The Straits Times, 7 January 1979

Total Pages: 36
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Sunday Times NO. 2224 JANUARY 7, 1979 30 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 143/1/79
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  • 950 1  -  LESLIE FONG, AHMAD OSMAN. ELENA CHONG and ALICE WONG Now the way is paved for polls to fill seven seats By Three have been asked to leave by PAP -but Lee gives no reason SIX MPs will be submitting their resignations to the Speaker shortly,
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  • 660 1  -  SCENE OF HORROR AS MUM FINDS CHILDREN'S DOMES PILED TOGETHER IN THEIR BATHROOM By N. G. KUTTY THREE brothers and their sister, between five and 10 years old, were found brutally slashed to death In their Housing Board flat in Geylang Bahru yesterday. Their mutilated
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  • Article, Illustration
    7 1 Vx Rohan Dr Tan Mr Nair
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  • 381 1  -  LESLIE FONG By THE NTUC Secretary General, MR DEVAN NAIR, 55, Is expected to head the P e o p le's Action Party Une-up of seven candidates for the by-elections, almost certainly to be held this month. His candidacy will come as a surprise to most
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  • 502 1 TEHERAN, Sat. Prime Minister Shapur Baktlar presented Iran's new civilian government today to the Shah and told reporters afterward that "the Shah will maintain his position as a constitutional monarch." jn a ceremony at the NUvaran Palace, the Shah gave his endorsement to Dr Baktlar's cabinet
    AP; AFP; UPI  -  502 words
  • 201 1 THE Chief Justice, Mr Wee Chong Jin, stressing that every Bar p r a c t i 1 1 o ner here should be Indubitably honest and professionally competent, yesterday urged the legal profession to come down hard on members who overcharge, Speaking
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  • 81 1 JUDGMENT will be delivered in the Prime Minister's defamation suit against politicianlawyer J.B. Jeyaretnam by Mr Justice F.A. Cbua in the High Court on Tuesday. It has been reserved since hearing concluded, after a seven-day court session, on Nov 'it. The action by Mr Lee Kuan
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  • 480 1 'Thai help sought for airlift plan LITTLE MORE IT CAN DO TO HALT VIET INVASION' TOKYO, Saturday CHINA has requested permission from the Thai Government to fly planes over Thailand to airlift Kampuchean leaders out of Phnom Penh, the Japanese K y o d o news service reported yesterday. The
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  • 24 1 THE Sunday Times today Is 36 pages in two sections. Make sure you get the second section which contains your weekend features.
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  • 16 1 UP TO NOON TODAY: Windy with Isolated showers according to the Singapore Meteorological Service.
    UP  -  16 words
  • 56 1 Latest SIHANOUK IN PEKING HONGKONG, Sat. Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Kampuchea arrived In Peking tod a y, the Hsinhua newt agency announced. He is leading a senior government delegation to attend a session of the United Nations' security council to present charges against Vietnam for its 'Invasion" of Kampuchea, the
    AFP  -  56 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 ■MB C^ ,T r-i l. ww»m tnjavi MN mm j»h* .Mii*^ vmm
      12 words
    • 199 1 has no seams to let in water \lii/ Grd Fl Orchard To»tn. Orchard Road, irl emit! and Grd Fl Ocean BuMing (ollvrr Uua> irl <MI I"H ,f., f B^B^Bw^_i i *i .flßflß* 4^b^^a9o i^i^i^^hJiV^^i^ii haib '^Jlbs jt b^b^bv*^b^bW xZSfSw ft B^B^r^^ iVßttl i^Bß^^Bw The Drive line Introducing the latest range
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  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 31 2 BELFAST. Sat. Two men died > when the stolen car they were travelling in exploded here yesterday Police believe the blast was caused by a bomb they were carrylag. AFP.
      AFP  -  31 words
    • 322 2 WASHINGTON, Sat. CHINA hat moved large numbers of troops and fighter plane* to its frontier with Vietnam to signal Peking's growing concern over the Vietnamese invasion of Kampuchea, US officials said yesterday. The move came as China accused Vietnam of clearing everyone out
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    • 124 2 'Helicopters sighted over Rhodesia from Israel WASHINGTON, Sat. Devea American Bell-tSI ketkwpten teei la Rhsdesla akaat month ago came frwn the Israeli part af Haifa, a aeaiar state department official said yesterday. He MM the helicopters kad been pit ab*ard a ship M— f«r SlHKapvre bat never reached their derttaattea.
      AFP  -  124 words
    • 350 2 THE US Government has established a new crime whale harassment. Violators (ace a US$lO,OOO (5J21.700) fine. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which has jurisdiction over marine mammals, said the law is necessary to protect whales from the rapidly growing number of people who engage in the
      UPI  -  350 words
    • 297 2 PEKING, Sat. A wall poster in the form of a "human rights manifesto" yesterday called for the mortal remains of the late Chairman Mao Tse-tung to be removed from their mausoleum at Tian An Men square. The demand was one of 19 points made in
      AFP  -  297 words
    • 318 2 Israel: We won't sign pact unless we get oil supply TEL AVIV, Sat ISRAEL 'Will not sign a peace treaty with Egypt unless it is given access to oil produced from wells developed under Israeli occupation in Egypt's Sinai peninsula, a cabinet minister said yesterday. "Israel will not go through
      NYT  -  318 words
    • 204 2 Villagers abandon homes after guerilla attack NEW DELHI, Sat. Hundreds of people today abandoned thier homes in fear of Naga guerillas who killed at least SO people and left about 70 injured in an attack on villages in the fareastern Indian state of Assam, officials said. Over 6,000 people fled
      Reuter  -  204 words
    • 57 2 MANILA, Sat. Ten people were killed when disgruntled farmers armed with machetes went on a rampage and battled police troopers in a southern Philippine village, reports said today. The Manila newspaper. Bulletin, said the clashes erupted earlier In the week, after village authorities dismantled a warehouse
      UPI  -  57 words
    • 219 2 $86,000 WORTH OF BIRDS ON THEIR HANDS SEATTLE, Sat. IS •ffleUb here have U8MMM (80MM) Mrt «f Mraa •a taeir baaas la what aa ■part Importer iayi to ■■■irtHy taagaage pr»- >!■■■! 8mm 2M enllc Mr* tr»m iB^saoalA were Mto» e4 by the 118 Flab aad WIMllle Service helare they
      AP  -  219 words
    • 38 2 A group of Chinese scholars in a classroom at Georgetown University in Washington on Friday. The scholars arri J in the United States from Peking late last month for training in the English language. AP picture.
      AP  -  38 words
    • 181 2 WASHINGTON. Sat. The US Government accused nine major oil companies yesterday of overcharges totaling more than US$1 billion (S$2.17 billion) for natural gas liquids, a source of such products as propane, butane and heating oil. The government, in a suit filed Jointly by
      AP  -  181 words
    • 60 2 LONDON, Sal. The Dalai Uma, spiritual leader of Tibet in exile in India, was today appointed a judge of the Templeton Foundation Prize for Piaya la Religion The judging panel of this annual award includes leading representatives of the main religions, former United Stales
      Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 193 2 The lights tell the story^ >/v MpioiNieeß A tiny string of multi-coloured lights displayed on each of the Pioneer Series Twenty-two speakers tell a very interesting story These are the Light-Emitting Diodes (LED) Diodes of n^nW^^ different colour indicate the moment-by-moment input level in decibels, at one decibel intervals, and
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    • 14 2 W^^/fc* icvtus or fooo 3rd FLOOR TANGLIN SHOPPING CENTRE I TEL *****3 *****9 I
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  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 347 3 No support for subversive powers pledge BANGKOK, Saturday THAI Prime Minister Kriangsak Chomanan and Lao Prime Minister Kaysone Phomvihane yesterday pledged to deny support for any subversive power whose aim is to overthrow either of their governments. The Joint agreement was made during a visit to the Laotian capital by
      AFP  -  347 words
    • 262 3 All set to sign new $2bil bases accord MANILA, Sat. The US and the Philippines were today on the verge of concluding a new five-year US$1,000 million (SJ2.170 million) military bases agreement. President Marcos said that unless "there are further questions," the final accord will be signed tomorrow. Under the
      AFP  -  262 words
    • 60 3 NEW YORK. Sat The monthly magazine. Readers' Digest, is to produce a condensed version of the Bible in 730 pages, it was announced yesterday. The company will base the edition on the 800.000-word Revised Standard version. A spokesman said the Old Testament will be cut
      AFP  -  60 words
    • 416 3 A UNITED Nations official yesterday warned 2,700 refugees crammed aboard the freighter Huey Fong that they could be stranded outside Hongkong for "months or years" if they refuse to move elsewhere. He told two refugee spokesmen that in spite of UN appeals the Hongkong Government
      UPI  -  416 words
    • 63 3 MACAU, Sat. A woman refugee gave birth to a baby girl on the high seas in the boat on which she and 40 others fled South Vietnam. The small craft arrived here today and the woman and her baby were taken to hospital. The girl was born
      AFP  -  63 words
    • 139 3 POBTLANIHMaIM), Sat. PraptMed lefttsUtiMi <• permit sartjeaj aJterattoa of the sex tfaa at per—a r*>nvict«d «f swne child oMlestiag charge* b under review by the state attorney geMral's •fflee. state represeatatlve Jayee Lewis, the mather af three grawa children, this week filed mUw af her latest
      AP  -  139 words
    • 210 3 Britain to sell Harrier planes to China ST FRANCOIS (Guadeloupe) British Prime Minister James Callaghan said at the four-power summit meeting here yesterday that his government had decided to seU Harrier fighter planes to China as part of a US$2 billion (SM.34 million) package. Trade with China and European security
      AP; NYT  -  210 words
    • Article, Illustration
      14 3 Frwn left: Mr Schmidt, Mr CalLagluu., Mr Carter and Mr Glscard. I PI picture.
      14 words
    • 69 3 TORRANCE. Sat Pemetta Glenn. 28. a former mint's aide, was sentenced here In California yesterday to SO days in Jail and two years' probation for attacking with a hammer a wheelchairbound patient who did not want her to shave him. She pleaded no contest to a
      UPI  -  69 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 423 3 Learn french the easy way! In a French atmosphere with French teachers Modern audio-visual methods Classes for Adults Children all levels Beginners' to very advanced courses Conversational French Business French Translation French shorthand CLASSES START on JANUARY 8 Registration now open (weekdays, 9.00 am— B.oo pm. Sat. 2.00— 5.00pm) ask
      423 words
    • 589 3 CHINESE CpCLASSICAL V PURNTTURE ■BBaaata^^Bß^BßaafMß^^^^BaaaF^l^HßßaF^l^ Ba^^Baaaaaaaa^^Br^^^ aM^^B^^l^lll^^^Bßaßaßar Bth -11th Jan. 1979 MARCO POLO HOTEL DAILY 10am 9pm i&t it k S»JSC v <* I #^s> salls'^aßsl. T awj j Jaiaaai^Tß 1 II ''^F^arvf&^i^^^SßßF I^^^^R<^aal'' I LACQUERWOOD, BLACKWOOD ROSEWOOD FURNITURE SITTING ROOM SET, BEDROOM SET, DINING ROOM SET, WRITING TABLE, COCKTAIL
      589 words

