The Straits Times, 11 July 1978

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 471 1 40 km withdrawal from Thai frontier BANGKOK, Monday KHMER Rouge divisions on the Thai border have pulled back in recent weeks up to 40km or more inside Kampuchea, intelligence sources said today. The withdrawal, which analysts said appeared to have several objectives, has lessened frontier
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  • 289 1  -  LEE THIAN SOO By WHEN Mr. Derrick Tf De Souza, 51, bared his left arm for his 100 th blood donation yesterday, watching him from the next bed was his 21 -year-old daughter Gerardine recuperating from her 10th. IVfr. De Souza. a senior
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  • 164 1 Army seizes power in Mauritania ALGIERS. Monday ARMY officers seized power in the desert Republic of Mauritania today in a dawn coup, ousting staunchly proWestern President Moktar Ould Dudriah. Troops entered the Presidential palace shortly before six a.m. and arrested the 54-year-old President, one of Africa's most long established leaders,
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 34 1 TAIPEH. Mon. The N«tionalut Chinese Government will revalue its currency, the new Taiwan dollar, from S8 to UStl to 36 to U8«l effective from Thursday, the Ministry of Finance announced today UPI
    UPI  -  34 words
  • 42 1 NEW YORK. Mon Dow Jones averages, based on first hour of trp.-lln* on the New York Stock Exchange. 30 Indus. *****. off 0 70: 30 trans. 218.49. up 0.24: 15 utll ***** off 014: 65 stocks. 280.86. off 0.11. UPI.
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 2690 1  - LEE TO HUSSEIN: A WELL DESERVED VICTORY BILL CAMPBELL By in Kuala Lumpur But it had not been easy going for the Front ASEAN will be able to move steadily forward Into more areas of co-operation with the re-election of the Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Hussein bin Onn in Saturday's
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  • 48 1 CHICAGO. Mon. Police reported 65 people arrested during a Nazi rally of brown-shirted -Storm Troopers" an* a counter demonstration But a ring of 1.500 riot police Iceot rival grouos apart and there wu none of the large-scale violence feared by 1 official*. Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 83 1 ISLAMABAD. Mon One of lour men sentenced to death along with deposed Prime Minister Zulfikar All Bhutto in a political murder case admittea complicity today but said the killing was done on Bhutto ,s orders •I am quite conscious v.l the (act tnat I am
    AP  -  83 words
  • 314 1 LATEST 'Trials won't affect Salt' WASHINGTON. Mon. The IS is determined to work with the Soviet I'nion on a new Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (Salt) despite the trials of Soviet dissidents. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance said today. Rejecting any idea of postponing nrgotla tlons this week in Geneva. Mr.
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 54 1 THE public offer of five million shares In United Overseas Finance, a subsidiary of United Overseas Bank, has been oversubscribed by more than 27 times. The offer at $150 per (1 share received applications for 137.18 million shares when It closed yesterday. Allotment will take place at Shlng
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  • 62 1 MELBOURNE Mon. Six people died when a light aircraft .skimmed across a busy aipxirt highway and ploughed through three here today, police reported A police spokesman said the six dead were all members of the same family who Jived in the house that took the
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 678 1  - Survey: Capital export helps the US LEE KIM CHEW By THK popular argument that American investments overseas deprive workers of their jobs in the United States has been debunked by an exhaustive study just concluded by an authoritative and independent research body. The report, on the effects of US corporate
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  • 176 1 Romulo to US: Our alliance under stress MANILA. Mon. The Philippines' alliance with the United States Is under stress, Philippine Foreign Minister Carlos Romulo told the newly arrived American ambassador here tonight His speech was the latest Philippine salvo against the United States following a heated row last month over
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 70 1 Give her something _^M she'll remember MIKIMOTO |S^^l CULTURED B^^^*" Official Distributors W M G.C. DE SILVA M\ (PTE) LTD. JEWELLERS G 14. THE GALLERY. I STRAITS TRADING BUILDING |&V^H 9 BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE 1 HjHhJi TEL: *****5 The world's most comprehensive SWreceiver FMI-2/LW/MW/SWI-29deluxe r 33 band portable receiver incorporating
      70 words
    • 88 1 CABARET GIRL ON TRIAL FOR MURDER Page 8 ISRAEL -no' to Egypt peace plan, 'yes' to London talks 3 BILINGUALISM: 'Practise it or Chinese will decline' 7 US Customs to probe that textile .subsidy claim 15 STIDENTS told: No bond, no degree 21 Causeway Page 11 comics S CROSSWORD 9
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    • 179 1 VISUAL TRAINING is 600 D for Is? v *^S weak. uncomfortable eyes mc progressive myopia premature old sight Consult: C.S. CHONG O.U. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. I*. CHULU STRUT, SING A POKE 1. (No Connection with an Optical Firm toorinf our timilor nornr 1 No shaver could ever get as At
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 282 2 Aussie trade future in Asia, says Hayden SYDNEY, Mon AUSTRALIA'S Opposition Labour Party leader Bill Hayden returned here today from a month-long Asia tour and said he was convinced that Australia's trading future lay In Asia. Mr Hayden said Asia's growing economic development and large markets made it ideal for
      Reuter  -  282 words
    • 52 2 SAGA (Japan,. Mon. A 1.900-year-old earthen replica of an ancient Dotaku bronze bell was recently found by Japanese archaeologists at Wakamlya on Japan's southernmost main island of Kyushu. Saga prefectural authorities said u>day Believed to the oldest earthenware unearthed In Japan the eight cm bell Is made of
      AFP  -  52 words
    • 69 2 SYDNEY, Mon. Australian state and federal health authorities confirmed late yesterday they had identified the oyster bacterium which caused food poisoning across Australia last week, but are still unable to pinpoint the source. Meanwhile, Federal Minister for Primary Industry, Kevin Sinclair, will continue a total export ban
      UPI  -  69 words
    • 67 2 NEW YORK. Mon. The United States is trylng to better relations with Angola to reduce that country's reliance on Cuba and the Soviet Union, the New York Times reported today The US initiative begun last month with a threeday visit to Angola by envoy Donald McHenry aimed
      AFP  -  67 words
    • 211 2 MANILA, Mon. Survivors of yesterday's Manila movie complex fire which killed ifi people, said today on-lookers looted the flre scene or broke into hospitals and robbed the victiir.s of their last possessions, including identification cards. At least one woman, who
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    • 111 2 PORT MORESBY, Men. Several hundred university students demonstrated outside the Indonesian Embassy here today to protest about Indonej.lan milltaiy operations along Papua New Guinea's northern border. The students demanded an end to Indonesian bombing along the border and intrusion into Papua New Oulnea by Indonesian
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 58 2 Docking in space MOSCOW. Mon. An unmanned Soviet spacecraft carrying fuel and supplies docked yesterday with the orbitin? station Salyut-6. Tass news agency reported. The* cargo craft. Pro-gress-2, was launched from Soviet central Asia on Friday following the path of six other manned and unmanned spaceships which have docked with
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 316 2 TOP CARTER ADVISER FORECASTS: HONGKONG. Moil. r-hina anri thp Tlnitpd China and the unuea States are moving towards a significant expansion of scientific and technological exchanges which should produce increased trade opportuniUes, according to Pie S 0"161" 8 tOP science adviser. Dr
      UPI  -  316 words
    • 174 2 THE Japanese Society of Aero space Companies said today it planned to send a mission to Peking later this year to discuss possible cooperation with China in the commercial aircraft industry. The 12-member team would include officials from 11 firms, including Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Ishikawajima-Hariraa Heavy Industries.
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    • 113 2 TOKYO, Mon. industry mission three years ago presented a iht of desired weapons, including tanks, warplanes, missile systems, air command control devices such as ground* radar, and anti-sub-marine planes. Commenting on the Kyodo report, officials at the International Trade and Industry Ministry said they were not
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 70 2 HONGKONG, Mon China will open shops in Kwangtunc and Fukien provinces catering exclusively to families oi Chinese living abroad, a Hongkong communist new*- paper reported today. Wen Wei Pao, quit- mr Peking's official < Hsinbua News Agency, I did not rive any details. Most overseas Chinese are
      AP  -  70 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 346 2 GOLD J STAR Cl l Gold Star has long been a household name in jfl BFvy \isß «\§r V Korea. Nearly every Korean home can boast of at \.^^B W\\> wr r m least one product from the Gold Star range of IPi^^ household appliances and sound equipment. V J
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    • 145 3 'ISRAELI OFFICIALS BEHIND MONDALE DEMOS' NEW YORK, Mon. High-ranking Israeli officials held "Mondale go nome demonsuuUons during tne vicepresident's recent visit to Israel, Tune magazine said today. Time says In Its current Issue that on one occasion a police truck was used to transport demonstrators to different spots along Mr.
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 396 3 'No' to Egypt peace plan, 'yes' to London talks Dayan to meet Kamel JERUSALEM, Monday THE Israeli Cabinet rejected Egypt's latest peace proposals yesterday as completely unacceptable, but agreed to send Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan to London to resume direct talks with the Egyptians for the first time in six
      Reuter; AP  -  396 words
    • 52 3 KUWAIT. Mon. Member countries of the Arab "Steadfastness Front," opposed to Egyptian peace moves, have refused to pay their dues to the Arab League for 1978 until the league's headquarters are removed from Cairo to another Arab capital, the Kuwait daily Al Anbaa reported today from
      AFP  -  52 words
    • 53 3 LONDON, Mon. Former Iraqi Premier General Abdul Razak Naif died in hospital today after being shot in the head by a gunman as he left a hotel here yesterday. The general, 44, was shot as he was climbing into a taxi outside the Intercontinental Hotel In London's plush
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 42 3 TOKYO. Mon. Prime Minister Takeo Pukuda will visit Iran. Etrvpt and Saudi Arabia between Sept 5 and 13. the government announced today. This win be the first visit to West Asian countries by a Japanese prime minister.
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    • 224 3 Eight out of 10 Indians against prohibition NEW DELHI, Mon. The sale of all alcoholic drinks. Including beer, will be prohibited in India from 1980 if the wishes of austere octogenarian Indian Prime Minister Morarji. Uesai are realised. But this prospect does not enthuse the 650 million Indians whose destinies
      AFP  -  224 words
    • 69 3 KUWAIT. Mon South Yemeni Foreign Minister Muhammad Salih Mutl was quoted here today as saying his Marxist government was ready to open a dialogue with the United States The Kuwaiti newspaper Al Qabas quoted him a* saying South Yemen's new rulers, who seized power in a
      AFP  -  69 words
    • 31 3 ISLAMABAD. Mon. Some 110 people have been killed and nearly 100 Injured In floods caused by torrential rains in various parts or Afghanistan, Radio Kabul reported today. AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 166 3 LONDON, Mon. A gentleman always has highly polished shoes, carries his handkerchief in his cuff and smokes his cigar with I the band on, states a book published today. It Is written by Major Douglas Sutherland, an author and ex-gos-sip columnist who has spent
      Reuter  -  166 words
    • 92 3 EVEN the most seasoned of politicians j have reacted to point-bank bombardment of questions by pressmen with a fair amount of sweat. But Egyptian President Sadat (left) and Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky (by Mr. Sadat's side) have not really sue- cumbed to such verbal artillery
      UPI  -  92 words
    • 363 3 BANGKOK, Monday fORMER Prime Minister Kukrit Pramoj has said here he intends standing for Parliament in Thailand's forthcoming general election and will revive his Social Action Party (SAP). All political parties have been banned since a military coup in October 1976 ended a threeyear
      Reuter  -  363 words
    • 265 3 'Soviet aim for a Red world' NEW YORK, Monday IHE Soviet Union will not be satisfied until the whole world becomes communist, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein has reportedly said in a Newsweek Interview. In its forthcoming issue, the American news weekly said Mr. Hussein, until recently a staunch Soviet ally,
      AP  -  265 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 229 3 /fcs^""'^ A very special lunch. A buffet m j table of French provincial m f dishes, contrasted with r Bk I A some local dishes. A delicious spread so that A I you can enjoy it with J good friends. m I It's made more special m I by the
      229 words
    • 448 3 EAST COAST HILL Nut to Kstang Stivww Pstact/Uppsr Eist Coast Road Located on elevated land in Katong Luxurious split-level houses facing the sea With individual front and rear gardens EAST COAST HILL stands on a 20-acre site off Upper East Coast Road which Is about 195 feet above sea-level affording
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    • 177 4 Two get15 years each for spying for Hanoi ALEXANDRIA (Vlrgli\ nia), Mon— A former federal employee and a Vietnamese expatriate were sentenced on Friday to serve 15 years In prison on charges they spied for communist Vietnam. US District Judge Albert Bryan sentenced each of the two men to two
      AP  -  177 words
    • 98 4 WASHINGTON, Mon. The United States plans to dig thousands of empty holes to try to conceal the true location of Its land-based Intercontinental ballistic missiles, the Washington Post reported yesterday. The newspaper, quoting government sources, said the scheme would involve moving live
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 51 4 STI'RGEON today, caviar tomorrow Soviet fishermen at a collective (arm in the Guryev region harvesting sturgeon from the I'ral River. Soviet figures credit the farms of the region with selling some 10.000 tonnes of sturgeon, thr fish from which "black gold," caviar, is extracted. AP
      AP  -  51 words
    • 256 4 BONN. Mon CHANCELLOR Helmut Schmidt said yesterday that West Germany was ready to boost the world economy provided other countries did the same. But he left open whether Bonn would announce measures to do this at the summit of the world's leading noncommunist nations being
      Reuter  -  256 words
    • 259 4 Manila's trade with Asean up 20 pc last year ilifhNILA, Mon. PhlI*l llpplne's total trade with its partners in Asean amounted to US$3B7 26 million i *****.57 million) last year, an increase of about 20 per cent over 1976, Trade Ministry statistics showed today. The share of the other Asean
      Reuter  -  259 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 230 4 \//S^ I WATCH REF. ***** AC Automatic. Day/Date, Water Resistant. V Insist On U Guarantee Card A With h Purchase! J? f?ICOM SERVICE CENTRES SINGAPORE :3 B Chow Housa. Robinson Road KUALA LUMPUR 39 Jaten P^taling JAKARTA 105 Paur Baru HONGKONG Lap H*n« Houm, Ground Floor. 50 Gloucester Road Wk
      230 words

