The Straits Times, 20 April 1979

Total Pages: 44
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Cstd. 1845 FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1979 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 142/1/79
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  • 278 1  -  K. S. SIDHU By A POLICE sergeant died last night soon after he was shot in a patrol car which was taking a suspected woman drug addict to Beach Road police station. Sgt Mohamed Saad bin Omar, 43, was shot once in the stomach. It
    278 words
  • 36 1 WARSAW, Thurs. Polish police today arrested 38 dissidents after a bomb explosion damaged a statue of I^enin in the centre of the industrial city Nowa Huta near Krakow, dissident circles said here. AFP.
    AFP  -  36 words
  • 46 1 MANILA, Thurs Philippine troops flushed out an estimated 100 Muslim separatist guerillas led by four commanders in a sustained police action mounted against them on Sacol Island near the major port city of Zamboanga. 840 km south of Manila, military authorities said today. AFP.
    AFP  -  46 words
  • 401 1 Trapped 50,000 running out of food BANGKOK, Thurs. Some 50,000 Khmer Rouge troops and civilians trapped in a Vietnamese-led offensive against them in north-western Kampuchea are rapidly running out of food, That official sources said tonight. They said Kampuchean refugees attempting to cross the border into Thailand today told them
    Reuter; UPI  -  401 words
  • 63 1 MANILA. Thurs Typhoon Cecil today headed for Japan after pummelling the Philippines, leaving 15 people dead and 65 missing, including several foreigners from an oil exploration ship that sank A Red Cross spokesman said SI people were injured and about 41.000 people were left homeless by
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 78 1 SINGAPORE be-an* the first train to qualify for the semi finals of the Malaysia Cup socc*r competition when they beat Per Us 2-1 beforr more than 40.000 fans at the National Stadium. Captain Sam ad Alapitchay gave Singapore a first-minute lead scoring with a bark-header and Kandi
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  • 31 1 PEKING. Thurs China and Japan have agreed in principle on the construction in Tibet of (he worlds largest cosmic ray oiaervatiofi station, a Japanese source said here today AFP
    AFP  -  31 words
  • 114 1 Now Russia, China trade in Swiss francs only MOSCOW, Thurs. Things have got so bad between China and the Soviet Union that the two countries have stopped trading in one another's currency, according to official Chinese sources. The sources said Moscow and Peking now use only that time-honoured tool of
    UPI  -  114 words
  • 18 1 UP TO NOON TODAY: Occasional rala In the early laoralag, accordim* to the Sbsgapore Meteorological Service.
    UP  -  18 words
  • 105 1 DARWIN, Thurs. A Vietnamese refugee boat with an unknown number of people aboard was sighted off here today, a navy spokesman reported. He said the boat was about 320 km north-west of Darwin and a patrol boat was escorting it to the port. It
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 1165 1  - THE VITAL QUESTION OF THE 80s SOH TIANG KENG Raja: America or Russia? By INTERNATIONAL politics in the 1980s will centre on the crucial question of which nation will take over leadership of the world. As Foreign Minister S. Rajaratnam sees it, the odds are stacked in favour of the
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  • 985 1 A WEALTHY businessman who was kidnapped by two men outside his East Coast Road bungalow on Saturday, was released in the e^rly hours of Wednesday after his family paiJ a ransom of $135,000. Mr Steven Lek Seek Tin, 35, whose abduction was kept out of
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  • 46 1 NEW YORK. Thurs Dow Jones averages, based on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 indus 880 71 up 0 44, 20 trans 233.30 up 0.68, 15 mils 103 15 up 0.11. 65 stocks 294 34 up o 36 Dpi.
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  • 35 1 WASHINGTON, Thurf Hundreds of George Washington University students In pajamas and bathrobes were roused from their dormitory early Thursday by a fire that injured at least 35 students, eight ol them seriously. -UP1.
    UP  -  35 words
  • 37 1 CAIRO, Thurs A woman customs inspector was killed today and (our people were injured when a parcel bomb exploded in Cairo's main post office, a police spokesman said. No other details were immediately available. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 54 1 TOKYO, Thurs Vietnam has told Japan it will not allow foreign military bases on its territory, the Japanese Foreign Ministry said today. The ministry said Hanoi gave the assurance following warnings from Japan that it would suspend economic aid if Vietnam allowed the Soviet Union to
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 46 1 BANGKOK, Thurs More than 170 communist guerillas were killed in government operations in southern Thailand, a military spokesman said today. He told reporters that the guerillas were killed in clashes in the Kanchanadit. Wiengsa and Chiensa districts of Surat Thani province last February
    46 words
  • 66 1 NEW YORK, Than. Gaara* walked aat af their JabM la all af N«w Yark state's majar prtwM tealght aad the ■tale threatened legal arttoa agalast their uln, Ma leaden Md striken U they 4a a*t retara to work at met. Departmeat af Carreetlaaal Ssrvleea spakeamaa
    UPI  -  66 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 202 1 g UlirnMnW ll MIKIMOTO ROLEX CULTURED PEARLS WATCHES G. C. DE SUVA BROS HANI FACTVRIMG JEWELLERS DIAMOND AND GEM MERCHANTS 3, RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE 1 TEL *****2 The hand-wrinß- Ing that is now going on over the steady and relentless way- In which the Soviet I nlon Is expanding its
      202 words
    • 107 1 JURONG JOINS IN DRIVE TO SAVE POWER Pag* Pag* 9 DENG warns US on arms sales to Taiwan I A SETBACK for US news media 3 IRAN to ban Imparts of cars and pork 4 JAKARTA to change Investment policy soon 47pc SCIENCE passes In Joint Campus IS DOWNPOUR makes
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    • 74 1 q "m^M y> La^y^** Kong Chinese CATHAY PACIFIC 14 TIMES WEEKLY TO HONG KONG Daily SuperTriStar flight departs at 1 0 50 am. On Mon. Wed. Fn. and Sun. SuperTriStar flights via Bangkok depart at 8.50 am On Tue. Thu and Sat. 8707 flights via Penang depart at 9.40 am
      74 words
    • 24 1 SHARP COLOUR TV Maintenance at your beck and call. For only $70 per year DROXY (SPORE) PTE LTD 483 Tangho Halt Road S" 1
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    • 289 2 BEIJING (PEKING), Thurs CHARGES and countercharges exchanged by China and Vietnam at their opening round of talks in Hanoi yesterday suggested there was little chance for a quick settlement to the Si no- Vietnamese dispute, diplomatic observers said today. They said expectations of a
      Reuter  -  289 words
    • 160 2 THE desperate dash to safety. ..LEFT: A uronp Khmer Rouse -.oldier. and their dependants Including a feu children armed with MIS rifles waiting anxiously on the Kampuchea!) side ol the border far a chance to slip Into Thai territory. BELOW: Onoe a Thai patrol has moved
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    • 314 2 Kriangsak: Charter wasn't designed for me BANGKOK, Tues Thai Prime Minister Kriangsak Chomanan has made a spirited defence of a new constitution under which general elections are being held on Sunday, denying it is designed to ensure he continues in office. Speaking at a dinner last night, just four days
      Reuter  -  314 words
    • 34 2 MANILA, Thurs. Four memtan of a paramilitary force es- coning IS surrendered communist guerillas were killed in an ambush by other guerillas in i south-eastern Philippines, the Defence Ministry said today.
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    • 538 2 BEIJING (PEKING), Thurs. Senior VicePremier Deng Xiaoping (Teng Hsiao-ping) today warned the United States to be cautious about selling arms to Taiwan, and said joint military manoeuvres between American and Taiwanese forces would i not be acceptable to China. He also said
      UPI  -  538 words
    • 196 2 NEW DELHI, Thurs. Veteran pacifist Acharya Vinoba Bhave, a frail ascetj ie revered by millions of Indians as a saint, is threat- ening to starve himself to i death to press for a total j ban on cow slaughter. Cows are sacred to
      Reuter  -  196 words
    • 102 2 BKRKtiLEY (Califarala), Hun. Cheating, theft and ather (arms of dishonesty are rising an American university aad college campaaes, the Carnegir CnmII mi Pallcy Studies la Higher Kdncatlon reported yesterday. The repart alxa crittcLsed irapraprtetkw by the lastitatlMM theuwelvea, inrludinn awardlag credits far lasaffMeat academic work
      AP  -  102 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 342 2 *********************************** X FOR JUST A FEW MORE DAYS! |rhe;iper than special price— prices are to be increased soon) Latest Wall Cabineti with built-in-lightings* tinted glass doors V 'HI T^— i _^^b^b^b^ bb^^^ ikJataH Other models with T.V. units bar units FREE' V\V $380/-16im yase with flowers JJ lean/I ean/ for
      342 words
    • 63 2 f* Your "I Country Club injakarta i H j I L >AbV M An Olympic-sized pool. You'd expect it in a country club It's nice to get it in a hotel. *"Sjk HOTEL iMWs Borobudur 'W** INTEIKONTINENTAI JAKARTA- INOONCSJ A ForewrvaliontcontKKnv lnt«f Continental Hotel Pan AtiA ti o> Tew- *****
      63 words

    • 117 3 PRINTERS SAY 'NO' TO THE TIMES N Thurs The hances of an early reappearance of the Times. Brit am's oldest daily MWI paper, receded today when printers rejected a proposal to take their dispute with management to independent arbitration The Times and its sister publication, the Sunday Times, suspended publication
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    • 340 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. The US Supreme Court has dealt the news media another setback by ruling that journalists may be forced to reveal editorial decisions behind stories that are challenged in libel suits. The nine justices ruled that libel plaintiffs seeking to demonstrate malice have
      Reuter  -  340 words
    • 341 3 LOS ANGELES, Thurs. LAWYERS today awaited a rush of claims by jilted lovers following a court ruling that actor Lee Marvin should pay his former live-in companion, Miss Michelle Triola Marvin, US$lO4,OOO ($227,760). In the first full courtroom test of the so-called "palimony" law, Superior Court
      Reuter  -  341 words
    • 195 3 Callaghan banks on lower jobless figures LONDON, Thurs. A further fall in unemployment in Britain today launched Prime Minister James Callaghan into a spirited election defence of economic performance under Labour rule. Unemployment was rising in France, Sweden, Holland, Belgium and Italy, Mr Callaghan told his daily election press conference,
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • Sideliners
      • 117 3 WASHINGTON:' A Soviet eye surgeon claims he can help most nearsighted persons achieve 20-20 or 20-40 vision without glasses by making a series of simple cuts on the outside of their corneas. Dr Svyatoslav Fyodorov told reporters at the Soviet embassy he believes reshaping the cornea through
        AP  -  117 words
      • 75 3 WASHINGTON: If American police have a court warrant to bug someone's telephone, they can break into a building to instal their bug, the Supreme Court ruled recently. The justices rejected an appeal by Mr Lawrence Dalia of New Jersey who had been convicted of receiving
        Reuter  -  75 words
      • 69 3 WELLINGTON: A New Zealand trapper lost in bushcovered mountains for three weeks survived by eating raw rats which he made more palatable by pretending they were baked beans. Arthur Holmes, 45, walked out of the rugged Kaimai Mountains yesterday and told reporters he cooked the rats
        Reuter  -  69 words
    • 171 3 GRANTHAM (EagUad), Thnrs. They mil tfcMgfct the lord of Uw nuu»r mast be right, the maid pat it «n display ■m—g the Mtlqaes mm! for 24 yean pattahea It twice a week. Bat last week the hatter dropped It aa hit tae, which mast
      Reuter  -  171 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 129 3 a^r V WV?* From the Trusted diamond jewellers for over a century B. P. de Silva Jewellers Re. Ltd. New showroom G11, 12. 21 Supreme House, Tel: ***** also 147/148 Specialists' Centre. Tel: *****7 See our collection of Diamond Jewellery set with Extra Brilliant Diamonds then decide. r "EXQUISITE CHINESE
      129 words
    • 458 3 a^r I I •^^^•'Ic^^^^^^^bH m .~^b9S llbw m M m M m M aY M M H^pH^^ L^Hi tS b^b^b^b^bV I BARBECUE STEAK ICHICKEN LEGS FRESH LEAN PORK From New Zealand From America 500 a IS '2jtfB.9sA 2.70/J; I SLICED COOKED HAM Fr?mAustrai| EEF FL LE JstlI EAK rK .79
      458 words

    • 136 4 NAIROBI, Thurs. Ugai*- da's provisional government put Entebbe airport "out of bounds'' today and said it 1 could not handle aircraft. The surprise announcement blamed repairs for the purported closing, although charter planes have been using the two-runway field ever since the fall of Kampala. Closing
      136 words
    • 339 4 Iran to ban imports of cars and pork TEHERAN, Thursday IRAN will ban the import of all automobiles, pork, alcoholic drinks, sculpted images and a variety ol luxury goods, Deputy Prime Minister Amir Entezam announced today. Mr Entezam told reporters at a regular briefing that the government made the decision
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  339 words
    • 209 4 Eight UN troops hurt in attack TEL Aviv, Thurs. Eight United Nations soldiers were wounded in southern Lebanon today when Israeli-backed militiamen I who have declared a "Free Lebanon" in the border zone opened a "full-scale attack" on a UN headquarters, a UN spokesman said. Six Irish soldiers and two
      Reuter; AP  -  209 words
    • 85 4 KAMPALA, Thurs. Fugitive dictator Field Marshall Idi Amln should be pot ln a cage at Uganda's national zoo If he Is caught, according to a proposal reported today by Radio Uganda. The suggestion came from the Ugandan evangelists' association, the r»di*MM. Farmer President Ainin vanished after
      85 words
    • 303 4 SALISBURY, Thurs. Almost 1.2 million blacks and whites representing 41 per cent of the electorate voted in the first two days of Rhodesia's first one-man, one-vote election, a government spokesman said today. With three days of countryside polling yet to go, it appeared the
      Reuter  -  303 words
    • 30 4 THIN unusual loorhorned goat Is the centre at attraction at a farm In L«wer Saxony, West (irrmany. It belongs to a ran- breed from the Isle of Man.
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    • 95 4 Egyptians go to polls on Sadat's peace CAIRO, Thurs Egyptians went to the polls today in a nationwide referendum called to show Arab opponents a majority stand solidly behind President Anwar Sadat and the peace treaty with Israel. Voters were asked two separate questions: Whether they approve the treatysigned in
      UPI  -  95 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 551 4 Business Opportunities LAFAYETTE (IN SERVICE OF SALES) LAP ATE I It will soon open its register to Entrepreneurs. Direct Sales persons with over 100 down liners. Mail Order Houses Direct Selling Companies and other Marketing Organisations LArATcTTt seeks only a limited number ot active clients accounts to serve tne M
      551 words
    • 145 4 Exotic NcttiyS Food i You can say you know Singapore f"_^J f wl^ when you've sampled its true, I Jt H M local flavour Nonya Food. III I A delicious pot pourri of Indian, Malay 1^ Chinese recipes blended to create a unique style of cooking. Jl Flavoured rice. Spiced
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 258 4 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 7 Sec dad undergo trans1 Something made by man formation on gaining safe in cafe involved in tart cover <♦• 6) production (8) 8 What Len may become 5 West Indies (turn down plutocrat? (7. 3). anti-radar device *6) 10 EvU 'P 1 11 start taking
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 351 6 To speed up industrialisation JAKARTA, Thurs THE Indonesian Government will soon change its investment policy by issuing a new list of priority scales aimed at speeding up the country's industrialisation programme, an official of the investment board said today. The list, now being worked
      AFP  -  351 words
    • 122 6 Quiazon calls for commodity mart in Manila MANILA, Thurs. Trade Minister Troadio Quiazon has suggested the establishment in the Philippines of a commodity exchange market as a means of keeping domestic prices down and helping farmers hedge against fluctuations. He told newsmen here last night that he was offering the
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 280 6 Thai firms take steps to import own oil BANGKOK, Thursday THE Association of Thai Industries has taken steps to import high-speed diesel oil directly into the country to supply the needs of its members, even though the price of the imported oil will be higher than the government's control price,
      280 words
    • 276 6 THE ENERGY SQUEEZE tion, and these members will have to provide evidence of their need for the oil in order to pi-event the i'l being sold on the black ma.-ket later." According to Mr Aran, the association's executive vice-president, Mr Jumsai Hasdin, has been given responsibility for this matter. SEE
      Reuter  -  276 words
    • 224 6 MONTREAL, Thurs. Lajos Portisch of Hungary held on to a narrow lead at the world challenge cup chess tournament after drawing his match with Mikhail Tal of the Soviet Union in the sixth round of play. Portisch, who has 4-1/2 points out
      224 words
    • 163 6 ROME, Than. The City CaaacU here has Issaed a pragress repart aa repairs to the ISS enatnental faaatalas la the Eternal City, aad maay af them seem to be aader eteraal repair. The want example Is the Faaatala af the Naiads, badly damaged
      Reuter  -  163 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 821 6 LAST3DAYSJ EMPORIUM HOLDINGS LUCKY DRAW 79 winaGraetzcolourTV It's easy to enter, with every purchase of $5 and above at any of the 13 Emporiums, you are entitled to one lucky coupon, the more you purchase, the more coupons you will get. m■■ »-^«o«*, Wtf f V tl^ m |*>»"»— WCotOi'
      821 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1041 7 P-* Ml 2^r P^T^^B ■Wl _tLi__X__ZJl BETTER SOUND -^^saJaT ill JdJcj 1 1 ±!_rl Jrrill_/Jcjo -aHHp PRO 400 I AP-306C QUARTZ LOCiy>IRECT DRIVE PLL TURNTABLE I ---<! New brushless/Slotlcss/Core'essdiscolith DC servo motor for i*l _<Bt incredible accuracy Strosboscope I > __^^^l^^l AM-2650 INTFGRATED STEREO AMPLIFIER B^^tJ V I f jj^jj
      1,041 words

