The Straits Times, 9 January 1979

Total Pages: 32
1 6 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1979 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 142/1/79
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  • 715 1 Ruling body formed: Radio Hanoi BANGKOK, Monday THE war in Kampuchea is being spearheaded by as many as 13 Vietnamese divisions numbering about 100,000 men, the New York Times reported today, quoting diplomatic, military and intelligence analysts. The paper said that monitored battlefield communications had
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  • 611 1 Sihanouk warns of next targets... PRINCE NORODOM SIHANOUK warned here today that the Soviet-supported Vietnamese invasion of Kampuchea will spill Into Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore and "the whole of South-east Asia." At a historic six-hour press conference in Peking the day after the fall of Phnom Penh. Prince Sihanouk. sometimes
    Agencies  -  611 words
  • 54 1 61 do not understand communism. I have tried to read Marx and Lenin and Mao. I understand Mao Tsetung in part, because they had lot of quotations in a little red book. But Karl Marx and Lenin they are awfully long. I cannot appreciate such a doctrine. 7 Prince
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  • 57 1 4 The Vietcong have taken Phnom Penh. I don't want to comment on that now. I really don't want to get into a situation of analysing the whole Kampuchean war. All I know is what I heard from (National Security Adviser Zblgnlew) Bresezinski on the phone. President Carter's first
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  • 509 1 A ROYAL airliner was today standing by at Mehrabad airport here to fly out the Shah, but the palace kept his departure plans secret. Many believed that the Shahs' departure was now imminent in the face of popu'ar demand and continued violence. There was
    Reuter; AP  -  509 words
  • 144 1 PARIS, Mon. Soviet Intervention In Iran would spark off a world war. according to exiled Iranian religious leader Ayatollah Khomelny But he said in a statement to agency Ftancepresse here last night that the Shah was wrong to believe that his abdication would result
    AFP  -  144 words
  • 139 1 CAPTURE OF PHNOM PENH PRAISED BANGKOK, Mon VIETNAM today lauded the capture of Phnom Penh by a Kampuchean rebel army saying "this great victory has ushered in a new era in Indochina Vietnam, Kampuchea and Laos are united to build a new life with absolute respect for one another." The
    AP  -  139 words
  • 292 1  -  LLONG SIEW HON By A SHIPYARD worker was killed and four others injured in an explosion on board a barge at Transworld Marine in Jurong yesterday. Assistant welder Mr Mizan jarbini, 26, died instantly when the blast catapulated him into the air, and landed
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  • 144 1 50 feared dead as tanker blows up BANTRY (Ireland), Monday AN oil tanker blew up like a bomb In Bantry Bay esrly today and nearly 50 people were feared dead Explosions aboard the 62.776 tonne Frenchregistered Betelgeuse sent a fireball nearly 300 metres into the air. The ship broke in
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 55 1 HAVANA. Mon. Dr Kurt Waldheim arrived here yesterday on the first visit by a UN secretary-general to Cuba since the October missile crises of 1962 Dr Waldheim has said he will discuss international economic issues, particularly relations between industrialised and developing countries, with Cuban President Fidel Castro
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 50 1 PEKING. Mon—Several hundred Chinese peasants demonstrated for about two hours in central Peking, carryIng banners condemning hunger and oppression. It was the first peasant demonstration ever recorded i n the Chinese capital, and it coincided with the third anniversary of the death of Premier Chou fcn-lai AFP.
    AFP  -  50 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 253 1 Give her something i^fl she'll remember MIKIMOTO r**J CULTURED I^^^ dj Ofhatl Omnbmon m W M G. C. DE SILVA m? (PTE) LTD. JEWELLERS G 14. THE GALLERY. I STRAITS TRADING BUILDING BATTERY ROAD SINGAPORE 1 BJmH TEL *****5 MPs HAIL CHOICE OF DEVAN Page 7 JAPAN may call off
      253 words
    • 141 1 Prescription Since 1938 /> L/conx*:x\of v u N Ltnin "Oft 1 Training C S CHONG OO EOOIE CHONG L.CO MwW of KM Contact L«m Sociaty M»mM, of t»« National f Foundation EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. IS. CHUU STKET SMOOTH 1 TCI »2W W%9ll^^^ Model HP4116 Jr '^^^BP^^Il^ I nderS35.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 174 2 Yasser: End of US interests in M-E BEIRUT. Mon Palestin lan guerilla leader Yasser Arafat has labelled 1979 the year of "fire and brimstone" which will spell an end to American interests in the Middle-east. Beirut neswpapers reported today. Mr Arafat was addressing an audience yesterday gathered to celebrate the
      UPI  -  174 words
    • 58 2 NAPLES. Mon Doctors will meet in Rome today in a bid to identify a mystery illness that has claimed the lives of 33 babies and toddlers here over the past nine months The children, all under the age of three, had similar symptoms including vomiting, convulsions, raging
      AFP  -  58 words
    • 457 2 A WILDCAT strike by more than 40,000 truck and tanker drivers has started to cut supplies of food, fuel and industry's raw material as the government considered whether to declare a state of emergency. Mrs Margaret Thatcher, leader of the
      Reuter; UPI  -  457 words
    • 167 2 LONDON. Mon. Mrs Margaret Thatcher, leader of the Conservative Party, has said that if she were in power some workers in essential industries mi<rht he i r^!i ILI .m T denied the right to strike. In a television interview last night, Mrs Thatcher
      AFP  -  167 words
    • 107 2 DENVER, Mon. A strike by 60,000 workers against US oil refineries was postponed last night following new contract offers believed to exceed President Carter's 7 per cent wage rise guidelines. Mr A. F. Grospiron, president of the Oil Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union announced
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 171 2 World to weather big change HOUSTON, Mon SCIENTISTS said today they believe the world's climate is in for a major change, but they disagree on whether a new Ice Age or hotter weather is coming. Reseatchers meeting for the annual session of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
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    • 159 2 Others see a new Ice Age as inevitable but (eel carbon dioxide pollution may cause serious short-term changes. Dr James Hays of Columbia University's LamontDoherty Geologic Observatory, believes that wobbles in the earth's orbit will probably be the cause of a coming Ice Age similar to the one 10,000
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 101 2 Death for 3 who killed jailmate MANILA, Mon. Three Filipino murder convicts were sentenced to die today for killing an inmate at the national prison in July, 1977. The decision by suburban Pasig provincial court judge Onofre Villaluz will automatically go to the supreme court for review because it imposed
      AFP  -  101 words
    • 68 2 Hijacks: 'us not prepared' NEW YORK. Moo The US is poorly prepared to ward off terrorist hijackings of its planes, according to an artiole in the February issue of Playboy The report by David Tinnin, a Time magazine staff writer, says, "the new US anUterrorist force, project bluelight. will not
      UPI  -  68 words
    • 55 2 LUSAKA. Mod. The Zimbabwe African People's Union (Zapu) claimed here last night that 19 Rhodesian soldiers were killed when its guerillas attacked a Rhodesian ammunition dump on Jan 5 in the northern operation zone, using rockets and mortar fire. A Zapu spokesman said in a statement the dump
      AFP  -  55 words
    • 120 2 Egypt softens peace treaty stand CAIRO, Mon. Egypt appears to have softened its stand on key points of dispute with Israel over their peace treaty but is still insisting on a link between the treaty and Palestinian autonomy plans. Egyptian views on how the stalled talks could be resumed were
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    • 151 2 Australia hit by floods and heatwave SYDNEY, Mm. Hoods In the far northJ.illo»lnK heavy rain, have caused damage estimated at millions of dollars as western and southern Australia sweltered In a heatwave. Pierre storms ripped through Victoria yesterday uprooting trees, tearIng off rooftop* and bringing d.wn p.werllnes. Firemen said lightning
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 158 2 'Excessive leukemia deaths near N-site' WASHINGTON. Mon. A 1965 official study indicated an excessive number of leukemia deaths in regions near the American nuclear test site in Nevada, the Washington Post reported today. Health Department officials were apparently "horrified" at learning of the so far unpublished findings, apparently ignored by
      AFP  -  158 words
    • 213 2 TOO many criminals plan toe elaborately and one little fact foils them, says the man called by many as the "20th century Sherlock Holmes." "Too often the plan for the crime is too complicated, and a little fact trips up the criminal,"
      UPI  -  213 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 w^Jm\\ l^^b^r S hi a 4r ISaaSa Jk JL II M u«3 S\\ 1 H -l^^^m.^F \^P^Ss^B^Mß Mm issss^^sslissW <" sMsMsssssssssls«^^^^^^^^^^WiSlsssssssssssssssssssssssssss^l^* JMssssMwfn^BfcL > ssssssss^^^>ssssssssss«sv ml k I sssW^^sllM P -'LsssVWkSLstVj^fcS^ V l l 4 «l LsP MM H LssssV ssssa mm^Bsssstl^O^V. A X*4 i «K9sV^sssssV _^^B IX^ssW WkS ssssW^P^sssssssssb^Ll^s^S v
      90 words

    • 530 3 TOKYO, Monday JAPAN may retract its US$7O million (*****.2 million) economic aid commitment to Vietnam in protest against Hanoi's intervention in Kampuchea .government officials said today. The officials said Kampu-c-hean rebels captured Phnom Penh yesterday "undoubtedly" with the help of Vietnamese forces. The
      Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  530 words
    • 340 3 The new men now at the helm BANGKOK, Mod. The men who now appear to be in charge In Kampuchea are Vietnam-trained Communist Party veterans with virtually no experience in government. Their leader is Heng Samrin, a 44-year-old former Khmer Rouge battalion commander, who said he had turned against Phnom
      UPI  -  340 words
    • 334 3 'Danger of wider conflict in S-E Asia' WASHINGTON, Mon. The US yesterday said the reported fall of the Kampuchean capital of Phnom Penh "raises the danger of wider conflict" in South-east Asia. The State Department, maintaining its "abhorrence" of the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia, nevertheless called for international cooperation
      Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  334 words
    • 101 3 MOSCOW, Mm. At traat page af Pravda waa citkar «rld kaek ar reHMdr yeateriay aa tk*t tke Bavlet party iewt- paper eaaM carry reparta la Uday baae at tke tall •fPaaam Peaa Tats aiapatfkf eaverla« tke KampMkeaji c*pi- i taJ'a tail were mU
      AFP  -  101 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 189 3 High on the list of very acceptable gifts. 3 White UaJT H& SCOTCH W bb^ a^T ml} *l J I/I i^^^Bß&^JS bbV taftH I m/ rfl tin l^ W p BB^Bk B^iJ SPftft.aV WKm*A ,po« &tn Dm y 1 bb^Mbb^^ l m > *^^^*^*^a^lßß^Bß^Bm_^ a a a a a a
      189 words

