The Straits Times, 10 May 1980

Total Pages: 46
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Cstd. 1845 SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1181 30 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 111/1/80
    14 words
    • The Sunday Times
      • 153 1 THE siege of the Iranian Embassy in London ended with a brilliantly staged shock attack by SAS commandos which led to the release of the 19 surviving hostages. In the shoot-out, which was watched on TV by millions of people, four terrorists were
        153 words
      • 66 1 THE Galdea Triangle la eae af the meat danger*** mncnarted arena el the werM. It la the centre af ail traffic in her*ln...aad It la here, bartered hy Thailand, Lms. and Banna, that the nightmare w*rM af the jukir begins. Teoaerrew, THE SUNDAY TDMEB brings yen Part
        66 words
      • 71 1 RUSSIA has spent at least $150 million in the past three years to produce athletes claimed to be capable of beating the best in the rest of the world, particularly those in the US and Africa... victories invaluable for propaganda purposes. THE SUNDAY TIMES tomorrow brings you
        71 words
    • Sunday Nation
      • 100 1 IN PART 2 of our story, gynaecologist Patrick Steptoe, the other member of that historic medical team, takes up the narration. He tells how he met Robert Edwards, the scientist who also wanted to help childless couples and how their experiments became for the
        100 words
      • 86 1 ARE you the type who does not get a lot of exercise In your Job? Or one who's uaderatreaaed In your working Ufe? Neither of these? Then you must be the sort who has trouble taking your mind off the workaday world. Whichever category you belong to,
        86 words
      • 94 1 "MY MOTHER is a teacher and she knows the answers to most questions except what age she is" quote from To Mum. a book of children's thank yous to their mothers. If you have trouble putting into words your feelings for your mother, steal a quote
        94 words
  • 49 1 HONGKONG, Fri. China has refused to grant the Hongkong-based Cathay Pacifir Airways permission to continue its charter flights from Hongkong to Shanghai, the South China Morning Post reported today. The paper said China accused the local airline of "not conforming with the charter rales." AFP.
    AFP  -  49 words
  • 568 1 Carter's hard line with Russia PHILADELPHIA, Friday PRESIDENT Jimmy Carter said today the Soviet army is consolidating its hold on Afghanistan and warned that unchecked Soviet aggression is the most serious challenge to the world since the Cold War. In his toughest foreign policy speech, Mr
    UPI  -  568 words
  • 83 1 4 ANY head ml aa iMtUutUn «r «rfMlmUm mist be ri vn tke authority. If •then d« not think he «r she U doing tke right thlac, they cm cMnpiala. u the cur teheehi, It the head g«ea beyond Us authority, thea the chlldrea eaa pr*te«t. 7 the Director
    83 words
  • 68 1 NEW DELHI, Fri. A young man cut off his tongue with a razor blade on tils wedding night in Trichur, south India. According to published reports, the bridegroom, Mr Gopi, 25, did not give any explanation for his act but relatives said he did so to
    AFP  -  68 words
  • 53 1 NEW DELHI, Frl. A rare astronomical spectacle was reported observed over the Indian sub-continent last night the planets Mars and Jupiter and the star Regulus all seen in a straight line. Dr. VS. Venkatavaradan, director of the Nehru Planetarium said that such an event occurred once in a
    AFP  -  53 words
  • 59 1 MANILA, Fri. Thai Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda is due in Manila next Thursday for a 24-hour official visit which will complete his tour of member states of Asean. The Thai Premier, who has already visited Indonesia. Singapore, and Malaysia, is scheduled to meet President Ferdinand Marcos
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 23 1 MIAMI, Fri The flow of Cuban refugees reaching the Florida coast over the past 18 days passed 25.000 mark today. AFP
    AFP  -  23 words
  • 58 1 LATEST FAMILY OF 17 DIE IN FIRE NEW DELHI, Pri. At least 17 people Including 13 children were killed when a Ore destroyed 2t hate near am In northern India today. The Press Tnut of India said the victims were members of enr family and were eating their dinner In
    58 words
  • 68 1 SOVIET President Leonid Breshnev wipe* the sweat (ram his brow as he listens at the grave of President Josip Tito to a eulogy for the Yugoslav leader on Thursday In Belgrade. The 78-year-old Mr Brezhnev was the only dignitary given a chair at the grave alto
    UPI  -  68 words
  • 75 1 US inflation easing WASHINGTON, Fri. The most hopeful sign in a year that inflation in the United States might be easing came today in figures issued by the government. US wholesale prices rose 0.5 per cent in April, well down from the rise of the previous month. The April increase
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 364 1  -  M. G G. PILLAI By Our Kuala Lumpur Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. 1 Differences in Malaysian and Vietnamese positions on a possible solution to the Kampuchean problem remained today after the second and final round of talks between Hanoi's Foreign Minister, Mr Nguyen Co Thach, and his
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  • 445 1 TEHERAN PAPER TEHERAN, Friday MILITANT students plan to rotate the American hostages among 12 Iranian cities, installing the worst spy suspects in the worst locations, a Teheran newspaper reported yesterday. The conservative Muslim newspaper Donya Iran said the militant students who seized the
    AP  -  445 words
  • 383 1 Japan gives in on Iran oil TOKYO, Fri JAPAN has conceded to Iran's oil price hike demand out of concern that Teheran, may permanently cut off oil shipment and take full control of a mammoth petrochemical plant, trade sources said today. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry has authorised
    UPI  -  383 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 27 1 Sec what you've been searching for Sony Betamax SLr ZZZ I l FAVRE LEUBA^i.r Showroom: (.1 (.2 lon* BuiUlmn OnhjrJ Kodd JM» Sm^pon iw; I,: 14<. iOO
      27 words
    • 284 1 46 pages today FA Cup Final Special Page 27 DEPUTY sports editor Godfrey Robert, who to M SiX-mOath ittMkmeat la Fagliad, previews today's AllLondoa F t b a 1 1 >— rlstlsa Cap final betweea First Dtvlatea Arseaal aad Second Division West Ham la FA Cap Special. TTiosnsadn of soeeer
      284 words
    • 25 1 FRCC PCRSONAL ACCIDCNT INSURANCC NO PREMIUMS TO WY! INSURAHCC COMER UP TO $20,000. Full details from any branch of the <£ The Chartered Bank 5Wj BIG-STRONG-FRIENDLY
      25 words
    • 28 1 BMBIRvSMItMWnIM^r eai CM.De SitvaPte.Ltd. Jewellers G34, Specialists' Centre. Ground Fir. Orchard Road Singapore 0923 Tel: *****37* *****07 G6. DBS Building. Ground Fir. Shenton Way. Singapore 0106 Tel: *****04
      28 words

    • 222 2 WASHINGTON, Fri. Chinese aircraft engineers have built a copy of a Boeing-7VI Jetliner sold to them In 1972, In possible violation of United States export control laws, according to a report todayThe Washington Post quoted an unidentified foreigner who was allowed to look at the
      AP  -  222 words
    • 180 2 SEOUL, Fri. Students at South Korea's largest university today failed to burst through the police cordon guarding the campus entrance as the week-long nationwide demonstrations for greater democracy eased. There were no reports of police-student violence leading to injuries for the first time for
      Reuter; UPI  -  180 words
    • 47 2 LAREDO, (Texas), Fri. A 22-year-old man was killed by a bolt of lightning yesterday 48 hours before his wedding. Webb County Detention Centre guard Juan Guerrero was standing watch on a wall of the centre during a severe thunderstorm in the afternoon. -UPI.
      UPI  -  47 words
    • 254 2 Mystery explosion at police station in Peshawar kills 23 ISLAMABAD, Friday THE second explosion in less than a week shook Peshawar, capital of Pakistan's Northwest Province, yesterday killing 23 people and injuring 20 others in and around a police station, according to eyewitness accounts. The single-storey police station about five
      UPI  -  254 words
    • 171 2 China is willing to wait for Indonesia JAKARTA, Fri. Chairman Hua Guofeng has said China is willing to wait if Indonesia nas difficulties normalising diplomatic relations with it, the Jakarta newspaper Sinar Harapan reported today. The Chinese premier, talking to the paper's reporter in Belgrade yesterday, said China is always
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    • 143 2 Jusuf acts to avoid 'Red' revival in Java JAKARTA, Friday DEFENCE Minister M. Jusuf today ordered the strengthening of the central Java armed forces to avoid any resurgence of communism in Indonesia's former "red" province. Indonesia last year decided to release all political prisoners arrested in the aftermath of the
      UPI  -  143 words
    • 428 2 Chinese missiles can now hit the US WEATHER NOW IDEAL FOR FIRST LAUNCH BEIJING, Fri. The launching of China's first intercontinental missile into the Pacific in forthcoming weeks means that Beijing now has the capability of hitting targets not only in the Soviet Union but in parts of the United
      Agencies  -  428 words
    • 49 2 LOS ANGELES, Frt. About 4,« M kthletra, all (•rmer alcoholics, compete today In the eighth annual Alcoholics Olympics In Valencia, California. The only qualification Is that entrants to sober. Competition Includes track and field events, horseshoes, the Prisbec throw and carts. I PI.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 306 2 STOCK CLEARANCE SALE Our ref: AQ-AC ALARM CHRONOGRAPH OLYMPIAPOPTABLE^^ Ife*, TYPEWRITER f^\ .g case Also Available: *^^^r.^^ Aciier o'xJerwood Hermes Olivetti Erika Rovai Srfver Reed Bro'^er Antoresfc Smith corona etc f\l (Electric Manual) v'"' jim. CITIZEN i/^^^^Ki Our refi CQ-DA RADIO CASSETTE L^^ I^SSPvi) All items are 1 year guarantee
      306 words
    • 266 2 EAST COAST HILL East Coast Hill is located next to the reputable Katong Seaview Palace along Upper East Coast Road Built on a 20-acre site, it is about 195 feet above sea level Each house commands a panoramic view of the sea front with its background of unsurpassed beauty. The
      266 words

    • 44 3 AMERICAN marines seem at hsme on their amphibious M-M tank as ft rails off a landing ship during manoeuvres ob Wednesday sff Prachnab KfelrlKan with Thai marines la an annual two-day exercise named Training. Exercise 19M. UPI picturf.
      UPI  -  44 words
    • 180 3 NEW DELHI, Frl. India's forthcoming state assembly elections will leave a saline taste in millions of mouths when voters brave a scorching sun, lining up outside polling booths on May 31. The Press Trust of India reported today that millions of salt tablets will
      UPI  -  180 words
    • 266 3 LINKED TO MURDER OF MALCOLM CALDWELL? BANGKOK, Friday VETERAN Australian reporter Wilfred Burchett, a long-time supporter of Hanoi, survived a recent guerilla ambush in Kampuchea that may have been linked to the 1978 murder there of British leftist academic Malcolm Caldwell. Burchett and six others
      AFP; UPI  -  266 words
    • 52 3 Ottawa, Fri. Sparkling wine produced in Canada's Qiebec province can now be legally called champagne. The Canadian parliament passed a law yesterday repealing a 1933 trade agreement with France which stipulated that only such wines from the champagne region of France could be sold under that
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 303 3 N-fuel pledge a pleasant surprise, says Indira paper NEW DELHI, Frl. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's newspaper, National Herald, today welcomed US President Jimmy Carter's announcement to supply enriched uranium for the west coast Tarapur nuclear power plant, but doubted it would win the approval of the US Congress and the
      AFP  -  303 words
    • 28 3 KATHMANDU, Fri. The result of a national referendum on whether Nepal's banned political parties should be revived is expected next Tuesday, informed sources said today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 288 3  - TALK OF THE TOWN KRIANGSAK MAKING COMEBACK LEE KIM CHEW BANGKOK REPORT By Our Bangkok reporter OUTRIGHT politicking among the politicians have taken a backseat in Bangkok since General Prem Tinsulanonda assumed power. But not the political gossip. Former Prime Minister Kriangsak Chomanan said to be leaving for Japan next
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    • 143 3 NEW DELHI, Frl. India's domestic airline wm aroused before the Supreme Court yesterday of treating Its stewardesses "as sex symbols whose utility vanishes at the age of M." Twenty stewardesses tiled a petition asking that Indian Airlines service rules be declared unconstitutional and In
      AP  -  143 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 372 3 COMPANY SECRETARY Around $50,000 per annum Location: Kuala Lumpur The corporate headquarters of a company listed in the Malaysian stock exchange, wishes to appoint a Company Secretary The company has a number of manufacturing subsidiaries, which are well established and highly regarded. The Company Secretary, who will be the Secretary
      372 words
    • 903 3 COMPUTER INDUSTRY COMPUTER SALES EXECUTIVE Around $40,000 per annum plus car Our client is a well-established and highly successful Singapore subsidiary of an US computer manufacturer. The company has manufacturing and marketing operations in the US. Europe and the Far East As a result of expanding operations in Singapore, the
      903 words

    • 241 4 Carter's first foray in six months REAGAN TIPPED TO WIN ELECTIONS PHILADELPHIA, Friday PRESIDENT Jimmy Carter today made his first campaign-style trip outside Washington since Americans were taken hostage in Iran last Nov 4, ending six months of isolation in the White House. His one-day trip to Philadelphia was to
      Reuter; AFP  -  241 words
    • 41 4 BERLIN, Fri. Goose-step-ping soldiers. East German politicians and Soviet officials marked yesterday's 35th anniversary of the surrender of Hitler's armies in this divided city with marches and wreathlaying ceremonies but the day passed almost unobserved in West Germany. AP.
      AP  -  41 words
    • 175 4 HODDING CARTER TO RESIGN BY JULY: REPORTS WASHINGTON, Fri. Hodding Carter, the State Department's spokesman for the past three-and-a-half years, will probably resign by July l, informed sources said today. He had a close relationship with Mr Cyrus Vance, who quit as Secretary of State last week in protest against
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 60 4 WIESBADEN, (West Germany), Fri. Five members of the East Berlin Comic Opera Company defected this week during a tour of West Germany, a Wiesbaden Immigration Bureau spokesman said today. He refused to identify the five four musicians and a wardrobe mistress saying simply that some had
      AFP  -  60 words
    • 207 4 Scheme to swindle $3.8 b from banks KANSAS CITY, Fri. The Federal Bureau of Investigation said a fraud scheme involving the transfer of US$l.75 billion (5J3.85 billion) between several banks has been unravelled. Four men have been charged with giving false information to Traders National Bank of Kansas City, the
      AP  -  207 words
    • 129 4 Telling faces of grief in Belgrade ABOVE: Yugoslav women weeping uncontrollably while others watch Impassively as the caffln containing the late President Josip Tito is brought from Parliament building In Belgrade for the start of the state funeral. Thousands of peasant women flooded lit* the Yugoslav capital to pay their
      AP  -  129 words
    • 341 4 First top-level US-Soviet talks in eight months WASHINGTON, Fri. The United States and the Soviet Union announced yesterday their first highlevel talks in eight months will be held in Vienna on May 16 between new US Secretary of State Edmund Muskie and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. The State Department
      Reuter  -  341 words
    • 37 4 BANGKOK, Fri. Britishborn writer Stanley Watlinf. 53. an Australian national. was shot dead in the streets here in front of his teenage son on Wednesday night af'er an argument with a gang of toughs AFP.
      AFP  -  37 words
    • 222 4 Prof it...f rom being robbed NEW YORK, Fri. MANI'FACTI 'HERS Han aver Trust made a USMcents (577 ceats) profit yesterday frem a rebbery. It was all thanks to the rrarasr of two bank employees and a window washer, and the honesty of six New Yorkers. Police said a m»n, with
      222 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 248 4 |O>ntty sponsored by HUA HUA IS) PTE LTD AND NANYANG SIANG PAU V Entry forms available from all departmental J^~ Lbbbl hobby stores. Hua Hua (S) Pte Ltd h Showroom "5 Wk. and Nanyang Siang Pau Fun and challenge for the whole family j S S y Categories for you
      248 words