  • TV highlights
    • 131 4 WHO'S MINDING THE STORE? (Sunday Matinee. Today. Ch 5. 10 55 ami: Jerry Lewis Is let loose in a department store, where he successfully gets himself involved In madcap antics with staff and customers alike. Co-stars are Jill St John, and Agnes Moorehead. THE THIRD
      131 words
    • 1025 4 CELEBRITY CONCERT, a new series of "Uve" performances by king-of-the-road singers, which started last night, Is refreshing change •Her weeks and weeks uf snows like Oonny and Marie and the Brady Bunch Hour for one tiling, difUient artistes will
      1,025 words
    • 783 4  -  LEONG WENG KAM ■3 BECAUSE Chinese In sin fapote are made up of the uifterenl dialect groups. the .Mandarin they speak haa Afferent accent and very lew can speak good, standard Peking Mandarin. Is Ihete a need to standardise the spoken Chinese langaageT
      783 words
    • 58 4 PREMIER SOCCER (Today. Ch. 5. 12.30 p.m.): This week features the match betw«.n noventrv city and «.^U v. Middlesborough. SOCCER MALAYS! CUP '"9 (Saturday. Ch. 5. 4 P-m.): Singapore play* Ma- lace» ii h*,, K fl T? t °,f,, »nnual Football Association i °f Malaysia match. Commen-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 2 4 W^^?BwmjS j«3i
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    • 104 4 SINCERE Furniture Exhibition With over 5,000 sq. ft. of display space housing more than hundred sets of furniture and lightings. iH^ (^r\ OPEN DAILY: 10.30 am 9.00pm <?>^xCN -c& Showroom: 4th Floor, Lucky Plaza, <^ <c N^ <s&^ Orchard Road, Singapore 9. $***"<&- FUTURA' BEDROOM SUITE r—*!_2b__i _\<!_»l^_S now $1,580
      104 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 643 4 10.00 AM Optnnt m" Tip Cat 5.10 Our Mutial Fried IL3I Tbimi Ti«t«i Ti««i (Malay) i.N Heavyweight Champions (Part 2— Repeat) 1155 Swtfay Mat»ee-Wies Mwmc Tht Store?, 6.30 km a Brief starrii: Jerry Lew*, M Si Mm, Apes 8J5 Aimal Wertt-Alaska's M% if My Mtrekeal 7.05 lura Paitii (Malay 2i<
      643 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 185 5 >r i B i i i I ken 15 IS^Ub fl^B W^ Iw i^^B Telefunken the name synonymous with the finest in colour TV^^ sensor-touch channel selection, instant picture and sound Quality features include in-line picture tube.fl I ■■■■B Ito bring you the most sophisticated colour TV to date. Si
      185 words

  • 143 6 JAPAN'S largest plars manufacturer. Asalil Glass. Is setting up a plant in Singapore this year to make specialised glass for the HitachiSingapore colour TV tube plant here. Business T.mes reported yesterday that the Asahi Singapore colour TV tube project will
    143 words
  • 815 6  - CJ's call to lawyers Be honest and competent T. F. HWANG By THE Chief Justice, Mr Wee Chong Jin, speaking at the opening of the new Legal Year yesterday, called on every practising lawyer to be "not only indubitably honest, but also professionally competent." On the question of honesty and
    AP  -  815 words
  • 68 6 Society's gifts to charity organisations THE Sincapore Government Servants' Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society yesterday donated $2,750 and $250 worth of food provisions to five charitable organisations. Six society officials visited the homes to present the gifts. The homes were Rumakrtshna Mission. Little Sisters of the Poor, Society (or Aid
    68 words
  • 51 6 WHAMPOA Consumers' Club will distribute an* pows to the old and needy at the Whampoa community centre on Jan 33 at 7.30 pjn. Those above 60 year* should register for thetr ang pows at the club now. The club Is wholly-owned by Whampoa Citizens' Consultative
    51 words
  • 29 6 MR Quefc Kiok Lea. a collector of Chinese antique porcelains, will talk on Chinese Snufl Bottles at the National Museum Theatrette on Prtday U "30 p m
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  • 894 6 THE lawyer of tomorrow should have at least three years of pupilage, instead of the present six months, under a senior practitioner before he qualifies for admission to tne Singapore Bar. This point was made by MISS PHYLISS TAN, the new president
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 271 6 Specrflj (Jo/I Always dream of owning or giving a diamond: Now is the chance to make your dream come true. Own one from 0.20 ct upwards at bargain price, quality guaranteed, accompanie^oyu Dipbmrsn^jr^chT«^^rti7tcsieissued with If y^^r?^(\t satisfie^vith trrardiamc)rt<Ty()u"vepnS i r^^l, we wiH^enwjy it batk from wpu at therprice ytju v^rarfd
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  • 37 7 THE chairman of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board 'STPB). Mr Tan I Tone, will present prizes to winners of the If I were a Visitor contest at Hotel Karoo Polo on Friday at 3 30 om
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  • 252 7 'Hike in hotel rates beyond control' INCREASES In hotel rates are difficult to envisage as these are governed by circumstances beyond the hotel's control, the Singapore Hotel and Restaurant Association said yesterday The association was replying to tour agents' complaint in a recent news report that not enough notice is
    252 words
  • 35 7 THE Public Wort; Department ha* Installed two pedestrian crossing signals at Buklt Tlmah Road. near Mayne Road, and at S.'ieuton Way. near Parsl Road. The signals will start operating from tomorrow.
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  • 142 7 TWO sisters from Penang were each jailed (or a aay and fined $700 by a magistrate yesterday tor stealing clothes worth $138 from a department store. Wong Meng Lin. 20. unemployed, and her Mster Wong Beng Galk. 24. a housewife, stuffed two blouses, two
    142 words
  • 76 7 TSE Tho Ann Temple la well on Its way to becoming a landmark in Sin Mm housing estate. Scheduled to be completed this year, the complex will ho«se a seven-storey temple, funeral parlours costing $1.2 million, a crematorium and a nunnery. Work oa the temple started about
    76 words
  • 158 7 Sinffin commits 3.8 m shares to UOB THE majority of directors on the board of Singapore Finance Ltd. have committed 381 million shares to United Overseas Bank. In a statement Issued by the board in compliance with the Companies Act, Business Times reported yesterday that the directors have refrained from
    158 words
  • 58 7 Blood donation centres DONORS can give Uood tomorrow at the Vigilant* Corp* District E, Whltley Secondary School, between 7 p m and 9 p.m. and on Tuesday at Lucky Plaza, Orchard Road from 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 pjn. The Blood Donation Centre at the Singapore General Hospital will be open
    58 words
  • 211 7  -  LEE KIM CHEW: From Canberra, Sat. THE Asean countries made good progress in the first round of their preparatory talks and are resolved to be united in the face of Australian protectionism in civil aviation. The chairman of the Asean committee on
    211 words
  • 25 7 THE Development Bank of Singapore Ltd. ha* raised Its prime lending rate from 7»4 "per cent to T per cent a year.
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  • 280 7 Most Ngee Ann graduates find jobs in 3 months MOST of the 344 Ngee Ann Technical College students, who graduated In October 1976 and April 1977, took one to three months to find employment. Several of them, 30.3 per cent and 22 per cent respectively, found employment in less than
    280 words
  • 52 7 Swimming courses TRX TMCA win conduct court* on nrimming lor b»ctniMn from Jan la and for {he inUraMdUU Race «wimxn. from Wodnwday. Pec* for the bactaner *wt»men wIU be U6 (or TMCA members and US for other*. The intennedut* Man twtmmen wIU be clitrgeA $35 for memben and HO for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 22 7 /N /4IGNER ORIGINAL IS A REFLECTION OF QLWUTY/IND SMTUS Clothes ood accessories 2 116 Snaw Centre. Tel *****26 Also open on Sunday
      22 words
    • 395 7 YOUR NEXT PAINTING COULD FETCH YOU $400,000 Buy 10 litres of Super Vinilex about all that lovely money 5000 Synthetic Emulsion and/or H^L^^^^^^^F^ you will be brightening up your Bodelac 9000 Enamel and get a t^T^ 3 home for years to come by Singapore Sweep Ticket -Tree! f^' i ,'Z\
      395 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 71 8 g aßH^^^^ We've got stock of the following model ready for '^IHHh^H^^^^^^^HE^ There's never been a better time to buy a TCM Fork Lift immediate delivery Call our Sales Manager at *****8 for more information r:z :r ciTY conmac private limited ston 17 f Tractor Road FD3SZ3 4 ton J
      71 words

