The Straits Times, 2 August 1979

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, lMt 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 142/1/79
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  • 833 1  -  SEAH CHIANG NEE Tough line over Zimbabwe By btraits Times Foreign Editor LUSAKA, Wednesday AMID CHORAL SINGING, with troops armed with machineguns on guard outside, the Commonwealth Summit opened today and the keynote speech by President Kenneth Kaunda spelt out the tough line to be expected
    833 words
  • 87 1 NEW DELHI, Wed. Former Indian Premier Indira Gandhi will appear in a special court here tomorrow on a charge of illegally acquiring vehicles for use in the 1977 general elections. Her lawyers said today she would appear briefly in response to the court summons and make an application
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 22 1 $292 m up TOKYO, Wed. Japan's external reserves rote by US$l36 million C3J292 million) last month to reach US$25 11 billion. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 60 1 BANGKOK, Wed. Two Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) guerillas were killed In a clash with a Thai-Malaysian patrol unit in southern Thailand last Monday, delayed reports revealed today. Two carbines and 120 rounds of cartridges were seized from the dead guerillas after the 30-minute clash in Yala
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  • 55 1 GRONINGEN (The Netherlands), Wed. Luck did not smile here today on a thief who tried to cash a cheque from a stolen chequebook in a local bank. The teller to whom he presented the cheque was its owner. The bank's automatic security doors were closed on the thief
    AFP  -  55 words
  • 42 1 The PSA fire-fighting tog, Tegap, dousing the flames on the Seiko Mara yesterday. Picture by FRANCIS ONG. CAPT BASIRON •he loved the sea and died at tea" MR WONG the second engineer, a sailor for 30 years
    FRANCIS ONG  -  42 words
  • 45 1 NEW YORK, Wed. The weekly news magazine Time will go on sale at newsstands in China this week, the company said yesterday. It said it expected sales to increase beyond the initial distribution of 1,500 copies in Beijing, Guangdong and Shanghai. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 155 1 KUWAIT, Wed. Leaders of the Persian Gulf states will attend a summit conference soon to discuss security in the Straits of Hormuz, the newspaper Al Watan, reported today. The narrow straits at the entrance to the Gulf is used daily by scores of tankers carrying a
    AP  -  155 words
  • 531 1  -  N. G. KUTTY and J. D. INDRAN By TWO men were killed and five others severely burnt when an explosion and fire rocked a banker tanker, Seiko Man, berthed alongside the Ebb* Refinery at Pulan Ayer Chawan yesterday morning. The dead
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  • 26 1 LONDON. Wed. Britain's highest circulation newspaper. The Sun, (ailed to come out today due to a dispute between the management and a print union. AFP.
    AFP  -  26 words
  • 43 1 ALEXANDRIA, Wed. Egypt, Israel and the United States ended three days of talks here today on Palestinian seH-rule, but still disagreed on what form of autonomy Palestinians living on the West Bank of Jordan and the Gaza strip should enjoy. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 543 1 WORKER'S PARTY secretary-general J. B. Jeyaretnam was being malicious when he made a reference at an election rally in 1976 to Tat Lee Bank that imputed corruption and nepotism on the Prime Minister's part. This was one of the major points made by
    543 words
  • 99 1 EIGHT precedents in the Commonwealth which he discovered in the course of research showed the average amount in damages awarded for such cases to be well below $130,000 averaging, in fact, at $36,000. Mr Hilboume's concluding words, as he wound up his submission were that, as he said
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  • 79 1 LATEST Nazi doctor loses citizenship LOS ANGELES, Wed. Dr Joseph Mengele, accused «f performing experiments an 4M.M4 prisoners at the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp, has lest his Paraguayan citizenship, a spokeswoman for the Simon Wlesenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies said today. Mr Wlesenthal known as the "Nazi hunter," has been
    AP  -  79 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 133 1 Maruman I ft iSr£/X'W/# lites I 111 The Sensational Golf Clubs 11 LIGHTEST but STRONGEST^ y^^^^^^-aeel ShaftsJ •0U«0B«T:^ M? 7 FABtAST SHOPPING CENTRE 545 OBCHARORO SPO«£O9?3 TEL 73KH36 W939 TELEX RS2MM CABIE PARGOLF fWOOTGOLF WITH Maruman 1^ r '"'sal CH! JO (M Watte MM) rjiAutotwciciiiiwosMno tj*J_lf^ I t MUWiim il'iiiCotw
      133 words
    • 228 1 AUTHOR OF SINGAPORE ARTICLE QUITS NANTAH -Page 8 WHY CHINESE varsities are backward 2 JAPAN cracks down on fuel hoarders S THAILAND curbs special powers of police 4 SPAIN hit by bomb fever after terror blasts S NEW JOBS for six from Education S EDUCATION Ministry buys minicomputer 7 HUNT
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    • 15 1 Obtainable At All Dealers Sol* Agents: WO KEE HONG (M) PTE. LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 333 2 Lack of teachers, poor equipment HONGKONG, Wednesday vjmiiii3B[, In this Soviet W seciety ef scientific socialism, there are seme people who believe In communism bat net in Ged. There are ethers who believe la Ged bat set in communism. Bat all ef them seem to
      AP  -  333 words
    • 74 2 LERWICK (Shetland Islands), Wed. A Danair charter plane ferrying North Sea oil workers ran off the end of the runaway on takeoff yesterday and police said 17 persons died in its nose-first plunge into 23 m of seawater The remaining 30 persons survived, only one reported
      UPI  -  74 words
    • 164 2 BEIJING, Wed. Capitalist-type advertising today broke Into the columns of the Chinese Communist Party newspaper with an announcement from the Philippine national airline marking its first flight between Manila and Beijing. Until now the People's Daily had only carried strictly official announcements of forthcoming theatre
      AFP  -  164 words
    • 98 2 JUST what mv preaMert Ogatfag ktekkr re-Hec-U»n Mieds a warm, rr•passive and •verwhelmlag erewd. And relishing every m*me*t «f It la US PreaMeat Jimmy Carter aa he climb* »Up the raaf of bis HflftMsfaM to shake the band* reaching aai far him. The PreaMeat came aat
      AP  -  98 words
    • 188 2 HONGKONG, Wed TENSION increased along the Sino-Viet-namese border today when Beijing and Hanoi accused each other of armed provocations at their common frontier. Vietnam accused Chinese forces of firing hundreds of artillery shells, mortars and rockets into Vietnam at the weekend and then sending an infantry company
      AP; AFP  -  188 words
    • 276 2 Charan govt shaken by Indira shift NEW DELHI, Wednesday PREMIER Charan Singh's five-day-old Indian government looked endangered today as former Premier Indira Gandhi appeared to veer support towards the opposition Janata Party. Opposition leader Jagjivan Ram admitted to reporters yesterday that he had held talks with Mr CM. Stephen, leader
      Reuter  -  276 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 307 2 SONY Do You Know... VHS uses Sony s M-loading system that Sony discarded years ago HVQSB wBItTM Bf /ISI Wi il La^Bß^HLa^ar aH Lav b^H ■Va^^La^BißH T afl Bam La^LKa^Lafl Lav ■KJII |[:Vl m aHaV^SaB $I &M WM WmmSm BSMH H II Lm^^al r^^^^^^hß^B^BW^^^al Lar*3 I Ihl b^^^^^j LbRJ LamV
      307 words

    • 179 3 ROME, Wed. Socialist leader Bettino Craxi's failure to form the first non-Christian Democrat government in postwar Italy was partly caused by pressure from Germany. According to reliable press reports, Mr Benigno Zaccagnini, leader of the Christian Democratic Party, promised the German CDU leaders when he was
      179 words
    • 76 3 His teeth came in handy HIS scanty belongings secured between Us teeth, this Vietnamese refuge* clambers aboard the US Seventh Fleet supply ship White Plains on Monday after he and 28 other "beat people" were rescued from a leaky boat in the South China Sea. The US ship later arrived
      AP  -  76 words
    • 226 3 Japan cracks down on fuel hoarders Massive search on for 'big guys' TOKYO, Wednesday ABOUT 500 specially trained government agents, some using helicopters, today launched a massive search to crack down on syndicates illegaly hoarding oil, petrol and kerosene in energy-starved Japan. A government spokesman said the search was geared
      AP; AFP  -  226 words
      • 63 3 WASHINGTON: The House of Representatives banded President Jimmy Carter a critical energy victory on Tuesday, voting 234-189 to give him a tree hand In devising a standby US petrol rationing plan. The vote reversed last Wednesay's approval of a Republican-sponsored amendment which would have given
        AP  -  63 words
      • 79 3 MANILA: The Philippine Government has increased prices of petroleum products by a maxium of 35.3 per cent. Mr Ponciano Mathay, Board of Energy chairman, said the Increase was dictated by "the scarcity of crude oil supplies, locally and internationally" and the "escalation" of world oil price*. Premium
        UPI  -  79 words
      • 136 3 Chrysler crisis worries US Govt WASHINGTON, Wed. Chrysler Cars today announced record losses and the US Government said it would speed up a decision on the company's plea for cash aid to save jobs. The Carter administration is so worried about the effect that Chrysler's problems could have on the
        Reuter  -  136 words
      • 31 3 RAWALPINDI, Wed. A head-on collision between a bullock wagon and a pustnr bus left 10 people dead and others Injured near the town of Sialkot yesterday, police reported. UPI.
        UPI  -  31 words
      • 82 3 MIAMI, Wed. Theodore Bundy was sentenced to death in Florida's electric chair yesterday (or the 1978 strangling of two Florida State University sorority sisters and the vicious beating of three other co-eds. Judge Edward Cowart followed the recommendation of the Jury in invoking the death sentence
        UPI  -  82 words
      • 62 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. The Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday approved the nomination of Mr Betijamin ClvlletU as Attorney -General to replace Mr Griffin Bel), who resigned during President Carter's cabinet purge. The committee sent Mr Clvlletti's nomination to the Senate floor on a 124 vote. The Senate is expected to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 192 3 YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY A YASHICA WITH F1.9/50MM LENS AT THE INCREDIBLY LOW PRICE OF \^M Singapore ONLY Our fantastic offer comes to an end on National Day, August 9. This means you've only a few days left. Don't miss out on this rare opportunity to own a Contax-inspired,
      192 words
    • 608 3 n^^^Orchard Road rjr*^' b^^^^most bustling shopping tourist J commercial/office centre I J and office spaces for Sale or Lease Situated at j^m^^ Orchard Road/Koek Road --#*-v M^r^^k\ (next to the CoW Storage), J^ M the core of most promising I **!?3& tourist, entertainment than 20 international hotels. t*. -^w "4V
      608 words