    • 193 5 Forgotten convict serves extra 49 years NEW YORK, Fri. A forgotten convict who served the longest prison term on record 68 years and 11 months was due to be released today. Paul Geidel, 85, was sentenced to 20 years for accidentally killing a man he was robbing. But a year
      AFP  -  193 words
    • 21 5 BONN, Fri. Japanese Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira arrived here last night for talks with West German leaders —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 185 5 90 PC OF INDUSTRY CLOSED STOCKHOLM, Fri. Sweden's Transport Union today halted deliveries of most of petrol and oil, further paralysing a nation already crippled by its biggest labour strike. "We will close Sweden," said union leader Erik Pettersson. The strike-lockout of almost 900,000
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 163 5 TOKYO, Fri. The International Press Communications Council concluded its 15th annual congress here today with a call for major reductions in telecommunication tariffs as an essential step in advancing international trade and human understanding. The ITPC said In a press statement that tariffs fixed
      AP  -  163 words
    • 138 5 'Big losses forcing Soviet trade fleet to quit LONDON, Pri. The Soviet merchant fleet is U be withdrawn from Its Pacific southwest route in July because of heavy flnanoial losses, the shipping Journal Lloyd's List reported today. Quoting Wall em Shipping (Hongkong) Ltd, the Hongkong agent for the Soviet Union's
      AFP  -  138 words
    • 322 5 New Zealand will be at Olympics AFGHAN CRISIS WELLINGTON, Fri. New Zealand has decided to send a team of athletes to the Moscow Olympic Games in July. In a surprise decision last night, the New Zealand Olympic Committee agreed a full national team should represent New Zealand at the Games.
      AP; AFP  -  322 words
    • 217 5 FIGHTING RAGES NEAR DEATH VILLAGES NEW DELHI, Friday FIERCE fighting is raging for the second week between Soviet forces and Afghan guerillas in Ghazni province south-west of Kabul, near the scene of a massacre of thousands of villagers in late April, according to reports from Kabul received here today. The
      AP  -  217 words
    • Sideliners
      • 80 5 A FATHER and a son face criminal charges for allegedly using force to move a firetruck during a fire in Manila and taking it to their house to save it from the flames. Two firemen holding the water hose on the third floor of
        UPI  -  80 words
      • 52 5 FISH do feel pain, and anglers should not "play" with fish they have caught as they struggle to free themselves. The independent report, commissioned by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, in London, attacks the idea that cold-blooded animals are insensitive to
        Reuter  -  52 words
      • 70 5 THE date for doomsday predicted by the leader of a religious sect has come and gone, and come and gone again, but he's not giving up on the end of the world. This time Mr Charles Games, of Durange, Colorado, says nuclear war will begin on
        AP  -  70 words
      • 43 5 MOST of the baby boys born in Nairobi during the Pope's visit will be named after him. The mothers of most of the 37 infants said they would name their sons either, Pope or John Paul. AFP
        AFP  -  43 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 549 5 |P?r l Spot the Differences' Contest One attractive Clairol Herbal Essence Shampoo T-Shirt Each! M I Tick the cornet answers to the following questions: am Name \ICUo v Clairol Herbal Essence Shampoo is the II i i i I original herbal essence shampoo. Trual I Fates I I I Address
      549 words
    • 340 5 A treasure in living pleasure thai lasts you forever HOCK SWEE HILL Located near the high class residential areas with big built-up area (over 2,000 sq. ft i.c 185 8m and garden (over 4,000 sq. ft i c 3716 m). these split-level semi-detached houses are spacious, with the most modern
      340 words

    • 397 6 CAIRO, Fri Just 'dramatics' says US State Department EGYPTIAN President Anwar Sadat has suspended Palestinian autonomy talks with Israel and the United States, increasing prospects that the May 26 target date for agreement would not be met. 1 Mr Sadat's decision was announced
      AP  -  397 words
    • 227 6 SALISBURY, Fri. Authorities have begun handing out golden handshakes of US$6l5 (5H.328) to dismantle the black guerilla forces who fought a bloody seven-year war to bring about the new order, but are no longer needed. Military sources said the payments are being made to return
      UPI  -  227 words
    • 210 6 IRANIANS GO TO THE POLLS AMID UNREST TEHERAN, Friday THOUSANDS of Iranians went to the polls today to elect an Islamic parliament which j will decide the fate of the 50 American hostages in Iran. r But polling was postponed in as many as 22 cities because of unrest. Polling
      UPI  -  210 words
    • 77 6 U.S. PLANES INTERCEPT TWO IRAN C -130s WASHINGTON, Fri. The Pentagon said yesterday j navy planes Intercepted two more Iranian Air Force ('-IMb over the tinlf of Oman and International waters near where I S vessels »re on patrol. Defence Department spokesman Thomas tUrns said the intercepts came last Monday
      77 words
    • 197 6 Libya thinking of stopping oil to US and Britain LONDON, Friday LIBYA is seriously considering stopping oil supplies to Britain and the United States and withdrawing its assets in both countries, the Libyan news agency Jana reported today. It said Libyan leader Col Muamrnar Gaddafi announ<_e<! this in a statement
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 105 6 UN tells Israel: Rescind expulsion UNITED NATIONS, Fri. THE United Nations Security Council yesterday overwhelmingly named a resolution calling for Israel to rescind the "Illegal" expulsion of Palestinian leaders from the occupied West Bank. The vote was 14 In favour with the United States abstaining. It Is the second time
      AFP  -  105 words
    • 116 6 Lebanon claims attack by Israel BEIRUT, Fri. Lebanon charged that helicopterescorted Israeli naval forces approached the capital of Beirut today, drawing Palestinian fire. Lebanon immediately complained to the United Nations against the "unwarranted attacks" and said it might ask for a Security Council session. The Palestinian news agency Wafa said
      UPI  -  116 words
    • 108 6 STOCKHOLM, Fri. Several thousand US Marines recently landed in Oman, Swedish television said today, quoting a source close to Sweden's intelligence services. The source said a Swedish agent in Oman saw the landing and estimated their number at several thousand. In WASHINGTON, a Pentagon
      AFP  -  108 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 893 6 PERSONNEL MANAGER DEPARTMENTAL STORES CHAIN Around $40,000 per annum Location: Malaysia A large and well-established chain of departmental stores operating in Singapore and Malaysia wishes to appoint a Personnel Manager for its Malaysian operation The company has a combined staff strength of around 3.000 located throughout West Malaysia The successful
      893 words
    • 566 6 jaMan*siß*nnnMM ACCOUNTING AND INTERNAL AUDIT Location: Penang -M Our client is a large integrated group of manufacturing companies based in Penang, who are expanding and wish to recruit two high calibre personnel to strengthen their financial team. INTERNAL AUDITOR Around $24,000 per annum (Ref. 2166) The Internal Auditor, will be
      566 words

  • 155 7 Qualifying for small industries loans APPLICANTS for the Economic Development Board's Small Industries Finance Scheme can nor- I mally qualify for loans if j they do not have more than $2 million in existing fixed assets. Fixed assets under the scheme are defined as factory buildings, machinery and equipment and
    155 words
  • 121 7 Warrant out for trader and wife BUSINESSMAN Chen Pas Teek »nd hit wife, Madam Line Hsor Ytag, are facing arrest la connection with their bankruptcy affairs. Mr Zalnal Abeedln bin Hussin, far the Official Assignee, yesterday successfully applied to the High Court for the arrest warrants to be issued. He
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  • 409 7 Ship blaze victims' last words THREE of the victims in the fire on board the vessel Seiko Maru told a Marine Police inspector just before they died that they did not know how the fire started on Aug 1 last year, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Insp Christopher Sng told
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  • 90 7 Don't treat recruits as digits, officers told ARMY instructors should always remember this maxim when dealing with their men: "Train them hard and treat them well." This advice comes from the Speaker, Dr Yeoh Ghim Seng, when he spoke at the commissioning parade of officer cadets of the 10th standard
    90 words
  • 39 7 THE MP for Alexandra, Mr Tan Soo Khoon, will officiate at the Block Cleaning Cam paten, organised by the Alexandra Zone "D" residents' committee, tomorrow at 10 am at Blocks 33. 34 and 35. Tanglin Halt Road.
    39 words
  • 590 7  - Op Snip Snip and 3 girls faint POON KEEN MUN By SEVERAL girl students of a Chinese^ I secondary school broke into tears and I three fainted after their principal snip- I ped their hair before a school assembly. Two of the girls who fainted were sent to 1 hospital
    590 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      209 words
    • 389 7 4 specials from VISIONHIRE. A GIANT in colour TV rentals. To celebrate the opening of our Jurong Branch. i. New reduced rates 2.100% discount r~~T~ Co =;n9; n9 do.iv \dJ^^£rz a\ "ll y<^ Screen Size I Soles Rate Rent Equivalent \J\ (a offer for a I^CourU I j V.,.-
      389 words

  • 519 8  -  JUNE TAN By FEDERAL Publications believes it has found just the book for Singapore's moral education programme: The Heart of a Boy, a novel set in 19th Century Italy. This schoolboy tale has a mixture of qualities the Education Ministry
    519 words
  • 172 8 M-cyclist gets six-year ban and fine A MOTORCYCLIST, Sen Hua Seng, 11, was fined $I.l*l and disqualified from driving all classes of vehicles far six yean when he pleaded guilty In a maghrtrate's court yesterday to four traffic offences. He was fined $I,»M for speeding between IM km/h and 111
    172 words
  • 269 8 OCTOGONAL and squarish umbrellas such as these are. to put it squarely, a hit of a gimmick but given sufficient promotion, the Idea may Just get round. Well, Mr Stewart Goh, export manager of Teow Hong Trading Company, the trading arm of Teow
    269 words
  • 86 8 LORRY driver Koh Tiang Hong, 20, was charged in a magistrate's court yesterday with causing the death of a motorist by dangerous driving at the junction of Marymount Road and Jalan Pemimpin last Oct 9. Koh is alleged to have ignored a no-entry sign at the junction
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  • 36 8 Courses by c-centre THE Havelock community centre will hold courses on children's ballet, art, singing, violin, men's tailoring, tai-chi, indoor planting, scuba-diving, restaurant cooking, tim sum and agar-agar making this month. For more details, telephone *****5
    36 words
  • 253 8  - Awards PA bid to lure with new incentives VERNON NUNIS By NEW incentives are being discussed to attract more nominations for the Peoples' Association's National Youth Services Awards. i The association is looking into the possibility of nominating award winners for grants under the People's Scholarship Fund and the Cultural
    253 words
  • 68 8 THE manager of the Public Utilities Board. Mr Lee Yong Siang. will sign a contract with the managing director of Marubeni Corporation, Tokyo. Mr Takuro Nakayama, for the supply, deliver} and installation of Hitai hi boilers and turbine generators for Senoko Power Station Stage 3. The
    68 words
  • 40 8 THE Bukit Timah and Teban community centres will organise the dementi Trade Exposition 1980 at the junction of Clementi Avenue 2 and Commonwealth Avenue West (near the Clementi Town Centre) from May 17 to June 22.
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  • 147 8 Mercy ship brings in 474 refugees A TOTAL of 474 Viet namese refugees arrived here yesterday on board the West Gernan mercy ship, Cape Anamour. The group is one of the biggest to arrive here recently. The Government has allowed them to come ashore following a re-set-tlement guarantee from the
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  • 247 8 Move to boost museum's historical materials A MUSEUM Development Committee has been appointed by the Ministry of Culture to study ways to acquire more historical materials for the National Museum. Announcing this yesterday, the Parliamentary Secretary (Culture). Dr Ow Chin Hock said the committee would also study methods of improving
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  • 148 8 THE Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs), Mr S.Dhanabalan, yesterday returned from a 12day visit to Australia. New Zealand and Fiji. He told reporters on arrival that Australia and New Zealand had reaffirmed their support for Asean's position over Kampuchea, and said they recognised
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 497 8 nstl Off nsnsnsn( ''^BSSP^ I (nsßßßßsnlo&*^^\^l it M nnsßsink^nst >v 'W^Bi^^B nsP^liß nPiB Quality diamonds are the only commodity in the world which have never experienced wide fluctuations over the past 45 years. A nd the recent price rise by Deßeers easily transportable and readily converted Lloyd's of London. Z_\
      497 words
    • 28 8 FREE SIGN PEN Goes with every bottle of 1 TANCHO HAIR _l LIQUID. laicho m i Available at all leading departmental stores cosmetic centres. While stocks last 1
      28 words

  • 216 9 ATHENS MEETING HEARS SUCCESS STORY OF S'PORE SINGAPORE'S successs story was told to a gathering at the 28th annual meeting of the Federation of International Traders (FTT) in Athens yesterday. The Republic's Ambassador to France, Mr David Marshall, in his keynote speech, dwelt on Singapore as a financial centre. He
    216 words
  • 51 9 MR LEE Khoon Choy. Senior Minister of State and MP for BraddeU Heights will officially open the Nanyang Junior College on Monday at 6 p.m. This will be followed by a week of celebrations which include a drama festival, an art exhibition and a parents'
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  • 26 9 THE Singapore Breastfeeding Mothers' Group will give a talk on Working and Breastfeeding at the Toa Payoh library on May 22 at 7 p.m.
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  • 211 9 Ministry to double intake of pupil nurses THE Health Ministry will double its intake of pupil nurses for its course starting in July. It will take in 400 pupil nurses and it is understood that there are also plans to increase the intake for the next few batches. According to
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  • 208 9 Request for specific sum surprises judge MR JUSTICE A. P. Rajah expressed surprise in the High Court yesterday that a lawyer should ask for a specific sum of $304,711 to be stated in a court order when that amount obviously could not then be thus specified. Lawyer S. Gunaseelan had
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  • 61 9 MR JOVENAL R.SANTIAGO has been elected president of the Filipino Association of Singapore. Other officials are: Mr Paul Gat Peralta, immediate past Bresident;8 resident Mr Armando .Cruz, vice president; Mr Jose C Arriola, secretary; Mrs Petrona P. Uamzon, asst secretary (chairman of functions); Mrs Judith V Malapil, treasurer
    61 words
  • 159 9 2 hanged under Arms Act TWO men, sentenced to death under Ike Arms Offerees Act, were haaged at Ike Chaagi PriMß yesterday m»rnTkev were Chang BMk Bag, S4, aad Tay Cher Kiaag. SI, wh« were aaaged after they had exhausted all avenues «f appeal agalast the asßteam naiwrd la irn.
    159 words
  • 272 9 THREE Queen's Counsel were called to the Bar yesterday to enable them to represent their respective clients in three separate cases when the hearings come up in the Supreme Court. They are Messrs Richard Yorke, Nicholas Addis Phillips and Michael Sherrard. Their petitions
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  • 59 9 THE Marine Parade community centre's management committee members and the Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Goh Chok Tong, will assemble at the void deck of Block 80 tomorrow at 8.30 a.m. for door-to-door Keep-Clean-Campaign visits in neighbourhood F. Mr Goh will also conduct door-to-door visits to
    59 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 687 9 Tt<%/% IDi#*/\Lta TmJi\ t^\^' y \f A test was recently conducted by a bTCIw^bJI I Zb^^#^/^bJ^\., publication internationally recognised as an authority on cameras. pi* 09 m^> m Our 500GX emerged number one Cll^jT 1 II ll C 36C over nine other 35mm range-tinders. *^W I IVJ VIQ^J from well-known
      687 words

