The Straits Times, 2 January 1979

Total Pages: 28
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TTKSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1979 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 142/1/79
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  • 459 1 To ease principals' workload MAJOR changes *re to be made in primary schools when the new school year opens today with the creation of nearly 300 new viceprincipals all top principal education officer posts. Most of these vice-principals will only know of their promotion today as letters
    459 words
  • 261 1 THE New Year got off to a blazing start yesterday when fire swept through the New Kashmir restaurant and lounge in Tomlinson Road and destroyed it. The management estimated the damage at $500,000. The fire started at 4 am. at the entrance to the Indian
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  • 526 1 WASHINGTON, Sun WASHINGTON. Mon The United States and China began a new era in international relations today by officially recognising each other after nearly three decades of mutual suspicion. Diplomatic relations formally began at midnight, as US support for Taiwan's claim to be
    Reuter; NYT  -  526 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 1 TAIWAN'S Vlc cFo reign Minister H.K. Yang watches as two soldiers lower his country's flag for the last time in Washington on Sunday night. UPI picture.
    UPI  -  26 words
  • 203 1 Viets push for Phnom Penh KAMPUCHEA BROADCAST Bangkok, Monday PHNOM Penh Radio said today that a Viet namese general offensive was launched to wares the Kampuchean capital at 1 today. The broadcast said Vietnamese elements and Kampuchean rebels were advancing on Phnom Penh from the west. north-west and south.
    AFP; UPI  -  203 words
  • 62 1 PEKING, Mon. China today began using its own phonetic alphabet in giving names of people and places in foreign languages. Hslnhua news agency was the first department to make the switch to the Plnyin alphabet, which Is aimed at eliminating confusion over the romanisation of names. Its
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 43 1 VATICAN City. Mon. Pope John Paul 11. marking the Roman Catholic Church's "World Day of Peace." welcomed the year 1979 today by reciting a special peace prayer he composed that asks an end to wars, hatred and means of destruction. AP.
    AP  -  43 words
  • 153 1 ALOR STAR, Mon. Security forces shot dead two communist terrorists when they fought a gun battle with a band of six guerillas in the Jungle in Padang Terap district about five km from the Thai border. The Mentri Besar of Kedah. Datuk Sved Nahar
    NST  -  153 words
  • 37 1 NEW DELHI. Mon Prime Minister Morarji Dnai today denied his bitterly divided ruling Janata Party was facing a crisis. "We have inherited for many centuries the capacity of infighting among ourselves." he said Rruter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 58 1 LONDON, Mon. The Prime Minister, Mr James Callaghan, today predicted that his ruling Labour Party would win Britain's general election this year, but warned trade unions not to abuse their powers. In a New Year message. Mr Callaghan sai-! inflation had been brought down to single figures. unemployment
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 90 1 JKRl SAI.hM. Mon. Major efforts by Israeli Foreif n Minister Mosbe Dayan in future negotiations with Egypt will focus on the need to define the word "aggression." Foreign Ministry sources said here today. The sources said this semantic definition of the term is vital for Israel's security
    AFP  -  90 words
  • 649 1 IX a dramatic gesture, China today pledged to respect the status quo on Taiwan and he opinions of the island's population in settling the question of reunification. But the surprise overture from Peking was rejected by Tai van's President Chiang Cr.ingkuo who reiterated that
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  649 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 Rolex created the world's first truly waterproof watchcase Tai Hong Hvng (Pie.) Lid. .•**»<* UU/ n*. N. w ,h Bn<fcc Ro-ii SEIKO Someday all watches will be made this way. THONG SIA CO. (S) PTE. LTD. Ml ST FU) THt 0KOi»FD 290 ORCHMV} HO SNCAPCWi TEL 3X122 4b XN TU«NKU
      57 words
    • 108 1 MAN KILLED, 2 HURT IN BRAWL AT PARTY Page 8 BASES ract 'erases colonial vestiges' 2 SAL'DI Arabia urges Arab summit 3 U.S. will suffer less from Opec oricc hike 4 ONE-LAWYER firms: Plan to protect clients DEBIT by woman narco do» officers 7 PROFILE of the killer' rider 8
      108 words
    • 135 1 II I No shaver could ever get as At the same time, the 12 cutters close as a blade. At least not until on each head revolve at an Philips invented Philishave a amazing 5000 times per minute, shaver that gets as close as a blade To give you a
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    • 4 1 x~ c T^&. tTlttlirTi
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 471 2 Bases pact 'erases colonial vestiges' Boost for US ties with Philippines THE last vestiges of the United States' colonial hold over the Philippines were removed yesterday when the two nations agreed to a new military bases arrangement. The agreement was reached following years of hard bargaining between the two governments
      Reuter  -  471 words
    • 67 2 MEMBERS of the Taiwanese rammunlty In Washington (alMve) skewing mitsw aa their national Hag mi towered far the last time on Sunday oatoide their embassy In the Halted Stotos which •fflrially severed relaUans with Taiwan In favour of China. At the same time the US
      AP  -  67 words
    • 191 2 MANILA, Monday FORMER President Diosdado Macapagal said today Filipinos were chafing at what he called the dictatorship of President Marcos and might soon turn to violence to end six years of martial law and restore democratic freedom. Mr Macapagal, who was succeeded by Mr Marcos in
      Reuter  -  191 words
    • 83 2 Bangkok, Mon. A BUI to end a two-year-old ban on political gatherings in Thailand is to be introduced in the legislative assembly next week in preparation for general elections in April. Prime Minister Kriangsak Chomanan said last night he would introduce the BUI and that
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 139 2 FASC to meet on freight hike MANILA, Mon. The Federation of Asean Shippers' Councils (FASC) will meet this year to take a unified stand against a proposed 8 per cent freight hike by the Far Eastern Freight Conference. FASC secretai /-general Vicente Coloso of the Phiu> pines in a published
      AFP  -  139 words
    • 31 2 NEW YORK, Mon. Two thousand cemetery workers are threatening to strike tomorrow in an action that would affect burials at 42 cemeteries in the New York City area. UPI.
      UPI  -  31 words
    • 39 2 JAKARTA. Mon The top leader of the left-winf Fretilin movement in the former Portuguese colony of East Timor, Nicolai Lobato, has been shot dead in an ambush by Indonesian troops, a military spokesman said here tonight AFP
      AFP  -  39 words
    • 255 2 'UFOs on TV film claim' has jets on standby MELBOURNE, Mon. A New Zealand Air Force strike squadron has been placed on standby after an Australian television network today claimed to have shot the first-ever television film of unidentified flying objects. A spokesman for the Channel 0-10 network, Mr Leonard
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 72 2 TOKYO. Mon China has informally approached Japan with a request for Japanese economic assistance totalling 7.000 tnllioa yen (5177.S billion) to be extend ed over the next 10 years, tht Japanese daily Yomiuri reported here today. In a frontpaged story, the newspaper quoted government sources as
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    • 318 2 Economic overtures by China to increase PEKING, Monday THE unprecedented current Chinese overtures to foreign countries will be even more accentuated this year to enable China to "take off" economically, official newspapers indicated today. This spirit of overture marked a New Year' editorial in the Chinese communist party newspaper, The
      AFP  -  318 words
    • 61 2 CAIRO, Moo. Egypt's Deputy Prime Minister Flkri Makram Kbeid has announced a series of price increases of up to SO per cent on luxury goods and most crops, the authoritative newspaper Al-Ahram said today. Goods to cost more included cigarettes, soft drinks, first-class railway fares, colour
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 237 2 JOINT BID BY CHINA, JAPAN TEAM TO SCALE EVEREST TOKYO, Mon. China's People's Liberation Army and Japanese Defence Agency officials will jointly scale the 8,848-metre peak of Mt Everest, paving the way for bilateral interchange of military personnel between Japan and China, a Japanese daily reported today. The Sankei Shimbun
      AFP  -  237 words
    • 34 2 ACCRA. Mon. Ghanaian leader Lieulenant-General Fred Akuffo has lifted a two-month-old stale of emergency imposed after a wave of industrial unrest and strikes in the country, the Ghana News Agency said Reuler.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 146 2 TOKYO. Mon. Japan will 1 set up a research organisation to develop the "fifth generation computer" which thinks and studies, it was reported yesterday. The largest circulation Japanese daily Yomiuri said the research organisation would be established jointly by the government and private companies
      AFP  -  146 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 332 2 The Shangri-La Health Club. A new concept in fitness and resort living. Cycle live mil»'s a dd\ I ake part in your own Walkaton. Then follow jr^, up with a little weight lilting Vibrate away the lunches left on your hips. jjfe Exercise every inch of your body. iT^S?' Then
      332 words

