The Straits Times, 2 April 1979

Total Pages: 32
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1979 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 142/1/79
    14 words
  • 672 1 32 km-radius evacuation planned PHILADELPHIA, Sunday f I SAW the movie and then came w home and saw the tame thing a on the 11 7 o'clock newt. An American commenting on the Harrisburg nuclear power station leak. The film he saw was The China Syndrome,
    Agencies  -  672 words
  • 63 1 THE luxury Italian cruise ship Angelina Lauro smouldering iv St Thomas harbour in the Virgin Islands on Saturday after catching Ore on Friday. Tugs were hosing it down and the weight of the water was making the ship list dangerously. Captain Antonio Scotto said all
    63 words
  • 104 1 CAIRO, Sun. Arab am- bassadors began leaving Cairo today in accordance with a political and economic boycott clamped on Egypt by the Baghdad conference of Arab foreign and economic minister! The first to leave were Saudi Arabian Ambassador Abdel Rahman Abal Khalll and Tunisian
    Reuter; UPI  -  104 words
  • 287 1 Shortage, so Thailand orders oil rationing BANGKOK, Sun. With only 48 nours of lutl supplies left In reserve, tne Thai Government today ordered nationwide oil rationing. The order, issued last night by Prime Minister Krlangsak Chomanan, limits motorists to 20 litres of petrol or diesel oil a day and requires
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  • 66 1 HONOKONO. Sun. The Workers' Dally In Beijing (Peking.) will change lu rule from a paper for workers to a paper guiding industrial production and reporting Industrial news. Its target audience will be enlarged to Include not only workers but also leading cadres, administrative staff, engineers, and technicians,
    AFP  -  66 words
  • 336 1 SIA plans flights to China in a year THREE Singapore A turned from Beijing plans for the airline I the next 12 months. Irlines executives rePeking) recently with :o fly to China within SIA's destination for Its first scheduled services to China Is most likely to be Beijing, but this
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  • 112 1 THE Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, Dr Ooh Keng Swee, left yesterday for China on a 15-day Informal visit at the invitation of the Chinese Government. Or Ooh was accompanied by his wife and a team comprising the Environment Minister. Mr Lltn
    112 words
  • 748 1 Beijing gags the critics ACTIVIST ARRESTED BEIJING (PEKING), Sunday THE Chinese authorities today announced a ban on all published criticism of communism and tin- government and arrested one of the most active and outspoken critics of the regime, 26-year-old Wei Jingsheng (Wei Cning-sheng), for counter-revolutionary activities. Mr Wei, an electrician
    Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  748 words
  • 153 1 Opec oil up 17 pc GENEVA, Sun". The average price of Opec oil rises by about 17 per cent from today, adding an estimated US*23 billion S$50 billion) a year to the world's oil Imports bill, according to oil market estimates. The European Economic Community alone is expected to pay
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 43 1 LATEST STATE HIT BY LOCUSTS SYDNEY, Sun —Thousands of residents are trapped in their homes in northern New South Wales because of one of the worst locust plaf ues in history to hit the state, a Department of Agriculture spokesman said here today.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 KING'S SAFETY SHOES I Oil-Resistant j* M <Miiiwt»aßH iM| Hr^^^^ Modtl 760 KING'S SHOE MFGPTE LTD jRifIPSL 122, Blk. 36, Dakota Crescent. T^L^f? Singapore 14, >wi«iwth T>l *****00 *****27 HRE9STIBU OFFER! STAINLESS STEEL KWALI COVER Dia. 30cm From Japan Usual $7.35 NOW $5.25 Ist Floor C.X. TANG LTD! 310 ORCHARD
      55 words
    • 310 1 <j \9| is*\_^V' cs WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A GOOD DRIVER Page 12 JAKARTA betins new 5 -year plan with limited funds 2 WORLDWIDE unease over national nuclear policies 3 TIME for Efypt to study Arab sanctions 4 CANADA expels Viet envoy over his anti-China actions 5 HOTLINE to
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 54 2 MODEL Cheryl Tlegs erases a diker In New Y*rk m Satard*) la •me (ram tfce ABC-TV programme, Tke American SprtsmMM, to be telecast «a April 8. The first M Hvr in > ■tries, the prcfframror exptorm big game rcaservatUi programmes aail allegatt«-H «f wildlife
      AP  -  54 words
    • 324 2 NEW YORK, Sunday UNITED AIRLINES, largest carrier in the United States, was grounded yesterday by a strike of mechanics and other ground workers after they voted down a new contract tentatively agreed to by their union officers. The union, the International Association
      AP; NYT  -  324 words
    • 423 2 JAKARTA, Sun INDONESIA embarked on a third five-year development plan (Repelita III) today with limited funds due to the declining state revenues from oil. President Suharto has made available a sum of US$11 billion (S$23 billion) to carry out the first year
      AFP  -  423 words
    • 242 2 Indonesia to get $5 b in loans and grants for 1979/80' From TAN LIAN CHOO Our correspondent in PARIS, Sunday INDONESIA will receive continued aid commitments and increased commercial borrowing, totalling more than US$2.5 billion (555.4 billion), at the coming Inter-Governmental Group for Indonesia (Iggi) meeting, OECD (Organisation for Economic
      242 words
    • 57 2 TORONTO. Sun. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau yesterday contradicted statements by hit estranged wile, Margaret, and denied she had smoked marijuana while residing at the Prime Minister's residence. Mr Trudeau. on the campaign trail in Toronto seeking a fourth election mandate, made the denial during an interview
      UPI  -  57 words
    • 150 2 Suharto announces military build-up JAKARTA, Sun President Suharto today announced that Indonesia will be building up its military power. Addressing key military commanders of the 500,000strong forces throughout the country, the President said: "The latest developments around us and in other regions force us to increase our vigilance, particularly between
      AFP  -  150 words
    • 50 2 NEW YORK, Sun. Three gunmen released nme 30 hostages unharmed after holding them for nearly (our noun In a New York supermarket last night, police said. The men, apparently surprised during a robbery attranpt by an off-duty police officer, were persuaded to release the hostages by l»U«-Reut«r
      50 words
    • 227 2 'Bhutto resigned to fate on the gallows' ISLAMABAD, Sun. Former Pakistan premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was today reported resigned to his (ate on the gallows despite pleas (or mercy from his sister and from a former ministerial colleague. His brother, Mumtaz Ali Bhutto, who spent 30 minutes in Mr Bhutto's
      Reuter  -  227 words
    • 69 2 TOKYO, Snn. The mat expensive e*minercUl pUt «f land la Japaa b the site M a building in front of T*ky«'» Skl»)Bku Stottoa, eMtlag 4.R mllllM yea (8$51,MI) per •■■are metre, Ike Nitl»ml LmmI Agency said in m survey pabUsaed Uday. Tke agency said the price* af
      Reuter  -  69 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 274 2 Lufthansa. Even if you are not going to Germany. 1 n p i j\ i j A L m U **J You can go to Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, England, France, Greece, Hungary, Holland, Italy, Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Russia, Scotland, Scandinavia, Spain, Yugoslavia and of course Germany. 54 major cities
      274 words
    • 71 2 Special Purpose Machinery The Principal of a British Engineering Company, I. Beed Engineering now on a six week tour would like to offer his Company's technical, design and manufacturing services in the field of special purpose machinery to local industry. Interested parties, please contact: Mr. Lan Beed, Singapura Forum Hotel
      71 words

    • Article, Illustration
      95 3 AS THE nuclear tine bomb ticks away in Harris burg, •••■■sylvaiUa. not only environmentalists but government nuclear agencies are watching the incident with rorerii. Tight oil supplies and rts- tag prt ces have tod to Hop— being stacked on nuclear power as the main source of energy for the
      AP  -  95 words
    • 537 3 WASHINGTON, Sun ANTI-NUCLEAR activists shouting "We all live in Pennsylvania" rallied in West Germany, Sweden's political opposition demanded a nuclear-plant shutdown there, and governments elsewhere ordered reviews of their nuclear programmes as the world today awaited word of developments at the Three 'Mile Island
      AP; AFP  -  537 words
    • 153 3 BRUSSELS, Saa. M*BBBt^B*»Bßß%Wd*t* f^feaalaafl bbbbJ V* I^^"a»«lW^a^W"3« rVUVJ BWIVr Earape's energy preblema, arcardlag to twa taagae la ehees safislhrt depatlea at the Earapcaa Parliament. la a statemeat dated April 1 April FaaaV Day aad made available to -vparten today, depatte* Gerhard Plaessig af West Germaay aad
      153 words
    • 335 3 Festive mood in Malta marks end of military ties with Britain VALETTA, Sun. MALTA, once regarded as the premier British naval base in the Mediterranean, severed its 180-year-old military links with Britain at midnight in a festive atmosphere of fireworks ana cneenng crowds. The island state embarked today on a
      Reuter  -  335 words
    • 62 3 HONGKONG, Sun. The Life of Galileo", the first contemporary foreign play to be staged in China since the outbreak of the cultural revolution in 1966, opened in Beijing (Peking) last night The play by Bertolt Brecht, which takes science and democracy as its theme, is presented
      AFP  -  62 words
    • 51 3 HONGKONG, Sun. About 2,000 illegal immigrants from China were rounded up here and repatriated in the first six days of last week, a government qmfcranan said today. The MMfcuman, quoting the latest official statistics, said the number was the highest for a sixday period for many yean.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 200 3 Two stars in nuclear accident film shun publicity LOS ANGELES, Sun Jack Lemmon and Michael Douglas, stars of The China Syndrome, a film about a miclear power station accident, have cancelled all television appearances, a studio official said. "This is to avoid any misunderstanding that we are trying to capitalise
      Reuter  -  200 words
    • 46 3 DECATUR (Illinote). Sun. Three elephants ant a circus crowd fleeing In panic yesterday when they broke loose from their trainers, stampeded a concession area and escaped onto the city streets. Eight people were injured, including three children, a police officer and two trainers. tJPL
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 97 3 CSF /^IB Earl Nightingale Lead the Field Seminars audio-visual presentation and group interaction m 12 mind-e»panamg sessions They will motivate you to •.c :oppaymg jobs •Spo; D'ot'tabie opportunities •Act on money-making ideas •Guide your own destiny With Action Prompters &imo>e actions 'o r Qjick 'esuits ft Progress Monitor*: to gauge
      97 words
    • 310 3 How well a fine car performs depends on how you care for it. Mitsubishi genuine parts guarantee the best replacements for your car. Your Mitsubishi car is J559H ■■■■■■■Mi The Mitsubishi people who tough. But with age and I built your car, know best intensive usage, some of the <**
      310 words

