The Straits Times, 16 August 1979

Total Pages: 38
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1979 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 142/1/79
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  • 861 1  -  TAN CHEE TEIK Immersion programme changes By PUPILS who spend five days a week attending immersion classes after school will have their additional workload resulting from immersion reduced by 40 per cent. They will benefit from changes in the programme announced by the Education Ministry yesterday.
    861 words
  • 136 1 SALISBURY, Wed. The Zimbabwe Rhodesian Government agreed today to attend new Rhodesian peace talks in London next month. The decision was announced after a two-hour cabinet meeting called to discuss Britain's invitation to an all-party constitutional conference starting on Sept. 10. A statement issued
    AP  -  136 words
  • 30 1 RABAT, Wed. King Hassan has decided to hold parliamentary elections in the disputed southern sector of the Western Sahara which Morocco has annexed, official sources said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 291 1 FREAK WINDS KILL 13, SINK VESSELS PLYMOUTH (England), Wed. Freak winds earing hurriranp force slashed through a fleet of mere than 3M racing yachts off the south-west coast af England yesterday, leaving at least M vessels sunk or abandoned and 13 people dead. About 211
    AP  -  291 words
  • 126 1 SPORE TEAMS SAFE LONDON, Wed. The crew of the three Singapore yachts taking part in the Admiral Cup Race are safe and one of the vessels. Apollo IV, is believed to be still in the race. The Singapore vessels were not on the list of yachts from which distress signals
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  • 163 1 Arafat aides slain by Iraqis' report CAIRO, Wed. Agents of Iraqi intelligence have assassinated two top aides of Mr Yasser Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), Al Ahram claimed today. In what it called a special report from Beirut, the newspaper identified the assassinated aides as Mr Said
    AP  -  163 words
  • 730 1  - Asean meeting to take positions on vital issues M.G.G. PILLAI By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent THE Asean Foreign Ministers meet here today for a brief, unscheduled session to take positions on important issues particularly on Kampuchea that could emerge in next month's non-align-ed summit in Havana, informed Malaysian sources said
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  • 27 1 BERNE. Wed. The Swiss Government said today it has no knowledge of any financial assets held in Switzerland by former Nicaraguan president Anastasio Somoza. UPI.
    UPI  -  27 words
  • 1003 1 Improved benefits for resettled squatters PEOPLE FACING resettlement because of government acquisition of land j will get more money under a new poli- cy which also gives benefits to squatters I who move into acquired land. But these squatters must have stayed at a site for at least three years
    1,003 words
  • 76 1 LATEST ANDREW YOUNG IN TROUBLE WASHINGTON, Wed. America's IN ambassador Andrew Young (lew here today (or a hastily arranged meeting with Secretary' of State Cyras Vance, who has already rebuked him for an unauthorised meeting with a Palestine liberation Organisation official last month. Mr Young's serret meeting took place only
    AP; NYT  -  76 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 112 1 L rfk \\t*\ysMm «oLt*mWl M 77 FAB EAST SHOPPING CENTBE m nor •>*•> obchabobd spobe OW3 V VISM f 'El '"0736 '*****9 WV/Lr*. -flE> *****53 CABLE PABGOK MONTHLY CONTESTS EASY TO WIN BETTER CHANCES FABULOUS PRIZES All you have to do is to purchase any of the Pro Series 100
      112 words
    • 214 1 MANDARIN WON'T HURT OUR AIMS: CLAN ASSNS Page 6 INDIA dam tragedy mars 32nd year joy 2 SEOUL 'no' to closer defence links with Tokyo 3 SYRIANS get advanced Russian tanks 4 GENERAL Motors goes to the help of rival Chrysler S NANTAH harks to the call of rare specimens
      214 words
    • 19 1 THE GREATEST NAME M Obtainable At All Dealers Sole Agents WO KEE HONC (M) PTE. LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 28 1 The weather UP TO 1 P.M. TODAY: Isolated showers In late morning. TEMPERATURES UP TO 6a.m. tomorrow: Max. 32 C C; min. 2C C. SUNSET TODAY: C.43 p.m.
      28 words

    • 254 2 NEW DELHI, Wed. India, the world's largest democracy celebrated its 32nd anniversary of independence today, lacking an effective government and mourning a major dam tragedy in western Gujarat that has sparked off fears of a health disaster. State officials reported yesterday that 500
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 300 2 India to review N-policy if Pak builds bomb NEW DELHI, Wednesday PRIME Minister Charan Singh today accused Pakistan of trying to make the atomic bomb and warned that if it continues India will reconsider its policy renouncing nuclear weapons. "If Pakistan continues in its efforts to make the bomb, and
      AP  -  300 words
    • 71 2 LONDON, Wed. Schoolboy Nigel Short, 14, sensationally outplayed Grandmaster Tony Miles in the British Chess championships at Chester yesterday and scored a 46-move victory in just under five hours. After his triumph Nigel told newsmen: "It's just great. I got the advantage in the early middle game.
      AFP  -  71 words
    • 111 2 UN bid to cut down use of N-arms GENEVA, Wed. The United Nations disarmament committee ended its 1979 session last night, during which it studied measures looking towards disarmament of nuclear and chemical weapons. The committee adopted a report on its work, which included specific consideration of a prohibition of
      AFP  -  111 words
    • 69 2 TRUCK PINS GIRL TO BED A RESCUE worker holding the hand of Dora Mate, 18, while another comforted her after she was pinned almost two hours in her bed when a runaway track crashed Into her house In California on Tuesday. The truck slammed through the front of her house
      AP  -  69 words
    • 46 2 LONDON, Wed. British stage and screen actor Peter OToole was divorced here yesterday from actress Sian Phillips, whom he married in 1959. They had lived apart (or the past two years, and have two children a girl of 16 and another of 19. AFP.
      AFP  -  46 words
    • 308 2 STOCKHOLM, Wad. A LEADING computer expert called today for the establishment of an international institution to develop "artificial intelligence saying the world would be threatened if it were left to someone to develop it in a home laboratory. Edward Fredkin, professor of
      Reuter  -  308 words
    • 35 2 MEXICO CITY, Wed. President Jose Lopez Portillo has promised to sell 100.000 barrels of Mexican crude oil a day to Japan beginning in 1980, a spokesman for the Japanese Embassy said yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  35 words
    • 285 2 Mystery of sporadic gunfire in Kabul ISLAMABAD, Wednesday AN AIR of mystery hung over Kabul today after sporadic firing broke out in the capital, reliable sources said. The sound of automatic weapons fire could be heard in the east of the city while artillery could be heard in the west,
      Reuter; AFP  -  285 words
    • 192 2 CAT THAT CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD CLARKSTON, Wed. The Arnold Davidson family buried its pet kitten, Buddy, beneath an apple tree in the backyard. Five days later, buddy was back eight of his nine lives still intact. "We thought he broke his neck or spine," Jerrie Davidson said. "There
      AP  -  192 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 47 2 f^^Hk.^^rHlk^Hi ''^^Bfc. J^fi' m. Eflft* _^BT S^BMBP^^B^BWJ wt '^''''t, <■!% I r He Vut"Sfl BbS H> t (IB n jf i^L^ QN| Kb^S Bog* Vl yfi iN r^ OG BLDC. 100 I'PPER CROSS STREET. SINGAPORE 0105 V W V W PLAZA SINGAPLRA. GROI'ND FLOOR ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 0923
      47 words

    • 71 3 HE'S A LITTLE BIT CUDDLY HE'S a little bit cuddly, he's a little bit rock n'roll Singer and flashytooth entertainer Donny Osmond and his wife Debbie seen here with their first child and the 2tth grandchild born into the famous and munificent Osmond clan. The baby son, christened Donald Clark
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    • 165 3 'Observers fly in for Pol Pot, Sary trial' BANGKOK, Wed. Observers from many countries flew into Phnom Penh yesterday to attend the trial in absentia of toppled Kampuchean leaders Pol Pot and leng Sary, who have been charged with genocide. Radio Phnom Penh said today. The trial of Pol Pot
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 317 3 Big increase in 'boat people' resettled from HK, Malaysia HONGKONG, Wednesday THE TWO Asian countries shouldering the brunt of Vietnamese "boat people" have announced that the number of refugees leaving their shores for resettlement abroad has greatly increased in 1 recent weeks. The announcements made by both Hongkong and Malaysia
      Reuter; AFP  -  317 words
    • 84 3 BEIJING, Wed. Former Kampuchean Head of State Prince Norodom Sihanouk said today Paris was "wary" about his planned political activities in France for fear of upsetting China, Vietnam or the Soviet Union. In a telegram from Pyongyang. North Korea, to AFP in Beijine,
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    • 386 3 Triangular plan by Tokyo may be scuttled' SOUTH Korea has turned down Japanese proposals for closer military ties between the two countries, a development that may well scuttle Tokyo's ambitious plan for a triangular security arrangement in East Asia embracing Japan, South Korea and
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    • 49 3 In other words... 6 Carter has acted like one of the hoys. The American people want the President to act like the President. I would have had a lot more discipline if I was Presi- m dent. 7 US AttorneyGeneral Griffin Bell criticising Jimmy Carter 's performance as President.
      49 words
    • 67 3 YORK. Wed. Lord Anthony Crichton-Stuart, 18-year-old son of the Marquess of Bute, was fined 1:25 (SJ118) here yesterday for stealing a sex book called Hard Core >vorth 75 pence from a railroad station bookstore. Police inspector Davod Hope said Lord Anthony told him at the police
      AP  -  67 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 97 3 You need ncnEsm The antiseptic dusting powder that soothes inflamed skin and guards against prickly heat and skin irritation. N. .IaMTOK "I UD 1% \v M»nufactur«d by s^ \/Amm\ Qrarton Laboratories Pt» Ltd I Distributed by: WouW McAllsteriCoLtd A ■•■»■■■■>■ jtineumieers Group u»p ne«dh«m MC/9«<B FiymOjJ af^rTn" urDorne mower Jftaltt
      97 words
    • 304 3 t\(:f'i/:.l'i?-.y AUGUST 20TH ISSUE tf CRCTS Of THE HUMAN CELL Thanot Ie a recent aanw o' •Ktraorrjinary breakttirougna. scwntisls beginning to learn more about COM the fundamental component o( all Irving ttvngs Included ,n m» week 1 cow story is an aaaay on can fusion by scwnMl Author Lewis Thomas
      304 words

    • 79 4 MOSCOW, Wed. Two Soviet planes crashed on Saturday night in the Ukraine, killing about 150 people, including members of a Tashkent soccer team, well-informed Soviet sources reported today. Official Soviet sources, including the Soviet Civil Air Ministry, said they had no information on the report. UPI.
      UPI  -  79 words
    • 212 4 Nato now undermined by weak Turkey WASHINGTON, Wednesday TURKEY'S position as a bulwark for the Nato alliance has been seriously undermined by its problems in the areas of defence and economics, a US congressional delegation reported yesterday. I Turkey, which is considered essential for the protection of US interests in
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 56 4 BANGKOK, Wed. Thai Premier General Kriangsak Chomanan has accepted in principle an invitation to visit Vietnam but is as yet too tied down with internal economic problems to schedule the trip. Thai Foreign Minister Dr Upadit Pacharyangkun today said the Thai Prime Minister could not as yet fix
      AFP  -  56 words
    • Sideliners
      • 60 4 LOUIS Wittgenstein, 38, a New York artist, didn't like some of his paintings anymore, police said today. So, in order to destroy them, he stacked the pictures on the roof of his wooden summer house yesterday and set the stack alight. The artistic Donfire got out of control
        Reuter  -  60 words
      • 51 4 A ZAIREAN added putrid monkey-meat to cannabis he was smuggling to deter sniffer dogs, but the stench alerted customs officers at Brussels airport, a court heard today. Ipoba Nawesi, 23, was jailed for two years for bringing in 28 kg of the drug in two suitcases.
        Reuter  -  51 words
      • 82 4 SECRET service agents have seized almost US$lO million (SJ2I million) in partially printed US$lOO bills in a raid on a three-room office near the Las Vegas "Strip." Harold Davis, 38, and Tillman Johnson, 39, were arrested on Tuesday and charged with manufacturing US currency. The suspects
        UPI  -  82 words
    • 215 4 Teheran calm as Iranians observe holy day TEHERAN, Wed AN IMPORTANT religious holiday today brought relative calm to Teheran as Iranians mourned the death of their first Shiite Muslim leader, Hazrate Ali, in the 7th century. Unlike the past three days of scattered violence in the capital between Muslim extremists
      AP  -  215 words
    • 234 4 WASHINGTON, Wednesday THE Soviet Union has sent Syria some of its new T-72 tanks, rated by US army officials as clearly superior to the American M-60 tanks supplied to Israel, US intelligence sources say. It is uncertain whether this is the beginning of a major
      AP  -  234 words
    • 199 4 US-Egypt arms supply priorities worked out CAIRO, Wednesday EGYPT and the United States have reached agreement on the priorities of the delivery of US arms to Egypt, a Defence Ministry spokesman said yesterday. At the conclusion of the last session of US-Egyp-tian talks on US military aid to Egypt, the
      UPI  -  199 words
    • 32 4 BANGKOK. Wed. Rumania is interested in buying 50.000 tonnes of frozen pork and 12.000 tonnes of frozen chicken a year from Thailand, Commerce Minister Ob Vasurat told reporters today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 160 4 Qantas man steers clear of leap row MANILA, Wed Mr George Howling, marketing director of the Australian national airline, Qantas, declined to be drawn into argument over his country's cheap direct air fares policies which came under sharp attack from Singapore Airlines and other delegates here. However, he forecast yesterday
      Reuter  -  160 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 581 4 r i >7^^ J w ■■1 BBBBBB^^BB^ V Your face and RoC together we create a whole new sensation you. Long silky lashes, healthy glowing face, lustrous lips, beautiful bright eyes. RoC is beautiful living with added dimension safety. It's make-up that both flatters and soothes. Come to the RoC
      581 words
    • 175 4 Pakistan International Airlines: Singapore -Karachi r^Ql^ STOD Every Tuesday and Thursday, Pakistan International I ivyi OIW K Airlines leaves Singapore at 9.40 p.m. for Karachi QJ-./J f\r\ 4y\ 'H^/'N \A//-Nr*4- direct. With almost immediate connections onto Athens, IU vJ\ I IU II I" V VUOI Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, Paris and
      175 words