    • 290 3 Tor joint action against Israel' CAIRO. Monday SAUDI Arabia is calling for an urgent Arab summit which will include Egypt's participation to co-ordinate Arab action against Is rael's intransigence, the Saudi ambassador said here yesterday. Mr. Abdel Rahman Abal Khail said his
      Reuter; UPI  -  290 words
    • Article, Illustration
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    • 203 3 India in joint efforts on nuclear projects NEW DELHI, Mon- India is cooperating with a number of Asian countries, including Pakistan and Bangladesh, in a series of nuclear research projects, according to official sources here today. These projects, the sources said, are being executed under the regional cooperation agreement, formulated
      AFP  -  203 words
    • 281 3 Israeli troops block settlement attempt IKRUSALEM. Mon. Israeli army patrols yesterday barred the way to a convoy of cars carrying militant members of the right-wing Gush Kmunim movement who said they were preparing to establish a settlement near Nablus. in the north of the West Bank Fhe convoy was headed
      AFP  -  281 words
    • 85 3 O>UiMl«>. Mon As the ~4ew Year dawned in Sri Lanka 35-yrar-old Kumar Anandan danced his way lo a world record »ith a marathon sessii n of non-stop tout danring At 18 minutes past midnight. Nr» Year revellers at Cob mbo's (Jalle Fare green burst in o wild
      AFP  -  85 words
    • 319 3 Botha: We will review land-for-blacks idea DURBAN, Mon. Prime Minister Pieter Botha suggested yesterday that his government is prepared to re-formulate the "homelands" id?a, th<; cornerstone of South Africa's policy of apartheid, or segregation of races. In tne Prirre Minister's annua' address to the nation. Mr Botha said: "We shall
      AP; AFP  -  319 words
    • 42 3 Varsities for women KARACHI. Mon Pakistan will establish two universities for women next year following public demand for separate educational facilities Education Minister Mohammad All Khan "if'un'ing last night thai the new universities would be set up in Karachi and Lahore. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 261 3 Stricken tanker a pollution 'time-bomb' LA CORUNA (Spain), Monday A POTENTIAL major pollution "time-bomb" loomed today as a Greek supertanker with a cracked hull and 100,000 tonnes of crude oil aboard drifted powerless off north-west Spain in heavy seas after crewmen took to life rafts. The Andros Patria caught fire
      Reuter  -  261 words
    • 256 3 Moscow's so cold keys stick to fingers MOSCOW, Mon. How cold was it? So cold your teeth hurt when you went outside, and the end of your nose felt as though old grandfather frost himself was thumping on it with an icy hammer. So cold the oil in the crankcase
      UPI  -  256 words
    • 72 3 BEIRUT. Mon Beirut raised its glasses and many of its weapons to the New Year today in a potentially deadly mix of gunplay and revelry that left at least four people seriously wounded. The shooting into the air to celebrate the New Year began sporadically after nightfall
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    • 115 3 HARD TO TRACK DOWN KILLERS' WASHINGTON, Mon. The head of a US Congressional committee which says conspirators probably murdered President Kennedy and the Rev Martin Luther King in the 1960s admitted today it would be difficult now to track down the killers. President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 and Dr
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 135 3 CHICAGO, Mas. A for mer employee af John Gaey Jr, the eaatraetor i sasperted of Ulliag a« many aa 32 yaug men aad hoys, is bring hnated at a paMiMe wltam to the sex alayugc, the Chlrag* Sun Tlmrs re- ported yesterday. The pattce
      AP  -  135 words
    • 54 3 A STICK-welldlng >outh seen running along a street in Teheran in pretest against the Shah and the military-led government on Sunday. In front of him another demonstrator can be seen building a street barricade against army troops during the ninth day of rioting and bloodshed in the
      UPI  -  54 words
    • 56 3 NAPLES, Mon. Festive Neapolitans who drank, sang, shot and firecrackered their way into the New Year woke up today to count the cost 207 injured and 50 fires. Hospital officials said most of the injured suffered burns from fireworks, but three of them were hit by
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 27 3 KINSHASA. Mon. Zairean Agriculture Minister Tepa Tondele Zambite has been arrested on charges of embezzling public funds, the Kinshasa newspaper Elima reported today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 292 3 IT WAS open-house at mortuaries in Los Angeles for New Year revellers in a rather-macabre effort to cut down on holiday accidents. The idea was that calling at a mortuary will certainly have a sober effect and restore some sanity to those far-gone in their imbibe ment of the
      UPI  -  292 words
    • 52 3 MANILA. Mon. Manila ended 1978 the way it began with a serious firethat caused at least 20 million pesos (S&.B million) of damage to harbourside warehouses. The fire, which police said was of suspicious origin, damaged a building belonging to a shipping company and three adjoining
      Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 100 3 An unoeiwvabi: choice from Lowrey s More features and authentic sound with 18 rhytrwn and k>» it s m stereo sound e*teci 10 cHoice of solo presets and 13 choice of Loorey s inno»»li»« live channel sleraoprtve orchestra presets sound an. man system More e»se oi playing with Magic Genie
      100 words
    • 208 3 Stop roof leaks > Our team of professionals are equipped to solve all types of water leakage problems. We are specialist applicators of waterproofing materials for roofs, basements, water tanks etc and distributors of waterproofing systems, paints protective coatings, sealants, expansion joint covers cement additives. /Jfcl BATIK A Singapore Pte
      208 words

    • 99 4 Plan to transfer Viet refugees MANILA. Man Philippine I health authorities were today co— tdt ring transferring about 2.300 Vietnamese idMgw aboard a rusting freighter in Manila Bay to smaller boats Government television reported the move was being LBtMtatrfrt after the author ittes discovered that the refugees were "being exposed
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 345 4 RUNAWAY BAY (Jamaica), Mon DVFLATION is the most serious problem in the world today and both rich and poor countries should band together to fight this Public Enemy No.l. At the lowesf-common-de-nominator level, that was the unanimous conclusion reached during a two-day
      AFP  -  345 words
    • 30 4 MELBOURNE, Mon. Two men were killed and six injured in an accident on an offshore oil rig in Bass Strait, south of Melbourne last night, police said. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 69 4 SALISBURY, Mon. White minority leader lan Smith today accused the free world, in particular the United States and Britain, of apparently seeking to drag Rhodesia into starvation, bankruptcy and lawlesness. In a New Year's Eve radio and television address to the nation, Mr Smith delivered
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 426 4 Progress against inflation will be wiped out but... THE 14.5 per cent oi price increase planner by the Organisation o Petroleum Exportinj Countries for 197! threatens to wipe ou what little furthei progress the West h likely to make in it flagging
      NYT  -  426 words
    • 278 4 Economic package necessary: Suharto JAKARTA, Mon. The package of economic measures recently taken by the government may have been a bitter pill for some people but was necessary for the long-term benefit of all and for the success of Indonesia's third five-year development plan, President Suharto said last night. In
      Reuter  -  278 words
    • 225 4 Monetary wonder child of EEC stillborn BRUSSELS, Man After six months of alternating hope, »nd prophecies of Kloom, the ommon Market's monetary wonder child, EMS, wms be stillborn today. The Kuropr»n Monetary System, deafened to protect Europe's mosey from chaotic changes In valor sack as the fall la valor «l
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 172 4 JAPAN'S AIM AT ECONOMIC SUMMIT TOKYO, Mon. Japan, host of the next summit of leading Western industrial nations, will press to include in the agenda economic topics which will reflect the voices of developing countries. Reporting this today, the Japanese daily Asahi said the summit was tentatively set for June
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 165 4 BONN, Monday THE vision of a Western Europe ruled by a single government will remain a dream for the foreseeable future, French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing has told the West German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel in an Interview. But he said: "Europe is
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 224 4 CLEVELAND, Mon CITY leaders today forced a showdown with the State Attorney-General's Office over nearly US$5 million (SSIO.B million) Cleveland owes to employee pension funds. The cry's latest round of money troubles became known this weekend when City Finance Director Joseph Tef-reene said the
      UPI  -  224 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 362 4 Seiko technology fg^W The world's first dual *vM panel Multi-Mode LC Digital \/C±ZkW Q uar *z 80 year Memory •'■■w TyWl Bank Watch that you can P ro 8 ramme w n 1^ months ■■iV#V# Z^« of vital calendar information. I H MH^k M| MM mhbm MM* HJ B^ ■SBSlSsv
      362 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 864 5 12 reasons why Europe's best selling VCR is your best buy in Singapore Epver since the intro- jfj -X^W Vliiß^" 1 HH^E the Philips VCR to tape and press both recording duction of colour^jL^ji^ X the P r °g ramme in y° ur and P la Y back buttons f^f»?
      864 words

  • 489 6  -  MASIr: KWEE ty A PROPOSAL t<> imiviisf Ihe protection of clients ol one-la wver legal linns here has been submitted to the authorities by the Law Society of Singa|mce-. The proposal comes after reports of a number of cases where legal firms having
    489 words
  • 428 6 THE Singapore Action Group of Elders' second centre at Kitchener Road will be developed into a cultural centre for the elders, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs) Mr Chan Chee Seng, said yesterday. For there exists a pool of latent cultural talent among Sage members,
    428 words
  • 47 6 VEE Che* Klang. tt. a Malaynan. was yestei ay charged In court with broking into the residence o. Mr John Gerlcke at Yarwooo. Avenue on Saturday at 9.35 l.m. No plea was tak* Vee was remanded til) further mention of his ca.v next Monday.
    47 words
  • 259 6 Devan joins the war on 'moneytheism' THE latest attack on the (rowing number of i Sincaporrans who subs.ribr to the belief that money is the most important thine in life has come from the NTIT secretary «eneral Mr Devan Nair. Writing in the souvenir magazine to mark the annual dinner
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  • 55 6 Registrar of companies resigns THE Registrar of Companies. Mr James Lau Tiong Jin, has resigned from his post early last month. He is believed to have left Singapore. A Finance Ministry spokesman confirmed the ministry had received Mr Lau's resignation letter. Mr Lau was promoted recently to Supersonic O with
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 389 6 These girls made it to the top in the LCCI exams Thanks to Secretarius J/S^^^y r st 1 2T rhe best secretaries usually come from iS^m^^W I H^Elffi A Secretarius. -JT J -«T»" A Thc three irls y° u see on y° ur lctl r*^ m~* I M have won
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 362 6 GRAPHICS FROM i Mandarin Hotel, from SCHOOLS EXHIBITION 10.30 a.m. to 9 p m. On at National Museum till Sunday. y° UnB inf!f!P lelS t G 7 aHery TRADE EXPOSITION from 10.30 a_m. to 7 p.m. and carnlval at vacant On till Jan 31. land be slde Kampung FILM SHOW
      362 words

