The Straits Times, 7 June 1979

Total Pages: 44
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1979 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 142/1/79
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  • 479 1 New cracks found in two jets WASHINGTON, Wednesday THE UNITED States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today ordered all 138 DC-lOs flown by the nation's air carriers grounded with immediate effect after finding new cracks in the engine mounting systems of two of the wide-bodied jets, an agency
    AP; UPI  -  479 words
  • 93 1 SIA's five taken off SINGAPORE Airlines last night ordered toe grounding of all four of its DC-las as well as a fifth one leased from a Dutch charter company. This was confirmed by an SIA spokesman who said the widebodied jetliners would lie grounded until further notice. Two of SlA's
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  • 260 1 COLOMBO, Wed. The toppled Kampuchean regime of Pol Pot has won a battle to continue holding its disputed seat in the non-aligned movement amid bitter reaction from j Vietnam. The Pol Pot delegation will represent Kampuchea at the four-day non-align-ed ministerial meeting here
    Agencies  -  260 words
  • 60 1 Courtesy song THE music makers in the Singapore Police Force have added a jaunty tempo to the National Courtesy Campaign. They have composed a bright and catchy tune. Courtesy Should be Shin- ing through the Heart, to j mark the campaign. Set to the tempo of a march, it was
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  • 69 1 MANILA, Wed. A fire apparently caused by a cigarette butt swept the cargo hold of a Philippine luxury snip but all 1,164 people aboard were rescued unharmed, authorities said today. The fire broke out aboard the 3,800-tonne motor vessel Don Sulicio seven hours after it left
    UPI  -  69 words
  • 427 1  -  KOH YAN POH By BUND student, Miss Ku Cheng Huang, mm graduated tram the I niversity of Singapore with very good results but she will not b. folly happy with her wmcttSB till "those results get her Into the Institute of Kducation to be trained
    HAIRLS  -  427 words
  • 148 1 LONDON, Wed. The price of gold rose above US$2BO (Ss6l6)an ounce for the first time today as people bought it because of anxieties about worldwide inflation and oil shortage prospects. Dealers on the London bullion market, where the metal traded at U*****.75 an ounce this morning,
    Reuter; UPI  -  148 words
  • 27 1 GENEVA, Wed. annual conference of the Intenational Labour Organisation opened here today with the election of India's Labour Minister. Ravindra Varma. as president AP.
    AP  -  27 words
  • 462 1  -  THOMAS WEE By THE Education Ministry has appointed a study team to look into the strengths and weaknesses in the administration and organisation of the Institute of Education. The Director of Education, Mr Chan Kai Yau, at the ministry's weekly meet-the-press session yesterday, named
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  • 250 1 Lee to stop over in Bangkok for talks MR LEE Kuan Yew will stop over in Bangkok for several hours tomorrow for talks with the Thai Prime Minister, Gen Kriangsak Chomanan, en route to his 12-day visit to four European countries. He will be accompanied by Foreign Minister S. Rajaratnam,
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  • 68 1 LONDON, Wed. Chinas Chairman Hua Guofeng i Hii.i Kuo-feng) is expected to pay an official visit to Britain from Ocl 29 to Nov 3. informed British sources said today. It will be part of his first visit to the West He is expected to come here
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 44 1 ISLAMABAD, Wed. Kabul Radio alleged today that armed Pakistanis, "disguised as civilians" have attcked Afghanistan territory across the border. The radio said the attack was still continuing from bordering Waziristan, Mohammand and Chitral areas. Pakistan television immediately denied the charge. AFP.
    AFP  -  44 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 143 1 Maruman QRAPHfTE m aaaW %-a^*^ •^•J JKr IS'4 M»O«CHAHOI<D rill. icMICWi MKOOi' Enjoy Hi-Fi Stereo in Your Car xrert HIGH POWER CAR STEREO TO DAY S MOST UP TO DATE with MOST AMftNttb FEATURES PERFORMANCE AS 6000 AS YOUR 111 FICOMM SYSTEM aaaaaV t^l ■PV^'^B^^Baam CRF-2112MMKH 18 Watts RMS per
      143 words
    • 204 1 RULES MAY BE EASED ON ALIEN ARCHITECTS Pag* 8 THAW in Slno-vSoviet ties may be on the way C MTL call to ministry: Examine Malay traditions critically 1 TALKS mi new model bus kff SBS 12 LONG-TERM economic piaa: 'R and D' a main Item 14 MAN used cheque rose
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 118 2 LOS ANGELES, Wed. Japan Ls turning the tables to give Americans a taste of one of their own specialties fast food. Yoshlnoya of Tokyo, one of the world's biggest fast food companies, opened the first of a planned 2M restaurants in the United States here
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 340 2 WASHINGTON, Wed MORE than two decades ago, the United States taught a defeated Japan how to make its post-war economy more productive. Now the pupil has done so well, the teacher is taking lessons from it. The US Congress' joint economic committee yesterday began
      UPI  -  340 words
    • 193 2 Turkey will get Soviet N-plant ANKARA, Wednesday THE Soviet Union will build and supply a nuclear power plant for Turkey under an agreement signed in Ankara today. The nuclear plant was a surprise element in an economic agreement signed by Turkish Government officials and visiting Soviet External Economic Relations Minister
      Reuter  -  193 words
    • 146 2 Japan's save fuel drive a success TOKYO, Wednesday THE voluntary closing of nearly all Japan's 57,000 petrol stations on Sundays and holidays to save energy is a success, according to government officials, who claim drivers and station operators alike are cheerfully going along The Petroleum Retailers Association reported that more
      AP  -  146 words
    • 36 2 JAKARTA: Indonesia's oil potential is virtually unlimited, an American oil company chief said today. President of the American Roy M. Huffington oil company based in Houston, Mr Roy Huffington told the annual convention
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    • 52 2 THE ENERGY SQUEEZE of the Indonesian Petroleum Association here that there are two reasons for this optimism o Large new deposits of hydrocarbons waiting to be found and developed and o The Indonesian Government and its oil company Pertamina strongly support efforts to join them in developing the country's hydrocarbon
      AFP  -  52 words
    • 67 2 LONDON: British Rail is to cut its diesel passenger train services by 7 per cent to save fuel supplies, it was learned here today. The cuts will last at least until autumn. They will affect both main and suburban lines and will lead to a reduction
      AFP  -  67 words
    • 97 2 TOKYO, Wed. Unmarried Japanese na longer entoy a sUte of Mlas since their food costs aloae account for one-third of their total spending, the Economic Planning Agency said In a report published yesterday. According to the s«rvey, held dnrlng the January-March period covering the
      AFP  -  97 words
    • 160 2 B'desh faces food and water shortage DACCA, Wed. Bangladesh faces the prospect of a serious food and drinking water shortage as a drought, said to be the worst in 40 years, continued to dry up reservoirs and scorch once-rich cropland. The drought has already shut down the country's biggest hydro-electric
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 241 2 CZESTOCHOWA (Poland), Wednesday THE text of an outspoken address by Pope John Paul II to Polish bishops yesterday was released to the press and then temporarily withdrawn because the bishops, unfamiliar with Western press mores, argued that it was meant only for them. The foreign
      AFP; AP  -  241 words
    • 108 2 BEIJING (PEKING), Wed. The second wife of the late Communist Paity chairman Mao Zedong (Mao Tsetung) and China hest-known woman writer t«*ve been rehabilitated and made members of the country's united front organisation. The Xinhua (Hsinhua) news agency said Madam He Zizhen (Ho
      Reuter  -  108 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 349 2 The versatile Little Helper is here! TOSHIBA VH-7810E Consider these features:— Very competitive price Big capacity to hold bigger and heavier loads of washable clothes Automatic reversing vortex washing system. or one way for delicate fabrics v Centrifugal extraction spin dry system Wm^^' n i $w 3m -if Seamless spin
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    • 178 2 The Singapore International Business Show '80 March 1 8 22, 1 980 World Trade Centre, Singapore 100 companies from 9 countries participated in SIBUS '79. More than 20,000 buyers and end users visited the exhibition. SIBUS '80 will be three times larger than SIBUS 79. Ot^siness Machines Dup^tory Printing fl
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    • 328 3 Thailand may face influx of Meo BANGKOK. Wed. Thailand, already deluged with refugees fle« ing communist Indochina, could face another influx in the near future of Meo hill tribes people from Laos, refugee offi(ials said today. The officials quoted recently arrivea Meo refugees in north-east Thailand as saying there could
      Reuter; AP  -  328 words
    • 37 3 NEW YORK, Wed The Asia Society, aided by grants from the Japanese Government and the Rockefellers, began construction yesterday on a US$lB.B million <5530.3 million i headquarters for its pro-p-ammes to foster US-Asian relations AP.
      AP  -  37 words
    • 172 3 Khomeiny draws line on people's rights TEHERAN, Wed. AvatolUh Ruhollah Rhomelny said yesterday there would be no rights in Iran for those who were not "workers, peasants, clergy or truly Islamic traders". "It was those classes of the population," he said In a speech at the holy city of Qom
      AP; AFP  -  172 words
    • 146 3 (KUWAIT, Wed. Iraqi j authorities have stormed the South Yemeni embassy in Baghdad I and seized its employees in a further deterioraI tion in the two couni tries' relations. South j Yemen's state-run Radio Aden said today, i In a broadcast monitored here, the radio
      UPI  -  146 words
    • 188 3 PLO pulls out of S. Lebanon villages BEIRUT, Wednesday HOPING to avert further Israeli raids in southern Lebanon, the Palestine Liberation Organisation and its leftist Muslim allies yesterday began withdrawing their forces from southern cities and villages. The PLO News Agency announced that all PLO offices in Tyre would be
      AP  -  188 words
    • 45 3 I JAKARTA, Wed. Indone- sians consume US$3OO million (Ss66o million) worth of medicine and drugs every year, according to Health Ministry official, Dr Midian Sirail He told Parliament yesterday that more than 7,000 types of drugs were being sold in Indonesia. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 39 3 LAS VEGAS, Wed. World chess champion Anatoly Karpov of the Soviet Union has agreed to meet former US champion Walter Browne in a USSSO.OOO (SJ110.000) winner-take-all game in Las Vegas in September, it was announced today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 81 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. Egypt did not consult the United States before concluding an arms agreement with China, a US State Department spokesman said yesterday. However, spokesman Hodding Carter took a relaxed view of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's announcement. "With the cutoff of Soviet military aid." the spokesman said,
      AP  -  81 words
    • 312 3 Suharto and Somare settle differences PORT MORESBY, Wednesday INDONESIA and Papua New Guinea have agreed to prevent Irian-Jaya separatists from launching raids into each other's territories, thus settling differences between the two countries over their border. According to a communique, signed by President Suharto, and
      Reuter  -  312 words
    • 39 3 LONDON, Wed. Following the announcement of the retirement next January of Archbishop of Canterbury Donald Coggan. the leading contender for the post is likely j to be Dr Stuart Blanch. 61. the present Archbishop of York. AFP.
      AFP  -  39 words
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    • 4 3 |i 9 f; vl
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    • 345 3 JUNEIITH ISSUE. HOW SAFE 7 The crash ot a DC-10 last week raises fear-o! flying doubts about aircraft design maintenance procedures crowded airspaces and pilot errors The hard truth is that flying will never be utterly without risk PLUS: THE POPE COMES HOME AND MOSCOW S AFGHAN QUAGMIRE Nowsweok m
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    • 148 4 BASES WON'T SHIFT BALANCE MANILA, Wed. The commander of the US Navy said today Russian naval bases in Vietnam would make the Soviet navy more flexible but would not significantly chance the balance of naval power in Asia. Adm Thomas Hayward. chief of naval operations, also said Washington is considering
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    • 377 4 LOADED FREIGHTER SEEN IN JAPAN STRAIT TOKYO, Wednesday THE Soviet Union is believed to have shipped a number of heavy arms to two disputed islands off Japan's northernmost main island of Hokkaido, Japanese Defence Agency officials said today. Japanese naval patrol planes took photographs of
      Reuter  -  377 words
    • 61 4 WASHINGTON, Wed. Once threatened with extinction, the American alligator population has grown under protective regulations, prompting the government yesterday to con- sider approving the sale of alligator hides abroad The Endangered Species Scientific Authority ESSA proposal would permit the hides of alligators legally killed in Florida
      AP  -  61 words
    • 230 4 Drug man walked out of jail on forged papers BANGKOK, Wed. A convicted international drug smuggler, sentenced to life imprisonment, walked out of a maximum security jail here on forged papers, prison officials admitted today. Authorities only discovered he was missing when they arrived last week to take him to
      AFP; UPI  -  230 words
    • 267 4 Big pay hikes for Britain's top people LONDON, Wednesday BRITAIN'S new Conservative Government fulfilled one of its election pledges today by giving big pay rises to top people, including judges and civil servants. But the decision to give an average 25 per cent rise brought angry reaction from Labour MPs
      Reuter  -  267 words
    • 59 4 PARIS, Wed. Christina von Opel, heiress to the West German motor fortune, went on trial with seven alleged accomplices yesterday, accused of smuggling 1,620 kg of hashish into France. Von Opel, 28, was arrested in July 1977 after the drug was discovered in two apartments she had
      AP  -  59 words
    • 57 4 SAN FRANCISCO, Wed. Sirhan Sirhan, the convicted assassin of US Senator Robert Kennedy, lost a court fight yesterday to have his prison sentence cut. The California Court of ApKal. in a brief order, denied i petition. The Community Release Board has set May 1, 1985 as the
      AP  -  57 words
    • 210 4 Uganda's depleted wildlife reserve PAKUBA (Uganda), Wed. One giraffe, one buffalo and several clusters of gazelles that was all the wildlife a reporter saw in a three-day trek across the Kabalega Falls National Park in northwest Uganda, once one of africa's great wildlife reserves but now depleted by Idi Amin's
      AP; AFP  -  210 words
    • 63 4 Roof of arena caves in MOST of the roof of the US$23 million ( million) Kemper Arena in Kansas City collapsed on Monday night during a storm that inclnded lli-km h winds and more than "i cm of rain. Damage to th arena, scene of the 1976 Republican National Convention,
      AP  -  63 words
    • 115 4 Bokassa bans arrest of youths PARIS, Wed. Emperor Bokassa of the Central African E.npire, who has i been accused of massacring children, has bani ned the arrest of youths in his country, the Central t African News Agency (Acap) reported today. A dispatch from Bangui said an imperial ordiI nance
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 237 4 LONDON, Wednesday THE commander of Ghana's Armed Forces was killed and Head of State Gen. Fred Akuffo stabbed in the coup that brought junior air force officer Jerry Rawlings and his followers to power on Monday, it was reported today. Tanjug, the Yugoslav news
      AP  -  237 words
    • 88 4 JOHANNESBURG, Wed. Former information minister Connie Mulder today implicated South African Premier Pieter Botha in the multi-million dollar secret fund scandal which has already led to the resignation of the country's President, Mr John Vorster. Dr Mulder in a statement released here said the role played by the
      AFP  -  88 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 434 4 Li V r _> Why WOOD' 79 is important to you. Betwec 16 ara 20 '979. Souf East As.a s leading businessmen and developers in tne timber industry, and the world s most established manufacturers of timber equipment will meet in Singapore tor Wood '79. the first International Forestry. Timber
      434 words
    • 167 4 Clean, Clear Copies. Effective, Economic Machines U-Bix has a full range of copying machines to suit the requirements of your business from the 2000R 111 High Speed Plain Paper Copier to the Desk-Top U-Bix V Copier with micro computer Adaptable to all kinds of copying needs. From bound books to
      167 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 560 5 Visit Philips new Video Showroom for this whopper of an offer: Europe's best-selling VCR for only 1,995 X^hilirama, Second Floor, Plaza Sin- Philips lets you record up to 3 hours, play-back buttons simultaneously. speed, the better the sound quality. 1-^gapura, is where you can find the continuous viewing on one
      560 words

