator. Jsing normal paper AC/DC operation < (adaptor included) $89/- ONE YEAR GUARANTEE LCI Credit Cart Calculator $19 M Digits Desk lop Printing 6o>IK/ Display Calculator yaCK)/' [Pts« TopPngißißßli ttHajltS 6qoc/~1 Printing And Display Calculator 9«W/- j $•11* quolity product at •conomtcol prtc* W*>ot««at«
        339 words
      • 90 7 _nJU_ PUBUt UTILITIES \J*/ BOARD NOTICE TO CONSUMERS POOR WATER PRESSURE The PUB will be connecting a new 900 mm dia water main to the water supply system serving the Jurong Industrial Estate at Jurong Town Hall Road. It is necessary to isolate certain water mains and the water pressure
        90 words
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      • 831 8  -  JOHN NOBLE WILFORD By in Connecticut SCIENTISTS are, in a sense, rediscovering fire. Even though man has been creating and using fire since before the Neanderthals, scientists long had only a surprisingly elementary knowledge of what goes on inside a flame They knew the ancients were
        NYT  -  831 words
      • 149 8 Sewage for fuel oil THE United States Environmental Protection Agency and the state of Hawaii have launched a project to turn sewage Into paving asphalt and extract useful fuel oil in the process. A contract to investigate the chemistry and engineering necessary for the process has been awarded to Batelle
        NYT  -  149 words
      • 663 8  -  BAYARD WEBSTER By THE American farm, some experts contend, is the victim of its own modern agricultural practices, which have brought on rising prices for chemical fertilisers, declining soil quality, continuing soil erosion and the evolution of numerous species of pesticide-resistant fungi and insects. The answer to these
        NYT  -  663 words
      • 779 9  - Medical sleuthing LAWRENCE ALTMAN, M.D By in New York ALL good doctors have teamed to work their way through medical histories of their patients like detectives on the trail of a crime. The ability to recognise the correct clue that leads to an accurate diagnosis is central to the healing
        NYT  -  779 words
      • 379 9 New form of carbon Bladder blast DM 1968. researchers from the Carnegie Institution of Washington found a new form of carbon in Bavarian rocks, apparently produced when graphite was shocked by the impact of a eiant meteorite. It had long been wondered why carbon, whose enormously varied compounds
        NYT  -  379 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 253 8 Ml I book More •\n-ll.mninh\ V M^^ J I'RIMKI HMI M (itsoi I HI AS I H X^Z///VrrJ# AW/ \M\IMI lID i B^^jlTWS SU.HII W McGraw-Hill I I 1 International I I lhc\l«»st Highly Acclaimed /VVv J I NK(.K\\\ Mil IrV KIPHtUOr S< Ih N( X <* .^c s H^
        253 words
      • 740 8 4Hjc. Neanderthal man JB THE usual scenario (or holds up in the light of Mr Apsimon said this the arrival of men and recent research. He was the theory he fawomen very like our- points out that it is voured among the three selves in Western and possible love crossed
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 141 9 ally^7T^ Start your collection of ws&_±*%, JL "I LOVE MAMA" <&* *!3§| A /m Cartoon Stickers now! *l* And they come absolutely FREE lV >-&/ /^k, You'll get 1 packet of stickersN. when your mother buys a bottle of MAMA LEMON >^ A£T> dishwashing liquid (while stocks last) N. l£T,
        141 words
    • 610 10  -  PAUL JANSEN B] I AM not a bleeding heart liberal. Anyone thinking of approaching me with a petition calling for legalisation of consumption of socalled "soft drugs" like marijuana is advised to wait until I contract gout. In both feet. But there are times... Earlier this week,
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 378 10 l 3 y LAMV utWmi^'^ l T^^^^H i!*U W ir B*. W^tkf _*r X Mode) ELODIE V A LAMY. Yet another famous name X IY\r>x~\ jm\ r°^r\ Io pin our already Wlde ran9e of W I ICI I I HI Ily \JQ\ I optical frames With the most cp 'I
        378 words
    • 1183 11  -  WILLIAM SAFIRE By 6 The supersecret plane had been called the RS-71, for "reconnaissance, strategic". (The military likes the noun-comma-adjective construction: I recall a sign reading, "garbage, edible".) However, goes the btory, which is grimly denied by Lockheed, the president got the letters
      NYT  -  1,183 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 468 11 Fly the Golden Skies of MAS to Jeddah 38 Specia/ Flights from October 28 to November 78 k !3b\ 37 special flights from Kuala Lumpur and 7 from Penang, all on our super spacious DCiOs direct to Jeddah. Special flights departing Kuala Lumpur tor Jeddah: W W' W 3V November
