The Straits Times, 9 August 1979

Total Pages: 52
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1171 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 142/1/79
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  • 1279 1 Dr Goh on coping with uncertainties SINGAPOREANS must learn to live with the current political and economic uncertainties without losing their nerve, the acting Prime Minister, Dr Goh Keng Swee, said in his National Day message last night. He drove home this point after a quick
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  • 669 1  - Tommy Koh, Kirn Wee head hons list IRENE NGOO By SINGAPORE'S Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Prof Tommy Koh Thong Bee, 42, and Singapore's High Commissioner to Malaysia, Mr Wee Kirn Wee, 65, head this year's list of 428 recipients of National Day awards. They have been awarded the
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  • 65 1 MANILA, Wed. China is planning to set up a first class hotel in Manila to be named Beijing Hotel of Manila, a Philippine business newspaper reported yesterday. The Business Day, in a Beijing-datelined despatch quoting official sources, said details of the proposed project were discussed between
    AFP  -  65 words
  • 269 1 Freighter off to Shanghai with refugees HONGKONG, Wed. The British freighter Rudd Bank, carrying 120 Vietnamese "boat people," sailed tonight for Shanghai after being refused permission to enter Hongkong harbour. The Rudd Bank, carrying steel from Bilbao for Shanghai, had picked up 122 refugees in the South China Sea. Two
    Reuter  -  269 words
  • 36 1 BRUSSELS, Wed. Police have seized 12 kilos of heroin worth about US$3.4 million from a Brussels hotel in one of the country's biggest drug hauls ever, police announced today. Five Belgians were arrested. AFP.
    AFP  -  36 words
  • 25 1 The weather UP TO 1 P.M. TODAY: Mainly (air TEMPERATURES UP TO Sa.m. tenwmw: Maxima m SIC; mini mum 2* C. SUNSET TODAY: 8.45 p.m.
    UP  -  25 words
  • 239 1 20-PAGE NATIONAL DAY SPECIAL 4 ALTHOUGH I is definitely illusory to think of Singapore as a polity and as a nation-state being securely established, this is precisely what a vast number of younger voters feel. They have no Impression ot the dark and hat rowing years, they do not Know,
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  • 127 1 SEREMBAN, Wed. Malaysia and Thailand will increase joint military operations in efforts to eliminate some 3,000 communist guerillas along the Thai-Malaysian border, the Malaysian Chief-of-General-Starf, Gen Tan Sri Ghazali Seth said here yesterday. Gen Ghazali said that the two countries had strengthened their
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 185 1 NEW DELHI, Fri. India will launch a 17tenne racket into space this week which when modified can be used as an Intermediate raize ballaatlc missile (IRBM), the Press Trust of India news agency reported today. Newsmen have heen barred from witnessing the launch from Sriharikota,
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  • 46 1 POLICE were called out many times last night following complaints tram the public of fire crackers being fired In several parts of the Island. However, there were no arrests. The firing of crackers has been banned under the Dangerous Fireworks Act of 1972.
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  • 271 1  - IN FINE SHAPE AND ALL SET FOR THE 80s LEE KIM CHEW By SINGAPORE is in fine shape as it prepares to enter the 1980s, with 9.7 per cent economic growth in the first half of this year. The performance even outshines last year's achievement when the gross domestic Eroduct,
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  • 233 1 Heroin for alcohol swops in Iran TEHERAN, Wed. > 1 PARCHED Iranians are > exchanging heroin for alcohol, which was ban- > ned after the Islamic Revolution, on Iran's western border with Turkey. More than US$l million (552.15 million) worth of beer, wine and spirits has been dumped into the
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  • 39 1 VIENNA, Wed. The Viennabased Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) today disclaimed any knowledge of plans, reported from Iran, for a special meeting next month to consider a further oil price because of the dollar's decline. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 34 1 CAIRO, Wed. Israeli Ener gy Minister Vitzhak Modai and Egyptian Oil Minister Ahmed Ezzedin Hila. began a meeting here today to discuss Egyptian oil supplies to Israel from the Sinai oilfield. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 1 -16.00 -16.00 HIGH lIDEXI and hp3vy csn now be rcl*ovtfd by svkitchinn to HIGH REFRACTIVE INDEX GLASS Th« illustration abov* shows 2 lansas ol Ih* t*m* poor Not* Ih* significant dill*r*nc* in ih(ckn»s« and weight b*lw**n Ih* Ordinary and In* High lnd*« Glass DAH SIN OPTICAL CO Contoci -<EN
      80 words
    • 99 1 PETROL TO GO UP BY 4-PLUS CENTS Pag* 5 YOUTH told: Work at border areas I KHMERS forced to survive on seedlings S ISRAEL risks arms cut, US warns 4 VARSITY move to attract the best expats NATIONAL Day special 8,» PERMANENT residence: Rules to be relaxed It THE Tarling
      99 words
    • 105 1 Ci**y PlCtlK S<n««COf Tr *v* CoUwfl#nfS JMM and C*t>tt<nm MORNING OR AFTERNOON TO HONG KONG THE CHOICE IS YOURS Cathay Pacific gives you the widest choice of departures and routing to Hong Kong Daily Super TnStars leave at 10.50 am 5 extra non-stop flights leave at 2 30 p m
      105 words
    • 18 1 riffiifrßN CSC-640 SWSWS STCTCOfJAMO CASSETTE OManaO* Al At OMOrs jgjfj? ELECTRONICS (8) PTE SS^l BF Sfcfipwt Mdi/ili trwHl
      18 words

    • 284 2 Youths told: Work at border areas New move to find jobs for the educated CHINA has difficulty in finding work for its educated youths, but instead of sending them to the communes, it is urging them to open up the vast border areas. There will be "some practical changes" on
      AP; UPI  -  284 words
    • 138 2 Chiang sacks policy adviser TAIPEH, Wed. President Chiang Ching-kuo today sacked one of his national policy advisers, Mr Chiang Yun-tien, for his advocacy of cooperation with China. Mr Chiang, 75, who has no kinship with the president, is a leader of the minority Democratic Socialist Party in Taiwan. He went
      AFP  -  138 words
    • 112 2 SAPPORO (Japan), Wed. An unsually large single crystal mass of ice, believed to be formed 1,000 years ago, has been found at a dam construction site near Kitami, northern Hokkaido island. A side of the crystal ice measures more than 15 cm. The crystal
      AFP  -  112 words
    • 63 2 MADRID, Wed. Hundreds of holidaymakers fled from a forest fire which raged around the popular Spanish holiday resort of LJoret de Mar, killing at least 22 people Local officials blamed the fire on arsonists. They said it was not yet known if any foreigners were
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 118 2 CARTER'S NEW CAMPAIGN IMAGE WASHINGTON, Wed. President Jimmy Carter's unannounced reelection campaign appears to be firmly linked to a new image aimed at persuading Americans he can lead them out of the energy crisis. Struggling to overcome low opinion poll ratings, Mr Carter yesterday took the unusual step of abandoning
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 327 2 TOKYO, Wed. Inflation has gathered added momentum in Asian nations due to substantial markups of oil products, the Bank of Japan said in a report on the recent economic trends in Asia. The report published yesterday pointed out the tempo of economic expansion has
      AFP  -  327 words
    • 48 2 BROWNSVILLE (Texas), Wed. History's biggest oil spill (2 million barrels) has hit Texas beaches after crossing the Golf of Mexico, since Jane 3, from a runaway Mexican well at the other end and officials fear It may continue as far as Florida. Heater.
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    • 78 2 THE adage about men not malting pomes at women who wear glasses can be easily disproved, especially If toe woman behind them is actress Ann Margaret. Picture at right shows how she really looks glamorous, with haunting features. But she was transformed by the magic of the
      AP  -  78 words
    • 171 2 California study to predict big quake SAN FRANCISCO, Wed SCIENTISTS began making a detailed profile yesterday of one of the best documented earthquakes on record, seeking clues on how to predict the major quake they say could come any time and bring on widespread death and devastation along the California
      UPI  -  171 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 121 2 fir rf^^c yl CHINA MACHINERY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Machinery and equipment for production, tool and die making and toolroom uses. Controlled. Programmed, Automatic and Precision Metal Working Machine Tools. Electric Hoists. Lifts and Escalators. Motors, Switches, Electric Tools. Generating, Welding, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment and Woodworking Machinery. China machinery equipment are
      121 words
    • 115 2 MHP*****9 mmw 1 j mmW 1H irf'j r TZEPA(>^ANPIEN PILLS Helprto keep you Fresh&Strong UjUVI Bsf3| Made from 39 kinds of Chinese Medicines, Tzepao Sanpien Pills are specially created for W£^^L^^^m\ InH th° se wno nee d he/p in revitalising energy. They IS j^^^^^ffiu c 'P to P romote a
      115 words

    • 287 3  - THE REFUGEES On the way to Tara, isle of hope ABBY TAN By Our Manila correspondent ABBY TAN is among a group of newtmen accompanying the first batch of 800 Vietnamese refugee* who will be resettled in the new processing centre of Tara Island, 260 km south-west of the Philippine
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    • 380 3 Forced to survive on seedlings Khmers on brink of starvation THE growing famine in Kampuchea, which has brought 2.5 million Kampucheans to the brink of starvation, has forced peasants to eat rice seedlings to stay alive, United Nations and Red Cross officials said here. The officials, who agreed to discuss
      NYT  -  380 words
    • 245 3 Profitable but perilous black market at border BANGKOK, Wednesday TRADERS have set up a dangerous, but highly profitable black market on the ThaiKampuchean border, guarded and taxed by well-armed soldiers loyal to former Kampuchean Prime Minister In Tarn. The market attracts hundreds of Thai merchants everyday, carrying rice, cloth, medicine,
      UPI  -  245 words
    • 51 3 In other words... As far as I am concerned, the government should be changed very frequently till we get a good one. Indian politician Narain Singh who has been credited with the toppling of former premiers Indira Gandhi and Morarji Desai and lately, of installing present PM Charan Singh in
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    • 146 3 Hanoi says it again: Islands are ours BANGKOK, Wed. Vietnam has reiterated that it has sovereignty over the Spratley and Paracels islands in the South China Sea. A Vietnam News Agency (VNA) report, quoting a Foreign Ministry statement yesterday, said Vietnam had solid historical and legal grounds to prove its
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 174 3 RUSSIAN BUILD-UP A SEVERE PROBLEM FOR JAPAN' TOKYO, Wed. Japanese Defence Minister Ganri Yamashita said today the Soviet military build-up in the Far East presented Japan with a severe problem. "The military situation has become more severe because of the qualitative improvements In the Soviet Union's military capabilities, including the
      Reuter  -  174 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 144 3 A SIMPLE TECHNIQUE THAT COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE We cordially Invite you to an Introductory lecture on the TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION (T.M.) Programme a scientifically validated easy-to-learn technique to:- promote clearer thinking and calmness under pressure reduce stress and improve health better relationship with others DATE FRI 10th Aug 1979 TIME
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    • 396 3 AUGUST 13TH ISSUE BACK TO BASICS: In rural Thailand peasants dry nwir nc* with ttmpl#. solar powered heaters And throughout Afnca. villagers use blcycJ*dnven pumps to irrigate their crops Today nearly 300 groups are working to ensure that the Third World's environment determines its technology and not the other way
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    • 291 4 WORLD BRIEFS 1 CHINA has confirmed the defection of Mr Hoang Van Hoan, a vice-chair-man of the Vietnamese National Assembly, saying that he was given a warm welcome recently in Beijing on arrival and has since been convalescing. Xinhua news agency said that Mr Hoan had been persecuted for trying
      AP  -  291 words
    • 95 4 WASHINGTON, Wed. The Pood and Drug Administration said Scotch whisky found by researchers for the National Science Foundation to contain what is considered a rancercansliig agent, nitrosamlnes, are Chlvas Regal, Black and White, J and B, Ballanttnes, Cutty Sark and Sandy Scot The PDA said beers and
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 296 4 Israel risks arms cuts, warns US THE United States has warned Israel that US arms supplies may be jeopardised if it persists in using American artillery in southern Lebanon. The warning, contained in a note from Secretary of State Cyrus Vance to the US Congress, was sounded as President Carter
      Reuter; AFP  -  296 words
    • 183 4 Rebels near Kabul in pincer push ISLAMABAD, Wednesday MUSLIM guerillas have taken control of the province just north of the Afghanistan capital of Kabul, and heavy fighting is continuing in the "holy war" against communism in other areas, reports said today. The Islamic Organisation of Afghanistan, a religious-political group, said
      UPI  -  183 words
    • 29 4 MUNICH, Wed. Dr Ft-odor Lynen, winner of the J964 Nobel Prize for medicine and I physiology, died today after a I long illness. He was 68. AP.
      AP  -  29 words
    • 295 4 French court orders extradition of Rhoodie AEX EN PROVENCE, Wednesday A FRENCH court ruled today in favour of extraditing former South African government official Eschel Rhoodie to Pretoria to face charges growing out of the so-called Muldergate scandal. But Rhoodie's attorney immediately lodged an appeal against the judgment, and judge
      AP  -  295 words
    • 99 4 FRANCE'S BIGGEST NUCLEAR TEST WELLINGTON, Wed. j France has conducted its largest nuclear test yet at their underground test site at Mururoa atoll near Tahihi, New Zealand seismologists reported today. The explosion triggered off earth waves equivalent to an earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale, a spokesman for the
      UPI  -  99 words
    • 119 4 LONDON, Wed. The death of a sparrow at the order of an Anglican rector named Robin has roused compassion among bird-watching Britons. The ill-fated sparrow met his maker because it kept chirping in the church hall of Brant Broughton, a Lincolnshire village. The bird's song
      AFP  -  119 words
    • 153 4 LONDON, Wed. A skull claimed to be that of Oliver Cromwell's, the man who briefly toppled the British monarchy and rated aa a military dictator, Is up for sale. Auctioneers In the English town of Graatkam said clients had produced the macabre relic, asking
      Reuter  -  153 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 904 4 WHERE WILL HE BE EV 1987? ■HHB versatility and responsibility. It's the only school in Singapore that will pay him while he is learning a trade. And as a fully-trained professional, he will eventually have W&n the opportunity to use his skills either in the SAF or civilian life. (jp^^p*
      904 words