    • 588 6 BEIJING READY TO PLAY SOVIET CARD BEIJING (PEKING), Wednesday Impact k, U THE Soviet Union has agreed to a Chinese rail for talks on normalising relations and has also proposed that discussions fce held in Moscow daring July or August. We focns on
      AFP  -  588 words
    • 245 6 MANILA, Wednesday DEFENCE Minister Juan Ponce Enrile has blamed indifferent and oppressive military commanders and civilian offcials for a resurgence of communist insurgency in several parts of the Philippines after nearly seven years of martial law. In a speech to a local Rotary club earlier this week
      Reuter  -  245 words
    • 123 6 BANGKOK, Wed. A high-ranking communist insurgent who surrendered yesterday said that Thai communists have stopped receiving support from both the Vietnamese and Chinese communist parties and that the Communist Party of Thailand (CPT) administration is suffering from serious internal dissent. The insurgent, Boonjan
      123 words
    • 32 6 PAHUTE MESA (Nevada), Wed. Continued adverse wind at the Nevada test site yesterday forced government scientists to postpone again the fifth announced underground nuclear test of the year. UPI.
      UPI  -  32 words
    • 117 6 BANGKOK, Wed. The running dogs are back. A China-coined phrase bow seldom heard because of Improved relation* with the United States, "running dogs" has been revived by the strident radio of the Khmer Rouge, Kampuchea's overthrown regime. For the past few weeks, the Chlna-batied radio
      UPI  -  117 words
    • 129 6 We're not worried, say US officials WASHINGTON, Wed. State Department officials say they arc not worried about tho possibility of improved relations between the Soviet Union and China. Statements in Moscow and Beijing (Pekiriß) i this week have indicat j ed that talks on improved relations may begin soon Publicly,
      AP  -  129 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 319 6 How to get almost everywhere in Europe. Quickly. W* iff nnirf You can fly Lufthansa even if you are not going to Germany. Wherever in Europe you're going, we're going there too. To 54 cities. With convenient connections only Lufthansa can offer. Lufthansa German Airlines Contact your travel agent or
      319 words
    • 301 6 This small |J Mr yet it's a true g wideangle -through- OfTAfl telephoto J?l|Vl Mr zoom lens I Etf (f2.8/35-80mm)with ■A macro-focusing capability. Leave it permanently Vfl Q on your SLR it s almost mk W^^^m as small and compact as a standard scm lens 1 and j you'll always
      301 words

  • 422 7  - Kampung artist who made good tells a11... BENG TAN By MALAVSIAN cartoonist Lat ha.s derided to tell the world about his earl> life in the wa> he knows best in a series of cartoons. He arrived here vrsterda.v to promote this, his first book. The Kampung Boy, whleh tells the
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  • 402 7 r-SMTU CALL TO MINISTRY: THE Singapore Malay Teachers Union has called on the Education Ministry to examine Malay I traditions critically J before they are incorporated into moral education for Malay students. It feels that there are certala aspects of; Malay traditions which are unsuitable for
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  • 41 7 THREE films on Britain The Land and the People, will be shown in Queenstown Library on Saturday at 3 p.m. They are: A City of all Seasons. Living in Scotland and Welsh Welcome. Admission is free. I
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  • 98 7 A GROUP of Malay undergraduates from the University of Singapore is conducting a survey on the educational and cultural development of the Malay community. This is part of a project j organised by the universi- i ty's Malay Language Society. The undergrads will visit about 50 Malay fami-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 709 7 I a titus WIN 30 FANTASTIC PRIZES PLUS 10 BONUS PRIZES! From BULOVA TITUS The pioneer and world leader in The versatile watch for years electronic time-keeping of accurate time-keeping H B?^Si I Ist1 st FORDCORTINAI.6GL ~^VW^ njrm^t on tne fQa( j (without insurance! including PARF W/WctVm Ond TAIPEI -HONGKONG
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 238 7 THE WORK OF FRKI ASIAN CHILDREN'S and from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. OTTO AND HIS TEAMS BOOKS AND ASEAN on weekends. On till July 1K5-7C an exhibition at CHILDREN'S Cl LTl RES 1. the National Museum Art at National Library lee- CHINESE ART AND Gallery from 10.30 a.m. to
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  • 506 8 SAYS MINISTER THE Board of Architects is considering proposals to relax rules restricting the registration of foreign architects in Singapore. The Minister for National Development, Mr Teh Cheang Wan said yesterday that his ministry has asked the board to "liberalise" registration as an
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  • 29 8 Tl KSDAVS electricity consumption i.f 19.35 million units was an increase of 2.X per rent over thr average Tuesday usage in March of 18.96 million units.
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  • 266 8 'Tory trade policy will benefit Singapore' SINGAPORE as a key centre for communications and industry in the Asean region will benefit from an accelerated investments and technology transfer by the new trade policy of the recently elected Conservative government of Britain. The British Minister of- State (Trade), Mr Cecil 1
    266 words
  • 97 8 Thai goods for S'pore by road? I BANGKOK, Wed. Negotiations have been completed for the delivery of Thai perishable goods to Singapore by the land 1 route through Malaysia. A Communications; Ministry source said, today an agreement was i expected to be concluded here this month. Perishable goods to be
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 139 8 Buying a flat? Don't miss this guide WHAT do you want to know if you plan to buy an HDB or HUDC flat? Naturally, you would want to consider the type, the price range, the location, the quantum of monthly payment, the period of repayment and the estimated date of
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  • 150 8 TRISTAR 500 FLIES INTO SINGAPORE THK world's newest widebodied passenger aircraft, British Airways' Lockheed long-range Tristar 500, landed at Singapore Airport for the first time yesterday. This new version of the Lockheed 100 Tristar. is described as "an aircraft of the 1980s," which flies on three engines instead of four,
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  • 30 8 THE National Productivity Board will hold its first course on air-conditioning and refrigeration at the Metropolitan YMCA. Palmer Road, from June 19 to July 25 at 7 p.m.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 111 8 1,. i f* JL j "WAT *^m* WmWhtm liii*. lA/ ■H W^B?> Sf fL, t'f Ith ht<: ht> tf I ctSV I* F'l senses and you U conjure Renato Balestra's new B gl world-acclaimed parfum Balestra. V kHn I «^0 P* It is a sceit that is softly teasing, infintely
      111 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 270 8 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavanagh Hal Camp I 3boz\ez wh:? r ca\ r -tal< tc was ~uat AtA^ A C D 'C-^ .VA^tz I >, >_, -<^ you NC^ -I'LI DIMTY T^AT 5-/4.N CHJI \iCTME' I YOU« CALL BACK ___^S v ■'FEE A s> NEPweW. -7 LATER/ J T4l»<i\&/
      270 words

  • 121 9 Proposal to classify hotels rejected THE Singapore Hotels and Restaurants Association has rejected a proposal to classify hotels in the next issue of the hotel directory. The proposal was recently forwarded by the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, which runs the directory together with the association. The classification involves the description
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  • 21 9 TBCK Ghee community centre will hold a picnic (or children at East Coast Park Sunday For details, ring *****65
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  • 266 9 Search for father and son in $2.8 m case THE ClD's Commercial Crime Division is looking for two former company directors in connection with a case of criminal breach of trust of $2.8 million. They are Oh Choon Woo, alias Oh Choon Loo, alias Oh Choon U, and his son.
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  • 133 9 CANADA TEAM LOOKING FOR AGENTS A TRADE mission from Alberta, Canada, dealing in gas and oil industrial equipment is here in Singapore to look (or agents. Two members of the group are also looking for manufacturers interested in setting up joint ventures. The leader of the nineman mission, Mr Sid
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  • 254 9 Transcriber will help blind students BLIND students will have no problem getting books and other reference material transcribed in braille when schools and institutions of higher learning reopen next year A $60,000 micro-comput-er braille transcriber, believed to be the first of its kind in Singapore, will be in operation at
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  • 37 9 MR John Ng Chee Hean has been elected chairman of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Singapore branch. Other officials are Mr Low Yew Wan vice chairman; Mr Peter Ng, secretary and Mr Robert Tan. treasurer.
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  • 29 9 VOCATIONAL and Industrial Training Board instructress Madam Lim Siew Moi will give a talk-cum-demonstration on doll making at Whampoa community centre on June 29 at 8 p.m.
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  • 49 9 ENTRY is now open to ail schools for the Inter-Schools Team Chess Championships which will be held at the Bendemeer Secondary School from July 7 to August 4. Closing date for entries is ■June 29. For entry forms and details, call Mr Leong at *****4.
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  • 159 9 THE I lv Pandan Refuse Incineration Plant in Ton Tuck Road Is now open to the public for disposing domestic refuse. Anyone wishing to dlsose of their garbage can do so at the Incineration plant there at no charge for rubbish not exceeding one tonne and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 240 9 P»»* A World' of tiles imported from rN Italy. Sweden, Germany. Slip away -«i»_^L^k-J for a while into IBP's world i '^^I^B WS F^F] Discover the pleasant surprises, feel I SlJl tne real tVt V soothing, soft clear L-— J— ■ir*^ colours, pretty patterns, bold signatures, intricate and delicate 4^^^^
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    • 608 9 m DRAGON fWILACE g| p||l Restaurant Mjj T\P restaurants in Sngapore with ultimate in Cantonese cuisine. FIRST choice of all local gourmets who thrive on dining in regal splendour. You could be a FIRST too by making Dragon Palace your FIRST choice FIRST CLASS AT ECONOMY PRICES Join us today
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  • 278 10 &LL recruits at the Police Academy Aill, in future, tegin their training a ith a week's programme in courtesy. Two hours will be put aside each day luring the week for Iho lessons which will include slides, talks md lectures on courtesy.
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  • 85 10 POLICE, ROV IN JOINT EXERCISE THE traffic police and the Registry of Vehicles (ROY) are carrying out a joint exercise to identify discourteous drivers during the courtesy campaign. The drive is to educate, caution or book such motorists. The course of action would depend on the gravity of the act,
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  • 186 10 FOR two weeks music director Mr Ridzwan Salmy bin Molok and his fellow bandsmen of the Singapore Police Force pat their heads together to compose a police courtesy song. First they came op with the melody which Mr Ridzwan said was a
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  • 27 10 I LOCAL beautician Miss Stella Ong will give a talk-cum-demonstration on Beauty Culture in Mandarin at the Queenstown community centre on Friday at 8 p.m.
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  • 76 10 SHANGRI-LA Hotel has launched its own courtesy campaign in conjunction with the two-month national courtesy campaign. Buttons with the words "We Care" will be distributed and worn by all its 1.200 employees. There will also be film shows, talks, pamphlets, and a competition to choose the most
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  • 287 10 Golden rules for students and teachers BE punctual for school or class, greet one another even outside the classroom, be considerate and helpful to one another these are some of the suggestions on Courtesy at School made in the Ministry of Culture publication "The Way to Courtesy." Elabourating, the guide
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  • 236 10 Assn protests over 30pc hike in lorry hire A 30 PER CENT hike in lorry hire yesterday brought an immediate protest from a user association that it was "too high." The hike which came into effect last Friday was announced by the Singapore Lorry Owners Association (SLOA) which blamed rising
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  • 76 10 THE drat prise of a \\%,m POSB voucher draw* at the Singapore Association tor the Bllad (SAB) 1979 donation draw has been donated to the association by a mystery benefactor. Instead of writing his •r ker name and address en the ticket counterfoil, the benefactor wrote a note
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 222 10 rlftf I ROBINSON'S I I L—J the oriental mystery I It's not, repeat not, a case of the flying you'll find an eye-catching variety of carpets. carpets and their unbeatable value, carpet. But all the same, our carpets arrive rich or subdued in colours, spectacular or r- nrnOk rtr H
      222 words

