The Straits Times, 4 April 1979

Total Pages: 38
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1979 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 142/1/79
    14 words
  • 724 1  -  SOH TIANG KENG Approval sought for 14.5 pc jump By MAJOR oil companies here will submit applications for an increase in oil price of 14.5 per cent to the government in a month in view of the latest rise in Opec prices. Details of
    724 words
  • 249 1 BANGKOK. Tues. The last known Kampuchean town to have remained in the hands of the toppled Pol Pot reRime has fallen to Viet-namese-based forces of the Heng Samrin government. Thai military sources In Bangkok said today. The sources said Heng Samrin troops combined
    AP  -  249 words
  • 400 1 Israel-Egypt to open border on May 27 CAIRO, Tues ISRAELI Prime Minister Menachem Begin said today Egypt and Israel would declare their common border along the Sinai desert open on May 27. Speaking to reporters after a 50-minute private meeting with President Sadat, he said that on the same day
    UPI  -  400 words
  • 72 1 WASHXNOTON. TIM*. British Airway* yesterday toat 1U bid before tbe Supreme Court to recover damages from the Boeing Co. for a UBS4 million <SsS< million i jet that crashed II yean ago In Japan. The case stems from the March t. 19M crash near Mt Puji
    UPI  -  72 words
  • 118 1 LONDON. Tues. ExLiberal Party leader Jerrmy Thorpe, accused of plotting tbe murder of a male model, today won a postponement of his trial so that he can contest the May 3 general election a development his lawyer said was unprecedented in English law. Thorpe,
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 67 1 PEKINO. Tues The Chinese army newspaper today recommended countries suffering from "Soviaphobia" to try out the 'Salutary remedy" of a "counter attack" at tried out successfully by China In Vietnam. "The victory of the counterattack has been a great encouragement to the people of South-east Asia and
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  • 70 1 BRUBSELS. Tues King Baudouln swore In the new cabinet of Prime Minister Wllfrled Martens today, marking an end to the 107day government crisis, the longest in Belgian post-war history. The King had asked Mr Martens. 42-year-old chairman of the Flemish Social Christian Party, to form a
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  • 170 1 BEIRUT, Tues King Khalid of Saudi Arabia was quoted today as sayIng he has no Intention of abdicating and that reports from US government sources of a conflict within his ruling family were untrue. In an Interview with the Lebanese weekly, La Revue
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 28 1 MANILA. Tue« Tbe Asian Development Bank today announced the ami* of twoyear bond* totalling US$7O million (8(152 million) to SO of tbe bank's 41 member countries.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 399 1 SEOUL, Tuesday SOUTH Korea's only nuclear power plant has been closed down after a leak age of radioactive contaminated water, the Science and Technology Minister, Mr Choi Chong-wan, said today. The 595.000-kw plant, built by Westinghouse Electric Corp. at Kori near Pusan on
    Reuter; AP  -  399 words
  • 133 1 HK dollar lowest in three years HONOKONQ. Tues. The Hongkong dollar, once among the world's strongest currencies, tell to a record low for three years here today 'when it broke the psychological barrier of five against the US dollar. The local currency opened at 5.0100,50 against the US dollar and
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 77 1 500 want test tube babies NEW YORK, Tua» Five hundred women want their names on the wilting list at the United States first test tube by clinic to open In January In Norfolk, Vlrglna, Dr William Andrewi said yesterday. Dr Andrews said to be considered for admission to the non-profit
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  • 37 1 LATEST $2.17 BILLION PAYMENT LONDON, Tues. Britain is to make an early reimbursement of USSI.tM million ($2,170 million) on Its loans from the International Monetary Fund, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Denis Healey, announced today. AFP.
    AFP  -  37 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 38 1 ((yhe best place to buy a watch (ill) EASTERN VMITCH CO. PTE. ITD. ?TJ5] 0 It* OroWßw lutk»«u« T* »SOttO'}lSoSsl Wns w* BT«l«t *Md Tat 43MH/43W4 «Jaeger-leCoultre> limcc DRESS WATCHES FOR tf DISCERNING TASTES TRITOtM(Wt EAST)NE IH Z^tZZZZSZm
      38 words
    • 238 1 THE COMPLETE AMATEUR COLOUR PROCESSING SYSTEM AT YOURQMff] DEALER NOW! ISL CPE MR COUW For Winging HOCOSM andkasphg PTOcmm I |^W colour prim and colour or tX«* "^H Mmchenncars and paper I temperature 1rom?0*Clo 45' C. STORE SWEEP RESULTS Page 6 WE may have to five US $14b contracts 2
      238 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 55 2 RAWALPINDI. Tues Pakistan and Afghanistan have suspended airline flights between the two neighbouring countries, airline officials said today. They declined to eive any reas^ fo^h^W-Sslon reason ior me suspension. Relations have been tense in recent months over alieRations of hostile activities against Afghanistan by Af- ghan exiles
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 175 2 LONDON, Tues. A I gloomy picture of the future j o[ the world's shipbuilding industry was painted by Mr Robert Huskisson. chairman of L1 °yds re *ister of *> pjng, who said only half the existing shipyards would survive. In an annual report
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 350 2 SAYS USHIBA TOKYO, Tuos. JAPANESE trade negotiator Nobuhiko Ushiba said today that Tokyo may have to give Americans as much as US$6.5 billion (5514.1 billion) worth of govern- ment related procure- ment contracts in order to resolve a major bilateral trade issue.
      Reuter; UPI  -  350 words
    • 77 2 Fire at Wayside Inn: 26 die BODIES of some of the 2S people killed in a Ore at the Wayside Inn in Massachusetts M Monday. Hie bodies were covered with pieces of white cloth as the firemen battled the blase which swept through the home. The firemen from nine communities
      UPI  -  77 words
    • 355 2 CAIRO, Tims. RUMOURS of the possible resignation of Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil intensified here today. This followed his apparent boycott of the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Officially Mr Khalil, who is also acting Foreign Minister, is busy
      Reuter; AFP  -  355 words
    • Sideliners
      • 92 2 BOMBAY: The Bombay Municipal Corporation has taken a policy decision to treat the statues of former British rulers of India with more respect. Several years ago all British statues were removed from the streets and dumped in an untidy pile in a corner of the city
        Reuter  -  92 words
      • 70 2 ROME: Police called to the Rome apartment of an elderly woman, who suffered a fatal seizure, found that she was the unwitting front for a terrorist gang. As police were preparing to take Mrs Militino Giambelardini to hospital, they found in one of the rented rooms
        AFP  -  70 words
      • 48 2 ROME: More than half the doctors in Italy's state-run hospitals refuse to carry out abortions, according to a Health Ministry report on Monday. Abortion was legalised in Italy last June, allowing women over 18 virtually free aboitions within the first three months of pregnancy. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  48 words
    • 209 2 GONBAD KAVUS (Iran), Tuesday IRANIAN armed forces moved unopposed into this town near the Soviet border today after a week of bloody fighting between Turkoman rebels and pro-govern- ment Islamic militiamen. The army and air force troops moved in at 12.30 p.m. following a
      Reuter; UPI  -  209 words
    • 354 2 Carter plans two-part tax on US oil WASHINGTON. Tues. President Carter plans to propose a complex, two-part tax on domestic oil and begin immediate lifting of government control over price of oil produced in the US. administration officials said yesterday. By Sept 30, 1981, the combination of tax and higher
      NYT  -  354 words
    • 142 2 Bid to save dolphins dropped TOKYO, Tues. A group of Americans gave up their attempts to save dolphins from seizure today because none of the friendly sea mammals showed up for help. Mr Russell Frehling of Miami, and several other Americans have been on the southern Japanese island o' Iki
      142 words
    • 234 2 JOHANNESBURG, Tw. A Urge Savtet naval fleet Is rarreatly aa maaaeavrw In the saath Atlantic, Kadi* Angola, maaitarea' b«re, reparted Uday. ileaflleUI radi* af the Marxist gavenmeat af Prwlift Agaattaha Neto 4M Mt give a>tails m U the exact sUe af tfce
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 180 2 You don't ever have to focus this amazing new camera It (ocusses itself! All you do is centre your subject in the big, bright viewfinder as you take aim. Then shoot! Your picture will be in sharp focus. Automatically! Electronically! From here (1 lm/3.6ft) to infinity. And if your main
      180 words

    • 60 3 JACOUELINE Keaaedy (lauss esMsgki atrcUlag aear ber villa at tke La Sanuuu Beaart aa tke Preara aMe *f S« Maartea la tke Carlbkeaa recently. H—eynwarm Keaaetk aa4 Barkara Deaa «f Braaklya Height*. New Y«rfc, aiappri tke pirtare •f Mr* (toaatfe, wk« had repartetUy jail flnsrtrl laack wttk
      AP  -  60 words
    • 183 3 The day Margaret tried to stab herself TORONTO, Tues. Mrs Margaret Trudeau tried to sub herself with a kitchen knife after her husband. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, found out that she had fallen in love with a "highpowered American" five years ago. the Toronto Star newspaper said today. The Star
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 74 3 MANILA. Tues The Philippines' Cardinal Jaime Sin has voiced concern that in the next two decades, there would be "no more Filipino families" as a result of widespread use of the Pill. Speaking at the opening of a "Morality and Decency" week here yesterday. Cardinal Sin
      AFP  -  74 words
    • 55 3 They are not my type. They are boys. Hollywood sex symbol Marilyn Monroe refuting rumours that she was having an affair with former US President John Kennedy or his brother Robert. She was quoted by her maid and confidant Lena Pepitone in her book "Marilyn Monroe Confidential"
      55 words
    • 66 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. The House of Representatives subcommittee on Africa voted unanimously yesterday not to send observers to monitor the Rhodesian elections this month. Members of the sub-rommittee said that if observers were sent their presence would set back US efforts to mediate an end to
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 245 3 LONDON, Tues PRIME Minister James Callaghan, fighting to hang on to power in the May 3 general election, has agreed to two proposed television debates with his Conservative opponent, Mrs Margaret Thatcher. Mrs Thatcher was said to be "considering" the proposal. Mr Callaghan's aides
      UPI  -  245 words
    • 282 3 H-bomb story: Hunt for second copy CANBERRA, Tues. A search was under way in Australia today for a document which gives details of how to make a hydrogen bomb, a government official said. 4 copy of the 40-page document with diagrams was received by a Melbourne newspaper and turned over
      Reuter  -  282 words
    • 39 3 NOVARA (Italy). Tues. Kidnap victim Giovanni Morandotti was (reed near this northern city late last night after days in captivity. Relatives paid 328 million lire (*****.300) for his release, the Italian news agency. Ansa said. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 34 3 HAJUUBBURG, Taes. Civil defence •fflclais la foar comattes yesterday said •ne-talrd, sr m.tti, of tkase living within S2 km of tke erlßpied Three Mile Island naclear plant have left tke area. UPI.
      UPI  -  34 words
    • 94 3 HARRISBURG, Ties. The streets «f the Peaasylvanla capital may appear dark aad deserted after last week's nuclear accident bat that hi nothing new, according to a note posted today la the press room of the state Capitol bulldlag. 'To all out-of-town reporters," it read, "If
      AFP  -  94 words
    • 400 3 HARRISBURG (Pennsylvania), Tuesday FEDERAL nuclear safety officials said that the hazards of cooling the crippled Three Mile Island nuclear reactor were abating but that radiation levels inside the plant were "very high, giving government authorities continued concern for public health. Amid optimism that the ominous
      Reuter; AP; NYT  -  400 words
    • 171 3 Protective doses for N-workers WASHINGTON, Tuesday A WHITE House-sponsored task force is sending Pennsylvania one million doses of a chemical intended to reduce the effects of radiation on human thyroids, a White House official said yesterday. The chemical, pptassium iodide, would be used if persons living and working near the
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    • 87 3 In STUTTGART (West Germany), anti-radiation tablets are to be issued to people living near Stuttgart's big nuclear power station. Announcing this, BadenWuerttemberg Interior Minister Guntran Palm said yesterday that the distribution was actually decided upon last October and was not connected with the reactor accident in Pennsylvania. He said the
      Reuter; AP  -  87 words
    • 180 3 Bl DAPEST, Ties. Imre Kiss was oae of tke best safecrackers la tke baslaess aatil his «toctor sfdered bin to get spectacles. Kiss faced II yean la jail yesterday all becaase be forgot to pot so bis glasses. Kias, M, plaaaed aad esecotod U
      180 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 277 3 TTiaT* 1 X VI PSYCHIC POWER OF ATTRACTION fore** pull you toward inner powers of self which everyone has, another? Why do you at times experience but few understand. Learn to master this uneasiness in the presence of some person phenomenon. The full application of your without any apparent cause?
