The Straits Times, 20 April 1978

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Tunes Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 3856 1  -  HARRY MILLER and KEK SOO BENG: It's a 3-2 verdict for Tarling By London, Wednesday 'My task even more distasteful' THE House of Lords, by a majority of three to two, today dismissed the Singapore Government's final efforts to have financier Richard Tarling extradited to
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  • 384 1 Ex-Soviet general pleads for asylum NEW YORK, Wednesday T)I SSI DENT Russian ex-General Pyotr Grigorenko yesterday requested political asylum in the United States after the Soviet Union stripped him of his citizenship. But Mr. Grigorenko said he still nourished hopes of returning home some day. He said tearfully of the
    Reuter  -  384 words
  • 304 1  - Tarling: This has cost me £70,000 PHILIP LEE By rpHE first words Richard Tarling said when he emerged from the august atmosphere of the House of Lords, after he had learned of his partial reprieve by a majority decision of five law lords, were "I am very relieved but a
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  • 657 1 No sign of Moro in lake ROME, Wednesday OOLICE today reported finding nothing r after dynamiting the lake where the Rea Brigades guerillas claimed to have dumped the body of kidnapped politician Aldo Moro. Seven charges were used to blast the snowbound Lake Duchessa, 116 km north-east of Rome, but
    Reuter; AP; NYT; AFP  -  657 words
  • 102 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. Hampered by bad weather and the coal strike, the nation's economy fell by 0.6 per cent during the fust quarter of 1978 for the worst performance in three years, the government said today. The Commerce Department said the Gross National Product for the first
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  • 49 1 PEKING, Wed Ho Chi Mlnh City, the former South Vietnamese capital of Saigon, has been closed to foreign visitors since April 10, Vietnamese Embassy sources said here today. The sources could give no reason for closing the city to foreigners, or how long this would last.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 109 1 BANGKOK. Wed. The first Vietnamese ambassador to Thailand since the end of the Vietnam war arrived here today, marking another step In the improving relations between the two countries. Ambassador designate Haong Bao Son said in an arrival statement that he would make every effort
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 33 1 NEW YORK, Wed. The Dew Jones Industrial average, a 6.85-polnt lostr yesterday, wrs chead 2.85 points to 806.13 shortly before 11 a.m. today. Tuesday's loss followed a three-day 43.83-polnt advance. UPI.
    UPI  -  33 words
  • 450 1 France sets off neutron bomb PARIS. Wednesday FRANCE has exploded a neutron bomb in the Pacific in a top-secret test of the controversial weapon, the newspaper France Soir and the magazine Le Point reported today. French military experts said they believed it was the first time a neutron bomb had
    UPI  -  450 words
  • 252 1 Arafat crackdown on PLO militants BEIRUT, Wed. GUERILLA leader Yasser Arafat has arrested 130 militant Palestipians to ensure a moratorium on military operations against Israeli forces in south Lebanon, reliable Palestinian sources disclosed here today. They said the battlefield crackdown occurred a few hours after Mr. Arafat made the moratorium
    AP  -  252 words
  • 42 1 BEIRUT, Wed.— Popular Front (or the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) leader George Habuh was discussing In Cuba the proposed training of 600 PPLP fighters tor commando operations, spying and terrorism, the Lebanese dally Saout Al Ahrar reported today.— AW.
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  • 43 1 30 killed in train crash BOMBAY, Wed. Twenty-five women and five children were killed when an express train ploughed into the rear of a crowded suburban passenger train near here lasWnlgJtart, the Press Trust «f India newt ag^ncr (fc* ported today.— ltouter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 220 1 I-16.00 QRDiwurr -16.00 map ironl Spectacle wearer* suffering from extreme Ametropia and and ht»vy can now be relieved by switching to MIOM REFRACTIVE INDEX GLASS The Illustration above shows 2 lentet of the same power Note the significant difference In thickness and weight between the Ordinary and the High Index
      220 words
    • 192 1 SWITCH TO LOWER GRADE OF RICE: CASE Page 13 JAPAN hit by rash of walkout* 2 SENATE "yes" to return of canal to Panama 3 MORE Soviets, Cubans for Africa 4 NATO'S new offer to Warsaw Pact nations 5 GROUSE over frequent power failures 6 Tinted glass case goes to
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 435 2 (Jovt workers demand more pay TOKYO, Wednesday CTRIKE fever hit Japan today with a rash of lightning walkouts by workers in vital public services to demand better pay, including a 24-hour strike by rail workers that stranded five million commuters and caused widespread
      Reuter; UPI  -  435 words
    • 187 2 Bonn and Tokyo agree on closer link-up r)KYO, Wed. West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Oenscher yesterday agreed with Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda on closer cooperation among industrialised nations. He also urged Japan to expand Its imports to prevent bankruptcies. Mr. Oenscher later com- mended Japan on its promises to cut
      AFP; UPI  -  187 words
    • 53 2 MANILA. Wed. Pour brothers were among five men sentenced to death here yesterday (or killing a factory worker with clones and knives In suburban Manklna last July. Police said three of the brothers were already In Jail, but the fourth was still absconding along with the
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 270 2 World birth rate falls to new low WASHINGTON, Wednesday npHE world's birth rate dropped to Its lowest level In recorded history during the past year and average life expectancy reached a new nigh, according to population fig v r e s released today. The Population Reference Bureau, a private educational
      Reuter  -  270 words
    • 61 2 WASHINGTON. Wed China and India, whose populations Increase by about one million people a month, are expected to have populations of over one billion each by the year 2000, the Population Reference Bureau reports. The bureau says the world population is expected to total 4.21 billion by
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 20 2 TOKYO, Wed. Mrs Fume Taiiaka, 86, mother of former Japanese prime minister Kakuel Tanaka. died yesterday of cancer.—UPl.
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    • 54 2 ITLOTEN (Switierland), Wed. Apathy beat xv off a bank robber here yesterday. Aa the crasb-helmeted figure burst in brandishing a revolver and shouting: "This is a holdup," staff carried on with their wcrk and customers Juat stared at him. His nerve shattered, the "bandit"
      AFP  -  54 words
    • 86 2 Having a whale of a time "THAR she goes," was the cry as workers at the New York Aquarium on Coney Island took on a whale of a Job on Monday of moving 545 kg Kathy to her summer home. Kathy, a beluga whale, rode in a special sling lifted
      AP  -  86 words
    • 37 2 MANILA. Wed. Thlrtynve prisoners escaped from their tells in the provincial capital of Cotabato City In southern Philippines on Sunday but two were killed and four others wounded by pursuing troops, police said today.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 153 2 Tariff rules for Asean goods improved rrOKYO, Wed. Japan X has expanded preferential tariff treatment on commodities from the Asean countries to help develop Industrialisation in the region, a Tokyo dally reported today. The Malnlchl Shlmbun. quoting International Trade and Industry Ministry 'Ml tl) sources said Mitl nas replaced the
      AFP  -  153 words
    • 58 2 JAKARTA. Wid. Five people will go on trial shortly for stealing llfevestg on Oaruda Indot >slan Airways flights. Ar ara news agency reported yesterday. Antara quote Oaruda spokesman Karyoi a Adi sayIng that stealing 1 fevests was a criminal act ndangeiing passengers' safety and carrying a
      Reuter  -  58 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 469 2 Is Here fc> make polishing easy., for jewellery, lumitim\ jnetal or any suriaeei WM\ I CtMMftMarCtMmtr WEf \S j ■>«• last and convenient way to H < ?*"Chansrt»t«»rs. ustipr»y ym drip* and drtM briiKtntfy <jrMMi -Jeans* j washable surfaca* on *Jy. B^B spray MwkmwmiB 1^"" 1^ j9p TUOAffa g»O%v
      469 words
    • 98 2 gMHM|^^ the Advent mm with a I difference I The Advent philosophy specific* I that only 2 drivers are needed I ior top-class reproduction of music, i.e. a tweeter a woofe* This is exactly the case with al. of the Advent speakers, except for the 2W, which has twin tweeters
      98 words

