The Straits Times, 3 July 1978

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times 25 CENTS Estd. 1845 MONDAY, JULY 3, 1978 M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 406 1 'Asean will be helped even to point of creating a threat to our own industries' MANILA, Sunday A Japanese Foreign Ministry official said in a published interview today that Japan was anxious to help Asean achieve self-reliance even to the point of ''creating a threat to
    AFP  -  406 words
  • 72 1 COMIC strip hero Spiderman does It with the greatest of ease as he slides down a section of New York's towering Empire State Building. The hero in the comic strip does it without the aid of a Hfeline, but Fred Wai h, stunt m a n-cum-director of
    AP  -  72 words
  • 65 1 NEW YORK, Sun. Police said yesterday a can of petrol In an Ice cream truck caught fire and touched off an explosion on Friday that sprayed 162 noontime strollers with shrapnel-llke bits of metal and glass. Chief of detectives James Sullivan said "We have eliminated high
    UPI  -  65 words
  • 31 1 YALA (Thailand). Sun. Two communist terrorists were killed In an ambush by Thai security forces In Yala In southern Thailand today. a paramilitary source here said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 56 1 KUWAIT. Sun. A Kuwaiti rMMspaper atld today leypts dissident former chlef-of-Uaff had offered to train Palestinian guerilla farces The dally Al Watan aald Oen Saadeddln Snarly, dlsmlaaed last month ai Cairo'! Ambassador to Lisbon for open opposition to President Sadat "has offered to join Palestinian guerilla
    UPI  -  56 words
  • 214 1  -  RANEE GOVINDRAM By MISS Singapore/ Universe, Annie Lee Mci Ling, who left for the Miss Universe contest In Mexico on Saturday, is stranded In Los Angeles. No one turned up to meet her at the airport when she landed there yesterday. So. she checked into the Hyatt
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  • 495 1 WASHINGTON, Sunday PRESIDENT Carter has raised the possibility of the failure of US mediation efforts in Middle East peace negotiations and suggested the talks may have to go back to a Geneva conference. It was the first Mmc that a
    Reuter  -  495 words
  • 64 1 MEMPHIS. Sun. Three striking firemen were arrested today on suspicion ot arson as supervisory personnel, lift alone by a walkout of 1.400 union firefighters, struggled to contain a rash of blades said to be caused by Are' bombings. Firemen refused to report for wo:k yesterday morning
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  • 34 1 EAST BERLIN. Sun. The biggest Soviet military manoeuvres In central Europe «lnce the 1975 Helsinki Security Conference get undtr way In East Germany tomorrcw with the West barred from sending observers. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 427 1 JERUSALEM, Sunday PRESIDENT Carter's statement on Middle East peace prospects angered Israelis today and struck a jarring new note in the goodwill mission of Vice-President Walter Mondale. 1 Even Israeli President Yitzhak Navon, whose status normally debars him from controversial comment, delivered an open reproof during
    Reuter  -  427 words
  • 86 1 JERI NAI.KM. Sun I I \i<r-Prr»idrnl Walter Mon dal* and Prlnw Minister Mrnacbrm Begin announced today l.rarl ha> •freed to take part in a 'lIMJtI jo Juomui pjwodojil Egyptian and I S fuiricn minMrr- In London this month. Mr. Mondalr and Mr. R<|ili emerged from 4
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 116 1 Er*jQK&i a aaaa^B^Bßßßi When all banks are pretty much the same, ACBC service makes the difference. Everyone knows thai all banks offer pretty much the same facilities to their customers. But what makes one bank better than the other is its service. Whether you are opening a letter of credit
      116 words
    • 344 1 ROTARIANS HIT BACK AT MINISTER Page 7 WESTERN Europe keen to rearm China 3 OWEN: It depends on the election 5 MINISTRY plan to downgrade literature g New step in war on drug menace Page 11 PROTEST to Lee over pricing of PSA flats 9 FIVE major clashes with Reds
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 312 2 A great moral challenge: Hayden BANGKOK, Sunday AUSTRALIAN opposition lead- er Bill Hayden said today that Indochinese refugees pose a Kieat moral challenge to the West that wealthy countries have not met. Mr. Hayden, who arrived at Bangkok's Don Muang Airport, spoke briefly with newsmen before driving to Slkieu refugee
      AP  -  312 words
    • 622 2 KOKOU (South China), Sunday (CHINESE refugees who have crossed into China told foreign correspondents at this border i town that bribery and corruption in southern Vietnam was as rife as it had been under the American-b a c k c d South
      Reuter  -  622 words
    • 100 2 'Life span of Japanese Is longest' TOKYO. Sun. Japan has become the nation with the world's longest life span, surpassing the Scandinavian countries, a Health Ministry report said yesterday. It said life expectancy for male Japanese stood at 72 69 years as of last Oct 1, an Increase by 0.54
      AP  -  100 words
    • 34 2 BANOKOK. Sun— Insurgents abducted IS villagers and herded them Into the Jungles last Tuesday In a sensitive area of Sartn Province. 340 km northeast of Bangkok, tt was reported here today— AFP.
      AFP  -  34 words
    • 81 2 Mt Fuji summer pilgrims IT'S summer-climb-ing season on Mount Fuji again and the first to labour their way up Japan's highest mountain carry a portable shrine and a model of the mountain. About 1.000 people climbed the 3.776-metre mountain during the weekend, braving rain and heavy fog. The traditional pilgrimage
      AP  -  81 words
    • 218 2 Australia to pay $16.5m for Cocos Islands CANBERRA. Sun 4 USTRALIA has agreed J\ to pay A56.25 million <*****8 million) to buy 27 atolls in the Indian Ocean known as Cocos Islands tram Mr. John Clunles-Ross, whose great-great grandfather was granted the Islands "in perpetuity" by Queen Victoria In 1857.
      AFP  -  218 words
    • 33 2 BANGKOK. Bun—Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Phan Hlen Is scheduled to arrive In Bangkok tomorrow to brief Thai leaders on Vietnam's escalating conflicts with China and Cambodia. Thai officials said yesterday. —UPI.
      UPI  -  33 words
    • 39 2 MED ELL IN (Colombia), Bun. Police barely averted a mass prison break here on Friday when they caught 850 Inmates of Bellavlta Prison Just as they were escaping Into the street after drugging their three guards. AFP.
      AFP  -  39 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 171 2 Mini Van Mini cosl 1 Maximum Utility! T^H I m W mi WI Leyland does it again! wy With the Mini Van !t s eOOOe 0000 03 Reliable. Tough. And versatile. They just don't come any better! •998 c.c. hard-working engine. •Lightweight. Drives like a passenger car. Looks like a
      171 words
    • 188 2 W/^ fe>l f^l SI i I Morning w// fr J wtikb\ T i vorfce J/fir^ m m WWk \Jla W M H^i Scene \K *9 m jL <L. V*^*^^^^ TlLujß &42£&2# Jrto L'^ J Ik If its you they're tdking about, its time you ga\e us a call. Wfe promise
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    • 445 3 Western Europe keen to rearm China D A R I S, Sun— A 1 majority of governments and of public opinion In Western Europe appear to favour the rearmament of China by the Europeans, analysts said here today. Main objections have come from the French and Italian communists, who view
      AFP  -  445 words
    • 52 3 IMELDA AT MOSCOW CONTEST MRS. Imelda Marcos, wife of Philippine President Marcos, attending the sixth internatio n a I Tchaikovsky music contest in Moscow on Saturday. Mrs. Marcos, also the chairman of the j Philippines -I'SSR So- ciety, is in Moscow at th. invitation of the Soviet Ministry of Culture.
      AP  -  52 words
    • 66 3 ZURICH. Sun Victor Korchnol. the jelf-exiled Soviet conteneer for the world chess crown, has sent an open letter to Soviet head of state, f-cniri Breznnev demanding the release oi his family from the Soviet Union. Mr Korchnol revealed this here yesterday before flying to Baguio City in the
      AFP  -  66 words
    • 52 3 HONGKONG. Bun— About 30 people were injured today when a double-decker bus toppled on its side while negotiating a bend in Hongkong's twin city of Kowloon. across the harbour from Hongkong Island. Police said 16 of the Injured were hospitalised but only one was listed in poor
      AP  -  52 words
    • 350 3 Mao call for 'voice of people' published PEKING. Sunday 'THE Chinese Communist Party marked its 57th anniversary today with the unprecedented publication of an earthy speech made by Mao Tse-tung in 1962 attacking bureaucrats and calling for a greater voice for the people. It is believed to be the first
      Reuter  -  350 words
    • 175 3 Formed: Institute on constitution awareness JAKARTA, Sun— Twen-ty-nln? prominent Indonesian political party and student leaders have set up an Iristitution for the Development of Constitutional Awareness headed by retired Major General Aziz Saleh. A spokesman said the institute will sponsor study clubs, give lectures and hold discussions on currenr topics
      AFP  -  175 words
    • 30 3 BANG.' OK. Sun— Thai authorities s»ired a lars* cache of dynamite on a southbound train parked at Bangkok's Hua Lampong railway station on Friday, police said yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  30 words
    • 58 3 MANILA, Sun. A new Ombudsman office to safeguard the constitutional rights of the people will be created under a presidential decree, the mass circulation Bulletin reported today. Quoting the Justice Ministry, the report said the office was "to give effect to the constitutional rights of the people to
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 225 3 Indira's party warns of national disaster- NEW DELHI. Sun. Warning oi a dangerI ous drift to national i disaster, former Prime Minister Indira Oan- dhi's opposition forces 1 sought today to make political capital of the i rift In Prime Minister Morarjl Desai's cabinet. I Mr. Desai's ruling Janata Party
      Reuter; AP  -  225 words
    • 256 3 MANILA. Sun. Top armed forces com manders conferred yesterday in the southern Philippines amid reports that Muslim rebels were massing presumably for a new wave of attacks, military intelligence sources said. An official statement released in Zamboanga City, headquarters of the Southern Command, said the unit
      AP  -  256 words
    • 54 3 ROME. Sun— The recorded voice of a Red Brigades guerilla giving the first word on where the body of former premier Aldo Moro had been abandoned was broadcast throughout Italy yesterday. Magistrates Investigating the murder asked state radio and television to broadcast the message hoping someone might
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 117 3 JAKARTA, Sun— The Straits of Malacca, the narrow body of watei separating Malaysia and the Indonesian island of Sumatra, is becoming a popular transit area for druc dealers operating in South-east Asia, a ranking police official said yesterday. Brig Gen. Hudioro. chief of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 141 3 Reliable labwork needs reliable reagents. Count on Hoechst. low can you rely on your labwork unless your reagents +f are constant? Accurate blood *Ao^^4i I A test e^' cient industrial inspecP' 1 X tion, proper food analysis, good I^MBv llUk academic experiment, all I f depend on reagents. And you
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    • 213 4 BEIRUT, Sun. An official of the rightwing Christian Falange Party said today Syrian peace keeping forces were pounding the main party headquarters "with all types o; weapons." The reported flare-up came exactly 24 hours after Syrians and Christian rightist militiamen battled In the south east
      AP; UPI  -  213 words
    • 55 4 WASHINGTON. Sun. President Carter says it used to take 500 pases to describe the regulation; on the purchase ol mousetraps (or the Defence Department. "We have cut It down to lers than one pare," Mr. Carter told group of visiting news executives. The text of his i
      UPI  -  55 words
    • 244 4 Tit-for-tat strike by US can devastate Russia WASHINGTON, Snn. A retaliatory strike by the United States could devastate the Soviet Union even after a massive surprise Russian attack armed at destroying American nuclear forces. Congressional studies released yesterday said. But the studies, undertaken by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). cautioned
      UPI  -  244 words
    • 379 4 CAIRO. Sun A RAB Foreign Mm*- isters today decided to clamp a political, economic and cultural blockade against the Marxist government of Aden for engineering the assassination of President Ahmed Hussein Al-Ghashmi of North Yemen. An emergency session of the Arab League Council, attended
      Reuter; UPI  -  379 words
    • 123 4 ROME, Sun. A fifth ballot today failed to give Italy its seventh president as the Parliament remained deadlocked on the election of a successor to resigned Chief of State Giovanni Leone. As in yesterday's ballot, communist Giorgio Amendola drew the largest number of votes,
      AP  -  123 words
    • 59 4 LONDON, Sun. Britain has decided to sell a guided- missile destroyer and two frigates to Egypt to replace Soviet vessels found too expensive to run, the London Sunday Telegraph said today. The three vessels are the 6,200-tonne destroyer Devonshire launched in 1962, and the 2.400-tonne frigates Salisbury
      AFP  -  59 words

