The Straits Times, 16 July 1980

Total Pages: 48
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1981 30 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 111/1/80
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  • 530 1  -  LEE KIM CHEW Agencies reluctant to carry on By our Bangkok reporter BANGKOK, Tuesday OFFICIALS from the international relief agencies appear to be headed for a showdown with the Thai Government over the future of food distribution to refugees on the Thai-Kampuchean border. Sources said
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  • 245 1 BANGKOK. Tims. THAI troops supported by armoured personnel carriers moved up to the Thai border village of Ban Nong Chan today after heavy artillery shells landed outside a refugee encampment, field reports said. The shells, reportedly fired by Vietnamese forces from the strategic
    AFP  -  245 words
  • 99 1 THESE are a* •rdlnarv women they are a hardy, albeit vanishing, breed of workers who migrated to Singapore la the early Thirties from Sooth China. They are the Samiral women. Most of their lives were spent on construction sites he theae buildings or roads tolling from
    99 words
  • 71 1 THE Asian coltwe encourages great human effort, which b what all* wed these mcaIIm) miracle stories In tke lint place. The Japans aad 8iagap«rc« have a very strcag work ethic In part because they dta't have any natural retwreea of their *wi. They nomiIm their valaeraMllt> and as a
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  • 59 1 UPPSALA, Tues. Police said today they were investigating whether three Swedish citizens, arrested for trying to smuggle a submachine-pun and two hand-grenades into Sweden, had planned to assassinate King Khalid of Saudi Arabia during his visit to West Germany last month. "The investigation has Eted to
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 458 1  - Incentive offer to preserve Raffles? CHRISTINA RODRIGUES By THE government is believed to be consideri ing offering the owners of Raffles Hotel, in Beach Road, a land incentive to preserve this historical landmark The incentive is said to be a proposed offer of a prime site close to the existing
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  • 105 1 ROAD TOLL NOW 154 WITH TWO MORE DEAD TWO more people have died in roaa accidents, bringing the death toll on the road to 154. Motorcyclist Amar Singh, 60, who hit a roadwork warning sign in Bukit Timah Road on Sunday, died in hospital early yesterday morning. He suffered head
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  • 184 1 Rabies warning to dog owners DOG owners who recently acquired puppies and who suspect that their i pets are not locally born i and bred are advised to send them to the vet for a check-up to determine if they have rabies. Several dogs suspected of having rabies are already
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  • 28 1 LONDON, Tues. Gold lost another US$l4 (Ss24) in early trading here today, reaching U*****.5 an ounce, on prospects of the US authorities resuming bullion sales. AFP
    AFP  -  28 words
  • 37 1 HONGKONG, Tues Hongkong customs officers have made their biggest drug haul in months, seizins 6.5 kg of heroin worth US$6OO,OOO (SJ1. 200.000) on the illicit mar I ket from a shop last night. I Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 130 1 SEOUL, Tims. THE military tmeknl Savemmeat taday unonaee*] the mast sweeping ttomissasi la Santa Karri's elvll service fattening majar purge* la military, psUdeaJ Mad •tker sector* •4 ctoty ever reeeat T&verameat AdmlaJatrattoa Minister Kirn Yvag-Hyn said <,?•• •fflelals frem variaas miatetriea aad admtalstnttve departneata
    Reuter; AP  -  130 words
  • 67 1 WEISBADEN (West Germany), Tues. Freed American hostage Richard Queen is suffering from multiple sclerosis, a creeping disease that paralyses parts of the body, his doctors said today. Dr Jerome Korcak, a State Department physician who examined Mr Queen in Zurich and flew with him to the air
    UPI  -  67 words
  • 30 1 3TTAWA, Tues. At least 21 people died ana 35 were inlured when fire ..wept through i nursing home in Mississau ?a, Ontario, last night, police aid. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 225 1 Formula for that NWC 3 pc THE NTUC has announced a formula for the controversial 3 per cent NWC above-average payment that is expected to set the pattern for negotiations with employers. The formula, worked out with three industrial companies, calls for the payment of additional wages to "outstanding" and
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  • 68 1 JAKARTA, Tues. Two In donesians, accused of trying lo smuggle nine kg of gold to Singapore, were yesterday fined a total of 1.5 million rupiahs (about .SJ48.000) The two men. Djoko Marhaen and Tanto Juwono. pleaded guilty, after the court was told the gold was found in
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 23 1 MANILA. Tues. The Philif pines has successfully conven ed coconut oil into diesel fue an Energy Ministry oifiris said today. UPI.
    UPI  -  23 words
  • 61 1 ARA.N V APRATHKT, Taes. Thai troops today tamed back M,m panir-Ntricken Kampacheaa refagees when they tried to flw Into Thailand after several mortars landed aear their encampment north of thai harder town. Thai troops at the border said the mortar* were fired by Vletaamwf forces deployed inside
    AP  -  61 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 5 1 RX 1560 S National Panasonic
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    • 280 1 Orymptc stopwatches Hare an two Oympic nop-watchm marking Heuar's appointment as official time-keeper bVsbJ _^a^r R*22^A I fttf 231 I Believe it or not, you're looking at a 500 mm super telephoto lens. It stheSPsoo, Tamrons latest Optically the SP 500 s uniquf thinmas<erpiece And it s the world's element
      280 words
    • 109 1 48 pages today NATIONAL DAY MARCH INTO PAST Page 6 REPUBLICANS plan big door-to-door drive 2 ASIA'S economy on course for growth this year 3 SUZUKI, a master of compromise i (JOJ.DKN Shoe sites for new .-.ffices 7 THREE firms agree to pay NWC rises in full 8 NUS hit
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    • 506 2 DETROIT, Tims. VOLUNTEERS WILL REACH OUT TO THE GRASSROOTS MR RONALD Reagan's presidential campaign has made plans to enlist several hundred thousand workers to knock on doors in October in the most massive use of personal campaigning since television began to dominate presidential politics. This effort
      AP  -  506 words
    • 261 2 Reagan to meet Dr K on world situation DETRIOT, Tues. Mr Ronald Reagan said there are areas where Dr Henry Kissinger could serve him as president and Mr Reagan's office announced the two men will meet to discuss "the world situation'this week. The scheduled meeting, coupled with Mr Reagan's comments,
      UPI  -  261 words
    • 43 2 TOKYO, Tues. The Soviet Union has deployed about 30 supersonic bombers in the Far East, the Mainichi Shimbun reported today. Quoting Japanese Defence Agency sources, the newspaper said the bombers are believed to be deployed at bases in Siberia. AP
      AP  -  43 words
    • 43 2 WASHINGTON, Tues. Seven US navy helicopters were sabotaged at the naval base in Norfolk. Virginia, last week, a military source said yesterday. The source said the HH IK helicopters, which were inside a guarded hangar, had their cables cut. AFP
      AFP  -  43 words
    • 325 2 WASHINGTON, Tues PRESIDENT Carter's brother Billy illegallyreceived more than US$2OO,000 (*****,000) in loans from the Libyan Government plus thousands of I dollars in gifts and paid trips, the LS Justice Department said yesterday. But the department said no penalties would be imposed.
      Reuter  -  325 words
    • 233 2 Anderson 'will give Europe more say' BONN, Tuesday INDEPENDENTpresidential candidate John Anderson has ended two days of talks with West German leaders by promising to give them what they want a stronger voice in US foreign policy if he succeeds President Jimmy Carter. Mr Anderson, who met with six of
      UPI  -  233 words
    • 216 2 ST JOHN'S (Newfoundland), Ties. "PassIng the hat around" took on a new leek ever the weekend when 1M passengers en beard an Air Fleet International charter DC-8 had to dig Into their packets te pay for enenght fuel to get name
      UPI  -  216 words
    • 253 2 DETRIOT, Tue«. MR RONALD Ronald Reagan arrived in this Republican convention city yesterday to claim the presidential nomination tie has sought three times in 12 years and, still hoping to recruit Mr Gerald Ford as his running mate, let the former president
      NYT  -  253 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 428 2 A MULTINATIONAL COMPANY, HEADQUARTERED IN THE USA. IS ESTABLISHING A COMPANY IN SINGAPORE TO SERVICE THE FAR EAST AND PACIFIC REGION AND REQUIRES A FINANCIAL CONTROLLER The successful applicant will report to the GM and will be required to assume full responsibility for the company's operations whenever the GM travels
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    • 268 2 i A *r* T m I *^T» f M y§* ~z_ Superb Location Ruby Plaza is situated between Baiestier Road and Mouimem Road (next to Ruby Theatre) Surrounded by Hoover, President and Ruby Theatres, this tall, impressive building is at the heart of Baiestier s busy commercial district Markets, schools,
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    • 292 3 Australia warns EEC: We'll cut off $2.5 b trade if... CANBERRA, Tues. Australia today threatened to cut off Asl billion (552.45 billion) worth of trade with the European Common Market (EEC) in retaliation against possible new curbs on mutton and lamb imports. The trade-war threat came in a meeting between
      Reuter  -  292 words
    • 94 3 In other words... ON THE streets of Mas«*w the police roam, making sore Western photographers don't take pictures of such unseemly sights aa people qoenelng outside shops. A West German television film Is censored. At the press centre, foreign journalists are searched on entering and leaving. What a farce the
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    • 95 3 Generous butcher fined SYDNEY, Tues. Butcher Garry Wilson has been fined AJIOO (5J245) for making sausages containing not too little meat, but too much. He was found guilty of selling adulterated meat because his sausages contained 92 per cent meat and preservative. The law says that a content of more
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 120 3 MOSCOW, Tues. A Soviet airliner has crashed near the Central Asian city of Alma Ata, killing all passengers and crew, according to a newspaper reaching Moscow today. Kazakhstanskaya Pravda said the disaster occurred last Monday on a plane flying from Alma Ata, capital of
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 816 3 DESPITE LOOMING RECESSION IN EUROPE AND U.S. HONGKONG, Tims. ASIA'S economy is showing surprising strength despite the economic gloom descending on the United States, Europe and the Third World. With the industrialised economies heading into one of the worst post-war recessions and developing countries reeling
      UPI  -  816 words
    • 53 3 TWO soldiers with three of the illegal Immigrate from China who swam into Hongkong waters over the weekend. Hatreds of Illegal Chinese tmmigraats attempt to reach Hongkong daily aid thoasaads of British Midlers Ktrol the border to ep them oat. When caught, they are repatriated
      UPI  -  53 words
    • 201 3 Chinese police get right to shoot escapees BEIJING, Tues. China announced a major revamping of its law enforcement procedures today, giving police the right to shoot criminals resisting arrest or trying to escape from violent crimes. The decree approved by the State Council, or cabinet, went into effect today. It
      UPI  -  201 words
    • 43 3 BEIJING, Tues. Prince Sihanouk will return here from North Korea at the end of July for a two-month visit, a spokesman for the prince confirmed today. He said the prince would visit China "to see his old friends." AP.
      AP  -  43 words
    • 298 3 Soviet build-up at Cam Ranh 'serious threat to sealanes' HONGKONG, Tuesday THE Soviet Union has greatly expanded its military operations from the former US military base at Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam, posing serious threats to sealanes and disrupting some civilian air traffic, Western diplomatic sources said today. "The Soviets
      UPI  -  298 words
    • 178 3  - 'Samrin regime hampering aid to Khmers' MILTON CHASE By Our Washington reporter WASHINGTON, Tues. The inefficiency of the Heng Samrin regime and its lack of a logistics system are creating tremendous problems for any smooth distribution of food and medical supplies to the Kampuchean people, Ambassador Victor Palmieri, US coordinator
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    • 91 3 MOSCOW, Tues. The Soviet news agency Tass today denied reports that thousands of Afghans had been killed and more than M villages destroyed In the last few days In Afghanistan. The agency, In a statement, said the reports were "Inventions" and formed p&rt of the "policy of
      Agencies; AFP  -  91 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 157 3 a^ aata^^^^ria^Hflnasnsawk-^^^^SflMl Inmil ■rfnlHnl nWiff fl ■I I^^L^l n^n^'^n^nl Hn^T nM *m. J^ n^i B^nnW^ «^as hn^g^^nj nnk %\*^v^ < ftctur,d Thi Kdlrx Submannrr ArailabU m IKct gold or stainless steel with matching bracelet i The watch that lasts a lifetime takes a year to make It takes Rolex craftsmen
      157 words
    • 428 3 I Training And I I Development I I Manager I $42,000 A leading multinational high technology comoany with nearly one thousand five hundred employees in its Penang factory is seeking a qualified and experienced executive to fill this vacancy in its Personnel Division The Training and Development Manager s primary
      428 words

    • 338 4 Ban on private lawyers may follow DAR E8 SALAAM, Tue« TANZANIA, which at the beginning of this month banned private medical practice, is now working towards a similar ban on private lawyers. The controversial move on medicine has resulted in the closure of 47 out of
      Reuter  -  338 words
    • 191 4 Moscow to fight Nato missile decision j MOSCOW, Tues. The j Soviet Union declared j today it was maintaining its struggle to overturn the decision by Nato to deploy 572 new American nuclear missiles in West- crn Europe. The Kremlin position was set out in an explanation by the Communist
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    • 29 4 BRUSSELS, Tues. King Baudouin of Belgium, 49, was taken to a clinic for observation yesterday after falling ill, a palace spokesman said. No details were given. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 218 4 Building work stops after death of white JOHANNESBURG, Tuesday OFFICIALS halted construction of an important energy installation today following a second day of unrest among black workers. Some white workers r said that they would not return to work until their safety was guaranteed following the death of a colleague.
      AP  -  218 words
    • 56 4 MANILA, Tues. The Philippine martial law authorities has ordered the arrest of 85 Filipinos, mostly students, for alleged subversive activities, Defence Undersecretary Carmelo Barbero said today. Mr Barbero told reporters most of those on the wanted list belong to a newly formed militant group known as the
      UPI  -  56 words
    • 58 4 MOSCOW, Tues. The Soviet Union today launched Cosmos 1201, a new earth satellite in the Cosmos series to be used for exploration of the earth's natural resources, Tass news agency reported. Information gathered by the new satellite will also be used for various branches of the Soviet
      AFP  -  58 words
    • 109 4 GLASGOW, Tues. A Scottish teenager, under treatment since March with the experimental anti-cancer drug interferon, has died, doctors said. They said Peter Flynn, 17, died yesterday, a few weeks after a large tumour in his head had shrunk considerably. Peter was one of two
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 28 4 MACAO, Tues. Two Chinese gunboats fired today on two small boats crowded with Chinese fleeing to the Portuguese territory, police said. No one was injured Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 161 4 Newsmen may strike over pay dispute NEW YORK, Tues. United Press International journalists are meeting here today to consider strike action over a wage dispute. The company's last known wage offer will raise the top journalists' pay from US$433 (*****.63) a week to US$5OB (S$1071.88) by 1982. The increases will
      UPI  -  161 words
    • 115 4 DANCING IN RAIN FOR BASTILLE DAY JOY PARISIANS dancing with umbrellas in the rain at the Place de la Bastille over the weekend during a ball celebrating the 191 st anniversary of the takeover of the Bastille. Elsewhere In France, the downpour ruined the celebration of BaMllle Day. At the
      AP  -  115 words
    • 35 4 BRUSSELS, Tues. China will send a 100-member trade delegation to Brussels early next year to discuss trade relations with the European Common Market, EEC commissioner for external relations Wilhelm Haferkamp said yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 252 4 Fromjufyl6th Cathay Pacific flies to K Bsfc%&^^^^™i^B Three Hong Kong connections every week, The charming Cathay Pacific service you've price of a full economy class ticket. We'll put an become so accustomed to around Asia, now empty seat beside you whenever possible so you extends all the way to London.