  • 455 8 V BRIDE from India ■ad rejoined her hus>and here for just a 'ear when her parents-n-law allegedly schemed to separate the oung couple for good >y sending her back klone to her native vilage in Punjab, the ■ligh Court heard yeserday. Mr Allen Yau,
    455 words
  • 115 8 NATIONAL service registration for Singapore citizens and permanent resident* bom between Oct 1 and Dec .11. 1962. will be conducted at i the Central Manpower Base, Dempsey Road. Tanglin from Monday to July 25. Regardless of whether registration notification re- minders have been received, all male
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  • 148 8 Another 14 are upgraded to asst supts FOURTEEN more police officers have been promoted to the rank of assistant superintendent and another 15 put on trial at this rank for a year. All the promotions will take effect from May 1. Those promoted are Krishnan Devadas, Jaswant I Singh, Gurpal
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  • 356 8  -  SUSIE SOH By HE swam non-stop for more than 12 hours, Inspired not by financial gain bat by a determination to break a record. He swimming feat he accomplished SM poollengths was no ordinary one. According to Straits Times records, he Is the only
    TAN SUAN ANN  -  356 words
  • 242 8 Traders who tranship enjoy grants TRADERS have found it more attractive to tranship via Singapore as a result of tariff concessions of the Port Authority designed to encourage transhipment trade, says the Free Trade Zones advisory committee in its recently published 1977 annual report. The total through-put nandied by the
    242 words
  • 360 8 TWO local maritime unions have informed the International Transport-workers' Federation (ITF) that Kapal Management Pte Ltd, a local shipping company, has signed collective agreements with the ui:ions. This brings to a close, it i would appear, the saga of the ship Kanuka
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  • 79 8 Cunousity cost him $800 A MAN, charged with consuming morphine, told a district court judge yesterday that he took the drug "out of curiosity". For the offence, Ooi King Kock, 32. of Kedah, was fined $800 in default four months' jail after he pleaded guilty Ooi. who was arrested by
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  • 37 8 SAARDM bin Mohamed. <A Canberra Road, who pleaded guilty to throwing a sweet-wrapper onto a grass verge opposite a cinema in Bukit Timah Raid on March 23. was fined $40 by a magistrate's court yesterday.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 481 8 y^i^^nlnW^R \^C A VjsSn-oQn JUL. .4-^ i^C i—^A*%n<kdnHnfc-L£offaJßMnM '■Wlmm W JnW 1 f~A BMnnttnMLJa W *-»Jl>»MnMnMMnia^n»»|Hn>MX.* I Ti^y \Vy*^. I nH^HHH wmmmm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ buster brown CHILDREN'S S^*^" V^^H ft tnn HH I Oddments nm /A A t»wi^H v' V 'l nL, I i^ Vol^av f ■^^^B Ik n^^^^nn^^^nl t *t i
      481 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 390 8 m t W.^ §1 j^W tl Ml all iTVI MUSICAL EVENING by the by Dr Richard Ng at Leng munity centre at 8 p.m. Heralds Choral Society at Kee community hall, Apt CH1NGAY PHOTO EXHIConference Hall at 8 p.m. Bik 168-A, Queensway, at 8 BITION at Radin Mas Tickets: $5,
      390 words

  • 156 9 Malay chamber to take in other races? THE Singapore Malay Chamber Ol Commerce tLsi.if. opening its membership to nonMalays and abolishing the i secn'tary-Rpneral ■K'xt annual general meeting <>n M ng to [Jerita Marian sources, the proposal to open its doors to nonwill h«'lp strengthen the chamber's financial |x>Mtion through
    156 words
  • 45 9 I iiumal Library's .-oniial uluii and younK people s MeHMi »il! hold a talk on Productivity anil Our Daily Life, by Miss Wee Sipu. Hong of Ihe National Produrtivtty Board at the li moetinK room tomorrow ai .1 p m Admission is free.
    45 words
    • 408 9  -  Dimmer lights, warmer offices JURONG residents and employees of the Jurong Town Corporation (JTC) will continue to put up with dimmer lights and warmer offices for a good cause. For the JTC aims to reduce the monthly three million units consumed by
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    • 51 9 TELECOMS will hold an open house at its Ayer Rajah Telephone Exchange tomorrow and on Sunday to commemorate its 100 th year of telephone service in Singapore. The open house will be held between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. tomorrow and 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on
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    • 190 9 Haw Par bid to take over Setron HAW Par Brothers International, one of the largest locally-based conglomerates, is making a takeover bid for Setron Ltd. In an announcement made after trading hours at the Stock Exchange of Singapore, Haw Par said it was offering one of its own snares plus
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    • 68 9 'Floating hospital' leaves THE French "floating hospital", De De Lumiere, left Singapore on Tuesday for Pulau Bidong to give medical attention to 35,000 Vietnamese refugees on the island. The 1.400-tonne vessel, with a 15-man crew, carries a team of seven doctors. The mission, funded by an independent French organisation known
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    • 74 9 WARRANTS were issued yesterday for the arrest of three men Nagappan Ramasamy, 45. Ala gappan. 34. and Vitalingam so Pekeri. 53 when they failed to turn up in a subordinate court to answer a charge of soliciting alms by pretending to buy a coffin for their
      74 words
    • 80 9 TWO youths. Ong Chong Seng. 19. I and Scow Soon Hai. 22. were j charged in a subordinate court yesterday with robbing Miss Nellie Chua Chui Giau of a gold necklace, a jade pendant and a lighter altogether worth MM and MO while armed with a knife,
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    • 50 9 MR S.GANENDRA has been elected chairman of the Singapore Mercantile Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society Ltd. Other officials are: Mr Pang Koon Seah. vice-chairman; Mrs Irene Yeo. secretary; Mr Pala Chanthiran. assistant secretary. Mr Sim Wai Chin, treasurer and Mr «Yancis Goo Tecfc Yong, assistant treasurer
      50 words
    • 131 9 ELECTRICITY r •nsnm ptlin slMt up ftgaia «i Wednesday »nd the culprit behind the Increase is pr*b*M> the h»t weather. Weteeatey's total <••■- samptian was 11.48 mllll*n writs *r 3.23 percent mare than the Wedaeatey average f«r March, which was 18.81 milllM ■mite. A PUB
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    • 146 9 FORMER American Secretary of State, Dr Henry Kissinger, will arrive on May 5 for his first visit to Singapore. Sources said he is expected to meet Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and Foreign Minister S. Rajaratnam during his private visit. He is due to attend a
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    • 28 9 THE People's Association and the Singapore Metrication Board will hold a three-day metrication mobile exhibition at the Zehnder Road community centre, Pasir Panjang. from April 27.
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    • 259 9 30 pc hike in lorry charges 'too high' say users LORRY umts said yesterday that the proposed 30 per cent increase in the transport charges by June is "too high". The chairman o( the Singapore Fruits and Vegetable Importers and Exporters Association, Mr Tan Meng Yam, said the association would
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    • 26 9 THE Rochore constituency will hold a talk-cum-demonstration on flower making by Mis Lim Ah Hoon at the Manila Street community centre on April 27.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 251 9 "Now you're talking. Avis. Trucks that areas well looked after Wtim as the cars. Choice and range. and J special prices. From diesel pickups to f 3-tonners all 78 —79 models. A^ ifl THAT's trying harder. For reservations call Avis: City *****8 *"2**« fl *****5 *****1. fßßßßjßj|^^ W Airport: *****2.
      251 words
    • 596 9 METAL FURNITURE (trass Alumintum Iron) Ly U > 1 Mode-to-order welcome Specralwes in Brass beds, Armchairs, Settees, Garden Chairs Dining S«t, Tea-trolleys, Lompstonds, Mirrors HING HUAT IRON FURNITURE CO. SA?I Simp 45, TIM Orchard, 290, Orchard Road, e/VS Slnfapof t. Tat: 3764*. itsjuicy IIfUV ECEI I 11/E You d cx
      596 words

  • 479 10  -  SOH TIANG KENG and IRENE NGOO By PROMINENT Filipino banker, Mr David Sycip, yesterday recommended five steps Japan could take to speed up the development of Asean. Mr Sycip, president of Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation, told the Southeast Asian Banking and Finance
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  • 441 10 Thais' future rests with outside forces, not Bangkok' THE FUTURE of Thailand rests either with Kremlin or Beijing (Peking) and not Bangkok, a Thai delegate told the South-east Asian Banking and Finance Conference yesterday. Mr Paul Sithi-Amnuai, chairman of the PSA group of companies in Thailand, said although the country
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  • 295 10 'Indochina war has shattered prospects of wider econ ties' RECENT events in Vietnam and Kampuchea have shattered prospects of forging wider economic alliances in this region in the near future. This wm stressed yrstrriny by Mr F. Ople, Uk Philippine labour Minister, In a npwrh to the South-east A«Uit
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  • 116 10 AMONG the main speakers for today are Malaysia's Minister for Primary Industries, Mr Paul Leong Khee Seong and Malaysian Government financial consultant, Tun Tan Siew Sin, chairman of Sime Darby. Mr Leong will speak on the outlook in the world economy for the big primary producers while Tun
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 916 10 choose niv©n W^^^dllHM^^^^lSlgASMHdAjAtA GAS and ELECTRIC COOKERS SH m imported from ITALY. PRE-EMINENT in Design W ond Performance I 39HbkT S^ "cm el JQ^Q H J*y.*4j^H THERMOAIRA tr fc ELECTRONIC IGNITION 0 &fr) <~ C THERMOSTAT 'TIMER ?^M i BJ -ALL STAINLESS STEEL f^t Also available: Jr I Hrn cooker
      916 words
    • 61 10 Itbur Country Club injakarta 'J^^ft iJi^n^ Vbl 23 acres of rolling poolside gardens. You'd expect it in a country club. It's nice to get it in a hotel. HOTEL Cii) Borobudur *ms ii INTEK'CONTINtMTAL JAKARTA- INDONESIA For reservations contact any Intpr Continental Hotel Pan Arr or Telea ***** There are
      61 words

  • 1223 11  - 'Vietnam will not hesitate to subvert IRENE NGOO By VIETNAM will have no compunction in subverting the Asean states to further its aim of hegemony in South-east Asia, the Malaysian Home Affairs Minister, Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie said here yesterday. He warned that Vietnam might have already cultivated "natives" among
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  • 165 11 $70,000 goods seized and four held POLICE yesterday seized 25, Mi pieces «f stolen diodes electrical components worth |7MN In a series ot raids conducts at the People's Park and Rochor Road areas. The raid* followed the »rreot «f f*v men at Pay* Lebar Alrpart Wednesday at I p.m. The
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  • 60 11 A FIRM supplying preserved fruits, (Jreatway Pte Ltd in OCBC Centre, Chiilla Street, was yesterday fined $390 by a magistrate's court for selling without a licence, a brand of preserved fruit containing saccharin. It pleaded guilty to selling the fruit to Mr Soong Cher Kiang in Victoria
    60 words
  • 299 11 Robber beat up victim in lift: Jailed A LIFT robber beat up his woman victim when she screamed, in defiance of his warnings to keep quiet. 1 Yesterday, Sohani bin Ropingi, 19, jobless, pleaded guilty to robbing and hurting Miss Yee Min Ying in a lift in Block 37, Marsiling
    299 words
  • 104 11 $4 million property suit GOLDEN Development Pte Ltd is suing Peninsula Development Pte Ltd in the High Court for having allegedly repudiated a contract to sell a 4.047-hectare property in Bukit Timah for $4,140,000 to it. Mr Gerald Godfrey, QC, for Golden Development, told Mr Justice Sinnathuray yesterday that the
    104 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 651 11 It s Apple. Its Orange. Its o THICK WAISTLINE? ft BULGING TUMMYT^I I LADD I all disappear /J with the complete family S m^y home fitness machine 4% By submitting your body to a punishing course of crash diet and appetite drugs, you can try to turn flabbiness into tnmness
      651 words
    • 246 11 SOXAL Kallang Sales Centre NOWOPW! welding, fire protection, diving and medical equipment on sale "supermarket" style .tvtfl LUfcsnaMs&^m 1 See our new Sales Centre where products are displayed for you to select and purchase on-the-spot. No delays waiting for deliveries. Pick out exactly what you need there and then with
      246 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 806 12 [i!) STUNNINH A PROUD IWE TR/IDITIOh J S5" Ist* 3rd Floor. Supreme House, Penangßd. Singapore 9 CHECK THESE PRICES YOU LL AGREE il '(^iMrtSSFXp Tel *****1. *****. *****5. *****1/2/3. *****33. *****23 \m <( <jfS^S&t^^ BBBBBBBB^BBBBBIBBBa BB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B ■BBBBBBBBBVaBBBBBaaBBBB^^^^^^^^a^^^ ■^■SBkBBBBB^BBBBBBBBBaB^^^^^^^^^^BaI ,»Jt BBS r b^s==^h a^fe^^^^v M »*'HPs.ii 2 V^^fl You'll never L^^...B^aflL
      806 words

