The Straits Times, 3 January 1979

Total Pages: 32
1 6 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Sstd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1979 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 142/1/79
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  • 571 1 Air force planes in evacuation TEHERAN, Tuesday MILITARY personnel took over the duties of air traffic controllers today as US, Belgian and Canadian air force and commercial flights arrived to take a stream of foreigners and Iranians wanting to leave the strife-torn country. More planes from
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  • 249 1 TEHERAN. Tues. Dr Shapur Baktiar, the former opposition politician now trying to form a new government in Iran, pledged yesterday to establish true social democracy In the country. "No threats or doubts will prevent me from serving the country." he said in what amounted to
    Reuter  -  249 words
  • 174 1 Shah 'looking forward to holiday' TEHERAN. Tuesday THE 59-year-old Shah of Iran made his first public appearance for several weeks and said he was looking forward to a holiday from the crisis that has threatened his throne. i "I would love to take a winter holiday if business permits," he
    Reuter; UPI  -  174 words
  • 38 1 JAKARTA. Tues. Indonesian pollcr have anested 231 people. Including six foreigners, on suspicion of irug trafficking and drug addiction during a nationwide operation lasting more than three months, police spokesman Colonel Darmawan Sudarso said today. Reu'.er.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 41 1 MANILA. Tues. A total 47 strikes involving 33.195 Filipino workers were staged last year, resulting in a loss ol 1 203 638 man-hours, the Labour Ministry said today. The martial law authorities allow strikes only in non-vital Industries. AFP.
    AFP  -  41 words
  • 63 1 ISLAMABAD. Tue» The hour arrect of Miv Bena2ir Bhutto daughter of condemned former Prime Minister Zulflkar AJ Bhutto, nas been extended lor three month*, officials aaid today. Miat Bhutto. 2t. wai placed under houac arrest last March shortly afur her lath*r waa handed a death atntencc by
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 341 1  -  JUNE TAN THE boy giving a salute in class Is Tow Tee Jin, one of the more than 4,000 five-year-olds attending Singapore's first pre- primary programme, which started yesterday. For Tee Jin— who speaks English and Hokkien at home his one year
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  • 514 1 Refugee dies as Hongkong stands firm HONGKONG. Tuesday •AN unforeseen i| effect of Singapore's successful housing programme is that the individual may feel isolated, despite living amongst many people. Having piped -water has made it unneces sary to gather at the village well or roadside tap; the t e 1
    Reuter; UPI  -  514 words
  • 77 1 DOES communism have a future in China? This is the question posed by Christian Science Monitor writer JOSEPH HARSCH, in discussing the country's new road towards development. His conclusion is that communism today exists only in name in several communist countries and it bears little resemblance to
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  • 40 1 FRANKFURT. Tues. Police today Arrested a modern "Dracula" who used a syringe to suck blood from teenage girl victims after he had drugged and raped them. The man. who wu not Identified, admitted that he drank the blood. AFP.
    AFP  -  40 words
  • 160 1 KUALA LUMPUR TuM. THE younger sister of the Yang Dipertuan Agung and tier daughter were charged In court here today with attemptIng to cheat a businessman of $54,000 by promising to get him a Tan Sri title from the King. Tengku Pet r 1 blnte Sultan Ibrahim.
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  • 392 1 A MASSIVE Vietnamese invasion force has moved into a position which could besiege and strangle Phnom Penh, intelligence sources said today. Vietnamese troops, i with some assistance from pro-Hanoi rebels, have cut the Mekong River within 70 km of the Kampuchean capital, taken control of a
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  • 310 1 Baby girl snatched from hospital POLICE are looking for a man who abducted a nine-month-old girl, Razaliah blnte Isa, from the children's ward of the Singapore General Hospital on New Year's Day. The baby was found sick and abandoned In a taxi two hours later. The drama began at about
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  • 79 1 TEHERAN. Tues.—Iranian air force JeU forced down an Irishowned airliner today as It ferried a croup of and Irish air hostesses out of (he country, but the plane was permitted later to take off again from Teheran airport, the Irish embassy said. Meanwhile, sources said a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 rUX UTTTINE SEA VICT *^""*W» r.^7l RsT36of^^^"'^^s^^g^aD f f Just listen It's nothing like the stereotypes you've been hearing Why it's almost like owning a complete Home Stereo System! •1 1 watts output Four 2— way speakers One-touch recording tape •FM/MW/SWI 3 Radio And more.
      45 words
    • 110 1 EEC RULING: APPLIANCES EXPORTS MAY BE HIT Page 22 OIL prices start to soar as output drops 2 JAPAN'S top priorities for this rear 3 U.S. colleges told: Woo more students 4 CAIRO 'yes' to resume peace talks 5 CULTURAL complex for Singapore 6 CALL for plan to get flat-dwellers
      110 words
    • 35 1 afl m I aY "aY Ml mM "\MO^ a^BW J ■tisis^ r-i ot .onut w axiocKTfonsomwmt M»i*»t-» «po»ntu TT!V«« OEMTAL t. PI-OTO OUPtW f^l^'E <■ COMTAX CENTRE 227 PLAZA SINGAPURA OfICHATO ROAD, SINGAPORE 9 (ABOVE YAOHAN)
      35 words
    • 27 1 EXCLUSIVE GERMAN CLOCKS with Westminster Chime, Bim Bam or Quartz Movement. Sole Agents: CHUN CHONG Showroom A Service C*ntr» 62 South Bridge Road, Singapore, 1. Tel. *****1/2
      27 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 778 2 Situation in Iran getting grim NEW YORK, Tuesday WITH no oil coming out <>' Iran, market prices •iave started to soar. Conditions have not been this grim since the Arab oil embargo five years ago, international oil traders said What little oil is
      Reuter; NYT  -  778 words
    • 31 2 ANKARA. Tun. Turkish Interior Minister Irfan Ozaydinli resigned yesterday following criticism of hit failure to prevent political killings which totalled more than 1,000 last year, officials saM today. AFP.
      AFP  -  31 words
    • 116 2 MEXICO CITY, Ttaa. Mexkw today aaa— jred a IN per eeat \mtttam 1m Ita prvveti rea»c*ea af a*, trateam a* a reaajt af rerenl Impartaat Barfs la CfclcMteaor aad tfce t*mperbe raattaeatal shelf. Revised rtatatttcs tosued by the state stl m»- n«p*ly, Pwwi, sfciwud
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    • 269 2 Walkout threat by US oilmen over pay demands WASHINGTON, Tue». A strike by 60.000 refinery workers threatens to erupt next week in US oilfields in the first major showdown over President Carter's voluntary wage guidelines. Both sides are preparing for a long walkout, as the industry and the oil worken'
      AP  -  269 words
    • 134 2 ACCORD AVERTS PAPER SHUTDOWN WASHINGTON, Tie*. The Waaklsujtaa: Star and a printers' aalan reached agreement yesterday, averting, a threatened pin laaatat shatdawn af the aaly afterana mwspaper In the IS capital "We've reached agreement a new easjtract aid Waafciagtoa: will remain a tw aemuautJt towa," Mr William Bonman, presldfsrt af
      AP  -  134 words
    • 25 2 LSI AMABAD. Tues. Vietnam's Dfputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. Nguyen Duy Trinh. arrived today on a three-day official visit to Pakistan. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 211 2 NEW YORK, Tues. Billy Carter says his brother Jimmy is "probably the most brilliant man I've ever known." But his opinion of some fellow Georgians on the White House staff ranges from the unflattering to the unprintable and he adds: "I don't trust
      UPI  -  211 words
    • 269 2 UFOs spotted over NZ may be meteors LONDON. Tues. Unidentified flying objects photographed over New Zealand were most probably meteorites which failed to bum up on entering the earth's atmosphere, says British astronomer Sir Bernard Lovell. Sir Bernard .quoted in British newspapers today, said it was depressing and deplo-able that
      AP; UPI  -  269 words
    • 32 2 WASHINGTON, Tues Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Ftasenj arrived in Washington yesterday for a two-day visit during which he will meet President Carter and US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 343 2 s^jjsgP^FßEE GE Deluxe Toast-R-Oven I wr if you trade-in your M I ssssssp^^e^'^/^'^ bssssbV working refrigerator I T93F Two appliances in one! Automatic 2-slice toaster and compact counter-top oven (100° C 250° C). It's yours free! General Electric no-frost refrigerators in Wm mmm y m mMmmm^*mW~"~~" Mltr 1 I -i
      343 words

    • 304 3 Japan's top priorities for this year Thawing Soviet ties, and a good economic summit TOKYO, Tuesday IMPROVING chilly Japan-Soviet relations and making a success of the coming Tokyo summit of industrial nations are top priorities for Japan in 1979, Foreign Minister Sunao Sonoda said in an interview published yesterday. "Ultimately,
      Reuter; UPI  -  304 words
    • 115 3 NEW DELHI. Tues. Former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was today summoned by a magistrate in south India to appear in a court on Feb 3 in connection with a complaint that she gave a false address in a bid to register as a voter there. The Press
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 247 3 Teng to parley with Goldwater on Taiwan PEKING, Tues. Senior Vice-Premier Teng Hsiaoping said today he would like to discuss the future of Taiwan with US Senator Barry Goldwater, a leading opponent of US recognition of Peking and a staunch supporter of Taiwan. Mr Teng extended an invitation to Senator
      AP; UPI  -  247 words
    • 72 3 Changing Sri Lanka's sleepers COLOMBO, Tues. Sri Lanka's state-owned railway system will be modernised over the next five years with British aid amounting to 270 million rupees (about 5535.2 million), the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation announced yesterday. The money will be used to repair and re-lay tracks in poor condition.
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 35 3 WASHINGTON. Tues A record 1.524 criminal bombings killed 78 people, injured 444, and caused US$42 million (SS9O million) in property damage in 1978, the Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco and Firearms reported yesterday UPI
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 57 3 MANILA, Tues. The Philippines has the third highest rate of blindness in the world 21,300 per million and by 1980 about 1.5 million Filipinos will be blind, reports said today. The Council on Blindness said some 12 million Filipinos need spectacles but only 7 5
      AFP  -  57 words
    • 298 3 Rebel chief's death a major success for Jakarta They said Fretilin men no longer posed a threat to the JAKARTA, Tims. INDONESIA has scored a major success in quelling separatist rebels of the leftwing Fretilin independence movement in the former Portuguese colony of East Timor by killing their self-styled president
      AFP  -  298 words
    • 249 3 MANILA, Tues PHILIPPINE Foreign Minister Carlos Romulo yesterday warned against rivalry among the Soviet Union, China and Japan in Southeast Asia. Speaking in a television interview, he said a struggle among the Asian giants may follow the withdrawal of the United States in
      UPI  -  249 words
    • 69 3 Bikes go on rampage OSAKA, Tuei. Motor-cycle speedsters went on a rampage in this south-western Japanese city today, smashing window glasses at six police boxes and stealing 380.000 yen (SH.000) from a petrol stand in their first major show of strength this year, police said. Police said an unspecified number
      AFP  -  69 words
    • 28 3 COLOGNE. Tues Smoking is banned from today in seats on the left side of all planes of the West German airline Lufthansa. the airline announced Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 153 3 MANILA, Taes. A tatal af (,428 MasUm seceasianlst rebels sarreadered aad 8S per eeat af the Philippine* argaalsed rrlmlaal gaags were dhv maatled l**t year, tke De> feaee Mlalstry laaaaaeed here today. Deleave MUster Jaaa Paaee Earlle, la a pabUshed year-tad repart ta
      AFP  -  153 words
    • 166 3 JAPANESE BRING HIROHITO NEW YEAR GREETINGS TOKYO, Tm*. Tens sf thsiwJt of J»p*nnw, same «f them carrying paper flags of the Rising Son, crMMd the double bridge of the Imperial Palace today te bring their oew year greettaga to Fmprror Hlrohito aad his family. The 77-ye»r-old HlrohiU, •nee regarded as
      UPI  -  166 words
    • 173 3 Heavier traffic fines in Peking PEKING, Tues. Police in Peking have passed from persuasion to dissuasion in efforts to resolve the growing problem of traffic in the Chinese capital. A Chinese source said today that as of yesterday tickets for violations of traffic regulations, including those committed by pedestrians and
      AFP  -  173 words
    • 59 3 SALISBURY. Tues. The deaths of 35 people in the last two days of IS7B brought the total number of blacks and whites killed in the Rhodesian war during the year to almost 5.500. military headquarters said yesterday. More than 12.000 people have been killed in the
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 59 3 TEL AVTV. Tues The popuU tion o( Israel numbered 373 million people at the end of 1978. the Central Bureau of Statistics was quoted as saying, in news reports yesterday. The number included 3 135 million Jews and 986,000 non-Jews, mostly Arabs, and represented a yearly growth
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 Learn trench the easy way! In a French atmosphere with French teachers Modern audio-visual methods Classes for Adults Children all levels Beginners' to very advanced courses Conversational French Business French Translation French shorthand CLASSES START on JANUARY 8 Registration now open (weekdays, 9.00 am— B.oo pm, Sat. 2.00— 5.00pm) ask
      131 words
    • 46 3 f 1 N aW^ByMllßil V b^bW s^b^b^b^bT f .Jbßl^b^bV^bVjbl^b^BK^b^b^bb m fii nwßiKSjf bW al B TAIIbTaV* Bb^bT sW bW bH MH> r HTiW bMJbE* F5F 5 CV--HMB -is I ir Mf °i -US JJ? J> I BBft^^^,. n.-jh jib Xdflt'^'*' 7 l \\y\& BP^^ COONAC r»AN
      46 words

