The Straits Times, 5 April 1979

Total Pages: 34
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1979 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 142/1/79
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  • 685 1 Demos in Pakistan after hanging ISLAMABAD, Wednesday FORMER Pakistani Prime Minister Zultikar Ali Bhutto, once one of the world's major statesmen, was hanged today and buried within hours after a virtual pauper's funeral. The hanging and burial were carried oul with sharp military precision by the
    Reuter  -  685 words
  • 212 1 Affair which started it a11.. PARIS. Wed— The Kasurl Affair which led to the hanging today of Mr Bhutto began one evening in November 1974 in Lahore, capital of Punjab. Mr Ahmed Reza Kasurl, one of Mr Bhutto's harshest critics, was returning home by car from a wedding reception. His
    AFP  -  212 words
  • 77 1 JERUSALEM. Wed. Prime Minister Menaihem Begin told Parliament today tbat a ■hot line" will be established between him and President Sadat so that the two can confer at any time. "From now on he can contact me direct- ly and teU me what is on his mind
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  • 411 1 SINGAPORE'S Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, Dr Ooh Keng Swee, and the Environment Minister, Mr Lim Kim San, sight-seeing in Beihal Park, Beijing (Peking) on Tuesday. UPI picture. SEE BACK PAGE ...TO DISCUSS RESETTLEMENT ASEAN is planning to hold an international conference to discuss how
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  • 381 1  -  LEE KIM CHEW By SINGAPORE Airlines will proclaim a "unilateral declaration of low fares" (UDLF) on the Australia-Europe route with Asean support if the Canberra Government refuses to give way on this issue, its chairman, Mr J.Y.M. Pillay, said yesterday. This means
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  • 155 1 HONGKONG, Wed. Vietnam today proposed talks with China next week to normalise relations and, for the first time, did not Insist on a Chinese troops withdrawal from Vietnamese territory as a precondition for negotiations. The Foreign Ministry, In a statement quoted by the Vietnam
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 152 1 CANBERRA, Wed The Australian Government announced today that It would no longer require anyone to cat pink margarine. Australian import laws contain a bizarre provision that all imported margarine must be coloured pink. It was a furtive and effective device pushed by the National
    AFP  -  152 words
  • 353 1 ThaiLao border pledge Insurgents will be denied sanctuary BANGKOK, Wednesday LAOS and Thailand today agreed to work together to prevent anti-govern-menl insurgents from using areas along their common border as sanctuaries. The cooperation was aimed against Thai comEunlst guerillas and aotlan "reactionaries," a visiting Laotian minister said here. The agreement
    Reuter  -  353 words
  • 74 1 PHOUMIMYSTERY SOLVED HONGKONO, Wed. Laos today cleared up the mystery of the prolonged absence of VicePremier Phouml Vongvlcht, saying that he had Just returned home from abroad. Khoasan. Pathat Lao news agency, monitored here, said Mr Phouml, who Is also Minister of Education, Sports and Religious Affairs, flew home yesterday
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 66 1 TOKYO. Wed. In a hectic topsy-turvy day of near record trading, the US dollar (ell from a 10-month high against the Japanese yen to close at 214.4 yen. the same level as yesterday. Foreign exchange dealers reported that the US currency shot up to a 10-month peak of
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 42 1 NAIROBI, Wed. Ugandan exiles said here today that Tanzanian invaders had becnn the Anal assault on Kampala after capturing Uganda's National Military and Police Headquarters, only five km from the centre of the capital. AP. SEE PAGE 4
    AP  -  42 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 40 1 CONTACT^ LENSES fy Chen Yin Fook a.o.a. Diploma of Opt U"iv»nitv ot W Australia Diploma o* Ptiarmacy. Univ*r>itv o* Sport MrmhF' of Sinoapon Contact L«iit Society! DAH SIN OPTICAL CO. G46. Hi*. Street Centra. Sinajpora 6 PXona ***** Rat *****8
      40 words
    • 243 1 ICKC«MI!E WCOOWRS UI M COMOf mum o Ta^^Ki^H MjToaunc smut on svstim i.»i,.r^^» AUTOMATIC If VCLCOMTHCM. I BIGSTON ELECTRONICS (S) PTE LTD unworn iimrui rnuw hvchim wuwi DISCUSS GOH REPORT, PTAs URGED Page 9 BEIJING gets set for QInc Ming 2 STORM over Leyland's cars (or Honda plan Z EEC
      243 words

    • 145 2 Out -Mao and de Gaulle: In— peace and Viets BANGKOK. Wed Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung) and Charles de Gaulle are out in the new Kampuchea. Vietnam and peace, however, are in. The streets of Phnom Penh have been renamed, according a broadcast by the official SPK news agency monitored in
      UPI  -  145 words
    • 69 2 CANBERRA, Wed. Over 600 trucks tonight blocked several major highways near Canberra and Sydney in a protest by their drivers against road maintenance taxes and cartage rates. The New South Wales state government meanwhile rushed tough legislation through parliament aimed at the drivers legislation imposing fines
      AFP  -  69 words
    • 365 2 Beijing gets set for Qing Ming AS POLICE CRACK DOWN ON DISSIDENTS- BEIJING (Peking), Wednesday THOUSANDS of Chinese prepared to celebrate a potentially explosive memorial day in Tien An Men Square as the government cracked down again on dissidents, arresting four of them today. Beijing residents were piling up floral
      AFP; UPI  -  365 words
    • Article, Illustration
      47 2 THIS photograph was released by Xinhua (Hsinhua) news agency in Peking on Tuesday with the caption: "The standing committee of the Fifth National People's Congress voted unanimously to terminate the peace and friendship treaty with the Soviet Union when it expires on April 11, INI." UPI picture.
      UPI  -  47 words
    • 58 2 MADRID, Wed. Led by the socialists. Spain's leftist parties rtftled up impressive wins over Premier Adolfo Suarez Centre Party today in the nation's first municipal elections in nearly half a century. The socialists won Barcelona's Mayor and City Council, and with the help of communists moved
      AP  -  58 words
    • 357 2 TOKYO, Wednesday JAPAN today played down China's decision not to renew the Sino-Soviet friendship treaty when it expires next year, for fear of causing a further cooling in relations between Tokyo and Moscow. However, Japanese defence officials said the Soviet Union might
      Reuter  -  357 words
    • 144 2 LESS THAI RICE FOR EXPORT BANGKOK, Wed. Thailand is expected to export less rice this year because of the current dry weather, director-general of the Foreign Trade Department, Mr Bajr Isarasena said today. Only 1.2 million tonnes of rice would be harvested from the second crop compared to 2.2 million
      Reuter  -  144 words
    • 78 2 HONGKONG. Wed. A geographer in Beijing (Peking) has suggested a green belt extension to beat the sand and dust storms which are sweeping the city with growing severity, Xinhua (Hsinhua) news agency reported today. Writing In the Peking newspaper Cuangming (Kwang Ming) dally today, Chen
      AFP  -  78 words
    • 256 2 Top man held: Export group in chaos SEOUL. Wed. One of South Korea's largest export-oriented conglomerates plunged into chaos today when its top man was arrested for embezzlement and foreign exchange diversion. Shin Sun-Ho, 33, head of the Yulsan group, was charged with embezzling and diverting US$2.B million (Ss6.l million)
      UPI  -  256 words
    • Sideliners
      • 60 2 CAPETOWN: Blacks are being allowed into 68 "whites only" sports clubs in South Africa so long as they do not want to dance. Justice Minister James Kruger told Parliament the clubs had been granted international status, allowing them to serve drinks and food to all races,
        Reuter  -  60 words
      • 64 2 DECATUR (Illinals): A teenager has been charged with reckless conduct for allegedly taunting three cirI cus elephants, causing them to stampede through th? city, injuring eight people. The injured included a six-year-old girl who was picked up by a charging elephant and thrown to the j
        UPI  -  64 words
      • 53 2 BERNE: The Swiss were still the biggest chocolate eaters in the world last year despite a fall in consumption, trade figures showed. The per capita consumption in Switzerland was 9.lkg, in Norway 6.8 kg, West Germany 6.5 kg, Austria 5.5 kg, France 4.3 kg and the United States
        AFP  -  53 words
      • 71 2 ABU DHABI. Wed The emirate of Dubai has blacklisted 28 films, companies and actors, including the hit movie Saturday Night Fever, the American television series Love Boat and comedians Phil Silver and Stpve Allen, the semi-official Emirates News said yesterday. The newspaper said the action was taken by
        71 words
    • 207 2 JAKARTA, W~d. A COMFREY leaf craze is gripping the Indonesian capital as hypochondriacs search for a new cure for anything from asthma to rheumatism, or simply as an aid to long life. They also apparently believe the leaves, sliced and drunk
      Reuter  -  207 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 309 2 ■Off #cH6 OT ivCaSv ff I W^k W^^ jf*#t J~L If If .aataaaam^^ Situated at Orchard Road/Koek Road, (next to the Cold Storage) the core of most promising tourist, W entertainment and shopping activities. Shop from $76,200 upwards Office from $72,400 upwards m(^^ m S^^ I B^^^^^^g^^P^^^^^^ 1 -^Baa^^^^^tf^^^^^rfßaaf^^^^^-^aaaaaiJ _-*^aa^^^^^^^
      309 words

    • 279 3 BRITAIN'S Labour Government, facing a May 3 election as the underdog, yesterday introduced "caretaker" legislation to provide for the country's finances until a new Parliament is installed. Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey before the government lost a "nc confidence" vole in the House of Commons
      Reuter; AP  -  279 words
    • 39 3 I feel like the man who turns op to play the leading rale in the opera and all they want him to do was to hold the scenery steady. Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Dem* Healey.
      39 words
    • 58 3 MANILA, Wed. The Philippines has proposed the setting up of an Asean body to combat organised crime, military authorities said today. Constabulary (National Guard) Chief, Maj Gen Fidel Ramos, in a published report said the main aim of the collective effort would be to enhance
      AP  -  58 words
    • 389 3 Unionists, MPs oppose link-up LONDON, Wed. British Leyland, the country's state-owned motor giant, sparked a political storm yesterday when it confirmed it was negotiating a deal to manufacture cars for a Japanese rival. The ailing company announced it was discussing a link-up with
      Reuter  -  389 words
    • 59 3 BONN. Wed. East Germany's youth football team manager, Mr Joerg Berger. has fled the country aad is to ask for political asyl'im in West Germany, it was announced here yesterday. Secretary general of the West German football federation. Mr Hans Passlack, said he had received a telephone
      AFP  -  59 words
    • 60 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. Helicopter mechanic John Patrick Kennedy, 27. tell more than 300 metres to his death from a helicopter yesterday while trying to make repairs to the craft. Authorities said the helicopter was in 4imrulry and Mr Kennedy was on the outside of the craft when
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 170 3 Radioactive traces in food, water HARRISBURG (Pennsylvania), Wednesday WHILE the immediate threat of nuclear catastrophe at the Three-Mile Island power plant has lessened, sources indicate that state and federal officials have new evidence that small amounts of radioactive material may be reaching the food and water supply. The Nuclear Regulatory
      Reuter; UPI  -  170 words
    • 184 3 JUST HOW MUCH RADIATION DO WE ABSORB?- NEW YORK. Wed. How" much radiation is the average person absorbing every day? How much of it could he avoid? The accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, points out the need to weigh the benefits and the risks
      AP  -  184 words
    • 225 3 Chrysler on deal which landed lacocca DETROIT, Wed. Beleaguered Chrysler Corp lured Mr Lee A. lacocca to its presidency with a promise of US$l.5 million (553.2 million), a US$36O,000 salary and an option to buy 400,000 shares of stock more than any held by other Chrysler officials, the company has
      UPI  -  225 words
    • 123 3 TOKYO, Wed. Japan and the United States will sign a US$l billion (552.19 billion) agreement to cooperate in developing new energy sources when Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira visits Washington next month, government sources said today. The sources said the pact calls for the
      UPI  -  123 words
    • 142 3 Chicago's first woman mayor CHICAGO, Wea. Mrs Jane Byrne, a political outsider only weeks ago, has become Chicago's first woman mayor and with a bigger mandate than any of her five Democratic Party predecessors, including the legendary Mr Richard Daley. Mrs Byrne won about 82 per cent of votes in
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 165 3 LONDON, Wed. When Mrs Margaret Trades* tmai herself speechless n teat sf PresMert Richard Nlxoa, he •bUffUgly brake the lee with a Lseg story abort hew his psadsi aever ■stnd The estranged wife sf Caaaattaa Prime Minster Pierre Trades* detailed
      165 words
    • 44 3 THE I SS Ohl«, Ur- first M ttw Trideat-rlavw sßbmariam, rite atop Its sabmeralble drydark •walUnt; Its ehrlstmlag Satvttmy »t GratM la Ouectleat. The rabmariae almwt as Imk as tw» football Welds wu lowered late the water on Tuesday. AP picture.
      AP  -  44 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 266 3 at 8.15 Vtn cucr.) £f)ttr3bai) at ttje Storoif Sable. laaaj_J I aa^aaV am. I R.ouf>4° i tnb I jr"T I I ""h "h In the best European tradition of old, our Chef will ceremoniously carve a succulent roast, done to a turn, on the one and only roast spit in
      266 words
    • 490 3 APRIL 9TH ISSUE NUCLEAR ACCIOCNT: Tha putwc tanoul I «xn ma naar diuatar at ma tfuaa m«a lattnd nucMaf pow plant Oouoa to l>ava a naif Ufa o< Hi oon, raporta tna cevatalor>mthn«>aa«l>n«iaaililn»»m«llenal Bolt-US Enaray Sactatary ScMaungar am) PnaxMnt Cartar <rara counting on mot n uciaar planta to raduca Amanca
      490 words

