The Straits Times, 14 July 1980

Total Pages: 40
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 MONDAY, JULY 14, 1981 30 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 1 1 1/1/80
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  • 767 1  -  SIT MENG CHUE Support from special unit By RESIDENTS' Committees in HDB estates will soon receive professional help in planning programmes when a special unit of community workers from the Social Affairs Ministry is deployed to give them support. These officers, with their wealth of grassroots
    Reuter  -  767 words
  • 486 1 MIAMI, Sun SLXTY-EIGHT years after the "unsinkable" luxury liner Titanic rammed an iceberg and sank in the North Atlantic, a crew of scientists and adventurers is setting out to search for the wreck with new sonar and television equipment. They plan to spend 30 to 45
    AP  -  486 words
  • 45 1 JERUSALEM, Sun v.tst quantities of oil-bearing shale haw Ix-rn dhKOVOrw] in the NafltV IW'tt in south Israel, the Israeli daily Maariv reported here today. Kxperts have estimated that the discovery will meet Israel's oil miMls until well into the next century AXI 1
    45 words
  • 128 1 FIRST, It was ping-pong diplomacy. Now, it's ping-pong courtesy the IVvan Nalr way. K vr n if the game he flayed yesterday mornng during a tour of Alison constituency to spread the conrtewy message did not go the full set, Mr Nalr, who is MP
    WAN SENG YIP  -  128 words
  • 85 1 4 IF the Fund is to help local firms restructure their operations, then it should be set aside as a special fund to help such firms reorganise. It should be used to employ consultants who could advise the firms on mergers and takeovers, and to introduce new meth- m
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  • 166 1 Joint JapanAsean hunt for energy? TOKYO, Sunday JAPAN plans to promote joint development of new energy sources with Asean members, the Yomiru Shimbun said today. The newspaper said the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry had decided to set up a joint energy research centre with the Asean countries.
    UPI  -  166 words
  • 95 1 KRIANGSAK TO FORM OWN PARTY BANGKOK, Sun. Former Thai Prime Minister Kriangsak Chornanan has announced his intention to form a political party. Returning from a vacation in West Germany yesterday, Gen Kriangsak said such a move was not aimed against anyone, but to promote the interests of democracy. "I wish
    AFP  -  95 words
  • 67 1 WIESBADEN (West Germany), Sun. Freed American Embassy hostage, Mr Richard Queen, entered a military hospital here last night for neurological tests, a US Consulate spokesman said. He said doctors in the US Air Force hospital in Wiesbaden would continue tests begun in Zurich to discover
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 25 1 AMMAN, Sun. Eighteen Iraqi diplomats who were looking after their country's interests in Egypt have been declared persona non grata by Cairo. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 29 1 MANILA, Sun. Some 20 communist guerillas ambushed government forces in the southern Philippines, killing three soldiers and seriously wounding two others, a military spokesman said today
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  • 79 1 Test flight success LOS ANGELES, Sun. The United States Air Force has successfully carried out the first test of its new XC 10 transport plane, a spokesman for the manufacturers. McDonnell-Douglas, said yesterday at Long Beach, California. The XC 10, a modified version of the DC-10 commercial cargo plane, is
    AFP  -  79 words
  • 420 1 ANKARA, Sun. Two Iranian military officers flew a military helicopter to Turkey and asked passage to the United States so they could seek political asylym, Turkish officials said Sunday. They said the two lieutenants landed their two-seat helicopter in a Turkish border town yesterday. They were
    Reuter; UPI  -  420 words
  • 82 1 THE road death toll so far this year has risen to 151. The latest victim was Zainal bin Yaman, 18, who was a pillion rider on a motorcycle ridden by Dzul Qarian bin Mohamed Nasir, also 18, which went out of control and crashed
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  • 324 1 BANGKOK, Sunday THAI troops went on full alert today on the Thai-Kampu-chean border after an overnight Shootout with Vietnamese units moving against Khmer Rouge guerillas, officials here said today. Early reports were sketchy but indicated no one was hurt in the brief clash
    Reuter; AFP  -  324 words
  • 243 1 Pol Pot to be dropped as party chief? BANGKOK, Sunday KHMER Rouge Prime Minister Khieu Samphan has hinted that Mr Pol Pot may be replaced as leader of the Communist Party of Kampuchea as part of a wider structural change, a reporter who interviewed him said here yesterday. In a
    AFP  -  243 words
  • 48 1 years HONGKONG, Sun. Hongkong has had the hottest June in 42 years, a Royal Observatory spokesman said today. He said the mean maximum temperature last month was 31 6 degrees Celsius compared with 31 7 degrees in June 1938, the highest on record. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 39 1 TUNIS, Sun. The United Nations plans to send about 7,000 troops to Namibia to maintain order and organise free and fair elections in that South African administered territory, UN secretary-gener-al Kurt Waldheim said on television here. AFP.
    AFP  -  39 words
  • 77 1 HAVANA, Son. I nldrntlfled warpUnes fired on tw* Cuban ships In the Atlantic off Africa, killing the raptaln of one vessel and woondlns three officers, the official Prensa Latlna news agency said today. The agency said the ships were fnel tankers which were In the area to
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 If it was any longer it wouldn't be tournament-legal Aslral J TOP PRO\ Jm the wiftum FiELm > v r'^m SOtE AGENT 4fe sv«t«« M 27 FAR EAST SHOPPING CENTRE aW par MSORCHAROROSPOREOBZ) Jl 'ftf\| C TEL W«M. WU9B WLr mm tet.fx hsjwo cable pargoif
      44 words
    • 129 1 THE BETTER BALL DUAL PITCH ELECTRIC. LEXIKON 93C. Olivetti has designed a better ball. It consistently produces cleaner, cnsper typing impressions. In a range of beautifully designed, interchangeable typefaces ideal for your business. With the advantage of two different pitches. And a 46cm (18") carnage for a more flexible type
      129 words
    • 108 1 Nikon [EM L_ WITH UNIQUE SOUND GUIDANCE SYSTEM 40 pages today GAS TANKS PROBE COMES TO DEAD END Page 7 •SOVIETS using terror tactics 2 THAI Reds hard hit by desertions 3 I 'OUT with Nkomo' call by second minister 4 MEDICAL and dental students a class apart at university
      108 words

    • 116 2 In other words... 4 FOR a long time, there has been a tendency in western Europe to confuse America with Hollywood. So it comes as no surprise that the Republican Party has gathered in Detroit to nominate Ronald Reagan of California as their presidential candidate for the A United States.
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    • 34 2 CAIRO, Sun The deposed Shah of Iran w.-ts making good recovery in hospital here after an operation to clear liquid in his left lung, the semi-official newspaper Al Ahram reported today. AFP.
      AFP  -  34 words
    • 229 2 'REAGAN HAS A 10pc EDGE OVER CARTER' LOS ANGELES, Sunday ON THE eve of the Republican national convention, a new nationwide poll gives Mr Ronald Reagan a 10 per cent edge over President Carter, whether or not Mr John Anderson is in the race. The poll of 1,466 registered voters,
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    • 67 2 HONGKONG, Sun. The vice-chairman of the Chinese National People's Congress, Mr Ulanhu, met American associate professor Thubten Norbu, eldest brother of the Dalai Lama, in Beijing yesterday. Prof Norbu is a scholar on Tibet at Indiana University. He and his family arrived in Beijing on July
      AFP  -  67 words
    • 122 2 WASHINGTON, Sun AN 18-YEAR-OLD Marine Corps private who refused to retrieve silverware from a pig pen will be coart-marttaOed on Tuesday, a Marine .spokesman says. Pfc Scott Duncan, stationed at Camp Lejeone, North Carolina, was, after the June ll Incident, charged with disobeying an order
      AP  -  122 words
    • 126 2 Spectre of death under the Texas sun TWO c«wb*ys on the George light ranch riding past the carcass of a Texas longhorn that died because of the heat wave that has been plagolng the American south-west. According to the cowboys, less than 3 cm of rain has fallen In the
      AP  -  126 words
    • 73 2 JEDDAH, Sun. Saudi Arabian women will be allowed to work for the government for the first time in the history of this Muslim nation, a civil service board official said today. Mohammed Abu Bashit said a project worked out with the directorate general of girls'
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 317 2 DETROIT, Sun MASSES of fervent Republicans have begun gathering in this US motor capital to acclaim ex-film star Ronald Reagan as their nominee for the November presidential election. The only element of suspense in the four-day party convention, which opens
      Reuter  -  317 words
    • 161 2 MOSCOW, Son. The Soviet Union 1 Is now expecting "actions not words" from the United States In response to Its latest proposals on the control of medium-range mLsslles and ground forces In Europe, the newspaper Pravda said today. Referring to proposals made to West
      AFP  -  161 words
    • 330 2 WASHINGTON, Sunday FACING increasing guerilla pressure in Kabul, the Soviet army is turning to terror tactics against Afghan villagers, but the overall situation seems to be a stalemate according to US intelligence analysts. When the invasion first mh^bkk began in December last year, the
      AP; NYT  -  330 words
    • 93 2 By gum! It's a biting success LONDON, Sun. Britain's Department of Health said that its dental health campaign was beginning to bite. In 1968, it said, 41 per cent of 45 to 54-year-olds had no natural teeth. In 1978 only 29 per cent of this age group were without teeth
      UPI  -  93 words
    • 39 2 BEIJING, Sun. A collection of poems, notes and letters written by China's late Premier Zhou Enlai during his youth has been published by the Sichuan Provincial People's Publishing House, the official Xinhua news Agency reported yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 217 2 I to cinema l BSnfiii!4"i> rn^- v° RCH fI* DPLAZA > o v| (project q v i*^r: L '"^r $$4-^ I UJ/" :S l(xl ]£r^"««r SbBMoF URAPROJICT 9 \A- S '."BAGI 3mi9S«.=|n 'CM! WItMAMUSIMIN! ml as *?V 5 S O TJ"' ~~^||B I SHOPPING I ORCHARD *w«io«*.-[l ROAD M I
      217 words
    • 161 2 US PRESIDENTIAL BACE The NO PROBLEM Electronic Typing System The AES Plus (alsc known as the Lanier "No Problem" Typewriter) electronic typing system with its eight programmes was specially engineered to take over much of the workload caused by many routine chores involved in the composition, preparation and presentation of
      161 words

    • 466 3 Party has lost intellectuals and professionals BANGKOK, Sunday DESERTIONS have seriously drained the outlawed Communist Party of Thailand (CPT) of its young intellectuals and professional sympathisers who were driven into the jungles by the harsh anti-communist measures of the former Tanin Kravichien regime. M
      466 words
    • 110 3 Crowing faith of Catholics in China A WOMAN kissing the ring of Beijing's Bishop Michael Fu Tleshan outside the capital's Catholic cathedral yesterday. After the Communist Party's radicals were purged in 1975, more and more Catholics slowly attended church again. Attendance has been growing so much that the church is
      AP  -  110 words
    • 139 3 SEOUL, Sun. North i Korea is now so warlike and bent on re-invading the South that it has ordered all doves in the North killed because of its symbolism of peace, said a North Korean defector. Mr Lee Yong-U, 35, who slipped
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 201 3 6 priests and nun held for 'faking reports' SEOUL, Sun. The gov- eminent ai rested six I Roman Catholic priests and a nun on charges they faked reports that soldiers savagely killed young women during i student riots in May, the martial law command I announced yesterday. The charges allege
      AP  -  201 words
    • 313 3 ISLAMABAO, Sun. FIVE; outlawed political parties vowed yesterday to launch nationwide demonstrations to topple the government of Presi- I dent Zia ul-Haq if democracy is not restored within six weeks. The Pakistan National < Alliance (PNA) presented its demand at a national i convention attended
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    • 263 3 Indian lookout for the rare Siberian crane BOMBAY, Sun. Indian bird-watchers have been alerted to keep a sharp lookout this winter for the elegant Siberian crane, j one of the world's rarest birds. There are only about 330 of these large white birds still in existence, j and wild life
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 112 3 JAKARTA, San. Muslims In Indonesia will begin fasting tomorrow as the new mo«n was net sighted yesterday. A statement by the Religions Affairs Ministry said efforts to see the moon from 1* places last light failed, reports AFP. Indonesia, like Singapore, uses the mathematical method
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 210 3 THAI HAWRER-FEST featuring Thai hawker specialities in 10 stalls by Sri Thai Derm Kh»> Irtm I uk hin (torf BalK with Kh*> T«m) km> I wig \h» I ung (Kicr r»ckn\ with Meat in Rich < oconut Sauce) Kai \ang(K<MM( hicken) "Ninn 1 uni and Kao \eau (Mol and Sour
      210 words
    • 258 3 wow o »jS» rJ^^ POLLEN WuSkW^ _P PLUSE&Gcontains3 L-j tjS-^-^ap S^ bioactive ingredients: L-. > Bee Pollen 150 mg. V "^jj <^ Natural Vitamin E 50 mg. Z Ginseng 100 mg. BEE POLLEN 7 Hermetically sealed in a capsule and Contains essential micro ingredients X WfaPPed Z moist y re
      258 words