    • 240 5 Mobutu may break ties with Belgium KINSHASA, Sun. rE government of President Mobutu Sese Seko appeared today to be heading for a diplomatic split with Belgium, the colonial master in the days when this sprawling country used to be known as the Congo. The freedom given to Zairean opposition groups
      AFP  -  240 words
    • 155 5 SECURITY ROW AFTER PRISONER SHOPPING MANILA, Sun. An inmate of the Philippines toughest military stockade today caused a security row after be went shopping in a fashionable department store and bumped into a wealthy doctor he is charged with kidnapping for ransom. The military Judge Advocate General, Brigadier General Hamilton
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 491 5 SALISBURY, Sun. BRITISH For eign Secretary Dr. David Owen said today Britain would recognise Rhodesia's "Internal" settlement If proposed elections were "free and fair" but he held out little hope for their success. In an interview published in the Rhodesia Sunday Mall Dr. Owen
      Reuter; UPI  -  491 words
    • 145 5 Ethiopian troops fail in drive on Eritrea KHARTOUM. Sun. A three-pronged drive by Ethiopian Government troops on secessionist lorces in Eritrea province has been stalled on the border, accoiding to spokesmen here for the guerilla movements. But they said fighting was continuing near the Mareb River north of Aduwa in
      145 words
    • 91 5 Guerillas kill 14 in raid on farm SALISBURY. Sun. Fourteen blacks, including five children, were killed by guerillas yesterday night at their larm north of Rusape, about 200 km east of here, a government spokesman said today. He said Rh<xle»ian security forces were at the scene. An official communique was
      AP  -  91 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 211 5 LOLVREy gpEE ORGAN PERFORMANCE Famous TV performer top organist from USA. "she'll show you the magic of Lowrey Music. VENUE Plaza Singapura, Unit 221 PATE TIME: 9th July 6 8 pm. 10th 11th July 12 2 pm, 6 8 pm. Lowrey Organ is the result of more than 50 years
      211 words
    • 1059 5 KHEMCOS ANNUAL Kill H nEBa usual ptict asm. TtXTim fnc>.M»r Mi P.Mh. 90cmS 550.6 7 90 !M lt^^s,*j^., 1 45 cm \l* 00 to $48 00 tU.OOU*WAJW Ft«ctiT«^( 1 45 cm J24 50 .o»3600 »UOOU»>w»JM Ih««D»Im 145cm524 00.o»36 00 »UOOUfWA«OS CxfM4.CMmP.inMk UscmS2Boo »'»J« P-,»»WIPW..,TK«S.Ik2H, 100cmt2650 lNlw.lhfNlM.Cw Mscmi99o PrmtW S..f>
      1,059 words

  • 726 6  -  GENE KRAMER By in New Delhi TWO maverick ministers ousted from Prime Minister Morarji Desai's Cabinet for indiscipline say they have just begun to fight. The 82-year-old Desai seems ready. Submitting their requested resignations to Mr. Desal last Friday. Home Affairs Minister Charan Singh.
    AP  -  726 words
  • 527 6  -  BRIAN KINSELLA By in Kuala Lumpur A GROUP of top nuclear scientists from the Asia-Pacific region has finalised plans for a series of projects which they hope will help bring under-d c v c loped economies of the area into the atomic age.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 304 6 Tel: *****55 tJasons ■V i^V Y^?T£2^t& TVFAtW 1 IrC^C—^^L J S*^ A. FILLET/f j^r^ j w I^SCiB IP O\TATT J >\ I iiif* r /calfN/^^amb >v j TOPSIDE MINCED O. 1 EVAPORATED MILK CHa PREMIUM QUALITY 500g L. 3U KINGOFKINGS 410g QUU COOKED HAM lin Mll(/ QQJ Extra lean, tasty
      304 words
    • 561 6 Nutricos Metics Nutri-Metics B "I^fr* NutriMetics... the Leader in |*v fete* |J^^ the field of Pure Nutritious il Hf A Skin Care and Beauty Aids, are A H2l_ J^ formulated on a very unique M H W flfe »5S_ Pssb"%— ill concept of using extracts from M V "J-S* I
      561 words

  • 733 7  -  IRENE NGOO 'He hasn't done his homework' By gEVERAL leading H 0 t ;i 1 i 1 11 s, "shocked" by the scnthing attack by Mr. (i 0 h Ch 0 k Tong, the Senior Minister of State r Finance), on the Rotary movement in
    733 words
  • 154 7 $30m underground tunnel plan to ease traffic SINGAPORE will have I its first under (round traffic tunnel rusting $30 million. undrr a new government plan to provide freer traffic flow in the < city. The tunnel stretching from an area near the Istana entrance to a portion of (Irmenceau Avenue
    154 words
  • 78 7 DENTAL HEALTH contest ai Lorong Chuan community centre on Saturday. 2.30 n m. TRADE EXPOSITION opening at Beduk community centre on Saturday. 7.30 p.m. YOUTH SITE at Whampoa community centre on Saturday, 7.30 p.m. TOUR to southern Islands by Buklt Panjang community centre on Sunday from 9 a:m:
    78 words
  • 57 7 AMATEUR jazz musicians who wish to hold "jam" tfsstons can meet In the bar of th» Hollandse Club In Ctmdtn Read or. the Arst Monday of each month from I pm onwards. The first session begins tonight. Those Interested can contact Mr Heln Princen at the club
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  • 37 7 THE MlntsUr for Health. Dr. Toh Chin Chye will open the second World Safety and Accident Prevention Congress (Wosapcon at the Hyatt Hotel on Saturday. The six-day congress will end on July 14
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 108 7 IBP. Tour Tile Centre. H\ Nee homes become nicer with the right choice of great /fl H\ tile ideas Choose from the widest range of quality /fl imported plain, floral, antique and decorative IM^M wall and floor tiles Functionality, elegance durability in each /aS and every IBP tile /J^^\ Get
      108 words
    • 860 7 NOW lease an apartment at Ardmore Park and enjoy amenities rivalling any iv m country club! S*B 81 iS[ Your security is well aEJj s g f bW|blb^b^b^b^b.^bib^b^b^bl ensured an b% «™™B^ A 24-hour security guard service maintains p^Smel S i^ "^^^Pv surveillance over all who enter and there is
      860 words

  • 269 8  -  JUNE TAN By LITERATURE is to be downgraded to cany the least quantum of marks in schools at Secondary One and Two level. This is the strong "recommendation" that the Education Ministry recently made to lower secondary teachers at a workshop session aimed at teaching
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  • 291 8 Damage to aircraft act of mischief, say police POLICE investigating the 1 damage caused to two Rockwell International aircraft at Seletar aerodrome on Thursday night have classified the case as "mischief." The Penal Code defines "mischief" as the intentional destruction or damage of property and the penalties range from a
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  • 50 8 SINGAPORE Airlines Group and its employees union, the Singapore Air Transportworkers Union (BATU) will hold a blood donation campaign on Wednesday and Thursday. Airport employees may call at the recreation centre at Airline House during these two days from 9 ajn. to 3.30 p.m. to donate blood.
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  • 30 8 THE Minister for Communications and acting Minister for Culture, Mr. Ong Teng Cheong, will open the Singapore Youth Festival at the National Stadium on Saturday at 5 p.m.
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  • 69 8 Doctor dies at 62 DR. J. M. LEWIS (above), a medical practitioner, died at the Tan Took Stng Hospital on Saturday night. He was 62. Dr. Lewis was a company doctor of the Straits Times Group and a qualified hypnotist. He was president of the Singapore Society for Clinical Hypnosis
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  • 277 8 Use hands drive: Minister clears the air 'FHE Minister for Home Affairs and EducaA tion, Mr. Chua Sian Chin yesterday urged parents noi to regard the "Use Your Hands" campaign as a government measure to use students instead of servants to keep schools clean. He stressed that students were not
    277 words
  • 73 8 THE National Theatre Trust and the Rotary Club of Singapore will Jointly present the Long Island Youth Oichestra at National Theatie on July 16 at 8.30 p.m. Tickets at $20, $15, $10. $5, $3 and S2. will be on Mis from tomorrow at Cold Storage, C.K. Tang
    73 words
  • 261 8 'S'pore a bustling, modern metropolis in five years' IN flve years, Singapore would be turned into a bustling modern metropolis nestled in a garden city under the urban redevelopment programme, the Senior Minister of State (Foreign AfTairs). Mr. A. Rahlm Ishak, said. "We are today gearing ourselves to reach out
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  • 52 8 THE River Valley community centre worwri subcommittee will organise a baby show for babies born between Aug 13, 1*76, and May 13, 1978. at its premises Aug 11 at 9 a.m. The Slglap community centre will hold 1U annual baby rhow at Its premiss Aug 13 at
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  • 29 8 THE Junior Flying Club will hold 1U fifth National Junior Aeromodelllng Championship at the Police Academy on July 15 and It from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 304 8 co I HHHHPvHp4 BSVfI CD I lifiAmm' «V kTi iiwl:^ •T^Vili CD IK MINK) MOTORS-TOYOTA^ SSS^SSii^^w »t««««K«» t ««««K«A Member of the Inchcape Group of Companies Commwew vrtici. cntrr 995 Bum T, m .h Ro«j (6V. m s > Tei *****3 SANYO MAKES A WORLD OF REAL COOL DIFFERENCE ENGINEERED
      304 words
    • 44 8 GYMNASTICS^ shoes r^)i C P\JC Sole Canvas Vamp in red white BALLET SHOES in white and pink satin. WhU^bedroom slippers with embroidery. Various colours and designs. All from China Sole Distributor BjlMNixa gg pte ltd 60-62 North Bridge Rd V Tel *****0 V y
      44 words

