The Straits Times, 27 July 1980

Total Pages: 34
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Sunday Times No. 2304 SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1980 35 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 112/1/80
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  • 665 1 That extra 3 pc for above-average suggests Jack Chia as an incentive for better future performance THE extra 3 per cent salary adjustment for above average workers should be paid at the end of the NWC year to ensure that the government's policy
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  • 187 1 Marcos threat to extend martial law MANILA, Sat. President Ferdinand Marcos yesterday threatened to prolong martial law rule and warned of a possible wave of arrests if his political opponents and subversive elements exploit growing student unrest in the Philippines. Mr Marcos made the statement a day after a demonstration
    AP  -  187 words
  • 77 1 SEOUU Sat. Four South Korean journalists working for foreign news media were released today after being detained for two days by the martial law authorities. They were said to have been interrogated about their reporting on the South Korean situation in recent months They are K.C. Hwang,
    AFP  -  77 words
  • 35 1 TEHERAN. Sat Four people charged with attacking revolutionary guards and three others accused of drug dealing and morals infractions were executed yesterday in Dezhil. about 480 km south-west of Tehenin AFP
    AFP  -  35 words
  • 58 1 HONGKONG. Sat. Gold jumped above the US$65O (5J1.371.50) an ounce mark on the local International market today. The market opened strong at US$653-655 following the overnight U*****454 finish in New York where sentiment was boosted by a prime rate cut. It gained two more dollars here to
    AFP  -  58 words
  • 68 1 WASHINGTON, Sat. The US Defence Department intends to send Egypt 67 more late-model M6O-A3 tanks with sophisticaled rangefinding equipment, it was announced here on Friday. The Pentagon said it wanted to substitute the 67 new tanks for 130 M4B-A5 models original- ly scheduled for delivery
    AFP  -  68 words
  • 104 1 MOSCOW, Sat. Longstriding Steve Ovett beat world record holder Sebastian Coe in the clash of the two British middledistance giants to win the 800 metres Olympic Games gold medal in 1 min. 45.4sec. Coe, the pre-race favou1 rite, had to settle for the silver in 1:45.9,
    UPI  -  104 words
  • 163 1 UN panel in favour of ousted Kampuchea govt UNITED NATIONS, Sat. The Credentials Committee, overriding Soviet objections, yesterday recommended that the General Assembly continue to recognise the ousted Democratic Kampuchean Government. The recommendation came after Radio Hanoi reported yesterday that the Vietnam-backed Heng Samrin regime has formally requested the UN
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 70 1 LONDON, Sat. British actor Peter Sellers, who died on Thursday, was cremated in north London today following a church service attended by 30 close friends and relatives. Spike Milligan and Harry Secombe, friends of Sellers and partners with him in the zany radio series called The Goon
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 163 1 MOSCOW, Sat. Vladimir Lapitsky, of the Soviet Union, was pierced through the chest by a broken sword in the Olynv pic men's foil team match between the Soviet Union and Poland today. Lapitsky, 21, making his debut in the Olympics, and Adam Robak, of Poland, attacked
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 599 1  -  A MOMENT of happiness for 17-year-old National Junior College French bora player, Chan Mei Yoke, after her school band was awarded the gold medallion at yesterday's inter-second-ary school concert bands presentation at the Singapore Conference Hall. The top prize eluded the band which won
    WONG KWAI CHOW SEE PAGE IS  -  599 words
  • 362 1 FOREIGNERS TO BE ALLOWED TO BUY CONDOMINIUMS ONLY? THE government may restrict foreigners to buying only condominium flats in order to halt speculative property sale and to protect genuine local home buyers. The proposal, it is understood, will reserve the sale of ordinary private
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  • 185 1 RANGOON, Sat. Thai Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda has called for greater efforts by countries in the region to solve the Kampuchean conflict which he said is threatening the peace and stability of South-east Asia. Speaking at a banquet in his honour by
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 20 1 BRISTOL, Sat. Louisi Brown, the world's first test tube baby, celebrated her sec ond birthday yesterday. AP
    AP  -  20 words
  • Latest
    • 54 1 THE death toll on onr roads rose to It? stace the beginning of the year, when a pedestrian, Mr Vellappa Kolandai, of Kolam Ayer, died in the Singapore General Hospital late last night after he was involved In an accident with a van at Holland Road
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    • 45 1 SEVEN men were warded at Alexaadra Hospital early this morning, serlMuly Inhuwd alter they were attacked with Iron ban ami paraags by SI men In a gaag clash at a coffee shop In Corporation Road, Jnronx, late last night.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 163 2 Hijackers give up after 27 hours KUWAIT, Sat. Two disgruntled Jordanian brothers who had hijacked an airliner for 27 hours, surrendered peacefully last night and freed their hostages unharmed. Youssef and Ahmed Mifleh, both convicted bad cheque artistes, handed over their guns, grenades and explosives and ended a five-stop journey
      UPI  -  163 words
    • 499 2 WASHINGTON, Saturday IN A revelation which adds more talk and substance to the "Billy6 ate" affair, the White louse has disclosed that Billy Carter's help was sought last year by President Jimmy Carter in seeking the release of the American hostages in
      Agencies  -  499 words
    • 186 2 HEATWAVE VICTIM MAY BE FIRST TO SURVIVE 47 DEGREES ATLANTA, Sat. A 51-year-old heatwave victim has survived although his bodv temperature rose to 47.05 degrees Celsius, medical authorities said here today. Gradv Memorial Hospital said that their patient, Willie Jones, is probably the only person in the world to have
      AP; AFP  -  186 words
    • 265 2 Non-aligned draft seeks total Israeli pullout UNITED NATIONS, Saturday NON-ALIGNED states have formally proposed that the UN General Assembly call on Israel to withdraw totally and unconditionally from Arab lands occupied since June 1967. In last night's draft resolution, expected to be put to a vote on Monday or Tuesday,
      Reuter; UPI  -  265 words
    • 49 2 WASHINGTON, Sat. The Federal Reserve Board, the US Central Bank, said today it was lowering its discount rate from U to 10 per cent with effect from Monday. The der. sion followed moves by several leading banks in recent days to lower their prime lending rate. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 36 2 CANNES (France), Sat Burglars stole valuables worth 80 million francs (5J42.2 million) from the villa of the son of the former ruler of the Persian Gulf emirate of Qua tar, police said yesterday. UPI.
      UPI  -  36 words
    • 169 2 LONDON, Sat Renter news agency closed Its International service fnun Its LMdN headquarters for eight h**n early today after journalists here joined a strike at tke agency's New York bareaa. ne British National I nlon of Journalists ordered all Its members oat. They were
      AP; UPI  -  169 words
    • 80 2 Egypt won't recall its envoy CAIRO, Sat. Egypt will not recall its ambassador to Israel if Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin moves his office to Arab East Jerusalem, official sources were quoted as saying in today's early edition of Al Goumhouria newspaper. An Israeli radio report quoted Western sources as
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 183 3 'Deng will become chief next month' TOKYO. Sat. Senior Vice-Premier Deng Xiaoping will be named China's Chief of State a post abolished five years ago in a meeting of the National People's Congress next month, a Japanese newspaper reported today. The Yomiuri Shimbun, quoting what it called very reliable sources
      AP  -  183 words
    • 357 3 NEW DELHI, Saturday HUNDREDS of people have been killed and hundreds of thousands left homeless by widespread flooding in India, Ban- gladesh, Korea and China during the past several days. Millions of dollars worth of crops have also been destroyed. INDIA'S northern and north-western
      UPI  -  357 words
    • 125 3 Bani-Sadr names new premier LONDON, Sat. Iraa's President AlmUumsm Baal-Sftdr tod»y named his national p*Uce chief as the country's sew Prime Minister, Teheran Radio announced, signalling a compromise with the nations powerful fundamentalist Muslim clergy. Tie radio said Mcstafa Mlr-Sallm, who also serves as Depot) lateri•r Minister, told the Pars
      125 words
    • 314 3 TOKYO, Saturday THE Japanese Government has hinted it will boost defence spending in the face of increasing pressure at home and abroad to build up its armed forces, political sources said. Defence appropriations for the fiscal year beginning next April are expected
      UPI  -  314 words
    • 268 3 Political killings and Soviet air raids up says US WASHINGTON, Saturday SOVIET planes hay« stepped up bomb attacks on Afghan villages recently and there has been a spate of assassinations in the capital of Kabul, a US State Department spokesman said today. He said the assassina- i tion victims were
      Agencies  -  268 words
    • 43 3 HEIDELBERG (W Germany) Sat. A US air force Jet crashed on Friday, killing both crew members, an air force spokesman said. The plane, an I OV-10 Bronco forward air control patrol plane, crashed about skm outside Reisenbach. near Heidelberg UPI
      UPI  -  43 words
    • 34 3 WASHINGTON, Sat Political violence in El Salvador killed 3,425 civilians in the first six months of this year, 760 of them in June, former agriculture minister Enrique Alvarez Cordova said yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 122 3 Khmer Rouge attack Viets near border ARANYAPRATHET, Sat. Khmer Rouge guerillas counter-attacking a heavy Vietnamese push on j strongholds near the Thai border today raided a Vietnamese position. Thai military sources here said. The sources said about 100 Kampuchea n guerillas, armed with automatic rifles, propelled grenades and mortars, launched
      Reuter; AP  -  122 words
    • 27 3 JAKARTA, Sat. Four people were killed in an explosion at a fire cracker factory in Proboloinggo, east Java, Antara news agency reported today. AFP. I
      AFP  -  27 words
    • 218 3 WORLD BRIEFS POWERFUL typhoon "Kirn" left the Philippines on Friday nipht with 18 dead, six missing, several thousands of families homeless and property amounting to 100 million pesos (Ss2B million) destroyed. Nicknamed "Osang' here, the typhoon, the strongest to nit the country this year, swept through about 10 provinces in
      AFP  -  218 words
    • 102 3 RKNNES, (France), Sat Seven test-tube calves have been barn in several farms near here la a series of froien embryo transplants that could radlcallv improve cattle qaallty, say experts. The experiments, the French NaUonaT Instltute for AgroaMnleal ls«U faAn c-peradv... The two-year operaUons, In farms
      AFP  -  102 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 853 2 I# THE CASE FOR QUALITY I|M iW;irs.iml j MADE IN U.S.A. The look of high fashion is reflected j^^^^^H Tfr^ in these American-made camera cases... HL^ l^P> ■fete"*' > cases that embody all th« distinctive v\\ mV '^^•5*— styling, quality and craftsmanship jr usually found only in fine luggages. f
      853 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 95 3 COMPIfX SiMjAPORI o«, t jßs Does the Vitamin Supplement you give your children contain Afe^/^V-v all these 6 essential vitamins? V P**- JUIIIVI It contains Vitamins A and D the vitamins of fish liver oil, plus the 4 other essential vitamins, in pleasant-tasting concentrated orange juice. Medium priced among vitamin
      95 words
    • 158 3 FURNITURE WITH A TOUCH OF CLASS 3rd Fir. Plaza Singapura (above YAOH AN Orchard Road) j fARI&TOCRATIC ORIENTAL GENUINE LfATHER-MANAU if Kings and Queens could move around as freely as you many a Royalty would visit us today to view these masterpieces Entertain in Luxury Dine in Luxury 9^^^ v\"Xr
      158 words

  • 350 4 THE Labour Minister, Mr Ong Pang Boon, yesterday urged the newly-inau-gurated Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) to concentrate on improving personnel management in the Eighties. He said higher expectations of young workers who have grown up in an era of industrial stability
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  • 50 4 THE Singapore Chinese Gold and Silver Merchants Association has raised the price of gold by $S0 a tahll. In One with tne higher international price of gold: The new prices are $1,800 a tahil for 24-carat gold, $1,461) for 22-rarat and $1,350 for pound gold.