  • 178 7 THE Labour Ministry will seek the views of employers and trade unions on the review of the Employment Act. Sources said If any amendments were to be made to the 10-year-old Act. they would be done alter "tripartite' consultations among representatives of the government,
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  • 267 7 THE first three woman "narco dot" handlers have caused many heads to turn at the Wood I a n d s customs checkpoint. Customs oflicers Seetho Siew Chan. Nf Gek Kwonc and Pher Yock One have amazed many people with the way they handle
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  • 218 7 Mim Pao will launch 'estates' supplement MIN PAO, a Chinese evening daily, is launching a special weekly edition covering, among other news, community activities, for residents of Toa Payoh and Ang Mo Kio residents from tomorrow. The four-page "mini local supplement", which will also carry detailed reports on development trends
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  • 63 7 British Trade Secretary coming BRITAIN'S Secretary of State tor Trade, Mr John Smith, will arrive here tomorrow for a three-day visit to strengthen Singapore-British relations. In nciiii talks with the Prime Minister. Finance Minister and the Foreign Affairs Minister on international and bilateral trace and eco- nom'c issue*. He Is
    63 words
  • 101 7 Open house at language centre THE Language Centre of Nanyang University will hold its "open house" on Jan 15 and 17 from 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Arts Hall One. The evening o! Jan 15 will feature an inter-faculty general knowledge and current events quiz. Three student- teams selected
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  • 36 7 Martial arts courses THE VMCA will conduct two counes. tae kwoo do fiom Tuesday and Lofce Hup kung fu from tomorrow for members. The fee is »J0 month for e«ch course F*>r n.oie details ling *****8
    36 words
  • 176 7 'Haram' to propose to betrothed woman I PROPOSING to a woman who Is already engaged j Is haram, said Kadi I Pasunl Maulan at a weekly marriage guidi ance course at the Madrasah ALsagoff Mosque In Jalan Sultan last I Sunday. Speaking on Regulations for Engagement and Marriage Laws, he
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  • 177 7 A PRELIMINARY sturtv on the supply and demand of ieafv vest tables has been completed, with particular reference to the limited sources of this important food. Other aspects of the study include the difficulty of storage of this perishable commodity and the long
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 292 7 JMJaW IJaiiXi 0^ I for your old S^f If l/ working refrigerator when you trade-in for the latest FOAMWALL KELVINATOR Packed by j,^-^ ■MM' X a^L^B L^H I m^o '^mtw siWsV«^^<sL In addition, you will also receive a V m ll wholesome hamper of food FREE I fSßlOnis^ f^As^t'll. PLUS
      292 words
    • 122 7 NO HEAT SO COLD SOHgF HITACHI CAR AIR-CONDITIONER Pay for a real air- conditioner that produces volumes of cold air. Don't just get air- conned! ASIA MOTORS No 1. Kampong Ampat, (Off Macpherson Road) Tel *****6 Ngee Ann Building Tel *****2 SAN MOTOR Ca(PTE) LTD. 27 Foch Road, Singapore 8.
      122 words

  • 59 8 POLICE are trying to trace the relatives of a mental patient who was found hanged In the compound of the Woodbridge Hospital on Christmas Eve. The dead man. Ah Chew, had been an Inmate of the hospital for 16 years. Relatives ar« requested to contact
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  • 78 8 ALL THAT'S' LEFT AFTER THE' BLAZE ALL that is left of the New Kashmir restaurant and lounge in Tomlinson Road after a five-hour fire yesterday exhausted its fury. Before the New Year, revellers dined and thrilled to the entertainment of the restaurant fashioned after the decor of North India. Then
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  • 115 8 Maritime Museum films THE Port of Singapore Authority Maritime Museum on Sentosa will screen nlms this month for visitors between 10 am and 4 p.m. Special screenings can be arranged on request tor groups of 20 or more on weekdays only. Visitors can also see the VHF radio receiver exhibited
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  • 103 8 THE People's Association Youth Swimming Club j has conducted 65 train- i ing courses for some 2,000 i beginners since it was I formed in 1974. At the Mount Emily swimming pool there are now more than 100 In the beginners' courses, while at
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  • 512 8 TRAFFIC Police have carried out a study of fatal road accidents involving motor cyclists and scooterists In the past two years, and from this, the profile of a dangerous rider has emerged. He falls Into one of three categories of riders deemed by police to
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  • 39 8 THE International Monetary Fund ha* Invited bids for Its monthly gold auction to be held tomorrow. Copies of the IMP Invitation forms are available at tht reception desk, fifth floor SIA building in Robinson Road
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  • 194 8  - Man killed, 2 hurt in brawl at party N. G. KUTTY By A NEW Year party ended in tragedy yesterday when one man was killed and two others injured in a bar brawl in Kitchener Road, off Serangoon Road. Police said last night that the dead man was In his
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  • 157 8 NATIONAL BODY FOR TRAVEL INDUSTRY PLANNED THE Singapore Society of Tourist Agents iSSTA) will hold an extraordinary general meeting on Jan 12 to pave the way for the formation of a national body to represent all sectors of the travel industry in Singapore. When the National Association o: Singapore Travel
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  • 40 8 LEI Yoon Choy. 28. was charged in court yesterday with stealing a cold anxlet from a one-year-old child at Avenue 1, Ang Mo Klo on Saturday at 10.15 p.m. His case will be mentioned again next Monday.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 194 8 instantly A wlth J| MITSUBISHI a BALL POINT W V Sole Agents IRSPICERSB llzJ INTERNATIONAL LTD. .'4l ALE > ANDRA ROAD SINGAPORE J TtLS 645 461/5 HAVEAN ORANGE EXPERIENCE EVERYIWff. I S i| M 4 m B i ANNOUNCEMENT X Please be advised that with effect from Ist. Jan., 1979
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    • 268 8 The priceless gift w 4^Z MY NEW YEAR RESOLUTION IS TO LOSE WEIGHT AT WEIGHT WATCHERS. k there a gift that gives more joy than all the others during the coming holiday season? Something better than trinkets to wear and luxuries to pamper you? There is the matchless gift of
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  • 94 9 TWO New Tear Day scenes at right Mok Yen I. in. 15 months, grinning with delight, roamed freely on the sprawl nj grounds of the Istana yesterday. She and her parents were among hundreds of others, Including foreigners, who spent their New Year's Day taking a
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  • 463 9 THOSE of us who follow the concert scene in Singapore will recall that, several months back, a concert by the Australian Ensemble I ended up with only one member turning up in Singapore with the rest stranded somewhere else. The somewhat amused audience was.
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  • 27 9 THE next legal atd counsiiliiik service at Queenstown community centre has been postponed for a week to Jan 8 as yesterday was a public holiday.
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  • 141 9 IN-DEPTH discussions on current policies and problems relating to labour will be held between senior Labour Ministry officials and top management of various manufacturing companies this month and next. This is to enable the ministry to review critically the labour-market situation and the effectiveness of public
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  • 544 9 OPEN confrontation between free traders and protectionists In a world economy reeling under the effects of doubledigit Inflation can be expected this year, a University of Singapore economics don said yesterday Associate Professor Lee Soo Ann. who painted this scenario for the International economy
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  • 39 9 CHEE YOKE SHIN. 39. Of Balestier Road was found dead at the foot of Block 175. Lorong 2. Toa Payoh on Sunday afternoon. Police believe she fell from an upper floor of the highrise block.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 120 9 1979's first baby— Page 1 1 TLJE 4fN\E \l *Y&S Favre-Leuba gentle touches of sheer artistry A applied with taste, decorum and modern precision WL engineering ffiXMssk> Bk In keeping with their policy of continuing progress, SFfflk from January 1, 1979. J^gggflft TRITON (F.E.)PTE. LTD. f|fgj |k have been appointed
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  • 121 10 MEMBERS of the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation, the Singapore Air Trans port workers Union nnd the Pioneer Industries Employees Union are now entitled to enter the Ea.«t Coast Swimming Lagoon at a concession rate of 20 cents per adult This is a SO per cent
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  • 120 10 TWO PILLION RIDERS DIE AFTER SKIDS PILLION rider. Mi«s Ong Ye Huang 21. died on arrival at the Alexandra Hospital at about 830 pm on New Years Eve after the meorcyele she I wrs on skidded along Upper Bukit Tlmah Road and threw her off. The rider. Kiang Kirn Hoon.
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  • 243 10 3 execs pocket $700,000 a year: Union A TRADE union has accused three top executives of Jurong factory of "|K)cketing about $700,000 I year" from the sale of scrap. The Pioneer Industries Employees 1 Union (PIEU), which represents the workers at the factory, charged that while the executives shared the
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  • 37 10 CYCLIST Tan Bee Hoo. died In Alexandra Hospital about 4J hours after she was Involved in an accident with a bus at the junction of Kranji Road and Krcnjl Way on Saturday at 3.30 p.m.
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  • 303 10 HONG KONG cellist Chiu Chen-chiu i above) 40, one of four Hongkong musicians selected to join the Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO), was the first Chinese to hold a one-man celio recital in China in 1962. Then 24, Mr Chiu was given wide publicity in the
    303 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 643 10 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT M) 7 Boylston Strret at Copley Square Boston. Massachusetts 021 16 U.S.A. Thr Awwrifwi Inatitakp of MinajnnnH. <Mical«d to thr development of rxrrllrnt manaitrfneitl for ovrr M) >ear«. invite* memberatiip inquirien from interested manafers and eterutives The InMitule offer* it« members an opportunity to keep abreast
      643 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
      218 words

  • 1527 11  -  KOM VAN POH Ambiguity in this legal no-man's land By Publishers and librarians hold differing views PHO TOSTAT ING .ui«l its nnpli (.itioris <>l copyright infringement, the subject of pub lie debute recently, have long been :i legal no man's with
    1,527 words
  • 53 11 THE fifth convention of the Association of Furniture Industries will be held In Singapore In November. Some 300 delegates from nine countries Hongkong. Indonesia. Japan. Malaysia, the Philippines. South Korea. Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore will attend. Among the problems to be discussed are raw material supply, production
    53 words
  • 99 11 THE first New Year baby, a 3.2 kg bouncy girl, had her first taste of publicity yesterday and seemed to enjoy all the fuss over her. Still unnamed, the cute girl curled her thin lips seemingly with delight as cameras from the press clicked
    99 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 84 11 «Jaeger-leCoultre» Geneve 111 1 revered among the doyen of superior time pieces. Technical excellence and delicate craftsmanship materialized in a range of wrist watches so refined and desirable. A tradition the world has come to trust. To ensure the continuance of their reputation for superior quality, Jaeger LeCoultre will be
      84 words

