The Straits Times, 29 April 1979

Total Pages: 34
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Sunday Times N0.2240 APRIL 29, 1979 30 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 143/1/79
    12 words
  • Briefly
    • 107 1 Facing 15 tax charges AN INDONESIANCHINESE baslaessman, jointly with two of his companies, faces 15 charges of Inr*mr tax evasion Involving about $t2t,Mf. He I* alleged to have aaed baak aceoaats aader dMereat assamed aames, thra wllfally unltUm Irani his tax retaras the laterest galaed from Us fixed deposits. He
      107 words
    • 94 1 THE Hoaatag Board has untalled riosed-drealt TV systems to moaltor 15 lifts la aevea Macks af flats far a trial period raagtag tram all maths to a year, darlag which time they will he clasely Ktadled A camera aa thr lift rellmg records gatags-oa taaMe thr
      94 words
    • 87 1 A TELECOMS artlsaa omr«ai mII.J taaraaii mriaatßM WM JBatm IBM* IUVaMsV for asasg crimlaai force to mataot a haaacwlfe whea a* called at her Hoasug Board flat to repair a damaged telephone. There have heea SI similar cases la the first twa moans of this year, nearly half
      87 words
    • 43 1 PAKISTAN, dawa H la the 24th mlaute, faaffht bork strwgly ke»t Hallaad M In the Werld Hockey THrunvit semiflwUs In Pertk ywtenUy. Taday, la tke OmU, Pakistaa wUI meet A«»traUm, who edged not BrtUln S-Z yesterday. Foil rrpart: Page M.
      43 words
  • 1225 1  -  NANCY BYRAMJI By PRICELESS RAFFLES COLLECTION MAY END IN THE DUSTBIN UNLESS $70,000 A YEAR IS FOUND MUMS and dads used to take their children to the Raffles Museum to stare in awe and delight at those myriads of beautiful butterflies and insects in glass cases; at
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  • 667 1 Limited tariff cuts all round so our traders must be 'aggressive 1 THE Government yesterday spelt out for the first time the Tokyo Round trade benefits and implications for Singapore. Exporters will enjoy tariff reductions on goods sold to our major markets the United States,
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  • 196 1  -  BENGTAN By MOHAMED SHAH, 17, happily rides Ugh on a dram aad he is not even a member of tke wlaalßg Boons Vista Secondary aad Taaglia Technical Schools combined baad. Bat the players aoatirhelßss raahed to hoar htm ap la trtampa whea they were awarded a
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  • 70 1 SDCTY-SDC Vietnamese refugees rescued from the South China Sea earlier this week by a French freighter are being processed at a camp j here for resettlement in France, a United Nations refugee agency spokesman announced here on Friday, The refugees —28 men, 16 women and 22 children
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 437 1  -  GEORGE JOSEPH By DEVAN'S ONE-SHOT WAY TO GUARANTEE NO MORE TROUBLE WITH THE I.T.F. NTUC secretary-general Mr C.V. Devan Nair yesterday issued a warning he said that if Asian governments and trade unions acted together, they could hold up 50 Australian or West European ships
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  • 315 1 Waldheim told: No cause for Asean concern HANOI, Saturday VIETNAM has assured UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim it has no designs against other South-east Asian nations and that its involvement in the overthrow of the Pol Pot regime in Kampuchea was "a special case." During his talks with Vietnamese Premier Pham
    Reuter; AFP  -  315 words
  • 71 1 MONROVIA (Liberia), Sat. Uteri* today expelled three members «f tke Savlet Embassy here la what H mM was for the latereat «f perpetaatlag g**a relatlsM hetweea the tw* caaaMes. Observer* believed the Llberlaa artlca wh ■!■!>■ at severlan all psaaible c*aUeta hetweea the three mea aad
    UPI  -  71 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 56 1 KVJ HP (mbiM) m»k > Man The elegant Certina Quartz Newport J Top Swiss quality /^^jißßßßßß^^jk performance, water l-% shock resistant. SS I 729. 3004. 4 1. 61 Sm^^SJ Limited edition. }M W 744.3001 25.31 f Classic perfection.^^fjv J mm t a^^^l y»^ ""-af ~m A M CERTINA G The
      56 words
    • 155 1 Rolex created the world' first truly waterproof watchcase Sa^ tTf nKBOICXCXNTwI \Vii/ Grd Fl Orchard TomriA Orchard Kojd if I IfVOl] BaMdaT I i "'""daflßßC^aißf liaal* BM^^' I Is4l lit ttt I*l ■aw I at I adkaa*"* THE TC-K6O AND TC-KBB CASSETTE DECKS Each of these two decks boast features
      155 words

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 66 2 KORK AN AMERICAN X* Ywug 11, brierpreter for tke US toMf-tnuls team new play lap; la Py«agyaag, yesterday met kla DMtber Lee Jug H», SS, aai sister K« Ry» Hu«, M, tot tke lint time tine* be flea N*rtk Korc* at tke age seven. The M-year^M
      UPI  -  66 words
    • 172 2 US trade deficit takes a plunge to $I.Bb WASHINGTON, Sat. The United States' foreign trade deficit plunged by more than a third in March to U*****.3 million (SJI.B billion), the lowest level in nearly two years, the Commerce Department said yesterday. The nation's exports rose 7 per cent in March
      AP  -  172 words
    • 45 2 BREST (France), Sat. A Überian tanker with 32,000 tonnes of crude oil on board was sinking 64 km oft the French Brittany coast today after a collision with another tanker, French naval authorities said. No injuries were reported on either ship. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 156 2 WASHINGTON, Sat. Operators of the same kind of nuclear reactors as the crippled ThreeMile Island plant near Harrisburg in Pennsylvania have been ordered to shut them down and carry out safety modifications. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRO) yesterday ordered five utility companies which
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    • 114 2 THE ENGRGY SQUEEZE on the usage of electricity. An increased cost o( electricity was also forecast. The plants that will have to be shut down are in Arkansas, Florida, Ohio, California and South Carolina. Reuter, AP. Oil supply cut further TOKYO: Three major international oil suppliers told Japanese refiners they
      UPI  -  114 words
    • 134 2 TOKYO: Japan today called for international cooperation in ensuring the safety of nuclear power generation on grounds that it is becoming more important than ever despite the recent radioactive leakage acccident at the Three-Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvannia. The proposal was made by Mr
      AFP  -  134 words
    • 323 2 Spies swopped 'to make way for summit MOSCOW, Saturday. THE United States and the Soviet Union have exchanged two convicted Soviet spies for five dissidents, in an apparent move to pave the way for a summit between President Leonid Brezhnev and President Carter. Western observers in the Soviet capital noted
      UPI  -  323 words
    • 124 2 Soviet, French pledge on detente MOSCOW, Sat. French and Soviet leaders today concluded two days of summit talks by signing a joint document pledging their countries to develop detente and cooperation. The "programme for the development of cooperation between France and the Soviet Union in the interests of detente and
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 130 2 WASHINGTON, Sat. Many dsetws attemptlag to care ale*h*UcB d« mere harm than ga*d, aeearding to a United States Navy daetor wh* has treated sach clients as Betty P«rd, Billy Carter aad Senator Herman T»Jmadge (*r a4r»h»U.sni. Same daetors sbaaM be patient* themselves. "Tea per
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 181 2 Sithole: Order probe or I'll leave govt SALISBURY. Sat. The Rev Ndabaningi Sithole, who finished a distant second in last week's elections, vowed today to pull out of the projected coalition government unless an independent probe is ordered into the balloting, which he charges was riddled with "gross irregularities." Rev
      AP  -  181 words
    • 152 2 Poll: Tory lead over Labour only 3 pc LONDON, Sat. The Conservative Party's lead over Labour in the run-up to the May 3 British general election has been cut to 3 per cent, the lowest in several months, according to a poll published today in the Daily Express. The poll,
      Reuter  -  152 words
    • 63 2 SAN ANTONIO (Texas), Sat. A gunman killed two people and wounded 32 when be sprayed automatic rifle fire into a packet crowd during San Antonio's "Bat tie of the Flowers" festival. Police identified the gunmar as Ira Attebury, 61, but said the] had no idea why
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 158 3 100,000 in demo to back province leader TEHERAN, Sat. More than 100.000 people in the oil-rich Khuzestan province demonstrated yesterday in favour of a local religious leader who is critical of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomei nys armed revolutionary committees. Teheran Radio said the crowd in the city of Khorramshahr pleaded with
      AP; UPI  -  158 words
    • 72 3 A CYCLIST paaalßK wall pasters la Haaai, the •of aa left aaswtac a Vietaanteer wemaa seldler taaralag a CalaeM prtnatr «f war eaptwed in the receat Sas-Vlet-aameae harder dash aaa Ike right paster shawlafr, I aa America* prUaaex af war captamd la Ifl! daring
      AP  -  72 words
    • 254 3 China. Vietnam toughen stand as talks head towards deadlock BANGKOK, Saturday CHINA and Vietnam toughened their negotiating positions today as post-war peace talks headed towards a deadlock. Both sides accused each other of continuing provocations along their border line where Viet- nam described the situation as "extremely tense." In its
      AFP; UPI  -  254 words
    • 89 3 Attache: We will attack again if. EDMONTON, Sat. China would be prepared to attack Vietnam again if Vietnamese troops resume border hostilities, Mr Zhang Wudang (Chang Wu-tang), China's military and naval attache to Canada, said yesterday. In a speech to an Edmonton service club, he also defended China's March invasion
      AP  -  89 words
    • 143 3 Continuing support for Pol Pot men ARANYAPRATHET, Sat. A Chinese Embassy official has crossed into Thailand from Kampuchea, indicating that the Chinese are still working with the resistance forces of ousted Premier Pol Pot, Thai officials said yesterday. High-ranking Thai officials travelled on Thursday to the border town of Klong
      UPI  -  143 words
    • 381 3 MANILA, Sat ...but West must give aid Manila, Jakarta THE Philippines and Indonesia have offereu to take in a total of 20,000 Indoehinese refugees in temporary island havens provided the United States, Japan and other developed nations guarantee financing and resettlement. American sources
      Reuter; NYT; UPI  -  381 words
    • 64 3 LONDON, Sat. Londoners read their last Saturday evening newspaper today when the Evening Nesvs closed its weekend edition after 96 years. An editorial on today's front page said the paper had no choice but to close its "hopelessly uneconomic" Saturday edition. The newspaper, which first appeared
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 115 3 MANILA, Sat. The f*llege exam reavlto «f a*arl> KUlplM itadeata are v deabt, apparfoUy becaase af faaite ia the utieiuil latoUgtMee aad aecarlty Mttarity'i rempaWr. Aa Edaeattaa MUstry •fflcUJ said today envn had heea dlsravered la a large aambrr af the resalts lasaed by the
      115 words
    • Sideliners
      • 72 3 VERSAILLES (France): Salesgirls at a luxury shopping centre near here I staged a two-hour strike after several dozens of them broke out in pimples. They claimed the outbreak was caused by poor hygiene, bad air and lack of daylight at work. The first outbreak came early this
        AFP  -  72 words
      • 74 3 Baker in a jam MESSINA (Sicily): Minor collisions are hard to avoid on Italian roads, but Pietro Vernuccio made a habit of them. He managed over 100 in 1978. In almost every case the 35-year-old baker collected damages by convincing insurers that the other i driver was to blame. But
        Reuter  -  74 words
      • 82 3 LONDON: An ancient can- non, believed to be the oldest surviving English gun, was hoisted up and through a window into the Tower of London on Friday. The 1-1/2 tonne gun is known as the Boxted Bombard and dates from the j 15th century. The cannon
        AP  -  82 words
      • 74 3 NEW BRITAIN (CMwectIcit): A 22-year-old woman has regained consciousness i in a hospital here after being in a coma for a year, it was announced. Doctors described Karen Delahanty's recovery as rare but not unprecedented. Miss Delahanty went into the coma on April 15,
        Reuter  -  74 words
      • 38 3 LONDON. Sat A first edition of Bram Stoker's vampire novel Dracula. insrribjd by the author and dated June 1897. made £600 (5J2.706) at Sothebys yesterday. The auctioneers had expected L5O to £75 for the book AP.
        AP  -  38 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 126 2 It ix~ Mini \W room to listening room... p i iii^gisf-"*»J rMfllKfi^* 1 Ui 1 1 i^O; ;?r~fo 1 zEtl f II 1 i r 1 t Mt! t t^-^i "1 o <• kt> V -J -t I i'" K 25*979.. BB^^I^^^B' L_^^H When a system is developed in the
      126 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 554 3 *55 x iVlelwanrs Surprise Specials! All Designer Shirts, Belts Ties at Half-Price! Because of the huge demand. many of our patrons missed out on our previous Surprise Specials. So we're repeating it And including belts and ties. Last 2 days only! From the fashion houses of: Givenchy John Langford Cardin
      554 words
    • 528 3 Take your pick of 30 languages Europhone can teach you in 1 month I^PTl^^BBar n l?!' sh (with translations in I M I either Chinese or Malay), V>B Indonesian, Thai, Hokkien. f"£yj* >jj j German, Italian. French. <«VbVP^£l Spanish, Russian, Afrikaans, Sasaf Arabic, Bahasa Malaysia, laVail Japanese, Korean, etc. Europhone's
      528 words

