The Straits Times, 19 February 1980

Total Pages: 26
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1»M 30 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 111/1/80
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  • 435 1  - SIX NEW ELECTORAL DIVISIONS? LESLIE FONG, News Editor Big constituencies likely to be broken up By AN INCREASE in the number of electoral divisions from the present 69 to possibly 75 appears a likely prospect in view of population shifts since the boundaries were last changed in 1976. Some PAP
    435 words
  • 58 1 MR GOH Chok Tong, the Minister for Trade and Industry, has been appointed to perform the duties of the Finance Minister for the purpose of presenting the annual Budget to Parliament next month. A Government Gazette notification says the duties are prescribed under Articles 84 and 85 of
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  • 445 1 UNITED States Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke today warned the Soviet Union and Vietnam against miscalculations in the Asian region and said support for the Asean countries was the centrepiece of his country's regional policies. Mr Holbrooke, describing Soviet action in Afghanistan
    Reuter  -  445 words
  • 99 1 PARIS, Mon. Recent oil price increases will wipe out any growth in the economies of tree world industrialised nations, and assure double digit inflation in the United States this year, according to new projections issued today by a United Nations agency. Revised figures from the
    UPI  -  99 words
  • 41 1 MOSCOW, Mon The Soviet Union's official news agency, Tass, reporting from New York, charged today that the White House had given "orders" to US television to cut favourable coverage of the Soviet Union and step up antiMoscow propaganda. RevMr.
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  • 213 1 TITO: The death watch begins BELGRADE, Monday PRESIDENT Josip Broz Tito's condition, though still serious, was stable today and Yugoslavia settled in for what could be a long, uneasy death watch for the 87-year-old Failing kidneys appeared to be Marshal Tito's main problem, and today's official medical bulletin seemed to
    UPI  -  213 words
  • 121 1 BANGKOK, Mon. The Vietnamese-backed regime in Kampuchea has appointed an acting foreign minister without saying what had happened to the minister himself, Mr Hun Sen. The Phnom Penh news agency SPK today listed Mr Hot Nam Hong as acting foreign minister in a report on the
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 36 1 BEIJING. Mon. Beijing woke up to find itself under snow today, a good sign alleviating some of the bad luck traditionally believed to surround the Year at the Monkey which began on Saturday. AP
    AP  -  36 words
  • 56 1 PARIS, Mon. US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance will meet with his French counterpart Jean Francois-Poncet here on Thursday, the French Foreign Ministry announced today. The meeting follows a downturn in US-French relations after France refused to attend a proposed meeting ot Nato Foreign Ministers in Bonn on
    AP  -  56 words
  • 52 1 TOKYO, Men. Chinese Seater Vice-Premier Deag Xi*»pUf, 75, says that he will remain active until IMS when he will serve *aly m an adviser or c*otuiltaat. He itoeienf tfci* la aa article for the Bacyclopaeoia BrttUaica VearbMk, pahUshea 1 lere In Japanese ami In English la
    AP  -  52 words
  • 192 1 THE ■aneraataral powers of Son Wo Kong, the Monkey God In Chinese mythology, have awed many who have read abent him in Chinese novels. His legendary ability to see into the infinite distance, pick np evea the faintest sonnds, variously shrink or expand
    CHRIS LOH  -  192 words
  • 154 1 Israeli flag flies in Cairo CAIRO, Mon. The Israeli flag was raised over Israel s first embassy in the Arab world today to mark a new stage in the normalising of relations with Egypt under the peace treaty signed last year. Palestinian girls living in a hostel next door to
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 71 1 GENEVA, Mon The United States today formally rejoined the International Labour Organisation (ILO), which it auit more than two years ago op a use it then believed the ILU applied double standards in condemning certain member states. President Jimmy Carter announced the decision to rejoin the ILO
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 37 1 NEW DELHI, Man. VMont itiiMtrattiM were reported today in Madras and ether saris •J Tamil Naaa again* yesterday* OamlmfUmM the State Aasemkiy by the Central Government of Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi -AFP.
    AFP  -  37 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 The Superbly Crafted Exquisitely Designed Diamond Gem Set Rings in Platinum or 18 el white Gold, a treasure you'll wear with Pride and Cherish forever G.C. DE SILVA (PTE) LTD. JEWELLERS G 14. THE GALLERY, straits trading building t BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE 1 TEL: *****6. Yoar secretary can't work all
      77 words
    • 93 1 26 pages today A PLACE FOR ALL STUDENTS IN NEW ESTATES Pag* 17 POLITICAL clout of big business I SOVIETS to use Arab units to relieve their troops? S INDIRA'S move seen as step to dictatorship 4 SAUDIS begin new policy of openness 5 RESERVOIR sanctuary for the watery denizens
      93 words
    • 126 1 |p PHILIPS Ironing is so easy with a Philips lightweight Philips lightweight lightens ■An open handle to get into your ironing load. With a num- difficult areas with ease, ber of unique features for faster and easier ironing. And this fabulous Philips Accurate heat-control to lightweight sells for under $22.
      126 words
    • 46 1 Prescription Since 1938 /> V j A Training CS CHONGOD EDDIE CHONG L C O Mam bar of ttw British Contact Lant Sooatv Mambar o« tha National eve Rataarch Foundation EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 11 CHUM STREET SMGATOK 1 TEI: 927 ft (Ho Connection with en Optical Firm
      46 words

    • 472 2 Firms capable of vetoing Congress, says study WASHINGTON, Monday AMERICAN corporations and corporate lobbies have immense political power that they can use to exercise a sort of veto over Con- 1 gress, said a report on two leading business organisations published at the weekend by
      NYT  -  472 words
    • 35 2 DAVID Janssen was Irreverent and irascible in my opinion, perfect. Eulogy by actress Suzanne Pleshette at the funeral on Sunday of David Janssen, star of the television series The Fugitive and Harry-O.
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    • 154 2 Birdman Shigeta plays mate to crane TOKYO, Mon. In a bid to save the rare bird from extinction, a Japanese birdman will soon romance an American female whooping crane to help her lay fertilised eggs. "The chances of success are very slim, but I will try my best to be
      AFP  -  154 words
    • 60 2 TURKISH t.oops conducting a house-to-house search for leftist militants wh« had earlier fought a day-long street war with them In a slum area* la Turkey's Aegean port of Emir on Saturday. Four troopers were killed while II leftists were hospitalised with Kunshet wounds. More than 4M militants were
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 140 2 Bush wins the first Republican primary SAN JUAN, Monday FORMER Central Intelligence Agency chief George Bush has won Puerto Rico's Republican primary, the first in this year's US presidential election campaign. The result commits all of Puerto Rico's 14 voting delegates to Mr Bush for the first ballot at the
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    • 137 2 In WASHINGTON, California Governor Jerry Brown yesterday conceded that his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination is in dire financial straits, but he pledged to pursue it even if ne had to hitchhike from state to state Mr Brown, who captured a surprisingly strong
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 52 2 BEIJING. Mon. "Saturday Night Fever" among young people in Shanghai is causing concern among communist party officials. Party cadres in one Shanghai district recently embarked on a campaign to dissuade young people from holding dance parties in their homes, the Liberation Daily, a leading Shanghai paper,
      UPI  -  52 words
    • 222 2 'Shelved: Plans to evacuate in case of N-war LONDON, Mon. The British Government has abandoned plans to evacuate populated areas in the event of a nuclear war, a holocaust that would kill four out of 10 Britons, the Sunday Times reported. The paper said 44 circulars distributed by the British
      UPI  -  222 words
    • 32 2 TOKYO, Mon. Japans current account deficit hit an alltime high of US$324 billion <556.97 billion) in January due to soaring oil import prices, the Finance Ministry said today. UPI.
      UPI  -  32 words
    • 125 2 LONDON, Mob. Mr Mark Thatcher, soa of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, today aaaoaaeod he had signed with a British earßrm and to giving ap plans to nude! for a Japanese company. The It-year old race ear driver said he was Joining a British racing team In
      AFP  -  125 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 346 2 The Biggest Happening of the\fear Trie /"m3nu3rin IB E& Singapore was made with you in mind. t"*— 1980 is an exciting year for us. Because we see the completion of .ill Wm ».V A V***fl our much talked-about multivVVmMl 1 sILI million dollar extension building. v V\l^A flB IbV bBcB
      346 words