  • The Straits Times TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1979
    • 432 12 THE Public Service Commission records of the socio-economic background of our scholarship winners are heartening reminders that Singapore is an upwardly mobile society They support sociological studies showing that most of Singapore's professionals and intellectuals come from families of lower social status. But the figures quoted by the
      432 words
    • 336 12 THE Prime Minister has said that 1978 will long be remembered as the year of the refugees. What to do with the many thousands of Indochinese refugees is a question the hapless firstasylum countries like Thailand and Malaysia are still asking themselves and the rest of the
      336 words
  • 548 12 University studies now losing appeal in Germany BONN, Sun. Nowhere in Europe has the academic enjoyed higher prestige than in W. Germany But even here a university education is losing its appeal. In 1971. 87 per cent of those qualified to go to university did so. This year, just under
    Reuter  -  548 words
  • 515 12 IF MONEY can buy happiness, the people of Kuwait ought to be ecstatic. By the same measure, people barely a silver dollar throw away should be wholly miserable. In this report, UPI correspondents review the tremendous extremes of wealth and poverty in the Middle East. NOWHERE across
    UPI  -  515 words
  • 969 12 'Cheap government* is still far off in Japan THE Japanese Prim* Minister, Mr. Mesa yoshi Ohira, won election to his party's presidency partly on his advocacy of administrative reform aimed at cheaper and more effective government. But he has since toned
    969 words
  • 478 12  -  THOMAS KENT in i vnvran SHAPOUR BAKHTIAR, the French-educated lawyer assigned by the Shah to form a new civilian government, is viewed by associates as a moderate but highly determined politician tempered by 25 years of opposition politics. The Shah's choice for prime minister has
    AP  -  478 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 16 12 Get acompleteALVZXrV system (p^ SUMXN i<x»K>Sandr<tvaM»Mt tor SALES INSTALLATION ft SERVICE K9LHM #^»TornaAPftnKri ltd. KM*M KWMIMtIM
      16 words
    • 303 12 if you are paying too much tax... Then this invaluable book on Singh's Law Practice of Singapore Income Tax. must be in your possession. The book contains every relevant local case on Income tax up to October 1978. All those areas important to you as a taxpayer, are comprehensively covered.
      303 words

    • 129 13 Turn to more serious historical classics SINCE Radio Television atagapara has seen fit to put on the Duchess of Duke Street aeries depicting the sordid carryings oa of late 19th Century British Royalty may I ask those in charge of Singapore television programmes to turn their attention to some serious
      129 words
    • 177 13 WE WISH to reply to the letter in the Straits Times on Dec 22 from "TV Addict The comments of "TV addict" on TV programming in Chinese and English have been noted When scheduling TV programmes, we have to consider the parallel transmission
      177 words
    • 396 13 GIVEN the recent news that a leading Singapore hotel group will carry a 10 per cent service charge from yesterday, many of us "old-fashioned" guests and diners begin to wonder what happened to the traditional philosophy of pride in "service to
      396 words
    • 317 13 I READ with bewildering amusement the recent letters la yoar paper a boat the state of driving la Siagapare. I caaaat sec why as many pea pie here like to compare aar driving to that la less developed coaatrles like
      317 words
    • 412 13 I READ with interest your report on the peculiar way the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board chose the two millionth visitor to Singapore this year and would like to share the sentiments expressed. I am a SIA staff member employed at the Arrival
      412 words
    • 105 13 Trip was quite enjoyable, but I RECENTLY took some foreign friends to Sentosa and on the whole, the trip was quite enjoyable. However, there is still room for improvement. The double-decker buses for example, are downright dilapidated and sorely in need of a new coat of paint. Since the charges
      105 words
    • 114 13 I WOULD like to know if trisha riders are allowed to charge prices according to their whims. On Dec 20 at about 5 to 5.30 p.m., a lot of shoppers at Lucky Plaza were caught by the heavy rain. As taxis were scarce they approached
      114 words
    • 250 13 Our standards spelt out at start of year IN REPLY U the letter by "C— vtrmui Mather" (ST, Dec 11), I wish U sUte the f •Hawing: 1. At meetißg with the psrrnts «ar stadeata m Jut SI, I*7B the mlnlmnm itUlnmrnt far promaUaa UJfll {tmt Alevel p*aa aad three
      250 words
    • 1267 13  -  JAMES FOLEY in Seoul New Russian overtures to South Korea seen linked to Sino-Soviet conflict By THE Soviet Union is flirting with South Korea in a move interpreted by diplomats and academic specialists on Asia as being directly linked to the Sino-Soviet split.
      Reuter  -  1,267 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 133 13 I fla^saaaaaaV •^aal S .g&i, W$ /S m^Ji^Ki V^-W^ WSM ELECTRIC CO PTE LTD bbbbbT Unit 153. 1 54 162 Capitol Shopping Centre. y^K^^^m^^m^^n Singapore 6 (Ist Floor) J_^H^B aBBBBBBBBBBT/ el *****2 *****3 Cable: NAMAHELEC" L^aaaal saaVaal bW ijS£ r*s?*r *5?* ]^^H£(MiB%£H|JMkfi)jiH|H flT^^^^^b^i A^a, BBBBBBBbI 888V l 'r^r^* l SprwiW^lf^aßßßaSl
      133 words
    • 168 13 "afc- a/ay <*4b^B saa if#Nutri'tioi cos-Metics Nutri-Metics Nutri-Metics the Leader in the field of Pure Nutritious Skin Care and Beauty Aids, are formulated on a very unique concept of using extracts from natural nutrit )us foods in each of its products. Free Beauty Demonstration at Robinson Downtown, Clifford Centre 2nd
      168 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 4027 14 CLASSIFIED ADS II EMPLOYMENT I FOR SALE SHOPPING GUIDE II EMPLOYMENT MAJOR LOCAL BANK invites suitably qualified Singapore Citizens to apply for the vacancies of CONFIDENTIAL STENOGRAPHER c Possess School Certificate' OCE O' level with credit in at least 4 subjects including English and Mathematics c LCC Shorthand It Typewriting
      4,027 words
    • 455 14 AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service Weekdays IX a m $00 r, m Public Holidays 900 a m l 00 m Saturdays 130 am 3 00 j. m Counter Servke Regular office Kourt Times Orchard Centre Ml OS Lucky Plaza <»> Times Centre New Industrial Rmd (19) Ansefone Service After office
      455 words
    • 509 14 A Well Established Local Company hae a vacancy tor QUALIFIED MECHANICAL ENGINEER Please submit your applications with a comprehensive resume of your experience and qualifications and attached a photograph (non-returnable) to S.T. BOX AM32O ESTABLISHED MARINE Electronics Firm requires Technician and trainee Technician In radio communication and navigation equipment. Please
      509 words
      478 words
    • 368 14 invites applications for the posts of (A) RECEPTIONIST (B) COMPUTER OPERATOR/PRO ORAMMER (C) SALES CLERK Eipenence: Post (B) applicants must have computer knowledge Post (C) applicants preferably with .some sales experience and able if sell over the telephone Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience Pleaae write witli fua persooet resume,
      368 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 541 15 II EMPLOYMENT 2 I) Gemerml BLW GOLDEN OPI»O»»TUNfTY B! m We are an mttnttonal 1 concern preeentty under go»ng an eipensien mS E Asia and seek several men/tjomsii le undergo TRAINEE EXECUTIVES A PROMOTION OFFICERS NOT interested in SALE* PfHSOnaall son* wilti experience at all net will be trained procedure
      541 words
    • 674 15 ITAIFRAME X nrt M < nrporaxnpatny runted' in Juronß (A) Accountant (B) Arlminnlia«i»t «snala»> 'Cl Ei*cu«wr* AttieHnlt 'D) tlai«*aa|iai (E) T,s«*«/«»e*»> Peel (A) qualification preferable to keep full .ii manufacturing; arrears accounting experience P*el(B) •li( Private Secretarial Certificate or it' equivalent, preferable Minimum CiC X t) le»el with fluent English
      674 words
    • 431 15 II EMPLOYMENT SOC A SUSJsXHAXY OF NB*f>ON OH. MM SNOUSTRV CO LTD A leadinii international oilmanufacturing Company invites applications fur Us factory in Juronn IWIC) for the following posts 1. POLISHER ENGRAVER a 2. RUBBER COMPOUND TESTER 3 TRIMMING/ SCREENING OPERATOR 4. METAL CASE OPERATOR 5. PACKER Minimum Primary Kduca-
      431 words
    • 480 15 GENERAL ELECTRIC USA. FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS (2nd shift 3.25 pm to 11 50pm) Requirements 16 years and above Singapore Citizens or Citizens of other nationality Wage*: Starting $225 per month After one month's training $231 per month 3rd month pay review Oihec benefits Free medical and insurance benefits Annual Leave
      480 words
    • 338 15 II EMPLOYMENT <Pollei j invites applications for MALE/FEMALE FACTORY OPERATORS Requirements: c 16 years and above c Singapore/ Malaysian Citizens and Permanent Residents c Primary education in any Language stream No working experience required, as training will be provided Rollei provides good wages and benefits as: c Service Allowance c
      338 words
    • 498 15 WeM-eetaMiened Tyre Manu lecturer with good growth potential requite* PRODUCTION OPERATORS (Mete) 1 1 Age 20 years and above Musi have completed full-time National Service or doing part-time National Service 2) Must work 3 shifts Weekly change 3 1 Starting pay $8 40 per day $9 40 per day If
      498 words
    • 612 15 II EMPLOYMENT Jh SINGAPORE FUJITEC ELEVATOR CORPORATION LIMITED REOLHRCS 1. TRAINEE JUNIOR EXECUTIVE c Technician Diploma In Electrical Engineering from Singapore Polytechnic c Al least 1 year's experience preferred 2. TECHNICIANS (MALE) c Industrial Technician Certificate In Mechanical Engineering from Singapore Polytechnic 3. DRAUGHTSMEN (FEMALE) c G CE 3 O1O
      612 words
    • 735 15 CJSINQUIP SINGAPORE MOUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT PTE. LTD. I. SECRETARY •ft f»n*K«l ■wcra>t«vu]i dutstn 2 SHIPPING CLERK Musi torn >i lent 1 yem kmi«ci m tifnilar capacity and a thorou** I COMPANY ORIVER end Ctttn drivtnf record App'Kttnit lhoulrJ Apply w>lh full d«**.t« •ncludmtj ul«v •mpextMf contact phone <ttv pont.on 1 ft
      735 words
    • 677 15 II EMPLOYMENT Wanted Immediately OFFICE BOYS Between 16 and 18 years old Completed OCI O Level with credit in Knglish Salary: $180 per month CARPARK ASSISTANTS (Bukit Timah Plaza) •No experience required but must be able to handle cash c Preferably 18 years old and above Salary $250 per month.
      677 words
    • 859 15 I WANTED STENOGRAPHER lio is profh lent in Enfttstl and kbtC Do operate telex machine Also 2 Salesmen lo handle Msh ntsnef Hoods Please phone Mr -24 111 .tails between 4 pin Ip m W* r*ouir* the loMowiiifis: 1) Chinese Driver cum Store/ Delivery Man The successful .-an.liclatc must possess
      859 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1439 16 M VEHICLES ft BOATS 45 V«MCNM F« Sat* RfG 71 TOYOTA MSjaj Aircon very good condition 600 ono c onurt yarn SSN THAI MM TRAOSkC PTE LTD liiieiai I "it Plat E Frmfle Carpet* G KeaweaajJave Tets l> 111 l 4*9979 /2J*****/ MM I O»e» Ire*. 999 tm StOem) 1979
      1,439 words
    • 667 16 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES EO I bj I I Whole half floor with panoramic jS views of the sea and the city. 9 Area approx. 413.42 sq m. H Rental of $8,455 per month inclusive I of service charge. 9 Fully furnished and fitted out with We carpets, curtains and
      667 words
    • 767 16 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES DIST 17 TOM DRIVE single-slorey bungalow 4 bedrooms 1 aircond it inner living dining and kitchen Fully furnished $650 p m For viewing tel *****2 DIST. 11 BUNGALOW. 3 air--ondiuoned bedrooms, cosy living, dining, patio Well furnished vVall-to-wall carpeting, wallpaper, curtains, chandeliers Convenient Jurunii school location
      767 words
    • 687 16 NEW APARTMENT TO LET. Newly completed apartment at Tan*)*, RtHi No* M. and tN. IN W to and (R Partial fitments attached. 4 bedrooms, large dining, sitting and kitchen. 3 toilets (2 attached). pound Please contact Mr Tay during office how* Hi NEW! SOMMERVK.LE PARK (dlsl 10) off Holland Road
      687 words
    • 648 16 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES You can obtain rwuMng loan* OA MMy ftpOyVfMfn MffM vfVHd OVCf 25 y*MTV ManM al a compMttiv* raM 9frwp#ctrW of tti# ropcyvnont parted and Wwatttottha loan. Maximum toanaor up to $290,000. or 80% of th« SocMy'i wKiMlon. nMcNmt low. A 89M09 baehad by 25 ymn el
      648 words
    • 790 16 f SHERWOOD TOWERS DIST 21 2 units itudm flats f Attractive wall to wall carpeting Area 658 sq ft 1 702 se. ft Price $85,000 and $95,000 0.n.0. PEARL BANK DIST 3 3 bedrooms with attached bathrooms, split level living dining and separate Price: $143,000 0.n.0. SHERWOOD TOWERS Type "E".
      790 words
    • 623 16 V SERVICES ft BUSINESS NAME CARDS OUtCK Print 2S Krskme Road off South Bridge Road (behind Maxwell Road market I Tel *****77 PROFESSIONAL POLISHING. CLEANING of floors etc by qualified, experienced cleaners at reasonable charges Arrangements *****89 OiNCK PRINTING NAME Cards. Letterheads Invoices. Circulars Reports. Price Lists Forms other office
      623 words
    • 700 16 NO GIMMICKS' ESTABLISHED nil porter widely used ttaUonrrj BfU4UatUj retires Direct Sales Distrihutors Profit 20"* 50% il.nU No quota Work independently With wilhout experience View samples II Ciilin Drive Spore 16 (opposite sigl.ip CMn inimity Centrei. 1000 am .tOOpni tixl.i> STARTING A BUSINESS? For $20 pin we provide a prestigious
      700 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 492 17 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING ATT SECMzTfUUUS SCHOOL OF SECRETARIAL SKILLS Proper** ttucfenti tor t<«4> London Chamber or Commerce A kstjustry and rStmoeri Institute Eaommotiom The LCCI Exom for private secretaries is the only one supervised by the Ministry of Education ond is the most widely recognised in its field The
      492 words
    • 675 17 VI EDUCATION* TRAINING ife GIRLS! Job* are Becoming Harder to gat you n*oo 6en«r quakkcavons The London Chamtwr o> Commerce and Industry Pnval* Secretary s CerfeSjcale recognised ni*rnaaona«y as on* of in* ►«gh**t auafcVakons otxajnabie Thai eiarnnakon *W only PrnraM Secretarial EMmnaaan suptvstJ by the unay of Education Enrol now
      675 words
    • 657 17 STAMFORD CENTRE The largest and most pro gressive resource centre lor education in business and the professions m South East Asia MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES 1979 Sessions Applications are invited tor admission to the following iDav lull !>me evening part time' courses Secretarial Science Chartered Secretaryship all parts Private Secretaryship
      657 words
    • 720 17 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING Stamford Group ol Cols»b«* Stamford Educational Tower* Aste s tu#v atrcondrtionad and largest resource c«ntr* m Business Education CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 211 OUEEN STREET SINGAPORE/ a SHORTHANO (Theory) a) Tuesday Thursday 9 30a m II 00am Commencing 2nd Jan 1979 bi Monday/ Wednesday Friday 1100
      720 words
    • 811 17 RADIO/TV SERVICING Courses Conducted by Experienced Qualified Teachers Commencing 2 179 Enrol Tah I.i Electronic Pte School. 3-HPaya l.char Road. Singapore *****4 SCHOOL OF BANKING Comprehensive and Intensive Course for AIB Part II Section I April 1979 Exam Subjects covered Law relating to Banking. Monetary theory and practice Accountancy commencing
      811 words
    • 738 17 VI EDUCATION ft TRAINING PROGRESSIVE HOME TUITION bj YAMAHA MUSIC SCHOOL Offers Courses for Organ Drum Classical/ Flamenco Guitar Courses c Classical. Pop Piano Bass Electric Guitar Saxophone Suzuki Violin Trumpet Flute Clarinet Music Theory Children Music Course Mcjed 4 6 yearsl GCE 010 1 Level Music Enrol now at
      738 words
    • 520 17 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS WOMLO CHARTERS ORGANISATION forthemoM mmninii al reliable fares to r w iii mvpnwtw sycpnsy New York Toronto L Angele* San Francisco Vancouver Jeddah Bahrain Kuwait London Amaterdam Paris Zurich Copenhagen Oslo Jakarta Bart Bangkok HOLIDAY TOURS" London Hobday 7days SSliao London/ Europe 19 days SS2MO Bangkok Pattaya
      520 words
    • 499 17 KEN-AIR ALLJAPAN TOURS. 10 days visiting Tokyo. Kamakura. Hakone. Osaka. Fukuoka. Nagasaki. Unzan. Beppu. Mt Aso. Amakusa. Kumamoto. Miyazaki. Kagoshima. Hongkong 100% Meals included $2290.00 DEP Jan 29th; Apr 2. Apr 23rd; May 7th;May 28t,V *****88 KENAIR T A 033 STPB NAM HO TRAVEL N.TUrr (MM pore) Pte Ltd. STPH
      499 words