  • TV highlights
    • 844 4 RTS' holiday 'bonanza' o£ programmes WE CAN always depend on RTS to come up with a bonanza of quality programmes every public hobday and May Day is no exception. Most of the special shows are "singles," that is, they are not from a series and Tuesday's fare of such programmes
      844 words
    • 649 4 SPOTLIGHT ON CHINESE PROGRAMMES Forum to discuss language education systems A STUDY ef the different lan Kuaß<educatieaK uaR<educatiea systenui la different countries. the relationship betweea raltare aad language aad ether related topics will be dlaeaaaed la the Chlaeee fernm, Mnltllin (raailsm and the Secletiea, to be shewn In eelear en
      649 words
    • 319 4 ANNA AND TOTO (Tonight, Ch. 5, 10 p.m.): A poignant love stery which focuses on two completely different people who find the realities of everyday life too harsh for them to sustain their relationship. Stars Franco Lantieri and Renate Heilmeyer. A TRAGEDY OP TWO 'AMBITIONS
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 619 4 WANTED: ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, COMPANY SECRETARIES. MANAGERS, ADMINISTRATORS, BANKERS, STATISTICIANS. The fast growing industrial and commercial sectors of this region are constantly looking for professional men and women to fill such challenging and highly paid posts. Do you have the qualification to fulfil any of these roles? If not then ACT
      619 words
    • 19 4 Sony Betamax nil See what youVe been missing sony. mnrHL. SETBONILECTRONCSPTELTO '0 DUNDEE BOAD SrNGAPOBt 3 TEL *****4 «.«Ooot^^"™^»a»^a*
      19 words
    • 69 4 Emms Sou t iqae fk^^^ People's Park Centre: MW^Lf B-33. Basement Floor. People s Park Centre. Upptf Cross Street. Singapore 1. Tel: *****5 Am m\ Open everyday From: 1 1 00 am to 9 30pm X ~mA Peace Centre: '^^k 216. Second Floor. Peace Centre. Selegie Road. Singapore 7. Tel
      69 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 692 4 10.00 AM Operaif and Jana of the Junfle 6.10 Holand Terra Afronomka 10.25 rntant Tintei T*W 'Malay) 6 30 News in Brief 10.45 Sunday Matinee Captain Horatio 6.35 A House For the Future HornWower, starring Gregory Peck, Vt- 7.10 Wanrta (Malay) gria Mayo, Robert BeaHy 7.30 News and NewveH (Malay)
      692 words
    • 81 4 TODAY: SlagspMe 6.32 a.m. (0.1m), 1.02 p.m. (2.6m). 6.45 p.m. (0.9m). Sedlll Kechll 5.13 a.m. (0.0m), 12.01 p.m. (2.3m). 5.58 p.m. (lm), 11.00 p.m. (1.9m). Part Dicksmi 2.26 a.m. (0.3m), 8.11 a.m. (2.6m). 2.31 p.m. (0.1m), 8.33 p.m. (2.9m). TOMORROW: StagftpM* 12.32 a.m. (2.9m), 7.14 a.m. (0.1m). 1.47 p.m. (2.5m),
      81 words

  • 389 5  -  S. M. MUTHU By SINGAPORE BUS SERVICE pledged yester- j day to scrap 200 old buses within two years, after a High Court judge suggested the company should urgently carry out modifications to its old single-door buses. Commuters will have to
    389 words
  • 23 5 THE Bukit Merah Secondary School Band will perform at MacRitchie Reservoir Park today from 5 p.m. to 6 p m
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  • 160 5 POLICE APPEAL IN TWO TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS POLICE »re l^ktag for Ike trie** «r retattviw W falr-r«mp<f xt*ar4 nuUr CHmn »b*at 4S-ye*»-•M. 1.4 metres UU, wb* admitted to Ike Stag»p«re GeMral Hwipilal after ke m lavalved la aeeMeat at tke Juctt«n af N«rtk Bridge lUm! •ad N»rUi Bmi Qmay at II.M
    160 words
  • 90 5 Balloting at Bedok New Town THE Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Labour) and MP for Chai Chee, Mr Fong Sip Chee, yesterday attended a balloting ceremony for the sale of 1,618 units of three-, four- and five-room flats at Bedok New Town. This was the sixth ballot (or the sale of flats
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  • 34 5 DR Peter Chew, senior lecturer at the University of Singapore, will speak in Mandarin on Child Growth and Development at the Bukit Ho Swee community centre on May g at 8 p.m.
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  • 62 5 FRIDAY'S electricity consumption fell by 1.74 per rent tram tke average FrMay coasamptioa. Total coasamptioa la 18.78 million unite, or 1.14 million aalte lem tkaa the average roasamptioa. Tke Pnbllc I'tWOr* Board will Impose stricter meaavca, to be announced this week, If pewer nap dees not
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  • 3 5
    3 words
  • 687 5 Call for an 'across the board' tax system THE Indian Chamber of Commerce yesterday called on the Asean nations to introduce an "across the board" rather than an individual product preferential tariff system and standard customs procedures to promote trade among the member countries. "The present tariff cuts are not
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 24 5 ■■a £&k> what can be finer than^™^ a leather original from^ J| Clothes and accessories 116 Shaw Centre Tel *****25 Also open on Sunday
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    • 303 5 Essence of Chicken with Ginseng keeps you on the ball _—^s**> Since the dawn of history, Chinese herbalists jßa^aMflLa^aas*. have considered ginseng to be a traditional tonic. A »»A*V The beneficial properties of ginseng are now V l-'-'^B being appreciated in the West. Essence of Chicken combined with ginseng |7
      303 words

