The Straits Times, 6 May 1980

Total Pages: 38
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1980 30 CENTS M.C.( P) No. 1 1 1/ 1/80
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  • 697 1 As Yugoslavs plunge into mourning... BELGRADE, Monday YUGOSLAVIA'S new leaders today pledged to follow President Josip Tito's policy of nonalignment as the communist country plunged into deep and emotional mourning of its late ruler. Amid the nation-wide expression of grief, top officials warned that Yugoslavia would
    Agencies  -  697 words
  • 358 1 Kolisevski takes over the reins BELGRADE, Mon MR LAZAR KOLISEVSKI, M, a fanner metal warher nearly executed by Uir Bulgarians tor his r*mmantst activities, yesterday assnmed leadership of Yagaalavla's collective presMeacy. Darlag President J«slp ntc's Ulnetw, Mr kellsevskJ has been runlng the caantry, hi the paattlea sf the Vice President
    AP  -  358 words
  • 315 1 A LEGEND IN HIS OWN LIFETIME, SAYS LEE MR LEE KUAN YEW yesterday described the late President Tito of Yugoslavia as "a legend in his own lifetime" in a condolence message to the Presidency of Yugoslavia. "It is with deep sorrow that I learned of the death of President Josip
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  • 199 1 RAIN or shine will not change the orderly routine of bus commuters in Ang Mo Kio they queue up just the same. With the initial help of Singapore Bus Service staff, these commuters have set an example of orderliness in boarding buses
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  • 210 1 VIENNA, Monday i OPEC oil ministers meeting in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday will not decide on immediate price hikes, but will instead review Opec's long-term strategy of prices and production, a spokesman said here 1 today. The spokesman, Mr Ed- ward Omotoso of Nigeria,
    AP  -  210 words
  • 105 1 61 wwM like to tell you about •a experiment la go ver n me nt- press relations that wUI anfoaadly iafluence the fatare of oar profession aad oar Industry la Singapore. The experiment is to develop a lively. Intelligent and credible mam media In a country where the government
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  • 444 1  - Quest for a national costume for Singapore CYNTHIA WEE By GOVERNMENT officials who attend the various public functions on this year's National Day may be seen in what could very well be Singapore's first national costume. The quest for the national dress for both men and women is now on,
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  • 43 1 EAST BKRLIN, Mon East German Finance Ministei Siegfried Boehm died today aged 51 following a serious accident, the government an-imuim-d A brief official statement carried by the ADN news agency gave no details of the accident or when it occurred Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 47 1 PARK. Mon. The General Association of Khmers Overseat (AGKE) has decided to withdraw from the Confederation of Nationalist Khmers headed by Prince Norodom Sihanouk, former head of Kampuchea, because of his recent statement that he was prepared to cooperate with pro-Vietnamese authorities in Kampuchea AP.
    AP  -  47 words
  • 358 1 LONDON, Monday SHOTS were heard today inside the besieged Iranian Embassy here where gunmen are holding about 20 hostages, police said. A police spokesman said it sounded as if two or three shots were fired, and they were investigating. Police declined all further comment
    Agencies  -  358 words
  • 84 1 FREISING (West Germany). Mon. A West German soldier, ordered to guard a Bavarian bridge during manoeuvres, stood firm in wind and rain for three days. His unit had forgotten him. Villagers of Inkofen, a town north o? Munich, felt sorry the unidentified soldier, who sought shelter
    AP  -  84 words
  • 29 1 BANGKOK, Mon Thai police have stepped up security arrangements (or foreign embassies and diplomatic personnel at request of the foreign diplomatic corps, police sources said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 29 1 LATEST SHOTS STILL A MYSTERY LONDON, Taes. Palice were tkls maraing still u*Mt to explain the kubsImLs which rang ut iasMe tke Iranian embassy here. Renter. SKK THIS PAGE
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 29 1 all other Swiss watches combined iT; THE ROLEX CENTRE \My C.rd H. Orchard Towv Orchard «o«d.iH 7 J790" in I iii MOLSTLRE >IIST.^^ loovoi/ colons mow tok>o w ©yHl^EIDO
      29 words
    • 121 1 f«l Polybuilding |U cSJPte.Lfcd. t Italian C#rwvttc tllM 4 mtfbto _^^^W Branch Unit UO Thomson Pi ja I I^L Upper Thomson Road I i\^^^ Model HP4116 Tresses, locks,curls, ringlets, bangs made simple with the Ph i lips Hairsty ler The Philips Hairstyler. Light- and a comb/brush holder, weight and perfectly
      121 words
    • 97 1 38 pages today SBC ALMOST CERTAIN TO 'BLACK OUT' GAMES -Pag«7 URGENT food aid on merry-go-round 4 THATCHER calls for radio and TV offensive' 5 SPORE team tops law moot court contest in US SHUTTLE busmen seek waiver on ruling 8 SMOU and shipping association reach accord on wages LIBEL
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    • 327 2 The last of the strong. Yugoslavia's future uncertain THE death of Yugoslavia's Marshal Tito removes the last of the larger-than-life strong men who strutted the world stage during and after the two World Wars. He was born Josip Broz in Croatia in 1892. He grew to manhood in the twilight
      327 words
    • 52 2 TITO wu aa iwmr< mw the late YiimUv presHeat osed la Ike wmmiitit 4ergr»—4 Ware WorM War Tw«. A fpnhr story gives Ms •rtgln as Berv»Cr«U mmnwatT mrit to. tt, to," which the partisM leader mat* cmuUdUv 1> the fighting. They me**: wUI 4* this, >••
      52 words
    • 81 2 In other words... IF YOU cannot help us, then at least do not hinder as. 7 An angry President Tito to Stalin in 1945 after the Soviet leader's reluctannce to send Yugoslav partisans the arms they requested in their right against the Nazis. 41 WILL shake my little finger and
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    • 656 2 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JOSIP TITO PRESIDENT Tito was born Josip Broz on May 7, 1892, one of 15 sons of a poor blacksmith in Kumrovec village in Croatia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. At 12 he became a cowherd and at 15 he was a locksmith's apprentice.
      Reuter  -  656 words
    • 404 2 BELGRADE, Mon. Non-alignment as a political movement was a product of the Cold War and of the Yugoslav break -off from Soviet influence. It was founded by Yugoslavia, with India, Egypt, Indonesia and Ghana, and it seemed in the 1960s that it met
      AFP  -  404 words
    • 56 2 4 WE have never taken sides with any bloc. We have from the very outset been consistently opposed to Mac policies and foreign domination, to all forms of political and economic hegemony, and in favour of the right of each and every conntry to freedom, Independence and
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    • 52 2 THE producers of a television film on President Ttto's life were ordered t-» cut out any sequences in the Yugoslav leaders former wife Jovanka appeared. Jovanka. who is officially blacklisted, did not visit Marshal Tito during his fourmonth stay in the Ljubljana clinic where he
      AFP  -  52 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 68 3 OSLO, Mm. A Lapp wonuui Invited to Yugoslavia by President Tito after helping Yugoslav prisoners In World War II died on the same day as the Yugoslav leader. Both were 87. Kirsten Svineng was award- ed a Yugoslav decoration for assisting the prisoners in Arctic northern Norway during
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 481 3 BELGRADE, Mon.— Few observers believe the Soviet Union will invade Yugoslavia now that President Josip Broz Tito is dead. But many are convinced the Soviets may make an effort to destabilise the country internally if not to draw it closer to the East bloc,
      UPI  -  481 words
    • 433 3 Moscow assures Belgrade it won't interfere MOSCOW. Mon. The Soviet Union today assured President Tito's successors that Moscow had no intention of interfering in Yugoslavia's internal affairs. The pledge was delivered in formal condolences from the Kremlin to Belgrade leaders. The condolence message described Marshal Tito, who had many differences
      Agencies  -  433 words
    • 261 3 The collective concept of government BKU.KADK, Mm. Yugaalavla'a poHt-TIU rriftmr is baaoa firmly on the unpraven eaaeept that collective leadership c*m be made U work In rommnniMt soolrty. IV leaders werr haa4drked by PrMMeat TIU. Tacy rear to the top ay l«yalt> to Us Meaa. All are rapaMe. experleaeed, poMlrly
      261 words
    • 126 3 In other words... ALTHOUGH President Tito's death has already been accepted as foregone, the news of his demise on Sunday drew emotional responses in Belgrade. Here is a sampling: IT is not potMlble. Tito cannot die, Tito cannot die. He U all of is Yugoslavia. An elderly Yugoslav. I REALLY
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    • 244 3 World leaders will make funeral look like summit LONDON, Mon. President Tito's funeral in Belgrade on Thursday looks like being the scene of one of the biggest summit gatherings of world leaders in recent years. Among those who have announced their intention of going are China's Chairman Hua Guofeng, British
      UPI  -  244 words
    • 123 3 LEGACY OF GUERILLA WARFARE FORMULA NEW YORK, Mon. Marshal Tito's military legacy to Yugoslavia is a formula (or guerilla warfare against forces superior in manpower and weapons. Because Yugoslavia's army and air force are infinitely stronger than Marshall Tito's ragged World War II legions, they would be able to implement
      NYT  -  123 words
    • 63 3 BELGRADE, Mm. Kilty thsn—nd soccer fun watching match In the Yagaalav city af SpUt reacts with ■hack and sileace to the news of President Tito's death •ver the stadium's imbUe address system. Seconds later, they hmrat Into a patriotic sang. Alter singing the
      UPI  -  63 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 644 3 IMPORTCIMMRECTl^V f W FROMJAPAN 1 MITSUBISHI Specially selected and pBJ^p^^^^J tested for excellent performance Guaranteed I at by Rediffusion. I Lower Price Low power consumption 86 watts Model (Daily 5viewing- hours costs 1 20 CT-2002 PR I approx. $2.50 per month) 1^^,^^ EASY HIRE PURCHASE SCHEME Model 2OCT-2O02PR OnTelecinc F
      644 words

    • 188 4 Convicted killer's 760 km run to fulfil vow to mum BANGKOK, Monday A CONVICTED murderer this weekead falflllcd a prison vow made tkrae yean in by raaalag a physically nhjuutlBc fit km he ka4 mi<r &e v«w f »r kla mother. Wklle sfrvlng time la ■rla*a »n a marder charge
      AFP  -  188 words
    • 341 4 BANGKOK, Mon FAO OFFICIALS OUTRAGED BY TEST CASE' BUREAUCRATIC confusion has diverted 500 tonnes of rice seed badly needed by Kampuchea and sent the shipment bouncing from place to place in Vietnam instead. Aid sources said the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) sent the rice
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    • 318 4 BANGKOK, Monday KHMER Rouge guerillas fighting Vietnamese domination of Kampuchea appear strong and healthy, and morale is high. Unlike the walking skeletons shivering with malaria who lay dying in western camps at this time last year, the guerillas now look and act like
      AFP  -  318 words
    • 172 4 China's bid to save the giant panda BEIJING, Mon. China today announced a major conservation move to try to save the giant panda from extinction. The government said a sprawling 40,000 hectare region of bamboo forest, ravines and high mountains in Sichuan Province near the Tibet border has been designated
      UPI  -  172 words
    • 33 4 TEHERAN, Mon Fifteen people were killed when their vehicle was blown up by a land mine near the town of Qasr-E-Shinn, on the IranianIraqi frontier, Radio Teheran announced today. AFP.