  • 408 13  - 47pc science passes on Joint Campus JUNE TAN BY FORTY-SEVEN per cent of the 500 first-year Joint Campus science students have passed their examinations, according to the first Joint Campus results just released. Examination results for other faculties at the Joint Campus arts social sciences, accountancy and business administration are
    408 words
    • 265 13  - 'NU grads made error in every 29 words' KOH YAN POH and LEONG WENG K AM By A GROUP of 20 Nanyang University science graduates made one error in 29 words when they wrote two essays as part of a survey while a similar group from the University of Singapore
      265 words
    • 370 13 AN AMERICAN educationist yesterday predicted that teacher training institutions will soon organise programmes to prepare "reading teachers" for nursery school. These reading teachers will help children learn languages through activities in reading. Dr Theodore Anderson, a professor of Spanish and Education
      370 words
    • 272 13 Australia sends largest specialist team THE growing Importance of bilingualism in Australia is reflected by the large number of participants from the country at the RELC seminar on bilingualism, now in its fifth day of discussions on languages and other related topics. With 18 participants, Australia has the biggest delegation
      272 words
  • 233 13 Death of 4 in ship fire: Open verdict I STATE Coroner Mr Chang j Kok Miiig yesterday I recorded open verdicts on four seamen who died during a fire on board the ms Rasa Sayang two years ago. The dead were Mr Lorn 800 Tay, 23, of Sembawang Road, Mr
    233 words
  • 85 13 THKSK three aeaUons or far seals, originally from the African coast of Mozambique, will join nine others at the Singapore Zoological Gardens when they are oat from quarantine. They were bought by the zoo at KJH each aad were flown la from the Ocean Park In
    85 words
  • 48 13 THE Malay Youth Club of National Library's central young people's section will present a drama. Express KMMPN, at the library's lecture hall tomorrow at 2.30 p.m. The drama will be in two plays and will also include sketches, songs and dances. Admission is free
    48 words
  • 194 13 Comfort takes back 7 CBD taxis FAILURE to pay rent and abuse of the vehicles have led NTUC Comfort to take back seven Central Business District taxis from the drivers. According to New Nation yesterday, four drivers did not pay five to six weekly rental instalments. Two abused their vehicles
    194 words
  • 24 13 THE People's Association and Sin Chew Jit Poh will hold a Chingay Photo Exhibition at the Kallang communily centre on April 27.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  24 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 58 13 I }bur Country Club injakarta A complete mini golf course. You'd expect it in a country club It's nice to get it in a hotel. *"mm 4 HOTEL (ii)Borobudur •♦>m* fc INTtR'CONTINENTAI JAKARTA- INDONESIA For retrfVAtionft contact *ny Inter Continental Mutei Pan Arr o>TMe> ***** Thar* are 20 other great
      58 words
    • 173 13 «a^yj Wehavea r history of making our depositors' savings grow The history of Lombard North Central no*'* back more than 100 years. So it's really no surprise that our steady growth has made us an important name in British banking and finance. Individuals and institutions the world over make their
      173 words

  • 355 14  -  K.S. SIDHU Story by Pictures by FRANCIS ONG FLOODS caused by a 45-mlnute downpour late on Wednesday made It harrowing night for six-year-old kindergarten pupil, Mohamed Rahim, bat he manfully joined his elders to bale oat water from their Jalan Eunos
    355 words
  • 72 14 THE International Monetary Fund has released the Invitation to Bid forms for the next monthly gold auction to be held on behalf of the Trust Fund on May 2. Copies of the fund's Invitation To Bid, which sets out the terms and conditions for the auction and
    72 words
  • 28 14 MANGALA Vihara (Buddhist Temple) wUI hold Vesak Day celebrations at Its Jalan Eunos premises on May 9 and 10 at 7.30 p.m. and 6.30 a.m. respectively.
    28 words
  • 425 14 THE Consumer Price Index for the first three months of this year was 2.3 per cent higher than that for the same period last year. This was due mainly to increased transport costs and miscellaneous items which went up by 8.8 per cent and
    425 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 170 14 «a^^aa m WJfe. M. M, BMB Come to Courts new super warehouse at Bukit Timah and take A W^ W lMl[j A IMmAJV [j t^^W^ advantage of our super buys in all departments. There are B^l £m W% X WWi H Ifwl LM, 78 bargain-packed shopping hours a week, Monday
      170 words

    • 378 15 Contract for $20m rails signed First major step in rail terminus shift KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday THE first major step to shift the southern terminus of Malayan Railways from Singapore to Pasir Gudang was made yesterday with the signing of a contract to import $20 million worth of steel rails from
      378 words
    • 250 15 Malaysia to help ease Thai oil shortage KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Malaysia will rush 20. 000 tonnes (150.000 barrels) of Miri light crude petroleum to Thailand within the next 10 days to help ease its drastic oil shortage, Malaysian government officials said today. This followed an urgent appeal from the Thai
      AP  -  250 words
    • 100 15 Channel 10 going colour on May 7 JOHORE BARU, Thurs Television Malaysia will introduce colour transmission over Network 2 (Channel 10) next month. Information Minister Datuk Mohamed Rahmat said today there would be about 14 hours of colour transmission over the network per week from May 7. He added that
      AFP  -  100 words
    • 87 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Thure. Customs officers seized 725 kg of rubber worth about $15,000 which were to have been smuggled to Thailand, a customs spokesman said today. The seizure was made during an ambush on the Malaysian side of the Golok River near Rantau Panjang, 370 km north-east
      AP  -  87 words
    • 128 15 KOTA KIN AB ALL', Thin. Malaysians whs are n»t Kabah state eltlwns found in the state without a Job for more than oar month will be departed as from July 1, It was announced here today. State Chief Minister Datak Harris Salleh said the state
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 126 15 IPOH, Thurs. Public and private sector employees in Perak are to be given two days medi- cal leave when they donate blood. A Blood Bank spokesman said here yesterday that the leave, which would be given at the discretion of the medicai officer in
      Bernama  -  126 words
    • 112 15 'MUTES ARE MORE LOYAL WORKERS' KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Companies which treasure trade secrets ought to employ deaf-mutes as they are less likely to disclose such secrets, social worker Mr Lee Chong Theen said yesterda>. Studies had also shown that these workers were more loyal to their organisations, and could be
      NST  -  112 words
    • 390 15 MORE than $30 million is needed for repairing the new Kuantan port which is cracking up, the Star newspaper reported. And the government is engaged in a tussle with the port project consultants and the contractors over who foots
      390 words
    • 162 15 15pc rise in cases of people going bankrupt KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. There has been a 15 per cent i increase in the rate of bank- J ruptcy cases throughout the country over the past 10 years. Altogether 498 people, including 62 government servants, were declared bankrupts last year compared with
      NST  -  162 words
    • 56 15 PENANG, Thurs. Malaysia, like other developing countries, has become a dumping ground for dangerous pesticides by foreign companies. 'Pesticides banned by the United States are widely sold in our markets," Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM Friends of the Earth Society) president S. M. Mohamed Idris said in
      56 words
    • 76 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The last 76 Vietnamese refugees aboard the Hal Hong freighter will leave (or resettlement in the United States next week the Malaysian refugee task force said today. They have been confined for more than six months in the rusty ship. The appearance
      UPI  -  76 words
    • 336 15 Seoul likely to ask MAS for royalties Saudi Arabia route. "Several airlines are flying the route, including Korean Airlines. But it is still a money-spinner." It is understood that several airlines plying the route are paying the Seoul Government for each passenger. "But the Koreans suddenly discovered that the air
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 133 15 ROBBED BY 'FRIEND' JOHORE BARU, Thurs. A Singaporean contractor was robbed of cash and valuables worth (4,700 by a "friend" and another man who lured him here on the promise of work to repair a nightclub on Tuesday night. Police have detained a 26-year-old suspect. The "friend" escaped. NST. PurnnHeV
      133 words
    • 104 15 Meet him at The Library P^^a It? •> Gilbert W. Fears. Popularly known in the Las Vegas nightclub circuit as Texas T. Young. Dynamic. Fears is also a charming individual who has the uncanny perception and feel of the music medium that disco lovers here will love. Gilbert Fears. The
      104 words

  • The Straits Times FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1979
    • 383 16 AS USUAL, Mr S. Rajaratnam is forthright in his views. He asserted yesterday that the world needs leadership. It must choose between the US and the Soviet Union. At first glance, the choice is a curious one. The US, scarred by its Vietnam experience and its inability to
      383 words
    • 379 16 THE THAI Prime Minister has kept to his promise to steer his country towards democracy. Despite the turbulence on Thailand's southeastern border resulting from the Kampuchean conflict, the general election will be held as scheduled on Sunday. This will be Thailand's second attempt at democratic rule after a
      379 words
  • 369 16 CHICAGO: A US$5 million (SJII million) suit filed last Wednesday alleged that a man was kept in Illinois mental institutions for 28 years and doctors never tried to talk with him in Chinese the only language he understands. The man, identified only as David
    AP  -  369 words
  • 2249 16 Who will fill vacant role of world leader? The crucial question for the 805... WHAT the organisers of this conference prescribed I should talk about and what I will actually discourse on may or may not coincide. In the half an hour or so at my disposal to range over
    2,249 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 481 16 IWEEK ONLY 16-4-79 to 22-4-79 last 3 days from to day Seize this opportunity and save at CHANCELLOR Out ram Park,Outram Road, Singapore 3. Where you can obtain service in value quality The Ministry of Culture The Italian Embassy proudly present DUO MAJERON-BELESTRA A husband and and wife team, Elisobetta
      481 words

    • 399 17 THK Public Service Commission is now actively encouraging lop students" to switch from science to arts Before the PSC started dangling bundles of carrot in front of these students, did ii slop M ask why there in h lack of interest among students
      399 words
    • 95 17 TIMES have changed and most of us are aware that Singapore is facing a critical shortage of manpower Often we read in the press the need to import manpower to keep our factories running In fact, several foreign investors 1 have spoken to, have lamented the
      95 words
    • 81 17 Why has work come to a halt? A SECTION of Kovan Road had been excavated for sewerage work by a private contractor. But work has stopped for more than three months. The excavated portion is collecting water, especially during this rainy season. It has become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
      81 words
    • 378 17 it From Page 16 that he has behind him are dedicated non-aligned supporters. It is not my purpose in this address to attempt answers to those two crucial questions. I pose these questions in the hope of stimulating some discussion on them ■I this conference and more
      378 words
    • 1040 17  -  THOMAS WATTERSON For the future, new possibilities in bakeries, butchery shops, shoe repair, lawn and garden services... IT STARTED with gas stations. Individual entrepreneurs got to be self-employed businessmen by selling the products and services of one of the major oil companies. Then, hotels
      1,040 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements

    • 1592 18 THK transacted ready sale at Urn i lose of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with ihe previous day's prices together with 1974 high and low Adjusted for vnp rtghLi issue) Closing tone: Easier. Turnover: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore
      1,592 words
    • 1539 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett" Big Board
      1,539 words
    • 126 18 4 1/2% 1/8/80 (250.000) (M.408 M.478) 4 3/4% 15/9/80 (250.000) (***** 99 706) 5 1/4% 1/3/81 (250.000) 100 168 100 255) 5% 16/4/81 (250.000) (99 608 99 708) 6% TF 1/6783 (250.000) 100 108 100.20S) 6 3/4% T F 15/6/81-84 (250.000) (101.708) 5% 13/11/84 (250.000) (*****8
      126 words
    • 1664 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified mxjmuu t^wk (3.2OS) call AkM(lH81«ZS)<l)l.a tin Mi (1 JOB) (2) 1 JO A
      1,664 words
      • 58 18 Tronoh Minei Tractors SEAL V K T«n« Metro HM|l DCBC Berjunlai Oriental Hid*. FAN Bent. Sal Iron High A Low :;.-nlin«« I II K <iit.r Darby ■>*l Properties sao 220 199 3M 890 800 MS 550 300 480 382 350 344 326 288 -15 -15 -14 -10 ■10 ■10
        58 words
      • 18 18 ih.ngri-I.. 4io( Court lokam Hympia iemb Shipyard 575 205 334 185 187 •5 5 4 1 1
        18 words
      • 30 18 l.umhrr "on* Plant 4imr Darby r«.nu llfv Pahan« Cobs Kabrr Merlin DBS City Dev llanmau K I Krpon« 2SO.00O 203.000 143.000 119.000 99.000 81.000 78.000 77,000 58.000
        30 words
      • 36 18 B.T.Indot: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties: Tins: i rubbers: O.C.B.C.: S.E.S.Ind: Aor 18 Aor 19 2115 76 2077 31 385.22 381 5* ***** 678.62 289.05 288.75 249.34 245.90 182.36 181.93 590.68 587.82 368.13 ***** 348.99 343.27
        36 words
      • 309 18 HONGKONG: Stock prices fell across the board in quiet trading yesterday following last night's announcement of a 1.5 per cent increase In the local prime lending rate to 13 per cent, dealers said. The Hang Seng index lost 9.04 points to dose at 530.54, after having been 8 71
        309 words
      • 377 18 TOKYO: Share prices closed slightly higher yesterday, on revived interest in vehicles and Pharmaceuticals towards the close, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 6.24 to close at 6,064.87 points, with a volume of 320 million shares. The New index closed at 442.79, up 0.64 points. Ajlnomuto Akai A«ahi
        377 words
      • 123 18 THE STRAITS tin price recovered $15 to $1,960 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering down 14 tonnes to 150 tonnes. The overnight London market was firmer but quiet with forward buyers remaining unchanged at £7,000 per tonne. LONDON Tin on the day rose about £85 for
        123 words
      • 30 18 LONDON: Copper prices on Wednesday (previous in bracket*) Wirebar Spot £1,021 (£992) sell en £1.022 (£3(4); Three Month buyers £1.027 (£999), sellers £1,027.50 (£1.000) MarkMlaae: Firmer. galas: 46.700 tonnes.
        30 words
      • 30 18 Rubber: April 19 Singapore: May: 280.50 cents (up one cent) Malaysia: May: 283.50 cents (up 0.25 cent) Tin: $1,960 (up $15) Official offering: 150 tonnes (down 14 tonnes)
        30 words
      • 467 18 OPENING prices were marked up about three cents on higher London advices but eased gradually on profit-taking, lack of support and speculative selling, dealers said. Forward offerings also aided sentiment and trading was light. The morning session closed uncertain. Afternoon prices recovered in (airly active trading on upcountry and
        467 words
      • 75 18 IAS iSH» iSHao MRELB (1 ton p*ll«l ICimU Hit! (F>tw.H Mlk My«n BalUf B«y«r« SclWn 1M.00 77O0ON MSOO *****N K6.00 J8700N »600 M7.0ON SMRCV Mh 11. MR CF iMRS IMR10 MR X iMRSO (1-toa *dM> (1-ioa paJteO (llaspdbt) lit. pafaO ll«l*ll IIUpdHI woo trnmn laeoo w.oon 2T7OO
        75 words
    • 93 18 Striking prices of the options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday, the period, bids and offered prices and business done, if any, with the number of options traded shown in brackets. CaM Stance (June $2.00) (0.358 0.465). C C (June $2.60) (0.548 O.6SS). Hbbm F
      93 words
    • 179 18 THE KILOBAR ufM for gold deliverable in Singapore opened at 117,112 and closed at $17,035 yesterday In the Far East, gold opened at USSMO C0/M1.00. After moving down to a low of fMOJO/M, It firmed to C41 JO 60 by the noon closing. In the afternoon, good offering from
      HTS  -  179 words
    • 341 18 BEARS eaatlaaed to damlaate the area* aai the Stock Exehaage af Stagaparr yesterday with mar- set seattmeat deterlsratlag farther. Papular Haw Par aad Setraa reqaested saspesstea rrem tradlag early yesterday maralng aad this led to several ramears la the market It was speealated that there might
      341 words
    • 293 18 SHARE prices tended broadly lower for the third consecutive session on the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday. Trading was again cautious, with sellers dominating while potential buyers receded further into the background. The New Straits Times industrial ordinary index, reflecting the weaker close, shed 4.56 points off to
      293 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 313 18 NOlfc: These r»t« m«y differ dlfhtly from thoie ouuied by btnki to their custrniert. h«w« Cumncta* Nominal rata* Smithsonian Parcantaga quotad y— tacday (cro««)parity Chang* LacaJ dallars to aae ■alt of foreign c«rreaey: US dollar 2.1995 2.2005 2.8196 -21.99 Sterling pound 4.5560 4.5610 7.3469 -37.99 Australian dollar 2.4335
        313 words
      • 47 18 Unge at prlcei oflnwl by ducoun wines oo April 18 Overnight 4^1* Call depodU 4' Ckxiu BartaC 8^1U« I month rreuuryblllf 4 4 month Bank bills T» W 3 month CD 7 1/18 »1V1« S month CD 7 3/16 7 1/1« Source: National Pi.couot Co Ltd.
        47 words
      • 38 18 Closing Interbank rates for Singapore dollars on April 18: Offer BW Overnight i't 5 1 month 6 > s 2 months 6 15/16 813/ It 3 months 6 15/16 813/ 18 Overnight mode 8 Inih: Aattoy Patrac.
        38 words
    • 23 18 THE average rate at which Singapore banks are currently prepared to lend to their best cutemers is 8 per cent.
      23 words
    • 548 19 Prelude to better times at United Motor Works UNITED Motor Works has turned in a group pre-tax profit of (3.775 million for the year ended Dec 31, 1978. up 25.6 per cent from $3,006 million previously. As sales increased by only 9.1 per cent to $161.8 million, this suggests a
      548 words
      • 270 19 SYDNEY. Thurs Sellers dominated trading with (alls outnumbering rises two to one. The All Ordinaries index (eU 4 76 points to 572.37. dealers said General uneasiness over interest rates, recent (alls in mewl prices, a lack ot strong overseas support and other (actors were named as causes.
        270 words
      • 242 19 NEW YORK, Wed. The stock market moved higher today in moderately active trading, ending a four-session losing streak. Analyst said concerns about tighter credit had eased Federal Reserve chairman William Miller said in a published interview that the central bank had no intention of tightening credit now.
        242 words
      • 246 19 AMSTERDAM, Wed Share prices closed narrowly mixed in quiet trading due to lack of interest, dealers said. Royal Dutch rose one guilder, while Unilever and Akzo edged higher and Hoogovens and Philips eased in Dutch internationals. KNSM and Van Ommeren rose two guilders each. Ahold 2.10 and
        246 words
      • 178 19 ZURICH, Wed Share price* continued mixed in light volume in the absence of new (actors, dealers said. The Credit Suisse index (ell 0 5 point to 272.6 nrn nch 3 5 5 nch trrdil Sui«r Br 2210 -10 a II1MM, prices loll 301 ino MS ■too IMP 1006
        178 words
      • 530 19 LONDON, Wed. Equities edged lower today while small selling was reported in government bonds, dealers said. At 3pm the Financial Times index was down 3.9 points to 535 0 Falls of over a point were noted in government bonds following a slight weakness in sterling.
        530 words
      • 61 19 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 534 4 Tuesday 538.8 Week Ago 538.7 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 880.27 Tuesday 857.93 Week s«o 871.71 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Wednesday 52. to 53 Tuesday 52*4 to 53% H.K.HANG SENG Thursday 530.54 Wednesday 539.58 Weeka«o 529.85 BYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Thursday 473.54 Wednesday 477.44 Week
        61 words
    • 223 19 H. Leong acts to buy up remaining Sinfin shares BONG LEONG Finance has gjvca Mllee «f Hi intenttM to arqalre ewBMkMfUy the rtmitrtn mlnwtty akara In Ita s»bsUlary, Singapore Fln«nrt. Nattees M rmnpalssry aenaWtka were tent to the 1 1 milnlit ntawnili en «i Wednesday thrwgh Its merchant bankers, Mcrgaa
      223 words
    • 229 19 Profit at Roxy better than expected ROXY Electric Industries (M) has turned in a better-than-expected set of results (or its financial year ended last Sept 30, thanks to a good second half. The company had expected at the interim stage that profit for the year under review would merely equal
      229 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 912 19 -V*^ *J 2nTAi la^ Li ri iVi I Jm| 2^^l RE6IONAL SALES MANAGER A large American multinational company is expanding its medical products group and needs a man to head south east Asian activities. The applicants should have a strong sales marketing background, be willing and able to travel freely
      912 words
    • 555 19 r ASST. MARKETING MANAGER FOR LARGE CONSUMER ELECTRONICS COMPLEX IN SURABAYA, INDONESIA An experienced Assistant Marketing Manager is required for a large manufacturing complex in Surabaya. Indonesia engaged in the production of television sets, cassette tapes, amplifiers, hi-fi equipment, radio cassettes, etc. The candidate must be well qualified and fully
      555 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 533 20 f§fr CLASSIFIEDS SPECIAL LOCAL DISHES When we say 'Special' we mean it. 152 Where To Eat EXCELLENT VEGETARIAN FOOD purkinx 1001) am H3O pm K».m l in Vegeumn Restaurant, l»0 WalerliMi street Tel MM CMMWyes* Mexiran *■>■■• lalltles The < irand Combination Plate 1 At <-< iinoiiurui prlci Open daily
      533 words
    • 659 20 FRENCH FOOD SPECIALE ■■■■■■■BH j\ Savour oKguisite Prandi rood at HI b«,l Our Cnaf, Monsieur Herve Khob/i from Pant, bnnoi you rm specialities he has prepared at the famous 'La Doyen*. 1»" Moteiieria Da La Posts' ano 'La Royal Hotel' of Francs. Everyday a different Plat dv tour at Stl.
      659 words
    • 985 20 gMETRO r >Oor xtsKir J StU(JU(2T) Have you tried our ih-head in assam gravi •trier daily specialities include King sue prawn samoal m Pepes (fish and vegetable i banana leaf) Fried chicken Indonesian-style. Satay Gadcvgado Lontong r group/ outside caterin call *****62 (Metro Bukit Timah J7BBB( Metro Golden Mil CLASSIFIEDS
      985 words
    • 818 20 (164) AneMKhn (I*4) Cree* Cars' (IS*) Ljekiaf FnhMi (1*1) !>iaii«| usir n I ISS) AMieMa-Crafn (ISS) GrMel 4 GWimn (I*4) L tramtsr (IS1) S.aMni .s caadiet (ISS) Art-awtel ciealaw 11*1) Piamiimal State* (I*3) Msiaasa Hi. it* O»a (ISt) Sal (IS*) l.sii ■■■el U.Mr-a.ti |IS*) HectrK/Ilectre«c aseWxi (ISJ) Malaicer reatei 11*0)
      818 words
    • 519 20 163 Beauty Salons/ Massage GLAOY'S BEAUTY SALON London trained hair stylist Catherine Goh will be in attendance for all your hairstyling. Facial treatment available. Time: 9.30 a.m. 7.00 p.m (close on Sundays) 151, Capitol Shopping Centre Singapore (Neil lo Capitol Theatre) Kaßr/rTJ 11-ACAIRNHILL CIRCLE MASSAGE /SAUNABATH HAIR-CUT/FACIAL MANICURE BUSINESS HOURS:
      519 words
    • 542 20 mmmm m^^~^'~^^ SECONDHAND CAMERAS CENTRE 157 Photographic "^'n^w Camera ra Hfgh n offer Equipment/ for Lelca used Cameras. Slnga-\>/».tr-ha< P° re Cosmos Trading Company waicrttjs ITJ M|ddle Road *****/ *****7 ivpow! If you intend to buy o Nkoh f Wem6 yOW (MCIIKMI HOW, 5t.... «C frU ABJ* Photo Store Pte
      542 words
    • 563 20 Major French Chemicals Company has immediate vacancy for a SECRETARY Age 20 24. mature and pleasant personality. At least 3 years' relevant working experience, a SC/HSC with good credit in English c Fast and accurate shorthand/typing c Candidate must be familiar with Import/Export procedures and documentation c Ability to operate
      563 words
    • 666 20 II EMPLOYMENT Japanese Construction Firm invites applications for the post or FEMALE GENERAL CLERK Requirements: One year experience Able to type and knowledge of book-keeping preferred Able to read and speak simple Chinese Apply with non-returnable photo to P.O. Box 3135. Singapore 1 JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN the Airline and Travel
      666 words
    • 765 20 MALE CLERK WITH qualification or experience in huildm. lenancr industry Apply Kllllney PO Box 321 giving telephone contact MALE OFFICE BOY iM sess own motorbike Call person ally to Textking lnleri Singapore 8-B. Blk 261. Waterloo Slreel spore" Manufacturing Company in Jurong Invites applications for ih« noMtlon ol COSTING CLERK
      765 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 649 21 CLASSIFIED ADS 284-4422 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant b) Secretarial and Clerical WANTED PART/FULL-TMK clerk U ual be able Mandarin fluently Interview ISOO6 WANTED PURCHASING CLERIC ex industnal and sanitary rulings Inlrr ill ***** during ofTtc* YOUNG LADY DENTAL Nurse required for dental llnlr Kiim ol Building. Shrnum Mfaj with
      649 words
    • 1297 21 II EMPLOYMENT FEMALE SALES PROMOTERS re jutrad t. promote a consumer 11(< t necessary hut mus/bj pre Product Attractive salary plus par( a lo te J n and work P r ommusion Please call person- Preferably have own motorcvele „<st Road Apply (;PoS)x 375 •>p m FREELANCE SALES CANVASSERS SALESGIRLS
      1,297 words
    • 586 21 Applications are invited from suit ably qualified candidates for the following poata 1) SEMI-SKILLED FITTERS/ WELDERS a 2to 3 years' experience in fitting and welding work a Ability to read TECHNICAL DRAWINGS is essential 2) APPRENTICES a Singaixire citizens a Preferably completed National Semr c interested applicants pleaae apply personally
      586 words
    • 639 21 II EMPLOYMENT GENERAL ELECTRIC USA Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS Candidates must possess National Trade Certificate in Electronic Servicing and have 1 year industrial experience Preference will be given lo male applicants. PLASTICS EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE LEADER Candidates must possess ITC or Craft
      639 words
    • 508 21 Singapore Electronic a Engineering (Pie) Ltd an eipanding company handling all aapecls of engineering including Ihe sales, repair, maintenance and installation of so phiaticated Electrical. Electronic and Mechanical Systems requires Trainee Technicians for its General Engineering Division Mechanical and Ordnance Shop al Sembawang. Candidates must be male Singapore Citizens below
      508 words
    • 764 21 ATYOUR SERVICE I SECTION INDEX Weekdays 830 am -500pm I FOR SAI F Hi SHnPPINfi nilinir Public Holidays 900 am -100pm pmpi nvutMT Saturdays 830 am 300pm EMPLOYMENT (11 00 am for Sun Times, 111 VEHICLES BOATS Trmes'orcTard" "Wrtro/ftrrftoun, IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES Centre M lO5 Lucky Plata (9) V SERVICES
      764 words
    • 623 21 An astabhshad rastaurant raquiras PART/FULLTIME WAITRESSES Call personally during orfica hours 881 SWISS INN RESTAURANT 3s. Podium Block Goldhill Plaza Singapore 11 An established Multi-National Organisation specialising in the field ol Aluminium Architectural and building products haa immediate vacancies for I A) BUILDING PRODUCT FABRICATORS B) FACTORY HAND CUM PEON
      623 words
    • 608 21 II EMPLOYMENT CHARTERFD INDUSTRIES OF SIM, vpori PTE LTD requires II A. MACHINE OPERATORS (male female) and II B PROCESS OPERATORS (male female) Requirements: Primary 6 Education lie GENERAL FACTORY WORKERS (female) Requirements Age above 16. 11 No experience required. Candidates must be pre11 pared to work two rotating II
      608 words
    • 418 21 DRIVERS CUM DELIVERY wanted Musi reWPlSle National Service Contact tel tftltli DRIVER WANTED BY Croresslonal office Apply 816 World Trade Centre Tel *****77 ELECTRICIAN CUM PLUMBER wanted Must possess own mot.>rcy<l« Gross salary **X) pm Call personally after 12 noon 142 Bencoolen Slreel Spore 7 ENGLISH SPEAKING PERSONAL Driver required
      418 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 926 22 II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT t J Keppel Shipyard limited Applications „re> invited from suitably qualified candidates lor the fnllowint: appointment SECURITY ASSISTANTS REQUIREMENTS CltlltOl eir permanent residents above theae/eof 21 I I'hysically lit and over 1.57 m tail S Prepared to wcirk shift elulies 4 Secondary II education or equivalent
      926 words
    • 279 22 LARGE MAUFACTURING FIRM requires Trainee Machinists and Interested applicants as" COME JOIN US IMMEDIATELY TENRYU(S)PTE LTD Precision Engineering Watch Making Industry We unite Singapore ClUariu and Neen-siniia|«ire Citi/.ns including House* i\es aged 16-35 years lo join oar factory. WeOffeJM High starting salary Hay work only 800 am 4.30 pm Confirmation
      279 words
    • 448 22 II EMPLOYMENT PHILIPS MATERIAL HANDLERS (2 vacancies) c Primary 6 and above c Preferably completed exempted from National ServicePtaaaf apply with full particulars including salary ex-•♦we-led and telephone number to The Personnel Officer Philips Singapore Pta Ltd •Machine Factory 259 Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim Singapore 22 STEEL WORKERS a Primary education
      448 words
    • 555 22 MALE/FEMALE CLEANERS re- I quired lor immediate employment Can personally 1-107. Hth floor Shaw Towers. Beach Road. lei *****49 MALE MACHINE OPERATORS urKducalion with some working experience Must be physically fit Preference given to hardworking ex-National Servicemen residing nearby Non-clli-zens can also apply lall personally at 3823. Block 2. Redhill
      555 words
    • 335 22 II EMPLOYMENT OFFICE BOY REOUIRED Minimum Interested call XMBl OFFICE MESSENGER REOUIRED tor ti.inkiiiK shipiunt: agents etc Must have completed N S Those with own motorcycle preferred hut not essential Apply in person to Lep Inlenational. 2115. International Plaza. Anson Road. Spore 2 between 9a m and Ilia ir. Saturday
      335 words
    • 512 22 PHILIPS requires 1. LINE MECHANICS Ouelmcations/eiperience a NTI" tirade 2 or tirade :t or Private Certificate with 2 .<. years related experience in Electronic Servicing Duliea c Repair and servicing ol colour and black and white T\ sets 2. PRODUCTION WORKERS c Completed Secondury 2 or Sec ondary 3 a
      512 words
    • 365 22 II EMPLOYMENT Re«><quir#d Immtxlictetly PART-TIME WAITRESSES/ CASHIERS KITCHEN HELPER Those interested please „|.|,l\ personally to PHOENIX ISLE RESTAURANT LOUNGE CAFE 244 P. Upper Thomson Road. S 1/2 ma.. Spore 20 between 2pm 4 Spm. REOUIREO INEXPERIENCED FEMALE Operators Tain to 3pm $700 3pm to 11pm SHOO Call personally at: Sin
      365 words
    • 180 22 SECURITY GUARDS WANTED must phyntrall) lit witling to perform ihlfl duties re>Mcl and write simple Kniihsh A«e helow Mjmn Call [>erseenall> to V.ah Chang Hec ■iro-iM.itniK Pie ltd '.< Koufth Lokyani Koad spore Zi MMMBH kcflJLcl^cUMpLclijpUllJLgpai«|LflH| BB|til|yyMUUßi|iUlallß|aN BjcVfPffluTfll ■Bc|cri|CJHsUßAiULcacic^^Uttfl ■M|MBUaMctJU|M|ppJß||iU^LJ SIN TIEN SENG PTE LTD Dislrebutort lor Daihalau Vehicles requires
      180 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 581 23 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant I) G*ner*l STORCHANO REQUIRED CALL ltd floor r\le» SYNCOFH. (S) PTE LTD MALE OPERATORS nequiiomantt pie led full time Wee«e* week plsaai can peraonaWy during olfice hours et 13-37 GUL DRIVE JURONG SINGAPORE 22 TEL 2MMO4 2SS from Jurong Interchange TELCOM SINGAPORE PTE LTD Applicants
      581 words
    • 709 23 WANTED IMMEDIATELY: I OFFICE BOYS Requirements c lirtwern IS and 17 years old c Preferably those who have I O Level vimnution SALARY $160 p.m. Interested applicant! please TEL 9100MEXT 115 between OOe.m 12.00 non ond 2 OOp m 5 OOp m to arrange for 1 WANTEO LABOURERS with experience
      709 words
    • 465 23 111 VEHICLES A BOATS HtOUIRED 1 USED steel hull tug ibout 100 h p Please write giving details and price to 701 Shenton House Shenton para i BOATS/ENGINES FOR SALE ONE UNIT BAILING slix'T 5525.000 ONE UNIT 2.V YAMAHA CABIN CRUISER c w TWIN 165 HP MERCRUISER 554.5.000 ONE UNIT
      465 words
    • 811 23 ALFETTA va. 1»7«. Alrcond. radio ite Accident fn Tan *****12 Loan $17,500 Blk 6. 112 Sin Ming Road Spore 20 APRIL -75 MERCEDES Benz 2306 (blue), with aircond. radio cassette, etc Owned by one co. owner Chauffeur driven In first class condition $32,500 negotiable Tel *****65/*****60 AUGUST 73 JAGUAR XJ6
      811 words
    • 825 23 111 VEHICLES BOATS FIAT MIRAFIORI 131S March. 1978. lax-August Aircond. rust-proof, regularly maintained by one owner $24,500 negotiable Contact *****7/*****82 FIAT 12S SPECIAL Nov 197 i Alrcond. beautiful. tax-Oct no PARF $4,900 0.n.0 or exchange for smaller car Tel *****11. Mr John Ang FIAT 12SS. 1*72 with aircond. new tyres.
      825 words
    • 987 23 MOTORCYCLE JULY 1*75 Yamaha RD2OOA $1,450 ono rei Mem OCT. t*72 FIAT 124 Special Alrconditlon Selling $9,500 Tel *****4 OCT. I*7* FIAT 131 aircond. sports rims, price $19,500 ono View 25 Pukat Road PARF CAR 2000 cc for sale 66. Short Street. Spore 7 Tel *****/ *****0 PARF ELIGIBLE 1
      987 words
    • 898 23 HI VEHICLES A BOATS 1*73 HONOA CBtOO. new tank, carburettor, battery, tyres, seat First reasonable offer secures View G-4 Jalan Sultan 1*73 MAZDA Coupe Alrcond. stereo sports rims. Immaculate condition PARF eligible $10,200 ii n ,i View 143. Braddell Road 1*73 MERCEDES 200 Company registered Excellent condition with radio Phone
      898 words
    • 834 23 S BRAND NEW Mlnlllte sport rims and lyres for sale Only for Fiat car use $400 *****9S Contact Steven. J MONTHS OLD Mercedes 200. tip 555.000 Please contact *****4. Mrs. Cheong IS/- SERVICE CHARGE. We sell your car fast at your price 46 Zlon Road. *****9. *****87 7-MONTH OATSUN MOB.
      834 words
    • 1190 23 V SERVICES BUSINEi S IT'S SIAEUTf I ivil Bsssm V as^BT^^M Imported Starlite Caribean all-aluminium Awnings come in an extensive range of decorator styles and colours, and can be custom-tailored to your needs. For free measure and quote, contact: GOH KENG PTE. LTD., Te1: *****9,*****81. FRESH AIRCONOITIONING ENTER PRISE specialise
      1,190 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 853 24 V SERVICES ft BUSINESS 71 Business Opportunities MAKE MO* m more per month wilh little or no capital Write for further information or call personally at Queenbee 153 C Selegte Road. Singapore Telephone 31 M0 ORANGE CONCENTRATE. (-FOLD quality for sale Phone 4*3385/ *****6 during office hours PLEASE TELEX RATE
      853 words
    • 576 24 PACKMO/ REMOVAL/ TRANSPORTATION leave your problems lo us MM, lent reliable Ring ZMMB.23SOMO Malaysia Packing L Agrnc les S I Pie Ltd REMOVALS/TRANSPORT FOR everything Minimum charge S2O Call Conlai Decoration ConI'te ltd *****67 85 Photography KCONOMANO CAMERA* CENTRE we buy. sell and trade-in for used or new Camera High
      576 words
    • 839 24 VI EDUCATION I TRAINING GIRLS! Jobs ire bscomng harde* to get you need befler quiMicakons The tendon Clamber of Commerce and Industry Private Secretary s Certificate s <ecogn.sed issmakonaity as one ot the r»gnes quajrhcatcons obt»naew TfM eumnamn is the only Private Secretarial Eaammation supervised by the Ministry of Education
      839 words
    • 699 24 LOCAL LABOUR LAWS .ommencing 24 4 7» Tuesdays Thursdays i Saturdays conducted by Mr Peter CS Chow For details, contact *****66. Metropolitan YMCA ENGINEERING COURSES c Society of Engineers lOCEO' Levels Entry) CXI Parti levels Entry! c Low Fees Oood lecturer 201 (2nd Fl.) Colombo Court (above CORTINA) M 577******59
      699 words
    • 820 24 VI EDUCATION ft TRAINING TYPEWRITING. BOOKKEEPING ANO Shorthand courses for «chool leavers Day and night classes available All typewriters used are brand new Please enrol at 513. sth fir Kalong Shopp Centre or 821. Sth fir People's Park Centre Tel *****1 (10 lines) Become a Competent an*i wen a Scholarship
      820 words
    • 367 24 -the language School with the class you've been waiting for(ONLY 12 STUDENTS PER GROUP) DAY COURSES (10-WEEK TERM) ENGLISH Beginners' 1 Tues/Thurs/Fri from 3 Nfcy 8.30 10.30 am Beginners' 2 Tues/Thurs from 3 Nfcy 10.45 12.45 pm Intermediate 1 Nfcn/Wed/Fri from 30 April 10.45 12.45 pm FRENCH Beginners' 1 Nfcn/Wed/Fri
      367 words
    • 693 24 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS EUROPE is yours by MOTORGARAVAN One of Europe's most popular holiday concept T*^ Economical n Freedom Flexibility *s^. Convenient i »WHHsf --»*«isß^cy*spasK Call us today and plan a holiday of a lifetime:UlnnM UNIVERSAL TRAVEL CORPORATION PTE LTD KiiUlal B 8» PEOPLE S PARK CENTRE S PORE l
      693 words
    • 342 24 VII TRAVEL ft RESTAURANTS ANGEL HAPPY HOLIDAY TOURS Phiilippines Taiwan i Departure 17 -I 18/7 <■ All Taiwan I Hualien i Sclavs Departure B -t.^4 s.lls .11 Bangkok Patlaya Chelnfmai Departure 7 > 19 ii v Phllhpmes Taiwan H X 14 dayi Departure 7 Si 7 5168.S Bangkok ll X
      342 words
    • 575 24 LABOUR DAY THANK YOU SPECIAL Denting Tour n> Peoples' !>.-lux Air-Con Train *fiM only I. unite I SOOT PEN ('M.s»>«o/tto6 3*4&UOT PEN HDY S3MDEP2I/S .lII4NGKNTING('Ii.sSI3O2S/4 3D .IN CAMKHON lI'OII 549 Si. MM 2D3NOENTINO A c 579/SM tV MANII A HA(.l'l(is«77 03/S* .li 111 HA sliKoK 1619/ Mit i.ii rpi sn
      575 words

