The Straits Times, 18 April 1978

Total Pages: 25
1 25 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 450 1 Bus attacked in Philippines village MANILA, Monday HEAVILY-ARMED Muslim rebels ambushed and massacred 43 soldiers and civilians in Maguindanao province last Thursday in the bloodiest guerilla strike in the southern Philippines this year, it was announced today. A Defence Department communique said the troojrers fought
    Reuter; AFP  -  450 words
  • 139 1 Spore China ties: 'Prospects better' MANILA. Mon THAI Foreign Minister L'padit Panchariyangkun saJd here today that prospect!, appeared better now for the establishment of diplomatic relations be tween China and the two Asean countries, Singapore and Indonesia. He was answering questions at Manila's international airport shortly after flying in on
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 63 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Malaysia will set up diplomatic ties with Brunei once the state has achieved full Independence, Foreign Minister Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen said today. In a written reply tabled in the Senate. Tengku Rithauddeen pointed out that for the moment Malaysia could not have direct
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 124 1 Kuching flights via Johore Baru? ITUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Malaysian Communications Minister Tan Sri V. Manickavasagam today hinted that flights by Malaysian Airline System (MAS) from Kuala Lumpur to Ku ching would go via Johore Baru instead of Singapore in future. Tan Sri Martickavasagam also told the Senate that MAS would
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 42 1 NFW YORK. Mon. Dow Jones averages, based on first hour of trading on the New York Stork Exchange: 30 Indus 812 46. up 17.33; 20 trans 217.47. up 3.70; 15 utlls 106.22, up 0.13; 65 stocks 281.25. up 4.64. UPI.
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 52 1 CAIRO, Mon A murderer released after 25 years' hard labour was shot dead by his victim's son soon after he left Jail, police reported here today. The son told police he had bought a machlnegun specially to take the revenge fcr which he had waited so
    AFP  -  52 words
  • 496 1 Moro: Party changes tactics ROME, Monday ITALY'S ruling Christian Democrats have 1 changed tactics in their war of nerves with the urban gueriila kidnappers of former Premier Aldo Moro, making veiled appeals to them to reprieve their hostage. The party, reacting to the Red Brigades' announcement that It had sentenced
    Reuter; UPI; AP  -  496 words
  • 128 1 LEE AT SRI LANKA FARM SHOW COLOMBO, Mon.— Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, now on a five-day visit to Sri Lanka, attended an agrohorticultural and industrial exhibition opened by President Junius Jayewardene today at Nuwara Eliya, a hill resort 200 km east of Colombo. The two leaders had talks since their
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  • 71 1 BANGKOK. Mon. A group of 126 Mco rebels and ten Vietnamese, all beating burns from poisonous gas bembs, cicss;d the Mekong River Into northeastern Thailand yesterday after fleeing attacks on their mcuntaln stronghold In northern Laos, the Ban Muang Dally News reported today. Many of them
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  • 79 1 WUPPERTAL (West Germany), Mon. Local manufacturer Guenter Drande announced here today he has an anti- neutron bomb shelter ready for marketing. Price of the shelter, which accommodates nine people, is 44.850 drutschrmarks (about Ss49.o©»>. Mr. Draude, who owns an electric light bulb factory here, said one of. the
    AFP  -  79 words
  • 221 1 Talks with Smith: No progress SALISBURY, Monday THKHK was no indication of any progress in the first round of talks today between the American and British Foreign Secretaries with Rhodesia's interim government on the arranging of an allparty Rhodesia conference. US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and British Foreign Secretary
    Reuter; AP  -  221 words
  • 409 1 Temporary shelter for Viet refugees K. LUMPUR. Mon MORE than 250 Vietnamese refugees who boarded an oil platform's supply ship in mid-ocean and refused to leave, were today given temporary sheltei in Malaysia, a naval spokesman here said. The 258 refugees, including 57 women and 12 children, rushed aboard the
    Reuter  -  409 words
  • 15 1 UP TO NOON TODAY: Isolated shower* around mid-day, according to the Singapore Meteorological
    UP  -  15 words
  • 62 1 Chinese boats re-enter Japan waters TOKYO, Mon. Chinese boats r• entered Japanese territorial waters off the disputed S c n k a k v Islands again today. the Maritime Safety Agency said. A Ht-boat Chinese fleet had pulled entirely oat of the Japanese 2Mun waters there late yesterday after parts
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 105 1 Give her something _^fl she'll remember MIKIMOTO J*#r| CULTURED Officml Distributors WM G.C.DESILVA MX n (PTE) LTD JEWELLERS G 14, THE GALLERY. I STRAITS TRADING BUILDING 9 BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE 1 BJhH TEL: *****5. Low-Noise Cassette puts mare** music into your portable. The company that developed better portable music also
      105 words
    • 316 1 VISUAL TRAINING not only holtt Myopic Prof rottion but also impro»e» Visual A.mty thru reduced lons power Consult: C.S. CHONQ O.D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CMULIA STREET. SINGAPORE 1. (No Connection with on Optical Firm bearing our similar ntml MOLEST CASES: SECURITY MOVE Page 7 ISRAEL ready for talks with
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    • 198 2 US may sell gold in move to bolster dollar WASHINGTON, Mon. The United States may sell some of Its gold stock to bolster the sagging American dollar. Treasury Secretary Mltfhael Blumenthal said yesterday. "We have a policy of selling gold from time to time, and that's something that's being considered,"
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    • 167 2 RUSSIAN PROTEST MARCH OVER LANGUAGE MOSCOW, Mon. Hundreds of demonstrators marched through Tbilisi, capita) of Soviet Georgia, last Friday in protest against plans to drop Georgian as the republic's official language, according to unconfirmed reports reaching Moscow. The reports, which estimated the number of mainly young demonstrators at up to
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 116 2 Selling back anti-quake shelters PEKING. Mon. Peking residents have been selling back t 0 the state in the past few days the last remains of "antiquake shelters" demolished In mid- March. Wooden planks, bamboo btams and straw mats have been dumped at a certain number of crossroads In the city,
      AFP  -  116 words
    • 110 2 KUWAIT, Mon. A croup of Arab investors who boucht London's luxurious Dorchester Hotel two years ago have now completed negotiations to buy the Kits in Paris, the Kuwait newspaper AlSiyassah said here today. The newspaper said they were expected to pay US$30 million <Si$69
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 428 2 TEL AVIV, Won. JSRAELI officials say the government is ready to open negotiations with Jordan or any Arab country to reach a Middle Kast peace settlement. But the officials said new guidelines for diplomats abroad do not mean a change In Israel's
      NYT; UPI  -  428 words
    • 76 2 NEW DELHI, MOD. Tilt death toll In a tornado which wiped out five villages in the northeast Indian state of Orissa yesterday was today put at about 200 with several hundred people lnJurM. The Prest Trust of India (FTC), reporting from the Orlau capital of Bhubuieswar,
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 188 2 New settlement going up in West Bank TEL AVIV, Monday TRACTORS have begun breaking ground for a new Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank of the Jordan River after a five-week freeze on construction of the controversial outpost, the settlers reported 1 today. A spokesman of the nationalist Gush
      AP  -  188 words
    • 111 2 fIAIRO, Mon. Egypt's Vj Deputy Premier for Economic Affairs. Dr. Abdel-Moneim X a 1 s sounl, has submitted his resignation In a row over wage Increases for civil servants, the rlghtwl n g newspaper Al Ahrar reported today. It said he acted because the
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 159 2 Scheel and Fukuda accord on use of N-energy WEST German President Walter Scheel (centre) and his Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher (left) talking with Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda who paid a courtesy call on the President at the Akasaka guesthouse in Tokyo yesterday. Mr. Scheel and Mr. Fukuda agreed on
      UPI  -  159 words
    • 50 2 ANTANANARIVO. Mon. Phllbert Tslranana, who led the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar to Independent In 1959 and ruled for 14 years, died yesterday aged 65. Radio Madagascar said he died «ln hospital in the Island's capital. Antananarivo, but it did not give the cause of death. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 229 2 'Soviet envoy had secret talks claim NEW YORK. Monday rpIME magazine said Soviet diplomat Ari defied an order to lea' Job and return home, American intelligence Without saying what they had talked about, the magazine added that the 47-year-old diplomat had information for sale. "Time has learned that for two
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    • 28 2 BANGKOK. Mon. Three communist Insurgents were killed when their band attacked a special action force outpost In northern Nan province yesterday, police reported today. AFP.