  • 951 9 SENIOR Parliamentary Secretary (Labour) Fung Sip Chee yesterday hit out at employers for their apathy over rrorlc safety for their employees. He Mid no serious action had be»n taken by employers' organisations to work, out safe production systems and felt his ministry
    951 words
  • 275 9 Malay parents favour pre-school classes SEVERAL Malay principals, teachers and parents have said they favour the pre-primary programme being extended to Malay stream schools, but not the nine "super schools" idea being similarly extended. This is because there are no Malay secondary schools that can be considered worthy of preserving
    275 words
  • 105 9 SIA study awards for children of staff THE Singapore Airlines Group is again offering scholarships and bursaries for children of serving or retired staff for pre-unversity or tertiary education in Singapore this year. Bursaries are available only to children of parents whose combined Income does not exceed $1,500 a month.
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  • 40 9 Closed to traffic PART of Jalan Tlga Ratus and Track 35 Tamplnes will be closed to traffic from tomorrow to allow for development works at Tamplnee New Town. Motorists are asked to use the diversion road and follow directional signboards.
    40 words
  • 189 9 The reeent changes In the education sys_f tern seek to ensure that those with the w tanate ability bat without the advantage of home guidance and instruction, will receive thia polish in school. It will be done as early as ability ran be identified. Anyone who is missed at
    189 words
  • 535 9 SAFETY training is especially useful lor stimulating a change in the attitude of people toward safety in industry. But it Is a misconception to think that through safety training one can immediately achieve a change of trainees' attitudes, according to a safety
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  • 318 9 'We need the right atmosphere, not more laws' THE chief executive in each firm and factory must personally get involved in the safety of workers, and not just initially, but continuously and permanently, the president of the Singapore Employers' Federation, Mr Jack Chia, said yesterday. "We have enough safety laws
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  • 72 9 Posters display at museum THE National Museum and the Swiss Embassy here will present the Best Swiss Posters at the National Museum Art Gallery from Saturday to Jan 31. The show will feature SO award-winning posters executed In a variety of techniques. Including phoiohtnography Intaglio. onset and draughtsmanship combined with
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 553 9 MEDITATION The Psychic Bridge... to the Inner Mind Have you ever experien<-ed a sense of fu- realization of self. Every stupendous tility seemed to be thwarted in your ac- achievement —in anyone's life began complishment? Have you ever struggled first with meditation, for a new vital idea or solution to
      553 words

  • 191 10 Dr Yap dies of heart ailment at 78 A FORMER leading banker, Dr Yap Pben« Geek (above), who was admitted to tbe Singapore General Hospital with cardiac complications two months ago. died yesterday. He was He was also chairman of the Singapore Building Society. Hotel Negara and Singapore Traction Company
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  • 238 10 SINGAPORE women prefer to have their feet on the ground than to be airborne judging by the lack of response to the much-publicised effort by the Singapore Flying Club to promote flying among women. "There have been no takers," lamented a club official, Mr
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  • 128 10 Course on how to lead rich life after retirement THE People's Association will conduct a retirement course to prepare working people to lead rich ana rewarding lives after retirement. The course. Freparation for Retirement, will be held en Friday evenIngs from Feb- 2 until March 2 at the iCampong Glam
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  • 189 10 ABOUT 700 people are expected to attend a fiveday conference on development of professionals to be held at the ShangriLa Hotel from June 1 to 5. The theme of the conference Is Partners In Development, the chairman of the Singapore Professional Centre, Dr Tan
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  • 85 10 SRI LANKA PLEA FOR CYCLONE RELIEF FUND THE Sri Lanka Trade Commission and (our associations are appealing for cash donations towards the Sri Lanka Cyclone Relief Fund. About 1,000 people were reported to have died when large areas were devastated by a cyclone op Nov 23 and 24. Cash donations
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  • 179 10 ASEAN members involved in the preparation of building contract documents and administratlon of contracts are beinß offered an opportunity to enlighten themselves at a conference on building and civil engineering claims, The three-day conference starting next Sunday will Include discus- «lons on architects' instructions
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  • 80 10 SIXTY art works by eight local artists will be exhibited in Bahrain, Kuwait and Dubai In a series of first-ever art exhibitions overseas. Leaving with the art nieces for the airport yesterday, the owner of a local art gallery, Mrs Delia Butcher, said the West Asian
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  • 29 10 THE Senior Minister of State (National Development). Mr 8. Dhanabelan. will open a seminar on Treatment of Water for Industries, at Shangri-La Hotel tomorrow at 9 am.
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  • 25 10 AN AUSTRALIAN lute player. Mr Max Hynam. will give a recital In the foyer of the Australian High Commission tomorrow at 7.45 p.m.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 278 10 *$£^r<s* mS[\m:'Yc :%> J1 II ;li ■"3B~ 'wr^' 'JGSjB S^^>a All units now completed with T.O.L. a A y/^,, |>2 |^V Frivac). A very important aspect in everyone's life. It's also an integral part of and ready for immediate occupation. W Cl l)in f the design of Cairnhill Plaza. You
      278 words

  • 507 11 SEVERAL British companies are now looking at Singapore as a possible source of supply of skilled manpower to assist in the improvement of Britain's trade with China. According to visiting British business executive. Mr Denis H. Rooney. the ethnic background of
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  • 51 11 BOON Lay Garden swimming pool, closed last year for extensive renovation, will reopen tomorrow from 1 p.m to 9 p m dally. Jurong Town pool will have a new opening time from 8 am to 9 p.m. and Pandan Garden pool, from 1 I pm to 9
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  • 301 11 $250,000 spent on vaccination of chickens THE poultrv Industry In Singapore last year spent about $250,000 on vaccination to protect cnlckens from various diseases, including the deadly Newcastle uisease Thj was disclosed by the Primary Proauctlon Department (PPD) which said about 32 million birds h;.d been vaccinated. A spokesman for
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  • 260 11 Tenders out for Senoko power equipment THE Public Utilities Board has Invited local and International tenders (or major plant equipment for the final stage of the development of Senoko power station. The tenders are for the supply, delivery, erection and commissioning of two units of reheat steam turbine generators and
    260 words
  • 59 11 RAINRALL recorded at Singapore's reservoirs 8 m?£ h JEI tor? a a v?ra e ge" thaa^° n I Public Utilities Board press release Total water stocks rose by 4.86 per cent of max! mum capacity during December. Wate consumption "erased 707 000 cubic metres a day inDecemter
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  • 68 11 Spore cadet Sets Queen's Medal SINGAPORE army cadet Yeo Khlang Nguan, was awarded the Queen's Medal recently for his studies at the Royal Military College In Duntroon, Australia. Tbc award mi for the mo*t distinguished performance In military and acaoebuc ttudte*. Cadet Yeo wa* amonf M cadeu from the ooUege
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  • 201 11 MR Ong Pang Boon. Minister for Labour and chairman of the board of trustees of Fairdeal. the NTUC's book cooperative, will announce the cooperative's expansion programme for the year at its annual meetIns 'n March. This was stated by Dr Lee Chiaw Meng. chairman of Fairdeal's board
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  • 115 11 A MALAYSIAN youth was fined $5M after be pleaded guilty to outraging the modesty of a 25-year-old woman. Construction worker Pane Fee Kiew. 17. of Block 99. Loronx 2. Toa Fayoh. admitted pressing the left breast of Miss Wong Yoke Sin. 25, of Block
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  • 29 11 FILMS on Australia will be shown at the National Museum ever; Wednesday at p m. and films on Korea, every Saturday from Jan 13 at 10.45 am
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  • 259 11 Demand spurs CBD service to add 50 taxis FIFTY new alr-condl-tloned taxis will Join the NTUC Comfort Central Business District (CBD) taxi service on Jan 15, doubling the present size of the fleet. The decision to expand the service came after preliminary surveys, conducted by Comfort, showed there was an
    259 words
  • 61 11 TWO men were yesterday Jailed by a magistrate's court for stealing Iron casts worth 1138 from a farmer on Dee 16. Chua Beng Klaw. 23. was Jailed for five month* and Llew Eng Kok. also 23. was Jailed for four months after they pleaded guilty to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 163 11 CONGRATULATIONS! PAMPERS LUCKY DRAW WINNERS At our last bi-annual P<imp«rs Lucky Draw the following people won sai ir gs accounts for [heir babies $500 prize winner: Mn I Ch*n. Pk :i 72EGh«nMohRoMj(10) $250 prize winners: Mn MwyHcng, Bfc lbo 546 E Lot 1 To* Payoh (12) Mdm Owong Soh Hmi.
      163 words
    • 135 11 Now in Singapore, Max Factor brings you the experience Learn to make yourself up, under the expert supervision of Max Factor's trained Consultants. A 20-minute programme to help you creates lovelier you along with your personal Beauty ]sj^zA Prescription. v :^g <*^ SPECIAL OFFER -A- Mjf M^£fl Geminesse 'Beauty-On-The-Town 1
      135 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2257 12 ■PRlhCESEElt 'NOWr: mmtfimm^mmmmTi TUP UPAT^ od*ys«hOws 11am 130 415 645*930 11«. 1J1.4.M. KSUJ^b MMM M-J M llliM M^ |LJ 5 SHOWS DAILY: 11AM. 1.30, 4JW.8J0, 9.15PM |A|Ct|||ClTinui DST H OPUS JlLJmil S ONE ACTION-PACKED FILM! j! I LH3i UNYa: !?i||^R>J j tf\NT Cli ■■)iNj-Bj l i'i i MiMmMmMmMiB l i
      2,257 words

