The Straits Times, 2 May 1980

Total Pages: 52
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Esld. 1845 FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1981 30 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 111/1/80
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  • 770 1 ONE FOR ONE WARNING Iran threatens London siege gunmen LONDON, Thursday IRAN warned gunmen holding 20 hostages in its London embassy today that it would execute an ethnic Arab prisoner in Iran for each of the embassy captives harmed, the Iranian news agency Pars reported. Pars said the threat was
    Agencies; UPI  -  770 words
  • 447 1 Russian nuclear subs near straits TOKYO, Thura THE Soviet Union has for the first time permanently stationed nuclear-powered attack submarines within striking distance of the Malacca Straits, one of the world's great shipping lanes, informed Western sources said today. They said that the constant presence of the submarines, which carry
    Reuter  -  447 words
  • 45 1 NICOSIA Thurs Saudi Arabia is expected to announce an increase of its crude oil price at the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries' extraordinary meeting on May 5 in Taef. Saudi Arabia, the Saudi daily newspaper AIMadina was quoted as saying todaY- AP
    AP  -  45 words
  • 236 1 No-coupon parkers booked at airport THE three-month grace period for the Urban Redevelopment Authority's coupon parking system ended on Wednesday but several motorists yesterday complained they were not aware that they had to pay a fine of $10 for not displaying the coupons on their windscreens. I There was confusion
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  • 60 1 TOKYO, Thurs. Mr Shokichi llehara. 80, chairman of a Tokyo pharmaceutical company, topped the list of leading Japanese income earners last year with 2 billion yen iSJIH million), according to Tax Agency statistics Mr llehara. who owns 33.3 per cent of the company's stocks, also topped
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 81 1 MALE, Thurs. The Director of Civil Aviation, Mohamed Ismail Manik, has been sentenced to 10 year's exile on a remote atoll in the Indian Ocean Republic of Maldives on a charge of conspiring to overthrow the government. President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom told Parliament here on Monday that nine
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 70 1 KEY WEST (Florida). Thurs. President Jimmy Carter has ordered the US Navy to help a flotilla of refugees heading here from Cuba and his administration said no boats would be turned away. A navy statement said President Carter had ordered the ships into the Honda straits
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 21 1 WASHINGTON, Thurs. Japanese Prime Minister Ma sayoshi Ohira arrived here yesterday tor brief talks with President Jimmy Carter. AP
    AP  -  21 words
  • 233 1 Refugees on island rescued by Thais BANGKOK, Thurs. Thai police and relief agency officials have rescued 183 Vietnamese refugees from a small island in the Gulf of Thailand where they were taken by pirates who are alleged to have raped many of the women, relief sources said today. The sources
    Reuter  -  233 words
  • 61 1 Out of this world. NEW DELHI, Thurs. "The Third World is a moon inhabited by survivors of a third world war." "Habeas corpus is a direction to police by a court to bury the dead. These were some of the answers given by candidates during a qualification test for police
    UP  -  61 words
  • 138 1 ONE man died aad twa others were injured, one seriously, when a pickup went aat af control aad crashed into a coconut tne in Nea Hew Road, off Urn Chu Rang Road, aa Wednesday alght. This brings the death tail an the raada
    138 words
  • 862 1 MAY DAY ROUND-UP MORE than 1,000 trade unionists and guests packed the Singapore Conference Hall at yesterday's May Day rally while about 40,000 workers and their families flocked to Mandai zoo for an NTUC carnival. Unprepared for this unprecedented turnout,
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  • 219 1 NTUC presMent C. V. Dfvm Nair yesterday related a trne life arcwut of an unpleasant encounter between a trade union branch leader and a company manager as an example of how a trade unionist ought NOT U behave. Spiking at the May
    219 words
  • 68 1 BANGKOK, Thurs Three American reporters were arrested yesterday for breaking regulations on news civerage on the Kampuchean border. A spokesman for the Thai Supreme Command said Rod Nordlung of the Philadelphia Enquirer and free-lance photographers Terry Schmitt and Robin Mayer were taken into custody by the Thai
    UPI  -  68 words
  • 70 1 ABl DHABI, Thurs. Iranian Foreign Minister Sadwi Qutbtadeh said taday Iran had given the British Government full authority to deal with the seizure of the Iranian Embassy in London. "The British Government has promised to bring this (embassy seizure) to a conclusion and we have
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 99 1 VjSV rv«* aW 9HtW ar VC« auVQ* JawaaMS G34. Specialists' Contm. (Hound Fir, Ochatd Road. Singapore 0823 Tot: *****37 *****07 G6. DBS Building. Ground Hr. Shanton Way. Singapore 0106. Tat: *****04 XJOSO&A CVtuAGcl C FfeaA& ,vj _V m s 'JA MX SIZKS 4' imm > smm S4M.M p«-r ttrand I
      99 words
    • 145 1 52 pages today PROBE ON 'REVOLVER LEFT IN CINEMA' Paga 14 AMSTERDAM turns into battlefield t CARTES goes back on campaign trail S GOVT asks for shorter jail sentences 4 RUSSIANS killed 57 students, say reports I EURO-REDS meeting heralds future splits 1 lAswrit against Yellow Pages publishers 11 AID
      145 words
    • 85 1 tor quartz precision accuracy SoWAgoiH ROXY (STORE) PTE. LTD «3 Tanglm Man Road S>ngapor*o3i4 r,i Ul9l l BUOY PERSONALISED sennxir uUiiiuL nij <a| -^^*aaji A V^iKslSaalH^p l.^^fcJ^B M TT Start an account with us at any of X iT Savings, Current Accounts and ji»^^^^^_ Fixed Deposits you will enjoy a
      85 words

    • 244 2 Sweden closed on eve of the big strike STOCKHOLM. Thura. SWEDEN was closed today. Though the worst strike in Swedish history officially begins at midnight, with the May Day holiday being celebrated today, work has already effectively stopped. All major industry halted for at least one week. There were no
      UPI  -  244 words
    • 133 2 STOCKHOLM, Than. The week «f strikes la Swede* risks h* vlag a rsßsHnrsMe effect *n experts ef paper, trade —areas said here today The stoppages la the pabtle sector affecttag transport la particular have tor the moment Ht alt experts ef paper, ssarees elase to
      AFP  -  133 words
    • 415 2 AMBTERDAM, Thurs. A VARIETY OF GANGS CLASH WITH POLICEMEN THE centre of Amsterdam looked like a battlefield today as police clashed with groups of marauding youths in riots marking the start of Queen Beatrix's reign. It was one of Amsterdam's worst days of violence for
      Reuter; UPI  -  415 words
    • Article, Illustration
      24 2 PRINCESS Beatrix ax-^ompanled by her hasbaad, Prince Klaus, arriving at Amsterdam New Church on Wednesday for her Investiture as Queen. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  24 words
    • 29 2 A POLICEMAN clubbing a demonstrator who was among a group trying to gate-crash the Investiture ceremony. Clond of smoke at right is tear gas. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  29 words
    • 238 2 British unions get warning over new Bill LONDON, Thurs. Brit- 1 ish trade unions were told today that if they tried to subvert the new employment bill approved by parliament they could ex- i pect even tougher legislation aimed at curbing their power. The bill, a keystone in conservative Prime
      Reuter  -  238 words
    • 143 2 SEOUL, Thurs. A two-year-old girl fell from a 13th-floor flat in Seoul yesterday but escaped death as her mother caught her on the lawn 33 metres below. Both were injured. Mrs Kirn Myung-Soon, 28, had left the baby and her one-year-old brother in
      AP  -  143 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 462 2 Titan It Ton, (JMtifll/ Mother's Day Lunch May 1 1 at the Shangri-La CA I Li v( fa llw IS J&T^^^^^^^X Reflections of Mum. Reflections of warmth, affection and tenderness. And on her special day Mother s Day show her that you feel the same way for her. Make it
      462 words

    • 471 3 HEAVY RESPONSIBILITIES LIFTED, HE SAYS 61 WANT the world to know that I am not going to resume business as usual or be a partisan campaigner until our hostages are back here free and at home. 7 vow by President Jimmy Carter at a
      Reuter; UPI  -  471 words
    • 285 3 WASHINGTON, Thurs. FORMER Secretory of State Cyras Vance walked oat of the State Department tor the last time yesterday, saying he was saddened only by the continuing captivity of American hostages la Iran. Mr Vance, 63, whs resigned over President Carter's decision U sead US Ctnunudw sa
      Reuter; UPI  -  285 words
    • 364 3 Worst case of power abuse, says Lance WASHINGTON, Thursday BERT Lance, the last of his bank fraud charges ending in acquittal or mistrial after three years of investigations and hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, charged yesterday that the government's case against him was the worst example of
      Reuter; NYT  -  364 words
    • 30 3 WASHINCrrON, Wed. Serious crime last year soared 8 per cent above the 1978 level the largest increase since 1974. Federal Bureau of Investigation figures showed yesterday UPI
      UPI  -  30 words
    • 146 3 $40,000 TO UPKEEP AVERAGE AMERICAN FAMILY WASHINGTON, Thurs. The cost of maintaining an average family of four rose above US$2O,000 (5543,800) a year for the first time last year, up 10.2 per cent from a year earlier, the Labour Department reported yesterday. The data snowed the costs of goods and
      UPI  -  146 words
    • 204 3 TOKYO, Thurt. A track driver, who found IN million yen (Sstll,»M) In used notes in a Tokyo street, said today he had quit Ms job and planned to move house because of death threats and constant pleas for donations. "I feel as If I am being
      Reuter  -  204 words
    • 326 3 Govt deals a double blow to the Hunt brothers WASHINGTON, Thursday THE billionaire Hunt brothers are to be barred from commodity speculation and forced to sell their vast silver holdings under a loan agreement to help pay debts linked with their recent losses, a United States banking official said today.
      Reuter  -  326 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 328 3 ]^n* A "k m M PORTERHOUSE FRESHLY MINCED F r ES h LEAN PORK STEAK TOPSIDE HK From 100g4 OC From 500 g Q Qfl 100g CO New Zealand l.few New Zealand O.JU .03 CHICKEN WINGS LAMB BUTTE^~ From Holland OnUULUtH FESTIVAL nn 2.27 kg D.lO ww m Zea and
      328 words

    • 156 4 Whitelaw asks for shorter jail sentences Britain's prisons are running out of room LONDON, Thursday THE British Government yesterday implicitly asked judges to hand down shorter sentences for offences not involving violence to ease overcrowding in prisons caused by ris- ing crime. Home Secretary William Whitelaw told Parliament the present
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 63 4 BANGKOK, Thurs. A Hongkong Chinese was sentenced to 25 yean Jail by a Bangkok court yecterday after pleading guilty to charges of pot wing RTI.9 gm of heroin for sale ana attempted smuggling. Mok Chung-Kan, 43. was arrested at Bangkok's Don Muang Airport on
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 50 4 NEW DELHI. Thurs The Supreme Court yesterday ordered a judge to investigate allegations of corruption, maladministration, drug trafficking and smuggling of liquor in Delhi's Tlhar JaU The court acted on a petition Hied by a life-sentence prisoner who listed various allegations against the prison administration. Reuter
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 34 4 BEIJING. Thurs. More than (our million foreigners visited China last year on holiday or business, doubling the number for 1978, according to China's state Statistical Bureau which released the figure yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 42 4 WASHINGTON. Thurs. A Huge bulge has developed on the north side of the smoking k-olcano mount St Helens in the north-western United States which could cause a destructive slide of lava and mud, the US Geological Survey said yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 69 4 Talking terms at seized embassy TOP: A pUta-cUthed policeman shielding an Iranian girl interpreter m he negotiate* with toe gunmen wk« have seised the Iranian embassy la London on Wednesday. RIGHT: The embassy, with some 1$ people being held hostage Inside, was suTonnded by armed police. The gunmen, who Identified
      AP  -  69 words
    • 132 4 OFFICIALS DEFUSE MAY DAY BOMBS IN CITY TEHERAN, Thurs. AUTHORITIES defused several bombs set to blow up a major downtown bridge during today's May Day demonstrations, the state radio said. The bombs were found under Hafez Bridge skirting the Soviet embassy as hundreds of thousands of people marched to mark
      UPI  -  132 words
    • 345 4 ATTACK BY C-130 GUNSHIPS OR JETS ■^*^-E3E3EIEEEEH NEW YORK, Thursday PRESIDENT Jimmy Carter had the option of ordering air strikes at military targets around Teheran during the illfated US mission to free the American hostages held in the Iranian capital, authoritative US officials
      NYT  -  345 words
    • 343 4 "Arms stockpile due to US fear of conflict WASHINGTON, Thursday THE decision of the American army to start stocking heavy equipment for 11.000 Marines in the Indian Ocean as from June suggests that the United states fears conflict in the region, military sources said here yesterday. A week after the
      AFP  -  343 words
    • 201 4 Salt water on five of the choppers WASHINGTON, Thursday FIVE of the eight helicopters used in the illfated Iran rescue effort were accidentaUy exposed to salt water and foam from a fire sprinkler system 10 hours before they took off from the carrier Nimitz on the mission, defence sources said
      UPI  -  201 words
    • 85 4 Missionary shot in Teheran LONDON, Thurs. A British missionary was shot and seriously wounded by two gunmen in Teheran this morning, according to the Church Missionary Society. Jean Waddell. a 58-year-old Scotswoman who is secretary to the Anglican bishop in Iran, was attacked at the diocesan guest apartment and shot
      AP  -  85 words
    • 208 4 Palestinian youth's killing starts a strike TEL AVIV, Thurs. A Palestinian youth was shot and killed today in a struggle with an Israeli military government officer outside a school in the occupied West Bank village of Anabta near Tulkarm, West Bank military sources said. A general strike broke out in
      UPI  -  208 words
    • 107 4 CAIRO, Tkva. The prlM* term «f a bullding c«ntract«r sentenced to It centuries la prtsM ha. just been confirmed by the Alexandria appeals court. The contractor, Ibrahim El Sayed Morsl. built several apartment buildings In Alexandria. He was paid off by 4« would-be
      AFP  -  107 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 480 4 Bk BbY*^^*^^^^^^^^^Z9s2 1 Jj^j^^ bYAi^^bYJ BFBr^*J*J>B^^^^^?^'*^^Bl C\S j£S V#^H HL^I «A\ H H .mbSbB^j^^j bBB bEb blj^xB Bw B^^^^^^^^^^^S 9Pb^9t!^^H BP^^^^^^^""^^^B BB^BBk^^^B^ .j ■mBbI BB^.^ H .-t 7> w "HH T ■iBBBflBBP* BJT V JtB^^ -A*- 1^^ TV uorU /amous Olympus OM IN ami th« i criulil* muitimodir OM 2\
      480 words

  • 1437 5 The Osmond Family appear "live" in Singapore Presented by Citizen See them perform at the National Stadium on 12th June, 1980. The famous Osmond Family will be making their debut in Singapore! Sponsored by Citizen, the Osmond Family Concert promises to be the biggest and most extravagant concert ever held
    1,437 words
  • 145 5 In conjunction with the Osmonds' visit to Singapore. Citizen has arranged for them to be involved in a number of fund raising activities for the Singapore Association for the Blind. An Association that has been Citizen's deep concern for a
    145 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 369 5 50 ftffl tickets to see the Osmonds "*^^L bHI^R BfiH 'WmmW r™\ m^mtmmW^. ~^m^r mW ImV^'^HH j^m. m^m* j^^^df*" t t R^ A^m w m^Bk mj^^ Jmrn^mm mm I ■^■^fll milm '\m W^ J '•3Jf3 mS I-M-V Makers of Fine Quartz Watches ikm Pictures of the Osmonds b* counts* of
      369 words