      277 words
    • 92 3 For a good old-fashioned Our silver wagon otters the Daily Special succulent roast, carefully aged and done to perfection. The Stable's charcoal grill also offers a variety of juicy sirloin steak, prirr enderloin, spicy pork spa: IE mm^WSm^ .V£™f-;jJ I I li^J^B '-*^H "^afc.' I KlßffßSJß^^ If Er-'l 1 I
      92 words

    • 314 4 S.Africa scandal: Inquiry puts blame on Vorster CAPETOWN, Tues A government-appointed commission yesterday cleared all of South Africa's top officials except President John Vorster of misuse of public <funds for a multimillion dollar campaign to tone down international criticism of this country's racial segregation policies. The Erasmus Commission found that
      AP  -  314 words
    • 218 4 Air attacks, shelling close Entebbe Airport NAIROBI, Tues. Uganda's international airport at Entebbe has been closed down by shelling and air attacks and the national airline's foreign crews have been evacuated, airline sources said today. They said all military aircraft have been moved to the Israeli-built airbase at Nakasongola, 110
      Reuter; AP  -  218 words
    • 54 4 AMMAN. Tues. King Hussfin has declined an invitation from President Carter to visit the United States, the Jordanian News Agency reported today. The agency, quoting a report in the Jordanian daily Al-Fajr. taid King Hussein had received three official invitations to discuss the Middle East situation
      AFP  -  54 words
    • 90 4 Two oil tanker cars lying on their sides while another can be seen on top in the aftermath of a train accident in I ttardlt, about IN km north of Bangkok. At least 12 people were killed and 21 seriously injured in the accident on Monday
      AP  -  90 words
    • 333 4  -  TAN LIAN CHOO From AMSTERDAM, Tuesday DESPITE remarkable progress made in the past 10 years, Indonesia still has to tackle the enormous task of poverty, an increasing population, unemployment and dependence on oil revenue, Dutch Minister for Development Cooperation Mr J. de Koning said today. Speaking
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    • 530 4 Prepare for power change: Golkar JAKARTA, Tims A PROMINANT leader of the ruling Golkar functional group has said Indonesia must work towards raising the country's preparedness for a change of power. The Golkar Secretary Sarwono Kusumaatmadja said at a panel discussion here last week that the country may not be
      530 words
    • 154 4 [ALL aspiring Waiter Cronkites take note. A New York television station has devised a tough news announcer's test containing 25 stumpers for applicants for what has become television's most glamorous job: Announcing the news. The stumpers are in italics. If you can overcome 20 of 'hem the
      154 words
    • 181 4 'Salt II just around the corner' WASHINGTON, Tues. The Soviet Union and the United States are on the verge of a final agreement on a strategic arms limitation treaty (Salt) and the last obstacles could be overcome in the next two days, Defence Department officials said. If the forecast proves
      181 words
    • 131 4 HARJONO LIKELY TO BE REPLACED JAKARTA, Tues. Chief of .he Indonesian Pertamina oil company Piet Harjono is likely to be replaced soon, the Jakarta daily Merdeka reported today. The paper quoted official sources as saying that there were four candidates for his successor and they are Mr Wijarso. director of
      AFP  -  131 words
    • 112 4 PEKING, Tues. China announced officially today it would not renew its friendship treaty with the Soviet Union when the pact expires next year. The Xinhua (Hsinhua) news agency said this was decided today at a meeting of the standing committee of parliament "in view
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 37 4 PARIS. Tues. A vanload of fashion show dresses worth about a million francs (*****.500) have been stolen from outside the Paris warehouse ola Norwegian designer, a spokeswon^n lor his fashion house said today Rev-
      37 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 36 4 Full Hydraulic Hoe and __wv Diesel Pile i ?JlHfe. nammer urn m m ft m$ W > 1 'X Embu* > uuuuuV^Hn^na\ aw ff mm f /uuuumllM nVm B ■lam J m^L\ X& P^m Eg ttmmtamWm H"jV*MH|fl huKßilh
      36 words

  • 87 5 SIM.* PORK'S Deaaty Prime Mlaiater, Dr Oak tag Sww (left) aciag greeted by CUaeae VicrI'remler Ga Ma (Ka Ma) al Beljbg (PeUax) Airpart aa Maa4ay. Xiaha* (Hatakaa) aews ageacy repartei that Dr Gak aegaa kit twa-week vkrit U Ckfasa by kaMtag talk* wttk Mr Ga.
    UPI  -  87 words
  • 58 5 I THE Ministry of Culture and the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board will present a series of 1 Chinese opera performances at the Hong Lim Park on April 9. 10. 28 and 29 from 7.30 p.m. to 11 pm. The performances will start off i with a Teochew opera
    58 words
  • 525 5  -  WONG MOH-KEED By ELECTRICITY consumption went up on the first two days of the Save Electricity Campaign which was launched by the Public Utilities Board on Sunday. Consumption went up to 14.77 million units on Sunday, or 3.5 per cent more
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  • 34 5 THE Hindu Public Employees Temple Committee will celebrate the Pangguni Utharam Übayam (a religious festival) at the Sri Mariamman Temple in South Bridge Road, next Tuesday from 10.30 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.
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  • 24 5 A LET'S Get Together show by Radio and Television Singapore will be held at Whampoa community centre on Saturday at 7.30 p.m.
    24 words
  • 236 5 Housewife jumped to death after scolding by hubby A HOUSEWIFE who threatened suicide whenever she quarrelled with her husband jumped to her death one night when he chided her for not cooking his dinner, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Mr Goh Swee Cher, a technician, said his wife, Ng Ah
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  • 169 5 THE Mandarin Hotel will soon instal a $300,000 energy management computer system to cut down its use of electricity. The system works like this: Electricity in a room is activated only when a guest enters it. How is it done? Power will come on only
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  • 37 5 THE Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), Dr Ow Chin Hork. will open the finals of the 1979 Chemistry Speech Contest held by the Singapore National Institute of Chemistry at the Singapore Conference Hall on Friday at 9am
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  • 37 5 1 NATIONAL Museum will feature I Tap Choh Tee in Its latest demonstratiOD-cum-display 1 series. An in Action, at the National Museum Art Gallery on Saturday at 11 a.m. and Sunday j at 3 p.m.
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  • 449 5 SINGAPORE Airlines will inaugurate its passenger service to Honolulu and San Francisco today, the first Southeast Asian national carrier to operate a scheduled passenger service to America. Initially. SIA will operate a fleet of new DC-lOs at a thrice-weekly frequency on Wednesdays,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 189 5 investment fopportunityr 25 minutes from Rerth 5 minutes from the beach SPRINGFIELD COURT VILLA HOMES FROM SA3B9SOATWHITFORDS i KM HOLD riTLE: ackunUgnotFßEEHOLDlaia mean lh<il V'>u <>iam Kith horn*; and l<iml with all the <! t.iyt">ot freehold tnl»- u-t *.'>u enjoy rtwcawfrM life Myk ol tho Troptv vilLi honv without the
      189 words
    • 373 5 IMPORTANT IVI SALES/MARKETING SEMINARS I BY MARKETING IMPROVEMENTS LIMITED MARKETING FOR THE SECRETARY Helping your secretary to help you. Kuala Lumpur 18th April; Singapore 28th April Fees-S/M$ 195 SELLING INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS Essential techniques for all Industrial salesmen Kuala Lumpur 19/20 April; Singapore 24/25 April Fees S/M$ 390 SUCCESSFUL MARKETING PLANNING
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 178 5 LONDON SHAKESPEARE EXHIBITION at the p.m. Features demonstraJiROl P performs at the Shangri-La Hotel from 9 tions by four Hongkong DBS auditorium today and a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, till craftsmen. On till tomorrow tomorrow at 8 p.m. To- April 22. Glass engraving] DISCO DANCING a night's performance fea- demonstration
      178 words

  • 223 6 *****31 wins $400,000 in Singapore Sweep TICKET No *****31 won the first prize of $400,000 in the Singapore Sweep (No 4/79) drawn yesterday. The second prize of $150,000 went to ticket No. *****60. The third prize of $75,000 went to ticket No. *****76. JACKPOT NUMBERS (eaehslMN> *****27 *****35 *****38 *****09
    223 words
  • 50 6 DUE to a typographical error, it was wrongly reported in the Straits Times yesterday that the original award by the Collector of Land Revenue, Urban Renewal Authority, for the acquisition of an Orchard Road property from Courts Ltd was $112,000. The figure ought to be $1,128.000.
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  • 49 6 DR Colin Blakemore from the Cambridge University department of physiology will give a public lecture called Towards An Understanding of Strabismus and Amblyopia (defects of vision without recognisable causes in the eye) at the Faculty of Medicine Building in College Road on Thursday at 5 p.m.
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  • 227 6 Start exports to China, traders urged BUSINESSMEN here should introduce Singapore products and other countries' products to China in view of the vast potential created by the modernisation programmme there. The appeal came from Mr Ng Boon Peng, president of Singapore Chinese Merchandise Import and Export Association. Speaking at the
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  • 364 6 A BUSINESSMAN offered "an unreasonable sum" to a widow after she failed in her civil suit at a lower court to recover $9,660 which the Central Provident Fund Board had paid to him as the nominee of her husband, Mr Chan Hong Ching, in
    364 words
  • 270 6 Why Asean airlines will not hurt Qantas' profits THE rapid growth »< tourist traffic between Australia and Europe generated by Canberra's international civil aviation policy (leap) means that the participation of Asean airlines in the low fares scheme will not hurt Australia's flag-carrier, Qantas. This was stated by the managing
    270 words
  • 75 6 NZ cement mission's visit A 28-STRONG delegation of the New Zealand Portland Cement Association will arrive today for a week-long study tour of Singapore The mission, led by the director o' the association, Mr Michael Brice. will look al the latest developments in design, construction and manufacturing practices here. Membeis
    75 words
  • 67 6 ALL People's Association youth groups in the Regional Youth Council (East) are being invited to take part in the Industrial and Commer ial Bank Challenge Shield tx-bate '79 at the end of the month. The d.-bate is being held by the Ma'Pherson Youth Group and sponsored by
    67 words
  • 64 6 THE acting Permanent Secretary (Home Affairs), Mr Lum Choong W h. »:ll be guest of honour at It* Outstanding Vigilante Award 19H lunch at the Hua Palace, Spirialist Centre, on Sunday at MM. I'orty-one part-time inst ruetori regular staff and national serv-cemen who excelled in various fields
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  • 117 6 THREE thieves got cold feet and abandoned a safe which they had stolen from a timber dealer's house after the owner spotted them just as they were about to load it onto a pick-up van, on Sunday Mr Toh Kirn Hoo, 60, was asleep
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  • 242 6 Bedok to have more buses from Sunday THE third stage af the SBS new bus plan far Bedok will be Introduced en Sanday with an additional bus service and mare buses added to existing services. The aew service, N» 3, is being introduced to supplement services 1 and 2 during
    242 words
  • 54 6 THE assistant general manager of Federal Publishers. Mr Chan dran Nair, has been elected chairman for the year 1979-1980 of the Society of Singapore Writers. The other officials are the vice-chairman, Mr Teh Ah Pooh; secretary. Mr N. T. S. Chopra; assistant secretary, Mr Eddie Got); and treasurer,
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  • 36 6 MR Tan Choh Tee will be teatured in the seventh demonstrat ionium-display in the series Art in Action at the National Museum Art Gallery on Saturday at 11 a.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m
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  • 140 6 THE Omani Minister of Information and Culture, Mr Sayyid Fahad Al Said, yesterday left Singapore after a 10-day visit in which closer cooperation in economic and trade matters were acknowledged by both countries. The Omani minister and his wife, Mrs Betty Al Said, were seen off at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 874 6 SOUTH EAST ASIAN BANKING AND FINANCE CONFERENCE 19TH AND 20TH APRIL 1979 Sponsored by Financial Times and Business Times The Conference will cover major political, economic and commercial questions of interest to the regional and worldwide business communities. The Hon. Mr. S. Rajaratnam, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Singapore will be
      874 words

  • 255 7 Simba noses around bus for drugs NARO) fee. Sine*, ueter tke (iMmw «f kit kudkr, eastern* efflcer Kam Raj Rai, weat briskly abeit his bu.slnrvs ef rherklnx out a bag far drugs at tar Woodlands rbrrkpoint yesterday. Tbe two-year-old Hermaa SJH.fcerd sniffed the ban far M minutes and Impmwed the
    255 words
  • 32 7 THK Singapore Industrial Labour DiganLsation and the Pioneer Industries Employees Union will l«intlY organise a Workers' Song i ompt'tition Silo general secretary Phey Yr» Kofc will announce details on
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  • 582 7  -  T. F. HWANG PRESIDENT'S NOD AWAITED By THE Supreme Court of Singapore is to have, for the first time, Judicial Commissioners in addition to the Chief Justice and other Judges of the court. Provision for the new appointment is contained in the Constitution (Amendment)
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  • 166 7 Bank loans slip by $93m in February TOTAL bank loans in Singapore slipped by $93 million to $12.61 billion in February this year after an uninterrupted streak of monthly rises since last May. The Monetary Authority of Singapore, in its latest monthly statistical bulletin, attributes this drop in loans largely
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  • 25 7 THK Kofi Sek Um communin i i-niii- will organise an excursion tar kindergarten children lo the ZootoKk-al Gardens lomorro* at tiJOa m
    25 words
  • 93 7 POLICE yesterday identified the man wo was stabbed to death in the lobby of the Golden Theatre in Beach Road on Monday night as Mr Tay Kwang San. 22, of Segamat. Police said he had four stab wounds, two on the back and two on the chest.