    • 254 4 TEHERAN, Sun. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeiny announced today that Iranians had voted "unanimously" for the transformation of the nation into an Islamic republic, the state radio reported. He decreed that April 1 henceforth be known as Republic Day in honour of the result of the
      Reuter; AP  -  254 words
    • 63 4 RAWALPINDI. Sun Mice seized a tonne of cannabis in a predawn swoop near the border "f Afghanistan yesterday, police sources reported The strike on a private cargo truck near the village of Badabei. 180 km north-west at Rawalpindi, also yielded 25 air-condi-tioners, 34 bags of tobacco and 50.000
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 153 4 Move to draft Ted for presidency DE8 MOINE8 (I«wa), Su. A eaaUtlaa latow leaders ud liberal activists yesterday termed the Mdets M a movement aimed at drafting Senator Edward Kenaed> to ru f*r tke presidency. Bat tke qiestlcn remtlifd wietker tke c— UM««, pramptrd by dis«»tlsf»ctl»n wltk Presideat Carter, w«uld
      153 words
    • 25 4 MOSCOW, Sun. Pravda today accused China of joining with rabid reactionaries in an effort to undermine the Soviet-backed Marxist government of Afghanistan. AP.
      AP  -  25 words
    • 21 4 SAN SALVADOR. Sun. Leftwing guerillas last night released Japanese businessman Takakasu Suzuki, held hostage tor almost four months. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 386 4 Time for Egypt to study Arab sanctions After the euphoria of signing peace pact... CAIRO, Sunday THE euphoria of President Anwar Sadat's triumphant return faded today as officials studied the impact of Arab sanctions against Egypt for making peace with Israel. Chanting, dancing crowds welcomed Mr Sadat on his return
      Reuter  -  386 words
    • 77 4 VIENNA. Sun. Czechoslovak polk* raided a Prague apartment and arrested 17 rock music fans. Including four members of the group, Plastic People of the Universe, dissident sources here said yesterday. The sources said the raid took place on Friday evening as UO people packed a private
      77 words
    • 41 4 BANGKOK, Sun. Seven "passengers" aboard a tour bus in central Thailand yesterday simultaneously pulled out their guns on a lonely stretch of road and relieved the other passengers of over 260,000 bant (5528.210) in cash and valuables. AFP.
      AFP  -  41 words
    • 285 4 JERUSALEM, Sun. Prime Minister Menachem Begin agreed to keep his two-day visit to Cairo starting tomorrow on a low key, as a personal gesture to President Anwar Sadat, an Israeli Government official said today. "Mr Begin would have preferred
      Reuter; AP  -  285 words
    • 183 4 Lead-ing students into day dreams BOSTON, Sun. Small amounts of lead in the body can turn school children into frustrated, impulsive daydreamers, while higher levels of the poisonous metal seriously lower their intelligence, a study shows. The doctors say lower amounts of lead than previously thought can be dangerous to
      AP  -  183 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 60 4 /ANTk W A»T DIRECTOfc^I VISUALISER ARTk .loruils fhr Kite. OifMtiveW^ jf\(l .1 love <it .<ilv«!ttis^S) W^*l" work Uurl to */3^. I*- 1 Tht 'ndiistiyVj^ V**'"' '"'Mqement|«a2»Ji j»> 'oi ycxjr is (joocl the t^"^ ffrfpiin «incj the conipHnyi^^ to the <; n MJ yot/ jfe.ited in confidenca^l^ iVdl *****11 nov*' TED
      60 words
    • 552 4 The Complete Book of Babycare > "">««* lt How t0 Ra Je a Brighter Child $6.40 $43.00 Experts say that the average child's intelligence develops Describes precisely and fully what S> *V^ '•> M much U P to tne aßea B e of sas it does between 5 and 17.
      552 words

    • 289 5 BANGKOK, Sunday VIETNAM'S Second Secretary at its embassy in Ottawa has been expelled from Canada for fomenting anti-Beij-ing (Peking) activities among Vietnamese refugees in the country. The Canadian Government has not made any official announcements on the incident but Hanoi today publi-
      Reuter; UPI  -  289 words
    • 279 5 'Grandad army' answers the call to serve Rhodesia SALISBURY, Sun. Enter Rhodesia's "Grandad army," the latest batch of recruits for the country's hard-pressed armed forces whose ages range from 50 to 73. A 73-year-old former ship's captain, a long-serv-ing magistrate and a 63-year-old black council worker were among the new
      Reuter  -  279 words
    • 82 5 Bandit camp overrun BANGKOK, Sun. The moun I tain hideaway of a group of bandits was overrun by tome 200 police and militia it. a massive raid on Friday, the Bangkok Post reported today One policeman was killed, four injured and one bandit found dead in the early morning attack
      AFP  -  82 words
    • 66 5 In other words... 6ld I Amin has proved himself no less adept at surviving than he has been ruthless In ruling. It is fitting that not one black African state has stretched ont a helping hand, and that his only protector is the continent's other prise fanatic, Colonel Gaddafi of
      66 words
    • 81 5 NAIROBI, Sun. A Libyan counter-attack launched in defence of the Ugandan capital of Kampala yesterday has halted the Tanzanian-backed rebel invasion forces which are believed to have given ground, according to reports reaching here today. Kampala residents said that apart from some gunfire and
      AFP  -  81 words
    • 225 5 'Delighted' Thorpe to run in May polls LONDON, Sun. Mr Jeremy Thorpe, the former Liberal Party leader who is due to stand trial on charges of conspiracy and incitement to murder, plans to run for re-election to Parliament in May, the Liberal Party announced. Mr Thorpe, who represents North Devon
      Reuter; UPI  -  225 words
    • 265 5 Urban guerillas staged $2m train robbery FABRI (Italy), Sunday Train robbers who stole USJI million (Ss2.l million) worth of gold and platinum from the Milan-Rome express yesterday in a wellplanned operation could have been urban guerillas, police said today. The thieves stopped the train by changing a signal from green
      Reuter  -  265 words
    • 161 5 ITALY SET FOR POLLS AS GOVT FALLS SOME, Baa. Italy today leaked set far early elecUaas faitowlag the catlapse ef Prime Mlalster GlsJto AadreeM's fifth geverameat last night. The fall «f the 41st pastPaarlst rabtart, laatlag aaly II days, climaxed twe meatlM af petttteaJ haggllag paused by Cswaiaalst itrmsaas far
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 257 5  -  RODNEY HOBSON By our correspondent in Hongkong. Sunday HONGKONG, Sun. Singapore pulled off a stunning triumph in the first Asian InterCities Chess Championship here tonight. Trailing to the powerful Manila and Beijing (Peking) teams by a full point with one round to go, the Singapore
      257 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 COUNT ON Mxsnn i THE WORLD FAMOUS OEM m* |^^V for more reliable M assemblies and to fl Z?^?9 A solve all machinery flHfercffti^S H equipment USk W problems. M 2 V LOCTITE lU9y Adhesive/Sealant 290 For pre assembled nuts, bolts and screws. Provides medium strength, locking and sealing. Seals
      95 words
    • 553 5 j A Painless Hire Purchase OR^% RENT with one month FREE RENTAL Imported 1979 |^^^_J MITSUBISHI ColOUr TV I Model: 20CT-2002PR Specaty selected and tested lot qu*y and guaranteed by 3S in-line Redlftusion picture tube Very low pwwr consumption 86 i«.iui»iuub watts (dairy 5-vnwing hours cost apprm $2 00 per
      553 words

  • 161 6 SBS unit starts work on fare leakage THE Singapore Bus Service (SBS) is spreading its enforcement section into the Revenue Protection Unit (RPU) to work out steps to check tare leakages, especially cheating. Busway, an SBS publication, says in its latest issue that the RPU is manned by 26 assistant
    161 words
  • 19 6 PUNGGOL constituency will hold a cross country race for residents on April 22. For details ring *****38
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  • 301 6 Here's how you can do your bit call PUB hotline: *****43 WHEN bright lights dazzle and It dawns on you that it could be wattage wastage, call the Public Utilities Board you will be doing Singapore a favour. All you need to do is dial the PUB hotline *****43 and
    301 words
  • 32 6 FOUR films Green Garden Country. JD Goes Huntin Introduced Animals and Le jend o( Birds will be screen* J at the National Museum on ApHI 2 at 8 p m
    32 words
  • 100 6 Exhibition on careers and training schemes AN exhibition on career opportunities and training schemes in Singapore will be held at the World Trade Centre, Maritime Square, between May 26 and June 3 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Secondary school students will be given an insight into career opportunities
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  • 375 6 A NEWLY-GRADUATED architect from Singapore University, Mr Wpi Ser Tuen, 23, has developed a solar-induced ventilation system for use in high-rise apartments. The system involves building a central ventilation stack (like an air-well) and a solar heatplate comprising a piece of glass and
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  • 203 6 Economic Society to host 4th Asean meet SINGAPORE will host the fourth conference of the Federation of Asean Economic Associations next year. Organisers for the conference will be the Economic Society of Singapore, which has about 300 members, most of them professional economists serving in the government, private sector, universities
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  • 27 6 THE Singapore Press Club will bold Its eighth annual general meeting at Pasir Ris Beach Hotel, off Bias Road, on April 8 at 11 a.m.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 241 6 Learning about business management If you are thinking of a secretarial career, please call Students of Secretarius, the school of secretarial skills, y^^ at a talk on Manageuent Consultancy by a guest lecturer. ATT SECJtETAJMUS They are attending our Private Secretary's Course. J 75 Tanglin Road 235 5222 or come
      241 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 144 6 SCANDINAVIAN DESIGN Uques and art objects at the EXHIBITION at the Marco Polo Hotel's presi Shangri-La Hotel from 9 dential suite, from 11 a.m. a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, till to 8 p.m. Last day. April 22. Features demon- rARPRTO *sin on < stration by glass engraver. g^Sw ifS, ?££J?
      144 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 320 7 The Master :>.. i».. c Headphones Fv htjhv The Sony F-51 5. The superb Audio Formula with a fulll3owatts amplifier. For extremely sensitive sound reproduction. With a Program Sensor-equipped tuner with FM Synthesizer and digital frequency display. PREE MF^ Al m And a powerful Direct Drive quartz-lock turntable. Boosted by
      320 words

