The Straits Times, 17 December 1978

Total Pages: 52
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Sunday Times NO. 2221 DECEMBER 17. 1978 30 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 215/1/78
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  • 443 1  -  LEE KIM CHEW By THE 20 per cent deposit on all bigboard settlement contracts Imposed by the Stock Exchange of Singapore in September will be abolished from tomorrow. Margin trading on the ordinary board will also be lifted from Jan 2. the
    443 words
  • 53 1 HUNDREDS of weekend choppers were locked up for nrarly 20 minutes in a shopping complex in Jurong last night The power failure hit the tint floor of Boon Lay Oarden Shopping Complex. Boon Lay Place «hiefi houses Boon Lay Emporium. PIEU Supermarket and several shops, at
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  • 481 1 CARTER'S 'HISTORIC AGREEMENT' ENDS TAIWAN DEFENCE PACT WASHINGTON, Saturday PRESIDENT Carter announced last night that the United States will establish full diplomatic relations with China on Jan. 1 and end official relations with Taiwan in a complete and historic break with the past. Wiping
    AP  -  481 words
  • 323 1 TAIWAN ISSUE A FAMILY MATTER: HUA PEKING, Saturday CHINESE Communist Party Chairman Hua Kuo-feng said today that the establishment of diplomatic ties beween China and the United States would open a new era in understanding and friendly relations between the two countries. Replying to questions at an unprecedented news conference
    AP; AFP  -  323 words
  • 77 1 JAKARTA. Sat. An 18-year-old youth has been sentenced to a six-year Jail term for lulling his mother In the last Java town Sldoardjo, It »as reported today. The youth. Abdullah, toil the police that he had been Influenced by his religious Uacher who said that an
    AFP  -  77 words
  • 71 1 UNITED NATIONS, Bat The UN General Assembly censured the government of Ntcaraguan President Anutaalo Somoza yesterday (or "the repression of Its civilian population and "the violation of the sovereignty of Costa Rica by Nlcaraguan military aircraft.'' By a vote of 85-2. with 45 abstentions. It adopted a
    UPI  -  71 words
  • 66 1 TAIPEH. Sat. More than 2.044 angry demonstrators besieged the US naval supply centre here late tonight fluting the US decision to establish diplomatic relations with China. They smashed the fate of the centre and US m»rtmm fired tear gma to disperse the mob. Some of
    AP  -  66 words
  • 516 1  -  RANEE GOVINDRAM By MR. ABDUL RASHEED and his bride, Anjali, may have just set a new trend in Muslim marriages in Singapore. They are believed to be the first couple to solemnise their marriage inside a mosque. And, most appropriately, the couple picked the largest
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  • 279 1 UNITED NATIONS Under Secretary General, Dr. Davidson Nicol, here on a four-day visit, said yesterday that Singapore diploma's at the UN have provided a "refreshingly new and forthright element" Into the world body's debates. Dr. Nicol. who is also executive director of the
    279 words
  • 29 1 VIENNA. 9»t. The Austrian Parliament voted unanimously yesterday to reject the use of atomic energy and ban the construction of nuclear power plants in the country Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 223 1 It's martial law and polls put off TAIPEH, Saturday RESENTFUL Taiwanese, screaming abuse at "coward- ly Carter," protested today against the US decision to officially recognise j China and the government clamped martial law on the island and postponed parliamentary elections. A crowd of more than 100 people gathered outside
    UPI  -  223 words
  • 510 1  -  S. M. Mbthu and Ahmad Osman By TWO-PRONG ANSWER TO AUSSIE PROTECTIONIST MOVE Kuala Lumpur. Saturday ASEAN economic ministers have formulated a Joint two-pronged approach in response to Australia's protectionist aviation DOlicy. They have agreed that If Australia and European countries wished to implement
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 124 1 Rolex created the world' first truly waterproof watchcase .\\t f THIWNIXOMM vkli/ O* r (MMlomOitMhrflH r*OJ) •«11,.d I Oct.* ■»il<m t Ct»ft Q», »ri «l ITS We can introduce you to some very reliable names L/^/ The House of Fine :~^j Watches has Singapore s greatest collect"Z. ion of matches
      124 words
    • 185 1 that pulls no poaches. O m 240«f A Radio Cassette with i 9 Double Cone 12cm "^g|Hi^i^ie»^«^^ '*9wW^^^*l ett A Pure clear sound «glts^Bg^^3*^^?***^S^3?lHgsg^BML^" through 12cm double |E3^B Hrj A cone speaker. 2,000 mWJ^JSBB B^^^^^^jpJSjJJ^^^ Wkjl output power AM/FM |^^^^!^BM fflj fV radio, LED sound level IkVUbVI. a indicator Variable
      185 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 44 1 The weather IP TO NOON TODAY: Isolated passing showrn In thr Utr morninc. according to the Sincapore MetcoroloI ical Service. THE Sunday Times today is 52 pates in two sections. Make sure you cet the second section which contains y*ur weekend features and comics.
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  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 742 2 WASHINGTON, Saturday PRESIDENT Carter's announcement last night that the United States would establish diplomatic relations with China was welcomed by most countries although it was received with mixed response by American Congressional leaders. Japan, Australia, Canada, South Korea, Vietnam and the Philippines
      Agencies; AP  -  742 words
    • 151 2 Harriers deal: Be careful advice LONDON, Sat. The United States has warned Britain that its plans to sell Harrier jump jets to China could jeopardise IS negotiations with the Soviet Union on strategic arms limitations. Britain has been asked to take care not to compromise the Salt 2 talks with
      AFP  -  151 words
    • 212 2 COPENHAGEN. Sat. I Danish Premier Anker Joe r g ensen confirmed here last night that the hotel bill run up In Paris by Education Minister Rltt BJerregaard reached an unacceptable level. He told pressmen he had asked her to pay from her own pocket
      AFP  -  212 words
    • 259 2 Cleveland plunges into default on its debts OHIO, Sat. Cleveland was plunged Into default when midnight struck yesterday as Mayor Dennis Kucinich and the Cleveland City Council failed to reach agreement on a plan to avert fiscal disaster. Asked if the city was In default, the mayor's press secretary, Mr.
      AP  -  259 words
    • 29 2 MANZANAJUB (Spain) Sat. Kourletn people were killed and about 20 Injured when an expreu train derailed a* It raced through the ftat.'on here yefcterday. police said. AFP.
      AFP  -  29 words
    • 66 3 PRINCESS Margaret's former husband, tbe Karl of Snowdon. waving to the crowd as hit terMe. the former Mr*. Lmct Lindsay Hogg geta Into their ear after their wedding at the Kensington Register Office on Friday She is a television research assistant and the daughter of a wealth/
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    • 255 3 Kriangsak visit still on despite Mekong River attacks BANGKOK. Sat Prime Minister Kriangsak Chomanan said he will go ahead his scheduled ■metal visit to Laos on Wednesday in spite of two attacks on Thai border patrol boats by Pathet Lao soldiers this week. One soldier was killed and two
      AFP  -  255 words
    • 77 3 NEW DELHI. S t -Prime Minister Moraril De.sal yestorday refutfd an opposition charge that he ha* entered lntj a "secret deal" with US President Carter to allow American scientists to inspect Indian atomic installations. "I would not deserve to be an Indian If I had reached
      AP  -  77 words
    • 343 3 IN a major response to Rumania's growing independence, t h e Comimniist Party newspaper, Pravda, said tod.iy all Warsaw Part countries should co-ordinate their military efforts but that each MOSCOW, Sat. member country could retain final authority over its national army. The
      UPI  -  343 words
    • 248 3 Viet regions rebelling: Phnom Penh FIVE provinces in the Central Highlands cf Vietnam are in armed rebellion against the government in Hanoi, Radio Phnom Penh reported today. The broadcast listed the provinces of Dar Lac. Plelku. Kontum, Ban Methuot and Quaas Due. The radio sa'd the Montagnard tribesmen of five
      AFP  -  248 words
    • 124 3 Brunei to spend 33 pc of budget on defence BANDAR SERI BEOA- WAN (Brunei), Sat.— The I tiny oil-rich Sultanate of Brunei will spend almost one- third of its 1979 budget on defence next year, the territory's Financial Officer announced here. Mr. John Lee also told the Legislative Council that
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 110 3 MANILA. Sat— A civil court in nearby Zambales Province has ordered a telecommunications company to pay 36,000 pesos (about §$11,000) to a couple whose telegram it delivered three weeks late. Judge Ramon Mabutas Jr. said the negligence of the Radk> Communications of the Philippines,
      110 words
    • 560 6 WASHINGTON, Sat. The United States has assumed the delicate role of a mediator among the contending factions in the Iran crisis, with the Carter Administration prodding the Shah to replace his military government with a broadb;ised, civilian coalition. The Administration's new policy, as
      AP; NYT  -  560 words
    • 66 6 SAN SALVADOR, Sat. About 30 Japanese businessmen and their families have abandoned the Central American republic <>' El Salvador in the past two days because of a rash of kidnappings in the capital Most of those who left were connected with the Synthetic Industries Company of Central
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 40 6 SALISBURY, Sat. The Military High Command admitted for the flr.«t time today that Rhodesi.n forces have attacked regular army bases In Mozambique. The raids. It was officially announced here, were staged on "absolutely lelltble intelligence". AR».
      40 words
    • 216 6 'Saudis will back oil price hike up to 5 pc' ABU DHABI, Saturday SAUDI Arabia will support an oil price rise of no higher than 5 per cent, Oil Minister Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamanl said here yesterday on the eve of the Opec (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries) conference. The
      AFP  -  216 words
    • 146 6 New polls under UN sought? WINDHOEK, Sat. White political leader Dirk Mudge. whose Democratic Turnhalle Alllance (DTA) was yesterday declared winner of the South West Africa i Namibia) elections, said his party would seriously consider participating in a poll supervised by the United Nations. As expected, the DTA had an
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 26 6 DACCA. Sat. Banglad sh President Zlaur Rahman yesterday declared an amnesty for 453 prisoners to mark the eighth anniversary of the country's independence. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 135 6 Walkout at UN halts assembly debate UNITED NATION. Sat. A walkout by interpreters and translators brouzht the UN General Assembly to a halt yesterday and threatened the ISO-nation body's plans to adjourn on Tuesday for the Christmas holidays A morning session of the assembly, packed with 10 items ranging from
      135 words
    • 180 6 MOSCOW, Sat— World cheas champion Anatolj Karpov has donated to the I'SSB sports committee "at hia own initiative" his I S*300. 000 (SK4S.M*) prixr money, the Soviet newspaper, Iivcstia reported yesterday. Commenting on Karpov'« decision. Soviet Chrss Ff deration chairman VUaly Sevastyanov called it true act of
      AP  -  180 words
    • 129 6 TEHERAN. Sat. An earthquake rolled through the remote area of Izeh. in the Zagros Mountain range yesterday, killing at least 23 people and injuring scores of others, Iran Radio said today The mountain range in southern Iran overshadows the giant Khutestan oil fields Police were
      AP  -  129 words
    • 169 6 US-Israel ties strained by pact impasse WASHINGTON, Sat. Relations between the United States and Israel were under sharp strain today In the wake of Secretary of State Cyrus Vance's unsuccessful attempt to complete a neace treaty between Egypt and Israel. Mr. Vance returned to Washington yesterday after falling to achieve
      UPI  -  169 words
    • 155 6 CHARLEROI (Belgium). Sat Three Inmates of an old people's home here had parts of their brain removed In a medical experiment which caused the death of one of the victims, the catholic conservative newspaper Libre Belgique re- ported here today. The operations were carried
      AFP  -  155 words
    • 84 6 IF YOU cut Identify the object In this picture, yon are In good company. Looks M though it's flyi**, doesnt It? And that's exactly what It is an unidentified flying object. It was sighted over Palermo, Italy, on Wednesday. The police, who released this picture, said one
      UPI  -  84 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 207 2 Celebrate with a great feast... Buffet Lunch at the Shangri-La Island Ballroom, December 25 $22 inclusive per adult 12.50 inclusive per child Island Ballroom where life is wonderful Does your receiver sound like this at low level? Tune on Pioneer big power receivers It is a misconception that you must
      207 words