    • 23 25 MR. TAN KHIN KWEE Departed 14/4/79 I Sadly missed by loved ones and colleagues of M SCHOOL OF ARTILLERY
      23 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      49 25 \lriisi>r> .1! our brlovpd falher MR TMIAN AM KEE irho had Ml m on April 20 \v~.t. fhrist .lied .11m M JK-ll>l M IT1..1 He CM I- DIM lord both i§iiir »i- live and Mn »e die HUMAN 14V Fondij nmimttud by oil*. rtiildr«n and grandchiMran
      49 words
    • 40 25 In Ev»r Loving Memory ol ALLEN TAN KMOON KEE 20th April. I*7* a v ..i h.i.s Miic-r you left without a singlrword Sweet memories of you will always remain deep in our mi Sadly misMd by wrto. and sons.
      40 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      18 words
    • 26 25 THE FAMLV Of ih<- lav- Mdm (nan Hoon He.m withes to rx-pri-ss trurir drrpest thanks to all friends and relatives for their lences. attendance
      26 words
    • 8 25 m Memonam" i islertha lewadooa* ,ou i mumtm
      8 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 335 25 114 Tours I < m BUSMESS I IK HOMCLEAVE VM f M 1 M t XII- KTS IN ECONOMY STPB It 4 1 03UICBLDG SHENTONWAV *****55. ***** M. 2225M3 PULAU TIOMAN 1 Days/} Sfcfjhtl 1105 liepart 2» 4 Vesjk Uav I*-! Vanda Tours Tal »SS«3/3074( TA2*7 HiIHIIUIJiM Malaysian coachxours Sraghts
      335 words
    • 460 25 r-roußss for the budget conscious traveller. Call us for more details, j TRAVELLAME TOURS LABOUR DAY SPECIAL ?D3N GENTING H'LANO *75 l)ep 20 27 28. 29 4 1c Kvery Kri 203N GT/Caatno Htl 2t/4 SM SO GT/PENANG/CAMERON J155 l)ep ID 2.1. 27 30 4 It Fvery Mon 50 GT/PEN/LANGKAWI-Mon S37S
      460 words
    • 397 25 times friday properties I PENTHOUSE I I WOH HUP I I COMPLEX Built-in area 604 sq m (6.5005q ft) 6 Bedrooms with attached bathrooms, Upstairs fully carpetted. Downstairs Lounge, dining, bar and indoor garden. Private carpark, swimming pool and 24-hour security. Fully Furnished. Selling $490,000/- only No restriction to foreign
      397 words
    • 1158 25 times friday properties HONG LEONG HOLDINGS LTD 23rd floor. Hong Leong Building 16 Raffles Quay Singapore) 1 Tel: *****11 (8 lines) ACCOMMODATION: District 2 Anson Centre 3 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms, terrace, large living cum dining and a servant's room. Unfurnished $1,200 Furnished $1,600 District 9 Grange Heights, Penthouse (only 1
      1,158 words
    • 403 25 DETACHED BUNGALOW. FURNISHED, airconditioned. large garden Clementl Park $2,100: Henry Park $2,400: Pasir Panjang Hill $1,400: Ponggol $1,700: *****3/ *****9 DISTRICT 10. DOUBLE storey house. 4 bedrooms/ study, wall to wall carpeting, split-level living/ dining, fully furnished. 6 airconds. $1,800. Faber Walk. 4 bedrooms, furnished, central airconds. $1,900 Tel: *****6
      403 words
    • 623 25 DIST.9/ 21 LUXURIOUSLY 'urmshed double-storey semi-detached .1 b>clr ns attached bathrooms, servant s separate living/dining >ll'.«i.SH 'I EXCLUSIVE DETACHED BUNGALOW with spac ious iivmn dining area and 4-1 large bedrooms with full amenities in dist 11 Further details, contact Rajah, fa FABER HEIGHTS OIST. 5 c entrally airconditioned double-store semi-detached.
      623 words
    • 815 25 Bellian Securities (S) Pie Lid (Real Estata Division) Tower 2101A. DBS Building Offer on behaK of clients GRANGE GARDEN Ilil[)l.'\ .in.irtrielil emit :i hedroc ins .mcl .1 baUITOOSBI Serv.mi s own amenities individual unit .iiricmd faclltUn include swimmniKrMHil S3.OM HOLLAND HEIOHTS Maiaonetu *fMtrUiienl with .1 bedrooms 2 tMUiroom* and (iuest
      815 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 658 26 times friday properties 51 Accommodation Vacant b) Flats FABER HILLS OIST 5 s« 1111rd $1900 ■ajgaj ml H HILLCREST ARCADIA. DOUBLE STOREY .rnished swimHM.LCRCST ARCADIA DIST. 11 •is with icllltles King Mil BEAUTIFUL PANORAMIC VIEW nk SI lun lurnished Stevens Road vicinity furnishBEHIND HH.TON HOTEL Dlsl enl with 4 bedlitioning.
      658 words
    • 805 26 BACHELOR SEEKING ACCOMMODATION lustnct I p-eferred H B Call tdw.crt Offii k I < pm BANKER/EMBASSY TAFF itives require nts in dlsts I Mental $«WI $4 000 Oood deposit and cotipa--sured Owners kindly BANK S GENERAL MANAGER/ Executives of several Large es require Apartments HOuaei Budget islonn $2 suoi W.StKM
      805 words
    • 720 26 DIST 10. DOUM.E-STORCV NEW bungalow Apprnx 17.000 sq ft 7 rocOM IT ..|mtl> Agency 37.5792 OIST 10 LUXUMOUS BEAUTIFUL huin.iiim .it choice Holland nit) Exclustvelj renovated 27 000 sqft $890,000 Call Holland Housing *****04 DIST 10 MOON KM* Terrace off Holland Knurl 6 miles 2 -storey ■HI! rtllxhwl bungalow Spa-
      720 words
    • 828 26 bedrooms study servant s amenities ***** sq tt $225 000 I- or uewuw contact Victor Chia i Partners *****26 PRACTICAL HOUSING (*****/ *****3) Serangoon Gardens corner single-storey terrace. $***** Daisy Park doublestorey terrace $94,000 SINGLE STOREY TERRACE HOUSE BCaanbrttfC Road S pure 8 Tel MM SPLIT-LEVEL SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE at Nattily
      828 words
    • 693 26 monwmltll Crescent Near to s. li.m>ls market and liaviker centre Price $14,500 ono Ring Poh -*****92 after spm c) Land BEOOK ROAD/ UPPER CHANGI ROAD SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE 33 DIST 11 LAND WITH approve.! plan !or one bungalow lor sale Area approx 11.000 sq ft Price 524 pst
      693 words
    • 662 26 K.-iit Ind ird Hoor aiailable i E*CT) lloor about 2.100 sq It I IMe.ise COntaci Mr I.ou 2MH157 I I) ■.nan Hoad Spore 8 REDHILL INOUSTRIAL ESTATE Approximately 2 7 acres indus- trial land and buildings Price I $:i4 million negotiable Conlacl David Ong ***** 57 Godowns Vacant/ Wanted COVERED
      662 words
    • 643 26 CHI) m .s, nits Road area AppmxmiateU 4 7SO sq ft I. ong Lmh preferred Principals only inn anenis brokers i please reply i to ST Box A***** OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE I. r rent Malayan Bank Chambers Fuller ton Square 123 3 m 2 (1.327 sq ft i Conlacl *****
      643 words
    • 610 26 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES OCEAN BUILDING Ground Floor Showroom 263 m for rent. BUKIT TIMAH PLAZA Good Location Shops for sale. WOH HUP COMPLEX Ground Floor Showroom 85m for rent. ORCHARD TOWERS Good Location Shop 25m selling with tenancy. INTERNATIONAL BUILDING Ground Floor Shop 32m 2 for rent. PEOPLE'S PARK COMPLEX
      610 words
    • 245 26 SHENTON HOUSE No 3. itwnton Way Singapore 1. SHOPS FOR RENT/ SALE Nioesrmiui s2sopst Sale S«l|ii<>|.-t Immediate occupation .iv.iilalile Kor lurther intorin.uion Ptets* contact T»l 2702 MC TANQLIN SHOPPING CENTRE Phase II BMdleml 'ilfue. 687 si) It lor salt Ready hy July 19D0 Call UMH TOURIST SHOP IN I.tli'kv I'l.i/.l
      245 words
    • 224 26 IN TIIK HK.H CM KT OK Til kkim ri.k irmB/imi Sail Ne. -HI oi \m > Brlwrrn K\K BASTSBM BXNK uom rUinlillM I. BKRKSHIKK1MKKS TIONAL I'KI\ ATK MMITKD t IAN KKAMIS mUVHM 3. i.KKII \KII HANS Wllll HN I. DAISY KOH Ui SMI DftrndanLs NOTK K OK \I»\KKTISKMKNT To 1
      224 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1170 27 r KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from experienced manufacturers/ suppliers for the supplyDocument (a): 1000 Units Bearing Springs" Document (b): 100,000 Units "Dorhen Spikes" Tender documents can be obtained at Msso/- for each document during normal working hours from The Stores Suprintendent, Malayan Railway Administration. P.O. Boi
      1,170 words
    • 43 27 BUYERS WANTED Able to supply good quality sawn timber accordingly to your specification. Please write to The Advertiser, P.O. Box 1477, Kuching, Sarawak, East Malaysia. NOTICE The 9th Kuala Lumpur Tourist Guides Graduation Dinner due on April 20, 1979 postponed till further notification.
      43 words
    • 143 27 ANNOUNCEMENT TO JOHOR TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS Telephone subscribers in Johor are hereby notified that their Area and Alphabetical Directory 1979 Issue are now available for collection at the following distribution centres:MAIN DISTRIBUTION CENTRES. 1) Traffice Service Section. Telecoms Department. Jalan Abdullah Ibrahim. Johor Bahru. 2) Telegraph Office. Bangunan Pejabat Pos. Johor
      143 words
    • 173 27 Permohon«n adalah dipatawa danpada Warganagara Malaysia yang berttelayaktn untuk fawatan Darikut1. JAW AT AN a. WIREMAN Mampunyal Sijil LLN Wtreman NIL sen berpengalaman borfcer)a sekurang-kurang 2 tahun. b JURUTEKNIK (Letrlk) Mempunyai S4|H Sekolah Menengah Vokasyenal atau Instttiut Kemahlran MARA dalam jurusan letrlk serta berpengalaman oekena sekurang-kurang 2 tahun. 2 TANOQA
      173 words
    • 599 27 A multi-national company with a division, I engaged in the marketing of animal health I products invites applications from suitably qualified personnel for the position of: I AGRICULTURAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE I Applicants should: I preferably have a university degree in Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry or other related Science subjects have
      599 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 820 28 THERE'S A LOT YOU CAN DO FOR US! AMATEUR PHOTO STORES (PTE) LTD are looking for: Washing Machine Service Technicians with at least 2 years' experience in servicing washing machines. ability to read and write English and converse in Mandarin and other local dialects. ability to deal well with customers.
      820 words
    • 597 28 SALES EXECUTIVE CHEMICALS A leading International Trading House marketing a wide range of industrial chemicals requires a SALES EXECUTIVE to undertake promotion of its products to end-users especially to the plastics and electronics industries. Applicants who should be below 35 years should possess a Polytechnic Diploma/University Degree in a relevant
      597 words
    • 485 28 TKNDKR Tender will be received! for the supply of the follow- 1 i Ing undermentioned Items in the Ministry of Defence' I (Logistics Division). Tanglin. Singapore 10 up to U 00 i a.m. on date shown against the Items: i 1. MANIAL LINKERS MADE OP CAST IRON Tender No: MINDEK
      485 words
    • 426 28 TENDER NOTICE Tenders ore invited for I BUILDING a) Tender No. AMB/T/79/024 Installation and completion of foundation piling to the proposed Telecom* Jurong East Exchange off Jurong Town Hall Road. Eligibility Registered Contractors Class C D 'Non-registered Controctors Deposit S$ 1,000 00 Closing Date 4 May 1979 b) Tender No.
      426 words
    • 189 28 BAILIFF'S SALE In The Subordinate Co rts Of The Republic Of Singapore WritOf Seizure S;iU < > 1827 of 1978 In The Cause of Tan Hun Boon t/a Chop Tan Huan Moh Pla:r nil Versus Miho Cafeteria Pte It l ...Defendant Auction Sale Of Dining tables/chairs v cash register To
      189 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 1306 29 SALES REPRESENTATIVE lir MStnding Industrial Division requires an experienced Sales latrvc to sell an established range ot Storage Equipment HE SUCCfSSfUI APPIICANT SHOU.D HAVE: A proven sales record Initiative be hardworking and mature Contacts m Factories and Spare Parts Stores Good command ot English and at least two spoken Chinese
      1,306 words
    • 106 29 A multi-notionol Compony is seeking o PERSONNEL OFFICER (Training A Personnel Administration) up to $26,000 per annum Applicants must be University graduates having 2 to 3 years' experience in personnel management with exposure m Training and Recruitment The successful candidate will assist the Personnel Manager m administering the personnel functions
      106 words
    • 146 29 An eipanding company requires (A) ASSISTANT MANAGER. 1) Possess recognised degree in Commerce with at least 5 years working experiences in sales marketing, especially in consumer products, able to run the office indepen dently 2) With leadership /supervision quality, energetic and dynamic 3) Singapore citizen 4) Age between 28 —40
      146 words
    • 125 29 f PUBLIC RELATIONS 1 OFFICER is required by a Leading Group of I Companies to head the PR Depart- I ment. The PRO is a senior appoint- I ment and reports directly to the General Manager The PRO will be I responsible for the group's public relation functions and advertisement
      125 words
    • 94 29 An established international company with offices in Australia, UK and America seeks an outgoing and dynamic SALES REPRESENTATIVE Age between 25 35, preferably Chinese Singaporean having General Chemical knowledge particularly in Surfactant Chemistry with proven experience in marketing of Chemicals locally and in S.E. Asia and having good contacts in
      94 words