      AFP  -  28 words
    • 135 2 Japan's record $47b surplus fiOKYO, Mon. Japan, A already under intense international pressure over its economic successes, today announced a record visible trade surplus of U5520.57 billion (5547.52 billion) for the fiscal year ended last month. This was almost double the US$ll. l5 billion surnius f or fiscal 1978. The
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 39 2 TEHERAN. Mon. Iran today began enforcement of a regulation banning cigarette smoking in public places, including ministries, hospitals and theatres. Officials have expressed concern over reports that Iranians smoke more than. 18 billion cigarettes annually. AP.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 144 2 rpOKYO, Mon. The 1 Japanese Government will substantially Increase its economic assistance to developing countries as part of a measure to cut down Its ballooning trade surplus, a financial newspaper reported today. The government Is expected to pledge a US$7OO million (Ssl.6 billion)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 68 3 Mass rural drive in Cambodia THE Phnom Penh regime has emptied all Cambodian towns of their populace, driving them to the countryside where they are organised into communes involved in mass rural schemes like the construction of irrigation canals. This picture cf Cambodians digging a canal south of Phnom Penh
      UPI  -  68 words
    • 70 3 RIYADH. Mon. General Mohammad Zla-Ul-Haq the Pakistani chief martial law administrator, was welcomed by King Khaled when he arrived here today for a three-day official visit to Saudi Arabia. The Saudi press had seen the visit as aimed at strengthening cooperation between the two countries, whose
      AFP  -  70 words
    • 59 3 BANGKOK. Mon Three million baby eels arrived here yesterday in the first cargo flight from Peking, trade sources reported today. The eels, worth about 20 million baht (5J2.4 million) were ordered by the ADK Farm Company which with Board of Investment privileges, runs a large eel farm
      AFP  -  59 words
    • 25 3 BANOKOK. Mon. Thailand expects to operate regular nights to China before the end of this year, the Business Time* weekly reported today. aFP.
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    • 317 3 Marcos agrees to probe alleged frauds in polls MANILA, Monday P RESIDENT M a r C OS agreed in a meeting with Filipino Cardinal Jaime Sin last night to set up a Joint govern-ment-church body to investigate alleged frauds in the recent parliamentary elections, highly reliable sources said today. The
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    • 205 3 Sihanouk message over Radio Phnom Penh BANGKOK, Mon. Cambodia's official Radio Phnom Penh today carried a message from Prince Norodom Sihanouk the first reference since January to the former Head of State whose whereabouts and activities are stiU a mystery. Prince Sihanouk's message was a congratulatory letter on the third
      Reuter; AFP  -  205 words
    • 186 3 34 HK cops go on trial for graft HONGKONG. Mon. Three British police superintendents and 31 of their Chinese colleagues went on trial here today in one of Hongkong's blggest-ever alleged corruption cases. The trial, which Is expected to take about four months, opened with the prosecution claiming that street
      Reuter  -  186 words
    • 42 3 CHATHAM (Massachusetts), Mon. General Lucius Clay, 80, deputy to General Dwlght Elsenhower In the European theatre In World War Two and the man who engineered the Berlin airlift, died shortly before midnight yesterday at his Cape Cod home. AP.
      AP  -  42 words
    • 83 3 HONGKONG, Mon Vietnamese buslnruintn in Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Sal ton) whose operations were banned by the government recently, are divertinc their resources to vegetable production in the city outskirts, the Vietnam News Agency reported. The agency monitor- ed here said: "Responding to
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 405 3 'US and India installed N-spy devices' Bid to keep tabs on Chinese missiles NEW DELHI, Monday JXDIA and the United States cooperated in the mid- 1900s to instal two nuclearpowered spy devices in the Himalayas to monitor Chinese missile developments, a startled Parliament was told here today. Prime Minister Morarji
      Reuter  -  405 words
    • 172 3 OEOUL, Mon. South Korea has decided not to make a diplomatic Issue out of the alleged bugging of President Park Chung-Hee's residence by American intelligence agents. A Foreign Ministry announcement today said that the government Just received a formal letter from US ambassador
      AFP  -  172 words
    • 66 3 JAKARTA. Mon. University rectors and lecturers have been asked to take measures against "errant" students and to prevent the campus from being used for political activities, the Antara news agency reported here today. The agency quoted commander of the National Security Agency. Admiral Sudomo as
      AFP  -  66 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 279 3 Dent, Oxford, Longman, Macmillan, McGraw-Hi11 and Ensign We would rather prefer not to drop names. And normally we would scarcely consider listing ourselves with the great names in the world of publishing. Though renowned in our own little way we are, after all, a book store. Bui almost 50 years
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    • 354 3 ESSO MALAYSIA BERHAD invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysians for the posi'ion of I TRAINING ADVISOR I The incumbent will undergo an intensive on-the-job training schedule under the guidance of an experienced Training Advisor, an expatriate. The position provides excellent opportunities for career advancement leading to Head of Development and
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    • 487 4 VANCE AND OWEN FAIL TO WIN SUPPORT PRETORIA, Mon US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and British Foreign Secretary David Owen yesterday failed to get South Africa's full backing for Western plans to bring interna-tionally-accepted independence to Namibia and Rhodesia. Mr. Vance, Dr. Owen and Washington's United Nations Ambassador, Mr.
