The Straits Times, 12 July 1980

Total Pages: 52
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1980 30 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 111/1/80
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  • 420 1 Fighting erupts on three fronts BANGKOK, Friday TENS of thousands of screaming Kampuchean refugees poured into Thailand today as heavy fighting broke out on three fronts along the Thai-Kampu-chean border. The most intense fighting was between rival bands of Kampuchean smugglers battling for control of the
    UPI  -  420 words
  • 599 1 Getting top scholars into police career for lifetime THE government has decided that the pay scheme for scholars in the Police Force will be equal to and promotion prospects better than those for the professional services or the administrative service. Also, the Commissioner of Police can be promoted beyond the
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    • The Sunday Times
      • 211 1 SNOBBERY is in the air in Singapore. And in the case of Anglo-Chinese School, something is being done about it. Earlier in the week, the First Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Goh Keng Swee, said: "No one should be ashamed of owning a Mercedes
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      • 101 1 YIOLKT OON, Singapore's most popular food writer, starts a new series In the SI MHV TIMES tomorrow the delights of Chinatown. She writes: "I knew that food in Chinatown was good but not that good till recently when 1 took a visiting Journalist on a
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      • 118 1 BECOMING a parent is one of the major changes in the life of an individual. In the past, it was the mother who carried the brunt from birth to the day when the child started going to school. But now there is a trend for
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    • Sunday Nation
      • 100 1 SOME of us are trying harder in the spirit of the courtesy campaign but there are occasions when all of us find it terribly difficult to keep cool. When the door-to-door salesman won't go away. When the salesgirl won't let you have
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      • 76 1 MOKK news n the recreational front In our newly started page on leisure pursuits for the less active among us. A doctor is of the view that joggers are a misguided 10l who, while they are certainly dying fitter, are dying no later than the rest
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      • 102 1 TOMORROW vm' show you three pictures that give some idea of what kind of experiments are conducted in the name of scientific research. The scientist who smuggled the pictures out of an air force base in America says the animals are blinded by laser beams, tortured with
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  • 124 1 SWIMMER Junle Sng I receiving net only the Sportswoman of the Year award, bnt a warm hng and Urn from proud father Sng Cheng Klat, at the Singapore National Olympic Council's anna- j al awards ceremony at the PUB Penthouse yes- I terday.
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  • 76 1 4OI K basic personnel policy is to make a man before making profits. Personnel Is also the property of the nation. Every morning, we recite the Mven objectives, sing the company song. Supervisors will speak to the staff on how this philosophy m will be applied. 7 a Japanese
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  • 291 1 TEHERAN, Friday IRAN today freed one of the 53 American hostages who have been held by militant students for more than eight months. Mr Richard Queen, 28-year-old vice-consul at the US Embassy here, was released on the grounds that he needed medical treatment and
    Reuter  -  291 words
  • 59 1 WASHINGTON, Fri. President Carter has signed a bill increasing funds for US food aid overseas by US$143 million (SJ300 million) this year, the White House said today. Most of the aid is for east African countries to relieve food shortages caused by drought, and for
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 50 1 1 MUSLIMS here will begin their month-long Ramadan I fast from tomorrow. Hie Mafti, Syed Isa Setnalt, will announce the beginning of the fasting month today over radio and television. Hie new moon for the month of Ramadan can be sighted for four minutes after sunset today.
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  • 148 1 THE Straits Times Industrial Index reached a new seven-year high of 564.58 points yesterday. This marks the third successive day of bullish activity with the Straits Times indicator shooting up over 20 points in three days. All the major indicators were
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  • 36 1 CHATHAM (Massachusetts) Fri. Frenchman Gerard D'Aboville, 34. today set out alone to row across the North Atlantic in a specially treated wood-fibre boat. He bopes to reach Brittany in 70 to 100 days. AFP.
    AFP  -  36 words
  • 80 1 GENEVA, Fri. International Aid Agency leaders are to visit Kampuchea and Hanoi after their talks next week in Thailand about aid to Kampuchean refugees, a United Nations spokesman said today. The spokesman for the UN Children's Fund (Unicef) told reporters that International Red Cross leaders,
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 86 1 LATEST 'French uranium for Iraqis' PARIS, Frt. France ■as rejected rrqaesto from the United States and other nations to hold off on shipments of weapons grade uranium to Iraq and already sent the first co-istrnment of the material, diplomatic sonrees said today. The frees voiced concern abont the timing of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 KINGS SAFETY SHOES Oil- Resistant &^1 Model 760 <£&*, KING'S SHOE MFGPTE LTD. JFhflHfc 122, Blk. 36. Dakota Crescent. Toi/r Singapore 14, KWGSONtARTH Tel 4464 100 *****27
      26 words
    • 278 1 52 pages today KAMPUCHEA: RADIO MOSCOW'S SEDUCTIVE LINE See Behind The Headlines by John Drysdale: Page 15 KEY Soviet mineral sales to West dive 2 COURTS are spreading insecurity, says aide S TWO major rivals of Suzuki drop out 4 REAGAN'S party urges arms boost 5 JUMP in car sales
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    • 64 1 If it was any longer iiwouldnYbe tournament-legal Tfjustai *;j top pro m the wmmm feeling emfimW SOLE AGENT mW^^ 4k nnr* Mir far east shopping centre MW KS*^ ORCHARD RD S PORE OW3 H fmt C TEL *****38 *****38 WwF mm TELEX BS2MS3 CABLE PARGOLF Seiko Quartz Accuracy THE FUTURE
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    • 339 2 NO STRATEGIC OR POLITICAL AIMS: EXPERTS LONDON, Friday SOVIET exports of key minerals to the West have fallen dramatically in the past two years, London metal traders and analysts said yesterday but they denied reports that this was a move to deprive the
      Reuter  -  339 words
    • 305 2 London exchange raps 'dawn L raids' LONDON, Fri. A London Stock Exchange committee yesterday criticised stockbrokers involved in so-called dawn raids, the sudden buying of large blocks of shares for previouslyunannounced clients, and suggested new rules to control the practice. These raids, in which millions of shares may be bought
      Reuter  -  305 words
    • 177 2 EEC announces draft budget of $58 b PARIS, Fri. The European Common Market Commission today announced a draft budget of US$28 billion (S$58.8 billion) for community spending in 1981. Commissioner Christopher Tugendhat outlined the draft to the European Parliament, which shares with the EEC Ministerial Council the task of drawing
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 105 2 CARTER FISHING IN QUIETER WATERS PRKSIDKNT Jimmy Carter netting a fish while fishing In Anchorage in Alaska on Thursday. He stopped there for one day after Ms trip U Tokyo where he attended funeral services for the late Japanese Prime Minister, Mr Ma.sayoshl Ohlra. Besides attending Mr Ohira's funeral rites,
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    • 219 2 Left-right split over Labour manifesto LONDON, Fri. The leftist-dominated National Executive Committee of Britain's opposition Labour Party today unveiled a draft manifesto proposing re- nationalisation of companies without compensation, reduced defence spending, and the possibility of withdrawal from the European Economic Community. The manifesto is expected to highlight the division
      AFP  -  219 words
    • 68 2 LONDON, Fri. The Soviet I'nlon has assured the Government it will stop exporting cheap Christmas cards to Britain after the present contracts expire, the British Printing Industries Federation said yesterday. The federation, which represents 3,6 M firms,complalned that the Russians dumped 72 million
      Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 263 2 W k to 1 H *>•> pi*2 Superb Location Ruby Plaza is situated between Baiestier Road and Mouimem Road (next to Ruby Theatre) Surrounded by Hoover President and Ruby Theatres, this tall, impressive building is at the heart of Baiestier s busy commercial district Markets, schools, churches private apartments, etc
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    • 429 3 Bani-Sadr man calls for total reform IRAN'S revolutionary courts are causing widespread insecurity and a presidential aide has called for a thorough reform of the country's confused legal system. As an example, the aide said, revolutionary authorities in Kermanshah province sentenced 10 people to
      Reuter; AP  -  429 words
    • 297 3 'Carter to push for F-15 parts deal' WASHINGTON, Fri. President Carter, whether he wins re-election or not, will ask Congress to approve the sale of some of the extra equipment Saudi Arabia wants for its USbuilt F-15 jets, administration officials predicted today. Riyadh has been pressing strongly for the purchase
      Reuter  -  297 words
    • 145 3 Churchill attacks France on N sales LONDON, Fri BRITISH Member of Parliament Winston Churchill today accused France of supplying Iraq with materials to build a nuclear bomb in exchange for assured oil supplies. ''France, In Its lust for oil, appears to have thrown to the wind all constraints of morality,
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 242 3 'Major coup' bid crushed in Iran TEHERAN, Friday PRESIDENT Abolhassan Bani-Sadr and the Iranian air force chief last night announced the crushing of an attempted coup involving plans to bomb the home of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeiny and other key locations in Teheran and the holy city of Qom. The president
      Reuter  -  242 words
    • 63 3 BONN, Fri. Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev presented Chancellor Helmut Schmidt with a touring car during their summit talks in Moscow, West German officials said yesterday. The car, believed to be a Russian-built Niva 1600, was flown to West Germany and arrived in Cologne yesterday. A government
      AP  -  63 words
    • 31 3 NEW DELHI, Fri. A total of 282 people lost their lives in train accidents in India during 1979-80. the Deputy Minister of Railways, Mr Mallikarjun. told Prrliament yesterday. AFP.
      AFP  -  31 words
    • 225 3 TEHERAN MUST PAY U.S. INSURERS, JUDGE WASHINGTON, Fri. A Federal judge has ruled that Iran must compensate American insurance companies for losses caused by last year's nationalisation of the industry. District Judge George Hart's ruling yesterday was the first time a court decided that Iran must pay American claims. American
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 163 3 KUWAIT, Fri. An oil tanker firm owned by elcht Arab stales will refuse to pay IJoyds of London a new "war risk" premium oa ships using the Persian Gulf, the Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (Oapec) said yesterday. This Is In line
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 Cornpl<^n> l^ g*""* 111 m tarn mfm wW m aooosq^t I "^JJiI eo" wfl *^Js\ f >-^ (O}/Jf£i\ C*^ n f^ o( E«hibiiKXi (o you' hol^(ic j^ IBIttAMI V^'Ss-S^V SC HAWAII WTERICP DECORATION Ist Fir Mt'fltn Pl.t/,-. ■^^^^^^^^^Bd^jJ ii IQ H W mmm^"f lil i I q I jK. iT^I
      72 words
    • 851 3 REGIONAL MARKETING MANAGER LARGE SHIP OWNING GROUP A tli active resjau iteration package Owing to expansion of business in this region, an international shipping group which owns and operates one of the world's largest fleets of bulk carriers seeks a dynamic, enterprising and marketing-oriented individual who will be responsible for
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    • 211 4 81 years in asylum for reasons unknown SYDNEY, Fri A 102- YEAR-OLD woman spent the past 81 years in mental hospitals and nobody knows why, an advocate of asylum reform, Mr Robert Nestdale, said yesterday. The patient. Miss Sophia Stewart, was just 21 years of age when the she was
      UPI  -  211 words
    • 66 4 THE HAGUE, Fri. Wealthy art collector Pieter Menten has appealed to the Dutch Supreme Court against a 10-year prison sentence imposed on Wednesday for the wartime murder of Polish Jews, a Justire Ministry spokeswoman said last night. Menten, 81, was still in a diabetic coma in hospital
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 336 4 TOKYO, Friday MR ZENKO Suzuki's two major rivals dropped their campaigns to become Japan's next prime minister today, removing the last vestiges of doubt over who will succeed the late Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira. Government officials said Mr Eiichi Nishimura, vice-president of the
      UPI  -  336 words
    • 80 4 COLOMBO, Fri. Sri Lanka will not follow India in recognising the Heng Samrin regime in Kampuchea, it was announced today. j Acting Foreign Minister Tyronne Fernando answering a question in parliament said Sri Lanka supported the seating of Democratic Kampuchea at the United Nations and that
      AFP  -  80 words
    • 63 4 BANGKOK, Fri. Thailand's tripartite wage committee yesterday recommended a 21 per cent boost in the minimum daily wage for Bangkok, from 45 bant (U 50) to 54 bant. The recommendation, which fell short of labour unions' call for a 60-baht minimum wage, must be
      AFP  -  63 words
    • 47 4 TOKYO, Fri. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser turned his head in disbelief yesterday when Japanese newsmen applauded him at the end of his news conference. "They certainly don't do that in Canberra," the Australian leader cracked as he walked ont of the room. UPI
      UPI  -  47 words
    • 227 4 Jakarta exposes anti-govt terror group JAKARTA, Fri. Indonesian security forces claim to have uncovered an anti-government group trying to forge links with Japanese Red Army guerillas to start a terror campaign here, well-informed sources said today. Indonesian newspaper editors were told of the alleged existence of the group, dubbed the
      Reuter  -  227 words
    • 45 4 VIENNA, Fri. Leaders from all over the world have been invited to take part in a seminar being held by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries in November to find ways of assisting Third World development, Qpec SecretaryGeneral Rene Ortiz said yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 392 4 HEALTHY LIVING WITH MILGURT v>nß| THE NEW ALL-NATURAL FAMILY BEVERAGE Your whole family will enjoy the refreshing taste of this new all-natural cultured milk beverage. It's a delicious modern version of a health food which has been used for cen- tunes in East Europe DRINK MILGURT every day and enjoy
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    • 305 5 Reagan party urges arms boost The platform document will be submitted to the convention at which the party is expected to name former California governor Ronald Reagan as its presidential choice. It calls for more aircraft carriers, submarines and amphibious ships, the development of a new strategic bomber, more fighters
      Reuter  -  305 words
    • 50 5 In other words 4 IN THE Middle Kast we rely on Kgypt which is a fair-weather friend and do not realise that the only country solidly on our side is Israel. The only way to bring back equilibrium is for us to concentrate militarily in that area. 7 RONALD REAGAN.
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    • 163 5 US follows up on Brez's arms talk offer THF. United States is socking direct Soviet confirmation of President Leonid Bmhaev'i offer to discuss limiting mediumrange missiles in Europe, State Department officials said today. The proposal was relayed to President Carter by West Germany after Chancellor Helmut Schmidt's visit to Moscow
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 106 5 'Drugs not for everyday stress' WASHINGTON, Fri. Makers of eight popular tranquillisers, including valium and librium. have agreed to tell doctors that the products are not designed for everyday stress, the Food and Drug Administration said yesterday. FDA Commissioner Jere Goyan said revised labelling information provided by the companies would
      Reuter  -  106 words
    • 53 5 JAKARTA. Fri. Indonesia has ordered 104 ships ranging from 100 to 1,000 tonnes from domestic shipyards, the director-general for the base metal industry, Mr Suhartoyo, said yesterday. Shipyards in some 10 towns round the country will benefit from the government orders, part of a new policy to encourage
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 254 5 Former astronaut to boost DC-lOs image NEW YORK, Fri. Ham-makers McDonnell Douglas recently announced a multi-million dollar campaign to clear the reputation of their DC-11 Jetliner. They named former astronaut Mr Charles 'Pete' Conrad, the company's vice-presi-dent since 1978, as their spokesman in television advertisements. The announcement came at a
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 322 5 Last-straw warning as pupils take to streets PRETORIA, Friday ABOUT 600 black schoolchildren took to the streets in Bloemfontein today in protest against educational inequality in spite of a tough warning from South African Police Minister that the school j boycott would no longer be tolerated. The Bloemfontein protest by
      Reuter  -  322 words
    • 105 5 LONDON, Friday MR JOSHUA Nkomo, the nationalist leader defeated by Prime Minister Mugabe in Zimbabwe's election, flew in unannounced yesterday, baffling the British Government. Mr Nkomo, who has been to East Germany and the Soviet Union for medical treatment, is on a "private visit," his spokesman
      AP  -  105 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1276 5 M Kb The timely 31ft for golfers! The most thoughtful gift for your golfing friends. Sitting pretty on his desk to remind him of his golfing appointment, lunch or business meeting. Quartz precision accuracy i^l^b^b^b. ensures perfect timing all the time. SHARP SHARP Golf Ball Quartz Digital Clock a novelty
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  • 287 6 Jump in sales despite the costs CAR ownership is accelerating again despite escalating petrol prices and government fiscal disincentives. Latest figures released by the Motor Traders' Association here show that the number of cars sold for the first half of this year increased by a whopping 47 per cent compared
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  • 237 6 FIRM'S SUIT TO GET RID OF MD FOR LIFE LONDON, Fri. The Cosmic Insurance Corporation of Singapore today asked the Privy Council in London to hold that the corporation could remove Mr Khoo Chiang Poh, its managing director for life, from office. Mr Christopher Clarke, counsel for Cosmic, said that
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 120 6 Team up to make oil rig parts' THE leader of a trade mission organised by the Scottish Council for Development and Industry, Mr G R MacGregii, yesterday urged businessmen in Singapore and Scotland to set up joint vtntures to make oil rig parts. He said this was feasible and could
    120 words
  • 208 6 Singapore and Burma trade pact RANGOON, Fri SINGAPORE and Barm* have agreed to expand their trade and explore prospects of Industrial cooperation, •fflclal Burmese sources said. The agreement was reached after talks between the Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Gob Chok Tong and Burmese Deputy Prime Minister I! Tun
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  • 239 6 AIR links between Singapore and Chile will be discussed on Monday when aviation officials from the two countries meet here. It is believed that Chile may ask for traffic rights for its national airline to fly to Singapore from its capital city of
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  • 155 6 A CONSTRUCTION site welder was killed after a lump of clay fell on him while he was working in a trench at the maintenance apron of the new Changi airport on April 7, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Mr Poh Chin Guan, testifying at the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 823 6 ■agk. U Of S s w a .E o 3 > U jl 1L SI lii i IP .S O to < V w .55 "o 5 if* W aW 0» COW 2 i i ii 1 i V^ m jl "laVfete&9rs x .T7 »t I fa\W\a^^ma^ I L I
      823 words
    • 40 6 SIN C(\tk I^H^r"! I$ I 3 Paya Lebar Rd. •Sit**** to4,^ v&*,***Lfl- IKTT T,r SAL 1 1—!1 ■i 'liUti^ r^jflr kaaWW IVHa^HM —^L%a9^^^ afl +++M^aW%wSaaW^^^^ #GAPo 3 Paya Lebar Rd -> SPore 1440. V 1 Te1:*****79 *lO*~ Business hour:loam-Bpm (Sunday) 11am-6pm
      40 words
    • 200 6 INTROLUCING AKG D3OO SERIES Dynam c ANTI-SHOCK PROOF MIC of Studio I Stage quality. Recommended for Vocalists. PRODUCTS OF J&j(^r 3308J PROFESSIONAL Sjfro* Mail Fmaturas 1 At ti-Shocf- Prool Test dropped Horn 1 >m high Sustained the impact without any loss in sound Quality 2 No Feed Back when mic
      200 words