  • TV highlights
    • Children's serial on Katy's pranks tomorrow
      • 401 4 DISORDERLY ORDERLY (Today, Sunoay Matinee. Cn. b. 10 ju a.m. Jerry Lewis cavorts around spreading hilarity as a bumbling hospital attendant who creates havoc In his eagerness to please everybody. RATAPAN ANAK TIRI (Malay Movie, tonight, Ch.. 5, 10.30 p.m.): This Is a poignant story
        401 words
      • 212 4 SPORT ON TV PREMIER SOCCER (Today, Ch. 5, 12.30 pin.): Ifi n Aigm vo me uniku ociwctn Slo».e Civy aiia Sneiueid CHALLENGE OF THE SEXES (TOCUty, Ch. S. 3bo p.m.): The *im take on the ■ten in bowling, motorcycle racing and obstacle course. liri ASIAN GAMES (Today, Ch. b, 10.05
        212 words
    • 863 4  -  LEONG WENG KAM HBPTT^Tn^^^^BBBBi ■3 •ALL PROGRAMMES ON CHANNEL S TODAY: BOBV DREAM (330 p.m, Colour): fran Shi Hou Is injured In a car accident on Ya Llng'c weading day. Ren Ho, Ya Lings new hubby, ..warns Ya ling not to see Fan anymore and be
      863 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 557 4 move^head£7jJMM Why KM* »mm\f your Hit and tonguiati in poorly paid jobs with no future when you can mom ah«ad with th« RIGHT QUALIFICATION? Enrol now with FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS HOME STUDIES DIVISION for any of th. foUmfcm count and oat just THAT QUALIFICATION! WQISKvTiALL oxford fi£\ Institute oi Adrniniitratrv* London
      557 words
    • 7 4 ll e T T li'''l''!i"! ll ''"H
      7 words
    • 82 4 .^a*l> **»m*Om,^—~*'/> The pleasant-tasting Vitamin C Natural Orange flavoured 100 tablets 500mg@57.90 250 mg $4.90 100 mg $2.45 Distributed by: Nalia International Pte Ltd 904, Supreme House, Singapore 9. Tel: *****3. B^F^aV it «*a) 1 41 L. Mt. <*» r a#V v jNb^^i TnSma\x£&r\ for overyone! Come angl see the
      82 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 663 4 II M AM Opwiit fedewrt by T«f Cat S.M News a Iritf 11.31 Tieutf TifttiTinti (Malay) S.35 torn* WvM Ocetot 11 N Safe} Mitwee Kstrfcrty Orierty, 7.11 Jura PMtn (MaUy 3rd Ort-Fnal starwf: Jerry lewis, Slerta Farrell, reseat) 12.31 PM Prewer $Kcer: Steke City n Sfcef- 7.55 PiaM Recital ky
      663 words
    • 81 4 TWIT: Stacntn 12.49 »M. 2.6m). 6.08 i.m. (1.3m). 11 56 a.m. (3m), 641 p.m. (0.3m). MM IMM 5.41 i.m. (1.5m), 10.13 a.m. (2.1m). 5.13 p.m. (0.4m). Nrt Metal 2.05 a.m. (0.4m). 8.03 ml (27m). 2.24 p.m. (0.5m), 8.1b p.m. (2.6m) TMNHM: Steam 123 a.m. 12.6m) 6.45 i.m. (Urn), 12.31 pjn.
      81 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 120 5 You'll love Van Houten's Festive Gift Packs, il especially the bright new Striped Boxes. HfekML |tj»|. And for the children, there are To> Fair Puppets and Dolls >^ttW i miaSmL W i^ «^Mr These yummy Van Houten chocolates in pretty i S %Ajflm |L V JMEraW X' J^k packaging are
      120 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 181 6 a^l^filH f If? i Hll^l^H Established 1858 r ;y,'< i NOW $69.50 Imported j^^H KINGSLEY Carpets from U.S.A. Size: 122 cm x 183 cm j^^^^H In many designs and colours. |^^^^H Usual Price: $139.00 iifci)2lif? NOW From I $37.95 Onwards I NOW Imported JOHN I 50% OFF! LANGFORD I Girls'
      181 words
    • 403 6 "I had a job that paid more money than any of my friends." When I eft school I thought I was j^k smart But now I realise the truth I had no future, and by the time I was 25 1 was fl| B at a dead end There are
      403 words

  • 189 7 Nightclubs' move to cut costs FIVE nightclubs plan to lorm an association to deal with some common problems. In particular the soaring co^t oi employing Taiwanese singers. They are Southron. Pearl City. Oolden Million. Apollo and Silver Star Their representatives met at the Sin Chew Jrt Poh conference hall recently
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  • 35 7 Three films at museum THE National Museum will screen three colour films on Wednesday at 8 p.m. They are Berchtesgaden Highlands. The Circus Comes To Town and Painting In a Low Voice. Admission is free.
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  • 147 7 SINGAPORE Finance shareholders have until 3 p.m. on Jan 18 to decide on accepting thr offer from I'nitrd Overseas Bank (I'OB) for their shares, thr Business Times rrported yesterday. This is one of I'OB's terms in its offer document now on the way to Sinlin
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  • 74 7 TICKET number *****8 has won the first prize of $10,000 fixed deposit In a bank, at the Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association donation draw yesterday afternoon. Second prize of single return ticket to Auckland by Singapore Airlines goes to ticket number *****1. while ticket number *****2
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  • 58 7 CHEW Soon Seng. 31. ni charged in a magistrate's court yetterday with extort ing II.SOO Irom Mr. Tham Kum Seng at a bus stop In Upper Aljunled Road on Friday at 7.15 p.m. by threading him with death. No plea was recorded Chew was granted
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 89 7 Christmas Sale The shop "The finest in men's fashion." U.K NOW4TT TERRAGAMO SHOES $***** $115.00 KERN T-SHIRTS 65.00 52.00 VALENTINO SILK TIES 59.50 49.50 YVES SAINT LAURENT LEATHER WALLETS 153 00 122.00 CERRUTTI SHIRTS 9900 79.00 GIVENCHY BATHING SET 90.00 72.00 CARVEN SILK SHIRTS 235.00 140.00 STEPHANE GONTARD SHOES 195.00
      89 words
    • 217 7 COME GET IT! I EVERYTHING MUST GO! I I I DOWN I X A vast variety of Arts Crafts going at real knockout prices, B including Indian Brassware, Garments, South Indian Paper B Mache Figures, Screen Dividers, Silver Jewellery, M Nepalese Handicrafts, Handloom Towels, etc. I Definitely closing down on
      217 words

  • 237 8  - Mystery of the big bungalow robbery N. G. KUTTY By MYSTERY surrounds the robbery at the house of a wealthy Arab businessman In Upper East Coast Road on Friday evening. Though It was earlier thought the robbers got away with $600,000. police said yesterday the actual loss was S200.000 worth
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  • 49 8 THE MP for Serangoon Gardens, Or. Lav Telk Soon, will open the 59th Art for Everyone exhibition at leek Ohee community centre on Thursday at 8 p.m The exhibition Is open to the public on Friday and Saturday lrom 3.30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
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  • 227 8 IT WAS one of the most enchanting; moments of her life for Diana DcnholmYounc. 18, when she was crowned Press Prince s* 1978 on Friday night. The crowning by Mrs. T.S. Khoo. wife of the president of the Singapore Press Club, took place at the
    227 words
  • 90 8 CHANOI Airport's security fences, eastern drains an n southern airfield lighting control building cost over half a mi.l.on dollars. Tenders already awarded for the three projects have totalled $593,350 $78,350 for the supply and putting uo of'security fencing. $143,000 for the construction of composite channel drains at
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  • 59 8 KUOK Choon Llm, 33, was charged In a magistrate's court yesterday with causing grievous hurt to Mr. Yue Tek Seng by breaking his nose. In front of a shop In Woodlands Road on May 11 at 2 pjn. No plea was recorded Kuok was granted $2,000
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  • 490 8 THERE is a dire need for greater rapport between drug detainees and their families and rehabilitation officers, the MP for Kampung Kembangan. Mr. Mansor Sukalml, said yesterday. This Is to ensure the proper after-care and complete recovery of drug addicts. He said some of
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  • 464 8  - The study of languages becoming more popular CORINNE THAM By SINGAPOREANS are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of learning En g lish and foreign languages. A total of ***** adults reportedly enrolled for various courses at language centres and that excludes the number who opted for home study courses.
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  • 79 8 MR Don Titus has been elected president of the Singapore Jaycees. Vice-presidents are Mrs. Magdalene Teoh and Mr. Chow Kwok Wah, and the secretary general, Mr. John T. Y. Tan. Their installation ceremony will be held at Shangri-La hotel tonight. Other member* of the board are
    79 words
  • 34 8 SINGAPORE Jaycee* w'll organise a slx-aeulon course on effective speaking from Jan 3 at 7.30 p.m. at Apollo Hotel. Course fees are $40 for Jaycee members and $40 lor no: -merr.ben.
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  • 39 8 THE Minister of State for Defence and MP for Rmdln Mas. Mr Bernard Chen, will fUg off the National Open Cycling championship and present prize* to winner* at Blangah RIM Primary School today at I a.m.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 106 8 In 107countries, you won't find a better-tasting scotch at any price. All over the world, people appreciate the extraor- super!) Passport blend. And it's this exceptional dinary taste of Passport Scotch. Because M in' taste that causes people in 107 countries to choose the finest v\hiskie* from Scotland to produce
      106 words
    • 255 8 Pakistan International Airlines has the best connections to the Middle East. Every Tuesday and Thursday, Pakistan International will jet you to Karachi. Then regular connections on to Abu Dhabi, Amman, Baghdad, Bahrain, Cairo, Damascus, Dhahran, Doha, Dubai, Jeddah, Kuwait, Muscat, Tehran, Tripoli and Zahedan. Ours is a continuing success story
      255 words

  • 236 9 'ORCHARD, SELEGIE LAND TAKEOVER BY GOVT' THE government has given notice of its intention to acquire 82,000 sq.m of land in On h;inl Rom and Selegie Hoad areas toi redevelc pment. Among the many properties aHected by the proposed acquisition are Cycle and Carriage, Wearne Brothers and the OverseaChinese banking
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  • 130 9 THAI GOVT CURB ON PRIVATE JOB AGENCIES THE Thai Labour Department ias bai.ned private employment agencies in Thailand from workers for Singapore. A spokesman of the That Bmbas.;y her< confirming thii. tol i the Berlta Harian on Friday that legal action will be taken again.' t offenders. The decision
    Agencies  -  130 words
  • 33 9 THE Minister for the Environment. Law and Science and Technoloc Mr E.W Barker, will present prizes to winners of the TangUn Road Run at TangUr community centre today at 9.30 a.m.
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  • 200 9 Kg Glam to have new 3-storey c-centre KAMPOMi Glam constituency is to have a new 5950.0 M three storey community centre to replace the present one in Victoria Street. The new centre is to meet the Merer population living in the area and also the sophisticated needs of modern Singaporeans,
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  • 19 9 THE Singapore Police Band will perform at Macßitchie Reservoir Park today from 530 pm. to 630 p.m.
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  • 83 9 TELECOMS is providing extra circuits to meet increases in the volume of international telephone calls and telegram messages this Christmas. The normal 5 per cent surcharge imposed on international telephone calls and telegrams will be waived for greeting calls and telegrams. Greeting telephone
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  • 390 9 'Accountancy courses not attuned to present requirements' SOME accountants who passed their professional examinations 15 years ago find It hard to understand the present courses offered by today's accounting institutes, a management consultant said yesterday Mr. M. Gurunathan who mode this observation at the final day of the fifth conference
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  • 359 9 Ex-clippie jailed for stabbing wife of driver colleague AN EX-BUS conductress was Jailed for six months by a magistrate's court yestertlay for stabbing the wite of her former bus driver colleague with whom she was alleged to be having an affair. Cham Sin Long, 31, now unemployed, was found guilty
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 712 9 f"\ guarantee to put you back in top shape w stronger A I k more dynamic and vigorous Wf I than ever k M I|^M^ or you will not p^f owe me cen^'^WF* HERE'S A MAN-TO-MAN OFFER FROM W GERALD DEFOSSES, Mr. CANADA Yes. there is a proven effective way
      712 words
    • 356 9 The new TC-K6O is one of the most A new servo -controlled BSL motor advanced stereo cassette decks in the virtually eliminates wow and Hut! world for accurate recording and High performance fernte-and-ternte playback of stereo cassettes, head lasts almost forever. Sep 1 1 and Eguahzation switches optimise the A
      356 words

