The Straits Times, 20 May 1980

Total Pages: 40
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, MAY 2f, 188* JO CENT£ M.C.(P) No. 1 1 1/1/80
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  • 531 1  -  SOH TIANG KENG Allowances fully taxable from 1981 By THE government will scrap from next year tax relief for transport allowances paid by companies to staff who need to travel on business. This move, a rude shock to motorists, is part of the government's strategy to curb
    531 words
  • 382 1  - Differences remain after Thai-Viet talks LEE KIM CHEW By Our Bangkok reporter BANGKOK, Mon. Differences between Thailand and Vietnam on the settlement of the Kampuchean conflict remained after their first round of talks today. Thai Deputy Foreign Minister Arun Banupong told reporters at the end of today's session that Vietnam
    382 words
  • 51 1 FI-ORIDA. Mon. Former Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel toda> began serving a three-year prison term for nts Federal racketeering and mail fraud conviction The once- powerful poUticUn reported to EI.(jin An Hon.' Bim, a country cM>" FMci al prison early this morning, said assistant superintendent Dave Swvhart
    51 words
  • 54 1 Moscow. Mon Fanner US president Richard Nixon's now book. The Real War. Rot a sra'hing review today from Pravda, and the editors n( the communist part) n<'ws|>a|>«'i said the work was "one more trick from tricky Dick. intended to amouflaK' 1 his enduring desire to return to the
    54 words
  • 31 1 CAIRO. Mon fr.-sKl.-nt Anwar Sadat today ordered a ban on unauthorised demonstrations, political and religious activities inside schools and the use of places of worship for political purposes UPI.
    UPI  -  31 words
  • 223 1 A NATIONAL Guardsman, armed with an MIfi rifle modified to fire tear gas bombs, caverIng an area yesterday in riot-torn Miami, Florida, where firemen were battling fire started by rioters. The rioting, sparked off by the acquittal of fonr Miami policemen charged with beating
    AP  -  223 words
  • 552 1 50,000 battle South Korean troops SEOUL, Monday FIFTY thousand students and residents of z major south-western South Korean town battlec fully armed paratroopers with rocks and sticks ir street demonstrations that raged throughout tht day today. It was the second day in a row that students and town residents supporting
    AP; AFP; UPI  -  552 words
  • 32 1 COLORADO, Mon. Singers Diana Ross, Andy (Jibb and Barbara Mandrrll helped Bob Hope celebrate his 77th birthday yesterday in a special television taping attended by about 40,000 people UPI.
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 51 1 ROME, Mon. The government decided today that Italy will not send an official team to the Moscow Olympics. The decision was taken at a special Cabinet meeting and was supported by the government's three coalition partners the Christian Democrats, the Socialists and the Republicans. UPI. SEE PAGE
    UPI  -  51 words
  • 81 1 Census starts today SINGAPORE'S population head count starts today as census officer* are sent throughout the island from 9 a.m., In the first of three stages to collect information for the census. Households will be numbered and the number of persons In each home counted. Officers will also note the
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  • 59 1 STOCKHOLM. Mon. Swedish television will gear its schedules to the weather this summer, showing feature films on afternoons when rain is predicted. A Swedish television HlTtrfl man said today the weekly film schedule would be broad cast on Mondays during the national holiday month of July, at
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 37 1 NKW OKI. HI. Mon Al least 14 people have been killed and 100 injured, some critically, in growing election campaign violence in several Indian states, news reports said today ijpi BKK PAtiK 3
    37 words
  • 75 1 MOTORCYCLIST Tay Chin Pene, 27, became the 105 th road accident victim this year on Sunday. Mr Tay was riding his machine along Telok Ayer Street when it went out of control, skidded and rammed into two stationary v«-.iicles He suffered serious injuries and died in
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  • 376 1 PARIS, Monday FRENCH President Valery Giscard d'Estaing today proposed to Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev a summit meeting next year of the world's major powers, according to French Presidential spokesman Jacques Blot. Speaking to newsmen at the end of the one-day Giscard-Brezhnev talks, Mr Blot did
    AP; AFP  -  376 words
  • 323 1 India's bid to help solve Afghan crisis NEW DELHI, Mon. INDIAN Foreign Secretary Ram Das Sathe said today the Afghanistan crisis is "(tearing a solution." He refused to elaborate but commented that a solution would soon reach "take-off stage." Mr Sathe flew to Kabul on Friday in response to a
    AFP  -  323 words
  • 55 1 LONDON, Mon. England manager Ron (ireenwood has sacked all but one of his side beaten 4-1 by Wales yesterday for tomorrow's British soccer champion ship match against Northern Ireland here. Announcing his side today Greenwood announced only lieeds defender Trevor Cherry survives from the 1 1
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 112 1 The watch A "*^Vc that lasts a I lifetime takes^^/ V a year to make 'Jr. lai Hunt HaiigtPtc.) Ltd. and Branch A|L m North Bndie Ro*d. Sin|»[wit Trl !:<*»< 4. *****1. ■'J7720T LCHVREY ORGAN (USA) v SPECIAI^I OFFER N Model TGO- 1 I Usual Price $7,800.00 Now $4,999 00
      112 words
    • 167 1 40 pages today MODIFIED OMO SCHEME FOR TRAVELLERS Pag* 11 IRAN puts Afghan guerillas on its team 2 SOVIET move to split Western allies? 3 CHINA will (ire more test missiles 4 LONGEST and costliest news stake-out 5 SIX months for accidental shooting of military cop I HOTEL room boy
      167 words
    • 179 1 ■MT' 9 Polybuilding fcJ CSJPte.Ltd. s^f* Importer Exporter ol lull rang* ot Italian Ceramic Was marMa cadi.- a "ZsSi. B'ar.^ S.n<j,,. |p PHILIPS Philishave Exclusive: Nine comfortable ways to a closer shave |HHp^^H hug the contours of your face, and a new wide-angle head that makes awkward corners .^^fl easier
      179 words

    • 157 2 Egypt to wait for better political climate JERUSALEM, Mon. President Anwar Sadat told Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin today that Egypt would agree to renew the suspended Palestinian autonomy talks only after the political climate became more suitable for negotiations, Israeli officials said. Egypt, Israel and the United States have
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 215 2 AFTER a 21-year court battle, a poor Filipino farmer has been declared owner of a US$2.B billion (about Ss6 billion) tract of suburban land where scores of government and private ouildings now stand but he is not around the reap
      AFP  -  215 words
    • 52 2 BIRTHDAY CAKE FOR PONTIFF POPE John Paul II blowing oat the candle on a massive foar-tier cake honouring his filth birthday last Sunday at a suburban Home Roman Catholic parish. Earlier in the day, the Pontiff received birthday greetings from more than IN,M 9 yoang people in St. Peter's Square.
      UPI  -  52 words
    • 442 2 IRAN headed strong anti-Soviet sentiment at the 11th Islamic conference yesterday by including eight Afghan guerilla representatives in its official delegation. The Soviet-installed Afghan re- gime of Babrak Karmal was expell- Ed from the Islamic conference at a special session in January called
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  442 words
    • 175 2 Police end trio's dynamite siege in hotel JOHANNESBURG, Mon. Police ended a six-hour j siege on the 15th floor of a Johannesburg hotel when they lured a dynamitecarrying man from his room and then stormed the room and overpowered his two companions. A police spokesman said the three men, two
      UPI  -  175 words
    • 30 2 VIENNA, Mon. Austrian President Rudolf Kirchschlaeger, 65, was yesterday reconfirmed in office for another six years in what was an unprecedented election triumph in this neutral nation. AP
      AP  -  30 words
    • 29 2 MANILA, Mon. A military panel has recommended a military trial for former Philippine President Diosdado Marapagal and nine others on charges of rumour-mongprinK and inciting sedition. AFP.
      AFP  -  29 words
    • 286 2 ISLAMABAD, Monday IRAN'S Foreign Minister Sadeq Qotbzadeh said today that Iran would not retaliate against European Economic Community countries for imposing economic and military sanctions in an effort to secure the release of the American hostages. The people of Iran did
      Reuter  -  286 words
    • 124 2 Islamic call for sanctions against Israel ISLAMABAD, Mon. Islamic countries today recommended swift action by the IN Security Council to impose sanctions on Israel If It goes ahead with plaiw to strengthen Its hold on Jerusalem. The outlines of a tough Muslim response to toe Israeli move were approved by
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 69 2 WASHINGTON, Mon. Iranian assets held by the Federal reserve have earned more than USSBO million (5J172.8 million) interest since President Jimmy Carter imposed a freeze last November, said Federal Reserve officials. Although none of the interest accrued has been passed on to the Iranian government, the
      NYT  -  69 words
    • 53 2 TEHERAN, Mon. Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini moved to a humbler house last night because he considered his former residence too grand, a member ol his entourage said. He had come to the capital from the holy city of Qom in January for
      AFP  -  53 words
    • 64 2 KATHMANDU. Mon. A strike by industrial workers yesterday and a pledge of continued political agitation by Nepal's outlawed communist party followed last week's referendum endorsing the oneparty Panchayat political system in Nepal. Workers in the Balaju industrial district went on strike yesterday, forcing 25 plants to close
      AP  -  64 words
    • 88 2 LAGOS, Mon. A U*****.00( (SJI.4 million) executiv jei belonging to a Nigerian firnwas stolen from I.igos Airpori two weeks ago by two British ilots and is now being flowr around Europe, the state owned New Nigerian news paper said yesterday. The plane's owner, Victoi Vanni, head
      AFP  -  88 words
    • 33 2 TEHERAN, Mon A firing squad yesterday executed three men accused of robbing a bank and killing its manager in the northwestern city of Tabriz, the official Pars News Agency reported. UPI
      UPI  -  33 words
    • 277 2 The choice 'country club' in China is BEIJING, Mon. The coziest country club for foreigners in China pffers its members a jogging track, swimming pool, soccer field and a flock of tame geese as pets and mascots. To be a member, one must speak Russian and work for the Soviet
      UPI  -  277 words
    • 197 2 TOKYO, Monday IRAN and Japan have agreed to resume work on a joint petrochemical project despite Tokyo's preparations to toughen sanctions against the Islamic country, reports from Teheran said today. Japanese news reports said work on the project in Bandar Khomeiny,
      UPI  -  197 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 148 2 MONI/ MAGNIFICENT W7s X L V X A 1 I r€r r^k Z) U ■kN^v LJBr jMP B •^^^^■♦'•i^B Now big, magnificent by two charming hostesses. Spaciousness and 747s to Hong Kong at 1 1 am In First Class there is a Rolls-Royce whisper quiet daily except Wednesdays choice of
      148 words

    • 279 3 We should be told, angry EEC officials say NAPLES, Mon. The Soviet aim of initiating the Giscard-Brezhnev talks in Warsaw In split the Western alliance may have already seen fruition. European Economic Community observers said today following outbursts of anger by EEC ministers that Paris should have informed thorn of
      Agencies  -  279 words
    • 108 3 THE pre-conference banter at the GiscardBrezhnev talks in Warsaw' inevitably touched on the weather. But the weather-talk, although half-serious, half ironic, was also symbolic. Journalists caught snatches of it: Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko to Mr Giscard (Jokingly): Western Europe has been slow In giving spring a
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    • 152 3 SECURITY NET OVER BONN POLLS CONGRESS WEST BERLIN, Mon. West Germany's opposi tion Christian Democrats opened a national election congress under heavy police guard here today after the city's worst leftist violence in a decade. Police said the conference, which will map out campaign strategy for elections on Oct 5.
      Reuter  -  152 words
    • 173 3 'Brezhnev owes it all to Black Sea holiday MOSCOW, Mon. In undertaking a third foreign trip In 12 days, Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev is defying Western speculation that ill health has made him unfit for the demands of high-level diplo- macy. His two days of talks with French President Valery
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 450 3 GISCARD-BREZHNEV TALKS IN WARSAW PARIS, Monday TODAY'S surprise meeting in Warsaw between French President Giscard d'Estaing and his Soviet counterpart Leonid Brezhnev was a diplomatic victory for Moscow because it was arranged entirely on Russian terms and was consistent with Russian efforts to split
      NYT  -  450 words
    • 40 3 TOKYO, Mon Radical foes of Tokyo's Narita Airport assaulted a night watchman and sabotaged a jet fuel pipeline today in what police called a politically-motivated guerilla action" timed to coincide with the second anniversary of the airport's opening.
      40 words
    • 233 3 MP quits Indira party in protest against Sanjay's role NEW DELHI, Monday FORMER Indian Finance Minister Hemwati Bahuguna today quit Premier Indira Gandhi's Congress (I) Party, saying he objected to her son Sanjay's role in party and government affairs. Mr Bahuguna, who also resigned his seat in parliament, told reporters
      Reuter  -  233 words
    • 126 3 NEW DELHI, Mon. A young supporter of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's Congress (I) party was shot dead in the central Indian state of Uttar Pradesh yesterday when he tried to hoist a party flag atop a house, published reports said today. In two other incidents, a
      AFP  -  126 words
    • 185 3 GADDAFI SAYS EXECUTION CHARGES UNTRUE WASHINGTON, Mon. Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi said yesterday charges that he wanted to liquidate Libyan opposition figures abroad stemmed from a misunderstanding. Colonel Gaddafi, in an interview with a US television network, said he had simply warned opponents overseas that he could not guarantee
      AFP  -  185 words
    • 53 3 LIMA, Mon. Fernando Belaunde Terry, Peru's last constitutional president, today headed towards a landslide victory in the country's first elections in 17 years. With nearly half the votes counted, unofficial returns gave Mr Belaunde and his middle-of-the-road Accion Popular Party between 38 and 40 per cent of
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 188 3 THOUSANDS of people were camping out In southern Yugoslavia today after a series of tremors, one of them the strongest In the region for 51 years, had caused dozens of injuries and brought buildings tumbling down. The first and strongest tremor shook the Kmunt-Kopaonlk area, 181 km
      Reuter  -  188 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 More funds for your business? ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FINANCE is the modern answer by Hong Leong Finance to benefit all companies whether big or small. Under this scheme, a steady flow of funds is generated to increase your working capital in order to meet your business expansion. Our Manager, Trade Finance
      89 words
    • 403 3 A Superb Location Ruby Plaza is situated between Baiestier Road and Moulmem Road (next to Ruby Theatre) Surrounded by Hoover President and Ruby Theatres, this tall, impressive building is at the heart of Baiestier s busy commercial aistnct Markets, schools, churches, private apartments, etc are all in close proximity Populated
      403 words

