The Straits Times, 12 August 1978

Total Pages: 36
1 36 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. *****/78
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    • The Sunday Times
      • 98 1 TOR many Singaporeans, National Day r was a day free from work and school and a time for entertainment and recreation. But for many others It was a time to give thanks; a time for soulsearching. A few of these thinking Singaporeans sent in letters telling
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      • 163 1 nOPULAR columnist Nalla Tan airs her strong 1 views on the moral and physical dangers attached to that new status-symbol cult called the Pill Poppen. She says that the Pill may be a way to reduce the number of babies born in marriage
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      • 127 1 WHILE Karpov and Korchnol battle it out for the world chess crown in Bagulo, chess history Is about to be made in another corner of the globe In Russia by a girl who Is only 17. Her name Is Maya Chlburdanldze and she Is
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      • 84 1 rE most startling science-fiction story ever, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, reaches a breathtaking climax this week in the SUNDAY TIMES. The stars start to move and out of the dark night sky comes a ship that has the scientists on earth goggle-eyed. It is
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    • Sunday Nation
      • 132 1 WE say hello when we see one another and goodbye when we part. A Singaporean going to England, however, Is forewarned that the form of salutation and farewell he chooses. If uttered at the wrong time and place, to the wrong person in the
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      • 123 1 YOU'RE miles apart and you've never clapped eyes on each other. Yet the salesman on the phone knowi if you're telling the truth when you aay you can't afford his price. A truth machine hooked to the phone records the emotional stress in your voice.
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      • 135 1 Perfumes that turn off many people YfEY! Singapore girl, you smell bad! Go anywhere and you're assaulted by the smell of Revlon's Charlie perfume or Avon's Topaz, groans our very disenchanted If You Ask Me writer. It's about time we realised what the flood of perfume ads never say that
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  • 63 1 BANGKOK. Fri. Vietnam today claimed that lls naval forces sank three Kampuchean warships and heavily damaged three others In Vietnamese water during the first six months ol this year. The Voice of Vietnam, monitored In Bangkok, said Vietnamese Naval Squadron One sank and damaged the
    AP  -  63 words
  • 184 1 Latest Soviet warning to Japan MOSCOW, Fri. The Soviet Union today warned Japan that concluding a treaty with China on Chinese terms could damage Japanese interests and cause acute international tension. The warning. Issued by Tass news agency, was the latest on many which Moscow has made over China's Insistence
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 686 1 Treaty likely to be signed today PEKING, Friday JAPAN and China, after six years of on again, off again negotiations, today prepared to sign a peace treaty to link Asia's economic powerhouse with the world's most populous nation. The agreement, which is likely to be signed here
    Reuter; UPI  -  686 words
  • 137 1 JAKARTA, Frl. The Indonesian Government today dismissed rumours that officials of Its antl-c orruptlon agency had been bribed with up to 250 million ruplahs (about 8*1.350,000). 'The rumours are baseless and untrue," MaJ.-Oen. Kanter, legal adviser to the agency, told a press conference. He said not one
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 322 1 MANILA, Friday PRESIDENT Marcos today further postponed a potentially controversial decision on appointing his wife Imelda as Deputy Prime Minister with possible succession rights. He told assemblymen to sound out grassroots opinion In the next few weeks before he made his decision. A Presidential Palace
    Reuter  -  322 words
  • 74 1 RANGOON. Fri. A former minister in the Burmese government was today sentenced to six concurrent terms of life imprisonment on charges of corruption and misappropriation. U Tun Lin, former Minister of Transport and Communica 1 1 on s. was found guilty on all six charges. He was
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 280 1 Market goes haywire over Pegi ITTTER confusion folU lowed yesterday's relisting of Pegi Malaysia shares on the Stock Exchange of Singapore and some 40 investors are furious with stockbrokers and remislers who had inadvertently allowed them to burn their fingers. Trading opened at $4 and for the first two hours,
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  • 45 1 NEW YORK, Frl. DOW Jones averages, baaed on tint hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange. 30 Indus 886 17, up 068; 30 transp 246. 15. off 0.30; IS utus 107 27. off 0 14; 95 stocks *****. off 0.04. UPI.
    UPI  -  45 words
  • 55 1 LATEST Fighting erupts in Beirut BEIRUT. Frl.—Artillery, mortar and nuchlnegun fire erupted in battered Christian east Beirut tonight, shattering a three-day-old ceasefire. Details of the firing were not Immediately available. The ceasefire was) concluded on Wednesday between the Sy-rian-dominated Arab League Peace Force and the rightist mllltU which are challenging
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 KING'S J^ m SAFETY -m SHOES oil J .^Resistant jM 703 ■llfti KING'S SHOE MFG. PTE. LTD. JnTJjiflfc 1 22. Blk. 36, Dakota Crescent, tyLJQ Singapore 14, «M>« »TH Tel: *****00 A *****27.
      33 words
    • 108 1 Overseas Union Trust Loans will make you the proud owner Housing Loans For all types of properties including HOB and HUDC flats. Renovation Loans hdb and hudc flats. Short Term and Hire Purchase Loans Savings and Fixed Deposits At attractive interest rates. Overseas Union Trust Ltd. (A subsidiary of Overseas
      108 words
    • 120 1 U.S. WILL FIRST CONSULT ASEAN: RAJA Page 8 STAY out of Moscow -Peking quarrel*, Manila told 2 SETBACK for Carter tax cut scheme 3 JAPAN bid to get IS action on fails 8 WHY PL has become terrifying to children 9 THE Khoo Hin Hionf trial io Causeway Page 16
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    • 64 1 NOWIS 45 H Made and Styled in England PPS^C^y' mk f •'•'•'••/^^^••w /Am bbbbbW uTil' Aw I *NW- Am n A A So much, in some thing so little 1 Only 9 smm thick fcs^^^ mU^ Shows time to the sec ond Chirp or Radio Aiarm fc And amazing features
      64 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 508 2 Stay out of MoscowPeking row, Manila told LONDON, Friday •JMtK Soviet Union has warned the Philippines against taking sides in the quarrels between 'Moscow and Peking and the related Sino- Vie tnamese imbroglio. Soviet Prime Minister Alexel Kosygin made it clear that neutrality was in the best interests of the
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    • 63 2 Karpov after defeat WORLD chess champion Anatoly Karpov giving his scoresheet to arbiter Lothar Schmidt (right), after he resigned and lost the game to challenger Viktor Korchnoi in Bagulo on Thursday. The game was the 11th in the series in which the first to score six victories wins the crown.
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    • 68 2 CANBERRA. Frl. Unemployment in Australia ran at more than six per cent In July, according to two sets of figures Issued by the federal government today. The Labour Party opposition leader. Mr. Bill Hayden. said that the figures pointed to .i crisis of unprecedented dimensions In
      AFP  -  68 words
    • 160 2 JAKARTA, Friday PRESIDENT Suharto has yet to decide on a request for clemency from former Foreign Minister Dr. Subandrio sentenced to death for alleged complicity In the 1965 abortive communist coup here, State Secretary Lt.-Gen. Sudarmono said today. He also told newsmen that Dr. Subandrio had
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 61 2 TOKYO. Prl Mr. Y»o YJlln ha* been named v China's new Minuter .of Commerce. Peking* official H-Mnhua newt agency di»cloaed today. Mr. Yao. a member of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. was the Commerce Minister in 1960 but he was purged In 1»6« Rehabilitated
      AP  -  61 words
    • 130 2 Top police officer on graft charge JAKARTA, Frl. A top Indonesian police officer will appear before the High Military Court later this month charged with corruption involving over 4,800 million ruplahs (5531.6 million) It was announced here today. Lt. General Slswadjle, former deputy chief of the national police force, was
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 320 2 'Full democracy for Thais in five years' move BANGKOK. Fri. A Parliamentary committee has made proposals for a constitution that could lead Thailand to full democracy in five years' time. Its chairman was quoted as saying today. General Chalermclial Charuvas, chairman of a committee revisin* a draft constitution, was quoted
      Reuter  -  320 words
    • 65 2 SALISBURY. Prl —Two top aides of black leader Rev Ndabanlngi Sithole have been shot dead, apparently by black nationalist guerillas while on a peace mission tn a remote north-east border area, according to reports here. Their deaths mean 49 party officials or supporters of moderate black
      AP  -  65 words
    • 221 2 BANGKOK, Frl. rAILAND's National Legislative Assembly today unanimously passed an initial vote for a proposed national bod get BUI featuring an increase of 15.S per cent in defence spending The ISM 6 binion (5510.4 billion) budget for fiscal year 1979
      Reuter  -  221 words
    • 316 2 Two barriers to taking up ties bid by Hanoi WASHINGTON, Friday OIN O-AMERICAN relations and possible congressional resistance are the two factors preventing the Carter Administration from taking up Hanoi's effort to move towards normalisation o* US-V ie t namese relations, State Depa r t ment officials said here yesterday
      AFP  -  316 words
    • 323 2 'Visit by Sary has produced good results' BANGKOK, Frl. Kampuchea today hailed Deputy Prime Minister leng Sary's recent visit to neighbouring Thailand as a success and said talks between the two countries had produced good results. The official station Radio Phnom Penh carried a lengthy editorial commentary on last month's
      Reuter  -  323 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 223 2 at our new 800 sq.m. (8,536 sq.ft.) "warehouse" with ample free parking and on display the finest selection of imported and locally-made bedroom suites, dinette sets, lounge sets, wall display shelves. children s furniture, etc. from some of the largest and tiptop European and Asian furniture manufacturers Dumeste Pansot of
      223 words
    • 233 2 Braun micron. It means more than a close shave. With the Braun micron you get a good close shave, without having to go over Smce you worVt />, the same patch of repeatedly going over your beard time skin V° u cn v a more qM &Bfe and again. comfortable
      233 words

    • 262 3 'He shouldn't stand for re-election' WASHINGTON. Friday rpHE popularity of Pre1 Mdent Carter has now droppeu to the point where an estimated SO per cent of Americans believe he should not seek re-election In 1980, a public opinion poll :howed yesterday. The poll, carried out by the Associated Press and
      AFP  -  262 words
    • 376 3 Defeat for Carter tax cut scheme WASHINGTON. Friday PRESIDENT Carter has suffered another major setback in Congress on his domestic programmes, this time over taxation. The House of Representatives last night defeated Mr. Carters latest plan to cut federal income taxes by US$lB.l billion (5540.7 billion) to offset effects of
      Reuter; AP  -  376 words
    • 247 3 Airports face chaos as French go-slow resumes f)ARIS, Fri. Air passim eng c r s throughout western Europe face five days of airport chaos because of a work-to-rule by French air traffic controllers starting today. A similar work-to-rule two weeks ago forced tens of thousands of would-be passengers mainly holidaymakers
      Reuter  -  247 words
    • 124 3 Owen 'ready' for Rhodesia conference DAR ES SALAAM, Fri. British Foreign Secretary David Owen is "ready to come at any time" to southern Africa to try to obtain a negotiated solution to the Rhodesia problem. a diplomatic source said here today. The source confirmed reports from London that Dr. Owen
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    • 33 3 JAKARTA. Fri. Indonesia exported 140 tor.nes of urea fertiliser ti other members of Asean in the past seven months of this year, the director-general of the cheiiical Industry said today. AP.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 56 3 DACCA Fri In a predawn raid today on Dacca University, police discovered weapons in student halls and arrested 13 people. Police said they found submachine euns. ammunition and other weapons in several rooms. Police had received secret Information suggesting students in the university halls were
      UPI  -  56 words
    • 37 3 WASHINOTON. Fri The United States will send some ***** fighting men. including about 10.000 marines, to join otaer allied forces in major war games aimed at sharpening r.e.'ences of Natos weak northern European flank— AP
      AP  -  37 words
    • 155 3 T ONDON, Fri. The JLj British Government is determined to block a take-over of Chrysler UK by the French PeugeotCltroen car group unless rigorous assurances are given on the future of the company in Britain, Trade Department sources said today. The sale of Chrysler UK
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 124 3 KATMANDU, Fri. Nepal has started an inquiry following reports that commission was paid in this country by the Boeing Aircraft Company which sold a 727 jet here In 1972. the national news agency said. The company last month listed Nepal as among countries where
      Reuter  -  124 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 694 3 "™"^»»»»»»»»»»»»»»"s»»»u""»aaa»aaaaaaaaMaa»aaiaMaM»aaaaMaMaaßa; GENERAL MANAGER Above $4,000 plus car Our Client is a leading organisation involved in marketing a range of building and construction materials As a result of its recent reorganisation programme, the Company is seeking a high calibre and well experienced executive to head its management team in Kuala Lumpur.
      694 words
    • 1142 3 OFLONDON IJ I SENIOR MANAGEMENT POSITIONS 1 Our Client. Yardley of London, is a major international group engaged in the manufai and marketing, world wide, of an extensive range of cosmetics, toiletries and frciqi products. The Company has well established operations in Asia, with manufacturing and marketing activities in Singapore.
      1,142 words