  • 442 5 Need to protect citizens from mishaps •Law should be usedif persuasion fails' TMIK Health Minister, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, yesterday stressed that legislatures must l>e prepared to protect ordinal y citizens from accidents when persuasion failed to do so. He said: "Daredevils and the foolhardy are a class unto themselves
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  • 112 5 THE Health Minister. Dr. Toh Chin Chye. yesterday said that skateboarding, which was banned by the government recently, is a dangerous sport that put 188.000 injured youngsters In American hospitals for treatment last year. Dr. Toh said that in the United States, skateboards were the
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  • 276 5 'Seat belt the key to cutting road crash injuries' rE Dromotion of seat oeus or occupant restraint is the single m^st imoortant coun-ter-measure in helping to reduce the severity of injuries in road crashes, according to an Australian surgeon and expert on road saiety. In an Interview yesterday. Mr. Gordon
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  • 97 5 SHANGRI-LA GETS SEVEN BLESSINGS SHANGRI-LA Hotel, which recently extended Its number of rooms by 165. was blessed seven times yesterday. In a simple ceremony, seven religious leaders of different denominations dedicated the $23 million extension the Garden Wing as a haven for travellers. In his speech, the general manager of
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  • 69 5 MR V Rajagopal has been elected president of the Singapore Interpreters and Translators Union while Mr Dixon Chew and Mr Aziz Mustajab were elected vicepresidents Other officials are Mr P Kunjunni Nair (general secretary). Miss Zalnah binti Mahmood (asst general secretary* and Mr Bashlr bin Mohamad Basalamah general
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  • 125 5 ANITA'S COOL DISPLAY OF SKATING WITHOUT ICE WITH the trace of a ballerina and the skills of an acrobat, ice-skater Anita Clement (left) glides across the rink. Bnt one thine is misting the ICE. Anita, 19. from Switzerland, was demonstrating the latest sport in skating Go-Skating at the nrw Leisure
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  • 256 5 Courtesy: It depends on the people THE three-month-ltng courtesy campaign, which has Jurt ended, can only achieve the initial objective of instilling courtesy consciousness among the people, but the ultimate objective of making it a way of lile depends entirely on the people themselves, a Singapore Airport Terminal Services official
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 98 5 savoury Singaporean dishes like Buah Keluak Ayam, Fried Kang Kong, Hainanese Mutton Soup, Fried Beef Kuey Teow. For dessert, try something delightfully different like Bobur Cha-Cha or Gula Malacca. In the evenings, there's seafood chillied crabs, steamed prawns. Really fresh and good. Our Satay is reputed to be the best
      98 words
    • 235 5 When you go to buy a that you have to spend more X A 7*e won't tell you how colour TV, you're look- money. W impressive they are. ing for a perfectly clear pic- DON'T LISTEN TO THEM We'll just invite you to ture, true-to-life colour, and compare them with
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  • 303 6 THE prosecution yesterday closed its case against Oopal Chandra Kar Choudhury. 53. former Ben and Company Pf> Ltd. chairman, who faces eight charges under the Companies Act, at the end of a 15-day hearing in a district rourt. Today, the court will hear submissions from Mr.
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  • 158 6 CORONER Khoo Oon Soo recorded a suicide verdict yesterday on the death of Ladamuthu Radasamy, 63, who jumped from a Mock of flats In Hoy Fatt Road on May 19. The court heard evidence that Ladamuthu had just returned from India where he
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  • 313 6 A LOVE for cook- ing brought about this delightful meeting of the mothers of two Asean leaders in Singapore yesterday. A beaming Mrs. Lee Chin Koon (left), mother of Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, is seen about to present her int c m
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  • 41 6 THE Blood Donation Centre at the Singapore Gener U Hospital will be open on Sunday between 8.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. The centre received 1.299 units of blood last week and gave B<l2 units for blood transfusions.
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  • 13 6 SHB.E Narayana Mission will hold its annual flag day on Saturday.
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  • 503 6 r«HANGI Airport will use the Microwave Landing System (MLS) by 1995, the year the Intel national Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has set as the target date for which the MLS will operate worldwide. It will replace the conventional Instrument Landing System (ILSt which is
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  • 236 6 Airlines against airport tax move AIRLINES are opposing a Department of Civil Aviation's proposal that they collect airport fax when issuing tickets instead of doing It at the airport check-in counter. They say the move would Increase their administrative costs and up considerable capital in the bulk purchase 01 airport
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  • 27 6 THE United States International Marketing Centre is organising a communications equipment exhibition at its premises in Somerset Road today from 5.30 p.m. to 7 p.m
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  • 186 6 rE Minister for National Development. Mr. Urn Kirn San will start off the Half Marathon Jog 1978 at the National Stadiu.n. Kallang, on Sunday at 630 a.m. The jog, organised by the Jogging Association Singapore, will have a 21.1-km route which Includes Stadium Road.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 282 6 HO COME TO TANG'S "ftTifKlltr iflvT&Ji S~T~, ikli improvement FAIR />Orf\ I Floor /•>/ HA *jlk I I W4Rt INDOOR POT Mil 0/ocks^^^^ J^ia]*^ plants Wm Decker m^^^^^m of planes for the home Ac J=« f^j PRICE RANGING FROM ®t%s» UUL to $80.00 **I§|C DS9OM^ M in Ki< IRON POT
      282 words
    • 84 6 ii 9 I 1 Writes with liquid ink Makes easy copies Has a marathon writing length of 2000 metres Available at stationers and department stores. Marketed byM.PRAGER(PTE)LTD Tel *****31/2 Pltmans put your career first Pltmans futnuas postal courses are designed, to push your career ahead f.isl iilh a cnotCff selecUun
      84 words

  • 584 7 Teachers' union's call to govt THK Singapore x Chinese Middle School Teachers 1 Union lias said that (.'hiiH'so education and the Chinese language will have no real social status if bilingualism is not widely practised in society now. It will be meaningless to
    584 words
  • 215 7 A DISTRICT court yesterday sentenced a former section manager o? Singapore Airp o rt Terminal Services (Sats), Soon Kai Chor. 58, to nine months' jail for corruptly obtaining $19,320 from an engineering firm. He had pleaded guilty on Saturday to accepting the money
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  • 200 7 Seminars planned for top execs of foreign firms PLANS are underway t» hold seminars (or too executives of new foreign firms here to help them learn about the labour conditions in Singapore. The seminars arr cart of Ihe |OvetnDi rnt's strategy to maintain thr strike-free atmosDhere. i'lans are bein X
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  • 39 7 SINGAPORE Jaycees will hold the JCI National Officers' Training School at the Apollo Hotel on Au« 12 and 13. The two-day weekend school will be attended by *n estimated total of SO local and foreign Jaycees officers.
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  • 263 7 A FORMER shipping clerk set up a bogus snipping company and cheated his employers of »jib,j4i Ud by channelling false freight charges into this company, a district court heard yesterday. Eric Ang Yeok Whee, 26, pleaded guilty to 130 cnarges of
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  • 83 7 VOSPER Singapore shipyard In Tanjong Rhu has won a $10 million contract to build five vessels for the Kuwaiti Government. The vessels two 32metre supply craft and three 17-metre fast patrol craft will be delivered to the Kuwaiti i Coastguard. The supply craft,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 229 7 The international trade mark. Overseas Containers Limited was formed by four and a world leader in international trade, and in the process famous British shipping lines to concentrate centuries of is helping to shape the patterns of worldwide distribution experience in maritime trading into a modern system of Serving over
      229 words