    50 words
  • 199 4 IT WAS an arranged marriage and the matchmaker was none other than the Minister for Labour, Mr Ong Pang Boon. Love did not blossom at first sight and an age difference of 17 years stood between the blushing bride and gallant groom. But within eight months
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  • 113 4 Goodwill visit by Japanese nurses ABOUT 120 nurses from Japan will be visiting Singapore from tomorrow to Wednesday under the auspices of the International Nursing Foundation of Japan to foster goodwill between nurses of the two countries. They will call at the Alexandra Hospital, Singapore General Hospital and Tan Tock
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  • 27 4 THE National Library will change its telephone numbers from August. So from next Friday, dial *****55; *****56; 3S*****; *****58 and 3376G76 for the library
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  • 640 4  -  EDMUND TEO BY TWO government organisations are embroiled in a dispute over the question of who should be responsible (or processing applications from physically handicapped motorists seeking exemption from the payment of the Additional Registration Fee (ARF) on their new vehicles. A
    640 words
  • 657 4  - Do first things first to make time count PHILIP LEE By STOP pointing an accusing finger at the clock and sighing "I haven't got the time" when you next find yourself with more work than you can cope with. Whether you are an office manager or a housewife, this excuse
    657 words
  • 113 4 RENTALS of residential properties hav.; increased by an average of 29.9 per cent, according to a recent survey by the American Business Council. The survey, covering 123 members of the council, showed thi' the highest increase w ..s 33.5 per cent for
    113 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 67 4 TOW WiuDspiayThe rarestuems proffered b/monoal: RxfOJNS Emerald rings from $2,500. mmgJMfe iff^ Diamond rings from $900. xpsry" if Iff \vt* Sapphire rings from $880. i^Jt{- tii Y|rt Ruby rings from $500. XmmU jfi Necklets from $1,500. ;UH M 19 j MONDIAL THE INTERNATIONAL WIM DiAAAOND INVESTMENT IWf COMf*NY Open seven
      67 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 163 5 Maybelline The official cosmetic of the Miss Universe Pageant Maybelline, The Cosmetic For The allows you lots of time to select from our gorgeous jfj I,^ Most Beautiful Women In The World has arrived!! colours and shades The savings on salesgirls come j I Fashion colours for super luscious looks.
      163 words

  • 845 6 A FORMER company chief accountant, who fled to Amsterdam after masterminding a series of frauds involving more than $460,000, was jailed for five years by a district judge yesterday. Ronald Steven Phillips. 31, who was jailed another six months on 52 counts
    845 words
  • 174 6 'Welcome more housewives' call THE Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Goh Cnok Tong. last alght ■rged NTUC Welcome to employ mare housewives to work la Its supermarkets on a fonr-hoor shift basis. Opening the NTUC Welcome supermarket at Bedok, Mr Ooh suggested the NTUC Welcome shenld extend Its network
    174 words
  • 56 6 POH HER SENG, 37, was charged in a magistrate's court yesterday for corruptly ottering $334 to Police Constable Chia Teng Heng as an inducement to PC Chia not to take action against him (or acting as a runner for a bookmaker. The case will come up
    56 words
  • 49 6 HO CHONG BENG, 30, was charged in a magistrate's court yesterday (or stealing 13 pieces of tin ingots valued at 113,000 from a godown in the PSA Sembawang Wharves on July 18. He is remanded and the case will be mentioned again next Saturday.
    49 words
  • 159 6 Parade rehearsal starts at 6 p.m. The full dress rehearsal of the National Day parade begins at the National Stadium at 6 p.m. today and will go on until 7.20 p.m. In all, 59 marching contingents will leave the stadium at 6.15 p.m., split into two groups and march along
    159 words
  • 483 6 Ryders ride tandem to see the world at random AFTER 12,500 kilometres, 10 punctures, 24 broken spokes and spending about $6,000 on equipment, the Ryders are still riding tandem. Francoise and Patrice Ryder, who arrived early i this week, started their I autour la monde ("trip around the world" as
    483 words
  • 52 6 SAF military exercises THE Singapore Armed Forces will hold military exercises in Marsiling. Mandai. Hong Kan. Chua Cnu Kang, Tampines. Pulau Tekong, Pulau Ubin and Jalan Ulu Sembawang from Monday to Sunday between 8 a.m. and midnight daily. Thunderflashes and blank* will be used. The public is advised not to
    52 words
  • 59 6 THE Port of Singapore Authority will hold the closing ceremony of its courtesy campiagn with a debate and a film show on good manners at its conference hall in Maritime Square on Monday at 3 p.m. To end its ceremony on a polite note, the PSA
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  • 497 6 Oral surgery sets poser on insurance cover A PATIENT, whose infected wisdom tooth caused him constant agony and threatened him with further infection, went to an oral surgeon for treatment. The one-hour mouth operation cost him $200 which he hoped to claim from a health insurance plan he had taken
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 146 6 Footway gives a new line to your legs. k Ik The new range of Footway shoes. Starring .^^IaI Avaiiahipnnivat i i i i i t ii ii MVdlldUlc Oilly dl Baby Louise heels for that lean and leggy look. .SV^J^ e¥5x m m Featuring sexy ankle straps and ties, subtle
      146 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 500 7 Kit BHI K^ i^^tf Sony's astonishing Z-600. There isnt a stereo system remotely like it. Please remain seated. Astonishing is the only word to describe the I oSSSi of all Z-600 components including the cassette deck. Sony Z-600 Stereo Component System. Not only does it offer the C 2 BS
      500 words

  • TV highlights
    • 205 8 BIO LEAGUE SOCCER IPSWICH vs MANCHESTER UNITED (Today, 11.45 a.m.): Strange and unusual things happened in this game, most of them exciting and one team got the best thrashing in six years. But you'll have to watch to find out what all the hullabaloo is about. Also
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    • 1294 8 Romance and adventure in new series on outlaw clan IT'S going to be a rather quiet week SBC is bringing to us TV addicts three new series only. "Only!," you scream indignantly. "Why, you ungrateful TV writer, y0u..." Yes, Caldecott Hill has given us lots of watchables in the past
      1,294 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 287 8 Give yourself that chance you've always wan ted STUDY WITH FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS HOME STUDIES DIVISION. ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL ACADEMIC: LCE, SCGCE/MCE. HSC/GCE A' levels. London ™£vs GCE *O' and A' levels, AEB 'O' and 'A' levels. j (t PROFESSIONAL: Inst. of Administrative Management, Inst. of fi.. 7) Chartered Secretaries and
      287 words
    • 15 8 Sony Betamax SL- --J7 :S@]Q!EBaiSEBK]: f^^ll See what you've been \J^^^— mm searching for fl
      15 words
    • 61 8 lllH^-t t#\Viiwljl I L >J_ 1%-^wk P^^CHINESE CLASSICAL^^q $13,000 worHi of Prizes most be wonP^^^^^ PLUS 1000 AIRFIX kitt to tfe« firtt 1000 on-correct entries. For Entry Form more details, see y°^ r dealer now H Solaooan's f or Stngapor* Malaysia Brun*. fc^^>' *M Kff ß[HQ{ (SINEAPOHE PIE [TO Urn,
      61 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 700 8 9.50 AM Opening folowed by Al New 4.45 Lorna Doom Popeye Show (Cartoon series) 5.40 White Shadow Dekxes 10.15 Timang Tinggi Tinggi (Malay) 6 30 Ne s h Brief 10.40 Wonderful World Of Disney The Hr I™? 1 Sam$on Bkiegrass Special j-g Fantasbco 11.30 Bi( League Soccer Ipswich Vs I
      700 words
    • 83 8 TODAY: Singapore 4.23 TOMMOKOW:Slngaa.m. (0.1m), 11.13 a.m. P»re 5.02 a.m. (0.0m), (2.4m), 4.27 p.m. (1.1m), 11-53 a.m. (2.5m), 5.06 10.21 p.m. (2.7m). Sedili p.m. (10m), 11.04 p.m. Kechil 2.54 a.m. (0.2m), (2.8m). Sedlll KechU 2.54 10.11 a.m. (2.3m), 3.52 a.m. (0.2m), 10.11 a.m. p.m. (1.5m), 8.16 p.m. (2.3m), 3.52 p.m.
