The Straits Times, 6 January 1979

Total Pages: 46
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times I Eatd. 1845 SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1979 25 CENTS M.C.(PJ No. 142/1/79
    15 words
    • 127 1 FIND OUT what the Singapore man and woman, boy and girl have decided on as their top three resolutions for the New Year. Also find out which letter wins the top prize this week. Some of the resolutions: I will not scorn my future
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    • 118 1 THE MALAYSIA CUP programme kicks off tomorrow night at the National Stadium when the Singapore side takes on Malacca. Read the special preview of the match. PLUS an exclusive story on the mystery money that is behind the national team, PLUS a profile
      118 words
    • 50 1 WHAT THE STARS FORETELL for the whole of 1979... if you read the Stars column every week, yon will surely want to know what the year has in store for you. Regular forecaster T 1.11 Naylor writes at length on the year ahead. Don't miss It.
      50 words
  • Sunday Nation
    • 206 1 AT the end of the Vietnam war. thousands of refugees poured out from the country hoping to start a new life abroad. More recently, we have had the "boat people" desperately trying to iand In Malaysia and other countries nearby. What kind of
      206 words
    • 89 1 WHY cant we have more camping sites, asks a reader. Why does anyone bother to go camping. asKs another. HAPPINESS is a pretty girl who.. Our 27-year-old If You Ask Me contributor lists his many definitions of happiness. IN International Year of the Child 1979, children from all
      89 words
    • 69 1 Mil ASH: Tlmerl Murari looks at the "claustrophobic" American game and declares there will always be a world champion and an American champion and the twain will never meet... wm, tne P«r«nin<ler Singh case, Brian Miller says let justice be done ATHLETICS: Tan Kirn Seng on the
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  • 144 1 JEDDAH, Frl. —A Saudi Arabian was beheaded in public at Riyadh today for raping six women and a 10-year-old girl. Two of the women were English and one was American The girl is believed to be her daughter. The sentence was carried out in the main
    AP  -  144 words
  • 541 1 North Korea build-up report WASHINGTON, Friday THE United States is to review its decision to withdraw troops from South Korea in the light of new intelligence estimates showing substantially more North Korean troops than previously thought. State Department spokesman Holding Carter disclosed this yesterday amid
    Reuter; AFP  -  541 words
  • 52 1 CARACAS. Frl. Sharks ate 31 seamen when a Greekowned freighter. Master Michael, sank in the Caribbean earlier this week, four survivors said. The 5.700-tonne ship, carrying 33.000 barrels of fuel oil. caught fire on Monday and sank the next day. according to a. Haiti-based oil company
    AFP  -  52 words
  • 34 1 TOKYO, Frl. Japan will not cancel Its option to purchaw six E-2C radar aircraft this year despite alleged bribery of officials abroad by Orumman Corp.. a government spokesman said here today.—AFP.
    AFP  -  34 words
  • 33 1 NEW DELHI. Frl. At least 49 people were killed and three villages burned down in north-eastern India today during attacks by armed Naga tribesmen, the United News of India reported today—AP
    33 words
  • 618 1 BANGKOK, Friday KAMPUCHEAN Prime Minister Pol Pot >aid today that his troops had launched i guerilla war against Vietnamese forces and Kampuc \ean rebels who claimed virtual contnl over one-third of the country. The rebel news agency Saporamean Kampuchean (SPK) said the opposition forces now
    618 words
  • 314 1  - Rokhaiya achieves a first for partially blind EVELYN NG By ROKHAIYA binti Shalk Hussain, 20, blind until she regained partial sight in her right eye after an operation in March 1976, will begin training on Monday to achieve her lifelong ambition to be a teacher. And in 'doing so, she
    314 words
  • 132 1 THE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence. Dr Ooh Keng Swee will leave for the United States tomorrow to take part In the Rand Corporation seminar on "East Asian Security In the 1980s" in Santa Monica, California. Dr Ooh has contributed a paper entitled
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  • 121 1 BY-ELECTIONS in at least five constituencies are expected to be held before Chinese New Year on Jan 28. Sources said last night that apart from Anson, vacant since Mr P. Govindaswamy died on June 4 last year, four MPs will step down to make way for
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  • 51 1 BANGKOK, Fri. The Thai National Legislative Assembly today unanimously revoked two laws banning political gatherings in public places, opening the way for political campaigning for the forthcoming general elections here, due on April 22. The laws have been in effect since the military coup in October, 1976.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 22 1 JAKARTA, Frl. Twentytwo people have died of cholera In north Sumatra during the past two weeks. Antara reported today.— Rcuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 65 1 Treaty signing tomorrow MIRI, Prl Brunei will sign a treaty with Britain at the palace In Bandar Serl Begawan on Sunday, granting the Sultanate full Independence by the end of 1983. the weekly Borneo Bulletin reported today. Sultan Sir Muda Hawanal Bolkiah will sign for his country while Britain will
    AP  -  65 words
  • 52 1 MOSCOW. prl. Soviet doctors have discovered a procedure that enables bone tissue transplant* to withstand the body's rejection mechanism. Tass news agency reported too>.y It said the procedure consisted of partially drying the bone followed by chilling. while the tissue to be grafted was given special stimulation
    AFP  -  52 words
  • 483 1 LATEST Shah returns TK m BAN, Frt. The Shah of Iran and Empress Farah toni(ht returned from a 24-hour visit to their hunting todfe at nearby Jajeroud, a Royal palace ■pokesman said. Beater. See Back Pace TEHERAN. Friday QUOTE r THEY said the? could only export oil wh«n they could
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  483 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 1 l^lliijjv^dffltlftltni CT.HOOPTE.LTD. 7 lanqkn Roao Singapore K> TH *****43 *****4 J
      12 words
    • 175 1 PRE-PRIMARY SCHEME WILL BE EXTENDED Page 9 FIVE countries agree to take Viet refugees 2 CHINA to use bank loans to finance Imports 3 US policy shift on nuclear defence 4 MORE close encounters of the third kind? 6 Teng on Taiwan Back Page READY soon: 35 new walkways 7
      175 words
    • 28 1 I WELL H6LPYOU R£NOW€ YOURHOMC LOANS AVAILADLC UP TO 70% Get your application form from any branch. €t The Chartered Bank QK^P Amamoeio) Sundard Chartered Bin* G'Oue BIG«STRONG«FRIENDLY
      28 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 199 2 OOUOMK nt lJin kan Prime Minister Rana (inuhe Premadasa yesterday amwd former Premier Sirtmavo Bandaranaike of iryin« to incite internmmurul strife awd create rtHKM ta a bid to regain ftmt. Mr Premadasa totd Parliament that the former premier had tried to whip up feeling against
      Reuter; UPI  -  199 words
    • 27 2 WASHINGTON. Fri American Indians ran from now on legally hu> (funs and ammunition on "wir reservations, the Bureau of Indian Affairs said yesterday AFP
      AFP  -  27 words
    • 578 2 5 countries agree to take refugees Response to appeal still slow but MANILA, Friday SEVERAL hundred Vietnamese refugees in a crowded camp here and a few aboard the ageing freighter Tung An in Manila Bay were today assured of resettlement in at least five countries in the next few months
      Reuter  -  578 words
    • 247 2 Forget past, Kriangsak tells Laos VIENTIANE, Fri. Thai Prime Minister Kriangrak Chomanan has appealed to Laos to forget any past incidents and misunderstandings between the two neighbouring countries. He tola Premier Kaysone Phomvihare and other Laotian leaders at a reception he be last night that Thailand and Laos should being
      247 words
    • 117 2 810 DE JANEIRO, Frl. Officials la Santa CaUrtaa have warned peaple agalast swimming la riven after the wMw appea nmet «f (wanna af deadly ptraaaa fish. Tae atfk-iala attrikated tke reeeat dlsappearaarr af iiataa af farm aalmaU te attack* by alraaaaa, raaar-aaarp teeta caa strip
      Reuter  -  117 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 658 2 9 1 I *jiiußsS>ifl^B^Bfi^ I ~^B^Ba B. B^B ■^•■■J««flKPs*^ AP-WO/C -4 x^^ «v H SEMI AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE i'it^. ii Balnßaß^BsV Features: Automatic stop. Automatic tone arm return. Antiivi.itili iii-t B^^__ B B^___^Ba skatmy adjuster. Motor: 4 pole synchronous motor. Wow and m. 1 1 M Flutter: 0 05% WRMS (MS).
      658 words

    • 396 3 Fraseri Fed spending cut to less than 8 pc NEW YORK, Fri AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser said last night that his government has cut growth in Federal spending from 46 per cent to leas than 8 per rent, a figure he still believes to be excessive He said the
      UPI  -  396 words
    • 129 3 TRINH VISIT A BOOST TO TIES' HONGKONG. Fri. Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Duy Trinh's tour of (our South Asian nations has strengthened friendly relations and cooperation between Vietnam and these countries. Radio Hanoi said last night. It said Mr Trinh exchanged views with leaders of Afghanistan. Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan
      AFP  -  129 words
    • 194 3 KANSAS CITY, PH. At least M pttpit faer nMn skate hcraaar a vetrrla«rlaa gave mi hwnrtl varrtaattaa U a baaar e»l •■4 !■<■»< a raw ul raalri la thr aalnuU. keaita afflrlala taW yealeKaay. Tke Mia— City Hraita Drpartmrat rerrivra w«ri aa Wedacaaay
      AP  -  194 words
    • 482 3 Teng: China may use bank loans to pay for imports CHINESE Senior VicePremier Teng Hsiaoping said today that China may use foreign bank loans to finance expensive imports of factories and technical know-how from the United States and other capitalist countries. He made the statement at a meeting with 27
      UPI  -  482 words
    • 71 3 MANACI'A. Fri Bomb attacks and clashes between leftwing Sandiiust guerillas and national guardsmen have claimed nearly 20 lives since the New Year, informed sources said last night Fighting between guenllas and government forces in the mountain area of Achuapa. about 20 km north of the
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 100 3 BEER break Cklaeae workers ia PekJag are see* bere m Friday preparlag U «uk dowa a mr*i wltk beer at a aoodle mtoAnuit A BMI wltk keer »t tke rrstaATMt. wkJek d»l*a kMk M years, ernia »bNt I Ssl (SW.I7). New CkJMee keer ta West. It
      AP  -  100 words
    • 74 3 UK truckers strike hits ports LONDON, Fri. A strike by British lorry drivers entered its third day today with newspapers running short of paper, and a wave of food and petrol panicbuying. The strike, in support of a pay claim, brought to a standstill the country's major ports at Southampton.
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 283 3 Tongsun Park: Firm to pay tax WASHINGTON, Friday A US judge has told the US Government to try to collect the US$4.5 million (Ss9.B million) in taxes that it has been trying unsuccessfully to get from South Korean businessman Tongsun Park, from a US company owned by him. Although a
      Reuter  -  283 words
    • 40 3 $106m loan JAKARTA, Fri The International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank approved a US$49 million loan (SJIO6 million) to Indonesia. Antara news agency reported yesterday. The loan will be used (or a training programme (or engineering technicians. UPI
      UPI  -  40 words
    • 34 3 JAKARTA, Fri. Port facilities in Dili, the provincial capital of east Timor, have been reopened for general international trade, the Indonesian Government announced today. The port was closed in late 1975. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 98 3 Tokyo: It is not a snub TOKYO, Fri- Japan hopes the Western Big Four summit In Guadeloupe, which opens today, will contribute to world peace and in no way feels snubbed by being excluded, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said. "We were informed by the US Government sometime ago that the
      UPI  -  98 words
    • 212 3 TOKYO, Fri. Japan has i no choice but to continue to I depend heavily on national bonds borrowings from the private sector to cover tax revenue shortfalls in 1979, Finance Minister Ippei Kaneko said today. Mr Kaneko made the statement when he
      AFP  -  212 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 373 3 SUPERMARKET MANAGER FOOD INDUSTRY Around $40,000 per annum plus bonus and benefits Our Client, a leading international manufacturing and marketing Company with extensive investments and successful operations in the food industry is seeking a suitably qualified and mature executive to join their management team, based in Singapore. This appointment will
      373 words
    • 562 3 PIERSON- ITALY THE BEST IN FURNITURE ITS LUXURIOUS EXCLUSIVE SUPERIOR^"ne>n Yet You can AFFORDit!!^^ jffig £$&>/ HURRY! Only Few Sets Left. J3 .^afSfeßavP^^^^^^V^Bafc^Baafli w H~* '"^Matl x, "^-^nWa^a^S B^afeiw ■Waf> A ar**aarT MMi eBHi Im^1 A FREE HIRE PURCHASE One New Year />Y\ AVAILABLE Hamper for J|jjl\\ every purchase j*W
      562 words

    • 325 4 PARIS, Fri.— Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said in a French television interview shown last night that Cuban military intervention abroad was incompatible with peaceful coexistence and should be stopped. Dr Kissinger, whose statement was taped last week in Washington, hinted
      Reuter  -  325 words
    • 89 4 SEVEN DIE IN TRAIN CRASH ANKARA, Fri. At least seven people were killed and more than 100 injured when two express trains packed with passengers collided last night at a small station near Ankara, officials said today. Authorites feared the final death toll from the crash, 50 km outside the
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 39 4 IXINDON. Frt Ten crew of a Libyan ship were missing today after II sank near the Libyan port of Benghazi Lloyds shipping agency reported. Six of the crew of the 1.54-tonne Germa managed to reach land. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 361 4 THE Defence Department has drafted a change in strategic policy designed to deter or counter a Soviet nuclear strike, government sources said today. The policy shift, growing out of an 18month Pentagon study ordered by the White House, calls for retaliation against the armed
      NYT  -  361 words
    • 153 4 Salt pact: 'Lack of safeguards' WASHINGTON, Friday THREE US intelligence experts said today President Carter's proposed Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (Salt) with the Soviet Union lacks adequate safeguards against cheating. They issued the warning at a press conference sponsored by an independent organisation called the Coalition for Peace Through Strength,
      Reuter  -  153 words
    • 26 4 JAKARTA, Fri. Three people were killed by lightning while working in a rice field in Indramayu. west Java, KNI news agency reported today. AFP
      AFP  -  26 words
    • 47 4 ANKARA. Fri. The Turkish government yesterday defeated an opposition censure motion in parliament accusing it of negligence in failing to stop riots which cost more than 100 dead. The national assembly vote was 226-210 in favour of social democratic Premier Bulent EcevH. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 35 4 TOKYO, Fri Nearly 1.100 million New Year greetingcards, 13 million letters and 132,000 parcels were piled up in the post offices here today, due to a 50-day long postal workers' go-slow tactics. -AFP.
      AFP  -  35 words
    • 128 4 28 Mafia chiefs in Italy iailed RECGIO CALABRIA (Italy), Fri. Twenty eight Mafia bosses received prison terms of up to 11 years today in a trial which for the first time seriously challenged their power to control large areas of southern Italy's economy. The public prosecutor said the trial was
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 31 4 MEXICO CTTY. Fri. President Jose Lopez Portillo said yesterday Mexico would not establish diplomatic ties with the Vatican despite a visit later this month by Pope John Paul Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 125 4 Ice hit Heathrow: BA grounds flights LONDON, Fri. British Airways cancelled most domestic, European and longer range flights from London's Heathrow airport today because of ice. A BA spokesman said 170 flights, including three Concorde runs to the United States, had been grounded, disrupting the travel plans of about 18,000
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 128 4 3 Soviets killed in Antarctic crash WELLINGTON, Fri. Three Russians were killed when a Sovjet plane crashed in the Antarctic wastes, the US Antarctic headquarters in Christchurch said today. The Soviet Dyushin-14 with 14 people on board crashed in bad weather near the Soviet base of Moiodezhnaya on Tuesday night.
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 36 4 MICHIGAN. Fri An armoured car guard and three haps of money possibly more than USSI.S million (553.2 million) disappeared last night while two other guards were taking their rotter break, state police said. AP
      AP  -  36 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 218 4 O<B>SILO/PIBU Supermarket ftfrnporium <V*» 5.m Chinese New Year "A "Reunion" j m *^^L uc^y Draw X **r 80 SANYO E C-23) RICE COOKERS V and 80 Bottles of Wincarnis wine ss\ "V^* "jy- To Be Won! <s» «^ft .^B^B .ssssS^ ssssssssk _^sssssV TM~ ~Wi W *^^mLjO sssK ssssU. .^sssi I
      218 words
    • 305 4 In order to tlxink all friends and customers for tteir kind support, all items of stylish furniture will be sold under cost. Hurry! Hurry! Don 't miss this opportunity! MODEL iUIO ti-IO MODEL two $2Vi J MODEL Ui) <v<> > mhm j 'fT MODEL JBPBHW MODEL WIJIIW-MO MODEL It* I-Xl
      305 words