    • 222 3 Aeroflot flights will now land at Dulles v.ASHINGTON, Mon. Under an informal agreement, flights by the Soviet airline Aeroflot from Moscow to the US will routinely land in Washington instead of in New York from now on, a State Department spokesman said yesterday. Mr David Nail said the two Aeroflot
      UPI  -  222 words
    • 198 3 LAKE PLACID, Mon. WINTER Olympics transport officials were today keeping their fingers crossed that their system of buses and roadblocks had finally broken the traffic jams which were spoiling the party. New york State Governor Hugh Carey had given his "Olympic
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 155 3 EAST BERLIN, Mm. East Uermaay hi flying Into East Berlin f«r treatment several Afghan G*v«rimeat trMpa w*on«ed by Maalim rebels, the •ffleial AON aewa agency said today. The mm* Mli II Afghan Mldten left Kabul today m mi East German pUae which had seat bl««d plasma,
      155 words
    • 214 3 TOKYO, Mon. The Soviet Union is trying to form military contingents from friendly Arab countries "Islamic Cubans" to relieve at least partially its troops stationed in Afghanistan, according to reports circulating in diplomatic circles here. The reports coincided with an article
      AFP  -  214 words
    • 282 3 THE United States Government is putting increasing pressure on the US Olympic Committee to announce as soon as possible that American athletes will boycott the Moscow Olympics in a move to rally other governments to its cause, USOC sources said yesterday. President Jimmy Carter's
      UPI  -  282 words
    • 266 3 DETROIT, Mon. A mentally retarded couple is fighting in court to regain custody of their baby daughter. County Judge Robert E. Spier is expected to decide this month where to place Stephanie Diesing, the six-month-old daughter of David and Dorothy Diesing of East
      AP  -  266 words
    • 102 3 TOKYO, Mon. The Japanese Government hopes to boost its defence expenditure from the present 0.9 per cent to 1 per cent of the gross national product "in the near future," a spokesman for the Liberal Democratic Party said today. He declined to mention a
      AFP  -  102 words
    • 216 3 PARIS, Mon. There are about 6,000 Soviet intelligence agents throughout the world posing as diplomats, and each year several hundred are expelled, well-informed sources said here. Only last week, the Soviet consul in Marseilles, Mr Guenadi Travko, left hurriedly for Moscow after a
      AFP  -  216 words
    • 142 3 NEW YOBK, Mm. Ttoatre-gaen with Impaired hearing who usually atve to bay expeMlve M»te rr*at to be sale to bet m»y ■•w beaeflt fr*m ln««viflMi la aevenU New Y»rk theatres that altow theai to foltow the dialogs? m matter where la the tteatre they are rttttag. Two
      142 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 i v^ss^^'^nn^/ .^nssJ V I' 1 vl/jrJ Symbol: The Fishes i i m Tendency: Sensitive and emotional J |*ns^^ I Ih. I with a htghly rexnantic disposition LTIJ 1 71 1 Value most Love m m k .43 Lucky numbers: 8.5.4 nA| n&| m^M Jewel: Amethyst m Flowers: Lotus, tuberose
      112 words
    • 427 3 The Shangri-La Playhouse and British Airways W^ nt*ss^^ C^ bC^ tl M /^^-t-Mi mllansnnSnsn^i^^^ Lnm. V^A X 7 nns^Pn^f^ 1 ■snV nnPV— O*^ L»r i ]jr 1 j£S&snnn I \i L N l\ Oel Coward's \_L-^"^ I Pre-dinncr Cocktail, Dinner Show: most Celebrated COmedy "Blith<? I $75.00 (inclusive of taxes)
      427 words

    • 253 4 PHILIPPINES President Ferdinand Marcos today said "some mode of coop era t ion can be developed" among Asean "to stem the tide of insurgency" which he claimed as now the most dangerous threat to its security. He however did not elaborate on this as
      AFP  -  253 words
    • 134 4 Vietnam marks first year of treaty BANGKOK, Mon. Vietnam today marked the first anniversary of its friendship treaty with the Heng Samrin regime by stressing gains it says the regime has made in internal and foreign affairs. The treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation, signed a day after China attacked
      Reuter  -  134 words
    • 37 4 FLORENCE, Mon. About 200,000 communists from all parts of Italy demonstrated for peace and detente yesterday and heard communist party chief Enrico Berlinguer repeat his criticism of the United States and the Soviet Union. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 96 4 NEW DELHI, Mon. Female bees became sexually aggressive and the disorderly behaviour of mental patients increased before and during Saturday's total eclipse of the sun over India. The increased mating urge among female bees was noticed in one of numerous experiments carried out
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 150 4 Fishermen protest oil price hike BANGKOK, Mon. Thousands of fishermen today held a rally outside Government House to protest against a recent increase of oil prices. Police said some 7,000 people from more than 10 provinces attended the rally. They also sent representatives to meet Prime Minister Kriangsak Chomanan and
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 104 4 Homeless once more LAOTIAN refugee children rimmaglf thrMch the charred wreckage at their camp In Neng Khal, •II km frem Bangkek, which was «festreyed hy fire en Over »,NI Laettans were left hemelew In the Ore which waa believed te'hav* started when an ail lamp in ene ef the shaattes
      AP  -  104 words
    • 400 4 NEW DELHI, Monday PRIME Minister Indira Gandhi yesterday sacked nine state governments in a move to consolidate her power, provoking charges that she had taken "the first step towards dictatorship." Mrs Gandhi dissolved the state governments under an article of the Indian
      AFP; UPI  -  400 words
    • 105 4 Special courts fold up NEW DELHI, Mon. Special courts set up last year to try Indian Premier Indira Gandhi and others for alleged offences during her 1?7577 emergency rule virtually folded up today when the last pending case was referred back to an ordinary tribunal. In the case, V. C.
      Reuter  -  105 words
    • 47 4 NEW ORLEANS. Moo. A hit-and-run driver ploughed through a -rowd waiting on Canal Stree for a Mardi Gras parade yesterday and injured eight persons, one seriously. The suspect, apparently driving a stolen car, rammed through police barricades set up for the mid-city parade.
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    • 273 4 Angry farmers burn down chemical plant JAKARTA, Mon. ABOUT 500 angry Indonesian villagers, apparently upset about pollution, have burned down a chemical factory, causing damage estimated at one billion rupiah (553.4 million), police reported today. Initial reports said the villagers in the Majalengka district, 200 km east of here, claimed
      Reuter; UPI  -  273 words
    • 53 4 BERLIN. Mon. Two people fled to West Berlin in a oaring escape over the city's heavily fortified wall late last night. They fled East Berlin by climbing through the windows of a boarded up house skirting the wall near the famed Charlie Crossing checkpoint. West German
      UPI  -  53 words
    • 48 4 WASHINGTON, Mon Mankind could wipe out 1 million plant and animal species by the year 2000 and species extinction will reach "ruinous proportions" in the next two decades, according to a Harvard University scientist, Dr E.O. Wilson writing in the current issue of Harvard Magazine. UPI.
      UPI  -  48 words
    • 91 4 MANILA, M«a. OM4mMM 81-ye*r-•ld F.relpi Mfadater Carlw Itemol* was In g««d o— tm»u Mtewbig a tw*-tov gallbl»4der remtvil •pentttM today. It m Oca Bmik'i first malar amrgery atom doctors at tfcc same Mawkaa kMattal saved Us life after a ear aeeUeat la 1*72 that
      AP  -  91 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 377 4 if IUIIU 9 B^^^^H nnSv itf/%°v\mF aft ssft I (if h I -Bl F« ijrar^w> ±n§M While Hoiks lust J^'W r TOMYTOYS POWERSTONE Jq^ 1 g^7T7Sft li:CQl^%l PENCIL SHARPENERS isjMnK Lt:^ 1 3 A) I Usua i $14.25 I 19 Missile Fighting Came' I IJ^BBm i rCC ICO/. g« -«|f<,.
      377 words
    • 15 4 Bi*^^nnn^^^nnnWna»4H mm I BSLnfcnnr^nunfl BSn^^nn ■p'^^ BnYvTnn E^ann^^^Bsl K3lnl«v^BsK9 nTnk^sl aESllssnA»Mfag anZ/j nan^-^^anl ftwa^ InfsnnlnH
      15 words

    • 36 5 NAIROBI. Mon. About 600 students, angry over a prescribed mass punishment, set fire to part of their secondary school this weekend, causing an estimated US$2O,OOO (5543.000) worth of damage, local reports said today. AP.
      AP  -  36 words
    • 225 5 Iran to boycott 'time-wasting' Opec talks TEHERAN, Monday IRAN today announced it will not take part in this week's conference of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, saying it was just a destructive ploy by international imperialists. "It's a waste of time," Iran's Oil Minister Ali Akbar Moinfar told Pars
      AFP  -  225 words
    • 455 5 Saudis begin a new policy of openness WASHINGTON, Mon. SHAKEN by publicity surrounding the recent seizure of the Grand Mosque at Mecca, the Saudi ruling family says it has begun a new policy of openness, including frank descriptions of plans for changes. In a series of interviews. Crown Prince Fahd
      NYT  -  455 words
    • 117 5 Dissidents to get back their civic rights SEOUL, Mon. Several hundred political dissidents, including opposition leader Kirn Dae- Jung, will shortly be rehabilitated, reliable sources reported today. President Choi Kyu-Hah is expected to decree the restoration of their civic rights on March 1, the anniversary of the nation's independence movement.
      AFP  -  117 words
    • 96 5 Baby just a bite a-head SidElinErs THE parents of an 18-month-old girl rushed out of their Melbourne home into their backyard yesterday when they saw their baby chewing happily on a venomous black snake nearly 30 cm long. But Diane Stiles was safe she had already killed the snake by
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 95 5 "NICE girls don't marry sailors" was what they used to say in Shanghai, but they do now that seamen get priority for apartments, according to a Beijing newspaper. The Liberation Daily said nearly 100 merchant seamen had got married in the city since Jan 1
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 59 5 SRI LANKA'S police today advised the country's working girls to carry a stick or a bag of pepper or chilli powder when leaving home at odd hours. "You never know when you may have to use it in self-defence" they said in a weekly crime prevention
      AFP  -  59 words
    • 45 5 SIX convicts escaped from suburban Manila's Parananue jail yesterday while other inmates sang loudly to cover the noise of the sawing of bars, police said today. One has been recaptured but the others are still being hunted, police added. —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 279 5 TORONTO, Mon. Canadians vote for a new government today, choosing as leader either Conservative Prime Minister Joe Clark or the politically "bornagain Pierre Trudeau. Mr Clark, elected only last May, asked for a "fair chance" to carry out his tough economic
      AP; UPI  -  279 words
    • 127 5 PERTH, Mm. A 11y ear-* 1 girl facing the gallews fer tfce mvrtar af m paUeemaa 11 mTity age had her death seatearr rimmated to life Imprlaeament hy the Weatera Aostrallaa state geverameat today. iinmriTi WUbrakam was aeatoaeed to death ea Oet SI last
      UPI  -  127 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 201 5 Rely on Australian offshore experience SEE THE AUSTRALIAN DISPLAY OFFSHORE SOUTH LEAST ASIA Hyatt Convention Centre, Singapore, Areas 46A, 468 Level 3. 26-29 February 1980. Australian offshore expertise featured at Offshore South East comes from years of experience. Asia. Ranging from valves, Experience in hostile, deep water pipeline, welding and
      201 words
    • 287 5 M "^y I g NO DOWN PAYMENT 1 S TRADE-IN YOUR OLD £OAA L 9 REFRIGERATOR VALUED FOR A BRAND NEW ONE ON HIRE PURCHASE M Sfj 1 1 j 1. j =iE. lllliilininiillliiliiliinHHiiiiniHmi l|iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(fll)l lijjiiliiiiiiiilllllllillllllliip biiiiiiiiiiwi lulling Hjjlliimiiiiiiiiiiimniuiuiiiiii^ii AcmaAß-260 AcmaAß-260C Acma AR-420 3 No Frost 238 Litres) Cycle Matic
      287 words