      252 words

    • 420 5 Suzuki a past master of compromise... TOKYO, Tuesday MR ZENKO SUZUKI, who is strongly favoured to become the next Prime Minister of Japan a post that calls for ability to reconcile the frequently hostile factions in the governing Liberal Democratic Party is a proven master of compromise in politics. Mr
      420 words
    • 187 5 Muslims turning anti-US: Sadat NEW YORK, Tuesday Egyptian President Anwar Sadat says the Muslim world is turning against the Uunited States because of its long-standing support for Israel at the United Nations. 1 In an interview to be published in the August issue of Reader's Digest, Mr Sadat also predicted
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 124 5 COPENHAGEN, Tues. Several Arab and other delegations walked out of the world conference of the United Nations Decade for Women here today when Mrs Jinan El Sadat, wife of Egypt's president, went onto the rostrum to speak on the first day
      AP  -  124 words
    • 199 5 'Plot to kill hardliner Sharon foiled' TEL AVIV, Tum ISRAELI military sources reported today that security men have thwarted an assassination plot against Agriculture Minister Ariel Sharon, the cabinet's most vociferous champion of Jewish settlement on occupied Arab land. The plot was smashed, the sources said, with the arrest of
      Reuter  -  199 words
    • 50 5 LONDON, Tues. Police have crippled an International' counterfeiting and drug network and arrested 14 people, a spokesman said yesterday. He said that over a threemonth period they seized 250,000 fake notes in US currency, counterfeit printing equipment, fraudulent cheques as well as hashish Imported from Holland. AFR^
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 502 5 y IST ANNUAL jr |CaHOH-NANYANG| PHOTOGRAPHK •••CONTEST*** June 15 September 15, 1980 Singapore the Garden City of Asia flgt w It's an island of different faces, changing U|||/CC skylines and a constant hum of activities fg»lfcj^* H !%^%P4P*V Iml^fc# ranging from the traditional to the avant garde /j3MllM#^r%JllF Record it
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  • 360 6 A bigger role as more go to work GREATER participation by women in the labour force has increased the extent of unionisation among them. In 1979, one ont of every three employee in Singapore was a woman. Government and the unions have played a major role in attracting more women
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  • 101 6 THE price of three types ol rice sold at all NTUC Welcome supermarkets and fair price shops will go op from Uday. Thai 1M per cent fragrant white rice (super grade) will now ewt fUB per C kg, Instead of $C.M, np
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  • 749 6 Features of old Spore to be highlighted THIS year's National Day parade march-past will in some ways be a march into the past. For the parade, to be centralised at the National Stadium, will highlight the many features of old Singapore to
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  • 50 6 THE Spastic Children's Association will hold a donation draw to raise funds. Top cash prizes are $3,000 $2.0U0 and Those wishing to get tickets should call at the association's premises at 25, Gilstead Road or telephone *****31 or *****99 The draw date is Dec 6.
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  • 408 6 How bank got round curb: Witness LOAN GUARANTEE TRIAL THE Moscow Narodny Bank got around a restriction on loans in Singapore currency by making US dollar loans to a foreign company owned or controlled by local residents. This was .disclosed by the bank's former legal officer, Mr Ng Poh Law,
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  • 168 6 A SEWERAGE labourer accused of murder told the High Court in his defence yesterday that he lived with the victim, a catamite, for two and a half years and had frequent quarrels with him. Manappan alias Kandasamy, 30, a Malaysian, said he moved
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  • 309 6 Witness: Letter by accused was just a ploy Ex-director's CBT trial THE group audit manager of Inchcape Berhad yesterday described the letter of a former Inchcape subsidiary executive director to a toffee machine supplier as a "device to explain away the transfer of machinery." Mr Robert Little said this at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 389 6 I Themost I profitable hour I you can spend Ju« an hour »ilh our ironed adviser could ihow you the way to more profitable and successful future Drop into our office under no obligation for advice on courses, costs and enrolment. Our idr range of courses cover recognised examinations and
      389 words

  • 505 7 Golden Shoe sites for new offices THE Urban Redevelopment Authority is offering several prime sites in the Golden Shoe area for office development to meet the shortage and future demand for such space. It is releasing some 86,000 sq m of sites for this and 34,000 sq m for warehousing.
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  • 176 7 New fold away UR A brochures THE Urban Redevelopment Authority has come out with new, comprehensive and glossy foldaway Sales of Sites brochures geared for the keen local and international interest shown in the authority's sales of sites. The brochures, distributed yesterday at the authority's ninth sale contained useful information
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  • 133 7 Share-a-cab a marginal success on second day THE Share-A-Taxi scheme to Ang Mo Kio and Marine Parade estates from five pick-up points in the Central Business District yielded marginal success on its second day yesterday. NTUC Comfort taxi coordinators at the pick-up points at International Plaza, outside the Singapore Turf
    133 words
  • 305 7 More than 12,000 orders in hand for gold coins, says agent MORE than 12, Mi •rders have been receive* for ijm sets of China Olympic geld c*lis by Oinces A Grams, the lecal distributor. A director of the linn, Mr Ranteer Singh Bajaj, Mid successful applicants have heea collecting their
    305 words
  • 90 7 Move towards sophisticated industry WEST Australian Premier Sir Charles Court sees a positive move to sophisticated industry in Singapore. Sir Charles new to London at the weekend after a twoday official visit here on his way for talks in London and Europe on the development of natural resources in West
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  • 101 7 A DELEGATION of eight Malaysian newspaper editors arrived here yesterday for a four-day visit at the invitation of the Singapore Government. They are Messes Osman Abadi. deputy editor-in-chief of the Utusan Melayu Group; Zainuddin Maidin, editor of Utusan Malaysia; Nordin Sopiee. managing editor. New
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  • 42 7 THE retail price of three types of gold is lower by UO to $50 per tael. A spokesman for the Chinese Gold and Silver Merchants' Association said 24-carat gold is $1,800, 22 carat gold $1,700 and pound gold, $1,530.
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  • 22 7 THE Mountbatten community centre youth executive committee will organise a night cycling trip around Singapore on Saturday at 10 p.m.
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  • 260 7 Telecoms man bugged line of punter AN ASSISTANT technician of Telecoms yesterday admitted bugging the line of a telephone subscriber to help his friend listen in on horse-racing commentaries. Lai Fock Foh, 33,, was fined $2,000 for making illegal connections at the City South Exchange in Choon Guan Street on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 184 7 ■aaaaaafcJLaaaa --^l mf r Mr Khdu of Penang had been growing more and more unhappy about the way he was losing his hair and decided that looking baid wasn't for him. .^■■aaaaaaaaaaaaaal 9 He d often seen advertisement', put out by the s\l N SON HAIR CENTER about the Svenson
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  • 305 8 Downstream petrochem plants to cost $450 m A $450 million stake in the downstream part of the Singapore petrochemical complex on Pulau Ayer Merbau will be the construction of two plants to produce low-density poly ethylene and polypropylene. The plants, to be built by the Polyolefin Company (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
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  • 100 8 THREE people, including an elderly woman, were seriously injured in three accidents on Monday. Ling Eng Shoo, 28, fractured nis nght ankle when his motorcycle crashed into the rear of a stationary SBS bus at a bus bay in Thomson Road. Cyclist Kwek Soi Tham,
    100 words
  • 78 8 A CHILDREN S painting com- I petition on the "Courtesy I Theme," organised by the Farrer Park Zone A residents' committee, will be held on Sunday at 10 a.m. at the void j deck and basketball court of Block 50, Gloucester Road A prize giving ceremony
    78 words
  • 85 8 TWO people, including a patient who was being rushed to Tan Tock Seng Hospital, were Injured when this SAF ambulance (ell on its side at the Jalan Tom Payoh flyover yesterday. Police sftid the Identtttes of the two lajred were not known. Both are believed
    85 words
  • 385 8 r- UNIONS SUCCEED IN PAY TALKS THE Singapore Indus- 1 trial Labour Organisation and the Pioneer Industries Employees Ualoa have reached agreement with three companies on the full implementation of the 1 1980 NWC recommendations, including the extra 3 per
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  • 436 8 Details of the three pacts THESE are the de tolls of agreements between three Industrial companies and their workers' unions on the full implementation of the twotier National Wages Council recommendations and how they plan to reward their aboveaverage workers by using their current performance appraisal schemes. Hewlett Packard has
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  • 476 8 Ex-SIA officer who took bribes gets six months jail A FORMER Singapore Airlines administrative assistant, Pang Meng, 42, was yesterday jailed for six months and ordered to pay a penalty of $12,442 after he admitted 22 counts of receiving bribes totalling $85,084.75 from various firms for helping them secure SIA
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  • 112 8 SINGAPORE and Chile will sign an air services agreement today, allowing their flag carriers to fly to both countries with full traffic rights. Sources yesterday said the air pact would give Singapore Airlines the right to fly to Santiago in South America
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  • 193 8 AN ELECTRONICS firm failed U protect Its workers from the effects of a poisonous gas and did not take proper steps U stop the nt from escaping Into the air. Mnrata EleetroaJcs (S) Pte Ltd of Jalan PemlmpUi, off Ipper Thomson R«ad,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 467 8 aw \Bf Slue MBQ^^ A Whole New Sewing Experience The New Singer Deluxe 930 936 1 Hk Capture the pleasure of easy sew ing with Singer y ilf Aj A^ Hk JJM Deluxe 930 936 designed to give you die f a^Bßk greatest ease of operation. ■aV^^aA^fl lIIH 'KH You
      467 words

  • 528 9 NUS hit by acute hostel shortage THE National University of Singapore (NUS) is hit by an acute shortage of hostels in both its Bukit Timah and Kent Ridge campuses. The 2,584-unit Nanyang University (NU) hostel is no solution to this problem because of its "out of the way" location in
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  • 155 9  - Desire to keep fit fuels Sammy on PETER SIOW By STRETCHED aat aa tae •each, with a dumb bell la each maad, Mr A. Sammy laaka aa different tram aav ataer eothßslasttc aaiyballier. But van may wander why Mr Sammy, aaoer the ralaaaee af eaaea Mr S.K. R. Chaadran exercises
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  • 169 9 MOCK HIJACK PLANS POSTPONED A MOCK hijack of an aircraft to test the alertness of the law and order units to such a crisis has been postponed indefinitely. Planners originally scheduled the exercise for July 2 but it is believed that they called it off a few days before that.
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  • 279 9 Appeal of two lawyers dismissed AN APPEAL by two lawyers, former partners of Donaldson and Burkinshaw, on a matter arising from their suit against six existing partners of the law firm has been dismissed with costs by the Chief Justice, Mr Wee Chong Jin, at a chambers' hearing in the
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  • 76 9 THE gaverameat haa refected the appeal •< two tabaeca campaaiew to review the irrMii to lmpase a doty af SU pet kg aa toeaily grawa tafcaeea. The dot), effective twa weeks aga, makes totally grown tobace* mare rxpeasive taaa Imparted leaves. A anafc— tar Wanpaw Tafcaeea Cc an*
    76 words
  • 106 9 ALL new lessees and tenants of the Housing Board will be given free copies of its New Residents' Handbook from today when they collect their keys. A HDB statement yesterday said the new 64page handbook will be available only in English and Malay initially. But
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  • 59 9 LEE BAN CHOO, 49, was yesterday charged with causing grievous hurt to Mr Ton Dole Lai. 35, when he hit him on his 219TT 8 Wlth hOe Au ust Mr Toh suffered a fracture of his lower left tec. Lee, who had his bail o( «,0«l extended.
    59 words
  • 254 9  - Building up fame from humble beginnings RAYMOND MOSES By THE "breeding ground" of champions can sometimes be found in the least expected places. The Ever Bright Body Building Club is one such place. a^pjgjya^gpjpa. Housed in a corrugated, zinc-roofed, barrack-like building in an alley off Prinsep Street, it "produced the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 28 9 Carter Hydrostatic Infinitely Variable Speed Drives variable Pitch |pa^ Pulleys SpeeC Control fM^l^gA Pulleys ThynslOf J Control D.itnbutor Umtod Eaaiaoan Group Kuala U'Tipur Tel *****3 Singapore Jer *****1
      28 words
    • 407 9 SOUVENIR 6IfA PRESTIGIOUS WATCHES ON REDIFFUSION'S 31 ST ANNIVERSARY. Hurry, get an unique Ha^aWt gent's wrist watch or ayHaaff.|^aad lady's pendant watch B^^^* |l>\ tj I absolutely free 9 li\ I I wnen y° u btj K n re mk I purchase or rent a OT I new Philips, Sharp,
      407 words

  • 48 10 TAY BOON HAW, 19. was yesterday charged in a magistrate's court with hurting Mr Tan Seng Kong with a chopper at a block of flats in Waterloo Street on July 7. His case will be heard again on July 29 Bail of $5,000 was allowed
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  • 166 10 PA wants money for more daycare centres THE People's Association has asked the Finance Ministry (or funds to set up more daycare centres for children. But a PA spokesman declined to elaborate on the "budget" the association wants from the ministry or where the new centres will be located. At
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  • 93 10 Local firm clinches $20m deal A FIRM here has beaten several international companies to clinch a Sri Lanka government project to rebuild steel coaches for its railway. The over $20 million contract to rebuild about 200 second and third class coach bodies was reported recently in Sri Lanka's English daily.