    • 362 5 'N-fuel shipped despite broken seals' WASHINGTON, Friday UNITED States officials said yesterday that a consignment of nuclear fuel was shipped to Rumania last month, despite evidence that the containers carrying the weapons-grade material had been tampered with before the shipment left the US. The officials said that three weeks ago,
      NYT  -  362 words
    • 292 5 Sadat hopes date can be set for peace talks ASWAN, Friday PRESIDENT Sadat said today there were no remaining problems ob; strucfcng the resumption Of peace talks with Israel and he hoped a data would be fixed next week. Spanking to reporters in this nuthern resort city Mr Sadat said:
      292 words
    • 45 5 The rlMHif ntamd* arcUNi(tkr Bieakefan Hefel •n the B*»rdw»lk la AttMrtle City, New ier•ey, to irmiH+ri by dyaamlte blasts mi *»yTke iMtel hM fallea vtctlmUlkf raMrt'a rulM er» to nutkr way far a I SSI 13 mllllMi (StUi.i mllllM) CariM HefcJ. AP ptrtorr.
      AP  -  45 words
    • 66 5 TEL AVIV, Fri. Soviet spy ships and submarines are cruising off the Israeli and Lebanese coasts, the Tel Aviv newspaper Mamv reported today. The spy ships were equipped to overhear telephone and radio- telephone conversations in Israel, Marriv said, and were watching shipments of weapons to the
      AFP  -  66 words
    • 58 5 NEW DELHI. Fri The staterun Indian Airlines Corporation (lAC) will buy another airbus aircraft costing 357 2 million rupees (5597.6 million). Informed sources said the domestic airlines' proposal to purchase the aircraft was approved by the Indian cabinet at a meeting in Delhi yesterday. The lAC
      AFP  -  58 words
    • 85 5 LONDON, r*rl.- A Lm^m Jvy yesterday cleared a m.urist at rwdag the death by daageraas driviag at a moUrrjolLst wh*, beeaaae ke waa Jebavak'a Wltnmt, rrf o.sed a bM tnuntaatoa after aa aeeMeat The Jadßr tun) nM: "Bat l*r tke religlaas ldlow>^rr»ckia af tkc victim, Ur- vtettm'B
      85 words
    • 217 5 Cairo police's holy war on streets CAIRO, Fri. Police have been out in force this week in Cairo, driving beggars and street-comer vendors underground and handing out a spate of tickets for offences ranging from smoking in theatres to pinching girls. Police said yesterday that 28,580 violators have been nabbed
      AP  -  217 words
    • 171 5 LEBANESE TROOPS SENT TO TROUBLED SOUTH BEIRUT, Fri. The Lebanese Government has de- cided to send army troops to the troubled south to join I UN Forces in carrying out their peace-keeping mission, informed sources said here today. The sources said the dcci- sion provided for stationing a Lebanese army
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 64 5 WASHINGTON. Fri More than half of 626 American service men and women questioned on military bases in West Germany said they had taken hashish or marijuana while on duty, according to a congressional survey released yesterday The survey, conducted at 13 US military installations last November,
      Reuter  -  64 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 294 5 APPLICATIONS ENGINEER Around $20,000 per annum PMR 1089 Ou; Client is a multi-national organisation Mechanical Engineers, Chemical Engineering 3tth substantial investments in Singapore, graduates, or B.Sc (Applied Chemistry) graand a market leader in the industry. The duates preferably with experience in a simiApplications Engineer will be responsible for lar position
      294 words
    • 180 5 i|3| r me antique S" root earning m i^^^V b aY created about threc^M ff'l nAJI nW I jf\ centuries ago.^k M\ IWflafl LTiPI LateMingM yg* H Iflill iVlll (1620-1640) ay| f\ W$ /if afViornsiAC iwjM Ul vUglkU/b. anfl laflHOr II II naar afj Bk '^T Arfl I >• BfC
      180 words

    • 202 6 Let's be friends, Amin tells US, Britain NAIROBI, Fri. President Idi Amin wants the United States and Britain to reopen their embassies in Kampala, Uganda Radio said today. His conciliatory move, according to the radio, follows a letter of praise sent to him by the London-based human rights group Amnesty
      Reuter; UPI  -  202 words
    • 66 6 HONGKONG, Fri Hongkong's media magazine today awarded its monthly blooper prize a bottle of whisky to the reader who spotted the following announcement on the wall of a Bangkok hotel bedroom "Please beware of your bed companion either boy or girl with when you bring into
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 462 6 NEW YORK, Fri. A bright object like a "sparkling diamond in the sun" was reported yesterday to have hovered over the holy city of Jerusalem in a rash of UFO sightings which stretched from Israel to South Africa only days after similar reports
      Reuter; UPI  -  462 words
    • 88 6 Algerian offer to resume ties ALGIERS, Fri. Acting Algerian head of state Rabah Bitat yesterday offered to resume diplomatic relations and cooperation with Mauritania as soon as the dispute over the Western Sahara was resolved. The offer, in a message to Mauritanian President Mustapha Ould Mohamed Salek. came as the
      AFP  -  88 words
    • 101 6 JOHANNESBURG, Fri. A boy working outside his family's shark in a remote village Bear BarberUrn, on tke Swaziland border, uearthed a gold ugget worth about IS,M« rand (SSS7,MI), police said today. He found tke nuKget alter M» mrtkor toM Mm U dig foundations next to
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 348 6 WANT to give up smoking* Then keep a Jackdaw in the house. The official Soviet news agency Tass, monitored here, quoted Petr Sych, a peasant from a village in Byelorussia, as saying he kicked the smoking habit because of the jackdaw that lives in his house. The Jackdaw could
      UPI  -  348 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 164 6 $2#2S0 Nett (Cabinet Optional) t I I'M 1 ITTlMLV, SUPREME QUALITY 1 1—— HMM^mB '■■■^im MADE IN GERMANY video-vision [5I@ \Z/V*o Tape £60 £/20 £780 Available T^lWfg^^8 Spectra SK2^9^^^m-M EE! COZ.O/? TC-7776 <. (9 IRA I hurry buy now! V fifl9U /Vef f 1 while stocks last! p^Vv >. #vA^«S
      164 words
    • 358 6 At Merlin Plaza you enjoy these advantages 1) With the Pan-Island expressways.Merlm Plaza is at the hub of everything, easily accessible from Bukit Timah and Toa Payoh from the North, Changi and Bedok from the East, and city, Jurong and Queenstown from the West. 2) Merlin Plaza is only a
      358 words

  • 259 7 Ready Soon: Another 35 walkways THIRTY-FIVE new walkways will be completed early this year by the Walkwmj I'nit of the Public Works Department. With their completion, the bulk of such walkways planned by the unit will have been built. Later, short interlinking stretches of walkway will be added to complete
    259 words
  • 124 7 Growth of S'pore: Health services praised SINGAPORE'S transformation from a tiny mala r 1 a-iufested fishing village to a thriving metropolis can be attributed largely to the maintenance of a healthy Singapore, free from dangerous and infectious diseases. Prof E.S. Monteiro. former Singapore Ambassador to Cambodia and the United States,
    124 words
  • 35 7 Kembangan courses COURSES (or women and cnudren in dressmaking cakt making. Chinese cooking halrdre&sing and children s art will be held by the Kampung Kembangan community centre soon. Pot detaila. ring the centre at *****8
    35 words
  • 27 7 COMEX Singapore. «n adventure club, will organiae an overland expedition in the United States In late Uav For details, contact Miss Alice Tok tel. *****9
    27 words
  • 92 7 Manager had no work permit NIPPON Miniature Ballbearing (NMB) Singapore was fined $500 by a magistrate's court yesterday for hiring a Japanese national as assistant manager without an employment pass. The court heard that Minoru Fujisawa came here on a month's social visit pass last Sept 21 and overstayed. The
    92 words
  • 34 7 MR Tan Tiah Kwee, a teacher from Chung Cheng High School, will give a talk on Modern Woman in Mandarin at the Ghim Moh community centre on Jan 13 at 8 p.m.
    34 words
  • 201 7 Creepers take root at Marine Parade blocks THE Housing Board's first experimental creepers have taken root at Block 8. Marine Parade estate. Two other selected blocks in the same estate have similarly been provided with creepers for their side end walls in a move to beautify the estate. Rrineinc nature
    201 words
  • 83 7 Dinner-dance of Malay journalists FOREIGN Minister S. Rajaratnam and his wife will be guests of honour at the Malay Journalists' Association annual dinner and dance at Mandarin Hotel on Feb 24 to be held In conjunction with the associations 24th anniversary. Highlight of the night will be the Asean Dress
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  • 163 7 CLIENTS of pawnshops no longer need a guarantor to pawn an article worth over $200 If they can produce the purchase receipt of Items under the Pawnbrokers (Amendment) Rules, 1978, published in the Government Gazette yesterday. This ruling also applies to those who are not citizens
    163 words
  • 29 7 THE Kallang community centre's Indian cultural group will present a cultural show to mark the Ponßgal Pestlval celebrations at the centre on Jan 14 «U 7 p.m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 716 7 Bel BB_^^^^^^l 1 lllw* I Bf W Am WA 1 H_L *QS[^^ y^m W\ X^ WrWm^r JmK mm m\w BB _|B^^_______r___(fc mWwf'^M Jtk Bh s^^^B» B mm^nfJ BB 1 l^^^^ Exclusive Quick Change Frames Free from Kodak Display your favourite pictures in a Kodak Quick and printed by Kodak you'll
      716 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 249 7 ART D E monstR A T'LK on Your Future p.m. to 10 p.m. Features T1ON by Chou Yl Tsun. as an Engineer by amo- a gymnastic display an art Instructor at the ciate Prof Cham Tao band performance and Singapore Boys 1 Home. Soon. Dean of the En- film shows.
      249 words

  • 115 8 'Asean will need big loans for growth' ASEAN countries would require huge syndicated loan* over the next decade to finance the development of national airlines, energy resources and communication facilities, the newly-appoin-ted vice-president of Bankers Trust Company, Mr Afial Rasa, said yesterday. Mr Rasa, who Is vicepresident for International Finance
    115 words
  • 376 8 THE recent enactment of th? Building Control Administration RcK"!a- 1 tiens 'BCARi has npanded the scope of practice for engineers and architects and also paved the way for greater cooperation between the two professions. The BCAR define the types of building plan* to be
    376 words
  • 61 8 12-lecture course A NOEE Ann Technical College part-time lecturer. Miss May Than Nwe. will give a 12-lecture course on Introduction to Electrotechnlcs at the University of Singapore's Bukit Timah campus Nissen Hut 108. on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7 p.m and 9 p.m from Jan 18. The course is held
    61 words
  • 45 8 THE Social Welfare Department wishes to contact Madam Chua Chay Lan (above), whose three monthold baby girl is to be placed under its .supervision. Anyone who knows the whereabout of Madam Chua is requested to contact the department at *****1, ext. 244.
    45 words
  • 348 8 Assurance to quell speculation THE government's stand on extracurricular activities (ECA) remains unchanged along with the rest of the basic principles and objectives in its education policy. The Minister for Home Affairs and Education, Mr Chua Si an Chin, gave this assurance yesterday
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  • 277 8 PE taken off top nine's time-table but still a 'must' THE Ministry of Education has told principals of the nine super schools to drop physical education from the school time-table but not to scrap it altogether. Principals now have the discretion either to use the music, art and craft periods
    277 words
  • 90 8 Queries for minister THE MP for Bui 1a Vista, Dr Ang Kok P ng, will ask the Minis er lor Home Affairs and Education, Mr Chua Sia i Chin, at the next Parl.amentary sitting beginning next Wednesday, whether any study has been made to see if there Is any correlation
    90 words
  • 175 8 Seat belts: Johore won't act against Singapore cars JOHORE police have been Instructed not to take action against Singaporeregistered cars which are not fitted with seat belts for the driver and and front seat passenger. Th'a directive was riven alter the second phase of Malaysia's seat belt laws came into
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  • 47 8 SINGAPORE will take part In the Frankfurt International Spring Pair from March 4 to 8 to promote the expert of locally made goods to Ge. many and Western Europe. The (air will feature mainly small Items such as handicrafts, office supplies, stationery, Jewellery and watches.
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  • 32 8 THE Minister for Home Affairs and Education. Mr Chua Slan Chin, will attend the opening ceremony of Macpherson Welfare Day at Macpherson community centre on Jan 14 at 9 am.
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  • 51 8 THE Department of Trade, the Timber Industry Board and the Singapore Manufacturers Association will take part In two trade fairs in the United States this year. Electronics and furniture firms here will take part In an exhibition in Chicago In June and another in Dallas, Texas
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  • 64 8 THE Adult Section of the Marine Parade Branch Library will hold three talks-cum-demonstrations on good grooming. The first will be on Facial Care and Make-up at Its lecture hall on Jan 19 at 7 p m The other talks will be on Hair Care and Cut
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  • 42 8 Duxton Plain courses DUXTON Plain community centre will hold courses In yoga, children's ballet, children's art, violin and guitar for beginners at Its premises early this month. Details and applications forms are available at the centre. Cantonment Road. Singapore 2. tel. *****.
    42 words
  • 36 8 the Mountbatten community centra will bold a threemonth elementary restaurant cooking course at Its premise* every Thursday from 7 p m to 10 p.m. For details, cootact *****7 between I pjn. and 10 p.m.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 76 8 4^ 3* ~~~~~Z^-—- ~^^Zm iT^^^^^^^^^^^g^g^H Aw Mw~±> A Ikea from Scandinavia has unconventional bedroom ideas. We imported lots of beautiful pinewood beds for you, and made them knock-down. Sc you pick up 4 1 SIXTH AVENUE. OFF BUKIT TIMAH ROAD. SINGAPORE 10. TEL: *****90 1 T T V~~7 1 3
      76 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 236 8 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 3 Empty office affected" by 7 9 Paper worker remodelling age (6). Jaces? (8. 6). 13 Last bit of earth, weed10 Design mountain retreat- covered and of little f alue start now! (4). (10). 11 Soup, in a way. Imbibed 16 Flag set In position on
      236 words