  • 195 10 THE Singapore Bus Service will change the routes of two of its services. FROM TOMORROW, Service 32, which operates between Bedok Interchange and Upper Cross Street, will use Eu Tong Sen Street and Canal Road instead of New Bridge Road. This is because it
    195 words
  • 123 10 WITH a few qalrk gUacca, wnt deft tana •ad twirta with pair ■f Maaaan ft af art paper, artfat Tan Yee Hmu en*te4 this stark sUh««ette of ft teee in lew than five mljiatea. Mr Tan, 48, traxastrated tke "rtlaWMtte ratting" baadlrraft teehaame
    WONG KWAI CHOW  -  123 words
  • 53 10 Checks on asbestos hazard LABOUR Ministry inspectors will from Thursday, carry out regular checks on some 40 factories to ensure that workers are protected against diseases caused by exposure to asbestos dust. Owing to the hazardous nature of asbestos, people under 18 years are prohibited from being employed in factories
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  • 404 10  -  SOH TIANG KENG By JAPAN has changed its industrial laws to give foreign goods easier access to the vast Japanese market. Singapore manufacturers yesterday hailed the amendment to the industrial standardisation law as a "positive move" by the Japanese Government. "Japan has removed a
    404 words
  • 131 10 Clerk to the rescue stabbed in hold-up A CLERK, who went to help two dance hostesses who were being robbed, was set upon and stabbed (our times in the back early yesterday. Mr Lim Hai Hene, 23, was admitted to the Singapore General Hospital. His condition was described as improving.
    131 words
  • 280 10 Case of a battery that went boom in a car THE Trade Department and the Public Utilities Board have been asked to look into the case of a car battery which reportedly exploded when the owner started the car in a hotel car park recently. The incident was brought to
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  • 56 10 A PAIR of pants, a hacksaw, cameras and an address book were among an assortment ot articles left behind by passengers in public vehicles last month. Other articles include a measuring tape, a cheque, a Singapore restricted passport, a watch and a comb. The owners can claim
    56 words
  • 33 10 THE Parliamentary Secretary (Culture and Communications), Mr Sidek Saniff, will open the Asean Photo News Exhibition at the main lobby of Lucky Plaza, Orchard Road, on May 26 at 10.30 a.m.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
      499 words
    • 66 10 Saß'SakS 1 MAY— 3I MAY 1980 SUNNY &GR4CE CO. G7B, KATONG SHOPPING CENTER. •LGI3I, LUCKY PLAZA. 281. PEOPLES PARK COMPLEX. IbV aBBBaW m ERRATUM The year printed in the 2nd line of the 2nd paragraph in the Aspac supplement of the 9th May 1980 issue of the Straits Times, which
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  • 215 11 Goldsmith raises money for info to $60,000 LEE Kong Chye Goldsmith is doubling its reward to $60,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of a gang which broke into its Ang Mo Kio branch last year and escaped with some Jewellery. However, the $60,000 will be paid only
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  • 60 11 A MUSLIM group, Pertapte, will hold a series of lectures on the role and rights of Muslim women every Saturday from May 31 to June 5 at 3 p.m. Five women religious teachen and a woman lawyer will take part In these aeries at the Alsagoff
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  • 227 11  -  PAUL JANBEN By Our Jurong reporter THE Jurong Town Corporation will build terraced factories in Kallang Basin to support the growth of small local companies. Thirty-two factories will be built in Genting Lane. They will have 484 sq m of covered floor space
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  • 139 11 Insurers from China due for seminar TWO senior Chinese insurance officials from Beijing are due here tomorrow to attend an 11-day regional seminar on Large Risks. They are Mr Song Guohua, acting general manager of People's Insurance Company and general manager of China Insurance, and Mr Qian Jianzhong, a senior
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  • 287 11 Judge shows bankrupt 'great mercy' A HIGH COURT judge yesterday told a bankrupt that the court was being exceptionally merciful to him by making "no order" on the Official Assignee's application to have him jailed. Mr Zainal Abeedin bin j Hussin, for the Official Assignee, had asked for a jail
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  • 149 11 SINGAPORE and Sri Lanka yesterday signed an agreement for the reciprocal promotion and protection of investments. The Minister for Trade i and Industry, Mr Goh Chok Tong signed on behalf of the Singapore Government while Sri Lanka's High Commissioner, Mr C. Gunasingham signed on behalf
    149 words
  • 240 11 Lords 'no' to appeal against wind-up order LONDON, Fri. An appeal by a Singapore import and export company against a Singapore Appeals Court decision to allow the winding-up of the firm on the petition of the Moscow Narodny Bank Ltd, was dismissed by the Privy Council in London yesterday. The
    Reuter  -  240 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 464 11 the wackiest contest ever^^^ $40,000 in cash and prizes _~^~V I I f tzJ 4m 2nH Prize 5 000 ouma > entera>limin > times a>>ou wish But each entry must be subt 1 AAA mined on an official entry form, and accompanied by the dealer's 3rd Pnze 3,OUU J^tfQ^tOt^W^.^ 1
      464 words

  • 395 12  -  IRENE NGOO FIRST IN SINGAPORE By THE first watch repairing training centre a Swiss-Singapore project will start ticking at the Baharuddin Vocational Institute on June 30. It will further enhance Singapore's efforts to upgrade the skills of its workers and meet the manpower
    395 words
  • 109 12 Assaulted bargirl found dead A BAS waitress, Mn Tab Swee Hoon (abave), wh« wm msMited by s*me men near market on Moaday, was found dead at the tot of Btoek 11, Henderson Road, two days later. Mrs Tan, tt, had told her family that she had bees cheated by some
    109 words
  • 52 12 Life-saving course THE Singapore Lifeguard Corps will hold a free lifesaving course in English from Monday leading to the Royal Life-Saving Society's bronze medallion award. The course will be held twice a week from 6 p.m. to p.m. Applicants must be able to swim at least 400 metres in any
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  • 167 12 Woman had 13 Thai prostitutes at car park A 24- YEAR-OLD woman, Lim Ah Boey, was yesterday fined $3,000, in default six months' jail, for managing 13 Thai prostitutes at a car park at Sky Villa in Clemenceau Avenue on Monday. Inspector Ng Cho Wan, prosecuting, told a district court
    167 words
  • 34 12 THE Radin Mas Zone "C residents' committee will organise a iog at Macßitchie Reservoir for its residents tomorrow at 7.30 a.m. A picnic and games session will be held after the jog.
    34 words
  • 162 12 THE Singapore Broadcasting Corporation is re- portedly planning to build a new transmitter tower on Caldecott Hill to improve reception for FM listeners. The tower, expected to be between 138 and ISO metres high, will cost about $28 million and will take one and a
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  • 300 12 Twofold rise in 'an t' drug traffickers THE Central Narcotics Bureau and the Customs Department are concerned with the more than two-fold increase this year in the number of 'ant' traffickers people who smuggle drugs into Singapore through the Causeway. A total of 169 people were arrested in the (irst
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 420 12 I BOTANIC GARDENS MANSION I 9-STOREY LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS (In the immediate vicinity of Botanical Gardens and Nassim Mansion) -^nVTfIT V Lm_— >• r^*tt^\ Sit I I FREEHOLD LAND. IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION. NO RESTRICTION TO FOREIGNERS. LOANS AVAILABLE. LOCATION PLAN <^^ft^ll— fooi^C^Jj©" I'^1 tr,l,U, Hi^fts. S S^ Hifh Comm.n*n Situated in the
      420 words

    • 143 13 1,000 new officers to double NBI staff KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The National Bureau of Investigations' will double its manpower with the recruitment of 1,000 new officers by next year. L The bureau's directorgeneral, Datuk Abdullah Ngah, who said this here today, added that the recruitment drive is aimed at upgrading
      AFP  -  143 words
    • 108 13 MTUC sends memo to the ILO PETALJNG JAVA, Fri. The Malaysian Trades Union Congress has submitted a memorandum to the International Labour Organisation alleging infringements and violations of basic rights of workers and their organisations in Malaysia. This was announced here today by the MTUC secretary general, Mr V. David.
      NST  -  108 words
    • 71 13 4BOTAK Chin was given a transistor radio daring Us stay at Hospital Bahagla. He listened to Radio Malaysia until It closed and he invariably stead to attention when the national anthem Negara Kn was played, m modi to the chagrin of the (police) offl- 7 cere an duty. Dr
      71 words
    • 247 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday SOME Umno Youth divisions have nominated former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Haji Harun bin Haji Idris to contest the post of president when the Umno Youth assembly meets here in July. While only 20 of the 114 Umno Youth divisions
      Agencies  -  247 words
    • 190 13 3 girls pushed out of kidnap car TELIIK ANSON, Fri. Thre* aehaalglrta, wb« were aMuctod by three mea la a ear at Pekaa Bam here *n Suday, were treed II mlntes later about fair km fram the scene whea the ahdaetars saspected trwihie. Ik kidnappers were believed to have panicked
      190 words
    • 42 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri Orchkb tram an over the world will be on dtepUy here in August The floral exhibition win be held In ctmjunctloo with the Third Orchid Oomcw of Aaeu. the Minister oTAfriculture. Datuk Sharifl Ahmad, ■aid today. AFP.
      AFP  -  42 words
    • 37 13 KUCHING. Fri. New Zealand has no plans to increase college fees for overseas students, its High Commissioner to Malaysia. Mr Micheal Mansfield, said today on his arrival here for a four-day familiarisation visit. Reuter
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 141 13 Thach raises Amboyna isle claim with Rithauddeen KUALA LUMPUR, Friday VISITING Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Co Thach raised his country's claim to Pulau Kecil Amboyna, 160 km off Sabah's northern coast in the South China Sea, in his first session of talks here yesterday. Foreign Minister Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen, who
      141 words
    • 107 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Vietnam will not be attending the Geneva ministerial meeting on humanitarian assistance to Kampuchean refugees to be held on May 26 and 27. Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Co Thach told this to Home Affairs Minister Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie during their
      AP  -  107 words
    • 83 13 PORT DICKSON, Fri. A piglet born without a tail gave away three suspected thieves In Bukit Pelandok near here on Wednesday. OCPD, Acting DSP Ghauth Ghani, said the deformed piglet was one of the 27 animals stolen from a farm four days The owner traced
      NST  -  83 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 361 13 |^^«»*I»»irTHE FURNITURE SPECIALIST CENTRE MODERN FURNITURE SPECIAL OFFER! FIRST OF ITS KIND! ■M 50 SPECIAL DISCOfW* ■IP J I I 1 uPBDARDWIDTHSFTIISItan) L/*'^****.^ sale- $65 t I Cupboard Width Jft 1 52.4 cm) I i Only sale: 790 00 *'^^^^*j^._ Kb ife** Pf JR gj INTRODUCING: OrHyonstockrtems gftXo^-j^J* f '^t/ijfSM
      361 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 245 13 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavanagh Hal Gamp ITB v4nam ""N 1 I TWAT'LL TEACH I I YOU X/lTfe P»«yOAy. L I WHY DIDVtXJ I BUT its ONLY OIQBOO, HER NOT To OROER PAID V MA'AM I'LL I <?U(T YOUR I DIPN*T Z\SJ%-i,? 3s OXTTHGB WHEN r R3R IT COLLECT
      245 words

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1980 STREAMLINING
    • 398 14 IS PROF Lim Chong Yah chasing an elusive dream when he calls for the drawing up of a "quality of life" index? He is only too right in conceding that the task will be a complex one; that the concept cannot be defined or quantified. To be
      398 words
  • 382 14 T.F.Hwang takes you down memory lane A WORD GAME I'VE HALF expected it. A word game on kombangeh. Last Saturday I asserted a theory that bangeh an old local Chinese vernacular for "government" came from the English word "company." None other than the British East India Co. It provided, I
    382 words
  • 389 14  -  JOEY LEDFORD By in Oak Ridge, Tennessee THE atomic city, which earned its nickname due to the development of the bomb that ended World War 11, is experiencing a move away from nuclear research 35 years after Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The "secret city" nestled in
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  • 957 14 Tito's death: The end of an era and This week, JOHN DRYSDALE, Director of Asia Research Pte Ltd a member of The Times Organisation discusses the aftermath of the death of President Tito and considers that the elaborately chiselled constitution to safeguard
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  • 827 14  -  ALEXANDER PAPENBERG American stand has put Europe in precarious position By Political Editor of Die Welt writing for the Straits Times SYMPATHY with the American people and it's government's hard luck in trying to free the hostages in Teheran is the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

    • 452 15 MANY A TIME complaints have been made in the press by students of the VTTB about the frequent changes of teachers, particularly the part-timers. Allow me, as a parttimer, to defend myself. My opinion, I venture. Is representative of most, if not all, the parttimers.
      452 words
    • 118 15 Please hold prelims WE, the students of one of the ilght-class reatrea under the VITB, were Informed by the supervisor on April M that there will be no preliminary examination for all Secondary 4 classes for this year. No reason whatsoever was given. We all (eel very dissatisfied with the
      118 words
    • 182 15 I REFER to tne article, ■Welcome the expats' call to teachers" (ST, April 30), which was about a plea made by the Singapore Teachers' Union to its members. Undoubtedly mutual goodwill betwen the expats and local teachers will serve the universal aim of all teachers,
      182 words
    • 129 15 I AM a Secondary 4 student of a Jurong secondary school. Previously our school discipline master used to walk and check around us when our national anthem was on. Would the Ministry of Education be kind enough to explain to me why he
      129 words
    • 245 15 I WAS told that the Ministry of Education does not allow a private candidate to offer four subjects at 'A' level. One can understand the ministry's fear that private candidates may not be able to cope with so many 'A'
      245 words
    • 199 15 Chance to take a 'trial' exam I REFER to the letter, "What use is a GCE of one 'A' and one 'O' level?" by "Cheated" (ST, April 28). I wish to inform him of the following points: IF HE wishes to withdraw from the examination at this stage, he may
      199 words
    • 238 15 AS AN expatriate teacher I welcome the article from "The Mentor" (ST. April 30) which urges members of the Singapore Teachers' Union to cooperate with expatriate teachers. I am afraid however that members of the public may gain three false impressions from your
      238 words
    • 179 15 Rough play is often coaches' idea RECENTLY, I watched a secondary girls' hockey finals at the Jalan Besar Stadium. I noticed that some very unfair tactics were employed by one of the teams. There is no doubt that girls in general do not know how to play dirty and very
      179 words
    • 444 15 ANOTHER incident has occurred on the basketball court (ST, April 18)! A recent match in the National Youth Basketball Tournament erupted into a free-for-all. In this incident, it was fortunate that only two persons were injured: One was stabbed in the back and the other lost
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 129 15 EXCLUSIVE CHOICE. TWICE DAILY HIGHTAIL FLIGHTS TO MANILA. ■.;*-Tt'^SßßWnßV^''V'# n^nT T& *S& V j I **&t\-T'. EgS ft- Whi^^^^^£&Er Unfln^n^ni rZd^L^nl L^nV '-^%3'^LH Infl jS&C-'-' L^ntnti^Snfl > ■•'■>■■ V^j&Pjjf"iJM Pro- ■nm^sT^/Jn^nß sl&fc BL r^n^k w I -^fll nVnt H Pi^nk -^fißl i^^^l SIA offers you the choice of daily morning
      129 words