      83 words

  • TV highlights 2
    • 1125 9  -  JOHN DE SOUZA Excellent Good F«lr Pt*r QUITE a varied selection of films this week, four of them made in the United States and three in England, which provides some interesting comparisons of cross- Atlantic work. Two films were made in the same year 1964
      1,125 words
    • 880 9  -  LEONG WENG KAM ■El ALL PROGRAMMES ON CHANNEL 8: TODAY: CITY ROMANCES (3.30 p.m.): Business of the motor car workshop operated by Da Kuei and Lou Jiang is booming while Mrs Lin Is incurring heavy losses for her restaurant. She wants to I take over the workshop but
      880 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 270 9 Language t Arabic, Mandarin, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Rus- m sian, Swedish, Persian, Malay, Hindi, Danish, Hebrew, f Welsh. THE LINGUAPHONE INSTITUTE OF LONDON is a professional language study centre with unpa- rallel success in more than 80 countries and hundreds of Universities, including Oxford
      270 words
    • 184 9 FIGHT NFLATION WHYfWMORE? baScS'Snd Ai I I IMB Wh yPayforprem,ums Dasic necessity JHand you don't need. All you Brand Cooking Oil is a W want is the wholesome basic nnrf 8^ ft AW^M |MM Sadness of Hand Brand oasic price. A U Mw^m^t IJU W Cooking Oil. M ■A, v
      184 words

  • 776 10  -  LING POON WAH By NEIGHBOURLINESS parties appear to be coming into vogue, especially with residents' committees mushrooming in housing estates and organising them with gusto to swing their way into the hearts of Singaporeans. But just how effective are they
    776 words
  • 186 10 'Courtesy has always been our way of life' (JUNCEK1N over meir bread and batter has caused many Singaporeans to forget that they can be c*nrte«iu and still make a living In modern society. Courtesy, according U the MP far Seranfoon Gardens, Dr Laa elk Soon, has always been the way
    186 words
  • 173 10 No short cuts to success, Ong tells workers LABOUR Minister Mr Ong Pang Boon told Singapore workers last night that they have to work hard to succeed. Speaking at the 29th anniversary dinner of the Singapore Chinese Boxing Fellowship in Club Street, he said: "There's no short cuts to success.
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  • 42 10 THE First Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Goh Keng Swee, will open the south wing of the Mandarin Hotel on Friday at 6.30 pm. To commemmorate the occasion, a programme lasting more than five hours has been arranged.
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  • 55 10 THE letter from a reader which was carried on page 16 in The Sunday Times last week, under the heading "Not peculiar, was signed by aMr Tony Tan. We would like to point out that this was not a I letter submitted by the Minister of Education. Dr
    55 words
  • 170 10 THE Singapore Lighter Owners Association has suggested that funds to I run a body to supervise the Singapore River could I be raised by levying new i charges on goods using i the waterway. I I The group suggested to the government on
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 171 10 V< '"^g|» •A. I ges fl^t m nsß?lhw .nlnv f^"- W \MI k 1 n Mm I| m mk»^B I 'rf-j .^....^,.^*W ZEGNA SILK/ WOOL/MOHAIR t another Italian masteqsiece After Michaelangelo and Cellini, another great Italian Zegna, No. 1 in suitings worldwide. Zegna has an important addition to their range,
      171 words
    • 103 10 JT, NEW MEMBERSHIP I Unfr SPECIAL OFFER mV*> V PACKAGE in conjunction with I our National Day JM Join us during our offer period W iM (scheme B) and get ir"^ FREE 2 Blank Fuji Xv> X Video Cassette! m[(C v FREE: 1 attractive W> y Tee Shirt 1 'FREE:
      103 words
    • 55 10 JP^J^/VELCOME TO nW V^TH^ FCK)OPAbAGE i^g^^^ HONG KONG STYLE SEAFOOD CENTRE SPECIAL RECOMMENDATION Hong Kong Style Steamed Rsh Steamed Shrimps Fried Lobster with Brown Sauce Fried Crab with Salt Pepper Fried Cuttle Fish Food Palace Fried Crabs Fresh Oyster with Hot Sauce Sliced Abalones Special ako Steamboat. Bak Kul Teh
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  • 881 11  -  NANCY BYRAMJI EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS COULD BE THE CAUSE By 4 We most learn to be sensitive to the limit of pressure students can take. Parents should not relive their unfulfilled ambitions through their off spring... We need to be sensitive to
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  • 297 11  - Rescue men go into action in air crash drill PAUL WEE By THE scene at Paya Lebar Airport was unusually hectic early yesterday morning But the urgency that gripped the place was not because of the busy air traffic. Rather, it was the lack of it. In fact, there was
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  • 150 11 CHARTERED BANK AND OUB CUT RATES CHARTERED Bank and Overseas Union Bank will reduce interest rates for several types of deposits from tomorrow. The new rates, reduced by 0.25 per cent at Chartered Bank, are 9 per cent (for one month's deposit) 8.5 per cent (for three months' deposit) and
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  • 54 11 THE Committee to Promote the Use of Mandarin will hold its sixth meeting at the Culture Ministry's conference room at City Hall on Wednes day at 3 p.m. The meeting will review Its previous campaign activities and their effectiveness, as well as proposing new activities for those
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  • 26 11 THE Minister for National Development, Mr Teh Cheang Wan. will introduce the Professional Engineers (Amendment) Bill in Parliament at the next sitting on Tuesday.
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  • 38 11 A LAWYER was yesterday detained by police outside the subordinate courts. A police spokesman confirmed that he was brought to the Commercial Crime Division of the Criminal Investigation Department and subsequently released on bail.
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  • 440 11 OBA to hold dinner at Apollo Sentosa A DINNER and dance with a difference that's the Old Bartleyans' Association's big event for this year. It will be held at Apollo Sentosa on Oct 19 (Hari Raya Haji) at 7 p.m. and, unlike previous years, there will be plenty of sporting
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 283 11 SBK Pte Ltd prvudh presents cm Exhibition Fu ture as ™™v°i s~i 1 i J^ misingly beautiful as these cmdbaleof trench Reproduction Fumktre Zt TL f C >y eX a ay, y France. All the grace of Imported by H.L.Yong Co Pte Ltd *l that era 1S capture d in
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  • The Sunday Times SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1980
    • 749 12 NANCY was a quiet girl. She lived with her mum and dad and brother in three comfortable rooms in a housing estate. She had left school early and had tried her hand at several jobs, but none of them really satisfied her. She daydreamed a lot. In
      749 words
    • 100 years ago
      • 124 12 A VERY interesting lecture and a practical exhibition of the working of the Phonograph were given in the hall of the Mutual Improvement Society on last Friday night by Mr C.B. Buckley and Mr Dawson to which latter gentleman the instrument belonged. Mr Dawson spoke into
        124 words
      • 70 12 THE days are gone in which the belief existed that the people were made for the Government, and official apathy and indifference are likely, ere long, to be less meekly tolerated than hitherto. We are led to make these remarks by the absolute indifference to the
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  • 2381 12  -  NANCY BYRAMJI By Tbf orientation weeks have ended aid many new students Hissed their chance of a lifetime by net taking fill advantage and enjoying what should have been the "honeymoon period" ef their campus life. Some ef then have no intention of catching up afterwards by
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 14 12 Only SHARP has the unique Pro3namnvible Memory on its Video V Cassette Recorder iMMMMfk
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    • 210 13 A hufil of St Nicholas' Girls' Primary School, Miss Lim Bee Suan, who was warded for observation at Singapore General Hospital on Thursday after a falling' ceiling-fan landed just beside her it Tao Nan School in Armenian Street, was back it her Sunset
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    • 27 13 SERANGOON Gardens constituency will hold a blood donation drive on Aug 10 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Serangoon Gardens Recreation CTub, Walmer Drive.
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    • 86 13 Thieves get away with $14,000 haul THIEVES broke into the bungalow home of Madam Koh Cheng Neo, 33, in Dunbar Walk yesterday and got away with more than $10,000 worth of Jewellery and $4,000 in cash. Police said the theft took place between noon and 3.10 p.m., when Madam Koh,
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    • 72 13 Courtesy by example in libraries THE National Library will hold a role-play courtesycompetition for its staff and those of its branches on Wednesday, at its lecture hall, at 2.30 p.m. There will be a presentation ceremony for winners of the Most Courteous Staff Award. The library has also compiled a
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    • 190 13 Lawyer to hire QC to defend him in tax case LAWYER Llm Chor Pee, who faced an income tax summons charge, indicated in a magistrate's court yesterday that he would engage a Queen's Counsel Tor his trial. He made a request to the court through his counsel, Mr Joseph Grimberg,
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    • 26 13 THE Boon Lay community centre Jogging club is organising a tour to Kuantan and Trengganu from Aug 8 to 12. For details, call *****5.