    • 485 4 Colleges in US told: Woo more students Projections of sharp drop NEW YORK, Tuesday TO SURVIVE the sharp enrolment declines projected for the next decade, colleges are being advised by the American Council on Education to start developing strategies to entice more students to their campuses. Among the measures that
      NYT  -  485 words
    • 274 4 Chaos in Europe as snow storms continue LONDON, Tues. A treacherous onslaught of snow, ice and Arctic winds thrust much of northern and eastern Europe into a posUioliday chaos of cut-off fuel, impassable roads, and monster snowdrifts today that left thousands with no way to get back to work. Since
      UPI  -  274 words
    • 110 4 Dismissed for his criticism ACCRA, Tues. Gustav Koran teng-Addow, Ghana's attorney-general and commissioner for justice, has been dismissed following his criticism of the ruling Supreme Military Council's plan to return the country to party politics this year, the Ghana News Agency (GNA) reported yesterday. The agency said a council statement
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 23 4 HONGKONG. Tues Some £90 people were made homeless when 'Ire destroyed more than 70 squatter huts in Kowloon here today. Reuter
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 158 4 WASHINGTON, T»e». A Wee* VlrgtaU the lire I ee^toaento Im >•••) ■•me ef It* weeaea etsv ptoyeea they nwt have toee their Jatw, parted yesterday. The TTiiitoili Pert totted to fire wmtm pleyeee ef Amerlf»e Cykalmld Ceiperattea ptawt to West Vbrgtote •he amid
      UPI  -  158 words
    • 59 4 THE red awl flag of the People's Republic of China is about to he raised in Washington on Monday over the Peking liafawn office. The CklneM liaison •Iflee last alght held a reception to mark the begliiHliig of diplomatic ties between the I nited States and
      UPI  -  59 words
    • Article, Illustration
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    • 166 4 Kennedy's killing: Soviets, Cubans not involved WASHINGTON, Tues. The Soviet and Cuban governments were not involved in the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy, a US congressional sub-commit-tee said today. Mr Richardson Preyer, Democratic representative for North Carolina, who heads the Kennedy sub-com-mittee of the house assassinations committee, issued this finding
      AFP  -  166 words
    • 162 4 Tanker on firet 25 crew missing SAN JUAN (Puerto Rico), Tues. A Überian-register-ed tanker was reported on fire in the middle of the Caribbean Sea today and 25 of the 30-man crew of the ship were missing in a storm. A spokesman for the search and rescue office of the
      UPI  -  162 words
    • 33 4 JAKARTA. Tun. Indowsu and Vietnam plan to hold talks on the continraul shell bttwttu the two countries btwwu Jan 10 and X in Jakarta. Foreign Minister Mochtar Kusumaatrnadja said today AP
      AP  -  33 words
    • 368 4 THE NEW European Monetary System (EMS) linking the currencies of the nine European Economic Community (EEC) except Britain, is being unofficiallylaunched today despite an official delay following objections by France over the system's effect on agricultural prices, the Financial Times newspaper reported here today.
      AFP  -  368 words
    • 45 4 MIAMI. Tues. A two-year-old boy survived a seven-storey fall yesterday from an apartment window to a grassy lawn below Michael Granholm was rushed to a nearby hospital for emergency surgery He apparently suffered a punctured lung and other internal injuries UPI.
      UPI  -  45 words
    • 65 4 WEST BERLIN. Tues. A former US Commandant of West Berlin's Spandau Prison today appealed to Soviet President Brezhnev to release Its last Inmate, Hitlers former deputy Ku doll Hem In a telegram to the Soviet leader. Colonel Eugene Bird said Mr Hess, 84, was a dying man.
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 273 4 LA CORUNA (Spain), Tues. Like a phantom ship with engines still throbbing, a crippled supertanker with no one aboard sailed today out into the Atlantic and away from Spain's north-west coast where it had raised the spectre of a major oil pollution disaster. The Greek
      Reuter; UPI  -  273 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 278 4 Ql VJPB 4&WM n^nl IRt AREILOS ITALY'S TOP GAS COOKER MAKES LIVING TRULY GRACIOUS I 1 year guarantee after l>-^te -"^BnnnW^^iV%-s^ Lw'li sales service a»BE».y > ls^p^f^ >^^S,«^ Ample spare parts jm available t &uti&S M 296 fi^~*^^^| W: 906 mm H: 885 mm ff|PP /»|P*f .c^-JST Innnnfl FRK GIFTS
      278 words
    • 19 4 [SI ,JLV BBn\^ WP**Wl i n^nm IfaslsHfl ***?WMB^^ »ir^ !a*sssssslrl R I BssssshMssl P^ssWjd V~^^bbbbk*l9bbb! I H ex Eli
      19 words

    • 353 5 Castro gives US, China and Egypt a tongue lashing HAVANA, Tues. The diplomatic envoys of the United States. China and Egypt walked out when Cuban President Fidel Castro lashed their countries in a speech Last night. In one of his bitterest attacks in recent years on the US. he accused
      Reuter  -  353 words
    • Article, Illustration
      7 5 DR CASTRO accwed China of 'great treason'
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    • 67 5 NEW DELHI. Tues A High Court in north India today temporarily banned a falconry party led by Saudi Arabia's Prince Bandar from hunting the Houbara bustard, an endangered species, the United News of India reported. The Rajasthan High Court at Jodphur issues a court order banning
      AP  -  67 words
    • 60 5 NAIROBI. Tun. Millions erf ■warming locusts, escaping inadequate extermination efforts In eastern Africa, will infest the Middle East and the Asian subcontinent early this year, the chairman (or the Desert Locust Control Organisation of East Africa (DLCOEA) warned today Ethiopia Radio reported the insects were beyond the
      AP  -  60 words
    • 219 5 Quake rocks south California coast LOS ANGELES, Taas. A ahara eartaaanhf Jattea* the aaathera CabVansta eaaat tar aaare thaa km fraas Baata Barbara to Baa Mage yesterday aad waa felt at the Haw sWwl la Paaafeaa where a ervwa* ef KM* waa watehlag the fastball game between Mleaigaa and the
      UPI  -  219 words
    • 36 5 PARIS. Tues. Despite a drastic energy saving plan, France's oil consumption in 1978 totalled 104 million tonnes an increase of 5.4 per cent over the previous year according to provisional estimates published today. Reuter
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 90 5 SYDNEY. Tues. Mrs Dulcie Baldwin, 70, woke up in hospital where she was recovering from a heart attack last night and found a deadly tiger snake with its fangs deep into her left hand. A nurse, alerted by her screams, tended the semiconcious woman
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 300 5 Israel softens on 'linkage' issue CAIRO, Tuesday EGYPT has agreed to resume the stalled peace treaty negotiations with Israel, after the Jewish state slightly softened its position on the "linkage" issue, the newspaper Al Ahram said in today's early editions. The final Egyptian post-
      AFP; UPI  -  300 words
    • 333 5 "WHERE are you knights?" That plaintive appeal was posed recently by three well-educated single women in their late 20s who wrote to a Soviet newspaper that they want desperately to marry, but not to the modern Soviet man more interested in western fads than in a family. Disgusted by
      NYT  -  333 words
    • 48 5 JAKARTA, Tues. A policeman gave himself up to local authorities in Manado, north Celebes, after killing his wife in a quarrel, a police spokesman said today. The wife was shot dead after she knew that her husband had another wife illegally, the spokesman said. AFP.
      AFP  -  48 words
    • 176 5 'Zimbabwe Rhodesia' name surprise in draft SALISBURY, Tues. A draft constitution for a black majority-ruled Rhodesia with a powerful measure of continued white influence was published today and contained one major surprise the name of the new country will be Zimbabwe Rhodesia. The name itself was another success for the
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 141 5 WHAT THE BRITISH NAVY DID FOR JEWS LONDON, Tues. The British Navy, while under orders to prevent illegal Jewish immigrants entering Palestine 30 years ago, did its best, in fact, to ensure they reached the port of Haifa safely. British cabinet documents of the time disclosed today. The documents were
      UPI  -  141 words
    • 69 5 Aguirre will visit Soviet Union MADRID, Tues. Spain's Foreign Minister Marcelino Oreja Aguirre will pay an official visit to the Soviet Union from Jan 17 to 19, official sources said today. The visit will be the first by a Spanish foreign minister to the Soviet Union since the 1936-39 Sr*»m«h
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 74 5 Military rule in B'desh to end DACCA, Tues. President Ziaur Rahman said today he will end military rule of Bangladesh by the middle of March. In a nationwide iitiiim. Gen Ziaur said martial law, imposed on Aug 15. 1975. will end and that parliamentary elections will be held on Feb
      UPI  -  74 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 166 5 ULEMLI f E-BM 6 ROAST 1J t PRIME_^ g psSrib C^DiS CoFu.sTlur U Bbeefi^/vTS J0 The choicest^^^^^lj U. cut of US If A beef, brown and I crisp outside, red 4 and juicy inside, so 3j S™ tender it melts in _fl your mouth. Served X with baked iacket k
      166 words
    • 219 5 wffS jM iammal mat* Jatai 1 1 Bmmaf staaaaaafcaw' .jU asaassasav ""^M taaBBBBBT S W TEFAL really does not stick? See how much fun cooking can be with TEFAL non-stick pots pans bakeware that do not stick and need no scrubbing. SEB TEFAL is available at Supermarkets, Departmental Stores, Emporiums,
      219 words

  • At a glance
    • 146 6 Presidential Address addendum RADIO and Television Singapore will improve Its services with sophisticated electronic equipment, extra staiT. speedier news coverage and more stimulating colour programmes. Announcing these plans in the addendum to the Prea i d c n ts apeech at the opening of Parliament, the acting Minister for Culture,
      146 words
    • 922 6 SINGAPORE may have a cultural complex for the first time in a government move to give culture a definite place in the lives of Singapore ans, who have often been called too materialistic. The Ministry of Culture is studying the need for such a
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    • 233 6  - Tarling: Panel to decide on House hearing PHILIP LEE, By our London reporter A PANEL of three Law Lords, representing the Appelate Committee or the House of Lords, is expected to hold a preliminary hearing later this month on whether the appeal of former Haw Par chairman Richard Tarlinjr against
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    • 244 7 Call for activities plan to get f latdwellers out of their 'cocoons' TO counteract the feeling of Isolation among flat dwellers "an unforeseen effect of Singapore's successful hous ing programme" planned and organised activities will have to be undertaken to get such people out of their cocoons, and to develop
      244 words
    • 193 7 THE government will explore a mure direct approach to handling delinquency, drug abuse and prostitution cases, says the Acting Minister for Social Attain. Dr Ahmad Mattar. Dr Matter said this in an addendum to the Presidential address at the opening of Parliament last Tuesday. Other points raised by
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    • 91 7 Rise in aged cause for concern ANOTHER matter of growing concern Is the increasing numbers of aged persons, a significant proportion of whom have little education and few skills Plans are also in hand to deal with the chronic sick, who will eventually seek admission to welfare homes, and with
      91 words
    • 89 7 On the role of the ministry SPEAKING of the ministrys role, he says: "The ministry will care for the helpless, the abandoned aged and destitutes, and protect women and children from illtreatment and exploitation. •The ministry is working out preventive schemes to deal with these problems as well as to
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    • 99 7 SIN POH LOSES CLAIM DISMISSAL APPEAL SIN Poh (Star Newt) Amalgamated Ltd.. the owner of Sin Chew Jit Poh, yesterday lost Its appeal against the dismissal of a counter claim for $11,912 by the company against Sing Chow Engineering Company Pte. Ltd. The dispute had arisen as a result of
      99 words
    • 530 7 aged, he explains that a large proportion are nrst generation immigrants wno have no lamines, little education and ie* skills. Tney are in lowly paid Jobs and oiten are prematurely unemployed. "Only 50 per cent of those who will be
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    • 38 7 Direct way to handle delinquency DR MATTAR reveals that a more direct approach "will be explored" to handling delinquency, drug aouse and prostitution cases. He says: "A study Is being made on how the young offender who can
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    • 201 7 Promotion of sports THE Sports Council will continue to promote sports by organising lnter-constltuency competitions, mass events, youth training schemes, coaching courses, fitness programmes and sports medical services, says Dr Mattar. The 1979 programme Includes the building of two swimming pools, 15 tennis courts, 16 squash courts and a playing
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    • 251 7 Stress on fire prevention WITH the spread of high rise buildings all over Singapore, fighting fires in them has become the Fire Brigade's added responsibility. Hence the brigade's emphasis is on fire prevention and precautionary measures for high rise buildings. The brigade will Inspect every commercial high rise building at
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    • 70 7 MUSLIM affairs also fall within the portfolio of the ministry and Dr. Mattar discloses that the law revision subcommittee of the Majlis Ugama Islam Slngapura <Muis> Is reviewing the Administration of Muslim Law Act. "Besides updating, the Muis and the ministry will examine the substance
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    • 35 7 THE Kaki Bukit community centre women's tub committee will conduct courses on cooking, flower making and "Berandam" (the art of making up Muslim brides) Application form* are available at the centre.
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    • 66 7 AN underground water main supplying water to Block 91. Corpora tioon Drive in Tainan Jurong burst on Monday, cutting off the block's water supply A spokesman for Jurong Town Corpora- lion yesterday said repairs were being carried out, and supply would be restored soon. Repair work bad
      66 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 100 6 ffiß >v^ E?^^^ 2HB&W4& v J<O**^^ i^mt^^^T Bi^sSl NOW. DAILY DIRECT FLIGHTS TO BALI. JteJgy<»_^^npß ifl ■flit F^l^&i^SiiJ See the Bosch range at: Lim Seng Choon -^b^— 265 Upper Thomson Road Tel: *****50 /mb\ McAllSter Co. Ltd. Marden General Services Re Ltd /lVft\ Uniteers Building. River Valley Road. 39. Cuppage
      100 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 146 6 FILM SHOWS (or the rtne Parade Library lee- till Sunday, public at National Mu- ture hall at 2.30 p.m. TRADE EXPOSITION seum at 8 Dm- View GRAPHICS FROM and carnival at vacant Point On Sydney Down SCHOOLS EXHIBITION land beside Kampung mJrtAr in fSt^h rS at National Museum Olam community
      146 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 178 7 A SIMPLE TECHNIQUE THAT COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE y*m- We cordially Invite you to an Introductory lecture on the TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION (T.M.) Programme a scientifically validated easy-to-learn technique to:- promote clearer thinking and calmness under pressure reduce stress and improve health better relationship with others DATE: THURSDAY 4TH JANUARY TIME:
      178 words
    • 331 7 A time machine locked in a vault of steel SI I \&r— \Wtao W «2IIM -^^M^^W I: aim «Blm E-.r*r>. mlm m Ww\ b»^M bwi mtm^t\ BO BJ-g^rf* Model 9430. Price: Ss 94) Automatic-Chrono Tune with graduated tochometer bezel, minute :oalisalor. hour totahsalor. seconds timer and a stop-watch sweep second
      331 words