    • 27 18 THE FAMM.V OF the lair Mdm Chan Kheng Sin lhank all relatives and friends (or their atlendanre. condolence, wreaths and assistance during their recent bereavement
      27 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      70 18 proprietor of New City Electrical Co passed away peacefully on 1-1-78. leaving behind son Mohan. laughter-. Thankam and SaroJInl Devi (wife of Dr S Krlshnan). nephew M Vasudevan and grandchildren. l ortef r leaves 34. Race Course Lane (S) on 2- 1 -TV at 2 pm for Mt_VernonCrematorlurn^^^^
      70 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      36 18 MOM. CMA PHU AM TEE DECANTED 2/1/7*. A year nu passed since you left us But the memories of you are still with us Sadty mimd by dutdran. «on>-m-l>» dwighl*r«-in-l«i>. grandchildrMt am) grMt-grandcMdran.
      36 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      97 18 M> Low Hung Gmap Dapartad January 2 1f77 Two years today since you left us so suddenly Sweet memories of your love for us will remain deep in our hearts Inaartad by Dawvao wifa km lami- ED WM J DOMAMAMV Though it is twenty years to-day since
      97 words
  • 32 18 CHONG KINO MING DEPARTED: M-lt77 Though you have left ua, your memory shall never perish Always remembered by Parenta. Brother. Sisters. Sister In law. Brothera-ln-law. Ntecea and Nephew.
    32 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    33 18 In loving memory of MR. MANNADIAR (PoliceOfficer) departed 1.1.1962 whom we loved and admired in life. You left an emptiness that can never be filled. Inserted by wife and children.— l.l.lo79.
    33 words
  • 36 18 Ill HO Ml DEMITED l.lim A yor IKS fussed since you lefi us but rremonn of you still liftftrs on Dewly missed b> beloved wte. sons. d»u|Mers-inUw. diuthtet. son mliw and (rindchild'en
    36 words
  • 87 18 VlllA KUMARI PONNXMPAUM 21 7 1950 2.1.1976 You still live in our hearts and always will From lo«inf Pirtntt, brothtrs, sittt* and biothtfvin-law THE LATE NHt. SINNAPPA S/O SIVAPAKIAM In precious memory of late Mr S. Sinnappa who entered eternal rest on 1-1 -1978. Deeply missed Dy
    87 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 385 18 VII TRAVEL ft RESTAURANTS NOMROK m SUM CMCSCUBM GOODWU KSTMMNI ttn fir Hone LeonfßMf Tel mm. 2xm* CMfTOM H CUBa* GHAT KSTMJMin VS. Ocean Bldf Shopping Centre 2nd fir Collyer Oua> (*****81 11« WhmtoEat TIM SUM CAMTOMM rutxln* froaa ll am II pm Catrrrr (or WMfltaMja. Birthday* Dlnnrrs. BuM»u OoMen
      385 words
    • 350 18 j-l NAN SINQ DYEING frU^j WORKS (M) SDN. gfljj? BERHAD (A Member *4 Pen-Group) N.S.M. a multi-million dollars foreign joint venture of Toray-TAL Is going computer In Malaysia. We have immediate vacancies for: 1 SYSTEMS ANALYSTS 2) PROGRAMMERS 3) MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (Male Bumiputra) Who meet the following conditions:— POSITION 1a)
      350 words
    • 516 18 (Q) JUI/EIDO ffiM invites applications for COUNTER SALES PROMOTERS for the following regions: KOTABHARU •KUANTAN •SEREMBAN KAJANG •KLANG .SEGA MAT •KUALA LUMPUR The successful candidates will be responsible for the promotion and sales of the Company's products at the above locations. Good looks, pleasant disposition and knowledge of local dialects
      516 words
    • 411 18 B GOODYEAR MALAYSIA BERHAD M SHAH ALAM H FACTORY EXTENSION PROJECT PREQUALIFICATION OF CONTRACTORS FOR (A) ELECTRICAL WORK (B) PROCESS PIPING Invitation is hereby given to J.K.R. registered Contractors Class 1 or equivalent for works under (A) and Class C and above for works under (B) who have intensive experience
      411 words
    • 416 18 IN THK MATTKK OK THK. COMPANIES \CT. \l' 1 8.". \NI) IN TIIK MATTK.K OK THK SINGAPORE TRACTION COMPANY (1964) I.IMITKI) Sprrial Resolutions pause 1 on 27th Drcembrr 197 ft At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the abovenamed Company, duly convened and held at 2203-.S High Street
      416 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 594 19 iTr e has vacancies for 5TANT TRAFFIC OFFICER (MALE) B FIRE SAFETY OFFICER C SECTION LEADER/FIRE ENGINE DRIVER 0 TYPIST Gross Salary Rang* A $531 to $1586 B $531 to $1586 C $526 to $716 D $353 to $506 Qualification* A A Poss or Honours Degree from o recognrsed University
      594 words
    • 579 19 [BANK APPOINTMENTS A leading International Bank which I will be commencing bronch operations soon invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the following appointments: OPERATIONS OFFICER The selected candidate will be in charge of the bills/ operations department and will be responsible for its daily operations Qualification* at least 5
      579 words
    • 777 19 M?M?M?M? cv M?B7 Mrs? M?B7arM?ebM7a7m?a? iA i M\/*?LJ/v&s SIA invites applications for the following appointments in SingoBD pore BY JL APPOINTMENT AND SALARY REQUIREMENTS a 9? Draughtsman m A (Wrthm the salary scale of Singapore Polytechnic Techni- A $405 x3O $555 x4O cian's Draughtsmanship Cer- W, $775 x 50 $1155
      777 words
    • 759 19 Sr. Visualiser, Sr. Account Executives The CCAA Group invites applications from experienced advertising practitioners to fill the above senior positions. Please apply in confidence to the General Manager. CCAA INTERNATIONAL (S) PTE LTD, Room 1806. 18th Floor. International Plaza. Anson Road. Singapore 2 f 1^ WE HAVE MOVED EFFECTIVE TUESDAY,
      759 words