    • 258 4 'Out with Nkomo' call by second minister SALISBURY, Sunday A SENIOR government minister from Zimbabwe Prime Minister Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF party yesterday launched the second bitter attack in a week against Home Affairs Minister Joshua Nkomo, leader of the junior partner in the coalition. Mr Edgar Tekere, Minister of Manpower
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • 241 4 Seretse's twin' Masire becomes President GABORENE, Sun. Botswana's Vice-President Dr Quett Masire, who becomes interim President today with the death of Sir Seretse Khama, is a low-profile politician who was a long-time associate of the late President and was called his "twin" in moderate philosophy. Dr Masire was at Sir
      AFP  -  241 words
    • 223 4 The ruler who risked all for love GABORONE, Sunday PRESIDENT Seretse Khama of Botswana, who died today, was born to rule his country but almost lost his birthright because of love. The son and grandson of chiefs of the Bamangwato tribe, he was forced to renounce his chieftainship and spend
      Reuter  -  223 words
    • 143 4 Divers recover $84m treasure KEY WEST (Florida), Sun. Treasure hunter Mcl Fisher has announced that his diving team has recovered a US$4O million (SJB4 million trove of Spanish gold and silver from the seabed off Key West using a detector that he says simply cannot fail." Mr Fisher's divers came
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 245 4 Warning on any embassy shift to Jerusalem AMMAN, Sun. The secretary-general of a one-day Islamic conference here said yesterday Islamic states would take serious measures against any country that dared to transfer its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which Israel claims as its capital. No nation will dare transfer
      Reuter; AFP  -  245 words
    • 53 4 SEVERE thunderstorm and lightning display along the Boston skyline on Friday brightens the night Hall as big as golf balls, fierce thunderstorms and gusty winds swept through northern New England, causing blackouts in some areas and some crop damTheir was no report of any casualty.
      53 words
    • 115 4 TEHERAN. Sun. A drug smuggler on the run has offered two million rial (5J59.850) for thr assassination of roving Islamic judge Sadeq Khalkhali A reward of 500,000 rials for the killing of any of his aides was also said to have been offered.
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 91 4 London's $900,000 'tramp' LONDON, Sun. Mr William Lewis, a shabby recluse who used to rifle the garbage cans in his street in Battersea, south London, left an estate of £183,000 (*****,000), according to his will published Saturday. He was 78 when he died last April. Ms Eileen Brancaccio, one of
      AP  -  91 words
    • 61 4 BEIJING. Sun. The local I government in China's southwestern province of Guangxi has issued regulations to pro- > tect the white-headed langur monkey, which is in danger of becoming extinct. The official Xinhua news agency said today the remaining 600 of the species lived in one small
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 201 4 LONDON, Sun THE British doctors whose pioneering work led to the birth of the world's first test-tube baby have announced plans to open a private clinic for childless couples. Dr Robert Edwards and Dr Patrick Steptoe plan to open the clinic this autumn In
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 485 4 YOU'RE INVITED TO VISIT THE 9 Welding, Fabrication Surface Treatment Exhibition Conference July IS 18 1980 WirlilriJeCcilrtSinsporE See the latest equipment, accessories and materials for a wide range of welding processes. Features more than 80 manufacturers/suppliers from 10 countries. Open Daily: Organised by: ITEMS PTE LTD Suite 906, Robina
      485 words
    • 214 4 s it\ett s a [i JJ A fresh clean toilet is one sure way to care for your family's health. JUST FLUSH is here to help you keep your toilet clean. Just hang JUST FLUSH in your toilet 1} [1 cistern and it will clean, disinfect and < s freshen
      214 words

  • 202 5 Crowning glory and those mixed feelings LIKE roost coronations, this one aroused mixed filings from those being crowned and was "pampers". oops, "pompous," In Its own way. Bat there the similarity ends. and nnderstaadabiy m, except that this "Gang of Fear," in all thrlr Inimitable splendour, won not only title*
    202 words
  • 141 5 SINGAPORE AIRLINES offers the second lowest budget fare of $1,150 on the Taipeh-United States route which is experienc- I ing a price war among i airlines. SlA's one-way fare is I $20 hißher than the Northwest Orient's one-way i offer of $1,130 The
    141 words
  • 388 5 MEDICAL, DENTAL STUDENTS HOLD DIFFERENT VIEWS MEDICAL and dental students' idea of a university education differs from that of other undergraduates at the National University of Singapore. While students from other faculties think a well-rounded education is essential, many medical and dental students think
    388 words
  • 150 5 Quarterly on science and technology policies THE Science Council of Singapore has just released its first quarterly report on national and international science and technology policies and programmes. The Health Minister, Dr Ton Chin Chye, said in a message in the report that the quarterly can perform a service if
    150 words
  • 411 5 $530,000 offer for info on killing of trader A $30,000 reward has been offered by the family of a murdered textile trader for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the killing. The body of trader Ng Teng Chee was found in a lift in a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 5 times faster than W+mMM H|<-X7Ss Ql rnrYL press-on lettering /nHMMhwi \//))yy.
      12 words
    • 186 5 to Yeoma n Agencies (S) Pte Ltd on their appointment as sole distributors of Bal lent ines Scotch Whisky. Cold Storage Group Jp^. j*^^ What kind of woman makes it ,g^r S«L N^H to the top ofl ier i >r< fessk .MllHl n^^^V H a^^B I■ 1 N "^^^ht^l r
      186 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 172 6 A. I 9^M P^J 111 wJ fOi frrSlJff^i^ m*KHMm I jQi ra CARRIER CUTS AIRCON RUNNING COSTS BY 33 Carrier announces a major breakthrough in efficient in terms of aircon running costs. *^L^ I ~Z^j^^^T Energy Savings. The Sujx^r Round One is big on versatility too. It can jHfejp I
      172 words

  • 562 7  -  MAY HO By THE Consumers' Association of Singapore and three government departments which investigated recent consumer complaints about cooking gas cylinders being sold underweight each say it is not solely responsible for solving the problem. The result: Investigations have reached a dead
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  • 27 7 THE Serangoon Garden community centre will hold a three-month aeromodeUing course from Aug 2 on Saturdays from 3 to 5 p.m. The fee is $15.
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  • 144 7 POLICE yesterday appealed for eye-witnesses to two accidents on Saturday, in which eight people were injured, to contact the Accident Investigation Branch of the Traffic Police in Maxwell Road. In the first case at 1.45 p.m., motorcyclist Durai s/o K. Thevar, SO, was involved in an
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  • 25 7 THE Ang Mo Kio community centre youth group will organise a two-day camp at St John Island on July 19 at 9 a.m.
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  • 55 7 THE Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Goh Chok Tong, will open a one-day conference on "International Business and Financial Challenges in the Eighties" at the ShangriLa Hotel on July 22. The conference is presented by the Harvard Club of Singapore in conjunction with professors from the
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  • 153 7 PLANNING APPROVAL GIVEN FOR 224 PROJECTS THE National Development Ministry granted planning approval to 224 projects during the first quarter of this year compared to 191 approved in the last quarter of last year. These projects, covering a total floor area of 2.31 million sq m, are expected to cost
    153 words
  • 280 7 MRS SHORNA MARY CHEW, the former Miss Shorn* Mary Jehnson, iMks British bat feels Singaporean. Born and bred In Singapore, Mrs Chew, 2C, recently sat tor the world's most widely, recognised examination In English as a foreign or second language. And she
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 George Ballantine Son, Limited are pleased to announce the appointment of ttjjM as Sole Distributor for sß^Bßßsislsa VERY OLD f F »NEST 1/ i SCOTCH WHISKY f TCH VV'H, SKY Vi '7 Years Old I I^H Scotch Whisky YEOMAN AGENCIES (SPORE) PTE. LTD. 3111, International Plaza, Anson Road, Singapore 0207
      105 words

  • 697 8  -  LEONG WENG K AM By I STRONGER and closer i links between the Nai tional Trades Union I Congress and the ruling People's Action Party I will be established next month when a special NTUC-PAP liaison com- > I mittee is
    697 words
  • 160 8 Safety first tapes that shine A COMMUNITY service Huh plans to distribute free luminous mudguard tapes to rycll.HU and motorcyclists to enhance their vehicles' visibility at night. The dates and centres fur tape distribution have not yet, however, been finalised. Explaining the move, Mr Gerard Hyatt, director of public relations
    160 words
  • 178 8 SEVENTEEN of the 18 crew members of an Indonesian cargo vessel were rescued when it sank after colliding with a bulk -carrier at the Eastern Petroleum Anchorage early yesterday. The missing seaman, identified by police as Ridwan Ismail, an Indonesian, is believed to have drowned. Until
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  • 320 8 Money is the root of speeding by lorry drivers' LORRY drivers tend to speed because time is money to them. The more trips they chalk up within a short time, the more money they make. This is why they speed, rather than the muchcited reason that lorry drivers feel that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 179 8 f UJ^J f f)\ '^TTnnTtnJrnnßß^H b\vb fl *f^ I- XONLYONE CAR IN THE WORLD CAN GIVE YOU BOTH m •*^ii^ I^HI I V Shift to Economy. J^ W The gear system transforms to 4 gears of '-**g Economy. The Colt is No. 1 in petrol economy' in the U.S. (15.7km/lor
      179 words

  • 378 9  -  RAYMOND MOSES By EIGHTY-YEAR-OLD Mr Cao Fong Lai is a proud man, fiercely independent and disci- 1 plined. At an age when most people would have forsak- 1 en the yoke, be on the dole or retired into a more
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  • 67 9 PAYA LEBAR police are investigating a report that a 16-year-old youth, Gui Koon Hong, of Merpati Road and two of his friends were assaulted by seven youths while shopping at Thomson Plaza on Saturday afternoon. Police said the assailants were between 14 and 20
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  • 130 9 Dr Toh to attend meeting of health ministers MANILA, Sun. Singapore's health minister, Dr Toh Chin Chye, will represent the republic in the first Asean Ministers for Health meeting here from July 22 to 24. Chairing the conference will be the Philippine Health Minister, Mr Enrique Garcia, in what could
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  • 145 9 'Remember old folks also need recreation' SINGAPOREANS were yesterday urged to be more conscious of the recreational needs of old folks who may have food and lodging, but lack meaningful ways to pass their time. Making the call, the Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Environment), Mr Chor Yeok Eng. said the problem
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  • 35 9 THE Professor of Marketing in the California State University, Dr James W. Taylor, will present a seminar on "Strategic Planning for a Successful usiness" at the Shangri-La Hotel from July 29 to 31.
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  • 20 9 TELOK Aver youth groups will organise an educational tour to places of interest on Wednesday at 830 am
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  • 47 9 THE Singapore Society for Clinical Hypnosis will host its eighth Symposium in Clinical Hypnosis at Ladyhill Hotel on Saturday and Sunday (or beginners. The intermediate one will be held on July 26 and July 27. For details, contact the secretary at telephone No *****11.
    47 words
  • 332 9 THE Environment Ministry's Food Section destroyed 182 tonnes of food found unfit for consumption last year. They included stale milk, contaminated rice and flour, bad meat, mouldy biscuits and cakes, chocolate, rotten or over-ripe fruits and defective cans of pre-packed food. Skimmed/
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  • 17 9 THERE will be a table-tennis tournament at Bukit Merah community centre on Thursday at 8 p.m.
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  • 61 9 MR G.S. Senan has been elected president of the Singapore Institute of Surveyors. Other officials are: Mr J.A. Phillips, vice-chairman: Mr Wee Soon Kiang, secretary: Mr Got) Tiam Lock, treasurer; Mr Freddie Chong and Mr Tan Huck Jin, auditors. Members are. Messrs Tan Kirn Choon, Yoong Wah Pin,
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  • 92 9 TEN Muslim stalls selling cooked food opened for business in Bussorah Street near Beach Road yesterday. These stalls will be open throughout the month of Ramadan, the fasting period, and are specially set up to cater for Muslims who may want delicacies when they break their fast.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 220 9 This month's 5 lucky winners of a $1,000 diamond ring are hid mai kirn Dealer: w?m JniScn/A SENG HONG RADI CN0:2Q*****/A ELECTRIC CO. WEE YEW BIN Dealer I/C No *****74/G UNIQUE ELECTRONICS TAI NAM CHAN Dealer I/C No: *****94 APS (PTE) LTD. WOON HAK CHIM Dealer I/C No ***** 05/
      220 words
    • 284 9 f*tm BUY AN ACMA REFRIGERATOR 1 BY INSTALMENT AND YOU MAY WIN I ONE OF THE MAN YATTR ACTIVE I f PRIZES:- TOTAL WORTH 1 13^^ ■■OjUUU/-»jjj r The closing date for the Lucky Draw is August 15, 1980. iil&\ fffdl /3rd ]> f3*-13th\ \515,000 JL$lO,OOO/ V $5,OOO X $1,000
      284 words

