The Straits Times, 21 July 1980

Total Pages: 40
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Straits Times IUBCEIViiu 1 Estd. 1845 MONDAY, JULY 21, 1981 30 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 1 1 1/1/80
    18 words
  • 442 1 Call to US may anger Russians BEIJING, Sunday NORTH Korea has taken the unprecedented step of proposing to the United States the start of a programme of exchange visits of their sports teams, theatre groups and scholars a move likely to please China but offend the
    AP; AFP; UPI  -  442 words
  • 267 1 Thatcher hits out at Soviets LONDON, Sun BRITISH Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher today launched a virulent attack against the Soviet Union at the very moment the 1980 summer Olympic Games were opening in Moscow. Speaking at a conference of Welsh Conservatives in Swansea, Mrs Thatcher charged that "Moscow has become
    AFP  -  267 words
  • 245 1 5 Iranian air force officers executed TEHERAN, Sunday IRANIAN firing squads today executed five air force officers accused of taking part in a military plot to overthrow the Islamic regime of Ayatollah Ruhoflah Khomeiny, Teheran radio reported. It said the executions took place this morning in the courtyard of Teheran's
    AP  -  245 words
  • 344 1  -  PHILIP LEE By WHAT would be among the Drat thing* old boys do when they get togetherr Slag their school song, of course. Which Is exactly what these eight cheery old boys all In their sixties did when they met, together with another M
    TAN SI  -  344 words
  • 24 1 ALEXANDRIA, Sun. The first regular sea cargo service between Egypt and Israel has started operating, the Alexandria Port Authority said today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 64 1 BEIRUT, Sat. New tension hit the Shiya district of southern Beirut today after AH Mussawi, a military leader of the Lebanese Shiite Muslim Organization "the martyrs of Hussein," was killed while driving his car. The district is inhabited mostly by Shiite Muslims and refugees from southern
    AFP  -  64 words
  • 128 1 Eight US fighter jets due in Jakarta today JAKARTA, Sun EIGHT American-made F-5E Tiger iet fighters are expected to arrive tomorrow at Madium air force base, 500 km east of here, raising the fleet to a full squadron, an Indonesian Air Force spokesman said today. Col Sukarjo told reporters that
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 137 1 TEHERAN, Sun. The "Guardians of Islam" an Arab group which claimed responsibility for the attempted assassination of exiled Iranian former Prime Minister Shapur Bakhtiar today threatened to sabotage French interests in the Middle East if the French Government did not release their "brothers," Radio Teheran
    AFP; UPI  -  137 words
  • 233 1 Singapore bankers still need more skills: Hon SINGAPORE bankers have yet to acquire sufficient expertise to manage international funds. Finance Minister Hon Sui Sen said yesterday. Mr Hon said it would be a few more years before they are ready. He described the placement of funds by local banks as
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  • 34 1 JERUSALEM, S.m. Israel will participate n the emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly on the Palestinian question, which begins on Tuesday, despite a call by several cabinet m lister
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  • 31 1 TEL AVTV, Sui.. Israeli security forces have arrested five suspected r embers of a Palestinian terrt ist cell operating in the Lower Galilee region, Israel Radio reported today. UPI
    UPI  -  31 words
  • 367 1 PARENTS should ensure that their children keep alive the old Asian tradition of addressing an elder as brother sister, uncle or aunt. And this polite form of address should not be confined just to relatives but extended to other older people
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  • 42 1 NEW DELHI, Sun. Thousands of turbaned Sikh of India's warrior caste some brandishing swords, daj gers and hammers toda marched outside Indian Prirr Minister Indira Candhi house to protest alleged ha rassment by the Central Hi reau of Investigation UPI
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 689 1 MUIRFIELD (Scotland), Sun. American Tom Watson today won the British Open golf championship by (our strokes here, finishing with a final round of 69 to give him a 13-under-par total of 271. Reuter BEE PAGE M TOM WATSON, displaying the fierce, determination and grinding intensity that has made
    Reuter; AP  -  689 words
  • 88 1 THE death toll on oar roads roue to ICI when a motorcyclist and a pedestrian died last night after they were Involved In separate accidents yesterday. Motorcyclist IJm Tlan Patt, tJ, of Stirling Road, fell off his machine In < him tau Kang K«ad and died
    88 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 29 1 KINGS SAFETY V SHOES on /\Resistant d slsm j^^, 705 KINGS SHOE MFG PTE LTD jfhljj PS| 122. Blk. 36, Dakota Crescent, i^n/f* Singapore 14, imo'sonemth Tel: *****00 *****27.
      29 words
    • 110 1 KEEPS YOU HEALTHY v. HVM Beiklin is packed x x x with the concentrated RE* I KLIN power of 24 vitamins/ 4c<u»sui-£S minerals/amino acids. v WkL With a formula from U.S.A. H V MjH jL so scientifically balanced W^^/Ltoffofi Ak tnat eacn ingredient enhances WSk the action of all other
      110 words
    • 146 1 MASTERS IN GOLF AvaiKbK at an trading golf c»nt»»j a»pt slonn ROYAL SPORTING HOUSE PTE*L7D 201. High StnMt Ctntf Sinjapo 6 T«. 2929*53 29~»H 40 pages today RESERVED FLATS AT OLD PRICES FOR THOSE RESETTLED Page 7 BIG rubber shortage in 10 years I REAGAN shows his shrewdness 3 DISASTER
      146 words

    • 530 2 Asian small farms face hurdles K. LUMPUR, Sun THE world will be short of a million tonnes of rubber by 1990 because small Asian farms which monopolise the international production of natural rubber are in trouble. The Malaysian Rubber Research and Development Board (MRRDB)
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    • 356 2 Japan to tap geothermal reserves for energy TOKYO, Sun JAPAN, which is eager to reduce its dependence on imported energy, has decided to tap the pressurised steam and scalding water in its volcanic and earthquake-prone mountain ranges. A recent survey conducted by a private group advising the Science and Technology
      Reuter  -  356 words
    • 146 2 'Join us' call to Tokyo banks by oil producers TOKYO, Sun. Oil producing nations in the Middle East have successively asked leading Japanese commercial banks for their participation in international investment banks to be set up in the Middle East, the influential economic daily Ninon Keizai reported today. The newspaper,
      AFP  -  146 words
    • 44 2 WASHINGTON, Sun. Forty people have been wounded and about 100 arrested In violent incidents this week In Miami, Florida, where serious rioting erupted in May and resulted in 18 deaths and US$lOO million (Ss2ll million) worth of damage, police said yesterday. AFP.
      AFP  -  44 words
    • 117 2 INDIA'S TIBETAN STAND NEW DELHI, Saa. The Indian Government has told the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, that his rapprochement with the Chinese Government shoald not result In any embarrassment tor New Delhi. The Indian Foreign Office told representative •f the 44-ye*r-old Buddhist leader that though India would weleame
      AFP  -  117 words
    • 282 2 NEW DELHI, Sun A TWO-WEEK picketing campaign to back demands for the expulsion of all illegal immigrants from Assam ended today with no sign of a solution to the dispute which has plagued the north-east Indian state for the past 10 months.
      Reuter  -  282 words
    • 181 2 TOKYO, Sun. The sadden death of former Prime Minister Masayaihl Ohlra has taaght the hard-worldag Japanese a le—tn: Give prime ministers a Mr Kilchl Mlyaaawa. the chief government spokesman, nas told reporten that new Prime Minister Zenk* Sasaki will m>lnt«li a five-day work week, beginning
      UPI  -  181 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 253 2 H ~^^j^ __a^H [to cinema l B ln SH4"il* .ORCHARD PLAZA y <l > (XI CM, 9ft U«A PfIOJiCT Is M \?k* 3wu««=|F moth with mhisimik! a ftj/ A?V w t) r —^M 1 "SWINC J I ORCHARD I/ W 4^S fffj^lJJ] 1 1 I (SHOPS Mil /%vr^LTuff"Kote# B^BL^^nt^n^^^pi-nWnf %Aln^"B^P^^
      253 words
    • 227 2 X s First Indian j/1 rocket launch 4* 9 THE Indian Government has released these frr- I pictures of (left) the country's first Satellite jf i m< LaunchinK Vehicle, the SLV-3, and (below) the M* Wl Rohini RS-1 satellite, its payload. i^ttk The n-tonne, four-stage rocket carrying the y \jm
      227 words

    • 451 3 DETROIT, Sun. Republican presidential nominee Ronald Reagan has built himself just the coalition he needs to court the middle-road vote while holding the ultra-right. Through shrewd politicking in choosing middle-of-the-road George Bush as his running mate, and by making a lowkeyed acceptance speech at the convention,
      Reuter  -  451 words
    • 194 3 GAINESVILLE (Florida), San. Frank Johnson laughed a bit when the Alachna county elections supervisor asked, "Are yon at least 18?" at hit birthday party. Mr Johnson waa celebrating his lMth birthday on Friday night, and one of the presents he received waa the
      AP  -  194 words
    • 181 3 Texas kick-off to White House campaign HOUSTON, Sun. Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan yesterday went from the warmth of a cheering national convention to the swelter of a Texas heat wave in a southern-fried kickoff to his campaign for the White House. Mr Reagan stopped in this Texas port city,
      AFP  -  181 words
    • 26 3 In other words... A van shuttling about Bangkok carries an advertisement that drives the message home with this overdose: MEDICINE designed for health produced with care.
      26 words
    • 62 3 WITH police and flremen holding a blanket, a former psychiatric patient fait from a seven-metre wall outside the Boston Children's Hospital. The Incident took place on Saturday after police tried to talk the woman patient Into coming down. The woman was unhurt bat one of
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    • 258 3 Castro hits at 'paltry' US aid for Nicaragua MANAGUA, Sunday CUBAN President Fidel Castro today criticised the United States for giving what he said was insufficient aid to Nicaragua. He also attacked the electoral platform of US Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan. In a 40-minute speech before a huge crowd
      AFP  -  258 words
    • 92 3 BELGRADE, Sun A giant concrete bridge linking Krk, the largest island in the Adriatic, to the port of Rijeka on Yugoslavia's southern coast was inaugurated on Saturday by head of state Cvijetin Mi)atovic. The structore, named after the late Marshall Tito, is 1,400 metres long and
      AP  -  92 words
    • 52 3 NEW DELHI, Sun. Five men died and one was blinded after drinking illicit liquor in Delhi. Indian newspapers reported today. The five died in hospital within 48 hours of drinking the home-made liquor on Thursday night. The man who allegedly sold them the poisonous hooch was
      Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 182 3 If you are a busy executive, and you need an efficient hotel, you should be staying at Jaya Puri 1 c.t ll IL r^^^snnrißk. I. J Iv^vi nC^sssnl I I m i rja ssmVtVsnnnV Jm4Mm\ Aaanfl afl *W "M sssnW mJL M ihflU Be it a limousine, secretarial services, drive
      182 words
    • 413 3 Am C^S£^*° s i*'»«« md .sv v o> r ay* cj^ Viennese Summer -o-- v^ •<?*? ai Holiday Inn Hotel Am ift p ,f^fy SingafXMV I \[>enen< c ihe Inn m m m 9> and tfairiy of a Viennese: Summer 1-^-anmnfß A linjoy joyous, lilting Austrian music «V I>y the
      413 words

    • 410 4 NAIROBI, Sun. DROUGHT and war have brought disaster to the nomads of northeast Africa and there will be no relief from their plight despite the deceptive carpet of grass now covering the region. Outside the mission stations of the Karamoja region of Uganda, the Turkana
      Reuter  -  410 words
    • 31 4 BEIRUT, Sun. At least four people were reported killed here today after clashes erupted in the southern suburbs between the Shiite Muslim political-military movement Amal and armed Palestinians. -AFP
      AFP  -  31 words
    • 240 4 LONDON, Sunday A BRITON charged with spotting black guerilla bases in Zambia for the old Rhodesian Air Force was freed from a Lusaka prison and flew here yesterday, saying he had been tortured, the Sunday reported. The newspaper said that Michael Borlace,
      AFP  -  240 words
    • 62 4 PARIS, Sun. France and Britain announced that the New Hebrides; archipelago. their condominium in tne Pacific Ocean, will become independent with effect from July 30 as planned. A bilateral conference agreed that chances were good in overcoming remaining difficulties, arising from an attempt by a French-speaking political
      UPI  -  62 words
    • 108 4 Typhoon Joe threatens Philippine rice area MANILA, Sun. Typhoon Joe raced towards the Philippines today, threatening to hit the coconut and rice-producing northern provinces with powerful 150 km h winds. The Manila Weather Bureau said that as of 4 p.m., Joe was located about 330 km north-east of Manila and
      UPI  -  108 words
    • 37 4 NEW DELHI, Sun. Nearly 150 people have died in floods, landslides and house collapses in India's northern Uttar Pradesh state following two weeks of heavy monsoon rains, the Press Trust of India reported today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 70 4 The scars of a troubled Iranian SEVERE stomach scars of an Iranian revolutionary guard, nicknamed Ayatollah by fellow patients, are being examined by a doctor at Bonn's Central Saint Johannis Hospital. Tne Iranian was among It revolutionary guards wounded in recent clashes with opponents of the Khomeiny Islamic regime In
      UPI  -  70 words
    • 30 4 TOKYO, Sun. An official mission will visit Canada next week for consultations in preparation for a revised bilateral agreement on nuclear cooperation, a government source said today. AFP.
      AFP  -  30 words
    • 241 4  - Storm brews over food aid watchdog committee LEE KIM CHEW BY Our Bangkok reporter A BIG question mark remains over the future of food distribution at the ThaiKampuchean border, despite an agreement between Thailand and the International Aid Agencies to cooperate on the matter. Controversy is brewing again, this time
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    • 160 4 SIX BLACK LEADERS REJECT REFORM PLAN JOHANNESBURG, Sun. The leaders of six black tribal homelands in South Africa rejected last night the constitutional reform plan proposed by the white-minority government as long as the black majority is excluded from participation. The plan calls for the creation of a president's council
      AFP  -  160 words
    • 146 4 REDWOOD CITY (California), Sun. Killer whale Yaka's grief over the death of her long-time mate and fellow performer Nepo has lessened since sne was introduced to a male dolphin, Marine World-Africa USA officials reported yesterday. The 2,495-kg female whale, suffering from the same infection
      UPI  -  146 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 26 4 j^^^^j i W^2 ■^L^h^B^fc^S MHMMb^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^bP^^*^*^"^**"^"^^^ ■k < ySk b^bW*^b^^^^^l ■&■> PT(btS I bb^Awi ft) l ■I; I I tff p f li r lflTil>l*l'trt *B L^mAjL^m^ *j]^ fife*
      26 words
    • 147 4 Mongolian Barbecue AMerliiiGrillSpeciality From the wild plains of Outer Mongolia You make the selection and our Chef barbecues comes a barbecue more succulent, more it for you. Mongolian Barbecue try it at the delicious than any barbecue you have Merlin Grill today and you will discover why this ever tried
      147 words

