The Straits Times, 19 April 1979

Total Pages: 34
1 6 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, APRIL IS, IS7S 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 142/1/79
    14 words
  • 897 1 Start of first round of talks HANOI, Wednesday VIETNAM, opening the first round of talks with China on their border dispute, today called for a demilitarised zone on their tension-wracked frontier and the speedy exchange of prisoners of war. The Vietnamese proposals were made by Vice-Foreign
    Agencies  -  897 words
  • 227 1 Russia accepts Chinese offer of talks MOSCOW, Wednesday THE Soviet Union today tentatively accepted a Chinese offer of talks between the two countries. The official news agency Tass reported that Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko had presented a note to Chinese Ambassador Wang You-ping offering to "discuss the question of the
    Reuter; AFP  -  227 words
  • 28 1 MANU.A lyphoon Cecil today headed northwest toward southern Japan leaving behind al least 12 dead and 55 missing in the central Philippines Ri-u ■r.
    28 words
  • 218 1 Artillery and gunships join in jungle sweep BANGKOK, Wed. Government military units are trying to take control of a large communist insurgent stronghold in southern Thailand, while insurgents there have been stepping up their activities, a military spokesman said today. The spokesman said artillery and helicopter gunships were sent to
    AP  -  218 words
  • 135 1 IT WAS complacency that landed these motorist* In this long traffic Jam In Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim yesterday. The Ministry at Environment had earlier warned motorists to avoid this road die to the closure af two traffic lanes far repairs to an Industrial water main. A ministry
    lIAIKIS  -  135 words
  • 203 1 BREZHNEV RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT MOSCOW, Wed. Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev was today re-elected President unanimously for the first time since he took over the post after the dismissal of Mr Nikolai Podgomy nearly two years ago. The 72-year-old Soviet leader, sitting on the stage with other politburo members at a Kremlin
    AP  -  203 words
  • 164 1 HONGKONG, Wed. The Hongkong dollar went up and down like a yo-yo on the foreign exchange market here today, prompting local banks to announce a sharp rise in interest rates. After a bewildering day's trading that saw the local currency plummet and rocket
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 44 1 TURIN. Wed Mr Marco Gatta. 22. the grandson of the founder of Turins Lancia Automaker, kidnapped three months ago, was released by his captors early today after his family paid a 700 million lire (SSI.B million) ransom, police reported. AP.
    AP  -  44 words
  • 41 1 WATERBURY (Connecticut), Wed. Police arrested two men and their wives yesterday for the ambush slayings of three security guards and recovered most of the nearly US$l9 million (SM million) in cash, cancelled checks and jewelry stolen on Monday. on.
    41 words
  • 399 1 KL govt frees 4 union officials KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE Malaysian Government today released four of the 13 detained officials of the Airlines Employees Union which has already been deregistered. The Home Minister, Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie, who announced the release at a press conference here this afternoon, said that
    AFP  -  399 words
  • 77 1 BANKING AND FINANCE BUSINESS Times' annual banking and finance supplement is published with today's edition of the paper. Featuring an extended interview with the managing director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Mr Wong Pakshong, the 24-page supplement carries articles from more than 20 experts, all writing on their particular
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  • 56 1 HARRISBURG. Wed Radioactive bursts of iodine have been escaping from the Three Mile Island nuclear plant near Harrisburg since Saturday, a US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) spokesman said yesterday Mr Harold Denton. the chief NRC official here, said three samples taken on Monday showed iodine levels which
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  • 64 1 JAKARTA, Wed. Indonesia is expected to be producing 35.000 tonnes of tin annually by the end of the year, according to a US embassy report made available today. If that level is reached, Indonesia would vault to second place among the world's largest tin producers from fourth
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 77 1 Marvin to pay $228,800 LOS ANGELES Wed Lee M vin was today lo pay US$lO4,OOO (5J228.H00) to Michelle Marvin. the lormer supperrlub singer the actor lived with (or six years outside matrimony. Superior court judj?e Arthur Marshall upheld Miss Marvin's breach or contract suit against the Oscar-winning actor but limited
    77 words
  • 63 1 HUNT FOR AMIN TKI. AVIV, Wed. MllllMiairr Israeli Mrmhrr at Parliament Samuel Klatto-Nharon said today he had hired 12 detectives In variant! parts af the world to hunt far deposed I Kandan dletatar Idl Amis. Saying that the hunt started II days ago, he added that he had pramlHed the
    63 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 103 1 Now, Bifocal lenses with no lines! So. you look younger and see better at all distance between tar and near No abrupt changes No line to peek over p*wo<)'»v jnoCrow lensn»t DAH SIN OPTICAL COContact l*n» Pvactii>on«< CmEN YIN FOOK OOpiomlWA (Mimfcn c) SMgapera Contact Lim Society) G46 HIGH STREET
      103 words
    • 198 1 CLASSROOM WHERE PARENTS JOIN IN Page 10 AMIN men on killing rampage t NON-RELIGIOUS opposition under Sanjabl 3 KUKRIT picks up steam for hustings 4 YAMANI to be ousted soon: Report 5 CI'RBS on street lighting now relaxed S CHRISTINE planned divorce few days before her death, her best Mend
      198 words
    • 20 1 Sfe* CSC-640 SWSWS ObUmtbkt Al AH DHk'S I W[ EKPOTW"* sup*rmw*«> S&blj k ELECTRONICS PTE LTD^ BF »Nm«IW Mtttysta Bruntl
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 376 2 say refugees arriving in Kenya TROOPS loyal to former dictator Idi Amin have started systematically killing hundreds of civilians and suspected supporters of the new government in eastern Uganda, refugees fleeing into neighbouring Kenya said today. "They're killing everyone in sight," a woman refugee said
      UPI  -  376 words
    • 151 2 Lusaka house fired at prior to curfew LUSAKA, Wed. An unidentified group opened up with machine guns last night on a Lusaka house occupied by Rhodesian nationalists, police said today. Working on a tip-off, they arrested today an expatriate believed to be a South African national for questioning in connection
      AFP  -  151 words
    • 102 2 Police bid to identify extort man's voice PERTH, Wed. Radio stations today broadcast the taped voice of an extortionist whose bomb attack on a crowded Perth department store two weeks ago injured eight people. Police gave radio stations a tape recording of the extortionist's demand for A5150,000 (5J364.500) in the
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 262 2 Thorpe tells voters: I'm innocent LONDON, Wed. Mr Jere- my Thorpe, former leader Of Britain's Liberal Party j who is awaiting trial on charges of conspiracy to murder a homosexual male model, has launched his general election campaign by telling voters: i "I'm innocent." Mr Thorpe, 49, the most controversial
      AP  -  262 words
    • 41 2 YESTERDAY'S birthday picture of Miss Dorothy Usher who celebraU-d It yrars »f her life with her transplanted heart at a party given by friends and members of the staff of Grootf Srhuur Hospital in (ape Town. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  41 words
    • 174 2 Graft will stay, says Yard chief LONDON, Wed. Corruption will always exist in Tx>ndon's police force, Scotland Yard Commissioner Sir David McNee said yesterday. Sir David has suspended from duty 66 of his officers who are being investigated by other policemen on wideranging corruption charges. Marking his two years at
      AP  -  174 words
    • 30 2 RAWALPINDI. Wed The eight-month old civilian cabinet will be dissolved this Saturday following the withdrawal of support by the Pakistani National Alliance (PNA), it was announced yesterday. AFP.
      AFP  -  30 words
    • 348 2 Muzorewa set for victory in first free elections SALISBURY, Wednesday BISHOP Abel Muzorewa surged towards a decisive victory in Rhodesia's first free black elections today and confidently demanded recognition from a reluctant West. "I hope sanity is going to prevail," said the tiny cleric, a man of retiring dignity but
      Reuter; UPI  -  348 words
    • 137 2 Words can't settle their feud 50 i SYDNEY, Wed. Two middle-aged aldermen on the outer Sydney suburban council of Liverpool plan to settle their political differences in the boxing ring. Labour alderman Casey Conway, 44, and Liberal colleague Bill Sadler, 51, for weeks have exchanged verbal blows during council meetings
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 88 2 SEOUL, Wed. The plight of a 9-year-old girl who has been kid- j napped the second time in seven I months moved President Park Chung-Hee to make a personal appeal to the kidnapper with a special offer of leniency to have her returned to the parents.
      AP  -  88 words
    • 45 2 CAM (Colombia), Wed. A guerilla band led by a woman disguised as a nun seized the newspaper El Caleno before dawn today and printed 10,000 copies filled with ami-govern ment proclamations, the head of Colombia's Security Department Rafael Poveda Alfonso said. I AP.
      AP  -  45 words
    • 246 2 MOSCOW, Wed. Romantic love is the only Justification tor physical intimacy aad marriage, a Soviet newspaper said today, bat Russian couples drawn together by Cupid are Just as likely to get divorced. Saying research had showed that np to N per cent
      246 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 381 2 8 tale oi -asc W^ IP H jK Vl? w SHuatcd at Orchard Road/Kock Road. (net to the Cotd Storage) the core of most promtiing tourist, W entertainment and shopping actMtte*. Shop from $76,200 upwards "k j^^^yk Office from $72,400 upwards W _^n«)jL -^nf^l^^^nt^^^^-^ll^^^^^.^nfMß^^^^ntf^^^^^ g '>, A^"»^ kl 4 *J
      381 words
    • 231 2 €iNORE EUROPE offers the widest choice of tours covering all major cities in the UNITED KINGDOM EUROPE BRITISH IRISH DURATION TOUR PRICE HOLIDAYS (from) Holidays in London Pans 3 days US* 62 Wales Cornwall 9dayi 27S York/Wales 7 days 223 Highlands 6 days 194 Trouachs 8 days 298 Sky* Oban
      231 words

    • 60 3 Ms Ist* Br*wn, th? owner of m flooded store, talks with authorities while standing in thighdeep water at a Jackson shopping centre in ftflMfcaipoi on Tuesday. A security officer waits for her in a boat on the left. Torrential rains on Tuesday caused the nearby
      AP  -  60 words
    • 363 3 Militia head agrees not to fire at Lebanese TEL AVIV, Wednesday THE commander of the Israeli-backed Christian militia in South Lebanon agreed to a United States-initiated compi omise to reduce tension and today ordered his forces not to fire at an approaching column of Lebanese troops. The national radio said
      AP; UPI  -  363 words
    • 198 3 League: Staff must report in Tunis TUNIS. W rUNIS. Wed The organising committee of the Arab league's proposed now headquarters in Tunis warned yesterday that any member of the league secretariat who fails to re|M)il for duty in Tunis by May 26 will be fired. The six-nation committee also ordered
      AP  -  198 words
    • 581 3 TEHERAN, Wed. Dr Karim Sanjabi, who resigned as foreign minister of Iran's provisional government, said yesterday he was now the leader of the nation's nonreligious opposition. Speaking at a press conference, Dr Sanjabi, 75, also sharply criticised the "procedure followed by the revolutionary tribunals, denying all
      Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  581 words
    • 114 3 Bid to get into Guiness book CHICAGO, Wed. Two high school students toppled a chain of 135,000 dominoes yesterday in a bid to get into the Guinness book of world records. Erez Klein of Glencoe and John Wickham of Kenilworth, both 17, were cheered by about 200 people as the
      UPI  -  114 words
    • 264 3 I WASHINGTON. Wed. All US embassies and consulates have been in a "state of heightened alert" against Arab terrorist strikes since Egypt and Israel signed their peace treaty, it was disclosed yesterday. Mr Anthony Quainton, director of the State Department's Office for Combating
      Reuter; UPI  -  264 words
    • 89 3 Classes back to normal at Jordan U AMMAN, Wed Classes returned to near normal at Jordan University here yesterday after about three weeks of agitation in which security forces intervened. Several students were reported to have been injured, and about 20 students were subsequently expelled. Meanwhile, the American and British
      AFP  -  89 words
    • Sideliners
      • 56 3 VANCOUVER: Adolph Daxboeck, 23, breathed in when he should have breathed out and it killed him. He was taking part in a contest to see how far a ping-pong ball could be blown when he inhaled by mistake. The ball was sucked into his throat
        Reuter  -  56 words
      • 83 3 OTTAWA: Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau said yesterday he had not read the candid book by his estranged wi f c Margaret that describes their marriage and her life after they separated in May, 1977. "No, I haven't read it," Mr Trudeau told a news
        Reuter  -  83 words
      • 55 3 MADRID: Eight out of 10 Spaniards believe in God but less than half think the devil exists, according to a poll published in the Madrid evening newspaper, Informaciones. One person in 10 claimed to be an atheist, with nonbelievers much more common among
        Reuter  -  55 words
      • 35 3 ROSARIO (ArgentlM): A prisoner apparently paralysed in both legs astonished his jailers by vanishing from the toilet of a police station leaving only his wheelchair behind, police said on Tuesday. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 216 3 I 4 Fixed Deposit Rates!- I (per annum) w months O/o 12 months IA /o O months Orl 18 months rl/o V months in* 24 months Z/4/0 I Hong Leong Finance Ltd., Singapore Finance Ltd., I MMd Othce Head Ottice Hong Leong Building. Ground Floor 16 Rattles Quay. 45/47 Robinson
      216 words
    • 301 3 Now At Last cqne furniture with a touch of class Made of Genuine Leather and Manau Cane. Visit today: Luxury Interiors. 321 piaza smgapura (above Yaohan Orchard) Tel: *****3 Opening Hours: Week Days 1 1 .00 a.m. lo l > .oo p.m. Sunday 10.00 a.m. lo 6.00 p.m. T. M.
      301 words