    • 69 5 Vital statistics do Lisa proud FLAUNTING rippling muscles in front of a mirror Is bodybuilding enthusiast Lisa Lyon, a 1.6 metre tall, 47 kg "story analyst" for American International Pictures in California. Ms Lyon, 2€, seen here working oat at a gymnasium in Santa Monica, has every reason to be
      AP  -  69 words
    • 108 5 Dancers get cold feet BUDAPEST, Wed. It was one degree too cold for the American Alvin Alley Dance Theatre Company on Monday night and the heated anger of the 2,500-strong audience did not get the troupe back on stage. "We perform only if the temperature is 18 degrees Centigrade and
      AFP  -  108 words
    • 97 5 Party may sack top leaders who don't change BEIJING, Wed. The dismissal of top leaders in the near future was today being considered by the Chinese Communist Party. This follows weeks of an intensive campaign against a persistent "spirit of factionalism" still causing difficulties for the leadership. Without mentioning names,
      AFP  -  97 words
    • 158 5 FINANCIALLY ailing Chrysler Corporation yesterday received a transfusion of funds from a most unlikely source its bitter rival General Motors Corporation (GM). GM, the nation's biggest maker of cars, said it had agreed to provide up to US$23O million (*****.5 million) to
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 37 5 BEIJING. Wed. China yesterday accused Vietnam of denying China's sovereignty over the Spraliy Islands in the South China Sea, even though it had recognised this sovereignty in the past when Hanoi needed Chinese aid. AFP.
      AFP  -  37 words
    • 226 5 THE prospect of oil at US$4O or $50 (SsB6 or $107) a barrel is not remote, an Iranian academic told a conference of Indian Ocean Nation representatives which opened in Perth. Professor B. MossavarRahmani gave the opening address at a conference on Indian Ocean studies at the University
      Reuter  -  226 words
    • 299 5 Charged with stealing secret drug papers A UNITED States Navy enlisted man was charged by a federal grand jury yesterday with espionage and theft of top secret government documents on the international movement of drugs. Yeoman 3rd class Lee Eugene Madsen, 24, an employee of the strategic warning staff at
      AP  -  299 words
    • 163 5 MOSCOW, Wed. Two record-breaking Soviet cosmonauts are growing more and more homesick as they prepare U return to earth following almost half a year In space, Pravda reported today. The cosmonauts, Vladimir Lyakhov and Valery Rynmln, have been orbiting the globe for 171
      AP  -  163 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 154 5 FWEKI PHILIPPE At the top there is room for one name only H Ofchofd UJotch Ptc.Ud (.20. Upper Gtound Floor, G>lombt> Court. Singapore 0617 Td *****9,*****3 Olv^ Fully Re-conditioned I I wcei Luxurious Black II rental M m\ White TV to go at From $22- |-<| per month. I I
      154 words
    • 287 5 A MATfIICII CRT CIIIRf A rAiitDACI A Wide Selection of Models, All Featuring Effortless Operation. f \V^ .-^o^ ■kjvV &&jM T^Bkifl^iCA^Hi^^fl^^^fel I^Q^^^^^^^^H Km 4fl fl L Available at all leading camera dealers and departmental stored Distributed by: [QUATROK 60. Orchard Road, Singapore 0923, Tel: *****2 PARKLANE SHOPPING MALL A World
      287 words

  • 238 6 Photos that show the horrors of war SINGAPORE to to be the first Asean cautry to Met a special exhibition of photographs featuring the destruction wrought by the atomic bomb dropped aver Nagasaki daring World War Twa. Seventy photographs of the aftermath of the bombing, taken by eyewitnesses, will be
    238 words
  • 456 6  -  TANBANHUAT By MOST leaders of clan associations here believe that their switch from dialects to Mandarin as a business language will not necessarily nullify the purpose of their existence. As they see it, language is just a communication tool by which
    456 words
  • 196 6 Big cuts in fares under new Qantascpa deal THE new air fares to be implemented by Qantas and Cathay Pacific Airways (CPA) for the Hongkong-Australia route will knock off between 55 per cent and 35' i per cent from the normal fares offered in the market. The fares, to be
    196 words
  • 176 6 FINISHING TOUCHES TO $10M TOWN CENTRE A UO-MILLION town centre for Woodlands New Town should be completed within the next few months. This and other projects for the Bukit Panjang constituency were revealed by the Parliamentary Secretary (National Development), Mr Lee Yiok Seng, at the constituency's National Day dinner at
    176 words
  • 373 6 THE State Coroner, Mr Aziz Yatim, yesterday warned the public "not to fool around with fired but live army shells, and to report to the relevant authorities should they come across such "blinds." The warning followed a verdict of misadventure he returned at an inquiry into the
    373 words
  • 171 6 AN INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES, a talk by a parttime lecturer of the University of Singapore, Mr Tan Lip Seng, at the Toa Payoh branch library lecture hall at 7.30 p.m. MATHEMATICAL BOOKS from France exhibition at the Alliance Francaise, 4 Draycott Park, from 9 a.m. to
    171 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 610 6 "-^JsTttC it.* it- mk y"7 I f^^n^^ «J>leH ■Jn^LVWfct^MeaVem^.^M ask -^(5 about it -^f^^J V^r J<^y_ The Splendour of Gracious Living Live in Ceramics, the splendour of creation. From >*^^fc Italy, United Kingdom and Germany, we bring you M( m ceramic tiles of exquisite beauty. They're so versatile I HB
      610 words
    • 357 6 u*l COURAGE P» '•<! CONFIDENCE Vf k LEADERSHIP 4^ Ml tMlt CAMNEGia 10 ways Ike Dale Careegte Cum I kdpsaei aid woaep: «CQwrt pM* md ctnhdfnct Sptrt t«Ktmi, S«M TMntN mi jmn ittu Bt it r»ur l»ll with in, (ovp Imtflibtt WNi Think mt ipiik wi I*ll ttfl Central lt«r
      357 words

  • 577 7  -  EVELYN NG Story: Pictures: FRANCIS ONG RAFFLES' LEGACY IS SHIFTING INTO NEW HOME THE century-old Raffles Collection of more than 100,000 wildlife specimens will be moved from the University of Singapore to Nanyang University, it was learnt yesterday. Details of where exactly
    577 words
  • 166 7 Travellers cheques worth $1.9 m missing THE Singapore Police have been asked by Interpol and the American Express in two separate appeals to help trace the disappearance of travellers cheques totalling US$9OO,OOO (551.94 million). The appeal by American Express International Inc in Hongkong said 29,000 of its travellers cheques, all
    166 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 46 7 CAMPARI INSTEAD THE RIGHT LIGHT DRINK FOR A LONG NIGHT Cool, refreshing, lifts you up. Pink, light, doesn't knock you down. Only discerning palates can acquire this new taste sensation. Campari Tonic Campari Soda Campari 7UP Campari Orange Campari You. Sole Agent: FOOD BEVERAGE (PTE) LTD.
      46 words
    • 403 7 The fast and easy way to handle your stapling needs Rapid Made in Sweden Rapid 100 ci&ctnc This electric marvel is savingT^^^^B^^^ time and energy in countless places W^ Functional, yet elegant! The RAPID Electric Staplers m serve a wide range of applications in the office, v packing room, workshop,
      403 words

  • 745 8  -  FRANK LIM By SUPPORT industries in Singapore are, in many cases, supplying as little as 10 per cent of their potential market. This is the view of Mr Clement Caditz, 66, the International Executive Service Corps volunteer who has been doing
    745 words
  • 257 8 Top bee hoon maker to go in for full automation SINGAPORE'S largest bee hoon (rice vermicelli) company plans to beat the labour shortage by fully automating its production line within the next few years. The firm, United Bee Hoon Manufacturing, has already begun by I mechanising the packaging process with
    257 words
  • 123 8 Adviser tours SAF Boys' School PEHIN Dato Isa, general adviser to the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, yesterday gained an insight into the training programmes and facilities at the Singapore Armed Forces Boys' School in Changi. He was received by the Deputy Chief of General Staff, Brig-Gen Sim Hak Kng.
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  • 26 8 THE Minister for Labour, Mr Ong Pang Boon, will attend the Nee Soon constituency National Day dinner at the Nee Soon community centre tomorrow.
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  • 110 8 THE National Productivity Board (NPB) is conducting a survey on the printing industry to identify the needs of local printers, particularly the small and medium-sized firms. Many local printing firms have been expanding rapidly, buying more sophisticated machinery and employing more workers. But the NPB finds
    110 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 482 8 I Great offers from I ifm mucujELComE I W^ W SUPERMARKETS I The Grand Draw for the "Courtesy with a Welcome ii/i *m Smile" Contest will be held at our Queenstown branch £JW/m/J WW rtPji rt W^t/Wrm^i rfPrtw i/tsiftrTP at 5 30pm on 16th Aug. 1979 IWVIIV \4&L' W WWV
      482 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 203 8 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 6 He can see two ahead of cricketer (5.3). 1 Scorching to (jet clear on hill 7 A politician the French see as (g). liberal (5). 5 Catch parent on the hop (6). 8 Works sewing-machine for 8 Dance-record by Rolling Stone prima donna perhpas (5,6).
      203 words

  • 145 9 QUICK action by a fireman yesterday saved some pats at an HDB block in Telok Blangah Crescent from being damaged by fire. Residents called the Fire Brigade at about 7.30 p.m. after they saw smoke emanating from the wiring column of their flats. Two fire engines
    145 words
  • 491 9 BARBITURATES were the most popular poison used by people attempting suicide last year while the incidence of this drug poi- 1 soning has gone up by nearly four-fold over the i five-year period from 1973. The number of fatalities arising from taking ba r-
    491 words
  • 63 9 WHEN registration for Primary One classes begin on Monday, pupils who are now attending pre-primary classes at government and government-aided schools need not apply to be registered. They will automatically be given places in the Primary One classes of the same school when the school year
    63 words
  • 531 9  - Man who walked into hold-up slashed X S. SIDHU Byl A CENTRAL Narcotics Bureau officer, Mr Surenda Kumar, had the fingers of his right hand slashed when he stumbled on four robbers holding up a South Bridge Road shop on Tuesday night, during which seven employees and a watchman were
    531 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 293 9 I SI TITUS WIN 30 FANTASTIC PRIZES PLUS 10 BONUS PRIZES! BULOVA TITUS The pioneer and world leader in The versatile watch for years electronic time-keeping of accurate time-keeping P^VS <^t@3i Ist1 st FORD CORTINA I.6GL A&Q* Mrsl^^^^vWß PP Hil' il on the road (without insurance) including PARF Wr Wet
      293 words
      508 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 930 10 ESTABLISHED 1858 j^fc LftJ Q| MM M ESTABLISHED 1858 J UP SALE PRICE V UP SALE PRICE Selection of Emesse dresses Wr Robinson s 100% cotton and tunics approximately jj^^l j^ singlets plain $4 50 2.50 200 pcs. $135.00 $55.00 M W <^A I Robinsons 100% cotton Big selection of
      930 words