    • 213 4 CANBERRA, Mon. AN AUBTRAUAN aewapaper today afrawthßa 1 the eaiTMt Asr*a-AutrmlU avlatlan talks aa a "ruapaa-pateattaJ" that c«nM (rive Prinv Mlalatrr Maleala Praaer his flmt htiaiaehe whea he returns to aflk* this week aftr* a trip to Ok IS. Deacrlhiag the talk* aa a "eaftaaUUaa",
      213 words
    • 450 4  -  LEE KIM CHEW, By Straits Times reporter Canberra, Monday ASEAN supports cheap i tralia to remove all re charges imposed on tour five member countries Australia and Europe. This stand was expressed by the leader of Asean'.-. delegation to the aviation talks with
      450 words
    • 269 4 AUTHORITIES in Sprang district, west Java, have found a novel way to re-a florest the area by making couples who want to marry, divorce or remarry, plant tress. /'-ording to Antara news agency, couples wishing to marry must first plant two fruit trees. Those who want to divorce are
      AFP  -  269 words
    • 84 4 NEW YORK. Mon Snoopy and his friends, characters in the world famous cartoon-strip Peanuts are 30 years old and. according to their creator Mr Charles "Sparky" Schulz. more popular (nan even Mickey Mouse Mr Schulz. who has drawn more than 10,000 cartoons for tb>strip, says thai
      AFP  -  84 words
    • 37 4 DAR ES SALAAM. Mod Poachers seeking rhinoceros horn for its aphrodisiac value on the Hongkong market have rut the rhino herd in the Ngorongoro crater reserve in north Tanzania from 352 to about 90. AKP
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    • 285 4 Asean to look into refugee problem JAKARTA, Monday VIETNAMESE refugees are on the agenda of an Asean meeting of senior officials which began today. The two-day session will also lay the groundwork for an Asean standing committee meeting starting on Wednesday, and to discuss Vietnamese refugee problems. Refugees have been
      Reuter; AP  -  285 words
    • 145 4 NEW YORK, Mm. A top-raaUag B*vlet diplomat wh« detected fr«m Ua I alted Natiaw past aad later became embraUed hi a eaatnveray aver pay meat* to a pufcalia al eaeart glri has secretly married aa Amerieaa w*mM, Newsweek maKadae repartod today. Newsweek said Arkady Sheveheaka
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 641 4 IPO Out with the old. PPJ I^l In with the new! Greet the Mew Year with brand new clothes. >^ -x:- I a^ .aaatafl aYe d W C e ran 9 e °f Sll iaft OUtfitS for C^%-i| V RWRNPIPRIraaaV B the whole family. Children's wear, T-shirts, <£^ M *v'#^
      641 words

    • 250 5 S. Africa looks for substitute to petrol JOHANNESBURG, Monday SOUTH Africa, plagued by the spectre of its crude oil supply drying up from riot-torn Iran, is giving serious thought to using its abundant supply of sug&i cane and timber to manufacture alternative liquid fuels ethyl and methyl alcohol. I Radio
      UPI  -  250 words
    • 126 5 DESAI TO REDS: DON'T TRY AGITATION NEW DELHI. Mon. Prime Minister Morarji Desai today deprecated the talk of "Iran type agitation" in the country by the Communist Party of India (pro- Moscow). Addressing a workers conference of a Delhi unit of the ruling Janata Party, Mr Desai warned that any
      AFP  -  126 words
    • 39 5 HONGKONG. Moo. A npedlepoint tapestry of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lua it among man than 2.300 new lines of Chinamade handicraft and household goods now on show in Shanghai, the Ksinhiu newt agency report ed today Rcuter
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 244 5 pCollapse of govts: Call for global strategy NEW YORK, Moo. Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger yesterday called for a "global strategy" by the United States, Europe and Japan to meet the danger of the "progressive collapse of pro-Western governments in the developing world." In a Time magazine interview,
      AP  -  244 words
    • 124 5 Don't sell China arms call by Soviets report ROME, Mon. The Soviet Union has asked Italy, France and West Germany to refrain from supplying arms to China, the Italian daily Corriere Delia Sera said today. The report said Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev made the request in a letter to Italian
      AFP  -  124 words
    • 64 5 WASHINGTON. Mon Commerce Secretary Juanita Preps said yesterday the economy will move at a slower pace this year than in 1978 but she expects no rfffion In 1979. Predicting a 1979 economic growth rate of 21 2 per cent. Mrs Krepc said "there may be differing rates
      UPI  -  64 words
    • 202 5 PONTIAC (Mldsfeaa), Michael Bams, w«tg>« Ulkg, kM kMi^ae*** «et .ptJ*. te.Syl.r*f Me- wetsM Us lasMcrikatoiy. Ba aeeMd j la all aMrtfca to tfc* O»kla* r^t,-toll, where a to«ge haa snasisri kio to will tat lie -a
      202 words
    • 358 5 WASHINGTON, Monday IRAN'S ABILITY to produce oil probably has been permanently impaired by its domestic crisis and the United States may have to ease environmental restrictions to make up the difference, says Energy Secretary James Schlesinger. In an interview on CBS TV's "Face the Nation"
      Reuter; AP  -  358 words
    • 99 5 Marriage by love in China HONGKONG. Mon Twenty-five young couples married in a mass wedding ceremony in China have endorsed love and planned parenthood and opposed forced marriages. A Kiangsi provincial broadcast made available here today said 2.500 provincial leaders, friends and relatives attended the wedding last Wednesday in the
      AP  -  99 words
    • 359 5 WASHINGTON, Mon and Answers," said he does not feel that opening diplomatic and trade channels will increase Chinese spying in the United States. "There's no great sense of alarm there," he said. Both U.S. and Chinese diplomats can be expected to send home information,
      359 words
    • 48 5 A CUome pMlw Ifc nhrr ■^tal A«« If ymi d* sot wutto to IssfMtoal by www*l vlras, tke tost way Is to keep yauself away from prwtttates. That is »or attitaaV to- A wards ttmmiiibm. 7 the official Taiwan Central Daily on Tah peh's attitude towards Peking.
      48 words
    • 81 5 SALISBURY. Mod. The first black army conscript in Rhodesia's history will report for train- i ing on Wednesday at military training barracks in the southern j city ol Bulawayo. Black conscripts aged between 18 and 25 are expected at the I depot to begin their one year
      81 words
    • 167 5 TAIPEH, Monday TAIWAN Premier Y.S. Sun said today his country will stress people-to-people ties in future dealings with the United Stales following the break in diplomatic ties. Speaking at a gathering of ranking KuominUng (Nationalist Party) officials, the Premier said the government would shift its emphasis from
      Reuter; AFP  -  167 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 207 5 |i^%V^fl| asaJsA^sssfl ll^A^ ass^B»«^^B»i^Ts?^js^^sl El ■■H*ti BBBBBsW. JF" IsSSBBk^BBBJ^^L SB^^^Br *^\^B7 BBBV^BBBBBBBBBBBBBT^*sT BBBBbV^m I BBvV*^^^^^ J^^(V |^fcBHF"CA^^^a# J9} W^^BBTaW a^V^^^HfIMBVMaVWI- Hbbbbb^F^Jl 1,,,,,^^^^ sUK^^ "..l^H SBBBBB^^S^SbP^BsBSSBBBBbI SBBBBBBBBi^^SBBBBV AiLA iL jK pßJ^|sH^V E^ Jf jm k* 'v J IflE* I ..lEßtf'^H Bfi Eft* 'A. "fl BIT mjL^ \jf I asHaaft "^HasssU •^BSBsPV
      207 words

  • 210 6 A HIT and rin driver who made an accident report only after he WU drtiirwd by thr Mttct. yesterday Jailed (or four months for causing the death •f a cyclist by t neglifcnt act. William te. 32. «nemployed. was also charted on three other counts
    210 words
  • 61 6 MR Wee Bee Lee has been fleeted president vt the Singapore Family Benefit Society recently. Other office bearers are: Mr Cheonc Jit Hee. vice.jrfsident. Mr Neo Chrng Gum. secretary. Mr K Purushotaman, treasurer, end rommittee members, Mr Lim Kent Teck. Mr Koh Kim Che*. Miss C.N. MudaUur. Mr
    61 words
  • 33 6 BUONA VISTA community centre'* youth group will hold a Chinese New Tear ball at Dover Road twlmtninf pool on Jan 29 from 7 30 p.m. to midnight. For details, call *****3.
    33 words
  • 165 6 CBT case lawyer gets more time for restitution LAWYER Tong Kok Kong. 32. who was given a month to make restitution after he pleaded guilty to criminal breach of trust of $181,560 belonging to two clients, yesterday requested for yet more time. District Judge Mr Chandra Mohan granted Tong. represented
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  • 579 6  -  By PAUL WEE POLICE are anxious to contact a man who is said to have seen the vicious child- kUier who "massacred" the four Tan children in their HDB flat in Geylang Bahru Saturday. The witness who has remained silent so Tar, was
    FRANCIS ONC  -  579 words
  • 47 6 THE Registry of Muslim Marriages here will investigate any application (or certification by couples who marry outside Singapore, Including Oolok In southern Thailand. The Straits Times report yesterday that It was not necessary lor marriages contracted In Oolok to be certified without Investigation Is Incorrect.
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  • 364 6 Housewife asked daughter to shoplift A HOUSEWIFE not only shoplifted in a department store but also told her four-year-old daughter to "take the things she wanted," a district court heard yesterday. Tan Wei Ling, 34, who was among three other women and two teenage girls, pleaded guilty to shoplifting in
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  • 46 6 THE National Muieum will screen three colour (Urns on Tomorrow's Canberra. Adelaide Celebrations and Water for a City at Its premises tomorrow at 8 p.m. Pllms are by courtesy of the Australian High Commission and admission Is free on a flrst-come-first-serve basis
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  • 36 6 Ulu Pandan courses ULU PANDAN community centre youth group wtll hold courtM Id allat gayong. ahaottn. ul-chl, swimming, gulUr and eocJal dance Application forms are available at the centre's preinuea or rtnf 06O3M between and p.m.
    36 words
  • 45 6 Cholera case A CASE of cholera was confirmed by public health authorities in the past week. The victim, an 86-year-old man. Is now recovering at Middleton Hospital. A Ministry of the Environment statement said that epldemlologlcal investigation is on to trace the course of Infection.
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  • 42 6 PROF Lim Pin. Professor of Medicine and Senior Phy.sir clan Consultant at the Singapore General Hospital will give a talk on Diabetes and You at Mandarin Hotel tomorrow. The talk Is organised by the Rotary Club of Singapore.
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  • 19 6 THE Finance Minister, Mr Hon Sul Sen, will Introduce the Judge's Remuneration (amendment) BUI in Parliament tomorrow.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 335 6 i£l~ fc^ B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ h^^ H ■S^""^^^^^^^^^^^^^^' Wtl^^^T ,^^^V II SBUE SBUE BWI I sausJ^^Vj n*^j LJ pv lAMAQ r s*J With Smooth Porcelain l^?ssr C _«-T-n R an 9* n gF I^>> n -V vL'jl V f Rectangular Bake Pan 19 x 29 x 3.7 cm USUAL 53.60 NOW $2.15
      335 words
    • 147 6 BEFORE AFTER AUCE, who lost 15kg through the WEIGHT WATCHERS programme says, "I tend to put on weight during Christmas New Year but I promised myself to lose weight by following the Weight Watchers program faithfully learn new eating habits. Losing weight never felt so good! WEIGHT WATCHERS® The Authority
      147 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 156 6 FILM SHOW: Entree Des EXHIBITION of anArtlstes (with English cient and contemporary subtitles) at RELC audi- Chinese paintings and torium, Orange Grove calligraphy collected by Road, at 9 p.m. Free ad- M r Chun Hung au at the mission. Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry FILM SHOWS at Slnga- Building
      156 words