      UPI  -  487 words
    • 39 4 JOHNNESBURQ. Mon. More than 1,500 people of all races were held for questionIng in Hillbrow and central Johannesburg over the weekend In the biggest police campaign against crime In South African history, local newspapers reported loday. AP.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 161 4 NAIROBI, Mon. The Somali Embassy said today its country would continue to support guerillas fighting in the Ogaden In defiance of an Ethiopian warning that such support could provoke an attack on Somalia. "Somalia, as a matter of principle, supports and will support any liberation
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 146 4 BOLOGNA. Mon. Dozens of victims from Italy's worst train crash in years will be buried here today with police and firemen still combing the wreckage for more corpses. Some 36 hours after a passenger train left the rails and was hit by an express going
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 128 4 NEW YORK, Mon.— Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis questions her actions following the assassination of her husband, former President John Kennedy, IS years ago. Time reported today. According to Time's current issue, Mrs. Onassis says she should never have asked then President Lyndon Johnson to rename
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    • 194 4 'Russia not out to test the US' XTEW YORK, Mon. The Soviet Union is trying to build up strength in strategic parts of Africa but is not deliberately testing the United States. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance says in an interview published today. Interviewed by Time magazine before he left
      AFP  -  194 words
    • 53 4 HONOKONO. Mon. Large slogans supporting China's claim to the disputed Genkaku Islands were found palnttd on walls around Hongkong today, a police spokesman said. The slogans made up of metre high Chinese characters painted in red. were signed by an organisation calling Itself the Revolutionary Chinese
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 56 4 PARIS, Mon. Prance Is working on plans to develop and build a neutron bomb, French officials said today. But scientists engaged on the project have still not fully mastered the technological problems, and a decision on whether or not to produce the controversial bomb Is still
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    • 120 4 BACK HOME AFTER 3-MONTH ORDEAL FIRENCHMAN Christ- ian Masse being greeted by his mother on his return to Paris on Sunday after being held hostage for almost three months by guerillas in the central African state of Chad. He said he never believed they would carry out their threat to
      UPI  -  120 words
    • 57 4 MADRID, Mon. The Spanish Government ha* decided to expel a Soviet trade attache for alleged espionage, the Spanish news agency Efe reported today. The agency named him as Yuri Ysaef who came to Madrid as a trade attache last year after working here from 1969 to
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 177 4 Five die as tremors hit Sicily PALERMO (Sicily), Monday ABOUT 40 earth tremors and aftershocks r% struck Sicily in less than 36 hours over the weekend, causing hundreds of thousands of frightened Islanders to spend last night in the streets, police said today. Four elderly people died of heart attacks
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 64 4 LONDON. Mon Detectives hunting fugitive former beauty queen Joyce Mckinney and her friend Keith May today examined documents sent to a British newspaper suggesting they may have fled the country on false passports and In disguise. Americans Miss McKlnney. 27, and Mr. May. 24. are due
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 61 4 JAKARTA, Mon. Some 100.000 members of a group righting for Bast Timor's Independence from Indonesia have surrendered to the army In th 4 last two years, Mr. Francisco Lopez Da Cms, vice gove.nor of Bast Timor, said today. He said 40,000 surrendered to the army from the
      AFP  -  61 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 389 4 lVfpn $M of the world Sole Distributors /T\ A.S.Wktson(F)Sdn.Berhad /J*] SnAa Lot 19. Jalan 223, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Tel. No. *****3 ■^j B*^l*l Branches in Penang Ipoh Malacca Kuantan VPVy A.S.Watson Pte. Ltd. Maritime Bldg., Collyer Quay, Singapore I. Tel. ***** "It looks like a classic New Cortina's crisp elegance
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
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  • 510 5 By JUNE TAN T»HE bi 1 1 n gualism x policy has achieved a very patchy, uneven success because of competing demands on limited resources and the two main languages English and Mandarin the govern- ment Is trying tc promote are
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  • 243 5 RELC director defends the linguists A LEADING educationist yesterday came to the defence of linguists, who have been criticised as academics who lack social conscience. The director of the South east Asian Ministers of Education Organisation (Seameo) Regional Language Centre (RELC), Mrs. Tai Yu-lln, described linguists as people who are
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  • 298 5 A MINISTRY of Education plan is now un derway to re deploy English medium economics teachers to Chinese stream schools. The plan Is aimed at making students effectively bilingual by giving them greater exposure to their second language. A ministry official yesterday said: "This
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 5 A BUSINESSMAN and planter, Mr. lok Shoon Wan, 49. and his family found $34,700 worth of Jewellery and $300 stolen from their home in Jalan Hitam Manls. off Holland Road, on Sunday afternoon when they returned after an outing. The house had been broken into. The family had
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  • 49 5 A 10-MEMBER US delegatJen <s expected to arrive In Singapore today to begin multilateral trade negotiations with Asear representatives tomorrow. The two-day talks will be followed by bilateral talks with Singapore representatives which will focus on tarifl reductions and non-tariff barriers between the two countries.
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  • 219 5 A HOUSEWIFE at the weekend became the eighth person to donate a kidney to a relative since live kidney transplants were first carried out at the Singapore General Hospital in 1976. On Saturday, Mrs. Chee Ngeong Yin. 39, a mother of four, underwent an
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  • 128 5 SEND-OFF PARTY for five batches of national servicemen at Kallang, Kampong San Teng, Lam Soon, Mountbatten and Tanjong Pa par community centres, at 9 am tomorrow CANTONESt OPERA in aid of Serangoon Garden community centre building fund at Victoria Theatre on Saturday at 7.30 p.m. SPEECH CONTEST at
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  • 131 5 PUSHER GETS JAIL AND CANE A MALAYSIAN labourer, Tan Chin Phuan, 45, was sentenced to five years and five strokes of the rotan after he was convicted by a district court yesterday of selling 0.06g of heroin to a youth. The court heard that a party of officers from the
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  • 323 5 A FRENCH Journalist had left his seat along with 36 other passengers on a tour coach when It arrived from Butterworth at the Woodlands Customs checkpoint. Yet when narco dog Angus sniffed at the seat vacated by the journalist,
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  • 149 5 Soccer: 16 nabbed trying to gatecrash CUSTOMS officers arrested 16 people who tried to "gatecrash" into the National Stadium during the Malaysia Cup socrrr match between Slngancre and Kelantan on Sunday. Most of them were caught when they tried to squeeze their way through the gates, while the others were
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 491 5 This New^ar of the Horse let Remy Martin help you reap valuable cash prizes! %Lf TWO Ist PRIZES OF $5,000 CASH EACH W FIVE 2nd PRIZES OF $2,000 CASH EACH REMYMARTIN TEN 3rd PRIZES OF $1,000 CASH EACH Jmm mmmmmmmmmm^ mm mm mm mL and 200 consolation IA J P^^^l
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  • Bilingual section
    • 316 6 Proverbial anecdotes Tang Tal-zong, also known as LI Shi-mln, was a child prodigy who could decide on important matters even at a young age. When the Sul Dynasty was declining rapidly, Shi-mln advised his father to lead an army to quench all
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    • 76 6 SSfc? The illustrated word is pronounced Jian, meaning to glance or opinion or view. It has been reduced to only four strokes from Its regular form, in brackets, of seven. Here are some common combinations of the word: "If IP k\njlan tee. JM Jllnmian to meet someone. jag
      76 words
    • 38 6 ffl BtfiJ Leisure in the time to doing something useful. Howe Great souls suffer in silence. German proberb Much learning shows how little mortals know. Young More are drowned in the wine-cup than in the sea. Anonymous
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    • 246 6  - Lingua Fun Three interesting ideographs L. K. CHUA By In the old China, most marriages were arranged by parents through match-ma-kers. The match-made couple often did not know each other. Some Indeed saw their life companion only on the wedding night. From this custom came an Interesting story: On the
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    • 38 6 w* Zhaohu To Hail i* (It) n Eo Haode qYng (irsu) ba B: Yes, please do. ¥:a}7ft£¥? Chu le shenmesh) A: What's happened? Zhe qianbao shl nt dlude ma C: Did you drop this wallet?