  • 312 8 Why cab driver rammed police vehicle A DISTRICT court heard yesterday how a taxidriver outwitted two robbers in his cab by deliberately running his vehicle into the back of a stationary police car to alert the officers of the culprits' presence. After the "accident," robbers Khamsir bin Ahmad, 23, of
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  • 57 8 MR Yeo Seng Teck has been appointed deputy chaiiman of the Jurong Town Corporation (or two years, said the latest government gazette. The following have been appointed member; of JTC: Messrs Koh Cher Siaug. Phey Yew Kok. X Saki.rai, B. M. Lap, Ang Kong Hua, Llm
    57 words
  • 168 8 Move to amend, update Audit Act A PROPOSAL to amend the Audit Act pasted in 1965 ls being considered by the government. According to the Audi-tor-General, Mr Chi Keng Soon, the prrs, i t Act does not reflect clearly all the work done by his department and there Is a
    168 words
  • 40 8 DONATIONS to the Ulu Pandan new community centre sale of bricks building fund has passed the $10,000 mark. The $900,000 new centre, to be built at Ohlm Moh HDB estate, will be ready by mid- 1980.
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  • 104 8 THREE weeks after receiving a new lease of life In the form of a kidney from a brother, Indonesian Frans Ibrahim, 33, was well enough to leave the Youngberg Hospital yesterday for a temporary stay in Singapore. "I am so happy just to be alive and well,"
    104 words
  • 511 8 THE promise of low air fares between Australia and London Ls "deceptive," a "camouflage and a "cosy duopoly," according to Mr JY.M. Pillay, the chairman of Singapore Airlines. In his new year message, Mr. Pillay. expressing his frustration on the new levels of fares
    511 words
  • 56 8 THE 8t John Ambulance Association will hold a seminar on first aid (or Its lay lecturers at Hotel Merlin on Saturday and Sunday. Th« seminar, to be opened by 8t John Council chairman, Mr Runme Shaw, will cover worksite emergencies, road traffic accidents, home accidents, emergencies In
    56 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 352 8 Actual Size fIVsHARP JjSHMBp "wnunE'cwjcuuroß From Sharp, a world leader in electronic products, comes the CT-550 pocket calculator with gigantic multi-'--H purpose performance. r**»» i This amazing 8-digit calculator doubles up as a watch, m < alarm clock, stopwatch, world-time system and i calendar. So many functions in a compact
      352 words

  • 317 9  - First woman president of Law Society MASIC KWEE BY MISS rhyliis Tan has created legal history here by becoming thr first woman to be thr president of the Law Society of Singapore. Miss Tan. who has 22 years of legal experience mainly In conveyancing, was the only candidate for the
    317 words
  • 39 9 Ulu Pandan courses ULU Pandan community centre youth group will hold courses In iulat gayeng, snao-lin, tal-chi. swimming, guitar and social dance. Application forms are available at the centre's premises or ring *****8 between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m.
    39 words
  • 133 9 MR Ang Nam Piau Thomson i will ask the Prime Minister at the next Parliament sitting if he would consider asking the Public Service Commission to set a target for the recruitment of only bl-llngual candidates. He will ask also the Minister for Law. the
    133 words
  • 202 9 PR in govt bodies: Views sought AT least six government ministries and statutory boards have received letters from the Permanent Secretary (Finance), Mr. (i.X. Bogaars, asking for their views on how government poblic relations can be improved Mr. Bogaars wants to know If more can be done, and. whether public
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  • 318 9 Pick-up deaths: Driver fined, banned TECHNICIAN Tan Tiam nwee, la, who drove a pu-K-up which landed in a canal at the East Coast FarKway killing two teenage girls, was jailed a day and fined $4,000 by a district Judge yesterday after he was found guilty of causing their deaths through
    318 words
  • 81 9 Charged with posing as govt servant JUMAHRI bin Surimari, 21, was charged in court yesterday with posing as a public servant to cheat Mr Anwar bin Isnan of $100 at Block 35. Bedok South Avenue, last Tuesday at 9 a.m. He allegedly cheated Mr Anwar of the money by deceiving
    81 words
  • 62 9 MR Kuldlp Singh Chawla.. manager of New Kaslunlr restaurant and lounge which was gutted by fire on New Year's Day. yesterday consulted his lawyers on the blase which he believes was started by arsonists. lfr Chawla said he was seeking advice on whether to make a
    62 words
  • 43 9 THE Sikh community In Singapore U having special prayers at the Central Sikh Temple In Queen Street to mark the birth anr.lveraar> of Ouni Oobtnd Singh Free food U belnc acrved and all arc welcome. The prayers end tomorrow.
    43 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 112 9 Jifutay Tea Time Fashions at Goodwood Park Hotel A fashion happening bringing to you creations from leading boutiques, whilst you feast on scrumptious cakes and tempting goodies. See also the latest range of Polaroid Sunglasses and try out the different scents of Yves St. Laurent perfumes. Gifts of "V" for
      112 words
    • 456 9 OntsWollet $6.50 Ladles Wallet $16.90 W r*3 v* VJLJ CIL UVC #«k vu v family store Come to the Emporiums for all your New Year and more. And remember, there's an Emporium shopping. Get a whole range of household goods, located right where you're staying. Stainless Steel Tea Pot aY
      456 words

  • 47 10 PEDESTRIAN Ng S»> Koon. »ix. who ra knocked d>wn by car wrule crouing joront To* Pijroh on Mono J died the ume dmjr on ad. ituion «t the To* Pmyoh Hospital Ey*-«ltneaMs to the accident are requested to contact Traffic Police Investigation Section
    47 words
  • 30 10 THE Ministry of the Envirmunent has confirmed an Imported case of choler. during the past week The victim is a t»-year-o>d for-lgn*r now recovering, at the Mlddleton Hospital
    30 words
  • 125 10 Hawker's death in nightclub: 12 arrested TWELVE people have been arrested In connection with the death of hawker Yong Klan Chye, 21. who was fatally stabbed in a flght on New Years Day In the Theatre nightclub In Kitchener Road Yong. of Strathmore Avenue, had two stab wounds In his
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  • 349 10 SOME 91 educationists who received letters from the Education Ministry appointing them vice-principals of primary or secondary schools reported for work at their new schools yesterday. In the next few months, however, more will be appointed giving a total of about 300 viceprincipals as part
    349 words
  • 86 10 Engineering career talk TWO speakers from the University of Singapore will give a talk on Your Future as an Engineer, at Queens town Library's lecture room on Saturday at 3 p.m. Dr Tan Thiam Chye. senior lecturer at the Chemical Engineering Department, will cover job opportunities In chemical engineering and
    86 words
  • 55 10 FOUR men. one armed with dagger, held up a petrol kiosk attendant at a service station In Dunearn Road on aioocajr night and escaped with $600 and four tins of engine oil. Attendant Hasara Singh. 50. surrendered his firm's takings for the night to the robbers, who
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  • 81 10 Prof Lim for Mexico meet PROFESSOR lim Chong Yah. Head of the Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Singapore, has lett for Mexico City to attend an international conference. He has been Invited by the United Nations Institute of Training and Research (Unitar i to participate in the sixday
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  • 39 10 THE Art Editor of Nanyang Slang Pao. Mr Lim Siah Tong will give a talk in Chinese on Figure Drawing at the MeetIng Room of National Library on Jan 13 at 3 p.m. Aomffim is free.
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  • 428 10 HUNDREDS of afternoon school pupils got home earlier in the evening yesterday thanks to the launching of the Singapore Bus Service special bus transport scheme for them. The scheme, known as the Supplementary School Service Scheme, under which special buses on seven services
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 10 Students boarding one of the services at Tanjong Katong yesterday.
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  • 99 10 THE Singapore Oroup of Elders (Sage) hopes to build an overhead bridge to link its elders' activities centre at Maude Road to its new cultural centre at Kitchener Road. Disclosing this yesterday, Sage president Dr Urn Chan Yong said Sage will submit plans for
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  • 177 10 CITIBANK EXECS QUIT FOR LOCAL BANKS TWO Of Citibank's most senior officials have resigned to Join local banks. They are Mr Wong Nang Jang, the bank's vice-president and the Asia Pacific representative for government business, and Mr Eric Chlng. also vice-presi-dent and head of the treasury group. They will Join
    177 words
  • 57 10 PROCEEDS from a charity walkathon organised Jointly By the Lions Club of Singapore North and the N. S. Electronic Recreation Club totalled $40,000. They were presented to the Home for the Aged Sick, the Christian Home for the Aged, and the Singapore Asoctatlon for Retarded Children at
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 690 10 fße Wise Plan Your Vacation Nowl^N Here's Why I All indications show that 1 979 is expected to be a record year for International Tourism. Heavy demands have been placed on Hotel Rooms, Aircraft Seats, Restaurants and other facilities by travel agents, world-wide. Many of these reservations have been made
      690 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 238 10 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh 6c Hal Camp THE Artcwrv ie ccumur I I MY SPECIALTIES ARE I I THE COOK" CALLED -)I I HM'M -A ROAST ACO^-IFrMWn 1 ROAST BEEF, STEAKS,) AND I HIRED t-^— -<. I BEEF.' IS THAT J A COOK IF I, M NOT AND
      238 words

  • 147 11 Bored and on his first day in class too! Morning scenes at two schools... SCHOOL U obviously kortng to thr Uttle boy on the left who was caught fast aslrep on hU first da* h* Straits Times cameraman Tan Wee Him in a Primary One class of River Valley English
    147 words
  • 88 11 Set of 6 new coins on sale tomorrow THE 19" 9 uncirculated coin set ri-mprislng six coins in one, five. ten. twer.ty and nfty-cent and $1 denominations will be on sale at the Victoria Theatre. Empress Place from to" -.orro** between 10 a tr. and 12 30 p m E.ich
    88 words
  • 341 11  -  JUNE TAN By IMMERSION classes dium secondary stude schools will begin on for non-English ments In English-medium Monday, If details are finalised by then. If, not. the Immersion classes so called because they are meant to Immerse students in an English-speaking environment will start on
    341 words
  • 114 11 THE Education Ministry will organise a special English course from Jan 15 for stucents taking It as a second lansuage The classes, to be conducted at five junior colleges, will be spread over IS hours a week for 18 weeks. The colleges are Notional JC. Hwa
    114 words
  • 56 11 A TRAOK dispute between Chon« Engineering Company Pte Lid and the Singapore Industrial Labour OrfanlaaUon will be heard In the Industrial Arbitr»t ion Court tomorrow at f.lO am. The dispute Involves a claim by Urn untoo that the company had net given iv awcloyn their annual Inerasienu
    56 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 69 11 X ■<>> A M-'f -TT.r I •M'llun I lll>|l*<al l > i t "I ■ii 1 1 'akcra^f d I <fctn r* i Mrgoa i ial H m "Hist N"u c'nases ro in nen ig 9Q-0 lotmm, 1979 I >) M... lay to Friday < *r s {<lpFn □□a *>!
      69 words
    • 66 11 This year's bi^est deal! 30% off for normal copying. Pay even less for bulk copying and duplicating job. At any of the Rank Xerox Copying Centres: Ground floor Ground floor 27, Block 1()9 Supreme House Multi-Storey Car Park Yung Sheng Road Tel: *****1/*****5 59/63 Cecil Street Jurong Town Tel: *****5
      66 words