  • 643 7  - MPs hail Devan's choice as candidate AHMAD OSMAN and IRENE NGOO By THE nomination of NTUC secretary-general. Mr. C.V. Devan Nair. as one of seven PAP candidates for the coming by-elections is seen by some party backbenchers yesterday as an attempt to raise the standard of parliamentary debate. Three opposition
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  • 123 7 Chok Tong heads PAP poll committee THE People's Action Party has appointed an elections committee headed by the Senior Minister of State (Finance), Mr Ooh Chok Tong, who is deputy organising secretary of the PAP. to take charge of the coming by-elec-tions. The political secretary to the Science and Technology
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  • 461 7 THE MP for Telok Blangah Mr Shaik Ahmad Haleem. who is one of the three MPs asked to step down. Is taking the PAP decision in good spirit. "I feel fine," he told the Straits Times yestercay. "My wife and children are happy that
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  • 45 7 MR Tay Sin Yan. the acting general manager of the Public Utilities Board, will give a lunch talk to members of the Rotary Club of Singapore East on Some Aspects on the Operation of the PUB. on Friday at the Singapore Hilton.
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  • 567 7  -  ELENA CHONG and BENG TAN By A RANDOM check among various people In the constituencies having by-elections soon shows apalhy and a general lack of political consciousness among the electorate. Some of the residents interviewed adopted a "could not care less" attitude when asked about their
    567 words
  • 183 7 MOBILE SQUAD'S ANSWER TO HELL RIDERS WITH a top speed of 230 km/h, these two powerful (Itamlni 1100 cc Yamaha* with riders of the Singapore Mobile >Quad on them are the Squad's answer to hell-riders. The number of machines bought for the Squad is a secret, but the price is
    183 words
  • 284 7 quested the court to postpone his sentence until after the Chinese New Year, but his plea was rejected. Seah and Lim have both been convicted and sentenced. seah was sentenced to the Reiormative Training Centre, while Llm was placed on two years' probation by
    284 words
  • 57 7 SINGAPORE Bus Service driver, Leua Thian Hock. 30. was lined the maximum of 1 1.000 and disqualified from driving all classes of vehicles for 12 months, for driving while under the Influence of drugs. Leua. who pleaded guilty, is now at the Telok Paku drug
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  • 41 7 TOH Ah Lee. 34. was admitted to the Toa Pevoh Hospital in a serious condition after he (ell from a coconut tree while plucking coconuts at 16 km Ponggol Road, yesterday. Police said Ton had serious head injuries.
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  • 42 7 THE 1979 Makara Vilnkku religious celebrations will be held at the Oovlndpsomy PiUal Kalyana Mandapam, Serangoon Road, on Friday from 6 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 7 a.m. and 6.J0 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. dally.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1161 7 Ir i search off seafood in Singapore One man's fish is another man's onions, shrimp paste, garlic, of clear vermicelli and cooked drive a long way out to the coast poisson, and thei e are few places tomato sauce and ginger. in a clay pot with a touch of anise
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    • 76 7 A LIQUID PAPER® F Correctable Ribbon > *^^^^E3^^^' can make your ordinary office typewriter correa errors like a self-correcting typewriter. Because it lets you lift typing errors right off your paper. Now you can make ■Pjl smear-free revisions W pSj on photocopies. I JUKI Icofj Make permanent corrections of typed
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  • 621 8 Caution against big cutbacks ADMISSION of law students to the University of SinRapore has sharply declined in recent years, and any further drastic cutback should be viewed with extreme caution and only after a careful study of what is best in the
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  • 51 8 THE Senior Minister of State Foreign Affairs*. Mr Rahlm Ishak. and his wife will be guests of honour at the Singapore Mlnang Welfare and Benevolent Association annual dinner and dance at the Shangri-la Hotel on Jan 29. The Mlnangs are people from the south Sumatran Island of
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  • 198 8 Man remanded far rape bid on job-seeker A LABOURER tried to rape a teenag Jobseeker while she was accompanying him from her home to his place of work, 5 km away, for "a job interview," DPP Is nail Hamid said in the High Court yesterda/. Abdul Aziz bin Ibrahim, 21,
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  • 86 8 SALE OF BUS STAMPS THE Singapore Bus Service will sell all concession stamps for next month from tomorrow. The stamps will be on sale at the HDB head office and area Affices till Jan 19. At all post offices. SBS Jurong Interchange and the 11 Silo/Pfen supermarkets, the stamps will
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  • 544 8 PC who narrowly escaped death in running gunbattle A POLICEMAN narrowly escaped death when he facea a wounded gunman without realising that his own revolver was empty, the High Court heard yeste«day. The gunman. Ool Kan<? Seng, who was In a drain holding a loaded homemade 22 Magnum in his
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 161 8 Iliconlv %in^lc door refrigerator wit Ii a built-in coM <li^pcn%cr« 1 L EXTRA CONVENIENCE WITH A COLD WATER DISPENSER NOW get a drink of cold water without having to open your fridge door. You do not need to store jugs and bottles of cold water in your fridge anymore. A
      161 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 171 8 Straits Times Crossword m -^^^B -^^h4— ACROSS brown Indian city >1). 1 Puah with the oan In a •"W the Air «*c? t,ve «W v.o«.U« n»n ftjYninbe, .oa*.h«r. -.Wif l» O- of tht Ulllpu14 It carries wirea that carry CSjii. wlrM n ii ii Mi»ia«e oi a deaerter ben muvt.livM
      171 words

  • 577 9 Woman reconciled with hubby A WOMAN, granted a degree nisi last September, nullifying her marriage to a salesman, had her nisi order rescinded and her original petition lor the order dismissed in the High Court yesterday. Madam Chew Chwee Yang. 24. a cashier,
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  • 70 9 THE School of Architecture and Architects Team Three will Jointly hold an architectural exhibition at the Faculty of Architecture and Building. Kent Rldßc Campus from Jan IS to 20 Mr Lim Chong Keat. chairman of the Commonwealth Board of Architectural Education, will speak on the Role of the
    70 words
  • 106 9 THAT VISA RULING: S'POREANS EXEMPTED SINGAPORE citUens of Chinese origin are exempted from applying for visas to visit the Philippines, a regulation affecting travellers from Hongkong and Taiwan from Friday. A spokesman for the Philippine Embassy yesterday said that an agency report from Manila on Saturday which said that Chinese
    106 words
  • 390 9  -  GEORGt JOSEPH By SENIOR officials of the Labour Min.siry yesterday starttd their campaign to know industries better and hold in-depth discussions on current labour policies and problems with managements with a three-hour visit tn the Singapore Textiles Industries in Jurong. The top-level
    390 words
  • 85 9 THE zoo has increased Its admisssion charges for the first time since It opened in June 1973. Admission charges are now 52.50 for adults, compared to $2 previously and $1.20 for chi'drrn. 20 cents more than before. A too statement yes- terday said that the
    85 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 236 9 1978 LUCKY DRAW CONTEST RESULTS Ist Prize No. ***** Lim Lee Hoon Blk 1 1 80-C, Petain Rd, Singapore 8. 2nd Prize No. ***** Kamsani Bin Ali 81k34,383-J,MarsilingDr, Singapore 25. 3rd Prize No. ***** Wong Van Wan Blk 132, 50-B, Clarence Lane, Singapore 3. 4th ***** 22nd ***** 40th *****
      236 words
    • 250 9 MutGfKil hdndliiMj problems? Solve them at only 1 $96 per week: This Crown "M" Series^ I><^ storage facilities even in the Walkie Stacker easily /<*[^^ smallest warehouses, handles loads up to L-4-^_ At only $96. ISShfsfJomfsrn. Ijflfl Post the coupon for to 4 2m.andis SKflEfcEr^"" P furth «"nformat.on designed toopercte
      250 words

    • 657 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon THE prosecution alleged today that a housing dcv c 1 o per I managed to siphon out of Bank Buruh more than $5.7 mil11 o n through the "wilful act of sufferance" of the bank's former deputy general manager Yeoh
      NST  -  657 words
    • 208 10 Pushers using 'detour' method, says envoy KUALA LIMPIR, Mon. International drug trafficker* are making use of capitals and airports which are not known to be sources of heroin to smuggle narcotics into the United States. rhe US Ambassador to Malaysia. Mr Robert Miller, said this today when he opened the
      208 words
    • 35 10 PORT DICKSON, Mon. Three armed men robbed a family of about $3,000 In wedding ang pows" and Jewellery worth about $800 at Bradwell Estate near here at the weekend. NST.
      NST  -  35 words
    • 74 10 KUALA LCMPUR, Mon. Malaysia today urged Britain to play a leading role In the European Economic Community (EEC) In order to lower tariff and non-tariff duties on Its exports and those from the other Aswan countries. The request (or Britain's support and help was conveyed to
      74 words
    • 262 10 Mahathir to spearhead drive for new investments KUALA LUMPUR, Monday DEPUTY Prime Miniser Datuk Serl Dr Mahathir Mohamad Is expected to lead four Investment promotion missions overseas Ihis year mainly to new areas to tap their Dotential. In addition, he will spearhead the country's drive for fairer and better trade
      NST  -  262 words
    • 144 10 MTUC: Speech just like a durian KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The MTUC yesterday likened the Deputy Prime Minister's statement on Saturday to a durlan "sharp and thorny but sweet Inside." Its president Dr P.PNarayanan said the statement did not really contradict the stand taken by the unions that Malaysian labour was
      NST  -  144 words
    • 28 10 KUALA LUMPUR Mon. Fire gutted the Ban Hing paint storehouse and factory In Peslaran Segambut Teiigah here yesterday causing extensive damage estimated at tl million. N3T.
      28 words
    • 73 10 KUALA LUMPU t, Mon. The Education Television (ETV) has donated about 5,500 TV sets to schools n Peninsular Malaysia and another 2.000 to .hose in Sabah and Sarawak to enable more students to follow its programmes, an ETV official said here today. Deputy
      NST  -  73 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 398 10 Robin engines BSfcjkcrfTl cover a lot of ground Robin air-cooled gasoline, diesel or kerosine engines k^ifli^^^iifl are extremely versatile for a very wide range of agricultural, industrial and recreational applications. You can even use Robin engines for generating power, in a rammer or a go-cart. In a road roller or
      398 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 234 10 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh 6c Hal Camp If ONLY /II.L QO, MISTER, COULD "I lAS I WAS SAYING I WASN'T CH£ATINS f WHAT? I (dARLIN^ >OU SMREA V~^ I WAS /s"n© J^-^ -r T r^-, -JIJ I SANDWICH FOR A/ 1 N A SANDWICH J^g,^ \^™*O C\ ~iHi
      234 words