    • 94 11 TWO NEW TUNS ON ROYAL BIRTHDAY KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. On the occasion of his birthday, the King created two new Tuns yesterday the Yang dipertua Negara of Sabah. Datuk Mohamad Robert Adnan. and the Senate President, Tan Sri Omar Yoke Ling Oh The King also created 13 new Tan Sri.s
      NST  -  94 words
    • 142 11 Graft funds probe held up by bank practice KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Banking practice appears to have held up the National Bureau of Investigations' probe into the flow of graft money to banks in Hongkong. The banks consider it a breach of professinal ethics to disclose information on clients' accounts, according
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    • 256 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. PETRONAS is going downstream. The opening of the three Petronas stations selling diesel and kerosene here yesterday is the agency's first step towards capturing at least 20 per cent of Malaysia's overall oil and gas market. Sources said Petronas was
      NST  -  256 words
    • 156 11 THE King rrvtewlHß the trwna from a Jeep at Stadium Negara la Koala Lorn par yesterday. Earlier, at a cerem*ay U mark Us 49th MrtMay at the Istaoa Negara, Prime Minister HuseU Ou pledged Ms gcvenuneat's layalty U the King, while the doyen
      NST  -  156 words
    • 61 11 IPOH, Wed. The state gov eminent has frozen all applications for land, including those for temporary occupation licence (t.0.1), in the Lower Perak and the LarutMatang districts. The mentri besar, Datuk Sen Hai Wan Mohamed bin Haji Wan Teh. said today that the aim was to
      NST  -  61 words
    • 36 11 GEMAS, Wed Customs Preventive Branch officers seized about 16 tonnes of brown sugar from a northbound goods train at the railway station here on Monday. A man has been detained for questioning. NST.
      NST  -  36 words
    • 31 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A total of 634 items containing scheduled poisons valued at {48.363 has been seized from 21 I unlicensed shops in Redan. T Perlis and Penang. NST.
      NST  -  31 words
    • 206 11 Forged winning tickets sold by syndicates? KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday AT LEAST two syndicates are believed to be selling forged winning social welfare lottery tickets. They sell the tickets at a sum lower than the winning prize and shopkeepers and businessmen out to make a fast buck fall prey to them,
      206 words
    • 132 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The government-back-ed Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement (Abim) yesterday hit out at the "anarchists" who destroyed Hindu temple idols in the country. It said that the Islamic youths viewed such incidents, believed to be caused by fanatic groups, with deep concern. However,
      AFP  -  132 words
    • 186 11 PENANG, Wed. Has the durian become a rich man's fruit? The Consumers' Association of Penang (CAP) posed the question when it pointed out that durian prices had soared by some 300 per cent in the past few years. In a statement today, CAP
      NST  -  186 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 217 11 f yf A htfwk FREE I |>^ 2vTjis RENTAL I V^ \^T PlllDlaTlTC m B> I I c^b I en.:*,, $at^-e, HITACHI \M OCOUXJRTV MALAYSIA I low power consumption I^—.^,^^ I (Daily 5-wiewing hours cost CUP I approx. $2/- per montti) fit k I RENTAL $56 00 p.m. ONLY '^T
      217 words
    • 244 11 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\WS^^^m p^ I* *l k BaßM^B* •t b «bbb^bbbbbb^bbb«bbbbbb«bbbbbbm^^ 7 I J I sa^ I I Safna^B. I LJciWri V* f 1/ T^bi mm^^mmm— —^bl__ BBB^" JB| X- "^mf J SP^ 2^ v\ mk JP laF*' m B^ai mm i**> 111 Hi i I I a-7 YmT^^yk b^bW v. j»
      244 words

  • 567 12  -  EDMUND TEO By in London and PAUL WEE in Singapore A TEAM of officials from a leading British coach manufacturing firm is now in Singapore to steer the Singapore Bus Service into buying their latest bus now being built in Britain. Officials from the
    567 words
  • 115 12 JAPANESE Premier Masay oshi Ohira's special envoy yesterday held talks with the Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Goh Chok Tong, on international economic aspects which are specially significant to Asean. Mr Taskeshi Yasukawa, Japan's chief trade negotiator, also met the Senior Minister of State (Foreign
    115 words
  • 38 12 KHE Bong community centre will organise an island cruise on June 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fees are 18 for adults and $5 for members and children below 12 years. Ring *****85 for details.
    38 words
  • 332 12 WEARY boat passenfers Kitting off at the anjong Berlaver Jetty In Pasir Panjang are usually relieved to see taxis waiting just outside. But their relief is usually short-lived. For although there are a number of taxis parked outside the jetty, they have found that
    332 words
  • 397 12 'Reason it out with youths' advice STUDENTS may adopt Western culture "out of defiance" if their teachers keep attacking it as a matter of routine without explaining the irrelevance or undesirability of some Western values. This was a point made by a public relations consultant Mr Tseng Chao Ku, when
    397 words
  • 217 12 THE deeds of Sir Stamford Raffles were glorified by his widow, and he was an unscrupulous administrator. Professor Syed Hussein Alatas. head of University of Singapore's Malay Studies department, said this yesterday at a forum on The Relevance of Traditional Values in Singapore. He posed this
    217 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 229 12 Mnoving! <<M 1^ w We are pleased to announce that ''>i ]J |l fc fc tne following departments at our ,V V W^ No. 1 BENTENG branch will be at U Vil Cfe fe your serv^ ce n new anc larger premises '< t *j W^fe te at Bangunan Hongkong
      229 words

  • 772 13  -  KOH VAN POH PRIEST, TEACHER AND RETIRED MAN SIGN UP AS GCE PRIVATE CANDIDATES By 'One must continue to improve and learn or the mind would stagnate...' AGE should not put a full-stop to learning, in the opinion of three men,
    772 words
  • 50 13 THE Minister for Trade and Industry. Mr Goh Chok Tong, will open the JSW Company. an injection moulding machinery-making firm, in Gu) Lane Jurong on Friday at 3 p.m. The company, with an authorised capital of $6 million, is expected to employ 80 workers at full production.
    50 words
  • 49 13 THE Singapore Trained Nurses' Association will hold a seminar on Child Care in Singapore Today at the School of Nursing auditorium, Singapore General Hospital on July 0 at 7 p.m. This function is part of the association's contribution to the International Year of the Child
    49 words
  • 31 13 THE Registrar of Muslim Marriages. Mr Haii Abu Bakar bin Hashim, will speak on Muslim law of marriage at Kampung Kembangan community centre on June 30 at 8 p.m.
    31 words
  • 206 13  - NMB to recruit stewardesses tor merchant ships J. D. INDRAN By THE National Maritime Board Is to open Its doors to women who want to work as stewardesses on board merchant ships sach as container and cargo vessels. Women now work as stewardesses only on board passenger ships. The NMB
    206 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 215 13 -Jjl L^ Li J New Coffee House L Delicious drinks and beverages. Mf ffl scrumptious savouries and snacks, and ~TJ* authentic oriental delights are yours to enjoy V* »^i W at Merlin's new Coffee House. W '•■mm PlD'^lft^ > ne decor is stylishly cool and the atmosphere pF .^Df£ /MT'vl^B
      215 words

  • 569 14 RESEARCH and Development (R and D) will be one of the major features incorporated into Singapore's next longterm economic plan now being finalised, says Business Times. It quotes sources as saying that the 10-year plan includes R and D studies of
    569 words
  • 322 14 HEWLETT Packard Singapore (HPS) is ready to start work on its first developed-in-Singapore product. This comes barely two years after the company had embarked on its research and development (R and D) build-up programme, which is spearheaded by an all-local team. The company
    322 words
  • 73 14 THE Finance Minister, Mr Hon Sui Sen, will open Marintec Asia 79 exhibition and seminar at the World Trade Centre on Monday at 3.30 p.m. Marine firms from 22 countries will display their equipment and services at the exhibition. The three associated seminars, Inter-Island Shipping.
    73 words
  • 30 14 MISS Constance Chow Lai Kuen will hold a talk-cum-demoastration on Make-up and Facial Skin-care in Mandarin at the Kirn Seng community centre on June 15 at 8 p.m.
    30 words
  • 92 14 Satu takes over second canteen THE Singapore Air Transport Workers Union (Satu) has taken over the operation of a staff canteen in Airline House. The canteen serves airLine's staff and workers at Paya Lebar airport. A canteen committee of the union's multi-purpose ro-operative society has been formed to supervise the
    92 words
  • 19 14 rHE Public Daily Rated v!ißhtM>U Employees Union las moved from Race Course load to Block 261, Waterloo
    19 words
  • 149 14 SCIENCE CENTRE DIRECTOR: ONLY 2.5 pc IN R AND D ONLY 2.5 per cent of the 8,000 scientists and engineers in Singapore is engaged in research and development, said the director of the Singapore Science Centre, Dr R.S. Bathal. Speaking at the First Internationa l Convention of Professionals at Shangri-La
    149 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 521 14 mKSSSStiiSBM^iS^ TM complete m mmmm^^^B I Hi-Fi W CS 1246 TURNTABLE Hb IBHiI^HHHIHNHM^^HIHH^H^HHH V^*^k Hl Fl automatic belt-drive II I a Hfjfc flKwf* turntable with multi play .^^^F IN TUNE WITH THE FUTURE Pg^ sS.-line tubular \^Lgf /°vr\T/ r Mi ll^^ mDfU^ tone arm kiHNW 1 piece I Ik' It
      521 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 300 14 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS Lawyer wilh small lin.incial rase, not in the least pighead1 No credit, unfortunately, enter- ed? (4. 5). ins it as a fruit tart (6) 7 Prepared fur (limbing, hun4 Put out beers for champions dreds keep Ihe German from (8). the French (6) 9 Laefrics capital,
      300 words

  • 424 15  -  GLORIA CHAN By THE choice was his alone. But A.C.Kwan did not hesitate when he agreed to be legally adopted by the woman who had loved and cared for him since he was a baby. For 20 years Kwan had looked upon Madam
    424 words
  • 31 15 THE VWCA Ontre in Jurong is organising an educational tour to various factories for 50 boys and girls, between five and 15 years, on Friday For details, contact *****3
    31 words
  • 339 15 THE Amir of Bahrain, Shaikh tea bin Salman \l-Khallfa, yesterday had a close-up view «f the shipbuilding and repair indnstn. in Jnrong and the town's Industrialisation programme. The Amir slowed a keen interest In the shipbuilding facilities when he Wared the Singapore Shipbuilding and
    339 words
  • 519 15 Man used cheques ruse to cheat POSB IN TWO weeks, a jobless man cheated the Post Office Savings Bank of $11,000 by withdrawing money from as many as 14 of its branches in a single day before the cheques he had deposited with them earlier could be cleared. Aw Hock
    519 words
  • 165 15 SINGAFORE men can soon enjoy a head-to-toe massage Shanghai-style when the Mount Elizabeth Hospital opens its doors in August. The message parlour, to be set up in the hospital's health centre, is said to be the first of its kind here. It will provide massage
    165 words
  • 45 15 On PR as a career A PUBLIC relations conaillant, Mr C. K. Tseng, v/ill speak on Public Relations a> a Career at this months's lun -h eon meeting of the Rotar. :t Oub of Singapore at the orchard Road YMCA on Sunday at 1.30 p.m.
    45 words
  • 36 15 MADAM Yu Yoon Gee, ai instructress with the Vocati nal and Industrial Training Boirci. will give a talk and dononstration on Indonesian foci at Telok Blangah community centre on June 29 at 8 p.m
    36 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 179 15 ■HHHEr ml CvK^nnUJ HUT O^nnnnHWMUHJ^^HHn. *UPG. £rUHUflJH3£Bta^Q£i HJr vHHI HBr HHHF J^^U__ EUHW-T^UHH nunT jny n^r vhh H hj Hl I f^r J *c^^? i^n^^^nn nujuv^nj n^i _4J B mF* *jßr?Hf!lr \^l jM i Af «Anujr^b4 Hnnp^Hv-^*^nnnJKPnHE. v w r rs\ Ex t 'Mm I^l #8»Bft. ■Lvits W\ VT \>T^
      179 words

  • The Straits Times THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1979
    • 360 16 FOR THE FIRST time Thailand now finds itself facing a neighbour it would have preferred to keep at arms length. Its traditional buffer. Kampuchea, is to all intents and purposes, a Hanoi satellite. What is even more disconcerting is the fact that Vietnamese troops have entrenched themselves in
      360 words
    • 374 16 MR MASAYOSHI OHIRA has the reputation of a cautious man, somewhat less flamboyant than his predecessor, Mr Takeo Fukuda. Since he became Japan's Prime Minister at the end of last year, his low-key style seems to have endeared him to the Japanese, if his 38 to 42
      374 words
    • 1580 16  -  PAUL ICAMINA By in Manila AS MORE and more Asians turn on to electronic wizardry, gadgets and conveniences, a seemingly mysterious, and invisible, health hazard, created by high frequency microwaves, is looming. Depthnews writer PAUL ICAMINA reports on the possible dangers posed by microwaves
      1,580 words
    • 514 16  - Noise a deadly pollutant CICERO BULAWIN By in Manila DON'T take noise lyAs a form of pollution, noise can cause illness, ruptured eardrums and even death since it can trigger heart attacks, warns a Philippine National Science Development Board (NSDB) primer. NSDB findings gave enough evidence to show noise can
      514 words
  • 598 16  -  RICHARD WALLIS By in Ahwaz, Iran AYATOLLAH Sadegh Khalkhali. the head of Iran's revolutionary tribunals squatted barefoot on an old blanket as he dispensed Islamic justice to supporters to the Shah's regime. "Is it against human rights not to sit on a chair?" he asked with a
    Reuter  -  598 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 31 16 Lynn Predators I CJ PAN -WEST (PTE) LTD. I I I |> */A StNGAPUR* Unit *****0 2nd FtoO' Orch*tf **Oa>d T#l 32<?e*»t> HBaW RuiLDt*«G S* >( 113 Low Ground Ftoo> •Sh^'ooWi, T>i *******
      31 words
    • 200 16 SIA-HITON mBnY TENNIS GALA 1979 Our sincere appreciation to Datin Lee Chee Shan for so kindly consenting to conduct the contest draw. Congratulations to the winners Category X Category B" Ist Prize Ist Prize Tina Goh Sally Lai Chew Lan Block 47, 1 0-B Moh Guan Terrace Block 1 6,
      200 words

  • 1177 17  -  TAN LIAN CHOO By Complaints about the other Japans have been found to be unjustified Our Pans correspondent in a special report for the Straits Times THE Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) met recently to discuss the
    1,177 words
  • 377 17 Bubbles from that Three Mile Island accident HAMBURG: Three days after some 50,000 people gathered in Washington to hear Miss Jane Fonda and others protest against the dangers of nuclear power, nuclear engineers from all over the world discussed the Three Mile Island accident at a conference in Hamburg and
    377 words
    • 168 17 Adopt a policy that is common to all ACCORDING U a reeeni report, tk« government etOeers Hvlag In the exeeattve fUts at Marine Vista aad Lagoon View are asking the Ministry of Finance to let them ue their CPF to pay off their Hat lea—. These executive flats were bnllt
      168 words
    • 564 17 WHEN the Allied soldiers on the Island of Singapore surrendered to the soldiers of Imperial Japan on Sunday, February 15, 1942, Tomoyuki Yamashita was behind his timetable for the capture of Singapore. He had hoped to capture Singapore on the
      564 words
    • 99 17 I WOt IJ) like to point oat that the answer given by the team from Singapore Chinese Girls School on the "Do Yon Know" Quiz that Enclk Ynsof bin Ishak was the first Yang Di-Pertna Nejara was incorrect. The correct answer should have
      99 words
    • 25 17 THE courtesy campaign is a worthy one. Let's hope that all expatriates, tourists and other visitors will participate. KXPAT, Singapore II
      25 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 158 17 EVERYDAY. THE FASTEST WAY -u_ TOTMPH^_._ i aaaaafifKv *^9flaaaaaaaaaal I HP LaaV Jaaaal aaaaaT ■«>■* °?J Laaam^i^P''^aaaP(aaT ifi aaaaar HB^^aaaaaaat^aa lam -^■■arJ g "*^fcy nT must j/BM H^ 18, /V ian HPS^^t flK jtt IH I^^ aaanaa^ an* *W %V ll B oiS JM B I B|^^^B|^^^^s|^^si(flp flj H» Lav
      158 words