  • 239 10 SINGAPORE will face a shortage of Chinese teachers within the next 10 to 15 years when the present core of experienced teachers with Chinese-streamback-ground retires, Education Minister and MP for Sembawang, Dr Tony Tan, said yesterday. He said this is because of the current
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  • 104 10 TALLEST PHONE EXCHANGE TELECOMS will commission its tallest telephone exchange located at Hill Street at the end of this month. The 12-storey Central Telephone Exchange costs $9.3 million and is designed to accommodate up to 80,000 lines of telephone switching equipment. At present, it has about 30,000 lines of electronic
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  • 400 10 SINGAPOREANS will do well to emulate the courteous ways of the Japanese, who show respect to every individual from humble office attendants to managing directors. Education Minister Dr Tony Tan said this yesterday when recounting his recent visit to Japan. He said that
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  • 185 10 THE Senior Minister of State (Prime Minister's Office) and MP for Braddell Heights, Mr Lee Khoon Choy, last night urged the people not let the national courtesy campaign become a once-a-year ritual. The campaign must be made meaningful or people taking part in
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  • 215 10 'Death' is all in a day's work for these four IMAGINE coming face-to-face with death 400 times a year! Yet that was what each of the four inspectors in the Environment Ministry's Inspectorate of the Dead Unit did. Among them, they were called to the beds of 1,621 people who
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 478 10 Goodwood Park Hotel presents /(K^VWtf w w W^^ Tuesday Special Collections is a very special presentation of fashions and make-up. Every Tuesday at lunchtime, svelte models in the AM -m^^ mW mosl gorgeous clothes parade around the Coffee tr\m Lounge for you to admire. They also show off the la
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 247 10 Straits Times Crossword ninutH 5 and do without ua- lotcpn CIIOm greeting (5) 7 Call on 6 to take their places 6 Trifle, trifle, endless trifle (5) (S) 11 Composer she seldom names 8 A girl entertaining always sin otherwise (11) gly (I) 13 Potato to be found in turned
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 719 11 Where there's awheel... ...there's Chnan Hiang's way. Chuan Hiang has come a long way since importing the first Mitsubishi i A %^mm^aL_ Jra P^w^^q car in 1970. Our faith and confidence in Mitsubishi were matched by our j W^^^^^W" 3 f 3 v obsession to provide the best possible service,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 447 12 The video system that outsells all others The VHS (video home system) format is the most popular among OLYMPIC ENDORSEMENT all home video recording systems in the world today. And Akai An Akai set is dependable, versatile, simple to operate and leads in this format. Of the two major systems
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    • 208 13 Nadarajan ceases to be MIC member ALOR STAR, Sun. Mr Justice Harun Hashim yesterday struck out an injunction and set aside a court order restraining acting MIC president Datuk S. Samy Vellu from continuing suspension on Kedan MIC secretary V. Nadarajan The judge held that Mr Naaarajan also ceased to
      NST  -  208 words
    • 97 13 KOTA BARU, Sun. Hundreds of bumiputra petty traders were in a fix when the Kelantan Mara branch here could not hand out loans it had approved. An official source confirmed the situation and it was believed that the state Mara officer, Mr
      NST  -  97 words
    • 327 13 'Recruit more Indians' call to govt KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Deputy Minister ol labour and Manpower, Datuk K. Pathmanaban, today called on the government to recruit more Indians to correct the present employment imbalances in the public sector. The government, he said, should help reduce the high level of Indian
      NST  -  327 words
    • 493 13 Machinery worth millions lying idle JOHORE BARU, Sunday QUOTE Bringing granite to Johore Barn will be like bringing coal tc New- A castle. S Johore Quarry Associationation chairman, Mr David Ong, on the ample supply of granite in Johore Baru and the need to lift the
      NST  -  493 words
    • 31 13 PENANG, Sun. Three men, two of whom are believed to be Thais, cheated a businessman in Western Road into paying $22,400 for fake diamonds, police said on Friday. -NST.
      NST  -  31 words
    • 203 13 NUMBER OF MENTALLY ILL ON THE RISE BETONG, Sun. The number of mentally ill in the country is on the increase, Health Minister Tan Sri Chong Hon Nyan said today. The public, he said, feel that they should be hidden away in homes, hospitals or institutions. But the problem should
      203 words
    • 103 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Paw communbrt detalMM today wgetl Ike bwdacM CMnmulty to atop giving money to the communists. la pnH conference here, the few, Tal Hong Ym, Ua wife Yeoh Say Kheng. Goh Teo Lang and Teh Kok Hwa, pledged loyalty to the king
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 31 13 INVEST IN A CROWN Hand Pallet Truck (Capacity 2040 kg) A $750/Call 655 744 f f M WEALCO m (Pte) Ltd A member ol me Weame Groupl 2 Jalan Pesawat. Jurong,
      31 words
    • 364 13 HEJ9 HHRznT^^aHali Easy to use and»mumM practical functionality! @,<^ The mini desk-top S-2 adds up to another Casio masterpiece. •♦Xs^^ J*&&*Sjr wJi W^. JR 10^^*^^r P^^bVV Hl^P^^ar^»^^^\' k M^^aaW^ 10-digit, independent memory W^^W KmlS^^l T h^M^^r constants, l^i sub-totals ak a^akaßßßßßßal la^Uw BaU I i I bbbP^ anc tota
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • 1395 14  -  TOH THIAN SER By and QUEK PECK LIM A GERMAN manufacturer was watching the television newscast one night when he suddenly sat up. The news reader was announcing that his company had been a succesful applicant to the Skills Development Fund for his firm's training
    1,395 words
  • The Straits Times MONDAY, JULY 14, 1980
    • 375 14 PARENTS have once again been exhorted, this time to help their children enjoy a richer school life by encouraging them to participate in extra-curricular activities, so that they will not become, in the words of the Education Minister, Dr Tony Tan, "merely bookworms." The value of EC A
      375 words
    • 402 14 IN these days when almost every area of enterprise is vying with each other for top talent, no one, least of all those responsible for maintaining law and order, can afford to sit back if he hopes to get a fair share of brain power. Hence the
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  • 390 14 Smoky problem THK World Health Organisation (WHO) in the course of its worldwide anti-smoking campaign, offered some hints on how smokers could u,uit their habit Such advice, howeve:, would seem to count for little »hrti viewed against the phenomenal increase in cigarette sales Hut in Western counis
    390 words
  • 386 14 I FIND it in business signboards. Like the one installed by a new restaurant near the 8-km Upper Thomson Road. It gives its name in Hanyu pinyin as Kin Xiang Gang (New Hongkong) and its speciality as Diang Sin Dim Sum). But no one who has not
    386 words
  • 1421 14 COMMENT AFTER 20 years or so of industrial development. Singapore remains in its infancy as an industrial state. True, there is no longer a need to grab just any foreign industrialist who can offer work to the thousands of jobless on the streets as
    1,421 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 9 14 Sony Betamax "^fca^^n^sn^fc^'' s?^^H The blind search \^^o over!
      9 words
    • 23 14 1 111 1 I 1 1 mm.,., .'■.'■'"''VY^HWtt llfllllWV 1 1 11,..,;,;; 1,..,;,;1 11 1 iiffli IISS ai Pl he lIP ifi link
      23 words
    • 298 14 UNFORGETTABLE I il s****L JM £.y a» *M Festivals in Thailand ~?sJ W %t are a way ■L '•/S ms It "^3 If you come to Thailand MB! fllK2iKta('^MHH^Bi m November you can see one of its most spectacular Ufl* festivals The Elephant RoundHBBc^Lj^jmß Up Scores of richly decorated Bfi|£MJffy^P
      298 words

    • 494 15 Don't regard studies solely as means of getting a good job That speech welcoming NUS freshmen AFTER all the talks been going on about the need to produce the "educated man", it is quite surprising to hear the Minister of Education and Vice Chancellor of the National University of Singapore,
      494 words
    • 132 15 By all means, encourage students to take up professional and technical studies. But it is equally important to make sure that they do not simply regard these fields of study as solely a better means of getting lucrative positions! As for Dr Tan's comments, "It is a wishful myth to
      132 words
    • 184 15 THERE is a fear that Singaporeans will develop into a people of labels and tags, and the education system will contribute to the development. At the schools, there are labels: Normal, monolingual and extended from Primary 4 to 6; express,
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    • 170 15 How students selected for admission to KE Hall "ANXIOUS MOTHER" (ST. June 20) asked what the basis of selection at KE Hall is. She may wish to know that it is dealt with by a committee of five resident and non-resi-dent fellows. This committee processes all applications for admission to
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 286 15 V £ECv7 from X Shoes of England styles for men and women X UNIMOKS are the new walking sensation. The Cooper^fl unique double density soles give you immediate Mif^^ comfort and a springier way of walking W^^ Genuine handstitched £S vl^L^M^^ Plump, ioft W&> r^^k^^^ s^ A moccasin ,r, r
      286 words