    93 words
  • 269 10 WHEN Changl International Airport opens next year, visitors travelling to the airport along East Coast Parkway and the Airport Approach Road will be treated to a colourful view of tropical flora. A preview of what It would he like was arranged for a Straits
    269 words
  • 555 10  - Special team begins visits to RCs EVELYN NG 10 social workers seek ways to help By TEN full-time social workers from the Ministry of Social Affairs have started visiting Residents' Commitees (RCs) to explore areas in which they can help. This special unit is ready to organise seminars, workshops and
    555 words
  • 108 10 THE United Front yesterday called on the government to announce the date for nominations for the general election, which is expected to be held later this year. The secretary-general of the party, Mr Scow Khee Leng, accused the People's Action Party of using the
    108 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 480 10 Create prestige and goodwill for your company. 1 CROSS* I SINCE 1846 Your company emblem on a Cross on all writing instruments and emblems writing instrument a symbol of is your assurance of quality and years of prestige a messenger of goodwill prestige and goodwill. a quality gift to valued
      480 words
    • 206 10 Singapore Manila Hong Kong/ Bangkok/Singapore 26 JULY- 12 AUGUST 1980 WM 26 SEPT- 13 OCT 1980 B^^J W Come on our exclusive cruise to the Orient. We give you a carefree 17 days to Manila, Hong Kong, fl Bangkok and back to Singapore on fl WM board our luxurious passenger
      206 words

  • 248 11 £A" Caaat Pm* will be traaafarmai hrta a fatrylaatf by QjVJle (MaaaeakS g^>. which fall. a. Oa Seat aad tl the area aear the f»»d eeatre will be aaaraei by laateraa at all caltvea. a flrewaraa display will mark the •peilag af the
    248 words
  • 79 11 NPB TO DO SURVEY OF STAFF COURTESY THE National Productivity Board will conduct a survey of courtesy among its staff. For this, the views of participants in its courses and clients to whom it rendered consultancy services during the pastthree months will also be sought The board is preparing the
    79 words
  • 90 11 SIM KWANG HUI, 23, was sentenced to 15 months' jail on Monday for stealing a $1,400 TV set from the Singapore Indian Association in Balestier Road on Jan 10. Asst Superintendent Gian Singh told the court that Sim and an accomplice were spotted by a
    90 words
  • 39 11 THE Trade and Industry I Minister. Mr Goh Chok Tong. and Mrs Goh Wai be guests ot I honour at the Singapore Com- I puter Society's annual dinner at the Shangri-La Hotel on Saturday at 7 p.m.
    39 words
  • 66 11 THE nawmft price lattex test Death was more thaa II per eeat higher thaa Jue last year. According to the StatMiea Departmeat, the Hah latex which hat! btwa «a the 4*wiward tread far the past three maata* rate by aearly C per
    66 words
  • 52 11 LORRY driver Seah Kens Siang. M, who was charged with causing the death of Madam Chua Ah Hoi. 23. and her son by driving negligently along Tampines Road on Apnl 8 last year will stand trial on Dec 22. Seah has been allowed an extended bail
    52 words
  • 80 11 THE Muslim Religious Council of Singapore has decided that Muslims must pay $2.40 each as tithes this year. The council made the decision after surveying the types of rice that Muslims here eat. The new tithe is 20 cents higher than last year's. The survey showed
    80 words
  • 461 11 First joint venture with China on the cards THE first Singapore-China joint venture project will be implemented next year if the Chinese Government gives the green light for a Singapore firm to help service ships in Chinese ports. A company in Jurong, Haven Automation, recently concluded talks with the China
    461 words
  • 22 11 I.AM Soon community centre :-outh group will organise' a three-day tour of Pul»u Tioman from July 18 to July 20.
    22 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 367 11 '^^^\^/^V QUARTZ Js^^^mll <J-P Jfcj i ji m f jjl JBr quartz m I i 3! Wmmr n m I j^L '^r&b S** ml mw/wf af/ 1 fl I i m mUSSSSSSm 51 wM I I JaY ssssnT*^^Bsssssl vJji^^^^H i BsssH 3 Tyecision engineering makes them better. And their jBEEH
      367 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 168 11 Straits Times Crossword AOOOD 6 Hold snrtlhmind. then stupidly lAn Ortoey dweller or Scot «««"«o rattle everyone (8) wul Imprison no gentlemen (8) 7 Senior citizens pockeUMglver 5 Engineers will need string, or try expertencedMbple tape perhaps (6) (3,7) vßf Ptcturea oae. in process of get Prudence noticed Sir Tcttag
      168 words

    • 332 12 KLANG, Tims. DEPUTY Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamed has criticised companies for using their bumiputra management staff as mere intermediaries between their companies and government departments, according to a Bernama report over the weekend. Dr Mahathir, who is also
      332 words
    • 82 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Three Malaysians received the "Knight of the Order of Academic Palms" awarded by the French Government for their outstanding academic achievements in a ceremony last night. The French Ambassador to Malaysia Mr Andre Travert presented the awards to Dr Ely as Omar, deputy
      AFP  -  82 words
    • 216 12 Johore move for free trade zone finds favour JOHORE BARU, Tues. Everyone interviewed here has reacted favourably to the possibility that Johore Bam may be declared a free trade zone, a survey revealed yesterday. The people interviewed, from professionals to shopkeepers and housewives, agreed that it would benefit the state.
      216 words
    • 132 12 KOTA KINABALU, Toes. Same rrimlaai* from PealßsoUr Matey. Ala have slipped through the state's immigration tcraea and perpetrated their actlvitfee la the state in recent maaths. aeewrdjag to Sahah's Chief Mlalater, Datak Amar Harris SaUrh. lie Bane* BaUetla reparted Datak Amar Harris as saying he
      132 words
    • 207 12 Aussies to invest $150 m in 10 projects' KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Australian companies are expected to invest $150 million in at least 10 projects in Malaysia in the next two years, Deputy Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Lew Sip Hon said yesterday. He said that six of the projects are
      NST  -  207 words
    • 38 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The auto-parts manufacturers here from South Korea to exhibit their products, are looking for joint-venture partners, the manager of the Korean trade centre, Mr Kang Dae Kyun, said at the five-day fair today. AFT.
      38 words
    • 143 12 This is sedition, says DAP boss KUALA LUMPUR, Ties. The DAP secretary -general, Mr Urn Kit Aug. ha* said the DAP will Md a tea party aa Sanday to discuss Claase 21 M the RdncaUan Act, IXI, which eoaceras the future *f Chinese aid Tamil primary sekwals, The Star repartod.
      143 words
    • 207 12 Federal grant sought for $3m pay hike BUTTERWORTH, Tu— THE Province Wellesley Municipal Council has sent an "SOS" to the Federal Government for an annual grant of $3 million to implement the new civil service pay scheme. The additional fund needed to pay the 1,500odd employees would be a heavy
      NST  -  207 words
    • 32 12 PENANG. Tues. Two gunmen robbed an office here of more than $11,000 yesterday, dropping a .38 Special revolver with six rounds of ammunition in their haste to get away. NST.
      NST  -  32 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 496 12 I MANAGEMENT I POSITIONS I IN PENANG Our client, a well established and one of the largest manufacturing companies of its kind in Malaysia, is seeking qualified and highly motivated individuals to fill the following positions in its factory in Penang. I Production I Manager $50,000 The Production Manager will
      496 words
    • 391 12 TOP MANAGEMENT SEMINAR 'A DAY WITH BLAKE AND MOUTON' SINGAPORE Saturday 2nd. August, 1980. Shangri-La Hotel. KUALA LUMPUR Monday 4th. August, 1980. Hilton Hotel. KOTA KINABALU Wednesday 6th. August, 1980. Kinabalu International Hotel. The New Grid Seminar has been developed and offered solely by Scientific Methods Incorporated of U.S.A. to
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
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    • 419 13 'Japan fully supports Asean stand' KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday VISITING Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Mr Kiyoaki Kikuchi reiterated here today that Japan fully supports Asean's stand on Kampuchea despite Australian Foreign Minister Mr Andrew Peacock's statement on Sunday that his country may derecognise Democratic Kampuchea. Mr Kikuchi, who flew in here
      AFP  -  419 words
    • 277 13 Millionaire's land auctioned for $8.5 million PENANG, Tuesday TWENTY-ONE lots of land, totalling about 112.9 hectares, belonging to millionaire Mr N. T. S. Arumugam Pillai were sold here for $8,505,000 in one of the biggest land auctions this year. This is the third time some of Mr Arumugam Pillai 's
      NST  -  277 words
    • 150 13 The stork brought 2 'extras' along too! KUALA LUMPUR, Ties. What Ma4am Lam Moon 80l had qaletiy hoped tor was a dMghter bat when the stork 414 finally arrived, It brought two Uttle "extras." She gave birth to triplets two girls and a toy and that, according to doctors at
      150 words
    • 118 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Malaysia today urged Japan to reduce the high tariff rate imposed on Malaysian processed timber exported there. Malaysia's Primary Industries Minister Datuk Paul Leong told reporters he made the request to the visiting Deputy Foreign Minister of Japan, Mr Kiyoaki Kikuchi,
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 173 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Another two MTUC affiliated unions the Malayan Nurses Union and the Mara Institute of Technology Academic Staff Association have decided to pull out from the congress. The Malayan Nurses Union is the fifth public sector union to decide to
      NST  -  173 words
    • 78 13 Malaysia to support the Arabs KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Malaysia is ready to give its fullest cooperation to the actions taken by Islamic nations against Israel, Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Mokhtar Hashim said tonight. However, he said that any action taken by Malaysia would have to be based on that taken
      AFP  -  78 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 180 13 Your old working fridge is worth ■ny BnVn^H V^^JV^^^JV/ WHEN YOU TRADE-IN r- re FOR THE LATEST '^t 1 I I i_J— imyr. -HxrtfiJtTijTJr IW I >ou*urt raooucT (X ClNf*Ai fiiCTix coh»*ni $81/ MONTHLY a&Bßl^^^n^^ Model: CTA-12 fcl^fl 334' Litres Cycledefrost Hfunnnnnnnniunnnnnnn*^™ 30 months only Dnenwav MALAYSIA UNION REFRIGERATION muat
      180 words
    • 468 13 Canon invites you to "3B6sJP WL-^wEJf* Hi jSam Bwnnßßß>naJnl n^ tfl M l I <f<9 -^hju- annnv Test-shoot the new Canon AF3SM and see the great results less than 2 hours later! Come spend an afternoon with Canon. You'll have the chance to test the new Canon AF3SM auto-focus camera.
      468 words

  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1980
    • 350 14 DESPITE friendly overtures for rapprochement from China in the recent past, Taiwan had steadfastly adopted a passive and disinterested stance. That Taiwan is now willing to adopt a more conciliatory policy and establish nonpolitical contacts with China is a radical departure from its avowed distaste for Beijing. This
      350 words
    • 359 14 A GROWING social phenomenon in Singapore is the single parent family. An increase in the number of cases o' such families seeking help either financial or emotional has led the Singapore Association of Social Workers to suggest the formation of a group for single parents. In a
      359 words
  • 536 14  -  ANDREW LESLIE Oddities in Language By THE WORD "snob" seems to be on everybody's lips these days. I must say that in my ignorance, I had always assumed this word to be a running together of two Latin words, sine and nobilis "Without virtue."
    536 words
  • 861 14  - Nato members need to put their heads together CHARLES LAMBELIN That Kremlin offer to talk on nuclear weapons in Europe By in Brussels I THE SOVIET Union's readiness to talk with the West on limiting medium-range nuclear weapons in Europe poses many questions which will require close consultation between the
    Reuter  -  861 words
  • 791 14  -  ISADORE BARMASH By in New York I IS THE hamburger slipping as the piece de rei sistance for hungry Americans on the run? j Has the McDonald's Corporation., with more than 5,700 fast-food restaurants around the world, fallen out of
    NYT  -  791 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 5 14 THj^REATEST NAME M GOLF* t
      5 words
    • 335 14 Sk Thursday Eashian. Extravaganza s y/ '^^n By popular demand, Thursday Fashion Extravaganza at La W^qtf*^ Ronde has been extended till the S^fyZylr end of July. X^ /^1 Every Thursday, keep in vogue with the latest fashions while you enjoy La Ronde's much 'Wwd talked-about buffet spread of western and
      335 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 229 15 fpcsita fe©@i@h D@iff€te(Ri 3-Storey Luxurious Condominium Townhouses By The Seaside 'tSital. S^ 11 *^^fc W No Restriction To Foreigners hearing Completion Housing Loans Available Built area approx 2.550 to f^ """jr""^^""^"^"^ 2700 sq tt. per unit comprising 6 bedrooms. 5 bathrooms. I A\Q mMm spacious living room, roomy *«m |||J|/
      229 words
    • 521 15 i/lLi. f /-U-& BIID X XiAJR Quality merchandise at low prices! PLAZA SINQAPUAA Op^tolrlrOTMOKTilOtWlXn (111 M*l MOU- P«t."« I rwund*., 1^ J ROBINA HOUSE Sfimo^Wa, SxtwoOiW Vs sT^^l H\ I JH > MontoS«l 10 Xim lo 7 00 pm Sunday 10»»nto H\X^^B SPECIALISTS CENTRE I H fl OOWO Rom Singapore
      521 words

    • 334 16 AN ERRATIC tnuUag seasUn t«twk share prices to a mixed etose at the Stagapttre itoek toxefcaage yesterday. Dampeaea by feelings 4*l unwrtalaty, bayrra failed U •fter all-raand rapport aaa maay «f the earlier favaaritea rabaeaaeaUy yielded to farther seULag. Praflt-taates; la several eaaators alas pared
      334 words
    • 282 16 THE Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday featured in one of the busiest trading session this year although prices finished on a mixed note. Profit-taking was discerned in a number of the recent market leaders, namely the glamour issues and motor stocks which ended with marginal losses. The New
      282 words
    • 182 16 THE US/Slag dollar opened at t2.US« and closed at eu«/« In the Singapore forez market yestero^y The market opened near the lowest level and subsequent shortcoveting and commercial buying prompted by firmer US interest rates helped the market to rally to close near the highest level. Interbank
      182 words
    • 45 16 RANGE of prices offered by discount h ousts on July 15: Overnight: 3-tIS UK Call deposits: IV. Closla« BarlagStUiac 3-month Treasury bills 8. 6% 3 month Bank bills «M »'i 3 months CD 9 8% 8 months CD 8'» BV> Source: National Discount Co
      45 words
    • 28 16 Closing Interbank rates for Singapore dollars on July IS: Offer Bid Overnight 1 month BS/18 83/14 2montlu 81/16 815/16 3 months t 8 > Overnight mode 6
      28 words
    • 24 16 THE average rate at which majtr Slng»p>rr kusks are carnally prepared U lead to Uwir best eastomen to 11.2 per mat.
