The Straits Times, 16 July 1978

Total Pages: 36
1 36 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Sunday Times No. 2199 JULY 16, 1978 30 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 215/1/78
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  • 282 1 BID TO SETTLE DECADES-LONG DISPUTE?- HONGKONG, Saturday THE Chinese Government might be prepared to negotiate with the Kuomintang Government of Taiwan in the future in an effort to settle the decades-long dispute between them, members of a United States Congressional delegation indicated here
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 47 1 BEIRUT, Sat. Lebanon's President Bias Sarkls. who threatened to resign over clashes between Christian militias and Syrian troops, has decided to stay in office. Parliamentary Speaker Kamel Al-Asaad said today. Mr. Asaad gave the news to reporters after seeing Mr. Sarkls. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 31 1 COLOMBO. Bat. Brl Ltnka and China are plannine a Joint fanning venture using Chinese technology In the heart of Brt Lanka's rice growing district, the government announced today. fUuter.
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  • 25 1 YOUK Suday Times today is M pages la t we sections. Make sore you get the Mcond section which contains your weekend comics.
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  • 71 1 BANOKOK. Sat. Fiftyfive Thai labourers, promised high-paying jobs In Hongkong by a Bangkok employment agency, were refused entry at Hongkong's Kal Tak airport yesterday by Immigration officials, reliable sources have reported. The group of 55, plus about 45 other Thai labourers who were sent to Hongkong
    AFP  -  71 words
  • 174 1 UONGKONG, Sat. China today warned Asean against Soviet ambitions to infiltrate the organisation. The official Peking People's Dally, quoted by the New China News Agency, said that Vietnam was a collaborator of the Soviet Union which had recently changed its attitude towards Asean, which
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 244 1 FOREIGN Minister Mr. 8. Rajaratnam has said that the change in the Soviet Union's attitude towards Asean could be a tactical move as the five-nation group has survived for 11 years and is the only regional organisation functioning effectively in Asia. Mr. Rajaratnam pointed out that
    AFP  -  244 words
  • 144 1  -  IRENE NGOO By 'PHIS smiling trio x the top three students at the Singapore Polytechnic this year has no regrets about Joining the blue-collar workforce. That Is why they opted for a polytechnic education rather than academic pursuit In preunlversity classes when they completed
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  • 169 1 nONN, Sat.— President D Carter ordered UN Ambassador Andrew Young to shut up after his remark on US "political prisoners" which undermined the president's condemnation of Soviet dissident trials this week, a senior US official said today. Mr. Young was told his remark was
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 217 1  -  J. D. INDRAN BIG BATTLE TQ PUT OUT ENGINE-ROOM FIRE By OORT of Singapore Authority and salvage flreboats were last night fighting a fire in the engine room of a giant tanker anchored at the Western Anchorage while attempts were made to rescue a trapped
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  • 17 1 UP TO NOON TODAY: Isolated showers in late morning, according to the Singapore Meteorological Service.
    UP  -  17 words
  • 500 1  - All move out of Union House CHOO WAI HONG By THE University of Singapore Students' Union yesterday agreed to move out of Union House at Bukit Timah three hours before the official deadline for vacating the premises was up. Nothing, however, was physically removed to Kent Ridge when the clock
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  • 46 1 LATEST GHANI GILONG DEFEATED KOTA KINABALU. Sat. The Minister of Works and Utilities Datuk HaJI Abdul Ghmnl Gilonf was defeated by an independent candidate in the Klnabaln parliamentary constituency In the Malaysian general elections. He polled 4,3»€ votes acalnst 7,M» obtained by Encik Mark Keding. AFP.
    AFP  -  46 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 Oyster case has no seams to let in water tIHIIOIM(t.MT». G* Fl Tom Road. Ml J^OJJ mtOf* n Oct.. ■■l»m ColyrT Qm, «l IT» wtgm i Meet our Betamaxman Joseph Wong |^^^^^^^B SAFARI STORE Tanglin Shopping Centre Tel: *****6 M SL-aoooE /C~~ y^«s— n^ For immediate advise and
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    • 252 1 PART TWO OF OUR SPECIAL SERIES TAKES A LOOK AT THE CHILDREN The muhi-servke bank. Bank with the Overseas Union Bank. You'll soon appreciate we do more than just look after your money. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Start a Savings Account with us All you need is a dollar And as you
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  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 286 2 Guerillas kill 21 tribal villagers in night attack CJAUSBURY, Sat. O Twenty -one people almost the entire population of a itrtbal village were killed in massacre by black nationalist guerillas last night, the military reported today. It la the third man killing of civilians blamed on guerillas within the past
      AP  -  286 words
    • 729 2  -  GERARD CORR: BONN, Ey Saturday PRESIDENT Carter, his back to the wall on the crucial issues of America's high import bill for oil and the stability of the dollar, is ready to mount an aggressive counter-attack on his critics at tomorrow's opening session of
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    • 290 2 Boeing gets record $3.7 b order CHICAGO, Saturday t>OEING has captured the biggest order in commercial aviation history with a US$l.6 billion (553.7 billion) sale to United Airlines that leaves the rival Europeanmanufactured Airbus out in the cold. United, the largest airline In the non communist world, announced here yesterday
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    • 54 2 LONDON. Sat. Britain's Labour Government yesterday announced a 10 per cent pay rise (or Members of Parliament, but the salaries will stUl be far lower than their European counterpart* The rise, which will bring a member's annual salary to UMH (8128.933) Is within the government's
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    • 40 2 NEW DELHI. 8«t. Flood waters from the Ganges sod IU tributaries, the Oandak and Ohagra, have made about 50.000 people homelaas In eastern Uttar Pradesh, north India, since early thli week, according to reports reaching here today. AFP.
      AFP  -  40 words
    • 161 2 Bonn ad on how badly the dollar is faring |>ONN, Sat— lt might have been regarded as poor diplomacy: On the day President Carter began his first official visit to Bonn, the West German Government pub. 'shed an advertisement saying how badly the dollar is faring. A half-page ad which
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 143 2 'Be ready for racial attacks' call to Asians LONDON, Sat. Britain's Asian immigrant leaders today called on their large community to organise Its own defence against racial attacks. They urged the formation of local groups for mutual protection against white attackers, and said Asian businessmen should help with money. The
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 48 2 GENEVA. Bat. The World Health Organisation has called on travel ngenta. airlines and International companies to warn their customers of the risks of malaria. The organisation pointed out that, the number of cases of malaria had Increased In proportion to the Increase In International travel. AFP.
      AFP  -  48 words
    • 145 2 rKYO, 8»t Nine-ty-two per cent of Japanese housewivei in a poll aald they stay awake every night to wait for their husbands to return home, the monthly magaxine Shopping reported today. Only eight per cent of those questioned are not so patient and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 288 2 t^=- Timepiece There s always something very special for you at Albert's. No matter what it is. No ■^^^^^J ■k^^H matter what the price. Albert always has l^^^^^^^^~ something to place at your hand. Things you'll be proud and happy to own and give. Things which you have always been
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  • dnlUMffJHiillfl^ Worldwide
    • 588 3 WASHINGTON, Saturday gI'RSTING into tears at the news of her husband's prison sentence, Mrs. Anatoly Shcharansky yesterday urged the West to put "tremendous pressure on Russia" to free him and said that, to begin with, the 1980 Olympics should be taken away
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  588 words
    • 161 3 Reporters were told that negotiations are "In a delicate stage" and that no details could be divulged now. However, the officials confirmed the United States has contacted the Russians. Soviet officials in Geneva had told newsmen that the Soviet Union was interested in securing the
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    • 32 3 MANILA. Sat. A FUlplno soldier ran amok and fired hi* al-16 Armallte rifle at random on Thursday, killing four people in southern Philippine*, military sources here said yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 56 3 LONDON. Sat. Parliament today approved legislation banning child pornography In Britain and Imposing fines and prison terms for trading In or taking Indecent Alms and photographs of children. The new BUI, which provides fines of £10.000> and up to three years In jail, will
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 62 3 LITTLE AMY STEALS THE SHOW AS usual, it is the little rirls who steal the limeacht. And in this case, it was Amy Carter, who is accompanying her parents on a visit to Bonn. While President Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, flash their beaming smiles, Amy wears a T-shirt presented
      UPI  -  62 words
    • 202 3 Japan-Asean accord on industrial interdependence IrpoKYO, Sat Japan and X Asean have agreed on industrial inter-depen-dence between them, business sources reported today. The sources said the agreement was reached at a two-day meeting of business representatives from Japan and the five-nation group held in Tokyo on Thursday and yesterday. To
      UPI  -  202 words
    • 62 3 TOKYO, Sat. Support for Prime Minister Takeo Pukuda's Cabinet dropped to 19 1 per cent in July from 219 per cent In June. accordIng to a Yomlurt Shlmbun opinion survey result published today. The survey, conducted by the major dally Yomlurt Shtmbun for three days from
      AFP  -  62 words
    • 149 3 WASHINGTON. Sat. Elvis Presley offered to become an informant for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 197*. complaining that the Beatles were leading American youth astray, according to bureau records revealed today. Bat an Internal FBI memorandum on the offer said: "It is
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    • 275 3 Bid to end clashes at border BANGKOK, Sat. Kam puc h e a and iiiaiiana today agreed they would try to prevent clashes and sKlrmisnes along tneir common boiaer. Tnal Foreign Minister Upadit Panchariyangkun said nere. Dr. Upadit told, reporters atter a rouna ol talks with visiting Kampuchean Deputy r
      Reuter  -  275 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 861 3 professional equipment means more than just handles on the front panel Klark Teknik DNIS pre-amp H H SSOOO studio amp HEAR teal professional equipment demonstrated at: PETER CHEW'S Supreme House BENQOLD Raffles Place SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR HONG KONG LOS ANGELES NEW YORK G.P.O. BOX 1243 SINGAPORE 1 TEL *****87 WHAT
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  • TV highlights
    • 598 4  -  LONG WING KAM IT will be a war of .iwonk and a battle of wit* when the quarter-finals of the Chinese Inter-School Debate get underway. The first <marter-flnal between Temasek Junior College and Upper Aljuiiled Technical School will be telecast on Wednesday at 7.4S
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 2902 4 HELLO FKISCO. HELLO Lynn Bart. This film won his bras wti.U to reap a (Tonight. Ch. 5. 9.55 pjn. an Academy Award tor the fortune from It. The Him Coloui This old movie Best Seng. "You'll Never stare Michael Bums, Susan .ftVA made In 1943 is a musical Know". Blanchard.