    • 390 4 Japanese tribute to Indonesian economic minister From TAN LIAN CHOO Straits Times correspondent, AMSTERDAM, Wednesday JAPAN today paid tribute to Indonesian Economic, Financial and Indust .al Affairs Minister Widjojo Nitisastro for the achievements made during Indonesia's last five-year development Dlan. Mr Hiroshi Ohtaka, depu- ty director-general of the Japanese Foreign
      390 words
    • 207 4 'Managers the cause of labour unrest' JAKARTA. Wed The chairman of the Indonesian Labour Federation (FBSI). Mr Agus Sudono. today blamed the attitude of some company managers for contributing to a wave of recent labour troubles He said in an interview that many employers refused to discss labour problems and
      Reuter  -  207 words
    • 89 4 Ultimate in recycling? THE conversion of a publlc rubbish Incinerator and sewerage depot Into a restaurant mast be nearly the ultimate in recycling. But this is exactly what happened to this building (above) In Sydney. Once in danger of being demolished, It was refurnished as n restaurant with Its exterior
      89 words
    • 402 4 SUBJECT TO CERTAIN TERMS LUXEMBOURG, Wed. Foreign ministers of the European Economic Community today gave a "conditional" goahead for the initialling next week of a final package of trade concessions in the Tokyo Round of multilateral trade negotiations (MTN). The ministers, who reached their
      AFP  -  402 words
    • 51 4 LUXEMBOURG, Wed. Greece today successfully ended year-long negotiation* on the terms under which It will join the European Common Market. The treaty making It the EEC's tenth member Is now expected to be signed In Athens on May 28 and Greece will join on January 1,
      51 words
    • 242 4 He matched himself against police and lost SYDNEY, Wed. Police shot a would-be hijacker on a plane at Sydney airport today just seconds before he could strike a match that would have blown the plane apart. The man, an Italian carpenter, had earlier held a woman at knife-point in the
      Reuter  -  242 words
    • 308 4 BRUSSELS, Wednesday NATO has ensured peace for the past 30 years but has to remain vigilant in the face of Soviet expansionist designs, secretary general Joseph Luns said today, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the North Atlantic alliance. "The 30 years
      UPI  -  308 words
    • 169 4 'Amin has reopened lifeline to outside world 9 NAIROBI, Wed. Despite Tanzanian aerial and artillery bombardments, President Idi Amin has successfully reopened his main lifeline to the outside world at Entebbe airport and limited military supplies are again flowing to his embattled army, diplomatic soirees said today. President Am in
      AP; UPI  -  169 words
    • 124 4 WASHINGTON, Wed. In a major teat case, the US Conrt of Customs and Patent Appeals haa rated that certain new forma of life man-made microorganisms can be patented. In a 4-to-l decision, the court held that no Invention should be excluded from the
      NYT  -  124 words
    • 261 4 Khalil denies resignation rumours CAIRO, Wed. Egyptian Prime Minister Mustapha Khalil, back at work today after two days of illness, has denied rumours that he intends to resign. Dr Khalil missed all official functions during Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begins 30-hour visit to Egypt which ended yesterday. He told reporters
      Reuter; UPI  -  261 words
    • 43 4 THEY really like me. With 4# million Egyptians, I tfclak I c*n say I have mere friends In Egypt than In Israel (which has hut ever three million peepte). Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin commenting on his trip to Cairo.
      43 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 160 4 111 1 _^uV** M^ pnnjunv ojnv^ unwT uK^^un uV iuuufek. $H\il. *n\ f Mni w fWftoli.. m JunW latfeuttft W* MutiflH Available at leading optical shops OLIVIER SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD. 2105. Robina House. Shenton Way, Singapore 1 Tel: *****22 optyi Ar <*T nil 2^S IST PRIZE Sharp 18" colour TV
      160 words
    • 15 4 I rTn ii [•TiT3?TT7u7u*mi>^Hß a I i J ■nKg^^k^^^^aw^x^^anj ■■■■■■■■■■■■II V ■TMIM HnunflnV iTW/ffi V
      15 words

  • 169 5 Make CPF savings available to those who retire 50' IHK secretary -fteaeral af tar I nltrd Itarkers •< IVtralram lnda«tr> (I Wl'l). Mr Mntato ka4tr, has raised tke paaslbUlty af urtdax the Ceatral PravJdeal K»mJ ImH U *lk» Umw wfc* reUre at tkr a«r tt S* to »1thdrm» Uirir CPF
    169 words
  • 46 5 THK National Theatre Symphon i< Hand will give its fourth public performance Symphonic Sounds IV at the Conference Hall on May 25 at 8 30 p. m The band is also looking for 21 players of various instruments. II now has 45 members
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  • 48 5 A BIRD-singing contest for siuma. mala puteh. mrrbok jam bul and thrushes will be held by the Caimhill community centre management committee at the centre on May 13 Application forms for the competition are available at the community centre and must be submitted by Mays.
    48 words
  • 482 5  -  PAUL WEE By .but organisers are not worried INSURANCE companies are reluctant to provide cover for trade expositions because of the high fire risks but organisers are not worried. On the contrary, some consider the companies' reluctance a blessing in disguise because stallholders
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  • 111 5 Rahim to open anti-crime exhibition SENIOR Minister of State (Foreign Affairs). Mr Rahim Ishak will open the Crime and Drug Abuse Prevention Exhibition and campaign at Siglap community centre tomorrow at 7.30 p.m. The joint organisers of the exhibition are the Ministry of Social Affairs Probation and After care Service,
    111 words
  • 73 5 THE body of an unidentified 1 Chinese man aged about 60. I was found lying in a stationary SBS bus in Kallang Road on Tuesday at 12.35 p.m. Police, who are still investigating the cause of his death, described him as slim, about
    73 words
  • 31 5 MR Yeo Seng Teck. Director. Economic Development Board, will open the new premises of the Singapore Manufacturers Association at the World Trade Centre, on April 12 at 6 p.m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 132 5 AUSTRALIAN EXPATRIATES, RESIDENTS AND FOREIGNERS Profit by investing in home and land in Western Australia FIND OUT ALL THE FACTS about this exceptional investment opportunity by contacting MR RICHARD REDKNAP Sales Manager to Taylor Woodrow Homes at the GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL. Scotts Rd. SINGAPORE from Wednesday 4th April to Wed.
      132 words
    • 815 5 ESTABLISHED 1158 1 J^J I Fm 1 PVb *_^By! L^ Sp«ci«li«tt Shopping C*ntf« Orchard Road Stng«por«9T»* *****7 SPECIAL SALE STORE HOURS: Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday 9 45am 7 30pm Thursday Friday. Saturday 9 45am -9 30pm SUNDAY (FREE PARKING) 10.1 m 7pm M AV^ W ChMo'd Centre H^ Rallies Place Singapore
      815 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 212 5 LONDON SHAKESPEARE LECTURE on Towards an (iROI P performs at DBS Understanding of StrabisAuditorium at 8 p m. To- mus and Amblyopia by Dr night, the four-member Colin Blakemore, a senior group will perform a pro- tutor at Cambridge Univergramme of modern plays sity, at Postgraduate Lecentitled Four Love. Tickets:
      212 words

  • 544 6  -  GEORGE JOSEPH By NTUC secretary general, Mr C.V. Devan Nair, returned from Tokyo last night confident of Japanese support and contribution for an NTUC-spon-sored conference of Asian seamen's unions that will take a common Asian trade union stand against protectionist policies of the London-based International
    544 words
  • 392 6 HERE are more models of some of the first batch of 40 "new look' community centres being built by the Housing Board for the 1980s. Generally, each centre has its own unique design to reflect the special character of the constituency it is in. The
    392 words
  • 215 6 THE Society For Aid to the Paralysed is conducting a survey on the employment, social, medical and transport needs of the paralysed and disabled in Singapore. Some 100 volunteers from the SAF Reservists Association and two representatives of the University of Singapore have joined forces
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  • 123 6 Lectures on General Paper A LECTURER in the Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Singapore. Miss Tan Sok Joo, will conduct a course. Focus on General Paper, at the Bukit Timah Campus from tomorrow. The 12-lecture course is desi?7ied for Pre-university 2 students who are preparing
    123 words
  • 319 6 Restaurant owner wins $400,000 suit A RESTAURATEUR, Mr Chua Foo Kiow. who paid a total of $400,000 in two sums late last year towards his intended purchase oi a $4 million property, has been granted judgment of the full sum he paid, following his abortive purchase Judgment for Mr Chua,
    319 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 179 6 A A pJi ft I H^b m ft 1 __^H 0^ B 3 jit^m i BflK jam I B9A^ BBS mt ■■9 H A 1H Ik. I fiki. I E^^m Tb! b^b^^w« Wm wS iK^bW. *v^^^ Is jMt^ 1 i bh. .jl a '■■■MmSBbW mm^m\ H^jL^ B b^bSU W^ j^m^i
      179 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 666 7 f With new Envi Skin Clearing Cream or Lotion, a flawless, even complexion is just 3 weeks away. Introducing Envi* Skin Clearing Cream and Lotion A new skin care discovery created one simple step twice a daT Jf% Jtt/tk for women with blemishes and blotchy ot T P u^ |HR
      666 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 88 8 From today. The airline of the generous Malaysians offers 2 flights a week to Frankftirt! < 855w v P&h k 4 FRANKFURT ow ts ua^ L vm P ur Kuwait and Frankfurt, every Thursday and Sunday with Mas. KUWAIT^^ c a^ ne Malaysia is really going places in 1979. And
      88 words