    • Article, Illustration
      58 4 SOME m bMurwlvM, laclndia* slmm rfweUem mat sp*u«a «f twe rabinrt ministers, itege a street prateat la New Delhi today mgaiast a pr»p— l>4 ■attsaai kadget which wmM ratoe price* «a rara at«ea«U rtaptea aa aaap, pr**mt4 t—d. r»«Mag gaa aad ker—ean. M»ny at the wamea carried slgas,
      AP  -  58 words
    • 214 4 CRISIS IN BIHAR AS 10 MINISTERS QUIT GOVT NEW DELHI, Wed. India's north-eastern state of Bihar plunged into serious political crisis last night after 10 cabinet and three junior ministers quit the state government. The resignations came two days before Bihar Chief Minister Karpoori Thakur is to seek a fresh
      Reuter  -  214 words
    • 82 4 BANGKOK, Wed. A voUey of bullets bit the car of a candidate for next Sunday's Thai general elections, but he escaped unhurt, the Bangkok World newspaper reported today. The report said the shooting took place yesterday when Mr Koslan Daochen was returning home from his election
      Reuter  -  82 words
    • 577 4 An outside chance for Kukrit THAILAND'S general election campaign moved into its final stages today, with a survey giving front-run-ning politician Kukrit Pramoj an outside chance of forming a government. But though Mr Kukrit's Social Action Party (SAP) is reported to be picking up support in the north and south
      Reuter  -  577 words
    • 290 4 MANILA, Wednesday THE Philippines president of the International Air Transport Association (lata), Mr Roman Cruz, has accused developed nations, especially Australia and the United States, of trying to impose unilateral fare decisions on Third World countries. His office at Philippines Airlines (Pal), of which
      Reuter  -  290 words
    • 45 4 SYDNEY. Wed. A strike by coal loaders is slashing Australia's export earnings dramatically and threatening the jobs of more than 2.000 workers. Bureau of Statistics figures showed that in February alone the dispute sliced U5569.3 million (5J1524 million) from export earnings. UPI.
      UPI  -  45 words
    • 69 4 JAKARTA, Wed A diamond rush is under way in south Kalimantan (Borneo) following the discovery recently of a 30-carat diamond in the area, the Antara news agency reported today. It said about 4,000 people are out from dawn to dusk panning for the precious stones, among them farmers
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 48 4 BEIJING (PEKING), Wed. A five-man delegation ot the Senate foreign relations committee arrived in Beijing today for a threeday visit Senators Frank Church, the committee chairman, and Jacob Javits, are leading the congressional party, which visited Shanghai before coming to the capital city. UPI.
      UPI  -  48 words
    • 248 4 Numberbased language to unite world? NEW DELHI, Wed. A former Indian businessman has devised a number-based language which he hopes will unite the world. "Abasama," a word which has no meaning, is the name its originator, Mr K. R. Gopalakrishna, 48, has given to his language and himself. Pronouns like
      AP  -  248 words
    • 143 4 Nasution hits at pay rise for govt men JAKARTA, Wed. ndonesia's most senior military officer, former defence minister Gen Abdu: Harris Nasution has shar >ly criticised the governmeit for approving a 40-per -ent pay increase for senicr government officials, including President Suharto. In a lecture to students and civic leaders
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 38 4 WASHINGTON. Wed. A coalition of US Government agencies that wants to stem the spread of nuclear arms is scouring a group of uninhabited Pacific islands for an international nuclear waste depository site, officials said yesterday. UPI.
      UPI  -  38 words
    • 150 4 A ONE-EYED, eae-tasfced hall elepfcaat yesterday impaled Its haadler with Its task, taea buried the hady and wept aver the grave. Laeal aewspapen reparted today that the elephaat had keen la rat aad apparently teak affeace at aa aogry aeaidlaß fram Its 2S-year-ald
      AFP  -  150 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 455 4 Clean, Clear Copies. Effective, Economic Machines. U-Bix has a full range of copying machines to suit the requirements of your business from the 2000R 111 High Speed Plain Paper Copier to the Desk-Top U-Bx V Copier with micro computer Adaptable to all kinds of copying needs From bound books to
      455 words

    • 225 5 Seoul forced to reduce export industries SEOUL, Wednesday FACED with escalating inflation, South Korea has been forced to decide on a reduction in export-oriented heavy industries in favour of light industries in order to make available more consumer goods. The Deputy Premier and j Economic Planning Minis- j ter. Mr
      AP  -  225 words
    • 390 5 THE ENERGY SQUEEZE NEW YORK, Wednesday SAUDI Arabian Oil Minister Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Yamani, the influential moderate voice in the Opec oil cartel, will be ousted soon in a development that will lead to a cutback in Saudi oil exports and higher prices,
      UPI  -  390 words
    • 69 5 MOSCOW. Wed Soviet president Leonid Brezhnev, who recently cancelled a state visit be- j cause of an illness, attended the i world hockey championships here < yesterday for the third straight evening Earlier this month, Brezhnev disappeared from sight for six weeks and cancelled a
      AP  -  69 words
    • 126 5 SAO PAULO: President Carter in his recent energy message said the US can cut its use of petrol by producing more "gasohol," the mixture of "gasoline" and alcohol he noted is now being used in several midwestern states. But Brazil is already making extensive use of
      UPI  -  126 words
    • 92 5 WASHINGTON: Americans are on a "gasoline consump- < tion binge" that could easily mean long lines at petrol pumps this summer, senior US Energy Department offi- cials said yesterday. Despite insistent warnings of diminishing fuel supplies, Americans are driving more now than they were at the
      AP  -  92 words
    • 143 5 Japan runs up $45 trade surplus TOKYO, Wed. Japan ran up a U5520.61 billion (5545.34 billion) surplus in world trade for the financial year ended March 31, the Finance Ministry announced today. This was a slight increase from the U5520.33 billion trade surplus recorded in the previous financial year, the
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 191 5 Terms of crude oil deal likely to change HAN(;k<)K. Wed Thai land is expected to convert its crude oil purchase contract between Saudi Arabia and a private firm in Thailand to a government- to- govern ment hasis following an allegation that the compan> had "re-routed" part of the oil to
      AP  -  191 words
    • 34 5 KINGSTOWN (SI Vincent). Wed The Soufriere Volcano erupted igain last night after three days if relative calm and the stateiwned radio said the eruption Mi h\ far (he strongest so far. Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 150 5 BKIJING (PEKING), Wed. Chinese factories were criticised in the newspaper, the People's Mail) today for organising dances badly. A letter published In the communist party organ complained that people were leaving their posts without permission during working hours to attend dances, while some factories spent
      Reuter  -  150 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 142 5 PHILIPPINE YOUTH ORCHESTRA conductor: sergio esmilla thursday 19 479 Bpm Singapore conference hall Egmont Overture Beethoven "Oxford Symphony in G major Op 66 No 2 Haydn Philippine Scenes Kasilag Concerto in B flat Kl9l Mozart C! Duo X* MAJERON mtefo BALESTRA BL ißp PUB auditorium Guitar Solo Introduction and Allegro
      142 words
    • 41 5 give your girl a o (^o> fr <*/ J^T fl IB Wf nen what 4^rr W you wear says 4j you're aware. Contemporary flair with a European accent. At the following select stores: Iseton Emporium, Metro Golden Mile, Metro Orchard, Metro Supreme.
      41 words

    • 357 6 Curbs on street lighting now relaxed THE Public Utilities Board has relaxed its street lighting curbs street lights will now be switched on at 6.45 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. and switched off at 6.15 a.m. instead of 5 a.m. With this move, alternate street lights will also be turned
      357 words
    • 156 6 HOTLINE' CALLS FALLING OFF ACnVITIES in the PUB operations room have slowed down quite a bit in the past few tiays. The ops room set up during the Switch Off, Save Watts, Save Money campaign to monitor complaints by the public on electricity wastage and malfunction is not getting as
      156 words
    • 77 6 AN AGREEMENT signing ceremony to mark the assignment of a conventional berth to Barber Lines Singapore Pte Ltd by the Port Authority will be held tomorrow at the PSA Conference Hall. PSA Towers, at 9.30 a.m. Messrs Wong Hung Khim, general manager of PSA. and C.A. Shorter,
      77 words
    • 50 6 AN Indonesian woman. Kuswandiyah Katansi, 44. was fined $5,000 yesterday for making an incorrect declaration to the Customs Warehouse at Paya Lebar airport on Saturday. She said she had imported 200 pieces of women's clothing only when the actual quantity was 494 pieces. She pleaded guilty.
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    • 37 6 MP for Telok Manga h Mr Rohan bin Kamis, will visit Block 45, Telok Blangah Drive on Sunday from 9.30 a.m. He will be accompanied by members of the constituency's citizens' consultative committee
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    • 234 6 Sailor picked on the wrong woman A KOREAN sailor's moment of weakness landed him in a district court yesterday on a charge of outraging a woman police constable's modesty. Lee Xi Jun, 27, who works as a saloon boy on board the vessel Dong Mm, pleaded guilty to molesting WPC
      234 words
    • 137 6 Man who cheated neighbour jailed A MAN cheated his contractor neighbour of $14,000 jy deceiving him into investing in a fictitious busineess venture "to build an oil refinery," a district court heard yesterday. Tai Kum Seng, 31, 'old Mr Low Fook Khoon last August that his "uncle" had a project
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    • 60 6 Paediatric Society convention PRESIDENT Sheares will open a convention on Today's children, Tomorrow's Nation at the Regional Language Centre auditorium on May 18. Paediatrician Prof Wong Hork Boon will speak on Child Health Care, Past. Present and Future at the convention. The convention, organised by the Singapore Paediatric Society, is
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    • 40 6 THE River Valley community centre's youth group will hold a night hike through the Bukit Timah forest reserve on April 28. The youth group will lso conduct a canoeing course next month. For details, contact the centre staff
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 159 6 Established iim Ib^F^^^"* f Mt^af'fym H bY w* J| W If X .^mhm««^m I I bbV rf** I i tSBK jHHjn^^^H Robinson's means fashion. IJj All the top names can be found V ■HraPf^B on R°binson's new fashion floors, li&ihMl PiMJMi^W rom C acharel to Dior, Lanvin, UWKII St. Laurent,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 181 6 PHILIPPINE YOUTH OB- presents Pygmalion by 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Organised CHESTBA performs at the George Bernard Shaw at the by the Life Art Soriety in Conference Hall at 8 p.m. Cultural Centre at 8 p.m. On conjunction witb the InterTickets: $1. till Saturday. Tickets: $3, $4 national Year
      181 words