  • 154 10 NPB SURVEY ON MERIT, DEMERIT SCHEMES THE National Productivity Board is to send out questionnaires on merit and dema r 1 1 scheme* to various firms and organisations early next year, probably in February. The exercise Is to determine the extent to which merit and demerit scnemes have been accepted
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  • 186 10 CAEV I NG different forms out of big. chunky blocks of ice Is the speciality of Mr. Foo Kai Men*, affectlonally known as the Iceman. And he thrilled both adults and children ye s t erday afternoon when he chiselled a reindeer and a Christmas tree
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  • 612 10  -  AHMAD OSMAN and S. M. MUTHU By Straits Times reporters KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday EACH Asean country will have a regional industrial project despite existing difficulties, the chairman of the seventh Asean economic ministers meeting, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, said today. But he added:
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  • 336 10 'We will not be used against others' THE chairman of the seventh Asean Economic Ministers meeting, Dr. Mahathir \l oham a d, reiterated today that Asean will not be used as a political bloc against other countries. He said this in reply to a question on whether the worsening situation
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  • 54 10 THE National Museum and the Southeast Asum Ceramic Society will hold an exhbltlon Celadon and Related Wares, at the museum s art gallery in July. Art collectors and the public, who have collections of celadon and related wares can take part in the exhibition For details,
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  • 20 10 THE Public Works Department building control division's enforcement section will move to Connell House, In Anson Road today.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 154 10 CHUNG BRAND I'fJ CHINESE LEATHER SHOES wmr mm J$SSm 054 irigp Road #23 0G55 Ground Floor, Singapore 1 Peoples Park Complex, Bukit Timah Plaza, (9.00 am 6.00 p.m. I Singapore 1 Singapore2l (11.00 a.m. 10.00 p.m.) (1100 a.m. 10.00 p.m.) CARING FOR YOU. 12TIMESAWEEKT0 AUSTRALIA. Daily to Sydney and Melbourne,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 362 11 Sony Audio/Video Presentation 'TO/TO The year's biggest Audio/Video fair is on today at the World Trade Centre. Your chance to see and compare the newest, most intriguing, most sophisticated products across the span of Audio/ Video and music-making. It's the biggest, most exciting show ever, with opportunities to test and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 585 12 I Pv^l Congratulations from... HERMANN LUDWIG (S. E. A.) PTE. LTD. 932/934, 9th Floor Bldg 3, P. S A. Multi i Storey Complex, professional colour laboratory pte. Ltd. lightcraft agencies compact metal industries pte. Ltd. PaSir Panjang Road, Singapore 5. Tel *****33. 17-0 Block 12 Kallangßahru Singapore 12 Tel *****68
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  • 405 13  -  LIM FENG ANN REFLECTION OF GENUINELY SINCERE PURSUIT OF ARTS THE Instrumental Night of the Arts Festival at the Victoria Theatre last night presented an assortment of items all with somewhat different musical Interest. The quality, in general, was acceptable and pleasing
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  • 189 13 IT Is inadequate to depend on the police to maintain law and order and to protect our homes. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the Crime Prevention Exhibition at Seh Chuan High School yesterday. Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Environment) and MP for Bukit Tlmah,
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  • 161 13 TONIGHTS programme at Victoria Theatre features a cross-section of the week's performances to end the festival. Festival Show case highlights: Singapore Ballet (Junior) in Pastorale: Bella Exhar Kalians Bahru. In Kom panic: Sinclair School of Dancing in Dances of Scotland: Maha Bodi School in Blooming Flowers;
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  • 302 13 THE government Is planning to redevelop Lim Chu Kang, which is outside the catchment areas, into another Intensive pig estate, the Parliamentary Secretary (National Development) Mr. Ho Cheng Choon said last night. This is aimed at preventing the existing farming estates
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 188 13 aramis \&fc Make this an Aramis Christmas XT with gifts to be treasured allyear long, A sentimental occasion. Full of generosity and f*jF good cheer. Festive dinners. Reunions with loved ones. Celebrate the season with gifts of Aramis for a most memorable Christmas. cii h i\v l r i drillers
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 772 14 I MMieHRISTMAIS^ FTy l^^^^ l l^ «P*&^. /^CV PLAYFULL <t^ficAOC^>^' 9 1 5l fjl IjM )>V^ DALMATIAN Wtk\ 5 JBl^^ SUITS V siJt'-'^^^SH KJCWPfiPT tm£tfo| EXPRESS CARD Ijw'.p V rt m lOER¥ s^esT t f&l2>\f &1 2>\ c HK tW .-~™»»io««,», y,°si R ft 1 1m 1 190 I GIFT
      772 words

  • 142 15 10 more buses for city shuttle service NTI C Comfort city >h uttle srrvter (CSS) ill boast its Mwl of 2t boar* with another It which will begin operation In February next year. Comfort director and adviser h n Ham balloted the 10 •nn at Sin Ming Ih-ive yesterday
    142 words
  • 72 15 Cheers torn the kids for early Santa GOOD things a/c never unwelcomed w"»et her they come early or late. Santa. In this ca«. Mr. B Forbes, chairman of the Alexandra oommun ty centre management committee, decided to spread his cl eers early nine days before Christmas, to be exact. About
    72 words
  • 28 15 THE Young Wilter»' Circle and the Crescents will present an evening of pcttry and songs at the National Library's lecture hall on Friday at 4 p.m.
    28 words
  • 241 15 PROVIDE PROPER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FOR FIREMEN: AUPE THE Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE), which has served claims on the Social Affairs Ministry on behalf of 650 firemen, wants adequate protective clothing for fire fighting. Sources say the Singapore Fire Brigade has only about 90 fire-resisting jackets. It has ordered
    241 words
  • 285 15 THE Amalgamated Union oi Public Employees (AUPE i has asked the Finance Ministry whether the promotion exercise to the grade of executive officer, general executive service, will be conducted this year. "There have been enquiries on this subject, as there are about 30 clerical officers
    285 words
  • 224 15 Don't underrate hawkers' role, says MP SINGAPOREANS must not under rate the role played by hawkers, the i National Development i National Decelopmen t Mr. Ho Cheng Choon. said recently. "They provide a service which Is becoming almost indispensable to today's lifestyle." he said. Mr Ho. who is MP for
    224 words
  • 31 15 LOCAL telex subscribers can now communicate with vessels in the Indian Ocean equipped with Marlsat terminal equipment. The charge for such a call is $19.40 a minute.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 219 15 Wodd Champion^— 1979 MODEL RANGE AHasud Sprint 1.5(1 49OC.C. 85 H.P. DIN) AMasud 1.3 Super (1286 c.c. 87 H.P.SAE.) P^^i^N r/^^ \v^ 9 v Alfetta 2000 GTV. (1962 c.c. 140 H.P.SAE.) Aifetta 2000. (1962 c.c. 14O H.P.SAE.) ji //V <^^^^rmM+m2* Giulietta 1.6 (1570 c.c. 109 H.P. DIN) Alfetta 1.8(1779 c.c.uo
      219 words

  • 1 16
    1 words
  • 535 16 APART from the tireless Walt Disney team, American film men today appear to have cultivated a complete disdain for making what is primarily known as the "family movie." So it was left to a Briton former actor Bryan Forbes to revive the story of Velvet
    535 words
  • 314 16 Where the music blends well with the beer I've always thought the Temasek Beer Oarden, behind the Handicraft Centre, served beer only. But I was wrong. They serve Rood music too 4- thanks to a group of three boy* and a girl who call themselves The Los Chinos. The group
    314 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 280 16 Li bo 'now showing (*****4) 11. 1 45. 4. 6 45. 915 No Free List Everyone knows the MEANING of shock* But not many have EXPERIENCED it. YOU WILL WHEN YOU SEE SHOCIT 2 'yr m) Mt mm\ dHH MrA I HOW SHOWING at 8 THEATRES NB All THf ATRFS
      280 words
    • 301 16 v.^p^^^ vuvvw^^v^^v^vw^vw^ avvsr^fvvsvwvv% i r»T«] iill "f«l HOW oIIJI4-.11.H11 SHOWING! 3rd Tim. Ocrurd Tmnts ll«n. 1 30. 4.00. ■C Tt« *****96 Mi Frtt lift 6 45 jnd 9 30 pm S*Mon Ending Soon! HURRY' DON'T MISS IT" Tiir,N;1 NOW SHOW|NG! \JB^A^i*/ 5 Show Daily- Jin Sultan *****72 11am 130. 4.00.
      301 words
    • 57 16 rf ;'T;Mfll'i"M;BH3 L a.i 2 Dayal GoMan City: 1.45, 4, 7 a 9JO Galaxy: 1.15. 3.30. 7 •9 30 A Love Tragedy m Mondorm color scope with English Chinese Subs ■tT^tvftiiiiiamu Today Morning Show at 11 am at both thaatrat Lim Ching Htia A L«» Bird! Ara Singing Evarywhara" Mandarin
      57 words
    • 130 16 JIICHONG GAY KALLANG GOLDEN -.dPk SIMULTANEOUS MORNINO M-. -^k MW^^KT SHOW TODAY al 9 00am K^aß 4^L CANTONESE COMEDY' ~~*9 OLDSOLDIERS^fiiI NEVER DIE SBm kallang::^. palace t ss^ NOW SHOWING' NOW SHOWINGI 11am. 1.30. 4. 7, 30pm 1 JO. 3.30. 7 15. 9.30pm til mac 44- IK •>• V MO"
      130 words
    • 403 16 I •U«IIWIMNCONSII!UiMtTCITIIiHSCONSUII«IIV(COMMIirH CHARITY FILM PREMIERE J »^PP'' AOCO OIViIOPMtNI FUND i im atiiiicai iiCMitiT amism •> scuati tm ticuMiicr i I1I 1 MRLIMCHEEONN < jl ODEON: WEDNESDAY at 9.15PM I TRUTS »T 15 00 $10 00 1*5 00 4 125 00 I I »V»ll»ILt AT BUKIT WERAH COMMUNIIV CENTRE TCI
      403 words
    • 348 16 ORGAMISATIOM J! *v "WP-mr-Si I 8 4Vtm Oriantol n I .liberty hif "HEAVEN a MILL w MANDARIN NOW SHOWINCV B 14-1 400 H<S «IS B Vpeciol Admission P' m M 2 A I i<v ih,v piciyra aa •THE SWAWM ESjLSaDH2Z2a3 9 k ,vn ;i« B WAWLOWDSot ATLANTIS" U ■^Lai.
      348 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1342 17 ____________________________________________________n ~«g« 1 ESl__S___i «««sifflu > V"^flPPi^9^^^^^^M^SP^BF^ G.3(Gr.FI.) Clifford Centre, Raffles Place T A a \F^ 1 1 I 1 j |^H Singapore 1 Tfel :*****7 __L A J L W __H RAFFLES Sports TShirts Shopping HOUrS I ARROW International y V _^^^^W $13-^es4 50 Collection Sports Shirts ■MB ■■■■PpHHMMpHB^P^H
      1,342 words

  • 559 18 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1978 opinion LET'S PLAY UNCLE H<>u many people realise that the Asian iames now in full flush in Bangkok should have been held in Singapore? When the draw for staging these the eighth games in the series was made eight years ago, Singapore came up with the
    559 words
  • 1030 18 Splitting hairs that's what it's all about... BENG TAN FINDS THAT FIRST STRAND OF SILVER ON HER HEAD WHEN I first detected my solitary strain of white hair among my flowing tresses, it confirmed my worry that I have been worrying too much lately. The first ihitiK which i.imr 10
    1,030 words
  • 1224 18 OF THE 100 CHILDREN BORN IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN THE LAST ONE MINUTE, 20 WILL DIE BEFORE THEIR FIRST BIRTHDAY DURING the last 60 seconds, 100 children were born in the developing world. In Asia and the Pacific, there are 1,307 million people below
    1,224 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 13 18 SEIKO kk.3 lav ill WJUhc- 1600-3J69 PD* will hi. made this ».n i6OO-3M««G
      13 words
    • 801 18 IH our Audiovisual I presentation et UIC f| EXHIBITION SALE Persian, Pakistan, Indian v^J Carpets, Rugs Runners XjS Most outstanding carpet jgK; 5fW clearance total value Ssl «$f million to make way for j: v- c£.?f.'[j new stocks at prices |i >. i^l never before this low. fijf &vsJ Venue:
      801 words

