The Straits Times, 18 July 1980

Total Pages: 48
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1981 30 CENTS M.C.(P)No. 111/1/80
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  • 543 1 Chok Tong gives the reasons THE two-tier NWC wage increase system, with higher rewards for above-average workers, is here to stay. Despite opposition from some employers and the controversy over its implementation, the government made it clear yesterday that this will be the system of
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  • 495 1 Open, frank talks to clear the air TRADE and Industry Minister Goh Chok Tong yesterday said he welcomed open, frank and objective discussions on the strengths and weaknesses of the Singapore worker so that wrong impressions will not be formed. Apparently referring to the recent Straits Times three-part series on
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  • 27 1 TRINIDAD (Bolivia), Thurs The military garrison of Trinidad, 500 kilometers northeast of La Paz, has revolted against the authority of Bolivian president Lidia Gueiler AFP/
    AFP  -  27 words
  • 32 1 HONGKONG, Thurs. The price of gold closed today at US$629 (£41,327) an ounce on the Hongkong gold and silver market, a lump of US$5 on the opening price. UPI.
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 39 1 MR REAGAN (left) and Mr Bash together at a lunch In MaiDtramck, Michigan, on Wednesday hours before the Republican presidential candidate announced Mr Bush as his choice for vicepresidential miming mate. AP picture
    AP  -  39 words
  • 499 1 DETROIT, Thursday 1 MR RONALD Reagan took charge as the *****1 1980 Republican presidential candidate with a touch of high drama today, announcing suddenly that former UN ambassador i George Bush will be his vice-presidential running mate. The conservative former California governor, as
    Reuter  -  499 words
  • 51 1 TOKYO, Thurs. Two Soviet torpedo ships believed to be for delivery to Vietnam, were travelling south near the Tsushima Strait in southern Japan yesterday, a Japanese defence agency spokesman said today. The spokesman said defence agency patrol aircraft spotted the vessels being towed by a tugboat
    UPI  -  51 words
  • 35 1 BONN, Thurs. A British Royal Air Force Jaguar fighter plane burst into flames and crashed today, narrowly missing the Nato headquarters at Moenchengladbach, an RAF spokesman said today. The pilot was unhurt. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 30 1 MANILA. Thurs. The Philippine Military Academy is now looking into the possibility of admitting female cadets for military training, the academy's superintendent, Mr Angel Kanapi, said today -AFP.
    AFP  -  30 words
  • 36 1 RANGOON, Thurs. Bo Thet Tun, a prominent leader of the insurgent Burmese Communist Party, and 64 of his follower* have recently surrendered en masse to government forces, an official statement said today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 77 1 PROBE ORDER ON JET ENGINE WASHINGTON, Than. The Federal AvUUen AdmlaistrattM (FA A) teday ordered the iaxpectton ef Pratt aad Whitney JTBD jet engines which pewer Boeing 727 and 737 aad McDmuwU DMglas DC-t aircraft. PAA spsfccsmaa Fred Karrar said the order, whteh will affect abwit \jm alrUaen In
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  • 255 1  -  ALAN DAWSON BY of the Bangkok Post BANGKOK, Thurs. Foreign ministers of the Indochinese countries gathered in Vientiane yesterday for an important policy meeting while their governments continued strong propaganda attacks against Thailand. Foreign Ministers Nguyen Co Thach of Vietnam and Phoun Sipaseuth of
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  • 79 1 FROM the Singapore side, It is very clear that there to more understanding ab*nt the problem* facing Indonesia. Hspefally, this can be transmitted to the peeple aad the sec- •nd generation lead- 7 era. Kompas, aa Indonesian national daily, commenting in an editorial on the sixth "empat mat a"
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  • 61 1 LONDON, Thurs. A British Airways monopoly of the London-Hongkong route ended here today when a Cathay Pacific jumbo jet landed at Gatwick Airport. The Hongkong-based airline was the first to take advantage of a recent decision by the British Government to open the 11,200 km route to
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 43 1 NEW DELHI. Thurs. A printing error in a newspaper of university results led a student to commit suicide in Hyderabad, south India. Srinivas, 17, who could not find his name among the successful candidates, committed suicide in a nearby lake. AFP.
    AFP  -  43 words
  • 89 1 TWO MORE AND ROAD TOLL SOARS TO 156 THE death tell the ma rose to 1M m far this year when a motorist and a pedestrian died la tw* aceMeata. Mr Te* Pug Sag, If, a latlaaal Mrvleeman, hi driving alsac I pper Jaraag Rsal when hla vehicle c»l- tided
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  • 186 1  - SIA flights to Penang in early August JANIE KHOO By SINGAPORE Airlines intends to fly U Pedidi early next month after rattflcattefl the air services agreement between Singapore and Malaysia la Koala Lumpur next Thursday. Aa SIA spokesman yesterday confirmed that the airline plans to begin operaU— Aag 1, subject
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  • 429 1 Soviets seal off Afghans' escape routes ISLAMABAD, Thursday SOVIET troops have sealed off routes out of the main Afghan towns in a move to prevent tens of thousands of refugees from escaping the current Russian bombing raids, Western diplomatic sources said here today. The sources said the Russians are not
    AFP; UPI  -  429 words
  • 173 1 Spore in UN move for debate UNITED NATIONS Thurs. Thirty-one member-states, including Singapore and Malaysia, have proposed the inclusion of an item on the Afghanistan situation and its implications for peace in the agenda of the coming regular session of the UN General Assembly. They recalled that in an emergency
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 Je««ter» G34. Specialists' Centre. Ground Fir. Orchard Road. Singapore 0023 Tel: *****37 *****)7. G6 DBS BuHdtng, Ground Fir. Shenton Way, Singapore 0106 Tel: *****04 ay g1814 5. I S Jf^ 2100 51 FAVRE LEUBy^p^L •omi, I.: on* Buildup Orihard Koad^H SisaasoreOMl Trl *****00
      43 words
    • 113 1 48 pages today PETROCHEM PROJECT GETS OFF THE GROUND -Page 6 HUGE US bugging operation in Europe, says report 4 COUP plot Iranians to be shot 5 CHEE ONN: Revamp will draw out the best leaders 7 Shut to Changi in I the hands of top panel 8 PROBLEM that
      113 words
    • 157 1 KING'S SAFETY tf-fB) shoes on c m i^Model 704 ilifrf. KING'S SHOE MFG.PTE. LTD |Phg2% 122, Blk. 36, Dakota Crescent, y^t-ifjP Singapore 14, khwsonemth Tel 4464 100 *****27 CATHAY RACinCS MAGNIFICENT 747s FIVE TIMES AWEEK TO HOaWai ISONGI bb. -^asaßsl Lasfsasl 4 WW m W Now big, magnificent 747s four
      157 words

    • 741 2  - Line-up of Reagan's White House brains MILTON CHASE By WASHINGTON, Thurs. I If Mr Ronald Reagan is elected President of the United States in November, his Cabinet and inner circle of advisers will be a mixture of California cronies, conservative easterners and new and old faces on the political scene.
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    • 169 2 A mix of cronies and men from think tanks mcd because of revelations of links to fugitive millionaire Robert Vesco and his lawyer. Mr Vesco was a secret contributor of illegal funds to Mr Nixon's campaign and has fled the US. The most frequently mentioned names for the role of
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    • 50 2 DEEP IN TALKS FORMER President Gerald Ford (left) and Ronald Reagan conferring on Tuesday in their hotel In Detroit where the Republicans are meeting. At the end of their talks, Mr Ford turned down Mr Reagan's offer to make him a running mate for the presidency. I! PI picture. mammmmm
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    • 114 2 DETROIT, Thursday In the end, when all he had to do was say yes, Mr Gerald Ford said no and ended Republican hopes of a "dream ticket" that would sweep away President Jimmy Carters Democratic administration in November's general election. For
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    • 360 2 WASHINGTON, Thursday SECRETARY of State Muskle has said that the Republican Party call for U.S. nuclear superiority would trigger an arms race with the Soviet Union. It also contradicted the policy of four governments, both Democratic and Republican, he added. Mr Muskie
      Reuter  -  360 words
    • 520 2 Reagan won't resort to grain exports DETROIT, Thurs A REPUBLICAN administration under Mr Ronald Reagan would make a major effort to promote US exports ana would not embargo any grain exports, his spokesman on international trade has said. A Reagan administration would also be dedicated to free trade but would
      Reuter  -  520 words
    • 92 2 MOSCOW, Than. The Soviet news agency Tass said today that Mr Ronald Reagan's nomination as the Republican Party presidential candidate was a victory for the rightwing of his party and described the presidential hopeful as an advocate of an "aggressive" foreign poUcy. Tass said the Republican right-
      AFP  -  92 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 192 2 Bata makes the occasion special imP**- r f MM 8621 $15.90 Size 10-1 7622 $15.90 Mr 3 > JyfS \ww\.^MMm\ »J lll^^mjjlmjl I ,'V mMmmmi mm^. mm u^^ m m Jf*+ IBH Wr j#t^WHr/w» Lm 3011 $17.90 size9-i 8012 517.90 4nlfl F^ 8648 $11.90 Sizes-9 *****1190 nn nnjP' j^mm^ml j&>
      192 words

    • 41 3 THE Soviet Unlan's woman basketball player loilyana Semenova, who la 2.1 metres tall, walks through the Olympic village In Masca w on Wednesday along a moderate-sized official. He Olympic Games are due to opea an Saturday. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  41 words
    • 55 3 WASHINGTON, Thurs. Volkswagen of America is to recall about 100,000 private cars because of a defect in the exhaust system, the Environment Protection Agency announced here yesterday. It said that the models concerned, manufactured in 1975 and 1976, were the Rabbit known in West Germany as the
      AFP  -  55 words
    • 31 3 PORT MORESBY. Thurs. A strong earthquake shook the western highlands region of Papua New Guinea early today, causing minor damage but officials said no injuries haw been reported. UPI.
      UPI  -  31 words
    • 221 3 English daily China's first in decades HONOLULU. Thurs. The People's Daily in Beijing plans to print China first English language daily newspaper in 30 years. It is partly to meet the demands of increasing numbers of English-speak-ing tourists. Mr Uan Zaihan. a former bureau chief for Agence France-Presse in Nanking
      UPI  -  221 words
    • 76 3 State of crisis in Sri Lanka COLOMBO, Han. Sri Luku defence uthfttiM Uday lmpM*4 tight security tfcrMgh•ot the e«aatry as ppasitlaa -can trailed tnie BoiMH prepared to stage ft geacral strike temamw. The gavenunent yesterday declared ft state •I emergency. It ftlaa bftaaed All strikes la wsswatlsl services, sftyiag ail
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 725 3  -  JACK RUSSELL STIFF BUDGET FIGHT WITH SOCIALIST PARTY EXPECTED IN DIET By Our Tokyo reporter TOKYO, Thurs. One major question the new cabinet of Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki will have to answer is how much more to spend on Japan's defence. The
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    • 262 3 AN UNPROFITABLE factory has allowed its workers to elect the factory manager and instituted productivity-related bonuses in an attempt to pull the enterprise out of the red, the Workers Daily said today. The newspaper said the 200 workers in a hairdryer factory in Chongqing recently
      Reuter  -  262 words
    • 30 3 KATMANDU, Thurs. China has told Royal Nepal Airlines it will not permit any commercial passenger flights over Tibet for security reasons, an airlines spokesman said yesterday. UPI.
      UPI  -  30 words
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    • 268 3 I like Cold Storage 11 L v A sKI w i Courtesy comes naturally to Wi 7^^^\^ m the staff. Tliey're so patient even at the end V)T of their day. NJ V IW^ ■JC^^ is>r ssssiw^Bs^J Etk**4ss*^Bsfl HBbKb^Jllb»^bsl tfTl^^i l gWkSl.* Ml 70s 3.60 fSRK^ (Om Oil IWBlliwiT^^^H Bstustaar'
      268 words

    • 446 4 'Huge US bugging operation in Europe' THE United States National Security Agency is running a massive "big ear spying operation on government, corporation and individual telephone and telex lines throughout Europe from a secret telecommunications centre in northern England, the weekly New Statesman claimed today. The magazine named the centre
      AP  -  446 words
    • 256 4 Arms talks before November elections? WASHINGTON, Thursday SOVIET leaders are pondering whether to engage the Carter Administration in new arms talks before the November elections, as part of a serious reappraisal of ties with America, diplomatic sources said yesterday. A major factor in this reappraisal will be the early return
      UPI  -  256 words
    • 153 4 BONN, Thurs. Warsaw Pact countries have almost a million soldiers stationed in Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia and the Western border regions of the Soviet Union, according to the West German Defence Ministry. The ministry said yesterday that 58 divisions and 19,000 tanks had
      Reuter; AFP  -  153 words
    • 157 4 CAPETOWN, Thurs. A three-month boycott of schools in the Western Cape, mainly by coloured (mixed race) students, was called off today, its leaders said. The announcement followed a mass meeting of the Committee of 81. which spearheaded the protest movement against inequalities in education.
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 53 4 MR Zenko Suzuki rising to acknowledge the applause of members of the Japanese Parliament in Tokyo yesterday afternoon moment*, after he was named Prime Minister. Mr Suzuki, If, was named president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party on Tuesday, succeeding the late prime minister Masayoshl
      AP  -  53 words
    • 118 4 ZWNSVILLE (India**), Than. Tae bark wae the went part, said Mr Jay Gwaltaev, after he flalihna 1 eadag a Umetre birch tree to eara IKSIMM aa« the tftie ef Crewa Prlaee af the Btxarre. "II U*k three daya, hat I ate all af It
      AP  -  118 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 60 4 LevPs latest pocket collection Embroidered, ribbon-trimmed or copper-disced. In heavyweight denim or corduroy. The choice is yours. So get in on the action. Pick a Levi's pocket today. y t V I tt "^Ll£- SIGNATURE *^^^B^^ 4 Mark of the original II I SAN FRANCISCO m %\i And embroidered. Only
      60 words
    • 407 4 MERLIN'S TAVERN 6 Good Reasons Why Merlin's Tavern Is More Than Just A Cocktail Lounge First, let us introduce you to Mr. Foo. Mr. Foo is a bartender in the old aaaa aaaaaaaaak^ Ba aß^ Baßa^^B tradition, he mixes the drinks and he ■^■■PJ '^B> listens to his guests. IjljlJ^P
      407 words

    • 659 5 ACCUSED TO BE TRIED PUBLICLY TEHERAN, Thursday TEHERAN^ MULLAH WANTS HOSTAGES RELEASED TEHERAN, Thurs. A senior Iranian mullah (clergyman) today called for a quick release of the 52 American hostages held by militant students since Nov 4. The call was the first ever to
      UPI  -  659 words
    • 31 5 MOSCOW, Thurs. Moscow television yesterday showed the inauguration of a television satellite relay station in Vietnam that will allow Vietnamese citizens to watch the Olympic games live. AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 14 5 Khomeiny's remarks on Messiah come under fire AYATOLLAH KHOMEINY his statement contradicts Islamic faith
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    • 129 5 REDWOOD CITY, (California), Than. An enraged husband Is to be charged with shooting Us wife's pet rabbit and parakeet to death with a calibre rifle on Sunday. Michael Torre. 22, was held In Ueu of I'SSiMM (Ss2l,lM) bail In the San Mate* County Jail and will be
      UPI  -  129 words
    • 259 5 Iraq can make N-bombs by 1985: Israel JERUSALEM, Thurs. Israel radio today reported a senior military intelligence officer as saving that Iraq would be able to produce a number of nuclear bombs by 1985. The radio said the officer made the statement before a committee of the Knesset (parliament), which
      Reuter  -  259 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 393 5 vBIAS FO NR t^B fe METAL Q dbx \g IypRMAL l^^s) DG I^^™l RIGHT *^^^W A METAL TAPE DECK WITH BUILT-IN dbx FOR THE PRICE OF JUST THE dbx UNIT B& Where Art and Technology Meet 'VtH ftVl] l~ "^1 .^af B^BBtoZTHtJk *k W V /JiA7ir Showroom UnitG-301 B^r Upper
      393 words