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    • 128 4 becomes Mickey and the Beanstalk instead. PRE EXAMINATION PROGRAMME iCh. S. 2 p.m. Colour) Shakespeare's play, Hamlet, Is enacted by a cast that Includes Austrian stage and dim actor Maximilian Schell who won an Oscar for his performance in "Judgment at Nuremberg", Wanda Rotha. Dunja Movar and Hans Canlnenberg. OONNY
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  • 602 5 ABOUT 5,000 (three per cent) of secondary school students, described as "not so academically inclined," will Ik." channelled to vocational courses next year, the Permanent Secretary to the Education Ministry, Mr. H.R. Hochstadt, announced yesterday. They will be the first batch to
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  • 52 5 EPTDEMIOLOOICAL checks on contact* of previous cholera cases have traced two cholera contacts, according to a Ministry of the Environment statement They are a 77-year-old woman staying In Upper Tnomson Road and a three-year-old boy In Joon Tong Road. Both of them are isolated at Mlddleton Hospital
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  • 164 5 KIDS IN FALL DRAMA: TWO BETTER TWO of the three children who were flung from their sixthfloor flat in Viking Road on Friday morning, were yesterday reported to be recovering In Alexandra Road Hospital Six-year- ilj Ramahatha Beebee and her baby brother, Mohammed Saleem, aged 11 months, who were taken
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  • 316 5 587 from first SC batch to be demobilised next year THE Special Constabulary will demobilise 587 SCs from the first batch of part-time police national service men conscripted in 1967, from September next year. They would have completed an uninterrupted period of 12 years of active service then, or reached
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  • 67 5 THE section of Braddell Road from the Uturn near Westlake Secondary School to the U-turn near the General Electric factory will be temporarily closed to traffic from 1145 p.m. tomorrow to 5 a.m. on Tuesday This Is to enable the Public Works Department to erect the main
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  • 260 5 Jurong turning into leisure, pleasure centre JURONO Town, basically an industrial estate, is Increasingly becoming a pleasure and recreational centre for both residents and nonres.denti as well as a scenic attraction for tourists. To complement the residential estates which have been established, the Jurong Town Corp. has earmarked sufficient space
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  • 278 5 Long hair graduands barred from convocation MORE than 50 Singapore Polytechnic graduands had their biggest disappointment yesterday when they turned up at the National Theatre for the convocation ceremony. They were barred from entering the theatre to receive their certificates and diplomas because they had long and unkempt hair or
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 314 5 You need healthy gums to save your teeth You need new Mentadent P. Do you have Gum disease? A warning sign Mentadent P "More teeth are lost through gum disease Take acton when you notice bleeding 3 very Sp6Cldl tOOttl OaSte than dental decay "So states the British especially when
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  • 179 6 Security men planned factory burglary I A MAGISTRATE'S court heard yesterday how a security guard and a Cisco warden planned a burglary of the security guard's factory. Security guard Nordin bin Jantan. 35, was on night duty in September last year when he opened the gates of the factory to
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  • 596 6 SURVIVAL IN WATER: FLYING COLOURS FOR GIRLS rE test was survival in the water and these two pre-univer-sity students, Joanna Khong. 18 (right) and Lee Lai Kens, 17, came out with flying colours. The »irl» were rewarded for their fine efforts
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  • 371 6 rr\HE Housing and De■l velopment Board Is to further encourage and assist local entrepreneurs to develop petrol stations In its estates by extending loans. Loans will be given In future to all successful private tenderers of Its service station sites who may wish
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  • 34 6 A TRADE dispute between the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Onion and the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines on retrenchment benefits will be heard In the Industrial Arbitration Court tomorrow at 8.30 a.m.
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  • 121 6 rpHE Long Island Youth X Orchestra, brought here by the National Theatre Trust and the Rotary Club of Singapore, will perform at the National Theatre today at 8.30 p.m. The 74-strong orchestra of musicians aged between 14 and 21 Is on a tour of
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  • 117 6 THE MP for Changl, Mr. Teo Chong Tee, and Mrs. Teo will be guests of honour at the Old Bartleyans' Association's annual dinner and dance at the Cathay Restaurant on Aug 5 at 7.30 p.m. Mr. Teo Is an old boy of Bartley
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 856 6 Give yourself that chance you've always wanted STUDY WITH FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS HOME STUDIES DIVISION. ACADEMIC AND professional ACADEMIC LCE. SCGCE/MCE, HSC/GCE 'A' levels, London GCE 'O' and 'A' levels, AEB '0' and 'A' levels. PROFESSIONAL: Inst. of Administrative Management, Inst. of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, Inst. o« Bankers, Inst. of
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  • 215 7 PARENTS should not I push children beyond their limit If they lack a natural talent for the fine arts, the Minister of State (Detence), Mr. Bernard Chen, said last night. For it would be foolish to expect excellent perfor mance regardless of the
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  • 34 7 GFYLANO East Branch of the Post Office Savings Bank at Block 95 489 491 Aljunled Crescent, will open tomorrow. It will replace the existing POSB counter at Circuit Road Post Office
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  • 27 7 THE NaUonal Library will organise a talk-cum-demon-str»tlon in Malay on the Art of Flower Arrangement* on Saturday In the library's meeting room at 3 pjn.
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  • 150 7 DON'T TAMPER WITH WATERPIPES, WARNS THE P.U.B. rIE Public Utilities Board advises the public against tampering wltn the Internal service piping of the potable water supply system. It warned that those who do will be prosecuted under the Public Utilities Board i Water Supply) Regulation 1977. Those convicted may be
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  • 89 7 French teacher charged with trafficking FRENCH teacher Bella Pauline Duchler DJemlla, 24, was yesterday charged with trafficking In 16.5 grams of heroin at Woodlands Customs checkpoint on Friday at 8 05 a.m. Bella faced another two charges, one of having 5.4 grams of prepared opium and the other of having
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  • 289 7 'Market fish is not really fresh' TH E president of NTUC and MP for Boon Teck, Mr. Phey Yew Kok, said yesterday that the so-called "fresh" fish that is being sold in the wet market is actually "chilled fish. "The fish is caught sometimes as long as seven to 10
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  • 149 7 SBS has changed the routes of Its service* A and C to the National Stadium for the Sultan's Gold Cup today because of the National Day Parade rehearsal. The new route for Service A whl cover Ang Mo Kk> Avenue 1. Upper Thomson
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  • 254 7 DISTRICT Judge Mr. Chandra Mohan yesterday amended the eighth charge against former Ben and Co. Ltd. chairman, Gopal Chandra Kar Choudhury, after ruling that the prosecution had established a prima face case on the first seven charges against him. The amended charge alleges that
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  • 678 7 'Do-gooders' the hallmark of a civilised society— Devan rpHE NTUC secre- tary-general, Mr. C.V. Devan Nalr, yesterday hit out at the "uncomfortably large numbers" of people In Singapore who regarded "compassion" as a dirty word or at best an 1 nnocuous pa s time for "do-gooders" who had nothing better
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 536 7 102 PIECE SOCKET WRENCH S TOOL 21 CAN SAVE YOU HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS YOURS AT A REMARKABLE LOWPRICE^^^^ USE THIS KlTFOr^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 7 DAYS FREE THE PERFECT A professional Kit anyone can use MAKin TflDI CCT householder do-ityourseif nHNU I UUL OC I enthusiasts mechanics 102 high WITH EVERYTHING YOU quality
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  • 634 8 THE Senior Minister of State for Finance, Mr. Ooh Chok Ton g, who stirred up a hornets' nest on July 1 with his criticism of Rotary clubs as being too exclusive and having too lofty Ideals, conceded last night that some
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  • 116 8 A BUSINESSWOMAN Is offering a $5,000 reward to the finder of a wallet which she lost while visiting friends in the Holland Road district last Wednesday. Madam Rosalind Chew, 31, a boutique owner, said the wallet contained her identity card, an uncrossed cheque, $200
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  • 200 8 LOCAL hotels are carrying out a three-prong plan to continually improve their standards. Mr. Lawrence Magnan, general manager of Shangri-La Hotel, said this yesterday at a preview of his hotel's new garden wing. He said hotels were trying to Improve their standards through education,
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  • 79 8 NO Boon Kwee, 22, unemployed, dropped his bag and fled when a policeman stopped him for suspicious behaviour, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. For In his bag were a wire-cutter, a screwdriver, a pair of gloves and a torch which he Intended to use for housebreaklng.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 220 8 4 i W Hermesetas Now In a "one-by-one" dispenser its a better habit A better way to enjoy a healthy, balanced diet without giving up sweetness Why'' Because each tiny Hermesetas is as sweet as a teaspoonful of sugar But completely calorie free P^ Remember, its not sweetness but excess
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  • 153 9 Four banks share computer to boost services f^OST effectiveness and V> a desire to Improve services have led four local banks to embark on a Joint venture In computerisation. The executive director of Overseas Union Bank (OUB). Mr. Lee Hee Seng, said these were the main reasons why his company
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  • 239 9 SPELLBOUND by world skipping rope champion Katsumi Suzuki's feats is 18-month-old Bianca Jacket. Ji rsmf r i s fd, she stood still and stared at him for nearly half-an-hour as he Jumped, jigged, twisted and turned with the lightness of a feather. Bianca was
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  • 49 9 FAR East-Levingston Shipbuilding in Jurong has won a $18 4 million contract to build a workover rig for an American company. The rig, to be operated in the United States, is ordered by Poole Company of Texas, a spokesman for the yard said yesterday.