    • 1359 16 THE last transacted ready sale at the close of tiiMMMi on the Stork Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous days prices together with r!7» hifh and km i Adjusted lor irrip rights Issue) IMO Last Higk Low Oasjaaai Sale >or- imu STBIAl COHMBM HI. 245 Acnu
      1,359 words
    • 342 16 Closing tone: Slightly steady. Turnover: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore including odd lots "Ready" totalled: 4,741,000 units valued nl $15,107,000. Industrials accounted for 2,890,000, finance 391,000, hotels 248,000. properties 663,000, debentures, loans and bonds 45,000, plantations 433,000. minings 71, 000. "Settlement" contract; totalled: 414.000
      342 words
    • 1667 16 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In an reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett". Big Board
      1,667 words
    • 1929 16 BID and offer prices officially listed and buunrai in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stork Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1.000 uniti unleai otherwtae »peri fled INDIBTKIALB AcaM (2.968) A|naWi (3.208) (1) 3.30 xall Aleaai(2 1982 22S)cd AlmßeM(l32B)
      1,929 words
      • 35 16 Shangri-La ■ithn Malayan Straits Trading OCIC Magnum Corpn Berjuntai Loytapc P M R I M Banking 1UUU 1090 1200 855 815 870 123 380 925 13 30 30 25 2S 20 20 18 15
        35 words
      • 35 16 LJ I C Mat Iron Xothmann Dunlop K«t c High A Low Hum* F E ■iporr 492 550 470 456 336 302 275 273 192 -8 -5 -4 -4 -4 -4 -3 -3 -3
        35 words
      • 22 16 IV L. nt-iKiiiK ill,' [nrhcape 263,1 :tty Dev 233.1 5 Darby 215.1 Total turnover: 5. 16m Total value: $16.O7m
        22 words
      • 30 16 3.T. Indicator: industrials: finance: Hotels: Properties: Minings: Plantations: 3CBC: S.E.SInd: 4398.17 4406.81 489 75 491.06 852.32 858.01 423.31 430.73 352.57 355.69 281.10 282.13 859.27 861.48 478.67 482.37 437.61 438.27
        30 words
      • 310 16 HONGKONG: Stocks closed slightly higher on the day after swinging lower and then higher yesterday, as prospects for changed interest rates at today's meeting of the Exchange Banks' fixing committee dominated the market, brokers said. At the close the Hang Seng index was 4.97 points high?r at 883.85, after
        310 words
      • 367 16 TOKYO: Share prices closed sharply higher yesterday, on fresh buying in resources, bigcapitals and electricals reacting to the sharp fall on Thursday, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 50.68 to close at 6,808.38 points, with a volume of 270 million shares and the New index closed at 468.71.
        367 words
      • 137 16 CHINESE ProdM* Exchange, Singapore, noon closing prices per 1M kg yesterday: Coeomt oil: Bulk fob $137 50 sellers, old drum (in second hand drum) fob $147.50 sellers, new drum fob $154.00 sellers. Copra: Mixed (loose) $79.00 buyers. Pepper: Muntok white pepper fob Asta NLW $506.00 sellers, Sarawak white
        137 words
      • 298 17 SYDNEY. Fri. A five-year high for sugar prices and confidence in the oil sector underpinned firmer trading, brokers said. Cooper Basin oil discoverer. Santos, posted a year's high, with a 40-cent gain to AJ9.20 on heavy overseas buying, while UK-favourite Woodside finished 10 cents higher at
        298 words
      • 238 17 NEW YORK, Thurs. Oil and aerospace issues led the stock market lower in active trading as the interest rate rally of the past (ew weeks faltered. The stock market reached an eight-week high on Wednesday, as measured by the Dow Jones industrial average, largely on the
        238 words
      • 258 17 ZURICH. Thurs. Share prices firmed in moderate turnover on selective buying stimulated by Swiss National Bank president Fritz Leutwiler's optimistic views on the continuing downward trend of interest rates and a more stable cirrency situation, dealers said. Banks firmed led by actively higher Bank Leu while Oerlikon'Buehrle.
        258 words
      • 170 17 AMSTERDAM, Thurs. Share prices closed higher with most Dutch internationals extending their earlier gains, with Royal Dutch closing 2 40 guilders higher, dealers said. Bank's continued firmer with NMB and ABN closing 4.30 and three guilders higher, respectively. Bos Kalis regained its 1.50 guilder loss to close
        170 words
      • 397 17 Thurs The mar ket dtmt mixed today afli-i I slow session At I pm the hT index was dimn LI at 436.1 lioveinment bonds closed as much as I ixiint Icmcr follow ing yest«T(la> s rc^Hiion by the t'hancclloi o( ihi' Kxch«) him of an rally
        397 words
      • 56 17 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Thursday 436.7 Wednesday 439.4 Week Ago i 443.2 DOW JONE8 AVERAGE INDU8TRIAL8 Thursday 815 19 Wednesday 821.25 Week Ago 808.79 H.K.HANG SENG Friday 883.85 Thursday 878 88 Week Ago 854.22 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Friday 610.48 Thursday 605.48 Week Ago 601 69 ALL ORDINARIES Friday 790.81 Thursday
        56 words
      • 229 16 THE KILOBAR market for gold deliverable in Singapore opened at $35,830 and closed at $35,735 yesterday. In the Far East, gold opened at US$5lO.OO 513.00 and moved lower to $508.00 510.00 on some light selling. It slipped further to $507.50 509.50 In the afternoon on further local selling but
        229 words
      • 167 16 THE STRAITS tin price fell another $35 to $2,240 per picul (equivalent to $37.04 per kilo, down 57 cents) in Penang yesterday, on an official offering up 24 tonnes to 179' i tonnes. The overnight London market was barely steady with forward buyers slipping £10 to £7,450 per tonne.
        167 words
      • 38 16 Rubber May 9 Singapore: June: 298.50 cents (up 0.50 cent) Malaysia: June: 303.00 cents (up 0.50 cent) Tin: M$2,240 (down $35) (equivalent to $37.04 per kilo) (down 57 cents) Official offering: 179Vi tonnes (up 24 tonnes)
        38 words
      • 30 16 LONDON: Copper prices on Thursday (previous in brackets). Wirebar Spot E897 (£877); sellers £899 (£878); Three Month buyers £920 (£903), sellers £920.50 (£904). Market lone: Steady Sales: 8,900 tonnes
        30 words
      • 535 16 PRICES in the Singapore rubber market closed slightly higher yesterday, with June RSS One buyers quoted at 296.50 cents per kilo, up 0.50 cent on Thursday's close (or the position, dealers said. Prices rose fractionally in afternoon trading on some weekend covering interest. Opening prices were marked down initially,
        535 words
      • 103 16 Nl X PN SsK UHi SMK pnc- vnurdav RA8 Jm« tCtmmt Mik) Hu> rn S«ll*r> llunpalWl) 277 SO 27» SON SSK Ml llunipalkll 274 SO 27SSON MRK1.R Ju«« SMK IV llu,np.llel> :U9VI HI SON SMH1. '>!. SMK'. MIDI J06II0N SMK '.1' 'I lMnp.11,1. I HO I
        103 words
    • 360 16 A MILD rally toward* the claring minutes pished share prices to a slightly steadier claae at the Slnga- i pore stock market yesterday. Drawing goad sopport now are sltaational stocks. Bine chips (Intoned on a I mixed note yesterday. Market leader simp Darby aad Haw
      360 words
    • 290 16 TIN shares burst into the limelight yesterday after months of sluggishness to close markedly higher at the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday. There was keen buying interest in a dozen or so tin counters, most of which finished with double-digit gains. The New Straits Times tin index, reflecting
      290 words
    • 209 16 THE US Sing dollar opened at $2 1670 80 and closed at 12 1740 45 in the Singapore (orei market yesterday The dollar was traded in a range of S2 1670 to $2.1750 The market closed near the high as the dollar mark rate break the 1.80
      209 words
    • 326 16 ASIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at close on May 9: Closing Asian dollar certificates of deposit for prime names: Source: Merrill Lynch Inter national (Asia) Co. Currwicw* Nominal tmt— Smithsonian P»rc*nt«e< quoted yMtarday (croaa)parity chang* LacaJ dollars to one inlt «f farelga currency: LJS dollar 2.1740 2.1745
      326 words
    • 46 16 RANGE ot prices offered by discount houses on May 9: Overnight 3 Call deposits 6 ClosiM Buyiaf StUimt 3-month Treasury bills 7 7 3 month Bank bills 11 11 3 months CD 107/18 105/16 6 months CD 10 3/16 10 1 1« Source: National Discount
      46 words
    • 23 16 Closing Interbank rates for Singapore dollars on May 8: urrei Overnight 1 month 2 months 3 months Overnight 10 10 mode
      23 words
    • 24 16 THE average rate at which major Singapore banks are currently prepared to lend to their best .customers is 12.2 per rent.
      24 words
    • 697 17 THE highly diversified Straits Steamship group is upgrading its existing operations in line with the Government's drive towards higher skilled technology in the 80s The group, which has a vast range of activities from shipping to oilfields, engineering and property, is planning to diversify further. Straits
      697 words
    • 312 17 Esso (M) reports after-tax profit of $23.7 m ESSO Malaysia has reported an after-tax profit of M12J.7 million from Hi petroleum and ammonia operations last year. Tnls represents a return of 22.2 per cent on average funds employed on a corporate basis. Chairman Dr R J Krulienga said the return
      312 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 624 17 Our client, a large American company in the marine Mrvlc* and oil exploration industry, is looking for an enterprising, mature and experienced Individual to assume the post of.— ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR I Salary: 5520,000 5526.000 p.a. The selected candidate should possess a qualification recognised by the Singapore Society of Accountants and
      624 words
    • 528 17 I PLANT INSPECTOR I If you are a graduate in Mechanical Engineering looking for a field job, this may be just the opportunity for you. We have a vacancy for a Plant Inspector whose duties involve all aspects of refinery maintenance and plant inspection in our Pulau Bukom Refinery Complex.
      528 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 574 18 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX ya-fV Telephone Service: *****22 rj i^ ,-^B»»B»^ .a^aaa-w Mondo» FrKkly 830om-boopm Or<tnor» 70 ft* p.r word (rr»n J l O 50. I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE I «n»s Centre 900 am 500pm IM«i 549 15) Sundoy T«n« VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS I New Indutrnol Rood
      574 words
    • 1657 18 ••••^•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••■k 1 f^\[ afSJ SOUTHRON THEATRE RESTAURANT I S 0 HITCH I lID Root Gorden, UIC Building Shenton Woy > .JV W V S lIIICULUD Singopore. TEL *****33 5 W^^* aX > W proudly presents FAMOUS ACTRESS OF Hong Kong TV Series I J*l> <^fl THE pr °vd twins' MISS
      1,657 words
    • 681 18 I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE IMPORTED (-DIGIT TWIN Display Calculator* $9 90 Car cassette stereos $35 Cassette taperecorders with free gifts $49 Ashoka 119. Hill Street. IRON FRAMEWORKS FOP) hanging flower pols (2' x 8' x 9 1/2'); orchlds weightllftlng bars, weights, supports, bench, exercising bicycle Sunday. Jason. *****3. LATEST
      681 words
    • 761 18 MARCOF PPA-1 4 PPA-IH PRE-PftEAMPUFIER Designed (or high low impedence moving roil cartridges The sound is now smoother beautl- j fully forused for your listening pleasure I Kin^sley Co. 214 Plaia Smoepura M. Orchard Read S-pore 0923 Tel: 3204a! PIONEER C2l CLASS A pre-amp I and Marantz power 150 watts
      761 words
    • 407 18 I FOB SALE SHOPPING GUIDE CHIHUAHUA: BEAUTIFUL. LONG- 1 1/2 YEAR FEMALE IKlbermann. HAIREO. 6 months old ***** re- excellent watchdog On heat cently imported from lof Mcl- soon SKC registered Selling bourne's lop breeders Rare blue $350 *****56 and white colour Friendly disposition Expensive but delight- m^^^^^^^ m^^^^^^^ mmmm
      407 words
    • 507 18 PART-TIME ORGAN ANO Piano Teachers wanted Minimum qualification I.HSM teaching/ performance or its equivalent Please apply with full particulars and non-returnable photo: The Advertiser. 701G I.orong 8. Blk 222. Toa Payoh. fc'pore 1231. TIME MOTION STUDY ENGINEER We. Ihe rapidly growing I'hemical Servicing Industry, wttcome the applications for the above
      507 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1239 19 II EMPLOYMENT Ml A 31 Situations Vacant v n d i> m) Secretarial and Clerical I I I p An estebkehod company requires: STENOGRAPHER The Job: To perform stenography work and some secretarial duties. a) GCE o level with credit In a Knghsh c b) Shorthand and typing a speeds
      1,239 words
    • 1173 19 II EMPLOYMENT FEMALE CLERK REOUIRED > Knowledge of typing simple ac- counts and correspondence rhosr intrrp^Mi. ring *****05. for interview FEMALE CLERK/TYPIST required With or without experience Write lo The Advertiser. Colombo Court P O Box 317. Spore 9117 i i FEMALE CONFIDENTIAL CLERK < 1c1 c Smut- knowledge of
      1,173 words
    • 1029 19 II EMPLOYMENT international drilling company re- QUIT** 1 EXPERIENCED FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERK/TVPIBT Preferably age around mldtwenlles Picas* submit detailed resume, salary required and passport photo to: LOCKED BAO SERVICE NO. S MAXWELL ROAD POST OFFICE SINGAPORE Only experienced need apply. LEOAL FIRM requires PRIVATE SECRETARY Preferably with 2 years experience
      1,029 words
    • 768 19 II EMPLOYMENT j Manufacturing Firm requires BOOK-KEEPER c Able to handle full set of Accounts independently c OCI O' Level with knowledge of Chinese Pleeee apply with hill personal resumo, telephone number, expected salary and photo to: THE ADVERTISER ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT Brk. 2. Sth floor, 10S4F Lower Delta Road, Tiong
      768 words
    • 585 19 Shipping compeny require* I urgently I OENERAL FEMALE CLERK Able lo type and some know- ledge In bookkeeping Pleeee ring today for appointment. TEL: 2****** STENOGRAPHERS urgently required by LEGAL FIRM Applicants must possess at least OCE O' level Certlflmand of the English langufcge Interested candidates plea** apply giving full
      585 words
    • 1339 19 II EMPLOYMENT An established Oilfield equipment manufacturer in Jurong requires a SALES CO-OftfMNATOft a Age 23 years or older c Completion of N S preferred c Technician Diploma In Me- chanlcal Engineering or equivalent c Alternatively a diploma In Business Study or equivalent c Oood oral and written command of
      1,339 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 474 20 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant c> Bales DEVELOPMENT MANAGER (Female) Promoting proven Training Seminars ol established British Consult soey. Requirements c Vivacious, exuberant yet reSH'iiMl'lr and panic reassV ant. with fluent English c Osm ,ii an .nlvanlage Remunerstmn around $1,000 plus narM wntr with brief details and non-returnable photo, by
      474 words
    • 731 20 urgently r*quir*i CHINESE FEMALE SALES ASSISTANTS I- or our branches located al Or- hard Road arra. Holland Avenur and Bukil I'nii.ili Interested applicant! ptaau call pat tonally at: APM HOLDINGS PTE LTD 2ND FLOOR, FITZPATRICKS BLOC. 300. ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 0923. Today Irom Sam to 1pm and Monday: »am to
      731 words
    • 631 20 II EMPLOYMENT SALES REPRESENTATIVE required by Publishing and Book Distribution Company Experienced in seinng or handling the distribution of [nihh, .iiimis would tie helpful Be prepared to tnuri out.side of Singapore .md loler.ite irregular vknrking hours Satan iif'KM'is on ojualirtcauona and experience Please apply lo: P.O. BOX 22 I JURONG
      631 words
    • 546 20 A leading Marine Engineering a Construction Company invites applications from Singapore citixens lor the position Of:PROCESS PIPING DRAUGHTSMAN The successful candidate will be involved in the preparation of piping and structural shop drawings He should be capable of producing accurate and detailed Qualifications 4 Eiporience:Candldate should possess a recognised Drafting
      546 words
    • 299 20 II EMPLOYMENT FEMALE MICROFILM OPERATOR and Male Technician, after National Service and ahle to ride motorcycle required Please apply in own hand* riling with lull particulars and recent photograph I non-returnable) to: S I Boa A***** FEMALE QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTORS (Chinese) Requirements: Minimum Sec 2educalion I war s relevant working
      299 words
    • 582 20 rise ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN Trade Certificate/ Electronu Servicing Certificate. Industrial Technician Certificate and with some experience in repairing radio and ca.sselle Completed National Service STORE ASSISTANT QCE Level with at least I year working experience In the same capacity. Must have completed National Service Please apply in writing to: THE PERSONNEL
      582 words
    • 673 20 II EMPLOYMENT Owing to expansion of our existing business in Singapore, we are inviting applica- tlons from qualified personnel to fill the positions of 1) FIELD SERVICE/ SALES ENGINEER for the Singapore/ MalayMan Region He will carry out part of the Company's services In providing aftersales/ service for our new
      673 words
    • 258 20 Production im (m m BsssssssssssWl Pi Interested applicants please call personally with your Identity Card to: COPAL SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. 79. Ayer Rajah Industrial Estate. Singapore. 0513 Bus Service: 33. 1 76, 133, 185. 196, 197, EDITORIAL- PRODUCTION ASSISTANT required by established Publishing Firm Applicants should be GCE A' Level
      258 words
    • 547 20 II EMPLOYMENT GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) TELEVISION APPLIANCE PTE LTD. r FEMALE M OPERATORS I We have vacancies for I Female Operators Join us today and •njoy: An attractive commencing salary No shift work Active Employee recreation program A 5 day work week Other outstanding employee benefits If you are 1
      547 words
    • 287 20 i HYMOLO PTE. LTD. requires MACHINE OPERATORS on 2 or permanent night shifts Ml pay c shirt allowance si m ntuo c Transport provided c Hi' iivi-rfme c Tea coffee lor night ship^ c Attendance incentives c Medical and fringe benefits c Hostel for Malaysians Interview at: NO. 1. FOURTH
      287 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 290 21 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant t) Production R^quirSmlntt: ■a) 16 year* and above. ■b| No experience required, training will be provided. I He) Singapore or Malaysian Citizens or permanent residents ire welcome. I We offer: I a) Good starting wage* (5Vi days work with 6 day* Ib) rVI"o V shitt
      290 words
    • 561 21 AMATH. (ASIA) LTD man utac t u r i n g Company has immediate vacancies lor ID PROCESS MACHINE OPERATORS 12) PROCESS WORKERS I'lesentlv the i'umpaliv operates on single shift and successful applicants shall receive compel!live month. v salary and Iree d.illy meals Please write to or call personally to
      561 words
    • 1328 21 II EMPLOYMENT AMERICAN BANK 1. COMPUTER OPERATORS At leasl 1 year's experience on System 370 4331 Musi be prepared lo work on ,i slnlts 2. KEYPUNCH OPERATORS Proficient in operating IBM :<742 Dual Ila I a Station Must be prepared lo work staggered hours between lpm and lip m 3.
      1,328 words
    • 335 21 II EMPLOYMENT I I E. HOPT SINGAPORE PTE LTD require* 1) ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN We prefer candidate.! with proven experience and able lo work independently on electric electronic test equipment 2) DESPATCH CUM GENERAL CLERK With best references Must possess valid motorcycle licence Class :t licence holders preierred Minimum qualification! Bat
      335 words
    • 520 21 Membei ol Harpen Oroup «.i ompunies wnh its Companj Illlaled in Jurong invite appllal ions lor lie w1 > created lerilialient positions ol MALE ASSISTANT/ WORKER Requirements: > To perform painting coating and simple jobs in the workshop worksite > Physically lit and eager lo learn > Completed or be
      520 words
    • 686 21 II EMPLOYMENT I) EMPLOYMENT 9 SANYO INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTO invites applications Irom suilcilnens for the following poets: TECHNICIANS I (MALE) c Successfully completed ITC Courses on Air Conditioning/ Metal Work Flectncal Engineering Merh Engineering in. I Plant i-.ngineering Preferably with 2 years related to course of study Consideration also
      686 words
    • 547 21 ■■■•■asy imcvqw mjs umna nm> iro Appli. in. .us are uuitel irom suitubl) qualified cat didaies who are above H. yean ol age to 111. the following la. am les FUEL PUMP MECHANICS c Candidates «re required to have a minimum ol 1 \ears Ol experience In the Olerh.nii testing
      547 words
    • 558 21 ti SANYO [LfCTRONICS (S) PTf. ITO. FEMALE CLERK between IS-S vr.ire Possess minimum (ill i > level with redll in I- iiklisM .hi. i Maths Art or Technical stream c Ante to type Mm* p MATERIAL ASST (STORE) c Age between ::.t-~''. real c Minimum OCI O level with some
      558 words
    • 567 21 NTUC COMFORT A rapidly xpanding Transport Co-operative it sacking suitably qualified candidates lor the following positions 1. ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT A OCI A' Level Ortih- with ;i pass in Ac- ounta A mm i in u in 1 \rars ['•lev.mi experience ITnwi >nti»l«<ltr nf i inn putens.ii accountlni 2. TECHNICAL ASSISTANT
      567 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 689 22 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant h) General PRINTING PRESS REOUIRES I Delivery Van Driver with valid class 3 licence and 1 Despatch Rider with class 2 licence and I Delivery Van Attendant Apply In writing slating particulars, contact phone number, expected salary wllh passport size photo (non-returnable l to P
      689 words
    • 569 22 t) RECEPTIONISTS 2) WAITRESSES Nsagl limit Apply personally at HOTEL SUPREME 1S Kremet Road Singapore 0822 THE OOLDBMNE DISCO requires WAITRESSES preferably experienced, with pleasant personality and reasonable command of English Please apply personally between 6pm -Bpm al t7Hi Floor. SeaVtew Hotel Amber Close Singapore IMS THE SIME DARBY GROUP
      569 words
    • 1334 22 II EMPLOYMENT TRAVEL AGENCY DESPATCH Motor cycle Uuler Tel *****7 lor ippointment VEHICLE AMCONO FOREMAN and Meclfanic required for Brunei Willing lo pay attractive salary. allowance and fringe benefiLs lor right man Apply to S T Box A***** furnish your telephone number if available UNSKILLED CONSTRUCTION WORKERS required Age 18
      1,334 words
    • 570 22 imes Saturday car mart SIANO HOCK OPENS till IOOOpm fel *****86, .SBW BalnUer Road branch 29M169 SUNRISE i^ mm^ m CAR RENTALS' Bnrtfvm.LHtstModt. i Air Conditioned Cats ■Mtrc*d*iß*ni2oo R -Colt Sioma 2oo0 GU Lmcet Celeste 1400 Coupe •Colt Lincei 1200 S/Wtgon •Mitsubishi Colt 1200 NOfv^LEAfiC CHARGE *****6/***** 107, BUKIT TIMAHROAD
      570 words
    • 778 22 LATE 197S DATSUN I2OY Stain, n wagon 2 company owners, well maintained $12,800 Tel *****70 LATE I«7t OATSUN 100A Excellent condition Road lax/ Insurance available. One owner $13.200 Tel *****68 1971 DATSUN 1200 C C wllh PARF. aircond. cassette Road tax/ Insurance new Selling $7,300 negotiable Tel: *****60. 1972 DATSUN
      778 words
    • 948 22 BEAUTIFUL LATE 1t73 Ford Escort 1100 4-door Tax/ insurance till Aug New battery, radio/ cassette Air blower. PARF eligible $7,950 ono Tel: *****61 Johnny (after 11 00 a.m.) DEC. 1t72 FORO Cortina WOOL, alrcond. radio, good condition $7,200 ono. *****4 Sam DEC. 1*73 FORO Cortina 1600 Slationwagon. good condition, $4,000/-
      948 words
    • 850 22 I END 1t72 MAZDA 808 Coupe Hoad lax nil Sepl New tyres. PARK eligible 58.400 ono Interested I call *****07 alter office hours JAN. 1*77 MAZDA 121 Coupe new tax. paintwork and tyres Aircond radio cassette Like new condition $18,200 XX number plate Loan arrangeable Tel *****90 LATE 1973 MAZDA
      850 words
    • 881 22 BEAUTIFUL I*7* COLT (ialanl Ml. Second owner Alrcond. radio. 4 channel Ten cartridge. belU. new lax. selling $9,900 Tel *****55 Nocif.urrs DEC. 1971 COLT Cialant CiS 1600 c c Aircon radio Good condition $6,800 293 Victoria Street. Tel *****76 JUNE 1975 1200 lancer Excellent condition New alrcon cassette II
      881 words
    • 885 22 197t TOVOTA CORONA 1 600 r c One owner Aircond. radio/ casielle. tax Excellent condition $22,000 ono Please tel: *****3. Mathew Lim. between Bam and 12 pm I»7t TOVOTA COROLLA 1200 One private owner Selling $18,200 Call Andy *****28 1979 TOVOTA CORONA 1600 SU Uonwagon Excellent condition One lady owner,
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 586 23 times Saturday car mart 45 VahictM For Sal* k) Otmen RENAULT 17 TL tip top showroom condition with power electric windows concealed ainon new lax battery PAHF eligible $12,400 on o Mr Teo. *****83 Polymer. Sealant The paint protector that Keeps your car showroom bright for years. No other wax
      586 words
    • 922 23 YOU CAN AFFORD a car on hire pun haae terms from Hong Leong Finance Moderate Interest rate Repayment up to 2 ■can Immediate approval Telephone *****33 Permit No 2188 I) Motor Cycles/ Scooters AP YAMAHA SCRAMBLER DT2SO nett 1978 Suzuki Scrambler rB2ftOC $1,400 Both original hike-, *****71 AO YAMAHA RS
      922 words
    • 966 23 f I IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES r T^ gf^i«T»B > rW Tr^H 111 a i «-K1 i I iT'l ll I •""'^■OB gB^BV^B^B^B^BV^LH For Immediate Occupation Limited Prime Shops for Sale or Lease I Conveniently located at Balestier Road. opposite Ruby Theatre J Well established transportation network f Ample parking lots
      966 words
    • 867 23 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES c Super luxurious 4 bedrooms, study 1 unit per floor apartment in Disl 11. large living, dining, and kitchen Close Ui Ore hard Road area, fully alrcon Rental partly furnished $3,300 Other luiunoua apartments m Kalakaua Woollerlon Park I'andan Valley Ridgewood Townhouse Hlllcrest Arcadia (Dossina) Balmoral
      867 words
    • 757 23 3-BEDROOMEO APARTMENT at Ualestler Mandalay area for rent hurinsiieci, unfurnished Par.juel and MMtBSn floor inn Call *****16 c) Rooms AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY FURNISHED rooms, .list 1027 Convenient shops, transport Respectable persons Tel *****37 after 3p.m Sunday DIST. 1542, KATONG Available Immediately I furnished room for single/ couple Tel *****6 DIST. 2
      757 words
    • 872 23 IV ACCOMMODAT A DOUBLE-STOREY SEMI-DE-TACHED. 4.006 sc! ft freehold 1 list II) .Selling SUMM ono Orandeuf hmmi A DOUBLE-STOREY BUNGALOW lose to Hotel h arm. l I lush greener) MOO tq ft of matured Karden t liedrooms. $495.- i Holland Housing *****04 A SINGLE STOREY SEMI-DETACH-ED in Seletar Hills
      872 words
    • 913 23 lON PROPERTIES A SPtLT-LEVEL 1 Vim -<, il ,|,.,rl menl al Pandan Valley offered tot MM at $325,000 Tel Sandra M ***** during office hours/ *****0afler8pm ATTENTION FOREIGN INVESTORS HILLCREST ARCADIA PENTHOUSE Approximately 2.400 sq.ft. 4 brd1 ■nuns, separate liviiik dininu large halcony. swimming pool/ tennis putting green in
      913 words
    • 725 23 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES S-ROOM HOB FLAT I .urung 8 Toa Payoh furnished, renovated. mar school, market Tel *****86 c) Land INDUSTRIAL LAND al Upper Thornton Road. 8 m s Area above 10.220 sq in Freehold title Enquiries *****5 PONGGOL POINT 6.131 sq m Vacant land facing Johore StralU Ideal for
      725 words
    • 792 23 REQUIRED OFFICE SPACE 2.000 lo Orchard Road vicinity Please contact Miss Kwong *****66 during office hours WANTED OFFICE SPACE June/ July for purchase/ rent Area: Imm sq (1 Locality outskirts of (HI) but willing lo consider properties wiinin CBD Contact *****55 Miss Chan WANTEO TO RENT Office. 200 to 4l«)s.|ft
      792 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 679 24 V SERVICES i BUSINESS 75 Building Decoration/ Maintenance SEAH HUAT KIM CONTRACTOR specialises in repairing roof leakage interior decoration, undertake all kinds of construction work 496!!*) StU 76 Business Opportunities ARE YOU A dynamic direct sales or ieni. i ted entrepreneur educational products for which there is an insatiable
      679 words
    • 700 24 OFFICE /FACTORY/HOUSEHOLD Removall l>ell\enes driver la l>..ur aaDpiWd sell .Hue lorries tor lure storage odd jobs (all COT 4400H«7 *****64 alter olnet n PACKING/ REMOVAL/ TRANSPORTATION leave y>ur problems to us run ieni reliable Hiiik JASHK22 2:t-S»S4O Malaysia Packing J. Aden. lesiSiPte Ltd PIN LEONG TRADING 'ompany oilers offne house
      700 words
    • 692 24 VI EDUCATION TRAINING H yrou can count on us Xfpr a better future in accountancy. The Stamford Centre ofters a variety of Accountancy courses in preparation for the following examinations 1 ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS 2 INSTITUTE" OF COST AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANTS 3 LCCI Group Diplomas m Accounting and Costing
      692 words
    • 470 24 VI EDUCATION TRAINING IMPORT/EXPORT PROCEDURES* DOCUMENTATION COURSE STAGE I (BASIC) covering 42 topic* THEORY AND PRACTICAL PLUS CASE STUDIES COMMENCING c SAT 10 5'8U21)0-4OOI>M c TUF. 13/5, 80 7 10.00PM c MON 19/5/80 7 30- 10 00PM WED 2I ."> *****-10O0PM STAGE II (ADVANCE) (Another 42 lopks) c THUK 19
      470 words
    • 543 24 PROFICIENCY INtENGLJSH A unique and systematic audio visual course using cassettes and text-boo* lof sell sludy otieied by STAMFORD COLLEGE (Coriespondence Education Division) Incorporating nearly 30 years ol researcn and enpenence in teacning Engtisn Language to students in Asia this course is designed to develop written and oral proficiency I
      543 words
    • 341 24 VII TRAVEL It TOURS mml mm. II MT iIbT lH 5?/ 1 RmV n wßr' ■Mbb>JmL fF^^ar^^Maaaaaaaaßaß^MßMaL^i aaaaaaaaaW"^^^*^^aaaMal I^mß "I Ma^^^BßMMal m I**ll fat** 1 I A am NY HMrtMVwa* h *aal M^Ma-<yP^'' T^JMIi J ilaaVVnrP&k r aaaasr^ '^^BBMbI sbbmj Wm^wt\ ""'"'iL i .as^Jaai BMP* ml' I' Bsmmßn^^^^^^ aMaaaaJaa^^^-** laaaTZ-sPaaaM?
      341 words
    • 927 24 VII TRAVEL A TOURS AMERICA '80 THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE No th South East West) Hew 'Cattw Neva* kmm it CaaTeM Sutl it rVsaaMllii sWwa SUV if Niw York Oamcl it Caa-te FMt tint* Cafe**. OiM Menco Him. Km, 28 Days *****0/KLSS49C M/s ?V5 31/9 1/6 IQ'B ?6 -0 '6 B,S
      927 words