  • 387 6 By NGIAM TONG HAI TWENTY-NINE conversational Mandarin courses have been tailor-made to meet the special needs of various government de- i partments and statutory boards in dealing more effectively with members of the public. The courses were de- i veloped
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  • 81 6 A JOBLESS man, Sim Boon Hock, yesterday faced a charge of robbing Miss Fatemah binti Sumandara Khan, 19, of her $200 gold chain on May U. Sim, 36, is alleged to have committed the offence together with an accomplice, Ng Thian Soo, in a lift at Ted Whye
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  • 126 6 THIRTY-FIVE employees of Singapore Airlines took part in a tontine to raise funds for their overseas trips, *a district court heard yesterday. Ng Eng Hooi, 31, a stock checker with the i airline, was fined $600 after he pleaded guilty to a charge of
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  • 330 6 MR PNG KENG LEE was yesterday voted Apprentice of the Year, winning a two-week trip to Japan. The second prize of $300 went to Mr Gob Eng Huat, 22, and the third prize of $150 went to Mr Zahari Zainudin, 21. They were among 18
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  • 79 6 Business game for execs I THE Singapore Institute of Management, International Computers and Business Times will hold the 10th National Management j Game at the Shangri-La I Hotel from tomorrow at 9.30 a.m. The computer-simulated business contest is to improve skills in managerial decisionmaking. More than 300 executives will take
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  • 25 6 A THREE-DAY Singapore Armed Forces career exhibition will be held at the Thomson Plaza concourse from today from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
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  • 331 6  - Petrochem joint venture gets off the ground PAUL JANSEN By IT wm a perfect day for a bnl ride and a picnic on Me «f the Mnthern Islaads. And about 2M top-ranking executives did exactly that. The occasion was the ground-breaking ceremony for the Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore (PCS) at
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  • 324 6 THE government expects oil companies here to support the new $2 billion petrochemical complex with feedstock supplies in the face of the increasing uncertainty of the petroleum situation. Finance Minister Hon Sui Sen said this in a speech at a reception to commemorate
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  • 188 6  - $lm steel plates go down in Philippine waters J. D. INDRAN By SOME 1,136 tonnes of steel plates meant for container work on two ships at the Jurong Shipyard are now lying at the bottom of the South China Sea. The steel plates, costing more than $1 million, were on
    188 words
  • 47 6 THE retail price of three types of gold dropped by $50 per tael on Wednesday. A spokesman for the Singapore Chinese Cold and Sil- ver Merchants' Association said the price of 24 carat gold was $1,750, 22 carat gold $1,650 and pound gold $1,480
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 418 6 This could be the worst investment i^l^P^VV^Mk -^M\ J mwF vl *^MM* MMA W^r^ S^^F The slightest flaw in a diamond, invisible to the untrained eye. diamond, so you can compare characteristics for yourself. [7 T~MK ta can mean the difference of SI 000 sin value and thus can make
      418 words
    • 94 6 *mmm made in USA tiaMt. 9 NON IRON FASHWNABIE BEDSHEETS, PILLOW CASES, TOWELS, BOLSTER CASES FROM U.S.A. AVAILABLE AT ALL LEADING DEPARTMENTAL STORES. Sole Agents: P.P. MATHEWS (S) PTE. LTD. TEL: *****04/5, *****2. {ftftci Ventilating Fans Robust Construction Impeller Design Totally Enclosed Motor Accurately Balanced SoteAo*nl Sing Chew Engrg. Co.
      94 words

  • 453 7  - 'Revamp will draw out the best leaders' IRENE NGOO and TAN SUAT LIAN By THE restructuring of trade unions like the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation and the Pioneer Industries Employees Union on an industry-wide basis is a reflection of democratic unionism "at its best", National Trades Union Congress i Secretary-General
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  • 280 7 ABOUT 130 trade unionists have begun talks here to chart the course for a new economic order and to meet the challenges in this decade. The delegates from 15 Asian and Pacific countries will also discuss the struggle for social and economic justice,
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  • 164 7 Hammer slayer gets death sentence LABOURER MavUppan Hamta—my, SI, wu riven the death seofeßce yesterday after the High Caart rejected his defence that he killed his Mend because of "sadden and grave provocation." MarUppan was found guilty of killing Baskaran (iopal PUly, 11, In Urn Ah Put Read on April
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  • 40 7 MRS Ellen Khoo has been elected president of the Inner Wheel Club of Singapore West Other officials include Mrs Lynette Le Mercier, vicepresident; Mrs Jane Haines, secretary; Mrs Mary Wilson, assistant secretary and Mrs Lena Tan, treasurer.
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  • 235 7 Murder verdict on strangled girl A 22- YEAR-OLD factory operator, Miss Chua Chai Hwa, was found strangled by the cord of an electric iron a da v before she was to leave for Muar to celebrate Chinese New Year with her family, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Her head was
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  • 26 7 THE Singapore Science Centre will screen two films, The Sea and Learning About Nuclear Energy, at its lecture hall on Sunday at 3 p.m.
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    • 522 7 lilVkassll P^nasl f» Dance to the latest hits aWS4*^^Cpdy«H IrfffflC from the American Hot LVfP*fflnffi*JppilJl nafeMS SS^tNjE Osco Action Charts, then W£32lAs£j)jljJ*+9l ESfmi SMnMEaassWini simmer down to the cool H^Q^^Qj Q^^ggjS tj*fflf£ contemporary, spiced •"TF 'W*^ LwFmtSS W^^^ with evergreen favourites. KQjjjjß*^ 1 <^*%^^l t-LjSBLv ■bbbbbbbV I Baaaf* I I
      522 words

  • 327 8  -  JANIE KHOO By A COMMITTEE of government officials is charting out the shift of Paya Lebar Airport to Changi, possibly after March or April next year. The Changi Airport Shifting Committee, headed by the Civil Aviation director, Mr Lim Hock San,
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  • 86 8 DBS becomes a depositary for Euroclear EUROCLEAR, the central clearing house for international US dollar bonds has appointed the Development Bank of Singapore (DBS) as its local securities depositary to receive and hold bonds on its behalf. The appointment of DBS was made through the Brussels office of Morgan Guarantee
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  • 37 8 THE Joo Chiat community centre's children's club and educational sub-committee will hold a Sunday camp on Aug 31 at its premises from 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. for children between the ages of seven and
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  • 22 8 COMMUNICATIONS Minister Ong Teng Cheong will open the Singapore Bus Service Headquarters Complex at Braddell Road tomorrow at 10 a.m
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  • 186 8  -  TAN WEE HIM Story and picture by IF YOU think this petite "praU" girl Is havlag Hwingtng time, you are mistaken. It Is the hard life for Sajatha Chat**, 11. She starts work at six every morning when she •peas
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  • 119 8 AIR TALKS NEXT MONTH WITH LUXEMBOURG LAND JAPAN SINGAPORE will hold talks with Japan and Luxembourg next month to revise the existing air pacts. Sources said yesterday that the Japanese Civil Aviation authorities and the Luxembourg authorities have written to the Department of Civil Aviation here to begin negotiations. Talks
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  • 197 8 Satu to broach taxi surcharge with SIA THE Singapore Air Transport-workers Union will brine up the issue of the new $1.50 airport taxi surcharge when it meets the Singapore Airlines management soon. This was disclosed by a union spokesman. New Nation reported. It said several flight and cabin crew members,
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  • 33 8 TWO colour films, Origami The Folding of Papers, and Recreation the Japanese Way, wUI be screened at the National Museum tomorrow at 10.45 a.m. Admission is free on a first-come-first-served basis.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 355 8 W^l from Australia July 18 August 7 A splendid, scintillating array of mesmerizing motion, colour and music. Australia's singing sensation, suave Kirn Michael, renders resounding rhythms amidst the dazzling performances of six delightful beauties. From the renowned "Regmat Production*', the dance troupe that enacted the celebrated "Merci Beaucoup". this talented
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  • 350 9  -  PHILIP LEE By MOST people, even those in government departments, would have no problem dealing with snakes in the grass the metaphorical ones, that is. But when it comes to handling real snakes, one of which was actually discovered in the grounds
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  • 56 9 THE Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs), Mr Chan Chee Seng, will visit Block 1, Maude Road, on Sunday at 10 a.m. to introduce members of the Jalan Besar Zone "C" Residents Committee. Mr Chan, who is also the MP for Jalan Besar, will at the same
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  • 185 9 $50,000 pledges for Law Society premises LAW Society members have pledged a total of $50,000 to the society to buy its own premises. Describing this as an encouraging start, a society spokesman yesterday said a second appeal for funds had been sent to members. He believed there are some lawyers
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  • 31 9 DR OW CHIN HOCK. Parliamentary Secretary for Culture will give away prizes to winners of a Chinese calligraphy competition at Shin Mm Auditorium in MacPherson Road tommorrow at 3 p.m.
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  • 169 9 TWO tobacco companies are contemplating retrenchment because the $25 per kilo duty on Singapore-grown tobacco, imposed on July 4, has made it uneconomical for them to buy from local growers. About 255 employees of the two firms, Rothman of Pall Mall and Singapore Tobacco,
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  • 65 9 New phone numbers for 3,000 SOME 3,000 telephone numbers in housing estates in Alexandra Road, Redhill, Henderson Road, Tiong Bahru and Telok Blangah will be changed at about 11 a.m. today. Numbers beginning with 220XXXX, 221xxxx, 222xxxx, 223xxxx, 734xxxx, 2761 xxx and 2791 xxx will be changed to 278xxxx. The
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  • 409 9  - In a flap over two T-shirt ducks on the wing NANCY LOH By TWO ducks on a T-shirt, flapping in tandem doing what comes naturally, tame under judicial scrutiny for the THIRD time yesterday for a magistrate to determine whether the garment catered to prurient tastes. At one stage in
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  • 30 9 MR GOH CHOK TONG, the Minister (or Trade and Industry, will speak at the annual dinner of the Singapore Computers Society at Shangrila Hotel tomorrow at 8 p.m.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 441 9 lIIAIff V II P#^-^—^ I Prize Buy a Slera Colour TV on You Pay Only BMV^- Baa Hire Purchase from us today. y| A^\ Q/ fKFP You could be the lucky *#V/ /O V^B^H H.P. winner; For every 100 sets of f% Cjp|io Siera Colour TV sold, a lucky H.P.
      441 words

  • 810 10 MEDICAL students are overfed with facts and are expected to regurgitate them in examinations. Because their brains are overtaxed with, having to store facts, they forget what they learn in the first two years of studies by the tune they reach the third year
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  • 263 10 FOR Miss Violet Priestley, 75, and Miss Thelma Gatley, 73, retirement is the last thing on their minds. On the contrary, they love travelling all I over the world promoting I their educational tapes. Back in Kansas, United States, they run a
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  • 280 10 Sheares pays tribute to medical graduates GRADUATE numbers atoae do oot make great medical school it Is the traditions built op over the yean and the standards of teaching, training and assessment adhered to rlg*r- ualy that determine the quality of the graduates. Speaking at the 15th auuvenary eetebratUoi •f
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  • 235 10 Additions to Private Hospitals Bill THE Select Committee on the Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Bill, in its report released yesterday, has left intact the main provisions of the bill with certain addi- tions. The bill seeks to provide for the control, licensing and inspection of private hospitals, medical clinics
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  • 115 10 MORE than 2,800 motorists were suspended from driving under the Points Demerit Scheme last year. The annual report of the Registry of Vehicles for last year says warning notices were given to 40,270 others after they accumulated more than six, but less than
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  • 44 10 IN THE story on ergonomics in yesterday's Straits Times, Mr Douglas Chua was incorrectly identified as the executive director of the National Productivity Board. He is the deputy executive director. The executive director is Dr Goh Keng Leng. The error is regretted.
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  • 185 10 A QUEEN'S Counsel told 1 the High Court yesterday that there could be no guarantee of a loan if the money payable is in a different currency from that j of the principal debt. This was the contention of I Mr Christopher Bathurst when
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 579 10 AD!ftiaSiSJE/B£'2MK I KATONG SHOPPING ARCADE APARTMENTS Opposite Lion City Hotel, City Plaza, Hollywood Theatre sip 111 V excellent locale, these shop spaces are I very reasonably priced. The 2nd. 3rd and 4th floors feature deluxe apartments «I2t£ c I H tc PPI k° ARCADE G"T«nt«d Client** APARTMENTS at the junction
      579 words

  • 533 11 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER HELD BACK THE shortage of engineers in Singapore is threatening to delay the transfer of high technology product lines to local production subsidiaries of large multinational companies here. Manufacturers in the electronics industry, who estimate a current shortfall of up to
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  • 89 11 THE Natta—l Trade I ilm Cmom kM set uUf SIMM to cMvert part af tie NTUC Aaawxe 1* Start— Way lato a ap*rts aata reere»tUa eertra. Work will begin BMB after approval has been obtained f rom the Public Hork« Department. The
    89 words
  • 155 11 Why two-death bus driver dropped his appeal JAILED school bus driver Ng Ann Cheng, 46, had to choose between languishing in jail where he could get free medical treatment or appealing for a shorter sentence. He decided to finish his eight-month jail term for reckless driving, which resulted in the
    155 words
  • 32 11 THE Bedok constituency National Day working committee will organise a Road Run on July 27. Application forms are available at the Bedok community centre, Block 17, 581 Bedok South Road.
    32 words
  • 103 11 STPB to hold six-day meeting for key staff THE Singapore Tourist Promotion Board will hold a six-day marketing conference from Monday for its eight overseas regional directors and key staff here to chart its strategies for the 'eighties. The meeting is expected to review past performances, identify problems in individual
    103 words
  • 65 11 THE Marine Parade Branch Library will hold two talks-cum-slide shows at its auditorium. The first is on Places of Interest: United Slates and Hawaii, tomorrow at 7 30 p.m. The second is on Places of Interest: Australia and New Zealand on July 25 at 7.30 p.m.
    65 words
  • 45 11 A SINGAPORE marine company, Marlntec South-east Asia Private Limited, will hold an international marine exhibition and a seven-day seminar in Shanghai in late October and early November nest year. This will be held together with several Chinese industrial associations and corporations.
    45 words
  • 23 11 THE Bukit Merah Secondary School Band will perform at the Macßitchie Reservoir on Sunday from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
    23 words
  • 184 11 PA group turns courtesy songs into dances THREE of the priaewlnnißg Cooxtesy jingles and songs have beea toned Into dances by the People's Association Dance Company. The three has the Smile Around, C-O-U-R-T-E-S-Y aid When I Meet You were choreographed recently by the PA choreographers. Miss Christina Tan. Miss Emily
    184 words
  • 34 11 THE Registry of Vehicles and Singapore Shuttle Bus Pte Ltd, will hold a talk on courtesy and road safety for busmen at the Nanyang Siang Pau auditorium on Sunday at 3 p.m.
    34 words
  • 167 11 21 dogs now in quarantine after warning A TOTAL of 21 dogs suspected to have been smuggled into Singapore from rabies-infected countries are at the Jurong Animal Quarantine station since the warning issued by the Primary Production Department two days ago. The department had advised dog-owners who recently acquired puppies
    167 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 144 11 Everybody likes the palatable SERRAVALLO'S TONIC (CINCHONA AND IRON WINE) unfits SERRAVALLO Serravallo's Tonic is made solely from the combination of fresh grapes, iron and cinchona bark. The combination has a close relationship in body buildup. Fresh grapes contain bountiful Vitamins B complex, it stimulates circulation and nourishes nerve systems.
      144 words
    • 333 11 With the most advanced features for great, one-touch photography! 3 BAtm^MJafc^^ Canon's new Auto-Focus Cameras are surely the simplest mW^^mSi b^L^i^^ answer to clear, sharp, great pictures. The Canon \H a^l^i^>^ Auto-Focus 35 mm and 8 mm Sound b| Movie Cameras incorporate some of the I latest advanced features. .to
      333 words