  • 443 5  -  SOH TIANG KENG By PRICES of petrol and diesel will go up in the next few days maybe even from tomorrow. The increases are expected to range from 4.25 cents to 4.75 cents per litre. This will be the second price increase within
    443 words
  • 37 5 THE NTUC president, Mr. C. V. Devan Nair, will open the two-day second Asian Seafarers Conference at Merlin Hotel tomorrow. The conference will discuss the decisions taken at the first meeting held here in April.
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  • 487 5  -  GLORIA CHAN By THE High Court yesterday ordered that evidence both favourable- and unfavourable must be produced for a fair trial. This point was made at the trial of Michael Ian Binny, charged with murdering Mr Martin Douglas Klyne, when it was
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  • 355 5  -  J.D. INDRAN By THE six survivors from the Tong Nam disaster clung to pieces of wood and struggled against giant waves for more than 10 hours before being rescued by search parties. Numbed by the icy waters of the Indian Ocean
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  • 113 5 FINED FOR USING FORCE ON WPC WOMAN constable Ramia Nagammal, 24, was waiting for a bus at Upper Cross Street on July 19 at about 4.50 p.m. when she felt somebody touching her shoulder. She turned and saw labourer James Rangaraja, 28, walking a few steps away. Minutes later, she
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  • 160 5 Motorist wins appeal against conviction THE Chief Justice yesterday quashed the conviction of a bill-collector who had been fined $280 for allegedly driving his car "otherwise than in an orderly and careful manner." Mr Kow Leng Kirn. 48. was accused of colliding into schoolboys along Guillemard Road on Jan 17
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  • 98 5 Boy drowned at pool: It's misadventure THE State Coroner, M Aziz Yatim, yesterday recorded a verdict o? misadventure on the death of Kwah Kong Loong, 11, who drowned while swimming at Van Kit swimmin;' pool in Van Kit Road o April 24 at about 3 p.m. A lifeguard. Mr Noor
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 276 5 tsP Sony Home Video r~]Show'79yy g^S Seethe See Sony's Bargain L^^ DAIOT m^ JM professionals new range Sales Counter _J* Bj| "^r^ 1 _^H vrYjJj-k^h-tnvfc-BM^io *vf -vr-irlffctf-i Come prepared lor.the big grab. At Sony's N& Live shows equipment \M^ Hlc, V//vll and you that will take T J toenlertainyou 31
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 133 5 THE WAY TO COURTE- Admission to see jade SY EXHIBITION at Mac- suits: Adults ($5) and Pherson community children under 12 ($3). On centre. From 3 p.m. to 10 till Aug 19. p.m. On till tomorrow. BOON LAY EXPOSI1*7» NATIONAL DAY JT^uil AufS' l PHOTO EXHIBITION at P- a\ i£
      133 words

  • 244 6 Jaye and PM to visit Singapore PRESIDENT Junius Jaye-t wardene and Prime Minis- 1 ter Ranasinghe Premadasa of Sri Lanka will make separate visits to Singapore soon to forge better economic ties between the two countries. Diplomatic sources said Mr Premadasa is scheduled to arrive here on Aug 22 for
    244 words
  • 100 6 SANA CALLS FOR MORE AFTERCARE OFFICERS THE Singapore AntlNarcettes Association has Appealed for more volunteers to join as aftercare officers to supervise drag takers released from the drug rehabUitatlMi centre*. 8* far, US people have signed op for the first session of Stu't 34th basic training coarse in the aftercare
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  • 24 6 MR S.Dhanabalan, Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs), will return home today after attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Lusaka.
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  • 319 6 Works of art that give school identity of its own A VISITOR to Henry Park Primary School Is greeted in foyer by two excellent works of art, one by the well-known sculptor, Mr Ng Eng Teng, ana the other, a cooperative effort by a group with an interest in the
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  • 513 6  -  JUNE TAN By THE University of Singapore has revised its fringe benefits by improving existing benefits and introducing new ones to attract the best expatriate lecturers. These wide-ranging revisions include allowances for transport, education and disorientation or "settling-in." A special two-page issue of
    513 words
  • 69 6 MR Seah Kow Beng has been elected president of the International Y's Men's Club of Singapore at its annual general meeting recently. Other officials are: Messrs Patrick Tan Seng Chiang (vice-president), Henry Siew Kok Wens (secretary), Dr Paul Tan (treasurer). Messrs Gay Swee Poh. Choy Sam Chee,
    69 words
  • 63 6 THE Owals of the SU* uaiea »Mg c*mpetltiM will be neM mt the PUB AadlUriun on An; 18 at 7 p.m. when M Mags will he heart by Judges to pick a ■■If mm fer SUe. The ffnaia are open to the pabttc aad all onlen members. Invltotten
    63 words
  • 214 6 Appeal against CBT lawyer's jail term dismissed THE Chief Justice yesterday dismissed the Public Prosecutor's appeal against a three-year jail term imposed by a district court on lawyer Tong Kok Tong, 32, for two criminal breach of trust offences. In dismissing the appeal that the sentence was inadequate, the Chief
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  • 100 6 Cheng Hong takes top place GOH Cheng Hong, 23, took the first place in the National Youth Chess Championship which ended on Monday, scoring 4 points out of die maximum five. Cheng Hong is a finalyear medical student and becomes the first holder of the Tan Chin Tuan Challenge Cup.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 498 6 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE ON ITS 14TH NATIONAL DAY 1 TECNOGAS I NOW OFFERS YOU W*!^--* s NOT ONLY THE VERY s<.»» *> BEST RUT ALSO I i^Hfl THE BIGGEST OVEN... *J!A The 3803-416 is one professional gas cooker that's going to grace many W^BB^B^^l f me kitchens
      498 words
    • 346 6 COURAGE r**'a CONFIDENCE W Jfl LEAOERSHIPfI^.fI O*LI CAHNf Gld 10 ways Ike Bale Caraegle Cntk helps me* wtßca: fcaaM pant *4 tHihtma c Spata aftactnaty Sail jawnK r*«r <4**\ ■< at rtar toll aiti) Mf p*** TtMM mt tot* m »a»r Ittl Caatral H* mi wmi i hi kattt* caaMfubaMhtt
      346 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 357 7 Celebrate Singapore's with us! ■MPpiMv 14th National Day fc^j^ft| Uiiiijil i^B fc^litiluß L^V'lii PTE LTD I lA#in RO 111 Entry by Official Entry Form All prizes must be WOn! I 3) Complete the Entry Form with your Everyone must win! For purchasers of All entries must be made on the
      357 words

  • 1259 8  - Youthful joy sets the nation aglow JUNE TAN and TAN CHEE TEIK NATIONAL DAY PICTURE SPECIAL By SCHOOL children yesterday celebrated Singapore's 14th National Day ahead of the rest of the nation, and they did so with as much joy and gaiety as in attending a birthday party. A Straits
    1,259 words
  • 49 8 Red Cross Home children in wheel chairs were given a' grand-stand view of the march-past at Cedar Secondary School. "I t Old folks clapping in tone to a song song by the Cedar girls. Pictures by WAN SENG YIP and MAZLAN BADRON.
    49 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 134 8 Cs7 V' SINGAPORE ONYOURI4TH NATIONAL DAY To highlight the occasion, select items made solely in Singapore will be priced below usual costs. These include j ~IZJZZi 1 Risis Orchids, Perfumes of Singapore and specially printed T Shirts of local scenery. It's only for 3 days. °P en today. i Periurnsß!3«(ppore:
      134 words

  • 571 9 NATIONAL DA Y SPECIAL SINGAPOREANS, celebrating National Day today, are asked to pause and ponder in the right perspective the meaning and significance of the occasion. Making this point yesterday, the Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), Dr ow Chin Hock, said: "We should make
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  • 60 9 THE Defence Minister, Mr Howe Yoon Chong, last night reminded citizens that they should think of themselves first as Singaporeans and then their respective races. Mr Howe, who is also MP for Potong Pasir, made this point when he addressed a National Day celebration
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  • 713 9 THE emergence of the "new Singaporean," and the task of creating a "national identity" were the essence of a National Day message from the acting Prime Minister, Dr Goh Keng Swee, to 6,000 pre-uni-versity 1 and 2 students
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  • 124 9 A helping hand to cope with brisk flag sales FOR this woman, the business of selling flags and banners Is certainly one that Is far from slackening especially since Singapore nuns 14 today. In fact, boslness on the eve of National Day was so good that she had to help
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  • 76 9 THE Paya Lebar constituency citizens' consultative committee will award bursaries to secondary school students of the constituency as part of its National Day celebrations. Application is open to students from the lower income group and who are not receiving any other bursary or scholarship.
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  • 176 9 ACCENT SHOULD BE ON QUALITY, SAYS MP THE MP for Whampoa, Dr Augustine Tan, last night dwelt on quality quality of locally-pro-duced goods, and quality of life in Singapore. Speaking at a National Day dinner at Whampoa community centre, he stressed that the world economic structure was getting more competitive
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  • 53 9 THE MP (or Alexandra, Mr Tan Soo Khoon, will be guest-of-honour at a National Day campfire on Saturday (Aug 11) at 7.30 p.m. at the National Youth Leadership Training Institute. The campfire is jointly organised by the National Youth Leadership Training Institute and the National Youth Leadership
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  • 177 9 Be mindful of our security needs' THE people must be ever mindful of the country's need for security and economic development to ensure that they continue to lead comfortable and secure lives, the MP for Mountbatten, Mr Eugene Yap Giau Cheng, told his constituents last night. This will also ensure
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  • 151 9 SINGAPOREANS can have a closer view of this year's National Day fireworks when it starts tonight at 8 p.m. This is because personnel from the SAF Ammo Base, who are in charge of the fireworks, will be closer to the edge of the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 48 9 SWEDEN'S l\| 111 National Day Suggestion: ham, swiss cheese, tomato, SiL^^ anc e^ uce s^ck up into one great sandwich. Served with an old fashioned super soda in your choice of famous flavors. Swensen's Ice Cream Restaurant, First Floor, Thomson Plaza, Upper Thomson Road, Singapore 2057. Tel: *****02
      48 words
    • 218 9 W*\ Tendency: Idealistic and egoistical. IN| I Confident, with the ability to get things /'^■^N k AM done your way flT^^fc k MM Lucky No.: 5. 9. 4 I Jewels: Topaz, ruby fl i 1 Flowers: Red rose, peony W I Colour: Orange, gold VV^" You are a hearty eater
      218 words