  • 738 9 'We want fair treatment' MORE than 100 flat iTI owners In two Port Authority (PSA) point blocks in Spottlswoode Park have written to their MP, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, protesting against the higher prices they had to pay for their flats compared
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  • 133 9 r REIGN Minister S. Rajaratnam and the Deputy Speaker of Parliament. Mr. Tang See Chim, have been invited to visit Queensland which has been described as the fastest-growing state in Australia. The Invitation was made by Queensland's eight-member par 1 1 amentary delegation which
    133 words
  • 221 9 Jailing of S'pore seamen: Ministry acts THE Ministry of Forcif n Affairs is arranging with the Singapore embassy in Bangkok to find out the fate of 23 local fishermen now jailed in Burma. The ministry has approved that the Singapore Marine Product j Workers' Union, which represents the fishermen, send
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 667 9 GET THE REAL BARGAINS AT CLE4CANt I CENTRE We are offering brand new and oddment goods at greatly reduced prices. Come and choose from a very wide selection of menswear and Bally shoes during Cold Storage's Redevelopment Period. HERE ARE SOME OF THE STAR BARGAINS: BYFORD HEAVY NYLON SOCK 2.90
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    • 1 9 '—dhtmFF/19/g
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 307 9 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS crossword setter's clients 1 Boy without mother going back with gipsies' < b > 7He is abstinent without 4 Thus Uwtul urge is made believer manliest (7). 8 Eu">P«an heard in the Thing I have In the end 14 Question about Alec, Jj'- Dicky. Eric and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 432 10 TH€ CH ARTCRCD DANK jL|IJTw Tocetebrateto <fiaQpofe, The Hr 7H r7 J^sS&S&P BK ff j| K^^^^^^^^_ K\ \/^s=^/\ Lil— I All you need is a The more money Deposit now. Where $500 Savings you deposit, the more the prizes are big, I Account chances you get strong and friendly! To
      432 words

  • 137 11 APPLICATION forms l A. for the purchase of the 1978 Singapore Proof Set will be available at the Board of Commissioners of Currency office at 79 Robinson Road from today between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. as long as, stocks last. Completed forms must
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  • 128 11 Computer system links Holiday Inn chain HOLIDAY Inn has acquired a new computer which links the hotel to 1,700 others in the international chain through the multi-mil-lion dollar Holidex computerised system. The system was installed recently with the blessings of the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore. By feeding messages into the
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  • 21 11 THE National Museum will screen three films on Mm Zealand at 1U premises on Wednesday at 8 p.m.
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  • 149 11 Marine police rescue 5 drifting barter traders ItjARINE police resA cued five Indonesian barter traders after their sampans capsized and sank in rough sea off Pulau Bukom early yesterday. They weie In two sampans on their way to Pasir Panjang when the incident occurred shortly after 6 a.m. It is
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  • 45 11 THE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct military exercises from 8 a.m. to midnight dally in the following areas: Marsillng and Mandai from today to Sunday: Chua Chu Kang Lim Chu Kang from today to Saturday. I Ma v Khatib tomorrow and Wednesday.
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  • 29 11 THE MountbatUn community centre ycuth group will hold a two-day recreational camp at Ponggol from July 15. For details, ring *****7 between 3 pjn. and 10 p.m.
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  • 118 11 AMERICANS CELEBRATE THEIR BIG DAY A 810 number of Americans here celebrated their country's Independence Day two days in advance yesterday with some merry-making at the Singapore American School in Ulu Pandan. It was largely a gathering of families with lots of hamburgers and a sprinkling of band music. Two
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  • 77 11 OAN Katfßtf, 31. a clerk-cum-attendhnt, was fined $4,000 and disqualified from driving all vehicles (or three years by a district judge (or causing the death of Jamaluddln bin Omar, 25. at the compound of a company in Penplru Road on Feb The court heard that about
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  • 369 11  - A new step in war on drug menace PAUL WEE By r pHK Ministry of Home Affairs has recently set up a urine bank believed to l>e the first of its kind in the world in its fight against the drug menace here. Situated in Phoenix Park, the bank stores
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  • 94 11 LABOURERS unearthed 14 rusty mortar bombs while digging a trench in Jalan Anggerek, oft MacPherson Road, early yesterday. The bombs, believed to be World War Two relics, were later taken away by the SAF Bomb Disposal Unit. When* the labourers came across the first bomb at
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 185 11 ■jjlj Model Academic 15 —^^i^—^— i— i Available at leading optical shops. Olivier Singapore (Re) Ltd 2106, Robina House, Shenton Way, Singapore 1. Tel: *****22 Achieve amazing results in English Wah Moi °?STS I J#wrtl^ with the Examiner- 949. u PP .-r Rangoon Road, wym £^1 S rtgapore 1 9
      185 words
    • 381 11 II IB I MM I I Model 240 Model 235 Offers 16 computerised -r- ,„r- X I akes a full sk q family wash programmes. v v o X .3. 3 wash load, offers 12 using the unique i wash programmes. has Hoover Keyplate o M ci .vcompartment electronic control.
      381 words

    • 664 12 MALAYSIA'S oppol sition parties, feeling the relentless pressure of the ruling National Front coalition, charged that they have become hopelessly hobbled as the general election draws nearer. A leader of the DAP, Mr. Karpal Singh, said that the government's ban on public rallies had
      Reuter  -  664 words
    • 68 12 KUALA LUMFUR. Sun. The Central Narcotics Bureau Is believed to have smashed a drug .syndicate operating In the city with the arrest of three nun and the recovery of 1.300 rolls of ganja here recently. The offlcer-ln-charge of the central reclon. Sj.=d Mur Wahid, said with the
      AFP  -  68 words
    • 25 12 TAIPING. Sun.—The National Front is distributing 50.000 copies of a pamphlet to the people here as the last leg of the election campaign.
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    • 54 12 IPOH, Sun. Ten DAP members, Including a branch chairman, have resigned from the party because they were not happy with the present leadership. Nine of them are from Kampung Cheh. about 24 km from Kuala Kangsar, and one from Sungei Slput. All have pledged their support
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    • 353 12 Penang bridge plan no gimmick, says Dr. Lim nENANG. Sun Penarig 1 Chief Minister Dir Lim Chong Eu bridled at reported scepticism over the government i announcement that the final alignment of the 1 bridge project linking the island with Prai on the mainland had been been decided with the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 234 12 HOW TO ENTER THE WORLD OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCE. X 1 v n f ~"3isiS^%~^^ £L ji »ffls? x l J\ LJ I 1 Slit* ~g^B *O» -a^v X.*. J g^g^ah glgHflCf^* t g^gW j ■^■^a^aW. i 0 C P a \XI *9m*bt* g^i^gaw |?i^r J 'V^a^Latj'^ l^g^kkw The world of
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
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    • 234 13 JOHORE BARU, Sunday members of the security forces were killed and another seven injured in at least five major clashes with communists on June 20— the 30th anniversary of the communist struggle, the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Tan Si i Mahmood Yunus,
      234 words
    • 80 13 KOTA KINABALU. Sun The Sabah Ports Authority plans to convert Lahad Datu into a dual-purpose port to handle both dry and liquid bulk cargo, its general manager, Enclk Abdul Sama Mohamed. said today. Local consultants would be appointed soon to design the new facilities
      AFP  -  80 words
    • 202 13 Bus on way to Muar catches fire MALACCA, Sun. A $70,000 bus belonging to the Malacca Omnibus Service was destroyed by fire at the 10.4 km, Mala c caMuar Road here this morning. The 44 -p a s senger bus with a full load was proceeding to Muar from here
      202 words
    • 207 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday INSTALLATION of the $68 million Bekok platform in the Esso contract area off Kuala Trengganu has begun and oil production is expected to start in the fourth quarter of this year. Petronas and Esso Production Malaysia said today a maximum of 12
      207 words
    • 76 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Bun. Indonesia's Information Minister Lt -On All Moertopo will begin a five-day official visit to Malaysia on Thursday at the Invitation of his Malaysian counterpart, Datuk Mohamed This wes disclosed by Datuk Mohamed at press conference after attending a security brieflnc near Johoie
      AFP  -  76 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 112 13 C 9 mW With no training she could still be looking X months from now. Give her a secretarial course and in a year, I your daughter could be HHHI well qualified to hold a good secretarial BHlflH position in today's X competitive business world. oour next full-time Private Secretary's
      112 words
    • 442 13 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN BERITA HARIAN AND ROXY (S) PTE LTD CAN TESTIFY THIS. "Berita Harian readers are seeking new *^^Bk ways for modern living And Roxy has been their number one choice in providing them HfcL with the widest choice of quality products j^,v Ranging from Home Appliances,
      442 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 228 14 LIDO NW SHOWING! 5 Shows Daily: 11am, 1.30, 4, 6.45 9.15 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER 1977 Best Actor Richard Orry/uM "The Goodbye GM' la a jtoyoua comedy— )uat fvtwit th« \U A^V doctor oidcicd. dSk J9 Nell Simon make* M^F9 feeling good legal *MB vj ANfl<«Ul*wlWi W»m», Sifw PidAmlmi «RAVMAimn«>fXKTl<>*<<» «I»IU«I11
      228 words
    • 343 14 Cm? BEFORE AFTER ZUL, who lost 18kg. through the WEIGHT WATCHERS programme says: feel great. My insurance company don't consider me too obese anymore and I can even wear body-hugging clothes. Gu^T Losing weight never C^*p felt so good! WEIGHT WATCHERSO The Authority Suite PI, Hilton Hotel, Orchard Rd., Spore
      343 words
    • 566 14 t HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! I t SEASON ENDING SOON I X 47TH 'STAR-RIFIC' DAY! J 6.45 9.30pm W V BjU W 1^ 7.05 9.50 pm. T ADMISSION: $4.00, $2.50 $1.50 (No Free List) J 3 DAYS ADVANCE CASH BOOKINGS FOR $4.00 2 DAYS ADVANCE CASH BOOKINGS FOR $2.50 $1.50 CURRENT
      566 words
    • 246 14 SHW6-IHEUEVINC PREVIEW ORCH4RI: Suia; 91k at HAN Stalls: $1 50 Clrcl*: $2.50 (No PrM Lkrt) Bo»-PI»n» Now Opan For Caah Booking* Only AMAZING! INCREDIBLE!! AUTHENTIC!!!_ ■MBMfIHBaiLBiBLJL^BT > Ji |SN NIHN lH R^^b^^^^^^bb^^^i^^^bb^^^^^^^T^^^^^^b^bV JMCT"^ II FKEE TO EVERY TICKET HOLDEK t mm \m lemm tea sachet BY NESTLES PRODUCTS (MALAYA) LTD
      246 words
    • 386 14 OWCAWISATION L JT DAY! 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6 4S. 9 1 J "2 CREAT CAVALIERS MANDARIN in Scope-Color "DPTKiS TOMORROW "CRAZY ENCOUNTERS MANDARlNir^copj^olor WWBSSM NOW SHOWING! Republic -Sky-Prevdent I lorn, 1 45, 4 00 6 45, 9 15 O«l 1045, I 00 i 15, 7 9 15 "SHAOLIN MANfIS" MANOARl^r^cope^o[or
      386 words

