The Straits Times, 16 April 1979

Total Pages: 36
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 MONDAY, APRIL 1«, 1979 25 CENTS M.C.(P| No. 142/1/79
    14 words
  • 705 1 BANGKOK, Sunday MORE THAN 50,000 Khmer Rouge troops and civilians are trapped in a 50-km long area running parallel to Thailand's eastern border, Thai officials said today. They said plans by these Kampucheans to move to guerilla strongholds of ousted Premier Pol Pot in south-west Kampuchea
    Reuter  -  705 words
  • 247 1 MANILA, Sun. A Philippine navy ship patrolling the southern islands killed 14 Muslim rebels in an encounter off Sabah, a published report said today. The report in a vernacular .daily, attibuted to military authorities, said the navy patrol ship was conducting a patrol
    AFP; UPI  -  247 words
  • 71 1 JAKARTA, Sun. Top government officials will this month receive a 40 per cent increase in their salaries in an apparent attempt to beat the effects of the receni rupiah devaluation, according to a presidential announcement yesterday. President Suharto, who receives a basic salary of 900,000 mpiahs
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 59 1 LONDON, Sun The thermometer hit 70 degree* F i ZIC) at noon in central London today and most of the country joined the capital in basking in its wannest Easter for 30 years Temperatures hit T. in London yesterday, and Manchester's 89 was warmer than Athens
    UPI  -  59 words
  • 452 1 100 die in Yugoslav quake BELGRADE, Sunday A MAJOR earthquake struck Yugoslavia's Adriatic coastal resort belt today, killing at least 100 people and destroying tourist hotels, hospitals and countless private homes. Officials said reports of more deaths and injuries were pouring in to emergency rescue stations and they expected the
    Reuter  -  452 words
  • 101 1 LONDON, Sun. Several top British civil servants are about to be arrested in a multi-million pound fraud scandal, the Sunday Telegraph reported today quoting police sources. The paper said the civil servants claimed allowances for double the number of workers in various departments, sold government
    AFP  -  101 words
  • 235 1  -  LEONG SIEW HON By FOUR men were Injured la a clash involving 12 people armed with aa assortment of weapons In Kampong Petaag Pasir yesterday. Police said the clash was sparked off by aa argament between a group of eight men and a youth, about 25,
    235 words
  • 80 1 MOSCOW. Sun Two cosmonauts who returned to earth last week after an abortive attempt to link up with the Salyut-6 space laboratory were decorated yesterday. Major Georgi Ivanov of Bulgaria was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, a decoration traditionally given to all returning
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 59 1 COLOMBO. Sun. Sri Lanka's first television station went on the air today. The station, independent television network, is owned by Mr Anil Wijewardene and Mr Shantilal Wickremasinghe. grandsons of the founder of the country's larg«st newspaper group, the Associated Newspapers of Ceylon. The state-owned Sri Lanka
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 78 1 JAMMU, Sun. Mrs Indira Gandhi hinted here today that she has been considering legal action against US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan for statements in his recently published book, Dangerous Place. Mr Moynihan, a former United States ambassador to New Delhi, alleged in the book that
    AFP  -  78 words
  • 592 1 Saudis 'will cut oil output' Senate panel forecast WASHINGTON, Sunday SAUDI Arabia's oil production will fall far short of worldwide demand by the late 1980s and may touch off a fierce political and economic struggle among consuming nations, a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee said yesterday. The study said that while
    AP; UPI  -  592 words
  • 71 1 TEHERAN, Sun. The newprice of Iranian oil will be US$16.57 (SJ36.50) a barrel for light and US$16.04 a barrel for heavy, the National Iranian Oil Co. announced here today. An NIOC spokesman said the price for light was US$1.90 a barrel more than the base price
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 79 1 COLOMBO. Sun. A Colombo judge jailed yesterday a 25-year-old Swiss man (or trying to leave the country with a rare Albino cobra stolen from the city's national zoo. Manfred Emil Bruhin was arrested at Colombo International airport on Friday night. Airport customs agents, tipped by zoo
    AP  -  79 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 1 The Editor 4C a robust, yet very elegant, machine
    9 words
  • 65 1 Yugoslavia hit again BELGRADK, San. A Htw< earthquake shook western Yugoslavia's southern Adriatic coast today ami President Tito told a stunned natioa oa national radio that the death toll Irom both quakes was more than m. The second qaakr occurred more thkn eight hoars after the first and seat
    Reuter; AFP  -  65 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 82 1 KING'S SAFETY SHOTS Oil J Resistant /h Cm wf& W^^ Model 706 KING'S SHOE MFG PTE LTD jRTBjHfc 122, Blk. 36, Dakota Crescent. vJ^^Cf? Singapore 14, ..ngsommth Tel *****00 *****27. p (write shield Mock permalloy st.ield r playback head lough glass |r- head to- head shield head holder-, recording he»id
      82 words
    • 329 1 E^jEllm k IF kDEIKO fIHV *****95S4 *****SS SomcdJs all wattho MJ will be majc this »jy |> POLICE TIPS TO THOSE WHO JOG ON ROADS Page 11 RELIGIOUS alliance splitting up? 2 EGYPT caat be shaken by protests: Sadat 3 RICE plains hit by drought 4 INSIDE Amln's re search
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 381 2 TEHERAN, Sunday SIGNS of a split in Iran's ruling religious alliance emerged today i following the arrest and beating of two sons of Ayatollah Mahmoud Taleghani one of the country's most influential religious leaders by pro-Khomeiny Islamic guards. It was not known who issued the arrest
      Agencies  -  381 words
    • 233 2 Moscow and Tokyo communists mend rift TOKYO, Sunday THE communist parties of Japan and the Soviet Union have reached reconciliation after a 15-year rupture, the Japan Communist Party (JCP) announced yesterday. party ofßc|tta Jcp chairman, Mr Kenji Miyamoto, is scheduled to visit Moscow later this year (or talks with Mr
      Reuter; UPI  -  233 words
    • 126 2 Planes in Danang: US issues statement WASHINGTON, Sun. Noting that two longrange Soviet military planes have turned up in Vietnam, a State Department spokesman said yesterday the United States would be "deeply concerned" if Moscow begins basing ships and planes in South-east Asia. "We have noted the presence of two
      UPI  -  126 words
    • 60 2 TOKYO. Sun. The Bank of Japan will decide tomorrow to raise the official discount rate by 0 75 per cent to 4.25 per cent per annum effective from Tuesday. government and central bank sources said today. It will be the first shift in four years
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 189 2 Desai to visit Russia. East Europe NEW DELHI, Sun. Prime Minister Morarji Desai is expected to visit Moscow and several East European capitals this summer to boost India's friendship with European communist states. Mr Desai is likely to visit Yugoslavia, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and stopover briefly in Moscow in late
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 258 2 Suharto may visit Manila for talks: Marcos MANILA, Sun. President Ferdinand Marcos said today Indonesian President Suharto may visit the Philippines later this month to discuss problems of bilateral interest and those affecting the Asean countries. He disclosed this to the presiiential press corps one day after he returned from
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • 30 2 KINGSTOWN (St Vincent), Sun Spasmodic eruption today sent molten lava spewing down the Soufriere mountain as ships and boats converged on this Caribbean Island to help evacuate refugees.
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    • 164 2 HONGKONG, Sat. A capitalist teach was added to this year's Caatea Pair which epeaed today amid aa expected lacreaae la the velamc ef sales: Tweaty-flve tjaat blllheards advertlsiag Chlaese predaets were erected, the first time sorb capitalist-style advertising has appeared laChlaa. Aa estimated »jm far eiga baslaeasmea
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    • 53 2 PAT Morgan, 18, the reigning Miss Great Britain, has found an Easter egg which may well hatch out to be a real investment for the future. The silver-plated paperweight egKS, with their personalised greetings In 24-carat gold, are from the Cavalier Collection. They cost around £4 (S$18)
      AP  -  53 words
    • 139 2 RAWALPINDI, Sun. Military leader General Mohammad Zia Ul-Haq today accepted the resignation of 13 cabinet members who belong to the Pakistan National Alliance, a government announcement said. The announcement was made after a meeting today between Gen Zia and a PNA delegation led by the
      UPI  -  139 words
    • 57 2 JAKARTA, Sun. Sixty-eight villagers near Cirebon, 200 km east of here, were taken to hospital after drinking iced syrup laced with pesticides, Antara news agency reported today. The report said the villagers of Purakidul bought the drinks from a vendor who told police later that
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 172 2 Riot town quiet but tense NEW DELHI, Sun Troops are patrolling the streets of the riottorn town of Jamshedpur where up to 100 peo- < pie have been killed and 15,000 evacuated in three days of savage religious riots. Jamshedpur, a north-east-ern steel town of more than half a million
      Reuter  -  172 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 514 2 The Bank that just keeps growing steadily each day TAT LEE BANK In 1974, Tat Lee Bank commenced operation in Singapore. Today, its account holders have increased manifolds. Its service has become faster, more efficient. Because Tat Lee Bank understands the need of its customers better. Now, Tat Lee Bank
      514 words
    • 138 2 For just *****9 V°u can explore BOMBAY JAIPUR DELHI SRINAGAR (KASHMIR) AGRA (TAJ MAHAL) KHAJURAHO VARANASI KATHMANDU Included in the tour price: First Class Delux hotels Houseboat (Kashmiri such as Hotel Taj Mahal All Meals Chinese Western cuisines Experienced tour guides throughout the trip Economy class air fare Sightseeing includes
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    • 346 3 WASHINGTON, Sun. Libyan strongman, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, once tried through an aide to buy an atomic bomb from Beijing (Peking), but the Chinese refused to sell, a columnist who was a former high-ranking Central Intelligence Agency official reported yesterday. In the newspaper, Washing ton Star,
      UPI  -  346 words
    • 135 3 MONTREAL, Sun Denmark's Bent Larsen created a major surprise in the international chess tournament here yesterday when he held world champion Anatoly Karpov of the Soviet Union to a draw in a third round match. It was Larsen's first point in the ten-man tournament,
      AFP  -  135 words
    • 34 3 MANAGUA. Sun THE Nicaraguan army today recaptured the city of Esteli. whirh had been held since last Sunday by guerillas it was reported here Esteli is ISO km north of Managua AFP
      AFP  -  34 words
    • 159 3 Tl STIN (California), San. A man aaee roavirtrd of kidaap-rape aad his alleged victim have began five days of volaatary joint psychiatric coowwiX Glea Howard Hatcherasa, 4S, aad Cathy Hardin, 21, begaa the therapy yesterday, the day after a Joint news t— iereatt la
      AP  -  159 words
    • 482 3 SAYS SADAT CAIRO, Sunday MUSLIM extremists have denounced the Egyptian-Israeli peace pact, beat up Christian students and clashed with security forces in southern Egypt in the past few weeks, President Anwar Sadat confirmed for the first time yesterday. But Mr Sadat, speaking at A-ssiut
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    • 200 3 3 Sudan coup bids foiled: 270 held KUWAIT, Sunday SUDANESE authorities have foiled three attempts to topple President Gaafar Numeiry for his support of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, the Kuwaiti newspaper Ar Rai Al Ram reported today. The newspaper said the three attempted coups occurred between March 20 and last
      UPI  -  200 words
    • 155 3 Tel Aviv troops kill four Arab guerillas TEL AVIV, Sun. Israeli -troops have killed four Arab guerillas who infiltrated Israel from Jordan today sparking off speculation that the incident may be the result of a new lenient policy by King Hussein on guerilla infiltration from Jordanian bases. Military sources said
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 68 3 PARIS, San. Tic Israeli secret service, Mkhml, was re«p«MlMe for the nhatege but week «f twt Frenchbuilt ■■clear reactors destined for Iraq, several Preach pabUcstton speculated here yesterday. B*mh expteateM at the nnrlear wrhahipj M the (MM company at La Seyne, Math-east France, caused SMne M mllllM
      AFP  -  68 words
    • Sideliners
      • 104 3 BLSMARK (North DakaU): The North Dakota state bar has ordered all its 1,100 lawyers to give free consultation to North Dakota citizens from May 1. The chairman of the bar, Mr Vern Neff said it was an experiment to encourage the population to turn to
        AFP  -  104 words
      • 75 3 SYDNEY: Believed to be the world's largest single prize for a fish, a U*****,000 (5J361.000) bounty has been placed on a giant black marlin swimming around the Barrier Reef in far north Queensland. The huge prize was posted by Australian airlines Qantas and TAA and the
        UPI  -  75 words
      • 68 3 LOS ANGELES: Johnny Weismuller. the most famous of the film Tarzans, is gravely disabled and his mental condition is deteriorating, according to a court petition filed today. The petition was filed in the Los Angeles superior court by Mr Jack Stagges, executive director of the Motion Picture
        Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 404 3 I 4f Fixed Deposit Rates I O months O/o 12 months A O months Orl CO months /rl 7o w months I/o £n months #/4 /o I Hong Leong Finance Ltd., Singapore Finance Ltd., I Head Office Head Office Hong Leong Building. Ground Floor 16 Rattles Quay tilt 7 Robinson
      404 words