  • 668 7 HER BEST FRIEND TELLS INQUIRY A WEALTHY Indonesian housewife .had planned to divorce her husband a few diys before she was found dead in the kitchen of her Peach Garden apartment, a coroner's inquiry was told yesterday. Her best friend, Miss Heidi
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  • 353 7 Hongkong studies our housing, wages By ALICE WONG CHEAP public housing and annual wage recommendations by the National Wages Council have all made the lot of Singapore civil servants an enviable or c. So much so that the Secretary General of a Standing Committee of Civil Servants' Salaries and Working
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  • 54 7 THE Straits Times erroneously reported on April 12 that the MP for Buona Vifta. Dr Ang Kok Peng, will present the Singapore Bank Employees' Union scholarship awards to the six successful candidates at the recent Pan One fellowship examination of the Royal Australian College of Surgfons(RACS).
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  • 26 7 THE Minister o( Stale (Finance). Mr Bernard Chen, will open the Singapore Armed Forces Reservist Association Photo Exhibition at Toa Payoh Library today at
    26 words
  • 216 7 THK acting Chief Editor of Sin Chew Jit Poh, Mr God Scan Hteng, alias Wn Shlk, died of a heart attack at his home In Jalan Hock Chye, off Tamptnes Road, at 4 p.m. yesterday. He was 51. He died just as he
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  • 164 7 Showers, winds in next four days SINGAPORE is likely to be hit by early morning showers with gusty winds on one or two mornings in the next four days, a Meteorological Service statement said yesterday. This may be followed by occasional afternoon thundery showers until the end of the month.
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  • 392 7 By SOH TIANG KENG BUILDING of the $600 million Raffles City in the next few years is expected to spark off a boom in the construction industry in Singapore. It is also expected to push 1 up prices of commercial properties, with
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 113 7 2 American women on drugs charge TWO American uomen she ohUroed trUJ to were yesterday charged eh^,* nd wmg »jin r..rt with having 0Hcd M •annlbi-s In an apartment h*arlni In a maglsin Hill d, O rt, (airnhlll tr ,u.' S ooort on June K. KihmI on Marrh 3». Tnf
      113 words
    • 551 7 APRIL 23RD ISSUE 101 AMIN'S FALL: Probably nowhere in Africa has a basically harmonious society been so riven and brutalized by the bizarre behavior of one man Meanwhile the hunt continues tor Amm. who left behind a legacy of rum including a gruesome torture and murder chamber under his opulent
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  • 613 8 •'OR more effective bilintualism in schools, more nan one language must be i9ed as the medium of initruotion and the second anguage should not remain jnly as a subject taught in hool curriculum, a anadian language professor said In the Singapore case,
    613 words
  • 221 8 BILINGUAL education should be made optional while the nation takes steps towards a situation where the majority of students would on their own opt for bilingual schools, an educationist from Australia said yesterday. Such long term planning would result in the students' realising the linguistic,
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  • 90 8 STORE, HK DRAGON BOATS TO RACE SINGAPORE and Hongkong have accepted each other's invitation to take part in their respective Dragon Boat races. The Singapore Tourist Promotion Board will receive a Hongkong team for the Republic's Dragon Boat festival on May 27, ana Hongkong will play host to Singapore at
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  • 573 8 THE Singapore Maritime Officers Union (SMOU) and the Singapore Organisation of Seamen (SOS), encouraged by the completion of collective agreements with Kapal Management, will now act in concert to get other companies with foreigngoing ships to enter into negotiations with them. Mr R.
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  • 173 8 CAMPAIGN TO RECRUIT MUSLIM VAOs THE Muslim Counselling Service has launched an ongoing campaign to beef up its strength of Muslim volunteer aftercare officers (VAOs). Mr Masramli Masjur, the secretary of MCS, which is affiliated to the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association, said in an interview with Berita Harian that in the
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  • 66 8 HEARING of the rase against Ho Sun Cheong. a former personnel manager charged with molesting a girl in his Victoria Park house last Dec 9, has been postponed to April 30. Magistrate Khoo Oon Soo, who was to have heard the continued trial yesterday, granted the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 417 8 Smile. M cheese and wine time at The Marco Polo. There's nothing more civilised than Here will be spread out an spending a couple of hours savouring international selection of Wines and assorted Cheeses, sipping /^^^dfx\ Cheeses that'll put a broad grin on your noble Wines. S palate > a
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 305 9 Jail term forNS offence is upheld I-HK Chief Justice, Mr Wee Chong Jin, yesterday dis- I missed an appeal by a tai- lor. Chong Ah Kow, 30, for an offence under the Enlistment Act, after telling him "I have no sympathy for you on the facts of your j rase."
    305 words
  • 55 9 THE Isetan French Fair will be opened by its chairman. Mr Chan Chun Hiiig. and the French economic and commercial counsellor. Mr Jean-Philippine Quercy, at Isetan. Apollo Hotel on Saturday at 10 a.m. Guests are also invited to attend a fashion show at the hotel on the
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  • 313 9 Chopper man's jail term doubled in appeal BUN seller Teo Teck Lee. 33, originally jailed for 18 months lor attacking another man with a chopper, had his sentence doubled to three years by the Chief Justice. Mr Wee Chong Jin, in the High Court yesterday. Teo will in addition be
    313 words
  • 273 9 '67pc of land now in govt hands THERE has been a sharp rise in government ownership and a steep fall in private ownership of land in Singapore in the past 30 years. This was stated yesterday by Prof Philip Motha, head of the department of building and estate management of
    273 words
  • 37 9 KAMI'ONG Kembangan community centre's youth group will hold a Labour Nite Disco on April 30, the eve of May Day, from 7 p.m at its premises in Jalan Lapang. Tickets are available at the centre.
    37 words
  • 403 9 MP to youths: Be thankful you have a country THE Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), Dr. Ow Chin Hock, yesterday told a group of young men preparing for national service that they should be thankful they have a country which belongs to them and which they could serve. National service, he said,
    403 words
  • 44 9 DR Ng Eng Una has been reelected president of the Watten Estate Owners' and Residents 1 Association Other officials are: Mrs Uaw Lai Chun, vice-president; Mr Liau Nyuk Siong, secretary; Mrs Kuy Bak, asst secretary; and Mrs p<»»»i»h Tan. treasurer.
    44 words
  • 48 9 MP for Bcdok and chairman. advisory board, central council of Malay cultural organisations, Haji Sha'ari Tadin. will open the fourth basic course on the aftercare of drug addicts for Muslim Volunteer Aftercare officers at Sana house in Scotts Road at 7 30 p m on Saturday.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 443 10 Classroom where parents also join in IT mi a classroom lessen with a difference. Sitting next to the children were not only thetr teachers bat aim their parents, grand-parents, brothers and sisters. The children ore all •Ml. The ctaM wu ksvlag Its alga languge ses(riNHtkf first «Uy M the ■ew
    443 words
  • 99 10 SHIPYARD WINS $9.9 m CONTRACT SEMBAWANG Shipyard has been given a $9.9 million contract by Esso Tankers Incorporated to convert one of its crude oil tankers into a special multi-petroleum products carrier. The shipyard was awarded the contract to modify the 123,000 dwt Esso Orient after bidding for the job
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  • 22 10 THE Singapore Civil Service Sports Council will hold an Easter dance party at its Portsdown Clubhouse. Portsdown Road, on Saturday.
    22 words
  • 685 10  -  IRENE NQOO By THE Crime Prevention Branch has indentified common areas of weaknesses in the security systems of 47 tourist hotels in Singapore in a six-month-long in-depth survey. From the findings, it has compiled a list of crime prevention measures which has
    685 words
  • 31 10 THREE colour dims Walkabout, Capital Circle Canberra and Viewport on Perth will be screened for students at the National Museum on Saturday at 10 45 a.m. Admission is free.
    31 words
  • 33 10 THE Merlin Department Store, which was burgled over the weekend. Is in Beach Road and not in Woh Hup Complex, as reported in yesterday's Straits Times The error is regretted.
    33 words
  • 127 10 Plan for aged married couples home THE Bible Presbyterian Welfare Services plan to build an old folks' home where aged married couples will be able to stay together. According to a New Nation report yesterday, plans for the Ling Kwang Home for the Aged in Tavistock Avenue are being finalised.
    127 words
  • 35 10 TAN Kirn Leng. 30, was yesterday fined {250 for hitting a waitress. Tay Lay Hua, on her head with a glass at A. A. Nite Club in River Valley Road, on Monday night
    35 words
  • 294 10 Traders urged to set up finance body INDUSTRIALIST Gopinath Pillai yesterday urged Singapore manufacturers to set up their own financial institution with governnent assistance. The main aim of this institution would be to serve the financing needs of manufacturers and exporters. Mr Pillai, general manager of United Industrial Corporation, said:
    294 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 743 10 J^k Nowyoucanbe a decision maker. All you have to do is make the first L^^^^^ decision. ..start a Home Study programme L J I with Collier Macmillan Schools. If you want to be a success, it's really your own home —in your own spare time up to you You're the
      743 words
    • 24 10 SIME DONATES $10,000 SIME Darby Singapore (Re) Limited yesterday donated $10,000 to the Singapore Cultural Foundation. The fund now stands at $1,126,120. mvTURKMENIA (air-condllkxwd)
      24 words

    • 161 11 IPOH, Wed. A medical practitioner. Dr Gurmukh Singh s o Maginda Singh, 32. was sentenced by the magistrate's court to 18 months' jail after he was found guilty of possession of 0 43 g of heroin In passing sentence, Magistrate T. Marbeck said
      NST  -  161 words
    • 630 11 HOME Affairs Minister Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie stressed today that the Internal Security Act (ISA) is meant to be "preventive and corrective, not punitive." He added that a person arrested or detained under this law would be released as soon as it was evident that
      NST  -  630 words
    • 80 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. About 500 participants are expected to attend a political seminar on The Future of the Chinese Community 1 in Malaysia, at the Federal Hotel here on May 6. The seminar, the first of its I kind to be organised by the MCA Federal Territory, is
      NST  -  80 words
    • 43 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Stetynine senior police officers have been promoted to higher ranks. They included 40 new Superintendents, 16 Assistant Commissioners. six Senior Assistant Commissioners n, two Deputy Commissioners, four Senior Assistant Commissioners I and one Commissioner of Police NST.
      NST  -  43 words
    • 166 11 Red bases and links hit by troops SUNGEI PETANI, Wad SECURITY forces engaged in special operations in the border security areas of Kedah, Perlis. Perak and Kelantan have forced communist terrorists to abandon their operation base and have also destroyed their underground communication. The commander of the North Brigade of
      NST  -  166 words
    • 247 11 'Stephens crash plane was overloaded' KOTA KINABALI Wed The aircraft which crashed netr here ea I Jane I, lf!(, killing the i then Chief Miakrter, Tnn i Fu»d Stephens ef Skhfth, and all II ethers aboard, mi overloaded at the tail end, aa Inquest Into their deaths wm told today.
      247 words
    • 99 11 KOTA KINABALU, Wed. Sabah Police Commissioner Mohamed Shahir denied today that most of the crimes in the state duriig the last few years had been committed by Filipino refugees. He described the public tendency to bUme the refugees for crimes as a "fallacy." He told
      AP  -  99 words
    • 176 11 BALING, Wed. Followers of a religious sect, who were alleged to have stopped j their children from going to school and attending reli- j 1 gious classes, have been questioned by officers of the special unit of the Kedah Religious Affairs Depart- j j mem.
      NST  -  176 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 226 11 Minolta wm°m WITH A UNIQUE SENSOR-TOUCH BUTTON The new tough lightweight compact XG-2 is loaded with lots of remarkable features. Meter reading is activated by the lightest touch on the operating buttor LED Computer read-out appears in super-clear viewfinder. A gentle finger pressure sets off shutter release hMj eliminating common
      226 words
    • 221 11 .A^^v- •anuVT' J^v Ly^ W AkV J treat her to something :^\mQ^kJ" special from Metro. A%/ Now's the time to show your secretary how much you appreciate her. Treat her j^^ to one of these lovely gifts this Secretary's Week. a^^V^V Lt\' ttttt "ttm 1 From a selection ranging from
      221 words

  • 171 12 China may want to buy tankers from S'pore HONGKONG, Wed. Singapore Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Goh Keng Swee has gained the impression that China, with its booming oil industry, might be interested in buying 90,000tonne class tankers from Singapore for its oil trade. Giving his impressions before leaving
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 119 12 A COUPLE went to a tourist's room and stole his wallet while one of them engaged him in conversation, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. Mohamed Abdul Mutalif so Abdul Majeeth, 20, and Meriam Bee binte Manzoor Shah, 28, pleaded guilty to stealing the wallet containing US$BOO (551,760)
    119 words
  • 88 12 THE lew $211 million Magapaw Geacral Hospital v be romptoted BMrt year la speedily taUmg Those halMiagj (right), wakk face the lalventty of fagipirf's Medical Facalty halMlag, laeMe the rastilsgy halMlag, and will hone the specialist ootpatieat eUalcs, the reatraJ Html records department and the theatre
    88 words
  • 66 12 Sembawang MPfor walk-around MP for Sembawang, Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, will lead a "walk-around" starting from the Kampung Tengah community centre at Andrew's Avenue on Sunday at 10.30 a.m. Dr Tan's participation is aimed at getting to know the residents better. He will be accompanied by the chairman of
    66 words
  • 21 12 THE Singapore Power Boat Association will hold Its first official get-together at Chatsworth Park, on Friday at 8 p.m.
    21 words
  • 73 12 THE St John's Ham* far fee Aged liWu'lte Avenue la offering afcammo«l»tl«ii to Madan. 81m Nyek Cheek, 88. Mrs P. C. Perreaa, matron of the swe, said Mm management committee heM emergeaty meet- lag yesterday after read lag of Madam Sim's The
    73 words
  • 56 12 BEDOK community centre's youth group will bold a night tour of the Central Fire Station, Sin Chew Jit Poh, Jurong Drive-in cinema, Jurong hawkers centre. Mount Faber and Marine Parade beach on May 5 at 7.15 p.m. Fee Is $4.50 for members and $6 for others. Those
    56 words
  • 145 12 COINAPHONE THIEVES HAD $62.80 IN 10-CENT PIECES THREE coinaphone thieves were busy counting their loot when police pounced on them and found $62.% in 10-cent pieces in their possession, a district court was told yesterday. Police found $57 in 10-cent coins on Lim Ngiang Chuah, 21, unemployed, and $5.80 in
    145 words
  • 464 12 Banks will rush for slice of Repelita loan cake' MANY Singapore banks and financial institutions will join the rush to finance Repelita m, Indonesia's new fiveyear development programme launched this month. Commercial and merchant banks here make no secret of the fact that they are keen to "have a slice
    464 words
  • 222 12 A NATIONAL serviceman who served four months' detention for being AWOL (absent without official leave) has blamed his involvement in communist activities for his desertion from the army. Yee Onn Cheong, 21, who was involved in the activities of the Malayan Democratic Youtn
    222 words
  • 76 12 THE National Trades Union Congress' secretary for education, Mr Manor Sukaimi. will attend the second GCE scholarship award organised by the Public Daily Rated Housing and Development Board Workers' Union at the union's premises In Upper Cross Street on Saturday at 11 a.m. Ninety applications were received for
    76 words
  • 28 12 THE Singapore Science Centre in Jurong will screen two films at its lecture hall on April 29 at 3 p.m. They are: Unaeen Enemies and Paint
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  • 33 12 THE MP for Mountbatten, Mr Eugene Yap, will attend the inter-primary school band competition held in conjunction with the Singapore Youth Festival at the National Stadium on Saturday at 4 p.m.
    33 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 129 12 4S%%W!P^TO CELEBRATE OF OVER 2500 -^jgJFp^MAZDA 323, A CAR AIR-CON jf^ FREE TO EVERY BUYER NOW! i» I offer valid till 30th April 79 only on 1000 cc Mazda 323 5 door Hatchbacks Jk You've read of the many successes of the- Mazda 323. jt You 'ye also seen the
      129 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 217 12 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS experiment, wu Ood (7). 1 Ancient picture to go with J b ve- getable exterior (7). 2S^,mi mfoY Part^ntWT 10 »5S« the lung., writing oi fariiameni i*. j> ffOn(1 n i. im ,101 U STS^k? 1 nd 8uU a^cec-^e unto n £ove k S StL about:
      217 words