    • 173 3 MANILA, Wednesday pHINESE Foreign Minister Huang Hua has said a united front composed of China and Asean was ess c ntial "in combating superpower interests" in the region, the official Philippines News Agency reported today. The agency, which recently opened a bureau in
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 124 3 WASHINGTON. Wed The OS Supreme Court yesterday barred DUbllc release of the 30 White House tape recordings played at the Watergate cover-up trial of aides to former President Nixon. The court's 5-4 decision reversed a 1976 ruling by the US Circuit Court of Appeals that would have
      UP  -  124 words
    • 459 3 WASHINGTON, Wednesday THE US Senate last night voted to hand over the Panama Canal to Panama by the end of the century amid controversy over the wisdom of the decision. The decision was made amid promises of a new era In US
      Reuter  -  459 words
    • 167 3 West's jobless 'violation of human rights' PARIS, Wed— Austrian 1 chancellor Bruno Krelsky said In an Interview published today that the West's high unemployment could be interpreted as a violation of human rights. Asked by the French dally Le Figaro whether he thought the Helsinki European security conference had Improved
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 60 3 ISLAMABAD. Wed. All speeches made by Pakistani official* at receptions hosted In honour of foreign guests, Including foreign heads of state, will be made In Urdu, It was announced here The decision to drop English, generally used In the past at official functions, has been taken
      AFP  -  60 words
    • 25 3 BANGKOK. Wed— A Ru»-slan-bullt MIO-21 Jet fighter hai flown aeveral reconnaissance mlaaions over Thailand this month, the QiglLshlanguage Bangkok World reported today. AP.
      AP  -  25 words
    • 91 3 PANAMA CITY, Wed. Panamanian Chief of State Gen. Omar Torrijos said his army would have "intervened" in the canal tone today if the Panama Canal treaty was not ratified. Gen. Tcrrijos warned If the US tried to Intervene in Panama under the so-called Deconcini Amendment,
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    • 257 3 HONGKONG Wed. POLICE officers In Kow1 loon's Mongkok district provided bail money and fines to "actors" posing as hawkers and illegal establishment operators after carrying out "raids" on them, a Queen's Counsel alleged in court yesterday. The cover-up proved so successful that even the courts
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    • 171 3 No Kenya asylum for Vietnam refugees NAIROBI, Wed. A Greek freighter carrying 51 Vietnamese refugees left Mombasa for Durban In South African today after Kenya refused to let them ashore, the official Kenya news agency said. Police had earlier boarded the 4,500 tonne Lydia and said they had Instructions to
      Reuter  -  171 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 232 3 *NEW in Singapore <;ou»i: tump Cafeteria at Lucky Plaza Eating the self service way is fun for the family Mezzanine Floor, Lucky Plaza, 304 Orchard Road, Singapore 9. Tel: *****36 Has normal service resumed on your Black White TV? Isn't it time to trade-in for a Colour TV? -you may
      232 words
    • 225 3 IMMJ »> HOTEL \pERTH I^. An investment in home and land in Western Australia can reward you with safe profits. To all Australian Expatriates and Residents. Owning a Taylor Woodrow Home and home and land values in Perth are Land in a prestigious Perth, Western soaring. Australia, beachside suburb, means
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    • 246 4 Fear over use of shuttle in antisatellite war WASHINGTON, Wed. The Soviet Union fears that the United States space shuttle might be used for anti-satellite warfare, according to the latest Issue of Aviation Week and Space TechnoloThe aeronautics Industry magazine said American officials were wondering how to present the shuttle
      AFP  -  246 words
    • 18 4 JERUSALEM. Wed. Mr Yitzhak Navon was today elected President of Israel by the Knesset (Parliament). Arp
      18 words
    • 385 4 More Soviets, Cubans for Africa Gromyko snubs West over military aid MOSCOW, Wednesday 'J'HE increasing flow of Soviet and Cuban military advisers and troops to African countries would continue despite strong objections to it by the West, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko said yesterday. Speaking at a banquet for visiting
      Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  385 words
    • 334 4 UNITED NATIONS, Wed IJRITISH UN Am- bassador Ivor Richard warned yesterday that Rhodesian white minority leader lan Smith's "internal settlement" with black moderates could trigger a black-against-black conflict that could "make Angola look like a tea party." Mr. Richard told a luncheon meeting of
      AP; UPI  -  334 words
    • 106 4 Lebanese Cabinet resigns for new line-up BEIRUT, Wed. The Lebanese Cabinet today tendered its resignation to President Ellas Sarkis, Health Minister Dr. Ibrahim Shelto announced. He told reporters that the President had accepted the resignation and asked the ministers to remain in office pending the formation of a new Cabinet.
      Reuter  -  106 words
    • 66 4 Turkey to pull out more troops ISTANBUL. Wed. Turkish state radio announced today that the government Is pulling 800 more troops out of Cyprus. The withdrawal, the third since last November, would reduce Turkey's troop strength In the occupied Cyprus to 25,000 Turkey Invaded and occupied the northern put of
      66 words
    • 58 4 TAIPEH. Wed—The Nationalist Chinese President receives a salary of NTII3B000 (about 558.350) a month half of It In administrative allowances. It was disclosed for the first time. The disclosure was made In the legislative Yuan (Parliament) as lawmakers discussed a BUI on giving retired Presidents the same
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 30 4 MANILA, Wed.—The 200man Philippine Interim National Assembly may hold Its opening session either In the latter part of next month or In early June. President Marcos announced today.—AFP.
      AFP  -  30 words
    • 110 4 lIOOOTA, Wed. Two M 3 Americans who tried to smuggle out of Columbia packets of cocaine hidden in their stomachs were seriously 111 In hospital after some of the packages burst open, police said. The two, named as Jack Montgomery Churton, of Los Angeles and
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 86 4 PARAMOUNT (California), Wed. Police said A yesterday they had discovered and freed a sereii-jrear-old rirl whose parents allegedly kept her locked in a cloaet for the past five years. The firl was only 81. 2* centimetres tall, they said, weighed 10.9 kilograms, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 698 4 FOUR KEYS TO INTERNATIONAL Mk| A k|#P One of the most important keys to These four very successful SingaW I Wfipil P success in international finance is pore banks have combined their ■■^•^W^^lBil a successful international bank. expertise to form Singapore's Like IBS International Bank of fastest growing international bank.
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    • 378 4 Would you spend an hour a day to earn more money? Then study at home with ICS and learn to earn more Ov«r 100 Individual. Low cot* Skill- L*am court** «p«rl book* building whll* on* for you Intlrucllon! provided tuition. you earn. ICS guarantees expert personal tuition unti you pass
      378 words

    • 428 5 Proposals to speed up troops cut talks VIENNA, Wed. T^ATO nations tabled new proposals at the deadlocked EastWest conference on troop rducL.ons today and said the move, representing a major new initiative, offered several key concessions to the Warsaw Pact countries. A Nato
      Reuter  -  428 words
    • 77 5 THK tools of terrorism on display this cache of submachine guns, pistols, ammunition, handgrenades and false documents was discovered by police In a raid on a Rome apartment on Tuesday. Tncy belonged to the Red Briffades terrorist group who kidnap- ped former Italian prime minister Aide Moro
      UPI  -  77 words
    • 291 5 LOS ANGELES, Wednesday pEDERAL and local authorities said yesterday that the "most successful antlfencing operation In the nation's history had led to the arrest of 256 people and recovery of property and contraband worth US$42 million (5596.6 million). A dozen of those arrested were believed
      UPI  -  291 words
    • 148 5 Bill seeks repeal of 'detention without trial' law NEW DELHI, Wed. A government Bill was Introduced In parliament today seeking to repeal the widely condemned Maintenance ol Internal Security Act. The Act provides for indefinite detention without trial. It was "liberally" used by the government of former prime minister Mrs.
      AFP  -  148 words
    • 63 5 DAR ES SALAAM, Wed. George Simbi. the black nationalist spokesman shot dead by Rhodesian security forces last week, was assassinated, a spokesman for Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union (Zanu) said today. Military headquarters In Salisbury yesterday said Mr. Simbi. 49, was shot as a curfew
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 97 5 BUDAPEST, Wed. JJI Some 400,000 Hungarians are "qururinc up" for a new car, according to a Hungarian Import trade official quoted on a radio programme here. This j-rar Hungary is importing 100,000 cars, all from otlie? socialist countries. During the programme, listeners asked if Hungary
      AFP  -  97 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 149 5 This fine quality cloth is a completely^H eH^I RSk^l new and exciting way to wear BSbe^B ii your Initial... uniquely designed and HH woven into the actual fabric of K3*l your suit, in a discreet stripe design It comes from Wain I-SB Shiell and is known as the CASHANOVA MONOGRAM
      149 words
    • 314 5 (Oj(Of^^TB4JAN t^ JCLLECTIONI97BJ CLLECTION1978 A fashion presentation of Australian Designer's Collections by Stafford Ellinson, Hall Ludlow, Bernhard Hammerman, Carla Zampatti, Goet Poespo, Tony Bonntei, George Gross and Mcl Clifford Australia's foremost couturier. YKK Zippers in the world of fashion, Swimfashion by Speedo and hats from Moray Milliners. LUNCHEON FASHION BUFFET
      314 words

  • 214 6 DESERVE Unit men armed with saws, axes and ropes removed several trees which were uprooted along: Malcolm Road, off Whitley Road, during a rainstorm yesterday. They took nearly an hour to clear the road after the huge trees fell across at about
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  • 252 6 Grouse over frequent power failures RESIDENTS in the Nee Soon district, especially those at Sembawang Road, have complained of frequent power blackouts in the area. The electrical failures are reported to have started more than a year ago when work began on widening Sembawang Road. According to residents, power failures
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  • 200 6 JAIL FOR TWO WHO ATTACKED, ROBBED STUDENT /CARDIFF, Wed. TWO men who attacked and robbed a Malaysian student, Abdul Arifin Ahmad, 20, were each Jailed for three years by a Cardiff Crown court on Monday. Lindsay George Fitzgerald, 24, unemployed, pleaded guilty to, and Jan Carl Raffour, 19, a seaman,
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  • 21 6 A delegation comprising the chairman and commislloners of municipalities in Bangladesh arrived here last night for a four-day visit.
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  • 39 6 THE Union of Keppel Shipyard Employee of Singapore and Singapore Slipway Engineering Company Pte Ltd have agreed on a one per cent NWC Increase for the firm's employees. Payment will be backdated to July 1. 1>77.
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  • 39 6 A WOMAN passenger died in a Singapore Airlines plane on Tuesday night. A police spokesman said the woman, aged 73 was on Plight SQ7B which touched down at 7.15 p.m. from Auckland and Melbourne.
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  • 81 6 M-CYCLIST DIES AFTER CRASH A MOTORCYCLIST, Roger Chen Lo. 16, died in the Singapore General Hospital early yesterday from injuries when his machine skidded and hit a tree in Stadium Road at 11.30 p.m. on Tuesday. Anyone who saw the accident Is requested to contact Sepoy Lines police station. There
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  • 107 6 PUCE are trying to trace a lawyer who Is alleged to have disappeared with over $100.000 of his clients' money. The Commercial Crime Branch of the CID has received several complaints from people about the lawyer. They said when they went to his office
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 240 6 ■a^^^^^^^-^■l^^^^^^B m THniasxic oTTsr ncvGr to dg rspodtoo. in© first 500 lucky ikirchasers of Hardy Cop XO Cognac Brandy will each get one bottle of Hardy Cog XO FREE a bargain purchase of two for the price of one; and the first 500 purchasers of mtij^t_~^-^~^^i Henninger mini barrel with
      240 words
    • 304 6 IT TAKES MORE THAN TOP QUALITY SOUND TO CREATE AN EXCEPTIONAL HI-FI STEREORECE I VER. B O BEOMASTERS ARE ALSO CREATED: SIMPLE, FUNCTIONAL, RELIABLE. BEOMASTER w™ magic touch controls QAA FM styreo tuner/amplifier I Power RMS 2x30 watts (music power 100 watts) RCfiMACTCD AM/FM Stereo tuner/amplifier Crl Power RMS 2x40
      304 words

  • 785 7 rE five charges on which the Singapore Government appealed for reinstatement, after they had been quashed by the divisional court are: ITHAT between Feb 29, 1972, and Dec. 3. 1973, In the Republic of Singapore and etaewberc Tarunf conspired with Junes Slater, Donald Ofllvy Watson, Patrick Robert Gerald
    785 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 122 7 HIT HOLBORN LAW TUTORS London Courses Full— time Part— time and Short Intensive Revision Courses COURSES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 1978/79 COMMENCE 7th OCTOBER 1978 University of London LLB External Degree University registration still available (or overseas students wishing to take HLT full time courses Bar Part 1 Group B.
      122 words
    • 332 7 amY lii HlMßßjltEnterprises) Pte. Ltd. ■smJSSim'**^! wlifc«des-Benz best. aII H a Scandinavian The Shangri-La brings you Scandinavia from April sth 30th >^^^What better way to discover a 4ml fa£f& and Smoked Eel are but l^^^ country than through its Jfm a few of the different foods ixT^sumptuous food. Shangri-La.^i^^-fcrymT you
      332 words