  • 68 13 Pop singer Debby Boone, 22, and Gabriel Ferrer. 21, smile for photographers at the Boone home In Beverly Hills, California on Friday after they announced their engagement. Miss Boone is the daughter of singer Pat Boone and Ferrer is the son of singer Rosemary Clooney
    UPI  -  68 words
  • 542 13 GUESS who? BIONIC MAN IN FANCY DRESS FOR his first starring role in a major motion picture, I would hardly call THE NORSEMAN (now showing at the Plaza an auspicious start for Lee Majors. The film is one of those mindless adventure sagas which Hollywood used to crank out in
    542 words
  • 448 13  - Singer who warms you up gently EDMUND TEO SOME sinters make it from nowhere to stardom literally overnight. Others (and they are often much more talented Uke MARY MASON, create beautiful sounds for years without making much progress. A pity because although Mary is a fine sinter, she'll never fit
    448 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
      191 words
    • 1039 13 For delicious real Indonesian Food specially prepared by Indonesian chef from Indonesia, visit (f^fRftJRTINI INDONESIAN V|J^Bk RESTADRANT PTE. LTD I 24-M Murray StrMt. tlnga^ar* 2 T«l: 2M7M3 (••Mrid M»limwli Trwatr* rmrt to Niml Maim) Car >>ark a»aHattli In Mai mil Hum car BRING YOUR FAMILY FRIENDS ALONG and try our
      1,039 words

  • 687 14 The Sunday Times SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 1979 Mr S'PORE IN 80S THIS is a projection into the late 80b. This is a picture of you, the Singaporean, against the broad canvas of future Singapore. Life is quick, for the pulse of a nation geared to meet the challenges of technological
    687 words
  • 494 14 For the first time mine RESOLUTION one: I am going to Ret myself a job. For the first time in my 18 years, I am going to earn some money which I can really call my own. I cannot remember ever having to work for anything, except for the time
    494 words
  • 93 14 YOL' havr read «f the pUu «f t.V Sovenmeat la the aideaaa to the PreaMeat's speech. N«w what do y*a ptrtare Sagapare to be la 19 yean time...*** what will the Slagapareaa he UkrT Try to keep ysv letters shart. Stmi all letters to: My View, Saaday
    93 words
  • 181 14 MY FIRST resolution is to support all football matches which feature our national teams. After all, Ganesan, Hartley and the Lions and Cubs do need me to champion their cause. Watching football games alone is barely sufficient, so my next resolution is to steep
    181 words
  • 166 14 List of my friends WITH 1979 come new hopes and dreams. My first resolution is to keep a daily record of my expenditure. I feel that this is very important, because I tend to be careless with the money that I earn also, in this way, I can find out
    166 words
  • 138 14 FOR the past few years, I have (eared and grudged the unreasonable old lady who is my future mother-in-law. We somehow can't agree. But today, I will tell myself to be more patient with her doings. I will try my best to bear with her throughout 1979.
    138 words
  • My view
    • 478 14 THIS LETTER WINS $25 MY THREE resolutions for 1979: Do ye bear the children weeping. O my brothers? E.B. Browning. 1979 has been designated "International Year of the Child." When we give a child a toy stethoscope, we don't remember the millions upon millions of
      478 words
    • 302 14 MY THREE resolutions for 1979 are Livt. labour, Love. I will live and not merely exist. I will Uve intensely and not just perform tasks from day to day. To Uve fully, I must devote sufficient time to learn new things, to create, to
      302 words
    • 214 14 EVERY new year finds me making a multitude of resolutions, only to find at each year-end that hardly one of them has been kept. In despair, I often cry out: "Why?" I think I've found the answer now. My resolutions have always been vague no-
      214 words
    • 42 14 MY THREE resolutions are: To make at least one person happy a day even If it is myself. TO help the weak pupils in my class to pass their examinations. TO improve my physical and mental health. TAT
      42 words
  • 434 14 I HAVE been a rather superficial person. In my eagerness to make new acquaintances, I inadvertently lost track of some old friends. If this trend per sists, I'll probably end up friendless one day. During the year, a dear sister went overseas for studies
    434 words
  • 185 14 ACTUALLY, my New Year resolutions are very private promises, but (or the sake of our dear Sunday Times (or is it the attractive award?) 1 shall be happy to make them public. My first and fierce resolution is to see most (if not all) of
    185 words
  • 98 14 I WILL be turning 17 soon, and still many people mistake me for a boy, a handsome boy, because of my fondness for wearing trousers or Jeans. Not only that. I also wear my hair very e^anfdreSes. hS hair and put on a youngiMd M a
    98 words
  • 103 14 NO LOFTY resolutions do I need to conceive (or 1979, a* I am already inspired (see last week's My View page) I will hit at least one home run in 1979 to live up to my rote as Mftball caplain I will never
    103 words
  • 33 14 I AM an ambitious man and wish to accomplish many things, but I have one and only one resolution. It is to make the right resolution at the right time. GJL
    33 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 12 14 HgU SEIKO Someday all watchrs will b« mid* this way. 7SOOBOO9SS 7aor>soo»RG
      12 words
    • 230 14 St. p| liMi m I&hs h I capability of separate amplifiers in one single unit and is one of tne most powerful integrated amplifier today. Extravagant complimentary symmetrical push-pull circuit has been employed in al! stages to eliminate or remarkably reduce TIM distortion. New device MOS-FET has excellent high frequency
      230 words

  • 381 15  - Games galore for 150 kids under MPL scheme ELENA CHONG By CS IB children in Bukit M.! ill and Redhill i v« yesterday when llir Sincanore ByB v ChtldrenS Society for m ally imple•i if i *i« mented the Mobile Play leadership r nll'll Scheme. Cluiiren were heard El<ng and
    381 words
  • 116 15 FIVE hundred and fiftyfour trainee teachers have been admitted to the Institute of Education In the January 1979 Intake. Most of these come from the Certlflcate-ln- Education "A" level I English) batch. There are 242 of them. Next come the 104 teachers- ln-tralnlng from
    116 words
  • 33 15 Chinese New Year ball BUONA Vista community centre's youth group will hold Chinese New Year ball at Dover Road swimming pool on Jan 29 from 7.30 p.m. to midnight. For detain, call *****3
    33 words
  • 174 15 Jaga stabbed, robbed by four men A WATCHMAN ml »n Import and export firm in Baklt Timah, who wm preparing to leave for India later this month to visit his family had his dreams shattered yesterday when he was stabbed and robbed of his savings of $2.Mt. Ganapathi Ramasamy. SI.
    174 words
  • 163 15 AN ASIAN Productivity Organisation (APO) official U now In Singapore studying how the National Trades Union Congreas (NTUC) manages cooperatives and how to spread this expertise to other Asian nations. The official, Dr S. K. Subramanlam, head of APO'* research and planning division,
    163 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 260 15 Are you handicapped by your English? Arc >im content »Uh the »a> and how to express your ideas MM* speak and »nlc' Arc \ou flucml> sure thai yam Ml M makinp I ho Mud> requires only a mistakes ih.ii MM |Xi>plc 10 link' lime, and ver> moderate fee* underrate you'
      260 words
    • 134 15 WE OFFER YOU THE FASTEST WW TO TOKYO. SIA now offers a Btta%t. nonstop service three times jjl a week to Tokyo. Only M 6 hours 20 minutes flying M time the fastest way. HE* Depart Singapore 10.30pm fINHI Ifck^l anyTue,WedorFri; JT^R VHP'^^H^ arrive Tokyo 6.20 am the next morning.
      134 words

  • 172 16 Laces for the lunar new year A WITH the appro**- h of the Itaar festive season, clothe* tan tram the casaal,caretree mood to captare tke spirit of celebration. The graadear and charm of laee is reflected In these three evealag oatflts nltra femialae aid dressy. Picture A shows Sharon la
    172 words
  • 571 16  -  CORINNE THAM By experiences when I get older," he added. To all these people, the diary is a book of memories one can fall back on in old age. Some diaries, like the Dairy of Anne Frank, have been published and
    571 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 639 16 Timescope Women Timescope Women Timescope Women Timescope Women Timescope Women Ti! I Lk \h^ m f daba*— -JL» I^J knte-^a^atllL aLaV I What every girl should know. Be yourself even on those 'difficult days Menstruation is a normal pro- more soft, absorbent material c ess of the body It can,
      639 words
    • 39 16 S*j^* W|b Wf BP^K _nl I Wnt iH 4 !^K SBr ri iSm *^l Ite -at U ■*m M J t IHt H aj nn^^^^^^i f *?9 i w JSHB B^l f 9Bt j?ct^^^ 1 i^L ppaw _^w I
      39 words