    • 356 4 Thailand curbs special powers of police Move to ease martial law control BANGKOK, Wednesday THE Thai Parliament today eased martial law control over the country by revoking the powers of police to arrest and detain without trial people considered "dangerous to society." The vote by a Joint session repealed a
      Reuter; UPI  -  356 words
    • 185 4 JAL fares to go up from Sept 1 TOKYO, Wed. Japan Air Lines (JAL) today said it will raise fares by up to 13 per cent on international routes from Sept 1 because of higher fuel costs. The increases, subject to government approval, follow an International Air Transport Association (lata)
      Reuter; AFP  -  185 words
    • 69 4 MOSCOW, Wed. Negotiations between China and the Soviet Union on normalising relations will definitely begin in mid-September despite a recent frontier incident, <"*hi|ifq» and Soviet sources said yesterday. The sources said both sides were determined to press ahead with the talks as proposed by Peking in April
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 29 4 UNITED NATIONS, Wed. UN Secretary-General Kort Waldheim will visit Havana to attend the non-aliened summit conference from Sept 3 to 7, his spokesman said here yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  29 words
    • 89 4 TEHERAN, Wed. Controversial religious leader Ayatollah Sadeq Khalikali said today a Red Army similar to the Japanese terrorist organisation has been formed to assasinate the deposed Shah of Iran, close members of his family and his former aides. Ayatollah Khalikali, who at one time sat on Teherans
      AP  -  89 words
    • 57 4 THATCHER ALL SET FOR TALKS British Prime Minister Mrs Margaret Thatcher proceeding to a car after her arrival in Lnsaka yesterday for the Commonwealth Heads of State conference. She arrived amidst charges from Zambia n President Kenneth Kaunda that she has formed and set her opinions on the Zl mhabwe-Rhode-sian
      UPI  -  57 words
    • 309 4 T AIPEH, Wad. "SUPER" typhoon Hope slammed into Taiwan today, killing one person and paralysing the entire island after grounding two ships and killing two people in the Philippines. The Taiwan weather bureau said "the worst is yet to come"
      UPI  -  309 words
    • 108 4 JAKARTA, Wed. Certain ladtanaUa baslifainim had beea imgertlag hf» aalerw la .K.D. (completely knocked dews) coadfUon to avoW the high impart daty, the Jakarta newspaper Slnar tiara pan reported today. The paper qaoted Director of CasUms and Excise Brig Gea Tahir as saying that they wanted
      AFP  -  108 words
    • 184 4 LONDON, Wed BRITAIN plans to develop a new generation of hunter killer submarines powered by conventional engines because nuclear power would be too expensive, reliable sources said here today. The new vessels, codenamed type 2400, should have an exceptionally high performance and
      AFP  -  184 words
    • 176 4 Secret society chief named Namibia's head PRETORIA, Wednesday PROFESSOR Gerrit Viljoen, head of the Broederbond the Afrikaner secret society was today appointed South Africa's new administrator-general in South-West Africa (Namibia). Prime Minister Pieter Botha's surprise announcement said the present chief representative of the territory. Judge Martinus Steyn, had asked to
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 143 4 FROM RUSSIA WITH SPITE MOSCOW, Wed. An official Soviet newspaper said today the new James Bond film "Moonraker" proves again that Agent 007 is a pillar of Western culture whose adventures answer the dictates of bourgeois ideologists. LJteraturnaya Gazeta, organ of the State Writers' Union, delivered its verdict in a
      143 words
    • 200 4 Sharp fall in British business confidence survey LONDON, Wed. British business confidence has fallen sharply according to a survey yesterday which predicts a bleak outlook for ■ndustry here over the next few months. The survey, by the country's main employers' organisation, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), will come as
      Reuter  -  200 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 53 4 AMCO BULL DENIMS A E2n^L^ni They don't come any tougher. Now available in Boot Cut, Straight-Leg and Flares.^ ""iir^lC© and120z(340.19g) /V |HP* Sofa Agent for South East Asia: J agger Pte Ltd 806 Tan Boon Liat Building. Outram Road, Singapore o3l 6. Tel: *****66. New Jeans. #3-Pc Mixing Bowl Set
      53 words
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    • 261 5 MARIA de Lourdes Pintasilgo took office today as Portugal's first woman Prime Minister, but her government will only be limited to 100 days. The reason is that the 49-year-old former diplomat and chemical engineer will be in office to prepare for the
      Reuter  -  261 words
    • 255 5 Worst air disaster due to verbal slip-up THE HAGUE, Wed. A Dutch inquiry said yesterday that a misunderstanding between a pilot and an air traffic controller caused the world's worst air disaster in which US and Dutch jumbo jets collided, killing 583 people. The National Civil Aviation Court said the
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 23 5 KAMPALA, Wed. About 4.000 Ugandan citizens living in Kenya have been arrested and repatriated, Uganda prison and border officials gpid AP.
      AP  -  23 words
    • 74 5 A UNITED Nations Command official (foreground) In the Korean trace village of Panmunjon checking an underwater delivery vehicle seised from a North Korean spyboat which was sunk in a gunbattle with South Korea navy ships a fortnight ago. Parts of the destroyed spyboat were brought
      UPI  -  74 words
    • 55 5 NEW YORK, Wed. Two companions of Carmine Galante who disappeared minutes after the Mafia overlord was shot to death in a Brooklyn restaurant surrendered to authorities yesterday. The men, Caesar Bonventre, 28, and Baldo Amato, 27, were accompanied by their lawyer. Both men were believed to have
      UPI  -  55 words
    • 278 5 MADRID, Wednesday SPAIN was today hit by "bomb fever" following the weekend's terrorist attacks which killed five people and wounded 96. Because of false alarms, police evacuated Madrid and Barcelona airports several times during the past 24 hours ana interrupted subway and
      AP; AFP  -  278 words
    • 123 5 New laws to stop news Slow to West BERLIN, Wed. East Germaav tightened Its laws today with amendments plugging Information loopholes to the West. The Volkskammer parliament In June rubber-stamped 48 ameadeats that will go late effect on Asg 1. Along with measure* to stop Intellectuals from sending ha— ed
      UPI  -  123 words
    • 43 5 WASHINGTON, Wed. The Pentagon proposed yesterday the sale of four E-2C early warning planes to Japan for US$l733 million (SJ36T2 million). The Pentagon told Congress, the E-2C Hawkeye S lanes are needed to improve apanese air defence against low-altitude attack. AP
      AP  -  43 words
    • 50 5 PROVO (Utah), Wed. Singing star Donny Osmond became a father yesterday when his wife, Debra, 20, gave birth to a boy at the Utah Valley Hospital here. Donny, 21, married Debra Glenn on May 8, 1978 in the Salt Lake Temple of the Mormon Church. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 257 5 WORLD BRIEFS A LITHUANIAN who was executed for his part in the death of 46,000 people in World War II told a court in Moscow on Tuesday a chilling story of the deaths of thousands of people in open graves outside Minsk. In an account of the recent trial in
      AP  -  257 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 119 5 Experience J§\ Mm *'^j£d'B RELC LANGUAGE TEACHING (Subsidiary of RELC) offers courses in ADMINISTRATION I II These courses are specially designed for those who are in responsible and senior positionsExecutives, Supervisors and Managers who have a professional I need to communicate effectively in English. The next term will commence
      119 words
    • 243 5 AUGUST 6TH ISSUE RUSSIA'S OWN OUAOMMC: Whan Afghanistan's PmxMnt Now Mohammad Taraki aattad sowar llttaan months ago with Russian backing. II appaaraO mat Moscow had acorart a Inumph that would tnraatan tna stability ol naighbonng nations in a critical part ol the work) Instaad. reports this weak s Nawswaak
      243 words

  • 265 6 First folklore contest in 4 languages THE Times Organisation and the People's Association are holding the firstever national folklore writing competition in the four official languages. The Our Folklore National Writing Contest aims to promote Singapore's folklore heritage and disseminate such cultural values through local creative writing. Speaking at the
    265 words
  • 165 6 THIS hi a btH's eye view sf Paiaa Aier Merbaa, •talh af Jirau. whan the nliml ft MB** petrsrhisßlßSl easasJei will he hsdlt The campies will comprise eae mala apsliw eacapaay JaiaUy s»e»ated by ike gevermmeat aad flsiltisis CThmlbsl graaa aad five downstream Tie apstreain
    165 words
  • 308 6 By THOMAS WEE THE transfer of three divisional directors and three deputy directors out of the Education Ministry in its recent reorganisation took effect from yesterday. One has been transferred to the Institute of Education, one to the Finance Ministry and the third to
    308 words
  • 70 6 A LABOURER who was carrying a stolen bicycle because it was locked, abandoned it and ran off when be was seen by four police officers. But Poh Kens Huat. 24, was caught. Yesterday, be pleaded guilty in a magistrate s court and was flnedfeoo in
    70 words
  • 43 6 THE City Chapter of the Singapore Jaycees will organise a pre- membership orieouilon meeting at the Cockpit Hotel on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. The meeting Is to Inform prospective members about the various activities, project! and benefits ot Jaycees Organisation.
    43 words
  • 58 6 THE sewerage department is constructing sewerage facilities woth no million to serve the newChangi airport. When completed early next year, the 13.3 km system will be able to collect up to 17,300 cv. m of sewerage and waste water a day for treatment at the department's
    58 words
  • 33 6 MINISTER for Communications and Acting Minister for Culture Mr Ong Teng Cbeong wU be guest of honour at the Ton Tuck Secondary School Speech Day celebrations on Sunday at 4 p.m.
    33 words
  • 258 6  - Silo and PIEU function to mark N-Day PAUL JANBEN By Our Jufong Rtpofttf THE Pioneer Industrie? Employees' Union and tho Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation wi'.l hold a national day Observance Ceremony at their members' work premises on Aug 10 to commemorate the Republic's National Day. A simple but solemn function,
    258 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 499 6 AbBBBBbJ BBBBBBBBBBBBb! BBbT "^BBBbI l SBBBatri»aHHr!WBBBBBB^^\— 4*V JBBBBBbW BBBBB> OaL^^^^^^^/ JL I-sPlrvV V-aa-^VV %k-a--->^^->W Via-i XX S /A UObBBBBBBBBBbISbbU SUSBBISiBaCISBBBBBB^aBBaIiiaBML^aBUAkS I m^^BßV^^W V jHoKN ON SUNOAYsB__X. bbT^ J bb^X i I F aPAmaNG I H^Lt^ Ta^bbbl I f^^^rr^""""?^"-'""""^ ■bBBBbBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^^^A Creed-DC) pOlyeSter tie^^^HK&SJJ^^^jHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^ ttflflik A...fl Ife John Little JuNKr* UP
      499 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 207 6 CHINESE ART AND T1 at the vacant site next HANDICRAFT EXHIBI- to Queensway Circus, beTION at the World Trade tween QueensCentre from 10.30 a.m. to way and Commonwealth 10 p.m. Admission to see Avenue, from 6 p.m. On jade suits: Adults ($5) till Aug 12. and children under 12 TALK
      207 words

  • 193 7 THE Education Ministry has purchased a mini-computer and plans to feed into it three data banks one for pupils, one for teachers and one for schools. For a start, it will concentrate on the pupil data bank. Computerisation will begin this month together with the registration
    193 words
  • 393 7 3 schemes to upgrade teachers' expertise THE Education Ministry, in line with its efforts to upgrade the professional expertL* of serving teachers, has planned special classes to prepare teachers for the GCE "A" level examination and the university entrance examination. These classes fall under ■^hh^^^^m three different schemes two for
    393 words
  • 79 7 To be eligible for this course, applicants must have good "O"level passes in five subjects, which should include English and mathematics. Successful applicants will have to attend classes five days a week, three hours each day. They will be prepared for the entrance examination to be held either
    79 words
  • 109 7 The good grounds for tourism THE Asian region, particularly the Indian and Taiwanese markets, have been singled out as a potential growth area for Sin jappore's tourist industry. In an interview with RTS yesterday, the newlyappointed regional director (Asia) of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, Mr Chui Seng Wah said
    109 words
  • 50 7 THE Science Centre in Jurong will screen a documentary film A Sense oi Place at its lecture hall on Aug 12 at 3 p.m. Admission rates are $1 for adults and SO cents for children under 16. Special rates are given to groups of 30 persons.
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  • 19 7 SIGLAP communti> centre will hold a children's storytelling contest at its premises tomorrow night at 7.30 p.m.
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  • 67 7 The computerisation of teachers' data bank may also begin early next year. Computerisation of schools data bank will probably be carried out only after the above have been completed. This exercise is the first major job of the new $600,000 computer, bought only last month. It is also
    67 words
  • 123 7 Two fined for having fake pens for sale TWO men were died a UUI of %ijm by district court yesterday when they admitted nowifunltii of 3M routerfelt Parker peas far sale. Wong Yong Senc, M, manager of Pack Lee Store In which SBl peas were seised, was fined $1,5»», la
    123 words
  • 94 7 3 MORE TONG NAM VICTIMS FOUND THE bodies of three more seamen from the Singapore freighter Tong Nam, which sank off South Africa last Wednesday, have been recovered. They are: Singaporean chief steward, Mr Kug Hang Kee Heok, Indonesian steward Mr Zubaidy Arief and Malaysian fifth engineer, Mr Lin Ah
    94 words
  • 240 7  -  JANIE KHOO By SINGAPORE may make a bid to host the annual Pacific Area Travel Association (Pata) convention in 1985 instead of 1983. This possibility was voiced by the president of the Pata board of directors, Mr Akira Kato, at the conclusion
    240 words
  • 76 7 Mr Kato said the board did not decide on an alternative site, but would pick on a site at its San Francisco meeting on Nov 19. In the meantime, its site committee will continue studies on the other options. He also said the board had approved the setting up
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  • 123 7 TWELVE Public Utilities Board engineers and technical officers are now undergoing training with the police in investigation and prosecution procedures. After completing their six-month couse, the officers will investigate and prosecute minor PUB offences, which used to be handled by the PUB's legal offices.
    123 words
  • 54 7 THE total number of blood donations received last week was 831 units while tho number of blood transfusions given was 854 units. Group donations came from the Singapore Sports Council. Kranji Depot, Mowbray Camp, Portsdown Camp, Seletar Airbaso, Bedok Camp, Olivetti House and the Singapore Association
    54 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 22 7 Good Food Surroundings^ Snack Coufter'^^ sarvwtgawide A chace ot mea»-size S3ndwches |riAr<LPH&i\iy| Lower Ground Floor Orchard/Somerset Roads. H Spore o923 Tel *****668
      22 words
    • 260 7 Mack the night. Star light, strobe light Look like crotch supports normally great tonight In Mack. ■■■■■■■IHHBHHHHHI found in more The slack. HA JV V^ expensive Dents. International H^^B^H^^ B^L Mack the night, styling. Fine fabrics. AwA w wKTmß^^rmk^M And the night's And attention to detail oMb^b^bBbHHHHHHHHUH yours. m JwM
      260 words

  • 142 8 Loaded tanker aground off S'pore MARITIME authorities and salvage firms here and in Indonesia are now on the alert following the grounding of a Norwegian supertanker, the James Stove, in Indonesian waters yesterThe 141,754-tonne tanker is precariously aground on rocks and coral in the Philip Channel, 10km from Raffles Lighthouse,
    142 words
  • 51 8 Joint energy course THE Singapore Polytechnic and the Pubfic Utilities Board will bold a Joint course on energy conservation in hotels, hospitals and supermarkets at the Polytechnic campus in Dover Road, every Tuesday and Thursday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., starting Sept U. Closing date for appUcattona is Aug
    51 words
  • 420 8  -  LEONG WENQ X AM By A NANYANG University lecturer, admitting that he is the author of the Taiwanese newspaper article highly damaging to Singapore's reputation, yesterday told the Straits Tunes that he has resigned from his Job. Mr Hsieh Yun Fei, 47,
    420 words
  • 108 8 Ex-salesman jailed for CBT A DISTRICT court yesterday Jailed a former salesman for four months for pocketing $2,400 which he had received from a customer for the purchase of a motorcycle. Tan Yian Soo, 31, since dismissed from Messrs Tan Chong A Sons Motor Co (S) Pte Ltd, pleaded guilty
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  • 18 8 ZEHNDER Road community centre will screen a film show at Itapremiaes tomorrow night at 7.30 p.m.
    18 words
  • 225 8  - Scientific terms no obstacle For these writers ALICE WONG By A LACK af kaawtoage af sfJeaMi aeed net hamper tir's Ililr lir wrtdag science flcttea- This was amply prayed by the twe top wtnnir* af flw meat aekaec fieOaa abert story Armed with eaty their Imaglnatton aad detennlaattoa to flave
    225 words
  • 205 8 THE writing of science fiction is a literary field into which local writers can break, not only in South-east Asia but also worldwide, suggested the Minister of State (Education), Dr Tony Tan, at a prize presentation ceremony yesterday. Before presenting prizes to winners
    205 words
  • 58 8 A MACHINE operator of Hitachi Cable (S) Pte Ltd In Lokyaag Way was Jailed a day aad fined C.MO by a diitrict court yesterday when he admitted stealing $800 worth o( copper wire (rom the company. •fthamed All Bin Mohamed, 18, stole eight carton* of wire*
    58 words
  • 38 8 THE chairman of the Singapore Sports Council, Or Tan Eng Liang, will attend the Zone 1 Road Run Iflt, held by the Taa)ong Pagar conetitutency at the Tanjong Pagar community centre on Sunday at 7.30 a.m.
    38 words
  • 18 8 THE Kirn Kc«t community centre will bold a wak-a-tok at Its centre on Sunday at I a.m.
    18 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 563 8 •V* *j*B s^gM I ssaaaaaT Lea white pnnted T-Shirts Lss Osntm Jssm Men's Long Short tkl I aVaaa I I UPs79o«tcoo (Oddments) Sleeves Cotton Deeert I IB I W" Boot-cut, Straight-leg Shirts UP $24.90 \IHLM s;«°s» N °-< 9 LARI RAYA4* JL**# n %22*jH aaCraaaMaaaW Friendly worid ol people and
      563 words
    • 6 8 tHF W naaaaal BaaaaV\jT^T^ > **V aai
      6 words

