The Straits Times, 23 May 1980

Total Pages: 52
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1981 30 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 1 1 1/1/80
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  • 603 1 Higher hospital fees for civil servants CIVIL servants will have to pay up to 20 per cent of their hospital bills under a proposed scheme aimed at reducing government subsidy for health services. Their wives and children will need to pay up to 50 per
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  • 406 1  - 'Singapura' to be one of our national songs? CYNTHIA WEE By THE Singapore Broadcasting Corporation is leading the way in popularising an old hit tune, Singapura O Singapura, which, with Its new lyrics, may eventually be adopted as a national song. Over the past week, television viewers have been kept
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  • 87 1 HONGKONG, Thurs. The value <>( the |><>un<l sterling hit a l^month high on th»> local fut'fign cxi h.-in^e today with rate of US2 33 iSJTo l^isi July wai ih<- first time in five years that a slightly higher rate ih.m this was racsratd here Dealeri laid
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  • 36 1 BEIJING, Thurs. China's official People's Daily said today that people suffering from congenital problems, including colour blindness, should be discouraged from having children in order to improve the quality of the Chinese population. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 119 1 A LONE boat surrounded by a mass of logs yesterday that jammed the Cowlltz River at Long view, Washington State, following the eruption of Moon? St. Helens on Sunday. Longview Is 112 km south-west of the volcano. a President Jimmy Carter yesterday flew by helicopter
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 175 1 'Sutowo NOT under house arrest' JAKARTA, Thurs THE Attorney General's office today denied press reports that the former director of Pertamina, Gen Ibnu Sutowo, was under house arrest for his involvement in the US$lO.5 billion (5J22.4 billion) financial crash of the state-owned oil company in 1974. A spokesman of the
    UPI  -  175 words
  • 265 1 Games: Bonn may review boycott MUNICH, Thursday WEST German sports officials, unhappy about their country being the only major European nation involved in the US-led boycott of the Moscow Olympics, are considering moves to reverse their National Olympic Committee's decision to boycott the Games. German NOC sources said a "changed
    Reuter; UPI  -  265 words
  • 63 1 IT to pity s« 9 many Singaporeans have apparently relapsed Into the view that keeping the country clean is the exclusive responsibility of the cleaning services. What most be developed to a sustained consciousness to stop littering, and this message must be driven home In all possible ways. An
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  • 38 1 TOKYO, Thurs. Japan and Asean today opened a two-day forum here for discussions on ways to strengthen cooperative relations in such fields as economy, science and technology, trade, investment, primary commodities and cultural cooperation. Km in
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  • 130 1 THE death toll on the roads so far this year has gone up to 106. The latest victim was a scooterisl, Mr Chua Kirn Liang, 23, who died on Wednesday night He was riding along Jalan Jurong Kechil on his way to his home
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  • 843 1 SEOUL, Thursday MARTIAL law authorities today accepted several of the demands made by rioters who yesterday seized the provincial capital of Kwangju, reports said. In an immediate response, leaders of the uprising called on their supporters to lay down weapons captured in the bloody rampage
    Agencies; UPI  -  843 words
  • 233 1 Dress and behaviour allowance for govt officers K. LUMPUR, Thurs ALL government servants will receive dress and behaviour allowances under the revised salary scheme (or civil servants, the draft of which has been passed by the cabinet. Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Sen Dr Mahathir Mohamed told newsmen today that the
    NST  -  233 words
  • 64 1 3ANGKOK, Thurs. Four soldiers were killed and five >thers wounded when insurants ambushed a military jnii in northern province ol Payao yesterday, informed sources reported today. The soldiers, part of a IS■nan unit, were on their way ;o relieving defence volunteers it a base in Chiang
    AFP  -  64 words
  • 58 1 LATEST VOLCANO TO ERUPT AGAIN WASHINGTON, Thnrs. Urologists said today that Mount St Helens has begun rumbling again, Indicating renewed movement of molten rack within the volcano. Two seismograph* on the volcano have began detecting "seismic noise" that indicate movement within the volcano, geological scientists of the I niverslty of
    AP  -  58 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 124 1 52 pages today PRE-TAX PROFITS FOR SBS UP $4m Pag* 9 FIRST step of Islamic initiative underway t KHMER polls to be held soon, says Thach 3 'RUSSIANS have ground-based satellite killer' 4 US recession to be milder than forecast 8 22.1H to take Ist mid-year L 2 exams 8
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    • 170 1 KING'S jm* SHOES on Jtl Resistant jM Approval bvMSIH |^^Mod«l 70 <£&&*, KINGS SHOE MFG.PTE. LTD. Jmfl 122, Blk. 36, Dakota Crescent, T^v^p^T Singapore 14, K.MGSONEARTH Tel: *****00 *****27. NOW CATHAY PACIFIC'S MAGNIFICENT 747s FIVE TIMES AWEEK TO HONG KONG. Now big. magnificent 747s stereo headsets to Hong Kong at
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    • 384 2 COMMITTEE SET UP TO SETTLE THE AFGHAN ISSUE ISLAMABAD, Thursday ISLAMIC foreign ministers today approved a Muslim initiative to end the Afghan crisis and authorised a three-nation committee to hold talks with groups in the dispute. An Islamic Conference (ICO) spokesman said the committee
      Reuter  -  384 words
    • 238 2 Soviets break off thrust against guerillas NEW DELHI, Thurs. Soviet and Afghan Government forces have withdrawn after a futile twoweek offensive to dislodge Afghan guerillas from their mountain stronghold in Gazni Province, diplomatic sources said here yesterday quoting reports from within Afghanistan. At least 275 Soviets were killed and an
      AFP; UPI  -  238 words
    • 34 2 MANILA, Thurs. A lightning bolt struck a large suburban power generating plant at the height of a thunderstorm yesterday causing black-outs in at least six towns in Metropolitan Manila and Rizal province AFP
      AFP  -  34 words
    • 111 2 CANBERRA, Thurs. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser said today that Soviet troops were digging in in Afghanistan ana upgrading their military bases there Mr Fraser told Parlia ment: "This is a time when the free world needs to demonstrate that it has a determined view on
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 129 2 RINGO TO GIVE UP MUSIC LONDON, Thurs. ExBeatle Ringo Starr, who narrowly escaped injury in a car crash here this week, said that he is giving up music for acting "It's crazy, but I still have to fight this idea that I'm just a drummer," Ringo told the Daily Express
      AFP  -  129 words
    • 52 2 MRS Hftfrille In a reunion with her son, Ys i-ael, ftßd husband, Carlos, b«th M-wiv-ar-liveit Cuban refugees at the Fort Indlantown (jap, Pennsylvania, Military Reservation on Wednesday. Mrs Hagille, from nlon City. New Jersey, were reunited with her family after 14 years uf separation.
      AP  -  52 words
    • 269 2 Police open fire on demonstrators in black townships JOHANNESBURG, Thursday Poli'-e opened fire on demonstrators darin violent black protests last night ag.inst racial inequality in education. One man was killed and two women were report- cd inju' After the worst surg» of violence In a month of student protests, thf
      Reuter  -  269 words
    • 75 2 4WMV will Secretary of State (Edmund) Muskie share with Secretaries Vance, tJss'nger, Rogers, Rusk, Herter and Dull.*? Andrei Gromyko. Incredibly, the Rusj ians have had the same foreign minister for 23 years. Their foreign policy has not therefore been more successful than America's but their global opportunism
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    • 142 2 SYDNEY. Thurs. Australian journalists on strike for extra pay to operate electronic editing equipment will be recommended to return to work tomorrow following talks between publishers and their union. Metropolitan journalists have been on strike for the past 10 days after the sacking of 29
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 130 2 BRADFORD (Pennsylvania), Thurs. An amateur a* 1 tress, who onre played In a theatre production of Count Drarula, was found dead In her bedroom yesterday with a deep wound In the throat. A railroad spike vwia found next to the> near the bed. But
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 330 2 A treasure in living pleasure that lasts you forever HOCK SWEE HILL Located near the high class residential areas with big built-up area (over 2.000 sq ft ie 185 8m and garden (over 4.000 sq ft ie 3716 m these split-level semi-detached houses are spacious, with the most modern features
      330 words
    • 34 2 LAST FEW EW*5! Renovation Sale at Bata Katong Shopping Centre. AND MANY MANY MOPE! I^€M^€M lm^mmmmh mm f 9^^. wtW CIIAP H£^%AfC /*afl aY ia^^^al y^b^bL.^^\ MfU^ IrVH9 mmWt W Al^ W>- Pll^^^HaHa^Bm \v^w
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    • 237 3  - Thach: Polls to be held soon in Kampuchea ALAN DAWSON By of the Bangkok Post ELECTIONS NOT TIED TO BROADENING OF SAMRIN REGIME VIETNAMESE Foreign Minister Nyugen Co Thach said today he expects elections in Kampuchea "soon", but he refused to link the polls to a broadening of the Heng
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    • 304 3 'Black fungus helps keep heart cases at bay, BOSTON. Thurs. Black tree fungus a squishy, rubbery ingredient of Chinese cooking may be one reason why people in China have far less heart disease than Westerners, a study concludes. Just how it works is still a mystery, but a researcher from
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    • 62 3 ROME, Thins Rome police today i h.uged a young Libyan *ith attempted murdei and said he told i.iem he had been sent from Tripoli to kill "an '■nemy of the pNpk Monsur Mr/arnni IV'ly.i/em v. I s in ested last night minutes after firing three shots
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 150 3 Thailand "did not raise their defence expenditure significantly, and the US did not give them a big military aid," Mr Thacfi said. And he repeated earlier assurances that Vietnam posed no military threat to this country. "One year has passed (since Vietnamese troops reached the Thai frontier) and
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    • 26 3 In other words... Americans without dollars. What the Vietnamese in Ho Chi Minh City label the more than 8,000 Soviet ad visers now in the country.
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    • 224 3 Siddhi spurns Hanoi pledge not to interfere BANGKOK, Thursday THAI Foreign Minister Siddhi Savetsila said today that Hanoi's pledge to guarantee Thailand's sovereignty was "unnecessary". "It is the duty of the government and every Thai citizen to protect this sovereignty. Any guarantee was unneccessary," he said. Air Chief Marshal Siddhi's
      AP; AFP  -  224 words
    • 112 3 LDP decides against punishing rebels TOKYO, Thurs. Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira's governing Liberal Democratic Party,' in a move aimed at restoring pre-election unity, decided today against punishing 69 party rebels who helped bring down the government last week. LDP officials said the party will endorse the candidacy of the dissidents
      UPI  -  112 words
    • 29 3 STRASBOURG, Thurs. The European Parliament today wited to ;isk the European Economic Community to pro vide relief aid for "1 !> million Ethiopian refugees" in Somalia AKP
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    • 113 3 MANILA, Thurs. A Filipino waitress who resorted to selling her niere for 311 pesos I (S$B5.S) to solve her financial problems was i charged today with kid- napping. Press reports said po- llcemen filed tne charges against Virginia Abagat following their rescue of her one-
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    • 60 3 MANILA. Thurs SlMfWCted < ommuniM rebel! in.iss.iri cil four mcmheis of family in ;i southern Philippine town hut spared the life of its youngest member, a one-year olil girl, authorities said today A five veai old boj was ritirally wounded in the at tack which occurred
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 130 3 SWEEPING CHANGES IN THAI TAX STRUCTURE BANGKOK, Thurs. The Thai Government has announced sweeping changes in the country's tax structure, lowpring income tax for the low and middle-income earners and raising taxes for the high-in-come earners and companies. In an announcement on Radio Thailand last night, hefty taxes were also
      AP  -  130 words
    • 72 3 Last ride on a captured jeep KIOTKKS carrying their dead friend (next to the driver) on a military Jeep which thry took over from troops in the paralysed city of Kwangju, South Korea, on Wednesday. Polire and* paratroopers made no attempt yesterday to interfere with the protesters, who seized the
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    • 82 3 MANILA. Thurs. An antitank rorket launcher was found in the home of a Filipino employee of the United States Air Force base at Clark Field north of Manila, the para-mili-tary Constabulary commander in the area said today. Brigadier-General Vicente Eduardo told the Philippine News Agency that the weapon
      Reuter  -  82 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 261 3 I like Cold Storage because... HL« Pi I just love their "Star Lines" They always v <^feM^ seem to keep a lower price on just the items N^ "^^^^r I need and they mark that shelf with a star Wfe v f to heh) me find them. yiiGfa' W7777^7 V
      261 words

    • 283 4 'Russians have groundbased satellite killer' WASHINGTON, Thursday AN AUTHORITATIVE intelligence estimate by the Carter Administration has concluded that the Soviet Union has developed a groundbasea laser weapon that could be used to destroy Unites States satellites in space. Officials said the estimate, which was sent to President Jimmy Carter last
      NYT  -  283 words
    • 35 4 THE HACIUE, Thurs. The Dutch Meteorological Institute I said it detected a Soviet underground nuclear test early today. The explosion occurred in the area of Semiualatinsk in I Kazakhstan, it said. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 162 4 Poison wastes force 871 to leave homes THE HAttl E, Thurs. The government has ordered the evacuation of an entire nous ing estate IN Lekkerkerk because of poisonous chemical waste discovered In underground water, the Dutch Interior Ministry said today. The evacuation of the 871 residents of the estate, begun
      AP  -  162 words
    • 300 4 NEW YORK, Thurs. Former Texas congressman George Bush yesterday talked seriously about withdrawing from the race for tne Republican presidential nomination for the first time in about two years of running for it. On Tuesday night, Mr Bush, also
      300 words
    • 29 4 DACCA. Thurs Bar President Ziaur Rahn :in will I isit b the PhUJppin -s fn>'i fot talks *ith I'iesiileii' nand Marcos on br regional and inter' 1
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    • 35 4 I MEMRKR of the Montreal riot squad using a riot stick to subdue an anti-gov-ernment woman demonstrator after she became viil^nt on Mount Royal in Montreal early Wednesday morning. AP nietnre.
      AP  -  35 words
    • 67 4 $115 b arms bill passed WASHTNCTt I I, Thurs The US HOU* al Representatives rsss3.l billion <Ssll.' billion) weapons procurement bill after rejecting amendments which would j have ilt-layed oi killed the planned deployment "f the MX rjobile missile The bill passed by 338 votes I to 62. was l'Ss6.2
      67 words
    • 39 4 rhurs i hina has i to meet 'tig need for i. 1 s agen- nlstr) of Juj HIST to 2UO juilicia! workers w\ It said II "ither serve as law nselves ot help train AP.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 154 4 HEARTBREAKING WIFE'S TALE OF 2 HUSBANDS PRETORIA. Thurs. A woman with two husbands said today it was impossible to get a divorce because one husband had heart attacks when she asked for one and the other threatened to kill her. Mrs Louisa Theron pleaded guilty to a charge of bigamy
      UPI  -  154 words
    • 148 4 Miami's up and about again as curfew ends MIAMI, Thurs. Residents of Miami's riot-sc-ar-red black residential areas moved freely through the streets today for the first time since Saturday after authorities lifted a "dusk-to-dawn curfeW The curfew was imposed to contain black riots over the acquittal by a white jury
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    • 67 4 AUCKLAND, Thnrs An Auckland man watch td norra <lrlctoi ai hi^ .■lit daughter Wl C «K) netra from the lighl llrrraft lie arai nybM \>' Aeraa) Richard Pmbcrtl) aad his ntuin ing to Aidmon" airfield hnc wh«>n she frll through Ike doa cil the Cessna
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 378 4 il"iwiil!lnlM itElegant design. Luxurious fittings. Ideal surroundings. Easy transportation. Situated at Lorong Puntong, Upper Thomson Road, in an ideai hill-top residential area and a short distance from Singapore Island Country Club and Macßitchie Reservoir. Fulton Hill is surrounded with greenery but near to amenities like Thomson Shopping Centre, Schools, market,
      378 words
    • 51 4 Hi 4*«fl hthe lingering shades of twilight al Fiai >}<* ■< btl hues of a W sit back and relax to "set. Watch it soothing sounds of Theresa 1 "ii mto a wonderland -.atile pianist from U't' Theresa brings A 25th l! n >f the tlonof the perfect: s arid
      51 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 643 5 WGjTKm MENSCOLLAR r^ W/WLißU_^lJ(^ll^U-- QFFER TILL 26 MAY '80 j^^gl V^ ULTRAMAN fcyHR A/^ GIRLS PRINTED CHECK LADIES (WHILE STOCKS LAST!)^JWI SHOW BBlrA^Afl LS i? IMI COnON DRESSES 0m M AiOO%COnON /M^^ m W Ultraman 80andUltraiTian Vy-JJI KhlMouiW'si^'' in asst designs cols 4 SKIRTS 4C Tora dre m town to
      643 words