  • 143 7 Merchant navy falls to 14th position SINGAPORE'S merchant fleet fell to 14th position in the world league after new requirements wore introduced in April, 1979 for ships registered here. These requirements resulted in a decrease in the total number and tonnage of shins under the Singapore flag This is stated
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  • 56 7 LENG Kee zone "C" residents' committee will screen a Mandarin film. The Private Kvc. .it rar park 24 between Blocks 12 and 14, Stirling Road, on July 19 at 7 p.m. The show will be postponed to the next evening at the same place if the weather
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  • 178 7 That 2-km radius: Special maps for schools SPECIAL detailed maps showing locations of schools and surrounding areas have been distributed to most primary schools to help them in the Primary 1 registration exercise. With these maps, schools can determine the children who live within a two-kilometre radius of the school.
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  • 454 7 Growing regard for skills training: Mattar VOCATIONAL and skill training should not be relegated to second place after academic education or used as a last resort for nonachievers in the school system. It should be taken as a second ladder to a meaningful and worthwhile career for those more adept
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  • 81 7 Librarian gets study award A BRITISH Council scholarship, for a year's study in Britain, has been awarded to Miss Sundunia Rosdi, 25, a library officer in the children's section of the National Library. The scholarship is part of the British Council's contribution to the promotion of literature for children. In
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  • 31 7 THE Senior Minister of Stale (Prime Minister's Office). Mr Lee Khoon Choy, will attend the opening of the Courtesy campaign at the Bartley community centre tomorrow at 7.30 p.m.
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  • 68 7 THE Postal Services r>- I partment will introduce I speedpost service to China on Tuesday. The international all-ex-press mail service providing door-to-door collection and delivery of postal packages is available for addresses in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Tianjin and Shenzhen. The charges for the
    68 words
  • 269 7 OFFERING each other mutual congratulations are Miss Watt Vim May, 22 (left), Miss Peh Chal theok. 17, and Miss Lee Slew Nam, also 17. They had Just won top prize In the dressmaking section of the Vocational and Industrial Training Board's (VITB)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 184 7 HOTEL 9 OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Southern Pacific Hotel Corporation, the largest hotel chain in the South Pacific, operating hotels, motor hotels and resorts in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New aiinea and Tahiti, invites applications for the position of Hotel Operations Director. The position calls for a person with an extensive
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    • 35 7 DON'T BE SHY IF YOl° can speak Mandarin and are about to use dialect again, stop yourself and start In Mandarin. The other person may know Mandarin bat may also be shy. Be the Initiator!
      35 words
      144 words
    • 200 7 w ''I ■EPliu li 1 Ir 1) I jijrjPJ E^^^^ml inside your pack i-W you've won a prize! f r Coupon valid in m Singapore only. I ihHUL|^^^j^^^il^l n prizes^ I •HBi^* r JL9L A*l tW Boon Keng Road. T^Py post it to you. if J you prefer. W^ be
      200 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 400 8 PLAZA SINGAPURA 7 \JYf%**' VWVV|/ Hi" 1 I^fflßl 10am t0 9.30pm daily j ■BHl!^!! |^|3M w*\ i^?iS ii** w SS v j »>yf ff ?Sc mL: >S HhHe J^ wS WBB D I 1 SEE an exact replica of a Living Koom m^^^composition —^SPfT^ HDB Flat specially constructed in our
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  • 336 9 Singapore seamen on hunger protest in Abu Dhabi jail TWO Singapore seamen now serving sentences in an Abu Dhabi jail for murder, have written to The Straits Times saying they are on a hunger strike to protest against what they claim is "unfair treatment." In the letter, Taliff Samsuddin, 23.
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  • 39 9 THE Kirn Keat Zone E ResiI dents' Committee will collect old newspapers, clothing, magazines and books for residents tomorrow. Proceeds from the sale of these items will be used for activities to benefit the residents.
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  • 371 9 Progress payment rules revised THE government yesterday revised progress payments for commercial and residential properties by increasing payment at the time of the issue of strata titles from 10 to 20 per cent, and reducing earlier payments. Formerly, 85 per cent of the sale
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  • 77 9 THE Singapore Association of Social Workers will send 16 representatives to attend a social work conference to be held in Hongkong from tomorrow to Wednesday. The conference is a biennial international symposium sponsored by the International Federation of Social Workers an world-wide
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  • 274 9 A COUPLE whose home was acquired by the government for the extension of Orchard Boulevard yesterday lost their High Court suit for the return of land not used in the extension.. Mr Arshak Catchtoor Galstaun and his wife Sophie asked the
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  • 134 9 two face CHARGES UNDER ARMS ACT TWO unemployed men, Ameran bin Mohamed Salleh, 24, and Hishamrudin bin Mohamed, 19, j were committed to stand trial in the High Court for offences under the Arms Offences Act. At a preliminary inquiry in a magistrate's court yesterday, Ameran and Hishamrudin were alleged
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  • 209 9  -  PAUL JACOB By WHERE would a safety razor, zip fastener and ball-point pen be given the same respect as the TV set, magnetic recording and seu-wind-ing watch? Why, at an inventions exhibition of course. These, along with six others the Polaroid and Kodachrome
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  • 328 9 SCIENCE attaches may have to be recruited into the foreign service to serve in Singapore's missions in the advanced countries, five to 10 years from now, Science Centre director Dr R. S. Bhathal, said yesterday. The functions of the science attache would be to
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  • 179 9 3 former Silo managers face CBT charges THREE farmer managers of the Singapore Industrial Labour Or?;ani»atlon who face our criminal breach of trust charge* Involving a total of I21liu.ll yesterday claimed trial In a magistrate's court. The offence* were alleged to have been committed between January and March last year.
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  • 60 9 I.IM Jit Wah. 25, was fined $3,000 or two months' jail in default by a judge yesterday for using a room in Hotel New Serangoon as a brothel on June 16. Lim was arrested when anti-vice officers, posing as clients, visited the hotel where
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 26 9 I r IB fCSfiltthn^nV.^^^nHJ afl I M S^nH aT^^J^^Wl M>»M^i tilTawWH^T+T^nV+^lE^am^* 111 Kl< B K^TnlMhlllJ '7>. f mH^^ I L^nViHl ntnVVHtnVHnfl n^n^^^^^J HaWCk^^nttEn^n^K^ 'J^ImE HmK^^l BB^^^^^^^^^^^^H
      26 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 680 10 Lea Club Spun A Lea Rough I Lea Club Jackets M^^^^l B Lea Club S/S Shirt fk/^H jUiA. Lea Club Lea Club Check Shirt M TerrySporls^M| I Left Crepe Cotton S^^W'- "fB U.P.s32^e W M Swiss Voile *%ft* j% a! |^7 Shorts With J^^ WF'jm* mmmm r^BHßi^' flLw 3^ 6
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  • 279 11 FIRMS eaa now obtain subsidies from the Skills Development Fund (SDF) by merely sending their employees to "approved" courses conducted by the Vocational and Industrial Training Board and the National Productivity ■■Mi. A spokesman from the Economic Development Board which administers the fund said
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  • 721 11 HARRY WEE-HPBIL CASE LAWYER Harry Wee, former solicitor to Haw Par Brothers International Ltd, yesterday lost his civil appeal on a matter connected with HPBIL's complaint that the company had been "overcharged" by him for services rendered. Mr L.P.Thean, for HPBIL, told
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  • 215 11  -  MAY HO By THE extra 3 per cent pay for above average workers should form a part of their salary. This is the government's stand, said a Labour Ministry spokesman yesterday. She was commenting on suggestions put forward by some employers
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  • 73 11 MR KIYOAKI Kikuchi. the Japanese Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs arrives in Singapore today for a two-day visit as part of his briefing tour of the five ASEAN nations. He is expected to brief ASEAN leaders on the outcome of the Venice Summit Meeting for Industrialised Nations,
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  • 36 11 THE Kuo Chuan community centre youth group will hold courses in swimming, guitar, aeromodelling, folk dancing and photography for beginners next month Those interested can telephone *****77 between 3 p.m. and 10 pm.
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  • 481 11 BUSINESSMAN George Low Thin Hock yesterday told a district court that he did not try to recover US$7B,OOO ($163,800) he lost in a business deal because he did not want to be involved in an alleged $4.6 million cheating arising from
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  • 103 11 PIRATED cassettes can be found in the market within 24 hours after the release of an original popular song compared with the past when it usually took about a week for pirated copies to hit the streets. As a result, retailers are unwilling to stock
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 340 11 Ql 1© J\ jS Heartiest Congratulations w Datuk Chew Vat Bin j*3 Chairman fi Siong Hoe Group of g I Companies. on being awarded J3 Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka (D.M.S.M.) 5 6 T.Y.T. Yang di Pertua Negeri Melaka If Tun Syed Zahiruddin bin Syed Hassan Al-Haj, S.M.N., D.U.N.M., P.S.M., S.P.M.P.,
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    • 92 11 (jkhMEs) Itt B^B* *l a«t t*k«|M [m ll mil ml m nWP^^ ||U|j Ir* Everybody's Eveready for today The lucky draw of Eveready's "Games Batteries Play" contest is to be held today! At Yaohan Thomson, 2pm 4pm. Supercharged fun and heaps of spot prizes for lucky spectators. Don't miss it!
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 234 11 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS desert (7) 1 Catch (ood for b,rd (9) 7 Mediaeval theologian taking 10 Works Foe turned over lo art- nl ln mature < nv onm M 11 S*tfMHn pMHctaa iM) 9 lhat Davids 1 bra 7 w < T! t U It ,s revolutionary however ono
      234 words