  • 386 12 Fire sends 80 women fleeing from nunnery THREE fires broke out yesterday, one damaging property and machines worth more than $500,000, another making 18 people from five families homeless and the third sending 80 elderly women fleeing from a nunnery. In a 2.30 a.m. fire, two furniture workshops in Yio
    386 words
  • 23 12 THE Comex Club will organise a four-day trip to Pulau Aur and Pulau Tioman from Aug 9. For details, ring *****29
    23 words
  • 523 12 Ex-officen Former Perm Sec gave assurances CISCO SERGEANT'S SUIT A FORMER police force welfare officer told the High Court yesterday that a former Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs had given certain assurances in 1971 on the terms of employment of personnel from the Guard and Escort Unit
    523 words
  • 81 12 THE Slngap*re Mint hM received m«re than t,m »ppUc*aons for Its coin reservation scheme, which was advertised last Satord»y. A statement from the mint said yesterday that ail applications received by tomorrow will be eligible to ballot for an introductory offer which features a selection
    81 words
  • 114 12 MINISTRY REJECTS ITC BID THE de-registered International Training Centre, a private secretarial school, has failed in its bid to get re- registered. An Education Ministry spokesman said yesterday tnat the ITC's application for re-registration had been rejected. The school's registration was cancelled by the ministry last year because of 10
    114 words
  • 307 12  -  CHRISTINA RODRIGUES By HOUSING Board lifts break down less often now partly because they are better maintained but vandalism and misuse of lifts are still rife. Statistics show that there are now 4,061 lifts as against 3,400 lifts last year. Breakdowns last year
    307 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 74 12 ml mE^^BmJj m m m*/ISB^^mYJ M" ryvfdl Chandelier^ rK T /in *T^m XX V auaa j| U T 1 4 Ivl m wm .^k^^fl 1 1 WIH Im^BbvwZsi^^HEJ^^l m Living m K«a^B Ujl |$22j,^l IV VI I 11 H^^Sr B IH m^^^^ s^^ mm IK <m mmmW^^^^m^ m\mm^^m^m\mm^m\ X j24
      74 words
    • 129 12 Hoya ophthalmic lenses do J^^\er\ses with transmission of over 93%. more for your eyes than just Vision interference by ghost images' correcting your vision. They are are also nearly totally eliminated While effective in light absorption, reduce myopic rings usually occunng in highaberrations to a minimum for clearer power lenses
      129 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
      172 words

    • 278 13 Woman uses same ploy to dupe 5 maids PETALING JAVA, Thurs. A woman in her mid-twenties got away with $15,000 in cash and jewellery from houses in the Subang Jaya, Sungei Way and Seaport areas after convincing the house maids that she was their employer's relative, a Bernama report said.
      278 words
    • 36 13 GUA MUSANG. Thurs. A falling tree killed a labourer. Mr Jusoh bin Bakar, 37, at Sungei Asap here on Tuesday. Mr Jusoh was cutting down the trees when one fell on him. -NST.
      NST  -  36 words
    • 97 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Than. Only a minority of Malaysian students In Britain and Eire are Involved in dakwah (religions) activities, The Star reported yesterday. The Malaysian Students Societies Council of the United Kingdom and Eire said the Issue has been "Mown up" by the press
      97 words
    • 295 13 KUANTAN, Thursday A WORLD-WIDE shr .n Ine palm oil market has bitten deep o the pockets of thousands of settlers un;i< i Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) schemes. The settlers, who used to earn between $600 and $1,000 a month, are feeling
      NST  -  295 words
    • 242 13 MARINE DEPT TO REMOVE MEDOLA WRECK PORT KLANG, Thurs. The Federal Marine Department has taken action to remove the wreck of the Panamianregistered freighter, SS Medola, which keeled over near here about three years ago. Tenders for the job have been called and it will be awarded soon, a department
      NST  -  242 words
    • 301 13 Fire dept urges factories to submit plans KLANG, Thus. The Selaagtr Fire Department, onceraed over the recent spate af factory Ores la Klang, has urged factory owners In Klang to submit their site plans for recommendatiMis on flrc-flghttng prveedares. The Malay Mall yesterday reported senior state fire officer, Mr Amir
      301 words
    • 69 13 Robbers kill man TAIPING. Thurs. A lorry owner was shot dead by two robbers when he tried to fight them off with a stick at Kampung Ayer Puteh here yesterMr Lee Uong How. 43. a martial arts exponent, struck one of the gunmen with the stick before Tie collapsed and
      NST  -  69 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 451 13 O \O S <^i%%^ FAB '-5 Kg and CAMAY Soap, Pack QUAKER OATS 800 gm and PURE V^ M^ m^>~ of 4 s (Restricted to 3 sets per MILK 1 litre. (Restricted to 3 sets per I Si£°S&:»7.3B ,x, RPBI ct $4.19 llllllllfl I At k^rf^ -^bb^bT SPECIAL FRAGRANCE Tissue.
      451 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 260 13 Straits Times Crossword 5 Liszt. perh»ps. in the Jabberwot* (4) 6 Guide father into loveless artistic medium (4-5) 7 little girl I take out (S) 9 Reduced ply returns and conceals one like 4 across. 8 and 10 (3.9) 13 Plays may nave upset the cast there (5,4) 14 Where
      260 words

  • 395 14 The Straits Times FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1980 AILING SCHOOL THERE have always been problems in medical education, and as Professor Wong Hock Boon said in perfect candour, there always will be. In listing some dilemmas facing medical education, he is drawing attention to faults he sees in the system. What
    395 words
  • 393 14 THE selection has been made, now comes the hard sell. And it is a high-powered sales team too which is spearheading the campaign. No fewer than four senior ministers are involved. Their mission? To sell Singaporeans six songs that have been specially selected as our national tunes,
    393 words
  • 829 14  -  CYANIDE By This article appeared in the Business Times. July 16 IF IT is the accepted belief that it is a mark of a civilised society that it should open its doors to those in desperate straits, then the dramatic turn of events in world
    829 words
  • 2071 14  - Getting to know you better ISMAIL KASSIM By New Nation Regional Correspondent We finished our talks earlier than expected because there were no major differences or issues which divided us... So everything came to a shorter conclusion than we originally scheduled which I thought was a good sign. 7 Mr
    2,071 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 26 14 the dynamic Dual Magnet Cartridge, audio technica avoioote at all leading Hi-f i storm *L-'ic(or Electronic Qo., 7-AIM Floor) Prowdonl Shoppmq Contra. Sngapora 0621 W *****01/*****78
      26 words
    • 281 14 Enjoy city living at its best at inTEßnnnoijp. Pinzn. -AfnPfitS tot Located at the junction of A DdiU' c -a_ I /aft' nt*^* Anson Road and Choon Guan Street —^^a«M^nV^Bl BHT b^*^ Bk* m "^*kk a^^^Bl n^^^^^ k£hE Br s^n^' 1 J *JJ I *ZZ 1 tn^sjL^V Wntf2nffl nln^l^"^ in^Bn^—
      281 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 124 15 N^^BB^BbW .a^Lm BB^BT J^BbV L^LP b^LVbßbW^ L^UbVbWVX *^^^^^k I Great Hi-Fi buys I at fantastic discounts N^*] *>SaY" ■B^B^aßiajßl a^aV^TTlla^Bßß^Bm a^Bßk I OrDpioiNjeen IL \J J WORLD'S THINNEST TURNTABLES! Iml^SbV* fiE \\j Offer Price $195/- BULBL- SS HMH I McLaren Mini Hi-Fi System. 50 watts (RMS). (Cassette Deck, Integrated Amplifier,
      124 words
    • 77 15 Do wnlighits 4^l Patent's Range of imported Downlights, Eyeballs and S\m*^^ Surface mounted Spotlights are (fl ft designed to give an infinite variety of lighting effects. They mmmm. shed light in many different j^^^i locations; from, international hotels to the modern kitchens. Available at SHOWROOMS: 47, Cuppag* Road, Singapore 0922.
      77 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 31 15 stxi ARE n I boUeved architecture should be something beautttul...upHttiiHi... lC aesthetlc.untll my boss said N^y H^^ f J^\M ft w \l&r So I became vary technical... practical... cost conscious... Bfficlent!
      31 words
    • 361 15 WE REFER to the letters by Mr William S.W. Lim (ST. June 5), Mr R.K.F. Ho (ST, June 23) and Mr K.C. Ho (ST, July 7*. We agree with their vie ms and although their comments and suggestions were constructive and pertinent to
      361 words
    • 398 15 I REFER to the letter, "Our architecture school is ripe for change," by K.C. Ho (ST, July 7), and wish to clarify that all pupils at the Secondary 3 and Secondary 4 levels have to take a core of five compulsory subjects (a
      398 words
    • 80 15 WE thank Loke Yin Hoe for his comments In his letter. "Let is Uve la a brighter eaviroament" (SfTjaae II). We would like him to know that carrenUy a new West Coast arterial read Is under construction aad scheduled for completion around April This new rwul will
      80 words
    • 378 15 A 'principle' that serves as a disincentive to courtesy IN LAUNCHING the second courtesy campaign, our Prime Minister has taken on an admittedly "tough nut to crack, human nature being what it is in our modern "pressurised" society. However noble this endeavour,
      378 words
    • 371 15 Will HDB give full reasons to justify raising fees? BEFORE the Housing Board implements its decision to raise service and conservancy charges in two stages, as from next month and from July next year, would the authorities give the owners and tenants detailed reasons to Justify such an increase? WHAT
      371 words
    • 248 15 THE REVIEW of the programme, Nation Before Self, by Surinder Singh (ST, July 7) is biased and unfair to the youths doing national service. Contrary to wha was said, the programme is not only for an audience in the 16-18 age group, but
      248 words
    • 292 15 I REFER to two of your recent reports which touched on the Audit Department, "Top audit staff to be trained overseas" (ST, July 9) and "Linen nurses to go back to the wards" (Sunday Times, July 6). In both reports my department
      292 words
    • Letter, Illustration
      35 15 IF YOU can speak Mandarin and are about to use dialect again, stop yourself and start in Mandarin. The other person may know Mandarin bat may also be shy. Be the Initiator!
      35 words