    • 330 6 Big 'yes' vote expected on life presidency for Sadat CAIRO, Thurs. Twelve million Egyptians voted today in a national referendum on constitutional amendments opening the way for President Anwar Sadat to stay in office for life and entrenching Islam as the principal basis for legislation. A sampling of voter opinion
      AP; UPI  -  330 words
    • 344 6 AND OIL PRICE HIKES WONT HIT WEST SO BADLY, PREDICTS OECD PARIS, Thursday THE Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has predicted that the United States will have a relatively mild recession this year and that, as a result, the Western economies will
      NYT  -  344 words
    • 116 6 21 nations agree to cut use of oil energy PARIS, Thurs. Twenty- I one countries, including the major Western nations and Japan today agreed to reduce the share of oil in their total energy consumption to 40 per cent by 1990, reliable sources said. Agreement was reached at the morning
      AFP  -  116 words
    • 88 6 Husak back for second term PRAGUE, Thurs. Czechoslovak President (Justav Husak was today re-elected to a second fiveyear term by a unanimous secret ballot of the country's Federal Assembly here, official sources said. Mr Husak, secretary general of the country's communist party and president of the Czechoslovak National Front, was
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    • 68 6 MOSCOW. Thurs A Hungarian and a Soviet cosmonaut will be launched into space in the next few days to join the Sovuz-35 spacemen aboard an orbiting laboratory, space sources said yesterday The launching of Soyuz-36 could take place as early as today and the new vessel could
      68 words
    • 161 6 Several US hostages believed to be in this building DAY 2O6 I THE picture above shows I a building in the centre I of the Iranian holy city of Qom where several of the 53 American hostages are believed to be held. Reliable sources say this is one of the
      AP  -  161 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 324 6 Love To Play The Organ? /^^^K No Experience Needed /r Just 7\ Ya«, You CAN the very day it arrives in your home. Tha A. TriVGCI new HAMMOND Romance Series have all the ji^aaaaal' I latest "E-Z PLAY" features. PLUS features _^J H^ The Aurora Series >| found only in
      324 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 301 6 NEXT time, send in the US Olympic hockey team. Time magazine reader on the aborted US raid to rescue the American hostages. Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 5 Move half a cage-bird (5) 6 "Shun!" as an order gien to 1 Polish martial epigram (6). Y ork (8) 5 What one
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  • 608 7 REPEAT OFFENDERS KEPT DOWN By LEONG WENG KAM THE Environment Ministry has found the practice of sending litterbukC to court an effective deterrent, and will probably never offer composition to the offenders. How effective the deterrent is can be gleaned from the fact
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  • 165 7 4,800 tins of franks seized and destroyed By N. G. KUTTY THE Primary Production Department has seiwd and destroyed 4,811 cans of beef frankfurters found unfit for human consumption. These were exported by a Melbourne-based firm whose canned food products are Internationally reputable, It was learnt yesterday. The PPD has
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  • 38 7 RAFFLES Institution will hold its annual speech and prizegiving day, in commemoration of its 157 th Founder's Day, today at 4.30 p.m. The MP for Kuo Chuan, Mr P. Selvadurai, will address the school.
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  • 115 7 Kiosks there's more than meets the eye TWO new designs of newspaper kiosks-toi-lets set up in the new neighbourhoods of Housing Board estates. One section of the kiosk Is for the sale of newspapers, confectionery and tioletrics, while the back portion is a pubUc toilet. The kiosks featured here are
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  • 209 7 THIS year's Police Week, which begins on June 3, will be projected at enhancing public/police relations further. Towards this, the police has arranged a variety of activities. Some of these include an open house at the Police Academy on June 5 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.;
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  • 46 7 THE West German mercy ship Cap Anamur is due today with 433 Vietnamese refugees it rescued near the Gulf of Thailand, a United Nations official said yesterday. The refugees comprise the second largest number picked up by any ship this year. UPI.
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 350 7 SINGAPORE'S switch to higher-technology industries may not be the answer to protectionism by the developed countries, says a recent American Embassy economic report on the Republic. It notes that efforts by the developed countries to prop up their labour-inten-sive industries have
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  • 72 7 A CORONER recorded a verdict of suicide on the death of a 21-year-old woman. Ong Soi Moi, who drank weed killer. Her father, Mr Ong Kian Huat, a chicken farmer, told the court that on Jan 28 at 6.30 a.m. he saw his daughter. a former schizophrenia
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 741 7 SMARTIES FOX' mint/ WTTSWfjm* <jUk »c*SSS^S:H. i^-.t*-, I .^*4tS*&?Z&S^mm\ /LJWWir w^3 mm /^TT\ Flying Flipper bnngs you more r r m m >v I n^H Bk X -w anrl^i inerb 1 Special made in ITALY modelling material fJMWmf I «%<mm«Lw«> I f 'Rnwntree Dairy Box^^ lß2l^_ d it hardens in
      741 words

  • 325 8 22,000 to take first mid-year L2 exam By JUNE TAN MORE than 22,000 Secondary Four and Pre-University Two students will sit for the first centralised second language mid-year examination on Monday to help determine their eligibility for junior college or university. With this examination, offered for the first time by
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  • 48 8 Gymnastic camp A RESIDENTIAL gymnastic camp jointly organised by Ang Mo Kio, Mayflower and Ai Tone primary schools for 60 pupils will be held from Monday to Wednesday at Ai Tong School. The programme for the camp includes a film show, campfire and sessions on gymnastics and callisthenics.
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 8 A MOTORIST, Chong Tone Fatt, was yesterday fined $500 and banned from driving all class 3 vehicles (or a year after he pleaded guilty in a magistate s court to drunken driving along Lornie Road on April 11.
    40 words
  • 142 8 THE Public Works De- I part men t will close the junction of Fort Road/ Meyer Road/Tanjong Khu Road from tomorrow to June 27 to enable r°iL. T1"T 1" to i carried oat. Daring this period, traffic from Mountbatten Road beading towards the unaffected
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  • 46 8 A DOMESTIC servant, Bibi binte Mohd Ibrahim, 41, was jailed a day and fined $500 by a magistrate yesterday for stealing 30,000 Indonesian rupiahs ($1,050) and Msso from her employer, Mr A. Faber, 58, at Bushey Park on Wednesday. Bibi pleaded guilty.
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  • 356 8 ONE lesson Singapore Armed Forces officers can learn from the Kampuchea experience is that military training and preparedness is essential if Singapore is to avoid a similar fate. This was the message the Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Mr S. Dhanabalan, put
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 558 8 m f W\. M&. W\ *"£k\? "ii. mv v B^^ "jkW kW Svenson is not ,i treatment, not a transplant, not a wig. Svmson is a new patented protess that weaves new hair into yours. V\ hen you have this new hdir tirmly woven into your own. you can treat
      558 words

  • 218 9 $500 fine on exec for $1.60 parking fraud LOH Soo Wei. 32, deputy director of a Drintinß firm, was fined $500 by a magistrate yesterday for cheating the Urban Redevelopment Authority car parks division of $1.60 by using a laminated parking coupon on May 5. Assistant Supt Gian Singh, prosecuting,
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  • 51 9 THE National Museum will screen two colour films Malaysia Our Unspoilt Land and Kelantan Great Kites for students on tomorrow at 10.45 a.m. at its premises. Admission is tree and on a first-come-first -served basis. The films are by courtesy of the Tourist Development Corporation of
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  • 49 9 THE Tanjong Pagar residents' committee will organise an outing for its residents to Mitsukoshi Garden on Sunday from 8.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The assembly point is at the Tanjong Plaza fountain. It costs $4.50 per adult and $2 50 per child aged 12 years and below.
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  • 486 9 AN Indonesian businessman, accused of beating up two men with the intention of extortion, was the victim of a rigged gambling session in which he lost $54,000, a district judge heard yesterday. Mr J.S. Khosa, defending the businessman and four others, made
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  • 143 9 Man, 85, missing since Tuesday MR Ye* Peag Klat (above), 85, has been missing from his Raffles Park home since Tuesday. A member of his family said Mr Ye* went out tar a stroll that morning and did not return. He said Mr Ye* usually returned home by 3 p.m.
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  • 48 9 SOME 100 delegates from Asean countries will attend the seventh plenary conference of the Rubber Industries Association of the South-East Asian Nations at the Hotel Eauatorial on May 29 and 30. The two-day meeting will be hosted by the Singapore Rubber and Rubber-based Industries Council.
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  • 345 9 SBS pre-tax profit up by $4m to $19m THE Singapore Bus Service made a pre-tax profit of $19.1 million last year an increase of $4 million over a 10-month period ending Dec 31, 1978. The directors of the company, which was incorporated in February 1978, have recommended that shareholders be
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 742 9 "Total collection for the well-dressed and undressed eye" Jk BPHtef*1 bb y princessMarce aBoi iese t_^^ j A fabulous collection worth 2fc mmm^% $180 Yours FREE when you M Wk JP buy $40 worth of BORCHESE S^U <O» j products. Guardian Pharmacy <v *^J^mWj Cold Storage and Klasse fc j'fi^
      742 words

  • 366 10 Poser by judge CAN a wife be entitled to a decree nisi in a divorce petition, based on ground of her husband's bigamy when his bigamous life has been known to her for 14 years? Mr Justice Choor Singh raised this
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  • 102 10 Mandarin may run hotel MANDARIN Internationa! Hotels of Hongkong is like lv to manage one of the three big hotels proposed for Singapore's Marina City. Negotiations are said to be advancing "satisfactorily between Marina Centre Holdings, the developer of the Singapore hotels, and Mandarin International. Once official approvals have been
    102 words
  • 72 10 DELTA community centre will organise a tour to the Tropical urn. I'rocodile Farm. Frog Farm and Science Centre on June 1 fiom 9 a.m to i p.m. The fee is $3.50 a person The centre will also < (induct CMTM in nonya cooking, tim sum. restaurant
    72 words
  • 88 10 POLICE OFFICER GETS DIVORCE ASST Supt Ong Hean Teik, 44. was yesterday granted a divorce on the grounds of adultery by his wife. Madam Beatrice Veronica Jalleh, with a man named in court as Mr Tang Tai Luk. Madam Jalleh, 41. who married Mr Ong in September 1963, was said
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  • 475 10 Woman driver banned six years and fined $5,000 A 61-YEAR-OLD woman was yesterday fined $5,000 and disqualified from driving all classes of vehicles for six years for causing the death of a motor-cyclist through negligent driving. Ng Kirn Huay, a poultry farmer, was found guilty of having caused the death
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  • 146 10 Man who broke club's 115-year tradition ACCOUNTANT, Mr Thai Chee Ken (above), 41, has broken a 115-year-old tradition of the TanKiln Club by becoming its first non-Caucasian Singaporean president. Ills election to the post earlier this month reflects the changing composition of the club. Mr Thai said yesterday that the
    146 words
  • 349 10 POLICE have asked eyewitnesses to five accidents on Tuesday to Oiem In the f irst cut, at 3.58 a.m., Mr I-ee Soon tfeng, 2.'1. was driving along Uppei Bukll Timah Road when his car went nut >f control and crashed into i concrete pole Mr Lee
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 449 10 J lil f J CO URMEI lA/ AILD Dill lilt II M >• KtKJKJ I V I I A WAlfß|t II I I KNIFE SET SILVERPLATEDV >ML/ Ym'T' 111 I I CANDLE STANDS* V /wmsxr^Jm' J s>l 9 I Inl Ist1 st <-"^- less 20%? Xw£ 7 II 9 '•kJ\J
      449 words

  • 627 11 "YOU mesa to tell me that a big store like this does not have change for $5Mt" this man says angrily to the two salesgirls. He had Just made a purchase and was Inexplicably in a bad mood. But the girt
    627 words
  • 188 11 Residents helped to catch robber Residents of Lorong Kesudian, off Kirn Chuan Road, cornered a robber after hearing a woman victim's cries for help. Inspector Ng Cho Wan, prosecuting, told a district court yesterday that Miss Lee Son Kuan, 21, a hotel receptionist, was walking along Lorong Kesudian when someone
    188 words
  • 59 11 MISS Ang Chin Poh, 24, died in the Alexandra Hospital two hours after she fell from the fourth floor of a block of flats in Holland Close yesterday. Miss Ang, who lived on that flour in the block, was found at the foot of the building at
    59 words
  • 368 11 Govt urged to give perks to study missions THE government should consider giving incentives to manufacturers who take part in overseas missions to study more advanced production tech niques. This suggestion was made by the chairman of the Singapore Quality Reliability Association, Mr Eugene Yap, who said manufacturers should be
    368 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 16 11 $480 *rM*P* for 5-day stopover i n^s eJ^C/M. i $1330 *A{ L I for 8-day package
      16 words
    • 310 11 *hwms Mm/ Ijftmg /JL @es/rs £p®em/fets^f\ FOR THE OFFSHORE, MARINE. SI lIPPING LOGGING INDUSTRIES Wire Rope Mechanical Splice with üb^^^Bl Special Standard Aluminium rM Copper Ferrules J^L rJ^ FOR FAST EFFICIENT AND jjm QKin #^X HFLIABU SIRVir f V.I Ollip fjm POSSESS SEVERAL -M Chandltrs mfk TALURIT PRF.SSF.S JJ^^T 3
      310 words

  • 527 12  - ROV-cabbie row over smoky vehicle tests EDMUND TEO By A ROW is brewing between the Registry of Vehicles and taxi drivers over the standards set by the ROY for testing smoky diesel-powered vehicles. Cabbies are complaining that the 40point limit on smoke meters is "too low" and that it is
    527 words
  • 32 12 POH Hock Chwee, 24, was yesterday fined $900 after he pleaded guilty to stealing an Alsatian pup valued at $300. from Madam Kek Sam Muk. 50. on March 30.
    32 words
  • 104 12 RESIDENTS in Marine Parade have responded to a second appeal for funds for the new community centre building by giving $84,912 more bringing the contribution from residents to $160,000. According to the latest issue of Marine Parade News, this amount could be one of the
    104 words
  • 114 12 THE above three-storey bowl-like structure which forms the top portion of the air control tower at Chang! International Airport was completely built at ground level. Less than two weeks ago, It was lying at the bottom of the «-metre concrete central shaft. How It has made
    114 words
  • 219 12  -  TOH THIAN SER By Associate News Edit THERE is a strong likelihood tha Singapore will recruit expatriate engineers and managers from Hongkong when the mass rapid transit (MRT) project is launched. Rumours are rife at the Mass Transportation in Asia conference here
    219 words
  • 260 12 A RAG-AND-BONE man, Jackie Lim, 39, who injured another man with acid, on Wednesday lost his appeal against convic- j tion and sentence of six months jail and four strokes of the rotan. Lim, it was stated, had thrown the acid at Mr Wee Tiong Wah, 33,
    260 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 621 12 Rent a SINTAT car and don't worry about bringing it back. Just tell us where you'll leave the car and we'll pick it up for you. Better still, we can also send a car to you at no extra charge within the city. Part of the service. We've got Sintat
      621 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 312 12 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavanagh Hal Camp t luccr, i^iuiz^ c^-, D cu^o^ I T SAW MAQ&IE I MAGGIE, I WHAT DID ""1 1 DREAMED YOU t u^EL^^X- £2-1 LIPTIN© 5O BUCKS FELL ASLEEP YOU {STOLE SO DOLLARS I MOPE J(©&S POESN T SEE OUT OF MY VVALLET, AND
      312 words

    • 279 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday THE Malaysian Chinese Association and the Sarawak United Peoples' Party, another Chinese-based party, nave begun talks to forge closer links, it was reported here today. The move could lead eventually to a merger of the Peninsula-based MCA and the Sarawak-based SUPP
      AFP  -  279 words
    • 232 13 Hussein told of imbalance in awarding of study grants KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday THE youth wing of the Malaysian Chinese Association has urged Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn to look into the disparity in the number of scholarship awards to Malays and non-Malays in the country. The request was made when
      NST  -  232 words
    • 161 13 'SET UP JAPANESE STYLE TRADING HOUSES' KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs Deputy Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed today called for the setting up of trading houses modelled after the Japanese "sogoshoshas" to serve the local manufacturing sector. He said such trading houses could serve "small and big Malaysian producers in their offshore
      AFP  -  161 words
    • 55 13 BATU PAHAT, Thurs. A housing census officer, Miss Fatimah Jamil, 20, was bitten on her right buttocks here on Tuesday when she went to take census particulars from a house. She was admitted to hospital. Police have advised people not to let their dogs loose
      NST  -  55 words
    • 148 13 Satellite way to help demarcate border KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Border demarcation work along the MalaysiaIndonesia border in Sarawak is being completed with the help of a satellite. Disclosing this here today a Survey Department spokesman said that about 727 km of the 1,024 km Sarawak-Kalimantan border remain to be demarcated.
      AFP  -  148 words
    • 134 13 KOTA KINABALU, Thurs The recent spate of robberies on goldsmith shops in West Malaysia was the work of ordinary criminals and not elements of the Communist Party of Malaya, Inspector-Gener-al of Police, Tan Sri Haniff Omar, said here today. Police investigations into a possible
      AFP  -  134 words
    • 92 13 KANGAR (Perils). Than. A 24-yemr-old Thai Uxl-drlver was sentenced to death by the High ourl yesterday after being found guilty on two charges under the I. 'ernal Security Act. Sir! Hal S*e Doon was found guilty of having In his possession a revolver and
      Reuter  -  92 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 226 13 ANARAMIS DEVIN EXCLUSIVE mm\\\\\\\\\\\\\m^M immWmWWWrSSftm The Country Traveller kit is yours free when you buy any Aramis Devin product. Aramis Devin's Country Traveller a handsome and sporty corduroy travel bag containing. 3 Aramis Devin groomers: •Country Eau de Cologne Country After Shave Soother* Country Cream Shave Foam. 3 more ways
      226 words
    • 471 13 V||A Dl4*#\^l 1/nP The versatile Ricoh KRS The first |^J I'Cl^^^^B MVi\ J. SLR camera designed for the family. For clear, accurate picture-taking in three easy steps. Focus, by bringing V|ikA Cki D f^£M^M^^lf"d together the halves of the focussing |%J Olaltl W'431l IV*l Ck circle. Then set the exposure,
      471 words