  • 170 30 AN airport delivery clerk tipped off a transport agent's employee on the whereabouts of a carton of electric calculators to enable him to steal them, a district court heard on Wednesday. Chia Tee Soon, 25, was jailed three months after he pleaded guilty
    170 words
  • 32 30 DR Kevin X T Ng will give a talk on Diamonds and Coloured Stones to the Rotary Club of Singapore East at the Singapore Hilton on Friday at 1 p.m.
    32 words
  • 169 30 How man got boss to sign $13,000 cheque A COMPANY secretary Karruppan Singaram, 50. approached his boss at his busiest moment and had him sign a cheque for $13,000 made out to himself, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. He was jailed five months after he was found guilty of cheating
    169 words
  • 36 30 LIM Soey Bah ot Ciraiit Road was yesterday fined $200 by a magistrate's court for failing to keep his restaurant in Bencoolen Street clean and free from cockroaches on April 4. He pleaded guilty
    36 words
  • 93 30 THE president of the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association (Sana), Mr Baey Lian Peck, will flag off a cycling rally at the Old Runway, Kallang, on, Sunday at 8 a.m. The route of the rally, jointly held by New Nation, Luxor Colour TV and Cathay Pacific Airways, will continue
    93 words
  • 313 30 THE handling of animal feed in bulk may become the trend in Singapore soon in view of the keen competition in the livestock industry and the difficulty in recruiting farm hands. According to the latest issue of the Primary Production Bulletin,
    313 words
  • 32 30 BOON Lay Garden community centre will hold a talk-cu'm-demonstration in Mandarin by Miss Tee Kirn Lah on fruit and vegetable carving at its centre on April 27 at 8 p.m.
    32 words
  • 122 30 W. Germany to help PPD develop Punggol pig centre THE West German Government is providing technical aid to the Primary Production Department to help further develop the Punggol pig centre. The aid began with the arrival of two specialists from W. Germany at the centre early this year. They are
    122 words
  • 81 30 THE family of l*-year-old Mlm Rashlda WnM Yosof (above) are asking her to return home and forget the misunderstanding she had wltk them. Her father, Mr Yusol bin Yassln, 4J, a retired paltce detective, yesterday asked far help In tracing his missing daughter. "Please
    81 words
  • 60 30 A PRIMARY < student of the St. Stephen's School. Urn Bens Host (above). has been missing since Wednesday. HLs hawker lather, Mr Urn Siah Qol, said his dm was last seen at a busstop in Chang! Road after school that day. He appealed for anyone who knows the
    60 words
  • 106 30 APPLICATIONS are now open for an eight-month farm course to be held by the Farm School of the Primary Production Department from May 2. Farm youths and school leavers aged between 15 and 25 with at least Primary 6 schooling and who intend to pursue
    106 words
  • 351 30 Trader'; notice to oppose bank's petition rejected THE High Court on Weypsday rejected a notice gen by a businessman to oppse a bankruptcy potion against him by a bnk which had instituted h»kruptcy proceedings rcl;ug to a debt of more than $4,000. The Industrial and Unmercial Bank Ltd., re"esemed by
    351 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 104 30 For a reliable packaged Air-conditioner of superb quality the name, of course is 0 HITACHI i^^^^^^ HITACHI offers a wide range of efficient I^**^^^^ and economical packaged air conditioners. AIR-COOLED I* II SELF-CONTAINED AIR-COOLED KflMI AIR-COOLED CEILING TYPE SPLIT-TYPE I, OUTDOOR FLOOH-TYPE UNIT Consult Sole Distributor: MM ACMA ENGINEERS IPTE)
      104 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
      259 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 789 31 ISP UNITED OVERSEAS LAND LIMITED NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sixteenth Annual General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Function Room, 2nd Floor, Merlin Plaza, 7500 Beach Road, Singapore 7 on Saturday, 12th May 1979 at 12.00 noon to transact the following businesses:
      789 words
    • 130 31 PHARMACEUTICAL DEPARTMENT TENDER Tenders will be received from registered tenderers at the Pharmaceutical Department. 1 Jalan Bukit Merah. Singapore 3. up to noon, on the dates shown against each tender, for the supply of the following items: i Trndrr (or supply of Hrart Valves for prrted 1.7.7t U M.C.M. Ref:
      130 words
    • 326 31 GOVERNMENT OF THE REPIBUC OF SINGAPORE THE PLANNING ACT (Cap. m, int Ed.) THE MASTER PLAN RILES, IM2 Notice under Rale 12 Notice Is hereby given j that the following proposal j I for Alteration to the Master i Plan was submitted to the Minister for National Development for approval:
      326 words
    • 707 31 Separate tenders are invited for any one or all of the followlng(1) ERECTION AND COMPLETION of 2 blocks of 20-storey 5-room improved flats (Point Blocks. Total 152 units) at Upper Aljunied Estate Contract 4. (2) ERECTION AND COMPLETION of 1 bk>ck of 20-storey 5-room improved flats (Point Block, Total 76
      707 words
    • 724 31 #PWD TENPEK NOTICE Tenders ore invited from PWD Registered Contractors for the followmg:(A) Supply and Fixing of Aluminium Sun-breakers to Police Divisional Headquarters Station ot Jurong. Eligibility: Specialist Items (A I) Aluminium Components or (S7) Sunbreakers, Blinds, Awnings and Chicks $100,000/and above Closing Date. 3.5.79 ot 10 30 am (B)
      724 words
    • 147 31 SIN(, APOKK POLICE FORCE Tender WinTenders will be received by the Commissioner of Police. Singapore, up to 12 noon on 4 May 79 for Ike supply and drll\rrv »f Wicker Shields (Rattan). Tender forms and other particulars may be obtained from Quartermaster. Singapore Police Force. Hemmant Road. Singapore 15. on
      147 words
      621 words
    • 719 31 II SDKK The following tenders are Invited by the Chief Supplies Officer. Central Supplies Department. Slngapore:a) "Table Wooden and Kitchenette Work Table for Ministry of Education Closing date and time: 2.5.79 12 noon b) Chair. Typist and (hair. Arm. Swivel for Central Supplies Department for the period 1.6.79 U) 31.5.80
      719 words