  • 330 13 Traders want talks with China SOME Singapore businessmen have proposed that they should directly discuss with the relevant Chinese authorities the price difference of Chinese goods ranging from three per cent to 40 per cent sold here and in Hongkong The price difference has adversely affected their reexport trade, they
    330 words
  • 20 13 THE East Coast Park swimming lagoon will be closed for annual maintenance from April 30 lo May 18
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  • 84 13 HE Is no learner rider but one who realises the importance of complying with the law. Aa lorry driven weald have tied a piece of red cloth to obtrusive objects from their vehicles, this rag-and-bone man made do with what was available the "L" plate
    84 words
  • 219 13 SEVENTEEN regular offi- cers from the. Singapore Armed Forces were among the several thousands of students who sat for last year's GCE 'A' level examination. They each managed to obtain at least one 'A' level pass and three got '0' level passes.
    219 words
  • 251 13 Break-in cases go up by 35 pc THE number of housebreaking cases in the first 14 weeks of this year went up by 35 per cent compared to the same period last year. Police said there were 585 break-ins reported between Jan 1 and April 11 this year, against 432
    251 words
  • 366 13 The old suave style and nimble pianism TWO concertos and a Shostakovich symphony were offered for our musical palates when the Singapore Symphony Orchestra presented its celebrity concert with Fou Ts'ong at the Conference Hall on Tuesday night. I have listened to Fou Ts'ong six times in the past decade
    366 words
  • 47 13 LEE Seok Hwa. 26, a clerk, was jailed for a day and fined S7OO by a magistrate's court on Tuesday I (or stealing a wallet worth 127 at I the Metro Bukit Timah depart menl store on March 13. L_ She pleaded guilty
    47 words
  • 45 13 THE Ministry of Culture will hold the first Festival of Choirs at the Conference Hall from May 9 to 18. Tickets at $1 and $2 each are available at C.K. Tang, Cold Storage. Popular Book Co.. Yamaha Music School and Conference Hall.
    45 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 106 13 and yoirre looking 1 J^r .^H You'll be looking your best for Secretary's .4^l Week with any one of these new fashion Jffl i arrivals from Metro. Softly-padded shoulders g j^^^^^^a 1 **^M^k an<^ n 'PP e^ wa sts to make the most of BtfLl what a girl has. Accessorized
      106 words
    • 309 13 it's a nice sensation Tm> is better... [I especially when it costs i as little as one! Both for I 111 1 1 I l^j |H I lAdler is now offering two electronic Display Calculator for more general use. calculators for almost the price of one Now you'll never be
      309 words

  • 765 14 The Straits Times THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1979 THE CHINA LURE FACED with the problem of getting sufficient foreign exchange to pay for its ambitious modernising programme, China is currently making adjustments to some of its originally unrealistic targets. Even so, the basic objective remains unchanged rapid modernisation of the economy
    765 words
  • 364 14  -  DONAL O'HIGGINS By in Dublin STAI'NCH Irishmen staad ready to man the barricades against a piaaned Invasion by fareiga-BMed Ifprechaaas. The call to rally athlnd ta* "tittle people" came fram the s->tteaal dally aewtpaper, the I rut ladeprndral which saw tdafcter aaeves afeat la
    364 words
  • 1616 14  -  RODNEY HOBSON The most alarming aspect has been the Hongkong Government's inability to take effective action to control either inflation or the dollar's fall in value By Our correspondent in Hongkong The fall in the Hongkong dollar hits the local consumer by helping to promote price
    1,616 words
  • 1062 14  -  JOHN DARNTON in Kampala By HUNDREDS of documents from government offices here paint a portrait of the Idi Amin regime as a snakepit of fear and paranoia, j dominated by a secret security organisation I that spent millions of dollars on sophisticated devices like
    NYT  -  1,062 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 10 14 lynx Predators IF^J RAN WEST (PTE) LTO. haaaaaV «.n« ;to?'<
      10 words
    • 164 14 i^L____> l I~^ H 111 I OPERATION FOR THE FAMILY UNIQUE FEATURES: I LOOP ANTENNA j I SUPERIOR INTEGRATED Only Yamaha uses superior f HEADSHELL CARTRIDGE Loop Antenna for beat f No other similarly priced overall radio racaption systems have it. Only Yamaha I^^^^^^^B than »T.t poaalbla before. H^> did
      164 words

  • 1119 15  - The tax squeeze a leading election issue GEORGE SHORT in London All parties pledge to relieve Britons of their tax burdens By THE British think they are the highest taxed people in the world, and this has emerged as a leading issue in their general election to be held on
    Reuter  -  1,119 words
  • 973 15 Main stood up for his children SAN FRANCISCO:Sex (not the use of tools, nor the need to hunt, nor climatic changes) led to man walking upright, and later developing a large brain, according to Professor Owen Lovejoy of Kent State University, Ohio. He develops his speculative theory which he calls
    973 words
  • mil I
    • 203 15 MUCH has been dona to widen the roads in Singapore but many of us using Lorong Chuan are wondering why this road has not been broadened. Those having to travel through the Lorong ChuanBraddell Road and Lorong Chuan- Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1
      203 words
    • 275 15 IT IS time the HDB carried out a survey to find out the average sum of money spent by a family on renovations prior to moving into a new flat. It might also help them to know what are the most common
      275 words
    • 46 15 THE jucttea of Bed*k Swt* Avhk 1 ud New Upper ChMgl Bmml needs traffic light, before mother accident ocean. The Jucttoa Is becoming laereaalagly unsafe especially dariag peak honrs, when car* have to scramble wildly la order to get across. P. TAN, Singapore It.
      46 words
    • 74 15 Letters to rhc Edi tor will not be comi dered (or publiut on unlcit they hjvc the writers n a m c jnd j dd re t set. Use j pieudonym if you do not mint your njmc published. If pot fible. type your letter, double spiced on one tide
      74 words
    • 76 15 I REFER to the letter headed "That morning was the limit" by "Late Students" (ST, March 31). Service 154 is presently operating with 13 buses with a peak headway of 12 minutes. We are aware of the heavy demand for this service and
      76 words
    • 176 15 I REFER to the article "The day RTS took viewers for a ride," by Geraldine Tang (ST. April 6). I am wondering whether 'he review was published for its own sake, or whether it was meant to steer us away from the terrifying truths
      176 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 221 15 Sanyo ROTARY PONNER more efficient cooling, silent and economical. Revolutionising the technology of advance air conditioning. A Sanyo concept that has raised Intake Port temperature control technology to new >^ heights. The exceptionally smooth n rotating action of the roller inside the I lntake Chamber cylinder of Sanyo rotary compressors
      221 words