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  • 430 9 Union to send members to study overseas THE 2,800-strong Sembawang Shipyard Employees' Union has set up a large fund to send the cream of its unionists to shipyards and universities abroad to develop their leadership skills and techniques, the union president, Mr. Peter Vincent, said yesterday. "We intend to send
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  • 220 9 Courtesy campaign contest winners named rTiHE Singapore Tourist A Promotion Board has named the courteous banks, hotels, restaurants, department stores and petrol stations following the nationwide courtesy campaign. The hotels are the Mandarin, Merlin and Singapore Forum. The res t a v rants are Cathay, Oriental Kitchen and Yamagen. The
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  • 47 9 MR. Richard Urn K*w Ming has been elected chair* man of the 3lst council of the angapore Antl-Tuber-culosU AaaocUlton Vtoe-chalrmen are Dr. O C. Leow and Mr. Tan Toek San. Other officials are Mr Yeo Hock Ctiye. decretary) and Mr. Teo Seng Bee. (trea■urtr).
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 599 9 1 i A 2 2 Kitchen If fI j Knives for ll'i'll'lllllll Finest English Sheffield Knife Set Sheffield, a city in England is the most famous in the world I for the quality ot its steel and the precision of its manufac Complete 22-piece Set LUL U J e T^
      599 words
    • 774 9 /y^Tj^K SteSSLlw kr'XJ Auto Start /M "j A with Cro«« Palttrn FIN* Juicer cone automat .cally switches Jf f sZ~\Z^y\ Compact reliable Juicer with on T he clt r 8 lrul 8 m V Vfy^X/ automatic pulp elector. Unique 1/ it. Juice collector lifts off J (I y\yy\ extra^fficient cross-pattern
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  • 183 10 JAPANESE ORGANIST TO GIVE RECITAL AT DBS S\NE of Japan's top \J organists. Mr. Masa Matsuda (above), will (Ive a recital featuring classical, popular and Jan music at the DBS auditorium on Aug 1 at 8 p.m His show will be a rare treat for jaci fans because he is
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  • 40 10 THE Association for Educationally Sub-normal Children will hold a talk on "What Is an ESN Child?' on Friday at 7.30 p.m. pt the Singapore Council of Social Service. The speaker v Dr. Wong te Tal.
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  • 407 10 SEVEN-POINT plan to prevent towering infernos and to protect highrise occupants from blaze hazards has been drawn up by the Fire Protection Workshop of the World Safety and Accident Prevention Congress, held here at Hyatt Hotel. The workshop, chaired by an Australian oil
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  • 70 10 THE Singapore Science Cintre will screen (cur films Wonders of Chamlstrj 1 Chemical Changes All About US. Acids. Bases and Salts, and Threads of Lilt I ana II at Its teaching laboratory en Tuesday and Friday from 4 pjn. to S p.m. Admission charges are $1 per
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  • 134 10 TWO fresh charges were yesterday preferred against lawyer Tong Kok Kong who was charged last week with criminal breach of trust of $115,500 belonging to a law firm. It was alleged that on Nov 2. 1976. he committed criminal breach of trust of
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  • 460 10 TWO Building Control Division (BCD) engineers reviewed fire safety problems in highrise buildings at a recent seminar. Electrical engineer Mr. Wong Wai Chlng reviewed diverse opinions of consultants and lift contractors in the interpretation of the 1975 Singapore Institute of
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  • 185 10 EE Scow Yoong was acquitted and discharged by a magistrate yesterday without his defence being called on a rash driving charge. He was accusec of riding a motorcycle In a rash manner "so as to endanger human life," by racing with four other motorcyclists in Orchard
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  • 155 10 A SMOOTH START TO ASIA'S FIRST GOSKATE RINK THE ice was missin; and so was the extra thrill of skating on a cold, slippery surface, but most v! the visitors to Asia's first GoSkate rink at Kalian? Park yesterday found it fun anyway. From 10 a.m., skating enthusiasts streamed in
    ALBERT SIM  -  155 words
  • 201 10 SINOA PORE Airlines and Its subsidiary, the Singapore Airport Terminal Services, have started a new scheme for employees to seek medical treatment during emergencies that happen after office hours, in the weekends and during public holidays. Under the scheme, SIA and Sata
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  • 50 10 THE real estate Industry In Singapore has gone mt'rlc in two phases. The first phase started on July 1 with the public sector using square metres and 1 ectares In their promotion md sales literature. The private sector, under phase 2, will convert from next Januaiy
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  • 24 10 THE National Museum will screen four films from New Zealand on Wednesda\ at 8.00 p.m. at Its premises. Admission Is free.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 252 10 C^/S i//i*€? lilt r*' I v Vdl^Bt flf A mm ing rool 4v M ly^»'- Vi^^^PvJk fy^ >■ >-*-«•■ t A V And now to make your holiday CHSjHL-, i 'm s**JsP Bst&j«flr iti^r C^^y/ fiT '(m) /a' dream a reality —Apollo Sentosa i 3 im M^k VS\VFt/ 'ML The
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    • 575 11 UEARING on the case of a Malaysian couple who face deportation from Britain for illegal stay was post poned today until a clear statement on the status of their child comes from the Malaysian authorities. The couDle have been unable so
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    • 334 11 LONDON, Saturday A BEAUTIFUL raven-haired woman who refused to accept her "complete subservience" to her 47-year-old husband, a former Jute-mill manager in Penang, heard a High Court judge rule this afternoon that she had been divorced legally twice. Mrs. Bllquls Jehan Quazi,
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    • 155 11 FIRST SITTING OF NEW HOUSE ON JULY 31 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The first sitting of Parliament since the general election will be held on July 31 when the Speaker will be chosen and the oath taken by the newly-elected members. According to a statement by the Prime Minister's Department today,
      AFP  -  155 words
    • 137 11 That Kit Siang ban: Legal action by DAP? KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. —The DAP Is seriously considering taking legal action to test the validity and legality of the Sabah Government s action In barring Its secretary-general, Mr. Urn Kit Slang, from entering the state. Mr. Lim was physically carried into an
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    • 56 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Construction work on Bank Bumlputra Malaysia's new S4.S million training centre will begin on a 3 6- hectare site In Bangi next year, the bank chairman. Senator Kamarul Arlffln said here today The centre, when completed In IMI. will be the biggest training centre
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    • 33 11 KUALA LUMPUR Sat Malaysia will host the 14th Pood and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) regional conference (or Alia and Pur East here beginning on July 25. the Agricultural Ministry said today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 159 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Bat. The burnt down portion of the 94-year-old Selangor Club here will be rebuilt soon, following as far as possible the original Tudor facade. The club's vice-presi-dent. Datuk Harun Hashim said today that he was very happy that City Hall authorities
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    • 185 11 A 6o pc turnout for Sabah polls KOTA KINABALI, Sat. More than per cent of the electorate In Sabah have east their vote* shortly before the last polling station closed at 6 p.m. today. Counting of votes for the IS parliamentary Mate for Sabah began simultaneously at the 15 centres
      AP; AFP  -  185 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 149 11 HBB (f m il I m wf-j i jm \%w~ ~~*ritjii "£3 IP HI h *^^^i l/\A f^ ILL t7* l 41K^?mP /^^^s«V^ i^i^i^s^sflsflj s^B>sSß^^ /flii L^s^S^^^s^s^s^r^H L.^^^ <^b. Who flies jumbos to Australia 14 times a week? Only Qantas fly jumbos from Singapore to Sydney, Melbourne, ■bms^ Brisbane, Perth
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  • 439 12 The Sunday Times SUNDAY. JULY 16, 1978 VICIOUS WAR IN THE BUSH IT IS a vicious war as recent murderous events in the country have shown, with white Rhodesian soldiers indulging in systematic torture of blacks to extract information from them, indiscriminate killing and invading guerillas murdering whites and blacks
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  • 1973 12  -  RANEE GOVINDRAM By HERE IS THE EIGHT-FOLD PATH FOR ALL PARENTS TO FOLLOW IN a competitive, achievementoriented society like ours, where a premium is placed on intelligence and success, not only are the adults under much stress and strain, but the children too
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  • 991 12 IF IT Is. as many a theologian would have us believe. that money Is the root of ail evil, then the British must currently be holding some sort of record for being free from sin since cash has disappeared from pockets to the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 324 12 PART TWO OF OUR SPECIAL SERIES TAKES A LOOK AT THE CHILDREN Rogers MM British Hqh Fidelity BM V \Y^I B& The Rogers LS3/5A Monitor Loudspeaker. Designed by the BBC for specialist monitoring applications, the Rogers LS3/5A has been acclaimed worldwide. Atlas Sound (Pte) Ltd. 81/3 UIC Building. Shenton Way.