  • 215 11 THE two girls in the centre are "outsiders" attending their first day of an immersion class in English in a secondary one class of Raffles' Girls Sec o n dary School. One can tell not only f.-om tlieir different uniforms but also from thrir
    215 words
  • 36 11 THE Minister for Finance and MP for Havelock. Mr Hon Sul Sen. will present "any pows" to old (oiks In his constituency at Havelcck community centre, Merchunt Road, on Sunday at 10 a.m.
    36 words
  • 107 11 BLOOD donation ses sions will be held at Far East Levlngston in Shipyard Road tomorrow trom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and at the Singapore Airport departure hall on Monday from 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m Special blood donation sessions will be held at Telok
    107 words
  • 354 11 THE Ministry of Education has recommended two syllabi for secondary one students in the nine super Chinese medium schools, which will give them at least eight more periods in English than in Chinese. The two syllabi are for the top 8 per cent of Primary School
    354 words
  • 76 11 Entry forms for photo salon THE Photographic So ciety of Singapore will hold its 30th Singapore International Salon of Photography in May at the National Museum art gallery. The salon is open to all photographers throughout the world whether they ore professionals or amateurs. Entries will close on March 19
    76 words
  • 162 11 Army officer caught ransacking by police A SECOND lieutenant in the Singapore Armed Forces, Vee Chee Kiang, 21, was ransacking the bedroom of a house in Yarwood Avenue when he found himself surrounded by police officers, a district court heard yesterday. Asst Supt T.S. Zain, prosecuting, said that earlier Mrs
    162 words
  • 48 11 Ming period furniture display SINGAPORE Handicrafts Pte. Ltd. Ls holding an exhibition of classical Chinese furniture at the ballroom of the Marco Polo Hotel until Thursday. The exhibition, started yesterday displays reproductions from the Ming Dynasty pellod. The furniture. Imported from Hongkong and China. is valued at $500,000.
    48 words
  • 56 11 DR Ban Kah Choon, an English lecturer with the University of Singapore, will talk on the Beginning of Lord Jim: Conrad's Leap, at the Department of English Language and literature. Joint Campus at 4 p.m. on Thursday. The presentation is the ninth in the series
    56 words
  • 396 11 Two cheated sailor of $600 with 'offer' of talisman TWO Malaysian Itinerant medicine vendors who cheated a deckhand from Sarawak of $600 were Jailed a day and fined $1,000 each by a district judge yesterday. Asst Supt Zain, prosecuting, said that Mr Naga Ak Sagigi Saging. 26, was waiting lor
    396 words
  • 188 11 Seven years, cane for man who robbed visitor in hotel A JOBLESS man. who robbed an Indonesian visitor in his hotel room here of $7,000 and 25.000 ruplahs and also a $1,800 watch, was Jailed by the High Court yesterday for seven years and ordered to receive six strokes of
    188 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 215 11 fILL fISIfIN GGGftBGGK *-9 k I <%~*^£ 1 RbH niMfl" eWml *Ai f" I k I InH HPTPTr Wj J Ufcl \u Everything you need to know about Bl^^iVi ■lfU-^*" l r^ryM Asian cool<m S this brand new cook- I Jm^r^^T^ n*! (fl I\V book contains more than 500 fully
      215 words
    • 365 11 r n cin^c^^ft^ v^\\ By harcl wori< and S Also in this issue: I HOW to Be More Successful in 1979 I I HQK to Bargain More Effectively I I HOW to Appraise Your Sex Life I January 1979 Ipffffjfflbl NOW ON SALE! IP 7 JPv^»- I Advertisement Does Poor
      365 words

  • The Straits Times TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1979
    • 395 12 THE collapse of the Pol Pot regime has come sooner than expected. Phnom Penh has fallen without a fight, and apparently Kampuchea's leaders have taken to their mountain bases in the jungles, from whence they hope to mount a protracted guerilla counter-offensive. Whether they can achieve a comeback
      395 words
    • 375 12 THE Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Labour), Mr Fong Sip Chee, cannot be blamed for expressing his utter frustration last weekend if employers' attitudes towards safety are as he has described. At first sight, it appears that managements are worse than being just lackadaisical over the need to have a
      375 words
  • 376 12  -  BRIAN SULLIVAN in Houston By THE I sited Stales hi tbraagb adveatariag la ■pat* aad will aoaa ntovr lato aa laeaatrlaJ pbaae that will see laboratory terhairtaaa, eagiaeer* aad other workers goiag lato apace to prodace goods for sec ea earth, a apace expert
    376 words
  • 2049 12  -  LIAK TENG KIAT By LAST Sunday the VwtnamMa-backad rabal fore** announced trn» capture of Phnom Panh and thair intentions to "libarate' tha whola country Their victory com— after more than a yoar of warfare between Vietnam and Kampuchea. This article traces
    AP  -  2,049 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 1194 13  -  MILTON CHASE Now a 'Japanese connection' in US trade By out Haihiagtor, correspondent TOP American anti-narcotics officials are now meeting In Kuala Lumpur to evaluate the effectiveness of regional cooperation in the battle against drugs trafficking. This article, which concludes a twopart
    1,194 words
  • 8 13 IBf Fwwr pagt h»f fcwp «*M »•«•> keMMac
    8 words
  • 1062 13  -  GEOFFREY GODSELL IN Tokyo By JAPANESE democracy, for all its British and American inspiration, remain* peculiarly Japanese. In this fourth of five articles on Japan, the writer looks at the basis of Japan's democracy. REPORT FROM £M I IAPAN Wl JAPAN is the freest and
    1,062 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 68 13 Your secretary is about MTSk to blow ft, 1 her stack! Aiia i»o rondel T y '^^X L idiiKiiiny a staple v^BT I through all those s^ "J_V IVBB^I^^BaBBB 1 nis oeoß lot) ■■a^B^^— l^^^ kA uay«b ana ther ornds therr :ogettie< a piastic s i"p micac a eai cvjmpaci
      68 words
    • 510 13 TOMORROW* Changes Japan must face Our world bankers work around the world, around the dock. 6:07 p.m. M^MIIME^P*!? 10-27 am ro*<Yo.6:o7p.m.r o*<Yo.6:07p.m. MattaaWV :> t-<ft& ■w.A#a.lll. R Furuhata, Fujitsu (left); and TOICYO. I■ "M ChlfaOO H Tsurum^ k Bank of America, K^^X^T^^i^H Vlliva^fw. reiew Fujitsu's expanding program of electronic exports
      510 words