  • 170 8 Big Splash party for foster mums and children A PARTY for foster mothers and foster children will be held by the Social Welfare Department of the Ministry of Social Affairs at the Big Splash. East Coast Parkway on April 9 at 2.30 p.m. Organised by the Fostering Committee, the party
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  • 63 8 MR Teo Liang Chye has been appointed chairman of the National Theatre Trust for three yean tram this month. Mr Chang Kwai Ming has been appointed deputy chairman while 10 others Messrs Leslie Fong, Charles Laxaroo, Urn Slam Kirn, Michael Lake. Low Hiok Boon, Lawrence Ng. Ung Gim
    63 words
  • 237 8 THE Whampoa community centre's mnltipvpwe hall became a twinw e*ve for bargain hunters yesterday when It was turned Into a flea market selling Items at give away prices. Buyers rummaging taraagh the piles 1 m**»xlaes, b**ks, ctotaea, toys Mid fMttaff found many
    237 words
  • 135 8 33 codes of practice, standards completed last year THE Singapore Standards Council completed 33 standards and codes of practice during last year, according to the council's annual report. Emphasis for these standards and codes was placed on the preparation of product safety standards and engineering codes. The council introduced 10
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  • 352 8  -  S.M. MUTHU By TRADE volume between Asean and South Korea though not impressive at present could be expanded further in conjunction with the Seoul Government's process of trade liberalisation, which will be complete by 1984, South Korean Foreign Minister, Mr Park
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  • 45 8 FIRE destroyed three twostoreyed unoccupied shophouses in Kallang Road opposite the Kallang Gaswork, yesterday. The blaze, first spotted at 5.50 p.m., was brought under control by two fire engines from Serangoon Fire Substation in 20 minutes. The houses were due for demolition.
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  • 29 8 A CEREMONY to mark the commencement of the piling work of the Hong Wen school at Victoria Street/Rochore Canal will be held on Friday at 11.30 a.m.
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  • 105 8 Balloting ceremony for flats THE Minister for National Development and MP for Geylang West, Mr Teh Cheang Wan will attend the balloting ceremony for the sale of 124 three- and fourroom flats at Kallang Basin estate today at the car park behind Apartment Block 62, Sims Drive, at 2.30 p.m.
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  • 18 8 THE Netherlands Piano Quartet will perform at the DBS auditorium at 8 p.m. on April 6.
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  • 224 8 The two root causes of poor dental health NEARLY a quarter of a million teeth were extracted in Singapore last year and dentures, which are poor substitutes, had to be made to replace them. Dr Wong Hee Deong, Senior dental surgeon (training). Ministry of Health, made the point in the
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  • 110 8 TWO GET GERMAN STUDY AWARDS THE Goethe Institut has offered scholarships to two Singapore teachers, both women, for a six-month intensive German language course. Miss Choo Lai Fong of Belvedere School, and Tan Soo Koon, of Thomson Seconday School, will leave for Germany today. Their training course will emphasise the
    110 words
  • 56 8 NUMBER-tonumber telephone calls can now he made to Brazil by dialling number 104. The charge for calls to Brazil is $22.50 for a minimum of three minutes and $7.50 for each additional minute. International Direct Dialling service to Brazil was introduced yesterday. The charge for an
    56 words
  • 129 8 INSTANT noodles will be packed in metric sizes rounded ln steps of five grammes from this month, according to the Metric Way, a monthly publication of the Singapore Metrication Board. Noodles are already being sold in GO, 75. 80, 85, 100 and 110 g packets,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 727 8 I MANAGEMENT COURSES 1 FINANCE FOR NON FINANCIAL MANAGERS 8 9 May— Kuala Lumpur 4 5 June— Singapore Accounting Financial Terms and Concepts; Financial Reports: The Basic Elements; Financial Analysis: Liquidity, Activity, Profitability and Potential; Financial Ratios; Forecasting. Designed for all managers without formal financial training. DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW (DCF)
      727 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 143 8 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS (6). 1 r-, (m rt.iavo lvi "True men" is false S2rm£*27£b.en, fOUnd toone in the mounuln. f ttiSUU' to ll|s«^V«U». aat^o--. ml-* c river ruiM ii» 11 2* oft*" 11 v" w <*«• huru ln I *2^ ln r C h.^L» O^ R1 ld aiULdsf of
      143 words

  • 338 9  - The girl who coined Hello-Centennial RANEE GOVINDRAM By MISS Rasaa* Edla, Tetocams clerk, breaklat; tat* a wMf smile whea she received the Rood aews at the Hella-Ceatea-alal rammrmonitiaa cerernany an Saturday. She m the top prise a partable ral»«r tdevtsiaa set far caiaiii* thehum Hella-Ceateanlal to mark the IMth year
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  • 32 9 THE vtce-prcsidrat of the China Society, Mr C.K.Tseng, will speak oo Tbe Chinese Sense of Humour at the Rotary Club luncheon at the Mandarin Hotel on Wednesday at 1 p.m.
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  • 205 9 SINGAPORE Airlines has started a campaign in i Australia to tell travellers that Canberra's international civil aviation policy (leap) will hurt hem in the long run becai. c of its protectionist basis. A seven-page pamphlet, entitled "Cheap Air Fares Some Questions
    205 words
  • 197 9 SINGAPORE Airport Bus Services' (Sabs) full fleet of 200 multi-coloured, airconditioned taxis will be operational by July to give commuters in the Central Business District (CBD) yet another means of speedy, comfortable service during evening peak hou.s. The first 50 which were
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  • 110 9 THE Malay Teachers Union has formed a committee to study the education report by the Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, Or Goh Keng Swee. and his team of systems engineers. The executive committee, comprises eight members and is headed by Mr
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  • 558 9  - Loans of up to 95 pc to buy SIA shares PAUL JANSEN Incentive scheme for its employees amended By THE Singapore Airlines Group has made it easier for its employees to have an equity slake in the national airline by amending its share incentive scheme to allow them to borrow
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  • 38 9 A BOMB, believed to be from the last world war, has been found in a farmyard at 16km Ponggol Road. It was unearthed by farm workers a few days ago when they were clearing the ground.
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  • 48 9 REPUBLIC of Singapore Air Force aircraft will conduct livefiring exercises at Pulau Pawai from today to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily. On Tuesday the exercises will continue from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. The public is warned to keep clear of the area.
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  • 58 9 THE RTS Malay Section has introduced a new programme. Sari Bahasa (Language Bulletin). on the history and usage of, and mistakes made in the use of tbe Malay language. The 15-minute programme in 13 parts, to be broadcast on Mondays at 7.15 p.m. from next week, has
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 70 9 I ~*s^m nnnnni IV^y Keep in vogue every Tuesday with our A mflr lunchtime fashion show at the newly II refurbished coffee house, BAMBOO COURT. 1 *^*7^ ML This week: Clothes by C K.TJLNC tel 37&500 i M 1 1 teuffei\nch Western and Chinese dishes -$12 +10% 3% IV f
      70 words
    • 237 9 Aircon not working and service man still 'on the way? we provide a full service back-up for your aircon plus a guaranteed 2-hour emergency service. Our Service Agreement is your aircons as we do. After all, we've guarantee of a clean and expertly the added advantage of having been maintained
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 104 10 Fromtoday; Fly the airline of the generous Malaysians toSeoul! 1 mm «1 kt» |f Now Mas, the airline of Malaysia, gives you SFOUI eou^ ever y Monday and Saturday. KUALA a *From Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu via Taipei. LUMPUR Adding yet another Asian destination to our I^^ already extensive
      104 words

  • 235 11 A LOCAL shipyard has won a $25 million contract to build five supply boats and two tugs for Abu Dhabi in West Asia after a long lull in orders from the region. Promet Shipyard in Jurong won the order in late March after
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  • 38 11 THE Minister for Trade and Industry. Mr Goh Cbok Ton*, has appointed Mr Ng Kiat Chong and Mr Loh See Hong to be members of the Jurong Town Corporation from this month to Dec 31, 1980.
    38 words
  • 183 11 Under way then a hitch SHIPYARD warkera 5.«04 ant' cheered M s> dredgr pontoaa glided smoothly dawn the launchway towards the water along the Stag Kaon Seng shipyard hi Jaraag on SaUrday. The* it happened Ike pontoon, Ohm I, got stack halfway amid a great hash. The launching ceremony then
    183 words
  • 161 11 SINGAPORE won two of the J three major events in the first championships organiseti by the Asean Bridge Club in Jakarta last week. About 100 pairs of players, ncluding two from Singapore, took part in the fourday competition. The others were from the Philippines,
    161 words
  • 506 11  -  CHRISTINA RODRIG'JES By EMPLOYERS have given the thumbs down to a suggestion that they give explanations to applicants who fail to secure a job in their companies. They said this would be time-consuming and impractical because of the large number of applications
    506 words
  • 76 11 THE Vice-Chancellor of the University of Singapore, Mr Kwan Sai Kheong, will open the engineering faculty's open day at Kent Ridge campus on Saturday at 9.30 a.m. This year's open day, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., is to celebrate the faculty's 10th year of engineering
    76 words
  • 29 11 KUO Chuan community centre will hold a three-month yoga course every Saturday from 5 30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. at $18 per participant. For details ring *****7
    29 words
  • 31 11 THE Ministry of Culture and the British Council will jointly stage two performances by the London Shakespeare Group at 8 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday at the DBS auditorium
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  • 25 11 THE Peoples Association Chinese Orchestra, conducted by Urn Tlap Guan. will perform at the Singapore Conference Hall at 5 p.m. on April 8.
    25 words
  • 359 11 SIX people were injured, one seriously, when two station-wagons they were travelling in burst into flames after colliding at the junction of Boon Lay Way and Corporation Road yesterday. Miss Ng Hong Khee, 20, of Strathmore Avenue, was taken to the Singapore
    359 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 48 11 sasKr^r^'7^Tr^'lßiil ROPI-COOL I fEsSaaaSa^Bl^^^^^Ol^?? np*"~-* r BsM-aaaaaaaasi aaaaaaaa p^anaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaiviaai Lassaasaaaad C >AA 1 set of seat belts for 2 rvU front seats with every fS+ts^M, I TROPICOOL car aircon W l l S installed. Install a TROPI-COOL in your car RING *****33 and well do the rest I
      48 words
    • 528 11 interest with a DBS Savings Account. Get the most. The highest interest available. Earn 6% p.a. on a DBS Savings Account. You can deposit and withdraw at any of our branches. And up to 4.X p.m. on Saturdays at Katong, Orchard (Plaza Singapura) and Toa Payoh. Everyone can now enjoy
      528 words

  • 215 12 'Keep in mind special needs of students' THE Ministry of Education should encourage the writing of better books with the special problems of Singapore children in mind. This was suggested by Prof Lim Chong Yah, head of the department of economics and statistics at the University of Singapore. In his
    215 words
  • 86 12 SOCIETY OFFERS RESEARCH GRANTS THE Diabetic Society of Singapore is awarding research grants of up to $5,000 this year. Preference would be given to those who do diabetic research which is relevant to Singapore. Applications are invited from research workers here. Applicants should give details of the proposed research (title,
    86 words
  • 243 12 SINGAPORE motorists entering West Malaysia without seat belts were not booked, although the country's law making it compulsory for all drivers to put on the safety gadget came into force yesterday. However, they were warned and advised by the Malaysian police to comply with
    243 words
  • 47 12 CAPTAIN Jerry Lav Chye Gin has been elected the president of the Singapore Merchant Navy Officers' Association. Other officers are: Captain Clifford Royston Rankioe (first vice-president), Mr Ngoh Beng Poh (second vice-president), Mr Cheong Hon Kee (honorary interim secretary) and Mr Loh Mun Leong (treasurer).
    47 words
  • 186 12 New proof coin to bear Telecoms design THE proof version of the 1979 $10 silver coin bearing the Telecommunication design will be sold on May 14 at $30 each. The coin, which is legal tender, is similar in design and specifications to the $10 silver coin issued by the Board
    186 words
  • 147 12 MAN ROBS SHOP OF $15,000 RING POLICE are looking for a medium built, well dressed man who held up a sales assistant of a jewellery firm in Shenton Way on Saturday morning and escaped with a diamond ring worth $15,000. Police said the man walked into the ground floor shop
    147 words
  • 41 12 THE Minister for Home Affairs, Mr Chua Sian Chin, has banned four Malaysians from entering Singapore. they are Lam Kok Wai. 22 Lim Sim alias Urn How Ben. 67 Ibrahim bin Abdul Rahman, 21 and Esa Aziz, 21.
    41 words
  • 61 12 MISS Khoo Geek Yok, 14, of Track If, Pnnggol Bead who was knocked down by a pick-up van at the junction of Jalan Kaichap and Upper Sermngeen Read at I.M p.m. on Saturday, died later at 9.45 p.m. at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Those who
    61 words
  • 334 12 GOOD driving demands involvement of most of our senses. The driver must take in the whole scene around him, evaluate it, anticipate how it may affect him, then act. Proper road observation is needed and this, in turn, requires concentration, reaction, anticipation,
    334 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 335 12 A^^mmm^K. Mm rn^M m> 1 In I Am J #Nutri- Metics Nutri- Metics Nutri-Metics the Leader in the field of Pure Nutritious Skin Care and Beauty Aids, are formulated on a very unique concept of using extracts from natural nutritious foods in each of its products Free Beauty Demonstration at
      335 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 206 12 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavanagh Hal Camp TTTZTTTTTIir^NiII v /AND, BESIDES, I I ALL THE GIRLS ARE I I I'M BOSHED, DARLIN'/-) I MUST Jo© MORE I C\i I LIKE THE JOOCiNie NOWADAYS I'M AFRAID I'M s^C^ °f±F"- rr A FEEl V Si f\) «V SCENERV.^/ T*M OOlNft TO
      206 words