    • 436 4 NEW DELHI, Friday "JMIK move by India's I'pper House of I'arliamrnt to investigate allegations of corruption against Prime Minister Moral ji Desai's son Kanti today placed new strains on government unity. Former Home Minister Charan Singh, sacked by Mr Desai six weeks
      Reuter; UPI  -  436 words
    • 163 4 Trudeau's plans for reform rapped by provinces REGINA 'Saskatchewan. Fri —Canadian Premier Pierre Trudeau s plans for constitutional reform have led to a head-on clash with the heads of the country's 10 provincial governments. The 10 prime ministers. ho have formed a common front for the first time, today issued
      AFP  -  163 words
    • 129 4 Tokyo cuts water supplies rKYO, Fri— Water supplies werr reduced today in Tokyo, sweltering In the worst hrat wavr in a century, for the first time in five years. The capital, home to some 11.5 million people, is one of 60 citirs in Japan which have had to cut water
      Reuter; AFP  -  129 words
    • 239 4 ATHENS, Friday /^REEK shipping heiress VI Christina Onassis vanished Into seclusion today to reconsider her marriage of 11 days to a Russian. Christina. 27. is under intense family pressure to divorce the Russian, 37-year-old Sergei Kauzov. friends said. She cancelled a Siberian honeymoon and
      Reuter  -  239 words
    • 59 4 BANGKOK, Frl. A Japanese Embassy employee was today expelled from Laos with his family for undisclosed reasons, Japanese Embassy officials said. The expelled man. Katsumi Akasaka. of Vietnamese descent but carrying a Japanese passport crossed the Mekong River into Thailand after receiving a note from the Lao
      UPI  -  59 words
    • 87 4 Signalmen end teabreak chaos LONDON. Frl. Three railway signalmen. who have delayed thousands of London commuters while they had teabreaks, ended their action last night after talks with their union leaders. Five days ago they began their offbeat industrial stoppage, which was stranding 30 trains and 20.000 commuters for up
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 43 4 $4,068 m aid WASHINGTON. Fri. A House-Senate conf c r e nee committee has Riven the goahead for a US$l 800 million (5J4.068 million) United States contribution to the "Witteveer facility set up by the International Monetary r"nd. It was learned yesterday. AFP.
      AFP  -  43 words
    • 255 4 Scheme to resettle Rhodesians on farms SALISBURY. Friday DHODESIA'S interim government yesterday unveiled a scheme to resettle blacks and whites on large tracts of empty or underused white-owned farmland. The plan was announced In Parliament by Joint Minister of Lands and Natural Resources Jack Mussett. who said one aim was
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 161 4 2 Israelis charged with plot to oust govt IERUSALEM. Frl. J Two Israeli Jews appeared in court here yesterday charged with belonging to an underground group which plotted to overthrow the Israeli Government and set up a state ruled by orthodox Jewish religious laws. Yoel Lerner, a teacher, said to
      Reuter  -  161 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 218 4 t^olMl- IS TIMIE WASH TIMIE'S H >w^ £4 JT^ (Laft) Oaoi j*H!i blouaa with flj i V JM^ J FJ% fly "> i ambroidwed atrip in front $ac L. Dn k^ V>l if Hk *m m Spun rayon gathered skirt with fk t ik> «m 11 I A Oonlprlnttte J
      218 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 234 5 /American* J^ \iT^^ 1* v •-V v hHH| BOOK NOW* Aw U£sAU £$A )k*n^ -*pßfe' ''K^^Bw No restrictions to foreigners I jC^\yMJm 1^ fli Sy at very low interest rate. <^^^ <wp>»J[pi A7A r V StSpS Govt Copyright R#*©rv*d ~>bw ,-«r We built you a home at Cairnhill Plaza, M
      234 words

    • 410 6 Pope's wish for a simple burial VATICAN CiTY. Fri DOPE Paul said in his last testament published today that he wished to die a poor man and be buried simply. "No monument for me, the Pope, who died on Sunday at the age of 80, wrote in his 13-page will.
      Reuter; UPI  -  410 words
    • 61 6 MEMPHIS, Prl. Memphis 1.100 pol'cemen wer.t en strike today as the town braced Itself for an Invasion of rock-and-roll fans commemorating the death of ElvU Presley The policemen, who want a 6 6 per cent Increase in their wages, set up picket lines and left law
      61 words
    • 34 6 MANILA. Pri Muslim guerillas yesterday kidnapped 10 government labourers for an undisclosed ransom In southern Philippines, but released them hours later after falling to secure the ransom, the military aid today. AFP.
      AFP  -  34 words
    • 306 6 Civic rights: Sri Lanka govt to push Bills COLOMBO, Friday PRIME Minister Ranasinghe Premad as a today announced the government would use its two -thirds majority in Parliament tonight to adopt two controversial Bills to remove civic rights from 34 people. Mr. Felix Bandaranalke, a former powerful minister in the
      AFP  -  306 words
    • 31 6 NTW YORK, PrL Striking Pan -American World Airways group staff returned to work thu afternoon after reaching a tentative contract agreement with the alrlllne, a union spokesman said. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 268 6 MOSCOW. Fri rE Coca-Cola Company ran into a classic Soviet problem yesterday when It displayed the equipment it will use to sell soft drinks at the 1980 Olympic Games after half an hour there was a plastic cup shortage. The cups, gaily decorated
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    • 336 6 JAPAN BID TO GET U.S. ACTION ON FAILS WASHINGTON, Friday JAPAN has apparently failed in an attempt to get the Carter administration to join it in bolstering the value of the dollar against the yen on world money markets. In a short statement Issued here yesterday after four hours of
      Reuter  -  336 words
    • 138 6 PEKING, Fri. Chinese party chief Hua Kuo-feng Is preparing to leave on an official visit to Rumania and Yugoslavia, marking the culmination of several months of Chinese diplomatic manoeuvres designed to counter Soviet Influence. This is the first big official tour outside Peking's sphere of
      AFP  -  138 words
    • 39 6 WASHINGTON. Prl— The Senate yesterday killed an attempt to cut off food for peace aid to South Korea because of South Korea's failure to cooperate In congressional Investigations of bribery and Influence-buying on Capitol Hill. UPI.
      UPI  -  39 words
    • 152 6 CANAL GOES DOWN THE DRAIN LONDON, Fri— A 2.5 km long canal drained away yesterday when a group of workmen cleaning it pulled out a large wooden plug, it was reported here today. The plug was on the end of a long chain that workmen dredged up along with old
      AFP  -  152 words
    • 143 6 Top man denounces Red Guards' errors PEKING. Fri.— One of the most mysterious of China's top leaders, party vice-chairman Wang Tung-hslng has denounced the "mistakes" of young Chinese during the Cultural Revolution In his First public speech he gained his position. The People's Dally today published a speech made yesterday
      AFP  -  143 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 84 6 £.> 2 f*^\ a; <U .5 V) <A al W52 <" 2 «al^^al a> o >nC J T n E O 0) 2 I fa^ «g C C E "O t gog o a, •W qf lav (B I aW •"■Laaavl LaaaL J&f~M 3L M BBBBBBBB^^ V I SaW aH
      84 words
    • 184 6 Blanket v.P. $6.90 NpdMHMaav Bally ShcM U.P. J46.00 NOW $3.90 lUtaoir NOW $27.60 SAVE $3.00 vmm w» save $18.40 Sports Short Kir\uu *i on $S 50 ONLY NOW $1.90, I*** H Lid s> Or 1 j fIjHV iS'lfc^a^^fc^B^^ J^ --^^aaaaV i uiiti RM La<Jl#i' Nacklacas Jf tO■'\/ 1 I Garmany
      184 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1674 7 The Poh Heng Group Opens New jS^f^^ poh heng'S RETAIL CENTRES Singapore's newest jewellery retail centre opens today in bustling fjj 1) Main Branch: Orchard Road. ft*" 'SSn 00 1 1 1 7 Ideally located on the ground floor facing the main concourse in fashion- I 689-691. North Bridge Road
      1,674 words