  • 212 9 BABY BORN, ON ITALIAN SHIP DIES HOURS LATER A VIETNAMESE boy, who was born on board the Italian navy ship Andrea Doria yesterday, died a few hours later despite efforts by doctors to save him. The boy was among 907 Vietnamese refugees who arrived here yesterday on board the three
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  • 41 9 YMCA photo course THE YMCA will conduct a six-week intensive course on practical colour photography on Tuesdays and Fridays from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., beginning tomorrow. Further information can be obtained from its office in Orchard Road at tel. *****8.
    41 words
  • 29 9 THE Ghim Moh community centre will hold free legal counselling for women at Its premises in Block 21, Ghim Moh Road, on Aug 15 at 8 p.m.
    29 words
  • 63 9 Warning on Hari Ray a cards THE M«fO af the Masllm BeUgteu CmmU, Mr Syt4 lift Sennit, ywtorfey Mtviwd Muslims to be atrctal wbea bayuu Hart Bay* greeting ear*. He was referttag to as* nek cart (»k»ve) wtth a cr«M ■■nnflniß— (4 m a ftowcr. He beue yea It
    63 words
  • 644 9  -  MAUREEN CHUA By AN announcement was made in a newspaper in India a day before 12 men left their village for Madras to begin their trip to Bahrain in search of "hidden treasure," a district court was told yesterday. A cutting of the
    644 words
  • 228 9 EDB sets up new unit to help manufacturers THE Economic Development Board has set up a local industries department to help manufacturers improve, upgrade and restructure their operations to meet changing market conditions. It will give technical and financial assistance to those who are keen to respond to the changes.
    228 words
  • 208 9 THE Public Works Department will soon engage term contractors to carry out demolition debris clearance on sites required for PWD projects. This decision was taken recently after a threemonth study into methods of speeding up clearance of fire-hazardous rubble left behind in vacated squatter
    208 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 157 9 ll)c O*l)cf cnn«co cucri) at rl|c r 'Ti r T~lT.^ j"' jj i~S~ J TONiGHj ot ■v b ,'J I iTpi 111 1 In the best European tradition of old, our Chef will ceremoniously carve a succulent roast, done to a turn, on the one and only roast spit in
      157 words
    • 319 9 PARKLANE SHOPPING MALL A World of Shopping Pleasure i mfef^Ltt* Parklane is located in Selegie Road, just off Orchard Road. The BkT'S .yaH Wktio^ massive urban redevelopment planned for the surrounding areas f J will greatly enhance the value of Parklane. ■&s. B II **frjMJ Tne design and quality of
      319 words

  • 189 10 ALL complaints against the Civil Service are now being studied by heads of department to see if these arise from cumbersome rules and procedures. A committee will also be set up to cut red tape in the bureaucracy and minimise inconvenience to the public
    189 words
  • 212 10 TWO men were yesterday charged in a district court with housebreaking and armed robber" involving $72,084.65 and US$6l. Tjioe Heng Hwa, 26 and Chow Chan Wah, 31, were jointly charged with housebreaking and theft of 658 vehicle pistons valued at $49,106 belonging to Mr Ong
    212 words
  • 323 10 GermanSpore vocational institute will cost $10 million THE German-Singapore Institute to be set np la Jnrong to train young Singaporean* In various Industrial skills, will cost $11.5 million. The Institute Is the "fruit" of a two-day official visit here last October by West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. Chancellor Schmidt had,
    323 words
  • 192 10 HOW MANY REJECTED SINCE 1977? THE MP for Khe Bong, Mr Ho See Beng, wants to know how many applications for change of use of premises into association offices have been rejected by the Building Control Division (BCD) in 1977, 1978, and the first seven months of this year. He
    192 words
  • 446 10 Best CC acts promptly on all grouses THERE are many complaints at the Geylang West community centre. But it is this that has won it the title Best Community Centre of the Year, according to the Citizen, fortnightly publication of the People's Association. For the centre encourages constituents in the
    446 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 819 10 Nowyoucanbe 1«7 a decision maker. All you have to do is make the first l^^r^^ decision. ..start a Home Study programme Bf jM with Collier Macmillan Schools. If you want to be a success, it's really your own home —in your own spare time, up to you. You're the one
      819 words
    • 68 10 BUSINESS AS USUAL AT GREAT RESTAURANT It's business as usual today at Great Restaurant which was shut down tor two days because of a mishap. The management regrets any inconvenience caused to patrons and thanks them for their patience and understanding ffL-r-rrn m^^ A£Km\ n ll imsil v^" w^ VvE^Ba»S
      68 words

  • 436 11 THE use of volunteers as a back-up service is a growing trend that may be adopted also by the penal system and educational services, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs) Mr Chan Chee Seng said yesterday. He did not elaborate, but spoke of the increasing use
    436 words
  • 358 11 'Few bosses appreciate VPOs' work' THE Chief Probation and Aftercare Officer, Mr K.V. Veloo yesterday expressed disappointment at some employers who do not show their appreciation of the work done by volunteer probation officers. Speaking at a presentation of certificates of appointment to gazetted VPOs at the Ministry of Social
    358 words
  • 247 11 THE $90,000 SHOCK FORA RETURNING PATIENT THIEVES br«ke lit* the tome tt mm American ht—cwlfe while she wm la hospital mmi escaped with Jewellery July 18 and a. Mrs Faye DMgtes, returned to her HWcrest Arcadia condominium in Adams Road July 28 after spending II days at the S? Marks
    247 words
  • 504 11  - Plea against amount of security dismissed BEN DAVIDSON Byl THE Court of Appeal yesterday dismissed a shipyard's appeal against the Chief Justice's decision on the amount of security to be furnished by a shipbuilder against whom it purportedly has a $15.2 million claim. < In dismissing the appeal, Mr Justice
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  • 352 11 A 24- YEAR-OLD clerk refused to undergo the customary rites after his registry marriage because he felt that he was "still young" and wanted the "freedom to enjoy life", the High Court heard yesterday. Madam Ng Beng Hee, 27, also a
    352 words
  • 138 11 ALL HDB area offices will provide suggestion boxes for residents to air their grouses. Residents are urged to use this channel to help the board monitor the areas of deficiency in its services. The board is also recruiting more housing maintenance inspectors so that closer
    138 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 468 11 aL A^fc^L wSr a 4 HRa£> TmU* j^^S^^^ .o LI H ar Jali V I liii V%H Haaaa W J >ovarnm«nt Copyright Reserved 111 Strategic location of I m ;".r.rT| I Ruby Industrial Complex MM ~MW^W W 111 \rj vMPvm y d^^isif^^k ff v j£' J^lr< Within established light industrial
      468 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 248 12 _jtfo& LSI K^i^^iZiTTl aSMPZaaI I I aal BBllir^flV J^fl *i Kaß^Hn^^ iq S^' I BH I II iKaa-JaT ßaaVfl 100 watts (rms) Mighty The only difference between our ■^■^H B^l fc »a^^ mighty mite micro- components I^^% and top quality stereo components is that ours take far less space. So
      248 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 132 13 THE MILLION DOLLAR SHIRT MOUNTAIN u^u^^^^^^^^^^u^Bu^u^u^u^««^u^^i^um^^^^^B L^L^P 17 li. ■Ju^L^L»TB^L» *"^S WIM/ M^m^l A^^^| *vfl Lh^Lfej vVY^W X *^> uvß Ma^u^u^L^^^^^^l L^L^r BHW^ Jm^l IKft S rf^^^w m ■^HLMMB aß aa^H 9** w. 11l |H 3 li^Bh^J V Wvz£ Thousands of top-name shirts All at 50/ off... And more! Also
      132 words
    • 1621 13 Jeya's words and their meaning to the man-in-the-street... 4 He (the defendant) chose to go Into the offensive and to accuse his opponent of nepotism and corrupt practice. He chose to make a grave countercharge against Mr Lee, and In doing so he abused his privilege and lost it. 7
      1,621 words
    • 220 13  -  N. G. KUTTY By I POLICE are investigating a spate of thefts and bur glarios over the past six months at a row of shops i in North Bridge Road, ad- joining what is left of the former Aaelphi Hotel Police sources said that during
      220 words
    • 116 13 RTS last night broke new ground in Its news coverage by (lashing on TV screens two sketches of the Appellate Court scene yesterday of Mr J. B. Jeyaretnam's appeal. Artists Han Son Fong and A«g Eng San went to toe courtroom to observe the proceedings
      116 words
    • 134 13 A WOMAN'S right palm f was injured when she put I up a struggle against a man armed with a dagger, who robbed her of a plastic bag containing her identity card, $15 and a j Bible. Miss Yip Wong Hee, 26, of Bedok South Road, was
      134 words
    • 277 13 Hot days see drivers lose their cool THE Singapore motorist is generally law-abiding until he feels hot and bothered, and that's when you'll find him putting the brakes on road courtesy. The hot weather, according to studies compiled by the Traffic Police, often triggers inconsiderateness towards other road users as
      277 words
    • 66 13 Most motorists, however, said that there would still be rude and inconsiderate drivers unless they learn to suppress their irritation and be less impatient and intolerant. But Traffic Police said that there has been a slight improvement in road courtesy lately and singled out motorists in airconditioned vehicles
      66 words
    • 21 13 AUUNIED community centre Aill hold a National Day dinner cum variety show at its premises on Friday at 7.30
      21 words

  • 104 14 PUBLIC Utilities Board meter readers will work overtime this month to read the 1.2 million meters in service. This is to enable the board to obtain actual meter readings for billing. in view of the revised electncity and gas prices,
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  • 57 14 THE Department of Extramural Studies of the University of Singapore will hold a 20lecture course on the Romantic Poets Blake, Wordsworth and Shelley in the English Department's Room D every Monday and Friday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., starting tomorrow. Part-time lecturer Mr Kirpal Singh will
    57 words
  • 46 14 THE MP for Geylang East, Mr Ho Cheng Choon, will attend a dinner to mark National Day. the official opening of Geylang East community centre's extension and a certificate presentation ceremony at the centre ir. Sims Avenue on Aug 11 at 7 30 p.m.
    46 words
  • 89 14 TWO men were committed to stand trial in the High Court for allegedly trafficking in not less than 53.70 qms of heroin after a preliminary inquiry in a magistrate's court yesterday. Tan Seng Hock and Bong Klm Loy were jointly chareed with committing the offence in an
    89 words
  • 795 14  -  •SEE PAGE 14 By THESE are six of the seven "new look" Housing Board apartment blocks to be built in HDB new towns and estates over the next few years to break the monotony of its building designs. The new facades will inject variety
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 277 14 DEMAND HAS PROVEN TEN'S NEWEST IS THE BEST T yj W V TEN DP 7874 COMPACT COMPO Indash components to surround yourself with full stereo sound. Various combinations to choose from to personalize your Car Stereo. Also a massive 40- or 80-watt power amplifier, plus Stereo Graphic Time Delay or
      277 words
    • 134 14 Wg j^^^^ ta^^^aw J*J W It's so easy! t\ I )l~^ I w 'n valuable prizes pL__ wift w&V tin j^yffSljS^ Butter CookiesAll you have to do All you have to do is write your name. I'C number, and address on a piece of paper And send it to us
      134 words

    • 317 15 Picked up 20 others and fled KUALA TRENGGANU, Wednesday SIX Vietnamese refugees were sentenced in the Sessions Court here today to five I years' jail and ordered to receive one stroke of the rotan each for armed robbery on the high seas. All
      Reuter  -  317 words
    • 197 15 Directive on science and maths periods for all KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Science and mathematics must not be taught to non-Muslim students while their Muslim classmates are attending religious classes, the Selangor and Federal Territory Education Director, Mr Mohamad Diah Haji Nordin, said today. "During such periods, non-Muslim students may be
      NST  -  197 words
    • 49 15 TELUK ANSON. Tues. The diesel shortage has made it difficult for the public to bring homo the bodies of their relatives who died in the district hospital here. The hearse at the hospital has been immobilised because of diesel shortage in the last thrw days. NST.
      NST  -  49 words
    • 259 15 Inflation may exceed spc warning KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday MALAYSIA'S inflation r cent next year. Bank N« Ismail Ali warned yesterd In reply to a question on the impact of rising oil prices on inflation at a press conference here, he said the inflation rate currently running at about 4.6 per
      NST  -  259 words
    • 120 15 Hearing off as envoy is absent again KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The hearing of an industrial dispute was again held up by the absence of a Soviet diplomat. Aeroflot's counsel, Mr C. Tambiah, who asked the Industrial Court for a postponement, said that one of his key witnesses, the diplomat, Mr
      NST  -  120 words
    • 25 15 JUHORE BARU, Tue«. Twelve men were yesterday fined a total ot $940 in the magistrate's court (or betting in a cock fight NST.
      NST  -  25 words
    • 91 15 Detective killed in shop shoot-out- KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A police detective was killed and a gunman was believed wounded in a shoot-out at a shop In Kuan tan last night, police said today. Pcllee In Knantan said the detective was visiting Mends at the snap when two men, ene of
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 30 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Sabah State Government is to open free kindergarten classes before the end of the year, Finance Minister Datuk Haji Mohammad Noor Mansor said.— Bernama.
      Bernama  -  30 words
    • 376 15  -  EDMUND TEO By Our London reporter THE Malaysian immigration authorities have been urged by an appeal court to allow a Malaysian couple's three-year-old daughter into the country in a deportation case here last week. The couple, Mr George Wong Tong Poh,
      376 words
    • 152 15 Woman got 5 passports in a year MALACCA. Wed. A housewife was issued five restricted passports within one year, the third and fourth within five days in June 1973, the magistrate's court was told yesterday. Ang Ah Neah, 28, of Senai New Village. Johore, who was issued a restricted passport
      NST  -  152 words
    • 260 15 KOTA KINABALU, Wed. Does the very rare Sumatran rhinoceros still survive in Sabah, or has it finally become extinct? This, and other secrets of life (or lack of it) in the state's jungles, may soon be revealed, the Borneo Bulletin reported in
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 13 15 INDEPENDENCE 'Experience nf^nlnW ytf f* A iVI WW n^nl Its Our REEREaiionae Experience
      13 words
    • 168 15 i^nSn^nlßnaln^^^^ '-JV^n^V^^n^^^^B^H^B The brand-new and exritirg feshbn shop at Metro. r BECOME A SATURDAY GIRL CLUB MEMBER NOW. You're in for some fun fashion at Saturday Girl The latest As a member, you 11 receive a 1 .w. r> ri. ji r>i 1 monthly mailer entitling you to a young
      168 words