  • 197 19 IE Yulrtide mood fillrd the air as Santa I'laui distributed gifts to the yoafeg and old folk at the Trafalgar Hospital yesterday, nit, played by Mr. Gordon Lindsay. a company cxc c a Uve. pven bad a surprise present for the YIP visitor
    197 words
  • 771 19  - Captain tells of the 'U' connection on tanker to transfer oil BEN DAVIDSON By THE Spyros inquiry yesterday heard evidence on the use of a "If" connection on board the Greek tanker to transfer oil from one tank to another. The significance of the "U" connection was not brought out
    771 words
  • 152 19 TWO flres yesterday destroyed property and goods worth more than $350,000. No one was injured. The causes Jor both blazes have not been established. The first blaze, at 4 am., destroyed a factory producing josssticks and joss-papers in Sembawang Hill Drive. More than $100,000 worth of
    152 words
  • 123 19 Science Council award nominations THE Science Council of Singapore Is inviting nominations from professional bodies. Institutions of higher learning, government and statutory boards and Industry for its gold medal award. The award 1* (or significant contributions to the scientific, technology. Industry or economic development of Singapore through research, expertise or
    123 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 151 19 £|JL#4V44 HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL W^rVw^ W rilE WAY TO A CAREER IMIAIRDRESSIXG lIMTERfM A7IOIMAL. fTHh ;< Sd» 4a irttnirri in L >ii<i< m Knulund. p^ Al.m IniirnuiioiKil ovea Individual tuition in small classes y V^V ■'Inn a Sal< hi I'livimiinwnt. wurkinuon live models. The complete Heginners Courses are of^Hand 24 weeks
      151 words
    • 523 19 Sunday Shopping is fun for your family! kodak colorburst promotion lA/a oro nnon tnHouf Wellknown singers, the Fong Lin sisters WW^S <■■ W|J*7ll IUHd/i will be here to have their pictures taken with you Or you prefer to have Santa Claus or Satanrina to be taken with you. SPECIAL OFFERS
      523 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 152 20 LIGHT UP SOMETHING NEW! I (III iH j^H H T HE NEW ROMANCE -^^H^S^ Facts about Slax. /f*\\ff^^^ ''■£j3&^^KBi* Straight Slax, Saddle Stitched Slax. Belted Slax. Tapered Slax. In light, cool, stylish i \j\^^ fabrics specially selected for the tropics. A wide choice of shades and textures in f^ v-*-^*^
      152 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 195 21 I JAPAN'S SHIMANO 10-SPEED DERAILLEUR GEAR PRICES RANGE FROM $185 $1200 (PROFESSIONAL CLASS) I I WHEEL SIZE 30cm 1 05 /40 cm $115 Fl The perfect g^ft for a -p tAn exciting sporty looking I 2-6 years old fj I model with easy battery tW <^^\>-<^ I °P eration $125
      195 words
    • 648 21 STATK Avsemblyman for kampung Jawa, Ran Zulkifli bin BorlMM, will "ask forgiveness" of the Sultan of Selangor for his stateim-nt alxuit certain members of the royal family and the presentation of state awards in the St. id Assembly a few days
      NST  -  648 words
    • 352 21 Desperate travellers turn to Brunei SCORES of air travellers here are going to Brunei to catch connecting flights to Singapore because of heavy bookings on MAS flights, travel agents reported. According to a New Straits Times report Quoting Bernama. the agents said that travellers, frustrated by long waiting lists, were
      352 words
    • 108 21 DAP seeks court order over Speaker KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The DAP applied In the High Court here yesterday for an order to declare vacant the post of Speaker in the Perak State Assembly. The application in the form of an originating summons contended that Speaker Hajl Ahmad Azlzuddin bin Hajl
      108 words
    • 43 21 KUCHING. Sat. Malaysia will have direct telephone, telegraph and telex links with the world with the setting up soon of a $22 million earth satellite station in Malacca, the Minuter of Energy. Telecommunications and Posts, Mr. Leo Moggie, said yesterday. NBT.
      43 words
    • 28 21 KUALA TRENOOANU. Bat Two crew members of Majulkan trawler are missIng after the vessel capsized near the harbour here yesterday. Three other crewmen were saved. NST.
      NST  -  28 words
    • 161 21 THE Malayan Railway will operate three more services to cope with the rush during Christmas and New Year The New BtralU Times. In a report quoting Bernama. said the first two services would be from Dec 22 to Jan 2 and the other
      161 words
    • 84 21 PETALING JAVA. Sat. More than 500 cooperatives in the country are inactive and half of them had to be closed because of losses, Deputy Agriculture Minister Hajl Zakana Abdul Rahman said yesterday. He said only 30 per cent of the 1 340 co- operatives
      84 words
    • 277 21 JOHORh BARl Sat Customs officers foiled what is believed to be the first attempt to smuggle tin ore in a Malayan Railway goods train wafton with the seizure of $220,000 worth of the mineral at the station here late last night. Duty on the
      NST  -  277 words
    • 60 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Dewan Rakyat yesterday passed a Bill seeking to change the name of the Federal Industrial Development Authority iFida) to the Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (Mida). The move is intended to project the national identity of the body in its international promotion
      NST  -  60 words
    • 71 21 SHAH ALAM. Sat—The Selangor state government has allocated a total of $31,839 540 to improve the water supply In the state next year, Mentri Besar Datuk Hormat Rafei told the State Legislative Assembly i here yesterday. j Datuk Hormat said In his budget speech that
      NST  -  71 words
    • 220 21 Separate drug centres urged for criminal addicts KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Welfare Services Minister Datln Paduka Hajjah Alshah Ohanl yesterday called for separate drug rehabilitation centres to be set up for criminal addicts. At present, criminal addicts are being treated at her ministry's rehabilitation centres but their presence created uneasiness among
      NST  -  220 words
    • 30 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Twenty Queen's Scouts got together here !ast week and formed the first Malaysian Royal Scouts Association under the pationage of the Yang dl-Pertuan Agung. NST.
      NST  -  30 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 903 22 CLASSIFIERS »SS»I FORTOURISTS PLACES OF INTEREST IS2 Where To Eat 159 Precious metals/ 4 •♦or*' J A.R.MASHOOR I ■■■mm f Si B^SpfS-^Ci l^^^^^^^^^^^^^™™"™™™ 1 I™ll^^^^™^^^^^!1 11^^^^™^^^^^! V (Gem MerchanLs) 5 PPSjJP*^*^ 1 m S4, MGH STREET A BF*^ 1 GEM IDENTIFICATION CENTRE I «noapo*». WJl^^ V OUR SPECIALITY V fr
      903 words
    • 437 22 II EMPLOYMENT 2iZmmß*aaaaZ*aaaaaaaaaaaa)*m^T vfltj, bb^^Hmmm^ZlT ~i^^^i^^^e» l»mmmm£*jr'~*T*^^r^^^*^*TT^^«W ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Well established British company with small Regional Office, seeks a person who can work independently without supervision, to carry out invoice preparation. Inventory record control credit control, book keeping, import and export documentation and monthly bank account preparation Must be Singapore
      437 words
    • 518 22 c) Sales Leading Cosmetic Centre Invites applicants as Full/Part time Beauty Adviaon. Training provided. Generous commission plus many benefits. Call *****2 Mm Tan. MALE/FEMALE SALES Representatives required for cosmetics and sundry goods Interested apply with photograph to G P.O. Box 3476. Spore 1 SALESGIRLS WANTED URGENTLY Part-time, fulllime Call personally
      518 words
    • 668 22 Chinese Japanese Gardens Open doily Bom 6pm Jurong Tel *****9 *****4 MERLION PARK FOR X-MAS IDEA* and Handicrafts, com* to Ming Shop. FiUpatrlrk's Supermarket. Orchard Road Tel *****S or O4. Rear Block Orchard Towers. Claymore Drive Singapore 9. Tel: *****0 162 Leathergoods/ Cane products THE HOUSE OF Quality cane Lees
      668 words
    • 643 22 fm HILTON HEALTH CLUB |For Tourists Members only MASSAGE SERVICE SAUNA BATH STEAM BATH HYDRO-POOL GYMNASIUM Business Hours: Ladies— 9am to Ipm M«n- 1 15pm to 11pm Can at. 22nd Floor. Singapore Hilton Hotel. Orchard Road. Singapore 9 *****1 *****61 164 Special Trades/ Services SINGAPORE ACUPUNCTURE CENTRE Specialises In acupuncture.
      643 words
    • 3355 22 (164) Acupuncture (164) Credit Card (156) Lighting Fi»t»ret (161) Shopping (155) AntKjuet CroHj (ISS) Cryitol GloM-ore 164) lug-jog* t-onjte. (I S3) SnMseem? coocHet '.155) Art-metal erections (161) Deportmentol Store* (163) Mossoge-Heolth Club (1S8) Silk (156) Auok> -<u*>\ Instrument* (156) Ekctnc/flectromc opptwncet (153) Motorcor rentol (160) Skm Dinnq Corol reefs
      3,355 words