    • 1686 14 Unit trusts SINGAPORE UNIT TRUST iMutfm' prtoM for Ju t) The Commerce 2.11 2-24 The Saving Fund 1.32 1.40 Spore Prog Fund 0.94 0.W Spore Sec. Fund 1.72 182 Spore Invest Fund 1.23 1.30 ASIA UNIT TRUST (Manor*' them for Ju t) Mai Invest Fund 2.20 2.32 Mai
      1,686 words
    • 1428 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and rrporttd to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Times quoted after the word "sett" Big Hoard deal (In lots
      1,428 words
    • 128 14 4 1/2% 1/8/80 (250.000) (99 25B 99.35S) 4 3/4% 15/9/80 (250.000)1 99 5SB 98.65S) 5% T F 1/5/83 (250.000) (100 10B 100 2SS) 5 3/4% T F 15/6/81-84 (250.000) (102.30S) 7% 1/8/85 (250.000) (100.65B 100 80S) 7 1/4% 15/4/86 (250.000) (100 BOB) 7 1/4% 15/10/86 (250.000)
      128 words
    • 1705 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of -snares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1 .000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS Aetna i] lub, Aj>n*m*le i hoB I Alcam I ».'H, I
      1,705 words
      • 33 14 Batu Linlang Berjuntai rrartors Ounlop Ind julhrif c m u i c Malakoff Dunlop Est Island Prn Ambassador 182 885 MO 4S0 149 492 289 208 378 302 270 II II II
        33 words
      • 34 14 ratping Textile Magnum Corpn polio 4igh Low rHS Msla Soustead gallon Malaya wala Spore Bus 108 374 280 358 279 241 183 224 219 -i: -i: -5 -4 -4 -4 -4 -3 -3
        34 words
      • 34 14 Sime Darby Haw Par U O B Fabrr Merlin DBS K L Kepong Inchcape UOL Cons Plant High b Low 477,000 316.000 1 15.000 95.000 77.000 75.000 81.000 56.000 56.000 48.000
        34 words
      • 37 14 B.T. Index Industrials: Finance: Hotels Properties: Tins: Rubbers: O.C.B.CS.E.S.Ind: Jan 5 Jan 8 17M.29 1753 08 ***** ***** 634.18 ***** ***** 277.00 211.88 211 73 157.03 158.33 ***** 534 73 324.51 326 06 ***** 328 74
        37 words
      • 317 14 HONGKONG: The market closed marginally lower after a day of very quiet trading unaffected by developments in Kampuchea (Cambodia), and the Hang Seng index fell 1.94 points to 504.52, dealers said. The day's combined total turnover volume was valued at $20.01 7. JAN OS lIKI Aiiiul Rubber Associated Hotels
        UP  -  317 words
      • 286 14 SYDNEY: The market rose marginally as Investor Interest waned in afternoon trading after a firm morning, dealers said. RHP rose to AS9 42 but eased back In the afternoon to close at $9.34 for a net gain of four cents. The Sydney All-Ordi-naries index rose 0.40 to 552.27 points,
        286 words
      • 410 14 TOKYO: Share prices closed slightly higher in mixed trading, led by large capital issues, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 8.84 to close at 6,076 88 points with a volume of 450 million shares. The New index closed at 457.38, down 1.53 points. Major investment trusts and institutional
        410 words
      • 26 14 THE Straits tin price edged $5 higher to $1,825 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 41 tonnes to 266 tonnes.
        26 words
      • 330 14 OPENING quotations in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down 3.00 cents following lower London advices and last Friday's easier close here, dealers said. Prices recovered slightly on news of the fall of Phnom Penh to rebel forces which prompted short-covering and some speculative buying. The market, however,
        330 words
      • 135 14 DAILY 5SR and SMR prices at noon yesterday: J»n f>b E.A.S. (Carrot Mth) iron>w4 Mih) Hujfr. ScUrn Bu;en Seikn SSR 20 (1 ton pallet) ***** 233O0N 232 JO 234 00N S6R 50 (1 ton pallet) 228.00 230 00 N 229 GO 231 DON M.B.E.L.B Frb Mar SMR
        135 words
      • 125 14 CMimn rneouci ixchanci. iincapom nook CLOimc PRICII MR PICUL rilTID OAV. C»««lMt Oil Bun 1112 Itlltn. oM drum (US Mllen. n«w drum «123 Mlkn Ctut Mixad (IOOM) UK/Coot. ITl buym ►■Mir: Muntok ABTA wnuc f o b. 1001 NL.W |347t Mllrn. Sarawak wtm« fob. »•<» NLW 1110 Klltn
        125 words
      • 78 14 Rubber Jan 8 Singapore: Jan iiZM cts (down 2.00 cts). Malaysia: Feb 235.5J cts (down 175 cts) Tin: $1,825 (op $5). Official offering: 266 tonnes (up 41 tonnes). I The market closed quiet with January RSS One buyers, quoted at 232.50 cents, down 2.00 cents on last Friday's
        78 words
    • 74 14 linking prices of the options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, the ;x"iiod, bids and offered prices md business done yesterday *ith the number of options :i .uled shown in brackets. Cald Storage March $1.80) 0 508 C.605) Home P E (March JI.4M 0.3580.435) Sim* Darby
      74 words
    • 36 14 pays 2£pc KUALA LUMPUR: Duff Development has declared a final dividend or 2 5 per cent (same). for the year ended August 31, payable on February 27, to shareholders registered on February 7— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 179 14 THE kilnbar market opened at $15,640 and closed firm at $15,822 in the Singapore Gold market yesterday. In the Far East, gold opened at US $*****,223 20 and moved up Immediately In a me way market to close at the top at $335.50/226 00. Gold was fixed in the
      179 words
    • 528 14 SHAKE prices opened eatier at the Stock Exchanter of Singapore yesterday following advene newt of the Kampuchean situation over the weekend. The morning session was quiet at traders gauged market reaction! to the newt. But having already withstood a whole lot of bad newt in the
      528 words
    • 364 14 A LAST minute rush-up In the popular issues helped the Kuala Lumpur stock market recovered some of the early losses due to profit-taking, prices on balance, closed mixed to slightly steadier. Opening deals were fairly promising on account, of some weekend carry-over Interest, which lifted prices marginally higher.
      364 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 164 14 Interbank r«t*i at 3.00 p m. Carrmetca Nominal rate* Smith* nten Percentage quoted jnUriAj (creM) parity chaace US dollar 2.1670 2.1680 2.(1196 1$ i5 SterUng pound 3880 4.3925 7.3409 40 i7 Hongkong dollar 45 6-> 45.7S 50 51 y 62 M'uan dollar 98 OS 98.10 100 00 1
        164 words
      • 43 14 Closing Interbank rate* or Singapore dollar on J«n 8. Oder U>4 Overnight 8 7 3/4 1 mtti 7 6/8 7 1/2 2 mth» 7 5/8 7 1/2 3 mtns 7 5 8 7 1/2 Overnight Mode 8 iNfli: Aiiltj ft Plim.
        43 words
      • 192 14 •«/uo i ivwM itiw i •wrtt: Ntliami DllMunt C*. NOTE: Theae ratei may differ slightly from tl oae quoted by banks to tn«ir custoaters. A 8 I A N currency depotl! interbank rale* u at close on Jan 8. US Dollar* (Spot) Offer BW 7 days 10
        192 words
      • 41 14 RANOE of nln offend by di«count homes on Jan 8. Overnight 4 1/89 Call deposit 4 l/t<H. ■ifl a-Month Trauury bills 4 l/» J-Monlh But bllla 7 1/J T17« 3-Month CD IJ/i 7 j/j S-Montb CD 7 1/4 7 5/t
        41 words
    • 23 14 THE average rate at which Singapore banks are currently prepared to lend to their best customers is 7.75 per cent.
      23 words
    • 467 15 Baring advises acceptance of Hong Leong's cash offer MINORITY shareholders of Sinfin should opt (or the rash alternative of (3(0 offered by Hong Leong This was the recommendation of Baring Brothers Asia appointed to advise minority shareholders of i Sinfin Hong Leong is offering I mam in rmmh «nrf nw
      467 words
    • 654 15 Sinf in forecasts substantial fall in earnings DESPITE a materially improved interim performance, the directors of Singapore Finance have forecast a substantial decline in the comnanv's earnings Der the curr^t JeaT -ZLtJ^i^ZT ending April 30, 1979 The half-time results show the company's profit grew by more than 40 per cent
      654 words
    • 290 15 Premium Holdings buys stake in Maju Housing PREMIUM HiHtßti airrady Involved la tw* Hat veatare prajeeta la Pertk wltk tae SUte Devetopmeat CfyrmU— Km •caalrea' a aMMamg nbsMUtry, Maja Iltaalag Devetopmeat. Tae director* *f the rompu) are «f tar *pUIm thtl Ur aoqatoMtoa will la four* caatriaate •mtotMtaily to the
      290 words
    • 316 15 Malayan Banking leads the field MALAYAN BANKING BHD (MBB), the fourth largest commercial bank in the Asean region and the bank with the most branches in Malaysia and Singapore, performed remarkably well for the year ended June 1978. With group after-tax profit enjoying a sharp 51 per cent upsurge to
      316 words
    • 515 15 Synthetic Resins (M) expects further rise in profit SYNTHETIC RESINS (Malaysia), which made a promising return to the black last year, now expects to make a further improvement in its earnings for the current financial year ending June 30, 1979 The group has forecast net profit before tax and extraordinary
      515 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1177 15 6ahs ITF Pte Ltd, a subsidiary ot Industrial b Ttade Fairs International, and an associate ot the Times Organisation ot Singapore, requires .i lop calibre sales manager Applicants will be required to sell ITF's industrial and trade exhibitions to industry in the Asean region Applicants should be conversant with local
      1,177 words
    • 715 15 Malaysian Tobacco Company Bhd NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that the TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Malaysian Tobacco Company Berhad will be held at the registered office. 178-3 Jalan Sungai Best. Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday. 7th February 1979 at 11.30 A.M. for the transaction of the following business1.
      715 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 4533 16 tAT YOUR SERVICE SECTION INDEX RATES VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL Per word f»cts(Min ».O0) ty OBITUARIES Per column cm: $10.75 (Mln $35 25) 1A UDiiunnino I FOR SALE i SHOPPING GUIDE I EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT LOOKING FOR JOBS In Airlines? Act now Join our Airline Ticket- 3 ing/Reservation Course
      4,533 words
    • 1327 16 N EMPLOYMENT AN ESTABUSHED GRAPHIC FRAMING FACTORY requires 2 EXPERIENCED INDOOR SALESGIRLS lo be stationed et Lucky Pleia Showroom. Requirements' c Minimum 1 year's experience It above. c OCE 'O' Level, preferably bilingual In English It Mandarin. c Possess keen Interest in artistic It graphic taste Keen applicants please kindly
      1,327 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 682 17 I EMPLOYMENT 31 Srtu«tk>ns Vacant rVOMeO LAOKS WANTED BY WCST CABOT COSMETICS. USA ISS SSSS.SS) (4 VAC ANCKSI for an inlrre<<ling and rewarding career as demonSmccssslml canais-aMi mwet 09 NtWMfl 19 2% f9MT% Speck fluent Engheh S c mater dialect MOV# 9 k9#ffl ■frt#T99l If* 4am(fl Care. 4 NsMtloMsrteert soon
      682 words
    • 688 17 d) Technics! AIR COND TECHNICIANS FOR high rise Building Those with experience ne«-<1 apply lo SOB. Sth fir International Plaza CTS 1 PROOUCTION FOREMAN c Mm years working experience 'imi personality and high sense of accomplishment JOB To schedule direct and control tlie production requirements to meet delivery dateline 2
      688 words
    • 1529 17 1 pjp^-.^-^p^p^pjp^aajjjjaaaa^saas^as^as^as^as^aeas^as^as^asMas^aaaasf' I EMPLOYMENT I LIVE-IN CHINESE/MALAY general imjh »ith good references reI quired by English family with 2 1 children EMM II Linden Drive area Phone *****1 LIVE-SN/OUT 7 A.M tn Tp m experienced amah Cooking, cleaning, looking after 2 boys $250 Tel 4SBSM after 2pm MALAY GENERAL AMAH
      1,529 words
    • 993 17 N EMPLOYMENT CAR PARK CASHIERS/ Car Hark ,^^H| HsHbHbbbbbbW Attendants possessing school aa^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^eV -rrtifuate or equivalent Willing to perform 2 shift duties Call personally lo 80S. Sth fir. International Plaza CLASS M DRIVER cum Delivery man wanted by Electronics Company Age 23 30 Good salary Apply personally with I C
      993 words
    • 948 17 N EMPLOYMENT HL|Ul£aleM>aW>a^saßßßßß. K^lsmSlE^l B|ajaAai&BMa>a|a^H International Company in Jurong offers an interesting snd challenging career to applicants with the following requirements: s Keen and analytical mind s Liking for statistical work c Ability to learn fast and adapt to challenging dunes to be assigned by the Managing Director School Leavers
      948 words
    • 1112 17 I EMPLOYMENT A MITSUBISHI CORPORATION invites applications for the post o' DRIVER Requirements: Applicants must be Spore citizens and have completed full-time National Service Able lo speak simple English ami must have at least 3 years driving experience Age between 26 35 Successful applicant is entitled to cn t oy
      1,112 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 804 18 N EMPLOYMENT 31 Situations Vacant I) Q—tmrmi LORRY ATTENDANTS REOUSMO Must be able to read English Mini net Vespa Tel *****18 or *****48 for interview MALI CLKWCAL Assistant I DeHvu h I Requirements 1 1 Speak and write Enflish 2) Posse is Claas 1 Isrence 3i Must complete N 8
      804 words
    • 665 18 Needs Immediately PROOUCTION WORKERS We Offer c s day week c Day shift c Transport c Medical c Dental benefits c l.nh month bonus c Kree Housing for Malaysians c Meal, transport allowance during overtime c Recreational activities Please call personally lo see us (830amto400pm i J. Trade* Road OpawaMa
      665 words
    • 892 18 VEHICLES A BOATS TONG LEE RENT-A-CAR non-air-i ondiuoned airronditioned cars and Mercedes for weddings for hire Enquiries phone *****55/ *****7 TRMTAR TRAVEL SERVICES Pte Ltd offers aircon cars at Competitive rates Call *****20/ 44 Vehicle Accessories/ Maintenance F1 EXHAUST AMD other accessories for sale Wednesday Thursday Contact Joe *****94 45
      892 words
    • 902 18 MAZDA BONGO 1088 CC Price $2,800 negotiable Contact *****26 for details MERCEDES BENZ 188. New model, registered 30th Dec "/6 Guaranteed showroom condition Private owner $48,500 ono Please contact Ronnie Lav *****9 MERCEDES 888 1877 Automatic Airrond central locking, pow, steering 851. 000 Call *****79 -MERCEDES 218. 1871 model New
      902 words
    • 1908 18 IK VEHICLES A BOATS 1870 ALFA 1790 Kull accessories I $7 9000 no Tel *****51 236 Whltley Road 1970 CORTMA 1888 GT I owner, good condition Selling *****. Tel *****95 Yeo 1970 FIAT 118 2 owners, aircond. taxed and Insured, eligible for PARK $6,300 negotiable Telephone *****5 during office hours.
      1,908 words
    • 1461 18 111 VEHICLES BOATS VALUE FOR PARF cars below 1000 I WANTED:- 1000 5000 c i .ars for lc -$2,000 1001 to 1600 cc wrap or 88V good «ats) rars and $4,000 1601 to 2000 $5,000 -2000 any model Mercedes Henz Tel and above $5,500 Tel: 431H86 32ZC3 *****3 43SOM WE
      1,461 words
    • 697 18 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES b) Flats BRANONEW EXECUTIVE APARTMENT Located Off Orchard Rd. Diet. 9. Well planned interior with I bed rooms, living room, dining kitchen and servant's Available njmiehed/ partly lurmshed. Central aircond. swimming pool, tennis courts, ale CAI.I. 23*8833 tor details. Beverly Mai Near Orchard Road. luxurious maisonette
      697 words
    • 782 18 DIST IS EAST COAST Ro:id Mat to lei Contact B6XBI alter 200 l> in OIST 17 FLATS M 9 S-A. 7 27A. Toll Drive with telephone Kenul $4110 *4SO per month Telephone 45«J79 OIST i 3-ROOMED FURNISHED apartment at Will p m Also con sKtrt rooms lor renl al S2OO
      782 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 704 19 IV ACCOMMODATION 4 PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES V SERVICES ft BUSINESS VI EDUCATION ft TRAINING Vacant LWisTtom hlgti floor apartment with nrttßUßMf pool and tennis coarls 4 bedrooms, servants mir kitchen, split-level imng tail ins Marbte 'carpel flooring Details OATS HOUSING T«4: *****77/8/9 SMQLE FURJBSMED
      704 words
    • 565 19 DIST 16. SELwINO CNEAP! Houble-storey m; -detached 4 bedrooms/ Mliinll Urrraun parquet floor ing UOO sq fl freehold $*****1 Prosperity 2MSX6/ 2*21«73 OIST n 9P-IW t STOREY TfRRACE recently renovated Highest offer secures Tel 2****** DMT 17 DOUBLS-S'OREV Semidetached partuuly furnished $100,000 negotiable Tel *****74 DMT ie BUNOALOW 4 bedrooms,
      565 words
    • 731 19 BH.LBW TERRACE MOUSE at Jalan Paras near Jalan Senang Area around 1960 sq ft Enlensively renovated Worth $40,000 Big kitchen. 3 bedrooms. 1 servant's, beautifully decorated Selling $115,000 Pleaee contact Madam Neo *****59/ Mr K.S Chung. 9191 11 ext 130 SIGLAP BMGLE-STOREY DETACH EO 6.000 sqft $125,000 Also 2viorey semi-detached
      731 words
    • 571 19 DEAR OWNERS. W you are Inter- I ested In selling your houses of apartments at realistic prices, please contact us as we have buyers Call *****74 DETACHED BUNGALOWS W food residential districts required I Preferably in 9. 10. 11 or 15 Owners contact Samco *****7' I ***** I MST. 'VJO
      571 words
    • 721 19 CHEAP SALE/RENT Woh Hup Complex. 6th floor office 960 sq ft with kitchenette ft toilet. Panoramic sea view CKS Auctioneers L Valuers Pte Lid Tel: *****8/*****8/ *****0. DISTRICT 8 OFFICE SPACE for rent $220 Interested call personally at 68A. Jellicoe Road. Singapore 8 Tel *****88/*****8 FAR EAST SMOPPBsQ CENTRE Mezzanine
      721 words
    • 531 19 WHY NOT START your business with answering service $45 Telex service $5 Call *****88 Supervisor »rh floor orfcee at GRAND BLNLD4NG. PMMa Street Hum Mi. Furmetied 2.080 sqti TEL (***** 59 Office Space Wanted SHOP FOR RENTAL wanted 800 to 1000 sq ft Call Mr Leong *****4. WANTED PROPERTIES FOR
      531 words
    • 661 19 FOU EXrKMtnNO Timber Logs. Sawn Timber. Crade Palm OH. Sat*. Freeh FMh. Prewne. Craba. Lobarars IoSE. Aata. Please contact MAXWELL P O BOX MBB. SMGAPOREI wttti aetaiss HOW TO OPERATE Export-Import at home Capital/ experience unnecessary Free consultation Box 3663. Singapore 1 IMPORTED DEMM SKIRTS to clear at $5.50 per
      661 words
    • 531 19 83 Packing/ Removal* DAIHATSU LORRY/DATSUN plCkup for your delivery services Nam Mln Forwarders Tel *****81 Contact Chng DATSUN PICKUP AVAILABLE to transport your small articles/ goods. PSA. Cargo Clearance' Delivery Ring *****5 HOUSEHOLD/OFFICE REMOVALS Collections/ Delivery of Cargoes Only S2SO0 1 Efficient and Reliable service. Tel: *****1 LORRIES WITH DRIVER
      531 words
    • 980 19 ATT SECRETMUUS SCHOOL OF SECRETARIAL SKILLS Prepore* students for trie London Chomber of Commerce Industry ond Pitmons Institute Eiomirrations FULL-TIME PRIVATEi«S2rARY'S COURSES copj^J<ffe on 2n^£}dary 1979 An additional FULL-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARY'S COURSE will commence immediately and enrolments will be accepted up to 9th January 1979 Writ* for our brochure or
      980 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    62 20 Few yaan have pmrt met you M» in UKfctonty In Mlant tof row you »ill r»m«m In our hoartt •l»rn«lly Daopty mwMd by molhor 4 brottwn. STRAITS TIMES RATES FOR PEPSONAL ADS OBITUAWeS •e».ooforlSwerda (run-on style) $32 .25 tor 3cm. 1 col. (aaml cHeptay atyte) $40 31 for
    62 words
    • 180 20 FAMILY OF THE late Mrs. Nagallngam (Ammachi) thanks relatives and friends for their kind attendance, wreaths, telegrams and assistance during their recent bereavement. THE FAMILY OF the late Madam Lee Lye Keow. Cecilia, wish to express their heartfelt thanks to Priests. Nuns, members of St. Joseph dying aid
      180 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      129 20 PHIPPS. CHARLES VINCENT, aged 89 passed away peacefully ORGH 100am Monday 8th January 1979 after long Illness bravely borne. Cortege leaves St Joseph's parlour. Victoria Street. 200p.m. Tuesday. 9th January 1979 tor CCK. He leaves behind four children. Egbert. Harry. Doris Soo and Douglas. Two duughlers-in-law. one son-in-law,
      129 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      52 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 612 20 VI EDUCATION 4 TRAINING 102 Education ite GIRLS! jobs ara baconw^Q ha/fla* n 9** you na»d baaar qia»fc aarrn Tha London Ow*jar o* Ccwci 9acrMan Cer%*ceJ* 1* recoQrveed ***m*jerjn*ey aaoneo' W lowest qusJMceßone oUbvuM* Sen earl t— wstrn «up*i —a by X* Mn*try 0> Educator Enrol now ITC 1 Out
      612 words
    • 582 20 REMEMBER MMI JANUARY THREE MORE VACANCtZS ONLY I*l Beech Three Month* Cem- Oaaranteea) Clee* For BeganTmie: 30 p m I 30 p.m SM REX COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IM. MACKEN2X ROAD TEL: MSM LOOKING FOR JOBS in Airlines' 1 Mt> our Airline Ticketing Reservation Course by Coni ord Kxpress System In three
      582 words
    • 1868 20 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS SHORTHAND FOR BE OJNNERS commencing ***** Thursdays 6 30pm 8.30pm Enrol Not Peace Centre Comipercta! School the shorthand specialists 226 2nd Floor. Peace Centre Selegie Road ,*****0) SPORE BMTTTVTE OF Science 503-A Serangoon Rd (25*6420) Enrolment I*7? In progress Prl 6 Sec 1X34
      1,868 words
      494 words
      449 words
    • 761 20 PERNAS CHARTER MANAGEMENT SDN. BERHAO KUALA LUMPUR Output* of tin concentrates for the undermentioned companies under the management of Pernas Charter Management Sdn. Bhd. for the month of December. 1978 are as follows: Malaysia Mining Corporation Berhad Group of Companies Piculs Aokam Tin Berhad 1 .990 Ayer Hitam Tin Dredging
      761 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 579 21 I cbopDHJ) I Dv Pont For Eost Inc a leading U S Chemical Compony m Singapore invites applications from suitably qualified persons to Ml the position of CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Job specifications Ensure high-quality customer service through efficient order processing, generol correspondence ond coordmote efforts of USA counterpart ond Singapore/
      579 words
    • 546 21 Generol Motors Oversea* Distribution Corporation invites applications from Singapore citizens for the position of: BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MANAGER I To implement a uniform GM Business Pro- I gram including standard accounting in deal- I erships I To review financial data with dealers and I appropriate company management, ond to I keep
      546 words
    • 387 21 'HDB invites applications from suitably qualified persons for appointment as: SENIOR ESTATES OFFICER (LEGAL) QUALIFICATION A EXPERIENCE: Persons who have been admitted os Advocates ond Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Singapore. Applicants must possess at least 5 yeors' experience in conveyancing work in a law firm DUTIES: To heod
      387 words
    • 366 21 THE COMPANIES ACT. (Cap. 185) SINGAPORE SOUVENIR INDUSTRY (PTE.) LTD. (Members' Vol. liquidation) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the creditors of the abovenamed Company which is being voluntarily wound-up are required on or before 26th February. 1979 to send in their names and addresses with particulars of their debts and
      366 words
    • 345 21 NOTICE FOR SALE 1 1 unit Lowbed Trailer 60-ton 28' x 10' 3 axles 2 1 unit Richier Tower Crane 1976 3 1 unit Richier Batching Plant 24 —30 cbm/hr 4. 1 unit Schwmg Concrete Pump bP 250 HDD 26 45 M 3 5. unit Putzmeister Hydraulic Concrete Placing Boom
      345 words
    • 326 21 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE OF SHIP'S NAME We Tlmur Carriers (Private) Limited of Suite 2309, 23rd Floor, UIC Building, Shenton Way, Singapore, hereby give notice that In consequence of the Intended change of ship's name, we have applied to the Registrar of Singapore Ships, under Section 417 of the
      326 words