      AFP  -  33 words
    • 125 4 Bail for Indira's alleged attacker NEW DELHI, Mon. Ram Bulchand Lalwani, who allegedly hurled a knife in an alleged assassination attempt on Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi last month, was ordered (reed on bail today by a New Delhi magistrate. Magistrate S.M. Aggarwal raised doubts about the actual intent of
      AP  -  125 words
    • 57 4 JAKARTA, Mon. The United States today officially handed over one squadron of eight F-5E "Tiger" Jet fighters to Indonesia, an Air Force spokesman said. The newly built planes were presented by the US Ambassador to Indonesia Edward Masters to Defence Minister General Mohammad Jusuf at a
      AFP  -  57 words
    • 255 4  - Ranks of tax dodgers growing in HK By RODNEY HOBSON Our Hongkong reporter HONGKONG, Mon. The ranks of the tax dodgers are growing and so too is the determination of inland revenue officers to make people pay up. The Inland Revenue Department recovered HKJ49 million (SCI .5 million) in back
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    • 30 4 ATHENS. Mon. Prime Minister Constantine Kara manlis, 73, was today elected President of Greece. He will succeed President Constantino Tsatsos. whose five-year term ends on June 20. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 367 4 lkanl{lou, Mother's Day Lunch May 1 1 at the Shangri-La I ■Aw* *r% ml El Reflections of Mum. Reflections of warmth, affection and tenderness. And on her special day Mother's Day show her that you feel the same way for her. Make it a day shell long remember. Give her
      367 words
    • 205 4 Elegant design. Luxurious fittings. Ideal surroundings. Easy transportation. Situated at Lorong Puntong, Upper Thomson Road, in an ideal hill-top residential area and a short distance from Singapore Island Country Club and MacRitchie Reservoir. Fulton Hill is surrounded with greenery but near to amenities like Thomson Shopping Centre, Schools, market, post
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    • 206 5 Launch war of words against invasion CALL BY THATCHER: LONDON, Monday BRITISH Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is calling for "a massive propaganda campaign as we have never yet mounted before" against the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan In an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation. Mrs Thatcher offered the idea as
      AP; AFP  -  206 words
    • 187 5 Saudis launch $500 b five-year plan BEIRUT, Mon. King Khaled of Saudi Arabia has launched his nation's third five-year development plan with expenditures totaling the equivalent of US$250 billion (S$500 billion), or US$41,000 for every man, woman and child in the desert monarchy over the next five years. The Saudi
      AP  -  187 words
    • 203 5 TEHERAN, Mon THE BODIES of eight US servicemen who died in the aborted American commando raid on Iran were today handed over to an aide or Greek Catholic Archbishop Holarion Capucci. Officials at Teheran's city morgue, where the bodies have been held
      Reuter  -  203 words
    • 55 5 A MILLION CHEERS FOR POPE POPE John Paul II greets a cheering congregation o f mare than one million people m Kinshasa, Zaire, on Sunday as he enters the huge field to say outdoor morning mass. He told the crowd that they should root out injustice and corruption wherever they
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    • 133 5 FLORENCE, Mon. The International Press Institute (TPI) uniting press leaders from all over the non-communist world began its general assembly today with an opening address from Italian industrialist Giovanni Agnelli. Mr Agnelli, the chairman of the Fiat group and also of the Turin newspaper La Stampa, defended
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 242 5 Pontiff asks priest not to run for House re-election BOSTON, Monday POPE John Paul II has ordered Father Robert Drinan, the only Roman Catholic priest in the United States Congress, not to run for re-election because the Pontiff believes politics and the Church should be kept apart. A close friend
      AFP; UPI  -  242 words
    • 68 5 Bobbies play nurse to pets LONDON, Mon. Policemen waiting out the Iranian Embassy siege here have got a few extra problems feeding hamsters and goldfish and making sure that a duck can hatch her eggs in peace. This is because the bobbies have set up their headquarters in a nursery
      AFP  -  68 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 335 5 3P.M.lcfrfii AT0KICVTAL (6UKTTMt£R4H) o^ B- ""^^^\j 0^ NESCAFE Give a Lift to your Life Contest gfc LASTj^Y CtiAiiStiMA +4n PtuDt*ti*M4 +LJJi'**\ TAAtaJ lmIh For every purchase of 50gNescqfeCTl (Australia) from For every purchase of $10 of Scan jewellery •Mc^^^^^OP^ff^^^MJTcMkt '^^■^■^^H r Su >ermaritets y° u be entitled to one entry
      335 words

  • 201 6 Singapore tops moot court contest THE University of Singapore Law Faculty team this year beat 23 teams from other countries to emerge tops in the international division of the 1980 Philip C. Jessup law moot court contest in San Francisco recentThis is the faculty's best moot result though it had
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  • 183 6 ...OF THE INJURED IN INDUSTRIES FIRST AID training far members of the Singapore Red Cross has now expanded into rescue operations and assistance for the Injured in Industrial accidents. The new skills acquired by the aid brigade, an apt move in an industrialising Singapore, were demonstrated
    183 words
  • 665 6 A SUM of $3,550 out of a total of $32,550 seized by the police during investigations into the gold bars triple-murder case in early 1972, was found to be missing when the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau studied the investigation papers last
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  • 93 6 TOLL NOW 98 WITH M-CYCLIST'S DEATH A MOTOR-CYCLIST who was involved in an accident with a car along Bukit Timah Road, near the University of Singapore, died in hospital about three hours later on Sunday, bringing the death toll on the roads since the beginning of the year to 96.
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  • 94 6 A FORMER managing director was charged on Saturday with cheating an offshore bank of $107,903.90. Alwani Chanderkant Fobhrajmal, 39, was alleged to have cheated Irving Trust Company by submitting false documents to the Bank of India on Aug 30, 1978. The documents were for negotiating
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 904 6 nnMnnnnH hnfc Sfl nnnW imSai iBBBS nRRnSSSaT tBB jn snT^L ML Wine and dine in the pure french m^BS ■pjßj l^_«B tradition. Exquisite french cuisine n^K prepared specially by our french chef tJ^m if with his experience at "Le Doyen" anj jfl| Avenue Des Champs Elysees, Wmm ■•r'^nnnnß^ "L'Hotellerie de
      904 words
    • 126 6 Investment Opportunity (5) j*j**j*\ The Woodrow Series of \wra&\ Executive Homes Designed by some of Perth's leading architects, the Woodrow Senes of Executive Homes offer dramatic architectural style combined with rare spaciousness. Hardly surpnsing these designs were awarded the coveted "1979 House of the Year" Award as judged by the
      126 words
    • 156 6 Jf Singapore Merlin i ft*** 9 80 Master Creatkms A High Fashion Spectacular featuring the latest collection of over 700 original creations for women by Asia's foremost Couturier, LAM WAN LAI. Every Wednesday from 7th May 23rd July. Come and experience this High Fashion Spectacular at the Singapore Merlin. Mnnffri
      156 words

  • 406 7 THE talking point for Singaporeans today muni snrely be that at long Uat something la being dene to "drem np" the national Identl Tke creation of a national drew for Slngapereui, inltUted by the Ministry of Culture U b— d) to arooae a lot
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  • 297 7 Interest rates will drop, predict bankers THE Development Bank of Singapore's lowering of its prime lending rate yesterday represents a halt in the uninterrupted rise of local interest rates for more than three months. Bankers yesterday predicted that local interest rates would start to ease during the next few months.
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  • 65 7 GOH THUAN HUANG. 39. unemployed, was charged in a magistrate's court yesterday with two counts of voluntarily causing hurt to Mr Chua Teow Hee and Mr Tan ('h.-k Eng. both unemployed, with a chopper at Boat Quay Road on March 6 at 2 45
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  • 693 7  -  JALEAN HAN By THE Singapore Broadcasting Corporation is almost certain not to put on any special programmes on the Moscow Olympic Games or even show film footages of the highlights. It told two potential sponsors that such programmes would not be on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 300 7 To stay competitive, answers to virtually any So whether you're |"Vr "~{T7 1 your business has to take information management overloaded with words or j cW in and put out a staggering problem. In any size data— or both— call on b ow e you P° wer amount ot words
      300 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 267 7 Straits Times Crossword ir-DiKM 7 Hp capsizes little boat getting M imjtsi ri(j(|t 1(| (9) 1.5.10 Grass non-addicting' A 8 Pierced stiff leaf with end of possible cause of stormy sword (7) scenes ( 9 Contained aboard: 500 (in 11 What lout with burden ton t' (10) hold) when one
      267 words

  • 262 8 When you can enter CBD without a licence MOTORISTS without area licences can enter the Central Business District to help ease traffic jams but only in situations like the heavy morning downpour yesterday. The Traffic Police chief, Supt Ong Seng Chye, said this yesterday after many motorists appeared unaware of
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  • 260 8 THE government is considering a request by shuttle bus operators to waive the rule requiring all their passengers to be seated when inside the vehicles. The operators are seeking the waiver as they find it difficult to stop passengers from rushing aboard even when
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  • 92 8 Electric oil refiner for cars and boats THE National Trades Union Congress Comfort and the Singapore 'Airport Terminal Services are trying out a new product called purifiner on their vehicles. The purifiner an electric oil refiner from America is said to help preserve the life of an engine and reduce
    92 words
  • 36 8 THE National Museum will screen three colour Hlms for the public at its premises tomorrow at 8 p.m. They are Singapore Island City. Cast in a New Mould and Seven Chinese Festivals.
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  • 534 8 A SAUDI Arabian businessman is suing Malayan Motor and General Underwriters Pte Ltd for $1.25 million over the loss of his vessel. Mr Mohamad Hamad Almojil. 46. told the High Court that the boat, Al-Jti-bail IV. a 160- tonne vessel used
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  • 134 8 DIGEST TO BOW OUT AFTER JUNE ISSUE THE June issue of the Metrication Digest, published by the Metrication Board, will be its last. The bi-monthly Digest, first introduced as a monthly in July 1971, is aimed at helping government departments and the industrial community here in their metnc conversion programmes.
    134 words
  • 283 8 A NEW hotel to be built U Victoria/ Arab streets will have an Arabic character la keeping with the area's historical background. An artist's luifm— I— of the hotel (above) was one of three hotel designs released by the Urban Redevelopment Authority
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 102 8 ■F 1 y fr •rtrtt The better bond A Wiggins Teape Fine Paper Shelltox Anti-Roach Iff* MM Continuous protect ion for three months Shelltox Anti-Roach gives you up to The neat child-proof pack is made so three months continuous protection that children cannot tamper with it. wherever insect control is
      102 words
    • 33 8 Presenting The Vitxicious lIiji combines talent u)ihproj^ audien ce. She s n SUPPER CLUB (5th Floor) chasoan* (36th Poor) In tke tradition of emptnrv For information and reservations, please call *****11 ext. 721
      33 words

  • 362 9  -  PAUL JANSEN By THE Singapore Shipping Association and the Singapore Maritime Officers' Union have agreed on salary guidelines for officers on home trade vessels which, in effect, set the basic minimum wage for these seafarers. The guidelines will be used where no collective
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  • 345 9 Pillion died after m-cycle hit jogger A PILLION rider fell off a motorcycle and died after the machine knocked into a jogger. Ang Leng Kiah, 47, an aircraft mechanic, died of a fractured skull. He was wearing a crash helmet. The jogger, Mr Ng Buay Kwang, 18, was hospitalised for
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  • 118 9 THE Police Reserve Unit la to replace Its rattaa shields with plastic ones as shewn In the picture. Accenting to the latest Issue of the Police Life, organ of the PoUce force, polycarbonate riot shields have been found to give bettor visibility and protection than
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  • 77 9 NG HONG JOO, 23, a painter, was fined $500 by a magistrate yesterday for outraging the modesty of Miss Khor Wai Hoon, 16. a factory worker. Miss Khor was travelling in an SBS bus along Admiralty Road on Sunday at 6 p.m. when Ng.
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  • 277 9 Better deal for seamen of German firm A FOREIGN -owned shipping company has given local ship officers annual increments and fringe benefits better than the standard demands of the International Transportworkers' Federation. Transocean Liners, a German company, has concluded a two-year collective agreement with t he Singapore Maritime Officers' Union
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  • 124 9 THE Consumers' Association of Singapore as an associate member of the International Organisation of Consumers Unions, will be serviced by its newly established information network. Called the International Hazardous Product Network, the set-up will provide an efficient channel for sharing information
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  • 23 9 LOWLAND Road community centre women's sub-committee will hold a Know Our Singapore tour on May 25. For further details, phone *****37.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 71 9 I Invest in I I Switzerland I Baron Christian Guillaume is pleased to announce that he has lust amved from Europe to advise on property investment in Switzerland and particularly in the resort of Alpe des Chaux. as per recent advertisements Interest rate 5% per annum. Financing available up to
      71 words
    • 347 9 Van Heusen The perfect classics are in town. Classical simplicity is the keyword to Van Heusen And of course, the fashionable Mode Cut and menswear Discover this in the Van Heusen immaculate collar distinctive to every Van Heusen Spring Collection 1960 offers fin* creations in cool 100% Swiss Cotton
      347 words

    • 93 10 KLANG, Mon. Police have set up a 24-hour mobile station to combat petty thefts in crimeprone areas in the district, the Star reported. Klang OCPD, Supt Esa Haji Hassan, said the mobile station was a police truck manned by the police party with
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    • 180 10 'PROTEST IF RED SUBS FLOUT RULES' KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Malaysia's largest daily. The New Straits Times, said in an editorial today that Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia must protest if Soviet submarines do not observe international rules of conduct while passing through the Straits of Malacca. The daily said: "Under international
      AP  -  180 words
    • 185 10 No word on outcome of Tunku's talks KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Farmer premier Tonka Abdul Rahman met Prime Minister Datnk Hussein Onn today to discuss the grievances of the Malaysian Trades Union Congress aver the recent amendments to the labour laws. No statement was available after the one-hour meeting, but it
      AFP  -  185 words
    • 55 10 JOHORE BARU, Mon. The Johore Road Transport Department has started a new campaign to stamp out pirate taxis in the state. The department's director, Mohamed Ghazali Haji Mau hid, promising! that this time his men would not be as lenient as before, said the campaign was
      NST  -  55 words
    • 266 10 'Expansion of volunteer units vital in defence plans' TAIPING, Monday THE rapid expansion of voluntary reserve units would bring about a people's army which would negate the need to introduce national service as well as form a strong second line of defence, the Defence Ministry's Parliamentary Secretary, Datuk Jalal bin
      NST  -  266 words
    • 141 10 Detention for causing death of schoolgirl KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A servant, Rosmawati binti Junit, 18, was today ordered by the High Court to be detained at the Henry Gurney School until she is 21 after she admitted causing the death of an 11-year-old schoolgirl. She pleaded guilty to an amended
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    • 49 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Foreign Minister Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen will leave for Islamabad on May IS to attend the Islamic Foreign Ministers' Meeting, the ForI eign Ministry announced here today. The five-day meeting, which begins on May 17, will discuss developments in the Middle East and Afghanistan AFP.