      26 words
    • 297 13 Little yarn spinners who came out tops STAGE FRIGHT couldn't have been more remote when these budding storytellers shrieked with rage, whimpered in fear and croaked with age, watched by more than 100 people. All veterans in Mandarin storytelling competitions, they were cool as cucumbers and a pleasure to watch
      297 words
    • 51 13 500 dirty food handlers fined FIVE hundred food handlers at hawker centres and school I canwens were fined a total of seiu£ dtamJSed \Sd RtliToS mm u ISm^?aUy and Tuh sDoke^T^n^ s^°Th e r! and'conWcWn"* these food handlers were part of the ministry's drive for higher standards of hygiene among
      51 words
    • 145 13 THE bod 2 of s&- Arthur I yaxley, the New Zea- land soldier who was shot dead at Desaru, during a robbery last Saturday was flown back to his hometown in Kaikoura yester- day after he was accorded fuU military honours with a
      145 words
    • 278 13 $12,000 bogus cheap sales haul KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Enforcement officers from the Ministry of Trade and Industry seized a total of $12,000 worth of goods from a shop yesterday the single largest haul, since the nation-wide drive on bogus cheap sales began last week. Its enforcement controller Haji Nik Mohamed
      NST  -  278 words
    • 190 13 'India did not bow to Russian pressure' KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. India's recognition ef the Hanoi-backed Heng Samrln regime In Kampuchea was not "In deference to prcssares from the Soviet Union," the secretary of the Indian Foreign Ministry. Mr rttc Gonsalves, said daring a stopover here today. The move was also
      190 words
    • 74 13 KOTA KINABALU, Sat. All five children of a farmer's family died of suspected food poisoning after a breakfast of pancakes and instant noodles on Thursday, police said. The mother, Phyllis Dalun, 23, and her five children aged between 11 months and six years, were taken to
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 388 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday MASSIVE demand for office space caused by the ambitious expansion programmes of both the public and private sectors has resulted in an acute shortage here and in Petaling Jaya. A random survey conducted here and in Petaling Jaya indicated
      NST  -  388 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 76 13 n^r^ -.aanvn^B^H^M I V B <>.i ny !nT w9w 9 I i 'I I i)S J 1 I f *T 7 I _^^fl Skirt $S Lj-Shirt $9.90-sj^H Scene at the border. Eye catching? Certainly! Cotton never looked so good. Big, bold border prints A that set your fashion mood perfectly.
      76 words

  • At the cinema...
    • 492 14  -  DAVID LE WIN By FOR Peter Sellers, death had no sting. It was one of the Inevitabilities of what he was convinced would be a short life anyway. That was why, at 54, after a case history and problems with the
      Daily Mail  -  492 words
    • 443 14 LEONG WENG KAM reviews The Story of a Repentant Juvenile ANOTHER hurriedlymade Taiwanese production cashing in on the curreat popularity of movies based on real-life experiences is th«> lmnrp«inn The (JLi iLnL! biory or a nepentam Juvemle gives the audience. Following the success of
      443 words
    • 633 14 A different cuppa this short lived romance... WALTER BEOW reviews Yank* JOHN Schlesinger's YANKS harks back to the dark days of World War n when England was fighting for her survival and American troops came over to help her. It's a wartime romance, not a war film. The story (screenplay
      633 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 434 14 THIS IS JOE BROOKS I Thr man who wrctr 111 1 The Academy Award Winning Song > "YOl LIGHT IP MY UKE" <j Aflar tavaral years a* Madiaon Avanua'f feeding Compoaar ot commercial tingle*, Joa Brook* haadaj I Waal lo produce, wrila and diract a movie, none ot Jl which
      434 words
    • 516 14 NIZ3S/MI) 12th BIG DAY H «cw» towrs «chms ikmo II 1 1am.1.30.4 00.6.4549 lSpm _l 0 ROGER MOORE Jpi, in color Jj3 miia iiawuii uwta bki /^^V'^Ba^l H Ml BB J \Uj MUaU IMIIIM WIIW V /JJJTL 13 mjWWHB A I ili 1 1 H D ki SiMhi Off North
      516 words
      57 words
    • 328 14 CAP!fOL:'LYsT 4 DAYS! I (3297W) S 8HOW8: 11am. 1.45. 4.00, 6.30 a 9.150 m pj I CHANGI: TODAY ONLY! i (*****59) 5 8H0W8: 11am, 1.45, 4, 6.45 a 9.15 Hbßbb> aaaal ••aa^ad Baaa*> B*va*^^^ikm. TV IE ti GEOR6E KENNEDY'RICHARD CRENM P LIDO: Today Tomorrow! (*****14) 5 SHOWB: IIam, 1.45,4,6.45*9.15 A
      328 words
    • 655 14 I \PJrJ ORGANISATION < 1 l|> LAST DAY! O 11»oi.1.30. 4.00. «.30.». 15pm 0 ;:Love^Mldn*gh» AutoSiajpJf I ]>[ \V —-MCMitwao I ill OPENS TOMORROW -TKC BUDDHIST FIST" m Mondann I X COMING' 1 l|> -wwspewNooeATfr 3 Chrulopfwr Lu* V NOW SHOWING! IJ 11am. 1.30, 4. 8.30. 9 15pm ii<f/^SSS" c
      655 words

  • 307 15  -  PAUL JANSEN ■3 HK LEAN8 forward, loag baahy beard trembllag m be expounds theories profound la their simplicity. At My minute you expect him to rise, throw hla hands wide and unleash a torrent of Aramaic. Or Cedl Mllle to shoat:
    307 words
  • 209 15 ABOUT 200 members from 11 choirs in Singapore will forgo their individual choirs identity and sing as one at the Singapore Conference Hall on Aug 23 at 8.30 p.m. And to make their debut visually effective, they'll don the black and white of
    209 words
  • 724 15 TAN BUAT LIAN on the Secondary School* Band Show NATTY in their blazers and immaculately pressed trousers, some 800 students from 11 secondary schools took centre stage at the Inter-Secondary School Concert Bands Presentation, to match musicianship and style in stalwart succession. The decorum
    724 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 128 15 Fly Air Lanka Bto the Jfcldives v\\ 9r <' 'Sffl \l7 enjoy a taste or raiadise on the way. Tt\\\\ VutiaaVtaA* lsi I! 9 \v\ r>*^v*' v;v 1 y us fr° m Singapore to Colombo any Wed, Thurs, V uw£\l Wt^*\^ 1 i i or Fn^y"- Enjoy a stopover in
      128 words
    • 427 15 SINGAPORE'S 4 MOST CELEBRATED GHEFS INTRODUCE THE BEST OF CANTONESE CUISINE MR. SIN LEONG's latest introduction "ZEEZI CHICKEN" Other specialities: USA Duck, Siamese Chicken, Delicious Sea Jelly, Crystal Prawns. SIN LEONG RESTAURANT Main Rstnt: Blk 89 (Multi Car Park) Marine Parade Tel: *****05/6 Branch Rstnt: 39 Upper Serangoon Road Tel:
      427 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 223 15 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACROSS: 7. Watch and children (5) 28. Jack's see how long the music screwdriver? (9) takes (9) 8. Cheat won at DOWN: 1. Dress overall cards (5) 9. Stores that a tuneful ship (8) 2. Nomiare periodically issued (9) "f R tna!f feiTtha?" fy devaluating (9) 16.
      223 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1074 16 I Mw Malaysian Tobacco Company Bhd. CANTEEN CATERER Applications are invited from experienced canteen caterers Interested applicants should submit their details to manage our Factory Canteen situated at Jalan Sungai including:Bwi, Kuala Lumpur. The successful caterer is expected (a Years of experience in catering. to begin operations by January 1.
      1,074 words
    • 577 16 I'STnI SEMBAWANG »tMj SHIPYARD LIMITED KSHdBAWANG ENGINEERING (PRIVATE) LIMITED Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions:A. TECHNICIANS (Mechanical, Structural ft Electrical) 1 Technician Diploma from Polytechnic or Technical College with one or two years working experience. 2. Applicants without the above qualifications but with recognised Trade
      577 words
    • 624 16 t Mbil— Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions. INSTRUMENT/ELECTRICAL TECHNICIANS The Job The successful candidates will be attached to the Instrument/ Electrical Section of the Maintenance Department in our Refinery and will be expected to install, repair, overhaul and maintain: (a) Refining instrumentation system (b)
      624 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 629 17 284-4411 1 I PERSONAL SERVICES MERCHANDISE WURLITZER ORGAN MODEL 480 (American made). 1 year old, 1 Anluimi selling at $4,000. Contact *****3 or i antiques v|ew at Taman Warna. Spore 1027 Call from 2.00pm. to KASHMIR RUGS BLACKWOOD FURNITURE ANTIQUES MORE BEAUTIFUL JUNK Visit FLEAMART At RIA COUNTRY CLUB HOTEL.