  • 359 8 Donate kidneys call— and minister puts it on paper rt Senior Minister of State Foreign Affairs), Mr. Lee Khoon (.'hoy, last night signed a form donating his kidneys, and urged the people to follow suit as the tendency now was for bodies to be cremated. "Why burn them (kidne>s) away
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  • 75 8 THE Brick Chapter of the Dale Cameglan Alumni Association of Singapore will organlfe a visit to the soo for 30 children of the Students' Care Service torn >rrow at 10.30 a.m. The chapter will al o held a dinner and dan -c at the Troplcana theatre
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  • 538 8  -  LEE KIM CHEW Pledge to 'help in every way' By THE United States has, for the first time, officially committed itself to consulting Asean countries before taking any measure that will have adverse effects on the five -member group. Foreign Minister S. Rajaratnam
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  • 231 8 Hawkers who overcharge: MP's call rpHE MP for Potong Pasir, Mr. Ivan Baptist yesterday suggested that licences of hawkers who persistently overprice their food be withdrawn. Mr. Baptist, who Is also executive secretary of the Consumers Association of Singapore i Case i, also suggested that the authorities Interview hawkers before
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  • 60 8 Talk on the veena THE central adult section of the National Library will present a lecture cum demonstration on the Veena. a South Indian classical stringed Instrument, at the library's lecture hall on Wednesday at 8.48 p m The speaker will be Dr V NaraaJmhan while his wife, Mrs Bhagirathi
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  • 34 8 THE Buklt Mer»h North community centre will bold a cooking and tun sum competition on Sunday, Aug 27 at 2.30 p.m at the centre. Registration forms are obtainable from the community centre.
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  • 27 8 Th« Toa Psyoh constituency National Day celebration committee will screen the Mm. Devils Brigade, at Block 158. Lorong 1. Toa Payoh tomorrow at 7.30 pm.
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  • 92 8 What bosses and workers must do MANAGEMENTS must strive to improve the quality of products, boost exports, provide better training for their employees and cultivate a sense of belonging among workers to face the challenges ahead. Speaking at his constituency's National Day dinner at River Valley community centre last night,
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  • 63 8 MOHAMED Masudi bin Hajl Masurl, 31, was yesterday charged with causing the death of Cling Kirn Heng, 24, by an act not amounting to culpable homicide, in Redhlll Road on June 10 at 2.36 p.m. No plea was taken. Masudi was ordered to be remanded at Changl Prison
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  • 176 8 Specialists urged to set 'realistic' fees MEDiCAL and dental specialists should make it their social responsibility to set realistic charges within the reach of all, Mr. Chan Chee Seng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs), said yesterday. The government, he said, had made heavy investments In educating .nedical and dental specialists
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 58 8 You need no longerM look elsewhere I for clothes that'll I bring out the best of you. I /^7 VMXlclothes\ Suave. Simple. Never Outdated. I Meticulously chosen materials. I Confidence boosters. I /^7 Put on VALLI. I You'll feel the difference I you've been yearning for. I <*l r~* I
      58 words
    • 235 8 a^- '^^aJ^HBCr3B lira-. ~1 |K^ yft Belgium Round Table L^Vj^ 'JOBUGSif 4 Diameter Now $490 -"**mmtf I ree Gift 6 Dimny Chairs given by Chin ■■■wsvil!' K.iruj Glass Merchant G |ass Table Novv i 490 Free gift: 6 Dining Chairs given by Chin (■■JB^MrfMBMBBk Kang Glass Merchant jßr*giß«^^Bßl#^sw^s^ BCr BjBE^PT
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 273 8 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 5 Brought the girl up to be 7 Bus or train? (ft). a credit (ft). Left bodyguard outside; 6 Was the accountant at he followed the athlete first equal to such a Pate? (6>. 9 Facility of winter sport for 11 A kind deed that is
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  • 102 9 IT was a dream come true for these young ballerinas when they came face-to-face with the Prime Minister last night. Mr. Lee Kuan Tew, who was accompanied by Mrs. Lee, was touring the Duxton Plain community centre when these girls, who were practising in one
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  • 292 9 npHE Jurong Shipyard management is to take steps to tighten and improve the operational system in the yard to increase productivity and to eliminate inefficiencies and wastages. This was disclosed by the yard's joint managing director, Mr Low Ouan Onn, at the shipyard's National Day
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  • 91 9 THE Thomson Road Post Office, closed temporarily for renovation since May 15, will re-open for full counter business from Monday. It now has a modern service counter and a bigger public lobby. Additional PO boxes have been Installed, and are available for rental at
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  • 213 9 'Strong support to raise level of subject' rE Ministry of Education Is giving strong support to raise the level of physical education in schools, said the Senior Minister of State for Education, Mr. Chal Chong Yil. yesterday. "Retraining of teachers, better facilities in new schools and greater flexibility in the
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  • 34 9 THE chairman of the Singapore Children's Society, Mr. Koh Choon Hul, wllll receive a $13,453 cheque and a minlbuf from the Lions Club of Singapore North and the Lioness _flub of Singapore.
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  • 451 9  -  JUNE TAN By PHYSICAL education has become as terrifying as other subjects to schoo children because evaluation of their per formance scares them, said the forma director of the Institute of Education and long-time educationist, Dr. Ruth Wong, yesterday. She added: "Assessment today
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  • 34 9 THE Kirn Keat National Day working committee will hold a spot art competition at the playground In front of Block 1, Lorong 6. Toa Payoh tomorrow between 8.30 a.m. to 11.30 am
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  • 161 9 T«HE Japanese "floating fair ship," the Shin x Sakura Maru, will arrive here on Nov 12 to introduce new industrial products and techniques from Japan. A Japanese Embassy spokesman here said yesterday the floating fair will stop at 13 ports In the Asean and Oceania
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  • 47 9 THE director of the Education Ministry's Planning and Review Branch. Mr. Llm Jit Poh win attend the 23rd annual speech and priieglvlng day of Slglap Secondary School on Aug It at S am Mr. Llm Is also director of the Industrial Training Board.
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  • 146 9 A 57-YEAR-OLD cobbler was yesterday awarded $42,722 in damages by the High Court for leg injuries he sustained in a road accident about four years ago. The award was handed down to Bohja Jagoo by Mr. Justice A. P. Rajah after a brief hearing.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 48 9 BUY THE SMALL BOX GET THE BIG BOX FREE A special Fujicolor tissuebos^^B I will be given freewith every purchase of FujicolorZ^ 7 color film. J| l^^^^^^^^fc See your photodealer now' Limited stocks only. M©bil Insecticide y^J^W k s a household /m^^mk lnsect pests 1 Al 'I WKmSSEESSISm
      48 words
      63 words
    • 240 9 AUSTRALIAN property INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO of Queensland's GOLD COAST View movies and slides of the tourist capital of Australia GOLD COAST Australia's Latest "LAND BOOM" Prestige reverfront Estates Fully DEVELOPED Lots from $12,000 to $20,000 AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS Luxurious houses and strata title home units from $60,000 to $100,000 Australian Dollars. Excellent
      240 words

  • 342 10 TN an effort to Improve the welfare of the old, poor and the sick, the Thong Chai Medical Institution has started a survey at Its clinic to find out their needs. For the last two months questionnaires have been given out to patients. 55
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  • 1037 10  -  GERALD PEREIRA DAY 8 OF THE KHOO HIN HIONG TRIAL By CX Nl O R District Judge, Mr T. S. Sinnathuray, will decide on Monday whether to call on lawyer Khoo Hin Hiong to make his defence on a charge of criminal
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 273 10 VwilClv Irl I i DUNEARN RD j§t GEYIANGRD 5 TOAPAYOH v t# A ALJUNIED RD JERVOISRD SERVE YOURSELF THE ESSO WAY ITS THE CLEAN AND EASY WAY.^ 919 1 B^^^ Bj^^ I "B^B^ a^U B^^ JHkjJ^^^^^^ 1^ B^^b* a9 b^^ I f w^}*~'a^^ 88. B WW l ,^K^^^ I I^bl
      273 words
    • 161 10 Total Poker is a book for winners: it's as good as having four aces and another up your sleeve. David Spanier clearly analyses modern play and modern players, with an in-depth examination of the tactics, techniques, bluffs and skills necessary for success at poker. The book gives a brilliant rundown
      161 words

  • 213 11  - Plans of new secret society crippled PAUL JANSEN By J^ llMhLi |K)lue raid on Thursday dealt a crippling blow to the plans of a nerd ■ociety to expand its operations from Nee Soon village to Ang Mo Kio housing estate. The raid, by the Secret Societies Branch of Paya Lebar
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  • 117 11 EUROPEAN MP DUE HERE TOMORROW A MEMBER of the European Parliament at Strasbourg, Mr. Thomas Normanton, will arrive here tomorrow for a three-day visit. Mr. Normanton will meet and have discussions with the Permanent Secretary < Development) of the Finance Ministry and chairman of the Economic Development Board. Mr. Nglam
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  • 241 11 Over $2m sought in land case appeal A RETIRED merchant whose property in Tampines was acquired for $477,567 is asking in an appeal for a sum "exceeding $2 million," the High Court heard yesterday. Mr. Nasslm Hye Ezekiel Nasslm will be represented by Mr. Patrick Freeman, QC, In his appeal
    241 words
  • 32 11 THE Minister (or Finance, Mr. Hon Sul Sen, will attend the Singapore Armed Fbrcc* variety show' at Havelock community centre new bull- ding In Merchant Road tomorrow at 7 p.m.
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  • 81 11 THE Singapore Tourist Promotion beard is to mend $90,tOO on an aquarium for tropical fishes, a rock garden and a BMral for the new Singapore airport arrival building. The aquarium, due to be ready in six months, will be built Into a will facing the
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  • 48 11 SINGAPORE pianist and arranger. Miss Rita Sze, IJ will accompany guitarist Allan Slutsky In a concert at the Berklee Recital Hall In Boston on Aug 17. Miss Sze, a University of Singapore graduate, Is now majoring in Professional Music at trie Berklee College of Music.
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  • 267 11 THE Hotels Licensing Board (HLB) has written to eight hotels to ask why they have increased their room rates for the second time this year. The eight are: Ambassador, Hyatt, King's. Mandarin, Mlramar, Negara. Shangri-La and Tanglln Court. An HLB official said the
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  • 84 11 rpHE Singapore IndusX trial Labour Organlsatlon fought for and obtained $25,200 for the dependants of a lighterman who died of Injuries after falling into a lighter's hatch at Rochor River on July 31, 1976. This sum was awarded to the widow of
    84 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 21 11 Now 59.000 must be won Easy Spot The Ball' Contest No Slogan Buy Berita Harian for more details. iv 1 'V^'
      21 words
    • 169 11 CREATIONS BY UNITY *\Jir APPLIANCES \T COMPARF BEFORE YOU BUY! Unique m design ond creations o» bedroom and exquisite in execution living room furniture Each Nowhere can you find the piece is a master piece same design or comfort Don't take our word for it Gfeat creations o( Come and
      169 words

  • 152 12 Proficiency test for those who teach English DE-TRAINING pro*v grammes to help non-English medium teachers to teach their specialty in English will be staggered over a period of time because of manpower and physical constraints at the Institute of Education and the Education Ministry headquarters. Meanwhile all such teachers will
    152 words
  • 109 12 HID STOLEN M-CYCLES ON ISLAND A CARPENTER. Chong Hoo Sing, who stole two motor cycles and hid them at Pulau Tekong Besar for about a year, was finally brought to book yesterday. A magistrate's court yesterday heard that Chong and a friend, Llew Yong Chin stole a motor cycle from
    109 words
  • 483 12 M<)VIX<; of teacltc r f i o m school to school is ben to stay, but to minimise inconvenience, the Education Ministry hns come up with a "domino theory strategy" to transfer teachers out of areas of large supply to areas of short
    483 words
  • 52 12 5 films at museum THE National Museum will screen five colour films for I students at 10.45 a.m. todaj The films, by courtesy of I the Ministry of Culture are. The Metric System. Rice in i Todays World. Handel and his Mu;ic. Beethoven and Hi* Music and Conserving Our Water
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  • 22 12 THE Mountbatten National Day working committee will 'lold i National Day procession round the conrtltuency tomorrow from 9 a.m. I
    22 words
  • 135 12 riE teacher shortage problem will be solved before long if present trends continue, says the latest issue of the Education Ministry's Staff and Training Bulletin. The latest pre-service enrolment figure at the institute of Education taken in July is 1.462, and these would-be teachers will
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  • 262 12 'DON'T PRESSURE YOUR KIDS TO WIN PRIZES' THE Parliamentary Secretary, (Culture). Dr. Ow Chin Hock, yesterday advised teachers and parents to avoid putting pressure on their pupils and children to win prizes in competitions. He also urged organisers of art, sports and music competitions not to over-emphasise the winning of
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  • 226 12 THE blingualism of Madam Li Lien Fung has flowered in play writing. This practising chemist first wrote an English play. "Sword of Two Edges", which was staged by the Experimental Theatre Club last year. Now her "Trias and Turbulence of the T»
    226 words
  • 54 12 A NATIONAL Day Children's Chinese Talcntime will be held Block 1. Halg Roau on Aug 26 at 7.30 pm. It Is organised by the Oeylang Serai community centre manageino'.i and youth executive committees. Entry forms can be obtained from the centre at Jalan Pasir off Arumugam Road.
    54 words
  • 293 12  -  KOH YAN POH By ptBLIC donations collected on behalf of a person in distress belong exclusively to him, and cannot be given away by the fund-raiser without his consent, i This means that if the money is needed for a specific purpose such
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  • 111 12 Science show to mark N-Day HTHE Singapore Science 1 Centre will hold a science demonstration at Its lecture hall tomorrow from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., to mark National Day. Students and the public will be able to see intriguing scientific pheonomena. Simple explanations will be provided for these phenomena
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  • 76 12 5 years jail for drug pusher TAY Bock Swee, 58. was selling two packets of morphine to a man when he was spotted by two constables, a district court heard yesterday. Tay, of Indus Road, who pleaded Kuilty to a charge of trafficking In 0.19g> of mor phine on July
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  • 290 12 PE creation of an European Monetary System (EMS' to stabilise Western currencies will have a positive effect on the economies In this region of the strong trade links between the two areas, a financial e-pert. Mr C. J. Oort, said yesterday.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 163 12 I '-Ti^*' f 1311 3 1 flf l *i^^^d i W^jpyjalbw^ I^^^B* Introducing Ronson \&rachem the writer lighter^-ss^ The Ronson Varachem. A space-age lighter cum The first, and only, writer lighter. Need we writing instrument, enveloped in sleek, silvery mention the exacting standards to which each is elegance. made and
      163 words