    • 344 16 BULLS sUged CMvlwiMß eameteek ytsstenUy, leadlag saw* prieet to recover (tNagly at tkc Bhpuww ■taekourket After three aayt macertala and erratic trading, raafleeatt was flaally renewed aid bayen eaee at the tenfraat activity. bcOeetlßf the revived Interest, the StraiU Time* ladartrlal ladei recovered 4 3 petti to
      344 words
    • 278 16 BUYERS continued to dominate at the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday pushing prices broadly higher in another session of hectic trading. Reflecting the strong tone, the new Straits Times industrial ordinary share index rose 3.70 points to 664.87 while the Business Times index soared 171.52 points to *****.03.
      278 words
    • 232 16 THE US/Sing dollar opened lower at $2.1080/90 in the Singapore forez market yesterday. In reaction to lower US Interest rate*. The market closed at $2 1065 75 after reaching a low of $2 1060 70 The market received good support at the $2 1070 level. Interbank rate*
      232 words
    • 348 16 INTERBANK rates at 3.00 pm: CUTTWftCWS MOfMflM fStM ftMlllWOflMft P*f C*il I Ao# «nfd f»"*1 (cnm)pm*t clung. LocaJ MluitoM ■■it foretga cmrreaey: US dollar 2.1065 2.1075 2.8196 -25.29 Sterling pound 5.0017 5.0057 7.3469 -31.92 Australian dollar 2.4454 2.4476 3.4286 -28.68 NZ dollar 2.0799 2.0831 3.4286 -39.34 Canadian dollar
      348 words
    • 49 16 RANGE of prices offered by discount houses on July IT: Overnight- 6 6 15 16" Call deposits: tv. «Vt« Closbu Bayo* B«Uia| 3- month Treasury bills 8 6. 3 month Bank bills 99/16 97/18 3 months CD 9 8 months CD 8 15/18 813/16 Source: National Discount Co
      49 words
    • 32 16 Closing interbank rates for Singapore dollars on July IT: Offer Bid Overnight 8'i 8'. 1 month 8H 9 2 months 9 1/10 815/16 3 months 9 II* Overnight mode 98/18
      32 words
      • 68 16 G E Life 1300 +40 Mil 1180 +30 0C B C 1150 +30 Tractor* 865 +25 1 M W 338+22 Berjuntai 1080 +20 B Raya 434 +20 Hong Leong 430 +18 Cold Storage 378 +18 Semb Shipyard 348 +10 St Sleamakip 278 +18 Selangor Dredg 815 +1S Supreme Corps
        68 words
      • 22 16 Bolton 180 -66 Lower Perak 1200 -30 X ram at 422 -10 M Banking 1160 -10 X L Keponf 510 -10
        22 words
      • 22 16 Pahang Cons 910.000 Inchcape 665,000 F Merlin 646,000 Cen Sec 476,000 Total turnover 10.60m Total value: (31.88m Source: SES
        22 words
      • 35 16 Jul 16 Jul 17 BT. Indicator: 6375.96 *****9 Industrials: 557.06 561.28 Finance: 993.50 1003 15 Hotels: 489.00 490.24 Properties: 408.92 406.15 Minings: 354.44 354.23 Plantations: 911.47 910.98 OCBC: 554.39 558.68 SES Ind: 514.03 517.61
        35 words
      • 450 16 HONGKONG: Stocks finished higher yesterday, but failed to recoup all the ground lost on Wednesday, dealers said. The Hang Seng index finned 17.85 points to 1077.74, in moderate turnover with most of the rise coming early on as the overnight gold price rise staved off fears of further margin
        450 words
      • 487 16 TOKYO: Share prices closed slightly lower in moderate trading on profit taking mainly in front-runners yesterday, dealers said. The Dow Jones average fell 5.74 to 6810.41 points, on a volume of 330 -pillion shares, the New index was 469.10, off 0.05 point. Green Cross, Tanabe Pharmaceuticals, Takeda Chemicals, Tobishima
        487 words
        • 313 18 SYDNEY, Ttiur Firmer gold prices and an encouraging report from Queensland's Nagdorin shale oil prospect saw storkprices move higher, dealers said. News the Nagoorin partners had intersected a continuous section of oil shale pushed operator, Esperance. All. 30 higher to $6.30 while consortium member, Greenvale. firmed
          313 words
        • 246 18 NEW YORK, Wed. The stock edged higher in heavy trading buoyed by a firming trend in the final minutes today. Precious metal and computer issues were among the best gainers. Analysts said the market continued to benefit from institutional demand and was aided by falling interest
          246 words
        • 193 18 AMSTERDAM, Wed The market report for Wednesday is not available. The following are the dosing prices: CLO81NC PRICES u IV H HMIS Mi. .1.1 M50 -05 Akio 22«0 -02 AlKtunk 304 90 -Oi AMK MM -03 ftmlu Hfcoo -OS Amrohiik Ifl .01 UT|.»- .16 M -1 Krrk
          193 words
        • 245 18 ZURICH. Wed. Prices again closed broadly higher, dealers said. Banks were quietly steady, »ith Bank Leu higher while among options. Credit Suisse continued to rise sharply. Oerlikon-Buehrle and MotorColumbus eased in financials. but Elektrowatt. Forbo, Hoiderbank Bearer. Moevenpick. Srhindler and Sdh continued to rise. Swiss Reinsurance and
          245 words
        • 591 18 LONDON. Wed The market closed firm with sentiment helped by the UK trade surplus for June At 3pm. the FT index was up 3.1 points at 502 9. after a high of 504.2. Early demand for Government bonds exhausted official supplies of the Treasury 12 per
          591 words
      • 141 16 CHINEBE Pr.ssrr Ezekaa«e, flings pirr. rlirlag prices per IM kg yestertejr: Cnaal tsl: Bulk fob 143.75 sellers, old drum (In second hand drum fob 1153.75 sellers, new drum fob $159 75 sellers. Bspai Mixed (loose) $86.50 buyers. Pepper: Muntok white pepper fob Asta NLW KB.OO sellers. Sarawak white
        141 words
      • 278 16 THE KILOBAR rnarkM for gold deliverable In Singapore opened at H2 368 and closed al 542.741 yester day In the Far East, gold opened al US$622 00 624 00 and moved up slighUy to $624.50 626 00 on some local demand. It slipped sack to close the morning session
        278 words
      • 143 16 THE STRAITS tin price recovered {18 to $2,138 per picul (equivalent to $35.35 per kilo, up 30 cents) in Penang yester- I day, on an official offering down 99 1 2 tonnes to 141 tonnes. The overnight London market was steadier with forward buyers gaining CIO to £7,115 per
        143 words
      • 38 16 Rubber July 17 Singapore: Aug 282.50 cents (up 1.75 cents) Malaysia: Aug: 286.50 cents < up 1.00 cent) Tin: M$2,138 (up $18) (equivalent to $35.35 per kilo) (up 30 cents) Official offering: 141 tonnes (down 9Vi tonnes)
        38 words
      • 35 16 LONDON: Copper prices on Wednesday (previous in brackets) i Wlrebar Spot £908 50 (£903.50): sellers £909.50 (1904); Three Month buyers I £929 (£926. 5 b); sellers £930 (£927) Market <•*»: Steady I NaJes: 18.125 tonnes
        35 words
      • 501 16 THE SINGAPORE rubber market closed uncertain yesterday, with August RSS One buyers quoted at 282.50 cents per kilo, up 1.75 cents on Wednesday's close, dealers said. Some early afternoon steadiness was not sustained due to the presence of sellers prior to the clone, they added. Opening quotations were marked
        501 words
      • 82 16 NOON SSR ~d 8MH pnc ,C«rr..l MU) Ifor-.rd Mill) B.,.r. H.II.F1 Bu>.r. Saltora 'llonpdiMi MOW 262.00N Ml 00 M9.00N ■IC HVoap^lMI 2S70O 25»00N MHO MO.0ON MULB Anf* 8.ruab.r SMRCV IIIoimUmi 2M.S0 2M.9ON 97 M 2MM)N SMK 1. UlaaiMllMI ***** SltON »1 SO an SON smbs du«p«M-ii mso
        82 words
    • 1623 17 THE last transacted rawly «•> at ibr ckat of hnitnti on thf Stork Exrhancr o( Stnca porr ycnrrday rompam) with thr prrvkxa day's prtcrs togrthrr with 079 hiRh and low i Adjusted for scrip rigtiu law) IMW U» t II. «k Lo» (o»p.»y -orSECTION ONE INDUSTRIAL ft
      1,623 words
    • 1810 17 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots o( 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett". Big Board
      1,810 words
    • 2051 17 BID and offer prices officially listed and business, in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stork Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUmBAUS Ak»a (2.408 2.44S) (3) 240 A Ckar (1.25H) AMD (0.808 0.US) (2)
      2,051 words
    • 89 17 THE MALAYSIAN Minister of Finance has fixed these rates (or the period from July 17, until further notice: Ratter: 294 cents a kilo. Capra: MS64.17 a tonne; Pals kerael: $955 75 a tonne; WUte feppart $3,921.50 a tonne; Btaes pepfer: $2,737.17 a tonne; The rates of duty payable
      89 words
    • 760 18 SOFT drinks manufacturer Fraser and Neave (F and N) failed to turn in higher profits for the financial year ended March 31, 1980, despite an increase in the price of soft drinks last March. Group pre-tax profit for the F and N group was $40.4
      760 words
    • 52 18 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 503.1 Tuesday 499.8 Week Ago 493.0 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 904.44 Tuesday 901.54 Week Ago ***** H.K.HANG SENG Thursday 1077.74 Wednesdauy 1059.89 Week Ago 1083.79 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Thursday 895 JS Wednesday 889 61 Week Ago 891.93 ALL ORDINARIES Thursday 915.31 Wednesday 903.50 Week
      52 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 519 16 I Lea Club Check Sriirt Lea Club Lea Interlock ■<Qg| Iv p *a?*e now J22 90 us Shirl *^J*% Spwis Shin BSSjfl I Lea Club Corduroy Overall V.f.P 4SO WIM Nni/3®** IrwS M Bo^Jnol f I up ffviiYi nuw aBBaaaBW i>uw Ka^Xflsai I .^aaaw (TO/icyi Aw 0>'4"7000 > '4"7OO A
      519 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 204 17 L-3 84W RMS Integrated Amplifier L-58 200W RMS Duo Beta Stereo Integrated R-1040 SOW RMS Stereo Receiver Amplifier R-2040 84W RMS Stereo Receiver K-5A Dolby Metal Cassette Deck K-8 Dolby Metal Cassette Deck /"> C C I f I Si J^foo* T-2 AM/FM Stereo Tuner T-14 AM/FM Stereo Tuner PD-264
      204 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 562 18 JbMilmM If I YOU CMT! KM* fe at 'BK^*3sa J BACIS \i m VStfeafem BOY'S COTTON/CREPE SUIT SHORT J^ vP^»S.UU Children's Wear Dept I Its «mi VED l^^^^^™^^™ l^ i ll^™^"^"^l CANVAS SANDALS^ < > HIRTS f ENAMEL SAUCEPAN SAUCEPOT SET 1 $1 0.00 Shoe DepT^ >>- JiC^nnl With Glass
      562 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 346 19 tx~*n r\ :^!F- E *****422s *****22 ATES BEC^Z!. E r V/^S^^H^ r V^ !^i^~'°° em JiTaa 4s^ 1 cS^n T "F EDOCATKHI4IHBTRUCTIOH .^Cjptr. 900om -500pm ,V£, W9TS) w£ T wL V" TRAVEL TOURS »tOOO(po»t«f) IX OBITUARIES I I PEBSOMAL SERVICES MERCHANDISE Taking pictures is half the fun. Making pictures is
      346 words
    • 334 19 BACK BY DEMANO Latest Sony Auto Reverse Dolby Cassett* l>-ck with remote control usual prta $I.XJO-- now $399/- 60 watts Bony .stereo AM KM Tuner Amplifier 1185/- and Sony Speakers lo match at $170/Special speaker Cable Mb/-. 10 pcs TDK C-60 $20/- Available at Nam Cheong Electronic Centre. (5-6. Peninsula
      334 words
    • 597 19 I I PERSONAL SERVICES MEBCHAMDIsT 8 Home Furniture/ Furnishing ADRIANS CANE FURNITURE. G Goldbell Towers. 47, Scotts Roa< For exquisite cane furnltun furnishings, matting, tel *****78/*****86 A SOf A SET for reupholslerlni made-to-order car cushloi covers Contact Anne Foo CHAINS FURNITURE made-lo order kitchen cabinets ($B5 t $135 pf.r.), built-in
      597 words
    • 518 19 FOR SALE ONE set (6 coins) 1880 1 Moscow Olympic Gold Proof j Coins, one set (3 coins) Singapore 10th Anniversary Gold 1 Proof Coins. Canadian 1878 $100 Oold Proof Coins Please ring: INVESTORS OR COLLECTORS dream Great Britain S.G. 412. 1915 10 shilling marginal mint. I Superb appearance Tel:
      518 words
    • 717 19 I PERSONAL SERVICES 4 MERCHANDISE AFTER A HARD day's work for relaxation visit us at: Orchard Plaza Health Centre, Unit 03-30 Ist floor. Orchard Plaza. Massage/Sauna/Facial Opens dally 10 00 a.m. 11 30 p.m Tel *****06/*****07 CAM AWAY ALL Tension at the Cockpit Health Centre, 6/7 Oxley Rise. (0923), Tel:
      717 words
    • 688 19 BRIGHT PLAZA We undertake all general renovation and Interior decoration. Monthly instalment arrsnossMs. For a better workmanship and reliable contractor, please call to our showroom at: Blk 202. 1672 Ana Mo K» T.I: 4&*****, *****14 HM Licsncs No. PW/178*. CARPETING. VINYL TILINGS, partition and celling for office factories and houses.
      688 words
    • 498 19 I PERSONAL SERVICES ft MERCHANDISE S M B (ESTABLISHED 1»»7) confidentially Introduces frlend/llfetlme partner successfully Tel: *****89. Maxwell Road PO Box 1149. WE WILL X pleased to meet you tonight. Come. Join us for a drink and some delicious snack Meet more friends, enjoy life at I low membership fee.
      498 words
    • 370 19 44 Other Services CMEY TICK ELECTRICAL Plumbing Service: 24-hour service for electrical/ plumbing works. Tel: *****64/ *****8. 78 Industrial Equipment: Sato/Hire PTY. LTD. 62, KIAN TICK RD SINGAPORE 2262 Telai H*****5 ACROWS I ATTENTION!!! I ALL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS For your requirements SALES OR HIRE of Steel Scaffolding Syttems Formwork Support
      370 words
    • 582 19 I V BUSINESS PRODUCTS. SERVICES 6 OPPORTUNITIES! CALL PAM* INTERN ATIOMAL for your household, office, factory removal/ packing. Tel *****55/ *****12 24-hour service OFFICE/FACTORY/HOUSE HOLD Removals. Deliveries, self-drive lorries for hire, storage, odd Jobs Call: C.D.T *****67/ *****64. after office: *****32. PACKING/ REMOVAL/ TRANSPORTATION leave your problems to us. efficient,
      582 words
    • 554 19 ■•PORTED SHIRTS FROM France to clear below cost Contact Mr Ong. Tel: *****33 •NDONESI A/SING APOREBUSI NESS Directory and others for sale Contact Asatraco. 1801 High street Centre. Spore 0817' Tel *****/ ***** »<*>■'. INVESTMENT IN PMNTMO Company selling printing equipment needs capital In Malaysia and Singapore to expand Its
      554 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1295 20 I II EMPLOYMENT A Multi-National company In Jurong require* a MATERIALS CLERK (Male) Requirements: o O.C.E. -O' level a 2 years' working experience In Materials Control and purchasing. Completed runtime National Service Ability to type and work independently Applications containing lull personal partKulara. including salary eipected and telephone contact number
      1,295 words
    • 628 20 II EMPLOYMENT A w*l -Mtebttolwd Paint MamiiKhiring Company urgently r#<|o*r»« ACCOUNTS CLEARS Minimum OCE 'O' level LCC Intermediate Bookkeeping Experience preferable (costln| but not essential Transport provided. 5-day week. Salary negotiable IntoreMod appteanU ptaM* ea poraonattyH:I THE PERSONNEL OFFICER, 57, PtKJORU ROAD. JURONO, STORE 22*0 wn wrnca afaro a »»lilitt»li»il
      628 words
    • 709 20 FEMALE CLERK/TYPIST with shorthand an advantage requlrPlease state qualifications, experience and salary expected to: ST. Box A***** FEMALE CLERK (CHINESE) wanted School leavers preferred. Call at: 192, Bencoolen Street. Tel: *****2/*****5. FEMALE CLERK REQUIRED Knowledge of Book-keeping, typing. Call personally to: 486. Upper Serangoon Road. Tel: *****4. FEMALE CLERK REQUIRED
      709 words
    • 604 20 II EMPLOYMENT Foreign Bill InwwdtoHlT requires A) FEMALE ACCOUNTING MACHME OPERATOR CUM CLERK TYPIST Minimum 3 OCE O' Level r passes with credits In English/ Maths. Minimum typing speed of 35 Age 18 to 24 years MALE CABMEN CUM CLOW Minimum 3 OCE O Level passes with credits In English/
      604 words
    • 503 20 ISOLECTRA FAR EABT 1 PTELTD (An ■lUiiisltoiial ttiln CLERK/TYPIST To do general clerical duties I such as typing, recording, I filing and simple account- I Age above 20 years Typing speed 35/40 I w.p.m. Have O.C.E. O- level I (minimum) At least 1 to 2 years I working experience Salary:
      503 words
    • 565 20 II EMPLOYMENT 9 SANYO MOUSTWE* FTE LTD Invites applications for the post ASSISTANT STOREKEEPERS (MALE) Secondary 4 education. Must be bilingual m Chinese ft English or a Malay language Possess a clean Class 3 driving licence. Previous working experience In store administration work will be an advantage. htroroatod applicant* »r
      565 words
    • 547 20 OLD ESTABLISHED TRADING company requires Female General Clerk with credit In English and LCC Intermediate Book-keeping Minimum salary S2BO Write to: P O. Box 3208. Maxwell Road Post Office. Spore 9052 with contact telephone number Our regional Offie* In Singapore he* an immtdult vacancy for Hrn poemonof SECRETARY MwiiMMlQ DvpAftniciit
      547 words
    • 661 20 I II EMPLOYMENT THE WMO ON UFE ASSURANCE CO LTD has vacancy for the post of: WALE CLERK Minimum qualification Is a full OCE'A'level Pt#### sppty mi own h snow ft ting giving fuM ptnoMl particulars and Islspnons number lor contact to THE OFFICE MANAGER. TIC WKK ON UFE ASSURANCE
      661 words
    • 692 20 TRAVEL AOCNCV REOUMCS fmale Ticketing and Reservations Staff, preferably with experience Please apply with nonreturnable passport size photo to: S.T Box AM6I2. TYPIST RCOUMCD. TYPING speed 40 w.p.m. Interested please call Mrs. Tan: 294*564 c) Smles A CAREER IN life Insurance. We require several hard-working and self-motivated Individuals to be
      692 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1091 21 II EMPLOYMENT 1 MENARO COSMETIC REOUMES ladies and housewives to be trained as beaut> advisors Good income and other Incentives Contact Miss Ng Sapphira Beauty Centre. Blk 2. 659-C Balestier Hill Shopping Centre Tel *****59 MENARO COSMETICS REOiMRES Part-time Beauty Advisors Training provided Interested please call *****3. Julia 214. 2nd
      1,091 words
    • 550 21 II EMPLOYMENT VACANCIES FOR MALAY Salesgirls Basic salary. IS commission after probation Interested parties please call personally al JC Penney Collections. 238. 2nd fir. Peninsula Plaza.. Coleman S tree I r ALESGWLS REOOaMEO FOR shoe shop Good remuneration and short working hours Interested. -•Iher call personally al: Mercler shoes t
      550 words
      525 words
    • 561 21 II EiPLOYMEUT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT applications for: TURNER/ Z TOOLMAKER 1 I Minimum Primary education I c Able to speak English. W c 3to 5 years' practical ex- I perlence, preferably In *J| Rubber /Plastic Mould U Interested applicants, please £1 apply, giving details ol age, T qualihcations. enperience
      561 words
    • 504 21 BAKER FAR EAST. LID. INSPECTOR At least 3 years experience in a Quality Control function involving machined parts. Must have completed National Service. Must be prepared to work shift. We offer Attractive starting wages. 5-day week. Generous shift allowance. Free uniforms/ safety shoes/safety glasses. Airconditioned working environment. Airconditioned canteen. Comprehensive
      504 words
    • 1382 21 SITE FOREMEN FOR finishing works wanted by major Construction Company Please submit full personal resume together with your contact telephone number to: S.T Box A***** INDUSTRIAL COMBUSTION ENGINEERING PTE LTD requires:DRAUGHTSMEN/ RAUGHTSWOMEN Musi have at leaat 2 years of enperience in Mechanical Drawing Interested applicants, pleas* write in with salary
      1,382 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 730 22 II EMPLOYMENT ■electronics! i (singapore) i PTE. LTD. has immediate traoinci«sfor^B WproductionW ffffl»tsy7iji ||l BaaaaaaVl Applicants should be 16 years and above Primary 6 education Malaysians may also apply Please call personally with 1.C.. 2 photograhs and school leaving certificate to: THE ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1094 LOWER DELTA ROAD SINGAPORE 0316.
      730 words
    • 412 22 II EMPLOYMENT as a Female Production Operator i6-?s yrs Singaporean ft We offer: 1 GOOD starting monthly basic salary 2 FULL ALLOWANCE for transport 3 GOOD attendance benefits 4 INCREMENT on confirmation 5 FIVE -day week 6 MANY other leave benefits 7 CHEERFUL, airconditioned environment 8 FREE uniforms Interested applicants
      412 words
    • 908 22 II EHPLOYMEIIT I Immediate vacancies for: FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Requirements c 16 to 40 years c Single/married c No experience required c Singaporeans/Malaysians Benefits: Free transport No shift rotation No scope work Free medical attention Good annual leave plan Compassionate/marriage maternity/paternity leave Company's hostel for Malaysians Annual wage supplement Insurance
      908 words
    • 522 22 II ENPLOYKNT I lkce STAfITASAN HMB OPERATOR Inlarasted ptease caH personally toe Tha Perse nal Department NMS SWG«OB£ LOOTED Block 10, 3rd Floor JTC Ratted Factory Kalang Bahru Singapore 1233 or. Untts2ol-206 2nd Floor. Block 4006 Ang Mo Klo Industrial Park 1 I Singapore 2066 I URGENTLY REOUIRED FEMALE machine
      522 words
    • 624 22 An EstaMjahad Flu—el •or tha poat at driver 1 Class 3 driving licence 2) Speaks understand English 3) Willing to work on weekends L evenings when required. 4) Preferably has own transport L no difficulty travelling to MD's residence In Holland Road Interested applicants please call Telephone No. 223*222 Mr.
      624 words
    • 745 22 II EMPLOYMENT CLINIC M OtST. 1 requires nurse Must speak Malay aid Chinese dialects Experience not necessary Ring ******7 COFFEE HOUSE WAITKIUt and Sweepers required urgently Call Queen's Hotel. 24 M: Elizabeth Tel: *****56 COMPANY DRIVERS c Primary 6 education c 2 years of driving experience as a per .oral
      745 words
    • 511 22 HONEYWELL SIME DARBY PTE. LTD. invitee suitably qualified personnel for the loSowliig immediate vacancies 1) SALES ASSIBT ANT (Female) c Either Oood "O" or "A" Level with credits In English and Mathematics c Pleasant Disposition c 1-2 years working experience 2) TYPIST/TELEPHONE OPERATOR (Female) c OCE "O" Level and a
      511 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 849 23 II EMPLOYMENT 46 Situations Vacant t) Miscellaneous Jurong Baaed Food Industry requires DRIVER c Possess (lass :t driving licence Minimum 2to ;i years o[ driving experience. Interested person* please contact: *****1. I (KAJIMA CORPORATION l (LEADING GENERAL CONTRACTOR) I urgently requires the follow inn staff for our various I projects
      849 words
    • 474 23 II EMPLOYMENT TMI morjeo ■7* G r o i Duo lo the eipanaion to our Lounge and tha increase membership at The Club, we are now recruiting additional atari for this 2 outlets and tha following vacanciea are available: 1) WAITRESS (LOUNGE THE CLUB) Starting salary S4SS p.m confirmed salary
      474 words
    • 492 23 +o A9 <r 1. MATERIAL HANDLERS Minimum secondary 2 with 1-2 years experience Must be prepared to work In Ayer Rajah area 2. SECURITY GUARD (MALE) Age below 55 years To maintain effective security rules and regulations of the plant Should have secondary education and completed National Service. Experience In
      492 words
    • 987 23 II EMPLOYMENT requires A) COCKTAIL LOUNGE WAITRESS CUM HOSTESS Must have pleasant personality. Minimum education Primary 6. Minimum height 1.62 m. B) WAITRESS (CHINESE RESTAURANT) Age between 1 6 and 23 years. Primary education necessary. Willing to work split shift. Experience not necessary. C) BARBOYS Must have Primary 6 education.
      987 words
    • 594 23 II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT ISANKYO INTERNATIONAL (S) PTE LTD. r»quir»i PART-TIME TRANSLATOR lo translate lapanaaa to English. WiN involve torn technical terminology. Please apply In own handwriting giving personal details, contact number and non-returnable photo to: SANK YO INTERNATIONAL (S) PTE. LTD. 405 HILL VIEW HOUSE JALAN REMAJA SINGAPORE 23M.
      594 words
    • 683 23 TEBAN-PANDAN OARDEN residents Storekeeper with extensive general experience, preferably responsible Individuals above 40 years required by company located in Pandan Avenue. Please apply in person and call Sharon tel *****8 for an appointment. TELEPHONE OPERATOR CUM receptionist, sales representatives with good prospects. Call: 1117. Blk. 15. Lorong 8. Toa Payoh
      683 words
    • 521 23 FULL/PART-TIME TUTORS required by well-established Tuition Cenlres. Call at 713. 7th floor. I'eoples Park Centre. *****5 FL'LL/PART-TIME TUTORS required by tuition centres. Apply 349 People's Park Centre. Tel: *****03/*****0 FULL-TIME/ PART-TIME TUTORS required by Tuition Agency (All levels/ any district) Tel: *****6/ *****8 PART-TIME TUTORS WANTED, 4 hours weekly anytime,
      521 words
    • 617 23 MONTH IN GENERAL AMAH required urgently Interested ring *****51 Wong PART-TIME EXPERIENCED CHINESE Amah Afternoons only 2.00 p.m till 6.00 p.m Monday to Saturday. General housework and help with children Upper Bukll Tlmah. 8 1/2 ms Buses 173. 182. 181. 179 Tel: *****9 REQUIRED MAM FOR a small Chinese family.
      617 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 594 24 111 VEHICLES BOATS AUSTIN ALLEGRO 1300 "$14,850 (PARF) Feel the comfort k/U and safety of a _H big car at a 2^s*<K mini price! M~^^ Call us for more details a test drive: MALAYAN MOTORS (PTE) LTD 46 Long Kb* Road. Tel: *****5. *****3. *****0. 14-20 Orchard Road. Tol. *****5.
      594 words
    • 1814 24 111 VEHICLES a BOATS OCTOBER 1*77 OATSUN 100 A 3 owners. Tax expires September $***** Ring *****47 I*7l, DATSUN 1208. Very good condlUon PARF eligible. $7,200 negotiable View after 2p.m. *****76 1*72 DATSUN 1200 Saloon, alrcond. sports rims, good condition Road tax Ull October. Sell- ing $8,000 o no. Tel:
      1,814 words
    • 1348 24 111 VEHICLES t BOATS 1*74 MERCEDES 200, Manual. In very good condition, with alrcond and radio. $28,500 ono PARF eligible Tel *****3 Mrs Leong. 1*74 MERCEDES $0* automatic Power steering, alrcond.. $28,000 Contact *****77 Consider exchange car. 1*75 COMPANY REGISTERED Mercedes 230.6 and 1973 Mercedes 230 automatic, alrcond. radio/ cassette.
      1,348 words
    • 811 24 111 VEHICLES A BOATS 111 VEHICLES A BOATS H you ara in ma markat to buy or oa* good uhil en ConauH ma prolaaaional wtio knows soowtr- WHEEL'S 204, 2nd flf, Hotel Hoy Ml MOOS7O 2SOOOOO 290*7*6 250*7*0 JANUARY MM SUBARU 1600 OLF One private owner, new lax. aircond. tape,
      811 words
    • 895 24 SIN THAI MN TRAOWIO PTE LTD tainannri Uaad Car Carpark PM "E". Frtnga Carpark -O' X aMWpOO«3 atoVS ROAO Singapore* Tal: *****11/ S (Opan from 9 00 «.m 5 30 p m I*7* MH Call Lamda 2000 GSR a/c Toyota Craaatda Auto a/c Ford Cortina 1 OL a/c Honda Accord
      895 words
    • 764 24 MOO TOYOTA MACE Oood running condition. Highest offer secures Phone *****20 Winston Yee. I*7l AUSTIN LONNV 7-ton, with 3ton Hlab crane. 19-fl wooden body Offer $20,000 on.o. Call *****69 I*7l DATSUN PICKUP 1300 CC $2,500 Please call: *****23. 9 a.m to7p.m I*7l FORO ESCORT van. new tax/ Insurance, paint. Just
      764 words
    • 779 24 ATTRACTIVE OFFER li.r ;ill Kood used cars from 1975 onwards Company and private registration accepted Also required all PARF' export documents and scrap cars of any engine capacity TANGLIN USED CARS CO. a*. Kattmy Read. Singapora 0(23 Tal: ******3 *****55. ATTRACTIVE PRICE OFFERED tOf good used car Private/ company regn
      779 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 704 25 —Bl ll| l l l--( times friday properties RING *****5 ReiltOkil pest control service I Peace Centre Tong Eng Building Orchard Plaza I Upper lloor with convenient Otfice space On afegh tloor Upper floor area ot 52 02 sm I access to car parking tacili- with a luUi »t«e at
      704 words
    • 642 25 IV ACCOMMODATION S PROPERTIES era id WAYS TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME 1) Low Start Payment Scheme 2) Balloon Payment Scheme 3) 95% Financing Scheme 4) Normal Annuity Scheme All at attractive interest rates. Come and see ut for tome friendly advice 88 DBS Finance I DBS Finance Limited G7
      642 words
    • 2800 25 IV ACCOMMODATION i mOPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION it PROPERTIES < A STUDIO APARTMENT Sherwood/ Buklt Timah F.k ink Decorated/ furnished Separate kitchen $1,450 *****81/ *****82 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED JBEDROOMED apartment at Taman Serasi. $1,500 (No agents) Principals call *****85 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY DIST. 5 Hin Seng duplex apartment 3 bedrooms/ servant's, fully furnished,
      2,800 words
    • 768 25 PARTIALLY FURNISHED APARTMENT With curtains, built-in cupboards, carprl and lighting* for rental at S3. MO monthly Available m an Imw Thoaa intaraatad. kindly contact: 4846 IM. i PASM PANJANG COURT .1 li.-it-rooou klreond, fully furnished flat with swimming pool for rent lat $l.» 50 p in C_U M. .s Long
      768 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 699 26 times friday properties 61 Accommodation Wanted Houses APARTMENTS/ HOUSES Required By Australian Canadian Clients in any lecawty. c Budget from $2,000 to $4,500 c Very good terms assured Kindly contact RAYMOND *****33 A VICE PRESIOENT of Off-Shore Bank, urgently needs a luxury bungalow/ apartment Excellent terms of payment Details. Mr
      699 words
    • 800 26 ACE OFFERS: Bedok Lane double-storey semi-detached house 4 bedrooms, servants $240,000 Call: *****22 ACE OFFERS: Katong modern double-storey detached bungalow. 4 bedrooms, guest's, servant's Separate living/ dining/ family hall $800,000 Call *****22 ADELPHI PARK $350,000 B(RRIMA ROAO SI OM BINJAI PARK $*****0 CAPITAL PARK $690,000 CHANCERY LANE $750,000 DEMENTI LANE
      800 words
    • 797 26 DIST. 23. 2-STOREY MOOERN semi-detached. 4 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, split-level, large garden, furnished. $300,000 Subject to tenancy over a year. *****1 DIST 88, SELETAR HILLS doublestorey house. 3 bedrooms, splitlevel living/ dining and servant's. Approx. 7.000 sq.ft Selling $460,000 Contact. *****46 after 6 p.m OIST. 2880 2-STOREV DETACHED bungalow, freehold.
      797 words
    • 1540 26 IV ACCOMMODATION 4 PROPERTIES WE ARE BUYING/ Selling/ Exchange of Apartments/ Houses. Presently having numerous units on hand for your choice. Tel *****44 b) Flats CONTINENTAL APPRAISAL CO. PTC. LTD Otters The Following APARTMENTS c Lucky Towers isao 000 c Rldgewood Townhouse $4*OXlOO c Rldgewood Terrace Apartment c Rldgewood
      1,540 words
    • 1251 26 IV ACCOMMODATION h PROPERTIES GRANGEFORO Exclusive units with full recreational facilities. High quality finishes. Excellent location Interested pertiee ca* 737*355 GREAT EASTERN HOTEL vicinity 3-storey walk-up apartment. 850 sq.ft. 3 bedrooms, vacant possession. Call Mr Goh *****16. GREEN MEADOW, CONOOMHMUM double-storey maisonette, 3 bedrooms. 2.100 sq ft. vacant possession. $265,000.
      1,251 words
    • 751 26 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES ATTENTION JOHORE BAHRU Property owners Have genuine buyers will respond Immediately Contact Yoong L Associates Tel: 01-*****/ 01-***** AUTHORISED TO LOOK FOR THE FOLLOWING BY OUR INVESTORS: c Diet 10 Rldgewood any type c Dtsl 11 Hlllcrest Arcadia any type c DM. (irangeford 2/3 bedrooms c DM.
      751 words
    • 747 26 MERLIN PLAZA. HIGH floor, facing sea Approx 500 sq ft. $590 psf 0.n.0. Well renovated. Tel ***** *****0 ORCHARO PLAZA The only kind with toilet attached 560 sq.ft 4th floor. Central alrcon. Ready for occupation. $480 p s f Call: *****40 ORCHARO PLAZA. 4TH Floor. 1260 sq ft $420 psf
      747 words
    • 652 26 OIST. MING ARCADE Groundfloor shop only for jewellery trade 900 sq.fl For sale/ rental Victory: *****31/ *****16. FAR EAST SHOPPING Centre. 270 sq.ft. outside CBD. Ideal location Call Belllan Securities (Real Ellate Division *****33 FOR SALE C&E ORCHARD Lower groundfloor and ground floor sho;> units, for sale. Interested parties, plmi
      652 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1289 27 times friday properties 68 Shop Space ft) Rental CLEMENCEAU AVENUE Showroom/ Shop Space 4.600 sqfl ats4psf CITY PLAZA Restaurant/ Nlteclub 6.000 sqft ats3psf S A M C O SBKS7 I CORONATION PLAZA Shop and Office space available for rental immediately Call *****30 CORONATION SHOPPING PLAZA. for rent 2nd floor, choice
      1,289 words
    • 1069 27 VI EDUCATIONS INSTRUCTION INSTITUTE OF f V BEAUTY J Associated to ITEC Institute of Beauty offers courses in aesthetics and cosmetology. THE INSTITUTE OF BEAUTY is a professional training centre for individuals interested in aesthetics and cosmetology It is assoctatedwiththe International Therjpy Examination Council of London and the Institute de
      1,069 words
    • 1107 27 VI EDUCATION ft INSTRUCTION TORONTO FOR EDUCATION Register now for January, 1981 Canada Invites you. 50 universities await after completion of Grade 13 and TOEFL score 600 marks International College. 2000 Weston Road. Toronto. Canada. The best Pre-unlverslly college Improve your standard In all subjects Progress guaranteed More tnan Just
      1,107 words
    • 600 27 F VII TRAVEL TOURS V\ A. vjllC/HlvJl-ll O i//^iJ|k^ Reliance ORIENT TOURS 60ay$ 80aYS Maniti/Baoue/Pagunian Mania/Bauoo/Pagsanjin/ Hong Kong/Sung Dynasty/ 551.060 New Temtones/Ocaan Park 5 Days Bangkok/Padaya/ 8 n^yj i rten S$ S?5 Hong Kong/Bangkok/Patlaya 7/ 8 Oays Bangkok/Pattaya/ Chengmai/Rose Gardwi 551. 340 *****/***** c c Everyday Every Sunday 11/13 Days
      600 words
    • 704 27 VII TRAVEL TOURS Mk aCassv.* vj E4^h '■Kllll aKi^^Bflll alillil ■P^T-^aaiß aHHI RELIABLE AND ECONOMICAL air f:irfs In J.ikar'.i DMBMM Australia Europe and ill other worldwide destination Airm i^ter Travel Centre. 36-G Prlnsep Street (near (atliay Cinema) Tel: *****2. *****. ***** (TA No. 263) WORLD CHARTERS ORGANISATION lor the most
      704 words