    • 411 16 j A CONVINCING mM-week recovery palled the S_«ap*re stack market ant of Its fartnlght-laag tread of emttc and MeeMve tradIng. Within three ctmecativr days af bullish activity, the Straits Times Industrial index had awnmnlatrxJ a gala af 18.33 paints an the week to an lmprewdve finish af 5*4.58,
      411 words
    • 110 16 THE fallowing Is a list of the II most actively traded stocks on the Stock Exchange of Singapore last week. It gives the turnover In thousands af units, closing prices on Friday and the high and law far IIM Fltra J.I II ar Law S Derby UMWoriu
      110 words
    • 393 16 BULLS staged a strong comeback after a fortnight of general uneasiness to take the Kuala Lumpur stock market to a new high last week. Storming the floor on Wednesday, buyers maintained a steady flow of support to push the popular New Straits Times industrial ordinary share index up
      393 words
    • 207 16 LOCAL STOCK INDICES SINGAPORE nBT Index: *****4 5959 89 6976 48 6168 33 6342 10 •Industrials: ***** 543.84 550 15 557.00 564 58 feJTnance: ***** 968.41 977.95 ***** 996.16 ••Hotels: 478.86 477.62 479.12 479 39 ***** •Properties 396.03 394.51 396.35 395 63 401.39 •Minings: 340.54 338.83 341.05 349.99 353.17 •Plantations
      207 words
    • 419 16 LONDON: Share prices closed mixed on the week as the recent rally petered out and as the FT index approached the 900 barrier. The index rose 9.2 on the week to close at 493.0 points. Leading industrials generally showed mixed movements of between 2p and 8p though the
      Reuter  -  419 words
      • 142 16 LONDON: Rubber Futures closed uncertain on Friday, off the morning's new contract lows but still with losses from yesterday of mostly 1.40 to 1.60p per kilo. Turnover was two lots of five tonnes and 488 lots of 15 tonnes including 10 Kerb trades. Dealers said afternoon trade, Including
        142 words
      • 228 16 THIN conditions for the most part dogged a market devoid of any real features, and levels lost two cents overall, says HslHsy. Caller tat Balk in its weekly review of the Singapore and Malaysian rubber markets After a quiet start. Monday saw the major activity of the
        228 words
      • 50 16 •Tin Tonnes Rubber (S) Rubber (M) Mf7 Juiyl July* $2,103 $2,161 12.131 177 182 168 ***** 291.00 289.00 295.50 236.00 292 50 •in M$ per plcul July 10 July 11 $2,136 $2,138 195 164 288.50 286.50 ***** ***** In cents per kilo July 12 C.145 134
        50 words
      • 102 16 THE STRAITS tin price rose another $7 to $2,145 per picul (equivalent to $35.47 per kilo, up 12 cents) in Penang on Saturday, on an official offering down 30 tonnes to 134 tonnes. LONDON: Tin on the day was up £57 for Cash and £47 for Three
        102 words
      • 630 16 LONDON, Fri. The market closed easier in fairly quiet trading, though a little new account buying lifted prices towards the close, dealers said. The FT index was 3.6 points up at 493.0 at the close. Industrial leaders generally fell between a penny and 3p on profit-taking after the
        630 words
      • 135 16 MEW YORK, Fri. An oil discovery off Newfoundland sparked a late rally in the oil group and helped lift stock prices overall but turnover slowed from recent levels. A cut in the prime rate by Citibank to 11-1 4 per cent from 11-1/2 helped stocks overcome early weakness
        135 words
      • 92 16 AMSTERDAM, Fri. Share prices closed mainly lower, with Ualiever falling 1.80, Bayai Date* 1.10 and Pkllipa 0.20 in Dutch internationals. dealers said. MM A hold MM Mghank Amfas Mnrntink ■••■Hi [Wr* Hols Borsuimj llurlnii.iiiii Byrnkort ijlUnd Cain Drift IH-Il Ml, MX 22 W 295 SO 84 30 ***** 66
        92 words
      • 80 16 ZURICH, Fri. Share prices tended narrowly mixed with a firmer bias Influenced by the summer holiday season and interest focussed on a few special situation stocks, dealers said. Active Oeri-aa-Baekrfe bearer gained in financials while Preaae FT— u_ eased on its results and intended dividend omission for at least
        80 words
      • 32 16 LONDON: Cop|>er piicM on Friday (previous In bracktui Wlrebar Spot 012.50 (1:*****), sellers £Sl3 50 (tSUSO). Three Month buyers £935 (£135). sellers tWB 50(1935 50) Mattel turn: Steady Salea: 10.390 tonnes
        32 words
    • 2134 17 AS A service to readers. Straits Times publishes weekly a detailed analysis of shares on the Stock Exchange of Singapore. The year's high and low, are followed by the week's movement in prices, the dividend, the net price earnings ratio ana the volume of business. H*» Low
      2,134 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 140 17 THE US dollar opened slightly lower at $2.1145 55, compared with the previous week's close, in the Singapore forex market last week. News that the US Federal Reserve is under intense political pressure to improve the effects of recession on the US economy and unemployment, led to speculation that
        140 words
      • 308 17 LAST week, the interbank market was Kent-rally steady with the Overnight rates being traded at 9-3 8 per cent —1 4 per cent despite the announcement of an $800 million Singapore Government Bond issue to take place on July 21. 1980. Term Deposit rates remained easy for most of
        308 words
      • 60 17 THE AVERAGE discount rate for 91-day Treasury Bills firmed at the latest tender to 6.770 per cent from 6.755 per cent previously, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said. Applications totalled $125 million for the $7U million of Bills on offer About 76 per cent of bids
        Reuter  -  60 words
      • 177 17 ASIAN currency average depart! rates for the week ended July 11: 7 days 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months 9 months [2 months 1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months 1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months 1 month 3 months 6 months
        177 words
      • 46 17 FOR THE week ended Saturday July 12, the range of call rate received from Short Deposits (M) Bhd was a* follows i Baak fairf: 4.5 per cent to 6 per cent Gcaaral tmmi: 375 to 4.375 per cent. Movenoata of funds totalled t1.203 rrtUUon.
        46 words
      • 358 17 BANK'S prime lending rates as at the close of business on Friday, July 11, 1980. BANK'S tPLB Algemene Bank 11 '< American Express 12 Am'dam R'terdam Bank 11 1 Asia Commercial 11 Asien-Pazifik 12 A A NZ Banking Group 11 Ban Hin Lee Bank 11 Banca
        358 words
    • 199 17 TOKYO, Sat.— Share prices closed higher as interest revived in speoulatives and Pharmaceuticals, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 14.66 to close at 6802.61 points. with a volume of 180 million shares. The New index closed at 469.29, up 0.27 point. Nlppaa Sigma! rose 43 to 484 yen,
      199 words
    • 135 17 THE SINGAPORE produce market lapsed into a lull last week with commodity prices bordering on the decline. Market sentiment was generally easier and dealers were not very enthusiastic about prospects. In the absence of fresh factors, trading was rather dull and featureless as buyers remained largely non-committal In
      135 words
    • 145 17 CHINESE Prtlic* Kxcfcuft, MsCftfarv, mm rtMiajr, prices pw it* kg m Safer**: Cttaaal all: Bulk lob ***** sellers old drum (In second hand drum) fob $149 50 sellers, new drum (ob J155 50 sellers. Caera: Mixed (loose) $86.50 buyers. Pi paw: Muntok white pepper fob Asta NLW 1440.00 sellers.
      145 words
    • 51 17 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Friday 493.0 Thursday 489.4 We«k Ago 483.8 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Friday 891.13 Thursday 885.92 Week ago closed H.K.HANG SENG Friday 1101.14 Thursday 1083.79 Week ago 1057.10 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Friday 084.51 Thursday 891.93 Week ago 885.56 ALL ORDINARIES Friday 916 55 Thursday 916.50 Week ago
      51 words
    • 97 17 IN THE Far East, gold opened ai 15J***** ***** and was traded down to 1664 00 6» 00 on Saturday. Buying support took it up to K66 00 667 50 before it closed lower at {666 00 666 jU B*ara: N.M. BitfcMla Saaa. Export prices In non-sterling areas in
      97 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 237 16 m. -«ti K^V*# _JP_a_l LnLr- *M _)WL__U-V^H nnW LnK V* 9 Htt tWnnl a_T^_nn_k." nnn__i nnn_T >9 l_L^»*r S_n_. W^^^ "■■nnsi Ifcv Br Mr nni au nna jH&^wni WT csnv nni L J w^W^kmtorw "--bCT^--_J nnv nnW nnl a—PF**!' _n» -.—^^^*^nm ny -^puj B£_t_k)fl Lnn___nnnnl MT?* n_n_^T nnnnn___n_nn! I £*M
      237 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 662 17 s- This announcement appears as a matter of record only June 1980 9 THE DEVELOPMENT BANK OF SINGAPORE LIMITED (Incorporated in th« Republic ol Singapore) Rights Issue of 34,393,542 Shares of SS1 .00 each at a price of SS4.00 per share UNDERWRITERS DBS-DAIWA SECURITIES INTERNATIONAL SINGAPORE NOMURA MERCHANT BANKING LIMITED
      662 words
    • 342 17 IN IHK lIK.H (Ol KTOK SIV.U'OKK (ompanirs Winding 1 p Ne. X «f ISM In thr Mmttrr id the torn parties Art (Chapter IKS) And In thr Mattrrof ARVIN INDISTRY PTK. LTD. ADVKRTISKMKNT sW PKTITION NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition for the Winding Up of the abovenamed Company
      342 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 225 18 IXB4-44**I X84-44** 1 I PERSONAL SERVICES MERCHANDISE A I SINGAPORE'S Noll ONE-STOP PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIALTY STORE itHJGI&T WIDEST LUUiIS! Planning to buy a new camera? More than ever A P is the place to treat yourself to the largest selection of world renowned brands of cameras, lenses, accessories and photographic equipment
      225 words
    • 137 18 NIEER' PIANOS JUST ARRIVED. $2,400 only Song's Piano or Mun K.ll Piano. ***** *****5 *****83 USED BRITISH PIANOS, lor sale/ I rental/tuning/ delivery avall- able *****62 British Baby Grand l>i:mos3.Hool > i:mo$3.H00 WANTED 2 USED how Speakers 901 good condition Also w.mled TechnlCl reel-10-reel Call m> lime *****71 YAMAHA ELECTONE
      137 words
    • 634 18 I PERSONAL SERVICI 8 Home Furniture/ Furnishing ADRIAN'S CANE FURNITURE G5 Goldbell Towers, 47. Scotts Road For exquisite cane furniture. j furnishings, matting, tel *****78/*****66. To re-uprtorster oW solas. repair settees design new modem lounge suites. Reasonable Price Prompt Delivery iff Contact \±m?J *M Ga.lany ßoaa S pom u Tel
      634 words
    • 639 18 !ES MERCHANDISE ONE HEAVY DUTY granite/ marble polishing machine for 1/3 original price ($5,000) Contact *****3 PLANTS FOR SALE. Big Birds nest ferns, money plants. Tel: *****7. SHUT OUT SUN'S heat, glare and fabric fade. "Scotchtlnt" Sun Control Film by 3M. on windows, does It. Call *****81 for details. USED
      639 words
    • 483 18 I PERSONAL SERVICES MERCHANDISE JUVENA OF SWITZERLAND offers Basic /Advanced /Professional Beauty Courses. Venue: Orchard Road area. Call Linda *****50/1 32 Modelling CARRIE MODEL AGENCY Basic Modelling Course commencing 4/8/80 on every Monday Friday 600 pm 7.30 pm 3rd Floor. Ming Court Hotel. Tel: *****67. *****03 33 Hairdressing BRILLIANT BEAUTY
      483 words
    • 724 18 AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service: *****22 Mondoy Fridoy 8 30am 500pm Soturdoy 830 am -300pm < 1 2N tor Sonddy T«rwv Public Hofcdoy 900 am 100pm COUNTER SERVICE Tinn Orchord Centre 10 00am —530pm M l O5 Lutk Ploia (Monday Fndoy) 1000 om I 00 pm rSonxdoy) T«nn Centre 900
      724 words
    • 580 18 V BUSINESS PRODUCTS. SERVICES OPPORTUNITIES 73 Printing Copying Services AMEC PRINTING SERVICES for i quick and prompt delivery of printing Please call ***** EXPRESS PRINTING SERVICES) I Letterheads. Brochures. Maga- I zlnes etc Instant Negatives Bromides. Offset Platemaklng. Call Today: *****54 NAME-CARDS/ INVITATION- I CARDS Specialist Printing/ Hot Stamping for
      580 words
    • 1505 18 RATES SECTION INDEX TT M SS E 00 R NN C A H LAL AH E DX ES SemOtplay $12 00 per column cm II EMPLOYMENT •SttT V 6V 6 M) s s TlO in VEHICLES A BOATS <n£ joTJ u^Tl^n IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES <rr-n $39 30 Sunday T«« y
      1,505 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 600 19 II EMPLOYMENT 46 Situations Vacant b) Secretarial ft Clerical A leading electronics factory in Kellang Basin requires: RFCEPTIOMST CUM OFFICE CLERK i 'os-ess QCB O' level from Kni(lish stream With ability lo lype Some working experience but not compulsory as training will be provided interested candidates pleaae apply wcth full
      600 words
    • 604 19 r^ A well established co requires SHIPPING CUM GENERAL CLERK (Female)) c Minimum C. Cl 3 O' levels and pass In English c An ability lo lype accurately 40/45 w pm c Minimum 3/4 years experience in handling full sets import export shipping documents Independently c Knowledge of Chinese an
      604 words
    • 759 19 II EMPLOYMENT FEMALE GENERAL CLERK required Minimum (K'F (V level Fluent In English. Interested call al: Sans Tours Car Rental office. Oroundfloor. Apollo Hotel. Havelock Road, for Interview (after 10a m on 15th July. 1960 FEMALE GENERAL CLERK required urgently Preferably with experience Knowledge of Bookkeeping and typing essential Must
      759 words
    • 445 19 1 CARRIER SINGAPORE I I (PTE) LIMITED (a subsidiary of Carrier Inlerna- J tional Corporation) W CLERK/TYPIST J I Applicants must p I A .i OCI with 3 O' level paaaea tad -i>>^ t<> type J at 40 wpm T 1c1 c Ito 2 years' working ex- M I perlence
      445 words
    • 390 19 I EMPLOYMENT rtir T •fnpoftiry p#f9oon#l RELY ON US GREAT JOBS are ovoilable CLERKS/TYPISTS RECEPTIONISTS/ TYPISTS SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS DESPATCH RIDERS /MESSENGERS ACCOUNTSCLERKS C *****96 1 1 NOW! Ji kV requires a BILLING CLERK Applicants must be Singapore citizens who possess at least 3 Q.C.E. level passes Including English and Mathematics
      390 words
    • 597 19 New eipandmg factory urgently requires FEMALE ACCOUNTS/ GENERAL CLERK c 18 to 20 years of age c GCE O Level c LCCI Intermediate Bookkeeping c Ability to type c Experience preferred but not essential Interested applicants, pdeese apply in own handwriting stating full personal particulars, working experience, ore sent salary,
      597 words
    • 509 19 II EMPLOYMENT SEAMEO REGIONAL LANGUAGE CENTRE Invites applications for the post typVsts Candidates should have al least GCE O' Level passes In 3 subject* including English A typing qualification (35 wpm) Is necessary Initial gross salary $410 pm OTHER BENEFITS: 13th Month Pay Hospltallzatlon insurance coverage Minimum 21 days annual
      509 words
    • 593 19 URGENTLY REOUIRED FEMALE Accounts Clerk Interested please call *****17 or apply per sonally at Room 909-A. 9th floor. Golden Mile Tower. Beach Road Spore 0719 Urgently required one FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERK c Minimum 1 year experience c With I.CC Intermedia. Bookkeeping Certificate Interested pleass write enclosing a passport sue photograph
      593 words
    • 597 19 II EMPLOYMENT company requires I 1 JEWELLERY 1 SALES 1 ASSISTANTS We are looking for young and aggret»i«e tales personnel for 1 our showroom and wholesale 4 department f f I in a similar position rj is m Mi.- surceasful candid. J are >-\|>e. led to inissess drive ..ncl .ulhnuness
      597 words
    • 426 19 FEMALE SALES ASSISTANTS Well established international company requires suitably qualified applicants for the above position for a showroom in Orchard Road Preferabl) i v X QCI qualifications and pleas nil personality GILBARTO INTERNATIONAL 2ND FLOOR, UNIT 222 PLAZA SINGAPURA ORCHARD ROAD on 14th July (Monday) betwpen 11a m. and 3p
      426 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 682 20 II EMPLOYMENT 46 Situations Vacant c) Sales SALESGIRLS REQUIRED FOR I 'us mem (ioo<l salary and commission I'lease phone 91M2V*****1. Anne! Company, after 1 1 a m SALESGIRLS REQUIRED BY siloes I and IssndlMai coaansny In or- i chard Hoad Kxperlence not i essential tiond salary plus com- > <
      682 words
    • 489 20 A uniform eempanj with international connection requires Immediately DRAUGHTSMEN OuaUhcationa/E>perience: ITC in Mecha- leal Knglneering Drawing and Design with preferably 1 lo 2 years' related experience Duties: Assisting In preparation of detailed drawings of materlal handling equipment Interested candidalea. pleese tub mil full personel particulars, including salary pec ted and
      489 words
    • 580 20 II EMPLOYMENT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR REOUIRES skilled and unskilled electricians. Contact Miss Ooh *****7 F urmture Company requires EXPERIENCED DRAUGHTSMAN CUM SITE SUPERVISOR c A t least 3 years experience In furniture detail drawings. c Should have considerable and Intensive experience In furniture/Interior fields. c He will assume full responsibility for
      580 words
    • 377 20 KINGSTON PROPERTY MAINTENANCE SERVICES PTE. LTO. requires A. MAINTENANCE MECHANICS c Singapore Citizens c Experience In electrical work will be an advantage c Salary negotiable B MAINTENANCE APPRENTICES a Singapore Citizens c Secondary Technical education c Preferably with VITB Certificate In Electrical Fitting and Installation or Alrcondlllonlng c Salary negotiable
      377 words
    • 315 20 II EMPLOYMENT H SECURA ha* the following vacancies: 1) PRINTER a Mm 1 year experience In operating Sheetfed. Web or Letterpress machine a Working knowledge of English 2) INK/PLATE STOREMAN a Mm 1 year printing experience c Passed Sec 2 3) TRAINEE PRINTER c No experience needed. Training will be
      315 words
      412 words
    • 460 20 II EMPLOYMENT SINGAPORE AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING PTE LTD Suitably qualified peraonnel are invited lo join our faat expanding organisation in the following positions:1) VEHICLE MECHANICS c skilled In repairing and servicing of all kinds of vehicles, trucks, etc. Preferably possess NTC 3. c Must be able to perform general repairs, overhaul
      460 words
    • 304 20 REQUIRED SENIOR CONSTRUC TION Site Foreman. At least years experience In a construction site Please apply with recent photo to: P.O. Box 1134 Maxwell Road Post Office Singapore 9022 stating salary expected WANTED EXPERIENCED AMCON DTTIONsNO Mechanics. Appren tlces. Mechanics, starting salar $400 plus above. Apprentice: starting 5260. Interested, cal
      304 words
    • 418 20 II EMPLOYMENT ds CHARTERED INDUSTRIES OF SINGAPORE PRIVATE UMfTED i UiaU^L#s«MfJJLM«a(saßj vIM I Ik I fi iTiln] ysi I >atea)ass*ea«Maa«Mßj| WE ALSO PROVIDE^ Free Breakfast Free Monthly Lunch Free Transport for shift workers Free Uniforms Free Medical Consultation Subsidised Meals Annual X-Ray 13 Month Pay In-house Training for better advancement
      418 words
    • 174 20 WE CIFFER MORE BENEFITS IF YOU ARE OUR... Requirements a. 16 years and above b. No experience required, training will be provided c. Singapore and Malaysian Citizen or permanent resident M c or"P aS 1 •^°^T^^ 11 -jss>" Time: 9.00 am— 11.00 am 1 .30 pm 4.00 pm Bus Service:
      174 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 188 21 II EMPLOYMENT I 46 Situations Vacant c) Production bk f\ _2j Everybody's Talking About Learning Skills Here's your chance to start learning now! Join Us As Q.C Inspector Female Operator OUR OPERATORS EARN UP TO $288 on confirmation $305 after 6 months PLUS NO SCOPE WORK 6ENERAI BENEFITS ft You
      188 words
    • 389 21 JURONG SHIPYARD LTD Where Your Career Is Our Mam Concern apply as A. Hull Trainees Hull Pielabfu alion Hull Frenionft HiiNFilling B. Boiler Trainees C. Boiler Fitters Pipe Fitters D. Machinery Fitters E. Lifters F. Machinists G. Electrical Fitters Applicants who have no previous experience may also apply We are
      389 words
    • 584 21 II EMPLOYMENT #n#ral El#ctnc <USA) Apptwnc* j CompofMnli Pto Ltd We Invite applications from suitably qualified candidates for the position of 1 Ouelitv Auditors (Permanent 2nd shift) Who must be able to perform Inspections, compile data. independently Possess a OCE O' level certificate from technical stream Able to Interpret engineering
      584 words
    • 451 21 Immediate vacancies for: FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Requirements: c 16 to 40 years c single/married c No experience required c Singaporeans/Malaysians Benefit*: r ree transport No shift rotation No scope work I- ree medical attention (.iood annual leave plan Compassionate/marriage /maternity/paternity leave Malaysians Annual wage supplement Insurance coverage Kmployees savings plans
      451 words
    • 354 21 II EMPLOYMENT MARIS FOUNDRY OPERATORS $370 UP earn from $370 per month with overtime, you will earn even more free transport from pick-up points t generous fringe benefits 2 shifts only We use advanced techniques and sophisticated machineries, and therefore should be able to follow "High Wages Policy" We also
      354 words
    • 483 21 A large watch manufacturing company requires: I FEMALE I PRODUCTION OPERATORS REQUIREMENTS: Age 16 and above Primary education and above. Experience not necessary. CitizenVnorKitizens are welcome. WE OFFER: Attractive newly adjusted salary No shift work. Free uniforms. Opportunities for overseas training. e26 company off days, c Paid annual leave, compassionate
      483 words
    • 256 21 II EMPLOYMENT Jills mm® to9*yiO No microscopic duties. Increment on confirmation. 2 increments a year Interested applicants, please apply parsonaHy with I.C. to: POLYCORE OPTICAL PTE. LTD. BLOCK 3. IA-4A. IST FLOOR, KALLANG WAY. SINGAPORE 1334. TEL: *****73 7. J INCORPORATED IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT FOR FEMALE/ MALE OPERATORS Attractive pay Profit-Sharing
      256 words
    • 471 21 l Required Immediately FEMALE FACTORY 1 OPERATIVES I Earnings per day $9.28 and $9.78 after 3 I months probation. A 5 day work week (Monday lo Friday) 1 Working Hours 7.45 I am to 5.20 pm I* Courteous under- standing supervisors i I No shift work No scope work Staff
      471 words
    • 504 21 II EMPLOYMENT New Japaneae Electronics Manufacturers require MATERIAL HANDLER (MALE) Secondary II education Preferably Chinese. Completed National Service Driving class 3 licence advantage Please apply personally to: The Personnel Oepl ORION ELECTRIC MANUFACTURERS (S) PTE. LTD. Block 4, Ayer Reiah Industrie! Estete 71 Ayer Rats* Road Singapore 0513 I m
      504 words
    • 532 21 AN ESTABLISHED ENGINEERING rirm requires immediately skilled machinists Please apply personally: 2H Mill Lane. Off Kallang Road. Spore 1233. Tel: *****09 ASSISTANT SECURITY OFFICER An established shipyard urgently requires en Assistant Security Officer. I Preferably ex-pollre personnel Salary depends on experience Apply to: THE PERSONNEL MANAGER P.O. BOX 13S TAMAN
      532 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 514 22 II EMPLOYMENT 46 Situations Vacant t) Miscellaneous DRIVER URGENTLY REQUIRED Call personally to Chin Heng Garments Factory Pte Ltd 707 D. 4th floor. Commonwealth Drive Tanglin Halt Flatted Factory Tel *****7 ESTABLISHED COMPANY URGENTLY requires Field Assistants to work at Marina Centre (near Salay Club) Salary around $500 Interested please
      514 words
    • 621 22 COMPANY DRIVER Requirements c 2 year* experience in rlmine saloon car c Musi be able lo ipesk Englnh Pleaie apply in penon it Chin Urt l)nve. Singspon- J2fil lOppovitiTamin Jurung C«mpl (IK csll Kf>5322 ext 16 fur an ntervic* sppoint *A well established Plastic* manufacturing company in J Jurong requires
      621 words
    • 576 22 II EMPLOYMENT Batik Kerls at Orchard Plaza requires 1. SALES ASSISTANTS 2 CASHIERS Must have pleasant personality Working knowledge of Mandarin or Malay advantageous but not essential Attractive remuneration Apply In writing or call personally on July 154 IS at Lee Fook Hong a Co, Chartered Secretariee S Management Consultants,
      576 words
    • 627 22 SinGapura FORUM U HOTEL invites applications for the poets of: 1) LOUNGE WAITRESS 2) CARPARK ATTENDANT 3) FAB CHECKER/ CASHIER 4) GENERAL CLEANER Interested patties please cad personally to: THE PERSONNEL OFFICE SINGAPURA FORUM HOTEL 585 ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 0923 between 10am 12 noon and 2pm. 4pm. I I GENERAL
      627 words
    • 436 22 II EMPLOYMENT r.Tzi»*mii<:K's FOOD Suf>Plif s aaw UMITfO requires urgently For its Supermarkets (1) CASHIERS/SALESGIRLS Candidates should have completed Secondary Education or tv equivalent No experience is required Training will be provided For its Orchard Road Resteu(l) WAITERS/ WAITRESSES Parl-llme or Temporary > (2) BARMAN (Part-time or Temporary) Candidates should
      436 words
    • 483 22 Singapore Electronics A Engineering (Pte) Ltd DRAUGHTSMAN The Man ITC or equivalent qualification in Electrical/ Mechanical drawing or OCE A' level Technical Stream Experience in Electrical and Instrumentation drawing would be desirable The Job Make rough sketches and artwork for the design of simple tools and fixtures Design drawings for
      483 words
    • 463 22 II EMPLOYMENT The rapid expansion of the Yard has created the following vacancies: 1) ASSISTANT SAFETY OFFICER Applicants should possess at least 5 years experience In the administration and enforcement of Safety programmes In shipyards. They must also be thoroughly familiar with related statutory requirements to liaise with the relevant
      463 words
    • 518 22 ISBLOND ASM PTE LTD We are a large wel established Amerlrar Company In Juronf manufacturing precision lathe machine: with Immediate vacancies for the posts of:(A) STORE CLERK (B) OPERATORS (C) TECHNICIAN Post (A): c Minimum G.C.E. 3 "O" Levels in English Mathematics and 1 Technical subject c Minimum 1 year's
      518 words
    • 493 22 II EMPLOYMENT MOULD LOFTERS Our expanding shipyard have immediate vacancies in the above position. Qualifications/ Experience: NTC 111 or equivalent 2 years similar experience Age 22-35 Completed full-time NS Young persons above 16 yean and who have some Technical education preferably may also app.y and will be given training when
      493 words
    • 834 22 NATIONAL MARITIME BOARD invites applications from eitiiens/ Permanent residents of Singapore for the following posts (1) CLERICAL OFFICER (RECEPTIONIST) (2) WAITRESSES For post (1): Candidates must possess a minimum of 3 OCI O' level passes with credit In Enfllsh Ability to type is essential Preference will be given to bi-lingual
      834 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 708 23 II EMPLOYMENT 1 46 Situations Vacant j t) Miscellaneous 1 WALT DISNEY'S WONDERFUL WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE International American Organisation Danbury, Connecticut, U.S.A. In line with our expansioi throughout Asia, immediate vacancies tvallabie with our newly established Disney s Department We need several young and personable LADIES a GENTLEMEN to iom
      708 words
    • 689 23 WANTED CHINESE GIRL Clinic Assistant Kxpenence unnecessar> Tome personally M4A. Blk 1. Rochor Centre. Spore 0718 WANTED DELIVERY ASSISTANT urgently *Able to withstand tough Job Call personally at: 9 Jalan Pemlmpin. oft Upper Thomson Road Spore 2057 Tel *****54 WANTED DESPATCH CLERK with Class 2 licence and experience Call personally
      689 words
    • 912 23 111 VEHICLES BOATS I AT I (FARF) for Power, Economy, Low Maintenance, Good Resale Value What better car than the Mini Clubman Call us for more details S a test drive: MALAYAN MOTORS (PTE) LTD 45 Lang Km Road. Tel: *****5.*****3,*****0. 14-20 Orchard Road. Tel. *****5. Represented in Brunei by
      912 words
    • 1558 23 111 VEHICLES BOATS 1971 DATSUN 100A. Sanden air- 1977 MOOEL. IN excellent condlcond, excellent condition cas- tlon $14,900 0.n.0 Please call sette $5,000 on o Tel: *****1 Mr *****43 Tan t«7« MAZDA 323 1000 c c. One pn1974 DATSUN 120Y Alrcond. road vate owner, like new condition tax expires August
      1,558 words
    • 657 23 111 VEHICLES BOATS 1973 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 I PARF eligible Aircond. radio cassette Tyres new *****32. 1974 TOYOTA CORONA MXII 2000 i PARF eligible Aircond cassette Beautiful condition. Tel: *****33. 1*74 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 Cas sette. beautiful condition Asking $11 .500 0.n.0 Tel: *****6 197* TOYOTA CRESSIDA alrcond radio tape
      657 words
    • 826 23 f TECK HUAT USED CARS CO 4* Rangoon Road (0(21) Tef 35M740/ 25*7241 1«M Toyota Corolla 1300 a/r I*7l Toyota pickup a 1977 Dalsun 120Ya/c I»7t Dat.sun 120Y a c 1t74 Triumph Dolomlt* 1800 H72 Mercedes Brm 200 a/c 1*73 Peugeot 504 a/r Hire Purchase Arrangeabte VOLVOS FOR SALE 1976
      826 words
    • 562 23 111 VEHICLES BOATS BELOW 2000 CC. PART 57 Scrap Vehicles BST" <a i^=S^SS 1970 DATSUN ILIKI CX Ui.OO 1970 A Mini 998 c c $3,700 19TOChrysBELOW 1000 CC scrap car tor |er 1812 cc JB.BOO for PAKF in ■cc" T^ffrefundilS" £SS>% T Yang BELOW 1000 CC. car for scrap 1973
      562 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 555 24 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES Condominium c Situated at Robin Road IVl3lSon6tt6 Ideal location Large Swimming Pool Cover car parking lot c No restriction to Foreigners 44A-14 DEVELOPER \QLf VIVA REALTY PTE. LTD. VIVAn am. pmn SINGAPORE mo T|i 25U460 >U<]il Approval No oC2i>'n •Developer] licence No 2S7S AOvenuemenl Permit No
      555 words
    • 489 24 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES II OIST. 11 MERRYN ROAD singlestorey bungalow 3 bedrooms servant's Central alrcond $3 000 Liberty Housing *****17/ *****18 DMT. 11 MERRYN ROAD furnished bungalow. 3 bedrooms. 5 alrcondltloners Quiet surroundings Ring *****3 morning only). I DIST. 20 BRANO NEW doublestorey semi-detached. 4 bedrooms, servant's, alrcond $2 500
      489 words
    • 551 24 SINGLE-STOREY DETACHED BUNGALOW in dlst 20 3 bedrooms, carpeted and fully alrcond 1 servant's room Newly Built-in cupboards, cooker, refrigerator and washing machine Details. *****55/ *****25 TOWNHOUSE: RIOGEWOOO. FULLY alrcond. beautifully furnished, washing machine/ dish washer etc Eric 91M11 UNFINISHED 2 BEDROOM terrace house at Thomson Rd Spore 2057. Rent
      551 words
    • 545 24 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES A BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT. Woollerton Park/ Grange Heights ($2,000)/ Chez Bright/ Draycott Tower/ Calrnhlll Plaza/ Oxley Road/ Hilton Tower/ Palerson Tower/ Lucky Tower/ Hlllcouii. and many others. Appointment. Unloneni Housing. *****/ *****3/ *****9. c A beeutifuHy furnished luiury MtQn Point •ptvtn>*nt, DdMno Luck* Plaza. Orchard Read. 3 bedrooms,
      545 words
    • 537 24 APARTMENTS WITH POOL c Fulura c Beverly Mai c Calrnhlll Plaza c Lucky Towers c Woollerton Park c Balmoral Towers c Grange Heights c Chezbright Renlsl: $2,600 to $5,000 Please call: LIBERTY HOUSING AGENCY *****17/ *****1S APARTMENTS EUGENIA COURT. 3 air-con bedrooms luxuriously furnished, swimming pool $2,800 Other available from
      537 words
    • 455 24 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES DIST. t APARTMENT fully furnished. 3 bedrooms, carpeted and fully alrcond. Facilities Include swimming pool, tennis court, squash. etc Details. *****55/*****25. DIST. 9, GRANGE HEIGHTS, type B maisonette corner apartment. 3.400 sqft. 4 bedrooms, family hall, servant's room, swimming pool, tennis courts. $3,800 Holland Housing: *****04
      455 words
    • 531 24 LUXURIOUS PENTHOUSES flats with swimming pool, large terrace $4,500 $10,000 Unfurnished/ furnished Others dists 9/ 10/11/ 14/ 15. Hoe-Tan *****2. MICHEL APARTMENT Tanglln district, new furnishings, luxurious, aircondltioned 2-bedroomed flat. All modern conveniences Spore *****2. NEAR ORCMO MN 3-bedroomed luxury flat New furniture, alrqulet $3,000 *****2 Principals' only ORCHARO ROAD
      531 words
    • 720 24 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES A BANK REOUIRES Houses/ Apartments for its expatriate staff. Owners ring: General I Properties *****3/ *****5 A BRITISH AND several internai tional companies including fifty Japanese expatriate families Urgently require houses/ apartments Flexible budget Company lease Richard Low Housing. *****81 A BRITISH CORPORATION requires houses/ apartments in
      720 words
    • 891 24 A BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE-STOREY Terrace at Hong Leong Garden Tenanted till March 1981 Selling with tenancy :ind fully furnished Asklnx price $258,000 Please contact Agent *****08 A BEAUTIFUL BRANO new 2-slorry semi-dt-lached. Disl 16. with 4 bedrooms, attached bathrooms. 4.100 sq ft Vacant possession $310,000 Holland Housing. *****04 A BEAUTIFUL CHOICE
      891 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 774 25 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES 63 Residential Proptftt«s For Sate a) Houses OIST 15 PRE-WAR DOUBLESTOREY I. rick house. 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, freehold, approximate .UOtl sq ft Asking $112,000 .mo 1 ill *****36 DIST IS. SEAVIEW PARK, near Taming Katong. double -storey (led 4 bedrooms it :u«¥> n ft Call Belllan
      774 words
    • 793 25 A BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED I'm (Lvi Valley, high floor. 4 bedrooms levels. 2.800 sq ft I'oin si-ttia lowers, selling $450,000 .1 E Housing Associates *****68/ *****69 A BEAUTIFUL BRAND new lust 9 4-bedroomed Chen Yuan apartment, few minutes walk to Orchard Hoad. $480,000 IX. Housing Associates *****68 *****69 A BEAUTIFUL BRAND
      793 words
    • 767 25 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES OIST 11 MANOALAY ROAD penthouse with root-garden Area 4.200 sq ft Expensive fixture v i entral aircond. 4 bedrooms, attached bathrooms MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE secures No agents please TEL: 94M5 OAVE HO OIST. 1441 BRAND NEW Cheng Hong Mansion, high floor. 4 bedrooms, bathrooms. Italian
      767 words
    • 782 25 c Peace Mansion (9) c Emerald Mansion (91 c Hilltop Apartment (9) c Kirn Sia Court (9) c Elizabeth Towers (9) c Oallerla(9) c King's Mansion Blk C( 15) c Equatorial Apt Phase ISi II (15) c Maryland Park (15) c Mlnbu Villa (12) c Mandalay Court (11) c Pandan
      782 words
    • 702 25 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES FACTORY IN JURONG INDUSTRIAL AREA With an Area of Approximately. 1.612 sq.m. (Built-in Area Approx •Msq.m Balance of least period: M Ywrs 3 Phasa MOM, EMcthclty suppk*d FOR ENQUIRIES PLEASE PHONE: HsHR FACTORY/ WAREHOUSE. GRODNO and Upper floors available. Thomson area. Dlst 20. Brand new building with
      702 words
    • 719 25 FOR LEASE PIL Building Prime office building at Cecil Street scheduled for completion in end 1980 Limited whole floor premises of 521 2 sm and subdivided office suites from 102 2 sm at current rentals from $32 29 psm/mth Th* Arcade Well-appojnted redevelopment in Raffles Place/ Collyer Quay Completion at
      719 words
    • 649 25 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES FOR SALE C&E ORCHARD Lower groundfloor and groundfloor shop units for sale. Interested parties, plaaas call MR. SEOW *****82. MMMMMMMMMM^ GOLDEN MILE TOWER Ist floor shop. 240 sq ft vacant possession $85,000 Regional *****31/ *****54 GROUNDFLOOR SHOP UNIT at Hong leong Shopping Centre, area: 530 sq.ft Price:
      649 words
    • 646 25 /S7a urban IUJI REDEVELOPMENT >k^^| AUTHORITY FOB RENT SHOPS AT CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTRE (North Bridge Roed) Units are available on the Ist and 2nd floors For details, please call 221 MM EH Warn ORCHARO PLAZA Mezzanine floor Near the escalators 295 sq.ft. $3,200 p.m *****31/ *****16 Victory ORCHARO PLAZA. MEZZANINE
      646 words
    • 603 25 VI EDUCATION ft INSTRUCTION IMPORT/EXPORT PROCEDURES a DOCUMENTATION COURSE (3 months) TUESDAY 8.00 9 30 pm Commencing 15th July 1980 OUEENSWAY COMMERCIAL TRAINING CENTRE (formerly Premier Comm. Sch.) 20S. Queensway Shopping Centre Singapore 0314. Tel: (34A35/*****2 IMPORT, EXPORT PROCEDURES DOCUMENTATION COURSE Our Popular Practical Course every course Is being conducted
      603 words
    • 755 25 SHORTHANO (SPEED) 71) 100 wpm Please enrol early Kirn Tian Commercial school. Tel: *****26/ *****38 STATISTICS FOR ACCA/ USA LCC Hecember 1980 examination commencing 16/7/80 Knqulries Midland School oi Commerce, *****2/*****1 SUNDAY BOOK-KEEPING (BEGINNERS) Sunday 1 1 00 100 pm. Commencing 20th July «ueenlII] Commercial Training Centre Tel: *****8' *****2
      755 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      57 26 TEO SIEW SUN, aged 70. passed away peacefully on 12/7/80 leaving behind sons Chye Soon. Chye Teong, Chye Tat. Chye Keng. daughters-in-law See Chan Llan, Patricia Shepherdson, Llm Soy Moy and 5 grandchildren Cortege leaves Calvary Charts- c malic Fellowship Church. 380 Clemenceau Avenue Wednesday 16/7/80 at 10.30
      57 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      190 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      39 26 TI-SARANA BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION will hold a 7th Day Service for the late MR. COM POM SENG {Commit!** M«mb*f) at their premises No 90. Duku Road, on Monday 14/7/80 at 1 30 p in ALL ARE WELCOME.
      39 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 807 26 VI EDUCATION INSTRUCTION 96 Tuition a) Academic EXPERIENCED BILINGUAL tutors provide home tuition at all lewis Reasonable iharge i 'iSB2I night) EXPERIENCED CANADIAN UNIVERSITY ir.Kiu.ite of(ers lulI ion iii Matnematlci at OrdiIvaneed/ University 1 i.wi 41U220K11 EXPERIENCED LADY TEACHER ,'tlers Maths. Nil. nee. Kngllsh tuition to PrUnary Lower mi ondary
      807 words
    • 652 26 VII TRAVEL TOURS WORLD CHARTERS ORGANISATION for the most economical at reliable fares to London Amsterdam Pans Brussels Frankfurt Rom. Zurich Copenhagen Oslo New York Toronto L Angeles San Francisco Vancouver Perth Melbourne Sydney Jakarta Bali Bangkok Hongkong Manila Tokyo RM. 504. Afro-Asia BMg. 63 Robinson Rd. Singapore 0106 TV*
      652 words
    • 278 26 NAM HO TMfcl SERVICE IS) FTC. LTD S.T.PB LIC NQ 140 Head Office: Gl4-16-18, Pearfs Centre, Eu Tong Sen St. (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 01 05 Tel: *****33(7 lines) Branch Office: 1 1 9, People's Park Complex Ground Floor. New Bridge Road. Singapore 0105. Tel: *****1/*****2/ *****3/*****2/*****6/ *****8/*****3. WEST MALAYSIA TOUR
      278 words
      237 words
    • 796 26 PRODUCTION MANAGER An established and one of the most modern and largest garment factories in the region with export orientation is seeking a Production Manager for its factory in Malaysia. QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE: The applicant should have a sound tertiary education and qualities of business aware ness with strong leadership
      796 words