  • 236 10 THE government's call for "automation, mechanisation and computerisation of industries on a national scale" is expected to generate at least $18 million worth of business for US manufacturers of computers and related equipment over the next 12 months. This projection was assessed by 28
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  • 149 10 'SPACEMEN' GET A KICK OUT OF FOOTBALL WITH all this talk about spacemen these days, what cnM be more natural than for Klrtl Dorhl (left), seven, to imagine that plasticine spacemen like to play a terrestlai game at f ootbaJir This Primary Tw« pupil of Kembaagaa Primary School was one
    TAN SHAN ANN  -  149 words
  • 501 10 THE government is to relax the rules on permanent residence in Singapore as part of the drive to improve the quality of local industry and upgrade the level of manufacturing skills. According to a Business Times report, the new definition of a skilled exployee
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  • 243 10 Work on Raffles Centre to start in December EXCAVATION work and piling of the $600 million Raffles City, the largest commercial property development in Singapore, will begin in December. Excavation work on the 3.4-hectare site, on which the former Raffles Institution stood, is likely to be completed by the end
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  • 66 10 Man charged with CBT of $749 CHONG Siew Yin, 36, was charged in a district court yesterday with criminal breach of trust of $749 belonging to Uni Travel Pte Ltd. Chong, a worker of the company, allegedly committed the offence when he was entrusted with the money between July 9
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  • 34 10 MR M.Coomaraswamy, chairman of the National Maritime Board, will give away the prizes at a National Courtesy campaign at the National Maritime Board Mariner's Club Restaurant in South Quay tomorrow at 4.30 p.m.
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  • 66 10 A NATIONAL serviceman. Urn Jium Chye, 19, died yesterday soon after the armoured car he was in went off the road at Depot 2, 7th Singapore Infantry Regiment, Stagmont Ring. Police said the armoured car overturned and Lim was sent to the camp medical
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  • 43 10 MR Kam Chai Heng was recently elected as chairman of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Singapore section. The other officials are Mr Ling Tok Weng (deputy chairman), Mr Chan Heng Choon (secretary), and Mr H. D'Netto (treasurer).
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  • 226 10 Firm to settle terms of lay-off with Silo THE management of Shintorn Electronics has agreed to amicably resolve the "lay-off" of 163 employees with the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (Silo). Sources said that at a meeting called by the Labour Ministry between the two parties yesterday, the management agreed to
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  • 430 10 He refused to work after marriage' A CLERK told the High Court yesterday that she had to pay the debts of her insolvent husband who refused to work after they married. Madam Rubella Theri- sa, petitioning (or divorce from Mr Victor Dason Rajamanis, said he even pawned her jewellery. On
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  • 102 10 A JOBLESS man was yesterday Jailed for nine months for trying to extort $210 from the managing director of a firm at Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park. Neo Poh Heng, 20, admitted threatening to beat up Mr Ho Peng Ling, 36, if he did
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 590 10 TOU CHOOSE YOUR PRIZES! la J r) *00-J^Z!SSir~ —^^^9f -^y^^ (C\_J Start now! Collect and win! As soon as you have the complete number Fraser Neave (S) Re. Ltd. Cw Drink F& N today and y° u>re on y° ur way of liners, bring them to: 475 River Valley Road,
      590 words

  • 309 11  -  T. F. HWANG and CHIA POTEIK THE SALE of Grey Securities Ltd by Haw Par Hongkong to Legis Ltd, the trustee of the Melbourne Unit Trust, was not made at "arm's length" prices that is, not at around
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  • 1641 11 A REPLY by Mr Scothorne to a question by the DPP on a telex message from Mr Watson, which was read oat in court, raised smiles all round. Asked what "ATB" in the message meant, he replied: "All the
    1,641 words
  • 78 11 THE ACCUSED: Richard Tarling, former chairman of Haw Par Brothers International Ltd. THE JUDGE: Mr Justice Kulasekaram. FOR THE PROSECUTION: Mr Tan Teow Yeow, DPP, assisted by Mr Fong Kwok Jen, DPP. FOR THE DEFENCE: Mr H. E. Cashin, assisted by Dr Myint Soe. FIRST WITNESS
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  • 185 11 Mentioned in evidence so £ar MR DONALD EDGAR OGILVY WATSON, former managing director of the Haw Par Group, who left the jurisdiction soon after the appointment of the Inspectors to investigate Haw Pan affairs. MR lAN KEITH TAMBLYN, former deputy managing director, who has also left the jurisdiction. MR JOHN
    185 words
  • 401 11 Defence objects to use of term They told me' by witness The dividend referred to received by HPHK and HPHI appeared in the consolidated profit and loss account of the Haw Par Group for the year ended Dec 31,1973 as income from "unquoted other investments 559,687,936." Mr Scothorne, referring to
    401 words
  • 297 11  - $2.5 m to improve 15 SBS bus terminals PAUL WEE By THE Singapore Bus Service has started on a $2.5 million programme to improve 15 of its bus terminals which will have better facilities for both its bus crew and buses. "Operation Facelift" has already been completed on seven of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 108 11 FOR YOUR i 1 SUPPORT I |g 5jC Thanks to all friends and tip; business associates for their &8 well wishes and flowers 4|s S$C Thanks to our customers for @1 their patronage fc|) <pj AISO si: I AN APOLOGY... I «jp To those patrons who were ra sg? inconvenienced
      108 words
    • 91 11 j/gMmmXVk Wfu iMm^^m^mmmmmm IKBII mm ilJWnl U lll tun B^^ &JL AWwfltf^J^^^flM tIVi KM Ml m^mmmm H MM Ml v"^V Bk^i^^^O H MM M« |l \\\\mmZ!^^mmm^S^mmmmm\ Wm^^9m\ michel bertioux The French revolution in shirts Michel Bertiaux There's a certain air about a man in a Michel Bertiaux shirt. Casual yet
      91 words

  • 176 12 A DISTRICT court heard yesterday how a part-time barber unknowingly sold 0.77 g of cannabis to a narcotics officer. Abdul Malek bin Mustajab, 25, was jailed three years and ordered to be given three strokes of the rotan when he pleaded guilty to trafficking
    176 words
  • 303 12 THE Singapore Contractors Association has urged contractors, particularly those working on projects overseas, to contribute to the local training scheme in order not to be accused of exploiting the work forces in those countries. In a paper submitted to the coming 17th International Federation of
    303 words
  • 118 12 THE managing director of a motor finance company, !.im Mong Huat, 23. was fined $200 by a magistrate yesterday after he admitted resisting arrest by a Cisco constable outside the Oasis Night Club. Inspector A. Masilamani, prosecuting, said on June 12, 1977, at about 1.20 a.m., while
    118 words
  • 153 12 A FACTORY worker, who frequently lamented that life was meaningless to her, was found dead at the foot of her Block 13, Bedok South flat, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Her colleague, Miss Quek Lee Eng, testified that Miss Rosie Wee, 19, also mentioned suicide
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  • 52 12 THE Jurong Town community centre will hold a baby show on Aug 26. The contest is for babies bom between Aug 26, 1977 and May 26 this year and who are citizens staying in Jurone. Entry forms are now available at the centre daily from 3 p.m. to
    52 words
  • 321 12  -  K. S. SIDHU By A NEW trend In house breaking appears to be emerging In burglary cases Involving Housing Board flats. Many burglars today are no longer content with patiently picking locks or sawing off grilles In the night. Now some of them
    321 words
  • 76 12 LEE Kirn Hock. 18, was charged in a district court yesterday with using a knife to rob a certain Miss Koh of $2 in a lift at a block of flats in Maryland Park on Aug 3. He also allegedly outraged her modesty in the
    76 words
  • 131 12 Forms for study in Britain now available APPLICATION forms and handbooks for admission to first degree or diploma courses in universities and colleges in Britain are now available from the Sponsorship Officer, Public Service Commission, second floor, City Hall, on weekdays between 2 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. Under the Universities
    131 words
  • 54 12 ARTICLES ranging from cigarette lighters to wallets containing cash that were left by passengers in public service vehicles have been deposited at the Registry of vehicles Department by taxi drivers and bus crew. These articles, left behind by their owners last month, can be claimed from the
    54 words
  • 180 12 24 to get PM's Book Prize at RELC on Aug 17 THE Prime Minister's Book Prize for 1979 will be presented to 24 students at the Regional Language Centre (RELC) Auditorium on Friday, Aug 17 at 3 p.m. by the Minister for Communications, Mr Ong Teng Cheong. Ten recipients are
    180 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 326 12 nUIiJII If k^ V,, I Xl^? li r eil /A I MV Ji^^ Ta J^^%" lJ^ (Special Vacuum m o+^ tAUV I U |%i^ I Reflux Ava^Dte at d^r^k *sfe've a new rang^^^ tt& _,j_^m^ W \S(3 dsvs onrvlyy i on*/ I China Stoneware coffee Set HfrI Special 1 3
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 301 12 Straits Times Crossword ACKOSS abode is barely suffinenl 1 6) 1 "Males 1 encountered in bark 5 See 14. street" a dissertation (6). 6 French physicist appearing in 5 After a little drink, sat and Palladium (jets spoiled <B>. thought (8) 7 Due to be paid nothing, fly 9 Lazy
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  • 1530 13 NATIONAL DAY AWARDS SPECIAL LOYALTY, BRAVERY AND SERVICES TO COUNTRY Here is the full list of this Year's National Day awards: P1NUAT 4A.SA UEMILANU (The MerlUrUis Service Medal): Mi Tommy Koh Thong Bee. Singapore's Permanent Representative to the I'nited Nations: and Mr Hit
    1,530 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 61 13 ■^H Asmall, moment in life... Agoodknot on a great tie. BALENCIAGA IW H Available at all leading department stores I I -x 7 0 B .> j^H i J i§ T^l ■2 J 22 W M I I yellow rolled gold. I (GIRARD-PERREGAUX) I fh X^K::, rolled i>i>ld. I y
      61 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • The Straits Times THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1979
    • 475 14 ANOTHER National Day dawns Singapore's 14th. Since that fateful day in 1965 when Singapore was cast adrift, much has happened. On the whole, because of a tremendous collective effort by the government and the people, it has been for the better. But for a number of factors, it
      475 words
    • 286 14 A MAJOR, if not the main, preoccupation of countries which depend on a people's army, is to ensure that their young people are properly trained to fight and that they remain so at all times. Hence the annual in-camp training required of all able-bodied young Singaporeans. It
      286 words
  • 687 14 'To be or not to be whoopee!' NEW YORK: Noting my recent adventure in the musical theatre, a Poughkeepsie woman writes to ask, why didn't Shakespeare ever write a musical, since that's where the big theatre bucks seem to lie? Would'nt Hamlet have run almost as long as Grease if
    NYT  -  687 words
  • 1332 14  -  LEE KIM CHEW By WITH an economic growth rate of 9.7 per cent in the first half of this year one not seen for some time now Singapore has developed a head of steam which puts the country in a healthy state
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 1518 15  -  HARRY MILLER and EDMUND TEO Britain's National Health Service By in London 6 An interesting statistic is that of the 61.000 doctors registered in Britain in 1978, about 18,000 were born outside the country, half of them in India and Pakistan, and that about one-third of
    1,518 words
    • 277 15 IN MY opinion the National Wage Council (NWC) guidelines incorporate a number of shortcomings as a pressure device on companies to rely more on capital than labour in their production methods. Because of the lack of legal backing the employer may choose not
      277 words
    • 174 15 SINCE the NWC wages announcement, I have been appalled by the increase and impending increase in living costs allround. First came the increases in HDB rentals and the prices of flats and the PUB tariff increases. Now SBS fare
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 378 15 The best o£ Asean Margaret Chan introduces a new series of exotic recipes culled from the gourmets of Asean beginning with a dish from Kelantan. Yippee! Cartoonist Uranium, the man behind Yippee magazine, reveals a secret. National Day We will be the first paper to bring you pictures and news
      378 words
    • 114 15 Majulah Singapura BEETAXCO Furnishing Supermarket Presents elegant new products manufactured with IMPORTED MATERIALS at affordable prices lIIRIfII lIS I II! 11 1 ■iy* |||KM|||w||||i mT^ -ml I _^r- I BBBBBBBHH n aßfß v J pi a v_ v H Mß fl w MONTELLO WALL UNIT jl 'N DIFFERENT '^^^~iil COMBINATION
      114 words