    • 89 12 BUBGLABS with their own brand «f humour left this message (right) on mm the walls of the Selaagw Emporium In JaUn Tnanka Abdul Rahman early yesterday. They stripped the showcase of expensive watches, cigarette lighters and pens. Two suspects were caught when they were sniffed
      NST  -  89 words
    • 568 12  - Harun's influence haunts top leaders ISMAIL KASSIM By of New Nation THE strong performance of Datuk Harun Idris in last week's election for the Umno Youth presidency while he was under imprisonment demonstrates his considerable influence in the party. Though he lost narrowly, his image has been enhanced and so
      568 words
    • 129 12 S'porean held for suspected cheating PETALING JAVA, Fri. Airport police have detained a Singaporean who is believed to have cheated several tourists of thousands of dollars by promising them cheap airline tickets. The suspect, aged 32, was picked <ip at the Subang International Airport yesterday. Petaling Jaya Deputy OCPD (Crime),
      NST  -  129 words
    • 23 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri Deputy Information Minister Ling lliong Sik today opened a week long exhibition of products made in Asean AP
      AP  -  23 words
    • 310 12 DAP files sedition reports says The Star KUALA LUMPUR, Friday THE opposition Democratic Action Party has lodged police reports against Umno Youth leader Haji Suhaimi bin Datuk Kamaruddin and Kelantan delegate Haji Jalani Jaafar for allegedly making seditious statements at the Umno General Assembly over the weekend. The Star newspaper
      310 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 524 12 -•••-3 i Yv m I y^ WASHING TOSHIBA L REFRIGERATOR NEW ELECTROLUX^ M MACHINE MODEL WH 30 WASHING MACHINE Monthly $46.00 x 24 GASCOOKER M M Monthly Payment MODEL 1000E Monthly Rental $30.00 MODEL9OOI/G M M $41.70x24 Monthly $17.25 x 24 Other Models and colours Monthly $41.00 x 24 M
      524 words
    • 245 12 Best Wishes I to Classic Tiles Sdn Bhd on their Official Opening I WUSSWEm bbbm 1 Tffl." B?H HliS COUNTRY ESTATES AT PS\ I PINE RIDGE, FLORIDA,U.S.A. RiX#K AS LOW AS $3.02 per M l >H «Fj I Beautiful property with a tuture Limited number ot choice -^nv^^^ Jf v■
      245 words

  • 304 13 A DISTRICT judge told a 19-year-old van driver yesterday thai if h<> had exercised a little more '.in' and caution while driving, ho would not have caused the death of a pedestrian. Mi Dalip Singh said this when he found Teo Hee Kiaw.
    304 words
  • 52 13 THE Minister for Communications. Mr Ong Teng Cheong. will open the Singapore Bus Service's Braddell Road complex on July 19 at 10 a.m. Mr Ong will also tour the Tna Payon depot workshop in the complex, the central workshop. technical training centre, spray painting section and
    52 words
  • 144 13  - Alleged rigging probe: Jockeys quizzed N.G. KUTTY By IMK orrupt Practices Investigation Bureau is believed to have questioned more than 12 Australian and local jockeys in its investigations into allegations that some races at Bukit Timah were "fixed." Some of the jockeys were called up more' than once to give
    144 words
  • 113 13 THE signalised "junction at the former Queens Circus will become operational from tomorrow at 10.30 a.m. Motorists approaching the june ion should drive carefully and observe the signal indications, the Ministry of National Development said in a statement yesterday. Among the bus services
    113 words
  • 384 13  - Asean museums in two cultural projects LEONG WENG KAM By MUSEUM directors from the Asean countries are now preparing an exhibition of photographs on Asean's cultural heritage and compiling information for the Directory of Museums of Asean. The exhibition comprises 250 black-and-white and colour prints, which will be displayed at
    384 words
  • 261 13 Singapore now has fully integrated colour TV industry SINGAPORE can now claim to have a highlyintegrated colour TV industry where most, if not all, of the components are made locally, the Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), Dr Ow Chin Hock, said yesterday. Opening the $5 million Asahi TV Glass Pte Ltd, which
    261 words
  • 27 13 Dr Wang Hwa Kuan will give a talk in Mandarin on cancer at the Jalan Ulu Sembawang Community Centre on July 17 at 8 p.m.
    27 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 308 13 L^a^. Like all Samsonite attaches, the Omega is functionally designed to keep all your papers in order When you have responsibilities to carry, carry them in a Samsonite. Samsonite designs attaches for people who The Samsonite Omega, for instance, comes carry a lot of responsibilities. Incomparable in complete with a
      308 words

  • 288 14 Ex-director's CBT trial Lawyer makes forgery accusation A LAWYER yesterday accused certain personnel of Inchcape Berhad of blatantly forging a certain document in order to turn an ordinary trade dispute between an Inchcape subsidiary and a toffee machine supplier into a criminal affair. Mr H. E. Cashin, defending Gerhard Blummers,
    288 words
  • 466 14 SEVERAL leading schools will not take special anti-snobbery measures to combat this social disease despite the introduction of 13 rules to snuff out snobbery by the AngloChinese School, described by the First Deputy Prime Minister as the "worst culprit." For while some
    466 words
  • 148 14 Schools get eight slogans for National Day joy THE Education Ministry has recommended eight slogans for schools to use during the National Day celebrations this year. The slogans are: Make Singapore a courteous nation, Energy is life save it, Better work attitudes for a better future, Healthy living is happy
    148 words
  • 274 14 From the frying pan right into the fire BIRDS of a feather flock together, so they say... But this bt obviously one Mrd that knew better than to stick around with Its feathered friend* when a fire broke out In a wooden slaughter shed they shared. And while IS* durks
    274 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 431 14 Gelusil Antacids present THE INSIDE STORY OF STOMACH DISCOMFORT What Is stomach discomfort? %\j This is a vague term that refers to a v, 11 whole range of stomach disorders. Geiusii neutralises excess yl from mild gastric pain to wind or fla- acw and relieves /L-^_ I tulence. to that
      431 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
      236 words

  • 1847 15  -  JOHN DHYSDALE By. uirecior, Asia Research Pte Ltd THE FULFILMENT this week by India's Prime Minister, Mrs Indira Gandhi, of her election pledge (however inadvisedly it was given in the first place) to recognise the Heng Samrin regime in Phnom Penh had to come sooner or
    1,847 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 53 15 M Oinigatulatiom M H iah /c^c y/ Qffibhes The Chairman, the Board of Directors S3 and the Management of g ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK LIMITED B OlltlkWuiSkVlol M //k'(P>//k'/ci/iP)pcW//^o/' M M ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK BUILDING P H by MR. ANG KEONG LAN, BBM (L) g S ALFRED C.TOEPFER S g INTERNATIONAL
      53 words
    • 572 15 «S Metro News H on Metro's coupon W |Wf W W customer 'Not entirety discounts. madam, but at least we are doing our part', we reply. VOL 1 NO 3 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1980. SHOPPERS' EDITION. t rv\ v 1 f\t *4J r \^r^mU if 4 P* clSSJJSJwiifJJfiHingan ctO
      572 words

  • The Starits Times SATURDAY, JULY 12 1980
    • 395 16 OFFICIALS of the Communications Ministry should think again if they are raking their brains about what new tax measures they can next use to curb car growth on our roads. Nothing backs up more the widespread belief that fiscal measures, however painful, are unlikely to have much effect
      395 words
    • 384 16 IT'S about time someone spoke out against the deplorable habit among many Singaporeans of using swear words. The Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs), Mr Rahim Lshak, took on the task himself on Thursday night when he called for an end to this offensive trait. Particularly objectionable are
      384 words
  • 212 16 THE JAPANESE are frustrated, the Germans are disillusioned, and the Americans shrug their shoulders. The bone of contention among these employers is the problem of job-hop-ping in Singapore, estimated by some employers at about 6 per cent a month. But whatever the
    212 words
  • 552 16 IT WAS Friday morning. The time, 8.30 am. The production floor at Matsushita Electronics Singapore, was empty. The reception area was deserted, the PABX neatly stowed away beneath plastic dust covers. Totally ignored were one or two office boys with messages from suppliers prowling the
    552 words
  • 1857 16 Job-hopping-what bosses say school and the company to cure. Job-hopping isn't the root of the problem. It is the outward expression of the employee's lack of interest in his company. A Japanese manufacturer takes the same baleful view of the Singaporean worker. "The Singaporean gets very good hospitality from his
    1,857 words
  • 721 16 JOB-HOPPING is not limited to production operatives graduates are equally good at the game if not better. In fact, the demand for skilled workers and graduates is so high that their wage rise outstripped those earning less than $1,000 per month in wage rises. Since
    721 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 30 16 |jt Sure of |V^ al the way! I (!®i OVERSEAS I Ml vJWffly assurance cohpn ltd isince ***** Ilfl I |CC INSURANCE FOR ALL ■N LITE BIG OR SMALL ||fl
      30 words
      27 words
    • 84 16 Deepest Sympathy to I Mr Chang Ming Thien family I on the loss of his beloved mother I Mdm. Ong Giok Tiow I Singapore I Shenton Pte Ltd I I Forward Shipping Co Pte Ltd I Hudson Holdings Pte Ltd I Hudson Co Pte Ltd I I Forward Investment Pte
      84 words

  • Article, Illustration
    0 17
    0 words
    • 467 17 Linking reserve service and civilian jobs I REFER to the government's recent move to upgrade the training and employment of reservists. The response in your Forum page struck me that many of the writers had a negative attitude towards reserve service
      467 words
    • 164 17 Essay topics in Tamil exam not that difficult I I REFER to the letter, "Make Tamil Pre-U exam paper more challenging in future", by "Frustrated" ST, June 30). The five essay topics for the Tamil as a second language "AO" level paper in the mid-year examination were: 1. International sports.
      164 words
    • 165 17 Projecting local writing and writers WE THANK "Concerned Father" (Don't forget to reward the writers as well," ST, June 4) for appreciating the Educational Publications Bureau's efforts to encour- age children to read more books. We share his concern that writers should be recognised. He may rest assured that writers
      165 words
    • 206 17 TV viewers will see the 52nd Academy Awards WE would like to refer to the letters from C.K. Quek and "Star-Struck" (ST, June 12). Could we refer, first, to "Star-Struck's" comment that we cut the two-hour 51st Academy Awards ceremony (telecast on June 5) to "one hour five minutes." No
      206 words
    • 76 17 West Coast Park now taking shape WE THANK "Green Acre" ("Develop seaside park for west coast r sldents," ST, Jane II) for his compliments on East Coast Park. He may be pleased to know that currently the Parks and Recreation Department is developing a similar park at West Coast Road
      76 words
    • 382 17 IT WAS with great interest and scepticism that I read the report (ST, July 3) concerning the selection of the 170 medical students for the National University of Singapore. According to the report, 60.7 per cent of the shortlisted
      382 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 94 17 RENTACOLOR'S 6th ANNIVERSARY OFFER! 1 MONTH FREE RENT *FREE TV LICENCE AND A CHANCE TO WIN ATTRACTIVE ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAYS. s^^^ ft) Rent colour TV from (^""T^v \y sJ~*^ Rentacolor through July and >\^\^\ y ><oT August and you could win JS^ I f/yA household appliances. Washing TTyip^x Mac nines Ovenettes,
      94 words
    • 105 17 THE ONLY DIRECT SERVICE 01 mjjs: An exclusive SIA 747 Super-B flies to Los Angeles every Mon, Wed and Fri. Departing Singapore 1 .30pm and arriving Los Angeles via Taipei and Honolulu at 8.30pm the same day. SIA also flies from Singapore to San Francisco every Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun
      105 words