      629 words
    • 542 17 WURLITZER PIANOS U.S.A. Imported fully from America available for 600 BEWARE OF IMITATION from Korea. LOOK FOR THESE SIGNS when purchasing American pianos: Brand and U.S.A. signs casted matt only. Be* B*. for nenulne made piano* .it SINGAPORE PIANO I OMPANV PTE LTD Unit 22«. Plaia Singapura Orchard Road. (0923)
      542 words
    • 510 17 I PERSONAL SERVH FOR QUICK LUNCH It Reservation, visit Lai Wah Restaurant. 377 C. Jalan Besar (alrcondltlon) Tel: *****03/ *****94. Branch: (Block 44) 1436. Bendemeer Road (alrcondltlon). Tel: *****60/ *****61 W^s!#e* Sxechuan CHINA PALACE RESTAURANT Ist Floor. Wellington Building. Orchard Road. Spore 0922 lOpp Mandarin Hotel) Sn Tel *****65. *****78
      510 words
    • 599 17 :ES MERCHANDISE 39 House i Renovation/Repair SEAH HUAT KIM CONTRACTOR specialises In repairing roof leakage. Interior decoration, undertake all kinds of construction work *****64/ *****55. 41 TV/Sound System ANTENNAE INSTALLATION TECHNICAL Servicing, repair, colour TV on the spot. Reasonable charges Day/ Night Service. Tel: *****23/*****75 AUSTRALIAN TRAINED ELECTRONICS specialist. Specialises
      599 words
    • 559 17 II EMPLOYMENT A manufacturing Company has immediate foßowing vacancies Applicanls muet possess GCE O' level Certificate and minimum 1 veer's working experience: 1) JUNIOR TELEX OPERATOR/ GENERAL CLERK 2) ACCOUNTS CLERK Applicants must have Bookkeeping knowledge. 3) CONFIOEMTIAL CLERK To lake charge of monthly staff payroll and records and other
      559 words
    • 694 17 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX Telephone Service: *****22 DPn nM ni/irc £rtr Fridoy t£ om i3-cS P Ord X v ™-p"— ™*>, *m E ri2N'J«SuodoyT^» Serr.D*plo, Jl 200 per column cm II EMPLOYMENT Pubkc Hofcdoy oOOom-lOOpm .<Vr »36 00) Strom T«kn 111 VEHICLES BOATS COUNTER SERVICE t»m cm
      694 words
    • 205 17 II EMPLOYMENT HEAVY EQUIPMENT COMPANY urgently requires the following personnel: Heavy Equipment Mechanics. Contact tel *****34 between 3pm 6pm. TECHNICIANS (Mechanical) Trade Certificate in Electrical/ Mechanical or equivalent preferred. Minimum 3 years experience In maintenance and repair of Electrical/Mechanical Installations and equipment in a tool room. Please supply details of
      205 words
    • 487 17 Due to rapid expansion a large manufacturing company Invites applications for the posts of Assistant Foreman (Maintenance) Salary $12,000 15.000 per annum c ITC Certificate in Mechanical Engineering preferred a Minimum 5 years working experience in metal industry with 2 years at supervisory level a Musi have experience In repairing
      487 words
    • 503 17 II EMPLOYMENT CLERK-OF-WORKS Kxpanding engineering firm requires ur gently a Clerk -Of- Works with working experience preferred Requirements Ability U> speak Kngllsh and local dlalect-s. hardworking with initiative Some typing and Accounting ability Safety control knowledge Only Singaporeans who havr i om pleted N.S and with relevant experience are Invited
      503 words
    • 604 17 i I ISHINSEI We are a Japanese manufacturing industry engaged in the manufacturing of sophisticated electronic r toys and we require 3 1) COSTING EXECUTIVE Candidate* mas! he wen experiemed. dynamic man who must he thorough, resourceful and iiKitressne in his joti which require* him la sel up his department
      604 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 588 18 111 VEHICLES 6 BOATS M^h M^^ m ""**»e»3sS wF Alao available In 1600 GLF 1600 G FT, 1600 S/W 1 800 Auto. Come in today for a test-drive We are open on Sundays It uatlnterprises pte.ud. lIT Showroom: 222 Batestier Road jEEJEL: *****93 (5 Lines) 55 Vehicles For Sale a)
      588 words
    • 667 18 GOOD CONDITION 1973 Datsun 140.1 with cassette and radio. Tax till September, insurance till October 1960 $9,000 Tel: *****42 from 8 30am JULY 1*77 DATSUN 120Y 2 private owners, tax 12/80. Ist class condition 5.300 0.n.0 Tel: *****39 LATE I*7l DATSUN 100A. PARF rliK'bl' radio, new fan and battery Tt
      667 words
    • 977 18 111 VEHICL ITALIAN ROYAL SALOON, 1975 model. Flat 3200 1 owner. Showroom condition. Full accessories Details *****28 MeO 73 FIAT 124 Special. 3 private owners. Immaculate condition $10,500 only Lorong 1, Blk 164. 592-E. Toa Payoh. Tel: *****43 NOVEMBER 1*74 FIAT 128. 2 private owners. Immaculate condition, tax 10/80 Tel:
      977 words
    • 861 18 !S A BOATS I*7* HONOA PRELUDE with tuffkote Expal leaving. Alrcon, radio, metallic silver Showroom condition. Interested ring: *****30 Corlnna S MONTHS OLD Honda Prelude. 1 lady owner, low mileage, original condition, road tax expires January '81. Michael Eng tel: *****5 g) Mazda MAZDA 1000, REG. 1973. road tax till
      861 words
    • 942 18 111 VEHICLES BOATS Mitsubishi Colt ALMOST 1*74 COLT Lancer 1200 cc Engine overhauled recently. Insurance/ tax new. '$10,350 Tel: *****1 COLT GALANT ML 1972 July. One owner. PARF eligible. $7,200 20 Jalan Bangket. Spore 2158. DEC. I*7l COLT Galant 1300. Alrcond and accessories PARF eligible Excellent condition. Road lax Nov
      942 words
    • 810 18 rUfi KEBN6-) SUBARU WORKSHOP. SPARES SALES SERVICES CENTRE 9 KIM KEAT ROAD TEL *****54 *****67 We are open today NOVEMBER I*7* TOVOTA Corolla 1200 Sports rims new sports tyres, selling $15,800. 0.n.0. Tel: *****77. NOVEMBER I*7* TOVOTA Corona. 1600 Excellent condition. Original paint work. Alr-con/cas-sette/ new tyres. Private owner. $16,000
      810 words
    • 749 18 111 VEHICLES ft BOATS Kendall's 2-system Rustproofing Totally reliable. And most effective. Call us today. Kendall Rustproofing System Pte Ltd Tel: *****61 *****38 SEPTEMBER 1*77 MWORTED Austln Allegro 2-door, good condlUon, one owner. PARF eligible Offers. Call Mr. C. Brazier *****3 (office)/ 7751 124 (home). SETT. 1975 RENAULT 12TS. 2nd
      749 words
    • 891 18 AU SUZUKI TSI2S c.c Scrambler. One owner Like new no alteration, selling cheap. Tel: *****82 AU VESPA SUPER TL. one owner, original paintwork, $1400 Tel *****8 AU SSOF HONOA Tip top condition Selling price $1,800 Interested call *****77 AY HONOA (COI2S c.c. One owner Please call *****73 AY HONDA
      891 words
    • 750 18 IV ACCOMMODATION 6 PROPERTIES b) Flats DIST 10 WOOLLERTON PARK lux urlous 4-bedroomed apartment with central alrcond and swimming pool. $3,500. Tel *****6 Strictly no agents DIST. 11 THOMSON WALK-UP apartment, 3 bedrooms, immediate occupation, furnished $900 Homeland *****14/ *****10. DIST. IS FURNISHED APARTMENT with private carpark. Peaceful and quiet
      750 words
    • 635 18 DIST. 11 MAMOALAY ROAD PENTHOUSE with open terraca Area: 4.200 sq.ft. 4 bedrooms with bathrooms at- inched Central alrcond. Fully L furnished Expensively renovated Must see to appreciate. 54M.000 TEL: 91*833 DAVE HO No agents pieaae. HDB 1-ROOM IMPROVED flat. Telok Blangah Crrsc, nt. selling I cheap. Contact *****53. No
      635 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      79 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      73 19 In Loving M«mory CM Departed 27-7-78 Sadly mused but always remembered by father, brother! and t.i I***- DEPARTED: 27-7-79 Not Just today but everyday, In silence we remember Sadly misaed by parents. Barth and OF OUR BELOVED PAP* MR. CHOONG PAN CHENG DEPARTED 27 JULY 1970 YOUR
      73 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      73 19 ATHMASANTHI PUJA CEREMONY PILL Al J.P., B.B.M Mr. G. Ramachandran and Brothers request the kind presence of relative* and friends to the Athmasanthi Prayers of their late father Shn P. Govindasamy Pillai. J.P., B.B.M., on Wednesday 30th July, 1980 at 11.00 a.m. at the SRI SRINIVASA PERUMAL TEMPLE
      73 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 709 19 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES M ORCHARD PLAZA. RENT/ sale M floor, corner shop 255 sq fl 68 Shop Space ral to T THE ARCADE, SHOP Lot No 110 U let Very good location, neai escalators Area 273 sq ft. Rent $1,950 inclusive maintenance kl a»-_ After viewing, only genulm O) Mental
      709 words
    • 513 19 b) Overseas LAST CHANCE FOR U.S.A. UNIVERSITY S FOR SEPT. »0 Don't PROCRASTINATE Fully Accredited Institutions Immediate Acceptance If Qualified Minimum s 'O'Levels' Levels Wa sun have a taw places Ml tor this September but tha Umversilies are cloaing enrolment You will be disappointad if you delay American University Placemen!