  • 833 6  -  PAULJANSEN By NATIONAL Trades Union Congress secretary-general Devan Nair's call to set up an Asian regional branch of the International Transport-work-ers Federation (ITF) is likely to receive the enthusiastic support of Asian trade unionists, if the mood at the Asian Seafarers Conference is
    833 words
  • 1094 6 From Pag* On* tariat for Asian seafarers' unions," he said. Trade unions in noncommunist countries of the world, including transport workers, are justified to come together under the banner of an organisation like the ITF. International co-operation among transport workers meant global power which
    1,094 words
  • 177 6 AT the Asian Seafarers' Conference yesterday, NTUC deputy secretarygeneral and chairman of the conference, Mr Lim Chee Onn, moved a motion to acknowledge "the debt" of gratitude owed by the conference to the late Mr A. Ramanujan. His motion read: "Brother Ramanujan, active in the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 246 6 28th Apnl-Ist May Time: 10am -6pm at Merc Service Centre, Ponggol RQ4IT EMEItT 24*. Aye QFTHEYE4R Cobia Boats Model 17 VBR Monte Carlo Model 18 VBR Sportster Model 20 VBR Ranger Model 21 -V Condor Model 22 CC. Gulfstream Well Craft Boats. Model 165 Airslot Model- 190 Airslot Model 196
      246 words

    • 278 7 JOHORE BARU, Sat ANY application for an increase in oil prices would have to be considered in the light of its effects on the prices of goods and services. Finance Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said an oil price increase would result in increase
      NST  -  278 words
    • 274 7 The hunt for diesel fuel goes on KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday THE hunt for diesel fuel is taking transport companies here as far afield as Kajang, Port Kelang and Seremban, according to sources in the transportation sector, the New Straits Times reported yesterday. The paper said the shortage in the capital
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    • 68 7 ALOR STAR, Sat. Fresh meat will not be on sale in the market here from today due to a ban on the slaughtering of livestock. The ban is to quicken the mass vaccination of cattle, goat and pigs to check the spread of the foot-and-mouth
      NST  -  68 words
    • 243 7 KUALA U'MPH, Sal Tke pr.p.srd l lilted States-Cftlaa trace pa* to Mt a threat to tan, Ike (•■rth largest traatag partacr «f tke US, Hi ambassador here, Mr Mkect Miller, taM May. AMresatag ma lateraaOaaal miiiirmril seminar •rgtfltMd *y tke PaeaV Bud Efsnalf
      AFP  -  243 words
    • 132 7 Lack of ropes. so elephants go free KUALA TRENGGANU, Sat. The Wildfire Protection and National Park Department has not been able to catch (our elephants which have been destroying oil palms in the Kerteh Felda scheme at Kemaman since last year because of lack of jute ropes. A department spokesman
      Bernama  -  132 words
    • 67 7 PENANG, Sat The Postal Department will launch its express mail service between the state and the Federal capital on Wednesday, the Deputy Minister of Energy, Telecommunications and Posts, Datuk Mohamed Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak. said here yesterday. He added that with the launching of the "express"
      NST  -  67 words
    • 42 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat The government is carrying out a study to find out the number of bumiputra entrepreneurs In the commercial and industrial sectors and to identify their growth problems. Deputy Finance Minister Datin Paduka Randan Adz said yesterday. NST.
      NST  -  42 words
    • 32 7 KUANTAN, Sat. Customs officers detained a 30-y*ar-old man and seized about $16,000 worth of tin ore from his car at a road block last night, police said today. -NST.
      NST  -  32 words
    • 53 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Two gunmen held up the Cycle and Carriage office in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman here yesterday and got away with $50,609 payroll. Police believe that the robbers could also be responsible for a $2,560 hold-up at the Taman Keramat post office on
      NST  -  53 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 159 7 The Mandarin Singapore presents PIERRE B ALMAIN and his Spring/Summer Collection 79 m m aWlrf It Two luncheon shows only A May 8 9, 1979 Mandarin Court *fa* (4th Floor) I I ,*i 12 noon I per person Em —^M^ J I U.l £»mt \l !l x fv «W Hifai
      159 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 683 8 TH€ CH ART€ R€D DAM K'S W ®0 Over 4000 CASH m^^^^^L. 0 prizesof SttQOOO W^^j^^^^j^^k llfl 120 prizes Of (10,000 I Two qualifying periods: I 50 prizes Of $2,000 I sth Juneto 4th September 1979 I 4000 prizes Of $50 I sth September to 4th December 1979 J LJ
      683 words

  • 461 9 $917,000 INVOLVED IN CASE AN Indonesian-Chinese businessman and his two companies were charged in court yesterday with 15 counts under the Income Tax Act involving about $917,000. Thio Keng Moh. of 15. Bin Tong Park, managing director of Malayan Commodities Pte Ltd
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  • 134 9 A PART-TIME Vigilante Corps member. Wu Scow Liew. 21, was yesterday charged with cheating the Singapore Bus Service of a 50-cent fare. The court was told that on Feb 18 at about 11.30 p.m., Wu boarded an SBS bus in Victoria Street. When asked by
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  • 68 9 THE Police National Service (full-time) will organise a contingent route march at Ang Mo Kio housing estate from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. today. The five-km march, involving some 500 officers and men from the varicus divisions and units, will begin from the Ang Mo Kio
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  • 116 9 SHANGRI-LA'S 12.5 pc STAKE IN RAFFLES CITY FIRM SHANGRI-LA Hotel is taking a 12.5 per cent stake in Raffles City (Pte) Ltd, a company formed by the Development Bank of Singapore to own and develop the Paffles City, New Nation reported yesterday. This was announced in an after-trading announcement at
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  • 30 9 MR Choo Ping Chyuen, a Radio Singapore producer, will give a talk in Mandarin on courtesy at the Paya Lebar community centre on May 25 at 8 p.m.
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  • 138 9 POSB to open two more counters THE P«rt OOee tevlagi Bank will •pro tw* mere eaiaters at Metr* Orchard la B<*tte itoad ud Metr* (inuid la Lacky Plats, Orchard R»»d, The c*utera will *pea frwn 11 a.m. te 1 p.m. fr»m MMfay to Satarday, pravMlßg facilities f«r depMite, withdrawal* «f
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  • 28 9 A PUBLIC relations ronsultanl. Mr C.K. Tseng, will speak on Courtesy and Public Relations at the Canberra community centre on May 26 at 8 p.m.
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  • 314 9 $5,200 damages for soup case salesgirl A SALESGIRL who suffered permanent scars on her back after a housewife had spilled boiling soup on her was yesterday awarded $5,249 in special and general damages by a district court. The housewife. Low Keen Yoong. found to be totally liable, was ordered to
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  • 252 9 Apprentice contest may be open to more workers THE Vocational and Industrial Training Board is considering opening the next series of the Apprentice-of-the-Year competitions to all young workers within certain age limits. These workers could be classified as "unofficial" apprentices because of their age, said Dr Ahmad Mattar, minister-in-charge and
    252 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 260 9 Jl\ OT-MaßafcaMaE iir ddwiL I These hand decorated stow Sue? TXYrs sea'ed under glaze for years of continued use "xS? J^Z Yen Safe 01 Proof o <£^\ I TRIWIN PTE. LTD. 3=*- 1 IRm 1125. 11th Floor People s Park Centre Singapore 1 Tel *****0 V a^" l^ V^^* ai>^te
      260 words
    • 234 9 The, Hiltoß Pla^hoasts PRESENTS 1 mm i *Jm* 111 B m W HONOR BLTNCKMAN and NEIL STACY in "THE TWO OF US* by Michael Frayn May 28th June 9th (Staged at the Grand Ballroom) Three hilarious one act plays from London's West End in which the brilliant Miss Blackman plays
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 196 9 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACROSS: 1. Snub (6) 5. j^^. L r^^ (6) 2 Canvas shelter (4) 8. Fa- Motioned towards (8) 3. T^ ?2JZ*T'ZI l«««ve (6) 4. Destitute (9) (3) 10. Lend (4) 11. Seep (4) 5 .^ereiy (7) 6 Island 12. Nose (5) 13. Caper (6) 16. (4) 7.
      196 words