  • The Straits Times FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1980
    • 393 14 IT IS entirely natural that the public sector unions are fighting the Finance Ministry's plans to increase medical charges for civil servants and their families. Heavily subsidised health care has been one of the perks of government service for so long that it Is probably regarded as a
      393 words
    • 380 14 WOULD it be that the message of keeping Singapore clean be permanently etched in the minds of people, so that there would be no need for us to editorialise! This campaign was begun in 1968, one of the earliest attempts at inducing a desired social behaviour aimed at
      380 words
  • 403 14 Results of HusseinLee talks The following are torn* Malaysian press comments on the recent visit of Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn to Singapore THE talks between Datuk Hussein Onn and Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew have succeeded in further upgrading the existing bilateral cooperation between Malaysia and Singapore
    403 words
  • 137 14 CLOSER ties must be fostered between Malaysia and Singapore in every field as this will benefit both the countries. Another causeway is essential to further improve these relations. Traffic congestion along the present causeway is rather bad. Therefore, the suggestion of building another causeway over the Tebrau Straits
    137 words
  • 511 14 Walking tall but By JACK RUSSELL our Tokyo reporter THE JAPANESE today are growing physically much bigger and living much longer but the government is still worried about their poor health. Ever since the end of World War II, Japanese youngste.s have been getting taller and heavier at an amazing
    511 words
  • 261 14 THE two-day meeting between Datuk Hussein Onn and Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, aside from revitalising personal friendship ties, has also furthered considerably understanding and cooperation between the two countries. The talks have enabled the two parties to exchange views on a wide range of subjects from matters
    261 words
  • 1121 14 Reflections IT TAKES no great depth of perception to see the Carter Presidency in deep trouble over American foreign policy. Events in the past weeks have reinforced the central characteristics of Jimmy Carter's administration, embodied in the man himself: Honest, sincere and
    1,121 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1 14 ■^1
      1 words
    • 977 14 iym^y Singapore X*mrs CONTACT LENS X SOCIETY The following members are CONTACT LENS PRACTITIONERS OPHTHALMIC OPTICIANS OPTOMETRISTS E.J. BENJAMIN F.A.A.0.. F.A.C.LP. rrrmnmm CHEN YIN FOOK dah sin opt co A.0.A.. A.C.C.LP. G-46. High StreeT c 346 v C.C. CHUI :c chui opt co F.8.0.A.. F.m.C. 325. Orchard iwn Orchard Road.
      977 words

    • 1127 15 I REFER to the letter, "Much ado over a harmless leisure activity," (ST, May 13). My letter, "Disco sessions at community centres are regrettable (ST, April 23) was a response to the comments made by Stephen R. Vella ("Making a bogey out of
      1,127 words
    • 173 15 TO LABEL Singapore as a communications centre is a bit ridiculous. Letters to aid from Sydney take a minimum of seven days, although there are numerous flights every day and the flying time is only 717 1 i hours. Airmail from Bangkok takes seven
      173 words
    • 118 15 Express mail took 12 days to arrive OUR postal system is not officient enough. Two months ago, I sent a letter to Tokyo by express mail. To my dismay, it took more than 12 days to reach my friend. According to the Post Office, for early despatch it is better
      118 words
    • 199 15 On Chinese signatures and hiding the PIN REFER to "Speak and IVrite's" letter, "Signature was in Chinese" (ST, May 2), claiming that a Post Office Savings Bank ■ounter officer had refused to permit an elderly man, whose signature was in Chinese, to make a •ash withdrawal because there was no
      199 words
    • 84 15 Slow letter to Johore Bahru IT TAKES about 45 minutes for a person to reach Johore Bahru by car, perhaps an hour or so by bus. But a letter postal in Singapore on May 6 has not reached Johore Bahru till today (May 16). It is not an isolated case,
      84 words
    • 153 15 Post offices those in Stirling Rd can use I REFER to the letter, "Post office needed here," from "J.P." (ST, May 2), concerning postal facilities in the Stirling Road Mci Chin Road Mci Ling Street area. Postal and Post Office Savings Bank facilities are available at three post offices in
      153 words
    • 116 15 YESTERDAY I received a booklet by airmail post from Houston, Texas. It had been posted six days ago and the postage paid was US$B.B5 (or just under Ss2o). As I had just posted some other documents to Sweden, which were lighter and which cost
      116 words
    • 137 15 AS AN expatriate recently arrived in this wonderful city, I would like to express myself on a topic which disturbs me, given the multi-racial society that Singapore has so successfully forged. This is the so-called "security" adopted by several housing estates largely populated by expatriates. As
      137 words
    • 173 15 Estates are becoming exclusive enclaves ONE VIEWS with concern the growing protectionist attitudes of flat dwellers. While the employment of guards to maintain the security of their premises is understandable and even laudable, as it assists and complements the role of our police force, I suspect the underlying motive may
      173 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 159 15 Bm\ bbl I p> ''S^f rI FREE T-Shirt £B1 I i Frfl^'flß^P^P9VysV B •3l'».'Jl9Oulrim Puk Compte. Ttl *****91 < IV 4 Jj^B J*^ *IM. Blk 177. Tm P«yoh Crniral Ttl *****11 I I BBBBIBBHBHfiBHI^BHBfI *i*s7.Bik i2BAv C 3ai|MoKk> t»i *****12 I C«|l 252-011 I *«32-435 Sh«w Ctnirc Td: 7J***** ■S—
      159 words