    • 169 4 Indonesia ups oil prices by $4 per barrel JAKARTA, Monday INDONESIA will increase its prices for crude oil exports by an average US$2 (SR32) per barrel, effective tomorrow, the state-owned oil company Pertamina said -i today. Pertamina said the new oil hike was "linked to the world market situation." The
      AP; UPI  -  169 words
    • 93 4 More arms for Indonesia's defence forces JAKARTA, Mon. Indonesia is building up its armed forces by purchasing new war planes and ships, Defence Minister General Mohammad Jusuf announced today. "Another 100 battalions of crack troops will be added to the army, the air force will get new bombers and fighters
      AFP  -  93 words
    • 124 4 SAN FRANCISCO, Mon. Artist Judith Auda is convinced a good laugh will lighten the load of life's burdens. She dreamed up the Idea of "the Pacific Ha," a one-minute burst of laughter broadcast on more than M radio stations on the West
      124 words
    • 474 4 After first experimental success BEIJING, Mon. China will conduct up to three more rocket tests into the central Pacific Ocean before June 10 after the success of its first long-range experimental firing yesterday, Western diplomatic sources said today. It announced on May 9 that
      Reuter; UPI  -  474 words
    • 118 4 DK govt confident of people's support BEIJING, Mon. The Democratic Kampuchean government claimed today that they would win I about 86 per cent of votes j in free elections held; under United Nations supervision. This figure is part of an estimate supplied by the presidency of the ousted regime on
      AFP  -  118 words
    • 28 4 BILBAO. Mon. Police have I broken up three squads of Basque separatist guerillas, including one headed by a policeman, authorities said today AFP.
      AFP  -  28 words
    • 271 4 'Viets' problems will take a long time to solve' HANOI, Monday THE Vietnamese people were faced with many difficulties which can only be overcome in the long-term, the president of the Vietnamese National Assembly Mr Truong Chinh said today. He was speaking at an official commemoration ceremony in honour of
      AP; AFP  -  271 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1015 4 BHP PT BHP INDONESIA BELITUNG ISLAND, INDONESIA PT BHP Indonesia have vacancies in their tin mining operation in Indonesia The mine is located on Beiitung Island Sloping methods used are hydraulic cut and fill in the narrow veins, and square setts with fill in wide ore zones Equipment used is
      1,015 words
    • 41 4 CANTONESE FOOD YIP) AT ITS BEST Speed Shack >F,nt Bird I Nt»t with Coconut Milk A other Super Ctntonew Oishtt Caterers (or Birthday Anniverury mamagi A Get toflether dinners CAPITAL RESTAURANT PTE LTD 207 Cantonment Road Singapore 0208 Tel *****16 2213J69
      41 words

    • 304 5 Longest and costliest news stake-out Press coverage of Tito's illness INTERNATIONAL news coverage of President Tito's prolonged illness was among the longest and costliest stake-outs in the history of journalism. The first of hundreds of reporters descended on Belgrade in early January. They did not get their "story" until four
      304 words
    • 140 5 FRAUD CASE ITALIAN BANKER IN 'CRITICAL CONDITION' NEW YORK, Mon. Michele Sindona, 60, the Italian financier convicted of fraud in the biggest bank failure in US history, was reported in "critical and unstable" condition today. A spokeswoman for the Beekman hospital said his condition "has not worsened" despite reports quoting
      UPI  -  140 words
    • 198 5 FORMER Conservative cabinet minister Geoffrey Rippon yesterday called for a "token" British military force to be sent to Uganda to protect ousted president Godfrey Binaisa and ensure that free elections were held next December. The force should work with a planned Commonwealth observer team "in
      AFP; UPI  -  198 words
    • 56 5 HONOLULU, Mon. A US marine corps CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopter crashed and burned yesterday on the Hawaiian island of Molokai Police said seven marines were killed and two were injured. The crashed helicopter is similar to the model used in the failed attempt to rescue
      AP  -  56 words
    • 25 5 MANILA, Mon. Armed men believed to be Muslim rebels killed 28 people in rampages in southern Philippines last week, reports said today. UPI.
      UPI  -  25 words
    • 123 5 MONTREAL, Mon. Quebec Premier Rene Leyesque says he is increasingly confident that tomorrow's referendum on partial independence for Canada's French-majority province will result in a 'yes' vote. In his last statement of a gruelling five-week campaign, Mr Levesque said yesterday, he felt increasmgly
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 266 5 8 killed as St Helens blows its top VANCOUVER, (Washington state), Mon. Seven motorists and a crop-dusting pilot were killed when Mount St Helens volcano erupted in dense clouds of ash, flames and black smoke. "The motorists were fried by the intense heat, a state policeman said. They died while
      Reuter; AP  -  266 words
    • 155 5 New book recounts sexy side of White House WASHINGTON, Mon. President Johnson had regular trysts at the White House and Leonid Brezhnev had a Russian stewardess marched into his bedroom while visiting President Nixon in San Clemente, according to the latest White House memoir. Mr Warren Gulley, who managed the
      UPI  -  155 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 527 5 J |&i|ffiP') roporiums Entet Lecopkn m w.^^^^^ y' j^L^^^M tmmwJ** .UEI TRIRAC V^> .4* ssnsj*" 55 5 S Closing Date: 8.6.1980 IP W^^ SY^AJIDfTf Tff\AJ C^SL A v Get a Lucky Draw ticket lor every purchase Jr Zt3B^^l^KJ> --A IF*C HP ol $2 worth of Gulhrie Products at any of
      527 words

  • 113 6 Driving instructor gets year's ban A DRIVING instructor, Yong Kok Choo, 40, was disqualified from driving all classes of vehicles for a year and fined $600 by a magistrate's court yesterday after he pleaded guilty to drunken driving. The court heard that Yong was incapable of having proper control of
    113 words
  • 61 6 THE Public Works Department wiU carry out repairs on Nee Soon Bridge over the Seletar River, lasting a week starting today. During this period, the bridge wiU be closed to traffic. But. a temporary' footbridge will be provided for pedestrians. Motorists heading for Nee Soon Road
    61 words
  • 93 6 AN SAF captain, Joseph Hugh Oliverio, 37, was yesterday charged in a magistrate's court with causing the death of a motorcyclist by driving dangerously along Ayer Rajah Road last Nov 7. He was alleged to have cut across the path of Mr Gunasekaran Arumugam Pillay, 27, causing
    93 words
  • 45 6 THE acting permanent secretary (Education), Mr Goh Kirn Leong, will attend the Harvard Club of Singapore Book Prize presentation ceremony at Shangri-la Hotel today at 7.15 p.m. Two awards will be made to students with outstanding "A" level results in economics.
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  • 615 6 A TOTAL of 328 people are likely to die on the roads this year the highest in four years unless road users heed the advice given by the Traffic Police for greater road discipline and safety. This is the grim figure
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  • 467 6 'Preach evil of drinking at remedial class' A DON yesterday called for more stringent measures against drunken driving and suggested that such drivers undergoing remedial courses be told the adverse effects of alcohol. Professor Phoon Wai- 1 On, head of the University I of Singapore's Department of Social Medicine and
    467 words
  • 404 6 Wait a second and ROY will give you the info MOTORISTS who may need to check up on the expiry dates of their road tax discs or renew vocational licences at the Registry of Vehicles can now do this In a matter of moments. Thanks to two visual display unite,
    404 words
  • 183 6 TIPPED TO HEAD SBS IF DRTAN 'QUITS' THE deputy chairman of the Singajxjre Bus Service, Mr Patrick Yeoh J Khwai Ho\ is tipped to be the next chairman of the bus company if its present chairman, Dr j Tony Tan, relinquishes his I post. Dr Tan, *ho is also Senior
    183 words
  • 52 6 THE new An-nur Mosque in Woodlands has elected a 25member administration committee at its first general meeting. Thrw of the elected members are •emporarily appointed to specific posts in the committee. They are Mr Jaafar Abdul I Rahim. committee chairman; Mr Abdullah Maarof, secretary; and Mr Mohammad
    52 words
  • 37 6 THE Adventure Club of Serangoon Garden community centre will organise a threeday trip to Mount Ophir starting. Aue 8. The fee is $45. Entries close on Sunday. For details, telephone *****69 after 2.30 p.m.
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  • 67 6 HOTORISTS are advised o avoid a shor section of <oh Sek Lim Road which j vill be closed from today or the construction of a nanhole. Construction york will take five months and motorists should use the New Link Road from New Changi Road
    67 words
  • 322 6 'No' to job led to fatal stabbing, court told A LABOURER told the police that he stabbed his former foreman to death for refusing to re-employ him, the High Court heard yesterday. I^ee Ah Kang, 55. made this confession in his cautioned statement read out in court after Mr Justice
    322 words
  • 87 6 A POOLSIDE buffet dinner will be held at Hotel Premier in Nassim Hill on June 14 to celebrate the centenary year of St Francis Institution. Malacca. Rev Brother Theodore Michael, the Brother VisitorGeneral for Malaysia. Singapore and Hongkong will attend the get-together, which will begin at 7.30 p-m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 312 6 (An 1 iZ7 11 I 111 The New Luxor 5181 Colour T.V. uses less energy than a 75 waft light bulb. jTa J Cofour TV. of Sweden Luxor I SHenCe Am^^ 3 years guarantee on J yOUr '^^^^< &fc picture tube > Critics \^¥w I 2 > rea "sr uc
      312 words
    • 171 6 THE NEW BRAUN MICRON 2000 The Secret is in the comb. As small and inconspicuous as it is, this little comb on the shaving head works wonders. Because it's a feed-in comb that makes even problem whiskers the soft, unruly hairs around your throat easier to shave. Caught by the
      171 words

  • 630 7 Dead NS man was a close friend A LIGHT-HEARTED conversation between two national service military policemen on the dangers of toying with firearms ended with one of them being fatally shot as a result of negligence. Yesterday, Lance Corporal Tay Sin Seng,
    630 words
  • 111 7 THE first Asean-Australia trade dialogue will be held in Kuala Lumpur on June 24 after a series of meetings by the Asean Chamber of Commerce and Industry, The Singapore Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry's council will meet today to select the leader of its
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  • 85 7 THE Mandarin Singapore which manages and operates the Neptune Theatre Restaurant has had a change of mind and will not close down the restaurant after all. Reports earlier this month, confirmed by its spokesman, said the restaurant will be clesed down at the end of
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  • 79 7 PRICE OF KWAY TEOW MAY RISE MANUFACTURERS may raise the price of kway teow because of the recent price increase of broken rice imported from Thailand and China. Broken rice now costs 65 cents a kilo, an increase of seven or eight cents. Its price went up last month. The
    79 words
  • 298 7 YOUNG Singaporeans need to develop the art of human know-how. They should cultivate an awareness and appreciation of the various sensitivities and sometimes even idiosyncracies of the various peoples with whom they nave to live. This advice came yesterday from the Senior Minister of State
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  • 134 7 Labour college report soon from team A FOUR-MEMBER NTUC team, which has returned home after studying more than 20 labour colleges in Europe and Israel, is now preparing its recommendations on the proposed labour college for Singapore. The leader, Mr Lew Syn Pau, assistant director (labour development), NTUC Research Unit,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 597 7 HAIR LOSS? Get Hair Fusion. Baldness is permanent in j^L most cases Do not hesitate to seek a solution If you hesitate jk your hair will not grow by itself 4M Act now Regain a full head of hair and restore your confidence B Come in for a confidential A
      597 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 186 7 Straits Times Crossword Hi H W ~H 1 ACROSS 6 Afternoon painting is bark on lAn upright aim for the Job' (4- f on 0- pi.,K,: «c 9 K^ oUnty O^ nf- 10 H STaX J£u,o ensure 12 rxjetor found *H*r a. church w &&hp& ht p t £V 9
      186 words