    • 201 4 Man made career of living on hospital care LONDON, Sun. Stewart Mcllroy, an Irishman who made a career out of getting hospital care for phony ailments, may have cost the British and Irish health services as much as £1 million (5J4.59 million). Mcllroy. last heard of a year ago and
      AP  -  201 words
    • 127 4 LONDON, Son. With less than three weeks before a general election, many Britons are unable to Identify the leading politicians competing for their votes, an opinion poll reported today. The poll, In the Observer newspaper, concluded that most of the electorate had no Idea who
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 368 4 Rice plains hit by drought BANGKOK, Sun A SIX-MONTH drought has hurt much of Thai- land's winter crop and threatened even greater damage to the agricultural base of the economy if monsoon rains do not come soon. Commerce Ministry officials said exports of rice, maize and tapioca are expected to
      UPI  -  368 words
    • 214 4 Callaghan pledge to party PRIME Minister James Callaghan, campaigning for re-election, today pledged that his Labour Party would not allow itself to be taken over by Trotskyites. LONDON, Sun Party chiefs had moved to prevent the choice of an extreme leftwinger, Mr Nick Bradley, 27, as candidate for its troublesome
      Reuter  -  214 words
    • 41 4 MOSCOW, Sun. The Soviet Union will semi 75 per cent of the funds earned from a nationwide day of voluntary labour to help Vietnam, which suffered from the barbarous aggression of China, Communist Party's daily newspaper. Pravda, said, AP.
      AP  -  41 words
    • 146 4 Refugee boat stopped off HK HONGKONG, Sun. A 36-metre boat carrying about 570 Vietnamese refugees was intercepted by a Royal Navy patrol craft today just outside Hongkong's territorial waters, a government spokesman said. The spokesman said the Vietnamese vessel was stopped off the island of Po Toi and anchored about
      AP  -  146 words
    • 129 4 NEW YORK, Sun. After a three-year slump, petroleum exploration and production are on the rise again in Asia, but oil industry officials based here say a return to the boom days of the early 1970s is highly unlikely. They forecast only modest
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    • 125 4 THE ENERGY SQUEEZE in the area are working or are under contract. Several rigs are under construction in local shipyards and several more are headed for the region from the north sea and the gulf of Mexico. Vast The region encompassing Asia and the Western Pacific from Pakistan to New
      NYT  -  125 words
    • 48 4 CALCUTTA: The Indian states of West Bengal and Bihar are still paralysed by the breakdowns of several coal-fuelled generating stations. The situation is nearly catastrophic for the 8 million inhabit tants of Calcutta, who only have power for three to four hours a day.
      48 words
    • 81 4 STUTTGART: The European Common Market's nuclear power programme will be set back by up to a year brcause of the Three Mile Hand nuclear reactor accident. Energy Commissioner Guido Brunner said on Saturday. "Because of the need to review safety measures, we no longer expected the EEC
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 69 4 POLLS have been had aews for President Carter for months, reveallag with a thudding persistence that the American public dors not like the way he handles his Job, thinks he lacks leadership qualities and believes he cannot cope with Inflation. Last week, he rven maaaged to get
      69 words
    • 54 4 DEMONSTRATORS protesting against the spread of nuclear weapons staging a "die-In" or rather, a "dye-la" in the grounds of the Pentagon In Washington over the weekend to dramatise their cause. They feigned death and splattered red dye all over the Pentagon grounds to symbolise deaths caused by
      AP  -  54 words
    • 251 4 WASHINGTON, Sunday A MID-1960S study linking leukaemia to fallout from atomic bomb tests was withheld after officials expressed fear the findings could jeopardise further tests and lead to costly lawsuits, the Washington Post reported yesterday. According to documents obtained by the Post I" through
      UPI  -  251 words
    • 122 4 LOS ANGELES, Sun. Actress Kate Jackson (above), who has said she is tired of showing off her physical attributes in scanty outfits, is leaving the television series, Charlie's Angels, the producers said here today. A New York model, Barbara Bach, who appeared in the James Bond
      Reuter  -  122 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 644 4 The American Express Card speaks a universal language in 160 countries i BHfl BB a B B _g ßß a B a B a__ |PriHHHtaMBHMMHaVn#SHbS| Express Card, you and your family stolen. If you're unfortunate Z3i£o ilicn will he automatically covered with enough to lose the Card, your lia- Ssloo,ooo*
      644 words

    • 231 5 AMIN HAS ARRIVED IN EASTERN ZAIRE: REPORT BRUSSELS, Sun. Ugandan dictator Idi Amin was reported by an exiled Zairean opposition group today to have arrived in Kisangani province in eastern Zaire. The statement by the Zairean Socialist Party in exile followed reports from Kenya that Field Marshal Amin was sighted
      Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  231 words
    • 451 5 rr KAMPALA, Sunday THE story of President Idi Amin's regime is told at the headquarters of his State Research Bureau, where invading soldiers found a handful of emaciated prisoners who had survived over a month by gnawing on the corpses around them. The triangular, threestory
      AP; UPI  -  451 words
    • 48 5 LONDON, Sun. Libyan troops sent to help former Ugandan President Amin believed they were flying to a parade in Tobruk, the Sunday Telegraph reported today. The paper quoted sources here as saying Col. Muammar Gadhaffi had offered Tanzania £10 million (5W5.9 million dollars) in reparation. AFP.
      AFP  -  48 words
    • 221 5 Widespread Rhodesian military offensive SALISBURY, Sun. Rhodesian forces yesterday unleashed widespread counter-offen-sives against black insurgents swarming into the country to wreck next week's elections. The military said 90 guerillas were killed. It was the largest number of casualties ever announced in a single war communique on internal operations during the
      Reuter; UPI  -  221 words
    • 70 5 I THINK it's quite hilarious. Remembering how much wining and dining he does and what a Slim Kirn be Is, to think of him escaping through a toilet window. ..maybe that's where the damage was done to the house. Rhodesian military commander, General Peter Walls, commenting on
      70 words
    • 90 5 Spending his honeymoon in jail BUDAPEST, Sun. His girlfriend forgave him but the police didn't, so Laszlo Somjeni is spending his honeymoon in jail. Somjeni. a lawyer in the northern town of Miskolc, spotted his fiancee riding around in a car with another man a tew weeks ago. Green with
      UPI  -  90 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 161 5 Now you can earn more from your money. With as little as $100/- you can immediately open a Fixed Deposit account with us and benefit from our new interest rates. Or you can also start a Savings Account with just $10/- at a rate of 5Vr p.a. FIXED DEPOSIT 24
      161 words
    • 75 5 lIIU 6-year manufacturer's warranty FREE tunings heater U I II a Protective chemical treatments Original matching bench PIAMfI Efficient after -sales service Genuine spare parts/ riMI«W Tuning Service Contract readily available y PASSystem Packed with "Super- I star" features another great leap forward for Yamaha others gone jtM with the
      75 words

  • 116 6 MP Erie CkM«s, wltk wfttor kmt ta ku4, letf Tw Pftjrtk rtmUtm to ywtortey montm* la a Mr rtrtm ip »aer»tf— Ms rMHtttaeaey. He iterted «ff at Btoek IM, Tm P»y^ CMtre, where mny bath >•«■« »ad «M eaaght •a to Ms
    116 words
  • 132 6 A 73-MEMBEH contingent of Filipino musicians and musicologists led by the University of Philippines' Dean of Music, Mr Ramon Santos, will fly in tomorrow on a special week-long cultural mission. They include the 67-strong Philippines Youth Orchestra, which will give a concert here under the
    132 words
  • 714 6  -  KOH VAN POH and By LEONG WENG KAM A MAJOR seminar on all aspects of bilingualism starts at the Regional Language Centre today. Experts from 20 countries will discuss issues in bilingual education, the social, cultural and linguistic aspects of bilingualism, personality and cognitive development
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  • 148 6 ACTIVITIES TO KEEP SIKH YOUTHS OFF DRUGS MORE activities aimed at encouraging Sikh youths to stay away from drug abuse and juvenile delinquency are to be organised by the Sikh aftercare counselling service of the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association. This was disclosed by its chairman, Mr Mehervan Singh, who said the
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  • 39 6 THE Ministry of Culture and the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board will present a series of Chinese opera performances at the Hong Urn Park on April 28 and 29 from 7.30 p.m. to 11 pm Admission is free.
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  • 271 6 A GROUP of 40 selected participants from the Ministry of Education, statutory bodies and tertiary institutions at the RELC bilingualism seminar will attend a special workshop session with some of the world's leading language experts from April 23 to April 26 as a follow-up to
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  • 177 6 EXHIBITION of ancient and modern Chinese paintings at National Library from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sponsored by Chinese art collector Mr Lai Kong Jin. Ends tomorrow. SOCIAL CHASMS AND BEAUTY CULTURE a talk in Mandarin by Miss Susan Leong Choi Chun at Moulmein community centre at
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  • 156 6 Ancient and modern Chinese paintings on display A 700-YEAR-OLD Chinese painting by a Yuan Dynasty artist, Chao Meng-fu (1254 1322) said to be worth $450.000 is among the 250 ancient and modem Chinese paintings and calligraphy now on display at a three-day exhibition at the National Library Lecture Hall. The
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  • 106 6 SOME 2,000 children of Vigilante Corps members, including 300 underprivileged children from various charity homes, yesterday had a (un galore at the Wonderland Amusement Park. From 9 a.m. till noon, these children enjoyed free rides on all the game machines, helped themselves to buns, donuts,
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  • 49 6 ABOUT 1.300 people took part In the 8 km walkarun organised by th Buona Vista community centre fund-raising working committee yesterday Dr Ang Kok Peng, MP for Buona Vista, started off the walkarun at 8 a.m. It raised about MO.OUO for the new Buona Vista community centre
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 175 6 Our new Drive-in Bank atTanglin mmi *y^^^^^y* I Hi I J I I I mt riM ll* foS3 i^fc 1 Mm If "^^Tliiaa* m aaaaTT*^ 3^^^ a?, Our Drive-In Bank at Tanglin Post Office has been \o V"~ :A > completely renovated for your convenience. With better accessibility, an attractive
      175 words

  • 270 7 113-year old cathedral reopens after facelift THE Roman Catholic Archbishop of Singapore. ArchbUhop Gregory Yong, yesterday officially '•reopened" the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, 133 years after it was first opened. The cathedral, declared a national monument by the Preservation of Monuments Board, was ciosed for service* recently for major
    270 words
  • 175 7 Keeping flats in trim will cost HDB $86m THE maintenance, servicing and conservancy of HDB flats for 19T»«0 will cost the Housing Board about $86 million. The wages of daily -rated labourers will come to about $16 million and those of monthly-rated workers more than $1 million. Central Provident Fund
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  • 49 7 A MOTOR-CYCLIST, Mr Lee Soon Ann, 58, died mftor Us macklae skidded at the junction of liorong Kebasi and Lorong Kedoang at 5 p.m. on Saturday. Police appeal to eye-witnesses to contact Insp Urn Kwan How of the Traffic Accidents Investigation Branch at telephone No *****4.
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  • 43 7 Social dance course BOON Lay Garden community centre youth group will hold a guitar and social dance course next month, including disco line dance, rock 'n' roll, cha-cha, waltz, fox-trot, soul, jive and [umba. Those interested can ring the centre at tel. *****5
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  • 27 7 EUNOS Crescent Community Centre will hold a talk on drugs and herbs (or pregnancy at Kampong Übi community hall on April 24 at 8 p.m.
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  • 46 7 IN addition to his own duties as Permanent Secretary (Trade and Industry). Mr Ngiam Tong Dow has been appointed to perform the duties of Permanent Secretary (Finance (Revenue) in place of Mr J.Y.M. Pillay for three months, from March 5. says a gazette notice.
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  • 392 7  - Family centre for other estates? CHRISTINA RODRIGUES Committee to study MacPherson project By< A STUDY committee is understood to have been formed to evaluate the pilot family service centre project in MacPherson estate with the view of recommending its introduction in other HDB estates. The recommendation rests on whether the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 280 7 Know your Canon World-wide Warranty Card Sf CANON world wide ..nqwirf'^^ WARRANTY CARD 1 Th,s product ,s covered by the Canon f ©G-rtTTK^ Arm Owners Address \T \Or/^9/H The address and logo of Guthrie The card number must be Any alteration to the serial Trading (Singapore) Re Ltd prefixed with
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 191 8 Cheered on as they race all the way THESE eMMra appear oMtt csml aad collected la their trieyeJe race to the OmUUmn Uae tfcu their Me** ami fauniUc* n»- grtir, rioting them m with excited cries asd sh»ate «f emccvageneat. Mm thai M ehlMrea •gt* betwem three aid ■evea tamed
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  • 163 8 SEF plans f ilmlet on plant safety THE Singapore Employers Federation plans to produce a f ilmlet on industrial safety and engage a safety promotion officer to promote a safer working environment. Stating this in its official publication, The Singapore Employer, the federation says that it will strive relentlessly for
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  • 316 8 Gazetted: POSB ruling on interest rate THE Post Office Savings Bank rules on its two-tier interest rate system for depositors with balances exceeding $100,000 in one or more accounts have been gazetted. Under the rules, for depositors with more than one personal account since last September, the POSB will add
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  • 473 8 EVERY Singaporean pupil will have a "window" to the cultural background of his fellow citizens regardless of race, language or religion if the education system reflects the multi-racial, multi-cultural nature of the nation. According to the Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs), Mr Rahim
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  • 421 8 DISABLED children, except for those too severely handicapped, should be allowed to study and intergrate with normal children in ordinary schools, said Mr RonChandra n Dudley, chairman of the White Cane Club of the Blind. The traditional, residential or institutional type of education, he
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  • 41 8 THE Metropolitan YMCA Health and Fitness Centre will conduct early morning aerobic exerctaei for men every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. starting from next week. For further details, ring the centre at tel *****66
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  • 153 8 THE government lacks the consideration to look into continuous education for the handicapped, says an article in the Singapore Paraplegics, the official bulletin of the Society for Aid to the Paralysed (SAP). The article says: "It's ?asy enough to try to treat handicapped people as
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 204 8 fifl Smile a new smile with \J\) KOSE cosmetics F Introducing JOLtfHIHE spring cokxit lipsticks Lucky Draw A lid \m\ H A For every $50 purchase of 2g~ Kose Cosmetics made, you will i \wk\ wi'3 H Bt I JH be offered an opportunity to draw 11 M I A
      204 words