    • 349 18 THE bolls remained In command at the Singapore stack market yesterday, taking share prices broadly higher In actlvt trading. Whatever reservations buyers had earlier were evidently dispelled as buyers' enthusiasm sought fresh outlets In some of the previously Inactive counters. Among the new favourites were Straits
      349 words
    • 279 18 BUYERS dominated at the Kuala Lumpur stock market, sending prices broadly higher for the third consecutive session. The strong wave of buying swept the New Straits Times industrial ordinary share index 4.66 points higher to 667.72. This is yet another new high for the year, surpassing the overnight
      279 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 358 18 INTERBANK rates at 3.00 pm: Currencies Nominal rates Smithsonian P»rc»m.g» quoted yesterday (cro»i)p»ri(y change Loral dollars to one unit of foreign currency: US dollar 2.1095 2.1103 2.8196 -25.18 Sterling pound 5.0058 5.0098 7.3469 -31.86 Australian dollar 2.4510 2.4530 3.4286 -28.51 NZ dollar 2.0888 2.0917 3.4286 -39.08 Canadian dollar
        358 words
      • 47 18 RANGE o» prices offered by dis count houses on July 11: Overnight: 6:. -615/ If* CaU deposits 6. 6 BuyiM Sclliaf 1-month rreasury bills 6 6 month Bank bills 9 9/18 9 7/16 3monlhsCD 811/16 89/16 6 months CD 8 9/16 87/16 Source: National Discount Co
        47 words
      • 29 18 Singapore dollars on July 1 1 Offer Bid Jvernlght 8 8 1 month 9 8 2 months 8 8 1 months 813/16 811/ Overnight mode 8 1
        29 words
    • 24 18 THE avenge rate at which major Slagap»re hanka are currently prepared to lead to their best nutomen la 11.4 per cent.
      24 words
      • 45 18 ■tinman II d 191 I'hfm Ind Bouilr.d Gentingi B Raya Oriental Mldf« Scl Projxrti*. Kuala Si. im Tan Choif DUE Kempaa Bouslradco 22S 424 880 384 424 820 428 865 80S 835 312 48 34 30 28 24 20 20 15 15 15 15
        45 words
      • 40 18 Hrt«l lloi Spore 364 land t Pen 585 I C B 505 i Boy.l 255 Vearae* 290 T P 1»75 835 rOO«r OO Meng 112 Jt 207 long Leong 420 -12 -10 -10 -10 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2
        40 words
      • 25 18 S Darby 901,000 H Par 772.000 mPahang Cons 622.000 Tat Lee 450.000 Total turnover: 10.88 m Total value: $37.40 m Source: SES
        25 words
      • 36 18 BT. Indicator: Industrials: Finance Hotels: Properties: Minings: Plantations OCBC: SES I ml Jul 10 .lul 11 6168 93 6342.10 ***** ***** 992.27 996 16 479.39 480.62 395.63 ***** 349.99 ***** ***** ***** 550.26 557.06 503.*****23
        36 words
      • 391 18 HONGKONG: Stocks closed firmer in very active trading yesterday, pushing the Hang Seng index up 17.35 points to a new seven year high of 1101.14, dealers said. They said trading was concentrated on market leaders which opened higher after buying interest in London for a new account starting on
        391 words
      • 498 18 TOKYO: Share prices closed slightly lower in quiet, lacklustre trading yesterday, with declines led by vehicles and export -oriented issues, dealers said. The Dow Jones average (ell 6.28 to close at 6789.96 points, with a volume of 250 million snares while the New index closed at 469 02. down
        498 words
      • 146 18 CHINESE Pr»«ier Elena*?, Simgtftt, mm rlwlK prim per INtjiyMtfftey: Cmaat ill: Bulk fob ***** sell ers, old drum (in second hand drum) fob $149.50 sellers, new drum (ob $155 50 sellers Ctpra: Miied (loose) $86 50 buyers Pepper: Muntok while pepper (ob Asia NLW $440 00 sellers. Sarawak
        146 words
      • 258 18 THE KILOBAR market lor gold deliverable in Singapore opened al $45,296 and closed at $45,155 yesterday In the Far East, gold opened at fSttttOO 667 00 and was traded down to t663 00 6G5 00 It re-opened in the afternoon at $663 00 665 00 and eased to U62.50
        258 words
      • 142 18 THE STRAITS tin price edged another {2 higher to $2,138 per picul (equivalent to $35 35 per kilo, up three cents) in Penang yesterday, on an official offering down 31 tonnes to 164 tonnes. The overnight London market was barely steady with forward buyers gaining ClO to 17,185 per
        142 words
      • 38 18 Rubber July 11 Singapore: Aug: 286.00 cents (down 2.50 cents) Malaysia: Aug: 289.00 cents (down 3.50 cents) Tin: M$2,138 (up $2) (equivalent to $35.35 per kilo) (up 3 cents) Official offering: 164 tonnes (down 31 tonnes)
        38 words
      • 33 18 LONDON: Copper prices on Thurs- day (previous in brackets) Wirebar Spot £912.50 (£901); sellers £913 50 (£902); Three Month buyers £935 (£924); sellers £935 50 (£925) Market laae: Firmer Sake: 14.125 tonnes
        33 words
      • 568 18 PRICES in the Singapore rubber market closed easier yesterday, with August RSS One buyers quoted at 286.00 cents per kilo, down 2.50 cents on Thursday's close, dealers said Prices fell some four cents in afternoon trading as overseas sold into the market. At the lower levels, however sume covering
        568 words
      • 77 18 Sims sSK and SMH pno yautnUy ■AS A»«u.t B*p»abrr I urrr.l Mtkl (Kor».rd Mlk) Buy.r. S»ll.r. K u ,r. 5,11,r. Hu^bu 26SU0 ssrvi ii tm pdWn MM MRELB A«(»t S« pl .»b«r ,MHCV II tunpalkK M« <MX I II 1..n p. 11,1, ■<MX I il ton p^lrli
        77 words
    • 1598 19 THE laat tranaarted ready sale at thr < low of husiwst on thr Sim k Eirhange al Singa porr yeitrrday compared with thr prrvkxa day's prtcrs tagrtner with I*T» hi([h and low I Adjusted for imp rights law) I MM) 1...i Huh Uw (onpaot Ma SECTION ONE Closing
      1,598 words
    • 1750 19 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Stork Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "■rtt". Big Board
      1,750 words
    • 1904 19 RID and offer prii-es officially listed ami business in and reported to the Kuala I umpur Stork Kxrhange yes til .us with the number of shares m<M sho»Ti in brackets in lols ol 1.000 units unless otherwise speci fi«t IMM STKMI.s taa (3 MB) Mum (2.3SS) (5) 2
      1,904 words
    • 97 19 THE UNITED Malacca Rubber Estates Bhd announced an unaudited group net profit of MJ3 19 milUon ($3.29 million). for the year ended April 30. The parent company's net profit was $3.12 million ($3.28 million). Profit excludes extra-ordi-nary profit from sale of investments of $31,284 ($159
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 37 19 RALEIGH Cycle (Malaysia) Bhd announced an audited pretax loss of M 5520.685 (loss $268,395), (or the year ended December 31, on a turnover of $7.75 million ($7.96 million). No dividend (nil), has been announced Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 413 20 Property sisters still depend on investments INVESTMENT income continues to be the main lifeline of property sisters Central Properties, and Town and City Properties. Both companies did not derive any income from property development for the year ended Dec 31, 1979. In fact. Central Properties sold a piece of property
      413 words
      • 255 20 SYDNEY. Fri Shares asm land with the Woodada gas find in Western Australia Rained in otherwise patchy trading today, dealers said. OvcrMM interest in Woodada leader. Strata, pushed the stock A30 cents higher to $2.50 while affiliates Haoma and Northwest Mining gained 30 earn to UNO and
        255 words
      • 212 20 NEW YORK. Thurs. Oil stocks and some financial issues led a sharp stock market setback on Thursday as trading slowed from the pace of the last few days. Analysis said there was little iii the news to affect prices and noted that the market continued to
        212 words
      • 239 20 ZURICH Thurs. Prices closed steady, with chemicals and other leading industrials recovering from yesterday's losses, dealers said. Sandoz. Ciba-Geigy and unofficially quoted Hoffmannla Roi-he rose towards the close, along with Sulzer. Von Roll and Brown-Boveri. but Georg Fischer continued to Ml, Nestle. Alusuisse and Swissair were barely
        239 words
      • 198 20 AMSTERDAM. Thurs. Sharp prices closed mixed, with Royal Dutch gaining 0.30, fnilever (170 and KI.M 1 20 lutlden in mixed Dutch internationals. inlM said NMB fell 2.40 in lower Ivinks. while Rolinco lost 0 50 and Korenlo rose 0.30 in narrowly mixed investment funds Insurances were lower,
        198 words
      • 447 20 Thins Share pricM closed easier today on |,-,ifit lakinn following earlier lmiiis. ihouRh ih.' electrical s.s-101 remained strong. At 3 ,im. the KT index was down 2.0 M Leading industrials were mainly I penny or two lower though among electricals Ferranti jumped 20p to 644p
        447 words
      • 49 20 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Thursday Wednesday «3.u Week Ago ♦W- 1 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Thursday j»->92 Wednesday Week Ago 888.91 H.K.HANG 8ENG Friday 1101. M Thursday JOg-™ Week Ago 1057.19 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Frldav 694.51 Thursday «i.« Week Ago 885.56 ALL ORDINARIES Friday Thursday 918.50 Week Ago 914.65
        49 words
    • 223 20 Sharp rise in Chemical profit CHEMICAL Industries (Far East) turned in a substantial rise in its pre-tax profit (or the financial year ended March 31, I960. In its preliminary statement released on Thursday, group pre-tax results I showed a creditable increase of 136 per cent to $4.44 million compared with
      223 words
    • 173 20 SINGAPORE I M I TRU8T (MaMgm- prim, r.r Jol 14) The Commerce 2.71 2.85 The Savings Fund 1 o 184 S'pore Prog Fund 1.29 1.35 Spore Sec Fund 2.13 2.24 S'pore Invest Fund 1.70 1 78xd S'pore Equity Fund 1 26 1 32 ASIA IMI1KIM (M»n«rn.' prim t.r
      173 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
      189 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 185 19 American Festival Tours'Bo Undoubtedly the most popular American Tour jfi r For five years now, American Festival Tours' has been the {m^ most popular and most-talked-about American tour in this fy country. Being THE pioneer of low-cost packaged tours to v *i^vt/ U.S. A, we have gained tremendous knowledge and
      185 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    124 20 Mr> M«Uy Tan Bang Hock n— Mok Su«t Ngoh. oHk« manog*r*u of G€T (M) Sdn Bhd and GEM (M) Sdn. Bhd. potwd away wdd«nry m Auckland. N«w Zealand on Tundoy. 8/7/80, at 10.00 am Itoving behind h«r b«lov*d husband Michael Tan Beno. Hock. dovghMrCloro Tan Poh Iran. ton Terry
    124 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 753 20 N. M. ROTHSCHILD SONS (SINGAPORE) LIMITED Corporate Finance Executive N.M. Rothschild Sons (Singapore) Limited wishes to appoint a Corporate Finance Executive. The successful applicant will be not older than thirty, probably with an appropriate professional qualification, either legal or accounting, and have a thorough grounding in this field. Previous experience
      753 words
    • 496 20 m 'STAFF RECRUITMENT DIVISION X U UM Management Consultant Services (Pte) Ltd M M MM 281Q, 15th Floor, Selegie Complex M M fflßiV Singapore 0718 Tel: *****5/*****7 I MANAGER I MEDICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Our Client wishes to appoint a manager to assume responsibilities for the marketing and sales of its
      496 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 3390 21 I AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX Q^ i-|^ I? M f IC ?M4422? M4422 500 cv*oo,, o.d(r™ns-.0 50» PERSONAL SERVICES |a»4»44aal JZ:^^^,,, SUi?? p vn, personal Upper Povo Lebor Rood 900um 100pm Bo« Chorgei »5 00 (co*»cted) EVENTS ISoturdoyi StOOOlpOTtedl IX OBITUARIES m^ m^ m^ m^ m^ mm^ m^
      3,390 words
    • 276 21 LaV BL f^^^^^^B Baiib^^^ai l^Wj W. «V* aTaV^H JasaaawUSSlßal B^^^Bar^B 'A m 6 Www v^^Bk kvJ [Ih WE BUY, SELL TRADE IN, REPAIR 4 SERVICE llj ALL BRANDS OF NEW OR USED CAMERAS TEL *****62 3 *****29. *****97 I Bvai^t* rujiu Bafflff^ i I 1 i'.\ 1 PwT*^4M*^W*fiSr^aß^ai\ I 1
      276 words
    • 428 21 EXCELLENT VEGETARIAN FOOD Kast service, alrcondltloned Easy parking. 10.00 a.m. to 830 p m Kwan Im Vegetarian Resi taur»nt. 190, Waterloo Strt-pt Tel: *****9. FOR QUICK LUNCH Reserva tlon, visit Lai Wah Restaurant. i 377 C. Jalan Besar (alrcondltlon) Tel: *****03/ *****94 Branch I (Block 1436. Bendemeer Road (alrcondltlon). Tel:
      428 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1279 22 I I PERSONAL SERVICES MERCHANDISE 1 1 V BUSINESS PRODUCTS, SERVICES A OPPORTUNITIES II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT 29 Stssmbath/Mestagt SALON CATALINA MASSAGE. Ladles and Gentlemen 319-A River Valley Road Tel *****98. SPECIALIST HEALTH SALON 2nd floor next to Robinson's 229/230 Specialist Centre Tel *****39. *****66 ext 145. Massage
      1,279 words
      623 words
    • 691 22 WafURHU T.C. SOSV ceramic capacitor. $S5 per 1.000 pieces. DC cord 10.35 each, 4- way SOB 5 each Interested call *****05 REGISTERED COMMERCIAL SCHOOL for sale reasonable price only genuine buyers. Tel SEEKING RETIRED AMERICAN Offshore Oil Rig personnel with purchasing and warehousing experience We offer an opportunity In business.
      691 words
    • 633 22 ESTABLISHED DENTAL SUftOERY for take-over at cheap price and convenient arrangement. Intending purchaser please ring *****3 (afternoons). Singapore. [philips] J Invites suitably qualified J f candidates for the position fll 1 ENGINEERING I I ASSISTANT 1 I (PROCESS) A Diploma In Electronic M Engineering (radio and/ J or TV) or
      633 words
    • 557 22 "^1 Advanced Training TachniquM (S) Pte Ltd the school monogement compony for ATT SICKfTAKIUS ond ATT longuoge centre requires: Japanese Speaking Receptionist with good spoken Japanese, good English and o good secondary educotion Starting salary between $400 and $800 pm depending on knowledge of Japanese ond previous experience Clerk/Receptionist with
      557 words
    • 652 22 A leading International Marina Engineering a Construction Company requires: AN INTELLIGENT A ATTRACTIVE FEMALE to handle) its front office reception service The successful candidate will be dealing with clients and all levels of Management. < She must be able to communicate effectively and work under pressure. Maturity, tact and a
      652 words
    • 710 22 I I An international merchant bank Invites applicants for the positions of 1 TELEX CUM 1 TELEPHONE 1 OPERATORS Applicants should have: I c Minimum (HE O' level, preferably with credit in I English c Ability to type figures I fast and accurately on a telex machine c Knowledge in
      710 words
    • 740 22 A progressive manufacturing company In Jurong requires urgently a. FEMALE SECRETARY for Me Managing Director c A Private Secretary Certificate with preferably 1 year working experience as a Secretary c Ability to use electric type writer and to operate a telex machine Knowledge of Indonesian/Malay language would be an advantage
      740 words
    • 630 22 EXECUTIVE Sk^ SECRETARY 5515.000 p a negotiable A wall-known, fast expanding international service company re quires an Executive Se cretary for its regional office in Singaport She will work wftt the General Manager, md in addition to her secretarial ♦untions. sha will lave responsibilities in ofice administration and b» re
      630 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 438 23 II EMPLOYMENT 46 Situations Vacant b Secretarial U Clerical FEMALE RECEPTIONIST W*« establish**! international compart invites auitsM* queli ftsd applicants lor th* above position Requirements Preferably candidates above 20 years of age <;. fiid be able to type about 40 p Attractive sslsry snd good fringe benefits will b* paid
      438 words
    • 620 23 Vi^NOL \NCPTUNE OR* NT LINES LTD 1 invrt** appweettens tor me following vsl ancle* 1) ACCOUNTS CLERKS Applicants must have school certificate or equivalent and LCC Intermediate Book-keeping Certificates Preference will be given to those with relevant experience 2) CLERKS/ TYPISTS Appllcannts must have school certificates or Its equivalent and
      620 words
    • 574 23 II EMPLOYMENT requires* TEMPORARY REBEARCH CLERK for a period of 3 months Female Singapore citizen Possess 3 credits at OCE. 'O' level Including English i Mathematics Able to type accurately at 35 wpm. Please call personally on Monday 14th July 1980 from 2.00 pm to 4.00 p m at Tim—
      574 words
    • 652 23 PITNEY CONSTRUCTION CO. PTE LTD (Subaidsary of Pitney Enterprise Pte Ltd) urgently requires: A) FEMALE RECEPTIONMT/ TELEPHONE OPERATOR B) MALE SITE CLERK For Interview please call personally: 03 GOLDEN MILE TOWER BEACH ROAD SBMAPORE 071* TEL.2SSS744 I Required school leavers, com I pieted National Service as: OPERATIONS ASSISTANT I for
      652 words
    • 1271 23 II EMPLOYMENT AOENCY OPENBMOS Would you like to have the prestige of representing a large Insurance Organization but have the independence of a local business owner? Are you Interested In good earnings, dependent on your abilities and creativity? Do you want to be engaged In a worthwhile undertaking? Are you
      1,271 words
    • 1199 23 II EMPLOYMENT SALES EXECUTIVE Ws ara a new manufacturing company producing cotton yams. Our clients ar* mainly induatrial i gtom manufacturers and related garment Induatrlas. Ws have stsrtsd production and we are now seeking an ambitious young man to take up a chaasnglng career in ■am Preference will be given
      1,199 words
    • 863 23 II EMPLOYMENT IB t^BffTft^affWfsßT^jft^aaal iMPsH II Ammmmlm sssssffl^^RSsHTT'Bsl I llj^Miflr||^aJsyisisMwi!s^l ELECTRICAL ENGINEER wanted by Japanese Engineering Company. c Practical experience in Installing pneumatic process control Instrument systems for oil refinery and/or power station c Able to prepare Job-cost estimates tor Industrial projects a with supervisory and leadership experience In field'
      863 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 514 24 II EMPLOYMENT 46 Situations Vacant d) Technical HONG GUAN CO PTE LTD Industrial Gaaee Division 754-7 SB Upper Buklt Timah Rd 16 km. Spore 2M7. I has vacancies for MECHANICAL TECHNICIANS Applicants must have completed National Service Pleeee can pareonaMy al the above addrees tor interview < INTERIOR DESIGNING FIRM
      514 words
    • 510 24 Immediate vacancies for: TEMPORARY FITTERS Experience In carrying out machinery installation and pipe fitting works TEMPORARY ELECTRICIANS Experience In carrying out machinery installation works on electrical wiring Working hours: Part-time: 9am. to 2pm. or 4pm. to 9pm. or 6pm. to 11pm. Full-time:-Bam. to Spm. or spm. to 2am. Plea** write
      510 words
    • 519 24 II EMPLOYMENT TWO JUNKMt FOREMEN required by an EetaMMted Local Co*itr*ct#f Cooip#ny. Experience Is not essential Preferably part-time Poly Undergraduate Applicant* pi**** *pply stating salary expected to:S.T. BOX A***** Well established construction company requlres-WOMK-STTE SUPERVISORS i Must be able to read draw Ings I c Have at least 3 years
      519 words
    • 272 24 MMPMaHH JJhH BBB&aaB^BBlBBiBBBBBBBBBB _PBJ****J BVV*TfT B J*/B9Y*J B vS*jßV*o*_*J HtiMMMMttH Hb^^Ts^'^^'^P^^^H BBMj^^^T^n^'^^^^^L^'^'^aaal Established Firm baaed In K.L. requires CIVIL INSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERS lor its multi-Storey end high-rise protect*. Requirement*: 5 years In related works Malaysian Citizens Oood prospects for advancements. Interested applic.nls plea** write giving hill resume, salary aipacted contact telephone
      272 words
    • 252 24 II EMPLOYMENT m Join |DelM<ir I Furniture opw£2h Free transport at pick-up points Attendance bonus 13th Month pay Annual Productivity Bonus I Productivity incentive Canteen facility, etc. Please apply in person with identity card on Mondays to Saturdays from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm at The Personnel Oept Del Mar
      252 words
    • 565 24 SINGAPORE KCK (PTE) LTD i Invites applications from singa- pore Citizens for the post of: MALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS (SHIFT DOTY) Applicants must be aged 16 and above i c At least Secondary education c Completed N.S. Mt> SINGAPORE KCK (PTE) LTD 20. 4th Floor Block Kallang Place Singapore 12M I)
      565 words
    • 703 24 II EMPLOYMENT A wall established mullinational contracting company which provide* engineering and conatruction »ervice* to tha offahore oil and gaa industry invites TOP CALIBRE PROPERTY PERSONNEL to apply for a newly created aanior management position in our adminiatra- tive service* department The successful candidate will assume responsibilities for the maintenance
      703 words
    • 674 24 EXPERIENCED OENERAL CLERK required by Service Station Dlst 1129. Tel: *****87 for Interview EXPORT COMPANY REQUIRES Oeneral Workers with .Irlvlng licence During training, all In salary $400 Apply pert >nally 26 Toh Crescent, off Upprr Changl Road. 19 \rl km. any da> SMOAPORE ASSOCIA TON FORTNEMJNO I invite* application* for
      674 words
    • 519 24 II EMPLOYMENT HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GROW WITH US We are known aa RESTAURANT 1819 Singapore s neweat, moat exclusive end luxurious Restaurant specialising in French and Continental cuisine and we Will open for business aoon. We are now in the process of recruiting an efficient and professional team to
      519 words
    • 580 24 A Mat* applicants who hava comptatad National Sarvica ara invitad to till tha following potittont 1) FIREMEN/ SECURITY GUARDS Physically fit c Relevant experience in flre-fighlmfr. ..nd security measures c Must be prepared U> work on a 12-hour shift 2) DRIVERS c Claai :i liinim Ucenc* with at least 1
      580 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 701 25 I II EMPLOYMENT 46 Situations Vacant f) Miscellaneous NUSANTARA 1 SUPPORT SERVICES I PTE LTD I invilas applications Irom L Singapora citizans lor tha lot- lowing positions at its waro- housa locatad in Paya Labar 7 ■raa (naar Airport): 1 A) DELIVERY CLERK B) WAREHOUSE j HELPER For Position (A):
      701 words
    • 843 25 OFFICE/MESSENGER BOY required in Jurong Tel *****5 ONE TYPIST WITH experience and one Receptionist, must know how to operate PMBX switchboard Technical Sales Coordinators also required Tel: *****01. Albert ORCHARD SAUNA ET Massage Requires Part-time or Pull-time Masseuses Age Dove 21 years old High attractive salary and earn even more
      843 words
    • 1110 25 I II EMPLOYMENT TRAVELSCOPE JAPANESE TOUR Agency requires Male Assistant Tour Co-Ordlnator Interested applicants should apply In own handwriting staUng full resume, telephone number and photograph (non-returnable) to: ST. Box A ***** UNTVERSTTY Of SINGAPORE Applications ara Invilad lor appointmanl lo Iha poat at. BtOSTATISTKAL ASSISTANT QUALIFICATIONS Full HSC Certificate
      1,110 words
    • 1698 25 times Saturday car mart 20,000 km or 1 year full warranty T r<tf> ta Elai^ra^L^sa^ An Associate Company ol SHARIKAT FIAT DISTRIBUTORS (M)SDN BHD LADA MOTORS (PTE) LTD 24. Leng Kee Road, Singapore 0315 Tel *****0 assisaaajyp i— M5-^^^3bbl^ Also available m 1600 GLF, 1600 G FT, 1600 S/W a
      1,698 words
    • 1015 25 I AUGUST '74 FIAT 124 Sports, excellent engine and mechanical condition. Campagnolo rims, Mlchelln tyres, cassette/ radio, concealed alrcond. metallic paint Well maintained $14,500 ono. Tel: *****26 FIAT 124S AUGUST 1973. One owner. PARF eligible Alrcond. stereo, cassette/ radio. Very good condition. Price negotiable. Tel *****1. Mr Yeong between 9
      1,015 words
    • 947 25 MOO IBM HONOA Civic 3-door Automatic, new model. 1 private owner, alrcond. new tax Showroom condition $19,500 0.n.0. Jalan Toa Payoh Caltex Station Itn, HONOA CIVK 1200 3-door Oood condition Alrcond $9,800 0.n.0. Tel: *****08 It7l HONOA LIFE, very good condition, selling $8,500 ono Tel: *****40 1973 SEPTEMBER HONDA Life.
      947 words
    • 982 25 1(72 COMPANY REGISTRATION Mercedes 280 S. 2nd company owner. In tip top condition, chauffeur driven More d#«Hls tel: ***** Benson See 1972 MERCEDES BENZ 230 Road tax till October Oood condition, alrcondltloned Offers 113.500 o no Tel: 2224s2o office. 1*79 MERCEDES BENZ 200 Alrcond. excellent condition Contact: *****75 U7J MERCEDES
      982 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 708 26 times Saturday car mart 55 Vehicles For Sale j) Toyota OCT 1973. TOYOTA Corona MXII Moo F plate Alrcond. radio Well inainuined and beautiful condition Road lax till Sept No PARK S5.:«0ono Tel *****80 «€PT 1172 TOYOTA Corolla. E plate Road lax end Aug Alreonrt. radio/cassette $8,800 Interested ronlarl *****5
      708 words
    • 919 26 AUGUST -7* SUZUKI CXRIOO. 970 re over SO mpu luff-koled. I owner Selling $11,000 (nev. fIB.OOO) Call *****06 after 200 p m DECEMBER 1*72 t _FA Romeo 1800. OT Junior Excellent condition with radio/ cassette, alrrond. sports rims, view: Blk 132. No 1336. Jalan Buklt Merah. Tel *****04 DEC 1*73
      919 words
    • 702 26 OT3 SUSARU ******.. PARF eligible Engine recently overhauled Cassette, new air-con. Good condition Selling 17.900/- Tel: 1173 TRIUMPH 2MO c.c automatic. PARF eligible, alrcon. Excellent condition Price 113 700 Tel *****/ *****81 It7J VOLVO 14S Estate Alrcond. radio/ cassette Metallic light blue paint, tip top condition Price $18,500 Call:
      702 words
    • 581 26 PE 2SO SELLING J 1,900 negotiable Call: Chris lei: *****17 after 2 p.m SUZUKI OS 1000 C. Tax Insurance till May Good condition $4,8000 no0 on o Call Harold *****3.V If7o HONDA NMO with new tax/ Insurance $4,350 0.n.0. Tel. *****58 after 1 p.m. 1970 YAMAHA MOTORCYCLE 100 c c.
      581 words
    • 1556 26 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES FOR SALE AT PEOPLE'S PARK COMPLEX Ist floor. 200 sq.ft. shop unit. Please contact: MR. LEE A MR. WEE 237, 15t floor -People's Park Complex. u^ SMALL SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE Katong area. 1 bedroom, living j room, kitchen, bathroom and garden. Furnished. $600 Including PUB charges. Suitable for
      1,556 words
    • 1524 26 IV ACCOMMODATION 6 PROPERTIES DIST. 11, QUIET CENTRALLY Located furnished 3-bedroomed apartment with telephone. Available Immediately. Call: *****11/*****58 DMT. 14, CHENG HONG Mansion 4 rooms. 2 halls with furniture Alrcond Rental: $1,500. Call *****96 DIST. 15. EASTERN MANSION Amber Road. 4 rooms 1 hall. 3 alrconds. Phone, furnished $1,300 Contact.
      1,524 words
    • 1597 26 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES I BUKIT TIMAH. HB.LVKW Estate. j double-storey terrace. Freehold 2.250 sq ft 3 bedrooms. 1 utility room and extended kitchen dining Area Furnished Price: $190,000 0.n.0 Contact. *****23 (office Hours) DISTRICT IS SWLAP Area 2 storey corner terrace. 3 bedrooms, area 3.000 sq ft. plus, price $235,000
      1,597 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1329 27 IV ACCOMMODATION 4 PROPERTIES 64 Residential Properties Wanted 1 INVESTMENT COMPANY Wishes TO PURCHASE SEVERAL APARTMENTS IN DIST. t with/ without tenancy PLEASE CALL MANAGING AGENT WWJI/ 2S4SSOO APARTMENTS/ HOUSES/ LANO In any district/ price/ type for local foreign buyers Meng Housing *****49 APARTMENTS/ HOUSES/ LAND office space wanted by
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    • 885 27 VI EDUCATION 6 INSTRUCTION International Business inistration for wign Students This two-year full-time day course is especially planned and modified to serve two purposes: 1 To give foreign students a sound basic grounding in Business Administration and Accounting 2) To provide foreign students with facilities to improve their English, Public
      885 words
      1,451 words
    • 802 27 VII TRAVEL TOURS AMERICA/CANADA THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE (North South East West) Ham Caffma Nmbi Mm ft Usf** Sm *r SUtt of New York Dim it Com** FMi Bnta Umnb Omra Muco Kong Kon. 28 Days *****0/KLSS49O to/a u/9 26/10 16/11 By SIA SJumoo Super B WEST COAST PANORAMA H«.« S»
      802 words
    • 834 27 I VII TRAVEL ft TOURS IA-067 GRAND ASIA Philippine Korea Japan Al Taiwan Hong Kong Thailand 19/21 Days *****5 2905 Dep Every Sal ALL TAIWAN Huafcn KOREA JAPAN HONG KONG Sung Dynasty Vitoge THAILAND PatUya 14/17 21 Days *****5 2645 2825 21/7. 287 4/8 11/8 18/8. '25/8 1/9- 8/9.15/9. 22/9.
      834 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      97 28 mutm At his home In Newton Ferrers. Devon after a short Illness. BERNARD RALPH JN.LARD. who was a partner of TUROUANO YOUNGS CO. until his retirement In 1965. having spent many years ln the firm's Penang office. MR. FONG AH YONG AGED 51 YEARS peacefully departed on 9th
      97 words
      29 words
    • 42 28 Lai* Mr. Hor Ching Seng wiah to thank all coHaaguat tram Sanofco, Jurong and Paaif Pantang Power Stattom; Ulu Pandan 8.T.W; Wanda, rwtghbourt, ratotiva* and all ottwrt lor thair condolwKM, tympathiaa, >niii, anandanca, wraalna, and offanngB during th#ir
      42 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      97 28 MR HO LANG (7.7.1911 to 12.7.1977) It was three years since you left. Memories of you linger on. Tears we shed and sorrows we felt Thinking of you In life beyond Fondly remembered by Son: Kwan Heen Deughlers: Kwan Peck and Kwan Yoke Sons-in-law: Hulbert and Richard
      97 words
    • 50 28 In Everiasting Memory LEE CHENG CHUAN DEPARTED*12th July. 1970 A decade had passed since you left us without a word. But sweet memories of you will forever linger In our heart. Sadly miiHd by wit*. Bofc Yoke Ch«*. **v*n daughter*, two uw, tiv* »on*-in-l»w, two d*ught*rt-in-»w. Lucky and k»*d on**.
      50 words
    • 35 28 V. SUBR AMANI AM Departed: 12/7/71 Sweet are the memories, silently kept. Of one we loved dearly and never forget tfM#ftoo by wtt#, sons, dsuQnt#r 6 In Mamoriwn" HlOTlh* whom you
      35 words
    • 29 28 JANET TAY MUI GEK 11/10/51 12/7/71 Close to our hearts you always stay Loved and remembered everyday O— fly mi— d by Lo— d On—
      29 words
    • 74 28 MR. LEE CHONG BOAY dapariad on ttM Oral day ol ttw tilth Moon Uw Catandar (5th July 71) Daariy and ily mtaaad but loravar ramambarad by wif». ton, daughlf -to-lax and daughlaf IN MEMORY OF Llm Kang Choon railed 10 ytars ago today. May he find
      74 words
    • 30 28 MR T. THANGAV ALU PILL Al Departed 121h July 1«77 Not Just today but every day, In silence we remember MiiHd by wita. cMMrwi and nU-
      30 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 1215 28 VII TRAVEL TOURS 103 Tours lL AIR TICKETINO W^^^F all over the world or Krllablr Economical air "ravfl to USA. U.K., ORIENT, JSj^eF' APAN. HONGKONG. TAIWAN. t »V^. COREA, INDIA, and those going *s<£&2g( I^*»l' o SRI LANKA Still cheaper V., nore economical. Also all over he world e^^^^e^^^^^^^^TJ Contact-
      1,215 words
    • 111 28 VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS 6 PERSONAL EVENTS TRINITY CHRISTIAN CENTRE. First Sunday Worship 8.00 am. Second Worship 10 45 am Third lift r«r Pools Worship 2.30 p.ra (Hokklen. Can- v rwn tonese Mandarin Interpretation through earphones HKl.c International House. Orange Qrove Road All welcome WORKERS FOR CH* 181 You are transport from
      111 words
    • 855 28 FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST CONTRACTOR In line with our current development and expansion programme, the Company invites application from suitably qualified Malaysian for the following posts:-. TWO PROJECT ASSISTANTS Qualification Experience: Candidate must be a graduate in electrical engineering from a recognised college/university preferably with some working experience in fire protection
      855 words
    • 473 28 I PRODUCTION MANAGER (PENANG OPERATIONS) The integrated circuit electronic comI pany of Northern Malaysia is seeking a TOP I PRODUCTION MANAGER. Requirements: Degree in Engineering or equivalent 3 years plus experience as a Recognised Production/Plant Manager in the semi conductor industry. Top supervisory talents. Have an established personal growth goal.
      473 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 2653 29 SS ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK LIMITED Formerly known as Asia Commercial Banking Corporation Limited Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore 2£» AND SUBSIDIARY COMFANIES BALANCE SHEET 31ST December ,l979. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 31ST December 1979 Note 197 9 1978 Note 1979 1978 Note 1979 1978 Note 1979 1978 SHARE CAPITAL CURRENT
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 276 30 DEAR ENGINEER This is an invitation for yon to share in our growth and we believe yonr writing to us could be of mutual benefits. I We have the following vacancies in our Company. A) TECHNICAL BUYER You should have a degree/diploma in Mechanical/ Electronic Engineering, preferably with some industrial
      276 words
    • 514 30 HERMAMHVf LUDWIG ORGAMIZATIOM TOP CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY/ PERSONAL ASSISTANT urgently required by CHIEF EXECUTIVE (Expatriate) for Regional Headquarter of International Shipping Group WE NEED: Excellent secretarial skills. Ability to work independently and take charge of certain affairs during the frequent absence of Chief Exec. Matured personality and ability to handle sensitive
      514 words
    • 270 30 NORDSKO64NETHELM PTE LTD I We are a manufacturer of inflight and ground support I equipment for the airline industry. In order to keep up with I our rapid expansion, we are looking tor suitably qualified I persons to fill the position of I PRODUCTION ENGINEER I RetponsMtin I 1o plan
      270 words
    • 572 30 g^tfJL Apprenticeship with the ESUJta Economic Development Board Earn as you Learn The EDB offers 2 years full-time training dt the Tata -Government ft,iininq Centre and the Japan-Singapore Training Centre followed by 2 years inplant attachment with an approved factory leading to nationally re cognised craftsman certificate at the end
      572 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 631 31 Dfmrtron (Private) Limited ia m aubaidiary of Demetron GmbH c. the Federal Republic of Germany and ia engaged in the manufacture of high quality metal componenta for the electronic* induatrv We now urgently require the following peraonnela:ACCOUNTANT a Th? Accountant will report to the Finance At i ounting Manager. He
      631 words
      1,774 words