    • 394 6 Russians killed 57 students says report 300 held after five days of protest in Kabul NEW DELHI, Thursday AT LEAST 57 students were killed and more than 100 injured by firing Russian troops during five days of anti-Soviet protests in Kabul, a delayed report from the Afghan capital said today.
      AFP  -  394 words
    • 168 6 Beijing denies Deng-Xu shooting report BEIJING, Thurs THE Chinese authorities today denied reports from Taiwan that General Xv Shiyou, former commander of the Canton military region, was wounded last month following an argument with Senior Vice-Premier Deng Xiaoping. A Taipei daily, the China News, quoted Taiwanese intelligence services as reporting
      AFP  -  168 words
    • 394 6  - Spore concern over depleted loans for developing states ABBY TAN By Our Manila reporter MANILA, Thurs. Singapore today joined other member nations of the Asian Development Bank in expressing deep concern over the depleted soft loans for developing countries. The Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Goh Chok Tong, in
      394 words
    • 97 6 MRS AMERICA, Carol Ann McEwan, 34, of Texas, has the photographer In her sights as she stands outside the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York on Wednesday during a visit to the city. She is the mother of two boys, aged 12 and eight, and was
      97 words
    • 34 6 NEW DEHLI. Thurs. The services of Air India International have been seriously disrupted following a two-day mass casual leave campaign launched by its aircraft maintenance engineers from yesterday. AFP
      AFP  -  34 words
    • 286 6  -  LEE KIM CHEW By Our Bangkok reporter BANGKOK. Thurs. Thai Foreign Minister Siddhi Savetsila has dismissed speculation that Thailand v softening its stand on the Kampucnean issue and made it clear that any change in his government's policy depends on acceptable solutions from the
      286 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 44 6 v' b, A theatre rest. A ncte-club 4th ftr. Peninsula Hotel^^^l liij Street Tel *****7 *****1 Ext 407/408 c rea(ive e Se greatest^ c a ofT1 poser. MATINEE k rw t special X t fc > DATE" GS: H l i T V '<w^F -J
      44 words
    • 40 6 Now, a shirt that's a cut above the others J§|^§j lL Say "My-toga". Mitoga. Arrow's WL, latest- Combining traditional quality. And today's stylish trends. By Arrow. m From $30. the Fashion Fit for Modern Men AAITOGA •Arrows 3urt 1 f^^^^^
      40 words

    • 118 7 Broke Nepal likely to vote against monarchy KATHMANDU, Thurs. Nepal, whose 13.7 million people have one of the world's lowest standards of living and earn an average US$l25 (Ss2so) annually, is on the brink of bankruptcy and is likely to vote for abolishing the monarchy in tomorrow's referendum, experts said
      AFP  -  118 words
    • 62 7 GINGER'S BEST FOOT FORWARD GINGER Rogers, who will be (9 In July, rehearsing s dance routine with other members of the cast of A Rockette Spectacular, in which she is the star, at the Radio City Music Hall In New York on Wednesday. Here she shows that despite her age
      62 words
    • 33 7 BUENOS AIRES. Thurs. More than 16,000 people have been evacuated after a week of torrential rains which flooded nearly half of Argentina's Buenos Aires province,, provincial authorities said yesterday Reuter. I
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 733 7 MILLIONS marched in I May Day parades around the world yesterday calling for a bigger share of i economic and political I power. In JAPAN, an estimated 5.8 million people turned out I in more than 1,000 cities across the country to demonstrate
      Agencies  -  733 words
    • 305 7 Euro-Red meeting heralds further splits PARIS, Thursday THE two-day meeting here of European communist parties may herald further splits in European communism. By faithfully toeing the! Kremlin line on disarmament, the conference! justified the fears of the nine "Euro-Red" parties; that boycotted the meeting. The absentees, in- 1 eluding the
      AFP  -  305 words
    • 99 7 Proposal by Asean runs into resistance UNITED NATIONS, Thurs. The Asean countries encountered strong resistance yesterday to their proposal for a ministerial level conference in Geneva next month on aid to Kampuchea. Vietnam, Laos and Mongolia countered the proposal with a draft resolution appealing only for more aid for Kampuchea
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 61 7 LONDON, Thurs. The first of 11 Nimrod aircraft able to spot enemy attack planes trying to sneak under Britain's land radar screen rolled off the assembly line yesterday. The planes will go into service from early 1982 and will give Britain what some defence experts think
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 185 7 BANGKOK, Than. A I Western-type showdown in the streets of Bangkok, which threatened to blow up Into a midnight gun battle, has simmered Into an uneasy truce. The Incident started I late Tuesday night as the two groups of armed men argued over I who had
      AFP  -  185 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 187 7 80\\ktt,Ddbx Loudness, Faden Autoreverse. The New York Stereo CR from Blaupunkt Blaupunkt have been making car radios CR is yet another example. Compare since 1934. Being one of Europe's largest these features and be convinced, automanufacturers, they invented many of the reverse with tape track indicator. Dolby, features found in
      187 words
    • 420 7 HX fe, fc HI l^i jHUjk v*».^jv 2s Superb Location Rudy Plaza is situated between Balestier Road and Mouimem Road (next to Ruby Theatre) Surrounded by Hoover. President and Ruby Theatres, this tall, impressive building is at the heart of Baiestiers busy commercial district Markets, schools, churches private apartments, etc
      420 words

    • 350 8 REPORTERS: S M Muthu, Edmund Teo, Alice Wong, Sit Meng Chue and Tan Ban Huat PHOTOS by Wan Seng Yip A PERMANENT Secretary and two MPs were among the 12 people who received the Friend of Labour awards at the NTUC
      350 words
    • 237 8 MRS Urn Chee Ou yesterday took ceatre stage (or the first time la the several years siace her husband came to the (are af the labour movement. Dressed In a maave salt, Mrs Urn, the former Miss Christine Parsons, added
      237 words
    • 857 8 tions to the labour movement. As honorary adviser to the PUB Daily-Rated Employees Union, ''his contributions resulted in the amalgamation of the PUB Daily-Rated Electrical, Water, Gas and Transport Workers' Unions into a single PUB Daily-Rated Employees Union." It also noted that he played an
      857 words
    • 408 9 FEWER than 500 workers have been retrenched so far as a result of the high wage policy, Labour Minister Ong Pang Boon said at the May Day rally yesterday. He also assured workers that economic restructuring won't be carried out without consideration
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    • 603 10 NTUC SECRETARY-GENERAL CHEE ONN LEADS THE WAY TWELVE resolutions were passed at the NTUC May Day rally at the Conference Hall yesterday. They were moved by NTUC secretary-general Mr Lim Chee Onn, and endorsed by trade unionists and workers with three resounding "Majullahs"
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    • 251 10 'Movement is committed to the advancement of workers' NTUC president Mr C. V. Devmn Nair yesterday described Singapore's labour movement as being "realistic and committed to the advancement of the workers". This, be said, was based on the reconitlon tbat worker advancement was only possible with the advancement of Singapore.
      251 words
    • 419 10 'Upgrade skills through training and retraining' WORKERS should contin- i ue to upgrade their skills I through training and retraining, and cultivate a good working attitude to ensure that Singapore's economy is successfully restructured. The Secretary-General of NTUC, Mr Lim Chee I Onn, said this during a MM hour television
      419 words
    • 40 10 MR VINCENT CHUA has been elected president of the Life Underwriters Association of Singapore. Other officials are: Mrs Betty Ong. vice-president; Mr Andrew Loh, secretary: Mr Perlberg Choo Chin Siang. asst secretary; and Mr wuliam Yeo, treasurer.
      40 words
    • 237 10 Charity queen quest open to married women MARRIED women and those up to 40 years old can for the first time take part in a charity quest to raise funds for the Spastic Children's Association of Singapore. In the past, Miss Singapore Charity Queen contestants were restricted to singles between
      237 words
    • 65 10 ABOUT $40,000 was raised by some ISO people who took part in iast Sunday's walkathon in aid of the Muslim Missionary Society's education, missionary and social welfare activities. The walkathon. organised by the society's youth section, was flagged off by the Parliamentary Secretary (Communications) and second Parliamentary Secretary
      65 words
    • 148 10 A SOVIET barge-carrying vessel is moored in Singapore for the first time. The vessel, the Julius Fiichik, carries 26 barges which are left behind at ports for the loading of cargo, while the mother ship continues on its journey. These cargo- laden barges are
      148 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 215 8 ■k *R^^2 PI L/»ce a// Samsonite attaches, the Omega /s functionally designed to keep all your papers in order when you have responsibilities to carry, carry them in a samsonite Samsonite designs attaches for people who The Samsonite Omega, for instance, comes carry a lot of responsibilities. Incomparable in complete
      215 words
    • 67 8 H^Bflßr^^l^K^ Available on the Ist Floor, B^ o^^ l^SS%^gS^^T^^W^ Watch Department > W& I Brsgsl^jLJ^^»^ni H^^BMHnnnn^nnßnaM *^^f^ y Mm Bi \W y^4^Byl j| THE SPEOALISISWITH THE SPECIALS Ncm, a sock-it-to-you shirt JjrWJTi Mm Say "My- toga". Mitoga. Arrow's L latest. With action-comfort and Jl illtliSw! X suave 9°°^" looks. You
      67 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 430 9 Visit exquisite, memorable Japan The Shenteurs Hteliance Way with Shentours Reliance, the region's No. 1 Tour Operator. Join the 50,000 satisfied Malaysians Singaporeans who have travelled with us. This unique trip includes Honshu, the main island, and KYUSHU, the delightful southern-most island of Japan. Things to do see 1) 19/21
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 92 10 The Chartered Dank is on the move Fromtt May, 1980 (From 3 Moy to 1 0 Moy. Night Safe 6 Cosh Dispenser facilities will not be available The Chartered Dank Main Office will be located at 21, Raffles Place (opposite the underground car park entrance) M:9«666 We ore moving from
      92 words
    • 127 10 0 HITACHI means QUALITY Now's the time to buy A POWERFUL TOOL AT A VERY TAME PRICE. •NOW $91.00 ONLY USUAL PRICE $145.00 while stocks last HITACHI ELECTRIC DRILL DLIG A I 1 A versatile tool with a wide range of capabilities for industrial, workshop or hobby application. Compact and
      127 words

  • 310 11 4As writ against Yellow Pages publishers By CYNTHIA WEE THE Association of Accredited Advertising Agents (4As) has taken out a writ claiming damages against the publishers of the Yellow Pages for alleged libel against several advertising agencies. The writ filed in the High Court last Wednesday claimed that a letter
    310 words
  • 194 11 Dagger gang robs woman of $14,000 FIVE men armed wit I daggers held up a house wife and got away wit) more than $14,000 in cast and jewellery in Tionj Poh Road on Wednesday Police said Madan Chow Yap Eng, 38, wai hanging out clothes to dr; outside the kitchen
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  • 214 11 'Foreign firms need more tax perks' THE government should give more tax incentives for marketing expenditure to encourage foreign companies to set up marketing departments in their Singapore plants. The setting up of marketing departments independent of the marketing and distribution depart- ments of the parent company will give local
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  • 56 11 THE Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry will hold a meeting soon with representatives of trade associations and civic organisations to explain to them its plans to build a Guild House in Telok Ayer Street. Work on the proposed 30storey Guild House, costing $25 million,
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  • 89 11 SINGAPORE Broadcasting Corporation news reader Shirley Hew in her new attire. (The picture of Thai Foreign Minister Marshal Siddhl Savetsila appears on the TV screen on the right.) Woman news readers yesterday started wearing the clothes of their choice op to a point. Go»e Is the
    89 words
  • 170 11 THE Singapore Broadcasting Corporation will be commercialising its TV timecheck clockface from next month. It has invited tenders for sale sponsorship of the clockface to advertisers at a commercial rate based on the 15-second sound slide base rates for the respective languages. With this
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  • 199 11 STORIES WITH A MORAL FROM 36 PUPILS THIRTY-SIX students took part in an interschool bilingual speech contest organised by the Singapore Junior Safety Council at the Anglo-Chi-nese Junior College on Tuesday. The contest was divided Mo five sections from primary to pre-university levels. The participants had to give a speech
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  • 286 11 APOLLO Hotel has taken the lead in warning its guests against "pretty girls" offering massage services with the motive of pilfering. Written in English and r Japanese, a circular to hotel guests said that recently, some "illegal or- ganisations" have "infiltrated" many hotels
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  • 26 11 THE Bras Basah youth group will organise a trip to Pulau Tioman from May 25 to 28. Those interested should telephone .*****1 or *****9.
    26 words
  • 172 11 Margaret to call on Sheares today PRINCESS Margaret, looking attractive in a soft beige dress, arrived here yesterday for a four-day official visit She was accompanied by Lord Napier, her private secretary and two ladies-in-waiting. The princess was received by the Minister for National Development, Mr Teh Cheang Wan. Also
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 323 11 What is thrilling the great chefs of Europe? Muhrl Ihi-urrl AaavAajß Cuisine Libre! First rime in Singapore at the Hilton FESTIVAL GASTRONOMIQUE Fri. April 25~Sun.May 11. Tocelebrate SPRINGTIME IN PARIS Cuisint- Libre tht greatest interpreted by Michel Theurel. at hievement to which a c het can one ot Europe's best
      323 words
    • 169 11 Wiy up in style. Unexcelled in performance, comfort, safety and economy. vnnnk Wr S% M^lffnnnnll ls||^j| Wkilte^'nn^^^^^^^^^^^^SSS^S^^nnnnnnß If I Unanimous acclaim has boen won by this incredibly \rw fN. advanced Peugeot. Not only overseas but in the local media v I of Sunday Times, Business Times, Asian Auto and Auto
      169 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 798 12 Springtime in Fbrfc -^O^jL A nationwide festival Mwlw c f#B "*^%f l r j7\ sponsored by SOPEXA^tJIL "*H —j\ U V^- I f^J}} Cs v) French Airlines SB /W/ SHANGRI-LA Melodic de Paris, 24-26 April HILTON Festival Gastronomique, 25 April —1 1 May ISETAN French Fair 1980 25 April 4
      798 words
    • 74 12 \3^7Blanc de Blancs 730 ml $8.79 >^ Beaujolais 730 ml $11.99 S&tiL BARTON cSj GUESTIER Pontet Latour 750 ml $14^8 Sampling at Orchard Road and Holland Village LOUIS ROEDERER Champagne N.V. 750 ml $32.99 p SEMPE MUSKETEER V Armagnac 550 ml $82.49 RIVOCCA Noodle Flat (Tagliatelle) 500g $1.37 Macaroni Butterfly
      74 words