    • 46 23 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE DR TWO CHAN BEE Thank all relatives and friends from Malaysia and Singapore for their kind condolences, visits, wreaths. donations and attendance at the funeral. Donations will b* for The Goodwill Hout* Malaysia Fund and Anglo-Chineie School Scholarship Fund.
      46 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      124 23 BALAKRISHNAN KP pissed away peacefully on 15 12 78 in India For Information (jlf;isf eootai V (inpinathan Tel: H*****/ 1 Ik 2 308-B.Ghim Moh Kd FRANCISCO: JOHN RAYMOND Leaving S'por* C»k*t Company on 17th DkikiIw 197S M 10.30 wn for (T. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Ipmi then to MOUNT VERNUN
      124 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      76 23 I.oviiik me mory of our rather CMIA HEOCK PHUANG {years to-day n.sseri t>>- wile Kn« 3onM Kd.Chim. I^iwrence i)aiIK|,ters l.v 1.01. Ju. I'ol Sons in-law. daughters-in-law grandchildren Bafafafafafaf^B^Bafißßfafafafafai OAVIO CHAN SENG VEOW DEPARTED 17 12.77. Sadly missed but Mi you still 1 1 i k
      76 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1017 23 CLASSIFIED ADS IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES V SERVICES ft BUSINESS VI EDUCATION ft TRAINING VII TRAVEL ft RESTAURANTS VII TRAVEL ft RESTAURANTS mm^—^^™ PMASf HONG LEONG (iarden Type DA split-level terrace 51 Accommodation house, with matured garden u--._i renovated with built-in Prlnci'•^•"l paw only call X 149&5 ■»"""»"»»»»BbJb»bMb»Bßb»bs IBEDROOMED DETACHED
      1,017 words
    • 1064 23 SC4CNCE TECHMCAL DAY /NifrU MMMM Service Colour. B/W TV. Ampli- iaf__»~i tier. Cassette. Antennae Instal- j WMIIVu lallon. Service Guaranteed »»^^^^^^^^^^^^^^==s= Tel *****8 *****23 LOOKING FOR NEPAL or Indian TECHMCAL BtHVICBM COL. B/w p nFrl ryr nuU above 15 mm and t v amplifier installation t v Rudrachha Nut 5-9
      1,064 words
    • 827 23 ATT SECRETAiUUS SCHOOL OF SECRETARIAL SKILLS Prepares students for the London Chomber ot Commerce Industry and Pitmans Institute Examinations The L. C.C.I. Exam for private secretaries is the only one supervised by the Ministry of Education and is the most widely recognised in its field The next FULL-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARY'S
      827 words
    • 360 23 AT YOUR SERVICE SECTION INDKX I rlrphonf SrrMcr Weeidim S3O a m S 00 p m K)R SALE SHOPPING GUIDE Public Holidays 9 00am -100pm 11 KMPI DVMVNT Saturdays 1 30 am -300pm r,^r,,/r, JS (ou.ler Service Regular office hours 111 VEHICLES 4 BOATS Times Orchard IV ACCOMMODATION it PROPERTIES
      360 words
    • 732 23 I SCHOOL HOLIDAY ATTRACTION WEST MALAYSIA DELUXE TOUR Inclusive of Genting i Penang I By Deluxe Alrcondltloned Coach 6DaysSSl7O- Tuesday GENTING HIGHLANDS PACKAGE Go By A C Coach Back By Air 3DaysS»l3S- Tuesday WEST MALAYSIA DELIGHT TOUR Inclusive of Genting L Penang I I 5 Days Coach AirSSl99-Tue I S
      732 words
    • 400 23 fyt^r Taipei/ Hongkong/ Bangkok \y\ 14Days—S$1,595 t>fe~^\J\ 14 fun filled dafys and 13 nights in Taipei. Hongkong and Bangkok. Departures :12/1/79 29/1/79 (f_ lA *MrC,mSjr^m]n Head Office SS S«h Floor.sG9AtroAa»Bundrno J^g.M'yp^—-:gwt!ie» Robmson Road Singapore 1 "j: :i*: mHryfr T 1******833.**********0532 im'wml. f^rspWo4sV G*6.Ground Floor Bukrt Timah Plan irr^-^fwP^ Jalan aukM
      400 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 180 24 Buy the hottest system fin* sound and cool off with a free fan, v *liJ[ r fi^flr^i* x For a limited period JVC Now you can enjoy the are offering a free finest in musical KDK 1 6" Stand fan with reproduction while you pushbutton 6*l mm reiax in the
      180 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 574 25 W« or* a proy ssi»s timber monufocturmg Company Due to owr moan* •xporoton w« nood dynamic ond ogorassn* people to join MS. PRODUCTION ENGINEER Mmimum 3 5 years working experience n urTMtar capacity Must be serf-motivated 1 and hardworking Possess a cor and driving kcence wM be on added odvontoge
      574 words
    • 556 25 LIMBONGAN TIMOR (SDN.) BHD. KUALA TRENGGANU A Member of the MARA Transport Bhd. Group of Companies i An established shipyard engaged in the design and construction of Patrol Crafts, Harbour Launches, Trawlers. Yachts and Tugboats in timber, aluminium and steel invites application from suitably qualified Malaysian Citizens for the post
      556 words
    • 572 25 invites applications for the posts of:OPTICS MANUFACTURING SUPERVISORS Applicants for this position should have minimum I.T.C. and with some working experience in an industrial manufacturing company. Knowledge and experience in Optics Manufacture although desirable, is however not essential as In-plant training of 6 to 9 months will be given to
      572 words
    • 908 25 Pemohon-pemohon adaiah dtpslaws daripada Wargan«gara Malaysia (kautamasn akan diberi kepada pemohon-pamohon Rakyat Naosrl Kedah) untuk memohon jawatan-jawatan barikut dl daiam Sekim Perkhidmatan Perbadanan Kamajuan Nagcrl Kedah 1. JAWATAN: AKAUNTAN Tanggagajl: A-11 $1,805 x 100 2.205 Jalun-caiun bagi lantikan terus mesMah t dak melebihi 40 tahun dan p«gawai-pegawai yang sedang berkhidmat
      908 words

    • 124 26 That's just not cricket, Arnie! THIS is a picture of Arnold Palmer (left), the well-known cricketer. Arnold Palmer? Cricket? Its true! When Palmer was visiting Rotorua recently, as the star of a movie on leisure activitits in New Zealand, he was introduced to the old English game by local cricketers
      124 words
    • 249 26  -  KUALA LUMPUR Sat. After competing on the international scene for a Rood 10 years. Malaysia's top women's badminton player. Sylvia Ng has called it a day. I'm retiring. she said "I've had enough of International competitions. I"ve had my fair share of victories and
      NST  -  249 words
    • 136 26 KARACHI Sat Hiddy Jahan. of Paklstar., upset second-settled compatriot Mohtbullah Khan after dropping the first two games In the Pakistan Masters' International squash championship here last night Jahan's 6-9. 0-9. 9-5. 9-7. 9-6 victory meant mat the leading two seeds. Qamar Zaman and Muhibullah. will
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 287 26  -  INDIA'S Amritraj brothers Vijay, Anand and Ashok will be the centre of attraction in the Hilton invitation tennis tournament at the Singapore Tennis Centre next By BERNARD PEREIRA Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The three professionals. who are now living in the United States, have just completed
      287 words
    • 186 26 THE' Singapore Malays Badminton Association's plans next year for a big Open tournament, which will feature the world's top stars, have won the full backing of the Singapore Badminton Association, reports BERNARD PEREIRA. The SMBA's plans are to award cash vouchers as prizes to
      186 words
    • 195 26 MONTEGO BAY (Jamaica), Sat. Bjorn Borg, of Sweden, Raul Ramirez, of Mexico, Hie Nastase, of Rumania and Peter Fleming, of the United States, yesterday advanced to the semifinals of the U*****,000 ($723,2001 World Championship of Tennis challenge tournament. Borg, the top-seed, Is the only one
      Agencies  -  195 words
    • 528 26 TODAY LOCAL Cycling National Open champlonahlp (S). Oelf Seletar match play tournament (Seletar 7), Naranjan Singh v Barry Roberta, final (Warren teeatr WFAB national League final (Queenatown 4 30) International friendly: Singapore ix-intematlonala v Malaysian sa> internationals (National Stadium 73)). WORLO Ciisktl South Australia v Weat Auatralla, Bhemeia Shield (Adelaide):
      528 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 617 26 .^BBB^B^\. "^^^^KkW^^ A ii»S»^^SsV BSSS^^Lssl *A .^BBBBBB^^^ BBBBBBBb! BBBBBBBb! BBBBBBBbI V ..B^iBBBBBBBBB^^^^ O D d KGU 'jUbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbK \j AaJt^Christmas Gifts- some \A/O R I DV ~1 W tftil^^ H.H ideas and V VV-/I XLL/bL-J flf j^ JfMttt^**^ Zodiac Guide to DEC. 1978 1 Buying Do-it-yourself Santa Dolls Christmas in Singapore
      617 words

    • 151 27 LONDON. 8a t Danny Blanchflower. bo.» of the Northern Ireland soccer team, yesterday accepted the managership of struggling English football League First Division club Chelsea Bianchftower succeeds Ken SheUltu. who resigned on Wednesday It is the nwt jcb as a club manager for Blanchflower. 52.
      Reuter; AFP  -  151 words
    • 311 27 CARDIFF (Wales i. Sat —Eddie Dunne scored a last-minute drop goal tonight to give the New Zealand rugby union team the All Blacks— a thrilling 18-16 win over the Barbarians In the last game of their British tour The All Blacks once more
      311 words
    • 317 27  -  JCE DORAI By TO doubting fans a piece of advice. Don't brush aside tonig h t 's soccer match between the former national players of Singapore and Malaysia at the Na 1 1 o nal Stadium (7.30) as an uneventful encounter between two teams
      317 words
    • 387 27 LONDON. Sat—Everton are still the only unbeaten side in the English soccer League after drawing 1-1 at home with Leeds today. They were only three minutes from losing that record when they grabbed an equaliser after Hawley had given Leeds a first-half lead. tv.l., i.,» ..1., This
      387 words
    • 276 27  - Siva bemoans selection of Cup team ERNEST FRIDA By THERE has been severe criticism about the selection of the Singapore cricket team for the inaugural Mini-World Cup tournament In London next year. The main grouse has been against the selection of the Martens brothers Fred, 18, and Rex, 17 both
      276 words
    • 177 27 Aussies totter as England keep their cool PERTH Sat England again had Australia's young side In trouble by the end of the second day of the second Test here today. Australia, already one down In the six -Test Ashes series, were 60 for four at the close in reply to
      177 words
    • 160 27 ENGLAND First Innings i Overnight 190-3> Q Boycott lbw Hurst 77 O.A. UMch c Maclean b Hog* 1 D.W. Randall c Wood b Hogg 0 J.M. Brcartry c Maclean b Dymock 17 D.I. Oo»rr b Hogg 102 IT. BoUian lbw b Hunt 11 G. Miller b Hogg 40 KH
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 140 27  -  FATRICK BASTIANS By IT is likely to be a toss-up between Pant Chye Hwang. Goh Kok Soon. Lim Foh Leong and Rasbid Khan who wins the premier 30kilomctrr men's race in the national Open cycling championships, to be flagged off by the Minister of State for Defence,
      140 words
    • 40 27 UNITED MOTORS will meet Leblond Asia In the final of th« Jurong lnter-comp»ny soccer tournament at the Jurone Stadium on Jan. 1,7 Motors beat Acma Electrical 4-1. while Leblond defeated Premie- Milk 3-1 In the semi-finals at Jurong.
      40 words
    • 24 27 THE Special Constabulary lnter-div'.Mon soccer tournament semi-finals, H.adqumters C Division and Delta B Division, will or played at Thomson Roac today (8.151.
      24 words
    • 152 27 THE ASEAN Softball championships may now become a biennial affair thanks to the recent cancellation of the last meet in Jakarta. But the final decision will rest on last Friday's congress meeting of the ASEAN Sottball Federa tion in Jakarta. The meeting was called when Indonesia, as hosts,
      152 words
    • 167 27 SINGAPORE Armed For- i ces look headed for slaughter in the semifinals of the Singapore Hockey Association's senior knockout tournament after edging out an aging, but game, Singapore Cricket Club 3-2 on penalty flicks after a full-time goalless draw, in the quarter-finals at the Padang yesterday,
      167 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 120 27 1 ijiiffi jfi^Wlß ''^f^^^fff^ Bretf It's out of that mad city rush, ftsthe in-place to shop. Shop away from the mad In this our first year we're all set to Christmas rush. Shop at Bukit #*sminute» 8 o«*.*«, surprise you. Be prepared for Timah Plaza where there are m M
      120 words