    • 108 25 Madam Son Peck Luan (wile), son. daughters and son-in-law ol the late wish to eipress their heartfelt thanks to Pastors, friends and relatives for their kind assistance, condolences, donations, scrolls, wreaths and attendance during their recent bereavement. MR. D. KRUSEMANN family o[ the late Mrs L. Pestana wish
      108 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      251 25 MADAM TAN BOON KEK (AGED YEARS) (MRS. CHIA ENG OUEE) Pa»ied away peacefully on 8 May 1980 leaving behind huaband; mother. 2 tons; 2 daughters 2 daughters-m law. 1 son-in-law; 2 grandchildren to mourn her Ion Cortege leave* 47B, P»ter«on Road. Singapore 0923 on Saturday 10 May 1980
      251 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      62 25 In EvarlMling Memory oi MR. TAN SWEE YAM Departed 10 5 75 Times changes many things But not the memories this day brings Alway* rinnmbtrx) by wit*, chil drafl and gr andcriildren MR SOOW SIOMG POM MAY 10. 1*77 REMEMBERED DEARLY BY HIS LOVED ONES T»o T»i
      62 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 511 25 VII TRAVEL TOUBS 114 Toura NAM HO TMKL SUIICE IS) TTL ITI. ST PR LIC NQ 140 Head Office Gl4-16-18. Pearfs Centre. Eu Tong Sen St (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 0105. Tel: *****33(7 lines) Branch Office: 1 1 9. People's Park Complex, Ground Floor New Bridge Road. Singapore 0105. Tel *****1/*****2/
      511 words
    • 293 25 GRAND ASIA PHILIPPINE KOREA JAPAN ALL TAIWAN HONG KONG THAI LAND 19/21 DAYS Dip. Every Sat ALL TAIWAN Hu*m KOREA JAPAN HONG KONG Sung Dynasty V.ll.oeTHAILANDP«tt»y. 14/17/21 DAYS 19 b. 26'S. 2 '6, 9/6, 16 6,23 6. XV6. 7/7, *'7. 21/7, 28/7. 4/8. 11/8.18/8. 25/8 1/9 8/9.15/9 PHILIPPINE Pagsanjan ALL
      293 words
    • 1193 25 VII TRAVEL TOURS Budget packages packed with fun-filled days. GENTING HIGHLANDS FROM ONLY Departures Every Monday Wednesday /^^^■^^■^k Friday and Saturday (^T«T«W Choose Irom a selection ot holiday < T^I^X packages to suit your Budget S.**- BANGKOK/PATTAYA AC Departures Every f nday t!l>O£_Ao^ Visrt Bangkok s lamous temples and the
      1,193 words
    • 206 25 STRAITS TIMES RATES FOR PERSONAL ADS OBITUARIES $10.50 lor 15 word! (run-on style) $36.00 lor tern, x 1 col. (Mini-display style) $45.00 for 3cm H col. ( .tyl«) VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS A PERSONAL ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Anglican KpiM-opal) 700 am Holy ('oimimmon: 8.00 a m ParIsti I'oininunlon: tt 30 a in
      206 words
    • 146 25 An established international company based at Shah Alam is looking for a suitable qualified person for the post of ASSISTANT WORKS MANAGER Qualifications i Degree or equivalent in mechanical, electrical engineering or production engineering. Experience Several years of experience in production engineering, maintenance of plant machinery and designing of stamping
      146 words
    • 660 25 MM 2P APPRENTICESHIP SCHEME Our Compony invites you to acquire for yourself highly specialised skills in Metol Packaging trpde and to ensure good salory prospects for your future Our Apprenticeship Training Scheme is set up under the opprovol of V IT B We are looking for young men, technically inclined
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
      45 words