    • 1730 16 THK last transacted ready sak al Ihr i-kwe business on Ihr Slock Exchange of Singa pore yesterday compared with the previous day'• prices togrthrr with HTI high and low i Adjusted Ist strip rights nwi Unit trusts SINGAPORE I MT TKI ST INMlim' price, f.r May O) The
      1,730 words
    • 1815 16 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in an reported to the Slock Exchange ol Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett" Big Board
      1,815 words
    • 1880 16 BID and offer prim officially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stork Exchange yes lerday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise speci tied IMHKTRIAUi Ae«a(3 10B)cd Ajtaamala<3 24Si Alemn i 2 178 2 IKSi
      1,880 words
      • 46 16 Magnum orpn C Sugar* 0 C B C PMC ■ih.ngri-l.a M H.nkinK r«>ek Cement K G HldK. B Ray. Mat Iron M I I 1010 550 870 685 1100 1020 478 256 308 575 770 75 70 90 50 40 40 28 27 25 20
        46 words
      • 27 16 'ublic Textile I Krrimil I S O P letro Hld(» UlayawaO polio 145 1470 234 310 452 273 210 -45 -30 -28 -22 -18 -5 -4
        27 words
      • 20 16 t. Raya 386.000 L Kepong 380,00 lUB 341,000 Total turnover: 6.60m Total value. $21. 61m Source: SES
        20 words
      • 27 16 3.T. Indicator: industrials: Finance: hotels: Properties: Minings: Plantations: DCBC: 4708.82 4785.X ***** 5075* 878.76 8977( ***** 4491 371.13 376 8< 290.35 290.3 862.94 863.71 493.35 502.4
        27 words
      • 341 16 HONGKONG: The market closed mainly firmer on selective demand yesterday, despite some shares (ailing slightly on local long-liquidation, dealers said. The Hang Seng index broke through the 900 level after ris ing 9.79 points on the day to close at 900.77. Among market leaders, Hongkong Baak rose 10 cents
        341 words
      • 385 16 TOKYO: Share prices closed higher yesterday, as active selective buying in speculatives and small-sized issues more than offset increased profit-taking in front runners, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 14.71 to close at 6836.89 points, with a volume of 360 million shares. The New index closed at 467.16,
        385 words
    • 96 16 THE MALAYSIAN Minister of Fl nance ha* fixed these rates for the period from May 22. until further notke: BaMer: 307. cents a kilo. C*sn: MJ***** a tonne; Palm send: 1965 75 a tonne: Watte pepper: K 396 33 a tonne: Black pepper: 12.092 17 a tonne: The
      96 words
    • 146 16 CHINESE Pr.rfirr Kxrfcutc SUg»p»r», mm eMa« price* per mk»ymter4*> fii ml «U: Bulk fob $137 50 sell I en. old drum (in second hand drum) fob $147 50 sellers, new drum fob $154 00 sellers Ctpra: Mixed (loose) $79 00 buyers. Pepper: Muntok white pepper fob Asta NLW
      146 words
    • 235 16 THE KILOBAR market (or gold deliverable In Singapore opened at (35.023 and closed at 135.132 yesterday In the Far East, gold opened at US$507 00 508 00 and moved up on light buying to $508 00 509.00 before closing the morning session at $507 00 508 00 In the
      235 words
      • 151 16 THE STRAITS tin price perked another $30 to $2,230 per picul (equivalent to $36.87 per kilo, up 49 cents) in Penang yesterday, on an official offering up 22 tonnes to 175 tonnes. The overnight London market was steady with forward buyers edging £15 higher to £7,415 per tonne. LONDON:
        151 words
      • 39 16 Rubber: May 22 Singapore: June: 278.00 cents (up 5.50 cents) Malaysia: June: 282.00 cents (up 6.50 cents) Tin: M 52,230 (up $30) (equivalent to $36.87 per kilo) (up 49 cents) Official offering: 175 tonnes (up 22 tonnes)
        39 words
      • 31 16 LONDON: Copper prices on Wednesday (previous in brackets) Wirebar Spot £877 (£884): sellers £878 (£885); Three Month buyers £905 (£909). sellers £907 (£910). Market taae: Barely steady. Sales: 13.200 tonnes
        31 words
      • 496 16 PRICES in the Singapore rub- made a smart late recovery to ber market closed higher yes- close steadier with pared terday, with June RSS One losses from yesterday of 0.10 to buyers quoted at 278.00 cents i 0.60p per kilo on Wednesday, per kilo, up 5.50 cents on Turnover
        496 words
      • 102 16 IA8 •SK2II .SH Mi «KMB MH (V <MH I. All! 1MK1.I' ;mk m ;mh ■»< mh II t.K.p.lle.1 .1 lonpdl.ll II tonpUWll < I um pallrtl il u.n pallet) II lonpclkll il 1 1 I. m pallrt I II Ion pall«t> June Ilirrfil Mlhi Hu>.n S,ll.r.
        102 words
    • 325 16 AGGRESSIVE baying of i sltuatlonal tavoarltes characterised trading at the Singapore stock market yesterday. Drawing strong support, finance issues proved to be a particularly attractive sector with Interest focused on Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, Singapore Building Society and Public Bank, all of which have been earmarked as
      325 words
    • 283 16 SELECTED heavyweights featured bullishly on the second day of recovery of the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday. The heavyweights which performed well included Magnum Corporation. Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation and Pan-Malay-an Cement Works. It was only in the afternoon that buyers asserted themselves, taking the key barometer, the New
      283 words
    • 210 16 THE US Sing dollar opened at $2.1380 2.1400 and closed at $2. 1410 20 in the Singapore forex market yesterday The market fluctuated in a range of (2 1380 *****. The US dollar opened sharply lower as US interest rates continued to (all. with the Federal Funds
      210 words
    • 336 16 CMffnct— Nominal rat** Smittiaonian quoted yaatarday (cro*a)panty Pafcanlaga changa Local d»llar» to one inlt of forelgB currency: US dollar 2.1410 2.1420 2.8196 sterling pound 4.9975 5.0030 7.3469 Australian dollar 2.4280 2.4310 3.4286 MZ dollar 2.0985 2.1020 3.4286 :anadian dollar 1.8425 1.8445 -24.07 -31.98 -29.18 -38.79 L«eal dollars to
      336 words
    • 51 16 HANGE of pric« oflerwl oy ai ■ounl house* on May 22: Overnighl: 7 73 16'. Call deposits 6 Ckxiaf Bu>inf StlliDf 3-month Treasury bills 7 3/16 7 1'H 3 month Bank bills 10 10'. 3 months CD 10 5/16 10 3/16 6 months CD 915/16 913/16 Source: National Disroun
      51 words
    • 30 16 Closing mitrDani raira i ilngapore dollars on May 22 Offer Bid )verntght 11 ll month 10 10 months 10 1 10'. months 10 3/10 101/1 Dvernlght mode IP.
      30 words
    • 26 16 THE average rate at which major Singapore I banks are currently prepared t« lend to their beat I onsUmers Is 12.1 per cent.
      26 words
      • 320 17 SYDNEY. TOurs. Stocks firmed in active trading encouraged by overseas buying reports, dealers said. BHP reversed the trend of the past few days, adding 25 cents to close at $13.35. while CSR rose 10 cents to $5.80 and Coal and AUied 20 cents to $10.40. Comalco added
        320 words
      • 290 17 NEW YORK, Wed. The stock market closed lower today, but was an improvement from earlier levels, on strength in coal and drug issues. The Dow Jones industrial average closed less than two points lower after being off more than seven points during the day and the
        290 words
      • 301 17 AMSTERDAM, Wed Prices closed lower, with Royal Dutch down 5.10 guilders ex its 6.75 dividend and Hoogovens losing 0 40 after Estel's expectations of a further loss in the second quarter, dealers said. KLM, which reported a lower April load factor, extended its loss to 2.40 ABN
        301 words
      • 177 17 ZURICH. Wed. Prices closed steady with some demand (or populars evident but trading volume thin, dealers said. Unofficially quoted Hoffmann-La Roche rose markedly after its annual press conference. Among officially listed leading industrials, Ciba-Geigy and Nestle rose moderately and Sulzer, Alusuisse and Sandoz bearer rose slightly but
        177 words
      • 587 17 LONDON, Wed. Stock prices closed quietly mixed and al 3 pm. the Financial Times index was down 1.6 points at 432 0 The strength of sterling and easier conditions in the money market made (or a firm trend in governr.ent bonds where rises ranged to around
        587 words
    • 376 17 AS expected, profits of Chemical Company ot Malaysia (CCM) have come under pressure in the first half of the current financial year. The group reported a dissapointing drop of about 15 per cent in its pre-tax profits to MS93 million for the first six months
      376 words
    • 277 17 Haw Par declares its first dividend in 6 years AS EXPECTED, Haw Par Brothers International achieved s string lornaround la profitability Urt year, prompting Its directors to recommend tkc first dividend handout to shareholders la six yean. Tie group yesterday reparted a group pre-tax profit of $11.45 million against a
      277 words
    • 114 17 M Textiles cancels agreement MALAYSIA Textile Industries has cancelled its agreement to purchase a 57.5 per cent interest in Public Textiles. This follows a condition imposed by the Malaysian Foreign Investment Committee that MTI should make an offer to the minority shareholders of Public Textiles similar to the one it
      114 words
    • 55 17 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 431.6 Tuesday 433.6 Week Ago 440.0 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 831.06 Tuesday 832.51 Week Ago 818.62 H.K.HANG SENG Thursday 800.77 Wednesday ***** Week Ago 810.84 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Thursday 634.20 Wednesday 629.37 Week Ago 630.59 ALL ORDINARIES Thursday 825.34 Wednesday 821.03 Week Ago 816.75
      55 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 670 17 Alpine Car Speaker Systems .^^^^Hl 'B^l^aW. j?^^% i^tt^?fc i'fli^% gQQQ 6001 gQQ3 l»«Aw___-.^^^^l^ L^alßlßaßa^ala^aaatßaHß^aMHaV laVMbHaa a^a^Jß ~ff^ fF New Sound .Dimensions in Car Stereo. The Alpine Sleek and powerful. Am and balance and equipped Designed to match the l^* 11.^, with the capability to handle cars of today. The Alpine
      670 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 524 18 I ZB4-4412 1 GRILL/COFFEE HOUSE S 0E Thomsoti ?\*i» MezzMßiw Fkw £5 ®5 COME ENJOY OUR WEEKEND j8 Ton special fish head curry, c? JCg VEGETABLE LEMAK'. ARFLOWN tt Hj* STEAKS LATEST MENU FOR kS SK THE GOURMETS sfiS SMg'OUR SUCCULENT TENDER AIRFLOWN CSK TmhQ STEAKS have been acclaimed by
      524 words
    • 890 18 I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE aaCCitsaasassißßal L3eaaaa^eaaaV^^V9"\aLaaaH (5 Dfl ■SBBT^^^H SBBBBBBBBBBBBa^. I Exhibition at Holland Village! The Korean shipment is in! 160 pieces of highest quality antique and reproduction furniture. Select from 100 paintings, screens and scrolls, and many new brass items and small accessories. Friday and Saturday only, 10.00
      890 words
    • 1112 18 I FOR SALE A SHOPPING GUIDE STORY a CLARK I'lailn (USA) "L_^_^_^-^^^^^^^J" Richard Meyer Piano I'i.iiiii 552.700 Visit Lowrey Musi, aaaasilJ tJaaaai Hoaa*. Unii 221. Plaza Singa- I VI I pura On hard Hnud Tel evai.S I ■> I I *****S aaar^^^^H TECHNICS COMPUTERISED lat •sI^H ORGAN: Must
      1,112 words
    • 1277 18 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES Telephone Service *****22 ''.<!«» 830 o m bOOpm, 70 ell per word Imrfi VI O V Solurdoy 8 30am 300pm il2Nlo. Sondo, I»n*s, Sern. Dispioy $12 00 pel column cm l',rf>l,< Hokday 9 00 urn 100pm J/vW. J36 00) Times COUNTER SERVICE *li p
      1,277 words
      569 words
    • 613 18 I ESTABLISHED AIRCONDITIONING FIRM requires Female General Clerks With or without experlein -e Interested please call personally at 32 Slßlap Drive < 1545) Tel *****74 ESTABLISHED GARMENTS FACTORY requires telephone operator cum clerical duties girl We offer good salary and a five days week Interested please call *****05 or come
      613 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 549 19 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant t) Secretarial and Clerical GENERAL CLERK CUM TYPIST raquirad by aslabtiahad company. a O.C E. level and possesses LCC Typewriting Certificate a Gross salary $380 p m Please call MR DESMOND ONO. at W.I.C. 363, Jalan Basar Tel: *****58 GENERAL CLERK. Duties Include import and
      549 words
    • 461 19 A welt established manufacturing Company in Jurong mutes candidate* to apply tor the posts of: A) SECRETARY a At least 2to 3 years relevant experience I a Have knowledge of telex, typing speed of SO wpm and shorthand, a Age 22 and above B) RECEPTIONIST CUM GENERAL CLERK c Experienced
      461 words
    • 607 19 II EMPLOYMENT XDBS I Invites applications for the fol lowing positions: (A)KEY PUNCH OPERATORS (B)BANK TELLERS QUALIFICATIONS: FOR POST (A) a 4 OCE CV level credits including English. c Ability to type will be an advantage c Successful candidates will be required to work on shifts FOR POST (B) a
      607 words
    • 691 19 RECEPTIONIST CLERK REOUIRED lo operau PBX switchboard by an engineering office In Jurong No experience required. Preferably living In Jurong or Boon Lay areas, with knowledge of typing. Please call: *****4 Shintom Elactronlcs (Smgapora) Pla. Ltd Invites applications for the post RECEPTIONIST cum GENERAL CLERK Applicant* ahould b*> interested in
      691 words
    • 524 19 II EMPLOYMENT STE NO-TYPIST With minimum speed of 100 wpm Cat): 333t0*. lor interview SALES CLERK/RECEPTIONIST wanted urgently. Please write with telephone contact number to: Suite 2303. Shaw Tower. Beach Road. Spore 0718. SECRETARY REQUIRED BY foreign company Requirements: 1) Oood command of English 2) Typing, shorthand, telex 3) 3
      524 words
    • 786 19 WANTED A FEMALE Oeneral Clerk with knowledge of Bookkeeping up to Trial Balance Please apply stating age and salary required to: PO Box 2785. Spore 9047. WANTED EXPERIENCED GENERAL Accounts Clerk for a construction firm and please apply with full particulars, telephone number and non-returnable photo to: ST. Box A*****.
      786 words
    • 574 19 II EMPLOYMENT BEAUTY AOVISORB SALES PROMOTERS required to promote exclusive I rang, ol cosmetics a Kor Beauty Advisors, salary will depend on experience For Sales Promoters will be offered basic salary plus commission. In addition, they will be given free trainIng on beauty care Please apply personally to NTUC WELCOME
      574 words
    • 674 19 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY"! For Fast with job satisfaction assured Only S more SALES REPRESENTATIVES MALE/FEMALE I World-wide manufacturer of domestic products need* Male/ Female aged 20 lo 40 year* with fol I lowing: I a Own transport (own a car or motorcycle c Ambitious and hardworking f c Able u> converse
      674 words
    • 616 19 II EMPLOYMENT SALES LADIES OPPORTUNITY to earn handsome income Marketing and Promotion Organisation Looking tor BRIGHT SOCIABLE PRESENTABLE Persons to join our Marketing team to promote world famous consumer products We also consider parttime candidates such as housewives and office ladies to earn extra income. Interested party please call for
      616 words
    • 493 19 Vacanc a* For SALES EXECUTIVES to handle ensting Departmental Stores on merchar Jise like Lehner handkerchiefs, sock*. underwear, neck tie* and etc Requirement*: Must have previous or existing contacts with ladles and gents departments In stores c Ability to negotiate contracts diplomatically c Basic salary $500 and above with attractive
      493 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 504 20 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant d) Technicml A well established local company require* the service ola FIELD SALES SERVICE TECHNICIAN with Ihe lollewing requirements: c Male. Singapore citizen. completed National Service c Minimum qualifications possesses ITB or VITB Certificate In either Electrical or Electronic Engineering c Valid class 3 driving
      504 words
    • 512 20 Bonei Industries Pte. LM. requires TECHNICIANS (Mechanical and Electronics) Must have at least 1 2 years working experience In an electronics firm. STORE-HAND (Male) Must be a Chinese Able to speak simple English Interested please call personally to: Tt*# R*>c*oon#l Offtc#f *7*ier Raiah Industrial Estate. BNi. S. Mh floor, SF-9F.
      512 words
    • 663 20 tl EMPLOYMENT PURCHASER GCE O' Level 1 to 2 years working experience In similar position, preferably Involved In the handling of vehicle spare parts Knowledge of local purchase and good contacts with auto spare parts shops Must possess a valid class 3 driving licence Preferably living around dlsts. 12. 14,
      663 words
    • 415 20 EXPERIENCED SITE FOREMEN A SENIOR SITE FOREMEN for finishing works FEMALE CLERK c Must know shorthand and typing Interested eppMcanls plssss write in giving lull particulars together with a non-returnable photograph and contact telephone number to: S.T. BOX A*****. Well established building construction company requires: A) FOREMEN TRAINEES B) ASSISTANT
      415 words
    • 436 20 II EMPLOYMENT Worn £1 Requirements H 16 years and above. b) No experience required, training M will be provided. I We offer I a) Good starting wage* (5 Y> day* work with 6 days pay). b) No thift duty. Me) No scop* work. d) Attendance allowanca. a) Transport allowanca H
      436 words
    • 367 20 II New Branch at Paya Lebar I 21 New Industrial Rd., II (Itt Floor, Tal lon Bid) Jl If you're between 16 to 35 years, I Singaporean/Malaysian We need you as a T n easari I Production Operator 1 GOOD starting salary 2. FULL transport allowance 3. GOOD attendance J
      367 words
    • 337 20 II EMPLOYMENT GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) TELEVISION APPLIANCE PTE LTD. rl FEMALE OPERATORS We have vacancies for Female Operators Join us today and •njoy: An attractive commencing salary No shift work Active Employee recreation program A 5 day work week Other outstanding employee benefits If you are 1 6 years of
      337 words
    • 473 20 H KANEKA SINGAPORE (jj CO. (PTE) LTD 81 B Invites applicants to fill the jfl IB following post I PLANT OPERATOR (MALE) Jfl HeH c Age between 18-30 years 9 HeH c 2-3 years experience In I H chemical beverage or l KA other related industries. .H Ifiß Applicants without
      473 words
    • 448 20 II EMPLOYMENT PHILIPS requires FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Applicants should be: In age, '6 years old and above. c In education, Primary 4 to Secondary 4 (any language stream) You will be happy to work for PHILIPS since wb offer Ihe following benefits: c Good starting pay $210 p m c
      448 words
    • 267 20 SPT Asia Pte. Ltd. a newly established USA high technology Company manufacturing microminiature tools used in a semiconductor electronics industry Female Production Operators Quality Control Operators Starting salary: Confirmation salary: 5250 Maximum Salary SSOO No shift work 5 day week (Bam to 5 45pm. Monday to Friday) Transport Allowance: $20
      267 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 159 21 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situation* Vacant I) Production FEMALE FACTORY OPERATORS NON SCOPE WORK Requiraments: 16 years and above Singapore Malaysian Citizens and Permanent Residents a Primary Education in any language stream No working experience required as training win be provided Ro*«i provides good wages and benefits- Monthly Food Allowance) c
      159 words
    • 876 21 II EMPLOYMENT To cop* with our expanaton pro- OPERATIONS CLERKS gramme, we require lor rotating unK O1O 1 level passes IncludI*l/2nd ahilt or permanent 3rd ng Kngllsh MALE/FEMALE WELDERS c NTl' 3in General Welding 1) SPRAY PAINTERS c Training In container repairs will be provided c 6 months experience or
      876 words
    • 736 21 A new Cocktail Lounge Snack 1) LOUNGE STEWARDESS Age above 17 years, pleasant looking, no experience required Malaysians are welcome Very attractive income: above 11.000 pm 2) SNACK BAR CAPTAIN At least 3 years experience In running a snack bar/ coffee house Age 20 to 30 years 3) CASHIER Able
      736 words
    • 649 21 II EMPLOYMENT CLINIC NURSE WANTED urgently, preferably staying at Ang Mo Klo. Please contact Janet, tel: *****11 CONTIUM ENGINEERS F.E. PTE LTD requires RECEPTIONIST CLERK Transport Is provided SITE MANAGERS for Electrical Contracting SALESMAN for Electric Motors SALESMAN for Oeneral Technical Lines Only thoee with experience and good reference* mey
      649 words
    • 526 21 HOTEL PHOENIX SINGAPORE has Immediate vacancies for: 1) CLERK/TYPIST (Pool) c Office hours, c Preferably with experience. 2) WAITERS/ WAITRESSES (Able to speak English). Please apply personally with recent photograph and relevant documents from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at: THE PERSONNEL DEPT. HOTEL
      526 words
    • 502 21 II EMPLOYMENT FULL TIME DESPATCH RIDERS required Able to ride bicycle and motorcycle Please apply personally to: Overseas Courier Service c/o Apollo Hotel, 2nd floor Havelock Road. Spore 0318 OENERAL WORKERS REQUIRED by foam mattress manufacturer Please call personally at. 505 c c Plantation Avenue, Spore 1955 or Tel *****9
      502 words
    • 408 21 HOTEL MERLIN SINGAPORE has immediate vacancies for: A) WAITERS/ WAITRESSES B) DISCO/LOUNGE STEWARDESSES C) CARPARK ATTENDANTS (Male t Female) D) SECURITY GUARDS FREE DUTY MEAL Interested parties, please call personally for an Interview with working testimonials and 2 recent passport size photographs to: THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT HOTEL MERLIN SINGAPORE .--301,
      408 words
    • 619 21 II EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCED MARKETING EXECUTIVE required urgently to promote private Investigation and security services Salary/ commission basis Those Interested rail *****05 EXPERIENCED PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS required. Must possess own transport Lucrative salary/ allowances/ commission basis Those interested call *****05 EXPERIENCED ARTIST REOUIREO urgently Apply personally at: 23. 2nd floor. Holland Road
      619 words
      573 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 711 22 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant General OFFICE BOY CUM messenger required Must possess class 2 and :< driving licence Conversant In English Attractive salary and benefits Motorbike provided. Interested please tel *****2 Ext 44 OPFICE BOY RCOUMED by large International Company For appointment please ring *****63 Mrs Kuek OPFICE BOY
      711 words
    • 655 22 SALES REPRESENTATIVES. COMPLETED Od O level and possess own transport and class. 2 or 3 licence Also required Oeneral Clerk. GCE level. Typing, some experience In accounts Contact *****4 or *****6 STEWARDESSES, PART/FULLTIME Apply personally King Of Kings Cocktail Lounge. 490. 4th Flocr Lucky Plaza. Orchard Road dally alter 4
      655 words
    • 576 22 II EMPLOYMENT URGENTLY REQUIRED MALE Clerks-of-Work with driving licence and knowledge of Chinese Apply with telephone number, to: 334-F. Balestler Hill Shopping Centre. Thomson Road. Spore 1130. VACANCIES EXIST FOR Female Indoor Sales cum Clerical Assistants. Able to speak English and other Chinese dialects. Applicants residing In dementi. Jurong or
      576 words
    • 467 22 WANTED URGENTLY OFFICE Boy Preferably schoolleavers Apply personally at 45. Arab Street Ist Floor. Spore 0719 32 Situations Wanted A GROUP OF Labourers require work In shipyard, factory, engineering workshop, offshore construction, building construction, shipping container, stuffing/ unstufflng. Kindly contact: Samson c/o 1857, Blk 128, Aye 3 Ang Mo Klo.
      467 words
    • 693 22 111 VEHICLES BOATS KANOA ENTERPRISES CO. Pick- I ups/ cars for hire Tel: *****80/ < *****98/ *****52/ *****35/ *****84/ 1 *****85 KENG SOON AUTO offer brand new Mercedes 200. special rales < for yearly basis Call *****0/ *****7 NEW AIRCONO MERCEDES 200 Automatic for hire. Contact Joseph Car Rental, tel
      693 words
    • 771 22 lEGD. 1*77 DATSUN 120Y alr■ond PARF $14,200 View: Blk [81. 1616A. I.or l.ToaPayoh. REGISTERED 1*74 DATSUN 120 Y. ur-con. Cassette, highest offer ■ontacl Richard Tel: *****98. w*^ VL® A, I*7o, DATSUN 1300 c.c Good condition Eligible for PARF 18.400 on o Call *****4 (after 5.30 p.m.) I*7o 1200 C.C. Selling
      771 words
    • 895 22 111 VEHICLES BOATS NOV '7S FORD Granada 2 8. 1 company owner. Immaculate condition Highest offer secures Tel: *****11 Mr Llm 1 OWNER 1*73 Ford Escort, new tax/ Insurance/ tyres $8,000/ on.o Tel *****52 10 MONTHS OLD Ford Cortina 1.6 OL. Alrcond. radio/ cassette, rust-proof, one company owner Done 17,000
      895 words
    • 701 22 1*74 MERCEDES 230.* Alrcond. Mercedes rims. Company registered $22,500 Limn $17,000 arrangeable *****2 1*74 MERCEDES 200 Automatic $28,000 1971 Mercedes 280S $13,500 Both with alrcond, radio/ cassette player and PARF' eligible. Contact tel: *****86 Ofrice hours. Monday to Friday. 1*75, MERCEDES 230* 2nd company owner. Alrcond. cassette. Accident free. Immaculate
      701 words
    • 760 22 11l VEHICLES BOATS 1*72 JULY TOVOTA 1000 c c. (New model) Radio/ cassette $7,700 Blk 530. 2379. Ang Mo Klo Aye 10. 1*72 TOYOTA CORONA MXII. 1968 c.c. Approximately $11,000. Contact Charlie *****88 ext 22. 1*72 TOYOTA CELICA Alrcond. sports rims, cassette, tax/ Insurance $9,700 Tel: *****60 1*72 TOYOTA COROLLA
      760 words
    • 622 22 BETTER COOLING FROM YOUR COOLING SYSTEM.TOP UP YOURSELF. Plain water **JB^BJ*s| m youf radiator can I sometimes I become overheated I Top ud with I B^j Castroi Long Life Coolant I WjH to keep your I engine cooler tfl Look lor the radiator cap I i( V •aaaaassfßßsV^'JP 1^ SPECIALISTS
      622 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 832 23 111 VEHICLES BOATS 45 Vehicles For Sale k) Others SIN THAI HtN TRADING PTE LTD Singapore Used Car Carpark Plot "E". Fringe Cvpark G' Ketnpong imv Roed Singapore 6 Tel: 737StOS/2M07»2/*****t7 (Open trom IWrm S 30 p m I*7* Toyola Cresstda GL 2000 1171 Mil Colt Lamda 2Oon GSR s/c
      832 words
    • 928 23 AP HONDA 350 I win irv. .it l^iMfiili Avenue :t. Hlk Ml Tel op in AO SUZUKI SCRAMBLER IS IB I SrlllllK $780 lull Allinl 4M5560 AO VAMAMA YBIOO. fxrfllrnt condition »780 tvi *:u«N:t .uier I H p ••< AT SUZUKI TS MOB. Kxt WleiH condition Selling U.4SO ono Contact
      928 words
      246 words
    • 270 23 mmmwb Beauty Worid Opposite Bukit Timah s Beauty World Town \*s& ♦Tenure-999 years leasehold Easy instalments ♦Prompt delivery No restriction to foreigners Book now to avoid disappointment For Enquiries Bookings: Victory Realty Co. (Pte) Ltd. I 15th Floor, Far East Shopping Centre. Orchard Road. Singapore 0923 Tel: *****11 (12 lines)
      270 words
    • 727 23 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES I mt BulMlnfJ Con»»r Ou«» Contpw.or Kee)B*l IM. Horth Bride* Rd Prime ollice building at n end 1960 Whole Itoor TB- EfJBI' Mel. tfmoie Hoot pfas I I I C*cti Slreei scheduled io* o»'Ce premises ol 7066 Ground r-ioor pf^m^es ?u sr- I I
      727 words
    • 219 23 AMERICAN SCHOOL VICINITY c A well maintained double- storey, spacious living/ din- Ing. 4-bedroomed bungalow with matured yard situated In a quiet locality Rental 1 $3,000 c Cosy single-storey 3-bed- roomed detached bungalow with patio overlooking garden Rental $3,000 FIELDS 31*25/ 31*5*/ ***** AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE occupation, fully furnished, corner
      219 words
    • 381 23 AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE oCcupation. fully furnished, double-storey detached. Dlst 11, rental $.(.200 Call East meet North Real Estate Pie Ltd *****68-' *****69/ *****60 AVAILABLE FURNISHED HOUSES dlst 11, 4 bedrooms $1,600 Dlst. 21. 3 bedrooms. $1,300 Dlst. 5. 3 bedrooms. $1,900. Benco *****81/ *****82 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY NAMLV $3400. Orchid Village
      381 words
    • 422 23 DIST 21 CLEMCNTI PARK DOUBLE STOMEY DETACHED BUMCALOW Splll-ltvrl llving/dinlng. 3 bednximv un oils, fully furnished Occupation 18th July 1980 RENTAL: $2700 Details Call MA. YONG *****33 DIST. 21 DOUBLE-STOREY DETACHED bungato*. 10.000 sq ft. 3 bedrooms, large garden fully Details, rail *****55/ *****25 DIST. 23. NEAR JURONG 2-storey
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 663 24 times friday properties 51 Accommodfltiofi Vacant I STOREY FULLY FURNISHED semi-detached houses off Holland Road to Buklt Tlmah area available for Immediate occupancy Rental: $2 000 to $2,500 Please call *****12/ *****13 44, JALAN jrrONQ, Seletar Hills Available Immediately Interested parties are Invited to view on 24/5 430pm to 630pm
      663 words
    • 787 24 APARTMENTS AVAILABLE M various districts Furnished/ unfurnished Rental: $I3X) lo $4,000 Homeland *****34/ *****14 APARTMENT WITH SWIMMING pool In Disl 9. spacious living/ dining with balcony, 3 carpeted bedrooms with alrcons. servant's amenities, tastefully furnished. $2,600 Melz Properties: *****88 ATTRACTIVE WOOLLERTON PARK 4 bedrooms, spacious living, covered garage, available Immediately
      787 words
    • 572 24 HIOH FLOOR FUTURA Apartment, near Orchard Road Also Calrnhlll Court/ Faber Hill/ Star Point/ Ford Mansion/ Oxley Rise/ Sherwood Tower/ Calrnhlll Pandan Valley/ Rldgewood. etc Rental $1,500 above Principals. *****9/ *****/ *****3. HB.LCOURT APARTMENT walking distance to Orchard Road High floor, good view, with swimming pool. 3 spacious bedrooms, all
      572 words
    • 760 24 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES SHERWOOD TOWERS Superior Three-Bed-room Apartments on high floor, very well furnished with servant's room and toilet. Rental: $3,300 p.m. Call: MANSFIELD PROPERTY SERVICEB PTE. LTD *****1 or *****3. SHERWOOD TOWERS I. 2. 3 bed rooms apartments, fully furnished $1,500/ $1,700/ $2,000. Ace: *****22 c) Rooms ASIAN HOUSING
      760 words
    • 791 24 URGENTLY REQUIRED FURNISHED Unfurnished Houses/ Apartments/ Flats in any districts Willing lo pay good price for right properties Principals only, call *****67 Mr Sim WANTED FOR NEW expatriate families from banking, oil companies and trading houses. 5 bungalows/ semi-detached houses and flats In various districts Rental payable $1,000 lo $4,000
      791 words
    • 640 24 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES laptfl Rnsonabto interest rates I Easy repayment terms Loans up to 90% ol properly value Rapayment periods ol up to 25 years available Interest rates Up to 1 0 years 1 0V» pa. Between 1 1 1 5 yrs 1 0H p M. Between 1 6-25 yrs
      640 words
    • 688 24 DIST IS, LUCKY HEIGHTS, off Upper East Coast Road. 2 1/2slorey semi-detached bungalow. built In 1970 3,800 sq ft freehold, vacant possession. 3 bedrooms, bathrooms attached, 1 servant's. 2 halls, spill-level, terrazzo/ parquet, built-in cabinets, 2 balconies, large kitchen, $300,000. Contact Sin Hua Hln Housing Agency *****28/ *****85 DIST. 18.
      688 words
    • 855 24 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES b) Flats CONTINENTAL APPRAISAL CO. PTE. LTD Raal Ealata Agantt t Valuar Off»f« In. following a Draycolt Towers 28th floor. 2.800 sq ft $850 000 I a Venus Mansion 3.200 sq ft. $800,000. a Chempaka Court 2.200 sq ft $388,000. < a Eugenia Court 2.200 sq ft
      855 words
    • 892 24 ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR FIXED DEPOSITS Accounts 1 1 per annum Kiaw Aik Hang Finance Co.. Ltd., 157. South Bridge Rd Singapore 0105 Tel: *****5-6.*****2 Adv. permit No 2327 A WELL MAINTAINED Faber Oar- den Condominium with 3 rooms, j spacious living/ dining area Sports facilities. Al $250,000 I Fields *****/
      892 words
    • 738 24 HOB 3-ROOMED IMPROVED i Holland Drive. 4th floor Phone *****01 HDB 4-ROOMEO AT Marslllng Drive Beautifully renovated $39,800 Tel *****86 Neo 910 6pm HIGH RISE APARTMENT above Textile Centre, dlst 7 Foreigners can buy $140,000 Tel *****2 No Agents HILLCREST ARCADIA DOS Wei A high floor. 1884 sq ft $360,000
      738 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 643 25 times friday properties 54 Properties For Sale c) Land GRACE HOUSING *****2S Bukll Teresa Close District 0409. Area approximately 26.000 sij fl Price) Sfl 50 p 5.l ono INDUSTRIAL LAND al Upper Thomson Road. Bms Area above 10.220 sq m Freehold title Knquines *****5 LANO FOR SALE 1 Ml acres
      643 words
    • 703 25 URGENT BUYI Indonesian wttß. permit wants detached biing.iluw I urly new. dlsl 10 Budfft $1 million *****2(1 Susanna WANTED SINGLE LADY 40 and above as joint applicant to purchase HDB flat Contact *****75 ulfice hours WANTED SMALL BUNGALOW Of Srml-detached around Mountbatten. Katong or rrankel Tel *****2 (No Brokers) WANTED
      703 words
    • 620 25 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES District 9 Office suites immediately available for least at $32 29 psm/mth Orchard Plasa An office suite in newly completed complex of approx 44 s m for lease at $43 psm (negotiable) ■uktt Tlmah Road Independent office suite of $167 22 s m for lease at $18
      620 words
    • 854 25 BASEMENT ORCHARD TOWERS Almost 280 sq ft Tenanted $650 p s f General Properties *****3/ *****5 BUKIT TIMAM PLAZA shop unit at prime location on the lower groundfloor available Belling with vacant possession Price: $370,000 ono Contact Miss Ang *****88/ *****39 CaE ORCHARD BASEMENT LJBJ sqft Facing Orchard Road Selling
      854 words
    • 639 25 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES SMALL/PARTITIONEO SHOP Wanted K.-nt t.imi *400 Write WATTEN RISE SHOPHOUSE lo Maxwell Road. P O Box 964 TO TAKE OVER, shop premises About 1.100 5q.11. 5300.0000.n.0 P l y a p r ar I kTenUe B A^ < < ;x n l rnau: SHOPHOUSE ly 100 sq.fl
      639 words
    • 533 25 PRIVATE INVESTIGATION AGENCY I provides confidential and prompt service. Try us l Call: *****05 P.U.B. LICENCED TECHNICIANS, electrical Installation, maintenance, annual licencing service etc Call Feng Hua *****87 RE-PAINTING HOUSES. OFFICES and factories. Reasonable price Call for free quotation, tel. *****14. WE DESIGN/PRINT letterheads. Invoices, etc. Prompt and efficient service.
      533 words
    • 539 25 V SERVICES BUSINESS A BETTER TELEPHONE AnswerIng Service including office/ mailing address, typlng/secrelarlal facilities available *****3/ *****6 BEST MONEY MAKING offer Buy/ sell obsolete banknotes We show you how Box 3462. Singapore 9054 CLEARING BELOW COST. Quality costume Jewellery (USA), many with genuine gems Telephone *****70 Distributors welcome DEBT COLLECTOR
      539 words
    • 397 25 TELCX SERVICE IN confidence (ieneroi-- business and enhance your company's Image Personal attention at a very low fee Tel *****37/*****89 U.S.A. BUYER OF JEANS BASED IN CHICAGO Looking for quality conscious Manufactures Exporters Also Interested In slock lots mens ladles apparel Call *****66 Room 804 Mr Dull WANTED BRASS/COPPER SCRAP
      397 words
    • 418 25 V SERVICES BUSINESS 83 Packing/ Removals/Cargo Forwarders ABANDON ALL HOUSEHOLD/ office removal problems Items insured against breakage/ loss Workers available Tel *****14 ABSOLUTELY CAREFUL AND hardworking removal force Free cartons Pickup/ lorry from $20/ S6O Call *****68/ *****38 (night) ADMIN COURIER. New in town but not In experience Despatch services
      418 words
    • 437 25 JFUNESSE ET BEAUTE for your scientific relaxing massage: sauna baths, spolreduclng Men's Department: 22 Ngee Ann Building, telephone *****82 MARTINA'S SALON 11-A Calrnhlll Circle massage/ saunabalh/ barber/ facial No parking problem Ring i Spore *****81/ *****88 ORCHARD SAUNA ET Massage. Mandarin Hotel. 3rd 'oor. Massage/ Sauna/ Sleambalh/ Facial *****36/ *****11
      437 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 758 26 ¥1 EDUCATION TRAININ6 GET QUALIFIED IN BRITAIN 2 years full time diploma course In Electronics, Co- lour TV and Video Cassette Recorders Next course commences on 10th September 1960 and 14th Janu- ;K: ary 1981 3 All students appear (or the City and Guilds of Lon- don Institute examination. Course
      758 words
    • 527 26 IF you've always wanted to study In Canada or America. c BUSMESS ADMsMtSTRATION c COMPUTER SCKNCE ENGINEERING AND ETC here's your chance to do it. Students applying for 1981 Intake must register for the TOEFL Test Call or write to: EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANCY SERVICES Suite 1302, SHAW TOWERS Beach Rd, Spore
      527 words
    • 625 26 VI EDUCATION TRAINING MUCTICM. PHOTOGRAPHY commencing 28 580 conducted by experienced Instructor Comprehensive course Inclusive dark room, outdoor sessions, etc Contact *****66. Metropolitan V.M.C A. LEAMN TO BE Telephone Operators. Typists. Telex Operators Computer Operators Job guaranteed Registration booklet SI 00 Room SOB. Far Fast Shopping Centre, (opposite Lido). Orchard
      625 words
    • 800 26 RAJA'S COLLEGE OFFERS: Secretarial. Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping. English. Telex. Correspondence Starting June Register now: Raja's College. 333E North Bridge Road (*****0/ *****3) STATISTICS 1) TUESDAY 7 30 -9 Wpm commencing 10/6/80 2) THURSDAY 600-730 p in commencing 19/6/80 3) FRsDAV 600 7.30 p.m commencing 20/6/80 4) SATURDAY 4.00 6.00 p.m
      800 words
    • 617 26 VII TMWL TOWS I 1 1^| DINERS 1 1 f UP HOLIDAYS f A reliable way to travel! WIDEST CHOICE AVAILABLE J Escorted Group Departures: 15 days Hawaii, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Disneyland, Los Angeles, San Diego, Mexico. HongKong. '77;3f/5; from $3160 17 days Hawaii, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Disneyland,
      617 words
    • 530 26 VII TRAVEL li TOURS Shentours /iftViliE^ Reliance ORIENT TOURS g Days 8 O'Y* Mimta'/Baguto/ MinHa/Bjouto/Pigunpn Pigwnj»n/Hona Kong/Sung Dynasty/New Tirntorws/ S OM OcainPirli Ei«ry Saturday $1. 499 Every Satu may "^chSST^KwjJeS!™^ DeYIPMMMMBJI* SOayj Mtt*/l*tM* HongKong/BingkoW •MuMCftTSSHoM Plltl i Choice food plus w«*& $1.34X1 crwmpagn* n.ttf Every Sunday 1/6,8/6,1/» n/13 Days 13/15
      530 words
    • 655 26 VII TRAVEL I TOURS j TOUR 4 TRAVEL PTE LTD 4* "V J .rmfms-B»4jrtjj^w^r^" —^Tj < .rWNe.W^-OttWrVk.SungViHi f *I^AYS^'tl^'ilo*^- >i62stE<>^ S<H > i itarom ft |f/rJ Boeing 707 Every Friday llflf 0 :o Ma)or European Cities j The young waytosee NEW ZEALAND with BILMIIHB<| MIGHTY (VOA 24Doys from A5499 Dept:
      655 words
    • 320 26 ANHANOEO HOLIDAYS BALI Jakarta Penang Langkam Completely at your choice. Laflear Travel T/A287. Indonesian Visa arrangeable *****14 MM HO TRAVEL SERVICE (I) rTL LTD. S.T.P.a LIC NO: 140 Head Office: Gl4-1&-18, Pearfs Centre, Eu Tong Sen St. (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 01 05. Tet *****33 (7 lines) Branch Office: 1 1
      320 words