    • 1638 18 THE Ian MwrtMl nmty ulr at tkr dot of >i 1 1 m o. dw Stack Eactaaat pon junior miipuvd with ptivtom .ta>-» fncn tofMhrr wiUi HW hiffh »nd km I Ad)u«rd (or »-np rgrhtt taw) sk THIN ON* Unit trusts SINGAPORE UNIT TBUCT (MMM*™* prt«« tar Ju
      1,638 words
    • 1284 18 BID and offer prices officially listed I and business in an reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 uniu unless otherwise speciSSSttTTZFS? BB HCnOM«JsI IVDISTRUL COMMERCIAL a,—, uimmsm Allied Choc (I^2B IJ4S) (10)
      1,284 words
    • 166 18 4 1/2% 1/8/80 (250.000) (99.438 ■UssVl 4 3/4% 15/9/80 (250.000) (99.558 Mil 5 3/4% I B/78-80 (250,000) (100 758 100 85S) 5 1/2% 1/5/79-81 (250.000) (100.358 100.455) 5 3/4% 1/9/79-81 (250.000) (100 488 100.58S) 5 1/4% 1/3/81 (250.000) 100.058 100.15S) 5% 15/4/81 (250.000) (99.558 Mil 5%
      166 words
      • 54 18 Lempaa h.ngri I 1«t.u«hi(. an (hong )uff Dev 'giou Dev Itratta Trading )CIC 1 Banking iuinnms «at Iron '•hang Coaa >unlop Eat ieatinga «etro Hldia 530 620 550 344 292 1M 725 715 MO 550 530 14S 404 374 3M 30 10 10 8 5 5 5 5 S
        54 words
      • 28 18 (onaplaot Wrtl MBS M Breweries Apollo Supreme Corps Hong Leone I I C 585 240 580 203 165 328 300 -10 -10 -5 -3 -3 -2 -2
        28 words
      • 32 18 time Darby i I. Kepong taw Par on. Plant >ahan( Cons JOB lochcape )cbc RifkU High A Low )CBC 205.000 144.000 113.000 99.000 89.000 87.000 57.00" 50.600 43.000 31.000
        32 words
      • 30 18 3T.Index: industrials: Finance: rlotels Properties: Minings: Plantations: 3.C.B.C.: S.E.S.Ind: 2333 28 2335.35 402.31 ***** 696.36 697.83 293.81 294.36 251.28 251 13 199.44 199.47 659.64 662.51 384.72 386.03 354.76 355.70
        30 words
      • 336 18 OVERSEAS MARKETS H'kong HONGKONG: Stock prices closed slightly easier in thin, quiet trading yesterday, in the absence of any (actors to stimulate activity, dealers said. The Hang Seng index closed 0.28 point down at 556.68 points. H»tfhl— Wfcamp— eased 2 cents to HKJ4.52 Swire PadOe "A" five to $8.35. Wbertek
        336 words
      • 426 18 TOKYO: Share prices rose sharply in moderate trading yesterday, on cheap buying in electricals, Pharmaceuticals, non-ferrous metals and precision instruments after Tuesday's heavy losses, dealers said. The Dow Jones average gained 51.69 to 6,175.65 points, with a volume of 300 million shares. The New index was 443.23 up
        426 words
      • 69 18 Striking prices of the options officially listed on the Stock xci *?S c Z'SiZ' tf^S^SMS^ any number of options traded shown in brackets. C«J«1 Storage (June $2.00) (0.338 0.385). c C (June $2.60) (0.428 °^w P.r (June $1.40) (0.168 0.205). InehcApe (June $1.50) (caßafe). P«*i EJeetrle (June $1.25)
        69 words
      • 121 18 LONDON: Tin on the day was down £50 for Cash and unchanged for Three Months in both contracts on Tuesday During the afternoon, freer offers to tend casl, narrowed the backwardation to around £335 from about £396 earlier. Three Months closed trading at t7.150. The morning marke' was
        121 words
      • 434 18 OPENING quotations in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down 4.50 cents following easier London j advices and the weaker after hours' close here on Tuesday. The market later fluctuated i narrowly with trading quiet j due to the King's birthday holi- I day in Malaysia. Some covering
        434 words
      • 22 18 noonssh yu^tr ■AS SSRW IMmpAll SSKSO <ltoa|MUM) (C urr..t Mtkl (F»r-.rd Nlkl ***** moo" moo wt.oon WOO mOON 2SI.00 *****N
        22 words
      • 224 18 THE KILOBAR market (or gold deliverable in Singapore yesterday opened at $19,917 and closed at $19.958 In the Far East, gold initially opened at $279.00 278 00 It wai next quoted at $279 X 70. Short-covering pushed the price higher to $280 1C 50. Trading was very quiet ahead
        224 words
    • 91 18 PRODUCE PRICES Chinese phoduce exchange. SING.iPOBE, NOON CLOSING Vfcsn* T_ *STSl^Uerf STm 6 »lk! Caara: Mixed (loose) UK Coot $82 00 buyers, 100^ni!w ot'so *^w^ wh,te fob 96'; NLW $307 50 sellers. Sarawak special black fob NLW $202.50 sellers. Sarawak ASTA bUck (ob 100< C 30.» sellers. Lampong ASTA lob
      91 words
    • 30 18 CENTRAL Properties has declared at^ and finai 1978 dividend of Vi per cent gross (same), payable on July 20, to shareholders registered on July 6 -Reuter My
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 68 18 M Box Bhd pays 17 pc KUALA LUMPUR: Metal Box Berhad announced a group net P1"0"1 M*3B2 million ($3.42 million), for the year ended March 31, on sales of 55.26 million ($52.01 million), A Hnal dividend of 17 per cenX gross (13 per cent), makin 8 a total of B
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 39 18 THE Monetary Authority of Singapore has invited banks and discount houses to tender for a total of $40 muiion 91-day Treasury bUls to be j unf nTjune 15. Each tender must not be for less th"»»^
      39 words
    • 35 18 LC»O»N: Copper prices on Tues day (previous in brackeU) Wirebar Spot £881 £875) sellers £881.50 (C 87«); Three Month buyers £894 50 (£BB9 50). sellers £895 (£890) Itorkel Ias»: Barely steady Bais»: 13,000 tonnes.
      35 words
    • 557 18 PRICES hovered within narrow limits ill lowvolume trading an the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. After *>■ Irregular openin*, the trend steadied far the rest of the day. On balance there were mare advances than declines. As was the rase earlier this week, there was both
      557 words
    • 328 18 THE US doUar opened higher at C.2065 70 in the Singapore (orex market yesterday, compared with $2 2045 55 at Tuesday's close and maintained a firm undertone throughout, with business down at $2 2070 before closing at $2 2055 75 The higher opening was in line with
      328 words
    • 343 18 ASIAN currency deposit! interbank rates as at close on June 6: closing Asian dollar certificates of deposit f Or prime names: Bid Offsr Source: Merrill Lynch Intern.,ioo..(A.ia>*Co. Curranctoa Nominal nlw Smithtoman Parcantag* ouotad yaatarday (crou)parity Chang* Local dollar* to oae unit of foreign currency: US dollar 2.2055 2.2065
      343 words
    • 46 18 RANGE of prices offered by dis count nouses on June 6 Overnight -d Call deposits -4 > Closiag Buyisg Stllisi I Source: National Discount Co Ltd. I month rreasury bills 4 11/18 49/16 I month Jank bills 7 8/l« 7 Tie 3 month CD 7'. 7
      46 words
    • 44 18 Closing Interbank rates for Singapore dollars on June 6: Saams: Astley o Paarce. er slightly from those quoted by Overnight 1 month 2 months 3 months Overnight 7'i T 8 15/16 613/ IB 7 1 /IS 615/ 16 7'. 7i/ie mode ioC
      44 words
    • 26 18 rates] THE average rate »t which Singapore baaks are carrently prepared U lend v V their beat cutoroen It R per tmi. J
      26 words
    • 655 19 WITH its house firmly set in order and early indications of brighter performances by most of its operating companies, conglomerate Inchcape Berhad is looking forward to some recovery of lost ground in the current year The rationalisation programme undertaken last year did not come cheap
      655 words
      • 183 19 NEW YORK. Tues The siock market advanced sharply in the busiest trading since late April but last minute profit-taking trimmed the gain The market lost ground early last week but then held fairly steady for the next three sessions The market's refusal to drop further prompted
        183 words
      • 181 19 SYDNEY Tues THE mar kf firmed across the board in late trading yesterday, dealers said Higher international metals prices prompted support (or minine stocks. M ■i 2U W M -2 310 310 M Lena Lrur 1>»l I.Ul ■i in ao Ml 143 IS um h 3 um-n
        181 words
      • 140 19 ZURICH. Tues. Prices were barely steady in thin trading, dealers said Foreign bonds eased slightly in small volume while domestic bonds closed weaker. In mostly lower financial*.. motor Columbus tell as the future of its construction projects in Iran remain in doubt. Oerlikon Buehrle eased while Elektrowatt
        140 words
      • 209 19 AMSTERDAM. Tues Share pn -«~> .losed mixed with a lower bias in very quiet trading wi(h Hoogovens lower and Philip un hanged in otherwise higher Ruoh internationals, dealers sau' Van Ommeren and KLM lost 1 50 guilder each. Amev 1 60. Heineken two and Boskalis three Higher issues
        209 words
      • 552 19 LONDON. Tues Equities closed easier after Grand Metropolitan's announced rights issue dealers said. At 3 00 pm the Financial Times index was down 3 0 at 507.9. Grand Metropoitan fell lOp while other industrials were a penny to 3p weaker Government bonds were up to 9
        552 words
      • 61 19 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 509.3 Monday 510.B Week Ago 518.0 DOW JONE8 AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 831.34 Monday 821.90 Week ago 832.55 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Tuesday 52 to 52'.. Monday 51 >> U>5r. H.K.HANG SENG Wednesday 568.88 Tuesday 558.96 Week ago closed SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 490.89 Tuesday 490.66 Week
        61 words
    • 291 19 Increased profits expected at High and Low HIGHLANDS snd Lawlands caa be expected to turn la a 34-per rest increase la Its prr-Ux profit to MSC2 million la the rnrreat yrir ending Dec 31, IJ7S, acccrdiag to stock broklax firm Laareace Prmst The firm bases its projrctUa on the plantation
      291 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 148 18 The Straits Times Hp|)&9tiHK 1 CLASSIFIEDS ESS££S3 ARE PEOPLE EH RpPArtTFPQI I V I i i\ J I I I JI \iL It l^*^^^g| WCal m J assssALfcv A Classified Ads In 1^ ifefl V^-TrA/^^^-K. W^\X/ The Straits Times 9 _JLk M-P^-u^^T a-i reach lnto nome .B^»/I>^H tk WFy~\^^*k ir
      148 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 833 19 CERTIFICATE IN INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Applications are invited from candidates to pursue a oneyear evening programme leading to a Certificate in Investment Analysis to be jointly awarded by the SINGAPORE SECURITIES RESEARCH INSTITUTE and the FACULTY OF COMMERCE, NANYANG UNIVERSITY. The primary focus of the programme is to provide the basic
      833 words
    • 935 19 Permohonan adalah dipeiawe dari Warganegara Malaysia yangmemiliki kelayakan dan pengalaman tertentu untuk dipertimbangkan bagi tawatan berikut: NAMA JAWATAN JURUTEKNIK TINGKATAN KHAS (PENOLONG TEKNIK PENERBITAN) TANGGA GAJI C*****x40- 1165 KELAYAKAN DAN PENGALAMAN Calon-calon bagi lantikan hendaklah memiliki kelayakan seperti berikut a) Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya oleh
      935 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 574 20 isetan smgapore-tokyo Out to stort npanvon we km immediate »acancies for ii* VOMOWHIf pOSHIOfS A. SALES ASSISTANTS (MALE/FEMALE) i l Cili/en Secondary 3 aid above Monthly earnings alter confirmation above $?bO Confirmation period within 7 weeks to 3 months (based on performance I i n»-r 'hpcp „n added advantage but
      574 words
    • 571 20 SGSATES, an established manufacturer ol wide range of semi-conductor products for the electronic industry, seeks the services of suitably qualified persons for the following appointments in its Singapore plant: PLANT FACILITIES MANAGER He will be responsible for the management of Plant Facilities services such as: aircondition maintenance and electrical installation,
      571 words
    • 814 20 Sales Manager (C&l Circa $60,000 p.a. fringe benefits Our client, a well-established and highly regarded Engineering group operating throughout South East Asia wishes to appoint an experienced and self-motivated Sales Manager for its Singapore Head Office. The person appointed will be responsible for generating business for a team of experienced
      814 words
    • 569 20 IT LIEN HOE INDUSTRIES BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 10th Annual General Meeting of the members ot LIEN HOE INDUSTRIES BERHAD will be held at the Johore Bahru Rest House, Jalan Sungei Cot, Johore Bahru on Thursday the 28th day
      569 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 471 21 I n The SGV Group Management Consulting Services Our client has a large building construction project in progress in Saudi Arabia and it urgently requires the services of the following personnel for a period of approximately three to six months: I ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 554, 500 $5,000 per month (MS 10
      471 words
    • 526 21 Jjt> UNITEERS VICKERS PTE LTD lft«L (Iron and Steel Founders) A large, modem and progressive Foundry in Singapore invites applications for the following positions. POSITIONS: 1) Patternmakmq Supervision 2) Maintenance Supervision 3) Patternmaker 4) Maintenance Fitter 5) Electrician 6) Typist 7) Draughtsman 8) Moulders 9) Fettters 10) General Labourers QIMJFICATION:
      526 words
    • 381 21 BANKRUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER 18 OF 1970 ED) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINGAPORE IN BANKRUPTCY NO 255 OF 1979 Re: Lam Tal Voon former- Iv trading as Artline Advertising Centre Ex-parte: Singapore Bus' Service (1978) Ltd ...Creditors In the Matter of Bank-! ruptcy Notice filed this Bth day of March.
      381 words
    • 767 21 THE INSTITUTION OF WORKS MANAGERS INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT TRAINING HAVE YOU BEEN CERTIFICATED IN INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT. THAT IS? No? Then why not contact The Supervisory Management Training Association of Singapore (SAMTAS) for details of the Evening Course in Industrial Management. CERTIFICATE IN INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT Full training in all aspects of management.
      767 words
    • 779 21 PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD NOTICE TO TENDERERS WESTERN CATCHMENTS WATER SCHEME SUB-CONTRACT NO H4B-8 (KGI) 1 As part of the Western Catchments Water Scheme tenders are invited for the Design, Supply, Delivery ond Erection ot Mechanical Electncol Plant Related to the Conversion of Existing Pump P(RW)/Kl-2E to Two-Speed Operation at Existing
      779 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 842 22 CLASSIFIED ADS I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE 1 Antiques FEW MATA PUTEH antique cages (made in China 1 and accessories for sale Price negotiable Please phone 2550M7 af urr 9 00 a m 9 For Sale A BELL FOR SALE Weight 670 lbs In good condition. Height I' Width 3
      842 words
    • 369 22 SHOP FURNITURE (ilass showcases with lighting, length 4' or ln.iilay glass wail-shelves, length 26' height 85' with glass sliding doors and lighting Call *****7 STOCK CLEARANCE SALE. Indian Mango Juice In cans Sl2 per case Each case 48 cans. Free delivery Ring *****78 STOCK CLEARANCE OF Popular brand of Jeans.
      369 words
    • 424 22 I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE DREDGING COMPANY IN INDONESIA require;. 2 UNITS HOPPER BARGES a 200 METRES OF 24" PIPES a 10 SETS OF 24" BALL JOINTS CONTACT *****14 or *****1S FOR SALE: NVK one ton Reach Truck with rotating clamps 1 year old Phone *****2 FOR SALE 1 unit
      424 words
    • 293 22 200 KVA U.tJk. Diesel Generating set 250 h p Good condition SellIng cheap. Contact *****10/ *****03 IS Musical Instruments HIGH QUALITY SOVIET PIANOS Reasonable price Climax Inter 1 national Pte Ltd 303. 3rd floor. I Peninsula Shopping Complex. Tel: .*****6/ 3358 1 6 YAMAHA ORGAN ElO Bought In 1976. still
      293 words
    • 743 22 II EMPLOYMENT SHIP DESIGN DRAUGHTSMAN Poly or Ngee Ann Diploma In Shipbuilding or Mechanical required for Ship Design Write to: 2402A. International Plaza. Spore 2 with tel. no UNIVERSITY GRADUATE to teach Literature at Pre-U level Apply St. Francis Olrls' School. 98 St. Francis Road. Spore 12 b) Secretarial and
      743 words
    • 798 22 1 BOYS REQUIRED A8 Junior General Clerks. Salary $200. Interested parties, please send I application stating full personal particulars to Advertiser. P.O. Box 97, Tanjong Pagar Post Office. Singapore 2 CHINESE TRANSPORT COMPANY in Katong urgently requires Experienced 1) Female Documentation Clerk, capable of hand'lng inward /outward/transhipment permits. 2) Male
      798 words
    • 732 22 AT YOUR SERVICE SECTION INDEX Wee'kdaJ^' S3oum-500pm I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE Public Holidays 900 tint -100pm FMPIfIVMFNT Saturdays 830a m .100 Din (.MfLUYMtNI "fiJoTm foYsun 'Times, 111 VEHICLES BOATS Counter Service Regular ottice hours ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES Times Orchard MIOS Lucky Plata (9) v SFRVIPFS RII«?TMF«*<; Centre. (dose from Ipm
      732 words
    • 453 22 NATIONAL MARITIME BOARD CLERICAL ASSISTANTS ($250 -$600) I c Applicants must be Singapore Citizens I c Below 26 years of age c Possess a minimum of 3 GCE O Level passes with credits in English and Mathematics and LCC Intermediate Bookkeeping c Ability to type at 35 w.p.m. c Preference
      453 words
    • 650 22 II EMPLOYMENT We require immediately a TYPIST/TELEX OPERATOR GCE 0' Level or equivalent 2 years similar experience Typing speed 40w.p.m on electric typewriter Able to operate telex machine Female, age 22-28 years Prepared to work irregular hours Applications giving full personal details and contact telephone number, if any. should be
      650 words
    • 749 22 urgently required c Good command of English c Typing and shorthand nt 4090 p m respectively c Telex machine and knowledge of shipping documentation Ability to handle corraapoii dence independently an advantage Handwritten applications with non-returnable photo and contact phone number to be submitted lo 3902, Hong Leong Building, 3*th
      749 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 697 23 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant b) Secretarial and Clerical VACANCY FOR LADY ASSISTANT STORE -KEEPER (BOMEDIATF. EMPLOYMENT) ''fieied secondary education c Able to speak and wril< Mandarin English ar advantage c Preferable for those wilr some si., re keeping and pur chasing experience in motor trade c Preferable for those
      697 words
    • 750 23 ESTABLISHED COMPANY REOUMES matured Kxpecled sasarj t^oooopa <>ood prospecu j Wile full par,rs i'<) Boxrftni.di _tflasssssssssssssslßsssssssssss, EsisMishaKl -porting goods company rtquirn FEMALE SALES ASSISTANTS for our sporting goods iepartI mart within John Lirlte's department store el SHenien i Way I a Age 17 to 25 a Kluem in Kngllsh a
      750 words
    • 670 23 II EMPLOYMENT LIFE ASSURANCE SALES. We II prepare you for Agents Exami- I training Tel Theresa *****6 INTERNATIONAL AERAOIO (FAR EAST) PTE LTD 17. Harper Road Singapore 13 Applications are invited for the following vacancies in our t stahlishment (A)TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE (B)SALES ENGINEER Candidates must possess the lollowmgFor
      670 words
    • 1394 23 II EMPLOYMENT SALESMAN WITH MOTORCYCLE I licence a*e from 20 to 30 years •aroe manufacturing company mMotorcycle provided Salary $250 __^L/____? T^l"^ eppucanis plus commission Apply perso- me Mawing position nally 10am lo 12pm. OB 128. npuyiruy. Golden Wall Platted Factories. SLECTROfSK; technicians 2nd floor. Singapore 12 Have attended a
      1,394 words
    • 544 23 INCOM SINGAPORE An American manulacturmg plant in Jurong involves in high volume production of quality roller chain and control cable has vacancies tor the following (A) DIE SERVICE TECHNICIAN (B) SURFACE GRINOER (C) BRUSHING a ROLL SETUP FITTER (D) PUNCH PRESS SETUP FITTER (E) METAL FINISHING OPERATOR (F) UTILITY MAN
      544 words
    • 1451 23 II EMPLOYMENT wanted U) b»? trained as site I ••t-taWwlwid Company rvquirtn checkers, assistant foremen In COUNTER RECEPTIONIST building construction starting 2 CASHIERS salary $250 Must be hardwork- ice CREAM PARLOUR Ing Apply to: ST Box A***** DISPENSERS with full details Interested applicants please come URGENTLY REOUMED BY TNE P—~**t
      1,451 words
    • 976 23 II EMPLOYMENT #^WTyTvT^\ Bss I W I ah H A newly established Japanese IWflßlfl """'n^ir' llfVlVlll PRODUCTION ■■_P| OPERATORS Llllf REQUIREMENTS _T^__Plm __f_9l Nk> scope and shift wort Complete Primary education Age 16 2b Lvniriil BWmJU L_^^ WE PROVIDE j Attractive siartino salary IA B Af^k bSB a Increment on
      976 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 390 24 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant t) Crnerml AT PEOPLE ARE OUR MAIN ASSETS WE TAKE CARE OF OUR PRODUCTION OPERATORS (FEMALE) WITH: i $250 m salary Af/w] for medical •p/aCIA/ coverage tf f/T Transport •9/O Allowance FrGG work jackets I «o for annual iZDayS leave Recreation benefits (Holiday Chalets, etc)
      390 words
    • 536 24 HONEYWELL SYNERTEKa subsidiary of worldwide Honeywell Corporation U.S.A. i$ expanding. WE NEED YOU AS FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS WE OFFER YOU a A starting packaged pay of around $200 p.m. I ncrements after 2 months and 6 months of service. Benefits that other companies are offering. a An enriching and satisfying
      536 words
    • 618 24 II EMPLOYMENT nfjS|nrjCTp^Jin stf*o*ap#f# (l*f hr sty) LtnNtd FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS We o(*er c High starting salary of^| tISO 00 per month c Aftern.Kin shift $1 00 PerH (J«y c Night shift tl 50 Per day c Semi annual Increments H c Attendance benefits oil SIO 00 Per month c
      618 words
    • 279 24 soc T A SUBSIDIARY OF NIPPON OIL SEAL INDUSTRY CO.. LTD. A leading international oilseala manufacturing Company invites applications for ita factory in Jurong (SOC) for the following posts:1. MACHINISTS (Male) 2. ELECTRICIANS (Male) 3. FACTORY OPERATIVES (Male/Female) olarting Pay: Approximately $220 per month For Post (1): Must ha vi
      279 words
    • 558 24 EMPLOYMENT use FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS c $8.00 per day. I On conf triD&tton #8.50 to $8 70 i c Meal allowance a No scope work a 5-day work week Pisses apply personally from Monday lo Friday at: THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 2nd floor Teck Chiang Industrial Building 118-D Paya Lebar Road
      558 words
    • 538 24 MATSUSHITA PRECISION MOTOR requires 1) QC TECHNICIAN (MALE) ITC. Diploma or University graduate preferably major In Electronics or Electrical Engineering a Possess 3to 4 years' relevant experience a Completed N.S. Interested parties kindly address applications with detailed resume to THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT. MATSUSHITA PRECISION MOTOR (S) PTE. LTD.. BLK 4,
      538 words
    • 363 24 II EMPLOYMENT BBBBa^BVsV&BvVBVaaHBBBBsLi HaarTTaaW*'aaWlinr*» BaJaaaaaßßH Corkpit^otel 1. TELEPHONE OPERATORS 1 a Prepared to do shift work a Able lo operate switchboard a Similar work expeneno preferred 2. SECURITY GUARDS a Physically fit and willing U do shift work 3. CASHIERS I Prepared to do shift work a Knowledge of NCR
      363 words
    • 572 24 SINGAPORE FUJITEC ELEVATOR CORPORATION LIMITED 1 The Only Lift Manufacturer In South > East Asia requires: 1) CLERKS (MALE FEMALE) I O.C.E. 3 O' level passes In English and 2 other .subjects preferably Maths. I* Able to type 35 wp m 2) RECEPTIONIST/ TELEPHONE OPERATOR (FEMALE). a Pleasant personality and
      572 words
    • 215 24 II EMPLOYMENT Motor Car Company requires STORE COUNTER SALES CLERK in Spare parts department c Must he Male. Singapore Citizen c completed National Service a Secondary or V.I education a Knowledge of Vehicle spare parLs an advanluge a (lass :t driving licence preferable Pleas* apply with photograph (nonreturnable), to: ST
      215 words
    • 745 24 PEON required Paaaed primary six and BBM t" speak and understand Kngllsh Completed National Service The Personnel 'ervicee Eiecutive P.O. en 24 Tan|ong Pagar Post Office Singapore 2 PERSONAL DRIVER REQUIRED to 1 drive Mercedes 280 Automatic Age m lo 45 Attractive salary I Interested applicants tt iit.i. I Mtin
      745 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 455 25 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant t) General suimnno Due, lo our rapid aipansion. w« urgently rsquira: PRODUCTION OPERATORS Mala and Female Se 80 per TJay |Male) and $7 04 per day (Female) On confirmation— slo 08 (mr day (Male) and $7 92 par day (Female) $50 00 cash award on
      455 words
    • 612 25 TRAVEL ASSISTANT (MALE) required by established IATA Travel Agency c OCI (> level c Age between 20 2R years c Minimum 2 years' working experience in ticketing, fare Tuition visa formalities and related matters c Attractive salary and benefits Inlerealed apphcenta please tub ml reeume stating qualification!. eiperience. preeent and
      612 words
    • 436 25 II EMPLOYMENT •WB would like>ou joiniis* Wt offer you variety of jobs in 1, 2 or 3 shifts Female Production Operators We offer you good wages, benefits and prospects. On confirmation you can earn up to $270 per montr and receive a special award We also have vacancies for Leadgirls
      436 words
    • 689 25 Well established company haa vaeanctee tor Ihe toMowing posts (A) Female Order/Statistical Clerk (B) Female Sales Demonstrators cum Promoter. (C) Mala/ Female Sales Requirements FOR POST (A) 1 18-25 years of age (2) School Certificate (3) Able to type (4) Kxperlence In statistical analysis, computation of fig ures reports, and
      689 words
    • 849 25 111 VEHICLES BOATS BMW 3.0 S A c Registered 1976 c 1 compay owner a Immaculate condition/ low mileage c Aircond and radio cassette c Road tax expires December "79 Price); 940.000 ono Paler Chng *****7*/ *****01 BMW 73* MANUAL Modal I*7* a 1 private owner c Showroom condition/ low
      849 words
    • 916 25 MARCH I*7* HONOA NT 550 van Brand new condition Telephone Miss Teo *****27 MAZDA CAPELLA I*oo 1972. beautiful condition 25-C. Jalar Datoh. Spore 12 ("Comfort Mansion off Balesller Road MAZDA 1500 FULLY aircond $7,500 Contact *****0 Margaret MERCEDES BENZ 2IOSE 1974 Automatic Power steering, aircond low mileage Immaculau condition Interested
      916 words
    • 910 25 111 VEHICLES BOATS UPDATE YOUR CAR AT NG KEONG'S SUPER CAR MART 1 KIM KEAT ROAD. SINGAPORE 12. TELS: *****50. *****76, 5325*3. 2541*54 I*7*: Dalaun 120 V A/C Toyola Corolla 1300 A/C Toyola Starlet Toyota HiLui Steel Lorry 1*77: Coll Lancar 14OOEL Colt Sigma I*oo OS A/C Colt Sigma 3000
      910 words
    • 992 25 1*73 FORO CORTINA ***** Aircond.. radio, cassette, new lyres, PARF Oood condition $7,300 ono Tel: *****3 (office) *****53 (house) 1*73 HONDA Civic 2-door. road tax December "79. cassette, new paint. $9,800 on o Call *****89 1*73 MAZDA CAPELLA 1600 With $8,500/- ono. Please contact *****95 1*73 MAZDA 1300 New lax/
      992 words
    • 754 25 111 VEHICLES BOATS I*7* HONOA CB HO Tip-top condition Contact Ah Swee. RSI Upper Serangoon Road. Shell Petrol Station I*7* SUZUKI GS 750 selling at $4700 ono Contdbl lei: *****4 Douglas after 10 am I*7* TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 1 Owner New Tax Alrcon Radio Cassette Sporl Rims Tyres Metallic Paint
      754 words
    • 798 25 ANY MAKE. ANY model, any CB Ac oiler koihl price for I'AKr (°a112.*****H Klc hard ANY OLD CARS wanted Kelow linn ci $3,480 1000 to 1600 cc $4,980 Heter *****4.<> ATTENTION' All car owners Don't hesitate to call us if you have ary good used car for sale Best price
      798 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 741 26 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES Located on elevated land in Katong Luxurious split-level houses Overlooking the sea Individual front and rear private gardens Moderate price Prompt handing over of houses Freehold land Easy loans available Enquiries: LUCKY REALTY CO. LTD. 15th Fir Far East Shopping Centre. Orchard Road. Singapore 9 Te
      741 words
    • 716 26 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES SINGLE-STOREY OETACHEO Hill lop luxurious detached hunitalow in dlsl 10 Huge malured garden with split-level living dining 3 bedrooms, ser\.ini s vmyi/ parquet flooring Available unfurnished only DATS HOUSING *****77/ *****7a/ *****7* UPPER THOMSON. FURNISHED Terrace House for rent. No Hr,>kers Tel. *****45 b) Flats CHOICE OF
      716 words
    • 801 26 DIST APARTMENTS WITH Bwf aalßg. pool, central .iirrandttioning. leonie Towers I Courl llillcurl 11 Towers Singapura Mansion Nam Yo Mansion Available immediately Rental: $1500 $3,200 Call *****41/2 DIST. EXECUTIVE APARTMENT. wrh swimming pool on high fully furnished/ aircond. $2,200 available 1/7/79 Also available immediately low floor, partially furnished $1,900
      801 words
    • 816 26 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES OIST 12 FURNISHED ROOM avail able lor single girl Full privacy Tel *****28 DIST. FURNISHED AIRCOND room, laundry, cleaning provided Bachelor only *****0 FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR single/ couple/ students in dlsts 12 Quiet environment Ring *****3 FURNISHED/ UNFURNISHED ROOM lor rei.t al Shaw Plaza along Baleslier Roat
      816 words
    • 782 26 CHWEE CHIAN GARDEN LORONG SARHAD/ CHWEE CHIAN ROAD CONDOMINIUM 2-STOREY TOWN HOUSE •Lore a*M* 19 Id 90% D to 25 yews rtpayram psnod Aitianve merest MB 5W mte tram town OH Past Parang Road GOOOLAND (PTE) LTD. 21. New bridge Road. (First Floor). Singapore.! .Tel: *****4 CHESTNUT CRESCENT SINGLE slorey
      782 words
    • 772 26 IV ACCOMMODATI SEMI-DETACHED BUNGALOW DIST M RenovaUefl eodl alone around 130.000 Approximately 5.000 sq ft 4 bedrooms. 2 kitchens. 3 bathrooms, dining and study rooms wiih spacious hall. Best offer over $300,000 secures No brokers, principals only. Tel: 4*10*30 Mr L im SHOP HOUSES FOR SALE 6 shop-houses at Bras
      772 words
    • 770 26 lON ft PROPERTIES PENTHOUSE ANO APARTMENT for sale Situated at Orchard Raisa Coniai-t Roysion Loh or Miss Pua Telephone *****4 ST. PATRICK'S GARDEN Condominium Luiunout Fli t with swimming pool, changing room, spacious playground Completing middle of 1980 Ptaaaa contact PROPERTY AGENCY PTE LTD Mrs I üm *****2/ *****11 TIONG
      770 words
    • 704 26 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES 57 Godowns Vacant/ Wanted COMBINE >OUR ADMINISTRATIVE md distribution stuns' Central location Bms Hukn Timah rfoad Kully spnnklered 24-hour security Only 1 unit on 2nd floor left Served by forkllfl Approximately 3.700 sq ft Interested call *****24 OOOOWN VACANT *.*OO M M (iround Floor Accessible Ui trucks
      704 words
    • 664 26 I i« 104. icb Enterprises 11, .use lor ililinedl.ile occupation Mo dern ollices in .1.1110 geoua miiimimk with Banking facilities downstairs Contact *****91/ *****41 59 Office Space Wanted OFFICE REOUIRED APPROX tag sq 11 Kurmshci and with telephone Ne.,r People's r.irk Centre Please contact Mr ran *****7 REOUIRED DIST 1*
      664 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 913 27 V SERVICES BUSINESS nn MSHI SUB-CONTRACTORS •re invited lo apply lor registration with MSHI lor tub contract work a in ahip repairing »nd heavy induatri*. •or the lollowing trade* Steel Works Welding Docking Painting Industrial Driving Staging Diving Tug Boat Operations Tank Claaning Marine Fitting c Boiler Pipe Works c
      913 words
    • 1277 27 V SERVICES ft BUSINESS 78 Dressmaking 87 Steambath/ i— i— Maaaage KADOMAY DRESSMAKING TRAINmaking, graphic design, fashion ATTENTIOaI LADIES. Scientific design courses for heginners'ad- slimming and spotreducing at vanned London trained tutors Louise Klerk's Salon. 22 Ngee 64-B. Block 5. Banda Street. Tel Ann Building, telephone *****2 *****91/*****20 FLEMtHCO MASSAGE
      1,277 words
    • 1260 27 VI EDUCATION TRAINING i CITY SCHOOL I OF COMMERCE BBBjßa^,^— Stamford Educational Tow.r. B^BaV HIOuMn SKe.l aaa«Bl^a»»«# Singapor* 071* ,-.l^^ BOOK-KEEPING (ELEMENTARY) i C7IKLb Mon Wed/FrlB 00am-9 00am^Tioitoaw. 2 SJonJOOpm^OOpm you ruflod btur ni ajWifir Minnr Wed t 00 pm 8 00 pm i TrJTo^OwwSToTcoTr^rca c»»'"c eom«~«c»g Itlh Jun.
      1,260 words
    • 1010 27 VI EDUCATION TRAINING WORKSHOP ON "Management J^^ Terhniques" i ondurtpd by Dr. f Zahoor Ahmad commencing —^BaS3r\ 96 79 Interested contart *****66. r> O Metropolilan YMCA y, -JS^ > I -aa— .aa^ —a aaaaai YAAMHA Reliable bilingual leeehera Kiving "IVJOIV^ lii.lh.n in Srienre. Maths. Eng- QOHiOOI Hsh etc at all
      1,010 words
    • 1151 27 VII TRAVELS RESTAURANTS c €omc^ha^ southern r*< f) THAILAND. O\f ChfQct fUynt~ only 80 mins fl k MATYAI/tOHOICHLA JL^ \»jf c^ $T99 4days air/coach or vv fef \s3x lh $299 4d«ys by air I' Jmipl^' $459 sday« by air $549 Sdaya by air pnjf 22** SIM/HYD/SIN Wtf* $28$ r-Hr -H
      1,151 words