    • 277 27 GAMO, Japaa, San Tatnake (>mk«, a 18->p«r-old Jftnaaeae pro, sh«t a nne-«ver-par 73 today to capture the 13th »nnn»l Japan Lmll<* PraletMlMial gmU championship. Tatauko, who had a flve-trtrofce advantage Koine Into the final round, finished the 54holr tournament at foar-nndrr par 212, fonr strikes better
      Agencies  -  277 words
    • 2834 27 BALLY WILLIAM ran true to track form to score a smashing three-length win in Race 7 at Bukit Timah yesterday. The Thatch four-year-old, who had clocked a fast 34.8 sees for 600 metres on Friday morning, coasted home unchallenged with Chris
      2,834 words
    • 40 27 FIRST No: *****0 ($4,838) SECOND No: *****3 ($1,382) THIRD No: *****2 ($691) STARTERS ($l5O each): Nos. *****6, *****2, *****2, *****1, *****8, *****6, *****5, *****8. CONSOLATION ($lOO each): Nos. *****9, *****9, *****3, *****1, *****7, *****9, *****2, *****7, *****1, *****1.
      40 words
    • 793 27 STIPE'S REPORT JOCKEYS A. Razmy, N. Asuwadi and and Y.K. Foo were yesterday suspended by the stewards of the Singapore Turf Club Razmy and Asuwadi for two raring days each and Foo until July 27. Razmy was suspended for careless riding on Little Vie in Race 4 yesterday:
      793 words
    • 676 27 THE stipendiary steward's re- i port on Saturday's races at tiukit Timah: Stale of fratac: Good. Race 1: Gold Wing (G.S. Sng) hit the gate as it was released and lost ground. Recapture (X.C Ng) hung out throughout, placing the rider at a disadvantage. Rare I: Exuberant (P
      676 words
    • 319 27 MIIRFIELD, Sna i Texan Bea Crcaahaw, a Inadlag contender far the British Open golf hamntonshlp which starts here on Tharaday, to baffled by the growing number of Americans who have palled oat of the toarnament. "I eaat understand some of the Americans dropping oat," he said.
      AP  -  319 words
    • 682 27 NEWPORT, Sun. Ken Rosewall and Lew Hoad, the Australian "Boy Wonders" of the *****, were among five men included yesterday into the International Tennis Hall of Fame. Included posthumously were the Doherty brothers, Reggie and Laurie, of Britain, and King Gustav V, of Sweden. Rosewall won every major tournament
      Agencies  -  682 words
    • 434 27 Hendrick worries Somerset CHESTERFIELD, Sun England seam bowler Mike Hendrick, left out of the current cricket Test against the West Indies because of doubts about his fitness, made life difficult for the Somerset batsmen in the county championship match here yesterday. Hendrick took five for 64, the fourth time this
      434 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 79 27 I P* «3 The Chairman, "9Q S pS Board of Directors and Management of IP ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK LTD. express their sincere appreciation and thanks to the government officials, EoKS banking community, business associates, customers, •SJI friends and well-wishers for their SSa 2q2 congratulatory messages, bouquets and 22 attendances on
      79 words