      AFP  -  49 words
    • 731 10 After 18-hour a day observation for a fortnight K. LUMPUR, Mon THE chief psychiatrist of the Health Ministry today said after spending 18 hours a day for a fortnight examining notorious criminal Botak Chin, he found him of sound mind and
      NST  -  731 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 631 10 K Superb Location Ruby Plaza is situated between Balester Road and Mouimem Road (next to Ruby Theatre). Surrounded by Hoover, President and Ruby Theatres, this tall, impressive building is at the heart of Balestier s busy commercial district Markets, schools, churches, private apartments, etc are all m close proximity Populated
      631 words
    • 244 10 GTE-8000 Key Telephone Systems HELP Increase Your Sales Activities AND Improve Your Telecommunications Systems <^^^£/^ w (Type approved by Tetecoms) WITH FEATURES: 5 telephone exchange Call restriction lines, 25 extensions 5 incoming and outgoing intercom links Private line facility No operators required Warning tone to busy Secrecy on all extension
      244 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • 1907 11 Defence counsel's submission at end of libel suit hearing I was reluctant at first to start the action, says lawyer I WOULD like to add this: I was V fully aware a defamation action tan never be an attractive proposition- 7 Mi C S
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 189 11 7>PEN FOR BOOKING NOW? Two 11-storey blocks with 1O reliable heavy-duty lifts. 7 covered loading bays, large canteen on top floor and ample parking space. -J —7- 1 Ideally y- v _.^JL located JyjirSs \^v\ I Within established light W p\ r \^f. fk industrial areas. Right at Jt% U
      189 words
    • 516 11 Memorable, Memorable USA& Round the World The Shcntours Radiance Way rr\C^' b See more! Experience more! Bring back more memories with the region's No. 1 r i~.r\C^ v Tour Operator. Join the over 50,000 satisfied Malaysians Singaporeans who have V-ANV^ travelled with us. *\\\d&> P\ 1. 15 DAYS HONOLULU/MEXICO/ WEST
      516 words

  • The Straits Times TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1980
    • 384 12 JOSIP Broz Tito was a giant. He was the maverick who dared to defy the Kremlin. He was the last survivor of the great leaders who launched the non-alignment movement. He was the unifying symbol of a multi-national country. Wither post-Tito Yugoslavia? It is difficult to predict the
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    • 387 12 TO THE ordinary mortal, it must almost seem unfair that so many desirable qualities and talents should repose in one man. Besides his formidable abilities as trade union leader and politician, Mr C.V. Devan Nair has a command over the English language which many a native-speaker would envy.
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    • 302 12 MANILA: THE Education Ministry is now studying a proposal that would give Muslim areas of the country their own exclusive school calendar. Under consideration is a proposal to start schooldays in the Muslim communities on a Sunday to end on Thursday instead of the
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    • 218 12 Hold-ups the work of Reds? KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian police are trying to solve a spate of armed hold-ups this month that have netted bandits gold bars and gems worth nearly USI million (5J2.19 million). The police are trying to determine whether the well-executed robberies quick descent on the gold shop,
      Reuter  -  218 words
  • 2438 12  -  CHEONG YIP SENG The Editor, The Straits Times, in a country report to the 29th general assembly of the Inter nation jl Press Institute, in Florence, Italy, yesterday < Trend towards free expression has not gone unnoticed 6 Institutions like the IPI
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 3 12 Mutoour PERKIN ELMER
      3 words
    • 249 12 How four top grade diamonds have been crafted into a set of jewellery, for immediate purchase. Beyond their value as investments, purchase. We suggest an inspection diamonds offer many rare opportunities at the earliest opportunity to avoid for personal enjoyment disappointment for the items can obviously Such a case is
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    • 433 13 When it took an hour and a half to get a cable car SENTOSA is no place for the tourist because of its disorganised operation. I had the misfortune of being embarrassed with its inefficiency when I brought two groups of overseas friends two Sundays ago
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    • 426 13 Zoo seeks ways to increase revenue I REFER to the letter, "Souvenir of a family outing at the zoo" from 'Friend of the Zoo" (ST, April 16). We are pleased that "Friend" has had a good time at the zoo with his children, particularly at the new Children's Zoo Adventureland
      426 words
    • 172 13 Electronic parking meter THE coupon parking system gives a bad image of Singapore. It is primitive and inefficient. Man-hours of motorists are substituted for manhours of parking attendants. Since Singapore is moving into an era of high technology, permit me to suggest a technological solution At each car park, one
      172 words
    • 68 13 WE REFER to the letter, "Parking for short-term air travellers," by T. L. Chuang (ST, April 5). We would like to inform your correspondent that parking facilities for short-term air travellers have been included in the plan for Changi Airport. As for the Paya Lebar Airport, we are
      68 words
    • 184 13 I WAS very pleased to see that your report, "The speedboat menace" (ST, March 24), on the dangerous activities of some power boat owners and skiers at Pulau Hantu over the weekends brought a swift reaction from the Sentosa Development Corporation with the erection
      184 words
    • 186 13 Ministry concerned over food quality WE REFER U the complaint, "Where dees Blame lie for unsafr food?" by "Aggrieved," ST. April a. We with to inform "Aggrieved" that a fMd seller is required to ensure that all fMd sold by him la wholesome, safe aad fit for human consamptioa. Samples
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 165 13 1 See the EA. Cup Final IN COLOUR It's easy rent a new, latest-model colour TV set from RENTACOLOR now! Be early ring now and make sure you get the set you want for the great game! «l|7 HVOucram Park Complex Tel *****41 I ij Jlhwl ¥m\\ \MI %M IMBIk
      165 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1087 14 TRAINEE ASSISTANT TRAFFIC OFFICER/ TRAFFIC OFFICER PSA invites malts candidates for the above appointments. Applicants should be between the afts of 21 and 30 and po«e« an Honours or Pas* degree or the GCE with at least 2 'A' and 2 O' level pastes (which must include General Paper or
      1,087 words
    • 542 14 Our client, a Trustee Company of a well established financial Group has a challenging position for a MANAGER 1 The successful candidate will be responsible to the Board of Directors for the business development and profitability of the company. Applicants should have an accounting/legal qualification and preferably experience in the
      542 words
    • 663 14 Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad <lnc<«d >n Malaysia) Notice of Annual General Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fifth Annual General Meeting of the members of Kulim (Malaysia) Bemad will be held on Ulu Tiram Estate, Ulu Tiram, Johore, Malaysia, on Thursday, 29th May, 1980 at 12 noon, for the following
      663 words

    • 358 15 LOWER-UNER ladastrlals shawed easssMeraMe v«l»tUlty at Ike aagapare stock exraaage yesterday, while mast si the better grade ladastrtals maaaged aaly tala aad scattered deals. Malayslaa-Daaed seeaad aad third Uaers remsiaed mt the fareCraat at aetlvlrv darlag the day. Dealt to higher levels laltlally, Blast lawer-Uaers wavered towards
      358 words
    • 24 15 THE average rate at wklck major Slagapore banks an carreaiUy prepared U lend to tkelr beat easterners Is 12.2 per eeat.
      24 words
    • 336 15 SHARE prices drifted to a slightly mixed close In fairly quiet trading at the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday. Interest was largely focused on the lower-liners which featured last week. The New Straits Times Industrial ordinary share index ended the day 1.67 points higher to 549.23 while the
      336 words
    • 119 15 THE US Sing dollar opened at S2.1M0/90 and closed ISO points lower at S2.17S0/2.U00 la hectic trading In the Singapore fora market yesterday. After the opening, the market eaied to the $2 1900 level as wiling pmsur? appeared In other centres. The market was supported here temporary
      119 words
    • 28 15 Closing Interbank rates for Singapore dollars on May 5: Jvrrnlghl I month months months Dvernlghl 11 10'. 10' i 10 mode 10' 10' 10 10' 10
      28 words
      • 347 15 HONGKONG: Share prices closed slightly firmer in fairly quiet trading on a lack of fresh factors yesterday, dealers said. The Hang Seng index gained 4.18 points to close at 858.40, after a 5.67 point fall at at one stage in the morning session, they said. Among the market leaders,
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      • 9 15 THE stock market was closed yesterday Children's Day.
        9 words
      • 399 15 SYDNEY: Speculation at another round of oil price rises following the Opec meeting next week, saw oil stocks return to centre stage in otherwise lack-lustre trading yesterday, brokers said. Surat Basin oil discoverer, Hartogea, led the rally with a 15-cent rise to AJ360 while Cooper Basin partners 8ait« and
        399 words
      • 119 15 KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Plantations Bhd announced a group 1979 net profit after-tax of M 57.86 million ($6.36 million). Profit is after-tax of 16.07 million ($5.07 million), but before extra-ordinary loss of $728,000 (profit $199,000). A final dividend of 12 per cent gross (nil), payable on June
        Reuter  -  119 words
      • 104 15 KUALA LUMPUR: Peninsular Malaysian total exports of tin rose to 6,910 tonnes in January from 5,771 tonnes in December, but was below the 7,126 tonnes exported in January last year, the statistics department said. Total 1979 exports rase to 72,379 tonnes from 70,189 tonnes in 1978.
        Reuter  -  104 words
      • 135 15 CHINESE Pratoce Bxehaage, par IN Ula yestrr4B> CaeaMt Ml: Bulk fob $140.50 sellers, old drum (in second hand drum) fob $150.50 sellers. new drum fob $157 00 sellers. Oprm: Mixed (loose) $81.00 buyers. Pepper: Muntok white pepper fob Asta NLW $506.00 sellers, Sarawak white pepper faq fob NLW
        135 words
    • 48 15 RANGE of prices offered by discount liiiiii on May 5 Overnight: 7-7'i% Call deposits: 6' 7S ClMiaf B.yisf StUiag 3-month Treasury bills 7 1/16 8 15/16 3 month Bank bills II 103 months CD 10 k 10 6 months CD 10 9/16 107/16 Source: National Di.count Co
      48 words
    • 313 15 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on May 5: Closing Asian dollar certificates of deposit for prime names: KTERBANK rate* at 3.00 pro C ufrtocm Nominal rst*s Smithsonian Pwowttafs quoted fMtardar (CfO— fparttr chw** [jocmI ddlin to mk imlt af tonlcB ewreaey: JS dollar 2.1790 2.1800
      313 words
      • 37 15 lei Properties Itraits Trading (•■pas rtsgnum Corpn iouilr.d 4 L Keponf V B ipore Glass 4 Glass Dchcapc Chew J ritn. MO 1120 5S6 74i 470 458 440 281 245 262 3M 352 36 15 10
        37 words
      • 31 15 K I. Indu.lnn Sh«n»n I.. Eaao N.I Iron M«la Rice Semb Shipyard Chem .rnlinr. 2M 900 575 540 240 280 188 510 -It -10 -10 -10 -10 ■6 -8 -5
        31 words
      • 22 15 C C 357.000 Olympia 316.000 P Carbide 164.000 Inchcape 161.000 Total turnover: 3.55m Total value: $8 78m Source: SES
        22 words
      • 33 15 B.T Indicator Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties: Minings: Plantations: OCBC: S.E.S.Ind: Apr 2 MayS 4202 17 *****3 471.97 472.96 ***** 843.14 414.93 414.93 ***** 341.68 ***** 281.64 846.79 848.31 467.60 468.41 426.93 427.88
        33 words
      • 33 15 THE STRAITS tin price fell $6 to $2,334 per picul (equivalent to $38.59 per kilo, down ten cents) in Penang yesterday, on an official offering up 50 tonnes to 177 tonnes.