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  • Timescope
    • 24 13 STARTS NEXT WEEK—ONLY IN THE SUNDAY TIMES The most shattering science-fiction story ever... 1 TODAY: THE UFO CONTROVERSY
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    • 1429 13 INTELLIGENT beings from other planets regularly visit our world in on effort to enter into contact with us NASA and the American government know this and possess a great deal of evidence nevertheless, they remain silent in order not to alarm people I am
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    • 1259 14  -  LIM KCK ANN, By who will be vn mo jury a i the World Chess Championship tomorrow IN THE history of the World Chess Championship, each title match has a distinctive character. The match between world champion Anatoly Karpov of the Soviet Union
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    • 711 15 ENCOUNTER OF THE FIRST KIND IN '47 LAUNCHED AN ERA developments beyond the range of present knowledge." The breaking point came In March, 1966. when Dr. Hynek participated in a Detroit press conference during which the Air Force explained a baffling display of lights over Michigan as the result of
      711 words
    • 217 16 VERY often, as a consequence of ignorance and lack of book knowledge, age or experience was closely associated with wisdom even in the field of medicine and "grandnut" seemed to know the panacea for all Ills. If one woke up with a painful stiff
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    • 406 16 Grandma is gone— but her colds cure lingers on LAST week i topic: Do you remember any of grandma's home remedies that ihe swore would work? Any strange concoctions that she cooked up and said would cure anything from sunburn to sorethroats? Let us have some of these from you
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    • Article, Illustration
      123 16 HERE is next week's topic: It has just been announced that civil servants who come up with a brainwave for streamlining the Government administration can earn cash awards of uo to $1,000. But what about the rest of the population? The Sunday Times cannot offer more than one
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    • 246 16 TT IS only right that you 1 warn readers that this week's topic is not to be taken seriously, for although being the guinea pig In my granny's self-medlcatlon episodes. I have great doubts as to their effectiveness. When I was in primary school,
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    • 119 16 MODERN medicine sure has come a long way in a short time. Personally, I feel In good time too. I was very young when subjected to home remedies, not liking nor believing In their ability to cure and I still don't! For babies
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    • 169 16 THE rapid advrnce of modern science and medicine has proouced wonderful solutions to cure diseases which at one time were rega-ded as incurable. But, amidst all these wonderful meiilclnes one treatment which vividly stays in my mind Is the
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    • 173 16 Durians took my voice away... I WENT up to Peninsular Malaysia during my school holidays and stayed In Segamat. I feasted on durlans without giving a thought to the "aftermath." When I got up the next day, I discovered that I had lost my voice. While I was at a
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    • 191 16 pRANDMOTHERS 1 tips VI on health and recovery have been derived mostly from "ancient China sages," so It is always wise to lend them an ear but Just an ear! A sick person, in order to make quick recovery should not be exposed to wind and
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    • 207 16 DO YOU wake up In the morning with a stiff neck? No problem. According to my grandma, the cure Is to rub some saliva on the neck first thing in the morning before brushing your teeth. Your stiff neck will be cured. There
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    • 1146 17 OF WOMEN AND MARRIAGE IN S'PORE YOU f IFE moves so quickly, so that before we know it. Christmas will be here again, and another year gone by. Its sometimes quite alarming. We have no time to sit down leisurely and ponder on things pu*t and things present. What I
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    • Article, Illustration
      3 17
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 369 13 QUALIFY,* promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED TRAINING IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS Learn at home to improve your position and to earn what you are really worth. ICS home-study courses have helped thousands of ambitious men to achieve promotion and better pay. Moderate fees all books supplied. Take the first step
      369 words
    • 452 13 London flights Plenty But did you know from KLM's home base you can reach over 22 U.K. destinations? (f V^ Aberdeen m Glasgow^ f^~\ J l 'Slinburgh A < fM^B^ r^\ «4 Newcastle 4>V v S, Belfast fjL V^Tps side fU f Leeds-Bradford X a^,, "I I f+* r^ Manchester*
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 197 14 NEW STAR INDUSTRIAL CO |^V\^^ 3an-A jalan Bufcn Merah Block i lß^k^\.\^^ .^^^^^^^fl Radr* Flatted Factory Singapore 3 TEL *****55 \^^B "^iV^ .^t^^^^fl SIN FATT INDUSTRIAL CO SON Bl ID ViS^ Factory 'm a .Jalan Kola Tmoflijorior Banru TEL ***** Jr 1^ lalktoaSL—^ businessman when he's thinking business. m3f Rather
      197 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 998 14 Hi£7r RN I [SpE^T |H^t IB la's THE first part of YOU feel uneasy THIS Is an lmpor- LUCK Is on your the week will be easy- early In week, long to tant week If you're side this week If you going. You clear up travel or break up contemplating
      998 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 254 15 There are many good reasons why you should get a National automatic washing machine. "Vfe'll show you just four. Jl guarantee h TWO 600 GM. BOXES y < DIXAN FREE WITH > <£ EVERY PURCHASE. S > FOR AFTER-SALES < S DEMONSTRATIONS r* L 7L 7 PHONE: *****2 V* OTHER
      254 words
    • 116 15 1 Economy ELECTRICITY EXPENSES ONLY 1/16 OF DRUM TYPE WASHER DRUM TYPE J- WASHER NATIONAL FULLY AUTOMATIC 2 Speedc^, u2\ \JtTTTrx jt*K NATIONAL Tr i -C^f flrr fully automatic J*J^ y™J*H// 30 MINUTE* A ~~~^T\y/( DRUM TYPE WASHER: "s\ Kr 120 MINUTES jdp--} °j. I 'yZ TIME-SAVING' yu// ONE WASH
      116 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 394 16 Join in the Great Milo./Nestle. Milk j^ss^sl^ HHk f\ Ss Hi Kids! Do you know that IMMMMEEEE9m 1^ A Al|^^ l^' >L 7 1000's of super gifts have U| M| Wm m W f **f\ already been won at the 1 sm^Bss Lv m ssssssssssH t.^ Ys^^/iCIOLJ end of last
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 256 17 Are you handicapped by your English? Arc >ou OaakM »ilh ihc »j\ and how lo c»prcv> >our idcjs >ou jntl »nlc' Arc w.u flucnik »urc Ihji >ou jrc noi nukinp Ihc Mud> requires only a lhai ..auvc people M hill- lime, jnd icr\ moderate Ices underrale >ou > ..u
      256 words
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    • 567 17 LOGISTICS INDONESIA Freeport Indonesia, Inc., is seeking a high level LOGISTICS EXECUTIVE to be located at its remote Copper Mine in Irian Jaya. The successful applicant will have had full responsibility for the Logistics function for a large scale remotely located and fully self-supporting construction or heavy industry project. Experience
      567 words
    • 311 17 PHILIPS We invite candidates who art motivated, moture and who are of a right colibre to iom U j as 1. QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER The man we ore looking for should be a qualified engineer with proven experience in heading a department responsible for quality assurance He must have proven
      311 words
    • 426 17 I FINANCIAL I CONTROLLER Top level position available in Indonesia to control the business of a multi-national organisation. Experience in garment manufacturing industry helpful but not essential. Exceptional opportunity for right individual. Excellent salary. Please respond immediately with full particulars to Sun. Times Box N***** Singapore for possible interview by
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 125 17 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Devastation ii) 5. Contemptuous of pain (S) 9 Plan (5> 11 Charm <6> 12. Dismount <6i 13. Memento (Si 15 Skit* 14) IS. Noise (3) 19. Heavenly body (4) 31. Bsthlng pools (Si 23 Potre (S> 24 Entices (7> 25. Insertion mark (S) 27. Anlmil
      125 words
    • 117 17 DOWN 2. Entertained 161 3 Above (4) 4. Named iS> 5 Killed (5) 6. Powder (4) 7 Metal blocks (6 1 I. Commonplace (5) 10. Disturbs (5) 14. Drink 17) 16. Essential (5) 17. Flowers (5i 19. Rope fibre (5i 20. Oarret (5) 22. Place (3) 23. Encountered (3) 25.