    • 202 28 IX)NDON, Sun. Britain's Maurice Hope completed a fairy tale comeback to the ring when he stopped Italian Rocky Mattioli in the 11th round to retain his World Boxing Council (WBC) light-mid-dleweight title here last night. This was Hope's first fight following an operation earlier this year
      Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  202 words
    • 232 28 STUTTGART, Sun. Mary Decker, 21, running in front all by herself raced to a United States I record in the women's 1,500 metres yesterday at an international athletics meet here at Neckar Stadium in West Germany. Mary, a child prodigy during the early
      AP  -  232 words
    • 380 28 MOSCOW, Sun. Cold, damp Moscow, which has been struggling to get Into the Olympio Games mood, was given an unexpected lift yesterday when a relatively unknown Soviet woman broke the world javelin record and the 70-metre barrier at the national Olympic trials. A handful of people
      AFP; UPI  -  380 words
    • 117 28 tonn, Son. Two cases I if doping have been dis- I «vered at the West j Jerman swimming championships, held in riunlrh In early Jane, i ly the Institute of .ports Medicine In The cases Involve 1(-ear-old Nicole Hasse, a member of the national "A" team
      AFP  -  117 words
    • 190 28 PARIS, Sun. "King Pele", the Brazilian soccer legend, was chosen Champion of the Century yesterday by 20 newspapers participating in a poll by the French sports newspaper, L'Equipe. Pele nosed out American track star Jesse Owens, who had 169 points to Pele's 178. A distant third was
      190 words
    • 222 28 Sir Matt survives heart attack MANCHESTER, Sun. One of English soccer's legendary figures, Sir Matt Busby, president of Manchester United, is improving in a hospital here after suffering a heart attack yesterday. Sir Matt, aged 71, survived the Munich air disaster in 1958. which wiped out most of his "Busby
      AP; AFP  -  222 words
    • 401 28 MOSCOW, Sun WORLD sports federations want more events for future Olympic programmes, despite charges that the games are growing too big. Most suggestions are in I favour of having more events for women competitors. While some prospective host cities echo claims that the Olympics could
      Reuter  -  401 words
    • 40 28 MOSCOW. Sun Soviet Elena Mukhina, the world women's gymnastics champion in 1978, may have to retire because of an injury she suffered during training 10 days ago. Elena was reportedly hospitalized with a fractured vertebrae. -AFP.
      AFP  -  40 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 362 28 TEO JOO COMPANY U/E ARI NAUI BAN HONG CO., PTE. LTD. 41, Garden Street, Singapore, 0718 Tel. No. *****2 *****3 f llwll 23, Fraser Street, Singapore, 0718 Tel. No. *****6 *****3 (Tel. No. will be changed to *****82 *****23 with effect from Ist August, 1980.) gfcj (Tel. No. will be
      362 words