  • 210 8 Quicker registry action on errant firms THE Registry of Companies has given its prosecution section more muscle with the appointment of five lay prosecutors to allow the registry take faster action against errant firms. The lay prosecutors are drawn from the registry's enforcement section to assist, from this week, the
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  • 47 8 THE Telok Blangah community centre management committee is holding this year's spot-art competition for children at the Tiong Bahni Park on Sunday between 9 a.m. and noon. Mrs Rohan bin Kamis, wilb of the MP for Telok Belangah. will be giving away prizes.
    47 words
  • 31 8 A WOMAN druß supervisee, Wei Lay Tin, 18, was yesterday Jailed three years by a district court when she admitted taking morphine while under supervision, in August last year.
    31 words
  • 264 8 A HOTEL room service boy yesterday admitted trying to cheat two banks of more than $700,000 by using forged cheques. His case was transferred to the High Court for sentencing at a date to be fixed. At a preliminary inquiry held at j
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  • 156 8 CNB man posing as addict nabbed trafficker A DISTRICT court yesterday heard that a drug trafficker was arrested in Orchard Road by officers who posed as addicts. James Fernandez, 24, unemployed, was jailed i three years and ordered to be given three strokes of the rotan for trafficking 1.85 grams
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  • 191 8  - Move by PSA to take over two sites J. D. INORAN By THE Port Authority is to take over the land now occupied by the National Maritime Board and Neptune Orient Lines' building in the Tanjong Pagar area for port development. Negotiations among the three are going on, sources said
    191 words
  • 91 8 A JURONG Shipyard worker, Mr Vasal bin Omar Alkhatlb (»hovr), 25, fell IS metres while working on a barge on Saturday aad died at the Alexandra Hospital the 1 next day. His wife, Shamslah blnti Mokrl said she last saw her husband on Saturday
    91 words
  • 101 8 Date for blood donors THE Singapore Blood Transfusion Service receiv- > ed 1014 units of blood durlag the past week. The j number of blood transfu- sions given during the < i same period was 894 units, j A public blood donation session will be held at the j Goldhill
    101 words
  • 143 8 THE Port Authority will invite the public to comment on the courtesy of its staff in a survey next month. The exercise is part of the PSA's courtesy campaign. A PSA spokesman said about 5.000 forms will be I placed on all its counters
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  • 481 8  - Car curbs: HK takes a leaf from Singapore TOH THIAN SER By Associate News Editor mmm HONGKONG, Monday THIS colony has taken a leaf from Singapore's approach to traffic problems under its transport policy which applies "fairly severe' fiscal restrictions to control private car ownership and usage. Speaking at the
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  • 38 8 THE Minister for the Environment and MP for Cairnhill, Mr Urn Kirn San, will present prizes at the 14th bird singing contest to be held at the Cairnhill community centre on Sunday at 8 p.m.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 302 8 Beauty World Plaza.,., Opposite Bukit Timah's Beauty World Town Ht*'*'" ~*^9 HHf& J tIM hTm Ua hWJI f •oOSSRu-J 1 WORLD J m >-■ I Hf^ U *1 1 >a i i»i I limn. WOBLO i^ ~~"^K maiwjm^h *m*m TOWN Ht i +*iH9 I mm mm oba*!*»*4 J.TT "f^Si IMC
      302 words

  • 84 9 RESIDENTS Bl»ck 3 at Fairer Ourt fear the possibility of this concrete bridge ceUapalM every time they walk along It. The bridge connecting the Mock to the pavement has rank silently and cracks rnn diagonally across It. Arrowed la one of the cracks. According to
    84 words
  • 149 9 Four hurt as 747s gas cylinder goes off 'OUR workers were injured in an explosion yesterday aboard a Singapore Airlines Jumbo jet parked along the run bay of a hangar at Paya Lebar Airport, he SLA 747 Jumbo was undergoing routine checks when a gas cylimder connected to one of
    149 words
  • 50 9 KOH THIAN SZE, 29, appeared before a magistrate yesterday on nine charges of cheating which involved hardware equipment worth $13,596. The offences were allegedly committed between April and May this year. No plea was taken. His case will be mentioned again on June 2. Bail was allowed.
    50 words
  • 425 9 THREE Singaporeans have been nominated for the Deeds of Bravery Award and their intrepid acts are now being assessed by a committee as to who Is the bravest of all. One went to rescue two dance hostesses and got himself stabbed. Another, a seaman, dived
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  • 63 9 A COMPANY driver. Abdul Mutalib bin S. A. Hamid, 30, was fined $80 by a magistrate's court yesterday after he was found guilty of preventing a Public Utilities Board technician from cutting off the electricity supply to his Mei Ling Street flat on Jan 2. Mutalib had
    63 words
  • 138 9 Labour force survey by ministry THE Ministry of Labour yesterday started a survey on the labour force involving a random sample of about 25,000 households. The survey is to collect data on employment and unemployment to formulate plans and policies on the supply and demand of manpower. Letters informing chosen
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  • 550 9 Worker shortage: Factories woo the wives SOME Singapore factories are zeroing in on housewives in their recruitment drive to meet the shortage of production 1 workers. In an advertisement In The Straits Times yesterday, a factory in the Ayer Rajah Industrial Estate called out for housewives particularly to join their
    550 words
  • 237 9 FIVE types of electrical accessories have been gazetted as prescribed articles which must bear the Public Utilities Board seal of approval before they can be sold. This control comes in the wake of a number of poorly-designed electrical items such as plug-tops, socket
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  • 160 9 SIX civil suits by Goldhill Investments (Pte) Ltd against Goldhill Properties (Pte) Ltd all listed for consolidated hearing in the High Court yester- day have been settled between the parties concerned Their counsel saw Mr Justice Choor Singh in chambers yesterday and had the settlement
    160 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 280 9 To stay competitive, answers to virtually any So whether you're TnTa"" Cto™ 1 your business has to take information management overloaded with words or i 5!!;^...,,^, in and put out a staggering problem. In any size data— or both— call on y power. amount of words and data, company. Wang.
      280 words
    • 310 9 n^n^n^H jU A M n^^nflnd vA 1 WnUUntjnV V Every Wednesday at the Singapore Merlin A High Fashion Spectacular featuring the latest collection of over 700 original creations for women by Asia's foremost Couturier, LAM WAN LAI. Come and experience this High Fashion Spectacular at the Singapore Merlin. LAM Creations
      310 words

    • 38 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A 10-member trade mission from Saudi Arabia will arrive here tomorrow for a six-day visit to look into ways of promoting trade ties with Malaysia, a Trade Ministry spokesman said here today. Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 40 10 KUCHING, Mon. A transBorneo highway linking Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan has been proposed by the Chief Ministers of Sarawak and Sabah when they met in Kurhing last week, the latest issue of the Borneo Bulle tin reported.
      40 words
    • 216 10 THE government has been urged to impose life imprisonment on child-kidnappers This was one of the 25 resolutions passed at the delegates' meeting of the Jelutong Umno division here last night. The resolution was put forward by the division Wanita Umno
      NST  -  216 words
    • 72 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Malaysia is to establish a rubber technical advisory service office in Seoul to promote closer ties between the rubber industries of the two countries, Primary Industries Minister Datuk Paul Leong said yesterday. He said that South Korea was one of the fastest expanding
      NST  -  72 words
    • 413 10 S pore hotelier claims trial to $1.4 million cheating charge JOHORE BARU, Monday A SINGAPORE hotelier, Tan Tow Keh, 35, claimed trial here to a charge of attempting to cheat a bank of $300,000 and HK$2.5 million ($l.l million) on Saturday. He was alleged to have, jointly with two others,
      NST  -  413 words
    • 87 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. An Asean Railways' Association is being planned to foster closer cooperation between countries in the region on railway transportation. Malayan Railways general manager, Datuk Ishak Tadin, said details of such an association would be discussed at the third annual conference of
      NST  -  87 words
    • 103 10 Extension for timber exporters JOHORE BARU, Mon. Regulations allowing Malaysian timber exporters to export ungraded timber to unspecified countries through Singapore have been extended to June 30 this year, Malaysian Timber Industry Board sources said today. The regulations, which were to nave expired on April 30 this year, were extended
      NST  -  103 words
    • 142 10 Transport Minister couldn't get seat home KUCHING, Mon. EVEN Malaysia's Transport Minister has problems getting a seat en Malaysian Airline System aircraft tram Kochlng to Kuala Lumpur, the Berne* Bulletin reported In Its latest Issue. Late last month Datuk Lee San Choon made his first official Sarawak visit as holder
      142 words
    • 59 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The beach at Pantai Chinta Berahi in Kota Baru known as the Beach of Passionate Love is eroding at an alarming rate of five metres a year. University Kebangassan lecturer M.J. Jamaluddin, said here on Friday. He said the beach had receded by more
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    • 115 10 Kidnappers grab wrong person PENANG, Mon. Police have detained four men in connection with an abortive kidnapping. On April 24, kidnappers who planned to abduct a woman doctor in Butterworth picked up her assistant instead. The next day, when they rang the doctor's husband to demand a $2 million ransom,
      NST  -  115 words
    • 181 10 KNIFEMAN GRABS $67,000 FROM TWO WOMEN KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Two women accounts clerks were held-up by a man armed with a knife and robbed of a $67,700 payroll while gome to their office in Jalan Loke Yew today. The hold-up occurred on the stairway of the floor below their office
      NST  -  181 words
    • 62 10 IPOH, Mon. A 57-year-old woman, M. Govinadamal, was seriously injured in Parit Buntar near here when she was hit by pellets from a dogshooter's gun on Friday, the Star reported yesterday. She is the second person in two days to be wounded by dog-shooters On Wednesday,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 656 10 6ih Anniversary DMlu -Floral 2 Q*r 301. 3rd Fl. FAR EAST SHOPPING CENTRE f I 505. ORCHARD ROAD. TEL: *****98 HFI ifl I THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE ADVANCED CENTRE wPA IN DOLLY AND FLORAL MAKING CfJ t <^J MDM CHUI PHUI LING (P rinc 'P al) ESv^i i i*!W\i pBA Jf^^MM
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 11 fiis&
    3 words
  • 612 11  -  EDMUND TEO By THE Singapore Bus Service will introduce a modified system of one-man-operated service, running side by side with the normal services along four routes from Sunday for the benefit of short-distance travellers. Under the modified OMO system, known as 'Step
    612 words
  • 29 11 THE Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs) and MP for Kallang, Mr S. Dhanabalan. will attend Whampoe English School's 30th anniversary celebration tomorrow at 4 30 p.m.
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  • 297 11 Council will keep using maths to fix Puasa month THE Singapore Muslim Religious Council will continue using mathematical calculations to determine the beginning of the fasting month, Ramadhan, and of Hari Raya Puasa which marks the end of the fast. This will be in line with the decision made in
    297 words
  • 164 11 SINGAPORE 'LION' WINS TOP 10 AWARD A MEMBER of the Lion's Club of Singapore, Mr Hole Yook Loon (above), 45, has been selected for the 1978-71 Top Ten International t nderstandlng and Cooperation Award. The award Is given annual I > by Ihe I Jon's Huh International board of directors
    164 words
  • 187 11 No bail for man on $100,000 charges THE prosecution yesterday successfully opposed bail in the case of Goi Jiak Hong, 26, who faced a number of charges of theft and armed robbery involving motor vehicles, cash and valuables worth over $100,000. He was charged yesterday on another two counts of
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  • 298 11 A prof's money saving mix for builders A UNIVERSITY don has proposed builders here use a combination of timber and concrete for beams in Housing Board flats, which could save building materials costs by as much as one-third. This is valuable saving as building materials costs have risen by as
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  • 41 11 THE Parliamentary Secretary (National Development) and MP for Bukit Paniang, Mr Lee Yiok Seng, will officiate at the ground-breaking ceremony of Travenol Laboratories Pte Ltd on Saturday at Unit 22 24. Block 12, Marsiling Industrial Estate, at 9.30 a.m.
    41 words
  • 99 11 LAWYER C. S. Wu was granted a decree nisi in the High Court yesterday, dissolving his marriage to Madam Helen Lok Pong En*. Mr Wu, married six years ago, had sued his wife for a divorce on grounds of adultery. "The other man" was
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  • 144 11 ABOUT 570 Japanese companies are interested in buying 3,000 types of goods from Singapore and South-east Asia, according to the Japan Trade Centre here. Products listed in a directory, Exporting to Japan 1980, are based on the findings of a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 69 11 2 J^m^mt^^^^mmmm HP* VWI II k HI 111 m Toast of the town I am National's quick, even brown toast. Not just one, but 5 golden brown shades. Simply unbeatable for breakfast! <^\ The National automatic toaster. Available in chrome .^^^^o^W* ooo'^ M < (NT-1225), orange or red (NT-122) <^r
      69 words

  • 772 12 The Straits Times TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1980 STAYING PUT RECENT letters in the Forum page relating to the Rent Control Act bear an uneasy similarity to readers' comments published some 10 years ago. They lament the plight of landlords who are hampered by law from getting fairer returns and from
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  • 675 12  - Reviving hopes for a unified Thai union LEE KIM CHEW By Our Bangkok Reporter THE idea of bringing trade unions in Asean under one umbrella body is to get another hearing again when labour leaders from the five countries meet here tomorrow. The Asean countries are reviving the proposal of
    675 words
    • 422 12 MALACCA: At 11.30 on an ordinary morning, there is little to see at the Portuguese Settlement, listed as a "place of historical interest in the Malacca tourist guidebook The place is peaceful and breezy. Two groups of men play carroms at an open drinks-and-fruits
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    • 257 12 BANGKOK: About 13,000 people travel aboard trains of the State Railways of Thailand every day because they find it cheaper, safer and more relaxing than other methods of public travel, SRT officials said. The south-bound routes are moie popular than the north-bound. According to the
      257 words
  • 707 12 Raw materials: Third World tries hard line The Third World countries feel their economies are being damaged and their development held back by the way many commodities are priced on world markets. But no visible headway has been made in their efforts to adopt a tough line. By GEORGE SHORT
    Reuter  -  707 words
  • 655 12  -  MOHAMMED HEIKAL By former editor of the authoritative Egyptian daily Al-Ahram CAIRO, Egypt THERE are many signs that stormy years lie ahead for the Middle East. Because of the region's intrinsic and global importance, serious efforts to anticipate the shape of things to come
    NYT  -  655 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 6 12 fttourcpm»t Sense. PERKIN ELMER Ring *****60.
      6 words
    • 83 12 ■r i y Mghoum. ■JVw* m if you've an instinct pF "V for quality Echolac suitcases, beauty cases and attache W cases were designed for those who value f quality. Finely crafted in elegance, each piece symbolises the epitome in distinctive looks /^^^V ancl securif yj£^-- Secured with fail-safe locks
      83 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