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    • 494 18 rERE are boutiques and boutiques in Singapore: Those that sell locally-made clothes at budget prices, those that sell exclusive and pricey imported high fashion, and those that boast in-between prices. Competition In the trade is rather keen but a working girl is able to buy
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    • 641 18 The Singapore Man switches to the Western suit rpHE advent of synthe1 tic fabrics to the textile world has contributed in no small way to westernising the dressing of the Singapore man, it would appear. A chat with the chairman of the Master Tailor Association, Mr. Kwan Chun Klew, revealed
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    • 238 18 Focus is still on easy and fluid dressing mHE focus Is still on I easy and fluid dressing as forecast at the beginning of the year by Europe's fashion pundits. The tone ta still very much along feminine lines, with soft and romantic chic the rule of the day, and
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    • 621 19 Sew easy with advent of computers THE dawning of the age of computerisation has not only a revolutionised industrial and commercial systems, it has also Introduced itself to even the most unscientific housewife doing what many women throughout the ages have done sewing. Yes, sewing machines have come a long
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    • 555 19 FASHION has always r drawn on a spectrum of articles to enhance itself laces and frills, bows and ribbons, belts and buckles, sequins, and today, even buttons and zippers. It's no wonder then that manufacturers of these drest acceen :ies nowadays come up
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    • 272 19 mOURISTS atopplm 1 by in Singapore for a few day* and needing a salt or ■hlrta In a hurry, have added a new dimension to the tailoring trade in the Republic, especially to those in Orchard Road. To staj in business, tailors in this
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 257 18 MUM J WV wTWSSE m M a^r I ME OlM^ cn -it i| with zig-zag sewing i^ The Jade Lady, Jade Queen j»de Lady 242 ml M *fc and Magic Bobbin U A practical, beautiful range of sewing machines, w I^^^^^^' I There's one to suit you. whatever your needs.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 453 19 i I ACKNOWIBGEDfIk i gK It's no secret that the best /jfl A W tailoring originates j A JL from Chanrai's, so much V TVI *ffl %F V«V so that even our many V VKaLji B W niv competitors admit it. I BK H nkn if only to themselves. i%
      453 words
    • 259 19 SPECIAL OFFER! From now till Sept 16th '78 ONE FREE IRON' FOR EVERY MODEL PURCHASED Demonstration ot Alexandra EXPO '78, Queentway From 17th June 23rd July OLYMPIA Ak Automatic 2-touch Button holer without turning fabric Built-in numerous reverse feeding decorative and most useful stretch stitches Snap on feet, no screw-driver
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 703 20 55 .<* AT YOUR SERVICE SECTION INDEX g%w jk ccFi?Yirn anc 5J| i? c 284-4422 Rr wort: 60cu(Min so 00) VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL 1 Per column cm: $11.75 (Mln $32 25) IX OBITUARIES s~\ pubhJunq Bhd Wo would Kko re odv,t« that tho Majwfomowt, Advortioomont, Accounts, Per»or»n«l, Research. Research t
      703 words
    • 446 20 i MJaSa-*****88. TROPICAL FRUIT PLANTS available fruited Mango. Rambutan. Durlan. Star Fruits Tel: *****1 53 Tavlstock Avenue THORENS TURNTABLE 100 with mounting plate for SME Arm. Shure V 15. type 111 cartridge *****91 BOSE 001 SERIES 11. $950 JBL L26 speaker $370 AR receiver $650 Tel: *****18 I MAINS INTERFERENCE
      446 words
    • 428 20 II EMPLOYMENT FEMALE OENERAL CLERK re- quired urgently Please call personally for Interview on 18th Juiy Tuesday and 19th July. Wednesday between 2pm and 4pm at 14. Penhas Road. Spore 8 off Lavender Street PICK A COURSE FROM CLASSIFIEDS COLUMNS 100 103 Commercial Craft Dance Driving Language Professional Technical Prof«r*sional
      428 words
    • 542 20 GENERAL ELECTRIC USA GENERAL ELICTMC (USA) APPLIANCE COMPONENT! PTE LTD Invites suitably qualified candidates for the post of: OUALITV CONTROL AUDITOR Qustrftcatlons Prefer applicants who has passed or completed Technical 4 Able to read and interpret engineering drawings Ex-natlonal Servicemen are preferred In the region of $300.00 per month Applicants
      542 words
    • 1514 20 II EMPLOYMENT GENERAL flffift ELECTRIC USA 1. MATERIALS CLERICAL ASSISTANTS (MALE) Candidates with minimum 2 years experience In traffic with Import and export acknowledge, some experience In material control and expediting will be an advantage 2. MALE GENERAL WORKERS Minimum one year Secondary Education Candidates should be within 21-26 years
      1,514 words
    • 953 20 111 VEHICLES BOATS BEAUTIFUL FIAT SSO Spider $8,400 negotiable or take over hire purchase. View: Carpark Foster's Steakhouse Ring *****31 1071 MORRIS ISSO OT. good condition Contact Mr Tarn after 8.30 am Tel: *****77 1970 MINI NEW paint, sports rims, steering, cartridge, console box flare mudguards Beautiful condition *****08 VIVA
      953 words
    • 769 20 LATE 72 JAGUAR 4 2 XJ6 Manual with power windows, factory airconditioner. radio, cassette, new upholstery/paintwork etc. 521.500 In very good mechanical condition. Tel: *****. The Advertiser. 1070 FORD CORTINA 1.6 OL (April). Concealed National alrcond Pioneer radio, cassette with main amplifier, rust-proof, beautiful number plate Interested tel: *****13 1070
      769 words
    • 1348 20 I VEHICLES BOATS NUMBER PLATE EOI2U 77 Toyota Corolla 1200 concealed alrcond showroom condition Offers to 1 Jalan Senl. off University Road anytime 1974 VIVA 12S0. Radio. ca.aette. console box. new tyres $7,400 Blk 44. 243 H. Tanglln Halt Road 1077 FORD CORTINA 1600 OL 1 owner, alrcond.. cassette. Immaculate
      1,348 words

    • 53 21 140 Acknowledgements PHMd away peacefully at 10.40 pm on 11 7.78 and laid lo rast at Pusara A man on 12.7.71. The family wlahot lo thank ralallvaa, frlsnds, collaaguat. ttudants for Ihalr condolancas, attandanca during thalr racant baraavamsnt Also doctors and staff of wards 24. 16 and 12 at SGH
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    • 27 21 BE. NETTAR thanks relatives and friends for their kind attendance assistance and messages of condolence during their bereavement of the demise of Mrs. Rose Nettar on 10/7/78
      27 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      77 21 aged 63 passed away peacefully on 15 7.78 leaving behind husband, sons Cheng Ann (Alan), Cheng Seong (Steven). Cheng Klat (Kenneth). Daughters Oaik Choo (Gloria). Mai Choo (Margaret). Cheng Choo (Catherine), sons-in-law Tham Kok Fung. Tao Yeow Terh. Tan Slan Poh it three grandchildren to mourn her loss.
      77 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      78 21 Who toft ua on 1«/7/77 Dearest Dad. though a year has gone by the thoughts of your love and care bring silent tears and sweet memories you had always shared with us D««ply mtoMd by your wite and lotrad ooas Tha first manorial anniversary Poo|. vill b«
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 629 21 j IV ACCOMMODATION k PROPERTIES OAROENIA COURT. OFF 1 1 mile •rmbiwtni Road, swimming pool and big carden. $500 prr month Tel *****55 RIDOEWOOD APARTMEWT t bedrooms. 2 bathrooms. All kitchen appliances fully aircondltlonrd partly furnished Facilities Include swimming pool, tennis. gym sauna Rent $2. 800 p m Prefer long
      629 words
    • 300 21 WANTED BY GENUINE buyer, semi-detached house at SeleUr Hills R' type only Please call: M URGENTLY WANTED DIST. 1* houses Budget 360.000 3120.000 Please call with details *****31/ *****54 (Monday Saturday) MROPCXIrCS Rtsmt By mentioning in your AD. Location neighbourhood View Sue of land built-up orea House or f lot
      300 words
    • 380 21 V SERVICES k BUSINESS QUICK PRINTING NAME Cards Letterheads Invoices. Circulars Reports Price LUU. Forms other office stationery VOX Enter prises 153A Selegle Road. (*****) FEELING LONESOME? WE have new selection of ladles specially for your date Call Lover's Escort *****3/ *****6 MAKERS OF CAR cushions and upholstery Contact: Transec
      380 words
    • 642 21 ALOMA HEALTH MR VICE provides you experienced masseuses for relaxing massage Call *****85 *****84 MOUSE OF BELLES Massage Service for a skilful and relaxing massage by trained Singapore ladles Ring now: *****1 from 11 am 11 p.m daily CAROL'S ORIENTAL VISITING Massage provides qualified Asian masseuses for relaxing massage Call