  • 434 6 YOUNG ONES STEAL THE HEARTS OF THOUSANDS Photos: CHINGAY the colourful and picturesque annual procession that has become a highlight for many during Chinese New Year once again delighted thousands this year. The cheers and warm response went especially to the many young Singaporeans who performed, witnessed in such items
    434 words
  • 80 6 $1,500 raised by residents' committee THE Ang Mo Kio Residents' Committee Zone 'E' recently raised $1,500 from the sale of old newspapers and clothing donated by residents on Feb 3. The money will be used to finance tuition for GCE 0' level and PSLE. Mandarin and folk dancing classes, sports
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  • 34 6 THE Bukit Merah community centre youth group will organise a rmn>— New Year dance party on Saturday at 7.30 p.m. Registration fees are S3 for members and $4 for non-mem-bers
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 129 6 Shelltox Anti-Roach NEW wu^iij AAhHEI ua J-?#"V f\j* j Continuous protect ion for three months Shelltox Anti-Roach gives you up to The neat child-proof pack is made so three months continuous protection that children cannot tamper with it. wherever insect control is needed. Yet the vapour from the Vapona Just
      129 words
    • 7 6 Once you you'll never "be the same.
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  • 109 7 Morning Crowd Warms to refreshing Dawn LITTLE Dawn Feng, fear, pictured on right, captarwl the hearts of many who turned ap to watch the Chingay procession at lag Me Kio yesterday morming. A kindergarten pupil from Telok Blaagah, Dawn was among the hundreds of young Singaporeans who took part In
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  • 428 7 Chingay Extravaganza HOLIDAYING Singaporeans and tourists by the thousands swarmed Ang Mo Kio estate yesterday to feast their eyes on the much-heralded Chingay extravaganza. By as early as seven in the morning, people were already taking up vantage positions either on the dixon
    428 words
  • 67 7 A GAME OF HEAD AND SHOULDERS STANDING bead tad ttnmiien itow ttc rwt la tac cr»wd was the aame af the jpune at yesterday's Ckiagay praecHaM la Aag M* When every eemttmetre cwiata, kelgktwtoe taat E lageaalty was the «Her af the lad staMtUg tall was tain ymmg maa la
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 41 7 The Straits Times The Sunday Times or* available daily in Djokorto from SITTA AGENCY Djl If H D|uondo 34 Po« Diokorto M *****7 FIRMA WIR a SAKTI RAMAVANA GARDEN ARCADE HOTEL MOONES4A SHERATON JAKARTA THE LATEST NEWS. MRFRftGHTED TO YOU OUT
      41 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 101 7 ,T?t-!. 1 1 M#W\M-lIU£ MNtTEPMAN^CiARtTIANCP a a Aner ca/et?A, icm vitapc f t§^* MON^Y, IS HAN^IMe ABOUT f,N| SPAdt, APWNI^^^KAUUQHT^ARS f 10 REAVY hR!U\S SORT OF EMSRGi£W><.' UNrTtDMAN) LEAVING HOTUmiO 6HANGZ, j§ f^RUSS AW SNGIN6 THF ££6AT M M EVEKf <2£NTTW£y HAVE-.- VV/-AK-£-*Y MINI It^rvßN IWMV^ BFx/ Mi ■__oBH»BF^»_gajajaaT'^^ ii>i_
      101 words

  • 172 8 Survey on food prices in Marine Parade A SURVEY on food prices at markets and hawker centres in Marine Parade is being conducted by the constituency's citizens' consultative committee. Residents there were sent a questionnaire together with the latest issue of the constituency's newsletter. Marine Parade News. Explaining the reasons
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  • 13 8 Tiger kmrta Mke thaw f <»■■■■ to Maoßttofcte B— ervtr.
    13 words
  • 291 8 Govt urged to impose quota on car imports THE government should consider imposing a quota on all new imported vehicles to control the number of cars on the roads. i The chairman of the Singapore Second Hand Motor Vehicle Dealers Association, Mr Ong Kirn Tee, who made the point, said
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  • 43 8 THE Bukit Merah portal agency at Block 133. 1524 Jalan Bukit Merah. will open for business on Thursday. Services available include the sale of portage stamps, stamped stationery, Singapore portal orders and the acceptance of registered articles and parcels.
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  • 472 8  - Reservoir sanctuary for watery denizens WONGMOH-KEED By BELIEVE it or not, Singapore reservoirs are not only a source of fresh water but also a sanctuary for many forms of water life from prawns to ornamental fishes. Even turtles and a python or two happily live in the calm waters and
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  • 136 8 Supervisor found dead with slash wound THE tody •< a 28-ye*r-»ld Housing Board snpcrvisMwas found with a slash woud m his ahewMer iltig L»rwu Wewdlaads Kechll before daws yesterday. Initial p*lkw lavesdcattow have cUmUM the death «f Yap Tecfc B**n aa murder. PaUee said Yap's k*dy m foud at ahtwt
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  • 87 8 THE Science Centre will screen two films, Rendezvous with the Sun and Man's Reach Should Exceed His Grasp, at the centre on Feb 24 at 3 p.m. The first film is about the world's depleting petroleum resources and considers alternative sources of energy. The other
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  • 39 8 GEYLANG East community centre will hold courses on yoga, beauty, health, social dance, restaurant cooking, macranw, tai-chi and radio and television repair and maintenance at its premises. For details ring *****5 between 2.X p.m. and 10.30 p.m.
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  • 51 8 CLEMENTI New Town will become the first housing estate where the coupon parking system will be introduced. The self-ticketing system will begin there on March 1. Residents in the area can buy season monthly tickets at $15 for cars, $40 fpr buses and lorries, and $4 for
    51 words
  • 38 8 THE Marine Parade community centre management and cltlzem' eontulative comltUM will provide Mandarin learning tapes (with boots) to ra-iUntt. The tape* will be loaned (or a period of two wMka. A deposit of IB is required.
    38 words
  • 45 8 THE Parliamentary Secretary (Horn* Attain). Mr Chin Ham tons, will open the National Road Safety Workbook Contest at the RELC in Orange Grove Road on Saturday at 11 a.m. It it organiMd by the National Safety Council and the Singapore Police Force.
    45 words
  • 15 8 THE Singapore Business and FrofcMtoMlWoinen'i A***": lion will hold an International on Saturday.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 230 8 A cue you can't afford to miss. Now $7750.00 Complete with accessories Usual $*****.00 Call personally on Wed. between 9 am to 1 pm Executive Promotions (Pte) Ltd., 1 178, Somerset House, Somerset Road, Singapore 0923. or Phone *****51 for an appointment. Imported English-Style 6ftby 1 2 ft. BILLIARD JABLE_J
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 265 9  -  S.M. MUTHU By THE Sri Rnthra KaUaraauui Temple, wuek will mm be rebailt la TeUk Blaagak New T*wb, will be a ■yatbesis *f met Hasdcal aad modera arekltoetaral forms whea c*mpteted. Tbe temple praaer bas beea Inilfti by
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  • 113 9 THE Singapore Armed Forces wiD be conducting military exercises at Marsi ling. Mandai, Lim Chu Kang, Tampines, Pulau Tekong and Pulau Übin areas from 7.30 a.m. today to 11.59 p.m. on Sunday. Blanks and thunderflashes will be used. The public is advised not to be
    113 words
  • 124 9 Level with each other on money, couples —urged A MUSLIM wife should always check her husband's financial situation before giving him any part of her monthly income. She should find out if her husband has any financial difficulties and, if so, whether these problems arise due to family burdens or
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  • 58 9 THE Geylang East community centre will organise a tour to three Chinese temples in Singapore, including the Siong Urn Temple and the Temple of a Thousand Lights, on March 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The fee will be $4 (or adults and $2 for
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  • 369 9  - More people studying Chinese art of healing NGIAM TONG HAI By THE Chinese ?rt of healing is drawing in eager students today with a few practitioners of the art earning as much as $10,000 a month. The number of Chinese physicians has risen from about 400 in 1975 to about
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  • 225 9 US firm sets up $13m oil drilling tools plant here BAKER Far East, a subsidiary of the American multinational Baker International, has set up a $13 million plant in Jurong to make oilfield equipment. It enjoys pioneer status and will be officially opened by National Development Minister Teh It started
    225 words
  • 71 9 NJC alumni meeting on Saturday THE rational Junior College Alumni will hold its first annual meeting on Saturday at the college, LT3, at 2.30 p.m. Social, educational and recreational activities, aimed a* fostering friendship and goodwill among past and present collegians and staff, will be organised. The alumni also hopes
    71 words
  • 33 9 THE Senior Minister of State (or Education. Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam. will speak at the opening ceremony of tbe Young Innovators Exhibition a! Raffles Institution on Feb 27 at 2.30 p.m.
    33 words
  • 114 9 Boy swept away at beach picnic A 14-YEAR-OLD b«y was swept away by straag ewreata aid waves darlag a family ateafe at Deaan Beach In Jah«w *a Saturday. Efforts by his family aa4 lifeguards U save him failed. Kasall M»hammed Ismail (ahsve), a Heeaai ary 1 atadeat at Slglap Secondary
    114 words
  • 111 9 Another security firm is set up A NEW security firm, Comguards and Investigation Agency, formed t>y karate exponents and expolice personnel, is now in business. The brain-child of prominent karate exponent, Mr Peter Chong, it hires out services such as security guards to commercial firms, and bodyguards to the wealthy
    111 words
  • 22 9 PIANO, guitar and organ courses will be conducted at the Upper Serangoon community centre music room. For details, ring *****61.
    22 words
  • 121 9 THREE new mosques, expected to be completed in a few months, may not have enough funds to provide the facilities for the buildings, the president of the Muslim Religious Council, Tuan Haji Buang Siraj said on Sunday night. The mosques are the AlAnsar in
    121 words
  • 177 9 Business as usual on third day for some NEVER open for business on the third day, or so the old Chinese belief goes. And true to custom, most shops owned by Chinese businessmen remained closed yesterday, the third day of Chinese New Year. But for the handful that were opened
    177 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 74 9 Baaaaaa^^^^^aamaaTaaaa^fti m JlHaaaaaaaaK MM \\\\\\\\\\w -aaßßß^^^ aB aaa l^m\ I .ar WaaaaaaaaaaVjM^iT^aaaaal J^f\ CHINESE Hdf NEW YEAR V iSr II i SPECIALOFFER tff wSfcS^ J Lacl es Slimline quartz digital JoaV watches at special offer. Also ideal for teenagers age 8-15. v SHARP $45 I Slimline ffltt^r Available from: Midland
      74 words
    • 272 9 FOR THE BEST IN TEMPORARY PERSONNEL FJ.L J aam. "Itour Job Answer" WO JW.HIHI mil^twn.m §mwtrn, occouniin^f nnto pracatssin^, light industrial xvork O INSTA LOCUM Call us at *****77 *****78 tywi $o& s4n4cuei~ 1 S Bank of America shows more interest in your money. Especially money on Fixed Deposits Now
      272 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 391 10 IT IS not the first time that Singaporeans have been urged to be more interested in the outside world. Foreign Minister S. Rajaratnam sounded another reminder when he indirectly lamented the fact that Singaporeans seem preoccupied only with personal problems like jobs, cost of living and housing. It
      391 words
    • 371 10 THE world said goodbye and good riddance to smallpox some four months ago when the Director General of the World Health Organisation declared the 'last infected area on earth, the Horn of Africa, free of the disease. This is the first time mankind has successfully eradicated a disease,
      371 words
  • 1018 10 WASHINGTON America's friends appear confident US forces could repel an initial Soviet bid to take over the Gulf but are less certain about their effectiveness in a wider, prolonged conflict. This emerged in a survey of various world capita Is following President Jimmy Carter's
    1,018 words
  • 779 10  -  R.W. Apple in LONDON By ONE of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's most important goals for her first year in office appears to have slipped from her grasp. Foreign Office officials said no early settlement was in sight for the bitter dispute over Britain's contributions to
    NYT  -  779 words
  • 735 10 Troubled timber industry WHEN the forest resources of Peninsular Malaysia were last surveyed in June 1972, there were about 8 million hectares with an overall gross volume of 900 million cv m of all trees above 46 cm in diametre. Just a short eight years later today, a
    735 words
  • 640 10 One defence source said New Zealand was aware of concern in Washington about the army "but this is not reflected in the calibre of the men we come across, which seems very high." Europe BRITAIN The quality of US forces is
    Reuter  -  640 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 4 10 2^-^> BULOVA ■BMC 9DWT2ERLAM)
      4 words
    • 179 10 Come under our wing and get your business of f to a flying start. SAS goes to great lengths to make cocktails, special meals, headphones, your business ours. For a start we even lounge slippers, to make you give you a convenient choice of four feel really comfortable all the
      179 words