    • 257 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun j Several oil companies here j are planning to meet Trade I and Industry Ministry officials next month to ask for an increase in petrol prices, the Star newspaper reported Sources said they had no alternative but to ask for the
      257 words
    • 387 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday THE law making the wearing of seat belts compulsory is being enforced from today but many motorists in the city have not been belting up. Random spot checks by police sections carried out in various parts of
      NST  -  387 words
    • 332 13 Don't use schools as TO boxes' warning SEREMBAN, Sun. The Negri Sembilan State Director of Education, Mr Anuar Ayeob, has warned students, especially schoolgirls, to refrain from treating their schools as "P.O. boxes." Mr Anuar said some schoolgirls were found to be using their school addresses to receive love letters
      NST  -  332 words
    • 99 13 Allegiance oath to be 'must' for all IPOH, Sun. The constitution of Perak will be amended next month to require that all state Legislative Assembly members swear allegiance to the sultan, state government sources said today. Sultan Idris Shah was angered last year when six opposition members refused to take
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 57 13 SEREMBAN, Sun A farmer was killed and 10 others injured, five seriously, in an accident involving a tourist bus on its way to Singapore, two cars and a scooter at the 30km, Seremban Tampin Road here today Police identified the dead man as scooterist Abdul Aziz
      NST  -  57 words
    • 32 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Selangor Consumers Association (SCA) has urged the public to boycott imported fruits temporarily because it said retailers had gone back to their old high prices. NST
      NST  -  32 words
    • 203 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Su. Paw yean ago ta the day, Lt Sailed Jamaluddin had a leg blown oft hy a booby trap when he was on Jangle operations near the border. Bat fitted with m artificial leg, the yonng man Is hardly missing oat on
      203 words
    • 239 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun Recent research has shown that headmasters spend almost 60 per cent of their time doing clerical work, a seminar was told. As a result, educationist Mr A. Ramayah said, teachers had questioned the need for a headmaster since they, too, could do
      NST  -  239 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 174 13 Our deposit rates currently are as follows: Deposit Rates: On Call 5%% p.a. Savings Accounts 6Vi p.a. Fixed Deposits 1 month s'/2% p.a. 3 months 6'/4%p.a. 6 months 63/*%6 3 p.a. 9 months 7% p.a. 12 months 7Vi%p.a. 24 months TVi p.a. 36 months 8% p.a. For further details please
      174 words
    • 181 13 ■4 naW V «S M m± Leader in Fashion Eyewear Arabble at leading optical shops OLIVIER SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD. 2105, fobra House. Stenton V\by. Sngopae 1 lei *****22 Norton is more than just a name in safely It's one thing to make high quality personal It's the kind of capability
      181 words

  • The Straits Times MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1979
    • 366 14 BATHE with a friend save water, declared a poster of the 1960s. Today, with yet another energy crunch about to beset us, the problem of conservation is no joking matter. The imminent oil price rise, following the latest Opec decision and the Iranian shortage, will add hugely to
      366 words
    • 373 14 EVEN in his wildest dreams President Sadat could not have expected Arab leaders to shower kisses on him for reaching a peace agreement with Israel. The signing of the historic accord would invite a bitter Arab backlash, as the courageous Mr Sadat realised. How severe this
      373 words
    • 271 14 I was too right for my liking I READ with interest Mr C.V. Devan Nairs speech •(ST. March 28). I wish to disagree with him that "nobody thought about this in all the years since 1959." In 1961 I wrote to the Straits Times about trilingualism. which was in force
      271 words
    • 63 14 WITH all tbe aaarecedeatee spriag eleaalag la the MlaUiry ef Eaacatiea, eae little niche aas been lergettea the efflrUl appsiatmeat ef sealer assistaaU. Saefe apaeiatmeatx will aeftaie the argaateat that able seaten are sometimes by-pasted fer premetieas. CeaM the mfaUstry cccKider the abave saggeattea aad raise
      63 words
    • 457 14 WE SUPPORT Dr.Toh Chin Chye's speech on education in Parliament; it was honest and courageous. We would like to see a genuine response from Or Goh Keng Swee aid his team to all the suggestions and criticisms express, xl, or the debate would Merely have
      457 words
    • 283 14 IN THE midst of the present focus on education in Singapore, a rude shock has embraced many of us who are first-year students in twoyear courses at junior colleges. Due to the introduction of three-year courses at all pre-U centres except Raffles Institution,
      283 words
    • 173 14 ANOTHER area ef discontentment la the Education servlee are inrempreftenslbie rales that are sometimes formulated by shortsighted educationists. My wife's pesitiea Is a ease la pasat She was »moag the lucky few promoted to senior education officer la the last promotion exercise. She was
      173 words
    • 1109 14  - More MPs should have taken part LESLIE FONG By Straits Times News Editor IN LAST week's big education debate in Parliament, only 27 MPs, apart from the Education Minister, Dr Goh Keng Swee, took part. Three former education ministers, who should have contributed to the debate, chose to keep their
      1,109 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 9 14 Rado >^^ Quartz /t^ Watfirprool ml RADoI W*^ J Switzerland
      9 words
    • 527 14 signet.TK7su SIMPLY.....THE BEST CARTRIDGE AVAILABLE! r J Yes, that's exactly the way to describe the new Signet TK 7 SU cartridge-one that Is noticeably superior In every aspect! The Nude square-shank mMaturtzed Shfbata stylus plus the dual-magnet low-mass design provides an accurate frequency response from even the most demanding records.
      527 words

  • Article, Illustration
    2 15
    2 words
  • 528 15  -  MICHEL FAURE Bu in MkMtotown, Pennsylvania how and why it happened (^Ldii^l^HMji THE Three Mile Island nuclear power station, a buge concrete mass topped by four giant cooling towers, has something of the menace and mystery of a medieval fortress. What takes place inside is deadly
    AFP  -  528 words
  • 557 15 What those N-plant terms mean FOLLOWING are some of the terms used in describing operations and conditions in a nuclear power plant GLADDING the material that surrounds the nuclear fuel material; in many reactors, the cladding is a metal shielding. CONDENSER heat exchanger in which steam is transformed into (liquid)
    NYT  -  557 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 333 15 I Best Compliments to I sai€T€ G€N€RAL€ P Singapore Branch 1 I 'On Your Official 1 Opening 1 Jakarta 1 IP.T. YASONTA I P.T. YASUNLITEX I P.T. YASUNLI I IP.T. YASINTA I P.T. FICOSYN I Singapore I KIAN CHOON TRADING CO. If IAM dlil TAT 9TE iTR ■\lnPI OIPI In
      333 words