  • 399 8 LOCAL shipyards yesterday hit out at Sln g a pore shipowners who ordered vessels from foreign yards, saying that owners should change their attitudes towards shipyards here and the quality of ships by them. The yards said that the shipping firms, especially those
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  • 210 8 Advertisement Does Poor English LetYOU Down? A GOOD COMMAND OF ENGLISH can ensure success in your present job—improve your chances of promotion and increase your earning power. You can acquire it quickly and easily. When you can talk fluently and effectivelywrite clearly and con cisely, you impress your your customers
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  • 41 8 PIANIST Yu Chun Yee will give a recital at DBS Auditorium on July 27 at 8 30 p.m. Tickets, to be available at the National Theatre, Cold Storage and C.K. Tang, are at $12, $10. $8. $5, and $3.
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  • 474 8 Cabaret girl on trial for murder A TEENAGED cabaret girl, accused of murdering a nightclub trolley maid, alleged that her boyfriend "cheated her for two-and-a-half years" by continuing his affair with the maid although he had said on three occasions that they had broken up. "Lee Ah Muay (the trolley
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  • 119 8 FOREMAN ON $200 BRIBE CHARGE A FOREMAN of a shipbuilding firm was yesterday charged in a magistrate's court with taking a $200 bribe from a partner of sub-contractor's firm as a favour for being lenient in the supervision of workers. Wong Peng Sang. 43. pleaded not guilty to accepting the
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  • 55 8 MOHAMED Maideen bin Mohamed Hanifta. 21. was committed for trial In the High Court by a magistrate at the end of a preliminary trial yesterday. He was charged with murdering Griffin bin Ahmad at 327 Upper Buklt Tlmah Road on Feb 11 at 9.10 p.m. There are
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  • 23 8 THE National Museum will screen three dims on New Zealand at its theatrette tomorrow at 8 p.m. Admission is free.
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  • 288 8 Girl, 5, dies in fall from sixth-floor flat AFiVK-YEAII-OLD girl fell to her death from a sixthfloor tlat in I pp c r Boon Keng Kual yesterdaj after her «randmothrr left hrr to pick up a dress which had dropped to the ;round floor. Falling throu.-.h the kitchen window, the
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  • 39 8 THE Science Centre will screen two films on "Catalysis" and "Equilibrium" today and two more films." "Oil our Hidden Wealth" and "The Big Deep" on Friday at the centres teaching laboratory from 4 p.m. to S pm
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 299 8 We would like to odvise that the Management, Advertisement, f jS ""N Accounts, g~ 0 J\ Personnel, S~ X DlWllSlWWyBhd Purchasing departments fr\\ s ~f of Times Publishing Berhad are now V VJ>NL_^/ J located at s Times Centre 1 New Industrial Road Singapore 19 off Upper Paya Lebar Road
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 292 9 Till*. haw Society of Singapore has submitted ;i list of recommendations to the Ministry of National Development on how certain inequities existing in the commercial property market can be rectified. Disclosing this yesterday, the society's vice-president. Miss Phyllis Tan, declined to Kive details, saying
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  • 41 9 A TALK in Malay on the literary textbook. Mail mau kahwin (Mail wants to get married), will be given by Encik Suratman Markasan. a specialist adviser, at the Queenstcwn branch library lecture room on July 21 at 3 pm
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  • 91 9 MANILA ENVOY FOR NEW POSTING THE Philippines' envoy to blnfapore, Mr. Delfln Garcia (above), will leave fora new posting early next month, a Philippine Embassy official here said yesterday. Mr. Garcia, a veteran diplomat and dean of the local diplomatic and consular corps, has represented his country here since 1971.
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  • 51 9 TWO men last night beat up a taxi driver. Mr. Tan Qui Boon. 43. before robbing mm ,t his night's taking of $24 near the junction of Island View Road and dementi Avenue. The driver, who was not seriously hurt was later treated at the Singapore General
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  • 148 9 k USTRALIAB Minister i\ for immigration and Ethnic Affairs. Mr. Michael Mackellar. will arrive tonight for talks with the Minister of Home Affairs and Education. Mr. Chua Stan Chin, and the Foreign Minister. Mr. S. Rajaratnam. on the Indochlnese refugee problem. His visit here
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  • 92 9 rE National Development Ministry is building a 74-heotare park at South Buona Vista Road as a new tourist attraction. A 10- hectare section of U.e park is expected to be completed in March next. This section will have footpaths, about 400 flowering and shady trees and
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  • 180 9 Singapore will have five new cinemas SINGAPORE Is to have five new cinemas. Including two which are expected to open within a month The Cathay Organisation is to build three theatres, one each in Ang Mo Kio. Bedok and Telok Blangah New Town. Two other theatres are expected to be
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  • 65 9 THE Senior Minister of State (Education). Mr. Chai Chong Yli. and his wife will be guests of honour at the Fan-field Methodist Girls School Founders Day dinner at Shangri-La Hotel on Aug 4 The school will celebrate Its 90th anniversary this year and. among other things. will
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  • 499 9 Judge grants hell rider's plea not to seize m-cycle A DISTRICT judge yesterday disallowed a prosecution application to seize a motorcycle used for racing on public roads after the rider pleaded with the judge not to "punish" nls friend who had lent him the machine. "Punish me. Your Honour but
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 19 9 f&<LINGUAPHONEfc LANGUAGE COURSES Now available from £lfil DISTRIBUTORS \23jlsdn.bhd. Tel: *****4/*****2 Linguaphone's proven by 4,000,000 successes in 36 languages.
      19 words
    • 491 9 ADLER SE 1000 CD.^^^^^^y^rlS^^ng Technical perfection^ and unsurpassed ease of operation make it The World's No. 1 "Golf Ball' Typewriter! Everything that Adler has learned about designing and building quality typewriters is showcased in the new SE-1000 CD. This superior engineered machine has more advanced features and refinements than
      491 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 274 9 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS rled. with water laid on? 1 Active corporation 1 (7). i S A tnraport Journalist, as 7 Can jnd must arrange a MaJvollc «aj (6i. private room (7). 9 Relative to| the date. 8 Monty's men abandon would 10 ult. be possible? those who abandon them
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 279 10 I •LIDO -SIMMY*. 15am: 1 Cash Book Now Stalls SI 50 Circle {2 50-No Free List You know, Denver's a good singer But then it's not everybody I who gets a chance to co star with God in his first picture. ITS AN ALMIGHTY LAUGH "^^^fafafc. ajj WCli# I A^afal
      279 words
    • 358 10 IPRINCE OPENS FRIDAY 14th| I (Tel *****38) 5 shows daily 11, 1.45, 4, 6.45, 9.15-No Free Ust I I 3 days advance CASH SALE OPENS TODAY for Circle Back Stalls afjVala^i^Pl^H ■fjjfVkafjffjfJaaaflaf'jßHi^l •^■^■^TRAVOLTA IF YOU'RE NOT SURE YOU KNOW HIM NOW, AFTER FRIDAY, YOU'LL SAY YOU ALWAYS DID. aaW^aW --BBaaal
      358 words
    • 384 10 C\ "i iT I BEFORE J AFTER J EVEN CHILDREN JOIN WEIGHT WATCHERS In 6 weeks Vladimir (Age 10) lost 13 lbs and says: "They don't call me Fatty anymore" For c-nquiriM: T.I. *****28/*****05 WBGHT MMCMERS WHOLESALER \f RETAILER The Easiest Way To |fe Distinguish Your Diamonds 9 Our latest
      384 words
    • 192 10 j SEASON ENDING Sli! HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! j 55th "STAR-RIFIC DAY! I SHOWS START: Ann ««t "STAR WARS" STARTS: < I 10.30. 1.15, 4.00. lU|k|lM 10.50, 1.35. 4.20. I 6.45 9.30 pm. WIjUIi 7.05 9.50 p.m. ADMISSION: $4.00. $2.50 &$1 50 (No Tmn Li«t) < The World's No. 1 Box-Off
      192 words
    • 590 10 ■■■■■i r 'OHCAWISOTION, '■J:ll.'[H»<.|lftii B I NOW SHOWING No Fr M Uatl i Mom 145 4 6 45. 915 1 SHAOLIN HAND LOCK MANDARIN in Sfope Colot Prmdenr On«nlnl SK^ 4 PRES DENT aj I I lam 145 4 6 45. 915 ORI 10 45 I 00 i 15. 7,
      590 words

  • 346 11 DAP to meet on Sunday to map out party strategy KUALA LUMPUR, Monday rjAP Members of Parliament and State Assemblymen will meet here on Sunday to map out a strategy aimed at strengthening the party's organisation. Its political bureau director. Mr. Lee Lam Thye. said the 15 MPs and 25
    346 words
  • 167 11 KIALA LIMPIR, Mon. The MP for Damansara Mr. V. David returns to his old constituency after a lapse of 14 years. He first went there, the consituency then known as Bungsar. in 1959 on a Labour Party ticket but lost it to DAP's Devan
    167 words
  • 50 11 WASHINGTON. Mon The World Bank announced today ll has approved a US$l7 million (S»3» million) loan for a population and family health project in Malaysia. The bank said the project alms at reducing Malaysia's birth rate from 30.3 per thousand to 26 per thousand J by 1985— AP
    AP  -  50 words
  • 127 11 HIGH COURT BARS QC FROM DEFENDING KIT SIANG KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. —The High Court here today barred admission of a Queen's Counsel to lead the defence for Mr. Lim Kit, Siar.g who faces trial on five charges under the Official Secrets Act Chief Justice S S. Gill dismissed the application
    AFP  -  127 words
  • 124 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. —An American specialist on foreign investment said today that multi-national corporations (MNCs i could help Asean to achieve industrial complementation. Dr. Jack Behrmen, who Is an authority on multinational enterprises and technology transfer was answering questions during a seminar on foreign Investment
    124 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 28 11 FOR 78'S LATEST SUMMER BREEZY STYLES HURRY TO ROLAND 2 SALONS TO SERVE YOU:107. PENANG ROAD 247, ORCHARD ROAD *****8 *****3 *****26 Join the beautiful people at ROLAND'S!
      28 words
    • 649 11 ON 1R A Oft NITFQ Reservations -^M wJL' '-JnV^if Lunch BusTnes" A. Usual \lhA\\ T^t£&&\tiG^™™*w£*& •I Luncn Business AS Usual j/O*IJJ jjrecordmg star from Taipei|B«lN DA ROSSjU f+ A m BP^r^"Ti PIERRE SUPER-VAC 2Pc Plastic %655-Hh^aSunglasses Ka^Hl Wlr W^ Wk cfeanw" 1 Sjiar Now A J tf^L 2iHA /from France-
      649 words

  • 356 12 The Straits Times TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1978 NEUTRAL COURSE THE long-promised visit to Bangkok by the Kampuchean Deputy Premier in charge of foreign affairs, Mr. leng Sary, is now expected to take place at the end of the week. Although dialogue between the governments of Bangkok and Phnom Penh has
    356 words
  • 303 12 TAIWAN'S race against time to develop Its economic strength as a means of survival is increasingly being put to the test. The threats are coming In from two fronts. The first is President Carter's Intention, made clearer in recent weeks, to downgrade his country's relationship with the Taiwan
    303 words
  • 873 12  - Solving the problems GEOGE SHORT By in London LET the figures speak for themselves: Last July, for IS* I, you could buy 2.3 West (German marks, or 2.4 Swiss francs, 1> French francs or 265 yen. One pound sterling was worth just over ISSI.T. This July, for I'Sll. you can
    Reuter  -  873 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 10 12 Hi SEIKO Someday all watches will be made this way.
      10 words
    • 467 12 THESE 40 LUCKY SUPERJET SAVERS ARE NOW SUPER BIKE RIDERS B—l2 YEARS OLD Yiong Mci Song UNDER 8 YEARS OLD Cher Meng Teck AngShen Blk 34, 67-C, Whampoa West, ChuaMeiYen Block 96, 384-P, Margaret Drive. 448-D, Blk 1 13, Lorong 1 Singapore 12. Block 3, 167-E Queen's Road, Singapore 3.
      467 words