    • 1697 16 h.- li baton on th>- Stock Kxrhangp o* Sini;;i •r-.u> onpmd *nh the |kv\i<hu :Si »ith 1919 higi and lo» \djuMci fnr sn i» '"Th'sivsurt Closing lone: Steadier. Turnover: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore including odd lots "Ready" totalled: 4.136.000 units valued at $9,154,000.
      1,697 words
    • 1639 16 lill) and offer prices officially listed n<l business in an reported to the Stixk Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett". BkJ Board
      1,639 words
    • 180 16 4 1/2% 1/8/80 (250.000) (W.IOB 99.205) 4 3/4% 15/9/80 (250,000) (99.238 99.335) 5 3/4% 1/6/78-80 (250.000) (100.358 100.455) 6 1/2% 1/5/79-81 (250,000) (99.908 100.00S) 5 1/4% 1/3/81 (250.000) (99.608 99 70S) 5% 15/4/81 (250.000) (99 158 99 258) 5% T F 1/5/83 (250.000) (100.058 100.15S) 5
      180 words
    • 1639 16 DID and ota prlna egMallj ttaWd ■ad btaaatai in and io|K>rl«l lo the Ku.d.i Laaapar Buck Bkckaaa* ptt> lerda] »nh iho aamawi "I gen iradad aaaaa in biacktu in lots of umis unless otkarwaM apact. (u-ti IM)l STKIALS \.ma (1 .lili «Si AjianiiMU i.-Mii' AlrfMnilB2B I XSSI,
      1,639 words
      • 55 16 r««rk Omrnl tikmin Hyd )CBC M Iron iolhmant Magnum Corpn *iew Serendah Raya kyer Hitam Tin iungei B««i H Banking N iyn Resin* J 1 C 378 450 700 660 454 412 312 204 1310 1130 680 580 155 318 34 28 15 15 12 12 12 12 10
        55 words
      • 26 16 \oknm )unlop Ind H Jmcki nt Wood V Enterprise* Jtd Plantation* ieck Sens 430 173 172 364 291 272 -10 -G -.1 -2 -2 -2
        26 words
      • 32 16 Haw Par Semb Shipyard Inchcape Pan Elertric Harimau D E Cily Dev St Steamship Spore Fodder r m w 365.000 306.000 192.000 183.000 103.000 96.000 92.000 91.000 87.000 to.000
        32 words
      • 32 16 BTIndex: Industrials: Finance: Hotels Properties: Minings: Plantations: O.C.B.C: S.E.S.Ind: Aug i Aug 2315.69 2352.15 390.63 394.39 699.51 705.79 289.73 290. If 245.38 247.47 204.40 ***** 667.71 669.70 375.18 379.67 342.75 347.09
        32 words
      • 287 16 HONGKONG: The market rose sharply in active trading yes- terday with the Hang Seng index adding 10.81 points to 614.54, dealers said. It opened higher on the back of overnight London buying and continued to rise across j the board throughout the day. The day's combined total turnover volume
        287 words
      • 386 16 TOKYO: Share prices rose sharply over a wide front yes- terday with the Dow Jones average closing at 6,402.67 points, after briefly touching a record 6,406.08 in the morning, dealers said. The market average rose 3i.94, while trading was moderate with a volume of 300 I million shares. The
        386 words
      • 81 16 Striking prices of the options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday, the period, bids and offered prices and business done, if any, with the number of options, traded shown in brackets. Haw Par (Sept $1.20) (0.2980.355). Home F E (Sept $1.60) (0.468). Uckespe (Sept $1.50)
        81 words
      • 121 16 < HINKSK PROOI'CK EXCHANGE, SINGAPORE, NOON I'l.osiM, PRICKS PER PICI'L VKKTKRDAY: CacMil ail: Bulk $122 sellers, old drum $128 sellers, new drum $127 sellers Opr»: Mixed (loose) IK Com $74.00 buyers Pepper: Muntok AST A white fob luff NLW $342.50 sellers. Sarawak white fab 96. NLW $325.00 sellers.
        121 words
      • 183 16 THE KILOBAK market (or sold deliverable in Singapore opened at $19,967 per kilo and closed at $19,996 yesterday In the Far East, gold opened at I.'StJK.S) 60. It was traded up on short-covering and some European buying to $287.20 60 before local profit-taking brought the price down to $286.50
        183 words
      • 235 17 NEW YORK. Tues A broadbased rally led by glamour and blue chip issues sent the stock market sharply higher in the heaviest trading in eight wi-eks Investors were encouraged by the dollars recent stability and hopes the recession will ease upward pressure ■nj k. on interest
        235 words
      • 250 17 ZURICH. Tues. Share prices continued very steady in light volume with no new factors in rho market, dealers said. Swissair registered lost part of yesterdy's strong gain while its bearer stock was again slightly higher Banks gained in places on renewed small support. Among mixed
        250 words
      • 230 17 AMSTKKDAM. Tues. Share prices closed mostly firmer with Philips and Royal Dutch unchanged in otherwise lower Dutch internationals, dealers said. Shippings were higher with KNSM rising 1.70 and Van Ommeren three guilders, while ABN put on four guilders in firmer banks. Insurances also ran with Knnia three
        230 words
      • 323 17 SYDNEY. Wed. The market aas quietly firmer, with interest centring on Ansett, which POM four cents to Af1.66 with Ampol. Hell and other undisclosed buyers rontunuing to build up their stakes in the rompany. dealers said. Among industrials, CSR shares and rights gained seven cents to $3.55
        323 words
      • 619 17 LONDON. Tues. Share I used firmer but trading MM quiet, dealers said. At 3.00 p.m the Financial Times MM was up 4.9 at 464 5 i ;<>\<Tnmi int homis were up to 3 8 point higher aftot publi cation of the UK banking fig-un-s which allayed
        619 words
      • 59 17 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 466.6 Monday 459.6 Week Ago 454.2 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 858.81 Monday 848.55 Week ago 846.42 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Tuesday 28** t026". Monday 24H t024:. H.K.HANG SENG Wednesday 614.54 Tuesday ***** Week ago 616.63 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 488.60 Tuesday 488.47 Week ago 485.87
        59 words
      • 128 16 THE STRAITS tin price rose another $20 to $1,930 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 14 tonnes to 170 tonnes. The overnight London market was barely steady after firmer with forward buyers gaining £70 to £6,580 per tonne. LONDON: Tin finished £55 per tonne up
        128 words
      • 34 16 Rubber: Aug 8 Singapore: August: 288.50 cents (down 0.50 cent) Malaysia: September: 288.50 cents (down 0.50 cent) Tin: M 51.930 (up $20) Official offering: 170 tonnes (up 14 tonnes) I I i
        34 words
      • 32 16 LONDON: Copper prices on Tuesday (previous in brackets) Wirebar Spot £856.50 (1X38) sellers £857.50 (£839); Three Month buyers £864 (£847 50). sellers £864 50 (£848). Market teae: Firmer Sales: 10.800 tonnes
        32 words
      • 529 16 OPENING quotations in the Singapore rubber market yes- terday were marked up one j cent following higher London advices and Tuesday's after hours' steadiness here, dealers said. The market gained a further rent in early trading, with rumours of fresh Soviet buying in London and in Singapore also aiding
        529 words
      • 96 16 NOON SSR RA8 SSR 20 -Ml 'i MRELB SMROV SMRL SMH OP SMR5 -MH 10 SMR2O -MH SMR pricta yww II -ton pallet I ll urn pallet! II lor. pallet! I l-uxi pallet I IlloupdWt) rtlay: Aaflll II urrrol Mthl Bu>.r. Sallcra J77.SON 278 50N ***** Z76SON
        96 words
    • 282 16 SENTIMENT at the Stork Exchange of Singapore yesterday was boosted by pre- National Day anticipation of a good economic performance report for the first half of the carrent year. It has been the traditional pracMct- of the Uovernment t< release figures on the Republic's economic performance
      282 words
    • 299 16 A REVIVAL of buying inter- 1 est yesterday gave the I Kuala Lumpur stock market its best finish in more than two months. With confidence growing by the minute, especially towards the late afternoon, buyers chased prices to their day's best levels. Reflecting the sharply improved trend yesterday,
      299 words
    • 214 16 THE US dollar opened higher at US dollar closrd higher at C 1590 $2.1555 65 in the Singapore fore* < m market yesterday, compared with UINDON: Sterling came under 52.1537 45 at Tuesday's close, and >"***« ln noon finned In th,n and qaiet trading to j T^aZher!
      214 words
    • 360 16 INTERBANK rates at 3.00 pm: Curranci** Nominal rataa Smithsonian Parcantaga quoted yaalarday (cross)parity change Ixx-al dollars to one unit of foreign rurrency: US dollar 2.1575 2.1583 2.8196 -23 48 Sterling pound ***** 4 7970 7.3469 34.80 Australian dollar 2.4295 2.4415 3.4286 -29.14 NZ dollar 2.1795 2.2020 3.4286 -36.28
      360 words
    • 55 16 RANGE of prires <><lm>d by dis i-ouni houses on Auk 8 Overnight 3 1 to 5'» Call deposits W Ck>i>>« Buvial Srlliog 3 month Treasury bills S 1/16 4 15/16 3 month Bank bills 7 13/18 7 11/16 3 month CD 7 V. month CD 7 15/16 713/16 Inm
      55 words
    • 40 16 Closing Interbank rales for Singapore dollars on Aug 8 Offer Bid Overnight 5 4 1 month 7. 7. 2 months 7i 7'i 3months 7 11/18 79/18 Overnight mode [light I) fiom I hear > j i < i ■< 1 r
      40 words
    • 23 16 THK average rate at which Singapore banks are currently prepared to lend to their best customers is 8.25 per cent.
      23 words
    • 479 17 HIGHLANDS and Lowlands is making another HK$5OOmillion (Ss2oB million) takeover bid for the Hongkongincorporated Rubber Trust group of plantation companies Highlands said on Tuesday it is offering cash of HK$775 for each HK$l share in Rubber Trust, HK$5.lO for each Amalgamated Rubber share, and
      479 words
    • 329 17 Keck Seng reaps three-fold increase in profits PLANTATION company Keck Seng (MaJayoU) reaped a bountiful harvest during the tint half of th.current year. This was reflected la a three-fold Increase in pre-tax profits to M 54.5 million as against $1.4 million reparted for the previous corresponding period. The company attributes
      329 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 882 17 PROJECT MANAGERS PERNAS Construction Sdn. Berhad with various road projects under construction invites suitably qualified persons to fill the post of Project Managers for Road Projects in Malaysia. The successful candidates will be required to lead a team of junior engineers, surveyors and earthmoving operators on earthwork operations; supervise the
      882 words
    • 776 17 BERJUNTAI TIN DREDGING BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia I AUDITED MINING AND FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 1979 Mining Results 1979 1978 Output of tin concentrate piculs 68,111 82,267 Average price per picul of tin metal 1,844 1.635 Average net price received per picul of tin concentrate 996
      776 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 537 18 j AT YOUR SERVICE SECTION INDEX Cm Telephone Service _r*F a etc? Yi?Fi?n Anc IE phl a Sc—r™ 28-L--L-22 ATE HH S «n w VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL 44** Perword 60cU(Mln. $9 00) tv DRITII ARf P<s I 1 Per column cm: $10.75 (M1n, *****) iIAi 1A UHI I UARIES I
      537 words
      394 words
    • 764 18 REUPHOLSTERY OF OLD sofa for hotels, restaurants, offices and residence Reasonable price Tel. *****40. SOFA (CUSHION'S) SET reasonable charges for reupholsterlng. repairing and made to order. All are welcome. Tel *****09 13 Hi Fi Stereo AKAI GXC 410 Selling $250 Contact Mr Quek telephone *****9 ONE BEOMASTER 3000 complete with
      764 words
    • 467 18 AN ESTABLISHED EUROPEAN COMPANY invitee applications lor CLERK/ TYPISTS 1. Minimum 3 GCE O' level. 2. Neat and accurate typing of about 35 45 wpm. 3. Age between 17 23 year*. Please apply giving details ol qualifications, experience, age, current salary, telephone contact and enclose a passport size photo (n.r.)
      467 words
    • 331 18 An estebNehed Furniture Company requires: (A) GENERAL CLERK c typing speed 40 to 45 wpm c bilingual with a good command of English c pleasant personality (B) FEMALE SHOWROOM SALES RECEPTIONIST c bilingual c ability to converse In other dialects will be an advantage c preferably with sales experience c
      331 words
    • 565 18 requir** a FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERK Qualification* Experience:Slngapore citizen, age 19 to 22. GCE 'O' Level. 1 or 2 years' Accounting experience, preferably In manufacturing or Accounting firm concern. Typing speed 30 to 40 w.p.m. SALARY WILL COMMENSURATE WITH QUALIFICATIONS a EXPERIENCE. Please apply with details of qualifications, experience, age, telephone
      565 words
    • 366 18 I KLENCO (S) PTE LTD Has immediete vacancies lor the following: (1) INDUSTRIAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE c 2to 3 years' sales experience c with own transport c age 23 to 30 years Successful applicant wiil be paid with attractive salary plus commission (2) BILL COLLECTOR/ DESPATCH CLERK c with own motorcycle
      366 words
    • 1102 18 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE C.A.T.S. WILL BE OPENED TODAY FROM 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. V J II EMPLOYMENT INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION A leading Automobile Kiiri- URGENTLY requires Export Staff, neenng Company In Jurong re- experienced in export sundry quires the following skilled (consumer) goods or garments. personnel:- starting salary $550 to $900
      1,102 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 452 19 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant t) General Well-established Tyre Manufacturer with good grow In potential requires: PRODUCTION OPERATORS (MALE) 1) Atfe i») jreari and 2) Mull work 3 shift*. r. i> change 3) Starling pay: not less than $10.00 per day. 4) Shift allowance: 2nd .shift $200 per shift 3rd
      452 words
    • 134 19 I WIW I 6^Uf~^?*^6l I URGENTLY REQUIRED A Driver rtth (l.i I (II personally al KM Tmnjonc Katong a 1 ri to I2pjn. WAITERS I a 0 WAITRESSES 2 1 raquirrd lor niptcliUi restaurant I in city Holland Road. •■..•Tiene* necessary i Mining provided c I Tat *****07 after 3pm
      134 words
    • 1337 19 II EMPLOYMENT 32 Situ.tion. Wanted CLASSIFIEDS aaas reach AOY EXPERIENCED IN .mounts. enn nnn yping. secretarial work seeks DOU.UUU ome. evenings. Sals Sundays. readers. 11l VEHICLES* BOATS 1 payments W«£ value XX «htf'« m** Be sure to r«" s I o*4c« no oblix""""- m^ 1 6M^kzJ^r^kfl 40 Boats (or Sale/Wanted
      1,337 words
    • 1992 19 111 VEHICLES BOATS OCT. 1673 FORO Fscort 1300 XL Good condition Tax/ insurance. cassette, tyres. $5200 ono. (No PARF) -*****8 OCT. 1676 MERCEDES Benz 280S Done 21.000 km $ o.n o. Call: *****7 PEUGEOT 504 BEAUTIFUL condition 1 owner 1973 Alrcond. radio, cassette $11,900 negotiable View: Blk. 3. 163-C. Queens
      1,992 words
    • 940 19 111 VEHICLES BOATS 1977 FORO CORTINA 2 (Kihla well 1978 SUZUKI GS 750 New lax. maintained by one individual Michelin tyres. GSM handle Beautiful condition Tel *****77. hars. Dunstall pipes. Highest Robert Lim .ible offer secures View: 1177 PEUGEOT 604 Automatic, in 19 Cardiff Drove. Spore 1955 Tel superb condition.
      940 words
    • 879 19 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES 4-ROOMED HDB FLAT fr.r rent FULLY FURNISHEO APARTMENT Blk ZS. IW-J Te.k Whl Sutgapon Mr i.ow *****4 c) Rooms A ROOM TO let out to working girls In Serangoon Cl Furnished *****44 BEDOK NORTH FURNISHEO r.> .in tor \iorkniß girl in .i 4 r.^med HDB flat Contact
      879 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1939 20 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES V SERVICES BUSINESS 55 Properties Wanted 61 Shops To Let/For 76 Business 85 Photography Sale/Wanted Opportunities WANTED JOHOR BAHRU SECONDHAND CAMERAS CENTRE ml n-iiin I'stHte.s we buy. sell and trade-in for iuh t».r rent ATTENTION BATIK GARMENTS used all new cameras. High offer i-rniie,tr:id 148A. Jalam coxonaticn
      1,939 words
    • 502 20 VI EDUCATION TRAINING ATT language centre SCHOOL OF LINGUISTIC SKILLS Longuoge courses and private tuition for school examinations and for business, travel ond pleosure EVENING CLASSES English, all levels Mon. Wed. 7.30 p.m. Tue. Thu. 7.30 p.m. English for school-age children, all levels Tue. Thu. 5.45 p.m. Wed. Fri. 5.45
      502 words
    • 1148 20 VI EDUCATION TRAINING EXPERIENCED TEACHER GIVING |^pw tuition in Chinese at Primary ">it Secondary levels Contact Mr Chua *****5 BBBBBBmLbbBB) RELIABLE TEACHERS M Mathebßßkv matlcs (Elem. Additional. Pure. I m. iij E Applied. General). Reasonable F charges Contact James Tel: GIRLS* *****3 V7IIXi.^ RELIABLE TUTORS PROVIDE jobs are Deconung harder
      1,148 words
    • 1154 20 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS Se US "T L ai*wan 0U II M 0 .SerM.e (Slnga•^""Ul 1ilI» J II lIIMIKK MIX ruir» Pi*. It.) <T P H li r Mn Manila/Bangkok Tour 8 days W-« Mahv^ Tour i Inrlu S!bS> 3 meS/!?dS- M-^-tr-'r-imTron'mgh: M ac 3 co m m'm~ y wind? M^yßjaTS
      1,154 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      35 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      102 21 CN.VAMMA JOHN, aged 52 passed away on 8.8.79 leaving behind wife Doris, sons Bernard, De- smond and Albert, and daughter Karen Cortege leaves 9 Jalan i Slnar. New Kirn Teng Park. Jo- hore Baru at 2 30 pm 9.8.79. WIFEMDM LAM SOW KWAI MM* BOON SENG MON CHOY
      102 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      62 21 MADAM DING HIM ING. age S3, beloved wife of Mr. Ho Lai Won called Home on 7/S/79 leaving behind husband, daughters Kit Teng. Kit ring, sons, Yew Sing. Yew Hay and son-in-law Tay Hoe Lai. Cortege leave* Ml Vernon' Funeral Parlour No. 1 on 10/8/79 at 11. 30 m for
      62 words
    • 82 21 •ipraaa tnwr hMrttolt thanks lo *ll raiatiVai. fmndt and coM»agu»t for thwr visilt. atlcndanc*. condol»nc»«, wraatht donation* during lhair rscant b* •avanwnl >pree* their d««p«*l appreciation nd heartfelt thankt to Father miotte, Mr. Chandy. waters, rarer Oroupe, relative*, friend*, rmy and office corwogueo and eighbour* tor their prayer*,
      82 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      62 21 In M.mofy CM TEOHWEEBENG Time changes many things But not the memory this day brings. The good times me shared with I you are Just memories now sadly I sweet but you linger on In our minds. Sadly miaaed and remembered by parent*, brother*, *i*ter*. relative*
      62 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 536 21 VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL 124 Births 129 Miscellaneous TAVE TO VIV John Richard a CAREER GIRL SEEKS sincere daughter Se-lralynn. on 4 8.79 local/ foreign friends. 30 to 36 Thanks lo Doctors staff of years Please write to ST. Box KKMH A9llBO CHINESE CAREER LAOV seeks sincere foreign/local friends 127 Lett
      536 words
    • 32 21 STRAITS TIMES RATES FOR PERSONAL ADS OBITUARIES $9.00 for 15 words (run-on style) $32.25 for 3 cm x 1 col. (semi-display style) I $40.31 for 3 cm x 1 col. (display style)
      32 words
    • 49 21 I In Ever Loving Memory ot Our Dear Father MR. M.E. CHARLES who left us six yean today (»A73) j We think ol you in alienee, no eyee can ace ue weep but in our aching hearte, your memory we «haM trea- sure and keep. Painfully mieaod by 1
      49 words
    • 1382 21 KENYATAAN TAWARAN Perbadanan Kemajuan Bukit Fraser Tawaran dipelawa daripada pemborong-pemborong yang berdaftar dengan JKR KeiasKelas yang tercatit di bawah atau seiaraf untok membma dan menyiapkan proiek yang berikut:— Ta|uk Proj«k JKR K«toc Wang Cagaran A. Cadangan Pejabat 3 Tingkat di Bukit Fraser. Pahang. D' ke atas $1.000 00 B. Cadangan
      1,382 words
    • 64 21 BHOG CEREMONY The Bereaved Family Of The Late DR. AMAR SINGH a/o PURAN BINQH, Relating Jaya wish to thank doctors and staff of QH Klang. relatives and friends for their condolence, wreaths, telegrams and assistance durjng their recent bereavement Bhog ceremony will be held at The Sikh Temple PJ a!
      64 words
    • 1 21 Ya
      1 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 589 22 p— "Wanted—^j Sales Engineer for Solar Heaters The Job To market soar hot water heaters for installation in hotels, sports clubs, commercial institutions, industries and homes. To co-ordinate solar installations and after-sales service. Requirements Minimum two years sales experience. Basic knowledge in steam, pipe and air-conditioning technology advantageous. Remuneration Between
      589 words
    • 956 22 _M@bil_ We have vacancies for the following positions MARKETING EXECUTIVE Special Products Chemicals The Job The successful opplicont will be assigned responsibilities in the sales of the Company's special products and chemicals His duties will include the analysis and investigation into client organisation's needs ond the recommendation and follow through
      956 words
    • 240 22 PUBIIC UTILITIES BOHRO TENDER NOTICE 1) Supply of 650 sets of Straight Through Joints for 6.6 KV 3 core, 300 mm2 Aluminium Conductor PILCDSTA Coble 2) Supply of 600 drums of Transformer Oil 3) Supply of 7,000 kg of Lead Sheets (size 2 4mm thick x 2.5m width). 4) Supply
      240 words
    • 1133 22 JP Straits Steamship Company- Limited Incorporated in Singapore Interim Report to Stockholders Th 5 re^ tOrs dvise the followi; ig unaudited results of the Group and the Company for the six months ended 30th June 1979 Holf Year 'to 30th June G f Q»P Company J2Z? 1?78 ]979 1978 $000
      1,133 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 543 23 PROCLAMATION OF SALE IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR ORIGINATING SUMMONS NO. 297 OF 1978. In the matter of Section 2M of the National Land Code 96 of IMS. AND In the matter of Charge Presentation No ***** JilldSl Folio 41 and Charge Presentation No. ***** Jllld
      543 words
    • 184 23 KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invrted from qualified and experienced manufacturers/ suppliers for the supply of> One Unit Railway Breakdown Crane of 60 Tonnes Capacity at a Radius of 7.7 metres from tha centre of rotation. Tender documents can be obtained at MS2OO/for each set during normal working
      184 words
    • 376 23 PREMIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraonflnary Ganaral Maabog o« tha Mamtoan o» the abova Company wts be haW on Tuesday. 18th September 1979 at 300 p.m at the Unrted Nation Room. Regent Hotel. Jalan Imbi, Kuala Lumpur. The meeting is cased pursuant to
      376 words
    • 414 23 KH. I ■'Will 1 1 vi 3 [Cjl k I *<*| 3 t**^^H [^A^^BJyU^p<A|s|M^4bvj9SßisAA JAWATAN KOSONG I Permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada Warganegara Malaysia yang I I berkelayakan untuk mengisi jawatan herikut:AKAUNTAN TANGGAGAJI: Al6 $1166x60- 1285/1405x60- 1565' 1705x100-2205 UMUR: a) Calon untuk lantikan terus hendaklah berumur ticak melebihi 40 tahun. b)
      414 words