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    • 132 6 Chinese fables Fu-dun, one of Mo Zi's disciples, lived in the state of Qin. One day, his son committed a murder. Prince Hui of Qin told Fu-dun: "You are old and have no other son except the guilty one. I have thus ordered the official not to
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    • 126 6 Once, a man of the state of Zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes. He cut out the size of his shoes by measuring his own feet, but left the pattern on the table. When he went shopping, he remembered he had left the pattern
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    • 95 6 Jin Novena Utara Jin Nurl Jin Nylur Jin Omar Samad Jin Pachell Jin Padang Jin Pagak Jin Pakis Jin Pandan Jin Pandu Jin Pangllma Jin Pantun Jin Papan Jin Paras Jin Parl Burong Jin Part Dedap J'.n Parl Klkis Jin Part Unak Jin Parut Jin Pasar Baru
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 270 6 C^UOO A #1^ Savour the finest Filipino cuisine l_ 1 A #11% and folk dances; make a drrss kjy V J\ )Am if you like, from the famed pina J I m. fabric delicately embroidered 6 days Singapore- Manila- W W and elegantly tailored in two Singapore. Departures ever) m^^
      270 words
    • 1092 6 /\T7\ Results of the SHELL *Cr FESTIVE OFFER' CONTEST lit Prin: SIA toun for 2 Mayon Chiang (Mrs.) Cheng Chee Chow Joseph Ng pmora 6 days MANILA 273 D. Blk.B. Ghim Moh Rd.lo. 59-W. Blk. 26. Dover Crescent. 5. 20-C Lorong Santun. 19. Billy Ong Thiam Lock *****60/J *****68/H *****24/
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 191 6 CLUES FOR CC-37(A) DOWN: CROSS: Self. 1. A Chinese idiom: to b. Confucious saying: act and consider Do not look at what oneself clever. is improper. 2. Exaggeration. c. Spectacles. 3. A Chinese idiom: d. Bendemeer Road Very cautions. Primary School. 4. Westlake Primary e. Loyalty. School. f. A contemporary
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  • 168 7 Best of friends but not when they're on screen MANU Tupou, who played Prince Keoki in the film, Hawaii, yesterday posed with onetime James Bond, George Lazenby, as best of friends. But the next time before the camera, they may not be so friendly towards each other. For Tupou will
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  • 31 7 THE Singapore Medical Association is now heading an exhibition on community medicine. drug addiction, environmental health, industrial health and sports medicine at the Alumni Medical Centre In College Road.
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  • 104 7 A POLICE hunt is now on for two men who are believed to have snatched more than $12,000 In two separate Incidents at a bank and a firm last week. According to sources last night, the two are In their late twenties and are ''seasoned"
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  • 19 7 FIRE destroyed about $10,000 worth of sawn timber at a factory In Jalan Toh Ouan yesterday morning.
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  • 362 7  - Molest cases: Security move by flat-dwellers LAI YEW KONG By RESIDENTS of a block of Housing Board flats in Sims Drive have formed a committee to devise and implement security measures for the block following three recent cases where young girls were molested in the building's lifts. A spokesman for
    ALBERT  -  362 words
  • 362 7 Man: I was paid for gun and ammo A MAN, who Is now a remand prisoner, told the High Court yesterday that he was paid $100 through a friend for a pistol and four rounds of ammunition which he had Intended to "throw away." Lim Seng Wan war testifying for
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  • 54 7 THE MP for Setnbawane, Mr. Teong Eng Slong, will ask the Minister of National Development and Communications, Mr. Lim Kirn Sou. at the next Parliament sitting whether he will request, the Singapore Bus Service to provide special buses for students to enable them to reach school
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  • 250 7 $1 5m shot in the arm for ship repair industry rE slump-ridden shiprepairing industry will receive a shot In Its arm soon when an International oil firm with one of the biggest tanker fleet afloat awards a $15.4 million contract to local shipyards for repairs. Esso (Exxon) of the United
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  • 27 7 BAHRAIN'S Minister of Development and Industry Mr Yusof Ahmad Shlrawl la in Singapore for a three-day private viilt for talks with officials of Singapore Airlines.
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  • 115 7 A CIVIL claim for $40,071 In a 1974 contract suit by New Spring (Pte) Ltd. against Slang Yong Trading Co. was withdrawn before Mr. Justice Choor Singh In the High Court yesterday. New Spring had originally claimed the amount as "losses" arising from the alleged failure of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 100 7 v!^.jlSM![lrl1 Cathay and Camus \^^Ja3gE8BafiFv The perfect choice. Cathay Restaurant Unique New York suppcrclub ambience to go with sumptuous Cantonese cuisine The perfect setting to enjoy I the celebrated French taste of Camus Napoleon. I fl For a limited period only, Camus Napoleon is available at a special price, accompanied
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  • 445 8 prices of rice in Ih c NTL'C Welcome (looper a t i v c supermarkets have gone up by between DO c cn tl and $1 per six-kilo pack because rice from the government stockpile cost $10 more per 00.5 kg. The Trade Department Informed rice
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  • 306 8 TX)O many cooks A won't spoil this soup not when one 1 of them holds the world's most exclusive title of professional cooks Maitre Cuisinier de France. Mr. Jean VetUrd is one of the world's most celebrated chefs, with vast experience culled from
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  • 68 8 ACTION would be taken against any restaurant or eating stall which displays the sign "halal" without proper authorisation, the president of the Singapore Muslim Religious Council. Hajl Buang SlraJ, said yesterday. "Halal" means food sold at the premises can be eaten by Muslims. Hajl Buang was commenting
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  • 26 8 RAJASEKAR so Supplatl. 19. was fined $1,000 yesterday for taking morphine ln Holland Close on March 33 at 330 pm He pleadec 1 guilty.
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  • 216 8 MISSION HOSPITAL RAISES OUTPATIENT FEE ST. Andrew's Mission Hospital, catering for children from birth to 16 years, has increased Its outpatient charges from $1.50 to $2 this year, to meet the rising cost of medicines and expenses. However, those who cannot afford to pay the $2 for each visit will
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  • 23 8 FASHION designer Pierre BaJrnain will speak on "In My Fashion" at a Rotary Club lunch meeting at the Mandarin Hotel, tomorrow.