    • 611 27 Arsenal's strike force may prove lethal GODFREY ROBERT, the Deputy Sports Editor, who is on a six-month attachment in London, files his first report a preview of today's Football Association Cup final. LONDON, Fri. The simple triangle devised by strikers Frank Stapleton, Alan Sunderland and Graham Rix has run circles
      611 words
    • 119 27 HOW THEY REACHED THE FINAL ARSENAL Third round: Cardiff (away) Replay (home) 2-1 (Sundcrland). Kourtfc round: Brighton (k»e) t-t (NeU»n, TaHxK). Fifth round: Hoi ton (away) 11 (SUplrton); Replay (home) V» (Sonderland 2, Staple ton). Sixth round: Watford (away) M (SUpleton Semi-Anal at HlllsborouKh: UverpMl First replay at Villa Park:
      119 words
    • 272 27 Record receipts this year LONDON, Fri Receipts from tomorrow's FA Cup final are a record for the competition at £729,000 ($3.6 million). The first final in 1872 attracted only 2,000 spectators, who paid a shilling each. The 1964 final between West Ham and Preston produced the youngest finalist and youngest
      272 words
    • 103 27 Devine replaces Nelson LONDON. Fri. Arsenal yesterday omitted leftback Sammy Nelson from their team for the Football Association Cup final against West Ham at Wembley tomorrow. Nelson, a Northern Irish international, is replaced by young John Devine, who plays for the other part of Ireland The Republic. Nelson, who has
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 124 27 LONDON, Fri. Wort Bam were engaged In one of the moot dramatic «f English Football AmorUtion Cap finals In ltZ3. It was the first time the Cup final had been staged at Wembley. The •rgaaiaers were stamped by the maaa of fans, about SM.IM, who turned op
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 185 27 LONDON. Fri. He was a flop as a player. But he's really a success as a referee. Yes, George Courtney, the Man in the Middle in tomorrow's 99th Football Association Cup final, is one of English football's fastest rising referees and who has set the 1982
      185 words
    • 168 27 (;i.AS(;ow, Fri. To I (Glasgow's soccer fans i tomorrows Scottish Cup I final at Hampden Park surpasses anything World Cup and Kuropean Cup finals might have to offer. This is the big one. Any meeting of archrivals Raagen and Celtic is guaranteed to stir the
      Reuter  -  168 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 47 27 ARSENAL 1 Jennings 2 Rice SO' Leary 6 Young 4 Talbot 10 Price 7 Brady 9 Stapleton 6 Sunderland 11 Rix Ref^y^^rSe* 11 Holland 8 Croas 9 Pearson? 6 Devonshire 7 Allen 10 Brooking 3 Lampard 5 Martin 4 Bonds 2 Stewart 1 Parkes H WEST HAM
      47 words
    • 538 27 MK^^ SINGAPORE BUS SERV.CE *****) LTD Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following vacancies:PLANNING ASSISTANTS GCE 'O' level with minimum of 5 credits. Preference will be given to those with a driving licence. ACCOUNTS CLERK GCE 'O' level with LCC Intermediate in Book-keeping or Costing, or
      538 words
    • 765 27 An American multi-national company has vacancies for: DEALERS MANAGER Applicants should have a proven track record in the retail of home appliances and be familiar with dealership arrangements in Singapore. The successful candidate is expected to establish additional dealer locations and be attuned to meeting monthly budgeted plans and other
      765 words
    • 490 27 THK BANKKI PTCY ACT ((HAPTKR 18) TAKE NOTICE that (a) Receiving and Adjudication Orders were made against the following debtors on 25.4.80. In Bankruptcy Nos 200/79 Loh Koon Hong of 688 Smith Street. Singapore 0105. 393/79 John X Veerayah of No 2112 Pearlbank. Singapore 0316. 632/79 Quek Chin Nam t/a
      490 words

    • 2735 28  -  FAIRWAY By GO FOR Chaya Timor IV in Race 7 (5.0) at i Bukit Timah today. The i Green God three-year-old set the pace in his debut in Penang last month but ended up i seventh to Nimrod n on
      2,735 words
    • 2027 28 DAfr 1 2.0 CLASS 5 DIV 5 1.200 M iw*v^ i ($11,500 -$8,050 to winner) 1 085 Mountain Oraam (Dream) PK Leong 456 (dc +0.5) 1.200 m F Mm 3 2 990 Ptaasant Plaasurs (Pleasure) Ismail 355 (dc +5) 1.200 m Urn 1 3 7157 Sir Jumbo g(
      2,027 words
    • 162 28 L RANGER SCRUTINEER 1 Born Winner Sir Jumbo M. Dream Jackie's Kuda Heza Saviour Sir Jumbo Irish Bond M Dream Born Winner 2 Natasha Had Raya Tiger Note LO¥* Dondeng Photogenic Tiger Note Hock Chye Just Ideal Love Dondenß I Anti-Corruption Aquarian Sun Euromark Euromark Champagne Aquarian Sun Champagne
      162 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 656 28 SANYO INDUSTRIES (S) PTE. LIMITED INVITES APPLICATIONS FROM SUITABLY QUALIFIED SINGAPORE CITIZENS FOR FOLLOWING POSTS Personnel Manager (Male) Matured man m his early thirties Tertiary education in Social Science and or Law Minimum 4 years working eipenence in large organisation preferably electrical electronics Thorough knowledge ot local labour legislation and
      656 words
    • 749 28 Bayer invites applications for the post of SBLES REPRESEimmVES for: (A) Chemicals used in Paint Industries (B) Chemicals for Polyurethane Foam Applicants are expected to have the following qualificationsEducation: Bachelor of Science (Chemistry or Chemical/Mechanical-Engineering), or Diploma in Chemical Process Technology from the Singapore Polytechnic or other technical institutes. HSC
      749 words

    • 551 29  -  FAIRWAY By PArTITI GOLD, back in training after a spell, showed that he has benefited greatly from the rest and is back at his best with a couple of good gallops this week. With Gerry Donnelly as- tride yesterday morning, the American gelding by
      551 words
    • 242 29  -  LONE RANGER By JACKIE'S KUDA II lawks ready to open his winning Account In his fifth outing on the local racing circuit anal should feature well 1b the opening event at Bnklt Tlmah today, come rain or shine. In his debut last September,
      242 words
    • 297 29 IvONDON, Fri. Triple world record-holder Sebastian Coe, warming-up for the Olympic Games in M.-vow, won the 1,500 metres event in 3 mm. 45.7 sec. at an inter-college track meet here yesterday. Coe, running for the first time over the distance since clocking his world record of 3:32.1 last August
      297 words
    • 2297 29 RATF 1 1.30 CLASS 5 DIV 3 1.200 M iv/a^e, X ($11,500 $8,050 to winnw) 1 0095 Movt* Town M a (Shaw) Allan 657 (dc -2.5) 1,200 m Franc* 2 2 2070 Jackie 1 Jaeky g (CL) Jaafar 5 56.5 (dd 1.5) 1,200 m. lumai 3 3 8700
      2,297 words
    • 544 29 shire 180 and 220 (Z. Abbas 93. M. Proctor 41. M. Nash 6-72). Glamorgan 125 (B. Brian 6-68) and 159-2 (J. Miando 101 no). At Ufart: Kent 362-6 and 57-3. Essex 301-* dec (N. Smith 63 no. B. Hardie 48, R. East 47):
      Agencies  -  544 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 332 29 Aftate I The answer to an I old problem... I Athlete's Foot Aftate works because it contains Tolnaftate, which kills athlete's foot Fungus on contact. k Use Aftate on infected areas particularly between &^S> w I toes, in shoes, socks and all areas subject l 9 to infection. j For
      332 words

    • 386 30  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By THE Singapore Badminton Hall will provide the scenario for another badminton extravaganza, featuring six international stars when the Yonex invitation circuit championships make their debut in the Republic next month. The circuit, initiated by sports manufacturers Yonex and organised by the
      386 words
    • 175 30 MIT's $18m to boost sports KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The MARA laatftato at Technslsgy (MIT) will spend abant $18.75 mllll.n under tke Fourth Malaysia Plan to eampieto their sports facilities at tke main eampu In Shah Alam. MTFs actlag director, Mahamed TMt MajM, ■aid that tkey waaM alss "expand" tke sports
      NST  -  175 words
    • 88 30 THREE 100 metres records were either equalled or broken in the St Joseph's Institution's annual athletic meet at the National Stadium yesterday. And they proved significant, because the championships were also to mark the third centenary of the founding of the La SaUe brotherhood The records were
      88 words
    • 368 30 Lim sends Wong crashing FANS at the Singapore Badminton Hall were left gasping in amazement last night at the maturity and mastery of a beefy bundle of dynamite named Robert Lim Teck Heng, reports BERNARD PEREIRA. The 20-year-old National Serviceman created havoc with the form book, sending second-seeded and currently
      368 words
    • 183 30 LATEST first-round results in the inter-constituency netball tournament Whampoa 32 Kirn Keat 3. Ang Mo Kio wo. Rochore. Jalan Besar wo. Geylang East, Bukit Panjang 21 Kam I pong Chai Chee 7, Serangoon Gardens 41 Pasir Panjang 5. Leng Kee 33 Farrer Park 4, Marpherson 37 Kallang 1,
      183 words
    • 71 30 MR TEO CHONG TEE, Member of Parliament for Changi, recently appointed Steven Tiang Chye as chairman of the Katong Constituency Sports Club for 1980-1982. Other officials: Cheng Klan Beng (vice-chairman), Neo Hock Leng (hon secretary). Tan Kok Boon (hon. asst. secretary), Khor Ngiat Cheng (hon. treasurer),
      71 words
    • 513 30  -  DEREK WILD By WHEN yon watch Australian fast bowler Dennis LJllee play Test cricket against England, yon ran be forgiven far thinking that he really loathes the "Poms". Alter all, when he begins that 39-metre run-on and, with that wild look In his
      513 words
    • 255 30  -  PATRICK BASTIANS ByJ VENKATESAN GOPAL, the 1978 national squash champion, crashed out of the Milo national squash championships, losing 9-2, 1-9, 9-1, 7-9, 0-9 in a 50-minute battle to medical student Ranjodh Singh in the men's quarter-finals at the Kallang Complex last night.
      255 words
    • 217 30 TOKYO, Fri. John Sullivan, of Australia, and Japan's Kyoko Yamaguchi took the lead on the first day of competition in the Asian zone qualifying rounds for the World amateur bowling championships here today. Sullivan, 32, of Melbourne, rolled a total of 3,741 pinfalls to lead by four
      217 words
    • 19 30 NESTLE edged out Tanglin 3-2 in the national squash graded Fl tournament at Pepys Road last night.
      19 words
    • 153 30 THE Singapore Squash Rackets Association confirmed yesterday that Kang Gee Bah, losing quarter-finalist in the Milo national squash championships, will be the manager of Singapore's sixman team to tour New Zealand from May 27-June 17, reports PATRICK BASTIANS And so impressed were i the
      153 words
    • 19 30 POLICE trounced Telereo 5-0 in the Singapore Squash Rackets Associations Fl Grade League at Police Academy yesterday.
      19 words
    • 91 30 Veronica off to a fine start BANGKOK, Fri. Veronica Bourinet gave Singapore a fine start by shooting into the j women's Masters Doard of the Thailand Open bowling cham- pionships with a 1.055 six-game set. The Held is led by Thai national bowler Porntip Singha on 1.119. Ringo Wang. o(
      AFP  -  91 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 264 30 FILA WINS dftaa^hkk. "W^ii. '~f o<^3£aflk it I At" y- Ik JUk- Ijtl A Ji day 'I^i'^^mM Ms For six consecutive weekends recently, the Fila Team battled it out with other seasoned rivals at the Cathay Pacific Team Tennis Tournament. After many rounds of tough competition, Fila emerged the overall
      264 words
    • 32 30 RESULTS DRAW 36/80 CORRIGENDUM 5 OUT OF 49 26 35 30 7 49 i ADD. No 9 i I 3 CIRCLES 48 23 26 THE CORRECT NUMBER IS 23 INSTEAD OF 28
      32 words