  • 22 11 Commuters boarding an OMO bus in orderly fashion at Ang Mo Kio yesterday pictures by WONG KWAI CHOW
    WONG KWAI CHOW  -  22 words
  • 60 11 THE National Development Minister, Mr Teh Cheang Wan, the Senior Minister of State (Education), Mr Chai Chong Yii. and the Senior Minister of State (Prime Minister's Office). Mr Lee Khoon Choy, will attend a dinner at the Apollo Hotel tomorrow at 7.30 p.m. The dinner is organised by
    60 words
  • 421 11  - .EASY DOES IT AND SINGLE-HANDED TOO PAUL WEE By IT MAY not be as smooth as silk but taking a ride on a One-Man-Operated bus can be quite a relaxing experience these days. The nightmarish scene of jostling and elbowing to board a bus is giving way to orderly queueing
    421 words
  • 205 11 Philips ordered to pay firm $36,000 THE High Court yesterday ordered Philips Singapore Pte Ltd to pay an electrical company $36,770 for breach of contract. Sin Ma Electric Co (Pte) Ltd, represented by Mr Tan Bar Tien, said in its claim that on Sept 26, 1975, Philips Singapore ordered from
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 255 11 SO YOU STILL SMOKE THEN LETS TALK TEETH You wouldn't use a scouring agent to clean bone china, would you? It's the same with teeth. Yet ordinary toothpastes are too bland to remove tobacco film, and tea, coffee or other stubborn stains. The answer? New Clinomyn the toothpaste specially formulated
      255 words
    • 108 11 $9 AQO 00 UNBELIEVABLE >M&L VALUE! ~^MUI Ken-Air European Tours are //^SJfcrln' the best selling European tours Ir^zfT^^^^L in Singapore today because itl__V_/l %JkH_K of its fantastic value. ffif^^ Our twice monthly departures are J__a_r _^!^"^>r_7' booked to capacity tour after tour //nH I fl&\ V^ Visit Rome. Florence, Nice,
      108 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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  • 2761 12 Witness: I believed in what I had declared in that statement on oath 'It began to dawn on me in 1975 that what we had done was not correct' MR CASHIN: All that the accused did was to be a
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  • 297 12  -  T. F. HWANG BEN DAVIDSON DAY SEVEN OF THE TARLING TRAIL MR JOHN SCOTHORNE, former financial controller of Haw Par Brothers International Ltd (HPBIL), told the High Court yesterday that it was during the six months after
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  • 78 12 6ln June 1972 having been there (with HPBIL) for only six months, I was, therefore, a new employee and had not worked in this part of the world before. According to the evidence given to me in Jane 1972, this device (not making a full disclosure of the profits
    78 words
  • 48 12 THE ACCUSED: Richard Tarling, former chairman of Haw Par Brothers International Ltd. THE JUDGE: Mr Justice Kulasekaram. FOR THE PROSECUTION: Mr Tan Teow Yeow, DPP, assisted by Mr Fong Kwok Jen, DPP. FOR THE DEFENCE: Mr H. E. Cashin, assisted by Dr Myint Soe.
    48 words
  • 230 12 MR DONALD EDGAR OGILVY WATSON, former managing director of the Haw Par Group, who left the Jurisdiction soon after the appointment of the inspectors to Investigate Haw Pan affairs. MR lAN KEITH TAMBLYN, former deputy managing director, who has also left the Jurisdiction. MR JOHN
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 122 12 the thinnest Impeccable IC lighter. Maaiman the inventor of the revolutionary Integrated Circuit (IC) Lighter have now perfected the reliable Mark 111 Circuit. This latest Mark 111 Circuit will ensure long trouble free lighter life. This reliability is introduced in the latest, thinnest IC lighter the beautiful thin 1C514. The
      122 words

  • 269 13  -  PAUL JANSEN Anti-secret society i ops stepped up By I our Jurong reporter POLICE have stepped up their anti-secret society operations in Jurong following recent clashes between two rival gangs in Jurong. In an all-night swoop on Tuesday, officers of Rural West Division under
    269 words
  • 208 13 A Common Library Activities Day for schools A COMMON Library Activities Day will be held by all primary schools in the third term. Announcing this yesterday, a spokesman for the Ministry of Education said the aim is to provide an opportunity for pupils from different schools in the same area
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  • 77 13 AN 11-year-old schoolgirl. Wong Tsu Cheng, was found dead at the foot of Block 14, Eunos Crescent yesterday. Tsu Cheng, a Primary 5 pupil of Raffles Girls School, came home from school at 2 p.m. and found her flat locked. She went to her grandmother's flat on
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  • 49 13 THE youth group of Geylang Serai community centre will organise a picnic for members at Desaru on Aug 19. It will also hold a children's spot art competition at Block 1. Haig Road, on Aug 26 between 9 a.m. and noon. For tetails tel *****19.
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  • 113 13 SINGAPORE BANK ARRANGES $39m LOAN FOR MISC A SINGAPORE merchant bank, Morgan Grenfell (Asia) has arranged a US$lB.4 million (5539.6 million) consortium loan to the Malaysian International Shipping Corporation (MISC) to buy two containerships. Morgan Grenfell officials said the loan qualifies for "spared tax" treatment under the provisions of the
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  • 262 13 Tighter rein on import of alien workers' THE government has tightened the rules on the import of foreign workers. New Nation reported yesterday. Several employers were recently refused extensions of their block permits under the work permit scheme for foreign workers. The block permit scheme was introduced in July last
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  • 21 13 THE Singapore- Japan Children Cultural Show will be held at the National Theatre on Aug 26 at 10 a.m.
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  • 197 13 A SIX-MEMBER American Congressional delegation arrived here yesterday on the last leg of an East Asian and South-east Asian familiarisation tour. Led by Mr Charles Wilson, the delegation the third US Congressional mission in this region in recent weeks will call on the Defence Minister,
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  • 174 13 THE Public Utilities Board has advised electrical trade contractors and workers to stop using water pipes as the only earth electrode for wiring installations in low-rise domestic buildings and shophouses. This is because the use of unplasticised PVC (UPVC) and asbestos cement (AC) pipes as water
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  • 90 13 THE Public Utilities Board will charge an electrical appliances dealer in court tomorrow with illegally advertising the sale of an instantaneous water heater which has not been approved by the board. The board had warned dealers that it is an offence to sell, hire out or
    90 words
  • 204 13 TIONG Bahru residents, who helped raise $SM,IM for an auditorium, will soon be able to watch more concerts and plays near their homes. Sited at En Chin Street, Tion* Bahru People's Auditorium, doe for completion la II days' time, will be
    204 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 623 13 EASY CAR CARE HINTS NO. 3 I TOPPING-UP BRAKE FLUID I J£W T° keep your brakes working properly Jk« the brake fluid reservoir must be I^W'-W topped-up with top quality brake fluid I" jCS^ /fy\\ WARNING *33=?r JF\ >Ijbl I A| ways replace promptly the l"*-~^u^K 'vTP I// reservoir cap
      623 words

  • The Straits Times THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1979
    • 372 14 WHEN Dr Tony Tan, the Senior Minister of State for Education, appeared last week on the television documentary, Immersion A Midterm Report, he hardly prepared us for the early changes to the immersion scheme. Dr Tan had revealed that a detailed evaluation of the immersion programme would
      372 words
    • 385 14 IT HAS generated so much heat in the past year that some might think that all that is worth saying has been said. But in returning to Australia's international civil aviation policy (leap) last Tuesday, the managing director of Singapore Airlines, Mr Lim Chin Beng, apparently wants
      385 words
  • 1009 14 Will Fraser continue to be a free-trader abroad and protectionist at home? Australian leader has to decide on recommendation to reduce protection By Hat blast A»»sie'E»~ i; atKCr.PM at Fraser ***»«*<; comes at ***n t aifB: mm* *»*&s»*& blast »t I?^? 18 te^ 1 Jenkins ft* "tJJ^ASERs cj«»sa« BOTH at
    1,009 words
  • 632 14  -  SHIGEYUKI NAKAMURA By VARYING from US$lOO a day part-time secretary jobs to a US$l4 a day programme to help farmers in the northern main island of Hokkaido, Japanese college students are now starting a variety of occupations as the
    AFP  -  632 words
  • 50 14 6 We need policies which will free those resources of capital and labour that are at present locked into unproductive uses and allow them to reflect the operation of market forces, including, most importantly, the competitive forces of international trade. 7 Mr Fraser speaking as a free-trader in Lusaka.
    50 words
  • 806 14 NEW YORK: Ever since sex became as commonplace as spearmint gum, the theories of Dr Freud don't seem half so interesting as they used to. As a matter of fact, now that we can examine them with the clear eye of the new enlightenment, they don't
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 33 14 LYfiK Predators I CJ PAN -WEST CPTEJ LTD. I I I IpiVl'. rvG»PUB» unl 228 230 2nd Floor .OrCMH ROM T.I *****^6 ■■Wuir BuilD'NG Shop 1 13 Low Ground Floor .SUnlonWj, Tei *****14
      33 words
    • 138 14 This bag was made for stjerwing off jag, ■JV ■maty* %m% \i* m i^Mtt^. It had to have quality. >*""~"v It had to have style. M y\ J It had to have details like m i strong stitchings, smooth edges M ll .r-r and secure clasps before we /]~^L. l
      138 words

  • 613 15 EXCERPTS of editorials from Nanyang Siang Pau and Sin Chew Jit Poh on the promotion of Mandarin as the common language among our Chinese community. NANYANC HANC MO •W#CAK»E) THE forum on the Promotion of Mandarin organised jointly by the Nanyang Siang Pau and
    613 words
  • 528 15 Launch a promote Mandarin campaign IH 9 i $M CMfW JIT POH tmt **a**t i«n 'V T %p mm THE bilingual educational policy and the policy of according equal treatment to the four languages are accepted by all, but the specific implementation of the policies, the comprehension of the people,
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  528 words
    • 321 15 INFLATION nowadays is inevitable. The question is how far can we keep price rises to a minimum? I have noticed that since the National Wage Council (NWC) wage supplement announcement plus the oil price rises, traders, especially hawkers, have been quick to
      321 words
    • 288 15 WE REFER to Mr Victor Tan's letter on thephone book distribution ST. August 6). We are sorry that Mr Tan was inconvenienced when he could not collect his phone books. Distribution of the phone books commenced on July 10 after an adequate intial
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 166 15 Ismail Kassim pays a visit to the National Stud Farm in Tanjong Rambutan, whose local thoroughbreds have won their owners stake money worth a total of $1.2 million. Learn how a racehorse is born and bred. In 1969, we helped launch 3 men to the moon. In 1979, our DC
      166 words