  • 95 9 THIS is a model of the million Al-Mottaqln Masque reming up la Ang Mo Klo central new town. C— atiscttea work has begu and the moaqae b expected to be rompieted by October next year. A greaad-areakiag ceremoay will be performed *n April by
    95 words
  • 308 9 A LABOURER sneaked into the home of a High Court judge in broad daylight, and stole four albums of his coin collection worth $1,900. a district court heard yesterday. Baharuddin bin Daud, 22, also took $1,800 worth of jewellery and valuables belonging to the wife
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  • 31 9 THE Singapore Science Centre will screen three films Children and Cars, The Dawn of Motoring and Time: Measurement and Meaning at the lecture hall on Sunday at 3 p.m.
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  • 67 9 New post for Han at shipyard THE Commissioner of Labour and Permanent Secretary (Labour), Dr Han Cheng Fong, has been appointed deputy chairman of Sembawang Shipyard from February. He takes over from Mr J.Y.M. Pillay, who resigned that month io take over as chairman of the Development Bank of Singapore.
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  • 63 9 THE Registry of Vehicles will conduct bids for car registration numbers in the EX series, from EX 1-6000, from tomorrow to April 21 at 9 a.m. each day. The minimum for each bid is $250, and all bids must be made in prescribed forms available at
    63 words
  • 345 9 They want to play a bigger role Discuss Goh Report call to PTAs The St. Andrew's Parents-Teachers Association plans to call a meeting of all PTAs in Singapore to discuss the Goh Report. Mr Fok Tai Loy, chairman of St. Andrew's PTA, told the Straits Times yesterday: "The meeting will
    345 words
  • 134 9 EX-URA HEAD ON UOL BOARD THE former general manager of the Urban Redevelopment Authority, Mr Alan Choc, has been appointed to the board of United Overseas Land. Mr Choc's appointment is a non-executive one and his presence on the board is expected to "add muscle" because of his experience in
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  • 35 9 THE Institute of Standards and Industrial Research will conduct a one-day workshop on welding on May 18 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Forms are available from Sisir Closing date is May 10.
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  • 65 9 MR Paul G. Peralta has been reelected president of the Filipino Association of Singapore. Other officials are Mr Jovenal Santiago (vice-president); Mr Jose Arriola (secretary); Mrs Betty LJamzon (asst secretary); Mrs Judith Malapit (treasurer); Mr Bennett Undasan (asst treasurer); Mr Romy Decipeda (chairman, sports); Mrs Sunnie Macatangay
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  • 323 9 Hyatt will advise guests when car park is full MOTORISTS going to Hyatt Hotel will now be advised by its security staff to find alternative parking places whenever the hotel's car park is full. This, according to the hotel's general manager, Mr Bernd to avoid any misunderstandings, especially after
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  • 105 9 Courteous taxi driver contest THE Registrar of Vehicles will hold a competition next month to choose "the most courteous taxi driver" in Singapore. A Berita Harian report said the competition will be based on a points system in which the driver who gets the most points will be declared the
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  • 320 9 Warrants out for two who failed to attend court BUSINESSMAN Seah Peng Song, 49, who, while on bail, did not attend court yesterday for the hearing of his appeal in a cheating case, was o. dered to be arrested on a warrant of the High Court. A member of his
    320 words
  • 90 9 SINGAPORE Is Ukely to have sfrsriwl showers with thnnder Ml most altennoM until April IS according to the Meteorological Service. The rest o( the SMtheast Asian region will have light wind* and local afternoon thunderstorm*. Last month's total rainfall was ahove average far aboat two-thirds of Singapore. The
    90 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 71 9 m DRAGON fyULACE \li\ RBStcHlfßTlt M&j ultimate in Cantonese cuisine FIRST choice of all local gourmets who thrive on dining in regal splendour. You could be a FIRST too by making Dragon Palace your FIRST choice FIRST CLASS AT ECONOMY PRICES Join us today at Dragon Palace Restaurant at the
      71 words
    • 542 9 INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT SEMINAR The 1979 International Management Seminar, organised by the Pacific Basin Economic Council (POEO in conjunction with the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM), will be held at Hotel Hilton, Kuala Lumpur, on April 26 May 2, 1979. Devoted to the theme "The Business Environment in Asia Pacific" the
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  • 153 10 $10,000 haul from nightclub THIEVES broke into the Pearl City Restaurant and Nightclub in North Bridge lload early on Sunday and got away with $13,000 The break-in, believed to have been taken place after the nightclub had closed at 3 a.m.. was discovered by a security guard at 8.20 a.m.
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  • 108 10 AIR GUTNI, the national airline of Papua New Guinea, will start an initial once-weekly flight to Singapore from July 8, while Singapore Airlines intends to start a service to Port Moresby and beyond to Nandi Nyoumea within a year. This agreement was signed yesterday by the Singapore
    108 words
  • 52 10 THE Senior Parliamentary Secretary' (Environment) and MP for Bukit Timah. Mr Chor Yeok Eng, will attend the balloting of 1.981 three-, (our- and five-room flats at Jubilee Plain in Clementi New Totvn today at 2 p.m. On Tuesday he attended the balloting of 1,487 three-, four- and
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  • 217 10  -  EDMUND TEO By ONE ideal route for Singapore Airlines to expand its Concorde service is the Singapore-Tokyo route. This was stated by its managing director, Mr Lim Chin Beng. in an interview with Flight International, a weekly magazine on the aerospace industry published
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  • 79 10 American doctors' visit FORTY American doctors are due in Singapore on April 17 and May 22 at the invitation of the Singapore Chinese Physicians' Association to see how Chinese medicine is practised. They will represent the medical associations of Los Angeles. New York and Florida, and will be the first
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 232 10 Tokyo centre to boost Japan- Asean trade JAPAN and Asean will set up a provisional centre in Tokyo to promote trade, investment and closer economic cooperation between the two. This centre will replace the now-defunct South-east Asian Promotion Centre on Trade, Tourism and Investment (Seap Centre) set up in 1972.
    232 words
  • 109 10 NTUC Income has announced that new bond units equal to 6 per cent of the total units in force had been created out of the net income of the Income Bond Fund. In a statement, the cooperative said every bondholder will be individually
    109 words
  • 231 10 Hotline team checks street lights TWO members of the PUB Hotline stand-by team (left) checking meters for street lights after complaints were received that the lights are left on darlag the day yesterday. These men have been on the move siace Monday, after the Save Electricity Campaign started on Suday.
    231 words
  • 308 10 THE Public Utilities Board is urging the public to read their own meters to keep track whether their efforts in the Save Electricity Campaign is paying off. Those consumers whose April bills are with estimates may not be able to trace their
    308 words
  • 118 10 EIGHTY-FIVE per cent of telephone calls here last for less than two minutes, according to the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore. For this reason, Telecoms is still studying whether it should go ahead with its plan to extend the threeminute limit on calls from
    118 words
  • 83 10 NTUC Welcome yesterday announced that the prices of Thai white rice sold in its 12 supermarkets and 1.027 Pair Price Shops will be reduced from today. In a statement, the cooperative said the price of Thai fragrant rice will be reduced by three cents a kilo
    83 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 373 10 presented by V^F LANCOME BVRFUMS GUY LAROCHE ©Biotherm PARIS Jfe rXRIS t v^^ It's your "Passport to French Beauty". B^. Starting March 28 to April IU, the "Passport to French Beauty" is a n^l I^^ glorious nWan^^^ 2-week affair ML M m glft offer a KHrmf^nß contest and WM^^Jf^r^lK a
      373 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 153 10 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavanagh Hal Camp U* ~S. XpOvW- 1111 1 1 GOOD AS LONG [IUCKV FOR ME fuLP' LOOKS LIKE WMEPEIS 'V TOWN i lAS SHE'S WINDOW SHE'S NOT II fcZw^X S^E BOUGHT THE MAGGIE, WINDOW T SHOPPING- SHOPPING FOH £\\\{&c?^ ENT"* 6 STORE Blondle By Chic
      153 words

  • 329 11 A CHINESE daily, Sin Chew Jit Poh, has recently completed a study on the future of Chinese newspapers in Singapore. Its board of directors is studying the report. The daily is also finalising another study on the viability of starting a second English
    329 words
  • 131 11 MARSILING LIFT ROBBERIES: TWO YOUTHS HELD JURONG Town police believe they have put an »r\d to a scries of recent lift robberies in the Marsiling housing estate with the arrest of two suspects early yesterday. The suspects, aged 16 and 19, are believed to have been responsible for seven cases
    131 words
  • 71 11 SOME SO cars from Singapore. Malaysia and Thailand, and official vehicles from the Volvo Company will take part in the three-nation o. tl.iihl tour starting train Singapore tomorrow The 2.455 km journey is expected to end in Bangkok on April 13 Mr Kee Ming, president of the
    71 words
  • 49 11 MR Fok Tai Loy has been re elected chairman of the St. An drew's Parents-Teachers Assoria tkm Other members are Mr Gopinath Pillay. vice-chairman Mr R.N. Daniel, secretary: "is Mi- chelle Rickctls. assistant secretary Mr Shio Yew Chua. treasurer and Mr AH Nakhoda. assistant treasurer
    49 words
  • 119 11 New chief for the Singapore Gurkha unit AN officer from the British 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles, Mr Douglas Moore, has been appointed the new commander of the Singapore Gurkha contingent based at Mount Vernon. He took over the post in January, from Mr J. O. Donnell. Mr
    119 words
  • 65 11 THE coroner's court yesterday recorded an open verdict on four-year-old Tan Slew Kirn, who drowned when she fell into a pond behind her house In Tarnpines Avenue on Dec 23 last year. Madam Yeo Lee Lian found the body of her daughter floating in the pond
    65 words
  • 202 11 2 KNOCKED DOWN: POLICE CALL FOR WITNESSES Police are appeaUag far eyewttaemes to two aeddeata, la each of which a pedestriaa was kaaeked dowa. Rattaa warker W«ag Hour, Taa, 28, of Bnkit TlmaJi Avrnur, died when be waa kit (ran bralad by aa earth l»rr> «a the PaaIslaad Expreanray, leadlag
    202 words
  • 77 11 SINGAPORE Bus Service was yesterday charged in court for allowing one of its buses on the road when not every part of its braking system and fittings were properly adjusted and maintained in good working condition. The offence, under the Road Traffic Act, was allegedly committed at
    77 words
  • 258 11 Voluntary bodies urged to help motivate the young COMMUNITY organisations should expand the scope and emphasis of their activities to inculcate in our young citizens a deep sense of belonging to their community and their country. This call was made by the Minister for Defence, Mr Bernard Chen, yesterday when
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  • 34 11 MR Lee Fook Hong has been reelected chairman of the Singapore Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators. Other officials are Messrs Chung Fatt Vat, vice-chairman, and Philip Loong, secretary.
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  • 23 11 THE YMCA of Singapore will hold yoga classes at the beginners, intermediate and advanced stages starling today To register calf grog.
    23 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 422 11 lake your family to the Philippines this week- at Bukit Tfrnah Plaza \A #5* There's a whole lot of fun and i|\ Savour the flavours of excitement awaiting you at wty the Maya Cuisine Bukit Timah Plaza. From April I TX I 7-15, Bukit Timah Plaza brings I(P L '|>f
      422 words

  • 411 12 The Straits Times THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1979 ZIA'S GAMBLE THE fate of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto rested in the hands of the court and not with him. So said the man who toppled Mr Bhutto in an army coup 21 months ago, in response to appeals for clemency. But in the
    411 words
  • 355 12 THE DRUG problem is well under control. This is borne out in the statement by the Director of the Central Narcotics Bureau, Mr Tee Tua Ba, when he introduced 15 CNB officers commended for exemplary work. He said of the drug addicts detained in the last six months,
    355 words
  • 739 12  -  STEPHEN WEEKS in London By AS THE afternoon train rolled out of Paris bound for Vienna in the summer of 1925, two of the 20th century's greatest conmen were on board and celebrating. Indeed, a small celebration was called for they had just "sold" the Eiffel
    Reuter  -  739 words
  • 1220 12 Bhutto a man of contradictions Throughout his turbulent career, there were few things about him on which Pakistanis could agree 4 A poet and a revolutionary that is what I have been all these years and that is how I shall remain until the last breath is gone from my
    Reuter  -  1,220 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    41 12 FLASHBACK: Mr BhnrU m Prime Minister telling street crowd In Rawalpindi two yean abMt letter he received from the US Secretary *f State Cyras Vance alleging the US was Mpp*rting the ••paeitiaa anti-government demonstrations then sweeping Pakistan. UPI pletwe.
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 707 12 The worry is misuse of the dakwah movement IN A recent interview given to The Star newspaper Malaysian Education Minister Datnk Mosa Hitam was asked whether his government was concerned about the fact that various dakwah (Muslim missionary) movements were gaining an increasing following among students in institutions of higher
    707 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 32 12 tYfiK Predators |Ftl pan -west ipte) ltd. 1 1 1 IA2A SINOAPUOA Uml ?2»2X Jn« FIDO' OrcfXrO MoM Tx UI2«M tan«l uir «oiLCXMO Shoel 11 U«r Ofoufta Hoot SRW«O« <Hi JV no»i4
      32 words
    • 107 12 SMOOTH AS SILK TO LONDON TOWN Bound for Big Ben? We have three flights a week in a style that really is smooth as silk. Gourmet food, specially selected in-flight entertainment, fresh orchids and service with a smile. Check our timetable with yours. MON THU FRI TG9B2 TG9B2 TG9B2 SINGAPORE
      107 words

  • Forum
    • 1138 13 THE Goh Keng Sw*« education report, the Prime Minister's response and the Straits Times Group Editor's open letter to Members of Parliament before the big debate last week drew a number of very thoughtful letters from readers. Today we publish the
      1,138 words
    • 79 13 I REFER to the letter by "Angie" beaded "Getting down to seat of problem" (ST. March 21). My Ministry appreciates the concern expressed by "Angie" in regard to the proper use and maintenance of toilets in schools. A circular had in fact been issued
      79 words
    • 707 13 Editorial in the Sin Chew Jit Poh of April 1. AFTER four days of heated debate, Parliament has finally approved the three motions tabled by the Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, Dr Goh Keng Swee, on the Education Report. In
      707 words
    • 142 13 Clippies urged to be more helpful 1 REFER to the letter headed "Clippies who are too busy for their jobs" by •Commuter" (ST, March 20). Our conductors have been reminded that it is their duty to press the bell for commuters to alight. They have also been urged to render
      142 words
    • 156 13 Clarifying those doubts about 'thimbles' THE Public Utilities Board would like to clarify the doubts raised by Mr See Lee Mun (ST, March 24) regarding the flow regulators or "thimbles" installed by the PUB. The formation of sediment is common in any indirect water supply system with a roof storage
      156 words
    • 140 13 WE WISH to reply to the letter from Eddie Che««g <ST, March 27). SabtlUUc. of TV programmes can kelp proUMte bUlagnausm. It U, however, mi expensive process. We are able to subtitle 25 per cent of our weekly outpat given oar present facilities
      140 words
    • 156 13 WE REFER to our reply dated March 26 to your correspondent "Cornered" (ST. Feb 22). We wish to point out an error in our letter. The sentence, "However, the congestion at Serangoon Garden Circus would be substantially relieved when work to extend Ang Mo Kio Avenue
      156 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 100 13 THE IMPOSSIBLE HAS BECOME POSSIBLE! Thanks to the recent advancement in IC (Integrated Circuit) Technology, you will be M able to afford these fabulous me battery operated Quartz LCD alarm watch for as low as $59 Alarm Month w| W Day Seconds lj IHHv Date Back Night Light Complete with
      100 words
    • 218 13 ATT language centre ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES for adults and children PRIVATE TUITION IN ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES Write for our brochure or enquire at ATT (Advanced Training Techniques (S) Pte. Ltd.) language centre 75 Tanglin Road Singapore, 10 (*****22) Linguaphone for Languages Call *****4 Clean, Clear Copies Effective, Economic Machines.
      218 words