    • 633 11 More qualified nurses had resigned from government service in the last two years than previously. However, the turnover rate in 1979 was about 5 per cent of the total strength of government nurses and did not result in any serious shortage. 1
      633 words
    • 37 11 NURSES WHO RESIGN FROM GOVERNMENT SERVICE Reasons for Resignation ggfffSgg 1. To pursue further nursing training overseas 29% 2. Domestic problems 24% 3. To continue nursing career in private sector 23% 4. Changing occupation 7 0/ o
      37 words
    • 130 11 Helping the blind without hesitation I SUGGEST that blind people be educated to raise up their white cane as an indication to the public that they need assistance. A campaign should also be launched to educate the public to recognise this sign and to help the blind people without hesitation.
      130 words
    • 257 11 I REFER to your report on the ideal togging track along the Ulu Pandan Canal (ST. Jan 23). The 2,400 metre-long track of compact sand and sawdust is indeed an ideal jogging track not available elsewhere in Singapore. However, it is a pity
      257 words
    • 149 11 NURSES have complained In you- Forum pace that they are over-worked, underpaid and the thfactry condtions have made them quit government service. Daea anyone know that the medical and health servants In everament hospitals also ye the same problems as the urges?
      149 words
    • 474 11 I'HK high turnover of lurses resulting from the ecent exodus of these >rofessionals towards the >rivate sector is not at all mrprising if we are to do in in-depth .study into the ituation. After re-eiving in tumerable complaints i'o m friends who were
      474 words
    • 285 11 WHILE the television screening of the concert for the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UniceT), "A Gift of Song," by Singapore Broadcasting Corporation was a most welcome thing, some questions must be raised. Already the question has been asked why Rod Stewart's performance
      285 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 188 11 ELSEVE BELIEVES THAT THE PROPER WVY TO HANDLE DANDRUFF IS GENTLY Jt^^L a^a^aV *?M New Elseve Controle is the k m Z^gSgrn soft way to get tough with m L W tf dandruff. W Jn^lHHzl ti' ii ill Ifl ujam- &M s all in a remarkably J^^^^Hlß 1 a^^^ "VHUj
      188 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 672 12 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX Telephone Service *****22 mf^ N— -I Mondoy-Fndoy 8300 m 500 p m Ontnory 70 ct» p« «ord <rrw> P0 50) I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE L,T~~}** \f ***»aa*^ ***BBb*»^ T«na»Centra 900 o rr. -500 pm (Mw *4«l 5) Sundo, T^ VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS 284-4422
      672 words
    • 1057 12 H EWPLOYMEIIT 1 AN EXPANOWIO EXPORT firm urgenlly requires 2 female docu_4 flii.i.Kntu mentation and correspondence 31 smianons VaCaVII clerks. Interested appllcanU please write In stating full peraBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVaBBBBBBBI s o n particulars, working experience and contact phone number to: The Advertiser, P.O. Box 416 Balestler Estate Post Of rnaf.aefaai.r f
      1,057 words
    • 596 12 --m»»»»»-SBJ.»»T EMPLOYMEMT EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER CUM Typist required. Salary HJ commensurate with years of exaal'j 1 1 It ■'.^l <■' i'r vißTai perlence Reference required. ■pP2MJHHB Enquiries *****8. mSHran EXPERIENCED SENIOR FEMALE roeulrad: abb^. I a OCE O' level certificate I d 1 1] d IfTTaTB holder ■■■MpvaaaMpUlia^Hß a 2to 3
      596 words
    • 941 12 II EMPiOYMEMT J Ikf B f> PURCNASasO CLERK "W^a* „,ulrad by axpawdwtg company. fIECTWIIICS (S) fTf. LTD. Raquvemsntt: MALE a Above 21 years of age. ncocnuuci O.C.E. 'O1O 1 level with credit In rtKoUNNCL English and Mathematics ASSISTANT g^* 11 1 11 c Knowledge of Import/export Age: between 22 -24
      941 words
    • 968 12 II EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCED EXPORT FORFMFN executive runcMeri a Must have knowledge of USA market in partlcu- y "^^^""VrfflJV? lar Florida company mvitas appMcanons a Experienced in the ex- f*2**g**** m lh# IoU port of textiles, ready wwmfl raqtmsmsnls: made garments, handl- a Singapore citizens, above crafts lo the USA Zl
      968 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 691 13 II EMPLOYWtENT 31 Situations Vacant 1 t IVI ML t PRODUCTION OPERATORS c) Domestic AMERICAN COMPANY OtRECTOR i general keeping I 'all Mrs WeTaWM a^B Slrele. *****88 between 9a m and x\^4m\±^Lw/ A SMALL FAMILY requires stay-in rwby amah Preferably single No rookuig and washing Tel «182K> U.S.A. Immediate
      691 words
    • 917 13 II EMPLOYMENT MEP STOP has immediate vacancies for LUUMNU PERMANENT NIGHT FURTHER! SHIFT MACHINWTB I#lR R.QUiramartt. I I V. a Some woodworking ex- V^fTv" Ssj~ perlence. preferably with Trade Certificate c Completed NS AT Starting aalary U WoV/ Minimum general electric d^ O (T TELEVISION A APPLIANCE yOvV WE OFFER
      917 words
    • 1062 13 II EWPLOYMEHT A leading hotel invites jMUam -4 [m J V BBBBsV anpJu>a(Lnna a., Amw ■PP»C«IIKHI* fOr lr»# pOSI y oft HITftCHI ELECTIOmC DCVrXS SECURITY (SiMrPoiqptlltd. GUARDS tarNaa as.Ociali la HB Sk. Mleeasg peaMaes let Uw* New Must be physically fit. fetsarysaJßraea. Age below 45 years. Be (A) MALE able
      1,062 words
    • 995 13 II EWPLOYWEWT f»C A WEamalaVSaWk "■*WBa«B» MuraU Electronics is one of the larfest electronic component manufacturers in Japan producing capaciInvites applications for the post j tors.filters.and variable reof> ststors. CONTAINER QUAY CRANE/VAN SALXS CARRIER OPERATOR rf\ AV^*\Jl n< ul Requireinenls: c 22 to 35 years of ace c Class 3
      995 words
    • 1091 13 II EMPLOYMENT PETROL KIOSK REQUIRES Motor- car Washman Disl 0315 Please Tradma. company Wwrttes Owgsaars contact: M1287/8204M Cjrtaana (lemale). aaed JO k» PUMP ATTENDANTS ANO lar P Washers required Apply person- tMRCMANWSING STAFF ally at: 373. Upper Aljunied Road. No experience required training I Mobil Service Station provided Salary $220
      1,091 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1170 14 45 Vehicle* For Sato 46 Vehicles Wanted AA MEMBER REOUBMB above 1873 any make vehicles, private/ X) Otmmrs company Contact *****58/ *****57/ *****20 (night) A BANK EXECUTIVE requires any good condition vehicle, preferr m ably with alrcond 1973 upwards. COMPANY CARB 4eMDI6/ *****30 1878 Ford Cortina 1.6 OL Flat 131S
      1,170 words
    • 1166 14 IV ACCOWIpWOATIOW 4 PROPERTIES MERLIN PLAZA SEIRVICE AR^RTMENTS RENTAL FROM $1650 PER MONTH MINIMUM ONE MONTH TENANCY Enjoy all the comforts of living in a hotel and the privacy of your own home Fully furnished including TV and telephone Fully equipped Kitchenette Linen. Housekeeping and Ftoom Service c Free water
      1,166 words
    • 1238 14 l¥ ACCOMMODATION 4 HMPBTIS A BRITISH CORPORATION Re- «-,->«-- quires Detached Bungalows/ -^n^S.iiT'iaiirvT. n.. Apartmenu. Oood Deposits As- 8-bbibiuibbsii naTTACHHi sured Budget Not More Than Are approx. 55D0 a^-fy facing $8,000 Owners Please Call *****8 north -east. Rite* *****8 Ext S (Thursday). DlgT. ia COBY CORJaSh A FRKNOLY DOCTOR require
      1,238 words
    • 1044 14 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES K£Mjjjn~TCgf c) LMmd l^MC^^^Cmj^^^^ BARTLEY ROAO. APPROXB4ATELY Kaiiv^TO ***** s<)ri freehold land sult- B J a r>**4|V> > Bj^^bbl able for Townhouse Develop■"■*^S*t7 aLJ^CaBBBsf^BBI m nt Price: $22 00 p.s f with vamr%BV^^sßßTT»yaZ^al cant possession. Also freehold .^^B^arY^^B^aaPßßßTj I land and building at Lorong i BBBVVT^bII Penchalak.
      1,044 words
    • 820 14 V SERVICES It BUSINESS ABILITY AT MOVBtO household/ office equipment. Rates from 74 Beauty Culture $20/$3O (Datsun plck'ip). Call *****38 ABLE a REABONABLE: Datsun Pickup ($2O/ $30). Lorry ($4O/ EILEEN'S BEAUTY CARE Of Ro- $S0) sgujfaction (ruaranleed land announces me opening or Tel *****14 y B Cua d v?e eW
      820 words