        33 words
      • 433 15 PRICES in the Singapore rubber market closed higher yesterday, with May RSS One buyers quoted at 302.50 cents per kilo, up 5.50 cents on last Friday's close, dealers said. Afternoon prices were marked up initially on some upcountry covering interest and then eased bark towards the close on stale
        433 words
      • 38 15 Rubber: May 5 Singapore: May: 302.50 cents (up 5.50 cents) Malaysia: May: 310.00 cents (up 7.00) Tin: Mf 2,334 (down $6) (equivalent to $38.59 per kilo) (down 10 cents) Official offering: 177 tonnes (up 50*4 tonnes)
        38 words
      • 105 15 MKIN SSh K .n.t I SMK pcma ywumiay RA8 S.SK .ill SSR50 MHH.B SMK V SMK I -MR lit SMK 10 SMK K SMK II Mlkl B.r.r. 8.ll.r. 1 1 tun lalkll 2S000 2«20UN II UmptlWO 277W 279 00N M., ilu«i(«ll»li M7J0 3WSON •I lot. p.lU-11
        105 words
      • 111 15 THE KILOBAR market (or gold deliverable in Singapore opened at SK.XO and closed at SX.S97 yester day In the Far East, gold opened at USB11 00 ***** and moved up quickly to reach a high at B21 00 523 00 in the early afternoon The strength was due to
        111 words
    • 1368 16 THE las* transacted ready »k at the close o< bnatoaas oa ta* Slock Exchaafe at Slag* pore j —Jay cosßpared with the previous > days prioas Mfctkcr alia W> Mgt aad low i Ad)M»d tor strip tifhts taw) 9 10M U.i H«a Uw CoaM» Salt SECTION ONI hi
      1,368 words
    • 329 16 Closing tone: Steady. Turnover: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore including odd lots 'Ready" totalled: 3.500,000 units valued at $8,657,000 Industrials accounted for 2,466.000, finance 375,000, hotels 79,000, properties 368,000, debentures, loans and bonds nil, plantations 202,000, minings 10,000 "Settlement" contracts totalled: 51,000 units valued
      329 words
    • 1326 16 BID and offer prices officially Usted and business in an reported to the •••Stock Exchange of Singapore ycaterday with the number of shares traded shown In (rackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otheiwiat specified. All Tunes Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett" Big Board
      1,326 words
    • 1590 16 BID and offer price* officially listed and hint neat In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of •hare* traded shown in brackets in Ma of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INDI STR1ALH AJaiwm (1X16) xall Atom 1 2 16B MIS) cd Alex
      1,590 words
    • 52 16 SEALION Hotels Ltd announced > net 1979 profit of $2.75 million ($1.91 million), after deducting depreciations of $2.38 million ($2.23 million) A first and final dividend of 10 per cent gross (five per cent), payable on June 20, to shareholders registered on May 30. has
      52 words
    • 346 17 SIM Urn Investment Ltd has proposed a two-for- j three rights issue to raise its paid-up capital from $17.92 million to $29.87 million The company did not disclose details like the subscription price other than saying that some shareholders have undertaken to subscribe to
      346 words
    • 389 17 PAHANG Consolidated s latest announcement of a sharply higher interim profit has come as a pleasant surprise to shareholders. Although the absolute figure of $847,000 pre-tax for the six months ended Jan 31, 1980, is not very large, it still represents a more than 10-fold improvement over
      389 words
    • 292 17 Higher costs lower C K Tang earnings HIGHER ruMlag cetU and (■•mpetltiMi have towered earalags at C X Taag la spite «f higher ■ale*. Preliminary remits M the pareat rimpiny ■h»wei fewer pre-tax praflt M $244 millU« for the yew ended Dee 11,m, (■•mp*r*d with $J.J4 mIIUM la the preview
      292 words
    • 1012 17 THE United Overseas Bank group is poised to expand beyond the confines of Singapore in the new decade, with its authorised capital pitched at a massive $500 million and its paid-up capital surpassing the $200 million mark. The performance of its Los Angeles
      1,012 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 163 15 American Festival Tours'Bo most popular and most-talked-about American tour in this istz>^\ M attain our standard. It is commonly known that we have a|W HlP^ There may be cheaper packages to America, BUT quality wt&^O^ 111 l^^^iM&k/ cannot be compromised. The best testimonial is from those y\ tt» t irf^^
      163 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 485 16 SHkan shoemaker jf^L W A writing capital to export finance. Jg f^k The banker with an inside track locally often has the advantage. Particularly when he's backed by the worldwide resources of a global JMM financial network. —^^T^*^U mm As all our bankers are. |r Take the matter of financing
      485 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 440 17 I CHANGE OF COMPANY'SNAME™" We have pleasure in announcing that with immediate effect our Company's name I S.I.A.MQVMM»fIOMM€O. j&te shall be known as: I SEAMOVE SENDIRIAN BERHAD m < A DIVISION OF GLOBAL FORWARDING INC New Address: Mailing Address: 3 Jalan Choong Khoon Lin P.O. Box 775 Ampang Jaya, Ulu
      440 words
    • 210 17 (Toworon S«mulo) K#nyotoon Towor on JPT. Pahang lawaron lowaroo donpoda Pemborong pemborong yang berdoftor dengon JPT. Pohong dolom Kaiat "E" hingga Kelas "0" (Bahagian (b) Tebong Teboi Ker(a Tanah) okon drrwimo di Ptjobat Pangoroh Porrt don Tokoir Nagori Po hong Wnma Sf i Pohong, Kuantan hingga 12.00 tengoh hari poda
      210 words
    • 610 17 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE OP SHIP'S NAME We. SEALION SHIPPING (S) PTE LTD., Agents for AMBASSADOR MARITIME INC of 80 Broad Street. Monrovia, Liberia, the Owners of the m.v. "HILARY B" of Singapore Registry Official Number *****4 of gross tonnage 6951 33 tons register tonnage 4123.66 tons hereby give
      610 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 615 18 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX yjs/\^ T«lwph©nw *****22 N^~[ .^ajjssissw AAondoy Fndoy 830om -500pm Ordoory 70 ct» per word Im HO 50) I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE 284-Ailxi TmtC*ntr* 900 om -500pm 1/wWi U^b) Sondoy T^s VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS I N*w Indutmol Rood oft (AAondoy Fndoy) viii AMMDIINrFMFMTX
      615 words
    • 693 18 I FOR SALE A SHOPPING GUIDE EXPAT KLLJMO DRESSMQ Uble rum wardrobe 77" wide x 74" high x 22" deep Excellent condition. $427 Telephone Slaney *****44 Ext 322 OOMO CHEAP I New laminating machine $250. 2 h.p. used alrcondltloners; nylon net cloth. 15.000 metres Call *****6. GRAND SALE: MATERNITY clothes,
      693 words
    • 635 18 RECORDS FOR HMC/ Sale/ Clean Ing Ecosound Centre. 228. 2nd Floor. People's Park Centre, ***** 1 1 lam 9pm dally. 14 Machinery For Sala/Hira/Wantad AVAILABLE FOR 8ALE/ Rental: 8'. 20' and 40' Steel Cargo Con- j talners. For details, phone: *****80. FOR SALE: 2 unlU Riser TenslonIng Air Compressor 15
      635 words
    • 1263 18 II EMPLOYMENT JobOpaortynHlMl YOUNOBCR HOSPITAL Invitee app*)caH*n« tor Hie 1) SEN WITH MK>WIFERY 2) MALE NURSE AWE C p#rranc*ia 1) HETARY AJOS 4) RADIOGRAPHER (Olplomo or Oogroo) Applicant! may write or call The Nursing Director for Vacancies (1) It (2> and call The Personnel Director for Vacancies (3) It (4),
      1,263 words
    • 1409 18 lI EWPLOYWEMT ESTABLISHED COMPANY RE OUMCS urgently a Female Bookkeeper with 3 to 4 yemrs' working experience Minimum qualification: OCE O' level and LCC Intermediate Bookkeeping Certificate but preferably with LCC Higher Accounting Please apply stating salary expected and telephone number to: ST. Box A90S8S EXPERIENCED CORRESPOND ENCE CLERK required
      1,409 words
    • 578 18 II EWPLOYWEWT Ff MALE TELEPHONE OPERATOR/ Clerk required Starting 1230 Beautiful working environment. In Beach Road vicinity. Call. *****23 FEMALE TICKETING CLERK wanted Interview 2pm to 7pm S116-C. Won Hup Complex, Beach Road. Oround floor FERTEXM PTE. LTo" riqutrn. AM EXPERKMCEO ACCOUNTING STAFF Minimum A' level with Accounting subjects Minimum
      578 words
    • 492 18 QCNCNAi. CLERK OCE O Level with credit In English Typing speed 35 to 40 w.p.m Must be willing to Work In Jurong. Interested candidates, please apply In own handwriting: P»K it Mnoi Sector Smoapor* 22«2 GENERAL CLENK URGENTLY required Experience not essential Must be able to type Apply to ST.