    93 words
  • 212 7 Council's panel studying Muslim Law Act A SPECIAL sub-committee set up by the Muslim Religious Council (Muis) to study the administration of the Muslim Law Act is now sifting through each section of the legislation to determine where amendments are needed. Muis president Haji Buang bin Haji Siraj, who announced
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  • 83 7 MUIS TO LAUNCH PREACHING CAMPAIGN THE Muslim Religious Council (Muis) will launch a nation-wide evangelism campaign with the help of seven Muslim organisations. The president of Muis, Haji Buang Siraj, said the campaign is to be launched in the near future by the Muis Dakwah (evangelism) committee. Haji Mohamed Ariff
    83 words
  • 71 7 LAU Pang Hock, charged with cheating a businessman of US$2B,OOO (about SK1.000) on April 28. 1977 with the help erf three unknown accomplices, was yesterday acquitted by a district court when the prosecution withdrew the charge. He was alleged to have deceived Mr Irwan Kaftilah into believing
    71 words
  • 37 7 CAN Cheng Hal. 20, was yesterday jailed for a day and fined $150 for stealing a packet o( cigarettes worth $1.40 from a provision shop in Upper Bukit Timah Road on Monday. He pleaded guilty.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 81 7 Earl Nightingale Lead the Field' Seminars featuring audio-visual presentation and group interaction m 12 mind-expanomg sessions They will motivate you to -e lop-paymg iocs eSpot profitable opportunities •Ac; on money-making ideas your own destiny With Action Prompter* Progress Monitors I FREE 1 PREVIEW SESSION Hole) PtKMnu. Somerset Rd Apnl 4
      81 words
    • 616 7 Lovers Cosmetics Centre 2nd Anniversary Sale April 4-11 Only Grab! Grab Offers like never before! Great special discounts on all cosmetics except Shiseido! FREE gift with every purchase of any Kanebo product BB^BBBBBBB 1»£"«MaBBB»»1 »£"«MaBBB»» f. I I PACO MARINA -==ifi R °y al I RABANNE moisture IJI CHARLIE H
      616 words

  • 638 8 A DISTINCTIVE DESIGN FOR EACH THE Housing Board is to build 40 of the 73 "new look" community centres for the People's Association. Each will have its own design to reflect the special character of the constituency it is located in.
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  • 188 8 Youngest police officers to head divisions TWO President's Scholars, Mr Goh Liang Kwang and Mr Chua Chin Kiat, both 26, have become the youngest police officers in Singapore's history to head a division each, in a major reshuffle in the police force. fh Goh has been appointed officer-in-charge of Orchard
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  • 81 8 THE Singapore Tourist Promotion Board has assigned its first two marketing officers to its overseas offices. The officers, Mrs Jacqueline Kwek and Mr Leong Kok have been posted to the San Francisco and New York offices. Mr Leong. 29, will leave for New York tn mid-April
    81 words
  • 472 8 MORE than 40 MPs have been asked by the Prime Minister's Office to indicate their interest in setting up resident committees (RCs) in their constituencies. All have been given guidelines spelling out the aims and requirements of the scheme, which has been implemented in five
    472 words
  • 57 8 SINGAPORE and Uw Philippines have signed M »ir agreement U ratify the Increase operations between the two countries. Under the agreement, Singapore Airlines will increase its nights to the Philippines by three bringing the total number of flight* to 11 a week. I'htllipine Airlines will operate Jt
    57 words
  • 455 8 A JUBILANT Singapore chess team returned on Monday from Hongkong after taking the first place in the Ist Asian Chess Team Championship, delighted at being the first Singapore chess team to win an international event. While it is true that the twelve teams taking
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 52 8 tf/ttttn™ MnsuBISHI E3K>A p—M COMPONENT II «l| SYSTEM a^^. B flu Ihktt^^ This is the cleaner that goes beyond effective cleaning. r£ V* r^. IV* H ,^m\ I tit A* fya*lf& \Sts) 9 Mm. \^T MAMC OSINPCCTANT cIMLLICdI 13. America's largest selling disinfectant- cleaner, v Distributer Macttne, Vfetson (S.E A>
      52 words

  • 273 9 'Role of zoos to conserve wildlife' ZOOS all over the world today have a great responsibility in helping the cause of animal conservation, the director of the National Zoological Gardens of Sri 1-ank.T. Mr l.yn de Alwis (above). 48, said yesterday. Mr de Alwis who is also director of Wilflife
    273 words
  • 219 9 440 more can do two-year pre-U course ABOtT 44* ri|lls> stream st»<nU, wfc* «M Ml qulif> far the t»sye*r preHurivrnity roars? wttk thrtr GCE 'O' level rfMlte, are m» able to TVae papUs •riniin.lly did ■at m«et Ike reqalrrmrnt •f kmvteg dMtarttaM (Al •r At) la Eagtbk irrand laaguge, bat
    219 words
  • 33 9 THE Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs). Mr Chan Chee Seng, will open the My Lite in the Year 2000 exhibition at the National Museum Young People's Gallery day at 5.30 p.m.
    33 words
  • 113 9 THE bodies of a man and a woman found at the foot of different highrise blocks on Monday were identified by police as Mr Loh Kirn Lee, 33, and Miss Goh Siang Moei. 30. Mr Loh lived with his family in Block 86, Whampoa
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  • 73 9 THE Faculty of Engineering. University of Singapore, will celebrate its 10th year of engineering education in Singapore with an "open day" where all its laboratories will be opened to the public on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. People can see the facilities for the training
    73 words
  • 55 9 MISS Beti Wong has been elected president of the Carnegiam Alumni Association at Singapore Lion Chapter executive committee. Other officials are Mr David (Joh and Mr David Chia. vicepresidents: Mrs Josephine Tay. secretary; Mr Patrick Tan, treasurer; Miss Lena Tan, programme chairman; Mr Edmund Goh, progress chairman and
    55 words
  • 33 9 CALLICRAPHER and stone seal artist. Mr See Hiaag Tuo. 72. will give a talk -turn demonstration on Chinese stone seals at the Marine Parade Library auditorium on Saturday at 7 p.m.
    33 words
  • 468 9 A MAGISTRATE yesterday told a Jehovah's Witness, who was found guilty of two charges involving failure to wear his Vigilante Corps uniform, that his presence at the training centre alone was not enough to constitute having served national service if he
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  • 411 9 Lower rate leads to more phone applicants A REDUCTION in the advance payment for telephone installation last October has resulted in an influx of applications received by Telecoms. The number of applications increased from 5,000 a month in the past to about 8,000 applications a month with the new advance
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 690 9 Car Owners! JET-AGE IS HERE. Just pour it in for smoother engine performance •longer engine life lower running costs II you usa Is patrol and ON Jet Age protects metal r^j* Us« Jet-Age and you'll notice thsi The petrol and oil you use in your car How do we rid
      690 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • 378 10 The Straits Times WEDNESDAY. APRIL 4, 1979 A GOOD BALANCE FOR years, the emphasis in our schools was on science, particularly medicine and engineering. Now it appears that the pendulum is swinging the other way, with the government trying to persuade top students to study the humanities. The latest move
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  • 355 10 PRIME MINISTER Kaysone Phomvihane's visit to Thailand the first by a Laotian leader since the 1975 communist takeover in Laos again highlights the successful foreign policy of Thai Premier Gen Kriangsak Chomanan. In the past six months, Thailand has played host to Vietnamese, Soviet and Chinese leaders.
    355 words
  • 622 10  -  RUSSELL BAKER By in New York PEOPLE are always asking me how I get the newspapers read and still find the time left over to catch a little sleep each week. A good question it is, too. Since newspapers began swelling with directions on how
    622 words
  • 1170 10 Is Deng now gunning for Mao's mantle? China may be on the brink of another palace coup, diplomatic analysts believe THE successful Chinese military gamble in Vietnam bore the personal stamp of Senior Vice-Premier Deng Xiaoping. Now with this victory under his belt, he is believed to be turning his
    1,170 words
  • 613 10  - Now it's harder to keep up the pretence ERIC BOURNE By in Vienna LEOPARDS can't change their spots in the communist world any more than elsewhere. But the way in which communists thinkers begin to acknowledge this truism is surprising. Frequently they have a ready answer to explain away their
    613 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 79 10 |Ji^SiHEX3 pofessr "P.E." Series 4i A (Kk «H) Inn*. FMM %|BH Cmrm Cat, mouito to end* the wcro»»om tftf to protect it troir. dMMfC ?0 toot Cibif with Ptuj Sup JJT ran Unisphere* UM.M jM ISIS Umflyneß SIM.M KMO Umdyne Ml S23S.M /^■b KMM UnnlyrwW UK.M f^^B KM Unisplwtl S24OM
      79 words
    • 472 10 HAYEAN ORANGE EXPERIENCE t EVERYMy. I S J J I y f 4 k a m "'I J J k We hand- craft Rosewood Furniture For those who appreciate the finest. Also available Rosewood rectangular conference table with two leaves for ten persons. Singapore's most distinguished Rosewood Furniture establishments Singapore
      472 words

    • 73 11 RDM to "Corner o jjapotf where bn by I.ow Yong Senj X) requesting the ng hours of Service! I4E and 214W to be extend tier 11 pm We i-egret thai we are un le to accede to his reques nur survey shows tha e demand
      73 words
    • 331 11 WE REFER to the complaint on "Early day and late night woes of living next to depot" by "Bus-conditioned" (ST, March 6). We wish to inform "Bus- < onditioned" that the 8 ms t KCR (Upper East Coast Road) sub-depot will be used
      331 words
    • 1193 11 THE Goh Keng Swee education report, the Prime Minister's response and the Straits Times Group Editor's open letter to Members of Parliament before the big debate last week drew a number of very thoughtful letters from readers. Today we publish
      1,193 words
    • 55 11 I REFER to the letter by •Second Class Citizen" (ST, March 24). To enable an appropriate reply to be given, "Second Class Citizen" is kindly requested to write to the Director. Work Permit Division. Anson Road. Singapore, and furnish particulars of his case. WONG KIN
      55 words
    • 41 11 hoi I Ji sbs kindly shirt the bos-«tap opposite the proposed lementi Avenue i bus terminal to a paint In front af Block 124 for the sake of residents living in the innrr part threat*!*? PLEASE, Singaparr i.