    • 109 15 DEPARTED ON 14/2/80 BURIED ON IS/2/S0 Wil* Clara, Son* Eugene and Adrian, Daughter Audrey wieh to •xpraas their ainrere thank* to Pri**t». relative* and friend* lor their kind aeaaatance, condolence*, wreath*, donation* and aMendanc* during Iheir recent bereavement led by Beloved wile: Mdm. Yong Choy Har Sena: Tuck
      109 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      252 15 PMlld •<•■> en Feb. 14. ISM. Funeral held Feb. is. IMO Fondly remembered by parents. 3 brothers and 3 sisters. patted away on 15/2/80 leaving behind Wile: Mdm Lee Quee Lang Sena: Ng Hua Bak Ng Bak Sim Ng Bak Nam Ng Bock Tleng Ng Raymond. Scan Plaw
      252 words
    • 23 15 144 In Memor lam IN CHERISHED MCMORY Of WKE KH TAN Not Just today but everyday, in silence we remember' From Lo«*d On**
      23 words
    • 20 15 IN LOVING MEMORY OF O**pty mitHd and tondly r*m*mb*r*d by wit*. duMcan and grandclutdran. MB. LOW KONQ UN Departed: 1»J.7»
      20 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 795 15 VIEDUCATIOII4TRAINHIfi Xhb— —a——— —SJ 5 ATT language centre SCHOOL OF LINGUISTIC SKILLS Longuoge course* and private tuition for school exomirtotionj ood for business, travel pleasure EVENING CLASSES English, all levels Mon. Wed. 7.35 p.m. Tues. Thu. 7.35 p.m. English for school-age children, all levels Tue. Thu. 5.45 p.m. Wed. Fri.
      795 words
    • 1163 15 WH)OCATTOiI4TRAH<W6 SINQAPORt INSTITUTE Of m% Science 593-A Serangoon Road mX—- (258(420). Enrol for 1860 Physical -~M; f~^M| Science. Biology, Malhematlcj. MJLJfI English. Physics. Chemistry. Sec V t->=^iW II Pre U II tfpV/4lrt«?C TYUWWTatO (MOW-U— WAWO One/ Two/ Three Month RADIO StHVrCHG |tlQ| Courses) Dally 8.00 am 0.00 Ca»miaw-wa p.m.. Shorthand.
      1,163 words
    • 826 15 WITmELATOWS for the most economical I J J a t reliable fares to:- 1 m\ Lo««lei;- Amalaraaw Part. LjUuUß^ljJ,, Zufteli Coscmlmami Oflte II I r^k I W»w TQrti Toronto L. Myln IJIJijJjHIIHIjjJ tali aria a** BaMfkoi k 1 1 1 1 1 IH HotiQkooQ -I. ManMa Takyo L^^^^^^*^^^^^^^ RM 504,
      826 words
    • 1043 15 VHTUmiTOWS a^^S_r_Bafw_*J *_r__N_ I I MtHrTsiAGIArST itiS? 3 1 1 7 supER B fffflg J fiiiiji I WESJtOAST PANORAMA JvSKT f rillill I USH/Canada /Mexico/ K2^ MSiinltt Hon 8 ki M'gl7daysSs329o ■SBS^^EBWM I 1KL*****16/3 12/4 24/5.25/5. I'l. nTiiM 1 1 the !2________ AMERICAN EXPERIENCE mtmm lAliI Ali USA/Canada/Mexico/ H-"" _T
      1,043 words
    • 301 15 Wl TMW-L TOWS P^ V3!_al II l tn b st vb ue on your alr I r s Consult us for flights lo I l*ondon/ Europe, Australia, India. America/ Canada, Asia. Lateura Tour* Pte Ltd T*l' 331*2*/ 321*39 TA Lic*nc. No. 'M I, DINERS DZ Sir IM HOLIDAYS lALAYSIA TRAVELLAIRf
      301 words

    • 207 16 Rationing starts today in Negri capital SEREMBAN, Monday WITH water levels at the main sources of supply dropping, Seremban's 150,000 residents are gearing themselves for the water rationing that starts tomorrow. Thousands spent the whole of today storing f water in every type of container they could find. The town
      NST  -  207 words
    • 246 16 Plans to produce more rubber to meet rising demand The Primary Industries Ministry has prepared a paper recommending measures to push up rubber production to meet the increasing world demand for the commodity Its minister, Datuk Paul Leong, said here yesterday that the paper is being circulated to the relevant
      NST  -  246 words
    • 71 16 KUALA TRENGGANU. Mon. Outsiders have been temporarily barred from giving lectures to students in 'the local universities on the Afghan crisis, Education Minister Dayuk Musa Hitam told the Sunday Mail on Saturday. He said the ban was imposed to prevent outsiders stirring up any situation in
      71 words
    • 119 16 HE is a Kiag (eeatre) i with the cudom tottk aad Warraat Officer Mshamed Near Yaaceh •f the 7th Rangers, sees I heamug on his left, > wmM be the first to acknowledge It. The meeting between Klag and s*Mler took place on Sunday
      119 words
    • 166 16 Beware of fanatical thinking. Ghafar warns KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Malays have been warned that their economic position will be threatened if they allow themselves to be swayed by fanatical thinking. National Front secretary-general Abdul Ghafar Baba criticised the attitude of some Malays, who rejected material wealth to the extent of
      166 words
    • 160 16 SECOND BOY IN KITE TRAGEDY DIES KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The coming of the Year of the Monkey has brought no happiness to the Slew family, who have lost two of their children. The two boys were badly burnt when the strings of their kites touched some high-tension wires near Setapak
      NST  -  160 words
    • 162 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Any Malaysian regardless of race can appear in xdvertisements under the new code for advertisements over Radio and Television Malaysia, Information Ministry's deputy secretary, Datuk Haji Wan Mahmood bin Pawanteh, said. He added that the.-c should be no confusion on
      NST  -  162 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 848 16 VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL 1 Notice 125 Engagamant. 129 Miscallanaoua Tan Choon Guan, c No M*****/E, has resigned HB= =a i on my own accord from Marine KftNARO VOO OMtV son ol Mr it n. m /~i- /T»*_ t*J OO Mrs Voo Ming Sinn to Ocrtrudt LOVSH MAMMAQE-AK MMEAU OUppiy l^O
      848 words
    • 238 16 fA large multi-million dollar wood processing company with a dynamic management outlook invites applications for two challenging positions:- K. FACTORY MANAGE* f; A proven track record in factory or production management, preferably in the wood-based industry. The candidate should have a tertiary qualification, preferably with a background in Production/Mechanicol Engineering.
      238 words
    • 544 16 Sarawak Shell Berhad invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysians between the ages of 23-35 years, for the position of Engineering Plant Inspector in its Engineering Inspection Department in Lutong. The Job involves the provision of technical advisory service to the Operating and Maintenance departments in the refinery and offshore locations;
      544 words