    • 158 5 TEL AVIV, Sun. Israel has warned that it will resort to "other means" if it fails in its attempts to use political pressure to keep nuclear weapons out of the Middle East. Speaking on Israeli Radio during a tour of Arab
      AFP  -  158 words
    • 58 5 PRIME MINISTER Margaret Thatcher at the helm of the new Holyhead lifeboat, the Hyman Wlnstoae, la Aaglesy, at the weekThe lifeboat was named two days earlier by the Dike of Kent. and Is the £3M,IM (SSI.S mllHoa) rift of Mrs Marls Wrtawtame of
      AP  -  58 words
    • 121 5 CALL FOR JOINT COUNCIL CAIRO, Sun. Elections in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem and the establishment of a joint ArabIsraeli council for the city would guarantee the interests of all parties, Foreign Minister Kamal Hassan AU has said. In an interview published in the Al Ahram yesterday, Mr Ali said such a
      AFP  -  121 words
    • 63 5 TEX AVTV, Sun. A small I bomb exploded today at a petrol station just north of toe Gaza strip, causing no injuries and little damage, Israel radio reported. The state radio said the charge went off In the Erez industrial rone early In the morning Authorities arrested
      AP  -  63 words
    • 82 5 A FRENCHMAN known as "the climber of Notre Dame" struck again last night, scaling some scaffolding on the north tower and hiding in the central rose window of the cathedral before letting himself be talked down about an hour and a half later. The man, named
      AFP  -  82 words
    • 147 5 OAKVILLE (Ontario), Son. A bolt of lightning struck a 20-year-old man In the neck on Saturday, knocking him unconcious and disintegrating the metal chain he was wearing around his neck, officials said. Gary Char land was walking with his brother, Ross and a
      147 words
    • 247 5 Sarkis names a new Lebanese premier BEIRUT, Sun PRESIDENT Elias Sarkis today appointed Mr Takieddine Solh, 71, to be Lebanon's next prime minister to succeed Dr Selim al-Hoss, who handed in his resignation last month. Mr Solh, a Sunni Muslim, was prime minister once before from July 1972 to September
      Reuter  -  247 words
    • 160 5 'No thanks' to free Rolls PENTHOUSES being sold in Los Angeles for US$7 million (5J16.2 million) have a little extra in the garage for the person who has everything a free Rolls Royce. But, as it happened, the first person to buy one of the penthouses turned down the
      AFP  -  160 words
    • 127 5 Man who will head Iranian legislature TEHERAN, Sun. Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, a head of the majority Islamic Republic Party, was today elected for a year as president of the Iranian parliament. Ayatollah Rafsanjani, a former interior minister and deputy from Teheran, received 146 of the 196 votes cast. There were
      AFP  -  127 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 480 5 lIP Qt I C*B I m I H Add a little initially. And more, gradually. I HAIR FUSION One of the most successful methods oi hair replacement in Singapore. Through a painless. non-surgical and absolutely safe process we replace as much hair as you need. To help you maintain a
      480 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 167 6 fjffiTMJoMmHBS™MsWBraBHIp^BBM^IBB «^^^^^^^j E^^bJ bKbSabjl _^bJI kaa> ___^^^^^J pb^ CARRIER CUTS AIRCON RUNNING COSTS BY 33 t Carrier announces a major breakthrough in efficient in terms of aircon running costs. M#" I "^bj^^^^bj Energy Savings. The Super Round One is big on versatility too. It can j B9B^ Until now, the
      167 words

  • 219 7 Glued to lantern-making LANTERN-MAKING is turn and requires as adroit hand, Imagination U d an ability to dip nippy ringers constantly Into glue or gum without getting squeamish. This was the message that Madam Urn Slew Mai drove home to ttte children and grown-up* who turned up at the Ang
    219 words
  • 291 7 Olympic size pools for 7 colleges THE Government is to spend about $115 million to set up seven junior colleges complete with Olympic-size swimming pools in most of the Housing Board estates. The Senior Minister of State (Education), Mr Chai Chong Vii, told The Straits Times that this construction cost,
    291 words
  • 151 7 SBS zonal ticketing system shelved THE Singapore Bus Service has shelved indefinitely its zonal fare plan and will, instead, work on improving its present one-man-operated (OMO), Step Fare and "hybrid" fare systems. Sources said the zonal fare plan has not been worked out fully but the general idea was (or
    151 words
  • 22 7 DELTA community centre youth group will visit the Outward Bound School on Pulau Übin on Sunday starting at 8.30 a.m.
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  • 457 7 Group to get reserve flats at old price APPLICANTS of Housing Board flats affected by resettlement will be offered reserved flats at the old prices, the Minister for National Development, Mr Teh Cheang Wan, said yesterday. Newly-balloted flats not on the reserve list, however, will be sold to all applicants
    457 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 354 7 >* BUY AN ACM A REFRIGERATOR (I BY INSTALMENT AND YOU MAY WIN I ONEOFTHEMANYATTRACTIVE i I PRIZES:- TOTAL WORTH I I— <6-H^ C\C\C\U I The closing date for the Lucky Draw is August 15. 1980. Cs^\ Hnd\ i3rd 1) (f3Li3th\ £> Pnae Priam Prize S $15,000 A $10,000 A
      354 words
    • 410 7 $100 for your old electric cooker when you trade it in for one of ours. 155! if PER MONTH. +U super electric r^^:::^^- —^^^^1 cookers from our C^^^EK^^^gg^^r"^ 1^ wide range!) Take up this great offer now. L^ Offer on for a limited f^^^^^i^^B-^^ period only. CC :::^^^^^*'H nwOmralEtecific Company
      410 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 390 8 "v fl| y^WWP^^il*^^; H^LV I H' 1 B <; Sf i^ B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^& w^. b *™tj Mfflft^kL I SSJMfcf*. SI M/tt BBT'i ji J JB*^^ 4Bs^BBC' IB Bfl^Vs 'mlm 'mi JF 'Wtt&^^&.^tr M^mJ^mWl^^.' I 1 IM^ BBk > fW-^m m BbBBJ^. < Bf# w **?^£3 *^jfllß^^MßVP^^^^^^^^^^^Vs^iV^^B^F <4BbbCT' *^k .M Ajj s
      390 words

  • 473 9  -  RAYMOND MOSES m MANY shoestring budget travellers to the East make Singapore their first "port of call. And this despite the fact that flights to Singapore from Europe and Australia where most of them come from cost slightly more than flights to Bangkok and
    473 words
  • 413 9  - Airport taxis: Fares to form two queues? EDMUND TEO By A STUDY has begun on how to clear as many commuters as possible in the shortest time at Paya Lebar Airport's taxi stand. Among the plans being looked into by the Department of Civil Aviation and the Registry of Vehicles
    413 words
  • 117 9 Programme to boost hotel security THE Singapore Hotel and Restaurant Association (SHRA in conjunction with the police will hold a four-day security training programme for chief and assistant chief security officers of various hotels at the Mandarin Hotel from tomorrow. The aim of the programme is to help the hotel
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  • 54 9 A HONGKONG artist. Mr Lee Wai-On, will hold a one-man art exhibition at his recent paintings at the NaUonal Museum Art Gallery between Friday and Suday, from 10.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. dally. The exhibition will be continued at The Collector's Gallery, 304 Orchard Towers, from
    54 words
  • 181 9  - CHANGI TO HAVE GIANT SOLAR HEATING SYSTEM WENDY YANG By THE aew Chaagl Intorn»tion*l Alrpsrt will Install Singapore's largest wUr heating system to pravldr abaci M per cent sf the tot water sapply In the passenger terminal building. The protect, costing hetween $SMJM and rm,m, winue the snn's rays to
    181 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 82 9 fek. nnT W nW %TV A Gem of an Investment At Constellation Jewellers, we import and wholesale certified diamonds for investment and for the discerning, we have at our helm, a graduate Gemologist, of the Gemological Institute of America. For more detail consult our Gemologist CONSTELLATION JEWELLERS (PTE) LTD G5,
      82 words
    • 597 9 The special formula of four centuries! f^""*Y*— as^wv A The le 9 end Yome snu coming to us through almost four hundred years, is filled lIXJ^ITZL with mystery. An old man found in the snow, helped by another. In return the gift of j~y a special formula. Here's how the
      597 words

  • 237 10 Street takes on a special flavour THE DMBth of Ramadan which revolvf* round the concept of fasting as a discipline has other features that lend It a special flavour. For a long time, Bnssorah Street, with its stalls of delicacies set op specially for the "poasa" period, has been the
    237 words
  • 36 10 KIM Keat Zone D residents' committee will be screening a free film show, Jaws, for residents at the open ground in front of Block 17, Lorong 7, Toa Payoh, on Saturday at 7 p.m.
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  • 58 10 MUSLIMS here started fasting for the month of Ramadan on July 13. We reproduce an article (right) on fasting by SRI DEUMA, a columnist in The New Straits Times of Malaysia, in which the article first appeared on July 16. A prayer session at the void
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  • 92 10 Spotting above average workers THE National Productivity Board is conducting a series of half-day seminars on How to Identify Above-average Performers in Your Company from July 28 10 31 between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. This is a follow-up on NPB's recent guidelines on implementing the National Wages Council recommendations.
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  • 185 10 THE Singapore Action Group of Elders plans to build a home for the aged where they can plant flowers, rear fish and relax. The Elders' Village, as it will be called, requires an outlay of $1 million to $2 million. Sage is now raising funds
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  • 69 10 Seconded to NTUC THE Deputy Director of Trade, Mr Othman bin Haron Eusofe. has been seconded to the NTUC for two years. His recent appointment has been confirmed by the NTUC secretary-general, Mr Lim Chee Onn, who said that Mr Othman, is now a member of the task force that
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  • 711 10 A way of living some are born into BUT how do you do it, my nonMuslim friends ask each Ramadan. It is a rhetorical question. they expect no answer. This year, a friend from abroad really wants to know. How does it feel to fast the Islamic way to go
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  • 78 10 ABOUT $4 million worth of equipment and materials were reported to have been sold in the four-day welding, fabrication and surface treatment exhibition which ended on Saturday. Equipment sold included hydraulic iron working machines, centrifugal fans, welding and cutting outfits, and arc welding units.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 295 10 I'lttimd Jin Kiiltx Iki\ Dull Aimltibli in IH<I n«ld. utth matching hracrlet See the solid gold Rolex face to face at our place It takes Rolex craftsmen over a year to make a Rolex Day-Date. They start with a solid block of 18ct gold, and in a series of 162
      295 words
    • 120 10 PUBLIC I AUCTION ORIENTAL CARPETS I Hassan's Carpets proudly presents An exceptional selection of Oriental carpets, 3y rugs runners from Iran, Pakistan, Vj Afghanistan, Turkey, Turkistan, y\ Kashmir Caucasus. jjci&SSk X s^^^B HV^Fw^^ftlv^A V^lk*"'* <Piflp) 1 *w^ AUCTION: SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1980 AT 2P.M. PRECISELY: V Exhibition of offering from
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  • 241 11 JTC cuts no corners in this campaign THE people who gave you Role Play earlier this year employing the dramatic talents of amateur thespians among its staff to simulate discourteous encounters of the JTC kind have now come up with Courtesy Corner. Even as other bodies are following the role
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  • 140 11 Pressing need for courtesy, says Ong SINGAPORE is in the process of re-inculcating Asian values in its citizens because Singaporeans seem to be lacking in these qualities, unlike people in neighbouring countries. Communications Minister Ong Teng Cheong, who said this last night, pointed out that this could be due to
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  • 82 11 MP to meet the people on Sundays THE MP for Kolam Ayer, Mr Sidek Saniff, will hold meet-the-people sessions for his constituency on Sundays from 10 a.m. to noon, instead of on Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. This will only be for the month of Ramadnan (until Aug 12).
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  • 317 11 'Attach more weight to learning Chinese' BILINGUAL education for Chinese Singaporeans should give equal emphasis to the learning of English and Chinese because a good grasp of the latter helps to impart a philosophical quality to life. There is a need to correct a linguistic imbalance among the Chinese, because
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  • 66 11 POLICE SEEK HIS HELP POLICE would like to interview Pitch Y*ng Cheng alias Ong Kin Sleh, S3, (above) who they believe can help them In their Investigations Into the murder of a woman, Tan Geok Kee, SI, at Track 22, Jarong Road, on June 1. Police said Pheh was last
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  • 26 11 UPPER Seranfoon community centre will hold guitar, piano and electone courses next month. Those interested may telephone *****61 between 3 p.m. and 10 p.m.
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  • 302 11 MORE than 10 per cent of the Nanyang University library's collection will be weeded out before it goes to the NUS. the Nantah librarian, Mr Koh Thong Ngee, said. "Books which are outdated, duplicated or of no reference value will
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  • 118 11 The fun of being neighbourly WHAT sort of occasion can generate some wholesome fun for children away from their Housing Board homes and the nightly humdrum of schoolwork and TV viewing? A neighbourliness party of course, as some 200 children living in Blocks 97, 99, 101 and 102, Toa Pay
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  • 294 11 Clean sweep by Laguna 'brigade' RESIDENTS of Laguna Park Estate wielded brooms, mops and pails yesterday in a "self-help" operation. Led by the residents" association, they got down to a thorough cleaning up of the common areas of their estate after they claimed that their appeals to the HUDC to
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  • 90 11 LOST TRAVELLERS 9 CHEQUE APPEAL POLICE >.-»*T«Uy ap- i pealed to aayoa* wio comes across some lo*» travellers' cheques Insued by the Deatacbe Bank AG la West Germany to contact them. Tke cheques, worth 2.4 m DM (Ss2.»m), are la IMDM denomination* <»,••• of them bearing ■unben 7ft-72»-sai to 7t
    90 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 343 11 "If Avis is so great, how come they have to try so hard?" SR a^-\ Because to stay great we have to stay on our toes. We have to try harder every day, with every customer. We have to smile more and mean it. Have better cars and a bigger
      343 words