      24 words
    • 447 16 INTERBANK rates at 3.00 pm: CurroncttM Nomknw rnss SfflftfMOfMtwt P#rc#fltßQ# quoted ft— day (ci»at)|>a«lt| changa Ural d«U»n U w unit «f foreign currency US dollar 2.1140 2.1148 2.8196 -25.02 Sterling pound 5.0102 5.0142 7.3469 -31.81 Australian dollar 2.4546 2.4566 3.4286 -28.41 NZ dollar 2.0922 2.0951 3.4286 -38.98 Canadian
      447 words
      • 46 16 Icrjuntai 'an (hong I Banking lifoun Corpn Trading C B 1 M C ■rnling. •üblit Bank d M w N 1030 835 1110 1020 720 492 870 070 444 404 308 730 -30 -2b -20 -20 •20 -13 -10 -10 -8 -8 -5
        46 words
      • 32 16 Su««r» I 8 T f V I > V E lealton lin Chew Eaao lea View 800 MO 1170 750 298 452 sflO 271 135 80 70 70 20 1« 15 11
        32 words
      • 27 16 Pahang Cons 826.000 F Merlin 681,000 U O L 503.000 B Raya 364.000 Total turnover: 10.47 m Total value: $31. 72 m Source: SES
        27 words
      • 33 16 B.T Indicator Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties: Minings: Plantations: OCBC: SESInd: Jul 14 Jul 15 6345.97 6353.48 561.20 560.22 997.27 993.61 482.56 492.97 409.24 ***** ***** 354.20 911.61 912.38 ***** 556.95 515.97 517.58
        33 words
      • 391 16 HONGKONG: Stocks closed generally easier yesterday, on profit-taking which accelerated throughout the afternoon, dealers said. Lack of overseas interest prompted local selling, they said, causing the Hang Seng index to close 7.52 points down at 1097.04. Among leaders, Caring Koag eased 40 cents to HKJ17.30, Hongkong Wkarf $1.50 to
        391 words
      • 438 16 TOKYO: Share prices closed higher in active trading yesterday, led by recently neglected blue chips, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 14.01 to close at 6793.37 points, on a volume of 380 million shares. The New index closed at 468.61, up 0.14 point. Nippon OU rose 90 to
        438 words
      • 65 16 ROXY Electric Industries (M) Bhd announced an unaudited pre-tax profit of M 53.30 million ($2.01 million), for the six months ended March 31. The company said profit rose mainly due to the increase in turnover, improved productivity and lower raw materials costs. It is anticipated that profit
        Reuter  -  65 words
      • 143 16 CHINESE Prassee Exekaagc, nhsism. ease rl«tai prims per lMkcreattrssj: Cmwl sU: Bulk fob 143.75 sellers, old drum (In second hand drum) fob Q53.75 sellers, new drum fob $159 75 sellers. Casra: Mixed (loose) $86.50 buyers. Pepper: Muntok white pepper fob AsU NLW $440.00 sellers. Sarawak white pepper tag
        143 words
      • 241 16 THE KILOBAR market tor gold deliverable in Singapore opened at U3.938 and closed at K5.190 yestrr day. In the Far East, gold opened at USJ636 50 639 00 and eased gradually to close the morning session at 1636 00 638.00. The market re-opened to the afternoon at JS36 00
        241 words
      • 265 18 SYDNEY. Tues. Stocks closed mostly lower following a decline in overseas interest, dealers said. In industrials. Ampol fell four Australian cents to $1.38, TNT two to 12.42. Comalco 20 to $2.52 and ANZ Rank one to $4.95. but BHP firmed five to $14.50 and CSR 26 to
        265 words
      • 255 18 NEW YORK, Mon. The stock market rallied sharply in heavy trading to its best level since Sep 12, 1978. as measured by the Dow Jones industrial average. Analysts tied the strong advance to hopes the recession will not prove as severe as feared earlier, and
        255 words
      • 282 18 ZURICH. Mon. Share prices held steady around previous week's closing levels with most sectors showing scattered gains in light trading, dealers said. Swissair eased in transports, while some banks posted modest gains. Financials finned slightly led by Interfood B. Schindler Bearer and OerlikonBuehrle but Motor Columbus lost
        282 words
      • 291 18 AMSTERDAM, Mon. Share prices closed mixed to higher, with Unilever and Royal Dutch gaining 0 60 and 0.50 guilders respectively but KLM losing 0.60 in mixed Dutch internationals, dealers said. Heineken fell 1 40 ABN rose 2.50 in higher ordinary banks but mortgage banks eased. Ennia gained
        291 words
      • 537 18 LONDON, Mon. Share prices closed generally easier after a quiet session. At 3pm, the FT index was down 1.4 points at 491.6. Dealers said the gloomy economic outlook inhibited any buying interest, with oils a particular weak feature following the fall in spot oil prices which
        537 words
      • 53 18 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Monday 488.7 Friday «»30 Week Ago 496.0 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Monday 806-55 Friday ***** Week Ago 888.21 H.K.HANG SENG Tuesday 1087.04 Monday 1104.58 Week Ago 1071.84 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Tueiday 688.81 Monday 890.2S Week Ago BB2JI ALL ORDINARIES Tue«day 806 17 I Monday 908-33 I
        53 words
      • 142 16 THE STRAITS tin price fell 116 to $2,129 per picul (equivalent to $35.20 per kilo, down 27 cents) in Penang yesterday, on an official offering up 46W tonnes to 207 i tonnes. The overnight London market was barely steady with forward buyers unchanged at £7,170 per tonne. LONDON: Tin
        142 words
      • 38 16 Rubber July 15 Singapore: Aug: 284.00 cents (unchanged) Malaysia: Aug: 288.50 cents (up 0.50 cent) Tin: M 52.129 (down $16) (equivalent to $35.20 per kilo) (down 27 cents) Official offering: 207V4 tonnes (up 46 Vi tonnes)
        38 words
      • 33 16 LONDON: Copper prices on Monday previous In brackets) Wirebar Spot £903.50 :t907); sellers £904 ;£908); Three Month buyers C92C (£919. 50); sellers iSOf. 50 (£930). Mark* law: Barely steady. Sales: 16.025 tonnes
        33 words
      • 475 16 PRICES in the Singapore rub- j ber market closed steady yesterday, with August RSS One buyers quoted at 284.00 cents per kilo, unchanged on Monday's close, dealers said. Prices slipped half a cent from lunch time levels in quiet afternoon trading, they added. Opening prices were marked down 0.50
        475 words
      • 74 16 NOON 8W md SMR mam y****T ■AS A«o«« SapMator ICuml Mlk) (Forw.rd MU> Barm Mkn 8.».r. felfera —K v (lloipalMl tn.oo 264 OON ***** a•S.OO^ ■8 Illaopalftl ittOO MIOON UOOO Vl-OOh MHEIB Aijm B«pUaik*r SMRCV lltoop^M) ***** *****N 301 SO XOMt SMKTF uZZm) UNO UNO UNO UM
        74 words
    • 1454 17 THE last tr»nsart*d mdy air at the clow of tuiiliim on the Stock Exrhanie of Singa pore yesterday compared with u» pmious day'! prirrs (ogrthrr with 879 high and \o* Adjusted for jrrtp rt«hu imur Scoreboard, Unit Trusts: See page 18 Hi(k Low (omp.iv 8*1* *orSECTION ONE IMH
      1,454 words
    • 1863 17 BID and offer prices officially listed and buaneas in aad reported to the Stork Exchange at TmQpm yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.600 uniu unless otherwtae speci fled All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "am" Big
      1,863 words
    • 1890 17 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of share* traded Aom in brackets in lots ol 1.000 uniu unless otherwise speci fied. INDCfrrUALN UM (2.2455) (6) 2.46 (2) 2.41 (8) 2.48 (4) 2.44 (4)
      1,890 words
    • 34 17 RIVERVIEW Rubber Estates Bhd has declared a second interim dividend of four per cent gross (same), for the year ending December 31, payable on August 18, to shareholders registered on August 7.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 66 17 UNITED Overseas Land Ltd said it has purchased from KoU Tanah Sdn Bhd 3.92 million Mil shares of Aishah Holding Sdn Bad at 40 cents per share, representing 49 per cent of Aishah's issued share capital. Aishah's principal activity is a proposed development of
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 686 18 MALAYAN United Industries (MUI) is back on the acquisition trail, this time buying a 21.5 per cent stake in unlisted Southern Banking and increasing further its holdings in Central Sugars (or a total cost in shares of nearly $40 million. MUI will acquire 2.155
      686 words
    • 160 18 Closing tone: Slightly steady. Turnover: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore including odd lots "Ready" totalled: 10.353.000 units valued at $31,141,000. Industrials accounted for 5,655,000, finance 964.000, hotels 981.000. properties 1,480,000, debentures, loans and bonds 78,000, plantations 357,000. minings 838.000. "Settlement" contracts totalled: 114.000 units valued
      160 words
    • 172 18 SINGAPORE UNIT TEUBT 1" B prim to j|| in The Commerce 2 71 2.86 The Sivtngi Fund 1 .75 1.84 Spoir Prog Fund 1.29 1.35 Spore Sec. Fund 2 13 2.24 Spore Invest Fund 1.70 1.78x0 Spore Equity Fund 1.26 1 32 ABU UNIT TRUST (Maatfcn' prim* tar
      172 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 429 16 W/^^^ I .Saaa^nlnnnnnnnnnnnnntW r^^ftt^^ \Q&'\& \V V^aaflmfl Now, when you have a confirmed reservation, MAS will hold your seat on the onward or return flight if this is within 72 hours of your arrival. We know how valuable your time is. This is why we'll take care of it all.
      429 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 142 17 BTriniIVPHIMMtiiMMnHTSVMOWHMMMW nNypHMBrKWMMfMRB'VfMMMBMBHBB^ 'mSmbml mmb\ B wMJ MV 1W Proof 22K Gold 900 Fine HQJ W/m!isS\ Proof Sterling Silver W«Pm)l itM 1 Peoples Republic ot China medals JyM Please send in your application early to avoid disappointment. LOOKOUT FOR MORE QUALITY PRODUCTS FROM YOUR NATIONAL MINT i 2 Quality in quantity.
      142 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 230 18 Fly Air Lanka to the I \/ln I /Hit 7/^t.r* '^^L^^i^^l V(/ en J°y a of Fkradise on the way. Y\ft\ '?^#sf?sSltr ft y lls frcm S in 8 a P° re t0 Colombo any Wed, Thurs, x M\Sfi r or Friday. Enjoy a stopover in Sri Lanka. Then fly
      230 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 433 19 [z»4-44ial I PERSONAL SERVICES MERCHANDISE At $288 you won't find a better SLR camera. i^^ /W^l7£ r a** 4g^BaW. Jm IMI^ 1900 jgvZl liVr Bpcase optional at $25 tk I I^SSl*^ I PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIALTY STORE Ffrmy A&T Photo Store Pte Ltd nrimwr Sales A 'at 87-89 LOWER GROUNO FLOOR LUCKY
      433 words
    • 776 19 NICER PIANOS JUST ARRIVED. $2,400 only Song's Piano or Mun Kal Piano. *****/*****5/*****83 PIONEER STEREO INTEGRATED amplifier SA4OB. 50 watts. $160. Pioneer speakers $160. Excellent condition, 1 month old. Tel: Douglas *****11 extension 9. home *****1 TOSHIBA HOMESTEREO COMPLETE wllh "sound" 3-way system $350.00 Marantz tape deck, model SD 800
      776 words
    • 594 19 SET OF 4 Oold Bars (5 gm each 999.9 fineness. Produced by Singapore Mint $1,500 *****03 SHUT OUT SUN'S heat, glare and fabric fade "Scolchtlnt" Sun Control Film by 3M, on windows, does It. Call *****81 for details. TEC CASH REGISTER Model 8R2500 still in tip top condition Willing to
      594 words
    • 587 19 ORCHARD SAUNA ET Massage. Mandarin Hotel. 3rd floor. Massage/Sauna/Steambath Facial *****36/ *****82 Spore. Opens dally from 10.00 am 12.00 midnight. SALON CATALINA MASSAGE. Ladles and Gentlemen 319-A River Valley Road Tel: *****98. SALON DC LA GRANDE for Massage. Sauna Bath. Ladles and Gentlemen. Tanglln Shopping Centre. 2nd floor. Room 224.