    • 376 20 Govt may increase funds for development KUALA LUMPUR. Monday THE Malaysian Government Is considering injecting more funds into its third economic plan to step up development in both the public and private sectors, the Malaysian Business Times reported today. But the newspaper quoted Prime Minister Eatuk Hussein Onn as saying'
      376 words
    • 168 20 SEREMBAN, Mon The State Government will adopt a "cold war" attitude companies that venture Into economic projects In Negii Sembiian without oumlputra Involvement. Mentri B»*ar Datuk Rats Yatim warned yesterday. He said the government was not prepared to back companies that make
      NST  -  168 words
    • 56 20 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Mon Wearing only a hat and with his clothes slung across his shoulder, a man caused a stir here yesterday when he walked in the nude along a busy street for half an hour until he was arrested by police and sent to the 1 Penang
      NST  -  56 words
    • 37 20 Isle with 27,000 refugees UNINHABITED until last July, Pulau Bldong off the Malaysian east coast now teems with more than 27,000 Vietnamese refugees. There are a total of more than 48,000 Vietnamese refugees in Malaysia. AP picture.
      AP  -  37 words
    • Article, Illustration
      0 20
      0 words
    • 108 20 Handbag with $1,000 found on car PENANG. Mon. A lady's handbag containing more than $1,000 was found on the bonnet of a car parked at the Tun Abdul Razak Complex in Penang Road last night. The car owner. Mr S. Vellu. an officer of the Advent Ist Hospital in Burmah
      NST  -  108 words
    • 326 20 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon THE shortace of inexpensive timber in 3 virtual timber mine is a major obstacle facing the Pahang Tenggara Development Authority (Dara) in its drive to meet its low-cost housing and commercial targets the Malaysian Business Times reported today. At the
      326 words
    • 80 20 KUANTAN. Mon. The smoke has returned to the cinema screen. An increasing number of cinema-goers are defying the smoking law In the town cinemas and are getting away with it. A spot survey showed that enforcement of the no-smoking In cinema laws is not being strictly
      NST  -  80 words
    • 96 20 Perak hit by severe match -shortage iPOH, Mon. An acute shortage of matches has been experienced by retailers here and in other parts of Perak for one month. Retailers said they had run out of stocks and had not been able to get fresh supplies. They said their suppliers had
      NST  -  96 words
    • 59 20 IPOH. Mon. The Perak Government s hope of opening tracts of virgin jungles along the East-West Highway in upper Perak has run into a snag. The State Government said yesterday that a feasibility study carried out recently showed that only limited areas of the hundreds of
      NST  -  59 words
    • 270 20 IPOH. Monday THERE will be an increase of between 150 and 244 per cent in the Perak police force beginning from this year. The expansion pro- i gramme lias been approved In principle for Implementation by the the government. Public Services Department officers are discussing
      NST  -  270 words
    • 207 20 $2m flight kitchen for Penang airport KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Malaysian Airline System (MAS) will toon have a flight kitchen at Penang airport costing about $2 million. It Is expected to be fully commissioned late this year. The kitchen which will be one-third the size of MAS flight kitchen at
      NST  -  207 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 379 20 I m\ —^rtEr^^ ?feMftL^'Jfl mS^^^^ B B^ We've changed more than just our name. From Agricultural Tractors Sdn Bhd to aSSOCMTED TMCTORS SDM BHD More reliability, more service support and more products to choose from. More reliability More Service Support Ipoh our facilities have been improved. handling, cargo and construction
      379 words

    • 507 21  -  FAIRWAY By PENANG, Mon. Who says New Zealand only produce good stayers? The results of the Governor's Gold Cup here on Sunday clearly illustrated that some of the best long distance riders also come from the "land of the Kiwis." Aylmer Road, an American-bred
      507 words
    • 185 21 MONZA (Nerth Italy), Maa* Measa m#tor raclag drealt aaa heea glvea a three-year reprieve by the Mania aad Milan lecaJ eaaaeUa here. Evea hefare the death el Swee>a's Raaale Peterm la this year's Italian (irand Prix there the track had heea sraedatad to claw thai maatn, aad a
      AFP  -  185 words
    • 195 21 PENANG.Mon Three riders. Bruce Compton. Peter Lee and apprentice Woon Kwok Cheng, were suspended by the steward's at Penang on Sunday. The stipendiary steward's report of the races. State of track: Gsad. RACE 1: Mareafs (H.H Chan), who was restless before the start, bounded out of the stall
      195 words
    • 615 21 WEIGHTS for this weekend's races in Kuala Lumpur. SATURDAY Class I.MOM 1 Donell 570 5 Mcl Ling 510 3 Hal Wai Tien 49.5 4 Wine Taster 49 5 6 Plat Yew Thlan 48.0 2 Commanche II 47.5 Class Dm 2 ijMM 5 Russian Tank 57 0 4 Honey
      615 words
    • 651 21 About 200 metres out, Ivtry Htw (B Compton) was held on the nils (or several strides by taM (GwUliam). Spirtit— >«r (S.H Chew) was found to have bled on pulling up. The gelding is now barred from racing (or one month and until such time as it
      Reuter  -  651 words
    • 138 21 AUSTRALIA Ist law. tU ENGLAND Ist bus (averalght Ifl S): G. Miller b Hogg 7 R. WUlto c Darling b I)y mock 19 M. neadrifk not out 6 Extras 19 Tatal 143 Wats Ml at: 2. 3, 40, 52. 81. 100. 101. 101. 120 Bswttag: Hogg 17-7-30-5. Hurst 12-2-24-1;
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 104 21 CAPE TOWN. Mon. The South African Cricket Union -deeply appreciated a decision by the West Indies to join in an international factfinding mission to South Africa, the president of SACU said yesterday. Rashid Varachia was reacting to reports from Port of Spain, Trinidad, that the West Indies
      AP  -  104 words
    • 360 21 MELBOURNE, Mon. Australian John Marks, who has lived in the shadow of his doubles partner, former Australian champion Mark Edmoodaon, yesterday crushed John Alexander to storm Into the semi-finals of the USJ3OO.OOO Marlboro Australian Open at Kooyong Marks. 26, blitzed the sixthseeded Alexander 6-4. 6-3.
      Agencies  -  360 words
    • 302 21 NKIJIMtNR, Maa. RagkMMi erteawt eaaaito Mike aVaartoy kit eat here yeatorway at tke taadard af Aasaraßaa wtcaa*s, aartty llmln the* far the tsarlan slaVa aaaparaa? asatttaa hi the taard Tan agalaat At the ea4 af y eater aay*s ateaad day, Raglaad were m far caxat to reply
      302 words
    • 368 21 MELBOURNE, Monday ENGLAND'S bowlers,led by all-rounder lan Botham,hauled their side back into the third Test here today by holding Australia down to an overall lead of 278 on the third day. At close of play Australia were 163 for seven in their second
      Reuter  -  368 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 95 21 Allisons Answer To Sound Problems Allison speaker systems were not designed for flat frequency response m anechotc chambers They are uniquely accurate sound reproducers m the only environment that really matters your room for listening to music Allison's reasonable prices: Allison One $2345 Allison Two $1925/ Allison Three $1700/Allison Four
      95 words
    • 571 21 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■^1 APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING SCHEME Cycle Carriage Co. (Industries) Pte. Ltd. will commence their Apprenticeship Training in Motor Vehicle Mechanics in Febbruary 1979. Applications are invited from persons who meet the following:QUALIFICATION/REQUIREMENTS 1) Craft Certificate in Motor /Diesel Mechanics from a recognised institution or Industrial Training Board Trade I Certificate in
      571 words
    • 558 21 £rH| notice of change of V^ljP? company s name zust amferoMtti The Management wishes to inform that with effect from January Ist, 1979 the Company's name: ZUST-AMBROSETTI FAR EAST LTD will be changed to: ZUST-AMBROSETTI (S.E.A.) PTE LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) 1506, 15 th floor, Robina House
      558 words
    • 127 21 MINISTRY OK KDI CATION SINGAPORE I 111 \SS4M I\ 1 Xl» BOARD OK THE ROYAL SCHOOLS OK Ml Sl< WRITTKN ■EXAMINATIONS, \Vt% 1 The above examinations will be held In Singapore on Saturday, 3 March. 1979. Candidates who are Seventh-Day Adventlsts will take the Examinations on 2 March 1979 Entry
      127 words