  • 452 13 fHH Housing Board is understojxl to foe con si deling installing doted circuit television in HDB lifts to prevent crime. An HDB advertisement in the Straits Times yesterday invited contractor* to register for the project. The advertise ment said: "The HDB
    452 words
  • 134 13 Cabbie asked for 'an hour of pleasure' rIXI driver Tang Eng Quee, 32. who tried to solicit "an hour of enjoyment" from a woman passenger, was fined 1500 in a magistrate's court yesterday for misconduct. A Registry of Vehicles prosecutor, Mr. Ooh Choon Whatt, told the court that Tang had
    134 words
  • 44 13 KIM Keat community centre's National Day working committee will hold a National Day proceulon today The proceulon will start from (he centre* premises and proceed through Lorong 7 Kirn Keat Avenue and Toa Payoh East, before returning to the centre.
    44 words
  • 41 13 HOMES In the Yio Cha K»nj and Seletar Hills are** were yesterday affected by a power failure said to have been caused by a cable fanlt. The black-oat, which began at 9.30 a.m., was rectified shortly after t p.m.
    41 words
  • 371 13 Toh: Teach the kids national awareness, discipline rpHE Health Minister and MP for Rochore, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, yesterday urged parents to Inculcate national consciousness and discipline into their children. If spoilt, the children could grow up to be irresponsible enough to Jeopardise Singapore's future, he said. He spoke of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 170 13 cm i ralEl I [53 (jr^l i Bon Bon Set §9 H| Now your problem of finding an ideal bedroom set for your U children is solved Our most "^^F experienced designers and .A[ craftsmen have created the L|^^^_.l most modern children s bedroom sets that are so i^^^^^^^^^^(H t
      170 words
    • 162 13 mjk_ Vv >*M M n A $WL Pt Every inch a man UrWw N W X Rotexunweil L m i CoMeru P s X i *£^k\ Rotex now bring you their snug fitting hipster briefs in cool, natural cotton They -^d^K arctne ultimate in comfort, f style and fit Hi
      162 words

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY, AUGUST, 12, 1978
    • 345 14 THE sponsors are confident of putting together what can at best be described as an llth-hour act to salvage the deteriorating situation in Rhodesia, despite the fact that they have the assent of only two of the main actors. However, their representatives are in town, hoping to use
      345 words
    • 308 14 THE latest fighting In Lebanon may seem ordinary In the Interminable violence of that wretched country, and not less confusing. However, In the tangled skein of the Arab-Israeli and Arab-Arab conflicts, the collapse of Lebanon's territorial integrity could lead to a new holocaust. This is precisely the
      308 words
  • 396 14 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane Know yourself. All wisdom centres there This Is the message blared forth to Man by sages of old. The form of the text varies from land to land, era to era, language to language. Wise sayings of this kind were committed to memory
    396 words
  • 674 14 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Straits Times, Malaysia. ANY government department whose services involve direct contact with the public six days a week must inevitably come in for a fair amount of criticism; when that department has daily queues to service and also three million
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  • 1148 14  -  MICHAEL LOCKLEY By in PEKING CHINA marks a crucial new phase In Its opening towards Europe with expected visits shortly by Communist Party leader Hua Kuo-feng to Rumania and Yugoslavia both communist states pursuing an independent line from Moscow. Although
    Reuter  -  1,148 words
  • 722 14  -  TOSHIO KOJIMA By In TOKYO JAPAN is embroiled In a heated debate on the fundamental question of defence and Its military forces for the first time since the unconditional surrender on Aug 15, 1945, to allied forces
    Reuter  -  722 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 28 14 1 A Happy j wFj\ han Insured I OX/FRQFAQ I I V assurance ccmPN ltd (since ***** I ICC INSURANCE FOR ALL H LlrC BIG OR SMALL H
      28 words
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    • 608 15 How Aceh got to be known as a 'Balcony of Mecca' WHERE was a very ln■l teresUng article in your newspaper recently about Aceh. Your correspondent In Jakata (Roslham Anwar) appeared to be at a loss to know why or how, Aceh became known as the "Balcony of Mecca" For
      608 words
    • 55 15 RTS has shown Quite a number of international musical shows, from pop to classical lately. We would appreciate very much if RTS would Include some country and western shows featuring singers like Merle Haggard. Conway Twltty and Charlie Pride. Could RTS re-run "The Sounds of Summer"
      55 words
    • 185 15 A PAGE OF YOUR LETTERS rpHE argument that X contraceptives promote promiscuity was used by the Victorian era conservatives to suppress the development of contraceptives resulting in overpopulation and economic misery. Today in most Western societies and In ours, promiscuity Is already present.
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    • 151 15 rE way the daily market report share is being presented over Radio Singapore leaves much to be desired. Certainly it will contribute nothing to enhance Singapore's image as the financial centre of South East Asia. At the moment, RTS readers seem to treat
      151 words
    • 251 15 BEING a freauent traveller away from SingaDore I have to apply for a new passoort Just about every year as entry and exit visas in many countries are ra- ther bin causing our Singapore riasspou with a somewhat limited number of pages to
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    • 238 15 IT Is Indeed odd that the 1 HDB should adopt what may be described as a dual policy with regard to furnishing of flats. It Is even more peculiar that it should classify certain household items as fire hazards Just because they are not in its
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 79 15 Wliattodovrfieii someone smaller tlxan you asjfes to share your Kit Kat. BS >J|LjP BBaflßaP iBrCaaBBaP^S Tell him to listen to that as you bite into that chocolate wafer. And to imagine that mouthwatering flavour. Crunch. Crunch. Ahhh Sorry about that. Your turn to buy. Another delicious product fromHjV Rbwntree Mackintosh.
      79 words
    • 6 15 IIH3.Xv ti i.'VJ a?L *****1 ifiiHi
      6 words
    • 333 15 AUGUST 14TH ISSUE THE GREAT TRAVEL MESS While most weary passengers managed to parlay last weeks air traffic controller slow-down into day and night parties, some mim-nots erupted in a tew airports New air regulations are now being rushed into effect PLUS: The New China Trade and Pope Paul V
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 794 15 TV and Radio [SINGAPORE 5 1.15 Ml Opewif followed Ij Sesaae Street 7.15 Misterjaws (A Cartm Svits) 2 05 Satvday Matiite Sriftrty the Eraid 7.15 Mar Research Cnju starnf: Jtsept Cotton. Pat 730 News (Malay) CMway, Hut, Dick Ftraa, Karl Swmsh 7.45 Sway »d Marie Sttw 330 Fisk-Tlt Car 30
      794 words

    • 460 16 K. LUMPUR. Fri. 'pHE pace of economic activity strengthened in the fintt three months of this year, compared with the same period last year, says Bank Negara. The bank's quarterly economic bulletin says this was achieved despite unfavourable weather conditions which adversely
      460 words
    • 65 16 IPOH. Frt. Two men tried to rave the life of their 74-year-old father who had turned Into a human torch at their house In Cross Road In Menglembu near here at 4 a.m. today but failed. "Their father Chan Hoy, whose shirt Is believed to have been
      65 words
    • 114 16 KOTA KINABALU, Frl. Malaysian police have been unable to trace the whereabouts of a 240-tonne Filipino ship which a Manila newspaper said has been detained In Sabah for Illegal entry. A police spokesman said here today that checks carried out In Tawau, Sandakan and
      AFP  -  114 words
    • 212 16 Sabah's 'biggest' drug haul: Eight arrested KOTA KINABALU, Fri.— Police have arrested six men and two women in Sandakan and seized about 226 grams of heroin, according to police sources. The sources described the heroin haul as the bluest in Sabah In a decade. The arrests came in a series
      AFP  -  212 words
    • 205 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. Four hooded men. two armed with pistols, held up an insurance manager, his wife and four-year-old son and robbed them of about $2,000 In cash and Jewellery at Taman Desa. off Jalan Klang Lama here early today. Before fleeing,
      205 words
    • 32 16 SEREMBAN, Frl.— A gurviran and his accomplice fled with Jewellery worth about $20,000 after a two-minute robbery at a watch rum Jewellery shop at Ranti>u, 19 kilometres from here today.
      32 words
    • 93 16 rjHAH ALAM. Frl. i 3 The water shortage in Klang and Shah Alam eased slightly today as Water Works Department, officials worked round the clock to control and supply the available water to the affected homes. The positive response of consumers to an ap-
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 322 16 ji^WHAKI RAYA my SPECIALS! MAKE YOUR DREAM HOME V A REALITY THROUGH OUR EASY 1 I W h.p.schemeJ I COCAWA TV CHAIR M W CASH $180 ,^^Hißß^^^ 10. deposit $18 m mm m Mfc MONTHLY M -~-^j» **N $15.40x12 Mths. W I MANAGERS DESkF Ml S^Tm C CASH $770 W^^^EB^mjW^
      322 words

  • 178 17 Unable to pay costs so man is made bankrupt A CONTRACTOR. Jacob A Thomas Vettahu. who in March lost his road accident damage Iclaim against motorist Chew Yun Chuan. was made a bankrupt yesterday on a High Court petition by Mr. Chew. Mr. Chew had said in his petition, moved
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  • 41 17 THE finals of the Law Queen 1978 contest will be held at the University of Singapore Law Club ball at Hyatt Hotel tonight at 7.30. High Court judge Mr. Justice AP Rajah will ba the guest of honour.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 176 17 Mortgagee opposes petition by another creditor AFI.NANCt company with a mortgagee's claim of i.685.750 against Sito Ltd.. said to be In the shipping business sincr 1966. yesterday opposed a petition by another creditor to wind up Sito. Sim Finance Ltd.. represented by Mr. Kam Siew Yee. if a secured
    176 words
  • 61 17 NOEE Ann Technical College is holding a course leading to the Certificate of Industrial Manage me n t awarded by the Institution of Works Managers. The two-year part-time course will start on Oct S3 on Mondays and Wednesdays. Management and supervisory personnel, particularly those from
    61 words
  • 75 17 THE Department of Extramural Studies ol the University of Singapore will hold 12-lecture course on the principles of supervision kt the chemistry lecture theatre. Buklt Tlmah campus, on every Monday and Friday from Monday between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. The fee for the course, which will
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  • 361 17 JJKAHT attack or no heart attack, Singaporeans are continuing to tuck in to their heart's content at hawker centres and other eating places at night. The warning that heavy meals taken at night are harmful to the heart came from Dr. Charles Thomas, associate
    361 words
  • 101 17 MAN FINED FOR BID TO STEAL PETROL DETECTIVE Sergeant A. Kadlr was on duty in the grounds of Orchard Road police sta tion last Thursday at 1.15 a.m. when he spotted someone meddling with a petrol pump at a kiosk outside the station. Suspecting that something was wrong, he went
    101 words
  • 412 17 $1.2 b power station to be largest in S-E Asia SENOKO power station. Singapore's fifth, will be the largest in Southeast Asia when completed In 1984. the deputy chairman of the Public Utilities Board. Mr. S.L. Low, said yesterday. Mr. Low said this after he Ignited a 250-mega-watt generating unit
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  • 104 17 FAR East Levingston Shipbuilding In Jurong has delivered an accommodation barge. Pacific Supporter, to Swire Offshore Vessels Corporation of Panama. The barge Is equipped with a flat, wooden-clad work deck, a pool and an accommodation block. The accommoda 1 1 o n block Is luxuriously furnished
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 148 17 Theanty central aircon system that will still be going strong I in fifteen years. Fifteen years is about twice the lifespan of most central aircon systems. But. a^ you'll see, the Carrier Weathermaker is unlike any other central aircon system It is specifically designed for premises with no room for
      148 words
    • 237 17 p'Jm SSKALORIK gas stove lighter 5480 This s 's. well-designed, clever gas ligh ter with its piezo 4H f electronic system l\ guarantees unlimited life k^^ without the need for v. V batteries, flints, etc. The lighter can be stood on end or hung on the wall, using '^"^t^t^L. its
      237 words