      • 50 16 ■Mfrt-U ■i.lron A I'liunu l>rx Urnunt.ii T P 1975 li Mala Msun l...n.r>in Ihev. Mlu-d hor Sporr Gla» K.'d Cublri 570 236 232 173 810 MO 535 265 215 378 134 250 213 116 11 •K fl K ♦5 t| •S 5 f| ♦4 4 fl fl fl
        50 words
      • 42 16 llunlop ■i I A I. Mannum (orpn r Harbour TradinK r n K V. l.evinRitton II. Kh A Low I* M C 235 4M 390 635 560 275 390 360 .h -15 -12 -HI ■I -ft -5 i -i
        42 words
      • 33 16 Sim.- Darby Haw Par Cons Plant Kabrr Mrrlin S.-lron ."Kami Drs Pahang ton. Srlron A V O I. Hi Mini HUM 209.000 183.000 150.000 1SO.0O0 143.000 104.000 100.000 86.000 74.000
        33 words
      • 25 16 B.T.Index: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties: Tins: rubbers: O.C.B.C.: 2127.17 2115.76 385.92 385.22 682.64 681.80 288.30 ***** 249.71 249.34 182.40 182.36 591.39 590.68 368.63 368.13
        25 words
      • 316 16 HONGKONG: Stock prices closed firmer yesterday on selective speculative buying in quiet trading, dealers said. The Hang Seng index rose 4.29 points to 539.58 points. Turnover was thin, dealers said. HaagkMg and Chbut Gaa closed unchanged at HK$l9.BO following its announcement of a 20 cent first interim dividend compared
        316 words
      • 388 16 TOKYO: Share prices closed lower yesterday on profit-tak-ing, with many dealers cautious about a high level of margin trading, dealers said. The Dow Jones average fell 19.99 to close at 6,058.63 points with a volume of 430 million shares. The New index closed at 442.15. down 1.94 points. Big-capitals,
        388 words
      • 273 17 SYDNEY, Wed The market closed weaker on uncertainty over government interest rate policy, little support for Australian shares in London and a (all in some commodity prices, dealers said. Wednesday's closing prices were delayed In transmission. The following prices are Tuesday's prices. INDUSTRIALS Ail 170-1 A N
        273 words
      • 250 17 NEW YORK, Tues. Stocks moved lower today for the fourth straight session in moderately active trading as news of strong March housing starts added to concerns about a possible tightening in credit policy The market began sinking after the government said housing starts jumped 29.6 per
        250 words
      • 256 17 AMSTERDAM, Tues Share prices closed mixed, with Philips higher in otherwise lower Dutch internationals, dealers said. Shippings and banks were mixed, insurances mainly higher and Bols and Heineken also firmer. Bijenkorf dropped 5 60 guilders ex its dividend of the same amount. Bos Kalis rose 1.20 on higher
        256 words
      • 196 17 ZURICH, Tues. Prices cloned mixed In moderately active trading with export-orient-ed stocks generally higher, bolstered by stronger dollar, dealers said The Credit Suisse index ■losed at 273.1. 53S Km mn Bo»rn II: itu army Br M 1(70 129ft 1010 -5 •S U rr.lil Sulvir Br Trtin SulMC
        196 words
      • 513 17 LONDON, Tues The market was easier, dealers said. At 3pm -he Financial Times index was down 3 points to 538.9 Government bonds tell up to point while equity leaders averaged losses of a penny to «P Oils weakened up to Cp. partly Influenced by Wall's
        513 words
    • 63 17 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 538.8 Monday closed Week Ago 535 .7 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 857.93 Monday 880 45 Week ago TO LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Tuesday 52. to 53 Monday cloaed H X HANG SENG Wednesday 539.58 Tuesday 535.28 Week ago 529.07 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 477.44 Tuesday
      63 words
      • 113 16 THE STRAITS tin price Was unchanged at $1,945 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 19 tonnes to 164 tonnes. The overnight London market was steady with forward buyers falling £10 to £7,000 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day lost £120 for Cash and £80
        113 words
      • 32 16 LONDON: Copper prices on Tuesday (previous In brackets) Wirebar Spot E992 (£1.034) sellers C 994 (£1.034.50); Three Month buyers £999 (Ll. 036.50). sellers £1,000 (£1.037.50) Market taae: Easy. Sales: 13,300 tonnes.
        32 words
      • 501 16 OPENING prices in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down slightly and lost further ground on profit-taking and lack of support. Some short-covering emerged at the the lows to check the decline. Turnover was light. The morning session closed uncertain. Afternoon prices steadied slightly on fresh May June
        501 words
      • 74 16 K .ml SMK ptkx i y~Ur<>.y RA8 V.K SSH MBELB i| tim pallet) U MB M« (Cbrraal Mlkl Bu.rr. Srllrr. -•6V00 2S7 0ON (Forward Mlki B.y.r. Seller. MM IMAON MS.00 JSTUON vMK V SMK '.I. GF SMH id »MH il loi.p.lWt, ■I i.«i palbl) il palkn
        74 words
      • 29 16 Closing prices Rubber: April 18 Singapore: May: 279.50 cents (down 1.50 cents) Malaysia: May: 283.25 cents (down 1.25 cents) Tin: $1,945 (unchanged) Official offering: 164 tonnes (up 19 tonnes)
        29 words
    • 230 16 THE KILOBAR market for gold deliverable in Singapore opened at $16,612 and closed at J16.697 yest<r day. In the Far East, gold opened at US$233 20 60 in nervous conditions and moved up to $***** 234 20. then down to $233 00 40 before closing at $234.40 80 The
      230 words
    • 96 16 Striking prices of the options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday, the period, bids and offered prices and business done, if any, with the number of options traded shown in brackets. C«M Starage (June $2.00) (0.408 0.525). C C (June $2.60) (0.628 0.725). Haw Par
      96 words
    • 339 16 Bl VINO Interest continued to taper off on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday, though the market was holding on well. I'nder such conditions, the market turned selec- tlve with traders bidding only (or certain stocks like Robinsons, and Allied Chocolate. Most other shares moved within
      339 words
    • 302 16 SHARE prices were traded to an easier close on the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday. Selective lower-liners, however, attracted some speculative buying interest to close with fair gains. The New Straits Times industrial index, on balance, closed 2.88 points lower at 418.38 while the volatile Business Times index
      302 words
    • 200 16 THE US dollar opened lower at $2.2025 35 in the Singapore forex market yesterday, following the easing of US interest rates after Carter's call to his advisers to check the rise of US interest rates. The US unit rose to touch $2 2040 briefly before easing gradually
      200 words
    • 26 16 THE average rate at which Singapore I banks are currently prepared to lead to I their best customers Is 8 per cent. J
      26 words
    • 451 16 Discount Range of prices ofierM oy aisrour houses on April 18: Overnighl J to 4 Call deposits 4 Buyial Sclliaf 3 month Treasury bills 4 4 3 month Bank bills 7 7 3 month CD 7 3/16 7 1/16 6 month CD 7 5/16 7 3/16 Source: National
      451 words
    • 1294 16 i ted ready sale at thi stork Kxi-lunm -:rrda> compared wltti es together wltti 1974 high and low < Adjusted foi l»7t H.(k I— IMHST1IALS 240 unch no* I 134 H ISO 162m m 2»Vd m Ben N -1 Berjaya Kawtl IM 316 -2 B-.u.iU»dro 1*4 w m
      1,294 words
    • 294 16 SINGAPORE UNIT TBIIBT (MiMim' prim tor Apr II) S pore Invest Fund Spore Equity Fund |;g ASIA UNIT TKI'ST yiuifii' prim tor Apr II) Mai Invest Fund 2 23 2.35xd Mai Prog Fund 1.1? 1.23 Mai Security Fund 1 27 1.33 Mai Berjaya Fund 1 13 1 19xd
      294 words
    • 1803 16 nil' .iiki mier prices oiiiriany liMfrt .Hid business in and rt-p<irifil to the Stock Exrhange of Singapore yesterday »nh i hi- number of shares tnirterl shown in brackets in Ids ..I i 00(1 units unless .itlit-rwise specified All Times Settlement Contracts are iiuoted .ifter the word sett
      1,803 words
    • 1513 16 HI I .mrt niter prices officially iid business in and reported to the Kuala Lum- v :iaii((f yesterrt.iy with ihe number of traded shown In tirarket.s in kits of 1.000 units iiilevs otherwise specified IMII STKIAI.N t >»■■■!■ IMB I JOS I raU tlna 1 *H i MM
      1,513 words
    • 532 17 Nanyang foresees higher profit in current year DESPITE higher newsprint costs, Nanyang Press (UTS) increased its pre-tax profit by 11 6 per cent to $1 34 million In the first six months of its current financial year ending July 31. Revenue, comprising i mainly advertising and I newspaper sales rose
      532 words
    • 509 17 Third year of impressive growth at Straits Trading STRAITS Tradlag chalked ■p Impressive gala* far the tkirt time la a raw last year, with (reap praflt clearly batetered ace agala by taretnr (ram Its coasMeraMe lavrstmeats. Greap prvflt last year ■eared U 14».7 milliea pre-tax, 41.7 per ceat higher than
      509 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 730 17 fk HAGEMEYER TRADING CO. (S) SDN. BHD. AND HAGEMEYER TRADING CO. (M) SDN. BHD. invite application for the following newly created positions in the Provision Department to take charge of their Food ond Beveroge business which include a newly appointed established brand of cognac in Singopore, Maloysio ond Brunei Candidates
      730 words
    • 717 17 i A i S/NGAPOPf /1/PPOPrK W J DUrV-FP££ F/HPOP/UM UsU A SADE invites applications from Singapore citizens for the follow- A mg appointments: W^ 4. APPOINTMENT AND A. W SALARY REQUIREMENTS M? a *>UpßnfllOT3 (Mile) Candidates must have at least (Within the solary scole w «> years' working experience w^
      717 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 490 18 >> CLASSIFIEDS |g»l IRORTDfJRISIS SPECIAI LOCAI 152 Where To Eat ,ytomlP((i(t> Seafood Ftestaurant Our Special TANG HOON PRAWNS SINGAPORE FRESH SEAFOOD B-B-Q 3'3 m/t. Oun*arn Road, (opp. Swiss Cottage. A.C.S.) T»l 2551*32. I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE 1 Antiques FINELY CARVED BLACK WOOD/ Cherry-wood Display Cabinets. Mahjong Tables. Dining and
      490 words
    • 525 18 DISHES :>M^i RESTAURANT he Finest Szechuan Cuisine ith 3 Taiwanese master nets to serve you in 293 elightfu! spicy ways We "commend our specialities ie oniy kinds in Singapore raised Beef in Fire Pot. urtle soup in Clay Pot. Ither specialties include Fried Chicken in Dry Red CMI. Fried Shredded
      525 words
    • 1041 18 When we say 'Special' we mean it. aff^^sl *t *L -ft t* |l|l| Lotue Inn Ufil C I CSbS-3 Restaurant IL I istFiooGoiden Mile Shopping Centre I Won Mup Compie« Beach Road. II Singapore 7 Tel *****67/*****20 j SPECIAL PREPARED Porridge-Mee From 7 00 am— 12 00 noon 500 pm
      1,041 words
    • 674 18 (I*4) (I*4) Cx«) Car* DM) LifMaa futwai (1*1) s»ias n iiii.ii... (US) A.iia»« OWn (155) Cmwl Glsis (I*4) L^aoas <'**>« 053) Syitwawa caadw. (155) Art-aaMlavaMM (1*1) Oias iim.iil swws (1*1) Maais.i Hisl* O+ SJ) s*^ (15*) l.ri stlin. (15*) fls»Wtlw»« '[li (151) M»«ca"«»Nl (60 Sk-.D~-aC.i-.*, 11*1) tWtoSkaas (155) l«a~~o
      674 words
    • 565 18 164 Special Trades/ Service* CHIANG ACUPUNCTURE SPECIALIST, 208. 2nd floor. Shaw House. Orchard Road. (9). Tel: *****0 next lo Lido Theatre). EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPERS required c Al least GCE O' level, c Possess LCCI certificate, c Preferable bl-llngual (English and Chinese), c Able to type. Apply In own handwriting with full
      565 words
    • 432 18 157 Photographic Equipment/ Watches I The best buy A in cameras is at aA&P Photo... i^^^ am> \j^^ Ba SIZ? Right choice at the Right price. M W A*J» Photo Store Ptelid I Ijl I lifting Sales Service &\*t~~ 87-88. Lower Ground Floor. Lucky Plaza. (Sida I M MEHCI Entrance-Facing
      432 words
    • 555 18 SECONOHANO CAMERAS CENTRE used or new Camera High offer for Leica used Cameras Singapore Cosmos Trading Company IT7. Middle Road. *****/ *****1 urgently requires BOOK-KEEPER (Female) Possess LCC Higher. 2to 3 years' experience. Well versed In Import/export documentation. Typing speed of 40 wpm. Is essential. Able to handle correspondence independently.
      555 words
    • 810 18 II EMPLOYMENT REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY 1) Accounts clerk, experience not necessary but must possess book-keeping qualifications and preferably completed N.S. 2) Operations assistant, experience In clearance of cargo, supervision of delivering and Installation of machinery Please apply staling full resume to S T Box A ***** Requirad Urgently FEMALE GENERAL CLERK
      810 words
    • 776 18 CANVASSERS NEEDED Male Singapore I'm.' Completed full-timi-Service m 3 credits at GC E O' l-«aj in eluding English Ahlr t speak Englisn fluently At least a few years' relevant experience Please apply giving full man* of personal particulars educational qualifications ami experience together with a passport size photograph (non-return able)lo:
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 513 19 it CLASSIFIED ADS 284 4422 N EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant c) Males C^ &k% '<«» ARI TOSj IN SKARIH OK A SATISr- VINCi CAREER IN SKI.I.INCi COSMETICS come and join us as -ULL TIME OR PART-TIME IKAUTV ADVISOR The training is provided to ensure that you have the skin-care and
      513 words
    • 664 19 SALES PROMOTERS r»Bjyir«d by a sHdtria |«*m Cull personally at JAOGER PTE LTD SOS. an, Hoar Tan Boon Lull Budding Outran) Road Singapore! Tel: 72K1M/7 OPPORTUNITIES FOR ACTIVE part-time canvasser to promote fast moving 4 colour ball pen Good profit *****23 OUEENSWAV EMPORIUM HAS va(amies for 1 Female Sales Assistants.
      664 words
    • 575 19 II EMPLOYMENT SALESGIRLS REOUtRED APPLY I personally at Ml 2. Far East j Shopping Centre between 10a m TO THOSE WHO are hardworking and self-motivated, who want a rewarding career, we will provide you with one week of Intensive training that will guarantee you a ladder of success In life
      575 words
    • 395 19 AN ESTABLISHED ENOtNEERtNO organisation requires a Male Trainee Supervisor Requirements Singapore Cillsen. C It O Plumbing Diploma or equivalent Working experience but without qualifications will also be considered. Please apply giving full details of working experience and salary expected to: S.T Box A***** •My qualified candidates for the 1) SEMI-SKILLED
      395 words
    • 563 19 II EMPLOYMENT BUKIT TIMAH PLAZA has a vacancy lor ELECTRICIAN/ MECHANIC ITB Grade 3 Certificate In either Electrical Fitting It Installation or alrcondltloning It refrigeration or equivalent. c Possession of a PUB Electrician Licence will be a decided advantage, a Minimum 3-5 years' relevant experience In the maintenance of alrcondltlonlng
      563 words
    • 552 19 [INCOM SINGAPORE is fast expanding I •ncom Singapore is an American manufacturing plant in Jurong involves in high volume production of quality roller chains and control c solas To cope with our upansion plan. have the lollowlna vacancies (1) SCREW MACHINE setup Fitter (Rotating, Ist/2nd shift) o Minimum 3 years'
      552 words
    • 660 19 AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service Weekdays S 3oa m 500pm Public Holidays 900 am i.oop.m Saturdays 830 am 300 p in (II 00am for Sun Times) Counter Service Regular of flee hours Times Orchard Centre. M IOS Lucky Plata <9> Times Centre New Industrial Road < 19) Ajuafoae 'Service After
      660 words
    • 395 19 ENGLISH SPEAKING AMAH wanted Must be Singaporean Age 20 30 years Working hours. 7a.m. 7.30 p.m. Contact *****13 between lp.m 4p.m STAY-IN OR STAY-OUT Servant No washing, no Ironing. Looking after a grown child. Some cooking Pay 5250. negotiable. Phone *****3 7 p m to 10 p m t) General
      395 words
      715 words
    • 168 19 ■sY^sS^V'^VlPWQspSß^lßßjs^Vawgl LV^MAfSißiM'W'ayMMtijeiß^H I r- I Id I to I H|«TaVjsl M |fl d RcopaTJ I I Hs^^^lfln^Bßsl i II It I I CHINESE CLINIC NURSE wanted In Whampoa area Singapore iiti/en with secondary 2 education Residents nearby preferred. Experience unnecessary. Willing to work at night (35-hour workIng week after first
      168 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 771 20 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant I) General CMAUFFtUR WANTED BY Shippan> from 15 79 Salary Jim* plus food allowance Sl2O Overtime allowance extra Tel 95&5QT 1 CO-OROINATORS FOR RADIO Taxi Any nationality Males only Apply personally 25 Beach DELIVERY CLERK REOUMEO Xx penenced in rlt-aring of rontaln- I ers »uh
      771 words
    • 498 20 EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER RE QUIRED Knowledge at prepara imn of monthly trial balanci and all related financial stale inenLs Apply in full details, sal ary expected and non-return able photograph lo Tanglin Pos Office Box 19fi FEMALE GENERAL CLERK an< .Sales Representative required Mm apply with photograph working experience, qualifies lion*,
      498 words
    • 540 20 II EMPLOYMENT HOTEL PHOENIX r lias immediate vacancies for 1) WAITRESSES 2) CHAMBERMAWS 3) MBH WASHER (FEMALE) 4) TOILET ATTENDANTS i Ptaaaa apply personalty erith recent Photograph and ralavant docuitieitts bafwaan %3Ub 400 p.m. la THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT HOTEL PHOENIX v ORCHARO/SOMERSET ROAOS SINGAPORE 9. tlm—in (Private) LIwWH I
      540 words
    • 576 20 i Due to expansion In our Production line, we have immediate vacancies for the following: 1) FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS I normal Ist It 2nd routing shifts It permanent 3rd shift a Non citizens will also be considered. a 16 years It above a No experience required a Attractive pay with
      576 words
    • 533 20 II EMPLOYMENT LOOKING FOR A JOB? Join us as FEMALE PROOUCTION OPERATORS a $8 00 per day a After 3 months $8 50 $8 70. a Meal allowance. Ptaase apply personalty at NEW SOUNO ELECTRONICS PTE LTD 2nd Hoar Tack Chiang Industrial Building 1 1t-0 Paya Labar Road Singapore 14
      533 words
    • 590 20 OFFICE BOY ANO Workshop Apprentices wanted Salary range between $160 and $180/- Contact 177. Clemenceau Avenue. 9. Tel *****3. OFFICE BOY REOUIRED urgently al Pasir Panjang. 5-day week Possesses Class 2 licence Salary $150 Contact *****11 OFFICE BOYS WANTED. Preferably Indian. Age below 30 years Contact *****59 j OFFICE BOYS
      590 words
    • 565 20 II EMPLOYMENT >- PART-TIME DESPATCH RIOCRS re (1) Deliver dist :i 4 and 5 (Time 1- 6a.m. 10am (2) Deliver dist. 8 >. (Time Sam -9a m Apply personally to: Overseas Courier ly Service. Co Apollo Hotel. 2nd k floor. Havelock Road. Spore 3. ■y >V PLASTIC FACTORY requires MALE/FEMALE
      565 words
    • 322 20 SECURITY GUARDS REOUIRED immediately for Jurong area Good pay and prospects with fringe benefits, annual/medical leave, bonus, etc. Apply personally with photographs to: Room 101. Nehsons Building. Peck Seah Street. Spore 2. SECURITY GUARDS (MALE) 1 Passed Primary education in English 2) Able to speak and write simple English 3)
      322 words
    • 581 20 II EMPLOYMENT STOREHANO/DELIVERV BOY required by a leading leans Please call personally at: MM. ath floor Tan Boon Liat Building Outram Road Singapore 3 TIEN WAH PRESS (PTE) LTD j M. is \.irancies for the following (1) Male Apprentices Below 25 years of age Minimum Secondary Two qualification with good
      581 words
    • 556 20 TRADING COMPANY RfOUIRfS youni! enericetu- male shop .is Msiani Apply wuh rerenl photograph I non-returnable) stating experience. salHry required and full particulars lotiPO Box .1208, Singapore TRANSPORT COMPANY REQUIRES Clerks Salary $350 $400 Interested please apply personally In 10-K. Jervois Ri«d. Spore 10 URGENTLY REOUIRED 20 HosIMBM al Stella Doro
      556 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 872 21 IN VEHICLES* BOATS 45 V»hicM>s For Sal* APWL 1*72 FORD Cnrlina I*oo igon Tax 1 year $4,600 \-\Kt Tel *****9 APRIL 1*72 TOYOTA Cellca Alrrund new tyres sports rims. ire $8,800 Tel *****1 APm. I*7* SUZUKI s. rambler TS 125 Tip top condition Asking $700 and rontin h ilalmenls Tel
      872 words
    • 909 21 FOR EXPORT MORRIS Minor 1098 rr 1973 End Dec 1971 model available Phone *****0' *****37 FOR EXPORT I*7*. Volkswagen 1 300 New paintwork Excellent condition Tel *****78 FOR OUAUTV USED i irs 4 Maximum Valuation on your car visit Singapore Used Car Pte Ltd 29. ('■oldhill Plaza Tel *****11/ *****90
      909 words
    • 956 21 111 VEHICLES A BOATS REGISTERED 1*75 BMW 525. alr- i.nrl i asseite and Mimlite rims. immaculate condition Tel 2M3201 Peter Chng REG. JUNE. 1*75. DaUun 120Y Saloon 1 owner Very good condition With aircond. sport rims and radio $12,400 o no Tel *****5 SCRAP CAMS 1200. 2000. 2800. 3300. 6000
      956 words
    • 967 21 I*7X. MERCEDES MM. Co reflsradio. cassette new white paintwork $10.900 0n0 Tel *****39 I*7l MERCEDES BENZ 200. aircond new paint, cassette, road lax 6/79 Call *****57 1*72 MERCEDES 20* Alrcond. radio and cassette New lyres Accident free Excellent condition $18.7500 no Tel *****6 1*72 MERCEDES 23* Very good condition Just
      967 words
    • 567 21 HI VEHICLES 4 BOATS 1*77 MERCEDES 200 One private owner in showroom condition PARF eligible Contact *****3. Vincent 1*77 FORD CORTMA 1600. alrcond sports rims, tip top condition $15,500 ono. View: 66-B Guillemard Road 1*77 HONDA CIVIC 1500 4-door Automatic 1 private owner, alrcond.. sports rims, showroom condition Tel: *****33
      567 words
    • 531 21 COMPANY/ PRIVATE/ Scrap used vehicle wanted Immediate payment No PARF acceptable Tel *****9 Francis ADVERTISER RCOUMES A Mini Clubman/Special. Subaru. Toyota. Renault or any Japanese make Contact 3*1866 ADVERTISER URGENTLY REOMRCS Cellca. Toyota. Honda Civic. Datsun. Mini Clubman Appointments *****47 (evening -*****6) ADVERTISER URGENTLY REOUHKS Mini. Lancer. Toyota. Datsun. Civic.
      531 words
    • 711 21 IV ACCOMMODATI 51 Accommodation Vacant a) Mouses Oral. 10. EiKuliv* detached Bungalow In quwt •ichwnr* rMKfenhal location 3 bedrooms, study. TV room, separate living and dining, extended patio, kitchen and servant's room. Large matured garden. muni n«goii«i>w. Drat. 11 Renovated cotomal detached Bungalow with 3 bedrooms and a study, large
      711 words
    • 827 21 lON PROPERTIES OIST. 5. NEAR ALEXANDRA singlestorey detached bungalow 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, furnished $1,000 Pandan Valley, near American School. 4 bedrooms. 4 bathrooms, split-level, partly furnished, swimming pool-ten-nis courts $1,800 For sale $210.000 Ring *****1 DIST CAMNHB.L PLAZA $3,500 Clemenceau Avenue $1,900 Paslr Panjang Townhouse $1,400. DM 11 2-storey
      827 words
    • 786 21 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES CHOTEK APARTMENTS .17 NasMm Road. Spore 10 < Located in ideal residential area close to Orchard/ Tanglln Shopping Complex. Botanical Garden) 1 furnished apartments available now. 24-hour security Swimming pool. Please contact: Chotek (Pie) Ltd *****55 (No Brokers Please CAIRNHILL PLAZA APARTMENTS available for rent or sale
      786 words
    • 783 21 2514. PEARLBANK APARTMENT I tv'drooms iuii> furnished Rental $1400 Contact *****37/ *****38 (Office hours) 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED FLAT with aircondltloners al Lewis Road, dlst 10 for immediate rent Ring *****7 c) Rooms OIST. I*. UNFURNISHED ROOM with ceiling fan to let for respectable working couple or single working girl only
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 664 22 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES 54 Properties For Sal* a) Mouses ACE MOUSING (TFL 2MM22) ACE HOUSING (TEL 2MOK2) HrmlMViing Hill" r -t.itr 2000 3bed»Cf OFFERS (OIST 10) luxuris4oo 000 Call A SPACIOUS DOUBLE otorry i TrloK I Humer *****44 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW BE DOR 13 400 sq It 3 hedMKini attarhed irrv.iiH
      664 words
    • 341 22 Hilltop 2 storey split level serr-i detached bungalows luxury fittings easy loan instalments freehold land prompt delivery Only two units left Book now to avoid disappointment Enquiry Booking THOMSON MILL LTD. 15th tloof Far East Shopping Centre. Orchard Road Singapore 9 Tel *****11 (12 lines). *****5. *****58 Free from encumbrances
      341 words
    • 668 22 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES EXCLUSIVE HIGHRISE APARTMENT »ilhm walking distance to major International Hotels Hum up area 1200 sq ft 4 bedrooms carpeted throughout ii'iU units per floor Swimming pool Pnca: $3*0.000 CONTINENTAL HOUSING PTE LTD Real Estate Agents I Valuers Tai: S3S7M lines) ACE HOUSING (TEL: *****22) Cairnhlll Court (dlsl
      668 words
    • 827 22 55 Properties Wanted ANY GOOD TERRACE semi-de-tached Upper Serangoon' Serangoon Gardens/ Seletar Hills Capitol Park Practical *****/*****3 APARTMENTS. HOUSES REOUMED for purchase by clients Owners phone Nt w Century Realty without obligation *****92/*****75 BRUNEI TIMBER COMPANY (Locally based) wishes to purchase 3 properties Preferably houses modern apartments Genuine principal owners
      827 words
    • 690 22 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES MERLIN PLAZA FOR Sale Rent High flimr lacing sea $200 ps f $1 50 excluding maintenance Area I 200 sq ft Please contact Mont Blanc Pte Ltd *****1/ DM MODERN AIRCONOITIONED OFFICE space central prestigeous i.xality furnished' unfurnished 1 m mcd i ate occupation Enquiries *****
      690 words
    • 731 22 102-104. ICB Knterpnses House lor immediate occupation Modern offices H a most prestigeous Building with Banking facilities downstairs Contact *****91. *****41 59 Office Space Wanted OUR CLIENTS REQUIRE offices at People's Park Centre. Sale Rent Owners call Henry Koh Housing *****6 REOUIREO IMMEDIATELY PRESTIGEOUS office units 1.000 lo 2.000 sq
      731 words
    • 734 22 V SERVICES BUSINESS CARL INTERIOR DECORATION specialise in tiling renovation lor luxurious houses apartments offices HDB flats *****4 SUMLY PTE LTD provides fast semce for all kinds of renovation work Consult, no obligation 248C-2 Orchard Road I opposite Mandarin Hotel). Tel: *****31/*****9. TEL: *****5. HOB Licence (\SOS29 specialises in renovation.
      734 words
    • 625 22 WE BUY USED iiold silver, diamond ornaments Cull *****34 41. Tanjong Pagar (near Metropole Theatre i WE PROVIOE COMPLETE office address mailing facilities telephone answering service for your business Contact *****1 77 Car Pools CAR POOL AVAILABLE from Clement i Estate up lo Kallaim area Call: *****70 (after 6.00 pm
      625 words
    • 809 22 VI EDUCATION TRAINING GIRLS! Jobs are becoming harder to get you need oenar qualifications The London Chamber of Commerce ana industry Prvate Secretary s Certificate is recognised internationally as one ol me highest qualifications obtainable This examination is the only Private Secretarial Examination supervised by trie Ministry oi Educator Enrol
      809 words
    • 770 22 SCHOOL OF ST CLARE. PENZANCE. CORNWALL. UNITED KINGDOM A Church of England Girls' School, belonging lo the Woodard Corporation. Boardart agad 8-18 Courses leading to Ordinary and Advancad level G C E and University entrance. Sixth form Sec re an il courae Entrance tor •nqluh expatriates at any »ge. depending
      770 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 890 23 VI EDUCATION ft TRAINING 103 Tuition INTENSIVE ROMANISED JAPANESE i 'iinvervtiiiin commencing 22 4 79 English Shorthand i Theory i 24 4T9 Pen's«uafte Commercial School I-G. har Road Tel *****51 KMTTMO COURSE FOR beginning on 21 4 79 at 200 pm Irlerestrd please call personally .it 1088 Serangoon Road
      890 words
    • 706 23 VII TRAVEL ft RESTAURANTS '^~SJ I B^Br^VriSflfff^ftHßr^BSTvr^BVr^ Wn BVTTTTffIrn^aM^RWB I* /^^c%saT^L^>^aaa IHj/illl ItlS^V>^B*aWaaviaaFj i/i//^ZJbw (^^B^BveMMBPMHBvWaiaSaMIKB^Bi k ill *ML'i.'J'™ 000 j OOP L Mi Vt VB ■*tt1 t t!vXmHlfW ,^-,>:-./n— JDayslPricejDepDate Cameron Highlands 7 M 3/6,18/6 Kuala Lumpur/Genting/Penang/ I 27 5, Kuala Lumpur 6 6 Kuala Lumpur/Genting/ MVfl 275 Pangkor/Frasers' Hill
      706 words
    • 390 23 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS BUDGET!!! AIRFARES OR TOURFARES TO ANY DESTINATION TRY US WE GUARANTEE SUNSEEKERS pte no 324 ORCHARD TOWERS ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 9 b TIL: *****27 v STPSTAI74 78 AUSTRALIA TOUR SERVICES. Seoul /Taiwan /Hongkong/ Manila/Bangkok Tour. 8 days $1271 00 12 days $*****0 14 days $*****0 3 meals
      390 words
    • 522 23 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte Ltd STPB Lie No 140 West Malaysia Tour (Inclusive Oentlng/ Cameron Highlands) by deluxe alrcondltloned coach seven days S*l99/-. six days SSI79/-. departure every Sunday. Monday. Tuesday Oenllng/ Cameron Highlands four days SSI4O/-. Oentlng Highlands four days SIISO/-. by deluxe alrcondltloned coach Thursday Haadyai'
      522 words
    • 1133 23 EHACHIME TOOLS SALES ENGINEER]! Solory: 551 6,000 00 Per onnum plus coriu_ I mission We wish to employ an experienced Sales Engineer to look otter oitf 1 I line of production machine tools Apptr- I cants must hove at least tew years soles I and working experience ot auto lathes.
      1,133 words
    • 130 23 LEMBAGA PADI DAN BERAS .NEGARA KENYATAAN TAWABAN Tawaran-tawaran adalah dlterlma daripada pemboronf pemboronf yang berdaftar denf an Jabatan Kerja Raya atau laln-laln Badan Kerajaan di Ibupejabat Lemb»j» Padl dan Beraa Negara. Tlngkat 20. Ba ngunan UMBC. Jalan Sulalman. Kuala Lumpur, hlngga jam 12.00 tengaharl pada llhb Mel. 1979. untuk:(I) Memblna
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 144 24 k J i* >Ak vl I Ir fl MITSUKOSHI y4 symbol of quality, dependability and innovation, Japan s first and leading department store has a tradition of purveying the worlds finest merchandise. With thirteen branches throughout Japan and stores in Paris, Rome, London and New York; representative offices in Hong
      144 words