    • 465 13 Recognise nurses' dedication THE letter "Why Nurses Are Unsung Heroes" cannot be disputed. It is time the nurses are recognised for their dedication under conditions which other workers shun. Most often, nurses face the brunt of abuse and accusations from patients who understandably, are easily irritable when they are 111.
      465 words
    • 285 13 Nothing heroic in doing one's duty MARGARET in her letter "Why I say Nurses are the t'nsunj Heroes" <ST, July 1) displays a strong bias. She has given a grossly unfair sketch of the teacher. She has chosen to disregard the fact that occupational hazards, suffering indignities and abuse from
      285 words
    • 108 13 A FAGE OF YOUR LETTERS RECENTLY, many Leyland made, wide bodied buses have been put Into service 164. Although mechanic ally sound, they are struc turally defective. On rainy days, this defect is realised. Leaks occur as continuous rain pours onto the so-called rain-proof bus. Despite the
      108 words
    • 279 13 No, they are no unsung heroes WITH reference to the letter written by "Margaret entitled "Why I say nurses are the "unsung heroes" (ST. July 1) allow me to stale some facts she has so obviously missed out. Every profession has unsung heroes, in fact 1 claim myself to be
      279 words
    • 358 13 I REFER to the letter of "Another learned layman" (ST. June 10) relating to the liability of lawyers in their profession. A litigant Is only concern c d and unhappy when he suffers loss or damages that is the result of any default on
      358 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 226 13 «v SUCCESS i L SEMINAR ft« ADVENTURES IN ATTITUDES IS .oday a leader in the field of motivation programmes in America Behavioural scientists described it as a mapr breakthrough in the development of human potential TEN COMPREHENSIVE GROUP DYNAMICS SESSIONS: tltecove communcatwns attitude awareness rmnd management umtorstandttg peopte personalty human
      226 words
    • 7 13 m^/////ff'»»"""" w "^y\\\\i^^m r'^Jl^^^^ SUPER SEASONING t^AJI-NO-MOTO
      7 words
    • 402 13 WhythePoloHole makes Polo Mints irresistable 1 O^L W w "SH o^o\ J v >^v« Are y° u kiddin 8 We can' t let everybody know v ffl the scientific reasons why the hole helps make Polo Mints so delicious and refreshing. Others may try to copy. Another delicious product fromM-KRowntree
      402 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 354 13 On your TV 3.00 PM Opening followed by What's My Line 3.25 Diary Events 3 31 Afternoon Matinee— Great Guns (Part 2), starring: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Sheila Ryan, Dick Nelson 4 00 Science Report 4.15 Intermission 6.05 Opening fallowed by Birdnun and the Galaiy Tno 6 30 News ii
      354 words
    • 323 13 SINGAPORE 5 7.30 News (Malay) 7.4S Pusparana (Malay) 8.35 Brontes of Haworth Silent is the House (Last episode 9.30 News and Newsreel 9 55 Switch— The Hemline Heist 10.50 Or ton s Old Tine Misic Hall 11.35 Classical Masterpieces Felix Mendels sohn Bartholdj: Cain Sea anl Prosperous Voyage (repeat) 11.50
      323 words
    • 197 13 Sunset Serenade Ml Financial and Share Market Report 7.M News 7 IS Ihe General Paper 1.15 For Your Special Day f.M News 1.11 Programme Summary followed by Strictly Instrumental 9.30 Science Report 1.45 Satin and Latin UN Perspective 11.15 Bookshelf 10 30 Melody Makers 11.H News 11.11 Soothing Sound* (Stereo)
      197 words