  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1979
    • 363 12 THE Social Affairs Ministry laments "a loss of community in Singapore. It will undertake 'planned and organised activities to get people out of their cocoons." There will be a new emphasis in the provision of sport and social facilities. These should help meet materi al needs, but the
      363 words
    • 375 12 INDICATIONS are growing that the Shah of Iran has agreed to leave the country temporarily and allow the Prime Minister designate, Dr Shapur Baktiar, to try and find a political solution to the country's year-long crisis. As a long-time opponent of the Shah, Dr Baktiar has the
      375 words
  • 780 12  -  JOSEPH HARSCH By ONE OF THE side questions which come out of the latest news from China is about the future of communism. Does it, in fact, have a future? In the ideology of Chairman Mao and his famous little Red Book of quotations, communism meant
    780 words
  • 1006 12  -  BERNARD MELUNSK Y Despite its tilt towards Hanoi it has avoided taking sides By in Vientiane JUST THREE years after becoming a leftist republic, Laos seems to be steering clear of involvement in the bitter conflicts wracking its communist friends and neighbours in South-east
    Reuter  -  1,006 words
  • 714 12 I JiMKIN A British mu.|> ImnMm almost 3.u<»o pregnant women ucoses one re«vnt "m<*<lu al bi. ,tk thiough to be a disturb ingl> mixed bl<>v>inK In the study. v.. b> the V«-oi< .tl Kes»-;tnti l .iun .1 2.428 expfxtant mothers uixierwcnt amm.«
    Reuter  -  714 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 13 12 AM 5 ma m Ac i 2. II* 1 L r"ffTi i yftWißßßf
      13 words
    • 80 12 Rogers OHM Bnffh Hio* F-dHity Vn^H ■fc.f >;• BP :k» The Rogers L S3/5A Monitor Lourisoeaker Designed by the BBC fni specialist monitoring applications, the Rogers LS3/5A has been acclaimed worldwide. Atlas Sound (Pte) Limited 81-3 UtC Bulking, SI onton Way S'^gapofe 1 Tel *****84 *****64 119 121 Lucky Plju
      80 words

    • 927 13 We'll exchange views for assurance of accuracy YOUR EDITORIAL Do wnte to jj» tST Dec 16) lamented Iht <-v cencr of professionaland associations "to comment on matters within their purview" even when invited and exhorted them "to i ome forward with their views on issues which fall within their areas
      927 words
    • 190 13 Against the co-op 'Don't bite the hand that feeds you' 1 REFER to the report Co-op rharging high prices (ST Dec- 27) 1 should think it just typical of a mercenary capacity not to be able to understand why 108 students should back 38 of their colleagues The co-op's stand
      190 words
    • 85 13 Let down by talentime results MY BROTHERS and I are leaily very, very disap pointed and let down by the judges verdict in the 197b Talentimc How many, I wonder agrees with us? Many talented contestants like Ben and Derek, Max Sunn and Bernard Koh to name a few, managed
      85 words
    • 231 13 Students should support the bookshop For the varsity's co-op AFTER READING youi report on student criti cLsm of the University of Singapore Cooperative Bookstore Society (ST Dee 27), I am inclined to think that the student* have faller prey to another attempt b> MM hidden persuader to discredit the ijru.en.ity
      231 words
    • 128 13 WOI 1. 1 < the utoducer of the Chiane musical variel> \s tigiammr teifvised on Upr 22 plssjsc shou a little oivsioVi.ttioi. to any othei animal (h may d« dde to for his future shows This i < -quest h.t.s been prompted bc<
      128 words
    • 908 13 Viet refugees, blackmail and a remedy Comment by the Review on the 'boat people 9 THERE is a hooligan in the East, Chinese Sen ior Vice-Premier Teng Hsiao-ping has said of Vietnam. The Stalinist hardliners who have won political ascendancy over the liberals in the Hanoi government are worse than
      908 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 229 13 nS^HHESBaaT&BFHHHHH m AAi\ H M p«rt tt 1 'MI4 <K» -vH) ratuntwi >*wtti Mrvrni ipwi etttn I*l t*t 'i»ni( P>*f •"•••l f»rm INtfRNATIOHAL CINTKf 70 PALMIR ROAD TIL 2224* M I4u aiion Centre Mart on «r, iMtfriktp t «<wtyiMii>t tKlMiquti S«*mm ««t«t<i«in| Iki Unwn Dfimmtrf import [iport Oor. tmUtw i
      229 words
    • 172 13 Buy a Cairier room aircon for Chinese New Year, and we will give you a present: a Kodak Trimlite Instamatic worth $172. jfl There can be few bettor ways of celebi ai iiig fl Chinese New Year than treating yourself to a new Carriei fl home aircon Kspeciall> when you're
      172 words

      • 60 14 •i rropercm lav Par Hinlop Eit hell lat Iron I I SerurlUei 1 N 1m« Pub E Levlnnton > B 8 >tn Chew Kitch Baby lume P pan Land IrmiKj Central I U Securities ISO -1 3SI -g na m -s -4 300 -4 2S6 -3 3M -1 3»
        60 words
      • 21 14 T P 1975 lacnum Corpn ft C lilan Ctalrwrs H 8 100 356 MS ITS S» 10 6 S •4
        21 words
      • 35 14 lure u»iu; law Par ons Plant L Kapong lartmau i o B i o L rearnm i SccurUlm [|fh Low 141.000 77.000 5* TOO 94 COO a, ioo 21,000 10.0W
        35 words
      • 40 14 Dk 29 Jan 2 B.T. Index: Industrials Finance Hotels Properties: lim: (Rubbers 3.C.B.C.: 3 E S tad 1874 M 1670.40 340.16 34S% 623 19 ***** ***** 210.31 200 12 ***** ***** ***** ***** 316.75 ***** 314.83 314 87
        40 words
      • 353 14 HONOKONG: The market closed slightly lower with trading throughout the day quiet, and the Hang Seng Index closed 1 68 points down at 403.83, dealers said. Turnover was low and the downward trend followed continuing concern about the Iran situation, slightly higher local money market rates and renewed us
        353 words
      • 360 14 SYDNEY: Mining stocks, especially oils and diamonds, led a much stronger market In the first day of 1979 trading, dealers said. Investors were following a number of pre-New Year forecasts of a bright outlook for 1979, while oil stocks and speculation on diamond explorers gave the market a further
        360 words
      • 86 14 KUALA LUMPUR: Synthetic Resins (Malaysia) said pre-tax trading profit should rise to MS1.1 million in the current year ending June 30. from $827,000 last year. But the company did not Intend to pay a dividend in view of Its losses carried over from previous
        86 words
      • 103 14 KUALA LUMPUR: PenInsular Malaysian tin concentrates output fell to 6.717 long tons In September Irom 7.137 tons In August but was above the 6.255 tons of September 1977. statistics depart ment figures show. Output In the/ first n In e months totalled 60.698 tons compared
        Reuter  -  103 words
      • 35 14 KUALA LUMPUR: United Plantations has declared an Interim dividend of five Der cent (same), lor the year ended December 31, payable on January 31, to shareholders registered on January 24. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  35 words
      • 227 14 THE kilobar market (or gold deliverable In Singapore wa> quoted (or most of the morning session at $15,833 yesterday. It moved up In the afternoon to a high of $15,875 before closing at $15,765. in line with the movement on the world market. On thr International market, gold opened
        227 words
      • 25 14 THE Straits tin price fell $2 to $1,820 per picul In Penang yesterday on an official offering down 38 tonnes to 240 tonnes.
        25 words
      • 348 14 OPENING quotations In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down by 1.50 cents following easier London advices. The market later remained very quiet. Pair upcountry demand was evident towards the close, which helped maintain levels. The morning session closed very quiet. Although China accepted sheet grades again from
        348 words
      • 31 14 Rubber Jan 2. Singapore Jan 234.50 cts. (down 1.75 cts Malaysia: Jan 239.00 ets. (down 1.50 cts.) Tin: $1,823 (down $2.) Official offer i»K 240 tonnes (down 38 tonnes).
        31 words
      • 123 14 DAILY 8SR and SMR pi lew* at noon jrratcrday: ju r«b 1*1 (Carmt Mth) IhrwiH MU) Bujcn hlui Baycta flallia w«t iv (1 ior. panel) mv.uv <j"wn <nw i»wn >SR SO (1 ton pallet) ***** 2J3 0ON 231 50 233 SUN M.R.EUB. (MR CV U ton pallet)
        123 words
      • 119 14 CNINISC mODUCI IXCMAMOI SINOAPOat NOON CLOSING pmicm rin ricui vitTiaOAT. txmK oil: Bulk IIS9 aallara. oM «mm $114 Mllcn. new drum •US HlUn Caen: Kind <lsa»t> UK Coat 170 bur era ■*»**rr kfuntok AST A whit. fob. 100"» NLW SMTi arllrra. Sarawak .-hit. fob. S4K NLW SUS aellara.
        119 words
    • 517 14 TKADEKS were 4liInclined to mark the lint eaaatsti of Um year at the Stock Exchange <* Singapore yesterday with any •igaifteant activity. la a wNk SBinlag. shares were Birltd Mom rroai Ust Friday ciestag leveta, indicating tkat tk«y had bean artificially propped up at
      517 words
    • 385 14 IT WA8 Indeed a poor -tart for the new 1C79 year as the Kuala Lumpur stuck market plodded through a dull and listless session yesterday. Prices finished narrowly mixed In low volume trading. The last minute rall>, which took selected plan it tlon and Industrial stocks slightly higher
      385 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 202 14 Interbank rttoi it 1 00 p m. C»rrfnelf» Nomln*J rttn Smilh»<nlan PrrcrnUfe %vt**4 ynlrzdtj Icriwl f*Hj ch»«f« US dollar Sterling jK>und longKiriR dollur VI Mum dollar Vust schilling 3cl fra.c (com) Danish kroner french iranc Italian Ibe Nrt!i guilder Nor kroner 3»ediMi kroner 5«Ut franc deut maik )»l"if-r
        202 words
      • 178 14 ASIAN currency dtpoalt interbank rat« a* at CIQM on Jan 2 NOTE: These rates may differ sltahlly from tl oas quoUd by banks to tnelr customers. UJ» UMUri tpoi. Off* tua 7 days 1U 3/4 10 5 6 1 mth 11 18 11 2 mths 11 1/3
        178 words
      • 43 14 Closing interbank rain on Singapore dollar <>n Jan 2 Offer BM .r.riiUKlu Q B v« 1 mlh IS, IS 6 13/H 2 miru 7 14 7 1/1 3 mthi 7 7 IS 7 5 1 jvri-uRht Mode 4] So«rc« AtUcjr Pc«r.»
        43 words
      • 37 14 K*N<.K of rulrn offrr** bf dl ounl Ikhiki mi Jllli 2 U\«rnlKhl 4 Call I»o«l( Month Tr»»»urj bills III Monti, Bank bllla T Month CD 7 1/1* Month 7 i 4 7 1 4 7 1/t
        37 words
      • 23 14 THE average rate at which Singapore banks are currently prepared to lend to their best customers is 7 per cent.
        23 words
    • 1356 14 THK MM irvacM tmOj m* at Uw etaavatfaMmai on Uk Stock Kxchanc* of SImmim Miiritey compare! with IN prmout day i prWM UmpUwt vtUi im high and tow < Adjusted for ■rrtp/nghu mini INDl'RTKIALS l*M>/rt ■kjh Lm <•»*•.* Sal* nt IB Acma S7 -1 '30 IS' Atcotn tM
      1,356 words
    • 308 14 Clewing Tone: Weak TURNOVER: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore Including odd lots 'Ready' totalled: 1.242 units valued at 12,753. Industrials accounted for 787. finance (7. hotels 87, properties 7}, debentures, loans and bonds 5, oil palms nil, tins 14, and rubbers 187. 'Settlement Contracts
      308 words
    • 1072 14 BID an<l offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Times settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett" Bir Hoarrl
      1,072 words
    • 158 14 4 1/2* 1/8/80 (250.000) (99 108 I 99 358) (6) 99 30 4 3/4% 16/9/80 (250,000) (99 SSB I 99.858) 8% 16/4/81 (250.000) (99 708 99.806) 6% T F 1/6/83 (250.000! < 100 108 100 208) 6 3/4% T F 16/7/80-83 (250.000) (102.506) 6 3/4% T
      158 words
    • 1436 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stork Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In bracket* in lots of 1 .000 units unlfM otherwise specified INOUtIHIALJ »U.m I -.M I -7S I Cnat I 1 1 H
      1,436 words
    • 128 14 MORGAN Orenfell I (Asia) said on behalf rjf Bags] Leong Finance Hong I^eong) It has issued a fresh notice of takeover otTer to Singapore Finance on Decem- ber 30. Hong Leong offers one new share of $1 each plus $10.40 cash for every four
      Reuter  -  128 words