        468 words
      • 1134 12 Exquisite curios £rom Thai Thailand YOU may enjoy browsing in curio shops, always enthusiastically adding a new item to your h me, never allowing the decor to assume an unattractive tiredness. However, there are painfully few shops where one can pick up that special something, that choice item to be
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      • 856 12 Designing with a theme in mind ne in mind HE CALLS himself a theme party designer and florist and reckons he is about the only one in Singapore doing such a thing. And what exactly does Edwin Pereira, 32, do? Like his title says, he designs for parties with a
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      • 206 13 Week-end treats for compulsive buyers FOR all those who want to give themselves a treat over the weekend, start here. Villeroy k Boch are holding an exhibition of fine china and crystal at the Goodwood Park Hotel's Brunei Suite tomorrow and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. Among
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 180 12 -*wr you are constant 'y extra-special something to brighten up your home, you fl®?*^*^^ w k now now difficult it is to 1 1 0 v^, come up with an object Jj^va^ n^. (sx^l^3sgK V\v\ artistic and reasonably priced. VJS> CAROLINE NGUI did some Jifcil' /^T^^^ exploring in the restored
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    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 483 13 |U| j j Ifl ti^uti m 91 I^LVuaaVrf^Hutartu^HuflHl^LNhbuttHM UUr UUv HUM Bmb i m I afl W' Jtwßt taw Bb BbuuV -^m m YOUTH-DEW The beautif unoriginal purchase. This offer is for one fragrance masterpiece Richly vvtjek only-3 Oct to 9 Oct-and J romantic Softly sexy Lingering. So limited to
        483 words
    • 959 14 Beijing's voice of the people is heard again A slim tabloid with just four pages, the Evening News is crammed with short, often humorous articles ranging from reader's letters to news of entertainment, sports and the outside world. If it criticises lazy and rude shop attendants, it also tries to
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    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 225 14 Vm i -lan r W^ L^^.* mmmmY Li m Lm m svß Lm "minrnixi Martini" 9 M§ There are pleasures that < j V J can't be matched. Tastes good just by itself, with lots 4 A m of ice and a twist or two of /Qr o lemon for
        225 words
      • 175 14 Keep your hair healthy-looking Keep it dandruff tree Keep it with Lfettrnw I Mt NERILmk ILm^l B_ K'ciai BIRKIN SULFRIN NERIL HAIR-REACTIVE Contains natural sap from Sulfrin is scientifically Neril Hair-Reactive contains I the German Birch tree. formulated to combat active ingredients which Birkin Hair Tonic, used dandruff, greasy or
        175 words
    • ASEAN TRADE FAIR'80 SINGAPORE 3-12Octover 1990 Supplement
      • 483 15 MURK thaa 3M muDlu-Urrn uri traders will participate la thr sr< mm! Vsean Trade Fair from today to iki I!, thr first U be held by the group of five this decade. Some IM.tN visitor, air expected to attend the lft-dav eveal at
        483 words
      • 544 15 THIRTEEN years after the leaders of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand met to form the Association of South-east Asian Nations (Asean), the five countries can look back on a creditable record of having established themselves as a credible regional
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      • 446 16 CHARACTERISTIC of its forward looking attitude, Singapore is forcing itself to undergo the painful process of restructuring its industries. The theme of industrial development now is higher skills and higher technology. The thinking is that the crop of labour-intensive industries which were so important
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      • 372 16 To promote agriculture products both locally and overseas SABAH Marketing Corporation Sdn Bhd (Siuna), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Rural Development Corporation, was launched by the Sabah Government on Oct 12 im. It has a paid up capital of Msl« million. :t Is the Sabah Government* marketing agent for
        372 words