      • 431 14 HONOKONO: The market closed lower on local and overseas profit-taking and the Hang Seng index fell 8.18 points to 573 13. dealers said. Jardine Matheson fell 40 cents to HKS16 10. Swire Pacific jo to $9.!0. Hongkong Land 30 to $10.40. Hongkong Bank 20 to $19.30. Hulchison-Whampoa 15 to
        431 words
      • 441 14 TOKYO: Share prices closed higher In active trading although Initial gains were pared by late profit-taking, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 15.20 to close at 5.631.40 points, with a volume of 340 million shares. The New Index closed at 424 71. up 1.10 points Heavy electric machines
        441 words
      • 367 14 SYDNEY: With rises outnumbering falls three-to-one, minings stood up better than industrials which saw slightlymore Jails than rises, dealers said. Outstanding stocks were BHP with rumours of a new gas stri ke in the Bass Strait and Whit* Industrie* which announced Its first longterm contract to supply steaming coal
        367 words
    • 1584 14 fIRHE last transacted ready sale at the clow of business on the Stock ExclGinge of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1978 high and low. Adjusted for scrip/rights issue) I*7* Uii Hi<h 1..« a«p»r 9,1, SECTION ONI INDUSTRIALS 230 132 Arms 229 +3 233
      1,584 words
    • 1861 14 r Tain and offer prices offl- D daily listed and business In and reported to the Stork Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Time Settle- merit Contracts are quoted after the
      1,861 words
    • 42 14 5 1/4% 15/10/7* (250.000) (101 00B) 4 3/4% 15/9/80 (250,000) (10O.25B) 5% IV4/8I (250.000) (100. 40 B) 5% T F 1/5/83 (250.000) (100 408 100 SOS) 7 1/4% 15/4/8* (250.000) (100.80 B) 7 1/4% 15/10/8S (250.000) (100 758)
      42 words
    • 1983 14 '1 III' and offer prices official- 1» l| \ts»ed and business In Tl\nd reported to the Kuala I.*npur Stock Exchange m yesterday with the number of v.*hiri>s traded shown In •t. brackets In lots of 1.000 unlU itherwlse specified INDUSTRIALS Alton .2 448' (S> 2 43 II) 2.42
      1,983 words
      • 25 14 THE Straits tin price rose $20 to $1,706 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering down 30 tonnes to 166 tonnes.
        25 words
      • 306 14 OPENING prices in the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down 0.50 cent, dealers said. Prices later fell further on some light stale bull selling, but the market recovered towards noon on some forward demand and shortcovering. The morning session closed quiet. Lack of buying Interest together with easier
        306 words
      • 62 14 Rubber July 10. Singapore: July 224.25 cts (down 1.25 cts). Malaysia: Auk 228.75 cts (down 1.25 cts). Tin: $1,706 (up $20). Official offering: 166 tonnes (down 30 tonnes). KUALA LUMPUR: After opening slightly lower, the Malaysian rubber market yesterday continued to rule quiet after slightly easier to close
        62 words
      • 116 14 DAILY SSR and SMR prices at noon yesierday: July Au« R.A.S. I Current Mth) I Forward Mtb) Buym Sr llrr> Buyers Seller* SSR 20 (1 ton pallet) 210.00 *****N 211 00 *****N £SR 50 (1 ton pallet) 208.00 210 00 N 209.90 211 00N MJLE.L.B. Auf S«Pt
        116 words
      • 122 14 CeNS'ai. ."oTo". noVn i CLOSINC PRICK PIS) PICUL YtITIHOAY Cmmwi sll: Bulk S»8 lellen. o'd drum 193 •tllsrs. new drum $88 seller! ■Mil Mixed (loose i UK Com »S» buyers. reaver Muntok AST A white fob. 100% NLW $3*o sellers. Sarawak whit* fob M<t NLW 5370 sellers. Sarawak
        122 words
    • 47 14 KUALA LUMPUR: Roxy Electric Industries (Mi announced an unaudited pre-tax profit of M 51 .41 million ($1.20 million), for the half year ended March 31. The corananv said It expected profits for the whole year should approximate those of the previous year. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 37 14 Msnday Saturday Honfkons 185 708 185 408 IX6 108 185 7UB S'pors (2) 1*"238 l-n 186.878 IH6 758 Export prw«s In KW-sterlinn areaj In US dollar per ounce (1) AuatrsllsJi dollar per ounce (2) Avsracs price
      37 words
      • 47 14 Con.plant WrU 300 +38 Con* Plant 18S +15 Ber}ayaKawat 276 +12 CCM 474 +10 Wnnm 370 10 Pan Electric 217 +8 Emo 360+8 PMC 340+8 Sea View 122 +6 9TPI»7» «»5 ltd Plantation* 245 +5 Kuala Sidlm 220 +5 Krmpii 384 +4 Magnum Corps. 358 +4
        47 words
      • 28 14 Aycr Hlum Tin 1030 -30 Roth mini 452 -12 M Hour 302 -12 OCBC 885 -10 StraiU Tr«din( 570 -10 FAN 545 -10 C Securitiw 104 -7
        28 words
      • 33 14 Sim Darby 1. 285. 000 Com Plant 829.000 H.w Par 388.000 Harimau 306.000 K L Kcpong 198.000 Fiber Merlin 153.000 UOL 149.000 Paa Electric 145.000 JC-MPH 139.000 Pahanc Cob* 130.000
        33 words
      • 53 14 July 7 July l( B T. Index: 1441 07 1483 3» Industrials: ***** 355 31 Finance: 584 81 582 38 Hotels: 232 45 232 97 Properties: 219 28 218 48 Tins: 158 7~ 158 18 rubbers: 54s 11 544 33 OCB.C.E. 325 33 325 21 S.E S. Ind: 327
        53 words
    • 506 14 ENTHUSIASM marked the morning trading hours on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday as traders reacted favourably to the recent landslide victory in Malaysia by the National Front. Prices stepped out on higher levels than before. However, the momentum was not maintained and. in contrast, eased
      506 words
    • 390 14 SOME afternoon selling, after a steady morning made for a barely steady close at the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday Trading was selective and volume moderate. Shares were fairly bullish at the opening session on carry-over Interest. The conclusive nature of the general elections also helped Improve market
      390 words
    • 103 14 THE US dollar opened weaker at $2.3(*60/b5 In the Singapore forex market yesterday. It was traded lower in a quiet and featureless market with little rate movements around the $2.3050/60 level. Some commercial covering, however, took rates lower but the dollar was well supported to close at
      103 words
    • 149 14 Interbank rates at 3.00 p.m. Currencies Nominal ratrs Smithsonian rercenUf* quoted yestrrday icrnui parity chant* US dollar 2 3050 2.3060 2.8196 —18 25 Sterling pouna 4 3455 4 3507 7.3469 —40.85 Hongkong dcilar 49.38 49.64 50.51 1.84 M'sun dollar 97.92 98 03 100.00 2 06 Aust schilling 15.5121
      149 words
    • 182 14 ASIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at close on July 10. US Dollars (Spot) Oftrr Bid 7 days 8 1 16 7 15/16 1 mth 8 3/16 8 1/16 2 mths 8 3,8 8 1/4 3 mths 8 9/16 8 7/16 6 mths 9 1/8 9 mths
      182 words
    • 40 14 Cl< s'mk mteibank rates on Singapore dollar on July 10. Ollrr MM Overnight 5 4 3/4 1 mth S 5 8 5 1/2 2 mth.s 5 3/4 5 5,8 3 mths S 3/4 5 5.8 ■ant; Atllry Prartc.
      40 words
    • 66 14 I of til» ofTrrrd by an count houari on July 10. Overnight 3 to 3 1,4"; C.I, drpo»lt 3 MMfeM Buy 3-Month Tr«.»ury bills 11 II 3 3 1* 3-Month Bank bills i t/1 5 Mi 3-Month «'L> 5 13/U 1 1 lrt 6-Month CD 5 7 < lMir»
      66 words
    • 443 15 SHAREHOLDERS of Bukit SptnbawanK may have lo near with another year of profits till the Mimosa Park Condominium project comes on stream next year. This is revealed by chairman Mr Lim Koon Teck In Ihn lutevt annual address We cannot expect any
      443 words
    • 339 15 HK-based shipping firm wins $148,000 awards TWO judgment sums, totalling $148,413 together with interest and costs, were awarded to a Hongkong-bas-ed shipping company by Mr Justice D Cotta in the High Court yesterday. Shin Shin Navigation Co. S.A., of Hongkong, had claimed those sums from the defendant. Melati i Pte)
      339 words
    • 42 15 THE Port of Singapore Authority will hold a course on the role of the supervisor at its training school at Keppel Hill from Aug 14 to 19 and Nov 20 to 25. For details, ring *****11 ext. 2877.
      42 words
    • 31 15 MR. Lim Chee Onn. HP for Bukit taeian. wili attend a children's SDot art prize presentation an. exhibition at Bukit Merah community centre on Saturday at 730 p m
      31 words
    • 539 15 GROUSES AGAINST SPORE rpHE United States 1 Customs Service is investigating a complaint by an American trade union that local textile and garment manufacturers are subsidised by the Singapore Government. A Business Times report from John Tan In Washington said: "The US
      539 words
    • 155 15 Offer of $725 m govt registered stocks rE Singapore Government will offer for public subscription $725 million government registered stocks on July 24 to finance development expenditure. The issue comprises $100 million two-year taxable stocks, $50 million seven-year taxable and $575 million twenty-year tax-free stocks. The coupons for the two-year,
      155 words
    • 161 15 $5 million S'poreJapan venture LAMIPAK Industries will enter into a $5 million joiiu venture project with a Japanese Investor to produce a revolutionary type of laminated polyethylene film. A factory will be completed In Jurong by the end of next year for the project, according to the Singapore Manufacturer published
      161 words
    • 650 15 United Engineers expects further fall in profits UNITED Engineers Lid does not see any prospect of arresting the declining profit trend suffered for the past two financial years. "I cannot see any sign of Improvement for 1978." says chairman C.C. Tan In his latest annual address. "Competition Is Just as
      650 words
    • 328 15 EXCEPTIONALLY high dealing profits and dividend income were the main factors behind Harlmau Investment's strong earnings recovery last year. The closed-end Investment trust's chairman. Mr Shaw Vee Meng. says that while it is not possible to ensure that such Income will continue at the same rate,
      328 words
    • 193 15 THE Hongkong Supreme Court has sanctioned Hongkong Land's acquisition of the rest of the shares it does not already own In City Hotels According to the com4*any. the Supreme Court •approval was received last Wednesday Under the terms of acquisition, the giant Hongkong developer Is offering
      193 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 277 15 m/ P \KM VCm I %^i\ CONTEST WITH SUPER PLAYMATS I™ li\l fl I Just purchase a Super Playmat. Incorporate •*J -^-XJ J -»W J it into the decor, either for purely decorative purposes or for functional ones. Bear in AmAb mind that it should be creatively and taste |w)w
      277 words
    • 298 15 New Dry Spray DEODORANT Anti-perspirant, Instant Drying! and 24 hour protection Available in Spray Roll-on i m 10* W a Sole agent: Cold Storage THE D2OB 4 SPEED HAMMER DRILL FROM BLACK DECKER. LIGHTWEIGHT. VERSATILE. The D2OB Hammer Drill gives you a choice of four speeds at 980, 1300, 2300
      298 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 417 16 AT YOURSERVICE [SECTION INDKX sf»l A CCf Film A FIC fr' Sr! I HlE— cats %/sl *r^&*&<m& Mm IMF £^MJ%& H&s-— s*Sa 184 4422 per lord 60 cts M.n ,v oo» VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL I 1 Per column cm $10 75 (Mln $32 2J| IX OBITUARIES I FOR SALE SHOPPING
      417 words
    • 702 16 SITE CLEARANCE SALE Going realty ehaapl EX-UK FORCE REMNANTS, GENERAL STORE COMPRISING aircraft parts, vehicle spares, engineering electrical and mechanical items for both office, Industrial and home uses Including post pallets, multi-pur-pose store blades, tool klu, Imported "Dunlop' mattresses of sorts and cushions, feather pillow, teak furniture, cyclostyllng machine, adding
      702 words
    • 1328 16 I FOR SALE A SHOPPING GUIDE FOR BALEI METAL CONTAINERS ZT' x 12" x 7V Price $3 00 each Good for storage of Electronic component* and apara parts Contact: DICKY SEAH Tel: *****3 M.S. ANGLES t.S mm x 88.9 mm x 127 mm x 9144 mm x 239 lengths, for
      1,328 words
    • 853 16 II EMPLOYMENT SINGAPORE TOURIST PROMOTION BOARD Applications are Invited for the j posts of i CLERICAL ASSISTANT Qualifications Senior Cambridge School Certl- i flcate or Singapore-Cambridge 1 OCE O' Level with at least 3 I > j passes Including English or equl- valent qualifications Groes Monthly Salary Range: 1 $290
      853 words
    • 603 16 REOUIRED EXPERIENCtO MALE General Clerk with knowledge ol shipping and documentation Please call *****23 REQUIRED FEMALE ACCOUNTI i-lerk Minimum experience 1-; years. Apply P.O. Box 2339 Singapore iteto* PATERSON, SIMONS CO. (S) PTE. LTD. has vacancies In Its Engineering Division for the following posts: POST A: SPARE PARTS SALES REPRESENTATIVE
      603 words
    • 1496 16 II EMPLOYMENT I SALESGIRL WANTED BY bou1 tlque Call personally and bring i along I photograph Modelllna I Boutique. 1 80 Lucky Plaza. Singapore 9 MALE/FEMALE ADVERTISING canvassers needed: Cash commission Must have contacts with stores dealing with tourists Appointment *****40 Jeffrey 20 PROMOTION GIRLS rsojuired i to be stationed
      1,496 words
    • 670 16 II EMPLOYMENT I Traub Prlvata LlmlM Ws ara a progressive Waal Oermen facturs of cam controlled »lngl* aptnd** automatic lath**. To meet our planned manpower requirements, we now require 1 DRILLER 1 MILLER Applicants should have 2-3 years of related working experience and have received some form of formal training
      670 words
    • 553 16 W»ll-ustabllsh*d Trr* Manufacturer with good growth potential raqulras PRODUCTION OPERATOR! (Mat*) 1 Age 16 40 years old 212 1 Must work 3 shifts Weekly change 3) Starting pay $8 40 per day $9 40 per day (If completed n a 4' Shift allowance 2nd shift $2 00 per shift. 3rd
      553 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 365 17 II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II .EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT I) Cemoral {■p-li j I. (A) IRONWORKERS lustry iS l inter- be an (B) PIPE FITTERS X a lint in addition lj TCP Will J(C)ELECTRI8 CIANS b (D) STAGERS/ DOCK- WORKERS k >KIII<-c1 yed In 1 similar X 0(E) LABOURERS
      365 words
    • 320 17 l r £fflF i CHARTERED INDUSTRIES S OF SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. requires S (a) MACHINE OPERATORS 0 (Mai* Female) -FOR JURONG (b) PROCESS OPERATORS !i| (Mal«) For BUKIT TIMAH Requirements c I'nmary Six education i s iMilKiuies must be able i >rk 2 rotating shifts i Moodtly Frtdfly -mft oo
      320 words
    • 532 17 ii i zi»athh:k's FOOO SUPPLIES SSS asM LIMTOD requires urgently CASHIER/SALESGIRLS for Its Holland Village Supermarket Candidates should have completed Secondary Four education with credit In Mathematics No experience Is necessary as we will be providing training for the Job Interested applicants, please telephone AdeMn Tan *****11 Ext. 183 for
      532 words
    • 721 17 WANTED MESSENGER/DESPATCH Rider Must have driving licence preferably with own motorcycle Read and write good English and conversant in Malay Indonesian Attractive salary will be offered to suitable person Persons Interested apply enclosing non-returnable photo stating telephone number, if any. to S T Box A***** UROENTLY REOUIRED YOUNO English speaking
      721 words
    • 767 17 An expanding Manufacturing Company Invites applications for the posts of: A) OPERATIVES (MALE/ FEMALE) B) ACCOUNTS CLERK C) LABORATORY ASSISTANTS Poet (A) Age above 16 Primary education Able to work on 2 rotating shifts i Post (B) OCE O' Level with 3 credits o Typing speed 30 to 40 vp
      767 words
    • 747 17 NEW EXPANOINO DIVISION re qulrs 20 Males/ Females a! Trainees Age: 17 35 Education: Primary Secondary Training provided Monthly Income: above $450. Housewives and Part-timers may also apply Interview at: sth Floor. 520. Katong Shopping Centre. Spore 15. 10.00 a.m. 800 p m today/ tomorrow. Sec William. WANTED BB»J«sWV DRIVER
      747 words
    • 822 17 Plastics Infection Company requires 1) PLASTIC ASSEMBLY SUPERVISOR 3 years experience in charge of 60 workers 1 Knowledge of Plastics asI sembly such as hot-stamping and sllkscreenlng Able to do electrical and mechanical maintenance 2) GENERAL FEMALE CLERK/ TYPIST OCE credit In English and Mathematics Knowledge of Book-keeping < Typing
      822 words
    • 638 17 WELL ESTABLISHED DEPART MENT Store requires Sectioi Head Salesgirls Intereslei please apply personally to Ataki Department Store (Pte) Ltd High Street Centre. Singapore 6 REQUIRED MACHINISTS Preferably with more thar one year experience TOOL a DYE MAKER Interview: 12.7 78 from 1 p m tr. S 30 p m Please
      638 words
    • 567 17 1 An intsmational trading company In a Jurong STORE ASSISTANT a Must possess minimum PSLE certifies!* submit appl l stain.* full i>ers,,ii,ii particulars :Klllii experience, contact ph. me number together with a recent photograph (nonreiurnablel to > THE ADVERTISER S.T. BOX A***** SALESGIRL OFFICE BOY Clemsnti New Town close to
      567 words
    • 759 17 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY 1) EXPERIENCED WHARF CLERK with Class 3 driving iMnce 2) OENERAL WORKERS Pteeee apply WHEELER TRANSPORTATION a WAREHOUSING Blk 1. 332 F. Thomson Read Singapore 11 MALE GENERAL WORKIRS required urgently Must have at least Pritn.iry Six English educa! willing to work hard Apply personally between 2a m
      759 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
      6,886 words
    • 758 18 Merchant Banker/Senior EiecutWee of large Brltleh company urgently require the follow inn properties DETACHED BUNGALOWS with 3 4 bedrooms In Dlsts 9. 10. 11. 21 SEMI-OETACHED BUNOALOWS in tne price range of $1,000 upwards LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS with without swimming pool Owrwrt. plaaes call 5357 M SENIOR EXECUTIVE URGENTLY requires detached
      758 words
    • 615 18 icb building offers Attractive I most Central Location in the No l Financial District Contact OFFICE SPACE FOR rent furniture and office machines for sale Ming Court Hotel Call: *****90 FACING SEA GOLDEN Mile Tower high floor office 600 2145 sq ft. well partitioned and carpeted and cheap rental Tel
      615 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 705 19 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES I ft) w W PROPERTY SERVICES T.I *****04/ *****1t Proparty Manage* Raal Agent* Foe Sal* Balmoral Point attrac- I roomed flat Attract!.* aaaatda houM for sale off Upper Sembawang Road, with mpound. servant 5 uuartrrs. and garden running tip sea DIST 11 BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE lIWT detached
      705 words
    • 483 19 ULTRA MANSION Derbyshire Road Pleasant surroundings Central Locality Near Orchard Road. up to data luiuriout d«sign FnMhold Land 4 badroomt E»ty Transportation Ampla Car Parking Space €i«y payment Prompt handing ovar on completion NON CITIZENS ACCEPTABLE LOW SELLING PRICE ULTRA REALTY (PTE) LTD. 15th Fir Far East Shopping Centre Orchard
      483 words
    • 1390 19 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES DIBT t PACIFIC MANSION 3 twdbalhrooms servants parate dining $82 000 Ring *****89' *****19 PEARLBANK HIGH FLOOR. 3 bedroomed split-level unitInclusive ot furniture and built-in cupboards $130,000 0.n.0. Vlew<ng. contact Mr Llm *****9 OIST 10 OALVET COUNT Fully furnished apartment 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, splitlevel living
      1,390 words
    • 768 19 V SERVICES BUSINESS KAY BENO CONSTRUCTION offer good services in undertaking general renovation works for private residences and factories, including plans for approval Contact *****5/ *****9. LIAN AIK CONSTRUCTION ■i. m specialises in house, office factory renovations d undertakes new projects (including permit applications i *****71 *****67 *****4 TEL: *****5
      768 words
    • 602 19 muy\ ji'ijM SPECIALIST HEALTH SALON 2nd floor next to Kobinson s 229/230 Specialist" Centre Tel *****39. v\t 14S. Massage Siiuna Haiti MANDARIN HEALTH CE..TRE. Mandarin Hotel 3rd floor. Masi tan Sauna steambath/ Facial. *****1 ext "50 Spore TRY US. ELIZABETH HEALTH sernn MMagi hy qualified tt experienced MMMIM mas- i
      602 words
    • 522 19 VI EDUCATION TRAINING VI EDUCATION I TRAINING NEPTUNE DRIVING CENTRE Responsible Courteous. Friendly Instructors 601 Changl Road. S 1 m s Singapore 14 Tel: *****5 SOUTHRON DRIVING SCHOOL 44. Selegie Road Tel *****4 228 Braddell Road Tel *****8 Special offer MODERN DRIVING SCHOOL provides Datsun 1200 c c English speaking,
      522 words
    • 673 19 GIRLS! Jobs are becoming harder to gel you need better qualifications Enrol now at the ITC and quality lor the London Chamber of Commerce Private Secretary s Certificate and the ITC s Private Secretary's Diploma the region s leading qualification for a Private Secretary I Our next full time and
      673 words
    • 590 19 SIN REX COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 13-S. Meckentte Roed TEL: ***** NEW CLASSES FOR BEGINNERS BOOK-KEEPING (Elementary Intermediate) Starting 13th July Time Elementary 645 p m 7 45 p m Time Intermediate 7 45 pm 900pm ACCOUNTING Starting 11th July Time: 6 15pm 7 15 p m TYPEWRITING Anytime from 9am d
      590 words
    • 515 19 YAMAHA MUSIC SCHOOL Otters Courses for Organ Guitar Drum Classical Pop Piano Bass Electric Guitar Saxophone Suzuki Violin Trumpet Flute Clarinet Music Theory Children Music Course (aged 4 6 years) Enrol now* 603. 6m Floor. Plaza Sngapura. Orchard Road Tel *****1.*****1 Block 87. 2nd Floor. Marine Parade. Singapore 15 l
      515 words