    • 39 28 T he Family ol the late wish to fipou their heartfelt I gratitude and thank* to all relative* and friends lor their kind attendance, assistance, condolences, wreaths and donations during thaw recent bereavement. MR. KWAH HONG CHOON
      39 words
    • 166 28 I A prayer will be conducted at 11 I a.m. at Sri Senpaga Vinayagar Tern; pie on Sunday (20/7/80) Family also wishes to thank PUB. •tar), friends and relatives lor their i kind assistance* and attendance during their recent bereavement. aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsaejBjaj THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MR.
      166 words
    • 24 28 thank all relative*, friend* tor their condolence*, gift*, help and attendance during their recent bereavement. MR HUANG JEN SHAN
      24 words
    • 48 28 wish to express their linear* I thanks to relatives, tnendv colI leagues and doctors, nurse* and staff of ITS Hospital and priests ol SI Stephen's Church tor their kind assistance, condolences. wreaths donations and attendance during their recent bereavement LATE PETER TAN WEE MOB
      48 words
    • 42 28 j wish to eiprett many thanks to ad relative*, tnendi. businass aaaocialet. colleeguei. nuns, utters and bfothef lor their kind attendance, assistance, condolence*, prayera, donations, wreaths and scrolls during their recent bereavement. MR PETER PANG AH YONG
      42 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      123 28 MR. ANG TAV Aged 79 passed away peacefully on 16th July 1980 leaving behind beloved wife. sons, daughters-in-law, brother, daughters, grandsons, grand-daughter-in-law and grand-daughters to mourn his loss Corlag* leaving 15. Eng Kong Ptaca on 20th July 1M0 at 1.00p.m. lor Buhm Camatery. KOH AH POH AgeM wife
      123 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      36 28 IN EVERLABTIMO MEMORY OF A year had passed since you depan but memories of your love still lives In our heart Sadly missed by family and the loving ones. MUTHULECTMI BATES Departed 18.7.79
      36 words
    • 49 28 Three long sad and empty years have gone by since you left us so suddenly without a word No one knows the grief we share with aching hearts and tears unseen, wishing the parting was only a dream Inserted by: Family. GURCHARAN SINGH Departed 18/7/77
      49 words
    • 69 28 In sickness or in health you provided With love, kindness and care Then suddenly you left yel with a mill That left us with memories so painful That will linger on and on in our hearts Sadly miaaad by wit*, son*, daughters, aona-m-law, daughtara-in-law and grandchildren
      69 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 859 28 VII TRAVEL TOURS 1 1 NATIONAL DAY SPECIAL TOUR mi i'i- n ens <;t dot-wards: BY AIR 11 ***** SI)(,T PEN HDV 6 8 ll'8»2»9 2D3N GT OUT-WARDS BY A/C COACH RETURN BY AIR 10/8 $179 I BY TRAIN WITH SLEEPING BKRTH RETURN BY AIR 7 8 $18* 2D GT
      859 words
      34 words
    • 518 28 TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT. (NO. 118) NOTICE UNDER SECTION 137 Notice is hereby given un- der Section 137 of the Town Boards Enactment. (No. 118) that Layout Plan No. J7/720/78/1 (or proposed change of use from residential to shophouses on Lots *****, *****. *****. *****. *****. ***** and *****. Johor Bahru
      518 words
    • 802 28 I Tender Notice I Tenders are invit.'d forI I BUILDING I a) Tender No. A08/T/M/009 Supply, delivery, installation, com- I missioning and maintenance of Halon 1301 Total Flooding System I to Jurong II (2nd floor) and Queenstown (2nd floor) Telephone I Exchanges. Eligibility: Registered Controctors Class B, C D Non-Registered
      802 words