  • 170 8 SOME 10,000 Catholics gathered at the Held of St. Josrpl s Institution yesterday evening to catch a glimpse of the pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima seen here being carried out of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. Crowds waited at the
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  • 64 8 YIPPEE Magazine will hold a mlcronauts mini lair for children at M-10S. Lucky Plaza, on Saturday at 11.30 a.m. There will b» a demonstration and a film show on Mlcronauts. Prlaes will be given to winners of games and quizzes. Yippee magazines and Van Houten chocolates
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  • 259 8 AMERICAN tourist George Angelo Powell, 23, thought he could get "free accommodation" in jail by scaring a police constable with a knife but his ruse failed. Powell, from Washington DC, had arrived on a Thai International flight at 12.10 a.m. yesterday, a subordinate
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  • 39 8 THE Royal Customs and Excise Department, Johore Baru. will be closed on (he following public holidays: May 1, Labour Day; May 21, Veaak Day; and May 22. In lieu of Vemk Day which falls on a Sunday.
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  • 22 8 THE Commissioner of Police Mr. Tan Teck Khlm has been warded In the Mount Alvernia Hospital after a minor operation.
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  • 96 8 RED WINS OUT OVER YELLOW RED has won out over yellow In the battle of colours at the Singapore Fire Brigade. For a while last month, the SFB wondered whether there was any advantage In turnIng Its vehicles yellow, as the united States has done. But, said fire chief Mr.
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  • 60 8 THE Parliamentary Secretary (Culture) Dr. Ow Chin Hock, will open the eighth International Pictorial Photography Exhibition organised by the South-east Asia Photographic Society, at the Chinece Chamber of Commerce and Industry exbltlon hall tomorrow at 5.30 pjn. The exhibition Is open to to public from
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  • 38 8 TWO film*, The World ai. Your FVet and The World in a Marsh, will be screened at the Singapore Science Centre* Lectuie Hall, at 3 p.m. on Sunday. For further details contact tet *****18.
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  • 102 8 rE acting Minister for Culture, Mr. Ong Tene Cheong, will be the guest-of-honour at the Asean Press Nlte dinner and Jance to be held at Shangri-La hotel on July The highlights of the function, organised by the Singapore National Union of Journalists (SNUJ), Include
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 254 8 Jo^^ GRAZES? I^l mf i BaaV Vaa ~ss&s2s&.' Zam-Buk \nstantone cW)OS e uor Stress xS /^aaaaa^N. Zanvßuk brings relief from the system- earls'*. b»f^° V X^aaaai aaaaWX P B o and irritation of minor cuts o jeCC sl a no\d V /^n2*nEE-^n Sak\ ar.d grazes. Fast-acting Zam-Buk Ofwy p\ateo m
      254 words
    • 222 8 COURAGE VL CONFIDENCE LEADERSHIP WM 10 ways Ike Dale Canegte ***** help, men and women: feqvirt p«tM md confldanct Spajk afftctlvaly a »«_*_>«* kMi ■ttk say |r»up TkM Md IfMt M yoyr l«ai CaMral f«sr md aany It i Mtar cMNanaHMMtM DtMtaa raur hteatn iMNUat Win I Mtar jak.mart inconw
      222 words

  • 511 9 LABOUR Minister Mr. Ong Pang Boon stressed last night that workers should not be treated as mere cogs in a business enterprise which should recognise that .its best improvement resource is its employees. He said the need to motivate workers had assumed
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  • 107 9 SELECTION OF BRIDGE TEAMS THE first stage of se lection trials of the women's and open teams for the 1978 Far East Bridge Federation Championships, scheduled at New Delhi in the first half of November, will begin in Singapore this weekend. The trials, which will be played over three weekends,
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  • 136 9 WO help students from A English speaking homes brush up their Mandarin, an Englishmedium, government aided school in Katong has started Mandarin tuition classes for them. The classes for about 120 students of the school, are held every Saturday for one -and ahalf hours. Four teachers
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  • 123 9 Fthe forum on bilingualism in Mandarin to be telecast on TV tonight and tomorrow over Channel 8, a panel of four speakers will discuss the topic with the Prime Minister. They are: Associate Professor Koh Lip Lin, a member of Nanyang University Council; Dr. Gwee Yee
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  • 188 9 5 YEARS, CANE FOR HAVING GUN AND BULLETS A JURONG boat builder was sentenced to five years' jail and 12 strokes of the cane by the Hi«h Court yesterday for unlawful possession of a Beretta pistol and four bullets. Tan Bee Cheng, alias Lim Bee Cheng (above), 31, who Is
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  • 43 9 RE REGISTRATION Of members who Joined the Central Adult Section of the National Library between July 1. 1970. and Dec 31. 1974, has been xtended from March 31 to June 30. These who fall to re-regls-tcr will loae their $8 deposit.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 398 9 On display at Mohan's is a myriad of the finest gemstones and ornamental genuine jewellery. In magnificent settings of utmost beauty for investors who appreciate artistry and creativity of intrinsic value. And with personalised service of experts. Check our prices. We are not expensive, as some may think. laU Wk/Rl/R^f?
      398 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 248 9 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 4 Church Mat in Taormina. missing in a paraMte <8> 8 When the crunch comes, credit ii doubly 16). 9 Custard I found In the Mill.. 1 3. 5> 10 Maximum water supply? Perfectly! <4. 41. 11 Young man. maybe, on a network t3. 3>.
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    • 226 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. —The retail price of all grades of rice In the country will not go up although the government has to pay more for Its imported rice. This assurance was given today by the National Padl and Rice Board (LPN)
      226 words
    • 272 10 IPOH, Wednesday J'HE state security committee is publishing a speciaj magazine aimed at communist terrorists and subversive elements operating in iWak. Five issues of the Chinese-language magazine, called A New Life, have already been widely circulated in security-sensitive areas where the
      AFP  -  272 words
    • 69 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. About half a million dollars' worth of drugs recovered by the Senior Sessions Court in the past year went up in smoke near the court room here today. The court president P. M. Mahalingam supervised the burning of the drugs and utensils used
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    • 40 10 ALOR STAR. Wed. Five pirates, one armed with v shotgun and the others with parangs, robbed (our fishermen of $300 worth of belongings and :ash In Pulau Langkawi waters about five km from Pulau Toba on Monday. AFP.
      AFP  -  40 words
    • 136 10 Why the pros migrate KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Malaysian professionals migrate to Australia and New Zealand not because they cannot find employment in the country but because they feel the prospects are better in the two countries, the Deputy Minister of Labour and Manpower, Mr. K. Pat h m a naban,
      AFP  -  136 words
    • 207 10 Call for expert study on container work DORT KLANO, Wed. An independent container consultant should be employed to make a comprehensive study of container operations so as to find ways to speed up container deliveries to importers, a Kont c n a Naslonal spokesman said today. The spokesman suggested that
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    • 25 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Seven more caws of chclcra have been confirmed In Peninsular Malaysia In the past 24 hours. Twenty carriers were detected.
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    • 135 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A Malaysian Senator today urged Singapore to give "deep thought" to the Concorde Issue. Senator Datuk Abdul Razak said Singapore would not lose anything if it refused landing rights to the Concorde because Singapore was more advanced In aviation matters than
      AFP  -  135 words
    • 321 10 Concern over Malacca reclaimed land project MALACCA, Wed. Residents in Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock are disturbed over the building of "Kota Laksamana" a $120 million reslden11 a 1 and commercial complex to be built on 162 hectares of land reclaimed from the Straits of Malacca. They are concerned that
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 496 10 The RISIS Orchid A gift of lasting pleasure jmm^ RISIS Orchid i k The Perfect Gift Choose from a wide range of the RISIS fl lW Collections. Pendants, brooches, tie pins... *P^^f elegant and distinctive. The grace and symmetry of the orchid preserved in 22 F"Mrf*T~ r> m carat S°
      496 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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    • 429 11 Motorists drive to Singapore for a refit SINGAPORE, Wed.— Malaysian motorists have been coming here to change their tinted car windscreens and windows. The motorists are choosing to change their tinted screens here as they believe mechanics here to be more experienced since a similar ban has been on In
      429 words
    • 525 11 PENANG. WM J^ PUBLIC accountant today referred three questions of law relating to the tinted glass regulation to the Penang High Court for determination. Mr. Wong Hoong Keat, a Penang accountant, In his originating summons filed in the High Court named Encik Rohani
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    • 345 11 'Test done on wrong side of windscreen' PNANO, Wed. A British engineer claimed today that the traffic police had made a mistake in testing for tint In car windscreens by putting the meter on the outside of the windscreen. The engineer, a permanent resident here who refused to be identified,
      345 words
    • 199 11 CRASH, SO STORE BOUND TRAIN CANCELLED KUALA LIMPI'R. Wed. Two goods trains collided at Salak South Junction near here at lunchtime today, disrupting rail services between here and Singapore. One of the engines ended up on its side while four wagons, two from each train, jumped the rails. One of
      199 words
    • 190 11 Ministry reviews English language syllabus KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Education Ministry is reviewing the English Language Syllabus In primary and secondary schools as part of a programme to upgrade the teaching of English. An Education Ministry spokesman said the programme wouM Include, anung other things: INCREASING the number of in
      AFP  -  190 words
    • 418 11 Sime Darby's new role will boost the economy KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Sime Darby has launched a programme to Invest in public sector projects outlined in the Third Malaysia Plan. The company has started talks with some state governments on the possibilities of taking part in some of their projects. Tun
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    • 126 11 ALOR STAR, Wed. A member of the Kedah royal household, Datln Turku Amlnah binti Sultan Abdul Hamid, an aunt of the Sultan and younger sister of Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia's first Prime Minister, was killed when the car In which she was a passenger collided
      126 words
    • 194 11 Rubber price pact nears accord KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The major world natural rubber producing countries (ANRPC) began a four-day meeting here today to put the final touches to the draft text of the International natural rubber price stabilisation agreement. Sri Lanka's acting High Commissioner, Mr. W.M. J.B. Nakkawita, who Is
      Reuter  -  194 words
    • 59 11 FETALINO JAVA, Wfd. Parti O:rakan Rakyat has pledged it* support for the current moderate leadership of Umno as it believes that the interest of the nation and all communities lies J n preserving and strengthening this leadership. This waj> one of three resolutions rassed at the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 199 11 Today the door is wide open for entry into the one industry upon which almosi all others are increasingly dependent: the Computer Industry. And today one of the most extensively couipped and largest private computer training colleges in Britain offers a magnificent opportunity to all ambitious young people everywhere: The
      199 words
    • 386 11 -.-.-I mi m\ Iron Tablets fothetMmentof __T___ »onrtefe-ncYana-)»a m\ andasarWyion _L avpwmem tonvomen __>^V fo-Ktatedforqui* V ahsnrpdonanr! ssannttiinn *r lOGTahtets t0? Guardian Iron Tablets provide the essential mineral! RON which enables the red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Guardian Iron Tablet, specially formulated for quick absorption and
      386 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
      588 words
    • 162 12 OPENSLIDOTODAY (Phone *****4) 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 1 9.1S No free list TWO TOUGH GUYS A BEVY of BEAUTIES get ENTANGLES ii the "WorU's GREATEST GAME" I JaBBBBBBBaW I' <aBBBBBBBaVaU tj A.\ \i yV|Ba^V \U^^^ 01VID MERRICI »-i««i a wcim iitciii f^ Xi^S^atN niT MMUI %ym\ i uitnmuoi color i
      162 words
    • 416 12 JADE HURRY SEE IT NOW! (Phone *****80) ONLY 3 SHOWS DAILY I Note Times: 11am. 3.30 Mspm-No Free List I ADVANCE CASH BOOKINGS for $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 TICKETS CURRENT DAY SALES ONLY aaaaT^ ■T^' -4 W^^^^^kr^S^^^mk^km^i^SSkrti^ «ADEpr«Bfs R ANCO ZEFFIRELLTS prodmonof JESUS of NAZARETH# starri* ROBERT PCWELL asjesus «b rr
      416 words
    • 567 12 II! NOW SHOWING' ill I lorn. 1 45. 4 00. 6 45. 9 15 MAO MONK Strikat Aaain" ra Contonese in Scope-Color V NEXT CHANGE' MADAM WHITE SNAKE" MANDARIN m Srope-Color P S*TURDAY MIDNIGHT Sundoy Morning Shows I Prince-Cqpitol Lido Juronq RepubliC'Rex-SkyPresKtant "HEROES OF SUNG" If MANDARIN m Scope-Color Q
      567 words