      • 906 17 A WIDE variety of investment opportunities exist in Malaysia, expe- cially for the setting up of industries which are labour intensive and which utilise domestic raw material resources. These industries are among the priority industries whose establishment is encouraged by the government, said Mr
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      • 585 18 Petroleum products most significant EXPORTS play a vital role in the Indonesian economy and for the Second Five- Year Plan period, ending 1978, exports averaged 25 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product as against imports at 14.6 per cent. Foreign trade in 1979, from provisional data, increased by US$4
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      • 158 18 Import of capital goods now on the rise Investment from foreign countries involve ihe import of capital goods and spare parts to Indonesia with special and favoured import regulations. 'Hopefully, after a certain period, the capability of machines and spare parts will be known more and more to our country
        158 words
      • 754 19 Agriculture the most vital sector A REVIEW of the past two decades of industrial development in Thailand has shown that a high degree of diversification has taken place in the industrial sector. As a result, industrial activity in Thailand today has become evenly distributed among many groups of industries and
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      • 348 19 YOUR BARE WALLS GIVING YOU A HANG-UP? IF YOU have m bang ■pa aboat what to bang la your apartment, then visit the Decor Arts pavilion at the Fair where dtalrarirs can help you select an attractive arrangement of art works to break up the monotony of your bare walls.
        348 words
      • 1037 20 11 MAJOR INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS TO LEAD THE WAY INTO THE EIGHTIES THE PHILIPPINES, In a move to accelerate industrial growth a shift from its primarily agrarian economy has embarked on 11 major industrial projects at a total cost of a conservative US$6 billion.
        1,037 words
      • 161 20 FAST CONTAINER SERVICES FROM 2 SHIPPING FIRMS BCANDUTCH aad Nedll«vd liaes are tw» sklpplag arms that wfil skew their raage af servtees at the A*eaa Trad* Fair >8«. Seaatfatea Is aa tarterasUiaal partaersalp af ■r— traai Bederl AB af Swedes, Caapagale Geaeral Maritime af Praaoe, Tkr East AsUtIe C«mpaay Ud
        161 words
      • 908 21 SINGAPORE'S national stand at the fair will be divided into five sections and will place special emphasis on the Republic s export services Mr Ng Chon Choo. deputy director of the Trade Department, organiser of the fair, said the aim in highlighting such
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      • 285 21 PUTTING THE EMPHASIS ON PORT SERVICES MALAYSIA'S national pavilion at the Asean Trade Fair will emphasis her port services and facilities especially the development of her two new ports at Kuantan and Pasir Gudang. Mr Raja Ismail Mohammed, Malaysia's Trade Commissioner, said this was because port service was closely linked
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      • 415 22 ON DISPLAY: PRODUCTS FROM AGRICULTURE AND MANUFACTURING SECTORS A LARGE variety of Indonesian products will be on display representing the cottage industry, agriculture and manufacturing sectors. The Indonesian pavilion will also highlight some of the new products which are presently being exported in large quantities. These include ampuls, vials, electric
        415 words
      • 165 22 COLOURFUL vi Illustrative photographs as well v pnUct exhibits will project Ske PmlUppiaes' rapM Mistrial development. The 11 aadeaaJ projects that will show the routry's Mistrial programme will be fmtued in a photo emay. Visitors caa see the wide range of services by
        165 words
      • 303 22 SEVENTEEN companies will show their products and services at the Thai national pavilion. These range from processed food to building materials and electrical goods. According to Mr Sunai Tephavel, Thailand's commercial counsellor in Singapore, his country's labour-intensive industries will be featured at the fair.
        303 words
      • 513 22 THE prospects for Asean in the 1960s appear good. Among the group's objectives in the economic field are the creation of a durable preferential trading system and the cultivation of long-term relationships with the developed world. Japan is Asean's largest trading partner.