    • 67 28 Th» family of ttw lat* MB NG CHWEE SENG wish lo lhank relative's, friends. lx>.l,,rs and Staff of O*MM Hospital (or their kind assist inre donations, wreaths and ESMMsMai during their recent iHTr.nfmenl The Family Of The Late MR TEOKNMTECK with lo thank relatives, friends. Pastors. Church members,
      67 words
      59 words
    • 111 28 MADAM KOH BEE MIAN. 62. beImed »ife of churlie Poey Teck Sunn pj^ed away peacefully on 6 6 79 lo be with the Lord. l?avin« behind 2 daughters. Sylvia I Elizabeth, son-in-law. Dr Nk Kian Seng and 2 granddaughtits to mourn her loss Service at Paya Lebar Methodist
      111 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      59 28 MRS KHOO TIAM SWEE iiifp 1 M.irtam chew Sic» Neo 1. depart- 1 ed to be with the Lord on the ISUI rt.iy of the lilifi moon nine year-ago .s\k*.fr-' jrp the memories SilenU> kept ol one md i-annol forget i Sadty imiM by parent*, brothers and
      59 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    33 28 IN LOVING MEMORY OF MOM. P. ARIYAOASA who departed on 7.6.78. Though you left us without saying good-bye, you are still present in our hearts. Fondly remembered by your loved ones.
    33 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 783 28 VII TRAVEL I RESTAURANTS *S^^^^^B^"^^^^^^^g I HOLtOAV BUOOET TOUMS :-«14: -«14 Tours as>Baa^BSSS^^aaßS>Bßaaaaaaa^BE lays Ornlinv IVn;m( t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ l ali.eron WSO i 1 Hays Kul Oentinn Henang/ SCHOOt HOLIDAY SPtCIAI ills SIHTI iSLHfSSSr^^" I OmOSJ TOURS (TA OM) i.TAIHKNUUh BS7 Golden Mile Tower S'por* IN(iCHStI3OITHRI Tel n*Kl3l 2KM2H (tern »pm) I
      783 words
    • 399 28 GOVERNMENT OF BRUNEI VACANCY FOR PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST Application are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the post of Pharmaceutical Chemist in the Medical and Health Department. Brunei. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: Applicants should possess a degree in Pharmacy or a recognised qualification in Pharmacy, and with previous experience in a
      399 words
    • 387 28 NOTICE OF MEETING FEDERAL AUTO HOLDINGS BERHAD ilncorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 19th Annual General Meeting of Federal Auto Holdings Berhad will be held at No. 9. Jalan Klang. Kuala Lumpur on Friday. 29th June. 1979 at 10.00 a.m. for the following purposes. 1. To receive
      387 words
    • 486 28 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 306 OF 1971 Re: Abdul Malek bin Abdul Salam i Trading under the name and style of Syarikat Mazako) Exparte: United Malayan Banking Corp. Bhd NOTICE To: Abdul Malek bin Abdul Salam I trading under the name and
      486 words
    • 861 28 BOLTON PROPERTIES BERHAD Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Members of the Company will be held at Room 502, sth Floor, Campbell Complex, 98, Jalan Campbell, Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 22nd June, 1 979 at 10.30 a.m. for the
      861 words
    • 132 28 NOTIS TENDER I.KMBA(.A PERTIBI'HAN H£2tfE2>* J-"'" berdaftar dengan JKR dalam ZZLZJT t\)^% berikut: t Membena Pusat Xema RUJUKAN an ßiL* n pp o rA, pk 22? jm. 11 ti 1979 2 Membena rumahrumah a a. kk E a Sfn ni bagi Koperasi Peladang Seberang Perak IV rujukan bil lpp ia>
      132 words