    • 196 29 LAS VEGAS, Thurs. An I agreement was reached yesterday to stage a title fight between World Box- i ing Council heavyweight title-holder Larry Holmes and retired world cham- j pion Muhammad All at Caesar's Palace here on Oct. 2, a spokesman for i the
      Reuter; AFP  -  196 words
    • 75 29 Indonesia to send four top players JAKARTA, Thurs. Indonesia will send four top badminton players to the Albert Hall championships in London in September. They are Rudy Hartono. Liem Swie King, Christian Hadinata and Ade Chandra. Two others Hadiyanto and Hastomo Arbi will take part in a tournament organised by
      AFP  -  75 words
    • 221 29 TORONTO, Thura PETER SZMIDT, of Canada, set a world record for the men's 400 metres freestyle at the combined Canadian national swimming meet here last night. The 18-year-old Szmidt destroyed the eight-man field by an incredible six seconds to clock 3 mm. 50.49 sec. Reach
      UPI  -  221 words
    • 722 29 COTTBUS. Thurs. Sprinter Marlies Goehr narrowly missed breaking her 100-metre world record in the East German national athletic championships yesterday, when her time of 10.79 sec. was disallowed because of a strong following wind. The East German, strongly tipped to win a gold medal
      Agencies  -  722 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 314 29 all «§§^r\ ■■■'.mm .jSwm KjP l'v^Jr- "*■>% < —^^^H jAI md n f""^^^^K^i Bb »^BV^ c are P rou d to have been P^^Pl P^ V *~T* m. responsible for the interior I »l^j*l*) jT« 1 jT^j r^i^t^ ql^ x^J (*1 *M\* MHMnj decoration of all I jUk mfM V%
      314 words

    • 474 30 L AUTOK A, Thure. RIOTING spectators yesterday ended prematurely the New Zealand All Blacks' rugby union tour match against Fijian side Nadroga, with the visitors leading 14-6. The crowd invaded the pitch two minutes from time when fighting broke out between members of the teams.
      Reuter  -  474 words
    • 199 30 MOSCOW, Thurs. The newly-elected leader of the Olympic movement will tell the teams attending the Moscow Games today how far they can demonstrate their personal and political feelings during the next two weeks of competition. After months of mounting tension in the sports world over the
      Reuter  -  199 words
    • 93 30 WASHINGTON, Thurs. The Civil Aeronautics Board yesterday gave all airlines permission to offer free or reduced fares to athletes, from countries boycotting the Moscow Olympic Games, who are going to alternate competitions. About M countries, including Canada, West Germany and Japan, are supporting the boycott. Pan American
      Reuter  -  93 words
    • 277 30 Commonwealth unity at stake, warns Ordia MOSCOW, Thurs. Britain and other countries maintaining sporting ties with South Africa are toying with the unity of the Commonwealth, the head of Africa's top sporting organisation said yesterday. Abraham Ordia, Nige- rian president of the SuI preme Council for Sport in Africa, said
      Reuter  -  277 words
    • 73 30 HONGKONG, Thin. China last night accused the Soviet I nl«n ol huTlng their delegate to the International WelghUimng Federation c*ngrem, opening In Moscow today. The New China News Agency said the Soviet Government had unreasonably refused to Issue an entry visa to He Zhenllang, deputy secretary-general
      Reuter  -  73 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 403 30 yllg Heartiest Consratulations W& to our Chairman W?§m IM MR. LEE HEE SENG on his promotion to > fwM mm Mana^ins: Director of mm Overseas Union Bank Ltd. Prl 111 Illlj Associated Data Processing Pte Ltd PW^M f(W&r&] ADP Holdings Pte Ltd f?^SS\ Kut^ Shareholders: (^^^^i n^^ Asia Commercial Bank
      403 words

    • 283 31  -  WILFRED YEO By THE Singapore international bowling championships will be held at the Kallang Bowl from August 8-17, but, for local bowlers, they begin on Wednesday with a pretournament qualifying round for the Masters events. The pre-tournament qualifying round, which ends a fortnight from today, is because
      283 words
    • 517 31  -  FAIRWAY By AUTHENTIC HEIR worked like a winner on the track at Bukit Timah yesterday. The grey by Mambrino was paced by speedy Loch LJonie and the Max Siau King-trained pair reeled off 600 metres in 37.4 in fine fashion. The going was good. Authentic
      517 words
    • Tomorrow's card
      • 1675 31 RATF 1 2.0CLASS5DIV1 1.400M ftrtV/11 x ($11,500 $8,050 to winner) I *****' WwMNm (Robert Ng) Owner 57 1J) 4egF UK. Cka 6 2'46'" Sports Parade g Alvaray) Ng 55.5 (dc 2.5)3 mg 8F La* 9 397*... nut Croee (Supreme) Heddle 55.5 (dc +6)4 ifTfakM 10 4 '4"S VhwdouaafNairai Rodgers 55.5
        1,675 words
    • 114 31 Keglers' 'no' to Selangor THE Selangor Open bowling championships, which end on Sunday week, are unlikely to be graced by Singaporeans, reports WILFTIED YEO None of the Republic's much-travelled leading bowlers intends to make the trip to Kuala Lumpur's Star Bowl for the Open. Also, the Singapore Tenpin Bowling Congress
      114 words
    • 39 31 THE first at four water ski-ing championships in the 1980 7 Up series will be nek) tomorrow and on Sunday at the Sentosa canoe Lagoon Five teams will take part in the tricks, slalom and jumping events.
      39 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 839 31 Fly Air Lanka to the Md|eEa^ ...enjoy a stopover in Paradise along the way. Let us show you a more relaxing way to travel to the Middle East. Take our Wed, Thurs or Fri flight from Singapore to Sri Lanka. Enjoy a leisurely stopover in our Paradise Isle. Then fly
      839 words

    • 242 32  -  HOO YEW GEE By SINGAPORE Rugby Union talent scouts will be in action at the under-20 tournament, which starts tomorrow at the Police Academy and Farrer Park. SRU secretary Seek Khoon Hiong said that officials would be on the look-out (or potential
      242 words
    • 21 32 POLICE'S rugby friendly against Sri Lanka, scheduled for yesterday at the Police Academy, Thomson Road, has been postponed until today.
      21 words
    • 99 32 o'THE ball's all mine," Ong Meag Klaa seems to be saying as cameraman ALBERT SIM catches him leaping up like a Jack-In -a- box, reports PETER SIOW. He is one of the members of the aatioaal youth basketball squad undergoing their Baal selection trial at the
      99 words
    • 136 32 SWHA to hold sevens carnival THE Singapore Women's Hockey Association will hold a seven-a-side carnival at the Padang on Sept. 7 as part of the Pesta oikan programme, reports R. MANORAJ. The competition, which will be open to all affiliates will be played in two sections seniors and juniors. The
      136 words
    • 192 32  -  PETER SIOW By INDONESIA and the Bank of Korea will be the centre of discussion at the Basketball Association of Singapore management council meeting at the Sports House, in Rutland Road, on Sunday. Both countries have verbally indicated that they will participate in the
      192 words
    • 26 32 THE MP for Bukit Merah. Mr lim Chee Onn, will attend, Jogathon '80, at the Bukit Merah community centre on Sunday at 7.30 a.m.
      26 words
    • 535 32 MUIRFIELD, Thurs TWO British players, Ryder Cup international Nick Faldo and virtual unknown Glenn Ralph, seized the early lead with scores of 69, two under par, as heavy rain descended on the Muirfield course on the first day of the British Open golf championship
      Reuter  -  535 words
    • 102 32 THREE women Saw Ph*lk Hwa, Beng Cbieag Cteleag sad Helea Ng are among 12 Uekwondo expaaeate U receive their naUMial referees' third class certificate. The •then are Richard G«h, K«h Tal Beng, William Ch4Mßg, Alsyriss Woog, Om Ark Lean, R*daey Obr, Mliowa Tan, R. Jayaraman
      102 words
    • 441 32  -  R. MANORAJ By SITI NURBAYA. of St Hilda's School, was the star performer at the National primary schools' track and field championships at the National Stadium yesterday. Siti smashed two records in completing the sprint double in the C division and her times 13.8 sees
      441 words
    • 677 32 RESn.TS of events in yesterday's national primary schools athletic championships at the National Stadium boys 1M metre* A *l*l- 1 M Rajendran (Labrador) 124, 2 Ting Swee Ho (MarsUing) 3 Asri B Sairi (Delta East); B tivtatoa: 1 Cher Soon Chye (Montfort Junior) 13.2 (rec), 2 Md.
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 152 32 MAS now gives you 6 direct flights aweek on wide-bodied jets between Kuala Lumpur and Wfest Asia t IBS aauu Dubai A _^ssaw ,^BBVh^^ Kuwait aflat .^naal aaaW ®*v*n, na* .aafl naV^P^^W Jeddah flB aaaaaV A jtfe flB Kuala Lumpur afl W i A JaaVfaaaaV am °*^im^* m M Jrn^t
      152 words