    • 58 13 LETTERS to the Editor must include the writer's full name and address to be considered for publication. You may add a pseudonym if you wish. If possible, put down your telephone number and type the letter, double-spaced, on one side of the paper. Brevity is an advantage. We reserve the
      58 words
    • 347 13 THERE SEEMS to be a lot of putting down of the idea of a national costume so I thought of presenting my view, which is for the idea of course. Firstly, there is this talk about a national costume being one that is evolved
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    • 96 13 YOUR REPORTER could have written something more newsworthy than "Spirit of enterprise lives on (ST, May 2), which was totally undescriptive of its accompanying, photograph and vice versa. More diligent searching could have revealed that the business of the Kho Sing Restaurant in Ann Siang
      96 words
    • 239 13 MR A IS the registered owner of two cars of similar make, model and engine capacity. One of them is not eligible for preferential additional registration fee (Parf) benefits. He scraps the other one (although it is in better condition) for its Part benefits.
      239 words
    • 92 13 I AM an arts student who passed in one 'A' level with good grades. While science students in a similar position could opt for a part-time course at the Polytechnic, arts students have found no courses open to them. In accordance with the recent drive
      92 words
    • 263 13 WILL the Vocational and Industrial Training Board kindly consider changing the English Literature syllabus at GCE 'A' level? Presently, student.-, taking this subject have to offer Paper 4. For this paper, students are required to study four books. Considering that certain schools
      263 words
    • 331 13 ON APRIL 29, The Straits Times printed a picture of birds on display at Marine Terrace. The statement below the illustration stated that the birds were either bought or trapped. How could such a statement be published? It suggests that the government's
      331 words
    • 244 13 WK REFER to "Charity or littering?" (ST. April 29). We agree with "Bird Ix>ver" as to the preservation of our "leathered friends." Since food scraps thrown to birds are normally cleared up by them without much ado, I do not think we need worrv
      244 words
    • 85 13 I READ with interest in \our AP report ("Down by Still," ST, May 3) that "Indonesia's population has decreased by about M million people daring the last decade thanks to Intensive Implementation of family planning programmes throughout the country-.." This does of coarse mean that
      85 words
    • 272 13 Why France is pushing the British breakfast ALTHOUGH I have only recently arrived back in Singapore after an absence of eight years and am just getting acquainted again, may I briefly comment on Alexander Macleod's article on the British breakfast ("The decline of the only joy in the English fooa
      272 words
    • 115 13 I WISH to thank "Hopeful Traveller" for his comments and compliments about Singapore taxi drivers and taxis ("Taxi drivers who don't know their way around," ST, April 12.) Before taxi drivers are licensed, they have to undergo an intensive training course to familiarise
      115 words
    • 190 13 IT IS CLEAR from his reply (ST, May 7) that Mr Tan Kok K'ng, Chief Pharmacist, had missed the main point of my letter, "Labelling of all drugs may be harmful" (ST, April 18). I expressed concern, among other things, about the
      190 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 88 13 THE ONLY DAILY 7478 SERVICE TO HONG KONG, TAIPHANDTOKYO. Only SI A offers you an exclusive 7478 service daily to Hong Kong, Taipei and Tokyo. Depart 9am any morning and arrive Hong Kong at lpm, Taipei at 3.25pm and Tokyo at 8.25pm. Whichever day you fly with us, you'll enjoy
      88 words