  • 498 17 THE Public Utilities •Board can soon expect to receive, for the first time, electricity generated from a refuse Incineration plant at a time when there has been a g roving awareness of the need for more effective use of available resources. The $100
    498 words
  • 194 17 'tTHE United Workers of Setroleum Industry JWPH has received two rera to sec up joint enterprises to provide s for the disabled, New Ration reported yesterI One of the offers Is from the Society for Aid .•to the Paralysed (SAP). and the other
    194 words
  • 134 17 31REK former hotel em- ayees were each Jailed day and fined between «00 and $800 by a magls££ate yesterday, for steal- t ft crockery and towels ■from the hotel. <na*'The court heard that "rjast month. Marco Polo ,7 Mntrl made stock checks ■maud found some
    134 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 438 17 m\ L^^. k L^^^ AW W W A m im BBBBaInW. aaaaaV 8 aaa^"*^^M Ml H W^iA "a^^^^J^^^^aaa^JJ BJIB^' t .a^Bal ■bb^^^^^bl ai ■bbbbbbbb! Sleek new looks I Exciting performance to match Big, sleek styling Outstanding Dash mSlrthlp Change your concept about the small car! Now You can't fault this
      438 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 118 18 Shake hands with the all-new PILOT Ml i "shafce-A-Pendl'|7/|C It s just about the handiest mechanical J I pencil you'll ever lay your hands on /jl ll v /-~^>. Just give it a gentle shake and Imm y ll I y\ of well-sharpened, ready- to -write lead II II I\\
      118 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 294 18 Wf B09M I 05FSL "I I j /Wre'ja ee-A Wl T0U6H TWAt\ (^AKV UOT I 'g^cAU^e ITS PRlCELgSSy /(Weu,, IF HDU CAWT fcgT AJJVTHIUfc POtT vAse nug^icAKjE^/ \j \n r \jt, vohy are ndu opti wt ?^^x LIFT I I ILL SIT IN I LIPT YOUR ~7] LIFT YOUR YSS^
      294 words
    • 115 18 MODESTY l/wu tubn my tovutCM. l^wwaptßfpy^/^ N^^but 1 oust pont wnTl~ j^ B^^ m^^L *^SbV <^ j^y U^lfi j *iw\^^^Bk^B^B^B^r^^^^i tfv jit* j 1 Jl. j /*.^^fc^ V -^1 ft J "l'" VW WON'T WE'VE COME DOWM "N. ->-_ /^"l DUNNO. Mseeouw I /^Bm, a pew thousand feet, princess... us
      115 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 257 19 B ».u 1 PKNTWTi A T T-TW-rtITP X I Pleasing to the eye I I as well as the touch, H PENTEL'S uniaue cushioned ball-tip I maintains an even S ball-point pen 1 A A I I I I I II I I J^ Let your kid bring out the
      257 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 126 19 T*^ IboOMOOMOO--) MONEY V 0"30V0"300-^40©-^ OM 800 MOO JT Sj^p (WKATS THE I »-1 /AI N I I f\M IPS BOOMOO-HOO —CV___^\\—•1 v; tl^t MATTER 1 ttt^^^ -—a^,--^^—- Soomoo moo--) cmon Now-j ~^^H /Si cant even <^«##s, II I I V cut it out/ A »'i)> &OOMOO YH L/talkaboutitJ Vx
      126 words
    • 58 19 C 3 TH \S^v \V\ «<±J \l \V^ CJX&kS-^ iflL/i *!«^-~s' JW^ I HL C^ vfr\/ a %yj C^) JTT/ J "^tS s-O^J Vr^ o q J/ 1/ y^ f l# W 1 \^^f Si if r i-^TS STOP AT T^E IN/s/ ANIMAL PAT AND SuSA^ I L^f^J J <-—^\
      58 words

    • 309 20 FUTURE a p p 1 i cations for housing advertisement permits by developers must Include the selling price of houses to prevent unreasonable price hikes. Housing and Local Government Minister. Datuk Mich*el Chen said yesterday. He said any increase In the price
      309 words
    • 77 20 WASHINGTON. Sat. The Asian Development Bank lADB) approved today a US$454 million iSStttf.s million i loan to help Malaysia to finance the construction of a 400MW hydro-power scheme in Trengganu. The loan, repayable over 20 years, will cover part of the foreigncurrency cost of constructing a
      AFP  -  77 words
    • 175 20 PENANO, Sat. With Chinese New Year approaching soon, prices of imported fruits have "sky-rocketed" while some local fruits are "out of season" here. According to the Consumers Association of Penang there is a glut of Imported fruits in the market and consumers buy them out of
      NST  -  175 words
    • 73 20 Flood hits several areas in Klang RESIDENTS surveying the "river" that used to be their backlane after flood* hit several areas in Klang on Friday. Among the worst hit were residents in Tainan Goodwood and various low -lying areas on Jalan Teluk Gadont. Teluk Pulal, Kampunt Jawa, Jalan Kapar and
      NST  -  73 words
    • 32 20 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Information Ministers of 25 countries from Asia and Oceania region will meet here next month to promote regional and international cooperation In communication and Information. AP.
      AP  -  32 words
    • 205 20 Asean foreign ministers for Jakarta mee t KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday ASEAN foreign ministers will meet in Jakarta on Monday to discuss the Vietnamese refugees problem, Malaysian Foreign Minister Tengku Ahmad Rithaudeen said yesterday. i Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen said although Malaysia and Thailand bore the brunt of the Vietnamese refugee influx,
      AP; AFP  -  205 words
    • 80 20 First container cargo at port JOHORE BARU. Sat. The Paslr Oudang Port, built in Johore as an alternative to Singapore for the export of goods from Malaysia, today started handling container cargo for the d»t time. Johore Port Authority chief Yahya Abdul Ohtot told newsmen that the loading of 30
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 67 20 Minister's warning Federal Judge LUNDU. (Sarawak) flat. Malaysian Defence Minuter EMtuk Amar Abdul Tail* Mahmud today warned Indonesian and Malayrian troops that their fight aaalnat communist guerillas lurking along the common border would be protracted, Datuk Taib was addressing the troop* manning a border post near here. Reuter. KUALA LUMPUR.
      67 words
    • 296 20 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday DATUK Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamed today hit out at the Malaysian Trades Union Congress for accusing the government of "selling" Malaysia's cheap labour abroad to attract investment. The Deputy Prime Minister said the country's labour was not cheap in
      NST  -  296 words
    • 88 20 Transfer of 60 school heads under way KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— About 60 school principals In the Federal Territory and SelanKor are Involved In a major transfer exercise by the Education Department here. Sources at tn« Ministry of Education said the transfer exercise Is connected with the regradlng of schools In
      NST  -  88 words
    • 116 20 Order extends Party Rakyat man's detention PENANO. Sat. The president of Malaysia's radical opposition Party Rakyat, Mr Kasslm Ahmad, has been detained for another two years under the Internal Security Act. a party official said today. Party Rakyat secret aiygcneral Mohldecn Abdul K»der said the Rovernment had served an order
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 76 20 ALOR STAR, Sat. An unidentified flying object was allegedly sighted by four farmers In Jltra, 21 kin Irom here. yesterday. The farmers, who did not want to be Identified, claimed that the; sighted th» cbJect while on the way to their pedl field at about 6.4S
      76 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 842 20 The Silver Jubilee Gold Coin Collection Your last opportunity to own (Something singularly precious M|jagttj Elizabeth, and on the reverse, the finely sculpted motif A of the Silver Jubilee and a pledge: 'To help young people help others' There's a limited edition of 100 pieces in the world a rarity
      842 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 185 20 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Boxing ring (5) (6) 30. Hill (3) 33. Cenunine 5. Composed (6) 8. Live (5) (4) 36. Sphere (3) 37. Epoch 10. Defeated (6) 11. Bitter (3) (4) 14. Gorge (6) 15. Gener- ous (7) 18. By means of (3) {Z«. (6 f 4 I
      185 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 3480 21 tAT YOUR SERVICE SECTION INDEX TlltplOTf Service I CLASSIFIED ADS |f-- P;rroT u d mnc C m l, >?! n 75 $fMt»3.S2S, IX OBITUARIES I FOR SALE I SHOPPING GUIDE I HOUSE REMOVAL CHEAP sale Fnd«e cuoboard dressing L 1 AlttiQWM dining uNfj colour T V antensSSSSSuIv? ZZZ°^-Z^AJ%x lairTitl. Shangh.!
      3,480 words
    • 877 21 111 VEHICLES BOATS lijl 1975 RED HONOA CR2OO Insured 1.77 MERCEDES 250. Automat, Taxed Engine, tyres perfect Alrcond. radio cassette Ortfci condition Best offer secures nal condition, accident free r-i^mo't RmTodd\2iu C^th iv On^ W7S BMW 320 Second owner with alrcond. radio and cassette New ~i" p road Ux. Well
      877 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      54 22 o^oc^oNE. on 1.hr1,,,, 1.l, -"LAKofD^ L'*N Daughte^Pe^T'^ard nee LI Ful Chu June Yeo nee LI Ful Yoon Sellna LI Ful Heong Suianna LI Ful Oma L, Hwee Fng -S:.^ Plcltard Felix Yeo Chin (ua| Daughter-in-law: oran MM d a so'n HoChyesuan oran^ugh^ P'ckard April LI Plckard Angela LI
      54 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      53 22 IN FOND MEMORY of Farlelgh M. Theselra departed on 7/1/76. Sadly missed by wife children. IN EVER-LOVWO MEMORY OF MUM. MAOAMTANQEK KHH* gggggfS Sadly m»MO by Hmlmml, Sen*. O«iflhl»r., Soi»-«n-lmr. DMofct*,.-.n-taw and Qr»ndel»ldr«<. BBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi MADAM KONG AH HAN D«p»rt«d *****» A„., h.. p.^^ wnc. ro« rtfl SF"
      53 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 682 22 ■BBBBBBBBBBBBiaBMaBaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBaBBiBBBBaaaBBaaBBBi V SERVICES 4 BUSINESS •■F™^™"™^^!^^"^™™^™ I MWMM^^^gSgg RBMIItSIISIII I faBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBaBK •^••^tfiO^'TTtllN MTbVMM MCUUMD CUTTMO atnltnor extertor renovations Tues I. Thurs g«5 8 ttpm Bruuomng plumbing paint- Cii.wnninaSWi JamSTS Kg in.ert, dnlrytuon roof Mon Wed 130-4 30pm {Mag* cement, and brtci worts Cmhmmomj SM Jw T»7» t Telephone »443.n^8441tt >PM..»Rii.liiQ
      682 words
    • 451 22 |BBHBBBBBBBBBBMaaHBaBiBMBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBaBBaiBBaBBBaa| VI EDUCATK)H i TRAINING at "^bW S ATT *»E£ZftETAJ9I US m" «^^«-^»fc» mr^rmm *r-^ SCHOOL OF SECRETARIAL SKILLS Prtmons Institute txommottom S T. rio/^f^ jf FULL-TIME PRIVATeI^KrY'S COURSES 2n<s^i^ryl979 V^ An OdfJltlOnol FULL-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARY'S COURSE wiH commence «.^j;«*«k. immediaTely and enrolments will be accepted up to Writa for
      451 words
    • 737 22 paiBBBBIBBBBaBBaBBBMaMiaBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBaBBBBBHBa| VI EDUCATION 4 TRAINING I cjgMESE TUITION FOR all levels PPJVATt TUITION M Chinese by £?JJi£l RK.IABLE. EXKMENCEO TEACH~?i. y $Üb)eCU ConUct <£n£?««Sl =Biz*e timti«m mn h. EFFECTIVE. RELIABLE. BH.MOUAL "5^S J^?£r^£. Teachers specialised In Maths. ff r 'en^ lutor 'or Mat^ s Science and English at alllevels Msh-thlnese
      737 words
    • 690 22 ■■■■BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB| VI TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS V ~,m.iww».i 2D3N OENTINO TOUR *88 r««rr^^»«* SDOT/CAMERON/PEN $235 CONST AW bXFHESS. (Pen-Sin by air) Dep 8,15/1 rHIH™t ll v VFAR TOURS Opan 7 day* a we* CHINESE NEW YEAR TOURS 1000 am 900pm 3DOENTINO/KL2B/I $1» Sunday FRABER( Merlin) 2*. 29/1 $86 UOOam^OOpm $S iJfic-\
      690 words
    • 86 22 VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS A PERSONAL ORCHARD ROAD PR«S«YTERIAN fern English service with Sunday Mandarin service; 2 30pm Indoneslan service. »pm English ,n th« Cl««arltoda service Fellowship hour follows in CMM*maoa. All welcome "^T k««ion^ I ■B«BB«aBB*BBBBBBBBBBVBVHaBiaBBBBl»«HB BfjBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBi SUNDAY TIMES BATCO RATES FOR personal ads r>| OBITUARIES .w^. »-w *Q ftft i
      86 words