  • 166 13 SINGAPORE MUST MAINTAIN DEFENCE BUILDUP SINGAPORE must maintain the build-up of its defence capabilities in view of the political turbulence In Indochina, the MP for Thomson, Mr. Ang Nam Plau, said yesterday. Speaking at a send-off ceremony for national servicemen at Kampong San Teng community centre, Mr. Ang said: "Recent
    166 words
  • 159 13 Planned trips advice by the ROV THE Registry of Vehicles yesterday advised motorists to plan their journeys in advance to avoid retting booked (or turning at road junctions from wrong traffic lanes, an offence for which demerit points are given. Describing the offence as "rampant" among motorists, a spokesman said
    159 words
  • 90 13 BREAK-IN MAN IS JAILED A JOBLESS man was yesterday Jailed 15 months by a district court for breaking into a house and stealing valuables worth $860. Khamis bin Jusri, 22, admitted breaking into a house In Buklt Timah Road on April 8 and stealing valuables belonging to Mr. Wong Boon
    90 words
  • 314 13 A TEXTILE vendor who was sued for divorce by his wife in the High Court, yesterday threatened to commit suicide if It was granted. The court nevertheless granted the divorce to Madam Tan Hua Huang on the grounds of seven years' separation, after
    314 words
  • 515 13 CONSUMERS were yesterday urged to change their eating habits by switching to lower grade rice to reduce their household expenses and offset the latest increases in rice prices. At the same time, the Consumers' Association of Singapore (Case) also urged the government to
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  • 262 13 A YOUTH, originally sentenced to 18 months' jail and 10 strokes of the cane for armed robbery of a taxidriver, had his Jail term reduced to 12 months on appeal yesterday. The High Court heard that the appellant, Hoong Hln Sang, 20, was with
    262 words
  • 31 13 HO LYZ Hln, a.iv. iv yfteroay fined *3.000 In default six month*' Jail by a court for taking morphine in Havelock Road on March 17. He pleaded guilty. V
    31 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 435 13 (ncrease driving pleasure. With Smiths. AMMETER FUEL CONSUMPTION MECHANICAL OIL PRESSURE This meter shows the current INDICATOR GAUGE flowing into or out of the battery. This meter tells whether your Tells at a glance whether there is It tells whether your battery is re- engine is properly tuned. Should sufficient
      435 words
    • 821 13 PARKLANE SHOPPING MALL Urban Shopping In A Lush Green Setting j i^Sv BP^*^ mUm^m^i S^ ft*/ >^iiP ■^s. "V n^^^H -TrnXW.L *Wtf \l \mwmSg *t* Vtt I ESTIMATED DATE OF COMPLETION MARCH .1979 mouimmn.o Parklane is immediately bounded by Orchard Road, Bukit Ti.nah, "^v^O^^VX /^^s\^/ Serangoon, Rochore/Middle, North Bridge Road,
      821 words

  • 337 14 The Straits Times THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1978 HELPING LANKA THE Prime Minister and his delegation will probably not achieve anything dramatic in Sri Lanka. This Is as it should be, for the visit has been undertaken on a quiet note, to forge closer bonds of friendship without fanfare. The two
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  • 332 14 THE two days of talks between senior Asean and American trade officials are part of the continuing dialogue the regional association Is having with the major Western economies. Since some of the groundwork has been cleared In previous meetings, It could be hoped that concrete progress can be
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  • 417 14  -  PAUL MAJENDIE By in HONGKONG HONGKONG'S battle against heroin is slowly being won less youngsters are being drawn like moths to the fatal flame of drug addiction. The optimistic note has been struck by a man who ought to know Narcotics Bureau chief Jack
    Reuter  -  417 words
  • 1279 14 The second of two articles by MILTON CHASE in Washington WITH civic, medical and dental organisations pressing the Federal Trade Commission to ban or at least curtail television advertising directed at children promoting sugared foods which threaten tooth decay,
    1,279 words
  • 1007 14  - Commuters have to get used to bus feeder services S. M. MUTHU By The first of a two-part article on all aspects of the reorganisation of the SBS over the past three years under the direction of the Government Team of Officials (GTO). The second part will appear tomorrow. W-HETHER
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 38 14 (HI PAN-WEST I "iTl PRIVATE LIMITED Designed for powerful, straight yyi and deadly accurate shots /f I makes par-golf i^r UNT 228/230. 2ND FLOOP. PIA2A SWGAPURA TEL *****5/6 13 LOWER GROUND. UC BULGING SHENTON WAV TEL ***** MV
      38 words
    • 453 14 Some professional advice for accountancy students. The School of Accountancy has had o\cr N) vi ;irs experience of coaching students lor MCOHNMKJ and other professional qualifications. Studuntf with the SOA course material and model answers ill hflp you enter your examinations tulK prepared jnc completely confident. Our course material is
      453 words

    • 55 15 Letters to the Editor will not I be considered for publication I unless they have the writers' names and addresses. Use a I pseudonym if you do not I want your name published. I If possible, type your letter, I I double-spaced, on one side I of the paper, and
      55 words
    • 296 15 A FAGE CF YOUR LETTERS AMIDST the controversy caused by a magistrate's court pcnalising a taxi-driver for not operating his meter and the subsequent claritlcatlon by the ROY that an amended law now allows for separate charges for passengers. I would
      296 words
    • 254 15 Where morning bus situation is near chaotic THE early morning bus X situation at Ang Mo Kio, is near chaotic. Every bus that leaves the terminal is so fully packed that school children from the other stops within the estate it&elf are unable to get In as the buses, rightly
      254 words
    • 464 15 PUB: Misguided belief we're stashing away millions in profits rTHE Public Utilities •1 Board wishes to clarify certain issues raised by Mr. Syed Aljunied in his two letters (ST, April 6 and 13). There appears to be a misguided belief that the PUB is netting in millions of dollars of
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    • 564 15 Poor grasp of language can widen the generation gap ONE of the rather un fortunate things in modern family life is that children in many homes today do not communicate enough with their parents. If children spoke only Mandarin to parents who have a poor grasp of the language this
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 117 15 APRIL 24TH ISSUE WOODY Academy Award winner Woody Allen is about to embark on a new career in serious drama "When you do comedy." he said, "you're not at the grownups table." PLUS: THE MARCOS DEFENCE AND CARTERS ENERGY PLAN Gel a copy from your nearest newsstand ■ja^^^^JH^M^H Or mail
      117 words
    • 6 15 Itl, l J yii^ ***** l
      6 words
    • 425 15 I Jfetterituj J^A^jf^o .^M film Specially designed Jor superb penmanship An invaluable aid to Teachers, Students, Architects and all who are interested in and enjoy lettering and writing. The set includes a Silverline Fountain Pen and a selection of six different width nib units. A set is also available for
      425 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 931 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening followed by Window (Chinese 7.30 News (Malay) Repeat) 7.45 Rendille 3.30 Diary of [vents (Chinese) 8 3 M iM ltf M 3.35 Etfrt Heroes of Sfce. Li. (Ma.darin J* Wl W r v 8.30 Mews and Newsreel 4iO Intermission 10.00 Rhoda 6.00
      931 words
    • 78 15 SWIMMING TIMES Jgm i imgm* 8.54 im £3rn) 9.36 p.m. (2.4m) S*M( 7.24 a.m. (1.6m), 7.52 p.m. (l*n). hft McktM 4.52 p.m. U.4fll). TOMOIMff: Sinm* 9 39 a.m. (2.5m), 10.06 p.m. (2.6m). StMi (Kkil 820 im. (1.8m), 8.26 p.m. (2m). Nrt Mcks« 5.18 a.m. (24m), 5.39 p.m. (2.6m). WATER WATER
      78 words