  • 270 24 '^^J^T^^^^^L^^^^^^^^^^^»»^^^^C^^I^t*^^^H UMNO officials here yesterday called on their party headquarters to come out with a policy statement on the position of Indian Muslims in Umno. They said though they would like more people to join Umno and strengthen the party, the presence of
    NST  -  270 words
  • 263 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Malaysian Federal Court heard today that the prosecution had not proved that the information on the four fast strike naval craft, divulged by opposition leader Lim Kit Siang, came from a government source. The submission came from Mr Karpal Singh,
    AFP  -  263 words
  • 311 24 Diesel shortage hits tin mining and fishing KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The diesel shortage has seriously affected two of Malaysia's major indus- tries fishing and tin mining. Yesterday, the president of the All-Malaya Chinese Mining Association, Mr Hew See Tong, appealed to the government and oil companies to help gravel pump
    NST  -  311 words
  • 38 24 PENANG, Wed. Police have seized SO obscene Hari Raya cards from two shops here. OCCI Assistant Commissioner Haji Omar bin Mohamed said yesterday the cards seized depicted female models captioned with crude language. NST.
    NST  -  38 words
  • 1004 24 From Page 13 Kader, senior superintendant, Customs and Excise Department; Mr S Natarajan, principal, Siglap Secondary School; Mr Ng Ah Seng, assistant manager. Institutions Department, Vocational and I Industrial Training Board; Mr Ng Fui Fong, registrar of cooperative societies. Ministry of Social Affairs; Mr Ng Kim Beng,
    1,004 words
  • 164 24 TEARGAS DISPLAY SENDS OFFICERS REELING IPOH, Wed. It was a rare scene of law enforcement officers "dereliction of duty" at the Sungei Senam Federal Reserve I'nit (FRl) base here on Monday, as newsmen and a group of 15 senior Singapore police officers ran helter skelter with tears streaming down their
    NST  -  164 words
  • 45 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The government has fixed Aug 24 and 25 as public holidays for Hari Raya Puasa. The following Monday will be a normal working day. Chief Secretary to the government Tan Sri Abdullah Avub said in a statement yesterday. -NST.
    NST  -  45 words
  • 29 24 PENANG, Wed. Dutch teacher Carolina Josepha Kappelhop, 26, was fined $250 or one month's jail in the matistrate's court yesterday for overstaying in Malaysia by nine days. NST.
    NST  -  29 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 609 24 An established International Trading Company invites ambitious and sales-oriented candidates for the post of SENIOR SALESMAN Based in Penang Age 28 35 years with MCE/SC minimum 3 5 years sales experience (preference will be given to candidates with paper knowledge) Possesses own transport 9 Attractive salary, commission and fringe benefits,
      609 words
    • 9 24 Names of the remaining recipients will be published tomorrow.
      9 words
    • 257 24 Best Wishes to The People Government of the Republic of Singapore on their 14th National Day. Impeccable and gracious service. I China Airlines offers you 9 flights a week to Hong Kong and Taipei, with fast connections to Tokyo and the U.S. And service every Tuesday, ThursPCT- day and Sunday
      257 words