  • 89 9 Search for missing granny THE family of granny Teo Poh Ta (above), 76, yesterday appealed to the public to help trace the woman, who has been missing from home since April 7 Madam Teo was recently discharged from a hospital. Her family fears that she may be wandering around aimlessly.
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  • 23 9 THE Boon Teck community centre is organising a tai-chi class For further information, nng *****01 between 3 p m and 10 p.m
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  • 363 9 THE common taunt among schoolchildren here of calling a fat child "fatty-fatty bombom" or "fatso" is no longer a laughing matter for obesity is now a growing problem among schoolchildren in Singapore. Dr Connie Urn. medical superintendent of School Health Services, said a
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  • 63 9 A SINGAPOREAN seaman's offer to help Vietnamese refugees on board the French floating hospital ne de Lumiere, which is undergoing repairs here, was turned down by the ship's medical officer. According to Mr Ghazali Malik, who volunteered his services, the officer said additional help was not needed
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  • 72 9 EUROPEAN Asian Bank reported an increase o( 47 per cent in total assets to DM 2.1 billion (552.41 billion) last year, doubling what it had two years ago. Total business volume, according to the bulk's annual results announced last "/eek, went up by 38 per cent
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  • 291 9 Prof on that low percentage in school A UNIVERSITY of Singapore don is perturbed because only 53 per cent of children in the secondary school age group are receiving any form of secondary education and tertiary education reaches only 9 per cent of eligible youngsters. Professor of Economics, Urn Chong
    291 words
  • 19 9 THE Singapore Medical Association will hold its annual dinner and dance at the Tropk-ana Restaurant on Saturday.
    19 words
  • 204 9 S'pore exported $30m jewellery in 1977 SINGAPORE exported more than $30 million worth of jewellery in 1977, according to the Trade Department. Among its major export markets are Australia, Japan, Hongkong, the United States and West Germany. The Commercial Bulletin, a publication of the Trade Department, notes that the growing
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  • 121 9 THE two-week annual Milan Trade Fair without Singapore manufacturers taking part started on Saturday. The Singapore Manufacturers Association and the Trade Department decided not to send representatives to this fair. Time, money and country priorities are the main reasons behind Singapore's nonparticipation
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  • 33 9 THE Cain-bill community centre is holding cLums on Western cooking. cake-maUn*. fashion dtogning, ttm— i. Chinest cooking, guitar for beginners, copper tooling, Chinese painting, social dancing (elementary) and Latin American dances
    33 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 268 9 MINOLTA XD-7 The first multi-mode SLR Three exposure variants in one camera. Automatic Exposure with Aperture Priority. Automatic Exposure with Shutter Speed Priority. Free selection of Aperture and Shutter Speed. Minolta brings you Viewfinder with LED Display and the innovative XD-7. The first light- our newty developed super-bright weight, compact
      268 words
    • 426 9 I -I When you own an aristocratic car, you must treat her in style. The C vcle ar r iageWorkshop, for the aristocrat amongst cars. You are driving the aristocrat amongst bring each vehicle as close to mechanical cars. Naturally, you treat that car in perfection as its age and
      426 words

  • 201 10 Give some thought to the lonely elderly: Chan THE Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs). Mr Chan Chee Seng, last night urged young people to give some thought to the problems of elders and to try and understand how lonely some old folks are. He said some elders were mistreated by
    201 words
  • 80 10 THE Singapore Armed Forces will hold military exercises at these places next week: Mandai (today to Friday, 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily), Marsiling (today to Sunday. 8 a.m. to 11 p.m daily); Lim Chu Kang (today to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily), Tampines
    80 words
  • 255 10 DONATIONS to the Singapore Cultural Foundation mom :tand at $1,116,120. A CuJtjre Ministry statement yesterday said that together with pledges totalling $271,150, total donations to the foundation is $1,387,270. The foundation also named Mr Thio Keng Tiong as a founder member for his $10,000 donation. Private firms
    255 words
  • 66 10 VISITS to the beam for chlldmi were port ef the programme for the R«Uracton wfcv ftttrndnd the c*nferesiee which ended yesterday. Plctve shewn a groap of Rotumeters brlnslag cheer to the bunates at the Salvation Army Girls' Honv la Pasir Panjaar, Roud on SatartUy Other pUces visited by
    66 words
  • 346 10 MP for Kampung Kembangan Mansor Sukaimi has called for innovative ways of raising funds and said the present methods were "often a nuisance." He made the point when addressing the 10th Rotaract District 330 conference at the University of Singapore on Saturday.
    346 words
  • 38 10 SATURDAY saw an 8.2 per cent drop in electricity consumption from that for the same day the previous week. Consumption was down to 16.02 million units from an average of 17.45 million units on Saturdays.
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  • 35 10 THE finals of the Singapore Youth Festival Inter-School Band Competitions (Outdoor) for primary schools will be held at the National Stadium on Saturday at 4.30 p.m. and for secondary schools on April 28.
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  • 160 10 A SHOEMAKERS' cooperative formed by ex-political detainees has decided to set up its sales departments in NTUC and PIEU supermarkets from next month. The first such department will be set up in the NTUC supermarket in Queenstown on May 1, the secretary of
    160 words
  • 9 10 gl I past week nun] mfferencehbavemge
    9 words
  • 184 10 TRAVELLERS on Singapore Airline's Boeing 747 jets who go up the aircrai^' Raffles Lounges to stretch their legs or have a arink will soon relax amid somewhat different surroundings. For the airline is alread; on its way to changing the wall scenes of old
    184 words
  • 110 10 Courses for parents and teachers THE University of Singapore Department of Extramural Studies will hold special courses for parents and teachers during its May-Au-gust programme in connection with the International Year of the Child. The department has prepared a course on children's books and enrichment activities, comprising a series of
    110 words
  • 120 10 The first set of relief already completed by Mr Chieu has a mixture of gold, brown, orange and green a combination which is described as "giving a warm glow of sunny tints to harmonise with the interior decor of the Raffles Lounge." Mr Chieu, the article says, was inspired
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  • 54 10 THE YMCA will conduct a twiceweekly squash coaching course for its members from April 28. The eight-session course will be held on Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. and on Sundays from 2.30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Those interested may ring the PE Department at
    54 words
  • 41 10 MPs will attend send-ott parties for another batch of youths called up for national service at five community centres on Wednesday at 9a.m. The centres are in Boon Teck, Delta, Geylang West. Chim Moh and Nee Soon.
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  • 39 10 THE Minister for Labour. Mr Ong Pang Boon, will be guest of honour at the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation's ninth anniversary dinner to be held at Big Splash in East Coast Parkway on Saturday at 7.30 p.m.
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  • 35 10 THE Malay Youth Club ri the Young People's Section (National Library) will hold an Evening of Drama in Malay at the library's lecture hall on April 21 at 3 p.m. Admission is free.
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  • 128 10 THE Muslim Religious Council (Muis) is still looking for four officials with medical or nursing experience to accompany pilgrims this year. Formerly these welfare officials did not need to have any medical training, but Muis is now trying to get at least one doctor as
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 290 10 Introducing the U last word in First Class. UP Today, with the develop- M J I^^ B| ment of our long-range 7475P, X Pan Am can take you to places a l^^fc. nearly half-way around the <^^n| R* Wm j Isfl world non-stop. m» But non-stop flying doesn't I [C>
      290 words
    • 49 10 TAITIAN A new digestive from Ohts containing digestive enzymes, antacids, and stomachics for effective relief of gastro-intestinal discomfort. Instant-dissolving, quickacting tablets seal-packed in threes for convenient single dosages Manufacturer Ofita"** I*ivn co. ltd. Tokyo. Japan Sole Agent SEOW KHENG HONG No. 150, Cross Street. Singapore 1 HmM No: MHP*****8
      49 words

  • 416 11 POLICE yesterday reminded joggers to be careful while running along public roads with this warning: "Rugged Singaporeans are still no match for solid steel." In its road safety statement it pointed out that there has been a recent spate of accidents
    416 words
  • 92 11 i\ RUNG-bmuml mtUrtf have beea advised to avald Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim where read warkjt are la pwgiw. P»Uee tOad last might that tw* Inn *f this road waald be ctosed to traffic far repairs to an underKTMMdpIpC. Matorists are advised to ate Jamil Kaad In- stead of
    92 words
  • 120 11 3 ARMED ROBBERS ESCAPE WITH $2,370 THREE dagger-wield-ing robbers held up three women in a terrace house in Lorong J, Telok Kurau, and escaped with $2,370 in loot on Saturday. Police said the three men, in their mid 20s, entered the house by unlatching the front gate at 12.10 p.m.
    120 words
  • 31 11 YAMAHA Music School and Na nyang Siang Pau will hold the 9th organ festival in June. Applications must reach the school in Plaza Singapura on or before April 30.
    31 words
  • 118 11 Office boy hid $15,000 watch parts in dustbin AN office boy stole more i than $15,000 worth of watch parts from his employers' warehouse in the Singapore Airport Cargo Complex by hiding them in a dustbin, a magistrate's court heard on Saturday. Jamal bin Sanusi, 18, then working for Sam
    118 words
  • 96 11 While checking the cartons on Feb 14, Mr Adinegara noticed that one carton containing 2,000 pieces of watch parts worth $15,470 i was missing A police party led by Insp I Kulip Singh and Det/Sgt Tan Hock Kee arrested Jamal at his house in Bedok North Avenue 3.
    96 words
  • 59 11 FINANCE Minister Mr Hon Sui j Sen, who is also MP for HaveI lock, will open the Dental Health Exhibition at the Haveiock community centre on Friday. The exhibition, organised by the Ministry of Health, People's Association, citizens' consultative committee for Haveiock constituency and management committee
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  • 21 11 THE Kent Players (Airaik) Drama Club, which was registered in 1973. has ceased to exist, says a gazette notice.
    21 words
  • 41 11 ROCHORE community centre will hold courses on haircutting (or women, agar agar making, I hairdressi/ig and children's art at its Prinsep Street premises. Those Interested should call the centre at *****0 between 3 p.m. and 10 p.m.
    41 words
  • 352 11  - TV commentator's firm robbed of $19,000 N.G. KUTTY By (SOME "choosy" burglars broke into the timber export firm of Television Singapore Sports Parade commentator, Mr Fong Ho Beng, in ftangoon Road, on Good Friday and escaped with more than $19,000 in cash. The robbery, believed to have occurred early in
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  • 73 11 A SPRING flower exhibition by the Singapore Chapter of Dcebana International will be held at the Mandarin Hotel on April 28 at 6 I p.m. The flowers will be flown in from the Netherlands. Proceeds of the exhibition, which will open from 10 a.m. to 9 i
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  • 35 11 THE Jurong Water Sports Complex (Pte) Ltd will open its Mitsukoshi Garden, next to the Japa- nese and Chinese Gardens in Juj rong, with a buffet party on i Friday at 7 p.m.
    35 words
  • 57 11 THE Tanjong Pagar community centre will conduct tuition clauses (or Primary Six. and Secondary One and Two students at its premises next month. It will also hold courses on harmonica playing ((or both children and adults), guitar, latin dancing, men's tailoring, padang curry. Sze Chian cooking For
    57 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 114 11 ff COUNTS TOSHIBA ELECTRONIC mini PRINTING CALCULATOR GIVES THE RIGHT ANSWER UP TO 12 DIGITS. IT FITS NICELY IN YOUR PALM AND LETS YOUR FINGERS DO THE FIGURING. Fast I *■> 2.5 lines per seconds 0» I Small 1 1.4 cm (W) x 5.4 cm (H) x 23cm (D) jgiMj^l^w-^
      114 words
    • 271 11 presents "The Return to Glcunour" Mr. Glenn Roberts Elizabeth Arden Director of Creative Training Mrs Judy Roberts Elizabeth Arden Area Training Manager now in Singapore to show you how Make a date with them and let them bring out your best features in a completely contemporary 'Return to Glamour' look
      271 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 364 12 AFTER a month of border fighting and another month of propaganda warfare, China and Vietnam have begun peace talks to resolve their dispute. But the negotiations did not open on a harmonious note. The day the Chinese delegation arrived in Hanoi, the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry strongly rejected a
      364 words
    • 360 12 THE tide of Islamic extremism has reached Egypt. Muslim militants are beginning to get active, especially among university students who seek to establish an Islamic republic. In recent weeks, the extremists have posed a direct challenge to President Sadat whom they accuse of selling out the rights
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  • 532 12  -  MARK MURRAY By in Tokyo SOMETIMES, fairy tales do have sad endings. Twelve years ago, a well-known leftist economic scholar was asked by the Socialist and Communist parties to be their candidate in the Tokyo gubernatorial election. No one, including Dr Ryokichi Minobe himself,
    532 words
  • 1350 12  - New world trade accord won't end problems PHILIP REVZIN in Geneva Forces of protectionism might yet win the war By WHEN NEGOTIATORS put their initials on a complex international trade pact here last week, the forces of expanded world commerce won a hard-fought battle. But even as weary negotiators from
    1,350 words
  • 776 12  -  JOHN DRYSDALE By I IT WAS nearly two years ago, April 20 1977, to be i exact, that President Cartj er announced his energy' programme. It failed, in its major provisions, to impress Congress. Last week, the President had another go. He hopes
    The Times  -  776 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 7 12 Rado J^fe Quartz Waterproof h RAI)O| Switzerland
      7 words
    • 426 12 DYNAMIC ATH-5 STEREOPHONE delivers top quality performance I Specifically designed for discriminating audiophiles those who demand the ultimate quality The ATH-5 offers qn entirely new dimension in music enjoyment, with a broad range of frequency response upto 20.000 Hz. A great dynamjc range and superior transient characteristics with the lowest
      426 words