    • 1907 28 STREAKER should make a sound bet in the Ipoh Stakes for Class Three horses over 1,900 metres In Race Four (3.30) in Ipoh today. S«nt over a distance in his lMt start, the Alvaro six-year-old came through with storming •inish to score narrowly
      1,907 words
    • 117 28 AC! FAIRWAY TIT •cnuTiHim ■udi Baik 0n« Two Tfar«€ LtRoy Mi(M|r >lu< Court Hell* Regent Beauty ■H M B.auir MlKhty Blue Pwrl lr«m« Pro«reaa space Traveller Mar Oi Plata Pnxrm Poat H nr Mar D* Ptata ProicrcM Chye Chin AfrtMil Sprinc W«t-r Indiaa Patrol C.ld Ri.vtm «pnn« Water Indian
      117 words
    • 1769 28 IPOH, Sat Bruce Compton was again on target ihere today, landing a splendid double on Las Vegas II and Ming Dynasty 111 for trainer Teh Choon Beng. Las Vegas 11, following the pace this time instead of dictating It. scored a length win
      1,769 words
    • 654 28 THE Stipendiary Steward's report on yesterday's races In Ipoh: State of track: Oood. Race One: Indy (Dahlan) refused to be placed In the starting stall and was withdrawn by order of the stewards. The stewards ordered that the horse be required to pass two starting stall tests before
      654 words
    • 771 28 RACE 1 2 CLASS 5, DIV 4 1.250 M IWtfi 1 ($9,000-I^3oo to winiw) 1 73» CMttMbxTHLI immlmrtiT liUmmrt Hnlll iam «a«iMki<Ta*v* w»»> uuaim<M-ii m ttmtm t n-T umiimi irrri iiimi "i if <aa TttMiHiMiOaiOuMiJisia'tsi -mim v SKBtaStalf I Sue Sue I Muaor •»5 <*!»«»> **M 1 »<m
      771 words
    • 45 28 FIRST No. ***** ($2,350) SECOND No. ***** ($1,175) THIRD No. ***** (S 587) STARTERS ($55 each): Nos. *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****. CONSOLATION ($45 each): Nos. *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****.
      45 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 364 28 WORKERS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JALAN PANDAMARAN PORT KELANG TEL NO. 38-8859 Workers Institute of Technology protect of Transport yvo'trt Union/M«l«y»i»n Trade Union Congress and international Trad* Unions is an accredited institution offering full-time/part-time courses in academic/technical disciplines it is non-profit motivated and geared to meet a maior social obiectiv* ot
      364 words
      234 words
    • 115 28 8 s 7500 Sensor Touch Him WIN LIGHTER CHAMPION IN EVERY CLASS A sportsman's Choice to WIN. True to the tradition of a great lighter Win today has been proclaimed champions in every class. From the practical roller flint models to the latest switch lock battery and the sophisticated Sensor
      115 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 394 29 Graduate from the j i SAF Boys' School I and you have a career for life. Wi Every Combat, Technical or Service your professional experience on civvy m student who graduates from the SAF street l| Boys' School has a career for life. If you are a Singapore citizen, 14
      394 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 121 29 ATHLETICS FENCING— Women i team mni'i high jump final »o- loll. men's WOm heaU mens HOCKEY 8eml-fln«l»-r;r zspss i ssr v iMta T final women's lone Jump final, men 4O0m hurdles SVmuorNG— Men's 100m final, women s shot puu final, badutrofce, women's 100m women's 400m final, men's bactatrofce, men's 200m
      121 words
    • 432 29  -  JOHN FREEMAN; CHINA DOMINATE ATHLETICS JAPAN topped 50 Asian Games gold medals here today, but they were left In the shadows 9y the all-conquering Chinese track and field squad. China won four of the day's seven athletics titles, taking their total to nine out
      Reuter  -  432 words
    • 117 29 (MEDALS tally after 130 events): NOTE: Two gold medals were awarded in the men's rings gymnastic* event and no silver Two silver* were awarded in the women's Individual gymnastics and mrnt horisontal bars and no bfvsnc*. Two brasses dvmUU were awarded in the men's team tennis and women's
      117 words
    • 1185 29 ATHLETICS Women's 4M metres hurdles final: 1 Chen Hsln lCh> 101 32. 2 U Su-Lan (Ch) 101*9. 3 Masae Klgucht ijpni 1 02 08. 4 Marina Chin iMal) 1:04 79. 6 Km Ec Lan «M»! 104 88 Womrn'» Javelin: 1 Yao Jul-Ylng (Chi 37.23 (reci. 2 Nahoml Stubuaawa
      1,185 words
    • 174 29 BANGKOK, Sat. A five-member Asian Amateur Athletic Association delegation will meet the International Amateur Athletic Federation In London on Jan 19 to discuss the world body's ban on athletes competing in the Asian Games here, reports GODFREY ROBERT. The AAAA, after a short meeting last night, decided
      AFP  -  174 words
    • 268 29  -  GODGREY ROBERT By BANGKOK, Sat. —The first Asian Cup for hockey will be held In Hongkong Malaysia or Sri Lanka some time between September ami November, 1980. The Asian Hockey Federation, who met behind closed doors at the Sheraton Hotel here this morning, decided
      268 words
    • 69 29 BANGKOK, Sat Bex tests for girls competing In the eighth Asian Games here proved there wer* no "wolves in female track suits." Attractive and very feminine track sprinters were amused when asked whether they had undergone a test. Said one: "Of course we did, but Just look at
      AFP  -  69 words
    • 33 29 BANGKOK. Sat China, aiming at the oLs Angeles Olympic Oames In 1984, will Invite foreign coaches and sports stars to teach Chinese athletes In a major move to modernise their sports.—AFP.
      AFP  -  33 words
    • 95 29 BANGKOK. Bat. Thailand will be taking legal action against the International Badminton Federation for being expelled from the world body Phlenaak Sosothlkul, the Badminton Association of Thailand secretary, revealed yesterday In Bangkok that they would be taking legal action against the IBF on two counts for being
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    • 377 30  -  PATTAYA, Bat. Singapore's O.K. Dinghy sailor, Tan Swee Hung, and Fireballers Tan Kok Wan and Lewis Liem won bronze medals In their respective riasses in the Asian Games yachting competition, which finished here today. Swee Hung, who had to beat India's M.S. Pillai for
      377 words
    • 349 30 A close shave— but Avari keeps hair on PATTAYA. Sat. -Byram Avarl, Pakistan's gold medallist in the Enterprise class in the Asian Games yachting competition here. is thin on top and grows his hair a litter on the long side to camouflage the deficiency, reports PETER BIOW. There is no
      349 words
    • 259 30  -  Albert Johnson H BANGKOK. Sat—Singapore beat Kuwait 15-1 here this afternoon to enhance their hopes of winning a bronze medal In the Asian Games water-polo competition. The national team will meet hosts Thailand. who are not considered to be a very
      259 words
    • 334 30 BANGKOK: Sat -Marc Tay. who won Singapore's "Schoolboy of the Year" Award, today smashed .us own men's Open national record In the 100 metres freestyle heats in the Asian Games swimming competition at the Kasetsart University poo:, reports ALBERT JOHNSON. Tay a Combined Schools
      Reuter  -  334 words
    • 300 30 BANGKOK. Sat North Korea's Asian Oames basketball team walked oir the court during a tense match with South Korea here tonight after a dispute over a refereelng decision. With both countries' supporters hurling abuse at each other, and riot police on duty Inside the hall, the
      Reuter  -  300 words
    • 241 30 I^B'T^^^^T^B BANGKOK, Sat. Their opponents in the Asian Games were decidedly world-class, but the disappointing performance by Singapore archers Sam Tan, Laura de Rosarlo and Mona Jayos it was so bad they did not even want to remember their scores was
      241 words
    • 506 30  -  Godfrey Robert BANGKOK. Sat. There's no substitute for ag e. Singapore's top sprinter, Canagasaba: Kunalan. knew it but never felt so before. But today after being only four-hundredths of a second away from a place in the men's 100 metres final of the
      506 words
    • 300 30 BANGKOK. Sat. 'Don't follow the leader" that's the order coach Maurice Nicholas has given Singapore's best athletics medal hope, Kandasmay Jayamani, for the women's 3.000 metres final of the Asian Games programme, scheduled for 4 a.m. tomorrow at the National Stadium here, reports GODFREY
      300 words
    • 66 30 BANGKOK. Sat Malaysia today pulled out of the 4.000 metre team pursuit cycling competition alter their four cyclists accidentally crashed on the concrete track of the Hua Mark Velodrome during a warm-up for the qualification round. Yuaof Udln and Yahya Ahmad were admitted to a local hospital, where
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 54 30 BANGKOK Sat Soetopo spokesman for the FIQ Asian Jananto. of Indonesia, has been Installed first vice-presi-dent of the Federation Internationale da Qullleurs— FIQ. the International Bowling Federation. Singapore's Robert Tan. Zone tola reporters the Federation's secretary general, Wrjo Sarahete. of Finland, had confirmed the appointment In a long-distance telephone
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 280 30 BANGKOK, Sat. Practically the entire Nepalese Asian Games table tennis team come from one family or do they? The reporter who went to interview the team stUI isn't surr. He'd asked them at the interview "There are several Suwals in your line-up. Are you all related to each other?"
      280 words
    • 321 30 CAXGKOK. Sat. i Singapore marksman Frank Oh waited, like i a Hallows- bound man J seeking a reprieve, for 13 a (onisin- minutes at the Hua Mark this I morning only to find that he had lost the Asian Garner shooting bronze
      321 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 392 30 Guide to accountancy qualifications through SOA Already partway through your exams, or just about to start? Whatever your situation, The School of Accountancy and Business Studies (SOA) specialists in coaching for examinations in Accountancy, Secretaryship and Banking can help you achieve the qualifications you need to ensure your future career
      392 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 112 1 w^r '^33*" frfmS* H^^^^DKfi ftV^P i nI i' Ife sHj f V■ 1 fl 4 ;> V' 4| B^W^bW^^J^l B^B^B^^BB I 1 BUB^M tS S ft^2 S9 bhH HHH Ip^Tol Ip^ Ib^bl A.^flri I^^F^ikS B^B^Bb BWt Bl Btß PmL J^mm t^^iil PI HIbI BB PW Ei.jfl 3 "iJ Jr* PI
      112 words