      513 words
    • 587 19 VI EDUCATION ft INSTRUCTION 96 Dancing Instruction GRAND DINNER AND Dance will be held on Friday August Ist 1980. 730 p m M Shangri-la Hotel (Island Ballroom) featuring 16 couples from West Germany performing Ballroom and Latin American Dances. Tickets available at Steven L Vivien Dance Studio, 7-C, Bras Basah
      587 words
    • 384 19 A BEGINNERS CLASS Latest Disco 2.00 p.m. (Sunday). Rock/ Disco 300 pm (Sunday). Social Dance 700 p.m. (Monday). Private lessons dally Collick Dancing Club (opposite Majestic Cinema). *****02 DISCO-JAZZ ON Wednesday 30/7/80. 6.00 p.m. Disco-Rock and Disco Dances on Tuesday 28/7/80. 700 pm Private lessons dally. Contact Steven It Vivien
      384 words
    • 803 19 VII TRAVEL ft TOURS AMERICA/CANADA THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE (North South East West) Sou lit New York Oatntl if Ukaha fbndi Bnta* Cataaaa Oatn Man Hong Km| 28 Days SS5390/KLSS49O io<s u/ 9 ?6 :0 16/11 By SIA SJumooSupe' B WEST COAST PArWRAMArI^-S-ftmao. Saw C*. Myittry P* Ua OaarfM Sm Otm
      803 words
    • 513 19 VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL EVENTS 111 Marriages/ Engagements Mr. Mrs. M. Rajoo (Komala Vllas Restaurant. Singapore and Muruglah Theatre. Pattukkottai) Wish to thank all well-wishers from Singapore fc Malaysia for the greetings blessings received on the occasion of the marriages of their younger daughter Selvl KALYANI with Selvan PANNEERSELVAM B Com
      513 words
    • 89 19 SELLjOUR PROPCRTIES FASTER €y mentioning in your AD. c Locotion neighbourhood c View c Siie of land built-up area c House or flat c Detached/ Semi-de-tached/ Terrace/ Splitlevel Brick/ timber construction c Number of rooms lounge/ dining/ bedrooms/ study/ bathrooms/ kitchen/ Bar- Fittings, fixtures Furnishings c Garage/ Car Porch/ Swimming
      89 words
    • 3 19 w w tvJ
      3 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 334 20 Why you should invest in Credit Suisse fine gold .^**"""v HJ^Hvl^lJaw^nV m CI redit Suisse, j\ N^l bank with offices above all other tgo 1- I 1./'I 1 "j in all major finanbanks, commands a T{ h cial centres throughunique position in 1 out the world. the Singapore gold market.
      334 words
    • 244 20 nan^ntnal nan> Il _v W M OFFICIAL AGENTS: WbqUOH: SMUI HW» JEWELLERY CO PTE LTO G6Luc«v««jGT KaO'^xafV Tei ******0 ISETAN EMPORIUM (Si PTE LTO. HavwxhOutryr Ro (Apo*o Mole)) Te* *****1 SINCERE WATCH DEALER GJ3" 8 fen^vcj Snoo^^ Co"Wi Cowan Si T« ***** ORCHARD WATCH CO G'6»'9P»™>*«Pl»M Cwem»>St Te> 32*309 NANKING
      244 words
  • Unknown
      • 427 20 Message from the Embassy of Switzerland, Singapore ON Aug 1, the Swtes Con£?2r*™2L £iLL SLwl 1®"1 bratm* its «tth birthday. "iSw^S •2*?' there wUI be firework dtopiays, bonfires on the hiUtops and children paradi!lft.£!l*" gll i U T wlft Chinese Interns. The signing of
        427 words
      • 1550 20  -  Dr H. J. HALBEER By of Credit Suisse IN my experience, if the Swiss explain their political and economic system to foreigners, the latter not only develop an understanding of Switzerland's special situation, but also snow sympathy for it. If one wants to
        1,550 words
      • 670 21 SWITZERLAND is the cradle of tourism. As early as the 18th Century, travellers from all over Europe admired and wrote glowing descriptions of the variety of Switzerland's scenery and the wild beauty of the Alps. At the beginning of the present century,
        670 words
      • 756 22 IF THE Swiss economy had to be represented by a simple geometrical figure, it is undoubtedly an inverted pyramid. In fact, the base with which nature has endowed the Swiss economy is very narrow indeed, while the superstructure is unusually large. The country is poor in
        756 words
      • 522 22 Nation's economy put up a good show despite inflation IN 1979, Switzerland's economic situation was a little more favourable than had been expected. The effective national product, which had stagnated the previous year, should have increased by about 1 per cent. Three factors are responsible for this improvement. Firstly, the
        522 words
      • 443 22 Swiss cheese is only one of many specialties THE growth of agriculture and the quality of dairy production have favoured the devf lopment in Switzerland of a varied and prosperous foodstuffs industry. In 1978, this industry which also includes the production of fodder, beverages, spirits and tobacco numbered about 700
        443 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 312 21 Best Wishes to the Government and People 9 of Switzerland on the occasion of their National Day JtJbk SG.S. Singapore (Pte) Ltd. J ■fl QhCtj 8| GCWOI Superintendence Co (Pte) Ltd A Room 57C, third floor, An&on Centre, d| Anson Rood, %Q# Smgopore 0207 Telephone *****11 Telex SGSRS ***** Cables
      312 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 233 22 03)60-13 jMd WF ■'■:'&£s• 0249 d- 31 0301 D-.d > VV**'«j£" SANDOZ of Switzerland Available at all watch dealers in Singapore Sole Agent RAN ASIA COMMERCIAL COMPANY ?X.E.TB\ 1703/5, 1 7 th Floor, High Street Centre. Singapore 0617. i v j^r* 1 vV •No reflections! WiJ %t'ffii&&Ldmj\ Li'V\* Good visual
      233 words
    • 14 22 All editorial materials for this supplement were supplied by the Embassy of Switzerland, Singapore.
      14 words

    • 692 23  -  ERNEST FRIDA By IT'S going to be a magnificent final round today when Singapore's top professional, Lim Kian Tiong, and Malaysia's pride, Ramayah Marimuthu, battle it out in the $12,000 Jurong Masters golf title at the Jurong Course. These two talented players, who have fought many
      692 words
    • 174 23 SINGAPORE collected six points after the first day of the Malaysian Cricket Association inter-state match against Royal Australian Air Forces, of Butterworth, at Balestier Road yesterday, reports KRNKST FRIDA. Singapore were awarded four points for taking the first lead and two more for their faster
      174 words
    • 291 23  -  PATRICK BASTIANS B By BANKER Simon Vivian served notice of his intentions in the Ovaltine individual graded squash championships by trouncing Patrick Lam 9-0, 9-1, 9-4 in the first round of the men's F-grade event at the Kallang; complex yesterday. Vivian, a Hongkong
      291 words
    • 210 23 SINGAPORE lat Ism. Marteaa c Estreich b Att 36 Daa c Sutton b Sullivan 37 Amartamrly* c Sutton b Sullivan 9 Asher b Sullivan 0 Jeyaaudnm b White 4 Dautag c Dennis b Ats 4 D» SUv» b Sullivan 19 Kaanlal c Dennis b Sullivan 16 lUJattßgam b White
      210 words
    • 580 23 BRIEFS Simons leads four players by a stroke WETHERSFIELD. Sat. Front-runner Jim Simons fired a one-under-par 70 to take a 10-under-par 132 and a onestroke lead over four other players after yesterday's second round of the SUS3OO.OOO i $6.13,000) Greater Hartford Open. Leading scores: in Jim Simons 62. 70; 18
      Agencies  -  580 words
    • 461 23  -  KEN JALLEH Jr. By HALLELUJAH! The boxing controversy has finally been resolved thanks to good ol' common sense, tact, diplomacy and the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association vice-presi-dent LTC. Quek Koh Eng. And the only winner to emerge from all the verbal and written punches, thrown
      461 words
    • 254 23 S. Korea send a surprise invitation SINGAPORE'S soccer team success in the Malaysia Cup and their appearance in the preOlympic Games final in March has obviously raised a few eyebrows in the South Korean Football Association, reports JOE DORAI. For the SKFA have now decided to invite the Republic's national
      254 words
    • 18 23 GENERAL Dynamic beat Chase Manhattan Bank 5-1 in a friendly soccer match at Dover Road yesterday.
      18 words
    • 53 23 KILAT CLUB, of Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore's Indian Association drew in their friendly cricket match at Balestier Road yesterday. Brief scores: Kilat 174-8 (Ranjit 41, Krishnasamy 23, A. Christie 52, Mohammed Rashid 4-48, Eric Cooke 2-18); IA 127-6 (Goh Swee Heng 37, M Neethianathan 53,
      53 words
    • 30 23 TOKYO Sat. World Boxing Council flyweight champion Shoji Oguma is favourite to retain his title over South Korea's Kirn Sung Jun in their bout here on Monday night. AFP.