    • 137 13 TONNES af aJamlalam wkick aerved mjumIIlags af the N«l Hatel rimr eraahaag iawa la hasy Jalaa Baklt Btataag, Kaaia I<ampT, darlag a kea.v> tbin4rr§t*rm yesteriaf. A tajd driver wktir veMele waa tiappei la tke fklllar ae»p W aJamirf^m, ka4 mlrarDl*as eacape, while M
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    • 507 13  - Will Thach's visit lead to a speedy solution? CHEONG MEI BUI Commentary by of the New Straits Times KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday VIETNAMESE Foreign Minister Nguyen Co Thach's visit to Malaysia next week and Thailand later in the month has aroused considerable interest here. The question being asked is whether be
      NST  -  507 words
    • 427 13 Softer MTUC stand on jobs Act moves KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday MALAYSIAN Trades Union Congress president P.P. Narayanan, in a speech that revealed a softening of MTUC's stand, today described the proposed amendments to the Employment Ordinance as containing some improvements. "One cannot deny this fact," he told the 1,000 workers
      NST  -  427 words
    • 149 13 Armed forces looking for more grads KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Armed Forces aims to have a quarter of its officer corps filled by university graduates by 1990, the Malaysian Armed Forces Chief of Personnel Staff, Mai Gen Datuk Jaafar Onn, said yesterday. This is necessary because the gradual upgrading of
      NST  -  149 words
    • 57 13 SHAH ALAM. Thurs Three men, one believed to be armed with a pistol, staged a payroll grab at a factory here and got away with $100,000 yesterday Klang OCPD. Supt Esa bin Haji Hassan, said the robbers entered the Associated Plastic Industry Sdn Bhd at 3,07 p.m. and
      NST  -  57 words
    • 156 13 PENANG, Thurs. Tour agencies here have called on Malaysian Airline System to increase the number of flights out of Penang, especially to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, during holidays and weekends. They said it was difficult to get seats during holidays and weekends, especially
      NST  -  156 words
    • 111 13 TAIPINO, Thurs A slx-month-old baby waa snatched from her rot la her bedi«*m while her mother was praying at the hack af the beaae here yesterday. Yew Pah Galk, is the .Younneftt af fear children of contract worker Yew Cheac Bak. Her sister aad two
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 130 13 V, Mmi flat J mW -4^ **aW m\ W a*^ JaWlalaaty^afJCV M aW aw* 1 A Gem of an Investment At Constellation Jewellers, we import and wholesale certified diamonds for investment and for the discernings, we have at our helm, a graduate Gemologist, of the Gemological Institute of America. for
      130 words
    • 429 13 aLJakaUabaft^a^a^LaU.! ThaO Diaf*af\ata IaTDC The versatile Ricoh KRS The first tKS l\l\a*%dfl IVLrVZa). SLR camera designed tor the family For clear, accurate p»cture-taking in three easy steps. Focus, by bringing TMA Q Tf f 1^ together the halves of the focussing II IV •aJaWIX. WCII I Ivl d circle Then
      429 words

  • 174 14 TIMES change and so does the appearance of Clifford Pier, one of Singapore's most famous landmarks. In February the pier had a coffee house and some 30 shops and offices. Only three harbour cruise agency offices remained tnere yesterday. Most of the shops have moved
    174 words
  • 305 14  -  GERALD PEREIRA By POLICE are investigating allegations that two national service constables from the Orchard Road police station went to see a film-show during duty hours and left behind a service revolver in the cinema. The officer-in-charge of the station, acting Deputy Supt
    305 words
  • 55 14 A CONTRACT worker from India, died at Toa Payoh Hospital yesterday after he fell Into a hatch while working on the British registered oU tanker. Texaco Liverpool. Police, who identified the man as Mr Sukumaran Saji, 20, said be was working with six other workers
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  • 14 14 Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei arrived here yesterday for a private visit.
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  • 160 14 MEMBERS of residents' committees who prove to be reliable and effective should be allowed some say in managing public housing estates and in dealing with community affairs. The Minister for Trade and Industry and MP for Marine Parade, Mr Goh Chok Tong, said this in last
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  • 569 14 FIVE civil servants assigned to residents committees in an experiment to project the service as a "feeling and not autocratic" establishment are finding the exercise rewarding. The five, who began their stint last November, have not only established rapport with those they
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 585 14 LowßEy ■r^s ORGAN (USA) X ■Lkw 37 ST AMFORD ROAD, SINGAPORE 061 7 Wr-^ TEL: *****5 *w. v a sly s\i 1 I SPECIAL 4 MlMi OFFER EE Model: tgo 1 I miuwtfiwHSinm JHDB Usual Price $7,800.00 S Now $4,999 00 jWjiMm^R 3^B Magic Genie Kerocong. Boogie Woogie 1 with
      585 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 187 14 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh Hal Camp rrwMc -rr. aco Tifi«<; von I I <=*" INI<^ >l I BUT X CAN I, I I'M &OIN© TO~\ I -?r \»^i?t ABicTTr! OPAWCWO /NO, THINK OP ONE BED.DAHLX- I TMOU&MT /fi^ rttri^i /V»EANIN<3 /I IN TEN LETTERS I SUDOENLV 7 YOU
      187 words

  • 269 15  -  JANIE KHOO By THE Singapore Government has sought the help of the United Nations Development Programme to conduct studies into hotel training facilities here. Sources said this is a preliminary step towards securing financial help from UNDP to develop the hotel
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  • 285 15 Truck grazed against bicycle, court told A HOUSING Board sweeper died of injuries he suffered in an accident involving a Ministry of Defence truck as he was cycling home after work along Henderson Road. A district court heard on Wednesday that Quek Chwee Seng, 39. fell off his bicycle and
    285 words
  • 39 15 THE MP for Mountbatten. Mr Eugene Yap. will officiate at the Mountbatten Zone 6 Resi- j dents Committee clean-up campaign at Blocks 93 and 97. Jalan Ova. and Block 99. Old Airport Road, on Sunday at 9.3tfTm.
    39 words
  • 29 15 PAYA Lebar Zone A' Resi- dents Committee will screen a film show. Jaws, at the children's playground near Block 6. Lorong Lew Lian, tomorrow at 8 p.m.
    29 words
  • 98 15 A COMPACT home air conditioner, three-quar-ters the size of regular air-conditioners, is one of the new products Mitsubishi Electric is planning to introduce into Singapore. Mr Yasuo Hoshiai. Mitsubishi's marketing manager for South-east Asia and Australia, said at its dealer's convention on Monday
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  • 225 15 Bring back the carefree school holidays' SCHOOL holidays are meant to give children the breaks they need between school terms, says The Mentor, a publication of the Singapore Teachers Union. The week-long vacation in early March was not a break for many children, it says. The demands of school and
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  • 37 15 AN exhibition. The Life and Art of Hans Christian Ander son. at the National Museum Art Gallery will be extended to Sunday. It is open daily from 10.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is free.
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  • 407 15 WHAT would you have doae If yon had owned a bin double-storeyed house la a qaJet part of Chinatown 44 years ago? For Mr Leoag Kook Loy, then a much younger man of S3, the best bet was to start a rectaaraat. Which was exactly
    407 words
  • 192 15  -  PAUL JANSEN By Our Jurong reporter THE Housing Board has shelved plans to try out coin-operated ticket dispensing machines at selected carparks as a substitute for parking attendants. It is understood that the board is now in favour of i adopting the parking
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  • 122 15 HDB plans two more blocks of maisonettes THE Housing Board plans to build two block of maisonettes in a second housing estate. It has invited tenders for the construction of the two 11-storey blocks in Towner Road. These blocks will contain four-room or fiveroom units designed along the lines of
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 153 15 00»0 0»s ANvogO»0»f>»Q00+»O04>A NvogO»0»f>»Q00+»O0 4> SANYO Sensational 4-Speaker S Portables. 9 M9990K M9&3OK 9 jjj 4 Band Stereo Radio/Cassette 4-Band Stereo Radio/Cassette 0 Recorder with LCD Quartz Recorder with 4-Speaker jay 9 Digital Clock and Alarm System. V 0 Function. 3000mW x 2 max output W A 3,500mW x 2
      153 words
    • 115 15 MORNING, NOON AND NIGHT TO BANGKOK. 28 RIGHTS WEEKLY. bib aW: 111 Jna^asßaaaM^S<*^^Baa W nflLvH^H SaVaaVa^BßMK'': :^^Hnaßl'* r Jbbb !aaßWvaam^BaVßaß^Ba% 1 ißßg* naa^^^ J' Ba^Bat^BaW^ r^ arfnT ffnaß I •4 U I Hflafl w&Kfj&mA SIA offers you 28 nonstop flights weekly to Bangkok the biggest choice. A daily 7478 service
      115 words

  • The Straits Times FRIDAY.MAY 2,1960
    • 376 16 SINGAPORE workers by and large have accepted the need for training and retraining as the Republic accelerates the move to capital and skill-intensive industries. Most know this is where they will find the better-paid and more satisfying jobs for which skill acquisition is a must. There is, however,
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    • 357 16 ONE UN Secretary-General saw the world as "a picture containing both light and shadow." Today the darkest of shadows must undoubtedly fall on the famine-stricken land of Kampuchea. It is the "grave crisis" there that has moved Asean's UN representatives to call for an international ministerial conference in
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  • 939 16 Accusations that Britain has abused its power over its colony have been flying around in Hongkong. British Airways has been the subject of increasing complaints at both ends of the route about planes being late and a deterioration in inflight service, raising hopes
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  • 906 16  -  LIESL QRAZ By in GENEVA Special to the Straits Times IN the chorus of criticism of international organisations, it is nice to be able to talk about one that is simply going about its work, modestly and efficiently, launching no thunderbolts and throwing
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  • 738 16  -  JACK RUSSELL By Our Tokyo Reporter IF the Japanese are workaholics, why are they eagerly looking forward to the string of "Golden Week" holidays and why do they want yet another holiday 9 There are three holidays in Golden Week beginning with the Kmperor's Birthday on
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 4 16 lid! 3VA IT BaMKaWtTaRLMe
      4 words
    • 484 16 THE STRAITS TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1980 I /y»\} SINGAPORE I XSB?S CONTACT LENS f SOCIETY The following members are CONTACT LENS PRACTITIONERS C OPHTHALMIC OPTICIANS OPTOMETRISTS E. J BENJAMIN eowaho j kwmmm M.A.1.. F.A.C.LP. hi f '< '04 Fa#n Srxwng Centre Tanghr Roar "?69 ?355?56 CHEN TIN FOOK OAHSiNOPTco
      484 words

    • 440 17 The missing link in productivity improvement RECENTLY. Mr Lim Chee Onn, SecretaryGeneral of the NTUC, in his speech at an Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society dinner (ST. March 17), stressed that it is everyone's responsibility to develop a quality labour force in our
      440 words
    • 173 17 IT IS high time the relevant authorities looked into our 13th-month bonus. At present, this system often works only for those who complete their service on Dec 31 each year. I feel that this is discrimination. I am sure there are quite a number of
      173 words
    • 220 17 BRAVO, T. L. Taa ("Let ns show oar flag where it eaute: Boycott the Olympics," CT April !4)! May yaar perceptive, strsag ana* calmly delivered views he heeded ami emitnet. I da aat think that much caa he added to this balanced letter, except to
      220 words
    • 190 17 AS THE author of "The World of Frank Richards," the life story of the remarkable man who created the immortal stories of Greyfriars School, Harry Wharton and the Famous Five and, of course, Billy Bunter, the Fat Owl of the Remove, I
      190 words
    • 97 17 Shave and a haircut... how much? BEFORE the 1979 National Wages Council increases a haircut cost only $2. The NWC give us an increase of 6 per cent but the Singapore Barbers' Association increased the price of a haircut from $2 to $2.50, a net increase of 25 per cent.
      97 words
    • 88 17 THOUSANDS of residents in the Stirling Road Mci Chin Road Mci Ling Street area would appreciate it if the authorities concerned could kindly open a post office including a POSB counter in this area. The large vacant area on the first floor of Mci Chin Road
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    • 88 17 RECENTLY I went to credit a Malaysian bank draft into my Post Office Savings Bank account and I was asked what is the draft for and why was it issued to me. The girl would not credit it to my account until I told her.
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    • 184 17 Reduce PUB deposit to a month's usage WITH the latest round of increases in utilities rates, consumers will soon be required by the Public Utilities Board to make an additional deposit against supplies. Tnis will in turn enhance the coffers of the PUB. Let us assume that there are 300,000
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    • 162 17 How to keep the PIN a secret RECENTLY I completed the highly secretive process of obtaining the Post Office Savings Bank Cash-On-Line card and the Personal Identification Number (PIN). Owing to the need to keep the PIN secret, this process took about a month. However, when I went to the
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    • 80 17 I WAS shocked when an elderly man, who gave his signature in Chinese on his Post Office Savings Bank withdrawal form, was not allowed to draw his money. The reason given by the POSB girl was that no one at their headquarters understood Chinese. What if
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    • 112 17 FITNESS CERT AND X-RAY: WHY ARE THEY REQUIRED? ACCORDING TO the article, "PA drive to register the retired for jobs" (ST. April 8), the People's Association's aim is the praiseworthy one of relieving the plight of the retired with small pensions or without any means of support. However, in their
      112 words
    • 366 17 Why this silence in the face of call to raise pensions? FOLLOWING the oil crises, the Singapore Bus Service raised its fares, the Public Utilities Board its electricity and gas charges, the Ministry of Health its consultation, admission and laboratory charges, the Ministry of Education its school fees and GCE
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    • 149 17 WE, the pensioners of the Port of Singapore Authority, are paid our pensions at the end of every month, on the 30th or 31st. Why can't the PSA pay us early, at the same time the PSA staff is paid? We also have our families, and
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 21 17 BBBAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbJ Tar *T i£^:T:*S WF^ B^E^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^EB^BH W^'f"' _^BaßMaV^^Ba^Ba^Bal Ba^Ba^Ba^BaflH GanJ^ Vfla^HaT-' Ba^Ba^saW OIT JL^L^M ■Jlfe*. 00 Modal WWA 5412 C*p«*y:*3l££g§|fl| a^a^Ha^Ha^a^a^a^aHalate^
      21 words

  • 765 18  -  JALEAN HAN JR and D on Asian food products By LOCAL food manufacturers are using Singapore as a base to develop new methods of mass producing Oriental food products. In the past 20 years, popular Asian foods and drinks such as chicken and beef curry, spiced prawns,
    765 words
  • 317 18 Group calls special tea to promot Asean shipping Group calls for special team to promote Asean shipping THE Asean ad hoc working group on shipping has called for the setting up of an Asean unit or a team of experts in the Asia and Pacific Secretariat of the United Nations
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  • 212 18 Tanjong Pagar Complex shops get four-month extension THE Port Authority has given more than 30 shopowners in its Tanjong Pagar Complex a four-month extension of the deadline to vacate the premises they are occupying on the second floor. The extension will give them more time to find alternative sites. Letters
    212 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 291 18 from JAPAN. LATEST I7v, 0 HITACHI COLOUR TV Ljm j■l i 1 1 [Xmn pd\ment $***** onl\ O 12 months $***** T-2 \ean. guarantee SaV6 WattS. SaV6 o 24 months v -?oo J Money! Low Power O JO months x ■'000-3 \ears guarantee rental: $63 oo onK per month Consumption
      291 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 194 18 Straits Times Crossword ACB08B p n <* Ihat ets firsl '•>' round embedded in tree (6) 5 SoWier (rapped in overturned 5 Qjve .formation mos ,i y about vehicle it s very sad (6) uam ictueviBg a a^p (6) 6 Arrogance bnngs setback for swauowing bacon, knight near the nave
      194 words