      587 words
    • 623 19 AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service: *****22 Mondoy Fndoy 830om 500pm Soturdoy 830 am 300pm (I2N for Sunddy T«r*il Pubkc Hokdoy 9 00 o m 100pm COUNTER SERVICE Tmet Orchord Centre 10 00am —530pm M l O5 Lucky Ploio (Mondoy Fndoy) 10 00 a m I 00 pm (Soturdoy) Times Centre
      623 words
    • 625 19 FOR SALE: ONE Wang Word Processor System 5-2 Only 16 months old. Seldom used. In excellent condition. Price negotiable. Interested call *****11 June. MM, ADLER AND Olympla Electric Typewriters, fully refurbished, with 3 months guarantee Call *****7/ *****6. MINOLTAFAX PLAIN COMER for sale. Interested buyers, please contact: *****12. Tahlr PABX
      625 words
    • 470 19 RATES Odmory 70 en per word (rr»n SI 0 SO) Serrx-Otiploy $12 00 per column cm .CvWi 536 00) Strom Trtn $13 10 per column cm (mm ,39 30Sundoy Tnn Onptoy $15 00 per column cm IMm $45 00) Strom Tnn $16 38 per column cm (A*n $49 ISlSundoy T»nes
      470 words
      657 words
    • 541 19 GAF, a multi-national U.S. Corporation in diveraifiad product fields, require* for their Singapore office an:ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE Qualifications 4 Eiparience:a Pass Foundation Examinations leading to ACA qualification or equivalent Higher qualifications would be an advantage a Minimum 3 years working experience In Accounting or Auditing work a Completed or exempted from
      541 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1344 20 II EMPLOYMENT 46 Situations Vacant b) Secretariat Clerical A FEMALE CLERK REQUIRED ABIe to type 40 w p m with knowledge of simple accounts Apply personally at 26. Jalan Rajah. Spore 1232 Tel *****86 An established Manufacturing Company m Ang Mo Km invite! applications for the poet o* BOOK-KEEPER Qualifications
      1,344 words
    • 835 20 EXPERIENCED TYPISTS REQUIRED urgently for 2 months Minimum speed 45 wpm $15.00 per day Apply: 34th floor. Hong I,eong Building at 7pm EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER with office administration experience required by office furniture manufacturer Write to: Mountbatten P.O. Box 363 Singapore |1». EXPERIENCED FEMALE CLERK/ Typist with knowledge of Accounts required
      835 words
    • 635 20 FMANCE AGENT REQUIRES Female Clerk Can type and correspond In English Interested please write enclosing contact telephone Owen Road Post Office Box 197. Spore 9121. Foreign Bank requires GENERAL CLERK/ COMPUTER OPERATIONS (Mala) Qualification!: c OCE -O' level, c Ability to type. Salary and fringe benefit! will be in accordance
      635 words
    • 541 20 J AGGER MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES 1005 Ten Boon Liat Building 10th floor. Outremßoed Singapore 03W requires 1 FEMALE CLERICAL ASSISTANT GCE 'O' Level, typing essential Pew months working experience necessary Call: *****14 for interview. LADIES' GARMENT FACTORY requires a Female General Clerk Apply personally to: Unit 10, 2nd floor. Lam Tong
      541 words
    • 714 20 MALE OR FEMALE CORRESPONDENCE CLERK r#^oir#o for oun#s m Adnnmsifi lion Department c Minimum Senior Cambrldg or equivalent c Good command of wrltte and spoken English, c Ability to handle corre spondence Independent! and type accurately, c Preferably 5 years experl ence in similar posltlon/of flee administration, c Salary will
      714 words
    • 799 20 StWMBeO COMPANY RCOUMES Female Telex Operator. Pieaae apply lo: P.O. Box 2752. Spore 9045. SINGAPORE TENNIS CENTRE requires n TYPISTS y a G.C.E 'O' level c Typing speed: 35 -40 wpm. Interested applicants, please write with photograph and tele- phone numbers lo: The Accounts Dept a 1020 Eaat Coaat Parkway
      799 words
    • 580 20 c) Sales A CAREER M life Insurance We require several hard-working and self-motivated Individuals to be trained as agents. Please call Jimmy Tang at ***** between 9.00 am and 7.oo p.m. A fast expanding company has Immediate vacancies for- SALES CO-OROtNATOR c SALES REPRESENTATIVE Applicants must have experience in fast
      580 words
    • 739 20 An established company requirea: 1) OUTDOOR SALES REPRESENTATIVES 2) INDOOR SALESGIRLS Good remuneration, experience not essential latereated applicants plssss write with lull particulars and nonreturn able photograph ( contact t#)l#pnon#j flufno*)f if *ny lot P.O. BOX 472 MAXWELL ROAD SINGAPORE 9009 AN EXPERIENCED EXPORT Salesman required Must be able to
      739 words
    • 604 20 Experience door-to-door SALES LADIES/MEN wanted a High Commission Wide range of electrical home appliances on Hire Purchase terms Interested please call personally Block sa. No. 19 Seng Poh "oed (Oppoaiti Seng Poh market) Singapore 0316 MID-CONTINENT SUPPLY haa immediate requirement for: INSIDE SALES EXECUTIVE for our Supply Store in Loyeng
      604 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 647 21 II EMPLOYMENT 46 Situations Vacant c) Balm* VMC requires MWi Ropc#Sj#fltatrVOS At least OC E "O' level pass, music background an asset Candidates should be selfmotivated, possess initiative and a good command of English and local dialects Prevlout sales experience advantageous Male candidates should have completed full lime N.S penence,
      647 words
    • 666 21 Part urn Van Cleef And Arpels requires experienced counter promoters. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Call us at Ron Mark Pte Ltd Tel: *****02 SALES EXECUTIVE (MALE/FEMALE) Must be experienced In Sales of Interior Furnishing Material Close contact with designers. Architects and Interior Decorators Salary i* negotiable Apply 9<v<<Ml
      666 words
    • 591 21 AIWA/ATLAS ELECTROMCS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. has Immediate vacancies for 1. TECHNICIAN (MALE) At least 2-3 years experience In silkscreen machine adjustment and Jig making 2. ELECTRICAL TECHNICIANS (FEMALE) stream Able to use measurement equipments and circuit design knowledge. Experience preferred but not essential Interested please apply with a full resume
      591 words
    • 311 21 Eatabnahad prtting company in Jurong r»quir*a EXPERIENCED LEI TERPRESS PRINTERS Attractive salary for suitable persons Good prospects. Plan* ring *****3/6517W lor appointment FACILITIES SUPERVISOR To plan, control and direct the activities of the maintenance section, to support the functions of the mechanical department. Duties Include ensuring the installation, maintenance and
      311 words
    • 545 21 Immediate vacancies for: TRAINEE ELECTRICIANS Musi have relevant experience Be able to work hard Preferably from or VI or wiih VI TB. Certificate Transport provided at pick-up points Please call: I *****44 (or appointment. I i INTERIOR OESMNMG FIRM requires full/ part-time experienced Draughtsman, age 21 to 28 Staying In
      545 words
    • 554 21 PTY. LTD. MuM-netional company rtoym: SEMI-SKILLED GENERAL FABRICATION WORKERS Requirements: K found suitable will be trained as skilled technician In welding and metal fabrication. Applicants must have completed national service. Speak English. Intereeted please RING: *****8 for interview. SINCOM m We have immediate 2 vacancies for: PRODUCTION TECHNICIANS/ ASSISTANT I
      554 words
    • 567 21 SEEK CORPORATION rTELTD 42. OUB Chambfl, RifllnPiaci, Singapore 0104 orwrNtlo: P.O. Boi 17»7 acancles available for: A NAVAL ARCHITECT AND 1 QUALIFIED COLLEGE GRADUATE MARINE ENGINEER Experiences: Preferable with working experience of 3 years and above. Prospects In promoting to the Manugrral Post will be prospective. An attract!** remuneration and
      567 words
    • 524 21 SENIOR GENERAL CLERK-OF-WORKS A Senior Clerk-Of-Works Is required Immediately for a Factory Project at Woodlands. Minimum 3 years similar experience Full muiM with salary eapectad, recent photograph (nonrdurnab**) and raltrmcn to B.T. BOX A *****. c) Production f ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR (MALE) Age 25 and above OCE 'O' or A' level
      524 words
    • 102 21 GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) TELEVISION APPLIANCE PTE LTD WE NEED FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS If ro« «t 16 r«f» mi pleas* call pmonall^ at Bit, 2 159 C Boon Keof Ro.d kittfmtw Mon Fn 800 am to S 00 p m Sat 800 i. io 1200pm A nz it 1 r Rrquiremrnts
      102 words
    • 298 21 Everybody's Talking About Learning Skills Here's your chance to start learning now! Join Us As Inspector Female Operator OUR OPERATORS EARN UP TO $288 on confirmation $305 after 6 months PLUS NO SCOPE WORK GENERAL BENEFITS ft You can choose to work on •NORMAL HOURS or 2 ROTATIN6 SHIFTS Come
      298 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
      438 words
    • 241 22 Immediate vacancies for: FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Requirements a 16 lo 40 years a Single/married a No experience required a Singaporeans/Malaysians Benefits: Free transport No shift rotation No scope work Free medical attention Good annual leave plan Compasslonate/marrlage/ maternity/paternity leave Company's hostel for Malaysians Annual wage supplement Insurance coverage Employee's savings
      241 words
    • 445 22 PHILIPS requires FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Applicants should be: In aga, 16 yaars old and above. In education. Primary 4 lo Secondary 4 (any Language stream) You will be happy to work for PHILIPS since we offer tha following benefits: Good starting pay $210 p.m. c Increment on confirmation. c Promotional
      445 words
    • 285 22 ■5 ♦AnHtboi I KTTtjr^T^^Sßeieisaasl BBBa^TTrmTSrTT^TSSSa! ■V^^^sslssssssssssssssssll 7 L^gs*fl J^K Required Immediately FEMALE FACTORY OPERATIVES K Earnings per day $9.28 and $9.78 after 3, months probation. i AS day work week (Monday to Friday) 1 Working Hours 7.45 am to 5.20 pm K Courteous understanding supervisors i* No shift work ft
      285 words
    • 163 22 «ptace for you /y^B^*»l*\ START AS AN NMB OPERATOR interested please can peraonatry to The Person nel Department NMB BNGAFOItE LIMITED Bkx* 10, 3rd Floor JTC Ftattad Factory Kaflang Bahru Singapore 1233 OH Units 201 -205 2nd Floor, Block 4006 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 1 Singapore 2056 V J
      163 words
    • 515 22 urgently requires STORE HAND Minimum secondary education Musi posssss Class 3*4 Of i vincj licence PrefereWy with some ox* perience In store backaround Must be hardworking and abla to work under preasure Age 20 -25 years Completed N.S. Interested applicants please apply personally with your I.C. and one passport-size photograph
      515 words
    • 678 22 An aiasrneHanel company with a *"*"> oo '»«_'■»<»*- employment: 1) LABORATORY ASSISTANT (Mase/femele) To carry out routine quality control tests In the laboratory. To maintain complete records and lo provide Information to production for product specification control. nnoMOi ahnii* Candidates must be Singapore cltliens with minimum OCE 'O1O 1 Level,
      678 words
    • 838 22 AMMO BtTERNATIONAL PTE LTD, B-89. Basement Floor, People's Park Centre have Immediate vacancies for Van Drivers and Trainee Shop Assistants. TrainIng given for Shop Assistants Oood salary with generous fringe benefit Call personally at the above-stated address between 4.00 to 7.00 pm for Interview. delivery CLERK WANTED Immediately with knowledge
      838 words
    • 662 22 MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Strata Title No. 461 requires 1) SENIOR SECURITY OFFICERS 2) SECURITY GUARDS Requirements: POSl(1) c Minimum 2 GCE 'O' Levels with credit In English or Its equivalent. c Have held the rank of at least Sergeant In the Police Force or equivalent rank In other defence services plus
      662 words
    • 354 22 International Organisation Invites ambitious and energetic young MEN WOMEN (18 years and above) for its expanding PR. Marketing. Advertising <i Promotional Department Although eiperience is not eeeenliel. applicants should possess the a Secondary education (Chinese and English Stream) a A pleasant personality, creative and Independent a Speak fluent English. Mandarin
      354 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 436 23 II EMPLOYMENT 46 Situations Vacant I) Miscellaneous INCHCAPE (3) PTE LTD -•quires SECURITY GUARDS WE PAY Attractive salary 2 months bonus 2 weeks leave Good fringe benefits Please call personally PERSONNEL DIVISION IST FLOOR INCHCAPE HOUSE 450/2 ALEXANDRA ROAD SINGAPORE 0511 or 1*1: *****8 «xt. 254/ 314 •or interview J'irong
      436 words
    • 437 23 E**********338U If you're ambitious and looking lor a satisfying career in the Retail Business, then |oin us as:A) CASHIERS c Between 17 and 30 years of age c Able to converse In English tt Mandarin c Have a patient tt cheerful personality SALES ASSISTANTS c At least 16 years old
      437 words
    • 475 23 OFFICE BOY URGENTLY required Interested call at 588 C Balestler Road OFFICE MESSENGER REOUIRED by a firm In Jurong. Applicants must possess a valid motorcycle licence Please apply personally, during office hours, at: No 10. Jalan Buroh. Spore 2261 Invites application for the following posts 1. ASSISTANT ENGINEER c Diploma
      475 words
    • 630 23 PORUS KROME Wb sr# s precision #oqio##cing Company paying good fringe benefits and salary, have immediate vacancies for the following position*: 1. GENERAL WORKERS c Be above 25 years of age. c Must be physically fit. c Be prepared to do heavy cleaning work c Starting salary $250 per month
      630 words
    • 414 23 MALI DELIVERY CLERKS wanted An established Company In Jurong requires several Male Delivery Clerks. Completed National Service. Secondary Education, possess Class 3 Driving Licence Attractive salary Please contact Mr Tan. *****13 or call st Blk 188. 272. Boon Lay Drive. Spore 2264 OFFICE/ME SSENOER SOY Preferably those with some working
      414 words
    • 249 23 MALAY DRIVER REOUIRED Preferably retired persons Please contact ******1 MALAYSIAN WORKERS REOUIRED Pay $15 per day A lot nf overtime Contact Ram: *****/0 MALE GENERAL WORKERS required Secondary education Transport provided at various pick-up points Those interested to contact Berger Paints Spore Pte Ltd.. 22 Benol Sector. Jurong. Spore 2262.
      249 words
    • 535 23 Wt e>f ■pc ofTwn#ot. tost x psnoiofl Heavy Industry epecleWaad in Construction. Erection. Maintenance and Servicing ol Chemical/Induetrial Plant. Furnaces. Boilers, Oil Refineries. Maintenance 4 Rip sirs ol Oil Rig. Oil Nigs Structures, Manufacture o* Dredging pipe* and pipM (of wflt#f i oil, #fC. Due to expansion and lo cope
      535 words
    • 764 23 PACIFIC EQUIPMENT CLASS 4 DRIVER c Minimum 2 years' experience c Preferably residing In Toa Payoh. Ang Mo Klo or Sembawang Interested pteeee caN personally st: 200 E, AVER RAJAH ROAD AVER RAJAH INDUSTRIAL ESTATE SINGAPORE OSI3 on 15th or 16th July between Sam. and 12 noon. Bus service noe:
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    • 610 23 TOP DRIVERS Call: *****10 BushessGii Trading company Invites Singapore citizens, age 18 20 for position of: STOREHANDS Secondary 2 education Sterling salary $230 omrarde depending on queMiceUone and eiperience. Interested, please phone: *****26/ 2U2040 Transport Compeny require* LORRY DRIVERS EXPERIENCED OFFICE BOY Call personally et: Godown 404. Module 9 Pastr
      610 words
    • 736 23 Wanted: 1) FEMALE CLERK 2) DELIVERY BOY State salary and 1 non-return-able photograph to: Colombo Court P.O. Bos 771 Smgepore9ll7 WOODWORKINO FACTORY REQUIRES several door fitters and general workers Call *****13. WOODWORKING FACTORY In Marsiling Industrial Estate requires Male and Female Workers Interested pie use call *****71. g Tutorial AN
      736 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 264 24 111 VEHICLES k NATS F 1 Mi Ku- A^J 20,000 km or 1 year full warranty An Associate Company of SHARIKAT FIAT DISTRIBUTORS (M) SON BHD LADA MOTORS (PTE) LTD 24. Leng Kee Road. Singapore 031 5 Tel *****0 i 52 Vehicle Accessories/ Maintenance #>«bTsbTs*TsbTsb»^s«W FOR ONLY (flfr I You
      264 words
    • 243 24 MID 1*77 MINI Special. One 1 owner. PARK, new tax. many accessories Showroom condl- lion $10,900 77^3586 "Rll IVLVmtI CALL *****33 GEYLANG BRANCH *****72 BALESTIER BRANCH *****54 KIM KEAT BRANCH 15 Lines to Serve You For A Full Range of NEW OCTOBER 1*74 MINI clubman. 2nd private owner, metallic paint,
      243 words
    • 1015 24 ALMOST I*7* DATSUN 120Y Private owned, alrcond., low mileage. Showroom condition. $18,800 View: 102. MacKenzle Road AUGUST M 77 DATSUN 100 A. Alrcond. cassatte, one owner, tax expiring 1/81 $14,700 Ring: ■NIX BEAUTIFUL. I»7V DATSUN 120Y New paint, road tax. Insurance, radio, cassette. See to believe $12.3000 no Tel *****7
      1,015 words
    • 936 24 1*73 CORTMA STATIONWAOON Oood condlUon. alrcond. PARF eligible Tax till December Owner leaving cheap at (6,900. Mr Chong tel: *****39 M 73 CORTMA ESTATE. 1800 CC. One company owner New paint/ upholstery. $4400 0.n.0. Tel: *****32 M 73 FOND CORTMA 1600. Oood condition. One owner, PARF eligible $7,800 negoUable Tel:
      936 words
    • 943 24 APM. I*7* MERCEDES Benz 230 Automatic Alrcond.. white, PARF. Highest offer secures. View at Carpenter Street, Call Mr. C.H. Tan ***** 1. AUGUST 1*74 MERCEDES 230.6 Company registered Power steering, alrcond. cassette/radio Very well maintained. Interested call *****4. William AUOUST I*7* MERCEDES Benz 200. Automatic Tip top condlUon. Tel: *****1.