      AFP  -  30 words
    • 129 23 TODAY'S EVENTS ATHLETICS SAAA fourth All-Comers meet (Farrer Park, 2). SAAA 10,000 metres run (Farrer Park, 5.30). BOWLING Singapore international pre-tournament (Kalians, 4.15). CRICKET SCA senior League: Armed Forces v SCC B; CSC v SCRC; IA v SRC; HO v UWC. OOLF Jurong Masters tournament (Jurong, 8). HOCKEY SHA Under-23
      129 words
    • 221 23  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE YOUTHS 1 HITACHI FC 4 THE absence of Singapore's top soccer officials and talent scouts was more disappointing than the Republic's youth team defeat dv Japan's Hitachi in this friendly match at the Jalan Besar Stadium last night. The game provided
      221 words
    • 40 23 CHANGI United and ten drew 2-2 In the National Football League Division One match at the Jurong Stadium last night. At Deptford Road, Sembawang Sports Quo trounced Paslr Panjang 5-0 in a NFL Division Three match.
      40 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 226 23 H The American leader in advanced microprocessor technology has a I vacancy for: I Senior Programmer I (annual salary up to $20,800) The candidate will be given complete on the job familiarisation and training to assume responsibility in assisting the Manager in the effective supervision of the EOP department, spearheading
      226 words
    • 324 23 TRADE-IN upto $960 for your old working CTV Toshiba Colour TV Toshiba Colour TV Model C2040D Model Now at reduced price Cl4lO P Imported from Japan 335 mm (14") With time read out on screen remote control Connection for any Video ilf^M Z years |AJ II J Guarantee H| Cash:
      324 words

    • 802 24 EPSOM JEEP writes about the champion for whom a race meeting was postponed so that he could reach the course on time BACK in the 1910's, a champion jockey dominated the racing scene so completely that a race meeting had to
      802 words
    • 150 24 EPSOM JEEP FAIRWAY TET 1 FHipaehi Cincinnati Road Runner Cincinnati WLsnu Credentials Wianu U. Grosvenor Credentials 2 Bold Till Fantastic Take Easy Bold Till Bold Till What's Enough What's Enough Fantastic Take Easy 3 I ValtoyFama War Banner Cordon Bleu V.ll.y Fama The Pillar War Banner D»«no War Banner
      150 words
    • 1693 24  -  EPSOM JEEP By KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Backing a beaten favourite is a popular plan with quite a number of punters because it gives them plenty of winners to shout about. Unfortunately, this system also brings about plenty of losers. To make anyting of beaten favourites
      1,693 words
    • 1729 24 RATF 1 1-30 CLASS 1 DIV 1 1.800M fUliyEj A ($18,000 —112,600 to winn«r) 1 1*1200 Cincinnati IH a (Kl. Choi*) Mansor 54.5 (+2.5)5 spg 1.200MF atony 7 2 *414O3 Cradanttala a Cgg (Reno) Chong 52.5 (ud same) 4 irg 1.200M F.. laa 1 3 *****5 FINpacN a
      1,729 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1119 24 Leading US Multi-national Organisation seeking:SALES MANAGER An experienced Sales Manager to further c: pand market penetration both locally and i the region. The company's main activities ai in the sales of all type of telecommunicate equipment. He will be expected to develop and implemei an on-going sales plan to achieve
      1,119 words

    • 36 25 FIRST No: *****8 SECOND No: *****2 THIRD No: *****4 STARTERS Nos: *****1, *****0, *****7, *****5, *****4, *****1, *****2, *****3, *****3, *****9, *****4. CONSOLATION Nos:. *****9, *****8, *****5, *****3, *****8, *****3, *****4, *****7, *****8, *****6.
      36 words
    • 726 25 WORLD WIDE ...with Godfrey Robert LONDON, Sat. Fran Cotton and Peter Shllton are In the who's who of British sport They're bath proud U dan the cautry's ealava, they da their beat whoa they Uke to the field and have performed
      726 words
    • 2346 25  -  FAIRWAY By KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Cannon, having his second run after a spell this season, scored an easy five-length victory in Race Six here yesterday. Cannon paid $76 and $22. But as soon as the run- ners went past the post, all
      2,346 words
    • 192 25 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. With a perfect 300 game already scored at the Starbowl during the Selaogor Open bowlfng championship, the participating bowlers showed they were in uncompromising mood yesterday the final day for qualifying into the Masters event. In the five-man team, the Singapore Ambassador
      NST  -  192 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 666 25 Cut out and post today j To: Times Publishing Berhad m 1, New Industrial Road, S'pore 1953. ffotynft Yes, I would like a year's subscrip- t>O tion to Business Times. Here is my fflflj^ m t cheque for SS155. E Address itVC- _vf£g%*!£ Tel 579 Start a Part-time Exp- Imp
      666 words

    • 696 26 MOSCOW, Sat STEVE OVETT, of Britain, won the Olympic Games gold medal for the 800 metres, roaring away from the strong field in which his arch-rival Sebastian Coe left his finishing kick far too late. Ovett was a good three
      Reuter; AP  -  696 words
    • 151 26 MOSCOW, Sat. Rumania's NadU (omMirrl wan two gold inedalu In the Olympic (iames gymnastics campetition last night and was Involved In her second controversy In two days. Nadla shared her second medal with Nelll Kim, of the Soviet I nlon, In the women's individual
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 210 26 MOSCOW, Sat. Undefeated Kuwait brilliantly qualified for tomorrow's quarter-finals of the Olympic Games soccer tournament when they held mighty Czechoslovakia to a 0-0 draw here yesterday. The draw gave Kuwait a fourth point in their qualifying group and left them with a record of one
      AFP  -  210 words
    • 601 26 ATHLETICS Mca IMm ipriat flaal: 1 Allan Wells (Brit), 10.25 sec; 2 Silvio Leonard (Cuba), 10.25; 3 Petar Petrov (Bulg), 10.39 4ttm bartles flaal: 1 Volker Beck (E. Ger), 2 VasUy Arkhipenko (Soy), 3 Gary Oakes (Brit). Mfcn flail: 1 Steve Ovett (Brit), 1:45.4; 2 Sebastian Coe
      Reuter  -  601 words
    • 75 26 LONDON, Sat. British Olympic Games medal hope Sue Reeve, went on official strike yesterday, then boarded a jet for Moscow. Long-Jumper Sue, a 28-year old civil servant, could not obtain normal paid leave to take part in the Games because of the Government's boycott
      AFP  -  75 words
    • 605 26 Well-done with last-gasp dip MOSCOW, Sat. Britain's Allan Wells last night became the fastest man in the world but only by a photo finish. The 28-year-old Scot gave Britain their first Olympic Games sprint gold medal for over half a century when he won the 100 metres final. Only a
      Reuter; AP  -  605 words
    • 50 26 MOSCOW, Sat. Women's world high jump record-holder Sara Simeoni, of Italy, will retire from competition after the Moscow Olympic Games. Sara, who set the world record at 2.01 metres, said yesterday that she had tired of training and that she wanted "to do something else". AFP.
      AFP  -  50 words
    • 240 26  -  R. MANORAJ By SINGAPORE had only themselves to blame when they went down 51-55 to Malaysia in the girls' final of the inaugural ASEAN schools' basketball championships at the Gay World Stadium yesterday. Malaysia showed the way at the start with the diminutive Lim
      HAIRIS  -  240 words
    • 186 26 MOSCOW, Sat. Fht British journalists proved today the awesome armour of securlSi Narropndlng the lympie Games Is far from Impregnable. Reporters staying at the Rosslya Hotel, Press headquarters for the Olympics, are required to wear picture Identification cards around their neck at all times.
      UP  -  186 words
    • 93 26 LONDON, Sat. There will be no play today, the third day of the fourth Test match between England and the West Indies at The Oval. Following storms and torrential rain in London, the umpires, in conjunction with the ground staff, decided that no play would be
      AFP  -  93 words
    • 40 26 Late CLASSIFIED DEATH TZZuh9oh^uZau»qa» away petcefully on 28 780 Cor<*«c leaving No 42, Lorong ong I*** 1 at 2, 30 PZT <Sund,ttif) (ur linni&cu 1 ft 16 HPBr t or Mary church. Highland Road, uience for cremation at Mt. Vernon.
      40 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 92 26 THE BIG RECORDER IN A SMALL SPACE Never has there been a small tape recorder made to play standard cassette than the Fairmate CS660. Slim enough to slide into your palm and briefcase, yet mighty big in features like an Auto-Shut-Off System, Automatic Recording Level Control, One-Touch Recording and a
      92 words
    • 202 26 I aaa^BaH aaßßaW'W l^fP'nf'''Wal ,^b*BßßßßbMbbbH^ bbbbb^^^^bbbl Ah) BBBBBT "^^Lbbbbl M WM *Jr Mm w _^a^^ jBaBBBaV "^■^a*s»«aßa»"*^^"^^^ Pictured Nike Daybreak (sand beige uppers/orange Nike 'swoosh') For women runners Nike Liberator (sky blue uppers/white Nike 'swoosh') also with PermaFoam insole THE DAYBREAK WILL FIT ONLY ONE PERSON. That person is you.
      202 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 189 26 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Showers in few places in the late morning. TEMP. (C) up to S a.m. tomorrow: SI max., 25 mln. SUNSET today: S.4« p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: CSC a.m. GLOBAL weather Amsterdam 14-27C Clear HelaUkl 17-25C Gear Athens 23-32 C Cloudy HNgkMg 25-33 C Rain Bakrau 33-40C
      189 words

  • Weekender
    • 1 1 Weekender
      1 words
    • 535 1 LET us consider, for purposes of comparison and comment, the two contributions printed below. Memories Sunlight drifted through the beams Into the old house Where she sobbed in quiet tones. Tears like raindrops Fell from her reddened eyes Wetting the photograph In her wrinkled hands.