    • 332 33  -  WILFRED YEO By SINGAPORE soccer's main ailment lack of strikers was in full evidence in this National Football League Division One match at the Jalan Besar Stadium last night. Despite the goals that were scored and three attempts that crashed into uprights what was
      332 words
    • 25 33 FORTY-EIGHT teams will take part In the Kuo Chuan Constituency Sports Club's seven-a-side soccer tournament at Farrer Park on Sunday from 8 a.m.
      25 words
    • 60 33 CHUA CHU RANG Constituency Sports Club are organising a National Day mass jor on August 10 at 8 a.m. The 5-kilometre Jog, from Kranji Community Centre to Nam Hoe CC, is open to residents of Chua Chua Kang and its neighbouring constituencies. Those who wish to
      60 words
    • 88 33 PI D LF API Rovers 10 9 0 1 31 8 18 Ferrer Put 12 6 i 2 26 15 16 noog Bahru 14 6 3 5 34 22 15 »lang U 4 4 3 23 19 12 Z Force* 10 ***** 13 12 Mountbatten 12 4 2 t
      88 words
    • 207 33 KUALA LUMPUR, Thars. Malaysian referee George Joseph's night of Wrror at the hands of aa angry, guntoting Iraqi atecer «<flclal has prompted the world body, FIFA, to raise the fine for assault from K.7M to a staggerIng i\u.m. The Iraq Football Assaelatiaa
      207 words
    • 226 33 Changi's Koh 'hero' in Kaki Bukit win KAKI BUKIT 4 CHANGI CONS. 2 KAKI BUKIT had to thank Changi Constituency's goalkeeper Koh Cnuan Hwee for three "gift" goals in their victory in this National Football League Division One match at the Jurong Stadium last night. Koh, a former Tarnpines Rovers
      226 words
    • 212 33 THE youth teams of West German Division One club Eintracht Frankfurt and the champions of the Japan under-17 inter-prov-ince tournament, Aichi, will arrive in Singapore next month for matches against the Republic's youth and Lion City Cup sides. The German youth side are
      212 words
    • 21 33 DMCOM Singapore beat Union Carbide Asia 5-0 in the Jurong inter-company Ovaltine soccer League at the Jurong Stadium yesterday.
      21 words
    • 53 33 GOLF Trimmer Cup women's qualifying round (Keppel,l.»). RTGHY Friendly: Police v Sri Lanka (Police Academy. 5). SOCCER Friendlies: SCC v Cosmopolitan XI (Padang. S), Port Authority RC v Inchcape (Bukit Chermin. 5.15). SWIMMING Anglo-Chi-nese School annual championships (Barker Road, 2.30). TABLE TENNIS Friendly: Singapore v Johore Bahru (Poi
      53 words
    • 260 33  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By JOYCE LEE completed a splendid hat-trick of meet records in the Outram Secondary School swimming carnival at the school's pool yesterday. Joyce smashed meet marks for the 25 metres freestyle (15.0 sees), 25m breaststroke (19.0); and 50m breaststroke (42.0) for lower secondary
      260 words
    • 354 33  -  SEVERAL changes are expected for Singapore's Malaysia Cup-winning soccer squad after team manager Jita Singh returns from his tour of Europe in October. Jita is currently weighing the potentials of a number of intermediate players and, before he leaves Singapore next Friday, Jita
      AIRLS  -  354 words
    • 219 33 FORMER Singapore national team coaches Mohammed Yusope and Andrew Yap were yesterday appointed by the Football Association of Singapore to train Medan champions Persiraja for three weeks, reports JOE DORAI. The appointment came as a pleasant surprise to the Indonesian club's officials, who had asked the
      219 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 593 33 Aspects of TSL's commitment to devdopment: Customer Training Cat machine owners get the extra benefit of personnel trained by TSL —at no extra cost B^^hw Development both pal lie and private. Quality equipment to do the dtvelopment work. WelliH&iißa! Lht *i ■^■w trained people to get the b»*t oat of
      593 words