    • 215 20 140 Acknowledgements Tha family of ttva lat* MADAM TAY SOAK ENO wtanea to eipreaa their gratitude to relative* and frlenda for their donation*, wreath*, scroll* and con- dWencee and all thoae who ao kindly i [■"dare* aaalatanc* during their i*9C#nt Dtf##V9(Tt#nt The family of the lale MR. CHEANG HONO MOH
      215 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      59 20 Aged SS, pasisd away paacefutty on S/7/7S leaving behind wife. Hlan Khoon. sons, Ec Jin. Ec Bin. daughter Ec Sa and relatives to mourn his death Funeral to be held at 22 A. Blk 102, Henderson Crescent. Spore 3 and Cortege leaves lor Bright Hill Crematorium at 1
      59 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      64 20 pussec away peacefully on 9/7/78 (Sunday) leaving behind wife, sons Kok Eng (S.M Ng). Kok Yong. Kok Swee. Kok Llan. Anthonys M Ng. son-in-law Yip Hoi Thong. daughters daughters-in-law and grandchildren Cortege leaves Blk 5. 4905 Beach Road (7). Tel *****31/*****28 on 13/7/78 (Thursday) at 2 00pm for cremation
      64 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      204 20 I Honey Hugh*)* Departed 11/7/76 Today bring* back many I sweet memories of you. I I Though you ara gone, you I I ara still in our haarts. I I Fondly remembered by 1 I husband and all good I 1 (nerds M I We never knew
      204 words
    • Article, Illustration
      80 20 In ever loving memory of S Arulunan a Teacher of Salt Man Tengku Ampuan Intan, Kuala Bring who left us suddenly on Ist July. 1978 in a traffic accident m Kuala Trengganu Our heartful their kind assistance during the bereavement Special thanks to Messrs V S Selvam. S X
      80 words
    • Article, Illustration
      34 20 on 19.1.78 at Raub JAGGIT SINGH J.K.R. Raub aged 46 yrs. s o Bachan Singh retired HA. Raub. Passed away peacefully on 28 6 78 at Raub Leaving wife and six children.
      34 words
    • 56 21 P.ARL'LJLUAH Called to eternal rest 11.7.73 Treasured forever are loving memorlei of you. papa dear. Your bountiful love and devo tlon »o rare. For the lovely years of tof etherneaa we had. How can we thank our dear saviour A lord. In whose arms now. you are
      56 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 326 20 EDUCATIOW I TRAINING j 2SZS2LSsZSsSsSS2 TUITION FOR ENGLISH ■V*P^^nf>*<VP^H for Primary or SeconI^^^^^U^^^^^JHl BT' School students .^S b He^isonable fees for individual t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ le ring *****3 for Ch7nc Kvanc Ken I can lv MANDARIN TUITION FOR wlble weiipai.: imary Secondary students and lUUnding success record a aults by experienced lady
      326 words
    • 488 20 VII TRAVEL t RESTAURANTS sb^sßslsb^s^sb^sJ^sbß s»W"*V?t)*7***W*tt>**afl t y V NAM HO TRAVEL Service (S) Pte Ltd STPB LIC NO: 140 West Malaysia Tour (Inclusive Gen1 ;iik Cameron Highlands) by deluxe alrcondltloned coach seven days SSI 92 six days Ssl72/-. departure every Sunday. Monday Tuesday (ienting/ Cameron Highlands four days SSI3.V-.
      488 words
    • 519 20 AWW*Jfi\Flm% l^mmweaßßEmmW EUROPEAN TOURS FIVE CAPITALS 7 Days $2145/RHINE CRUISE. PARIS. AMSTERDAM 8 Days $2407/- EUROPEAN ROUNDTRIP 14 Days $2904/EUROPEAN RANGER 14 Days $2629SPENO'D CITIES I 19 Days $3062 Pticm Include: I Airfares Dally Jumbo Flights European Tours (accom. twin sharing) 2 Transfers Airport/ Hotel/ Airport in London j A
      519 words
    • 285 20 VIII ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL I Hsjsfl|s4g^sj(BßSjgsßß«jsHl FASHION OIPAATMNT AND HONEYMOON MAHRIAOE AIO Grooming Course commencing confidentially Introduces to you 67 78 Tuesday Thursday morn- secretaries, nurses executive, in; Enrol immediately Special teachers, engineer, o^smess $180 Enquiries call Mannequin men. clerks etc as friends/ life Studio 37*793 *****7 partner Ring *****97 GAIN
      285 words
      641 words
    • 595 20 YEO HIAP SENG (MALAYSIA) BERHAD I (Incorporated m Malaysia) LOST SHARE CERTIFICATES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undermentioned Shire Certificates hive been reported lost or destroyei SIWI Ntrnc o( No of Slum Crrt:nc»tei N* Shjreheldff ol $1/ EKh. fully Pud YHS *****5H Je« Qui Sww <p Teh Pin 1
      595 words

  • 137 21 Varsity alumni will move to Kent Ridge rHE alumni of graduates of the University of Singapore will Duild Its new clubhouse at Kent Ridge next to the University's proposed academic start premises. Discussions will begin soon between officials of the alumni, called the University of oingapore Society, and the university
    137 words
  • 177 21 Building firm boss gets $14,000 award MR Ong Seng Sew. proprietor of Ong I Seng Sew Construction. was awarded a consent judgment sum of $14,000 in a civil c:atm against a private development firm In the High Court yesterday. The award arose from a private settlement reached between Mr. Ong
    177 words
  • 50 21 A METRIC information stall will be set up at the North Bridge Road market from today till Thursday In conjunction with the Metrication Board's zonal education programme. At the Bras Basah community centre, a "Metrication and You exhibition will be held nightly from Friday to Sunday.
    50 words
  • 58 21 TWO years after leaving Singapore, this mother Agile Gibbon has given birth to a baby at Perth Zoo in Western Australia. The three-week-old baby gibbon is seen ciinging to Mum, nestling in her long thick hair. The adult gibbon Is one of two presented
    58 words
  • 366 21 Students told: No bond, no degrees MEDIC \L and denial students who refuse to sign a Immkl under a new government ruling will get no degrees at the end of I. heir courses. This i decision was taken by the University of i Singapore Senate and spelt out by the
    366 words
  • 60 21 St. Patrick's new building project ST. Patrick's School is to embark on a building project costing $750,000 to modernise its premises. To be completed by mid1980. the renovations will include converting the canteen to a grandstand for the sports field, a new gymnasium and canteen, and a games centre. The
    60 words
  • 32 21 THE Senior Minister of State National Development). Mr. S. Dhanabalan. will be guest-of-honour at the annual dinner of the Methodist Girls' School Alumnae Association at Shangri-La Hotel on July 25.
    32 words
  • 512 21 The better-off who do not want to support Sana under fire SENIOR Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs), Mr. Chan Chee Seng, last night hit out at some Singaporeans In positions of education, status or influence I who do not support the Singapore AntiNarcotics Association (Sana). Instead, they prefer to be at
    512 words
  • 20 21 TANOLIN Kindergarten has started registration of next year's students from yesterday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    20 words
  • 195 21 THE Sree Narayana Mission in SembaI wan{ has started a Detached Youth Service to provide counselling service and i guidance to youths wher are drug addicts. The mission, an affiliate of the Singapore Council of Social Service, said the service is run by volunteers.
    195 words
  • 48 21 THE Post Office Savings Bank's Kent Ridge branch will open for business tomorrow. Situated at Yusof Ishak House. Kent Ridge campus. University of Singapore, it will cperata from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p m on weekdays and from 8.30 a.m to 1 p.m. on Saturdays.
    48 words
  • 193 21 VEHICLES have been banned frc>m entering or remaining in the following gazetted places on National Day from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. or until later as the Deputy Commissioner of Police may determine. They are: NlooU Highway, Connaught Drive, St. Andrew's
    193 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 236 21 1 v I I^^^ D CD CD CL? C 3 i W+sj -r^^fc^^ C 7 CD C THE DECK OF DECKS RT-3838H available at: BoM>yO Nam Chaong Electronic Centra Pie. Lid Seng Heng Radn (Pte) Ltd.. <3 Stamford Ro*d Singapore 6 Tel *****1 G6. Peninsula Shopping Complex G -10-11 Queensway
      236 words
    • 789 21 invite* applications from suitably qualified Malaysians for the following positions: INSTRUMENT ENGINEER The successful candidate will be responsible for all types of instrument engineering at one of the Company's Works. Applicants must possess a degree or diploma in Engineering preferably in Electrical/Electronic, Chemical or Control Engineering with at least 1
      789 words