    • 1237 18 flttf last transact**! ready sale at the a^rlow of business on the Stock Ex■okfr of Singapore yesterday comEwith the previous days price* irr with 1978 high and low. ted for scrip right* Issue) INDUSTRIALS EM Law (■■>■!> Sab +«rtlSZ Arm* 232 -3 123" Alcom 232 112 Allied Choc
      1,237 words
    • 323 18 Closing Tone: Steady. TURNOVER Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore Including odd lots 'Ready' totalled: 9.235,000 units valued at 521.815.000 Industrials accounted for 4.981.000. finance 1.673,000. hotels 427.000. properties 1.298.000. debentures, loans and bonds nil, oil palms 131.000. tins 325.000. and rubbers 400.000 'Settlement Contract?
      323 words
    • 2093 18 8)1) and ofrer prices offl- daily listed and business and reported to the Stock ■■nhunw Singapore yesterday with the number of shares <U«1 shown in brackets in tmi of 1 .000 units unless other n* specified All Time SetlleBBr>< Contracts are quoted jß«r the word "sett" Big
      2,093 words
    • 140 18 4 1/1% I/VM (250.000) (96 858 98 828) 4 1/4% 14/f/SO (2 SO. 000) (100 108 100.358) IV4/SI (250.000) (100 MB 100 625) 1% T F l/t/Sl (250.000) (100 3SB 100.458) 7% I/VH (250.000) (100 758 100.008) (2) 100.75 I V 4% T T IVVtI-U (250,000)
      140 words
    • 1941 18 I >It> «nd oiler prices offl-*-*s)all> listed and business in ajul renorted to the Kuala Lumpur block Exchange yes-u-iuay with the numoei o( •huMB traded shown in brackel#*ln lou ol 1.000 uniu unt^f other*ue specified NDuirmtu •i'"«»il« i 2 **B> (I) I 70 ltt*,i2 42H> |131 245 |2>
      1,941 words
      • 408 18 HONOKONO: The market firmed aft«r yesterday's profittaking in fairly active trading and the Hang Seng Index rose 8.84 points to 524.22. dealers said Jardinr Mathnon rose SO cents to HKSI7 80. Hongkong Bank 20 to $21. Hongkong Land and Hutrhnon Whampoa 10 to $11 40 and 16 75 respectively,
        408 words
      • 359 18 TOKYO: Share prices rose slightly In moderate trading, led by chemicals and other low- priced issues, despite lack of fresh stimuli, dealers said. The Dow Jones average gained 5 81 to 5,502.60 points. with a volume of 320 million shares. The New Index was 418.26 up 0.24 point N'iiun
        359 words
      • 291 19 GVDNEt Fri Uraniums and diamond* were the centre of activity with gurrn-Und Mines rising 13 cent* to S3 18, Kathleen In vmtmrnla .seven to (2 72 I'rfco t«i. to $592 md I.Z Industries three to %2 85 The gums followed report* the Nabarlek project may get the go-ahead
        291 words
      • 246 19 YORK Thurs A Stock prices turned broadly lower today on a disappointing inflation report and uncertainty about the outlook for interest rates. Trading continued active Analysts said investors were concerned about the 0 5 per cent rise in the July producer price index While it was the
        246 words
      • 83 19 HWM lAI. TIMK.S INDI STHIAI.S :.y 514 0 Ar.lnesday 516 2 W.-.k aun' 499 9 ik)w mnm inuai IMH STRIAI.S Itnir-day 885 48 M'rdiwate] 891 63 Arm 886 87 lIIMXIS DDI I \K I'KKMII'M rhundajr 106. to )0~. A.-ln. sd.iv 107. to 108 H.K. HANG SENG Frtda) 624 22
        83 words
      • 164 19 \MSTERDAM Thurs Share pncrs closed mostly higher following the firmer Wall Street overnight and the slight recovery of the dollar, though trading remained quirt dealers said Ratal Dutch and Cnikter led gams in Dutch international Elsewhere, shares with gains of one guilder or more included Hrtnrfcrn. KIM Deli
        164 words
      • 225 19 7<-HICH Thuri The stock market closed generally firmer in active dealings »ith the recovery of the dollar a positive factor, dealers Mid While leading banks shoved average gains of three to four per cent insurances also improved led by Wtnterthur Among industrials quality stocks like ib*-(,n,>. Brown B»»«l
        225 words
      • 156 18 rpHE Straits tin price I climbed another $5 to $1,750 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering down 13 tonnes to 207 tonnes. The overnight London market was steady with forward buyers gaining £35 to £6.570 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day rose £10 for Cash
        156 words
      • 30 18 Rubber: Anr O. Singapore: Sept 233.25 cts (up 1.25 cU). Malaysia: Sept 238.00 cts (us 0.25 ct). Tin: $1,750 (up $5). Official offering: 207 tonnes (down 13 tonnes).
        30 words
      • 63 18 Thursday WMrHidm Melbourne (1) 179 55 178.80 London JO7 SOB 207. 0U8 208.308 207 508 Zurich 206.508 208. 008 207.258 208. 758 P«rli 203. M 20«73 Fridir Thursday Honckong 210 JOB 205 SOB 210.458 SOS 108 8 pore 12) 210.208 *****8 210.858 207.088 Export prlcea In non itming treaa
        63 words
      • 445 18 rvPENINO prices in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked up 1.50 cents on higher London advices, dealers said. Prices later gained more ground on speculative buying and forward demand before profit-taking emerged to pare the gain slightly. Turnover was moderate. The morning session closed steady, quiet. The afternoon
        445 words
      • 105 18 QAILY 6SR and SMR price* at noon ytrtcrday: <"■«■ (rwrniiuMth) (Forward MUD Bajrn Setters Bayers Sellcn S8R 20 (1 ton pellet) 211.00 313 00N 212.00 214.0ON 8SR SO (1 too pallet) 209 00 211.00N 210.00 212.00N N.E.LLB, SMR 5CV (1 ton pallet) 241.00 243 O0N ***** 243.00N
        105 words
      • 119 18 MIMIII MODICI IX. CLOtIMO MICH PIR PICOL VItTIROAV. C«lmyt Bulk SSI Mlltn. Ola drum |M MlUra. Diw drum »»3 Mll«n. C»»r«: MuM (IOOM) UX/CWI. »3S burcn. »i»»ir: Muatok AST A wkiu fob 100% NLW U4O Kllm. ■*i«w«k whit, f.o.b. M« NLW M 221 Mllcn Saraoik tpKial black rob
        119 words
      • 34 18 LONDON: Copper prtet* on Tbuntfar (prtvtoui la bnckcui Wirakar Spot buytn 4732 HIM), —utn an tnzi). Thn* Unm buytn mow KTIiU). MlKn £751 Ultt) Marttt tMM: Itcady «l lower IMb, laMa: TO.ftOO tgasaa
        34 words
    • 366 18 THE Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday resumed its bullish run and. In active trading, finished the week steady. Reflecting the fairly bullish conditions, the New Straits Times Industrial ordinary share Index rose 2.92 points to 433.23 while the volatile Business Times Index rebounded to 2,419.15 up 14.70 points
      366 words
      • 39 18 ITC TPI»7S «Ulll| latins Su«.rf IBaaklaa IraHMgi OF CBC raeun upr«M Corps 885 720 700 570 410 MO 344 WO 117 2sa 975 515 232 80 SO 20 ♦20 ♦20 15 14 12 12 n 10 10 to
        39 words
      • 30 18 K E Uviaf *toa 300 rtrrjunUi 840 Public Textile 99 +rl«Mor Drrndf 444 NuyuiPnM 358 *et«l Boi Hporr 322 [at Wood 1S2 -42 -10 -7 -6 -a -6 -6
        30 words
      • 22 18 {•I UwPmr Ha* Darky JOB '•kuiCou M4 Sura«« '««iM..« lariauu S77.000 490.000 3M.000 318.000 196.000 186.000 177.000 176.000 138.000
        22 words
      • 42 18 3 T. Index ;ndustrlals Finance: Hotels Properties: Pins t rubbers: 3.C.B.C.: 3.E.S. bid: I960 .79 385 52 904 .41 234 88 223.10 182 28 558.42 347.79 359 34 186*71 389 14 609.10 231.50 225.11 162 88 557/2D 350 83 302 32
        42 words
    • 453 18 CONFUSION reigned over Pegi Malaysia on the Stock Exchange of Singaporr yesterday as some traders unwittingly rushed into the stock. The share opened on a grossly overvalued level of $4.00 and was chased up to $4.36 before the truth stuck home. The company had recently undergone
      453 words
    • 225 18 TTHE US dollar drifted lower against other currencies In (Tie Singapore forex market yesterday. It opened at $2.2390 10 and was traded lower to $2 2370 80 before being supported to close at 12.2386 95. Interbank forward rates at 3.00 p m 1-month ***** ***** 2-months 2
      225 words
    • 140 18 Interbank rat Currencies US dollar Sterling pound Hongkong dollar M'slan dollar Aust schilling Bel franc (com) Danish ki ner French (r nc Italian lire Neth gullt-r Nor krone Swedish k oner Swiss fraj.c Deut Marc Japanese yen Aust dollir NZ dolla Canadlar. dollar Remenbl let at 3.00 p.m.
      140 words
    • 183 18 NOTE: These rates may differ slightly from those quoted by banks to their customers. ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on Aug 11. US IMUn (Spot) Offer Bid 7 day* 8 1/16 7 15/18 1 mth 8 6/8 8 1/2 2 mtha 8 5 16
      183 words
    • 37 18 Closing Interbank rates on ilngapore dollar on Aug 11. Offer BM >vernight 7 8 3/4 1 mth 6 1/4 61/8 2 mths 6 1/4 6 1/8 3 mths 61/4 6 1/8 Source: AiUcy i, fttrtt.
      37 words
    • 47 18 RANOE Of r»ln offend by 4U count hoUM on Au» 11. Ovralsht a 1/8%. Call Oepoalt 3 3/B*. ■wr t«n Month Trtuury Mils 3 J/8 S 1/4 MM Bank bllU S T/S ■Month CD 1/4 1 1/t -Month CD 8 5/16 «1/M ••htm: National OIMmkK 0*.
      47 words
    • 23 18 I THE average rate at which Singapore bank* are currently prepared to lend to their beat customers 7 per cent.
      23 words
    • 546 19 Intraco hit by slow trading conditions NTHACO Limited appears n he slowly but surely overominu the problems which tave affected profitability Hiring subsince late 1975 But the parent comi.i n\ I own margins were idversely affected by the lugglsh international tradrjltloni prevailing md the proliferation of irotectionlst curtains put jp
      546 words
    • 406 19 Sentosa sells Pahang Cons stake for $2.8 mil SENTOSA Plywood has told the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange that It sold Its 1.9 million shares In Pahang Consolidated "in the open market, through a stock broking firm." The sale, it said, was made In December last year. at which time the
      406 words
    • 109 19 THE Straits Trading Company Limited has Informed the KLSE that It Is the beneficial owner of 89 per cent of the Issued shares of Kent (FMS) Tin Dredging Limited which has announced Its Intention to go Into voluntary liquidation. It pointed out that It was not considered necessary
      109 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1097 19 THE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL SECURITY CORPORATION Application* are invited from suitably qualified Singapore Cihxens or Permanent Residents for the following senior appointments within the Corporation A DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER Qualifications A honours degree or equivalent Experience At least 5 years working experience in a senior position, preferably with ivX; experience
      1,097 words
    • 615 19 Ifw 1 ml THE SOY GROUP Mtin£Q#rT>#nt Consulting S#rvtc#s Our client, a Manufacturer of printing Ink aeeks suHaMe candidates to fill In the position of I ACCOUNTANT CUM I COMPANY I SECRETARY I The selected candidate will be responsible for the entire secretarial and accounting functions of the Company and
      615 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 999 20 1 WE WANT TO TALK TO UNCOMMON PEOPLE ITT. a leader in telecommunications technology, is commencing operations in the Ayer Rajah Industrial Estate to manufacture Pulse Code Modulation equipment. We are actively recruiting: (a) Production Manager University or Polytechnic graduate in Electrical/Electronic or Production/Industrial Engineering. At least 3 years experience
      999 words
    • 659 20 HEWLETT M PACKARD HEWLETT PACKARD SINGAPORE PTE LTD. Our sales subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard Corporation (USA) in Singapore invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the position of: Computational Products Field Sales Engineer FOR A DIFFERENT. MORE CHALLENGING CAREER FUTURE LOOK WHAT HEWLETT PACKARD CAN OFFER YOU! Hewlett Packard manufacturing over
      659 words
    • 575 20 FOCL 19 MARKETING OFFICER Circa $14,000 p.a. Owing to expansion Forward Oversea Credit Limited, a joint affiliate of Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited and Midland Bank Group, wish to engage one further trained Marketing Officer. The successful candidate will join an existing team reporting to the Credit Marketing Manager and be
      575 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 4467 21 AT YOUR SERVICE SECTION INDEX *H/*F ACCFlTfirri AflC^ 11 MsiE— C.A.T.S. RATES vnl ANNOUNCEMENTS I'KKSONAL -a, Per word WctsiMln t« 001 T »»4-4421 Per column cm »10 75(Mln »32 25i IX OBITUARIES 11l EMPLOYMENT i i thntiisft. s~^ nubluhtna hm< The Straus Times Press (1975) Ltd Accounts, Advertleement, Electronic Data
      4,467 words
    • 587 21 II EMPLOYMENT International trading company mvitat application* from suitably qualified persona lor the poa* of RECEPTIONIST CUM CLERK/ TYPIST Minimum quaHEcaWona Ci.hhl level' (1(kk1 command of written/ tpolMfl Kngllsh Cumkl workuiK knowledge of general office procedure. 1. C- and shipping docummuuoi aaaantMJ and accurate typewriting SO w p
      587 words
    • 665 21 gaKtrti il OOMfMf i hai vacancy for FEMALE SALES CLERK Qualification senior Cambridge >>r equivalent on* to two >e:irs experience preferable but not essential Applicant! should have Initiative and desire to learn to promote our products Bubmll jrour applications Mating full details expected salary and a recent photograph to the
      665 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1082 22 II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT asWiaiai INDOOR SALESGIRLS REOUIRED lawktdiatrU (all perv>nallv to I floor Queensway Snooping Centre 11 00 a m RtOUIRED SALES ASSISTANTS hout experience App- Store s I'ark tom Mgapore 1 between RCOL'IRCO ENOLISH/ MALAY \ salesgirls for Pier Elect 1 Pier Those inweatrri pteaae attend interview
      1,082 words
    • 650 22 UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Applications are Invited for appointment to the post of: ASSISTANT TECHNICIANS (PLANT OPERATOR. WATER PUMPING STATION) Qualifications (II Secondary II or equivalent from a government or go-vernment-aided technical or vocational Institute, or (2 i <"■ C F O' level passes In 3 subjects or the Cambridge School
      650 words
    • 395 22 II EMPLOYMENT w I An expending US Multinational company requires FEMALE MANUFACTURING OPERATORS Starting talary $180 per month basic. Periodic wage adjustment Medical and 2nd clan hoepitaiization. Air-conditioned work place and canteen. Sports and social functions. Free uniforms. •Shift and meal allowances. Employees can buy Timex watches at good H
      395 words
    • 565 22 GAMMA ELECTRONIC PTELTD Anention all GIRLS LADIES especially those in Katong. Kallang. JooChiai. Geylanj. and Macpherson. GAMMA ELECTRONIC PTE LTD. a newly established subsidiary- of Pan-Electric Industries Ltd. engaged in the manufacture of electronic >roducts has immediate vacancies for: OPERATORS (FEMALE) Applicants need not have previous experience although I experience
      565 words
    • 245 22 N EMPLOYMENT IS EXPANDING AND REQUIRES 1. MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMEN Technical or vocational certificate with/ without experience 2. ELECTRICIANS With ITS Trad* Certificate and must h»ve completed N.S. 3. MAINTENANCE FITTERS With knowledge ol welding and fabrication 4. SHEETMETAL FABRICATORS AND WELDERS With ITB Trade Certificate 5. STAGE INSPECTORS With Secondary
      245 words
    • 652 22 HEWLETT ff PACKARD HEWLETT PACKARD SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD A subsidiary of Hewlett Packard Corporation In USA Invites applications tor the position of TEMPORARY PRODUCTION OPERATORS Requirements Minimum Primary 6 education Able to read, write and speak English Willing to do shift work No problem In using ml'roscope Preferably some experiences
      652 words
    • 760 22 II EMPLOYMENT INCOM SINGAPORE PTE LTD Looking tor Higher Incomo? Join The Happy INCOM SINGAPORE At FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Age 16 years and above Primary education The Company Provides 1 Better starting salary $187 00 per month On confirmation $198 90 per month Annual increment 2 5-day work week 3
      760 words
    • 765 22 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS t PORE (PTI) LTD requires SECURITY OFFICER* Age. 30 years i Se> Male Education: Secondary II Able to speak and/or write Malay and Chinese dlalecu Experienca: Preferably with either Military/ Police background or related experience In security Job Ja.tilppon to ensure security of company properties and personnel IntOTOetOd
      765 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1117 23 II EMPLOYMENT Required by printing Rnn alena HJ^fn T T l^rr M ]T"avWTnM 1) PASTE-UP ARTISTS <> »~Bl^— »s— »»s— B—M M.nlmum with 1 year ex- i tl O— i 2) DELIVERY BOY/ OFFSET PRINTING APPRENTICE 1 Must have completed! National Service d 1 Tel ******0 SECURITY OUAROS > ""jat"at
      1,117 words
    • 1545 23 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES I OIST t CAIRNHILL PLAZA. Luxurious 3 bedrooms, ser- yam's central alrcon. swimming pool. 53. 800 furnished Regional *****31 *****54 PANOAN VALLEY APAKTMENT i near Holland Road i split-level 3 bedrooms with airron Partially I (ull> furnished Sports facilities j including swimming pool Tel I DIBT
      1,545 words
    • 783 23 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES I ATTRACTIVE OFFICE SPACE at K.itoriK Shopping Centre offered at ridiculously low rental to good tenants Obvious advantages are 1 1 Rent as low as SI 20 ps f (inclusive) 2) Outside CBD 3) Seasonal parking fee at $40 p m 4) Immediate occupation To \iew
      783 words
    • 618 23 Luiurleu* apartmanl* With without tftmmlna peel DIST 9 FUTUR* $350,000 DIST (-CHATSWORTH COURT HMJN DIST »-HILLCOURT-SU7 000 OIST t-MILTON TOWCR-112J.000 DIST IOKUM NINO COURT $140,000 cist 10-city Toweß-st4s,ego OIST. 10-KIMLIN MANSION $100,000 OIST. ti-QOLOHILL TOWER SIM. OOO OIST. 11-MANDALAV COUNTSI 50.000 OIST. 11 ORCHID APARTMENT MM Fer d«uilm. Pl«»»« contact:
      618 words
    • 744 23 V SERVICES A BUSINESS W II GENERAL INVESTIGATION SERVICE DIVISION CM GENERAL SECURITY SERVICES (PTE) LTO Registration No 013/78 With years of industrial and business experience together with a team of experienced investigators we are specialists m Analysing discrepancies and losses from lacfories. warehouses and areas where goods, inventory are
      744 words
    • 695 23 3-rm-Ceramlc (8 x 8") $1,900/-4-rm-Ceramlc (8 x 8") $2,900/-5-rm-Ceramlc (8" x 8") $3,900/- J Wide range of beautiful dncgra marblee. terrauo. flooring tiles, etc. Special Offer Plus Free ("lifts i LAM WEE CONST. (PTE) LTD 275. 2nd People's Park Centre Tel: *****/ (327* H.D.B. Licence ST 1212 I (No Deposit
      695 words
    • 971 23 V SERVICES BUSINESS 400 INTERNATIONAL OFFICES Household removal, packing, warehousing, shipping, alr-car-m> '24 -hour worldwide door to door service Telephone LEP" *****55 (Office House) *****5 Page 2490 2489 (after Office MmW SACKING/ REMOVAL/ TRANSPORTATION leave your problems to us. efficient reliable Ring *****22. *****40 Malaysia PackIng i Agencies (S) Pte
      971 words
    • 450 23 BALI HEALTH CENTRE Have i re freshing sauna-bath or massage By experienced girls Visit us at Ist Floor Hotel New Hongftang 101 Victoria Street or Ring J"149.1 CALL PETITE FLEUR for reUrfhu massages by our exper_Hd masseuses Tel *****27 a flac-VJO p m MASSAGE tf CALL FOR a s*»l dolly
      450 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      246 24 Deeply mourned by wife Fong Chong Hoe. sons Chee Kin. Chee Kok daughters Chee Chlng. Jenny Chee Yin Rita, son-in-law (I icy. Seng Thum; daughters-in-law Tan Yock Lee. Tay Swee Tin. grand daughters Mun Fel. Mun Kong Shu Yung, .rand son Mun "un|i Cortege wiN leave SS2-C Balestier
      246 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      44 24 who Ml im suddenly on 11/1/71.. Wf sh.ill always miss your Imr kliliillCVS 4. KUKl.l'm >■ Atlhh V« Khali .il*a>v Kralefully tmuure in our hrarts. From Mm Staff Pup.i. of Ell.og South School I To our late Principal MISS MARY WILLIAMS
      44 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      155 24 I*ll vi-.irs have passed since >our sudden departure, but sweet iminories of you are still imaaNa in our hearts Forever remembered by wife, son, daughter and loved one*. BJBJsMI There's a face that Is always with us. There's a voice that we long to heur. There's a
      155 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1200 24 VI EDUCATION TRAINING COMMERCIAL EDUCATION MB STAMFORD GIRLS SCHOOL CENTRE Satee and Markettng Tue PM 7 00 9 00 pm 15 Aug Iwtf otfucttoo to Computocv tns CoTip^if rroQTawnniinQ Mon Thu 7 00 8 30 pm 17 Aug COBOL Preajremmma (Practical) Mon Thu 7 00 9 30 pm 17 Aug
      1,200 words
    • 712 24 VI EDUCATION TRAINING ENGLISH INTERMEDIATE Monil.u 1,. Friday in 15 11 45 a in Classes running continuously ENGLISH ADVANCED II Monii.iy la FrMaj X u> M 00 a in CaaaaM running continuously ENGLISH ADVANCEO 111 tn FtMaj 8 ill 10 00 a m Classes running continuously SHORTHAND THEORY Tuesday 4.
      712 words
    • 754 24 CLASS a HOWt Tuition (Honf Pte School us Science. Cummercial English Chinese (2nd Language) Tel *****2. 1048. Blk 5.11. Upper Cross Street. (Opp People's Park Complex CAPITOL MUSIC CENTRE (AMA) conducts music courses for guitar pop/ classical piano/ organ drum pop singing/ woodwind instruments theory Contact Robert' Canon
      754 words
    • 778 24 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS I NO'i iri^ [EUROPEAN I HLJ L TOURS A f<x colour brochures I *****88 J bT KEN-AIR I CAPITAL RESTAURANT n.iir- I ""•'rs Genuine Cantonese Dishes tnp|r h *"st Also quick lunch delicious economical: Braised Beche-de-mer (Sea cucumber) Flatl Curd with oyster sauce EXCITING ROUND TRIP INDIA
      778 words
    • 790 24 times Saturday car mart Al CAR RENTAL Pte Ltd. Tel 44i)24'i0 *****91 for latest model airconditioned cars fresh from /a BY AnfJlOftlftM uSjLA factory for him. with free petrol (eMM L"f#W supplied and unlimited kilo- FREE V^H metre I I V J TRISTAR TRAVEL SERVICE Pte iiffers aircond cars
      790 words
    • 1914 24 times Saturday car mart INI FIAT 124 new paintwork engine recently overhauled Owner keen to sell or exchange new enr View 325. Chimgt Road 1M( AUSTIN MINI 850 c c with road tax (iood condition View at 3 1 orQfa] al (icylang UTT DATSUN PICKUP I owner Showroom condition 547A.
      1,914 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 2678 25 times Saturday car mart TOYOTA CORONA MX II 2000 t t LJte 197.1 Uoad tax till Srpl 1 Concealed aircon tape console kea sports rims Trl *****0 tnthonj 1974 MERCEOES BENZ 280S Cniiipjny rrgistered Tip top condition $43 000 View at 450 relok BIJ -hell Slution nrar Cirus Cinema I
      2,678 words
    • 392 25 AN ESTABLISHED COMPANY REOUIRES ONE O OR PRIVATE REGISTERED AIRCONDITIONEO CAR. ToyoU Crown or Volvo 244 Should b« wHfMn J i—t% oM and In QOod condition. Interested sellers please write ST. BOX A***** st.itmii name address, price nit ail telephone GUAN NENG TRADING (PTE) LTD Blk $11. IMB-IMB. Uppor Hokklon
      392 words
    • 677 25 The ICI Group of Companies in Singapore invite applications from Singapore citizens for the following posts: SALES EXECUTIVE for ICI (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. THE JOB: The successful candidate will be responsible for the promotion of pigments, solvents, industrial chemicals and related products to the Singapore industrial/ manufacturing and construction sectors.
      677 words
    • 722 25 HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT JOHORE BAHRU ORIGINATING SUMMONS NO. 229 OF 1977 Between Malaysia Industrial Development Finance Berhad Applicants And Seiko Electronics Industries Sendirian Berhad BeapondenU PROCLAMATION OF SALE 2 valuable pieces of industrial lands located along the former main road to Kota Ttng-gl about 6 miles from Johore
      722 words
    • 596 25 ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANI Applications are invited to till the above position in a large and 0 established leading insurance organisation TV incumbent will I based in its principal office m Kuala Lumpur The ideal Candida should preferably be a Bumiputra or Malaysian citizen be between the ages of 23 33 be
      596 words