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  • 135 8 THE general manager of the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (Telecoms), Mr. Goh Seng Kirn, yesterday opened a seminar on Telephone Switching and Signalling Techniques at the Telecentre, Telecoms' Training School, in Hillcrest Road. The two-week seminar is organised by the International Telecommu- nicatlon Union (ITU) for
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  • 269 8 Danger in inhaling cigarette puffers' smoke INHALING "second-hand smoke" Is as disastrous to one's health as actually smoking, according to a display put up at the People's Park Complex by the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-ter-Day Saints. "Second-hand smoke" is the cigarette smoke blown out by smokers, said Elder
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  • 30 8 THE chairman of the board of governors for the Singapore Insurance Training Centre. Mr. Tan Ouan Alk, will open life Insurance agents trainers seminar at Shangri-La Hotel tomorrow.
    30 words
  • 500 8 MR. JUSTICE D'Cotta yesterday adjourned a $152,000 claim by a former firm of architects against a property developer for fees due arising from the alleged termination of a contract for the construction of a $5.7 million housing project. The Judge granted Archynamics Architects, now
    500 words
  • 222 8 rpHE Asean Committee on Trade and Tourt i sni p (Cott) has approved a proposal to study European travel patterns in member countries. The proposal came from its sub-committee on tourism which met ln Manila in January acc rd lnB to a report in the New
    222 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 366 8 •CATHAY: next change;: Z (ft> •*»<«« iwskoftk want skst* """UKT MEANEST OCTET «6«TI 0 j^ i^r »WW«lWi FU POMS. fHU^^fDml {fcA 3 SHOWS ||D|*UADIi 1-30.5.30 £K Sf DAILY AT Ultvll/WU 8 5Pm W (SB. <»»•*«» A FRANK YABLANS PRESENWKJK Sff H? A MMTIN RANSOHOH fRANH YA&ANS <TOOUCTI0N •THE OTHER SIDE
      366 words
    • 371 8 JADE H1IUY SEE IT NtW! (Phone *****80) ONLY 3 SHOWS DAILY Note Times: 11am, 3.30 7*45pmNo Free List ADVANCE CASH BOOKINGS for S3 50 ft $2 50 11.50 TICKETS CURRENT DAY SALES ONLY S LEW GRADE pr«nrs FRANCO ZEFFIREIITS prodcrcn of JESUS of NAZARETH© starring ROBERT PCWELL asjesus V MhftMw
      371 words
    • 507 8 J OWCAPIISjJTIIOn NOW SHOWINGNo Fr«e Li»» P I lam I 45 4 00. 6 45. 9 15 "MAD MONK Stnkn AMin" I lorn, I 45, 4 00. 645 9 15 D.ane Keaton Elliott Gould ri Principal "I WILL I WILL FOR NOW" j 10, NEXT CHANGE' J c D..n Bok*r
      507 words

    • 108 9 Kriangsak for KL border talks BANOKOK, Mon. Prime Minister Krlangsak Chomanan ■will leave for Malaysia on April 27 to attend the annual meeting of the Thai Malaysian Border Committee, the Prime Minister's Office said today. Oen. Krlangsak will stay In Kuala Lumpur one day, presumably to attend the opening session
      AP  -  108 words
    • 260 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday £HINA has told Thailand that it will not intervene in the current conflict between Vietnam and Cambodia, Thai Foreign Minister Dr. Upadit Panchariyangkun said here tod:iy. Speaking to reporters before leaving for Manila, Dr. Upadit said China also wanted the
      Reuter  -  260 words
    • 55 9 JAKARTA, Mon. VlceAdmiral Datuk Mohamad Zaln, Chief of SUIT of the Royal Mnlayslan Navy, today called on his Indonesian counterpart, Admiral Walujo Suglto. Adm. Zaln arrived here ytjterday for an eight-day official visit during which he will Inspect a number of Indonesian naval Installations. Reuter. DR.
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 25 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Australian Defence Minister Dr. D. J. Klllen and his wife will make a five-day official visit to Malaysia on Sunday.
      25 words
    • 25 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. India Is negotiating with Malaysian authorities to tabliih another 12 Industrial Joint ventures in various parts of trw country. —AFP.
      AFP  -  25 words
    • 159 9 THESE AUSSIE GRADS CAN ENROL AS LAWYERS KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Law graduates from nine Australian and New Zealand universities can now enrol as lawyers in Peninsular Malaysia. The LIB. degrees of nine Australian and New Zealand universities are now recognised under the Legal Profession Act. The universities are the University
      AFP  -  159 words
    • 52 9 ALOR STAR, Mon. Police have arrested 10 people suspected to be members of two gangs and recovered a .22 Colt Magnum auumatlc pistol with three rounds of ammunition. Two stolen motorcycles were also recovered during anti-robbery operations mounted last week In the border areas of Kedah
      52 words
    • 31 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The executive committee of the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countrt™ (ANRPC) wUI meet here from Wednesday to Saturday to draft the proposed international rubber agreement.
      31 words
    • 174 9 MALAYSIA'S FOR NONALIGNED SUMMIT KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. —Malaysia will bring up two issues for discussion at the non-aligned summit to be held In Cuba next year, Foreign Minister Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen said today. The issues are: PEACE and stability In South-east Asia under the overall Asean concept of the zone
      174 words
    • 239 9 Murder charge youth allowed to return to school BU XI T MERTAJAM, Mon. A 16-year-old schoolboy who had been remanded since October last year in connection with a murder case returned to school here today after he was allowed bail by the Alor Star High Court. The boy's counsel, Mr.
      239 words
    • 55 9 PENANG. Mon—The German Democratic Republic desires to enter Into joint venture operations and establish strong trade and economic ties with Penang. Its Charge d Affaires, Mr. Helmut Hohlig. said today a team of trade and commercial officers from the East German Embassy in Kuala Lumpur will
      55 words
    • 258 9 PENANG, Monday IHDUR grandparents today contested for custody of an 11 -month-old boy whose parents were killed in the recent MAS air crash at Tanjung Kupang in Johore. Both paternal and maternal grandparents of the boy applied In the High Court this
      258 words
    • 48 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Malaysia's tin production fell to an ail-tlme low In February when only 4,307 tonnes of tin meUl were recovered. This was about 1,223 tonne* lower than the January output and 186 tonnes less than the previous low level of December last year.
      48 words
    • 32 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Five more cases of cholera were detected In Peninsular Malaysia over the past 24 hours, acting Director of Health Services Dr. Abdul Tallb bin Latlff said today.