  • 327 19 POSB ups interest rates on savings THE Pwt Office Savings Bank has announced a one-point rise In Interest rate to 7 per eeat tar savings deposits of up to SlM.Mt and a •.75-point rise to 5 per rent for deposits exceeding $1MJN with Immediate effect. Credit POSB, the housing loan
    327 words
  • 39 19 THE Mountbatten community centre will hold classes in western cooking, jelly making, dress making, cake making, Lion dance, pugilistics, basketball (women), basketball (men), table tennis an volleyball. For details telephone *****7 between 3 p.m. and 10 p.m.
    39 words
  • 358 19  -  VERNON NUNIS By MOST of the potential honours candidates of Nanyang University who were approached for their views on a twoyear honours course for them at the merged National University of Singapore, said that they were against the idea. The inquiry was
    358 words
  • 92 19 Mandarin contest 'well received' THERE was good response to the Speak More Mandarin essay writing competition organised by the Fong Clan General Association, its chairman, Mr Fong Hick Loong said. The working committee received 534 essays, mostly from teachers and tertiary and Pre-University students when entries closed last week. What
    92 words
  • 183 19 Jail and cane for two who robbed schoolboy A SOLDIER and a youth were charged with robbing and assaulting a 17-year-old schoolboy, changed their minds half-way through the trial and pleaded guilty on Wednesday. Soldier Manjeet Singh, 20, and Shersha bin Mohamed Mustafa, 18, unemployed, changed their minds after a
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  • 247 19 THE days of sending search clerks to the Registry of Companies to inspect company files will be over when a microfilming service is started there. The service is expected to begin once all the records at the registry have been microfilmed. So
    247 words
  • 62 19 THE Kolam Ayer constituency meet- the- people sessions will be held at two alternative places from this month. During the first Wednesday of each month, the sessions will be held at the PAP Kolam Ayer Educational Centre in Block 12, Upper Boon Keng Road. The sessions for subsequent
    62 words
  • 171 19  -  PAUL JANSEN By Our Jurong Reporter EIGHT terraced factories to be constructed by Juronc Town Corporation In Loyang will be futuristic In design but will maintain the corporation's Industrial park concept. Known as Type TC, these factories will be the largest designed by
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 314 19 Shentours MW})) Reliance ■m\\\ The better way to a beautiful and memorable holiday. Thailand-New Destinations Discover the "unexplored" tourist sights. Experience the excitement of f irst-time-ever" attractions in all four tour packages. 5 days 8 days 8 days Bangkok/ 8 days Bangkok/ Bangkok/Pattaya/ Chiengmai/Chiengrai Natural Delights Pattaya Chengmai and the
      314 words
    • 250 19 V HEFU RENOVATION CO BEE LEE COMPANY PTE LTD J i* GENERAL CONTRACTORS (shell service stat.on) J^ 4-B Lorong Halwa, Singapore 1 129 Tel: *****35 Authorised TOYOTA SERVICE DEALER MAIN CONTRACTOR FOR <° UP C E a norP^ ROad THE NEW BORNEO MOTORS Teh *****51 *****4 'SHOWROOM AT EAST COAST
      250 words