    • 146 13 Morale of these forgotten ones at low ebb WE ARE a group of senior assistants in government schools. The majority of us were appointed senior assistants in the 1960s. As senior assistants we have assumed the duties of our principals, and have even deputised for them very often during school
      146 words
    • 86 13 WE WOULD like to inform Homeless (ST Feb 21) that under the board's rules governing eligibility to Buy or rent flats, an applicant must be a Singaporean and the spouse, at least a permanent resident. If your writer's wife is not likely to obtain permanent residence
      86 words
    • 65 13 THE HDB has shown poor management in implementing its save electricity campaign. In trying to save two hours of electricity a day, they have placed residents in danger of being robbed along dark corridors or falling down from a darkened stairway. Stairway lights should be kept on
      65 words
    • 366 13 MANY PARENTS have voiced similar views as "MdV" (ST April 4) in our offices, at club houses and over lunches. We are happy that they found expression through your newspaper and will be happier if they reach and receive the attention of the "powers
      366 words
    • 182 13 Subject switch for 'O' levels is ridiculous IT IS indeed upsetting to learn that certain schools have been instructed to allow 'O' level repeating students to sit for prescribed subjects only. My brother failed in History in the last 'O' level exam. This year he is allowed to repeat the
      182 words
    • 66 13 I REFER to the report where the Ministry of Labour was said to have suggested during visits of its officials to factories that employers reschedule their factory operations so that there would be less shift duties (ST March 30). I wish to point out that this
      66 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2 13
    2 words
  • 1026 13  -  DAVID STOREY By m Salisbury RHODESIANS vote for their first black majority government this week in a long-awaited general election considered by its supporters as a turning point and by its critics as a farce. White-minority leader lan Smith and the three black moderate
    Reuter  -  1,026 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 568 13 Bss^^?m I lin^/l &7# jr with Microcomputer Technology others will try to copy! SHARPFAXSF-810 the plain paper copier with Microcomputer technology that keeps it s4±*JEv Mx' r^!*> ahead of other copiers. More VERSATILITY, more SPEED and more RELIABILITY any time! L^f WS^^S^l.Sh' A* /mSn^^^L^^ Its compact desk-top dimensions, attractive finish
      568 words

    • 2117 14 AS A service to readers. Straits Times publishes weekly a detailed analysis of shares on the Stock Exchange of Singapore The year's high and low, are followed by the week's movement In prices, the dividend, the net price earnings ratio and the volume of business. CtMiag Div
      2,117 words
    • 192 14 TOKYO, Sat. -Share prices closed higher in active trading, led by export- orientated and energy-related issues, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 7 39 to close at 6423.06 points, with a volume of 200 million shares, while the New index closed at 447.45, up 1 23 points. Electricals
      192 words
    • 326 14 Coffee prices on the rise THE SINGAPORE Chinese Produce Exchange saw acer- I tain degree of firmer senti- ment on the week attributable j to the coffee and pepper sec- I tors. Coffee prices leapt a total of $20 per picul on the local market. The rise was believed to
      326 words
    • 128 14 CHINESE PRODUCE EXCHANGE, SINGAPORE, NOON CLOSING PRICKS PEE PICUL ON B ATT BOA V: Caessat all: Bulk $123 sellers, old drum $128 sellers, new drum 5133 sellers. Csfra: Mixed (loose) UK Coot $80 00 buyers. Pepper: Muntok AST A white fob IOT. NLW $322.50 sellers. Sarawak white fob
      128 words
    • 457 14 SENTIMENT rale 4 from steady to Una la fairly active trading at the Singapore stark market last week. Thoagh the week closed oa aa easier Mas, goo 4 overall galas wera patted aa Host froats. Then were goad stgas that the market jatt might be eaterlag Its boll
      457 words
    • 114 14 THE following list of stacks gives the II most traded on the Stack Exchange of Singapore last week. It gives the turnover in thousands of nnite, closing prices on Friday and the high and low far lf» CaafMjr Tanavrr ■m Si me Darby Holdings 1,310 H»w Par
      114 words
    • 588 14 SENTIMENT was bullish on the Kuala Lumpur stock market last week, and prices advanced across a broad front to register impressive gains. Strong volumes accompanied the general rise. Trading during the week was the most active since the begining of the year. This was despite a considerable slowdown
      588 words
    • 60 14 LOCAL STOCK INDICES SINGAPORE ►•BT Index: 'Industrials: ".Finance ••Hotels: ■Properties: Tin: {Rubbers tOCBC: 2088 22 385.57 678.90 288.97 248.81 183 72 583.45 365.18 2072 85 385.41 679 09 287.62 247 69 182.81 580.98 364.39 2124.27 387.66 683 02 288.67 249.11 182.37 589.27 368.02 2029.07 376.19 664.86 285.06 245.15 182.83 573.74
      60 words
    • 78 14 •♦BT Index: 2972.34 ■Industrials: 423.23 Finance 595 14 '•Hotels: 255.28 'Properties: 239 79 Tins: 195 SI 'JRubbers 668 68 2935 65 420.97 ***** 255.20 237.40 195.38 668 93 *****3 3015.63 425.35 423.69 ***** 598.74 255 36 255.69 ***** 242.80 196.65 196.73 683.67 688.59 3022 19 421.66 600.43 255.69 242.39
      78 words
    • 654 14 LONDON: Share prices moved firmer last week encouraged by the strength of sterling and opinion polls pointing to a Conservative Party win at the general election, dealers said. Trading was fairly light ahead of the Easter holidays. Leading shares gained around 7p to 18p over the fourday trading
      Reuter  -  654 words
    • 317 14 BANK'S prime lending rates as at the close of business on Friday Anril 12 BANK* Alfjemene Bank IV* American Express 8 Asia Commercial 8 Asien-PazWk 8. Ban Hin Lee Bank 8 BancaCommerciale 8' 4 Banco Do Brasil 7■ j Bangkok Bank 8 Bank Negara Indo 8.
      317 words
    • 48 14 Aprils AprMIO Apr* 11 April 12 April 13 April 14 Tin $1,981 $2,005 $1,961 $1,942 $1,941 $1,940 Tonnes 208 181 210 169 13S 133 •Rubber(S) 276.25 276.50 276.50 278.00 Closed Rubber(M) 273.50 279.25 279.00 281.50 Cosed •in M$ per picul In cents per kilo
      48 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 235 14 THE US dollar maintained its strength against major currencies in the Singapore forex market last week Opening little changed at $2.2010 20 from the previous week's closing of $2.2000 10, the US unit firmed to $2.2050 70 where it fluctuated narrowly for a while before gradually easing towards the
        235 words
      • 387 14 THE DOMESTIC money market opened oa a* easy Bate last Monday with Overnight funds dealt at 4-7 t— 3 I. However, the rate, firmed very quickly to t-1 4-* per cent, probably due to technical reasons By Thursday tifhtaeas in the money market became morr apparOM *H> limit*! closing
        387 words
      • 44 14 FOR THE wk raded Saturday April 14. eke nag* of call rate received from from Short Deport!! iMlßMmuloUon Baok tmt: 1 per ceat 10 i psroam. Oiairal tmt: 2 per cent to 4 I percent Mi .■■■■lf o( fund, loulkd 884 million
        44 words
      • 179 14 ASIAN earreaey average drpotdt rates far the week rnded April It: UBf (Bid afiees) Hill Low 7 days 10 5/18 101/18 1 month 11 10. 2 months 1011/*****/18 3 months 10 10 7/18 6 months 11 10 9 months 9 97/18 12 months 9 97/18 SwiasPraacs Higk
        179 words
      • 51 14 RESULTS of tender held on April 12 for 91-day Treasury bills to be Issued from April 16 to April 10: Often* $20,000,000 AffSMtor; 5T7.500.000 AIMM: 520.000.UU0 Aeeaato* kids: $98 90 approximately 21 per cent: higher bids in full. Aneaac rate af 4tar*aai aaatDtent: 4.396 per cent per
        51 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 634 14 amm^f^ Singapore bus service (i97si ltd Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to till the following vacancies INVESTIGATING OFFICERS Requirements: Minimum GCE 'O' level with credit in English Must possess a Class 3 driving licence and must be able to type 30-40 w p m Those without GCE but
      634 words