    • 350 25  -  KEN JAUEH Jr. By GYMNASTICS fans are in for a "tumbling" treat next month when a 15-strong Russian gymnastics and acrobatics team arrive for a display of world-class stunts' at the Singapore Badminton Hall. This was revealed yesterday by I,ee Seng Huat, president of the
      350 words
    • 424 25 LONDON, Wed. A 210run third-wicket stand between Dilip Vengsarkar and Gumlappa Viswanath foiled England's hopes of winning the Second cricket Test at lord's here yesterday. The match ended in a draw, India making 318 for four- in their second innings. They had made a
      Reuter  -  424 words
    • 77 25 INDIA Ist. Inns N I s«.i \\|i vi. Inns. 115-J dor. INDIA 2nd. Inns. (overnight IW-2) Uavwluu 1 Brearley b Botham 59 Chauhaa c Kandall b Edmonds 31 Yengsarkar c Boycott b Edmonds 103 Vbiwanatn c Cower b [-ever 113 (■aekwad not out 1 Sharma not out 5 Kxtras
      77 words
    • 234 25 RUNAWAY English county cricket leaders Essex I went down to their second successive defeat! yesterday, this time by an innings and 22 runs to j Worcestershire. Sorely missing England Test stars Graham Gooch and top wicket-taker John Lever, Essex managed only 142 in their second innings after
      234 words
    • 223 25 COWES (England), Wed. The United States toot the top two positions ir yesterday's fourth race o: the Admiral's Cup inter national yachting series and moved to within U points of the lead in the overall standings. Ireland still hold the overall lead with 63' points.
      Reuter; UPI  -  223 words
    • 532 25 Ovett fails to beat world mark GOTEBORG, (Sweden), Wed. World Cup and European champion Steve Ovett pulled away midway through the race and never lost the lead, but he clearly failed in an attempt to crack the 1,500 metres world record here last night. Ovett, who will not defend his
      AP  -  532 words
    • 323 25  -  FAIRWAY By KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Samedan has brightened his chances in the $25,000 Wilayah Stakes here this weekend with a dashing gallop .this morning. With apprentice Mahhat Tugiman in the saddle, the six-year-old by Azemann, was striding out faultlessly in reeling off 600 metres in
      323 words
    • 223 25 THE Kuala Lumpur races this weekend will be held as scheduled, but the number of races on Saturday has been cut from seven to six. The number of races for Sunday, however, remains at seven, reports FAIRWAY. Malaysian trainers were given up to
      223 words
    • 153 25 MANILA. Wed. Suburban Quezon City police yesterday filed charges against two American and one Filipino professional basketball players who were involved in clashes during a match at the Araneta Coliseum. The players. Dean Tolson and Larry McNeil!, of GUbeys Gin, and Abe King, of Toyota Tamaraws, have also been
      153 words
    • 220 25 tournament in Rochester (New York) yesterday. RIGBY The touring British rugby league team continued their undefeated tour of New Zealand by beating West Coast 19-0 in Greymouth yesterday. SOCCER Results of Anglo-Scottish Cup matches played last night: Preliminary round: Blackburn Rovers 1 Preston Northend 1, Blackpool 3 Burnley
      Agencies  -  220 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 321 25 FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT ELPH ANT VAC -TRASH COLLECTOR. VACUUM AWAY YOUR LITTER problem for immaculate surroundings NOW. QUICKLY EFFICIENTLY-SAFELY-ECONOMICALLY OFFERS YOU 1 2 WAYS TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY. 1 Thoroughly Field Tested World for 3 years "^*"^P|*^^^''O| 2 A motorized unit thot does the work of 5
      321 words
    • 112 25 CHINESE ART HANDKR AFT EXHIBITION In celebration of NATIONAL DAY your overwhelming Support Admission to is NOW REDUCED to $3.00 for Adults $2.00 for Children JrtX 9UIT9 <£WN WITH GOLD THRG4K m 1. Jade Carvings 2. Ivory Carvings 3. FeatherS Shell-Carved Paintings 4. Small Jade Carved Items 5. Cloisonne Wares.
      112 words

    • 673 26 a FreK<t>iiE! A WEEKLY COLUMN BY WILFRED YEO MONEYFACE Mania m who claims to know a good thing when he sees or hears about i t sauntered towards the Farrer Park sarabat in his oversized teeshirt, Bermuda shorts and a worn-out pair of
      673 words
    • 160 26 THE touring Emu, of New South Wales, beat the Singapore Cricket Club by two wickets in a 50-over friendly cricket match at the Padang yesterday, reports ERNEST FRIDA John Martens, a former Singapore all-rounder, who has switched to golf, was the star performer. He hit superb 62
      160 words
    • 270 26 LONDON, Wed. When Liverpool, as champions, face Football Association Cup winners Arsenal at the Wembley Stadium on Saturday, in the traditional curtain-raiser to the English soccer season, the first of the league fixtures will be only seven days away. Liverpool will be making their ninth appearance
      Reuter  -  270 words
    • 419 26  - Squad for World Cup out today ERNEST FRIOA By IN exactly two week's time, Singapore play their first match against Ireland in the Junior World Cup hockey tournament in Paris, but, the team have not been named. Singapore Hockey Association secretary Subramanian Yogarajah said vesterday: "The team will be announced
      419 words
    • 360 26 SUE PATON, the main attraction in the Wander Individual graded squash championships, caused a big upset when she defeated second seed Louis Huang 9-5, 1-9, 7-9, 9-2, M in the men's C grade semi-finals at the Kallang cum- plex yesterday. Playing tighter boasts upfront and sharger drops,
      360 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 264 26 Look us up for The full range of heavy-duty tiles with exciting designs. Importer Exporter of Full Range of Italian Ceramic Tiles and Marble |WI PolybuildingCSJPte.Ltd. IbH^H Unn 340 3rd Floor Plaza S.ngapura 68 Orchard Road Singapore 0923 Tel *****4 (3 hnes) Cable Polybwids Tele* Poly RS ***** Branch MO
      264 words

    • 476 27  -  JOE DORAI The door is still open for outstanding players, says coach Jitta By THOUGH the soccer squad of 25 players for next month's South-east Asia Games in Jakarata were named on Tuesday night, three others are still on the priority list.
      476 words
    • 310 27  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By QUEK SER HONG, 40, Singapore Open judo champion last year, has been appointed assistant national coach to chief coach, K. S. Moorthy, a fifth dan who is currently getting Singapore's judo team for the SEA Games, in Jakarta next month, into shape. current
      310 words
    • 20 27 PORT OF SINGAPORE Authority lost 1-3 to Rochore Constituency in a friendly soccer match at Bukit Chermin yesterday.
      20 words
    • 259 27 SBA name four newcomers for Games F O I R newcomers three men and a woman have been Included In the Singapore Badminton Association's list of nominations (or next month's South-east Asia Games in Jakarta, reperts BERNARD PKRKIRA. They are Robert Urn, Robert Han, Bernard Tan and woman player Tav
      259 words
    • 28 27 PAR KAST Livingston beat Union Carbide 15-8, while Chartered Industries defeated Philips Domestic 28-10 in two Jurong Town neiball league matches at the Jurong Stadium yesterday.
      28 words
    • 174 27 THE Singapore Water-Ski Federation have selected 12 water skiers eight men and four women to represent the Republic in the 7ih South-east Asian water-ski tournament in Kuala Lumpur from Aug. 28 to Sept. 1. The men Zainal Jantan, Leslie Foo, Richard Eu, Alistair Feme,
      174 words
    • 250 27  -  WILFRED YEO By ON a night of surprises, Steven Koh and Charlie Lee, the favourites for a final national junior four-ball championship meeting, saw their ambitions knocked about like the billiard balls in the Katong Saloon. Koh went down by *****0 points to
      250 words
    • 229 27 PANG CHYE KOWANG, currently Singapore's top road cyclist, has been nominated for the Southeast Asia Games despite his failure to obtain release from national service, reports BERNARD PEREIRA. Pang, 17, is one of 12 riders recommended by the Singapore Amateur Cycling Association for the
      229 words
    • 21 27 ROCHORE Constituency Sports Club defeated Port Authority Recreation Club 3-1 in a friendly soccer match at Bukit Chermin yesterday.
      21 words
    • 254 27  - The Kee way to success GODFREY ROBERT By ACCOLADES and awards are nothing new to swimming coach Kee Soon Bee (above). Bnt his happiest moment came yesterday when he was awarded the National Day's PinRat Bakti Masharakat (Public Service Medal) for his contribution to swimming and watcrpolo. If Kee, SI,
      254 words
    • 389 27  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By FOUR of Indonesia's Thomas Cup badminton stars, including All-Eng-land singles champion Liem Swie King, will be coming to Singapore for exhibition matches as soon as negotiations by P. T. Crown, sole agen s for Kawasaki rackets and distributors for Carlton, have
      389 words
    • 203 27 SINGAPORE'S softball squad for the South-east Asia Games in Jakarta are a bunch of hardy fighters ready to take on even the favourites, the Philippines, for nothing less than the gold medal. With these brave words, Singapore Softball Association's secretary Rajasingham named the men's squad of
      203 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 67 27 extended due popular demand! WPO^;^S^^ rOOm SUIt6S "FAMCO HOME SHOW 79" I Deluxe sU »xes Venue: Manhattan House. Ist Floor I from sz.o ing Bedroo (Chjn Swee Road) Potyest ef AQ/ l Date 4th August 31st August 79 1 from $1 g Ve rpop^ ar fe Time 11am -9pm t
      67 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 52 27 CRICKET EMU vs CSC (Balestier Rd 11 am). GOLF Seletar National Day event (Seletar 7 am). &OCCER Dr. Lee Chiaw Meng Cup (semi-finals): Race Course utd vs Hopeless; G. Park vs F. P. Dynamos A (both at Farrer Park 5.15 pm). WINDSURFING Pesta Sdkan sea carnival (off East Coast Lagoon
      52 words