    • 151 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. About $1 million in booking fees awaits collection by applicants to a pioneer joint venture project between the Selangor Government and a private developer, The Sunday Mail reported today. The money is part of a total of over $4 million collected
      151 words
    • 92 12 Puasa month food prices soar KOTA BARU, Sun. The prices of many essential daily goods sold at the Central Market here, especially fresh vegetables and fish, have gone up between 50 per cent and 100 per cent since the beginning of the fasting month last week. A random survey showed
      NST  -  92 words
    • 262 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun MALAYSIAN Chinese Association president Datuk Lee San Choon stressed yesterday that the existence of Chinese primary schools is not a point to be disputed and least of all made into a political issue. It is not the government's policy to
      NST  -  262 words
    • 210 12 Import of gas from S'pore to ease the shortage KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday THE gas shortage is expected to ease in the next few days with the import of an undis closed number of filled cylinders from Singa pore by a major LPG supplier. A Shell spokesman told The Sunday Mail
      210 words
    • 54 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Consumers were today urged to switch from the traditional super grade to the medium grade rice. The latter was readily available, was of good quality and cheaper, the chairman of the Malaysian Rice Wholesalers' Association, Mr Teh Tok Yong, said here during its
      NST  -  54 words
    • 53 12 PENANG, Sun. The "take it or leave it" attitude of shopkeepers and retailers came under attack at a meeting of consumers and officials of the Consumer's Association of Penang here yesterday. Several housewives at the meeting also protested against the recent decision to increase the price
      NST  -  53 words
    • 34 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. More than half of the food stalls inspected by City Hall in the past three days failed to meet provisions of the clean food rules, The Sunday Mail reported.
      34 words
    • 237 12 Dengue fever alert in Negri Sembilan SEREMBAN, Sun. A statewide operation has been mounted to alert the public and to prevent the spread of dengue fever, following five deaths due to the disease since mid-Janu-ary. The state director of Health and Medical Services, Dr P. Ratnaiothy, said since the first
      237 words
    • 105 12 Xl ALA LUMPUR, Son. About (M workers in mm of the world 'B biggest diamond rutting establishments lost their Jobs today when the factory saddenly closed. The Kota Bahru factory blamed it on the world's dropping diamond demand. A factory spokesman said It received the closure
      AFP  -  105 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 311 12 :r>i:;VJWi^H:^| MEDICAL acu J)I(iKST® No 3 CONTENTS July IMO Gcndsr S«> and Hacßti Proftssor Wong Hock Boon 3 BlMChmg th« Tm*i 16 Dxbrar tht Ouflook Bright Rotf Lufr 17 Don't Jok* with m» A/#/r 33 B^"^B JokM Cartoon 34 Young World Health A Pl*gu« and Machwf SB (*Ma^| Floating Dapanawy
      311 words

    • 328 13 Excess supply dims outlook for tin KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The market outlook for tin in the immediate future is "not exactly bright", Primary Industries Minister Datuk Leong Knee Seong said after meeting the Miners Association of Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang here tonight. This was due to an excess tin
      NST  -  328 words
    • 56 13 IPOH. Sun. A scooterist and his pillion were killed when their machine was involved in a collision with a lorry at the 10 km Ipoh-Chemor Road yesterday. They were Mr A. S. Loganathan, 34, the chief instructor of Perak Karate Budokan International, and Mr C. Sundarajoo.
      NST  -  56 words
    • 35 13 JOHORE BARU, Sun. Customs officers seized 14 bags of tin ore valued at $21,630 from a car in Jalan Tun Dr Ismail here on Friday night. The driver of the car escaped. NST.
      NST  -  35 words
    • 138 13 Assn wants probe into cheap sale offers KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Selangor Consumers' Association (SCA) has urged the Trade and Industry Ministry to investigate the widespread practice of shops offering cheap sales. SCA vice-chairman Dr Rokiah Talib said yesterday that some of the offers seemed to be made throughout the
      NST  -  138 words
    • 38 13 IPOH, Sun. The Menglembu groundnut tycoon, Mr Ngan Yin, died of a heart attack yesterday while taking his daily morning walk at the foot of the Kledanj? hills in Menglembu near here. He was 61. -NST.
      NST  -  38 words
    • 288 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday ANYONE in possession of cigarettes and liquor for which duty has not been paid will be treated like any other smuggler, according to the Deputy Director-General of Customs, Tunku Adnan bin Tunku Besar Burhanuddin. Tunku Adnan told The Sunday
      288 words
    • 126 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. A defensive driving course for drivers with bad records will be introduced by the Road Transport Department, its director-general, Mr Abu Bakar bin Mohamed Noor, said today. "It will be in the form of a refresher course and is aimed at
      NST  -  126 words
    • 90 13 KOTA KINABALI Sun. Japanese aad West Uermaa Investors have shown Interest In producing liquor from sweet potatoes and tapioca In Sabah. A state government spokesman said today that a Japanese firm planned to spend about $S million to plant sweet potatoes on a three-year
      AFP  -  90 words
    • 120 13 NANCIE HAS AN EYE OUT FOR MORE FILM ROLES FORMER Mlaa MalaysU/lateraatlanal turned aetreaa, Naaeie Faa, la aiudaaa to make mare Malay mavtea because "I waat to play a mare paattlve rale la helping to laereaae Chinese aadlences at theae ma vies." She kaa Jatt eampletoi her Mat rale la
      120 words
    • 26 13 JOHORE BARU. Sun. Armed robbers escaped with $6,270 in cash and jewellery in three separate hold-ups here, Muar and Kulai, police said yesterday. NST.
      NST  -  26 words
    • 130 13 Sabah seeking British expertise KOTA KINABALU, Sun. The Sabah Public Service Commission will soon j send a mission to London to recruit several professional officers. The national news agen- cy Bernama said today that the commission has been forced to cast its net further afield for skilled personnel, as it
      AFP  -  130 words
    • 235 13 JOHORE HAKU, San. A New Zealand army sergeant based la Singapore, died after he was shot daring a robbery at '.he tourist resort of D*«aru, about M km east hen yesterday. Sgt Arthar James Yaxley, a, attached to the NZ army headquarters In
      AFP  -  235 words
    • 555 14 OIL MINISTER MANA Saeed Al-Oteiba of the United Arab Emirates offers hope for the developing nations in his suggestion that the capital available to the Opec Fund for International Development (OFID) be substantially increased to US$lOO billion This proposal, if adopted at the
      555 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 145 13 i^jPwi Ma l!^^^^El^ -Vv iI(I')IriiIIII( I II I I I i I i I i I n y 2+2*2+2 2+2+2+2*2*2+2*2+2f2+2+2*2*2*?H I r 1 wjp 3 3s» Sz5 s#S*5 S*3 3£2 S*S*3 3#3 2 3#3 3 2 i I 1 1 M I^— I^^ r.^aw| F^b.l f^awl l^^l F.^m.l I.^fewl I
      145 words

  • 1345 14  - World's population explosion problems are easing YOUSSEF M. IBRAHIM By I in London says 61-country UN study A MAJOR worldwide survey of 400,000 women in 61 countries shows that the population explosion that has plagued much of the world is easing. Fertility and birthrates in Third World countries and in
    NYT  -  1,345 words
  • 387 14 The StraitsTimes MONDAY, JULY 21, 1980 RESIDENT CARE THE proposal by Health Minister, Dr Toh Chin dye, to require all private hospitals to appoint resident doctors cannot but elevate standards of hospital care in Singapore. Of late, private hospitals have been mushrooming in the face of increasing demand not only
    387 words
  • 369 14 IT was supposed to be one of the regular foreign ministers' meetings of the Vietnam-dominated Indochinese Federation which took formal shape a year ago. But there was no mistaking that last week's session in Vientiane was more than just a routine get-together of the foreign representatives of Vietnam,
    369 words
  • 898 14  -  ROBERT GARY By in Nazareth, Israel ISRAEL'S half a million Arab citizens, stirred by rising Muslim nationalism and by deep-rooted feelings of discrimination, are growing increasingly militant, and the Israeli authorities are worried. Many Arab university students, who appear to
    898 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 6 14 Scratchproof RADO New horizons in time
      6 words
    • 162 14 I BaaaßV/fs^^^^^^H aaV I !>■■ 1 aaV I am ft •~*^m bbbW atafl M mUWmmmmM f BW^l I .^B 4fl bb»«>w^ 4a> t^^ *<^^aaa\ ay Ala. n k I BBk_V I B»^ i W^' f 11ll «««"*i»i M yHi/EiDoFRESHURE is a line of cosmetics which *An attractive compact Handy Purse
      162 words

    • 331 15 Use of swear words in army IN line with the speech made by the Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs), Mr Rahim Lshak, on the use of swear words in our society (ST, July 11), I would like to point out that this
      331 words
    • 136 15 I REFER to the remarks made by the Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs), Mr Rahim lshak, on the use of swear words (ST, July 11). According to him, the use of swear words is more common in dialects than in Mandarin. This may
      136 words
    • 172 15 I AM sorry if my letter, "Many other schools do just as badly in Chinese exam" (ST, June 26) has upset the Permanent Secretary of Education. What I was trying to say was that it was important that the best Chinese language teachers
      172 words
    • 550 15 THE Vocational and Industrial Training Board's memorandum last' month to our centre's supervisors really shocks us. The abolishment of the preliminary examination this year is a matter of great importance to us students. It is inconceivable that the VITB has rammed this
      550 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 64 15 you HEED OUR PROTFtTIOm Leather, vinyl, wood, rubber and plastic all need the protection of Armor All. Sate, non-staining Armor All combines with the surface on which it is sprayed to prevent fading and aging, protects, preserves and beautifies all your most important possessions For Vinyl upholstery Loathor good* 88.
      64 words
    • 345 15 v fl| Bh B& v^ B^B) .^flß^^^d^^^B ay a^l B^^^^^^^ B^__^A Awkw |BL~ ji^W M s-inTvTßfc* v 4 jßr r aw 7> i\^Hi ■BM »C^ Awt^^ ■*»y \Vil BB 'Vk aflr .^Bb^tbv pOPS^ ar "Mt. BL N^ v \B L v j m E > ffyj rr»\Oo^ sa «A 00^*1
      345 words