    • 259 25 SYDNEY, Wed. Deposed Australian Test captain Graham Yallop was in grave danger of being sacked from the World Cup team to tour England last night's Sydney Sun reported The Australian Prirlcpi Board will meet here next Monday and Tuesday, and Yallop's controversial statements in
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 120 25 Gueugnon reach last eight PARIS, Wed. Second Division Gueugnon toppled mighty St. Etienne last night to move into the quarter-finals of the French Soccer Cup. Gueugnon, who won 3-0 in the home leg last week, lost the return leg 2-0 for a 3-2 aggregate victory. Two other second division teams
      Reuter; UPI  -  120 words
    • 269 25 NEW YORK, Wed. A strike called by the North American Soccer League Players' Association fizzled in most cases as all 12 scheduled games were played last weekend. The Union, who called the walkout in an effort to force the NASL to grant them recognition,
      Agencies  -  269 words
    • 142 25 THE GLEAMING BRIDE AND GROOM... happy Chris Evert and John Lloyd leave St Xnthony's church In Fort Uudrrdale, Florida, after their marriage. Chris, the world's top woman tennis star married Lloyd, Britain's Davis Cnp player, in a highly-traditional ceremony close to the courts where she learned to
      Reuter; UPI  -  142 words
    • 426 25  -  FAIRWAY By RIBUT, with jockey Robert Ooi in the saddle displayed striking form in his workout in Penanc yesterday, when he reeled off 600 metres in 37 8 sec. on soft going. The Copenhagen II seven-year-old showed a return to form in his last start, finish
      426 words
    • 83 25 MOSCOW, Wed. Canada beat Finland 5-4 in the World ice hockey championship here yesterday. This victory sent them into the final round together with the Soviet Union, Sweden and Czechoslovakia. Canada's winning goal came when Wayne Babych of the St. Louis Blues won the draw and threw the puck
      83 words
    • 516 25 Sweden 9-3 to emerge as the only team in the tournament with a perfect record. Watched by 12,000 fans at the Luzhniki Stadium, the defending champions scored three times in each period against the Swedes. GOLF The French Government has stopped a
      Agencies  -  516 words
    • 253 25 LONDON. Wed. West Bromwich Albion faltered in their bid to catch European champions Liverpool at the top of the English First Division football League table when they lost 1-0 to Bristol City last night. The result means that Liverpool stay six points clear
      Reuter  -  253 words
    • 116 25 TEAM P W D L F A Pi Liverpool 34 24 6 4 70 14 54 West Brom 33 20 8 5 64 30 48 Everton 38 16 16 6 50 36 48 Forest 33 16 15 2 50 21 47 SECOND DIVISION TEAM P W D L F
      116 words
    • 207 25 Tanner blasts giant Amaya into submission HOUSTON, Wed. Secondseeded Roscoe Tanner beat Vie Amaya 6-2, 6-4 here yesterday in the first round of a U*****,000 World Championship Tennis tournament. Tanner, with one of the biggest serves on the professional circuit, blasted the two-metre tall Amaya into j submission during intermittent
      Agencies  -  207 words
    • 82 25 ANDORA (Italy). Wed. Luigi "Gigi" Radice. manager of Italian First Division soccer side Torino, was seriously injured in a car crash yesterday in which his wife and two other people died, police said Radice, 44. who led Torino to the Italian championship in 1976, suffered multiple
      Reuter  -  82 words
    • 69 25 MANILA, Wed The Philippim Olympic Committee said toda> they will send no more than \H athletes and officials to the South-east Asian Cames in In donesia in September The POC chairman. Colonel Nereo Anclolonß. said athletes who beat Asian (James records will be selected,
      AFP  -  69 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 342 25 MILEK PERKASA SDN. BHD. (a company incorporated in Malaysia) invites application for the following post CIVIL/STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Qualification and experience a) Candidates. must be not less than 35 years of age and must be MIE (M) or equivalent. In addition they must be registered with the Board of Engineers. Malaysia.
      342 words
    • 264 25 WARNER) 1 LambertJ WARNER-LAMBERT roquiros DIAGNOSTIC SALES REPRESENTATIVE (Based in SINGAPORE) In view of our expansion programme, we need another sales representative to be based in Singapore. He must be a Singapore citizen and mhould have HSC preferably with science subjects, and some selling experience in diagnostic reagents I or
      264 words
    • 259 25 A firm of Consulting Engineers have immediate vacancies for the following:— A. RESIDENT ENGINEERS B. CIVIL ENGINEERS C. TECHNICAL ASSISTANTS QUALIFICATION EXPERIENCE: POST A: RESIDENT ENGINEERS Professional Engineers with 4to 1 0 years' experience in site and contract administration, preferably in new town development, water supply, sewerage, drainage and irrigation.
      259 words
    • 251 25 KENYATAAN TAWARAN PENYELIDIKAN TAPAK Tawaran daripada pembo-rong-pemborong yang berdaftar di J.K.R. dalam Kelas IV Pecahan Kepala 9(a) dan (b) akan diterima dl pejabat Ketua Pengarah Kerja Raya, Semenanjung Malaysia, Jalan Tun Ismail. Kuala Lumpur, hlngga pukul 12.00 tengahari pada 3hb. Mci 1979 untuk:"Toll Highway Project Ipoh North/ South Supplementary Design"
      251 words
    • 310 25 UNIVERSITI PERTANIAN MALAYSIA, SERDANG CADANGAN BANGUNAN SAINS FIZIK Semua pemborong pemborong yang berdaftar dengan JKR dibawah Kelas A 1 (Kepala II Pecahan Kepala 2) dan yang dibenarkan membuat tawaran pada masa mi adalah dijemput mengambil-dokumen tawaran yang mengandungi Senarai Bahan daripada pejabat Bina Akitek (R) Sdn. Bhd.. Tingkat 8 Bangunan
      310 words