    • 76 26 MADRID, Fri. Spanish footballers yesterday voted to call a one-day strike next month on the first day of the new football season. The Spanish Footballers Association, representing players from the First and Second A and B Divisions, said they had failed to reach agreement with the football
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 347 26 DARIS. Fri —Soviet autho- rltles have set up a special anti-drugs committee to deter the use of artlflciaT stimulants during the 1980 Moscow Olympic Oames. In Copenhagen, the Danish Olympic Committee rejected an Invitation by the International Olympplc Committee to stage the IM4 Olympic Oames In Denmark If present
      347 words
    • 226 26 FA CHARITY SHIELD MATCH... LONDON, Fri. The showpiece start to the English soccer season, the FA Charity Shield, is threatened by injuries. League champions and League Cup winners Nottingham Forest face FA Cupwinners Ipswich at Wembley tomorrow in the first major match of the new season. Ipswich,
      AP  -  226 words
    • 250 26 SUTTON (Massachusetts), Fri. Ben Crenshaw of the United States blrdled the last two holes yesterday to tie with fellow-American Miller Barber at five-under-par 66 for the first-round lead in the U*****,000 ($508.0001 American Optical Classic. Ray Floyd, the defending champion, was tied with Mark Hayes
      Reuter  -  250 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 920 26 1 CUSTOMER SERVICE EXECUTIVE (3 vacancies) This it nevdy created position in our multi-million dollar subsidiary company. United Furniture International Sdn. Bhd.. located between Temerloh and Mentakab. Completely export orientated, it product* knocked-down furniture of international standard. The tuccestful candidate will be responsible for all aspects of activities relating to
      920 words
    • 472 26 ftjUj GENTING BERHAD With tha opening of our new luxury hotel, we shall be requiring the services of the following personnel for our kitchen, s pastry/ bakery and butchery sections:- Chlneee Cooks (Cantoneee Style) b) Malay Satay Cooks c) Western Cooks d) CoM Kitchen Cooks (Qardemanger) c) Butchers Chef ft
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  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
      178 words