      943 words
    • 768 24 Only 10% downpayntent fora brand new Mitsubishi car or light commercial vehicle. With Chuan Hang Motors' unique 4-year payment scheme. Cat: *****3 ft *****5 or *****01, *****11 and *****31 (Light Commercial Vehicles) 1*77 AUGUST COLT Sigma 1600 OS. 1 private owner, complete with alrcond. cassette/ radio, metallic paint. In showroom
      768 words
    • 653 24 Others ALMOST 1(7( VOLVO 1448. Airowner.' $22,500 0.n.0. View: 143 Braddell Road. AUSTIN ALLEGRO AUGUST 1978 One company owner. Interested please call: *****0 No dealers. KB? international rustproofinq system for cars R.& RUSTPROOFING CO. PTE. LTD. Block 1008 20 Bukit Merati Lane 3. Spore TEL *****01 or *****»2 TeTsfacefactr^uitproofing is
      653 words
    • 938 24 VOLVO MS STATIONWAOON. Sept 1978. 1 Company owner Alrcon. cassette Original paint. Done 62.000 km. Showroom condition $32,000 negotiable. Tel: *****86 WHITE COLOUR CITROEN DS2I Pallas Non-PARF Selling at rock bottom price. Call *****22 YOU CAN AFFORD a car on hirepurchase terms from Hong Leong Finance Moderate Interest rate Repayment
      938 words
    • 884 24 ATTRACTIVE OFFER for all good used cars from 1975 onwards. Company and private registration accepted. Also required all PARF export documents and scrap cars of any engine capacity. TAMGLIN USED CARS CO. Singapore 09J3 Tafc ******3 *****00. ATTRACTIVE PRICE OFFERED for good used car. Private/ company regn. or scrap Tel
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 864 25 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES WBBBBBaBaaaBBBBBBBB^iaaaBBaasBBBaBaBaji gHBaW I^bbW BUKIT TIMAH SHOPPING CENTRE SHOPS FOR SALE/ RENT. FEW LOTS LEFT. Selling from $50,000 upwards Rental from $3.50 p.s f KIOSKS FOR LEASE Rental from $2.50 p.s f Ideally located right m the heart of busy Bukit Tlmah. Caters for the shopping needs
      864 words
    • 767 25 cmst io share large fully furnished double-storey seml-de-young professional foreigners Phone *****92 evening DIST. 10, 2-STOREY SEMI-DE-TACHED Furnished Near American School Large garden $1,800 Cheng's Housing *****65 DIST. 1*27. SEMI-DETACHED double-storey Mount Sinai. 3 bedrooms. 1 study upstairs, lounge/ dining room, servant's room downstairs, fully furnished, large and beeautiful garden,
      767 words
    • 787 25 semi -detached $2,000 Eng Kong Park 2-storey semi-detached $1,300 Paslr Panjang flat $1,400 Hilltop flat $3,000 Holland Height maisonette $2,800 Taman Serasl flats $2,000 Ring *****1 SEMI-DETACHED 2-STOREY, very well furnished. 6 Springleaf Lane, large front garden. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, servant's room, split-level dining/ living rooms, large kitchen, fully
      787 words
    • 889 25 A COSY APARTMENT Pandar Valley, 3 aircond bedrooms, servant's room/ wash area. Full] carpeted, overlooking pool ane tennis court $2,500 furnished Tel: *****76/ *****57 Andre* Leong Housing Agency. A DIST. 11. 3-BEDROOMED apart ment furnished $1,400. 2-bed roomed apartment. OrcharC Road. $1,400 short term lease *****81/*****82. ADJOMMG ORCHARD ROAD I
      889 words
    • 731 25 > DIST. 10 SECLUDED PENTHOUSE with roof garden. 6.500 sqft Split-level living/ dining. 4 bedI rooms/ servant's Fully aircond. Bar counter Fully furnished r $4,300 Rolf *****1 1/*****9 DIST. 10 SOMMERVILLE PARK near American/ International Schools 3 bedrooms plus serI vant's. lowerground maisonette. living room, facing garden, fully aircond, partly
      731 words
    • 742 25 NEARBY GOLDHH.L PLAZA, furnished, alrcondltloned, telephone, 3 bedrooms. $1,400 HISCO: *****4/ *****2. OFF CHANCERY LANK Dlst 11. Luxury walk-up apartment Tastefully furnished $3300 Now vacant Please tel; *****3 PANDAN VALLEY PtMNBCTTIA Court, fully furnished 3 alrcondllioners. 3 bedrooms, servant's utility room washing machines, swimming pool and other sports facilities, rental:
      742 words
    • 768 25 A FEW ENGINEERS presently slaying In Hotels urgently require Apartments or Houses In Budget: $1,200 to $5,000 Owners kindly call Welfare Department *****60 AIRLINE CAPTAIN LOOKING for accommodation In good locality Company's lease. Furnished/ unfurnished. Call: De Unique International *****23/ 4 AMERtCAN COUPLE WITH 1 child Presently In Hotel looking
      768 words
    • 887 25 A CORNER 2-STOREY terrace Dtst 14. 2.000 sq ft Lavishly renovated $200,000/- Victor and Morris Tel: *****7/ *****6 A DOUBLE-STOREY BUNGALOW al dlst 11. Area. 7.000 sq ft 3 bedrooms, bathrooms attached plus I servant's and I study downstairs, selling $590,000 negotiable Also brand new double-storey corner terrace house at
      887 words
    • 790 25 TANJONG RHU DISTRICT 15 3-atoray datachad bungalow with roofgaidan For salr at reasonable price a FraahoM land araa 10,140 a Burtt-m araa: M4O k, ft a 8 rooms with bathroom! at1 lachad. TEL: *****23 EXTS. IM/Wl/W4 1) TERRACE DOUBLE ST IREY of Garden City 2) Terrace single storey of
      790 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1611 26 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES KUHK) RISE. MOOEWOOO High floor, panoramic view of the enr tire condominium right to the horizon. 1,400 sq.ft. 3 bedrooms I Interested please ring: *****09. WESS ASSOCIATES OFFER dlst 9. 1 3 minutes to Orchard Road walk-up apartment In tranquil environment 4 bedrooms, vinyl/ mosaic flooring,
      1,611 words
    • 293 26 LAND M DISTS. 15, 19 Approx. 30.000 sq.ft Approved for semidetached/ terrace house. Contact: *****21/ *****47 «ED BRICKS FROM Malaysia available on limited stocks only. Tel: *****82 *t) Foreign Properties FOREIGN PROPERTIES FOR sale Malacca new 3-storey shop/ office/ flat available. 4,300 sq ft $320,000 Call agent *****22. 64 Residential
      293 words
    • 671 26 HOUSES/APARTMENTS WANTEI by genuine purchasers Any goo< locality Immediate purchase Contact LJ *****2/*****4. INVESTMENT CONSORTIUM RE OUWES urgently commercial o residential properties, vacant oi otherwise. In any district. Wll pay cash at fair marketable price Tel: *****/ ***** (Spore *****0 (K.L.) LOOKING FOR A bungalow, lane area must be 6.000
      671 words
    • 735 26 > I ORCHARO PLAZA. 4TH FLOOR. 530 I sq ft $420 psf Ready for occu1 patlon Victor and Morris Tel: *****7/ *****6 WOH HUP COMPLEX, just outside r CBI). sth floor office Partitioned r and carpeted 240 sq ft $75 000 I Tel *****87. i b) Rental ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: $120.
      735 words
    • 500 26 FOR SALE C AE ORCHARD Lower groundfloor and groundfloor shop units for sale. lnt«r**t*d parti**, plian caM: MR. SEOW *****82. PENANO AND JOHORE Bahru JB. 01-***** SHOP SPACE AT PRIME LOCATION ON MEZZAMNE FLOOR OF SINGAPORE SHOPPMO CENTRE Built-up area: 450 sq.ft. Rental $11 00 p.sf Sale: $1,100 psf Ml
      500 words
    • 334 26 KATONO lIIWHW CENTM Vacant shop (or Immediate occupation. Contact Miss Evelyn *****22 ORCHARD PLAZA MEZZANME floor. 210 sq.ft Best position Monthly rent: S2JOO *****75 (No Agents ORCHARD PLAZA. FOP sale or rental. On long term lease Area 1.800 sq ft on groundfloor Facing Orchard Road. Call Belllan Securities < Real
      334 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1277 27 asasasassasasasasaaseasasasasasasasaiasasisasasasasasaaaKaasasssjaaaaaasaasaasai VI EDUCATION ft INSTRUCTION 95 Education a) Local PRIVATE SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE COURSE FOR LCCI JUNE 1981 EXAM Full-lime 4 Part-time Course* Commencing Today Subjects Include c Communications Office Organisations A Secretariat Procedures c Shorthand/ Typewriting Duties c Structure of Business Knquines L registration at Midland School of Commerce (Secretarial
      1,277 words
    • 723 27 RAJA'S COLLEGE OFFERS: SecreSpeed) Typewriting. Telex. Bookkeeping. Correspondence. English Register now Raja's. 333E North Bridge Road *****70/ *****3) SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF Science (Regd 1940). 593- A. Serangoon Road. Singapore 0821 (*****20). Afternoon and EvenIng Classes Sec 11 HSC Approved courses In General Science. Mathematics. Physical Science. Physics. Chemistry. Biology. English
      723 words
    • 714 27 Eipenoncod Bilingual Teachers specialised In Maths. Science. Technical subjects for all levels Tel *****4/ *****53/ *****5 Group Tuition/ tadrrtdul Coaching provided by experienced graduates for ail subjects/ levels Tel: *****5/ *****0/ *****6/ *****9 Japansss. English. Thai, Franch. Malay. Mandarin Conversation by language experts Home/ Centre Success guaranteed. Tel *****6/ *****0/
      714 words
    • 539 27 Reliance ORIENT TOURS 6Days 80ays Mania/Bagoß/Pansanpn Manla/Baugio/Pagsanian/ Hong Kong/Sunn Dynasty/ SJIO6O New Temtones/Scaan Park Ev^Sanirday Eve^SaSU 5 Days Banqkok/Paflaya/ 7/ 8 ?SSS<isgLy,/ Chengmai/Rose Gardan 551 .340 *****/***** Everyday Eve^ Sunday 11/13 Oays 13/15 Days Taiwan Round Island/ Marab/Bagwo/Taiwan Round Hong Kong/Bangkok Island/Hong Kong/Bangkok 551.785/551.865 SJIB9O/SJI 990 Every Sunday Every Saturday
      539 words
    • 397 27 ft k I -■I HH wT I I I Sa^^^^f TA-003/281 JMPSJ S»288 3days 5*333 4 day* 5*377 5 days brought to you by Haas baft v CATHAY PACIFIC 33 .^asasW i-i-c-, jammv Fkehts by Super Trl-Star W\ ttm 1X MOTBL ■■a PENANG Package includes Return air fare American breakfasts
      397 words
    • 417 27 NAM HO mm. l suhce is m ltd STPB. LIC NO: 140 Head Office: Gl4-16-18, Pearl's Centre. Eu Tong Sen St. (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 0105. Tel: *****33 (7 lines) Branch Office 1 1 9, People's Par* Complex Ground Floor. New Bridge Road Singapore 01 05 Tel: *****1/*****2/ 1 *****3/*****2/*****6/ *****8/*****3
      417 words
    • 326 27 *\T TA-ob7 I GRAND ASIA Philippine Korea Japan Al Taiwan Hong Kong Thailand 19/21 Oays SS2KS 2905 Oep Every Sal ALL TAIWAN Huahn KOREA JAPAN HONG KONG Sung Dynasty Vlage THAILAND Pattaya 14/17 21 Days 5J2475 2645 2825 21/7. 28/7 4/8 11/8 18/8 '25/8 1/9- 8/9.15/9. 22/9. 29/9.6/10 13/10,20/10,27/10 PHILIPPINE
      326 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      253 28 AGED S3. CaKad Horn* to b* with tna Lord on M-7-M mothar Madam Tong Khto. husband Ong Soon Lim. ioni. Wh«« Kial and Whaa Chum daughtar Phacfc Lian. daughtar«-in-law Kang Biow Hoon and Ng Yuat Mgoh. Mm-H)-law Chan Hang Chow and ail grand cntMran to mourn hm loat.
      253 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
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      32 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      205 28 In LovinQ M#niory of Departed: 16.7.7* Though you are gone and out of right, Your spirit lives with us And memories of you fill our tan— obii ihkMls. Our love lor you is an unquenchable thirst Sadly missed by Wile, sons, daughters, daughters-in-law, son-in-law and grandchildren. In
      205 words
    • 357 28  - Khyber Pass shapes up like a winner FAIRWAY By I KHYBER PASS shaped up like a winner at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. The Sharp Edge three-year-old was taken out for fast work by Gerry Donnelly, and fluently reeled off 600 metres in 38 sec. The going was good. Khyber Pass
      357 words
    • 394 28  -  EPSOM JEEP By THE first weight-for-age classic on the SingaporeMalaysian racing circuit has received tremendous support from the owners. Forty-six top class horses, representing the cream of the stayers, middle-distance and sprinters in training, have been entered for the $100,000 Sultan of Selangor's
      394 words
    • Article, Illustration
      110 28 THE heraes entered for the SulUn of Sehugcr's G«ld Cap race: Added Advantage, All Go, Blase Ob, Caesar's Palace, Camberly, Cannon, Charles Street Lad, Cincinnati m. Credentials, Doable Agent D, FUlpachl, Flask O'Green, General Atty, Hawaii IV, Intan Slngapara, La Prairie, London Bridge, Madam Butterfly, Master Wishes, Ming
      110 words
    • 44 28 PARIS, Tues. Buckpoint. ridden by Jean-Luc Kessas, yesterday won the 200,000 franc ($105,000) Prix Maurice de Nieui) over 2,500 metres in St Cloud. Buckpoint won by three lengths from Proustllle (M. Phuipperon), with Perrault (Alain Badel) third of the 11 runners. Reuter
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 96 28 ASEAN aid for schools? KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Association of South-east Asian Nations (ASEAN) standing committee, meeting in Manila in September, are expected to discuss the long-post-poned question of financing the ASEAN Schools Sports Council, an ASSC official said here today. ASSC secretary-general Abdullah Marzuki, of Malaysia, said that ASEAN
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 30 28 DELTA RANGERS defeated Singapore Cricket Club 2-0 in a friendly soccer match on the Padang yesterday. In another friendly game, Jollilads beat Hotel Taipan 3-1 at Fairer Park.