    • 1430 16 THK last transacted ready sale at the close ■>( business on the Stork Exchange of Singa pore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1979 high and low 1 Adjusted for scrip rights issue) 1979 Last High Low Company Sale or261 207 Acma 235 unch 195
      1,430 words
    • 328 16 SINGAPORE UNIT TRt ST (Maaaeen' price, tar Aag It) The Commerce 2.08 2.21 I The Saving Fund Ijg i'*j I Spore Prog Fund 0.97 1 02 Spore Sec. Fund IK 1 76xd S pore Invest Fund 125 1 32 Spore Equity Fund 096 LQI ASIA UNIT THI'ST (Managers'
      328 words
    • 1559 16 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In an reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word 'sett": Bift Board
      1,559 words
    • 176 16 4 1/2% 1/8/80 (250.000) (99.108 99.205 4 3/4% 15/9/8O (250.000) (99.238 99.335) 5 3/4% 1/6/78-80 (250.000) (100 358 100.455) 5 1/2% 1/6/79-81 (250.000) (99 908 100 00S) 5 1/4% 1/3/81 (250.000) (99.608 99.705) 5% 16/4/81 (250.000) (99.158 99.255) 5% T F 1/5/83 (250.000) (100.058 100.15S) 5
      176 words
    • 1734 16 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yes terday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INDI'STBIALK Aema(2 2582 425) VJlnanwU (268 B) •.ICMHII96B) (3) 195(131 1 96
      1,734 words
    • 137 16 Rises Most active stocks Sthn Malayan IWO +380 DBS 350.000 X Kampar 420 +102 Inchcape 229.000 Matsushita 530 +30 Sine Darby 181.000 Kothman. 476+24 J Cement 120.000 T Harbour 424 +18 Tan Chong 86.000 Dunlop Ind 444+14 Grand Central 86.000 PMC 412+12 Pan Electric 66.000 Aokam 352
      137 words
      • 348 16 HONGKONG: Share prices closed easier with strong buying near the close stemming a further decline yesterday, dealers said. Hutchison-Whampoa group's bid for the China Provident shares it does not already own unsettled the market and sentiment also centred on the future course of the local interest rates. HutrMsaa-WbwmpM, eased
        348 words
      • 395 16 TOKYO: Share prices rose sharply in fairly active trading, pushing the Dow Jones average to a record 6,424.15 points, dealers said. The Dow average rose 28.93 points, with a volume of 400 million shares. The New index was 453.25, up 2.11 points. AJlnomolo 552 +17 Akal 3(5+6 Asahl l-hem
        395 words
      • 233 17 AMSTERDAM, Tues. Share prices closed mixed with Hoogevens and Unilever losing 0.90 and 0.80 guilders respectively in lower Dutch internationals, dealers said. Philips also lost 0.70 guilders after announcing lower second quarter profits. ABN fell 13 guilders to 332, ex its 12 guilders cash or 5.50 guilders cash
        233 words
      • 291 17 ZURICH, Tues. Share prices continued to rise on domestic and foreign demand, while bonds remained neglected, dealers said. Insurances and banks led by Bank Leu were again actively higher, while rising financial* included Landis and GYR. Forbo 'A'. Pirelli, MotorColumbus, Sika and Interfood. Active alusuisse featured higher
        291 words
      • 338 17 NEW YORK, Tues. Profittaking and concern about expected federal credit tightening moves held the stock market to a narrow advance in heavy trading today. The market needed a breather after the sharp gain that brought it within four points of its high for the year on
        338 words
      • 690 17 LONDON, Tues. Share prices were generally easier but government bonds closed slightly firmer in a thin market, dealers said. At 3 pm the Financial Times index was down 1.7 at 474.1. Government bonds dropped up to 1 4 point al the outset on small selling but indications
        690 words
      • 61 17 FINANCIAL TIMKS INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 475.1 Monday 475.8 Week Ago 466.6 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 876.71 Monday 875.26 Week ago 859.81 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Tuesday 30. to 30. Monday 28 .to 2B H.K.HANG SENG Wednesday 613.47 Tuesday 618.89 Week ago 614.54 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 502.16 Tuesday 502.47 Week
        61 words
      • 85 16 Striking prices of the options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday, the period, bids and offered prices and business done, if any, with the number of options traded shown in brackets. Haw Par (Sept $1.20) (0.358 0.415). Hume P E (Sept $1 60) (0.51 B).
        85 words
      • 228 16 THE KILOBAR market for gold deliverable in Singapore opened at 520.9G0 and closed at $21,005 yesterday. In Ihe Far East, gold opened at rstaOOW 301.00. Short -covering lift ed gold up to 1301.50 90 before some selling entered the market. In the afternoon, gold eased to $300 20 60
        228 words
      • 132 16 THE STRAITS tin price edged another $1 lower to {1,875 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering down 41 tonnes to 146 tonnes. The overnight London market was steady quiet with forward buyers rising UMto £6,610 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day was up £80 for
        132 words
      • 31 16 Rubber Aug 15 Singapore: September: 284.25 cents (down 3.50 cents) Malaysia: September: 284.25 cents (down 3.25 cents) Tin: M$ 1,875 (down $1) Official offering: 146 tonnes (down 41 tonnes)
        31 words
      • 544 16 WEAKER London advices fluctuated narrowly during the made for a three cent lower early session in light dealings opening and later the market with lower sterling providing lost further ground before some underlying support, short-covering came in to ar- Turnover totalled 318 lots of rest the decline. 15 tonnes
        544 words
      • 106 16 NOON SSR and SMR prm> ywnday ■A8 B*f*»b*r OetoWr (Carrol Mlk) (rorw.rti Mlhi B«r.r. S.ll»r. B.y.r. Mfer* SSR 20 llunpsUMl 273 50N 275 SON 273 50 27&.50N SSR JO ilUMipallMl ***** 272 SON 270 90 272.KN MRELB SMRCV llbaip^kll 314 50 3K.50N 314.00 316 OUN SMR L
        106 words
      • 31 16 LONDON Topper prices on Tuesday i previous in brackets). Wirebar Spot £901 (1X72). sellers £902 (£874): Three Month buyers £898.50 (£873). sellers £899 (£874). Market Use: Firmer. teles: 11.500 tonnes.
        31 words
    • 322 16 SENTIMENT at the stock market yesterday seemed little affected by the news of another possible Iranian crisis. Trading maintained its huoyanry with total volume transacted at Its I highest level in weeks. It was the most buoyant session since Monday with prices moving from steady to
      322 words
    • 269 16 j PROFIT-TAKING set in and j pared most of the earlier i gains on the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterdry. Prices, on balance, closed on a mixed note. Despite the generally soft- er tone, selected counters managed to gain further ground. Petroleum and tobacco stocks were the j
      269 words
    • 228 16 THE US dollar opened lower at $2.1525 35 compared with Tuesday's $2.1555 65 close in the Singapore forex market yesterday Operators were still awaiting the release of policy decisions made at the latest FOMC meeting but some profit-taking probably brought the US unit lower at the opening
      228 words
    • 361 16 INTERBANK rates at 3.00 pm: CurrsnciM Non.inal rat** Smithsonian P*rc*ntag* quoted yesterday (cro»)panly Chang* I/oral dollars to one unit of foreign currency: US dollar 2.1522 2.1530 2.8196 -23.67 Sterling pound 4.8025 4.8070 7.3469 -34.63 Australian dollar 2.4255 2.4370 3.4286 29.26 NZ dollar 2.1725 2.1950 3.4286 -36.49 Canadian dollar
      361 words
    • 54 16 RANGE of pnrrs offered by di count houses on Aug 14 Overnight -y s' Call deposits s'. Closiag Buyioc Scllini 3 month Treasury bills 5 1/16 4 15/16 3 month Bank bills 7 13/16 7 11/16 3 month CO 7 13/16 7 11/16 6 month CU 7 7 Source:
      54 words
    • 39 16 Closing interbank rates for Singapore dollars on Aug 15: Offer Bid Overnight 7 6 1 month 17/16 7 5/16 2 months 7 9/16 7 7/16 3 month!. 7 7 > Overnight mode parity >hghtlv fiom ihusc quoted b
      39 words
    • 404 17 Inchcape sees strong upturn in earnings ONE of the largest conglomerates listed on the stock exchange, Inchcape Bhd, reported a strong recovery in profit for the first six months of its financial year. True to market expectations, the group's pre-tax profit for the interim period (to June 30) soared to
      404 words
    • 287 17 Haw Par offers to buy Setron shares at old terms HAW PAR Brother* Inter national has ottered to boy ever outstanding Setren. shares ea tke same terms of Its earlier takeover otter. Haw Par said ea Taesday tke nambrr of acceptances to its earlier offer of oae Haw Par share
      287 words
    • 144 17 Guthrie joins KSMin fertiliser venture GIJTHRIE Berhad has joined hands with eae ef Malaysia's largest cooperative societies la a aew joint venture to promote tke distribution ef fertilisers In Malaysia. Tke greap yesterday announced that It had formed a new company, Peladang Klmla, which will take ever tke fertllser division
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 564 17 Established International Company engaged in port operations has vacancies for the following personnel ASSISTANT OPERATIONS MANAGER Candidates should be between 30-45 years and have at least 5 years experience in a senior supervisory/ managerial position in a port or stevedoring company. He should have a good knowledge of the physical
      564 words
    • 417 17 Hl|»ll ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1 you have a professional qualification oi i minimum GCE 'A' level certificate witl i good command of English and th< ibihty to correspond independently yoi nay be interested in this post whict iffers good future prospects. Duties would include all aspects of admin strative work in
      417 words
    • 360 17 AUCTION SALE Mortgagees Sole Of Valuable Properties To Be Held In Our Sale-Room No 58 Market Street, Singapore ON WEDNESDAY, 22ND AUGUST 1979 AT 2 30PM Particular*: 1) No. 47 Truro Road Vocont Possession Lot 5 1 4- 1 I TS XVIII Area: 3,127 sq ft Title: Freehold Solicitors: M/s
      360 words
    • 416 17 THK BANKRI PTCY ACT (CHAPTER II) TAKE NOTICE that (m) KrrrlvinK and Adjudication Ordrrs wtrr madr analnst thr following debtors on 3rd August int. In Bankruptcy Nos 753/78 William Ong t/a W.L General Agencies of Blk 116, 225 D. Bukit Merah View. Singapore 0315 William Ong l/c N*****385H 495/78 Chua
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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    • 774 18 I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE Hirt hrrtkJM Cia tt Irnitgti BUS (*L^)sl0 f£RMON r£r n5?l «-=;=r => 19S I iSSH *32 f* (MODEL: S 6O I ENGLEE BLOCKS* NO 115. KIM SENG ROAD 193 I OPPOSITE GREAT V'ORLO 198 I H OB FLATS. BESIDE CANAL MOM SAT 10 mi S3O
      774 words
    • 606 18 1 UNIT AIRCOND Acma AXIIO Capacity 11.000 BTU for sale. Only used for 3 months Asking $680 negotiable Please contact *****91 Mr. Poh 10 UNITS USED room alrcondilloners of 3/4. 1. 1 1/2. 2 h.p with guarantee. Price from $250 upwards Tel *****1/*****88. 10 UNITS USEO room alrcondltioners of 3/4.
      606 words
    • 621 18 II EMPLOYMENT DOCTOR REOUIRED JURONG Town group practice with view P ar lne rsn 'P R'Ply with details A9131 ne number: s T Box b) Secretarial and Clerical ACCOUNTS CLERK (Male) Applications are invited for the above position. Candidates must possess a good School Certificate and a LCC Higher Accounting
      621 words
    • 621 18 A Wen Established A Leading Manufacturing Company is looking lor an Energetic Responsible Person to till the position ofEXPORT CLERK Duties:e To co-ordinate and liaise with planning/production/ administration departments on the execution of export orders. c To attend to routine correspondence. Requireiiients:e Male Singapore citizen. between 22-30 years of age.
      621 words
    • 866 18 AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service Weekdays 830 am -500pm Public Holidays 900 am 100pm Saturdays 8.30 a.m. 3.00pm ill OOttm tor Sun Times) (ouater Service Regular office hours Times Orchard m/ 05 Lucky Plaza Centre. (Close from Ipm 2pm) Times Centre I New Industrial Road 1 191 RATES Per word:
      866 words
    • 624 18 LEARN TO BE a Telephone/Telex Operator within one month Practical training provided. Tel: *****0/*****2 LEARN TO BE Telephone Operators. Typists. Telex Operators. Computer Operators Job guaranteed. Application booklet: $1 00. Room 808. Far East Shopping Centre, Orchard Road, (opposite Lido). LEGAL FIRM REOUIRES Junior Stenographer Those Interested are invited to
      624 words
      715 words
    • 647 18 An Established American Concern seeks Dynamic Personnel for immediate employment (1) SALES SECRETARIES (2) CUSTOMER RELATIONS OFFICERS (3) PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICERS (4) SALES EXECUTIVES (5) OPERATIONAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES II you are looking for a challenging aalea career and possess the loHowing:e Atfe 18 years it above c good Customer Relations
      647 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 524 19 II EMPLOYMENT 1 i 31 Situations Vacant c) Sales ENOLISH OR JAPANESE speaking s ak*Sf!irls required Salary negotiable Interested call personally Shaw Towers. Beacn ESTABLISHED FIRM SEEKS Salesmen for marine and industrial nutlets Salary commensurates with qualifications and experience. Good prospects, car allowances and attractive commissions Apply with resume and
      524 words
    • 690 19 OUR ENCOURAGING GROWTH has created a demand for Represen-uiiv-s who can be orientated for positive and rewarding individual success in high earnings and quick promotions. You must have the will to succeed under all circumstances as performanc is the order of the day Our lar.Kiable Products are highly respected and
      690 words
    • 611 19 II EMPLOYMENT A successful trading company re ■an AUMO/ HI-FI TECHNICIANS QvasMeatione: c 2-3 years' experience in HIFI Electronics field a Preferably with relevant Trade Certificate a Must be able to repair Independently all the hi-fi sets a Age 22 years and above a GCE 'O' level c Must possess
      611 words
    • 565 19 Nestle, An International Food and Beverage Company invites suitably qualified candidates for the following positions In Its affiliated Manufacturing Company in Jurong: BOILER OPERATOR Class I Boiler Certificate issued by the Ministry of Labour Should be able to carry out minor maintenance and repair work LABORATORY ASSISTANTS GCE "O" Level
      565 words
    • 625 19 II EMPLOYMENT SCIENCE CENTRE BOARD 1) EMPORARY GRAPHIC ARTIST Diploma or Certificate In Advertising/ Graphic Art from recognised Art Instl- tute with some working experience. 2) TEMPORARY TECHNICIAN (Metalwork) TEMPORARY TECHNICIAN (Electronics) TEMPORARY TECHNICIAN (Woodwork) Trade Certificate from Vocational Institute or 3 GCE O' Level passes with technical subjects (meulwork
      625 words
    • 443 19 t) General A. HEAT TREATMENT OPERATOR Salary $235p m B. FOUNDRY OPERATIVES a Salary 5238 p.m c 5-day week I Apply In person: THE PERSONNEL OFFICER. NATIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES PTE. LTD., 2-A, CORPORATION ROAD, SINGAPORE 2XI. A MALE SINGAPOREAN Immediately required lo fill the position of an office boy. Age
      443 words
    • 588 19 II EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANT ELECTRICIANS ANO Electricians required Interested please call: *****98 or *****68 A TRANSPORT COMPANY urgently requires a Chinese Wharf Clerk Able to work Independently. Capable of clearing cargo at PSA and familiar with transhipment and dutiable goods. With more than 1 year experience In similar line Interested applicants
      588 words
    • 430 19 CYCLE CARRIAGE GROUP We invite applications for the following vacancies in our Assembly Plant MOTOR VEHICLE ASSEMBLERS No experience needed. Age: 18 28 years SPRAY PAINTERS 1-2 yesrs experience in sprsy painting or in possession of ITB Trade Certificate in spray painting Maintenance helpers Must be prepared to do genersl
      430 words
    • 497 19 II EMPLOYMENT EXECUTIVE LOUNGE IN Town re- quires Waiters/Stewardesses Part-time/fulltlme Experience not essential Monthly guaranteed income amounting to $1,500. I Must have pleasant and charm i ing personality Non-Singapo-I rean acceptable High bonus Free air tickets to Malaysia Apply personally at Swiss Inn Restaurant/Cocktail Lounge. 35. Podium Block. Goldhill Plaza.
      497 words
    • 605 19 HOTEL MERLIN SINGAPORE has vacancies for V MALE TELEPHONE OPERATORS Gross salary $370 to $400 p.m. :l(H"E-() levels a Able to speak fluent Englist .mil Mandarin c Able to operate PABX switchboard c Have at least I year sinillal experience, preferably in I hotel a Completed National Service 2. KITCHEN
      605 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 517 20 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant f) General lIKkSIIN HYDRAI IJCS AND rM.INrrRIMiPTF. LTD have immediate vacancies for: A) SERVICE TECHNICIAN B) ASST. SERVICE TECHNICIAN O SALES REPRESENTATIVES POST A Possess II in Mechanical Kngineering Minimum 2 years' experience in servicing snd repairing of general electrical and hydraulic equipment Knowledge of
      517 words
      505 words
    • 603 20 II EMPLOYMENT lose MALE FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS $245 Confirmation Bonus. 5 days work No shift. j Medical benefits. Meal Allowance. Kree Uniforms. Apply personally: THE PERSONNEL DEPT NEW SOUND ELECTRONICS (PTE) LTD J 2nd floor Tack Chiang Industrial Building 118-D Paya Lebar Road Singapore 1440. SBS Nos 70 71,72.84.91. 152.
      603 words
    • 497 20 requires immediately DESPATCH RIDER (Pson) motorbike will be provided above 17 years of age completed al least post primary education and must be able to understand simple English possess a valid Class 2 dnv- I ing licence Starting salary: S3IS/- to $230/Please call personally to see: Mr. N. K. Chia
      497 words
    • 344 20 II EMPLOYMENT Well-established Tyre Manufacturer with good growth potential requires: PRODUCTION OPERATORS (MALE) 1) Age: 16 years and above. 2) Must work 3 shifts. Weekly change. 3) Starling pay: not leas than $10.00 per day. 4) Shift allowance: 2nd shift $2.00 per shift. 3rd shift $3.00 per shift. 5) Company
      344 words
    • 508 20 I E5 iNabonatF /VIES/1 appreciates jf^XL Your Mura It our main concern. Our new Bedok factory often you better wonting srtvtronrneritanclcondiftor»,Yv*defrecrealtonal (ocMes ancrtoh of oootonßntedlnc«ntrvas.Uk« latter promotion*. Ngn«r splartM among* XT others. It won't Mtj bea lob.buta ■eiong career., ,^Li. Progress w«rt r *^^t Female Production Operators AT MESA, we
      508 words
    • 223 20 II EMPLOYMENT MMpJH > s|MP*WtCa^| lfc^3fca23 ajß%iks4»**ssy#flß| EASTROtUCSrre LTDI 31 Jalan Pemimpm Singapore 2056 (opp. Little Sistars ol tha Poor) URGENTLY REQUIRED PART-TIME WORKERS i (6p.m. to 11p.m.) S-day week 1) LINE TECHNICIANS Minimum 1 year working experi- I ence repairing AM KM radio cassette tape recorders, car stssi ii
      223 words
    • 586 20 MESA appreciates J/DU. Your future is our main concern. Our new Bedok fa Jtory offers you better working conditions and environment, wider recreational facilities and lots ol goaionented incentives. Like faster promotions higher^ salaries and fully-paid technical training in Japan, amongst others. It wont just /^Jv be a iob. but
      586 words
    • 448 20 II EMPLOYMENT suimnno A leading manufacturer of top quality bicycle components It fast expanding and have immediate vacancies (orPRODUCTION OPERATORS i Male and Female i Weoffer- Revised starting salary and generous fringe benefits Cash bonus on confirmation Pay increase on confirmation Job Allowance Special Allowance Production Incentive Attendance Incentive Shift
      448 words
    • 247 20 WANTEO NIGHT SHIFT WOTI r I from I'.pm m Part Full lime *****5 TEMPORARY KEY-PUNCH OPERATOR I urgently required for 2 months by an established compaiy n Jurong. Qualifications: (UK I c 2 years' experteti' t on Key-punch mactlll r (on cards) c Preferably on I CM. Machine. Please
      247 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 179 21 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant I) General \\\V IV\V a* SI is II A A a Hi £2 Ml if iii lit raj CSI CO CO i uibS ■5 IU CC CL .6 II >» c 'g > -ra nnn ff (Iff)) .2 o E-£ We need PRODUCTION OPERATORS We've
      179 words
    • 457 21 We take care of our PRODUCTION OPERATORS (Female) You can earn up to $280/per month with other benefits $7,200 medical coverage C.aa work f f C?C? jackets 12 Days annual leave Holiday chalets D flC working L7C7OC environment If you are 16 35 years old Pass Primary 6 Understand simple
      457 words
    • 518 21 II EMPLOYMENT (1) GENERAL WORKERS a age between 16-35 a education Primary 6 minimum a starting salary $8 50 per day a 3 shift rotation (2) FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS a age between 16 —35 a education Primary 6 minimum a starting salary $800 per day a Ist and 2nd shift
      518 words
    • 412 21 TOKO ELECTRONIC (S) PTE LTD invites applications forMALE STORE-KEEPER a Singapore citizen a Must complete N.S. a Age 22 to 25. a Secondary 4or its equivalent. a Must have at least 1 year's working experience In inventory control Intaraatad applicants plaaaa call paraonally or writa with hill raauma and 1
      412 words
    • 658 21 111 VEHICLES BOATS AIRCONO t NON-AIRCOND Japanese cars at low rental. Please ring Singapore Car Rentals *****87 ALL NEW DATSUN/ Mitsubishi pickups, vans. Mazda trucks for hire. Dally/ weekly/ monthly basis 849. Golden Mile Tower. Tel *****30 or 621 Changl Road. Tel *****35 ALL NEW MITSUBISHI. Datsun. Toyota Pick-up for
      658 words
    • 824 21 COLT GALANT 1673 GS 1600 cc Sports rims, tip top condition New paint, well maintained. Tel: *****45 COLT LANCER 1400 May 1975 original condition, used as sec-Trade-in/ hp available Call *****33 COLT LANCER ENO 1973 with MX I IV aircond. 5 new sporu rims and tyres, auto reverse cassette $11,400
      824 words
    • 873 21 111 VEHICLES BOATS FIAT 126 SALOON. Dec 1974 2nd. private owner Immaculate condition $10.200 0n0. Te1: *****. FORO CORTINA 1300 cc. for PARF $6,000 Tel: *****3. FORO CORTINA OT 1600 cc. late 1973. Aircond. cassette/equaliser, excellent condition. PARF eligible $8,000 Mr Vow *****44. FOR EXPORT OR sale. 1970. Mazda 1500
      873 words
    • 964 21 NOV. 1677 COLT Lancer 1200 Price $16,800 ono Accessories, good condition Phone *****5 MrChua NOV. 1677 FORO Cortina 2.0 Ghla. (Manual). One titled owner with aircond. low mileage, beautiful condition. Tel: *****12. Llm NOV. 1676 HONOA Accord Automalic 3-door. 2 owners, highest offer secures Contact Loh tel: *****10 OCT.. 1671,
      964 words
    • 974 21 111 VEHICLES ft BOATS 1971. MORRIf 1300 GT Tax 11/ 79 Eligible PARF Excellent condition $6,100 Inquiries *****30 1671. TOVOTA COROLLA 1200 C C Aircond Just overhauled Showroom condition Asking $8,400 0.n.0 View: 98. Mackenzie Road (near Rex Theatre) Contact Frankie 1671. VOLKSWAGEN 1300. Beautiful condition Tax Dec Eligible for
      974 words
    • 955 21 1974 MERCEDES 230.6 1 company owner, tip top condition Contact *****4 1674. 230.6 MERCEDES Benz Aircond. cassette, tape 2 private owners $28,500 ono Interested. contact George *****1 167S DIRECTOR S WHITE Volvo 144S 1 owner, alrcon radio cassette Chauffeur driven Ouartlon. $23,000/- negotiable Tel *****86 1975 DOOGE AVENGER Kxcellent condition
      955 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 468 22 111 VEHICLES BOATS 46 Vehicles Wanted A BEST OFFER For alt PARF scrap care I( Win < below J3.750 1 HOI) cr beIow S.YBSO 1600 cc above 58.200 2001 c c above $9,100 Also requirn,) tterctdw Henz 200. 2.W. 280 KONG BENG MOTOR CO. l.n.ide Sin Thai Hrn) 124. Prineep
      468 words
    • 440 22 HIGH PRICE OFFERED FOR PARF sc rap car brlow 10U0 c c. 1001 1600 1601 2000.2001 3000.3001 WOOer Tel: *****2 HIGH VALUATION OFFERED for your usrd vehicles Tal Thong Trading Pte Ltd 17/18. Nankin S'.reet 43 176.. '*****9 LADY REQUIRES MINI or small caMeHjf vhirle Cash payment. *****1 no
      440 words
    • 1338 22 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES An excellent Retail/Showroom space beside Mine; Court Hotel with good frontage onto Tanglin Road approx. 130 sq.m. SITUATED AT PAYA LEBAR ROAD (MAIN ROAD,) NEXT TO M/S. ASIA STEEL WELDED MESH CO. PTE. LTD.| [©SUITABLE FOR LIGHT INDUSTRY FREEHOLD 80% LOAN AVAILABLE CLEMENTI PARK, BEAUTIFUL double-storey detached
      1,338 words
    • 746 22 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES Furmetted apartments lor rent Grange Garden $4000/Ridgewood $2,600/Pandan Valley $3000/Holland Rise $2,300/Phooe *****00/*****2S DIST. 11, OUIET CENTRALLY located furnished 3-bedroomed apartment with telephone Available immediately Call *****59/*****11 DIST 11 ULTRA MANSION 3 bedrooms, furnished with telephone. Immediate occupation *****28/ *****45 after 9.30a m DIST. 11, WATTEN VIEW
      746 words
    • 708 22 HOB CLEMENTI ESTATE, one furnished master bedroom with bathroom attached, single/couple without children preferred. SINGAPORE SERVICE APARTMENT, self-contained, airconditioned. furnished single room, services and all facilities provided Spore *****44 52 Accommodation Wanted a) Houses A BROAD RANGE of expatriates hunting for Houses/ Apartments. Owners ring General Properties *****3/ *****5. AMERICAN
      708 words
    • 803 22 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES DISTRICT 10, OLD-STYLED SINGLE-STOREY Bungalow, renovated. 20.000 sq ft Freehold. elevated land, swimming pool Selling with tenancy $550,000. Richard Low Housing *****81 DISTRICT IS. GREENFIELD DRIVE. Double-storey bungalow. 5 bedrooms, marble/ parquet flooring 7.000 sq ft 5 years old $360,000. *****03/ *****82. DISTRICT IS. OPERA ESTATE. Beautiful
      803 words
    • 742 22 DISTRICT 9 2-Bedroomed Apartments at Jalan Jintan of good Investment value Situated at choice location with all amenities within walking distance From: -$110,000 Pteaee call 737*355 GPM (Graduated Payment Mortgage) Is a unique housing loan plan with really low repayments Tailored to your present budget and future earnings. There's a
      742 words
    • 694 22 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES WANTED DOUBLE-STOREY SEMIDETACHED In Disl 15 Preferably near Marine Parade Please contact: HP Yong *****75 WANTED PENTHOUSE BUNGALOW for purchase In good location Tel *****4 Principals WANTED SEMI-DETACHED AND Terrace Houses at Macpherson. Paya I.ebar and Kalong Prices below $200,000 Property Agency *****92/ *****1 1 WE HAVE
      694 words
    • 509 22 PEACE CENTRE OFFICE Spare Area 805 sq fl Selling at 5170.00* with vacant possession ('.ill *****33 Mr Tay 59 Office Space Wanted REOUIRED OFFICE SPACE 400 sq It and store 200 sq ft Preferably in Pasir Panjang and Town. outside CB» Ring *****53 61 Shops To Let/For Sale/Wanted CHANGE ALLEY
      509 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 741 23 V SERVICES BUSINESS 75 Building Decoration/ Maintenance CARL INTERIOR OECORATION specialise in tiling/ renovation for luxurious houses/ apartments/ offices/ HDB flats *****4 FUN HM SERVICE specialize In house repairing, plumbing, sanitation, electric, building maintenance Tel *****90/ *****76 INNOVATOR GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 43-A. President Shopping Centre. Serangoon Road. Tel: *****28 (Dally. 9.00
      741 words
    • 723 23 77 Car Pools UFT AVAILABLE from Clementl lo Shenton Way. Collyer Quay reaching office 8 am Ring Mr Loh. *****98. ONE TMP AVAILABLE from Old Airport Road to Jurong. Via Shenton Way. Paslr Panjang parties, please call *****77. after 7pm REQUIRED UFT from Marine Parade up to Philips Domestic Appliances.
      723 words
    • 529 23 VI EDUCATION TRAINING o ATT language centre SCHOOL OF LINGUISTIC SKILLS Longuo i« courses and private tuition for school examinations and for business, travel and pleasure EVENING CLASSES English, all levels Mon. Wed. 7.30 p.m. Tue. Thu. 7.30 p.m. English for school-age children, all levels Tue. Thu. 5.45 p.m. Wed.
      529 words
    • 370 23 BOOKKEEPING BEGINNERS' COURSE commencing 16.8.79 Thursdays 7.30 pm 9.00 pm. Enquiries: Peace Centre Commercial School, 226, 2nd floor. Peace Centre, (*****0). COBOL PROGRAMMING COURSE (With Test-Runs on Computer) A 12-week Intensive Couraa lor Beginners leading to the City ft Commencing: sth Sept. *79 Day /Time: Wed 7-9 30pm Fees: $160
      370 words
    • 794 23 VI EDUCATION ft TRAINING GIRLS! Jobs are becoming harder to get you need better Qualifications The London Cnamber ol Commerce and Industry Private Secretary s Certificate is recognised internationally as one ol the highest qualifications obtainable This examination is the only Private Secretarial Examination supervised by the Ministry ol Education
      794 words
    • 638 23 STAMFORD CENTRE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ANMMSTftATION AND ACCOUNTING COURSES FOR O VERSE AS STUDENTS These two-year full-time day courses are especially planned and modified to serve two purposes: 1) Gives foreign students a aound baaic grounding in Business Administration and Accounting. 2) Gi»«s foreign students lacilities lo improve Itteir English Public
      638 words
    • 933 23 VI EDUCATION TRAINING EXPERIENCED ft DEDICATED SUCCESS THE EASY Way tutors provide home tuition In progress guaranteed for any any subject In all levels. Call subject at all levels by graduates *****1 and experienced teachers. For EXPERIENCED TUTORS WILLING more Information, phone: to give tuition In all subjects/ *****6/*****7 levels
      933 words
    • 367 23 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS CITICENTER TOURS 20/3N GENTING $M A/C (Naw 20/3N CAMERON $85 A/C 30/4N GENT/ K.L./ P. OrCKSON $129 A/C 30/4N KUANTAN/ GENTING $130 A/C Daya K.L./ PENANG/ PANOKOR/ GENT $18$ A/C 7 Days GENT/ PENANG/ HAADYAI/ K.L. $230 A/C Dep. 2/9 DESARU $15 A/C Dep. 2/9. 9/ 4
      367 words
    • 619 23 MING TRAVEL HARI RAYA SPECIAL 3 Daya Ganting/ K.L. Dep: 24/8/79 7a in $125 00 3 Daya Ganting/ Port Ok* son Dep: 23/8/79 9a m $139.00 2 D/ 3 N Cameron HKjh'ands Dep 24 8 79 7p m 175.00 Ganting Highlands by Air Dep: Daily from $129 00 Pulau Tiom.n
      619 words