    • 283 27 Disqualified, but MacDonald wants a medal pDMONTON. Fri.— CaJu nadlan middleweight boxer Roddy Mac Donald who was disqualified last Wednesday night lor slugging an opponent who was on the canvas, still vs an us a bronze medal. Boxing team manager Doug McNeil said yesterday that the manager of the Canadian
      AP  -  283 words
    • 213 27 I?DMONTON (Canada), Fri.— Sprinter Allan Wells of Scotland suddenly is a worldclass athlete and he does not know if he can handle it. "It frightens me to think of the pressure 111 be under," said the 26-year-old marine engineer last night after he had won the
      AP  -  213 words
    • 61 27 Today's events TODAYS COMMONWEALTH PROGRAMME: Athletics: i x 100 metre* women final, Javelin men final, triput men final, 4xloom men final, 1500 m men final, 1500 m women final, 1500 m men final, 4 x 400 m women final, 4 x 400 m men final, Cycling: road race 117 miles
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 281 27 CYCLING. Jocelyn Lovell. of Canada, made Commonwealth Oames cycling history last night when he added the tandem sprint and 10mile race titles to the individual I.ooom pursuit on the opening day of the cycling programme. This is the first time a cyclist has won three cycling gold medals in
      281 words
    • 253 27 EDMONTON. Fri. Sylvia Ng and Katherine Teh last I night assured Malaysia of the gold and silver medal* In the badminton women's singles at the Commonwealth Games here by winning their semifinals. Ng won by efficiently blunting the left-handed power of England's Jane Webster. 11-8. 11-2. but
      Reuter  -  253 words
    • 715 27 PIMIONTON, Fri.— The wheel has turned a full circle for Kenyan Henry Rono, the grreatest runner in the world and the only double athletics champion of the Commonwealth (lames. Rono had never set foot on a track seven years ago when the legendary Kenyan athlete
      Reuter; AP  -  715 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 302 27 When we say we've got a wkle range in designs, shapes and sizes, C we mean about ce^MC. SUO. J^/// Find out how SINBOR f^/// makes ceramic tile selection and tiling easy. p> At the Sinbor Showroom. lA is^B^si B^B* SSS^BSSSS* SS^SS^H SSSt^M ***** *^^H bT^ ji^mh r,/ \wg^ Easy
      302 words
    • 6 27 ■fc Commonwealth Games results: Page 29
      6 words
    • 946 27 ESSO PRODUCTION ESSO PRODUCTION MALAYSIA INC. seek highly qualified personnel in its Exploration and Production Departments to meet its increasing activities. Candidates should be Malaysian citizens with relevant university degrees or equivalent, and fluent in English. GEOPHYSICIST THE JOB: Responsible for planning and supervising geophysical field operations which include geophysical
      946 words

    • 1383 28 --ma-t-aaa-aa-m. Malaytian-brtxl HorsWM 1.15 CLASS 5 I,ooom straight ($13,000 $8,500 to wlnnar) 1 Pacmc Command < Plan Nf 354 Au- Taunt) I 1 Southerner M (Carnation) Oaman 354 Wen 7 Banntt Joy (Serene) Nf 354 BP HutcMneen 3 4 Triaiaaul (Oold Chain i Nf 354 Maaiahaii 5 •earl
      1,383 words
    • 1375 28 ill 2.0 CLASS 4, DIV 5 1,280 m IiUSLSfI ($lO,OOO $7,000 to winner) 1 0000 The TrMaM a (Sunflowl M»k 8 S6 5 (d 2 •2) starrer 5 I.OOQS »raoat t (lUaco) Paul 9 to (aunt) Chens 2 1 0300 Isnt TitiaSli a (VN) Ctionf 3 Ml (aunt)
      1,375 words
    • 140 28 «*CI F1IIWAI TIT ICHUTIHMII Attack Illinn IktMM 1 8. Traveler Up Again Multl Urvrl Mult I Lrvcl Oronli Caronli Marin < Naiai Matt Mulla 3 Ranad Mulla Rrtal Mate R*(al Mat* Stuart i On aMri Mtnab Altarn Altar*, Altar** t M of Honour M or Honour I John Sahib
      140 words
    • 634 28 FOH, Fri— Pahang HI. who failed to show up in the Trial last week, is all set to give a better showing in the $63,000 Sultan's Oold Vase (Race Five) here on Sunday. Previous %o his run last week. The Blast six-year-old found one
      634 words
    • 1630 28 RACING... with FAIRWAY JUGGERNAUT should easily follow up his last-start success in Race Eight at Ipoh today. The Meadow Mist four-yea r-old found his winning form again, at Bukit Timah last mon th, to win with plenty in hand over 1,400 m. In his present
      1,630 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 850 28 Hoechst Go CHANGE OF TELEPHONE NUMBER This is to inform our clients and all business associates that with effect from 15.8.1978, our new telephone number will be *****6 HOECHST MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. 468-6 C JALAN IPOH KUALA LUMPUR UNIVERSITI PERTANIAN MALAYSIA SERDANG, SELANGOR Kejnyataan Tawaran 18/78 Tawaran adalah dipelawa dan
      850 words
    • 34 28 aH-k **^aJ .B^^^ afl W I Mm A t^ l l T v lViI t Wfii .r-pmifl-.a aVi7i a^H -Sfc. Jm I <T f C aH aß^^ T^li >T a^-r t^^afl llil I
      34 words

    • 257 29  -  JOE DORAI By rpHK Football Association of Singapore will hold a meeting with the Malaysia Cup players who withdrew from the Merdeka Cup tournament to discuss their future plans. This move follows a request by the players for a meeting with the
      257 words
    • 373 29  -  WILFRED YEO By THE die Is almost cast in the 14th Singapore International Open bowling championships at tne Star Bowl. And the oattern which emerged yesterday— the penultimate day of qualifying for the Masters .•vents wag that of the defending champions. BY. Loh (men) and
      373 words
    • 207 29  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By JUNIE SNG who is re- presenting Singapore at the Commonwealth Games in Edmonton, will take part in the Singaport Amateur Swimming Association's Open championships at the Toa Payoh pool from Monday to Friday. Junle, who qualified for the finals of the 400 metres individual
      207 words
    • 237 29 V EAGUE leaders Armed Forces ham u> thank their sweeper, Terry Pathmanathan, for helping them beat Queenstown F.C. 1-0 in their Dlv One match of the National r'ootball League at Jurong Stadium fast night, reports JOE DORAI. Pathmanathan. who has Just recovered from an ankle injury,
      237 words
    • 100 29  - Boyce wins trap gold PETER SIOW By rrjiE three-day indlvi1 dual trap event of the Pesta Sukan shooting championships ended on an insipid note at Bukit Timah yesterday Australia's R. Boyce clinging on to win the gold medal. Thailand's Pravitr Gajensi took the silver and the bronze went to Singapore's
      100 words
    • 155 29 TODAYS EVENTS BADMINTON: Friendly International Singapore v Japan Yonex team (Telok Blangah HDB office hall 7 pmi; F and N Invitation agegroup championships finals (SBA hall, 7 pm.) BASKETBALL: BAS Youth tourney (People's Association, 7.15 pm>. BOWLING: Singapore International Open (Star Bowl 10 am). HOCKEY: Premier League —CSC v SRC.
      155 words
    • 294 29  -  ERNEST FRIDA By OINGAPORE'S hopes of £5 beating Malaysia in their women's hockey international later this month at Kuala Lumpur, were given a boost yesterday when the Singapore Women's Hockey Association President's Eleven beat the tough Northern Ireland's Pegasus Hockey Club 2-1 on the Padang
      294 words
    • 353 29  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By SINGAPORE Armed Forces Reservists Association last night established thelnselves as Singapore's top volleyball team whet, they added the Independence Cup to the Singapore Open title they had won earlier this year they beat defending champions Singapore Armed Forces 15-5, 15.13, 16-14
      353 words
    • 207 29 Brearley regains his form with a fifty ■NOTTINGHAM, FrJ. i England cap- tain Mike Brearley at last showed some ■Oft of batting form with a half-century against New Zealand on the second day of the second cricket Test here today. But England's first innings total of 429 all out was
      207 words
    • 95 29 ENGLAND lit Inni I Overnight 252-2) Boycott c and b Hadlee 131 Gooch c Burgess b Bracewell 55 Kadlcy lbw Hadlee 59 Uower Cairns b Boock 46 Br»r|*y c Parker b Bracewell 50 Botham c Hadlee b Boock 8 Millrr c Howarth b Hadlee 4 Edmonds b Cairns 6
      95 words
    • 975 29 ATHLETICS Men's IN metres: Semifinals (first four In each teml-flnal quality for final). Semi-final 1: 1 Colin Bradford (Jam) 21 15. 2 Ticvor Hoyte iFtigt 21.31. 3 Richard Hopkins lAvs) 2142. 4 Calvin Dill (Beam) 21.46. 6 Don Quarrte (Jam) 21.49. Sesni-nnal I: 1 Allui Wells (Scot)
      Reuter  -  975 words
    • 45 29 MEDAL standings after the seventh day's event* (83 events completed): 7 Canada Australia England New Zealand Kenya Scotland Wales lamaica lalajiU India rrinidad Guyana Isle of Man 38 21 15 5 4 2 2 1 1 1 21 B 22 2 I I
      45 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 29 29 I \\bar best bet... l^^>VhiteHorse WHrJ lKl IN stOT JsLTP. LHHMHBas^Bii^BH A *t>lNE SANDILANPS White Horse winning since 1712 ■■MM Sole Agrnts Rp|l Jardine Sandilands MSaSi (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
      29 words