  • Especially
    • 229 16 MAKING tracks to the sea-shore to your iU place in the sun? Well, you can take the plunge and stay in one piece for that's the dictate for swimwear now. Leave alone the more revealing bikini Jut for now and pour your Slim Self
      CHRIS LOH  -  229 words
    • 195 16 THE fashion scene is hotting up again with hotels bringing in foreign shows as well as organlslng local ones. Here we list the shows lined up for the next few days: FRENCH FASHION czar Pierre Balmaln will unveil his 1978 spring summer collection at the Mandarin Hotel tomorrow
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    • 453 16  -  Mel-Lin Chew By IT always makes interesting readIng how people rise from rags to riches, from anonymity to fame, from nothing to a multi-million empire. In the business realm, where risks, fluctuations and uncertainty rule the day, It can be a "here today
      453 words
    • 140 16 A dash of honey for this salad mHE delicately sweet 1 taste of honey has been known to enhance the flavour of many a recipe. We £iare here a recipe for Persian Salad, with a dash or two of honey to make It taste. better. Ingredients: Three tbsp. of honey;
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    • 302 16 Tips on how to care for your jewellery WOMEN, In the main, are clothes and hairconscious They make regular visits to the hairdresser, the dry cleaners, and the laundrette. But where precious Jewellery is concerned, they don't seem to give it the attention it deserves. It Is astonishing how much
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 324 16 You're typically feminine tH7 y 1\ A A You're the kind of girl who likes flowery colognes and soft nostalgic dresses. You want to feel feminine and dainty all the time. That's why you use Tampax tampons. Tampax tampons give you the kind of dependable protection that keeps you feeling
      324 words
    • 81 16 DR4GOMHIACI RISI4LR4YI SATURDAY^ FASHION The latest ideas in clothes and J accessories from our local fashion houses swirl before you, while 0 delicious Cantonese fare is 0 served for lunch. 0 Special Lunch. $8/-++ per person 0 Showtime. 1.45 p.m. Sponsors for April 22, *7t Tatiana Boutique Sin Chew Jit
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  • 242 17 Dearer steel imports hit yards THE price of imported steel plate for the local shipbuilding and repairing industry has increased for the second time this year with another hike expected over the next few months. Shipyards, already plodding through the slump in the Industry, said yesterday that the Increase would
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  • 36 17 ABDUL Kasslm bin Ahmad Shadan, 25, a drug supervise*, was Jailed for three months by a magistrate yesterday after he pleaded guilty to taking morphine at Paya Lebar police station on Jan 8.
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  • 101 17 FOUR NEW POST OFFICES GOING UP rE Postal Services Department is to launch several projects worth nearly $450,000 under its development programme this year. Four new post offices costing $153,000 will be set up In Bedok Central. Ann Moh Klo Central, Boon Lay and Woodlands. Nearly $116,000 will be spent
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  • 168 17 A LABOURER, whose legs were severely injured as a result of an accident while working on board a ship, was yesterday awarded $12,000 by the High Court in a consent Judgment. Mr. O. Subramaniam. represented by Mr. Karuppan Chettlar, was unloading cargo on board the
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  • 519 17 THE ruling by the Singapore Employers' Federation (SEF) to 14 foreign banks to cut the starting monthly salaries of new clerical employees is a "drastic move" that will only create more confusion in the disparity of salaries, the Singapore Bank
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  • 187 17 Woman who kept gems in fridge A HOUSEWIFE feared burglars and kept her jewellery in a refrigerator but forgot to remove them when she sent the refrigerator for repair and lost the jewels, a subordinate court head yesterday. In the dock was Lee Yap Tong, 20, a repairman, who pleaded
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  • 71 17 Airport visit by Bahrain minister THE Bahrain Minister for Development and Industry Mr. Yusot Ahmad Shirawl. yesterday toured, Singapore Airlines' cabin crew trainIng centre, flight kitchen and the cargo terminal complex at Paya Lebar airport. Earlier, he met SlA's chairman. Mr J. Y. M PUl»y and its managing director. Mr.
    71 words
  • 567 17 A CORONER'S court yesterday heard how an 18-y ear-old youth who was detained at Joo iGhiat police station lock-up was found hanged in a cell by his long-sleeved shirt. Lee Soon Paw, detained on suspicion of drug trafficking, had
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 66 17 m w ifl V-y g* *7^^m is for close-ups Now, with new BP^i^**l!flßi Fluoride CloseUp you 2^ can be twice as sure. You a^M even mintier. Close-Up, y^' "^SkSls&^j^^vV^r^ red or green, has a real cV \<*»*f \j^^w?^ JB<fs'si^^m> mouthwashtokeepyour^v 4/Wft&gm breath as fresh as fresh andXU-fli special whiteners to
      66 words
    • 303 17 Come on out in the sun! with Estee Lauders bright and snappy Beach Runner Bag to*. I Your gift this April 22nd-3Oth at Isetan. fell j Estee Lauder says, have fun in the sun! W That's why she's giving you her sensational r It Ik J Beach Runner Bag a
      303 words