    • 324 14 SHARE prices finished mixed to steady at the Singapore stock market yesterday, but trading was relatively quiet. The low volume suggested that traders were generally cautious and were awaiting fresh leads. Featuring bullishly In the property sector, Malayan Credit surged ahead on active buying to close
      324 words
    • 318 14 SELECTED counters fea- tured bullishly in an otherwise quiet and hesitant mar- i ket at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Traders were generally j cautious following the recent sharp appreciation in share prices and were reuctant to commit them I selves at current levels. However this does
      318 words
    • 126 14 THE US Sine dollar opened at U58.1630 40 and cl«ed a. Cl6lO 20 in the Singapore forex market yesterday. The dollar was traded in a range of C 1600,70 Buying interest in the morning sent the US dollar to a high of 12.16(5/75. However, selling pressure in
      126 words
    • 24 14 IHE avenge rate at which major Singapore banks are ronroUy prepared to lend to their best customers is 1 J.l.per cent
      24 words
      • 267 14 HONGKONG: Stocks were traded quietly on reduced volume throughout the day, with the Hang Seng index losing 2.49 points to close yesterday at 897.80, dealers said. They said there were no new factors to affect trading, although Saturday's decision of the Exchange Banks' Association (EBA) interest rates subcommittee not
        267 words
      • 205 14 I SYDNEY: Stocks recovered from a hesitant start and closed generally firm yesterday, brokers said. Industrials were quiet with developers the most favoured, but BHP and CSR both moved down under selling pressure, with BHP closing at A513.30 for a fall of IS cents and CSB down four cents
        205 words
      • 112 14 TOKYO: Share prices closed sharply lower yesterday, but above its lows, following the successful no-confidence resolution against the government last Friday, dealers said. The Dow Jones average fell 96 67 to close at 6,634.33 points, after being 182.72 points down at one stage, with a volume of 360 million
        112 words
      • 146 14 CHINESE Pr«4ice Exrftaagc. Stagaparf. mm rMa« prim per r<nHl «U: Bulk fob $137 50 sellers, old drum (in second hand drum) fob $147 50 s*Uerv new drum fob $154 00 sellers. C»pra: Mixed (loose) $79 00 buyers Pepper: Muntok while pepper fob Asia NLW $500 00 sellers. Sarawak
        146 words
      • 102 14 THE KILOBAR market (or gold deliverable in Singapore opened at $35,962 and closed at 535.9U yesterday. In the Far East, gold opened at USJSI3 75 515.25 and moved up on some local buying support to $516.50 518.00. The market, however, remained very quiet and eased gradually back in the
        102 words
      • 34 14 THE STRAITS tin price edged $2 higher to $2,178 per picul (equivalent to $36.01 per kilo, up three cents) in Penang yesterday, on an official offering up 12 tonnes to 172 tonnes.
        34 words
      • 428 14 PRICES in the Singapore rubber market closed slightly lower yesterday, with p June RSS One buyers quoted at 287.50 cents per kilo. down three cents on last Friday's close, dealers said. The afternoon session was i quiet and featureless and j values eased about one cent on lack of
        428 words
      • 43 14—. m—, m Rubber May 19 Singapore: "00-r 28~*°c v <down 3.00 cents) Malaysia: June: 290.50 cents (down 3.50 cents) Tin: M 52,178 (up $2) (equivalent to $36.01 per kilo) (up 3 cents) Official offering: 172 tonnes (up 12 tonnes) I
        43 words
      • 61 14 NOON SSR ud SMR pncm >t.Urd.v »A8 J.., (Carnal Mtal Bay.n S»llen ll-toaaaHM) ■•1 II U>n pallet I MKUH J... SMRCV ,1 i.. n ,»lln ~Mk I 1 ump>llrtJ -VK i p<ul»ii .n| >■) S30DN Of .1 u.n pdlii. I S^ SMR 10 SMR 20 II
        61 words
    • 419 14 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on May 19: Closing Asian dollar certificates of deposit for prime names: Source: Merrill Lynch International (Asia) ft Co. Discount RANGE of prices offered by discount houses on May 19 Overnight 7 CaU deposits 6'. 7 1 Ckxiaf Buyiif Sclliaf
      419 words
      • 21 14 M Credit 875.00C Magnum 361,000 UOL 336.0W Anting 312.00(1 Total turnove. 5.77m Total value: $19 37m Source: SES
        21 words
      • 35 14 BT.Ind'cator: Indust'ials: Holf .s: Prrperties: M' dings Plantations: OCBC: S.E.S.Ind: May 16 May 19 4688.62 4817 43 503.09 505.29 890.91 887.79 443.92 445.24 373.14 375.86 290.66 290.46 864.65 863.55 499.63 499.33 450.21 450.81
        35 words
      • Article, Illustration
        29 14 Y M Magnum orpn Straits Trading M Credit U I C rrartom ID1 MO 925 1270 238 535 745 550 101 35 25 20 17 15 10 10
        29 words
      • 29 14 Wilkinson Public Bank M Banking SrUngor Dredf Duolop Ind Foihib. K L Kcponc 280 354 1030 MS MO 380 458 -iu -20 -14 -10 -10 -10 -10 -S
        29 words
    • 1525 15 mt: last transartrd ready sale al Ihr ckar ■I businna on the Stork Exituntr o( Mnx.i xmt yowrday omparwi with the previous lay'i prtcn togrthrr with I9K hi(h and lo» Ad)un«l lor scrip rights taaur) Hi|b I S«k <or 8INGAPORK IMT TR18T IMutitn' prim It May The
      1,525 words
    • 1530 15 Bin and offer prices officially listed and business in an reported to the Stork (exchange o( Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Times Settlement Contracts arc quoted after the word "sett". Big Board
      1,530 words
    • 1758 15 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the KuaU Lumpur Stock exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 uniti unless otherwise specified IM'l STKIM.V AcaB»(3 00B3 20S)cd Mean (2 18B2 2OS) xd Uei BaM I132B
      1,758 words
    • 503 16 UIC chairman makes bid for company A NEW $100 million takeover bid for United Industrial Corporation has been made by the company's chairman, Mr Lee Kim Yew (Dennis Lee). First indications are that the offer has a fairly good chance of success. The bid, to be made through a company
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    • 318 16 Bolton Properties plans to acquire Campbell Complex BOLTON Properties Bhd has reported disappointing results but has spiced up the announcement with its plan to acquire the Campbell Complex in Kuala Lumpur and two pieces of land in Jalan Ampang. The company has also declared a one-for-two bonus issue. The move
      318 words
    • 262 16 THE boardroom scene at Malayan Credit Ltd (MCL) has undergone yet another change with the resignation of three of its members. The three are Mr Chris Chua Kung Siew (managing director), his father Mr Chua Boon Guan (deputy chairman) and brother Chua Poey Siew
      262 words
    • 1007 16 THE Cold Storage group is examining new opportunities for growth in the 1980s. Following improvements made in its various divisions and a strengthening of its management during the year reviewed, Cold Storage is now in a position to expand further. The recent revaluation of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 994 14 In the current issue of FORECAST the most reliable investment letter in South-East Asia AN INVESTMENT STRATEGY THAT MAKES SENSE Do you make decisions to buy or sell shares, commodities or other assets haphazardly, without any real attempt to quantify the odds against success or failure? If so, you owe
      994 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1682 15 SIN CHEW JIT POH (SINGAPORE) LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) The Singapore Police invites applications tror NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Singapore Citizens tor the following appointments Sp^ny^^^ A Male Constables ?9»^^ B Male Young Recruits ny for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit passing the
      1,682 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 614 16 Accountant mcs ***** FOR SPURWAY COOPER INDUSTRIES PTE LTD (CIRCA $24,000 PER ANNUM) BSpurway Cooper Industries Pte Ltd, a large Australian based multi-national corporation engaged in manufacturing activities wishes to appoint an Accountant. Based in Jurong, he will report to the General Manager and will be responsible for the financial,
      614 words
    • 509 16 BULLION BROKER/BUSINESS EXECUTIVE A Broker Member of the Gold Exchange of Singapore invites applications from suitable candidates. Applicants must:A) Have several years of working experi- ences B) Be age above 25 C) Have minimum GCE 'O' Level or above This is a challenging job with high remuneration. Applicants with the
      509 words
    • 631 16 We are a subsidiary of a large international corporation and we are expanding our audio production facilities in Penang. We invite applications from suitably qualified Malaysians for the following:PURCHASING MANAGER Reports directly to the Materials Manager, the selected candidate will be responsible for the entire purchasing function of the company
      631 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 443 17 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX t Telephone Service *****22 Att^ P_ t^ Mondoy F.,<Jo» 8 30om -SOOpm Or<tnory 70 els p*> -ord ln»i TIO VJ I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE Times Centre 900 o m SOOpm (M^ 549 Ibl Suodoy I^es VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS v^fm-'Tdopm 80. Chwge. $500.««*c,..l VIH
      443 words
    • 4662 17 I FOR SALE .SHOPPING GUIDE II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT TATUNG ELECTRONICS (S) PTE 31 Situations Vacant LTD Immediate vacancy lor =s^ =s^—SSSm^mmm^m^m^m^ Cot controller c Requirements: Diploma or University Degrees a) Professional preferably in Accountancy or and Executive Business Administration c Salary: Depending on qualifications and i experience
      4,662 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 472 18 II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT ill II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT I 31 Situation* Vacant b) Secretarial and Clerical LEADING TOUR OPERATOR requires I) Account Clerk with LCC Bookeepmg certificate 2) Costing Clerk 3i Tour Administration Clerk Interested applicants call *****22 for an appointment LEGAL FIRM HAS vacancies for Stenographers
      472 words
    • 685 18 Newly eelabttshed company requires: 1) FEMALE SECRETARY 2) FEMALE RECEPTIONIST Qualification. OCI O level with credit In English c Typing speed 35 wpm Minimum Ito 2 years' working experience Ir.iereated applicants pleaee call Mmoi/MMOti NIGHTCLUB REQUIRES EXPERIENCED Female Administrative AssisUnt Call ***** between 10a m and 5p m for interview
      685 words
    • 1257 18 Required by well established Ply- TOUR COMPANY wood factory in Jurong r#9(j)r#t MALE/FEMALE FEMALE CLERKS/TYPISTS PERSONNEL CLERK Applicant should possess a good Requirements: OCE <) level Certificate with a (iCKO' level with knowledge credit in Mathematics and Pllof Chinese rllin ■<■'*■' '>pi»K 'ertlflcate c Minimum 1 year working ex- Able
      1,257 words
    • 2207 18 W J **"»**eWJ OOOONEWS H FOR LADIES 1 GENTLEMEN FXPFPIPMPPn AN OPPORTUNITY C.IMUCU TO EARN $1,000 MONTHLY SALES ft SALESMEN at your time MANAGEMENT I He a Part-time Sales Executive TRAIMFPQ 7 required by an established for an esUbl.shed brand of im- IHAINfcfcS I bu,.d,n, ma,.,,.,, comply %£^J£^T£?!k ,'referab.y app,,canu
      2,207 words
    • 690 18 d) Technical EtECTRICIAN k Apprentice Write with full i jarticulars. salary expected and •ontact telephone to The Adveriser. 56 A Niven Road. Spore ■B. URCONDITIONING FIRM lEQUIRES Technicians and Apprentices Please call *****66 mmediately for an appointnent. URCONDITIONING COMPANY RE WIRES immediately Apprentice 0 repair and maintain plants md systems
      690 words
    • 608 18 I Leading Engineering Company invites applications to fill aeveral poaitio it a* CNC MACHINE TRAINEES Candidates mtst have I minimum of VlTBprade 3 Certificate I theory and prictlcal) on Metal Machining Successful applicants will be trained to ope-ate the most modren computer numerical i ontrolled metal rutting machine tools Cell
      608 words
    • 523 18 I PORUS KROME We are a precision engineeri ing corn p Any p a y i n y good fringe benefits and salary having immediate vacancies for: GENERAL MACHINISTS c Applicants should possess VITB Trade Certificate In Metal Marhimng a Have relevant working experience of at least 2 years and
      523 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 864 19 II EMPLOYMENT M M"M M A pointing FIRM in .lurong re31 Station. V.en. EHS'Su^HH (>lus ahlfl allowance $1 80 InIeraaBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBaaBBBBBBaaBBBBa^B e sled i all iK-rsonally to 103. Ney- thai Hnaii Spore 2282 Bus 248 from Interchange d) Technical MGEE co N IIIgp N CAL Established ntemational juiuwy qualified candidates to
      864 words
    • 430 19 II EMPLOYMENT BENSONS METAL PRODUCTS PTE LTD 24 GUL AVENUE JURONG SINGAPORE 2262 has vacancies lor: TOOLROOM MACHINISTS With several years experience in Ihe manufacture ol high precision tool Component! and spar.' parts Recofnlaed Technical qualifteaUoni are preferred, but applicant! with extensive experience only \»ill also he considered
      430 words
    • 278 19 Join Del Mar [Furniture "r^qfl LbbbbM'^bbbb^^^^s'A^l TaaßaZ Free transport at pick-up points Attendance bonus 13th Month pay Annual Productivity Bonus Productivity incentive Canteen facility, etc. Please apply in person with identity card on Mondays to Saturdays from 9.00 am to 4 00 pm at The Personnel Dept Del Mar Furniture
      278 words
    • 488 19 II EMPLOYMENT A well rstahllshed IMaslu I'.nkaging Industry rr<|inre.s (A)PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR (Citizens and Non Cilibbbbb) c Completed full-lime National Service c Industrial Technician Certificate in Mechanical Engineering. Production Engineering or full OCE A' level (Science Stream) c To work permanent night shift from II pm lo 7 am (B)MALE EXTRUDERS
      488 words
    • 420 19 I Da An American company has vacancies lor FEMALE QC INSPECTOR Between 17-25 years of age Sec. 4 education and above Willing to work on 3 rotating shift Commencing gross salary of $290/- p.m. (inclusive of transport allowance, shift allowance, attendance incentives) Free shuttle bus service provided for 2nd 3rd
      420 words
    • 210 19 II EMPLOYMENT W% MUSTAD Norwegian manufacturing company in Jurong requires FEMALE PRODUCTION WORKERS lor normal working hours/shift rotation. c 16 years and above. a Singapore/Malaysian Citizens c No experience required c Training will be provided MALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS lor our Heat Treatment M. chine Department. c Completed National Service. c
      210 words
    • 415 19 I •> FOSTER urgently requires STORE HAND i Mm secondary education Must possess class 3 4 driving licence j Preferably with some experience in store background Must be hardworking and able lo work under pressure Age 20-25 years Completed N.S. Interested applicants please apply personally with your I.C. and one
      415 words
    • 179 19 II EMPLOYMENT B'ltMpa«aa|Alsii^l I gaVTrf^f^ftfr'^gaal I ft'^j^Vfiff I mmitJ^t^r^f^mm t I Hls23Ju aaaaar'ffiTP^T*Hßaaaaaaaaafi BSB^kattjasWiPssMMJ eVaaj»*aiaj IV*j4paiMsßUsUß^Uaaajaj i Manufacturer of Metal Products in Jurong has immediate vacancies for the following (A) JUNIOR CHARGEHANDS Preferably with NTC Qrade 3 in sheet metal fabrication and/or welding I (B) PRODUCTION WORKERS Over 16 years
      179 words
    • 412 19 It 4 «1 B MAE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR A leading and wen-established developer has vacancy for Ihe above post for one of its office building. Applicants should peaa following (1) Relevant Trade Certificate in Electrical and aircondillon works from recognised Institutes 12) Minimum of 3 years experience in maintenance works of
      412 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 412 20 II EMPLOTMBIT II EMPtOTMtHT II EMPLOYMENT |l' EMPLOYKgNT liaiPlOYHICIIT I 31 Situations Vacant I) Production WANTED FEMALE WORKERS Light Precision sharpening tools Preferably Vocallo School or Technical backgrou Training provided Aircon Honed workshop at Bu Tlmah. near Beauty World S ary $300 to $350 according to perlence Please write In
      412 words
    • 662 20 Firm in Jurong haa immediaM vacancies lor:- 1) PER3ONNEL ASSISTANT c GCE A' level (Eng) Preferably with some knowledge of payroll and personnel work. mat Work with little supervlmd slon. ki/ 2) PRODUCTION CLERK life he c OCE A' level (Eng). !l a Work In production offlee. c Willing to
      662 words
    • 752 20 auMaN Etactrtc haa vacanciaa tor 1) CAR STEREO SERVICEMAN 2) WASMNO MACHINE SERVICEMAN J) DEMONSTRATOR Hama «ppManrn Km<fty apply pvrson lo MELCO SALES (S) PTE LTD 70, Skianton Way Singapora 01 08 teL main. BAN CHU AN COFFEE HOUSE WAITRESSES We provide free meals, service charge, tips and other benefits,
      752 words
    • 547 20 Doa lo tha meant axpanalon m on vacanctaa tor tha toNowtng poata: QUALITY CONTROL CLERK a Completed Secondar Education English stream a Ability to type a Must be prepared to wor under pressure QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTORS a Must be prepared to work rotating shifts a Able to understand am write
      547 words
    • 395 20 [<Pollei Invites application from Singapore/Malay slan Citizens an Permanent Resident for the following posl tions: TOOLROOM MILLING MACHINIST Minimum NTT (Milling) Minimum 2 years' ex perlence in operatln the milling marhlni Be able to read blue print and work t close tolerance. SECURITY GUARDS (Male/Female) Singapore Citizen with previous Securl
      395 words
    • 755 20 1 CYCLE CARRIAGE d GROUP a I- Our Company Is expanding rapidly and Is now looking for suitably qualified personnel to fill the following positions A) KEY PUNCH OPERATOR I (FEMALE) Mln 3 OCE O' level with at least 3 credits Including English 2to 3 years' experience In a similar
      755 words
    • 388 20 ■Mi ■jNakona SINCOI TECHNICAL STORE ASSISTANTS Completed GCE 'O' Able to work 2 rotatim shifts (morning and afternoon) Preference given to ex National Servicemen especially in Technics Storeman Vocation. Successful candidates will be responsible for keeping inventory of spare parti tools and materials DRIVER/ DELIVERY ATTENDANT Above 21 yean Possess
      388 words
    • 641 20 require, (A) OFFICE ATTENDANT (B) DESPATCH RIDER (C) GENERAL WORKER Raquiramant* Male Singapore citizens Above It years of age Completed Primary SI: education f' Have a working knowledg of English Possess a valid Class II Drlv Ing Licence (For Post (B only) Please call for Interview toda during office hours
      641 words
    • 534 20 Raanlrad: MALE FEMALE FACTORY WORKERS a Age above 16 lo 35 Interested please call at: Tom Alk Plaattc Factory Pto LI 171 Eunoa Ava. 7. Blk 107*. S 'pc 1440 REQUIRED OFFICE BOY ar weighing clerk Singapore Cll zens Apply personally a 11-A. Cecil Street. Spore 01 after 4 30pm
      534 words
    • 815 20 Experienced/Inexperienced Delivery Clerks and Labourers Interested parties, call personally at Rm 5361-F. 2nd floor. Woh Hup Complex. Beach Road. Spore 071S REQUIRED GENERAL WORKERS with molorcvcle licence and Hv ing in Toa Payoh Please ring JJj *****36/*****45 for appointment URGENTLY REQUIRED MALE Apprentices, age above 16. No ex- perlence required
      815 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 930 21 111 VEHICLES BOATS 111 VEHICLES 4 BOATS 111 VEHICLES 4 BOATS 111 VEHICLES BOATS 111 VEHICLES 4 BOATS mm^m%r\^B^^+».m\\mmW\\ I OOOOOOOOOOCK 43 Vehicles For Hire L—^a^BW J I I I I FREE electronic Tyret boloney I ll* Am P*« c <" f ki EttKient I Senncei I rVELCOME TO BUKIT
      930 words
    • 851 21 JULY 1*77 BMW i.ii exrellen .umlition wilh airrond. radio ne Price $38.0000n0 Rln *****91 from 9am to 4 pm MID- 1*74 BMW 520 Excellen condition with many arressorle .me! private reglslratiun Cnntac MM MINILITE MAGNESIUM RIMS !u BMW 320. 220 13 Ins x 7 1/2 in deep dished New Unused.
      851 words
    • 962 21 ll JAN. 1*77 FIAT MIS. cassette 1/ radio. Micheim lyres, sport! g runs rust-proofed, excelleni condition Price $21,500. Tel lt *****11 ext 28 View: 37. Quallt] s Road.Jurong t LADY OWNER. 1*72, Flat 12' Sport Excelleni condition New r paint, aircond. radio, cassette Price negotiable View 9. Loronf 107. Off
      962 words
    • 902 21 I*7* HONOA CIVIC .-(lour Showroom condition Airrond cartridge, tuff koted. etc $18,301 negotiable Contact Michael *****54 after II 00 am I*7* 3 DOOR HONDA Accord Automatic. 1 owner. $29,500 Call Gary *****65 IMO APRIL HONOA Prelude Automatic, aircond. low mileage One owner Tel: *****31. 5 MONTHS OLD Honda Prelude Automatic,
      902 words
    • 781 21 I*7* MERCEDES 200 Automatic owner, done 9.500 k m Ihowiuui condition Asking $69,000 om Tel *****28 I*7* MERCEDES BENZ 200 I owner, aircond. radio and cas I sette. done 4.500 k m In ver good condition Owner leavini Interested call *****59 Steven Mitsubishi Colt ALMOST 1*73 COLT Galant \M OS
      781 words
    • 766 21 1 I tat £lal*^ I Pa^^^aeVaj 1 I I*7l TOYOTA COROLLA 1200. very good condition Tax 7/80. PARF eligible. M.BSO ono Tel: *****96 1*72 TOYOTA CORONA MXII PARK eligible Aircond. radio, tip top condition J10.500 ono Phone *****95 1*73 MOOEL TOYOTA Cellca. Aircond sports rims, road tax/ insurance, cassette radio.
      766 words
    • 652 21 PACIFIC MOTOR CREDIT PTE LTD Known For Top Quality Used Cars Plot C Used Cars Centre Kampong Java Fringe Carpark Oft Bukil Timah Rd/ Cavenagh Rd Tele: 335*353/ 735*343 I I*7* Dalsun 130Y GL a/c Colt Sigma I*oo GS a/c Coll Lancer 1400 SL a/c I*7* Datsun 16OJ SSS a/c
      652 words
    • 1480 21 1973 AUST;N 1300GT SaOTt rMM DEC I*7* TOYOTA Road Ux 8/80 Wry good condi- t ion wagon i blind van lion v owner Reasonable offer *****14 1*73 JAGUAR KM 4 2 Automatic. N eligible (or PARK, road Ux Au- FORO ESCORT VAN Wv Askn.g 525.000 ono Vie* \2 Florida
      1,480 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 965 22 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES til r>*l UA FOR LEASE PIL Building Prime office building at Cecil Street scheduled for completion in end 1960 Ist floor office of 961 s m at $32 30 psm/mth (excluding service
      965 words
    • 1073 22 [WL&^slaW& I^^ Luxurious 2-stor»y i^^JtfW^ W^^ terrace units Wo^^ Pasir Parting Road h 7 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, store. Children's playground Car park, recreational facilities Freehold land Showroom opens daily from 9 am 5 pm. Enquiries and Bookings: Q*| GOOOLAND (PTE) UMTTED 21 New Bridge Road, Singapore
      1,073 words
    • 725 22 "««VIIPUI APARTMENT Ir town facing sea 2 bedrooms tastefully furnished, central air cond. fully carpeted Avallablt immediately $1,800 Chelsea Homes *****23/4/5 A BEAUTIFUL 2-BEDROOMEC apartment, swimming pool facilities Fully furnished. $2,100 Available immediately Calrnhll Mansion, executive apartment near Ooodwood Hotel. $2,300 Richard Low Housing. *****81 A BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT DM 10
      725 words
    • 867 22 Sherwood Towers ;i bedrooms with swimming pool, squash court and shop (acuities High 1 floor, let furnished or unfurnished (Ol Hlllcrest Arcadia. 2 bedrooms with swimming pool, squash and tennis courts High floor, fully furnished (C) Ridge- wood 3 bedrooms with swimming pool, fully furnished (D) unfurnished walk-up apartment. Novena
      867 words
    • 733 22 PACIFIC MANSION APARTMENT for 3 months lease Aircondilioner fully furnished $1,100 Conlid Joe Chua ***** before spm PASIR PANJANG 3-BEDROOMED Apartment. 3 bathrooms, furnished $1,800/ unfurnished $1,500 Swimming pool *****82. No agents Room Road -Seng Manuona' (10). Walk-up. 4 bedrooms Ridg.wood 'Kalakaua Rot (10). High floor. 3 bedrooms. Pandan Villey
      733 words
    • 810 22 ORCHARD TOWERS APARTMENTS wanted urgently Company ■imiriau- staff Unfurnished or furnished. Also Wanted Houses Any budget in Selelar Hill vicinity Owners, contact *****55/*****25 WANTED HOUSES AND Apartments In any dlsl-lcl for Immediate occupation by expatriates Saturn *****55 b) Flats APARTMENTS WANTED IN any feasible districts Hudget $500 lo $600 *****79
      810 words
    • 767 22 BRAND-NEW SPRINGLEAF GAR DEIiS two-storey semi-detachei land 3.700 sqft Built-in 2.50 sqft 3 bedrooms study room Victor It Morris Tel: *****7 *****6 CAPTTaI PARK 1690.000 CIEMENTI PARK 5480.000 DEOAP ROAD 1270.000 FAKR TERRACE $285 000 HOLLAND ROAO 63 5 000 HONG LEONG GDN J295.000 HULCREST ROAD 1220.000 JALAN UMAU BALI
      767 words
    • 593 22 1- 585 SBSRealty Services\PtE) Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary ol Smgapura Building booetv Lmtedl Tet *****1-3 Offers the following ROSYTH ROAD modern 2-storey Detached S bedrooms. 4 bathrooms, matured garden, fruit trees, etc. Land: 12.190 sq ft $600,000/ PASIR PANJANG COURT 2nd floor Flat 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, swimming pool,
      593 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 801 23 IV ACCOMMODATE k PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES V SERVICES A RUSINESS |I V SERVICES BUSINESS 54 Properties For Sale b) Flats A BRAND NEW St Patrick's Oar dm apartment 3 rooms with various facilities al $220,000 Fields *****' ***** ***** ACE Of>ER»: (irangeford. low floor apartment.
      801 words
    • 773 23 N..U.1 walk up apart man MM sqft $16fl.iMi ,Pr.>|>ert\ Agency *****551 DIST 11 SHEIFORD APARTMENT rant's lully carpeted and furnished .'.OOO si) fl $3>iii > sea Homes *****23 4 5 1 1 v.uglas DIST 12. OFF BALESTIER. ItH-.l r.M. inert apartment near IDeatrei shopping complex, eusl4o,ooo .i t Housing Associates
      773 words
    • 875 23 I Ino nij ft sellniK tfi4o.(Mo Inlereslefl rail (ather me *****53 PACIFIC MANSION selling price »*****0 Interested partita call Miss Inn *****.5J PANOAN VALLEY: mid floor 4 luxury apartment Owner occupied Ist class furnishings, morning sun $420,000 ;i***** *****8 PANOAN VALLEY DIST. 10 1.700 sq II bodrOOCßa, well
      875 words
    • 1263 23 DENTIAI land minimum I acn, GENTLY tooting for a DOMOn any district Vacant possession M( re Ptoue ling tMgta preferred Immediate purchase. subject v. contract I'lease call *****88 MST 1544 MARINE PARADE lIDH 58 Off ICC SpaCß 5/ 4-roomed flat wanted Dial u_»._. *****47 Vacant GENUINE BUYERS WANT Industrial R.
      1,263 words
    • 809 23 61 Shops To Let/For Sale/Wanted AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. MODERN aircondltioned shop units wilh good frontage in central prestlgeous localities, area from 250 so, ft onwards Sale/ renlal al reasonable rales For details MeU Properties: *****88 AN EXCLUSIVE SHOP at Kalong Shopping Centre for sale Area approximately 768 sq ft Ist floor,
      809 words
    • 1255 23 Mode of ah«Turiwn dlov 'a d« We >pecabe n aksnnum/ costing products Akjteck s govonuea Roeng Shutter and Ornamental Hardware provides ahjmnum rolmg Grie tor factories. a new way to afl txjrtding rf erior cornmercxf and dexneste Data ngs and extertx decofotions We hove 3 type* lor your selector vb
      1,255 words
    • 1207 23 DAY/NIGHT TRANSPORTATION 101 all deliveries, removals. dumpings For economical rates, ring 418C32 Sunny/ Abu OFFICE /FACTORY/HOUSEHOLD Removals. Deliveries, driver la hour supplied self-drive lorries for hire, storage, odd jobs Call COT. *****67/ *****64. after office: *****32 OFFICE/ FACTORY/ HOUSEHOLD removals Tree rutting labour supply and solve all your dumping problems
      1,207 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1408 24 VI EDUCATION i TRAINING PART N (IMSTITUTE MARKETING Nokpiiibcr l»80 KxaminalhiiiM 102 Education ,i B \m< u'i m > :«5?59 SSto nr Kfr3ffi T fflliSM^ IMPORT/EXPORT PROCEDURES I I TiTW iriS a^fr/ii DOCUMENTATION COURSE H V>« T J a' W W»» W STAGE I (BASIC) T /i^ 'fj OEUUIM«MP*M rfttctlvt
      1,408 words
    • 739 24 VII TRAVEL TOURS I AMERICA '80 I THE AMBtICAN EXPERIENCE (North South East West) Hwwi 'hHmm'kmk Arc— Z+nk SttW *f WaHniaMi Wmm Sun of New Yrt Dstrc! Umtm FMa BtiM Catate OMm Mori Htß| Ka*j 28 Days *****0/KLSS49O t*n on n/s 1/6 10 8 14 9 ?6 10 16 ii
      739 words
    • 611 24 VII TRAVEL k TOURS J mean Safe and Comlortable air y^'J^"« TllLvS. passage PLUS V>^jtfP^MibKuV Ist Class accomodation M3MwSSwßU\Mt}\ Sumptuous Meals MmWKSt WksK Exciting Sightseeing m}\ Tours A refreshing Haa and satisfying holiday 2^ Our Tours are not TU 667i?<} fi7V)fii Cheap as we provide CL Unbeatable Value Bl 8
      611 words
    • 885 24 VII TRAVEL TOURS RELIABLE AND ECONOMICAL air- woPldwi'de destinations i'onUrt MM MMM Alrmaster Travel Centre. 36-G l IVII bTI I Prinsep Street i near Cathay ■■aMI Cinema) Tel *****2.*****.***** ■■W TRAVEL SERVICE IS PTL LTD SPECIALISED ECONOMICAL TRA- STPB. LIC NQ 140 YELLING worldwide Daily departures available Call personally Head
      885 words
    • 542 24 VII IT.AVEL TOURS aTCaaWaaatafal ■aS^k J^-WW-n H ISKSwMN^IG I BM|HR|HfIIMI#MMMMMp|H H^M^JaMpej|^AaAaiyMri^MMFtjfVV uvcrs^3S I ours M M M M M M 8 Day Taipei SISSO SCHOOL HOLIDAY TOURS BKK MX TPF JISSO BKK UK Tl't 10 12 14 Oenling 2U3N $99 $109 $119 h> Dan $16»O/»179O/$193O train with sleeping berth Re-
      542 words