    • 243 32 Top drivers decide to contest Indy NEW YORK, Thurs. Holding a boycott threat in abeyance, leading motor racing drivers reiterated yesterday that they planned to compete in the Indianapolis 500 on May 27, despite newly-imposed restrictions which are not to their liking. "It's the biggest race in the business. It's
      AP  -  243 words
    • 141 32 DRAGON COMMAND, accenting to a New Nation report, will leave far the United Stoles next month to eeatlnae his racing career. A fenr-year-eld New Zeala,.-<4 herse by Reindeer, Ul o' Gilded, Dragon Cvnmand will be the second horse to be sent to the United
      141 words
    • 221 32 WELLINGTON. Thurs. The New Zealand Rugby Football Union are to ask the South African Board to explain why eight New Zealand players, instead of six, played in the world team in South Africa last month, NZFRU council chairman Ces Blazey said here yesterday. In a
      Reuter  -  221 words
    • 221 32 PLYMOUTH (England), Thurs. Jonah Barrington, of Britain beat New Zealander Bruce Brownlee 9-7. 4-9, 6-9, 9-1, M here last night in the final of an international squash series billed as the World challenge Cup The results was against the World rankings of the two players Brownlee Is ranked No.
      221 words
    • 465 32 for the money ana now i m woria champion, I'm going to put helluva value on it." In New York, Larry Holmes, the World Boxing Council's heavyweight champion called on Muhammad Ali to hang up his gloves and vacate his World Boxing Association's
      Agencies  -  465 words
    • 536 32  -  FAIRWAY By F FIVE-YEAR-OLD LOOMS AS A LIVELY OUTSIDER SHANG DYNASTY has loomed as a lively outsider in Race 5 at Penang tomorrow. The Veiled Wonder five-year-old, who has done nothing noteworthy of late, caught the eye in his workout yesterday morning when he reeled
      536 words
    • 950 32 RATF 1 2.30 CLASS 2, DIV 2 1,200m *w\v^ i ($12,500 $8,750 to winner) 1 2137 Ivory Houaes (Goodman Teh 3 56 same) Che* 4 2 3S10 Treble Six g (Treble Six) J Breukelen 5 55 5 (same) P Rumy 9 3 9909 Purple Dettiny II (Agasam) Rodgers
      950 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 682 32 <^£|\ SATO KOGYO CO.. LTD. w^' East Coast Parkway Project invites opplicotions tor the post ot I. JUNIOR ACCOUNTS CLERK 11. TYPIST/GENERAL CLERK GCf O Level with good credits in Engltsh and Mothemotics Possess Adult Education Board Accounts Clerk Course/ Private Secretarial Course or LCC Book Keeping Typewriting Certificates Must
      682 words
    • 722 32 In I hi- m..Her of TMK ((IMI'AMKS ACT. \l' 18.-. and In (he mallrr of I'KM. NAM ft SONS I'Kl- MX LIMITED M KMKKKS' VO I I V i \kv windim; ip) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Creditors of the abovenamed Company which is being wound up voluntarily, are
      722 words
    • 483 32 > Metal Box Malaysia Berhad Applications are invited for the position of: ASSISTANT PERSONNEL OFFICER The successful candidate will be responsible for the implementation of EMPLOYMENT and WELFARE programmes relating to 900 employees in the bargainable category He will report to the Personnel Officer Employment covers recruitment, development, discipline, salary
      483 words
    • 181 32 KENYATAAN TAWARAN PENYELIOIKAN TAPAK Tawaran daripada pembo-rong-pemborong yang berdaftar di J.K.R. dalam Kelas IV Pecahan Kepala 9(a) dan (b) akan diterima di pejabat Ketua Pengarah Kerja Raya, Semenanjung Malaysia. Jalan Tun Ismail. Kuala Lumpur, hingga pukul 12.00 tengahari pada 3hb. Mci 1979 untuk:Toll Highway Project Ipoh North/ South Supplementary Design
      181 words
    • 319 32 BOI'STEAD HOLDINGS BERHAD (Incorporated In Malaysia) LOST SHARE CERTIFICATES Application ha* been made to the Directors by the undermentioned shareholder to issue duplicate certificates in replacement of certificates lost or destroyed In the name of Batuk Hi Suresh Chandran so Kashavlal and Mdm. Shah Mahchha Keshavlal Certificate No. *****1 of
      319 words

    • 249 33 LONDON, Thurs. A goal by £1 million ($4.59 mil) striker Trevor Francis three minutes from time last night saved Nottingham Forest's twoyear unbeaten home run in the First Division of the English football League. Manchester United, finalists in the Football Association Cup, seemed likely
      Reuter  -  249 words
    • 914 33 sloltiriKlvam Foc*st 1 ManchesHT ted 1 ;AM P W D L F A Pt rrpool 34 24 6 4 70 14 54 st Brom 33 20 8 5 64 30 48 34 16 1« 2 51 22 48 man 38 16 16 6 50 36 48 ■nul
      914 words
    • 202 33 LEIPZIG (East Germany), Thurs. East Germany pulled off a surprise 2-1 win over Poland here last night, reviving their chances of going through to next year's European soccer championships. In a fast and exciting start, the Poles were soon setting the pace and eight minutes into
      Reuter  -  202 words
    • 95 33 NEWMARKET. Thurs Lyric Dance was quoted at 8-1 for the 1,000 Guineas fillies' Classic, after she had won the Free Hand. icap over 1.400 metres of the Classic course here yesterday. Ridden by champion jockey Pat Eddery, Lyric Dance won by three-quarters of a length in a
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 194 33 Vong and Hui outplay English rivals KDINBURGH. Thurs. Hongkong won both the men's and women's singles lilies in the Commonwealth table tennis championships here last night to add to the team titles they won last week Vong Lu-Veng and Hui SoHung were much too good for their English rivals, Jimmy
      194 words
    • 86 33 W-Cup finalists from 16-24? BERNE. Thurs. European soccer leaders are ready to agree to increase the number of World Cup finalists in 1982 from 16 to 24 provided Europe's share of final places is raised proportionately. Dr. Artemio Franchi, the Italian president of the European Football Union, said in an
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 369 33 CHINA are expected to win most of the titles in the World table tennis championshp starting in Pyongyang next Wednesday. A total of 59 teams have entered for the men's event though a dispute over South Korea's entry to the North
      Reuter; AP  -  369 words
    • 302 33 GENEVA. Thurs. South Korea's 10-member national table tennis team arrived here by air yesterday from Seoul, hoping to obtain North Korean visas that »nuld allow them to leave an Saturday for the 35th world championships opening in Pyongyang next spokesman for the five men and
      Reuter  -  302 words
    • 137 33 ARSENAL left-back Sammy Nelson, found guilty of "conduct likely to bring the game into disrepute", was yesterday fined ♦■75i ($3,443) and suspended for two matches by a Football Association disciplinary commission. The punishment means that Nelson, a Northern Irish international, will be LONDON, Thurs available for the
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 211 33 BULGARIA BREAK DEADLOCK SOFIA, Thurs. A crowd of 18,000 in Burgas near here yesterday saw Bulgaria beat Czechoslovakia 1-0 in an Olympic Games qualifying round match. Gotchev broke the deadlock in the 51st minute. Other results: In Pitesti, Rumania bt Hungary 2-0; In Athens. Greece bt Italy 1-0. Results of
      Reuter; AFP  -  211 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 142 33 LAND FOR SALE Excellent Potential for Condominium Development Within minutes of Changi International Airport I Extensive Main Road Frontages /A J Direct Expressway to Town I /dj? SOLE SELLING AGENT \v \\^7 JOHN M CARTER, N\ /A\ F.R.I.C.S. J^\ Chartered Surveyor \V 11 9 Devonshire Road J f Singapore 9.
      142 words

    • 561 34  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By SINGAPORE'S foremost hammerthrower, Sankaran Gawade, Southeast Asian Games gold medallist, was "ignored "again when he bettered his 1977 SEA Games performance with a throw of 43.86 metres at the third Singapore Amateur Athletics Association's All-Comers meet last Sunday. Gawade was
      561 words
    • 337 34  -  ERNEST FRIDA By SIAK OIK CUM, Malaysia's Asian Games women 400 metres champion, may take part in the l»tto Open relay athletic championships at the National Stadium on Sunday week Her club. Penang Sports Club, have entered teams for only the women's events
      337 words
    • 266 34  -  KEN JALLEH Jr By JAPAN'S leading featherweight, Chiomi Shiina, 21, arrived here last night for a coaching stint with the Singapore Amateur Weightlifting Federation. Shiina's trip is sponsored by the All-Japan Weightlifting Federation, the Tokyo Weightlifting Association and the Nihon University Weightliftit g Club. The
      266 words
    • 362 34  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By IT was only last year that he made his first big impression, both at home and internationally. He won the national badminton title, and then almost made it to the semifinals of the world championships in Bangkok. And now, he is
      362 words
    • 71 34 LONDON, Thurs Israel yesterday soo'cd their first victory In the World Cap cricket competition, which begins In Kngland next month, when they were awarded their Jnnc 4 match against Sri Ijuika by default. The organisers announced the default yesterday after Sri Lank* Foreign Affairs Minister Sahnl Hameed
      71 words
    • 334 34 THE Singapore Squash Rackets Association will celebrate the Republic's victory in last weekend's East Asia squash championship in Bangkok with either a lunch or dinner this Sunday and discuss a possible reward for the squad, reports PATRICK BASTIANS SSRA officials are also expected to discuss
      334 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 171 34 sansui I I m^M RMS-200 L__^^^i^Bßßi G-3500 $171 x 12 months J^ H $143 x 12 months i^^^ l^ or $1840 cash. fPiK or $1590 cash. I MB) __^^^MBIIBHHBaBa Tuner TU-217 Turntable SR-P1? H m\ TurntabK! SR-222MK11 I*^^^ Casse^DecK Ie 1 1 1 0 Wkm^ Cassette De«* SCI IOO Speaker
      171 words

    • 469 35  -  JOE DORAI Strikers muff easy chances as Singapore make their way into the Cup semi-finals By SINGAPORE qualified for the semi-finals of the Malaysia Cup soccer competition at the National Stadium last night when they beat Perlis 2-1 a margin that hardly reflected the run of
      HAIRIS  -  469 words
    • 260 35  - Why the goals didn't come... DEREK WILD COMMENT by "A MATCH that had everything That was national coach Trevor Hartley's summing up of Singapore's incredible 2-1 Malaysia Cup victory over Perlis at the National Stadium last night. Incredible? Explained Hartley: "We could have won 10-0 or we might, in the
      260 words
    • 137 35 REFEREE: Othman Omar (Malacca) 5 Entertainment value of match: 6 Sin ore Perlis RESULT Samad Alapitchay (1st) Fandi Ahmad (57th) Bakri Ibni (65th) :orer/s (with goal-times) (hots on target hots off target orner-kick* ree-kicks 13 (none) 31 (offsides 20) Teams, with performance marks out of tan. Each side's star
      137 words
    • 76 35 BUKIT HO SWEE and Anglo- day, thus completing their threeChinese secondary boys have match second-round fixtures uncuauned for the semi-fina* <* the w£ schools national badminton st p,^,^ 3-2 are out of championships, scheduled at the the running. Singapore Badminton Hall on Bukit Ho Swee will now meet
      76 words
    • 126 35 Singapore Selangor > ahang <elanlan :> enang iabah Cedah r'ganu "•erak forces rohore Sarawak Malacca 14 11 2 1 36 7 24 12 8 3 1 24 7 19 13 8 2 3 28 13 18 12 7 3 2 25 9 17 13 7 3 3 23 11
      126 words
    • 33 35 Latif f wins LATIFF RAHMAN, of Hwi Yoh School, won the Coca Cola soccer skills under-14 competition at the National Stadium last night. The runner-up was Mohammed Azmaniz Kairuman of West Lake School.
      33 words
    • 183 35 WONG SHOON KEAT, the national champion representing Lotto-John Newcombe was fully stretched 7-15, 15-7, 15-11 by co-national trainee Lim Teck Heng of Armed Forces in the senior men's inter-club badminton semi-finals at the Singapore Badminton Hall last night, reports BERNARD PEREIRA. VC also scored an upset
      183 words
    • 423 35  - Trip to New Delhi is the top prize By A RETURN air ticket to New Delhi is the top prize in the Warren Open golf championship starting tomorrow Frankie Ho, the club manager, said: "Prizes worth several thousands of dollars will go to the winners. They include three return air
      423 words
    • 304 35 INA, Japan, Thurs. I Veteran Japanese golfer Fujio Kobayashi today shot a four-under par 68 in a chilly drizzle to take a onestroke lead after the first round of the $100,000 (*****,i 000) International Open golf j tournament here. The 34-year-old Kobayashi j was among the last
      Reuter; AFP  -  304 words
    • 142 35 WHAT do Patrick Bastians, Joe Dorai, Ernest Frida, Ken Jalleh Jr. and Wilfred Yeo have in common? They all write nauseating sports articles! Let me Justify my stand with a few examples. Bastians said "Singapore came, saw and whipped all in sight" at the East Asia squash championship.
      142 words
    • 229 35 gin 5-1 victory over Perak, I knew someone in the sports section would open his big mouth and give his own unsought opinion of the match. I am referring to Dorai's resounding judgment to "Devalue Dollah." I can understand how Dollah Kassim must have felt
      229 words
    • 211 35 Four Cup men get places in Jitta's team POUR Singapore Malaysia Cup squad members goalkeeper David Lee, defender I T. Padmanathan and strikers Rahim Hussein and 1 Abdul Halim have been released to the intermediate team for the Asian Cup soccer tournament in Bangkok from May 1-15, reports JOE DORAI
      211 words
    • 51 35 RAFFLES INSTITUTION and Temasek Junior College have qualified to meet in the final of the schools' national poet secondary tennis tournament, scheduled for next Friday at the Singapore Tennis Centre. RI devoured Catholic Junior College 4-1, while TJC beat National Junior College 3-2 at Far rer Park
      51 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 138 35 3^1979 "J MALAYSIA I SOCCER 0 The Fanfare Show I 'LIVE' I With Reginald Saturday' 21 April 6.30pm 9pm REDIFFUSION AUDITORIUM live' in concert Halil Chic with the group Downtown (currently performing at Tilted Tankard, National Stadium) Othman Hamzah (courtesy of WEA) A special listener quiz for the home listeners.
      138 words
    • 200 35 See the latest U.S. technology in electronics at EPOT'79 24— 27 April 1979 12 noon 6 pm daily U.S. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING CENTER Malayan Credit House, an exhibition of 28 leading U.S. companies displaying a broad array of sophisticated electronics production equipment, test instruments, machinery and special materials. Many seeking regional
      200 words
  • Page 35 Miscellaneous
    • 65 35 ATHLETICS St. Joseph's Institution meet (National Stadium 1.30). BADMINTON Men's senior inter-club knock-out tournament finaKSBA hall. 7.30), National schools' secondary girls' tourney: JSS v HYC, BVS v CGS. SGS v MVS (St. Margaret, 2). RUGBY National schools' tournament: SAS v SAF, JTW v SSS (SAS), NTS v WSS. ACS v
      65 words