      642 words
    • 790 21 Vi EDUCATION k TRAINING CAR. LORRY. CRANK, Highway Code Courses Enrol at: Liberty 24. Upper Serrngoon Road. Tel: *****3/ *****18 Branches at Oeylang Katong. Thomson. Kampong Übl. LUCKY COMPUTERISED DRIVING For more details on driving call at 216. 2nd Floor. Queensway Shopping Centre Tel: *****5/ *****5. or 132 Victoria Street
      790 words
    • 739 21 ite i CERTIFICATE IN EXECUTIVE SECRETARYSHIP 8 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT 6 Months Intensive Course Commencing 22 August For further Information call INTERNATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE Surpreme Houee, Penang Road. Singapore t. Tel: 32W17/6 TYPEWRITING 10 WEEKS Rapid/ Normal courses: Anytime 8.30 a.m. 9.00 p.m Beginners Shorthand/ Bookkeeping. Principles of Accounts (Sec 3/4—
      739 words
      498 words
    • 681 21 UNIVERSITY OF SIN6APORE AppJicoTions or« invitsd for oppointm«nf to the potts of: ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN QUALIFICATIONS University groduotM and should hove recognised professional library qualifications SALARY Gross monthly emoluments in the range from 51,055 to $1,770 Point of entry will depend on qualifications and experience. Candidates on their first appointment after
      681 words

  • at the CINEMA
    • 613 22 WALTER SEOW reviews Saturday Night Fever JOHN Travolta was nominated for the Oscar in this year's sweepstakes only to see it going to Richard Dreyfuss for The Goodbye Girl. But this did not diminish the Impact he made In SATURDAY NIGHT FEVEB (now
      613 words
    • 132 22 HONGKONO, Sat. The popular American film Saturday Night Fever has been a box office bonanza and its record album is the biggest hit in 10 years, according to a Hongkong entertainment spokesman Since the movie starring John Travolta was released here three weeks ago it
      UPI  -  132 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 390 22 :"li"do "last days)": SEE IT NOW! a f Phone *****4) 11am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.45 9 15 "ONE OF HIE BEST PICTURES THE YEAR." mk ACADEMY AWARD la HhH I^^. i»7'B««I Actor wSE<ff C^H k»«l«nlDr n/,MjPj OU| m W "THE G<X>DBYE GIRI V*^ RICHARD DRI YFI SS MARSHA MASON I HEAR
      390 words
    • 205 22 m< MmmmwmwmmmmmMwmmwmmmamm- mrm mm mm rn'mmw M' m LIDO Saturday 22nd at 8 45am i Demand REPEAT MORNING SHOW ITHISTIMEfor LADIES ONLY! j CASH BOOK MOW STALLS $1.50 CIRCLE $2.50 -No FREE LIST m Anybody who could turn Lot's wife I into a pillar of salt, incinerate Sodom I and
      205 words
    • 387 22 LAST DAYS! I JHiIY!|llIY!Blliy!»Wll'STAI-tlFIC'lAY!j ADMISSION: $4.00. $2.50 $1.50 (No FrM Ll.t) i < The World's No. 1 Box-Office Champion! i'■ l t I ACADEMY AWARDS /-f^?l>^ t ff r *ll J "s fll aaV llval aßD^^ i^X mJ Jl Wl ai W. t HIACt STatOPtWIIIC SOWD LW^ BB BB l
      387 words
    • 621 22 £m CAVHAYD I aEkoicMmnwß J^^L?sTCAYJ^^^fc ■J Hurry' Hurry! Hurry! BJ tOtfi STAR-«IFIC DAY! I Show i Srwt: JIO.M. lIS. «.00. 4.45. *.MB STAR WtRS' Start*: m JlOJ 10. SO. 1 35. 4.20. 70S. SOC L^^aH BBH 1 OPINJ TOOAY- 4 Sr.o»i I 30 400 6 30, !srm iGlNS&ffc mtvm^-^L 1
      621 words

    • 57 23 COLUMBIA (South Carolina), Sat. Tracy Caulklns, the 15-year-old swim sensation, set a world record in the 200 metres individual medley last night with a time of 2min. 15.9 sec. at the Amateur Athletic Union Region Three Long Course championship here. Tracy's time bettered the old mark •f 2:15.95
      UPI  -  57 words
    • 137 23 7EIST (Holland), Sat. The Dutch Football Association have appointed Jan Zwartkruls as fulltime coach of their national side until the next World Cup In Spain In 1982. ZwartKruis, a captain in the Dutch Air Force, steered the side through most of the qualifying period for this
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 97 23 DOME, Sat. The Italian Government yesterday acted to **save soccer, paralysed for a week since a Milan magistrate halted all transfers of players between clubs, by passing a decree in Cabinet. Magistrate Giancarlo Costagliola broke up the bi-annual Italian transfer market being held in a hotel
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 282 23 GERULAITIS, NASTASE, FIBAK ALSO IN NEW YORK, Sat. American John Mci Enroe reached the semii finals of the US$3OO,OOO I Forest Hills invitational tennis tournament by beating Poland's, Wojtek Flbak 6-2. 6-3 In the final round-robin match here yesterday. The line-up for today's semi-finals has Ruma
      Reuter; AP  -  282 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
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    • 283 23 We would like to advise that the Management, Advertisement, j Accounts, i^- M n i\ Personnel, iil gh( J\ Research 0/0/^J^^^h^J^-& I 111 II j Research Development, &/&/<£ -<^S^ Ir* J Promotions and DWOiJiStUltinyßhd P"^ h a* in 9 deportments /7\) s ~-—~*i of Times Publishing Berhad are now I
      283 words

    • 382 24 ALGIERS, Sat. Interna- tional Olympic Committee president Lord Killanln said here yesterday that he sympathised with Los Angeies' fears over uncontrollable costs for staging the 1984 Olympics. But, he said he was reluctant to allow a private group to assume responsibility for the Games Tom
      AFP  -  382 words
    • 47 24 NEWPORT (Rhode Island), Sat. Second-seeded Tim Gullikson was yesterday upset by his twin brother, elehth-seeded Tom. in the Hall of Pame tennis championships. Toms 6-3, 1-6, 6-4 victory In the quarter-final match ended his brother's chance of retaining his title in the U5575,000 tournament AP.
      AP  -  47 words
    • 228 24 Glamorgan collapse against Kent spinners LONDON, Sat. Kent > beat Glamorgan by six wickets yesterday to consolidate their lead in the English county cricket championship. Their nearest challengers, Essex, also won, but made up only one bonus point on the leaden. Kent's spinners pitched out Glamorgan for 140 to give
      Reuter  -  228 words
    • 2313 24  -  BLUE PETER Film Goer sets course record By rjEORGE PODMORE and Leslie Khoo shared the limelight when they landed a double each at Bukit Timah yesterday. Podmore scored an easy three length win on odds-on favourite Juggernaut ($9) In Race 2. He went on to
      2,313 words
    • 41 24 Ist: No. *****9 ($4,432) 2nd: No. *****8 ($1,355) 3rd: No. *****9 677) STARTERS ($l5O each): Nos. *****6 *****8 *****9, *****7, *****8, *****5, *****3, *****0, *****0. CONSOLATION ($lOO each): Nos. *****2, *****6, *****2, *****4, *****6, *****2, *****7, *****5, *****3, *****1.
      41 words
    • 1014 24 TOOAV LOCAL l«il»r Mcrdeka tournament Korea v Blnsapon (7. 30pm). llsJarsls. v Thailand (B 15pml Merdeka Stadium: Sultan* Oold Cup: Hinttapore v Malacca (National Stadium 8pm): NFL. Dlv. 2: Jalan Be*ar v Bukit Panjang Ualan Btsar 4.30pm), Dlv. S: Tlong Babru v Wnampoa CSC (Olouceater Barrscki 4.30pm).
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 379 24 COMMONWEALTH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION is developing, in partnership with the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG), an oil palm scheme near the town of Popondetta, north east of Port Moresby, PNG For the construction of the first phase (30 tonnes) of the scheme's 60-tonne palm oil mill, the following are required:—
      379 words
    • 113 24 7500 Sensor Touch IIUII Sm WIN LIGHTER CHAMPION IN EVERY CLASS A sportsman's Choice to WIN True to the tradition of a great lighter Win today has been proclaimed champions in every class. From the practical roller flint models to the latest switch lock battery and the sophisticated Sensor Touch
      113 words

    • 2607 25  -  FAIRWAY By CAAS FEE is my choice to win the $41,000 Queen Elizabeth II Cup (Race Six, 4.30) at Bukit Timah today. The Hasty Cloud four-year-old has a consistent record to date and, though he Is having his first crack at a
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    • 562 25  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By f«HE top seeds found the gclng easy in the first round of the Pakistan International Airlines squash championships at the Kallang complex and Tanglln Club yesterday, with defending champion Hussein Ibrahim having a rest day. Still, national champion, V. Oopal showed
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    • 76 25 ALGIERS, Sat— South African and Rhorieslan athletes will not be welcome at the 1980 Olympic Games In Moscow, the Soviet Games orgardssd said here yesterday. Ignaty Novlkov, a vice-premier and predetent of the Moscow Games organising committee, was talking to journalists covering the African Games here.