      • 49 18 Kerimal M Malacca iaaDmrby •tlroo iU»d*Pen ImHoc PI •rite Plant raiym ■par Product! [tUokinc lam Pub H8 eckS*n« 830 SW 410 450 440 396 270 178 159 245 187 147 356 314 290 219 +2 +a +a ♦ii ii +ii +ii +ii +i +i +i +i lOMsPub H8
        49 words
      • 18 18 -ill ronon .-nine* Ceramics upreme Corjn traita Tradinc o in Plant 220 210 870 575 -I -I
        18 words
      • 25 18 API CityDav Sin Chew SiaaDarfey Wmim Haw Par SiaHaacCkaa OCBC PerakCarMda Bovii 254.1 251.1 23S.I 130.1 lll.i 97.1 M.i M.I 83,1 83.1
        25 words
      • 35 18 B T Index: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties: Tins: rubbers: 6.CB.C. .-> t ind: April 18 April 19 709.60 807.24 300.38 304.14 484.64 485.30 188.90 190.44 172.32 174.02 141.73 141.84 476.84 478.64 ***** 268.38 268.10 210.12
        35 words
    • 1210 18 I|IHE last transacted ready tale at the close of business on the Stock Exfjßange of Singapore yesterday comJhred with the previous day's prices Tbgether with 1977/78 high and low, t*Adjusted for script/right* issue) INDUSTRIALS mnn, Lut IHgh Low Company SaW +oril81 132 Aetna 188 -4 123* Alcom 202xall436
      1,210 words
    • 1469 18 BID and ofrer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS Almomoto (2. MB I XALL. Ale.m u«B 1 8581 XALL. Alti H»ld
      1,469 words
    • 327 18 Closing Tone: Very steady TURNOVER: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore Including odd lots 'Ready' totalled: 4.814.000 units valued at $10,322,000 Industrials accounted for 3.258.000. finance 420,000. hotels 340.000. properties 531.000, debentures, loans and bonds 8.000. oil palms 21.000. tins 43,000. and rubbers 184.000 'Settlement
      327 words
    • 1933 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1 ,000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Settlement Contract; are quoted after the word "set". Aig
      1,933 words
    • 334 18 3/4% 1/5/79 (250.000) (100 908 101 10S) 5 1/4% IS/10/79 (250.000) (101. 308 101 60S) 4 3/4% 15/9/80 (250.000) (100 208 100 455) 5 V 4% T F IVS/81-84 (250.000) (102 90S) (8) 102 90 5 3/4% T F 15/7/87 (250.000) 102 00S I 5 1/2%
      334 words
      • 145 18 THE Straits tin price fell $8 to $1,520 Der Dicul in Penang yesterday on an official offering down 28 tcnnes to 238 tonnes. The overnight London market was steady with fov•vard buyers dropping £6i to £5.935 per tonne. LONDON: Tin finished the day with losses of £40 all round
        145 words
      • 28 18 Rubber Apr 19 Singapore: May 203.00 cts (down 0.25 ct). Malaysia: May 207.75 cts (unchanged). Tin: $1,520 (down SB>. Official offering: 238 tonnes (down 28 tonnes).
        28 words
      • 113 18 rvAXT-Y SSR and 8MR prices at noon yesterday: M»y June R.A.S. (Carrent Mth) (Forward Mth) Bayer* Sellers Bayer* 8ellen SSR 20 (I ton pallet) 194 50 196.50N 195 50 197.50N SR 50 (1 ton pallet) 192.50 1M.50N 193.50 195.50 N M.R.E.L.B. !MR 5CV (1 ton pallet) 215.50
        113 words
      • 66 18 Timday Mtnday Mdhourt* 1 1 > ]J3 OS 15« 10 London 173. SOB 173 7SB 1740OS 174 SOS Zurich 173 2.">B 174 25B *****8 173UOS r*»ri>. 171. «l 175 «S W.dneidi, Timdiy Honkkoiu; 174 3UB 173.40B 174 SOS 173.7ns Sport- (2) 174 24H 17« 23B 174>«8 174 H7S Kxpor
        66 words
      • 347 18 OPENING quotations In the Singapore rubwere "bout 1 uSK Srs said. UnChail«edZ^Z^r* actlvlUe > There was no significant change In prices in afternoon trading which was very quiet. Fair turnover for forwards was recorded during the session. China was absent again. The market closed very quiet with May RSS
        347 words
      • 81 18 STRIKING prices of the stock options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options traded shown In brackets. (And (June $2.20) (1.1 4B 1.215). Inrhraiii' i.lunr tl.tin I (0 Otß 0.118) (5) 0.10.
        81 words
      • 361 18 Ho ng kong HONGKONG: The market closed generally firmer In featureless trading, with prices steady throughout the session after a firm opening, dealers said. The Hang Seng Index rose 1.88 to 442.86 points, on a combined total turnover volume valued at $48 10 million. HKI Amil Rubber Associated Hotels Bowalers
        361 words
      • 353 18 TOKYO: Share prices rose sharply In active trading, with the Dow Jones average closing at a post war record high of 5.555.84 points, after gaining 21 12. dealers said. Volume was 390 million shares The New Index rose 2.23 to 416. 11 points *rAJInomoto Akal Asahl Chem Asahl Olaaa
        353 words
      • 269 18 SYDNEY: The market closed mixed In moderate trading, dealers said. The Sydney All-Ordinaries added 0.89 to 471 07 points, on a total turnover volume of 5 30 million shares i INDUSTRIALS A C I 170 N I 136 P M 122 *mpol Pel 7» BHP tot Sank NSW M2
        269 words
      • 389 18 Krom col flve (1.148) (5) 1.14 (IS) Kamayan (1 878 1.8»8> 191 ••I Cnut. (212 B) (1) 2.M. Ultf Plant (2 408 2 418) iisi 240 ,3. 2 39 It) ul",' 2.,\ 9) TINS A Amu (4.468 4.4*8). A Hltam (8. COB) (1) 8 70 Btrjuntai (7.408
        389 words
      • 193 19 NEW YORK. Tues.—Stocks settled back after two hectic trading sessions, leaving the field to the Inevitable proflttaklng. Big Board trading volume, which climbed to a record bj 50 million shares yesterday, narrowed to about 38 million shares. The market brushed aside the good newt of a 32 per
        193 words
      • 57 19 \MSTERDAM. Tues. Prices closed mixed with Dutch Internationals mostly lower. Royal Dutch led declines following the announcement that currency movements have possibly cost the company £200 to £300 million In the llrst 1878 quarter. Shippings and transports were lower, though KLM, continued firm. Cloilnj prtc, ln Dutch (ullden »ilh
        57 words
      • 168 19 JTURICH. Tues. Tht m- market was irregular with small gains and losres about even In calm trading. Bants and financial! fluctuated narrowly. Leading Industrials were mixed with Saurer Bearer sharply lower after passing its dividend In the foreign sector. 4ol- «oclu rose In he.»vy trading, Dutch shares firmed slightly.
        168 words
      • 284 19 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 454.4 Monday 446.7 Week Ago 470.4 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 803.27 Monday 810 12 Week Ago 770.18 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Tuesday 114% to 115 1 Monday 115 to 115"t H.K. HANG SENG W-dnesday 442.86 Tuesday 445. 69 Tuesday 441.18 Week Ago 445.69 Wednesday 410.25
        284 words
    • 506 18 SHARE price* continued to move generally higher on the strength of iiutained buying although profittaking in selected counter* pared tome of the gain* on the Singapore itock market yesterday. Blue chip* led the way with gain* of up to 14 cent* recorded at the height of
      506 words
    • 344 18 CONDITIONS remained fairly steady at the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday as a fair amount of bullish support continued to buoy prices up. The strong trading tempo, however, slowed in the afternoon as some profit-taking crept in. Reflecting the fair to moderate gains recorded by most of the
      344 words
    • 155 18 I"HE UB dollar opened 1 slightly higher at $2.3275 85 in the Singapore forex market yesterday, it was later traded lower to $2.3255 65 on prcflt-taking and some commercial selling before recovering filghtly to close at $***** 80. Interbank forward rates at 3.00 p.m. 1-month 2 3240
      155 words
    • 140 18 Interbank rates at 3.00 p.m. Currencies Nominal rates Smithsonian ptreraUt* quoted yesterday (crou) parity chanf e US dollar 2.3270 2 3280 2.8190 —17.47 Sterling pound 4.2928 4.2979 7.3469 —41.71 Hongkong dollar 50.30 50.36 50.51 Oil M'slan dollar 97.74 97.80 100 00 2 26 Aust schilling 15.7532 15 8076
      140 words
    • 189 18 ASIAN currency deposit interbank, rates as at close on April IS. IS DoOan (Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 7 7/8 1 mth 6 5 8 8 1/2 2 mths 7 6 7/8 3 mths 7 5/16 7 3/18 6 mths 7 5 8 7 1/3 9 mths
      189 words
    • 36 18 Singapore dollars on April IB, Offer Bid Overnight 1 1/3 1 mth 4 3 4 4 5 8 2 mths 4 7/8 4 3 4 3 nuns 4 15/16 4 13/16 Source: Awiltj Poutt.
      36 words
    • 50 18 dneounl houiri on April 19. Overnight 2 to 31%. Call dtpoalt 3i«. ClMlfif Buy (Ml 3-Month Treasury bllli 3 1/4 1 1/s 3-Mortb Bank Mill 4 T/8 4 3/4 3-Month CD 5 4 T/S 8-Month CO S 1/4 5 1/S t*ur»: Natlanal Olucunt C*. IHer sllRhtly from thow quote
      50 words
    • 70 18 THE PRIME rate of moat commercial banks in Singapore now stands at 7 per cent. Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation is still offering 6*4 per cent to its best customers while United Commercial Bank is maintaining its prime rate at 7'« per cent. The naled prime rate of the
      70 words
    • 417 19 MARKET rumours that OCBC will be announcing a bonus issue with its result* remained unfulfilled when the figure* were released after trading hours yesterday. The results were unexciting a* group net profits after transfers and minorities rose by only 10.6 per cent to $38.65
      417 words
    • 288 19 THE locust years at Guthrie Berhad are largely over. If the optimistic utterlngs of the company's top management are anything to go by. Shareholders will, however, have to bear the market's wrath on the value of their holdings following Guthrie's announcements Tuesday that group pre-tax
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 629 19 SARAWAK GOVERNMENT MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Tender* are Invited from Medical Contractor* registered under Class F and above Head II Subhead 27 (or the supply of (A) Hudson Sprayer and Spare Parts (B) Spare Parts for Blake Hydram and Medical Contractors registered under Class F and above Head I Subhead 31 (or
      629 words
    • 465 19 CARTER SEMICONDUCTOR (M) SDN. BHD. h§* opontnpt for:TEST ENGINEERS/TECHNICIANS Duttaa: AMponalMt lor the malntanano* up*Mp4ng and calibration of Mat •quipm.m to good operating ••v* In ordar to achieve art targets Requirements: A DagrM/CMptoma in Electronic* and with sound Knowledge of analog and digital circuit designs Pr»ftjr»n©a given to tho*e with
      465 words
    • 572 19 Malayan Banking Berhad invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced personnel to fill the following positions: PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER The Public Relations Officer will be responsible for formulating and implementing a sound ongoing public relations programme and strategy through publicity, advertising and promotional activities. He will also be responsible for
      572 words
    • 155 19 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KIALA LfM PUB COMPANIES WINDING- l'P> NO: OF 1*77 In the matter of the Companies Act. 1968 And In the matter of P. wer Drilling Sdn. Bhd NOTICE OF WINDING IP ORDER In the matter of Power Drilling Sdn. Bhd. Wlndlng-up Order made
      155 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1082 20 CLASSIFIED ADS AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service:- Ek KJk^H^ Weekdays A 8.30 a.m. 5 00 pm. W a Saturdays /T* 8.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. Public Holidays C.A.T.S. 9.00 am. 1.00 p.m. 235-*»V77| Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mm. $9.00) Per
      1,082 words
    • 1066 20 II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT CONSULTING ENGINEERS FIRM L^^^^^^^^^^^^^k requires EXPERIENCED STRUCTURAL engineer Clerical Vacancy for for Interesting local projects c Reasonable terms nego- LABOUR liable COSTING CLERK Apply ststlng persons! particulars. e»perience. qusllficstions. salary Requlrements.eapected to: c Male. Singapore citizen S.T. 80. A***** o .ff tl0
      1,066 words
    • 1283 20 AN INTERNATIONAL TRADINO requires Immediately COMPANY (1) SALES REPRESENTAhas Immediate vacancies for: TIVES FEMALE GENERAL CLERKS TO < A >°# T Ce IOU equirements: (B) STAPLING MA 1 OCE 'O' level with a credit CHINES ln Mathematics Must have at least 2 years 2 Age 18 to 24 years relevant
      1,283 words
    • 1401 20 BTP DN^HD 10 8 intentional Sports Shop requires requires 4 3 specialty Counter sales representatives Salesgirls Applicants with the following re- W quisiles desired: q must be pleasant 1 Holder of Oeneral School experience preferred but not Certificate essential (2) A Good Command of Spoken Please call personally at English.
      1,401 words
    • 1069 20 ■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■utri Domestic 9 »^I3UMi; ENGLISH SPEAKING LIVE-OUT ■T („n,Tal Amah for European flatn.lj with 2 children wanted. rreferahly for those residing In I T^hnici-n. 8 IS^S^^S'SSSSZ to repair all el. tro-me- 9 nim *****7 EK'HSJeiSbflMlSf and {o A COUPLE AT Holland Road area n ,11 hi them at a hl.h
      1,069 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 734 21 II EMPLOYMENT mmmmma^ m^ mm A MANUFACTURER OF I) Qmnmrml audio PROttucrs WELCOMES YOU TO A LONG TERM and STABILIZED CAREER I W* Racjolre: FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS r**Qulraiuanls: Age between 16 and 35) years ■■CVaVaaH Primary education iTiLbbl Experience not necessary PeHaiaMeß Singapore citizens Malaysian cltltens B*jeU3*4UflH j no shirt
      734 words
    • 1315 21 II EMPLOYMENT I PHILIPS requires CC FEMALE PRODUCTION f~r~ OPERATORS Applicant* should b* Age 16 —25 years SINGAPORE FUJITEC ELEVATOR Education Prl 5 Sec 3 CORPN LTD Nationality Singaporean Th* only lift manufacturer In South- Wa offer th* following b*<**ms: East Asia requires 1 Oood pay fit CLERKS 2) No
      1,315 words
    • 1580 21 II EMPLOYMENT I WANTED IMMEDIATELY Dl- AN EUROPEAN MANUFACLIVERY Clerks Completed TURING Factory in Jurong has National Service with class 2/3 vacancies for Female Production driving licence Oood basic pay Operators Age 18 and above, and yearly bonus Call personally Alrcondltloned environment, at 183. New Bridge Road. Spore 1 food
      1,580 words
    • 1032 21 II EMPLOYMENT I DESPATCH RIDER WANTED. App- REQUIRED 100 SCIENCE stream ly personally to 8 12-B. 2nd undergrads/ graduates/ college/ floor. Jalan Rajah, Off Balestler HSC Tutors to teach In dayRoad. Spore 12 Able to start time. Ring: *****2 work immediately wE OFFER EXCELLENT opMALE/ FEMALE YOUNG Pump At- portunltles
      1,032 words
    • 206 21 •73 FIAT 124 Sports 1800 c.c. New alrron road tax. $13,300 o no. View: Foodland Eating House, Orchard Shopping Centre (above Mohan) 1*73 MAZDA SO* with oil pressure, vacuum, charge, voltmeter, new tyres/ battery. Tel: *****0 VOLKSWAGEN 1300 DEC. '68 Cassette player, air-blower, new battery, excellent condition. $4,850 0.n.0 Tel:
      206 words
    • 1339 21 111 VEHICLES ft BOW 71 DATSUN 1400. Alrcon. 2 1*72 NISSAN SKVLINt ISOO C.C owners, tip lop condition Immaculate condition, alrcon. $6,600 0.n.0. Tel: *****26 tape, tax 7/78 View 80-F. Blk 19, IM2 MINI STATIONWAOON for Merpatl Road Aljunled HDB PARF Tax August. Price "«'> $2,100 0.n.0. Tel *****52 -Mr
      1,339 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1161 22 I 111 VEHICLES I MATS Jl AIRCONDITIONED FORO CAPRI nV^MIWIHPPWVIVnPI 1600 OTL. 1971. solid Mitsubishi mf^^^AJMiOkAMmJ^EljJliM cassette, regularly serviced Car- |x-t $5,500 negotiable *****69 rs MERCEDES MS. Power steer- 7 To oT C N Aut in« orinnal alrcon one owner malic, radio/ cassette. Up top _rcldent^eesM 500 Contact condition View
      1,161 words
    • 1586 22 111 VEHICLES 4 BOATS I ITT^SoaTL 1» I H> u S K c e ars °^y"^a^ r aSd B^f'SeVah V?ew^ """tl Contact Tanglln Used 273 Merah View Cars Co 69 Kllllney Road Tel I*M FORO CORTINA B. second *****3/ *****9 owner, very good condition aj O g| N «.iSMAN
      1,586 words
    • 1245 22 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION ft PtOKHTIES ■a^B_a^-a_^-^~B-B_a_H_aa_Bß-B-i-^-B-^-^-^ r ISLAND SHOPS AND KIOSKS FOR SALE IV TENDER Bukit Timah Plaza The Finest In One Stop Shopping scheduled for business in six months has STRATEGICALLYIocoted ISLAND SHOPS AND KIOSKS for SALE BY TENDER. Join Metro Deportment Store, Fitzpatricks Supermarket ond over 160 speciality
      1,245 words
    • 1535 22 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION A PtOPCHTICS LAI HOUSING HAS several resIK'ciahle clients requiring apartments houses dlsts 9. 10. 11. kz^zSTiur 1 Owners New 3-bedroom Apartments Carpeted, central alrcondi- tlonlng. swimming pool, covered M IltM carpark and security. Furnished or unfurnished^ ,-BEOROOM FLAT OR House Urn rT!i wanted in Dlst 12 preferably
      1,535 words
    • 1214 22 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES ■I ■^■^■^■^^■^^■^■^J^^B RACE house at Carmen Terrace -t_V*l K*t*. _T*l I I dlst 16 off Opera Estate 3 IPfIaMA ■bedrooms. 2211 soft. Freehold ■I Interested please ring *****/ 9 BUaMBjM Mr LeonK Mr Lf -fe^'S^ga^ I LEONIE TOWERS NEW BLOCK 'TH-^WMMMb- LUXURIOUS APARTMENT R^T^"» 'I with 4
      1,214 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1544 23 [IV ACCOMMODATION I PtOfEKTIES 3 PROPERTIES TO SELL? Our V9^HF^tH BbWPBbjBbJH H genuine buyers want small/ big BB mTT properties Call RT C *****72/ *****16/ *****11 SHIPPING COMPANY DIRECTOR m urgently requires purchase of T house Apartments considered •I sTaawßt J Modern buildings preferred. No i. fixed budget Principals teleCAVENAGH
      1,544 words
    • 1548 23 V SEKVICES I HJSINESS I TEL: §*****. HDB Licence C ***** DAIHATSU/DATBUN PICK-UP for specialises in renovation. Marble' your delivery service Nam Mln Terrazzo/ Ceramic/ Parquet/ Forwarders, tel *****61 Contact Cabinets Instalment arrange- Chng able SPECIALISED IN REPAIR OF ROOF LEAKAGE AND f^^^m^j^gj^BJ INTERIOR EXTERIOR mmm DECORATION aim orovld* ca4llna
      1,548 words
    • 826 23 VI EDUCATION I TMININ6 SEOtETAJUUS SCHOOL OF SECRETARIAL SKILLS Prepares students ior th« London Chamber oi Commerce Industry and Pitmans Institute examinations. The next FULL-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARY'S COURSES comminci on Bth May 1978 Th« next PART-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARY'S COURSE (EVENINGS) commences on 15th May 1978 Write ioi our brochure or
      826 words
    • 1450 23 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING BBVBBHBfIBJB Individual a group TurHon avallfjaisw abie at our centres or your home t »-t»at 'or Science, art and commercial mmm *^&r subjects at all levels Telephone m *****3. *****64 GIRLS Win good at Science. Modern r% Maths. G Maths and English at Jooaarabacormng harder 10
      1,450 words
    • 307 23 I VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS ■|1 ngf^^p^ Fun-filled! |LJI 12 FABULOUS DAYS $1,480 HONGKONG including Ocean Park TAIPEI including Hualien BANGKOK including Floating Market escorted lours first class accommodation and meals sightseeing lours well known Taiwanese lloorshow Other tours to Hong Kong. Bangkok. Taipei and Manila are available There s
      307 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1628 24 VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS I mmmmmmummmmmmuuwmmu __\\W3___Woi__^_^^_l^_^m^^^^ ______________________________________________m\__W^^^^B__^!\'_r^__n^___T___V—_^ ■■■■■■PPkWH MLV^^bT __m Im m wmmT _\w^*\ OOINQ ABROAD FOR STUDY. Hffflstuc'ffl LV^BaW BUSINESS OR HOLIDAY WVfW^mfKW I Contact us (or aßaHMaaHaiH H.a«^_.asV Best/Reliable Fares to: __Tm_W7j Vim l lON EUROPE ISA LaMiW^tlfllf Hi F_U\ CANADA aaßaMallt'ai II 1 111 1 I
      1,628 words
    • 1011 24 I VII TMVEt HtST«U»ANTS X OBITUARIES MING TRAVEL MODERN ECONOMIC TOURS Ij QS| SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFERS 2D3N Oem ng casino $79: 5 149 2D/3N denting, Hlghlanda (Boeing 707. tram it dinner In MpnK enrnnte night (Vub) *^aaa^aaaa^aaa»»^a»»»»»a»aa"aaß^Baaß Depart 28 4/78 5/5 78 62.00 5-l)»y Oentlng. Penang TMf FAMILY OF the
      1,011 words
    • 607 24 CHRISTMAS ISLAND POLICE FORCE Vacancies Applications are invited for the vacant positions ot Constable Salary Raw »uit. Dollar Current Spore Ratt §> SJ2.613? 1st yeai $280 03 $731-77 2nd year $***** $771-97 3rd year $310 79 $***** 4th yea- $***** $852-35 Qualifications: Minimum educational requirements Singapore General Certificate of Education
      607 words
    • 878 24 I MALAYAN RAILWAY ADMINISTRATION TENDER NOTICE Tender are invited from experienced manufacturers/ suppliers for the supply of: UNITS DIESEL SHUNTING LOCOMOTIVES FOR TRACK RELAYING OPERATIONS Tender documents can be obtained at M$200.00 per set during normal working hours from the Stores Superintendent, Malayan Railway Administration, P.O. Box 1049, Sentul, Kuala
      878 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1168 25 \______Umm2iLMMJJI3AMKS-wm foo, lee associates _^mm_*__ WT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS _jt_^^^±_ MALAYSIA j&%* _W 4% _f We ore seeking to appoint a 4,'* JSL """Vl MANAGER Jurong Shipyard Limited 1 9 for our Kualo Lumpur Office Invite, .pplic.t.on. for th. pott Of: The we Qre |ookmg fof %hoM hQye I b^^b^ following
      1,168 words
    • 932 25 Illf C I^Vl SEMBAWANG SHIPYARD LIMITED Applications are invited for the following positions A. GRADUATE MANAGEMENT TRAINEES (ACCOUNTANCY) Qualifications and EiperiencrApplicants for the above positions should possess a Degree or an equivalent qualification in Accountancy from a recognised University, professional body or institution. B. MANAGEMENT TRAINEES Qualifications and Eiperimcr(i) A
      932 words
    • 938 25 OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED \^^y (Incorporated tn Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Forty-First Annual General Meeting of the Stockholders of OverseaChinese Banking Corporation Limited will be held at > 19th Floor, OCBC Centre, Chulia Street, Singapore, on Saturday, 10th June, 1978 at 12 o'clock noon. A Final Dividend
      938 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 440 26 I 1 j IBIU Lil'lm vfitl litl mm^B Eft »w7C^ »T»mw*^tXr^wV»v »*"-■<""* is-> COHON TEA-TOWEL ."V SIMON BRIEF S/L II Hi nlNl \lD|l D USUAL 4 pes for sl, Bo .1 aw m^\ VBM waW V J II mY yj Kw M B IBM mmr I J V^ J V^
      440 words