  • The Straits Times THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1979
    • 369 16 TWO months of media blitz, of jingles, posters, pamphlets, slogans, competitions and awards, have not transformed Singaporeans into paragons of consideration and civility. The national courtesy campaign which ended last Tuesday, even while it was on, did not stop people being rude or aggressive. But that was never
      369 words
    • 381 16 THE world oil shortage is over for the moment, according to various sources. Production and consumption are now apparently balanced and the optimists among them anticipate a mini-glut in supplies next year. Although Singaporeans, for a variety of reasons, have suffered less than most from the oil
      381 words
  • 1026 16  -  SEAH CHIANG NEE Byj SINCE the last Commonwealth summit in London two years ago, much has happened in the organisation. For a start, 10 of its then 36 member countries have lost their leaders either through the election process, a political
    1,026 words
  • 4 16
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  • 788 16 NEW YORK: My friend Collins feels superior because he feels good. Jogging, hot tubs, weight lifting, deep breathing and heavy abstinence do the trick for him. He feels terrific, and he feels terrific about feeling terrific. The Grays feel they are more terrific than Collins.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 31 16 ivnK Predators [3pAr\J WEST (PTE) LTD. I I I PLAZA siNGAPUR* Unrt?2»2X> 2nd Floor OchxG RoM Tel *****V6 ■ifIMBV U'C BUILDING Shop t 13 LOMf Ground Floo' Snenlon Way T»i *****14
      31 words
    • 142 16 These could be the most important dates on your 197% calendar To be held at the Showgrounds Complex P t„ r Sydney, Australia, the 1979 Australia-Made /^f^T^^Jf '^™nr t J it /xX2^B*&. .i\ and accommodation arrangements Trade Fair is your opportunity to view /^JT^&\ (if required) and free trade passes
      142 words

  • 1003 17  - A body that continues to tick and baffle the analysts DEREK INGRAM in London What makes the Commonwealth survive By A THREAD running through the history of this post-Empire world, which dates back to the end of World War 2, is that after decolonisation the component parts of empire retain
    1,003 words
    • 231 17 WHEN contributors to the Widows' Orphans' Fund were given the option in 1965, those who elected to continue contributing to it calculated the maximum amount they had to contribute monthly. Now their contribution is doubled. They never reckoned
      231 words
    • 111 17 IN the recent Finance Ministry circular on leave, civil servants belonging to Divisions 3 and 4 have again been treated shabbily in that they have to pay back to the Treasury more money (percentage- wise) than their fellow employees who are in Divisions 1
      111 words
    • 114 17 Pensioners plight is even more precarious NOW the government has accepted in full this year's National Wages Council (NWC) pay increases, the plight of the pensioners has become even more precarious. Already hawkers and shops have raised their prices and PUB charges and HDB rentals are going up. What chance
      114 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 323 17 Are you handicapped by your English? Arc you content with the wa> and how 10 express your ideas vol spejk jnd v\nic' Arc >ou fluently. sure thai >ou are not mating The siud> requires only a ■faMbM thai cause people M little time, and very moderate fee* uridcrraic you You
      323 words
    • 56 17 mmu*:miT To-day Onlyi 4 Show* at 1.45, 4. 7 8 30 Monoftnn Coiofscopo Starring Urn Chin Hsu [GALAXY^ ToHtayOntyl 4Showtl.lS.Uo. 7*930 "ticnl Part M" A Kung-Fu fim m Mondortn cokxicope with Englnh Motoy CNncM Subhtto* Grand Opamng To-Morrow at both rnaatra* A CMPC Production m Mandarin Colorscopt with Englnh Malay
      56 words
    • 291 17 "■■■■^^■■■■■■■■■■■J"™^""^! THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE Wfl u GROWTHRATE presents \i6Bo US$ n5 mtW Tur nnrcor uto Uio 11.2 letothoJ THE LntbCENTS \720 730 KM Kribiti i Tuviki |^^__^^^^^^^^^^^^_^^^^^^^^^^^J 1390 8 6 Botswana/ By W MaunHus*/ 3^ \K 12.580 6.8 Srnpoce/ 3P/ vW VBOV 80 62 fGambu X .JH fk *^^^B
      291 words