  • 247 17 Centreplans computer mission to Japan THE Singapore Professional Centre is organising a mission to Japan to study the latest computer uses in its industries. The centre has worked out a 10-day programme from March 30 to April 8 with the Technology Transfer Institute of Japan, which will be taking care
    247 words
  • 65 17 Charged with having drug at airport MOHAMMED Afzal bin Mohammed Yusof, 23, was charged in a magistrate's court yesterday with possession of five grammes of cannabis at the Paya Lebar International Airport arrival hall on Saturday evening. No plea was taken. Mohammed, an Indian national on a social visit pass
    65 words
  • 54 17 AN official of NTUC Comfort transport cooperative has advised taxi operators to get their vehicles checked for oefects after every 10,000 km run to reduce the smoky exhaust problem Comfort's workshop manager, Mr Ho Vim Hin, gave the advice in the latest issue ol Comfort's bulletin. Building
    54 words
  • 491 17  -  CHRISTINA RODRIGUES By THE building of schools in new Housing Board estates is being speeded up so that students are not left without a school when they move into their new homes. Tenders for piling work 6n two primary schools and one
    491 words
  • 505 17  -  J. D. INDRAN By THE Marine Department should set up a Register of Shipping Agents to control the problem of fly-by-night firms in the shipping industry here. This is one of the recommendations made by the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce following an in-depth
    505 words
  • 153 17 SHIPYARD WINS $15m CONTAINER ORDER SINGAPORE Shipbuilding and Engineering, a shipyard in Jurcng, has won a $15 million contract to build a cargo container ship for a snipping firm here. The contract is with East West Integrated Carriers which will operate the 7,350-tonne vessel in Asian waters when it is
    153 words
  • 42 17 Mandarin course THE Mountbatten community centre will hold a Mandarin conversation course on Sundays only from 3.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. The class will begin as soon as enough students register. For details, telephone *****7 daily between 3 p.m. and 10 p.m.
    42 words
  • 159 17 THE first-phase plans of the (2 billion Singapore petro-chemical project have been revised before construction starts in several months' time. Business Times, quoting sources yesterday, said the revised plans include the shel ing of an earlier proposed downstream plant to produce vinyl chloride monomer and its
    159 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 399 17 ■I THE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL SECURITY CORPORATION We are the leading security- organisation in Singapore. We wish to invite suitably qualified Singapore Citizens for the newly created position:HEAD Technical Unit Qualifications: Possess a Technician Diploma from the Polytechnic or Ngee Ann Technical College or a full City Guilds Telecommunications Technician
      399 words
    • 657 17 *^BBBBBBBBB^BBBaBBBaaaaaaaaaBaBMBBaBBBBBaaBaaa^ }^]emetron Prtvaie) L milled. Demetron (Privote) Limited is o subsidiary of Demetron GmbH of the Federal Republic of Germany and is engaged in the manufacture of high quality metal components for the electronics industry. We are now setting uo a high quality Printed Circuit Board's production facility and require
      657 words
    • 716 17 raining 1 Applications ore invited from citizens/ permanent residents of Singapore and other ASEAN citizens with any of the quoxfications stated below for appointment to the service of the Board: A For appointment as Traimng Officers, a Degree, Diploma, Mgher National Diploma or equivalent qualfications. B For appointment as Workshop
      716 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 254 17 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 6 A bad tune setting but still going strong (8) 1 13. Is not 18 VS.W) 7 odd resident is engaged (8) (3.5) 8 Fireworks from old wind in 510 24 production shook casual stmmenu (8) juries (6.6) 13 a rude burst produced on stage 9
      254 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 530 18 r PERSONNEL MANAGER Large International Hotel Singapore The Singapore property of a wellknown international hotel group seek a senior Personnel professional. Reporting to the General Manager, he will be responsible for the hotel's overall personnel function. To be suitable, you must have at least 3 years experience of general personnel
      530 words
    • 761 18 [i GM Singapore nT 9 r PtetUd. As rwult of our rapid expansion, wo sro looking for dynamic individual* to join our Company. W« havo immediate openings for: PRODUCTION ENGINEER (INTEGRATED CIRCUIT) Degree in Mechanical Engineering or its equivalent Age 28 and above Minimum of five years work experience in
      761 words
    • 727 18 BORNEO MOTORS (S) PTE LTD Due to continuous improvement in soles of Toyota motor vehicles, ond further expansion of our sales network, we are now looking for a I MARKETING SERVICES MANAGER I In The successful candidate will be a male Singapore Citizen between ME 25 and 35 years of
      727 words
    • 502 18 SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE IN THE CAUSE OF Suit No. 137 of 1980 Execution No. 28/80 SHANGHAI ONG BROTHERS TRADING CO (suing as a firm) Plaintiffs Versus SIN YONG (LEATHER GOODS) INDUSTRY PRIVATE LIMITED Defendants AUCTION SALE OF Electric riveting machines, sewing machines,
      502 words

    • 135 19 Mea: N«c«e sfcMaj Item ensaecmatry: 1 Thomas Wassberg (Swe) 41 mm. 57.63 sec., 2 Juha Mieto (Fin) 4U57.64. 3 Ove Aunli (Nor) 4228.62. 71m Jamp: 1 Anton Innauer (Aus), 2 Manfred Deckert (EG), 3 Hirokazu Vagi (Jpn). Spec« ska Has MMb: 1 Natalia Petruseva (Soy) 1:24.10, 2
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 46 19 Teams ScvtetlMaa Aastrte EMtOennaay 5 lioiUUHl Swtteertawl Bwt4ci KlnUad N«cw»y Italy J»p« U««fct««rttl» Boln»rU CuimU CwehMtovakto Wml Germaay O s 2 I 1 1 1 8 I 1 4 t 1 I 1 1 1 1 B I 1 I 1 1 1 1
      46 words
    • 297 19 Borussia donates $537,500 to the UNICEF DORTMUND, Mon. The Borussia Football Club donated "U*****,000 ($537,500) to the United Nations International Children's Educational Fund. The money was raised at a charity football game here in December ana will be used to help Kampuchean refugees. Cap results: Pcrtaneae Setubal 5 Henafiel 0,
      Agencies  -  297 words
    • 23 19 ROME, Mon. The Soviet Union's Olympic soccer team defeated Italian First Division team Roma 3-1 in an exhibition match yesterday. UPI.
      UPI  -  23 words
    • 438 19 Stenmark wants slalom gold Swede has one burning ambition LAKE PLACID, Mon. Sweden's Ingemar Stenmark and Austrian Annemarie Moser had one burning ambition when they came here a week ago they both wanted the Olympic Games gold medal that was missing from their unparalleled records. After winning yesterday's women's downhill
      Reuter; AP  -  438 words
    • 468 19 LAKE PLACID, Monday AUSTRIAN skier Anton Innauer, who only a week ago was jumping so badly he considered withdrawing from the Olympics, spectacularly regained his form yesterday and beat all the big names in the 70-metre jump. Innauer, a 21-year-old soldier, outjumped a
      Reuter  -  468 words
    • 56 19 LAKE PLACID, Mon. Soviet figure skating star Vladimir Kovalev may bow out of the Olympic Games because of illness, a Soviet delegation source said here yesterday. Delegation members denied reports that Kovalev had been suspended from the team as a disciplinary measure as a result of
      AFP  -  56 words
    • 37 19 LAKE PLACID, Mon. An American radio network reported yesterday that United States pairs figure skating stars Tai Babiloma and Randy Gardner, forced out of the Olympic Games through injury, would soon turn professional. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 120 19 EDINBURGH, Man. George Best's brief bat stormy career in Scottish soccer ended yesterday. Hibernian chairman Tom Hart said: "Best Is available (or transfer. I've toM him to pack his bags, get ont and go back to London." Hart said that he, was unable to rouse the
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 30 19 MARRAKECH, Mon. Morocco registered a surprise 1< victory over Poland in a friendly soccer international here yesterday. The winner was scored by Jamal in the 46th minute. AFP
      AFP  -  30 words
    • 25 19 SPLIT, Mon West German First Division football club Bayern Munich beat Yugoslav champions Hajduk -Split 2-1 in a friendly match here yesterday AFP
      AFP  -  25 words
    • 26 19 HONGKONG, Mon Yugoslavia's Red Star Belgrade beat Hongkong 4-0 in a friendly soccer match here today The Yugoslavs led 2-0 at half-time. Reuler.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 21 19 PERUGIA, Mon Italian First Division team Perugia defeated Debrecen, of Hun§ary. 2-0 yesterday in an «xhiition soccer match. UPI.
      UPI  -  21 words
    • 180 19 ST. PETERSBURG, Mon. Dot Germain, of the United States, scored the first win of her seven-year professional golf career when she took the USSIOO.OOO ($215,000) Classic by one stroke here yesterday. The 32 year-old Dot shot a final-round 69 for a seven-under-par 209 total. In Joint -second place were
      180 words
    • 23 19 4 THE only true amateurs here are the organisers. harried East German journalist on the general disorder at the Winter Olympic Games.
      23 words
    • 493 19 Top five: 1 Randy Thomas (US) 1:30:44, 2 Masao Matsuo (Jpn) 1:32:14. 3 Shinobu Murakoshi (Jpn) 1:32:55, 4 Fumiaki Abe (Jpn) 1:33:25. 5 Masami Kudo (Jpn) 1:33:52 6. BOXING South Korea's Kirn Tae-Shik captured the World Boxing Association flyweight title by scoring an upset
      Agencies  -  493 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 101 19 Vk i j A Treat For The Ears oJyLfV CASIO ML 831 •1 1 not* m«lcxJy maker. Vwill'Jl^^- *8 digit! (16 digit appro* \^L^ imationt), constantt «or lß>^^M indapandant II mamorv. pariact S.S- HBa^ a^r~M I Function command I s 1 l^a^M a Auto powar o«i func I I tlon
      101 words
    • 1668 19 QjMg MALAYSIA SHIPYARD ENGINEERING SDN, BHD. I Excellent And Challenging Career Prospects And Advancement I To Those Who Have The Capacity For Development And Who Are Prepared To Work Hard! I Applications are invited from experienced and suitably QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE qualified Malaysian citizens for the following positions:- Candidates must possess a
      1,668 words