      AFP  -  76 words
    • 303 25 A double each to the Poon brothers rE Poon brothers— Kan Leong and Kan Chal each won a double at the Anglo-Chinese Primary School's swimming meet at Shaw Pool yesterday. SB Pr. Two. 60m tree: 1 Shee Tse Koon 3 June* Urn 3 Steven Lo 38 4. Mm breait: 1
      303 words
    • 396 25 CYDNIY, Sat. Results t- 7 of today's AustarUan Association football ""'-rhttVtctetia State Lape: Sunshine C. I Albion 1. Vlotwto D*». 1: Dandelions 3 OoUlngwood 1, Marlbyraong 1 Sprlngvle 0. Western 1 Kellor 1; IMt. I: Alexander 0 St. Albans 1. Bell Park 1 Fsrntree 1, Brighton 1 Pm
      396 words
    • 1680 25 It J 2.0 CLASS 2. DIV 1 1,200m ■iUSaUB ($16,000 $11,200 to wlmw) 12U2P*(MYaa»OMM9(Uonel>EBreukelen3S7<*l ,S> OP OmM 1 l«WMMki| (Joon) t Breukelen 4 54.3 (-1.S) 4 9*39 C*mM a (KT Ctiooi Heddle 7 S3 3 -2 SI V mmm* 1 M HvMMKUnlco) I Bnutriiti TU.t(+4.l) *l— I IIU
      1,680 words
    • 141 25 HACI 1 t FAIMWAV R V Ola»i Klas't Com«dy Ma-lntnr nilpachl Miami ilaacwa** Spartacua Stuanna TIT »C«UTIMIIR •*«a> PHlh Ktni't C»mt«y King! Comedy Tb« Mlrah RUM Rom»nc« South Pacific Fillpachi Poly anna Rc-Entrr Caroarad* Rosewood Romwoo* Precious Oem luunu S 4 FrMa NaM Pnantom Act Elikoo t HM* ItlkM
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 151 25 RACEHORSES FOR SALE Purchased in Ireland England by M.P. Thwaites MASTERMIND 4 br c g, cost 5535,000 claimed by M.P. B Thwaites as a definite future Cup prospect. v m Recently 'pin-fired' now spelling B in Cameron Highlands. m r. LEARNED FRIEND 4 eh c g, cost 5532,000 claimed by
      151 words
    • 75 25 BssmWK J Sa&t^*^ NOW YOU CAN BEUEVE 1T. MAZDA 323 IS THE ECONOMY CITY CAR Test drive one today ASIA MOTOR CQ (PTE) IJQ|^ffi^ san motor co(pte) ltd 1. K» Amp«t off Macptwnon Rosd Tei *****6 27. Foch Rojd Singapore 8 *el *****91 ?b***** 13. Nate Ann Bldg Orchard Rosd
      75 words

    • 503 26  -  THE national schools' track and field championships came to a close yesterday on a high note with sprinters Richard Scow and Yvonne Cornelius producing exhilarating times over the century dash at the National Stadium. Scow cancelled S. Sahoods 11 -year-old championship record of 11.2 seconds and equalled Koh
      503 words
    • 77 26 Boys: Lower-secondary champions St. Josepn's Institution (49 pts); runners-up East Payoh Secondary (41 pts). Secondary champions Siglap Secondary (66 pts); runners-up Anglo-Chinese School (34 pts). Post Secondary champions Raffles Institution (115 pts); runners-up Anglo-Chinese Junior College (76 pts). Girls: Lower secondary champions Cedar (47 pts); runners-up Cedar
      77 words
    • 436 26 OT. ANDREWS. (Scotland), Sat. Jack Nicklaus, losing and winning back the lead over the last four holes, finished two strokes ahead today to capture the British Open golf championship for the third time and win his 17th major title. The 38-year-old "golden bear"
      AP; UPI  -  436 words
    • 255 26 LEADINO scores after the third round: 211 Fet*r Oosterhuls (Brt.) 72, 70. 69. Tom Watson (US) 73. 68. 70; 212 Jack Nuklaus (US) 71. 72. 69. Simon Owen (NZ) 70. 75. 67. Uao Aokl (Jpn) 68. 71. 73. Ben Cren&haw (US) 70. 69. 73 213 Tom Kite
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 290 26 |£UALA LUMPUR, Sat. Singapore Civilians had to bring out their best to subdue a determined Selangor side with a narrow 7-4 (a penalty and try to a try) win in the MRU Cup rugger match at the University of Malaya ground here today, reports BERNARD LEE.
      290 words
    • 218 26  - Yap's back: At refereeing WILFRED YEO By SEBASTIAN YAP. the former Singapore coach, Is back at his other soccer love: refereelng. yesterday, the 40-year-old school teacher was in the familiar black uniform of the Football Referees' Association of Singapore, officiating in the under-18 match between Buklt Panjang United FC and
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    • 279 26  -  JOE DORAI By KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Though beaten 6-0 by Malaysia in the opening match, Singapore's caretaker-coach Trevor Hartley is opf.mislic that his side will produce some surprises in the Merdeka soccer tournament here Said Hartley: "I'm satisfied with the way they performed against
      279 words
    • 394 26  -  Percy Seneviratne FROM THE SIDELINES THERE was at least one loser who (lowed with more promise than the victor at yesterday's schools' national athletics meet at the National Stadium. He is 14-year-old Royston Jalleh. who is three yean younger than the two boys
      394 words
    • 352 26 ResulU (Boys) Lower-ce-ecixUry: lC«m: 1 Lori Yeow Hool 2 Ng Kok Thiam 3 Lee Kin Heng 12.2. SMm: 1 Tan Ouan Heng 2 Low Sal Soon 3 Lan Hock Seng 2.08.5. 4x1 00m: 1 East Payoh 2 Raffles Institution 3 Woodsvllle 48.7. Secondary: 100 m: 1 Richard Scow
      352 words
    • 228 26 Indonesia beat Japan KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Tlmo Kapisa, the suort, dam inuonesian striker, sent Japan reeling to tneir nrst deleat In the Merdeka soccer tournament, with a twogoal blast at tne Meraetta. Stadium tonight Indonesia, trailing 0-1 at halitime, and completely overshadowed by we Japanese in the first naif, roared
      AFP  -  228 words
    • 33 26 Late CLASSIFIEDS DEATH MM. TAN NOOO KINO BH Tay Ou»t Bonn, af«d 71, paood iwi; peutfully on 18-T-TS. LMvine txhlnd bclovad hiubud, two •oni. four daufhten. two *on«-In-law. two daufhttra-ln-law and thra* inndcblMroa.
      33 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 513 26 If you want to be a success, it's really up to you. You're the one who has to make up your mind about what you can do Before you do, though, take a look at the Home Study courses available. There's no need to waste valuable time on travel to
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  • Page 26 Miscellaneous

  • Alfredo Bendini SUPPLEMENT
    • 3 27 Alfredo Bendini SUPPLEMENT
      3 words
    • 399 27  -  A Staff Writer By gINGAPORE's first Italian high fashion boutique for Him and Her opens on the first floor of the Lucky Plaza tomorrow. Stocked with exclusively tailored bridal gowns, suits, sportswear and qualitymade leathei pro- ducts, the boutique, an
      399 words
    • 334 27  - Perfection comes only after three fittings... By \T() suits of Alfredo Bendini's are made in 24 hours. Instead, they take ft least three fittings and definitely more than a week to complete. Reason: Mr. Bendini believes in exclusive perfection in the production of any of his fares which he conaiders
      334 words
    • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 232 28 QXE of the best Italian tailors who previously solved Hollywood stars, Mr. Ton i no De Vico, will be al the service of Singapore clients of the Alfredo Bendini His and Hers boutique. Mr. De Vico, winner of the prestigious Golden Scissors Award in
      232 words
    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 202 28 I Alfredo Bendini H Fashions Pte. Ltd. _^~~k i^F a __H^Br^ I 1 nn )O ul M^ te^ j I B__3g_U4_B____ l ____|_i______| B^^Sss^f bVIN FURNITURE _______k__________i INTEPNATONAL (PTE) LTD PHRHHH 282. Jalan Besar. Singapore 8 ■^^lj77f>J»l?fT<nfTßJ____M|B_______________| Tel: 2581 893/*****1 0 •__2__^__fiS_E_^_^_^____^_| The Contract Specialist for:— 111 1 X iHr
        202 words
      • 137 28 FONDAZIONE MAESTRELLI MILANO DIPLOMA The Golden Scissors diploma. Congratulations CC '< Compliments to i Alfredo Bendini j /rom BANCA NAZIONALE DEL LAVORO i B ran ches- Head Office Officw in South East $ia: London, New York, Madrid, Barcelona Via V. Veneto, 119 Rome Singapore: 1907-8, Robina House (International Department Shenton
        137 words
    • Page 29 Advertisements
        27 words
      • 32 29 r fniarvdl L'eleganza intima MARVEL S.p.a., BOLOGNA, ITALY. WITH COMPLIMENTS TO V Alfredo Bendini r V J TENNISPORT s. a. s. ITALPROGRAM (S) Pte. Ltd, SINGAPORE. WITH COMPLIMENTS TO V Alfredo Bendini
        32 words
    • Page 30 Advertisements
      • 167 30 Congratulations Best Wishes To Alfredo Bendini From Mr Mrs. BONG SUN ON aid Soi Daughter-in-law ir. Mrs. WONG KING TM kA Mr. Mrs. CHEA KOK ENG IXI MASTER TIMBER INDUSTRIES PTE. LTD. ft 3H *#(**/v)!i ffc£ «l C@/ BORNEO TIMBER (PTE) LIMITED 2614 International Ploxa, Anson Road, Singapore 2. Tel:
        167 words
      • 162 30 Congratulations Compliments to Alfredo Bendini from TECK HOCK TRADING C 0. f (PTE) LTD. No. 44-45, WALLICH STREET, SINGAPORE, 2. TEL: *****05, *****13 *****13 Ship-Chandlers, Marine, Estates, Mining Engineering Suppliers. Sole Agent: ANOFLEX Hydraulic Hoses, Industrial Hoses, Adaptors and Couplings. P. O. BOX 2766 CABLE ADDRESS: "FAREASBELT" SINGAPORE TELEX: RS
        162 words
    • 1031 31  -  SPECIAL WRITER NATIONAL DAY POLISH PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC;Special feature By I N the inter-war period, Poland was among those poorly developed countries whose national income amounted to USS2OO-250 per capita (according to the value of the dollar at the end of the
      1,031 words
    • 206 31 THE Polish People's Republic is situated in Central Europe. It has an area of 312.677 square kilometres (7th largest In Europe) and population of 35.000,000 (1977). Poland for centuries has served as a bridge between Eastern and Western Europe as well as between Scandinavia and
      206 words
    • Page 31 Advertisements
      • 134 31 Our Best Wishes to Poland on their National Day provide BiG rB complete range of H MHN I machine tools tor the I Wl metal working sector iijffi l/mJ I m III L ill ff Metal expo* l power P reB8 n a^ m*.-l t,J I Sl stroke operation. "F^l
        134 words
    • 890 32 Towards closer economic ties with other countries SOCIO economic strategy of Poland's development, realised after 1970, provides for a widespread expansion of economic cooperation with foreign countries, especially through foreign trade and industrial cooperation. Soon the share of exports in Poland's national Income will be as high as 25 per
      890 words
    • 235 32 FILM production in Poland has traditions dating back long ago but its prestige and international reputation are the result of the last thirty years. Such Polish films as A Generation. Ashes and Olamonds, and Canal by Andrzej Wajda and Man on the Track and Erolca
      235 words
    • Page 32 Advertisements
      • 364 32 Congratulations Best Wishes To The Government People of POLAND "POLAMP "BRAND ELECTRIC LAMP BULBS Domestic and Industrial. w X Sole Agent I HAMBURG ENTERPRISES ■pj Room 804, Bth Floor. OG Buildinfl, 100. Upper Cro*s Street. Singapore 1. WtfiJ Te1: 431 824. *****4 MAIN IMPORTERS LIM SENG SOON ELECTRIC CO. PTE.