      32 words
    • 90 9 CANBERRA, Mon. About 153 Malaysian soldiers from the 6th Battalion and the Special Service Regiment will Join Australian troops In two exercises In Australia from April 30 to June 3, the Defence Minister, Mr. Jim KUlen, announced today. The Malaysian Infantry company will take part In exercise
      AFP  -  90 words
    • 425 9  -  BILL CAMPBELL By CABAH Chief Minister Datuk Harris Salleh yesterday flatly denied receiving any "kickbacks" over the purchase of two Grumman (iulfstrcam II (G2) executive jet aircraft by the previous state government. im^— "There is no such thing as klckbacKs involved," he said at
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 389 9 American Express European Carnival 24 days 8 countries from 553,420 II The fun and flavour of the real Europe. II See London, Rome, Paris and the best of II everything in between. Included: II Koundlrip airfare ~T rjx i v>"' II Hotels with private facilities •40 meals, _jJi "-.JVj^*' including
      389 words
    • 267 9 COME VISIT r OUTFITTERS I "^G*Qf PI3Z3 Ey Wb'b J I LjG 8. LUCKY PLAZA.ORC HARD ROAD, SINGAPORE 9. TEU *****40 Browse around at your leisure in plush surroundings at our latest store with the boutique atmosphere and decor. JOISTS... MOTORS... WELDERS... PUMF HITACHI '-<M Lm«** bv I^^'*^ Tough, durable
      267 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 304 9 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS mistakt ill). 1 Value auiet Dat on the c Viul nec.snty round back? (8) Danish capital i» libtiality 5 Counter found by airman n 2| m d <7> in u vehicle 7 Flsh f rlr fc«ts 1500 and 9 Retired clergyman has upwards in Gatthead <7i
      304 words

  • Especially Women
    • 68 10 ANOTHER of those ballooning blousons that we shall be seeing a lot of this year. By Guy Laroche of Paris, this one's in beige, brown and white stripes, with square shoulders, gathered yoke, winged and cuffed sleeves. It's teamed with a crepe de chine blouse with
      68 words
    • 294 10 Learn to enhance your beauty assets... 'THE word is "dare", says beauty consultant x Blandine Bachellerie. The first hurdle any girl should get over is to dare wear make-up. That's because a lot of people are shy about using make-up as they think it's all very technical and therefore a
      294 words
    • 234 10 PARIS, Fri. The hot new accessory of the Paris ready-to-wear fashion shows is big junk jewellery that looks like a cross between the crown jewels of Czarist Russia and cheap tin. Designers are draping enormous paste jewellery of gilt and glass on their
      UPI  -  234 words
    • 956 10  -  HELEN HOWARD By JJOW long do your dirty dishes languish unwashed in the sink after a meal? Or do you immediately set to work with liquid soap and hot water almost before the last mouthful has been eaten? If so, you're not only
      956 words
    • 110 10 Face up to the sun— in glasses VLTITH the sun at its Maxinc best these days, it's time to invest in a pair of sunglasses, not only to protect your eyes, but also the delicate area around them, for too much squinting will cause the formation of little expression lines
      110 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 285 10 Carefree Panty Shields THE NEW LIGHT PROTECTION PRODUCT FOR BETWEEN-PERDD DISCHARGE AND SPOTTING BETWEEN-PERIOD DISCHARGE IS A i^HI^HHHBI COMMON PROBLEM -<*r Most women have a little discharge between periods. H^_> It can be uncomfortable And it can stain But now mC there is new CAREFREE Panty Shields Designed kl specially
      285 words
    • 1 10 EdRKSS
      1 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 593 11 mmr EME'O D*G DEN MILE MARINE PARADE New Arrivals JiUliff r> Ii^JJJJiVIJJU^ The magic of lace. The sheerness of silk. A beautiful combination U to make you look and feel ultra-feminine. paalßl ■ma bbi bbi bvbbi mm bb bj Dreamy negligees from Aristocraft. Specially imported from U.S.A. by Metro. They
      593 words

  • The Straits Times TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1978
    • 345 12 f¥tHE third conference of community X centre; management committees held over the weekend to chart out their role In the 1980s should produce a few useful ideas on what needs to be done. Organised at considerable expense and effort by the People's Association (PA), it has after had
      345 words
    • 311 12 THE Japanese Oovernment has categorically stated Its aim to halve the country's burgeoning trade surplus for fiscal 1978 now standing around a phenomenal US$l3 billion (Ss3o bll), an all-time high. Japan's strategy for achieving this is to curb its aggressive export drives; key industries such as automobiles,
      311 words
  • 556 12  -  SUNANDA DATTA-RAY By In CALCUTTA THOUGH India's once fabulously wealthy princes bitterly complain of grinding poverty, a recent peep into the royal finances suggests that most of these men and women are still immensely rich. Interest in their affairs was revived
    556 words
  • 723 12  - Guides for Japanese firms to avoid investment 'errors' TCMOHIKO ETO- MOVE TO AVOID FRICTION WITH RECIPIENT COUNTRIES IN REGION By FOCUS ON JAPAN... a regular weekly feature published by special arrangement with the Japan Economic Journal. JAPANESE businesses have rapidly accelerated direct investments overseas, particularly in South-east Asia, because of
    723 words
  • 1103 12  -  MILTON CHASE in WASHINGTON /Commodity \j s p e c u l ators,a t o r s banking on reaping profits because of their belief that the US is on the verge of flooding the market with 45,000 long tons of
    1,103 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      15 words
    • 302 12 LONDON TRAINING IN ACCOUNTANCY AND FINANCE Stamford College's Home Study Division offers a uniquely resource-linked education with Study Packs developed by Financial Training. London, established Tutors lor Articled Chartered. Ceriified/ICVA Students with facility tor 12-week tlexastudy course in UK State College for selected finalists and professional parts of ACCA Other
      302 words

    • 309 13 TAS is fine— but for new dial tone and digit numbers Fthe last 18 months. TAS has made some remarkable improvements in Its services to the public and deserves our recognition and congratulations. Operator 100 answers promptly, the courtesy and politeness of the personnel, the Increase In the number of
      309 words
    • 223 13 A PAGE OF YOUR LETTERS 1 REFER to the news Item published under the heading "Top aide to former mayor dies at 55" (ST. April 13), wherein you state that Mr. Ong Eng Ouan was the first and only mayor of Singapore. This
      223 words
    • 195 13 Puzzled over criteria for admission IAM writing to enquire about the criteria for admission to colleges, Pre-U centres and technical Institutions. Under the recently implemented Joint Admission Scheme, a student seeking admission is required to list down five choices In order of preference. My brother listed his choices as follows:
      195 words
    • 93 13 AS most of us know that the last Ice-skat-ing rink Is going to be closed, I would like to ask what Is the use of having skating boots without a skating rink? Some of us regular skaters will really miss this sport once it's gone
      93 words
    • 12 13 METRIC Is simpler to calculate, faster and easier to understand.
      12 words
    • 473 13 MAY I refer to the report titled "Political war against motorists In Singapore" <8T April 13). Mr. Milton Tan Is correct Insofar as he is speaking in the interest of owners of private vehicles. He Is also correct that people own
      473 words
    • 102 13 mHE establishment of A channels between the Ministry of Education and the schools, and any increase of communication between the Ministry and the public are commendable developments and will help in improving the formulation and implementation of our education policies. The school principals,
      102 words
  • 23 13 WATER consumption on Sunday was 636,000 cubic metres (139.9 million gallons), A drop of 47,000 cubic metres (103 million gallons) from Saturday's.