    • 425 31  - Jita selects same side for Sarawak Cup- tie JOE DORAI By JITA SINGH, Singapore's soccer manager, last night named a "same-again sauad for tomorrow's Malaysia Cup-tie against Sarawak. This means the 16 players, who were on duty for last Saturday's match, in which Singapore lost disappointingly 0-1 to Kelantan, will
      425 words
    • 43 31 THE pUyere to travel: Edmund Wee, David Lee, HmU Ibrahim, Jeffrey l-azaroo, Samad Alapitehay, Syed MaUllb, S. Jalprakash, Hashlm Hoard, Urn Tang Bo*n, R. Snriamurth.v, Pandl Ahmad, LeMg K*k Farm, W«ng Kwok Cbiy, Mohamed Nek, Naslr Jalll, Aa-yeoag Pak Kuan.
      43 words
    • 37 31 TODAY PAHANG v PENANG (Stadium [iarulmakmur. 7.30) F. TERRITORY v N. SEMBILAN (Merdeka Stadium. 7.30) TOMORROW JOHORE v KEDAH (Larkin Stadium. 7.30). PERAK v TRENGGANU (Stadium Perak. 7.30) SARAWAK v SINGAPORE (Jubilee Ground, 4.30)
      37 words
    • 161 31 Twelve to fight for 4 places TWELVE teams have advanced into the next round of the national basketball league preliminary round, which will resume on Tuesday at the People's Association, reports PETER BIOW. They have been divided into two groups, with Gay Sim, Vigilante Corps A, Tong Whye, Vigilante Corps
      161 words
    • 182 31 LONDON, Fri. Trevor Francis, Britain's first £1 million ($4.94 m) footballer, will definitely miss the European Nations' championship finals in Italy next month. Manager Ron Greenwood has decided that Francis has no chance of recovering from a torn arhilles tendon. Tfcr s«,na4 Gaalkeepers: Ray Clemence (Liverpool),
      182 words
    • 45 31 JAKARTA. Pri. Powerful Luxembourg had to scramble for a 2-2 draw against a North Sumalran side on Wednesday night in Indonesia's seven-na-tion Mara Halim soccer tournament. Earlier, another Indonesian team, Nlac Mitra, thrashed the Thai national team 4-1 (half-time: 1-1) in Medan. UPI.
      UPI  -  45 words
    • 97 31 KELANT AN 0 SEL ANGOR 1 KOTA BAHRI Pri. Defending champions Selangor tamed Kelaatan, conquerors of Singapore at the Republic's National Stadium last week, In their Malaysia Cap-tie at the Sultan Monamed IV Stadium here tonight. International Rhalld All scored the winning goal la the ttth minute.
      97 words
    • 197 31  -  PETER SIOW By I MORE THAN 20 students have submitted their applications to join the Electrolux Sailing School scheme, scheduled tentatively to begin on Monday week off the East Coast Park Swimming Lagoon. Among them are two girls Vanessa Zehnder, 12, and Lee Shu-Shun, 10.
      197 words
    • 144 31 P W D L F A Pt Selangor 11 8 3 0 22 7 19 Pahang 11 7 3 1 15 10 17 Kelantan 12 6 4 2 18 6 16 Malacca 13 6 4 3 19 9 16 Sabah 12 6 4 2 22 15 16 Singapore 10
      144 words
    • 64 31  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By SINGAPORE'S youth weightlifters leave for Jakarta this afternoon for a challenge meet with their Indonesian counterparts, very probably with Chan Hon Choong, 18, in the line-up. Chan, who suffered an accident on Thursday morning when he fell from his motorcycle after
      64 words
    • 128 31 Singapore Amateur Weightlifting Federation officials are hoping he was only bruised, but they are waiting for the results of an X-ray of his ribcage. They sent him yesterday with veteran weightlifter Chua Koon Siong to consult a Chinese sinseh (doctor), who pronounced Chan fit to participate in the
      128 words
    • 27 31 SEMBAWANG beat Jalan Tiong Wanderers 2-1 and Mountbatten defeated South Avenue 3-1 In the nation! under-19 soccer matches at the Jalan Besar Stadium last night.
      27 words
    • 27 31 BUONA VISTA Community Centre will or> anise a seven-a-side soccer tournament on July 6. Entry forms can be obtained from Buona Vista CC or tel: *****3.
      27 words
    • 322 31  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By CONTROVERSIAL Daniel Lim is coming back to tennis the sport that has got him into endless trouble with the Singapore Lawn Tennis Association. And he is doing it "out of patriotism to help win back the Chua Choon Leong Cup for
      322 words
    • 81 31 LAU PAX HO was New Town Secondary School's star performer in their annual track and field meet at Queenstown yesterday. Lav, competing in the lower secondary boys' division, scored a hat-trick with victories in the 400 metres (62 osecs.), 800 m (2:35.9) and 1.500 m (5:31.7).
      81 words
    • 3 31
      3 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 271 31 sHHl^^^^Sai^'.^Bllllllllllß^BlH bHb^IIiIIIIIII^^^ HHsPsti^^ki^hßß^^^^^u^Ss^illtaHH^^^lH^Bal^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^BßSsH BsHHlkßlllllSlllllßllll^^.^ Bll^^ ssllv MflK^Cßstssfic ss^bHHv 0 Ij^^iP^ The second Sunday in May. The sunniest Sunday, W^^ <#y\/^/\m m A #f 4".^% C*\^W*f 1^ /A*/ brightened by smiles from mums all over the world. jl J If I\# YYV V 1 Lv J jl |V When children tell
      271 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 104 31 BADMINTON Singapore Tw»: Seletar SC v Kampong Malays' championships (Telok Kembangan; Singapore AirKurau Secondary School. 7.30). lines Group B v Telerec Balestier Road, 3.45, 5.15). Pahat Golf Club ffteppel Qub. constituency tournament (Various venues, 7.30). HOCKEY SHA Premier S4JI ASH Milo Open naLnnt: SAFSA v Jansenites tional championship men's and
      104 words