    • 2395 32 Big backers follow 'smart money' QUITE a number of big backers find it lucrative to follow "smart money." They keep a close watch on the progress of the betting and, when an "unfancied horse" not mentioned by any of the newspaper tipsters or has no recent worthwhile form suddenly comes
      2,395 words
    • 52 32 Morestyle' s Cup NEWMARKCT. Fri Moorestyle coasted to victory here yesterday in the 1.200 metres July Cup, one of tho top sprint the British season, to improve jockey Lei ti roMs gnat record in the race. Piggotl has now won the .cnt nine times in all and (or thm- successive
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 2397 32 RAPF 1 1.30 CLASS 3 DIV 6— 1.200M mw*v/u l 15> ooo $10,500 to winner) 1 23*0*=> Jingo a Malik i Daniels 57 ((12 -IS. I K Imi 1 2 32*7*0 Ever Peace a Rossi I Rodgers .V, I d3 4 1 I 'ss K.W. Tjn 6 3
      2,397 words
    • 174 32 EPSOM JEEP FAIRWAY TET 1 Jingo Tungesh Hong's Winner Gold Wing Eyeliner Jingo Bmh I Kvelin 1 -1 1 2 C. Crystal Conquest Allez Allez C. Crystal Conquest Kxuber.ini P. Player Whisky Soda Allez Allez 3 Plaisir D'Amour S. Move P. Pleasure Impresario P. Pleasure Dragon Sabre Arcadia Fore:
      174 words
    • 396 32 Thursday (Good) Class 2: Raging Certainty 37 sec., stylishly Fortune's Path and Prairie Wolf 37.6 with Fortune's Path going better at the end; North Atlantic 38.6 easily with All Ls Great and Thebet son. Class S: Sovereign High 37.6 with Favoured Gent and Winning Willy; Guest Of
      396 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 821 32 I I 1 D*m*tron (Private) Limited m a JV. anbaidinry of Dcmctroa GmbH of the -Federal Republic of Germany and is V encased in the maanfactnring of high metal componentn for the electronic* indnatry. We have eatabliahed a new division to maanfac tnre high quality Printed Circuit -Board* ant year
      821 words
    • 489 32 ■f^^ SINGAPORE BUS SERVICE (1978) LJfi The Company in conjunction with Vocational Industrial Training Board invites applications from suitably qualified persons for APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING IN MOTOR VEHICLE MECHANIC Qualifications: Singapore Citizens Completed or exempted from full-time National Service Passed at least Secondary Two Education Successful applicants will attend 6 months
      489 words