    23 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
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      5 words
    • 938 13 JP School of Computing the Traintng Division of REGIONAL APPLIED COMPUTING CENTRE Diploma in Computer Studios Approved by tho Ministry of Education Applications ore invited for admission to the Diploma course for fulltime, port-time ond doy-releose students commencing Moy 1978 Minimum •re-requmtet (1) Successful completion of GCE 'O' level with
      938 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 796 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening and What's My Line S.35 Uttte Vk (Last iitsife) 3.25 Diary Of Events 1M *V** W*f-np««l 3.30 Afternoon Matinee Lovers And Lollipops I K^JlllI'llLi,-! (Part 2) starring: Lori March, Cathy Dunn, JS^jff. L story Gerald OLoughlin 130 »mMi lltwiml 4.05 Science Rcpirt
      796 words

    • 1525 14 RIBBER8 210 210 Ayer Hltam Rub 210 Bedford 220 295 207 High k Low 2Mcd unch 184 143 Kuala Sldlm 152 -2 274 172 Malakoff 282 235 230 Mentakab 130 205 101 NewSerendah 205 +4 92 88 Premium Hldgs 91 unch 170 140 Rlvervlew 182 TalptngCons 308 295
      1,525 words
    • 1701 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1 .000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "set" Big
      1,701 words
    • 248 14 B O T 8 1/2% 1981 (100,000) (IOO'.B 101HS) B O T 7 VB% 1984 (100.000) (968 96*»S) B O T Floating 1984 100.000) (9958 100S) C Itoh 8 1/8% 1984 (100.000) (96' iB 96VS) LTCBJ 1982 100,000) (99%8 100HS) LTCBJ 1983 100.000) (99%8 100HS) Credit
      248 words
    • 118 14 STRIKING prices of the stock options officially listed on the Mock Exchange of Singapore, the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options traded shown In brackets. Cold Storage (June $1.70) (0.468 ii..v>s>. C and C (June $2.20) (1.058 I.I.1S). r* and N
      118 words
    • 1410 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots or 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aim (1 748 1.788). AlHffl (I.SOB 1.908) (1) 198 (1) 194 (1)
      1,410 words
      • 38 14 April 14 April 17 B.T. Index: 775.74 781 32 Industrials: 298.38 299 24 Finance: 476.4« 478.85 Hotels: 188.08 188.71 Properties: 170.19 171.42 J""- 141.57 141.88 rubbers: 471.51 474.18 0.C.8.C: ***** 263 84 S.E.S. Ind: 282.32 283 31
        38 words
      • 30 14 API 318.000 Sicma Metal 301.000 Si* Chew 182.000 Perak Carbide 165.000 City Dcv 140.000 Con. Plant 117.000 Sime Darby 107.000 Harimau 101.000 VHSMm 71.000 I (>B 62.000
        30 words
      • 29 14 F E Lcvinf»ton 296 -20 Shell 220 -9 Cons Plant 570 -5 M Flour 378 -4 Milan Ctainer* 181 -4 M Cabin 175 -4 Spore Glau 146 -4
        29 words
      • 53 14 PMi 184 +34 Uld Malacca 390 +20 OCBC 700 +10 City Dcv 98+10 Krmpa* 406 +8 Tan Chon« 297 API 149 +8 YHSM.i. 214 +7 Sifra« Metal MS +7 r N 430 +6 Nat Iron 374 +8 Time. Pub 302 +6 M.l.kofT 262 +6 Beriunui 710 +5 M Brewer
        53 words
      • 403 14 HONGKONG: The market eased on selling of blue chips In quiet and featureless trading, dealers said. Hongkong Bank eased 20 cents to HKS14 60. Jardine Mathnon 10 to $12 70. Wherlock Mardrn 7' i cents to $2. 12 'i. Swir» Pacific 10 to $6 45 and Hutchiaon Whampoa 2'»
        403 words
      • 380 14 TOKYO: Share prices closed sharply higher with the Dow Jones average rising to a postwar record on active selective buying over a wide area, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 41.06 to close at 5. 544. 81 points with a volume of 380 million shares. The New Index
        380 words
      • 358 14 SYDNEY: The market firmed on continued overseas buying and on last Fridays Wall Street rise, dealers said. BHP rose 12 cents to As 6 vi alter Its interim results. The Wale* eight to $5 30. KZ In duitriet five to $2.25. C'omalco five to $2 80. CRA eight to
        358 words
    • 325 14 From col five TINt A Amal (4.44B) (1) 4 44 (2) 4 46 A Hllam (fl.SOB 9.008). ■•rjuntal (7.30D 7.408) (S) 7.39 (1) 7 30. H«1| KMlf (1) 9 0S (1) 9.10. K| Lan|ut (2 05B 2.208) Kamuntlng (2 403) Kramat 35B 8.40B) CBl. Kuchal (0 88B 0.928).
      325 words
    • 38 14 MxuXr isturdar Hon«kon« 170.2OB 177 tOB 176. 4O« 177 »0S Spore (2) 177.S7B 177 «SB 178 288 178 398 Enport pricts In nooittrlln* areai in US dollar per ouac* II) Auatraliao oollar pw ouact (2i Avtraic prict.
      38 words
      • 25 14 THE Straits tin price fell $5 to $1,526 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 30 tonnes to 210 tonnes.
        25 words
      • 279 14 PRICES In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked up by 0.50 cent at the outset following steadier London advices but lack of follow-through support caused levels to slip back in Idle conditions, dealers said. The morning session closed steady. A further half cent was added to levels during
        279 words
      • 55 14 Rubber: Apr 17. Singapore: May 202.50 cte (up 0.25 ct). Malaysia: May 207.00 cts (up 0.25 ct). Tin: $1,526 (down $5). Official offering: 210 tonnes (up 30 tonnes). Opening slightly higher, the Malaysian rubber market yesterday ruled very quiet to close 0.25 cent up, at 207.00 cents per
        55 words
      • 105 14 TvAXI.Y SSR and 8MR prices at noon yesterday: J May June B.A.S. (Current Mth I (Forward Mth) Buyer* Scllen Baycn Sellers SSR 20 (1 ton pallet) ***** 196.00N 195 00 197.00N SSR 50 (1 too pallet) 192.00 1M.00N 183.00 19S.00N M.R.EXJL SMR SCV (1 ten pallet) 215.00
        105 words
      • 120 14 /'HINEIE PRODUCE EX V CMANCI, UNCAPORE NOON rilTIRDAT Ctc«out Ml Bulk t<o Mllen, old drum {83 tcllcri. BC w drum ISO salltrt. C*«n: Mixed ilooiei UK/Coat. K3 buyers. Pt»p«f liuniok AST A white fob 100<* NLW (37S Mllen. tarmwak white f o b 96<« NLW »3.%5 Mllen. Sarawak
        120 words
    • 504 14 SELECTED second-liners featured bullishly while blue chips were generally steady to firm on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Market sentiment was helped by favourable conditions overseas which saw the Dow Jones recording its biggest jump in I i years accompanied by the highest one-day volume in
      504 words
    • 392 14 A FAIRLY selective market prevailed at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with prices closing on a slightly steadier note. Apart from speculative interest In a handful of industrial second and thirdliners, yesterday's trading was generally lack-lustre. The day's most active stock. Associated Plastics Industries, alone accounted for
      392 words
    • 88 14 rpHE US dollar opened A at $2.3120/30 and continued to strengthen against other currencies In the Singapore forex market yesterday. Trading was moderately active with the US dollar being bade upwards close at $*****/ 50. Interbank forward rates at 3.00 p.m. 1-Month *****/25 2-Months 2 3080 3105
      88 words
    • 132 14 Interbank rai Currencies US dollar Sterling pound Hongkong dolUr M'sian dollar Aust schilling Bel franc (com) Danish kroner French franc Italian lire Neth guilder Nor kroner Swedish kroner Swiss franc Deut mark Japanese yen Aust dollar NZ dollar Canadian dollar Ues at 3 00 p.m. Nominal raU* Smlthsoaian
      132 words
    • 189 14 St 4.2700 4 2840 S* M$ 97.74 »7 83 HK US 4.6140 ***** US, Can. 87 06 87 10 US/Pr fr 4.5750 4 6775 US/ yen 220.20 220.35 A SI AN currency depoelt interbank rates' w at clo*e on April 17. IS DoDan (Spot) Offer Bid 7
      189 words
    • 37 14 Closing interbank rate* on Singapore dollars on April 17. Ofler Bid Overnight 4 1/2 4 1 mth S 1/16 4 15/16 2 nuns S 1/16 4 15/16 3 mths 5 1/8 6 Source; AiUey Pt^re.