      41 words
    • 155 11 We're reviewing applications for HUDC flats YOUR reader "AK" in his letter "How will HUDC keep its promise?" (ST March 19) was right to question HUDCs "three-year wait pledge", if it is interpreted that registrants will definitely be able to take possession of the flat within three years from the
      155 words
    • 159 11 CRITICISMS contribute to the development and pVogress of a nation when they are objective, constructive and backed by sound evidence. It is immaterial if some criticisms levelled at us come from expatriates who are visitors or residents here. Do we not sometimes criticise
      159 words
    • 159 11 WE THANK "Cornered" (ST, February 22) for his letter suggesting that the junction of Serangoon Garden Way and Lorong Chuan be made into a signalised junction. At present, vehicles from Lorong Chuan proceeding to Yio Chu Kang must turn left at Serangoon
      159 words
    • 128 11 WITH reference to the letter entitled "On pets and taxis" from GKM (ST, March 9), there is no. law against the conveyance of pets in taxis. However, taxi drivers may, with reasonable excuse, refuse to let out their taxis for hire. For
      128 words
    • 93 11 I REFER to the article headed "Hasn't the courtesy drive reached this office" by "Disgusted Malaysian" (ST. March 27). The staff of the Work Permit Division are required to be courteous when dealing with members of the public. I must thank the writer for
      93 words
  • 750 11  -  OSAMU MATSUDA By in Tokyo By special arrangement with the lapan Economic Journal THE Japanese government seems to be growing cautious toward establishment of the Stabex scheme for Asean countries. Stabex is a system under which industrialised nations help developing countries stabilise their income
    750 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 47 11 IT "SPECS" BETTER Zero tracking error Zero Skating force Zero stylus overnang IT "SOUNDS" BETTER Han effect DC servo motor Low-mass tonearm Be t-dnve platter isolation *Vdjustabie speed control jmmated strobe IT "PLAYS' BETTER -oft Ddnped cueing Adjustable feet t-m bubble levei xicn control operation led tonearm
      47 words
    • 737 11 It's Selling Out! MM Al-^ll D 2\» Vancouver TJR* IICII r-\ v Jtj7?si ■> I V^^9kl W£r SAN FRANCISCO jjdß Hk Select from the Four different tours. HAWAII AND THE WEST WfF^i Jf HAWAII AND THE GOLDEN WEST 19 DAYS fT" jSu^mJm Mm There are four Wonders of America on
      737 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 37 13 r %^^s B l^CSy M B \^y W^^,- flw^A jB^V B B HfeSl B v'*>jSl HREWECOME A great uuy to /Iy |y^ »lulu and San Francisco. Every Wed,Thu and Sat; plus Sun from May. SINGAPORE AtRUNES MzSJ
      37 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 4157 14 CLASSIFIEDS E fe" X X rwX*Slw? ?**PT** M (IS5> ••"*7-3eT/»««ileir (160) T«WV"»C«m V-W1 IVA;n *sio j w ng irtsr'*— m izzzr*"*" ill. 7 w'^^iu. (,>|) C~~«df«<~i (162) L^rt^G^ i!U! sSinSen* (IH) ZZZ£ZZ» I STEAMBOAT* \fMMlil<4flt\ I W A SPECIAL LOCAL DISHES When we say 'Special' we mean it. E£EM ttrn
      4,157 words
    • 1259 14 II EMPLOYMENT AW/a# VII %*w requires CONFIDENTIAL STENOGRAPHER Qualifications: GCE 'O' ltval with credit in English. Diploma from a secretarial college Agß: 18 years and above. Experience: At least 1 year's experience in stenography work. Please apply in writing stating full particulars, salary expected and contact telephone number together with
      1,259 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 5088 15 W L^m I AV^aX VLbbW VLbbW BbV ■HaS fl JT^am\ I aaaak s "*ice Regular ornce hours ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES CA.T.S. RATES VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL |»«4-44a»| SsXr^SfcT^mw IX obituaries II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant c) Males ATTENTION LADtESI We teach you lo be Independent and beautiful Mee' more friends Easy cosmetic
      5,088 words
    • 588 15 II EMPLOYMENT E/t*K Europe Asia SECurity manufacturing pte ltd has the following vacancies: (A) ONE (MALE) ASSISTANT to our Quality Controller Requirements: 1) GCE 0' level-Technical stream in metal work 2) Not less than 2years' experience In metal working industries 3) 21 years and above 4) Completed NS or exempted
      588 words
    • 347 15 I EXPERIENCED FEMALE CASHIER required i>> leading ■.■minium ary J.IOO p in (all (ver*> Mil. in Muchael Lounge 2nd floor O. hard Shop plllK Centre (Mohan's upstairs' Tel i *****5 FEMALE LABORATORY ASSISTANT. Knowledge of Mathematli an advantaaa Male Otneral Clerk Knowledge of lypinu an advantage I'lease write with
      347 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 542 16 I II EMPLOYMENT —^awHn^"""""''""'""™'"' 3£ Situations Vacant t)*mG*m*ral Lefr^^H I Lafc.M. Singapore Pte Ltd., (Automotive Electronics) Gtnenl Motoa. tiki world s Israeli multinational Corporation requires < FEMALE OPERATORS R squirt, mentt: Smaaport citizens, as* ebev.l6 •Minimum Primary 6 education We welcome young and enter pi 'sing young Singaporeans to EXCEL
      542 words
    • 610 16 GUARDS WANTED URGENTLY required Security Guards for Jurong Industrial Estate Age below SS years Preferably staying In Jurnng area Salary $300 pm plus allowance Apply personally to Chief Security Officer 3rd flear. Hong Leong Building Spore I IN -DOOR SALFSGeftLS WANTED No experience required Interested phone *****74 for appoint BtSULATfON
      610 words
    • 513 16 I EMPLOYMENT An American coma any haa vacancies lor MALE MACHSNE OPERATOR I Frame Cutting) Primary education Between 17-25 years of age Malaysians welcome lo apply c Basic salary $230/- p m transport allowance shift allowance c Adjustment of salary upon confirmation c Bi yearly increment Please call personally to
      513 words
    • 367 16 I bY eaaßW aaa! JbbbV JbbW JHV CORONA MANUFACTURE/IB (PTE)LTD. join us today! asFGItIQIG noduction Operators and earn up to $300 -$80 plus many valuable prizes and enjoy 3 increments in a yeer overtime shift allowance of about $50 a month. 13th month pay free uniforms air-conditional workplace sports recreational
      367 words
    • 440 16 II EMPLOYMENT 9 SANYO INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTD Q.C. INSPECTORS (FEMALE) c GCE O' Level in Science Stream a Relevant Trade Certificate FACTORY WORKERS (FEMALE) c Minimum Primary Six education and 16 years of c Malaysian citizens will be considered Interested applicants pteess eppfy personalty or write to THE PERSONNEL
      440 words
    • 626 16 SINGATRONICS (S) PTE. LTD. Vacancies for FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS We are fast eipendmg and we Welcome you to total ear Cewpsay, if you have completed Primary educetion Weoffere Attractive Incentive payment c No scope work c Pleasant alrcondlUoned factory c Annual leave, marriage leave. maternity leave L compassionate leave a
      626 words
    • 619 16 II EMPLOYMENT MALE CITIZENS. COMPLETED NS are required for post of Machine Operators and General Workers. Interested please call personally during office hours at: HMA. Lorong 3. Oeylang Factory, Sims Avenue. Spore 14 for an interview MALE/FEMALE PUMP Attendants and Car Washer required Interested apply personally at: Caltex Service Station.
      619 words
    • 496 16 TTtjjtJJl ITT SINGAPORE PTE LTD (Consumer electronic products) A t##O#f Ml COOeMMVMf deWtfOCMC technology te actively recruMing FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS who are Interested to be trained and to develop a career In T.V. Assembling techniques with an employer who cares. We welcome you to see us personally for an Interview
      496 words
    • 538 16 II EMPLOYMENT REQUIRED ASSISTANT OFFSET Printers and Bookbinders with al least 3 years experience Attractive salary and other benefits Apply personally or phone: Huntsmen Offset Printing Pte Ltd. 12 San Yoong Road. Spore 22 SSODOO REOUIREO CHINESE OFFICE Boy by an Insurance Company For an Interview please call personally Wing
      538 words
    • 429 16 I SECURITY GUARDS REOUMCO for Jurong area Oood salary and allowances Apply personally to Guard room. 26 Jalan Tukang. S'pore 22 Ham -6pm SNEARES INVEST a SECURITY SER /ICES MIA Serengoon Road Spore* requires (1) Male Security Officers (2) F.imete Carpark Attendants Security Ouerde (Male /female) c 3j m llpm
      429 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1228 17 II EMPLOYMENT 111 VEHICLES ft BOATS VEMCLES A BOATS 111 VEHICLES A BOATS I IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES Wantad lor immadtals ii-ploinnm 31 Situations Vacant "I*"-*"** 11 m TS^S rimpin) in 7 1/2 m.s Bvkn Tt— iah t\ TILEPMONE RBCEPTIOI_«T/ t) uwmwrmi typist I Ability lo operate a2 x 6
      1,228 words
    • 813 17 SUNRISE Brand few. latsst Mooal Air CandmonadCan •MtrcBdesß«ru2oo ■CottSigmi 2000 O.X •UncwCateste 1400 Coup* •Coft Lsacar 1200 4 S/ Wagon •Mitsubishi Cott 1200 NO MLEAGE CHARGE *****6/***** KJ7 BUKfT TIMAH ROAD (2KM) SBMGAPORE9 TRISTAR TRAVEL SERVICES Pte Ltd offers aircond cars at competitive rates. Call: *****20' *****58 MM ONLY RENT
      813 words
    • 864 17 FIAT 129 1871 1100 c c 4-door Saloon. Sound engine, neat appearance. 86.300 0.n.0 View- 165. Chuan Hlang Motors). FOR EXPORT VOLKSWAGEN 1300. Flat 128 4-door Both cars In good condition Tel *****78. FOR PARF TRWMPII Sports. 2998 cc Te1: *****18 FOR THE CEYLONESEI We ship your car promptly and
      864 words
    • 966 17 HP CREDIT OFFERS Hire purchase on easy terms HlKh tradein values for your used cars Call *****5. Oroundfloor Great Eastern Hotel. MacPherson Road LATt 1874 MONO* Civic 1200 1 owner, aircond.. original paint tax new $11,850 ono *****63/' *****46 SPORTS RIMS: Old Sports rims exchange for new sport, rims We
      966 words
    • 957 17 1872 TOVOTA 1888 c c Coupe, alrcond.. radio. Up top condition $8,900 on o. *****3. 1872 TOVOTA CARMA 1600 cc 2 owntrs. excellent condition. PARF eligible. $8,350 ono *****556 ***** night) 1872 TOVOTA CROWN Super. Automatic. 2-owners Eligible for PARF Immaculate In all respect *****6 1871 VOLVO 144S Done 52.700
      957 words
    • 1233 17 1877 HONOA 388 van Oood condl- lion $5.000 0n0 Call *****91 want_d 1877 JUNE BMW 525 Automatic. TOVOTA CELICA sports rims. 205 Mlchelin lyres. I owner, showroom condition FIAT 124 Highest offer View No 8. Sing between the years of !972 and Joo-Walk. off Rangoon Road. 1978 with one or
      1,233 words
    • 1427 17 ThesoStorey INTERN ATIOHAL PLAZA FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE From 93m2 at $14 OUp.s.m SHOP SPACE From 24.2m2 from $1b 30- s.m 35TH FLOOR About 487m2 Ideal for Restaurant APARTMENTS AND PENTHOUSE Fully furnishad with wall to wall carpeting Central air conditioning Rental from $840.00 par month ENQUIRIES Please call *****00(3
      1,427 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 6395 18 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES V SERVICES BUSINESS 51 Accommodation Vacant b) Flats atfb rajah (MM Seng Oarden I beautiful apartment New furni- imming pool. SI 500 including maintenance «MNNMLL OAROEN. NEW executive apartment, beautifully furnished 2 bedrooms, air-con, colour T
      6,395 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 806 19 V SERVICES BUSINESS VI EDUCATION A TRAINING VI EDUCATION TRAINING I VII TRAVEL 4 RESTAURANTS VII TRAVEL* RESTAURANTS SALON DC LA GRANDE tor Massacr sauna Bath Ladles and •7 WZ^iSfI&fSRKMassag. 372U6 aaaaa«B*B«JB*B*B*BBaB*B*BBiK SPECIALIST HEALTH SALON 2nd floor next lo Robinson's 229/ 230 AFTER A HANO day's work, kindly Specialist
      806 words
    • 740 19 APWL BOOKKEEPMM BEOMMERS' Course commencing 10 478 Tuesday/Thursday 730 pm 8 pm by Mr Tavasee Enquiries Peace Centre Commercial School. 226. 2nd floor. Peace Centre. Selegle Road. (*****0) ART FOR nOS for children aged 5 to 10 years commencing 22 478 includes free excursion, water colour painting, etc For details,
      740 words
    • 538 19 GIRLS! JOB* are becoming harder to gel you need better queMcaOons The London Cnamber ol Commerce and Industry Pnval* Secretary's CerWVaai a rtognned tnterra*orMOy at one of tw r»g»»et quaXcaaons obtainable Trm anamneoon X *w onty Private Secref iai ExaiUnaauii mperved by tw Mtrnary of Education Enrol now at the
      538 words
    • 1441 19 ON JOS TWA—NO as Telephone ~__T Operator. Typist. Telex Operator. "J^B— Computer Operator. No expert- •^Wr»» s «^aaß ence required Job guaranteed JJLJL laaal AppllcaUon booklet $1 00 Room f* L3=9bbbbT 808. Far East Shopping Centre. 7.^T7^"W Orchard Road. opposite Lido C^CI €/tC€ School ol Electron-; Training PEOPLE-SPARK a RADIO
      1,441 words
    • 1012 19 Non Stop Direct Flights Only 80 MKiiufmTo South THAILAND HAADYAI/SONGKHLA JaMPV Dap Ev«fYTrßirrSuni«3opm -T^WT«jTHAADYAI SONGKHLA Tour '%Jni^E 4/5 day* by Air $299 Dap. Thu $329 Sun jE^UML* 4 Day* ona way* by air ona way coacit Or $199 Dap Mon. Wad. Thu. Sun. BANQKOK/CHIANQMAI/PATTAYA/HAAOVAI. 5 day* by air SMS Dap
      1,012 words
      330 words
    • 704 19 NAM HO TRAVEL Henrfc I pom Pie STPB Lie No 140 West Maluyxlu Tour (Inclusive Oenllng/Cumeron Hiiih lands) by deluxe aireondlfloned roach seven days SSIM/-. 11l days SSI79/-. departure every Sunday. Monday. Tuesday Uentlng/ Cameron Highlands four days SSI4O/-. denting Highlands four days S*ISO/- by deluxe alrcondltloned eaach departure
      704 words

    • 72 20 Departed on April, 4th, 1976 Oone from among us. how we miss her. Not till life ends shall we ever forget her. Loving her dearly, her memory we'll keep, S.icred lo us is the place where she sleeps, Sweet are the memories that never fade.