    • 345 22 SACA sue for Jamil's injuries THE Singapore Amateur Cycling Association are claiming damages for injuries suffered by cyclist Jamil Mohammed in a road accident early last month, just before his departure for the Asian Games in Bangkok, reports BERNARD PKREIR A. Jamil was involved in a collision with a van
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    • 277 22  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By THE "Kee"to the water-polo team's bronze medal success in the Asian Games after 16 years lay with their captain, Kenneth. For Kee has been a lucky captain. On the- last two occasions he led the Singapore team, they struck gold.
      277 words
    • 28 22 BRISBANE. Mon. World Series Cricket's World XI beat an Australian XI by eight wickets in their International Cup match at the Cabba ground here today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 28 22 MANILA. Mon. Mexican Davis Cup player Marcelo Lara won the Alfa Open tennis championship here with a (-1. 6-4 win over Philippines player Romeo Raton -AFP
      AFP  -  28 words
    • 492 22  -  BERNARD PEREIRA FROM DISCUS-THROWER TO MOUNTAIN-CLIMBER By SHOW me a girl who is a discusthrower, badminton and tennis player, cycling fanatic, marksman, singing artiste and mountain-climber all in one, and I'll show you Juningsih Saman. The 25-year-old businesswoman, who hails from Kaki Bukit Secondary School,
      492 words
    • 440 22 KUALA LUMPUR.Mon.— The Malaysian Rugby Union Cup championships may be changed into an international tournament this season, MRU secretary Dr Chan Oon Leng said here today. The proposal, to be tabled during the MRU executive committee meeting later this month, is part of a
      AFP  -  440 words
    • Article, Illustration
      0 22
      0 words
    • 61 22 ADELAIDE. Mon. A sparkling 112 run seventh wicket partner ship in 103 minutes from Peter Sleep and Trevor Robertson saved South Australia from ignominious defeat by Victoria in the Sheffield Shield match at the Adelaide Oval today Scores: South Australia 112 and 377 (Robertson 96. Sleep 65. Nash
      AFP  -  61 words
    • 176 22  -  PETER SIOW By CHEN SHENG HENG, Singapore's chief table tennis coach, has absolved his trainees of indiscipline during his recent absence. Chen was acting on a complaint by caretakercoach Tan Kai Kok. who claimed that the trainees lacked effort during training. Said Chen: "There seemed to
      176 words
    • 100 22 PAYSC honour Junie Jl NIK SNG, Singapore's darling of the Asian Games, holds aloft the special trophy awarded to her by her club, the People's Association Youth Swimming Clab, In recognition of her outstanding performaaces at home and abroad. Junie, 14, vated Sport. woman and Sportsgirl of the Year, primarily
      100 words
    • 239 22 SINGAPORE boxers captured five titles at the Malaysian Open championships at Stadium Negara last night. The winners were: V. i Mahalingam (lightweight), G Mahadevan (light-wel- j ten. M. Selveekam (lightmiddle), Yusof Ismail (middle), Mohammad Ismail Yusof (light-heavy). Malaysia also won five of the 11 finals. Hongkong
      239 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1186 22 «■1I■,1I», I I 1 I 1 >.X H ASIAN NDK CRYSTAL h J SDN. BHD. M I Our cliart, a hading electronic component company making quartz crystal, it wttirfl up a multi-million dollar facility in the Sungai Way nl Fraa Trad* zorta, invittt applications for the following positions- kna I
      1,186 words
    • 265 22 [■!MJf.U IN THE MATTER OF COMPANIES ACT. IMS AND IN THE MATTER OF SANMA SERVICE SDN. BHD. (In Member*' Voluntary Liquidation) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 2M i2l of the Companies Act. 19«9 that the subjoined resolution was passed as a special resolution by the members of the
      265 words
    • 10 22 ■t n^k V 1 11 1 'I pi JvA^nWlmTm^^T^^l m
      10 words

    • 283 23  -  WILFRED YEO By QI'AH KIM SONG, the former Singapore stiiker. will break' a vow he made when he broke his right le( if he keep* his New Year resolution to pay soccer again. Q«ah. who fracturrd the leg responsible for counties* goals daring a rresidems (up
      283 words
    • 254 23 British sports events hit by snow LONDON, Mon. The New Year's day soccer programme in Britain has been badly hit by the weather. By lasl night. 26 of tomorrow's English, and Scottish League games had been called off and, with much of Britain experiencing the heaviest snowfalls in 15 years,
      Agencies  -  254 words
    • 262 23  - Top British drivers for Castrol rally FETER SIOW By TWO top British drivers —Brian Culcheth and Russell Brookes are among the international stars for the Castro! ASEAN Rally 111. starting from Pattaya on Saturday and finishing in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday week. Culcheth, winner of the inaugural ASEAN rally, will
      262 words
    • 322 23 SBHFL league promises to be exciting THE Singapore Business Houses Football League tournament, which starts txlay with eight matches, promises to be the most exciting so far, reports JOE DORAI. This Is mainly because of the large number of talented players who have been recruited Into most of the top
      322 words
    • 40 23 QUEENSTOWN CSA will meet Whampoa CSC In the Football Assoc lat ion of Singapore double knock-out tournament at TangUn tomorrow 5 p.m i Qi.eenstown Cosmos will meet the losers o( that tie on Monday, also at Tanglin.
      40 words
    • 39 23 PITTSBURGH. Mon —Franco Harris, the forgotten ..jperstar, and John Stallworth. Pittsburgh's "other receiver." turned In record-breaking performances yesterday to carry the Steelers Into next week's AFC title game, with a 33-10 rout of the Denver Bronco*. UPI.
      UPI  -  39 words
    • 160 23 COLUMBUS (Ohio i. Mon i Woody Hayes. the > fiery head coach at Ohio State University for 28 years and the fourth winning coach in College football history. has been tried for pun c h ing a Clemson player in the Gator Bowl. Sources close
      UPI  -  160 words
    • 367 23 THE gate collection of more than $4,000 may have been good for an evening which haa been preceeded by an afternoon of drizzle, but otherwise, Tampines Rovers will not really cherish New Year's Day 1979, reports WILFRED YEO. More's the likelihood that the 19.8
      367 words
    • 29 23 DARUL AFIAH. with goals by Jom Lakll (2) and Jacqueline Chan, beat Jurong 3-0 In the Women's Football Association of Singapore League final at the Queenstown Complex.
      29 words
    • 533 23  -  JOE DORAI by HAS the Malaysia Cup lost its glamour? Or is it the increase In prices that is bothering Singapore soccer fans? Maybe Malacca Singapore's opponents in the opening match at the National Stadium on Sunday are not rated highly by the fans. Whatever
      533 words
    • 422 23 FORMER Selangor coach M. Chandran Is among five qualified soccer coaches who will be recommended to the Football Association of Malaysia to act as talent scouts during the coming Malaysia Cup competition. The other four are Abdul Rahman Haji Ibrahim, of the Sports
      422 words
    • 75 23 the Singapore Sports Council will screen three film shows volleyball for boys, wotid netball tournament C 975) and basketball coaching —on Saturday week and one (go for goals) on Jan 20 at the National Stadium Theatrette. Admission is free, but tickets will be Issued on a nrst-come-nrst-served
      75 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 108 23 X y^ sAI ssslsS V 7 |^H BMkW* '^Mr l^sass^si^Jl Bw^^\jfl^' *^^»»M BsC^^*^** J ~^^^^^™S^^^M^BfiHf^ 1 tsubishi gave you the ■H^^^^H|^HH|h| f top-of-the-line cars. Now we give 19^^91 you the top-of-the-line in sound Mitsubishi Audio Systems. »^*^^^^k IbBBI MB All can y an '"credible 3-year ,1 r^iif™" —^TH guarantee. That's
      108 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 70 23 SOCCER SBHFL toorna mrnt Division I: BNP V Oberoi Imperial Hotel (Jalan Besar Stadium). DlvWa* II: Inchcape v Holiday Inn (Tanglin). Jurong Shipyard v Goodwood Group i Fairer Park Athletic Centre t Straits Times v Rheem Hume (Toa Payoh). Division III: Hyatt Hotel v Tractors Singapore. Tien Wan Press v
      70 words