    • 190 25 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE •Mm Tay Swa« Poh wiah lo npitii lhair rwarttelt gratituda to ralalima. trwnds, eelST.:^?^?^' ?a!£££r ™C#°l THE FAMILY OF THE LATE KONG MUN WAI THANK THE SURGEONS. DOCTnoc mn CTltc nt wlßnc 11 M. IPt.S T^lt e?L"!sf»iT»i FOR THEIR TENDER CARE AND ATTENTION
      190 words
    • 52 25 WILLIAM LIMHAI SWEE aiproaa thmr haartlalt thanks to ralativaa. Irwndt. collaaguat and condotancai. kind assislanc*. •rraath,. •crolli. donations and attondanc* during thair raconl boraavamanl Also gratalul thanks to Doctors and Nursas ol Wards 3 and 6 ol Sing. pora Ganaral Hospital lor tha madi cal
      52 words
    • 123 25 MADAM KWAN HA CHENG (Mrs Can Khak Bang) wish to thank Van-Sack Kong Poh. Prasidant a Committa* Mambars ol Tha Buddhist Union and thair mamb»rs Mambars ol Tha Singapora Buddhist Lodga. Mambars ol Th* Atalamsa Lodga. doctor* and njrsas ol Ward 43 Tan Tock
      123 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      132 words
    • 21 25 ALOYSIUS E FERNANDEZ 3rd Anniversary today. May 20th. Sadly missed but always rememberrd by wife Edna and loved
      21 words
    • 55 25 our balovad lathar M j. p. i>/jabii MH. M. HAJAUUrAL Dop«l«d on 20th May. 197» jjr«^djugM«|^o^o«^ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl i n Evarloving Momory ola Daarly B«iovad Frwnd and Unckt M. Raiagopal O«p«rtad 20/5/79 Sadly mtaaod by tha lamil»at ol char, Chaa Wang. Capl. E.H.R. Davm, lha Wong lamily
      55 words
    • 76 25 SERGEANT V.K. KANESAN Born: 2/2/S6 Departad 19/5/7* -Slid anil sudden was his call. Mi'l<l<*n death surprised us .ill. t>r.iutilul life came a sudden end. ll>- diol U lif lived everyone's Wend. Up had a nature you could not \\r\p loving A hearl lar purer than ((old.
      76 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      39 25 th. L.I. MR. LEO HEE WAH Departed: 20.5 79. Ag«d 54. It Hal trrn year you icll lls A thuuiEhl of you bririi! us t.irs You r always rtmtmbtrtd by *>■<• lorn, daughlart. grandchildr«n and b«tov»d onti
      39 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 10 25 'In Memoriam is for the loved ones whom you remember
      10 words
    • 930 25 VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL ALLOW TOHSINC MARRIAGE/ Friendship bureau to imrodun129 Miscellaneous purm^ rnendi insunU) Numerous members ConfkJen Hal. courteous wrvtoe 22:1281(1 i^aiiaßaßi^aas £>I9IBS 1220 ivari Centre) M LOVER MARRIAGE-AX) BUREAU 5* heipt you lo uei suitable friends. **E you feeling Lonely, bored 1% Quaranleed personal genuine partners Call personally at
      930 words
    • 713 25 KENYATAAN TAWARAN lEMBAQA URUSAN DAN TABUNG HAJI (LUTH) Tawaran odafah jipelawo donpodo Pemborong yang beraattar sengan Jaboton Kerja Rayo dan lembaga letrih Negara untuk:CADANGAN BANGUNAN TKJA TINOKAT DIATAS lOT NO. 303, JALAN BANDAR K ABA MHAKA (1) EIECTRICAI INSTALLATION i JKR Kelas 1 dibawah Kepola I (a) dan (b), 2.
      713 words
    • 731 25 r Opportunity for 1 Manufacturers and Suppliers of Household Durable Products Fortiss Berhad is Malaysia's first locally incorporated direct marketing organisation dealing in widely accepted household and consumer products with a nation-wiae dealership network. in accordance with marketing policies, Fortiss has plans to widen its product line to provide wider
      731 words

    • 221 26 (iOKTZIS, Mon. Britain's Daley Thompson, 21, set a world record in the decathlon here yesterday his first full competition ia more than a year. Thompson, whose progress to the summit has been relentlessly sure since i his first decathlon In Wales i five years
      Reuter  -  221 words
    • 584 26 From protector to victor MONTE CARLO, Mon. Argentinian veteran Carlos Reutemann calmly claimed his 10th Formula One triumph by winning one of the most dramatic Monaco Grand Prix motor races on record here yesterday. The 38-year-old Williams driver ended an 18month spell among the also-rans as
      Reuter  -  584 words
    • 394 26 Madrid, Nantes capture league titles PARIS, Mon. Two more football league titles were decided in Europe during the weekend. Real Madrid won their 20th championship in Spain, their third in consecutive years, before a singing, dancing crowd of 120,000 at their Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, while Nantes won their second French
      Reuter  -  394 words
    • 243 26 SALONICA, Mon. Security police are holding the president and a board member of the Iraklis First Division football club over bribery allegations. Constantine Pertsinides, 45, the president, and Nicholas Nikolaides, 34. are alleged to have bribed a player of Salonika's First Division club Paok, a rival
      Reuter; AFP  -  243 words
    • 158 26 Khalid is Malays u-21 champion FORMER F and N trainee Khalid Ismail emerged the Singapore Malays national under-21 singles badminton champion when he beat Hasbi Abu Bakar 15-8, 15-10 in the final at Telok Kurau Secondary School. The finals of the senior men's singles and doubles, the mixed doubles and
      158 words
    • 153 26 JOHARI JONIT was the only player to be fully stretched before beating Steven Wong 63, 6-7, 7-5 in the first qualifying round of the Fila Open tennis ranking championship at the Singapore Tennis Centre last night. Other results: First raua: K. B. Kwa bt A. Koh 6-0,
      153 words
    • 20 26 ADDIS ABABA. Mon. Zambia and Ethiopia drew 0-0 here yesterday in a pre-World Cup soccer match here. AFP.
      AFP  -  20 words
    • 135 26 LONDON, Mon. Thousands of fans gave Arsenal a heroes welcome home here yesterday, despite the team losing the English F. A. Cup eight days ago, at Wembley and the European Cup Winners' Cup final to Valencia on penalties, in Brussels. About 100,000 cheering north Londoners turned
      AFP  -  135 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 629 26 Sime Darby Berhad Sime Darby Wimpey Technical Services Sdn Bhd This is a joint venture company between Sime Darby Berhad and George Wimpey Limited of the UK, one of the world's largest construction companies. The joint venture company will provide technical support and project management services in connection with major
      629 words
    • 512 26 **^T Our Client, a leading International I Construction Company having successfully I the tender for Dredging Bintulu I Deepwater Port in Bintulu. Sarawak, invites I suitably qualified Malaysians to fill the following I PERSONNEL OFFICER conversant with Local Labour I .aws some years of working experience in a similar I
      512 words
    • 252 26 The ©Trio 3 Introducing Unique Health Capsules from England to the range of quality Vita Health Products.., An Improved formula of B<M PoMtn. Contains 3 of Nature s Haaim-promot ing agents- Baa PoMan, Olnwng and B^^^^^ Natoal VHamln t. ™"^The addition ol Ginseng ano Vitamin E ennancat the BaaPoNea contains
      252 words