      72 words
    • 136 20 THE FAMILY OF thr lair Mr Maithaw Kong, express our apprerialtun Uj ihr rldrrs and members in Belheida Church (Bras HraaMi Road i. The Manager and Ufl '•■|x>t If'SAl aMatutr 01 Straits Shipping Ptr LfctOrran Building), staff of niKapore. friends a#JPrU'i-' tor Uinr assistanre during our be■•Mtemrnt. also
      136 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      272 20 kM MARY WOLF nrr Pham Thl M nh passed away peacefully on Cortege leaves Spore Caskft at 9am on 5-4-79 for Our Lady Uf Perpetual Succour i (lurch. Slglap Hill, thence to Ml Vernon PEANt WOMG NIE CHK> passed away peacefully Cortege leaving Singapore Casket for Mount Wrnon
      272 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      53 20 INMEMORIAM In loving Memory of late LIONEL FABIAN CHAN KIN HENG, age 27. passed away 4-4-72. Accident on 2-4-72 at Singapore Grand Prix 1972. "The Roaring Engines of Kasler Orand Prix, Brings back Memories of you. A Great Competitor. Dearly missed. But always Remembe red Ins.rtad by
      53 words
    • 84 20 IN EVER LOVING MEMORY OF DEPARTED 4.4 75 Sweet are the memories, silently kept. Of one we loved dearly and never forget D**pl« miu*d by all tier loved onm. DapartM) 16 3 71 D..r..l Mum. You Mt without word, without bya. Wa mill You d«»rly and always will Rtnwmb« ad
      84 words
    • 61 20 Departed 4-4-71 Sadly muHd by Husband. Daugti- Son*. Grandchildren. n«tali»— In -La«r« and Frwnda. In Ltmog M«mofT Of LIONEL F ASIAN CHAN KIN HCNG Departed 4 4 72 Sadly mivvo by mother. MSUT.N brothers-in-law nrphrws and nlrces MCLVVN DOUGLAS REODV Dird (ialUnlly Police Duties U«4 i-
      61 words
    • 208 20 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Petrol kiosk operators in Selangor and the Federal Territory are considering cutting their services by three hours daily to reduce operating expenses. A spokesman of the Selangor Association of Petroleum Dealers said yesterday they are considering opening for
      208 words
    • 233 20 'Don't depend too much on non-bumi traders' KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday BUMIPUTRA businessmen have been told not to depend too much on assistance from their nonbumiputra counterparts in running business ventures, the Star newspaper reported yesterday. According to the paper, Deputy Minister of Energy, Telecommunications and Post, Datuk Najib bin Tun
      233 words
    • 138 20 Dry spell Factories resort to pond water TAIPING, Tues. A few factories at the Kamunting Industrial Estate here are turning to ponds for their water supply, the Star newspaper reported yesterday. The paper said these factories buy pond water from enterprising people. At least one factory was said to have
      138 words
    • 60 20 PENANG, Tues. Police seized an assortment of gangland weapons the biggest this year when a police party raided a house in west Jelutong here yesterday. CID chief Asst Commissioner Haji Omar bin Mohamed said a 20-year-old youth led the party, headed by ASP Sat Pal Jian, to recover
      NST  -  60 words
    • 29 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Armed robbers got away with about $50,000 in cash and jewellery in two hold-ups within 24 hours here on Sunday, police said yesterday. NST.
      NST  -  29 words
    • 62 20 JOHORE BARU, Tues. Drug addicts will do anything to get their stuff and this they proved on Sunday. Thieves, believed to be drug addicts, broke into the Anti-Narcotics Bureau in Jalan Mohamoodiah here and took three grams of opium. They also took a typewriter valued at
      NST  -  62 words
    • 234 20 'Bolivia may pull out of ITC' threat KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Bolivian Mining and Metallurgy Minister BrigadierGeneral Jorge Eschazu said here today that his country might pull out of the International Tin Council (ITC) if it could not get a higher price range for the metal from the ITC. Gen Eschazu
      Reuter  -  234 words
    • 70 20 LONDON, Tues The House of lxjrds yesterday withheld judgment on an appeal by Camden and Islington area health authority against record damages of 1:225,000 (SJ1 million) to Malaysian psychiatrist Dr Lim Poh Choo for injury to her brain in an operation here in 1973. Dr Lim, from Penang,
      NST  -  70 words
    • 46 20 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A Malaysia-Thailand livestock subcommittee has recommended that the two countries intensify vaccination of domestic animals along their common border to prevent fool and mouth disease, which almost wiped out the livestock in Malaysia's northern border states a few months ago. ■Mar.
      46 words
    • 223 20 Mahathir on how to achieve national unity X LUMPUR, Tues NATIONAL unity depends on the readiness of the majority of Malaysians to accept the fact that they cannot have all the things they want, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad said yesterday. Once there is this acceptance, antagonism among the races
      NST  -  223 words
    • 231 20 We still support peace zone: Envoy KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Soviet Union's stand on the establishment of a peace zone in South-east Asia remains unchanged and does not depend on any timeserving considerations, its ambassador here, Dr B. T. Koulik, said yesterday. In a message to mark the 12th anniversary
      231 words
    • 67 20 JAKARTA. Tues. Malaysia ha given 10 million rupiahs (abot $36,000) lo Indonesia for the vi< lims of the volcanic eruption i Dieng plateau in Java and th flood victims at l.uaniuk. Flores A cheque for the amount was handed over yesterday by the Malaysian Ambassador. Tan Sri
      67 words
    • 137 20 Xl ALA Ll'MPl'K, Tun.. Ms IM Ke* Hey*k, 23, was a sight far sare eyes as the sat, pretty as a ptctare, her beautiful eyes hlddrp behind dark gUinet, deftly weaving a ratUn basket. No aae w««ld have saspect«d that the Telak Ansaa laas became
      NST  -  137 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 898 20 "AV£ PLPaq aa::::::a::::^ ::::aB:^^ KENYATAAN TAWARAN KEMENTERIAN KE8IHATAN MALAYSIA .Tawarantawaran adalah dipclawa dan penender-pen-ender yang berdaftar dengan Kementerian ini bagi membekalkan alatalat dan barangbarang saperti yang terkandong dibawah inl kepada Jabntan Jabatan Perubatan. Kementerian Keslhatan Malaysia: CATGUTS AND SUTURES (JADUAL H/7». Keteranganketerangan dan jadual jadual tawaran yang lengkcp boleh dldapati
      898 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 217 20 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS (1. 3. 1. 4. 2. 6). a Maybe Lewis returned a 1 Sum to put on a hone conaerratlve. which la (C). futile (I) bouae. Incomplete, with reduced beer (6). old silk tacking (4-4). guidon, from the races 1 Chan*. P-**^ of U X^.iuT(l(Jr 10 Simian
      217 words

    • 544 21  -  FAIRWAY By Plans to contest big English races STAR PRINCE, unbeaten in six races on the Singapore-Malaysia cirruit last year, ran a courageous second in his United States debut last month. In a U5545,000 ($97,650) handicap race at Santa Anita on March
      544 words
    • 290 21 LIVERPOOL, Tues. British champion jockey Jonjo O'Neill yesterday defended the Grand National, the race in which his favourite horse, Alverton, died on Saturday. Alverton, 13 to 2 favourite for the race, was killed when his neck was broken in a fall. Another horse, Kintai,
      AP  -  290 words
    • 43 21 THE National Aerobic Fitness Award test will be held this Saturday at the National Stadium Registration forms, available at all booking offices and swimming pools ot the Singapore Sports Council, must be completed and returned to the SSC before the test.
      43 words
    • 650 21  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By FOR the first time, Singapore will go to the East Asia squash championships in Bangkok next week with a team composed entirely of Singaporeans. They were selected under ihe fairest of systems round robin trial matches that spanned a full six weeks
      650 words
    • 458 21 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Through a Sports Ministry proposal, officials of various Malaysian teams to international games may now also have to pass a selection test just like the competitors' they will lead. The proposal to the Olympic Council of Malaysia is that appointments should
      458 words
    • 326 21 PORT OF SPAIN. Tues. Gordon Greenidge led Kerry Packer's West Indians to their fifth successive World Series Cricket one-day win over the Australians in a rain-hit match here yesterday Creenidge hit 73 off just 55 balls including five sixes as the West Indians cantered to a
      Reuter  -  326 words
    • 289 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. There was a general acceptance by sports associations of the Sports Ministry's proposals to the Olympic Council of Malaysia regarding the early appointments of officials and selection of their teams for the Jakarta South-east Asian Games in September. Malaysian Amateur Athletics
      289 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 677 21 UNIVERSITI PERTANIAN MALAYSIA (JAWATAN KOSONG) Pemohon dari Warganegara Malaysia dipelawa untuk memenuhi jawatan Tetap dan Berpencen dl Universiti Pertaman Malaysia. 1 PEGAWAI T ADBIR PERPUST AKAN: KELAYAKAN: I) Ijazah Kepujian/ Am da/i Universiti yang dllktlraf oleh Kerajaan aerta Diploma dalam Sains Perpustakaan atau mempunyai ALA (Associate of Library Association atau
      677 words
    • 628 21 PETROLIAM NASIONAL BERHAD PETRONAS Permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada Warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk memenuhi kekosongan bagi jawatan -jawatan: PEGAWAI UNDANG-UNDANG Pemohon-pemohon hendaklah mempunyai Ijazah Undang Undang dari Universiti 'lnstitusi yang diiktiraf serta mempunyai pengalaman di dalam bidang pengurusan kontrek, perjanjian, hal-hal pensyarikatan dan pengetahuan yang luas dari segi undang-undang perdagangan.
      628 words

    • 149 22 MOENCHENGLADBACH (West Germany), Tues. Danish soccer star Allan Simonsen had talks with Barcelona, o( Spain, yesterday on joining them from West Germany's Borussia Moenchengladbach at the end of the season. Simonsen, 26, the 1977 European Footbailer of the Year, said that he would make a final decision
      Reuter  -  149 words
    • 399 22 PARIS, Tues. France playing Czechoslovakia in a vital European Nations football Champions Group match in Bratislava tomorrow, have recalled a defender, who last played for his country three years ago. France, hit by injuries to first choice right-backs Gerard Janvton and Patrick Battiston, have brought back
      AFP  -  399 words
    • 362 22 MELBOURNE, Tue*. AUSTRALIAN selectors will have to wait anxiously until next week before they know definitely if Evonne Cawley will be available for the Federation Cup in Madrid starting on April 30. The future of the former Wimbledon champion is still clouded by a nagging
      Agencies  -  362 words
    • 58 22 WASHINGTON, Tues. Bill Rodgers, of the United States, won the famous "cherry blossom" marathon here yesterday in a new record time of 48 mm for 16 kilometres course through the streets of America's capital city. Second place want to John Flora, also of the US. in 48.15. with
      AFP  -  58 words
    • 417 22 BRIEFS SEOUL. Tues. South Korea yesterday rejected a renewed North Korean offer to form a unified Korean team to take part in the coming world table tennis < hampior-ships in Pyongyang, describing i' as an attempt to bar South Korean participation. The South Korean
      Agencies  -  417 words
    • 141 22 MANCHESTER, Ties. Brian Greeah- •ft, «f Manchester Halted, »t» scered Ma Me'i hmM geal 1m Saturday's F««tball AwietoWn Cap seml-Oittl wltk Uvrrp^l, m»y mta tom*rr*w's replmy »t G»»ito»« Park. Greeakaff aggravated a nlf ■alt Injnrj which kept him »ot Uk sldr f.r three weeks. Said GreeadMfl: "It's
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 43 22 MELBOURNE. Tues. Sporting Cristal, of Peru, are likely to tour Australia next month. Sporting Cristal, are the Peruvian soccer champions. They almost certainly will play in Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne. Sporting Cristal have several international stars in their team. AFP.