  • 198 34 India-Pak talks on Kabul end in deadlock NEW DELHI, Thurs. India and Pakistan failed to agree on a common approach to end the Afghan crisis, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Agha Shahi said yesterday. Mr Shahi told a news conference that the two nations concurred that the Afghan issue is important to
    Reuter; UPI  -  198 words
  • 142 34 WASHINGTON, Thurs PRESIDENT Jimmy Carter has ordered a new assault force of 1,800 marines and five j amphibious warships into the Indian Ocean to i underscore the US mili- tary presence there, i administration officials said. They said the ships, led by
    142 words
  • 288 34 THIS la the United States Navy's newest naclearpawered aircraft carrier, the ISS Dwight D. Eisenhower, which arrived to Singapore yesterday for a six-day visit. Said to be among the largest warships In the world, the Elsenhower can carry about IN planes on Its 1.8-hectare flight deck, and
    NYT  -  288 words
  • 235 34 Prem: Laos border to stay closed BANGKOK, Thurs PRIME Minister Prem Tinsulanonda has reiterated that Thailand will keep its border with Laos closed, despite warnings from the Vietnamesebacked authorities in Vientiane that relations between the two countries were worsening. Thailand would not consider reopening the 1,200km frontier until Laos took
    Agencies  -  235 words
  • 35 34 BERLIN, Thurs. A 33-year-old East German engineer escaped Into West Germany in a high-winged monoplane he flew 120 km from Leipzig, Bavarian state authorities said yesterday. Authorities refused to disclose his name. UPI.
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 36 34 MOSCOW, Thurs. More than 155 people were killed when an Aeroflot airliner crashed 10 days ago in Kazakhstan, Western diplomatic sources said today. The Soviet Union does not reveal information about air crashes. UPI.
    UPI  -  36 words
  • 31 34 JOHANNESBURG, Thurs. Botswana's ruling Democratic Party selected Vice-President Quett Nasire to succeed the late Sir Seretse Khama as President, Radio Botswana announced today. The broadcast was monitored here. AP.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 31 34 NEW YORK, Ttaurs. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials rose 2.56 to 907.00 in the first half -hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange today. AP.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 707 34 THE SUZUKI CABINET: HIS MAIN RIVALS OUT Line-up reflects pro-US policy MR ZENKO Suzuki, a little known backstage mediator, today became Japan's new prime minister and selected a cabinet that reflects the pro-American policy of his predecessor. Mr Suzuki, a 69-year-old compromise choice by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, won
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  707 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 314 34 4 deportments 16 loute 7 counters W Receipts and Journal tape printouts Automatic change calculation Customer s display One-toucti repeal operating tor multiplication m^l« One-month memory protection when machine ~lPj |m is switched ort or m case ol power lai'urp *r Wr- ~^k~^m\ For versatility, there's a V%- SHARPmodel to
      314 words
    • 490 34 Rent your Colour TV from VISIONHIRE Up to for your old B/W set The Visionshire Promise: Ist month Free rental Rentals start from $1 a day No down payment. No deposit Free maintenance. Service within 24 hours Open 7 days >;\.; a week ohiups B^N frue-to-life Rr^M Philips 36cm^^^^^^H W^^
      490 words
  • Page 34 Miscellaneous
    • 100 34 UP TO 1p.m. TODAY: Partly Cloudy. TEMP. (C) up to 6 a.m. tomorrow: 32 max., U mln. SUNSET today: 8.48 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: S.37 a.m. GLOBAL weather Amsterdam 15-19C Cloudy Atfceaa 24-37C Clear Bahrain 31-42C Clear Baagksk 28-35C Clear Betrat 23-29C Gear Belgrade 17-24 C Goudy Berlla 11-16C Cloudy Braaaeto
      100 words
    • 76 34 Ua Aacek» 19-32C Oar Madrid 15-26C Oar MudU 24-32C Cloudy Mexk* City 13-25C Cloudy MsatraU 21-26C Cloudy M«M«w 12-22C Cloudy New Delhi 25-33C Cloudy New Yark 24-36C dear NIcmU 21-39C Clear P«rla U-20C Cloudy Pertk 9-17C Oar iUme 13-30C Cloudy 8m Fraacfac* 12-17C Oar I SeMl 22-28C Rain StoeklMtin 13-19C
      76 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION 2
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION 2
      5 words
    • Bamboo Green
      • 1189 1  -  LI LIENFUNG By THE poems of Li Qingzhao can be appreciated only on a strictly personal level. There is nothing in her writing that reflects the sufferings of the masses partly because, being a woman, she did not have as many opportunities as a man might have
        1,189 words
      • 15 1 #13 Li* IS <W JSW*^*ißH*A W£^M#-riife£ a^fir^ (1640- 1715) M>tttA o nfe diHRLU«WA**f^ a*utffaw«rßi»f
        15 words
      • 97 1 ■Kid i%& *»r^as#w** fi» BnS»»r**llW AfH .MTMfttt iifJ^jAcl«#W»rft o a--ffJtll3s^ .4&£ *WJ"«Ji« -^jWft3J«lßif ft »J «»2li6&4njH:*tt **6*fEA»fte*fttfll ***«*«*»f .53-* *&SiJA7 lift .^%l^7^^^ tt^;t6*i^h Kftfeft *6fl!!ftl4W;fl9r*3f#«i c 147 W«SS^^f# ffi'njf-ftftft-A^PW ff]WISIW7 ftttW'D fl toW*tft-14S*IPI it *R£BAflgff*:A iffi^D6«fia*Ainw* $itSSJi 1 A o &*nil&£7:fc ./*>lk .^^^irf# »It«iil#«iffli#Ml* w«*a w-i^^je*7w* **£ff»fflft.*T£ WTE» TE«R*se*Mift
        97 words
      • 2 1
        2 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 97 1 TIMES TO REMEMBER... WITH CHINA AIRLINES. jtz^ \Smm —.M \m Jf s. J Qm^f a m "s^ V v il I DAILY TO HONG KONG, TAIPEI. 3 TIMES A WEEK TO JEDDAH. Times to suit you. Every day. To Hong Kong, Taipei, with connections to Tokyo. Or nonstop Taipei-U.S. Fast,
        97 words
      • 188 1 fifiP W I ft***' nmr J m. H*' W *vj I Ik**** w m aw Am Only from Credit Suisse. the smallest gold bars in the world in 1 gm and 2.5 qms Baby gold bars grow on you /i s l\ rec t Suisse is Like all the other
        188 words
      • 67 1 INSIDER Watch your step m < am.' d Do yon want to bay a watch? How do you choose, and what should you boy? For a few answers, turn to Centrespread Pages 8, 9 What Lee Kum Sing has to say This successful Malaysian pianist has some good advice about
        67 words
    • 815 2 AS IF it's not enough that we had the insufferable bulk yesterI day, here comes yet another story about super-strength, human powerhouses and other TV oddities. It's all in the Friday TV ftUvte (Ch 3, 10.K P-n-i.) in a film called The Power Within which sounds
      815 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 176 2 Borobudur Intercontinental Your Business Centre in Jakarta. If you travel frequently you'll expect your hotel to offer some kind of business centre to assist you. You probably won't expect one that offers services like ours. Like 24-hour telex, telephone and message facilities, secretarial and translation services. Like small conference rooms
        176 words
      • 83 2 HEAT RASH? jTpjj QIV6S fll FASTREUEF lif forminpr l skin irritations At raliff f insect bites sunburn flinfl' minor bums cuts/scratches chapped skin JO**** Contr«U •**T Non-greasy, HOSOUITO^t non-staining SANOFLJC- STOPiTCH contains tnrtiP no antihistamines, ■«.ue bum no anaesthet jcs i?!lf '"L-u*^ the first-aid lotion O 4 i Bi i
        83 words
      • 4 2 Km! 0 BBBsW^T«lrjß BsV
        4 words
      • 11 2 wM IKIUUIICI washing machinesj* s3s33^ Wetake Hi loads off your hands.
        11 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 131 2 MOS STAGE *M featuring excerpts from The Mikado at the Victoria Theatre at 8 p.m. today and 2.30 p.m. and 8 p.m. tomorrow. Night performances tickets sold out. Admission to matinee by programme available at the Methodist Girls' School or door. GERMAN PAINTING IN EUROPEAN ART (1800-1960) at the National
        131 words
      • 114 2 THE USE OF THE COMPUTER IN SMALL ENTERPRISES a talk in Mandarin by Dr Leong Kuo Sing, director, Nanyang University Computer Centre, at the Toa Payoh Library lecture hall at 7.30 p.m. COURTESY POSTER EXHIBITION at Crawford community centre from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. On till Sunday. CLEAN ENVIRONMENT
        114 words
      • 669 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.00 PM Opening folowed by Housewives' Matinee I Remember (r) 4.45 Intermission 6.00 Opening folowed by In The Wid WHh Harry Butler The Desert 6.30 News In Brief 6.35 Sports Parade 7.00 Cultural Diary 7.05 Samudra (r) 7.30 News (Malay) SBC 8 6.00 PM Opening
        669 words
      • 514 2 7.55 Out Of The Hue Randoms Arrival (Part 2) 8.20 Young Samson 8.30 Paris 9.30 News (English) 9.50 Weather Report 9.55 Conversational Mandarin Series 1, Lesson 13 10.25 TV Movie The Power Within 11.45 Close 9.10 Cultural Diary 9.15 The World Of Survival Arctic Summer 9.40 Tamil Cinema Kodimalar (Part
        514 words
      • 621 3  -  GERALDINE TANG By SINGAPORE needs a national conservatory more than ever, now that we have a symphony orchestra, according to the man who suggested one a few years ago. "A conservatory will be a centre where quality musicians can be built up, and they will find
        621 words
      • 224 3 It was pretty, but only skin-deep ANITA Sarawak has been in the music business for 11 years. "But," she said in the documentary, Music Is Our Business, "I feel as if I've just started. "I'm not satisfied," she added, "there's still a lot to learn." Almost the same thing could
        224 words
      • 510 3 Yum Yum's story MGS Stage 80 concert Victoria Theatre Tomorrow matinee at 2.30 p.m. Story by DANA LAM SOPRANO Laura Koh has been quiet for the last nine years, after a thyroid operation, but tonight, she will burst into song on stage again. This Lyric Coloratura Soprano (a light and
        510 words
      • 293 3 The Only Game in Town Presented by Varsity Playhouse Drama Centre; today and tomorrow; 8 p.m. Preview by JOHN DE BOUZA FRANK Gilroy's celebrated play, "The Only Game In Town," is the maiden production for the Varsity Playhouse, until recently known as the
        293 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 334 3 BETTER, I NEWER SOUNDS FROM &TDK. IN SHINING NEW PACKS I" X as seen on TV I- ij D^l m 7- -"jffS^l /^^^^^^""o^^ BB^^h^Pl^l Dim \m D-©i@&TDK v DYNA J;^v" II SB! Vta^fli —h. Featuring remarkable dynamic range j^Horit HUrfnoiMuT ____\r \k af| d high recording headroom, the D Series
        334 words
      • 301 3 A Couturier of the Elite i*-S and more CHOSabw CO PIE. LTD. 24 COLEMAN STREET, SINGAPORE 0617 TEL *****1, *****59 FURNITURE 3J mid-year sal^! *f All Genuine Offers MJ^nII If you're furniture-hunting for your new home with the best quality in mind at a price that's not too exorbitant, ROXY
        301 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
        417 words
      • 182 4 fff^^K The Ice Cream Palaces /Cm^VV il ■navour-OT-tne-iiipiiuii|« maw Just imagine 1t tempting /^<oV^^V/^ Get some NOW. But only at creamy coconut, rippled (Olj^Sft M The Ice Cream Paiace. through and through r f&V^y > ]^Z~4l Coconut Fudge with rich delicious /tfy? a^B^VaBBaV f rom Mea<low chocolate!! ■A^^k Gold soyou
        182 words
      • 607 4 //SV> SINGAPORE \*\Br j CONTACT LENS SOCIETY The following members are: D CONTACT LENS PRACTITIONERS D OPHTHALMIC OPTICIANS D OPTOMETRISTS E. J. BENJAMIN eowaro j benjamin pte ltd F AJLO FACLP. '9 IM T**" Sxw^ Cemre. Tangbi Road (1024) Tet *****63/*****56 CHEN YIN FOOK oah sin opt co A. 0.1.
        607 words
      • 370 4 :-tAPftbL:-SnV*EEK!". f (»M75» 5 8HO¥<»; 11iw, 1^6, 4J0, 6J0 9.15pw B I |L 7 fjwl 1 vTufl I I 6EOR6E KENNEDY-RICHARD CRENNA NICK MAWCtISO*SALLYiWN HOWES LIDO: 2nd WEEK! (*****14) 5 SHOWS: 1 1am, 1 .30, 4.00, 645, 9.15 TdUieaonnan. did you think It was ooing to M this tough to
        370 words
      • 665 4 RR RR RR RR RR RR RR LAOCSOMYPr*.,. I Sundoy 8 30om-No Fr«« List Ord«s2 50«iStofc$l 50 ILmttd Orel* S*on kftl El«n Buretyn, Akm Aldo i -SAaVraMNSXrvCAir 1 FREE GfTS TO ALL 1 a lWiM>'t'7 J aat--HU-MI OPENS TOOAY-No Fr«« List Him. I 30. 4 00, 6 45, 9 15
        665 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 383 5 "WB ANNUAL SALE at Singapore's biggest Furniture Warehouse, over tt2£^SSsX££i^]X&^^ Furniture, carpets bedding tXZ^X^SjS^SZ*^ _f» *ffC fV aW .^^^BB^BB^I BB^BB^^^^Bk rT^^^lsn^Z^ Save at the sign %/y% /y /A of*eLuckvSdSta,!^g| a^^ißßMSlk (siTf^\ Jii courts SS^tz FREE CUSTOMER I fUL\.\ V« AuJ/ r7^«flVtS yiGl^j^mSFtiszw house which makes it B^*' T 1
        383 words
      • 242 5 V UNWE with TRIBEL U NIC A SELECT A products lor the up-KMlale bathroom Handshowef with Slidng Rail Pertected m design and technic I The easy height adjustment oithe TRIBEL SSfißHr^ handsnowe< is etiecied by pressure on ihe B ts^^^U push-bullon on the slider clamp ol UNICAE J -^"tf'iA B
        242 words
      • 67 5 aVaW ,^1 Lr L^^^ ■^■■laa^lM I L^L^l^l^l^l^A aw a^^^ L^Lk kw r a^HlaVlv -^t An exclusive range of high quality Leather Handbags Shoes I imported from Italy France 1 SANDALS SSB9^ All sizes are available V P Italian Leather Handbags Less 30% 50% Christian Dior Less 30% M« n Ladies
        67 words
    • 934 6  - Getting your just deserts WILLIAM SAFIRE By in New York WHEN THE two top executives at the First National Bank of Chicago became locked in a power struggle not long ago, the board of directors threw both men out. A former colleague was quoted in the New York Times as
      934 words
    • 681 6  - Courtesy at JTC goes on and on and on PAULJANSEN By feiL^ FOR a few more glorious weeks, sales assistants, policemen, government employees, educators... will sport badges of the sun-face logo that has been adopted as the courtesy symbol. Its smile will beam brightly at all and sundry. Its wearers
      681 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 419 6 ErepfrSpot 7fe tresfiOnvge Drink 1 m^U wWmWm 4mJ r^* I •>' W&*3Mwb* *r*i *>- M^Jft i \jn Automatic Icemaker You can add I?|U||?D^*'V fcjp I *j» £Sp^sa time later. Ask your dealer about it A JA% #|P m^'J^^ a^i ,—^fc A Kelvinator to fit any i-^^f Kelvinator Energy Savers r^
        419 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 651 7 ENSEL OPENS TODAYBIGGER AND BETTER Ensel Engineering Services (Asia) Pte. Ltd. opened its first \^^^/ML factory in 1974 and today opens a bigger office and factory with up-to-date workshop facilities to cater for the growing demand of Construction Equipment. As the regional and international m HNHtgßHHlh^^^^^^^^^^ demand for Construction Equipment
        651 words
      • 224 8 ONE of the most unusual designs in this year's watch, clock and jewellery fair in Basle, Switzerland are the mini-skeleton ladies watches (picture above). These watches are made by Catorex and although they are not yet available in Singapore, it's worth taking note
        224 words
      • 565 8 Confessions cessions of an impulsive buyer fessions of an impulsive buyer EVER since I was 10 years old, I've wanted a watch; but I've also spent the last 20 years vacillating between choosing a watch for it's aesthetics (as a fashion accessory) or for wearability. Years and years have gone
        565 words
      • 1178 9  - ely advice Some timely WEE BEE LIM By The creator of beauty in time "THIS is my baby," he mused, totally rapt in the genius of his own creation. He ran his fingers lovingly over the exquisite craftsmanship, like a doting father, as he showed the diamond-studded time-piece to the
        1,178 words
      • 454 9  -  NATALIE BEST ARE you ready for this new fashion a watch that guides your life with chimes? Many busy executives consider this the key to making time count, the ultimate in functional beauty. We've heard of the shape of things to come... Now it's the tone of
        Copley News Service  -  454 words
      • Article, Illustration
        62 9 ?n again, it m.i for you so your friends O py are), racelets and mall plates. i or chain ii' >nable. white-ami lg gold and nd chrome, or eil are also fa\ watch makers i don't fancy n hes, or space n't worry, ■mplete milh nisms, have
        62 words
      • 153 8  -  NATALI ARE you rea new fashion that guides with chimes? Many busy consider this making time ultimate in beauty. We've hea shape of thing Now it's the future that' waves in th world. It can sound from Star Wai version of the grandfather's c Uni(j The mediu and
        153 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 698 8 Enter the and take home exciting prizes If AHUM^SI or' i l^k Moulinex now offers the opportunity for homemakers to returnable portion of the L.E. Tels Guarantee Card for the win a glorious holiday and a host ot Moulinex appliances. It's Moulinex product you purchased between Ist June and 31st
        698 words
      • 285 8 OPENING CEREMONY Special Offer pp*" o I I Tel: *****35 10am to 8.30pm i Block 1 64, No. 3623A (Ground Floor) I Bukit Merah Town Centre (Tl- I Singapore 03 1 5 Iml^MWtl piNINQSET 6 CHAIRS. TIQEB LEG SETTEE 270 L._ < BEDROOM SUITE $530 I ENG LEE 113 BLOCK
        285 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 391 9 SBK Pte Ltd proudly presents an Exhibition and Sale of French Reproduction Furniture Imported by H.L.Yong Co. Pte. Ltd. .^ffTS!».' 7 A A It t^^^r^ 1 w\jh^* A luarv '-■BSmi w 9 am A iS^^KJ^S mi *i 4 4 Hi v** \S <<?^l W^ *JV -^^4* Jim wM Llbi"ilii 117^1^^.
        391 words
      • 282 9 Furniture as uncompronais^ngly beautiful as these were made for Royalty way back in Mid-18a4fcj^ttury, France. All the gracWi that era is captured in these furniture a world away from the mundane and the mass- produced. Also on display are Carpets and Rugs from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Persia, together with Original
        282 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 706 10 A MINISTRY A OF THE ENVIRONMENT TENDER NOTICE DRAINAGE DEPARTMENT (I) Siglap Canal Improvement Scheme Downstream of Changi Road Ref: TEN (ENV) 08/80/17 'Opened to PWD Registered Contractors in Civil Engineering above $5,000,000 00. For Item I only. Persons or Companies who are not registered with PWD but with the
        706 words
      • 705 10 #PWD TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from PWD Registered Contractors for the following:(A) D810-B Piling at Pulou Tekong Eligibility: $1,000,000/and above. •Site-Showround: 21.7.80 at 10 30 am. Meet at Changi Ferry Point Closing Dote: 7.8 80 at 10 30 am. (B) Supply and Delivery of Cotionic Asphalt Emulsion to
        705 words
      • 784 10 I DIIDB Separate tenders are Invited for any one or all of the followlng:(1) ERECTION AND COMPLETION OF 2 Blocks of 4-Storey Industrial Shops (Total 140 Units), 1 Block of Eating House Type 'B 1 1 Block of 22/6.6 KV Electrical Substation at Woodlands Industrial Park 'D' Contract 1. (2)
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      • 612 10 /£Z|i PUBLIC UTILITIES \Ty B0PRD TENDER NOTICE 1) Repainting the external surfaces of 70 No* substation*, both faces of fence* and gates, etc. Site Showround: Meet at 47 Chancery Lane at 1 0.00 am on 25/7/80 2) Supply of 3.000 pes of 150mm Dia x 6M (Standard) length PVC Pipe.
        612 words
      • 386 10 IN THE HUVH COURT OP THE REPUBLIC OP SINGAPORE •mpaaim WImUhk Up N*. Mttltm In the Matter W the C*mpukw Act (Chapter 18S) 1171 Edittco ial la the Matter «f YEE HONG PRODUCE PTE. LIMITED NOTICE OF WINDING UP ORDER In the Matter of Yee Hong Produce Pte. Limited Winding
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
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      • 430 11 NTUC-COMFORT WORKSHOPS PTE LTD IN CONJUNCTION WITH VITB OFFERS APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING IN MOTOR VEHICLE MECHANIC LEADING TO NTC 2 CERTIFICATE DURATION: 2 Years THE SCJOt A 6 month full time institutional training at a Vocational Institute followed by 6 months of field supervisory training and 12 months of ontheiob training
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      • 512 11 A vacancy exists for a Project Management Engineer In an established protect management consultancy firm which acts as project managing agent for multi-million-dollar real estate development projects. Appropriate salary will be paid to the suitable person who will eventually be given a partnership in the firm within a period of
        512 words
      • 767 11 A Shipyard in Kallam il requires MANAGER I The successful candidate will report I directly to the Chief Executive on all I afloat repairs and general mame con- I tracting work. Though a tertiary qualification wII not be I necessary, the successful candidate I must have a proven record of
        767 words
      • 659 11 MIIICK OK (.KSKKAI. I.X KNSIMi SKSNION Of THE Ll<)l'OR8 LICENSING BOARD, SINGAPORE, TO BE HELD INDER REGULATION 1(1) OP THE I.IQI OK.S LICENSING REGULATIONS, Ml IM A i.mraj Wcensinß Session of Uw tdtfflfts Llreyslng Board f^nilngapqrp. will be held In Court Nm s Subordinate Courts, ll.nvlock Road. Singapore on Tuesday.
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 632 12 //Z-- m P* The Republic ofSingapore Air Force |j invites applications for the posts of AIR FORCE TECHNICIAN The Republic of Singapore Air Force invites applications from young men and women for Air Force Technician training REQUIREMENTS: 1. Possess a Polytechnic /Ngee Ann Tech College Diploma in Electronic/ Electrical Electronic
        632 words
      • 525 12 5 excellent career opportunities with a progressive computer company a dynamic computer company Systems Analyst Our stenographer must have a shortMbacked by 500 man-years of EDP w dvnamir hand and 00 s***** of 120/50 experience is offering 5 capable. 5. wan a v 9 ana aynam J^ wpm ambitious Singaporeans,
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      • 1 12 ■■^■■■^■■■■■^I^iaBBBBM
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      • 86 12 CCI HOLDINGS LIMITED (In Voluntory Liquidation) NOTICE 6 HEREBY GIVEN that a Firtol Meeting of the Company will be held on Friday, 22nd August 1980 at 10.00 a.m. at the offices of Coopers Lybrond, 11 th Floor, Supreme Hou A_? enar> 0 Rood, Singapore 0923, for the following purposes.1 To
        86 words
      • 75 12 TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for the purchase of three Estate Cars-Passenger Vans (*****000 cc) and eleven Cars Light (1001-1300 cc) for use by the New Zealand Force, South East Asia. Tender documents are obtainable during office hours from the Contracts Officer, HQ New Zealand Force, South East Asia, NZFPO
        75 words
      • 203 12 >q/ArV.//v7F.s' m 4 CHANGI ENGINEERING HANGAR A INVITATION TO TENDER J Singapore Airlines Limited (SIA) invites tenBf ders from suitably qualified and experienced A contractors and suppliers for the supply and A jkf installation of the following nominated sub- m contract works: J§f Acoustic ceiling to offices, canteen and spe-
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    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 823 13 OVERSEAS APPOINTMENT An Established International Company engaged in port 1 operations has vacancies for the following personnel: ASSISTANT TECHNICAL MANAGER Age: 30-45 years Qualifications A Experience: Candidates must possess a degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent with several years experience in heavy I equipment servicing and repair functions including practical
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      • 684 13 SINGAPORE PETROLEUM CQ PTE LTD. invites nppßcwtionii for A. ASSISTANT TECHNICAL MANAGER B. CHEMICAL ENGINEER A. Degree in Chemical Engineering with minimum 10 to 12 years of refinery operations and technical experience. Applicants must have proven managerial abilities in having planned, organized and supervised process engineering studies and haye complete
        684 words
      • 523 13 I/We have immediate vacancies inthe\ following positions in our expanding (i) MARINE DIVISION for general shiprepairing, (ii) NEW BUILDING DIVISION for new ship construction, (iii) LAND ft OFFSHORE DIVISION for land and offshore engineering works. ENGINEERS (Hull, Machinery Electrical) Degree holders in Naval Architecture, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering, OR Persons
        523 words
      • 575 13 Tenders are invited for the following 1 Supply and delivery of Dark Red Meranti. Tender No: VITB/CP/ 6/80 Tender Deposit: $250.00 2 Supply and delivery of Arc Welding Electrodes (Mild Steel) Tender No: VITB/CP/ 7/80 Tender Deposit: 5250.00 3 Supply and delivery of Mild Steel Bars. Tender No: VITB/CP/ 8/80
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      • 583 13 GOVERNMENT OP THE REPUBLIC OP SINGAPORE THE PLANNING ACT <o*t m, in Ed) THE MASTER PLAN RULES, IK2 .Natiee ufer Rate 12 Notice Is hereby given that the following proposals for alteration to the Master Plan were submitted to the Minister for approval: (1) Rezoning of lota 974pt 1108pt, MX
        583 words
      • 759 14  -  HAROLD SCHMECK JR By in NEW YORK ANYONE can tell at a glance that chimpanzees and humans are different, but new research has shown that the chromosomes of the two species are strikingly, even perplexingly, alike. Chromosomes are the tiny threads that carry the genetic
        NYT  -  759 words
      • 407 14 What stress can do to you WASHINGTON Stress can trigger multiple sclerosis (MS), and stress has been ex-hostage Richard Queen's constant diet for eight months. Neurologists emphasise that stress does not cause MS but can make hidden symptoms surface. Thus the double vision Mr Queen suffered, the lack of co-ordination,
        NYT  -  407 words
      • 333 14 ZURICH Few doubt that bard rock can be hard on the ears. But now a Swiss researcher says almost half the Zurich Symphony Orchestra complains of impaired hearing because of exposure to too much noise. Otologist Dr Juerg Frei, a conservatory-trained flutist, examined 139 members
        AP  -  333 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 287 14 Is ycx&iife as empty as this face? Successful Living! Everyone wants it! Only a few seem to have it! Now you. too. can join many others who have begun learning what it means to really live successfully. Successful Living a unique and challenging ten-lesson correspondence course. Written by Asians for
        287 words
      • 378 14 FAR EASTERN ECONOMIC review Special Offer If you've ever done business in Asia you'll have heard of the Review. Leading businessmen regard its concise and incisive news analysis of Asian business and politics as indispensable weekly reading. They regard it as an essential 'business tool. Because we are confident that
        378 words