  • 222 9 Chamber gets set to elect new committee THE Singapore Chinese UMuaoer 01 Commerce and Industry (SCOCI) has formed a nine-man committee, heaaed by its president. Mr Wee Cho Yaw. to prepare (or the election of a new management committee on Pet> 4. The term of office of the present 39th
    222 words
  • 159 9 120,000 visit PIEU expo in Jurong THE PIEU Exposition at Jurong which started on Dec 12 t*as so far attracted some 120 000 visitors »nd more are expected during the Chinese New Year holidays. The month-long Exposition organised by the Pioneer Industries Employees Union at the vacant piot in front
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  • 351 9 Plan for top Malay pupils, too J THh Ministry of Education is drawing up plans to extend the pre primary scheme, now for Chinese schools only, to the remaining primary schools in phases. It will also set up special Malay-stream secondary schools for
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  • 62 9 THE Ministry of Culture will present Its first concert in the 1978 Concerts for the Young series at the Marine Parade Branch Library Auditorium on Jan 13 at 2 p.m. A repeat performance of the piano, guitar and organ solos and ballet will be held at the
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  • 39 9 Tai chi course KALLANO community centre will hold a tai chi cnuan course at its premises this month. Those interested can obtain application lornu for the course irom staff of the centre at 37. Block 22. Boon Keng Road.
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  • 31 9 BUKIT Ho Swee community centre will hold courses in dressmaking, fashion designing, cooking, children's art, tun sum. yoga, guitar playing, and interior decoration. Details are obtainable from the centre.
    31 words
  • 87 9 Sisir seeks public views CHK Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (S sir) yesterday invited public comments on the newly completed draft standards for the follow inj Items •recast concrete kerbs, channels (cutters) and d'vlders: unplastirisrd PVC pipes and fittings for soil, waste and vent application; water closet flushing
    87 words
  • 29 9 THE second Batik Painting exhibition will be held at the Singapore Conference Hall art gallery from Jan 20 to 31 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. dally.
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  • 117 9 THE Singapore Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry has formed a working group to discuss the question of unfair competition between government-owned enterprises and the private sector. The Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICO halfyearly report says the working group is now preparing a
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  • 103 9 A CENSUS of Singapore's population will be carried out In June, says the Statistical News, a publication of the National Statistical Commission. A planning committee for the census has been formed under the chairmanship of the Senior Minister of State < Finance t. Mr
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  • 44 9 THE Singapore Pools (Ptc.) Ltd. yesterday said Mac of the winning numbers in the S3.M* gift prisr. in Thursday i Singapore Sweep should be f.SItS and not 2****** The error was made in the list submitted by Singapore Fools to the press.
    44 words
  • 183 9 Man stabbed by mistake now partially blind A FITTER became partially blind after he was stabbed In the left eye by a teenager who mistook him for someone else, a district court heard yesterday. Labourer Ahmad bin Hussin. 17, of Lorong Loyak In Serangoon Village, admitted causing grievous hurt to
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  • 52 9 AN Asean dress aueen contest will be held by the Singapore Malay Journalists Association to mark Its 24th anniversary on Fteb 24. Asean women above 18 we eligible (or the contest. Entry forms are available at 16 Kampung Woodleigh. Singapore 13, or at 30H, Block 8,
    52 words
  • 115 9 Welcome dinner on Tuesday THE NTUC Welcome Consumers' Cooperative Ltd will hold Its start annual dinner and dance at the Neptune Theatre Restaurant on Tuesday from 7.30 p.m. to 1 a.m Attending the function will be National Develop merit Minister and chaii man of the board of trustees. Mr Lim
    115 words
  • 31 9 THE Kampung Kapor community centre youth group will conduct classes for both English and Chinese stream pupils from Primary 3 to 8 at the centre from next month.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 112 9 1 Dress 'em to impress. I jjfi Whoever says kids don't care what they wear was ijjj J* never a kid. jjlj So this holiday season, treat them to a Vanda shirt. j Hi A v It'll cost you slightly more than a run of the mill run ,1 shirt.
      112 words
      24 words

  • 185 10 Building firm ignored 10 warnings A CONSTRUCTION company, despite having lx'en given verbal and written warnings on 10 occasions, failed to block up an opening on the 17th floor of a high-rise building it was working on. Eng Seng Lee construction company of Outram Road was yesterday fined $1,000 by
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  • 104 10 Heroin hidden in body: $900 fine A DISTRICT court yesterday heard how a Malaysian tried to smuggle a straw of heroin into Singapore by hiding it under his foreskin on Dec 14 last year. Ramachandran Ragawan was fined $900 when he pleaded guilty to having the drug, weighing 0.01 gm,
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  • 32 10 THE Singapore Society of Tourist Agents will hold Its extraordinary general meeting on Jan 12 and not today as reported In yesterday's Straits Times. The typographical error U regretted.
    32 words
  • 210 10 Told lie to CPIB: Boss fined $1,000 A TOWING service Arm proprietor. Tan Boon Yong. 30, was jailed a day and fined $1,000 by a district judge yesterday alter be admitted jiving a lalse statement to the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau which led to the prosecution of a police sergeant.
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  • 61 10 THE Ramakrishna Sangeetha Sabha Singapore will hold a Saxl Princes '79 beauty contest at the National Theatre on Jan 27. The heats for the contest will be held at the York Hotel on Jan 14. The contest Is open to unmarried women of all races aged between
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  • 31 10 THE Singapore Science Centre will screen two films. Pesticides in Focus and The Rival World, at Its lecture hall on Jan 14 at 3 p.m. For details, telephone *****16.
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  • 380 10 THE design concept of the proposed $540 million Raffles International Centre might 1 the light of the deveMarlna City by the Authority. have to be reviewed ir lopment of the new Urban Redevelopmeni This Is because the design concept of the
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  • 91 10 INDUSTRIAL Training Board Apprentice of the Year skill tests will start today at the Singapore Vocational Institute at 0 a.m. The skill tests in welding, general fitting, and metal machining form part of the Apprentice of the Year 1978 competitions. There is also a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 247 10 ZIC HAWAII INTEPICR QEQORATICN 1-319 1-320. 15t Fir Merlin Plaza Beach Rd Spore 7 Te1: *****05 -*****72 Festive Season Furniture Exhibition at Merlin Plaza With monthly Special Sale! Great Offer!! Big Discount!! 3 uiIDQY I m Special Offer 1 HUHn Up to M yj 1 for this month 1 We
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  • 270 11 Thieves' $37,000 haul in two break-ins THII.VIS broke Into two premises and tot away with cash, roods and jewellery totalling $37.0*0 on Thursday. In the first case, they broke Into the two-storey bungalow of Dr Wu San San. 43. wife of architect, Raymond Kuah Leong Heng in Balmoral Cres c
    270 words
  • 228 11 Two-day Dragon Boat relay planned A ROI'XD THE-ISLAND Dragon Boat relay which will take two days to complete will be held in either March or April. The 90-km relay, organised by the Singapore Sports Council, will be this year's top tourists attraction, with participants competing for prizes worth over $6,000,
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  • 62 11 RESIDENTS of Woodlandi Home for the Aged will have a dinner party and receive ang pews from Mr Tan Chin Tuan, chairman of the Over-sea-Chinese Banking Corporation, and Mrs Tan. at 23 km Woodlands Road on Jan 11. This will be the fourth time the couple are
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  • 29 11 BRAS Basah community centre will Dresent a talk. Consumer Education, in Mandarin by Mr Bek Choon Kok from Consumer Association of Singapore on Friday at 8 p.m.
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  • 330 11 IT will be compulsory to •ell butter, rice, sugar. wheat flour and cooking •alt in standard metric sizes from July 1. Disclosing this at a press conference yesterday. Singapore Metrication Board chairman. Mr Baey Uan Peck said an order had been Introduced
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  • 80 11 Festival of Asean students THE Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs). Mr Lee Khoon Choy, will open the Asean Student Festival at Nanyang University. Arts Hall l, on Tuesday at 10 a.m. The lestival. organised by the Nanyang University Students Union, will end on Jan 13. Each 4sean country, except
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  • 53 11 Ulu Pandan courses The Ulu Pandan community centre women's sub-com-mittee will hold courses In cake-making, tun sum cooking, ribbon flower making, beauty culture and skin care, and children's classes In art. planlca playing and piano at tbe centre s premises soon. Application forms for the courses and claaaes are available
    53 words
  • 24 11 THE River Valley community centre will conduct an etementmry course on dressmaking from Peb 12. Tb» ekNtm date for application* 11 Jan It.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 68 11 74, Greenleaf Road, Singapore 10. Specialised in: Latest Hair Styling, Cutting and Blow Dry Perming and Setting Colouring, Tinting and Bleaching Manicure Pedicure HAIRSTYLIST fl Miss Doreen Ong ivce>itlu trained in Vidal Sasson and Alan International of London. FOR APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL: *****8 fl A Lunar Sale Ist Jan to
      68 words
    • 283 11 <B»Samsonite' A TIT I YMb- r #^^fc* Classic 100 and m I ■■LLr^ %s=ssJE Omega Attaches A I I F^J|l All^^^slL Great Gift Offer s A AKM mm fA}j.]^mlflli& i ,^■l ■^■^■^^iAk.^ sfl bE^ 'jfl I B^Bb^B^Hl 1 H E BY B^ *^Bl^- r fff &1& 1 si Orneaa Classic
      283 words

  • 251 12 14 Boeing 747s by 1983 SINGAPORE Airlines will invest a total of $4 billion on aircraft, engines and spares, ground equipment, buildings and machinery, computers, office and residential property in the next five years. The bulk of the Investment is for aircraft,
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  • 79 12 LABOURER Senin bin Sidelc. 30. was jailed (or a day and lined »3uo by a district court yesterday for stealing a 15cent comb at Silo Supermarket in Telok Blangah Drive on Thursday. He pleaded guilty. In the same court, housewife Yee Yoke Lee. 32. admitted committing
    79 words
  • 50 12 THE 36-member Wuppertal Dance Theatre from Germany will give a performance of present trends In German dances at the National Theatre on Jan 24 at 8.30 p m Tickets at $15. $10. *8, $6, $4 and £2 are available at the theatre. Cold Storage, and C.K. Tang.
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  • 268 12 Armed gang robs Malaysian builder THREE men, one with a revolver and handcufls, posed as police officers and robbed a Malaysian contractor of $1,000 at his apartment In Moulmein Rise on Wednesday night. Mr Cheong Teck Wing, 27. of Malacca, who runs a building contract firm hen., aeard a knock
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  • 15 12 SINGAPORE PooU wUI nol« a talentlme show at Redlffution auditoilum tomorrow at 4.1* o.m.
    15 words
  • 182 12 A MOTORCYCLE thief was arrested by two police officers In a passing patrol car when he was spotted rldlnß the stolen machine by Its owner, a district court, heard yesterday. Llm Chee Cheong, 18, a national servicemen, pleaded guilty to stealing a $200 motorcycle belonging
    182 words
  • 107 12 FOL'B pork tellers were fined a total of $135* yesterday for having pork not from government or licensed slaughter hooMS. One Peng Ben j, who had the bluest amount of 28 kg at his sUU In Siglap Market on Oct U, was fined W5O
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 492 12 w^ J m w^^ k A iv^ 'm W M m .^B *^sW -■•s^sF dSsasS»' s^sW vs^nV s^^ m s^v XL b^L b^bV m%- Vb^Rf m li smV B^sW^sfc. A V Wgig- )H smV Mt sßlt' M B L b^^^^ VMI m W&m f sfl W \Wk mW fl bW
      492 words

  • 330 13  - Venture out cyclist's message to friends at home GERALD PERCIRA By rmCNCIIMAN Senay Dominkaae. who woald have cycled M.M* km completing the last leg of kla world toar. will rftirn to P»rU with the message that, the very people who questioned his sanity when he decided to toar larjf stretches
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  • 172 13 Somali mission holds talks with Raja AN eight-member Somalia goodwill mission, led by its Foreign Minister. Dr Abdurahman Jama Barre, arrived in Singapore on the second leg of an Asean tour. The Somalia mission called on Foreign Minister. Mr 8. Rajaratnam, for an hour-long discussion on the developments In the
    172 words
  • 101 13 NTUC's new information, publicity secretary THE NTUC secretary for cooperative and buiiness projects, Mr Eric Cheong, lias been concurrently appointed NTUC secretary for Information and publicity. He takes over the Information and publicity portfolio from Mr Mansor Sukaiml, who continues to be the NTUC secretary for education. Mr Cheong. who
    101 words
  • 370 13 THE Singapore Children's Society will launch an experimental project to organise group recreational activities for about 200 children in the Redhill and Bukit Merah housing estates today. The pilot community outreach project, named the Mobile Play Leadership Scheme, is aimed at children between the ages
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 517 13 W I \r\t lYj\/*^ _^A^m WMmmmW^^MwMjm wM+ m UU'zy _^^Msmti B^B^B^B^B^B^B^^^B^B^B^BVr^^^^^Lßk I BK\ Bb hh m WL ,-^a^^v W W al^^i-'v^y* B^bV \oS^H^sO\ *A*k ■SM^B^^Bw B^B^^fc»PiTT^^B^^^^B^wVWTMs^sKW^H¥^Sßm«^^^F^^Brkl/-^^B B^L^bV X L^bVK^^^bW \w *tsQnt€ ford invitation to 230 families* Sj£^3s^ -1 f %J Happy Holidays in Penang for 30 families* L < -*^y
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  • 283 14 'Sniffer' goes to work for 7 airlines SEVEN airlines opera t ing In Singapore are using portable explosive M^tttott on passengers checking In for their flight* as part of their antl -sabotage security checks The Singapore Airport Terminal Services <Bats> auxiliary police, who perform these checks, do so at the
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  • 39 14 MISS Ch«e Lay Van of the Social Welfare Department, will give a talk in English on MaiTlage. The Selection of a Life-long Partner at Sennet community centre on Jan H at S p m Admission 1* free
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  • 182 14 Helping retired lead more meaningful life THK People's Association is planning to start a programme for those i who have retired from work to help them spend their free time in a more meaningful way. According to sources, the association has already I held several discussions on this matter and
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  • 440 14  -  AHMAD OSMAN By A COMMITTEE member of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry has urged British companies to use Singapore as a centre for expanding Britain's trade with China. Mr Urn Ho Hup suggested that more British investments should be made here to
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  • 59 14 THE Department of Extramural Studies of the University of Singapore will hold a 10-lecture course on World Religions, an Introduction to some of the world's major religions, at Nlssen Hut 78. Buklt Tlmah Campus, every Tuesday from 7.30 p m to 8 p.m. The course, which begins
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  • 42 14 THE Minister for Law. Environment. Science and Technology. Mr. E. W. Barker, will Introduce two government Bills at the next sitting of Parliament on Wednesday. They are the Civil Law (Amendment)' Bill and the Rubber Association of Slnga(Amendment) Bill
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  • 197 14 British minister has talks with Lee THE visiting British Secretary of State for Trade. Mr John Smith, met Mr Lee Kuan Yew for hoar-long talks at the Istana yesterday. Daring the meeting, Mr Smith and Mr Lee discussed possibilities of strengthening twoway trade, the followup to the recent ministerial meeting
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  • 187 14 MP ON THE FOR 'GOOD MATERIAL' IN SAF THE Singapore Armed Forces must have "good material" In their regular service to ensure greater professionalism, Dr Augustine Tan, MP (or Whampoa. said yesterday. "We need a steady Influx of young men and women who have the determination to shoulder the responsibilities
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  • 43 14 YOKE Yin Kong, 39. and Tan See Kwan. 32, were each fined $100 by a district Judge yesterday for fighting at the ground floor of Block IST, Mcl Line Street, on Thur»day at 10.2S p m. They pleaded guilty
    43 words
  • 81 14 PENSIOKER Low Kok Liang was fined «4M by a magistrate yesterday for Illegally drawing electrietty from service cutMU in order to far-pass the meter. He pleaded guilty to committing the offence In his house In Lorong Loyak. off Upper 4teran> goon, on last iOtseri 18. He
    81 words
  • 153 14 RAZAK bin Khamls, 22, was found dead at the foot of Block 53, Sims Drive on Thursday morning. Police believe Razak, who was Jobless, fell to his death. Another man. Yap Kirn Oong, 29, was found hang- ed in his flat at Block 74 in
    153 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 100 14 H Hennessy During the Three Kingdoms Dynasty of China there lived a great hero general, Chau Yoon, also known as Chau Tse Loong. Many legendary acts of courage were attributed to this fearless veteran and victor of countless battles. In one famous battle he saved the life of the son
      100 words
    • 507 14 i CONAIR/8 jheri Redding 1 If fe PROBABV:i2OOi I The Shape of Tomorrow! i* Another revolutionary hair dryer produced [cj6) v|py by CONAIR. the pioneer in professional CoSTi ®Qr£r pistol grip hair dryers. t^SJ With its super drying power of 1200 (eta) watts you'll never miss any appointments P^i NOW!
      507 words