      AFP  -  43 words
    • 34 22 JEW YORK. Tun Defending hampions New York Cosmos inally opened their 1979 season rith a 2-1 away triumph over San )iego Sockers. Star-studded Cosmos are faoured to repeat last year's Ictory. Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 104 22 BIRMINGHAM, Tues. A soccer fan was yesterday jailed for six months for attacking a rival supporter. Wolverhampton Wanderers fan Christopher Rist, 23, had admitted threatening behavior at Saturday's Football Association Cup semi-final match between Arsenal and his team at Villa Park. An Arsenal fan, Kevin Lamer, 27,
      AP  -  104 words
    • 334 22 LONDON, Tues, Taiwan yesterday won a court battle to reverse their expulsion from the International Amateur Athletic Federation, the sports' governing body. A British hi^h court judge said the lAAF's decision last October to remove Taiwan was invalid. "Both Chinas can be and are members of
      Reuter  -  334 words
    • 79 22 venue?-] LONDON, Tnea. Londen may apply to heat the I*BB Olympics, the Guard la* newspaper reported yesterday. He lecaJ authority have already approved KSijm plan to Investigate the possibility of turning the East End dockland Into an Olympic complex. And the newspaper reported International OlymBe Committee prealdent Lord
      AFP  -  79 words
    • 133 22 NDOLA (Zambia), Tues. British Ryder Cup star Brian Barnes, four times runner-up in the Zambian Open golf championship, won this year's event and the 7,000 kwacha (US$B,4OO) I first-prize with a par-73 in the final round here, Sandy Lyle, of Britain, I came back after
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 335 22 BANGKOK, Tues. Australia yesterday captured their first and only final berth and probable gold medal in the fifth King's Cup boxing tournament as middleweight Philip McElwaine battered Russian champion A. Moiseev into bloody submission at the National Stadium here. McElwaine, exhibiting a fine balance of
      Reuter  -  335 words
    • 284 22 IOC officials want politics out to sort China issue MONTEVIDEO, Tues. i Officials say they look to good sportsmanship rather than political debate as the way to get athletes from mainland China competing alongside those of Taiwan in the Olympic Games. "We have to get away from politics entirely and
      AP  -  284 words
    • 190 22 NICE. Tues. An all-white rugby union team from the South African province of Transvaal leave here tomorrow for Dax, South-west France, where they will play the first of four tour matches. This will be the first time in five years that a South African rugby
      AFP  -  190 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1054 22 THE GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA CONSTRUCTION OF BINTULU DEEPWATER PORT CONTRACT NO. 4 BREAKWATERS AND WHARVES International Contract) NOTICE OF PREQU ALIFICAT1ON OF TENDERERS The Government of Malaysia hereby invites suitably qualified and experienced contractors for prequalification for Contract No. 4 Breakwaters and Wharves, which forms part of the several contracts
      1,054 words
    • 2 22 Mn^ i^f
      2 words

    • 298 23  - Malaysia's warning to soccer fans P'NG HONG KWANG By SOCCER FANS BE WARNED! A whistle carried into a football stadium in Malaysia will be regarded as an "offensive weapon" and those brandishing this instrument, except the referee, can be detained by the Police. Classifying the whistle among forbidden objects for
      298 words
    • 18 23 PORT AUTHORITY RECRE* TION CLUB beat United World College 1-0 in a, friendly soo*match atßukit Chcrmin
      18 words
    • 25 23 CRESCENT United have deciojjffl to extend the closing dale of thai L'nder-16 soccer tournament entries until April 14 from UKoriginal April 2 date.
      25 words
    • 38 23 KAMPONG ÜBI beat Bukj! Merah 2-1 in an inter-constitupo-cy sepak takraw match at Marine Crescent last night. In other inter-constituency ties. Bukit Timah defeated Bedok. and Telok Blangah be%t Marine Parade, both also with £l scores.
      38 words
    • 786 23 CONCLUDING OUR SERIES ON SPORTING FAMILIES No. 7 WILFRED YEO SPOTLIGHTS SEVEN FAMILY PAIRS ALL thugs mast end, and, Uke the Wonders of the World, Tlaaesaerts' family series steps at erven. Seven also hnpptns to be the number of pairs we the series
      786 words
    • 256 23 CONTROVERSIAL Tampines Rovers were like night in their 3-0 win over Ponggol Consti Football League Division One match at the a bunch of angels last tuency in a National Jalan Besar Stadium,! reports JOE DOBAI. Tampines, two of whose I players players face discipll-
      256 words
    • 101 23 Swiss, New Town enter last eight SWISS Cottage ousted Tun Mong' 4-1, while New Town beat Siglap Secondary by the same score in their final matches in the National Boys Secondary schools badminton tournament, at New Town secondary school yesterday, to enter the quarterfinals In the playoff for third placing
      101 words
    • 42 23 ANGLO Chinese Junior College proved too strong for Temasek Junior College when they beat them 4-0 in the Post Secondary School national hockey tournament for boy:> on the Padang yesterday. In another match. Bartley Secondary beat Swiss Cottage 2-0
      42 words
    • 336 23  - Sydney may bid for 1988 Games ERNEST FRIDA By WALTER TROEGER, the West German Olympic Council secretary-general, yesterday said that Sydney may bid for the 1988 Olympic Games. Troeger, who stopped over in Singapore on his way to Sydney, said: "I've accepted an invitation from the Australian Olympic Council to
      336 words
    • 59 23 MELANIE MARTENS scored a I brilliant hat-trick to enable I Theresians to beat Girls Sports Club 3-1 in the Singapore Women Hockey Association's double knockout competition at the Padang yesterday. CSC took the lead mid-way in the first half through Pauline, but Melanie equalised just before half-time and
      59 words
    • 334 23  -  JOE DORAI By A WEST GERMAN Grade A coach is to begin a two-year attachment next March with the Football Association of Singapore. This was agreed in the Republic yesterday between the National Olympic Councils of Singapore and West Germany. Walter Troeger,
      334 words
    • 484 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Ties. Singapore will have play a midweek match their home game against Perils on April 11, a Thursday, in the Malaysia Cap soccer competition. This was decided by the Football Association of Malaysia's competitions committee when they met today to re-arrange the fixtures,
      484 words
    • 260 23  -  PETER SIOW By THE Singapore National Olympic Council yesterday released the names of the players for the world table tennis championships in Pyongyang. North Korea, from April 25-May 6. They are Soon Mm Sin, j Lee Yong Kong, Foo Liang; Fatt, Png Kirn Siang,
      260 words
    • 62 23 ST ANDREW'S JUNIOR COLLEGE beat Anglo-Chinese Junior College by three games lo two in the national post secondary tennis championship (or girls at Far rer Park yesterday Raffles Institution thrashed Nation Junior College 4-1 In the lower secondary matches. Swiss Cottage beat St Theresa 3-0. Raffles Girls
      62 words
    • 528 23 THE acid comments made in Saturday's Straits Times, on the game played between SAFSA and Tampines Raven, by a man of the calibre of first class referee Jayaram. were surelv unexpect ed I would have thought, referees had a code of ethics whereby they had to refrain from making
      528 words
    • 134 23  - LEONG A 'FIND' IN DIVING ALBERT JOHNSON By LEONG Sit Feng, ef Anglican High School, described as a "new find", gave an impressive performance at the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association's springboard divine competition at the Toa Payoh pool. Leong, who took up diving II months ago, showed maturity and consistency
      134 words
    • 188 23 POON KAH LEONG, who missed the junior Olympic meet in Tokyo because of his age, found consolation when he chalked up his second record-breaking performance in the Singapore j Amateur Swimming Associ- ation's age-group meet at the Toa Payoh pool yesterday. Poon. considered as one of the
      188 words
    • 46 23 Today's events BADMINTON National schools' secondary girls' final. DIVING Singapore Amateur Swimming Association meet (Toa Payoh. 5.301 Rl'liBY National post secondary 15-a-side: ACJC RI. SAJC v NJC (Dover Rd. 3.30 and 5). SOCCEK National schools' tournament OSS v RI, STI v TJC (RI. 4 and 5.20).
      46 words

  • 336 24 POLICE yesterday said they will keep a look-out for about 25,000 unrecovered safety helmets bearing forged Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (Sisir) labels. A police spokesman said these would be selied when found. The head of the Commercial Crime Division (CCO).
    336 words
  • 25 24 CANBERRA. Tues Violent storms uprooted trees, damaged over 100 buildings and caused widespread power failures throughout Canberra today, police emergency workers said. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 212 24 THE Indonesian Foreign Minister, Dr Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, who flew In yesterday, has said that a refugee processing centre on the Indonesian island of Rempang will be a reality In a few months. Here on a one-day stopover at the Invitation of the Prime
    212 words
  • 83 24 BANGKOK. Turn Vl«itln« Lao Premier Kaysone Phomvinhane left this morning for the seaside district of Cha-Um, about 380 km couth of Bangkok, to observe a model co-operative under Thai King Bhumlbol Adulyadefs patronage. The Lao Prune Minister. who U on the third day of his
    AFP  -  83 words
  • 52 24 OLASOOW, Tues—A British television cameraman said today s he believed he had taken a 15-mlnute film of the Loch Ness monster. "It had a round head rather like that of a seal." said Peter Leddy. who was driving a car alongside the Scottish Loch yesterday when
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 340 24 KL probe into refugee ship sinking at Mersing MERSINO Tues. —Ma laysian authorities said today they were making a thorough investigation into the sinking of a Vietnamese refugee boat off the coast near here last weekend, with the loss of 104 lives. The office of the United Nations High Commissioner
    Reuter  -  340 words
  • 49 24 LISBON. Tues. Portugal's official Journal today published a government order formally setting up an embassy and consulate In Beijing (Peking) following the establishment of diplomatic relations between the .two countries on Peb 8 China and Portugal agreed at the time to exchange ambassadors within three months. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 158 24 LONDON. Tuea. Sir Alfred Broughton, 76, the Labour Party MP whose absence from the House of Commons "no confidence" debate on March 28 brought down the Callaghan Government with a one-vote defeat died yesterday. Sir Alfred, had been suffering from bronchitis and recently
    UPI  -  158 words
  • 376 24 Secrets seizure as hope dims for Bhutto ISLAMABAD, Tuesday nent said today it had raids on three homes former Prime Minister, as a decision on his THE Pakistan Governn seized state secrets in owned by condemned f Zulflkar All Bhutto, fate seemed imminent The dramatic announcement was made after Mr
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  376 words
  • 37 24 WASHINGTON. Tues. In a major foreign policy speech. Senator Edward Kennedy yesterday urged the United States to Improve relations with the Soviet Union and China by extending normal trading terms to both communist nations. UPI.
    UPI  -  37 words
  • 37 24 NEW YORK. Tues The stock market pushed higher early today In fairly active trading. The Dow Jolnes Industrial average, which lost 6.83 points yesterday. was ahead 2.34 points to BS7.SS around 11 a m UPI
    UPI  -  37 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 425 24 Rent SHARP I latest model 2OC-2083E (51cm) I jj& If] for only monthly I available only from mtr RENTACOLOR J^pMMl^U. KKKh f year Tv I-"**** r^X S9SSiflpV Same da> installaUon ySSSffI UptJon lo hu> after EKmBl I^^ l^" 1 month E^^|^» No deposit! *JW»^ Call 252^0111 3i 7/319 Outram Park
      425 words
    • 289 24 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price SOt Annuo) Sub enphon SISS. For subscription, call 370(11 1 Ext 231 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. SINCE the Iranian revolution there has been talk of a shortage of oil This has been translated into higher oil prices However, this shortage may be more apparent than
      289 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION TWO
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION TWO
      5 words
    • Bilingual page
      • 459 1 Proverbial anecdotes •PIAN SHOU ZHI ZU' (literally meaning callosities on the hands and feet) is a phrase used generally to describe hardship of toil and labour which roughened one's hands and feet. The expression wa;; first used in
        459 words
      • 23 1 Earnest people are often people who habitually look OH the serious side of things that have no serious side. Van Wyck Brooks
        23 words
      • 26 1 piAn shou zhi zu==== 44m" £!!SISW *S "NT ££8* '2^rfD«tf«Ptt£ll* f-IiIWIR *(^i»7T« fJ*Hi;-ftt7*ilßi WfrftStJ* 'ffilftUW mmm *tf}.££ttUlJs A^S^^ f[5]ilJtl:?E° Srfgifc "&B3:* B|]^J^8i 8X^€ XA »^B*^Xf^ ai
        26 words
      • 30 1 Ren zhang qian nian zhong stil si shii zhang qian nian pT chAi shao. Man has to die despite longevity, and age-old trees are bat firewood one day.
        30 words
      • 5 1 rsii &ei$!fcijii SflbASft-^ir-tJ urn f&
        5 words
      • 60 1 Chinese without tears L+J CHU mi chu qu go out chushen family bockground KR chub&n publish chuchon produce chumoi betray fflP chukou export chu jing leave a country M chuxion appear; emerge churento'ud) stond above others chusriengrusT= go through thick and thin chuhuyiltoo unexpected For example, you may say, Ta
        60 words
      • 156 1 Historical profiles Concentration in study WU TINGDONG of the Qing Dynasty was a very naughty boy when he whs young. He did not like study at all. When he was six his father died, so he became naughtier than ever before. One evening, his mother was sewing and, at the
        156 words
      • 5 1 Itimnxz
        5 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 146 1 aaaaaW ,J ■aaaaaaW l^^. V 0p6C13l J^^^ *****8 VACUUM t FLOOR 140 00 V J no 2002 I no. 1046 IBJ MRS 1 NIK SPIII DISH/GLASS S\ sio«. DRA NER n $5.30 I $5.70 $13.90 1 $10 50 "4B R^i L F Sl= SS /—77/ 77 SWatl bracket. BATHRUUH r\,
        146 words
      • 231 1 4// 26-storey Luxurious Apartment at if /mj^ i^v^^i^il^^V^f If within Central Business District. x^O^l^^^if^^^^^^gj^ -t I fl 1 I i W#fCOrfl» ID VIVW I dX Hll bbm wlnM^ I N> > Open 7 days a vwk from f^" lAAI AA %v% v x I C Book Si ,f!Pw ml m^uJft^B
        231 words
      • 299 2 Birds' nests they're not aromatic but simply delicious SNIFF, g__t. As Mrs Grace Wong, cantor of the NattMMl Museum feuad out, these expensive birds' aests nestling In her palms are not as aromatic as they are delicious. TtaM are bat tw» hub- -m i h plea tram iitcw displaying ab*il
        299 words
      • 347 2  - Choh Tee gives up stable job for love of art BAILYNE SUNG By THE popular conception that artists are an impractical and idealistic lot, people who pay little thought to the everyday necessities of hying, is fast losing ground. This is not to say that they are now excessively hard-headed
        347 words
      • 87 2 Fugitive makes its debut THE new series, The Fugitive, comes on tonight at 9.10 pm on Channel 8. It revolves round Loo Sow Chin, a doctor of the Ching dynasty, who is accused of murdering his wife on their wedding night. Feeling that he will not get a fair trial.