    • 229 26  -  GODFREY ROBERT By SINGAPORE rugby coach Natahar Bava and national skipper i Song Koon Poh are to attend week-long coaching courses in England. Bava will spend a week at Carnegie College, Leeds, from July 27- Aug. 3, while Song will be attached to the
      229 words
    • 42 26 ANGLO Chinese School beat Sang Nila Utama 22-0 in (he National Schools secondary division rugby competition at Grange Road yesterday. In another match. Raffles Institution defeated Whitley 12-4. Post secondary results: RI bt NJC 4M and SAJC bt ACJC 10-6
      42 words
    • 510 26 Watt lights up Glasgow with 12th round win SCOTLAND'S Jim Watt, who almost quit boxing three years ago, won the world lightweight title last night when Colombia's Alfredo Pitalua ran out of steam and ended up sagging and defenceless on the ropes. The referee stopped the fight in the 12th
      Reuter; AP  -  510 words
    • 20 26 EAST SUBURBS from Australia beat Singapore Cricket Club 14 in a friendly hockey match on the Padanfl yesterday.
      20 words
    • 90 26 KUALA Ll'MPl R, We 4. Singapore's Urn Pkl Lea Is expected to meet AantraUa's See hancel ler, the mcwnl seed, In as While ether Slaiapereaas fell by the wayside en the opening day's pUy at the Nrlangor Club courts today, Phi Lan sailed Into
      NST  -  90 words
    • 321 26  -  ERNEST FRIDA New course will be one of the most beautiful and challenging in the world By THE new 18-hole Sentosa golf course, which is expected to be completed next year, may be the venue of the 1982 or 1983 World Cup. Ronald Fream,
      321 words
    • 135 26 THE last leg of the Asian golf circuit opens in Ina tomorrow with some 150 golfers from 12 nations competing for US$lOO,OOO ($220.000) in prizes. The Dunlop international golf tournament, which will also start Japan's golf season, has failed to attract the world's top-ranking golfers. But
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 427 26  -  By R. VELU; INDIA, the organisers, have dropped some key events, including bad- Kuala Lumpur, Wad. minton, cycling and table tennis, for the 1982 Acian ramp* tn hp hplH m in New Delhi. The Indian decision was disclosed by Olympic Council of Malaysia secretary
      NST  -  427 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1070 26 Career Opportunities fin Saudi Arabia Airline Vacancies for L Engineering and Pan! b rir^ I*l t^ l Project Managers Field Support Engineering. Requirements: High school certificate (12 successful years of or B-737 and/or B 727 and/or L-1011 or equivalent aircraft. and advise supervisor of the problem areas for proceedure action;
      1,070 words

    • 72 27 THE final round of the Coca-Cola Soccer Skills competition for players under-14 will be held at the National Stadium tonight at 7. The participants are: Michael Das (St. Gabriels). Latin Rahman (Hwi Yoh School). Ong See Siang (West Lake School), Low Chong Gee (Serangoon Technical), Mohammed Azmany
      72 words
    • 52 27 ANDERSON scored a double in the national schools south zone volleyball championships by winning the lower secondary boys' and girls' titles. The final placings: Bay* 1 Anderson, 2 Tiong Batuu, 3 Raffles Institution; Gtrli 1 Anderson, 2 Fairfield. 3 Raffles Girls. The secondary division finals will be held
      52 words
    • 63 27 THE visiting Dolphin Aqua Club team, »l Brunei, avenged their defeat by the Chinese Swimming Club, mi Tuesday, by beating them 8-5 in a return friendly water-polo match at Amber Road pool last night. On Tuesday, CSC beat Brunei M. TlmesI pic by FRANCIS
      63 words
    • 168 27 Seven shine at Penang meet SEVEN local swimmers gave outstanding performances in the Sanya Samakki Cup meet, hosted by the Penang Chinese Swimming Club over the weekend. They were Alvin Lim, Tay Khoon Hi an and Tay Guat Kirn, of Singapore Chinese Swimming Club, Lim Seng Hock, Mavis Ec and
      168 words
    • 62 27 ST. JOSEPH'S Institution maintained their unbeaten record when they beat Hwi Yon 1-0 in the National Schools hockey competition (lower secondary) for boys at Balestier Road yesterday Hwi Yon. despite their defeat. qualified (or the semi-finals along with SJI Other results: lieatly beat Dunearn 1-0. Victoria thrashed
      62 words
    • 550 27 MORE than 50 years ago, that great American golfing extrovert, Walter Hagen, used to breeze into locker rooms at the big tournaments in which he was playing and bellow: "Hiya, fellers, and who's going to finish runner-up?" It must have been a somewhat
      550 words
    • 134 27 Singapore ;elangor '■hang lelantan 'enang labah ;edah rengganu >arak krmed Forces ohore iarawak '•rlit Malacca lagri Sembilan cd. Territory Irunai 13 12 13 12 13 12 14 12 13 13 12 13 11 13 13 13 12 10 8 8 7 7 7 4 6 7 3 3
      134 words
    • 317 27  - SAJA ban use of makikomi in grading PATRICK BABTIANS By THE use of the makikomi wrap-around or winding technique will be barred from the Singapore age-group judo championships at Kirn Seng Secondary Technical School on May 4 and 5 because of the danger of suffocation or strangulation. The Singapore Amateur
      317 words
    • 237 27 Pahang give their fans plenty to cheer PAHANG 4 R TKRRITORY 1 KUANTAN, Wed. Pahang, clicking like a welloiled machine, steamrolled Federal Territory to a 4-1 victory in this Malaysia Cup match here tonight. It was a night of joy for Pahang fans as Pahang had the Federal team back-ped-alling
      237 words
    • 31 27 KAIXANG beat Kampong Chai Ctwe 2-1 in an inter -constituency sepak takraw match at the Gay World Stadium last night In another match. Tanglin edged out Rukit Timah 2-1.
      31 words
    • 535 27  -  JOE DORAI GOALKEEPER LIM AND AHMAD SAYUTI WILL NOT PLAY, BUT By INJURY rules out striker Ahmad Sayuti and goalkeeper Lim Chiew Peng from Singapore's line-up for this evening's Malaysia Cuptie at the National Stadium (8). But that should not stop the Republic from reaching
      535 words
    • 24 27 PONGGOL beat Hwa Chong 2-1 and Singapore Vocational Institute drew 1-1 with Outram in national schools post secondary soccer tournament matches yesterday.
      24 words
    • 149 27 Hwa Chong prove too strong HWA CHONG Junior College dominated the post secondary division of the national schools' table tennis championships at the Nanyang Junior College yesterday. Their boys thrashed NJC 5-0, while the girls overwhelmed ACJC 4-1. Other results: Bays past aee•alary NJC 3 ACJC 2; STI 5 CJC
      149 words
    • 326 27 SELANGOR 2 SARAWAK 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Except for the two points collected from Sarawak, it was disappointing football from a rusty Selangor side at the Merdeka Stadium tonight. The consequence of having just one full practice together in a 23-day break since
      NST  -  326 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 13 27 WILD Fr# ABOUT SPORT K^L^J^J The column that gets down to the nitty-gritty
      13 words
    • 705 27 #HARIMAU INVESTMENTS LIMITED (INCORPORATED IN THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sixth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 19th Floor, OCBC Centre, Chulia Street, Singapore 1 on Friday, 8th June 1979 at 12.00 noon. The audited results of the Company and the
      705 words
    • 353 27 HONG HI TEXTILES (PRIVATE) LIMITED (IncorporaWd In thr RepaMlc ol Singapore) NOTICE OP RESOLITIONS At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of HONG HUA TEXTILES (PRIVATE) LIMITED duly convened and held at Suite 1301, Golden Mile Tower. Beach Road, Singapore 7 on 16th April. 1979, the followlng resolutions set
      353 words
    • 332 27 I E53 I National I p! J JTT^ I PRODUCTION LEADERS NEW CHALLENGE FOR YOU! Due to rapid expansion, our giant factory, manufacturing radios, tape recorders and stereos will be completed for our occupancy in Bedok South Avenue in May. Above posts are available for your new challenge. We will
      332 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 47 27 BADMINTON Men s senior inter-club knock-out tourney (SBA hall. 7 30). National schools' secondary boys' semifinals: BHS v ACS, SPS v NTS (New Town. 2). Rl'GBY National schools' secondary tournament St. Andrew's v SAF Boys' School. (WoodsvtUe Rd). TENNIS National schools' boys' post-secondary semifinals (Farrer Park 2).
      47 words