    • 381 16 TWO DAYS were evidently (Migk far the balls to pat their apalde act together gain at the Magapare stoek market last week. After drtftlag la mixed activity far the tint three days at the week, lavestors flaaily regained their e«afldenee glvtag ahare prices a steady to flrm eleae
      381 words
    • 113 16 THE feUewlag I* a list af the \i mast actively traded stacks an the Stock Exchange af Slngapare last week. It Klves the tvaaver Ih thwiai af aalU, elaalag prices •n Friday tod the Ugh and law far lttl t>mpM> Ttnno Prt«M Hick Lmt ■M Mil ill
      113 words
    • 358 16 THE Kuala Lumpur stock market was a hive of activity last week and prices, buoyed by strong speculative interest, broke fresh grounds for the second consecutive week. It was the most active week this year. Total turnover ballooned to 43.71 million units valued at MJ136.66 million from 32.79
      358 words
      • 85 16 J«J 14 Jal It Jml M Jal 17 J.1 11 "BT Index: 6345.9? 6X3.48 6375 96 6521.89 6706 96 •Industrials: ***** 560 22 ***** SOS 564.16 feFlnucc: 9(7.77 993 61 993.50 1003 15 1019 69 ••Hotels: 482.56 492*7 489 .00 490 24 ***** •Propcrtta*: 409 24 409 48 408.92
        85 words
      • 89 16 M 14 111 U Jal M J.I 11 J.I II Index: *****.89 ***** 78 *****.51 ***** 03 ***** 15 •ImfcatHak: M.50 663.15 661 IT 664.87 672 38 929 14 ***** 929.14 934.79 ***** ••Hotels: ***** 379 32 379.42 379.71 380 09 •Propertla: ***** ***** 460.58 465.92 ***** *Tlm *****
        89 words
      • 51 16 Carnal Date TMftlfer T.uj f.r p»>TDMt payable Ike yew prevtou year CeaPraa 6% July 21 10% 7.5% MbKS) 10% July 21 22% 20% P M B I 15'. (n) July 21 25% 20% SMtal 7%TE July 21 7%TE 7%TE TACHy 7% July 21 10% (n) 2nd interim TE
        51 words
    • 384 16 LONDON: The market firmed last week helped by the better than expected balance of trade figures for June and other economic statistics but poor results from Lloyds and a gloomy review of future prospects by the Courtaulds' chairman were adverse influences, dealers said. The FT index was up
      Reuter  -  384 words
      • 158 16 LONDON: Rubber Futures closed slightly steadier on Friday, with gains from yesterday of mostly 0.60 to O.ttp per kilo Turnover was three lots of five tonnes and 268 lots of 15 tonnes including 19 Kerb trades. Dealers said a combination of late buying interest, tidying up operations and
        158 words
      • 213 16 tonnes) and snort-coveting folTHIN conditions (or the most lowing fresh tension on the part dogged a market devoid Thai Kampuchean border, of any real features, and levels London however, refused to lost two cents overall, says follow influenced by the Hattfey Catter aaa ttmtk in its strength of
        213 words
      • 49 16 JutyW MylS JutyH My17 My M July 1» Tin R145 t.129 S2.U0 $2,138 S2.1S $2,120 Tonne. Id 207' ISO' i 141 177 183' > Rubber (S) 284.00 284.00 ***** 282.50 282.00 Rubber (M) 288.00 288 50 285.50 286.50 MOO •to Ml per pfcul -t-bceou per Ulo
        49 words
      • 618 16 LONDON, Fri. The market closed quietly mixed and the FT Index was fractionally up at 496.9 paints at the clow. Government bonds closed 1/8 easier In reaction to small selling interest with the June retail price index having little impact but the issue of a one Cl billion
        618 words
      • 261 16 NEW YORK, Fri. Steel shares and issues involved in the housing industry advanced as the stock market extended yesterday's strong advance in heavy trading. Analysts said investors continued to be encouraged by signs that the steepest part of the economic downturn has passed. Economic activity (ell 9.1 per
        261 words
      • 221 16 AMSTERDAM. Fri. Share prices closed higher, with (Jallever gaining and R«yal Dsjtea losing 0.70 guilders respectively in mixed Dutch internationals, dealers said. JULY 18 Hi ABN Ahold 6580 »I1 Akzo 2230 +0 1 Al|bank 30(50 til AMEV M20 >08 Amfu 1 1000 »3 Amrobnk 6700 +05 BergoM J7 00
        221 words
      • 254 16 ZURICH, Fri- Prices closed (inner in active trading, with unofficially quoted Credit SataM *ptUM sharply higher while Vaflnfcaak was unchanged in generally harder leading banks, dealers said. Financial were active. Defctnwatt rose to the year's high and On—— was unchanged In transports. Insurances 'vere firmer, led by Bt_sirif bearer,
        254 words
      • 30 16 LONDON: Copper prio« on Friday (prevtou* la tndMM) Wirfbtr Spot CSO4 50 (C(01); sellers CiOb (£»02). Thr** Month bujrcri ES2S (Ct21); itlltri LS36 50(E»J!»l MuMMw: StMdy talmi E.750 tooao
        30 words
    • 129 16 THE STRAITS tin price fell another $9 to (2.120 per picul (equivalent to $35.05 per kilo, down 15 cents) in Penang on Saturday, on an official offering up 6' i tonnes to 183 tonnes. LONDON: Tin on the day was up £96 for Cash and £27 for
      129 words
    • 1901 17 PLANTATIONS 430 380 A EnUfprtaes 4B +10 22.0 me 2 m M B»Ui Kawan 370 unch 110 3U 4 m 300 Bam Linuof nt -4 xa a .7 4 530 SOO Benu 530 &0 H7 Chin TKk 330 15.0 1« 83 211 Com Planl 131 -5 35.4
      1,901 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 226 17 NEWS that US retail sales for June unexpectedly rose 1.5 per cent and belief that the Federal Open Market Committee did Dvt decide on an immediate easing in monetary policy held the dollar steady in the Singapore forex market last week. The market for US dollar was well supported
        226 words
      • 244 17 AS COMPARED to the previous week, the Overnight rates remained stable with the exception of Tuesday. The Term rates (or One, Two and Three Months tinned 18 14 per c«»ni (or the week. Houses had no difficult}' in squaring their books. The Overnight money were taken in at 6-7
        244 words
      • 64 17 THE AVERAGE discount rate (or 91-day Treasury Bills tirn ed at the latest tender to 6.805 per cent from 6.770 per cent previously, the Monetary' AuI thorny of Singapore (MAS). said. Applications totalled $97 million for the (70 million of Bills on offer. About SO per cent
        Reuter  -  64 words
      • 187 17 ASIAN cureacy average depart rate* far tke week ended July 18: US* (BU price.! Hick Low 7 days 8 5/16 813/16 1 month 9' 8 2 months 9 7/10 91/16 3 months 913/16 9 3/16 6 months 9 15/18 9 months 9 15/16 9'i 12 months 915/16
        187 words
      • 41 17 FOR THE week ended Saturday July 11, the rma(e of call rate received from Short Deposits (M) Bod wuu (ollowi: But tmmt: 4 per cent to per cent. Geaml tmai: 4H per cent. Minamli of tundi totalled »B7 million.
        41 words
    • 311 17 Produce prices edge lower PRICES of commodities traded in the Singapore produce market continued to edge lower last week as buyers failed to offer any significant support. Coffee and pepper, in particular, were distinctly easier and views were somewhat bearish. In the coffee section, a dealer said traders were generally
      311 words
    • 97 17 KUALA LUMPUR: Peninsular Malaysian total tin exports rose to 5,524 tonnes in March from 5,343 in February but were below the 6,768 in March 1979, the Statistics Department said. Exports for January to March amounted to 17,777 tonnes against 19,062 in the same period last year.
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 54 17 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Friday 497 3 Thursday 498.9 We«k Ago 493.0 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Friday 923.98 Thursday 915 10 Week ago 801.13 H.K.HANG BENG Friday 1090.84 Thursday 1077.74 Week ago 1101.14 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Friday 899. 12 Thursday 695 25 Week ago 694.51 ALL ORDINARIES Friday 920.58 Thursday
      54 words
    • 99 17 Gold opened in the Far East at US$615 00 617 00 in line with the New York closing, on Saturday. It slipped to $614.00 615 50 in very quiet conditions before closing at $615 00 617 00 8*aree: N.M. RathaefclM Saw. Fri ltan Melbourne (1) H4 SB 536.6BB MOSS
      99 words
    • 349 17 BANK'S prime lending rates as at the close of business on Friday, July 18, I960. BANK'S tPLB Algemene Bank 11 American Express 11 Am'dam R'terdam Bank 11 Asia Commercial 11 Asien-Pazifik 12 A 4 NZ Banking Group II 1 Ban Hln Lee Bank 11 Banca Commerciale
      349 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 409 16 |T|| -J jj if aaj [f) J wSjx& -^T_^^^jLl m AU B)l Ktl__^ W wb^-^JKm (()IVKRTK m .-ATI |T___l __W/^-At^__L POELEE mjO r\ DECERF 1 a^^^K W r F J>» __^I____B E SALADE DE\. <W(\\ (Am .P^^^^^^^^B fcSlJp?B^\lM)IS DE BOLOGNE )/&mM)\ Hjlv^V l BONNE FEMMF J _F J^^_^^r l _r^^
      409 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 355 17 I MANAGING AGENTS Hill (SHIGHPORE) PTE. LTD. EVERLASTING P nmEßicnn imEßnQTionm hssurriue to. no. members of Omerican International Croup wish to congratulate people's msußpncE compnnv of CHirm (pice) and our parent company nmEßicnn inTEnnnTionni group (me) an the formation of CHinn-nmEßicn msunnncE compnnv the first insurance joint venture between the
      355 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 3449 18 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX SpJ Telephone Service: *****22 pfrsomai SFRViTFft C ~~1 mi^^ Moodoy FrKloy 830 a- b 00 p m Oanwy 70 <v per -<xd Imn V 0 50) »«RCHANOIBE O I /if /Ik A> V^^\ ,r^^\ 11l fV I I I l\ /A vL I |fl\\
      3,449 words
    • 287 18 V BUSINESS PRODUCTS. SERVICES ft OPPORTUNITIES TYPING SERVICES FOR Business Correspondence. Resume. Stencil. Photostating. Cyclostyllng Please call Private Secretarial Services. *****73 88 Business Opportunities CANADIAN MARKET BC Interest- ed local canned food products mfg.. travel agency tropic .il plants for export promotion I contact *****95. f^ m Express Co. \"m~
      287 words
      308 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 237 19 II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT •46 Situations Vacant a) Professional I Executive ■tSCsC mB iig i b) Secretarial Clerical/ Established Organisation Mißs*M I) TELEPHONE OPERATOR/ GENERAL CLERK .si DC aMe 10 s[H-ak Cal lonese i apply with photo. II) GENERAL WORKER Musi above 'is yrs
      237 words
    • 470 19 Administrative Assistant required for our Katong Branch j Duties: s Handling of telephone calls I a Preparing monthly reports and costings s Stock requisition Qualifications a GCE O' level a Ability to converse well j in English c Knowledge of Mandarin. Malay and dialects advantageous Salary -ill be around 5250.00
      470 words
    • 583 19 A SMrPYARO IN Jurong requires 1 1 Clerk Typist. Working experience not necessary but must have completed Typing Course. (2) General Clerk. Familiar with office duties Preference given to dlsl. 22 residents Please call: *****12/3 company urgently requires: TELEPHONE OPERATOR Cum TYPIST (Establishment along Upper Paya Laser Read) PWtMC t>pp4y
      583 words
    • 543 19 ESTABLISHED FIRM IN SEMBAWANG following position: ACCOUNTS CLERK (Male) c OCE 'O' level with credit In Principles of Accounts. c Relevant working experience would be an advantage but not essential. Commencing salary: $280 per month. Apply giving full particulars to: P.O. BOX 4 SEMBAWANG POST OFFICE SPORE 9175 ESTABLISHED FIRM
      543 words
    • 542 19 ESTABLISHED LEGAL FIRM requires A Stenographer with 'A' levels. Salary will commensurate with qualifications and experience Write to S.T. Box A***** GENERAL CLERKS REQUIRED Immediately No experience necessary Apply: 34th floor. Hong Leong Building, with school certificates and testimonials between 5.30 p.m. and 6p.m. FEMALE GENERAL CLERK required Able to
      542 words
    • 610 19 L J Kepptl Shipvort limited Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following appointments: (A) CLERICAL ASSISTANT (AUDIT) (B) TELEPHONE OPERATOR REQUIREMENTS For Post (A) Candidates should: 1 Have a minimum OCE with credits In Mathematics and English. 2. Possess LCCI Bookkeeping i certificate or Its equivalent. 3
      610 words
      578 words
    • 617 19 NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION A leading Japanese steel I manufacturing company re- I quires: MALE GENERAL CLERK c GCE O' level good command of English c Ability to type 30wpm with electric type wller c Good health and iiersonallty Age: Below 22 years old and completed National Service Interested applicants,
      617 words
    • 638 19 TATA has immediate vacancy for ACCOUNTS CLERK Minimum G.C E O' level i LCC. Intermediate Accounting or Higher AccountIng > At least Ito 2 years' working experience i Preferably those residing in dlsts. 3.5 L 22. lalary will commensurate with luaiifications and enperience. interested applicants may call par onally for
      638 words
    • 606 19 c) Sales kOENTS REQUIRED FOR Insur- ince sales Training provided ''Inanclng terms considered .'all Patrick. *****8 k Leading Hotel Group requires tor Is Singapore regional Sales Ofnce: I) ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER (FEMALE) RESERVATION". SECRETARY (FEMALE) 'referably with Hotel experl■nce S.T. BOX A9OSSS Closing date: 31.7 JO. kMBITIOUS YOUNG MEN/ ladles
      606 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 509 20 II EMPLOYMENT 46 Situations Vacant c) Smles CHANSON COSMETICS Is my life. Invites applications for the post BEAUTICIAN SUPERVISOR the job entails liaising with clients, preparing training and marketing planning Applicants should submit full and complete resume of education, work experience, current salary, contact telephone number and a recent photo
      509 words
    • 543 20 .EAD4NO REAL ESTATE Company invites applications from Male/ Female Singapore Citizens for the posts of Sales Executives. Minimum qualifications O' level Applicants must have their jwn cars No experience requlrrd Salary plus commission. Only ipplirallons with enclosed repent photograph (non-relurn-sble) entertained Apply In strictest confidence to: S T Box A*****
      543 words
    • 647 20 II EMPLOYMENT HESHE REQUIRES SALESGIRLS for Peninsula and Katong Starting salary *2SO Experience though preferable Is not essential. For interview, call Mr Llm. at *****77 SALES EXECUTIVE REOURED for advertisement canvassing. Must be available for Immediate employment. Basic salary, allowance and commission offered Apply personally lo: Unit 217, 2nd floor.
      647 words
    • 606 20 d) Technical A last expanding shipyard In Jurong urgently require, the following personnel: 1) ELECTRICIANS 2) MECHANICAL FITTERS 3) OFFICE BOY 4) CLERKS For I ladtale interview, please call personalty at: SINGAPORE SiaPaWUHNO a ENGINEERING LTD NO. 7 BE NOI RD SINGAPORE 22*2 (Take Bus service 253 from Jurong Interchange).
      606 words
    • 357 20 II EMPLOYMENT A large furniture manufacturing company in Kranji invitee applications for:1. TOOLROOM TECHNICIANS a 2— 3 years' working experience In similar vocation In woodworking Industry. 2. BOILER ATTENDANTS c Possess Class 2 Boiler Certificate 3. APPRENTICE FITTERS c Have some knowledge of mechanical line 4. FEMALE CLERK c OCE
      357 words
    • 475 20 VPACIFIC^/ A .üb.Kli.ry of CaMomia Pellet MM Company (the world's leading manufacturer ol Pellet Mms) Due to rapid expansion, we have vacancies for the following posts: (A) DRILLING MACHINE OPERATORS (Mala) (Female above 25 years) (B) LATHE MACHINE OPERATORS (C) FITTER/ POLISHING OPERATORS (D) Q.C. INSPECTOR (Male/Female) (E) MAINTENANCE FITTER
      475 words
    • 334 20 II EMPLOYMENT led 4 |^*"aAk I RYODEN (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. I sole agent for Mitsubishi Lifts li Escalators have va- cancles for: li) TRAINEE LIFT MAINTENANCE MECHANICS Starting pay will not be lees than $240/- per month excluding transport A laundry allowances Applicants must have completed Sec 2 and possess
      334 words
    • 672 20 MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL PERSONNEL Requirements: c At least 2 years experience In maintenance and repair of alrcondltlonlng systems and electrical fittings. c Preference will be given to those who have a Trade or Craft Certificate. c Ability to work Independently Successful candidates can aspect lo be upgraded aa M E Foreman
      672 words
    • 227 20 II EMPL WELDERS. STEEL WORKERS md General Workers required by mechanical engineering rirm located at factory In Marslllng. Woodlands. Please contact Mr Poon. Tel: *****41 or call personally at: 29. Blk 14. Marslllng Industrial Estate Road 1. We need: SKILLED REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS For ship repairing Job Please call:
      227 words
    • 286 20 WE OFFER MORE BENEFITS IF YOU ARE )UR... Requirements a. 16 years and above b. No experience required, training will be provided c. Singapore and Malaysian Citizen or permanent resident I -wSftsjSSl— \.'J___ bHh»bV'v9b9 vv-vmH 9.00 am 11.00 am 1.30 pm 4.00 pm Bus Service: 33,176,185,196, il fif) I !Wj
      286 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 366 21 II EMPLOYMENT J II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT 46 Situations Vacant c) Production dk CHARTERED INDUSTRIES Of SINGAPORE PRIVATE LIMITED WE ALSO PROVIDE.- Free Breakfast Free Monthly Lunch Free Transport for shift workers Free Uniforms Free Medical Consultation Subsidised Meals Annual X-Ray 13 Month Pay livhouse Training
      366 words
    • 246 21 \C^ Hit s^\ Everybody's Talking About Learning Skills Here's your chance to start learning now! Join Us As QC Inspector Female i Operator OUR OPERATORS EARN UP TO: $288 on confirmation $305 after 6 months PLUS NO SCOPE WORK GENERAL BENEFITS You can choose to work on NORMAL HOURS or
      246 words
    • 410 21 naooDDD \-eifico\ DDDDDDO A UHTO«»I(J( HAS IMMEDIATE VACANCiESFOR: Requirements: Age: 20-25 years Minimum Q.C.E. *O' level with credit In Mathematics. Those with relevant experience In electronics Industry preferred. Requirements: Age: 18-24 years Minimum G.C.E. 'O f level Preferably one year experience In Q.C. function. Requirements: Minimum age 16 yean At
      410 words
    • 257 21 Immediate vacancies for: FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Requirements: c 16 to 40 years c Single/married c No experience required c Singaporeans/Malaysians Benefits Free transport No shift rotation No scope work Free medical attention Good annual leave plan rlage/malernlly/paternlty leave Company's hostel for Malaysians Annual wage supplement Insurance coverage Employee's savings plans
      257 words
    • 260 21 <$> i i ASAHI TV-GLASS PTE. LTD. invites applicants to fill the fol- j lowing positions for our new factory In Jurong:1. MALE INSPECTION OPERATORS 2. MALE GENERAL OPERATORS c Completed Primary Six c Willing to work on 3 rotating shifts c Completed National Service We otter c High commencing
      260 words
    • 156 21 MALE 1 PRODUCTION WORKERS wanted immediately by European lactory in Ju- rong. I c Singapore citizens. I c Age 18 and above. No shift work. c Primary education I I We pay: i c Basic salary SSI 1.70 per day I a Transport provided. a Full attendance inceni tlves of
      156 words
    • 248 21 Urgently required MALE FEMALE MACHINE OPERATORS c No shift work c Oood starting pay c Generous Increment, after probation c Good transport and attendance Incentives are provided. c Experienced or Inexperienced will also be considered. i Intereated, pleaae call at: The Personnel Department No. 15, Taniong Kling Road Jurong Industrial
      248 words
    • 365 21 the .place for you START AS AN NMB OPERATOR Tat tarsaaeel Deaartaeat Brack 10. M Fleer, JK Rattaa 1 Factary Ratal Mn atoppmim 1. Chai Chet Avt Stauparc 1646 I I I Required Immediately FEMALE FACTORY I OPERATIVES Earnings per day I $9.28 and $9.78 after 3 montns probation. i
      365 words
    • 412 21 A leading seafood processing and distribution company requires the following: 1) MECHANICS/ FITTERS To maintain and repair fish processing machines, compressors, trucks, etc. and to do fabrication work Preferably must have completed relevant VITB coursei At least 3 years experience In similar work Age 20-38 years 2) GENERAL WORKERS Preferably
      412 words
    • 604 21 A leading and well organised group of companies he a the following vacanctee In their Property Oiviaion: A) ELECTRICIAN/ MECHANIC R#qutr #fn#n Is c ITB Certificate Orade 3 In Electrical Installation and Practice c Al least 2 years' experience In the maintenance of Electrical, fire and alrcondltlonlng systems Candidates with
      604 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 608 22 II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT 46 Situations Vacant I) Miscellaneous CAR PARK CASHKRS required for prestigious complex Morning and afternoon shift". Call personally Room S. 4th fir 1461) Robinson Road CHAUFFEUR CUM PEON required urgently for wholesaler and trading company c Able to speak simple
      608 words
    • 467 22 DRIVERS AMO STOREMEN required immediately Apply 2A. Lorong Tukang Dua. Jurong Industrial Estate. Spore 2261 IMPERIAL HEALTH CEMTRE at Oberol Imperial Singapore requires MASSEUSES Experienced It pleasant disposition Non -experienced may also apply Pieeee ceM *****ti tor interview INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDERS rtes immediate vacancies lor (A) CLASS 3 DRIVERS (B)
      467 words
    • 407 22 MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Strata Title* No. 461 requires 1) FEMALE CLERK/ TYPIST c OCE 'O' Level (English) c Clerical knowledge c Able to work Independently 2) APPRENTICE TECHNICIAN c Must have electrical experience c Able to work hard. c Completed N.S. c Preferably with VITB Certificate Plsass apply parsonally with identity
      407 words
    • 547 22 HOTEL PHOENIX SINGAPORE has Immediate vacancies for: SALES OFFICER Requirements: Working knowledge of Japanese. GCE 'tr Level. Inclusive of duty meals. Kindly write in and attach a recent photograph to: PERSONNEL DEPT HOTEL PHOENIX SINGAPORE ORCHARD/SOMERSET ROADS, SPORE 0923. HUGHES TOOL COMPANY (FAR EAST) PTE. LTD. requires: DRIVER c Class
      547 words
    • 439 22 JOIN COLONEL SANDERS KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN PTE. LTD. We require management staff lor TRAINEE ASSISTANT UNIT MANAGERS (MALE/FEMALE) c GCE O' Level with some working experience c Age 21 and above We require hilltime star! lor our 1) WAITERS/ WAITRESSES 2) COOKS 3) CASHIERS 4) PACKERS/ DISPENSERS We alto require
      439 words
    • 491 22 kaj*/ HOTEL Malaysia requires CHAMBERMAID Minimum $312-00 per month WAITER/WAITRESS Minimum (312-00 petmonth BARMAN Minimum $357-00 per month PANTRY ASSISTANT Minimum $312-00 per month WsoMer:- Free Duty Meals Free Uniforms L Laundry Free Medical Benefits Annual Leave Annual Wage Supplement All applicants must be prepared to perform shift duties. On
      491 words
    • 485 22 SINGAPORE FUJITEC 1 ELEVATOR CORPN. I LTD requires 1) TRAINEE JUNIOR EXECUTIVES (Mate) c Diploma In Electrical/ Mechanical/Production Engineering from the Singapore Polytechnic or Ngee Ann Technical College c Completed/exempted from fulltlme National Service. 2) TECHNICIANS c ITC In Electrical/Me- I chanlcal Engineering! from the Singapore Technical Institute. I c
      485 words
    • 671 22 OPENING SOON AT JURONG! PIZZAS! FUN) EXCITEMENT! 20TH CENTURY— SHAKEY'S PTE LTD SHAKEY'S PIZZA PARLOR REQUIRES 1) CASHIERS (FEMALE) Secondary education, 2 3 years experience 2) STOCK CLERK (MALE) Secondary education Previous experience In Store-keeping would be an advantage 3) FOODSERVERS (FEMALE/MALE) 4) BUS BOYS/ GIRLS 5) KITCHEN PORTERS (MALE)
      671 words
    • 557 22 SKIN CARE CONSULTANT Job entails liaeing with Beaut] Salons, Market Planning. Offic< Management. Will suit Nurses. Beautlciana. Applicants should submit lull re eume. photograph, telephone con tact toHARLEV STREET PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES Ml. PEOPLE'S PARK CENTRE SINGAPORE 010S MALAY DRIVER REQUIRED ll Paslr Rls. Preferably retired Ring: *****4 1 Mr Wan
      557 words
    • 700 22 VAN ATTENDANTS required urgently by Garment J Industry. c Primary 6 education c Tamil acceptable, preferably those who can speak Hokkl- en or Mandarin Interested, contact or call personally tot 11-E. JALAN ME SIN OFF MACPHERSON ROAD SINGAPORE IMS TEL: *****0879. (MISS LNM) 1 WAITRESSES REOUI !ED BY 1 Prestlgeous
      700 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 625 23 II EMPLOYMENT 111 VEHICLES BOATS 111 VEHICLES BOATS 111 VEHICLES A BOATS IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES 46 Situations Vacant g) Tutorial REQUIRED FULL/ PART Time Instructors (English and Chinese) to teach Handicraft Features. Fashion Designing. Dressmaking and Men Tailoring Course at our Institute Apply personally to The Associated School of Dressmakings
      625 words
    • 240 23 SO TUTORS REQUIRED urgently by Tuition Centre 430A East Coast Road 1542 *****07/ *****6' *****4 I h) Domestic AMERICAN COUPLE District 10. wants live-in Amah Some cooking References preferred Salary lei *****45 between 2pm 6pm 47 Situations Wantad EXPERIENCED PERSONAL SECRETARY 10 Managing Director of International Organisation seeks similar position
      240 words
    • 667 23 /a\ SUNRISE l^^T CAR RENTAL^ Brand Nm,. Lat*st Model Air CondttmwdCan i •M*rccteß*ni2oo 5 Colt Stomi 2000 GU •LancefCtlesttUOOCoupt •ColH*ncetl2oo&S/W»oon •Mitsubishi Coll 1200 1 NO MLEAGE CHARGE *****0/***** 107, BUKIT TIMAH ROAD (2 KM) SINGAPORE 0922 55 Vehicles For Sale a) Mini r.KIEtM-1 CALL *****33 GEYLANG BRANCH *****72 BALESTIER BRANCH
      667 words
    • 703 23 Honda HONDA ACCORD/ CIVIC/ PRELUDE/ VAN For Mora Information Or Taal Driva PLEASE CONTACT MRGYYIAP (Kah Motors) Talaphona: (***** OR: MM (24 hours anawanng aarvica) (Scrap Cara Wantad) LATE I*7* HONOA Accord Four doors, one private owner Excellent condition $29,900. Tel: *****03 NOV. I*7* HONOA Accord 1600. 4-door. 1 owner,
      703 words
    • 731 23 JUNE -7* 1 owner. Compan Registration Colt Mltsublsh OLX Super Shift. 1400 c c We! maintained, anti-rust, alrconc radio cassette and sports rim! Price $25,000 ono Tel: *****07 o *****19. LATE I*7* COLT Lancer 1400 SI One owner, insurance and roai tax. aircond. $24,500 ono Con tact William *****65 1*72
      731 words
    • 817 23 y HIGN VALUATION OFFERED t«M I your used vehicles Hire purII chase arrangeable Tal Thong I Lee Trading Pie Ltd. 17 18. s Nankin Street *****5/ ***** r II you ara tn lha markat to buy or sail 1 a good uaad carConsult tha prolaaaiooßl who knows aboutI WHEEL'S 20*.
      817 words
    • 1082 23 56 Vehicles Wanted AA MEMBER ACCOUNTANT REQUIRES any make vehicles. 1974 to 1980. company/private welcomed Tel: *****58 A COMPANY REQUIRE* any year No PARF vehicle Below 1800 c c Highest offer lei: *****87 AGOOOOFFER a for all PARF scrap cars a any model good used cars private and company registration
      1,082 words
    • 764 23 A COSY SINGLE-STOREY SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE Near Holland shopping village American r International School. 3 bedrooms, servants amenities Convenient of public transport Carpeted I alrcondltloned Small garden Furnished (2.200 p.m RICHARO K.C. LOW HOUSING PTE LTD 2*434*1 (4 linaa) A NEWLY PAINTED 2-Slorey semidetached In Dist 10 near American School. 3
      764 words
    • 819 23 LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS WITH/ WITHOUT SWIMMING POOL IN EXCLUSIVE DISTRICTS: a RidgewcMx! Townhous. S4.MO a Lucky Towers $4,500 a Draycotl Tower 14.500 a Balmoral Tower *4.500 a Grange Heights M.OOO a Cairnhill Plaza type l< $4,000 a Chang Mansion 13.200 a Acacia Block Pandan Valley $3,000 a l.un.ililo Rise 12.500 i.lgh
      819 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 821 24 IV ACCOMMODATION A PMPEItfIES I IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION I PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES T IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES 60 Accommodation Vacant b) Flats ACE HOUSMG (TEL: *****22) Panrooma. swimming, tennis, squash. $3,000 fully furnished ACE HOUSING (TEL: *****22) Camellia Terrace penthouse with roof garden 4 bedrooms,
      821 words
    • 665 24 DMT. 9 LUXURIOUSLY FURNMHED apartment with swimming pool Walking distance to Orchard Road. 3 bedrooms, bathrooms, alrcondltloned Balcony with panoramic view Call: Chris *****37/8 DIST 9. PACIFIC MANSION 3 bedrooms. 2 halls 2 alrconds. Fully furnished Rental: $1,400 Tel: *****86 DMT. S WALKBK) DISTANCE to Orchard Road. Fully furnished apartment.
      665 words
    • 728 24 ASIAN HOUSING AGENCY *****12 provide better services ror better choice or rooms/ flats/ houses. D'ST. 1, AMCONDrnotfZO C ARPETB) and fully furnished room for renL Ofrice fully furnished for rental. Call before 4.30 p.m. *****2. evenings, *****83 ONE SPACIOUS ROOM along East Coast Road. Preferably bachelors Phone *****12 Mdm Llm
      728 words
    • 710 24 82 Leave Accommodation AN EXPATRIATE INTERNATIONAL BANKER AND WIFE WISH TO RENT A fully Furnished 3 or 4bedroomed house. With liva-in amah Willing to look sft#r pots. PERIOD: END SEPTEMBER THROUGH NOVEMBER mo. Intaraatad partMja, kindly contftct: *****59 63 Residential Properties For Sale a) Houses a DIST. 10 off Stevens
      710 words
    • 875 24 DIST. 11, FREEHOLD SINGLESTOREY detached bungalow. 6.683 sq.ft 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, I servant's room, study, utility room. hall, dining room, kitchen and garage Tel: *****9/ *****08. Principals only! DMT. 11 SEMI-DETACHED BUNGALOW with 4 bedrooms Selling with tenancy $420,000 Mldrield Realty *****66 DIST. 11 WELL MAINTAINED double-storey detached bungalow
      875 words
    • 832 24 b) Flats A BARGAIN SALE. Kuhlo Rise $320,000. Hlllcrest Arcadia Dosslna Block $320,000. Rldgewood Kamehameha $345,000 Grangeford $290,000. City Plaza $178,000 Nasslm Mansion $1.3 million. Mldfleld Realty *****60. A BAUMMA TERRACE. Pandan Valley condominium, facing American School. 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, servant's amenities. Fully carpeted with beautiful light fittings, furniture
      832 words
    • 721 24 DMT. IS, PALM BEACH Garden Thoughtfully designed 3-storey townhouse. Type B. Facing swimming pool and morning sun with split-level living and sitting room. 5 bedrooms (all with bathrooms attached). 1 servant's. 2.550 sq ft Price: $410,000 0.n.0. Tel: *****37. No brokers. DMT. S HOMO LEONG Garden. 3 bedrooms, 1.300 sq.ft.
      721 words
    • 753 24 SPOTTISWOOOE APT. STN fir. facing sea. $180,000 0.n.0 P.O. Box 3049 Spore 9008 s Ths Village (matsensMa) District 5. 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, cosy llvtng/dlnIng rooms, patio overlooking swimming pool. No restriction to foreign owners SaMJj s Chempaka Court (Pandan Valley). 3 bedrooms plus 1 study. Fully furnished. Floor
      753 words
    • 771 24 URGENTLY INTERESTED TO PURCHASE Bungalow In Dial. IS Ramsgale Road/ Walton Road/ Road. CONTACT: 3S3S3S DORIS 2SSOS4S INTERESTED IN Qallena. Woodlelgh Grove. Green Meadows. Changl Garden. St. Patrick's Garden and other areas. 65 Factory Space Vacant/Wanted BRAND NEW FACTORY rent. Off Balestier Road. Ist or 2nd floor 2750 0r 5.500
      771 words
    • 679 24 r^BBBBe>SBBiaBM SBBBJBVS FOR LEASE PIL Building Prime office building at Cecil Street scheduled for completion in end 1980 Limited whole floor premises of 521 2 smard subdivided office suites from 102 2 sm at current rentals from $32 29 psm/mth The) Arcade Well-appointed redevelopment m Raffles Place/ Collyer Quay. Completion
      679 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      105 25 i Mr* Ang Boon S*«ng n— Tan Yam Nao, agod 80 yaara panad away peacefully on 20/7/M «l Mount Alvar m« Hospital iMvtng behind: Sons: George Johnnie Mary Esther Lily Rosalind Nancy Patsy Oauflhler.-in-l.w Wong Mun Mol, Irene Teo Slew Oeck. Mary Sona in law: I Tan Chuan
      105 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      63 25 In Laving Memory ol our Beloved Father BRAHAM DEO NAIK Departed on 21*1 July 1*7* Who left us so suddenly two years ago No words can dcsrribt- the pain your sudden loss has brought us; You are always in our iluniKlit s Sadly mmtd but loravar ramambarad
      63 words
    • 16 25 Madam Song Puay Hoon Departed 21.7.78 DEEPLY MISSED BY YOUR LOVED ONES.
      16 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 804 25 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES VI EDUCATION INSTRUCTION VI EDUCATION INSTRUCTION VII TRAVEL h TOURS VII TRAVEL TOURS 67 Office Spac? c) Wanted WANTED (RENT/ BUY) preferably tian Mouse Sim Peninsula Plmssv r.irkiane and elsewhere Unlwesl .*****9/ *****8 WANTED TO PURCHASE office space in International Plaza. 2 roxinialely 950 or 1.400
      804 words
    • 654 25 SHOP UNIT AT Hong l.eong Oarden Shopping Centre ((iroundfloor) S3O sq ft 5265.000 Lucky T*laza (Ixiwerground) 425 sq ft Sl.soop.sf Worldwide *****77 SINGAPORE SHOPPING CENTRE* .trd floor shop for .sale Area 281 sq ft al 5375 p 1.1 Good location Tel *****53/ *****76 Andrew I .enni! HotSHSsJ Agency UPPER SERANGOON
      654 words
    • 694 25 MARTIAL ARTS. SWIMMING and Yoga conducted by experienced Instructors Ring *****12. M V M C A. (Geylang) for details MIDLANO COMPUTER TRAINING COURSES Using IBM 370 Computers ln-Houee Computers PROGRAMMING IN BASIC for Beginners Commencing 2/8/80 Commencing: 3/8/80 a PROGRAMMING IN BASIC Intermediate Stage Commencing 25/7/80 Duration: lOwks '40hrs STRUCTURED
      694 words
    • 689 25 b) Overseas THE GREAT LAKES COLLEGE OF TORONTO Ontario, Canada The largest and meet established private college in Canada provides PRE-U education Grade 13 ol 1 academic year duration a Grades 12 a 11 tor atudents wishing to enter Canadian a US universities. With MCE. OCE O or -A', you
      689 words
    • 526 25 97 Driving Instruction ASIA DRIVING SCHOOL. Fetch/ send LO-13. Kirn Seng Shopping Centre, (opposite Great World). *****78/*****79. GOODWILL DRIVING SCHOOL R.O V. qualified, efficient, responsible Instructors with high passing rates Call 4401R36 *****29. HOOVER DRIVING CENTRE. Minimum $6.50. Complete course $275 Fetch and send free Tel *****62/ *****21 LAMBERTS DRIVING
      526 words
    • 355 25 WHY DO THREE out of four learner drivers failed their driving test 1 What are their common mistakes? And how does one pass the test' To help potential testees. Choon Driving School (established 1957) ensures proper coaching at all lest centres. 2. Jalan Yasln *****73. 98 Dancing Instruction BEGINNERS CLASS
      355 words
    • 289 25 MAM HO TM«L SERVICE (S) PTI LTD STPB. LIC NO 140 Head Office: Gl4-16-18. Pearf s Centre, Eu Tong Sen St. (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 01 05 Tel: *****33(7 lines) Branch OH ice 1 1 9. Peoples Park Complex, Ground Floor. New Bridge Road. Singapore 0105. Tel: *****1/*****2/ *****3/*****2/*****6/ *****8/*****3 j
      289 words
    • 243 25 Si EUROPE Global^ EUROPEAN ROUND-UP 15 days 551, 695 EUROPEAN VIEWFINDER 14daysSSl,33O PANORAMIC VIEWFINDER 19 days 551, 760 LIUUiLLL 3 nights accomnrrodation PEMTA SS26O REGENCY SS2OO ENTERPRISE SSI 71 inclusive of breakfast and VAT ysnuiiv Sydney, Snowy Mountain Tour 6 days SSBSB Southern City Sights 7daysSS9l9 Gold Coast Relaxer 14
      243 words
      521 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 659 26 VACANCIES FOR QUALIFIED* AND SEMI QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANTS We, a fast expanding local firm of accountants with international I affiliations, have vacancies in our following offices: KOTA KINABALU SANDAKAN TAWAU KUCHING Applicants should possess the following pre-requisites: (i) graduates or students who have completed or partly completed I examinations conducted by
      659 words
    • 231 26 ASSISTANT MANAGER Applications are invited from qualified Bumiputras for the above post. The ideal candidate will have a recognised Certificate/ Diploma in Printing Technology OR at least 5 years working experience in supervisory level in the printing industry. Preference will be given to candidates proficient in English. The successful candidate
      231 words
    • 748 26 THE SGV GROUP KASSIM, CHAN CO. SGV-KC TAXATION SERVICES SDN. BHD. Our large professional organization invites applications for various positions in our fast expanding practice. AUDIT TAX SENIORS SENIORS A professional qualification and Preferably in possession of a professional adequate audit experience in diversified qualification businesses Should possess a minimum
      748 words
    • 188 26 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that MR MICHAEL LEE BOON SIONG of NRIC Number *****54/F is no longer in our employment with effect from 15th JULY 1980. He is not authorised to transact any business or collect monies on behalf of the Company. CATHAY PHOTO STORE (PTE) LIMITED THE COMPANIES
      188 words
    • 145 26 NOTICE THE LAND TITLES ACT (CHAPTER ni) AND THE LAND TITLES (STRATA) ACT (CHAPTER TT) WHEREAS pursuant to Section 32 of the Land Titles Act an Application No. A/***** dated the 17th day of March 1980 has been made by NG CHAI CHOO of No. 2 Walton Road, Singapore, Housewife
      145 words
    • 522 26 IN THE HIGH COURT OK SINGAPORE omp»nirs Winding Up > Ne. n of l*Bs In thf Matter ot tnr ompajilrs Art (Chapter 185) And In th«- Matter of VANDA MARITIME PRIVATE LIMITED ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition for the Winding Up of the abovenamed Company
      522 words
    • 625 26 IN THE HIOH COITBT OP THE REPUBLIC OP SINGAPORE s«n n». 1m i in* Dftwcm DAMAN (8) PTE. LTD. PUlBttfh Ami PANG CHi; WEE ml— kMn M JIMMY PANG Mndut To: Pang Chu Wee also known as Jimmy Pang late of No. 78-A, Lorong Salor Ayer, Singapore. TAKE NOTICE that
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  • 239 27  -  EDMUND TEO By SINGAPORE Bus Service drivers have been warned not to speed even when traffic conditions allow them to do so. They have also been urged not to take it for granted that other motorists will observe trafficrules, and to pay particular attention
    239 words
  • 40 27 PASIR I 'an iang community centre will hold a courtesy essay competition for primary and secondary schools in (he constituency. Entry forms are obtainable from the centre. The closing date is July 29. For details, telephone *****7.
    40 words
  • 41 27 MR lAN R. Mac Donald, director of corporate planning. Guthrie Berhad. Singapore, will speak on Some Observations Concerning the Management of Time at a lunch organised by the National Productivity Association at Hotel Merlin on Wednesday at 12.30 p.m.
    41 words
  • 420 27 TWENTY-FIVE motorists and front .seat passengers who had not strapped on seat belts died in accidents last year, the Traffic Police said yesterday. A total of 219 people were seriously injured because they did not have their seat belts
    420 words
  • 78 27 SINGAPOREANS paid a little more for their rice but lew* for their fish and vegetables last week, according to fig- ares Issued by the Trade Department. The price of 1M per cent Thai rice rose by 8 cents. However, chye slm and bal lan cost
    78 words
  • 153 27 Traffic cop hurt in crash A TRAFFIC Police special constable was seriously injured when his motorcycle was involved in an accident with a car at the junction of Mountbatten and Stadium roads early yesterday. Sergeant Loong See Keng, a national serviceman, was heading towards Nicoll Highway when the collision occurred
    153 words
  • 151 27 Susan in line for a double first in law THE younger sister of President's Scholar Desiree Lie, who graduated with first class honours in medical sciences from Cambridge two years ago, has just scored a first in law at the same university. Susan, 20, has one more year to go
    151 words
  • 76 27 THE United Front has challenged the ruling party to a television debate on the need for having an early general election in Singapore. UF secretary general, Mr Scow Knee Leng, said he is prepared to debate on international issues, threats to Asean from Vietnam
    76 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 729 27 We serve your business interests across Southeast Asia. In Southeast Asia, our network goes about I looking after your business interests in the most I H^iN^\jfL#^| efficient way possible. V^P Vsmß^ Whether it's supplying important data for I keener judgment of a new venture, talking financing in terms of a
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  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
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    • 2615 28 SOVEREIGN HIGH ROUTS FAVOURITE VIVA IPOH II TO COMPLETE SPLENDID DOUBLE... KEEP THE FAITH H found the end of a long lane with a stylish win in the Bukit Timah Cup for Class 2 horses over 2,000 metres at Bukit Timah yesterday.
      2,615 words
    • 791 28 JOCKEYS D. Kwong and E. Chan were yesterday suspended for three and two race days respectively by the stewards of the Singapore Turf Club. Kwong (Pride And Honour) was banned until Sunday fortnight for failing to make sufficient effort to ride his horse out over the final 400
      791 words
    • 40 28 FIRST No: *****4 ($4,844) SECOND No: *****8 ($1,384) THIRD No: *****9 ($692) STARTERS ($l5O each): Nos. *****2, *****1, *****2, *****3, *****1, *****0, *****2, *****5. CONSOLATION ($lOO each): Nos. *****1, *****9, *****3, *****8, *****9, *****3, *****8, *****4, *****6, *****1.
      40 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 286 28 Ml .^bbbbbbbbbbbV [Vi. .aaaV Ml I |Pm^Mr£' 4B *l MJ Iraqi Airways: makes short work of a business trip to Baghdad GENEVA* BUDAPEST BUCHAREST ALGIERS »ATHENS •alewo TRIPOLI* t BEIRUT oBA<3fßM^"a* w sort LfINL BAHRAIN BOMBAY* •DOHA KUALA IJMPUR* J6OOAH. A»»OMABI •OL*AI KHARTOUM SV4AA KHARTOUM <aj|^9»^ Flight Schaduk Days Flight
      286 words
    • 171 28 SIN CHEW JIT POH STOCK EXCHANGE OF SPORE jointly present ,<^ SSSSs V a Chinese monthly xXXjX^if\ vi* iiit b*i J^*^* -ww 6 S>l.O** B»^l H Provides a reliable guide to local 1 m V B and overseas sharemarkets, I 1H B 1 comprising current facts and 1 v-~ I
      171 words