    • 412 23 BOTHAM AVOIDS DEBACLE SYDNEY. Saturday ENGLAND'S batsmen let their side down again here today, collapsing before the pace of Alan Hurst and the leg spin of Jim Higgs to be all out for 152 on the first day of the fourth Test against Australia. At
      Reuter  -  412 words
    • 134 23 BOMBAY, Sat. The West Indies were all out for 254 runs on the opening day's play today of a three-day mat -h against an Indian Cricket Board President's team here. The Indians rejlied with 15 for no loss. After a bright opening-partnership between Sheikh Faoud Bacchus,
      Agencies  -  134 words
    • 645 23 Switch on the caddie it's tee time WHEN scientists k*ve the laboratory, they become good sport* Judging by the brilliant Uttle devfees they're dreaming op. Stranger- than-flrtit>n sport seems just anud the e«ner. Like the g«tf ball that sends op smoke signals when it eoine s to rest Scientist Leon
      645 words
    • 166 23 WEST BROM1CH. Sat Flrat Dtvtxkm ade West Bromieh Al bion yesterday paid a record C3M.M (SlSmil) to sign Mid dlesborough'* under 23 intern* Uaaal striker David Mills Mills has a scoria* record of CO goals Inm m MM» for attddkjter Waat German Second Division dub Aachen brat Aja*. of
      166 words
    • 375 23 far (ailed to receive say entries from the Soviet Union. Bulgaria. Chechoslovakia. China and Yugoslavia, though the entry deadline had ben set for last Dec. 1 Conrado Mercado, 12. has two jotis which both require a lot of whistle-blowing Fran &a
      Agencies  -  375 words
    • 190 23 Fiery Amy breaks course record MONTEREY. California, Sat. Bobby Wadkins shot a three-under-par 68 at the Laguna Sea course and jumped into a three-stroke lead after 54 holes of the US$100,000 ($217,000) Monterey golf tournament. But the show-stealing round of the day was a fi ve-under-par 66 by Amy Aleott,
      AP  -  190 words
    • 68 23 SYDNEY. Sat— Leading Philippines jockey Jesus Guce had to be content with another Australian second when be made his debut at Rosehill yesterday. Guce. on the 13-2 chance Ayala, was beaten three-quarters of a length by the two-one favourite, Caroaa. la the Broadway handicap over 1.300
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 41 23 MOSCOW. Sat.- A Soviet Karate Federation has been formed it **M*_»*_MC*d here yesterday The Federation is designed to meet the growing popularity of the sports in Russia and they will run a national karate competition neit autumn.— AFP.
      AFP  -  41 words
    • 108 23 ENGLAND 1* taa, IB G. Bapwtt c Bonier b Hunt g i ■reartey b Hogg 17 D. luUI c Wood b Hunt 0 G. O*«eh c Toohey b n «to» is D. Onw c Maclean b Hurst 7 O. M&ar c Maclean b Hunt 4 T*jhr c Border b
      Reuter  -  108 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 710 23 I Our Client, an established international manufacturing Company, in Kallang is seeking for qualified and experienc- ed executives to fill the following positions: (A) AMUMtSTR AT1ON M ANAGBl, aid KODUCnON MANAGER I Requirements: I University Degree In Administration or equivalent for post A. I Industrial/Production Engineering Degree/Diploma or equivalent for
      710 words
    • 672 23 G«n«rol Motors O»erieo« Distribution Corporation invites applications from Singapore citneni for the position of' BUSINESS MANAGEMENT I MANAGER I THE JOB: To implement o uniform GM Business Program including standard accounting in deal- erships To review financial data with dealers and appropriate company management, ond to keep management informed of
      672 words

    • 1334 24  -  FAIRWAY By Jockey Ngiow rides vigorously for victory KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Mei Ling became the first professional winner for this year when he scored in Race Three at the pro-am races here today. Taking the lead from i the 600 metres, the Spoiled Lad six-year-old
      1,334 words
    • 616 24 THE stipendiary steward's report for yesterday's pro-am races in Kuala Lumpur. bn I: Detroit City (W Daniels) was a little slow into stride at the start. Approaching the turn at 800m Cinderella (Wong Keng Chee) had to be steadied oft the heels of Dusky (JB Urn) who rolled
      616 words
    • 34 24 Ist No. 1449 M ($2,177) 2nd No. 141K8 ($1,188) 3rd No. *****4 ($544) STARTERS ($54 each): Nos. *****7, *****«,14*18,141«71,*****3,*****2,!*****. CONSOLATION ($4B each): Nw. 1 *****,145t5t *****8,*****3,*****7,148t23, *****5, 14 514 1,141 111, *****3.
      34 words
    • 669 24 Going Forecast: Good RAPF 1 Ampang Plate IV/AV.E. x 2.15 MARA CLASS 4 1.200M (Jack Jill Stakes) 1 4122 PMtou8Jbu(K«lahGC)81k(! K 13 2 7 B«ecamir(Srt Lara PRC) 74.5 KW l» 8 3 00 EMorado<Sri Lara PRC) 74.5 atari 6 4 0788 PantojaiXSri Lara PRC) 74.5 Kiln 4 5
      669 words
    • 595 24 HOPEFULLY should make a sound bet in Race Five in the Kuala Lumpur proam races today, reports FAIRWAY. The Will Hays four-year-old has won three races so far. In Penang last month, he was a splendid third to Olympic Song in a
      595 words
    • 42 24 Race 1: PalM Slbu Buccaneer Race 1: Silver Bird Semaatan d c n» <-<••» Kace 3: H 8 Uin Tfce Giant Race 4: Sparky lmperinm Race 5: Hopefully r^fldM rit« l^auiaia UI»W Race 6: Damak B.Y. Pardon Race 7: A.M.W. S.Performer f-^B-^B^B^f^B^B^Bßßaaaal
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    • 853 24 TODAY IiOCAL O*M Cycle and Carriage Classic (Seletar l)j SICC Police Cup (Bukit course 7.45); Changi medal competition (Changi 7). Saeeer Malaysia Cup: Singapore v Malacca (National Stadium 7.30) Johore v Federal Territory; SGSFL Div. 1: Police v Club HDB (Thomson Rd), PWD Oub v Singapore Fire
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 814 24 operations manager An established precision engineering/manufacturing facility based in Penang invites application for the appointment of Operations Manager. R eQuii aiiMfits 1. Minimum of 2 years' experience as a professional manager or engineer with a highly technical precision machine shop background. 2. Exposure to purchasing, materials preparation and considerable knowledge
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    • 448 24 ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS We are a leading firm of Chartered Accountants. Certified Public Accountants with International affiliations We have a number of vacancies tor ambitious young people who wish to quality as Certified Public Accountants Applicants must possess a Grade 1 School Certificate and also 1 Full Higher School Certificate, or
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    • 62 24 I aatl BT b^bbl atatM batata! NOTICE This is to notify that MR LEE SWEE KONG (Malaysia NRIC No: *****66-Z) being no longer in our employment as from 29th December 1978, he has no further authority whatsoever to represent us in any capacity and that we shall not be responsible
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    • 543 25  -  BERNARD PEREIRA ■y LOTTO came from behind to leap-frog over the fancied teams and grab the lead in the first round of the Alitalia-Singa-pore Team-Tennis championship at the Kallang Complex yesterday. Lotto, comprising Amir Leow. their captain, Koh Chiap Mong, Choo Cheok
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    • 795 25  -  ERNEST FRIDA By CHANG CHUNG FA, the seasoned Taiwanese golfer, stretched his lead to four strokes after the second round of the Cycle and Carriage golf championship at the Seletar course yesterday Chang, who led the field by one stroke after the first round, fired a
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    • 280 25  - SSC invite nominees for sports awards WILFRED YEO By JUNIE SNG, whose two golds and a silver made up nearly half of Singapore's Asian Games medal tally, is as good as 1978 Sportsgirl of the Year if the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association, as expected, recommend her. The Singapore Sports Council
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    • 124 25 7 23am: Urn Kin Lam. Y.K. Tee; 730: Urn Ah Hook. Noel Bond; 7.37: V. Ungam, Gordon Seow. N. Samy; 7.44: Urn Gcok Teng. P.N. Samy. Krankte Ho 7.51: AM K Samy, Prem Sachdev. S. Kyle-Uttle; 7.58: S. Vellaatmy. Poh Hock Uan, BUI Boaley; 8.05: Urn Kian Tlong.
      124 words
    • 352 25 8POSTING highlights, drbarlm mad pccaaaalittf h^K«l Ike Hmrlight aver tke paal week aa «p*rtowrltera rimmaurd tkrvagh tketr Oka before atria* thetr views la tke year mi review. UplaUai, aa osaal, were wide aad varied. Bat tke efcalce W •wlmmer Jaaie Sag aa
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    • 551 25  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By THE boys had to take a back seat to the girls in the last day of the Chinese Swimming Club's single age-group competition at Amber Road yesterday, especially after nine-year-olds Carina Ang, Yuen Shuang Ching. Gillian Chee
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    • 42 25 SYDNEY. Sat- Australia's under-19 team United the leading West German amateur side PC Hertha 03 Berlin t-1 in Newcastle here yesterday. After holding the Australian youngsters 1-1 at hall-lime the West Germane wilted under the extreme beat.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 317 25 THE Asian Games bowlers Anthony Thng confrontation will be brought before the Singapore Tenpin Bowling Congress bosses. Dr. L. H. Tan and Wee Thiam Bock, on Tuesday, reports WILFRED YEO. The bowlers accused Thng, their original team manager STBC secretary I-im Soon Bee,
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    • 145 25 MAINZ (West Germany), Sat.— Willi Daume, president of the National Olympic Committee, today indicated that West Germany would boycott the Moscow Olympics if the Soviet Union differentiated between competitors from West Germany and West Berlin. Soviet Sports Minister Sergei Pavlov said on Wednesday that athletes from West
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 5 25 Alitalia Singapore Team Tennis MAH
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    • 367 25 appreciably since then, but you have to relate it to the deterioration in our own standards. McMillan said afterwards. j "We just played badly. I don't know if it was lack of preparation or too much Christmas pudding, or what." McMillan added. InilirV I He
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 184 25 sA\ *$<?:' /M p or big paint-jobs or small touch-ups. jf $gp MjdS^Kl^^^ choose Federal Paints. They're high-quality paints,^# l^*^ fe^V" longer-lasting and better-looking. I r* i Just brush on and see how surfaces R^ r^tJAV Only Federal paints give that attractive E l i Milß^^aa^-^s**^' colour difference with a
      184 words