      492 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 674 19 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant t) Secretarial and Clerical invites applications for DELIVERY CLERK c Must possess Class II driving licence Preference will be given lo candidates possessing s motor cycle- scooter c Minimum Primary 6 education c Those with relevant experience will be an advantage c Kamillar wllh Singapore
      674 words
    • 628 19 Ras,uin« 1 TYPIST/ CLERK Preferably with some experience anil knowledge of Chinese Please call personally at Xthnoor between 11am and 12 noon and contact Mrs. S P Tan tor an inter mew. STENOGRAPHER This position is open to a Lady with greet exposure in Shorthand and Typing Having t to
      628 words
    • 742 19 II EMPLOYMEMT WELL ESTABLISHED COMPANY vlivt nhuling automotive parts and industrial equipment requires Female Accounts Clerk Applicants must possess OCE O level with knowledge of simple At > ounung Apply in own hsndwrmng stsling contact telephone number to Alexandra PO Box 8. S'pore Blls c) Sales A CAREER IN COSMETICS
      742 words
    • 544 19 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR CAREER MINDED MEN/WOMEN A RAPIDLY EXPANDING INTERNATIONAL COMPANY. with branches In South East Asia. Is looking for young and enthusiastic SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEES to take up a highly paid, fulltime" challenging career. QUALIFICATIONS: c Applicants should speak fluent English plus one other language/ dialect. c Completed secondary
      544 words
    • 570 19 II EMPLOYMENT ee»a.»«ssassßsas»sssaassasss«»saaaaasINTERNATIONAL LTD. has Immediate vacancies SALES REPRESENTATIVES Male/ Female aged 22 to 30 Holders of OCE O' Level i and speak fluent English and Mandarin Own transport Willing to work hard for 4-flgure pay cheques Knowledge In the electronics discipline will be an added advantage Must have selling
      570 words
    • 699 19 i SALES ASSISTANTS REQUIRED Pkaaas call personally al 1-05. (Kairlady). Peninsula Shopping Complex. Spore 6 SALES EXECUTIVE required by an expanding company dealing in olfice products. Must have a good educational background and experience In dealing with stationery dealers Must possess own motor vehicle and completed NS Excellent prospects for
      699 words
    • 670 19 II EMPLOYMENT TOYS SALES REPRESENTATIVE urgently required by company with established lines c M u.M ha ve jmpleted N S c OCE O' level c Experience preferable but not essentla Apply snth details tot s.t. box Assets URGENTLY REOUSNED MALI and Female Sales Representatives by an Interior decoration firm Oood
      670 words
    • 601 19 Applications are invited from Singapore citnena tor the post ot ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR (Woodwork) In the Singapore Association for the Deaf. Vocational School for the Handicapped OmsWlcslioiis; o Trade certificate in furniture making c Some working experience I would be an advantage c Preference will be given to candidates who have
      601 words
    • 632 19 II EMPLOYMENT <• FOSTER A last axpandlng manufacturing company in hh« products urgently requires Male Technicians Possess ITC/ Technician Certificate in Electronics Knowledge m technical diagrams related to hi-fi equipment Keen interest in electronic components Age 22 to 27 years Male/Female Technician Trainees Possess Certificate in Radio Servicing or other
      632 words
    • 479 19 fF International OILFIELD INSPECTORS FOR MIDDLE EAST S Positions P. A. INTERNATIONAL, a major US inspaction company urgently naads fully qualified INSPECTORS to work in tha Middle-East. REQUIREMENTS Applicants must be fully versatile In all aspects of inspection work in oilfield equipment, covering Drillpipe. Drill Collar. Casing. Tubing and tools;
      479 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 431 20 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant d) Technical MPM requires (A) ASSISTANT LINE LEADERS (Male) c Age between 22-27 c ITC or NTl' Certificate in Beetrseel Kitting c Kxpenence preferred (B) MACHINE-KEEPERS (Mate) a Age between 20-25 c Certificate In Machine Maintenance from Vocational Institute c Knowledge of basic Electricity (C)
      431 words
    • 679 20 We are an established mullinalional manufacturer ol semi-conduc lor components lor me electronic industry W. need ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS (2 rotating shift OR Permanent 3rd shift) To repair and maintain electronic machines used in the production assembly knee. ITC in Electronic Engineering ur Its equivalent Applicants must also have at least
      679 words
    • 622 20 II EMPLOYMENT Applications are invited Irom Singapore ciluens lor the positions ol- PRODUCTION WORKERS c DELIVERY WORKERS c ompleted N 8 ■Ysjßjepeft afovsasd Kxperiem-e mil essential No shift work Vday week c STORE ASSISTANT Minimum Secondary 4 education Knulish Stream i Knowledge in store work an advantage interested applicants pleaae
      622 words
    • 741 20 II EMPLOYMENT GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) TELEVISION APPLIANCE PTE LTD. r FEMALE OPERATORS I Wb have vacancie* for Fomasa Operators Join us today and •njoy: An attractive commencing salary No shift work Active Employee recreation program A 5 day work week Other outstanding I employee benefits I If you are 1
      741 words
    • 874 20 II EMPLOYMENT l«#XNrchias I Itt»vi PAN ELECTRIC APPLIANCES (PTE) LTD. company engaged in ihe manufacture of refrigerators, aircondltloners and other related electrical domestic appliances invites applications from Male Singapore and Malaysian Citizens to fill the following positions FACTORY OPERATIVES c No previous experience Is required c Attractive basic salary plus
      874 words
    • 1083 20 II EMPLOYMENT MALE/FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS required by magnetic tape factory in Jurong a No experience requlrerl training will be provided a Male applicants should preferably have completed fulltime National Service a We offer good starting salary with bright prospects for promotion Interested applicants, please apply either in person at the
      1,083 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 731 21 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant k) General taring HcWtln InvlU* MUMf A) TECMMCAL SALES CO-ORDMATORS Sualificatlons required are iploma in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent Sales experience is preferred but not easenllal The successful candidates will initially be based In I Singapore where training In product knowledge will be provM«d An
      731 words
    • 729 21 EARN-AS-YOU-LEARN Lookinf for a Job but unable to secure one because of lack of experience' Vow my bo sslirtad tor our -oar* w-rw- iyii" j; iy p— 17 years old and above completed secondary educauon speak English Mandarin or Malay willing to learn t uriiiV ■wMniiti wm b. prondod wrtt.
      729 words
    • 1016 21 ii eih>lotTknt 11 WHAT, WHERE AND WHOM TO SEE?? High and ankghtonlng career tar a* mats appBranH oka are inlarastod naw. A) MOTOR VEHICLE MECHANICS B) GENERAL ELECTRICIANS C) PLUMBERS D) TV. 4 HI-FI TECHNICIANS a Ate 30 and above. Preferably with 2 years experience. a Valid class 2 licence
      1,016 words
    • 934 21 lI EMPLOYMEUT ®|rHIKIMPO-DOl aj Kimpo-Do (Optical) Shop inside W Iselan Emporium has vacancies II for the following position TRAINEE OPTICIAN II Age IS 22 years I] Singapore Citizen H OI"^L, PHOENIX T Pleasant personality, Interest In SINGAPORE II optical line and willing to learn. J Initial Monthly earnings around >
      934 words
    • 1259 21 II EMPLOYMENT 0 NOBLE requires: GENERAL FEMALE CLERK c OCE O' level c Credit in Maths c Ito 2 years' experience c Age about 20 years c Preferably living In dlsts 3. 4 or 5 Q.C. TECHNICIAN c Polytechnic Diploma c Completed National Service c Some Q.C experience necessary Pleeee
      1,259 words
    • 1244 21 II EMPLOYMENT SHE ARES INVESTIGATION a SECURITY SERVICES 4S2A Serengoon Roed Singapore o*2l requires 1) MALE PATROL OFFICERS. Must possess valid qualified class 2 driving licence and own a scooter or motorcycle Those who do not possess the necessary experience but are conscientious and prepared lo work Irregular hours may
      1,244 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 578 22 Ill VEHICLES 4 BOATS 42 Boating Supplies/ Services BOAT EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FROM INTERMARINE SUPPLY CO. PTE LTD a lnflauble Boats (2-8 per- PI IB hinders Depth Sounders Search Lights Navigation Lifhti VentilaiK.n System r iltingM Horn* Refrigerators Freezers Compasses Life Jackets and many other essential Hems for your boating/ yachting
      578 words
    • 584 22 FOR ONLY rftfr I You con 4fiv« coattortoMr Hw ko< mm Co. I AucoaaitiaMg bt ImtoliMon ro> I 12 mrioot toSpw Imiolmm ITT 6^P^aj^aD^^BWJ|p»— rmtamm en trm 317 319. Ne» Bndoe Rood Smgopor* 0208 (Oppout* Yongti* Theotrc) 3781. Jin Bukit M.roh, Spore 03 1 5 ißutcit Meroh C«nrre. Cone» ServKt
      584 words
    • 926 22 111 VEHICLES A BOATS 1973 DATSUN 190J Coupe. airPlease call *****93 1973 DATSUN 140J aircond sports rims. $9,750 View Blk 161. 1616A. Lor 1. Toa Payoh 1973 DATSUN SSS new road Ux. insurance and many accessories 2nd owner, tip top condition $10.0000 no Tel *****73 1973 DATSUN 14OJ with aircond.
      926 words
    • 964 22 HONDA PRELUDE AUTO 1 owner, low mileage, complete with radio' cassette and sports rims. Phone *****4 Richard Yeo 1973 HONDA CIVIC Aircond. sports rims, console, white paintwork with black bumper Selling $10,800 ono Tel *****17 1973 SEPT. HONDA Civic 1200 C 2-door In tip top condition $10,500 ono ConUct *****60
      964 words
    • 1742 22 111 VEHICLES 4 BOATS 1977 MERCEDES 200 One compa- 1974 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 c- c ny owner, aircond cassette Aircond. radio' cassette, engine Tyres new Showroom condition very good, selling $12,000 ono Tel *****03 *****13 1990. 1979. 1979. 1977 Manual/ 197$ TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 AirAulomalic. Mercedes Beni 200 cond. radio/
      1,742 words
    • 1550 22 111 VEHICLES A BOATS Polymer a* I at™ Sealant I The paint protector that keeps your car showroom bright for years. No other wax or polish shines like it. (P cm. ran btterpmse 38. Ohoby Ghaut. Singapore 0922 Tel *****2 (3 lines) j SM THAI HIN TRADING PTE LTD Singapore
      1,550 words
    • 834 22 IV ACCOMMODATION I PBOPMTgS Situated at Newton Road next to Newton Circus IK'WIOH latii^hlK Luxurious Hitop Maisonnettes Apartments LIMITED UNITS LEFT Hurry! Book now to avoid disappointment Swimming pools, squash court Private residents' carpark 24 hour uniformed security Freehold Land Easy instalments available Prompt handing over of houses .taw Reasonable
      834 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1520 23 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES St Accommodation Vacant Houses DMT. 10 SINGLE-STOREY BUNGALOW with 3 bedrooms, fully furnished Contact *****6 cxL 2210 (office)/ cxl 2378 (h0me) OIST. 10 SINOLE-STOREV DETACHED bungalow. 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, servant's amenlUes. cosy llving/dlning, open out to paUo. airconduioned. matured garden, fully partially furnished HPR *****75/ *****85
      1,520 words
    • 1543 23 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES BEAUTIFUL HK.LCREST ARCADIA DIST. 11 Luxurious apartment with splitlevel living/ dining 3-4 bedrooms Partly/ Fully Furnished Squash, tennis, swimming pool facilities Pleasant surroundings Convenient locality. «2.508- $3*90 MR. LYE 44*2149/ HSW*. BRAND NEW APARTMENTS WITH CHOICE OF FACILITIES: c Ridgewood 'Kalakaua Rise. Dlsl 10 high floor $3,000
      1,543 words
    • 739 23 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES I CONTINENTAL APPRAISAL CO. PTE. LTD Hmm) Eil.l. Agents a VakMrt LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS/ DETACHED/ SEMI-DETACHED BUMGALOWS For Our expatriate clients from Established firm Budget 1 1.200 16.000 Tenancy on Company's lease For Prompt Rental ianncM. OwMnpkmcit 2SM7M (Property Mmol A BANK REQUIRES Houses/ Apartments tor Its expatriate
      739 words
    • 836 23 i^— A BEAUTIFUL CORNER Terrace Fulton HIM. dlst 20 3.300 sq ft $229,000 Ornerai Properties *****3/ *****5 A MANO NEW double-storey detached bungalow In dlst. 10. 4 bedrooms, one study, modern design Area: 11.000 sq ft $800,000 Tel *****61/8 A CAUFORMAN DOUBLE-ST )REV Watten Estate. 4 bedrooms 4.000 sq.ft. Freehold
      836 words
    • 1516 23 ■SSMS>SBBHSBBBBHSBIS>^SHH^SBHe>HSB>^S_ j IV ACCOWWOOATK)W4Pftt)PtBTgS DIST. 14 JALAN EUNOS vicinity, brand new double-storey semidetached 5 bedrooms, attached bathrooms, servant's amenities, luxurious finishes, freehold. 3,900 sq ft $285,000 *****44/ *****16. DIST. IS. SINGLE-STOREY SEMIDETACHED Corner house Selling $130,000 Contact Mr Johan. *****42 DIST. 1* UNIQUELY DESIGNED split-level, 3 large bedrooms, razzo flooring.