  • 151 28 ORDER TO ARREST POL POT ANDSARY BANGKOK, Wed. Phnom Penh today ordered the arrest of deposed Kampuohean premier Pol Pot and his deputy leng Sary for alleged genocide. An order carried by the official Phnom Penh news agency said "all citizens" were entitled to arrest the two deposed leaders and
    AFP  -  151 words
  • 70 28 Thais smash another Red camp BANGKOK, Wed. Government forces have smashed a large communist camp in north-eastern Loci province, a military spokesman said today. He said "Base 99" was believed to have housed between 200 and 300 insurgents, many of whom had recently fled Laos in the reported drive against
    AFP  -  70 words
  • 75 28 TOKYO, Wed. Mr Isao Tsuchiya, a 43-year-old Japanese barber, shaved 223 heads in one hour today, breaking the world record of 203 set by Mr Gerry Harley of Britain last May. "Two months of training did not go down the drain," said Mr Tsuchiya with a smile.
    AFP  -  75 words
  • 34 28 CANBERRA. Wed. A modern satellite communications facility to handle intelligence material is to be built near Melbourne at a cost of A$9 4 million (SJ22.7 million), it was announced yesterday. AFP.
    AFP  -  34 words
  • 82 28 THE little miss seen here doing the tango with her lucky partner was the darling of the crowd at Woodsviile Secondary School's National Day celebrations yesterday. She smiled flirtatiously, wiggled around the stage, and even lifted her skirt to show off her stockinged legs. The going was
  • 68 28 OTTAV'A, Wed. Canadian Prime Minister Joe Clark has laid down strict conflict-of-interest guidelines for his ministers and their staff, banning them from business and demanding declaration of their assets. His office said yesterday that Mr Clark ordered his ministers to declare their assets and those of their
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 930 28  -  SEAH CHIANG NEE ACCORD JUST A PIECE OF PAPER? By THE CURTAIN came down on the Commonwealth Summit last night without ceremony, allowing the British and African leaders to depart in a mood, at least in public, of very guarded hope over the
    930 words
  • 74 28 PIRMASENS (West Germa- ny). Wed. A tiger mauled a I car dealer discussing a prospective sale with a zoo keep- i or. injuring him so badly that ht* had to have his right leg amputated, a Justice Ministry i official said yesterday. The dealer had followed
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 69 28 Cyanide leak: Area sealed DURBAN, Wed. Police sealed off a large section of the city's docks yesterday because of leaks in two drums of deadly sodium cyanide one of the world's most lethal chemicals. It was the second such incident in less than month involving the poison. On July 12,
    UPI  -  69 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 6 28 xC r m J I "*mi
      6 words
    • 443 28 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dail> Coyer Price .VV Anouol Subscription $1M For vubscription, nil XHMfJ K*t TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. ON this our National Day, Business Times brings news of further strides made by our local businessmen. This time, it is a trading firm venturing into a 1 fast growing part of
      443 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 144 28 Amsterdam 16-22C Goudy j Ua Angeles 19-26C Gear Athens 24-32C Oar Manila 23-27C Rain Bahrain 31-MC Hazy Montreal 14-21C Cloudy Bangksk 26-31 C Clear Nmmw 1016 C Sunny Beirut 23-31 C Sunny New Delhi 28-37 C Cloudy Berlin 12-25C Gear New Ytrk 18-28C Clear Bnuaeto 15-23C Goudy Parto 15-26C Clear
      144 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION TWO
    • 18 1 The Straits Times SECTION TWO INSIDE: d LEISURE: Holiday TV Highlight* 2 d WOMAN PLUS: Calcium Essential For
      18 words
    • Bilingual page
      • 820 1  - Self-taught flutist who also composes music FONG WENG F ATT By Chinese Instrumentalists "MONEY problems forced me to take up the Chinese flute (dizi) as my first musical instrument because my parents did not give encouragement to my musical inclinations," says Mr Reuben Yap, musical composer for the locally-produced film
        820 words
      • Article, Illustration
        397 1  -  CHUA LEONG-KIAN By Bilingual Page Editor TODAY is the 14th National Day of our Republic. Fourteen years is very i brief for a country with a long history, but it is not a short one for Singapore. Throughout these years, we have overcome many obstacles and developed Singapore
        397 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 41 1 s^ m is Ci^f L 4, L iti< I'L-lA.J ItO A3 to the Gauernrnent and \^y People of Singapore onthemhAnnwepary \J§ \J \A/l/^j %/^/%/w %AA/Uw ttHS [7Tlil ~1 Mil *^fc SANYO H-' hHJ \£j4 II *««fe <!:!i Sanyo Malaysia Sdnßhd W-
        41 words
    • 1030 2  -  JOHN DE SOUZA D Holiday Matinee Channel 5, 11 a.m. "THE Ore»trst Show On Earth" is the 1952 extravaganza of the despairs and dreams of steel-nerved troupers living in the gaudily death-. defying world of the circus. The star-studded cast includes Charlton Heston, Betty Hutton, James Stewart, Cornel
      1,030 words
    • 106 2 Aureole. Channel 5,7.55 p.m. The famed Rudolf Nureyev and four top dancers of the Royal Danish Ballet Vivi Flinat, Anne Sonnerup, Eva Kloborg, and Johnny Eliasen perform a ballet by Paul Taylor. Paul Taylor is the renowned American dancer and choreographer who has danced with the companies of Martha
      106 words
    • 410 2 HIGHLIGHTS of the six National Day parades will be presented la a programme entitled P»rudes '79 tomorrow night at B.IS over Channel 5. The glx parade centres to be covered by RTS are Temasek Junior College, Jurong, Lower Delta, Qneenstown, Toa Payoa and
      410 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 358 2 Every day. Around the world to 90 countries and more. JWTH We take you there. Amsterdam Karachi Vienna Brussels Lima Zurich Cairo London And many other Colombo Montreal destinations Copenhagen Moscow Delhi New York For details Frankfurt Paris call your travel Geneva Rome agent or call us. Stockholm AEROFLOT <t
        358 words
      • 75 2 1 iViy *Wm mm. |*j Wii We're put celebrating National Day too. (Gome in early tomorrow for the start of ou r Pre-Stockta ki ng Sale •Sale on at all stores except Metro Grand. m^ralLßi IVII tzz Department Stores 2 Metro BuM Timah: Bukit Timah Plaza. Tel *****44* Metro Orchard:
        75 words
      • 7 2 SpaoaMs«AlPMiCor*ol Z VtadrMS PBAHBBHH I^nniTiTi/ii®PMßiy EL IS
        7 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 721 2 TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 0.00 AM Opening and Prog Summary 4.00 Frank Capra Special 0.10 Tomorrow's Entertainment WWe 5.10 New Adventures Of Batman Mays And The Say Hey Kid (Car- 5-35 Claudia Cardmale Show toon) 6.30 News in Brief 10.50 Sports Magazine 6.35 What's My Line 11.10 Holiday Matinee
        721 words
    • women plus
      • 981 3 Calcium essential for healthy bones umhUJ By JANEBRODY in New York MORE THAN the vitamins, the major minerals which include calcium and phosphorus emphasise the importance of getting your essential nutrients from a varied and balanced diet rather than from a vial. Increasing your intake of one or another mineral
        NYT  -  981 words
      • 858 3  -  ENID NEMY By in New York iHti were scottea at, jeered at. laughed at and ridiculed, but now they're getting their comeupf>ance. The people who were once called weirdos are now having the last laugh. What with inflation getting higher and higher each
        NYT  -  858 words
      • 489 3 PHOSPHORUS, a partner with calcium in bones and teeth, is widespread in foods, including meat, fish, poultry, milk, nuts, legumes and wholegrain cereals and breads. The recommended daily allowance is 800 milligrams for adults, 1,200 for adolescents and pregnant and nursing
        NYT  -  489 words
      • 60 3 Saturday fashion for charity A FASHION shew "Saturday Fashion," to raise funds for the Spastic Children's Association, will be held at Garden Ballroom in Holiday Inn on Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m. The show is organised by one of the Mr Charity contestants, Mr Winston Tan LJan Kee, and
        60 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 89 3 sets new standards in interior A totally new furniture iook M CSI2TI See the new 100 lc and talk t0 Exotic inlays in contemporary our professional designers at settings. Vibrant or subdued tones of the new Jens Munk showroom on amber, sea shells, caribou horn, red the ground floor of
        89 words
      • 12 3 ■HnmIMMM IH a? cfflßggjggj mill Lj|l jPpnD w HF V ft 1
        12 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 210 4 OPENS CATHAY TODAY! _S_SHOWS^D_AILY: 11AM, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9.15PM. EM -^l^P OPENS ODEON TODAY! 5 SHOWS DAILY: 11AM, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9.15PM "NOT ONLY AS GOOD AS THE FIRST 'BUTCH AND SUNDANCE,' BUT BETTER." RICHARD QRENIER. Cosmopolitan l^fc^JCaif'--' Iff*' "^W^aaataaaaß BUTCH SUNDANCE THE EARLY DAYS J| i "n in .i.ii»,iii
        210 words
      • 755 4 J&GHfIHG GAY IMIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIUIII Rail fIFN Bf*CH BOAD UULUCH T,l *****67 DAILY 11. 130. 4. 6 45. 9 30 I Phi* TOOAY 1 1 00 am at Palace Theatre Menilno"TODAv7l awn "STRUGGLE for LIVES" I; CHW T j MANDARH DP AW KfILLANG QUEEHSTOWN I OPENS TODAY! X: 11. 1 30. 4.
        755 words
      • 136 4 f^SSsS R r s so eas V' VV^yVK^T Your chance to (I ]J Z_ i w n valuab| p" 268 *L__ w ttl tin Butter Cookies. All you have to do All you have to do is write your name. I/C number, and address on a piece ol paper. And
        136 words
      • 927 4 ~"1 p» ■'■> i~ w vy^SHAW ORSAHJiSATiOti 3 CAPITOL 2nd WEEK! >wc*«iis»\tioi>j (*****9) 5 SHOWS at 11am, 1.45. 4, 6.30 4 9.15 M-B J MH4 *4-f TtTTl M This is A TRUE STORY! NO o w o^° 6^w N s °^r In 1942 MacARTHUR ORDERED $16,000,000 OF Ko,^ 5 PESOS
        927 words
      • 503 1 GROOMING A SUCCESSOR LEADERSHIP BvW In a broader perspective, the next leadership must be able to provide a political ideology that is relevant to the problems and conditions of the eighties from the government bench, are all for the better, provided divergence of occurs along lines of rational disagreement. However,
        503 words
      • 917 1  -  GOH KIAN CHEE By HISTORIANS will record in their annals that Singapore emerged at a time of great turbulence and change, in an area seething with conflict. Perhaps they will write that the most notable feature of our story was that against very heavy odds,
        917 words
      • 68 1 A LOOK at Singapore's economy in the eighties-Page 2 LABOUR prepares for the next decade...Page 5 GOVT target of 8 to 10 per cent real growth...Page 6 THE options for Singapore in the eighties—Page 7 A CHANCE for the child to prove himself...Page 9 TAKING shape Singapore
        68 words
      • 3061 2  -  PANG ENG FONG and GREG SEO W By Director and Research Fellow respectively at the University of Singapore's Economic Research Centre THE year 1979 is likely to go down as a turning point in Singapore's economic history. It marks the beginning of
        3,061 words
      • 1311 5  -  TOH THIAN SER By THE high wage policy initiated by the National Wages Council this year is forcing trade union leaders and bosses alike to sit down and recalculate their sums. The government has made it plain that Singapore must upgrade the output and
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      • 858 6  -  SOH TIANG KENG By UNDAUNTED by the formidable challenges ahead, the government 10 per cent real growth for the Singapore economy in the next decade. This is an ambitious goal as the Republic will run smack into future problems like mounting protectionism,
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      • 590 7  -  LIAK TENG KIAT B SINGAPORE enters its 15th year of independence in a world vastly different from that extant in 1965. Old certainties, dogmas and relationships have broken down and they have yet to be replaced by new ones. The West is in
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      • 1163 8 Why S'pore has to keep all the options open MEETING OF ASI LEADS OF GOVERN KUALA LUMPUR 4-5 AUGUST. 187 FROM PAGE 7 out within the next decade, Japan may be expected to play a larger military role in the region in years to come, in cooperation with the US
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      • 1185 9  -  LULIN REUTENS By ISN'T it strange that a government which has pulled off some of the most incredible economic feats should be grabbling, and only recently has begun to solve, such an enormous education problem as ours? No, not really. Not, when
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      • 558 10 TAKING SHAPE OF 1980s PE S'PORE WHAT will Singapore be like in the 1980's? Judging from things on the drawing board and development projects that are being carried out, it will definitely be a more comfortable place to live in. There will be better roads and housing, more recreational facilities