  • 313 15  - Sisters gave molest man a dressing down SIT MENG CHUE B, A IS YEAR OLD girl, who was molested by a man. trailed him to see If he would do the same to other (iris and learning that he did. decided to teach him a lesson. With her sister and
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  • 56 15 A SYMPOSIUM on Productivity Measurement will be held at the Regional Language Centre in Orange Drove Road, by the National Productivity Board and the Asian Productivity Organisation from Monday to Friday. The symposium will be attended by representative* from the APO member countries, which Include Hongkong. India.
    56 words
  • 23 15 WOODLANDS commun'ty «snlre will prrsei.t a Folk -Dance Night organised by 1U youth executive committee on Jan 13 at S pm.
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  • 244 15 Jaundice: 'Look to work-linked causes' DOCTORS who look after Industrial workers and other occupation al groups should be aware of the possible occupational factors In diagnosing a worker wUh jaundice This note of caution •was sounded by an Industrial doctor In tbe November Issue of the Hew Worker, the monthly
    244 words
  • 44 15 THE Telecommunications Authority of Singapore yesterday announced that an international telex service with St Pierre and Mlquelon an Island off Newfoundland, wlli ttart today. The charge for a three-minute call Is $46.20 and $15.40 for each additional minute or part thereof
    44 words
  • 38 15 THE trishaw rider killed In a seven-vehicle accident at the junction of Pa>a Lebar Road and Paya Lebar Way on Thursday has been Identified as Mohd Ismail bin Mohd Ibrahim, 36. of Loronf 5, Toa Payoh.
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  • 330 15 SINGAPORE is acutely short of volunteer aftercare officers (VAOs) to counsel forager drug addicts, Singapore AntiNarcotics Association president Baey Urn Peck said last night. Of the 4,508 cases that were under active supervision in the Republic as of Nov 30 last year, only
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  • 54 15 AUSTRALIAN violinist. Mr Ronald Woodcock, win give a violin recital at the DBS auditorium on Jan 22 at 8 p m. Tickets (or the concert at tl each art available at the Singapore Conference Hall. C. K. Tang. Cold Storage. Popular Book Company. World Book Company
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  • 202 15 MP: DONT SEEK EARLY RELEASE FROM DRC IT Is wrong for parents to approach MPs for the early release of their children from drug rehabilitation centres, the MP for Mountbatten, Mr Ng Yeow Chong, said today. To do so would be detrimental for their children, Mr Ng said when he
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  • 39 15 THE Ministry of Culture will screen three shows, A Day with a Japanese Family. Oardens of Japan and Flowers for the Japanese, at the Toa Payoh branch library on Jan It at U a.m. Admission U free.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 357 15 m v- m w WL M »m s^Bsk BsVk^HMMk W 'i i h^hl hh^bsw^^>. iHHsm fit. FX JcV XMiL .Tv^Dh^hhflhi m y^**^^^^^ .-gj ,^gfl I^JC—^Ssi KSgSgjiagH Vm B?V ffr^*-' I sV wK^Bi Hk9^S sflfll S SsA Get together. And get ahead with Vespa. tf»*^(t ?<^i^^g» M C H^H *'W^ \jm
      357 words

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1979
    • 369 16 THE Education Minister is absolutely right to think that recent changes in primary and secondary schools have resulted in speculation and uncertainty, not to say confusion. To correct wrong impressions, Mr Chua Sian Chin has stressed his ministry's unchanged stand on extra-curricular activities (ECA). urging principals to carry
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    • 351 16 CITIBANK'S reluctant-to-travel executives (see article opposite) are not a rare species in Singapore. While there exist a number of adventurous souls who do not mind short stints abroad, whether on behalf of private employers or government, most Singaporeans refuse overseas assignments. For those employed by multinationals, this
      351 words
  • 504 16 T.F Hwang takes you down memory lane Legal leaps LEGAL memories leap to my mind at each turn of a new legal year. Today marks the opening of Legal Year 79 at the Supreme Court. Time for memoirs, say older Bar members. For Chief Justice Wee Chong Jin it is
    504 words
  • 543 16 THE MISCONCEPTION of some students regarding ■he concepts of Islam pertaining to various matters especially those in regard to the subjects taught in educational institutions should be corrected with appropriate and constructive advice and guidar.ce. We are shocked that there are students w'x> reject certain subjects which
    543 words
  • 1654 16 Dependence on imports mars success as world economic power I' In the second of this five-part series on Japan, report from j)K GEOFFREY GODSELL, writing from Tokyo, [APA N 'I l°°^ s at h° w c Japanese feel about their economy and the causes of these feelings. THERE IS an
    1,654 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 68 16 4ti GLORY CO. W I 445 Joe Chiat Rd S pore 15 I Fty 12. Senang Crescent Spore 14. j*Telex GLORY RS ***** I Sole Agent: I Sun-Light Vertical Blind is a shade above the others. 4* 2M Louvres fabric available in> ■^■l Nordic Colonade made of fibreglass material. H,^~
      68 words
    • 6 16 MONDAY, How to deal with neighbours
      6 words
    • 133 16 Me, Gift Offtffoftfit Ntid Yetf Experience the forest freshness of Acqua di Selva. Exclusive from Italy. Look out for free gift offer at all leading department stores. Offer while stocks last. —I /ff/) ))X\]k— A^^^ Acqua di Selva Cologne (100 ml Acqua di Selva Cologne 1 00 ml) 1 5.90
      133 words

  • 1754 17 COLIN CHEE of Business Times gives the inside story on why talented local bankers are leaving Citibank and the implications it may have for other multinationals that employ local executives. THERE IS NOTHING alarming about a comp.iny Mag two of
    1,754 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 169 17 DelSeq Samsonite Hyper-Special Offers 30%-35% OFF.'/ 9Stk Om*ga I Attach* casa Concord M I L uqqbMO U I Suit CM Datsay Suit cast Art 55s 22" (56cm) ~^M Hf U.P. Ssl2o/- Now SSB4/Art 65s 26- <« cm > U.P. Ssl66/ Now 107.90 U.P. Ssl7o/ NowSsll9/ 5" Attach* (12 7cm) Art
      169 words
    • 241 17 Forum has been held over due to pressure on space AvM /c*// 10 fijEf/f/. Suevt Something', 't+ut W is per' and Shou Off. Formfit and you: Come, fell in love The new Formfit Collection. Underfashion \^B lt e 11^ 5 ate Detachable straps a bra! In soft, soft lace so
      241 words