    • 1882 20 RACING, with FAIRWAY KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Sure Am bounced into the Tunku Gold Cup picture on Sunday with a smashing win in the "trial" here today. Running well back in the early stages, the Hotroy six-year-old charged through in the final 200 metres to
      1,882 words
    • 38 20 Ist No: *****9 2nd No: *****1 3rd No: *****8 STARTERS: Nos. *****8, *****3, *****4, *****1, *****8, *****7, *****3, *****3, *****8, *****5, *****1, *****9, *****6. CONSOLATION: Nos. *****2, *****6, *****9, *****3, *****6, *****1, *****6, *****3, *****2, *****4.
      38 words
    • 429 20 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Jockey Razmy Ashari was pulled up by the Stewards for his handling of Bronco in Race One here yesterday. He was told that he had to allow sufficient room for other runners in a race, failing which action would be taken against him. The Stipendiary
      429 words
    • 421 20 The trainer of the gelding was informed that the horse had to pass two starting-stall tests before it could resume racing. General Toro (C. C. Lee) was very difficult to be placed in the starting stall and the stewards ordered that It be required to pass
      421 words
    • 55 20 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon The death of jockey trainer O. M. Noordin has deprived racing circles of a close friend. He died peacefully at his residence here on Friday. A past president of the Racehorse Owners' Association, he is mourned by his sons Tommy, a Penang-based trainer, and Alen.
      NST  -  55 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 588 20 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (Chapter 18) IN THE HIGH lIHKT OK THE REPIBIJC OF SINGAPORE In Hankraptry N*. »1 ■< IV» Re: I U \M, KOOK SHAI Ex-parte: SIN CHEW INM STRIrS PTE LTD, CreaiUrs NOTICE To: Twang Fook Shai 34-F Van Kit Village Singapore TAKE NOTICE that a Creditors' Petition
      588 words
    • 412 20 Notices I, Yin Kum Wai, I/C No *****75/ E, has resigned on my own accord from Scanastra (Singapore) Pte. Ltd on 8-2-1980. I can now be contacted at GrowMarine Services (Pte) Ltd Tel: *****1 and *****2. Yin Kum Wai NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Michael Tan Ah Soon
      412 words
    • 528 20 ON 114/3 JAWATAN KOSONG POLISDI RAJA MALAYSIA Parmohonan adoJoh dipelawa dan pada WAR GANEGARA MALAYSIA untuk jawatan KONSTABAL (LELAKO dalam Perkhidmoton POLIS DI RAJA MALAYSIA. I. Tonggogofr $205 x 15 265/280x15 310/340x30 520/ SoWpoi Tiga Tahun untuk Lonce Koprd 550 *****. 2. Totot Jowoton Tctop don Barpancan. 3. Tampon Patxwboan:
      528 words
    • 202 20 [UaijKwCj^A a^ar BBBBV^B THE MANDARIN HOTEL SINGAPORE ■F Exhibition Ptoto Salon Opening T«ne I2oopm-930pm The worlds leading photographers and photographic suppliers w* be in Singapore in March 1980 Th« wcrtd t lop pnoiograp'wrs from Asia wm attract participants from all ovar the wortd Amarica ana Europ* «i» maet m Snoapora
      202 words

    • 128 21 U&SSvF 4 w DntU C«mpuY 23, l.Mm, SBkg. BuaarjM Sfcyamal, 21,, N. Pram Baaerjee, k. 1.75, M. Aamed Naatr, 25, lit, M. Gireharaa Sbgk Parmar. 28, I.TJ, 71. Sam*d SyedAbdnl, Lit, M. Devar»Jo Are** D*r*law»mv, 2f 1 .75, Parminder Sfatgh, 22; 1.75, ft.
      128 words
    • 235 21 NEWLY-RECRUITED goalkeeper Patrick Wee will be included in Singapore's Malaysia Cup soccer squad when the Republic resume their ties in April, reports JOE DORAI. Wee is now training with the Singapore party for the pre-Olympic Games competition, which starts on Saturday at
      235 words
    • 31 21 TODAY SelMgor v MAF (MerdtkM Sudlum. 730). TOMORROW Jahorr v Malacca (lArkin Sudium. 7.30). Sabaa v F. Territory lUkas Stadium. 4 15) Brunei v Negri ißtndar Srn Begtwan. 4).
      31 words
    • 290 21  - Despite their strength, Chinese fear Liem... BERNARD PEREIRA By CHINA have the strength to match Indonesia in badminton but beneath that air of optimism is the lingering fear of Liem Swie King. For the international success of the Indonesian ace seems to have struck terror in the hearts of the
      290 words
    • 42 21 LONDON, Mod. The draw (or the English Football Association Cup quarter-finals, to be played March 8, made here today: Tottenham v Liverpool, West Ham v Blackburn or Aston Villa, Watford v Bolton or Arsenal, Everton v Ipswich. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 242 21  -  PATRICK BASTI ANS By AN examination paper on Chinese his second language next month is Peter Hill's priority for the Year of the Monkey. So, instead of swinging this Chinese New Year, he is swotting, poring over his books sometimes until well after midnight.
      242 words
    • 57 21 THE Hongkong Football Club's Dawn Olsen, 15, helped prevent a clean sweep by the Singapore Cricket Club in their women's squash friendly at the Padang on Sunday SCC won the l&woman team event 8-2, but not before Dawn, a Hongkong East Asia trainee, defeated her Singapore
      57 words
    • 218 21  -  WILFRED YEO By THERE is less than a fortnight to go before the Sunday week take-off of bowling's National League, but the teams who have registered so far are even fewer. Only seven including Ambassador Hotel, Brem worth Carpets and the Kallang squad have signed up
      218 words
    • 177 21 BOMBAY, Mon. England appeared headed for victory after a fiery bowling spell by lan Botham left India struggling on the third day of the Jubilee cricket Test here today. At close, India were 148 for eight in their second innings and leading oy
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 76 21 THE York Nondescripts, of England, beat the Singapore Cricket Association President's XI by five wickets in a friendly match at Balestier Road. Brief scores: SCA's President's XI 105 (Altaff Hussein 24. Barry Temple 5-22); York Nondescripts lflb-5 At Seletar: Heli Orient beat Manama Cricket Club, of Bahrain,
      76 words
    • 39 21 WELLINGTON. Mon. Wellington beat the West Indies by six wickets on the final day of their three-day cricket match here today. Scores: West Indies 102 and 143; Wellington 93 and 155-4 (Coney 69 n.0., Vance 21. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 37 21 ITALIAN EMBASSY beat Swiss Embassy 4-1 in a Cosmopolitan Cup soccer match at Tanglin yesterday. Other results: Singapore Cricket Club 0 French 2, ANZUK Forces 4 Dutch Club 2, German 1 Malaysian 3.
      37 words
    • 343 21 Filipina sisters sparkle in PAYSC pool By KEN JALLEH Jr. THE People's Association Youth Swimming Club are roping in members from far and near boosting the Republic's pool of swimming talent t for the future. The latest additions to their star-studded pool come from as far away as the Philippines
      TAN WEE HIM  -  343 words
    • 245 21  - Honours to father and son at Changi By ERNEBT FRID A HARON ISMAIL and his son, Azman, had a field day at the Changi Golf Club yesterday when they won the top placings at the Captain's Prize tournaent. Azman, 18, a pre-uni-versity student of the Swiss Cottage School, beat 90
      245 words
    • 201 21 HOCKEY North Zone lower secondary: Girls' Naval Base v Cedar (Naval Base, 8.40); Boys' Hwi Yon v Bartley (Naval Base. 9.50). SOCCER North Zone schools tournament: Lower secondary Ang Mo Kio v East Payoh, Upper Thomson v Serangoon Garden, Westlake v Naval Base, Mount Vernon v Upper Serangoon
      201 words
    • 225 21 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Jockey George Podmore was suspended two months by the stewards 'day for his handling of Fast Tune n in Race Six here yesterday. Podmore, on Ace Of Aces, was also fined $500 for shifting ground when not entirely clear of other runners in Race Three
      225 words
    • 323 21  -  JOE DOR AI By INDIA'S national soccer squad for the pre-Olym-pic Games qualifying tournament at the National Stadium, starting on Saturday, are likely to be well-prepared, skilful and fit. I do not expect them to perform as well as teams such as Iran, North Korea
      323 words
    • 745 21 Bacc t: Laser Beam (AuYeung) and Gay Batchelor (Hutchinson) were slow to begin. When questioned. Hutchinson explained that Gay Batchelor attempted to lug out after leaving the stalls. Running to the 800 m, the saddle on Joo Ta (E. Chan) slipped, causing the gelding to race ungenerously.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 136 21 22nd Olympiad "9o AsiaQnxjf}3 SINGAPORE MLACE I Restaurant 1 J| Best tim sum and Cantonese food. L rWhat a great place to find your favourite tim sum, and Cantonese food. Our new chef Ng Chun Nam, direct from Hong Kong, has made it his personal task to serve you only
      136 words