    • 137 27 wish to convey their heartfelt thanka lo the lollowmg Msfjr Noel Ooh VO, Rev. ft. Matthias Tung, priest s. brothers and sisters President. Management Committee and members of St Joseph Dying Aid Association President and members of the Holy Souls and parishioners of Church of St. Teresa Management
      137 words
    • 442 27 Wish to thank all friends ,m1 anre. attendance and ■MMBJM of condolence during their recent bereavement THE FAMILY OF the late Mr Tan Poh Hua wish to express their heartfelt gratitude t,, relatives, friends. colle;iKues nf Airco/ASJ. doctors and nurses of Ward 10. Singapore Central
      442 words
      37 words
    • 90 27 IN EVERLOVING MEMORY of Mrs Teo Ah Kre (nee Rosa Yee) who vaseaDed to rest on 23/5/78. 'Her love was great/Her heart was kind /A better Mother you could never fit'l It) ever loving and fond memories of MR SUBBARAMAN, who left this world so suddenly on
      90 words
    • 153 27 In Loving Memory of Our Beloved Mother Departed 23rd May 1979 One year today we had to part. With a mother we loved with all our heart. We've been lonely since yon left us. Home has never been the same. All the world would he like Heaven. Just to have
      153 words
    • 87 27 TOK KOH CHUANG AGE 90 YEARS passed away peacefully on 21 mi leaving behind ONLY SON: Ink KimKial DAUGHTER IN LAW UmClMOfe Tee 2 GRANDSONS: VlCiOf i"k nsnuj ink peiin jit GRAND DAUGHTER IN LAW KaUMrineCheoiMj 1 BROTHER 1 SISTER IN I AW 1 SISTER 2 DAUGHTERS 2
      87 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 608 27 a aaaai^— ieaaa^aaaaa—eaaaa^ea—^aaaas VII TRAVEL A TOURS Tour Europe, Aust 1 or USA. by motor- caravan Ihr most ri'onomical. fun-filfed slid sdx-nttirous m famil\ holida) concept! |Hs7*- «t% am ■m '^n ©HAPPY HOLIDAYS PTE LTD. j& G- 1 A Centrol Building, Havelock Rood. <2 Tel: *****5/*****5 CHINA TOURS 210. HK
      608 words
    • 396 27 I •^■^■•■•■■■••■■SsasSSSSSSBBBBBBBBBBII West Malay na Tours DAILY/WECKLY DM OrnllnK S7S/9S Coach or C/ A $i«o Zl)in(;enllng(Alr) 5215 31 )2N PulauTioman $170 I TDKL ("H. Pen.Oenl $I*s/215 SD Penang .Clent X 1. $165/175 411 Pen nent(CH) Air mrh or coach/air $2*5/240 BOKuantan.Oent.KX $17S/I*s SD Kuantan. Trengftanu. Kota Bahru Dep: 2/6. 8/6.
      396 words
    • 589 27 VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL 1 127 Lost Found FAMILY PET LOST slni c BSjMSaJ niKlit IK S Ml I male pun (IOOkS like a small bull lion I %cry light brown rolOUf answers to name HulU Mas small si ar on right eyehall Reward fur information lending 1" Hi overv Cuntact
      589 words
    • 282 27 PLAZA F HOTEL REQUIRES A FEW KEY PERSONNEL The Plaza Hotel a new medium sized, international standard hotel in Kuala Lumpur invites applications for the following appointments GENERAL MANAGER: The Job: To take full charge of the Hotel with minimum supervision and direction. The successful candidate will report directly o
      282 words