  • 213 10 Technicians working at full steam to get them ready by next week THE Hwulag Bmhl has totalled the first few closed-circuit TV monJUring systems (CCTV) In MOM Of ltE UftS. These equipment, the New Nation reports, will be tested by HDB engineers this week and
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  • 75 10 RSAF aircraft will conduct live firing exercises at the Southern Islands live firing range at Pulau Pawai tomorrow and from •Wednesday to Friday between 9 a.m. and S p.m. On Thursday the firing will continue from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Police troops will conduct live firing
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  • 74 10 EIGHT engineers from the Public Utilities Board will conduct talks on "How to save electricity" at several primary and secondary schools tomorrow. The schools and the time of the talks are St Teresa Convent, 12.30 p.m.; Bendemeer Primary School, 8 a.m.; Balestier Girls'
    74 words
  • 241 10 A LABOURER offered his woman friend to an American tourist and later asked her to steal his wallet. Yesterday, Mohamed Abdul Mutalif so Abdul Majeeth, 21, who has done this twice before, was jailed for a day and fined $2,000 for committing theft with
    241 words
  • 269 10 Talks to plan for Asian furniture industries meeting MORE than 80 governors from eight member-coun-I tries of the Asia Furniture Industries Association will I meet at Shangri-La Hotel I at 8.30 a.m. today to orga- nise the association's fifth I convention to be held here in November. They come from
    269 words
  • 53 10 SELVARAJA E. Stnnatham. 23. a Malaysian, was yesterday jailed for one day and fined $600 for stealing four T-shirts, two pairs of sports wear, two pairs of socks and one alarm clock, with a total value of $163, from the Oriental Emporium in Rochore Road on Friday at
    53 words
  • 31 10 THE '*tional Museum will screen Uu> films, Birds of Canada, To the top and This Nuclear Age. at its premises on May 9 at 8 p.m. Admission is free.
    31 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 247 10 Have you mastered the'Sumazau' t You may or may not know that the 'Sumazau' is j^^^^~ not a f° rm °f Japanese martial arts but the beautiful V S^^C* traditional dance of the Kadazans. "^^SjSSr- It is a graceful dance that depicts the planting to frljllJ^L* e *3J^3n£^\^sl ff^jii ffstfP*
      247 words

  • 196 11 A HIGH-POWERED task force has been set up by the Singapore Police Force to study ways and means of improving relations with the public. The task force was formed after a public opinion survey was carried out by the police last year.
    196 words
  • 32 11 THE National Museum will screen three colour films Here is Canada, Octopus Hunt and Oceans of Science at its premises on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Admission is free.
    32 words
  • 29 11 DR Hew Choy Sin, senior lecturer at Nanyang University, will talk on Knowing How the Orchid Grows at Siglap community centre on May 25 at g p.m.
    29 words
  • 265 11 Boys' Brigade members told: Adapt to change THE president of the Singapore Boys' Brigade, Dr Lee Soo Ann, yesterday told brigade members that they must be strong individualists, able to adapt themselves to changes in an unequalled period of prosperity in Singapore. Speaking at a one-day training seminar for senior
    265 words
  • 52 11 NTUC secretary-general, Mr C. V. Devan Nair, leaves on Wednesday for Brussels to attend the executive board meeti.ig of the International Confederation of Free Trade Union (ICFTU). He will also visit West Germany. Mr Lim Chee Onn will act as secretary-general NTUC, until Mr Nair's return on
    52 words
  • 26 11 MAGICIAN Mr Peter Ang will give a talk cum demonstration or magic at the Telok Blangah community centre on May 31 at 8 p.m.
    26 words
  • 92 11 FINED FOR SELLING STOLEN GEMS TAN TOI TEE alias Tan Hal, 36, was fined $4,000 yesterday for helping to dispose of stolen diamonds worth about $32,390. He pleaded guilty to selling the precious stones to someone in Jeddah Street in January for $28,200. For his part in the transaction, Tan
    92 words
  • 46 11 THE Ministry of Social Affairs will conduct its sixth orientation course for voluntary welfare workers from May 2 to 18. The course will provide volunteers with some basic knowledge of welfare services and the attitudes and skills necessary for effective voluntary welfare work.
    46 words
  • 432 11 A TELECOMS artisan, Raman Jathu Moorthy, 24, was jailed for three months by a magistrate yesterday when he was found guilty of outraging the modesty of a housewife. In passing sentence on him, Magistrate Mr Bernard Doray said the sentence not only reflected the gravity
    432 words
  • 19 11 MONFORT Secondary School band will perform at the Botanic Gardens from 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. today.
    19 words
  • 317 11 Uniforms weren't used then HAVE OUR readers ever wondered what their grandmothers' classrooms looked like or what they wore as schoolgirls? This picture, taken In 1921, of the Standard Six girls of the original Methodist Girls School in Short Street (where a bank now stands), is
    317 words
  • 69 11 FIVE Malaysians have been permanently banned from entering Singapore under the Immigration Act, according to the latest government gazette. They are Sing Lang Kong, 22, Sim Joo Song. 28, Chung Kok Hsiung, 19. Ismail bin Hasan, 31, and Yahya bin Abdul Kadir, 21. Their banishment
    69 words
  • 271 11  -  RANEE GOVINDR AM By MR William Ng Is ane husband wfca 4mm nat fit the papular stereatype he lnststn a nagging wife Is nat necessarily a misfartane. And he has a SIMM reasan far saving sa: His wife, Lily, wan the
    MAZLAN BADRON  -  271 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 176 11 ~7W ADVENT VIOEOBEJIM TV r" >T PROJECTS lIFESIZE jS OMTD A 183 cm SCBHN! #<? N B Advent's considerable experience with projection TV dates bock to 1967 W_ NORMAL U T\T/ L^X ADVENTS GIANT SCREEN Giant size and astounding clarity are .^^^k the vital differences between Advent Videobeam Protection TV
      176 words
    • 421 11 A treasure in living '-v pleasure that lasts I you forever HOCK SWEE HILL KM Aot I i Hfi~SHJI \l^^^ ■MmMWr^S*^, i%t: 2 StwiwspNt-laiwlMfni-dattcted bungalow HA* w i/M i m Kanr nni i SSS^MBBH .nVBSBW H Bt- nUBBMH, j J MnW^k Afe ~81 m»i ji* "^^^L *J^^m L *1 nnn
      421 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2661 12 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a '-Z~-^J2C i*~ aooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *****0c oooooo How Showing at 2 Theatres mmmmm Jj cathay organisation Bj:jjfc cathay CAPITOL& SAVOY ujt 1 wm JliBH p^|ii welcomes §§i^iS Both Theotres 5 ihows No Fre« List flying p«st Sm Frma- i ?j< ■"""»■'>■"«»'"' Copitol (*****9) Horn, 1 30. 4, 630&9 15 »JM
      2,661 words

  • 326 13 RADIO and Television Singapore last night showed a film by its three-man crew on the aftermath of the Khmer Rouge refugees and soldiers passing through the Thai-Kampurhean border near Aranyaprathet to their new base in Kampuchea. The film was shown in the
    326 words
  • 281 13 Korean dancer to drum in festival theme KOREAN folk dancer and choreographer, Madam Kirn Moon Sook, 51, (above) will be drumming in the Festival of Drums wilh this nine-drum dance a highlight of the threeday festival, which begins I at the National Theatre on Wednesday. The festival, jointly organised by
    281 words
  • 30 13 THE wir.wrs of the Leslie Rayner painting contest organised by the Rotar:' Club o( Singapore District 330 will receive their prizes at the club's lunch meeting on Wednesday
    30 words
  • Article, Illustration
    241 13 From Page 12 a chronic disease whicL is complicated by psychological problems. Yuting's mother was widowed when Yuting was only six years old. As a result of the doctor's frequent visits to Du's home, coupled with his sympathy and concern (as well as passion), he falls in love
    241 words
  • 305 13 Jazzmen in orbit with big beat M THE ('•■■lHlatUa, a m*re disparate c*Ueetl«a f persMalitles I waold be hard pat to find. Saatp Ha Ismail, drammer and leader «t Ike group, la almost say, tiMMnyllabir. Baalfaee de B«asa, pianint •ruanlst, la tie archetypal rarneat yaug mtudrian ant to make Us
    305 words
  • 573 13 E ANY attempt to fertilise the so-called Singapore cultural desert calls for a concerted homing in on the grassroots our schoolchildren. The recent performances of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra for the schools are a step in this direction, and some mention should be
    573 words
  • 328 13 THERE should be greater interaction between the government, industries and tertiary institutions to help upgrade water management techniques. This was one of the three recommendations put forward by the participants of the two-day Water and the Food Industry seminar which concluded at
    328 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 250 13 GENUINE REDUCTIONS 20% to 40% r or ladies, a wide range of imported distinguished designs Blouses •Skins Dresses Gowns Kaftans For men. dashing imported outfits of: Shirts Sports shirts Underclothings A choice bargain, whilst slocks last. Kismet 127. Pla/a Singapwra. Orchard Road Sm K apore9. I H: .*****(1 ■■anwaßßanaV TODAY
      250 words
    • 412 13 QUALIFY,. promotion through SOA SPECIALIZED TRAINING IN ACCOUNTANCY AND BUSINESS The School of Accountancy Business Malaysian Society of Accountants Studies (SOA for short) is Britain's fore Institute of Administrative Accounting most home study college for professional International Association of Book Keepers qualifications in accountancy and rela'ed Institute of Chartered Secretaries
      412 words