    • 1669 18 THE last tninaaried ready tale at the cloae of businm on the Stock Exchange o( Singapore yntcrday compared with thr previous day's prim together with 19T9 high and low I Adjusted for srrip rights Isaue) 1979 La at High Low Company Sal* or8ECTI0N ONE 1NPI STRIA1. COMMEKCIAL 161
      1,669 words
    • 1256 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in an reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yeaterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. AU Tunes Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett". Big Board
      1,256 words
    • 159 18 4 1/2% 1/8/80 (250,000) (90.158 M-MJ 4 3/4% 15/9/80 (250.000) (9» 308 96.406) 5 1/4% 1/3/81 (250,000) (W. 708 98.808) 5% 15/4/81 (250,000) (SS-OB 98 308) 6% T P 1/6/83 (250,000) (*****8 100.158) 5 3/4% T F 15/8/81-84 (250.000) (101.508) 7% 16/4/8S (250.000) (100 808 100.908)
      159 words
    • 1328 18 BID and offer prices offirially listed and husine— i in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stork Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified IMII STKIU.S Alasiete (2.628) \ltm- (181S) (4) 1.80 Alex Hold (I.32S)cd ACkee
      1,328 words
      • 50 18 (.ulhnr ISO -16 Siiagei Be.i 1110 -10 Dak Vun« 127 -7 Strain Trading 670 -5 P E Levlnfaton 240 -5 Keck Sea« 273 -3 Miliyiwili 246 -3 S B 8 198-3 Rothm.n. 442 -2 l.l.nd Pea 400 -2 C C 274-2 Gold Coin ISO -2 Tfaa* Dev 149 -2
        50 words
      • 32 18 M U 1 298 429 on.pUnt WrU 545 +20 Tractor* 815 10 Scmb Shipyard 177 +9 Fed Cable* 123 +8 Berjuntai S10 +5 Nat Iron 515 +5 Sim* Darby 334 +4
        32 words
      • 32 18 Gutkrie 1M.000 8«mb Shipyard 105.000 {■cheap* 86,000 Siae Darby W.000 City D*v 5«.000 Pan Electric SS.000 UOB 50.000 I C B 47.000 Hwa Hob» 4^.000 K L Ktpon( 43.000
        32 words
      • 33 18 Jill 31 Aug 1 B.T. Index: 2253.98 2270.80 Industrials: 384.19 384.04 Finance: 694.78 694.88 Hotels: ***** 287.17 Properties: 244.33 244.85 Minings: 203.79 203.45 Plantations: 668.26 668.53 O.C.B.C.: 370.23 371.25 S.ES.Ind: 337.53 338.97
        33 words
      • 329 18 HONGKONG: Stock prices closed sharply higher but off the top yesterday, on late profit-taking as blue chips and properties attracted local and some London buying and the Hang Seng index rose 11.40 points to 616.63 points, dealers said. Hongkong Laad rose 35 cents to HK19.70 and Haagkang Wharf 12.75
        329 words
      • 403 18 TOKYO: Share prices rose slightly in active trading yesterday, led by petroleums, nonferrous metals, chemicals and shippings, although late profittaking pared some early gains, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 8.91 to 6.322.68 points, with a volume of 640 million shares. The New index was 445.37 up 0.36
        403 words
      • 94 18 Striking prices of the options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday, the period, bids and offered prices and business done, if any, with the number of options traded shown in brackets. Haw Par (Sept $120) (0.268 0.325). Hume F E (Sept $1.60) (0.378). laeheaaa (Sept
        94 words
      • 39 18 THE MONETARY Authority of Singapore (MAS) invites banks and discount houses to tender for a total of $30 million 91-day Treasury Bills to be issued on Aug 3. Each tender must not be less than $250,000.
        39 words
      • 120 18 CHINESE PRODUCE EXCHANGE, SINGAPORE, NOON CLOSING PRICES PER PICIL YESTKB. DAY: CoMtart eU: Bulk sellers, old drum $131 sellers, new drum $139 sellers. Csfra: Mixed (loose) UK Com $81 00 buyers. Puss H Muntok AST A white fob 1(W, NI.W $340 00 sellers. Sarawak white fob 96". NLW
        120 words
      • 237 18 THE KILOBAR market for (old deliverable in Singapore opened at USS2O.OH and closed at 520.241 yesterday. In the Far East, gold opened at USCB7 30 60 With short-covering in the market, gold rose to {289 00 40 by the lunch closing In the afternoon, the trend continued and gold
        237 words
      • 307 19 SYDNEY, Wed. The market closed slightly firmer, with diamond stocks and a number of speculative oil exploration stocks actively traded, dealers said. The Ashton Diamond Partners' report on the 60 per cent gem count from the small sample of diamonds sent to Europe for testing, saw brisk trading
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      • 287 19 NEW YORK. Tues. Wall Street stocks today closed broadly higher in active trading as the nomination of Paul Volcker to head the Federal Reserve Board continued to inspire confidence in investors. The Dow Jones industrial average rose 7.68 points to 846.42 and advancing issues led losers
        287 words
      • 240 19 ZURICH, Tues. Prices closed mostly higher in moderate volume. The recovering dollar depressed bond prices but did not aid industrials, dealers said. Insurances closed little changed while Elektrowatt again led mostly higher flnancials followed by OerlikonBuehrle. Leading industrials eased slightly except for Sulzer, Brown-Boveri registered, Sandoz participation
        240 words
      • 246 19 AMSTERDAM, Tues Share prices closed mostly higher in quiet trading with Unilever (ailing 0.90 guilders in otherwise little changed dutch internationals, dealers said. KI.M gained three guilders, following the announced 9 to 15 per cent airlines (are increases. NMB 2 30 and HVA two guilders. In shippings Nedlloyd
        246 words
      • 576 19 UJNDON, Tues. Share prices closed firmer after fluctuating narrowly in quiet trading, dealers said. At 3.00 p.m. the Financial Times index was up 2.0 at 453 0 Leading industrials were as much as 3p higher on the day, while banks rose as much as 6p. Government bonds
        576 words
      • 63 19 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 45C2 Monday 451.0 Week Ago 4«7.0 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 84«.42 Monday 838.74 Week ago 828.78 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Tuesday 23. to 24'. Monday 23. to 23 H X HANG SENG Wednesday 818.83 Tuesday 805.23 Week ago 504.80 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 486.97 Tuesday
        63 words
      • 123 18 THE STRAITS tin price recovered $6 to $1,876 per picul In Penang yesterday on an official offering down 23 tonnes to 202 tonnes. The overnight London market was steady with forward buyers gaining £65 to £6,435 per tonne. LONDON: Tin closed £310 up for Cash and £240 higher for
        123 words
      • 31 18 Rubber Aug 1 Singapore: August: 293.00 cents (down 2.75" cents) Malaysia: August: 292.50 cents (down 3.00 cents) Tin: M 51,876 (up $6) Official offering: 202 tonnes (down 23 tonnes)
        31 words
      • 31 18 LONDON: Copper prices on Tuesday (previous In brackets). Wirebar Spot CBlO (£796) sellers CBl2 (£797); Three Month buyers IX* 50 (£813.90). sellers L 827 (£814) Market lose: Steadier.. Bakss:ll.Bso tonnes
        31 words
    • 514 18 THE SINGAPORE rubber Including three Kerb trades, market yesterday opened some No Options were traded during three-quarter cent lower fol- the day. lowing Tuesday's after hour's Dealers said the market's softness, dealers said. closing gains stemmed from Later the market lost a fur- this afternoon's decline in sterther 1.50
      514 words
    • 25 18 MOON (C.rtiit Mlk) (Por»«rt MU) MBBLB IP ii as as smrio u^u him m»N aiso mjjoji SMRSO lu»£u«l I7UO ITUON JT«4O T7UOW
      25 words
    • 340 18 (iITHEIK Berhad shares cane crashing under selling pressure at the Stock Rxchaage ef Singapore yesterday following, the announcement by Its pareat rampaay, Guthrir Corporation that It daea not intend to proceed with its earlier proposal to bay up the H per eeat minority interest Pram the
      340 words
    • 254 18 PRICES were dealt to a quietly mixed close in continued sluggish trading on the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday. Traders were unwilling to commit themselves in the absence of any incentives. Thus, with market sentiment remaining at a low ebb. Trading yesterday was most active in United Motor
      254 words
    • 232 18 THE US dollar opened lower at U 1570 80. compared with 12.1615 at Tuesday's close, and fluctuated narrowly before closing little changed at $2 1565 75 in the Singapore forex market yesterday. News that the US house of Representatives reversed a vote to weaken President Carter's standby
      232 words
    • 45 18 RANGE of price* offered by dls rounl houses on Aug 1 Overnight VCall deposits 5' I Clesiag B.«ia»S.Uiu 3 month Treasury bills 5 4 3 month Bank bills 7. 7. 3 month CO 7i V, 8 month CD 7 M Source: National Diseouat Co
      45 words
    • 40 18 Closing Interbank rates for Singapore dollars on Aug 1: Offer Bid Overnight 7'< 7 1 month 7. 7 5/16 2 months 7.< 7-. 3 months 7 i 7 Overnight mode 7 1 er slightly from those quoted by
      40 words
    • 354 18 INTERBANK rate.; at 3.00 pm: Cuf rwic MofHiiwI rst#s SmitnsofiiBn Pccc#fiM0# quoted y**t»rday (croM)parity change Loral dollar* to «ae unit of forelga rnrreaey: US dollar 2.1565 2.1575 2.8196 -23.52 Sterling pound 4.8410 4.8480 7.3469 -34.11 Australian dollar 2.4275 2.4395 3.4286 -29.20 NZ dollar 2.1825 2.2055 3.4286 -36.20 Canadian
      354 words
    • 385 19 Guthrie Corp acquisition plan shelved GUTHRIE Corporation of the UK has decided not to proceed with its plans to acquire the 27 per cent minority interest in its local subsidiary, Guthrie Guthrie Bhd announced late yesterday evening that its board of directors was unable to agree on the terms of
      385 words
    • 326 19 Pacific Dev. sells Hotel Central PACIFIC Development Credit (PDC) a— eoaeed the dlspesal af yet a«ather Investments hi Ha eeatinalng programme af raH—aHnatl— Hetel Central la the commercial hah ef Peaaag. The hetel was said te Taa Teoag Hew Realty fer $4.7 mllllea. PDC will realise a preflt af |47,M1
      326 words
    • 149 19 Malaysian Feedmills remains hopeful DESPITE tke ceattaaaw tacreaae In prices ef row materials, faei all and eperatteul eeste, Malaysia* Feedmllls ce—ldrra its preapects m eaeearogChairman Ang Keeag Laa saM the eaeaanglag preapeeto arise tram the higher standard at ttvtag and tke anttrlpated Increase la drnuutd far animal prateu, and therefore
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  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 585 19 saaafl isaaaV J I Ik. I I~9_. I a-LW^aaal (D ACCOUNTANT (Ref MCS/1029/79) 00 ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT (Ref MCS/1030/79) Our client, a member of a large international group of companies, invites applications <rom suitably qualified and experienced Malaysians, preferably Bumiputras. for the above positions in its Penang Office Accountant The Accountant,
      585 words
    • 50 19 PENANG TURF CLl'l NOTICE Notice ia hereby given accordance with rule 13 the rule* of the Club, th the committee propose spend a sum not exceedii $1 million for renovation the club's old grandstai building. BY ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE. LIM PENG HI AT. ACTING SECRETARY Penang, 23rd July. 1979.
      50 words
    • 669 19 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Established Company in Johore Bahru has a vacancy for Sales Representative to handle a range of medical and surgical equipments This is a challenging career and the successful candidates must be able to work independently with drive and initiative. Prior sales in this line is not mandatory as
      669 words
    • 380 19 KENYATAAN TAWARAN 18l PEJABAT J.K.R. Tawaran daripada Pc m borong-Pe m borong yang berdaftar di Jabatan Kerja Raya didalam Kelas EX dan keatas Tajuk 111 Mechanical Engineering Tajuk Kecil 3(A) Worksyop Equipment atau 3(1) Miscellaneous (Bekalan) akan diterima di Pejabat Ketua Pengarah Kerja Raya. Malaysia Barat. Ibu Pejabat Jabatan Kerja
      380 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 924 20 t_ T \l,l2J'",!if? IVICE SECTION INDEX gr%Y Jk (KP GPVWI*YW2*Y% Jk I^.£* s ld ys »£^g i. e f s r pl s o a v l s e Vt hoppinoouide CLJk&SIriED AmjS Sk iiprPefw^6ocU,M,n tt 00, g" Sgi^ll^^^™ 011^ Per column cm $10 75 (Mln $3225> 1A UdIIUAKItS I
      924 words
    • 513 20 PAN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR II I ruft. perfect condition. $SOC Tel *****17 STOCK CLEARANCE SALE Bl| I discounts on crystal, pewter I pens, lighters, etc Few days only Skaugum Oift House. O-88 Groundfloor. Lucky Plaza. Orchard Road. SURFACE SWIMMING POOL made in U.S.A.. size: 15' x 48. brand new. still
      513 words
    • 419 20 14 Machinery For Sate/Wanted IMPORTED USED HEIOELB* Kord 64. Fully recondltloi with genuine Heidelberg pa i Oood as new. Printed sample: solid, half tone and single cole I Available for Inspection. T Singapore *****0 Room 9, 2 floor. 47 Beach Road. Slngap 0718 15 Musical Instruments I NEW PIANOS- JUST
      419 words
    • 504 20 18 Pets PURE BREED PEKINGESE frort s West Australia only elgh 'T 1 months for sale Interested con m tact *****4 (K.C.) vu r WARNING: TO ALL possible dot purchasers. Be positive any pedl' m d gree Is approved by the Slngaore pore Kennel Club before purchasing an animal. Currently
      504 words
    • 258 20 II EMPLOYMENT 1 .aaaaal aaaaV AMERICAN OIL t I EXPLORATION COMPANY I has a vacancy for AN ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT I Tmt i* a temporary poeitton and the aelected candidate will work on a one year contract with an option lor oxtontwn lor a further tin month* if neeettary. Those Interested
      258 words
    • 669 20 I An U.S. booed Ctrnpen; in Jurong i riajuajt* COST CLERK (Male) Owlmcatlen*. c OCE O' level. c LCC Costing certificate preferred. Experience. 1 to 2 yean In a similar position in a manufacturing company preferred. wi Mom opportunity wot person having coinptsled N.S. to •tart on an Accounting career
      669 words
    • 673 20 FEMALI ACCOUNTS CLERK/ RECEPTIONIST c OCE O' level c 20 to 25 years of agr c ability to type at mlnlmun 35 wpm c knowledge of Book-keeping Pitts* cast ■MM roc mi Btppotntfncni OR Apply •tating full pertonal reeumt recent non-retumabte pnotograpl HOWELL TRADING COMPANY SIB, PRESIDENT SHOPPING CENTRE SINGAPORE
      673 words
    • 523 20 INTENSIVE TELEPHONE OPERATION Course on PMBX/PABX Switchboards, telephone techniques and courtesies. Practical training provided Tel *****0/ *****2. n JUNIOR SECRETARY wlln proficiency In English recjulred by international trading company Applicants should submit full particulars mentioning expected salary together with self-photo-|j graph to: TTM Msni#ttVlQ M4MBt*Jß#f Ma 1 well Read Poet
      523 words
    • 734 20 PCI DISPLAYS PTE LIMITED (AVER RAJAM FACILITY) Required for Immediate emplo ment Production Control Clerks (Female.) Secondary educatloi preferably OCE 'O' level Must be able to type at 35 > w.p.m. Above 18 years of age Interested applicants, pleai submit full particulars to: PCI Mepleye Pte Ltd Blk 3, 4
      734 words
    • 671 20 TRAVEL AGENT I'll) FEMALE ACCOUNTS is CLERK Applicants should possess a good certificate and a mlniie mum 2 years' relevant experience with LCC Intermediate Book- keeping certificate (2) RECEPTIONISTS (FEMALE) Applicants should possess minimum School certificate with 3 credits and required to work evening eMtts. Write with full particulars together
      671 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 663 21 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant c) Sales DRESS SHOP M Buklt Timah Plata reuqlres Salesgirl living nearby Basic salary plus commission Call personally at UOB. Buklt Timah Plata. EARN EXTRA BY selling Gent*/ Ladles products during your spare time Contact *****9. < EXPERIENCED SALESOsW. WANT- ED. 2 shift-rotation work, lit
      663 words
    • 798 21 89 ObONNQnRB We invite appllcaUons for the pott of Sat*. Ri>i law for our Consumer Division Th. Job To sell to retail outlets various domestic products handled by the Company, Including CTV L Hl-fl equipment. OCE O1O 1 Level Previous experience In the sale of similar product* Knowledge of local
      798 words
    • 630 21 TOP CALIBRE MALE/ FEMALE SALES EXECUTIVES m LME WITH OUR EXPANSION If you are dissatisfied with your present Job If you want a prettlprofesslon of which you can be proud of c If you are willing to I strive for a better living and high Income c If you have
      630 words
    • 519 21 We need the following qualified personnel to participate in our expansion programme: UNE MECHANICS ITC/ITB qualification In Electronic/Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering Servicing. Preferably with experience in semi auto thermal compression machine and ultrasonic bonding machines. Those without certificates but have relevant experience may also •pply Must be willing to work on
      519 words
    • 553 21 OM SSMOAPORE PTt LTD (AUTOMOTTVE ELECTROtwCS) One of th* world's largest US multinationals currently operating In Ang Mo Klo Industrial Estate, Singapore requires: A) MECIIAWCAL TECI— CUN LT.C. or Vocational Certificate In Mechanical Engineering Minimum 3 yean experience In servicing and repairing of air-compressors and plant alr-condltloners B) TOOLCRBIAIIEMUANT a
      553 words
      616 words
    • 509 21 A^.,,,^..,aM-t^w7 requires Immediately SKaXED a UNSKILLED WORKERS for the following positions A) ELECTRICAL FITTERS/ ELECTRICIANS B) SNEET METAL FABRIC ATOMS C) FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Interested please apply personally at> BLK 1, UNTT 2, AVER RAJAH INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, 9MOAPORE BSIS TDj/FSUM Bua Bsrvlcaa, SS, T7S. US, tST. IM •am American Company
      509 words
    • 318 21 CAFETERIA M JURONG requires FEMALE CASHaER o Preferably residing In Jurong 0 Age2o-35 c Working hours 3.00 11.00 p.m. dally Apply personally The Financial Contro»or 1 Jayee ■nliiprlm Pto Ltd •Ctps^vMS? Thu Sat during office hour. I CARPARK ATTENDANT (••mate) required by Shopping Centre. located at Mountbatten Road. Applicants must
      318 words
    • 695 21 COOLING SYSTEMS a FLEXBsLES PTBLTD urgently requires SEMI-SKILLED WELDERS Completed National Service with NTC 111 Certificate In Oeneral Welding and Metal Fabrication TOOLROOM FITTERS/DIE MAKERS Completed National Service. Experience not necessary. PACKER* With or without Primary education or can poraonawv at 2S JALAN BUROH SMOAPORE 2881 TEL: SS2SM SS3S4S COUNTER
      695 words
    • 532 21 DAIMEI Due to our fast expansion, we urgently require: STOREHANDS (MALE) c age from 18 to 20 c prepared to work hard o preferably residing In districts 14 or IS a secondary 2 education Interested personnel an to came pv)ff)Of**a4ly foe 4MI lol6)fWf)w tooejy owrtfiQ otnO# hoycej uv. DAIMEI PLASTIC
      532 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 451 22 I EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant I) Genermi A LUXURIOUS JAPANESE LOUNGE requires HOSTESSES c Attractive Income, not less than f 1,000 p.m Transport provided Short working hour* 7.30pm to lam Experience not necessary as training will be provided Office Personnel and Models are welcome. a Part-timers are acceptable. Accommodations will
      451 words
    • 86 22 w o fN Past CO 5 si 1 CJ Z i<H 6 aS^Q O O *a w~i O o re ?5 co oo siiiifl _5 O O v x !>■ "ft S Z- CO II I I| I I I* zzl™ I ii m*i g Z o«j Q. q. o
      86 words
    • 392 22 TfßTptTp WE WORK WITH A SMILE Y# We urgantty rtflod 1 EXPERIENCED FEMALE SOLDERING/ RETOUCH OPERATORS ASSEMBLY INSPECTORS FLOAT OPERATORS LEAD OPERATORS For a start, you can fr o"« $233 "pto $345 per month 5 dayj work week No shift work 3 monthly increment thane* to win ITT colour TV
      392 words
    • 460 22 SinGOPUTQ FORUM Jf HOTEL »0 ii f InvMea appaceHOM tor H«e poet a VALET CLERK c Secondary education c Fluency in both written a spoken English c Knowledge of laundry fur Uona an advantage c Age above 29 year* WmisnavyHt MM MRBIwaS*! OfflCl SavOAPVUU 'ONUM NOTH. MS ORCHARD ROAD SSMQtPORaSSII
      460 words
    • 446 22 BBSaAPOWI H.OUR *wU.S In Ju rang has vacancies for: (1) Mali Machine Operators. (2) Oenera Worker*. Please apply personally between 9 am to 4.30 pm. to Personnel Section, IS Jalai Besut, Jurong Town, B'pore 2381 TeI:»I4SSO SINGAPORE KCK (PTC*) LTD 2-O. Blocks Foofth Floor Kaiiang Place Invite* application* from Singa
      446 words
    • 319 22 requires A) PASTRY SALES ASSISTANT (FEMALE) Minimum education -Sec. 2. Pleasant personality. B) CARPARK ATTENDANTS (FEMALE) Minimum, Primary 6 education. Experience not necessary. C) LAUNDRY OPERATORS (MALE) Must be physically strong and hardworking Experience in dry1 cleening and spotting > procedures an advantags. O) NIGHT CLEANERS (MALE/FEMALE) > Must be
      319 words
    • 520 22 require* TIMPOP.ARV OCMERAL LABOUR*T*rS Male Singapore Cltlsen Physically fit Between 16 and 30 years ol Able to converse In English Please call personally for an interview on 2nd August IS7I from LOS sun. to 44S sun at "nPirinniisirnimlisiil ThneeConwe 1 N-w mdwtrial Rood MALI SCCURITV OUARDS ESS.*- 1) Able to
      520 words
    • 436 22 "•po" iwcnntcions ITC NTC 3 o> Trad* c«r«lca(« In electronic, electrical, mscnonlcol or prodir~'tlon engineering ♦ThowwWwutCfWteom. but with relevant wortdng experience con also apptv CanaVJate* rm»t be able to read drcUtatograms and repalrrorlos/cauette recor den. televWonc auoto ond stereo equipment Apple ants must nave completed Notional Service rioductlon Lcocton/ AMtetant
      436 words
    • 539 22 SINGAPORE MARUSEI PTE. LTD urgently require* (1) SECURTTY OUAHDS c Male Singapore ClUsens o Below 56 yean c Preferably staying In Juror and town area o Salary negotiable m FEMALE CARPARK AND UFT AIIENUANIS Apply personally to: Chlec Soewlty Ofncw. Srd door. Hong Laong BwMng, w^aa*o» O«ov. WANTED VAN DRIVER
      539 words
    • 723 22 TYPESETTINO COMPANY RE- OUMS A Despatch Rider. Must have own motorbike Salary and transport allowance negotiable Please tel: *****52 for appointment UROCNTLV REOUMED SKILLED Electrician, Semi-Skilled Electrician. Apprentice and Oeneral ig Workers. Interested call at: 145 Hong Dm Shopping Centre, South Bridge Road, Spore olo6. waiters a WAITRESSES wanted In
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 567 23 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant g) TmtmrlmJ FULL/ PART-TIME TUTORS urgently required to teach Secondary Science/ Arts subjects Oood remuneration Call *****1 REOUMCD 100 TUTORS to teach In daytime for all subjects/ levels Ring *****14 (Day), *****84 (Night) TUTOR WANTED. PLEASE write to: Tanjong Pagar P.O. Box 98, tel: *****26
      567 words
    • 909 23 TUTORS UROENTLY REOUMEP to teach In the afternoons for Science and Technical subjects at Secondary level and higher Call: *****4 or *****7 M TUTORS REOUMED urgently by Tuition Centre. Call 430- A. East Coast Road 1942, *****6/ *****4. 32 Situations Wantad LADY, SCVCN YEARS working experience seeks part-Ume Job in
      909 words
    • 924 23 111 VEHICLES .BOATS END I*7* MAZDA 121 AutomaUc. with alrcond., radio and cassette, road tax November "79. Highest offer to *****37 Henry. EXCCLLCNT COMMTMM. ONC owner. 1978 Ford Cortina, 13 OL Alrcond. cassette, road tax Just renewed. $20,000 0.n.0. Tel: *****2. E7S7SC I*7l MAZDA CapeUa alrcond., sports rims, cassette, PARF
      924 words
    • 936 23 SCPT. 1978 PEUQCOT 304. EX registration Lady owner, accident free Cartridge, alrcond. tax Dec 1979. Price: $*****. Phone: *****4 (9am to 1130 am) SUZUKI TS IMC, 1978 for sale. Phone *****32. TKMMCHOONCOPTCLTD S'por* Uwd Can Centra Wa«a,mipipgiMi FrwajaCatpart Junctten Ol Bus* Tim* S raianapfi n<iail TCL: 7*7*148/ *****46/ 3Mt*4S ■peaVATCCAUr
      936 words
    • 1037 23 1*72 COLT OALANT OTO 1700 tax Dec 79. Excellent condlUon. Tel: *****1 I 187*, DATSUN tSB* Pick-up Oood condlUon $4,100 0.n.0. *****02. Ah Soon. 1673 DATSUN 13SS CC. Station- I wagon wltn air-cooler, cartridge < player. Tyres new. $6300 0.n.0. < Tel: *****5. 1*73 PUT 13* perfect condlUon. I newly
      1,037 words
    • 912 23 1574 MJTBUBHMB COLT Oalant I6SL 5-speed. Alrcond, tax/ Insurance new. Excellent condlUon. Price: 812J00 ono Contact *****83 Ah Heng 1*74 MODEL MITBUaSMS Colt Lancer 1400 EL, PARF eligible Alrcond., tax Nov. Showroom condlUon. Tel: *****03. 1*74 NOVEMBER MERCEDE* 230 8 power steering, alrcond., 1 registered company owner. Accident free. $27,500.
      912 words
    • 479 23 I*7* MERCEDES SB* AutomaUc. Original blue, new sports rims and tyres. Blaupunk radio/ cassette. Immaculate condition throughout SSS.SOO Call: *****46. View 239, WhlUey Road. I*7* MTfBUBWC COLT Oalant Sigma. 1600 OS. Private owner, alrcond.. cassette radio. Tax Dec. Beautiful condlUon. Tel: *****35. IB7S SUZUKI PC 250. In good condlUon. New
      479 words
    • 289 23 ANY MODEL OF second hand cars, scrap cars wanted. Contact Mr Tan Teck Hock. Tel: 30T09. *****6. ANY OLD CAN wanted. Below 1000 c.c. 53.650. 1000 1800 c.c $5,830. Peter. *****45 •am SW WANTED 1973/74 model. Preferably one or two owners. Must be well maintained. Cash payment Call 2SBSOBB. Roland
      289 words
    • 1463 23 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES M 1.969S M (1.07«5.F 21.0805F1 I Labourers can be recruited easily from the ■J nearby HDB flats Loading unloading facilities provided at the driveway. I Each unit is provided with at least one parking lot. I Freehold 80% loan available H^k Suitsble for light Industry 51 Accommodation
      1,463 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 790 24 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES 51 Accommodation Vacant b) Flats AN EXCLUSIVE SELECTION. Futura $4000. Calrnhlll Plata $3,500, High Point $3,000. Jaya Tower $2,800. Draycott Drive $2,800. Shelford Apartment $2,500. Hlllcourt $2,400, Hlllcrest Arcadia $2,200. Orchard Towers $2200. Pandan Valley $1,700. Kum Hlng Court $1,700. Mimosa Park $1,400 Concord *****41. APARTMENT OFF
      790 words
    • 764 24 OFF HOLLAND ROAD DtST. W Fully furnished luxurious airconditioned penthouse Immediately available Wall-to-wall carpeted Beau'Jful Japanese landscaped roof-garden. Ideal for entertainment Curtains, colour T.V stereo, etc provided Renter. SMOO p.m. (negotiable) tel: asaass/ arises OFF ORCHARD ROAD fully furnished 3 bedrooms, carpeting, alrcondlUoners. colour T.V., washing machine, $1,600. Contact *****21
      764 words
    • 774 24 Mf» ——at— rroparnaa For Sate a) Houses DtST. 10 DALVEY ROAD Single-storey bungalow sited on Ist class residential location Freehold land area of approx. 53,183 sq.ft Ideal for redevelopment Him tairtact CONTMENTAL HOUSING PTE LTD Reel Eatase Aaente S Valuers Tel: ******8 Unee) ACE OFFERS: Jade Oarden (off Newton) luxurious
      774 words
    • 767 24 CHWEE CHIAN GARDEN LORONG SARHAD/ CHWEE CHIAN ROAD CONDOMINIUM 2-STOREY TOWN HOUSE LMrß*eßa**»3 9rj%' Elo»ye»rs npsyrrar) parod c AnrattM fSMst raaS a 5U rrste (ram town OH Pssw Paemg toed GOOOLAM)(PTE)LTD. 21, New bridge Road, (First Floor). Singapore, i. Tel: *****4 MOUNT SINAI ROAD beautifully renovated 2 1/2-storey semi-de-tached bungalow,
      767 words
    • 782 24 PANOAN VALLEY. STN floor, bedrooms, 2 halls, facing swimming pool, fully furnished $260 000. unfurnished $230,000. Contact *****0/ *****. POSfCUNA TOWER TYPE I 2300 sq.ft Facing Rldgewood. ParUally furnished. $230,000 negotiable OX Housing *****78/ *****8. PUBLIC MANSION Bth floor flat marble flooring 1.800 sq.ft Vacant possession. $118,500 not negotiable Tel:
      782 words
    • 711 24 MULTI-STOREY WAREHOUSE at 38. Martin Road. Space available for rent are 5Ui floor 1.500 <V 720 sq.ft 7th floor, 1,180 It 1.570 sq ft Please tel: *****7 Mr. Urn 58 Office Space Vacant i ACE OFFERS: Parklane office, 454 sq.ft. at SI.SS p-s f (including maintenance). Call: *****22 GOOD NEWS,
      711 words
    • 1361 24 IV SERVICES A BUSINESS JOO KHENQ SERVICE Rental, service, spray painting, repairs, sales of refrigerators and atrcondltloners. Tel: *****3. 73 At Your Sarvka CHUAN HER OENERAL Contractor undertakes all renovations/ flooring/grass maintaining etc. Reasonable charges. Tel: *****17 CLEAHaWPAMTSM CARPET I Shampooing, floor polishing, grass cutting, parquet varnish- i Ing. Moderate
      1,361 words
    • 1580 24 1 GBE*TEA.TEI«THiAITHI^ri 7» nr»..m.i,. nn 4UI ru or Ore4t «a«ern Hotel '8 Dressmaking Massare/ Sauna Bath/ Faisl Opens dally 10 am -12 pm. TP: m m *^^*™i *****40 MARTINA'S SALON 11-A Calrnhlll ntfDa Circle massage/ saunabath/ barber/ facial. No parking pro Diem. VBjfy drivers available to park yoflr SUGINO nn
      1,580 words