  • 109 15 JOINT VENTURE SHIPYARD OPENS TODAY KEPPEL Philippines Shipyard a $10 million joint venture between Keppel Shipyard and Filipino businessmen will be officially opened in Manila today. The yard, which employs about 500 workers. Is the first to be set up in an Asean country Involving a Singapore company. SJngapore will
    109 words
  • 59 15 MR Khoo Kay Thong has brrn tlectrd president of the §lt>gapoie Government Shorth.ii.d Writers Association Othtr officials are Mr ]I(?a Sundram ivice-preci-df'iti. Mr. Seah Ah Ec ihon secretary! and Mr. Albert IJrn <hon. treasurer). Mjss •tuula Devi. Mrs Sally Yap. Mil- I'liniy N^. Miss Theresa Soon.
    59 words
  • 657 15 SINGAPORE has not only been able to remain self-sufficient In pork, poultry and hen eggs, but has also achieved a 14.3 per cent increase last year in the value of primary production. The Increase has been achieved through greater production and better prices
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  • 237 15 A leap from copter into 'enemy' waters A HELICOPTER sweeps seawards high above the heads of the crowd and huvrrs momentarily over the waves to allow a diver to leap into "enemy" waters (see picture). His mission: To seek and destroy obstacles laid in the sea by the "enemy." I'pon
    TAN SUAN ANN  -  237 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 162 15 The only central aircon system for the business with no budget for one. There are many businesses that fall into that unfortunate category: tcxi small to warrant a mammoth central aircon system and too bi^ to be £Jf effiecthrdy ccx>led by individual room units. T* Fortunately, there is the Carrier
      162 words
    • 419 15 Cf FOR YOUR HOTEL RE/ERVfITIOfI/ ifiHonGKone, pler/e COfITfICT YOUR fIEfIRE/T CflTHflV PfICIFIC fIIRUJfIV/ OFFICE < Programmed learning for to-morrow's secretaries I The audio-visual sight and Sound system is used to teach students ""^^IZZr: L at 3ecretariuB the school of secretarial skills 0 This system is !3!SSSSSBg— unique in Singapore and
      419 words

  • 689 16 The Straits Times MONDAY. JULY 3, 1978 NEW AWARENESS THE four-nation accord for a reconstituted Geneva disarmament conference, endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly, is a breakthrough of sorts. For France, one of the four, has hitherto refused to take part in the talks, which since 1962 has also
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  • 409 16  -  MICHAEL LOCKLEY In Belgrade By PRESIDENT Tito has given Jugoslavia a firm political testament, reasserting the country's determination to go Its own unorthodox communist way and warning Moscow against any fresh attempts to draw the country back Into the Soviet orbit. Independence from the
    Reuter  -  409 words
  • 1437 16  -  PETER KAYSER By in Cairo PRESIDENT Anwar Sadat's sudden crackdown on his critics over the past few weeks is no surprise for a man stepped in a 7,000-year-old tradition of central government. Mr. Sadat, who came to power almost eight years
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  • 671 16  -  MASAO KANAZASHI By IN recent weeks the Soviet Union has chosen some dramatic public acts apparently to accentuate Its already i well-known opposition to plans for a peace and friendship treaty between Japan and China. Despite the Soviet position, however, the Japanese Government remains determined
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 2 16 Ml »^^S^^M
      2 words
    • 685 16 slgnet.TK7su SIMPLY.....THE BEST CARTRIDGE AVAILABLE! HI 1 Yes. that's exactly the way to describe the new Signet TK7 SU cartridoe-one that is noticeably superior in every aspect i The Nude square-shank miniaturized Shibata stylus plus the dual-magnet low-mass design provides an accurate frequency response from even the most demanding records.
      685 words

  • TV Times
    • 411 17 RTS will telecast the colourful opening ceremony of the 1978 Singapore Youth Festival at the National Stadium on Saturday "live" and in colour on Channel 5 at 5 p.m. The one-and-a-half-hour ceremony will be open by the acting Minister for Culture, Mr. Ong
      411 words
    • 59 17 RTS will organise Talentlme 1978 In English which will be telecast "live" between October and December. Contestants car compete only in one of three sections vocal soloist, vocal group with a maximum of six persons per group and solo Instrumentalist. Entry forms are available at the
      59 words
    • 71 17 JOAN Crawford comes on in this afternoon's matinee, DAISY KENYON, on Channel 5. 3.35 p.m. She plays the role of the woman torn in a love triangle. Dana An- drews and Henry Fonda play the two men in her life who both have different backgrounds
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    • 125 17 Panel of four on the air tomorrow r« THE GENERAL PAPER on radio at 7.15 p.m. tomorrow, a panel of four discuss the topic: "The constructive use of leisure U one of today's most important considerations." They are Prof. Ann Wee, of the Social Work Dtp at tment. Singapore University;
      125 words
    • 255 17 PROMISING singers discovered In last year's Chinese talentlme organised by RTS will have a chance to further explore their vocal talents and gain greater exposure through the new musical programme BUDDING SINGERS, to be shown on Sunday over Channel 8 at 5.55 p
      255 words
    • 157 17 Too much dialogue and too little action THE COLLABORATORS, the new police drama series produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is, from what I saw in the opening episode last Sunday, a big bore with lots of talking and too little action. Whilst normal police dramas show policemen solving crimes,
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 174 17 B^l^B Mm Starting a new office? Let Orchid design and supply you a package deal from partition, office tables chairs, carpets, curtains, etc. Mon-Sat 11am -9pm Sunday 10am— 8pm We make your living better! orchid ■furniture mfy <pfce> ltd 324/325, Pla/a Singapura,3rd Floor (above Yaohan) Orchard Road. Singapore 9. Tel
      174 words
    • 27 17 Singapore s fl^S^ H Hj irnh^H Leading Fashion K^afl l^r^l.Tll Department V W §M V ■•^V-lUI I Store Open Daily K)am-9pm BHavelock/Outram ßoads. Spore 3 Tel *****1
      27 words
    • 329 17 The not-too-sweet sweet... (\bur sweetheart will love them as much as y( \i Jjj •C^B s the big attraction to fruit r gums. Flavour. Lasting flavour. V^TC /V But don' t let your sweetheart have any. Conversation will dwindle, Njß and that look of rapture begin as you both silently
      329 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 881 17 TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening followed by Star Performance 7.00 Dw't Ask Ml -The Room 7.30 Kiws (Malay) 3.30 Diary if Events (Taait) 7.45 Sandiwara Menadah Air Dilangit (Malay 3.35 Afternoon Matinee Patsy Kenyon (Part 1) drama) Starring: Joan Crawford, Dana Andrews, 8.30 Rick Mm. Ptof Mai
      881 words