  • 556 14 The Sunday Times SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1979 PLAY YOUR PART NOW UNLIKE previous national campaigns, the current Save Electricity drive has not met with much success. Despite repeated reminders from the Public Utilities Board to conserve electrical power in the wake of an impending world energy crisis, Singaporeans so far
    556 words
  • 245 14 Second-class post COMPLAINTS are being constantly made by visitors here of the inattention which they receive at the Post Office when making inquiries after their letters. Some say they are often compelled to wait for half an hour or more, before they are fortunate enough in securing
    245 words
    • 422 14  -  CAPRICORN By KIM was a little over 10 years old when the Japanese occupied Singapore. His family moved from Tanjong Pagar to a ramshackle kampong house in Geyla ng belonging to a paternal relative, in a bid for comparative safety from the turmoil of the coming
      422 words
    • 524 14  - A world o£ our own YAP TECK BIONG By THE monsoon breeze on this side of the hill is the most pleasant you will ever feel on your face for a hundred miles around. The blooms which surround us are more than a match for any floral show in the
      524 words
    • 413 14  -  L.C. LIM By THE letter that Weng Yee had been waiting for finally arrived. As he opened it, he had mixed feelings of excitement anil tear Thic i«.» £r Li 1 ter was from tne varsity. It was to inform Weng Yee whether a place had been
      413 words
    • Article, Illustration
      548 14  -  CATHERINE KHOO By THE scene never changes. Trees stand solemnly, awaiting the morning sun. The water in the reservoir laps against the boundary of grass. Joggers clad in loose tee-shirts, tai-chi enthusiasts and an old man strolling with his five-year-old grandson. Kirn Ben-chong clutches his grandfather's
      548 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      3 words
    • 562 14 €xdu«vj^ The new Model 301. With an improved tweeter that took three years to perfect An innovative Dual Frequency Crossover network that delivers smoother midrange response. A unique tweeter protection circuit that virtually eliminates tweeter burnout. And a subtle exterior modification that makes the Model 301 more elegant than ever.
      562 words

  • Timescope
    • 1477 15  -  NANCY BYRAMJI B^ Yes, plastic surgery helps but it should be the last resort QUOTE IF reasons for cos- metic surgery are genuine and sincere, patients can end up very happy. It is true improved looks can lift the morale and may change one's entire outlook tremendously
      1,477 words
    • 237 16 Toyota's modern, small car o£ the 70s "IF you had the idea that there was no such thing as a totally new car, Toyota would like to turn your ideas about cars inside out. so the ads loudly proclaim about the Tercel. This newcomer was conceived out of necessity five
      237 words
    • 429 16 MOTORING E CAR CARE WINSTON LEE AT THE WHEEL OF THE NEW TERCEL rpm when it starts running out of breath. Performance is quite brisk, with 100 km/h coming up from rest in around 14.5 seconds. In these days of energy awareness, fuel consumption is probably of more importance in
      429 words
    • 233 16 THE Titool Economy Rally held a fortnight ago proved to be a lot tougher than expected. The stage times set were tight, leaving little margin for navigational error. Many of the newcomers were hopelessly lost and several couples ended the rally quarelling! Overall victory
      233 words
    • 671 16 SUPERTBAMP: BREAKFAST IN AMERICA (AM). Rick Davies and Roger Hodgson clearly establish themselves as one of the finest song-writing teams since the split of Elton John and Bernie Taupin two years ago. With this sixth Supertramp album, both can now be ranked alongside Steely
      671 words
    • 1028 17  -  ESHfeHH ■JjHHHH THIRTY FOUR hardy spirits contested the Easter Chess Championship, organised by National Chess Enterprises, over the Easter weekend. Five rounds were played two on Friday, one on Saturday and two on Sunday, making the competition a stern test of mental and physical stamina.
      1,028 words
    • 107 17 THE Singapore Chess Championship, which begins on May 5, will be held on the Swiss System, in one stage only. There will be nine or 11 rounds, depending on the number of entries. The games will be played at Sports House, Rutland Road, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
      107 words
    • 1140 18 Let's cut out this mumfoo-jumbo of words. Much of the trouble in the education system can be laid on textbooks THE second aspect of education which I think has not been given sufficient attention is the kind of textbooks that have been produced for use in schools in Singapore. To
      1,140 words
    • Article, Illustration
      27 18 same time there are so many other facets that have to be considered as seriously, if we are to make something of education in its entirety.
      27 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 341 15 E3UY NOW AT FANTASTIC ECIAJL OFFER Here's your chance to HHPffIMHHI purchase distinctively designed I N^^Jtt quality furniture at real afl fantastic give-away prices JJ| ___J*"^^ So hurry! b_a_Ji Pick our best buys today. MotW SF IOOI L Mo€W SF IOO7 L $480.00 Oflkt-^ETDCT t1860.00 WflM 4th Floor, Lucky Plaza
      341 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 588 16 IGNITION PROBLEM? SOLVE IT WITH MAGNUM o f rom mobelec ->^kMrf O \^> contactless jQgs|pf V^f mk electronic ignition i^^r for all made of cars cOz^ve-*" Replace your problem of poor contact point Increase miles per gallon from your car with The Magnum electronic Improves starting ignition, it's advanced contactless
      588 words
    • 602 16 Loxley College specialises in intensive tuition for overseas students who wish to acquire internationally recognised UK qualifications leading to a Professional Career or to University Tutors combine practical experience with the highest academic honours and have at their disposal an impressive range of advanced teaching aids. Special care is taken
      602 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 96 17 Fashion Centre^* >— t \S\ A school of high ideals and Qy established responsibilities announces its Diploma in Fashion Design. J BL Diploma in Gent's Tailoring K. Prepared by Mrs. Annie Wong, a renowned fashion expert. Well planned courses providing individual attention, I^JI programmed for both professionals and personal uae.
      96 words
    • 595 17 b Ben and Company Limited I food and Distribution Specialist Ben And Company Limited is a well known Public Company associated with the Straits Steamship Group, and involved in the food industry. Due to an expansion in the Food Processing Department, there has arisen a need for a high calibre
      595 words
    • 505 17 byY^bi I Motorola, one of the world leaders in I the development and manufacture of communications equipment, is seeking a qualified professional for the following position in beautiful Penang:ASSISTANT PERSONNEL MANAGER Applicants should be between 28-35 I years of age with proven experience record in Employment, Compensation, Benefits, Govt. and
      505 words
    • 559 17 JAWATAN KOSONG LEMBAGA TEMBAKAU NEGARA MALAYSIA Permohonan adaiari dipeiawa dan .Warganegara Malaysia untuk memenuhi iawatan benkut 1. (i) Jawatan: Pegawai Keria Akaun (n) Tanggagaji: B 9 $645 x4O 725/Sekatan Percubaan/ $765 x 40 1005/Sekatan Kecekapan/ 1085 x 40 1285x60- 1405 (in) Kumpulan: B (iv) Nama Badan Barfcanun: Lembaga Tembakau Negara
      559 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous

  • Article, Illustration
    3 18
    3 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 921 18 constipation withAgaroi P^^yl There is no more need to suffer from constipation. y^y* r^^LIIUM You can relieve it with Agarol. frriff Agarol is an effective yet mild liquid laxative Trilir 1 y° u can take when you have constipation. Because Agarol is so gentle yet effective, it is suitable for
      921 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 853 18 H CAPRICORN WW \Ql AKIIS F3a| PISCKS to Jan 211 |MM j.,r h ls lifil March YOU overcome muddle ALTHOUGH the week IF you're looking for a beginning of week, make ma y open with a little rise in salary, ask for it definite progress by argument, you'U have this
      853 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1046 19 AT YOUR SERVICE SECTION INDEX I Telephone aWvan A^fe ai^W Jk iPtCf I?fl?ffl A T^tfL? H s ES™ W I W^LX VLaBaV VL^aV mWM WM I aW^LX I Service Regular otf, re hours ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES 1»94-44*a»l Bsarst'ayss.asj* oS!'t oo u vu a nn r c ils ients personal I FOR
      1,046 words
    • 873 19 II EMPLOYMENT APPLICANTS INVITED FOR the of Ai "iiur.tant Must possess C) SaleS H Accounts degree from a recogniserl university or equivalent accounting qualification At SALESOmL OR SALESMAN wantleast 2' exnerlence In ed al Handicraft Centre. Tiuiglln L^kui or P"P "t P comm^.ly Road Salary $300 p m
      873 words
    • 455 19 II EMPLOYMENT GENERAL ELECTRIC USA 1. PRODUCTION TECHNICIANS Trade Certificate In one of the following: Mechanical Engineering. Maintenance Filling. Motor Vehicle Mechanic. Metal Machining or Electrical EngineerIng. Preferably those with 2-3 years of related experience. Candidates without Trade Certificate but with several years of related experience will also be considered.
      455 words
    • 437 19 SINGAPORE SHIPBUILDING a ENGINEERING LTD. invites applicants for the posts of: (1) PROJECT SUPERVISOR Applicants must possess a diploma from a recognised college with several years of working experience ln co-ordination and planning shipbuilding and ship repair projects. (2) TECHNICIAN Must complete at least Secondary education In a Technical .Stream
      437 words
    • 1410 19 II EMPLOYMENT WMF SINGAPORE (PTE) LTO looking '^Mm\ for hardworking /^^^^^J^\J\\ FEMALE PRODUCTION WORKERS rP^T^f^j) to Join our young V and growing company wEr Requirements:c 16 years (1 above c Diligent and willing to learn Wanted Baauty Consultants 4 a No experience needed as Saja>, Unit Manageress training is provided
      1,410 words
    • 1603 19 111 VEHICLES BOATS LATE 1970 MORRIS I3OOGT. power 1954 OLD CLASSIC tltri.en brake sporus steering eligible 4-door. with running I for PARF *5.200 negotiable Tel Fully restored Malaysian reftn *****02 18.000 o no Call *****8 LATE 1971 COLT C.alanl 1300 IMS MGA IMMACULATE ;...«l J. r Excellent condition, contact export
      1,603 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1575 20 VEHICLES A BOATS M NTS. DEC NONDA Van 380 c c u«Ki_U». C_* C.I. 50 1973 H°"d» 9U c c S&5O 48 VtnKWI TOT saw Half Hoati Spore 15 Nft HOMO* CB4OOF MM mjTOYOT.MKH -1 ISOO Coupe. M£°° Oood condition Tel .'Sndlt| lol on Il pARFSs!oOu' «7« NONDA IMF super
      1,575 words
    • 2 20 Toyota 1200
      2 words
    • 1120 20 I IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES 100 S M I.MS M (1.076S F 21.0WSFI W Labourers can b* recruited easily from the nearby H DB flats Loading unloading facilities provided at the driveway. Each unit is provided with at least one parking lot I Freehold. 80% loan available Suitable for light Industry
      1,120 words
    • 754 20 VI EDUCATION TRAINING 100 Dancing GAVLIN DANCE STUDIOS I Airconditioned) New Classes: Mixed Class 3pm today Rock N' Roll (1-Month Course) 7pm today. Social 7pm 30/4/79 Private lessons daily *****0 LATEST DISCO DANCE "Amerlran Krvrr new classes commencing today. 4 00 p.m. Contact: Steven Kok at Colllck Dance Studio (aircondilioned).
      754 words
    • 456 20 BILINGUAL TUTOR OFFERS Accounting Maths tuition at 'O': Qurrnstown *****8 CHINESE TUITION AT all levels Including adults by trained scholarship graduate teacher with wide exprnrnce. Tel: *****05 CRASH COURSES M Mandarin for those who are interested please contact Spore *****03 ENGLISH LANGUAGE (GCE O) Examination-Group Tuition by dedicated experienced and
      456 words
    • 445 20 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS am:m-elaoo specials 6DAYSBANC.KOK f DVI* W -T cCI PATTAYA 6 DAYS FIESTA FILIPPINAS 7DAYSMAN.LA/BAOU.O S^ Conducted bYb V 6 DAYS LAKE TOBA/ _W mfdan $4« B OXLEY TOURS 8 DAYS MANILA/ r day's hon'okono. in Conjunction with BANGKOK/PATTAYA $11$S 12 DAYS HONGKONG/ i V_- TAIPEI MANILA $17*2
      445 words
    • 685 20 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Slnna- x<V"I7Z»»-^>-C<irV> pore) Pte Ltd S:'p II li. No I „<N_ft MaPttttißtti M 0 West Malaysia Tour (Inc.u- W^»^^_9jj|_®i slve Genting Cameron High- Pi^r~^"^LMalW lands) by deluxe aircondltloned fca^\<^inilll\TrnXWdfl'w coach seven days *****, six /2_«CC_=i_iirTmT V day; Ssl79/-. departure every _l___Hj4S=H~*' l _7
      685 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      37 21 In Loving Mamory Of our balovad JAMES STEEB who •uddanly paaaad away on 11th April I*7* in Zaira Daapty miaaad by paranu. MR AND MAS GERO STEEB and tha SAM Family Further info Richard 2*44*41
      37 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      109 21 MR WONG TAI SOW t»k>vad husband of MOM LEE YOKE LAN Ktocaasod) MOM. TAN WAP SIN ».i> peacefully at the .w ill HO mi 271M Ol April. 1979 kuvinf i>. mini MM: PHIUP KAI CHUEN K \1 KIM K M KIT OAUCHTfBS IN l*W i ASIA IRENE ESTHER DAUGHTERS KA1
      109 words
    • 78 21 M« TAN a?€ YANG l>ri t 1«79 Cofiaaa lO.U>lm«tl CHI can! on Monday 30th April. I*7* al ipm lor cramatton al Ptior Kark Saa (Kong Mang San) Bright Hill Onva at 2pm THE REMAINS Of the Late Mr. A K.uii.miijan who passed away In M. in. la on
      78 words
    • 71 21 ALAN BALAKRISHAN AGE 32 Mr Mrs v. Rama Chandra lamily oi Blk 5. Balvadara CIom. wish lo xp'Mi Inair hcarlUll lhanka and •pprici.tion lo rwdwa oi Batvad»f. Clou clot* frwndi and all r»l.tiv#i doctors stall ol T.T.S.H.. ward 42. staff Irom 2ASB. R8AF. PSA. Luior P.O.. Roiy (Jurong).
      71 words
    • 153 21 THE FAMILY Of the late Maria Y.-.I Law Ne» (Mrs I.oh Khye Jaajrl Matl to thank all relative, and mends for their kind condolence*, contributions, asBtatSJaS* and prayers during tlieir raessM bereavement They Slae »ish to express their appnclauoa to the staff of YoungtxTt: Memorial Adventist Hospital for the care
      153 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      29 21 GEORGE LEE LIAN SIEW In •worlovino. memory ol our O*ar i»lh«t who fix u* a </•»' ago today Doarly miuxl but always r«m»m b«r*d by lov«d ona«.
      29 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      40 21 In «v*rloving mamory o( S ARO AR GUHOIAL SIMON KOKM Dapariad tht» hi. on M/4/77 The Mapa oi good man are ordarSadly mwaad but fondly ramambor•d by your balovad wila, titroa dor* ling daughlara, ton, 2 •Oft*-in-law and 3 grandcMdran.
      40 words
    • 34 21 Mr*. Sim Ann K.»l n— •Mm. Uar, Lim QMt No* Though a very painful year has pavs«j. happy memories of you hearts" Sadly mM9#d bwt n#v#f foc^ott#n
      34 words
    • 429 21  -  IGOR ZABEDA By THOUGH Valery Borzov is 29, an advanced age for a sprinter, the Soviet athletics team coaches are in no hurry to strike him off the list of 1960 Olympic contenders. The spotlight of world fame in the field of sports fell on Borzov
      429 words
    • 157 21 Jane gets ahead on day of big scores BIRMINGHAM (Alabama), Sat. American Jane Blalock overcame gusty winds, which sent scores soaring, to lead the opening round of an international women's golf tournament here yesterday. Jane, winner of two events this year, birdied the final hole to finish with a f
      Reuter; AFP  -  157 words
    • 197 21 MADRID, Sat. Manuel Montes, a 26-year-old excaddie from the nearby Club de Campo, yesterday carded the best round of the day with his three-under-par 69 to share the second-round lead in the U5565,000 Madrid Open. Montes shot five birdies over the 6,299-metre Puerto de Hierro
      AP; UPI  -  197 words
    • 341 21 NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, Sat. LEE TREVINO, exhibiting a new putting stroke and his old confidence, yesterday came from three shots off the pace with a no-bogey, five-under-par 67 to take the second-round lead in the U*****,000 New Orleans Open golf tournament. It s simple, said
      Reuter  -  341 words
    • 21 21 NEW YORK, Sat. San Diego Sorters beat Vancouver Whitecaps 14 ln the North American soccer league played yesterday Reuter
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 778 21 TODAY LOCAL Ataicttra Lotto Open relay championships (National Stadium). Bewllag Inter-Centre League (Jackie's System 460. 10.30) CyeUag 150 kilometre Open road race (Ulu Pandan, 8). Jaea Singapore Amateur Judo Association's under-18 tournament (Jalan Besar). Bigby Tour match: Singapore President's XV v France (7), WoodsvUle Tigers under-15 v
      778 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 295 21 VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL M^—^^ ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 128 Marriages/ »ilh a nnnkinKproblrm Acknowledgement. l^^ ==aa^^ 131 Religious Announcements HL j-. Man talkt o< tha survival ol the a^^L htteet. but tha glory ol the Ooepel n I <'* r T lha untll The living taatimonyof every botn again Chriatian la 'When
      295 words
    • 484 21 BCNOUOLCV dad IM DEAR PA Vow will eiweyt d# rMtiffnb^ftx witt> low toy ROM RENA GR ANO-O AUCHTER VIVA ■t (or tha lovodonaa We're looking for achievers I NS Electronics (Pte) Ltd invites applicants for the following positions:System Co-Ordinator Degree or GCE A Level with data processing experience preferably in
      484 words
    • 187 21 EXECUTIVE (Supply Department) We are looking lor a young executive to fill a challenging position in our Supply Department. Responsibility After an appropriate period of training, the successful candidate will be required to assist in the economic evaluation, planning and subsequent monitoring of various aspects of oil operations such as
      187 words