    • 2169 16 AS A service to readers, Straits Times publishes weekly a detailed analysis of shares on the Stock Exchange of Singapore The year's high and low, are followed by the week's movement In prices, the dividend, the net price earnings ratio and the volume of business. NOTE: Closing
      2,169 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 289 16 LIQUID market conditions continued (or most days of last week with overnight rates at the i't 4U per cent level except on cash balance day, at 7 6' i per while the range of fluctuation for One, Two and Three Months' rates was within 1 16 per cent. Houses
        289 words
      • 105 16 THE AVERAGE discount rate for 91-day Singapore Treasury Bills held unchanged at 4 405 per cent at the latest tender while that of the 182-day Bills rose to 4.525 per cent compared with 4.510 per cent previously, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said. Applications totalled $80.62 million
        Reuter  -  105 words
      • 166 16 THE KILOBAR market opened at I16.S* per kilo and moved down to J16.93S to closed at 116 953 on Saturday. In the Far East, gold opened at US S240DO 40. It wa* traded in a very narrow range of S23S.80 ***** and closed at B40 10 50 Gold wa*
        166 words
      • 34 16 LONDON Copper prices on Friday I previous in bracked) Wiretar Spot £1.01* (O.««) neUer* £1.030 (C1.H7); Three Month buyer* £1.028 SO (C 1.067). KUen C1.029 50 (£1.057 50) Mwkettaw: Eader 8^n: 25.700 tonnes
        34 words
      • 168 16 ASIAN rirrriry average drpMdbi rate* far tke week r«l«J Marrh M: 7 days 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months Hi«k Low 10'. 10 5/18 10 7/18 8 13/16 108/16 103/16 10 13/16 10 10 1011/16 10 11/16 10H 1011/*****/16 1 month
        168 words
      • 117 16 IN GENERAL, transactions on the interbank market were mostly deal around M per cent last link. However, the base day aw a rather high closing rate o( 7 to 6 percent. The terms eased oft somewhat with the closing rates at 6-. to 6'», S-T/1S to 6-5
        117 words
      • 318 16 BANK'S prime lending rates as at the close of business on Friday, March 30. BANK'S :PLK Algemene Bank 8 4 American Express 8 Asia Commercial 8 Asien-PaziHk 8 Mi Ban Hin Lee Bank 8 Bane a Commerciale 8 1 Banco Do Brasil V/t Bangkok Bank 8
        318 words
      • 120 16 CHINESE PRODUCE EXCHANGE, SINGAPORE, NOON CLOSING PUCKS PEE PKUL ON SATURDAY: Cm— .1 til: Bulk $124 sellers, old drum 1129 sellers, new drum 1134 sellers. Casn: Mixed (loose) UK/Coal J79 00 buyers Peffer: Muatok ASTA white fob 100% NLW 1320.00 aeUen, Sarawak white fob W* NLW $306 00
        120 words
    • 597 16 LONDON. Fri-Shares and government stocks closed lower in reaction to recent gains and on light profit-taking due to election uncertainties, dealers said. The FT index was down 10.0 to 530.8 points at the close. Closing middle prices of selected stocks excluding stamp duty were: INDUSTRIALS UlledBrew 93'. -l'i
      597 words
    • 207 16 NEW YORK, Fri.-Stock market prices declined with nuclear power and uranium stocks dropping, in some cases substantially, following news of continuing problems from the nuclear power plant leak near Harrisburg, PA. The Dow Jones industrials dropped five points to 862.18, and losers led winners four-to-three on a volume
      207 words
    • 193 16 AMSTERDAM, Fri.— Share prices closed lower, with Ak» and I aiJever both losing 0.80 guilders in lower Dutch internationals, dealers said. 4AR 30 FU \HN MOJO -1.7 (hold I2ZS0 -O.» tkK> JMO -0 8 MHEV M.40 +04 itmfu us JO (inch *mrot Bulk 7SJ0 -0* U»rjos» 57S0 *03 Otrk
      193 words
    • 210 16 LITTLE trading characterised the week's produce market in Singapore. Nevertheless, market sentiment was steady. Pepper which had provided much of the previous week's highlights, slowed much of its pace due to the withdrawal of overseas buyers from the sector. Instead, some fluctuations in prices occured. Earlier in the
      210 words
    • 192 16 TOKYO, Sat- Share prices gained slightly in active half-day trading, led by energy resources-related issues and incentive-back-ed shares, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 7.34 to close at 6,141.31 points with a volume of 210 milion shares. The New index was 449.46, down 0.22 point. Today'* closing price*
      192 words
    • 219 16 ZURICH, Fri.— Closing prices of roost stocks tended below Thursday's level. Banks and financials were maintained, while insurances, industrials and chemicals tended weaker. The Credit Sussie index was fractionally lower at 270.8 points. 4AR 30 Francs Actions Sulsses 300 Uusulsse Br 1425 Musulsse Reg 570 Brown Boverl Br 1900
      219 words
    • 63 16 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Friday 530 8 Thursday 540.8 Week Ago 534.6 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Friday 862.18 Thursday 866.77 Week ago 850.75 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Friday «0 3 '4 to 81*4 Thursday 55 to 56 H.K.HANG SENG Friday 537.86 Thursday 537.93 Week ago 554.48 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Friday 486.10 Thursday
      63 words
    • 43 16 Malayan Credit has declared an interim dividend of 5 per cent gross (nil), for the year ending March 31, payable on May 31, to shareholders registered on May 5. Transfer register will be closed from May 5 to May 19. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  43 words
      • 157 16 LONDON: Rubber Futures closed easier on Friday, 0.40p up in untraded near months to 0.95p per kilo down from yesterday in distant months. Terminal had closed the morning quiet and slightly easier reflecting the closure of the Malaysian market because of the death of the King, firmness of
        157 words
      • 440 16 LEVELS climbed another 12 cents in active trading In the week ended March 29, taking the current month to a hl«h of 268 cents (Singapore) per kilo. In extension of the bull trend which started out at 244 cents in earl}' March, breaching In the process peaks
        440 words
      • 172 16 Tin price eases LONDON: Tin ended the day £85 and £92 down for Cash and Three Months respectively on Friday. Dealers attributed the weaker tone to continued liquidation and chartist selling met by only modest trade support primarily in the cash sector. Sources thought the stoploss selling seen in morning
        172 words
    • 337 16 SHAKES generally performed better thai ex. peetod at the Sta**p«re Stack Eiehaage last week. Tradlag was chararterlsed by »crastoaal forays mte the mtolag aid plaatartaa seeton. Ticrf wen um st£Mt stgas «4 specalative »■>•- lag «pUllaf ever to leeOea tw» W tke aiarket. The dally tradlag patter* m
      337 words
    • 113 16 THE feltewtag list 1 stocks (fives the II mwt traded mi the Stock Exchange Slagspare last week. It gives the tuMver la th«M— <s et ulta, elMlag prices *n Friday and the high ami torn for 1ITI C—fy TtrMvrr 1M Prim Mart* iraim Sime Darby Holdings 1.154
      113 words
    • 319 16 LOWER-LINERS *et the pace with a steady stream of speculative buying on the Kuala Lumpur stock market last week. The support was, however, selective and issues singled out for play made impressive advances during a week shortened by the closure of trading on Friday as a mark of
      319 words
      • 58 16 "BT Index: •Industrials a Finance ••Hotels: •Properties Tins: tOCBC: »CCC T l 2021.45 371.08 664 57 277.00 238.05 181.37 566.03 ***** 1999.99 369 76 662.23 276.32 237.75 181.44 565.24 ***** 2026.70 371.12 662 80 279.07 238.57 181.77 568.52 351.47 2015.15 370.26 660.27 278.96 238.42 184.32 568.85 350.80 2030 66
        58 words
      • 77 16 Mm SI Mar n MarS MwB MarM "BT Index: 2844.77 •Industrials: 406.77 tvFlnanoe 574.01 ••Hotels: 255.12 •Properties: 224.93 ■Tins ***** •JRubbers ***** 2825.01 403.95 576.94 254.87 223.48 192.89 628.71 2849.67 2847.39 406.43 407.95 ***** 577.95 255.12 255.03 225.76 225.97 196.70 200.32 629.35 631.26 closed cloaed closed closed cloned closed
        77 words
    • 481 16 LONDON: Share prices fluctuated idely last week, and steep rises in the first few days, both in anticipation of and immediately following the government's defeat in Parliament and news of the forthcoming general election, took the FT thirty share index to a record 557. 8 at 1,000 on
      Reuter  -  481 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
      4,017 words
    • 676 17 FULLTIME SALES REPRESENTATIVES required Call personally today between 1000 am and 5 00pm at: 362. Joo Chlat Road MOOOR SALESGIRLS REQUIRED by prestlgeous leather goods store Oood remuneration with annual leave and fringe benefits. Those Interested In liking to deal with people kindly call personally to 108. Ist floor. Plaza
      676 words
    • 672 17 A leading Japanese menulac luring Invites applicants for the post ofMALE MACHINE OPERATORS a) Completed Secondary education (Technical) b) 2to 3 years' working experience in similar position c) Completed fulltlme National Service Apply: JVOTO WORKS (S) PTE. LTD. 11 A Joo Vee Road. (Ne»t lo YKK Industries). Singapore 22 on
      672 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 605 18 l EMPLOYMEKT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT ■EMPLOYMENT I II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant d) TecluUcml Dee la rapid e»pansion fXCTOOW EXETROM CPO PTE LTD has Immediate vacancies for the following positions (A) PRODUCTION SUPERVISORS a Should possess a Diploma In Electronics Engineering or IU equivalent. OCE A' level holders who
      605 words
    • 527 18 HUGHES TOOL COMPANY (FAR EAST) FTE. LTD. A naw and faat aapandmg aubsMtwryettha world's argaat maWMjfsctvrtH ol mlw#M ■nMnf tOOM KaM MOTWOWH VBCtVVCIsM tor tha toWowing poamona 1) QUALITY ASSURANCE SUPERVISOR Responsible to the Superlnlendent To carry out the day-to-day supervision, control and co-ordtnatlon of quality assurance Inspectors In his
      527 words
    • 664 18 1 Vacancy far MANUFACTURING SCHEDULER I TMa is a mat poaMon and I •uccaaaM candidate must I hava mttiaiiva, orwa and 9f^B* I Mamg abMty piua a good work ng background I Minimum education OCE 'O' Level with at least 3 credits Preference will be given to polytechnic graduates I
      664 words
    • 519 18 A FACTORY M Jurong requires Temporary Female Workers SB.OO per day plus $1 50 meal subsidy to work 6 days week from 7 am 3 p.m Transport provided at pick-up points Apply personally to 37 Quality Road. Spore 72. A LARGE INTERNATIOHAL OH. COMPANY invMas applications from surtably qualrhad Singapore
      519 words
    • 473 18 A ml aatabaahad company In J«rona liuWii aaa*aama for m. (otA) STOREMAN a Primary Six and above a Singapore Male citizen MD CLASS BOSLER MAM a Male Singapore citizen C) TECHNICIAN APPRENTICE a Secondary Four and above, a Singapore male citizen a Completed NS D) ACCOUNTS CLERK a OCE. O
      473 words
    • 470 18 CORONA MANUFACTURERS (PTE)LTD join us today! as Female toductkMi )pcrotors md un upte $300 -$80 plus many valuable prizes ond enjoy 3 increments in a year overtime shift allowance of about $50 a month. 13th month pay free uniforms air-conditional workplace sports recreational activities typewriter purchase at staff price purchase
      470 words
    • 541 18 EUROPEAN STANDARD ELECTRONICS PTE. LTD. due to expansion has vacancies for: FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS (Singapore Citizam/ Nondtiaans) s No scope work Working experience not necessary Work in air-condi-tioned comfort Complete primary education Age 16-30 We provide: r a Attractive starting salary of $180 pm Increment on completion of 2 months'
      541 words
    • 410 18 HAj*BßKga>«eß^eMMeea»_SJ aPJ^OWpPJ mm ft^B*^eemr4jßSmL*ea_V| Garment Manufacturer requires 1. DESPATCH CLERK 2. HELPERS H+^UiTvmv n t s a (1) Must be able to ride scooter, age between 18 25 a (2) Male or Female. Age between 16 22 Apply personally to: 27A Beach Road (oppowttf BMch Roofl Cwnp) Slngapoftf 7 GENERAL
      410 words
    • 539 18 INTERNATIONAL AMERICAN COMPANY JOB SATISFACTION COMES FIRST large! and you want a satisfying career, a (ob where you can express your ideas and ikiki. and gain UMMfittod wof difiQ tiptfßinct, you should caH on ua. We need several Young and Per sonaMe MALES and FEMALES above It years of age
      539 words
    • 569 18 KOKOSHA SSMOAPOME PTE LTD has Immediate vacancies for MALE WORKSHOP APPRENTICES Necessary training will be provided. Salary range SMO7SMO/SMO. We ofter the foHowing benefits c Free medical service c Sick and hospltailsatlon leave c Compassionate leave, a Free uniforms, c Free transportation, a 13-month pay. a CPF benefits a S-day
      569 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 639 19 II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT I EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT j II EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant t) General Due to massive expansion prrjframme. we have vacancies for 1) FEMALE OPERATORS c (nmpleted Primary education c Age 16 to 30 years c Singapore citizens and permanent residents Benefits c High salary c Periodic
      639 words
    • 696 19 iwp Hltl COME AND ENJOY EVERY MMUTE Of HAPPINESS WITH US IN TWP AND YOU WBA REALISE THE PLEASURES OF La*E. Uon't miss the opportunity of being gay and pleasant Female Workers because THE JOB: of normal working hours is Interesting, simple and pleasIng No microscopic work THE WORKING ENVWONMENT:
      696 words
    • 595 19 rciviß MuW MMinal Company urgently FEMALE OPERATORS c Completed Primary 6or wilt secondary education c No working experience required ATTRACTIVE SMFT ALLOWANCI AND BENEFITS OFFERED JOM US FOR A REWARDING CAREER. Please call personally for Immediate Interview at: NMB SMGAPORE LNaTTED 1. CMAI CHEE AVENUE SMGAPORE 14 OR BLOCK 10.
      595 words
    • 356 19 jjT^s^?j I V^PACIFIC^ requires (A)LATHE MACHINE OPERATORS (B)DRILLING MACHINE OPERATORS (C)Q.C. INSPECTOR OueNficatJona: c Preferably with V.I. Certificate with minimum Sec. II c Prepared to do 2 shifts duties (D)STORE HAND/ GRINDER Qualifications c Strong physique and preferably with ability to grind tools Reinunei aliun c Starting salary around 5250
      356 words
    • 503 19 '■■■I'll [1) TEMPORARY MALE WORKERS > Prepared to do shift work > Have some working experience [2) 3RD SHIFT MACHINE CLEANERS/ SWEEPERS permanent night shift > Preferably with some working experience lENEFITS:i good starting salary 3) free meal and tea free medical attention Interested applicants, please call sersonally between Monday
      503 words
    • 347 19 PARKING ATTENDANT (FEMALE) required by Shopping Centre located in Beach Road Applicants must have Secondary I education. Age between 17 and 30. Salary 1160 Interested persons are requested to call personally at: SBW WSt. Bth floor Woh Hup Complex Golden MHe, Beach Roed Spore 7 from 9.30 a.m. sp.m. or
      347 words
    • 667 19 MALE FACTORY FITTERS (SKR.LEO AND SEMISKILLED) Apply personally at UNITED CENTRAL ENGINEERING WORKS SPORE PTE LTD 200-O. Ayer Ra*ah Roed Ayer Rap* Industrial Estate ass: REOUMED MALE 4 Female Carapplicants please call personally at: 1209. Textile Centre, Jalan Sultan, Spore 7. REOUWED MALAY DRIVER Age 35 to 45 Preferably staying
      667 words
    • 326 19 SINGAPORE INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT PTE. LTD. requires 1) FEMALE GENERAL CLERK /TYPIST c Ability to type reasonably accurate. c Knowledge of English c Pleasant personality 2) TELEPHONE OPERATOR/ RECEPTIONIST c Must have pleasant personality c Minimum 2 years experience with PABX System. c Working knowledge of English required 1) COMPANY DRIVER
      326 words
    • 618 19 TEPPAN-YAKI STEAK HOUSE MMO-O requires 1) BARTENDERS 2) WAITERS WAITRESSES Those Interested please apply personally with 1 passport size photograph to Groundftoor. King's Hotel, between 1.30pm. Sam. SUPREME COFFEE HOUSE requires Waitresses/Cashiers. Preferably residing In dlsts. 3. 9. 10 and 11. Apply personally at Hotel Supreme. 15. Kramat Road. Spore
      618 words
    • 622 19 WAITRESSES WASHERS I KITCHEN HELPERS required for reepectaMe restaurant Tel *****07 WANTED APPRENTICES FOR Offset printing machine Completed N.S Interview at: 117A Frankel Avenue. Spore 15 From 2 spm WANTED BOWLING COUNTER Girls/ Mechanics/ Instructors and Female Office Helpers In bowling alley Interested please call 808. Hth Mr. International Plaza.
      622 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 870 20 HI VEHICLES A BOATS 111 VEHICLES A BOATS IV ACCOMMOOATKW A PROPERTIES IV ACCOtfIIODATION A PROPERTIES 45 VwMcmm For Saw AMCOND PUT tM Special July I*7l IBM re (9 400 Very good condition *3*M6 ATTRACTIVE M/H/73 FIAT 124 Sporu Sport* rims alrcond. Miuubuhl radlo/canelte Tuffkoie metallic colour Contact *****73 MMUST
      870 words
    • 967 20 MERCEDES ao* I*7l Alrcond. road tax/ in*ur\nce new Selling (15.000 on o Tel *****3 MERCEDES SM *73 and Audi Auto lOOI.S Both air -con. cassette Interested *****Z *****74, Chan MERCEDES MM AUTOMATIC 1971 model In excellent condition Overhauled at the expense of (6.000. I year ago $14,000 0.n.0 Tel 32M47
      967 words
    • 818 20 W0 MERCEDES (M Automatic. one private owner, alrcond. cas- ATTRACTTVW O»^BM setre New (ax. Contact *****4 For «a PARF temp can. BCRVtCE CHARGE. We sell Below 1000 c c (3.000 your car faslat your price 46 Be^w 1800 c c -(4800 Zlon Road. *****9. 2^564.7 ggj •*•"> I*7* HMO CORTMA
      818 words
    • 378 20 OMTMCT S FABER PARK $3,500 Paber Walk $1,900 Faber Terrace $2,000. District 10 Princess of Wales Road $1,500 Prince of Wales Road $1,500. District 11 Raffles Park $2,000. Contact *****6. DMT. 10. DETACHED BUNGALOW 4 bedrooms, split-level llvlng/dlnIng, fully alrcondltloned with swimming pool. Servant's amenities. Ideal for entertainment Study Call
      378 words
    • 1007 20 Thinking of operating a Japanese restaurant? Our locale is premium the ground door of the Merlin Hotel 4.300 sq ft is available for rent at the attractive rate ot $2 50 per sq H. (inclusive ot service chargei Your clientele will be Hotel guests and tourists Bankers and businessmen Oftice
      1,007 words
    • 648 20 DWTMCT PATERSON TOWER Swimming pool, tennis courts/24 hours security service. 2JSO sq.ft. 3 bedrooms/ study/ servant's, beautifully furnished. Pili il« Hi oa* *****74 (O*toe>/23*S*03 (Will >■ DWT. M NEW, 3-bedroomed apartment swimming pool squash/ tennis court*, furnished/ unfurnished walking distance to American School *****4. DWT. 11. CENTRALLY LOCATED luxuriously fully
      648 words
    • 661 20 A ROOM AT dlst 15. (SO p.m. for working person Tel: *****86 Mr Tay ASIAN HOUSBIO AGENCY provide* better services for belter choice of rooms/ flats, houses— contact *****2. AVAILABLE FOR JAPANESE Bachelor, dlst 10, furnished, alrcon room with bathroom attached Tel *****58 810 FURMSHED ROOM to let at dlst
      661 words
    • 1509 20 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES j I ACE OFFERS: ClemenU Park single-storey bungalow. 6.000 sq ft 3 bedrooms, servant's. $230,000 Double -"Uwey bungalow 6.800 sq ft 5 bedrooms, study, servant's. (315.000. Call: 25(0922 ACE OFFERS: Hong Leong Garden luxurious double-storey corner terrace house (type DA) 2.900 sq ft 3 bedrooms, servant's,
      1,509 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
      4,301 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      82 22 In Evar Loving M«mory of Madam E. O. AMan (EOOV) Diod: 2nd Apr* 1f7V. Smca you Ml im on* rw ago. MtnMwiw of you wiM onvoys rofiww m our hearts. Sadly m»Md by »oo«. daughter* IN EVER LOVMO MEMORY Of MISS JANICE ONG CHEMG HU» DEPARTED ON
      82 words
    • 27 22 JLDY NG LEE BENG One year has passed since you left us. Sadly missed but always remembered by husband. daughters, brothers and sisters.
      27 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      65 22 MRS. OUVE EDITH BAMBOO aged 66 passed away peacefully on 31.3.79 leaving behind beloved husband Samboo, Son Hillary. Daughters Alleen Mavis. Sons-In-laws Arumugam Oopal, Daughters-in-law Shirley, 9 Grandchildren, Three Brother* and two Sisters to mourn her loss. Cortege leaves 25, Munshl Abdullah Aye S-26 at 2.30 pm on 2479
      65 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 598 22 VI EDUCATION 4 TRAINING M MM M WANTED UPPER PR9MARV lady trr T iti vhool teacher tor a pupil Interim IIMIrOO ested telephone *****8 (after S3opm> TUITION m MATHEMATICS »ro Will ESTABLISHED TUITION nomirs sciences f'nglish r\r by Centre provides home tuition for nilingual tutors for all levels Tel student*
      598 words
    • 423 22 114 Tour* ANOEL HAPPY HOLIOAY TOURS Phllllpplnes/ Taiwan 1' days Departure 17/4. 18/7 $1539 All Taiwan (Huallen) B days Departure 23/4. 24/5. 1 1/6 $1345 Bangkok/ Pattaya/ Chelngmal 5-7 days Departure 2/4. 7/ S. l«/6t830-S8»5 Phllllplnes/ Taiwan/ H X 14 days Departure 10/4. 7/5. 3/7 $1685 Bangkok XX /Taiwan 14
      423 words
    • 629 22 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS TOUR SUPER kMARTj World Adventure Paris Fra nee VThe Boat of USA/Canada, Meiko/TalpeL HoofKoof 30 days SSSSSO KLSS79O *****0 KLS6BSO (Paris/Now York by coaconfe) 14/4,26/5.21/7,15/9. GRAND EUROPA 13 COUNTUZS IN 24 DAYS Denmark. Germany SwitiarUndVLMtchtenaioa Austria/Italy VaticaaMonaco. France Spain Belgium. Holland England *****0 KLS39SO (By Super DC
      629 words
    • 601 22 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte Ltd. STPB. Lie No: 140 West Malaysia Tour (Inclusive Oentlng Cameron Highlands) by deluxe alrcondltloned coach seven days SJI99/- six days SJI79/-. departure every Sunday. Monday. Tuesday Genling/ Cameron Highlands four days SSI4O/-. Oentlng Highland! four days SSISO/-. by deluxe aircondiuoned
      601 words
    • 237 22 STPB LICENCE TA*****81 SPECIAL EASTER HOLIOAY DEPARTURE TO GENTING HIGHLANDS 3 DAYS/ 2 NIGHTS tap: 13th AprN (Fri) "our price: ***** 00 ncl: Meals, twin sharing ace. ransport by deluxe air-con oach .United seats available 'or further Informations pieaat ontact: IHENTOURS PTE LTD II Marina Hop—. 70 Shwiton Way '•i:
      237 words
    • 420 22 DISTRICT AND MAGISTRATES' COIRTS SINGAPORE D.C. Summons No. 202 of 1979 Between BOUSTEAD TRADING (8) PTE LTD Plaintiff* And TAN KOON TIN trading as PEH KIM ENTERPRISE Defendant NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT To:Tan Koon Tin trading as Peh Kim Enterprise, 37-B. Hong Kong Street, Singapore 1 Take notice that an actldn
      420 words
    • 349 22 I AVEBE I WE, AVEBE-SCHOLTEN, HOLLAND have the pleasure to announce our appointing CHERRIG CO (PTE) LTD, SINGAPORE I* AND CHERRIG CO SDN BHD MALAYSIA as our exclusive agents for our products for the textile industry in these countries, as from 1 st April 1 979. Kindly contact them for
      349 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
      574 words
    • 462 23 CHANGE OF NAME I From 29th March, 1979 the name of The People's Insurance Company of Malaya Limited (Incorporated in Singapore) has been changed to: The People's Insurance Company Limited (Incorporated in Singapore) Our address, telephone numbers and cable address remain unchanged as below: People's Insurance Building, 6, Cecil Street,
      462 words
    • 553 23 TM State CHANGE OF ADDRESS Please take note that with effect from April 1, 1979 all mail should be directed to: TRI-STATE OIL TOOL (8) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 309 JURONG TOWN POST OFFICE SINGAPORE 22 REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Our Office is located at 100 GUL CIRCLE, STREET NO: S
      553 words
    • 339 23 TIMES PUBLISHING BERHAD UocorporaUd in Singtportl Notice is hereby given that share certificates Nos *****4/8 covering 1.000 shores eoch m the nom* ot Mrs Bibanbai Fidahusem Tyebolly and shore certificates Nos *****2/3 and *****4 covering 1,000 shores eoch and 500 shores respectively in the nome of Miss Nooriehon Fidahusem Tyebolly
      339 words