    • 1896 18 AS twrvirt? to readers. Straits Time* publnhea weekly a i detailed analysis of share* on thr Stock Exchange of Singapore. The year's high and low, are followed by thr urek's movement in price*, the dividend yield, the net price earnings ratio and the volume of business NOTE:
      1,896 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 175 18 Do me stic "THE domestic market was relatively quiet last week as most banks kept squarish po.Mt ion before the halfyearly closing. The US /Sing opened at $2 3180 90 and was traded downward to $2.3140 50 on some speculative sellings belore the US May trade figures News that the
        175 words
      • 203 18 nrHE US dollar continued its downward movement on the European foreign exchange markets last w«k It dropped from yen 208 30 to yen 204 65. s«lu Ira .c ***** to St ***** and French franc 4 5715 to FT *****. The Japanese yen apa<n was strong reaching a new
        203 words
      • 304 18 THE local money market opened firm on Monday last week, and vuth dealers expecting a rise In the prime rat.s, overnight funds continued to maintain its level at around 5 1 percent 5>4 per cent to ease to 4' 2 per cent at the rlcse of business on Friday
        304 words
      • 256 18 ASIAN currency average 3 Mths 10 1 16 9 15 18 deposlU laws lor the 6 Mths 10 1 4 10 1/8 »cck ended Friday. June 30. 12 Mths 10 3 8 10 3. 16 l'S$ (Bid Price-.) Ext t 7 Days 8 HJCh 6^8 h W
        256 words
      • 111 18 of funds was x seen throughout last week with most Overnight business transacted above five per cent. Tetms rates firmed up about V. per cent In the Ones and 3 1G in the Twos and Threes on Monday, and remained s'eady throughout the rest of the week
        111 words
      • 22 18 lending THE average rate at which Singapore banks are currently prepared to lend to their beat customers i» per cent.
        22 words
      • 109 18 HIE following list cf stoeki five the 10 nmt traded in on the stock Exchange of Singapore last week. It fives the turnover in thousands of units, dodnf pikes on Friday and the hifh and low for 1978. Sim* Dirbjr Haw Par Brother* D O Land >'n(tpon
        109 words
    • 236 18 YEW YORK. Pri Rising x^ interest rates and concern they could go higher depressed stocks in trading which slowed as investors began their Independence Day weekends early. The market will be closed Tuesday for the Fourth of July holiday and many traders are expected to take off on
      236 words
    • 217 18 ZURICH. Fri. The bourse was maintained in continued quiet trading. Interfood declined after recent advances, showing the largest price change in the market. Bank Leu registered advanced among banks while among financials PresscFinanz and Srliinoler Bearer declined slightly In the industrial sector -Nestle declined slightly. In the foreign sector
      217 words
    • 220 18 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Friday 460.8 Thursday 457 3 Week Ago 456 3 UOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Fr'day J18.95 Thursday ***** Week Ago 823.02 LONDON DOLLAR PREMII/M Friday 112 to 112' 2 Thursday 1121., to 113 H. K. HANG SENG £T'<«» 556.88 Thursday 548.56 Week Ago i4B 08 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS
      220 words
    • 129 18 l'.n: 78 Weeks Action Toint Mich Lew Industrial Group 23rd 20th Change Mtka* lij.SO Automotive UoM 4»b..ii HM1 Banns, Insurance. Mnance and YiMteN 445.43 451.86 6.13 210.45 ihrm.caU. Kubbri I [oourl%, Kelining and Snultir.( 19S.9T 21O.4S 10.48 262.S1 181.16 Conclomcratr 25.1.13 ibi.Vl b.M
      129 words
      • 72 18 B.T. Index: Industrials: S> Finance: Hoteli: Properties: Tina: rubbers: O.C.B.t.: S.E.8. Ini June 26 June 2. June 28 Junr 29 June 10 1,258.2!) 1,267.27 1.314. S3 l.J.iti >S UtS.11 332.39 331.76 336.99 340.37 348.15 563.52 559.70 f.2.43 378.21 580 17 226.17 225.54 227.15 229.35 229.02 206.00 205.45 207.97 210.58
        72 words
      • 79 18 t B.T. Index: 1,768.47 1,779.60 1,867.47 Industrials: 371.93 3S9.7S 374.47 ti Finance: 173.88 470.42 193.88 Hotels: 206.87 2*6.42 206.71 Properties: 204.83 204.21 206.38 Tins: 176.22 176.66 178.21 S rubbers: 566.91 567.72 577.41 ■t Jan 1, 1975 100 1 Dec 30, 1966 m 100 Dec 31, 1968 100 Dec 29,
        79 words
      • 77 18 Current Date payment payment Ri\r rvirw 4<- (nj Auf 16 S pore Glau (1971) 12...', |b) Au» 18 Pc*i Malaysia 30'; Auf 26 Pan Electric U% Auc 31 Hon» Leonr 12% (b) NYA M Flour 6%TE NYA Ib) Flrtt and final "i second Interim TE Tax. rxrmpu 1
        77 words
    • 507 18 IT was a quiet but steady week on the Singapore produce market. Pepper started the week on a steady note with prices unchanged for all grades. Even the arrival of 85 tonnes "f Sarawak pepper (black and white) had little 'fleet on prices. A packer explained that there
      507 words
    • 239 18 TOKYO. Sat Share prices closed lower led by export orientated shares following the sharp yen appreciation abroad, dealers said. The Dow Jones average fell 14.07 to close at 5.529 07 point.N. with a volume of 210 million shares. The New index cliiM-d at 416.45. down 0.82 point. Elccti lcal.s.
      239 words
    • 139 18 AMSTERDAM. Pri Share prices were mostly firmer led by Akto and Hoofovens, 0.90 and one guilders higher respectively, among Dutch internationals, dealers said Slate loans were steady Closing prices in Dutch Kullders with thr difference on the previous session s prices p. Akio 2» 60 t *0 Kon Hoonovfns
      139 words
    • 50 18 A-s'i Plastics Industries Bhd: AGM tc be held al Bilik Kuld Ra.iah. 10th Floor, Jaya Pun. Jalnn Barat. Petaling Jaya at 12 noon on July 3. Wilkinson .Process Rubbfr (o. Bhd: AOM to be held at 70. Jalan Ampang Kuala Lumpur, at 2.30 p.m on July 18.
      50 words
    • 105 18 THE average discount rate for 91 aay Singapore Treasury Bills easeo to 3.225 per cent at the latest tender from 3.245 per cent previously, while the aver age ran on 12-day bills flrmea to 3.335 from 3.310 per cent previously, the Monetary Authority of Singapore iMASj said
      Reuter  -  105 words
    • 42 18 FOR the week ended Saturday July 1 the range of call rate received from Short Deposits (Ml Berhad waa as follow: BANK FUND: 3 to 5 per QINIRAL FUND: 3. to 3 per cent Movements of fund $481 million.
      42 words
    • 60 18 Friday Ttwrtday Melbourne (1) ISO tKI 182 15 London 1H3.008 184 HOB IS3 408 154.708 Zurich 153.008 184.008 1M 758 IS4 748 Paria 154.82 IMM laturday Friday HonKkonK Vnav. L'nav. Dm. I'niv. 8 port (2) JM.478 183.408 IH4 148 IH4 008 Export prices In non-ilerllng areaa In US dollar
      60 words
      • 133 18 Tin price eases LONDON: Tin on the day was down £75 for Cash and £47 for Three Months standard while High Grade lost £15 and £62 on Friday. The afternoon market found some end-week suppoit although trading was flow. Three Month; finished the Kerb livciing It £6,490. Tn. continued
        133 words
      • 38 18 LONDON: Copp*r prices on Friday (previous in bracket! > Wirakar Spot buyer* iWT Ktia.M). sel.ers £688 USS7 50); Three Month buyer* 4707 it 7o7) •ellera £70* 1 1707 50 1 Markat law I Steady Sales- H. 750 tonnes
        38 words
      • 380 18 A FTER a good run up of s'x centa at the start of laat week, levela peaked and gradually declined to loae the gain, with fresh factors generally tacking and turnover leas than of late, says Holiday. Cutler. Bath In Its weekly rubber review July RSS One advanced
        380 words
      • 187 18 LONDON. Rubber Futures closed uncertain after recovering from the day s lows on Friday but still mostly 1.40 to 0 lOp per kilo down from the previous night. Volume traded included four lots of five tonnes and 537 kits of 15 tonnes including 18 Kerb trades and nine
        187 words
    • 556 18 STAGS were blessed with a small windfalls last week when the Singapore Bus Service share made its debut with premiums ranging from 51. 30 to 51 .98 in a generally bullish Singapore stock marketUnlike most new public issues, SBS did not meet with the usual opening slagging operation.
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    • 451 18 FAIRLY bullish condi tions prevailed at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange last week and prices were generally steady to firm. Selected blue chips and investment stocks, particularly rubbers, featured in active trading. These recorded substantial price gains by the close of the week. Reflecting the improved trend, the
      451 words
    • 491 18 NEW YORK: The nation's major commercial banks raised their prime lending rate on Friday by a quarterpoint to nine per cent and. while the Increase was not unexpected, it caused an erratic stock market to sag a bit further. For the full week, the Dow Jones industrial average
      Reuter  -  491 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 518 19 •4 SINGAI>ORE PETROLEUM CO. PTE. LTD. invites applications for A. CHEMICAL ENGINEER B. MECHANICAL ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE: A Decree in Chemifdl Fn^ineenni; with a minimum of 1 year's related or relevant experienc e in process engineering studies process designs. process planning feasibility studies and quality control procedures H Degree in
      518 words
    • 650 19 MX ELECTRIC (S) PTE. LTD. the leading manufacturer of electric wiring accessory invites suitably qualified applicants for the following posts A. MAINTENANCE FOREMAN <i w > The successful candidate reports to the Factory Manager for the maintenance and repairing of all plant machinery and facilities He is expected to run
      650 words
    • 589 19 Keppel Shipyard Limrtedl Wp nrp a progressive and last enpanding shipyard ottering challenging r.irpprs with eacellent advancement prospects to successful candidates lor the following vacancies A) Draughtsman (Engineering) BlTechnician Draughtsman (Electrical) POST (A) Responsibility This is a senior officer appointment. The successful candidate will be responsible for preparing all design
      589 words
    • 931 19 SINGAPORE (5| POLYTECHNIC Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for teaching posts in the following departments divisions (A) Civil Engineering and Building Department Principal Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer/ Lecturer/ Assistant Lecturer Qualifications: A degree or professional qualification in Surveying with relevant industrial experience Appointees will be required to teach and
      931 words
    • 83 19 FAR EASTKRN HOTELS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED (Incorporated in Singapore) Notice Is hereby given that ■hare certificate No. *****7 covering 1.000 shares In the name of Neo Kee Hung has been reported lost. Notice Is also given that new share certificate will be issued and the original share certificate will be deemed
      83 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 925 20 I REFINERY PLANT OPERATORS I SHELL invites suitably qualified Singapore citizens to apply for the above positions based at Pulau Bukom Refinery Complex. THE JOB involves the operation in shift teams of modern petroleum processing plants and associated facilities. THE CANDIDATE we require should: have attained G.C.E. 'O' level passes
      925 words
    • 711 20 SALES REPRESENTATIVE ICI (Singapore) Pte Limited, a member of the ICI Group of Companies invites applications for two posts of Sales Representative THE JOB To be members of a team responsible for the sales, promotion, and sales development of a range of chemical products. THE PERSONS (a) Must be Singapore
      711 words
    • 369 20 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up No. 98 of 1978 In the Matter of the Companies Act (Chapter 185) And In the Matter of Sin Hup Huat (Pte) Ltd. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice Is hereby given that a Petition for the Winding Up of
      369 words
    • 882 20 Tjn EU FINANCE BERHAD V|« Licensed Borrowing Company W (Incorporated t Maltytu) 1976 BALANCE SHEET 31st December, 1977 CAPITAL EMPLOYED SHARE CAPITAL Ordinary (haret of $1 each, imied and fully paid 1.402.826 (Authorised $10,000,000) (note J) 2.104.239 30,753 RESERVE FUND (note 2) 53 473 REVENUE RESERVES 62.771 Profit unappropriated 85.690
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 503 21 mm Metal Box Singapore Limited (Incorporated In the Republic of Singapore! NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Third Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at MacDonald Houm {3rd floor). Orchard Road. Singapore 9. on Tuesday 18th July 1978 at 10 30 a m for
      503 words
    • 580 21 WARNING NOTICE DAIDO KOGYO COMPANY, LIMITED (DAIDO INDUSTRIAL COMPANY, LIMITED) of 197, Kumasakacho 1, Kaga-city, Ishikawa-ken, Japan are the registered proprietors of the trade mark depicted above which trade mark is registered in the Republic of Singapore under the No. ***** in Class 12 in respect of "Parts, spare parts
      580 words
    • 128 21 TRAUK MARKS ORDINANCE. 1950 (No. 26 or 1950) This advertisement appears by direction of the Registrar of Trade Marks. Semenanjung Malaysia, under the provision of Section 49(7) of the Ordinance. NOTICE is hereby given that the following Trade Mark registered In the name of Reckltt Si Colman (Overseas) Limited, of
      128 words
    • 466 21 H JTC invites Applications from Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents of Singapore for Overseas UnderSraduate Scholarship In Land urveylng for the 1979 academic year, tenable at Universities In the United Kingdom and Australia. OualMcattciM Good results in GCE 'A' Level exominotion or its equivalent and a good record of extracurricular
      466 words
    • 848 21 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding-l p No. 95 of 1978 In the Matter of the Companies Act (Cap. 185) And In the Matter of SIN CHIN SENG SHIPBUILDING (PTE.) LTD. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice Is hereby given that a petition for the winding up
      848 words
    • 728 21 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORF Companies Windintj-l'p No. «7 of 1978. In the Matter of the Companies Act (Chapter 185) 1970 Edition And In the Matter of GENERAL INVESTMENT COMPANY (PRIVATE) LIMITED ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice Is hereby given that a petition for the winding up
      728 words
    • 679 21 district and mamstratkh coirts sin<;afork M( Summon. No 17V) of I*7«H VMKHK AN KXPRKSS INTERNATIONAL INC I Plaintiff! H and ■MB i OMD To Roger C. Corney latelyH rmplotrd h% KM I Hinfapor* Pl» Ltd.. N0. 3. 3rd Floor. Mr- Donald Houar. Orchard Road. H Singapore, but whoae preaenl midrnr*
      679 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1183 22 j, AT YOITR SERVICE SECTION INDEX /¥>±^T b| A Baaaa^ a^PV fl B^aTW Bal Baak T^Tt)r^hl!rd IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES CAT.*. II imW JC^,MJ\& SSS-- sis» l»»^»i sSfts i» sa- S" SBSSSSg. PERSONAL I FOR SALE A SHOPPING GUIDE or projector. We'll give you $100/- for it! Yes $100/when you buy
      1,183 words
    • 1089 22 I FOR SALE A SHOPPING GUIDE I j I FOR SALE: I*7s Mercedes steel FOM SALE NICE office desk by tanker model LS 911-B 32 Dietheltn Beeretari iwlvel Use In Singapore or export ,hair Executive swivel chair $48,000 Also reconditioned Isuzu olympla Portable Typewriter TW2O logging truck with new okl
      1,089 words
    • 1169 22 II EMPLOYMENT j ACCOUNTS/ ADMINISTRATIVE I" r-O PL/CD I <— I assistant rTn~l) Subsidiary of a large aucceeeful i L_T\ 1 I—lI I Public Engineering Company eeeks a matura. Accounts/ Admintatretl.e Aaalalant r#qu(r#> (mm^ H Wy duties:- CLERK/TYPIST a Responsible for preparation of monthly profit and loss ac- Appllcanu
      1,169 words
    • 1101 22 I II EMPLOYMENT ■The availability of new pro-l "vLx *Js duct.s have made It neces-« T^Sa^or sary for us to further expand H 'Elb?* our sales team. W Applicants should em a Have a pleasant ap-l a H^Tsense of respon- REPRESENTATIVES WANTED slblllty to clients for a expanding division of
      1,101 words
    • 1417 22 II EMPLOYMENT FAST EXPANDING INTERNA- COUNTER SALESGIRLS RETIONAL Company requires all OUIRED with experience Age 18 races aged 18 and above with -24 Call *****04 from 11 a.m. good Secondary education level. 6pm All female appllcanu should be ESTABLISHED ASSURANCE pleasant and attractive Be able COMPANY requires independent to work
      1,417 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 600 23 II EMPLOYMENT ea| a ajvonaaaasa UNION CARBIDE SINGAPORE PTE LTO.. t HHlview Rood. on BukH Tlmah Rd. 14 t km. Spore 23 requires (A) FITTERS 5 years practical experience In engineering work or National Trade Certificate with 2 years experience In engineering work (B) ASSISTANT FITTERS 3 years practical experience
      600 words
    • 521 23 EUROPEAN STANDARD ELECTRONICS PTE. LTD. requires (A) PRODUCTION/ LABORATORY/ ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS Applicants must possess a Diploma In Electronic Engineering with minimum 2 years' working experience In a Development Laboratory or Production Department He must be well versed In the electronic field and familiar with components testing and characteristics (B) FEMALE
      521 words
    • 1193 23 II EMPLOYMENT k> .jjc- .jsc jsc .jr. <d PROGRESSIVE FOOD PROGRESSING PLANT IN (^S^kJfi^*S^ i requires urgently 9 >|87\§2^ BO.LERMAN CYCLE CARRIAGE m Applicants must have •k GROUP relevant certificate c Must have at least 1-2 0 We invite application, lor me A i**™ experience r following appointment.:- I tatory
      1,193 words
    • 1311 23 II EMPLOYMENT ■An Electronic Company In a satellite town m diet 12 SJ^BJBt ML mm B^—% Its inviting applications for fm aBMIfIL aaß [the post of aaWWBBB BBBaaaV FEMALE 3RD OPTICAL INSPECTORS Multinational Company haa ImmeIMalavyskaiM are welcome dtal# "aeandaa »or Exj>erience 6 months to 3 FEMALE OPERATORS a Completed
      1,311 words
    • 1656 23 II EMPLOYMENT driving licence with at least 2 L ",l r ."h.^il yeare driving experience qualified applicants for the posl Preferably those Hvlng near to I Ylo Chu Kang Road Please rail OUALITY CONTROL *****33 for a personal Interview inspector FEMALE GENERAL CLERK with Requirements/ qu.imc.t.on. without experience, to work
      1,656 words
    • 1296 23 II EMPLOYMENT N r T r M?o L "n an3 A her D f lor I ORDNANCE DIVELOI^ENT AND small wwlnir farlMv m IXni "WINEtRINO COMPANY OF 1 Way Te* 9 2MIO "for" appSn* j •'"UAPORt (PTE) LTO I tment Urgently required I VAN DRIVER REOUIREO by com- COMPANY DRIVER
      1,296 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1477 24 I 111 VEHICLES MATS a— —————a— aa— aa» MID 72 OWL MANTA Coup* Air- 1* ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■i rond Cassette player, metallic rel .14^^^^ paint nrw tax $8,600 ono ire *****5 No HaafcMMaaaH B AUGUST 1»73 FIAT 12?. 2 owners. 7S beautiful condition low mileage 1 i>j HID -NATALIE" Nor- new paint
      1,477 words
    • 1575 24 11l VEHICLES 1 BOATS \^s&f- SERVICE CHARGE. We sell lent running condition &^l> i' vu n r Hnirt *****9 2355« V mble free for 2 more years Tax on Road *****9 2 355 7 ,vember 1978 Insurance June FOR SALE COMPANY'S cars 1968 I 2 spot lights. 2 radial ply
      1,575 words
    • 963 24 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES I.A.C. (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. j (An Affiliate et Carrier International Corporation) 1 FOR RENT Office space available In new j building at 7% miles Upper Thomson Road. Rentable Area 20,000 sq. ft. Mm. 1,000 sq. ft. Mm 95c per sq. ft. Inclusive of central air-conditioning and carpet.
      963 words
    • 1329 24 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES MARYLAND APARTMENT FUR MISHED $750 Eng Kong Park leml -detached furnished 1950. BINTONO PARK VICINITY BltT. 5 FABER HEIOHTS corner spac us oungf and patio, out-double-storey semi-detached, nouse and garage 1 ace matured central alrcon with 3 bedrooms/ ground itudy bathrooms attached. carpeted and fully furnished
      1,329 words
    • 1413 24 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION 1 PROPERTIES DIIT.11: TASTEFULLY FUR- I IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION ■O" Ml»M«n f.-hedroomed double- your houses, flats, rooms, shops, storey penthouse spacious enter- office space Enquiries ring talnlng area Quiet surrounding. *****1 430W0 $2.500 Tel *****. ***** PILOT NEEDS HOUSE/ flat In 13 ORANGE HEIGHTS DIST apart- 14. 15.
      1,413 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1259 25 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES K-^-Kg-U^-^LJ^^^H TAI lIWAN GARDEN OFF LORONO CHUAN ■s»»*»*"k***>*»*B«BlMßaßßsl 2-STOREY SPLIT-LEVEL -■»»»ae.a.asiae«eßaai»»s»Sßsaßaaa« TERRACE HOUSES JJS**,***' '^JT 1*"1 J^, 0 22 'oot and 24 foot frontage. 3SaffiSSSK mm 3 S ba^ms.%vC^d furnished will lightings anu n i nX rO or"s family area vr conditioner, Available at any v.V'
      1,259 words
    • 1489 25 |IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES DIST PHOENIX MANSION 9th i INDONESIAN PERMANENT RESlfloor (opp Calrnhlll Plata). I DENT with Family, urgently reRenovated, furnished. 3 air- I quires purchase of house/ luxury conditioners $102,000 Principals apartment Purchase price only *****8 office). *****02 should not exceed SS4SO 000 C.iome > Principals telephone *****65 TOA
      1,489 words
    • 1287 25 V SERVICES k BUSINESS I ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: $120 you MELATI-DESA PROVIDES OeOd may have prestigious address, service Skilful Massage By Ex1 telephone answering for 6 perlenced Masseuses/ Masseurs months, plus golden orchid free! Tel *****1 (7.30 am. Onwards). is:De X rvTs; V r sSmOnthly23s2oBB "OLLVS HEALTH SERVICES HAVE CAPITAL TO
      1,287 words
    • 1377 25 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING PREMIER COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 20S Ou*en*way Shopping Cenlre asßßja**V***VJß Slngepor* i Tel: *****6/627(12 I fJL':^ Commencing s«h July 1»7« m TYPEWRITING: Any convenlenl /«i n i time from 8 00 a m to 9.00 p.m V7IKLO SHORTHAND (BEOINNERS) Mon/Wed Frl 8 00 9 00 o.m Jobs are
      1,377 words
    • 1368 25 VI EDUCATION TRAINING PEOPLr.PARK~ /T/ T l C rC i L*".M. LiCH0 l COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IT .TP-SVa "v (A Standard Spacious School) JtWlSlio ie/7/7» c BOOK-KEEPING (Beginner*) INTERMBWATI BOO«-*tn*t. Tuesday 7 30-9 3Op m ING IS/T/7S commencing tomorrow c HIGHER ACCOUNTING c BOOK-KEEPING (Inter) 12/7/71 1) Tuesda 6 00-7 30p
      1,368 words