  • 295 22 INDUSTRIAL water management and recycling techniques should be accorded high priority in the plans of industries because it is impracticable for the Public Utilities Board to serve the requirements of the entire Industrial sector. This was stated by the Senior Minister of
    295 words
  • 111 22 Drowned wife had been robbed X HOUSEWIFE who was robbed of $4,000 became depressed and attempted to commit suicide, a coroner's court heard yesterday. On Oct 15 last year, about a month after the robbery. Urn Swee Hong. 39, was found drowned in the sea off Clifford Pier. The court
    111 words
  • 196 22 IT has taken a festival to brine these four Thai rlrls together In Singapore, as they are students of different universities in their own country. The girls are (from left) Miss Slrlpom ITraiwong, Miss Supanom Onarjittichai. Miss Nisa Kamolvejj, all 20. and Miss Nalinee
    196 words
  • 232 22 Two new asst directors named by RTS SIX RTS controllers were recently promoted to higher ranks, two to assistant directors and the other four to the newly-created posts of senior controllers. The assistant directors are Mrs Maureen Liew. former controller (Radio) and Mr James Fu, former controller (News). They will
    232 words
  • 344 22 More 'green time' for buses Plan to avert 'bunching' MORE "green time" may be given to buses at signalised traffic juctions under a plan to alleviate the problem of "bunching" of buses of the same service. The plan is being In- I corporated In t,he computerised Area Traffic Control Scheme
    344 words
  • 164 22 The Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) plans to launch productivity measurement activities on a continuous basis, the head of It* planning and research division, Dr S. X Subramanlan. said yesterday. He said it is envisaged that each member country would have a nucleus group working on
    164 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 476 22 Features jl^H The Boardroom Women men have to Hl^fe. t^Kr^^ t^l^l^H respect who have JP^ What has propelled these women to senior PorSOfldl |gfcMa?v /^O9NJ managerial ranks? What inspires the '^^i^i^B^fl admiration and respect in the men and Win Biba V^^^^^^^K L^b^PL-Js*. j^^H women whom they work with, or who
      476 words