    • 1692 14 T Hi- last transacted ready sale at the cloae of business on the Stork Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with trie previous day's prices together with 1978 high and low < Adjusted for vnp rifhu issue) '•f i ..t H«» L.» (..*..> Hal* •eSM THIN (IM I MM
      1,692 words
    • 1476 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares trader] shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word •■sett" Big Board
      1,476 words
    • 1690 14 - BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stork Exchange yesteri1a> with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of* 1.000 units unless otherwise specified iMiistmii.s \ra»2 3SB> Ajinomoix i 2 9311 \Itmi ll KB I SiSI 141
      1,690 words
    • 138 14 4 1/2% 1/8/8O (250.000) (99 408 99.458) 4 3/4% 15/9*o (250.000) (99.608 99 70S) 5 1/4? 1/3/81 (250.000) (100 208 100 28S) 6% 15/4/81 (260.000) (99 628 99.708) 5% T F l/S/83 (250,000) 1 100 108 100 206) 5 3/4% TF 15/8/81-84 (250.000) (*****S) 5% 13/11/84
      138 words
      • 55 14 Slraila Trading Sel Propertied N 8 T Oriental HM|i Keck Seng FAN M Flour C Sugar. Olympia High Lew I' A C (.rntinf. DBS Nat Iron Dunlop Eat Magnum lorpij Sin Chew 275 49« SIS 219 555 284 2S3 190 3M 378 300 480 474 438 408 374 20
        55 words
      • 18 14 Sihn Malayaa Lingui Guinneaa B SembawanK Rothmana 1240 180 515 310 356 -111 -12 -5 -4 -4
        18 words
      • 31 14 Lumber Pah sag Coai Olympia Sim.- Darby Sel Properties Gentings Hl*h Low DBS Naayanf Prm K I. krnml DUN 170.000 161.000 150.000 134.000 117.000 T7.000 75.000 63.000 62.000
        31 words
      • 31 14 B.T.Index: Industrials: Finance: Hotels Properties Tins: rubbers: O.C.B.C: S.E.S.Ind: Apr 3 Apr 1981.24 1999.23 371.00 373.40 ***** 661.67 ***** ***** 240.67 242.31 184.49 182.85 ***** 571.36 350.86 353.76 333.47 336.97
        31 words
      • 311 14 HONGKONG: Share prices closed slightly firmer in quiet trading yesterday ahead of today's local holiday, with the Hang Seng index up 0.85 to 519.44 points, dealers said. Among market leaders, HaagkMg Bank firmed 10 cents to HK $12 60. H«*Kkon K Electric and Jardlae MiIIkmi 10 each to $5
        311 words
      • 348 14 TOKYO: Share prices recovered slightly in light trading yesterday, on revived selective buying interest from institutional investors, dealers said. The Dow Jones average gained 4.20 to close at 6,038.27 points, with a volume of 240 million shares. APR M Yen Ajtnomolo Akai 366 +7 A«.itii Ch*m 160 I Aaahl
        348 words
      • 95 14 officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday, the period, bids and offered prices and business done, if any, with the number of options traded shown in brack8 C«M Stor»g« (June COO) (0.35B 0.45S). C C (June $2.60) (0.55B 0.65S). PAN (June $4.70) (0.85B 1.05S). Haw Par
        95 words
      • 118 14 CHINESE PRODUCE EXCHANGE, SINGAPORE, NOON CLOSING PRICES PER PICI'L YESTERDAY: CaeasMl sU: Bulk $121 sellers, old drum $126 sellers, new drum $131 sellers. Csfra: Mixed (loose) UK Com $78.00 buyers. Pepper: Muniok AST A white rob l«r. NLW $322.50 sellers, Sarawak white fob 96'- NLW $307 50 sellers. Sarawak
        118 words
      • 144 14 THE KILOBAR market opened at $17,021 and closed at $17,007 per kilo yesterday. In the Far East, trading in gold followed a similar trend in Western markets. It was traded quietly beiween $239 00 240.00 before closing at $239 20 90. Gold was fixed in London on Tuesday al
        144 words
      • 229 15 SYDNEY, Wed. The market closed mixed in quiet trading, dealers nid. iNDuaniAU All 176 -1 A N I 187 -3 A V M 122 unrh Ampol ivt 72 1 f H I' I1S0 -15 Bank MR* 342 -1 borml 224S i B A 290 unck C S
        229 words
      • 240 15 NEW YORK, Tues. The stork market rebounded today in active trading after sharp declines caused by the nuclear power plant accident in Pennsylvania. Analysts said the market was also helped by expectations that President Carter was about to announce new measures to save energy and fight inflation
        240 words
      • 243 15 AMSTERDAM. Tues y Share prices closed mixed in very quiet trading with Dutch internationals very steady, dealers said. Shares with gains of one guilder or more included Amro Bank. Algemene Bank Nederland and Middenstandsbank Lower lines were led by KNSM. Elsevier and RSV. ISO. 5 50 and
        243 words
      • 213 15 ZURICH. Tues Prices eased on small volume with the firmnew of the dollar more than offset by the weakness of the bond market, dealers said. The Credit Suisse index fell 0 9 point to 268 3 trtiom Suuan (luwiur Br Mu»ulu* R*f Bn>»n Bovrri H: .'Ida U«|)
        213 words
      • 558 15 LONDON. Tues Market prices generally retreated ahead of the budget announcement, dealers said At 3pm the Firiancial Times vas down 6.0 points to 526 2 Government bonds closed with losses ranging to point, having opened slightly firmer Leading industrials also opened higher but ended with
        558 words
      • 62 15 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 525.3 Monday 532.2 Week Ago 505.8 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 888.33 Monday 855.25 Week ago 850.31 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Tuesday 55 to 55' i Monday 57 to 57' H.K.HANG SENG Wednesday 519.44 Tuesday 518.59 Week ago 552.87 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 481.85 Tuesday 484.33
        62 words
      • 143 14 THE STRAITS tin price took a $20 fall to $1,915 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 61 tonnes to 226 tonnes. The overnight London market was firmer with forward buyers dropping £75 to £7,140 per tonne. LONDON: tin on the day rose £157 for Cash
        143 words
      • 30 14 Rubber: April 4 Singapore: April: 267.25 cents (down 2.75 cents) Malaysia: April: 269.75 cents (down 1.75 cents) Tin: $1,915 (down $20) Official offering: 226 tonnes (up 61 tonnes)
        30 words
      • 32 14 LONDON: Copper prices on Tuesday (previous in brackets). Wirehar Spot 1:1.013 < £1.016) sellers LI .OH (£1.017). Three Month buyers L1.022 1.*****). sellers £1.023 (£1.027). Market Use: Very steady Sale*: 14.600 tonnes
        32 words
      • 499 14 OPENING prices in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down about 2.50 cents on lower London advices, dealers said. Later levels lost further ground on stale bull releases, lack of support and some Japanese selling. Some short-covering, however, emerged at the lows to check the decline. The morning
        499 words
      • 74 14 «f*jn wr IAS %SK _ii •SRSO KRELB il-lfaipallril pallrn April Mar 2S7OO ISSOOK* 2M.O0 MOOON IMOO MUM iVVOll »7.UON .MR ■MR .1. •MR l.V ,MK ;mh •MR .1' ;mh M II hMpallrli lo p *!!L" .1 l,«<> (1 l.m pallrir II palki' M.W rnioN jaa.iai
        74 words
    • 369 14 IT WAS a dall trading day on the Stock Exchange of Singapore as most buyers and sellers receded further and further from the market Speculators yesterday continued to go after the second liners, for instance, General Lumber, which was bought up to 98 rente at one
      369 words
    • 296 14 BRIGHTER sentiment ruled on the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday and prices advanced in more active trading. The renewed buying interest after the profit-taking bout on Tuesday took the blue chip indicator, the New Straits Times industrial i ordinary share index, 3.56 i points higher to 408.69. The
      296 words
    • 183 14 THE US dollar closed lower in the Singapore forex market yesterday Opening slightly higher at $2 2045 55. the US unit, however, eased gradually on profit taking to $***** 75 at the close Interbank rates at 3 p.m. One month 2.1896 2 1915 Two months 2 1840
      183 words
    • 342 14 INTERBANK rates at 3.00 pm: Currancia* Nominal rate* Smithsonian Parcantaga quotad yaatarday (croai)panly change Local dollars to one ■nit of forrlKn currency: US dollar 2.1965 2.1975 2.8196 -22.10 Sterling pound 4.5365 4.5400 7.3469 -38.25 Australian dollar 2.4345 2.4465 3.4286 -28.99 \Z dollar 2.2965 2.3200 3.4286 -32.86 Canadian dollar
      342 words
    • 37 14 closing interbank rates I Singapore dollars on April 4 Offer Bid Overnight «'i 4 1 month 6 5 2 months 6 6 3 months 6 t 6 9/16 Overnight mode immrt a A«il»i A V**rr*
      37 words
    • 52 14 Kanfe of price offered by discount housea on April t: Overnight t Call deposit 4 Cloiiag Bv)iaf Sclliac 3 month Treasury bills 4 4 3 month Bank bills 7 7 t month CD 6 > 6 SmonthCD 6 15 18 0 13-16 Source: National Discount Co Lid. fler slifhtly
      52 words
    • 23 14 THE average rate at which Singapore banks are currently prepared tend to V tsteir best customers is 8 per cent.
      23 words
    • 546 15 CENTRAL Sugars, equity accounting for the first time its snare of profit in associate Pan Malaysia Cement Works (PMCW), has reported a marginally higher group pre-tax profit of MS6 133 million for the six months to Dec. 31, 1978. Pre-tax profit was up only 2
      546 words
    • 295 15 NBT sees final dividend of 7 to 10 per cent NORTH Bane* Timber, estimates that earreat year profit will he saffldeat to pay a final dividend af between 7 aad II per cent. The company says la Its quarterly repart that demand far togs aad waad products was improving and
      295 words
    • 173 15 Rahman Hydraulic Tin surges BUOYED by higher tin and rubber output and better prices, pre-tax profit at Rahman Hydraulic Tin continued to surge merrily ahead up 18 per cent to $3.85 million for the first half-year ended last December. Directors have maintained its interim dividend at 20 per cent gross
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 681 15 HOSPITAL UNIVERSITI KUALA LUMPUR Permohonan-permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada WARGANEGARA MALAYSIA untuk mengisi jawatan-jawatan berikut: A Tangoagaii: 1. JuruanaliM A 22: $745 x6O 865/985 x Siatem: 60-1225/1345x60-1705 x 100 -2005. 2. Pembantu Tefcnik (Electronlk dan Mefcanikal): B 8 $685 x 40 765/805 x 40-1045/1125x40-1285 x 60 -1405. 3. Pegawai 811 $485x40
      681 words
    • 570 15 Ladang Rakyat Trengganu Sdn Bhd (sebuah projek Ladang Kelapa Sawit yang dibiayai oleh Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development) mempelawa permohonan daripada rakyat Malaysia yang berkelayakan bagi mengisi kekosongan Jawatan-jawatan seperti berikut: (keutamaan akan diberi kepada Bumiputera). 1. PENQURUS Calon-calon hendaklah berumur dalam linkungan 39 tahun dengan mempunyai pengalaman dalam
      570 words
    • 557 15 LEMBAGA PERINDUSTRIAN II KAYU MALAYSIA Permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada I werganeoara-warganegara Malaysia yang berkeI layakan untuk mengisi jawetan-iawatan tertebut di bewah mi:— I A. Jawatan: PENGARAH (Pentadbiran Penguetk uasaan Tangga gait: AlO $2,305 x 1 20 $2,425 Taraf Jawatan: Kumpulan A (Tetapdan Berpencen Umur: (i) Calun-calun bagi lantikan terut tidak
      557 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 856 16 tAT YOUR SERVICE SECTION INDEX Telephone Service £%w A IIC 5t B^-' t" *a\aW P^J vl ,*mWW .aaW k *^aa^a\Waaa\\ aaaW TtmeTcentre ?V« ftdZuSFiiZld m VI EDUCATION TRAINING *a\aaW A.«ra-TBanrte, After offtct noun VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS RATES VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL Per word «o cut (Mm S9 00) IV nRITUARTP*;
      856 words
    • 363 16 STOCK CLEARANCE 3SSS pieces blank cassettes at 65 cent* per piece with sealed up packing Tel ***** TRADE M ACCEPTED up to S2OO for colour T V on instalment or special cash discount. Call: *****8. Trading Company cfcMrtng importad toys and oamaa. For buft purehaaai onty. EvatyViniy ooss far bstow
      363 words
    • 331 16 I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE PLEASES NEW EQUIPMENT MACHINERY We offer An extensive range of leasing facilities Easy repayment terms Protection against obsolescence ChuanHiangCo Re Ltd 109 Bukit Twnah Road STefc *****5 J5 ONE UNIT T.CJL PD 20Z3 Forkllft 22 months. Good condition. $18,000 0.0 o Call MTJ43 WANTED TO
      331 words
    • 428 16 It Pats GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG for sale 11 1/2 months. SKC registered Licensed. Show quality with show and obedient training certificates Free chains, vitamins, bones, and books offered If sold. Tel *****8 Mr Urn. Call between 10 am 6.00 pm MALE FAWN BOXER 6 months old. Vaccinated with SKC certificate,
      428 words
    • 431 16 II EMPLOYMENT Clerical RECEPTIONIST CUM TELEPHONE OPERATOR AppNcaNoiM ara mvitad to M lha abova vacancy m a large and waH ntabHahad company: a Singapore female citizens a Age 23-35 a *Measanl personality a School Certificate with good command of English a Similar experience would be advantageous a Able to type
      431 words
    • 463 16 A WELL ESTABLISHED Shipping Company requires experienced female telephone operator cum typists possessing Cambridge School Certificate and with typing spesd 30 to 40 axp.m Apply giving details of personal partlc- ulars. Indicating salary expecta1^ von IQSTBoi A***** If A wo* aatatltohad Intomationat Export Co. raqutr** 1) BOOK-KEEPERS/ ACCOUNTS CLERKS (Vacancies
      463 words
    • 720 16 II EMPLOYMENT FEMALE ACCOUNTS/OENSIIAL Clerk required by trading company Preferably with OCE O' Level. LCC Intermediate and typewriting qualifications. Please apply with nonrcturnable photo giving details of experience and salary expected to: Blk B. 7-7, Tong Lee Building. Kallang Pudding. Spore 13 FEMALE BUYERS Established local agencies require Female Buyers
      720 words
    • 508 16 CERTIFICATE ANO Da*LOMA (UK) For Office Managers. Supervisors. Secretaries and Clerks aimIng for promotion to executives, courte Just Started. Far prochMraa, phona tlSi«i/2 Ca—ra tor Caraar Danalapamil aa-F. Market Street («h Floor) PHILIPS raquira* ACCOUNTS CLERK OuaHncattons/aipenence a Secondary Four with LCC Intermediate Bookkeeping Certificate, a Experience though not essential,
      508 words
    • 615 16 II EMPLOYMENT suimnno A leading Bicycle Component manufacturer has vacancy for a: PURCHASING OFFICER a Preferably O.C.E. 'A' level with some technical knowledge a Age above 25 years and completed N S a Musi possess a valid driving licence, a More than 2 years workIng experience In Purchasing, with knowledge
      615 words
    • 651 16 We invite epoHcanon* tor me poet a* CLERICAL ASSISTANT a UC'E O' level with good credits In Maths and English a Al least I year's clerical experience a Have some knowledge In updating the records of sales and stocks a Typing speed 30 w.p.m Attractive aatory writ be given to
      651 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 637 17 N EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant c) Bales j I i tUCTROLUX SEA PTE LTD M. I 'fM»c(t SALES REPRESENTATIVES to promote our wide renge el o We are not looking for people j with high paper qualifica- i A. ».int people who are hardworking and with abil- ntl> a Leadership
      637 words
    • 735 17 I LADY/GENTLEMAN REOUIREO promoting rompan> serurev I vjl;ir> plus commision Call per- 12- A. Maxwell House. I Koad MACLAWsE. WATSON (S.E.A.) LTD •S M Roamnn Road. Singapore 1 2 Male/Female Sales Supervisors. We require 2 Sales Supervisors for popular end demanding American Stainless Steel Cookwaro end European Sewing Machines on
      735 words
    • 787 17 II EMPLOYMENT SIX SALESGIRLS REOUIRED for promotion of a new range of Australian hair care products Experience nol necessary We offer salary, commission and incentive Tel. ***** I 1 r Supermarket requires 1 Sasse Assistants. Female Cashiers. Female/ Male Cleaners/ Packer*. Snack Bar Waitresses Dispensers Experience is not required Apply
      787 words
    • 682 17 DELIVERY/WORKSHOP ASSISTANT required Must complete NS, age between 20 24 Metal/ woodwork background an advantage Ring *****22 for appointment ELECTRICAL FIRM REQUIRES Female Draughtsman (Electrical) Past experience necessary Write lo Aom (S) Pte Ltd. 346 Balestier Road, tel *****80 Electronic Maniilarliiimy Company ANELECTRICAL FITTER Qualifications' a Vocational Institute (Electrical c
      682 words
    • 532 17 II EMPLOYMENT Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following posts: 1 VEHICLE MECHANICS 2-4 years' experience in repairing and servicing of all kinds of vehicles, trucks, etc.: Knowledge In overhaulIng engine, diagnose faults and perform road testing. 2. VEHICLE ELECTRICIANS 2-4 years' working experience as Vehicle Electrician.
      532 words
    • 649 17 are required tor LEO Clock Radio Line TV Band Radio Line Stereo Tape Recorder/Radio Line Hili Amplifier/Receiver Line Transceiver Line Many promotion opportunities are available due to our expansion programme)*. Those who are experienced in the above assemblies, we will pay a salary commensurating with your experience and qualifications Training
      649 words
    • 654 17 N EMPLOYMENT t) General ACCREDITED ADVERTISING AGENCY ANO DESIGNED STUDIO requires urgently a) 1 ViSUAt IZER b) 2 F/A ARTISTS c) 1 MESSENGER BOY (musl poeFor post aib. must have advertising experience Please write with full particulars, with contacl tel. no If any. to ST Box ASO42S For post c.
      654 words
    • 1192 17 II EMPLOYMENT BRANDSON w o-i***'?'"***** Well established Engineering our -VP*" J won -T- C r > Company in Jurong requires Decaesette and radio cassette, we piltcn Rider Office Boy hay. immediate vacancies tor- Re^rem*,,,:. 1. MALE/FEMALE cla drlvln TECHNICIANS Above 1 7 years old c ITB or Trade Certificate Able
      1,192 words
    • 388 17 if A LARGE INTERNATIONAL Oil. COMPANY I motes applications from suitably qualified Singapore Citizens for the position ITEMPORARY SECURITY GUARD •y Age: Tel 20 -2S years •J Qualifications: I education with fair workIng knowledge of the English language Eiperience: Ex-mihary police personnel and i Ukisp who have completed their NatsMßl
      388 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 484 18 N EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant Otmrmt KNERAL ELECTRIC USA HOUSEWIVES Come and join us today As a FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATOR on the 2nd shift and Earn a $50 bonus General Electric (USA) Television Appliance Pte Ltd 159 C. Boon Keng Road. Block 2. L Singapore 12. I GENERAL WORKERS Completed
      484 words
    • 532 18 JET EXPRESS PTE Ltd requires immediately Cargo Hands. Driver with class 3 licence Despatch Boy with motorbike Please call personally at 2nd Cargo Complex. Paya Lebar Airport. Spore 19 LEVER BROTHERS SINGAPORE SON. BHO. A GENERAL STORE CLERK Applicants are invited to apply ror this vacancy direct to THE COMMERCIAL
      532 words
    • 586 18 N EMPLOYMENT USE GENERAL AFFAIRS ASSISTANT c OCE O Level with at least one year related experience o Should be above 22 years old and riuent in English and Mandarin. Mease write m tat THE PERSONNEL DEPT NEW SOUND ELECTRONICS FTELTD 2nd Boor, Toe* Chiang 118-0 P*ys Leber Rood Singapore
      586 words
    • 555 18 MIVXB MmRI nstlenol Company urgently ■SBJBkSS (1) FEMALE OPERATORS Completed Primary Bor with secondary education o No working experience required ATTRACTIVE SHIFT ALLOWANCE AND BENEFITS OFFERED' JOIN US FOR A REWARDING CAREER <*) OX. INSPECTORS o Completed Secondary 4 education o Knowledge of QC. function an advantage Applicants should be
      555 words
    • 711 18 II EMPLOYMENT Whyarethev smiling atFairchild? They're smiling because we treat employees as people »nd that makes a world of difference if you're just starting out in We Al Fairchild. we make lots of semiconductors the things thai make computers work and for our expansion programme, we need FEMALE PBODUCTION OFOsATOstS
      711 words
    • 513 18 Manuraclunng Company In Jurong Invites applications ror the following positions 1. COSTMQ CLERK: At least 2 years experience 2. GENERAL CLERK: With one year experience i. STORE SUPERVISOR: To keepers 4. STORE ASSISTANTS a STORE HELPERS: Must hold driving licence For positions I to 3 please apply In writing, slating
      513 words
    • 641 18 II EMPLOYMENT PAN ABRASIVES (PTE) LTD requires A. ACCOUNTS CLERK With LCC. Higher Accounting or equivalent, should be able to work Independently, experience In costing preferred B, FIELD SALES CO-OROtNATOR Hardworking with O.C.E. O' lavel class 3 driving licence. completed National Service, knowledge or Mandarin and I Hokklen advantageous. I
      641 words
    • 377 18 PV^QHBffiMHniHnvnK«Bil|HP ■MJjll I rYoP bbJbIbUUUHJJ BHJUUtfU|UfiaUi|| |jjjm_| BMmHniTaTlaxßXßxHßl BiIJW SECURITY GUARDS REOUIRED urgently. Interested call tel: *****11 or Interview al: 18 20. Blk 3. Kallang Way. Spore 13. SECURITY GUARDS Singapore blue t.C. are also welcome. PATROLLING OFFICERS Possess motorcycle. Ex-Army/ police NCO. Working on Irregular hours Apply personally with
      377 words
    • 706 18 II EMPLOYMENT TOVOTRON PTE LTD 48 Shipyard Reed Singapore a requires Immediately A) STOREHANO B) GENERAL WORKERS For Post A ii B starling salary $9 00 per day Singaporeans preferred In addl lion to the above mentioned sa larles. transport allowance of 80 cents per day and other usual rrtnge
      706 words
    • 594 18 WANTED ONE EXPERIENCED MALE DRIVER FOR OFFICE HOURS DUTIES REOUtREMENTSo 30 years and above or age o Must possess valid Class 111 Licence o Singapore Citizen Salary offered 1280 SMS per Apply personally during orrice hours at.Scott A English Limited MaG Centre. Yd Floor IM-lTOClsmswcisM AvsnMS Singapore! WANTED PHOTOGRAPHER with
      594 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 817 19 111 VEHICLES 4 BOATS 43 VahicM>s For Hire TRISTAR TRAVEL SERVICES It. airinnd i ars at competitive rates Call 235*420/ HARDERTRUCKS Avis gives you a wide choice from Datsun, Toyota and Isuzu diesel pickup utilities to 6 makes of delivery vans or 2 varieties of 3-tonners. Phone *****11 and make
      817 words
    • 939 19 FEW MONTHS OLD BMW 3231. one a tier »ith man) extras Contact *****12 FIAT IM SPECIAL late 1971 Sell in»s»2Ui Tel 51 1168 FIAT 12SS 1*72 model In good condition Ring Eric Baey *****62 for viewing 9 30 a m SOOpm FIAT 12* 4-OOOR. 1971 Good o minion PARF eligible
      939 words
    • 981 19 111 VEHICLES A BOATS SPORTS ROMS: Old Sports rims exchange for ne* sports rims We give good offer for your old sports rims and special price for new sports rims Contact *****21/*****42 190. Tanjong Katong Road SO «2aE REGISTRATION number for sale $800 Tel: *****78 SUZUKI GS MOO AU plate
      981 words
    • 927 19 1971 MERCEDES BENZ 200 Alrcon. new tax. cassette player $15,500/- ono View: 3A. Blnjal Park (2l) 1971 MORRIS 1390 aircond.. tip top condition. $5,700 0.n.0 Tel: *****64 1971 MORRIS 1300 Aircond. road tax Sept 1979 Good condition Interested telephone: *****87 Mr Tang 1971. TOYOTA CORONA 1707 Aircond. radio, cassette, new
      927 words
    • 774 19 111 VEHICLES A BOATS 1577. JUNE. PEUGEOT 604 in excellent condition Interested please call *****7 1977 SUZUKI SCRAMBLER 100 c.c immaculate condition, new road tax and Insurance Asking $1 JOO Tel *****42. I*T7 TOVOTA COROLLA 1200 Aircond. cassette Tax new Beautiful condition Selling $16,900 ono 165MacKenzle Road. TS77 TOYOTA CORONA
      774 words
    • 836 19 ANY MAKE AND any model scrap or used cars Good price offered. *****22 1 day and night ANY MAKE, ANY model, any capacity l We offer good price for PARF Call *****98 Richard. ANY MAKE/MOOEL/ Capacity secondhand cars urgently required for scrap Immediate cash payment Contact Ronnie *****8 during office
      836 words
    • 1213 19 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES mwLm% -s? r^° s \f° DIAL-A-HOME <£g3S-- *****8 (7 lines) Bj^ We are computerised to rtelp MB you obtain a computer P""i out m ol homes that matches your 1 requirements -^^^^^^T^^jgf" OOMT DELAY- CALL TODAY' 1 ay MTFJHIOME *UNAgEMENT StRVKES I BJBJ 9nl Same* in R—i
      1,213 words
    • 954 19 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES I OIST BALLMORAL POINT splitlevel apartment, fully furnished, aircond. swimming pool etc Rental $3,700 Principals contact: Lee 22Q7194' *****97 OIST. t. CAMNMLL PLAZA Luxury apartment on sth floor. 3 bedrooms. 1 servant's room, central aircond. excellent facilities, immediately available $2,450 per month Tel: *****48 OIST. t CAMNMLL
      954 words
    • 785 19 52 Accommodation Wanted a) Houses EXECUTIVES OF ELECTRONIC COMPANY KKQUIRE Several Houses A Apartments a Excellent terms of lease and ui-nt PU ask CALL *****14 WITH DETAILS. Managing Director ol larga manulaeturing Company urgently requires Ihe lotlowing c Detached/ Semi-detached I ur.Kulims c Luxurious Apartments in dlsts. 9. 10. 11
      785 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 647 20 IV ACCOMMODATIONS PROPERTIES 54 Proowrtnts For Sato a) Mouses MST It HENRY PARK modern double -storey semi-detached with 4 bedrooms servant's, splitlevel living/dining terrazzo parquet flooring 4.300 sq fl freehold $*****0 Call Inter-Home 674*8* MST.N) MOON BEAM Terrace, off Holland Road 6 miles. 2 -storey semi-delarhed bungalow Spacious garden with
      647 words
    • 610 20 PASIR PANJANG T PASIR PANJANG The Village near Kent Ridge University New condominium townhouse. 2.180 sq ft 4 bedrooms, swimming pool squash court, billiard/ games room Selling $200,000 (all *****3 SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE BUNGALOW situated off Bin Tong Park vi1 intly Dist 10- Double-storey of unique architecture Beautiful swimming pool Area
      610 words
    • 617 20 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES PEOPLE S PARK COMPLEX bachelor apartment, fully furnished with TV Price: $52,000 Please contact *****74 *****09 7 FUTURA Luxurious apartment with 3 bedrooms with attached bathrooms, study living/dining and separate servant's amenities. Swimming Pool. Price: $400,000 CAIRNHILL PLAZA Within walking distance of Orchard Road. 4 bedrooms
      617 words
    • 633 20 HOUSES/APARTMENTS WANTED urgently for ready clients Owners kindly contact. Metroland Housing *****82' *****20 INDONESIAN/TAIWANESE /LOCAL businessmen wants to buy houses /apartments/land/shops Cash transactions Call *****04 MOONESIAN CHINESE FAMILY with permit to purchase urgently requires a detached bungalow/luxurious apartment Budget not exceeding $800,000 Cash transactions Principals call: *****77 LAND WANTED. 25.000
      633 words
    • 1224 20 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES CORONATION PLAZA. IST floor LUCKY PLAZA. 160 sq ft Near unit, good location. 259 sq ft Klasse Departmental Store (vaslos,ooo 0.n.0 Sek Kay li Co.. cant possession (or sale ProperChartered Surveyors. *****4/ ly Agency *****2/*****11 *****5 NEW DOUBLE-STOREY SHOP OIST 10. CORONATION SHOPPING house Sembawang Road
      1,224 words
    • 718 20 V SERVICES BUSINESS MAGIC TAP: Fantastic new products Press button water flows, touch again water slops. Malaysia/ Singapore agents/ distributors wanted Mlcco. Box 41. Talping Tel: *****1 PROFITABLE BUSINESS WITH new Viable investment opportunities capital above $4.***** Negotiations: *****83 SERVICES PROVIDED M starling/ expanding small businesses Free discussions. Llm Boon
      718 words
    • 709 20 85 Photography COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY JO-HOUR Course Fee: $100 Learn Developing Colour Film. Printing Colour Pictures By Colour Expert Enquiries: *****7 SECONDHAND CAMERAS CENTRE we buy. sell and trade-In for used or new Camera. High offer for Lelca used Cameras Singapore Cosmos Trading Company Pi I. Middle Road. *****/ *****7 88
      709 words
    • 927 20 VI EDUCATION ft TRAINING O ATT language centre SCHOOL OF LINGUISTIC SKILLS Language courses and private tuition for school examinations and for business, travel pleasure ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES daily at all levels Registration is now open for the next 1 2-week term beginning on 9th April 1979 AFTERNOON CLASSES FOR
      927 words