    • 1724 28 DAfP -I 1.45 CLASS 6 DIV 2 1.200 M iv^v lj x ($B,OOO $5,600 to winner) 1 0982 Qf«otL«*BS(Cr«dit)Tan4MS( «lS)l.a00m8r CtMt 7 2 0800 BaHnatagtidiarM! Seng) Tan 3MS(dr 25) 1.200 m *m-Tmi| 6 1 6723 NoM*N*pa(YAL) H«ld)H M < jam* N) 1.200 m X hurnti 1 4 SM9
      1,724 words
    • 160 28 LONDON, Than. Three Irish race horses, Including Cheltenham Gold Cnp winner Tied Cottage, were disqualified as winners, for doping offences here yesterday. The drags "charges" were levelled at the end of a six-hoar meeting of the British Jockey Clnb here. The three horses, Chinruilah, KilIdlweU and
      AFP  -  160 words
    • 495 28 HE DAZZLES WITH FAST WORKOUT By FAIRWAY PENANG, Thurs. Hello Mykonos could break into the winner's circle in Race Six on Saturday. The Rajah three-year-old came to Malaysia unraced from Australia, but showed promise with a first-up second to Lovelia Jane here last month. On
      495 words
    • 216 28 World's best trotters may meet PERTH, Thurs. America's best pacer may clash with the Australian wonder horse, Pure Steel, in a special international match race trotting series here later this year. The Western Australian Trotting Association have thrown out a challenge to the sport in America. The executive vicepresident of
      AFP  -  216 words
    • 33 28 MOSCOW, Thurs. The Soviet Union's Under-21 soccer team won the European championship beating East Germany 10, in the second-leg of the final. The first-leg ended in a goalless draw. AFP.
      AFP  -  33 words
    • 157 28 Republic teams to contest Cups SINGAPORE will com- I pete in the six-day Malaysian national sepak takraw championships, starting in Alor Star on Monday, reports R. MANORAJ. The intermediates will compete for the Khir Johari Gold Cup (knockout), while the national team will contest the Malaysian states for the Tunku
      157 words
    • 37 28 NEW YORK, Thurs. Rochester Lancers beat Toronto Blizzard 3-1 the North American soccer League Other results: Memphis Rogues 2 Minnesota Kicks 1 Portland Timbers 2 Edmonton DriDn 1; California Surf 1 Houston Hurricane 0. Reuter
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 207 28 CRYSTAL PALACE, Than. Sebastian Coe, triple world record-hold-er, won his first race of the season last night, but his time of 1 mln. 47.5 see. for the 8M metres was way outside his world marl of last year. Coe won his event easily
      AP  -  207 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 173 28 Get together. And get ahead with Vespa. ■r -J*^ B *^sw_ k V \f i Laml I ftaßßßMst^ .'Mai'Afl W a^si saw bbbbbbbbl saraßßß^LWP^aT^l*J^Bl MP? Wr I k JaaW .^bbbV bt^*^ B^*^ B^ I ,_JZ •^k»^s bbbt f LaaaßV'^' /^^^^?^^^^^^^*^bbb! Lw aaai LbbbbW_-*^^L You know youre right with Vespa. 3^^=issa^^^
      173 words
    • 153 28 MORE SPORT ON PAGES 31, 32, S3 and 34 "QUICK-WATE'plan (Made in Canada) •^fepUICK If any membef of your family desires to gain weight, this QUICK-WATE PLAN is good. No matter how much underweight, any one in your family may be, they can now help themselvesgain by this plan. Start
      153 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      32 29 Iw/o Sdr. Chanan Singh I Kairon. Kluang, Johor I passed away on 11 5 80. I Path-da-Bhogat noon on I 27/3/80 at Sikh Temple. I Kluang. Johor. MDM. TEJ KAI'R
      32 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 794 29 xjbsidiary within our Group, distributing the .vned brand of MITSUBISHI ENGINES in line with xgram of expansion invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions I MARINE ENGINEER I ippanted candidate will head the Marine Engine Department, responsible for the total rketing program for the range of the
      794 words
    • 607 29 KENYATAAN TAWARAN JABATAN PERIKANAN Tawaran adalah dipelawa daripada pembekal-pembekal untuk membekal dan menyerah pukat-pukat multifilamen. Dokumen-dokumen tawaran boleh diperolehi daripada Jabatan Perikanan, Bahagian Pentadbiran, Tingkat 8, Bangunan Kementerian Pertanian, Jalan Swettenham, Kuala Lumpur dengan bayaran yuran sebanyak $1 5.00 senaskah. Tawaran-tawaran dalam sampul surat berlakri dan bertanda "Tender bagi bekalan
      607 words
    • 808 29 sumcLii 1. POOOCATMER Application! or* invited from reliable ond •xp*ri«nc*d Cutim to run th« Club's Rntouront. Food Mivad n W«tt«m ond Eottam food ond mutt b« equal to leading hotels in the country. Tenderer! should enclose a cheque for $300/- being tender deposit, without which tender forms will not be
      808 words
    • 546 29 SURUHANJAYA PELABUHAN PULAU PINANG JAWATAN KOSONG Permohonon-permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada war ganegoro-warganegara Malaysia untuk ditimbongkan bogi memenuhi jawatan -(owoton yong tersebut di bawah mi:--1 (i) Jawatan: Penolong Setiausaha Pegawai Pembelian (Sekim Pegawai Pentodbir) (ii) Tanggagaji: A22: $745 x 60 865/985 x 60 1 225/ 1 345 x 60— 1705x100 2005
      546 words
    • 48 29 NOTICE REPAIR WORK ON LEVEL CROSSING BY KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU The Level Crossing at Jalan Vontooren TJ. 26/9-10, Port Kkmg. Selangor will be closed to all traffic from 6.00 p.m. on 24.3.80 to 600 v a.m. on 23.3.80 due to repair work being ccrried out at the crossing.
      48 words

    • 247 30 GLASGOW, Thurs. Scotland hauled themselves back into the British soccer championship race when they beat Wales 1-0 here last night. Following their side's shock 1-0 defeat by Northern Ireland in Belfast last Friday only 31,359 Scottish fans gathered on the vast terracings of Hampden Park.
      247 words
    • 28 30 I Ireland Wet cotland r w u i> r urn 2 110 2 13 2 10 14 2 2 2 10 1112 2 0 112 5 1
      28 words
    • 300 30 Argentina end tour with 5-1 victory VIENNA, Thurs. Argentina ended their three-game European soccer tour with a smashing 5-1 win over Austria here last night. Theworld Cup-holders, in breathtaking form, went three goals up in 15 minutes, and Austria's goal in the 20th minute was only a token gesture. As
      300 words
    • 247 30 Siemens' late try helps Lions stay unbeaten POTCHEFSTROOM, Thurs. A brilliant try in the dying moments kept the British Lions' rugby union touring team's unbeaten record intact with a 22-19 victory over a powerful South African invitation side here yesterday. With a move lasting over a minute, which had the
      Reuter  -  247 words
    • 173 30 FRANKFURT, Thurs. Eintracht Frankfurt won the UEFA Cup here last night when they beat Borussia Moenchengladbach 1-0 in an exciting allWest German second-leg final match. Fred Schaub scored the decisive goal in the 81st minute, only four minutes after coming on as substitute. The 19-year-old former youth
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 294 30 Fletcher hits 54 for his second gold SPORT starts on Pag* 28 LONDON, Thurs. Former England batsman and Essex captain Keith Fletcher collected his second "gold award" in four Benson and Hedges' Cup matches when he helped to inflict the first defeat of the season on Glamorgan on Tuesday. Fletcher's
      Reuter; AFP  -  294 words
    • 294 30 Windies' Haynes finds form to knock 50 LONDON, Thurs. Des Haynes, the West Indies batsman who has been struggling to find his form in the sunshine start to his team's England tour, achieved his first fifty in their easy nine-wicket victory over Middlesex in a 50-over match at Lord's here
      AFP  -  294 words
    • 31 30 BARCEI.ONA, Thurs. Spanish soccer team Esnanol, o( Barcelona, left for Tokyo on the first lee o( their Far East tour, the club president Manuel Meier, announced yesterday. AP
      AP  -  31 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 1162 30 VAV A A MAGNUM CORPORATION BERHAD ANNOUNCEMENT The Directors are pleased to announce the results of the operations of the Company and the Group for the year ended 31st December, 1979 which are subject to final audit. The results include the Group's share of profits of associated companies and the
      1,162 words
    • 247 30 DISTRICT AND MAGISTRATES' COURTB SINGAPORE D.C. Sammaa* > N«. T7» «f IM Betweca MITSUBISHI SINGAPORE HEAVY INDUSTRIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED Plaiatlffii Aea 1. SADOt BIN OSMAN I. MOHAMED BARI BIN RODI Mtkuta FORM OP ADVERTISEMENT To: 1. Sadlr Bin Osman of or late of Block B, Room 45, Alexandra Road Singapore.
      247 words
    • 713 30 POSITIONS VACANT Due to its rapid development, o leading Plantation Company in Eoit Molaysia wiihes to invite applications for the pott of: 1. ESTATE MANAGER/ ASSJSTANT-IN-CMARGE Several vacancies exit! for these positions and the successful candidates will (i) be Malaysian, preferably Bumiputras (ii) be between 23 to 35 years old
      713 words

    • 534 31 Unknown upsets Gerulaitis in Italian tourney SOUTH-EAST ASIA Games gold-medallist Justedjo Tarik will be the first foreign star to play on the inaugural Singapore Open tennis ranking circuit as soon as plans work out between the Singapore Lawn Tennis Assocation and the sponsors, Wilson Sporting
      Agencies; AP  -  534 words
    • 153 31 MUNICH, Thurs. West Germany's 17-year-old Christoph Zepf scored a stunning 1-6, 6-0, 6-4 upset over second-seeded Wojtek Fibak, of Poland, yesterday in the second round of the U5575,000 ($160,500) Bavarian international tennis championships. Another German, Rolf Gehring, defeated the United States' Tim Garcia
      AP; AFP  -  153 words
    • 125 31 JAKARTA, Thurs Some 121 players from 18 countries are expected to destroy with powerful smashes a total of 3,000 shuttlecocks, worth 1555.700 ($12,198). to capture the five titles of the second world badminton championship in Jakarta, starting on Mon Tournament's organisers said they were ready to face the most
      125 words
    • 207 31 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. Sylvia Ng, Malaysia's 1978 Commonwealth Games gold medallist, is contemplating coming out of competition retirement. And, if she does, she will play in the Johore Open the sixth leg of the national badminton > circuit, scheduled here i from July 4-6.
      NST  -  207 words
    • 504 31 considered the world's best learn, last February in Singapore and badminton afficionailos wholeheartedly expected a revenge match. "We know Indonesia and China will meet again in a friendly before the end of the year, but it will not have the same dimension
      Agencies  -  504 words
    • 452 31 BERLIN, Thurs. THE United States and Australia won their way into the quarter-finals of the women's Federation Cup tournament yesterday, but Britain ran into unexpected opposition from Argentina. US tennis ace Chris Evert Lloyd beat New Zealander Brenda Perry 6-1, 1-0 and Tracy
      AP  -  452 words
    • 83 31 Chris heads seedings in France PARIS, Thurs. The French Tennis Federation announced yesterday that Chris Evert Lloyd had been seeded No. 1 in the 1980 French Open tournament. Behind defending champion Chris in the seedings were American Billie-Jean King, Australian Wendy Tumbull, Britain's Virginia Wade and Australian Dianne Fromholtz. The
      AP  -  83 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 262 31 :::::S::i:i:::::SS:::-:S-:-:-S:::::x:::::::::>;§ J A— V> I WKM O L Model 5500 k White Swan Fashion House L 75-A. Outram Park. Blk 18. Singapore 0316 Tel *****7 V A. Rahman Trading Co., BlkB4. 15BedokNonhSt 4. H Singapore 1646 Tel *****40 Atomic Electrical Trading Co., Model sooo 158. (Ist tlr). Bukit Timah Shopping
      262 words

    • 206 32 SEREMBAN, Thurs. Negri Sembilan have dropped four players from last year's squad for the Razak Cup hockey championship starting here on Sunday week. Former national players Aminuddin Ibrahim and Kuldip Singh, together with Clarence Sta Maria and Colin Fidelis, were axed after trials
      NST  -  206 words
    • 42 32 SINGAPORE Airlines Group B I overwhelmed hosts Singapore Cricket Club C 8-1 in the Singa pore Hockey Association Division Two League yesterday. In a Division One match at the Padang, Singapore Recreation Club B edged out Special Constabulary 2-1.
      42 words
    • 94 32 "IT slip out any moment now" Menu to be what Singapore State Selection's Thangavelq (left) and Parlelgh Clarke are thinking, as they wait anxiously to find the wayward bail. Bat not Ceylon Sports Club's fallen goalkeeper, Ramli Yusof, who Is trying frantically to parry It away from his
      94 words
    • 36 32 TICKETS at $2 (gallery) and $5 (ringside) will be on sale at the National Stadium on Monday (8.30 a.m.) for the Singapore-India badminton friendly at the Singapore Badminton Hall on Monday week (7 p.m.).
      36 words
    • 28 32 BEI,GRADE, Thurs Sarajevo beat Osijek 2-1 in the First Division Yugoslav League soccer match. Other results: Dinamo 4 Zeljeznicar 1; Hajduk 1 Red Star 3. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 261 32  -  ERNEST FRIDA By SHAHNAZ ACCEPTS SHA'S OFFER SINGAPORE Hockey Association's search for an international coach has ended. Mohammed Shahnaz, the brilliant Pakistani forward, has accepted the SHA offer and is scheduled to arrive in Singapore in the first week of July for a year's stay.
      261 words
    • 76 32 TONG WHYE, Sin Ma Decorama, Telok Ayer and Vigilante Corps A have qualified for the final round of the national basketball league, the last stage before the tournament proper, at the Gay World Stadium on Tuesday and Wednesday. They will battle for the two vacant berths in the national
      76 words
    • 66 32 KOTA KINABALU, Thurs. Sabah's Dato Khoo Siak Chew, former vice-president of the Olympic Council of Malaysia and the Malaysian Amateur Athletic Union, died in Taipeh last week. He was 61. Dato Khoo was also Deputy Sabah Chief Minister for 18 months from February 1968. He is
      NST  -  66 words
    • 38 32 LEIPZIG, Thurs. East Germany and Holland played to a goalless draw in the third round of the junior UEFA Cup match in Magdeburg Holland head Group Two and qualified for the semi-finals fallowing the draw AFP.
      AFP  -  38 words
    • 205 32  -  WILFRED YEO By* A RECORD 30 competitors, led by defending champion Lav Weng Yew, have entered for the national senior snooker championships starting on Tuesday week at the Katong Saloon. The record figure is due as much to tne game's growing popularity as to the
      205 words
    • 52 32 THE Singapore Anti Narcotic Association will hold a walkajog on Sunday at 7 a.m. from the Marine Parade Lagoon Fitness Park to the National Stadium's East Entrance. There will be four divisions men's senior, junior and veterans' and women's and those interested in taking part should report at the
      52 words
    • 154 32  -  PETER SIOW By Sim, Hong Kah, Hai Chew, Vigilante Corps B, Ministry of Defence, Bartley, Lotto and Chung Ngee falling by Me wayside. Group champions Tong Whye and Telok Ayer are strongly fancied to join the teams in the tournament proper. Singapore Airlines Group, Lam
      154 words
    • 362 32  -  (ENJALLEHJR Byf IT was thr spirit of camaraderie more than anything else that "inspired" Singapore's Ang Peng Siong into bettering the Asian Games 100 I metres feestyle record at the Asian invitational swimming championships in Jakarta last week. "I was inspired mostly j by
      362 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 16 32 £*bm i*ak-- A. i i a/j o f\J\ n BY B L-Qflton rlQll Goodwood Pork Hotel
      16 words
    • 67 32 ,;JsS|^- Mm "I've found a better correction fluid! I 1 Its called LIQUID PAPER. LJ \\\> trifcl most correction fluids ,it one tinif <>i tin- other I'or mi VH iiioiuv 1 iquul IVipei isthcU'st It takes iust<\ touch to cover themistnk' F^l ...dries quickly without a tell tale blob. My
      67 words