    • 202 15 Squatters who make use of Umno rapped KUALA LUMPUR, Sun DEPUTY Energy. Telecoms and Post Minister Datuk Mohd Najib bin Tun Razak today criticised squatters who set up Umno branches in their areas to avoid eviction and for personal gains. He said as soon as these people completed settling in
      NST  -  202 words
    • 393 15 THE general secretary of the Malaysian Trades Union Congress, Mr V. David, today called on the government to stay the de-registration order served on the Airline Employees Union (AEU). In a statement here today. Mr David said the decison by the
      NST  -  393 words
    • 123 15 KIALA LUMPUR, Su. Tfce Malayalaa Geverameat U expected to anaummet t»m«rr»» whether it will release er detain wltaeat trial far tw» yean, Mr DeaaM Urea, Aslaa representative «f the Lead— bated lateraattaaal Traaspert-warken Feaerattea (ITF). Mr Urea waa arrested twt anatbii age aaaer Malaysia'!! Internal
      123 words
    • 220 15 $70m plan to upgrade Labuan shipyard facilities KOTA KINABALU, Sun A $70 million development project to improve the facilities of the Labuan shipyard had been approved by the Sabah Economic Development Corporation (Sedco) the Deputy Chief Minister, Datuk James Ongkili, announced on Wednesday. Datuk James added that the project would
      220 words
    • 63 15 JOHORE BARU. Sun A youth who attempted to smuggle calculators in from Singapore inside Ms stockings was yesterday fined 1600 or two months' Jail by the magistrate's court here. Koh Yin Huat, 18, pleaded guilty to attempting to evade $59 In Customs duties on 19 calculators and 23
      NST  -  63 words
    • 239 15 'Be ready for by-election in Kelantan' KOTA BARU, Sunday TENGKU Razaleigh Hamzah yesterday warned two constituencies in Kelantan to be prepared for a by-election as one of its MPs might step down soon to enable PAS president, Datuk Haji Mohamed Asri, to make a comeback. He said there were rumours
      NST  -  239 words
    • 47 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Esso Production Malaysia Inc. plan to continue exploration off the coast of Peninsular Malaysia throughout the year. The programme, which will involve three drill ships, is expected to drill 29 well* a statement from Petronas and Esao said today. NST.
      NST  -  47 words
    • 51 15 KOTA KINABALU. Sun. Private companies unable to dispose of shares allotted to bumiputras can now sell them to the Malaysian Industrial Development Finance (MIDF) for re-tale to bumiputras. its general manager. Mr. H.F.G.Lembruggen, said here today after a one-week visit to Sabah where he viewed MIDF's industrial projects.
      AFP  -  51 words
    • 41 15 TUMP AT. Sun. The KeUnun Agricultural Department will spend (4 million this year to uplift the standard of living of the 125.000 (arming families in the state, Kelantan agricultural director. Mr Abdul Wahid Haji Azahari. said here yesterday NST
      NST  -  41 words
    • 54 15 KUALA Lumpur, Sun. The Malaysian Ambassador to France, Raja Tan Sri Axnam Raja Ahmad, has taken over as chairman of the Asean-Paris committee. The committee was formed in Paris in April last year as an Asean outpost to strengthen relations and broaden areas of cooperation between the regional
      Bernama  -  54 words
    • 275 15 Minister on why KL agreed to rubber pact KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The international rubber buffer stock scheme will not be implemented for the present or in the foreseeable future unless there is a severe world economic recession or financial crisis, Malaysian Primary Industries Minister Paul Leong said at a press
      Reuter  -  275 words
    • 83 15 BUTTERWORTH, Sun. An association of night club hostesses in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia will be formed at a meeting here early next month. The chairman of its organising committee, Mr Abdul Razak Haji Othman, said that the main objective of the association
      Bernama  -  83 words
    • 52 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Sub. Medical specialists from 11 countries will present 100 papers at the International Conference on Infant Nutrition, Diarrhoeal Diseases and Post-Graduate Paediatric Education to be held here in November. Singapore will be one of the 11 countries represented at the week-long conference which begins on Nov
      AFP  -  52 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 218 15 MANAGEMENT COURSES I FINANCE FOR NON FINANCIAL MANAGERS 8 9 May— Kuala Lumpur 4 5 June— Singapore Accounting Financial Terms and Concepts; Financial Reports: The Basic Elements; Financial Analysis: Liquidity, Activity, Profitability and Potential; Financial Ratios; Forecasting. Designed for all managers without formal financial training. DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW (DCF) FOR
      218 words
    • 805 15 i* TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY Jfr OF ONE PORTABLE TRAILER MOUNTED j AIR COMPRESSOR COMPLETE WITH m accessories W 4 Singapore Airlines Limited (SIA) invites tender A^ Jay for tne supply and delivery of one portable M? trailer mounted oir compressor with 2.5m3/ A mm (88 cfm) maximum
      805 words
    • 483 15 I The Management Staff of Topstar Pte. Ltd. wish to thank all their well wishers and supporters for their felicitations, attendance at dinner and presents on the occasion of their sth Anniversary. •RP TOPSTAR PRIVATE LTD. 8 Pereira Road Singapore 13 W^F Tel *****4 -*****9«*****59 [NOTICE MR LYE LIANG PIAN
      483 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 259 15 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS c Run through with a laser 1 See 18 heraT t 10) 6 Prtettln church is bit 1 Pwfui*. as It were, with of a saint d). one no m c 8 Cavalier put a lot of t7J hands ud (2 4 4 5i 8 in
      259 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 713 16 i i MALAYAN CEMENT BERHAD Notice of Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twenty-Ninth Annual General Meeting of Malayan Cement Berhad will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, Ist Floor, Wisma Damansara, Jalan Sernantan, Damansara Heights, Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday, Bth May i 979 at 12
      713 words
    • 303 16 JABATAN PERUMAHAN NEGARA KEMENTERIAN PERUMAHAN DAN KERAJAAN TEMPATAN PROJEK NO. 135 PEMBINAAN 57 YUNIT RUMAH DERET SERTA KERJA-KERIA YANG BERKAITAN DENGANNYA DI JALAN WENG, KEDAH (FAIL: JPN/020/22(T) Pemborong Pemborong yang mgin membuat tawaran Kepada keria keria tersebut di atas adalah dipelawa untuk mengemukakan permohonan secara bertulis Setiap permohonan hendaklah |vga
      303 words
    • 816 16 ROXY ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES (MALAYSIA) BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Eleventh Annual General Meeting of I the Company will be held at the Baya Room, Equatorial Hotel. Jalan Sultan I Ismail. Kuala Lumpur on Friday 27th April, 1979 at 12.00 noon
      816 words
    • 518 16 Leo Burnett Singapore is looking for an experienced Account Manager who isn't looking. It seems a lot of Account Managers looking for a new job haven't done much with the old one. That's why we're looking for someone who probably isn't looking. If you're interested in responsibility and visibility on
      518 words
    42 words
  • 35 16 D«(urt«d li«l)>l > vonMriui mjn jlirt to 'fsl Fo> ucn ol m He d<c h<s bnl His low ms jtfjt H'S ku» w »i«4 nrnit could find I Sv« 24 2 1915
    35 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1617 17 LEMBAGA TABUNG GETAH SABAH TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF DRIER 1 Tenders are invited for the Supply and Installation of Drier to the SMR Crumb Factory at Putatan. Kota Kinabalu Oner Specifications are as follows a) Capacity- 1 1/3 tons/hour (Twin or Single) b) Fan preferably be centrifugal
      1,617 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 965 18 CLASSIFIED ADS 284-4422 I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE 9 For Sale BRANDED SAMPLkat MEN'S urdigunv lug- I l!*gr etc 52 Winchester House. Tel BUVINC/SCLUNG TYPEWRITERS, j c abinetA lables. amplifier, cassette deck, speakers television refrigerators, ainondilioners Karlim I mnpany *****7 BUVMG/ SELLING SECONDHAND Typewriters. Television airmi<litinnerv refrigerators Hi-fi slrrro
      965 words
    • 364 18 a? WHOLESALERS 4 NETAJLER* a? Velvets, upholstery fabrics.* ar ICI" t'oam upholstery fab- 1 s'ric.v PVC Materials for sofa', "use Also car carpel, matting' sjti zig-zag springs BAN SENG HENG PTE LTD s -MS, Bloc a a Bvee} AJvt Roed s '.(Between Rschsrs Canal RoedS IbWMJ sIbMbWI eMHtSfI), ftAApsfjQOf'S I
      364 words
    • 370 18 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant a) Professional Singapore-baaed Editorial Representative lor ASEAN/ Southeast Asian region Good knowledge ol economic/ poMicel situation in region, eepeciawy Indonesia, essential. Reply giving details ol background, eipeneejce to S.T. Bex ASOSS74 BE A PROFESSIONAL Life Assurance Agent.' Call Mr. David Pak (Dip All. A.L.U.A.) for
      370 words
    • 345 18 as s fKaUOnai BaHei SINCOM WE MAKE ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS FOR THE WORLD We are a subsidiary of Matsushita Electronic Components Co Ltd wellacknowledged as a world leader In electronic components* technology Besides exporting to world market, we are also committed to contribute to the growth of the electronic Industry in
      345 words
    • 424 18 II EMPLOYMENT A newly termed tlngaasrs compeI ny has an immediate vacancy tor 1 the post ot FEMALE GENCRL CLERK c Completed Sec 4 education c Ability lo type c Knowledge of simple correspondence c Able to keep Accounts up to trial balance Interested applicants pisses apply personally to: TAXsN
      424 words
    • 644 18 FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERK re- i quired by a motor company Minimum OCE O'~tevel with credit In English. Write to: 313. 3rd fir. Supreme House. Penang Road. Spore 9. FEMALE CLERK REQUIRED Must have working experience and some knowledge of book-keep-ing. Interested please call at: Everjoy Enterprises. G24. People's Park Cenlre.
      644 words
    • 698 18 AT YOUR SERVICE SECTION INDEX Weekday" 8.30a m SOOpm I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE SftuEtav? Ix'am 3%ZZ EMPLOYMENT (llOOamtoVsun, 111 VEHICLES BOATS Counter Service Regular office hours IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES Tlme^orchard y SERVICES BUSINESS Times Centre New Industrial Road l9) VI EDUCATION TRAINING A.*afbs* Service After offict Hour, VII
      698 words
    • 703 18 Aft 4>tt rUC I 4WM 9A9fQ#ttC FEMALE OUTDOOR SALES REPRESENTATIVE is required by an eetabwshed import/export wholesale trading company Primarily dealing In Imported consumer food lines Applicants should be a) Singapore citizens b) Hardworking, pleasant personality c) Able to speak fluent English. Chinese and Malay an advantage d) She must
      703 words
    • 685 18 II EMPLOYMENT FEMALE SALES ASSISTANTS/ Cashiers/ Packer Parking Attendants. Coffee House Waitresses Experience unnecessary Apply 83- A. East Coast Road FULL TIME OUTDOOR Sales Posts available for school leavers and others with a basic pay of $400 Interested call personally at 818. Bth fir People's Park Centre GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!?! For
      685 words
    • 699 18 MENARO COSMETICS REQUIRES part -fulltime Beauty Advisors Incentives. Interested please call personally at 305. 3rd floor. Peninsula Shopping Complex, or contact Miss day at: *****. OFFICE FURNITURE SENIOR SALES EXECUTIVE At least :t years experience In office furniture rrluillng Ability to plan and promote sales and to work independently Ability
      699 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 538 19 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant c) tale* WOULD YOU LIKE TO EARN IN EXCESS OF $2,000.00 A MONTH? our representatives 197 V other prill Belinda enjoys meeting and lalkliu I in I find 1 never find a dull moment w uh b SUITE (12/Sll. «TM FLOOR SHAW HOUSE ORCHARD ROAD
      538 words
    • 592 19 EXPERIENCED CRANE ANO MoiM > required ."Wing company negotiable Address to I Room 304. l&l. TVas Street. Spore FEMALE HELPER NEEDED in laboratory Only Primary Six educa- lion required Interested applicants pleate tall *****28 for interview Applications are ir vited from suit ebty qualified Singapore citizens 1 permanent resident! tor
      592 words
    • 622 19 II EMPLOYMENT bbb^L^T^l^bbbl METALS a ORES PTE LTD (Of the Union C jrbid* Group) (A)BOILER AT'ENDANT Minimum class 2 Boiler Certificate with or 2 years' working experience Willing to do shift work (B)FITTERS Minimum 2 ye.krs' experience In mechanical fitting and fabrication work 1 Some experience in turning and shaping
      622 words
      523 words
    • 767 19 II EMPLOYMENT An indwttriel wanwleclflng trganl tenon reowret immediately (A) CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY c Undergone a Secretarial Course with 80 w pm shorthand and «0 w p m typing on an electric typewriter. c Able to handle correspondence and a filing system c Possess initiative and preferably personality (B) GENERAL CLERK
      767 words
    • 537 19 ESTABLISHED FOOD MANUFACTURING COMPANY invites applications f or (A) RECEPTIONIST CUM TYPIST GCE O' Level Training will be provided for the PBX Switchboard (B) GENERAL CLERKS (Male/Female) GCE O' Level In at least 3 subjects Knowledge of bookkeeping Si able to type (C) MAINTENANCE FITTERS Minimum 2 years Industrial experience
      537 words
    • 405 19 II EMPLOYMENT 6ENERAI ELECTRIC USA HOUSEWIVES Come and join us today Asa FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATOR on the 2nd shift and Earn a $50 bonus General Electric (USA) Television Appliance Pte. Ltd 159 C. Boon Keng Road. l Block 2. L Singapore 12. i DRIVER REOUIRED FOR Professional Office. Tel. *****
      405 words
    • 545 19 A\ HUP CHEONG Requires MALE/FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATOR 16 Tears Old Above Completed Primary 6 Education BWaj i an are Welcome ASSISTANTTECHNICIAN Completed National Service NTC Grade 3 in Maintenance Kitting Or 2 years Experience In Machinery Job WE Of FER: GOO I) SALARY TRANSPORT PROVIDED HVK WORKING DAYS PER WEEK
      545 words
    • 485 19 II EMPLOYMENT Leßlond Asia Pie. Ltd. We are a well-established American Machine Tool Manufacturer in Jurong with immediate vacancies for the following (A) GENERAL WORKERS (B) OPERATORS Poet (A): c 25 lo 45 years of age c No educational background or experience necessary c Physically well-built c Prepared to work
      485 words
    • 525 19 #JTC Has vacancies for 1) TECHNICAL OFFICER (CONTRACTS) 2) LAND BAILIFF Qualifications Poet 1: Technician Diploma In Bui'ding from the Singapore Polytechnic/ Ngee Ann Technical College Pott 2: Singapore Cambridge < Level orlifical. with .'t least .t O' Level passes or Its equivalent inclusive of o Level pass In English
      525 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 519 20 II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant I) G*n*rml Manufacturer of Television and Audio Products requires MALE FEMALE FACTORY OPERATIVES c Age It years and above c Primary education preferred but not essential We Or*ar -od revised starting wage plus transport allowance c Attendance/Incentive allowance c 5 day working week c No
      519 words
    • 314 20 SINGAPORE KAMI ELECTRONICS PTE LTD FEMALE OPERATORS Requirements: c Ant- IB to 25 years c Singapore or Malaysian citizens Work Schedule 7 a.m. lo 4 :iS p.m. or 6 p in. lo 10 p.m. (for Singapore citizens only). Monday lo Friday. We Orter: c Attractive starting pay. c Confirmation wage
      314 words
    • 623 20 II EMPLOYMENT MALE PROCESS WORKERS wanted by wall sslobhohau company in Ji rong operating on a S-etey week Hilary al about $200 p< month. 2 months bonus c Iringe benefits and oppoi tunnies to work overtime ai offered Age 10 26 years School leave: may apply Pleaee cae. pareonawy TOO
      623 words
    • 408 20 Nestle. ■c INTERNATIONAL FOOD COMPANY WITH MANUFACTURING COMPANY IN JURONG IS LOOKING FOR MALE FEMALE OPERATORS At least Primary Education Training on-the-|ob Experience an I advantage Good pay l\ Shift allowance c Staff prices for wide range of Company's i products Interested appli- > cants, please come personally for interview.
      408 words
    • 344 20 II EMPLOYMENT BlJ*jLK^St*TLbDsl'J W% MUSTAD HAS FEW VACANCIES FOR THE POST OF: FEMALE PRODUCTION WORKERS a New Attractive Starting Basic Pay equivalent $190 00 pm a Increment on Completion of Probation equivalent Basic Pay $210.00 c 5- Day Week c No Shift Work c Merit Award for Good Performance c
      344 words
    • 282 20 SEM ANG AT AVER PTE. LTD. in Sembawang invites applications tor the position ot: SYRUP/PROCESS ROOM WORKER Requirements: 1. Passed Primary Six or have completed Secondary Two. 2. Must be able to take Instructions In English 3 Above 16 years of age 4 Be prepared lo work on shift. MALE
      282 words
    • 468 20 II EMPLOYMENT GY;h»li.iii YAOHAN SINGAPORE PRIVATE LIMITED Join Yaohan. where the atmosphere is lively and friendly, wllh pleasant working conditions and attractive salary, benefits and allowances to make your career an exciting one Presently, we are recruiting SALES ASSISTANTS c Between 18 —28 years of age. o Secondary education (English
      468 words
    • 199 20 SELF-SERVICE STATION REQUIRES Cashier and Van Driver Please tel: *****87. Small but last growing manufacturing company has vacancy for young man with drive and ambition for position of: PRODUCTION MANAGER No special educational requirements but knowledge of printing and packaging Industry an advantage We ara seeking a tough, responsible decision
      199 words
    • 724 20 II EMPLOYMENT THE DEVELOPMENT BANK Of SINGAPORE LIMITED (1) DESPATCH RIDERS (2) MESSENGERS Applicants «hould have completed Primary Six and must be able lo understand and speak English Candidates who apply for the post of despatch riders must possess a valid Class 2 driving licence and must be able to
      724 words
    • 589 20 WAITERS AND WAITRESSES required immediately for snack bar at Airport Non-citizens may apply Meals provided Must be willing to work on shift Salary and lips amounting lo 5250 p m Call personally at 1109. Shaw Towers. Beach Road between 2 Onp m and 5 OOp in today We invite applications
      589 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 641 21 HI VEHICLES A BOATS 45 Vehictes For Sale ENO 1*72 BMW Aircomi sports rims recently overhauled I Price $10,400 Tel *****02 ENO 1*74. DAIHATSU IT »heeh, paint tyres, battery $12,800 Can loan $9,000 *****5 END 1*74 FIAT MB, 1800 cc 2 rts rims aircond $***** Tel *****48 ENO 72 FORO
      641 words
    • 938 21 LIAN HUP SENG MOTOR TRADING I*l. OaMhM Plus Thornton Road. S por* 11 Tat U1217. S33BM. *****03 I*7l DaLsun 1500 Pickup 1*74: Mazda DISOO Truck I Toyota Corona 2000 MX II i A Maxda HOOD Van 1*73: Toyota Crown 2600 'Vluxr A Mercedes Benz 230 A /C Austin 200 J4
      938 words
    • 626 21 111 VEHICLES* BOATS 1*74 MERCFOCS BENZ 230. Farlor v umiid radio, cassette, with lax paid till Sept 79 Not eligible (or PARF' In beautiful condition Contact *****1 Mr LIB! 1*74. MWM CLUBMAN 1000 Beautiful condition Sport rims $7,700 negotiable View 15-A. Ballaler Close. Blk 44 1174 ROVER TC2OOO aircond.. cassette
      626 words
    • 416 21 46 V#>htcr»« Wanted AA ttZMKR «E OUtfltS 1972 to 1976 (>lic». Flat 124 Sports, CTO or other sports models Call *****. A BANK MCME TARY requires immediately Clubman. Mazda. Corolla. Austin Lancer/ Galant. "71 onwards *****2 (anytime) A BUSINESSMAN URGENTLY requires any good condition vehicle, preferably with aircond 1973 upwards
      416 words
    • 837 21 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES f PRIME OFFICE N SPACE FOR LEASE For further details apply to: JONES LANG 3905 OCBC Centre, Singapore 1 t^el: *****4/9325^ I PRESTIGEOUS 1 BUILDING IN SHENTON WAY Offers its basement, ground and Ist floor for I lease to a bank or a top departmental store. The
      837 words
    • 666 21 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES DIST. 10 HENRY PARK modern 2storey semi-detached. 4 bedrooms, large split-level living' dining, modern kitchen, nice garden, partly furnished. $1,500 only Call *****8 DIST. 10. HOLLAND ROAD quiet location, double-storey Bungalow 4 bedrooms, central aircondiuoning. partially furnished B.N Associates *****4 DIST. 10. OFF HOLLAND Road, furnished semi-detached
      666 words
    • 802 21 NEAR AMERICAN SCHOOL Ciemenu Park. 3-bedroomed detached bungalow with large living dining and servant's amenities $1,800 Call Holland Housing *****04 NEAR AMERICAN SCHOOL. DIST 11. Double-storey detached bungalow 4 bedrooms/servant's/ large living/dining leading to patio and matured garden Ranta* $2,200 Luiurtou* apartments with private wimming pool, central unit aircond, tennis
      802 words
    • 821 21 IV ACCOMMODATIONS PROPERTIES DIST 10 PANOAN VALLEY executive maisonette terrace for immediate occupation Spill-level living dining. 4 alrcondllioned bedrooms. TV family room. sw imming pool, tennis and other recreational facilities $2 500 $3,000 Concord *****41 DIST 10. PANOAN VALLEY brand new. 3 bedrooms, swimming pool, tennis and squash courts furnished
      821 words
    • 655 21 ROOMS TO SHARE from May Kew left' Karly bookings SBs' 70 103. 163 Call *****06 1 UNFURNISHED ROOM available. <lisl M Access lo all facilities, tel *****2 52 Accommodation Wanted a) Houses NEWLY ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURING COMPANY RKWUIRKS Savoral Homo* Or Apartments VAill consider funmhed unfurnislie.l Mental $1,000 $4,000 Good lease
      655 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 705 22 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES 54 Properties For Sale a) Mouses ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS! Seletar Hills double-storey/ single- I storey semi-detached. (06.000/ (85.000 Daisy Park doublestorey terrace $97,000 Practical BAMBOO GROVE PARK Modern 2-slorey semi-detached on 3.300 sq ft 3-bedrooms. study and ser- vint's amenities Price $130,000/furmshed Call Supreme for further details
      705 words
    • 655 22 MOULMEM ROAD BUNGALOW Detached Double-storey Outhouse 4 bedrooms Area approximately 8.000 sq ft Freehold Selling $2*0.000 *****63/ ******5 OFF HOLLAND ROAO Dlsl 10 Beautiful double-storey semidetached, freehold. 3.800 sq ft 4 Principals call *****77 PONGOOI PARK DETACHED 4 bedrooms/ study/ servant's amenities 12.000 sq fl $225,000 PCX vitwing contact Victor
      655 words
    • 743 22 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES L ANO AT OUEEN ASTMB PARK (DtSTWCT 10) j Ideal for persons looking for a < home in an exclusively residen- Ualarea AREA: 40 SOO SSJ.N. TITLE: fraahold Vacawliinnssslsß. Contact: MISS CHU A 55 Properties Wanted ALLOW VICTOR Morris to Introduce you a tenant or a
      743 words
    • 654 22 IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION OROUNOFLOOR small office/ store SOT sq ft at $350 p m View 11. Jarmlne Road. (Behind Thomson Plaza Tel *****87 MARKET STREET CYS BUILDING Office space from 950 »q.ft. to 1.020 sq.ft. et $1.65 p.s.f. p.m. inclusive of service charges. CONTACT: MR. LIAUW TELEPHONE ***** OFFICE ANO TABLE
      654 words
    • 623 22 V SERVICES ft BUSINESS 72 Airconditioner*/ i Refrigerators DAVID AIRCONDITIONINO, RE- FRIGERATION Co specialists In installation, repair, malnte- nance and respraylng. For prompt service telephone: *****39/*****71 ELEGANT ELECTRICAL SERVICE j Pte. Ltd.: Rental. Repairing. Re- spraying. Sale of AlrcondlUoners and Refrigerators. Tel: *****1. FRESH AMCONOrnOMNG ENTER- PRISE Specialise In rental,
      623 words
    • 670 22 BALVANIC FACIALS, free ear piercing, wax bath, wax depllatlon by Mrs G. Llm. Cosmetician md Beauty Therapist London L Paris). Beauty Therapy Room. 4. Jalan Chorak. Upper Serangoon, Spore 19. Tel: *****7. MODELE INTERNATIONAL Basic Modelling Course commencing: 17/4/79. 6.30 p.m. 8.00 p.m.. Tuesday Friday Dial *****5 >r call at
      670 words
    • 1399 22 V SERVICES ft BUSINESS MASTER DRESSMAKING. TAILOR- JEUNESSE ET BEAUTE for your ING. Fashion IVMRinng within 3 scientific relaxing massage: 6 months Yen Yl Dressmak- sauna baths, spotreduclng. ing School. 647-B. Balestler Hill Men's Department 22 Ngee Ann Shopping Centre. *****31 Bulging, telephone *****2 SOPHIA FASHION a Dressmaking MARTINA'S SALON
      1,399 words
    • 749 22 VI EDUCATION ft Id GIRLS! Jobs are becoming harder lo get you need better quakdeatons The London Chamber ol Commerce and Industry Private Secretary's Certificate ts recognised inter nationally as one ol me highest Qualifications obtainable This eiammation is the only Private Secretarial Examination supervised by the Ministry ol Education
      749 words
    • 614 22 [RAINING SECRETARIAL TRAINING In U X 3 irrin Diploma Courre Accommodation provided Secretarial College. 64. Holly Walk Leamington Spa. England SEMINAR ON The Effective Secretary" commencing 214.79 Saturdays. 2 6pm For drtalls conucl Metropolitan VM C A Mfc *****66 SHORTHAND (BEGINNERS) Monday Wednesday 6.00-7.30 pin commencing today Please enrol early
      614 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 659 23 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING ENTRUST YOUR SUCCESSFUL i in with our dedicated L \«t»malic coach i CS *****04 EXPERNMCEO TUTOR TEACHES Science, chemistry. MalhemaI Physical s<ieme Additional MalhemaUCI Modern Mathematics amm EXPERSNCEO HSC GRADUATE uffers Ui :.iry pri"idents *****88 Miss neonx before 6 pm CCE MATHEMATICS. PHYSICAL i Science Retired,
      659 words
    • 784 23 VII TRAVEL RES RELIABLE AMO ECONOMICAL all Tires in Jakarta Denpa.«ar Australia Europe and all other worldwide destinations Contact Airmasler Travel Centre. 3S-O. Prmsep Street (near Cathay Cinema) Tel *****2. *****. ***** (TA No 203) SEE EXCITING EUROPE 7* WE KNOW BRITAIN/ EUROPE BEST SIA EUROPEAN HOUOAVS/ COSMOS/ GLOBAL/ SOUTHBOUND/
      784 words
    • 245 23 STAURANTS O m Most popular European tours for over 10 years 8 DAYS SsB6s 1 1 DAYS ***** 14 DAYS Sslloo 15 DAYS *****5 17 DAYS *****5 Write or call for a Free colour brochure: G.C.NANDA SONS PTE. LTD. General Sales Agents for Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. 120 122,
      245 words
    • 704 23 TKK SANKaUTFTCY A^T (CAP. M ItH B>.> IN TBS aOOH COUBT OP SINGAPORE IN BANKBITTCY no. m m in Be: TAN GBX SIAN (aa.w.> Bx aarta: TAY (HAM. BO jtCredHar la Urn Matter «f a Baakraptey Natier tasaei aa taw Ittk day at Pehnary, Ifflt. To Tan Oek Slang (m.w.)
      704 words
    • 1300 23 A A MANAGEMENT COMPUTER SERVICES Our client cm American multinational company operating worldwide, invites applications from suitable qualified Malaysian citizens, for the position of ANALYST/PROGRAMMER to be based in Penang Qualifications Applicants, between 28 to 35 years of age. should possess either a good degree or diploma in the relative
      1,300 words
    • 182 23 1- KENVATAAN TAWARAN INIVERMTI PERTANIAN MALAYSIA Pemborong pemborong yang berdaftar dengan Jab-tan Krr J« Raya Semenanjung Malayaia dl dalam Kelaa "C" ke ataa Kepala 4 Pecahan Kepala 2 dan yang bermlnat adalah dipelawa untuk memberi tawaran untuk MEREKA DAN MENGENDALIKAN KERJA (T.RI (IK (PILING) DAN MEREKA SAHAJA KEPA LA-KEPALA <
      182 words
    • 457 23 I'NIVERSITI KF.BANt SAAIV MALAYSIA KENYATAAN TAWARAN MEKANIKAL I'NIVERSITI KEBANISAAN MALAYSIA Tawarantawaran Jaripada Pemborong -pom bo ro rig Mekanikal yang brrjaftar di Jabalan Kr. Ja Raya -lalam I Hal yiing till n dan ber minat iHona Kido ''"ondererai ,ik. m iliti-rima di p.-jabat Ben dahari, I'aras 4. Rangunan Prntadb.r;.n. fnivrrsiti
      457 words