    • 426 22 MILWAUKEE, Monda: f 'l thought he would make it. He beat me once before in a play-off, and I thought he was going to do it again' -ELDER LEE Elder twoputted from four metres to par the eighth hole of a sudden-death playoff
      Reuter; UPI  -  426 words
    • 132 22 Jane scores fine double with Wheeling title WHEELINO i West Virginia Mon.— Jane Blalcck won her second successive women's golf tournament yesterday when she returned a parTi to win Uie U5575,000 (*****.000) Wheeling Classic by seven strokes. It was her third victory on the United States Ladles' Professional Golf Association
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 76 22 The scores: 207 Jane Blalock 58, 67. 72: 214 Kathy Martin 68. 76. 70; 215 Joanne earner 68. 76. 71: Penny Pull 72. 72, 71; Joyce Kazmlerskl 71. 73. 71; 218 Sue Roberts 77. 70. 71; Jerl- lyn Brltz 72, 72. 74. 219 Barbara Barrow 71. 74. 74;
      UPI  -  76 words
    • 308 22 WIMBLEDON, M o n. Th c men's professional tennis world is divided into two parts: "younj" Bjorn Borjr and the rest of the 200 to 300 court gypsies who travel the international circuit. The 22 year old, long-haired Swede now stands apart. He is on one
      AP  -  308 words
    • 243 22 BOSTON. Mon. As if there was a need to declare It. Wimbledon champion Martina Navratilova pronounced herself the world's top woman tennis player. "I've won 59 of 62 matches this year," she said yesterday after being welcomed by a cheering crowd of about 100
      AP  -  243 words
    • 530 22  -  FAIRWAY By THIS year's running of the $41,000 Queen Elizabeth II Cup at Buklt Tlmah on Sunday may well be captured by a flrstseason performer, Saas Fee, who Is also having his first crack at a big race on the local turf. The Hasty Cloud four-year-old
      530 words
    • 1461 22 TITEIGHTS ror thi« weekend! races at Buklt Tlmah: SATURDAY CLAM 1 OIV. J— 2.200 M 5 Foresight II 57.1 I All Oo M.I 14 Spellbinder M.I 16 Technician 55.1 I 17 Charly M Boy 55 I 2 Think Great 55. t 6 Wonder Pearl 54.) 8 Rlffelalp
      1,461 words
    • 106 22 Kanemoto wins after 13 years 'TOKYO, Mon Aklo Kanemoto of Japan won the 15 million yen (*****,000) Kansal Open golf championship for his first victory In a 13-year career, after beating fellowcountryman Yasuhlro Miyamoto In a sud- den-death play-off. Kanemoto and Miyamoto carded 71 each yesterday for identical four-round totals
      Reuter  -  106 words
    • 275 22 ONDON. Mon— Wayne Ld Larkins. Ignored by England's cricket selectors yesterday morning, came back with a perfect retort in the afternoon by striking one of the season's most extraordinary centuries. Larkins, playing for Northamptonshire against Surrey in the 40-over Sunday League, took his team from a near-hopeless
      Reuter  -  275 words
    • 163 22 MOSCOW. Mon. Alexander Sldoienko set a world record (or the 200 metre* Individual medley swim with a time of 2 mln 05.24 sec in the Soviet championship yesterday. ATHLETICS Soviet hammer-thrower Boris Zalchuk yesterday set a world record with a throw of 80 14m. a massive 84cm beyond the
      163 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 160 22 YouhaveaFaniiiy. On* of you may hava a flu favar now ano tnan. Buy SARIDON now and uu it than. You'll navar know whan ona of you wilt hava flu favar again. Jwt ona SARIDON v good-anough for aach of you. SARIDON navar lati you down. Carldcn <£*> m^^^mnaKEsmmi^mM f hoffmannlaroche&coltd..switzef
      160 words

    • 148 23  -  JOE DORAI By f ENTRE-BACK Abdul Ghani, who led the Singapore intermediate team to the King's (up final two months ago, was iast night dropped, on disciplinary grounds, from the 17member squad for the Met deka tournament starting in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. Ghanl. who also led
      148 words
    • 174 23 Merdeka shock: Ghani dropped Another casualty was outside-left Wong Kok Choy. who played two great matches against Malaysia and Thailand at tht King's Cup. Nasir Jalll and S. Manoharan. who Joined the training squad only on Friday, were selected because of their useful performances against Fujita of Japan on Sunday
      174 words
    • 411 23  -  ERNEST FRIDA INTER-STATE CRICKET FINAL By rkNE would have expec ted Goh Swee Heng to have earned enough plus marks as a fielder not to mention his swashbuckling batting to <am him a place in the Singapore team > against Penang in I next week's
      411 words
    • 249 23  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By THE Singapore Lawn Tennis Association are maintaining their tight-lipped attitude on the fate of former national player Daniel Lim. Following SLTA secretary Hassan Alwl's earlier assurance that the decision on Llm would be disclosed to the Press only after the management committee
      249 words
    • 98 23 SABBF include U-21 event THE Singapore Amateur Bodybuilding Federation vrno recently won the ASEAN team title in Jakarta are now preparing for their next event, the national championships, on Sept. 13. The federation —In keeping with their policy of promoting the sport among youth have, for the first time. Included
      98 words
    • 328 23  -  DHARSAN SINGH By VICK VAN NUOTE11 REN. the wellknown Singapore Grand Prix driver once again proved he was a class above trie ethers when he won the Singapore Motor Sports Club's Castrol rallycross far saloon can at Senoka. Van Nugteren, driving a Datsun, also won the Class
      328 words
    • 183 23  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By rpHE Singapore Amateur 1 Judo Association are hoping to raise $20,000 at a fund raising dinner and dance at a local hotel on Aug 5 to finance teams for the Asian championships In Jakarta this October and the Jigoro Kano Cup
      183 words
    • 129 23 THE highlight of the 12th national Judo championships, starting tonight at the Singapore Judo Club i 7). is expected to be Quek Ser Hong's clash with archrival Loo Choon Beng In the half- heavyweight class. On paper. Loo seems the more Impressive, considering his unprecedent 1975 SEAP Games
      129 words
    • 421 23  -  ALBERT JCHNSON By OINGAPORE S 23member swimming team returned last night with a harvest of is gold medals. 14 silvers and 13 bronzes for overall second placing in the flve-natlon Southeast Asia internutio n a 1 age group swimming meet at Jakarta. Though
      421 words
    • 97 23 IT ONG Hwa captured the A. B and C titles for boys and girls In the Telok Kurau ultnct table tennis championships recently Results: Boys A dlvNtnn 1 Kong Hwa 2 Mountbatten English School 3 Seraya; B dto 1 Kong Hwa 2 Toong Chal 3
      97 words
    • 177 23 CEYLON Sports Club, chasing the Singapore Hockey Association's premier league honours, scored an upset 1-0 win over defending champions Singapore Airlines at Balestier Road yesterday, reports ERNEST FRIDA. CSC. adapting themselves well to the wet ground conditions, could have registered a bigger win had their
      177 words
    • 123 23 ATHLETICS National inter-schools championships (National Stadium 2 p.m.). BADMINTON Intercoast ituency tournament (Badminton Hall 7 30 p.m.). HOCKEY SHA Premier League: Police v Jan&enltes (Thomson Road 5.15 pm >. Singapore Recreation Club v Combined Schools i Padang 5 15 p.m.). JUDO National championships (Jalan Besar 7 p.m.). SOCCER
      123 words
    • 254 23 Results of Sunday's Australian matches National League Brisbane C 0 Western 0. Marconi 1 Eastern 2. 8. Melbourne 4 Pootscray 0. Sydney 2 Adelaide C. 1. W Adelaide 3 Fitzroy 2. Victoria State League Albion 2 Rlngwood 2, Franktton 5 Sunshine C 3. George C 0 Essendon 1.
      254 words
    • 227 23 IF defending champions Singapore lose the Puan Sharlfah Rodziah Trophy the women's version of soccer's Malaysia Cup to Selangor In the final in Kuala Lumpur on July 30, they will have no reason to feel ashamed, reports BLRNARD PtRLRIA Because Selangor. last year's third-placed team, are believed
      227 words
    • 24 23 MARCO POLO beat Apollo Hotel 3-1 In a Pood and Drinks Allied Workers Union lnter-branch soccer match at Gloucester Barracks yesterday.
      24 words
    • 45 23 MOUNTBATTEN beat Eunos Crescent 4-1 In the national under-18 youth soccer tournament at Farrer Park yesterday In the other matches Buklt Timah beat Jalan Kayu 2-1. while Sembawang conceded a walk-over to Realty Park Rangers All matches were played at Farrer Park
      45 words
    • 156 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Malaysian soccer coach Chow Kwal Lam was a frustrated man today two days before his team take on South Korea In the opening Merdeka soccer tournament match here. First. the SCRC ground the national team's training venue was flooded in the morning and
      156 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 273 23 FIVE REASONS WHY ROXY (S) PTE LTD HAS CHOSEN BERITA HARIAN FOR ITS ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN. t "Berita Harian readers are seeking new Wkk. ways for modern living. And Roxy has been their number one choice in providing th*»m 1^ i with the widest choice of quality products. Ranging from Home
      273 words

  • 197 24 US dollar falls heavily in Tokyo TOKYO, Monday THK IS dollar fell heavily against the yen on the Tokyo foreign exchange market Uxlay with dealers cautious ahead of the Bonn summit and the announcement early next week of Japan's preliminary trade figures for June. Thp dollar, which fell i^>a^^ to
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 51 24 A WHISPER AT VIENNA MEETING E3YPTIAN President Anwar Sadat whispers into the ears of Israeli opposition Labour Party leader Shimon Peres as they meet In Vienna during the weekend. Mr. Sadat later said he was "kt enly disappointed" over Israel's rejection o' his latest peace proposals. UPI picture. See Page
    UPI  -  51 words
  • 22 24 JEDDAH. Mon. Saudi Arabia last night denied South Yemeni charges that it was concentrating tioops along their corrmon border. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 387 24 About-face on the US by Hanoi TOKYO, Monday JN a major about-face, Vietnamese Vice Foreign Minister Phan Hien said today Hanoi is ready to reconcile \yith the United States without Washington's pledge of aid. m "Even if the US Congress rejects the reconstruction aid, we look forward to establishing full
    UPI  -  387 words
  • 222 24 Khmers move new troops to Viet border BANGKOK, Monday KAMPUCHEA has moved fresh troops to the Vietnam frontier and resumed crossborder attacks after a week-long lull, official Radio Hanoi said today. West em diplomatic sources said the Khmer Rouge suffered "extremely heavy casualties" in lightning raids Into Kampuchea by Vietnamese
    UPI  -  222 words
  • 84 24 TOKYO, Mon. A Vietnamese leader has said Vietnam is studying ways to improve Its relations with Asean. a Japanese news agency reported today. Kyodo news service said Xuan Thuy. secretary of the Vietnam Communist Party's central committee, said: "We desire peaceful and friendly relations with our neighbouring
    UPI  -  84 words
  • 72 24 NEW DELHI. Mon. Mr. Krishnan Cliano. LieutenantGovernor of Delhi during the emergency rule of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, was found dead in a well in the south Delhi suburb of Anand Lok last night, police said today. A suicide note was found with his shoes beside
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 43 24 JAKARTA. Mon. Government environmentalists are concerned about the Increasing number of fishing trawlers in the Malacca Straits, the Antara news agency said today. It said the concern was expressed by Mr. Salim. state Minister for Development and Environment Control—_UPL
    43 words
  • 697 24 T ONDON Mon Prices closed Lt higher with sentiment helped by ar. improvement In short-term economic pointers dealers said Overall trading was moderate At 3 p m the Financial Times Index was up nine points at 4M 8 Government bonds gained up to point and favourable reaction to
    697 words
  • 292 24 You may start a war, Syria tells Israel BEIRUT. Monday GYRIA'S Information Minister said today Israeli intervention in Lebanon would mean war between the Jewish state and Syria. In Beirut, rooftop snipers peppered access roads to east Beirut, the centre of week- j long fighting between Syrians and Christians I
    UPI  -  292 words
  • 28 24 DIATM 10,7/7*. Cortege leaves 3M-A, Blk 194. Kim Keat Avenue at 2 00 p.m. 12 7 Th for SI. Joneph'a Church (P.M thence to C.C.K CemeteTjr^
    28 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 211 24 WE CARE ABOUT YOUR FLOOR The owner of the house a knows the advant .^^mK^^ of ARMSTRONG CORLON H^ which offers long wear and easy maintenance and it also involves fewer seams. I When replacing an old floor, l^' it is no longer necessary to tear up the existing flooring
      211 words
    • 551 24 BUSINESS TIMES Slngmpore's Financial Dally Cover Pi ice 50* Annual Subscription SI 55 For subscription, call 284 8844 Exl 302 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... SINGAPORE'S economy is pro- ceeding at a steady pace and its rate of growth may hit the 8 per cent mark this year The main thrust to this
      551 words