    • 387 27 CALCUTTA. Mon. China underlined their superiority in Asian table tennis when they swept the board, winning the coveted men's and women's singles and doubles and mixed doubles titles in the competition finals here yesterday. Third-seeded Shi Zhihao became the Asian men's singles champion after he beat
      Reuter  -  387 words
    • 174 27 SEOUL, Mon. Japan's Shoji Oguma, a former world champion, knocked out South Korean champion Park Chan-Hee to win the world Boxing Council flyweight title here last night TTie fight ended after 53 seconds of the ninth round of a scheduled 15-round match at the Metropolitan Changchung gymnasium. Oguma. 28.
      174 words
    • 481 27 useppe Saronni added the 243kilometre third stage of the Italian tour, from Turin to Parma, to his first and second stage wins. In Paris, Belgium Herman Van Springel won the 77th Bordeaux-Paris professional road race for a record sixth Van Springel, 36. clocked 12 hr. 46
      Agencies  -  481 words
    • 182 27 LOUISVILLE. Mon. Jimmy Connors beat fellow American Eddie Dibbs in straight sets in the final of the US$lO4,OOO ($224,640) tennis tournament here yesterday. Connors, whose service looked better than in recent matches won 6-2. 6-3. In Florence, local idol Adriano Panatta won the
      AFP; UPI  -  182 words
    • 296 27 LONDON, Mon. Unregarded Warwickshire settled in at the top of England 's 40-over Sunday Cricket League when they clinched their third win in-a-row yesterday one more than last season when they finished bottom of the 17 counties. Sussex were their victims at Edgbaston. After teenager Gladstone
      Reuter  -  296 words
    • 361 27 FORT WORTH, Mon. Bruce Lietzke holed a 7 62-metre birdie putt on the final green yesterday to edge out Ben Crenshaw by one stroke in the US$3OO,OOO ($648,000) invitational golf tournament. Lietzke finished at nine-under-par 271 to earn a U5554,000 first-place cheque. Crenshaw earned U5532,400.
      Agencies  -  361 words
    • 261 27 Why not master English A GOOD COMMAND OF ENGLISH can ensure snecess in your present job improve your chances of promotion and increase your earning power. Yon can acquire it quickly and easily. When you can talk fluently and effectively write clearly and concisely, you impress your boss your customers
      261 words
    • 397 27  -  FAIRWAY Hi IT was a dramatic Cup day over the weekend at Bukit Timah. The races had to a shocking start when a rank -outsider took the first event. Following this, two horses fought to a thrilling deadheat. Veteran jockey Podmore then rode the
      397 words
    • 1380 27 F>FNANC Mon 4 ProUgoolsl 49.0 4 Double BUI 520 18 Rlversands n 555 h A ts N jr "weeK" SST «g£ S^i, n ?nd s races here da* 4 Dta.« ijosw. 10 J*,^ 510 t 54 0 M Loro 57.0 1 Winners Laurel n 51.0 3 Oman* n
      1,380 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 262 27 Business studies In London! AH Courses held at Language Tuition Centre in Central London. Accommodation and meals at LT.C.'s own Residence or with selected families in London suburbs. London Chamber \^B S of Commence and \^H x/^st Industry Examinations \^H One -Year Course \^H Certificate In Business \^H Studies \^H
      262 words
    • 337 27 MACK TRUCKS THE GREATEST NAME IN TRUCKS FOR ALL "ON" OR "OFF" ROAD APPLICATONS -A mil aVJb^Ra^Bi I t~Y mT.I 1 lit- fflk'i LJt, h, \AW ML— 4 LOGGING Sjjfl^S DUMPER _^kflflfilHfl P*3 tjt I tM Mr- <!_ -J* f^^^^^m m. mt^am^' HI I OIL TANKER PRi •BLy llll lB^I!!!***'
      337 words

    • 399 28  -  ERNEST FRIDA By LOCAL cricket officials are up in arms against Singapore captain S. Muruthi's decision not to declare the second innings of the inter-port match against Hongkong on the Padang last weekend. The three-day match ended in a farcical draw when Muruthi decided to
      399 words
    • 180 28 Richards, Lloyd hit centuries for WI MILTON KEYNES, Mon. Clive Lloyd and Viv Richards hit centuries as they led a West Indian run spree against Northamptonshire nere yesterday. The visiting cricketers reached 369 for a lead of 109, leaving time for Northants to chip 29 off their deficit by the
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • 311 28  -  PATRICK BABTIANS By HARRY NAIR, secretary of the Singapore Squash Rackets Association, will fly to London in September to state Singapore's case for hosting the world junior championships in 1962. The SSRA will be gambling on hosting the expensive tournament with a chance
      311 words
    • 164 28 Bee Khim leads the field KEE BEE KHIM took the first step towards winning the Singapore Island Country Club women's golf championship for the 11th time at the New course yesterday, reports ERNEST FRIDA. She led a pack of eight players in the first round with a six-over-par 78. Diane
      164 words
    • 40 28 BOON LAY created a big upset when they beat the defending champions and favourites, Changi. 2-1 to win the Singapore inter-constituency sepak takraw title at Gay World Stadium Marine Parade finished third after defeating Kampong Übi 2-1
      40 words
    • 47 28 SINGAPORE Armed Forces Reservists' Association whipped Singapore Airlines Group 5-0 in the men's National Squash League E Grade aham pionship at Toa Payoh yesterday. In a C Grade women's match at the Singapore Cricket Gub, the hosts were beaten 3-1 by Tanglin Club
      47 words
    • 338 28  - Lim wins all his singles matches to stun critics BERNARD PEREIRA By DANIEL LTM, fresh on the tennis comeback trail, stunned his critics at the recent trials to select Singapore's Chua Choon Leong Cup squad when he won all his three singles matches even upsetting national champion Patrick Loh. Urn,
      338 words
    • 94 28 MAHADER HASSAN has been top seeded for the Fila Open tennis championship at the Singapore Tennis Centre on Saturday and Sunday, reports BERNARD I'KRKIKA. He is drawn to meet national champion and arch-rival Patrick Loh in the final. The other top contenders are Hassan Bohari, seeded
      94 words
    • 68 28 THE Singapore Women's Hockey Association Winners' Pool knockout semi-final match between Singapore Cricket Club A and Theresians A at the Padang yesterday was abandoned with the score at 1-1 because of failing light. Monica I-oy netted for SIX and Melanie Martens for Theresians In a Singapore Hockey Association
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 409 28 Wm W^T How acceptable would the world's most acceptable bank credit card find you? Probably a lot more so than .^o^fS^^^\^^^^^ you'd imagine Just because we J^^^^ happen to combine the world's most ,^^^v\\2krT^V^\^^^ widely used bank credit card v dYif^B f^B Wi with the world's largest bank, it doesn't
      409 words

    • 270 29 CRICKET In Singapore isnt dying It's being murdered! Singapore skipper S. Moruthl committed cricketing euthanasia on Sanday aa sarely aa a frustrated doctor pulls out the plug on aa incurable patient kept alive by a machine. Munithl was the hero •n Friday, the opening day of
      270 words
    • 282 29  - All smiles for takraw, bowling VILFRED YEO By V CHNG SENG MOK, a man not normally given to outbursts of any sort, was just short of ecstatic yesterday. But Chng's joy had nothing to do with personal gain or success. He was reacting, as the president of the Singapore Tenpin
      282 words
    • 275 29 Singapore bowlers lead SINGAPORE bowlers strengthened their grip on the Golden Bowl championships in Johore Bahru yesterday, shooting to the top of another two events to lead in 13 of the 14 major events at stake, reports WILFRED YEO. Narissa Prateep dislodged Malaysia's Doris Koo from her 1,054-pinfall perch in
      275 words
    • 153 29 TO DAY' S EVENTS BADMINTON Singapore Sports Council national intrazone final: Thomson v Serangoon Gardens (Serangoon Secondary school, 130) BASKETBALL National championships (Peoples Association. 7 3D) GOLF SI.GA league: Keppel v Sembawang (Sembawang). Jurong v Seletar Jurong) HOCkRY SHA Div One league SCC B v Jansenites B (SCC, 5 15).
      153 words
    • 648 29 ...under lots of pressure COULD you walk 100 metres along a plank a half-metre wide, say without faltering? You could? Then there it is placed across a 500-metre deep ravine! Now walk! Yes, it takes on a rather different significance in those circumstances, doesn't it? I mean,
      648 words
    • 549 29  -  JOE DORAI By SERANGOON GARDENS have been thrown out of the National Football League. The Football Association of Singapore's Tournament Committee found them guilty of cheating in League and President's Cup matches. Gardens, founder-mem-bers of the League in 1975, allegedly fielded an unregistered player under
      549 words
    • 216 29 SINGAPORE'S intermjdiate team striker Abu Bakar Saad and goalkeeper Yacob Hashim have been invited to join the Malaysia Cup reserves for their friendly soccer match against South Korea at the National Stadium tomorrow (8 pm), reports JOE DORAI. Tney were called up by national
      216 words
    • 31 29 TODAY Forces v Sarawak (Merdeka Stadium, 7.30). mediates' 2-0 victory over Irian Jaya, of Indonesia, at the National Stadium last Thursday. Jita wants to test Abu Bakar and Yacob along
      31 words
    • 113 29 Guna paves way for Pahang in home victory PAHANG 2 SABAH 0 KUANTAN, Mon. S. Gunasegaran, who played poorly last week, sparked Pahang to a 2-0 victory over Sabah in tonight's Malaysia Cup soccer match at the Darulmakmur Stadium here. Despite the ever-threat-ening ways of Sabah striker Hassan Sani, Pahang
      NST  -  113 words
    • 52 29 Sepak takraw tournament THE Bukit Panjang Community Centre's fifth intra-constitu-ency sepak takraw tournament for the Lee Yiok Seng Chal lenge Trophy starts on June 10. Entry forms are available at the community centre, and the closing date for registration is Saturday week. The draw will be made on Sunday week
      52 words
    • 275 29  -  ERNARD PEREIRA ByBI WONG SHOON SOO, who has been nominated for next month's badminton training stint in Ragunan, Indonesia, has also been shortlisted for this year's ASEAN schools' championship trials at New Town Secondary, starting on Monday week. The 18-year-old younger brother of
      275 words
    • 30 29 NATIONAL coach Wee Choon Seng will lead Thomson in tonight's Singapore Sports Council's national intra-zone badminton final against Serangoon Gardens at the Serangoon Secondary School hall (7/30 pm)
      30 words
    • 198 29 TELOK Blangah qualified for the final of the national youth under-19 soccer competition with an upset 2-0 victory over Cairnhill at the Jalan Besar Stadium last night. They meet Changi United, who beat Mountbatten 5-4 on penalty kicks after a 1-1 draw at full-time, in
      AP  -  198 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements

  • 235 30 TOKYO, Monday PRIME Minister Masayoshi Ohira, defeated in a surprise no-confidence vote, dissolved Japan's Lower House of Parliament today to pave the way for the nation's second general election in eight months. Svemment has set for nation-wide to elect a new ouse, of which its 511 members
    Reuter; UPI  -  235 words
  • 63 30 NEW YORK, Mon. Morgan Guaranty Trust today cut its prime interest rate by half a percentage point to 16 per cent, continuing an interest rate slide as the economy weakens. Morgan Guaranty, the fifth largest US bank, was soon followed by several smaller banks, including the First
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 37 30 NEW DELHI, Mon India will send a top ranking diplomat to China on June 3 to do the spadework for the normalisation of relations between the two countries, official sources confirmed here today. AFP.
    AFP  -  37 words
  • 49 30 TEHERAN, Mon Ayatollah Sadeq KhaUthali said today he hoped Iranians will demolish the pre-Islamic tomb of Cyrus the Great in Central Fare province. The former roving Islamic prosecutor was unsuccessful in his recent attempt to destroy the monument of the deposed Shah's father AFP
    AFP  -  49 words
  • 168 30 WASHINGTON, Mon. Mr Michael Herbert Dengler lost out at the Supreme Court today on his effort to change his name to 1069. Without comment, the court rejected Mr Dengler's appeal claiming that he should be allowed to change his name to anything he wishes, so
    UPI  -  168 words
  • 246 30 Housing Board tests car park ticketing machines THE Hearing Board yesterday tested the coin-operate ticketing machines It has Installed at selected car parks. Four have been pat up at Outram Park and all are now In black plastic cover until they are commissioned. The machines are easy to operate. Drivers
    246 words
  • 61 30 SYDNEY, Mon. A strike by newspaper journalists which has slowed or stopped production of major newspapers across the country, will continue until at least the end of the week, the strikers decided today. The journalists have been on strike since May 13 when 29 members in
    UPI  -  61 words
  • 40 30 NEW YORK, Mon Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, which registered gains in each of the past four sessions, dropped back 2.82 to 824.06 in the first half-hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange today. AP.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 171 30 KEY WEST (Florida), Mon. United States officials have thrown up a sea blockade between here and the Cuban port of Mariel to cut off the continuing sea shuttle of Cuban refugees between the two countries. Since Saturday, a dozen patrol boats, several helicopters and
    AFP  -  171 words
  • 550 30 PARIS, Mon A PLAN to free the American hostages in three stages will be submitted to Iran's new parliament when it sits on May 28, a week earlier than originally scheduled, sources close to mediators in the crisis said today. They said the solution
    Agencies  -  550 words
  • 40 30 Late CLASSIFIED Death SAKALOCO SIMON aged S9 dearly called to be with Ood on 19 5 1980; leaving behind wife, sons, daughters, son-ln-laws. and grandchildren Cortege leaves No. 03 Lor 25 Qeylang Road on 20 580 for Mount Vernon Crematorium
    40 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 224 30 The old man of the river He's the old man of Singapore River. He lives among an assortment of discarded things, under the Malacca Bridge, in a home put together with planks and driftwood collected from the river. Why is he there? What does he do? Feature writer RICHARD LIM
      224 words
    • 419 30 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's financial Dally Co<K Pnc« tot Annuol Subtci^lion t/SS (X »üb«r*>tK>n. T.ITIHIII h TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. Companies and car owners may not be pleased by the tax authorities' new ruling on car allowances. Business Times examines the significance of the move and raises questions as to its implementation. Other
      419 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 184 30 nnnnManal UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Showers with thunder in several places.TEMP. (C) up to 6 a.m. tomorrow: 31 max., 24 mln. SUNSET today: 6.31 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: a.m. GLOBAL weather Amsterdam 7-23C Clear Las Angeles 15-23C Cloudy Athens 17-25 C Cloudy Madrid 8-21 C Clear Bahrain 23-34C Clear
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  • The Straits Times SECTION 2
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION 2
      5 words
    • Bilingual page
      • 524 1  -  LIN SHAN t!b:~:~Compil«d by This 15-mlnnte programme will be broadcast over the English Service of Singapore Broadcasting Corporation tonight at 7.45 p.m., and the coming Sunday at Mi a.m. Lesson 21 or this series will be repeated on Thursday at 8.45 p.m. over the FM stereo. Lesson
        524 words
      • 35 1 ft**SftJE*)t** Wicked men, far the most part, delight In false pleasures, bat good men in the tine pleasures. Plato »£t*5fcaifi*tt±»*t*5fcWA£ A life of pleasure Is therefore the most nnpleasIng life in the world. Goldsmith
        35 words
      • 132 1 x^&i£ sJ Be This essay will be broadcast today at M.3t a.m. and 9.45 p.m. and on Friday at 11. 31 a.m. and 9.45 p.m. over the Chinese service of Singapore Broadcasting Corporation. .tftft-*fe(D° •i£(D7-JA tt#S ft .±*«*W£ at* *>f+^«# 0( qtfng ren iS/l *©(z5o)i«JDT^ zhud zhuAng o
        132 words
      • 127 1 Fables The ghost is in him THERE was a man by the name of Juan Shuliang, who was foolish as well as cowardly. Once, he was travelling hastily on a moonlit night. The sheen of pale moonlight shone on him and cast a shadow on the ground. Every step he
        127 words
      • 7 1 g'J>£B§£ m%m w-iu ft Kf«W f&UJl*«|5- AttSfl!
        7 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 534 1 Is New Nation a news paper, v-ml a sports paper, a fashion magazine, j£mmm a business paper or a home journal? y^iv GOOD N EWS I FROM 1 Yes, it's all these and more I TEXOLIN I Singapore is now the manufacturing and technological centre for: "TEXOUN PRODUCTS" GUARANTEED FUEL
        534 words
      • 96 1 INSIDr Fashion Designers of Singapore 'PuUm la my foremost Jab, art Is only a sideline.' So says Tan Yoong, who has made It as one of Singapore's top designers. Read what he has to say on Controsproad Pagot6, 7 A glimpse of art from the past snM 4V fl If
        96 words
    • 548 2  - PICK of the DAY DANA LAM By SBC TV DETECTIVE Earl Elsehled (Ch 5, 8.30 p.m.) continues his battle with police upper echelon for men to form his special squad. At the same time, he tracks down a psychotic killer in the second part of Only The Pretty Girls Die.
      548 words
    • 684 2  -  JOHN GEDDES By in HAMBURG I THE Polygram group, one of the world s largest record companies, with growing interests in films, television and music publishing, is show business without the show. The corridors in its headquarters here are not lined with gold discs.
      684 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 124 2 PLAYS AND DANCE DRAMAS by Nanyang Junior College at the Victoria Theatre at 7.30 p.m. Tickets: $1 and $2. On till tomorrow. SCANDINAVIAN FILM FESTIVAL Next of Kin (Norway), a suspense thriller, at the DBS auditorium at 8 p.m. Tickets: $2. On till tomorrow. FRENCH FILM: Et Dieu Crea La
        124 words
      • 1089 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.00 PM Opening folowed by Gl(an's 7.25 Cultural Diary (English) Island The Kidnapper (r) 7.30 News (Malay) 3.30 Diary of Events (English) 7.45 Juara '80 (3rd Semi-final) 3.35 Afternoon Matinee Way Blue 8 30 Ei$chied M V Th Pretty Girts Yonder (Part 2) D* IB)
        1,089 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 437 3 r, -ir*" r "'BC! Komatsu Total Service System begins here and extends throughout Southeast Asia Whether you are operating a To fly you the parts by Komatsu Singapore fleet of logging machines deep helicopter when your need is X Regional Centre for in the tropical jungles of greatest fr Parts,
        437 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 394 4 19th DAY at LIDO (*****14) 4 SHOWS daily: 1 1am. 2.30, 6 9.00pm Admium. CIKOI J4 il»a> U $2 No Free List 3 oars ipwwct c»m x>u mm t $300 only 'Z—H \fi DOtgYSTIREOn PRINT ijl Francis Ford (Godfather) Coppola s m \th 75Wilhon epic on thejietnamWar M^% Haf JADE
        394 words
      • 143 4 Anewtrend in time m J WATCH REF. ***** AC Automatrc Day/Date. Water Res»tant X kiaiatOn UGuarantaaCardU n With m ji Rjrchaaa' J( Ricoh service centres SINOAPOM: 3- B Chow Houaa. Robmaon ßoad KUALA LUMPUR: 39Jaton PaUfng JAKARTA 105 Pa»ar Baru HONOKONO Lap Hmg Houaa. Crouod Fkx>r 50 Gk>ooa«a. ftead BANGKOK
        143 words
      • 258 4 mM £Ukm PUBllc UTILITIES \r\7 boprd ~£k UIHTER J^ lIITERRUPTIOn S NOTICE TO CONSUMERS C The PUB wiM be connecting a new 700 mm water main to the water supply system serving Lim Chu Kang Road. To facilitate this work, it is necessary to shut down water supply to Lim
        258 words
      • 447 4 ODEON: LAST 2 DAYS! 5 (321 1 16) 5 Shows I I am, I 30, 4, 7, 9 1 5pm ]< Mo Fr— Ll«t JURONG DRIVE-IN/BROADWAY/BEDOK I if OPENS THURSDAY! 1 J I Tllatt <m CantOneSe) |!i t Magnificent S I 8 tfj Butcher |2% o hung <|> >' KUAN
        447 words
      • 606 4 !^CS\ CATHAY \^Jry ORGANISATION V LAST 2 DAYS) I|l 11am. 1 30. 4. 7. 9 15pm 5 f 'MAGNIFICENT i*% tUTCHEI OPfNS rMURSDAY' I I -H4l" D«»ni:rv.iam»fctpi.M< I NOW SHOWING' !l 11am, 1 30. 4. 8 30. 9 15pm V I I Kul. Oouglo»/Ann Marqf«t I i N«»t Chonge 1
        606 words
      • 683 5 Tangata The Maori Vision Of Man National Museum Art Gallery Until June 2, 10.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily Review by RACHEL BARNES TODAY, the Maori in New Zealand are probably the best-liked and most admired inheritors of primitive culture. The
        683 words
      • 289 5 Pride and dignity in college concert Lord Mountbatten memorial concert May 16 Reviewed by DELISLE SCHWARTZ THE United World College of South-east Asia paid its tribute to Lord Mountbatten with a memorial concert in the Singapore Conference Hall last Friday night. The solemnities included prayers, recitations, hymns and songs for
        289 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 25 5 I m i i a wj wA II flr I m LWt mmi 1 XrM A •rtrtt The better bond A Wiggins Teape Fine Paper
        25 words
      • 384 5 RUBBERIHAS'BO THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL RUBBER AND PLASTICS EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE FOR ASIA. World Trade Centre. Singapore 26-30 May 1 980 Time: 1000am-7.00pm 1 Over 180 international manufacturers and suppliers to the world s rubber and plastics industry will gather in Singapore for RUBBERPLAS 80. the largest exhibition of its kind
        384 words
      • 884 6  - What will the the nation wear? WONG LAI WAH By These four young designers have all been invited by the Ministry of Culture to design our national costume; and we have invited our readers to translate their ideas onto paper and send us their sketches. We have received several promising
        884 words
      • Article, Illustration
        718 6 An original look and an original emblem too THOMAS Wee, 32, one of the 10 finalists in the 1978 Young Designers' contest wants to create something new and original for the national costume. "Perhaps something along the lines of a tunic dress, a bit like the baju kurong.
        718 words
      • Article, Illustration
        230 7 Swimwear to beat the heat, smart shirts for Mr Casual and delicious candy colours A SWIMWEAR show is really what we need right now in this sweltering weather. For glorious ideas of what to wear on the beach to beat the heat, F.J. Benjamin and Sons will be
        230 words
      • 645 7  -  WEE BEE LIM By 6To capture the essence of the Singapore girl will be a real challenge for me. You do not design for a particular client in this case, you have to come up a with a design to please a whole nation. If the
        645 words
      • 570 7 ALAN Chai clears his throat, goes into a fit of coughing and emerges from it with a thousand apologies. "I'm sorry but I just got back from Hongkong and the weather there is terrible. No, I haven't come up with the national dress yet;
        570 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 147 6 New minty-fresh Freshens your breath, helps protect your teeth m hL^ New I istcrmint mouthwash with j lilt fluoride has a real minty-fresh S i t<^f*f HE** taste that gives your mouth a cool, mv ...*~**><** o**>0 **> »~il 3W*»^^| tingling sensation. A rinse and a I n\OwFW^Sjf9k gargle leaves
        147 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 253 7 AOvertisiment (Si Enhance your complexion loveliness Keeping your complexion looking more youthfully beautiful is a promise that can be fulfilled, thanks to the scientific development of a tropically moist oil blend. Wf\ A OVER ihc M -km care actually helps restore and mainicieniutl have learned a peat tain the natural
        253 words
      • 420 7 TODAYS Dry Dry Skin Astringent QUESTION: Would a skin rinse be too strong for me? I've got dry skin ESTEE lAJDERS ANSWER: In choosing a skin rinse, it is important to take note of the alcohol content in the formula Alcohol, while having the ability to cool and tone skin,
        420 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 1844 8 A Leading Hotel in Singapore—— A leading Malaysian Bank with a well established network of branches in Singapore seeks an experi.nv.tes applicants for the pos.t.on of enced senior FX/ACU dea|er 0 7 ssume the po St of DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL CHIEF DEAF PH FY/ACU INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS CMIM IILALLK, FX/AtU The
        1,844 words
      • 563 8 A well established and progressive organisation has vacancies for its newly relocated food processing tactory at lurong Executive d tertiary education above 30 years ot age initiative and leadership qualities tact and skill in dealing with people able to plan and organise work procedure responsible lor marketing and sales of
        563 words
      • 320 8 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from established cleaning contractors for th« daily cleaning of the Departure Building, Paya Lebar Airport, Singapore, 1953 for a period of one yea.- from 1 Aug 80 or, until the closure of Paya Lobar Airport, whichever is earlier. Tenderers must have
        320 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 857 9 SjaJ! COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONAL A major high-technology, multi-national U.S. corporation requires an experienced reporter writer editor to conduct all phases of its public affairs and communications programs Press Relations Publicity Advertising Promotion Employee and Management Communications Candidates should have a University degree, be fluent in spoken and written English and have
        857 words
      • 535 9 Due to rapid expansion of our organisation, we invite Singapore/Malaysian citizens to apply for the following positions:- A technical qualification in refrigeration and aircondit ioning from any recognised institution Applicants without! the above qualification but have previous working experience in refrigeration trade may also apply Must possess a class 111
        535 words
      • 419 9 Wt are on established and expanding firm dealing with motor vehicles and invites applications, from male Malaysian citizens, Bumiputra preferred, for the post of ACCOUNTANT ThejJob:Responsible for the preparation of Monthly Management Reports, cost ond financial accounting, internal control ond supervision of accounting staff. Qualifications A recognised accounting qualification with
        419 words
      • 728 9 **v^^" Thachinery" ™a^ WANTED Client, an International Construction Company in Joint venture with a leading local company is looking for the following a 20 Units Reconditioned Rear dump trucks with heavy duty steel bodies of payload 25 to 30 I tonnes for quarry work Please specify make and details of
        728 words
    • 1982 10 At pharmaceutical giant Roche the 'beautiful times' are over for Valium the controversial tranquilliser that's left the manufacturer with a decidedly tarnished image. With the patent expiring on its invention and some 700 imitations on the market, what does the future hold for
      1,982 words
    • 423 10  -  GUY STEVENS By daily the island of Maui have gone condominium crazy. There are condos all along almost every beach in the islands. On Maui they do an effective job of cutting off views from small individual homes that were in place long before
      Copley News Service  -  423 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 59 10 I 111 i ■fSLp I Illy *^^^sjsj*^^— bk >1 1 c m HB^R^ 1 ill w SB w^^Stmm Kl^^K Step out in style. The Lanvin Boutique. The Lanvin Boutique Ground Floor, Hyatt Hotel, Scotts Road, Singapore 0922. Telephone: 2354 039. Published by The Straits Times Pres^ 1975) Ltd. and Printed
        59 words