    • 388 21 K. LUMPUR, Wed MALAYSIA'S Gross National Product growth rate for this year is expected to be between 7 and 8 per cent. Tan Sri Ismail Ali, Bank Negara s Governor said today. The GNP growth rate for 1977 was 7.2 per cent. There
      388 words
    • 255 21 New move to give up claim to Sabah MANILA, Wednesday AN opposition assemblyman is seeking to formalise a 1977 promise by President Marcos to drop the Philippines' long-standing claim to the East Malaysian state of Sabah. Mr Ruben Canoy, one of a handful of opposition members in the Philippines' Interim
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 180 21 Ministry seizes $27,000 worth of drugs KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Health Ministry, with the cooperation of the police, seized nearly {27,000 worth of drugs and poisons gazetted under the Poisons Ordinance 1962 in Perak last week. In a statement issued today, the Health Ministry said surprise checks were carried out
      NST  -  180 words
    • 32 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Malayan Railway has extended its container service to Padang Besar. along the Malaysian-Thai border. With the extension, the service now covers the whole oT Peninsula Malaysia. NST.
      NST  -  32 words
    • 101 21 Belt law: Pregnant women booked too KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Two pregnant women were among some of the people booked for not putting on seat belts during a two hour operation here on Monday morning. The city traffic chief, Supt. Samad Jamaan, said after the operations that the enforcement unit checked
      101 words
    • 164 21 Inaugural flight to Seoul runs into trouble SEOUL, Wed. The inaugural flight of the Malaysian Airline System from Kuala Lumpur to Seoul ran into trouble with the South Korean authorities, it was learned today. The MAS Night provoked Ire yesterday when It let aff passengers at Taiprh in vlolatian of
      AFP  -  164 words
    • 108 21 Top among Asean nations KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Malaysia has remained Asean's biggest trade part-*. ner with the Soviet Union, the Soviet trade representa- J tive here, Mr N. P. Shagon- r janov said here today. In a statement, he said that since the Soviet-Malay- si a trade agreement wasj signed
      AFP  -  108 words
    • 66 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed BP4 Malaysia Sdn Bhd will apply to the government for an increase in the price of its products after it has obtained the actual level of the new Opec oil price rises from its Middle East suppliers A company spokesman said today:
      NST  -  66 words
    • 42 21 SUNGEI PATANI (Kedah). Wed. Malaysian police have detain- ed a Thai trawler fisherman in Tanjung Dawai, near here, for possession of heroin. Police said the Thai who enter- f ed the country illegally was from Pattani. south Thailand AFP.
      AFP  -  42 words
    • 56 21 KUALA LIPIS, Wed. Security forces shot dead an armed terrorist in a secondary jungle in Penjom, 25.75 km from here last Thursday. The terrorist, aged about 35, was believed to be with a group of three or four communist terrorists when security forces spotted them while
      56 words
    • 203 21 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Malaysia will cut back on its oil exports and divert oil for home use if there is an acute shortage in the country. Parliamentary Secretary to the Trade and Industry Ministry Mr Abu Hassan Haji Omar said this yesterday in reply
      NST  -  203 words
    • 168 21 PENANG, Wed. Japan will not "neglect" Malaysia in the former's "rush towards China" after the signing of the Sino- Japanese peace and friendship treaty. This assurance was given here today by Mr Kenichi Yamaoka, leader of a visiting Japanese investment 'survey mission which
      AFP  -  168 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 848 21 VI EDUCATION ft TRAINING WE HAVE CAPABLE trained and mid's 102 Education e»mful education Call I'CPS *****04 W&U FS'ABLISMtD TUITIOM I i nr tuition for oa\ Bam all le\els Fnquines r am I W> I EFFECTIVE TUITION FOR All aBBBaBBaVaBBB) anil subjects at your ■BiBBBV honi. ii'.-erl Tel ENGLISH. GENERAL
      848 words
    • 876 21 VII TRAVEL ft RESTAURANTS II IHn Eli* Ca»*afc SUMS/ fcl .'IHIi ,'Haaaawi/G.r— y^a.^.ait/ T>*p- E**n SAT/WF.D 14 D»ji of Earao* «Jj»/- ••»V l Ja«a*a»altaV9»rta»»4Bß«VFi»««* j itepc Fvan SAT/SUN j aVt«-a ■»»ii—VmHa» i/ Oar— y/ Amth,; luX MaajtaaVMaW j D*» E«Ty FW/SUN 11 Plt» of Eavosv Si 2l 4a/■mata/liajln i /Of
      876 words
    • 431 21 VII TRAVEL 4 RESTAURANTS ARCHIPELAGO SPECIALS DAJtV WEEKLY 7/6 Days KL/CH Pen Denting (Sun) Sais/Sitt 7 Days Haadyai/ Songkhla/ Phuket Coach/Air (Sun/ Tues) SSSS 6 Days Haadyai/ Songkhla/ Oentmg Coach/Air (Sun Tues S3SO 5 Days denting Pen/Haadyai Coach/Air Sun 'Tues Thurs SMO 5 DaysOenting' Penang/ CH/ Coach/ Air Mon SI7S/SJOS
      431 words
    • 619 21 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singaporvi Pte Lid STPB Lie No Mn Weal Malaysia Tour (Inclumw i ic nlinf. Cameron High1 lands iby deluxe alrronduiuned rtfn days SSI9S/-. six da>- SJI79-. departure every Sunday. Monday. Tuesday OrntiiiK C'amfron Highlands four daysSsl4o/-.Oentlng Highlands' four days SSISO.'-. by deluxe airconditioned coach > drparturr
      619 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 175 21 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 8 Pianist fees nothing in 9 Birds horn R.ngway with %s£»,»& m lots of money (B> mar^h (8) Z d'orVpl' do 5 .n ™»-4. We ta ts rr b m r >< EE J ?t n 8 whMe love m ixv 'asrs ri' hl £U.H? sir—
      175 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      209 22 PUJ DADA KHANCHAND TOLARAM VASWANI who died on the sth April 1977 It is today 2 years since you left us to nourn, but ever to cherish your memory A loving father too dear to lose and too good to be forgotten. We remember you with prayers today
      209 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      102 22 Ag«d«1 paaaad my pa«c«tM**y on 2 4.7* Cortoga raaidanca (1127J Wk 170. Stirling Road. S'pora 3) on FRIDAY »4 7» ol 1240 noon. MRS KNEE YOU oil* ol Prot You Po*i Song mat homt le Itw Lord Jnui on J 4 79 Thu» u t l HM Lord
      102 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      45 22 IN LOVING MEMORY X WONG B WEE CHAV who paaiad away on Sth April 1»77 Daaply miaaad by all hit lovad MDM. M. KANGAVILU dapartaa 5477 Two years paased. Always rsirambsred by her bale»ed son: N. Somasegaran. Blk 96 4570 Al|unied Crescent.
      45 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
      102 words
    • 200 22 S OAYS TAIWAN TOUR I 12 CATS TAIWAN/ MONO KONCTOOH -SISSJ/- j 14 DAYS TAIWAN/ MONO KONG' BANGKOK TOUft SW7O/Oapartmf or Ul May 71 1 datran I *2to a roam 1 ■ymptnam mi alt a «Ty I *f NN TNAVEL mi LTD I Rm 30* Jrd Ft.. Canlral BMg I
      200 words
    • 665 22 f££S A KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran adalah dipatawa daripada pamborong/pambakal yang barpangalaman urtfuk karja-Uoa bankut Bagi tawaran A' khai untuk pamborong BUMIPu'RA sahaia A BP NO: 107/7* Mamoina padang parmainan dan mananam rumput diJandarak Man dan Jancwak Salatan. Tamartoh. Pahang (130 00 sanaskhah) B BP MO ****** Mambakal. mambma. marakabantuk. manghanur
      665 words
    • 802 22 A>«B«AVAVB X~~X MMMmmmmmX o^^^mm^m\Wm\ TAWARAN BIASISWA MARA KURSUS PENERBANGAN 1979 Pemohon-pemohon dari bumiputra warganegara Malaysia dipelawa untuk mengikuti kursus penerbangan. Kursus mi adalah selama lebih kurang 14 bulan untuk membolehkan calon-calon yang dipilih mendapatkan lesen memandu kapal terbang yang bertauliah (Commercial Pilot Licence Standard with Twin Engine Instruments Ratings). KehikiMn
      802 words
    • 782 22 BslsT MM. *Mm SSS% ll I sJa^BsV "^^Bsß 1».»■,M,, W Wl I M W F <^ftK > ASIAN NDK CRYSTAL h SDN. BHD. Q Our client, a leading electronic component manufacturer, in the Sungei Wt W*y Free Zone invites applications for the following positions- PS L TECHNICIANS T (OVERSEAS TECHNICAL
      782 words
    • 1 22 ■SaT%J
      1 words