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    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 1322 15 From Mr GOH CHOK TONG, Minister for Trade and Industry IT IS indeed gratifying 1978. They are to promote efforts should be put in to to note that about 300 intra-Asean trade, in- promote trade under the companies from the five crease Asean exports and PTA Asean countries are par-
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 416 16 THE IMAGE BUILDERS AROUND THE WORLD. Wherever we are at work building exhibits, there OFFICIAL MAIN CONTRACTOR is no such thing as a standard exhibition stall for ASEAN TRADE FAIR '80 That's because we believe each exhibitor has a unique image to project And that each job a^tf^MJ^m deserves the
        416 words
      • 10 16 rEl&mtf)pal'r El&mtf)paI' n^nß^tnfln^l nL n^n^K A m| _^IK9^^n^n^nV JEW«|^^M)USTRIES(S)PTE iTI)
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    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 96 17 SEE OUR 1980S MAGICAL BRILLIANCE Just Clap and the light's on, NYN V Whistle and the light's gone. 11 Jrj with every purchase, a Ifcriff B^H^Lm set of beautiful gemstone I W >Im| pendant and chain. PL^' fft ft I^l^^ ALSO on display are l*^^ GEMSTONE PICTURES of S W
        96 words
      • 636 17 Okamoto Precision Surface Grinder Provides... High Productivity, Accuracy and Easy Operation Precision Form Grinding Machine Precision Surface Grinding Machine Model PFG4SON (Hand Feed) Model PS663AN j Model PFG4SOCN Hydrauhc Control of Table. (Hydraulic Table Drive, I C>^ g- g^K" 1 Aut0 tIC N 2~taOea| ifl I« f okomoto o^^ t
        636 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 400 18 V Outstanding jt^n Packaging v M BkSsi s>«'< i.ilisls in th« tit'ld ot |>ackanin(4. (jeak Hin IradingCo I td is involved in th« manutac tunng and distributing of .i wide v.uit'tv ot labelling Mnppißg .irid packing materials .me) ii)ijipiTM'iii including Afek cotton yloxt'v v\hi(h are manufactured in a" A_
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    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 79 19 @LI HING- Manufacturer of fashionable canvas, genuine leather, PL) and PVC > handbags for all occasions Whether they are made to your specif ications or are chosen from our wide range of designs, you are assured of fine quality and durable products We are now exporting to markets in Europe.
        79 words
      • 148 19 Hjppi MiiH |l^nV I V!fIVVSn4Ia a 4MifiMlfl»VH iti^nanmat^Kltnmmftmmi L^nT W .an^nlni E LananWV 9 W BbW LanaT LananV^^^L^B tsnß I U "wC^ aS> if a -3r \M W nsV 40"^ nt jJ "g M C^* l»n»yaß^F^n»l ta^^n9l m I fm A- 10a aV^aT nrnari is Yr i AM ■»">( rom
        148 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 307 20 a^a^a^a^^^-^^-l a^^^ vS^ifc tMI w9^ -^ai f> fe^riafl a^r .^riafl [o a^a^rf TRY MALOY We hove introduced Dimetol for inexperienced operators who break sow blades rather than wear them out. Try them for cost saving. But we continue to manufacture HSS for experienced operators. Matoy Saw Diodes are produced from
        307 words
      • 258 20 Theßeauty of Decor r ples brelonslone m m^c Brelonstone is the latest innovation in interior decor-tor Bk: Bl^B^^_— a touch of elegance Comes in an f_h^^ exclusive range ol designs, colors W a gja^BM and textures Bretoi. stone specially made to last BVs^ for all floorings, walls, table-top I and
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    • Page 21 Advertisements
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      • 463 21 I old Storage has warmed hearts and made '^B I mouths water since 1905. It's a household P^^^B iL^fc. name for ice-cream, dairy products, superri J 1 KSi markets and anything that's associated with fresh B^|f M^ m quality fotxls from far and ik*^>r VyM /^B v near Magnolia, Sunshine,
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    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 408 22 Queensland expertise and technology on display in Asia Singapore 7 9 October 1980 Opening hours I .oopm 6.00pm daily at Australian High Commission 25 Napier Road Singapore Telephone 737 9311 QEXPO is a Queensland Confederation of Industry Exhibition r-f I Organised by /r S^t Peter Mackenzie Associates Export Marketing Consultants
        408 words