      1,516 words
    • 1428 23 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES ATTRACTIVE SALE: ONLY 1 unit available at dist 11 2.300 sq ft Complete with swimming pool, covered carpark and security guards service Within walking distance lo developing Balestier commercial and residential district but yet amidst, quiet, serene I H'.iiuy Ceramic tiles/ parquet f:oor Price $300,000 Tel
      1,428 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 687 24 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTttS 54 Properties For Sate &>> flats MUTUAL COURT DIST. 13 Mar Thoma Road off Si Michael's Road 2nd floor. $140,000 Contact MrQuektel *****73 NEAR HOTEL IMPERIAL. 3-bed-rooms. servant's. 2.000 sq fl Terraxzo parquet $260,000/- Phone Inter-world Appraisers *****53/ *****24 NEW LUXURIOUS S-BEDROOMED APARTMENTS WITH SWMMRNG POOL
      687 words
    • 362 24 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES TOA PAYOH NORTH. 3-roomed HDB flat Terrazzo mosaic Lower floor $28,000 ono Phone: *****11/*****72 W AIKIKI HAWAII Luxurious "DISCOVERY BAY'Condo 41st floor. Beautiful mountain view, furnished 1 bedroom, bath, kitchen. Living/ dining rooms with sofa bed. alrcond, washer, dryer, dish washer, colour TV., garbage disposal, prime
      362 words
    • 484 24 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES PRIME LOCATION FREEHOLD land al Tanglin Hill 12.500 sq.ft Vacant possession Ideal for bungalow development. Building plans approved Oenulne buyers, call *****07 No brokers TANGLIN DISTRICT Choice residential site. Suitable for immediate re-deVelopment Area: 125.000 sq ft Price: $68 ps.f. Ring Hilltop *****70/ *****61 55 Properties Wanted
      484 words
    • 207 24 IV ACCOWWOOAT FACTORY IN JURONO selling with fitting and fixture Total land area 4.8*4 sq m factory area 10 000 sq.ft Beautifully renovated for Immediate takeover Tel 2885*77 Mr Tan. FACTORY/WAREHOUSE FOR RENT 6.100 sq ft.. 9.000 sq.ft 15.000 sq ft groundfloor and 2nd floor of 7-storey flatted factory. Jalan
      207 words
    • 1648 24 lON 4 PROPERTIES IV ACCOmHOO/m WANTED TO RENT OPEN SPACE LUCKY PLAZA. 2ND Floor. 330 storage yard about 20.000 to sq .ft fur sale Orchard Plaza. 150.000 sq ft for storing oil well Groundfloor. 312 sq fl for sale materials and pipes. Preferably Contact T*****5 Jurong area, possibility with ad-
      1,648 words
    • 665 24 ON PROPERTIES SHOPS FOR SALE/ RENT Tanglin Shopping Centre (Basement facing Tanglin Road) City Plaza (Ground) C4E Orchard Lower ground and Mezzanine) Peninsula Plaza (3rd Parklane Shopping Mall nth) Buklt Tmah Shopping Centre (2nd) People's Park Centre (Basement) Orchard Plaza (Ground. Mezzanine and 2nd SHOPS FOR SALE (WITH TENANCY) Kar
      665 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1220 25 SERVICES BUSINESS 76 Business Opportunities WANTED FINANCIERS/ INVESTORS w.rh mmMmmi $30,000 lor a joint venture lo operate I existing nightclub cabaret I COCklall lounge presently doing I Kihml business Praaanl own** giving up due lo other heavy business commit- merits 2721*0* lor appointment to disc uss (Office hour* only) <
      1,220 words
    • 1456 25 VI EDUCATION 4 TRAINING RESPONSIBLE. PATIENT. ROV qualified instructor Fees moderate Fetch and send arrangeable Tel *****62. Vincent Urn ROV OUAUFIED DRIVING Instructor with 15 years experience 17 00 hourly Dal sun car Contact Edwin *****-? SUPER OMVMG CENTRE: 5th Anniversary Special Offer MOO hourly by ROV qualified instructors Tel:
      1,456 words
    • 607 25 VI EDUCATION TRAINING RADIO. BASIC COMPUTER TechnlajaM courses Commencing 8' 4'Bo Enrol Tah I.i electronic Pte School, .ill Paya Lebar Road. Spore 1440 Tel *****4 REGENT COMMERCIAL INST. NEW CLASSES BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTWRITING Monday 7 30 9 pm GENERAL PAPER GCE "A" LEVEL Saturday 2 30 4 pm Commencing
      607 words
    • 483 25 SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT ronunrlli'lllK 125)80 Mondays L Wednesdays. 7 lo 9 p m Contart *****66. Melropolllan V M C A 3 MONTHS JAPANESE Course conducted by experienced Linguist (.'oinmrncmg on 9/5/80. Enquiries *****1 103 Tuition Reliable bilingual laaehara giving tuition to local foreign students in Science Maths. English •U SI .ill
      483 words
    • 694 25 VII TRAVEL A TOURS AMERICA 'BO THE AMERICAN EXPBNENCE (North-South-EastWest) Wmm'tmmk'9mtk')mmbUm»l»'Sm*llti^m'Um INsts'lhßjlt-j 28 Days *****0/KU5490 tm.nn.ttn 1 '6. 10/8. 14/9. 26/10. 16/11 By SIA S Jumtn Super-B WEST COAST PANORAMA HsM-^F^an-SMO.-N-^ta*«Mßav*LkanM«SaiDaV'rß»M*Mtm*Lh*«ia' M-«Sa^«laiVB^«Sa^'Bes»iiUtrittrj-iri'Vaca»*«HßS fast 17 Days Ss329u/KL$339O ?vs 31/5 .1/6.22/6. m/ 7. 108. 31/8. 14/9. 5/10. 26/10 By SIAS JurnDo Suptrß
      694 words
    • 622 25 VII TRAVEL A TOURS ■afiUJLat^? OTn Wrs A ■■Ba aß rflaf9sm M**at^«Baflßß> tt H n^saljeaßßaßT I lßjnt-J r n^MBBsMU^^ JY^^ mt-M W ■aU NsW^Lsa^LissßflaVw jWft 5 MeiHuaKvve/ Offers you faf a Budget. Quality and Memorable Holiday Also arranges Incentive Tours. Daily Package Dep!!! Special Budget Air-Fares Worldwide c BANGKOK/CHIENGMAI/PATTAYA 5
      622 words

    • 79 26 IN EVERLASTING MEMORY Of MR. TEJUMAl TIKAMOAS DASWAMI DEPARTED JRO MAY 1M0 Always, remembered by Wife. Sons. Brothers. Sisters. Relatives and Friends Th« Family wrih to thank aM kianda and r.i.t,,., lor thaw kind .it.nd •net aauttanca, condelanca* and wraatha during thair racwil b»- Th* F .mil, of
      79 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      87 26 TEO BENG CHIANG .iKf ?h ftmmt .i*.i> i»-.i< >-iuiiy m Sunday -I .'> H)i .,l I IS am leaving l»-hilirt Ins r»-loved »lf<- Tan f iik n>" mm Boa I -at ii"" Chyf BaoTrrk dauthlen nuek CIl^riK (iurk Klin (laiiKlUers in laa Artehiie Ye(, IVllK Nei. laic v
      87 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      111 26 l.O. LOPEZ In everlovlng memory of our dearly beloved one. Oone away from us but never forgol1 ten 1st anniversary Mass at St. Teresa's Kindergarten. Kuala Trengganu at (.30 p.m. on Thursday 8th May. In verioving iwmory of my MOM. LEE OEK HONG D»part»d 6-S-7* One year
      111 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      77 26 A SDORAY DIED 6-4-80 A memorial aarvica for trw lit* MM. A.S. DORAY wiH ba haM on «lh May 1««0 at Ih* Church Of Our Lady Of Lourdas at 6 p.m. 16TM DAY CEREMONY MR SANKARANNAIR BORN: 20.11. 1t17 DEPARTED 21.4.1M0 Will b* h»ld on 7lh May 1M0
      77 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 723 26 VII TRAVEL ft TOURS UfjS Direct fught to mpr PHUKET ft HAADYAI MAY 4 7.28 JUN 1,4,8.11.15,18.22 TOUR PHUKET PHANGNGA BY AIR TO FRO 4 DAYS TOUR $549/- DEP 4.7,25. MAY. 1 .8. 1 5.22 5 DAYS $579/- DEP 7. 24,28 MAY, 4,1 1.1 8.22, JUN HAADYAI-SONGKHLA TOUR 4 DAYS
      723 words
    • 599 26 VII TRAVEL TOURS I I HOUOAY BUDGET TOURS JD :IN (ii-lUlfl|(S7S -'$»5/DAILY DEPARTURES -S^fcfc^UI IDC^F^^il* I'M I $M9/- ri^ af ifcl L V^ 3 V H "IXil IVm CHS/KULtaOO/l'lllKKT6l>a>> $475/- /"vS^bPVbmSbv'i J Ml 1 11MI Mil TI'K HKU 'HKK KANOKOK V'^bnU^GM^i J187S J1795. $1650 I Mon I I'ATTAYA t«49/ ff
      599 words
    • 315 26 VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL 127 Lost A Found LOST ONE NEW ZEALAND MMpurl Nu K79OM4 F'hone *****73 129 Miscellaneous LOVER MARRIAGE AIO BUREAU helps you to Hi- 1 suitable friends, marriage partners runfidenliall> iu. ir.inleed personal genuine Introductions to Doctors. Lawyers Secretaries. Nurses, Engineers Executives. Architects. Civil Servants. Technicians. Businessmen. Teachers.
      315 words
    • 318 26 We are a subsidiary of a large international corporation and we are expanding our audio production facilities in Penang. We invite applications from suitably qualified Malaysians for the following:MATERIALS MANAGER The person will report direct to the General Manager and will be responsible for all materials functions covering inventory /producti
      318 words
    • 317 26 Th« Post: Resident Engineer O"*^: To tupervite the piling and basement construction of the proposed 26-storey United Asian Bonk Central Office Building; working under the directions of the Consulting Engineers. Experience: Applicants should have at least 10 yeon experience in highrise building and deep basement construction including sheet-piling, bored-pile, internal
      317 words

    • 310 27 ZOLDER, Mon. Frenchman Didier Pironi destroyed his rivals to win the Belgian Formula One Grand Prix motor race here yesterday. The 28-year-old Ligier driver led throughout the 72-lap race and deservedly recorded the first world Formula One championship triumph of his career. Pironi burst ahead of
      Reuter  -  310 words
    • 120 27 DteUace (72 Upa) 9M.M IdJemetrea: 1 DMler Plreal (Frm>, Ujrier (1 hr 58:4«.51 see); I Alma J«m» (Am), Williams 1.»: M.88; 3 C*rie« Reatenuuui (Arg), WlUUmi 1.44:11.0; 4 Rom Atmu (Pr»), Remit (71 Ups completed): S Jeaa-Ptorre Jarrier (Pra), Tvrrril (71 laps); titllea VUleaeave (Cm), Studlagt: 1
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 387 27 Strange's title after play-off HOUSTON, Mon. Curtis Strange birdied the first extra hole of the play-off and defeated Lee Trevino to win the Houston Open golf tournament here yesterday. Strange, 25, had a sixshot lead when the final round started and he carded an even par-71 for an 18-under-par 266.
      Reuter  -  387 words
    • 84 27 SEATTLE, Mon. Twenty-two-year-old American Leo Randolph yesterday survived a fifth-round knockdown and stopped title-holder- Ricardo Cardona, of Colombia, in the 15th and last round to win the World Boxing Association light-featherweight boxing championship here. The referee stopped the fight after 1 mm. 31 sec. of the last round to
      84 words
    • 203 27 DALLAS, Mon. Jimmy Connors, using his powerful service return, defeated John McEnroe 2-6, 7-6, 6-1, 6-2 to win the World Championship of Tennis men's singles final for the second time here yesterday. The victory was Connors' fourth in five matches against his compatriot. It avenged his
      AFP; UPI  -  203 words
    • 35 27 COLOGNE. Mon. Holland completed a clean sweep of the men s four-nation hockey tournament with a 6-2 win over Spain here yesterday. West Germany, who beat Poland 3-0. finished second. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 234 27 Worcester defeat Yorkshire LONDON, Mon. Worcestershire beat Yorkshire by seven wickets in the English county cricket championship at Bradford yesterday. Brief scores: At BiaeWi: Worcestershire bt Yorkshire by seven wkts. Yorkshire 191-6 inns closed (G. Boycott 66); Worcestershire 196-3 in 38.1 overs (Younis Ahmed 98 n.o). Worcester four Pt*. At
      Reuter  -  234 words
    • 372 27 from exhaustion. It was his fifth defeat. In Jakarta, South Korean Chongpal Park successfully defended his Asian-Pacific middleweight championship title last night when he knocked out Indonesian challenger Rocky Joe in the eighth round. BUOBY The British Lions team yesterday returned to South Africa after
      Agencies  -  372 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 96 27 High Auto Sealing Machine for all types of packaging Model NL-150 Model HL- 150 j Feature*: The most efficient type for effective sealing operation because of indirect heating and cooling system by the rotary sealing band Packaging Materials PP. Pt. laminated materials, aluminum foil, label applied PE. etc. SpMd 30
      96 words
    • 642 27 S)IIDB invites applications from citizens/permanent residents of Singapore and other ASEAN citizens for the following appointments A) SENIOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Qualification A Exp«ri*nce:An Electrical Engineering degree from a recognised University or equivalent. Candidates must have a minimum of 5 years practical experience in the field of electrical and/or mechanical engineering.