    • 399 33 HELSINKI, Fri. American Mac Wilkins was yesterday awarded the coveted 1980 World Games Best Athlete Trophy after his victory in the discus on Wednesday at the Helsinki Olympic Stadium here. Wilkins' win made history at the two-day event as no Olympic Games gold-medal winner has
      UPI  -  399 words
    • 552 33 By FAIRWAY BALLY WILLIAM was easily the star performer on the track at Bukit Timah this week. The four-year-old by Thatch came with a moderate record of only a fourth in five starts in Ireland, but has certainly found the local conditions to his liking,
      552 words
    • 2529 33 DAfp I 1.30 CLASS 3 DIV 2 1.200 M iw^Ei J. ($15,000 $10,500 to winner) 1 x2xx3l Ailennaa (Suka Ria) Mansors7(pc 1.5) 7 eg F Utm 5 2 054x€7 Priority HI a Dgy (Golden Stan Jaafar 57 (dc 2.5) 5eR Raan)r 8 3 74x3X! Bold Glen i I
      2,529 words
    • 127 33 LUCHON, Fri. France's Raymond Martin completely outclassed the field to win the 13th stage of the Tour de France yesterday as the remaining riders set about their task with renewed vigour, following the retirement of favourite Bernard Hinault. Dutchman Joop Zoetemelk the man tipped to be the only serious
      127 words
    • 660 33 Hennie Kuiper (Hoi), 3. Raymond Martin (Fra), 4. Johan de Muynck (Bel), 5 Pierre Bazzo (Fra). BASEBALL Results of yesterday's Major League games: American League Indians 4 Blue Jays 3, Royals 3 Tigers 2, Yankees 13 Rangers 5, Orioles 9 White Sox 2. Twins
      Agencies  -  660 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 87 33 The Board of Directors, I Management and Staff I I Overseas Trust Bank Limited I I and its subsidiaries extend their I I deepest condolence to their Chairman, I Mr Chang Ming Thien, on the demise of his beloved mother. I I The Boards of Directors, I Management and Staff
      87 words

    • 505 34  - End of beginning for some WILFRED YEO KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The late Sir Winston Churchill, had he watched Singapore in the ASEAN youth soccer tournament here, might have concluded: "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end, but it is, perhaps, the end of
      505 words
    • 104 34 HONGKONG Bank, spearheaded by Singapore's Malaysia Cup team stalwart Lim Tang Boon, trounced Far East Levingston 5-0 in a Singapore Business Houses Football League Division Two match at the Tanglin pitch yesterday. The SBH Ft tournament was suspended from yesterday because of the fasting month. The competition will resume
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    • 329 34 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Thailand's under-20 soccer team wanted to visit the Malaysian team's camp yesterday to apologise for Wednesday night's incident, but their request was turned down to prevent any undesirable incident. Thai team manager Suchat Mutugan had asked for permission from the chairman
      AP; NST  -  329 words
    • 205 34  -  JOE DORAI By ment in Kuala Lumpur, has obviously impressed the FAS with his coaching ability. Ibrahim topped the coaching course conducted by the West German F. A. in Hannif in September 1978. Return On Jita's return, it is likely that Ibrahim may be
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    • 308 34  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By M. RAVENDRAN, of Henderson Secondary School finished the day in the national inter-schools' track and field championships at the National Stadium with a record 6 mm. 26.9 sec. in the secondary boys' 2,000 metres steeple-chase yesterday. Earlier, with temperatures soaring to
      308 words
    • 90 34 HWA CHONG Junior College beat Catholic Junior CoUege 20 in a national schools' postsecondary boys' A division volleyball match yesterday. Other results: Bays' pMtM««mUry C divislon Swiss Cottage bt National JC 2-1; Secondary D dhiklm Jalan Teck Whye bt Upper Aljunied Technical 2-0; Bukit Ho Swee bt
      90 words
    • 68 34 Coaching course A 45-hour Certificate In Coaching (Basic) Module II badminton course, in English and Mandarin, will be organised by the Singapore Sports Council, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and the Singapore Badminton Association, from Aug. 11-Oct. 2. Theoretcal lectures will be held at the Singapore Badminton Hall
      68 words
    • 27 34 SIKHS brought the visiting Punjab Hawks, of India, down to earth when they beat them 2-1 in. a friendly hockey match at Balestier Road yesterday.
      27 words
    • 296 34 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The organis- I ers of the ASEAN youth soccer tourna- j ment here, who were worried earlier that tomorrow's Malaysia-Thailand final at the Merdeka Stadium (4pm) will be watched by little more than the 7,000 that has been the largest crowd so
      296 words
    • 40 34 FORMER boxing referee and professional Eric Dunsfonl died at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital of bronchial pneumonia on Wednesday. Dunsford. who is the uncle of former boxing star Austin Dunsford. was cremated yesterday. He was 67 years old.
      40 words
    • 252 34 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The picture is not that gloomy now. Performances at yesterday's sprints have lifted Malaysia's hopes for the Sports Week ASEAN relay championships at Merdeka Stadium tomorrow. The hopes are for the men's and women's 4 x 400 metres relays. It isn't that Malaysian
      NST  -  252 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
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  • Page 34 Miscellaneous
    • 164 34 BOWLING National SOCCER N»tioa*l l/uur League (Jackie's Katong Dtv. Oae: Tiong Bahru v Toa Plaza Bowl. 3). p ayo h (Jalan Besar, 8); Dtv. GOLK Tengah Open (Ten- "nm: Singapore Fire Brigade gah Base. 7). Tasek Utara v A v petals (Farrer Park). Seletar (Tasek Utara.ll. Eu Poljce B Te
      164 words