    • 196 29 MOSCOW, Sun SKRGEI FESENKO today pointed the Soviet Union towards their first men's Olympic Games swimming gold medal when he led qualifiers for the 200 metres butterfly final here. Fesenko, 21, clocked 2min o.2osec. to finish a shade ahead of Britain's Phil Hubble
      Reuter; AP  -  196 words
    • 57 29 MOSCOW, Sun. East Germany's Barbara Krause cut almost half a second off her own world record In a women's IMm freestyle heat at the Olympic swimming pool today, when she clocked S4.M sec. Her old time of 55.41 was set In July, 1978. on. his 20th birthday yesterday,
      57 words
    • 264 29 MOSCOW, Sun. Czechoslovakia, with seven members of the squad who won third place in the recent European championship, appear to pose the chief threat to the Soviet Union in the Olympic soccer tournament opening today. But the Czechoslovaks, who include Ladislav Vizek, who tormented Italy in
      Reuter  -  264 words
    • 137 29 MOSCOW, Sun. France's Henri Boerio, the ISIS 01) triple bronze medallist, tumbled off the parallel tars and crashed his head against the apparatus when the men's team gymnastics tournament began here today. The 28-year-old French star was dazed by the fall, but continued after treatment.
      137 words
    • 651 29 BRIEFS ROME. Sun. An Italian Football League Appeals Commission yesterday reduced the ban on Italy's international striker Paolo Rossi from three years to two, but confirmed the relegation of AC Milan to the Second Division. The Commission revised a number of sentences passed last
      Agencies  -  651 words
    • 389 29 MOSCOW, Sun. The first world record of the Moscow Olympic Games was set today by Russian marksman Alexander Melentev, who scored 581 points out of a possible 600, in the free pistol event. East Germany's Harald Vollmar won the silver medal with 568 points,
      389 words
    • 305 29 BASKETBALL Wanes: Bulgaria 102 Italy 65. Mca: Graap A Brazil 72 Czechoslovakia 70. Graap C: Italy 92 Sweden BOXING Featherweight (57kg): Rudi Fink (E. Gerjbt Hannu Kaislama (Fin), points; Carlos Gonzalez (Men) bt Nidal Haddad (Syr), pts. LJghtwetght (MM): Richard Nowakowski (E. Ger) bt Christopher Ossai (Nig),
      UPI  -  305 words
    • 148 29 Soviet diver's change of heart MOSCOW, Son. A Soviet diver, whose apparent defection to Canada daring the I*7B Montreal Olympics almost caused the Soviet I nion to withdraw from the Games, will represent his country again. The Soviet I nion threatened to withdraw after Canadian officials granted Sergei Nemtsanov, then
      Reuter  -  148 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 286 29 isuzu: We're tough on our trucks «f snfl *N «5S Lmr >^^ B *^^^^r^^^ B^ B *mßa ß ßmnßS |B II W vnii ran ho tnn I \\l ft. r > i YUU Uflll lie lUU m V-— Ji Had LHsaaL^l I ffl^J If^J^J -I ■■■iMiHHHHHHHH JBwwiivlYl I ■LIIIIIIHH.IHMtIJiLMfI Asp"^anr*\
      286 words