    • 349 29 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Bowlers Koo 800 Jin and Shirley Chow, who helped put Malaysia on the world bowling map at the ninth World Bowling Federation (FIQ) championship in Manila last November, were yesterday named Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year for 1979. The
      AFP  -  349 words
    • 52 29 QUEENSTOWN Football Cub will commemorate their fifth anniversary with a dinner and dance at the Mandarin Hotel on Sept. 13. Among the highlights will will be the QFC soccer queen contest. Those interested should write to the President, Uueenstown FC, Maxwell P.O. Box 3297, Singapore 9052. for their
      52 words
    • 262 29  - Last-race collision deprives Loh of Lark championship PETER BIOW By A COLLISION in the last race of the Lark Open championship, off the East Coast Park yesterday, robbed Loh Kok Hua of the title. Loh, the 1976 champion he was away in England for the past three years collided with
      262 words
    • 475 29  -  ERNEST FRIDA By THE Tengah Open golf <• ham pi onshipy esterday, the last to be organised by the club, which close in October, will long be remembered by Australian undergraduate Sydney KyleLittle. For Kyle-Little, who turned 21 a fortnight ago, tasted sweet revenge
      475 words
    • 249 29 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Tunku Mudzaffar and Mejar Zainuddin Che Din's five-year partnership paid of handsomely when they won the tour of Malaysia overall rally title and its $3,000 purse here today. Tunku Mudzaffar, a company director and his navigator, Mejar Zainuddin, a former Royal Malaysian Air Force pilot,
      NST  -  249 words
    • 294 29 Da Silva, Martens set record for the eighth wicket REGGIE DA SILVA and John Martens helped Singapore Cricket Club A not only to beat Heli Orient by 112 runs but also to set an eighth-wicket partnership record of 115 runs in a Singapore Cricket Association Senior League match at Seletar
      294 words
    • 37 29 TODAY'S EVENTS BADMINTON Inter-con-stituency tournament (Guillemard Road and Delta Complex. 7.30 pm). BOXING Singapore Armed Forces Sports Association Open final (Beach Road, 7 Pm BOCCEB NFL IMvMra One: Tiong Bahru v Kaki Bukit (Jalan Besar Stadium. 8).
      37 words
    • 407 29  -  JOE DORAI and R. MANORAJ By F. PARK UTD. 2 MOUNTBATTEN 0 CHANGI CON. 4 CHANGI UTD. 1 FARRER Park United strengthened their National Football League Division One title hopes last night when they beat Mountbatten 2-0 at the Jurong Stadium. The victory allowed Farrer Park
      407 words
    • 92 29 P W D L F A PI Rovers F. Park Oylan* K'irii". T Bahni M'batten OM0CK T Payoh Changi Uld K Bukit 9 S 0 1 25 5 16 11 3 2 25 14 15 10 4 3 3 22 IK 11 9 5 1 3 16 12 11
      92 words
    • 629 29  - The good, the bad, the ugly and the Thais WILFRED YEO By NOW that all has been done in the ASEAN youth soccer tournament in Kuala Lumpur, it just leaves a few things to be said. First, the good points and mostly, it concerns the Thais, joint champions with hosts
      NST  -  629 words
    • 150 29 KUALA LUMPUR, Son. Thailand, who finished taint champions with howls Malaysia alter a 1-1 draw IB the ASEAN youth soccer final here yesterday, were reported to have been offered MS2MM to sell" their preliminary -round match against the hosts. Thai team manager Suchart Mutugan yesterday alleged
      150 words
    • 270 29 Kang heads trials to prove League averages no fluke RAYMOND KANG, whe headed the National Bowling League's averages, proved that it was no fluke when he topped the weekend's selection trials for the Singapore international next month and the FIQ Asian Zone chamRionshipu in Australia in [ovember, reports WILFRED YEO.
      270 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 918 29 The key to Quiet Motoring NOISE POLLUTION HOW ACOUSTIKIT SOLVES THE PROBLEM ACOUSTIKIT CONCERNS YOU Noise pollution goes hand in hand with urban develop- After considerable research, ACOUSTIKIT has come ut Whether you are ment. Major metropolitan cities have been afflicted with with the ideal solution to stamp out these
      918 words