    • 2121 24 SATURDAY'S DRAW 1st No. *****5 ($2,177) 2nd No. *****6 ($1,088) 3rd No. *****0 ($544) STARTERS ($80 each): Nos. *****6, *****6, *****9, *****8, *****1, *****6, *****8, *****7, *****8. CONSOLATION ($48 each): Nos. *****3, *****0, *****6, *****9, *****6, *****4, *****2, *****7, *****6, *****3. SUNDAY'S DRAW 1st
      2,121 words
    • 850 24 STIPE'S REPORT Millington fined $500 JOCKEY Laurie Millington was charged with careless riding and fined $500 He was also warned that any recurrence of the offence would result In a suspension. Millington, on Bronco, attempted to improve his position by moving towards the rails, but failed to clear of Sasha
      850 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 773 24 DEUTZ FAR EAST (PTE) LTD. has the foNowing immediate vacancies 1. ASSISTANT MANAGER PROJECTS DEPT (DIESEL ENGINES/GENERATING SETS) OuaMcattona: Degree in Mechanical Engineering of the Untversity of Singapore or equivalent 5 years experience in engineering protect works with diesel engines. Applicants with knowledge of German Language will be given preference.
      773 words
    • 562 24 Apprenticeship with the 808 Economic Development Board Earn as you Learn The EDB offers 2 years full-time training at the Tata, Rollei, Philips Government Training Centres and the Japan Singapore Training Centre followed by 2 years m-plant attachment with an approved factory leading to nationally recognised craftsmen certificate at the
      562 words