    • 174 30 The leaders after the third round: tK Tom Watson (US) 68. 70, 64; «M Ken Brown (Bri) 70, 68, 68; Lee Trevino (US) 68, 67, 71; m Ben Crenshaw (US) 70, 70. 68; 211 Hubert Green (US) 77. 69. 64; Andy Bean (US> 71, 69. 70. 211 Isao
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 449 30  -  ERNEST FRIDA B> CHUA TONG CHEA, a public accountant, claimed his first major success in a golf competition when he walked away with the top prize in the ASEAN Putter tournament, organised by the Keppel Club, at Bukit Chermin yesterday. Chua, 39, who plays off a
      449 words
    • 305 30  -  PETER SIOW By I THE Basketball Association of Singapore, at their management council meeting at Sports House, yesterday announced the teams to next month's Pan-Indonesian tournament in Medan and the Asian Basketball Confederation women's championship in Hongkong in September. The Medan team comprise Goh Ghee
      AP  -  305 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 86 30 Exquisitely designed to keep you with the times. And on time. REF. ***** AC y^ Automatic. Day/ Date. Water Resistant. -> ®> WATCH j^^l Ricoh service centres--V InW On SINGAPORE 3- B Chow House, Robinson Road U Guarantee Card U KUALA LUMPUR 39 Jalan Petaling PuSle' X JAKARTA*- 105 Pasarßaru
      86 words