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      • 868 12 Why moral education is vital FROM PAGE 9 level of capability. Hopefully, it won't be too late. One of the most heartening thing about the Team's approach in their study is their concern for the students. This is clearly seen in the report on the students' increasing workload. Although no
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      • 599 13 'Develop skills to match our rivals FROM PAGE S industrialisation, the economy has diversified from an entrepot-oriented model to a broader base covering manufacturing and services, including financial activities. In the years ahead, the government will give more emphasis to Singapore's development as a financial centre. This is a logical
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      • 308 14 1966 First year of independence. The late President Yusof bin Ishak reviewed the parade at the City Hall steps at 9 a.m. on Aug 9. A total of 23,000 Singaporeans took part in the parade which was the Ist anniversary celebration since separation from Malaysia. 1967 The
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      • 3 15
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      • 897 16 ...If the top tier of labour and management can put their shoulders together to the wheels of industrial progress, there is just the chance that those at the grass roots level will respond and work together for an improving industrial relations climate. FROM PAGE
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      • 496 17  -  GODFREY ROBERT By WITH urbanisation and industrialisation, S i n g aporeans have realised the increasing physical and mental demands on an individual in a. progressive world. This awareness has set a trend whereby Singaporeans are seeking avenues that will raise their general level of
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      • 411 18 Future of sport in Singapore is bright FROM PAGE 17 sation of their sports facilities has seen an increase in the number of participants. There were 400,000 participants in lawn tennis, 250,000 for squash, 240,000 for soccer and 40,000 for netball and 50,000 for golf. About 60 per cent of
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      • 677 19 Battle for acceptance by the chosen few FROM PAGE 1 State (Foreign Affairs), Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, Senior Minister of State (Education) and Mr Bernard Chen, Minister of State (Defence), they comprise the limited pool of younger politicians from which the successor leadership must come. Beyond this small group,
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 31 1 oiijcjtiporc 8 Mil) Afltioi|3l Ociv Wrc privileged to share wjtfc all Siijcjaporeaijs trje joy of tljis occasion. ■Bb Ml. k HUH raM jMI-J H^^^^Hi^u ■GBh I W f 'A W M
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 441 2 FLY TO HONGKONG VIA THE PHILIPPINES. AND DISCOVER THE W JjH laW MANTI A* MEANING OF HOLIDAY. ONLY ON PHILIPPINE AIRLINES. B4|^ "*C^BHB la ffl^ Koi a little more than an ordinary return ticket to Hongkong, we give you four glorious days in mKT*-,....j %B^l^a^a^r»^ fl^l^aV^a^feftfc Manila Throbbing with life
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 85 3 y[^^j^l^^Nl^yiS» c ourse^ ves w^ 1 c progressive build-up jUT^C j^^ A^^^^Vri tne na^ on an d s people, believing that good |^^^^^^|©|mJ^ J§Mirt~ VN^'^v^ health is the key to success in any sphere of life. their regular consumption of fermented milk. 4 4 9 This milk contains a special
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 115 4 mtf TO THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE ON ITS FOURTEENTH INDEPENDENCE CELEBRATIONS from FORWARD SHIPPING CO. (PTE) LTD. HUDSON CO. (PTE) LTD. SHENTON PTE. LTD. Suite 1501-1505, Shenton House, 15th Floor, Shenton Wcy, Singapore 0106 Tel: *****66 (7 lines) WISHES TO 4 SINGAPORE ON HER NATIONAL DAY total business company C.
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 25 5 The General Insurance Association of Singapore and The Life Insurance Association of Singapore Rejoice with the nation on this happy occasion of its National Day
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 78 6 Congratulations Best Wishes to Our Republic on the auspicious occasion of our 14th National Day KILIMANJARO TRADING CO. (PTE.) LTD. Shenton House, Room 2108, (21st Floor) 3 Shenton Way, Singapore 0106 Tel: *****84 (4 lines) Telex: RS ***** KILIMAN Cable Address: KILIMAN SUMITOMO CORPORATION SALUTES THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE ON
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 136 7 Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Government and People of Singapore on the occasion of the 14th ANNIVERSARY of the Republic from GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL SOVIET VESSELS SINGAPORE SOVIET SHIPPING CO. PRIVATE LTD. SINSOV BUILDING 55 MARKET STREET SINGAPORE 0104 Cable: SINSOV SINGAPORE T.I: *****3 (10 Lines) TELEX: RS
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      • 354 7 REPCO Singapore Our contribution to a dynamic nation ff^* For over 50 years, ihe name f^epco tvs nology melai manufacture i': TJJT been synonymous with high auji'ly including machining, he.i automotive pans Today ihisgiani andgnndmg. together with hoi and cold H Australian groups wide range ol[)i i- forging They are
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 275 8 Majulah Singapura BW iLIJj Aft M aft B^W^-v^ijl C.K.TANC LIMITED 310, ORCHARD RD, SPORE 0923. TEL: *****00 (5 LINES) CABLE: "TANGUNTIEN" SPORE. TELEX: R*****5. Congratulations Best Wishes to The People Government of The Republic of Singapore On Our National Day. DORMER* r§p ™> BW' 3 M^^> BWBW I II I
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 41 9 CONCrk2 AI U LAI lON© j^Hipiilij TO THE GOVERNMENT AND PEOPLE H Sx I M^W: :3^ > We at Union Carbide are happy to be celebrating Nil/ I—>^1 >^ CJ) ationa Uay with the people of Singapore Union L .arbidc Sin^cipoir Pri\atc Limited
        41 words
      • 231 9 Y .^1 M SINGER has a way r M I with zig-zag sewing I A practical, beautiful range of sewing machines. 262 I There's one to suit you. whatever your needs. ML Easy to handle, simple to operate, each Jf* sewing machine has been designed for com- plete ease and
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 842 10 Congratulations, Singapore! Here's to keeping the country moving! Parts Accessories I Vt CP K>~"\ l©l bwjuiboh^l Division «g^ IL VehlcleLlfts,Tro«eyJac*s. IVPPPBBHF' 1^ chohchill La|^iaMJ^rb^ 1 bJ| >> X. Wheel Balancing Equipment, Body vehicl .trial Starting. iUwVT K>V >«£- Repair EquipnwiL Wort^shop Cranes. Generating. Lighting and Ignition tW <S>K -J^VS. Wheel
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 553 11 PRMMET Saiutes The Hepubiic of&imqapove on Us I4tli XatiiHiul lhi;i jcick up uGimck 1 accommodation barge: SEP 250 •9i >■■ m :p i^wo^^^ 1 v lai iv II B^T^H HHfr~ bI Bb^ jl^ 81l B^BVyy' L. H 11 ad BJ H and hydraulic Jack X 1 I^J^l^JSb^ m .41 SEP
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 80 12 CONGRATULATIONS to The Government and The People of the Republic of Singapore on our 14th National Day from APPLIED POWER rjL INTERNATIONAL INC. Manufacturers of ENERPAC Hydraulic Tools BLACKH AWK Automotive test equipment Congratulations To the People Government of the Republic of Singapore on the occasion of the 14th National
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      • 78 12 Congratulations to the People Government of Singapore on their 14th NATIONAL DAY I Make a date with us. We assure you thai you'll feel refreshed after a good body massage and sauna bath. Also available facials, manicures and pedicures. Opens daily from 10.00 am 12.00 midnight. ORCHARD SAUNA ET MASSAGE
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      • 186 12 1 MAJITLAH I SINGAPURA 1 MITSUI CO., LTD. (Japan's most experienced trading organization) STEEL I MACHINERY FOODSTUFF TEXTILE CHEMICAL PAPER PETROLEUM *^^^f I LUMBER FERTIUZER *s^ TRAFFIC DEVELOPMENT CEMENT PNGAPORE BRANCH 26th Floor, Hong Leong Building, Raffles Quay, Singapore 01 04. fei) Tel: *****11 (15 lines) |3j U.S. INTERNATIONAL I
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    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 77 13 Congratulations Best Wishes to our Republic on the auspicious occasion of our 14th National Day ifWP^^ll*- Mm Qll Itff PHOTO DEPARTMENTAL CENTRE PTE. LTD. 121. Ist Floor Orchard Towers Singapore 0923 Tel: *****15(5 Lines) BUSINESS HOURS: 9am 8 30pm (Monday to Saturday) 10 a.m. 6 p.m. (Sunday Public Holidays) HEARTIEST
        77 words
      • 189 13 Congratulations Best Wishes to the Government People of Singapore on the occasion of their 14th National Day jfj^^jb Reliability JjQ and laHH^j Performance jJUI Rollei's unending mk J^*^ demand for quality brings out the best in photoJ^ graphic equipment. Performance and reliability that are accepted worldwide. M P^httH j^^^ From
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    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 17 14 C BUI It's Singapore's Pakistan International Airlines joins all Singaporeans in celebration Great people to fly with
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      • 52 14 Best Wishes the people of the Republic of Singapore on their Mth National Day. J^^r Just prepare your main ingredients, Ns ?*s^^t% 1 \**^>^^ add Cook-Do and it's easy to make .T*"* W^T typical Chinese gourmet dishes! '^•^y'^ AJI-SHIO iIWMPOTD, AJINOMOTO (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. 10/10A, Jalan Lokam, Singapore 1953, Tel:
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    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 60 15 il4l 111 B^ *i*' I M^^i^^te 35 S5 i JHHH^f to anotfeep I Af 1 DPOOPftd^ On this auspicious day. m~* we rejoice with the People and Government of Singapore k. in celebrating the Republic's 14th National Day. > v JH^G The Association of Banks in Singapore c o Overseas-Chinese
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 480 16 Inl til?' HHI MA J fl^^The uniqueness of Abloy XT fc^^i^^^M Jz Function is based on rotating detainer discs. mr± No springs: thus we eliminate all lyxJ wear J^ Ti I Insensitive to moisture, frost, ~> A >~»«* impurities. I Too difficult to be picked. «^i« Unique master-keying possibilities: Trie
        480 words
      • 89 16 World-wide network of morubeni Leading Japanese International Trading Organisation with Global Coverage /oe/t Wi/he/% /IfIGfIPORE U on her U notional Day <$> Marubeni CORPOPfITIOn 28th 29th Floors, Hong Leong Bldg., 16, Raffles Quay, Singapore 0104 Te1.*****11. Telex, RS *****. We close on 9th August, Isetan Orchard Business as usual our
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    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 156 17 Congratulations to The Government People of the Republic of Singapore onou, 14th NATIONAL DAY GGENERftL COLOUR TV gives the best possible colour viewing at all times im B|,^ I Km Mw^M^**^ mutt Ifc^ MM I i <4H ijo I I IMr with Sensor Touch A mmmmmmmmmmmmm^ m m mm A^LA
        156 words
      • 42 17 Congratulations and Best Wishes to the People Government of the REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE on the occasion of their National Day SIBASCO ICCTA Rm. 604, 6th Floor, Robina House, 1, Shenton Way, Singapore, 1. Cable Address: PT SIBASCO Tel: *****35 Telex RS *****
        42 words
      • 89 17 ICONGRA TULA TIONS BEST WISHES S TO THE GOVERNMENT PEOPLE OF SINGAPORE 1 ON THEIR 14TH NA TIONAL DAY i FROM 5S* I 3IAIUSSVO 1 1 (VTE) LIMITED I cp sJalanTepong,Jurong Town, Singapore 2261 Te1 =*****1/*****09 Telex: RS ***** MARISCO Cable MARISCO SINGAPORE J0 &(jr /a '3 Jk\ J&~ *i-
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    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 466 18 MAJULAH SINGAPURA From (C*) yHI/EIDO Singapore Ca(Pte]Ud COpfTOUCH f S |L^ Shiseido's answer to cool beauty during the hot H Hi v sultry months vj A shade and a type for every complexion V^Lm^hT Designed to suit your skin, you can forget concern jG^^/ \i!*^ about fading makeup, Shiseido cares.
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    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 440 19 Congratulations and Best Wishes to Singapore on our 14th National Day cfoa,wat/&cncu Italian Restaurants k£Ap| B^ B BB t^HL »Ki i fj krl B^^B\ 'V mmm^L\ ■J^ 1 A Every dollar spent at La Taverna Business Hours: is worth it' The only Restaurants Daily Noon —3pm _i with traditional Italian
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      • 80 19 MANPOWER' Suite 231 1-2313. 23rd floor. Shaw Centre Scotts Road. Singapore 0922 Telephone: *****88 Qfbdutes Q&intfopore on the occasion ofher tyth dHational WL Walk tall, Singaporeans! wl A lot of people X would like to be WL in your shoes! Jldta-ior shoe news Congratulations Best Wishes to the People Government
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    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 27 20 Congratulates I I hn^lS r^^^j 9p^S Ifc? Published by The Straits Times Press 1975) Ltd. and Printed by Tlme^ Publishing Bhd., 390 Kirn Seng Road, Singapore 09^
        27 words