    • 568 15 Mimosa Park will boost Bukit Sembawang profit SHAREHOLDERS of Bukit Sembawang will at last find a pleasant change In their company's sources of income as It will soon reap the harvest from Its condominium project now being developed at Seletar Hills Called the Mimosa Park; Condominium, this 172unlt project Is
      568 words
    • 315 15 AFTER THREE years of spotty results, untisn Malayan Trustees staged an encouraging recovery last year with pre-tax profit amounting to $59,029 against a loss of $48. 611 last time. The directors of the company apparently consider the performance good and have recommended the
      315 words
    • 123 15 INTERIM result* at Sclangor Dredging indicate that Its profit for the current financial year to end March 31. 1979 can be axpected to drop sharply against the record results of Msl9 66 million pre-tax attained in the preceding year Operating profit before tax for the six
      123 words
    • 265 15 Pahang Consolidated informs KLSE PAHANO CONSOLIDATED has Informed the Kuala Lumpm Stock Exchange of the resignation of Enclk Mohamet Fathl bin Hajl Ahmad as chairman and managing director of the company with effect from Dec 18. According to a statement from Pah jig. Enclk Fathl s letter of resignation was
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    • 450 15 Earnings at United Malayan Flour Mills decline KEEN COMPETITION in the wheat flour industry hat caused profits at United Malayan Flour Mills to drop in the lest financial year ended July 31. 1978. Against a record MS3.5M million achieved previously, (roup's profit* before tax and extraordinary items have dropped to
      450 words
    • 37 15 KOALA LUMPUR. Tuet. Th« Malayan Nature Socttty has wt up branches In Snbah and Sarawak The Inauguration of the two branches would bring the total number of the •ocletyi branches to 10. NST.
      NST  -  37 words
    • 281 15 Reshuffle may lead to two deputy IGPs KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The Royal Malaysian Police may have two Deputy Inspectors-General of Police, the Malaysian daily the Star reported yesterday. Fhe new appointments will probably be part of a nationwide reshuffle of police officers. A transfer list is expected to be out
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    • 26 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Malaysian delegation to the four-day air-services talks beginning on Monday between Atean and Australia left for Canberra tonight NST.
      NST  -  26 words
    • 272 15 Guidelines soon on housing projects KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday THE Ministry of Housing and Local Government is to introduce general guidelines for housing development in the country soon, its secretary-general Mr Yahaya bin Abdul Wahab said today. He said this was necessary in view of the numerous housing projects mush rooming
      NST  -  272 words
    • 81 15 Fawn-ly yours, mamma doe GLOWERING fiercely at passers-by, this mother hanfs her head protectively over her bundle of joy. The stork brought this New Year Joy early in the morning to this Swnatran doe at Zoo Necara in Kuala Lumpur The lithesome-look-ing fawn is the third to be born in
      NST  -  81 words
    • 256 15 Call for a royal commission on labour laws KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday THE new secretary-general of the Malaysian Trade Union Congress, Mr V. David, has called on the government to set up an independent Royal Commission to look into the existing labour laws in Malaysia, the Malaysian Business Times reported today.
      NST  -  256 words
    • 151 15 ALOR STAR, Tues. Security fc-rces engaged in a follow-up operation against a band of four armed and uniformed communist terrorists who fled after a brief gun battle with a patrol in Padang Terap district near the Thai border, found tracks Indicating that the terrorists
      NST  -  151 words
    • 881 15 Forecast of another successful year at Singapore Land MNOAPORF Land expects to maintain Its high profit growth In the current year following the successful recovery In the financial year Just past. In the rights offer document, the chairman. Mr Tao Shin* Pee. forecasts after-tax profits of $3.5 million for the
      881 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 140 15 k 'ftztt^F' Ttf^Mw *Qf^\!&i v^^^EiK^^ffiy id. Bjtfj|+ iil PUBLIC AUCTION ill OF IRANIAN PERSIAN. I M TURKISH AND SI m TURKISTAN-BOKHARA Si; m CARPETS RUGS I i twftf An Exceptional Promotion of Iraniar. Persian, jjjjj* S I*ffffijt Turkish and Turkistan-BokharaCaioets, fj&*! d* 33 Fu|l Range Assembled for the City of
      140 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 764 16 >^\ AT YOUR SERVICE SECTION INDEX *3 /*F A aA 11C mm iiISZII i*A.AAty KAIfcS VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL Z*>4*44ZZ Per word 60 cts( Mln WOO) ty nRITIIARIFS 1 I Per column cm: $10.75 (Mm *35 2S) IA ÜBI I UAKItJs I FOR SAU A SHOPPING GUIDE 7 FWi A
      764 words
    • 514 16 OFFICE FURNTruRe: FOR sale Contact tel *****08 *****50 PMLCO REFRKJERATOR S CU. ft S32S Acma 6 8 cv ft S27S Pan-Electric 3cu ft SI9S Call ***** PNMJM TV. Black L White. 14" *200 Tel. *****33 Mr* Tay ROSEWOOO MtNQSTYLE DSIMO set from China with side- board in excellent condition Separately
      514 words
    • 463 16 I FOR SALE ft SHOPPING GUIDE 13 Hi Fi St«MwO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL OFFERI Lenco LSO Turntable (we accept trade-in) Martin Electronics. 217, Blk 19/20. Outran) Park. *****20 LINN SONOEK TURNTABLE 1 year old), with Grace 707 arm (new). Excellent condition 5950 nett Without arm 5750 nett. Tel: ***** M RECOROS
      463 words
    • 435 16 Need New IVl34Cr»lr»ory/ Equipment? We offer a wide range of leasing facilities at attractive terms. With protection against obsolescence. Callus for further details. Chuan Hiang Co Pie Ltd 109 Buki: Timah Road S Tel: 321 335^ Instruments YAMAHA ELECTRIC ORGAN BK-2. 1 year old $1,000 o no Tel *****9 Peter
      435 words
    • 670 16 II EMPLOYMENT A MANUFACTURING COMPANY at New Industrial Road. Spore 19 urgently require* an Accounts Assistant Must have LCC with 3 years experience In keeping full set of Account* preferably In manufacturing field Please call *****4 for immediate appointment AN EXPANOMG FIRM of Public Accountants urgently requires A) A Trainee
      670 words
    • 579 16 FEMALE GENERAL CLERK required by advertising company. English educated Knoweldge of Mandarin and typing. State salary expected with a passportsite photo, contact telephone number to: P.O. Box 82. Tanjong Pagar Post Of rice. Singapore 2 FEMALE GENERAL CLINK urgently required. Please apply personally at Suite 5762. 6th fir. Golden Mile
      579 words
    • 511 16 II EMPLOYMENT INTERNATIONAL ADVERTISING AGENCY requires General Clerk for Media Department Able to do correspondence and typing with credit In English Apply The Personnel Manager. P.O. Box 1941. Singapore 1. feNQL NEPTUNE ORBINT LJNES LTD invites appttcattona for the tonow1. CLERK/TYPIST c School Certificate or equivalent LCC Typing Certificate at
      511 words
    • 623 16 NEPTUNE AGENCIES (PTE) LTD requires (A) StwPPtNO CLERKS OCE 'O' level or Its equivalent Preference will be given to those with some experience In shipping documentation (2) FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATOR CUM RECEPTIO NWT Able to converse fluently In English Able to operate a PABX switchboard Independently. Please apply giving full
      623 words
    • 708 16 II EMPLOYMENT UROENTI V REOUIRED 2 young female general clerks cum receptionists. Good benefits. For interview, tel *****9 URGENTLY REQUIRED BY an Alrcondltlonlng Firm, one experienced General Clerk Apply In writing to 285 Joo Chiat Road. Spore 15. UROENTLY REOUIRED FEMALE Clerk/Typist GCE O' level. At least 2 years' working
      708 words
    • 666 16 Exp«wtOMM EstSeMtofisMl a Wh«m»li Jswsisr t firm requires urgently c SALES REPRESENTATIVES (Mass) OOOR-TO-OOOR SALES (Meie/Famale) The people we seek must be bilingual, honest, hardworking, aggressive and have a pleasant personality Experience not necessary but an advantage Que!cficetiof>s> c Minimum passes Secondary 2 c Age above 10 Basic salary plus
      666 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 789 17 N EMPLOYMENT 11 MtiMtwns Vacant Totkwdcal Rf QUIRED CHMEBE SALES4MRLS PreferaNy tnoar who have worked in Batik Footwear Souvenir Department Immediate etnPtojrenent for one experienced ■tkshaglrl in Jewellery DepartBBBBt We pat sWiefisli Feed and ere araiHK working hews trewi t am le p m "■■■■a* ipMlsiili shetd terNe M a*waj
      789 words
    • 682 17 ARCHITECTURAL DRAUGHTS** AM At least I year working experience Apply staling a«e experience current salary to S T Box A9S3S4 hee a vacancy ter QUALIFIED MECHANICAL ENGINEER Please submit your application* with a comprehensive rest me of your experience and qualifications and attached a photof raph 1 non returnable to
      682 words
    • 711 17 II EMPLOYMENT tnitHatn MUftATA ELECTRONICS SINGAPORE (PTC) LTD requires SUPERINTENDENT (Production pianntng A REQUIREMENTS: Age between 30 to 35 years old Diploma degree In Production Engineering or other professional qualifications, preferably with 3/4 years working experience In electronics Industry Successful candidate will report directly to the Production Control Manager and
      711 words
    • 354 17 5; UJ UJ X fro aC O Q- <t a> -j <J3 M Q 2 O jilt i £oro r- f75 en I glls Al id >- c p.- c Mf ro o E S, -n re o> re tBBa "5 c "2 5 g -ii %m s +4 5-5
      354 words
    • 624 17 N EMPLOYMENT M i Kliiiii S Ml ***f ■I^a > O O > v o O O tat? E DIM o I; 2 1 hi Hi. a#f I'll. I JffH U ill il IL I J I J I I CHRtSVK PTE LTD Outside Catering Department requires at Chip Bee
      624 words
    • 635 17 US* FEMALE PRODUCTION 1 OPERATORS I $50/- BONUS after only j ONE MONTH II c Starting pay 55.33 per ■I c Permanent 2nd Shift II (430pm 116 am) ■I c $11. as Increment per II month on confirmation I c Free Transport provided I to and fro I c No
      635 words
    • 442 17 II EMPLOYMENT ASAM ELECTRONICS (S) PTILTD ASA. BLK S. X ALL ANG PLACE. SINGAPORE 12. LOOKING FOR HIGHER INCOME JOIN THE NAPPY ASAHI SPORE PEOPLE AS FEMALE OPERATORS Manufacturer of one of the best selling cassette taperecorder and radio Is having its expansion programme and requires 200 additional stafr c
      442 words
    • 454 17 OKAMOTO ASSISTANT PRODUCTION CONTROLLER Male 20-24 years old with Diploma In Mechanical Engineering Some experience In production plan ilng and scheduling preferred „nd Be prepared to work under heavy work pressure and long working hours Candidates plsess submit lull resume, salary expected end c nonreturnebie photograph should be OKAMOTO (S)
      454 words
    • 401 17 II EMPLOYMENT HUGHES TOOL COMPANY (FAR EAST) PTE. LTD. GARDENER/ GROUND KEEPER To have experience In maintaining shrubs and plants, to lake care of paths and clean drains and see to the hygiene and general cleanliness of the office compounds and surrounding areas. Applicants must be prepared to work out
      401 words
    • 557 17 JVC has immediate vacancies fur (A) MALE SHIPPING/ PURCHASING CLERK c OCI O' level c Completed or c tempted from full-time National Service c Some shipping/ documentation experience c Own motor-cycle preferred (B) DRIVER e2B 35 years old c Possess valid Class 111 driving licence c Previous experience preferred Please
      557 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 410 18 I EMPLOYMENT Situations Vacant ft/Tv 7\ I) I7*HMI~Bf Vv^ C-• XL«*^lmbßb^l^bCZbi SINGAPORE KCK PTELTD Invites applications from Singapore citizens for the post of: DELIVERY ASSISTANT With at least 5 years driving experience Age 25 and above Completed N S At least Secondary 4 education Please call personally al our office
      410 words
    • 676 18 require* OCE O level with at least 3 credits including English Lan- Preferably with one to two years working experience as a Storekeeper Between 21 and X yean of age Ability to type at least 30 wpm Willing to work on shift Starting salary depends on relevant working experience. In
      676 words
    • 687 18 I EMPLOYMENT REQUIRED Experience indoor gßtesmon/ fleUsgwio on shift duties al Bukit Timer* Plaza Singapore 21. Applicants must be experience In Household wares, kitchen utensils and Electri- cal Appliances Please apply enclosing non-returnable photograph together with a contact telephone number to Owen Road P O Box 75 PUBUBIBNQ 8 FRfTßia
      687 words
    • 754 18 BTORBJIEPI.R c OCE -O' level with credit In Maths c Minimum I year's experience In stock control, preference will be given to candidates currently employed as AssistBBS Storekeeper Ptooso ownr poreonoßy writ* in with Ml pactiCMler* legalter wm> contort tiliphwi »»mbor let-ItS-A, BOON KENO ROAD. BUM, SINGAPORE 12 i STORE/YARD
      754 words
    • 885 18 IN VEHICLES A BOATS ALL NEW. DATSUN Pickup. Mlt- I sublshl Pickup. Toyota Van. Maida Truck for hire 621. Changl Road *****35 BUSES. LORRJCB. PICK-UPS i hourly $10 FasL efficient dellv- cry services and labour supply Ring *****88/ *****83 Rlcardo RENT-A-TRUCK alrcon car. from Hoe Hong Trading Co 1. Dunlop
      885 words
    • 920 18 I JULY 1071 MERCEDES 200 Concealed alrcon. lax Dec "79 Everything original, new lyres 1 6.500 *****26 office hours. Charlie JULY-1072 MM 1000 Special Oood running condition, selling cheap 9. Chiselhurst Grove after 400pm JULY 1077 BMW 520, private plate, power steering, aircond 1 owner. $38,000 o no Tel: *****77
      920 words
    • 921 18 HI VEHICLES ft BOATS There^s no substitute for real rustproofing. Bring your car toZiebart OMgrt Tel Singapore *****12/3 A A Centre *****47 VESPA sum ISO cc. excellent condition. Contact *****28. VESPA SUPER 1074 1 owner. Tip top condition. Highest offer secures. Tel: *****2. YOU CAN AFFOND a car on hirepurchase
      921 words
    • 965 18 H7l MORRM IMB OT. cartridge player, air blower, excellent condition Selling Cheap View: 9. Lorong 107. Oeylang. 1071 RENAULT 10 1280 cc Excellent condition $4,800 46 Zlon Road (Behind Oreat World) *****9. 1071 VAUXHALL VIVA 1159 C.C. 4doors. Metallic paint. Radio/cassette Console box. Road tax/ insurance Excellent condition. Like new
      965 words
    • 510 18 111 VEHICLES A BOATS MANAGER URGENTLY REOUMES URGENTLY WANTED 2 units Mor Mercedes 200. 1972 onwards Cash ris Oxford Diesel Taxi for export payment Call *****66 (day) Call *****35 *****6(n1gh1) Mr Tan WANTED CARS FOR Scrap. PARF benefits Any make Please conMERCEDCS BENZ 230 automatic tact *****79/0 Yang 1973 onwards
      510 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 694 19 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES 51 Accommodation Vacant quiet established residential lorauon Interior comprise* i bedrooms large Hunt separate dining kitchen and »erfround of nearly an acre Oiaaini IS. Modern doublestorey aetarh**) Bungalow off Holland Road 4 bedrnoms •eparate living and dining, kiu hen and servant's room Rafßae Park/ Claim Ml
      694 words
    • 833 19 OtST 11 IST CLASS residential area with quiet surrounding available immediately (1)2 storey, fully furnished split-level lown-housewith 3 bedrooms, servant's room. 4 alrrondltioners Rental (2) $1,100 (2) 2-storey modern It fully furnished semidetached with 4 bedrooms. I servant's room. 6 alrcondltloneTs Rental $2,100 Contact telephone *****1 Mr Andrew Soon or
      833 words
    • 775 19 IV ACCOMMODATION 4 PROPERTIES APARTnSEWT FOR RENT OOLOWLL TOWERS 47. SCOTTS ROAO Near Newton Ctrcus SMOAPOME S. TYPE FLAT (SOkßaar) RENT Fully furnished SUMS Mk Partially furnished 11.000 pm miirMHMartUimmHtatrtew P*MM lataphanl *****11 during orßee hours lor appointment with MRS. DON. DMT BAI MORAL PARK quiet 3bedroom apartment available immediately
      775 words
    • 664 19 JERVOIS ROAO Only 8 units New ■partmenti, eentrany air -conditioned 3 bedrooms, attached bathrooms, study, living dining And tenant's amemtiel Swimming pool Rental 53.200 $3,500 FITL'RA 3 bedrooms, attached balhrootm. study, living dining and separate tenant's amenities. Swimming pool Fully furnished- $4,000 SEAFRONT 4-SEDROOMED LUXURIOUS apartment Swimming pool. 24 hours
      664 words
    • 702 19 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES DETACHED HOUSl 8 OtSTMCT 10. 11. IS Prices from $250,000- to $990,000 Pleaae call *****Z. DtST.W DOUBLE-STOHEY UNFU*NI8HEO semi-detached Splitlevel sitting dimngmarble flooring. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths/ separate servant's amenities. Vacant possession Area 3.750 sq ft 1155.000 Mont Blanc Pte Ltd ***** 1/*****6. OWT. 10. HOLLAND ROAD
      702 words
    • 668 19 DIST 11 FLAT. 3 bedrooms Near park, schools, market*. Shopping Centre, public transportation Hoe-Tan *****2 DIST. 12. LOCK CMO Apartment Lower floor 3 bedrooms, bathrooms attached, fully furnished Renovated. Very spacious $95,000 EBC *****40/2355M1 DMT. 11 OFF MOULMEM Road, groundfloor 3 bedrooms, lerraznv parquet Sliding doors. $89,000. EBC *****40/*****41 DM
      668 words
    • 643 19 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES PLATTED FACTORY SPACE torrent/eale aH 7 1/2 n»*ea Baktt Thman Road. Area approilniaUty 40.000 *q.n. Far Hirmer mtormatton. kind*/ cantact *****20. Principal* only. •4OUSTRIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Land area 14.701 sq.ft Covered area: 7 JOO sq.ft Office area: 1.840 sq.ft. Total covered area: 12.040 sq.ft Large
      643 words
    • 669 19 RENT/SALE Lara* 2-etorey detached bungalow Sallatli lor club/orhc*. oul*ld* CBD BaaH In area: 10.000 sq ft Talal area: Approximately 1.8 acres Freehold. Available Immediately Tefc2SSM7* SHENTON HOUSE. FURNISHEO office space for sale/rent. 780 sq.ft with vacant possession Phone *****79. TUNAS BLWLOMO 17TH floor area 4.135 sq.ft partition. 13th floor facing
      669 words
    • 875 19 V SERVICES A BUSINESS 74 Beauty Culture AMY WEE OF Michelle Beauly Salon offers the most comprehensive training to be a Professional/ Personal Beautician b Hairdresser New classes begin Ist of each month Telephones *****5/ *****39/ *****3. Now at Bl 1. Far East Shopping Centre. EILEEN'S BEAUTY CARE of Roland
      875 words
    • 697 19 WORLD TRADF DIRECTORIES for sale contact: Asatraco 1801. High Street Centre. Spore 8 Tel ***** ***** 77 Car Pools FREE TRANSPORT FROM Upper Seran«toon Road. 5 m s to Cathay vtrinlt) Mornings between Bam and 8 30am Please jail *****2/ *****2 during office hours LIFT REOUMEO FOR 3 persans from
      697 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 434 20 VI EDUCATION TRAINING 0 ATT language centre SCHOOL Of LINGUISTIC SKILLS Longuog* court** ond privot* tuition ♦or school eiominotiom ond for butmcts, trovel ptoosur* ENGLISH doily classes 8 30 a.m. Voconci«s n levek 1 3, 6 ENGLISH daily classes 10.40 a.m. Voconcies m levels 2, 4, 6 Written ond oro)
      434 words
    • 676 20 VI EDUCATION* TRAINING G.C.E. "A" LEVEL Our daytime furl GCE -A" Nnret Commerce Pre-U 1 S 2 claaaa* offer the mod comprehenaJve rang* of com ifvßrcsM autofects in ttie "A" Nrvol curriculum. We have a special Pre-U 1 provisional course (3 months) for those who are waiting for their "O"
      676 words
    • 509 20 G.C.E. O' 'A' CLASSES FULL-TIME DAY CLASSES AND PART-TIME EVENING CLASSES ARE AVAILABLE. Pre-U I fc II (Sc Stream) c Pre-U I It II (Comm Stream) c Pre-U I II (Arts Stream) Sec 4 (Set Arts Stream) commencing on 9/1/79 Lek Mono Prof. Training Centre •21, tin fir. Paopl*'* Park
      509 words
    • 573 20 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING GIRLS! Job* *r* becoming. h*rri*r to oet you need beaer quaMcanon* Th* Lonoon d*mb*r ol Commerce •no nduMry Pny«i» Secretary CerMcaw racognajad narnaaonaty a* on* ot tie \tjfmm i IMP ajina iwnffi Tt<* wm—m f rinf) rr Secretarial E«arrwiat>on«up*rvi»*rJ by tie MMMry of Educator Enrol now
      573 words
    • 725 20 ■JAOIO/TV KIIVICMQ Courses: Conducted by Experienced Qualified Teachers Commencing 2/1/79 Enrol Tah LI Electronic Pte School. 3-HPaya Lebar Road. Singapore *****4 New Ceareea taarUnf Mon Jen (6.15-*-4Spm> Wed. Jan ie {S.iS-a.*s|Mn) Course Internationally proven li Guaranteed to Improve Your reading efficiency By More Than 1»* Head Faeterl Untfaretand Better! Enquire/
      725 words
    • 682 20 VI EDUCATION TRAINING TELEPHONE OPERATOR Using PABX ft PMBX Switchboards (2 months) Practical Course Tuesday 1100— 12.30 pm Thursday: 8.00 9.30 p.m. Commencing 9th. 11th January 1979 REMBTR COMMERCIAL SCHOOL ttnoapor* J T*l: Ciena/ *****} TYPEWRITING BEGMNERS/LCCI revision classes. Teacher: Mokhtar Kadlr LCCI Higher 81 wpm holder (1*88). Note: PCCS
      682 words
    • 509 20 offers home tuition Maths an I Science Please call *****75 Mr Ooh. EXPERIENCED TUTORS OMER—U tuition to English/ Chinese students at Marine Parade. Kalong Call *****5. GCE MATHEMATICS. PHYSICAL Science Retired, trained, graduate teacher (22 years experience) *****2 (Ooh) 2 pm 6 pm GRADUATE TEACHER OIVMG tuition In English, Maths
      509 words
    • 620 20 VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS RELIABLE ANO ECONOMICAL airfares to Jakarta Denpasar Australia Europe and all other worldwide destinations Contact Alrmaster Travel Centre. 36-O. Prinsep Street (near Cathay I Cinema) Tel *****2 ***** 397J2 (TA No. 283) TRAVEL— TREND PIT LTD (conomlral Airfares: London Europe USA Canada Far East Australia New
      620 words
    • 563 20 o Global goes Chinese For 1979 Global presents an entirely new 19 days "Golden Europe" tour for S $2299. The tour price is inclusive of, London accommodation, Chinese speaking Tour Manager and a Chinese dinner every night of the tour We have 16 other tours of Europe from as little
      563 words