    • 256 25 MDM LEE SI AM LEUNG PMMd «w«r itnm Lsarfcn baMndi SONS Ang Pang Chong Ang Peng Ann Ang Peng Hock Ang Ah Lah Richard DAUGHTERS Ang Slew Choon Ang Bolt Lan DAUOJHTCMHhHJkW Llm Meng Choo OohSooPee Tan All Choo Marjoleln van Breukelen ORAND-SONS Ang Kin Yong Ang Kin
      256 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      116 25 PMMp PMfifi, p*m*mm Mvsy po#c*>•■fly an SI«T AUGUST al St Andrew*, TrtvaMbwn. Deeply —urn ad by ion. d*ugnt*r-m-tow and grandcMMran. H94-1J.79 P**cswjßy pniii away at hawta leaving baklnd wlla, 4 aona. I d*»gnUrs, 2 aowa fci law and 4 raadtMdriw. Cartafa was bm rnlainoi (at, Jurong Creaoanl, Spar*
      116 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      29 25 in evertevtng memory «f our ccHi»d**wi*f who «ra» called to be with the Lord on 2/I/78. tan, aengMsrs la law and gran*aMhwea. totarßw wkaMWM isinakir-. sirrstowMoee
      29 words
    • 35 25 In Loving Memory of GOH TOW THONG D»p«n»d on 2nd August 1tT» NOT JUST TOO AY BUT E VEHVD A V M SUNCE WE MMBM* YOU a*atv mliiib by wye, eena. da«s»i A pTeWKfchMdiWl. I
      35 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1092 25 VI EDUCATION t TRAINING GIRLS! Job* are becoming harder 10 gat you need baser quaMcakons Tne London Cumber ol Commerce and mouslry Private Secretary < Cervhcale is recogneed ir**rne*ona*y as on* o» He r»gn**i quekwtalioni obfnabt* Thw eiamnakon is »w on*/ Private Secetar* Eiammatior supervised by me Mnatry of Education
      1,092 words
    • 786 25 PSC S COMMUNICATIONS/ BIIOB'HANaI TypewrtUng starting 4.5.79; Saturday 2pm 4Jopm Bpm Singapore Institute of Commerce, 283 C (3rd Floor) Selegte Complex (SUMO) PUBLIC RELATIONS (LCCI/ CAM Foundation) Tuesday LOO B JO p.m. Lecturer Mr C.K. Taeng Queensway Commercial Training Centre. Ml Queensway Shopping Centre Tel: *****8/ *****2. PUBLIC RELATION (SPECIAL
      786 words
    • 570 25 LEARN ORBSSMAKINQ. COMPLETE quick-learning metric method course. Accomplished In 4 to 5 months Tel: *****8 Kathleen. LEAMI THE PtvOPt* way o r trlmmlnf, blow drying, tinting etc. ...V w.c.A. Marine Parade offer* home hair dressing. Class commencing tonight, 2/tr7V 7.30 p.m Contact tel no: *****3 MANOAMN TUITION BY experienced tutor
      570 words
    • 356 25 YAMAHA MUSIC SOHOOL Offers Courses for Organ Drum* Classical/ Flamenco -Guitar Courses Classical />op Piano c Bess Electric Guitar Saxophone Suzuki Violin Trumpet Rute Clarinet c Music Theory Children Music Course I*9*d4-By**nl Enrol now at: 603. 6 th Floor, Plaza Singapura. Orchard Road. Singapore 9 Tel: *****1. *****1 Block 87,
      356 words
    • 516 25 VII TRAVEL RESI MB -■■a/a. I 18/10,11 MM, 8711 3690 to $3800 I I I I •VvwfvO. 11,6/12. I B/10. 10/11, 1M2. j me, I I «3b 12;ic J HAM RAYA SPECIAL TOURS 2OAVS JSwOMTS OBMTwiO TOUR $85 (Stay at Oentlng Hotel) By Deluxe A/C Coach 24/8 WONDERRIL TOURS SPECIAL
      516 words
    • 472 25 rAURANTS ismtAZ/GROOP WL' DEPARTURES: *s«^V^ d/<° 24/6 Special rote: Okk/Pottoyo 5 D 1569 Okk7Po] toyo 7 6 S6od Inciuwvre Rt olrtores meals, hotel, sightseeing W_TrOJMfe»f_4»tcL' Normal doily rjep yPI3«9 70t67e For more details coll: TMJ222j»d,*****44. 3. Ad*e» 'SOOArro-AsiaßWg E«3 Roblnaon Rd. O4S.BuWt Tlmah Plaxa PHOENDI TIUVIL B.T J> M. UC
      472 words
    • 355 25 P^yMmWrtlil 117 Where to Stay HtfAM|HijliiMMHliHfl^H CHENO RESTHOUSE single room $1000 per day. Oroup ts.oo per H person. Dancing hall for rental ■MIHMNHMrMMMMMMi Tel ******. 107. Marine Parade. I Spore 1544 X C I moral Road. Orchard Area Daily ffIffiSSHHMMF Telephone *****11 (Slngapor« 101 lUTIwutD p\JA^A DHAI AT CLASSIFIEDS HOUDAV
      355 words
    • 368 25 DEWAN BANDARAYA KUALA LUMPUR PEMBERITAHU Dengan inl dlberltahu kepada semua tuan-tu-anpunya harta dl kawasan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur bahawa kesemua kenyataan tuntutan cukai pintu bagi setengah tahun kedua 1979 telah pun dlposkan dan tuan-tuanpunya harta yang belum menerima biibll maaing-masing adalah dlminta mendapatkan dari Pejabat Bendahari Bandaraya, Dewan Bandaraya, Kuala
      368 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 669 26 NS ELECTRONICS I We are committed to becoming the techno- I logy Leader in the industry In order to I achieve this, we must surround ourselves with I talented people who are vitally interested in achieving their own personal and career goals. If you wish to grow with the Leader
      669 words
    • 549 26 METAL BOX SINGAPORE LIMITED II The leading international can-maker requires:I (1) MANAGEMENT TRAINEE I (MALE) I (2) DESIGN DRAFTSMAN I (3) DRAFTSMAN I for its Drawing Office which provides services to I the South East Asian region. I Requirements I Po«ition 1:I Technical Diploma in Mechonical Production Engineering. I Good
      549 words
    • 459 26 PRODUCTION MANAGER Progressive Food Distribution and Processing Company requires a Production Manager to be responsible for the production of its seafood products. The person we seek should be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident not less than 28 years of age. He should have a sound educational or professional background
      459 words
    • 625 26 PUIUC UTILITIES BMRD TENDER NOTICE 1) Supply of 800 sets of Strait Through Joints for 20 poirs Pilot/Telephone Cable. 2) Supply, Installation and Commissioning of a Multi-Line Key Telephone System ot Loke Yew Street 3) Supply of 1 2 nos of Commercial Gas Cookers without grill 4) Erection of Cham
      625 words
    • 692 26 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP. 185 AND WELL LITE TRADING CO (PTE) LTD (Incorporated in tbe Reoublic of Singapore) At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of WELL LITE TRADING CO (PTE) LTD duly convened and held at Fook Hal Building, Suite 902, 9th Floor, ISO
      692 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 501 27 SINGAPORE PETROLEUM CO. PTE. LTD invite* applications (or I A. FINANCIAL ANALYST B. CONFIDENTIAL STENOGRAPHER I Qualification! flVEiprriencr for I A Candidates should possess a degree in I Accountancy or Business Administration I with 1 2 years experience in financial I reporting, financial studies and project I evaluation work. I
      501 words
    • 515 27 mr^EXPOKT AMD Export Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of AMD Sdn. Bhd. is a leading American Company testing semiconductor components in Penang has immediate vacancies for:(A) LOGIC CIRCUITS DESIGN ENGINEER Qualification: Must possess a University Degree or Technical Diploma of Electronic Engineering. Experience: Minimum 1 to 2 years of digital circuits
      515 words
    • 513 27 MITSUKOSHI GARDEN A complex with the latest Water Sports facilities, Tennis Courts, Golf Putting Green, Shops cum Restaurant and an exclusive Club for members, is looking for mature, dynamic, growth oriented person with proven ability to interact effectively with all levels of people to join as: Sales Supervisors Sales Assistants
      513 words
    • 400 27 THE BAMtRUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER It, 1W EDITION) NOTICE OP INTENDED DIVIDEND la ■asimitnr Ww 788/75 Chlew Keng Bee of NO. 1176-L, BlOCk 83, New Upper Changl Road, Singapore IMS 780/75 Chow Meng Hwa of No. 611 -H, Block 29, Havelock Road, Singapore 0316 790/73 Chew Jin Kow Chew Slew Chack
      400 words
    • 481 27 SEMBAWANG SHIPYARD LIMITED INTERIM RESULTS 1979 The Directors of Sembawang Shipyard Limited announce the unaudited trading results of the Company for the first six months of 1979. FIRST HALF (January June) 1979 1978 Prof it Before Tax S$19.797,000 S$1 1.021,000 The increase in profits has been as a result of
      481 words
    • 196 27 Pawnbrokers Act Si-lt7| |l miry Irom Bia loSoxng pannattepa If tfw Marts of NvQort AsfntoMsn. Koona tuna Hup Kee. U. Jalan atroh. iafawiban joo sneng. 12. Csraw Uraet Seteiiiberi. Sin nflrsOTQ ROttfl. S#f##rtO#ft- TnOO^Q Tee*. 147. Jsun Yam Tuen, Kuala ■Sah. Nam SMna. 4*. Mam Road, ■ahau. Uen Fon.T. Maw
      196 words