      • 684 20 tONDON. Wed- The market closed firm after a moderately active session, dealers said. The FT index was up 3.7 to 440.4 points at the close. After early firmness, government bonds slipped 14 point at the long end on reports that a policeman was being held hostage inside the
        684 words
      • 206 20 NEW YORK. Wed— A drop In food and silver prices raised hopes for an easing of inflation and the stock market rallied to rlose higher in moderate trading. Early in the session, the market sagged following news of a 2.6 per cent fall in the March index of
        206 words
      • 51 20 FINANCIAL TIMEB INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 440.4 Tuesday 436.7 Week Ago 435.2 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 817.06 Tuesday 811.09 Week Ago 789.25 H.K.HANG SENG Thursday 863.88 Wednesday 867.90 Week Ago 866.37 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Thursday W9.53 Wednesday 598.93 Week Ago 600.26 ALL ORDINARIES Thursday 783.76 Wednesday 783.17 Week Ago 780
        51 words
      • 765 20 HONGKONG: Stocks closed mainly easier yesterday, on continued profit-taking which took 4.02 points off the Hang I Seng index, bringing it to a close of 863.88 points, dealers 1 said. The index had gained 5.30 points around the mid-morning session on market speculation that local interest rates may be
        765 words
      • 313 20 SYDNEY: Energy stocks firmed as heavyweight mining and industrial stocks languished on erratic metal prices and interest rate nervousness yesterday, brokers said. Rundle shale oil leader OntnU PaeaV gained $2 to As4s and partner Saithera Paotflr $1 to $16.00 following a progress report on the project. CSR which added
        313 words
      • 69 20 TOKYO: Share prices closed mixed yesterday, after a day of lark-lustre trading through I out the day, dealers said The Dow Jones average fell 0.48 to close at 6,865 08 points, with a volume of 430 million shares The New index closed al 46K IK. up 0 37 point
        69 words
      • 199 20 London forex market LONDON: The US dollar held steady through the day to close around opening levels on Wednesday, while sterling came under slight selling pressure, though little affected by news of a raid on the Iranian Embassy here, dealers said. They reported generally quiet trading ahead of the month-end
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      • 125 20 KUALA LUMPUR: Esso Malaysia Bhd announced a net after-tax 1979 profit of MJ23 .7 million ($23 1 million), on a turnover of $889 million ($7OB million). A final dividend of 35 cents gross (same), making a total of 60 cents (45 cents), payable on
        125 words
      • 168 20 LONDON Tin on the day was up £120 for Cash and £70 for Three Months standard while High Grade rose £115 and £75 on Wednesday The afternoon market was shaded by profit-taking after this morning's rise with Three Months trading back to £7,620 in the King before final
        168 words
      • 307 20 LONDON' Rubber Futures closed quiet on Wednesday, with gains from yesterday of 1 30 to 0 50p per kilo Turnover was 10 lots of five! tonnes and 171 lots of 15 tonnes There were no over- j night Kerb trades and no Op- 1 lions were traded Dealers said
        307 words
      • 72 20 Melhout ne 1 1 1 unavil 462 4K London 512OOB 516 DOB 516 OOS 520 OOS Zumh 515 OOB 517 OOB MO OOS 522 OOS Paris ***** 53S70 111 n. M H..nuK<inK 509 OW) 514 OOB 511 OOS 516 OOS Singapore 1 > rlosrd 52U OOB loved 523 OOS
        72 words
      • 36 20 LONDON Copper prim on Wednesday iprrvuius in hi.irkrtM Wirebar Spm 1.906 il <MI7 i SPIN- 1 s 1909 (1908). Three Month buyers i|.934 SOI. si- 1 In cm (on NUrWrl tew: Kirn.i Kate*: 15.100 tonnes
        36 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 624 20 Tender Notice Tenders ore invited forI SUPPLIES Tender No. PT/75/80(X) Supply of 480 not Metal Terminal Box 80 pairs complete with strips. Eligibility: Registered Contractors Class B, C D Non-Registered Contractors Deposit S$25O.0O Closing Date: 6 June 1980 b) Tandor No. PT/76/80(X) Supply of 3,400 sots Clip Pol* Fitting 76mm
      624 words
    • 539 20 i >a//7z.//v.£rs' iSSSJ m S? TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY. DELIVERY W A AND INSTALLATION OF WASHROOM A ACCESSORIES IN SIA GROUP PROJECTS JL AT CHANGI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT g; Singapore Airlines Limited (SIA) invites ten- Jjp ders for the supply, delivery and installation ot washroom accessories in the SIA (Group) aP
      539 words
    • 581 20 GM Singapore 1 (AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS) Due to rapid growth, we are looking for individuals with strong leadership qualities to |oin our Company We have immediate openings for PRODUCT/DESIGN SUPPORT ENGINEER OR SPECIALIST Degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering with 2 or more years experience in analysis of AM. FM or TV components
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 535 21 1284-*****1 284-4411 1 I WHERE TO EAT GRILL/COFFEE HOUSE Tb«*naii Man Mezuaia* Fleer Kjj£ COME ENJOY OUR W AJRFLOWN STEAKS LATEST Sg Kg MENU FOR THE GOURMETS W {fig'CXJR SUCCULENT TENDER AIRFLOWNSpB *{y* STEAKS have bear, ecclalmed by customer* as 51* SmS one of the best offers In town. rVX
      535 words
    • 766 21 Mainly for.l J SECONDHAND CAMERA CENTRE. 157 Photographic £5 Equipment/ r Bei«* camerai sm K auult.k.. l s "> 1"'1 Trading Company WatCheS 00-a Sim Lint Tower *****(52 3 or 177 Middle Road 31.529/ *****7 ZEISS WEST GERMANY BINOCULARS gfim Designed especially for the spons and outdoor enthusiast. Rugged, made
      766 words
    • 1313 21 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX Telephone Service *****22 Monday Friday 830om-SOOpm Ordnory 70 cl» per -ofd irrw, TIO iO) I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE Soturdo, f,X O »o7su^?°Ts^. WO-ptoy SI2 00 p., co**nn cm EMPLOYMENT Pubkc HoMcw 900 o m I 00 p m %36 001 Sfrc-H T«»e, VEHICLES
      1,313 words
    • 1158 21 II EMPLOYMENT 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a l a^a l ß^»«l^ PROJECT ENGINEER/MANAGER CICUCDICC A Australian X. ni<i neenng rignCnlCO Company requires a Project DFCPADrU Knuineer Manager for its SinganCOCMnun pore branch office lo further exCVDCDTC l )l (1 activities into the S
      1,158 words
    • 581 21 II EMPLOYMENT An established company invites suitably qualified Singaporeans to apply for the post of SENIOR ACCOUNTS CLERK The successful candidate must possess good GCE results with strong credits In English and Maths and Higher LCC In accounting or its equivalent. The person we look for should have at least
      581 words
    • 617 21 I ESTABLISHED FIRM IN SEMBAWANG A mvile* applications lor the fet- lowing positions 1) GENERAL CLERKS a OCE C level a Commencing salary $270 per month 2) ACCOUNTS CLERKS c GCE O level with credit in Principles ot Ace Relevant working experience will be an i advantage but not essential
      617 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 671 22 II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant b) Secretariat and Clerical FEMALE OFFICE ASSISTANT required immediately Accurate !>ping Minimum U' level Apply to *M Geylang Road. Spore 1438 FEMALE TYPISTS WANTED Reply staling salary expected and telephone number to PO Box 398. Colombo Court
      671 words
    • 478 22 SPECIAL PROJECT FOR GOOD TYPISTS Working hours:- 2 p.m. 1 p.m. Duration:- 2 weeks (MID To END May) Going on leave' Want to earn axtra money? Ring for your special job. *****26 Tractors Limited A SUBSIDIARY OF TRACTORS MALAYSIA BCRNAD invites applicelions from Singapore Citizens or perma 1) RECEPTIONIST/ TYPIST
      478 words
    • 496 22 RTttjTt^ requires CLERK/ TYPIST REQUIREMENTS: a Mm 3 OCE <> level passes including English and I Mathematics c Typing speed 35 U> «0 wpm j c Above 18 years old c Preferably with 2 years' working experience In shipping' documentation BENEFITS: .ii i iiKKi starling pay b) Free meal and
      496 words
    • 667 22 PRINTERS A CONVERTERS PTE LTD requires TELEPHONE OPERATOR I c I'referably with experience c (iiiod voice and pleasant personality I a CiHKi command of English and local dialects I c Able lo type or do clerical work I Salary between $220 5320 depending on qualifications S-day week plus normal fringe
      667 words
    • 741 22 I^B^B^B^B^L^B^Bm The Sole Agent ol well known brands Swiss Welches urgently requires MALE GENERAL CLERKS c Possess O.C.E. 'O' level I with credit in Maine m.ltirs c Able to type accurately at reasonable speed c Completed fulillme Na- llonal Service I Please submit full resume, together with paeeport-sized photograph (non-returnable)
      741 words
    • 540 22 An eslsbhshed oiltield equipmen manufacturer in Jurong. requires a BALES CO-ORDtNATOR c Age 23 years or older c Completion of NS preferred Qualifications c Technician Diploma In Me chanlcal Engineering o equivalent c Alternatively a diploma v Business Study or equlva lent c Good oral and written com mand of
      540 words
    • 748 22 EXPERIENCED SALESGIRLS (CHI- I 1 NESE) wauled Working hours 930 am lo 6 p m Sundays closed Apply personally at 55 I North Bridge Road from I 30 I P 111 In h p 111 i I FEMALE I SALES ASSISTANTS Wanted c Ability to speak Japanese an 1 advantage
      748 words
    • 681 22 POLYFORM ENGINEERING PTE LTD requires MALE/FEMALE SALES ENGINEER lor Formtie Hardware end Steel SceMolding a Singapore Polytechnic or Ngee Ann Technical College Building Diploma a Completed full-time National Service a Possess Class 3 driving licence but own transport preferred Please apply staling details of experience, current and expected salary together
      681 words
    • 324 22 An established company urgently requires A) ELECTRONIC SUPERVISOR c Good in digital engineering or TTL. c Possess relevant Poly Diploma or equivalent B) ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS c Able to understand TTL. c With experience in .soldering c Completed N S Interested pleeee caN:***** lor an appointment. ASSISTANT LABORATORY ANALYST required c
      324 words
    • 430 22 ENGINEERING COMPANY REOUIRES Drive* -urn Kilter and Apprentices Interested, call at Blk 7. 3 7 Kallang Place, during vi rue hours FETIM A) ASSISTANT ELECTRICIANS B) ASSISTANT MECHANICS c Experience not necessary c Class 3 driving .icence preferable interested applicants, kindly call personally today a tomorrow, during office hours at
      430 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 476 23 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant d) Technical requires MALE/FEMALE QUALITY INSPECTORS (Process Control) c Minimum 3 OCE O' level passes, preferably In Science stream. c To perform quality control functions on the production line. c Prepared to do shift work. a) Good starting pay. I) Free meal and tea. c)
      476 words
    • 449 23 Major Food Manufacturer In Queen.slown invites applications for ihe post of 1) MECHANICS c Singapore Citizen above 23 years of age c ITB Trade Certificate in Mechanical/ Maintenance Fillings or Machining c Completed NS c Experience not necessary 2) BOILERMAN c Class II Boiler Certificate c Preferably with al least
      449 words
    • 401 23 II EMPLOYMENT 1 ELECTRICIAN Minimum I year's Held exprrience with ITB Certi'irate preferable but not essential I Must possess own motorcycle Meeaenno ■MM tor appointment c) Domestic COMPANY REOUMES URGENTLY Live-in Domestic Help for English family S3OO p in CPF. bonus, etc Interested contact *****5 ext 28 DOMESTIC HELP Pleasant
      401 words
    • 427 23 MM si FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS JOIN US NOW And Learn all about TV Manufacture AT GE (USA) TELEVISION APPLIANCE PTE LTD 159-C. BLK 2. BOON KENG ROAO Singapore 1233 Mon To Fri: 8 30 am 11 30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m.— 4.30 p.m. Sat: 8.30 a.m. to 12 30 P
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    • 240 23 II EMPLOYMENT body's Talking About Learning Skills Here's your chance to start learning now! Join Us As A Female Operator We'll teach you new and technical skills in Colour TV/Radio production. Don't be left out when all your friends are making headway. Your joining ESE is the start of a
      240 words
    • 97 23 r BBBBBBJP^r^late^rT^Jal ZS^^L^^^^^^JaXX^^^Sfiashr interested applicants, please apply personally with i.e. to: POLYCORE OPTICAL PTE. LTD. BLOCK 3, IA4A IST FLOOR KALLANG WAY SINGAPORE 1334 TEL; 253M73 7. CARPENTERS (SKILLED/SEMI-SKILLED) c Very ittr;utl.e startlnu sa Ury c Inrmnenl upon ronflnaa Uaa s ll BsSSMD p.iwnt-Mt c Quarterly attendance bonus c T.Kil.illovi.iine
      97 words
    • 383 23 II EMPLOYMENT fit" A large watch manufacturing company requires: FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Requirements: Age 16 and above Primary above Experience not necessary Citizens/ non-cltlzens are welcome WE OFFER: Attractive salary No shift work. Kree uniforms. Opportunities for overseas training. 26 company off days Paid annual leave, compassionate leave, etc. AWS,
      383 words
    • 271 23 I I llßaa^^asfl M«nul»c t ur t el Color TV in Vitwi •pp4)Ce)ttOf>S tor FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS c 16 years and older c Primary School Education c Citizens or Non-Clllzens We oner c High starting pay c Transport Allowance c Full Attendance Allowance c Piped-ln Music and Air Conditioned Comfort
      271 words
    • 403 23 II EMPLOYMENT [a TENRYU (S) PTE LTD Precision Engineering/ watch making industry Come and |oin us MALE/FEMALE MACHINE OPERATORS urgently required Male, preferably completed National Service We invite Singapore/ NonSWiaopors citizens, slalaytlan j cHtxens. housewives, age IS 38 years. Education: Mlnlmym Primery S Inatjsh/ Chinese. WE OFFER: c High starting
      403 words
    • 432 23 I We ara a member of the HITACHI GROUP We need male GENERAL WORKERS for our Jurong Factory c Age 17 years and above, c Candidates must be prepared to do 3 shifts. Benefits:e Take home pay up to $350. c Shift allowance, attendance allowance, free transport and uniforms. c
      432 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 690 24 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant H) Gmmmrml AIWA/ATLAS ELECTP.OOBCS (SINGAPORE) •TE.LTD. (1) SILKSCREEN OPERATORS (FEMALE) Secondary education Preferably with working c perlence (2) JUNIOR STORE KEEPERS (MALE) Completed National Servlci Preferably with 1 year worl ing experience c Those who have applli previously need not apply Please call personally with
      690 words
    • 824 24 drivers moummo bwmemateLV. Must be over 23 years and licence over 2 years Apply personally G4. Leisure-Drome No a, Stadium Walk. Spore 1439 DELIVERY MAN REOUMED. Interested call personally at M 4 Ocylang Road, tel: *****7 DESPATCH RtDCR WANTED. Must be able to ride motorcycle. cnows Singapore roads well. especially
      824 words
    • 518 24 II EMPLOYMENT FACTORY WORKERS American menuloctunnsj arm requires > workers lor pormonsnl let shift (7.30 am. to J.JOpm snd 1 worker fer permenonl 3rd shift (11 30pm teTJgam) c 5-day work week c n5O per day shift allowance for 3rd shift only c Free medical benefits c Transport lo and
      518 words
    • 631 24 LA T AVERNA RESTAURANT requires WAITERS/WAITRESSES c We pay attractive salary according to experience c (iood fringe benefits: Medical and hospitalisatlon, annual Increment. NWC. AWS. free meals, matrimonial leave compassionate leave. 10 days annual leave c Applicants must be between 17 and 32 years of age. with pleasant personality and
      631 words
    • 565 24 II EMPLOYMENT MtorfMCMfitM HMtrwMfwnttttiOfi find cations for the toaowing posts: 1. STOW CLERK Salary 1400 per month. Applicant must possess minimum OCE. O' level certificate with credits In English and Maths with 2 years' relevant experience and familiar with Kardex System Knowledge of typing Is essential Preferably with driving licence
      565 words
    • 287 24 p^^^^^^^2,^^^ljZg«««^gtgil Inflrl ijfl. I'liiTjv.ij Belssssw3iasssssssst^BesVtlasssssl aP* OPENING SHORTLY has the vacancies for: EXPERIENCED A) BARTENDERS c 45 years and above. B) HOSTESSES i C) WAITRESSES D) BARMAIDS E) CASHIERS Apply personally at i G2O, Orchard Towers 400 Orchard Road Singapore 0923. iMETROI PTE LTD has vacancies for: DRIVERS (Pasir Panjang
      287 words
    • 694 24 II EMPLOYMENT ODBS STEWARDESSES QUALIFICATIONS c Should have completed Primary 6 a Must be able to understand and speak English DUTKS: Preparation and serving of refreshments, luncheons, etc. REMUNERATION: Salary will be commensurate with qualifications am' working experience In addition, successful candidates will enjoy attractive fringe benefits offered by the
      694 words
    • 590 24 MALAY DRIVER REQUIRED Age above 30 Singapore Citizen Preferably residing Helena area. Interested please call personally at IS7. SOUTH BMOOE ROAD SINGAPORE 0105 MALE CHINESE GENERAL WORKERS required Please apply per soneiry to DtETHELM SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. FURNITURE DIVISION M BOON LEAT TIRR ACE 4TH FLOOR OFT PASM PANJANG ROAD
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    • 595 24 II EMPLOYMENT PRIMARY INDUSTRIES ENTERPRISE PTE LTD requires OFFICE BOY c Primary 6 education c Able lo understand simple English Place of work: Kirn Chuan Road Off Upper Paya Lebar Road Plsess write to or caw pereonawy for Tlm p*#f sVOftHwH D#ptßrtft>#nl SI Jelen Huron Jurong Town Singapore 2MI PROPERTY
      595 words
    • 545 24 WANTED COUNTER RECEPTIONISTS. Instructors. Mechanics for bowling alley Apply person ally al Queenstown Bowl. Commonwealth Avenue. Spore 0314 WANTED FEMALE CASHSERS Waitresses. Walters. Bartenders and Bar Maids for private disco lounge Night shift only Experience not necessary Call personally for interview at No 3110. 315t fir. International Plaza. Anson Road,
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1151 25 HI VEHICLES A BOATS 42 Boating Supplies/ Sorvicts BOAT EOUa**JENT AVAILABLE PROM WTERMARB4E SUPPLY CO PTE LTO a Inflatable Boats (2-8 persons) a Fish Finders Depth Sounders a Search Lights Navigation Lights Ventilation S>stem Killings Horns a Refrigerators Kreeters 1 ompasaes a Life Jackets and many other essential item, for
      1,151 words
    • 820 25 111 VEHICLES BOATS 1977 FIAT 13* OUI 1800 Aircond. cassette Tip top condition $18,000 ono Call *****4. Mrs Kumar 1978 FORO CORTMA 1.6 GL 1 Private Owner National Alrcon Cassette Tax Oct 1980 Very Nice Condition $18,000 ono Tel *****4 c) Ford ALMOST 78 FORO Cortina 2000E Automatic. I private
      820 words
    • 699 25 I) Mitsubishi Colt ALMOST 1978, COLT Lancer Statlonwagon Aircond. sport rims Beautiful condition $10,000 negotiable Tel *****01 LATE 1972 COLT GALANT *****. Aircond. tape. PARF eligible $8,600 negotiable Loan $6,500 available *****4 MUST BELLI 1877, Mitsubishi Colt lamda 2000 Coupe Ist private owner 17.000 km Aircond. radio, cassette *****2 NOV
      699 words
    • 919 25 111 VEHICLES BOATS LIAN HUP SENO MOTOR TRADING CO. 183. Gotdhill Plaza. Thomson Road Spore 1130 Tel: *****17. *****03. *****29 1971 Maida 828 A/C Ford Cortma 1.6 O.L SlatmnwagonA/C 1978: Dalaun 120 V OL Auto A/C 6 Sportrim* Dattun 12OT Q.L. A/c 1978: Oataun 200 L A/C Toyota Corolla 1200
      919 words
    • 496 25 SIN THAI HIN TRADING PTE LTD Singapore Ueed Car Carpark Plot "E". Fringe Carpark G' Kampeng Java Road Singapore 8 Tel: *****05/*****t2/*****»7 (Open trom 9.00 a.m. 5.30 p.m 1979 Mazda 828 Coupe a/c 1978 Mil. Colt Lamda 2000 GSR a/c Mil Colt Lamda SL 1800 a/c Mil Coll Sigma 1800
      496 words
    • 494 25 1870 NOV. VOLKSWAGEN van New road lax Engine Just overhaul 'd $12,500 secures Call *****45. 1972 COLT TRUCK 10' Asking $3,500 Contact *****36. H.P. arrangeable 1872 ESCORT VAN New tax. insurance, paintwork, battery. power brakes, selling $2,500 Tel *****63 1872. MAZDA STATIONWAGON 1- 1000 Very good condition $1,400 negotiable Tel:
      494 words
    • 541 25 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES X J^l^g^^aeJrfS t^^^ Luxurious 2-storay B^fc^a^* jj^p^^ terrace units jjp^v Pas* Panjang Road a^fi- 4WmV* aBBBBBBBBB^a^^r^ -i a 3 bY aJkaTh aa^V "aßßflt *^W V.- V*' ■HBaaMla|^Bl, ~^B»^f \f ."f fa 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, store. Children's playground Car park, recreational facilities Freehold land
      541 words
    • 789 25 BRADOFLL HEIGHTS singlestorey deuihwl bungalow for rental Unfurnished with large garden Kink *****8 BUNGALOWS: DIST. 18. 81.200. Clementi Park $3,000 Flats Paterson Tower 53.600 Deland Company MCtV .***** DISTRICT to M.ijestM ni'Klern double-storey 4-bedrooined delarhed bungalow spai ious living/ dining with separate servant's amenities Rental 14.300. FIELDS *****/ *****/ *****
      789 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 675 26 times friday properties 51 Accommodation Vacant b) Flats FUTURA APARTMENT, luxurious centrally alrcondllloned with 3 fully carpeted bedrooms, one study, split-level living/ dining, modern kitchen with buill-ln appliances Swimming pool, sauna balh $B.*O* tuntUtmt. Available July 1980 Aleo Available other Mrnmoui apartment* with/ without ewlmmlnf pod at Fully Furmelwd Pandan
      675 words
    • 784 26 A STUMO APARTMENT In Hln Seng Oarden. dlsl. 5. Centrally located between Jurong and Town Ideal for couple Rent: $1,200 Trl *****11 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED BACHELOR flat $700 Clemenceau Avenue Bedok Garden. 3 bedrooms. $1,200 Deland Company *****/ ***** CAMELLIA TERRACE. DIST. 21. 3 bedrooms, study and a garden terrace on
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    • 656 26 MERLM PLAZA 30th floor Penthouse for rental $3,500 partially furnished/ $4,000 fully furnished Both Inclusive maintenance Call *****41 RIOGCWOOO APARTMENT. LUNALILO RISE 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, parquet flooring, fully aircond. swimming pool, tennis squash courts, sauna, etc. Avertable let June I*Bo. call: nemn mm cmamg SHARE FURNISHED FLAT for $450.
      656 words
    • 763 26 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES b) Flats APARTMENTS/ HDB FLAT Houses wanted by ready client In any locations Call Leong *****2 COUPLE REOUtRC 2-roomed fla urgently Furnlshed/Unfurnlsh ed Kindly contact Diana *****50. HUDC OR HOB point block want ed for Immediate occupation Please call *****3 i OVERSEAS EXPATRIATES UR GENTLY require apartments
      763 words
    • 766 26 CLOVER PARK (MSTJO) 2 units double-slorey semi-detached Well maintained renovated 3 alrcondllloned bedrooms, 3.600 sq ft each Furnished $290,000 $320,000 Vlsco *****56 DISTRICT 10 DUCHESS AVENUE Brand new spanlsh-styled t 2-storey bungalow Area: 3,500 e»,ll. Only 1 unit left Ready In August i Open for booking now! Price: $750,000 Con
      766 words
    • 854 26 HONO LEONG GARDEN PHASE J Intermediate 3-level terrace. 1. 800 sqft 3 bedrooms al $3*4,00* noil ($30,000 below developer's price). Enquiries J.L. CHEN a ASSOCIATES *****/*****. JALAN KEMAMAN 2 single-storey terrace houses, total area: 2869 sq.ft. 2 bedrooms each. $130,000 for both X E Low *****46. OEI TIONQ HAM Park,
      854 words
    • 732 26 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES AN ATTRACTIVE BRAND new apartment in dlst 13 3 bedrooms/ 2 baths. 1.500 sq.fl good facing. Freehold. $172,000 Chelsea Homes *****23/4/5 (Linda). I ANDREW LEONG HOUSMG Ageni cy offers Dlst. 10. Fernhlll Orove. modern 2-storey condominium maisonette. 3 bedrooms. Bathroom attached, swimming pool Beautifully furnished Approx
      732 words
    • 815 26 BUKIT THMAH PLAZA, maisonette. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, attractively I furnished. Ceramic/ parquet flooring, swimming pool, squash courts, available Immediately Foreigners can buy. $295,000 negotiable Call: *****51 Strictly i no agents CHANGI GARDEN CONDOMINIUM 3 bedrooms. 1.500 sq.fl Foreigners eligible Completion June Selling cheap at $160,000 *****53. CHENO HONG MANSION
      815 words
    • 663 26 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES GARDENIA COURT, 4-bedroomed split-level apartment with swimming pool, tastefully furnished Contact *****88 GRACE HOUSING *****28 Fulura High floor. 4 bedrooms. 1 servant's, built-in 3025 sq ft Price $750,000/- o no OREENACRES condominium. West Coast Road. Next to Japanese School 3-roomed maisonette $330,000 2-room-ed $230,000. OASIS GARDEN $370,000
      663 words
    • 716 26 RIOGEWOOO APARTMENTS Lihoiiho Rise, 3 bedrooms. 1.600 sqft Very high floor. $3J*.000 KaMuMia Rise, 4 bedrooms. 2.000 sq.ft with tenancy $400 JOO. CALL: UNIVERSAL REALTY PTE LTD TEL: 235M33 (S LMES) SHERWOOD TOWERS Threo Units of Thr»o-B«d-room Apartment lor aato. Furnished Or Unfurnished Area: IjOO sq.ft. SELLING PRICE: $2*0.000 ST.
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1575 27 times friday properties OFFICE SPACE REOUIRED Ap- l""\ Imu s<| It lirouml „r Ist 56 Factory Site*/ tloac. onttnMy a Mxphetw. c,_-_ H.ilestter Whanipoa or Scran-oP**-eo P**- e loan Hn.uls Tel 2.*****1 PEOPLES PARK CENTRE Wanted SSBSEBBBSBSBi purchase office space 400 to HOU sq it with windows facing 1 road
      1,575 words
    • 1261 27 V SERVICES BUSINESS J M 2 BEAUTIFUL CARPET SHAMPOO- ING. cleaning, painting, floor polishing, grass cutting, parqupl 7R Hu_in_,«. varnishing Moderate chargr-, OUlineSS 2<r.Ni!».£Sßsooo<The(-irci«-> Opportunities CARPET SHAMPOOING. GENERAL HoUMCI«UItng "lint- painling. parquet varnishing. Hours pul Uhlnj Tel *****2/*****9 Calde- A KTTER AMBWEWMC leanln efficient' courteous/ reliable Cyclostyling SERVICES AVAIL- including
      1,261 words
    • 847 27 V SERVICES A BUSINESS 9 EASE AWAY ALL tension at the Corkpit Health Centre. 6. 7 Oxley Rise. Singapore 0823 Tel *****11 extension 222. *****10. by experienced masseuses Open dally from 1 1 00 am to 10 00 pm AC<M^!^!i' iMAKmG BEAUTE „r you, j .ELEMENTARY. INTERMEDIATE ADVANCE LEVEL Men
      847 words
    • 997 27 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING /we'll help Wy/you improve your skills and stay ahead. At the Stamford Centre, we offer a variety of courses for professional administrative careers 1 INSTITUTE OF ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT (UK) Parts 1 2 (part-time six months programme). 2. INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED SECRETARIES AND ADMINISTRATORS (UK)— full and
      997 words
    • 1077 27 VI EDUCATION I TRAINING IMPORT. EXPORT PROCEDURES* K_p\_ DOCUMENTATION COURSE wT*jk Our Popular Pm \J&LI course is hem* taught SSSIHSS Cosmopolitan r-o^anduueren^ ColltCCt SYLLABUS COVERS Ira.t. _|l Terms Sales Contract Breach Ol Contract. PureltaM ndtrt Totonlo Ontario. Canada EsuMlshln« Oversea* Contact Often inwnslve ft.- University nternation.,l Trade Methods of rounes
      1,077 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 993 28 VI EDUCATION I TRAINING TYPtWRITIMG (NORMAL RAPIO) 102 Education -i.,\i> h.». .im%i«rp,,,' 's'h'.n li.viii Hi>iikki-r|iiiik> l > ruii'ipif\ ..I A. (limits iSff .t 4 I'r,. U| a»aaaaaaaa»»»»»»»»»li»^^«»j»^— Mutninil Allernixm K\enin|< nil K.WMOII .ill Mbieeli lvi PMVATf SCCRC TARVB tlol. M.itll> Knullsll. Singapore CMTiFiCATt Inatiwu otcommtte < W3C LCCI JUNE IMI
      993 words
    • 584 28 Ml TRAttl TOURS I i^| DINERS 1 IM HOUDAYS f A reliable way to travel! WIDEST CHOICE AVAILABLE E«cort»d Group Dapgrtures: 15 days Hawaii, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Disneyland, Los Angeles, San Diego, Mexico, Hong Kong (17,31/5) from $3180 17 days Hawaii, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Disneyland. San Diego, Los
      584 words
    • 375 28 VII TRAVEL A TOURS TA 003/281 American Express America! I North, Central South America From exciting cities and international resorts to scenic wonders and jungle ruins. I I America has something for everyone. J And nobody knows America better than I American Express. !j Widest selection of tours! I Most
      375 words
    • 580 28 VII TRAVEL TOURS $480 L T&r»77 for 5-day stopover 4T^Ay/L I k $1330 SBto?*/i for 8-day package f <*S<£2 M a "Vaya 4 8JI aY I B ft t Qo A i k\ O^iaicS \w/ i\ Of^> fr+wi^ i aßaaaaaaa>«aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ■aaaaal>>i>aaaaaaaaaaaa«a«aaaa«aaiaaaV a—— a»»»— ARRANGEMENT TOURS: PENANG $299 Laniikawi S3J.S Bah
      580 words
    • 801 28 VII TRAVEL TOURS I NAM HO j^«a^4 J STPB LIC NO 140 f^W Head Office: G l4- 16- 18. SSj Pearfs Centre. Eu Tong Sen St (Yangtze Theatre) r «»»V Singapore 01 05 ■^1 F^> J| Tel: *****33 < 7 Lines 111 1 Branch Office: 1 1 9. People's I
      801 words