    • 345 23 RACING ...with FAIRWAY DON MARKOS underlined his chances in the MARA Class 1 1,800 metres race a» Bukit Timah on Sunday with a dashing workout yesterday morning. With his regular rider, Desmond Brown, astride, Don Markos strode out fluently over 600 metres in
      345 words
    • 185 23 M K\T< HIM.s lor tar Baldl Tina* Pra-Am rarri tkli SATURDAY Ram Oar: Mara (lam t 4Mb trmiry: Clara. Rarr T»«: 1.1 Mara Claw 4, IM> H I.INn (Jark aad Jill SUkn): SUaii, Mhty Kmmr. Rac» Thrw: J.M Mara Clan 2, U»v B I, mm. Maralr. Rarr K»ar: 4.1
      185 words
    • 104 23 THE Singapore Sports Council, in < (injunction with the Singapore Squash Rackets Association, will organise six learn-to-play squash courses, starting on Monday week. Each course comprises eight lessons and will be conducted at the Kallang Squash and Tennis Centre. The course fee is $30 per person.
      104 words
    • 270 23  - SLTA get a clay court problem BERNARD PEREIRA By CLAYCOURT tennis tournaments, run by the Singapore Lawn Tennis Association, may well be held at more than one venue at any one time from now on, if the Tanglin Club decide to resurface some of their courts. The club, which have
      270 words
    • 1106 23 A TOTAL of 290 horses have been entered (or the Pcnang races on April 14-15 and April 21-22 They comprise 95 in Class 1. 92 in Class 2 and 103 in Class 1 There will be eight races on each of the (out iUy. The entries Class I:
      1,106 words
  • 38 23 Departed 5.4.1977 Tender thoughts silent tears, our constant wish that you were near. Sadly missed but forever remembered by your lovmg husband and children. MRS SANTIAGO AROKIASAMY ncf B. JEEV ARATNAM PrUlin* Java.
    38 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 469 23 KENYATAAN TAWARAN JABATAN PENGANGKUTAN JALAN Tawaran Nombor Pendaftaran Slrl: PAD Tawaran adalah dipelawa daripada mereka yang berkeinjrinan untuk mendapatkan Nombor Pendaftaran Siri PAD 1 hingya 10. 11, 22. 33. 44. 95, 66. 77, 88 99. PAD 111. 222. 333. 444. 599. 666. 777. 888. 999 dan PAD 1111. 2222. 3333,
      469 words
    • 359 23 KENYATAAN TAWARAN I MX r.KMTI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA T.iwariin d.n ip.irt.. pemborong|>emlxir<iiig >>rr<Uf(.tr dn*jpu JKK Kclas C dibawah Kraal* 111. IVc.ih.m Krpal.t 1 riilrrim.i <1t I'cjaoat InaMsri, Mma Km■at. rnivrrsili Krbangxaan Malaysia. Kingi. Sclangtir unInk i PEMASANGAN PAIP AIR DAN SALI'RAN NAJIS KE PKOJKK C- FAKI'LTI
      359 words
    • 924 23 EUROPEAN STANDARD ELECTRONICS PTE. LTD. A subs.diory of THOMSON-BRANDT of Fronce, French Leoder* in high technology electronics ond household opphonces requires the services of fully I quo lif led personnel I With corporate growth, we ore in scorch of motured and experienced I candidates to fill the positions of ASSISTANT
      924 words
    • 633 23 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT Si based in Singapore, reporting directly to I the Regional Finance Director. The work covers: Monthly management reporting to our I U.K. parent company Budgeting and forecasting for the Plessey I group in the Far East. Jg Production of local management reports iS This is a career opportunity
      633 words