    • 220 25 World team lose unbeaten record JOHANNESBURG, Sun. The World invitation rugby union team lost their unbeaten record here yesterday when they went down 34-18 to Transvaal province. The international pack, built round a nucleus of five New I 'aland internationals, showed only glimpses of their true form. Transvaal were only
      AFP  -  220 words
    • 268 25 MILAN, Sun America's youthful John McEnroe and Australia's John Alexander (ought their way into the final of the Ramazzotti Cup World Championship Tennis tournament with straight-set semi-final wins yesterday. Third-seeded McEnroe, 20. used speed and enthusiasm to upset second seed Vitas Gerulaitis W). fr-3
      Agencies  -  268 words
    • 350 25 LONDON, Sun. Five-time winner Geoff Hunt, o Australia, outclassed Eypt's Mohammed Asran 92, 9S, 94 to reach the last 16 of the £17,000 ($75,210) British Open squash championship here yesterday. Hunt, 32, experienced Few problems but his compatriot Kevin Shaw cross was given a tough test
      Reuter  -  350 words
    • 470 25 HILTON HEAD ISLAND, I South Carolian. Sun. Tom Watson, playing on one of his favourite courses, picked up four shots on the field in two holes and established a stranglehold eight-stroke lead yesterday in the third round of the US$300,000 ($651,000) Heritage golf Classic
      470 words
    • 498 25 PORT OF SPAIN, Sun. Rain caused play to be delayed for over two hours and brought a farcical end to a one-day World Series Cricket match between the West Indies and Australia here yesterday. The West Indies scored 206 for seven off their allot-
      AFP  -  498 words
    • 452 25 BRIEFS Russians chalk up third victory TOLEDO (Ohio). Sun. Defend ing champions the Soviet Union chalked up three victories yesterda> to take the lead going into the final round of ice World Cup amateur freestyle wrestling championships. Th>>y defeated Cuba. Japan and Africa by 8-2 margins Hie Africans comprised wrestlers
      Agencies  -  452 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 701 25 A large and well established group of companies in Singapore with overseas offices invites suitably qualified applicants for the post of I ADMINISTRATION AND I PERSONNEL MANAGER The Administration and Personnel Manager will be responsible for general administration. He will be involved in feasibility studies and evaluation of new projects
      701 words
    • 507 25 STP DISTRIBUTORS SDN BHD (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Times Publishing Bhd) invites suitobly qualified oppNcants for the post of I PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGER I This position requires someone at least two years' marketma I positive attitude and be able to mot?vaVe other? U d hh V I II h
      507 words
    • 507 25 IN THE MATTER OP THE COMPANIES ACT. CAP. IRS AND SABANG INTERNATIONAL I AGENCIES (S) PTE. LIMITED (la ValonUry UqaMattoa) MEMBERS' VOLUNTARY WINDING-UP iNOTICE IS HEREBY I GIVEN that the creditors of the above Company, which Is being voluntarily woundup, are required on or before 30th day of April. 1979,
      507 words
    • 469 25 IN THI MATTERS OP THE COMPANIES ACT (CHAPTER IM) AND IN THE MATTER OP PLEASANT TRAVELS (PRIVATE) LIMITED (Inrarpanktod In lac RepaMlr ..StaMporr) (la LJqaM»tt«i) MEMBERS' VOLUNTARY WINDING UP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 272 of the Companies Act, (Chapter 185) that the Final General Meeting of
      469 words

    • 270 26 LIVERPOOL, Saa. Whea Rabstte, whe was gaUtstii ea the beach all wlater to escape the aaaw, atoraitl U a ti-l vietwy la the Graaa Naaaaal at Alatree yeotorfey, he gave U» Jaefcey, Marria Baraea, victory hi Ua Brat attempt hi the race. Bat the werM'a me*
      UPI  -  270 words
    • 711 26  - Hansen's late sortie saves Liverpool HOWARD WHITTEN LEAN SCOT OUTDOES MORE FAMOUS COLLEAGUES By LONDON, Sun. The lean Scot, Alan Hansen made one of his occasional sorties upfield yesterday, eight minutes from the end of the Football Association Cup semi-final against Manchester United and kept Liverpool's hopes alive. Hansen, the
      Reuter  -  711 words
    • 472 26 'Master Lu' collects his third trophy JAKARTA, Sun. Taiwan's rookie professional Lu Hsi Chuen came from behind to snatch the Indonesian Open golf tournament and his third Asian circuit title here today with a four-day total of eight under-par 272. Burma's World Cup veteran, Mya Aye, 38, who led the
      472 words
    • 447 26 BANGKOK, Sun. Thai pugilists scored 12 victories, the Soviet Union three and Egypt one, in 16 quarterfinals of the flyweight, bantamweight, lightweight and light-middleweight divisions, at the King's Cup boxing tournament being held here. The Russians had two contenders in the lightweight last
      Reuter  -  447 words
    • 154 26 LUSAKA, Su. Uttfc Mwale, «f laanhta, wn the CMMMMMltk Ughtheav>we4«ht baxlag title Ci— to. hi aw flftt i^—< here yesterday. Brittah referee Harry OlhbaraM that fli—n h*yt km bi riM^e te carry after Mwsle h»d pat him torn with a tw«kn<H barraxe. Earlier, the
      154 words
    • 1288 26 PA CUP SEMI-FINALS Liverpool 2 Manchester United 2, Wolverhampton Wanderen 0 Anena!2. Bristol City 2 Birmingham 1. Ipswich 2 Manchester City 1. Middles borough 1 Spurs 0, Nottingham Forest 1 Bolton 1. Queens Park Rangers 2 Derby 2. Southampton 2 Leeds United 2. Brighton 0 Notts County 0,
      1,288 words
    • 50 26 EAST BERLIN. Sun. Dynamo Berlin and Magdeburg qualified for next month's East German soccer Cup final after yesterdays semi-final return leg ties. Dynamo Berlin drew 1-1 with Dynamo Dresden, but qualified oa M aggregate. Magdeburg beat Lok Leipzig 2-0 to finish with a 7-1 aggregate. Reuter
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 57 26 NEW YORK. Sun Kevta Ryan, of New Zealand, en route to the Boston Marathon, captured the New York Road Runners Club KMrUometre race yesterday The 30-year-old Ryan, fifth last year at Boston, scored a 250metre victory over American Bill Kronn He clocked 29 min «.9 sec
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 183 26 Handball star in coma DUSSELDORF, Sun. One of West Germany's top handball players, Joachim Deckarm was given a 50-50 chance of living by doctors here after fracturing his skull in a match yesterday. Deckarm, a West German international, was playing I for his club side, VFL Gum- J merbach in
      AFP  -  183 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 938 26 ASEAN MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS To promote ASEAN co-operotion, the University of Singapore ho* instituted o number of ASEAN Merit Scholarships Applications ore now invited from interested candidates EHotMMty Applicants must (a) be citizens or permanent residents of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines or Thoiiond. (b) be fluent m the Engfcsh language (c) have
      938 words
    • 322 26 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CIAPTER 18) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 1153 OF 1978 Re: CHING YET Ex parte: OVERSEAS UNION BANK LIMITED NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Notice filed on the 27th day of October 1978. To:Ching Yet 3A
      322 words

    • 372 27 Shot putter Fok, a champion who keeps his promises STARTING today, Timesport will be featuring a personality of the month. WILFRED YEO profiles Fok Keng Choy, who bettered his nine-year-old national shot put record last month. SHOT PUTTER Pak Km* Chey hat heea ealleri mjtay mbw la alt a yean,
      372 words
    • 337 27  -  JOE DORAI By NEGOTIATIONS for the on-off visit of the New York Cosmos, the North American Soccer League champions, have taken a new twist. A Japan-based consortium, who have secured the right to stage five matches for the Cosmos in the Far East, have Ou'ered
      337 words
    • 130 27 WHEN M«k«mmr4 RaskM Kuord kls Ma, Zabeer, after PakMaa's Ted katsmaa, Zaheer AM**, be sever Isoaglae*: that »U yean later Zakeer, MmeU, »•■!< be atteatfag bis aamr•afce'i btrtMay rrlebratteas (the tw« 7i»rrr« are seea ratttag tbe cake m rigat). Lack was wHfc tar yaaager Zmbrer wbea tbe
      130 words
    • 363 27  -  ERNEST FRIDA By BATSMEN H. Englander (64 not out), Chris Kilbee (56) and John Hung (41) powered Singapore Cricket Club to a well-deserved seven-wick-et victory over arch rivals Singapore Recreation Club in their Singapore Cricket Association Senior tournament match on the padang yesterday. The
      363 words
    • 198 27 RELEGATED Queenstown Football Club are finding even the National Football League Division Two standard "too hot" for their liking, reports JOE DORAI surprise plunge to the bottom of the table with their third successive defeat, when Jurong Town beat them 2-0 at Jurong Stadium. Jurong,
      198 words
    • 66 27 PAHANG swept tt|e board in the international polo tournament at Thomson Road yesterday when they won all the trophies at stake. They beat Singapore 12-4 for the MacDougal Cup and 6-I for the Victors Cup In the A division; Selangor 9-2 (or the Jumabhoy Cup in
      66 words
    • 24 27 FARRER PARK UNITED's under-Ms beat the Singapore Women's soccer team 3-2 In a friendly match at the Fairer Park Athletic Centre yesterday.
      24 words
    • 282 27 "IRON MAN P. M. Samy won the Sembawang amateur Open golf championship with a sizzling two-over-par 73 at the Sembawang course, reports ERNEST FRIDA Samy, who is called "iron man" by his friends because he plays only with iron clubs, beat a
      282 words
    • 185 27  - Kazoku one happy family PETER SIOW By I THE newly-formed Kazoku I Club, an affiliate of the Shitoryu Karate Association, are like one big, happy family. Almost all their members involve a brother and sister or some other relatives. Even the instructors hail j from one family the Ngs. At
      185 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
      36 words
    • 613 27 tt^Vfl SEMBAWANG SHIPYARD LIMITED Applications are invited from experienced and suitably qualified candidates for the following positions:A. PURCHASING OFFICERS (a) Must have at least 5 years experience in a supervisory capacity in procurement of materials from Local and Overseas sources. (b) Experience in negotiating and preparing contracts with suppliers for
      613 words
    • 567 27 MWe h v e positions in the Oil and Gas Industry I in South East Asia for qualified and expenI enced INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHERS I (Salary S$ 1500 p.m.) I ULTRASONIC OPERATORS I (Salary S$ 1600 p.m.) PAINT INSPECTORS I (Salary *****0 p.m.) I In addition to the bosic salary we
      567 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 141 27 BADMINTON National schools' secondary and post-sec-ondary girls' DIVING Singapore Amateur Swimming Association championship (Toa Payoh pool. 5.30). RUiBV National schools' lower secondary SAS v WAS I WAS). MHS v WSS (WAS). Rl v JTW (Dover Rd. 8.15 and 9.30). S4K f KB National schools' post secondary: BSS v TKT, NJC
      141 words