    • 56 26 SINGAPORE: Edmund Wee; Jai Prakash, Syed Mutalib, Samad Aliapitchay, Jeffrey Lazaroo; Lim Tang Iloon, Leong Kok Fann, Hashim Ilosni; Arshad Khamis, Dollah Kassim, Mohamed Noh. MALACCA: JanUn Ali; Lokman Abdullah, S. Karappayah. M. Radhakrishnan, Hwan Eee Fatt; Wong Kou Fou. Ng Joon Tai, Hamzah Lajis; Teh (ian San,
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    • 236 26 SAMAD ALLAPITt'HAY. Singapore's soccer captain, will retire this year If his team do not win the Malaysia Cup. The supers tltlous Samad. who wears a talisman at matches, believes that if Singapore fall to capture the Cup for the second year running under his captaincy, they
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    • 30 26 40 U R luck may change if I quit the team. But if Singapore win this year, with me at the helm, then I will continue playing^ SAMAD 7
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    • 500 26 Penang sink Sarawak with four snap -goals PENANG. Sat Penang ran Into a welcome patch of scoring luck midway through the second-half to overpower Sarawak with four snap-goals in the;/ opening Malaysia Cup soccer match at the City Stadium tonight. A bright 15-minute period lasting from the 56th till the
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    • 421 26 The name 'Naidu spells fear A leopard cannot change its spots. This popular saying Is apt for Singapore's Malaysia Cud team assistant manager, Ronald Naidu. formerly assistant director of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau. For Naidu commanding officer of the Police Rpserve Unit, has so otten been an 'unwelcome' Ruest
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    • 168 26 MANCHESTER (England), Sat:— Malcolm Allison, one of the most flamboyant characters in British football, is to return to Manchester City, the English First Division club where he found managerial fame several years ago. Allison, currently manager of Third Division Plymouth Argyle,, will be City
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 171 26 SINGAPORE'S final line-up for tonight's Malaysia Cup-tie against Malacca will have a new look not only players-wise but also attire-wise. All because the Football Association of Singapore have signed a contract with Puma of West Germany to provide the national team with all the required
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    • 316 26  -  PETER SIOW By THE winds huffed and puffed at Changl yesterday, but veteran Lock Hong Kit withstood the mild storm and vent on to win unchallenged In the opening race of the Laser's class In the Singapore Yachting Assoclatlonn dinghy championships. At one stage,
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    • 643 26  -  JOE DORAI By SPORE AIM FOR GOAL-FEAST ANYTHING less than a four-goal winning margin for Singapore tonight in the opening Malaysia Cup-iie against Malacca at the National (7.30) w.ll be nothing more tnan an ordinary result. At least that is what
      643 words
    • 83 26 Today: versus Malacca (home). Sunday: versus Johore (home). Jan. 20: versus Brunei (away). Jan. 23: versus Sabah (away). Feb. 11: versus Kedah (home). Feb. 18: versus Armed Forces (away). Feb. 25: versus Sarawak (home). Mar. 2: versus Kelantan (away). Mar. 11: versus Trengganu (borne). Mar. IS: versus Federal
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    • 216 26 Leicester City score double triumph LONDON. Sat— Second Division Leicester City scored a doubie-lrlumpn over the weather and their First Division rivals, Norwich City, In the third round of the English Football Association Cup today. Icy weather bit so deeply Into the day's programme that only six matches klcKed on
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 25 26 TREVOR HARTLEY. the Singapore soccer coach, will five talk on "Life of a professional footballer" on Saturday at the Queenstown Library at < p.m.
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    • 237 26 WHATEVER aspirations Singapore have for tonight's opening Malaysia Cup match are unlikely to materialise, warned Malacca manager Andrew Chong in Singapore yesterday. Chong. who arrived hours ahead ot his team. said: "We know your fans and officials are Judging us on our 1975 performance when we
      237 words
  • 71 26 Late CLASSIFIEDS DEATHS 40MM TAN and M. paaaad awar pe*e*fullv on 5. 1 7» leaving behind wife Chan Fob Em. aoa Capt. Jmrpn T&B. 6 daughter! 2 Moa-la-law and 2 graaasooa Cortege learn Bik WO Toa Payob North for Church of Riaea Chrlat at 3.00 pm. on Sunday. 7 1.7*
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 35 26 ***** MALAYSIA SOCCER SPECIAL fp "**lfe&4 Blg;i*r^*****~|' «*J FOR FRESH MILK AMD PASTEURISED delivered daily to your home (including tundiyi and holidays) ASIAN FARMS IS BLOCK 7, MMSILMG MDUSTRIAL ESTATE SINGAPORE 25 TEI: *****97
      35 words
    • 574 26 An Hombre Called^ BaS^LI kelson is the kind of guy V- JUL iIH|VJi 1 H|VJ who can talk with black %^^V/i y3K #B^b iV c uc Sl bargain for sunshine. B ■f^Sr. J^HllH By an. i get it! Just short of being ■p I '**B^bW. a magician. Melson isa A
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  • Timescope
    • 1 1 Timescope
      1 words
    • 1896 1 3-1. ..SO Karpov's camp gets a three-layer cake KORCHNOI'S CUP OF JOY IS DASHED FROM HIS LIPS FOR NOW... KARPOV ram* on stage for the 12th game wearing a light-brown suit instead the blue one he wore the previous day after losing a game Karpov usually changes his suit to
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 259 1 QUALIFY FOR VACANCIES IN AIRLINE/TRAVEL COMPANY, We Prepare You For An Interesting Career In the Airline/Travel Industry Through Our |$S H§£ Guided Home Study Courses M Basic/Intermediate Airline Course *j£v ■r for beginners and school leavers y) VT Advance Specialised Airline Course ,f (or airline/travel industry personnel )j> HIGHLIGHTS OF
        259 words
        5 words
      • 204 1 114 A^~~ IHK m A\ Thousands ofdollars must be won in the ICrPick the Right Paint' Competition I^j 'W\^ mk d* C^ boxes which are numbered to represent the st Prize: $5,000 -5* mind that Pen I~+A O**!r-^ il^ i\fii\ talite Emulsion is for walls, Dulux Gloss Zilil I riZC
        204 words
    • Timescope ...Timescope ...
      • 3624 2 I* Kfr,\ .11 ARIES The last year was probably one of many changes for you Theme reshuffles will have affected your personal life closely. and four job to some extent This year you enter a more settled phase of life You will devise a
        3,624 words
      • 531 4  -  STATUS QUO: IF YOU CANT STAND THE HEAT (Vertfg*). If the Rolling Stones do not watch it, they might soon be overtaken by Status Quo as Britain's leading rhythm and blues band. Just to show the Stones that they mean business.
        531 words
      • 1105 4 The four essentials for women Singapore into an esoteric art; and dinners where contacts are made to improve the already satisfactory economic status these women are in. And all the time issues that bleed in pain wait (or action. Several of them come to mind immediately. The question of rape,
        1,105 words
      • 46 4 4 YET the evidence Is such that outside of equal pay and little mare equality In opportunity, very little progress has been made In Implementing the three main objectives of the Declaration ol the Elimination of Discrimination against Women In the A past four yean.
        46 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 176 2 Timescope .Timescope .Timescope .Timescope .Timescope .Timescope .Timesc After thegame >L kickoffwitha Coke ttP^ flH I owr fl generous measure of I nt r^ B acar di rum over Wr~ I S and a wedge of lemon. m: l^ ■k JH V V'-' EL iju BACARDI W^. -Ji'J-i' ■■ISItfl BACARD I
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 924 2 H CAPRICORN M| MJI VRIIS Flfi HISCKS lu Jan 2U |9I la h<-h It Hfifl tu N1 r h EARLY part of week should THOUGH you may be dis- YOU'LL be happy with the be easy going. Then at the satisfied with your daily goodwill that you have built end
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 191 3 ■»i\m^ ~r\C\ v 9l\Q Ac* CfO* I LI ll* cvXVJ 0 aOQ nW a ncA° rt^^^^^^^^^ rsC-w l^ ►sj .^bMh fan l%tt m^bS 1 ■■^^■^BavV^^^^■•^■^l^^^^ uppew sewanqoch road Serangoon Apartments offer amazing value for money with two distinctive split-level designs of 2 and 3-bedrooms. An exceptionally high standard of finish
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 515 4 You don't have to go to England to get a British education Stad% (or war gwAbticatioa at aoaw and aiiaait hw a laeoaaVßi aMaw with Yoar aataar naa arc wtaraad ky aroaaM caancr tamot »rowa>d haWlaTlMl»v<ll.'SM SINCAPOUE Earal oar m oar ummnm aad airtnal laawat yoar ova Immbc yoa pi