    • 425 33 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Brazil have been added to the European tour itinerary in July of Malaysia's victorious Olympic soccer squad. The tour, beginning on July 7, was a reward by the Football Association of Malaysia for the team's winning last month's Olympic qualifying Asia
      NST  -  425 words
    • 213 33  -  WILFRED YEO By IT was a quiet day if quiet is possible in a bowling centre at the Golden Bowl championships in Johore Bahru yesterday. The only talking point was the revision of the women's threesomes' leading score by Singapore's Ruby Chang, Nicky Koh and
      213 words
    • 187 33  - Ranjodh steals the show 1 PATRICK BASTIANS B! RANJODH SINGH, shock semi-finalist in the recent national squash championships, once again stole tne sho* in the Grays' Premier League clash between Singapore Cricket Club and tne Pathology Sports and Recreation Club, beating archrival Jeremy Yeo 4-9, 9-0, 9-2, 9-7 at the
      187 words
    • 128 33 BRUCE FENWICK won two more events yesterday the 100 metres breaststroke and 400 m individual medley to take his tally of wins to four in the Singapore Swimming Gub's Junior championships at Tanjong Rhu. On Monday, he had won the 100 m backstroke and 200 m breast-stroke for
      128 words
    • 261 33  - Yasuko shocks Katherine ERNEST FRID A By YASUKO SATOK pulled off an upset when she beat international golfer Katherine Loh on the 19th hole of the Singapore Island Country Club women's quarter-final matchplay championship at the Old course yesterday. Yasuko, who plays to a handicap of 17, came from behind
      261 words
    • 181 33 The Singaporp Windsurfer Class Association, formed last year, have been dissolved, reports PKTKR SIOW. The derision to dissolve the association was taken at a recent extraordinary general meeting A pro-tern committee, headed by international yachtsman Lock Hong Kit, have been formed to look into
      181 words
    • 204 33  -  PETER SIOW By SINGAPORE returned empty-handed from the recent Asian table tennis championships in Calcutta, but achieved a first in the tournament's 10year history. Men's doubles players Lee Yong Kong and Yap Chin Boon ana Loh Siew Kwan and Ang Wah Heng reached the quarter-finals for
      204 words
    • 97 33 SAAA, take note of Sng SNG YAM KWEE is a name the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association should bear in mind. Yesterday, at the Outram Secondary School's annual athletic meet at the Toa Payoh Stadium, the 18-year-old ran two of the fastest times by a schoolboy this year when he clocked
      97 words
    • 401 33  -  JOE DOR Al By FANDI AHMAD may be out of the Singapore team for tomorrow's Malaysia Cup-tie against Federal Territory at the National Stadium (7.30). Striker Fandi is in dan- ger of losing the place he has kept for 10 months for
      401 words
    • 66 33 TODAY KELANTAN v PERLIS (Kota Bahru Stadium. 8). TOMORROW SINGAPORE v F. TERRITORY (National Stadium. 7.30). ARMED FORCES v KEDAII (Merdeka Stadium. 8). SUNDAY SARAWAK v BRUNEI (Jubilee ground. 4.30). N. SEMBILAN v PAHANG (Station Padang, 4 45). PENANG v MALACCA (City Stadium, 7.X). SELANGOR v TRENGGANU
      66 words
    • 294 33 Tour of East Coast to test cyclists BERNARD PEREIRA By THE inaugural 50-kilo-metre cycling Tour of the East Coast will replace the track championships on Sunday (8.30 am) at Siglap Link Road. Poor response to the latter had forced the Singapore Amateur Cycling Association to scrap it in favour of
      294 words
    • 259 33  -  GOOD at sport, good at work this is the driving force behind the success of Bayer's soccer team Bayer 04, who will take on the Singapore side at the National Stadium on June 7, reports JOE DORAJ. Bayer 04, who have several West German national
      259 words
    • 38 33 THE Singapore Chinese Middle I Schools Teachers' Union clinched the national women's basketball title (or the fourth year running after defeating Singapore Airlines' Group 94-S1 in a final round match at Chung Hwa Girls' school yesterday.
      38 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 486 33 Your chance to get into a Challenging Career \The Republic of Singapore Air Force invites application from young men and women for Pilot Training. yf* Requirements |H 1^ 1. Between 16Vi and 25 years old (either male or female) j H^ 2At least 158 metres tall _Jm 3 Good eyesight
      486 words
  • Page 33 Miscellaneous
    • 78 33 ATHLKTKS Nanyang S4HTKR NTOC InU-r-Junior College mod iToa union Uurnamrnt, IH vision Payoh Sladium. 2 30) Onr: KDRHMDBWU v AUPE. IHvlsl.n Tti: AUPE v HOCKEY FrleMljr: RLt;EU PDRHDBWU v Singapore .Srl«-u,.n v Jotwre S MMU (Farre! Park. 5.15) 1 BUmmt Koad. 5 15). S^IASH National I-eague HI (iBV NaMMWl orbMlfi'
      78 words