    • 250 27 rpOKYO, Wed. World Boxing Council flyweight champion Miguel Canto of Mexico pounded out a unanimous decision over Japanese challenger Shoji Oguma in his 12th tille defence here last night. The 30-year-old ciamplon outpunched t.he Japanese southpaw with good right counter-punches and briihantly eluded Oguma's charging tactics.
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 192 27 COPENHAGEN, Wed. Bjorn Borg of Sweden ben Vitas Gerulaltis of the United States 2-6. 6-4, 6-4 here last n'.ght to win a two-day Pondus Cup invitation tennis tournament. It was Borg's seventh straight win over Gerulaltis. England's Mark Cox beat Guillermo Vllas of Argentina 6-3, 6-3
      Agencies  -  192 words
    • 474 27 pORT OF SPAIN, Wed. Australia tamely surrendered the Test series to the West Indies here yesterday when they were shot out for a crushing 198 runs defeat. In a match evenly poised up to the start of the final innings, they were demoralised by West Indies
      Reuter  -  474 words
    • 180 27 W Indies Ist Inns: 292. Australia Ist Inns: 290 West Indies 2nd Inns: Grfenidge c Thomson b Yardley 69 Williams c Yallop b Simpsan 34 Murray Ibw Clark 4 Gomts c Simpson b Higgs 14 Kallicharrao c and b Clark 27 Bacchus c Wood b Yardley 7 Shivnarlne c
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • 425 27  -  BLUE PETER By I^UALA LUMPUR, V, plays at Bukit Ti should be hard to bea day. He showed this when he did an attractive workout in heavy going on the sand track this morning. With H.H. Chan astride, he was never off his bit
      425 words
    • 32 27 if Jimmy The One Tuan Muda if Sovereign Escort II it Neutron it Auric Flame II if Brave Lad if Sunny Heart II if The Leprechaun if Duroc Holdforth Boy
      32 words
    • 164 27 Arda out to keep his crown riKYO, Wed. The Philippines' Ben Arda will be going all out to win t h c US$7O,OOO <S$161,000) Dunlop International Open, last leg of the 10-tournament Asian goii circuit, this week for the second year running. The Dunlop Open gets under way at the
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 133 27 Pretty aims for a speedy comeback XJ° NOK ONO. Wed.—Aus~*trallan Jockey Olynn Pretty, 33, who broke his left arm and leg In a crushing fall here. Is determined to get speedily back Into the saddle again. Prom his hospital bed he told the South China Morning Post: -I Just want
      133 words
    • 98 27 13-9 and Thorburn scored a 13-8 win over Pat Houlihan of England In first round matches. SWIMMING-A total of 55 countries and 1,242 swimmers are expected for the Third World Swimming Championships in West Berlin on August 18-28 organisers said In Berlin yesterday. BASEBALU- Result* of major league baseball
      98 words
    • 70 27 HONGKONG. Wed. Hong keng't muUi-miliion-dolUr new racecourse on reclaimed land is sinking but there is no cause for panic. A Jockey club spokesman said yesterday the sweeping new course, Sha Tin, built with 16 million tonnes of earth hewn out of a hillside und dumped into a
      Reuter  -  70 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 196 27 Hit «>i Hk. V* HHr fetojwj^v. Hafcai^^ jJm it is, 4 I EL jmm L^^bjibbbbimiS J^V k aL m |H| I Vtki r7**""~ in mm A w* 55l 1 m^^b^lbßH BkHkat^B^^ H^M^v L^LHBUWBttßk^kv. g iW *flßßi Kimball's Tomato Ketchup and Chilli Sauce pour thick and smooth to the last delicious
      196 words
    • 663 27 I 1 are invited from suitably qualified! Malaysiana for the following poats in the Engineering Department. Preference will be for BUMIPUTRA candidate*. TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE (3 post*) Qualification MCE/SC with technical diploma or knowledge preferred. Experience :2to 5 year* in the tale* of powertransmission product* or other related equipment. Should have
      663 words