      642 words
    • 865 27 MM SINGAPORE SLIPWAY j» AND ENGINEERING MM COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the following position: PURCHASING AND STORE OFFICER Qualifications and Experience: 1. GCE 'O' Level or acceptable equivalent qualifications. 2. Must hove at least 2 to 3 years experience in a supervisory copacity
      865 words
    • 523 27 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding I' p No. 46 of 1980 In the Matter of Hong Hua Textile* (Pte) Ltd. And In the Matter of Section 218(1) (c) and 218(1) (i) of the Companies Act. Chapter 185 ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice Is hereby given
      523 words

    • 456 28  -  By PATRICK BABTIANS PEPSI COLA, the soft drink manufacturers who sank $90,000 into a squash training scheme two years ago, gave the proposed Singapore tour of New Zealand a big push with an offer of $6,000 at the National Stadium yesterday. It all happened as
      456 words
    • 229 28  -  ERNEST FRIDA By THE controversial aluminium bat is here to stay. At least that is the opinion of the Australian Test pace bowler Dennis Lillee, who is in Singapore with team-mates Rodney Marsh and Bruce Laird, to hold coaching clinics and play exhibition crick-
      229 words
    • 551 28  -  FREDDIE KEE By IPOH, Mon. Many an ardent racing fan will readily agree that a Cup or Stakes race need not be cramped by a capacity field. In fact, it would be ideal to have a balanced field of 12 so that
      551 words
    • 296 28 Hour-long tussle to overcome Hill THE bulk of the top seeds pushed into the third round of the Milo national squash championships at the Kallang Complex yesterday without resistance, save for seventh seed Kang Gee Bah, reports PATRICK BASTIANS. Kang had to labour for an hour before overcoming fellow national
      296 words
    • 65 28 GOH, TAN and Company defeated Peat Marwick Mitchell 4-1 in a second round qualifying match (or the Anchor Business Houses' squash League at River Valley Road. Other results: Esso 4 Olivetti 1; Industrial and Commercial Bank 4 Leßlond Asia 1; Singapore Refinery 4 Fraser and
      65 words
    • 1659 28 weekend's races at Bukit Timah: SATURDAY OH* 1 On 2 1 .MOM 13 Purple And Gold 57 0 18 Patron if 0 15 Hawaii IV Sit It Shaytan 56 5 2 Ob*ervatim m 56 0 7 Supreme Reward 54 5 8 Alures 54.0 14 Pasir Puled n
      1,659 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 457 28 TECNOGAS OUAUTY HOME APPLIANCES FiSYDOUffI PAYMENT! Caixcitr skg An Make your Ist payment and ®«3« 3 d12.1g.0i ■■■in remaining monthly instalments accordingly^J coapirtaMoU JjJ^gTJ? coolrol For just $1 .00 a day, you can own a Ecooomiwr twnch Tecnogas Cooker or Washing Machine. Spimmng qmd SSO b»iic«t. ini.nn.. Through our easy
      457 words

    • Article, Illustration
      39 29 ANYONE for ft 8*11? Theae b»ys In the Tlmespert jtetmn by TAfTwEIS HIM (ftbeve) •eem to be a Jut tfclafts tkey > b«»rd tke darliiK Sfttardfty'a buwcbiag ceremany tke Eleetralu •ftlUMg aekMl elf tkje Eftst Ceftat Park Ugee«.
      39 words
    • 17 29 TODAY SABAH v FORCES (UtULS Stadium. 4.15). BRUNEI v PERLIS (Bandar Sen Begawan, 4)
      17 words
    • 135 29 CHENG SHU MING and Chow Tsun Man, who shot in the 1978 Asian Games in Bangkok, are among the 10-strong Hongkong team to take part in Singapore's Pesta Sukan shooting championships from Aug. 2-7, reports PETER MOW. Though they were unplaced in the Games,
      135 words
    • 37 29 KAMPONG ÜBI edged out Toa Payoh 2-1 in an inter-constitu-ency sepak takraw match at Gay World. Other results Telok Ayer 2 Jurong 1, Bukit Panjang wo Ang Mo Kio. Marine Parade 2 Tanglin 1
      37 words
    • 100 29 Pravit powers into lead BANGKOK, Mon. Local favourite Pravit Vannasameta yesterday fired a six-game series of 1,262 to lead the men's Masters event in the 1980 Thailand Open tenpin bowling championships. Pravit had a big 256 game and supporting lines of 221 and 216, foUowed by compatriot Surachai Kasemsirio] in
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 197 29 GAN TECK LEE, David Oh, Tang Kee Kong, Tan Sian Kwang. Lee Kum Chiok and Yeung Yam Yuen will represent Singapore in skeet event at the Pesta Sukan shooting championships in August. They finished in that order respectively in the Singapore Open skeet competition, which
      197 words
    • 17 29 YESTERDAYS Singapore Hockey Association Division Two League matches were postponed because the grounds were not playable.
      17 words
    • 83 29 TODAY'S EVENTS BADMINTON Yonex/ Fraser and Neave national championships (SBA Hall, 7 30); Singapore Malays championships (Telok Kurau Secondary School, 7.30). HOCKEY BBA UvMaa Obc Leaffsc: Singapore Cricket Club B v Police B (Padang); MvMaa Tw«: SCC C v Fair Rangers (Padang). matches at 5.15. SOCCER Tetaree later«iWa HwifMl Dtv
      83 words
    • 398 29  - Jenny creates second upset in two days BERNARD PEREIRA By UNSEEDED Jenny Tan kept up her giant-killing feats when she ousted Judy Ong, last year's national junior champion, 11-5, 11-3 in the first round of the women's singles in the Yonex-F and N national badminton championships at Guille- mard Road
      398 words
    • 311 29  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE soccer coach Jitta Singh feels that it is premature, at this stage, to worry about the Republic's chances of reaching the semi-finals in the Malaysia Cup competition, despite the two defeats and a draw. Says Jitta: "The picture
      311 words
    • 136 29  - Chen: 'We can do well, but only if... PETER SIOW By IF Singapore play true to form, they should be able to improve on their standings the men are ranked 12th and the women sixth in the Asian table tennis championships, starting on Saturday in Calcutta, India. This is the
      136 words
    • 257 29 THE Singapore Business Houses Football League tournament committee have rejected Singapore Airlines Group's request for admission to their Division One competition, starting in July. SIA were turned down because they did not send in their entry before the closing date in September last year.
      257 words
    • 55 29 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Pakistan's Nadir All Khan beat Gondo Wiiojo, of Indonesia, 7-5, 7-5 to win the Malaysian Open tennis championships here yesterday. Gondo later partnered Atet Widjono to win the men's doubles, when they beat the South Korean pair of Chang Nam Joo and Won Hon
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 18 29 GURKHA UNIT beat Officers A M in the Prisons inter-rank volleyball final at Moon Crescent yesterday.
      18 words
    • 235 29 INDONESIA, one of the first four countries to confirm their entries in the Lion City Cup under-16 soccer tournament from Aug. 23-Sept. 6 at the National Stadium, want to send two teams, reports JOE DORAI. For the Indonesian Football Association are now in the
      235 words
    • 43 29 RACE COURSE Employees Union beat Civil Employees' I nion O in the National Trades Union Co.ig-"" 1 soccer tournament at Farter P:-V. The Public Daily Rated and Housing Board union, and the Singapore Malay Teacher's Union >ave walkovers in their respective matches.
      43 words
    • 166 29 Tunku supports rewards idea PENANG. Mon. Former Footbail Association of Malaysia president Tunku Abdul Rahman yesterday said that supported the idea to give rewards to national soccer players, like the world tour offered to Malaysian soccer skipper Son Chin Aun. The Tunky, who is an honorary life president of the
      NST  -  166 words
    • 34 29 MEDAN, Sat. Holland beat the Indonesia's Perkesa 3-0 in the Mara Halim Cup soccer tournament here last night. lii earlier matches, Burma defeated ban 2-0 and Luxembourg beat Niac Mitra 2-1. AFP
      AFP  -  34 words
    • 251 29 XI ALA LL'MPUR, Mm. Malaysian sports director Wan Ahmad Radii put if the line far bis country's athletes yesterday to for g»M medals at the S*ath-eaat AsU Games. Said Waa Hamad: "Let's n«t compete la the 8m Games for the sake of participation. Let's not think
      NST  -  251 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements

  • 162 30 It's just too much for her A CUBAN-AMERICAN woman collapses with emotion In Key West, Florida, on Sunday after spotting a relative on an Incoming refugee boat tram Cub*. The woman was so overcome that she bad to be taken to a hospital set np at the refugee processing centre.
    UPI  -  162 words
  • 47 30 NEW YORK, Mon. The Dow Jones averages on the New York Stork Exchange at 11 am today 30 indus 807 .34 off 3 58. 20 trans 247 71 up 0 19. 15 mils ***** off 0 13, 65 slcx ks 291 47 off 069 UPI
    UPI  -  47 words
  • 136 30 Nugan Hand ordered to be wound up HONGKONG, Mon. THE Hongkong Supreme Court has ordered Nugan Hand (Hongkong) Ltd, a deposittaking company belonging to the troubled, Australian-based Nugan Hand banking group, to be wound up, a government statement said today. The court has appointed the official Receiver as provisional liquidator
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 85 30 WASHINGTON, Mon. The US denied today an Iranian Pars news agency report that (our American helicopters had violated Iranian airspace and that one of the helicopters had crashed in Iran's desert region about 200 km north of the Sea of Oman where two US aircraft carriers are
    AP  -  85 words
  • 18 30 Late CLASSIFIED DEATH MR V. PACKMSAMV 47 formerly of HAK eiiangi pasvri away peacefully In London on S/S/80
    18 words
  • 250 30 Nine die in rush to see Pope at mass KINSHASA, Mon WHAT should have been a day of joy for Pope John Paul in Zaire turned into tragedy when nine people died and scores were injured as a crowd trying to get into his mass stampeded. The Pope went ahead
    UPI  -  250 words
  • 397 30 JERUSALEM, Monday EGYPT today suspended the working sessions of the Palestinian autonomy talks and Israeli troops used guns and teargas grenades to quell Palestinian unrest in a crackdown on the worst civil disorder in the occupied West Bank in six months. Egyptian negotiators meeting the Americans
    Reuter; UPI  -  397 words
  • 94 30 RAWALPINDI, Mon. Afghan and Soviet troops clashed after watching films on Lenin and other communist leaders, the Pakistan Press International news agency reported last night. It said the Afghan troops resented the showing of the film, calling it "brain washing." The report did not de- scribe the extent
    UPI  -  94 words
  • 100 30 Gaddafi bid to buy Nasser's body rejected CAIRO, Mon EGYPT has refused to let Libyan leader Muunmar Gaddafi bay tbe b«dy «f former President GaauU Abdel Nasser, the Egyptian weekly, Al Ahrar, reparted today. Tbe pabUc*ti*n snJd that CM Gaddafi bad altered US9SM million (SJI.W MlUon) for tbe b«dy and
    AFP  -  100 words
  • 32 30 BULAWAYO (Zimbabwe). Mon. Prime Minister Robert Mugabe said today that foreign investment in his country should be Zimbabwe-ori-ented, with the majority shareholding retained locally and profits re-invested in Zimbabwe. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 251 30 RIDGID Each Machine is designed and built with the experience of over 50 years in the pipe tool industry. NO. 535 Pip* and Bolt Threading Machine High Speed, compact workshop Q*^ Threads, cuts, reams 3 mm 50 mrrT/Ko pipe and conduit, 6 mm 50 mm Cm bolts. Threads up to
      251 words
    • 243 30 Snip, snip alley With the onslaught of the bulldozers and inflation $1.50 haircuts by the roadside are getting as scarce as five-foot-ways. Feature writer, RICHARD LIM, found a whole row of this vanishing breed, sandwiched between a school and a row of shophouses in Jalan Sultan. Stories and pictures in
      243 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 188 30 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Thundery showers in many places clearing by late morning. TEMP. (C) up to C a.m. tomorrow: M max., 23 min. SUNSET today: 6.35 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: C.2f a.m. GLOBAL weather Amsterdam 9-13C Clear j Lm Aageles 2O-30C Clear AUkm 14-23C Cloudy Madrid 7-17C Cloudy Bahrain
      188 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION 2
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION 2
      5 words
    • Bilingual page