      75 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      80 24 I A 40-<toy Raquiam High Mm* will b* sung lor the dopartcd soul o( our b*lo»sd Father JOHN FRANCIS PEREIRA al the Church ot Risen Christ. 91. To» Payoh Central, Tos Payoh Singapore 12, on Monday MMI ol April 1975. at S 00 p m Ossply mournad by
      80 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      69 24 "Christ died and rose again so that He can be our Lord both while we live and when we die" Fondly remembered by wife, children and grandchildren. In everlovlng memory of our dear Mummy MARTHA OUEK HEE LIAN Departed 164.74 Fondly remembered by husband, children, ton-in l»w
      69 words
    • 2053 24  -  FAIRWAY By I DRAGON COMMAND yesterday added another victory to his impressive tally with a recordbreaking triumph in the Class 1, Division 1 1,700 metres race in Penang. Carrying top-weight 60.5 kilogrammes and ridden by Ron Hutchinson, the Reindeer four-year-old took the lead at the
      2,053 words
    • 505 24 THE stipendiary steward's report on Saturday's racing at Penang: State of track: Good. Race 1: At the start Bit O'Fun (Junaidi) rolled out, forcing Patriarch (M Sng> across the running of Ailanna (D Kwong) Approaching the 800 m turn. Great Sign II lost some lengths when jockey M
      505 words
    • 113 24 STIPE'S REPORT THE Stipendiary Stewards yesterday fined jockey Noel Harris $2,000 (or riding an incompetent and ill judged race in Race One. They also suspended Jockeys S. H. Chew (Race Two) and K. W. Tan (Race Six( one and two months respectively for dangerous riding. The Stipe's report for yesterday's
      113 words
    • 876 24 Apprentice K. C. Ng was warned that should he faU to hold his mount under the whip in future, the stewards would deprive him of its use. After the race, the stewards opened an inquiry into the handling and running of Supreme Reward (N.
      876 words
    • 72 24 j HONGKONG. Sun. Hongkong j champion jockey Garry Moore has been suspended two days (or careless riding and has lost the chance of a mount in Sydney. Moore was planning to ride at Randwick next week on a horse jointly owned by his father and top Sydney
      Reuter  -  72 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 909 24 VII TRAVEL ft RESTAURANTS tail«|[tli|.Ki _f^r^"^T^^^^»'^B Offen you o wide range ILA I laX o] exciting tourt with Lalajba^aaMßßS^ahaVaWafl I reliability, experience and superb tervice MaUyeia Coach toare P Dickson Getting. X L Penang. Cameron. Frearr Pulau Langkawi ■grtTTf1 B yt!'"TRTTM I rromSS99 ■HMBjiaasjefa <U«rk» Toare Futy escorted loun with
      909 words
    • 187 24 vw I ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL RED LAOV SERVICE help you get i suitable friends/ marriage partI ncr Thomson PO Box 112 Singapore 20 SHI (ESTABLISHED 1957) confl- dentially introduces frlend/llfeI time partner within a week's lime Tel *****9 GPO 1149 CHH4ESE MALE. 23 seeks sincere friends below 30 Phone/ photo appreciated
      187 words
    • 46 24 Ist No. ***** ($2,903) 2nd No. ***** ($725) 3rd No. ***** ($362) STARTERS ($43 each): Nos. *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****. *****, *****. CONSOLATION ($36 each): No*. *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****. WWW it •^Z&W&BB^^KSBS^^^^^EmMMMMMMMMMMMm ■£d (mm
      46 words