    • 550 35 MR. E. W. BARKER, president of the Singapore National Olympic Council, yesterday called on the Republic's athletes to start immediate training for next year's South-east Asia Games in Manila. Speaking at the presentation of the annual SNOC awards at the Penthouse, j PUB
      550 words
    • 156 35  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By FIVE top Thai clubs have withdrawn their affiliation to the Badminton Association of Thailand. These include the New Siam Club, who boast Thai national champion Udom Luengpetcharaporn, Preecha Sopajaree and the Racket Museum Association, who have Pichai Kongsirithavorn. All three are
      156 words
    • 337 35 JUNIE SNG and Chua Koon Siong received their Sportswoman and Sportsman of the Year awards respectively at Somerset Road yesterday. And that was all there was to the occasion. For, behind the glitter of the ceremony, graced by Ministers and top sports officials, was a mood
      337 words
    • 291 35 MANCHESTER, Fri. Rain prevented any play between lunch and tea on the second day of the third cricket Test between England and the West Indies at Old Trafford here today. Clive Lloyd's West Indians were made to struggle in the face of a spirited England
      291 words
    • 61 35 ENGLAND lit Imm: 1M WKBT INDIES lit Ibm (•venlght »-J) (jreeaMge c Larkins b Dilley 0 HsyßM c Knott b Willis 1 Rlehardi b Botham 65 Baeeau c Botham b Dilley 0 KalUefcama c Knott b Botham 13 U»yd not out 25 Mirny not out 5 Extras 12 T*tal(for3wkts.)
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 212 35 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Again, unsafe conditions forced the cancellation of the whole of the Tour of Malaysia sector-two route here yesterday. Clerk-of-the-course William Mci called it off, just after the start, for the safety of the competitors. Twenty-two cars were to have taken part in sector
      NST  -  212 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 116 35 ONLY ONE SHOE FOR THE GREAT CHAMPIONS ©•li««l#r« X^>^ M*O£ IN ITALY V^^^^a^aaMk^ THE ULTIMATE SPORTS SHOES fIH "J^S So1 buK W^^ r^ >^-^* r UNCLE CHOO I SPORTS CENTRE Unit 232, ?nd Floor, Pla/a SinQopura. > Orchard Ro«d. Singapore 0923 Authonitd Rtlailtn ALEX SPORTS ARSENAL SPORTS BEST SPORTS t
      116 words
    • 195 35 mffl-h VzPKs J 11^ V WITH J •g S j— L ASTt W buiOM V VITAMIN S IK 2SO, I j uEflv m 4&ii r |L if mmvi m JMi 1 L^^ m A Lv I L^L^L. nfl BL^. w hi««i (V. NET WEIGHT 2509 mmm mm BERAT BERSIH 2509
      195 words

  • 205 36 HONGKONG, Fri. Vietnam has accused Thailand of providing cover for Khmer Rouge guerillas along the Thai-Kampu-chean border, but stressed that it still regards China and not Thailand as a threat to Kampuchea. Radio Hanoi, monitored here yesterday, said Thai authorities had been giving
    Reuter; AP  -  205 words
  • 499 36 THE Republican Party today pledged further support for Thailand to help it repel the Vietnamese, and vowed to restore a strong US role in Asia and the Pacific region. The party, in a draft election platform, promised further economic and military aid for Thailand
    Reuter; AFP  -  499 words
  • 26 36 SALISBURY, Fri. Marksmen have killed 500 elephants as part of Zimbabwe's annual call to keep numbers down to 35,000, wildlife officials said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 151 36 REAGAN TO PICK WOMAN AS HIS V-P? WASHINGTON, Fri. Mr Ronald Reagan Is seriously thinking of naming a woman, former ambassador to Britain Anne Armstrong, as his Republican Vice-Presidential running mate, political sources said today. The former California governor Is expected to announce his choice on Thursday, one day after
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 92 36 NEWYORK, Fri. Citibank. the second largest US commercial bank, cut its prime lending rate to 11.25 per cent from 11.5 per cen» today in a move analysts believe signals the beginning of another round of rate reductions by American banks. The prime is the rate banks charge
    AP  -  92 words
  • 42 36 TOKYO, Fri. Japanese oil companies wound up fiscal 1979 with record profits of US$6OO million (5J126.000) compared with the last fiscal profit of US$25O million in spite of a fall in shipments, the Petroleum Association of Japan announced today. AFP.
    AFP  -  42 words
  • 39 36 OSLO, Fri The Scandinavian Airlines System is to reduce its flights to Asia by 10 per cent because of increased operating costs and the high price of fuel, the airline's Swedish chairman Carl Munkberg said today. AFP.
    AFP  -  39 words
  • 719 36 SAY AMERICAN OFFICIALS THE United States has decided to undertake a cautious expansion of its security role in South-east Asia on the basis that the Vietnamese military pressure on Thailand is part of a Soviet two-pronged thrust against Western trade routes
    NYT  -  719 words
  • 438 36  -  TAN LIAN CHOO By Our Pans reporter PARIS, Friday MR Son Sanh, leader of the non-communist Kampuchean People's National Liberation Front, said here today that he had written to Mr Lee Kuan Yew asking for support for his 10-month-old guerilla movement.
    438 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 321 36 TECNOGAS TWIN SUCTION MOTOR COOKER HOOD y^toTN BETTER DESIGN H&Sfcw BETTER FEATURES 1/^% Powerful Twin Suction Motor "AtftZl! J Six Control Speeds *C^r Stainless Steel body in dark brown enamelled finish .?""5"'V On /off indicator cooking light /&f j-_ Vw^j\ Washable Synthetic fibre filter {TEEnQfSQBJ Changeable charcoal filter Extractable glass
      321 words
    • 353 36 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. THE Government has made major changes in rules governing the sale of all types of property. AGNES WEE brings full details of the i changes and how they will affect both developers and buyers. Other items: IN LEISURE TIMES: HYPERION makes his selection
      353 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 5 1 The Straits Times ECTION 2
      5 words
    • 780 1  -  LIM PHAY-LING By LIM SIONG GUAN was an outstanding student at the Anglo Chinese School. Even then, when he was bagging prize after prize, he never dreamed that he would be awarded the Colombo Plan scholarship in 1965 to study mechanical engineering at
      780 words
    • 380 1 THE Presidents scholarship is today's equivalent of the Queen's and State's scholarships which were stopped in 1965. In 1959, Mr Vong Nyuk Lin, the then Minister for Education, explained that the Queen's scholarships and Queen's Research Fellowships were discontinued in view of the changed constitutional
      380 words
    • 767 1 OF the 114 President's scholars we have since 1966, only 21 are girls. One of these girls, 1971 President's and Colombo Plan scholar, Miss Low Sin Leng, is now deputy director of the Computer Services branch at the Ministry of Education. Today at 28,
      767 words
    • 728 2 Pick of the Day SBC 5 GO ga-ga over all the films on today, especially since there's The Blue Max, that excellent 1966 action film based on Jack Hunter's novel in the Saturday Night Movie (Ch 5, 11.00 p.m.) slot. George Peppard plays a young German officer during World War
      728 words
      • 466 3  - A new heartbreaker hit over SBC LEONG WENG K AM By PRETTY Hongkong television actress Cheng Yu Ling, and actors Chow Yuen Fatt and Liew Wei Hong may be unknown to the SingaKre TV audience now, t they may soon become the idols of many when the new Cantonese drama
        466 words
      • 446 3  -  Au Ho-Nien; TEO HAN WUE Exhibition of Chinese paintings by Last day tomorrow 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Chinese Chamber of Commerce Review by SINCE the Lingnan (Cantonese) school of painting was founded in China by Gao Qifeng and Gao Jianfu in the beginning
        446 words
      • 681 3  -  CHIA WAI HON Printmaking exhibition July 5 11; Review by WHY do artists make prints and what is the function of print making? In manv ways, printmaking offers the same challenges to the artist as drawing and painting. The artist has to
        681 words
      • 223 3 Two film* on sports National Stadium theatrette Today, 10.30 a.m. Admission U— IF you still need inspiration to motivate you to do something about your physical and emotional fitness. J—ad for the National Stadium Theatrette this morning. Meet a marathon runner
        223 words
    • BOOKS
      • 518 5  -  Brian J. Ford, ZHANG MEI-JI PATTERNS OF SEX: The Mating Urge and Our Sexual Future by Published by MacOonald and Janes, 205 pages, £6.96 Reviewed by A SUBTITLE like The Mating Urge and Our Sexual Future is all but guaranteed to capture attention, for who
        518 words
      • 638 5  - English author rediscovers Conrad's magic GRETCHEN MAHBUBANI By HE was waiting outside his suite, framed by the tropical cheesecake splendour of the Raffles Hotel, a 20th century man in a 19th century setting. Gavin Young, fifty-ish, tall, softspoken, correspondent for the London Observer, Englishman, author, adventurer, romantic, explorer and seafarer.
        638 words
      • 1208 6  -  TAN LEE LENG STIR-FRYING is the most commonly used method of cooking in the Singapore kitchen, and there are many hawker stalls which specialise in frying food this way. Food can be cooked and presented very quickly by stir-frying. Very often, the Westerners marvel at the speed with
        1,208 words
      • 610 6  -  DANA LAM Thai Hawker Fest, July 9 July 19 Holiday Inn Hotel, Poolside Lunch 12 noon 3 p.m., $10 Dinner 6 p.m. 10 p.m., $15 Reviewed by THE newcomer to Thai food will certainly find many of the dishes intriguing, not so much in their colour or
        610 words
    • 1124 7  - Curry puffs from old man Chang in Albert Street MEG JUMP By IT WOULD, perhaps, not be too much of an exaggeration to say that Albert Street is known internationally as a centre of culinary excellence in Singapore. Certainly, I had heard of the sumptuous food served there long before
      1,124 words
    • Article, Illustration
      273 7 Diamords at a food fair and recipes for lamb THE Belgiai Gastronomical Festiva will be held in the Hiltfl Hotel from July 16 16 0 July 26. To celebate this festival (whicl is sponsored by the Ro«l Embassy of Belgium). Mr Pierrot r van Wuwermeiren, (right) \fll present
      273 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 263 1 I M b! NEW ITEMS I ef: 9118 Rhomberg Short SleeVBS Austrian Fabrics m m B^BBi^fe V^^V% a^* JM «Ma up 53,.0 ftm _2 SH I RTS FOR 914 »,i aw^% HOW Long Sleeves UP 524 s(L«vfl Kfe while stocks last! **m U.P. $48.00 iA C""#*J aW MIMH ft iaVfl
      263 words
    • 77 1 INSIDtt Wising up on woks One of the most popular methods of cooking is stir-frying; but it isn't as easy as It looks. Tan Lee Leng gives a few tips on Centre spread Pages 6, 7 Heartbreaker hit This face may become as familiar as those of the Chameleon stars
      77 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 184 2 pThe 1980 Cologne International Furniture Fair exclusively from Pb^^Wb^^^b^^^b^^™ yT Modern and functional furniture that won the admiration of all at the 1980 Cologne Fair, one of the world's largest furniture exhibitions. Limited sets now available in Singapore from Rocco. At Rocco's "discount W warehouse" prices. Bayshore Dining Suite (enh'bitcdatColognei
      184 words
    • 90 2 ff^ \V The Ice Cream Palaces A**t\V II W lHawtHr-of-the-Mpnthli *\J&)J Special... \&*&w* Just imagine 1t tempting /^z£oV£&£\/^ Get sorne NOW But on| y at creamy coconut, rippled o*l^s nr^JU The Ice Cream Palace through and through sV%*^*~^ jfvf j S^S. Coconut Fudge with rich delickxjs /en? .^^B^jbW Rom Meaclow
      90 words
    • 27 2 •^-Jrlll^i^i M §A^§m^\o%^M VHS Portable Video J^>-^^l BBlTMlUwlHfll Cassene Recorder IE S-3 Home movies ready wherever you are L-— -^NV-6400 p w v i 1 r _L—L-L^n«L^
      27 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 229 2 FILM SHOWS at the Na- with soloist David Lewis tional Stadium theatrette (clarinetist) and Toh Chee at 10.30 a.m.: Run Dick Hung (pianist) at the and Run Jane and The Singapore Conference Hall Weekend Athletes. Free at 815 p.m. Tickets: $3, $6 admission. (See Leisure and $10, Page.) MUTTHARAM a
      229 words
    • 1109 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 1.05 PM Operwig followed by Sesame 6 35 Clitural Street 6.40 Fatniy A Friend Of The Family 2.20 Saturday Mafanee The Desert 7.45 Special Selections Teddy Pend Hawk ergrass 3.35 ABC Wide World Of Sport 8.30 Vegas Jinx Stone 4.30 The Famiy HoJvak The Devils
      1,109 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 176 3 (S) (slso (Isi) FASHION LODGE 121, Ist Floor, Tanglin Shopping Centre. G2B/G36, Ground Floor, Thomson Plaza RAINBOW LODGE Mr. 1.28, Ist Floor, M Ku Lucky Plaza 316, 3 rd floor, f\ Vt. Supreme House jttyi/ 'S MISS LODGE (S y 139, Ist Floor, Plaza Sin gapura LADY LODGE I f
      176 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 538 4 I N0W B SHOwPn!! at THEATRE? JJ CAPITOL-REPUBLIC (CAP *****9) 11. 1.45, 4, 6.30, 9.15 No FrM List (REP *****2) 11, 1.45, 4, 6.45, 9.15 Mo Fr— List GEOR6E KENNEDY*RICNARD CRENNA NICK MANCUSQ'SALLY ANN HOWES LIDO: NOW SHOWING (*****13) 11am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.45, 9.15 No Fr— List Tell me Norman,
      538 words
    • 193 4 I F* m 4T» «T» «T» «T* aT 1 «T» *T* W 4T* aT^ «T* aT% *T^ I f p^ B "^*^^wi^ fc^^ Bl*' ■'EBi iST' i<f '1 />Ns^|r: MPRESS i X— taWF— v /'v Bl •< ••CC 1 ™"V i J" :i» ADMISSION^ $1.50, $2.50 3.50 \K! ••r DAILY
      193 words
      195 words
    • 322 4 oooooooooooocooooooooooooo CATHAY: NOW SHOWING! 8 (*****0) 5 SHOWS: Horn, I 30. 4. 6 30 9 15pm< Jl FARRAH FA WCETT 1 S Big Adventure \< On The Big Screen FARRAH FAWCETT #|°> CHARLES GROOIN Ilg^^y 8 *'«^^l in illt^ m SUNBURNJ 1 ODEON: NOW SHOWING! 8 (32) 1 16) 5
      322 words
    • 786 4 **********000 jaSAAirn Tomorrow Extra Sho. '.om I Mondorm m Scop* Color W <!i>ai.- n vftgs,.»ar j »;> ■■;<auii:'ti«»n:.vjyjß v|T^T^^?S-a«mJßl'r NtxiCHANtit 1 OHBVtMHvBBv^BBO "Flnt COME. First LOVE" O^^Be^H. B_.^VlO H Mondorm in Scop? Color gH3HEOBESSDg H3HE0BESSD X ■*•>< m t»d'H<i^ jifii^^SOTliia-.j'jj '^S^S^ 5 1 I IfctW F ARRAH FAWCETT 111 lIJIL
      786 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 267 5 mi w ARE WHERE 1 iP 1^ YOU ARE I ORCHARD PLAZA HEALTH CENTRE Welcome to a Touch of Class and V.I. P. Relaxation Centre. Where the most experienced Masseuse will attend to you especially after a hard day's work. A Design that depicts a most Relaxing Atmosphere and our
      267 words
    • 76 5 ON CURTAIN UPHOLSTERY MATERIALS, CARPETS AND rprr WALLPAPERS. 'Ktt SCATTER CUSHIONS ON PURCHASE OF STANDARD CUSHION COVERS. WENG HENG PTE. LTD. HEAD OFFICE: 65 71 Victoria Street, Spore 7 Tel: *****. *****8 Mon to Sat From 9 30 am to 6 pm KATONG BRANCH: 99, East Coast Road. Spore 15
      76 words
    • 580 5 P i Then mere's tasty seafood ffesh from The market lo you MIMING A 0000 piEciof steaktC. A %/> U Ample paitang lor you tarrVytnd mends lm\ r. %\i Bfl .^a\S\\ s' i \jb*^ \9J \^i^ci«!'«i j i Oirs are |uey. succulent Amencancus I \^^^.».i«»«, defm«9iy me best Me* »i
      580 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
      225 words
    • 200 6 v w/ Medicated Cream ■r^aC^*^ jjAngel Medicated Cream is T^»Tfe/ s formulated to prevent freckles. I JfWWI dark shadows and helps get V ifl&'A w I rid of pimples and white heads, •tajpP After a few appliations you can see the difference on your Angel Medicated Cream. $12 each Suitable
      200 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 88 7 CHONC H BROTHERwFuHirture Co. OUR ANNIVERSARY/ffs\ SUPER BARGAIN i\"A New Imported Polyester Finished jg eu/ Gelani Set \v Bed-room Set From $1,250 Young Living $1169 '> V "*s^L^ ISlStbo^ Classic Side Board $480 Lucky Star Settee with Antique Coffee Table^^^^ J W All Smartly Finished in Beautiful Flora Design W
      88 words
    • 138 7 ■l^ 111 1 •fr* 1 i*WMIMMp^ I Belgium Diamond Co. (Pte) Ltd. G-25, Ground Floor, Peninsula Plaza, Coleman St. Singapore 0617. I l\ Tel: *****8 f I Official Opening Ceremony Today j I Managing Director j <l Eva Y.K.Tung Board of Directors 4 Chairman Gan Cheong Or 4 4 Managing
      138 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 84 8 J^gJ OFFICIAL OPENING OF B 8 ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK BUILDING fIBHHI N0. 2 MISTRI ROAD (SHENTON WAY) SINGAPORE 0207 TELEPHONE: *****22 9 B I I I I i^^mA *V* -*afi 1 r 4 1 il 1" i <^^ fill p V^tilli" 1 -1 I I a *i b v v-"*"
      84 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1426 9 JJJWJ OFFICIAL OPENING OF BS ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK BUILDING ■H______l No. 2 MISTRI ROAD (SHENTON WAY) SINGAPORE 0207 TELEPHONE: *****22 <*pw BOARD OF DIRECTORS Like the pioneers of old, the founders of Asia Commercial Bank started business modestly some 21 years ago, in a small shophouse at Hongkong j^MB Street.
      1,426 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 186 11 1 S2S! ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK LTD. 1 I ON YOUR OFFICIAL OPENING OF I I ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK BUILDING I by Mr. Ang Keong Lan, BBM (L) gS Chairman of ACB j« g VS^ CONCEPT DESIGN CONTRACTS (PTE) LTD. R 246-C Elias Road, 9 m.s. Tarn pines, Singapore 1851. Tel:
      186 words