      • 47 22 ASIA FURNITURE CO. PTE. LTD. Block 1079, No. 16* Euno? Avenue 7, Singapore 1440. Tel: *****77 (3 Lines) CABLE ADUKZSS: ASIAFURN Model: AFC 1181 -H Model: AFC 1 1 80 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••a Come and see us at •THE ASEAN TRADE FAIR BOOTH NO. 123 World Trade Centre. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a
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    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 592 23 KUWAIT NATIONAL PETROLEUM COMPANY (KSC) 1. AREA CO-ORDINATOR RCF (K/IM/2M/9/M) Requres A Bachelor's degree n Business Administration or Economics or equivalent quofctication B 10 yeors experience »n seftmg oi ond petroleum products with thorough knowledge of o particular Geographical region of which ot least I -2 yeors m o responsible
        592 words
      • 577 23 AKAI DIVISIONAL EXECUTIVE ($35,000 -$55,000p.aJ We are looking for the nght person to be the Divisional Executive of our Akai Division Besides the necessary qualifications, the nature of the job calls for an analytical mind, ingenuity and drive. Applicants should ideally be in their 30's. RasponsibilitiM include assisting the MD
        577 words
      • 714 23 IN THE HIGH COURT OK THE REPUBLIC OF HMGAPOU Companies Winding Up I No. IM of 1080 In the Matter of the Companies Act (Chapter 185) And In the Matter of »h\<; BEE SHIPPING (PTE) LTD ADVERTISEMENT OF j PETITION NOTICE Is hereby given that a Petition for the Winding
        714 words
      • 1238 23 I Tender Notice I Tandar* arc invitad forI BUILDING I a) Tandar No AMB/T/SO/052 Installation and Completion of I Rainforcad Concrata Pilad Foundation for tna Proposed Ta4a- I coma 126m Staal Towar at Bukit Timah Hill. Eligibility Registered Contractors Class C D 'Non-registered Contractors Deposit S$ 1, 000 00 Closing
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    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 920 24 We ore on established U S Based Compony manufacturing subseo oil dr*ng ond production equipment Owing to an expansion in our activities we requre MACHINISTS Completed N S 3-5 years' experience m heavy engineering industries preferred Must be wiling to work shift on a rotational basis Frst Shift 7 30
        920 words
      • 518 24 I^T INCHCAPE BERHAD requires I MAINTENANCE I MECHANIC I for Inchcope House Applications are invited for the above post. QUALIFICATIONS: 2 years' minimum experience in maintenance of electrical and airconditioning installation in large commercial or industrial building. Preference will be given to holders of PUB electrician licence. Knowledge of mechanical
        518 words
      • 546 24 luilVlloUCll (SINGAPORE) FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT We are an Australian based manufacturing firm and have a vacancy for a Financial Accountant. The Job Based in Jurong, the incumbent will report to the Finance Manager and duties will include responsibility for financial/management reporting outlook forecasting costing functions assistance in funds management, insurances and
        546 words
      • 552 24 BaUK<mWmV^ MARINE PTE. LTD Specialist engineers and machinists Baker Marine Pte Ltd. subsidiary of Baker Marine Corporation, USA. manufacturer of sophisticated equipment for the offshore oil rig and marine industry, requires a) An engineer-inspection to handle quality control and inspection of mechanical and electrical installation on oil rigs under construction
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    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 782 25 ffillDB Separate tenders are invited for each of the following: (1) ERECTION ANO COMPLETION of 2 Blocks of 4-Storey Industrial Shop (120 Units). 1 Block of Type 88A Terrace Workshops (19 Units), 3 Blocks of Type 110A Terrace Workshops (30 Units). 2 Blocks of Type 220A Terrace Workshops (13 I
        782 words
      • 816 25 #PWD TENDER NOTICE Tenders ore invited from PWD Registered Controctors tor the following (A) SEE (R) 61/80 Construction and Widening of Choo Chu Kong Rood from Bukit Poniang Circus to Jolon Perang Eligibility Roads $1,000,000/ond above Closing Dote 23 10 80 ot II 00 am (B) SEE (R) 62/80 Supply
        816 words
        712 words
      • 485 25 UNITED INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION LIMITED (Incorporated m the Republic of Singapore) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Nineteenth Annual General Meeting of the abovenamed com pany will be held at the UIC Board Room. 31st Floor, UIC Building. Shenton Way. Singapore 0106 on Friday. 14th November.