  • Unknown
    • Timescope
      • 2029 2 ijjwsncimw^g THE war of nerves as a feature of the World Chess Championship was not taken seriously until the Spassky Fischer match in Reykjavik, Iceland, in 1972. Prior to that, only Russians took part in the title match and few outside Moscow knew or cared
        2,029 words
      • 1058 3 So long since I've heaped such praise on a car WINSTON LEE GETS BEHIND THE WHEEL OF THE PEUGEOT 305 WHEN the union between Fiat and Citroen ended in divorce about four years ago. both Renault and Peugeot had their eyes set firmly on ressuing and taking over Citroen which
        1,058 words
      • 129 4 Just to be around I DONT believe in giving material gifts, for they don't really esprew the true feeling* A hen-perked husband give* his najcKinff lady a present just so that he may have a quiet and peaceful OilWlliaa. A subordinate may present Ms senior with a gift not simply
        129 words
      • 192 4 THE festive season brings cheer to nearly all who take part in the fun but some may have reasons for feeling sad at this time Some may have lost a loved one recently or may have lost a job or may be ill la hospital These people
        192 words
      • 186 4 IT IS a real headache trying to think up a Christmas gift for one who is dear to my heart when he has most of the things money can buy. I want to give him a gift that will outlive this Christmas; a
        186 words
      • 216 4 CHRISTMAS for my boyfriend and myself will be different this year. I say my boyfriend, because he is the one I love most. One who understands what principles rule my life, one who knows what makes me tick, one who knows that I love him
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      • 318 4 THE person nearest my heart is my sweetheart. And if you know how much she means to me. you will understand why I want to give her only the best. It is commonplace to hear the cliche that it's not the cost of a
        318 words
      • 93 4 CHRISTMAS is just round the corner, said someone. It reminds me that I have not prepared a gift for my most loved one. I have already sent greeting cards to my classmates and friends, but to the one "«arest my h*"l T sh 0"1 *1
        93 words
      • 175 4 CHRISTMAS is a time when everyone rejoices and tends to spend lavishly on gifts. It is the festive mood that makes everybody a little bit extravagant, especially for their loved ones. Sometimes, words cannot express our inner feelings or the heart-felt thanks that gifts can
        175 words
      • 73 4 HE spent his valuable time with me over the past eight months, He is a man of great endurance and patience; a man whom I adore. Having made me a Child of God a month ago, I must thank him with appreciation a special Christmas present. I
        73 words
      • 175 4 Coupons for a year of dinner surprises THIS Christmas, I intend to give my wife a gift that is really ain?r«»nt from all my other gifts. I know my wife loves surprises and after months of thinking I have come up with a great idea. I shall cut a dozen
        175 words
      • 93 4 MUM is the only one who loves and cares (or me. This Christmas, I cant afford to buy a present for her because I have just lost my k d .i. job. But as the goes. it is the thought that counts and not the
        93 words
      • 857 5 SINGAPOREANS are known to be achievers. If this was not so we wouldn't be where we are today. Economically the Republic la viable It has become an international fiscal centre Money circulates. ■satfriiM— i thrive*, and people are happy with all sorts of acqariatUoas More thaa 10 per
        857 words
      • 486 5  -  Jeffrey Low L* YES: TORMATO (WARNER BROTHERS) Yes, after 10 years together, one of the world's leading rock groups come storming with a masterpiece that sNxild, under normal circumstances, have happened by the third album. It's not to say Yes have
        486 words
      • 399 6 REFLECTIONS of the purple hour, when one sees images through a glass darkly There is one girl and her four moods as she sits clothed in pure silk, in a dress made up from four square silk scarves. Scarves can often be snatched for a song at sales.
        399 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 831 2 QUALIFY.. promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED TMININ6 IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS Improve your position by learning at home and be paid what you are really worth. ICS home-study courses have helped thousands of ambitious men and women achieve promotion and better pay. Moderate fees all books supplied. Take the first
      831 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 159 3 Mi f^* \Mm/M WM wJm m Cuff links for daddy or a jigsaw for junior. Pretty lace hankies for sister. Or a toby jug for mother. We're crammed to the brim with lots of wonderful gifts this Christmas. Colour, excitement and fun :=====^s in more than a hundred shops. On
      159 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 222 3 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACRllSS 1 (.-rustled 161 t Bird Plant (4) 37 FVnetralrs 161 DOWN 1 I'nisMiming 16) 2. 141 W Ju*.ii> (9) 11 Ed*-, U NmM»<«>1 M«nMous (8) 4. i-mmodj 141 14 Relatives ili Kxpire (3) S Borders (5) C Tool 15 [)im->um^1 .Ti It Stafls iH> IS >
      222 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 291 4 \t 4^ nBVVJw?* a '^S&HmßßSmnu *^mfl mmmmmmmK* Jt- .^mmmT mm! *> nmkHm mmEs mmmmmmmmm^ B^^^ mmmmml Mu^A m-t^^ .W mmmmmrnHmT V 1^ v mflr mmmmmmmammPP^ .^mmmml mw j m^m^m^m^m^m^m^v^ w 9 >^ n^w &V. m 1 mfl *ma*^K i'■ m ■vmmmmmm>'£< mmi mm-mV^ w*w R_kv W BHBL* miß mm! \v
      291 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 420 5 Si Aldat»s is Oxford s largest Independent College of Turther Education and is a recognised examination centre lor four United Kingdom General Certificate of Education (G C E examining boards The College oilers a wide choice of subiect combinations all of which have been carefully selected, taking into consideration student
      420 words
    • 409 5 Langkawi beckons with a bargain... Langkawi Getaway for S$295 (exSingapore jf^kkJfr- or Johore Baru II. Langkawi Country Club, Malaysian Airline System .JM BB^ and Malaysia Air Charter offer I.ANdKAWl Bb^B (iETAVVAY a "(niMen Holiday' (lac-ka^e wherein B MAS flies you from Singapore or .Johore Haru to Penanp, B where MA<
      409 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 785 5 "Any Rod Stewart discard will do." IV. 2:1 KJ Man h .'I C^ )unt lu .Inn 211 Ufl v P nl HH Jul > IT will be worth your SOCIALLY this could be DEFINITELY money is while to be patient this an exciting week You make coning y° ur wa
      785 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 188 6 A jelly good idea from Yeo Hiap Seng m i a. ■^h\ POO* \^k A delicious new idea the whole family will enjoy. Jelly Idea. I Make your own cooling jelly at home by using Yeo Hiap Seng m Soya Bean drink, Herb Tea, M /^2pOl|| Chrysanthemum Tea or Sugar
      188 words
    • 709 6 Advertisement The vital years for special skin care The mid twenties to Due I thirties an the important yean for I your complexion and a rime "Jj fl I jai\ /*J when science can help you establish an effective daily skin can patten with a tropically moist oil blend that
      709 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 153 7 YIPPEE!) magazine YIPPGG! is a monthly entertainment magazine, creatively designed specially for children Yippee! aims to arouse in children an imaginative awareness of the world around them, to appeal to their innate love of what is beautiful, and to develop good literary taste. Every issue of Yippee! is filled with
      153 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 221 7 THE BMN LB5HL I I <fo I I 11 0^ I fc I I to W m W if I 33-il _Tr_ -tijj. _nc_J r I «W4fM it- iLJ /kkl ORDER, AW AWA/XOUMT,A 1 iLJ gfP SOB i iiug j Z^^\ fin i^\ s. BE trnj Wt ~"W cm Wf?
      221 words
    • 130 7 MOOESTY V sl ip one of tmese five minutes iateb I told mv- Yrnats why im Hi AKSg JNaßJTwmc OIJGS uo IM I mllTw^r. *r. Nou&ptna looking for tht wirti M> V a »4OSTRit APIECE v/jj- WL^ JbM^^Pbb window th« Jdo you htvt to be such r3> -bmßwmim night y
      130 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 33 8 HH ir^ UNIVERSAL PConiputone I Exciting featuns: for instant play-back 10 pre-programmed tunes Vibrato A computer memory Wonecontro/ F «s* Sto* '«"»<> contro/ fcfc^l«l^^^^ Metronome for frie •'Ujf'k'ji jf^^^^^|w^^^rnusic student 4F h_^B_w J jt&-vi
      33 words
    • 312 8 THE^ 1 MASTER OF HOBBY KITS KlgnTCKiWn to the lost detail. Monogram kits are engineered with the features that modelers want most detail realism top quality F-16 Fighter A-4E Skyhawk F-14A Tomcat «f I A-10 Fairchlld '^'^Jj^ F-15E»gl» FsETig«rll f^ F-104Sl»rfight»r Univon(Re)Ltd Singapore Telephone *****55 Buy one for X' mas
      312 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 230 8 aCvV m «^P^^sH l^__i^^*^_^_B^_H^_lfl_HLl_^^ L "^^^^^^^*._H^__bl *^__k w»lH^-W jH ■W\^ 1 L^__iv i^_l!__b^_w m_aP^^~"N__k #^^_^_H V^A _a^H q|' X P '^^jr y I ULH-^^^^^.l lAw Edgar Rick Burroughs b P*_j_t foooo^f 0000^ *tf/ts£/ir^^s t mE a NGE^ t^C OThC-US"* HrH ■r *r I aa a a a a a^k Vs/OW.'
      230 words
    • 73 8 WarBoi at THE smack'/ how i ■Sxr: 'Mer /^> /I >&Sl. [ON OCCASION. _~W*> 1 "T V /Jvj V W STniP LEAVES *F<b^AlX Tfefr 4 V^V X^ I SOMETHING TO W)jr*&&C__ ?K±_ E DESIRED/ J nCj7OK^>; NOvv^J] t '~7AG GOON AS THE PRAW~)OM 7/ BRlP<3E CCWAES POWN ra&k H&yL i(
      73 words