  • 95 24 THE dauling smiles of thps«? krbaya beauties will litht up the catwa k at Shangri-La Hotel come Jan 29. For they are the 12 finalists who will be vying for the Kebaya Queen '79 title. The contest is organised by Minang Cultural Society in conjunction
    95 words
  • 32 24 ACCRA. Mon Ohana military authorities today lilted the seven-year ban on political activity und last nift revoked the .state of emergency decree which came Into force on Nov 6 APP
    AFP  -  32 words
  • 35 24 DAR ES SALAAM. Mon Tanzania intends to build 200 maternal and child clinics this year as a contribution to the United Nations International Year of the Child President Julius Nyerere said today AFP.
    AFP  -  35 words
  • 29 24 CAIRO Mon Egypt will sharply incrrast ils military budget in 1579 with expenditure exceeding US$3 000 million iS(6.4M million i the newspaper Al Ahram reported today -AFP
    AFP  -  29 words
  • 589 24 THE Vietnamese refugee problem, which is an organised incjdent created by Vietnam Itself, has become a source of conflict among non communist countries, according to the Foreign Minlster, Mr S. Rajaratnam. In an interview with the Sin Chew Jit Poh on the
    589 words
  • 385 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS DEATH MADAM! LIC TINC LIIW (Late Mrs. Tan Chin Wan) aged HO passed away peacefully on 31-12-78 behind brother, Lee Hock Puay. Boni: Tan Hln Pung (deceased). Tan Hln Choon. Tan Hin Yam (deceased I. Tan Hln Senn (deceased). Tan Hln Huat, Tin Hln Kheng. Tan Hln
    385 words
  • 143 24 TEHERAN, Mon. Thousands of foreigners trying to flee Iran were trapped today by a nationwide wildcat strike by air controllers and civil aviation staff who joined the anti-Shah movement. A statement by the strikers said they would not let any aircraft land or
    Reuter; UPI  -  143 words
  • 417 24 TEHERAN, Monday STRIFE-TORN Iran, without an effective government today, was in a political limbo as the crisis there approached a fresh crisis with the revenge killing of 700 Iranians by loyalist troops. The Shah last night accepted the resignation of
    Reuter; UPI  -  417 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 202 24 U.S. INCOME TAX' JML INTERNATIONAL LTD. REPRESENTING H*R BLOCK* TMI IKCOMf TAI PtOPU REASONABLE PRICES 3rd FLOOR, PODIUM BLOCK MING COURT HOTEL TEL *****90(3 LINES) j ALBERT For super colour photography and excellent services W/ff/M Professional Quality on colour enlargement up to 304.8 cm X SJP 106.7 cm or even
      202 words
    • 533 24 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price 50t Annuol Subscription 5155 For subscription, call 284 6844 Ext 302 TODAYS HIGHLIGHTS. Local exporters of electrical goods are anxiously awaiting new regulations which are currently being studied by the EEC Council of Ministers on electrical products imported by the EEC. While the
      533 words

  • The Straits Times SECTION TWO
    • 5 1 The Straits Times SECTION TWO
      5 words
    • 2563 1 THE PASTIES and grasps of the extreme left and extreme right are each ether's total opposite* and avowed enemies. Bat la Mine respects these extremes meet. Both left ud right reject, from the edge of the European political circle, the consensus politics liberal, constitutional and
      2,563 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 29 1 Buy HARPICin me familiar chequered ok% Harpic in the chequered pack is made specially for use in l removes stubborn stains and I rrfflßWSJW^ffiß™ For a clean hygienic toilet
        29 words
      • 352 1 MANAGEMENT COURSES FINANCE FOR NON FINANCIAL MANAGERS 9-10 January Kuala Lumpur 12-13 February Singapore Accounting Financial Terms and Concepts; Financial Reports: The Basic Elements; Financial Analysis: Liquidity, Activity, Profitability and Potential; Financial Ratios; Forecasting. Designed for all managers without formal financial training. COST CONTROL FOR MANAGERS 16-17 January Kuala Lumpur
        352 words
      • 306 2  - Passionata lots of passion but no punch in their singing GERALDINE TANG By THESE three Filipino singers call themselves the Passionata after the passion-flower and they try to live up to their name on stage by showing great feeling in their singing. They concentrate on soul music, jazz, funk and
        306 words
      • 220 2 RTS plans musical series to groom talent NOW THAT the RTS Talentime '78 is all over, television viewers may lament that they have one less English musical programme to watch. But they may not have to wait long for it is learnt that RTS plans to produce a series of
        220 words
      • 517 2 Reynolds is king of box-office last year HOLLYWOOD The king of the box-office for last year is Burt Reynolds, whose performances in Semi-tough, The End and Hooper made him the most popular movie star in America. Reynolds deposed Sylvester Stallone, the 1977 boxoffice monarch, and Robert Redford, who headed the
        UPI  -  517 words
      • 407 2 Carole dedicates 'record-making' debut to mum IF YOU like the deep, husky young voice of Carole Ann Fernandez, you can now hear more of her on disc. This petite runner-up of the 1976 RTS Talentime has just cut her first I.P which will be released this week by the producers,
        407 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 435 2 LOOKING FOR A JOB? If you want to t-nberfc on a cmtmr that is interesting aitd rewarding, if you want a career that allows you to break away from the monotony of normal office routine, if you want a career that will giv you a chance to visit foreign countries,
        435 words
      • 71 2 NYAL PLJURAVIT IMlyKM^iiiririjQOij ©apsdallss ONE A DAY CAPSULE b^bbb! ibbbT j*l f* r W FEELGOOD! FEEL NEW! Take PLURAVIT MULTIVITAMINS one-a-day capsule. Pluravit provides all the essential vitamins and minerals for the maintenance of healthy body process. ■^■•■•■wf Pluravit is a balanced combination of 10 vitamins and 10 minerals fettjif
        71 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 861 2 TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Openinf Mowed by I Dream of 7.30 News and Addenda to the Presilearmie (repeat) dent's Speech at the Openkii of 3.30 Diary of Events (Enffsh) o M Pariament (Malay) 3.35 HaroW Uoyds Comedy C,ss,cs Xi* S 'I*. Street ,a i The Bargain 4.30
        861 words
    • by Mel-Lin Chew
      • 1376 3  - Vasectomy it's time men play their part SHEILA CHEONG By LAST YEAR, 8,236 women in Singapore put an end to their ability to have children again. By contrast, only 351 men came forward for sterilisation the apparently be-all and endall method of family planning. Is it fair that only such
        1,376 words
      • 670 3  -  PETER J. SCHUYTEN By NEW YORK Continuous-wear contact lenses that can be left in the eye for several months at a stretch may soon become a commercial reality but only for a very limited number of people. At
        NYT  -  670 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 82 3 Eau De Toilette CHAPANNE Nl Italy For Him I HaaHHaaaßaaal The Prime ot Manhood —"I f4»l i ChapanneNl I proclaims it for you. I An essence that is brisk, I >l HI tresh. totally male I Macho is what it spells. I I Wear it a miasma I )^B' '*'.'^V
        82 words
      • 318 3 lato ~l I ILJ 111 tta^i& ff f MP -ar i "JaP i I 1 oV i i aaaa X\J \'aW hi bY W J+y VlilH far mb h bVJ^ b^bl L^ aw I &x. Qriane'sß2lline has captured 21 elements essential for your skin Your skin is exposed constantly to
        318 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 352 4 ORCHARD: 12th BIG DAY! 4 Shows Dai>: 1.30. 400. 6 30 9.15pm. YewH thmn Har LVaamm "^?BTt— aCaaßßaßi Tk« fMi ■Ib» I BBaBBBaBBBBX. And Chatjr For Her. 4| J BT W^^aßßß^^ bbbb. bbVbbß I BBBaV^aSaat I BBaV i. > HI KS FORMA 1..* PLUMMER HOPKINS NfWMAN iNTEWHXnONALVJELVET GALA: NOW SHOWING!
        352 words
      • 289 4 PRINCE 55th JAWSOME DAY m Daily 5 shows 11am 1.30 4.15 6.45 9.30 -No Free List Admission Prices: Circle $4.00- Stalls $1.50 j Crete i Back StoM Tichets art CASH bookable up to 3 days In advance Just ivhen you thought U wot utte to go bock in the
        289 words
      • 98 4 AKComrncD tei 4020 M NOW SHOWING 1 30 3 30. 7 30 4 9 30pm I THEY'RE HERE... HUNGRY FOR FLESH! WHO CAN STOP THEM? §mk COLOR United Artists Last Day: 6.00 ft •.30pm Muthuraman Kabila in KATRINE LA VARUM GEETHAM" (Tamil/Color) OpOflS Tomorrow "DUEL Dl KAWAH BROMO" (tod.) IMPERIAL
        98 words
      • 240 4 Ll6b"- 13th DAY (*****4) 11, 1.45, 4, 6.45, 9.15-No Free List JWT WHIN YW TNOIBHT IT WAS! MKTt QO -UCH TO THE MOVII -aBaBBBBBiBBaf*' mamas* /^tTILA i JttvENa 4 ;/1p BWTttR Vl 1 INOW SHOWING at 4 THEATRES PRESBENT-ORENTAI-JADE Cantonese PRESIDENT (*****8) 11, 1.45, 4.00, 6.45, 9.15 ORIENTAL (*****3) 10.45,
        240 words
      • 316 4 ■OWCAWIS*\TION» I»b\»J 3 Mom I 45. 400 630 9 'V David Chang 4Fu Shane, a "HCAVf N 4 HELI MANPARIN mS< P *Colof P NOW SHOWtMG N Mom. I 45. 400 645 915 n I 45.4 00 6 30 9 I 5"» LOVE PURSUIT MANOARIf. ,n Si v r I.
        316 words