        364 words
      • 83 32 CONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES TO THE GOVERNMENT PEOPLE OF POLAND ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR NATIONAL DAY from KARELIECH (PTE) LTD. Rm 1001 aY I*lo. 10th Floor. International Plata. 10, Anaon Road. Singapore 2 Tetopaoao: ***** M TELEX: KASEL R8 24M8 Congratulations Be.t Wishes To The People and Government of Poland
        83 words
      • 123 32 ii 1 Congratulations Best Wishes to The Government People of Poland on their NATIONAL DAY from \|ji HOCK ANN MARINE SUPPLY 80, Cross Street, Singapore 1 Tel: *****24, *****20. I t j Congratulations Best Wishes to The Government People of Poland on their NATIONAL DAY from RO-RO MARINE SUPPLY CO.
        123 words
    • 349 33 rpHE Polish chemi- cal industry employs 329,000 people working In nearly 400 plants. 11 departmental scientific Institutes and 11 branch centres. Inorganic chemistry serves as the basis for Polish plants processing sulphur and salt and pro ducing fertilisers The inorganic chemistry sector
      349 words
    • 676 33 YN the early post-war M. years the Polish marltime potential, 70 per cent of which had been ruthlessly destroyed during the Second World War, was completely reconstructed and Its expansion and modernisation was subsequently started. After 1970, due to the huge Investment outlays, work was
      676 words
    • Page 33 Advertisements
      • 99 33 Congratulations 6- Best Wishes to the GOVERNMENT PEOPLE OF POLAND on their NATIONAL DAY from rV7S3P\ KILIMANJARO TRADING CO. (PTE) LTD. |T""Vr^J|^/ Ro«m 2108, 21 tt Floor, Shtnton Houit, l\ VCll^ 3, Shanton Woy. Singopor* 1 TIL: *****84 (3 Lm.t, CAill ADO: "KILIMAN" TELIX: RS ***** A/I KILIMAN. to tfie
        99 words
      • 80 33 HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS A BEST WISHES TO THE GOVERNMENT PEOPLE OF POLAND ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR NATIONAL DAY from SIS lEARINCS (S) FIE LTD. 367/371/373, SERANOOON ROAD SINOAPORE 8. TEL: *****65. *****59. ***** M (5 LINES) Congratulations Best Wishes to the Government and People of POLAND on their National Day
        80 words
    • Page 34 Advertisements
      • 108 34 If you think it's impossible to have a tape that always has the right frequency; a head cleaner; jam-free device a wider felt pad MaxelL will change your mind With maXßll tapes you can have ail these problems solved plus the new epitaxial magnetic particle which can really give you
        108 words
    • Page 34 Miscellaneous
      • 38 34 THE BMILaSEiL I II 11^ I f AH--HERE'S I SLUGGO AND I HAD A BiG Fi©hT---| I I'LL WRITE HIM AN APOLOGY SNiFP I HOPE THE PERPUME wont disappear By the r^ /<■ TIME IT'S DELIVERED/ ff "~~V —^rx\
        38 words
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        65 words
      • 199 34 MODESTY AvtfTAm>4.~ V^\ WWSN SLAIS* AND MARVIN "N I RiACM TMC OSMPCZ- VCUS I TONIBMT A OOZSN O* y I V **N WILL M LMNft I L_^^^ I p^ —^gg An hou* Btecxre miphisht. OL f IS ALL 1 |0^fl UA^/ie ffov Tut I VVMCN VUSUF SPBINBS (^^4^^~ A TMAP
        199 words
        54 words
      • 136 34 U y'CMV C* TURKISH I &LOWLY AND DST*E£S'M6LV-.T^^^PFM I OfTAILS OP WWICU WILL J X- JH LATEB KMAO« KNOWN X JBr/V s TO THg UNOVtWOKLDy' fmf MORTAR ARE "f^fX^" 1 I r 1 9[ BfTiiJ^osr™~'^B ■v r^ffl *ii.Tcrnjßi&... ■if f ANOX-MUNr-RtO TWOLiSAND PCAO m\l 1 M k. CN-eiON I no
        136 words
      • 90 34 I" nbvm miss an o^otrvnrry\ I TO MAKI AM IXAMFIt Of ■kjl *I*TA«L« «WSONS...«M# 'ST»«KBv»ywMo<TO y $«N{> TVI TRUCK AWAvNf £MWfl\ ■KW AND WARM TW« MKN T MM' I re regain Aiimr- JM* If A BtAISB AND OARVIN ARB /#i VB*V CAST ANT V«l»y/ f I I Jj jflTjlli soLcr-SPUT
        90 words
    • Page 35 Advertisements
      • 612 35 THE MASTER OF HOBBY KITS Rkjntdown to the lost detail. Monogram kits are engineered with the features that modelers want most detail ...realism quality. ■a^HMßft^^^^^^^BßßW F-16 Flghl.r A-4E Skyhawk F-14A Tomcat «V A-10 Fslrchlld F-15E» fl l» F-SETIgarN F-104SUrHgMar Univon(Pte)Ltd Singapore. Telephone *****55. C&E PUTS ITS 16 YEARS KNOW
        612 words
    • Page 35 Miscellaneous
      • 58 35 sfcJ^^^O^^^*V mnm^s: B^B^^Bclst TXsT MASOTH LtAPf/r TUKNS I I^'rKv^Bßßl St/00**it.Y to srAirt sxymvtP. \~r 7 tt; r-*??V^* J oe I*X\- i ?U&y v 1 CAN'T YOU SEE J "">>/. I'M NOT REAOY J (-um> \f ljsten' I've been living were for twenty S«>rt YEARS ANO 1 DOMT DO TVIINGS TIU-
        58 words
      • 100 35 mSU oacra /s T/tAMSM/rret? BlbbbW' "^^nr^v. "^vi^b^bbbx BjA C ilTt imm Fm^« Svastan i*v^B9 1 MONEY MY KITCHEN SINK UVU V <sfo J IS CuOfiGEO- -COaLD MDv PuEASE tfifc^L > COME TAKE A LOOK AT IT? r"'^^-2»^^ WEU-, ARENT VOO GONMA COIN Ks/ > ANOLOCX ATTW6SINK? WMEN <->^i. VOUO BETTER
        100 words
      • 5 35 VB^ [6WtJ&&/ r^^^^p^s*^^^^^^^^^J™T araT I
        5 words
      • 46 35 "I lived with down-and-outs to gat the correct foaling of what It waa like, wrote a play, couldni sell It, now I'm down and out." I v (TtH HUP "No It's not heavy, Mrs Bellamy. It's empty and has boon for months." ~Zandva i/A o voo/v/^
        46 words
      • 9 35 "A Sit OP BAT WING- A anj owl Ev^7^rrvfl
        9 words
    • Timescope ... Women ... Timescope ... Women ... Timescope ... Women ... Timescope ...
      • 612 36 tXDR a girl who is r Singapore's teenqueen for a year, Pamela Woodford, 17, has the graces to help her pass for a :alrytale princess. She appears to be unaffected, sp o n taneous, unpretentious and obliging, if the heat of the day bothered her or
        612 words
    • Page 36 Advertisements
      • 237 36 Convenient CORNING WARE. Prepare, cook, serve store all in the same dish The most unique cookware in the world comes in three exciting designs Blue Cornflower, Spice O' Life and new Wildflower. Corningware saves you so much time and effort because it goes from your coldest freezer directly onto your
        237 words
        12 words
      • 185 36 OIVI I LEI jf^S YOU ARE ON 10V j And you can't go wrong. Ml "'^^Kb^bWS Because Se/sun is effective %2 CAT -_^T I in controlling dandruff. Ji MjUW' aAaßttA't It is the one-action dandruff preparation L y W that stops itch. \^^t^^ l\ SeJsun medicated solution treats and cleans
        185 words