  • 149 30 JAKARTA, Son. The Indonesian Government has decided to lift the ban Imposed on ihe Import of a number of commodities over the last few yean, Minister of Trade And C ©operative Radius Prawlro said. He told a seminar sponsored by the Indonesian Chamber of
    AP  -  149 words
  • 142 30 GABORONE, Sun. Slr Seretse Khama, 59, President of Botswana, died early today. He had undergone medical tests in London but flew home at the beginning of this month after doctors said there was nothing more they could do. Specialists in London said he was suffering from incurable cancer
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 82 30 ZURICH, Sun. Swiss police arrested some 130 demonstrators in the streets of Zurich last night as this normally peaceful bank haven erupted in violence for the third time in six weeks. Three demonstrators were injured, one seriously, in the rioting which broke out after young
    AFP  -  82 words
  • 109 30 Loneliness of the Kremlin runner A LONE athlete running across an empty Red Square in front of the Kremlin Wall in Moscow on Friday portrays the the loneliness of athletes now in Moscow for the Olympic Games which are to start on Saturday. The opening day will bring into full
    UPI  -  109 words
  • 89 30 MANILA, Sun. More than 300 religious fanatics who are convinced th^t prayers and perfume,) oil will make then, invincible surrenderEd today to the government. Called the Salvatori, after their leader Alfredo Salvatori, 40, who apparently brainwashed them Into thinking they were invincible, they were blamed for the killing
    UPI  -  89 words
  • 39 30 JERUSALEM. Sun. Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, who had a mild heart attack two weeks ago, will be discharged from hospital tomorrow and will spend a few days resting at home, a hospital bulletin said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 61 30 JERUSALEM, Sun. Israels High Court today ordered the government to abide by a longstanding law and move clocks one hour forward during summer months to save energy by exploiting longer daylight. The majority decision was handed down following a petition by a Tel Aviv engineer. Israeli Governments have
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 125 30 Late CLASSIFIED DEATHS TEJA SINGH 8/O. ROOO SWGM passed away peacefully 13.7 80 al 41, Jalan Lang, Ipoh, leaving wife Naranjan Kaur, sons Mahlnder Singh (APMC), Dr. Pall Singh (Medical Faculty. UKM) and Ratan Singh (New Straits Times), daughters Newlnder Kaur (teacher) and Mahlnder Kaur. daughters-in-law Ranjlt. Salwant and Salmlah
    125 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 30 IF YOl' can speak Mandarin and air about to u»e dialect again, stop yourself and start In Mandarin. The other person may know Mandarin bat may also be shy. Be the Initiator!
    35 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 344 30 Wrap-up of Lee's visit Regional correspondent ISMAIL KASSIM, who accompanied Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on his recent visit to Jogjakarta, gives a wrap-up of Mr Lee's "empat mata" meeting with President Suharto. The brains behind those films She was a housewife for 15 years, but after she pushed open
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    • 235 30 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. THE Post Office Savings Bank has long been the scourge of commer- cial banks, offering more attractive interest rates and with many more outlets. But the tables have been turned recently, reports ALVIN TAY. Other items: The top echelon of the civil service
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  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 175 30 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Mainly (air. TEMP. (C) up to 6a.m. tomorrow: 32 max., 25 mln. SUNSET today: 6.48 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: 6.J5 a.m. GLOBAL weather Amsterdam 12-18C Cloudy j Lm Angrlm 18-29C Clear Athens 23-34 C Clear Madrid Hl.MC Sunny Bahrain *-100C Clear Manila 23-33C Clear Bangkok 29-32C
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  • The Straits Times
    • 4 1 The Straits Times liSu
      4 words
    • Bilingual page
      • 214 1 ARCHAEOLOGY sounds awfully highbrow. Actually, it is terribly interesting, often more exciting than a detective story. Though man is at least s?d notmSSrvdunfS about 5 OOoi2irs a^7 about 5,000 years aga left a recSd of his and h^fwav of lS^Tnri and his way of life.
        214 words
      • 746 1  -  GRACE WONG By PROFESSOR Wilhelm Solheim, 59, was here early this month on his way back from Kuala Lumpur to the University or Hawaii where he is Professor of Anthropology. He has just completed his one-year stay at the University of Malaya at
        746 words
      • 143 1 ffiDmm&ttmm Pt*ft*iii»rail*iSlolJ|t kt^-A-^ 6^J A X E ff It l*flft*«'-JA-fi'j«i'T* Eft** 0 i rfdiitaitJtiiifii **^rBE« i:m73i 'fi.Httt. Asian Perspectives fs* a i^ iA >^n«fsl*rliffi« »ffnaatbfiii» 'hiJieiO^lAAtt o w ♦t» »A#gfflLhf# SI Mill o "H&ri'jgg/t.'grW i:-?fii«fiß+ .*T7 >huh < mm* o to ft^# SttftftitJDfea °to iJi •ii I *l4@^^^to •iftftlJl# -IJto*iE
        143 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 22 1 9BHI n|H -.-*SeSf< '■<.. Jswrfei L^B /^^n^H IHi^nH L^H^^^ I^^n^HHUHH in^n^n^. n^nW nf^nil Wdl^B*l^K^MA f Wmjjftf^^rjlTMfUiMtmmltW^^^^^ I m J H fl I Tlfw^vTliWiiVTi^n^^^^Tß
        22 words
      • 77 1 IMSIDfA Museums with a difference When yon think of a museum, do yon imagine a dark, damp place filled with old fossils? For museums with a difference, turn to Pag* 6 Eruption in town Here's the group that gave as songs like I Cant Stand the Rain and One Way
        77 words
    • 809 2 PICK of the DAY SBC 5 RESURRECTED from the cobwebbed crypt of stock Hollywood vampy movies, that's today's Afternoon Matinee (Ch 5, 3.35 p.m.) to be shown, as usual, in two parts, one today and the other tomorrow. The title? Frenchie! Shelley Winters, the always buxom, and then sex symbol,
      809 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 568 2 -wy"^V«BP* y- ,»>.-. aesthetically designed; practical and flexible to your needs. OCX Industrial Building truly reflects the The S'/i -storey building is also located modernistic concept of today s flatted factories: strategically along the main Kampong Ampat functional practical and flexible to the needs Road, off MacPherson Road appro* 200
        568 words
      • 21 2 It iikl MJ fm IWJ i^R^ Sf e ©Brcvillc WmJJlllt^ IVIdKe BETTER IDEAS SOONER >^WfflTa|*^ Makes crispy golden waffles and french
        21 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 134 2 COURTESY AND PUB- Ministry of Health, at LJC RELATIONS a the Institute of Health talk in Mandarin by Mr lecture hall at 7.30 p.m. Chui Kwei-Chiang, lee- All are welcome. turer at the National EXHIBITION OF CHIUniversity of Singapore, NESE LANTERNS at at Queens town com- the Japanese Garden, munity
        134 words
      • 1123 2 !TV and Radic SBC 5 3.00 PM Opening followed by Mangala 6.35 The Fabulous Taking Time Machine Manai (Tamil, repeat) 7.00 Super Seven 3.30 Diary of Events (English) 7 -30 News (Malay) 3.35 Afternoon Matinee Frenchie ]f n Santliwara Ibu (Part i) 8.30 Oalas Jock s Trial (Part 1) A
        1,123 words
      • 671 3  -  GERALDINE TANG By IK there's one salient feature about the Eruption that speaks louder than their explosive music, it's iheir hair. The four brawny black male musicians of this international pop group sauntered into tne West End Club, their former thick Afro mops tamed into tiny
        671 words
      • 356 3  -  N.G. KUTTY Singai Manigal Night Victoria Theatre; July 20 7.30 p.m.; Preview by A YOUNG Indian woman who formed her own troupe is to stage a threehour variety show entitled Singai Manigal (Singapore Stars) Night on Sunday. She is probably the first Indian woman in Singapore
        356 words
      • 627 3  - Just a shadow of classic war romances MARLENE KITTS HANOVER STREET (Now showing at the Orchard) Reviewed by LOVE in war-time is a familiar theme. In the wake of World War H, romantic films like Waterloo Bridge and Random Harvest seriously examined how war's turbulence affected people's lives. Their approach
        627 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 133 3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Garware Grace (Singapore) offers the following foodstuffs/consumer and miscellaneous goods: ITEMS OFFERED FOODSTUFFS/CONSUMER GOODS Mango Juices and Pulp Spices (Pepper, Cardamom, ginger, turmeric) Cashew Nuts, Peanuts Marine Food Products Basmati Rice Incense Sticks (Agarbathis) MISCELLANEOUS Leather goods, feeding bottles, handicrafts, auto lamps and accessories, weighing machines, chemicals, Diamonds,
        133 words
      • 253 3 I provide.... I I DOBBY PRESSES for safety and productivity I \J^ X 1 < Model 20AH imrS. -Si i stroke 10-30 mm ■wit/ IWI Model EHSO-HS ■i^B W^D 170-800 spm. Or t 9%M stroke 2 0 50 mm «P £3 KIMURA spot and projection welders -Air' Model SK-C 65
        253 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 339 4 Icxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooo ORCHARD:NOW SHOWING!^ (*****88) 4 Shows: I 30, 4.00, 6.30, 9 I 'jpmj l[ Two mcnshariiiKduiiKer with <!» a special kind of courage... O Andthe w»man who U»vts them both. (I1( I 1 HS^ HARRISON FORD •LE UNNEDOWN^^ ?l kM'Jb CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER Z^ ft CATHAY: NOW SHOWING! ([•(*****0) 5 SHOWS
        339 words
      • 428 4 YOUR OPPORTUNITY f I TO ESTABLISH I I NEW BUSINESS CONTACTS I A trade mission comprising 10 delegates from the Korea Electrical Manufacturers Cooperative will be visiting Singapore between the 14th to the 15th July, 1980. Name of Company: Items Hvosung Heavy Industries Ltd. I'ZTS^^.f^Z^ Control Switchgears, C.V.C.F., O.L.T.C. Disconnecting
        428 words
      • 279 4 tTfl; iiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiicjiiijjiiiii DAI APE katong rALAUC TM 4O7VM LABT DAYI DON'T MISSI 4 Show*: 1 30. 3 JO, 7 15, 9 J0 WINN£R OF 5 ACADEMY AWARDS Including BEST PICTURE j Dustm Hoffmon (Columbw) OPfNS TOMORROW Cant Version Jeff Bridges/ Charles Grodm KALLANG DAILY .1130. 4. 7.9 30pm THEDRAGOJL^ GOLDEN
        279 words
      • 328 4 LADIES ONLY PREVIEW JADE: SUNDAY 20th 9am- Admission: Circle $2.50, Stalls $1.50 a Cash bookings Now Open No Free List H They couldn't have celebrated happier anniversaries if they were married to each other. Mlk f^k J "Xcxt Y^ar J ■LJ Ellen Burstyn Alan Alda CK TO ALL ATTENDING-^" B
        328 words
      • 537 4 ORGANISATION NOW SHOWING-No FrM I M Mom I 30 4 00 6 45. 9 !l! l "TIM REBFL INTRUDERS" Mondorm m Scopf Colo' tt> n.ugtni.Mia NOW SHOWING' I lorn *****06 45 I T "E MASTER ff M iuawimiiTaiMM^ SUPERNATURAL ORI 10 45 I 00 3 15 7.9 M m PRES
        537 words
    • 497 5 About 120 billion US one-cent coins have been issued since 1959, but only 40 billion are actually in circulation, which means 80 billion are being held by hoarders, the copper speculators or genuine collectors. But WARD MOREHOUSE 111 reports from NEW YORK that the
      497 words
    • 666 5  -  MICHAEL HINDS By in NEW YORK IN school, facts are usually acquired like bruises (painfully), and they often fade from memory as quickly as black-and-blue marks. Training the mind, Latin and geometry instructors call it, but Michael Cohen calls it wasting time. Many colleges and high
      NYT  -  666 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 46 5 **vL s 5 V I *&<%? <?^^il I fc V.' /C v%. v ta't^iSLl n• 'dW' .>. '^-s TK«J^ **S *M t I '/Jfc-L. > *V S A a IVJk^ f?i riff ***** i jjl Alice Song c from Taiwan Anna Cheng ElmiSalleh Faridah Do |i ah from laiudn
        46 words
      • 252 5 WE MEAN IT t At 51.450 this quality ROXYColoir TV is the most economical 66cm set in Singapore. Modern TV technology encased in this I A cl3l| Grobthis ■ss.S Perfect programme button %om\tMo^o^mm^mmWm*\o I instant sound I #f I reliable Roxy ay Button for AVVAV M |||l| I After-Soles Service
        252 words
      • 819 6 Playroom or museum? There's a new kind of museum that's just for the children. It's not musty and there are no signs saying 'Please do not touch. Instead children are encouraged to explore and experiment in a museum tailored specially for them. MARJORIE COEYMAN interviews curators and finds out what
        819 words
      • 768 6  - Ravelling through time tunnel in a house of glass RITA REIF By in NEW YORK THE Corning Museum of Glass, housing the most comprehensive collection of glass ever assembled under one roof, opened in New York on June 1 in its new home an undulating ribbon of stainless-steel-coated glass panels
        NYT  -  768 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 174 6 Imm Im mAm 2fc.- I eau dc TOBjErre iALAIN OELON r >' -n——^ i. I E -Jm H A gift and a promise from Elizabeth Arden. ttm v Wr-- u&^. m^ 4 Here's how Visible Difference makes skin Buy Visible Difference (ace cream now, and get a smoother, softer, younger-looking
        174 words
      • 52 6 MARIO VALENTINO MID-YEAR SALE 1 W MANDARIN /"vk. HOTEL v, iJHL/ shopping II I V_«/^J^ 13RD FLOOR T TEL: *****80 Wk^St VI I HILTON L^r *^M (HOTEL •>s. SHOPPING *WM ARCADE K*?m Hist floor ■fej^HMHHHHH tel *****78 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10AM BPM I Sole Agents PH GRACE Pte.
        52 words
    • 964 7 Not a few hard-working, fast-rising professional couples in New York are making their lives revolve around one place in the home they read, listen to music, watch television, scatter crumbs on the bedsheets, balance checkbooks, exercise, talk on the telephone and work in short, everything they do
      NYT  -  964 words
    • 542 7  -  ENID NEMY By in NEW YORK THE French call it 'esprit d'escalier". The translation is "staircase wit", the bon mot, the clever phrase that comes to mind as one is descending the stairs after a party. There may be an English phrase as well,
      542 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 592 7 k *mtJm m B W n *--'■'■< I I M I llVll *aW J r w»^/3 oi_i^\rTT"ir~o 'v^U B^ nmm -y '<-.«t''l lflP J SrT P-ePiVKll'iMi llr NfT WEIGHT 250 9 250 9. H la^v m^r W^^ A N* I m rfi v tifrti tli lYft TT f mt aW^^^^B^k.
        592 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 494 8 I invites applications to fill the following positions 1. Vehicle Mechanics 2. Vehicle Electricians f 3. Panel Beaters E 4. Engine Overhaul/ Repair Men SALARY: $300 $450 pm I REQUIREMENTS I 1 18-40 years of age I 2. Minimum of 2 years working experience in similar field I FRINGE BENEFITS
        494 words
      • 553 8 Progressive and expanding Engineering Consultancy Firm requires the following stoff for its vorious projects: (1) QUANTITY SURVEYOR 2) QUANTITY SURVEYING ASSISTANT (3) TECHNICIANS (QUANTITY SURVEYING) (4) TECHNICIANS (ARCHITECTURE) 5 TECHNICIANS [ENGINEERING) (6) ACCOUNTS CLERKS Requirements For(1) (i) A degree in Building or Quantity Surveying from a recognised University, Or a
        553 words
      • 761 8 SINGAPORE REFINING COMPANY PTE LTD Singapore Refining Company is engaged in a maior expansion of its refinery by the addition of a new crude distillation, diesel hydrofmer, kerosine merox treatment, omine treating, sulphur recovery, and LPG recovery units with hydrogen plant debottlenecking, new berth and new tankage facilities thereby increasing
        761 words
      • 496 8 3 N. M. ROTHSCHILD SONS (SINGAPORE) LIMITED Corporate Finance Executive N.M. Rothschild Sons (Singapore) Limited wishes to appoint a Corporate Finance Executive. The successful applicant will be not older than thirty, probably with an appropriate professional qualification, either legal or accounting, and have a thorough grounding in this field. Previous
        496 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 463 9 REFINERY FITTER SHELL invites suitably qualified Sr.gapore citizens to apply for the above position based at Pulau Bukom Refinery Complex. THE JOB involves maintenance work on mechanical equipment, pipelines and valves and overhauling pumps, compressors, turbines, blowers, tank mixers and other mechanical equipment. THE CANDIDATE we need would have an
        463 words
      • 942 9 O WARNER BROS. INTERNATIONAL A Warner Communications Company Warner Bros International, a distributor of rheotrical motion pictures, invites Singapore citizens or permanent residents to apply for the position of MANAGEMENT TRAINEE The successful candidate will enter a training program preparing him/her for the position of General Manager of a territorial
        942 words
      • 321 9 n/u PUBLIC UTILITIES VV BOBRD APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING SCHEME Applications are invited from National Service Reservists and Singapore Citizens/Permanent Residents who are exempted from full-time National Service between the age of 16 and 24 for the following VITB approved Apprenticeship Training Courses: (A) CABLE JOINTER COURSE (3 years' apprenticeship training) Minimum
        321 words
    • 1330 10 QUOTE Players are becoming increasingly reluctant to represent Hongkong, not only because they want a break at the end of the season but because they feel the FA does not look after them. Those injured on international duty have ended up paying their own medical fees.
      1,330 words