      30 words
    • 37 28 MARKETING UNITED defeated Engineering United 3-0 in a Singapore Airlines Group j inter-department Division Three soccer match at Mountbatten yesterday. In a Division Two, SATS Po- i lice edged out Quality Control 1-0. I
      37 words
    • 1113 28 ENTRIES for the Selangor Turf Club Meeting in Kuala Lumpur on July 26-27 and Aug Class 1 (First run 1,200 m (a) or I,Boom (b); second run 1,200 m (c) or 1.600 m (Cup. d) or 2,000 m (c): Above All n ac. Ace Queen ac, Added Advantage
      1,113 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 26 28 CORRIGENDUM NCF: MADAM UM Krow Nro The cortege will leave on Wednesday 16/7 80 at 12 noon for Mount Vernon and not on 15 7 80
      26 words
    • 1186 28 VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL EVENTS 114 Lost Found REWARD ISOO Mercedes No. LH4SSIZ 1978 model, light brown, missing from People's Park Centre carpark Any informaI lion, please call *****4 12 noon to9pm 115 Personal Message* SHARON (KAMEESRADAVI) I'M back Come to my place at once i wherever you are. Vie Nesen
      1,186 words
    • 133 28 SALES ENGINEER. CHINESE gentleman. 25. with pleasant personality seeks friends of all ages. Telephone and photo appreciated. Patrick Lee. Tanjong Pagar P 0 Box 141. Spore 9108. MR. KM. LEE of Far East Mansion, the hirer of car 5Z2244 Datsun 140J, orange colour. Is requested to contact the owner Ms
      133 words
    • 174 28 A rf/mmt/ff/mr/f UM/ TENDER FOR THE CLEANING OF CEILING 4 M? SATS invites tenders for the cleaning of the X <A ceiling (approximately 24,000 sq ft) in the gff "Wash-up" areo, ground floor, Airline BO House, for the period 1 September 1980 to A Hk 31 March 1981 N^. A
      174 words

    • 65 29 PONTE VERDE, Tne*. Tom WatoMi leads the Praffwriona,! Golfers' Association monrywlnners' list with U*****,725 <$~n4,28). Tap II: I Tain Watson USstt7.m, I Lee Trevino U55a5.744, S Aady Bean I 55?15.17«, 4 Craig Stadler I *****,- 5 Oearge Bans 155H4,2«3. Larry Nelson I S$l«,4M, 1 Jerry Pate
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 717 29 BRIEFS Maria's world mark SOFIA. Tues. Bulgaria's Maria Vegova Petkova set a women's world discus record of 71.80 metres at the Bulgarian athletics championships. It bettered tne previous record, set in May by East German Evelin Jahl, by 30 centimetres. In RmJw. Antti Kalliomaeki set a Finnish pole vault record
      Agencies  -  717 words
    • 270 29 MUIRFTET.D, Tues. Defending champion Severiano Ballesteros, of Spain, virtually wrote off his chances of winning Britain's Open golf championship after a disappointing practice round here yesterday. Ballesteros, 23, who is also the reigning United States Masters' champion, was unusually gloomy when he said: "My game isn't good. I've
      Reuter  -  270 words
    • 217 29 MILAN, Tues. Italy's soccer bribery scandal jumped back into the midsummer headlines yesterday with a threat by a former international star to reveal alleged irregularities dating back to 1974. Giuseppe Wilson, 34, British-born captain of Rome's First Division Lazio and three times a member of the
      UPI  -  217 words
    • 150 29 NOTTINGHAM, Tues. European champions Nottingham Forest nave joined the race for Arsenal's £2 million-rated (JlOmi midfield maestro Liam Brady. Peter Taylor, Forest's assistant manager, confirmed the interest in the Irish international yesterday. Manchester United are interested in Brady, too. In Bright**, Alan Mullery, the Brighton manI ager,
      Agencies  -  150 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 747 29 .Ja^fek I a Q i ■al BM 'i Am A S World Leader Ship. Our DC-10 flies to more places more often than any other wide-cabin jetliner. More than 800 flights a day, on 44 airlines. To 170 cities in 90 countries, on six continents. Which means no matter where
      747 words

    • 240 30  - SABA to oof against KEN JALLEH Jr. By THE Singapore Amiteur Boxing Association have decided to take disciplinary action against 2 national and ex-national boxers, who signed a ,ietition alleging SABA's inability to do their job. This is in addition to the disciplinary action they intend to mete out to
      240 words
    • 295 30 CHANGI GENTS trounced Fraser and Neave 9-0 to stay on top of the Division One League of the Singapore Darts Association. ASIA Engineers A 8 Otis 1. Singai •> Elite 4, Scorpion DC 4 Elite P W L F APtsThg C Cents U 17 1111 SI
      295 words
    • 310 30  -  JOE DORAI PERSIRAJA, Medan's soccer champions, want a Football Association of Singapore coach to prepare their team for the President Suharto Cup tournament in Jakarta next month. Their squad of 20 players are expected to arrive in the Republic today to start training for a
      310 words
    • 89 30  -  GODFREY ROBERT By LONDON, Ties. English First Mvi- I sion s*ceer dab Crystal PaUce yesterday agreed to accommodate Singapore's national team manager Jita Singh for two weeks. la a reply to the Football AssscU- ttra of England, wh« an tnuctag JlU's Itinerary far short coaching stints
      89 words
    • 219 30  -  WILFRED YEO MALAYSIA'S bowlers, who have been outshining their Singapore counterparts in recent years, will soon take a step further when three of them are sent to the United States for training as coaches, according to Malaysia's New Straits Times. The training stint will see
      219 words
    • 156 30 Lau pays heavily LAU WENG YEW, last year's Singapore snooker champion, does not often lose. Neither does he intend to, because the last time he lost to Loo Yap Long, by three frames to five, in the final of this year's national championships last month it proved to be costly,
      156 words
    • 85 30 'No' to Minter fight on Centre Court LONDON, Tues. A plan to stage a world boxing title fight on Wimbledon's Centre Court is almost certain to be turned down by the All-England Gub committee, the ground's owners. Promotor Mike Barrett had discussed staging England's Alan Miner's middleweight championship defence against
      UPI  -  85 words
    • 275 30 Englishmen frustrate West Indians MANCHESTER, Tues After trailing by 110 runs on first innings scoring 150 to the West Indies' 260 England fought out an honourable draw on the last day of the third cricket Test here today. Though Clive Lloyd's West Indians battled hard today to sustain their victory
      275 words
    • 99 30 ENGLAND Ist INNS: IK WEST INDIES lit INNS: 2M ENGLAND M INNS: <»v«- night Ml-S) Gaaefe c Murray bMarshall 21 B*yr*tt lbw Holding Rase c Kallicharran b Holding X LarUaa r Murray b Marshall X irtttUn r Kallii harran b Garner 5< Battam lbw Holding 35 WUley not out
      99 words
    • 40 30 GOLF Selelar Club championship second round 1 Sembawang Pro-am championship (7). SOCCER NO. MvWm Omt: TlonK Bahru v Oylang International (Jalan Besar, 8), Chanfji United v Toa Payoh (Jurong, 8). StajpHMte Alrtlan tiraap later-deparUßeat Letnr (Tanelin Mounthatten, 5.15).
      40 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 362 30 to**** 11 10 comprehensive I IUELDinD EQUIPHIEIIT SHOUIROOHI uieT22RUeU/tl9Bo. 45OOsq.ft. Office cum Showroom displaying a comprehensive range of welding, safety pipe-line* equipment and accessories. •^-»Hlr^\ S° le Agents for all UNIWELD products fllSi-ily UNIWELD PRODUCTS (U.S.A.) PTE. LTD. V/"*^^^ New Head Office/Showroom SA, Blk 14, 994 Bendemeer Road, Kallang Industrial
      362 words

    • 43 31 SEQUENCE shots by Straits Time* Chief Photographer (Special Assignments) MAX KIAN SENG show Chn» Eng Mnl making her rw-r_ clearance at the National Stadium yesterday. She approaches the bar (left), sails over It (above) and makes her descent (right).
      UP  -  43 words
    • 658 31  -  SARA UDUWELA By CHUA ENG MUI, of Chung Hwa Girls' High School, yesterday scaled new heights at the National Stadium, rewriting both her schools' and national high jump records. Competing in the national schools' athletics championships, the 15-year-old Eng Mui, whose best
      658 words
    • 382 31  -  ERNEST FRIDA By SINGAPORE golfer Jimmy Stewart must wait until next June before he can be reinstated as an amateur. Low Kee Pow, the Singapore Golf Association secretary, said yesterday: "His reinstatement will not take effect until a year after June 4, the day
      382 words
    • 332 31  -  R. MANORAJ By FORMER international hockey player Kartar Singh, a laboratory technician, has been appoint- ed coach of Singapore's j under-21 team for the Junior World Cup qualifying rounds in Hongkong next year. Kartar, who has represented Singapore and Malaysia in more than 150 matches, once
      332 words
    • 72 31 HWA CHONG Junior College beat Raffles Girls' Secondary 2-0, while Raffles Institution fell 0-2 to Thomson in national schools' post-secondary girls' volleyball matches yesterday. Other results: Glrlf Post-secondary: Temasek JC 2 St. Andrew's JC 0; Secondary: Jurong 2 Yock Eng 0, Serangoon 2 MacPherson 0, Thomson
      72 words
    • 138 31  -  PETER SIOW By MALAYSIA may not compete In the Peata Snkan shooting championxhlps from Ang. VX at Rifle Range Road. It seems that they are torn between taking part In the Peuta and the Perak Open, which starts at the end of the month. But the
      138 words
    • 359 31  -  KEN JALLEH Jr. Hi A RECORD 301 entries have been received for the Ovaltine individual graded squash championships from Saturday week to Aug. 10 at Kallang. Said a delighted Singapore Squash Ttackets Association official: "We're absolutely stunned! We've never had such an overwhelming response before
      359 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 548 31 i^^j^_ui___t. iro ~r^^ t a TrainAsACompanY Sales Executive and leave that poor job behind you! The happy family, the housa and Holders of the MAMSA Part II Diploma tha car could be Yours. With you ifl Sa |es Marketing will be totally in a prosperous new job enjoying fj«7»ptad from
      548 words

  • 121 32 MOSCOW, Tues. The Soviet authorities refused to allow French Ambassador Henri Froment-Meu-rice to give his traditional Bastille Day speech yesterday on Moscow television because it contained remarks about the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, French sources said. The incident appears identical to the Soviet refusal
    AP  -  121 words
  • 169 32 Was cook murdered to stop him talking? A COOK on board a fishing trawler who had information about the operation of an international drug trafficking syndicate was found dead the day before he was to be questioned by a Central Narcotics Bureau officer. Tan Guan Kwee, 29, was found dead
    169 words
  • 32 32 LONDON, Tues. A columnist in the Financial Times newspaper said his local butcher ~*ip displays a sign readii rrv our pork pies and W ouddings You will nevei b»iter." UPI.
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 107 32 Heat wave deaths in US now 600 WASHINGTON, Tim. The death toll fram the three-week-old heat wave la the I'nlted State* has exceeded Ml, prompting police la Atlaata to mrce people to leave their nonnw far cooler shelters. Red Croat officials risked faas to poor families In Kansas City aid
    AP  -  107 words
  • 343 32 LONDON, Tuesday BRITAIN has announced it will spend £1.3 billion (556.5 billion) on new tanks and armoured combat vehicles, signalling a shift in its defence planning and paving the way for future collaboration on tank-building programmes with its Nato allies. Defence Minister
    Reuter; AP  -  343 words
  • 30 32 BEIJING, Tues. China Is to gradually reduce the working shift for coal miners from eight to six hours daily, the official Xinhua News Agency (NCNA) said today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 32 32 NEW YORK, Tues. The Dow Jones average for 30 industrials climbed 6.57 points to 912.12 in the first half hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange today. AP.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 92 32 CAIRO, Tues. The health of the former Shah of Iran has taken a turn for the worse, with his temperature rising to 39 degrees Celsius and doctors diagnosing a new leg infection, a hospital source said yesterday. "This could signal a new cycle of
    UPI  -  92 words
  • 638 32 SUZUKI ALL SET TO TAKE OVER AS NEW PM TOKYO, Tuos. MR ZENKO Suzuki, a skilled backstage mediator who calls himself a political coordinator, was elected president of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party today, paving the way for him to become the nations next prime minister. Mr Suzuki, a socialistturned
    Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  638 words
  • 376 32  - Thai troops begin hunt for guerillas after ambush M.G.G PILLAI By Our Kuala Lumpur reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Thai Army has launched an intensive search for communist guerillas after they killed four soldiers and wounded another three in an ambush in southern Thailand. Thai military sources in the southern
    376 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 143 32 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. FULL details of the Urban Redevelopment Authority's 9th sale of sites, with implications for all sectors of the property market. Other items: Gold falls a sickening US$5O, creating more fears of a total collapse. Tat Lee subsidiary nets $6.8 million from a sale
      143 words
    • 169 32 20 microns 90k) plated lighter J^WL. gold plated ball point pen Refined elegance... the mark of fine Swiss craftsmanship. A highly appreciated gift CARAN D'ACHE [pj] Jebsen& Jessen Tel: *****1 Baby Belling 120 jP Electric Cooker/Oven Model 620 HV^^ without boiling rings W^^^^^^^^\ also available B^^^^^ Just that mudlbt Belling
      169 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 210 32 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Showers In a few places around noon. TEMP. (C) up to C a.m. tomorrow: 8 max., 24 mm. SUNSET today: C.4C p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: C.3S a.m. GLOBAL weather Amsterdam 12-18 C Cloudy La* Amgtttm 17-30 C Cloudy Alkoaa 24-35 C Clear Madrid 13-33 C Clear
      210 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION 2
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION 2
      5 words
    • Bilingual page
      • 35 1 POINT OF VIEW >JT- rEf S ftl HE wt.t« frx«f«Jfl'J» ftft/-A'J»» l -jiK«»fi'J« w m if jb «m i »O**fiJJft*W--**i; tt« «^a)ctitt*a o-|ij iij o 7*mmbT X W-^^^^ffitt .ft* i?»«s«!*riA--j-. fit£f*4J#«lfe .«c^ ♦Aff«jofa^*iiift flMßXftsftfflfT? Irl
        35 words
      • Article, Illustration
        89 1 WHEN a literary piece is being published, the layout and proofreading of toe relevant publication play an important part. A literary piece with an artistic and pleasant layout and proper proof-reading can be likened to the poeny and the green leaves that shine in each other's company. Ye Shengtae, 85,
        89 words
      • 64 1 nm "SgW«Eil6 w ftjfi »a»«tt-«>« »W*2filfls M Slkf »fW+*-HiA'hiJiffi X«tf*3* .ffiftAE aft**? w^-T-ffl SS?ET ft-*tM« fitfe* «ax# *r»« &m r**fr Sim*!?, -««8«<>T *±A*>X££« "HP fcftF -Witt: A Bsfflgft:?:jK7 Ssii«ifi .J9s*ift*r <*i#«>*<s#*>' *fßW«tit .fUMi ■ft. a >*^t? -inf^p D ppU*SF oMas a#aifi*tintt «!«I^Wf«Jl*^^p r nf? < *l If Xx > >
        64 words
      • 173 1 THE "mandarin-duck and butterfly" school of literature flourished for some time in Shanghai before World War 11. Tragedies, romance and poly-angular affairs of gifted scholars and beautiful ladies dominated the themes of movies, plays and literature. Affectionate couples were often compared to mandarin-ducks (which always move
        173 words
      • 44 1 XIANG xiingbU trunk (of on hSoxiong seem, like elephant) xiongqf Chinese chess <*« L J[- For example, you may xiangyo elephant's task; ivory Zhiege xiangya diaok^ xiongzheng symbolise; signify fSWIJC hen jmgzhT. s_ meaning, "This is an xiongyong presentable exquisite ivory carving.