    • 616 25  -  STEVE BIERLEY LONDON, Sun. Crystal Palace and West Ham United are battling hard to prevent London from having only two First Division soccer clubs next season. With Chelsea and Queen's Park Rangers virtualy certain to be relegated, England's capital could >c left with just
      Reuter  -  616 words
    • 1405 25 FIRST DIVISION Birmingham 1 Wolverhampton 1. Bolton 0 Middlesbrough 0. Chelsea 1 Southampton 2. Coventry 3 Bristol City 2. Derby 1 Notts Forest 2. Leeds 1 Aston Villa 0. Uverpool 2 Manchester United 0. Manchester City 0 Everton 0. Norwich 0 Ipswich 1. Tottenham 1 Queen's Park Rangers
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    • 358 25 BIRMINGHAM, Sun. Birmingham City manager Jim Smith said yesterday that unsettled Argentine defender Alberto Tarantini was unlikely ta play for the English First Division club next season. "He is unlikely to wear a Birmingham shirt next season, mainly because of storcestic problems." Smith said. Birmingham appear
      Agencies  -  358 words
    • 398 25 SAN JOSE (California). Sun Renaldo Nehemiah. the 20-year-old University of Maryland student, yesterday set 4 world record for the 110 metres hurdles when he clocked 13.16 se. The previous record of 1321 was held by Cuba's Alexandra Casanas BASEBALL Results of major American games played yesterday Anwieaa lope: Toronto
      Agencies  -  398 words
    • 291 25 EDINBURGH (Scotland), Sun. Hongkong defeated England 5-2 here yesterday to retain their Commonwealth table tennis title. But England were without two of their top players, Desmond Douglas and Nicky Jarvis. and had played until long after midnight to overcome Pakistan and Australia on the way
      AP; AFP  -  291 words
    • 183 25 Galindez scores a first in knockout victory NEW ORLEANS (Louisiana), Sun. Victor Galindez, of Argentina, became the first light-heavyweight in history to regain his title with a technical knockout in the 10th round over former World Boxing Association champion Mike Rossman, of the United States, here yesterday. Rossman failed to
      Reuter  -  183 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 111 25 >Xllsssssl sssssW I ssssi «ssl y^m sfl <fl fw- *3 m'M -_*Jfis9>t«dti H BBHss«^ss^^^H 4^Bb issssssssssssVsttbassissl aBsT 1 a^a^a^^^^^ |^^^sssssas.ssss^^s s tt S^s||S«^fss«^^H jB BssC~*- When you're relaxing together, /Hk there's nothing like the goodness m of Guinness Stout, M tokjb^m In Singapore, and all over the world, n whenever
      111 words
    • 91 25 V sssss^^^ssM CtnayPac*c Wr^mJ isV HI 'V > "mm IL ssW *9*"v Clwung Itsta V ssT M >) n> fj l I I uvtMKim CATHAY PACIFIC 14 TIMES WEEKLY TO HONGKONG Daily SuperTnStar flight departs at 1 0 50 am On Mon Wed Fn and Sun Super TnSlar flights via
      91 words

    • 551 26 PATRICK BASTIANS reports from BANGKOK BANGKOK, Sun Singapore's first allSingaporean team swept arch rivals Hongkong 4-1 to retain the East Asia squash cham pionship at the Royal Bangkok Sports Club here today, the Republic's third triumph in four years. And when national champion Venkatesan
      551 words
    • 385 26 - SEOUL, Sun. Taiwanese rookie Shen Chung Shyan, who turned professional only five months ago, won the US$6O,OOO ($131,400) Korean Open golf tournament today with a one-over-par, fourday total of 289. Shen, 27, shot a four-over-par 76 (39-37), but his fourday total of 289 was
      UPI  -  385 words
    • 182 26 TOKYO, Sun. American Beth Daniel come from behind to shoot a brilliant six-under-par 69 for a threeround total of 218 to win the 15 million yen World Ladies golf tournament here today. Beth, the 1975 and 1977 United States amateur champion, had eight
      AFP  -  182 words
    • 293 26 Borg to meet Gerulaitis in final MONTE CARLO, Sun. Sweden's Bjorn Borg and American Vitas Gerulaitis today won through to tomorrow's final of the Monte Carlo Grand Prix tennis tournament. Borg had an easy straight-set win over Paraguayan Victor Pecci, but Gerulaitis had a difficult semi-final match against Australia's John
      Reuter  -  293 words
    • 487 26 AUGUSTA (Georgia), Sun. An inspired Ed Sneed, firing his third successive round in the 60s, opened up a commanding five-stroke lead in the Masters golf championship yesterday with a 12-under-par total of 204. The curly-haired Sneed survived his first bogey of the
      Reuter  -  487 words
    • 119 26 THE leaders after the third round of the Masters: *M Ed Sneed 68-67-69 m Tom Watson 68-71-70. Craig Stadler 6M6-74 tit Bruce Lietzke 67-75-68. Fuzzy ZoeUer 70-71-69 m Ray Floyd 70-68-73, Leonard Thompson 68-70-73, Jack Newton (Aust) 70-7249, Tom Kite 71-72-68, Miller Barber 7V64-T2. tit Gil Morgan 72-69-71.8
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 244 26  -  ERNEST FRIDA By ROGER Leow beat his club-mate Tan Ah Leh at the first hole of the sudden-death playoff to win the Changi Open amateur golf championship at Changi yesterday. Both golfers from Changi returned four-over-par 735, but Leow easily played better golf in the play-off
      244 words
    • 194 26 NAIROBI, Saa. A fleM •f can, led by Flalftad'g Huu Mikk.ln mad Herti la a werk* Heree4ea Beas 4M SIX, were late last alxh t kcadlag Uwaras the eaaptettaa at tae leciad leg af the 27th safari m«Ur rally here. Iwi I oral private eatriea,
      AP  -  194 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 516 26 Assault with a deadly weapon/ The Second Generation Low Profile Iron N We've re-defined loft angles so tha» trajectories are normal The trajectory of a Low Pro five iron is the same as the conventional five iron, not a seven iron as in some other low-profile clubs r We've distributed
      516 words
    • 188 26 Braun micron comfort. Braun micron speed. Braun micron clOMnaas. Because Braun micron Eacn op«mng in the The Braun micron foil is thin, shaves faster, you won t Braun micron foil is de- flexible and closely fitted to be repeatedly going over signed with unique the precision cutter block the same
      188 words

    • 147 27 Sin ore Perak RESULT Scorer/s (with goal-times) 8. Manoharan (32nd and Biit Ahmad Sayuti (44th), Mohamad Noh (75th), Fandi Ahmad (86th). Ahmad Yusoff (42nd) Shots on target 11 Shots off target Comer-kicks 11 ree-kicks 14 (none) 10 (offside 4) Teams, with performtnce marks out of ten. Each side's star
      147 words
    • 304 27 PENANG, Sun. Singapore's Junie Sng crowned her recordbreaking style by clocking a new Asian agegroup time for the under-14 100 metres freestyle on the final day of the Sanya Samakki Cup championship at the Penang Chinese Swimming Club here yesterday. Junie .won the event in
      NST  -  304 words
    • 353 27  -  BERNARD PEREIRA WHERE there's smoke, there's fire, so the saying goes. And Singapore's 12member badminton squad's month-long stay in China from June 10, certainly looks smoky. The squad, comprising six men and six women including two from the Fraser and Neave scheme are leaving on
      353 words
    • 176 27 SINGAPORE Recreation Club thrashed defending champions Ceylon Sports Club by nine wickets in their Singapore Cricket Association Senior League match on the Padang yesterday, reports ERNEST FRIDA. Off-spinner S. Muruthi played a major role in the shock win, taking three wickets for 18 runs. CSC were
      176 words
    • 237 27 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Malaysia's second team dispelled all ideas that their I victory over their Seniors in the quadrangular hockey tournament yesterday was a flash in the pan when they outplayed Kenya 3-1 here today. Trailing by a third-minute I goal, Kenya scored when inside-right Harvinder
      NST  -  237 words
    • 370 27  -  HEATHER MERICAN, the former Singapore and South-east Asian Games women's hurdles champion, made a suceesful come-back to competitive athletics yesterday when she j clocked a superb 14.8 j sec for the 100 metres i hurdles at the Adidas All-Comers meet at the
      370 words
    • 79 27 Today's events BADMINTON NatUaal aaaahV aeeaaaary aayt mbV flaata: SCS v <jrr, MVS v SJI (Mt Vernon, 2); See. orte: JSS v BVS, SGS v HYC. MVS v CGS (Si Margaret's, 2). HOCKEY later part Baton: Singapore Cricket Cub v Hongkong (Padang, 5). BUGBY Nattaaal wanaV liaai wit. ttmnmmmt: DT
      79 words
    • 333 27 RESULTS in yesterdays Adidas All -Comers meet Mh IMb 1 One Yeok Phee 2 Paul Su 3 Richard Scow 110 Mtß 1 Ong Yeok Phee 2 Sng Sxe Hian 3 Jeffrey Tan 22 1; 4Mb 1 S. Matnia 2 Royston Jailed 3 Farid Alatas 50 9; Mni 1
      333 words
    • 146 27 TEAMS P W D L P A Ms Singapore Kelantan Selangor Penang Pahang Sabah Trengganu Perak Kodah Johore Armed Forces Sarawak Perils Negri Sembilan Fad. Territory Brunei 13 12 11 12 12 11 12 13 13 12 12 12 11 13 12 12 11 10 7 7 7
      146 words
    • 48 27 MOUNTBATTEN edged out Queenstown 2-1, while Balestier United pipped Farrer Park Dynamos 3-2 in two National Football League Div. Two matches at Geylang and Toa Payoh yesterday. Other results: Div. 3 Brickworks 3 Queenstown Cosmos 1; Delta 3 Tanjong Katong 3; Jubilee 7 Telok Blangah 0.
      48 words
    • 22 27 VIENNA, Sun. Japan's handball team yesterday beat Austria 26-21 in an exhibition match be(ore 500 fans at the Vienna Stad-thalle.-AP.
      AP  -  22 words
    • 333 27 KUANTAN, Sun. Pahang staved off a strong, late Sarawak challenge to carve out this narrow win over Sarawak in a thrilling, but robust, Malaysia Cup soccer match in the Danilmakmor stadium here tonight. Pahang, surprisingly, played poorly in the first half and trailed by one goal.
      NST  -  333 words
    • 29 27 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun Malaysian Armed Forces and Malacca drew 1-1 in their Malaysia Cup soccer match played in Merdeka Stadium tonight. Malacca led 1-0 at half-time. NST.
      NST  -  29 words
    • 579 27  -  COACH Trevor Hartley's bold move to replace captain Dollah Kassim with Hashim Hosni in the 56th minute sparked off Singapore's 5-1 win over Perak in the Malaysia Cup-tie at the National Stadium last night. Until the change, Singapore were clinging precariously to their
      579 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements

  • 208 28 TEHERAN, Sun. Five more executions were today reported to have taken place in Iran over the past 24 hours, but for the country's leaders, issues of revolutionary justice were tonight taking second place to the socalled "Taleghani affair." Teheran's progressive Shiite Muslim leader,
    AFP  -  208 words
  • 79 28 HONGKONG. Sun. Chinese workers have produced a forest fire detector which works by picking up the radioactive infrared rays given out by a blaze, the Xinhua (Hsinhua) news agency reported today. The agency, monitored here, said the focussing of the rays on the detector produces a pulse
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 60 28 DACCA. Sun President Ziaur Rahman today announced a 42member Council of Ministers with Mr Shah Azizur Rahman as the new prime minister. Most of the members of the outgoing cabinet excepting three technocrats have been retained in the new council; which includes two deputy prime ministers, 26
    AFP  -  60 words
  • 41 28 BEIJING (PEKING). Sun A party vice chairman In central Zhejiang (Cheklang) province has been sentenced to life in prison for his use of armed suppression and support of radical leaders, China's official party newspaper People's Daily said today. UPI.
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 319 28  - Man beaten to death at worksite H. G. KUTTY By I A 28-YEAR-OLD ma battered to death at Lim Ah Pin Road, off l late last night. Police identified him as Baskaran Gopal Pillai, of Hoy Fatt Road, and said they believe a hammer was used as the murder weapon.
    319 words
  • 146 28 '9 PARTIES GANG UP TO OUST NE WIN' REPORT LONDON, Son. The Observer reported today that nine Barmese apposition parties are laanchinfc a unified military campaign against the government of President Ne Win. It said that a jafait declaratUn by the parties was sniggled •nt «f Banna lait week and
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 341 28 Sihanouk croons, Huang tangos at this ball PEKING, Sun. Chinese Foreign Minister Huang Hua danced the tango and former Kampuchean head of state Prince Norodom Sihanouk crooned "Cherie," "Passion," and his own compositions to 300 members of Peking's foreign diplomatic corps here last night. The occasion was a ball given
    AFP  -  341 words
  • 55 28 DUBLIN, Sun Three teenage boys on an Easter outing were killed in an explosion today as they walked across an army artillery range near Dublin. Police said it appeared the blast came when the boys threw an unexploded shell against a rock. Eight other children in
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 574 28 BANGKOK, Sun. VIETNAM and China were set to open pefcce talks tomorrow despite a Vietnamese offensive in Kampuchea and charges of new clashes over disputed islands in the South China Sea. China's chief negotiator, Vice-Foreign, Minister Han Nianlong (Han Nien-lung) arrived in Hanoi yesterday just
    Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  574 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 251 28 EGYPT LOSES SOURCE OF AID FUNDS KUWAIT, Sun. Egypt lost (Ss44o million) in project aid a valuable source of devel- since it was created nine opment aid today when it years ago. was suspended from the 17- The suspension conformed nation Arab Fund for Eco- political and economic nomic and
      251 words
    • 214 28 WJr if T^ m 1 If I I\l II |^7| mm 8 m m\ 4mL"&^ m I I La* Svenson is not a treatment, not a transplant, not a wig. Svenson is a new process that weaves new hair into yours. When you have this new hair (irmly woven into
      214 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION TWO
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION TWO
      5 words
    • 266 1 A SPECIAL TKIUCE-WEEJU.Y *ACE FOB HUmOAI »BAPE»t WHO WISH TO IMPROVE THEJK SECOND LAMGUACE AtfeH. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday *A -X »iAW±«*«£«@ *iAEP '^^P£tS o "€^7tS' *»E^ *A«fe^*ift "WKt iA ft: "jft*{tfctfBf*«" WW2*fS: -B *O fttt «J*O urn MiH:^*ff£- ft*;*® *^sp£ BE -4B*it W*ffi^¥o£ 'fflS'JffnEo^ S*A**7-ftW±Wi5SP^ »A»**tf*«±S
      266 words
    • 43 1 Owing to the pressure on space, the Pun with Chinese Characters column is held over till Wednesday. The English translation of this article will also appear on Wednesday. It Is an interestIng piece written by a contemporary Chinese writer. «tjww "a*" asm
      43 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 193 1 r^ EVERYONE'S TALKING J? X II ii^ci lIJC'DC DITDf ICUTI^ir 1 ITT Gyv/ WCHC M~UoLl9 filial VI MM .^S^k^^^^^^ Times Herhr g TcoUccrion A series of bilingual readers inculcating $1 .80 each Asian cultures, traditional values and —^J l^ 3EtB£is4lj ;tsfi3EslW3t Twa.imm^iateiy.vaiiawe attitudes. ft if Slfftil*ijEl»Wj6JKsBß^: t^m****. j. V 77>e
        193 words
    • 488 2  - Luk Siu Fung star is just as attracted to women SAW PUAY LIM By ACTOR Uu Song Ren attracts women by the drones on TV as the mischievous martial art exponent Lak Bta Fug just as he is attracted to them offscreen. The many fans of this >—^— Cantonese programme,
      488 words
    • Article, Illustration
      42 2 CHALLENGES comes on at 6.10 today Channel 5. This episode, Samewhrre T» Wark, looks at the problems faced by three teenagers looking for satisfying jobs. It examines the gap between their aspirations and the reality of then- lives. UU SONG BEN
      42 words
    • 143 2 M-CYCLIST RACER WHO LOVES THE SPEEDWAY THIS tJUirm—m'n aatlMe itUiN Climl < h a Mack aad white mavte otted Omc a Jelly Swa«Ifi ikNt a mtAtmM ■rtewycle racer wke Ha* that Mb leve far the speedway tkraateea alt heaMUfe. The mevie ctmn Dirk Befftrte, Beaee Atktnm awl BUI Owe*.
      143 words
    • 860 2 Dear Mcl Hua I'M happy to bear about your good "O" level results, especially the distinction in English. I know it's your second language, but you/ parents must be proud of you. It must run in the family! You're lucky to have
      860 words
    • 169 2 A REPEAT of the programme, Kadambft VlUkka, can be seen at 3 p.m. on Channel 5 today. This first episode in the series caters for the whole family. It includes news on Metrication and the Save Electricity Campaign, a cooking demonstration on how to
      169 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 203 2 IWEEK ONLY 16-4-79 to 22-4-79 To day the Ist day Seize this opportunity and save at CHANCELLOR Outram Park.Outram Road, Singapore 3. Where you can obtain service n value quality ■■g^THE NtW «M/t Of COlOn TOW TOKYO V' ■■r B)W M a HpMRK K^ jet* Get yours with $25.00 purchase
        203 words
      • 257 2 TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES y^S^^k Do not regard Classes as articles of commerce. Projßßßt^RJl^ fessional eye care calls for careful diagnosis and precise Wr^£K@W measurement wIL MWe MW **t equip i i^Sy^t m<nt to diagnose your eyesight J^ objectively and accurately PIN PIN OPTICAL CO., 160, First Floor, Capitol
        257 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 940 2 TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Openmt Mowed by Kudumba 6.35 The First Easter Rabbit (A musical Vlakku (Tarri, repeat) cartoon 3.30 Diary of Events (Tani) 70 06 3.35 Afternoon Matinee Once a Jolly 7 M Z*L /ujS^ ssr iLsra's saS 111 L pmtan>a Owen 8.30 Hack Sheep Squadron
        940 words
    • Woman plus
      • Article, Illustration
        124 3 SLEEK smMth heads, small and aeat, every hair la place. Hew iaflaltely chic, provided yea have the kind et facial contours to take this latest haMe that's making headlines everywhere. And believe It or net, yea needn't have walst-ieag hair to achieve these ever se sleek rells. The
        124 words
      • 1063 3  -  DOCTOR: Where were you born? Mrs StUaw: Never Nor at all. Here the match wundles up you know and drats flames fire I keep careful always Doctor: Mrs Stilson, can you repeat this phrase: "We live across the street from the school.
        1,063 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 114 3 aar #Nutri-tion 'Metics Nutri-Metics Nutri-Metics the Leader in the field of Pure Nutrit ous Skin Care and Beauty Aids, are formulated on a very unique concept of using extracts from natural nutritious foods in each of its products Free Beauty Demonstrations at Klasse Departmental Store 19, Lower Ground Floor, Lucky
        114 words
      • 479 3 BEFORE AFTER Wayne, on the W E I G H T WATCH E RS programme, Monday 3.00 pm Hilton Hotel, Fl5, Ist Floor 6.30 pm Hilton Hotel, Fl5, Ist Floor 6.30 pm Blessed Sacrament Church Queensway 7.30 pm N.Z. Community Centre, Tengah Air Base (Armed Forces personnel dependents only) Tuesday
        479 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 242 4 < cathayTmow^ i I 5 SHOWS DAILY: 11AM, 1 JO, 4.00. «J0 9.15PM ■I I i n* I ill I I B^^V Btr^ H ii I BBBmBW -r4^aßV _^la\.' Wr i I ■■atwrriE. %^> _4 < l'l I sVUaT MIA !2O«^I^AYn3!luS5!lSLnT< l)Cf! At B*UMT »HOWB DAILY AT IICUHV me rah
        242 words
      • 682 4 J; Under the Distinguished Patnonageof The President. _Tl ll I VI «X t Republic of Singapore. Dr. B. H. SHEARES {L'dJM'JjliTTJ.^J^fjr"": > JAYCEESTEMASEK CHAPTER J KMSGRBB Roger moore i I W Presents o«m ta TONYCURTIB i* A GRAND CHARITY FILM PREMIERE +.T'BMBfafaVaT. In aid of SINGAPORE ASSOCIATION for THE DEAF
        682 words
      • 898 4 ~J A 6k" NOW SHOWING 'IjllfflSiMf (*****80) 1 1. 1.30, 4, 6.30, 9pm-No Fre« J lI CAW ISiIT 1088 IF WE ARE HERE ONLY ON BORROWED TIME. I mM&nSMHmSm HOW CAN WE BEST USE IT J m A MOST UNUSUAL FILM DELIGHTFUL SEE IT! WKmicw»T ■BB^BBB rf~|!HMBBJBBB\ M I
        898 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
        576 words
      • 32 5 fl^^VsH a^l ■textiles stock to clear 1 20% 40% Discount RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! Target Store 82 High Street, Singapore 6 1 Tel: *****3. M TIME LIFE ROOKS MAKE GOOD READING Call *****88
        32 words
      • 157 5 •aw^ a\x7oman'sbeautyctefined m ■I J^^^^^^ Hnnr&at L JPH H Mil hemce ">-^>!s^BL Coring for tin OltV COmDl^Xion* Ultra-Mat Foundation and Averol for minor skin ■f#iw*iwii« problems, complete the care for a mixed to oily skin. Ayer makes it more rewarding. irresistible offers Ayer promises a more rewarding experience for Ayer
        157 words
    • 801 6  -  GILBERT SEDBON By in PARIS FRANCE is going ahead with plans to step up its nuclear power programme, undeterred by the recent accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Harrisburg in the United States. But President Valery Glscard d'Estaing has
      Reuter  -  801 words
    • 693 6  -  RUTH EARNSHAW LO By EVER since my return to the United States after some 30 years in the People's Republic of China, friends have been asking me about my "first impressions" of my native land. A whole generation has grown up
      AP  -  693 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 422 6 Special offer on our new arrivals froml6th^ Wholesalers and retailers of a wide range <flgf Aafit of indoof and outdoor lighting Also LJ*m' > suppliers (Of domestic and industrial ",cfc rn&EßJvmrTrk proiects cc BMTFIl UU SHOWSOOM 303 322 3RD HOOH rt«A SINGAMW 0th»r,»,..1«b4e *xxch.mostromUK andW ORCHARD NOW SMtATBi 9
        422 words
    • 935 7 Bloviation or the art of pompous oratory POLITICIANS of all stripes and ilks like to put on a grim look and warn the Soviet Union that the United States will not stand idly by if the Russians seek to take advantage of the turmoil in Iran. Bystanding. usually the occupation
      NYT  -  935 words
    • 590 7  -  ROBERT MUSEL By in LONDON SOMEWHERE along the line, in obedience to the dictates of natural selection, our genes traded the possibility of eternal youth for cheaper, disposable bodies. And that, says biometrician Tom Kirkwood of the National Institute for
      UPI  -  590 words
    • 809 7  -  JOHN BEAUFORT in NEW YORK "SPOKESONG" sings literally and figuratively. Set In a Belfast bicycle shop, the lew play with mags at the Circle In the Square toachea the heart, stirs the mind and delights the Imagination. Stewart Parket has written a
      809 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 448 7 a-^ tl .^.^■L^Lf.r.fdß^^ r b -i The Minolta EP 510 was especially designed for the costs at a minimum the EP 510 is of modular conmid range user, or around 5000 copies per month Our struction, this block construction adds to the overall effiobjective was to design a copier that
        448 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 513 8 We ore subsidiary of AStA AB Sweden, one of the wortd's leading manufacturers of Electrical Equipment Our programme covers the entire field of electrical engineering from standard components to complete plants ond systems for power utilities ond all kinds of industries including shipbuilding and repair industry In view of our
        513 words
      • 475 8 8) DIETHGLM We are a leading manufacturer ot quality aluminium and stainless steel products We imnte applications Irom suitably qualified and eiperienced persons to tiii the positions of 1 Workstudy Assistant. Industrial Technician Certificate or Diploma in Production/ Mechanical Engineering or equivalent Preference wilt be given to applicants who have
        475 words
      • 891 8 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS SALES MANAGER SINGAPORE As part of the further expansion of Dodge Seymour (Far East) Inc., we require a top Sales Executive to take responsibility for our existing line of high quality Industrial products: These include air-conditioning equipment automotive service equipment, boilers, valves, burners, construction equipment, flow meters, gasoline
        891 words
      • 290 8 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Are you interested in a top management position with a leading company in its international field? Are you a Business Administration or Economics graduate? A diploma in Marketing would be helpful. Are you highly motivated to success? Are you innovative, that is an ideas man? Are you between
        290 words
      • 240 8 PUBLIC AUCTION UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE LIQUIDATORS OF STAFLEX GLOBAL (FAR EAST) PTE. LTD. Description and approximate quantities of the Goods are: 1 Bron Cement Mixer 70 Photo Albums 1 Kardex Cabinet 1 93 Capucci Scarves 3 Miranda Cameras 21 1 Cases Of Assorted Wines 5 Intercom Receivers 41 1
        240 words