    • 275 29 PARIS. Wed. Bjorn Borg, of Sweden, and American Vitas Gerulaitis yesterday won through to meet in the men's singles semi-finals of the French Open tennis championships. Top-seed Borg beat Chile's Hans Gildemeister 6-4, 6-1, 7-5, in a drab baseline struggle on the slow clay of
      Reuter; AP  -  275 words
    • 485 29  -  FAIRWAY By Do You Mind II Fnjlsan II Worldwide Steel Pulse Think Great Entertainer VII Thebetson Alisan II Port Of Joy Road Runner ROAD. RUNNER can make amends in Ipoh this meeting. The Le Cordonnier five-year-old was a beaten favourite in his last start in
      485 words
    • 79 29 SOFIA, Wed. England taok an important step towards the European Nations' oader-21 finals when they beat Bulgaria J-l in a qualification group match here yesterday. "•-jr 11 went 2-4 np thro«gh Kevin Reeves, of Norwich City, after seven minutes aid C'yrllle Regis, of West Bromwich Albion five nlnatea
      AFP  -  79 words
    • 96 29 Milan coach dies after heart attack BUENOS AIRES, Wed Alvaro Gasparini. coach of the Milan soccer team, of Italy, died of a heart attack yesterday in a local hospital, the Italian Embassy announced. Gasparini. 41. was in Argentina accompanying his team on a tour of South America A spokesman at
      UPI  -  96 words
    • 50 29 MADRID. Wed. Spanish soc cer champions Real Madrid will be coached by Yugoslavborn Vuiadin Boskov next sea son. club officials said yesterBoskov. currently trainer of Real Saragossa, will take over from Spaniard l-uis Molonwy. who will return to his former job on the club's technical staff. Reuter
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 147 29 Rimosas Pet is favoured for Oaks LONDON, Wed. Fourteen acceptors were announced yesterday for the Oaks Stakes for three-year-old fillies, to be run I over 2.400 metres ati i Epsom on Saturday. Acceptors, all carrying i 57 kilogrammes, withj jockeys, are Bonnie Isle! (W. Carson), Britannia's Rule (P. Waldron), Godetia
      147 words
    • 29 29 MOSCOW. Wed. Dinamo Tbilisi, Soviet soccer champions. 1061 their first league match of the season when the Central Army Sports Club Moscow beat them 2-0 yesterday. Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 437 29 LONDON. Wed. New Zealand pace bowler Richard Hadlee recorded career— best figures of seven for 28 for Nottinghamshire to help them to a six- wicket win over Glamorgan in the English county cricket championship in Trent Bridge yesterday. Hadlee and South African Clive Rice (3-22) tore
      Reuter  -  437 words
    • 39 29 NEW York, Wed The Ladies' Professional Golf Association yesterday announced that Nancy Lopez, earning US$15,000 ($33,000) for her victory in a women's tournament in New Rochelle last week, increased her leading 1979 total to US$118,475 ($473,900) AP.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 472 29 Liem leads Cup team on victory parade JAKARTA. Wed Traffic snarled fur at least one hour here yesterday as the triumphant Indonesian Thomas Cup badminton players went on a victory parade through the main streets escorted by more than a hundred motorcycles and a dozen police jeeps. All-England singles
      Agencies  -  472 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 646 29 JULY 1979 INTAKE Applications are invited for admission to the following full-time and port-time courses at VITB Training Institutes commencing 2 July 1979 FULL-TIME COURSES INDUSTRIAL TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATE (ITC) 2 YEARS Advertising Art 3-Dimensionol Design NATIONAL TRADE CERTIFICATE GRADE 3 (NTUC-3) 1 YEAR Accommodation Operations General Welding Boiler Pipe Fitting
      646 words
    • 673 29 5 At the time of registration, applicants should bring with them the following: (i) Completed application form (n) National Registration Identity Card (hi) GCE/School Certificate, School Report Card and any other records of examinations passed (iv) Completed Declaration Forms from employers certifying employment in the relevant trade tor those who
      673 words
    • 474 29 PRODUCTION MANAGER Progressive Food Distribution and Processing Company requires a Production Manager to be responsible for the production of its seafood products. The person we seek should be a Singapore Citizen or permanent resident not less than 28 years of age. He should have a sound educational or professional background
      474 words