    • 537 28 LONDON, Wed. Nottingham Forest are only one point away from the English Football League First Division championship following a 1-0 home win over Queen's Park Rangers last night. With 58 points from 37 matches, they need only a single point from their rein am ing five
      Reuter  -  537 words
    • 197 28 Coaching course with German touch KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Wed. A systematic output of more knowledgeable state soccer coaches is taking shape with a touch of the German thoroughness in organisation behind it. The programme, beginning with a series of preliminary courses last year, has given fruit to a second advanced
      197 words
    • 37 28 BECAUSE the pitch was unplayable, yesterday's national post-seco ndary rugby matches between Catholic Junior College and Saint Andrew's and Saint Andrew's Junior College and Anglo-Chinese Junior College at Police Academy have been postponed until tomorrow.
      37 words
    • 89 28 PARIS. Wed— UEFA Cup finalists Bastla were knocked out of the French Cup soccer competition, losing 2-0 to Monaco for a 3-2 aggregate defeat In the quarter-finals. Bastla played as though their minds were on the first leg cf the UEFA Cup final against PSV Eindhoven
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 396 28 IT UAL A LUMPUR, Wed. Selangor's entire first eleven have been picked to join the expanded King's Cup soccer training squad here although two of them Yip Chee Keong and A. Gunasegaran have to opt out because of injuries, reports P'NG HONG KWANG. The
      396 words
    • 240 28  -  WILFRED YEO By NEARLY 100 bowlers from Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Guam, Hongkong and Singapore are expected to take part in the second South-east Asian marathon at the Pasir Panjang Bowl in mid-July. A total of 80 bowlers (40 pairs), representing Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, took part
      240 words
    • 251 28 KEEGAN NAMED CAPTAIN I ONDON, Wed. Kevin Kee- gan, Hamburg's soccer star, was yesterday named captain of a badly depleted England team to face Brazil at Wembley Stadium tonight. Kevin, who usually plays as striker, was moved back to midflelrt to fill a gap left by injuries. That was why
      Reuter  -  251 words
    • 89 28 OUENOS AIRES, Weci.— A Republic of Ireland football team arrived here yesterday for a friendly match today against Argentina as part of the Argentine preparations for the World Cup finals starting on June 1. "It will be a difficult game for us, but we will attack from
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 239 28  - 'Interest of ice skaters won't freeze' PETER SIOW By THE death of Ice skating in Singapore to make way for go-skate should not necessarily be a great loss to the die-hard band of ice skaters. That Is the opinion of Carle Richardson, a former world ice skating champion, who feels
      239 words
    • 156 28 Ahmad tipped for NTUC title AHMAD BAKER, the 1973 national champion, will be firm favourite at the National Trade Unions Congress' badminton c'.iamplonshlps, which start on May 3. after his brilliant performances in the recent Malaysian Mafcys and Inte r sts t atutory meets earlier this month, reports PATRICK BASTIANS.
      156 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 238 28 FUNK&WAGNALLS -j^^jwtjpr^iS H^»r*^?y—^ VPS jj > '■^//^m MmLm^C^^l 55^^55?^^ Hflifll l^ki^H i^hi^l This complete reference work will also be a beautiful addition to your home. Every member of your household will put this new edition of Funk Wafnalls encyclopedia to good use. Students will find In the almost 12,000 pages
      238 words

  • Inn
    • 250 29 JITTA SINGH, the intermediate soccer squad coach, who lost a trip to East Germany to attend a coaching course was last night selected by the Football Association of Singapore to attend Instead a course in England, reports JOE DORAI. Singh, who will leave for
      250 words
    • 108 29 BADMINTON National schools tournament: Secondary boys and girls (third place)— New Town. Bukit Ho tiwee 2pm. RUGBY—National schools tournament: Lower-second-ary: Victoria v Anglo-Chin-ese, Slglap Secondary v Jalan Teck Wnye. (Monk's Hill 8 15am i. New Town Secondary v Saint Andrew's Bart ley Secondary v Chung Cheng High (Willow Avenue
      108 words
    • 276 29  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By rpHE Singapore Soft- bali Association will engage a top Filipino coach to prepare the national team for the third ASEAN championships in Jakarta in July. Singapore, who finished runners up to the Philippines in last year's meet, had the services
      276 words
    • 79 29 ANGLO- Chinese School have qualified to meet Buku Ho Swee in the final of the national schools secondary beys badminton tournamei.t at the Singapore Badminton Hall next Wednesday. In yesterday's stml-ftnab, ACS btat St. Gabnel's and Bukit Ho Svue beat Hua Yl by 5-0 margins. In
      79 words
    • 57 29 DEFENDING champions Darul Allah are favourites to retain the Women's Football Association of Singapore seven-a-side title in this year's competition at the Geylang Stadium on Sunday (8 .i m The other teams taking part are Singapore Girls' Spcrts Club. Jurong County "A" and "B", Youth United, Pasir
      57 words
    • 243 29  -  JOE DORAI By FLU epidemic lias ;iit Singapore's King's Cap squad. And it is so serious that the Football Association of Singapore have had to break up centralised training and order the players to return home. Four of the 19 players housed at the
      243 words
    • 152 29  - Madon soccer star of 30s dies WILFRED YEO By HAJI Madon bin Haji Abdul Rashld, who is better-snown as Madon to pre-war soccer fans, died peacefully yesterday. He was 68. Madon made BU debut for Singapore as a member of the most celebrated Malaya Cup side the combination that thrashed
      152 words
    • 362 29  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By SI N G A PO R E'S 14-year-old squash wonder, Jeremy Yeo, may provide the biggest surprise in the national championships at Kallang, starting on Saturday. Seeded filth, Yeo will most likely meet fourth seed Kang Gee Bah
      362 words
    • 337 29 QJINGAPORE should O prove to be the biggest threat to japan's domination In Asian agegroup swimming, says Singapore's swimming coach, Kee Soon Bee, reports BERNARD PEREIRA. Kee recently led the 33 strong team from the People's Association Youth Swimming Club to their third successive victory
      337 words
    • 168 29  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By THE Singapore Sports Council will hold their Mass Swim 1978 at the Toa Payoh complex on Saturday. The organisers have programmed three litiour sessions to allow for maximum participation. These are from 2— 3.30 p.m., 3.45 5.15 and 5.30 to 7. Group Tiie
      168 words
    • 164 29  -  PETER SIOW By rr is now springtime in Japan, and the cherry blossom is in full bloom, but Singapore's Lob Kong Wing hardly has time to stop and stare. The 26-year-old karateka is in Osaka on a two-month training course under K. Mabuni, the *****
      164 words
    • 191 29 Qstown have a new-look team QUEENSTOWN United who survived relegation from the National Football League Division One last year only by the skin of their teeth, wsl introduce a new look side to play Changi Constituency in tonight's League match at the Jalan Besar Stadium. They have discarded some of
      191 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 210 29 India ISMORE THAN THE A^ India offers enormous potential for trade and -t,, economic co-operation. A potential arising wß^^^ JiW trorn lts v ast domestic market of 650 million "\jj population, its ambitious investment n-* programme and industrial capabilities In JfcfWl V .L terms of gross output. India ranks among
      210 words
    • 170 29 YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US FOR A SLIDE PRESENTATION AT THE GARDEN BALLROOM, HOLIDAY INN ON 22ND. APRIL, 1978 AT 330 PM Why Shentours t^toSL Is Different! <^ffigl§sj^! Q* no an-iVv, Or^>n a J'rO booted vi/erfcf j)cr 4fca* 28 Da#s W 'V^l g»W*afw* Ujau Jy «€llb"Oe/ Sh rfCa S
      170 words

  • 162 30 ChinaVietnam clashes report HONGKONG, W«d rpHERE have been clashes along the filno-Vl eltji am els c border including at least one battle fought with heavy armour, a Swedish radio correspondent who returned from a trip to Vietnam told AFP today. Mr. Rulf SoderberJ, Swedish Broadcasting Corporation correspondent who travelled along
    AFP  -  162 words
  • 33 30 BEIRUT. Wed— Saboteurs were believed responsible for a aeries of explosions which wrecked grain silos with a strorage capacity of 60.000 tonnes In north-east Syria, according to travellers' reports today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 117 30 RUSH TO 'NO STRIKE' STATION HUNDREDS of commuters throng Yokohama station outside Tokyo yesterday to travel on the few non-striking railway lines as two national railway workers union went on strike for the second day in a row in the annual spring labour offensive. About five million commuters throughout the
    AP  -  117 words
  • 73 30 'Drop in US hitting trade' TOKYO, Wed Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser said today that the decline of the US dollar Is "unsettling" because It plays an important role In world trade. "The Ftabillty of the US dollar Is very Important to us and the trt-dlng world." Mr. Fraser said
    UPI  -  73 words
  • 38 30 PEKINO. Wed The Japanese Embassy In Peking has sought a meeting with the Chinese Foreign Ministry to And out the results of a Chinese Investigation Into the Ssnkaku Islands fishing Incident, diplomatic sources said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 299 30 Israel agrees to big Lebanon pull-out TEL AVIV, Wednesday ITXITED NATIONS Secretary General Kurt Waldheim has won Israeli agreement to carry out a major withdrawal from south Lebanon in two weeks. The next pull-out would leave Israeli forces 10 km inside Lebanon, holding roughly half the territory they captured in
    AP; AFP  -  299 words
  • 35 30 NEW DELHI. Wed. A tornado swept through 20 villages north of Calcutta yesterday killing 10 people only two days after a similsr windstorm took 160 lives in another part of north-east India.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 726 30 LONDON. Wed Stock prices firmed on light Investor demand, dealers said At 3 p m the Financial Times Index was up 6.2 at 45»7 Government bonds rose by up to point Official supplies ot the Exchequer sterling B>. per cent 1883 short tap stock were exhausted at the
    726 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 272 30 Egr!f PHONE 8%7\ tt^s Telephone 2 Amplifier KNOWS YOUR CLIENTS WELL AND INSTANTLY. W^jfffl INCREASES EFFECENCY WK]^f*^M BRINGS MORE ■^\M^^i BUSINESS. C^fV^M GUARANTEE NO WS^/M HUMMING VOICE. LOUD VLM CLEAR RECIEVING SOUND. K^J II "7~| ~1 I r S» t w i -a-» r* _/£.'> Recording and Ear Jack 50
      272 words
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