    • 1 9 CHRISTMAS
      1 words
    • 375 9 Make the children an important part of your Xmas celebration... CHRISTMAS in its purest essence is the birth cf Jesus Christ As we celebrate the coming of the child Jesus. It ls only fitting that our own children become an intrinsic part of that celebration. Much of the Joy of
      375 words
    • 197 9 WITH the advent of the Christmas season, hotels and shopping centres have taken on a new Slmuiaieu snow, chocolate, gingerbread and butter sculptures abound, the natural beauty of trees and bushes in many areas have been complemented by myriad bulbs in their branches, and. of course,
      197 words
    • 364 9 Eight days more don't forget the less privileged CHRISTMAS U only eight days away and the rush to finish preparing the home for the Yuletlde has become noticeable. Major depart ment stores all over tne Island are packed with people looking tor gifts, lood and beverages. By now. Christmas tre.s
      364 words
    • 412 9 STUFFED animals, soft and cuddly, make good playtime companions for children of all ages. They are also good bed mates. Children love snuggling up to them. Newly-arrived from Japan is Isetan's range of stuffed toys priced from $19 to $149. From Yaohan
      412 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 53 9 Announcing a specialjioliday give iway! A free gift issyours S with evennpur&ticise 1A I A I Wac#aL h I Check with your nearest Wacoal Comer for more information Number of gifts is limited. WACOM. I\TKR\\TIO\\L CORWRXnON I SINGAPORE BRANCH Um4(M.4il< Floor. Tan Boon Lwßktf ..< IS Outrun Roid. S<i«aporc3 Td
        53 words
      • 290 9 As cool as a cucumber. |Bp Even after one long week. |L s~" wffjßJPa^^ ,^mP V^am a^B^B^af a^aT II SHARP B 3-DOOR REFRIGGRATOR The magic lies in Sharp's revolutionary 3-door refrigerator. So there's a separate special compartment for vegetables. IMPORTED compartment rigidly designed with controlled temperature to keep m^__ j
        290 words
    • 549 10 CHILDREN who are given the choice of specifying the toys they want as Christmas presents are going to have a heart-rending time trying to decide. There are toys and toys and toys on the market for children and the child
      549 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 134 10 w^"^^ V|jH lfvJuß''i i iJlllV^MvM J^SB BaY rf 1 I blbl^B^bl B^H W I^BBW^^B A XaW vH w^ m^^ m it x afl WLUm bw V I^^ —^Imw^ 77 f ll B^r foot Joys The perfect gift for every golfer at Christmas. frjof-Jov Q /WaHabie at Sole Agent Americaya Singapore
        134 words
      • 28 10 »^B3 B£ bHBHHHHI^m^ b^bl H mjlj^mamm mv^ lA.4 1 b^mn^K^P^^bmßK r^a^^B Iw^'^bl B^P^TZ^BV^^^Baa^^^^r b^t bb^bS La^BflEam/' ««W^-^B«ftaVBV bbv B^b^bb^b^Z^*^WbwMTL^J^ K^^^aV^^li^Ba^iM^BaatfHS Lw ■ULml iSi 51 H^ Jfl h^^^^^^O' M
        28 words
    • 483 11 COOK quick delicious meals with the new automatic National rice cooker The model comes with an automatic shut off button. U thermostatically controlled to ensure your rice Is cooked Just right, a ke c p-w arm switch which warms your food and
      483 words
    • 716 11 Good wine gives a special touch to that dinner TODAY, there are many Singaporeans wno have developed a taste and a thirst— tor good wine. This has come about with the opening oi several new hotels whose European chefs have Introduced a variety of good European food and wines to
      716 words
    • 238 11 IF YOl' want to carve your Christmas turkey the master chef's way, here are helpful tip. Take hold of the drumstick and with a pointed kaife rut first down and then upwards to sever the ball joint between the leg and body of the
      238 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 174 11 ,^s==j2^2*s i. M SEASONS GREIHTNGS.t^C^JON^ GREETINGS... o^o 4 i >r l <^ <^^asußssl Lssssi I "I übs^ A/i -3»W m l^^^m jM I Art. 6906 $34.90 LL w j ÜBSf »UF 'i*-'*aYfl ILuO uV^ R 5 Jrf> 1 iußusJ^ vj TroiriData l jw/ffozl 1% 55 The Marie Claire Collection. A
        174 words
    • 620 12 December, a good month to tie the knot DECEMBER Is a good month to get married. This is generally so because most couples want to spend the festive season In their new homes with their loved ones. But a December wedding requires advance planning because of the full bookings at
      620 words
    • 290 12 Golden orchids make unique gifts GIVE orchids set In gold for this Christmas. They make unique gifts. Rlsls orchids are real orchids preserved In real gold and fashioned into pendants, brooches and even cuff links and tie pins. Each Is an elegant yet totally natural piece of Jewellery coated with
      290 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 61 12 KSUI J-^ BBBBBfegtlß B^^^^M^^^^J^Kuß^Bßßkbß BM S Jfl BBBIBBBBBbIHBBBIBbWbBBBBbI BBBr^BBIH I■» "^SEKtSBMIfi? 11 akM L BBM^BI BBBbJL j BBBBWmU '^^^8888 oBilP ▼.^^bB^BBBBBBBBbB IScSS^bbK!? bbbhK^^b^bbl BBBBBbI wf^r .^BBr bV.^^^Bbl HBIbVv^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm -^BBBBW> BBbW B^^^^T^^V BBV 488 BBBBBF BB^mJ^Bßal Vr ■v'?l 1 7T 1 jT-J SUPREME SOUVENIRS CORNER j^T^JXTt^BßjSufej 211, Second Floor, Supreme House
        61 words
    • 368 13 Special presents for your loved ones EXCLUSIVE Christmas gifts at exclusive prices to match. Such gifts are reserved for that special person in your life. It could be a special boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife. They include Cartier watches, leather accessories and Jewellery Status products from the fashion houses of
      368 words
    • 378 13 GIFTS for that man In in your life, be It husband, boyfriend, or father, ar« not too difficult to obtain nowadays. A number of shops catering exclusively for males have sprung up all over the Island, offering too quality clothIng, shoes, and Vashlon accessories. Comfort The emphasis,
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    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 48 13 H Now big Vanda shirts... |t I Hfff VK %4ff^ BL V J^^^^B Hii fi^kyL m '^^1 H come in HSIHp^I H W v i little Vanda shirtsJ^HßkTl VANDA— Exclusively Casual '^^^B^B international Sole Distributors Dietheim S pore Pie Ltd. 34 Boon Leat Terrace. Singapore 5. Tel: 62S466^^^HH^^^^^IH
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    • 129 14 How to be more seductive DAZZLE like warm candlelifht. be a» gay and Ught aa champagne bubble* and as colourful ana reftned as garlands and ribbons for women. Ouerlaln •hows them how to be more aeductlve with a choice of eight special perfumer They are Jlcky. L'Heure Bleue. Mltsouko. Shallmar
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    • 123 14 Unique designs in watches TIME Is precious and equally precious Is a timepiece of fine craftsmanship. Expensive and exclusive watches today come In unique designs with some of the watches' faces in-laid with precious stones. The latest designs Include electronic or quartz watches. From certlna comes watches embellished with solid
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    • 238 14 Some useful hint s on nail care BEAUTIFUL hands retlect the constant care or every day moisturising. gentle handling and weekly manicures. Your hands will be In mucn use tor greeting this Christmas and shou'd receive some preChrlstmas beauty treatment. The first step Is to remove nail enamel with a
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    • 764 14 GIVE your loveid ones a long-lasting equlsite fragrance to remember and cherish the perfumes of Singapore. After years of painstaking research, the creator, Dr. Dadl Balsara, has created a range of delightful perfumes capturing the splendour of the East. Each perfume radiates
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    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 547 14 Wear The Word -T7n7TTiT.TTTT7TTgS3r "file Klfenl IS Uvft /i/Ao^LrCs met?- Use I M m^w *f*M tffl L Jlant scoop- /x?c&£s, kjU oi s_^l B pockets a#d fas&JtuzJife -^^r^^^l '^ifiHßfl Acsow-aesustL. Wy >^fl wt. Mr f /^AiJkv O nf^ 'ii Bi^^^«i^"i""«* vj| Ik m fts^^r i^^f v| VV9B face: ft?/. 00
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      • 126 14 YUE TEN* PHOTO STORE We sell all brands of Cameras, Cine Camera; Projectors and Photographic Equipment. ■fW"F^WP^ LAMINATING SERVICES I L Xl I 11. I I PHOTO COPY SERVICES ■iiLUAliifl PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPHS SPECIAL FESTIVE OFFER Colour Prints jjp^ Kodak Paper 3R 30$ Black White 3tt xWi -10$ Opcninf Soon 6-44
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    • 797 15 C/IVE books and you give pleasure and education. Good books are worth their weight In «old and make worthwhile Christmas presents. There are books to Interest everyone from the youngtst rhlld to the retired pensioner. There are books on fairy tales, books on gardening, cookery magazines
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    • 111 15 SPORTS fans will appreelate practical gifts which will help them keep physically In shape. Tennis players will naturally like gifts such as tennis rackets, shoes, and tennis suits. With more health and sports clubs being formed in Singapore, demand for fashionable sports clothes Is growing. «i#.j- h.«j«_i
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    • 72 15 Fashionable, washable shoes LOOKING for a new shoe which Is soft, washable, fashionable and with a strong sole Then you will find these distinctive qualities in Kickers shoes. There are designs for the whole family. The strength of Kickers shoes lies in the natural rubber sole and stitched-down construction. Kickers
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    • 137 15 LOOKING for an unusual gift for the family? Then 70a mifht be interested in the National music mat, costing $150. It is a fame which will acquaint the family with simple musical pieces and provide healthy exercise for the legs! How to play the game? Tarn on the
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    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 122 15 Vacuum your cleaning problems away National Vacuum Cleaners are to powerful, so efficient, jr cleaning problems are swept jP^^H away in no time. National /r Vacuum Cleaners will tackle ~**to,j M *>V kind of floor, all Hasaa afßw m JUO upholstery, curtains, shelves, even hard to reach nooks and 1
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      • 216 15 B^L^H B^BV^s^^b2VHLa»^^^^Bo9^Ma^L^BH O^Lfl t L^KiP^^l^^T^f^^T^T^^^^^^^^^^J^BM b^b^b^bVb^L^bHb^bl A^A^k b^b^bW -iMlT*** i*-*"*^ rMrr >- v jr QUALITY CEBEC 1^ IVIC^CT MECHANICAL PENOL TV.>^I\H^IC WITH EVERY PURCHASE I A jjHTfor self-expression OFKANOEPEN 1 >k|^ at all leading mmm^ mmmmmmm^^ mmm^^mmmm^mA departmental' and stationery stores) 1 CjtjL. ''I ll' -"Y ■#'/>■ jM Ih^B^C '^^B
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    • 294 16 HERE are three fashion styles to match your moods whatever the time of day. ABOVE LEFT is an after six evening suit from America. In beige or black, the suit is for an evening out. It has a draw-string at the waist and
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    • 176 16 FRIENDS living in faraway foreign lands are not forgotten at Christmas. Christinas cards with loving messages are posted overseas to such friends who. in tarn, return their greetings through the post. Greeting cards have become part of Christmas merry making and well
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 453 16 Be eloquent s \/s2m^ Enchant with W^ this Christmas Speak eloquently. With gifts by Houbigant. Yes, this Christmas, make the eloquent choice be sensuous and elegant, sensual and bold. Enchant with Houbigant give Houbigant. "^^l\ ~^^^^^^^Zl^^^^^^^^^^^^ +~^K^ Ll '"'^N .^sflK 3bbW '^bI IH^bV m Hb| T^BW 'bb! lV bWB j
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      • 56 16 I\lic6 J**\ \O VPS y ElttlRS Boatiqae People's Park Centre: B-33, Basement Floor, Peoples Park Centre, Upper Cross Street, Singapore 1 Tel *****5 Open everyday From: 1 1 00 am to 9.30 pm. Peace Centre: 216, Second Floor, Peace Centre, Selegie Road. Singapore 7 Tel *****3 Open everyday From 10
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    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 977 17 Only hi-f ..everything hi-fi. I Expect more from Sansui. We do more.We think more* You get more* -jf Sansui as an exclusive hi-fi specialist develops its own original circuitry. Performance is measured not only by professional testing equipment but by the most sensitive instru- fAfe^^ ttiSv me n t known
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    • 312 18 CHILDREN'S fashions are fun to shop for. Local stores stocking children's wear abound In Singapore, offering a wide selection of both Import ed and locally designed clothes. Imported clothes are generally bought for special occasions like a birthday party or for Christmas. These
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    • 659 18 EYE shadows are the ultimate eye-openers and eye pamperers. They condition and protect as well as beautify. They bring admiring glances to your face and you change your look with the clever use of various types of eye shadow. There are cream shadows
      courtesy of Harriet Hubbard Ayer  -  659 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 210 18 TECHNOS The Name To Watch Amongst today's watches of distinction the name to watch is Technos. Technos. Totally dependable. Distinguished for its style and design. Constantly incorporating the latest advancements in watch technology. Technos of Switzerland. It meets your every expectation as the better Swiss watch. WMHnil i V B
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      • 26 18 mbeecuh cfaskimavw difjirenb If] ]\j 'if Skirtc. i ORIM3 J ~*Ai Lee Rider Jacket V Straigh' Leg Jeans V Dress Slacks 1% 1 t op A
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    • 669 19 Designs to make bathrooms look attractive IT IS not surprising that Christmas, the season of emotional warmth, should be celebrated in most countries during the period of winter. With snow piling up in the streets oi other nations and rain pouring down here in Singapore, a lot of us must
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    • 146 19 BRING a touch of class into your living roc-m: Invest in a finely carved blarkwood or rosewood furniture set. Prices are frcm $3,200 to Sl2J* Fine workmanship is the hallmark of such furniture and they come with distinctive deaiens of birds, trapes
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      • 113 19 rHomeinon $m for quality phis |«1 There's a nestful of home appliances from Sharp. JjS) Every one of them a gem in quality and efficiency. {$Jm ~X$ There's the fully automatic j washing machine that spins I i away the tedium in washing. 1 1 jcko And the iw vacuum
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      • 200 19 SINCERE Furniture Exhibftioiv. V| With over s,ooo sq.ft. of display space housing^^^^Cj more than hundred sets of furniture <i and lightings. OPENDAILY:IO.3Oam-9Oopm <C CA^O>^S> c T Timi D ,ss""" Ti VB^^^B WOODSTOCK' SETTEE NOW $650 >CLASS L C SU TE ■SWEETDREAMS* BEDROOM SUITE M^ iT^ h j^ j^ j^ j^
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    • 882 20 RADIO and television studio* almost everywhere will be putting out special shows during the Christmas season It would be a great pity If your enjoyn.tnt of this fare is marred by poor reception on low-quality audio-visual equipment One does not need to be
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    • 203 20 programme on Sunday so you can leave home for the whole weekend without missing your favourite show. Another gift idea is the F 515 Audio Formula which Includes a powerful 130 watt amplifier, a programme sensorequipped tuner with FM synthesiser, a directdrive quartz lock turntable and a two-way speaker system.
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    • 294 20 Bring music into the lives of your loved ones BRING music into the lives of your loved ones. Invest in a quality music system for the home. With bonusses being paid at this time of the year, the hefty price should be no hlndeancr with the working members of the
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    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 213 20 A gift of lasting pleasure I The RISIS Orchid for Christmas I 'j& RICIC CYrr'VtiA Available from Metro Department Stores. C X Tang bt it rVIOIO vyiCniU Limited. Yaohan. Robinsons Isetan.Emponum S Q TV»<- P-P -u t -f jl. -i C^ift Holdings Group of Companies. Jurongßkxentre. •5 1 lie I
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      • 30 20 —^^S^*^* Catalian $2,850 I i Jj P i TOnnft ML I w KltCncn CsdDtDCt j^^ *B RODOLFO VALEN^NO LGOS/O6 Lower Ground Floor Specialists Centre Orchard Rood. Singapore 9 Telephone *****91
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    • 603 21 LET YOUR good health shine through your hair this Christmas. And the time to get started on your hair treatment is now. Shampooing your hair is the first step. There Is nothing more unsightly than dirty hair which smells. Shampooing will clear away
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    • 170 21 THIS is the new Alexandras Paradise bair style for Christmas and the New Year. Ever so rUmorous with its soft quiff over the forehead, it Is a hair style for a woman who wants to appear all feminine. To match the hair style
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    • 188 21 IF YOU are rushed for time and cannot carry out your own beauty treatment at home, you can seek the professional services of several beauty salons. Generally, leading beauty salons run their own beauty schools and provide a personal skin care and make-up course. The
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    • 705 21 YOU can be beauty wise but skin foolish. Smart skin care starts with proper treatment, then beautifying. After all. your make-up can only look as beautiful as the complexion it's on. With Christmas around the corner, it is time to bring
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    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 197 21 Braun micron comtort Braun micron speed. Braun micron closf.ness Because Braun micron Each opening in trie The Braun micron foil is thin shaves taster you won t Braun micron foil is de flexible and closely fitted to b* repeatedly going over signed with unique the precision cuttc block the same
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      • 193 21 One of The WMs Great Designers of Shoes I We are open on 24-12-1978^m ijj^r^ R B (9.30 am. to 5.00pm.) w *-^r^^^| Available at: CARDIN ACCESSORIES SHOP 10, The Orchard, 290, Orchard Road Singapore 9. Tel: *****4 MADE IN ro HEHMAJESTV THE (HJEDf I 1 I N ENGLAND THE
        193 words
    • 153 22 GIVE a pet as a Christmas gift this year. It could be white mice, a eat, a rabbit, a bird or even a pappy with that *>t[T tall. King the Society for the Prevention of Crnelty to Animals at 151, Orchard Road, and yon
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    • 1498 22 THERE are many ways to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Some of us .nay prefer a quiet intimate dinner at home with the family or close friends. A home-cooked meal, some drinks, and conversation has quite a lot
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    • 356 22 TOP NOTCH International performers will be In Singapore to provide scintillating entertainment during the Christmas season. Among the more famous personalities who will be performing here during the Yuletlde are the Platters. Mor Thlam and his Drums of Fire International, the Swar Sangam.
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    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 126 22 •H f \&^^^^^^r FREE! I&Jm H^oStewpot worth $11 jM Rp^HB^MBB With either a 47-piece (8 persons) H H^ persons) M "T^ k SAlN CO P V 4 /^SANCO COFFEE CUP SAUCER^jH /^^^R?ir^^\ X^ ■^^L-" I (4 P ersons WORTH $2500 W.^ Wlthanv3EKCOFLINTWARf |£^^^^^^l'-\S \\OKIH *4 lll^g*^ $26 50 -$75 Bv\ith
        126 words