    • 95 23 AUCKLAND, Moa. Two New leaJaad Xli yesterday datac* a wmU reeaH for ata rt« cricket after eaalag a asintsun mafea of (tar. Zftnia. TV on 4 aa* rala olrfeaod atayen, maialy from tae Aaftoky daa. of the Soata Ma** town at lavweargUl, ante Ike arovbrioaal
      95 words
    • 338 23 SKIPPER BREARLEY AND RANDALL STAGE FIGHT-BACK SKIPPER Mike Breariey and Derek Randall led <an England fight-back in the fourth cricket Test here today after Australia had taken a commanding first innings lead of 142 runs. By the close of the third day, England were 133
      Reuter  -  338 words
    • 220 23 PJMBAY. Mon The •iiree-dajv match between the West Indies cricket team and the Indian Cricket Control Board Presidents' Eleven ended in a draw today. The visitors, resuming at the overnight score of three runs for one wicket, lost quick wickets early in the morning and
      AP  -  220 words
    • 280 23 WASHINGTON. Mon. Sixteen-year-old Tracy Austin yesterday played a patient baseline game to upset lop-seeded Martina Navratilova 6-3. 6-2. for the US$24. 000 ($52. (M 0) top prize in a women's indoor tennis tournament here. Tracy, the second seed, from California, needed only 64 minutes to
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 26 23 HKRI.IN Mun (*ymp« (old medal* CvU Hudeodurf and several other Kast Cernun track sun haw retired the East German Ne» Agency reported today AP
      AP  -  26 words
    • 120 23 ENGLAND Ist laa* Itt AUSTRALIA Ist uuw (oversight ttt-1) G. Dymork b Botham 5 i. Hlggi <■ Botham b Hendrick 11 A. Hirst run out 0 A. Border not out 60 Extra* 16 Total 294 WMs. fed at: 1. 126, 178. 179. 210. 239. 245. 276. 290. 294. ■owaag:
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 52 23 COLOMBO. Mon. The threeday match between the under-19 cricket teams of Pakistan and Sri Lanka for the Shahid-e-Millat trophy was drawn here yesterday. Scores: Pakistan 207 and 222. S--i Lanka 307-9 dec. 64. A limited over match will now be played on Friday to decide the
      AFP  -  52 words
    • 324 23 LONDON, Mon. John McEnroe, the hottest property in world tennis, has set his sights on yet another title. After takmg the world doubles championship with Peter Fleming here yesterday. 19-year-old McEnroe flies home to the United States for the prestige-laden drand Prix Masters title
      Reuter  -  324 words
    • 242 23 AUCKLAND, Mon. Teeaager Tim WUkisan, at Shelby, Narth Carolina, won the New Zealand men's Open tennis singles final at the Stanley Street courts taday defeating Austria's Peter Feigl C-3, 6-1, M, t-C, t-t. Hllklson, IS, and seeded eighth la the tournament, avenged a defeat by toptieeded
      242 words
    • 235 23 HAMBURG. Mon England's Kevin Keegan. voted the 1978 Kuropean soccer Player of the Year, yesterday said he definitely plans to remain with HSV Hamburg next season "It's now certain I will be slaying." said the 27-year-old Kngland international He did not disclose the terms of his new contract, which
      235 words
    • 336 23 title game and the Dallas Cowboys in the National FC yesterday guaranteed that the longawaited third-time Super Bowl champion will become a reality this year. Pittsburgh defeated Houston M-S and Dallas overwhelmed Los Angeles 28-0 in the two games played yesterday HOK.SK RAIINii Affirmed 1978
      Agencies  -  336 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 568 23 «PN.BHP. -^aa^aa^aaWaaWaa^aa^aalam I Due to our expansion we invite applications from Malaysian 1 citizens for the following positions:ASSISTANT ENGINEER Graduate engineer holding a degree/diploma preferably in Chemical or electrical discipline and at least two years experience in the Chemical processing industry. CLERK/TYPIST MCE or equivalent and typing speed of 35
      568 words
    • 825 23 INTERNATIONAL COMPANY Invites Application for the post of 1. FIELD SALES MANAGER 2. INDUSTRIAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE 3. MARINE SALES REPRESENTATIVE 4. CHEMICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are expanding again in Malaysia and offer a truly outstanding industrial opportunity to the right person. Are you young and a top producer in any
      825 words

    • 478 24  -  BERNARD PEREIRA COMMENT By THE wound caused by the rift between the International Badminton Federation and the World Badminton Federation, Judging from the latest developments, is beginning now to turn septic. But the worst part of it is that the people who are
      478 words
    • 354 24  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By THE Singapore Hockey Association's tournament subcommittee will issue an ultimatum to Singapore Armed Forces if they fail to receive any response from SAFSA and Singapore Recreation Club to a request to play off their senior knock-out semifinal in a tournament that
      354 words
    • 217 24 A TOTAL of 63 constituencies will vie for honours in the inter-constituency table tennis tournament, starting tomorrow at the Gay World Stadium. Absent from the tournament are Brickworks, Havelock, Kampong Chai Chee, Kampong Kembangan, Sembawang and Siglap, who were unable to form teams. Nee Soon, Bukit
      217 words
    • 1454 24 WEIGHTS for this weekend's races at Bukit Timah SATURDAY Clan tHr.l- 1 ,200 m 15 Terello 57.0 7 Major Share 55.0 9 Man of Honour m 55.0 10 Snow Mist n 55.0 12 Final Address 54.0 4 Soresight II 53.5 13 Soon Hong 53.5 14 Trigger m
      1,454 words
    • 71 24 SHUTTLE UMPIRES' COURSE THE Singapore Sports Council, in conjunction with the Singapore Badminton Association, will conduct a 10hour badminton umpires' course at $5 a person at the Sports House in Rutland Road from Feb. 14 to March 13. Participants with at least 80 percent attendance will qualify for the written
      71 words
    • 587 24 RACING with FAIRWAY TOP amateur rider Desmond Brown's crown is slipping. The promising young Wong Keng Chee, from Ipoh, showed so much improvement last season that he has already taken the lead from Brown and the others. Wong was the only rider to brii^
      587 words
    • 36 24 LES GETS (France). Mon. Austria's 19-year-old Regina Sackl, now fully recovered from foot-and-knee surgery, scored her second women's World Cup alpine ski victory with a brilliant win in the sepcial slalom here today AFP.
      AFP  -  36 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 610 24 F.J. BENJAMIN SONS require SALES REPRESENTATIVES for a)Optical Products b) Fashion Accessories F.J. Benjamin Sons arc looking for two dynamic Sales Representatives to join their highly motivated sales team. If you're looking for a career that is promising and rewarding, here's a great opporturury. Send in your application if the
      610 words
    • 568 24 VtrV—^ f/WISWER AUTOMATION (S) PTE LTD\| member ol the JACKS GROUP Invltt applications lor the following positions:1. SALES MANAGER Responsibilities The successful candidate will be required to coordinate and manage the sales effori ol the sales team in handlino. a group of electrical products. comp^npnts. high-class switchgear and electro/ pneumatic'
      568 words
    • 89 24 Allison's Answer To Sound Problems Allison speaker systems were not designed for flat frequency response in anechoic chambers. They are uniquely accurate sound reproducers in the only environment that really matters your room for listening to music. Allison's reasonable prices: Allison: One $2346/Allison: Two $1925/ Allison: Three $*****Allison:Four $1135/Allison One
      89 words

    • 465 25 GOOD MORNING. Mr Joe"! That was hew I was greeted by Findl Ahmad, the youngest player ever to repn-sent Singapore In a Mai ysla Cup tournament, when I went to Interview him yesterday at the store where he works, reports JiM DORAI. It may be a
      465 words
    • 282 25  -  WILFRED YEO By THE Republic's 30 National Football League clulM have until Feb 28 to acquire the services of coaches wltn at least Football Association of Sing apore preliminary coaching certificates —or be forced to select one from the FASs 307strong list. The deadline, in
      282 words
    • 315 25  -  JCE DCRAI LATE ARRIVAL FOR THE MATCH By SINGAPORE defender Jal Prakash. who arrived late for Sun day's Malaysia Cup-tie against Malacca at the National Stadium, may be sacked from the National squad. Prakash. who has Just b*en transferred from Farrer Park United to ramplm*
      315 words
    • 24 25 TODAY'S Malaysia Cup fixtures: BRUNEI v SELANGOR (Bandar Seri Begawan 4.15 p.m.) KE DAH v SARAWAK (Stadium Darulaman, Alor Star, 7.30 p.m.).
      24 words
    • 196 25 BRIAN ROZARIO, the former Singapore team goalkeeper, returned to the soccer pitch last night after a sixmonth drug rehabilitation programme at Telok Paku. Rozario last night made three resolutions to win a first team place, forget his wretched friends and shed IS kilogrammes. Rozario was sent
      196 words
    • 268 25 UNITED MOTOR WORKS, spurred on by a reminder of a Philippine tour from the bench, overcame a bubbly Banque Nat ion ale de Parts side by 1-0 In a Singapore Business Houses Football League Division One match at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. reports
      268 words
    • 184 25 Accident puts out Chin, Tang BANGKOK. Mon. Rallyists 'Croc' Tang and Ronnie Chin sailed 20 terrifying metres in the air on Saturday before almost wrecking their Ford Escort 1600. The two Malaysian.were unhurt. The car made the movie-type leap from one banic of a sunken railway track to another, a
      184 words
    • 80 25 SOCCER: Malaysia Cup Brunei v Selangur, Keoah v Sarawak. Singapore Bu&inea Houses Football League: Div IB: Quthrie v Hell Orient iJn Besar). Div. 3A: StralU Times v 6BS iTanglln 1). Div. 2B: Incncape v Mandarin Hotel (Toa Pavoh); Goodwood v Holiday Inn (Parrer Park). Div. SB: Hume v
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 672 25 UNIVERSITI PERTANIAN MALAYSIA (JAWATAN KO8ONQ) Pemohon-pemohon adalah dipelawa daripada Warganegara Malaysia untukmemenuhl jawatan Tetap dan Berpencen dl universiti Partanlan Malaysia. PEOAWAI TADMR PENTADBIRAN KCLAYAKAN (I) Ijazah Kapujian/ Am dan Universiti-Universiti yang diiktiraf oleh Karajaan atau (m) Kelas HI dalam peperiksaan akhir peguam atau (ill) Kelas I atau II dalam peperiksaan
      672 words
    • 463 25 Kcppel Shipyard Limrtedlj TRAINEESHIP SCHEME j MAJOR SHIPREPAIRERS OFFER EXCELLENT I CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT AS f HIGHLY SKILLED CRAFTSMEN THROUGH THE COMPANY'S TRAINEESHIP SCHEME THE TRAINING j The period ol Trameeship is 3 years during which time the Trainee will be j employed under a Contract of Trameeship The
      463 words