    • 583 24 MONTEVIDEO( Uruguay), Wed. Taiwanese sports officials yesterday o'fered concessions to help bring athletes from mainland China into next year's Olympic Games in Moscow. Members of the Taiwan National Olympic Committee went before the executive board of the International Olympic Committee, who are trying
      AP  -  583 words
    • 173 24 I. I SAN N X (Switzerland), Wed. InUmatioaal Olympic Committee president Lord Klllaain said in aa interview yesterday that be hoped a planned Soath African ragby toar of Prance would not lead to aa Africaa boycott of next year's Olympic Games la Mos-
      173 words
    • 225 24 LONDON, Wed. A spokesman for the British Amateur Athletics Board said yesterday that they wouid investigate allegations from American high jumper Dwight Stones that he received illegal payments for competing at meets in Britain. Stones, now under suspension by the United States Amateur
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 213 24 LAUSANNE (Switzertand), Wed. Doping of athletes is the greatest danger to the future of the Olympic Games, far outweighing threats of political interfer- ence or breaches of rules on amateurism, International Olympic Committee President Lord Killanin said yesterday. In an interview in the lOC's official monthly 'Review'
      Reuter  -  213 words
    • 318 24 TAIPEI, Wed. Taiwan's Lu Hsi Chuen, a rising star in the Asian golf battleground, is heavily favoured in the Taiwan Open starting here tomorrow. Local golf officials, who predicted that Lu had an excellent chance, said "he'll have the fighting spirit to make it.'
      Reuter  -  318 words
    • 384 24 ROTTERDAM, Wed. Sweden's Bjorn borg beat Mark Cox, of Britain, 6-4, 6-2 in the first round of the World Championship Tennis Grand Prix tournament here last night. Borg, three-time Wimbledon champion and top-seed of the tournament, never allowed the left-handed Cox to settle
      Reuter  -  384 words
    • 375 24 BANGKOK, Wed. The 10member Soviet boxing squad are assured of the team title here at the King's Cup amateur boxing tournament last night, but the question is how many titles they will carry oft. The Soviets are certain of one title in the welterweight division
      UPI  -  375 words
    • 326 24 LONDON, Wed. Everton's slender hopes of catching neighbours Liverpool at the top of the English football League First Division virtually disappeared last night when Bolton beat them 3-1. Trevor Ross gave secondplaced Everton the lead with a penalty, but Willie Morgan, Neil Whatmore and Garry
      Reuter  -  326 words
    • 170 24 CHICAGO, Wed. Dutch World Cap vrfran Wlm vaa Haaegem has signed for Chicago Sting in the North American Soccer League, dab officials said yesterday. Vaa Haaegem, 34, has played in Si Intematioaals and was a mldtteld star In the Dntch team who last the World Cap
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 186 24 LONDON, Wed. Geoff Hunt, of Australia, and Pakistan's Qamar Zaman, Mohibullah Khan and Hiddy Jahan predictably filled the semi-final places in the £17,000 British Open squash championship here last night. Hunt, the world champion, had little trouble eliminating -A'orld No. 5 Gogi Alauddin, of Pakistan. 9-6,
      Reuter  -  186 words
    • 255 24 1 2 BRIEFS HONGKONG. Wed. North Korea said yesterday that they were ready to resume talks with Seoul on the formation of a unified Korean team to take pan in the World table tennis championships in Pyongyang. South Korea had earlier rejected a renewed northern offer to form the team.
      255 words
    • 177 24 N. Korea ready for talks la Jakarta, Heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad All and Japanese wrestling star Antonio Inoki have been invited to perform another exhibition bout in Semarang. Central Java, following the one they had staged in Tokyo. The exhibition was planned for June to highlight the Modem Organisation's National
      Agencies  -  177 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 499 24 ■bW*H bK3^ LvVCblbbbX If aSgaMWMMISMMM n^r m B^BHaa'oannnßa^Bvnaßßßßj ■uaaf V ana ■a^^^ L 3J '<tf llk^ --ml Rfla^A^ IW^I W ir KVmm <^^ AKG BX IS Reverberation Model X 240 UnK 2 channel Decay time "S«xtott« Cardan" U**t- 1.5, 2 0, 2.5. 3.0 and 3.6 sec Hoa?pto!a?r»Ha 14 M? pkl
      499 words

    • Article, Illustration
      572 25 ABOUT SPORT Th« column that gets down to th« nitty-gritty Shamateurism is the four-letter word, not professionalism DB TAN ENG LIANG, rhairmaa «f the Slagaparr Sparta Ctudl, last week Ml nI it Uk "Ibrrrasiag linker af ■partamea wha are demaadtag material ktawdHa kefare agreeiag P>*y la a r«mprttd»»"SaM Dr
      572 words
    • 290 25  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By TWO girl trainees from the Fraser and Neave badminton training scheme will accompany the Singapore national men's and women's squads to the three world competitions in Hongkong and China in June. They will compete in the world
      290 words
    • Article, Illustration
      13 25 DAVID WILKIE powering his way a g«4d medal In the IS7S world championships.
      13 words
    • 35 25 SAINT Andrew's Junior College beat National Junior College 22-0 in the national schools' post-sec-ondary rugby tournament at Dover Road yesterday In anoth er post-secondary match, Raffles Institution defeated Anglo Chinese Junior College 6-0
      35 words
    • 42 25 ST. PATRICKS and Anglo"hinese qualified to meet in the inal of the schools national lower wondary boys tennis tournaneni tomorrow, when they beat it Gabriels and Swiss Cottage, vspectively. by 2-1 margins at 'arrer Park yesterday.
      42 words
    • 35 25 THE Singapore Amateur Bodybuilders Federation will stage the National championships in four weight categories bantam, lighi. middle and heavy on Aug 21 at the Conference Hall in conjunction with the national under-21 meet
      35 words
    • 260 25 DAVID WILKIE, Britain's world record holder and the 1976 Olympic Games gold medal winner for the 200 metres breaststroke, will arrive in Singapore on Sunday to run a clinic for the Republic's swimmers and coaches. Wilkie. 25, the first Briton in 68 years to
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    • 344 25  - Legaspi and Nellan set golfing first ERNEST FRIDA By IRENEO LEGASPI, of the Philippines, and V. Nellan, of Malaysia, will be the first foreign golfers to compete on the Singapore circuit. They are among the 45 professionals and 20 amateurs, who have entered for the Weame-Leyland Classic Open, starting tomorrow
      344 words
    • 166 25  - Tham is winner of Open title ALBERT JOHNSON By NATIONAL serviceman Richard Tham won the men's Open springboard diving title with a fine performance at the Toa Payoh pool yesterday. Richard, who was lying second after the preliminary round, gave a creditable display in the second round to chalk up
      166 words
    • 131 25 Hill at the top of East Asia PETER HILL. 16, became Singapore's undisputed number one squash player yesterday, when he defeated Stewart Ballard 9-6. 6-9. 9-4. 9-5 in the final East Asia trial tie at Kallang, reports PATRICK BAKTMNS Hill amassed 51 points to second-placed Ballard "s 42, and was
      131 words
    • 216 25  -  PETER SK)W By IF you are a mediocre bowlm read on. For Jurong Jowl have not forgotten you vhen they decided to give i way their bagful of prizes. I'nlike most other ■entres, who award prizes to »wlers with high scores, [urong Bowl have come
      216 words
    • 359 25  -  JOE DORAI By. CAPTAIN Samad Alapitchay was last night one of six players Singapore coach Trevor Hartley left out for Saturday's Malaysia Cup-tie against Pahang in Kuantan. Samad, who had missed only two of Singapore's 10 Cup matches so far, was dropped
      359 words
    • 575 25  -  JOE DORAI COMMENT. IF the Football Association of Singapore take ap the offer of a German coach next year, it hi for one tbvloas reason they don't want to look a gift-horse la the month. The Singapore National Olympic Coaaell
      575 words
    • 100 25 BADMINTON National schools' girls' secondary final round: Henderson v St Margaret's (Mt. Vernon, 2.30). HOCKEY National schools' post secondary: Victoria v Swiss Cottage, National Junior College v Catholic Junior College (SRC. 2.30 and 3.45) RltißY National schools lower secondary: DT v MHS. WSS v SAS (WAS). ACS v
      100 words
    • 121 25 Hartley any danger TREVOR HARTLEY, Singa- pore's Director of Coaching, is in no danger of losing his job with the Football Association of Singapore, following West Germany's offer of a coach from next March. In a Press statement issued after last night's Council meeting, FAS chairman N. Ganesan said: "We
      121 words
    • 37 25 COMBINED TEAM beat SAF 5-1 yesterday to enter the final of the Inter-doctors soccer competition. Ananda, Baskaran. K K Tan, C. H. Tan and Justin Morals scored for Combined Team, and Stephen Chew for SAF.
      37 words
    • 223 25 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Roshidi Shaari sat up in his bed at the orthopaedic ward of the University Hospital yesterday, looking at a group photograph. It showed him with the Malaysian soccer squad who won the King's Cup in Bangkok last year. Though injury forced him to miss
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    • 31 25 A BRIEFING by Jack Kenneison of the Singapore Motor Sport Club will be held at the Juronf Country Club tonight (8.30) (o newcomers competing in the Tito ni Economy Rally.
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 252 25 aaaaaaaaaajM mm i t I jm Qollei It turns your slide show into an exciting theatre presentation. Here's how it work s 2 slides are successively drawn by the light eliminates the disturbing "black-out" projector and placed before the halogen of conventional slide showslamp in two slide parallel carrier devices
      252 words