    • 292 28 SYDNEY, Wed. The once accepted Sunday afternoon pastime ef playing cricket on the village greea has la the past few years moved Into the space age. When Australian publisher Kerry Packer introduced crash helmets, pastel coloured clothing, nursery wickets, white balls and flood-lights with his World Series
      UPI  -  292 words
    • 32 28 TRINIDAD, Wed. Five Cricketers of the Year have been named by Trinidad and Tobago sports administrators. They are Larry Gomez, Kenrick Bainey, Gregory Gomez, Richard Gabriel and Alex Burns. UPI.
      UPI  -  32 words
    • 471 28 LONDON, Wednesday INDIA, beaten convincingly by an innings and 83 runs in the opening cricket Test against England earlier this month, will not relish the visit to Lord's tomorrow for the second encounter of their four-match series. The nightmare of the 1974
      Reuter  -  471 words
    • 129 28 TOKYO. Wed. A Japanese soccer team will make a twoweek tour of the Soviet Union and North Korea beginning Friday week, the Japan Football Association announced yesterday. The 24- member team, headed by Yukio Shimomura. will be the first Japanese soccer group to visit North Korea. In B— teenage
      129 words
    • 189 28 World Cup hosts Spain in Madrid on March 26, next year BASEBALL Pitcher John Candelaria. of Pittsburgh Pirates, was injured yesterday in a three-vehicle accident in Meadville (Pennsylvania). In Takya, short-stop Yoshihiko Takahashi, of Hiroshima Toyo Carp, hit safely yesterday in his 33rd consecutive game,
      Agencies  -  189 words
    • 54 28 LONDON, Wed. South African fast bowler Garth le Roux can play for Sussex from the start of next season, the English Test and County Cricket Board ruled here yesterday. Le Roux arrived in England two weeks ago to play for Worcestershire, but then announced he would
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 317 28 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE'S slim hopes of catching runaway English county cricket championship leaders Essex receded even further yesterday when title-holders Kent defeated them by 125 runs at Folkestone. Spinner Derek Underwood snapped up seven for 35 on the rain-affected pitch as second-placed Nottinghamshire tumbled out for 87
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 698 28 General Electric (USAI Television Sdn. Bhd.. located at Tanjung Agas Industrial Estate, Muar. Johor invites applicants to rill the following positions:— (A) PROCESS CONTROL ENGINEER He will be involved in the implementation of quality control plans, quality evaluation, providing strategic measures of quality and yields. Applicants should possess degree/ diploma
      698 words
    • 720 28 MINING ENGINEER WANTED A wr«H eslaol'S^ed mining company 'eau^es a mining engineer Mis minimum Qualifications should be as follow 2 degree in mining engineering 3 al MM 4 years e»perience in underground antimony mining Remuneration «in commensurate with level of eiperwwe ana guaii'ications Please address to The Managing Director. P.O.
      720 words
    • 191 28 '"A/NaW What's this crazy canine doing in Fanfare? /^^^^V l. Well, you know what they say about every >w dog having its day. When the dog show came to town recently, we just had to see X\ Bk what the canine cuties were up to. With a Bk f£^ little
      191 words

    • 314 29 MOSCOW, Wed. AUSTRALIAN Michelle Ford and Rumania's Carmen Bunaciu exposed the weaknesses of the Soviet women's swimming team at the Spartakiad which ended on Monday, but the Soviet men showed the power which makes them the No. 2 nation in the world. The well-balanced Soviet men's
      Reuter  -  314 words
    • 185 29 NAGOYA (Japan), Wed. Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira yesterday indicated his reluctance to host the 1988 Olympics in Japan that may cost the government millions of dollars. Nagoya City of two million people in July last year, declared their candidacy for the 1968 Olympics with Aichi
      AFP  -  185 words
    • 278 29 Basketball: Men: Moscow bt Poland 104-80 (50-38), USA bt Estonia 73-65 (34-26). Women: Russia bt USA ***** (52-47), Lithuania bt Czechoslovakia 69-58 (40-32), Kazakstan bt Yugoslavia 74-65 (4333), Lettonia bt France 65-40 (28-20). JWxlmr: semi-final: Ughtflyweight Bulat Dzhapenov (USSR) bt lon Boboc (Rum)points; Ami Juntumaa (Fin) bt
      Reuter  -  278 words
    • 306 29 MALMOE (Sweden), Wed Clancy Edwards, the world's fastest man in the 100 and 200 metres last season, swept both sprint races for the only double in an international track and field meet here last night. Edwards clocked 10.45 sec. in the 100 and 20.63 in
      AP  -  306 words
    • 418 29  -  GODFREY ROBERT By —THE PARTICIPANTS THE Hat of bwers: Pta weight: Lawrence CiUu <S'p»re), S. Vljayan (Malaysia). Llghfrdy: S. Mafcaa, M. P. KathtreaM (8), 0. Bajah (M), Ag*s Siitw (ImUneria), Mehammod Mb (PakMaa), 8M Supanya (ThaUaad). Fly: Tm Cheag f— (8), B.
      418 words
    • 181 29 COWES, Isle of Wight, Wed. There is no real favourite for the Admiral's Cup this year and yachting men in this port off the south coast of England predict a great battle for ocean racing supremacy over the next two weeks. Nineteen nations,
      AP  -  181 words
    • 393 29 BIRMINGHAM (Michigan), Wed. The 61st Professional Golfers Association championship which begins tomorrow at the Oakland Hills course is the most wide open of any major tournament for years. Tom Watson, the top money winner for the past two years and the runaway leader so far
      Reuter  -  393 words
    • 23 29 DINARD (West France), Wed. For the first time Japan will be represented in the Dinard international horse-jumping show starting tomorrow. AFP.
      AFP  -  23 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 311 29 t/\ OW V't* 1 e l ec tronic Easy-drive Hondamatic Great economy, too ignition The exclusive Hondamatic transmission allows you The Accord's 1,598 cc engine means incredible \f^ Mb%T C^^x^-S^' Yet another advanced feature to drive from start to maximum speed without gear economy compared to any car outside the
      311 words

    • 328 30  -  ERNEST FRIDA Employers and sponsor make it possible By THE flight to Zurich will be the start of Heather Merican's two-month chase for a South-east Asia Games gold medal. The Singapore women's hurdles champion for more than a decade, Heather will be competing in the
      328 words
    • 479 30  -  PATRICK BABTIANS By FOREIGN entries are pouring in for the Singapore Open squash championships, from Oct. 27Nov. 4 at the Kallang complex, with at least six out of 12 countries sounded out by the Singapore Squash Rackets Association, responding to invitations. For the
      479 words
    • 72 30 THERE was no stopping a Scorpion victory, not with nigh scores of 120, 100, 100, 100, by Willie Teng, and 98, 100, 121, 100 by Richard Lee, as they defeated Hell Orient 5-4 in a Singapore Darts Association Division One tie at Balmoral Road. In another tie, Changi
      72 words
    • 488 30  -  FAIRWAY By JET ACTION lived up to his name at Kuala Lumpur yesterday, when he turned in a dazzling gal°Wh Jockey V. Nathan in the saddle, the Water Diviner five-year-old was not fully extended but yet clocked a fast 38.6 sec. for 600 metres in
      488 words
    • 23 30 Gunner B Young Millionaire Jet Action Singapore Jewel Metropolitan U Hidden Secret Just And Fair Samedan Bellas Domina Spanish Music
      23 words
    • 116 30 Olympic 'gold' for SNOC HAJI SHA'ABI TADIN (»b»ve right), vlceptmUemi af the Stag»pare NcttoMl Olympic CmmU aa4 M.P. tor Befeh, »n behalf M the C»b«cII, received caeqne far trern Mr. Heak Hippftr, regtoaal r~f dlreeter ef Nunfarter BY exclnlve wMwhli) aceati fer the 1181 Olympic cell programme, at gperts Bnh«lwlij.
      116 words
    • 263 30 Yogarajah to say quits today THE name, Subramaniam Yogarajah, has been synonymous with the Singapore Hockey Association for 29 years now, but today a new era wil begin, reports ERNEST FRIDA. Yogaraiah, who has been in the SHA's secretary seat while presidents, officials and players have come and gone, has
      263 words
    • 64 30 OWING to the large number of requests, the Singapore Tenpin Bowling Congress have extended the closing date for entries (or the Singapore international to Saturday midnight. The championships will be held at Jackie's Bowl System 460 from August 10-19 The closing date for the World Cup selection,
      64 words
    • 289 30 Bee Khim shoots her way to lead by eight strokes KEE BEE KHIM fired a two-over-par 74 yesterday but it was still good enough to give her a resounding eight-stroke lead over her nearest rival, Elaine Conjugation, in the opening round of the Singapore Women Open amateur golf championship at
      289 words
    • 133 30 China for Asian cycle tourney KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. China will compete in the ninth Asian cycling championships here in October, even if their application to join the International Cycling Union, the world body, is rejected again. China's application for UCI membership is on the agenda of the world organisations's congress
      NST  -  133 words
    • 279 30 NORTH CONWAY (New Hampshire), Wed. Top seed Jimmy Connors, informed that his wife was about to deliver their first child, yesterday scored a quick victory in a first round match of an international tennis tournament here. Connors beat fellowAmerican Eliot Teltacner 6-2, 6-4, before rushing
      Agencies  -  279 words
    • 92 30 HAVANA, Wed. Alberto Juantorena, Cuba's 400 and 800 metres champion of the 197$ Montreal Olympics, will be off the track for the rest of the year and miss next month's World Cup athletics meet in Montreal. Juantorena, who could only manage to win a sil-
      AFP  -  92 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 337 30 THE REPEAT PERFORMANCE OF A PROVEN SOLUTION NOW, A FULL DEMONSTRATION AND SERVICE AT YAOHAN KATONG .PROM 26TH JULY TILL 15TH AUG 1979 With punctures there can be no crtoosmg time or place Particularly when they are inevitable and the place and time always seems chosen to cause the maximum
      337 words