        87 words
      • 481 2  -  LINO POON W AH By MEET debonair, handsome Italian-born Ross Maio and the beautiful golden-voiced Robyn Woolfrey, an Australian duo who fit into each other like a hand and glove on stage. From the outset of their show last
        481 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 261 2 ALL THE ACBC BRANCHES ARE NOW ON-LINE! ACBC Savings Account customers can now deposit or withdraw at any of the 5 ACBC banking offices. 1104-108 Robinson Road, Singapore 1. Tel: *****22 2 41 5-41 7 Jalan Besar, Singapore 8. Tel: *****13 3598 North Bridge Road, Singapore 7. Tel: 2^***** 439
        261 words
      • 4 2 nW afl nnnnV Bii^^^^l^ni
        4 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 969 2 TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opering folowed by Japanese 7.05 The Muppet Show Monkeys (repeat) 7.30 News and Newsreel (Malay) 3.30 < M SSSrSTSS 3.35 Bonanza Staion 8.15 Magazine Zero One 4.25 Intermission 8.25 Hawaii Five-0 The Spirit is WBe 6.05 Opening folowed by Please Don't j}.30 ft*"*)
        969 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 94 3 From today. The airline of the generous Malaysians offers 3 flights a week to Madras! MADRAS Wednesdays and Thursdays fly Mas from Kuala Lumpur to Madras direct. On Saturdays our new service flies via Penang. PENANG^ v The airline of Mala Y sia is Boi8 oin g Pk ces in
        94 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 296 4 ■C'A PI TOL No w Sri o wing' (*****9) 1 1, 1 45, 4, 6.30. 9 15-No Fre« List a The NEW TRAVOLTA will dazzle you with his DISCO DANCIN6! iMfvtaa m lal^sTuiV tarwH, 1 M tMjgf JS»^ RMtfyStß^b. J «Br*N»| S«tl j^^^m^^ZL ••l*'"^ MNCH4C4RVr c \-A)»4f(ffn B MADE 13th
        296 words
      • 274 4 inJiTTTIOPENS TODAY! <%bbVLhbbUbbiLbLbP 5 Shows Daily: No Frae List I Jin Sultan Tal: *****72 11am, 1 .30, 4.00, 7.00 and 9.30pm i; Tell the other guy to move over! I I'm Number One. HE'S NEW! HE'S DIFFERENT! HE'S THE BEST! NICKY HENSON k AS NUMBER ONE. ~OF THE SECRET SERVICE
        274 words
      • 370 4 We haveT^^^^^^ BREAKFAST Special Hainanese Porridge LUNCH 1) Set Lunch 2) Various Spicy Dishes at your own choice MIDNITE SUPPER Delicious Laksa, Special Chicken, Beef Mutton Curry. Call at the Hotel Miramar, y/k\ for a superb lunch of Exotica/2 4 Indonesian Dishes, /ft 5J4 X from 12.00 noon jyftiii\\v[ to
        370 words
      • 318 4 *************************00 i i!B£GftIiH«OWSHOWING!B| !(4 SHOWS DAILY: 1.30, 3.45, 7.00 9. 15PM 8 < iOPENS TOMORROW SIMULTANEOUSLY I j I < GALA MAJESTIC RUBY V < ODEOM-K ATON6 SILVER CITY i |l> I* RICHARD NG-ROYCHIAO yrs V |*4ilTAilCttC S*~ wk i. LAST FEW DAYS! j i V PIMM. AnCAU 10.3081T1. 2.00,
        318 words
      • 560 4 IAIC^TrWi > **Sk DRUNISATIDN j MOW SHOWING' 4 Show. 1.30, S.4S, 7.00* t.iSpm > Jftf ITCHY (Sv4r .FINGERS LAST FEW DAYSfI I k 10 30am. 2 00. SIS 4Spm I BRAND NEW PRINT i Aorv©esr 142 MO STARS!' OAV I E 3aa^3 I 8F NOW SHOWING' 4 Show. I 130.
        560 words
    • 558 5  -  ROBERT MUSEL No progress in battle to erase class divisions By in London SOCIAL SCIENTISTS asked Britons how they rated a man's standing in thi? community clothes? Life-style? Job? Recreations? None of these, said the consensus a man was judged by his accent In every
      UPI  -  558 words
    • 651 5  -  HENRY SCOTT-STOKES By in Taipeh THE TELEPHONE operator at the Grand Hotel here was excited. There was a call from Mr Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel. She told her friends: "It's Begin calling a guest." But she was mistaken, it
      NYT  -  651 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 267 5 Rapid promotion in your present job a step up with another company an independent career of your own. The way to achieve if With a Metropolitan »jix»»oh •< c«iit«4 *ccwntants College home study course '"SUiS 2" mm mml From Metropolitan, you will receive expert guidance a»mum« oi mkrnnwiui accmmms and
        267 words
      • 147 5 ADVENT CORPORATION I manufacturer of high quality hi-fi equipments and the revolutionary Videobeam® Giant screen vA television receiver is pleased to announce the appointment of 1 Xlllllt PTE LTD I UNIT 5-316 Merlin Plaza Beach Road Singapore 7 as their exclusive distributor for 1 Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. f J
        147 words
    • woman plus
      • 701 6  -  S.L.TAN By CONVERSATIONS HOW WOULD you like a custom-built palace? If your personal fortune runs to millions you can emulate the Vanderbilts who had a Renaissance period palazzo const ruc»ed on New York's Fifth Avenue by 600 builders, European sculptors and wood carvers (from
        CHRIS LOH  -  701 words
      • 94 6 DRKSK IP the pants Into new look. It's easy, aimply wear the dress over the panto. Both should be made ef the same fabric preferably. And yon have a versatile outfit that's just right for now. Quita shows here a wrap-over dress with gathers at the
        94 words
    • 549 6 BEEF CURRY SEMARAND (Indonesian origin): lagredlenta: 600g of shin beef. lagredlrate to be pounded •ad mixed together: 1 teaspoon of jintan hitam. (powder form); half teaspoon of blachan: 5g of kunyit; 6 buah keras; 2 dessertspoons of ketumbar (powder form); 60g of small onions (shallots). 5g garlic. Half a
      549 words
    • 993 6  -  Tan Lee Lenc Spice of g Lifej^ By IT IS on meat that the largest proportion of the food budget is spent. So, it is very important to know all about meat. This week, I will discuss beef and I hope it will help
      993 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 284 6 lisi ]rI& n» W^^r amlf For fit l *3I 4/Kk wF^Sr ■fill w M IbT .anaL J R^T Curry Powder for delicious spicy curries,every time N?w MAGGI Curry Powder is specially It comes in two varieties for meat and prepared and tested in The MAGGI Kitchen fish curries. It is
        284 words
      • 201 6 There s only one way to self improve your complexion and appearance That is. by understanding certain fundamental facts about skin care and make up In 4 weekly lessons at the Dorothy Gray Beauty Clinic, you can learn how to care for your complexion How to take care of yourpersonal
        201 words
    • 850 7  - Elections will show when Canada will be split up WILLIAM SAFIRE By in Montreal AN ELECTION campaign has begun that will determine how soon Canada breaks up into its English and French components. In the next seven weeks, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, the liberal candidate whose political power base is
      NYT  -  850 words
    • 553 7 Most accepted rorm 01 laentmcatior LOS ANGELES: When Los Angeles police arrested a 33-year-old woman last month on charges that she swindled the county of more than U5548,500 (SJ105.000) in welfare payments, they found that she had used eight fake driver's
      NYT  -  553 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 160 7 r ->^ VV. h^^^y \^l>/ EXAMINATION SUCCESSES IN ACCOUNTANCY BEGAN WITH rT355£5l ChortFoull<sUynch pKI and these include LONDON >£ y 41 1 Firsts, 328 Seconds and over 4,000 other Awards and Honours. Chart Foulks Lynch is the logical combination of Foulks Lynch, one of the world's foremost accountancy correspondence schools
        160 words
      • 257 7 TheFastWiyiA to the US.Aror to theMIDDLE EAST. China Airlines gives you direct flights from here or Kuala Lumpur to Dhahran and Jeddah. Nonstop 747SP jets from Taipei to San Francisco or Los Angeles. Tokyo service to close-in, handy Haneda Airport. Fast and frequent to East or West. And with unbeatable
        257 words
      • 1282 8 THfc last transacted ready akilUM rloat of builnew on the Slock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with tnr previous day's price* together wiUi 1978 high and lo» Adjusted for v-rip right* u*uei ItTt i ..i SECTION DM INDlSTtlALS m K BS a in ur no IM to IB
        1,282 words
      • 340 8 Closing lone: Barely easy. Turnover: Unofficial figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore including odd lots "Ready" totalled: 2.630,000 units valued at $6,527,000 Industrial! accounted for 1,417,000. finance 175,000, hotels 101,000, properties 174,000, debentures, loans and bonds 9,000. oil palms 37,000, tins 93,000. and rubbers 624,000. "Settlement
        340 words
      • 1264 8 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Stock Exrhanse of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1000 units unless otherwise specified All Times. Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word 'setf Big Board
        1,264 words
      • 105 8 4 1/2% 1/8/80 (250.000) (***** *****) 4 3/4% 15/9/8O (250.000) (99.608 99.706, 5 1/4% 1/3/81 (250,000) (*****8 100.28S) B% 15/4/81 (250,000, (99.628 *****) 5% T F 1/5/83 (250.000) (100.102 *****8, 5 3/4% T V *****-84 (250.000) (102.006) 6% *****/84 (250.000) (100 008 *****S) 7% 1/8/86 (250.000)
        105 words
      • 1371 8 BIU and offer prices orflclally listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Sto<k Exchange ye.H«rday with the number Of shares traded Shown In brackeU In low of 1.000 unlU unless otherwise specified iMMSTKitu. AcmaCSS. Itmtmu, .2 938) AmadifiHlMS>i4'lK UlvuLNi In (O.MS) (6) ft) (9) 67'
        1,371 words
        • 53 8 P P I. iigh ft Low rroaoh Mioes lelroa letron A 'rim. I O 1 iflaKnum t'orpa Mrlro Hldg» > M M BanklBi rr»ctor« J K T.n« 10U 378 880 217 210 262 222 402 384 360 850 sss 210 40 24 -20 •8 -8 -7 -7 -S -S
          53 words
        • 44 8 toxy Elect Id Malacca )l\mpia >*1 Proper tin )porc Gla» iearorp (train Trading: T P l»75 i Royal i Ceck 8*n« 29H 450 181 256 Iv8 900 605 620 12S 474 241 70 32 ill 13 11 10 10 5 5 4 4
          44 words
        • 35 8 ■ngn m i-ow G 1 umber S P P i. Haw Par Simp Darby Pakaac Coa» Crnlings DBS K L Kcpoa« Spare Glaat 88.1 8S.I 15.1 88.1 82.1 62.1 62.1 58.1 58.1
          35 words
        • 32 8 B.T.Index: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties Tins: rubbers: O.C.B.C: S.E.S.Ind: Apr 2 Apr 1997.93 1981.24 371.19' 371.00 ***** ***** 282.12 281.86 240.07 240.67 ***** 184.49 571.89 569.23 351 15 350.86 334.51 333.47
          32 words
        • 311 8 HONGKONG: The market closed lower yesterday in moderately active trading, and the Hang Seng index f?U 10.96 points to 518.59, dealers said. The continuing fall of the Hongkong dollar and fears of higher local interest rates affected sentiment. The days combined total turnover volume was valued at w^muuon. HKJ
          311 words
        • 388 8 TOKYO: Share prices slumped in light trading in the wake of yesterdays fmU. with the market still concerned about a possible credit squeeze and the yen's sharp depreciation against the US dollar which could increase inflation pressure, dealers said. The Dow Jones average feU 53» to 6 OKJW points,
          388 words
        • 213 9 SYDNEY. Tues. The market rlosed weaker although uraniurns staged a recovery after YesterdaYS setback, dealers 'i,, *****1 I t P. M a H I' Hank NSW Bora I 1165 M 220 172 m uli. um 3S6 S30h MS •5 310 248 80 l-»*lHl L**as* 240 Myrr I'M
          213 words
        • 230 9 NEW YORK. Mon. Selling pressures in nuclear storks and concerns over the stoppage in the trucking industry combined to send the market broadly lower today in moderately active trading. Analysts said the implications (or the nation's energy supplies after the accident at the atomic power plant
          230 words
        • 227 9 AMSTERDAM. Mon Share prices closed narrowly mixed in very quiet trading due to lack of interest, dealers said. Hoogovens and Royal Dutch were higher in otherwise easier Dutch internationals. Higher issues included Algemene Bank Nederland. Middenstamisbank. Amev. Gist-Bro-cades and Deli. Lower shares included Bols and Ahold. 1
          227 words
        • 201 9 ZURICH. Man Prices were depressed by renewed weakness in the bond market particularly among foreign issues, dealers said. The CYedit Suisse index ,-i.i.n.hJ at 269.2 usuis-r Br own Bmrn 1 t :>.» (M-H(v Br M (;«•«> F < 2W I«4S M lass I2M 80S wo -i 3
          201 words
        • 537 9 IX)NDON. Mon. Government bonds closed higher and equim»s were barely steady in thin trading, dealers said. At 3pm the Financial Times was up 0.8 point to 531 6. Government bonds closed as much as i point higher as buying developed on expectations of a cut
          537 words
        • 64 9 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Monday 532.2 Friday 530.8 Week Ago 530.3 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Monday 855.25 Friday 862.18 Week ago 854.82 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Monday 57 to 57. Friday. 60 to Sl'. H.K.HANG SENG Tuesday 518Je Monday ***** Week ago 543 48 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 484.33 Monday 485
          64 words
        • 102 8 Striking prices of the options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday, the period, bids and offered prices and business done, if any, with the number of options traded shown in brackets. C«M Storage (June $2.00 (0.32B 0.44S). C C (June 8.60) (0.52B 0.65S). F N
          102 words
        • 119 8 HINKSK PRODUCE EXCHANGE, MM.APOKK, NOON CLOBING PRICEB PEK PICIL VEBTEBDAY: Coeeail *U: Bulk $121 sellers, old drum $126 tellers, new drum $131 sellers. Caora: Mixed (loose) UK/Coat S7B 00 buyers Pepper: Muntok AST A white fob 10C. NLW $322 50 sellers. Sarawak white fob 96'; NLW 1307.50 sellers. Sarawak
          119 words
        • 142 8 THE KILOBAR market opened at $17,098 and closed at $17,030 per kilo yesterday. In (he Far East, gold opened ai US $240.20 aO. Aller a high o( $240.40 80. it drifted lower and closed at $239.20 SO although small buying Interest out of Europe was seen. Gold was (ixed
          142 words
        • 106 8 THE STRAITS tin price recovered $12 to $1,935 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering down 115 tonnes to 165 tonnes. The overnight London market was easier with forward buyers falling £130 to £7,065 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on Monday lost £137 for Cash and £130 for
          106 words
        • 30 8 Rubber: April 2 Singapore: April: 270.00 cents (down one cent) Malaysia: April: 271.50 cents (down two cents) Tin: $1,935 (up $12) Official offering: 165 tonnes (down 115 tonnes)
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        • 30 8 LONDON: Copper prices on Monday (previous In brackets). Wlrebar Spot £1.016 (£1.019) seller! £1.017 (£1.030); Three Month buyers £1.026.90 1.028.50). sellers £1.027 <£1.0».50). Market Use: Easter.. 8*taa: ll.aoo tonnes.