    • 72 21 TSHE CHENG KUAY Dapartad 3.1.M TEN years have passed Mnrc you left us. You will always be remembered as u kind hearted, charitable, unassuming man h» spent most ol your life In lha>furnllure trade. Cnanahad iMfiwm ol you ramam lor*«*r and daarly traaaurad b> yow batovad
      72 words
      321 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      42 21 •MAN CHANT formerly of Champion Motors Singapore and KuuU Lumpur passrd away In Dubl n on 30 :j 78 CAM.E HCCEIVCO MAOAM Pavilnun il I'Siiu muther of Pankiu 64 JaUn Wijaya. l>axM«3 a»j> prarpfully on 29 12' IV78 ji Triundruni
      42 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      33 21 In »v»f loving mtmof jr of Arthur CIMW Ty» Juay Departed en 3.1.197* Always Ranwnborod by loved onee^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ REV. CHARLES B PAUL expired 3-1-1973. Always remembered by wife and children.
      33 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 238 21 VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS 1H Whwt to El 117 Wlmt* to Stay COUNTPTV CLUB HOTtL 40 rooms offers a panoramic sea-view CD-.-^COn^Sm^. 'Rom U>» hill Economic rates $38 tYincel&Om^\ l %a «7A. Upper East Coast K»i»— r R»>d(i«)4igaa course Ma^ m FROM mXSLZULm CLASSIFIEDS 011 COLUMNS 100 103 kmxkstnmnt Commercial
      238 words
    • 204 21 LOST BLACK TENNIS racquet John Newcombe lotlo brand. complete with cover, left In airport taxi boot. I /I. T8 Reward Please lei *****83 LOtT IN METRO Supermarket In Merlin Plaza beige wallet containing Colombian licence for Olivia Montezuma Reward Call: 2SBOOI I Room 648 LOtT IN PEOPLE S Park, whit*
      204 words
    • 249 21 S T P DISTRIBUTORS SDN. BHD. m invites suitable Malaysian/ Singapore citizens to apply for the position of; SALES REPRESENTATIVE to be based at the various branches in Malaysia and Singapore. The successful candidate must not be less than 18 years of age. And should have completed secondary education. Past
      249 words
    • 1070 21 m*m UNIYERSITI MALAYA Vtis/ JAWATAN KOSONG Permohonan adalah di peiawa untuk jawatan-iawatan Professor Madya di Fakulti-Fakulti berikut: (1) FAKULTI UNDANG UNDANG (2) FAKULTI SAINS JABATAN MATHEMATIK: DALAM BIDANG MATHEMATIK GUNAAN. (3) FAKULTI SASTERA SAINS SOSIAL (I) Jabatan Pengajian Islam: Calon-calon mesti mempunyai pengkhususan dalam bidang Sejarah Moden Timur Tengah (Modern
      1,070 words
    • 689 21 Syarikat Perumahan Peffawal Kerajaan. Sendlrlan Berhad, 46, Jalan Dungun. Damansara Heights, Kl ALA LUMPUR. BITI MENOIS PREMIX SURFACING AND ANCILLARY WORKS TO ROADS. PHASE I RANCANGAN PERl'MAHAN KERAjAAN PAROI. NEGERI SFMBILAN Contractor registered with SPPK Sdn Bhd.. under clan 'C and above (head I) are invited to tender for the
      689 words
    • 343 21 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KI'ALA LUMPUR IN BANKRUPTCY NO: 53 OF I»7S Re Soo Kong Yee Chan Seng Hing Ii Lean Fook Lay iNo action I Ex-Parte: Dalip Singh NOTICt To: Soo Kon» \rr No. 21. Owl Kong Road. Kampar Garden, Ipoh, PERAK. TAKE NOTICE hat a
      343 words
    • 2 21 w^ s»»r%j
      2 words

  • 485 22 THE European Economic Community, Singapore's s e c o nd largest importer 01 electrical products is considering a new import regulation that may hinder local electrical exports to that market. The regulation Is now being studied by the community's Council ol Ministers.
    485 words
  • 379 22 A GRASS-CUTTER yesterday recalled how he had stumbled upon the bizarre scene of a murder victim lying in front of a tomostone when he was passing through a cemetery during dusk. The grass-cutter Sabtu bin Mohamed, who works at Chua Chu
    379 words
  • 39 22 TELECOMS has introduced its IDD (International Direct Dialling) Telephone Service to Greece The charge for an IDD call Is $9 a minute and charging will be based on actual duration in blocks of six seconds.
    39 words
  • 47 22 THE Public Utilities Board will rent the remaining 9.000 so, metres of office space at its new Somerset Road building to the private sector. It is already renting out a total of 4.900 sq. metres of office soace to four private companies.
    47 words
  • 173 22 A GANG of burglars broke into a row ol four provision shoos in Ellenborougti Street, olf New Bridge Road, on New Year s Day and escaped with cash, shares certificates and property worth nearly $26,000. Police believe the burglars who broke Into the shops
    173 words
  • 360 22 FOR 110 educationally subnormal schoolchildren yesterday, the first day back at school meant more than Just new books, new uniforms, pencils and pens. For they also had a brand new school and new friends all exciting enough to chase away any
    360 words
  • 105 22 BLOOD donation sessions will be held at the Radio and Television Singapore premises at Caldecott Hill tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m., and at Vigilante Corps district E, Whitley Secondary School on Monday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. There will also
    105 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1000 22 WARNING NOTICE I ES UN'Byil ILeycare I BL Limited and its subsidiary companies including BL Components Limited are the owners of registrations covering the above trade marks, of common law rights in the above trade marks, which j trade marks are well known world-wide in connection with the sale of
      1,000 words
    • 44 22 Created with loving care and experience for over one hundred years I /am #J Rpdensloch GERMAN OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY AT rrs BEST SINCE 1877 A Harmony of Perfect Vision and Beauty Available at all optical dealers, Sin Kwang Optical Pte Ud *JL SINGAPORE •MALAYSIA j^f3
      44 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 185 22 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 6 A bicycle made to avoid j 1 fr??L 7s",' tOrt Ut lh 1 2i* pruon in burn5 STL?.' 857 COW n HWHS o,'proc^on nf 1S Slow-moving ship* toad in ox printing machine (8). h f rrmact <8> fff'V" 1 W hoUt 16 love of 1.
      185 words