  • 124 28 SQUEEZED like an accordion by Yugoslavia's worst-ever earthquake, this resort hotel in the town of Bar along the Adriatic coast Is now a mausoleum to the many dead buried among its ruins. New tremors were still rocking the country for the third successive day yesterday,
    UPI  -  124 words
  • 267 28 METULLAH (Israel), Wed. The commander of rightwing Christian forces in south Lebanon today declared the region an independent "Free Lebanon." Major Saad Haddad told a press conference in Metullah that the decision to declare an independent Lebanon in the south of the country was
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 57 28 JAKARTA, Wed. The national flag carrier, Garuda Indonesian Airways will increase its international fares by 7 per cent from May 1, a company spokesman said today. The increase would be in line with a decision announced at the International Air Transport Association data) conference in
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 68 28 SEATTLE. Wed. The first China-nag ship to visit the United States since the communist revolution 30 years ago, docked in Seattle today lo pick up 30.000 tonnes of corn for China. On hand for ceremonies to mark the arrival was a US delegation led by
    UPI  -  68 words
  • 258 28 BANGKOK, Wed. The Vice-President of the new Kampucheanadministration has claimed that almost three million people were killed during the rule of ousted Prime Minister Pol Pot, Radio Phnom Penh said today. Mr Pen Sovan was making a statement to cadres and youths
    Reuter  -  258 words
  • 257 28 News blackout on test ban pact talks GENEVA. Wed. The United States. Soviet Union and Britain decided to impose what amounts to a news blackout on their talks on a treaty to ban all nuclear testing, it was disclosed ioday. While the reasons for this blackout were not obvious, it
    UPI  -  257 words
  • 242 28 Thatcher's tit-for-tat tactics LONDON, Wednesday OPPOSITION leader Margaret Thatcher turned political brawler today as Britain's general election campaign finally hotted up. With two weeks to polling day, Mrs Thatcher lashed out at Prime Minister James Callaghan's ruling Labour Party for using scare tactics and hit back by doing the same
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 50 28 MtOf LIU KUNG KWEI imt i ■MMd u»u> on ***** lt'.iwiiii hriund chUdrrn Tammy. Mcmy. Molly Kobinvm and Jenny The will lake place on 20 4 79 COftaai »ill leave from ItMIDon Casket. Lavender Street for Mount Vermin Crematorium i-or lime ot funeral (.orUail S pore t a.-ket
    50 words
  • 293 28 TOKYO, Wednesday JAPAN has warned Vietnam that it would suspend economic aid if Hanoi permitted a Soviet military presence there, Foreign Ministry sources here said today. The warning was given by the ministry's Asian affairs bureau director, Mr Keisuke Yanagiya, to the
    293 words
  • 138 28 Terrorists: Bonn police seeks help from PLO BONN. Wed. West German police, using Libya as go-between, were recently in touch with the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) to persuade it to stop supporting West German terrorists, the newspaper, Die Well, reported today. Die Welt said the contacts took place in Beirut
    AFP  -  138 words
  • 29 28 NEW YORK, Wed The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials rose 2.00 to 859 93 in the first halfhour today on the New York Stock Exchange. AP.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 128 28 BEIJING (PEKING), Wed. (Wang Hsieh-yun) "followed A party official who com- j the feudal, superstitious memorated his father's funeral ceremony of the old death by burning incense. society to commemorate his throwing a banquet and re- father's death by erecting a ceiving gifts has been dis-
    AP  -  128 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 169 28 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price Mr Annual Subscription $155. Few subscription, call *****1 Ext 231 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. THE WORLD of banking and finance has grown by leaps and bounds since the Minister for Finance first announced Singapore's intention to become a financial centre of international repute Business Times
      169 words
    • 356 28 HAIR REPLACEMENT CENTRE |Before| F^ ter H IkU Lot«t technique* to solve oil vout HAIR PROBLEMS I r>k> hmitotions you can sleep, swim or engage m I I ony sporl. it will stoy m ploce TOUPEE WIGS FOR GENTS LADIES ||l HAIR TRANSPLANT MODEL MM M HAIR WEAVING I'M HAIR
      356 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 3 1 The Straits Times
      3 words
    • 967 1  -  MILTON CHASE By Our correspondent in Washington IN INITIATING a programme of worker- management contributions to Singapore charities, Hewlett. Packard Singapore has borrowed philanthropic fund-raising ideas from an old American institution the United Way. The United Way is a locally-based voluntary
      967 words
    • 104 1  -  BENG TAN By sick and homebound, homes for the aging, rehabilitation for the handicapped, Boy and Girl Scouts. YMCA and YArVCA, hospitals, community centres, scholarships and many other social services. The United States abounds with charitable, social service, public interest and other non-profit organisat ions
      104 words
    • 753 1 Researchers need volunteers to take part in two scientific studies RESEARCHERS at two American universities are seeking volunteers to participate in scientific studies. Dental researchers at the State University of New York in Buffalo hope to find participants for a study of chronic temporomandibular joint syndrome. And, in Baltimore, Johns
      753 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 48 1 CTTii-it t'^ ZmW t itlmmwg CTILJI W^ mS I I^MmmmAW^——JJ Mu lo4s v STIHLm J m^ Mo v stihllCTTz^ AW Model 031 AY STIHI-lr Jl.j» s*^ MOO* FS 80 8...5-. 20% Discount Last 3 days from today 16-4-79 to 21-4-79 CRANE STORES 198. South Bridge Road Singapore 1
        48 words
      • 30 1 Inside: LEISURE: Che Xuan wins TV heroins Chen Shall heart after all 2 POLITICS owes a lot even today to Marchiavelli. 3 WOMAN PLUS: Helping baby keep constipation away. 3
        30 words
      • 2 1 LJnicGd Wf3U
        2 words
      • 628 1 AclftmuU Joft-$6? SABA, world leader in TV technology, SABA fOT gives you a sophisticated tt^<r\f\ jj!_ German colour TV that costs A OTUV S>IUU ITrOrG *****1 only $100 more than a B k,ri£inOCO T\/ 1 Japanese se. A m d OCkyJctt KJIAJ I V Now you can enjoy V From
        628 words
      • 365 2 Former ballet star goes on the magic carpet again BALLET teacher Vida Ashby, who years ago gave up the stage for a more homely life, has found herself back on the magic carpet again. Her "rides" to 10 countries began five years ago when she became an examiner for the
        365 words
      • 458 2  -  SAW PUAY DM By MANY followers of the TV Mandarin drama serial, Youth in Spring. may have been curious to know who the heroine, Yao Menghan, would eventually marry. At first, she had three admirers Bai Shiqian, Dr Zheng Shiyang
        458 words
      • 489 2 50 mercenaries on a dangerous 'seek and rescue' mission A BOOK by Daniel Carney The Wild Geese will soon be presented on celluloid for movie fans. The dim tells the action-packed story of a band of 5t steel-hard mercenaries who undertake a daagerons assignment la a central African conn try.
        489 words
      • 50 2 A SCIENTIST pretends to be an idiot to steal a "thought-controlled" mis- i sile In New Adveatnres of Wonder Woman tonight at 7.45 on Channel 5. Wonder Woman tries to foil his plot. I James Luisi guest-stars as the scientist in the episode titled 1»e Marderons MKsik
        50 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 449 2 MMMMM& afMMWtftfV^nH nW* InJn^nV^ I*^1 W ".'■■■•"mW M *T M ■nu i «^^*^n^nfi RK m a greatTplace Ask around Its no C/%D Dl ICInkICCC secret we're a .TWI% DIIMnCjJ favourite with businessmen from the world over. We have all the facilities and expertise to satisfy conscientious and fun-loving businessmen. Full
        449 words
      • 79 2 met Keller dU jud> 'ft* dutjku*-' Opens daily 4 pm to 12 midnit* 883, East Coast Road Tel: *****18 (Junction of East Coast Rd and Siglap Rd) Free ample parking Introductory Offer wl^^^U Top Quality JM ffL, 8 Digit Green XDisplay Calculator with V~and 4 Memory Keys^B B k Power
        79 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 944 2 TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening and Star Performance 7.00 Samudra (Repeat) The Gun 7.30 News (Malay) 3.30 Diary of Events (Chnese) 7 45 0 6 Woman 3.35 Home Sweet Home (Mandarin g45 Y(KJ Kno "?"!fwsi quarter-final) ama rep 930 News and Newsreel (Engfsh) 4.20 Intermission 10 w
        944 words
    • 1021 3  -  JULIUS HUMI in FLORENCE The essence of his philosophy was that men are more often evil than good, selfish than generous By IT IS probable that many of those who practice Niccolo Machiavelli's principles are unaware of their actual origin Little is
      UPI  -  1,021 words
    • 754 3  -  NED TEMKO in BAGHDAD By SCORES of sky-blue posters now dot the greyish bazaars of Baghdad. A soldier is shown crashing his boot down on a grinning President Sadat of Egypt, with a boldfaced pledge that the "Arab nation
      754 words
    • 542 3  -  ROLAND DALLAS in ROME By ROME'S historic opera house has no artistic director, no management board and is administered by a veteran television director of parliamentary' news. Bat even so, it manages to muddle through and even to produce some successes. The opera house,
      Reuter  -  542 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 407 3 m fm .in llv -V. a am afltf n. M* JfLm Ep-jH >■■■' km mr*- 1 M^ -%t 'M nr -MW '^*SSB j m bm^ m ■Hi aa a V '-nOTWI j* iWP lllll*arlflll.^lTlfiKCS'W Waff :5 BH !\sWlh^^" Msm Splash it on. rtHKr* f X The clean bracing I^B t
        407 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
        244 words
      • 461 4 f J:lhiill^lJ opens 3rd Fh« Orchard Ta«tn T«t 2357 CM (Opp «m HHm) I wlf ft I I I 5 Shows Daily: 11am, 1.30, 4, 6.45, 9.15pm J »MUST FOX ALL STUDENTS. TEACHERS. PROFESSORS I LECTURERS' I Tour toufbest prot«soc jusl caufM you n h* bedroom with his dwftrter He's
        461 words
      • 329 4 OPENS LIDO TODAY (*****4) 5 shows: 11 ***** 45 9 15 -No Free List The story of the man who created a legend an empire, and a billion-dollar bosom! I fl "V 1 fjy /Qt Ithe AMAZING J Hovymo hughes Starring TOMMY LEE JONES IB I ■■aHalaaßa^BSHßßlaaß^B^BlßaßßaßMß^B^B^B^B^Paaajajaja^a^aHa^a^ajaßaVßaßWalß^Bßl I SEASON fromTHURSDAY
        329 words
      • 606 4 JJf^fWffW! I BMBiISaBMBtaBBBB^itIB— I I I OP* NS TOOAYI 1 .> RCOAL: ISO, X4S. 7»» ISpm < I MAJtSTK MMV I1I 1 1 00. J.JO. 7 00 1»p«n I Otfaen-Mg: 1, J 15. 7. ISa»n S CHy: lit, ».30. 7 30. t.Mpm I CARTER WONCm I till 1111 .^P iui
        606 words
    • Woman plus
      • 217 5 Meet Mouclier the man behind the French shows THE MAN behind Les Grands Parisiens, the French high fashion offering now on at the Hyatt Hotel, is Mr Jacques Mouclier. A familiar figure in French fashion circles, Mr Mouclier said he organised the show to "promote the name of haute coutur<v"
        217 words
      • 523 5  - Beauty tip for older women don't try to cover every line SHEILA CHEONG By A WOMAN is never too old to be attractive. And with that philosophy in mind. Glenn Roberts, director of creative training for Elizabeth Arden. set out to make 52 year-old Mrs Scow Yoke Sin "prettier and
        523 words
      • 868 5  -  Dr L.H.S. i What's up, a Doc?q^ by SOME OF our local parents are quite obsessed with the bowel movements of their babies and children. They demand perfection or mirror images of themselves, thinking that babies and children are like them and must have one
        868 words
      • 809 5  -  ANN GURUGAY By AFTER reading What's so funny about Bringing up Father? (One Woman's View, Woman Plus, March 30) by Lee Geok Boi and Why should Andy Capp get away with it all?, by Ivy Goh-Nair (Woman Plus, April 5) I
        809 words
      • 45 5  -  IVY OOM-NAW i WHATS so funrn V>>" bringing up la >» Woman Plus KrrnaOl 1/rIM On is door a good job in rposing ihr Ik rluuMmsm in a biu ,ha. isn'l ltn lunn> Amoral f
        45 words
      • 7 5
        7 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
        237 words
      • 165 5 mmm::: TO\>. '^1 KIMBERLEY'S HOUSE OF COSMETICS PERFUMES see a wide range of cosmetics, toiletries, gift sets for all occasions on all brands except^^^/ Import 4 Export SHISBDO KOSE L^U Wholesale P >tail catch the/c offer/ I Offer $4.95 $8.00 $14.90 Offer $2 95 19l n Hoi ■j.vjn? ft Offer
        165 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 553 6 invites application from citizens permanent residents of Singapore and other Asean citizens forHIGHER EXECUTIVE OFFICER ($1,215x50 $1,615) Applicants must possess a recognised degree in Arts. Business Administration or Commerce or equivalent professional qualifications. Preference will be given to those with a minimum of 3 years administrative experience including finance and
        553 words
      • 634 6 Tot Lee Bonk Limited invites suitably qualified Singapore citizen to appl> for the following vacancies (A) Trainee Bank Officers University Degree preferably in Business Admmrstration, Accountancy, Economics or A professional qualifications in Accountancy or Banking (B) Audit Clerk GCE A' level Certificate or GCE yO' Level Certificate with 4 credits
        634 words
      • 738 6 KUWAIT AIRWAYS CORPORATION Kuwait Airways Corporation has immediate vacancies for experienced INSTRUCTORS for AIRFRAME, POWER PLANT, ELECT/INSTRUMENTS RADIO, to conduct Engineer's level type training on Boeing 747, 707 727. Ability to handle Basic trade training to CAA level shall be an additional qualification. BENEFITS: 1 Generous, lately revised, tax free
        738 words
      • 211 6 TKNDKR NOTICE Tenders will be received from Central Supplies Department registered Contractors at the Ministry of Health, Hyderabad Road, Singapore 5, up to noon, 4th May 1979 for the supply/ delivery of the following Items of foodstuffs to Government hospitals for period Ist July 1979 to 30th June 1980:(a) Saya
        211 words
      • 624 6 MIIUC UTILITIES BOHRO TENDER NOTICE 1) Supply Fobricotion of Steel Pipe Specials for 700mm, 800mm 1800mm Dio Pipe lines 2) Supply of 216,000 Meters of 25mm2 Singlecore, Aluminium Conductor, PVC insulated ond sheathed coble 3) Supply of 3000 pcs of Street Lighting CutOuts for Looping 4-core PVC/SWA/PVC Cobles 4) Supply
        624 words
      • 351 6 SI BORDINATK C'OI'RTS, SINGAPORK D.C. Sumiimns N*. ■M »r I*lB BKTWKKN MIV, Ml I JKWKI.LKKS PTK. LTD. Plaintiffs AND TKCIKHANI) SI DNANI 111 111 II\M» (.OPALDAS SIDNANI Urmrrlv trading bk MIRK'S DKPAKTMKNTAL STORK Ifc-lrndant NOTICE To: Terhchand G Sudnani Techchand Gopaldas Sudnani formerly trading as Mike's Departmental Store of No.
        351 words