    • 875 31 1 come not to bury Dollah Kassim, but to praise him' BOLA KASSIM (a tribute to Dollah Kassim, with apologies to William Shakespeare). DRAMATIS PERSONAE: DOLLAH KASSIM, a memorable footballer. CHOO SENG QVEE, a memorable coach. N. GANESAN, Football Association of Singapore chairman. And
      875 words
    • 355 31  -  JOE DORAS By JITTA SINGH, the new man in charge of the national soccer squad, has decided to hold back his list of 22 players for next month's South-east Asia Games in Jakarta because of three reasons. He was expected to hand in
      355 words
    • 831 31  - Chia man at helm of schools' soccer P. FRANCIS Profile.. .By HE may not bathe in the Press publicity accorded Football Association of Singapore coaches, nevertheless John Chia is a prominent figure at grassroot level in Singapore soccer. Chia, 40, the Combined Schools coach, has been at the helm of
      831 words
    • 41 31 CAIRNHILL CSA survived a determined rally by Port Authority Recreation Club before edging them out by 2-1 in their soccer friendly at Bukit Cherinin yesterday. Masilamani and Hilary scored for Cairnhill and Ibrahim Hassan for the Portmen.
      41 words
    • 147 31  - SABA's medal hopes PATRICK BABTIANB By THE Singapore Amateur Bodybuilders' Association are staking four bodybuilders to win two gold and a silver medals at next month's SEA Games in Jakarta, where bodybuilding is regarded as an exhibition sport. And, the best muscleman, selected from among 65, is bantamweight Moh Teck
      147 words
    • 644 31  -  JIM ABRAMS: Tokyo, Wed By "WHAT do travel and fashion and sports and dates add up to? The answer is tennis," said the mass-circulation Asahi Shimbun, in explaining the surging popularity of the sport in Japan. Farmers are tearing up rice paddies
      AP  -  644 words
    • 334 31  -  3ODFRE Y ROBERT By( THE Singapore Business Houses Football League are toying with the idea of starting a semi-profession-al league, probably in two years time. SBHFL secretary K. S. Manickam has sounded the Council on the idea and they have given him their full backing. Manickam
      334 words
    • 52 31 BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Wed. Brunei today announced they will net take part In the lith South-east Asian Games la Jakarta, beginning on Sept. 21. Brunei made their debut in the last SEA Games in Kuala Lampar In 1177, winning only two bronze medals from boxing and
      AFP  -  52 words
    • 62 31 TODAY'S EVENTS BOXING Pesta Sukan championship (Gay World stadium 8). BILLIARDS National jun ior (our-ball championship (Katong saloon 7). GOLF Singapore women's Open (Bukit Course 8). GYMNASTICS National inter-school competition (SBA hall 2). HOCKEY SHA Premier league: Armed Forces v Schools, Singapore Recreation Club v Ceylon Sports Club. SOCCER Rochore
      62 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 364 31 "Sanuk" is the Thai word bottomed boat where you indulge in I'^aV for fun. And fun is what every kind oi sea s P ort imaginable. W m w& Thai Internationa] tours Chiang Mai Extension fl A IW promise you, if you stay 3 days (from $279) W9W 9 \KL
      364 words

  • 105 32 THIS 26-sterey circular point block is one of the seven "new look" HDB apartment blocks to be built over the next few years. Now wider construction In Ang Mo Klo, it will stand ont as a landmark of the new town when completed In
    105 words
  • 235 32 Embassy siege suspects to be tried ANKARA, Wed. Police today handed over six suspects to the martial law authorities for trial on charges of helping Palestinian guerillas attack the Egyptian Embassy in Turkey last month. Police said they expected to turn in two more suspects after they finished testifying in
    UPI  -  235 words
  • 68 32 SYDNEY, Wed. Australia's national dock strike could be costing the country's businesses up to ASIOO million 15J243 million) a day, the Sydney Chamber of Commerce said today. Some 10.000 dockers walked off the job yesterday, closing down Australia's 41 ports because of an inter-union demarcation
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 175 32 Late CLASSIFIEDS DEATHS SELVARATNAM 8/0 LATE APPIAH (formerly of Federal Treasury), passed away peacefully at the University Hospital on Ist August 79 leaving behind brothers: Rajaratnam Gunaratnam, Sabaratnam P J N adaraj ah Ipoh sisters Mrs. Somasundram, Mrs. Slvagnam (Seremban) Mrs. Kandasamy (XL) Mrs. Krishnar (Spore) Mrs. Ratnaslngham (Penang), brothers-in-law:
    175 words
  • 443 32 ...until refugee issue is resolved: Carter PRESIDENT Jimmy Carter has declared that the United States will not recognise the government of Vietnam, nor extend any economic aid to it so long as it continues to create a refugee problem. Mr Carter, speaking at a
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  443 words
  • 196 32 Ky's son leaves Vietnam for US SINGAPORE, Wed. Nguyen Cao Minn, the 26-year-old eldest son of former Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky, has managed to leave Vietnam after four years of efforts to join his family in the United States. He was among more than 900 "boat people" picked
    AFP  -  196 words
  • 60 32 JAKARTA, Wed. Japan today extended three billion yen (SS3O million) to the Asean Cultural Fund, fulfilling a pledge made by former Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda to Asean. This was the second and final installment of the five billion yen promised by Japan to Asean in
    60 words
  • 42 32 WASHINGTON, Wed. The House of Representatives voted yesterday to put up a statue or bust of Martin Luther King Jr in the Capitol. It would be the first work of art in Congress to honour a black American. UPI.
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 312 32 Viet soldier found in Thai border area BANGKOK, Wed. A Vietnamese soldier was captured last Saturday while "scouting" in Thailand's Aranyaprathet district on the Kampuchean border, a delayed military report revealed today. The soldier, whose identity was not disclosed, was reportedly captured in the Tna Kham sub-dis-trict of Aranyaprathet, which
    AFP; UPI  -  312 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 241 32 HAIR REPLACEMENT CENTRE 11 a^ fl Iff Before! After B 111 kU LoteM techn.quM to tolve oil your HAIR PROBLEMS I J No limitotions you con ilccp. swim or engage m I I ony iport. .t will stoy <r> ploce III! TOUPEE WIGS FOR GENTS 4 LADIES K|l HAIR TRANSPLANT
      241 words
    • 45 32 FRUITIMINS! MANUFACTURED IN ENGLAND Tasty, chewable LEMON/ORANGE flavoured vitamin tablets. Children just love it. Stimulates appetite Helps healthy growth Strengthens resistance against colds infection Economical Costs less than 5 cents dai ly THE SINGAPORE DISPENSARY Whol*S*l» Ottmitlt Druggists 265. Orchard Road. Singapore 9 Tel: *****0.
      45 words
    • 455 32 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Pric* Mr Annocrl Subscription SIM. For mbtenptfon. nil *****11 Kit 231. TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. SINGAPORE Airlines is doing its bit to help local contractors with a giant $120 miHion contract. The structure will be the biggest of its kind in the world and will grace
      455 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 131 32 Amsterdam 16-20C Gear Lm Aageiea 18-31C Clear Atheas 23-35C Oar MuUt 23-29C Rain Baarala 32-37C Hazy Maatrtml 21 29C Hazy Bu|ktk 28-31C Clear M«mi 12-22C Clear Beirat 22-32C Clear New Delkl 27-34C Cloudy Berlin 16-22C dew New Yark 24-32C Cloudy BnuMte 15-2OC dear Parb 14-20C Goody Baeaaa Alrea 18-28C dear
      131 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION TWO
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION TWO
      5 words
    • 740 1  -  r KEVIN DUNN in Madrid B> THE RETURN to the bullring of millionaire matador Manuel Benitez "El Cordobes" has whetted the appetite of bullfight fans around the world and promises a new lease of life for Spain's most famous spectacle. El Cordobes his nickname means
      Reuter  -  740 words
    • 586 1  -  PETER TONGE By BRUCE MILLER laughs at the killer shark featured in the film "Jaws.* 1 "No such creature exists," he says emphatically. Mr Miller should know: He is one of the few people in this world who "walks" his sharks the way most folks
      586 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 167 1 wrJw Coconut fresh in the can Available at supermarkets, emporiums and provision shops HARRISONS* CROSFIFIO (SI PTELTO 7* Floor MarOonjU How Orchard ßotd Siniupof* O»23 T» 12<:»1 The Straits Times SECTION TWO advertising.. 3 NOW. MORE 727 SERVKES EVERYDAY ~,sr>y' '■'■':< IbJ ME:'... i-jdlß V^A P|> Jlm^B MW N^H DbK
        167 words
      • 498 2  -  JOHN DE SOUZA By Exhibition review The age of Shakespeare British Council, Singapore Rubber House July M to Aog 29 THE exhibition offers interesting insights into life in the Elizabethan England of the late 16th and early 17th Centuries. It should be of interest to
        498 words
      • 142 2 HK star Fung Po Po coming to sing FUNG Po Po, once a child star of Cantonese movies in the early Sixties, will be coming to Singapore at the end of this month to perform in a nightclub. Coming with her will be a company of five dancers to perform
        142 words
      • 45 2 MR Ronald Alcantra, author of the play. An Eclipse Leaves No Shadow, is a traffic superintendent with the Port Authority and has no connections whatsoever with Raffles Institution. The error, as reported in yesterday's story on local radio plays, is regretted.
        45 words
      • 115 2 MAKE a date with the National Theatre Club Folk Dance Troupe tonight. The folk dance group, one of the several cultural troupes of the NTC, will entertain with an evening of dances from many lands to celebrate the Republics coming 14 th National
        115 words
      • 261 2 LET'S go abroad again tonight with People, Markets and Musicmakers on Ch 5 at 11.35. This episode wafts us to a busy and colourful market-place 2,000 metres above sea-level in the plateau of Central Mexico. And if it seems unreal, you're not to blame 11.35 is
        261 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 162 2 THE TECHNICAL PEN Wm^mmY H H)RAW ON OUR EXPERIENCE Let the years of precision engineering and design experience behind MARS-700 reflect in your work. MARS-700 Drafting Perfection 3>SraErJTLER Bally. Over 125 years of Swiss craftsmanship, plus an I unerring flair for fashion, colour and design, have given Bally a I
        162 words
      • 8 2 a jLkfft m [I W*Wb TfV** jffidtiw ''4r9>*^i
        8 words
      • 335 2 3.00 PM Opening and Star Performance Study In Panic 3.30 Diary of Events (Chinese) 3.35 Home Sweet Home (Mandarin Drama Serial, repeat) 4.20 Intermission 6.05 Opening and The Human Body (Malay) 6.30 News in Brief 6.35 What's My Line 5.55 PM Opening and New Adventures of Batman 6.20 Children's Comer
        335 words
      • 347 2 SINGAPORE 5 7.00 The Muppet Show 7.30 News (Malay) 7.45 Sword Of Justice 8.50 Sports Magazine 9.05 The Rolf Harris Show 9.30 News and Newsreel (English) 9.55 Cultural Diary (English) 10.05 Thursday Feature Special Hosti Guns 11.35 People, Markets And Musicmakers 12.05 AM Close SINGAPORE 8 8.05 Art As A
        347 words
      • 209 2 t.K Daily Digest t.f Sunset Serenade. (.35 Financial And Share Market Report 7.N News 7.15 Arts Circle 1.S* On Feminine Lines 8.M Preview 9.M News 9.11 Prog Summary followed by The World Of Health 9.M Requests On The Line 11.15 Science Report 11.31 The RTS Combo U.M News 11.11 Soothing
        209 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • woman plus
      • 1192 3  -  SIT MENG CHUE By THEIR eyes met across the billiard table. His said: "C'mon over", hers were haughty. He wore an eye patch, pirate-style, she wore a bandeau dress, looking every inch the temptress. He challenged her to a game and she took the cue. Is
        1,192 words
      • 916 3  -  Dr L.H.S by What's up, a Doc?qD I AM writing on the subject of whooping cough today because of the rising incidence of this once uncommon childhood disease. The reason for the recent rise in the number of cases of whooping cough
        916 words
      • 416 3  -  JOAN J. CIRILLO By NEW YORK She set trends as the Queen of Camelot. She drew sympathy as the dignified widow in the blood-stained pink suit and the pillbox hat. She stirred controversy as the bride of an aging greek shipping tycoon.
        AP  -  416 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 104 3 Relax with National vacuum cleaner. hate a^ .a-m^B f I f rjt^r H^9^^h~ Imagine, your household cleaning done at the touch of the button There's no stooping or bending over 1 l^^flflflH The National vacuum cleaner is ideal for floors. y'^^'^L cushions and draperies. Even hard-to-reach Jtttf corners. Saves you
        104 words
      • 55 3 S '/iT-Wis C^w mm m¥i I^%** i w Now in four great flavours W^^ Orangeade* Lime Lemonade* Cola* Shandy W^ Avaiiable at al leading Supennartets QC Eastern Agencies g§ In Female this issue you find... Can your husband stop you from working? What can you do about it? F you
        55 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 1645 4 nnrtlo PADITiIi mnnv hCHOMG The Texas Instruments OPENS UArl lUL TODAY > t^B»» f I Slimline Business AnalystH. (*****9) 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.30 9.15 pm -No Free List "I'llKiSirSS 1 mis is a inUL aiuni; a e;v»»»s«= > M-^^&?gM/ /FI x DK ,m* l IN 1942 MacARTHUR ORDERED $16,000,000 OF
        1,645 words
      • 329 4 SIMULTANEOUS OPENING TODAY? MAJESTIC ODEON-K ATONG REGAL 212 1 GALA c RUBY *PLAZA SILVER CITY C m,o/rg,r/p f^P> Yuan Hsiao TiengC; in Cantonaav A lS^^ Jaaa^B^HHHHßa^Bl C icolorsco-.e-v^jpji yirum ■«>- «TZ?J^ial.i;<']>jy SIMULTANEOUS OPENING TODAY! ]i[ Kreta Ayer PEOPLES THEATRE )!> JURONG DRIVE-IN CINEMA X CHELSIA CHAN .Winner of the Golden
        329 words
      • 648 4 «&CATHAO j I^n^OHtMHIS*TIOII<! ]<m' i3Lun^iiiiiiH.ny O*>CNSTOOAYI f Krala Afar Paopta't Thaalra C i |J I 30.3 45. 700 1 9 15pm J, Jurortg Ortv»-ln Cmama 1 1 C 2 Showa: 7 00 1 1 1Spm I J CHILIIA CHAN 1 1 ■Bl RAINBOW IN C' ■flOf MY HEART C' JBJ
        648 words