    • 43 29 MADAM ANN LOW CHENG NEO nee Nya I peacerull] on him April I'DUI Hum.,] ,hi I I .ml at 2 pm Cortaft lmvm Nock in. Apt 43. Jalan Anian. Spore \2.\> ,T.-I 2S2IUKM lor St Mlfhuel's I liurill and thence toCCKC
      43 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      242 29 IN EVERLASTING MEMORY OF Two years uxlay we had to part. Tune ehtjMjM many things. But not the memory this day brings. Not just today but everyday. In silence we remember Sadly missed by beloved wives. sons, daughters-in-law, daughters, sons-in-law, grand-sons ft grand daughters In Evertoving Memory
      242 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    132 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 696 29 VII TRAVEL 4 TOMBS 114 Tourt YOUR NEXT i=s===i= HOLIDAY WITH SCJPMOUOAVS a f WWi\ PHILIPPINES/ MOMGKOMG/ SEKS. [..■•.All*...] y D*p D.1.1 12/ S. M/S. 2/t. 9/«. 1 I 1«/« M/« U Philippine. M.'iii.i iMk .^T vela n- -~,r <* SSSSIiSKfP T*l *****7.*****3 Bangkok H.uiinn Muriel G4 LEISURE DROME KALLANG
      696 words
    • 438 29 Applications arc invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post of SAFETY OFFICERS in oar Shipyard hi Jurong. Applicants must be registered Safety Officers or possess qualifications/ experience acceptable for registration by The Labour Ministry. Diploma/Degree holders in Engineering, Chemistry or Physics without relevant working experience may also apply and
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      608 words
    • 745 29 PERBAOANAN KEMAJUAN NEGERI NEGERI SEMBILAN KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran tawaran akan ditenmo daripada pemborong pemborong BUMIPUTRA Sahaja yang berdaftar di Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri, Negeri Sembilan dalam Kelas *C dan V BX Kepala II dan Pecahan Kepala 2 sehingga jam 1 2.00 tengahari pada 1 6hb. Mci 1 980 untuk:MEMBIN A DAN
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 577 30 I A highly diversified company based in I I Chicago, U.S.A. it looking for PLANT SUPERINTENDENT I for its subsidiary in Singapore. I The subsidiary operates a plant in Jurong I manufacturing wellhead and other oilfield I I related equipment. I The person we are looking for should I possess
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    • 557 30 HITACHI CABLE (S) PTE. LTD. A fast expanding manufacturer of Enamelled Copper Wires invites applications for the posts of 1) Q.C. ENGINEER Degree in Electrical Engineering Completed National Service. Possess initiative and strong sense of responsibility 2) MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Diploma in Electrical Engineering Completed Notional Service At leost 3 years
      557 words
    • 681 30 An established Consulting Engineer firm has the following vacancies for interesting work on highway ond water supply protects (A) SENIOR HIGHWAY ENGINEERS minimum 10 years experience in design and supervision of highways and related activities Candidates should be capable of working independently with the capability of communicotmg effectively at all
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    • 600 30 HITACHI ELECTRONIC DEVICES (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. Our newly established multi-million Colour Television Tubes Manufacturing Company in Jurong has the following vacancies for keen, dynamic people who seek for rapid advancement and job satisfaction. (1) FEMALE PURCHASING/MATERIAL CONTROL CLERK Singapore Citizen, age below 2 1 years Completed GCE 'O' Level Working
      600 words
    • 565 30 a—— wjrf HUM Hill lIKMM,\HIKK THK U¥ C.OM-KSMKST INTK(. RATION \(T M fcapfer <lt KditlM IST*) I)K( I \H\ri()S I SDKK SECTION B Whereas (I)The street* kBO (I) Aljunied Road (part) from Aljumed Road to Lot 260-1 pt Mk XXIV (2 1 Vim Tua Tow Road i part from existing
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 804 31 "fairchild"" SALES PTE LTD. TEST SYSTEMS GROUP Owing to the rapid growth of our business in Asia, we are inviting applications from qualified Engineers to fill the positions of HELD SERVICE ENGINEERS for the Singapore /Malaysia Region. The FIELD SERVICE ENGINEER will carry out part of the Company's TOTAL SERVICE
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    • 485 31 lERIKS PTE LTD, a member of THE ERIKS GROUP OF COMPANIES, one of Europe's larg est industrial suppliers, is rapidly expanding in Singopore ond offers great opportunities tor suitably qualified candidates to |Oin them as 1. TECHNICAL SALES EXECUTIVES This is o very challenging and rewarding position within the organisation
      485 words
    • 632 31 EUROPEAN STANDARD ELECTRONICS PTE. LTD. A Subsidiary of THOMSON-BRANDT, the largest manufacturer of electronic product* in Franca with worldwide production and marketing facilities, and French Leaders in High Technology Electronics and Housahold Appliances Owing to expansion, we seek top calibre personnels to fill the following senior management positions:SALES MANAGER (Salary
      632 words
    • 689 31 i M ~"il SENIOR DATA PROCESSING APPOINTMENTS WITH SINGAPORE REFINING COMPANY Singapore Refining Compony is engoged in a maior expansion of their petroleum refining and business activities The company is acquiring an IBM 4331 computer to be installed at their new headquarters on Pulou Merlimou as an integral part of
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 275 32 NOTICE OF REMOVAL E. S. ISAAC CO (PTE) LTD (Sot* Distributors of HMV Indian Records) HMV As from Ist May 1980 Our office will be held at 42 Race Course Road. Singapore 0821 Tel: *****52 *****10 NOTICE It is hereby informed that Mr. Vhw Seag INRIC No *****61 C). the
      275 words
    • 264 32 fir* C.X.TANG LIMITED ■J (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT RESULTS The Directors are pleased to announce the audited results for the year ended 31st December. 1979 of the Group and of the Company as follows 1979 1978 The Th« The The Group Company Group Company S$ 000
      264 words
    • 833 32 FOR SALE OR CHARTER FULLY AIRCONDITIONED ACCOMMODATION BAR6E FOR 800 PEOPLE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE EX JEDDAH Dimension 200 x60x14 ft Port ot Registry Singapore Year Built 1977 GRT/NRT 1489 14 CLASS A.B.S. Type of Accommodation Officers' Deck 26 units twin cabin (serf contained) 25 units four-bed cabins (self contained) Control Room
      833 words
    • 692 32 «M| Due to market developments we have found it fLJI necessary to effect changes in our distributorship \Qf agreement HUSQVSma We tnank Cutweli Pte Ltd and their staff for having been Zj^^ our distributor for the past years and their excellent bweden support M. m We announce with effect trom
      692 words
      157 words

    • 89 33 Serrano rejects offer TOKYO, Thurs World Boxing Association junior lightweight champion Sammy Serrano, of Puerto Rico, has rejected an offer to defend his title against Japanese challenger Yasutsune Uehara in Japan on July 10, Masaaki Kanehira, Uehara "s manager, said yesterday. Kanehira said he had offered US$l3O,OOO ($284.700) plus plane
      AP  -  89 words
    • 31 33 NEPI. Thurs Spanish champion Carlos Hernandez retained his European superfeatherweight boxing title last night when he stopped Italian challenger Salvatore l.iscapade in the sixth round here in Italy. Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 371 33 BRASILIA, Thurs. The Brazilian Government said yesterday the scheduled title-fight between World Boxing Council heavyweight champion Larry Holmes and Muhammad An in Rio de Janeiro cannot be held without the approval of the Brazilian Central Bank, and that the bank has
      AP  -  371 words
    • 735 33  -  WILL GRIMSLEY By LOUISVILLE, Kentucky, Thurs. This is a "Mystery Derby" and that's the way it ought to be, says Eddie Arcaro, looking toward to Saturday's running of the 106th Kentucky Derby. "There is always an unknown quantity about the Derby," added the
      AP  -  735 words
    • 263 33  - Elocutionist puts up a dashing workout FREDDIE KEE By IPOH, Thurs. Elocutionist drew attention to his chances in Race 5 for Class 3, Division Four sprinters on Saturday with a dashing workout here this morning. Taken out by Jockey Chris Gwilliam, the Bardall three-year-old strode out impressively in 36.2 sec.
      263 words
    • 247 33 LONDON, Thurs. The Six Million Dollar Kid against the Million Dollar Colt that is how the bookmakers see the outcome of Saturday's 2,000 Guineas, the first colt s Classic of the British flat racing season. For Nureyev, bought at a record price
      Reuter  -  247 words
    • 289 33 DALLAS, Thurs. Jimmy Connors survived two tie-breakers and outlasted Dallas' Bill Scanlon in long, baseline rallies last night to win the world championship tennis finals opening-round match 7-6, 7-6, 6-4 here in Texas. In the longest match of the week-long tournament so far, 2hr.
      UPI  -  289 words
    • 79 33 GRENELEFE. Thurs. England's Sue Barker has not played competitively in nearly six weeks, but she needed just 58 minutes last night to post a 6-1, 6-2 victory over Laura Dupont in a US$200,000 ($438.0001 women's tennis tournament. Also advancing to the quarter-finals were seventhseeded Pam Shriver,
      AP  -  79 words
    • 45 33 THE draw at yesterday's amateur races in Penang: FIRST No: ***** SECOND No: ***** THIRD No: ***** STARTERS Nos: *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****. CONSOLATION Nos: *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****.
      45 words
    • 863 33 PATF 1 2.30 CLASS 6, DIV 3 1,250 m *v/*v^ x ($B,OOO $5,600 to winner) 1 0070 Triumphant N a (Gem) Heddle 457 (dd +3.5) MjMul 2 2 6335 H*NoH*Hoa(LS)Noordin3 55(d2 +3) Mniy 6 3 4000 Distant Smite a (Smile) Buang 4 55 (dd +3) but 10 4
      863 words
    • 98 33 DALLAS, Thurs. Ramesh Krishnan, the world's top-ranked junior tennis player, had little trouble yesterday in defeating American Scott Davis 6-3, 6-4 in the Futures Stars round-robin tournament, played in conjunction with the world championship tennis finals. The victory left Krishnan as the only undefeated player
      UPI  -  98 words
    • 44 33 BERKELEY. Thurs Top-seed-ed Geoff Masters, of Australia. defeated Americans Larry Parker and Eric Steinbroner in straight sets yesterday in the first two rounds of the 79th annual California State tennis tournament Masters beat Parker 6-1, 6-0 and Steinbronner 7-6 (7-5). 6-3. UPI
      UPI  -  44 words
    • 706 33 World champion weightlifter regains his European title BELGRADE, Thurs. World champion Yuri Vardanyan, of the Soviet Union, last night regained the European light heavyweight weightlifting title he lost to Bulgaria's Blagoi Blagoyev last year here after the Bulgarian had withdrawn with an injured knee. Vardanyan. with no real challenge,
      706 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 262 33 -^vSuiA M 1 1 in iuMM* nt io",i an ice charnr md ■">".. gmwiMMil lasl minis dolt Squash. Jogging. Jungle walks. Your choice Off Mill marts at Frascr s Hill Merlin or Cameron Highlands Merlin tor 3 dam 2 night*. O'l nights Ist (lass hotel accommodation for f 2 penonp
      262 words
    • 653 33 ES3EE223I An Established Shipping Company -nvites applicants for the following posh: 1 GENERAL MANAGER Sobah based in Koto Kinabalu: the person we are looking for must have an extensive experience in modern shipping operations including container isation He must be marketing orientated, matured, dynamic and self -motivated. 2. MANAGER (AIR/SEA
      653 words

    • 486 34 LONDON, Thursday ARSENAL and Liverpool, deadlocked after three attempts to settle the English Football Association Cup semifinal, yesterday opposed a plan to introduce a penalty-kick test if they draw for a fourth time tonight. Denis Hill-Wood, chairman of Arsenal, said: "The two clubs are
      AP  -  486 words
    • 250 34 BUENOS AIRES, Thurs. Argentina's national soccer team beat Ireland 1-0 in a friendly international here last night through a first-half goal by Diego Maradona from 20 metres. The 1978 World Cup champions fired more than two dozen shots at the Irish goal and dominated the match
      Agencies  -  250 words
    • 335 34 Essex are off to a good start LONDON, Thurs ESSEX, reigning English county cricket champions, escaped the rain yesterday and made a bright start to the new season. While other games were held up by rain, Essex got away to a prompt start against Glamorgan at Swansea. The champions put
      Reuter; AP  -  335 words
    • 143 34 MEDAN, Thurs. Iranian soccer players shocked thousands of Indonesian soccer fans here yesterday when they carried poster-sized pictures of their religious leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, during the opening ceremony of the Marah Halim Cup soccer tournament. They did not receive an enthusiastic response from the capacity crowd of 30,000
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 129 34 Dyson and Wood are surprise choices SYDNEY, Thurs. Opening batsmen John Dyson and Graeme Wood were the surprise choices in the Australian cricket team announced here today for the centenary Test tour of England in August and September. Dyson and Wood, who were dropped from the New South Wales and
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 284 34 Celtic regain Premier Division lead DUNOEE, Thurs CELTIC regained the lead of the Scottish Premier Division from Aberdeen when they beat Dundee 20 here last night. Second-half goals by Conroy and Sullivan gave Celtic two crucial points which put them one ahead of Aberdeen, who, however, have two more matches
      Agencies  -  284 words
    • 201 34 Spain investigate reports of match-fixing MADRID, Thurs. The Spanish Soccer Federation have opened an inquiry into reports that a former Salamanca player, presumably not acting alone, tried to fix Sunday's First Division League match between bottom-placed Malaga, who are doomed to relegation, and Salamanca. Salamanca beat Malaga 3-0 in Malaga
      UPI  -  201 words
    • 102 34 Government back Nagoya for Games TOKYO, Thurs. The Japanese government today decided to support officially a plan to host the 1988 Summer Olympic Games in Nagoya, central Japan. Nagoya, Japan's fourth largest city with a population of 2,080,000, and Aichi prefecture are now compaigning for the 1988 Games. Chief Cabinet
      AFP  -  102 words
    • 160 34 Revie may lose job as UAE coach DUBAI, Thurs. Don Revie, the former England and Leeds United soccer manager, may lose his job as boss of the United Arab Emirates national team, the daily Khaleej Times reported here yesterday. The paper said that the executive committee of the UAE Football
      UPI  -  160 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 522 34 o rmjc ujELCome All prizes 9^^^^ must be WOn! I 1 2nd May -4th June 1980 lilpm«(2<»nn«n) 2nd pnz«(2o wmntnt Each 1 unit National VHS Each 1 unil Prattig* 3rd priza (40 winnars) 4th priza (60 winnars) Vidaoßacofdar Pressure Coofcaf Each 1 untl Sadie 110 Each 1 unit Shopping Slh
      522 words
    • 54 34 Up high on the 16th. Floor and in Johore Bahru's most distinguished hotel. Just the place for an fe^^fl important business lunch. Or a casual dinner fjM with friends and loved ones. TROPICAL INN HOTEL Band in attendance The Expectations 15 Jalan Gre a Johore Bahru Opens daily from 10am
      54 words