    • 586 31  -  KEN JALLEH Jr. By IN Fok Keng Choy's first try, he had failed to break the national discus record. As he prepared for his second try, he knew he would be able to make it. He had to. And he did. He flung the
      586 words
    • 73 31 TODAY'S EVENTS BADMINTON Inter-con-stituency tournament (Guillemard Road and Delta Complex 7.30pm). BASKETBALL ASEAN schools' championships (Gay World Stadium). HOCKEY BHA ondrr-tJ r«mprtitt*a: Jansenites v Seletar (Farrer Park Athletic Centre 5.15pm); Indian Association I Khalsa; Bedok v Combined Schools (both matches at Balestier Rd. 5.15pm). SOCCER NFL Div. 1: SAFSA v
      73 words
    • 464 31  -  ERNEST FRIDA By SINGAPORE Chinese Recreation Club came within a whisker of registering their first win in the Singapore Cricket Association's senior tournament yesterday when they held Singapore Armed Forces to a thrilling tie at the Tanglin Oval. SCRC, who are languishing at the bottom
      464 words
    • 293 31  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By WONG SHOON SOO, 17, the younger brother of Yonex national circuit first-leg winner, Wong Shoon Keat, has been shortlisted for the ASEAN schools badminton championships in Kuala Lumpur or Penang in mid-rv-cember. It will be Shoon Soo's third overseas badminton trip this
      293 words
    • 284 31  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE Malays' bid to stage the Sultan's O«M Cap Mccer Oaal at the NatUaal Stadtam aa Sept. b mw being challenged by Pahaag. At the Malays!* Malays' Faotball Association meeting la Koala Linpir aa Friday, Pahaag also pat ap their case to hast
      284 words
    • 58 31 NCO Soccerites B beat Combined Rangers 2-1 on penalty kicks after a 5-5 draw at fulltime to win Kuo Oman's seven-a-side soccer tournament. Jolly Lads FC defeated Smokey Castle 3-2 on penalty kicks, following a 2-2 draw at full-time. President's XI bt Secretary XI 5-4 and A team
      58 words
    • 32 31 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Bowler Long Hin San became (30.000 richer yesterday after he rolled in a perfect game of 300 in the Selangor Open championships at the Starbowl yesterday. NST.
      NST  -  32 words
    • 215 31  -  R. MANORAJ KAKI BUKIT 2 FARRER PARK O By KAKI BUKIT played above themselves to beat Farrer Park United in a National Football League Division One match at Jurong Stadium last night. Kaki Bukit were the aggressors from the start, aided by the wizardry of
      215 words
    • 90 31 'ampinn 'arrer Par* longßahnj >yl»ng L. Force* fountattcn •hangiCon Bukit ■hangiUtd 'oaPayoh P W D L F A Pt 10 9 0 1 31 8 18 13 4 3 IS 17 16 14 6 3 5 34 22 15 U 4 4 3 23 19 12 10 S 2
      90 words
    • 148 31 CHANGI CON. 2 MOUNTBATTEN 2 A GOAL two minutes before full-time by Arshad Khamis helped Changi Constituency to hold Mountbatten to a draw in the National Football League Division One match at the Jalan Besar Stadium last night, reports JOE DORAI. It was a
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 112 31 Before your games or exercises, LOOSEN UP MUSCLES WITH ELLIMANS Ellimans has special penetrating and stimulating ingredients that spread a soothing warmth, as you massage. It helps keep your muscles toned and invigorated, during games and even after! Ellimans also provides swift relief for lumbago, sprains, bruises, tired feet and
      112 words