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    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 523 5  -  STAFF WRITER MORE and more air-con-ditioning and refrigeration units are being produced in Singapore to meet the growing demand for these products, both locally and oversea v. Markets where locally made air-con-ditioners and refrigerators are popular Include West Asia, Hongkong. Australia. Thailand and Malaysia. With
      523 words
    • 264 5 STORING fresh foods has always been a difficult problem. Cellars, larders and ice boxes may have been able to offer some advantages but, at the same time, drawbacks. In the first place they were not capable of maintaining the required temperature some degrees above zero.
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    • 77 5 ALL Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems have one thing In common they control the amount of supply to the air-con-ditioning load requirements of the space. Advantage of the VAV principle, when compared to other control methods on-off, face and by-pass, warm, cold, mixing and reheat is that VAV
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 113 5 The only single door refrigerator with a built-in cold water dispenser* 'SI t^fl f' EXTRA CONVENIENCE WITH A COLD WATER DISPENSER NOW get a drink of cold water without having to open your fridge door. You do not need to store jugs and bottles of cold water in your fridge
        113 words
      • 251 5 As cool as a cucumber. Sb* f i^i^^ r *H^^i^Bi^^ S SHARP B 3-DOOR ReFRIGGRATOR The magic lies in Sharp's revolutionary 3-door refrigerator. So there's a separate special compartment for vegetables. IMPORTED A com P artment rigidly designed with controlled temperature to keep vegetables as fresh as can be even
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    • 253 6 Reclaim device for hot water systems CARRIER has introduced a unique heat reclaim device that automatically recycles heat energy from your air-con-ditioning or heat pump system to your domestic hot water. Called the Hot Shot tt Ukes heat energy that you have already paid for to air-condition your home and
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    • 990 6 EVOLUTIONNARY changes in commercial building designs and construction techniques, an increasing need to reduce total investment and operating costs and the world-wide energy shortage have mandated basic improvements in methods for airconditioning, heating and lighting. These improvements have proven beneficial to the architect the
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    • 454 6 NOT long ago, the only way one could get a car with a builtin air- conditioner was to buy one in which the air-condi-tioner was already fitted before it left the factory. Such cars were usually in the higher power range and were
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 767 6 a^bkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaL -»aaaaaa» iIHBBaJWMMWiM jla^aa^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^Hir^Tl $t* '*^V l^taflH i _^^^^^^^^^^^H aV-^L^a^K^aaaaaaaaaV 2 Ih^H |kpßirsj W vv 55 5S I _,B B H■ II II II II LI 1^ HIM Illllli! I II I I WH I ■^BHII LJ VIbVI I aaaaaaaat^LaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaa^BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV jHaaaaaaal aaaailSaaalaaal 1 BaK^Ba^^^^^H aaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaß Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar^aaaaaaaaV Aaaaaaaaaaaal l aaaSl^aaa^^^
        767 words
    • 707 7 NEW innovations are constantly being Introduced in the manufacture of commercial refrigerators so that fresh food can be kept as long as possible without losing its freshness when it reaches the consumer. Many of these refrigerators are selfcontained and are energy saving. HusMnann.
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    • 354 7 DOMESTIC refrigeration has come a long way since 1922 when two Swedish scientists i n v e n ted an apparatus for converting heat into cold. It was the absorption unit without moving parts the predecessor of to day's refrigerator. Insulation The refrigerator came to
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 109 7 •In I -1 1 A I Mi I SRB2IFR asatasasaMa^M «M=^sssßSßH*r Nofrost I ■■■■■■MpMr refrigerator with cold water l i iflWwl dispenser A I fc Capacity: I 176 litres I Cassette liquid I dispenser built Jfc I into the door I ™F I > ""'■■■■■^■aai Big storage I capacity with
        109 words
      • 183 7 Buy a Carrier room aircon for Chinese New Year, and we will give you a present: a KodakTrimlite Instamatic worth $172. JjJH^^^^^^''^^: There can be few better ways of celebrating iHJ^^^^^^^^W^^^^^^BL Chi nese New Year than treating yourself to a new Carrier !^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^mI home aircon. Especially when you're presented with
        183 words
    • MOTHER and BABY Supplement
      • 381 8  -  STAFF WRITER By MOTHERHOOD Is one of the greatest experiences in a woman's life. But having a baby requires the woman to have a great deal of insight Into herself and her husband's needs and desires. First, sne must decide on the reasons
        381 words
      • 322 8 Expectant mothers must watch their figures EXPECTANT mothers must watch their figures II tney are to preserve tneir kooo looks alter birth. e>tores in Singapore have a wide collection of maternity girdles, panties, LrabSieres and dresses to choose frcm From Isetan store, for example, come dresses for wear before baby's
        322 words
      • 223 8 PREGNANT mothers should be wary of taking drugs during their pregnancy without a doctor's supervision. Here is a breakdown on some common drugs and their effects. Tobacco: Smoking tobacco or tobacco mixed with marijuana Increases the chances of miscarriages and still birth. It
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 408 8 GOOD READING FOR ALL PARENTS Learning Through Play is a B^ Wz^ Help Your Child to Read and book chock full of ideas for Write, and More: With clear and simple games, activities and i ai^ COP' 0 5 illustrations the authors experiments, designed to help -^^^^^^^^^^JL^^^^^^ **-r«=rn show how
        408 words
      • 98 8 <~ fir t£s balm you love S^ Tollyjoy a renowned and distinguished m i name in baby-care products which has served M joyful babies throughout the world for the past A decade. Your beloved baby deserves Quality, F M and Tollyjoy is Quality. Keep them happy. f ***^tf Give them
        98 words
    • MOTHER and BABY Supplement
      • 740 9  -  By STAFF WRITER YOU have heard the food news: You are pregnant And If It was planned, you will, without doubt or hesitation, ■want to tell all nearest and dearest to you Apart from the emotional Joy of knowing that a new life Is
        740 words
      • 212 9 THE first few woeks at home with the baby ran be hectic Good organisation Is Important to ensure that there is no chaos In the home. A walling baby car be on everyone's nerves and new mothers can do well with
        212 words
      • 474 9 One of your prime considerations b e 1 o re bringing the baby home from Hospital Is getting her nursery ready. Choose a room In the flat or house that has light streaming through the window. Babies like bright arid airy rooms. When looking for
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 154 9 HIPP) tlES'TlsadrbctUrh* JU ffV I|S perfumed prr natal lotion hlended I from okve <»W to nouruh ami >■■■ rofiaatKNl nour tArn «nrf /uittri durrn^ C •St' I pregnmmr* Mmum**4 dmh mto tke nuM iVs «nd abdttmmal ttuu* itt unit W_Vfl^^^ A^rp your sAm arui tmuei moutun u-d and iuppie I'ir
        154 words
      • 628 9 [PLAYskcOi— i (our toys make good friends) Safe toys for your baby Toys that are durable, great j HL Jl I fun and stimulating to young I j| minds. -< b^^^B Baby Play Pup i^Bf^T /*"^B For playtime and bedtime, a < M i^S. cuddly pup with plastic teething 'V^^b^bbLV^*
        628 words
    • MOTHER and BABY Supplement
      • 175 10 POSSIBLE risks a faces when having her first Child are many t>^ i.h vi „>, These include. High blood pressure or pre-eclampsia which Z&rss-ts> and fibrous cysts ln the womb. The older mother is less equipped to handle aner birth can put the baby under
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 216 10 Enjoy these precious years with her w% m\r «r* Shell grow up all too soon m3m\m3 I Cf The second can wait I CHILDREN'S A 117 17 A O jpk WEnK M We stock full range of Imported Baby Products and Gift Sets, etc. j£g 1 Full range of beautifully
        216 words