  • 69 24 I 141 Conool©nc6s The Management Staff of ANG K AI KOK GROUP OF COMPANIES express their deepest sympathy to MR. PATRICK TEO JIN WAN for the loss of hit mother MOM CHAN KAH KEOW With deepest sympathy to MR PATRICK TEO JIN WAN on the demise of his
    69 words
    • 46 24 MR TAWIN 8/O LIN KAI wish to eipress their heartfelt thanks lo all relatives, friends and coneeguet and also lo Mat Road Buddhist Temple for their kind condolences, wreaths, donations and attendance during then recent bereavement. is tor «ke whom you
      46 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      79 words
      128 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      119 24 Cortege leaves for Mt. Vemon Crematorium on 17/1/7* at 12 30 p.m. from Mk. 54, Marine Terrace. iS passed away peacefully on 14th. August. 1979 To mourn the loss are Kanickam Shanta Sushilla Mano Michael Chandra Mohan Sumathai Chitra Vive Sunthari aged 87. paaeed away peacefully on 14th
      119 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      44 24 144 In Memor iam /"TnovwGMEMoSnr^N I Three years have passed I since you left us I In silent sorrow you will I remain In our hearts eter- I I nally. Deeply missed by all loved II M x MR. CHAN ENG SENG Departed 16-8-76
      44 words
    • 31 24 Beautiful thoughts of one so. dear. Treasured forever with love sincere. Forever rsiiisiiiuei'ed by nusoand Guan David, Rosy, Evie and Eileen. IRENE LEE KIN VAN Departed: 16/8/7S
      31 words
    • 46 24 Departed 16.1.78 You left so suddenly not even a last farewell The shock we've felt still prevails The sorrow and pain linger on but we cherish our memories of you Sadly missed by wife, daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren. TAN KIM CHUA
      46 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      70 24 Fondly remembersd by children and loved ones. High Mass will b« offered at the Church ol Our Lady of > Lourdes. 50 Ophir Road, Singapore on Thursday 16th I. August 1979 at 6.00 p.m. STRAITS TIMES RATES FOR PERSONAL AOS OBITUARIES c $9.00 for 15 word* (run-on style)
      70 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 451 24 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS 114 Tours SHENTOURS PTE LTD jt* I'j'ijtT^^fß Ground Floor. Manna Houm. Srt«n j ton Way. Singapore 0207 T»l BJTjaaWDttSEai»ai"aitai"l R2M33/ *****3* STPB No 170 Hp*%*VWMmP (a) FIRST CLASS 20 DAYS EURO- V^ lhftMMty#i*r*BH PEAN TOUR visiting Brus- B^^^U3|j£|Uj|jMlj^|^Bßßl sfh, Paris. Avignon. Nice. Florence. Rome. Venice. lnnsriruck.
      451 words
    • 963 24 WANTED! OCE COPY SYSTEM MALE/FEMALE REPRESENTATIVES ATTRACTIVE PAY EXCITING COMMISSION SCHEME EXCELLENT COMPANY FRINGE BENEFITS FIVE-DAY WEEK Please send your application giving brief resume of yourseif together with a passport size photograph to: THE MANAGER OCE DIVISION P. 0. BOX 329 KUALA LUMPUR N.B. Candidates must possess own transport and
      963 words
    • 1167 24 SELANGOR DREDGING BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of SELANQOB DREDGING BERHAD will be held in the Registered Office of the Company. Wisma Teh Wan Sang (2nd Floor) 12-B. Jalan Bandar. Kuala Lumpur on the 12th of September, 1979
      1,167 words
    • 486 24 ©PUBLIC UTILITIES BOfIRD SENOKO POWER STATION INVtTATIOW TO TCNDCB The Public Utilities Board, Singapore invites tenders for the supply, installation and commissioning of the following items of equipment for tho third stage development of Senoko Fower Station in the Republic of Singapore Item Description No: 1 Transformers, Switchgear, Cables and
      486 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 831 25 GAMBIA UTILITIES CORPORATION APPOINTMENT OF Assistant Managing Director The Gambia Utilities Corporation was established in 1972 to undertake the supply of water and electricity and the distribution of bottled gas. The Corporation is currently consolidating and extending these supplies with the assistance of loans from national and international lending agencies.
      831 words
    • 903 25 ESt I fflStOr Over US $20,000 Tax Free Construction United Arab Emirates Our Client, a major Middle Eastern civil estimating, initially in Dubai, UAE. engineering and building contractor, Our client is offering a tax-free salary needs to appoint an estimator to meet of over US $20,00p p.a., and will continuing
      903 words
    • 562 25 EMPORIUM HOLDINGS GROUP has the following vacancies: A. Sales Assistants B. Cashiers C. Trainee Store-Keepers We are a career-orientated Organisation and if you are a member of our Organisation, you will enjoy: 1 Attractive Salary Fringe Benefits 2. Annual Salary Increase 3. Incentive scheme 4. Staff discount purchase from any
      562 words