    • 2299 22 RACING. .WITH FAIRWAY Local riders dominate Ipoh races for handsome payouts PATRICK NGIOW landed a good-priced double as local riders dominated the races in Ipoh yesterday. Progress, with Ngiow riding a waiting race, came from second last early to win drawing away by a length in Race
      2,299 words
    • 44 22 1st No. ***** ($2,350) 2nd No. ***** ($1,175) 3rd No. ***** ($587) STARTERS ($55 each): No*. *****, *****. *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****. CONSOLATION ($45 each): No* *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****.
      44 words
    • 546 22  - Pereiras change their minds BERNARD PEREIRA By THE Pereiras Melvin and Victor did, after all, make tht-ir appearance as last-minute entries in the men's singles of the Tretorn Singapore Open Hardcourt tennis championships, and quickly progressed into the second round at the Singapore Tennis Centre yesterday. The two national Junior
      546 words
    • 20 22 KOLAM AVER Resident's Committee (zone E) will hold their seven-a-sidesoccer tournament at Bendemeer Secondary School 8 am today
      20 words
    • 481 22 PYONGYANG, Sat. North Korea coasted to an easy 3-0 victory over England and China trounced Hongkong 3-0 in women's team matches today, the third day of the 35th world table tennis championships. In matches for the Swaythling men's team Cup, Yugoslavia forced
      Reuter  -  481 words
    • 178 22 DAKAR (West Africa). Sat. The problem o('deciding what to do with Taiwan, now that China have been admitted as full members of the International Amateur Athletics Federation, is one of the three major issues to be discussed at a special meeting of the lAAF Congress here today. The Executive
      178 words
    • 520 22 In Mailla, South Korea's Hyunkil Chun last night beat Philippine No. 3 World Boxing Council lightweight contender Celso Esmero when the fight was stopped two minutes into the ninth of a 10-round non-title fight In Lw Abkclm (UIUmU), Rumanian heavyweight Mircea Simon stretched his unbeaten professional record
      Agencies  -  520 words
    • 714 22 PROMISING Keith Ng scored a fine hat-trick by winning three individual events on the first day of the friendly triangular swimming meet hosted by the Singapore Swimming Club at Tanjong Rhu pool yesterday. Results: Bays 50 metres back (6 and under): 1 Manop Kovitayi 2
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 717 22 TENTERA LAUT DIRAJA MALAYSIA Bnm ""»^^^BBBBBsK. '^^BbBSSBV^B fl Bsssk -~^sV Pascal m i IbT7 asssasasasasai sasfcaaaal LjLff PEMILIHAN PERANTIS KIMPU DAN REKRUT TENTERA LAUT DIRAJA MALAYSIA AOAKAH ANOA INUIN BERKURSUS Dl LUAR NEQERI? 1 Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia mempelawa pemohon-pemohon yang berkelayakan untuk mengikuti kursus Perantis Kimpu di United Kingdom,
      717 words

    • 1689 23 RAPF 1 130 CLASS 5, WV4- 1.200 M iVrAV/Ei L ($B,OOO $6,300 to wlnrw) 1 7H9 Arcadto F«raat FF)Oanan 457 (d2samr USOai T CkJsa 3 1250 Qm|mi (Zemog)MaksSs(d2iaineM) 1,250 m F Ftar* 4 1 4240 Mamy Taft a B* Deal Ahmad 755 5 <d 3 15) 1 25Orr
      1,689 words
    • 151 23  -  PETER SIOW By IT was early to bed for 50 pugilists of the Singapore Oyama Karate-do Kyokushinkai-kan yesterday. For this morning, the young aspirants, averaging 21 years, will be vying for their promotions. Oyama affiliates from the Holland Rise Branch, Special Constabulary, Changi Prison and
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    • 2576 23 RACING. .with FAIRWAY SWISS TIGER should make amends for his expensive failure in Kuala Lumpur last month by winning Race 5 (3.30) in Ipoh today. The four-year-old by Workboy found Rath Star too game for him over 1,200 metres last start. His
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    • 107 23 Captain Krol recalled by Holland THE HAGUE, Sat. Holland yesterday recalled captain Ruud Krol of League leaders AJax Amsterdam for their European soccer championship Group Four qualifying match against Poland in Katowice next Wednesday. Krol, a key defender, missed Holland's last European game, which they won M at home against
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 154 23 RACE FAIRWAY SCRUTINEER MonayTalk Choice Tax Arcadia Forest ChoteaTax Arcadia Forest Four Wishes ChoicaTax Spring Water Four Wishes A. Mow T. B. Irishman Free Tax ZMnwn T. B. Irishman Free Tax T. Irishman Free Tax Huat Tat C harry Ling Western Union Portola C harry Ling Ariki Saladin Ariki
      154 words
    • 233 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. R. Arumugam, last year's regular goalkeeper, was the only surprise omission, from the Malaysian soccer squad leav- ing tomorrow for the Asian Cup qualifying round in Bangkok. However, Arumugam exclusion from the final lineup was notunezpected. Hamid Ramli, the Kelantan contender for Arumugam
      NST  -  233 words
    • 315 23  -  JOE DORAI By THEY are called the Middlesex Wanderers, but the 18 players in the team come from 13 different English and Scottish clubs ranging from the First Division to amateur Leagues. Middlesex, an English soccer side, will play Singapore in a friendly match at
      315 words
    • 132 23 JURONG TOWN moved up to second spot in the National Football League Division Two table when they beat Mountbatten 2-0 at the Geylang Stadium yesterday, reports JOE DORAI. It was Jurong's fifth win in seven outings. Balestier United caused a mild upset in their Division Two
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 418 23 ]\ATLREXLIJI]RE& LEISURE TREASURES OF THE REAL JHALAIA t»*K -r- H SmSE iHr^T i East Coast Malaysia the real an entirely feminine industry the 'Malaya', where the pervading beauty best in the country, of nature has produced a soft, rich p antai Mote and Temenggong Hotel, culture. Where strong tradition keeps
      418 words

    • 482 24  - ENTER the new Ballard PATRICK BABTIANS il Wiry Scan. 12, demolishes Teo in first-round match THE Mil* Natlaaal Sqaash Champtoosklps started aff at the Kallaag Complex yesterday wtth ail tke top seeds, save Stewart Ballard, receiving byes. Bat It was encouraging ta see aaly aae walkover la tke hoys' uder-lC
      482 words
    • 361 24 ENTER— the new hockey sensation Four-goal Kalimullah sparks Pakistani fightback towards 5-2 win PERTH, Saturday PAKISTAN staged a sensational fightback from two goals down in the 24fh minute to beat Holland 5-2 in the semi-finals of the world hockey tournament here today. It was a repeat of their World Cup
      Reuter  -  361 words
    • 299 24 PERTH, Sat AUSTRALIA entered the final of the world hockey tournament thanks to the courage of goalkeeper Wayne Green when they edged out England 3-2 in the first semi-final here this afternoon. With Australia leading 3-2 and only two minutes remaining, Britain were awarded
      Reuter  -  299 words
    • 765 24 FROM the sidelines. .with KEN JALLEH, Jr. IT WILL be a proud moment for most of the 31 sports officials who will receive their certificates of commendation from Mr E. W. Barker, Minister for Law. Science and Technology on Friday. Surely
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    • 113 24 THE Singapore Yachting Association's 505 Open championship appeared to be a two-cornered fight after yesterday's fourth race off Changi. reports PETER SIOW. The two top contenders, both husband-and-wife teams, are Rod and Sue Harris and Alan and Sally Barnes. The Harrises triumphed yesterday to tie on points
      113 words
    • 201 24 SYDNEY. Sat Results of football matches played in Australia AaatraJtaa taatkall: Vkiwiaa Laagae: North Melbourne 19.9 (123) bt Geelong 10.13 (73). Collingwood 3121 (207) bt St Kilda 311 (29). Carlton 20 19 (139) bt Fitzroy 11.16 (82). Footscray 20 8 (IS) drew Essendon 19.14 (128) SMta Aartnaa: West
      201 words
    • 212 24  - Unknown wins title. Best Boxer award PETER SIOW By NG TONG CHYE stepped into the ring a complete unknown, but after three minutes he walked away with the Best Boxer award in the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association's Novices championships at the Police Academy last night. Ng finished off his opponent,
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    • 344 24 Goalless draw puts Liverpool nearer LONDON. Sat. Nottingham Forest and Liverpool, the two top soccer teams in England, battled out a goalless draw today which virtually assured Liverpool of their third First Division title in four years. Forest, the reigning champions, who reached the European Cup final last Wednesday, badly
      344 words
    • 217 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Novice weightlifter Nasaruddin Edon, 17, muscles swelled and strained, breath snorting, was a picture of supreme confidence as he pumped some 60 kilogrammes of iron in front of a large and curious crowd. He must have found all the sudden attention
      NST  -  217 words
    • 20 24 THE Singapore Amateur Athletic Association's Lotto Open relays will start at 2 p.m. at the National Stadium today.
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    • 338 24  -  GODFREY ROBERT By IF anything, the element of surprise, or maybe mystery, in the line-ups of the teams should arouse sufficient interest and enthusiasm in tonight's friendly rugby match between the Singapore President's XV and the French ex-internation-als at the Jalan Besar Stadium
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 649 24 If you want to be a success, it's really up to you. You 1 re the one who has to make up your mind about what you can do. Before you do, though, take a look at the Home Study courses available. There's no need to waste valuable time on
      649 words