      • 67 18 Setron 203 +42 Nat Iron «15 +25 Tronoh Mines 800 +20 I C B 299+15 C K Tang 183 +14 Oriental Hldgs 530 +10 Consplant Wrts 330 +10 Hume F E 182 10 Tractors 490 +8 Uunlop Est 372+8 Tan Chong 290 +8 Spore Bus 222 +8 Spore Olass
        67 words
      • 20 18 Sungel Besl M 5 -105 M Breweries MO -10 I E E 88-8 Dunlop Ind 440 FtN 500 -5
        20 words
      • 34 18 Ha* P>r 348.000 Slme Diirhy 327.000 Faber Mrrltn 178.000 U O L 135.000 UOB 120.000 Cons Plant 116.000 U O F 116.000 K I. Ktpong 104.000 W*arnes M Cold Storage 92.XK1
        34 words
      • 44 18 Jan 4 Jan 5 B T Index: HM 32 1756.29 Industrials 353 32 365 41 Finance 830.07 834 16 Hotels: 278.83 277.59 Properties: 211.36 211. at Tins: ***** 157.09 IRubtvrv 530 98 532. M 0.C.8.C.: 322.81 324.51 S.E.B Ind: 325 68 329 00
        44 words
    • 148 18 Currencies US dollar Sterling pound Hongkong ooliar M'sian dollar Aust scaring Bel franc (com) Danish kror>er French franc Italian Mr* Ntth guilder Ncr kroner Swedish kroner Swiss franc Deut mark Jtpane-e yen Aust dollar NZ dollar Canadian dollar Renmlnbl Nominal rate* SmlthatUan Ferecntaf* quoted rnterdar (croM) parity chaa<«
      148 words
    • 153 18 ASIAN currency deposit interbank rates w at close on Jan 6. US Dalian (Spat) Offer Bid 7 days 10 13 16 10 11/16 1 mth 11 7/S 11 3/4 2 mths 11 1/2 11 3 8 3 mths 11 5/8 11 1/2 6 mths 11 1/4 11
      153 words
    • 42 18 Closing Interbank rates ou Singapore dollar on Jan 5. Offrr BM Overnight 7 3/4 7 1/2 1 mth 7 7/16 7 5/16 2 mths 7 1/2 7 3/1 3 mtha 7 5/8 7 1/3 Overnight Mode I S««rc«: AiUey l~Miri
      42 words
    • 57 18 RANOK of rmlu offma by dJf count boux* on Jan ft. Ov*rni(ht 4 i Hi. Can dtpoait 4 1/>I%. •ay I- Month Treasury bun l/( 4 J Mootb Bank bills T 7/ie T S/l« 3-Month CO T 9/1* 7 7- 1« 6-Month CD 7 11/1* 7 »/l« •mm-m: Maltwial
      57 words
    • 464 18 CONTINUED widespread buying lifted share prices further in another busy trading session on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Although the market opened slightiy cautious, deals were done at above overnight levels and continued to hover within a narrow range till the noon break. The afternoon
      464 words
    • 23 18 THE average rate at which Singapore banks are currently prepared to lend to their best customers is 7.75 per cent.
      23 words
    • 1413 18 BID and offer prices officially f listed and business In and change of Singapore yesterday i with the number of shares a traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless a> otherwise specified All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett" Big Board
      1,413 words
    • 266 18 4 1/2% 1/8/80 (250.000) (99.308 99 408) 4 3/4% 15/9/80 (250,000) (99 M8 5% 15/4/81 (250.000) (99.758 99.805) 5% T F 1/5/83 (250.000) (100 108 100 258) 5 3/4% T F 15/6/81-84 (250.000) (HUM) 5% T F 13/11/84 (250.000) (100 008 100 OSS) 7% 15/4/85 (250.U00)
      266 words
    • 1712 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS AMam ll *SB 1 MS) A Cnst 1 12 B) Ban (0
      1,712 words
      • 290 18 HONOKONO: Share prices closed narrowly mixed in small volume with the market lacking Direction on lack of fresh factors, dealers said. The Hang Seng Index slipped 0.73 to 506.46 points, on a combined total tunrover volume valued at $40.87 million. JAN OS HKI Amal Rubber susp Associated Hotels 2JOSS
        290 words
      • 389 18 TOKYO: Share prices closed higher on buying in blue chips and low-priced Issues, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 30.72 to close at 6,072.29 po'ats. with a volume of 380 million shares. The New index closed at 458.34, up 5.49 point. JAN 06 Yen Allnomoto Mi Afcal 4*4
        389 words
      • 322 19 SYDNEY. Prt The market firmed led by BHF «1 mlntoVwATr. «nd mining leaders, dealers BUT rose 12 cents to $9.30. while Central Ntreain aaded 80 $15.20 on rumours 2netTTJa v X*£ s»ruction. as »eu as tne nrm KCW PH» Oil stocks were mixed, with AtaßoL Beach and
        322 words
      • 300 19 NTW YORK, Thuis. Wall Street stocks scored a sotid gain today for the third day in row. although a bout of late profit-taking cut Into the 'harp gains posted earlier ln the session Tl>e New York Stock EXchange Index gained 048 to 55.06 and the Dow
        300 words
      • 221 19 ZURICH. Thurs Prices dosed off beet following pro-lit-taking with the market underpinned by high Uquidity and a stable dollar, dealers said. Bank* showed widespread gains ln a reversal of recent ratber dull trading conditions, le<J by Union BVina. Bank .orporation and Credit Neatlr Bearer, ln fouds, IOSt
        221 words
      • 164 19 AMSTERDAM, Thurs. Share prices closed mixed with a firmer bias following tr* higher Wall Street overnight, dealers said Royal Ditch firmed 0 90~ guilder Akio and Unilever nfeed higher, while Haagoirea* >Dd Philip* were slightly lower in Dutch international* HVA rose four miUders. MLU,~.i.~i.h._i t« TiTS^f an
        164 words
      • 292 19 LONUOIS. inurs snarf prices closed narrowly higher *fu,r a qmet session and at 3.00 p.m the Financial Times Index was up 33 at 4*3 2 Initially some snares firmed S-^nroTtafer dealer* Mid Oold shares firmed slightly with the bullion price while US and Canadian shares
        292 words
      • 64 19 finaiwiai timem n ™v£k££* Thursday 481.0 Wednesday 470.0 Week Ago 472.9 DOW JONES AVERAGE industrials Thursday 826.14 Wednesday 817.30 Week a* 0 sos.oa LONDON DOLLAR PREMII M Thur«/liiv bqlc tr, BA Triursday 83* to 84 Wednesday 83* to 84 H.IL HANG SENG Friday 506.40 Thursday .Hn.\» weekA^, *****
        64 words
      • 256 18 THE kilobar gold deliverable in Singapore opened at lib 802 yescerday, moved up to tiS.MJ anu closed at 15.83 U. Gold was fixed in the London morning session at US ♦226 70 After the London morning fixing on Thursday at IMS $*****, gold moved up to a high of
        256 words
      • 106 18 Striking prices of the options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, the period, bids and offered prices and business done yesterday with the number of options traded shown in brackets. C«4d Storage (March $1.80) (0.468 0.565). Fiaa N (March $4.20) (0.908 1.10S) CniC (March $4.35) (1.158
        106 words
      • 156 18 THE Straits tin price slipped $11 to $1,810 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up 30 tonnes to 260 tonnes. The overnight London marktt was stead/ with torward buyers gaining £10 to £6.860 per tonne. LONDON: Tin en the day was down £22 for Cash and
        156 words
      • 35 18 LONDON: Co.-iper prim on Thurada> (previous in brackets). Wirskar Spot buyers £776 50 (1768). sellers £777 <£7«B5O>: Three Month buyers £790 50 (£-•.3.50). sellers £791 50 (£7*4). Markst Una: Very steady. lalti: MJM tonnes.
        35 words
      • 121 18 CrIINISI PMODUCC ■XCMANOf, lINCAPORI DOOM CLOdMC DAY. Ca««nut OH: Bulk Sll2 Mllen, old drum SI 18 sellers, new drum 1123 sellers Capri: Mixed (Ioom) UK/Cont. 170 buyers Psaa«r: Muntok AST A will* f.o.b. ioo<* NLW 5347. acllera. Sarawak white fob. 98^ NLW $330 sellers Sarawak special black f.o.b.
        121 words
      • 30 18 Rubber Jan 5. Singapore: Jan 234.50 cts (up 1.00 ct). Malaysia: Jan 236.25 cts (up 075 Ct). Tin: $131* (down $11). Official offering: 260 tonnes (up 30 tonnes).
        30 words
      • 516 18 OPENING quotations in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked up 1.25 cents following higher London advices, dealers said. The market later rose further on some covering interest and upcountry buying. Hrofit-iakin^. however. emerged at Uat high to pare tne rise slightly, but the marnet tenuea steadier again towards
        516 words
      • 125 18 DAILY S8R and SMR price* at noon yesterday: Jaa Fck E-A.i. iCimil Mth) ir>m>< Htt) Bayera Mm Buyer* Dallm 8SR 20 (1 ton pallet) 232 50 234 50 N 233.90 235 50 N SfcB 50 (1 ton pallet) 22».rv 231.50N 230.60 232 SON MJLE.LB. 6MR CV (1
        125 words
    • 371 18 CONTINUED support enable price to close on a slightly steadier note at the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday. Trading although fairly widespread, was rather erratic, especially among more popular stocks. Opening prices were marked higher on spillover Interest. A steady stream of support In the morning buoyed prices
      371 words
    • 218 18 THE US dollar opened at $2 1725 45 as compared to $2.1760 "0 on Thursday's close In the Singapore lorex market yesterday The US unit maintained i firm undertone throughout the day. fluctuating narrowly In thin trading, and firming to $2 1740 55 at the close. Interbank
      218 words
    • 577 19 Slower but still strong growth at YHS (M) ALTHOUGH the recent Hectic pace of frowth at food and beverage company Y*o Hlap Seng (Malaysia) is flowing down, the latest pre-tax profit of MM 851 million is still 61 9 per cent •Iwad of the comparable figure for the previous year
      577 words
    • 270 19 Bovis to hold EGM to ratify sale of property BOVIS South Kant Alia if to hold its long debated extraordinary general meeting on Jan IS to ratify last Augutt'i tale of iv property in Bukit Timah. Singapore. The EGM, postponed from Dec 20, juit meets the deadline set in the
      270 words
    • 226 19 Profit at Mega Chemicals jumps by 50pc MEGA CHEMICALS' latest Interim results have shown that Its turnaround to profitability last year was not Just a flash In the pan after all. The group has just reported a near 50 per cent increase In unaudited pretax earnings to M 5154.649 for
      226 words
    • 1371 18 THK ia»- trwiMcUd r««dy •kuuw ctaMoffc«m«o«UwMuekbelttnct of IMMt imircitg compared wiUi tit* prf/toua <Wy prtM topUMr wtui 1171 Me* and low Adjusted for •CTip/rt^U HMD SECTION ONI INDUSTRIALS irrov7» i*»* MS* 1m «?■■■■■> Sal* *«rm IB Arm* 212 Oi SB IB* Alcoa 124 I'd ten Allied Chor 111
      1,371 words
    • 317 18 SINGAPORE UNIT TRUST [Übimii 1 utai krJall The Commerce 2.11 2.24 The Saving Fund 1 32 1.40 Spore Prog Fund 0.74 0.00 Spore Sec Fund ITS 1.82 Spore Invest Fund 1.23 1.30 ASIA UNIT TRUST (Mtufn' prtoM hrJull Mai Invest Fund 2.20 2.32 Mai Prog Fund 113 1.10
      317 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1009 19 iVlciJlcl^Vr (MCS *****) Circa SHDQOOOp a fringe benefits Corporate Planning Department. Based in Singapore, he will be responsible to the Chief Executive for the preparation and co-ordination of the group's medium and long range plans as well as the provision of planning guidance to divisional operating management. He will liaise
      1,009 words
    • 632 19 I m SJSJSJS^ SJJ sjaj^ Hgßftr GOVERNMENT OF BRUNEI VACANCY FOR CLINICAL NURSING TUTOR Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the post of Clinical Nursing Tutor in the Medical and Health Department, Brunei. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: a) Nursing qualifications recognised by the General Nursing Council of England,
      632 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1557 20 I AT YOUR SERVICE SECTION INDEX #V* t+T a c evens 1 n a nc sks sszj l8iiJ22 Per wort «OeU(Min 19.00) IV nniTTURfPS I J Per column cm $10 75 (Mln $35 25) IX OBIT UAKIES I FOR SALE ft SHOPPING GUIDE T CARPETS MUST CLEAN Shtny k usual
      1,557 words
    • 894 20 I FOR SALE 4 SHOPPING GUIDE IMPERIAL CANE FUMNrTURfi 30. |KOWGGO CHAIR $400 Watlrn Rise Watten Eiutr For iHlBII on« furniture Indian heavy j IfrlWlvAW*' cotton furnishing and sea-grass |PUU aP^H matting Tel *****1 I BLK M BFSIOE CANAL j| I 115. ZION RD. 3 ij sfiT~^\>* I 1 I
      894 words
    • 787 20 I FOR SALE* SHOPPING GUIDE n« 21*1 IMUNM Champion- i ui-MONTH ALSATIAN Puppies Ai ship Dog Show on Sunday 2Sih (or sale. SKC registered. Inter- F February 1979 commencing 8a m ested phone *****S0 ei Judges Mr Mrs Herman Fell- 7 M(K ©to Oerman Shepherd cl ion from USA Venue
      787 words
    • 929 20 H EMPLOYMENT N ENGINEERING FIRM requires a A m*» MUMaM group of compaemale Clerk with secretarial n*— In Uniapara ragyfrM (perlence Must be a Singapore I. SECRETARY Mien, able to type at 35 wpm. Singapore citizen between the blllty to handle correspon- age of 24 —30. ence and telephone calls
      929 words
    • 1419 20 II EMPLOYMENT EXPANDING COMPANY REOUMCS few Female General Clerks with International freight forwarder experience Write In with full located in Jwong urgently requires: parllcula&s. experlence/educa- tlon. photograph required: 580 TWO SIIIPPINO CLERKS Balesller Road. S'pore II m EXPERIENCED MALE/FEMALE Ac- AppMcawta mwat P t: counts Cleric Qualifications OCE O level
      1,419 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 840 21 I EMPLOYMENT I f-— —S SrtUi^VCBH CA 3 1 »> 9*CrrtMr.Ml MB* A SUBSKMARY OF NIPPON CtorfCali «LSEALtW«TRYCO LTD leadm. international oilrrr J;S-S3SSS? or lit on SSSSSS2S WhaVl I rong (SOI I for the following jrli I JH %#""i^ BMTOSA DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTION CONPO*ATION 1. KHUUUCIIUKI cortrol wjt«» ftEEI fSLn: 15-»/4BD
      840 words
    • 949 21 I EMPLOYMENT EXPEB.NCEO.ALE^S SAL E S PERSONNEL H^rj^S.' 1 Interested please call a With 3- 5 years experience in exclusive br^sof washes > tingiaon Mirilci m firr. Please write with full particulars S j EXPERKNCED ANTIOUE SALES GMLt. speak English Mandarin B> S^tS"^^'!''™ l^^^^^^^ iiSSri^SiS^n^v^Snlnv feg'«g REPfl6|^T,«s 30 years ot
      949 words
    • 841 21 N EMPLOYMENT I *-WIE^ J^r"^ CC °mP"' rLfn I IA) SALES MECHANICAL J* > EHG|i ER "vaIVM" valVM.t J ,J="*"l"s° C mdustrial control mstru- INDUSTRIES OF s .hgapo«eptEltd requir 's «NH IcLtLUMa /»iaj»r>iji»iieTc>/ ENGINEER 'I?™"!?!?.. 5 for marketing electronic and PRECISION S""™ 1"' "v" ml'nt raN" MILLING V <M-«> »«KSr
      841 words
    • 996 21 II EMPLOYMENT J7Z\, #CA W a#^^ Typing ability MALE DOCUMENTATION CLERK W*SJ Must be able to Co typ,n K. flling correspondence slngaT!r7SlTcar -^xzzi^™52 iigKWTs^t.i iequire> ELECTRICIAN bMual.hc.lKH. a E.p^wnc. M^f^"""^ 2 licence 1 Trade Certificate in Electrical 0 with Engineering Practice shipping companies familiar ISSS^S J^Sf: Appliralloi.* suting ag.. quail-
      996 words
    • 937 21 II EMPLOYMENT lIX f GOLF PPOFESS.ONAL /a^VVr^WX SEMBAWANG COUIiTRY fL^ %Dm.\ IIWCSC]^ Appl«.,«H,. ».M rrom ImV%V^*JI z, .uitably quanfwd p«im tor ih-po-itK>nof 6OLfp«o,ess,ohal .1 S«nb«.«^ Country Club t*\ Please submit applications IT! SOS, MUU oTO.«£ mm 9 c lions ,xperl-nce etc and |ii| E 2lf l|i| BBJ "22* X I
      937 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 714 22 I EmOYMEMT ——«^i—— V 31 Situations Vacant i——B—Bßßßß——— ik *4 I ASAH, ELECTRONS,., RTELTO Majl itMtmi KALLANGPLACf "*CO»»E ""um JO'" I^«Mp^ rr e *88*MI lent Manufa.turer S»ORE PEOPLE m«Nr> appli<ati"ns !,>r the AS («.vt.i TOOL CUTTER 1-__^,h.— best selling cassette tapecanoiaaiM mm new recorder and radio is having mindm.Uin^rXr Us
      714 words
    • 372 22 I EMPLOYMENT SuMaMy qMMM candMata* am Invttad to apply tar the i jn ii ii i ii ii i VMowflng povmona m our sNpyan) 1. ENGINEERS (MACHINERY) 2 ENGINEERS (ELECTRICAL) 3. TECHNICIANS (HULL) 4. TECHNICIANS (MACHINERY) Applicants tor Post 1 2 must be degree holders. Applicants tor Post 3 4
      372 words
    • 1311 22 II EMPLOYMENT H"^. SECURITY/PARKING A T T E N- I Y DANTS required Call Dynamic V Security. Room 608. People's Insurance Building. 6. Cecil 1 I Street. S pore 1 Tel MIX. SEMI-SKILLED )1 W—-— UbiihH Tyre Man*- OPFRATORQ Mm will, good growth UKtKAIOHS P-rt l f W. h... ..cane,
      1,311 words
    • 2394 22 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES Hl^^kv DIST 14 LOflOMO 8ARINA douhle- NEW 14TH FLOOR luxurious!) ■■■^^^^^^^^^^^■■W storey terrace 3 bedrooms, ser- furnished split-level apartment i vants Unfurnished $420. next to American School Area Preferably Muslim Tel *****3 2.800 sq ft Pandan Valley SwimTsurumi (Singapore) Hassan pool, recreational facilities Pt« Ltd WST1S
      2,394 words
    • 872 22 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES TOA PAYOH 4-ROOM p.. I Dlst 15 f ingle-storey detached Licing swimming pool and garbuma'low with 3 bedrooms <len Tel *****5 lialotin tnMIO. S-ROOM HOB FLAT 4th Floor for stdeat ToaPayoh^ U>r 7 Mosaic 1>1" 9Of f Orchard Road double ii,«,nng tiling and c.bineu No """'eTI-IL
      872 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 872 23 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES OftK.Sp«c. 6 ShopB ToUt/Foe Vacant Sato/Wanted •BBliMa^BMaWlBlV Ba^iaHßiißa^BßK ®BUMT TMAM PLA2A ideal site for ir ban r'1;.i,I^frfnr^.'.1s >'M2v'fl RKDrAHOFMfNT P 1 TUiiin t»ST SHOP (Hi «,ft. fully *ITHORIT> rjrniihed Suitable for tailoring •outique business Tel MS3MS fommfnt *AR EAST SNOPTMG Centre 343 f( 5,,, iI4SOOO i^Uin.
      872 words
    • 650 23 VI EDUCATION TRAINING f t^m^^^ i^ .L. _L Ifci"^. f jfm Jl 1 .aKaa^VX— 1 IM f£*r^) I .j^^^Ba^^^BV. I V^ AcLril Alv" I J V^ OU RSPS n\L-V'UUKJn COMMERCIAL EDUCATION aEBSTAMFOROO^-s school centre Introduction k> OH. ProcMMng and Programming MonThu 700-900pm I.Jan I CajWLLjH vi AJvartiaim Couraa ItAA.'AAArAMOAB) pST^^^T^Z^
      650 words
    • 578 23 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING f f BMW W X /XTT M^ W++WMM cr _nr nl Cl/l, c bCHUCJL UK bhLKt I AXIAL iKILLb Preporei Students for the London Ckomh« of Commerce Induitrv and t-homoer ot t-ommerce industry orM P.t«OW Initifut. E.omination, jC I FULL-TIME PRIVA^eI^ARY'S COURSES rnr/Oy/ nn I j
      578 words
    • 851 23 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING ^^m^^^ &=3 mm t=l»*=l Tl^^S^ ,™>«» J ,a <; V«B»* t—^ 7 girls* V^IIM. J JOOserebecommg harder 10 get you need bener o^aMicetions ANNOUNCEMENT The London Chamber ot Commerce and industry Pnvele Secretary s The following courses have been Cem»c«ie recogrwed organised and will be conducted
      851 words
    • 800 23 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING coMM^ciA 88 L Psy>U~ g V (*st«Kiard»Bp«:KKi.scrK>oi) 5^ CLASSES CUMMKNCINCi I PfthrilrirV BY I TODAY ti TOMORROW |TWUI LXII J■. I .rrnimrnic k», IY3HnraW«BBIB^LW Hal •*sa?u^r^r fvi QjIjPP BOOK-KEEPING (Inter) L^^^^^B^Lt^mK lai REVISION BL La* Sunday 2 00-4 00 p m BfT »^Bb^^Bbßßl\ JAPANESE (Begmrwo) LBW-M^kv
      800 words