  • 116 28 Suspect rescued by gun gang BANGKOK. Sun. A suspected communist Insurgent being taken to court under heavy police guard was freed by 10 Kunmen In a commandostyle raid In southern Thailand on Friday. A police master sergeant was shot dead as the suspect's comrades spirited him away In a truck
    116 words
  • 62 28 SEOUL. Sun UN secre-tary-general Kurt Waldhelm will visit South and North Korea In late April or early May for an arbitration diplomacy" to seek solution to the long-standing differences between the rival countries, a Seoul newspaper said today Observers here said that Dr Waldhelm will probably urge both
    UPI  -  62 words
  • 83 28 Here's one that'll change its spots THIS week-old Malaysian baby tapir may look different from its mother but it is legitimate all right. The tapir, Manls, was born at the Singapore Zoological Gardens last Sunday. A too official said yesterday that the baby tapir has stripe* and spot: for the
    83 words
  • 43 28 MANILA. Sun. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has agreed to conditions set by Indonesia and the Philippines In return for their pledge to provide an Island each for temporary refugee camps. Foreign Affairs Minister Carlos Romulo said yesterday. AP.
    AP  -  43 words
  • 330 28 Late CLASSIFIEDS DEATHS SAMUOAM (BLONDII) »'O SUNORAM MUOALIAR, 48. securlty »dvli»r. Becurlor iMalayilei Sdn. Bhd XL pained away peacefully at U.H. l 471 Lrtvinn iMblnd beloved brother Xinw (Jack). NSTP XL, •uteri Thaaalctchuml. (Proprietress Midland Type*etten>. Ifeenamtwl <EPF), Bubbulaluhml. MsJieswtn. brothers- la-law 8. Vethassltm <kt. RYI, A. R«J»retnsm police. (Buklt
    330 words
  • 63 28 KATMANDU, Sun. Progovernment demonstrators have prevented the return of main opposition figure Mr B. P. Kolrala to his hometown of Blratnagar. 20 km from here. The demonstrators swarmed over the city's airstrip shouting antl-Kolrala slogans such as "Down with foreign stooges." the National News Agency said yesterday. Mr
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 429 28 BANGKOK, Sunday CHINA M ready to guarantee Thailand's security in the event of Vietnamese aggression, Beijing's (Peking's) Ambassa dor, Mr Zhang Welih (Chang Wei-lieh), told Bangkok Post editor Tlieh Chongkhadikij in an exclusive interview. It is the first time that China has undertaken sucii a
    429 words
  • 299 28 Lao PM visits Thailand to boost ties BANGKOK. Sun. Laotian Prime Minister Kaysone Phovlhane arrived today for a four-day official visit aimed at improving relations between his country and Thailand. Mr Kaysone's 12-mem-ber delegation, which Includes four cabinet ministers, is to hold highlevel talks with Thai leaders tomorrow at which
    Reuter; UPI  -  299 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 483 28 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover PrKe JOf Annuol Subscription SISS. For subscription, call *****1 Ext 231 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. WELL, it's about time to take stock again of the issues which will make their debut this year. Word has it that eight to nine are waiting in the wings, with
      483 words
    • 302 28 Your refrigerator or a irconditioner NEEDS REPAIR! for an estimate- a no obligation 1 YOU NEED NOT BE BALD Why don't you make an effort to have hair again? i^^fc For many years we have ■X specialised in the replacement of hair. It has been our good fortune to enable
      302 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION TWO
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION TWO
      5 words
    • Bilingual page
      • 429 1 Proverbial anecdotes MENG ZI (Mencius) was a well-known debater during the Warring States Period. Not only was he an eloquent and strong debater, he was also very learned and knowledgeable. He would often use vivid and profound illustrations to explain
        429 words
      • 26 1 Yl BU SHI HAN fB*T*S!W¥N Sttttiß 'rTn&£*r itS 'f*AftHR mm &ft*£ m Mffg (Si :-B -+B«£ rfnf*i&**i*fftrfl!ifn ng? M M* «fl!iXfrT J& f»ftj-tt*t» -S tf HE
        26 words
      • 33 1 '^iEtbf^l The more you try to avoid suffering, the more yon suffer, because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture yon, in proportion to your fear of being hurt. Thomas Merton
        33 words
      • 71 1 zu6 zuowe'i a seat zuolibu'dn restless zuoxia sit down zuoimgguontion (literary) see the au tt from j±L¥& the botv torn of zuoluo locate; situate the well take a AJA 2fe narrow view of zuo 100 be imprisoned things ,*,l, For example, you may say. qmg zuo Pieose
        71 words
      • 160 1 Historical profiles LUO TONG, of the East Han Dynasty (25-220 A.D.), was the son of a famous physician Luo Jun. Luo Tong spent his childhood in his sister's home. In one of those years, there was a famine in the Zhejiang area and the
        160 words
      • 3 1 %^bs#»w^a^« 'tm^s m^A
        3 words
      • 4 1
        4 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 288 1 JMI JJ J| Contributing in-depth experience and expertise to I hllfAll V^.^k6W%^^VUrl C the cn S ineerin S and construction of petroleum LveFi Pi Vm\ L VPeIbI mm m) refineries, gas processing plants, petrochemical and S "■■^AKrf other process plants, Chiyoda is proud of the role it's played in helping
        288 words
      • 319 2 Brilliant colours, beautiful choreography and fashion IMAGES af the PUtptoa spirit preaeat*4 thrash a kaHMmipt ef hrUllaat eelewa, beaatlral ehareeKimahy aad area titili tot teahtoa wear that's what KaHlagaa Tf to all aheat. to ether war*, Ohbm ratotoa aew aa at the flag ipirt HMtoa wM preve
        319 words
      • 1065 2  -  SAW PUAY LIM By RTS has been coming up with meaty documentaries periodically for some years now. Viewers who enjoy such programmes will surely remember Leprosy Myth and Fact; Hardies For The Handicapped and Time la Your Hands, to name a few.
        1,065 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 416 2 I SOLE I DRESS MATERIAL UP SALE I Swiss Printed Polyester Cotton 160 cm $88.00 $48.00 p.pand I I Swiss Printed Cotton Jersey 125 cm $68.00 $42.00 Metre I I Swiss Printed Polyester Jersey 140 cm $26.00 $10.00 Metre I Swiss Plain colour Crepe Satin 90cm $18.00 9.00 Metre I
        416 words
      • 7 2 La^Lv^aMHa^H Law aa^aV .^m m \Sd-^J^A.^JM 1
        7 words
      • 148 2 .jut*. PUBLIC UTILITIES \^p BORRD AELECTRIUTV IHTERRUPTIOII I NOTICE TO CONSUMERS j The Electricity Department will be carrying out work to divert a cable which is affected by the development of Tar.ipmes New Town. To facilitate this work, tbere will be an interruption of electricity supply in the following areas
        148 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 881 2 TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening followed by I Love 7.00 Professor Moffett's Science WorkLucy Ricky Loses His Voice *°P Human Body 3.25 Diary of Events (Tami) 7 -30 Hews (Malay) 4.25 Intermission 9.30 Hews and Hewsreel h Enffch 6.00 Openmg and Nature s Window 9 55 o^,
        881 words
    • Woman plus
      • Article, Illustration
        97 3 WE'VE HEARD M perhunca la all form* spray, «ream, etc N*w the fattert U Jala la tke trail •< tke aeeat It Ike PMfWM BMIWt, ft Uttle packet eoatalalag pertained grata far yaa to carry abuat wltk >•■ wherever yvm g». By Palais Prutf af J»paa, the taeaet may
        97 words
      • 902 3  - 'A child should be taught the skill of thinking, too...' FRED HECHINGER BY NEW YORK Just as the three Rs are coming back into fashion, some educators are warning that basic skills are not enough. If children are taught the even more basic skill of thinking, they say, reading, writing
        NYT  -  902 words
      • 284 3 THE MOOD varied fr*m white teeny spartegear U slender daytime sUfeaeettoi; swinging frem ewreat "retra" aad saaey military disc* salts to femlalae, lacy eveeiag wear. FUlpiM gbUMW aad astenUtUn were natty Injected Into the luehtime tashl«a scene at Karllagaa T». Yeug FUipine designer Boysie
        284 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 236 3 IWEEK ONLY 2-4-79 to 8-4-79 To day the Ist day Seize this opportunity and save at CHANCELLOR Outram Park. Outram Road, Singapore 3. Where you can obtain service in value quality W x^L- ft > w IT BEFORE AFTER Lecturer LILIANE who lost 15 kg on the WEIGHT WATCHERS program,
        236 words
      • 155 3 WffH *v m*w or caon now ooot^ Tkrsmd^ exdu^pftsyouilhyoeh^m MJ£rWjj4f $25.00 purchase Upwards. Visit our promotion counters and get^^rt the details JJ^^^^^^^l Fashion Mirror^^^^9*Z3 Fashion Pouch mtsture Mist Makeup Collection TfHUfture Mist Trio Set Moisture Mist Duo Set BEAUTY DEMONSTRATION by Shiseido's top Japanese beauty consultants Misses S. NISHIYAMA and
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 295 4 •CAPITOL Now" Showing; (*****9) 1 1, 1 45, 4, 6 30, 915 No Free List The NEW TRAVOLTA will dazzle I you with his DISCO DANCING I I OnefotYou a OneForlKle a ,r^ Ready Steady Co >». f n »«rican Fever BLJkaS W Thert For Me _V music by J|
        295 words
      • 278 4 ■BaV^W. FASmufM SfEOAiTY STORES M3Oth MAR Gl2. STRAITS TRADING BUILDING A BATTERY ROAD TEL *****. *****7 knitted tops TfjgS skirts Np^ blouses EASY PAYMENT on r^ WASHING MACHINE I wWkAAlati 1. NoDeposlt >Am| wL^ 2. Free Installation pPVbV. 3 Free Demonstration W^.iLam}wC- 4. Free Detergent 5. Fully Guaranteed for 1
        278 words
      • 365 4 raw Usual Now Price TEXTILES p ml p. mt M Thai Telron SiiK 90cm J4 90 53.60 Plain Crepe de Chine 115 cm 490 3.60 Printed Cotton Voiis 90cm 7.90 6.50 Embroidered Cottons 120 cm to 140 cm 30% to 50% oH RobiaVoil 115 cm 18.50 1190 Tootal Cottons co-
        365 words
      • 319 4 R£ Gfl L iH MOW SHOWING!] |4 SHOWS DAILY: 1.30, 3.45, 7.00 9.15PM; X &OIWN MAIVtSI OttSJNTS i" RICHARD NG- ROY CHIAD,.^tn inH:.iai:iHjiK^^| C (MNMM aJ^HI >NOU SHOW|\<i-SIMI I.TWKOI SI \T [GALA* MAJESTIC •RUBY* ODEON-K6* S.CITYi WALLOW D»Lj a Ct tier "Enc J G Sfl CHIR Line < I i
        319 words
      • 576 4 A CATHAY Jal*n B«Hi>l M*f*h NOW SHOWWMI 4 Show* *l 1.30. 3 4S. 7.00 15pm ITCHY B\^-^ CMTIHUt fc»]i]^»T7l i LAST FFW I < 10.30 am. 2.00. S.IS ».«spm BAANOMEW PMNTI J-jLIM /jin» n 43 SjC STAHSr jJAY I NOW SHOWING' 4 Shew* «t 1 10 4 00. ***** ISpm
        576 words