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 223 1 Saving Energy is ggam^^^^^^^^ 1 -tr niMM urn r/7e Complete RS 56 Daikm Econair System Daikin proudly presents a home air conditioning system that works as hard to save valuable energy and money as it does to keep you comfortably cool. The Daikin Econair System. Consisting of a quiet outdoor
      223 words

    • 3 2 The NETHERLANDS Supplement
      3 words
    • Juliana — Dutch Queen with the common touch
      • 575 2 House that is a symbol of the nation's freedom MESSAGE by the Ambassador of the Netherlands in Singapore, His Excellency Mr W. Ch. E. A. de Vries. I AM grateful to the Sunday Times for giving me the opportunity to address its readers on the occasion of the 70th Birthday
        575 words
      • 168 2 Transit trade so important to both countries WHEN studying the trade figure* of the DotohSlngapore trade, It shoald be Uken Into accout Uut the Singapore trade statistics particularly those concerning the export also Include the tranrittrade, a traditionally very Important part of the trade of both oar coontries. This shows
        168 words
      • 781 3 THE Dutch offshoreequipment industry, especially firms specialising in the construction of production platforms and ancillary equipment, is hoping for a substantial share of the orders expected in the near future for further development of the North Sea oil and
        781 words
      • 1580 4 THE port of Rotterdam is the centre of goods flows from and to all parts of the world. Rotterdam is situated at the place where the river with the heaviest traffic in the world flows into the busiest sea.
        1,580 words
      • 908 5 IDEAL location in the delta of one of the great rivers of North-western Europe was bound to make Amsterdam a natural focal point of communications. In close proximity to the city is Schiphol National Airport, recently extended to become one of the world's most
        908 words
      • 1341 6 Transport sector gets trade on the move FOR centuries now, ships have been bringing raw materials from all parts of the world to Dutch ports. These were refined in the Netherlands then processes and re-exported, Nowadays, the situation is still the same but everything is done on a much larger
        1,341 words
      • 372 7 AT THE Parta ef Temorrew Congress la Ratterdam la im, fear If ding Datch firm* pat ferward a prtpaail to aaatst parta receatly faced with laddea, aevere caageatfaa far which there aeemed to he no Immediate aelatiea. They developed and waited eat Ideaa far a
        372 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 136 2 -j <* n% aASOOOtS ••••••00 •••••••#9 ft g=: g:^n^n^n^B^ I' if ''''iii BWWwi ♦..*..?,..*JL^^-« M JnW The A3OO is in service worldwide, and proving to be far and away the most economical aircraft in its market. aiTie eCOnOmY mOuGl. Now the A3OO is joined by the A3l O, the aircraft
        136 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 202 3 a^h a^T^^b >k We will make it easier I afc B J B I fes^--^ Whatever your interest in the Netherlands, Eurasbank can pave the way t^^j^A for you. By getting in touch with us here.either in Kuala Lumpur or j$T Jj^K Singapore, you also benefit directly from the vast
        202 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 67 4 Our Heartiest Congratulations AND Sincere Best Wishes to HER MAJESTY QUEEN JULIANA OF THE NETHERLANDS ON HER 70th BIRTHDAY Hll fir B _Jfl~ I JTU IK^TJ P!. H ■"•-•f'vMßHkT'Pl 'B"Cjm,!JW!*5 1 "1|" J f| '1 1 1 k if 1 'In^ 4 M £^^^^fete VAN LEER In Singapore and Malaysia
        67 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 745 5 wejcome bienvenu seatec asia 79 willkommen stand no. A27 bienvenido wM w -r fcj^^al fa —I II g "HUMBER RIVER" one of the modern specimens in the fleet of dredgers, owned and operated by MfJ ballast-nedam groep n.v. ballast-nedam far east pte ltd. 27-m moulmein rise grand tower Singapore -1
        745 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 151 6 CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO QUEEN JULIANA ON HER BIRTHDAY MR MRS. GERRIT W. VAN RHEE SINGAPORE TEL. *****80 Congratulations cAnd Be§t c Wishes < To HergMajesty QueeiiJuliana OnCHerßirttidayr polygram raj POLYGRAM RECORDS PTE LTD Iqj 6 Joo Koon Circle Tuas Jurong. Singapore 22 &rL B^MP^ "*^ajß i J l
        151 words
      • 153 6 Ist class tickets to Europe are issued every week. aY It looks like a bill of lading. It works stowing, loading and unloading operations, like a Ist class ticket. And of course, prompt help and advice And with a Ist class service, frequency from a staff of experts, who know
        153 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 235 7 BBBJB) #k aa Varar bsbbbj 1 T» I ~T"I i i "I 2 \mi rij r a? 'i iv Sis^^^'9 "^naaas B^^^^^^Ha^tejan^ak^J r 1 Z^a^a^ 11 uwmS^t v s?sjbbm anvßSßßa^r* 3■- jgJL^W^Jjt BY' A =r^.. —^MB^Bnro-^a»p- *J •bi '**^^&k is&\ in f on _i. W M Ban^^ w -a^knai a%>
        235 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 118 8 i "1 Shake hands P with the all new ,-M Iji PILOT M "Shafce-A-PencaTll/L It's just about the handiest mechanical pencil you'll ever lay your hands on. /ij I Just give it a gentle shake and Imm I Ij Ij of well-sharpened, ready- to- write lead ij j 'll is
        118 words
    • Page 8 Miscellaneous
      • 301 8 WE BQ9N LOSER. W&&V&, upi i hbar a V DOWI^TAIRS!^ A BURfctA^ 6O s B^~~"^BBBi BBBbI dowmSTAirs'.^^B 0 TMUHn BURfaLAK? DOWMSTAJP>?^'™fI F*l Wf CAKK.W 6UB2tA(2- r**\) I BUT I CXVTEVgKJOWW/ «OJfT WJOVUTM&P»FfO?ffi6e! J i X £«M> Afcuioi _j mmf<xa go ezT'im, £r\ MBEJBBBI H>9AVk»CXe BBB^m^ "BBj «^?yxJ Bo^ T^ l
        301 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 94 9 IHS (nnmMBorJKFFPS TRUCKING 0N... *^^r^^/dit* I t' 5° Articulated Tr^ck If X VBr IP^b "k-* W Crane Truck IS Ka 61 Wreck Truck^^ F J^ k -JB>— -^J fc M^A i^^^^^^^^^.^ mb T» ■■.iig""'' P^fl~».r^ B^^^^ K- 17 Container Truck tvt Hi I A 'hua'STpTE LTD See the Fun-FabulOUS I^MK«Mi
        94 words
    • Page 9 Miscellaneous
      • 199 9 ?et? M*eks on ?rT A>aT KINC O Il^ what V ea«v, cwela Yif you as our catchcx-? \/we saw hi« catch IAIO, «'6 frwOj^PEß' W ~^r°* NS6CTS m* *>-. x^^^^s. I I V|OlJ e I T SENEITAt. WiSm./ WITHOUT KNOWING MANPO' ANC WE'VE SOT NO -li».€ ME r l Col^hu»t
        199 words
      • 15 9 *fhfYZ V yOUK LEFT/... I'm ...AND IT'S IxSt) *Jbv_ 1 A/OTS W£'^£ HAVING \yy I
        15 words
    • 12 10 Timescope Women Timescope Women Timescope Women Timescope
      12 words
    • 219 10 A touch of class and the stamp o£ status SILK the stamp of status and wealth is becoming increasingly popular and Is very much in line with fashion demands today. With fashion heading towards the ultra-feminine look, silk seems to be tin choice for the woman who wants to look
      219 words
    • 1051 10  - The sweet smell of success. RANEE 60VINDRAM By SCENT has always been a well-loved weapon in the sex war and for centuries women have been using this alluring power to captivate the opposite sex. Perfume, once the hallmark of the rich and exclusive, has become accessible and today, almost every
      1,051 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 235 10 f *Vf" 27th-29th April 1979. K)mn-Bpm 9 Jasmine Room, Mezzanine Floor, I w\AWKn/in cTHanvynil(*ic THanvyni1(*i) c Ptr c l hi Mi-^imnt H>mr. ShMftnLa Hnte/. W'F'" 1 LtuunoaaisrrK. ua. 7 v n32V3 &^m Rice Cooker Great looking, great cooking. 4 Q"^ »^yn JPw- Haw B^ft Bt I W Nation* nee cooke..
        235 words
      • 247 10 f HAVEAN JOkANGE EXPERIENCE; t EVEWDOT. U i i k T L I /t y k T Advertisement Give y*^ your f.f facial skin a softer complexion The delicate skin around the eyes and mouth need constant beauty care in order that your face retain the glow of youth SOFTLY
        247 words