    • 121 26 Two JBhotels, hit by poor business, up for sale JOHORE BARU. Wed. Two hote's here which have been experiencing a drop in business are up for sale, it was learnt yesterday. The decline in business has also been caused by an acute shortage of trained staff. It is believed that
      NST  -  121 words
    • 234 26 Govt teachers may have to declare assets ALL government teachers may have to declare their assets soon. According to Education Ministry sources, this is to ensure that teachers do not venture into private business at the expense of their school work. ne '-it mm h a "f try fficial KUALA
      NST  -  234 words
    • 129 26 -Miners hit out at oil supply to Thais KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The All-Malaysia Chinese Mining Association (AMCMA) today criticised the government for agreeing to supply 10,000 tonnes of diesel oil to Thailand when there was a diesel oil shortage in Malaysia. AMCMA president, Mr Hew See Tong, said the mines
      AP  -  129 words
    • 468 26 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed CALLING it "Malaysia's biggest fiasco of the decade," the Star newspaper said today that the newly-built $250 million Kuantan port might never be used. The newspaper, in the first of a five-part series on the port, said that
      468 words
    • 252 26 MAS 'no-show' fees for Peninsular flights too KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE Malaysian Airline System (MAS) will introduce cancellation fees of 25 per cent of the fare for all services within Peninsular Malaysia from Sept 1. The national flag carrier decided on the introduction of the cancellation fees in Peninsular Malaysia
      AFP  -  252 words
    • 56 26 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The closing date for applications for government vacancies advertised under the Public Services Department's Operation Lsi Penuh has been extended by eight days to Aug 30. This would give the applicants more time to get the forms and post them, the PSD deputy director-general.
      NST  -  56 words
    • 42 26 ALOR STAR. Wed. Two branches of the Kedah PAS Kota Selar and Jerlun have nominated Datuk Mail Mohamed Asri bin Muda for the post of party presidenl in tho coming PAS national assembly in Kuala Lumpur on Sept 7. NST.
      NST  -  42 words
    • 24 26 KUANTAN. Wed. Daluk Hussein Onn will preside over the I'mno Pahang liaison committee meeting at the Umno building here on Saturday. NST
      NST  -  24 words
    • 73 26 6 There is nothing much to write about, for as we turn right there is trouble and as we tarn left there is also trouble, and if we look ahead, the future is bleak. So it is better to continue with reminiscences of my ha PP.v. youthful days, which
      73 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 555 26 .9 po^bS^ AvailatMe at all teading Electncal dealers L ti&^^~J 4ssomowicsprtMnEiMirtßD l^-^T 1 lO3ZiCKiFto»d S«ig»oreo3i6lßKX*»T«l 9ie071«1454 V SoltAgant |^r^ Showroom 3rd Floor. VangueThaamßklg. 100 Eu Tang Sen Street Spore 010& Jr At CRANGEFORD the beautiful _4^\ «i landscaped garden and its pervading theme sdr& of flowing water are symbolised by
      555 words
    • 41 26 Mars Drawing Power. SSMEDTLER AUTHORS WANTED ■V MY PUBLISHER Leading book publisher seeks manuscripts of all types fiction, non-flcilon. poetry, technical, scholarly and religious works, etc New authors welcomed Send for free booklet SS-4 Vantage Press. 516W 34ST New York *****
      41 words