    • 115 26 140 Acknowledgements The ramily ol the late Mrs See Toh Hiap Seng nee Angle Quek Urn) Ec wishes to express its heartfelt thanks to doctors nurses and staff of Alexandra Hospital, relatives, colleagues and friends foi their condolences, wreaths, contributions and assistance during their recent bereavement THE FAMILY OF tllf
      115 words
    • 17 26 OR. J.M. LEWIS With Deepest Sympathy President Management Committed Members Singapore Society For Clinical Hypnoeis
      17 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      156 26 Has none to he with the Lord on 7 1978 leaving behind 2 sons, a daughter, a rtauKhter-ln-law. a son-ln-la* and 2 grandchildren Night service Monday 3 7 1978 at H (X) p m Cortaga will itav* 3MB. Blh 72. Co.-nmonw»»ith Dnv» on Tuesday 4.1. 1*71 at 12.00
      156 words
    • 61 26 MRS. TAN LEY CHEE Beloved wife of CHEE FONG »nd loving mother of THIAM VONQ EMILY FONG LIEN RICHARD THIAM WAH CORINNE YONQ LIEN ANTHONY THIAM HONG MARGARET CHINQ LIEN PatMd away peacefully on Itt July 1975. Funeral aervice at Mount Vernon Crematorium 4.00 p.m. on 3rd July 1978.
      61 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      25 26 Remembered by brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sister-in-law. nephews, nieces, cousins, relatives and friends MRS TAN TEOW SENG NEE THAM VINO LIAN Departed: 3/7/77
      25 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      22 26 IN LOVING MEMORY OF Silent thoughts, tears unseen but memories live forever green. Sadly missed by entire family T. QULABRAI DEPARTED 3-7-1977
      22 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      53 26 In Ever Loving Memory Of (.ailed lo rest on 3 7.1971 Aged 26 years Forever remembered by Pearl. Adele. Parents. Brother. Sisters and Loved ones IN MEMORY OF Mr V I Kama muruthan departed 3 7 78 SadIj mined hu' dearly rcmemlvre<l hy your loving wife and rhUdrm LTA. ANTHONY
      53 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1350 26 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS irTaWTiT^^Bßi 1157^ ?3TS tarom Bl^^HHHfflßS& \jy> muwu »i« Tn*Nara«T ■■■■MMMMMMHHIfI WEEKLY SCHEDULED SER fctJUlatiMaJlMLayWtffellt FROM SINGAPORE TO ■Br'^'TICTi'WiBBBBBBBKW Bucharest FaHMFanMrfft^Bl >ia BANGKOK. ABU DHABI ■Ji| UMIIUIQ H f B fJ IMMEDIATE CONNECTIONS TO BB»^T^^a>rfTawaMp^Tßßß London Frankturl Zurich aHßßaM^fQMffflßßilßßai •aria Bruaaal* Altwna pS^IWUWrPBBBBBBi Cairo Madrid I *n4 othar
      1,350 words
    • 304 26 I VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS f Air-con, servicing? II Electrical wiring? y|J Floor tiling? |T| Fridge respray 7 House painting 7 I Plumbing check-up? CAPITAL RESTAURANT TV .n.T- QwHitiM Cantonese Dishes at their best LOOK Up Also quick lunch delicious economical *4* A Braised Berhe-de-mer (Sea WIOSSITICQS rurumber) Fish Curd with
      304 words
    • 851 26 BB\ fIBBxJ bbV^bV TOBISffIMA CORPORATION One of the leading general contractors in Japan is now engaged in the Multi-Million Dollars Jurong Sewage Treatment Works invites applications for the following appointments Asst. Quantity Surveyors Surveyors Draftsmen Female Clerks Security Guards Period of Contract 3 years Write in with full resume stating
      851 words
    • 372 26 A progressive and rapidly growing company engaged in major construction project as well as General Supply services in the petroleum industry invites applications for: ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL MANAGER (Kuala Lumpur) Duties Must develop, implement and maintain a comprehensive system of personnel and general administration and direct public relations efforts with
      372 words