  • Supplement
    • 1 12 Supplement
      1 words
    • 321 12 Message from DR LEE KUM TATT, Chairman, SISIR THE second industrial revolu- tion aims at providing our people with a better quality of life through higher technology. The higher wages paid would have to be generated by higher productivity. Emphasis is Deing placed on skill development, attraction of higher technology
      321 words
    • 250 12 Message from MR MICHAEL YEO, Chairman, Singapore Manufacturers' Association 4 ALLOW me to express my hearty congratulations to all recipients this year of SISIR's Licences and Quality Certificates. They have every reason to be proud for the SISIR approval is the official hallmark for high quality and safety standards. Local
      250 words
    • 343 12 Message from MR EUGENE YAP, Chairman of SQRA and MP for Mountbatten I AM glad to write this message on behalf of the Singapore Quality Reliability Association on the occasion of the annual award of SISIR Licences for 40 products from some 30 companies. It is very encouraging to note
      343 words
    • 391 12 THE Minister for National Development, Mr Teh Cheang Wan, will present SISIR licences to 30 local manufacturers at a dinner to be held at a local hotel. Organised by the Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (SISIR), the dinner will be
      391 words
    • 209 12 WITHOUT materUlA, there can be no manufacturinßactlvlttes. The significant role that materials play in all technolo(?lcal and Industrial development rannot be overemphasised. la Urn wfth the government's B aad D poUcleo mud SISIR 's explicit role to develop the Held of material science, the Institute
      209 words
    • 351 12 FIRMS AWARDED LICENCES TO USE SISIR MARK 1) Ameol Electrical Industries Ltd "AMCOL" Ballast for Fluorescent Lamp (Semi-Resonant Start) 2) Berger Paints Singapore Pte Ltd "PAR" Road Marking Paint 3) Bonnttle-ONT Industries (S) Pte Ltd "DNT" Aluminium Wood Primer (Non-Leafing); "SUPER V-TEX" Emulsion Paint (for interior Use Only); "DNT" Road
      351 words
    • 40 12 1) Roxy Electric Industries (S) Pte Ltd "TELEFUNKEN" "ROXY" Colour Television 2) Sanyo Industries (S) Pte Ltd "SANYO" Room Air -Conditioner 3) Sigta Company Pte Ltd "SIGTA" PVC NonSheathed Single Core Cable
      40 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 155 12 LYSAGHT'S ZINCALUME ROOFING REVOLUTION Typical applications tor Lysaght steel roofing and wall cladding in Singapore Lysaght now offers twice the life for the same price Zincalume is a revolutionary new finish which profiles are the right choice for domestic, gives Lysaght steel roofing and wall cladding industrial and commercial construction
        155 words
    • 311 13 A new quality certification scheme IN response to requests from the manufacturing industries and to fill the void in areas not currently covered by the QC and Licensing Scheme, SISIR will be launching a Quality Assurance System Certification Scheme. The objective of this new scheme is to provide independent certification
      311 words
    • 236 13 Upgrading food packaging standards PACKAGING in the food industry is more important than in most other industries because food products spoil readily, being sensitive to a host of conditions such as heat, light, oxygen, water and microbes. As the food industry in Singapore becomes export-orientated, investment must be made in
      236 words
    • 142 13 KEEPING ABREAST OF THE TIMES AS Slagapere develeps, there will be m seed ler mere ■peclallaed fields ef tra__g. Cea_we_ edacaUea la aereaaary fer empteyeea to keep abreaat ef the times with sew teeh_«Mk In the fields ef Q_JIty Ceatrel (QC) and Nea-deetnictlve T**t_g (NDT), SISIR kM net only pUaeered
      142 words
    • 266 13 Tie-up with UK body to benefit plastics industry A PROJECT in plastics technology between SISIR and the Production Engineering Re- search Association j (Pera) of the United Kingdom will soon be I concluded. It is expected to benefit manufacturers, suppliers, end-users and the service industries concerned with the production, processing,
      266 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 220 13 f jV^' I_ SOLDER ALLOY I f*L, TIN ANODE (A C \3lf&^ electronics industries P.C.B. C* £&&r Our product range includes the ;::j:j:j LP\>^ following: 1. Solder Bar/Resin core Ssiii wire/multi-core wire/Tin Anode. 2. Solder Flux/Resist Inks/Cleaners Strippers/printing Marking Inks/Leveling cover oil. 3. Tin Ingots/Bars. Asahi Solder metals are made
        220 words
      • 160 13 Congratulations Best Wishes OKI* HUNG KEE HONG ELECTRONICS WIRE (S) PTE LTD Tel: *****26,*****81. Ik for being awarded the rl/fii SISIR Certlficate of Quality to v vf l International Standards for their Appliance Wiring Material >^ Also approved by: A vMLy VuP \i^y V^ E***** LR***** J LL***** from HBHHUNG
        160 words
    • 296 14 Sisir shows the way to mechanise SINGAPORE manufacturers are showing greater interest in mechanising their operations in the wake of the government's development strategy for the Eighties which includes a high wage policy to encourage employers to upgrade their operations and cut down their demand for unskilled labour. Having identified
      296 words
    • 532 14 RESEARCH and Development (R and D) work among Singapore industries is currently concentrated on developmental work aimed at lowering costs, diversifying product range ana upgrading product quality to maintain competitiveness in export markets. Product design and development work is seen as a necessity, as this
      532 words
    • 148 14 SISIR continues to spare no effort to upgrade It* capabilities In electrotechnolory, to cater to the needs for very specialised testing requirement** by the electrical sad electronic Industries. The tw» bread testing fields undertaken by SISIR's EDectr«techn«4«gy Sectton are I) environmental testing ud U) reliability and safety testing.
      148 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 405 14 7 MAZDA PLASTIC FACTORY (PTC) LTD again awarded by for the X MAZPOUND' PVC Compound for wire cables Certified to BS 6746 for all types (1, 2, 3, A, 5, 6, 1, 8 9) Trade enquiries to: Mazda Plastic Factory (Pte) Ltd i)rri\ Office: 21 Neythal Road, Singapore 2262 VI
        405 words
      • 22 14 r Federal Road Marking Runt has been awarded the Gold Certificate for its outstanding performance < *<^ x ?S^£~*~^Sm I ill ■m skw sn^sr
        22 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 922 15 I MANAGEMENT CONSLITINC, I Malaysia and Singapore Price Waterhouse Associates in Malaysia and Singapore form part of one of the largest international management consultancy practices. We service industry, commerce and government, undertaking a wide range of assignments covering all the main management functions. As a result of continued planned growth,
        922 words
      • 1075 15 SENIOR MANAGEMENT I APPOINTMENTS I (Compensation negotiable 5550.000 5570.000 per annum) Our client is a well established local group employing over 1,000 staff, engaged in manufacturing activities in the heavy industry sector. In order to meet planned growth objectives, they wish to recruit managers to fill two newly created key
        1,075 words
      • 536 15 JAPAN MEDICAL SUPPLY (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. A newly established company manufacturing medical devices invites applications for: OVERSEAS TRAINEES (JAPAN) Qualifications: Singapore Citizens Age above 20 years old Male Trainees Completed National Service ITC or Trade Cert Two years working experience in Mechanical or Plastic Injection field Female Trainees GCE 'O'
        536 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 535 16 SDSDDSD I DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, the world leader in mini computers, urgently requires the services of an experienced SALES MANAGER to manage our steadily growing operations in Singrpore. He should preferably be a graduate in Science, Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or equivalent. He should have at least three years
        535 words
      • 570 16 I JURONG ALLOYS 1 (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. requires I) PRODUCTION MANAGER I Candidates should possess at least a Diploma in Z I Mechanical Engineering or Metallurgy from a g recognised institution. I We are looking for a person with experiences in a I manufacturing concern, with an ability to control
        570 words
      • 1031 16 BE AMONGST THE LEADERS IN HIGH TECHNOLOGY EUROPEAN STANDARD ELECTRONICS PTE LTD (A subsidiary of THOMSON-BRANDT, the largest manufacturer of electronic products in Franc* with world-wide production and marketing facilities, and French Leaders in High Technology Electronics and Household Appliances.) We are seeking technically inclined personnel to jo in us
        1,031 words