  • 314 32 Marcos to grant amnesty to Aquino? MANILA, Fri. President Ferdinand Marcos will grant opposition leader Benigno Aquino a presidential amnesty before he undergoes heart operation in an American hospital, highly authoritative sources said today. "The presidential amnesty is a sure thing," the sources said in the wake of Mr Aquino's
    AFP; AP  -  314 words
  • 468 32 BELGRADE SUMMIT BELGRADE, Friday THE official Tanjug news agency called it the summit of mankind, and Yugoslav politicians said President Tito would have been pleased that his funeral provided the occasion for so many leaders to exchange views. But the British, Americans
    NYT  -  468 words
  • 411 32 Opec won't make up for Iran oil shortfall TAIF (Saudi Arabia), Friday THE Opec countries decided yesterday not to make up for the shortfall in Iranian oil exports with extra production a move which will pose problems mainly for Japan, oil market experts here said today. They said western Europe
    Reuter  -  411 words
  • 74 32 BREZ AND HUA LIKE STRANGERS BELGRADE, Fri. Saviet Prraidtnt LmoM Brezhnev promptly flew back to Mascaw today after the funeral of President Joslp Tito, having apparently rejected all Ideas of a meeting with Chinese Chairman Hut GaeFeng. AlthoDgh the two communist leaders were within a few metres of each other
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 73 32 NASHVnXE (Tennessee), Fri. Singer-author Barry Sadler, best known for his 1966 song, The Ballad of the Green Berets, was sentenced to prison yesterday for the shooting death of songwriter Lee Emerson Bellamy. Sadler, 38, a former army paratrooper who claimed earlier that he fired one shot at
    UPI  -  73 words
  • 28 32 WASHINGTON. Fri The Soviet Union is building a giant submarine which could be used as a secret underwater military supply vessel, military sources here said. AFP
    AFP  -  28 words
  • 71 32 MIAMI, Fri. About 90 people are feared drowned in Tampa Bay, Florida, after a ship slammed the Sunshine Skyway Bridge early today. Many of them are believed to be trapped inside a bus that plunged into the bay. The bus and two cars fell from the bridge
    AP  -  71 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 169 32 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cov*r Pnc* SOt Annual Subtcnption SISS For tubtcnption. cmll *****11 Ext. 231 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. MOST of the banks in the world are going bust and the only salvation lies in the lowering of interest rates. In today's edition, we bring you a centrespread filled with
      169 words
    • 220 32 Special on the FA Cup Final Arsenal's midfield generai, Liam Brady, says his team will win in style. But West Ham's Phil Parkes thinks that nothing will stop the Hammers. Our four-page special on the FA Cup Final brings you both points of view. There are also biographies of all
      220 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 182 32 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Showers in a few places from late morning. TEMP. (C) up to a.m. tomorrow: 32 max., 25 mln. SUNSET today: f.M p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: C.2S a.m. GLOBAL weather AnutonUm 13-17 C Cloudy Ut Aageta* 15-20C Cloudy AtkeM 16-22C Clear MftdfM 9-19C Clear Bahrain 24-31C Clear
      182 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION 2
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION 2
      5 words
    • A world driving to death
      • 746 1 The US has an horrendoussounding road death toll 9,300 in 1978 and yet, on a per driven mile basis, there's been a dramatic decline in accident fatalities, writes MILTON CHASE, our reporter in Washington. The bright spot is results from community efforts. WITH all the publicity given to
        746 words
      • 833 1 Hongkong's first quarter of 1980 road deaths have fallen dramatically compared with last year, writes our Hongkong reporter, RODNEY HOBSON. While overall accidents are up, deaths have dropped from 106 last year to 87 this year. But government critic, PHIL TAYLOR, president of Hongkong Automobile Association, estimates that in
        833 words
      • 555 5 France is toughening its road safety measures and soft-selling the new approach through national campaigns to reduce road deaths, writes TAN LIAN CHOO, our Paris reporter. A pointpenalty system similar to Singapore's was also introduced recently. PAUL and Colette arrived at the tiny train station in a small village
        555 words
      • 475 5 Jakarta has falling statistics for traffic fatalities, writes our reporter, ROSIHAN ANWAR. Traffic accidents have declined from 8,043 in 1975 to 6,729 last year and deaths followed the same trend from 726 in 1975 to 476 last year. But serious injuries were up from 1,756 in 1975 to 2,681
        475 words
      • 633 5 IN the Philippines, traffic safety consciousness is unheard of. In a country with the highest inflation rate in Asean (18 per cent last year), a foreign debt of USJIO.4 billion (Ss22 4 billion), rising unemployment and a precarious balance of payments, road safety just
        633 words
      • 52 5 Metro Manila introduced 'Oplan Pangangalaga' a traffic police programme to instil safety into drivers but the city's notorous motorists aren't aware of it, writes our Manila reporter, ABBY TAN. Meanwhile the death toll mounts. Last year chalked up 504 fatalities a 12.5 per cent increase over 1978 out of
        52 words
      • 609 5 Although Japan has a staggering 40 million driving licence holders, road deaths have declined for m?ei?. f mne year8 our Tokyo reporter, JACK si!£ it ?J tXe The peak year for fatalities was 1970 with 16,765; last year the figure dropped to 8,460 almost half. Japan's approach is to
        609 words
      • 584 5 Drink is a problem on Australian roads, says our Sydney reporter, VINCENT STOVE. Alcohol is a factor in around half of all serious accidents and in three-quarters of single-vehicle fatal accidents. But the enforced use of seat belts and crash helmets has definitely contributed to the decline in road
        584 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 247 1 Far East Finance Building In the heart x^t 1 of major financial I business centre /T>*Oi at Robinson Road :^j5*JT- For Sale or Lease by FLOORS > Rrst Class Offices With Curtain Walling <f Central Air-Conditioning System ">: No Restriction To Foreigners x n a;. HR Hal—^"^-J^^ -m^m Y\ ■■■I^CsSl^^
        247 words
      • 1 1 BwLl»liSHiB
        1 words
      • 88 1 INSIDL^v Gourmet Another Singapore food book Another guide to where to eat in Singapore Ls out. Read the review as well as find oat how to trass a bird, step-by-step, and where you can eat homemade pasta on Centrespread Pages 8, 9 A world of song Song lovers can feast
        88 words
    • PICK of the DAY
      • 269 2 PLENTY of kicking about on the box today beginning with the telecast of the match between Liverpool versus Arsenal in The Road to Wembley at 3.15 p.m. on Ch 5. And at 9.05 p.m. on Ch 8, an introduction to the English FA Cup Final 198* in Before
        269 words
      • 123 2 CORRrDORS of Blood on Channel 3 at 12.20 p.m. (Movie of the Week) promises to be "not as macabre as it sounds" despite the predominance of Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee. Set in London, 1840, the movie is about a dedicated Victorian doctor's bid to find an anaesthetic
        123 words
      • 114 2 ON AM Radio the Singapore Symphony Orchestra plays Variations on a Theme of Haydn by Brahms, and Piano Concerto in D Minor X 466 (Mozart) at 4 p.m. Chung Chai Dong of Korea is guest conductor and Lola Belle Wee as soloist. The Practical World at 10 p.m.
        114 words
      • Article, Illustration
        139 2 SOCCER fans are treated to a full commentary on the FA Cup Final at Wembley in tonight's edition of Saturday Special from 9.30 p.m. At 8.45 p.m. The Day of the Thriller discusses the nature and meaning of the thriller, said to "have a touch of mystery, a lot
        139 words
      • 37 2 NEW W»ve is at 9.15 p.m. tonight and DJ Dee Dee rides them with new-sin-gles from Sham 69, The Undertones, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Eddie the Hot Rods and Squeeze. Tonighft programme also features favourites from listeners
        37 words
    • 610 2  -  JOHN DE SOUZA By ON May 2 of 1941, just six months before the Japanese invaded the Malayan Peninsula, the BBC's Malay Service sent out its first broadcast to Malaya. Now, nearly 40 years later, that same Malay Service is still broadcasting every day
      610 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 608 2 I^f IlJj»^*^^ ffll bbßt^^lbb! bb^^^^M^H bbbP^bbbb! lllj f\ 1 I H^^bbV k k bb^b^bbbbb! bb^b^b^bbJ^b^HlS Sole Distributor: EbI SINGAPORE BOOK DISTRIBUTORS (PTE) LTD fTilTl 37, Jalan Pemimpin, Unit 101, Singapore 2057. IJLJ Tel: *****76/*****42 Advertisement The Next Fortunes in Gold and New Profits in r\Jx/ Technology Jj. When timing and
        608 words
      • 455 2 c STUDENTS CARE SERVICE \^7 Results of Donation Draw 1979/80 \s ;||s giss gis 3 *****0 1»992 87 *****5 2 9 *****4 171 *****3 4 1555% 2107 2 gg 151 4 2 4 m ,*****, ***** 2 ?106M 5 *****2 *****7 89 ,***** m 166W1 ,73, 73 ,*****, 98S06 6
        455 words
      • 22 2 MW jJglfi/>f/lfll VH S Portable Video E9J IICIIIUI Kb Cassette Recorder Home movies ready wherever you are r~ W I II limmj
        22 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 256 2 iwvtivai nir rnniR« Conference Hall from 10 paintings from Britain by featurin^School ChouTat am t0 7 P m On tiU M** own artists of that P 6 t vSSS h Tlt2S l 2t'5 21 od at the Mandarin £tel p.m. The festival is the HOW TO MAKE A Court Lobby
        256 words
      • 962 2 TV and Radio ~SBC5 12.53 PM Opening and Sesame Street 6.40 Famiy Little Brother 1.50 Saturday Matinee Ramona 7.30 News (Malay) 3.15 The Road To Wembley 7 45 Osmond Brothers' Special 4.15 The Waltons The Remembrance 8 35 Caled iM Sweetheart 5.05 Sandiwara Sekuntum Bunga 21 S'il. 545i s i?cvr
        962 words
      • 137 2 3.N The American Top 40 7.W News 7.W Race Commentaries Big Sweep Results 7.M Mandarin By Radio 8.N British Top 20 I.M News 9.15 New Wave 1.45 Hitsville USA 11.45 Sports Magazine ll.M News 11.11 Softly Sentimental K.« M N to CM AM All Night Music SWIMMING TIMES TODAY: Stnmpoir
        137 words
      • 751 3  -  DELISLE SCHWARTZ Singapore Symphony Orchestra concert May 13 and 14, Singapore Conference Hall Programme notes by SINGAPORE AWM SYMPHONY^* ORCHESTRA! B~ COLUMN CHOO HOEY is taking a chance in putting Brahms' D Minor Piano Concerto (No. 1) on the SSO programme next Tuesday
        751 words
      • 124 3 THE Singapore Symphony Orchestra's celebrity concerts next Tuesday and Wednesday will feature Rumanian pianist, Vladimir Conta, 26, in Brahms' Piano Concerto No 1. Trained at the George Enescu Music College, Bucharest, and the Conservatoire de Musique, Geneva, Mr Conta has won several prizes at music competitions,
        124 words
      • 209 3  -  JOHN DE SOUZA Hilton Movie House Every Sunday at 8.15 D.m. Preview by THE Hilton Movie House has three more Sunday films to show this month. Tomorrow, i» will screen Scorpio, starring Mm t LajKMter, Alain Delon, Paul Scofield and Gayle Hunnicutt, a spydrama directed by Michale
        209 words
      • 313 3  -  GERALDINE TANG Singapore Festival of Choirs Victoria Theatre, today until May 18 Today: School Choirs, at 5 p.m. Tomorrow: Sacred Music, at 8 p.m. Preview by fT^TTT"! SING, sing, sing, for all of Victoria Theatre will be full of song for nine days
        313 words
      • 68 3 THK Ministry of Culture Hms completed gathering biographical data of Singapore choir* and will be printing a simple directory. The compilation was suggested by the vocal music committee one •f the six advisory committees that help the Ministry plan activities. The directory, listing 38 choirs, has
        68 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 323 3 i f > "~^ail ''4 Sim. Sm *m Hi IB VS()|> vM)R I 'jtM 111 MIDAILLON 111' SPtCIAL RESEHVt vi If liuihruh-w' > IH> i(.aU M^»j m. M 'IV£^H If 14 .|»HTTI»: \*S Am mmmW^ Lw fl LV BLACK *l^ W*^^ Jo^ W yL\ W Not eligible for ..^am_ 4^^
        323 words
    • BOOKS
      • 654 4  -  DELIBLE BCHWARTZ THE SEIZING OF SINGAPORE by lan Stewart Hamlyn, 270 pages Reviewed by SQJM6 aBSBiSi IMiSTEWUT MMniMrtn* Mtarru4llMM»« THE editor of the Singapore Guardian is immersed in the weighty task of choosing the day s Guardian Girl from a batch of photos, which he scrutinises
        654 words
      • 772 4  -  MAUREEN GAY FUN IN ADVENTURELAND A series by Tan Chee Teik Educational Publications Bureau, $2.00 Reviewed by THE three volumes in this series, offered for review by the Educational Publications Bureau, proved to be something of a disappointment. The first book I
        772 words
      • 870 4  -  ROBERT CHEW ASIA AND PACIFIC ANNUAL REVIEW 1980 edited by Kevin Rafierty World of Information, 278 pages with maps and tablet. $25.00. Reviewed by ASIA and the Pacific houses more than half the world's population. "It is," as Kevin Rafferty says, "a rich, colourful
        870 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 70 4 Choose, on the k side of quality (gp CPT-1452 No channel dial to turn I immi^; -*«^^E m I L^L^ J^L v ■^SSSaSHH \#i^aT Iws/ vUll wCllbOr vlldl II SOICCrdOII "fIKJi $695 CRP-450 Soft-touch channel selection J I II Ei" You'll find the same Hitachi quality in any CTV you
        70 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 37 5 Grab the best seat in front of your TV tonight For theliveFA Cup Final. JC^^ 1 Be* JL^^Or WM E Bl t ufjk^i 4 IH 3^9 •lr•• H National J#t^ Panasonic %^'WmWms i i *m Sk<w '""&vj\v ■>&>
        37 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 523 6 THANKS to*OPEC:| <l' IF FUEL POWER Jl V A«4> A GETS YOU DOWN 5 V SWITCH TO I M 1 J HORSEPOWER- I 1 f») V THE ORIGINAL KIND II THEN RUSH )U l( C j j TO SEE £JLJ tJU O ...the fastest fun in the west! I I
        523 words
      • 683 6 This Pa< k.iu«' m m H must be Purchased *m 2 J lj^^" I Cash 3 days in Advance. I g v not sold in i \kuantan merlin^x I* wPQ H aT 'V iSak LaVßaßaflta^P* a¥ IbW^bb{" ■W Jbb bk bbbßvbbji j bbk < JbT btbbbL btJ 1 IjLfaCai La*
        683 words
      • 382 6 /THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE presents plays and dance dramas I by the 1 NANYANG JUNIOR COLLEGE 20 May 1980 7.30 pm THE GIFT OF THE MONYET Play in English) TARIDERA SERI RAMA Malay dance drama BHASMASURA MOHINI (Indian dance drama) THE IMAGINARY INVAUD Play in English 21 May 1980 7.30
        382 words
      • 288 6 I■■ I Have you men got a "|O" inMind?/»«\ Send her Photographs to the M% "lO"c©NrEST U Be Singapore's Perfect" 10"Glrl Iftk Win a trip to Hollywood B f S" SlnofcnericjTrwßl I IT, Corporation Pte Ltd W 1 KONICA Cameras and 1 Sakuracolor Films MPW ■a *r »<W cKtrint lO*
        288 words
      • 585 6 'organisation BBa»33E3a»BfTJ3B Oan Mala Turun Ka Mali "looavoo S<op» Color *J BB!ll7lll( I UB»I^tV,U' t iU |oRUO 4b A S 00 D 3' PSES II I 4b 400 6J' m Yooofl Outcasts Tomorrow -Ofi To Succaas 3 MANDARIN ,i I BHiRVmiaILIHJ > V,. .V," •|'-»iiirill- LAST DAY B I lorn.
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 807 7 We look at hospitality as a way of life Hospitality is something 2? we do not have to teach our personnel After all. Filipinos are world renowned for this trait From the moment you step into f*^ 0 f tn lobby, you will feel our open arms to welcome you
        807 words
      • 1399 8  - Chicken cheap a ap and versatile TAN LEE LENG By CHICKEN must be one of the best buys around as it is fairly cheap and can go a long way. A normal sized chicken can easily feed a family of four, and there is no end to the ways in
        1,399 words
      • 893 8 SINGAPOREANS eat an enormous amount of green Australian apples and pears 85 million fruits a year at the last count. And they like to eat them raw and hard, which, medically speaking, is not such a bad idea at that. A crisp,
        893 words
      • 1036 8 Guidebook to good eating not quite up to par debook to od eating t quite to par WHERE TO EAT AND ENTERTAIN SINGAPORE 1980 Published by Times Directories (Pte) Ltd 108 pages, $4.00 Reviewed by GRETCHEN MAHBUBANI RE TO EAT AND ENTERTAIN SINGAPORE 1980 shed by Times Directories (Pte) Ltd
        1,036 words
      • 1084 8  - Chef who's got a way with pizza pizza and oasta MEG JUMP By epicure A PIZZA and pasta must rank high amongst the most popular international foods. They are available in snack bars, cafes, coffee shops and restaurants throughout the world. Here in Singapore, however, restaurants serving a variety of
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 84 8 N 19 PARIS Jr BUY FREE Too good to be missed luxury power spring- Any time from GOLDEN POWER SPRING MATTRESS POWER SPRING quality mattresses, Double Bed 2 POWER FOAM Pillows you get POWER FOAM pillows worth $35.00 and bolsters absolutely FREE! Single Bed 1 POWER FOAM Pillow Offer
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 805 10 The SGV Group Management Consulting Services Our client is a multi-national company engaged in major electrical contracting activities and manufacture of electro technical capital equipment, with a regional office in Singapore covering its operations in ASEAN. Due to the anticipated expansion of its business, it invites applications from suitably qualified,
        805 words
      • 526 10 Goh, Tan Co. Applications are invited from interested candidates to fill the following vacancies:AUDIT SUPERVISORS RAS with minimum 6 years' audit experience of which at least 2 years should be as a Senior Audit Assistant or Audit Senior TAX SUPERVISORS AND SENIOR TAX ASSISTANTS Applicants must have at least three
        526 words
      • 619 10 We are, a U.K. based International Company M expanding our Manufacturing Operations and require a PRODUCTION CONTROLLER The job involves production planning and control which calls (or close co-ordination with personnel in stock control, purchasing, production and sales departments, in ensuring minimum disruptions to our manufacturing operations, and enhance our
        619 words
      • 703 10 Bank Accountant (ES/8O52) A major European bank invites suitable candidates to fill the position of Bank Accountant in their newly established offshore branch in Singapore. Reporting to the management, the successful candidate will be responsible for the overall accounting functions of the branch including the preparation of financial reports to
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 612 11 HBLON3 ASIA PTE LTD We are an American Company engaged in the manufacture ot high quality PRECISION LATHES. Our factory in Jurong have vacancies tor the following (A) MANUFACTURING SUPERVISORS (B) WORK STUDY OFFICER Post (A): c Possess Technician Diploma in Production or Mechan-cal Engineering c Hove at leost 2
        612 words
      • 570 11 CAREER WITH GENERAL ELECTRIC 1) QUALITY CONTROL ENGINEER Candidates should possess a Degree in Mechanicul Electrical Production Fngineermg with 2 3 years' experience in quality control especially m functions like quality planning, quality improvement and use ot statistical quality control tools 2) PROCESS CONTROL ENGINEER Candidates should possess a Degree
        570 words
      • 1132 11 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SUPERVISOR BRUNEI SHELL mv.tes from qualified Mechanical Supervisors for a vaconcy ,n Brunei LNG Limited ,n Lumut Brunei The successful be a Polytechnic or Technical College diploma holder with ot least three years exper.ence in e^on^T^^er, t^ZSSF**™ 1 mQ nfe lQnCe f hea^ nd^'
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 600 12 DieTHGLM ADMINISTRATION MANAGER I (Salary nefotiable around 5J30.000 p.a.) We are a medium sued manufacturing company specialising in the manufacture and marketing ot a range of engineering, building and specialist products We are seeking to appoint an Administration Manager to take responsibility for our accounting and general ottice administrative function
        600 words
      • 693 12 HAVEN AUTOMATION An mternotionol instrumentation ond engineering compony is expanding its activities and now requires additional technicol personnel A. SENIOR INSTRUMENT TECHNICIANS Applicants must possess a Basic Engineering qualification in Electrical/Electronic or a Technician Diploma with minimum 3 years relevant experience in process control systems This experience preferably having been
        693 words
      • 982 12 AAR UMITED PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS AND GEOPHYSICISTS AAR Limited, A Subsidiary of CSR Limited is a successful Australian Company I engaged in Petroleum Production and Exploration The Company produces natural gas from the Roma fields in Queensland, Australia and Oil from Scram in Indonesia. AAR has widely spread exploration interests both
        982 words
      • 752 12 A Leodmg Morine Engineering ond Construe- jfl tion Compony invites applications from unique 'KM i individuals for the position ot 'vH PROGRAMMER ANALYST The successful candidote will be responsible ■vH tor the programming, co-ordinating, docu- He J mentmg ond implementation of computer In applications vH He should be moture and
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    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 1024 13 ■IBlHlMllilllHHi GOLD COIN LIMITED Applicotions are invited tor citizens who are bilingual tor the posts ot H| (A) ELECTRICIAN SHIPYARD Qualifications and experience I Preferably having 2nd or 3rd grade Certificate ot Competence from Factory Inspectorate We are a progressi/e and established 2 At least 5 years factory practical Shipbuilding
        1,024 words
      • 733 13 Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following vacancies. OFFICE MANAGER The successful candidate will be responsible for staffing, general secretarial and office administration duties He will also be required to handle accounting matters STENOGRAPHER The successful candidate will assume private secretarial duties and must be able
        733 words
      • 588 13 if 7*\ (SBC) SINGAPORE REFINING COMPANY PTE LTD Singapore Refining Company is engaged in a mapr expansion of its petroleum refining activities involving the expansion of its refinery by the addition of a new crude distillation unit with ancilliary facilities thereby increasing its total refining capacity from 70,000 to 170,000
        588 words
    • 2131 14 The stuff that dreair are made of In search of a French holiday home as a getaway from Singapore, Meg Jump and her husband discovered the idyllic village of Sigale perched in the mountains behind Nice. Two years ago they bought a 600-year-old stone ruin there and set about building
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    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 79 14 reveals its fabulous /ll ft f< W^vui^ j■ l|v I L^k >J 1 > 'SISsS dOz HAWAII INTERICF QESCRAtToN _J p*3si^P»M»M»™ Ist FlrMeHiT^laZ^PleaseenterbyMerlin Plaza car park) hmmhj&mmmmmF-'"' $50 1 $12 PMl^^l^ K^^^f Jfc^J rf t V g^B^ 1 T^^^ $595 $360 l~ tlnJt I 'V'fl^^H .—•^■l V"~ I From lus
        79 words