        44 words
      • 5 1 £HS3>3g
        5 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 247 1 'I/* ft m 9 'jf?£§p l.l 3&--3 I \^^^^^^^^^^^^^^nHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH^np 9 all*'* ■uuuuuuuuuuuuV •MT^WSMtH It's only fitting that the most powerful truck The Canter has also the strongest suspension should have the most powerful brakes. system in its class. The new Mitsubishi Canter, the most powerful Its carriage has 9 main
        247 words
      • 70 1 IHSID^ A bald warning If you think your balding scalp Is a hair-rais-ing problem, you may be right if you're not careful how you go about correcting It. Find out why on Pago 13 Thanks, teacher Canadian pianist Rena ling has her teacher, a famous Malaysian, to thank for her
        70 words
    • 1000 2 PICK of the DAY C SBC 5 JOIN THOSE Enid Blyton creations come to TV life in the Famous Five (Ch 5, 7 p.m.) in another adventure entitled Five On A Secret Trail. When someone tries to scare off our heroes and heroines, plus doggy, with weird noises and high-pitched
      1,000 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 436 2 ■■■^■^365 days s c rv i c c IyEPOSITI rBmodels^ 1 brand new Option to buy tor on* fat contract only. Thorns* 34, Genting Lane. *****02 G63, Katong Shopping Centre, *****26 G49. Queensway Shopping Centre, *****26^^ M*****^a Thorn Video Recorders I Ml Wlttl a $100 rental per month (■/ThornTV. CHANCE
        436 words
      • 2 2 ■1 IkW
        2 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 109 2 FILM SHOWS for the public at the National Museum at 8 p.m.: Imperial Tour of the United States and Building for Peace and Prosperity. Free admission. PIANO RECITAL by Rena Ling at the DBS auditorium at 8 p.m. Tickets: $1. VOICES OF THE YOUNG by the Heralds Choral Society at
        109 words
      • 1154 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.00 PM Open flowed by What's My Trail Line? 7.30 News and Newsreel (Malay) 4.30 Intermission 10 00 Poftraits Of Power 6.00 Open folowed by Rampaian Sufcan 10 25 T he Val Doonkan Show 6.30 News In Brief 11.20 Chico And The Man The Peeping
        1,154 words
      • 310 3 Piano recital by Rena Ling DBS auditorium, tonight at 8 p.m. Tickets $1; Story by GERALDINE TANG HAPPINESS to budding Canadian pianist Rena Ling is having a dedicated piano tutor who brings her out to perform in the Far East while he is on business here. The far-sighted
        310 words
      • Article, Illustration
        435 3 Out Of The Blue (new comedy series) Fridays, Ch 5, 7.55 p.m. Reviewed by JOHN DE SOUZA RANDOM is a lanky angel, gangly and awkward, almost country bumpkin-like, with a kindly face and a disarming smile. He's the newest family comedy star to emerge on local TV, an
        435 words
      • 530 3 SSO concert; July 11 Reviewed by JOHN EDWARDS THE two concertos, placed at the hub of last Friday's SSO concert, were at once attractive and suitable media for two accomplished and intelligent soloists. Neither work scales any great heights of expression or depths of
        530 words
      • 133 3 Let The Good Time* Roll Presented by the Singapore Film Society Drama Centre Tonight, 8 p.m. YOU could settle down for a nostalgia trip tonight, if you feel inclined, into the days when rock 'n roll was born with Bill Haley and The Comets. Directors Sid Levin
        133 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 1 3 PipMM
        1 words
      • 505 3 ,6J k Hitachi fiS i \{c^ M^^§ caraircon hocD-jjos^ r oco-2708 \w 0^ iv l^^r (CUWHNTSO-2JOA) W (CMVKNT 50-270* ....are quality machines. n Compact t Mobile DMd enpne-drimn DC SUM* Arc Charactered* Denyo'i origmal g*n*rMoritiTiounl*donawti««4«dp<Mframe Vi thrd-bruth MM-txciMd. <*««remn( compound ,^M A .^H B^ nr msv irantoori HH.M g*n«rMor term*
        505 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 465 4 LADIES ONLY PREVIEW > JADE: SUNDAY 20th 9am i Admission: Circle $2.50. Stalls $1.50 I n Cash bookings Now Open No Free List i a They couldn't have celebrated happier anniversaries if they were i married to each other. **IP J klfLd I k^ameTlnic;Xextlcar M j ■Li Ellen Burstyn Alan
        465 words
      • 499 4 BM Cil IM. MM I L 1111 1 1 f*m M d '1 1 Im m' 1 dl]d I] 'J^m' /Basal K-\tX- w' t /r-^ a aIaBBBBaB>BBBBBBBBB B '.aßßßßßV.a^Ba^kaaß>^aV^^i>^B.^^LaV^ >^^&__i_aTl ■BBBgaßwaajßHaaa •< BBBaaa j' I jP^^^^^^^^^^^^^H BL^T bbbt Baal*r^^^^Bß I AmSbsbßßbbbbli bsbl bsbb. bbbbT ibVL. -^aal bsbV .bbbb! I*Lb. blb^H
        499 words
      • 331 4 fioooooooooooocooooooooooooo ODEON: LAST DAY! 8 (321 1 16) 5 SHOWS Horn, 130, 4, 630 9 15pm iS _THE FORCE OF ONE IS WITH YOl j 'j 1 H B^BB^^V t S I BBBbI ■BBBBBT^Ib^BBBbI BBBBBBP^r^BPf'f^^BBBy' ODEON:OPENS TOMORROW?: 5 JSa IWIRBS M c 5 /J^Qr "»ehH««n« Best Picture X f 4fyL
        331 words
      • 553 4 opoooooooooo I'rUft CATHAY < I V3JJ/ ORGANISATION i M»l3BUtHlira I I LAST DAYI i "am. 1J0,4.00.«.30.t.15pn. E A Force < ;/W>\olOne I Storrmg Chuck Norm i i OPENS TOMORROW Fox "PATTOir 'George C Scott/Korl Molden I LAST DAYI j 1 JO, 4.00, 1.30 a 15pm I I OPENS TOMORROW I
        553 words
      • 428 4 ILL/IILJUHI, JULI 18, ITS ORCAWItATIQW j ■MiJ;U>-i»n»'»* I NOW SHOWING' 1 Horn. I 30,4 00 645 9 IS j B Tha REBEL mTRUOCRS" Mondorm m Scope-Color a Next Chong* -LOVE undar a*l V Mondof aj TOOAY ONLY' I lorn. I 45. 4 00, 645 9 15 m "MtMl SKMT QAMO-
        428 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 66 5 Registered Office: N0. 4 Hong Kong Street Singapore 0105 TLX: MAYACO R*****8 Office /Factory: 50 Sungei Kadut Street 1 Singapore 2572 Tel: *****86 Showroom: 460-466 Peninsula Plaza 111 North Bridge Road Singapore 0617 Tel: *****38 Announcing The Official Opening Of The First Assembly Plant hi This Region For "Completely Knock-Down"
        66 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 1789 6 French furniture at locally assembled prices. I mmm I take great pleasure in announcing the Your Excellency, Chairmen of the Board. Fr.nch Investments in Singapore official opening of the Imported Furniture Ladies Gentlemen. It .s always an important 9P Assembly Plant of Caliway Pte Ltd under Maya event for the
        1,789 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 235 7 Ushering in a new concept in Home Rjinishing This elegant bedroom suite made of quality particle board is. French in design and finished in PVC laminate and/or Polyester. Simple yet attractive, this bedroom suite is functional, cheerful and cleverly matched in warm tones of either rustic oak, rosewood mahogany and
        235 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 58 8 French f]gir and Singaporean efficiency in furniture production. The first of its kind infheregion. Some sections of the work in progress in our Assembly Plant in Sungei Kadut, which is fully equipped to assemble and pack CKD imported furniture including on-the-spot repairs and replacement work. A Joint-Venture V "S/ MEMBER
        58 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 118 9 i i jP m&* Bb B^B\ llbT^TtTtm 1 J *"W^ TP jb-«blbi **^J^D WwJHrvTL^^^^ S JB vßb B^Br^^va^jl S I 1. MPBIW^ 1 1 "■wm>njP|^^^W' jj ■Ma^^^^^T^^^^^^B iHß^Mkaai^K^^ j j^H BmJhßak^ Hbhts b^^ p^ >&&^ j*ii&~ L^m3| Ib^BBUB^Bi B^r^^T B^kkßifeßßßil^Mi B^P^s^^^^3B^B Bbh ft I^BV WK^^^^T.m b% JßHs^Bma .b^m B^HB^iilT Jfl
        118 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 82 10 Our exclusive imported range at European Furniture is an Interior decorator's dream I r _^^^^/k II h .i^^^f V mmrnm^g 4S^'W mmm Wd m f Ml mmmM The top names in European iurmture and gracious living, llll] f*Lj^ jSls appealing to the eyes as they are comfortable P^P^» and luxurious
        82 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 176 11 Congratulations and Best Wishes to I or) their I official opening We are proud of you I x miv I MAYA GROUP OF COMPANIES I INDONESIA 2\ P.T. Bank Mayindo Pertama y-N^- 1 P.T. Indomaya Mas SINGAPORE P^- JJf* lll^ 3 l^rfjU. ?|SSb a aContractor I Huntsmen Offset Printing Pte
        176 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 432 12 Congratiilations and Best Wishes to Maya Group arid Groupe Dumeste Parisot on the official opening af B^JHj&g KSW# I EXHIBITIONS* WINDOW DISPLAY Mm.^""S CmSMIII office showroom* signs M #sml WWWW MITSUI CO LTD lIPJI ljs»Tl^lßA=l 1-14 BlkATono Lee Building GENERAL IMPORTERS J EXPORTERS \!\^2^ tobacco (pte) ltd SaiQ€ G€N€RAL€ h
        432 words
      • 670 13  - Transplants: A heady problem REX D ALTON By THE top of the bald man's head looked like the knee of a child who had fallen in gravel and then let the wound infect. Pieces of broken fibre stuck up like wheat stubble through painful pustules in stark contrast to the
        Copley News Service  -  670 words
      • 614 13  - Hair-raising schemes from Hungary JOHN D ARNTON HUNGARY, which has often mused about ways to bring in Western currency during the lean months between tourist seasons, has hit upon a hair-raising scheme. It all began early last year when Andras Banfi, a former factory supervisor in the city of Bekescsaba,
        NYT  -  614 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 279 13 in Kiss Ale A o\mrhts I Elfe is specially BJ lormulated using onl) HJ Hk Hf Natural Element Vj VY extracts to keep your Hk tender skin softer, healthier Hk and lovelier HJ Discover it yoursell H^^H^ r and feel the difference of HI being beautiful naturally. N»lu«l Elements Promtilion
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    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 2135 14 MORTGAGEE SALE S I '«*> CAIRNS. NORTH QUEENSLAND. AUSTRALIA fe I AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLES AND BONUS SHARE M "TRINITY BAY I BS^ FLOATING RESTAURANT TOURIST ATTRACTION i j I At an extraordinary general meeting H of The Straits Trading Company i^ f H Limited neld on l4tn Jul V 980
        2,135 words
      • 301 14 ALfKH) QKANT PTV. LTO. I AND OTHEK COMPANIES (DBTRIBITION OF TRUST MONEYS) ACT IfJI On 21st December, 1979 the Parliament of the SUte of Queensland, Australia pass* ed an Act of Parliament relating to the distribution of certain trust moneys held by or that come Into the hands of Alfred
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    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 422 15 (f^fISBSB. invites applications to fill the following positions 1. Vehicle Mechanics 2. Vehicle Electricians 3. Panel Beaters 4. Engine Overhaul/ Repair Men SALARY: (300 $450 pm REQUIREMENTS 1. 18-40 years of age 2. Minimum of 2 years working experience in similar field FRINGE BENEFITS Transport Subsidy 14 Working Days Annual
        422 words
      • 621 15 EUROPEAN STANDARD ELECTRONICS PTE. LTD. (A subsidiary of THOMSOM-BRANDT, tha largest manufacturer of electronic products in Franco with wortd-wido production and marketing facilities, and French Leaders in High Technology Electronics and Household Appliances) As a result of production demand and expansion programme we are looking for top calibre personnel to
        621 words
      • 595 15 Filmo SALES REPRESENTATIVE This Company is one of the leading distributors of Audio- Visual and Micro graphic products. We are looking for an ambitious, hardworking and highly motivatad parson to expand our operation in the Audio Visual aquipmsn* fiald in Singapore. The ideal candidate must have previous experience in the
        595 words
      • 409 15 invites applications for the position of ASSISTANT LAUNDRY MANAGER Aga: 30 to 35 yaars Sax: Male Qualifications: GCE O level Experience not essential. Must possess leadership qualities and human relations skills. Applicants must have a minimum of 2 years supervisory experience, preferably in the production sector. An attractive salary commensurate
        409 words
      • 630 15 IN THE MATTER OP THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP. 1M Ml IN THE MATTER OF SINGAPORE 8118 SERVICE LIMITED (Mcabera' V*iuUry unwtiw) At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of Singapore Bus Service Limited, duly convened and held at 205, Braddell Road, Singapore 2057 on the 7th day of July,
        630 words
    • 44 16 The Board of Directors, Management Staff of UNITED GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY SON. RHD. wish to express their deepest sympathy and condolences to I MR CHANG MING THIEN FAMILY I on the recent bereavement of his late mother I MADAM ONG GIOK TIOW I
      44 words
    • 39 16 Our deepest sympathy heart -felt condolences to our director Mr. CHANG MING THEN on the demise of his beloved mother, the late Madam ONG GKDK TIOW From: The Chairman, Board of Directors, Management Staff United Malayan Banking Corporation Bhd.
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 235 16 UNION CARBIDE ASIA LIMITED a member of the UNION CARBIDE GROUP OF COMPANIES located in Jurong has vacancies for 1) TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE Nlyolef ins 2) TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE -Chemicals Applications are invited from Singapore Citizens who have completed full-time National Service and possess the following qualifications: EDUCATION: IDA degree
        235 words
      • 301 16 National Maritime Board invites applications from citizens/permanent residents of Singapore for the post of INSTRUCTOR (2nd ENGINEER) at the shorebased seamen's training school, TS "Singapore" within Sembawang Camp. Quolrfkotions ond Experience Candidates must possess a Diploma in Marine/ Mechanical Engineering and a 2nd Class Engineer (Motor) Certificate of Competency. A
        301 words
      • 72 16 EJ MESSER GRIESHEIM A MEMBER OF THE HOECHST GROUP OF COMPANIES A Leader in the Field of Welding And Cutting Products Is Looking For A Reputable Distributor For East and West Malaysia Interested Parties Are Invited To Contact Us At STANDS 32,48 &49 SINGAPORE WELDING SHOW WORLD TRADE CENTRE SINGAPORE
        72 words
      • 281 16 la the natter AIR CHARTER ENTERPRISES PTE LTD (la Valaatary UaaMatlM) tad la the matter at the Cwnaaale* Aet.Caa.lBi NOTICE is hereby given that the creditors of the abovenamed Company, which Is being wound up voluntarily, are required on or before the Monday, llth August, 1980 to send their names
        281 words
      • 263 16 la Uk Matter W the Cwnatak* Act, Ca#. 1£ Md la the Matter BAN UAN (PRIVATE) LOOTED (la ValuUry UqaMattoa) At an Extraordinary Qeneral Meeting of the Company duly convened and held at No. 15, Phillip Street, Singapore 0104 on Monday, 7th July 1930. the following resolution was passed WINDING-UP
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