          30 words
        • 570 8 OPENING prices in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked up slightly and later gained further ground on nearby demand. Profit-taking and forward offering later emerged to pare the gain. Turnover was fair. The morning session closed very quiet. The afternoon session eased slightly on continued forward offering, profit-taking
          570 words
        • 90 8 NOON SSK UKl SMR pnca. ywardar ■A8 April May (Carnal Nik) (Forward Mil" Bu.f r. SalUra Mayan 8»ll«r. W« llupapalkil 2S..00 Ml OON 29*00 Ml 00N WH llloapaVMI £»00 2M.0ON OUO 2S800N MKSLB SMHCV il toapaBtll 771.00 I74.0ON T71.4O 274JON SMR SL Illoapalknl ***** 27J0ON ***** 273S0N
          90 words
      • 400 8 SHARE price* far the mast part were lUtfaw oa the Stock Exchange af Singapore yesterday as traders taak scant interrat la the market. Mast stocks made marginal lames aad eaded the day aa steady n round. Same speculative play prevailed an secsad liaers Singapare Glass aad
        400 words
      • 298 8 Kuala Lum pur SHARE prices retreated across a broad front in moderate trading on the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday. the New Straits Times industrial ordinary share index reflecting the widespread losses among the industrial stocks, fell 3.05 points to 405.13 while the volatile Business Times index lost 84.58 points
        298 words
      • 96 8 THE US dollar ruled firm in the Singapore forex market yesterday s-stHHS brfOre t^S'2i Ck fr °m Mgh to close at 12.2030 40 Interbank rales at 3 p.m. One month 2.1948 2.1968 Two months 2.1890 2.1912 Three months 2.18T8 2.1868 Six months 2 lfto 2 1715 fcXALA
        96 words
      • 343 8 NOT*:: These rates mar differ sllfhtly from thow quoted by banki to Uieir cusunifn INTERBANK rates at 3.00 pm: Currwicw* Nominal rat** Smith*oni*n P*rc*ntag« quot*d )r*.l*rd*» <ero*a)»»*rity Chang* L*cs>l dallars to mk unit uf foreign rnrreacy: US dollar 2.2030 2.2040 2.8196 -21.87 Sterling pound 4.5490 4.5535 7.3469 -38.08
        343 words
      • 30 8 Closing Interbank rales roc Singapore dollars on April 3. Offer Bid Overnight 4 1 month 6 5 2 months 3 months 611/16 69/16 Overnight mode tam: Ailley Pmkc.
        30 words
      • 51 8 Kmgr uf prices offered by discount houses on April 3: Overniuht 4 Call deposits 4 Uuiaf Bu.nj S«Uiaf 3 month Treasury bills 4 4 3 month Bank hill:. 7 7/16 7 5/16 .1 month CD 6 9/16 6 7/18 6 month CD 6 15/16 613/16 Sourer: National Discount Co
        51 words
      • 24 8 THE average rate at wkleli Singaparr banlu are «-unrntly prepared to lead te V tkelr best rutomera la 8 per ee«t.
        24 words
      • 571 9 I P turns in another set of good results ISLAND and Peninsular Development Berhad continued to make good progress in the 10-month period to Jan 31. 1979. apparently on better contributions from most of its divisions. The group, whose interests span a wide spectrum of plantation, mining, housing and financial
        571 words
      • 355 9 Booming times at South East Asia Lumber sol TH East Asia Lambe r Corporation, benefltlag from the carreat good demand mad high prices far tinker products, seems set far Impressive galas this year. Groap pretax profit far tke first half-year coded Dec. 31, If78, doubled to $2.J4 million. Tke grawtfc
        355 words
      • 126 9 A confident note from Guthrie GUTHRIE'S companies in Malaysia will fulfil the recent projections by the Guthrie Corporation, Mr Bernard Lewis, Guthrie's chief executive in Malaysia, said. "If Sime retains its shares in Guthrie and thereby gets the benefits, good luck to Sime," he added. During its battle against Sime
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 587 9 Qualifications Preferably educated to tertiary level. Good command of English and Mathematics. Personality Good communication and social skills. Mature and responsible. Age 20 to 30 years. Experience Successful selling experience preferred especially in the business equipment field but comprehensive sales training will be provided. Remuneration/ Rank Xerox pays attractive Benefits
        587 words
      • 804 9 STP DISTRIBUTORS SDN BHO (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Times Publishing Bhd) invites suitably qualified applicants for the post of I PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGER I This position requires someone with at least two years' marketing I I experience of on executive level ond a proven track record with on I I
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 989 10 A Urge and well established group of companies in Singapore with I overseas offices invites suitably qualified applicants for the post of ADMINISTRATION AND I PERSONNEL MANAGER I The Administration and Personnel Manager will be responsible for general I administration. He will be involved in feasibility studies and evaluation of
        989 words
      • 237 10 IN THE HIGH COCttT OF THE ggpumjc or sinoapoke suit n. am > ltw > CORONET JJTJ! C<MM>NET ™L™ M •Ptotatm ang^^!?S«) trading co Deteptait To: LIM LEE SENG trading ANG GUAN BEE (1068) TRADING CO late Of NO U08 Hl«h Street Centre. North Bridge Road Singapore 6 nlviivE TAKE
        237 words
      • 1178 10 MINISTRY Of EDUCATION SINGAPORE REGISTRATION FOR THE 1979 SINGAPORECAMBRIDGE GCE O' AND 'A' LEVEL EXAMINAZt.c^t.. 1 Registration for the 1979 Smgopore-Com-bndge GCE O' 'A' Level Examinations will be open »f pnvote candidates from 2 Apni to 20 April 1979 excluding Saturdoys, Sundoys and Pubhc Holidays between 0830 and 1600 hours
        1,178 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 1003 11 UKMNHt ELECTWOHtC 4 EW6IW€EHIN6 PTE LTD We ore o leading compony m the repair, overhaul, mstoHation and sales of sophisticated electrical, electronic, telecommunication, avionics systems and eqiNpm«nt Ow*>g to rapid expansion of both our General Engineering and Aviation Division, we hove a number of vaconcies for suitable technical personnel in
        1,003 words
      • 671 11 DISTRIBUTORS SDN BHD W/ STP DISTRIBUTORS (M) SDN BHD \1 A highly successful sales organisation in Malaysia and Singapore invites suitable Malaysian /Singapore Citizens to apply for the positions of: SALES REPRESENTATIVES to be based at the various branches in Malaysia and Singapore. We are looking for men/women who feel
        671 words
      • 616 11 HITACHI CONSUMER PRODUCTS (S) PTE. LTD. As we ore expanding, we require capable candidates to fill in the following vacancies1. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (Male) c To perform engineering duties, |igs and tooling dies design modification and control. 2. ELECTRONIC/ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS (Wale) c To be involved in process analysis and basic Engineering
        616 words
      • 923 11 NOTICE This is to inform our clients and customers that** MR FRANK LEE CHAN HONG, Nric Number^"" *****27 Z is no longer in our employ as Manager^ with effect from March 19. 1979. He is no longer** authorised to transact any business, collecJJJ monies or act in any capacity whatsoever
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 285 12 pM&LAYSIA BORNEO FINANcH I CORPORATION (M) BERHAD II (LICENSED BORROWING COMPANY) proudly announce the Official Opening of our Seremban Branch new .t- premises at 116, Jalan Birch, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan on 4-th April PAID UP CAPITAL M$ 15,000,000.00 1979 by TOTAL ASSETS exceeding M 5300,000,000.00 TOTAL 'DEPOSITS exceeding M 5276,000,000.00
        285 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 288 13 I HEARTIEST S With Compliments of\ I CONGRATULATIONS to Malaysia Borneo Finance KOTA Corporation (M) Berhad niCrOI I KIT on the Official Opening of- KS^e c the new premises at the HOUSE Seremban Branch M M DCDLJAH from P DtKHAU The BOard Of DireCtOrS Bth Floor (East Win Charigkat JOng
        288 words
    • 806 14  -  PAUL VAN SLAMBROUCK By in Houston .CONSERVATIONISTS have finally found something to like about off--shore oil platforms: Aesthetics and potential pollution aside, some believe the platforms' Jiet effect on the enviYonment is a positive one. Though the view is not •unanimous,
      806 words
    • 542 14  -  GUY HALVERSON By in Washington SOMEWHERE in Dusseldorf a West German youth is sporting a new pair of American-made boots. In Paris, a young woman is wearing US-made mocassins. In Stockholm, an executive is attired in USmade oxfords.
      542 words
    • 740 14  - Cuisine of Korea makes its mark in Paris gourmet centre of the world NICK PHYTHIAN By in Paris IT IS after two in the afternoon. Businessmen and embassy staff, their lunches over, are drifting back to their offices. In a restaurant just round the corner from the French president's Elysee
      AFP  -  740 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 302 14 CONGRATULATIONS to MALAYSIA BORNEO FINANCE CORPORATION M tifr^ s < M BERHAD on the Official Opening of m IfcfifcSfi^ the new premises of the Seremban Branch. fjfr^ We are proud CHUBB MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. Ik A m p to be the supplier of 8-5 8-5 A, Jalan Batai, Ifl k
        302 words
      • 414 14 APPLICATIONS ENGINEER Around $20,000 per annum PMR: 1096 This is an opportunity for a graduate in Mecha- prepared to consider new graduates who have a nical or Chemical Engineering to enter this new good degree and the inclination towards this line and challenging field. The job will entail the of
        414 words