    • 298 35  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By he towers above his rivals PICKING the winners of the Milo national squash championship finals tomorrow is a forecasters' delight. They are so predictable. The organisers have decided to scrap gate charges because they realised that the great finals which Singaporeans had
      298 words
    • 132 35 Africans keen on Republic SINGAPORE'S Van Heag Chok ud Desmond mil. wk« returned fram the Nigeria* Open squash championships early last month, played smhasssdsrii U fellow competitors In oil-rich Una, report* PATRICKBASTIANS. And Swedish professleoal Lars Kvaat, who wm tke Nigeria* title, was so Imprr— ed by their aeeMUts sf
      132 words
    • 254 35 Singapore to send young team of lifters SINGAPORE will send a young weightlifting team to a challenge match against their Indonesian counterparts in Jakarta on May 11, will little hopes of winning overall. Reason? The Indonesians will be about the maximum age allowed 18 years while the Republic's nine lifters
      254 words
    • 263 35  -  PETER SIOW By SINGAPORE boat Kaleo embarked on the second leg of the Nedlloyd Spice race at Cape Town on Wednesday noon after extensive repairs. Rob Kwekkeboom, the navigator who was injured when Kaleo was hit by storms and set adrift with a broken mast
      263 words
    • 52 35 THE Singapore Sports Council will be screening five shows "Bikes Are Back", "Rope Jumping", "Fun On Foot", •Orienteering: Family Fun And Fitness and "Feet: A Key To Keeping Fit" at the National Stadium Thealrette on tomorrow morning at 10.30. Admission, which is free, will be on a (irst-come-first
      52 words
    • 29 35 SELETAR thrashed Changi by (our points to nil in the Singapore Ladies' Golf Association Premier League match at Seletaryesterday. TT>ey halved in the Handicap League match 6-6.
      29 words
    • 22 35 CHAI CUKE Constituency beat Kim Keat RC Zone A 8-1 in a friendly soccer match at KaJci Bukit Secondary School yesterday.
      22 words
    • 240 35  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By PATRICK LOH and Mahader Hassan, Singapore's top two tennis players, have been shortlisted for the Hongkong Open, which will be held from next Medncttday until Sunday week. But remembering how Mahader had declined the offer to compete in February's \slan championships in
      240 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 648 35 A*. fll a sßJ^^^Pa^as^Bj^ai^Bjß^^ b^^b^^ W^^*t/~ il I I t W l l f* I a^ ICk T If\ fcJaj^AjC** > w I l£iUl ICJIIU Imagine... a mountainside retreat hidden among a thousand acres of unspoilt and protected countryside, but situated only 10 minutes from the famous resort of Villars
      648 words

    • 188 36 Malaysia to play Singapore cagers MALAYSIA, disappointed over the postponement of Thailand's Prince Cup. scheduled for this montn. will play a friendly baskciball match against Singapore tomorrow at i the Chung Hwa Girls' High School at Bartley Road, reports PETES SIOW. The match is to compensate the Malaysian players for
      188 words
    • 514 36  - Exit Junie Sng, dancing in style PETER SIOW By APPARENTLY, Junie Sng, Singapore's brooding young swimming superstar, has another side to her character. Beneath her usually cold exterior, lies a warm personality, one that was clearly evident at Wednesday night's farewell party for her she is leaving for Australia on
      514 words
    • 293 36 Scorpions score double SCORPIONS Darts Club achieved a fine double when they beat Singapore Airlines Engineers A 7-2 and Singas by a similar I margin in the Singapore 1 Darts Association Division One League last week. Results: Division One Scorpion DC 7 SIA Engrs A 2, Heli Orient 4 Sheb
      293 words
    • 76 36 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. Malacca retained the Malaysian Hockey Association's under 23 championship when they defeated Negri Sembilan 1-0 in the final at the Sekolah Dato Jaafar ground today. Malacca, who camped in their opponents' half for most of the match, scored their win ning goal through Selvanathan in
      NST  -  76 words
    • 41 36 OLD BOYS and girls of Tama sek Junior College are invited to attend and take part in the annual track and field championships of the college, which will be held at 230 p.m. pn Wednesday at the college's stadium
      41 words
    • 483 36  -  WILFRED YEO By A BOWLING centre manager has called for an investigation into the reported selection of two centres as hosts of the Singapore national and international championships. A report in yesterday's New Nation had stated that the Singapore Tenpin Bowling Congress
      483 words
    • 240 36  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By WHO says support for Singapore badminton Is lacUagr Harper Valley Bsdminttn Party, of Harper Press, named after tke papular "pop" soag of ike mid Mb, Harper Valley PTA, yesterday celebrated Labour Day with a Hjm eoatribattoa to tke miml squad's
      240 words
    • 144 36 THE battle of "the big four" will resume when the Yonex-F and N national badminton championships start on Monday at the Singapore Badminton Hall (7.30 p.m.), re- K.rt.s BERNARD PEREIA. The reference is to the men's singles draw, in which national champion Lee Ah Ngo
      144 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 363 36 UNITED GROUPHMIM^ i ifi jjßLTabfc f|fcl/ifOOMOIIfI Too cash discount imm&Mmft. f \llCCr\Cllll free sift for IHlflfll/l *P\ JllSe every purchase Wp\ Mn^n^n^n^n^n^n^ p*****A*l *q r^**""^ /^■^i Bm L I/M HI ELECTROLUX J no frost r fl BY mt iefrigeratorl Ntt Monthly $46 00x24 H Monthly H V Rental Electrolux Toshiba
      363 words
    • 89 36 Motorcraft %Mtlo^ J •L-"-'*^' bmi BY Come to us for genuine Ford service parts. We stock a comprehensive inventory of service parts for all types of Ford passenger and commercial vehicles and industrial engines. And we also have a range of Motorcraft filters as well as Ford petrol, diesel and
      89 words

    • 585 37  -  JOE DORAI By TWO Sundays ago, in their Malaysia Cup soccer match with Sabah at the National Stadium, Singapore though managing to win 3-0 nearly landed in serious trouble because of a square defence. On Wednesday night against Johore at the Larkin Stadium, they
      585 words
    • 166 37 Bomoh for LTAM? KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. For the second successive day, the rain today caused the Malaysian Open tennis championships at the Selangor Club to be adjourned. And the Lawn Tennis Association of Malaysia's tournament committee are now consider employing a bomoh to keep the nun away. "I think we
      NST  -  166 words
    • 211 37 Winner Yap, but a big loser too MELVIN YAP, who won the C division of the Singapore Island Country Club's Open Day golf competition, is a winner without a prize all his own fault, reports ERNEST FRIDA. Yap, handicap 17, won the title from Goh Lim Koon and N.Nobe on
      211 words
    • 106 37 TODAYS EVENTS ATHLETICS Victoria School meet (National Stadium, 8.15). SKPAK TAKBAW Interconstituency tournament (various venues, 7.30). BOCCKB NltltMi wbaato' l«»rr »*<•»■< iry final: Mci Chin v Anglo-Chinese (2), Sec: Serangoon v Sang Nlla Utama (1.15): PMt-Me: Boys Town v Anglo-Chinese (4.30) (Jalan Besar Stadium). Telerer Intrr-dlvUlM teanuuneat: Line Plant Operations
      106 words
    • 326 37  -  ERNEST FRIDA By RICHARD SEOW, the former Singapore schoolboy champion sprinter, may take part in the first ASEAN track and field championships in Jakarta on Sept. 21-22. Seow, who is studying in the University of Oregon in the United States, will return to
      326 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 178 37 A treasure in living pleasure that lasts you forever HOCK SWEE HILL Located near the high class residential areas with big built-up area (over 2,000 sq ft ie 185 8m and garden (over 4.000 sq ft i.c 371 6m these split-level semi-detached houses are spacious, with the most modern features.
      178 words
    • 181 37 TODAY TRENGGANU v PENANG (Kuala Trengganu, 4.30). TOMORROW BRUNEI v FORCES (Bandar Sort Begawan, 4). SABAH v PERLIS (Ukas Stadium, 4.15) SINGAPORE v KELANTAN (National Stadium, 7.30) PAHANG v JOHORE (Stadium Darulmakmur, 7.30) SUNDAY MALACCA v P. TERRITORY (Kubu Stadium, 4.45). NEGRI v PERAK (Station Padang, 4.45) Fly Air Lanka
      181 words