  • 45 32 JUST GLAD TO BE BACK, SIR MR RICHARD qi KEN (left), the American hostage recently released by his Iranian captors, belßg greeted by President Jimmy Carter at the White House Oval Office on Saturday. Fifty-two other Amercans are still being held in Iran. UPI picture.
    UPI  -  45 words
  • 126 32 Supreme Court judge gives nod for draft WASHINGTON, Sun US SUPREME COURT Justice William Brennan yesterday blocked a lower court ruling and said registration of young men for the military draft could begin as scheduled tomorrow. Justice Brennan acted by issuing a stay of a ruling made by a threejudge
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 301 32 China to Laos: Don't provoke trouble BEIJING, Sunday CHINA today warned Laos not to allow itself to be used by Moscow and Hanoi to provoke trouble against neighbouring countries. A lengthy commentary issued by the official Xinhua news agency reminded Laos that its border clashes with Thailand last month were
    Reuter; AFP  -  301 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 32 IF YOU caa speak Mandarin and are about to use dialect again, stop yourself and start la Mandarin. The ether person may know Mandarin bat may also be shy. Be the Initiator!
    35 words
  • 273 32 TOKYO, Sunday JAPAN'S new foreign minister, Mr Masayoshi Ito, has said the government will continue to take a stern attitude towards the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. In an interview with the newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun yesterday, Mr Ito said: "We must not make
    273 words
  • 45 32 MOSCOW, Sun. Leningrad feminist movement leader Tatiana Mamonova. 32, has been deprived of Soviet citizenship and expelled from the Soviet Union, dissident sources said here today. Mrs Mamonova was already on her way to Vienna and hoped to move on to Paris. AFT
    45 words
  • 39 32 WASHINGTON, Sun. Firemen cleaned up 4,000 litres o< hydrochloric acid solution which leaked from a tanker truck in Bakersfield. California yesterday. Police kept 400 families indoors for three hours because the acid gave off deadly fumes. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 316 32 BEIJING, Sunday THREE people, including a Soviet citizen, have been found guilty of spying for Moscow, the official Xinhua news agency reported today. A Chinese national with a previous conviction for "counter-revolutionary crimes" was sentenced to death, a second local was also sentenced
    UPI  -  316 words
  • 40 32 $394 m on arms DAR ES SALLAM, Sun. Tanzania plans to spend about US$lB7 million (5J394.5 million) on its armed forces in the 1980 81 fiscal year, according to estimates submitted to Parliament yesterday by Defence Minister Rashidi Kawawa. AFP
    AFP  -  40 words
  • 50 32 ML JOWm KKM, formerly of peacefully In Ml Alvernla Hospital 19/7/80 Leaving behind Daughters: Enid, Beatrice. Phllo and Celine: Sons-in-law: Thomas, Jerry and Valentine and grandchildren to mourn his loss Cortege leaves 1905-B. Block 578. Avenue 6 Ang Mo Klo for SI Francis Xavler Church at 2pm today
    50 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 135 32 IAMY's fine IAMY's bold IAMY's fat IAMY's sleek IAMY's the answer to your writing needs. IAVY2SO I B.i P'»"t Pen Available at all leading stationery stores, bookstores, department stores ISll U+Keo Jeiten and emporiums. jggJ|-^- 1^ ac lqt JOaCH Tel *****1 Hold your noses Have you ever visited the toilet
      135 words
    • 104 32 Rent your Colour TV from VISIONHIRE $450 foryouroMß/Wset The Visionhire Promise: Ist month Free rental Rentals start from $1 a day No down payment. No deposit Free maintenance. Service within 24 hours Open 7 days *O*\. a week philips Bfi| true-to-life KtnH j^j^colours K^IJjM Philips 36cm^^^^^^»^B SI ca*****038 3'fl Floor
      104 words
    • 258 32 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. SOME analysts fear the market has run out of steam, while others maintain there is strength left. CATHERINE ONG analyses the trends. IN MONDAY PROPERTY: A chartered surveyor clarifirs strata titles and condominiums. Contract to convert 21st flocr of Hilton to deluxe suites
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  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 104 32 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Showers in several places. TEMP. (C) up to S a.m. tomorrow: SI max., 25 min. SUNSET today: CM p.m. SUNRISE tomorrow: %M a.m. GLOB Amsterdam 12-17 C Rain AtfcMM 25-33C Clear Bafcrala %C t Baogkak 27-33 C Clear Beirat 26-33C Clear Belgrade 15-30C Oar Berlin
      104 words
    • 83 32 \AL weather i Lh Aageiea 18-28C Clear Madrid 14-38C Clear Maall* 23-32C Goody MezkwClty %C X M«itreai 19-29C Ckwdy j Mmmw 11-17 C Cloudy New Delhi 27-35C Goudy New Yark 24-31C Clear NleaaU tC I P»rt« 15-19C Raio Pert* 7-17 C Clew B«ne 15-27C Clear Su Frmacisc* 12-18C Clear ScmI
      83 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION 2
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION 2
      5 words
    • Bilingual page
      • 726 1 By K WAN Zl CHINESE instrumentalists are making overtures to the international music scene. To enrich the gamut of expressions in Chinese orchestra music and boost its image worldwide, improvements are being made to the instruments and symphonic composition of the Chinese orchestra.
        726 words
      • 44 1 t£ XIONG xiongmao panda xi6ng xiong dahuo raging fire For example, you may nR-*- say, xiongzhXng beor's claw H&ffi#-^A (as a rare n»3BAE®^ delicacy) Xi6ngmao slu re rftn 3PJ de dingwu. gXuxiong Asiatic black me aning, "Pandas are beor lovable animals.
        44 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 314 1 Go out and grab some action «HJ C iiuh iuiii LbD lI B^WtB R U# S v When the GL 100 and CG 125 are placed together, you have two great choices. \i^ 4ak im Both unbeatable in economy, performance and reliability. Designed to give you /■H IbW W^ the
        314 words
      • 69 1 INSIDtA Reading the problem right Most parents are anxious that their children learn to read at an early age. Bat some children have problems learning. Read about "dyslexia" on Pag* 5 Soccer blockbuster The executive producer of the first multi-mil-lion dollar soccer movie tells how Sylvester Stalone and Michael Came
        69 words
    • 849 2 PICK of the DAY SBC 5 THE darling of late Victorian society, UlHe (Ch 5, 10.30 p.m.), is from her very first day in America feted and cheered wherever she goes. In the plush Delmonico's restaurant on her first evening in New York, Lille meets a rich young American, Freddie
      849 words
    • 194 2  -  JOHN DE SOUZA By REMEMBER those idyllic campus days when you had to slug your guts out, not swotting, but at that heavy vacation job that kept you in luxuries for the next year? You may be able to relive those nostalgic if a little slave-like
      194 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 370 2 THE ARTS OF ASIA At Ai/ia Discoveries: a new collection of Korean screens and paintings, Japanese screens, p Wtf- fe m^ an exquisite selection of fine Nepalese w_dlF F Inn Thangkas, calligraphy, Pishwais from India, mr*\i. M. Sbjw k Mr^l Sumatran Lampong tapestries and Chinese DISCOVERIES PTE LTD scrolls. All
        370 words
      • 203 2 WANTED TO BUY SINGAPORE GOLD COINS ($l5O (o $800), ($lOO, $250 $500 3 PCS (a $1850) SINGAPORE $10 SILVER PROOF COINS 1972 (a $240, 1973 (o $125 1974 (a. $115 1975 1979 (a $80 EACH $5 SILVER PROOF COINS 1973 (a $120. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS COINS:- 50c 1920-21 (a $3, 10«
        203 words
      • 214 2 A dynamic 5-piece band. If^^/^^T With an action-packed ka^6ftV^&/ KM repertoire of the latest I rtJ^BSlw^^^ disco music and funky hits |V wtd k\ in town. They'll keep you on I /I the dance floor all nighrj &\^J^ttlMMl^ Sunday thru' Friday: infl^w*^l S Saturday eve of public holidays: T~J 9
        214 words
      • 14 2 RPMlffil ~\W EaiiTY I xlw sandwkhcrafter lL\ New way to make tantalizing hot sandwiches.
        14 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 64 2 VOCAL BECITAL by Joann Grillo (mezzosoprano) with Cheung Mun Chit at the piano, Singapore Conference Hall, 8.30 p.m. (see P. 3). Tickets: $3, $5, $8, $10 and $15. COURTESY AND ORIENTAL CULTURAL VALUES talk in Mandarin by Dr Chiang Tao Chung, lecturer, National University of Singapore, at Kreta Ayer community
        64 words
      • 64 2 public relations consultant, Marine Parade Library, 8 p.m. GERMAN PAINTING IN EUROPEAN ART (18M-1M9) at National Museum Art Gallery, 10.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Until July 28. THE ABSTRACT ART OF LIN HSIN HSIN at National Museum Art Gallery, 10.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Until July 28. CHILDREN'S ART FROM
        64 words
      • 690 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.00 PM Opening folowed by Manila Manai (Tamil, repeat) 3.35 Diary of Events (English) 3.40 Afternoon Matinee Gun For A Coward (Part 1) 4.25 Intermission 6.00 Opening folowed by The New Adventures Of Pinocchio 6.15 Once Upon A Time 6.30 News in Brief SBC 8
        690 words
      • 490 2 6.35 The Fabulous Tafcint fine Machine 7.00 Super Seven 7.30 News (Malay) 7.45 Sandrwara Umpat 8.30 Dalas Jock's Trial (Part 2) 9.30 News and Newsreel (English) 10.00 Weather Report (English) 10.05 Entertainers On Tour 10.30 Lie America 11.20 Just Friends 11.50 Close 7.50 Cokwrama (Chinese, repeat) 8.45 News and Newsred
        490 words
      • 492 3  -  CHEW YANG KI AK By THE Hungarian national team didn't want to wear Nazi uniforms, Sylvester Stallone did a Rocky to lose 38 pounds, and Michael Came had to wear a girdle. All this happened on the set of the first multi-mil-lion dollar film to feature soccer.
        492 words
      • 271 3 New York Met star sings here tonight Vocal recital by Joann Grillo Singapore Conference Hall 8.30 p.m.; Tickets $15, 10, 8, 5, 3 at National Theatre, C.K. Tang, Cold Storage HIGH drama, plush pageantry, tragic love stories and grand gestures are the staples of the opera repertoire. If you have
        271 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 272 3 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 6 Religious barbers Job is tra1. 4 Tyrant rubbed out by veUln 8 round uV poles (9) Christmas pudding (6.6) 7 MttT tbe hreak become 9 Street noise returning gets uneasy (7) your support without reli*buity «Ishe as strong as a horse? (6) (15) 13 Fear
        272 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 364 4 ■■■■■■■i i ■CAPITOL llth DAY- (*****9) 5 SHOWS: 1 1am. 1.45. 4.00. 6 .30 a 9. 1 5pm WOODLANDS: TODAY ONLY! (*****41) 4 SHOWS at 1.45^4.00^.45 A 9.15 f%M I r^^akßaaaaaat^sSSl SS^IMS GEOR6E KENNEDY'RICHARD CRENNA I 19th DAY at JADE (*****80) 5 SHOWS: 11am, 1.30, 4, 6.30 9.00pm sw Wlmi
        364 words
      • 437 4 y&)ncplunc 6th Root, Overseas Union House. Collyer Quay. Singapore 0104. m^ m Tel: H3922 STy^rTik^r^rl v 0 Mi' H*^aHPSK mmm* f X BB^^aTarJ Bl* |k Potpourri ■Tli /^bVb^bv ™^*^*^A /iue/y medley of fik V nonstop songs and dances. _H v^V ■vLflafa^BV Performed to favourites Blo^ b^bV /ike "O/d Time Re/igion".
        437 words
      • 19 4 ujU| ■VJ LVfl aw Pj flavj'Tiifail LVaT RESULTS DRAW No: 57/80 11,16,13 6,44 ADD. No 42 19, 13, 31
        19 words
      • 321 4 SINGAPORE'S 4 MOST CELEBRATED CHEFS INTRODUCE THE BEST OF CANTONESE CUISINE MR. HUI KOK WEl's well known "LIVE SEAFOOD" recommended dishes: Japanese Style Pork Ribs, Chilly Crabs, Spring Chicken, Special Yam Pot. DRAGON PHOENIX RESTAURANT Blk 26 Outram Park. Tel: *****88, *****29 MR. LAU YOKE PUl's special "CRYSTAL STEAM CHICKEN
        321 words
      • 418 4 CATHAY: NOW SHOWING! l| (*****0) 5 SHOWS: 11am, 1 .30, 4, 630 9 15pm |l A CAVALCADE OF MUSIC, SONGS AND DANCES!_ j|; Starring: Lane Coudell Deborah Roffin I I ODEON: NOW SHOWING! PLEASE NOTE SCREENING TIMES (321 116) 4 Shows: 10.300 m, 1.45,5.15, 3 30pm II JW 'a TACAIEIV
        418 words
      • 94 4 iiiiiiiiiiuiiimiiiinniiiimiii KALLAMG GOLDEN and QUEEMSTOWN Mow al J Theatrael K:1J0.«.00. 7.00, 1 30pm ail. 1.30. 4, S.4S, 930pm Q:IJO.JJO,7 15,9.30pm t» me InmUm tl "The Pint Krnr Step" iW "TV Bit OmwUtr" SIMYof r\\ KPanmr f^ PALACE TM 407 M« LAST DA Yl DOHT MMSI TOOAV at 1.15, J. 15.
        94 words
      • 568 4 /(S\Cathay!{ \JJJ/ ORGANISATION J > iianvj JM*UMIta« Lone Couo>«/D«boroli"RoH»i I ywyjw iOLCI> NOW SHOWMOJ I i PLEASC NOTE TMES ,I 10 Mwn. 1.45. 5 15. 30pm I I GEORGE C. SCOTT I PATTON r MOWSMOWINOI^ S Orchard: 1.30. 4, 7 a 9.lSpm i Jurong: 7JO A 9 15pm I I
        568 words
      • 1328 5  -  CARL M. CANNON By FIFTY years after the problem was first diagnosed, children with the learning disability called dyslexia have been known to hide under their desks during reading class, or cry when forced to go to school. An estimated 10 per cent of all people
        Copley News Service  -  1,328 words
      • 341 5  - Flashes of truth about dyslexia DENISE WINN By in LONDON A SERIES of flashing lights may signal the end of the controversy about whether dyslexia exists or is just a euphemism for backwardness. Research by Dr George Pavlidis, director of a dyslexia project at Manchester University, England, seems to show
        341 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 301 5 Pltuieu Medicated Cream Angel Medicated Cream is formulated to prevent freckles, I j dark shadows and helps get V i^cl* rid of pimples and white heads, Hajpp After a few appliations you can see the difference on your BaM a iii a- a/- $12 each Angel Medicated Cream. Suitable for
        301 words
      • 290 5 AT JOANNE DREW. IMPROVING YOUR FIGURE 15... POSSIBLE! WHATEVER YOUR MEASUREMENTS. WE CAN MAKE YOU MORE SHAPELYARM Vjm wU Under ssped'h ped Fleshy upper or ftf -^t V looseness of inside arm? I^^^ y flabby tummy? Look at youraetf in the mirror U B I 1 Deckle which arsas your
        290 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 571 6 Tl technology 1 is all around you.| Be involved. It's an advantage. Join us as: FINANCIAL PLANNER Requirements: Bachelor of Accountancy, ACCA and/or ICMA. Preference will be given to those with 1 -2 years relevant working experience in Financial Planning. Job Description: To be responsible for co-ordinating monthly Profit Loss
        571 words
      • 541 6 Finance/Administrative Manager (MCS *****) nOur client, a highly successful trading company in Singapore wishes to appoint a Finance/Administrative Manager. He will report to the General Manager and be responsible for all aspects of Finance and Accounting including office administration. The successful candidate in his early thirties will possess a relevant
        541 words
      • 407 6 rA leading motor trading company invites appli^ cations for the post of SUPERVISORY to take charge of treasury duties Candidates must qualify for Part I of ACMA/ ACA examinations and must have 2 to 3 years experience in a supervisory capacity in the finance division of a large trading company
        407 words
      • 462 6 TOKYO PRINTING INK MANUFACTURING CO. LTD. 7-15, 2-CHOME, TABATASHINMACHI KITA-KU TOKYO, JAPAN. is pleased to announce the appointment of MAYA MANUFACTURING TRADING CO. PTE LTD NO. 4, HONG KONG ST; SPORE 0105. TEL: 91 1555 (10 Lines) as the Sole Agent for the following products 1 EDHttS Offset/Lithographic Ink, Gravure
        462 words
      • 48 6 UNFOB6ETABLE TOM CHIANG GEOKLENG DEPARTED 21 JUL 1977 Looking bock with tmoVrwu Along rt»€ poth you trod, Wf bl«u til* yaors wt hou th you. And kov* tK* rtst to God Memorial olwoyi Trtowrad ond remembered by wife, daughter, mum, inter in lows, nephews, nieces, Godmum ond friends.
        48 words
      • 436 6 THE COMPANIES ACT (CHAPTER IM) FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS AND CONTRIBITORIKS Name of Company: British Oriental Co Pte Ltd Address of Registered Office: formerly of Suite 1802 18th floor High Street Centre North Bridge Road Singapore 0718. Number of Matter: In Companies Winding up No. 122 of 1976 Date Time
        436 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 656 7 I [t3]emetron I Demetron (Private) Limited is a subsidiary of Demetron GmbH of the Federal Republic of Germany and is engaged in the manufacturing of high quality metal components for the electronics industry We have established a new division to manufacture high quality Printed Circuit Boards next year in our
        656 words
      • 560 7 r ISBLOSD 1 ASIA PTC. UD We are a manufacturing Company in Jurong. A vacancy now exists fora young and dynamic male Singaporean for the position ot: PERSONNEL OFFICER Requirements: Age 25 28 years At least 2 years experience in the Personnel Function with a strong Labour Relations background Very
        560 words
      • 718 7 I LIFE INSURANCE PROFESSIONALS! We are looking for a top flight life insurance professional to assist us with the development of a full time professional sales force. THE CHALLENGE Tailoring first class agent training material taken from our parent company's North American Agent training programme for the Singapore situation. Recruiting,
        718 words
      • 75 7 IN THE HIGH COIBT OP THK REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE CmnpulM Wladlax I p n*. uutitm > la the Matter Ike Cißaaatai Act, (Chapter 1M) iaj la tae Matter W MIKEL (FAR EAST) PTE. LTD. NOTICE OP WINDING-UP ORDER In the Matter of MIKEL (FAR EAST) PTE. LTD. Wlndlng-Up Order made
        75 words
      • 565 7 BBH^^ SINGAPORE BUS SERVICE (1978) LTI Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following vacancy SUPERVISOR (CLAIMS) Qualifications: Minimum GCE A level with credits in English and Mathematics and must possess a Class 3 driving licence Candidates must have at least three years' experience in the handling
        565 words
    • 967 8  -  LIM PHAY-LING By TONIGHT 250 guests will attend a reunion dinner to celebrate the 75th birthday of medical education in Singpore. These features look back on how what started as a medical college at the turn of the century became the respected institution it is today, and the
      967 words
    • 591 8 Student days then and now SINCE the medical school was founded three-quar-ters of a century ago, it has produced nearly 3,000 doctors who have, in the words of President Sheares, "done their alma mater proud as they have provided and continued to provide a high standard of health care not
      591 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
        354 words
      • 169 8 IBE^SEbH k\ $799 \I Dep us! mer I CA«4 S \l Pr €Pt lOfto k i\ /I i^LANKA 1/ wso l/' "^r i '"siaao 6 V '<%s£&* /i <or 8-day package I k M |rEARN"ENGLiSH"iNI"iviONm" M Sludy *i *K)fn# IM H>*>'* t<mt by Ow' |hO <v' lyll«*ri W* V«fvl you
        169 words