        485 words
      • 111 25 BRANDKUN INTKRNATIONAI, PTE. LTD. —4 COMPANIES ACT, CAP. 18ft (SECTION ISi (I) Appaialomt n PravteimuU UqukUUr At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the above Company held on 27th September, 1980. the following Resolution was passed "It was resolved that It had I been proved to the satlsfact
        111 words
      • 168 25 NOTK'K STATUTORY 1>K( l.ARATION In the matter of the Companies Act. Cap. 185 and In the matter of Brandson International Pte. Lid. We, Komar Rahardju and Lee Swee Siong of Brandson International Pte Ltd. do solemnly and sincerely declare that the Company cannot by reason of its liabilities continue its
        168 words
      • 488 25 IN THK HIGH (OIRTOF THK REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding-up No. 128 of 1980 In the matter of Ihe Companies Act. 1967 and In the matter of Manx Kwong Trading Company (Private) Limited NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Petition for the wmding-up of the abovenamed Company by the High
        488 words
    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 454 26 i Private Limited. Own on (Private) Limited is sukstdtary of Dowtion GmbH of Wtet Germany and m»nid m t<M manufacture of hiojh quality matal com ponants for the »lactron<cs industry We require an additional MECHANICAL ENGINEER Qualifications at Bachelor's Degree in Mecnanical Engineering from recognised University, bl 1-2 years' practical
        454 words
      • 691 26 INTERNATIONAI^^^ MARKETING PROGRAM TRAINEES General Electric, the world's largest and most diversified electrical manufacturing company is recruiting talented and technically competent young graduates into its highly A recognised INTERNATIONAL MARKETING M\ PROGRAM (IMP). the PROGRAM Geared to develop well-trained engineers to work in a marketing capacity for GE's Export Sales
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      • 591 26 Tender Notice Tenders ore invited for SUPPLIES a) Tender No. PT/190/80(Y) Design. Manufacture, Supply and Delivery with Supervision of Installation. Testing and Commissioning of a Digital Microwave Link between Comcentre and Pulau Ayer Merfoau. Eligibility Registered Contractors Class C D Non-Registered Contractors Deposit S$ 1.000, 00 Closing Date 28 November
        591 words
      • 567 26 SHOPHOUSE FOR SALE BY TENDER LEASEHOLD PROPERTY LOCATED AT N0.35/A/B/C HONGKONG STREET. SINGAPORE PARTICULARS OF PROPERTY Town Subdivision VII Lot 162-16 TS VII with o 4'j storey building thereon known as No 35/A/B/C Hongkong Street, Singapore. Areo 155 sq. metres (1,669 sqft.) Title Lease: 99 yeors from Ist January 1951.
        567 words
      • 191 26 TENDER Tender will be received for the supply of the following undermentioned Items In the Ministry of Defence (Logistics Division), Tanglln, SINGAPORE 1024 up to 11.00 a.m. on date shown against the items:1 REFURBISHMENT OF! HELMET OUTER Tender No: MINDEF (LOG)P/0010/80 Closing Date: 24-10-80 Tender Deposit: $500.00 2. PAINT ENAMEL
        191 words
      • 667 26 la tar matter M tar Mnpaalr* Art, Caa. IM aarf la la* mattrr M Kraa Caoaa Ttmbrr (Plr.) \.U. (MrmsrrV \.l««Ur% Wlaaiac.■P) At an Extraordinary General Meetn g of the abovenamed company duly convened and held at 6 New Industrial Road. Singapore 1953. on the 30th day of September 1980.
        667 words