    • 451 30  -  f PATRICK BASTIANS B 3B 3 Gul and SSRA cannot come to terms on his desire to moonlight for additional income The Singapore Squash Rackets Association's attempt to employ topranked Pakistani professional coach Rahim Gul is all but crashing onto the rocks because the two parties cannot see
      451 words
    • 18 30 BI'KOM beat Singapore Island Country Club 3-2 in the national squash league at Bukom last night.
      18 words
    • 96 30 EPSOM (England). Wed. Troy, ridden by champion jockey Willie Carson in the colours of 86-year-old Sir Michael Sobell. won the 200 th Epsom Derby today in an international finish. It was all over once Carson pulled Troy into the lead 300 metres out in the 2.400
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 250 30 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Malaysian Cycling Federation are concerned over the absence of entries from Trengganu, Kelantan and Perak for the first round of trails for the Jakarta South-east Asia Games. The four-day trials started yesterday at the Klang Kotaßaja Stadium
      NST  -  250 words
    • 277 30 Malaysian trio for Mizuno meet OOLFERS M Ramayah. Nazamuddin Yusof and Bobby Lim will be among 98 foreign and local golfimpeting in the Mizuno tournament starting tomorrow at the Tiger Lane course in Ipoh. The draw for the first raand -Ist tee: 7.44 N Govindan. fqthard Tankersley. IJO M Kamayah.
      NST  -  277 words
    • 294 30  -  ERNEST FRIDA By SELETAR will break away from the traditional j practice by other clubs when they stage their annual Open < hampionships on Saturday and Sunday, and the following i weekend. Seletar have decided not to ballot out any of the 375 golfers who
      294 words
    • 78 30 JAKARTA, Wed. Indonesia will send their hockey team to Malaysia ,in preparation for the Jakarta South-east Asian Games in September. This is part of the Indonesian National Olympic Committee's Msl.B million plan to gear their competitors into top shape for tne Games. The Indonesians will also send their
      NST  -  78 words
    • 118 30 Hoch and Hotgrieve through SOUTHPORT England Wed. Scott Hoch and Jim Hotgrieve, playing solid accurate golf, yesterday reached the third round of the British amateur championship on the Hillside Club's 6,256-metre par-72 course. Seven other Americans won first-round matches yesterday and three more, who won on Monday, had a free
      AP  -  118 words
    • 369 30  -  BERNARD PEREIRA B) MYSTERY surrounds Singapore's chances in the inaugural World Cup badminton championships, starting in Hangchow, China, on Sunday. Except for the fact that j the first round will be run on a round-robin basis, nothing is known about either the men's or women's draws.
      Anthony Wye  -  369 words
    • 105 30 JAKARTA, Wed. The five ASEAN countries and Burma are the only countries who by Monday had officially registered to take part in the 10th South-east Asian Games in Jakarta from Sept. 21 -30. The tournament's organizing committee chairman, Sultan Hamengku Buwono, told a Press conference in Ban-
      AFP  -  105 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 299 30 A Sojourn in Manila is just one very pleasurable part of the whole. YTr^** JjBT '^7{^Wn^H ■HflKt: HHHHMHBBHMHMHMMHMHHHK? PHILIPPINE AIRLINES. r s^X ~&f? IO FIRST MANILA. THEN THE y EmM V NOW U FLIGHTS WE EKLY. JSL-^dfc.^ft^'tCg '-> f EK^I l doesn't matter where you're flying to. Tokyo. •fSf'Fi* /OV*-
      299 words

    • 267 31  -  R. V. VEERA By KUANTAN, Wed. Pahang have all the ingredients of a winning team, but are they mentally tuned for the return Malaysia Cup semi-final against Singapore in the National Stadium on Saturday, bearing the "Kallang roar" in mind? Pahang Football Association officials will
      NST  -  267 words
    • 160 31  - Ong for SEA Games ERNEST FRIDA By THOUGH Ong Yeok Phee returned empty-handed from the Asian track and field championships in Tokyo last weekend, he has qualified for the South-east Asia Games in I Jakarta in September. Ong. Singapore's top sprinter, finished seventh i in the 200 metres finals with
      160 words
    • 30 31 FIRE BRIGADE A beat Aerodrome 3-0 in the AUPE soccer tournament at Fairer Park yesterday. In another match. TAS Artisans edged out Fire Brigade B 2-1.
      30 words
    • 443 31  - Syed returns, Padma retains his place JOE DOR AI By RIGHT-BACK POSITION UNDECIDED Malaysian Juniors 7 Malacca 0 Singapore 5 Pahang 1 v. Kedah 1 Armed Forces 0 7 A MalaysU Cap MM* for SUjr»p»rr *a H»tar- N«! Jut tke M»Uy«l»a ufer-B baekey nmlto. I SYED MUTALIB will step into
      443 words
    • 94 31 Glimmer of hope THAILAND may save the 1979 Asian schools' soccer championship. The tournament has been hawked from country to country since Sri Lanka withdrew as hosts. Two top Thai officials Education and Sports Minister Dr. Kaw Sawardiparnjch, and Deputy Director of Physical Education Dr. Samarng Puangbootr were in Kuala
      NST  -  94 words
    • 142 31 SYED Em Alsagoff, of Jet Rangers (Toa Payoh Police) Ls robbed of the ball by a sliding tackle by Jamaluddin, of Glouchester United (Jurong Town Police), in the Police Cap soccer final on the Padang yesterday. And "rohbed", that was how the Rangers players and officials felt after
      HAIRIS  -  142 words
    • 281 31  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By JACK ESTELLA, the Cairnhill Football Club co1 ordinator was an angry man when his team lost i 1-2 to bottom-placed Farrer Park United in a I National League Division One match at Jalan i Besar last night. Blaming the Football Association of Singapore's tournament committee
      281 words
    • 88 31 THE visiting Japanese i gymnastics team last night transformed the j Singapore Badminton Hall into a fairyland of Jumping Jacks and nim- Me nymphs. And as they kept the crowd enthralled with their gracefulness and elegance, they also revealed the wide gap In standards between Japan and
      88 words
    • 163 31 THERE will be some Venezuelan venom in this Sunday's Women's Masters final of the national bowling championships' so Ligia Kiamco indicated yesterday, reports WILFRED YEO. The South American housewife, a perennial front-runner in Masters sweepstakes, needed just her first qualifying attempt to set the Starbowl
      163 words
    • 313 31  -  WILFRED YEO By ANDY LATIFF has found a unique way to spend his annual leave, even though it may not appear the most satisfying to many. Where most people choose to travel or to relax, Latiff does neither. Instead, he "holidays" in bowling
      313 words
    • 55 31 BADMINTON Serangoon Garden Open championships i .Serangoon Garden south school 8). BOWUNG Singapore national championships (Starbowl) POLO Games (Thomson Rd 5.30). mm CXX Ovaltine League DX 1 Income Singapore v Printed Circuit International i Jurong Stadium 5.30). S4)OABH Premier league: SCC 1 v Police Lions. PSRC 1 v
      55 words
    • 181 31 MECHANICAL problems with his Mini robbed former British stock car racing champion Ron Brown of his second autocross title at Senoko. Brown, who beat Singapore's Nick van Nugteren in the first autocross event, had to be content with third place overall. All the results CtaM 1: 1 Ron
      181 words
    • 264 31  - Juniors rally to enter semi-finals GEORGE DAS By IPOH, Wed. Singapore scored two good wins to qualify for the Malaysian Hockey Federation under-23 semi-finals here today. Singapore thrashed Pahang 5-1, and then edged out Armed Forces 1-0, to finish runners-up in Group A. Malaysian Juniors, who will represent Malaysia in
      264 words
    • 64 31 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Moideen Said, of Malaysia, knocked out Singapore's G. Haridas in the second round of the lightmiddle semi-finals of the ASEAN boxing championships here tonight. Semi-finals: wpllorwpight Juanito Pcdrosa (Phih hi Hock Chay (S) by points; lißhtmiddle MoidWn Said (ft) ko. <; HwUm i Si
      64 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 238 31 JB AUTOMOTIVE ADDITIVES ACTUALLY TREAT THE METAL, NOT THE OIL!! Only 'JB' contains exclusive Metal Conditioners that treat the metal, not the oil, thereby chemically reducing friction and improving your engine performance SUPERFAST! Find out why more and more people are using fantastic 'JB' products. People like Croc Tang, Malaysia's
      238 words