    • Article, Illustration
      268 27  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By Grade A champion Hill is No. 3 HILL VENKATESAN GOPAL, an ex-national champion, has been surprisingly topseeded for the Pakistan International Airlines closed squash championships, starting at the Kallang Squash Centre on Saturday. A bigger shock is Peter Hill's third seeding, despite the fact that
      268 words
    • 368 27 NO CERTAINTY ENGLAND WILL WIN LEEDS, Wednesday WHILE India appear to have little chance of winning the third cricket Test starting at Headingley here tomorrow, an England victory is no longer widely regarded as a certainty. When England won the first match of the fourTest
      Reuter  -  368 words
    • 471 27 Coe to have a go at 1,500 m record ZURICH, Wed. Britain's Sebastian Coe will have a crack at the world 1,500 metres record at the International Amateur Athletic Federation's "Golden Sprint" meeting here today. Coe's opponents include Kenyans Mike Boit and Wilson Waigwa and Andres Busse, of East Germany,
      Agencies  -  471 words
    • 329 27 LONDON, Wed WATFORD, Wed. Watford, League Cup semifinalists a year ago and looking forward to their first season in the Second Division, crashed out of the tournament last night at the first hurdle. Pop singer Elton John's heroes beat Colchester 2-1 at Vicarage Toad, but
      Reuter; AFP  -  329 words
    • 28 27 MANCHESTER. (England), Wed. Jack Bond, the Lancashire Cricket Club captain from 1969 to 1972, returns as manager in January, chairman Cedric Rhodes said here yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 149 27 MONTPELLIER (France), Wed. European champions Nottingham Forest scored an unimpressive 1-0 victory over French Second Division side Montpellier in last night's friendly international match here. The English First Division side had to wait for a j 65th-minute goal by John j Robertson to clinch
      AP; AFP  -  149 words
    • 283 27 Somerset keep their title hopes alive LONDON, Wed. Somerset, still with an outside chance of catching Essex in the English county cricket championship, scored a thrilling six-wick-et win over Sussex, with three balls to spare at Weston-super-mare yesterday. They needed 69 for Bi^H^M victory in nine overs after > Sussex
      Reuter  -  283 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 105 27 THE REPEAT PERFORMANCE OF A PROVEN SOLUTION NOW, A FULL DEMONSTRATION AND SERVICE AT METRO GOLDEN MILE FROM 16TH AUG TILL 29TH AUG 1979. With punctures there can be no choosing time or place. Particularly when they are inevitable and the place and time always seems chosen to cause the
      105 words
    • 256 27 Relax with National vacuum cleaner. I B3!rav»y« *z/!Si Ntfm* Mdi fr f njmlll l< lff m^~r^\ jm iw 3^3 Vv^vftflß w9b ff OHvvi Olß*' tSB) Imagine, your household cleaning done at the touch of mk the button There's no stooping or bending over l The National vacuum cleaner is ideal
      256 words

    • 801 28  -  WILFRED YEO A WEEKLY COLUMN BY What attracts most people to Fiona, though, Is her hair-do. Unfinished Perhaps It should be halr-donH, as It gives the Impression of an unfinished trim. She calls It the new look, one that cost her
      801 words
    • 479 28 RENE REYES, nursing ambitions of becoming the first Filipino to capture the Singapore international bowling Masters title, staked strong claims with a scintillating 1,326-pinfall effort in the singles event at Jackie's System 460 yesterday, reports WILFRED YEO. The stylish left-hander, who had
      479 words
    • 134 28 Gauncedo takes first race NORTH SYDNEY, (Nova Scotia), Wed.— Two-time world champion Felix Gauncedo, of Spain, edged out defending world and maritime champion Boris Ostrageren, of Brazil, and American Mark Reynolds to take the initial race in the opening of the 29th world-class snipe championships. For Reynolds, a gold medal
      134 words
    • 359 28  -  FAIRWAY By ONLY TWO Malaysian-based horses have arrived in Singapore for the races this weekend. They are Field Commander and Flirting Prince, both from the stables of Kuala Lumpur trainer Mak Siau King. Mak is one of the first Malaysian trainers to pay the arrears to his
      359 words
    • 325 28 Plutonium looks the pick of Class 4 newcomers PLUTONIUM has shown ability on the track and looks the pick of the 11 Class 4 newcomers for the Singapore Turf Club August meeting beginning this Saturday, reports FAIRWAY. Plutonium (late I'm A Breeze) is a four-year-old chestnut Australian gelding by Light
      325 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 89 28 More comfort. More leisure. More entertainment. tFor more and more families. \N^\, \X E :/5*::::^HJf:::::: J TW/Jn Tlifa W3ShGT l^s i Vr jl iM^ A I superior wavy tub design •2-position wash action V^ 20:00 3tJal3n BeS3r Stadium H'* s P <3<^~*t<. fsS^// /^7 I 15th Roor Yen San Bu
      89 words

    • 282 29  - Jitta is in a dilemma he is set a tough deadline JOE DORAI By JUST two days after coach Jltta Singh began his preparation of the Sonth-east Asian Games soccer squad, he was served with a tall order get the squad ready for Jakarta by Sept. 1. The order came
      282 words
    • 295 29 SINGAPORE has been selected as the venue for a prestigeous seminar for secretaries of 25 Asian football associations, reports JOE DORAI. The seminar, the first of many projects planned to improve soccer in the region, is being organised by the Asian Football Confederation. AFC
      295 words
    • 166 29 Ponggol are no match for Forces FORCES? PONGGOL RELEGATION-BOUND Ponggol gave a good performance last night, but they should still consider themselves lucky to walk out of Jalan Besar Stadium with only a 2-0 defeat by Armed Forces in Div One of the National Football League. Unlike in their previous
      166 words
    • 62 29 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Philippines have withdrawn as hosts to the inaugural ASEAN schools basketball championship scheduled in Manila in December. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations Schools Sports Council secretary. Abdullah Marzuki, told newsmen here today that the Philippines had notified all member-countries that they were unable
      AP  -  62 words
    • 79 29 China confirm entry KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. China today confirmed their participation in the ninth Asian cycling championships here from Oct. 7-14. This will be the first time that China are competing in the championships, although they had taken part in the Asian (James twice in 1974 in Teheran and in
      AFP  -  79 words
    • 62 29 LEE KIAM MENG. the junior three-ball champion, was beaten in the preliminary round of the Singapore junior snooker championship at the Katong Saloon last night. He went down 33-57 and 35-75 to Stephen Koh. of Chinese Swimming Club. Other results Robert Chia beat Peter Ng 54-29. 55-46; Allan
      62 words
    • 58 29 LONDON, Wed Chelsea, needing money to fight thfir way back to the Kirst Division. ypMi'niay aivopted Manchesier I'nited's i:$30.000 ($4. 45 m) offer for England soccer international Ray Wilkins. Another I-ondon club in the transfer news yesterday was Tottenham Hotspurs, who agreed to pay 1300.000 (51. 43 m)
      UPI  -  58 words
    • 435 29 THE presence of a 28strong Indonesian contingent at the Singapore Amateur Open golf championship, which starts at the New Course today, virtually assures them of another victory, unless the Republic's golfers can produce something special, reports ERNEST FRIDA. The Indonesians, who have always been
      435 words
    • 39 29 PHILIPS Domestics edged out Tractors Singapore 20-19 in a Div. One match of the Jurong Town Company netball League at Jurong Stadium carpark. In a Div. Three match Union Carbide defeated Promet 15-2 at the same venue.
      39 words
    • 190 29 Chua lifts to good fifth place TOKYO, Wed. Singapore featherweight Chua Koon Siong finished a creditable fifth in the combined category at the Asian weightlifting championships here today. Chua hoisted a total of 240 kilogrammes (snatch 105, jerk 135) to finish behind the winner, Takashi Saito, of Japan, who lifted
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 157 29 HARTFORD, (Connecticut), Wed. Jerry McGee birdied three of the final five holes yesterday to win the rain-delay-ed' US$3OO,OOO ($645,000) Greater Hartford Open golf tournament by one stroke. McGee, 36, had a 65 to finish with a total of 17-under-par 267. The victory earned McGee U5554.
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 282 29 Draw and starting times today lit tee: 12 mm I. K. Lohika (I) Arian Singh; 12.fflpm Khoo Kirn Wei. Gordon Scow, Suparno (I); 12.14 T. Abe. Zulkarnain Arbain (I). Vincent Chia (M); 12.21 Bob Hassan (I). M. i O. San. Lawrence Teo; 12.28 Noel Bond. Buna* i
      282 words
    • 379 29  -  ERNEST FRIDA By I S. S. DHILLON, the secretary general of the Singapore National Olympic Council, yesterday issued a stem warning to all competitors selected for next month's South-east Asia Games in Jakarta: "Don't be shirkers or you will be left behind."
      379 words
    • 198 29  -  KEN JALLEH Jr. By SINGAPQRE will have a first-hand taste of their competition in next month's South-east Asia Games when the Indonesian national water polo squad stop over for a few games next Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. The Indonesians, who are returning from their two-week
      198 words
    • 202 29  -  PETER SIOW By SINGAPORE have bee invited to compete in the inaugural Asian skeet and trap shooting championships in Manila in November. The Philippine Shooting Association have also specially requested for the services of Stephen Yap, secretary of the Singapore Shooting Association.
      202 words
    • 38 29 NEW YORK. Wed Larry Holmes, the undefeated World Boxing Council heavyweight champion, will defend his title in a 15-round rematch with Earnie Shavers, at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas on Sept. 28, it was announced yesterday. UPI.
      UPI  -  38 words
    • 151 29 TEO BEO LIM, the national under- 16 singles champion, is among eight players, including four girls, named for the ASEAN junior table tennis championships in Penang next month, reports PETER SIOW. The others are Boys: Tan Kay Huat, Lee Yew Chye and Loy Soo Han; Girls:
      151 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 429 29 "Sanuk" is the Thai word bottomed boat where you indulge in I "^R for fun. And fun is what ever y kind oi sea ssorts P ort imaginable. W m Thai International tours Chiang Mai Extension JST fl M promise you, if you stay 3 days (from $279) W~ '^j
      429 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 58 29 BASKETBALL Harlem Clowns v Denver Rockets (Kalians Go-Skate ring. 7 and 9.30). BILLIARDS National Junior snooker championships (Katong Saloon. 7). BOWLING Singapore International I Jackie's 460, 9am). HOCKEY SHA Premier league: 1A v SLA (Baiestier Road) SOCCER NFL Di\ 1: Chant,'] United Toa Payoh iJalan Besar. 8). CairnhiU v Farrer
      58 words