    • 140 24 unce. attendance, condolences. wreath s an d donations lo CharlUble Institutions during their recent bereavement iSiiis N ,eh re nSoshu Members friends. coHeagues and neighbours for their prayers, donalions, wreaths attendance condolence messages and assisunce rendered during their re- The family ol the lata MOM. MARY GAN BENG
      140 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      78 24 GOH HONG PENG M.O. HOCK CHUAN SENG PTE LTD. p.«..d »w.y peacefully on 5/1/79. leaong txhind 4 loni 4 d«ughler> 3 •oni-in-law. 2 daught»r«in-law and 12 grandchildren. Cortage will K»« from SS- A, Tarn pmti Road Singapore 19 on 9-1-79 at about 2p.m. MRS M SUAP.ES. u K
      78 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      19 24 Bom-23/11/1035 DM-rtad-gjrSs-S l«~ur«l by four l»hck Huaband: Subramaniam Son. M.nog.r.n i Daaaradha Rai DaughLr. Yoh..».M —MMMMi
      19 words
    • 26 24 In everloving memory of Ronnie Soh Boon Piak Departed on 6. 1 78 D»«rly miiHd by gr»ndp»r«nl» parent*, uncle aunln brollwri. "nun. tnendi and lov«l on**.
      26 words
    • 34 24 Sadly missed but forever remembered by beloved mother. I brothers Chiang Slew. Yok Slew. Mm Slew, sisters, nephews. I nieces and sisters-in-law MM) HOO KAI MKH Born MM Drpttrtrd 5.1.71
      34 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 701 24 I I I. US AM A EXPRESS U=>«"« tAHHt33 TIANS UNIVERSAL PTE LTD .ATA APPROVED AGENTS Tr-7_H»fiir»u Stll RXL HPa.iW-0 lILRtIJ DMLY DCPMtTURE rcaiToc iaa m Titair crai CTiirrT n.m.l CENTRt 100 tU TWIG 5tN STRttl. SINGAPORE 1 TEL *****55 STPB TA 300 MWVUK i ill iiiWJ OlrD —^^^■ggggg^ ewiku-houmv
      701 words
    • 475 24 ll^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ll™l"""^^^^^^^'^^i^"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~| VM ANNOUNCEMENTSkPERSONAL I ————-——_-_—____—_—^^^_^—^^^^^a^J v ,r^^ V, iV 127 Lost* Found mSrr%SX SUSS eternal l« asbci-lv appreciated to ST Box A9M4Z YOUNG BACHELOR SEEKS single Sunday Worship Service Sa^TRMSCS ?T&X?K^o'Vsrsi SSr^T-SS r_! ■■*Mi curM Rrward offered Con- MM*^^"^^M^^*l^" nuppy dTsi 10$100 CI reward Ridlev Park (5299 M LOST' B»
      475 words
    • 352 24 or mart SI ADMISSION /S^ wl FREE JgJ Seethe Castrol New Year Autocross Sunday Morning 7th. January 79 Senoko Power Station Grounds /off Admiralty Road West V Sembawang end Entries jKdLJy accepted up to *MO 9a.m. start. AUGUST 1972 MINI Clubman GT. private owner, tape, sports rims. accessories. $5,800 Tel:
      352 words
    • 1772 24 DEC 1t77 HONOA CMf 1200 3- MO-1472 MAZDA CAKLLA 1600 IS7D AUSTM 1 MOB. 1275 c c Highg&STJttSiI HttSSmTVSSTti lion $15,800 Call *****31 Sandy *****1(Tohl hours. *****05 after office hours EITHER MINI ISO recently over- MM) 1971 FIAT 124 Special, with 1070 CORTINA STATIONWAGON hauled 52.000 or January 1971 aircond
      1,772 words
    • 760 24 1»73 TOVOTA CELICA second pn 1(77 HONOA 400 M lip-lop i-.nuii X condition 511.900 on o lew XI2- nn wacinit n a,,i,„„..,, rh.m", v l§l "*'u-r '"< lvr< *s hnoPP|n« *-*ntre. inomson ko ni,i ,llr(-ond low mileage sh..» (1" room condition $53,000 on i. Tel I^co^^x^ "ZJttXS! mmm CCdux7'w Price
      760 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 772 25 AvJlk I U. -^^J^ > «JJ^a^^^^^BfcHßßßßMßaßßaa»aaal^Bi SYARIKAT KILANG GULA FELDA PERLIS SDN. BHD. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH DIVISION) a» if aaa* a» aaV X aar aw a% ■^aa^KU I lk^aaamaiaSMeamv >•■ Applications are mvited from suitably qualified S^l^Ba^^^ <-» a^aaaV^. »4a<aysian citi/ens to» the following posts kam^» W 200 fO C' 4K^^^*
      772 words

    • 193 26 IPOK. Frl. The small towns of Puslng. Lahat and Paoan in the Klnta Valley are sitting on a bonanza. There are rich deposits of tin ore underneath these towns waiting to be mined. Mining officials said this Is not Just based on assumption
      NST  -  193 words
    • 257 26 2 DAP men in MTUC: Fears allayed KUALA LUMPUR, Friday Fears have been expressed within the labour movement that with the election of Mr V. David, the DAP MP for Damansara, as secretary-general, and Mr A.V. Kathiah. a party member, the DAP was poised to penetrate the MTUC. Dr Narayanan
      NST  -  257 words
    • 91 26 KOTA KINABALU, Fri.— The High Court here hearing the trial of Datuk Dzulkifli bin Abdul Hamid, charged under the Official Secrets Act, today visited the state secretariat from where a witness had said the only copy of a letter was missing after its publication in a newspaper
      NST  -  91 words
    • 243 26 Granny puts two robbers to flight PENANG, Fri. It did not require a 70-year-old grandmother any karate or taekwondo to send two armed robbers fleeing. AU she did wai to execute a "backhand punch" at a knifewieldinf robber, ably aided by her granddaughter's screams for help at their Peiiaga Road
      NST  -  243 words
    • 268 26 DAP told: Submit reports to registrar or face action KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. The Democratic Action Party (DAP) has been warned to submit Its accounts and reports of annual meetings for 1977 and 1978 to the Registrar of Societies or face temp orary dissolution, the Engl Ish-language dally, the Star, reported
      NST  -  268 words
    • 57 26 KOTA BARU, Pti. A total of 217 Vietnamese illegal Immigrants landed in Kelantan in two separate batches today. At 7.30 a.m. a boat with 38 Immigrants on board landed at the Sabak beach near here. Another Vietnamese boat with 179 immigrants landed at Bachow beach near
      NST  -  57 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 297 26 .-r r jr.-'.''- T T 11-M |Hy L^a(r a^^b «Bl^u^K 7 a^r^aV 9^^Uar '^Haa^Har wB > 4 V«^^> 4-j H^aW«Via^sa/ W GRAND jßil I PUBLIC AUCTION I:| f\ A I T^ mS^f m OF IRANIAN PERSIAN, lij E TURKISH AND m •S TURKISTAN-BOKHARA Sij ii CARPETS RUGS ii] iw An
      297 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
      207 words

    • 147 27 NEW DELHI. Fri- The Indian Cricket Control Board chairman M. Chinnaswami yesterday declined to comment on an agency report which stated that the Pakistani under-19 team had threatened to call off their tour of India if a match was fixed for them in Jammu in Kashmir.
      Agencies  -  147 words
    • 100 27 LONDON. Frt The British badminton team will take part in four friendly matches in Japan j before competing in the world champions Cup in Tokyo later this month.the Badminton Assodation ot England announced ye«- i '"^•y The matches are on Jan 13 against
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 453 27 England's selectors decided here today to gamble again on out-of-form captain Mike Brearley, to open the batting for tomorrow's fourth Test against Australia. The selectors manager Doug Insole, assistant manager Ken Barrington, vicecaptain Bob Willis and Brearley himself named an unchanged side and batting order
      Reuter  -  453 words
    • 155 27 LOS ANGELES, Fri World heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali said here yesterday that he will fight two exhibition bouts with former British champion Joe Bugner next month if there is "money in the bank.". At the same time, he indicated that he had decided to
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 196 27 NEW DELHI, Fri A former Up Mlv cricket •fflelftl MM today that Uk tulrr uplurr Bbhra Siaxh B«dl (na Ike ladlaa Teat tram was "aareaseaable and Run Prmkua Mekn, (•rmer prfHut •< tke lDdlai Ciieket CMtrai BMkH, rrltlciaed Be«« rxrlulaa (r»m tkr tUe to pUy the
      196 words
    • 604 27 LONDON, Fri. Many of the 64 clubs hoping to make a profitable mark in the English Football Association Cup are likely to suffer the frustration of having their third-round matches postponed tomorrow. Britain are currently in the grip of a freeze-up which is forecasted
      Reuter  -  604 words
    • 75 27 TOKYO, Fri -Japans home run king Sadahani Oh said yesterday he had signed to play tor the Yomluni Giants of the central pro baseball league for the 21st successive season in 1979. Oh, 38-year-old first baseman whose career home runs now tola) 805. is Japan's
      UPI  -  75 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 511 27 MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD requires TRAINEE BANK OFFICERS Reqalrvaacata: Must possess a recognised Degree preferably in the field of Business Administration Economics Accounting Malaysian citizen Below 28 years of age Must be prepared to serve in any part of Peninsular Malaysia Rcaaaaeratton: Competitive salary inclusive of an annual bonus and other
      511 words
    • 453 27 SONY CHEMICAL CORPORATION a 100% owned subsidiary of Sony Corporation takes pleasure to announce with immediate effect the appointment of DARBY (ASIA) PTE LTD 10, Chin Bee Road, Jurong Industrial Estate, Singapore 22. Tel: *****0, *****8 Telex No: CENPAK RS ***** Cable: CENTRAPACK as their Sole Agent for Sony Industrial
      453 words

    • 531 28 RACING with FAIRWAY MEI LING looks a cut above his rivals in Race Three at the Kuala Lumpur pro-am races today. He scored once last year as Midnight Cowboy and has run three good placings under his new name. In his last start
      531 words
    • 32 28 D-atj D 3: Mcl IiQR Wine Tutor Hal Wai Ties ,^w t^Tc. DMIM Eyes Right Idea p m^m s. wp^ t l*ve Bog Kiwi Race C: R. Tank p. Quarter al2^!7r»j-
      32 words
    • 515 28 RACE 1 M.A.R.A Plate 2.45 MARA CLASS 3 1.200 M 1 H3 CludinSa (MmikUt PC) M-fcg wona 1 1 1236 DrtrattCttytStlancorPßCiras OwMte 4 J 9»53 Iw i ßurnt Tlm»hSC> 1* Lam 3 4 Owky (Sri Lara PRC) 74.5 JBUm 2 RACE 2 13/18 R °y al Hussars Cup
      515 words
    • 364 28 STOCKHOLM. FrI. Ray Stevens, of Britain, crashed to a 7-15, 0-15 defeat in the men's singles final of the Swedish Open badminton championships here last night to Denmark's reigning world and European champion Flemming Delfs. The 27-year-old Briton, who last beat Delfs five years ago, was always under severe
      364 words
    • 76 28 COLOMBO. Fit -The Pakistan under- 19 cricket team was dismissed (or 207 on the opening day of their three-day match against a Sri Lanka Combined Schools XI here today. The Pakistan team opened a rive-match tour ot Sri Lanka with a four-wicket victory over the Sri
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 68 28 TOKYO. Fri A new ruling, including a knockout clause, will be adopted for the World Boxing Association Junior flyweight title match between champion Yoko Gushiken of Japan and Venezuelan challenger Rigoberio Marcano An agreement to apply the knockout victory clause of three effective knockdowns in a single round
      68 words
    • 360 28 LONDON. Fri. John MrEnror and Peter Flem inn. a pair of ctrapping young Amerk-an tennis sadS^ffqSis of the United SUte., 7-6. »irFnr<» and Famine •lS£7fi4 <toubtoTh£ STtf^r they came toother C'Jlirili'tiLtfli^rJm !H*a \^«!SLl^t»^ w*U championship tennis >«HiLWh^i hh *ViVi' i i flinched a
      Agencies  -  360 words
    • 159 28 been in a coma since a fight on Dec 9. showed signs of revival yesterday. OLYMPHS The Soviet Olympic Committee have decided not to allow the US-backed Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty to report next year's Olympic Games in Moscow. POWER BOATING A 55-year-old
      Agencies  -  159 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 163 28 Kick off in style. Go Honda CGl25* jjlitP __.^b^b| R b^KV '^V^flssssssssssssssW. A > -^m -^m^ m -V Sty f BBSBSSf 3jfc^ B^^BSSS^^^^BBSiBSSSIBB B^BT^BMBmW*^' I^MBBB1 I JL I RMbUbbl LtJb9 KW ,:JaHßßw^ S "^*w^^J b^b^bs^b4bs£ Wfr^^ H b^b^lS b^bV AbV9b^bi v _^*BssHi& b^b^K «HsssVk > > E^usssssfli ™ppp*^ Ijiwssl WL±*Wl:
      163 words

    • 253 29 TODAY'S draw and starting times. 7 a.m.: Pang Yang Yee, PM.Samy, M.Bala; 7.07: V.Ungam, S.Herd, Poh Ah Hai; 7.14: Kamisan Ratim, Daniel Lim. M.Ramu; 7.21: Poh Hock I Jan. V K Tee. Ariffin Abu. 7.28: Teo Chin Seng, W Bosley. Toh Choon Meng; 7.35: Ahmad Samad, Da\id Sim,
      253 words
    • 494 29 DAfF 1 Ampang Plat* 2.15 MARA CLASS 4 1.200 M (Jack ft Jill StafcM) I«SMaM«Myi<lillk| M.Mt U 1 iiiiimuuwciW) nrw M fl^fM^^tatfaVt l^n PUT 174 S HlMBStf C «mm PM|m»i \jn PNC) T« J XT Lai 4 t iMar^LannriH) Muttmi 1 t —WlllHl I l» 111 T*—t»C)TO 5
      494 words
    • 203 29 AMW does smart workout RACING with FAIRWAY KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— A.M.W. showed up smartly in his workout here today and should re-enter the winning list in Race Seven in the pro-am meeting tomorrow. With a riding boy up, the Old Soldier seven-year-old was going as well as stablemate Montana Bill
      203 words
    • 343 29  -  PETER SIOW By HELMI SUNGKAR has triumphed in quite a few motor rallies, including the ASEAN Rally 11 in Indonesia last year, but his name still does not ring a bell. For the 26-year-old Indonesian is a navigator and is largely by-passed by the media
      343 words
    • 86 29 Chartered Industries have withdrawn from the Singapore Business Houses Football League competition because of injuries to their players who were involved in a car accident four days ago. SBHFL secretary K.S. Manic-karri said that Chartered Industries had written to say that their management had advised them to
      86 words
    • 217 29 Fezler betters Monterey course record MONTEREY, California. Fri. Forrest Fezler opened with three birdies enroute to a course-record 65 yesterday (or a onestroke lead at the half-way mark in the USSIOO,OOO ($217,000) Monterey golf tournament. Fezler's six-under-par round was two strokes better than the old course record at Rancho Canadaeast
      AP  -  217 words
    • 362 29  - Talib fires a blistering 70 ERNEST FRIOA By TALIB HARON, the Keppel Golf Club's amateur champion, showed the way in the first round of the Cycle and Carriage Classic golf championship with a blistering one-over-par 70 at the Seletar course yesterday. Chang Chung Fa, Taiwan's former World Cup representative, also
      362 words
    • 274 29 TO-Chang Chung Fa (34-36), 71Poh Eng Soon (36-35); 72 Fung Hee Kwan (3W4); Toh Chin Swig <3M7); 73-Poh Eng Chong (3637); Urn Swee Chew(3s-38); 74Jimmy Stewart (38-36); Shamuri Sidek (37-37); Urn Swee Wah (3836); Mohammed All (38-36); All Ratim (38-36). 75-MRamu (37-38); K.A.Selvam (36-39); Toh Chin Hoe
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
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    • 6 29 Cycle and Carriage Pro Classic 1979
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    • 355 30 REMINDER TO SPORTS BODIES GOD helps those who help themselves, and the accuracy of the old proverb was well reflected In Junie Sng's two gold medals and one silver from her Asian Games trip to Bangkok. Junie swam some 268 000 metres, give or
      355 words
    • 398 30  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By NO-ONE with the Volleyball Association of Singapore will say so, but the big smiles around indicate that their recent six-week long exposition at Paya Lebar has broken the back of their perennial problem lack of funds raising an undisclosed sum to last them
      398 words
    • 341 30 THE quadrennial FIQ World Championships, scheduled for late November In Manila, Is the highlight of this year's bowling calendar, reports WILFRED YEO. But whether or not Singapore, whose Henry Tan and Dennis Tay won a sliver for the doubles (Tan also set a world record high game
      341 words
    • 31 30 THE Instltute-Unlversity-CoUege track and field c?iainp»onshlps will be held at the Toa Payoh Athletic Centre on Saturday week. More than 400 competitors have been entered tor the 43 event*.
      31 words
    • 29 30 THE annual meeting of the •pom oouncu* for Meoodhry and primary «rhaoU wIU be held thU morning at 30 at Anglo Ctilneae Junior College In Dover Road.
      29 words
    • 232 30  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By THE Singapore Badminton Association, having begun their countdown (or the South-east Asia Games, are now setting their sights on tours to Thailand and Malaysia in June. The tours tentatively to Bangkok (or the men, and to Penang and Selangor (or the
      232 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 165 30 $)pefi%n£ FURNITURE LIGHTING EXHIBITION drwit «T& y \J mS D ill I'm mm mm saw mm\ tmt aifl^^^^Hi^M MDL37O-A $1260 Golden Leg $340 MDLOOO9 $740 MDLOO37 $1650 11 I r f frPßawAlmM MDL3OO $1190 MDLI3OO-A $952 m I ■>-*^U MMJMHWg"" I yvf.\ ■yaa»>» vv V N>N>> j>Bl tiff Konggo-C $576
      165 words
    • 218 30 RQADMOTA ENGINEERS SDN. BHD. A SOLE Distributor for LISCARTH hoists are operated by the M^HP?9BH^9^^Wfll FREE WHEEL air/oil principle; with fully hydraulic L^VJ^^flßflNrfl^BVjß B l models, compressed air is fed into the oil FRAME CONTACT reservoirs to force oil into the ram casing, mmWP^tks JH fc TVA/IKI DHCTTV^rC the hoist
      218 words