  • 231 32 Alert for Red Army in Bangkok, Jakarta BANGKOK. Wed Thai poli<-«» have ordered a full alert for possible attacks by the Japanese Red Army after receiving information that at least four members of the radical group are waiting to slip into Thailand, a spokesman for the city police said today.
    AP  -  231 words
  • 131 32 LEADERS of two of the world's top industrial nations playing it cool one to beat the beat and the other to show how energy can be saved. On the left, Japanese Prime Minister Masayoshl Ohira models a new "save energy" fashion in Tokyo on Wednesday. The government
    AP  -  131 words
  • 38 32 SAN JOSE. Wed Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza has ordered mines placed along pan of the border with Costa Rica to prevent the escape of Sandinist National Liberation Front guerillas. I radio station here reported yesterday. AFP.
    AFP  -  38 words
  • 79 32 ROME. Wed. Italy's ruling Christian Democrats studied a renewed demand today for cabinet seats by the secondranking Communists despite their stinging defeat in a general election for the first time in 31 years. The Communist Party directorate said that despite their defeat "the communists are more
    UPI  -  79 words
  • 331 32 Viet tanks bog down in rain ARANYAPRATHET, (Thailand), Wed. Vietnamese tanks are bogged down by monsoon rains i and guerilla sabotage as fighting entered its fifth day around the Kampuchean border town of Poipet, Thai army officers at the border said today. At the same rime. troops and tanks of
    AP; UPI  -  331 words
  • 156 32 LONDON, Wed. The! Foreign Office announced yesterday that Sir Murray MacLehose, Governor of Hongkong, is being recalled for consultations with the British Government on the growing problem of Vietnamese refugees. It said that Sir Murray would arrive in London on June 13
    156 words
  • 66 32 TOKYO, Wed. China elected another 109 new members to the fifth national committee of the People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) yesterday, the Xinhua (Hsinhua) News Agency reported. The new members brought to 2 018 the total number of seats of the CPPCC, a pannational revolutionary united front
    AP  -  66 words
  • 262 32 No-limit visits allowed by Egypt and Israel CAIRO, Wed. Israel and Egypt agreed today to permit visits by earn other's citizens without limitation, Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Khali) declared. Going well beyond previously published restrictions on such visits, Mr Khalil said any Iraeli who requests a visa will get one
    AP  -  262 words
  • 68 32 PARIS. Wed. Frances strategic nuclear forces will be technically equal to the current US and Soviet forces by 1985. Defence Minister Yvon Bourges said yesterday. The Defence Ministry in a press statement made clear thai the equivalence would be technical, and not in outright power, as a statement
    AP  -  68 words
  • 311 32 TEHERAN, Wednesday AN IRAQI air attack on Iranian border villages this week pushed the two countries perilously close to confrontation after weeks of recrimination and tension caused by tribal conflicts in Iranian provinces bordering the Baa t hist state, diplomats said today. Iran
    AFP; UPI  -  311 words
  • 79 32 CZESTOCHOWA (Poland), Wed. Security men beat up a priest who tossed a bouquet into the Pope's car and kicked and punched well-wishers who came too close to him in the first violence of the pontiff's visit to his homeland. Until today, the security was barely visible, but
    UPI  -  79 words
  • 48 32 MANILA, Wed Thai Defence Minister Prem Tinsulanond arrive here today from Bangkok on the first \eg of his two-week tour of Asean. Gen. Prem. who is also army commander-in-chief, is expected to discuss the Indochina situation and refugee problems with other Asean leaders. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 236 32 HAIR REPLACEMENT CENTRE I iif l^fl s HAlR PROBLEMS I on llW> S«.n» -f eogoQT I TOUPEE WIGS FOR CENTS t LADIES III M I HAIR WEAVING If I HAIR CARE I con*un«lion. uddactlon gwfWM J^^F I Comp4*t« r««lor«tton of wWMn 24 hour* Mncludtng Toup— ellBniing and HMrammm M ■k
      236 words
    • 226 32 BUSINESS TIMKS SuiKapore s h Dally I Pna p SOT Annual Subw npfwn SIM !.,< sul.s.nptM.r, CaIIJWUIBXt Z<l TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. THE HOUSING and Urban Development Company (HUDC) has been keeping buyers on their toes recently with an 1 imminent offer of flats under its second phase. HUDC is now
      226 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 126 32 Amsterdam 15-25C Goudy Us Angeles 16-22C Cloudy Athens tC t Manila 25-34 C Gear Bangkak 28-34 C Sunny Montreal 15-28 C Sunny Betrat 17-27C Sunny Nwnw 12-16C Cloudy Berlin 18-28 C Sunny New Delhi 26-41 C Clear Itinmli 13-21 C Cloudy New York 16-19C Goudy B.«m. Aires 7-14C Sunny 1«OC
      126 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION TWO
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION TWO
      5 words
    • 893 1  - Labs, tutors and tapes: Singapore's language learning boom K WAN ZI By JENNY used to feel crabby even before the daily grind began Files, invoices, correspondence, phone calls. typing her youth gone in five years of mundane routine, only to be rewarded with a $40 annual increment. Telling herself that
      893 words
    • 779 1  - Filipino inventors grouse that they're largely left to their own devices PAUL ICAMINA By in Manila THEY can scare, these inventors. One giant billboard screams about an "anticriminality invention, the spitting Cobra liquid jet pistol." The advertisement promises "freedom from fear and protection for the defenceless." and displays newspaper clippings
      779 words
      • 382 2  -  LING POON WAH Bj UNLIKE the flourishing music scene in Singapore, local drama seems to be languishing from a lack of support, both moral and material, from the government and the public. There have been occasional commendable efforts by part-time drama enthusiasts to
        382 words
      • 305 2 CHILDREN, with their: lack of inhibition and* self-consciousness, provide some of the best subjects for the candid camera. You will agree with thisif you take a look at the 73 photos of the Children of Asia Photo Exhibition now on at the National
        305 words
      • 168 2 THE Music For Everyone Series organised by the Ministry of Culture will turn its Spotlight on Talent on 17 young performers who will give a concert this Sunday at the Singapore Conference Hall at 5 p.m. The pianists spotlighted in the concert are outstanding students
        168 words
    • women plus
      • 81 6 KKI.W in style In th» tunic, a long stylish top that teams very writ with the straight pants that are so popular these days. ThLs one here is styled the Chinese way,' with Mandarin collar, frog buttons and long side slits, all trimmed
        81 words
      • 673 6 What's Up, c^ Doc?q by Dr L H S MANY parents in Singapore are unduly worried as to whether or not their children have worms. The following symptoms often apparent in children are usually attributed to worms loss of appetite; finger biting; eye tics;
        673 words
      • 787 6  - Increase in US woman graduates has far-reaching implications KATHLEEN By NEWLAND QUOTE 6 FEMALE enrollment has shown dramatic gains at the graduate level, particularly in the traditionally masculine professional schools, where academic qualifications are closely tied to employment prospects; schools of law, business, medicine, and even agriculture are admitting many
        787 words
      • 1074 7 Ijwt year more than two million visitors came to Singapore, nearly one for every Singaporean, man, woman and child. The number of tourists had doubled in the half decade since it hit one million in 1973. What problems will this
        1,074 words
      • 984 7 Singapore is the second noisiest city in the world, recent snrvey shows. WAYNE ELLWOOD, in this article for the IN Environment Programme, looks at the kind of risks we may be taking, and some of the preventive measures other countries have adopted.
        984 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 160 1 INSIDE: a LEISURE: Children are the b««t subjects. 2 d Impact of the tourist flood 7 W dm MMW MMt mWmW T^LW mmw mm 7 y mmw 9^ .^mm^^m. m^^. Iw r mw^ W -M^mVZl m W t /*m\ m± m W t Colour Marenfinsen Parker Stevenson Shaun Cassidy Donfp&
      160 words
    • 344 1 "Sanuk" is the Thai word bottomed boat where you indulge in mw mm for fun. And fun is what ever y kind oi sea ss P orl imaginable. W ji Thai International tours Chiang Mai Extension Jf fl m promise you, if you stay 3 days (from $279) W wk
      344 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 312 2 HP ll I'll UGHTCRAFT AGENCIES •^■p^ 1 I SHOWROOM 430-433 4f FLOOR LUCKY PLAZA ,^^^^^^M ORCHARD ROAO SINGAPORE 9 TEL *****7 One floor above Metro Grand facing side escalators Open daily 10 am 9pm Sundays b Holidays 12 pm Bpm MD 0 YOU L KE A TRIP T0 fV^A| TAIPEI.
      312 words
    • 117 2 CI More sound for your A M B r^V% B tt%# The highest quality at the lowest price. You 1 1 IWa#l IVWI do get more sound for your money. More speakers. 4 speakers give you better sound than 2. 6 key tape mechanism and Auto-stop, Tape Counter, CrO2/Normal Tape
      117 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 929 2 TV and Radio 1 SINGAPORE 5 3.00 m Opening and Star Performance I 7.45 ItewAdwentoes of Wonder Woman i 3.30 War, of Events (Chinese) iJXl Sb 3.35 Home Sweet Home (Mandarin J f n studl J is is n w w M |5SB I"" 1 1 7.*J onkeys of lndia
      929 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 397 3 Get Better Bargains with O MPRICEnOHIEIt "ff- lad i> 1 J^rlftM I W iIM "Tl X iMllilllllllllllllllliliii [T^flWl JflpSF^ B^,!l!|S!] |ij[|fH[jyj W with 2 bottles Chen^^^ S!2^V-JI (WITH FREE CUP SAUCER) A CheHn< i *^l ITI FPNPY PAPIAI (SAMPLING AT SERANGOON GARDEN.* A, «ii»i#X i_W^l tT^iim WESCOBEE HONEY ™»v W
      397 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
      558 words
    • 365 4 LIDO Hi'Jvjar WEEK(*****4) 4 SHOWS DAILY 11, 2.30, 6 9pm PRICES: Circle $4. Stats $3 I $2-No Free List 3 DAYS ADVANCE CASH SALES AVAILABLE for Circle ft Back Stalls V^BE to USA and Asia entry forms at lido and Emporium Holdings Group REX COMING SOON! STUNT DRIVING WAS NO
      365 words
    • 124 4 For live ultimate high adventure WILDGEESE into the /^£l I >^C J 1 v <■■ I WEEK! A EUAN ILOYD PRODUCTION AN ANDREW V McIACLEN FILM •RICHARD ROGER RICHARD HARDY BURTON MOORE HARRIS KRUGER STEWARTGRANGER <®> nnCfllli 4 SHOWS DAILY: (NO FREE LIST) I UUCUII- 11am, 2.30, 6.15 9.15pm Advonce
      124 words
    • 541 4 !£l CATHAY 8 ORGANISATION j|» NOW SHOWING' 4 Show, at O 1 30. 3 45 7 00* 9 ISpm O OPENS TODAY' O OOEON-KATCNG'RUBV f 100.3 30.7 0019 15pm f Regal: 130.3 45.7*9 15pm > Gate: 130. 3 30. 7> 9 15pm S City: 130. 3 30. 7 30. 930
      541 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 383 5 IN RESPONSE TO OVERWHELMING DEMANDS OPENS TODAY ""if"' 9 THEATRES 1 ODEON-KG GALA REGAL RUBY S.CITY 1.30,3.30,7,9.15 I 1.30,3.45,7,9.15 1,3.30,7,9.15 1.30,3.30,7.30,9.30 I PEom-s theatre GOLDEN QUEENSTOWN ZENITH i 1.30,3.45,749.15 I ssjs£*sQ 1.30,3.30,7.15,9.30 1.30,3.30,7.15,9.15 (ALL THEATRES NO FREE LIST) "THE CONTRACT" collected nearly $8,000,000 in Hong Kong outgrossing "STAR WARS",
      383 words
    • 323 5 PohKongChyc is where you'll find the Rothschild name in gold. I Sal fJ^J %BBBBBBf^Sr^BH bbb^^^^^bbl bbbSaSiS BbSlt I J WM wjt WM WM\ Distributors of Rothschild gold bars in 5 and 10 grams Manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers of gold and silver ornaments Dealers in gold bullion, silver grains, diamonds, jade,
      323 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 128 6 i^fli IBM m m SUGGESTED I bbV^ A*L/ A jXkT^ W^tkA BB ,*k2blCT< w ■BflßflflH I I M^JbT ■BBBflflH 1 yi! ■>■ Offer now on at your nearest KOKA dealer! Hurry, while stocks last 1 flflßl BB hAy^enc b^^bl N rCHtidlC wanted por inns issue iNTERNATIONAU WORK J^jM k T
      128 words
    • 231 6 B 'I B^r I PCm t^^H^^BlßHr ■1 I B 1 B^bl I H^BB Bk. V J B^flr at "f» VcT*3"; Bk ,^*2s-» I tV B^bVAb '^#^Hh£ BH^^^^ifl^feSSAflfi BBfl^H B^bV* b^f 'vK?^Mlfl!Ec^2^jißM! B T B^BBU&VwrD '^Vt**^ "^flSE*4^d^T^^B^B^B^BH fl^B^ A N^flra v uhm\ *]WJ Bl a \Vi J Vq\» JB^ fT^^ i
      231 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 66 7 Fy CTA^II MITSUBISHI-FUSO/ISUZU/LEYLAND LA 9 I New/Refurbished units available a^|- bmb W4»v« Separate Engine Drive (Donkey Engine), I IUCK iTII AIC r J and Hydraulic models available, 3-5 cubic metres capacities. SALE/RENTAL/SERVICES /Jf fl tJijm^-^Ay AQu Jj ii bi i| Auto Er Plant Services Pte Ltd 16Gul Avenue Singapore 22
      66 words
    • 451 7 S§,<£>. <s£>. <£j> <£> <*> <£> <£> <*> <W> <*> <s£> <*> <£> <5 > <££>. .<£> <*>. <£$>. ££> <£> <£> <^> J£ I Castern Ornament Industries JLtd. AJf yj-X proudly announces that we are the first I x alllß company in Singapore approved by 1 NMUIJX SISIR to
      451 words

  • SISIR Supplement
    • 2 8 SISIR Supplement
      2 words
    • 332 8 Ties between two groups are mutually beneficial Message from Mr Michael Yeo, Chairman, Singapore Manufacturers' Association 1 WISH to congratulate the 39 companies who are receiving the SISIR mark licences, quality certificates and safety labels today. The fact that they have passed the strict quality and safety standards set by
      332 words
    • 355 8 Message from Dr Lee Kum Tatt, Chairman, SISIR THE scenario in the next decade for manufacturing industries mm! the service sectors will be very much different from what it was In the Sixties aad Seventies. Labour will become tight, competition
      355 words
    • 615 8 Quality awards for 41 m anufac turers THE Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Goh Chok Tong, will present SISIR Licences and Quality Certificates to 37 local manufacturers at a dinner to be held tonight at the Shangri-la Hotel. Safety Labelling Licences will also be presented to four other local
      615 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 58 8 Heartiest Congratulations to Ben Hwa New Industries Pte. Ltd. for being awarded the i: SISIR Mark Certificate JUf' LaaaaAfcir '^^Wj* *^_naaBBBBaaW _^ft^hw_ WtiMlLllA /fil%\ 100% Pure /M!iS\ 100% n^IOI^X Vegetable Ghee MSIuIR/ Pure Corn oil /\y with no animal fat y ?0 COMPAK* >/ Kian Guan Can Fty. Pte. Ltd.
        58 words
    • 157 9 THE M«pe m 4 pcteatlal for experts to Britain by local nuuiatectaren ol electric*! accwworlea have been enhanced by the apmlatineiit «f SISIR M the Inspection agent tor ASTA (Am*cl»ttoa tor Short Circuit Teetteg Authorities) In September last year. SLSIR's appointment Is signUlcut since
      157 words
    • 282 9 AFTER some six years of discussion and negotiations, the IWS (International Wool Secretariat) appointed SISIR as their inspection and testing agent for Singapore and the region in December last year. The Institute's testing facilities and staff capability and experience were carefully studied by the
      282 words
    • 222 9 Approved makers are a quality guarantee ELECTRICAL ELECTRONIC Industries, both Singapore and overseas, can be assured of performance quality and reliability in electrical/ electronic components and parts if they source them from the list of Approved Manufacturers. The A ELS (Association of Electronic Industries of Singapore) Quality Scheme of
      222 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 493 9 <©> Supplement OOHPAMB AWARDED LKENCBB TO I SK TIIK SISIR MARK (ompany Product 1 American InternalKinal Industries >lit-> Lid (Galvanized mild steel refuse carrier bin Amcol Klectrual Industries Ltd Kleitru lightin)! fitting B<-n H»a Nr» Industries if'tei Ltd Can afl, Vanaspatu 4 BcmntileDS'T Industries ISI Pte Ltd Aluminium wood primer
        493 words
      • 159 9 Industrial Safety Footwear Has Been Awarded The SISIR Hark 4fe 4Of Quality. m The Toe Caps are manufactured from I high grade tempered carbon steel; b!^^ having been tested by Shoe and Allied vl Trade Research Association of Great ,J jL Britian to meet the British Standard X M I
        159 words
    • 545 10 Developing new products grows in importance PRODUCT development activities in SISIR have assumed greater importance over the last five years. In its simpliest sense, product development means the development of new products. It can also be used to cover product adaptation and product modification. Arising from the need to service
      545 words
    • 305 10 A function of the Institute is to probe new technology ONE of SISIR's functions as an industrial research institute is to acquire and experiment with new technology new as far as Singapore is concerned. It's mnltj-dkfipliiiary stractmre rubles the Institute to tackle the technical problems aid difficulties connected with technology
      305 words
    • 331 10 IN VIEW of the significance and necessity for a competent numerical control (NC) machining technology capability in Singapore, SISIR wih undertake the responsibility of introducing and establishing this capability. The role and contribution of SISIR's proposed NC Machining Technology Programme to Singapore have been affirmed
      331 words
    • 379 10 Managerial and technical assistance for industries SMALL and mediumsized industries in Singapore can look forward to technical and managerial assistance under the SISIR/ CESO programme initiated by the signing of an agreement for technical, industrial and consultancy cooperation between SISIR and CESO in February, this year. CESO, the acronym for
      379 words
    • 412 10 How Singapore's standards are set up and approved THE preparation and promulgation of standards for the sake of prestige or numbers is a waste of valuable time and manpower. It is, therefore, not surprising that all the 248 Singapore Standards approved to date have been drafted for immediate practical application.
      412 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 164 10 wood finish.the solution i^^ m m m v 9 m >* m i Melamic 1200 Clear by Nippon Paint Clearly, a m. 9 r eat lacquer that works itself into a super finish at r *he dab of a brush /or^ When it's dry. its extreme flexibility will take the
        164 words
      • 66 10 Reliability and MBrtormance RoiWs urwnding demand for quality brings out th* bast In photograph* •quiptnant. Wlßt| Performance and reliability that R^Q are accepted worldwide I^vßHp From top management all the way down to assembly line c. jUMW^ ""~"*v. Rollel takes the photography .^n^nK^C*^**"^. business seriously. Very seriously. E»^^»- 7] n^^^M
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      • 714 11 f^ rffS Singapore DDOni ICT^ AWARDFn Srporation JJ^i^ mm m ip%»^2 41 Shipyard Road Singapore 2261 Tel *****4 Cable SINPOLYMER kl_ ■f'V IWI MM |M Vk I' X V^V TELEX RS ***** A/B POLYMER I IW i^^k I 111 |V l I\\ I V < |^l \A W Uo^^. u"\^^""^\
        714 words
    • 571 12 rooperation has existed in the past 15 years between SIKIR and the New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) With SISIR having a close working association with the niblic and private sectors of ThMMinrr and DSIR having a akabar association with New
      571 words
    • 452 12 Very wide range of testing and analytical services SISIR aadertakea a very wide raage ef tostlag, verlfleatlea, aaalytleal aad laspectlaa servlees la the fields ef material evateatiea, '••d aad ladastrial mlcrebielegy, chemical toehaalagy, rabSer aad plastic teehneiegy, palat testlag aad electrlcal rkctrealc predurt testlag. Services arevMed are aermally medlam aad
      452 words
    • 479 12 TJM LINE with the industrialisation programme of Singapore for the *****, SISIR embarked on an institutional programme to develop a national metrology facility to carry out precision measurements and calibration for the precision engineering, electronic, aerospace, machinery, petrochemical, optical and instrumentation industries. Extension This programme involved
      479 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 325 12 The SISIR Award for our quality products Aluminium Door ■■■■^■■■■■J Swan Brand Products have been given b I this award because they are specially L. engineered and manufactured under y y stringent quality control for the home and tailored to suit the needs of the building 3£_ trade. I Letter
        325 words
      • 295 12 Colorbond A SISIR-Approved Product ..^^^Baaaaaaafsßaaaaaaaaai LaW**^^^^^^^^^^ LaaaT MT OLGA ORANGE Imagine a roof and wall cladding that won't formidable 4-coat barrier to atmospheric attack, need painting for up to 1 5 years. That's Lysaght w hen you choose Colorbond Building Shapes Colorbond the perfect combination of steel and youYe getting
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