  • 333 27  - Lawyers hail new unit set up by HDB DANA LAM and ELENA CHONG CONVEYANCING WORK By (JOXVEYANCING work for public housing is so scanty and time-consuming that lawyers have welcomed the new conveyancing unit set 11 1 > by the Housing Board They feel that the unit, which started operating
    333 words
  • 51 27 POLICE are investigating the theft of $115,907 worth cf diamond core bits reported stolen Irom a warehouse at Sixth Lokyang Road. Jurong. on Wednesday The industrial diamonds, uhlch were used for oil exploration, were discovered missing from the Chmtenson Diamond Prcduct company at about 11 a.m. that
    51 words
  • 159 27 Former Tiong Bahru MP dies MR. Lee Teck Him, 74, the former MP for Tiong Bahru. died of a heart attack in Alexandra Hospital on Saturday night. His cortege will leave his home at Block 72, Commonwealth Drive for Mount Vernon Crematorium tomorrow. Mr. Lee started his political career in
    159 words
  • 410 27 Home Nursing Foundation's three biggest problems HPHE Health MinisL ter, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, has listed the three biggest problems encountered by the Home Nursing Foundation (HNF), established 18 months ago. They are: LACK OF funds to subsidise the elderly sick who have no financial resources: THE PROBLEMS of the
    410 words
  • 604 27  -  WAN HULAIMI: By London, Sunday A LONDON Lands Tribunal Judge, Sir Douglas Franks QC, while giving judgment in favour of Sime Darby, said here on Friday that the company's board of directors had "behaved in their corporate capacity in a way they would
    604 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 6 27 <yi&r/^ 1 wsss 1 qpWbo3,2otgg.sW g^o
      6 words
    • 638 27 DEVELOPMENT CONSORTIUM Icons ultantt to Panang Development Corporation for Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak °ul«u Pining has vacancies for SITE STAFF with Initiative and drive for the construction of Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak i.e. multi-storey tower and part podium. 1. RESIDENT PROJECT MANAGER Responsibilities: Duties will involve managing and coordinating at
      638 words
    • 633 27 j a SIA invites applications for positions of A J FLIGHT STEWARD J E? REQUIREMENTS GCE passes in 5 subjects, including J&7 English of which 2 should be at 'O' x A\ level Candidates must have completed «LV 7/h a at '°?S l Servic e. not be liable for .t
      633 words

    • 707 28 Survival the name of the game THE PRESSURE IS BEGINNING TO TELL BUT... LONDON, Sun. Survival was the name of the game for the top title contenders on another grey, cheerless afternoon at the Wimbledon tennis championships here yesterday. In nearly every instance the leading players had to pull themselves
      707 words
    • 234 28 LONDON, Sun. Rumania's Hie Nastase (left), kept his temper in check and unreined all hit tennis skills at the Wimbledon championships yesterday, the day before he faces charges of bringing the game into disrepute. Nastase was Mr. Nice Guy nearly all the way as he
      Reuter  -  234 words
    • 586 28 P>IRST. second and third round results: tX-denotes seeds: Men'i ainglea: Third round: (X) Jimmy Connors (U.S bt Tom Gorman (U.S.) 6-4. 8-6, 8-9. 6-3: ■X > Brian Gottfried (U.S.) bt Allan Stone (Aus) 6-8, 9-7, 6-2. 6-1; Tim Gulllkson (U.S.) Billy Martin (US) 6-3. 9-7. 7-5; Geoff Masters
      Reuter  -  586 words
    • 430 28  - Pam lets victory slip away from her grasp WILL GRIMSLEY By WIMBLEDON. Sun. "Somebody say something quick, I'm afraid I'm going to cry." Such was the teary first reaction of 15-year-old American schoolgirl Pam Shrlver, who had a Wimbledon Centre Court tennis victory In her grasp and let It slip
      AP  -  430 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements

    • 289 29 JOHANNESBURG, Sun LEON SPJNKS, holder of the World Boxing Association heavyweight title, has signed a contract to defend it against white South African champion Kallie Knoetze in November, it was announced here yesterday. The fight, scheduled for the third week In November
      Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  289 words
    • 469 29 Bill Rogers bogeys last hole to take Western lead BILL ROGERS yesterday carded a three-under-par 69 to grab a two-stroke lead at slx-under-par 210 after three rounds of the U*****,000 (*****,000) Western Open golf tournament. Rogers, who missed the cut In five of his last eight tournaments. Including last week's
      Agencies  -  469 words
    • 122 29 New body set up to look into use of drugs LONDON, Sun. A committee of inquiry, to look into the use of drugs in English football, are to be set up by the football authorities here. This follows the doping Incident in the World Cup in Argentina last month, involving
      AFP  -  122 words
    • 155 29 Sandra burns Harbour Trees course vrOBLESVILLE, (Indlari na>, Sun. Sandra Burns blrdled four of the front nine holes on her way to a three-under-par 69 that earned her at least the temporary lead in the uncompleted first round of the U5575,000 ($172,500) Mayflower Classic. Burns. 27. also had a birdie
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 183 29 ONDON. Sun. John Lj Edrlch. the former England opening batsman, hit his first century of the season to pull Surrey out of trouble In their county championship mat c :i against Gloucestershire at Guildford yesterday. After the first two wickets had gone down for four runs Edrlch
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 333 29 IE CASTELLET j (France), Sun. The Lotus and Tyrrell motor racing teams yesterday withdrew their protests against the controversial fan car used successfully by Brabham in the Swedish Formula One Grand Prix two weeks ago. Jean-Pierre Balestre, a member of the sport's governing body,
      Agencies  -  333 words
    • 270 29 Roebuck and Breakwell shatter Kiwis rUNTON (England). Sun. Somerset's Peter Roebuck and Dennis Breakwell hammered the New Zealand attack for 187 runs In only '.wo hours on the first day of their three-day cricket match here. Their slxiii -wicket stand lifted the Somerset score from 162 for five to 349
      Reuter  -  270 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
      99 words
    • 666 29 JUS Km TOURS a choice of four MAS Golden Holidays M B sophisticated San Sebastian. Madrid and its to London /Europe. Grand tours of historic, tr^ fascinating mixture of old bodegas and ritzy shops, romantic cities including swinging London. V \Jf Peaceful Spanish towns, haciendas, and the wild jL \m
      666 words