  • 126 26 radioactive fallout or not. With the towering silos of the nuclear leak Three-MUe Island plant hovering ominously in the background, a lone jogger (arrowed) trots across the main street in deserted Goldsboro, the town nearest the site of the accident. Pennsylvania state and federal officials say
    UPI  -  126 words
  • 178 26 TELUK ANSON. Wed. Lower Perak was left without water today when a main between Tapah and Cameron Highlands was damaged by an earth slip. Restaurants and eating shops here and in Taiping were closed and hundreds of residents were reported "running away" to ipoh
    178 words
  • 48 26 BRUSSELS. Wed. About 1.500 Brussels schoolchildren skipped school today in a protest against plans to cut their schooling hours. Last week, teachers held a protest march to demand smaller classes Instead of cuts from 36 to 32 hours in the school week. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 313 26 HONGKONG, Wed— The Chinese in South-east Asia must work out their own destiny for themselves in a South-east Asian environment. Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, Dr Goh KenK Swee, said In Beijing (Peking) today. He noted that the
    Reuter; AFP  -  313 words
  • 84 26 TEHERAN. Wed. In the strongest assertion of central authority since Ayatollah Khomeiny seized power In mid-February. Prime Minister Dr Mehdi Bazargan haa reversed earlier pledges and flatly rejected any Individual political settlements with factions pressing for regional autonomy. Or Bazargan's rejection came as the army seized
    UPI  -  84 words
  • 392 26 •fe From Page One Government if it adopts stalling tactics on the dispute and is not serious about Asean participation. Conference sources at the Asean preparatory talks now on here for the coming meeting with Australia said the UDLF measure had not yet been discussed. But
    392 words
  • 273 26 Ghazali raps UN agency official KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Home Minister, Tan Sri Ghazali Shane, today rebuked a United Nations refugee agency official, accusing him of giving incomplete reports to the press over the death of more than 100 Vietnamese refugees who drowned when their boat sank while being towed
    Reuter  -  273 words
  • 44 26 TOKYO. Wed. Japan and Asean will hold a ministerial conference in Tokyo In November. Foreign Ministry sources said today. The sources said the Asean member countries have scheduled a working-level meetIng in Malaysia late this month to prepare for the meeting. UPI.
    UPI  -  44 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 203 26 P-15 W Model: 366 Twin-Door R) PAN ELECTRIC IS REFRIGERATOR .^j. 1 Rental $37 monthly Instalment $49 monthly* \"t» iLiaßaaaaaLaaZaLi Model: AH 107 TSC V^.TftM WHITE WESTINGHOUSE ZEROWATT AIRCONDITIONER WASHING MACHINE Rental $35 monthly Rental $25 monthly Instalment $38 monthly Instalment $34 monthly* MtTaTV V fwNj win Model: AP 601
      203 words
    • 479 26 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price sOt Anouol Scnscnption $155. For Mjbscnptton, call 3WCII Ext 231 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. ROLLEI has moved all its manufacturing operations to Singapore. This vote of confidence is a clear reflection of the cold logic which dictates that companies move into areas of optimal profitability.
      479 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 3 1 The Straits Times
      3 words
    • 1034 1  -  NANCY CHNG Handbooks are too simple THERE HAS been much talk about inculcating proper work attitudes, but no one had actually put it into print until the Industrial Training Board's (ITB) bold attempt with the publishing of two handbooks to be issued to trainees
      1,034 words
    • 46 1 d LEISURE: The Paper Chat* a refreshing change at the 8.30 prime time slot 2 d A JOKE is not a laughing matter at the Kremlin or Reds should never laugh. 3 d WOMAN PLUS: Why should Andy Capp get away with it all 6
      46 words
    • 622 1  -  MORRIS WILLATT By ANTIQUATED gambling laws are losing Switzerland millions of francs a year, according to the country's 15 authorised casinos. Stakes are limited to five francs (about Ss7). which not only discourages big plungers from other countries but encourages Swiss gamblers to
      622 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 603 1 p Fashion writer MbmrmM w^K^^B*Eßma& I Cynthia Wee reyjfjjE BA. T shows you how^flS^HSQ B^.l *^llS^^^|^^^^^EtL to project a ifl| £w^Bv9 LbHbH star- 3-BEI ■%>■■>> With thefl 9SfiSr Staß iHbSE i 1 1 1 af«/il latest Vri&MK '^■ftit*-.- shiniest 'WWn ;^ll^LMfeiiit»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»B» r '.1 1 Jk clothes ano^Hß^QU^ ffJr^^B w* I
        603 words
    • Leisure
      • 308 2 Two Charlie's Angels and $6 m Man to do battle in charity tennis TWO of Charlie's Angels are likely thrash it out with the Six Million Dollar Man at the Singapore Tennis Centre sometime after mid-May. Yes, if no other more urgent commitments crop up, jJaclyn Smith, Farrah Fawcett-Majors and
        308 words
      • 33 2 Teenagers who flock to Rediffusion's auditorium this Saturday for the Fanfare Show will be entertained by singer Tracy Huang. Also providing musical entertainment will be Danny and The Two Chords.
        33 words
      • Article, Illustration
        8 2 Fine tends form. .all eyes on star Farrah
        8 words
      • 675 2  -  SAW PU A V LIM IT CAN HOLD VIEWER INTEREST By A REFRESHING change has been in;roduced to the prime time 8.30 slot on Sunday nights. Instead of the usual fare of science fiction thrillers, run-of-the-mill family drama or
        675 words
      • 118 2 Songs and dances on Samudra show SAMIDRA. at 7 tonight on Channel 5, will feature Zainah Huri, Zam Zam, Tengku Azizah and dance items the Perkumpulan Seni. Children who missed last week's edition of Children's Corner can turn to Channel 8 at 6.25 today for a repeat telecast. They will
        118 words
      • 384 2  - Comedian Richard and his sit in formula to success JANIE KHOO By HONGKONG film comedian Richard Ng's formula to success is to guage audience reaction by sitting in with them at his pictures. The 40-year-old "funny face" actor, who played the lead role in Money Crazy, the Cantonese comedy screened
        384 words
      • 99 2 THE New Adventure* of Wonder Woman comes on at 7.45 on Channel 5 tonight. Fans of tne series will their heroine trying to destroy the formula of a dangerous explosive chemical so that it will not fall into enemy hands. The episode is titled, The
        99 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 242 2 if A LL -M m 'I I Goodbye Aches Cramps NOW I I sIjNNY typist Helper is specially that I havp thp I designed to take off the fatigue 1-V ;of nfrirV/ from *>T )in g »*«<l**es, stiff neck, DeaUtllUl 3 U IN IN I I strained eyes and backaches
        242 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 971 2 TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening and Star Performance 7.00 Samudra The Witness 7.30 News (Malay) i m -i r u /rw—.- 7.45 New Adventures of Wonder Woman 3.30 Diary of Events (Chinese) The Who Who Wouldn't Tel 3.35 Home Sweet Home (Mandarin g.45 R a do Show
        971 words
    • 1236 3  -  CONOR CRUISE By O'BRIEN Stalin's successors of today make no jokes at all; their faces are set in a permafrost of morose decorum which seems to exclude even the possibility of a joke being uttered in their vicinity 7 A
      1,236 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 41 3 Rotten DoO^S^ Because the Door is basically an integral part of a house, SINGCO makes them the way it should be: invincibly strong exceedingly durable. SINGCO Steel doors door jambs are convincingly practical, secure, modem and presentable. ifo^ 1 J I
        41 words
      • 566 3 Knowledge students need for tomorrowAt a price you can afford today! New Junior World Encyclopedia I 21 hard cover volumes. ■fe£l ft One look will tell you that the New junior World X Encyclopedia is one of the most cxc iting, up-to J3^^^^Myi^*"^^ B date reference series ever! Clear, easy-to-read
        566 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 304 4 M<MARin > T- SHIRTS TO BE WON 20th Century- Fox "MAGIC" is a terrify- <j ing love story starring Ann-Margret and\ Anthony Hopkins. To win the original T- shirt, just complete the following:1 HOCUS 2 ABRA j S«nd your entry, on a separate piece of paper J to > "MAUIC
        304 words
      • 337 4 Under the Distinguished Patronage of The President. Republic of Singapore. Dr. B. H. SHEARES <§)> SINGAPORE JAYCEES TEMASEK CHAPTER W Presents A GRAND CHARITY FILM PREMIERE (n aid Of SINGAPORE ASSOCIATION for THE DEAF REFRESHMENT KIOSK BUILDING FUND LIDO Wednesday 18th April at 645pm Admission Prires $5 $10 $15 $30
        337 words
      • 470 4 I See your fave idols DONNY MARIE *t GOLDEN i TOMORROW I SATURDAY at MIDNITE Phis Early SUNDAY Morning at 9.00am in their FIRST MOTION PICTURE Debut KENNETH MARS TED CASSIDY mKumua. wkmdhigh cmrvstmsnoms hmkudsmau I iii—iii <«m o»a<"s u— iw, ■■■KMiii^i—' K Look out for CONTEST Detail* in tomorrow'*
        470 words
      • 312 4 m rrririii CAPITOL 2nd WEEK! (Phone *****9) 1 1, 1.45, 4, 6.30, 9. 15 The NEW TRAVOLTA will dazzle I you with his DISCO DANCING! AMncMFrrtr T Naming Sun W*W^^——i»L f Tbtrt ft **A k j *l*""9 MWCH4 CARVfN ZO«/» «f f W >^ :LIDO-N0W SH0W1NU! 1 (*****4) 1 1,
        312 words
      • 545 4 I BBJ.M.'[»))»^' NOW SHOW***; No Frer LiM I Horn 145 4 00. 6 45. 915 I 1 BJ ■TtM MBT HUSTLER WMB" CANTONESt m Scop* Cofcx morrow Soturdov MmX II Pkis Soodoy Mornwig sr>< >-v I I h*olr*4 CAPITOL LOO > PRINCE ORSNT At L«R TV I1I 1 SAVOY JURONG
        545 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 218 5 We haveT^^^^^^ BREAKFAST Special Hainanese Porridge LUNCH 1 Set Lunch 2) Various Spicy Dishes at your own choice MIDNiTE SUPPER Delicious Laksa, Special Chicken, Beef Mutton Curry. Call at the Hotel Miramar, /2\ for a superb lunch of Exotic^// J\ Indonesian Dishes, i X from 12.00 noon /^iii'Alk to 3.00
        218 words
      • 262 5 1 An unusual L m Anniversary 1 I steamed buns \^J (a basket for each table) Spectacular Food at Reasonable Prices Superior Shark's Fin with Abalone Scallop Soup $145/Superior Shark's Fin with Chicken Soup $95/Barbecued Suckling Pig $707Braised Whole Turtle in Sweetish Brown Sauce $25/Total of 80 tables available. Private
        262 words
      • 519 5 a^H b^A *^bM The Complete Book of Baby care How to Raise a Brighter Child $6.40 $43.00 Experts say that the average child's intelligence develops Describes precisely and fully what v as much up to the age of sas it does between 5 and 17. happens at each stage of
        519 words
    • 7 6  -  Wong Lai Wih Edited by
      7 words
    • 58 6 PUTTING year best foot forward this season means wearing strappy sandals with lets of decorative cutoats and open-toed too, (or beaatifully varnished toes to peep through. Heels? The slimmer and the higher, the better you'll look. This pair from Christian Dior's latest range, has
      58 words
    • 497 6  -  IVY GOH-N AIR BY IN WHAT'S so funny about bringing up father" (One Woman's View, Woman Plus March 30) Lee Geok Boi has done a good job in exposing the blatant male chauvinism in a comic strip that isn't even funny.
      497 words
    • 68 6  -  IMOMKM* BOTHER Hwn homr 1* <nnr tb»t ik» BMfc km nafe oornrd ■m( «4 «Wa«* (or Staff, only w be lold *j kU «m tkx iv W Mck»d l«r tritttm m ntbtrMMM»>*hr UMrdt C>r?»MM« Marls but <»rt tlw MMtr \»"MVt kma ottk Mr
      68 words
    • 773 6 VOMITING is one of the most common complaints in babies and children. It can be quite distressing to both parents and child and early medical consultation may be necessary. As in many childhood complaints, vomiting is only a symptom and not a disease in
      773 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 545 6 presents "The Return to Glamour" Mr. Glenn Roberts Elizabeth Arden Director of Creative Training Mrs Judy Roberts Elizabeth Arden Area Training Manager now in Singapore to show you how Make a date with them and let them bring out your best features in a completely contemporary 'Return to Glamour' look
        545 words
      • 123 6 TIMt lM yCOME TO\ --.j KIMBERLEY'S HOUSE OF COSMETICS PERFUMES see a wide range of cosmetics, toiletries, gift sets for all occasions. V^^' Cflfl/ /on all brands flfl^nwDU/tV except ■jr^k A I SHISEIDO& Import Export V%%! 1 1 ill Wholesale Retail Qkimberley 181 A/185A Outram Park 1.48, Lucky Plaza 122,
        123 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 635 7 THE BRITISH PHOSPHATE COMMISSIONERS CHRISTMAS ISLAND Applications trom suitably qualified are invited trr the following positions COOK Applicants should hate at least S years eiperience cooking Western style food Preferably with training trom one of the pduxi'ion department hotel training schools LINESMAN/TELEPHONE MECHANIC Applicants should have sound knowledge ot telephone
        635 words
      • 614 7 TIMBER WML INDUSTRyjy^m BOARD J *1 «V Applications are invited trom Singopore citizens for the following oppomtments with the Board: A EXECUTIVE OFFICER ws-ms per month) Duties: The successful candidate will be responsible tor the conduct of reseorch and market studies ond compilation of statistics, reports ond publications Requirements A
        614 words
      • 484 7 ELECTRICAL SALES ENGINEERS FOB INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHTINGS AND EQUIPMENT Applicants must have an engineering education and a background from related fields preferably with sales experience and good contacts with M E Consultants, Architects, Owners/Developers and Electrical Contractors. Polytechnic and Ngee Ann Technical College Diploma Holders can also apply.
        484 words
      • 679 7 We hove the undermentioned stott vocancy in our Singapore loborotory Chief Chemist: This senior position tor a head ot department is open to o qualified and mature industrial chemist who has had extensive experience in the field ot metals testing and hos proven ability to perform determinations by A A
        679 words
      • 497 7 IN THK MATTER OK THK COMPANIES ACT, CAP. ISi AND KNU MKI I.IAN II K LTD (IN VOLI'NTARY LIQUIDATION) SPECIAL RKSOLI TIONS At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held at Room 1, 2nd Floo>", Malayan Bank Chambers, Kullerton Square. Singapore 1 on the 29th day of March, 1979
        497 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 648 8 S3 Merchant Banking ff=^n Executive Assistant l =-t= j (MCS *****) Our client, a representative office of an established international merchant bank wishes to appoint an Executive Assistant to its Representative who operates in the region from Singapore. The successful candidate will be a business administration graduand seeking to make
        648 words
      • 250 8 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CAP. 18. Ifflt ED) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OP SINGAPORE IN BANKRUPTCY NO. ISB OP 11TO RE: CHEN WENG FUNG EX-PARTE: HOTEL ASIA (PTE) LTD. JodßriM-nt Creditors la Ike matter «f a Baakraptry Nattee dated the Ist day af December It7B. FORM OF ADVERTISEMENT
        250 words
      • 795 8 Midland Bank Group Midland Bank Limited, one of Britain's leading banking groups, has just published its Report and Accounts for 1978 and the Annual Statement to Shareholders of the Chairman, The Right Hon. Lord Armstrong of Sanderstead, PC, GCB, MVO. PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION £231,408,000 PROFIT AFTER TAXATION £143,391,000 RETAINED PROFIT
        795 words
      • 870 8 KECK SENG (MALAYSIA) BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) Notice of Annual General Meelmg NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ninth Annual General Meeting ot the members of Keck Seng (Malaysia) Berhad will be held at the Johor Baru Rest House at Jalan Sungei Cot, Johor Baru on Friday, 27th April, 1979
        870 words
      • 698 8 IN THK M.VTTKK OF THE COMPANIES ACT, (CHAPTER IKS) AND IN THR MATTER OP HKAP MM>\«. HARDWARE CO. tPTK) LTD. (lM«rp*r»torf la OV K*p«Mir StaHM-f*) (IN UQIIDATION) MKMBERB' VOLUNTARY WINDING-IP At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the abovenamed Company duly convened and held at Room 1014. (10th
        698 words