    • 1655 23 MOST EXCITING YEAR IN HISTORY LAST year must go down as one of the most exciting chapter in the history of racing in Singapore and Malaysia. Unlike in previous years, where one horse dominated the scene, several champions came to the fore this season.
      1,655 words
    • 1237 23 THIRTY-SIX hones have been entered lor the Uon City Cup 1.200 metres race at Bukit Ttmah on Jan 21 They are Al Cador. AU Go. Bay Express. Blue Star. Butterfly Boy. Cannon. Cheni m. Chief O» Sufi. [Mi Boy. Dragon Command. Euphortck. Gala Display. Gentleman Agreement. Giralda.
      1,237 words
    • 278 23 LONDON. Tues.- The tennis world's leading doubles exponents compete for all the prise-money instead of just a small share of it in the rich world doubles championship which begins here tomorrow Eight of the world's leading pairs will take part in the event which was held
      Agencies  -  278 words
    • 136 23 THE GIANT kw ns4e tpißsaH headway steee Us fekat hi Pesuusg last ■Milk aad teaks set U get •ff the mars la the Claw 4 l,HMwtn race hi the Kaala Lampar aw am meetiagaa B— <ay. The tsree-year-»ld Fmrry Ote», whs was aarared la Irelaad, was eager
      136 words
    • 146 23 SCHEDULE rada* tar Ike fflagipw Tart Ctab Juurj Uaa aty Cap meetiag: First Day Jaa. IS, Sataraay: Omm I Mr*. 3 •ad 4 l r atm. CIm I Oiv. S l^Mav. Mvm. 4 mad S Ijmm. CIm S Mv. t IJHd. Mv. 3 l^Hm mU 1 JMm. Hv. 4
      146 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 5 23 FAIRWAY reviews |J racing scene
      5 words
    • 200 23 Fftt Gift Offtffoftfit Neu) Ycqf Experience the forest freshness of Acqua di Selva. Exclusive from Italy. Look out for free gift offer at all leading department stores. Offer while stocks last. 100 ml Acqua di Selva Cologne (100 ml) 8 15 90 Frte Shampoo 1155 ml) i^PH >4 rasas** *V^
      200 words

    • 474 24  -  JOE DOR AI BUSINESS HOUSES LEAGUE KICKS OFF By OBERM IMPERIAL 3 BANQUE DE PARIS 2 THE Business Houses Football League got off to a disappointing start with incidents on and off the field. A motor accident, where one player was taken to
      474 words
    • 220 24 MAD RID, Tues.— Spain's crack football clubs may have to off-load their foreign stars from next season. Benito Castejon. president of the Spanish Sports Council, has advised Spain's professional clubs that only those foreigners under contract can continue playing in Spain but only until their
      AFP  -  220 words
    • 163 24 Four teams battled it out in the thick mud at Fairer Park, reports PATRICK BASTIAN8. In the evening's best game, Hyatt Hotel, after years of conceding walkovers, edged out Tractors Singapore with all the goals coming in the second-half. After failing to score in the
      163 words
    • 239 24 LONDON, Tues. West Bromwich Albion moved into second place in the First Division when they beat Bristol City 3-1 at home in one of only four English League matches to survive yesterday's arctic weather. West Bromwich and the two Merseyside clubs, Liverpool and Ever ton, all
      Reuter  -  239 words
    • 680 24 FIBST DIVISION PIDLF API Liverpool 21 IS 3 1 47 9 33 West Brain a 14 5 2 46 19 13 Everton a 12 9 1 32 It 33 Annul 2211 7 4 3*20 29 Forest 20 S 11 121 12 27 Leeds 23 8 *****26 Bristol
      680 words
    • 306 24 MELBOURNE, Tues. Australia were in sight of winning the third Test against England at close of play on the fourth day, here today. England were 171 for eight at stumps needing another 112 to win and preserve their record of 10 consecutive Tests without defeat.
      Reuter  -  306 words
    • 153 24 AUSTRALIA Ist bun. 88 ENGLAND let lass. 143 AUSTRALIA tad 1(7 (•venl«ht I*S 7): J. Mark** c Hendrk* b Emburey 10 G. Dymaek c Brearley b Hendrick 6 i. Hlggs st Taylor b Emburey 0 A. Hint not out 0 Extraa 11 T.UI 167 Wkto fell at: 55. 81.
      Reuter  -  153 words
    • 217 24 CALCUTTA, Tues Indian captain Sunil Gavaskar and Dilip Vengsarkar figured in a record-breaking secondwicket partnership of 344 on the fourth day of the third cricket Test against the West Indies here today. Gavaskar eventually declared India's second innings at 361 for one. At the close
      Reuter  -  217 words
    • 85 24 INDIA Ist turn 3W WEST INDIES litliMOl INDIA Mlaw: S. 9 itnr not out 182 A. Gaefcwad b Clarke 5 D. Vtagnrfcar not out 157 Extra* 17 T«UJ (for 1 wkt dec.) 361 Wkt feH al: 17. li iIU Clarke 28-4-104-1: Phillip IMMfI-0; Marshall 134-45-0: Holder 20-3-SW); Parry 13-3-50-0;
      Reuter  -  85 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 393 24 ~^**^l '^^U'^f'w^^m w Located near University of Singapore as well as the commercial district of Orchard Road I Stevens I CiUMlttM I *t¥ 4 y ISR 1 Luxurious semi-detached garden houses 1 Stevens Garden houses offer you luxury living fl in a high-class residential district. I The architecture is ultra-modern
      393 words
    • 84 24 H9HHI Attendance BUB Time Recorder ■PHI 9000 9900 series Attendance IPci—».~.i«. Cost Time Recorder *X° mc ■BBS 6500. QM series I-VH I 6700 I I !*^BB series r Cost Payroll W stamp Job "1 ;0 er Recorder Hf series series r PortahiP Timp T Time and Date SewrdeT Stamping Machine
      84 words

    • 295 25  -  JOE RAI By DO SEVEN members of last year's Malaysia Cup final team, including Mohamed Noh and Syed Mutalib, are likely to be In Singapore's lineup against Malacca at the National Stadium on Sunday (7.30). Coach Trevor Hartley has decided to depend on experienced players In
      295 words
    • 161 25 TIMESPORT cover all the major sports events In Singapore and most of the minor meets as well. However, because of lhortage of •Uff. Ware, days off. overseas trips. Illness and M on. it to not always ■—lull for Timesport'i tram of reporter* to attrnd all
      161 words
    • 246 25 EIOHT member; of the Lion City Cup winning team. Including captain t'andi Ahmid. have been Included in the squad for the Asian Youth soccer tournament In China this year, reports JO£ UOKAI. Th* Football Association of Singapore have selected II players to begin preparations
      246 words
    • 76 25 PARIS, Tues. Kenyan athlete Henry Rono has been voted World Sports Personality of 1978 by Journalists and readers of the Paris Sports Dally L'Equlpe. It was announced today. Rono dominated longdistance running last year, setting world records for the 3,000 metres, 3,000 metres steeplechase, 5,000 metres
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 195 25  - SASA plan to boost diving ALBERT JOHNSON by The Singapore Amateur Swimming Association will have a diving team ready lor the Southeast Asia Games in Jakarta this September. This is the optimistic forecast of BASA assistant secretary Fong Hoe Beng. who describes last year as "encouraging". The association will give
      195 words
    • 37 25 LONDON Turn Middlesex won the English Inter-coun-ties rugby union championship for the first time In 10 years when they beat Northumberland 19-6 at Twickenham. England International winger Chris Ralston top-scored m-llh II mlnli IFP
      37 words
    • 39 25 THE Jurong Town Corporation have extended the clotIng date d1 their seven-a-tide soccer tournament lor cumptinlck to Friday. The groupings of the teams will be made next Tuesdi.y Enquiries should be directed to X Suppiah < *****67 <
      39 words
    • 336 25  -  GODFREY ROBERT Divorced from athletics but By LOOKINO at him now. nobody would believe that he was once an athlete. But Suthl Manyakas. 42. has records to prove that he was more than just an athlete he was a champion sprinter. In fact,
      336 words
    • 255 25  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By JEREMY YEO. 15. national junior squash champion, has vowed to nang up his racket after the National championships (his April to concentrate on his General C.'ertl- flcate of Education Ordl- I nary level examinations I at ihe end of the year
      255 words
    • 247 25  -  PETER SIOVV By THE Singapore Sports Council, working handin -hand with the various national sports associations, will conduct a series of coaching courses this year. First on their list is basketball, which starts this month and stretches to March. This will be followed by athletics,
      247 words
    • 47 25 NARAYANAN has been elected president of the JoUllads Football Club Other offices bearers: Vicepresident. Abdul Raxak; secretary. Joe Fernandes; assistant Ncretary, Teo Eng Hal; treasurer, R. Balakrlshnan: sports secretary, S. KaJendran; superintendent, N. 8. Krisl.nan; committee, A. Jaafar. A. Salahudln. P.T. Murthl. 8. Lelchumanan.
      47 words
    • 48 25 STOCKHOLM. Tues World and European single* champion Flemmtng Delfs. of Denmark, heads a strong entry have (or the current Swedish Open badminton championshlos. The Danish team alao Include former All-England title-holder Bvend Pit and Lene Koeppen. the women's world and European champion. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 252 25 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Federal Territory's star "catches" from Belia Sinaran may not be eligible to play for them in the Malaysia Cup soccer competition after all. The Premier League club resigned from the Selangor Football Association recently to join the Federal
      NST  -  252 words
    • 73 25 SINGAPORE'S Malaysia Cup squad last night beat the intermediate team 4-1 in a friendly match consisting of three periods at tiie Victoria School ground. The Malaysia Cup tram scored through Don Ang, Suriamurthy, Leone Kok Farm and Arshad Khamis while landi Ahmad netted the intermedia te team's
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 172 25 Now Leasing ills Hurry For Best Choice KIPvIfcUUwUDTOWNHOUSES "So Nice To Core Home To!" Singapore Address of Distinction Show Model Open Kvery Day ilam 6pm l^^fc^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B Exclusive, Spacious .'{-level custom design ■>•"; Semi or Fully Furnished B>i Vir Conditioning throughout MlttT, Farklike grounds covering 6 hectares iMHi^uuuu^ul^kuMuuttLj^uuut^uutuuuf^H Your own Tennis/Hadmin
      172 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 77 25 SOCCER SBHFL tNnt■MS*. Division 1: UMW r SI A <J«lan Besari DIvMaa II: MlUubUhl t Stock Exchange (Tanglini. SB6 y V» per Singapore (To* Payoh). P and N v Mandarin Hotel (Parrer Park Athletic Centre). Division III: Deuts P.K. V OBCON Hume V Mobil. 3OXAL Singapore Porum Hotel (all matchei
      77 words