    • 1784 30  -  FAIRWAY By pENANG, Sun. Snow Prince, wellhandled by R. Rajoo, scored a good win in the main staying event for Class 3 horses over 1,700 metres (Race Four) at the Pro-am races here today. Kept well back from the leaders early, the Sovereign Prince five-year-old
      1,784 words
    • 33 30 In the big sweep draw for Saturday, one of the consolation numbers should have read ***** and not ***** as it appeared in the Sunday Times yesterday. The error is regretted.
      33 words
    • 42 30 TOTAL POOL $8,799 Ist No. ***** ($2,903) 2nd No. ***** 725) 3rd No. ***** 362) STARTERS ($69 each) Nos: ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****. CONSOLATION ($36 each) Nos: ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****.
      42 words
    • 129 30 VJEWBRIDOE (Ir e ii land), Sun. Epsom Derby winner Shirley Heights rode Into racing's history books at the Curragh yesterday by winning the tlghest finish In the history of the Irish Derby. Greville Starkey drove home the 5-4 favourite by a head from Irishtrained
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 761 30 The Stipendiary Stewards report on Saturday's pro-am meeting State of track: Heavy. HALE 1: Like A Drtam (K.S. Tan) was slightly slow Into stride. After the race. I rider K.S. Tan was spoken to and shown the film. He was told by the stewards that he had allowed
      761 words
    • 284 30 MILAN (Italy), Sun. IT World record holder Henry Rono of Kenya destroyed a top-class field with a superb display of front running to win the 5.000 metres at an International athletics meeting here last night. Rono, 26. who has broken four world records in the past three months, battled
      284 words
    • 215 30 RONO BEATS TOP-CLASS FIELD IN 5,000 M kept the overall leader's yeliow Jersey. Esclas&an Just managed to get a wheel In front of Prance's Yvon Brrtin In the final sprint. Belgium's Freddy Maertens was third. SOCCER -North American Soccer league results: Tampa Bay Rowdies 3 Washington Diplomats 2, Port Lauderdale
      Agencies  -  215 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 147 30 Champions win with Champions L^J Im^ Last year in the AMA and FIM competitions alone. all 16 major U.S. and world motorcycle racing championships were won by riders using Champion Spark Plugs. Aboard Yamaha, Suzuki, Harley-Davidson, Kawasaki, Husqvarna, Bultaco, Morbidelli and Busch/Konig motorcycles. Providing more proof that Champions deliver outstanding
      147 words
    • 120 30 ■9 SMOOTH AS SILK TO THE THAI CAPITAL Bangkok. The hub of the Orient. Home base for Thai. And naturally we have more flights in and out of there than anybody else. Serving more Asian countries in fact, than anybody else. Each in a style that's smooth as silk. Beautiful
      120 words

    • 269 31  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE'S soccer team for the Merdeka tournament starting in Kuala Lumpur on Friday week will also represent the Republic in the President Park's Cup competition at Seoul in September. Caretaker-coach Trevor Hart- ley disclosed this yesterday at I the final briefing before
      269 words
    • 325 31  - Nightmare for FAS' Youth secretary Joseph PETER SIOW By pLEMENT Joseph. the Football Association of Singapore Youth committee secretary, experienced a nightmare at Farrer Park yesterday. His nightmare began when: M o v I mein SC conceded a walkover to Farrer Park Dynamos. This promptly aroused Joseph's ire. "We can't
      325 words
    • 88 31 Jurong soccer expands f TNITED Motor Works, U who beat Hongkong Bank 5-0 on Saturday for the Business Houses Football League Division One title, are one of 64 teams expected to take part in the second Jurong inter-company soccer tournament starting in September K. Supplah. a member of the tournament
      88 words
    • 361 31  - It 's back to a dozen WILFRED YEO By DEMEMBER the nursery rhyme (later a book by Agatha Christie) about the Ten Little Indians who keep dropping out of sight one after the other? Trevor Hartley, care-taker-coach of the Singapore soccer team, certainly did yesterday two more of his squad
      361 words
    • 293 31 fOALKEEPING errors by Eric Paine (Armed Forces) and Mokhtar Ahmad (Farrer Park United) gave last night's drawn 1-1 affair between the two National Football League Division One sides goals it did not deserve, reports WILFRED YEO. Forces, aiming to maintain their 100 per cent
      293 words
    • 23 31 RESULTS of National Football League Division Three matches: Farier Park Dynamos 5 Telok Blangah 4; Bukit Panjang 2 Pasir Panjang 1.
      23 words
    • 68 31 HOCKEY—Premier League: 81A v Schools; Ceylon 8C v Jansenltcs ißalestler Rd. 5.15pm). Div. 1: SAFBA v Sembawang Shipyard; SCC V Polytechnic ipadang 5.15pm). RUGBY National lower secondary third placing and Anal iPadang spm). BOCCER—FAS Under-18: Geylang West v Whampoa: East Coast Marinas v South Avenue SC; Commonwealth Avenue Rovers
      68 words
    • 290 31 T\R. B.K. SEN broke free from the shackles Oi podr form yesterday to win the Singapore Island Country Club A division monthly golf medal with a nett 67 at the Old Course, reports ERNEST FRIDA. Sen, the former Putra Cup non-playing captain, who plays
      290 words
    • 178 31  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By rDLOK BLANGAH, led I by ex-Fraser and I Neave player Goh Peng Wu. earned two walkovers which helped them to a 3-2 win over Kirn Seng In the first round of the lnter-constltuency badminton tournament at Oulllemard Road last night. After army officer
      178 words
    • 244 31 CVDNEY. Sun— Result* of K7 today's Australian Assoelation football matches: National League: Adelaide C 4 Marconi 0. Brisbane L 1 W. Adelaide 0. Eastern v Brisbane C (postponed). Fitzroy U 4 8. Melbourne 1. St. George 1 Sydney 3. Victoria State Leagne: Albion 1 Preston 5. George C
      Reuter  -  244 words
    • 177 31 JOHORE Malays I soccer team last nijht turned up for their scheduled Sultans' Gold Cup match but they had no opponents. The Johore team, although aware that their opponents Singapore Malays are now touring Indonesia, turned up in full force at the Jalan Besar Stadium last night
      177 words
    • 416 31  -  ERNEST FRIDA By BICHARD SEOW and Yvonne 1V Cornelius were fittingly adjudged the best athletes at the Caltex national age-group athletics championship organised by the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association at the National Stadium yesterday. Scow, 16, and Yvonne, 14, two of Singapore's most talented sprinters,
      416 words
    • 418 31 Boys: Under-19: 100 m 1 Paul Su 2 Ng Yew Tong 3 Eric Song lib: 200 m 1 Chee Khuar. Guan 'i Adun Nasak 3 Kevin SU Maria 22.8; 400 m 1 Chee Khuan Ouan 2 Daljeet Singh 3 Low Sze Chuan 50.3; 800 m 1 D. Arul
      418 words
    • 202 31 RELEGATED P o n g g ol are almost certain to return to the National Football League Division One next season, reports JOE DORAI. Yesterday they turnj ed the tables beating i their closest rivals Chan- I gi United 3-0 in a NFL I Division Two
      202 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 35 31 FOR SALE A.1. 1 MRC«Vf^R4v Typ# Arc '> •4#ia#j s#ft M4M DriMM Machinal C MaehS*. D. Grmik, AAachm*. Avoiloblc Ex-tfock ln?«rmt«d portias plaos* contoct ROBIN SHIPYARD PTE. LTD. 35 Pianaar Read Sinfaaara 22. Tal.: 4544 M
      35 words
    • 104 31 T-SHIRT! Buy a 4-litre tin of Caltex Supreme 5-star V I mf*^ motor oil. //^A^V Wm wk Get a specially designed >^Ofc J^^ Caltex T-shirt FREE 1 Wk This offer lasts only as long as we J*r>v M mm*m^ have stocks of the T-shirts. mm I So hurry to your
      104 words

  • 90 32 A ROME policeman scratches his head in bewilderment as he stand* outside the damaged entrance of his station after a bomb ripped through the premises on Saturday. A policeman was Injured and several cars parked near the station were damaged in what could be
    90 words
  • 197 32 Airlines allowed to charge lower fares MONTREAL, Sun. Airlines will be allowed to charge lower lares to compete with cut-rate charter companies under measures approved by the International Air Transport Association I A T A > during a weekend meeting in Montreal. But Its recommenda11 on s are unlikely to
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 464 32 US plans N-deal with South Africa? JOHANNESBURG, Sunday jX a secretive, high-stakes deal, the I'nited States may be preparing to swap nuclear fuel for South African guarantees not to produce atomic weapons. A week-long visit by America's top nuclear negotiator. Mr. Gerard Smith, has been kept so quiet that the
    AP  -  464 words
  • 62 32 BANGKOK, Bun—Two top executives of the Laotian National Bank crossed the Mekong river Into Thailand on Thursday at Nong Khal province. 510 km northeast of Bangkok, the Nation Review quoted Immigration sources today as saying. Identified as managing director Peng Upprawan and Inspector Oeneral Kaew Vlchltwongsa. the
    62 words
  • 84 32 CAIRO, Sun— A South Yemen request to Join Comecon, the East European economic grouping, has been accepted by the Soviet Union, the South Yemeni Unified National Front announced here today. The announcement, reported by the Middle East News Agency, said the front had "reliable" Information that
    AFP  -  84 words
  • 124 32 Late CLASSIFIDES DEATH OR. CNIAM KOOM MAM called Home on I.T.TI Invini beloved wM* Kathleen nee KM, daughter Evelyn and ion Adrian to mourn hn loji 3odv li now lying In •tat* at Singapore Caaket. Lavender Street Funeral nrvlcr will be held at Church of Our L*dy Queen of Peace,
    124 words
  • 272 32 Radicals hurl bombs in attack on Narita NARITA. Sunday LEFT-wing protesters hurling peJlrol bombs today tried to break into Tokyo's new international airport, while thousands more anti-airport demonstrators held a rally nearby, police said. Two trucks carrying about 15 red helmeted radicals tried to burst through a gate at Narita
    Reuter; AFP  -  272 words
  • 229 32 JANATA PARTY SECRETARY RESIGNS NEW DELHI, Sun. Mr. Rabi Ray, general secretary of the ruling Janata Party, resigned today as a crisis within the party deepened. His resignation follows the sacking of dissident Home Minister Charan Singh and Health Minister Raj Naraln on Friday. Mr. Ray said he was quitting
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • 154 32 YAMANI: SAUDIS WON'T BOOST OIL OUTPUT OTTAWA. Sun— Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Sheikh Ahmed Zakl Yamani says hl» country will not Increase Its oil production enough to prevent world shortages that are expected to drive un Drlces In the late 1980s Sheikh Yamanl also warned that Moscow is making a
    AP  -  154 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 287 32 SO YOU STILL SMOKE THEN LET'S TALK TEETH You wouldn't use a scouring agent to clean bone china, would you? It's the same with teeth. Yet ordinary toothpastes are too bland to remove tobacco film, and tea, coffee or other stubborn stains. The answer? New Clinomyn the toothpaste specially formulated
      287 words
    • 143 32 O^c^vVk j^ 4*3*?°*"% j aJMhiK^^T^ j^g^gfcg^gfefc flp jg^gMi^3 u^_^Hil .j^g^E gfflL- -^mvsvot^^gl l^g^tW ,^gE tfcgtj^H APPROVAL SERVICE THROUGH our approval service you con see o wide selection of stamps on 10 days approval You buy only what you want ond return the rest with poyment. A packet of 55 different
      143 words
    • 361 32 Your refrigerator or airconditioner needs repair! jpiSi Call us for an estimate— no obligation MALAYS{A UNION Refrigeration Air Conditioning Co. 23-25, Saiboo Street, Singapore 9. TEL: *****9/*****1 M. m mLd Mi 2. 1 I ML P% f^M 1 I iII "3> dMsfcHfl m I *A s^H HA J ■L Sk
      361 words