  • 97 22 WHILE thousands of Singaporeans and tourists strolled or took photographs In the spacious lawns of the Istana yesterday, this man chose to have a "relaxing" time with the latest news. He was seen reading the newspapers under a shady tree at a secluded spot away from
    97 words
  • 72 22 ATLANTA (Georgia), Mon. Pediatricians throughout the United States are concerned over a puzzling new illness that causes heart attacks among infants and children under five, according to the national Centre for Disease Control (CDC). The malady named Kawasaki Disease after the physician who first discovered It was
    AP  -  72 words
  • 110 22 When it does not pay to be beautiful JAKARTA, Mon. The Deputy Governor of Jakarta, Mr Sardjono Soeprapto, last night advised steambath parlours here not to employ "beautiful" girls. This was because "beautiful" girls could "arouse negative effects" on the part of patrons. He suggested women of 35 or older
    AFP  -  110 words
  • 235 22  - Woman raped: Hunt for gang of Seven K. S. SIDHU By POLICE are hunting for a gang of seven who allegedly raped a 22-year-old woman in an open space in Changi early yesterday. Sources said the gang members, aged between 17 and 25, also robbed the woman of $200 during
    235 words
  • 447 22 Another step closer to release of hostages WASHINGTON, Monday ONE more piece of the package deal designed to free the 50 American hostages in Teheran fell into place yesterday with President Jimmy Carter's approval of the five members of the United Nations commission that will probe Iran's grievances against the
    Agencies  -  447 words
  • 34 22 LOS ANGELES. Mon. Another day of drenching rain swelled rivers of mud that carved at hillsides and undermined homes and roadways in California, forcing thousands of residents to abandon their homes. UPI.
    UPI  -  34 words
  • 218 22 'Airfield falls to Afghan guerillas' report PESHAWAR (Pakistan), Mon. A strategic airfield in north-eastern Afghanistan has fallen to guerillas after the army garrison rebelled and killed a detachment of Soviet troops, spokesmen for the insurgents said today. The fall of the airport at Faizabad in Badakhshan province could pose problems
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 352 22 Jakarta and Beijing start direct trade ties JAKARTA, Monday INDONESIA and China have started direct trade links as a first step towards normalisation of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Vice-Presi-dent Adam Malik said today. Mr Malik, addressing the Foreign Press Club, said there was no major obstacle left to
    UPI  -  352 words
  • 331 22 THE Thai authorities have allowed a major food distribution centre to reopen on Thailand's eastern border to supply rice to people in north-western Kampuchea, relief agency sources said today. They said food was distributed for the first time in 10 days yesterday at the
    Reuter  -  331 words
  • 140 22 MOM OUfK KM CMOO d«eil 71 be loved wife of Lee Kip Kong pu.^ ed nway peacefully at 7 30am on lv 2au In Ku&nUui Sadly mis.,. ,i by sons Harry, Jerry, daugh ltr« Rotalin. Ethellnr. daughters-in-law Lily. Maria rel. Slew Lan, sons-in-law Tea Seng Twee, Teo Kirn Beng.
    140 words
  • 74 22 JAKARTA, Mon. VicePresideni Adam Malik today indicated that he intended to step down in the next two years as Indonesia's No. 2 man. "I may return to my jour naiistic profession in 1982. he told a lunch given by the Jakarta Foreign Correspondents dub. He
    AFP  -  74 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 205 22 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Daily Lo>« Pnc* SOt Annuol Subtcr«tK>n SISS to- Uibtcretion. <«// *****11 f»l 231 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. The MAS queue for issuers of Asian dollar CDs is growing in length daily, much to the frusiration of some managers. Such protection for the weak should be eliminated, many bankers
      205 words
    • 93 22 APPROVAL SERVICE ThffOUGH our oppro-t* Mtvttc you con m« o Mtochon ot H \tompv <m 10 doyi opptoval You buy only wttof you wont and r*>\*r> A pock« 4 of ii <*tt*f*nt ttompv vkluoVk Bffdfc or\ stamp* from Borbodo* 4 Germany. «tc. *i gnr««i ff## rt you ot* to our
      93 words
    • 326 22 Big plans for Tamil They only make up 6.8 per cent of the population of Singapore but they have a much more difficult communication problem than the Chinese. The Singapore Indians not only speak different languages but also don't have a common script! BHARATHI MOHAN talks to a few prominent
      326 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 3 1 The Straits Times
      3 words
    • 587 1 Folktales A crippled fortune DM a county of Henan province lived a man named Li Dengtian. He believed very much in superstitions. Before doing anything, he would find out whether it was of good fortune or not. If there was to be a marriage or a new house to be
      587 words
    • 36 1 Ai wu sheng zhT xv sou, xian chang jiang zhT wu qiong. Feeling sad at the shortness of life, I envy the Yangxl River nuuilng for eternity. Zhl cheng ge* tian. Sincerity moves heaven.
      36 words
    • 372 1 SfS^lftlKlro 2) J! xin yao tie you piao. Yoa need stamps to post a letter. 3) Chao quo zhong liing yao jia tie you piao. If It Is overweight extra stamp* are needed. i»r"j*~.tt_teA*s* t 4) Qfng wen j) yT feng xin qu Yihgguo yao tic duo shao
      372 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 711 1 ■nsnsnsnsnsnj^S^sAll^&lllßMnsnMMM I mgoo i^ %^P r l^^^ Kß^^^^^^^^^B^Kt^K/KBM3HBfr mm mMKBCWnHrmmSBm nni MllUllvSi •VOJf personal />''</* JsV ■■*^iv' < nY _j*Crsr/l TIM* *"^^MiM^snsnsnl l^ TImC VwOTM* S U»« X 4Mfr^^^S^ 'Xc^^K. 1 B°lllci t (I 2 E I FULL MONTH I*-i 1 .i l JL XX X S '^^sL^J»^K«> 1 II
        711 words
      • 100 1 IHSIOfA On fashion Plats for playtime n^snsnV Kirl taut havr too ni a n > pairs of i pants particularly casual, ea.s> -flttinx trousers and playsuite for relaxed t%e«*kendh. Today we've gleaned great styles foi the active, outdoors life Pag* 3 Duguem to today A new exhibition at the National
        100 words
    • Article, Illustration
      49 2 From Daguerre to today this exhibition traces the pioneering years of photography right through to contemporary styles and techniques. Through more than 300 prints taken by 117 Swiss photographers, the story of the development of Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre's invention is told. The movement away from "studio reality"
      49 words
    • 777 2 Swiss Photographers from 1840 until today National Museum Art Gallery 14 29 F*b Reviewed by RACHEL BARNES FROM its earliest beg innings in the 1840s, the invention of photography was to change many people's lives. The artist was challenged as he never had been before; no
      777 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 137 2 ■aY W aaflaaL V J^*b«|HC3l9HHI aat' tm <&&H J*| BSS^iaaaaaißilßaaal i i jw Phoenix V V I wF the Peony an exhibition of Jl m exquisite Nonya Ware wk 19-29 February 1980. a^, Time: 10am 6pm «^V)^^sl Q KATONG ANTIQUE HOUSE^ 20K Taxi Coast Road. Tel: *****4. See i ho
        137 words
      • 25 2 I semz after Jhis tt^j/^iv I o^ onelast <gi£i is a m 48-rage collection r 11 m Sff And ohyes, colourpixotTV T^teftr Ik memories, I
        25 words
      • 18 2 MlP^ii I bright sharp clear El I Sony Betamax S!^J with one-touch 'BaWflft recording system. 't^B^B^pjJ Enquin~*****4 SONYs
        18 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 85 2 JUVENILE CULTURAL UNTIL TODAY an exSHOW by the Singapore hibition at the National Children's Playhouse at Museum Art Gallery from Victoria Theatre at 7.45 10.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. On till p.m. Tickets: $2, 3, 5 and Feb 29. FRENCH FILM: LA- APOLLO CIRCUS from mour L'Apres Midi at the
        85 words
      • 1115 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.00 PM Openmc folowed by GSgan's 7.30 News (Malay) Island Man With A Net 7.45 Bmiant Undangan 3.30 Diary of Events 8.25 CuKurai Diary 3.35 Afternoon Matinee Jennifer 8.30 The Rockford Files 4.45 Intermission 9.30 News And Newsreel (English) 6.05 PM Opening folowed by Andy
        1,115 words
      • 293 3 Jumpsuits all in the name of play Co-ordinated by WONG LAI WAH Pictures by NGHAI CHEE WAH THINK of all the wondrous ways they're cutting trousers nowadays. Whether it's jumpsuits that are as comfortable and practical as children's rompers, or jeans cut in every conceivable shape pants are an indispensable
        293 words
      • 134 3 THERE are hardly any blues among the new generation jeans. Only the diehards wear the blues. Why, with fashion bursting with colour, a pair of faded blues is hardly competition! The keywords now are colour and detail. The brighter the colour, the more details,
        134 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 108 3 $ik& sfi^ sst\^ I /Jt -r' Style2Vo33 tK^^ll JtV F 0 M t* S P 5 1055 J ru m Style 4120 Style 4125 Y\*" X» i UIPS42JDO U.P529.90 k f: r '"*£kf M X s.p $21.00 it. spsr9s I £'".'\u r^J m> I 81 4 s i g I
        108 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 296 4 CAPITOL: NOW SHOWING!! 5 Shows: 11am, 1 JO, 4, 6.30 4 9.15— N0 Fraa Uat The Force of an Ear thquaka The Flames of a Thousand Infernos The Disaster Epic That Towers Above Them All I EL h__ LaW/ .^t dnfONHBL^i BARRY NEWMAN JAMES FRAJCtSCUS amiicuw AusAßDum hohtfowoa LIDO: NOW
        296 words
      • 436 4 H§kon THE WORLD'S FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC SYSTEM w BIBJBJiBI JJBj Nikon symbolises photographic excellence the world ■^1 LwBAI over Now the Nlkon heritage is yours in a new Nikon. HH fli I The fully automatic Nikon EM An ultra-compact, lightf^^B weight 35 mm 'camera with an alloy die-cast body that ILraraVJ
        436 words
      • 254 4 3Cffiffiffi3tKKMffi Celebrate the Lunar New Year with SPECIAL RAW FISH Traditional Cantonese dishes supervised by Hooi Kok Wai and specialities from our kitchen. Hongkong Roast Chicken Fried Deef Meat *ChHH Crab We cater for 1 Birthday Wedding Parties, buffet lunches and private functions. Uve music and songs for your dining
        254 words
      • 496 4 *************************0 CATHAY: NOW SHOWING! jlj 5 SHOWS I Oom, 12 45, 3 30, 6 15. 9 15pm CASH BOOKINGS ONLY a NO FNf E LIST I f •>ffaV B jaaC^aW *^W a«V I ,(ssv UOrWSUIr€«JW«\IWSbArIII»W WIIIUW* (J 1 *ZZS iM«r(JWIIiE-BA»VWP«K^aBJIiL7TTJBBKHS (5 ORCHARD: NOW SHOWING!^ I 4 SHOWS AT 1 30,
        496 words
      • 559 4 9BBHH H B B H 1 ORGANISATION BJ *LLTh— lflteFf— UM 1 gßli.'MvMH^eav-ncv-f.ff NC)W SHC***V I 30 4 00. 645 »15 <X Mm WtM* Lo«w I »NIONtS€ n Scop* Colo. mill n .to-arii.Hr/.nai NOW SHOWiMG' I 45. *****5 9 15 <* IK* WSit* lo»u. MANOABIM wS< opy Coto. bCCCB 1
        559 words