  • 1310 25  -  STEPHEN POWELL By in Bonn HUGE numbers of voters are threatening to switch their allegiance to new parties and change the face of West German politics. A taxpayers' party due* to be formed next year in time for the 1980 general
    Reuter  -  1,310 words
  • 691 25  - New period of more open political debate in Iran JOHN ROGERS By in Teheran WITH a measure of liberalisation encouraged by the nation's ruler, the Shah, Iran Is entering a new period of more open political debate. And though indications are that it may remain a one- party country, different
    Reuter  -  691 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 450 25 M^ Now you can be l«*v a decision maker. All you have to do is make the first l^^^iW^ decision. ..start a Home Study programme i •AM with Collier Macmillan Schools. If you want to be a success, it's really your own home —in your own spare time, up to
      450 words
    • 479 25 rß^L^Lr LV UM m I 94ic|l<t"(23BX25lL I, 1 ll C E 11 12 i H'°SeslJl "Mil |mP 9 )f- 3 llijli^^ *J \j m -ar tT-v my mv m Mm i^i^il'l^^ ■aKutT' I^H I \m^mm «iet**"^\ hIH' Batter/ Wall Clock NOW Fl_ fP* WU. luff marie in lanan n^ ia^—
      479 words

  • 889 26  -  VITHOON AMORN By in NONG KHAI (Thailand) MEN, women and children, clinging to crude rafts and tree trunks, float across the Mekong River under cover of darkness in a never-ending stream from communist Laos seeking refuge in this Thai border
    Reuter; UPI  -  889 words
  • 633 26  - US bid to stop plans to probe life in universe PETER KIERNAN By in Washington THE most sophisticated attemot yet to prove that there are civilisations other than earth's in the universe is in danger of being blocked. A congressional committee is attempting to stop nl ins for a sophisticated
    Reuter  -  633 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 320 26 Robin engines HH^jh^^Tl cover a lot of ground R«^ I Robin air-cooled gasoline, diesel or kerosine engines t^^^^^MJ are extremely versatile for a very wide range of agri- Hi^te cultural, industrial and recreational applications. 4fc\. You can even use Robin engines for generating power, |H^^H^^^H|r~~~BH^^^Hß|i in a rammer or a
      320 words
    • 180 26 For the MOST iVp FASTIDIOUS Mj^kJ Bright, Sparkling. All Steel Mfl Elegance. !?->■ Sturdy, Functional and l^^^_ Modern in Construction I M jjk incorporating the most Tm^^^^^^^ up-to-date time and labour saving devices. I£9 O'C'^ mmm J~ Some of the many features 1« I THERMOAIR tor even heat distribution SELF
      180 words

  • Bilingual section
    • 363 27 Chinese folktales In the prehistoric ages men lived in caves \x that time. there was an intelligent leader called You Cnao-shl. He felt that if mankind were to continue living in caves, they would inevitably be threatened by wild animals and the rough weather. Men
      363 words
    • 100 27 f SitffttWfrA-WKH-iiiX:* \*J£Jfiil*l^«*. ki ««d'jmjt w*. fif^ift rift »rfei#* •it J.fiiMinil W (t*!HKKH itftifl WK"t'|H] l-l WfilWl-H^rtrttiSn-J- IP*»*R*« jf, f id! n^ j *j- -r« J' ffil*"! 5 f■-* «±&M 1 1 1 'Act-: r MM 'j Eif fciitifi 24K bJtH K£Z&BL*m'&t ill I ii 6* *Ni«s KW* }Ml'*?flMtil£«Wt* fl
      100 words
    • 186 27 *Ei*ch*ac RrT<t^Wi4aisat?s+ »Easßa+-^RaHSA <■ ilWW^iSfY— t**h ffM »*-iHi z +:Wft -tlllfftiitftW eh afcffl cft<Hzh!ai< z>ft& fi*jiW°«£ eh ft«n z h «£-HI«?;-£(YW«'# c lUWffftffl^i'i-Sfrtt iMWIMt zh c h zh eh ffiiiL ft 5M eh &Wtt£ Lb'At zh -il H z c; z c BftJ^Sn U|; ll'\° CMgd: gradations, i«Hrf T«Wf«l i
      186 words
    • 78 27 The sth radio talk on correct Mandarin pronunciations will be broadcast over the 3rd channel (Chinese service) of Radio Singapore in its Youth Programme at 9.30 a.m. today. The talk will be repeated at 8.30 p.m. tomorrow (Wednesday). Here are the examples given H t the talk. The programme can
      78 words
    • Article, Illustration
      8 27 m 1. flitf 3. *«i»wri»I. »»AK*WWW' a ftMBlVMIffttllll'
      8 words
    • 232 27 Proverbial anecdotes During the Han Dynasty, the Chinese empire spread far and wide. It covered Korea in the east. Sinkiang In the west. Vietnam in t he south and Mongolia in the north. At that time, there was a little counry called Qiu Ci Guo in
      232 words
    • 32 27 FEI LU FEI MA i*ffl».r ft'LSr-jfc l. KiWfJrfUia teft&ilS ffi*'iwfe ■W ft"* out*} aa [WtiL+m*x r •*£*<•/&-**«■ «;>:*««•«»;>:*« *lftjsl«lVjtWi4ttFiiiJH: »J-ri »Jiit3|[f»»f &Z WcH-*W*WA. t7M t.w r j w a: f '..jf&ift •Ml dt-
      32 words
    • 70 27 From today, readers will find our Chinese crossword puzzles nuch easier than those in previous istues. We hope to attract more students to participate in this contest and improve their Chinese. Participants are requested to send in their entries early and write their answers in simplified Chinese characters. Although
      70 words
    • 71 27 Simplified characters iSiftg The Illustrated word is pronounced huan. meaning cheerful. merry, happy and reIt has been reduced bo only six strokes from its regular form, ir brackets, of 21. Rft'S mSm Here are some common romblnations of the word ftjf huanbu la rheer. lo n'iiiicf. i. to welcome. fffti
      71 words
    • 306 27 Lor Sengkang 9 4 i# Lor Senohong s] 2J it LorSepakat ?#-JrE* LorSepat 3?#±# Lor Serai ?4±# LorSerambl ?48H}V. Lor Serindlt f 4 ft ft Jtb Lor Seroja jF 4 ft >& LorSesuai jp#i5"t1t Lor Setara j? 4 ft i* JiV Lor Shahada 4 j£ Lor Shukor
      306 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 154 27 A YIP deserves Avis. ft I J^. This is your big moment. The chairman just arrived unannounced. And you with your handy Avis charge card just booked him a super limousine with a chauffeur. Ready in an instant. And sparkling inside and out. Not a bad way to make a
      154 words
    • 157 27 Girls! Have a lovely time 27CL-UB 27CL-15L 27CL-15B 27CL-11B (27-CGL-UB (27CGL11B gold plated) gold plated) Girls, you never had it so good. Never had demands of your world. And no less than greater opportunities and challenges. eight functions: hour, minute, second, And the independence and confidence to am/pm, month, date,
      157 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 119 27 Complete this crosfiword puule ai d win sill Ten lurkv winners will be selected from all the correct entries and awarded prize of $10 each. Preference will be Riven to itudenl participants. The judge*' dm- ion m final. I'lcMM- rih- (in 11 separate piece of paper, in hni h Chinese
      119 words

  • Especially Women
    • 100 28 Winners for warm sunny weather WARM sunny days call for cool chic dressing. Pick cotton for winners. Either in the form of a strapless sundress or a stylish light cotton pantsuit that's right on fashion. Above: Shirley models here a black and yellow cotton print sun-aress interestingly highlighted at the
      100 words
    • 927 28  -  Mei-Lin Chew Jan doesn't give way easily- By rpHERE was a time when feminity held court in Singapore. Time was April 1966 when a barrister, Jenny Lav, made history by being the first legai officer o£ her sex to be appointed a district Judge,
      927 words
    • 123 28 Shrimps make a light meal DELICIOUS sh r i mps make a low-calorted meal that's appetising and sustaining as well. Here's the way to a tasty prawn dish: PRAWN BALLS 605g large shrimps 2 stalks spring onions 2 tablespoons cornflour 76g pork 2 eggs pepper and ng-heong-fun (five spices) 1
      123 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 228 28 1 Do you i I ha\Vlobo I married If o iim» lainpax I I iaiii|»ons? I Of course you don't. That's just a myth. m* Tarn pax tampons E are designed to slip »g easily through the M same opening that H channels menstrual flow from your !P body. They're
      228 words
    • 135 28 NYAL VITAMIN E Capsules for energy and strength Nyal Vitamin E Capsules fcjKfcj^ dC provide the important Vitamin E and natural l^^|tN||lW wheat germ oil, rich in HHkAM: B-group vitamins, for the Jjf^s energy and strength gl^i- Svm you need. A vail able in 50mg, £^«^P[tC 100mg, 250mg, 500mg N
      135 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 565 29 fci Straits Group The Group is a leader in its various fields of activities which include Shipping, Distribution, Property, Industrial Trading, Engineering, Data Processing and Oilfield. We require suitably qualified and experienced personnel to fill the following two positions: (A) FINANCIAL ANALYST Qualifications: An appropriate tertiary and/or professional qualification in
      565 words
    • 639 29 Senior Engineer for rubber estate Cemeroons Development Corporation The Corporation, based in Bota, Applications are invited from West Cameroon is concerned engineers who hold a degree, ore primarily in the development ond members of ot least one professiooperafion of extensive agricultural nol institution and have ot least I 5 estates
      639 words
    • 420 29 FOR SALE BY TENDER LANDS AT MEYYAPPA CHETTIAR ROAD LOTS 377-42, 377-46, Part of Lot 272S (Plot 24) formerly known M 377-50 (Pt) and Lot 2728 (Pt) formerly known as 377-50 (Pt) of MUKIM XVII TENDERS ARE INVITED for the purchose of the above properties subject to the following conditions:
      420 words
    • 565 29 SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE IN THE CAUSE OF Suite No. 897 of 1978 writ of Seizure Sale No 311 of 1978 Tung Mung Textile Company (Singapore) PteLtd Plaintiffs, Versus Chla Soon Industries Hte Ltd Defendants. AUCTION SALE OF Sewing machines, Cloth cutting machines,
      565 words
    • 1211 29 PREQUALIFICATION OF CONTRACTORS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF PILE a FOUNDATIONS f j AND SUB-STRUCTURE WORKS ENGINEERING HANGAR 4 J CHANGI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT J W > International and PWD Piling Contractors are invited to register their interest to tender for the piling contract comprising approximately A 220 piles/ pile groups totalling
      1,211 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 416 30 Toyotas kep their value better Toyota Corolla is a consistent worldwide favourite car. The whole world agrees. 1974—1977 World passenger car Production Leaders For four consecutive years, world-wide ■■■MBHMI demand for the Toyota Corolla has been g 1974 1975 1976 1977 steadily rising. For four consecutive years I I M
      416 words