  • 286 30 JERUSALEM. Fri. ISRAELI Premier 1 Menachem Begin said yesterday he was going to next month's US-Israell-Egyptian summit determined to make it succeed. Speaking to reporters as the cabinet pined a debate on how Israel should approach the summit at Camp David. Maryland, Mr. Begin
    Reuter; UPI  -  286 words
  • 160 30 ASEAN'S CONCERN OVER RISE OF THE YEN TK)KYO, Fri. The five X Asean countries are concerned about the appreciation of the yen against the US dollar, Japan's External Economic Affairs Minister Mr. Nobuhlko Ushlba. said here today. He said Burma, Australia and New Zealand were also worried about the effect
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 44 30 TOKYO. Fri. Japan is likely to record a trade surplus of well over US$2O billion (SMS billion* In fiscal 1978 ending next March 31 against an earlier prediction of US$l35 billion, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry announced today. UPI.
    UPI  -  44 words
  • 262 30 The last word in security guards LOS ANGELES, Fri BIG AL is a »ecuritjr tuard who never sireps on the Job, ne\er asks for a laur ne\er takes a lunch breaK. But If crossed, he can drop you to J«» r knees with a hifhpitchrd sound or clamp lobsUr-llke hands
    AP  -  262 words
  • 703 30 LI)MM)N I- ri Share prices closed quietl) steady to firm i.idai .iiiiniuiiii highpst levels were nflei, mil held H mtrre.M faded dealers said At 3pm the Financial I mi.-- index was up 0 8 at 514 8 Early gains or up lv Sp were later lured ii> two
    703 words
  • 462 30 Martial law in riot-torn Isfahan TEHERAN, Fri. ]y|ARTIAL law was imjwsed today in the conservative Islamic city of Isfahan, south of Teheran, after violent clashes between religious demonstrators and troops. Tanks and armoured cars moved into the streets of the city, 414 km south of Teheran, this afternoon after repeated
    Reuter  -  462 words
  • 314 30 Crisis worsens as the dollar keeps falling LONDON. Fri. THE dollar's fall accelerated today while the price of gold reached a new peak and the pound found itself at its strongest since January. After the spurt of heavy selling on the European foreign exchange markets this morning, the decline of
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 37 30 WASHINGTON, PH.—CMr.a has Invited four American 311 companies to clsciiu '.he exploration End divelop•neni of offshore oil reserves, lhe Washington Post lexirted today. The corrpar.'es \n Pennzoll, Exxon. Union Oil. <-nd Phillips Petroleum. I Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 95 30 HOLD THE FUTURE IN YOUR HANDS 999 777 778 RENTACOLORS 4... BIGSPIN! w\i\ ns/vn hta^-i v^ imvtaiiNi pri/rs I 5 rice lookers \^^^JK X PRIZE: Vcall 252-0111 U.S. INCOME TAX lAI ISI IN Fli ING PRIOR VHR 1 Ht TURNS HAVF TAX MS BACK TO 1960 WrfßLsclC» THE INCOME TAX
      95 words
    • 384 30 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's financial Dally Cover Pi ice SOt Annual Subscription tlii For subscription, call 284 8944 Exi 302 TODAYS HIGHLIGHTS... WITH trade protectionism swirling in our midst, Singapore now has to work doubly hard to expand its exports. This entails the search for new markets and intensified marketing efforts.
      384 words

  • 693 31  - THAILAND'S ILLEGAL CHILD LABOUR PROBLEM AMPORN TANTUVANICH By in BANGKOK TWEIR hands are the hands of factory 1 workers, hardened by long- hours of working with hot glass. The skin is scared from burns and cuts, and treated with herbal ointments, toothpaste, Ashsauce pain killers. But these workers in a
    AP  -  693 words
  • 845 31  -  J.K. BANERJI. By our correspondent In NEW YORK fllK Carter Administration's frustration to find that despite higher juices the flood of imports continues rcle nl l ess 1 y has often found expression in chastisement meted out to "surplus"
    845 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 130 31 If*™ ANNIVERSARY I special SALES 1 ■^1 Bk Jgjel 990 -iWS<T)*Aa«S I i *W -£a P 1 200A»_jh^« B Pull out badAatß- $168 (80 $464 I FREE GIFTS FOR PURCHASES For Bed Room Set a mattress 5' x 6' For Sofa set a coffee table 18" 42" For Pull out
      130 words
    • 693 31 Yong Hin Watch Dealer Dept. Co., Will sponsor a Special NATIONAL DAY OFFER Jointly with the Toa Payoh Central Merchant Association from Ist to 31st August In conjunction with the 13th NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATION. During this month, for any purchase or repair of watches costing above $10/the customer will be
      693 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 547 32 <*yf3fkn> ALIEN ENCOUNTER I CONTEST IN CONJUNCTIOH WITH THE SC»EEWIN6 OF 0 COLUMBIA LMI PRESEWTHTION BN(^ Whan yew bacoms aB o skata rhtar al lha Lataura Orema. Kalians, row undouMsdry mttl Irtands and slrangars altka Now. for IMa aaay tun-10-afrtar contaat, »t want you to xnagina having an -encounlsr with
      547 words
      330 words
    • 395 32 1.,1J;V/:Kaag MOW SHOWING! I aaai^^t^^N^r^^aaßl arVI BBBH ll* I SBSCC^ JJ *ay I'lTj i 1 ...^PIPER LAURIE. STUART WHITMAN. ROGER DAVIS 5 JANIT BALDWIN...,*, v...,.^,. ,^.^o t"l mpHicHT [elll;N: I towicht? •54-FEET-TALL of WOMANHOOD! SHE STOPS AT NOTHING TO PROTECT HER > MAN! A celebration of ADVENTURE, TERROR and LAUGHS,
      395 words
    • 302 32 jLTDO kt» NOW SHOWING!: 11am, 1.45, 4, 6.45, 9.15-No Free List E A TRUE LOVE STORY... j 1 For everyone who believes in happy endings bj Ik a^LI Lam K^K .^t The continuing true story of Jill Kinmont, a woman with enough courage for ten lifetimes and a man with
      302 words
    • 366 32 ORGANISATION" I I I am. I 30, 4 00. 630 900 •no Cr..n.t.-n MT MANOARIN m ScOpS I PRESIDENT 4 SKY m I 45 4 645 9 15 OR\ 10 45 I 00 j!5 7 915 Ot. n «to.n X.d MANDARIN in Scop* Color 111 ■■—„>:■■■ OdNS TOOAV I lorn,
      366 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 282 33 2,2, S SUPER SAVINS SALE 20% 50% DISCOUNT •i all Italia* ni Hoif Koig shoes aid handbags LAST FEW DAYS ONLY! ir il *r ITALIAN LADIES> m m SHOES %^W' OW USUAL $85 f4 if ANY TWO PAIRS m L S $29 900NLY \9 We are also cleann 2 Men
      282 words
    • 145 33 HOIKS PORK RIBS our speciality 4\ YOU MUST X NOT MISS!!! F^ HONG KONG^^ HONG KONG CHEF (Daily Lunch Only) (Also Caters for) WEDDINGS, BUFFETS, OUTSIDE CATERINGS, COCKTAILS, etc.... LUNCH 10.00 2.30 p.m. DINNER 6.00 11.00 p.m. fTTT) THE STADIUM RESTAURANT I in! National Stadium Complex, Kallang, Singapore 14. Tel:
      145 words
    • 476 33 7^^o .aa^Lmaaflaa^ A few sim P le acts about colour television B^^ Bright, sharp TV viewing depends upon technologically-advanced electncal and electroncs know-how Something you'll find a lot of at Hitachi one Hgrnfl P»i of Japan's largest manufacturers of electronics 3^r9 (r^^w equipment So it's not surprising that Hitachi's electronics
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  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 708 34 FINANCIAL ANALYST We are a large, international, well known financial services corporation with a history of significant growth Due to expansion, we require a Financial Analyst in our Regional Singapore Office. The Financial Analyst will report directly to the Regional Vice President, Finance Planning and will assist him in a
      708 words
    • 558 34 MIDWIFE required by ARABIAN AMERICAN OIL COMPANY (ARAMCO) to work in Dhahran. Saudi Arabia (minimum annual salary ol US$B 8801 (subiect lo 5 deduction as social security contribution) Qualifications 1 Singaporean female. 24 to 40 years 2 Must be a Singapore registered nurse and midwife 3 Graduate of Singapore General
      558 words
    • 750 34 MONSANTO, a major international company In the field of chemicals and plastics, invites applications lor the following position in its Singapore subsidiary, Monsanto Singapore Co (Pta) Ltd. SALES REPRESENTATIVE Qualifications Degree in Chemistry with at least 2-3 years marketing experience Responsibilities Promotion of Monsanto's products. Identification and development of new
      750 words
    • 800 34 #PWD TENDER NOTICE Tenders ore invited from PWD Registered Contrac tors for the following (A) Proposed Registry ot Civil ond Muslim Mornoges ot Nationol Stadium Eligibility: Building $500,000 and obove 'Site Shawreund: 14 878 at 10 30 am Meet at East Entrance of Notional Stadium Closing Date: 24 8 78
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  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 711 35 Inventory Planning Exmfljss Our Client, the Singapore Office of a targe multi-national corporation withes to appoint an Inventory Planning Executive. He will report to the Distribution Manager and will be responsible for nv«ntory management and planning. This entails the supervision of person, .c! and the administration of stock control and
      711 words
    • 387 35 ADULT EDUCATION BOARD Applicotions ore invited from Singapore citizens for appointment as ASSISTANT TECHNICIAN (Language Laboratory) 1 Consolidated Salary Seal* $250x15A-295/ 340-20A-4607 480-20A-620 p m Gross Monthly Salary Range $308 to $746 p m. 2 Qualifications: Must poss Secondary 2 and possess a NTC Grade 111 Certificate in electronics 3.
      387 words
    • 610 35 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up No. 11l of 197H In the Matter of Companies Act (Chapter 185) And In the Matter of Hoover Houses Service (Pte) Ltd. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION NOTICE is hereby given that a petition for the Winding Up of the
      610 words
    • 552 35 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE ompanie* Winding lp No. 70 of 1978 In the Matter of the Companirs Act, Chapter 185 And In the Matter of PECHIN CONSTRICTION A ENGINEERING WORKS (PTE) LTD. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice Is hereby given that a petition for the winding
      552 words
    • 364 35 MINISTRY OF HEALTH TENDER NOTICE The following tenders are invited by the Permanent Secretary Health)/ DMB for the New Singapore Oeneral Hospital. 1 Supply and Delivery of X-ray Film Processors. Chemical Mixers and Sensitomelers to the Department of Diagnostic Radiology. Block 2. New Singapore Oeneral Hospital. Ref: SGH Tender No
      364 words
    • 495 35 A. TENDER JL PREQUALIFICATION OF BUILDING AND SERVICES W> y CONTRACTORS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND f27f 27 Jk COMPLETION OF PROPOSED SIA GROUP SPORTS A COMPLEX AT TURNHOUSE ROAD, CHANGI W 4 A jm- Singapore Airlines Ltd (SIA) invites applications from experienced VjL qualified Contractors who wish to be considered
      495 words

  • 607 36  - Ballooning is going up in popularity ANDREW WILSON By in LONDON THE ignominious end of the 16th attempt to cross the Atlantic by balloon (the two- man British crew had to splash down in the sea 117 km from land on July 30) has not damped a worldwide revival of
    OFNS  -  607 words
  • 693 36  - When a TV set may watch as well as be watched... LES BROWN By in NEW YORK f GORGE ORWELL'S prophecy of an advanced electronic society in 1984, in which the television set may watch as well as be watched, could be fulfilled right on schedule. In the next five
    NYT  -  693 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
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