  • 178 38 MOSCOW, Thurs. Ambassadors and acting ambassadors from 15 countries ranging from Western Europe to China and Australia stayed away from today's May Day parade in the Red Square to show displeasure at the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. It was believed to be the first time
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 60 38 TOKYO, Thurs Police today put a Tokyo company president on the international wanted list for embezzlement of 1.550 million yen (SJ13.6 million). Toshihisa Nakamura, 41, was said to have fled to Europe with the money aboard a Paris-bound plane on Jan. 4 after his import firm went
    AFP  -  60 words
  • 47 38 NEW DELHI, Thurs. A group of Tibetan refugees representing Tibetan exiles in India, the US, Britain and Switzerland left secretly today (or China to inquire into the possibilities of a rapprochement between the Chinese ledership and their temporal leader, the Dalai Lama. AFP
    AFP  -  47 words
  • 114 38 LARGE crewds "Invaded" the Singapore Zoological Gardens in Mandai yesterday. Despite the rain, about 44, Nt holiday-makers, most of whom were members of the S3 NTUC affiliate onions and their families, converged on the zoo a* early as S.M a.m. Extra counters had to
    114 words
  • 86 38 MR. SUPPIAH RAMALMMAM of Dave Kaj (ienrral Contractor passed away on 30 4.80. leaving brhind wife. sons, daughters, relatives to mourn his loss Cortege leaves Tatnan Jurong for Mt Vernon at 2.30 pm on 2 5 80 KOOMO SWEE KUN passed away peacefully on 30-4-80 leaving behind
    86 words
  • 516 38 JAKARTA, Thura. INDONESIA last night announced sweeping increases in domestic fuel, including kerosene prices, averaging 50 per cent, and complementary hikes in electricity rates and public transport fares today. The announcement was immediately followed by market price hikes throughout the country. Transport fees went
    Agencies  -  516 words
  • 52 38 JAKARTA, Thurs. The province of South Sumatra has had to shut out over 152,000 primary school pupils this year for lack of classrooms. Of an estimated 280,000 new pupils, there will be room for only some 128,000, or less than 50 per cent, the Jakarta daily Kompas said
    AFP  -  52 words
  • 40 38 NEW YORK, Thurs. The Dow Jones averages on the New York Stock Exchange at 11 a.m. today: 30 indus 812.80 off 4.26, 20 trans 242.16 up 0.24, 15 utils 106.32 off 0.44. 65 stocks 290.71 off 0.96. UPI.
    UPI  -  40 words
  • 211 38 Vance's No. 2 (passed over) to quit WASHINGTON, Thurs DEPUTY Secretary of State Warren Christopher confirmed yesterday that he will resign from the State Department as soon as Secretary of State-designate Edmund Muskie has had a "good transition" period. Mr Christopher told a group of senators that Mr Muskie "should
    AFP; UPI  -  211 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 333 38 Eg^ront q video. daily FfJ f [y Toshiba Video Cassette Recorder [■^■■■■■""■■^^Sii^Si' PAUNTSC Umatlc Video Cassette Recorder A^V 9 IS Daily rental \J^I 2201 I D "^"""^^^^^l o^^^^mJ Video I TH! f+>#%A Toshiba Colour TV Colour Jw S§ J $ZU weekly C m r clrffy At your wedding, birthday or
      333 words
    • 289 38 Will the third replay be another draw? Once again, Arsenal and Liverpool are meeting its the third excruciating replay in the FA Cup semi-final. Will it be another draw? Today's paper will give you the answer that you have been waiting for for the last three weeks. It's Friday with
      289 words
  • Page 38 Miscellaneous
    • 179 38 IIP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Showers in several places plaoes from late morning. TEMP. (C) up to S a.m. tomorrow: 32 max., 24 min. SUNSET today: C.3C p.m. SUNRISE tomorrow: S.2S a.m. GLOBAL weather Amsterdam 10-15C Gear j Lm Angeles 13-17C Cloudy \thrns 14-22C Cloudy Madrid 8-18C Clear Bahrain 24-35
      179 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION 2
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION 2
      5 words
    • Bilingual page
      • 992 1  -  LI LIENFUNG By Love o£ money SINCE greed is a universal phenomenon, so are jokes making fun of misers. The Chinese, with their usual ability to laugh at themselves, are no exception. I will tell three wellknown stories which have been repeated often enough to be considered folklore.
        992 words
      • 96 1 tt»7 o^Aatt^ffi m' \m& ft i 3 WjUDISKf X£ 'hW7 'EPftm PM7-fila«o sTft*flhffl*T* it ":£iJ» «B4f*#f*Wtt*"*«f .*T**f7l*ii£. fttt^^ife^s7 o" -^€*7- .»£7ft ttM± «-AJfe tt^s'gt&KS?7-.* F o ft!i!ittJ*£ffi*ftfi«c H«r— flfifr^f* .«t ft st*£±tt» .at* 5* *±**fftH&7.*TSJI7i9J«*T£ mm o «?#t***E7tt€ Aegift*na*«7 .fft«*W«7*JLf fn «*lS**3HH*ft ■fßWltt .ttZ«* Kft»*2tt .fawx "99" 'AJL7i&ii "S*£*fAfir WfttfC
        96 words
      • 422 1  -  TAN BAN HUAT Reviewed by THE Conversational Mandarin series promised to be an interesting and enjoyable programme for those who wish to pick up basic Mandarin, judging from the first lesson telecast last Friday. The debut lived up to the producer's promise of providing easy
        422 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 219 1 V^ f Orange! Lime! Sunshine Yellow' jfL< *^P^ift A k*- A \m J^ afe lIP U Blackcurrant! Lollipop Pink! Sky Blue! B^TJS^^^^ m !&Ma^B W Mi \1 Put them together and ZAP: its a whole W£mT W^PH"^ U^^^ fyft new scene! Skirts and shirts. Blouses and T's. WIHiV if JF
        219 words
      • 67 1 IHSIDfA European stores What are the g**dlea la Euvpeaa sh*ps* What we the treads? C*me •n w Uttle tow aad find out P«g*B,9 Buy a vintage film If y«a tove aaything •M y*a will be iaterrsted in these phcUs «f m«vies tahea in the industry's lafaaey. Flad *ot haw y*a
        67 words
    • 735 2  - Pick of the DAY JOHN DE 3OUZA By SBCTV DIANA Chang, Chou Tai Lan, Fang Ai Lan, Xia Xin and Chen Wei Ling are among the artistes appearing in this week's C«Waram* on Ch 8 at 7.50 p.m. Also appearing are Chow Chui Choo and Mang Kang Wai, and there's
      735 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 337 2 I SAVE MONEY, INSTALL I GAFSTAR SHEET VINYL I I OR TILE FLOOR I r^ B a S#t#ct from lfw •ccWofA 'Hfez. rjhSt L ronQQof dMtQntond ,•■■;••*> tMaulVuloolounto «uH YSh^% 1 M Cushioned for oomrort and quietness 1 7 Authoread Omtm T+%l- 00/afTOP M A W 6 A aT A
        337 words
      • 1 2 BE2I
        1 words
      • 30 2 e9 NcluOtldl washing machines \Afetake I loads off your hands, L^y HTtedllXiCS Hi-Fi Components Metal tape recording JL B^ is rewarding I New RS-MBB Sleek Stereo Cassette Deck H^| |^pmHMaWaaa^a^aW
        30 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 190 2 SIGHTS FROM ISRAEL centre from 3 p.m. to 10 an exhibition of paint- p.m. On till Sunday, ings by Israeli artists at ANTI-DRIG ABUSE h fL Mi i? a 1 0Ur EXHIBITION at Delta Lobby Mandarin Hotel. comm unity centre from om 1 a m pm 3 p.m. to 10
        190 words
      • 1137 2 TV and Radio" SBC 5 3.00 PM Operate fofcmed by House- 7.00 Samudra wives Matinee Sonjs And Ro- 7 30 News and Newweel (Malay) Fore.e, (r) (Manda* JK CJJ*£^ tm) 8.35 Trapper John M.D. Whose Little 4.35 Intermission Hero Are You? 6.00 Opera* fokwed by In The MM 9 25
        1,137 words
      • 667 3 THESE prints are copies of documentaries shot in China about 80 years ago. The reel is owned by Mr Len McClure. an American audio-visual specialist working in Singapore. For a few hundred dollars, you too can buy such copies of vintage films made by the
        667 words
      • 483 3  -  JOHN OE SOUZA Preview by Alliance Francaise films RELC auditorium Tuesdays (6.30 p.m.) Wednesdays (9 p.m.) OOH la la, cest the only way to describe the Alliance Francaises French films for May. Admission is free. On May and 7, you can see Robert
        483 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 276 3 HELENA RUBINSTEIN MMRLMMHM* sSIVmSSSm m fBSSiST!USSSr Double luxury for your hair at almost 40% Saving! Silk Sheen Protein Formula Cream Shampoo and FREE Demonstration Consultation Silk Sheen Cream Rinse Offer: Smi^lmb Normal: $33.00 MEYER MEYER nCCCD. MA 4/t 822 Peoples Park Centre O[ FE R v 2O 10 2-10 May,
        276 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
        310 words
      • 885 4 Make no mistake about it! -sortyoneWbertP^^' gJo^*^ And we>re ri 9 ht in famous ORCHARD ROAD tf (directly opposite the SINGAPURA FORUM HOTEL) Cameras are our business 1 They have been A^ 9 with us for the past 1 7 years. That's why -tff^i atari -< were established here longer
        885 words
      • 1081 4 a* NOw'sßowTnG St 3 THEATRES l^rmfVTl LIDO-REX-SAVOY SgflffiSa 4 SHOWS daily: 1 1am, 2.30, 6 9.00pm WWWWKTrrrk a Admission CIRCLE $4, STALLS $3 &$2 No Free List »B»aa»aa^KUBlBBBl 3 DAYS ADVANCE CASH SALE $4 453 at LIDO REX m d.,, m.,. t,™ k. m!,, LLJIDCJLBYSTCTioI print at LIDO J iJTT^faßTiPai
        1,081 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 142 5 i yy V ii'niaaM B^rT^ff!y V|| 3C^ lav BIBH B^F^*fl^BH BpWj k" MM j K.sA6^ M Fs3flA BBa^BaflL^^^^La! BP^La*. $6J6 J J MftA I F S^ Mr a^^ [$32,1 ■"■"'.■W^^ JB 1 tffc JT W vB Vi^ 1 ■■^■Bfeßl aT^l B& .aßßft iflßxKlQt^l S^^^^^^aSßa^A^H Bai I BaVS^^^^BflßßMn!^^^ Au j kTo
        142 words
      • 314 5 (W^itfH aHL «^1 P- U bW I B BB^^^^^ PL %e&st &ef Specials inTown Directly imported from the U.S.A. Another unsurpassable -jfcj atthk taste is our J^ rlk RibEyeSteak ,|fy Live Entertainment 'llll^B^BfeP' by 'LOS ADOROS' M** *r from 7.30 pm— l l .3o pm. e.iiHXHiu no in I 1TEL*****22
        314 words
      • 386 5 B 4& v 5 Lm WPel \i b¥ >afl W M V^eß^Bafl i J /V L^B^B^aii a j^L^bW J^^^^ ■gil \^Mv> 11 U]^ To Ptay The Organ? x^l?K No Experience Needed Just Ye«, You CAN the very day it arrives in your home. The -^«b<bWv A.rri.V6CL v\ new HAMMOND Romance
        386 words
      • 324 6 Cruising on fuel cell energy WASHINGTON SOME scientists are not only getting a charge out of fuel cells, they're also using it to power electric vehicles. In fact, it's a promising approach to achieving the performance of a petroleumpowered car from an alternative and relatively clean fuel. Like batteries, fuel
        324 words
      • 960 6  - Lifting the curtain on the neutrino mystery WALTER SULLIVAN By in Washington LABORATORY tests in the United States, France, Switzerland and the Soviet Union strongly suggest that neutrinos seemingly weightless "ghost" particles believed to fill the universe actually have mass. As stated by Carlo Rubbia, a Harvard University physics professor,
        NYT  -  960 words
      • 620 6 Carbon dioxide in the Ice Age AN ANALYSIS of two deep Antarctic glacial cores containing ice that formed 15,000 to 20,000 years ago in the coldest part of the Ice Age indicates that there was about half as much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere then as there is
        NYT  -  620 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 196 6 Now you can carry the most fashionable name in briefcases. fCoraiia®\ jm^ai |"V^bbbbbbbbbbbbb^bbbb^^bb) Lb^^^^bbbbpbbb^^J**bbbl LbbbbW. These new Corolla r^**. V L^^m LWftk^ briefcases carry out our IH LbbbW^bmT bbbv flair for funaional fashion B^ I^^bW LbW^^^^S beautifully. Meticulously hand-crafted^^^^ bY in'top grain genuine cowhide into handsome attaches. jr^^F Complete with
        196 words
      • 440 7  -  CLARE BOOTH By in Perth FOSSILISED tracks of scorpion-like animals that lived 400 million years ago have been discovered in Australia. The tracks of the creatures, eurypterids, are preserved in an exposed rock face, transversing one another across an area of about 35-sq metres.
        440 words
      • 791 7  - Our heavens are not what they seem to be DAVID F. SALISBURY Discovery of 'super bubble in galaxy indicates By in Boulder, Colorado INTERSTELLAR matter is violent and frothy quite different from the textbook description of cold dust clouds floating serenely among warm tenuous gases. This was illustrated dramatically by
        791 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 129 7 nSSi ORIENTAL CARPET PALACE PTE LTD vSHa W\ GRAND W> m INTERNATIONAL M Mf. PUBLIC AUCTION M IRANIAN, TURKISH H gg AND TURKOMAN BM P CARPETS RUGS. H Iwl^T An cxce P tlonal collection of superfine Iranian, Turkish r\^^4 |u| !jh and Turkoman carpets and rugs. Full range assembled k'X^X'l
        129 words
      • 93 7 Experience JVC's world of quality sound. Built in with I .f fH exclusive JVC developments. Perfected to give accurate I mm I j| and harmonious high fidelity. Come to the JVC Week. X See, hear and test JVC quality sound equipment. )m»r ♦I* *±m+*±. A free gift will be given
        93 words
      • 1076 8 SHOPPING In Europe is often a by-the-way thing on the schedule of some guided tour. You either choose to go to the acclaimed Louvre where all the greatness of art is reputed to be, or down to the Faubourg St Honore where your guide tells
        1,076 words
      • 702 9  - Practical art which you can admire and display MARILYN HOFFMAN By YOU could put it on a pedestal and admire it. You might wear it. Or put flowers in it. Or cover your bed with it. Whether it be an enormous wooden bowl, a piece of jewellery, a handthrown pot
        702 words
      • 749 9 Most career women are far too busy to browse in front of shop windows or hunt for fabulous bargains; some stores in the US have specialist shops. Report by BARBARA ETTORRE. "I DONT have the time to shop",
        749 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 255 8 r ft 1 A random selection I j of what is found in f j most dross shops J nothing torribly ™o unusual or impres- Pr* L—lL 1 sivo; nothing that is J unavailable hero CO ver y Wheth mous piece of thrown t EUROPE 1 and mon tors saw
        255 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 125 9 \l (T LJ m 1 ible in Singapore /Y\ •M new arrivals of latest loose dresses, l n '^tlsWrts.Woustsete. EVERY woman who's in her in life, and aims to give her a l/lsOtAvQ OlffiiXiJmmmA Jft* 50s should have Helena Rubin- certain serenity and beauty A < ww^ w ~Y~rT tfW
        125 words
      • 246 9 ■Wy^ bW^B L 1 BftJ&B I m W V*Wk. Wv'i ii Mi W m Lm. ■i|t|j IbW B^BTafaTafaYa^UE? W^^BiHb^Bh Bhm- —^B^l B^Bw B^P^ B^r^ Bh !b^Bbl >^^Bh Bl n cV a^B^B^Lv a^bw* FREE! This attractive THERMOS FLASK with Living magazine ■■■■j bMHH Take out an annual subscription to Living now
        246 words
    • 1332 10 After 200 years of what Maine Indians see as neglect and abuse by the white man, they've won a battle for land seen as 'the biggest Indian victory since General Custer lost at Little Big Horn.' In an out-of-court settlement they've acquired 121,000 hectares of
      1,332 words
    • 588 10  -  ROBERT MUSEL By in LONDON THE gay sparrow and other items collected from the world of bird, beast and bloom by the Fauna Preservation Society: The population of the Dusky seaside sparrow, rarest bird in the United States, is down to 13 or less,
      UPI  -  588 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 182 10 m.- L M v >: $*\^M Si^iipn vi j» JR m m fcr- PUS SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD. Hradomce. 1202-1206. Mwhsrlan HoJse 151 Chh Sww ßosfl. Stagqpd»o3i6 T«: ***** (3 Urn5). PIAS COSMETICS CENTRES. 123, ftrtdm Shopping KM. Ssigtoßosd. Stagsprt M 22. T* *****1. l irw 1 %Ale*A le* fkw 11«1
        182 words
    • 768 11  -  BARBARA HORNQREN By in FRANKFURT First read your Brothers Grimm stories again carefully, then take a car or campervan on Germany's fairy tale trail. The route takes you through the myraid towns, cities and villages from Grimms Fairy Tales a magic landscape appealing to adults
      768 words
    • 762 11  -  GEOFFREY MILLER By IT'S a dream of the future a permanent site for the Olympic Games in Greece, the ancient home of sport. An independent territory that would belong to the Olympics and not to Greece or to any other country. No visa
      AP  -  762 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 160 11 Sebel Stow-Mate Solves Storage and handling problems in Factories, Offices, Supermarkets, Shops, Showrooms, Homes or almost anywhere. Mobile Trolley Single or Double Sided Free Standing/ Wall Unit bbbb Storage Box: 580 x 365 x 140 mm IBSD6I Color Gold. Peacock. Brown Beige iMmkHiutpmi Stow-Mate storage boxes are made from the
        160 words
      • 319 11 Look slim, Feel slim, Stay slim with CARTER slimming belt L bbbiV II &f) A Wearing of the belt immediately improves §m M L«r»«: the figure as the M 120 cm xlO cm stomach is pushed in t M~ m««iim: and contained within the areaof^ M scmxlocm the slimming belt.
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 793 12 DIIDB Separate tenders are invited for any one or all of the following:(1) ERECTION AND COMPLETION of 1 Block of 4-Storey 5-Room Maisonette Flats, 1 Block of 10/13-Storey 3/4-Room New Flats. 1 Block of 11 -Storey 3/4-Room New Flats. 1 Block of 11-Storey 3/4-Room New Flats (Grand Total 398 Units)
        793 words
      • 867 12 #PWD TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from PWD Registered Con tractors tor the following (A) Hiring of Tippers for Chuo Chu Kang Contract A. Eligibility: Civil Engineering, Earthworks or Mechanical Engineering 9(m) Hiring of mechamcol equipment $100,000/- and above Persons or Companies not registered with the PWD but with the
        867 words
      • 690 12 Specialist contractors who have other suitable cooting/pointing system at o comparative cost os above ore also invited to submit their recommendation Only firms with adequate financial capacity ond with a cooting/pamting system conforming our Performance Specification are invited to submit quotation Performance Specification and necessary forms can be obtained ot
        690 words
      • 452 12 TENDER Tender will be received for the supply of the following undermentioned items in the Ministry of Defence (Logistics Division), Tanglin, SINGAPORE 1024 up to 11.00 a.m. on date shown against the Items: 1. ESPARTO HIGH STRENGTH MAP PAPER 90 GM OF SIZE 720 MM X 1020 MM Tender No:
        452 words
      • 680 12 -A- PUBLIC UTILITIES \*H BORRD SENOKO POWER STATION THIRD STAGE DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION OF FOUNDATIONS, BUILDINGS SERVICES INVITATION TO TENDER The Public Utilities Board invites tenders for the construction and completion of the Foundotions, Buildings and Building Services for the third stage development of Senoko Power Station m the Republic of
        680 words
      • 790 12 A MINISTRY A OF THE ENVIRONMENT TENDER NOTICE HEADQUARTERS (I) Doily Cleansing of Princess House and Annexe (1.7.80 to 30 6 81) Ref: TEN (ENV) 06/80/1. Showround: Meet ot Conference Room, 6th floor. Princess House, Alexandra Rood Singapore 03 1 5 on 6580at9 30 om Opened to ALL PWD Registered
        790 words
    • 1227 13  -  WILLIAM SAFIRE Classification of weapons By in New York The word "observer" from the term, "Western observers" meant, "I'm quoting myself here." Whenever a foreign editor saw a piece of copy that began "Western observers believe...," he would take this as a signal that
      NYT  -  1,227 words
    • 602 13  - Jurong diners have choice of economy or hygiene PAUL JANSEN By ECONOMY or hygiene? This appears to be the simple choice awaiting anyone eating in Jurong today. The new Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet here is brightlv lit, spick and span and a joy to eat in. Another fast food centre
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    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 264 13 ail fc^ Wla9l* p<M>Vl>roO< ltlf l |rool •mw£>mint I il ■■■■J H w ml MM »!;•>] SB**® wp C^Cmtml ll^liftrlirjl ftwltibli from: Midland Electronics 323 North Bridge Rd (near Odeon Cinema) Tel: ***** Singapore 0718 47 North Bridge Rd (near High Street Junction) Te1:31&9 Singapore 0617 "I may need $1500
        264 words
    • Article, Illustration
      878 14 f Despite creeping urbanisation, Singapore still has rewarding spots for birdwatching, writes K.C.TSANG a committed member off the Malayan Nature Society's bird study group. Where do you look and what equipment do you need to get the best out off birdwatching? In this article he tells you what
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    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 607 14 Harriet Hubbard Ayer, in association with HerWorldandUTA, proudly announces the HHA Make up Awards, 1980. V^, i£^ /^^*^wKmr^~-~ T c jm^ *^WP^ < 1 I Send in your entries now. Closing date: 10th May 1980. ThePrtzo Howtotnttr *1 St Prize 1 Simply obtain an entry form from the HHA Beauty
        607 words