  • 143 30 NARCOTICS officer Surendra Kumar helping one of the eight drugged robbery victim > to an ambulance outside the En Van Sang medicine and gem shop In South Bridge Koa4 afu-r a hold-op on Tuesday night. Mr Kumar, 22, was slashed on the finger* by one
    NGHAI CHEE XII  -  143 words
  • 69 30 WASHINGTON. Wed. The number of people living in the world's cities will swell by almost one billion people in the last quarter of this century and by 2000 AD over half the world will live in towns and cities, the World Bank said today. Bank officials
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 55 30 TOKYO. Wed. The Japanese Government plans to start full-scale talks with China on joint development of undersea oil resources near the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea after the United Nations Law of the Sea Conference in New York ends on Aug 24, a Foreign
    Kyodo  -  55 words
  • 49 30 SEOUL. Wed. South Korean President Park Chung-Hee today renewed a call for tripartite talks on the Korean question among the two Koreas and the United States but at the same time accused North Korea of continuing "a reckless military buildup to take the South by force. Reu'er.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 37 30 PARIS, Wed. French socialist party leader Francois Mitterrand is to appear before an examining magistrate on Aus 24 in connection with illegal radio broadcasts from socialist party offices in June, party officials said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 437 30 SAYS DEFECTOR VIETNAM has moved 800 secret police into Laos to control dissent and has begun to settle Vietnamese people in Laotian border areas to tighten its grip on its neighbour, a Laotian Communist Party defector said. The defector said he served with the
    UPI  -  437 words
  • 60 30 OIATN SIMON HCNO JO« HOMO, aged 67. passed away peacefully 15.8.79, leaving behind wives, sons. Lawrence. Aloyslus. daughters Eileen. Monica. Lai Chee. sons-in-law Gordon Hung. V S Lee. Sleven Chong daughters-in-in Daisy Chung. 4 grand-daugh-ters to mourn hu loss. Cortege leaves 366A Hllir Oardens. UJong Paslr Melaka to
    60 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 109 30 RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS 1 FOR I SALE or RENT FOR SMS MOWTH1 Y RENTA 6.E.C. 85 itres $180.00 $10.00 PAN ELECTRIC 114 litres $220.00 $1200 NATtOWAL 114 litres $240.00 $12 00 SANYO 142 litres $250.00 $14.00 MITSUBISHI 142 itres $***** S1400 ACMA 171 itres $260.00 $14.00 ELECTROLUX 171 itres $280.00 $14.00
      109 words
    • 445 30 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Pnc« SOt ArwoeH Subtcnption Slit For Mjtncnption. call *****11 Kit 231. TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. Commercial banks and the POSB are in a race to introduce to the banking public a new three-letter word the ATM. Find out who are in the race to be Number
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  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 135 30 Amsterdam 19-25C Cloudy ukn 12-20C Sunny Athens 19-30C Oar LitAlgtlM 16-26C Cloudy Bahrain 30-39C Sunny M""» 23-26C Rain Baagkak 28-32C Clear Montreal 13-22C Cloudy BHrat 22-31C Sunny Mwnw 10-21C Clear BerUa 13-27CSunny New Delhi 25-34C Cloudy NewYark 19-28 C Cloudy Paris 16-24 C Clear Braiaete 14-24C Cloudy Pertfc 9. 16C
      135 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 3 1 The Straits Times
      3 words
    • SECTION TWO Bilingual page
      • 817 1  - hearn_hanyu pinyin By m^'n CHEN XUEXING THE most important and most basic tool in learning a language is the phonetics. So it is for those who learn the Chinese language, they must learn to master hanyu pinyin. In fact, even people who regularly speak the language should also be well-
        817 words
      • 226 1 Fables A skill is a skill WHEN Gongsun Long was in the state of Zhao, he once told his disciples: "I am unwilling to be in the company of anyone who has no skill." One day, a man, dressed in coarse clothing requested Gongsun Long to accept him as his
        226 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 122 1 INSIDE: n LEISURE: Young or old it* great fun to bo in this band a WOMAN PLUS: Arc you a sugar addict? ~V2K^snnV^nnn^3 /Jw 9 LV^afi I V 111 nnn^annnV ant /A 1 1 if 'mi I I] kid 15^ i If you know your beer and you want a
        122 words
    • 300 2  -  GERALDINE TANG I By THE BAND was in full swing playing stirring marches and the two kids having a lot of fun with the drums and per- cussion instruments were certainly not kid- ding around. They belong to the Gold Coast City Band from I
      300 words
    • 164 2 FANS and enthusiasts of organ music will be delighted to learn that two of the Victron Sisters Miss Sugihara and Miss Totoki will give a concert of popular music at the PUB Auditorium tomorrow at 7.30 p.m. The concert is presented jointly by the
      164 words
    • 433 2  - Well-chosen Brahms 9 overture rendered with enthusiasm LIM PENG ANN By Concert by Singapore Youth Orchestra Conference Hall Conductor: Paul Abisheganaden LAST YEAR was a sort o( bumper year for youth orchestras and my records show at least eight reviews including one on Impressions gleamed from the Intentional Festival of
      433 words
    • 141 2 One-night fling for disco lovers ANOTHER disco night-out loaded with fun but light on the pocket will be on again at the Go-Skate Leisure Drome next Thursday. Billed this time as the Sergeant Pepper's Disco Night, this one-night fling starting at 7.30 p.m. on Hari Raya's Eve is a promotion
      141 words
    • 206 2 IT SOUNDS like a promising new series, so The Betty White Show had better live up to expectations. On Ch 8 at 8.15, this Mary Tyler Moore !Si f an3 CTols a g^d er ?o n r "SS actress ana iooks good tor great ""SSher promising
      206 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 137 2 JM I )Y)k [lifer The versatile Little Helper is here! TOSHIBA VH-7810E Consider these features:— I Very competitive price Big capacity to hold bigger and heavier loads of washable clothes Automatic reversing vortex washing system, or one-way for delicate fabrics fj^^fa \v' Centrifugal extraction spin dry system I|W Seamless spin
        137 words
      • 78 2 JUST OPEN THE CAN! f S The next time you need to -^k prepare coconut milk HK^ tm forget the messy and time consuming chore of I Ib -~~"JM grating and squeezing the I kernel. Harlen coconut j Jm hv milk is ready-to-use and tfQ^ <• >^^ so much more
        78 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 969 2 TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening and Star Performance star Bob Hope Broken Journey (an anthology 7.30 News (Malay) series with top stars) 7.45 SwOfd O f justice Girl On The 3.30 Diary of Events (Chinese) Edge, with guest stars Bradford 3.35 Home Sweet Home (Mandarin Dillman, Elaine
        969 words
    • 792 3  -  MURRAY BROWN Better chance waiting for rescue than jumping from a burning building By TAKING a few minutes to check on hotel emergency exits and other safeguards against fire could spell the difference between life and death for travellers
      UPI  -  792 words
    • 717 3  - Rhinos caught between horns of dilemma face extinction PETER GRIFFITHS By in Oar es Salaam ONE OF Africa's most majestic beasts, the rhinoceros, is in grave danger of being wiped out by gangs of ruthless poachers supplying Middle Eastern potentates and Far Eastern impotents. Rhino horns on the black market
      Reuter  -  717 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 421 3 Trad* EnquirtM Wateom*:W«nted O«ai«rs Agents or Sub-igemi m other SlatM of Malaysia For further information, plaass writ* LAM SENG HUAT (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD vA^KCTuRtR c] i X I 2 ffi SE 18 RE *M Pli^! 216. MACALISTER ROAO. PEMANG. TEL 606)6. ***** 3502) JN Selangor Agent k •Jll^ MALTECH CONSTRUCTION
        421 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 1226 4 OPENS PRINCE TODAY RUDDCRPIAS'BO (Phone *****38) 1 1am, 1.30, 4, 6.45 9.15-No Free List We) m^ 1 flAY^v A nWAMPT P A9H P9 t the first international rubber 0 UATS AUWAHUt bAOH SALCO Texas Imtaimeots AND PLAS TICS EXHIBITION FOR ASIA AVAII tBLE fOr CirClC B3Ck StdllS 11-1750 world tradecentre
        1,226 words
      • 407 4 PLAY "THE HUMANOID" GAME Suggest an apt name tor The Council ot wise statesmen presided over by The Great Brother which govern* human beings justly and maintains peace until the attack from a distant planet. The council could be called... I Kjf I/I 1 A scans from Columbia Pictures' exciting
        407 words
      • 647 4 < 8 |EICATHAYX ijl |i[^^goß6Mr.lSATlor.l i ijl V-«:uii-i-].in«ii:niii ,w I l|] OPENS TOOAY! I I I I Kr»la Ay»r People rhealre I .I. 130. 3.45. 7.00. 9.lSpm iI Jurong Onva-ln Coemi 1.1 I 2 Show. 7.00 a 9 15pm shaoiin m; j i INVINCIBIE \f\\ I STICKS I I Mcindor.n
        647 words
    • 929 5  -  GRANVILLE WATTS By THE HEAD Lama sits in a lotus yoga posture in Chumar Monastery near the Tibetan border in India's remote north-west territory of Ladakh. At first visitors wonder if he is in a trance. He's not. The Lama died
      Reuter; Philip Urn  -  929 words
    • 580 5  -  GEOFFREY LEAN By ONE-FIFTH of the people of the world live below the poverty line, and their plight will rapidly become very much worse unless urgent action is taken. This stark message is contained in reports before a top-level UN conference
      580 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 208 5 #6 Exciting shojJs cLCllt*^ lUm, 1.30. 4.00 fe HE'S A WINNER IN EVERY '00 9 .30 L. b GAME AND ZERO IS NEVER BESIDE HIS V S NAME, HE'S NUMBER ONE. j&TVc £j Mfet IfNSEN FURY known \*^fcjTV Fj as Ultra One H« carries IT I &3 n two automatic
        208 words
      • 941 5 malber the better .-4 washing machine Yi_^. AUTOMATICALLY washes your laundry clean s~^m^* quickly and efficiently leaving you more time with your family. -j [mo lld c r»1 Jm takes m effortlessly skg H^^l^l^^^BLJ dry laundry weight W'tM l S washing I^ 'J i*^^^""^ programmes ndurtng Special Programmes J tot
        941 words
    • Woman Plus
      • 1005 6  -  IVY GOH-N AIR By LAST WEEK, we published an article on the dangers of salt. This week, we highlight a problem much closer to home the villainies of sugar. Singaporeans consumed a staggering total of 92,Ht tonnes of refined sugar in 1978 either in its
        1,005 words
      • 392 6 THE FACT that sugar is addictive is both good news and bad. It is bad news for those already hooked on sugar but good news for those trying to shake the habit This is because as soon as you stop taking sugar you start
        392 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 349 6 jSm Hi Hr < ard A .^yi» Ufa^. j Your skin's condition is as important to you as your makeup. hhM^^^^^K^*^ That's why Max Factor created Geminesse —a totality of beauty that goes ifelimKm<wi*^m beyond any makeup or treatment ever went. s*-^s J^f }SW Geminesse's moisture enriched ingredients penetrate deeply
        349 words
      • 181 6 isiaii Wit II Wifmmmtmln '111 II If rrf'' Ji Si AT JOANNE DREW,- YOU CANREALLY SUEtll^l WHILE YOU RELAX With Joanne Drew's exclusive '^^▼^^r SLENDER-WRAP v w^{ WITHOUT t s^kjji HAVING < /WKM T RELY N //^J^T STRENUOUS U*£ V EXERCISES L^>\ 1 CRASH DIETS ™w" r ctons m y
        181 words
    • 997 7  -  JOHN MADELEY By FORTY-SEVEN developing countries, many of them from the Commonwealth, took part in the 1979 Impo Expo exhibition just held in London to promote the sale of goods to Europe. But although orders worth C7O million were generated
      997 words
    • 860 7  -  V.G. KULKARNI By in Hongkong THE BANK of China, the sole foreign-ex-change arm of the People's Republic of China, is poised to make determined forays into the world of capitalistic banking. Until last year the main function of the Bank of China
      860 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 77 7 Model 853 EL Model 854G Only $385 Only $405 4 Gas Burners.Electric Grill, Electric Oven, 4 Gas Burners, 1 Electric Plate, Electric Grill, Thermostat. Timer.Ovenlight.Dish-warmer, Electric Oven.Thermostat.Timer.Ovenlight, Gas Cylinder Compartment, Turnspit. Dish-warmer, Gas Cylinder Compartment, Turnspit. Dimensions: 800 m x 505 m x 870 m Dimensions: 800 m x 505
        77 words
      • 233 7 7nHARIRJMT\ f SPECIAL OFFER I SALE I (16-28 Aug 79) ■Ik Lj^-iVvJI ia. J J L E^ Bfcßfcdi We have I E2HHFS3 severa models of P^^C^^^^ Living-Room Sofa ■f I Sets, Dining Tables MbmKvUV I Hari Raya Puasa. Curtains Imported from $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 per yard/48" wide (122 cm) Carpets
        233 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 556 8 Teak wood (Holdings) Ltd a foreign-owned multinational woodworking industry with over 1,500 employees working in Singapore, requires ENGINEER QUALITY CONTROL Qualifications/Experience: At leost o Diplomo in Production Engineering or related field from o recognised institution plus 2 to 3 years' experience in quolity control functions in o furniture manufacturing environment,
        556 words
      • 671 8 SYSTEMS SUPPORT MANAGER Senior systems analyst/programmer with staff management experience The individual we want has excellent technical. management and interpersonal skills; is a selt starter and an "educator with the right mix of aptitude and i attitude towards the profession He (or she) can handle people and get the )Ob
        671 words
      • 487 8 UNIPAMOL MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. We are an Oil Palm Plantation Company having estates in Kluang and Sabah with a workforce ot more than 3000 people We require tor our Estate in Sandakan. Sabah. qualified and experienced Malaysian Citizens (preferably Sabahans) tor the following positions: 1. Post CONFIDENTIAL STENOGRAPHER/ CLERK Qualifications
        487 words
      • 532 8 nrwo33i THK BANKRI'PTt'Y ACT << hapt«r IX, in* Kdlli.m) IN THK lIK.H (Ol RT OK THK RKPI BLH (IK SIM.APOKK In Bankruptcy N*. tO of I*7* K. Kc.h Wah Mir. K\ Partr: Ho Ah Nui (m.w.) Judgment Creditor In thr Matter of Bankruptcy Petition filed the 3*th day of April,
        532 words
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