  • 699 26 A CAUTIOUS BUDGET PRESIDENT Suharto today told Indonesians to tighten their belts, roll up their sleeves and work harder as they enter the nation's third five year development plan. Submitting a cautious state budget to Parliament for the financial year beg Inning next April
    Reuter; AFP  -  699 words
  • 76 26 MOSCOW, Mon. A sixman Republican delegation of United States senators Hew to Moscow today to open three days of discussions with Soviet leaders on strategic arms limitation and SovietAmerican relations. The six senators headed by senate minority leader Howard Baker of Tennessee said the prime purpose
    UPI  -  76 words
  • 73 26 MUELHETM (West Germany), Mon. An end to the first steel itnke in the Ruhr district In au years appeared likely today when Uie contract commission of the steelworktrs' union endorsed a proposed settlement by a vote of 87 to 38. A ma.tor advance for the employees
    AP  -  73 words
  • 51 26 BANGKOK. Mod. More than 500 people fled tiielr village in north-eastern Thailand as communist Insurgents tortured and killed the village headman. The Bangkok Put quoted military sources as saying. The Incident occurred late last month in Kam Muang district of Kalasln p.-ovtnee. 400 km northeast of Bangkok.
    AFP  -  51 words
  • 96 26 r.t. VAtUTHIVAN, aged «0. pused away on 8/1/79 leaving behind iom V. Pakruamy, V. ShanmuKBin. V. K a I I m u t h u. daughters V. Thevanl. V. SivaKamle. acm-ln-law V. Balaraj. M Supplih. dauKMrr-ln-law and grandchildren CorUm Iravea Blk i 110. Rm imi-l. Jin. Bt. Mermh on
    96 words
  • 73 26 TWENTY-FOUB New ZeaJUnders arrived here late last night on board an RNZAF Hercules plane after being evacuated from trou-ble-torn Iran. New Zealand High Commission officials were at Seletar military airport to meet the evacuees and sir- range for their accommodation in Singapore. The plane made a
    73 words
  • 196 26 EIGHTEEN schools, including three privatelyowned have been found to be infiltrated by communists. Deputy Home Affairs Minister, Datuk Beri Syed Ahmad Shahabuddin, told the Dewan Negara today that nine of the schools were in Jo ho re, five in the Federal Territory, three
    196 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 458 26 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore s Financial Dally Cover Price iOt Annuol Subscription $155. For subscription, call 284 8844 Ext 302 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. THE longstanding rumours that Sime Darby was on the trail of a major acquisition crystallised yesterday. It announced that it is to acquire the UKbased plantation and industrial group,
      458 words
    • 366 26 We'd like to save you $156? on your Colour TV How? Simple. Take advantage of Rentacolor's Special one month's free rental and save $57. Plus Rentacolor throws in a free Colour TV licence (worth $54) and a TV \2&^^*^ sfan^ (worth $45) when \jr -"vV j you rent your set
      366 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 40 1 The Straits Times Inside: LEISURE: High cost of festive m«4Tymaking at hotels 2 WOMAN PLUS: Your baby or your job? DMwnnM of working munis 3 Wh*» lik* for Thailand's Reds 6 More mouths to feed, le»s land for food 6
      40 words
    • 906 1  - Manila disturbed by flow of shoppers to Hongkong MANOLO JARA in Manila By IN LATE September, local papers here played up in their front pages the case of two young Filipino women who accused Hongkong immigration authorities of arbitrarily refusing them entry to the colony. The essence of their complaint
      906 words
    • 1157 1  -  RODNEY HOBBON The two sides of a tourist 'tug-of-war' By our correspondent in Hongkong LAST September. Hong kongs refusal to allow two Filipinos into the colony sparked ofTa furore in Manila. The uproar has died down, but Manila has tightened its currency
      1,157 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 402 1 M SKBO6O 1* Toaster Oven with Shut Off Timer A Ideal for toasting, grilling, defrosting, baking «or snicn Ml V and warming up Auto shut-off in toast position. M ."r" ]rZ JTmI^ A timer with Complete with Bmet^LmiHn^H Mb^^^^^^MM^=^~Ul 0 special dual-glass ceramic heater, attractive uwhic smm uwn
        402 words
      • 140 1 MmmwJMkmtSßm MTM£% fmmjM wmmmA IHHHHHH THE NEW I I^b^H I L.L^L<Pw If I I MMmSr- M^MWMm I IX I NA fl Mm- »t"WBLBL^L^BP^ ivli >v_-i I BBS Lfil I^Li I Laqu« A proud accomIM\ ptishmentof dncientCKiiu^ MMtJf I Mg yty' artistry and American engineerjpot H '^^^B I bW^^k >' I
        140 words
      • 745 2  -  GERALDINE TANG And would it have been worth it after all? By THE FETING and merry-making are all behind us and it's back to serious work now that Christmas and New Year celebrations are over. Some people may be taking Hock
        745 words
      • 140 2 Who would lose in this love triangle THE unlucky fellow in the situation comedy, LUCKY KKLLER tonight on Channel Bat 10.35 is poor Shorty. He is the poor lover involved in a love triangle. He has eyes on Kath who is in love with Randy. The end result of this
        140 words
      • 135 2 NEW Zealand clarinettist John McCaw, who was the principal player in the first professional symphony orchestra formed there, will give a recital at the DBS auditorium on Jan 18 at 8 Pm He will be accompanied by his pianist wife, Ann Broomhead. The programme for his
        135 words
      • 390 2 THESE two new baby penguins at the Jurong Bid Park are really camera-shy and they certainly know how to play games to dodge being photographed. They were happily pranking around with their parents, brothers and sisters, occasionally taking quick dips
        390 words
      • 262 2 THE Jurong Bird Park administration will be sending members of its staff to schools and community centres to give talks and slide shows on the park and its birds. This is to promote the park as a place of interest and to build up the
        262 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 270 2 ALBERT For super colour photography and excellent services BMBJ Professional Quality on colour enlargement up to 304.8 cm X ~JP 106.7 cm or even larger. B^^^^K,^^ I Speedy, reliable colour print I service. Ektrachrome transparencies for unsurpassed processing. 1 1 TBJI Jk We use Kodak paper K#^ for a good
        270 words
      • 105 2 Ilji N uHI ■■■■f BE "^■lr 1 ■m. ai ■mmULib J |l .^^aJbbmm^^^^ ■F'^VV bbi^mmmmmbmbbbml mlS]mm^mmmmmbbbl«mmmb B^B»|~t^ PJ ■■■^r^^^^B ■■■■■■■■^■■■■■Eb ■■■^^■■■■■i I BB^ BB ■■"wflViMfcfll BB BB^ I Ql iP^V^i B^L Lw .Br bUsTmC^^l .A^flßfl 1 rH 1111 M T You can own I a computer foionly X 299. Radio
        105 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 817 2 TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opemng and I Dream of Jeanne j 6.35 Wonders of the Wid Wildlife Of (repeat) The Gurf Coast 3.30 Diary of Events (Enfish) J-JJ Jnjauan (Maby) 3.35 Afternoon Matinee Biy Rose's :j? Z£j!!?]Li*»\ < part 2 > 9.30 News And Newsreel (Enjfah) 4.40
        817 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 148 3 Nothing is ever better than the original. That's the best reason in the world for choosing After all, we invented the system. With more than 50 years of audio experience and 22 years in video, JVC has been the leader in the field of quality electronics equipment. Now we're leading
        148 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 261 4 ••■•■•■••••■•a PRIME SEE IT NOW! Oarfy 5 shows 11am 130 415 645& 9 30 9 Pnc*s Orclts4 00-Stallss2 4D&$l 50 i LOST 2 DRVS Am( u*«i *mi thrn^ht M wmjair B__ h» hut* in the water.. 3 JAWSZI; haw* M CAPITOL Now Showing (*****9) 11, 1.45, 4, 6.30, 9 15-No
        261 words
      • 536 4 >^|^^^_ ■■■■iHHNHHHIHHIHIHiII I [rxv©rvj I*7o*-. J?l FE.\TURES THAT MAKE l^^j^^fi >V COOKiNG A PLEASURE ■Hi PW^9iKkl(.a^ m^^^^m ■bb.B^^.b^-H^'^'s Clmju rrw-kiuw k m-^**^mmmmm\ I l 0 con orm I S j Im\ -s/^1 £vefy cocVpf H *JK '""sHRSj*nt BBBBbtBaV^laBBBBBBB! X •i^^^'C' '3aßflßßl.Bß..B* %P^^-" B^c •.i:tf:i»'Hßngjfligi B^V Superb I all stainless iw^HHHHRPmWRHHI^^^^^^S
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      • 299 4 ODEON-KATONG OPENS TOMORROW! 4 SHOWS DAILY: 1.00, 3.30, 7.00 9 15PM (SATURDAY SUNDAY EXTRA SHOW AT 11.00 am.>. > Another Malay Box-Office Hit Shown for 7 WEEKS In Kuala Lumpur I ngr JINS SNAMSUOINPftOCIiCTIONS pre«tnts Jins Shamsmlin Noor Knmalasari Sarimah T~ i I j s TTIt 2> ..■.ttmBBBBBBi SHOOMMMOR
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      • 716 4 |Ll|>H I HMT i i a Wrlll/.\i7i F nitfllliriTinil J■ i aaß^altaßßfaaßaalV^B^ Ja^OB6ANgATION j■j f m c. am is a ow I I J0«l EXPLOSIVE OAVII I OPCIMS THURSDAY X I 11am. 1.J0. 4 00. 5.30.». 15pm JwontHMii 1 Eneh«.lra«.- I I INoFimlk." ■^MANOAR»^f^cot>»Col«J S■ X^W^Wttv^^al l!l llom '45 40p
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    • Woman plus Presented by Vei-Lin Chew
      • 1433 5  - Your baby or your job? Dilemma of working mums WONG UGH-KEED By YOU have a near-perfect job. It gives you satisfaction and a sense of achievement, your colleagues are fiends as well, the pay is good, your employers are tolerable and you enjoy a certain amount of independence holding down
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      • 577 5 LONDON Would a man holding the world record for the fastest two-way swim of the English Channel be barred from an Olympic race on grounds of his sex? No, but a woman would. Canadian Cynthia Nichols has swum the channel
        Reuter  -  577 words
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      • 73 5 Eau De Toilette CHAPANNE Nl Italy For Her j "The Essence Rare BBk It wraps up all that is I i^^^^^B I Woman in you demure. m sensual and exquisite. l a^BBK. mL.\ l|» and For Him "The Prime of Manhood Chapanne Nl proclaims it tor you An essence that
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      • 216 5 s llvxszl I fHa^M I V mil ft lv .71 fi^B I w^k a. i M tv ■VI i WW m WaIS'S 'Aa fIHH|HHfc J* mtTm I m IBM jB fzl^sfr^ l^** All-day confidence ■jtfßj^^ starts with Rexona k In todays hectic need Rexona. j vs^dß ne deodorant that
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    • 1254 6 Jungle provides refuge as well as food THAILAND is usually cited as the next likely South-east Asian "Domino," bat almost nothing is known about the Thai communists. An Observer correspondent recently became the first Western journalist to visit them, spending five days in one
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    • 499 6  - More mouths to feed, less land for food RICHARD STROUT in Washington By WARNINGS by Agriculture Secretary Bob Bergland to American farmers are reinforced here by warnings from Lester R. Brown, director of World Watch Institute, to the whole world, with estimates that the supply of cropland is diminishing at
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 1405 6 I REGISTRATION. OF CONTRACTORS I Our client, a fort expandng local Development Company invites for regWralon from suitably experienced contractors who can undertake various types of projects which inter alo include housing development, commercial industrial butcflng*. fores) clearing, roads bridges construction, plumbing and electrical wiring. Interested contractors are hereby requested
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      • 48 6 K^rvcn%su zt/iuj *c/w/#g cave ciyim experjcrice joy ov€t otic ijt4ti£iY€ci ye&is <P= odrnuock Young t oot sSSBBS^BS. Ml GERMAN OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY AT ITS BEST SINCE 1877 A Harmony of Perfect Vision and Beauty Available at all optical dealers I Sin Kwang Optical Pte Ltd 1 SINGAPORE MALAYSIA B^^
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