  • 85 36 CABLE (Wiscomin), Thurs. A i small plane crashed in woods near the Cable Airport and exploded in flames last night, killing six people, including the President at the Washburn State Bank and four other bank officials. The victims were identified as Mr Al Pool. President of
    UPI  -  85 words
  • 90 36 BREZHNEV VOTES FOR HIMSELF MR LEONID BreshMv (bottom, right) Jolnln* la tke unanimous show of hands to re-elect him to tke Up Soviet post of President la Moscow on Wednesday. The 72-ye»r-old Soviet leader beaded a slate of proposed members to tke Presidium or Executive of tke Supreme Soviet that
    AP  -  90 words
  • 69 36 OSAKA, Thurs. Madam Deng Yingchao (Teng Ying-chao), Vice Chairman of China's National People's Congress, and her party left here for Beijing (Peking) today at the end of a 10-day official visit to Japan. Madam Deng, widow of late Premier Zhou Enlai (Cbou Enlai). led a 24-member
    AFP  -  69 words
  • 195 36 No room. so visitors sleep on streets HONGKONG, Thurs. Many tourists and businessmen slept on the streets and others had to go without food for the whole day in Guangzhou (Canton) during the Easter holidays, a Hongkong communist newspaper reported today. The Chinese-language Ta Kung Pao said more than 100,000
    AP  -  195 words
  • 67 36 TOKYO, Thurs. President Leopold Senghor of Senegal said today that his country welcomed the conclusion last Otober of a peace and friendship treaty between Japan and China, Japanese government sources said. President Senghor expressed this view during his second round of talks with Prime Minister Ma sayoshi Ohira
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 33 36 MANILA, Thurs Twenty-three Filipino policemen in a central Philippine city have been arrested on charges they killed a constabulary sergeant and two informants in 1977, military authorities announced today. AFP.
    AFP  -  33 words
  • 36 36 WASHINGTON. Thurs. The US Treasury announced today it would halve the amount of gold on sale at its monthly auctions to 750,000 ounces from next month because the dollar was stronger.
    36 words
  • 269 36 Return to Kampuchea campaign BANGKOK, Thursday THE Phnom Penh government has launched a back-to-Kampuchea campaign in Kampuchean refugee camps in Thailand and France, a refugee source revealed today. The revelation came at the same time as a Thai Supreme Command announcement that a Kampuchean plane overflew the Thai border province
    AFP  -  269 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 88 36 ,j anNWig CO4V r\ O ightest in the world Weighs only 6 r-i kilos (1 3lbs) The Freearm Compact r v I Elna Lotus sev/mg machine needs no carrying case Just fold or unfold to go anywhere or to sew Complete with handy built-in accessories for easy sewing Available in
      88 words
    • 478 36 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Daily Cover Price Mr Annuol Subscription SISS For *üb«ript.on. call *****1 Ext 231 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. THE LONG talked about takeover of Setron has finally come to fruition. Yesterday, trading in the shares of Haw Par and Setron were suspended on the Stock Exchange of Singapore at
      478 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 3 1 The Straits Times
      3 words
    • Bilingual page
      • 80 1 £i&fl3>3g I /I■ MAI S*\ buy This ideograph is made up of a net: cm (modified from 09 and shells: f| (moneycowrie), g means to buy, i.e., net in (t»)( t» goods, paying the price in cowries §3 This is often done with bargain offers. The
        80 words
      • 353 1 From ZUO ZHUAN DURING the Spring-Au-tumn period in China, -the people of Zheng state frequently criticized the policies of Zi Chan's administration when they rested at the district school. Ran Ming said to Zi Chan: "Would it be alright to demolish the district
        353 words
      • 43 1 Tian yu bu qu, Jiang shou qi'yang If one does not accept what Heaven gives he will be blamed for it. Jun zi bu yuan tian bu you r£n. A superior man does not repine at heaven, nor resentful to men.
        43 words
      • 398 1  -  CHINESE medicine shop assistant, Mr Tan Cheng Cheok, 34, has a job which is more than just doing the selling at the shop's counter. Mr Tan of the Ban Siew Foh Medical Hall in Toa Payoh has to help other assistants in the
        398 words
      • 19 1 £i A?§5 MS £41 /Lr I do not know how a man without truthfulness can get on. Confucius
        19 words
      • 31 1 -y^ mai moimai trade moizhu buyer For example, you may say, Ta shi zhe Hang xTn che de mSizhß. meaning, "He is the buyer of this new car."
        31 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 212 1 Shell paint Elastic protective coating for gates, grilles, fences. Elastic COClting bCfldS Without Cracking. interior of drinking water containers. On wood, masonry c and concrete surfaces. Shell paint forms a seal that keeps Shell paint is an all-weather proof bituminous paint for w w domestic use. The special quality of
        212 words
      • 226 1 J^> t^H JSSk ■'MIR hs |p| W** North Bridge Road ~~Ja\an Sultan Cosy city apartments and selfcontained offices for sale at $73,000 and $103,000 per onit opwards respectively. Come, make it with Textile Centre. Texitle Centre in Jalan Sultan offers you all the surrounding comfort and conveniences: shops, banks, coffee
        226 words
      • 331 2 Eccentricity shows in the works of Kee Sek A LITTLE bit of artist Tan Kee Sek's eccentricity appears in every Chinese brush painting he does. He can be found as the flower that bends in a direction away from the others or as the little bird which sits in an
        331 words
      • 241 2 It's back to toys of the good old days PLAYTHINGS reminiscent of an age when buying them off a shop-shelf was rarely done will be on display at an exhibition starting tomorrow at the Young People's Gallery. Sixty toys from West Germany, all with an accent on simplicity, and mostly
        241 words
      • 102 2 Her pot of gold never came THE Big Sweep, the Mandarin drama tonight in The Spice «f Ufe has a lesson for those who dream of striking gold by buying lottery tickets. It goes like this. Siow Lan is a Toto booth salesgirl. One day, she sold a Big Sweep
        102 words
      • 422 2  -  DANA LAM By PYGMALION: Minus the music and fanfare of the musical version, it's quite a drag. Especially when it stretches two-and- three-quarter hours, including intervals. But that is not to say the play is no good. George Bernard Shaw's Henry
        422 words
      • 66 2 MUSICAL Showcase on Channel 8 tonight at 7.55 promises more variety besides the usual song-fare. Singers appearing on the show are Taiwanese actress Tang Pao Yuen, Yu Fang Fang, Ervinna and Terry Low. Dancers Sylvia McCully and Chong Hoon Sing will perform, while there is a magic
        66 words
      • 343 2  - Award-winning drama serial to make debut on May 8 GERALDINE TANG By HARD TIMES, the TV dramatisation based on the same novel by author Charles Dickens, will be shown as a four-part serial here from May 8. It will take the Tuesday slat on Channel S at 8.3a p.m. when
        343 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 408 2 P^](vVLW) D° n 9 /ve a 9& rm IS WAIkJUoLJ a pi ace to hide. I driving you m 1 i up a wa/f? SANITILE the Original, Most Widely Used HIPAC J Tile-Like Coating Can Solve Your Problem. I SANITILE COATING CREATS GLEAMING CERAMIC LIKE WALLS CHEAPER THAN TILES j
        408 words
      • 195 2 For just *****9 V°" c« n explore BOMBAY JAIPUR DELHI SRINAGAR (KASHMIR) AGRA (TAJ MAHAL) KHAJURAHO VARANASI KATHMANDU Included in the tojr price First Class Delux hotels Houseboat (Kashmir) such as Hotel Taj Mahal All Meals Chinese Western cuisines Experienced tour guides throughout the trip Economy class air fare Sightseeing
        195 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 955 2 TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening and Housewives' Mati- 8-30 The Inventors The Smalest nee The Lovers (Mandarin fea- oom ture film, repeat) 8.55 Dad's Army Number Engaged 4.35 Intermission 9.30 News (Enffsh) 6.00 Opening and Andy Griffith Show 9.45 Cultural Diary (Enfish) The Horse Trader 9.50 World
        955 words
    • 629 3  - Brezhnev's successor: Who will it be? DAVID WILLIS By in Moscow SOVIET LEADER Leonid Brezhnev's sudden illness holds implications for both short- and long-term US-Soviet ties and opens up the entire issue of what kind of leaders might follow him in the Kremlin should he have to leave office. The
      629 words
    • 731 3  - To spank or not to spank... that is the question WILLIAM SCOBIE Man pays $2,200 in damages for 10 whacks on his son By in Los Angeles A 17-YEAR-OLD Houston schoolboy recently sued his father over a spanking administered in class and won US$l,OOO (552,200) in damages. The 10 "pops"
      731 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 112 3 fc m »>^*<**«jß Even if it's only a flying visit Copenhagen is a wonderful gateway to Scandinavia and Europe. And four times a week SAS gives you a flying start fMr Copenhagen. I^^^^^ A convenient stopover Gateway to Scandinavia, all of Europe wENHAGEif" t HO^^W and beyond Get there on
        112 words
      • 337 3 rjBL STUDIO" MONITORS 9 JBL Studio Monitors reflect the very latest developments in acoustic H^H engineering. They provide the accuracy, reliability and versatility re- I quired in professional installations with substantial extra capacity M|] available to deal with the unexpected. Because all artistic judgements of recordings are made subjectively through
        337 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 193 4 vf^ X |W I L^ Ba ™A M w f•^ t By "n 1 r '111 111 I I /I 111 opening g^ll^ll^ cfMitsukgslyGm Garden Welcome to a world of swim-sunning C^d. /wn arcd shopping pleasure! j,*-* 3^. &1112f£lpOfC The MITSUKOSHI GARDEN opens today. U Join ffie action-packed water games
        193 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 136 5 .^BBI Br *L '^^■Bb' B^^'V Bl.' t I" l#^* '&^£*2i£ It? M IT*? b/C V. J W^^KL Br P"^ j^}j bIA Vi bT JrZ?\mm> tJr o^** xJ/L WlmA I>T Ivi "^i 111 1 HT'^'H K^^r *T hSt k4P bi ilfiU a m| is I II I P-^lU^ II J .Hi
        136 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 265 6 CAPITOL 14th DAY ■Phone (*****9) 1 lorn, 1 30, 4 00, 6 30 9 15pm" a CUNTCASTWOOO m WILL TURN YOU X 4 IVItY^ICMWAY_ IT Bur Loose JW Somoaa Lock i I ..«Becs aj O LIDO-NOW SHOWING! I (Phong *****4) Horn, 1 30, 4, 645 915 a The story of
        265 words
      • 596 6 3 DAYS ADVANCE CASH SALES NOW OPEN for Circle Back Stalls SEASON from THURSDAY 26th April SIMULTANEOUSLY AT 2 THEATRES *****4 LIE) W OC RE Jv ***** E JA BOTH THEATRES 4 SHOWS DAILY: 11am 2.30 6& 9 pm L ADMISSION Circle $4. Stalls $3 &$2- No Free List I
        596 words
      • 287 6 CATHAY: 9th TERRIFYING DAY! 5 SHOWS DAILY: 11AM, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9.15PM I V. si V| T I BBBr^ .JBBBBBiaBBT^ I fr> ROCK MIA ;2J* jk bbbbT .A sbbbb Ulincnpu rmivmj AVsm.l_ J^- f^J^^I if I [j PSrv iHlfl nUUoUIi rAKWJW w> »^»il« g»m*>i BjMr FOBTTJ I ODEON: 9th
        287 words
      • 235 6 2 i sis bbbbbbbbl W m is Z CD B *^B I 8 CO lo RESULTS DRAW No: 30/79 5 OUT OF 49 28 35 11 16 25 I ADD. No I 9 3 CIRCLES 35 6 1 i IUUJJ^I 7O7 O 7 V sB6°7 A 6 LAST THREE SHOWS
        235 words
      • 498 6 OKCANISATIQW' a ■.iII.'WWIHII* S NOW SHOWSMC.N<i frrr I si I I am. I 4S. 4 00. 6 4 "•psrrhMlßaiaf-'PART BAY W I I ,im. I 45. *****5 9 I b a a* "FULL MOON SCIMITAR MANOARiMKnScop* Color S OPfNS TOMORROW M "•parrlMaa Boiaf PART 2 MANOARIN Stopr bsbbCsb^ESßl^^^sl B NOW
        498 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 296 7 X An unusual L m Anniversary m >^ Little juicy I steamed buns > >^^' aw (a basket for each table) |B^^>- e<V Spectacular Food at Reasonable Prices Superior Shark's Fin with Abalone Scallop Soup $145/Supenor Shark's Fin with Chicken Soup $95/Barbecued Suckling Pig $70/Braised Whole Turtle in Sweetish Brown
        296 words
      • 274 7 Happermgs I soon j I^vin c Diainond(S) c PteFUd. Mezzamne Floor, Shangri-La Hotel. Tet- 23)2893 *****02 *> Usual Now TEXTUS Th«T«nooS* 90cm J 490 J PlonCr«p«d«Chir>.llscm 490 EmbroKief ed Cotton* 1 20 cm to 1 40 cm Jfi. 10 Room Vol. 1 15 cm 18 50 !i*° French Locn 1
        274 words
      • 349 7 m JUa^BM bVuHBSHbVI I Extension to I.ooam I £3afJjHJM|^p BB a B fl H on Saturday and eve oil i^bVLp«p|mL public ho||da y s JOHNNY THE LEO BROTHERS a a IP '''^H t^J I I .al Welcome to Queen Bee Lounge and enjoy a cool, comfortable atmosphere with the sensational
        349 words
      • 28 7 FINE FARE AND FASHIONS Friday 8.00 pm to 1 .00 am at Merlin Coffee House Li V^BaVß^^mLa^at^K kt Wf^ m V^Ll^^UaH^^3ll^ 4 En r i k^ i- bub^b^b3
        28 words
    • Woman plus
      • 1102 8  -  SHEILA CHEONG THE READY answer y»u are likely to get from working couples who are hesitant about starting a family these days is "Bat who will look after oar child?" As the problem of domestic help becomes more acute, more and
        1,102 words
      • 238 8 Centres provide three types of services THE NTUC and SILO provide three types of services at their child care centres situated at Kallang Bahru, Toa Payoh, Bukit Ho Swee, Jurong, Park Road, Home Road and Lee Kuo Chuan. A creche department for children aged four months and above. After-school care
        238 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 133 8 I Sinbor presents I The irfis Kitchen hLbblm2Li2_ Nf.* on E L^/l^A^W--" "^^^^^k Mk V a tl kw^ v^ I^. n^v a I _J «cA V V"^^r\J^>^^ SI *^»»w VM I A** rfV Tfc m I With the Combination Tile Concept to give that spacious look soieAgen. »jg SINBOR COMPANY
        133 words
      • 92 8 itffftr Kj: Every S 300/- purchased j:9 Kj: will be entitled to a -jfl VJ I M lil' Lucky Draw at the time :M Ik I of purchase. :ja Sophia Road, Singapore 7 y^ -ceo e^ 1 /ftf^^o** 11 aii i in Nm# X i^**** m w "i BL No.
        92 words