      535 words
    • 911 1 Choral speaking communicating with audience on an individual level AT the opening of the Katong Convent Book and Music Week on Friday, it appears that the convent's choral speaking group is going to steal the limelight again. The Katong Convent choral speaking group has been performing for many years now,
      911 words
    • 485 1 ATHLETES at the Moscow Olympics with only a forlorn hope of winning a gold medal may wish they had the audacity of a notorious Olympian nearly 2,000 years ago. The Roman Emperor Nero entered the chariot i race at the 211th
      Reuter  -  485 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 369 1 The Pan -Electric 366 twin door refrigerator. More room, more features- for a lot less. m i P**nam e^^m •mnm jz Electric 366 twin -door refrigerator is its M^k ll MEDC mummmmmr i,^_ ~~z jsa i^B== price. You'll really be impressed. W^ M^^Hil (*P™ A"" —tfc£ r*"i* 'Acrykmitrtk Butadiene Styrtne
        369 words
      • 771 2  -  PAUL WALLACE Car-sharing makes commuting to work faster and cheaper By HOW do you fancy driving to work in half the time, at a fraction of today's cost, and feeling relaxed and refreshed when you get there? In America, one in five commuters
        771 words
      • Article, Illustration
        3 2
        3 words
      • 271 2 liO M PETE T0WN8HEND: EMPTY GLASS (Ate*): A toast to "Empty Glass", surely Townshend's best solo venture and certainly on par with some of The who's finest, for which he has been more than responsible. And if it is a musical triumph for
        271 words
      • 147 2  - Certainly a record worth keeping TERRY LIM OISTRAKH OBOKIN; RICHTER/ROSTROPOVITCH: BEETHOVEN STRING SONATAS (Philip): Beethoven's legendary Kreutzer sonata and his inexpressibly beautiful fifth cello sonata are given a highly artistic airing on this worthy release. Listen to Richter and Rostropovitch having it out in the fragmentary, masterfully architectured fugue that
        147 words
      • 234 2  -  ALICE WONG TRACY HUANG: I WANT ONLY YOUR LOVE (EMI): In her sweet breathless voice, Tracy relates the tragedy of "Meng Jiang Lv", known in Chinese folklores as the girl whose crying crumbled the Great Wall of China a moving song well sung by
        234 words
      • 274 2  -  PETER TEO TRIM LOPEZ: HIS BEST SELLERS (WEA): Trini, the man with the lively guitar and lilting music, will wow you with this compilation of his greatest hits. Whether he invites you to join in the singing as he does in "If I Had A
        274 words
      • 138 2  - Franks is maturing through his songs CHRIS LEWIS MICHAEL FRANKS: One BAD HABIT (Waraer Broth era): Mr Franks is a master of the barbed, wry lyric, and writes some pretty good tunes. The barb in his lyric is somewhat hidden in some deliberately innocuous dressing the pseudo-disco beat, or the
        138 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 958 2 Give yourself a little luxury with the New Samsonite Accord in the 80s ACCORD'S attache cases are the newest from Samsonite for the eighties with four luxurious contemporary colours and finishes, in two (7.6 cm and 13cm) deep sizes. ACCORD'S new improved tapered handle is soft and r~^^^M I kind
        958 words
    • Weekender FOOD
      • 1365 3 THERE'S just so much one can eat through in two nights. That's the time I gave myself for Chinatown at dinner and have just peeled off the surface. So this is no complete guide to the area but I certainly
        1,365 words
      • 215 3 BELGIUM'S celebrated cutsinier, Mr Pierrot van Hauwermeiren, has returned to the Hilton International Singapore for the third successive year to present his famous oouvelle cuisine creations for the Belgian Gastronomical Festival. Sponsored by the Royal Embassy of Belgium, the festival, being held at the Harbour
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 134 3 Make sure that your child's feet are safely shod by people who know about children's feet Lots of mothers know why a baby's first shoes are so vital to foot development. And Clarks put the same care and .^^H^W ski 1 1 into all the shoes that follow. jV Made
        134 words
      • 618 3 i BC B It's golden and beautiful memories this evening when the great, grand hits of the n flfam' ne ifties and sixties return. Tonifl ht s s ng pat B ne Our local enter 'a |n ers will stage a revival, Walter Koh J° st)a r*\ no bringing back
        618 words
      • 1265 4  - STALIN'S ORD DESTROY THE ORDER: THE BODY! BRIAN VINE Special report by WITH handshakes and heel-clicks, Hitler bade formal farewells to his Nazi gang soon after 3 p.m. on April 30, 1945. Present were Martin Bormann, the Fuehrer's deputy, his private doctor, Professor Werner Hasse, his SS adjutant, Major Otto
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 604 5 Maybe you've always found a vacuum cleaner to be a bulky, noisy, ugly thing, something to be hidden from view when not in use. Well, National has pretty good news for you. Their latest vacuum cleaners, MC-8900 and MC5900, are stylish, versatile performers. Specially designed for all attachments to fit
        604 words
      • 89 5 nnnW nnr f I B U l n^^-^f i S*m nVNJ#4plpitp9 ■nr J b# I Dlk nvm iDf 1 '^1 nn^^ .^1 LVt^ ai P'^^9^T^ l^H M M E£irUi£^^H ■^Bnnnn* v 4^ l^ < V"^^^iP^^^v4n^^ H^^ l^ft^V^ ia^^nl HALEEM 'S 863 World Trade Centre Singapore 0409 SHOp AT~HO*K Please send
        89 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 219 6 II \fourUttfegiri I needs friends As your little girl grows, *B«bbb% you'll find moments that you've to let her be alone. y li-l?*- i To express her thoughts i.l J L j and feelings with dolls and W^^* '^L playthings. She has to BS> I develop her own personality the
        219 words
    • Page 6 Miscellaneous
      • 670 6 VOUK blKTHDAV POKECA^T) IF It's your birthday er you do or not, you'll today. ..In the emrly make a aew routine (or months of your birthday yourself goon after year yoo may be a little Christina*, tease. Ywi mm that Travel b likely and If changes are oa the way
        670 words
      • 475 6 m BMN LJ5EH. IMS ft 31 M°W QUIZ MOST 1 J '"^\M(\ MB IU, < J5C i<^ mi^ tweRE, ittj/crz'L^^n Abu pwtA I v§y§r Jjlt^HII n I! I OH. NO -ITS THAT PE6T. A 1 WI5H I COULD TELL HER OUR NOSEY NEIGHBOR^ THINK OF AN EXCU5E B THE PLACE
        475 words
      • 201 6 r?7^MR!HHH CAREER-WISE you could Iv •EESfifl score one or two victories I _x. Blfflfa I m ear 'y P^ 1 ite week. Wednesday could be a time for celebrations. You're building up goodwill but you also have enemies and in your personal life these might provide a difficult situation. Be
        201 words
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 245 7 Ci z 1 I The freshness of B lavender all day is yours. Air Fresh gives I I [jf*^ v Nazda 9 s range is within yours In size and in price, Mazda scores thrice with the best buys. THOSE WHO KNOW DRIVE g£* > —^m& c k *9^^ mazna
        245 words
    • Page 7 Miscellaneous
      • 51 7 Ai/ Edcar Rice Burroughs BA3M^2r giKwU^h \w rv^ -fl JUST WOKE UP| 3> I COULX>N*T PUT <t^3^> P '"H I C WEu_AREnT < jfr^kl T^^^^'^B^B THIS BOCK CXtvvn Jfj^fJ &'i^|' f MDv TOO TI(?ED NO Ay .-I STATED UP "^y^-^Vk^ V TOGOTO <^ J&^\^ 1 PEEJ- J n 1 1
        51 words
      • 30 7 m j, w /''^^lk lfS^\ AAAKE" AN EXCEPTION V\ 'jX^CTJ V JUST ™IS ONCE 7 [<> Alt? —>/— "^i w^ \\\K CRONE? ffi ONL> C^JE TMAT M /T3 L PO£S WINDOWS./ FV^Xj\^
        30 words
    • Weekender YOU/ PENG/ MY WEEK
      • Article, Illustration
        106 8 CHOW, meaning food," probably comes from the Mandarin "ch'ao" (fry or cook). CHOWMEIN, a dish combining various stewed vegetables and meat served over fried noodles, is English for the Cantonese "chow min" (fried noodles). CHOW is also a Chinese dog, borrowed from a Chinese dialect word akin to
        106 words
      • 855 8 Working towards |*^|^n| universal education m for women should M be the first goal ON JULY 14, the Mid-Decade Conference related to the UN decade for women was opmed at Bella Centre, Copenhagen. Running concurrently was the Non-Governmental Organisations Forum at the University Centre, Amager. The
        855 words
      • 596 8 WHEN are Singaporeans at their most irrational, most gullible and most aggressive? When are they most prone to enormous boots of depression and hysterical fits of ecstasy? At a debate? At a cinema? On the roads? All clone but not quite. No,
        596 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 368 8 ENJOY HEALTHY LIVING WITH MILGURT THE NEW ALL-NATURAL FAMILY BEVERAGE Your whole family will enjoy the refreshing taste of this new all-natural cultured milk beverage. It's a delicious modern version of a health food which has been used for centuries in East Europe. DRINK MILGURT every day and enjoy all
        368 words
      • 395 8 QUALIFY** promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED COURSES FROM U.K. IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS Improve your position by learning al home and be paid what you are really worth. ICS home-study courses have helped thousands of ambitious men and women achieve promotion and better pay. Moderate fees all books supplied. Take
        395 words