    • 438 31  -  JOE DORAI By LIM CHIEW PENG, Singapore's hero in last years Merdeka and Kings Cup soccer tournaments, has been medically ruled out ol the Republics first Malaysia Cup-tie against Malacca at the National Stadium tomorrow (7.30). Lim, the Republic's first-choice goalkeeper, has an injured
      438 words
    • 40 31 GOALKEEPERS: Edmund Wee, David Lee. DEFENDERS: Jeffrey Lazaroo, Jal Prakash. Samad Alapitchay, Syed Mutalib, Ghaxall Ghani. MIDFIELD: Fandl Ahmad, Leonf Kok Farm, Lim Tang Boon, Hashim Hosni. FORWARDS: Don Ang, Arshad Khamis, Dollah Kassim, Mohammed Noh, Ahmad Sayutl.
      40 words
    • 331 31  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By THIS Alitalia-Singapore Team Tennis championship, starting at the Kallang courts today (3 p.m.), will be the keenest ever fought among Singapore's top men players. An adaptation of the famous World Team Tennis competition originated in the United States In 1974.
      331 words
    • 106 31 SSC to conduct tennis courses THE Singapore Sports Council will conduct tennis courses for the public Individually, In pairs, as well as In groups of four, at the National Stadium and the Parrer Park courts For Individual Instruction, the eight-session course of hourly lessons, costs $176 per person, and will
      106 words
    • 575 31  -  P'NG HONG KWANG By KUALA LUMPUR Fr. The Malaysia Cup competition has a rich and colourful history that stretches back tar enough for a old soccer fan to reminisce over with his grandchildren. And If there's single common theme that goes right back to
      575 words
    • 97 31 A PARTY of 14 Heli Orient players and two officials will leave on Monday for Bangkok their reward for having won the Singapore Business Houses' Football League Division Two title last year. Heli. a team of nonpedigree players who made their SBHFL debut in 1976, beat
      97 words
    • 276 31  -  PCTER SIOW By THE moment for which he had been craving victory in the national table tennis individual championship finally arrived last month But the newly-crowned Singapore champion remains glum For Yeung Hin Chong does not see himself as the real champion all because former ace
      276 words
    • 50 31 In Alor Star: Kedah 1 Pahanf 1. In Kuala Trengganu: Trep-fanu 1 Perak 0. In Kota Bahru: K elan tan 4 Nefri Sembilan 0. TODAY: Home teams first: Perils v Malays' an Armed Forces; Sabah v Sfc'angor, Penan* v Sarawak. TOMORROW: Singapore v Malacca; Johore v Federal Territory.
      50 words
    • 571 31 KEDAH BOUNCE BACK TO HOLD PAHANG ALOR STAR. Fri. A fighting Kedah side bounced back from a goal down at half-time to share a point with Pahang in a touch -and£o Malaysia Cup soccer match at Stadium Darulaman here tonight. Pahang, last year's semi-flnalists. were fast and skilful but Kedah's
      NST  -  571 words
    • 219 31 THE four-day-old Singapore Business Houses Football League tournament, already plagued by misconduct, faced another problem yesterday a referee failed to turn up at the Tar.ftlin ground repotrs JOE DORAI. The referee, whose Identity the Football Association of Singapore Referees Committee refused to disclose,
      219 words
    • 233 31  - 'Pakistan keen to plan against Singapore ERNEST FRIDA By PAKISTAN'S Test cricket team are keen to play a friendly match against Singapore's mini World Cud team In March. Pakistan team manager Omar Quereshl. who stopped over In Singapore enroute to New Zealand, said. "The team would be delighted to play
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 89 31 GOLF Cycle and Carriage Classic tSeleaar. 7 ami Changi Medal (Chanel. 1.30) SOCCER SGSFL Divl■teo II: Woodbrldge HospHal UC v Telerec (Woodbrldge). University o( Singapore v SAFSA A tFarrer Park Athletic Centre i. Customs Spnru Club v PUB Recreation Club i Wood le in hi PoUce A v VUllante Corp*
      89 words