      • 149 1 >C^i£i^ ifcSi(^) This essay wUl be triUmt Uday at 1 1.3t a.m. and 9.45 p.m. and *n Friday at 11. M a.m. and 9.45 p.m. »ver the Chinese Service «f Singapore BraadeastlnK C«rp*ratlMi. iffl/l* ft W* Mt *A^£fc*-t •Ml" *TJ&^Tft^ Aj*#tt*g£- ft ew'hnaiJi fflS**W .ttiJcJiiSk w.-*AiJk**m* .»«W*WB+fe -ft
        149 words
      • 59 1 Bai shan xiao w^i xian Filial piety to the basis of all human virtues. Sing dT zhr wa bu zhT tian xla zhT da. The froß In a well dees set know the wide world. Qiu lao shan Man shou, shuang nong ju jian Jia. The late fall
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      • Article, Illustration
        14 1  - CHAN CHANG HOW »*>K3s *A*mra& .»*#*nai ;*t%± *^'h *kw>'\ 73 mmmmi&ttfi® >%>*n7 <s*&#) )imft®m
        14 words
      • 234 1 Fables A one-eyed camel A MOTHER camel walked with her son through the desert looking for water and grass. The son asked: "What do water and grass look like, mother?" She replied: "Water looks like the sky, blue and clear, while grass is green, fresh and delicious." After walking a
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      • 384 1  -  tb:-~:Cowpilad by LIN SHAN This 15-mlnute programme will be breadcast ever the EagUsh Service of Singapore Broadcasting Corporation tonight at 7.45 p.m., aad the coming Sunday at I.M a.m. Lesson 1» of this series will be repeated ea Thursday at 8.45 p.m. ever the FM stereo. Lesson
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 129 1 Afcw mintyfresh Listermint mouthwash with fluoride Freshens your breath, helps protect your teeth New Listermint mouthwash with f j Inn lluoride has a real minty-fresh J i^ta?fn JP**^ taste that gives your mouth a cool, l^lJ^iX^ tingling sensation. A rinse and a I TTIOUWJjj SgfSk gargle leaves your breath fresh
        129 words
      • 245 1 Fly Kuwait Airways. We have all the right connections. You're just a step away from Bangkok. And from there it's an easy hop to And from there Kuwait Airways can fly you Amman. Beghdad. Bahrain. Beirut, Cairo, non-stop to Oubai. One stop to Kuwait. Damascus. Dhahran, Jeddah. Tripoli With all
        245 words
      • 94 1 IHSIDI A flair for clothes Nat many have the «U»ttaetfaa «f derdgning clatbes (or royalty »r sf receiving triers at age alae, bat tb«a n«t maay have a Qair for clothes Uke Lai 1 Wai Lan, mw 38. T» dad •at mare ahaat him, turn U Cantraapraad P«fl« 4, 5
        94 words
    • 734 2  - PICK of the DAY JOHN DE SOUZA By C 8ICTV WHATEVER you do j and wherever you are, I try your hardest to catch the second part of The Gang's All Here in the Afternoon Matinee slot on Ch 5 at 3.35 p.m. And for the evening, there's another second
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 237 2 The Trio 3 Introducing Unique Health Capsules from England to the range of quality Vita Health Products... An lmoro»ad formula o) Ha Poaaw. Conmna 3 eH Natuo I B»^^^ Haarrrvpromoting agarrti Saa »aa»i>. OXaim mt -BsaW^^^^ Ha>— lVWaajjit. addition ol Gmtang and Vilamm E antiancat Ifta SaaJ>allaa contain* auantiai micro
        237 words
      • 70 2 PROBLEMS WITH DRY CRACKED SKIN? Get rid of these problems. Use Ego Skin Cream on your hands and feet. It replaces natural oil and moisture and restores smoothness to your skin. Don't hid* it. Us* Ego Skin Cream tohMllt. •T4WA Jrii- I Sk in crBBC' For further enquiriw BUcail Singapore
        70 words
      • 7 2 A MITSUBISHI lljl I 7- up EH
        7 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 71 2 FRENCH FILM: Allez seum Young People's France a comedy at Gallery from 10.30 a.m. the RELC auditorium at to 7 p.m. On till May 18. 6.90 p.m. today and 9 SIGHTS FROM 18p.m. tomorrow. Free RAEL an exhibition admission. of paintings by Israeli artists at the Mandarin WOMEN OF ASIA
        71 words
      • 1171 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.00 PM Opcninf fofcwed by GBfan's 7.30 News In Malay Island Ring Around Gilhgan (r) 7.45 Juan '80 (First Semi-final) 3.30 Diary of Events S30 {Jff J" 1 Afl Arch Enemy 0< 3.35 Afternoon Matinee The Ganf "s 9.30 News And Newsreei (Enffeh) M i
        1,171 words
      • 1061 3  -  DELISLE SCHWARTZ The war movie to end all war movies is... Apocalypse Now, now showing at Rax, Lido and Savoy Review by It's up to each viewer to decide for himself whether Apocalypse Now is a serious meditation on the human predicament
        1,061 words
      • 234 3 THE storyline of Apscalypse N»w is quite simple. During the Vietnam War, an American captain (Martin Sheen), eager to see action after a disappointing furlough in the U.S., is given a chance, as one of his superiors puts it, to prove his courage once and for all in
        234 words
      • 355 3  -  MICHAEL CHIANG Interview by THE MUSIC was a trifle too loud, the lights a little too garish, and Robert Mak, 21, the Hongkong disco-champ taking centre stage at a nightclub here recently, seemed a bit too confident. Jiving and swinging into his routine with
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 486 3 L3 herbal PREPARATIONS FOR SKIN HAIR CARE Hto a range of quality cosmetic and toilet preparations containing Kiloral and vitamin extracts known to have elements beneficial to BPBl and beauty. Formulated from ingredients of a high standard. Creighton preparations have successfully proved rfieir worth not only throughout the United Kingdom
        486 words
      • 1121 4  - Tailored to pleas e WONG LAI WAH By DESPITE the easy availability of readymade clothes their varied designs and reasonable prices the tailoring business, would you believe, is doing well. Or so claimed all the tailors and home seamtresses I spoke to. All of them have more than enough orders
        1,121 words
      • 300 4 HE has a Malay name but looks Chinese and speaks fluent Cantonese, Hokkien, English and Hindi and Tamil as well. He is Mr Kadir Abdullah, a tailor for 10 years, who is of Chinese stock but was adopted by a Malay family. "I
        300 words
      • 316 4 IN old Shanghai, the paramount tailors made Western suits for the most discerning gentlemen in the city. In new Shanghai, it does the same: It cuts Western suits for government officials and youth who want to look stylish. Single-breasted suits with vests, priced up
        AP  -  316 words
      • 569 5 AT A time when most boys are playing in the streets, fashion designer, Lam Wan Lai, at the age of nine was busily embarking on his career. Hia work was so excellent, that neighbours were at his doorstep, clamouring for orders. When
        569 words
      • 497 5 COLOUR gems such as amethysts, aquamarines, tourmalines and topaz will be the fashion stones of the Eighties. Gem experts predict the changing American tastes will put these fashion colour stones above the rubies, emeralds and sapphires in popularity at least for the
        Copley News Service  -  497 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 449 4 J^VASECTOMY Wy Means to a Man and Voluntary sterilization. How /j painhjl is the operation? What /f /f impaa does it have on a /f s^ couple's sex life? /w /jp > Read the answers, this month, in the y^ Reader's Digest. mWE OFFER UNMATCHED NEW ARRIVAL NEW ARRIVAL g™
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 6 5 f I£7 ,1 It t ll
        6 words
      • 314 5 TOLWS FOCUS: Active Skin Lotion TOLWS QUESTION: I've got oily, blemish-prone skin Can a skin rinse help to close pores? ESTEELAUDERS ANSWER: A skin rinse will not open or close pores. Pores appear large only because dirt and makeup are allowed to clog up the pore openings. A good skin
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
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      • 342 6 r^ SHANGHAI BAMBOO WEAVING HANDICRAFTS j T//£ WONDER OF THE BAMBOO CRAFT IN THE WORLD H H/B-'tM DATE/TIME: 25.4.80-8.5.80 9.30 AM -5.30 PM (closed on Sunday) ORGANISER: JfeW. VENUE: GALLERY ASIA PTE. LTD. (Ist. Fl. of Shanghai Book Co. Ltd.) &&L GALLERY ASIA 81, Ist. Fl. Victoria Street, Singapore 0718.
        342 words
      • 310 6 Inst. off Administrative Management Examinations Wolsey Holl, the Oxford correspondence college founded in 1894, offers courses for the Port 1 (Certificate) and Part 2 (Diploma) examinations covering both the Administrative Management on the 'O' 'M' syllabuses Studying with Wolsey Hall for the IAM courses means: An individual programme to meet
        310 words
      • 83 6 FIREPROOF jig Rfc mmlaii alarm I TESTED 6 APPROVED BY H> I J'S JAPAN HV I INDUSTRIAL STANDARD Hi -v I BE Son a«K<is taf Sngwon M»l«y«n mao«m« 6 PRESION PRIVATE LIMITED 1104. nth fl Jin Sultan Centre Spwi 0719 SHOWROOM 5102. Woh Hup Comolex.S 0719 Telex POERS***** MANDARIN IMPERIAL
        83 words
      • 263 6 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a a LAST 2 DAYS at REX SAVOY LIDO-REX-SAVOY I (*****14) (*****) (*****40) 4 SHOWS daily: 1 1am, 2.30, 6 9.00pm g Admission CIRCLE J4, STALLS $3 No Free List j DAYS ADVANCE CASH SALE $4 $3 at LIDO ONLY I mi DOtBYSTCRg) j PRINT at LIDO •A Francis Ford
        263 words
      • 595 6 OWC*NIS*TION I ■Jill.-IHOfi trfll' M NOW SHOW»MG No Free Lrit m Horn I 30 4 00. 6 45. 9 15 W A "OW te Soccaaa" Mondor.n aj ttt M Tfaa.WUtl NOW SHOWING No fret I <••< 1 Mom I 45. 4 00, 6 45.9 15 -OJMoSuegJJj^JJj^JIjJ^ m m "Dan Mala
        595 words
    • 983 7  -  RUSHWORTH KIDDER By in EDINBURGH Scientists are saying "Why not?" to wave-power and wondering whether it's an answer to our energy-hungry world. Research in England is showing that there is no energy shortage the real problem is discovering ways to extract energy
      983 words
    • 608 7  - Birth control may soon be as easy as drinking tea JULIE BROSSY By in HONGKONG CONTROLLING the world's population may soon be as simple as drinking a cup of tea. Or so says biochemist and master Chinese herbalist, Dr Y.C. Kong. Dr Kong, 42, heads the Hongkong branch of a
      UPI  -  608 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 200 7 Vp J^ _^l f 9H^__i ftM?W^ i r 4__| aL'kfl _> wp^» t_ _Jn B) Ss |S^^^ -_P^___> ______j___V^_E _f _SrMfV_ f i _»»_i_§_j_ ________P^_ _________E__4___P^q_ ■W WM3Qfc>« v jfl Br &RK > v. _i ___R_t t_____ Mr j»£z _E^E99J"JP/^ i*-J 'HHBR ■UUUUUW ■uVft__P^ I Ml wT^^^^^ m m r**^^
        200 words
      • 506 7 I^THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY, TIMBER PROCESSING AND WOODWORKING EXHIBITION. DATE: 12- 16 JANUARY 1981. SINGAPORE Wood '81 is the second specialist exhibition devoted exclusively to the development and expansion of the forestry, timber processing and woodworking industries of South East Asia Wood '81 will highlight the latest range of equipment
        506 words
    • 642 8 Japan is poised for video-disc players to become the top-seller on the home entertainment front in the 1980s. And three rival groups are bracing themselves to fight for domination of the challenging new market a market that could provide one in five Japanese households with
      Kyodo  -  642 words
    • 522 8  -  ROBERT MUSEL By in LONDON BRITISH scientists have discovered a method of cloning palm trees in which a single cell of a high-yielding plant is used to produce an exact duplicate of its parent in a test tube. Palm trees are an important source
      UPI  -  522 words
    • 717 8  - Backyard visionary has down-to-earth answers FLORA LEWIS By in VENICE ANGELO Dalle Molle is working in the frescoed salons and the backyard of a villa built by Palladio halfway between Venice and Padua on the problems of the petrol shortage, urban traffic jams, industrial decentralisation and the quality of modern
      NYT  -  717 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 105 8 I and other li "ting accessories L L- f Capable gMSwL W all ship deck Ml equipment, f l 9CS^V Sw 'ockles ond gears up to 150 tons. IL^ Jurong Testing Centre Pte. Ltd. y29 *^^V No n Bee Ro Intenwtionol Rood, Jurong, Singapore 2261 Tel: *****8, *****4, 261 1
        105 words
      • 49 8 For a handy, complete guide to the exciting new world of Home Video, don't miss the May 12th issue of TIME Magazine. Look for the inside cover of this special 42 page section, loaded with information on the fascinating TV revolution. TIME The news magazine for the internationally minded
        49 words