  • 87 34 SEOUL, Thurs. North and South Korean Government representatives today failed to reach agreement on agenda for the proposed talks between their Prime Ministers, but agreed to continue discussions on June 24, a South Korean spokesman said. During the previous seven rounds of preliminary governmental talks since
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 154 34 Accord on need to strengthen defence alliance MANILA, Thurs. The United States and the Philippines agreed today on the need to strengthen their defence alliance' to meet the crises in Indochina and the Indian Ocean. The theme, composed in statements from US Secretary of State Edmund Muskie, US Ambassador Richard
    UPI  -  154 words
  • 32 34 NEW YORK, Thurs. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks rose 2.73 to 833 79 in the first half-hour of trading today on the New York Stock Exchange. AP.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 126 34 PERTH, Thurs. West Australian police cannot find a law under which to charge two men who tried to get local aborigines too drunk to vote in a state election. Aborigine leaders complained to authorities that two white farm labourers had passed out drinks from
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 207 34 Japan to freeze export contracts with Iran TOKYO, Thurs JAPAN today decided to freese export contracts with Iran concluded since last Nov4 as part of Its phase two economic sanctions against the Persian (inlf country. officials said. The trade embargo applies to all export contracts other than those for food
    NYT  -  207 words
  • 95 34 Stabbing bid on sex guru NEW DELHI, Thurs. Sex guru Acharya Rajneesh escaped injury today when a man threw a dagger at him at his ashram (hermitage) in Poona in western India. The Press Trust of India said the man, who was among a group of people listening to Rajneesh's
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 110 34 NKW YORK. Thins Two major US banks cul thoii prime interest rate today by a lull percpn'agp point 10 Is per rent in a move reflecting clerlininK demand far credit in i slac kening economy. Chase Manhattan Rink, the third larnesl US Iwnk. led today's
    UPI  -  110 words
  • 76 34 BANGKOK, Thurs. A white elephant was born in Thailand's southern Petchaburi province in what is considered a good omen for the reign of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, reports here said today. The white elephant, fourth to be found during the present reign, will be examined by specialists to
    AFP  -  76 words
  • 139 34 TKHRAN, Thins Topsecret dossiers found in a cave will help to identify former Savak agents stiil hiding in Iran, officials revealed today Thousands of bulky files assembled and then hurriedly discarded by the ex-Shahs hated political ftoUce wet c discovered lidden in a cave
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 320 34 UNITED NATIONS, Thursday THE Soviet Union, in a note issued here yesterday, turned down a UN invitation to the Geneva conference on aid to Kampuchea to be held on Monday and Tuesday. The Soviet note charged that the conference would be "political" rather than
    AP; AFP  -  320 words
  • 71 34 KOKKION Affair* Minister, Mr 8. Rajarat nam, leaves for (ieneva today with a delegation to attend the two-day international meeting on Humanitarian Assistance and Relief to the Kampurhean People starting on Monday. The delegation comprises the Senior Minis ter of State (Foreign Af fain), Mr
    71 words
  • 98 34 Boy killed by 14-year-old with 'hit list' CLEVELAND, Thurs. Mark Hintz, 13, was shot dead on Tuesday night by a 14-year-old boy carrying a "hit list and armed with a .357 Magnum revolver, police said yesterday. The unidentified suspect, arrested sevetal hours after the shooting, earlier told friends he planned
    UPI  -  98 words
  • 81 34 VATICAN CITY, Thurs. Pope John Paul II strongly confirmed the Roman Catholic church's doctrine of papal infallibility today and said Swiss theologian Hans Rung was correctly penalised for questioning it. In an 11-page letter to the Roman Catholic bishops of West Germany on the Kung case,
    UPI  -  81 words
  • 150 34 'Over 300,000 Viet troops in Kampuchea' NEW YORK, Thursday US OFFICIALS may have underestimated the number of Vietnamese troops in Kampuchea. Visitors returning from Vietnam now say this figure exceeds 300,000, Newsweek magazine re ported in its latest issue According to the magazine, the new figure is 100,000 more than
    150 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 125 34 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Daily Cov*t Ptk* ft* Aooool Subscription tl.Vi For Mibtcription. <•»// 73~(»>n Kit KM TODAYS HIGHLIGHTS. Singapore's long-awaited central bank is near birth. QUEK PECK LIM reveals the strategy for merg- ing the Monetary Authority of j Singapore with the Board of Commissioners of Currency, paving the
      125 words
    • 265 34 I Rent your Colour TV from VISIONHIRE Super offers. We open 7 days a week. NEW REDUCED 100% RATES DISCOUNT ON $1.00 a day W MONTH Rentals stort from s n <* r $1.00 a day or absolutely FREE $31 per month. NO NO DEPOSIT GUARANTOR No down For house
      265 words
  • Page 34 Miscellaneous
    • 182 34 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Mainly fair TEMP. (C) up to C a.m. tomorrow: 33 max., 25 min. Sl'NSKT today: 6.37 p.m.; SI'NRISK tomorrow: S.2C a.m. GLOBAL weather AmxW-rdam MtC Oar Anp«lrs 14-20C Cloudy Athenn 16-23C OMI Madrid S-23C Cl.>ai Bakraio 26-34 C dMH Manila 23-35 C Cloudy Bangkak 2H-30C
      182 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION 2
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION 2
      5 words
    • 1164 1 Li£e of Qi Baishi By LI LIENFUNG THE reason why Qi Baishi appraised his other achievements superior to his painting, was perhaps because the talent of drawing came to him naturally, while his other accomplishments were all acquired after a great deal of hard work. He was born
      1,164 words
    • Article, Illustration
      155 1 tfeflr/fftU£»fWtt ffefi'jPiffl fcWfcfft&ri tfM-ffi .BfW bt«Klfc"r'7«l*4-i£H «K#tttt* ftl¥*«Fß t&tt*ttf#K»ft7 /VAH¥ .Ift*^*!* TCttft /*'h*t**S f'J Pi?iftt#»£tf*tf* *X«flk*t* 3=* tkfti\iX .Hl* 5C WPK ft /It "£!!s¥£ 7 'J"C>II Li *JTil *tt«T *SJSR'>tf 7«* attti-ttaw« ft®.'* *ttf4¥fc HIW #vv aft** »£tlfi m*f&A-£« w« «ttft±an*T* rff±* of'JTffe £^W C J. *E fl«;fc»*iijnjli
      155 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 36 1 Madame Dolores Chollet, wife of His bcellency the French Ambassador will officiate the opening ceremony of the Beauty wAshop today at 12.00 noon. By fovititfm Qn/y BGIUTY WORKSHOP G4,Thong leek BuUng,ls Scxtts toad, Singapore 0922. 1e1:734»54/*****55.
        36 words
      • 224 1 aim I You get a whole lot more quality than in other TV Soft-touch micro-switch controls, more ideally sets. Only SABA gives you:- suited to humid, tropical conditions than senses. 3-dlmension-like pictures from the new SABA More stable pictures with 2-way synchronisation ULTRACOLOR inline picture tube with increased and unique
        224 words
      • 65 1 INSIDtA The heritage of jade mm im D* yea Immediately think "green" or "Jewellery" when someone mentions "Jade?" Read about the heritage of jade on Centrespread. Pages 10,11 Rollercoaster comedy 1"' Hop on for a riotous ride that promises hairpin tarns of plot, sany swoops of emotions, comic asides and
        65 words
    • PICK of the DAY
      • 233 2 THE current Chameleon fever that has hit the city should drive many to the goggle box tonight, because Ah Mvi is appearing in Colourama (Ch 8, 7.55 p.m.). She is the girl who was recently thoroughly jilted in this lengthy saga of three Hongkong families. Ma Mun Yee,
        233 words
      • Article, Illustration
        186 2 WHERE do elephants go to die? Find out on World Of Animals (AM, 8.45 p.m.). Tonight's programme focuses on the Indian elephant's habits. Kumar, animal keeper at the Singapore Zoological Gardens, tells us about his experiences with elephants, and Dr Nellie Fong answers pet problems. Antony Hopkins returns
        186 words
      • 137 2  -  PAPER Roses on Radio Theatre (9 p.m.) has nothing do with untrue lovers. It is Dennis Potter's play on the Press, and the general attitude of reporters to their work and each other. Potter was a newspaperman himself, so his story should be full of insight and authenticity. The
        137 words
      • 59 2 TUNE in to what goes on between London and Singapore in terms of trade, exhibitions and general business, with George Yeatman on It's Big Business (8.45 p.m.). Tonight's talks include information on the British plastics industry, the London '80 stamp exhibition, and an array of communication aids that were
        59 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 435 2 Borobudur Intercontinental Your Business Centre in Jakarta. If you travel frequently you'll expect your hotel to offer some kind of business centre to assist you. You probably won't expect one that offers services like ours. Like 24-hour telex, telephone and message facilities, secretarial and translation services. Like small conference rooms
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      • 31 2 tSSk\ SPECIAL $SS.< \fj4 OfFER V| J7JS* JS&. W Tecrnan '^fc ll^m^^b^fr Christian QftsCtetnbutof^^^ii o > s.r.»^xK.oio6 mmSVvI x T#l ***** r YAw t•* Sundwi 2 00pm 600 0^ GYsiolism \g/M j^
        31 words
      • 11 2 BiMfIOOUSy washing machines mss Wetate loads off your hands. L J
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 310 2 SINGAPORESYMPHO- Singapore at the Queens- centre from 3 p.m. to 10 NY ORCHESTRA Celeb- town Library lecture room p.m. On till Sunday. rity Concert with guest at 3 p.m. ART 0NE an art I soloist Igor Politkovsky LOVE AND RESPONSI- exhibition by Catholic (violin) at the Singapore BHJTY a talk
        310 words
      • 1221 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.00 PM Opening followed by House- 7.00 Samudra (Repeat) wives' Matinee "72 Martyrs" 7.30 News and Newsreel (Malay) (r) Mandarin Feature Film) 7 55 Celebrity Charades A 8.2C Science Report 4.50 Intermission 8 35 Paris 6.00 Opening followed by In The Wild 9.30 News (Engfsh)
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      • 501 3 Hairpin turns of plot, zai swoops of emotl Abu Hassan, a comic opera June 12, 14, 15, 8.30 p.m. Victoria Theatre; Tickets $2, $3, $5 at theatre, C X Tang, Cold Storage ■WITH drinking, dancing, singing Let one and all be Hinging The cares of life away" So
        501 words
      • 343 3  -  TAN BUAT LIAN By THEY will all soon be here the magnanimous Caliph, Harun al-Rashid, the Knavish servants, the saucy wives, the unctuous money-lenders of legendary Araby, singing singing, swaggering and skylarking their way across the stage. But for fanciers of substance in entertainment, soap bubbles would
        343 words
      • 218 3 Igor Politkovsky with the SSO Tonight and tomorrow, 8.15 p.m. Singapore Conference Hall SINGAPORE m \m SYMPHONY^* -ORCHESTRA 10AT THE Moscow Conservatory, Igor Politkovsky studied under David Oistrakh, the Russian violinist (or whom Prokofiev and other Russian composeis have written works specially. The illustrious
        218 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 234 3 Now Thorn makes you an offer S^ese, r J Electronic programme you can't refuse! g 4* rss^ZL *m^LWt^ J§Lf-i 51cm Luxor L'^^^^^fifirti H^ luxury colour set. I wm I L^a^l Push button controls. Low power consumption I I m^ff per month I (0P Jmm^mm!^m\MmLmW i I*^ Illuminated channel V^Lw Power
        234 words
    • 791 4 A sort of Gothic Puck Lower lip pouting, tummy outthrust in a parody of defiance, eyes a little too wide with innocence, Hitchcock never quite lost the look of a child just caught out. And so it was, that his genius the child in him that understood how close a
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 591 4 PLAZA %$s The most successful retail V complex of the 80's HIGH INCOME CATCHMENT COMPLETION 1980 UNIQUE FEATURES NOW the affluent middle Income group* Of Concrete Super-structure is complete with the Luxurioua driWia*, both lastng and aaay lo u-,1,.- Darario Katnnn anH tfis uihnlc building now at an advanced state
        591 words
    • 857 5 When BL Ltd, Britain's troubled stateowned carmakers announced last September that it planned to halt production of the MG, the backlash in the US was swift and loud and some US car dealers even flew off to Britain in
      857 words
    • 354 5  - WHO launching drive against world alcoholism mOMASLAND By in GENEVA THE World Health Organisation is about to launch a campaign against a "worldwide epidemic" of alcoholism. In many countries, rich and poor, something like half the crime rate is associated with drunkenness, and up to half of all traffic accidents
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 403 5 ■I* 1i 1^ "*TaW Imported 5694 56cm (22") IMHH H^BBSBBBI I (Remote) 1 1 Recommended Retail Price #j| l I $2/085 J^H SSI I (Stand inclusive) X |j £tg Q^ffc m^^^^ (Stand inclusive) Authorised Dealers (H.P. Scheme available) AbtomanPta.LM. Boon CMn T.V. Sanlc* Jafco Audio (P*> Lid Public Radio Co.
        403 words
      • 771 6 Conventional wisdom used to put the hearing ability of small mammals such as mice, rats, bats and tree shrews down to a matter of body size. But animal experiments done some time ago show that the answer could lie in a totally different direction.
        NYT  -  771 words
      • 781 6 Germ warfare on pests killing them softly CALIFORNIA scientists and the Swiss drug company Sandoz are working together to develop natural microscopic insect killers, including a virus for use on apples, as a supplement to chemical pesticides. Other viruses may be used on vegetable and cotton crops, while a protozoan
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 585 6 Aspects of TSLs commitment to development: Customer Training Cat machine owners get the extra benefit of personnel trained by TSL —at no extra cost fclfc^ Development both pablk and private. Quality equipment to do the development work. WellB^^ trained people to get the beat oat of the equipment. Theee are
        585 words
    • Will the protons last forever?
      • 548 7 ROBERT LOCKE in IRVINE, California AN underground water tank deep inside an Ohio salt mine may tell scientists whether all matter everything that exists in the universe will ultimately decay into formless bundles of energy. Although that eventual catastrophe seems possible, there's no reason for
        NYT  -  548 words
      • 214 7 SCIENCE WATCH Dazzling way to tell the right time A HUGE sundial on a wall at Monash University, Melbourne, is accurate every day of the year and will be for several hundred years and it also gives the date as well as the time. Its designer is senior leciurer in
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      • 299 7 A new look at the Dead Sea scrolls WHEN the Dead Sea scrolls were first discovered over 30 years ago in a cave at Qumrun, they created a sensation among Biblical scholars because some of them contained the oldest known versions of passages and books from the Old Testament. Mosi
        NYT  -  299 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
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      • 708 7 "™)~hLA*uLJja- FIRE EXTINGUISHERS f\ ABC DRY POWDER TYPE BC DRY POWDER TYPE FOAM B.WATERCO2TYPE t^ uSSSHOours Sr^ V SYSTEM I* BBBBe*. M. ft^ar^B M^^A^U^j pah calu j6^Sss pipeconduit SP^TTI and bolt threading machine nickel-cadmium I I O*J0 *J Portable Thread Cut and Reams BATTERIES 6 mm to 150 mm V
        708 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 392 8 (*****6) 5 SHOWS Mom. I 30, 4, 63C 9 15pm (No Free list) i iik i iMr 9^r am sWr^aaaaßl a jat Tins w iWHa mm!) hrn 'n **<»■ i i < im inn ORCHARH: 51st BIG DAY! v I 30. 4 00. 6 30 1 9 1 5pm (No
        392 words
      • 316 8 tSS3 ODJIf Singapura Forum Hotel. 585. Orchard Road. Singapore. 0923 Tel *****53 Our Restaurant is fully booked Today Saturday Sunday Lunch will be as usual (BRANCH) 401 4th Floor. Plaza Singapura, Orchard Road. Singapore, 0923 Tel *****7/*****8 Our Restaurant is fully booked on Saturday Lunch will be as usual Any
        316 words
      • 437 8 Saturdays, Sundays Eves of Holidays On these days, you pay less to come on our package special. (2 days a 1 night) $1 17 (nett) double occupancy $43 (nett) additional person a $23 (nett) per child under 12 accompanied by parents 3 persons maximum per chalet Charges inclusive of Service
        437 words
      • 299 8 23rd MAY— 22nd JUNE MEW WOiLID MID-YEAR TRADE FAJtf'Bo .a^Eafl eb^bW I Ba^Ti#A^B E^^PUKfti *r 23rd DAY at LIDO (*****14) 4 SHOWS daily: 11am, 2 30, 6 A 9.00pm Admission: CIRCLE {4. STALLS $3 $7 No Free List 3 DAYS ADVAWCt CASH SALE $4 00 I $3.00 ONLY DOLBY STEREO
        299 words
      • 632 8 r^vCATH^ji I y^X/ ORGANISATION 1.1 MowoHOwmai l|i II 11am 1J0.4, IK HSpm i I Cotumbto. Uo.v»r»o) Prawn! i mm 1 11*1 810 OAVI J No Froo Uii' 111 1 I I 1 JO. 4. IKII I»pm I I WINHCB Of II S ACADEMY AWARDS i !1 1 including BCOT PtCTUNE
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 227 9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\ l^^^»»aa»J»««^^^l^ i^^^W I Cv^ Everything <> jti£Z> hasto go. All prices 3 V*^ slashed. Hurry don't k^\ miss this stunning event. Double Bedroom Suite """"ll UP 51. 080.00 SALE $775.00 B (Mattiess Extra) DESIGN MCDBEL PTE. LTD. fUnit 109, Thomson Plaza. 301. Upper Thomson Road, Singapore 2057, Tel: *****06
        227 words
      • 362 9 Fi»iy»ars Innovation The Texas Instruments _^w_ Language Translator That Speaks. The world's first hand held and display words, phrases and sentences. (^Htf L^^Lvl V\ Optional Language Modules help you Electronic brain shows and tells how to If JV speak the language of your choice. pronounce foreign words by actual example
        362 words
      • 152 9 J y<^ Saturday BiiiSSSlilter^^ at B.ispm CorttTa Dep( 4>re Pie I td. MODEtS MADE-UP WITH COSMETICS J America's Number 1 Pantyhose E Eastern Agancwt (Singapore) Pt». Lid. Wines and SpiritiD IVVxieh ELSAYEOMOOEL /VC£NCY Co Ordhaior IVOR ISAAC M For Reservations. Please Call *****22 Ext. 137/141 td htle\: *****21 W 19
        152 words
      • 1211 10 Treasur sure chests Words: TENG JUAT LENG Photographs: GIAN BEE YOON SHE was looking for furniture, like any woman needing to set up home, but found some "treasures" instead. That was how Mrs Robyn Rae Goh fell in love with Eastern antiques and got herself, almost involuntarily it seems, into
        1,211 words
      • 1097 10 Emilio Pucci offers to d Singapore's national cos s to design nal costume SIGNOR Emilio Pucci, Europe's acclaimed haute couture designer, has offered to design Singapore's National Costume. An incredibly humble and modest Pucci said: "I read about your search for a National Costume in the papers when I arrived,
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      • 754 11 TALK about jade and most people think of a green stone that originates from China. But in truth, jade comes in all colours of the rainbow and do not in fact come from China, but from the region west of it, the West Turkestan area. And
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 169 10 pijn f^^M 2kZ2Z w+m SI i^^^ ■> '^*$Lr ■Kb Off®'' BUY FREE Too good to be missed luxury power spring Any from nowbuy P WER '"'^p^u p,, POWER SPRING quality mattresses. Double Bed 2 POWER FOAM Pillows you get POWER FOAM pillows worth $35.00 and bolsters absolutely FREE! Single
        169 words
      • 164 10 Special diamc xx i prices for>ojrje\\* 4 llery May 15-31 Atthe Diamond Boutique, welet>oj pekthe diamoncl \ojieaUy I want. ai Metro Grand, you II see hundreds ol lop grade white diamonds cvi In shapes to suit every fancy. Which means you can choose the size am I quality ihat you
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 258 11 f "Great news, for new Mums!* Balance have a new range of functionally excellent and fashionably pretty nursing bras. Available in twenty different sizes, whether cotton or nylon, white or skintone and in four cup fittings /^Ui there is a Balance nursing bra 'W\ J with a comfortable' fit for
        258 words
    • 1286 12  -  WILLIAM SAFIRE in New York By WELL, here goes. I interviewed Ronald Reagan and came away with the impression that he begins every answer with the word "well." The interjection of a meaningless word or phrase to help a respondent fill the sound vacuum as
      NYT  -  1,286 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 299 12 microvision THE ELECTRONIC GAME SENSATION OF THE YEAR _^^^*00V% HOURS OF FUN sfiJl* FOR ONE OR MORE PLAYERS m^g^j F5 Excltin 0 flames of V V X strategy, skill and m. ',l?-i j4 Wtk 1 chance each in a \\^^^X^^\\ m M self-contained cartridge w n i^s own programmable features.
        299 words
    • 515 13 Jurong's early birds Old, young all partake of the early morning ritual By PAUL JANBEN THE LUMINOUS hands on my clock show an hour best spent in bed. But I shrug off the drowsiness tempting me back under the blanket and head for the kitchen From the balcony at the
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    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 897 13 Now, the Winner of the Car of the Decade' presents the new Alfasud Sprint 1-5 Veloce bb^bl lal I bH bbW I m^ Mm I I I l^^B m I Bwl H'_l i Ilk i bWbbbWJI aMBW BMBaBI HbVbBBB^ BMBBBBmI •^IBMaVal I V Lw BaW «B bbbV^l Lw I .^BBT
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    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 619 14 I PLASTIC I MOLDIN6 X Maintain S«l-up Man Who Are Able To M moke set-up ond odiustments to outomotic molding mochmes set mechonicol, electrical and hydrauhc control read instrument results Who Possess o Technical/Trade Certificate with mimmum I year's relevant experience I or have relevant working experience only Your Remuneration
        619 words
      • 454 14 EB COMMUNICATIONS a subsidiary of AS ELEKTRISK BUREAU, NORWAY manufactures communications equipment in Singapore. The products are today being developed in Norway but the aim is to do development of new products in Singapore as skill and experience are built up. We are looking for an energetic, talented engineer willing
        454 words
      • 686 14 SALES MANAGERS Our client, a member of a well-established group of companies, marketing a leading brand of industrial vehicles and equipments, seeks the appointment of several Sales Managers. The successful candidates will report to the Marketing Manager and will be responsible for the achievement of the company's sales objectives by
        686 words
      • 648 14 PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR (Permanent 3rd Shift) Polytechnic /Ngee Ann diploma in Engineering with 1 to 2 years supervisory experience. Responsibilities of a Production Supervisor include supervising activities of a product line; planning and scheduling work to maximise utilisation of resources in machinery, people, and materials; implementing and developing quality process and
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      • 217 14 TENDER Tender will be received for the supply of the following undermentioned Items In the Ministry of Defence (Logistics Division), Tanglin, SINGAPORE 1024 up to 11.00 a.m. on date shown against the Items: 1 VEHICLE CANOPIES FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR COMMENCING FROM 1 AUG gO TO 31 JULBI
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      • 303 14 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CHAPTER 18S AND IN THE MATTER OF SENG SENG ENTERPRISES PRIVATE LIMITED (Members' ValuUry UqafcUttea) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 272 ot the Companies Act, Chapter 185 that a Final Meeting of the members of the abovenamed Company will be held
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    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 1220 15 i Tax-free opportunities for Computer Personnel Gulf Air, the national airline of the Gulf States, has the following opportunities for suitably qualified computer personnel based in Bahrain, in order to meet the demands of a rapidly expanding airline and increased sophistication of our data processing equipment. DP Planning Manager DP
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      • 1013 15 GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) AVIATION SERVICE OPERATION PTE LTD This is a recently established high technology GE Affiliate in the Aircraft Engine Component repair business. We are seeking qualified candidates in the following positions for our start-up operations:-MANAGER-MATERIALS SUPERINTENDENTThis is a senior management position and WELD A METAL SPRAY reports to
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      • 217 15 We are looking tor suitably qualified and motivated individuals lor appointment as ENGINEERING ASSISTANTS You must posses a recognised diploma in Electrical cr Civil Engineering. For the former, you should preferably have 1 to 2 years working experience You should be between 22 and 30 years of age and not
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 798 16 SIHDB I Separate tenders are invited for any one or I all of the followlng:(1) SANITARY AND WATER INSTALLATION to 1 Block of 11 -Storey 4/5- Room Improved Flats. 1 Block of 12-Storey 4/3-Room New Flats, 1 Block of 11 -Storey 3/4Room New Flats (Total 430 Units) at Bedok New
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      • 748 16 #PWD TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from PWD Registered Contractors for the following:(A) Supply ond Delivery of Pressed Clay Bricks to Changi Airport Contract A. Eligibility: Supply Contractors (c) Bricks, cement and sand $500,000/- ond above. OR Registered Contractors but below the financial category or non-registered Contractors or Clay Bricks
        748 words
      • 852 16 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CHAPTER 186 PURSUANT TO SECTION 254(1 )(b) FERROSTTAL ENGINEERING (S) PTE. LTD. At a General Meeting of the members of Ferrosttal Engineering (SI Pte Ltd duly convened and held at Room 406. 3rd Floor. Peoples Park Complex. New Bridge Road. Singapore 01 06
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      • 895 16 tWIiSHC THE TRADE AND PUBLIC are advised that the above trademark is the property of our client Abraham Aaron Isaac of Abe Isaac Pte Ltd of 601-604 Soon Wing Industrial Building, Singapore 1334. This trademark is protected in Singapore and Malaysia under the Trade Mark Registration Nos. ***** and M.
        895 words
      • 381 16 MINISTRY OF HEALTH TKMIF.K NOTICK TENDER ARE INVITED FOR THK SI PPLY INSTALLATION OF FITMKNTS COl NTERS TO the niw singapore (;kneral hospital phase 2a<1> block 5. Tenders are Open to all PWD Registered Furniture Contractors $500,000/- class and above. Other reputable Contractors may apply tc tender. All tenderers shall
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      • 353 16 PARKS RKIRK AT10N DKPARTMK.NT I MINISTRY OK NATION \I. NVOJraM 1 Reference: Cotnrn il'&R) 1 T6/80 Tenders are invited tor: Construction of Timber Nurser\ Sheds for Orchids 1 at Botanic Garden*. Sin«a- pore Eligibility: PWI) Registered Contractors in Building Site Showround: 10 am on Tuesday. 27.5.80. Meet at: Entrance to
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    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 1486 17 TRONOH MINES MALAYSIA BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) txirart. lioa th« •iat«ai«al by th« Chairman. Y.B. Raja Badrol Aftmad, for y«ar *nd«d Slat D«c««b*r 1979. Paat year's performance As forecast in the last review, the total production of the company and its subsidiary. Bidor Malaya Tin Sendirian Berhad. fell below that
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      • 929 17 Tender Notice Tenders are invited forI SUPPLIES a) Tender No. PT/88/8O( Y) Supply of> item 1 2,500 metres Foam Polyethylene 22.23 mm (7/8") Coaxial Cable. Item 2 60 pieces N Jack Male Connector for use with Item 1. Item 3 8 units of UHF Receiver Multi-couplers. Eligibility: Registered Contractors Class
        929 words
      • 562 17 THE VOCATIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BOARD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND THE FOUNDRY INDUSTRY INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING IN WOOD PATTERNMAKING The Scheme Duration: 3 years Training: The training will be structured in 8-week cycles, each comprising 2 weeks of institutional training ot Jurong Vocational Institute
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    • 1344 18 LIFE in a penal institution or a drug rehabilitation centre can hardly be likened to that of a student pursuing his studies in school. However, for at least 250 inmates in such institutions, a parallel can be drawn between the major part of their present daily routine
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    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 410 18 oj^ty Couturier of the Elite C-^ and more CHOSE 3! CO. PTE. LTD. 24 COLEMAN STREET. SINGAPORE 061 7 TEL: *****1. *****59 jj^fe Just the Book for Moral Education >*PPPB^^ for pupils, teachers and parents. I IH£HfcART~| f f\^^^M /#^Lm\ The Heart of a Boy is a heart -warm ing
        410 words