  • 824 32 CHINA'S Senior Vice Premier Teng Hsiao-ping said today Peking would be talcing a variety of measures to establish contact with the Taiwanese authorities with the aim of reunifying the island with the mainland. "My hope is that this
    Reuter  -  824 words
  • 25 32 LONDON. Pri. British Airways today cancelled most European and domestic (lights from Heathrow Airport (or the stcond day running because of ice. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 281 32  - Asean officials in all-day 'unity' talks LEE KIM CHEW: By Canberra, Friday SENIOR officials from the five Asean countries began intensive discussions here today to solidify the ground for a common stand against Australia's new aviation policy. The closed-door session, which kept the officials clo'stered at Malaysia House, in the
    AP  -  281 words
  • 61 32 PEKING, Fri. Diplomatic sources here said today the Kampuchea!! Government had suggested to foreign diplomats in Phnom Penh two days ago it might he hetter if they left the city because of the conflict with Vietnam. They added it appeared the diplomats have not left
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 45 32 TOKYO. Pti Japans Postal Workers Union nas ordered Its members to resume normal work a.(ter a twomonth long work-to-rule which severely disrupted domestic and foreign mail services. Nearly 710 million letters, cards and parcels were piled up In post offices awaiting delivery. neuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 187 32 Unhappiest day of my life— by Betty Ford BETTY FORD cried for a whole day after she lost a breast to cancer, but the saddest day of her life, she says, was the day her husband became the President of the United Statas. Mrs Ford discussed her mastectomy and the
    AP  -  187 words
  • 30 32 ANKARA. PTI. Turkish Premier Bulent Ecevlt said today 10 people had been killed and 12 others wounded In violence since the Introduction of martial law last week. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 109 32 Manila curb on Chinese visitors without visas MANILA, Fri. Chinese travellers from Hongkong, Singapore and Taiwan will be required, from next Friday, to secure visas before visiting the Philippines, immigration authorities said today. Under an existing rule. Chinese businessmen could enter the Philippines without visas (or 10 day*. It was
    109 words
  • 52 32 TAN wtd M. PUMd »w»y jw-x»full» on 5.1.T9 iMvUf behind wif« Cfcan Psb Em, mo C*pt. lo—vb Tin C daughter-. I aoa*-Ib-I>w mat i itudrai. Cbrtcc* Ittru »k 100 Toa Payob North (or Churcii of Risen Chrlat at 12 30 p m on auDdar. 7.171 ana thenet to OCX.
    52 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 169 32 GET BRITISH CAOULAC THE BEST RUSTPROOFING FOR YOUR CAR Jsjf// S s^"y 3 different chemicals are used (ptmj I r*T No sticky, gummy finish Very Imtß f e* holes drilled compared n >^_^_^^ to other rustprooters llh^J^ 5 YEAR GUARANTEE FOR NEW M Do you know that Cadulac \m W
      169 words
    • 623 32 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price 50t Annuol Subscription $155 For subscription, call 284 8844 Ext 302 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. THE Citibank saga is overflowing into OCBC Centre. While Citibank has lost some ot its top locals, moves are afoot at OCBC to lay the groundwork for a reshuffling of
      623 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION TWO
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION TWO
      5 words
    • 786 1  - Top Soviet woman pianist settles in America FREDERICK WINS By BELLA Davidovich, 50, Russia's most acclaimed woman pianist, has emigrated to the United States without fanfare to broaden a career that has been devoted until now to Europe. The keyboard virtuoso who has been soloist with the Leningrad Philharmonic for
      UPI  -  786 words
    • 721 1 Reviewed by LIAK TENG KIAT s^ety el The treo'is S T,hlnl EtloEtIo Jbt in this ffssfs^JS 'ourfSl account of what it was like to be a white man or woman in Singapore. But he does not always "If JT"* 1" sPtavujrStfbSr £w' t£^Sa«Tw£
      721 words
    • 366 1  - Diving for dollars to pay for school CLIFFORD KRAUSS By WITH a prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe on his lips, and machismo in his heart, Carlos Enrique works his way through school diving for dollars from the rocky edge of La Quebrada cliff 30 metres to the shallow bottom
      366 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 241 1 Inside: LEISURE: Connoi••ur who coNscts anf iqu*s to pr—rv tho Chinoso civilisation 2 Taloa of lh« harsh I if* in Kampuchea truo 3 WOMAN PLUS: Playing for millions sports goMon girts 6 China broaks away from middle kingdom i501ati0n.......... 7 'I got norvous whan critics lika my movios' S Scientists
        241 words
      • 189 2 ONE OF America's greatest singing groups, the Lettermen, will make Its debut In Singapore on Jan M. They will give two performances a matinee at 3 p.m. and a dinner show at 8 p.m., at the Hyatt Hotel. The Lettermen, whose hits Include Going;
        189 words
      • 190 2 Tom Jones kicks off Celebrity Concert series CELEBRITY ('•nrert, a series highlighting 'live' performnces by chart-topping singers, starts its debut tonight over Channel 5 at 7.45 p.m., a slot usually occupied by music 1 variety shows. Each programme spotlights one entertainer and viewers can expect to see artistes like Engelbert
        190 words
      • 162 2 Concerts for the young at library THE Ministry of Culture's Concerts For The Young series will be staged twice a month starting this month to provide more opprtunities for young up-and-coming musicians to perform in public. Concerts will first be held at the brand-new Marine Parade Branch Library auditorium and
        162 words
      • 361 2  -  BAILYNE SUNG By ART connoisseur Au Chun Hung's love for preserving Chinese civilisation has led him to amass a collection of paintings and artifacts substantial enough to fill two galleries, one in Hongkong and the other in Sydney. Part of his collection
        361 words
      • 305 2 JERRY LEWIS is at his screamingly funniest in Wlm's Mlßdlng ne Store?, Sunday Matinees tomorrow over Channel 5 at 11 a.m. This time he bungles around as a high-pressure counter salesman employed by a department store which hopes he could boost
        305 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 183 2 /chicken i\ in Clay Pot try this exclusive f \chicken idea TODAY/ x^. WtTW'i W HI Come in today and fi^ try momm/s specialX"W^v CMEWDOL fifing SUNDAE I|tfk exclusive ice x. cream dishes. HAPPY ESSS** h«w> aWHr ft? <tefcgM)ui*9w w W^m S mr corn UP 1 JHNIK *\i ||/JfiTiaxell m
        183 words
      • 1 2 Hlrlv^^l^^J
        1 words
      • 275 2 CALLING AIL POTENTIAL TECHNICIANS! The Republic of Singapore Navy invites technically inclined young men to be trained as NAVAL ENGINEERING MECHANICIANS Successful candidates will be given the necessary training to qualify them a* truly skilled mechanicians. Furthermore, they mill be able to enjoy excellent sporting and recreational facilities in camp
        275 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 727 2 TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 1.05 PM Opening and Sesame Street 6.35 Capriccio Guitar (repeat) 2.05 Saturday Matinee Goodbye My J* Fancy, Starring Joan Crawford.' Robert Young. Frank Loveioy, Eve 7-30 (Ma|ay) Arden 7.45 Celebrity ConceH Tom Jones 3.50 Fish Behind Bars (Part 1) 8.30 Starsky And Hutch Class In
        727 words
    • 891 3  -  ALAN DAWSON Impressions of even a brief visit are disturbing By in TWO DAYS in any country is far from enough time to make judgements, but 48 hours in Kampuchea does leave impressions and images. Mast dtotnibinc is the impnmkm that refugee
      UPI  -  891 words
    • 597 3  - Sale of Nazi memorabilia in bad taste say Bavarians ALISON SMALE By in Munich AUCTION House owner Count Klenau Von Klenowa says he specialises in Nazi memorabilia because of its historical value. But Bavaiian state officials and most local newspapers thought it simply bad taste when Count Kleanau chose Nov
      UPI  -  597 words
    • 50 3 Monks no longer a common sight Visitors to Kampuchea who have heard tales from refugees of brutality and backwardness in the country are finding out that the tales are true and that the authorities are not doing much to dispel or contradict the image of a brutal and harsh Kampuchea.
      50 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 456 3 jjW^ a «.Co^^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl i^H^^^a^sssssssssssßsssssssssssssssssfe Features [sHHII^I .BE*** The Boardroom Women men have to H respect f^l^BßMßSl^^issss^ssssssssssssssssssssssH^^. What has propelled these women to senior MmN /^sssSsM^B managerial ranks? What inspires the ■^BbbbWi^ admiration and respect in the men and v^tHߧ WW^'*"!. :^*^|Bfs^^^^H& women whom they work with, or who work I
        456 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 328 4 nPFN^RrYTOnAV:: (Plw» 34M2) ll«n M 5. 4. 6.30 ***** -Me Fn; List Hear these Hot Numbers: Mr. lee, Maybe. Roll Over Beethoven, Roch and Roll Is Here ITo Stay, Why Do Fools Fall In Love?, I Put I A Spell On You, Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' I Oj^rea^aH^^ir^an^nan^nore! N 1
        328 words
      • 485 4 PRincE see it now! iQinMS'SMSBS'i I QCT IIOUC I. i\ BPQRI 2T21°1 J IH3I U UHYa BA/^1- > fSISS.-^ iiTKßSnft'-JfiL j!; |Htf "r^f|oeß* U I g MAlll/C gll^ala^ ~=s I wr *'J_7 3 g nTTTTI now showing! I -^^oßfciji^wr X afa^n. Th^Norseman. "*S M> I"• B *T*^ lAn Epic Adv«ntur«!
        485 words
      • 320 4 i ara^ff«SßSS jii JU»***** ORIVE-IM CIMEMA 2 V odeon orchard 8 i (oo.o.TJ^TEyiTKl.^n, J|a fisherman^ magicaladventurej! SSls r. i 'jjs=f^Mp 5 FFI THTIvA Q I •>! I J Ilr X JVH V IJi_fi_,L \f 1 -L»^-j| Mi^m Jbf jci'»fc'J^C j2*v^^>\ I C' B^BB^B^^^^^BE. ay^" dßß^B^H^^Ba^B^^ R'chard Kiel Charles Lang Betty
        320 words
      • 152 4 If^SiSSS „r.SRS "i^^-; ISmV JjMJJHP;! "ssvsss" ji S 'I'!.''.',^""" I'l 11«m.'30. 4 00. «.30. 9 ISpm nun tony I s£Jf I X 0 BOHISI P I^H I'll r^n ■'■c-y cn.n In MANDARIN CC-LORSCOPF j I OWNS TOMORROW 1 Fl*v*ng* ol Shcolin M»l>. Q X SIDEDB&P" f D Avrn wLH LbbV^
        152 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 370 5 -^H2e3±3 b^b^b^b^bHblbHb^bl si* E Braun micron comfort Braun micron speed Braun micron closeness Because Braun micron Each opening in the The Braun micfon (oil is thin shaves faster you wont Braun micron (oil is de flexible and closely fitted to be repeatedly going over signed *ith unique the precision cutter
        370 words
      • 266 5 OniW^n -^-f^i^\-«» /*VT VJ^" -r*? 20 oB i a /-tfj<Czl nd r \<ol^ > i U? -rC\ C-3 yV"*^ (1 TaVJ^ t*~' i^ifh IK" J»V7 wK* /'v OJ v"3^\2_ jC-\l V '\TZifV\S ,^N\ v-» LiS^ >a V.) > if C* b^bs^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ awWVHHPffVBH IbF^H bH BBtdlTl^^^lfJ Bl •'^i'^^^^B 'T'^^i^T^^Bb! m^ I^^
        266 words
      • 667 5 MUSICAL EVENTS i>^^9 RARELY HAPPEN QP|B| BUT 1979 IS GOING RSLMX^SbBbI to be an exception HJ^UI BVfIVJBVfIVaVBaHBBaBBb^BBe-ii^BBBBBBBHH^B^B^B^I I a Mi BB^BbMMM»«*«MbIbIi J^B^ MFW a a» a *^Paa^^aP^^Bl-- > I BBT bBTAV S.'A PhE SH BbV «L" J*H iafH a^ a^ B &-_r ■aaa^ Baf al iHH H'Bai BeHbW^B I .^^^V
        667 words
      • 128 6 PAINT this weekend red and %o to town with shimmer, l«w. Be soft, feminine and alluring something which women today sometimes forget In their haste ta be allmodern. Bare a shoulder, show a petticoat, vary the skirt length or drape a panel. Such are the
        128 words
      • 89 6 What's on at the Museum THE National Museum will screen two colour films for students on Korean Children and Korea Relics of the Neolithic Age, today at 10.45 in the morning. It will also hold a Best Swiss Poster exhibition featuring 50 award-winning posters done in a variety of techniques
        89 words
      • 355 6  -  TED HART By WIMBLEDON champion, Martina Navratilova, sat on the lawn at Palm Springs overlooking the swimming pool and the private beach with its white sand running down to the water. "Somehow it seems all wrong," she said, "but sometimes in a single tournament,
        355 words
      • 542 6 Martina gets more from a tourney than her father earns in 10 years Billie-Jean King is the tycoon amongst the millionairesses. She runs her own tennis ranch and takes an active role in a dozen offcourt ventures which add to her income. And more than any other player, she is
        542 words
      • 303 6  - Adopt a reversal technique IPPF PHILIP LEE By Our reporter in London LONDON Sterilisation operations performed on men and women, particularly those under 30 years of age, should adppt techniques which would allow the procedure to be successfully reversed should such a need arise, the International Planned Parenthood Federation has
        303 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 232 6 Keep the goodness in your food with SEB Super Cooker "~™^"^?'"^T^BTPSBnTn^H^nw>o^nn»^^ n^nV (111 CFRI II HH "The only M mJUm 1 I I Pressure Cooker |> I ji I that can be opened Bk A' *W IB I I under pressure" ■>*^~oC *I I fit ■I I ift m<\ .^n«M^
        232 words
      • 194 6 2 I I nnWjß2?T f IJJjJH ORLANE j tfT*' "*^m m «j^^LH n^n^fe?" I>a^n^^^__^^nßr"~~''" "^^^nT ißAitaM^^H Jl^ 1"^1 "*V /'n^VnDJ^nHn! i ■^■""'"TS'oI 2 V //wWk .jiHn^nVnVK: Qrlane'sß2lline has captured 21 elements essential for your skin Your skin is exposed constantly to Orlane's 821 Line of skin care dust particles and
        194 words
    • 743 7  -  MARK FRANKLAND Why Chinese behaviour last year has come as a shock By in London THIS HAS been Chinas year. For centuries China was the arrogantly isolated Middle Kingdom The Chinese saw themselves as the centre of a world that owed them
      743 words
    • 704 7  - American envoys face problem of where to live in Peking LAN MACKENZIE By in Peking THE biggest immediate problem facing Americans In Peking as the United States establishes full diplomatic relations with China >s one of simply finding a place to live. The world's two most populous and powerful nations
      Reuter  -  704 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 193 7 k I Located near University of Singapore as well as the commercial district of Orchard Road I Stevens I (tairden Luxurious semi-detached garden houses Stevens Garden houses offer you luxury living in a high-class residential district. The architecture is ultra-modern and spacious. Each unit has 4 large bedrooms, a servant's
        193 words
      • 406 7 sssssssssssssssssssssi^[^aV^^BP^^lV^^^^^issssssssßa# y f [sss^^ vHb^da I BBBBB^^ V"^^^MB^^B^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT ji *y*vßr we'a B^ JP^^^^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP^^* 4 BJ^^£i^bbP^^.sbbbMbbF9 bbl It V JBB9BBBBBBBP "se T- -^BbBB» I i sflvsßßfißOiN tSI X#X*«D i Unit 140, People's Park Centre, Singapore 1 Tel: *****9, *****6 lADIMAGEI ADIMAGE 9, 10. Change Alley Arcade Plaza Spore 1 AINI'S
        406 words
    • 1117 8  -  DAVID STERRITT Producer of 'Mash' and 'Nashville' talks about his films By in New York ROBERT Altman gets nervous when critics like his movies too much. "They called one a masterpiece, and that just about killed me," he says. "Everyone who went
      1,117 words
    • 704 8  -  DEBRABEAC By in New York THE VISIT of Pope John Paul n to Puebla in January will be an historic one for Mexico, a country whose relations with the Vatican have sometimes bordered on cold war. The Pope has some compelling reasons for
      UPI  -  704 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 424 8 10 reasons why Honda Acty is the better choice S Unbeatable fuel economy #8HBfc High performance, The Acty runs on a remarkable average of 70.6 mpg*, I easy-tO-upkeep engine which is about the highest operation 5^^^^^^a Th e water-cooled, OHC engine with a A EKRb^^ economy in its class. Ideal
        424 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 538 9 The SGV Group Management Consulting Services Our client, a large and successful garment manufacturing company in Singapore. Malaysia and Hong Kong, is seeking an experienced executive to head <ts EDP section. EDP MANAGER 5540.000 5550.000 pa The selected candidate will be responsible for the implementation o« EDP systems and supervision
        538 words
      • 435 9 A large international manufacturing Company in Penang is seeking the services of:together at least 3-5 years of related experience will be the prerequisites. The candidate should be a self-starter and should have the ability to assist in the ground in Industrial Relations and some "p— >■"— "-...r. win v highly
        435 words
      • 522 9 f The Management of both SINGAPORE DUPLICATORS PTE LTD AND REPRO BUSINESS MACHINES PTE LTD 1 would like to inform their Business Associates and Clients that as from 1 st January 1 979 they will combine their resources and will trade only under the business title of REPRO BUSINESS MACHINES
        522 words
      • 109 9 Si™ omp^Tct, AND IMINJEW MANAUKMKNT PBIVATK UMITKI) <IN MEMBERS' VOI.I NIp?n^Qß^H T |™N<< m*eiial kksoi.i iions At an Extraordinary Gene"1 Meeting or the Company duly convened and held at Room 306/307, 3rd Floor, Industrial and Commercial Bank Building. No 2. Shenton Way. Singapore 1. on the 30th day of December
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 667 10 L- r, -r^ r^ HEWLETT M PACKARD HEWLETT PACKARD SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD j- i v i*. p l ai- „»„<:„. hi A »üb«idiar\ of Hewlett Packard Corporation in USA invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the position of: CriHTIII If ICO ol^i~ltlL^lJLt.ti The successful cand,da,e should possess a Bachelor's
        667 words
      • 640 10 ^l EXPERIENCED AUDIT STAFF I We have several vacancies in our Singapore iJjB office for experienced audit staff at the level of Assistant or Senior Clerk. Candidates should be Singapore Citizens with a few years of workii ng experience in public aCCOUntant firms and aye passed the Professional Section lof
        640 words
      • 486 10 CgD£QgJ> Dv Pont Far Eos, me, a leading v s Chemical Company tn Smgopore m> SpSSIKB JhTJoSSfSt qualh PIKTAIItD CFDt/lrF bUOIUIHtK OtKVII/t DCPDCCCUTMTIVC WtrlltOtß IRI lit Job Ensu L e h|9Muo«ty customer service through efficient order process,ng genera, correspondence and coCnte^r, Smgipor'e/ Malaysia Div.sion Hondle aM customer enquiries, phone orders
        486 words
      • 562 10 EH MANAGER Pi_yy,yC 7p«n,crT rLAiiiiiiito rHU JfcU I DEVELOPMENT We ore o large .nternot.onol company w,th on product range in the, pack and engineering industries We require a Monoger, Planning and Pro( ect Development Th.s .s on executive position and although based in Singapore it will require
        562 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 764 11 -gs^^-—i 111 r Kill A I iMAL Li kJll/IMAIII I invites Applications for tne Post of v Lubrication: Water Treatment: Cleaning: Maintenance Chemical Sales Engineers. 2. Corrosion Control Sales Engineers. 3. Coating Material SaleS Engineers. 4. Paint SaleS Engineers. We are expanding again in Singapore and offer a truly outstanding
        764 words
      • 648 11 ftftft SWGAPORE TOBACCO COMFW4Y A www (pte) ltd SINGAPORE TOBACCO COMPANY (PTE) LIMITED in associate ol BAT- the world s largest tobacco company and a leading tobacco manufacturer and importer is looking for outstanding personnel to join its expanding and p«>««»»'on.i.... T..m 1. SALES REPRESENTATIVE candidates should possess the «oiiowing
        648 words
      • 868 11 BffflßßßaßSSMmrr^ BH!?F «j ii a 1-?^ ii--l j r tfifr *-^«H9^ -2-"wiP*&Pß^B^H^HSSr^? rr*V I m^^m^^^^^^^^M^^^^^^^^^^^m\ 'lii i i^fWWWWTTIHWTTffT '^JjM^'SlJ^W .L:'yfH-] I*''Tjf itT^ttHtSFt'HvtlfjlflfJ^^mTT? ffjjj HiMlWfJK'^inilJMitMfKa^^ 'J^lNii^^EMMiMlMMppipfMpin '^^^^^^^^^^T^^^^^L^^^^^^^^^^^^BHml- s%§^^ r: M^AIIIZLJ±JLJ i ii J *****1 .'.'JWPPWHI" PWffWWf B^€KS|SSSfS^f^*^SJ3wV3BSSB3M^P&^Ks3^SSHKSiSiS3fiVSSB PMH V- b rm d I^l'i^M II' 1 iU'I A<MlJ■iit I Xl 111 1
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 557 12 Our extended factory Is due to be completed toon and we require many mate technical personnel to fill the following vacancies: A. ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN/ REPAIRMAN PRODUCTION DEPT) For the) following lines:- Led clock radio TV band radio Stereo tape recorders/ radio HiFi amplifiers/receiver Transceiver THOSE WHO POSSESS ANY OF THE
        557 words
      • 732 12 i p southeast asian ministers of HlLL education organization (teponjl LtnpMtt Centre. Singapore Applications are invited lor the following professional staft positions A (i) Specialist in Langaagt Teaching Methodology (Reading and Writing) (U) Specialist in Language Teaching Methodology (Educational Technology) (IU) Specialist in Language Testing and Research Methodology Qwjficatiore Applicants
        732 words
      • 638 12 SINGAPORE BUS SERVICE (1978) LIMITED Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to till the following vacancies TECHNICAL OFFICERS Requirements: Singapore Polytechnic Technician Diploma or Ngee Ann Technician Diploma or its equivalent Preference will be given to those with some experience in repair and overhaul of commercial motor vehicles However,
        638 words
      • 813 12 jt\ |TT\ THE PAPUA NEW GUINEA UNIVERSITY /jj l|jj| OF TECHNOLOGY V CHAIR OF FORESTRY L Applications art invited for th« Chair o< Forestry and Head of 1 Department of Forestry In the University of Technology, Lee, which will fall vacant at the end of 1078. Duties and Responsibilities:- U
        813 words
      • 481 12 i k L^l IL* in the matter of the COMPANIES ACT, 1965 (Pursuant to Section 254) M the Satter op JOHORE FLOUR MARKETING SENDIRIAN c E«r»ofdinwv General Mating of tha above named Compwiy duly convened and Ss?ldlnc G F°H BAHRU, MALAYSIA, on the sth d«y of January 1979, the Special
        481 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      48 13 MB. 1U fcHOON AW joined God In Heaven on 2-1-79 leaving behind 4 sons. 1 daughter. 4 daughters-in-law. 1 son-in-law. 15 grand children. 1 grand daughter-in-law and 1 great grand daughter The Bereaved Family wish u> thank all relatives and friends for their condolences and donations AtiEii
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    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 803 13 NOTICE This is to inform the public that all GENUINE Italian and American CORBIN Locks are distributed in Malaysia solely by UDA SINBOR (M) SDN BHD who welcome ex stock purchase and indent orders KL 7A Jtn Pant* Baru Jt *****/*****/***** P»n«ng 58 l*buhraya Kapal. Butlarworth TMj *****0 J B
        803 words
      • 62 13 jassss, 305/70 Koh Eng Leong of 71 w,l y fi Avenue 6i9/76 wuK^r Leung of yic^ir dil- ion Drw« n fSSiv."siSS pore 22 620/76 Li Wai Ling of 456K Blk 180. Boon Lay Drive. Singapore 22 NOTICE IS HEREBY OlVEN^haWh^ Supreme lie Examination of the abovenamed debtors be held on
        62 words
      • 138 13 TENDEB NOTICE VZZSS232& derabad Road. Singapore 5. forcll«-U«irfpta«««ta»lr«ii JJXTT'if^SS' J'LZ Suh Frbnary im. A tender deposit of $500/Payable to Accountant. Ministry of Health, Hyderbad Road. Singapore 5. is reQU'red and tender forms will only be Issued on ris WKSK Health >. at the Ministry of d mv tbesubmuud Ts^S^T.TJed to
        138 words
      • 675 13 \m ft HOUSING URBAN 1 I DEVELOPMENT CO I IW (PTE)LTD SHOPS TO LET g BY PUBLIC TENDER A Tenders ore invited for the letting of two I I service/retoil shop* ot Loguno Pork, Mo- M& I rine Porode Rood. Preference will be I I given to tenderers who propose
        675 words
      • 602 13 NATIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES fPRIVATFI lIMITM An ectablished international bank re- 2 irm.Aitj Limntu quires tor its Singapore Branch an expeTECHNICAL MANAGER renced An engineering company providing supporting metal engineering PDCIIIT ■y I u«t services invites suitable candidates to win its eipandmg technical L»tICU ANAL To I .1,11 m m m
        602 words
    • 1322 14  -  BERNARD MELUNSKY i By in Vientiane ONE striking paradox about Laos is that Russian-built MIG jets scream across the skies of sleepy Vientiane, but this landlocked country has not one millimetre of railway track. Another contrast is that it is one of
      Reuter  -  1,322 words
    • 596 14  -  WILLIAM HANSON By in Butte, Montana THERE'S a household word around Butte that sounds more in tune with a galaxy far, far away Magnetohydrodynamics. Better known simply as MHD, its real-world elements include American politicians, Russian scientists and the energy crisis. MHD is an
      UPI  -  596 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 377 14 of taste Hoi The Moccona Instant IMA/ *rikl Moccona is j^Wy \J HIM| the only instant coffee with the taste of ■jA freshly brewed coffee- Bfl s« rich, full-bodied and R991 without the sour after-taste of other instant coffee. ill 1 f^^ Discover Moccona instant ;ti t YL v -M4»Bsi^
        377 words
      • 179 14 ill 1 1 jftj&ikEß \P\J [IJ HOME FURNISHING 401 4th Floor, Textile Centre, 200 Jalan Sultan, Singapore 7 Tel: *****33 (3 lines), *****52, *****53 ill V Lf l>v MAff IT.Yjj,, '^^'^Hl J%. JJfeSArn UrLfc I*. f I ARRIVALS I Specially for X'mas New Year CURTAIN MATERIALS of the 1979 designs,
        179 words