  • 328 26  -  GEORGE JOSEPH Co-op system benefits 100,000 By SEVERAL trade unions are together offering about $1 million in monthly credit facilities to their members under a check-off system introduced in their cooperative supermarkets. About 100,000 members of these unions are benefiting from this system,
    328 words
  • 43 26 NEW YORK. Tues Dow Jones averages, based on first hour o( trading on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Indus 802 75 off 2.26. 20 transp 206.86 up 0.30. 15 utils 98 17 oft 007 65 stocks 271.84 off 0.36. UPI.
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 412 26 Sentiment alone can't bridge gap: Mondale WASHINGTON, Tu«s. VICE-PRESIDENT Walter Mondale, at a gala reception given by the Chinese to mark diplomatic ties between the US and China, cautioned that sentiment alone could not bridge the gap between the two countries. He said: "This new relationship, to be successful, will
    Agencies  -  412 words
  • 130 26  - FIREMEN BATTLE BLAZE AT GODOWNS N. G. KUTTY BY FIREMEN early tnis morning were battling a blaze at a row of go downs In Kim Chuan Road, off Paya Lebar Road. Thousands of dollars worth of propfrty are believed to have been lost. However, no one was injured. The owners
    130 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 26 An employee of the firm carting away business documents from the scene of the fire.
    15 words
  • 33 26 MANILA. Tues. Six comm mist guerillas, including two field commanders, were killed In three clashes during the weekend In various parts of the Philippines, the Defence Ministry nald today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 63 26 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Yang Dtpertuan Agung has tent a message to Di Benjamin Henry Sheorea congratulating him on hto re-election for another term as President of Singapore. "We are confident that under four continued leadership the close and friendly relations existing between our two countries
    NST  -  63 words
  • 311 26  -  K.S SIDHU By A BUSINESS executive yesterday turned a human torch and died in agony as his company premises went up in flames all round him. Thr charred body of Mr Hoi Trek Meng, M, a partner of a firm. Chin Hone
    311 words
  • 47 26 LIONIL MARTIN CMARLIt. ■«4 73, p— u«d away peacefully on 2nd Ja-uary IST*. Itmvtac betilM beloved wife, four —mm. four daughter*, two granddaufhtera. oa* pi— m. two dauf—tera-la-law, two aatu-10-law and relative*. God Bleei Hlj Soul, rati•ral n— i f« wta will be announced nun— ie»
    47 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 378 26 The rustproof ing truths... Tuff-Kote is best for your car \^f The independent German A A test of various rustproofing compounds found Tuff-Kote's penetrant (known in Germany as Dinol ML) the best for your vehicle (see chart). I nlike other tests, the German AA's was also on rusted and damp
      378 words
    • 462 26 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price 50t Annual Subscription $755. For subscription, call 284 8844 Ext 302 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. Everybody makes mistakes, including the government. In fact, several government departments have misinterpreted policies and laws set by the Cabinet and Parliament which had led to incorrect charging of fees
      462 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION TWO
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION TWO
      5 words
    • Billingual page
      • 434 1 Groundnut's philosophy be useful but don't show off Selected Chinese literature 7b 4. Tkraagk aa i«c«ut •I ft tMßlly cstkertag, CMb«w writer, Xa Dl-skaa, wkne paeadeayaa was OreaadMt, eaaveyed la reaceta ate tatker*i advtee: Oae kuUbr aaefal wtta•at kavtag v skew eff. BEHIND our house was a piece of unused
        434 words
      • 120 1 Humour Holding hands LJ went for an evening stroll at the MacRitchie Reservoir with his wife and children. The eldest boy was pestering his moody father to hold his hand. Obviously annoyed, Li brushed off his son: "You are old enough not to bold on to anyone." "Look," replied the
        120 words
      • 17 1 Am mrow are and la a stagaaat awl, m an evil tkaaghto la Idleness. Latin proverb
        17 words
      • 4 1
        4 words
      • 28 1 Chinese Without Tears f&- fifeA &M tfcr *UM>r prrsMi ti4e Ik U«k H imi •BWBBai CBBBOWMCW t£ rijl HMt> FUr euunpfe, y M may My. ffeJl—^?i^ tiOlyigf ymni
        28 words
      • 149 1 ®i*^ THE illustrated word is pronounced jian. meaning hard, durable, strong and solid. It has been reduced to seven strokes from its regular form, in brackets, of 12. Here are some common combinations of the word: Jlangii firm, solid fig jianying hard and solid jiandlng fixed, decided jianqiang
        149 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 224 1 V V p a^Bv^^^Vßrn Delicious, Nourishing and Invigorating ANGPOW CONTEST ls#* 42T9 AAA 3r«i (S prizes): SSOO too Consolation Prizes Rules: 1) Open to all except the employees and their families of 9) The first entry that is opened with all the correct answers Guthrie Trading and their advertising agency.
        224 words
      • 54 1 .^Bv BBlfar"fawCT^^BW^*Tr r** 'it^^ii-*' >-*>*JV» BBV 1 a^^sr —y. j^^ I jL BB^ B^Bk _jSs^ iißß^r^i bY law ■J*mo?~ y. **<s<m. V *4^a^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bl •^IDS B WBb^blbwL— AL^ -4a^ 3^. I IH ipBBBjpjpBBBBBBBBjBBBBBBJBJBBBJ lOineCrd' >mdnsnip OT c i V HIBHHfI Parker writing instrument R comes the unmistakeable BW^^' B^^ Ib^^V B^^^^i^
        54 words
      • 368 2 AUSTRALIAN lutenist Max Hynam, who has performed as a soloist and duettist in concerts all around the world, will give a recital at the Australian High-Com-mission foyer in Napier Road on Monday at 8 p.m. Considered one of the leaders in the
        368 words
      • 260 2 PIN-UPS for the Singapore Zoological Garden's 197* calendar are its very own cuddly babies born In its nursery this year. Six of them, a lebra, pig-tailed macaque, small-clawed otter, slow loris, lion and orang utaa, were chosen from over IN new-born arrivals
        260 words
      • 343 2  -  BAILYNE SUNG By RTS's much-publicised plans to produce its own teledramas in English appear to be taking some shape at last, with the imminent staging of a 12-week workshop for potential talent. The course, which will concentrate mainly on script-writing and acting,
        343 words
      • 326 2 THE Singapore Film Society has a total of 25 films lined up for screening this year, some of which have never been shown here before. The wide variety of films is an interesting mix of cosmopolitan works including some with Russian,
        326 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 135 2 1 *w Agents THE HOHNEO (X)MH\NY PENTHOUSE GARDEN COFFEE HOUSE CANTEEN We are now open We are looking forward to your great support Just in rase you may miss us, we are at the top of LKN Building. Come in for breakfast or a simple Indonesian lunch. Locals are our
        135 words
      • 214 2 j February 17th 18th *****.00 pm Compere: Chan Seng J li£. tJf/}Jfft Top international local artistes Songs Comedy Sketches Dance Lucky Draws s. Fashion parade of bridal gowns flL^ ff- \l /^niaMl^ocTO^ Watches of Switzerland nuurwun* Clcmencedu Avenue. Singapore 9 As seating capa- I city in the National Theatre b
        214 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 773 2 TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Operanj and the Beverly MM- dent's Speech at the Opening of ies The Girts From Gran (re- Parfament, followed by Newsreel peat) (Malay) 3.25 Diary of Events (Malay) 8 05 The Music Man 3.30 Bonanza He Was (My Seven 8.15 Sports Magazine 4.20
        773 words
    • Presented by Mel-Lin Chew
      • 596 3  -  WONG MOH-KEED By THIS is the International Year of the Child. Let's take a look at working children around the world. The estimated 52 million children working in the world are involved in a variety
        596 words
      • 133 3 LOOSE, supple clothes, but without excess fullness, says Christian Dior. The 19 springsnminer collection places considerable emphasis on raglan sleeves hot the actual makeup of the clothes is simplified by cutting out shoulder-straps, triple thicknesses and linings. The general outline, with normal shoulders, remains comfortable. Natural
        133 words
      • 961 3  - Whipping up 'new' dishes from left-overs Tan Lee Leng By Spice of Life LEFT-OVERS after a festive season are always a problem. You will find a lot of bits and pieces filling up the refrigerator, which are all too wasteful to throw away. A smart cook will use leftovers for
        961 words
      • 403 3 Short jackets are now big fashion news NEW YORK Good news for the small woman: Short jackets are a big fashion for spring. They're not made expressly for the diminutive woman they are intended for everyone but it's the smaller woman who complains most vigorously that big clothes overwhelm her.
        NYT  -  403 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 80 3 Mrs. Maisy Wong wishes to inform all her clients and friends that she is now Chief Beauty Consultant for Jeanne Gatineau. the high quality range of skin care and make-up products from Pans She thanks all clients for their past support and looks forward to their continued support She can
        80 words
      • 232 3 Enjoy the Giant Litre of Coke and get some fabulous family products. TAMIYA SET 12 CAPS 54.00 SHARBO PEN 20 CAPS 56.00 UNIVERSAL CALCULATOR 24 CAPS +$8.00 MATCHBOX TOY 4 CAPS 50.50 AND MORE! EXCHANGE F ESEALABLE CAPS AND CASH FOR ITEMS O. YOUR CHOICE AT: .*mm FITZPATRICk S ORCHARD
        232 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 310 4 -Übb'-Uth'DAV: (*****4) 11 1 45 4 6 45, 9 15 No Free List JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WASj E TO SO BACK TO THE MOVII ofihe IMm hHK \in wast fekA^M^ai a\rt*a*#« 't^^^ 1 bhbv CAPITOL Next Change ■The FIRST MYSTICAL HAKTIAL ARTS I adventure From the ORIGINAL STORY
        310 words
      • 648 4 The world of chemical engineering at CHEMASIA Asian International Chemical Process 9maion y Bn^mgN^p^i** Engineering Contracting Show Hyatt session 2A e^ter uhm** of water rmoutc^ Convention Centre Singapore g££! 2 So^SXrin* 16-19 January 1979. Sw*on3A: S«»«ty Hazards Session 3B Fert*2« Production Chem Asia Conference Programme The Chem Asia Conference is
        648 words
        60 words
      • 171 4 Close Encounter Of The FUN Kind! jlj 9.15*. I B i .^iii.rfW* I iW" 9_J_l^___" k 0197S WC3M Dan«r FVoduct<x» a/y/rriTVi- WALT DtSNEY Production. pre««uTHe CAT FHOM OUTER SPACE sum* KEN BERRX< (SWCVDUNCAHHARRrMORGLANWX^ wwrbyTEDKEY iHxk by LALDSCHFWCo^odttdbyNOfWAN TOKAR Pwducedbyr«)N MILLER Drected^NORW^NTOKMR; t. szi VflL Our Best Sellers Constair presents (f^T
        171 words
      • 7 4 children's paperbacks Armada& Times Distributors Sdn. Bhd.
        7 words
      • 312 4 ORCHARD: 13th BIG DAY! 4 Shows Daly: 1.30. 4.00. 6.30, 9.15pm. You'll Share Her Dreams >• J2^f F**i The Excitement Hftk And Cheer For Her 4| fm m"^i 1 B CHRISTOPHeR ANTHONY NANFTTf^'*'" plummer hopkins newman International Velvet i GALA: NOW SHOWING! 111 1 4 Shows Daiy: 1.30, 3.30, 7.00,
        312 words
      • 569 4 J IU.CATHAV §5^ ORGANISATION?; V 141h EXPLOSIVE OAYtt l|l 11am. 1.J0. 4.00, ».SO. 9 ISpm |I Robert Show Rorboro Bocti ii K«f -ii iaMSU i, 1 |j 2nd COSMIC WEEK' <i I 11am. 150, 4.00. 1.30, ».15pm I j 4* I V w»n ItomColTNtmm l'l i L^B?M o i'i,ii;n <■»»>!
        569 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 728 5 NOTICES KOMPIEKS YIK FOONG Tl* ProanM (Stern Shaw* C****> Ltt Nos 2»H ***** ***** ***** I ***** Man Immm/ M*a Syltm idru Shih (Brwrstn •MO ipoti Pcrtu for Mmrt V* Foot* Omtopment Son Bttd Ms) Harks QuaWKKiaw M. (i) mm Contract GtntrH jK R Class under •wMtn Worts He>g ii
        728 words
      • 541 5 Edible Products Limited a member of the Si me Darby Group INDUSTRIAL CHEMIST THE JOB Reporting to the Director /General Manager responsible for production, the successful applicant will be put in charge of developing new products derived from edible oils Based in Jurong. the Company presently exports over 80 per
        541 words
      • 557 5 SALES PERSONNEL Local Company intends to increase its business by improving distribution and merchandising of its existing products and by launching new ones The Company specializes m consumers products for housewives to keep their homes in immaculate condition In line* with the above, we seek A. Sales Supervisor An honest,
        557 words
      • 1106 5 I NQTICJEOFREMOVAL I j I We have the pleasure to inform you that with effect from: 2nd January 1979 our office will be moved to: MAP SOON BUILDING, |K No. 5, Harper Road, Singapore, 13. Sj&j" (off Upper Paya Lebar Road) |f Tel. Nos. *****25 *****26 *****27 *****13 *****15 HIAP
        1,106 words
    • 659 6  - Artists' colony falls prey to commercialism ALISON SM ALE By IN Munich A GIRL in tight leather pants and thigh-length fur boots swings along the main street toward the boutique complex futuristically named "Citta 2000." Just ahead, an old lady in a coat and hat shuffles toward the corner bakery
      UPI  -  659 words
    • 1107 6  -  DIERDRE CARMODY By in New York QUESTION: What is an afternoon newspaper? Answer: A paper that comes out in the afternoon. Question: What is a Thursday paper? Answer: A paper that comes out on Thursday, dummy. The answers may seem obvious. But they
      NYT  -  1,107 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 577 6 GENERAL MANAGER DESIGNATE (Not Ims than $40,000 p.a.) A Singapore public company has recently established a subsidiary to manufacture and market electronic toys and games world-wide. The Company now seeks to appoint a General Manager Designate to initially set up all manufacturing and office operations and thereafter manage the business
        577 words
      • 641 6 Singapore Tourist Promotion Board invites applications for the post of REGIONAL DIRECTOR. GERMANY Qualifications Experience c At least six years of management experience at senior level in the field of tourism or related areas c An intimate knowledge of the travel trade in Germany Fluency in the German and English
        641 words
      • 681 6 IN TBK MOB CTH «T Of TUX axrvuue or mnoatom COMPANIES WINWNO-IT no. i m or ira > h Ik* Maltor «f Ike Ctmfatm AH (Ck>(Mr 1M) In (fee Maltar 1 DOT FUNG (PTK)LTD. PKITnON Notice Is hereby given that m petition for the winding up of the abovenamed company
        681 words
      • 76 6 ■BBBHf Circular Saw ■■>\2Jlrj I j k JH ■■■■re *W9b ■^J^^^^^^^^^^L3^JJ **v- !BI V^^Hh3r If r 111 >JB£s HP Planing Width Tj^^BV. 122 mm H^^^^ Jigsaw I I 3t^^~ StMl: 6mm jpt+ Wood 65mm 7 1 2?** Available at all leading Hardware Dealers a a For more information and after-sales
        76 words