      37 words
    • 45 14 RANGE of ratfi offered t>T discount houiM on April IT Ovtrnight 3%% Call depwit 3>A% ClMtall 1-Moo.h Bank bill. 4 15/1» 4 13/ M 1-Month CD 5 1/1» 4 u/u (Month CD tin i 1/4 t«wu: Nilitml Oiiiiunt Ca. Ifler slightly from thoae quoted
      45 words
    • 67 14 THE PRIME rate of moat commercial banks in Singapore now ctandt at 7 per cent. Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation is still offering fi >. per cent to its best customers while United Commercial Bank is maintaining its prime rate at 7'i per cent. The slated prime rate of
      67 words
    • 570 16 Jardines (SEA) suspended pending restructuring of capital THE SINGAPORE and Kuala Lumpur stock exchanges said yesterday they temporarily suspended quotation of Jardlne Matheson (South East Asia) Ltd following the company's request. The company had requested suspension and announced a proposal to restructure Its share capital by substituting Singapore dollar loan
      570 words
    • 430 16 Pegi(M) offers holders right to buy Pan El indirectly PEGI MALAYSIA Berhad (Pegl) the main shareholder of Pan Electric Industries (Pan El) Is restructuring Itself and. In the process, will give shareholders of the company an opportunity to see their shares reflect the market value of the underlying investment In
      430 words
    • 218 16 WHISPERS in the Investment community that quoted hotel companies are reaping substantial profits from the ongoing tourist boom are beginning to bear fruit Judging by the results released so far. Barely a few weeks after revelations of vastly Improved performance by Shangri-La. Sea View
      218 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1140 15 CLASSIFIED ADS AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service:- V iJ Weekdays 8.30 a.m. -5.00 pm. W Saturdays t /T> J 8.30 a.m. —3.00 p.m. Public Holidays C.A.T.S. 9.00 a.m. 100pm aSf-6677 Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mln. $9.00) Per column cm
      1,140 words
    • 4890 15 II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT j II EMPLOYMENT asa— a) Professional f ASSISTANT QUANTITY SURVEYORS Eatabllahsd practice has vacancies In their Singapore and Brunei offices lor Asalstant Quantity Surveyors. Applicants should be Singapore Polytechnic or University of Singapore diploma holders Duties will include taklng-off, preparing Interim valuations and final
      4,890 words
    • 725 15 OBE R G 1) PRECISION TOOL GRINDERS a) Surface grinding b) Cylindrical grinding c) Jig grinding Must have relevant and proven working experience and ar« prepared to work shift Preference given to those with Trade Certificate 2) TOOL ft DIE DRAUGHTSMAN/ DESIGNER Technical School Certificate plus 4 yeiirs 1 working
      725 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 557 16 Singapore (Private) Limited requires PROCESS ENGINEER The Process Engineer with o proven record of achievement in process support and cost reduction is required to support the semi-conductor assembly and test operations. Successful candidate will be responsible I for sustaining assembly process from wafer scribe through test finish operations as well
      557 words
    • 481 16 4^ fe}V WILLIAM JACKS We wish to invite applications from suitably qualified Singapore citizens for the post of: FINANCIAL ANALYST THE POSITION In reporting to the Finance Director, William Jacks the Business Analyst's main functions include: the assistance in the preparation of Group strategic plans and budgets; profitability assessment of
      481 words
    • 620 16 A progressive property and hotel group of companies has a vacancy for a Sales Administrative Officer in the Property Division. Applications should possess the following prerequisites Age: Over the age of 21. Qualifications: Possess a H.S.C. Experience: At least 3 years of sales administration experience in the property environment or
      620 words
    • 504 16 AUCTION SALE OF 1. 1 Unit Dainlppon Process Camera 20" x 2" Model DSC 24D with ApoRonar Lenses 19" x M'-i" Complete with gelatine filter holders. Colortran Convenor 2.000 R. Manual Flash Lamp 1 set of 4 pieces DS Chain-Dot Positive Contact Screens 20" x 24". 133/ in and one
      504 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 651 17 CLASSIFIED ADS AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service:- Ll Weekdays A v»^ 8.30 a.m. —5.00 p.m. W Saturdays /T> y 8.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. Public Holidays I C.A.T.S. i 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 23S-6677 Counter Servioe Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mln. $9.00)
      651 words
    • 486 17 AIRCONDITIONER (9.000 8.T.U.) 1 h p n very good condition $320 only. Ring *****9 REMOVAL SALE: REFRIGERATOR (2-door) 88 cv ft Offer above $200 secures Ring *****41. OWNER GOING ABROAD, must sell good German piano "Fuchs :inrl Motor" 2 years old $3,200 o no Tel: Rose *****88 PAN FURNITURE KITCHEN
      486 words
    • 1118 17 j II EMPLOYMENT I s^sasavaa a) Professional V ASSISTANT QUANTITY SURVEYORS Established practice has vacancies In then Singapore and Brunei offices for Assistant Quantity Surveyors. Applicants should be Singapore Polytechnic or University of Singapore diploma holders Duties will include taklng-off, preparing Interim valuations and final accounts and checkIng contractors accountsApplications
      1,118 words
    • 775 17 II EMPLOYMENT Y.W.C.A. INVITES APPLICATIONS for Assistant Programme Secretary from female Christian Singapore citizens with OCE 'O' level Typing essential preferably with office experience Apply In writing lo The Chairman. Marine Parade Y.W.C.A Blk 80. Spore 15. by 24th April '78 GENERAL CLERK REQUIRED immediately Knowledge of typing correspondence and
      775 words
    • 755 17 FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATOR Typist required Qualification OCI i> in English. Apply In own handwriting giving details of working experience and salary expected to S.T Box A***** REOUIRED FEMALE CLERK/ Typist with good command of English Salary $170 Reply with telephone to The Advertiser. ST. Box A***** Spore WANTED ONE FEMALE
      755 words
    • 670 17 II EMPLOYMENT J AN OPPORTUNITY to earn $1,000/- per month or more PAN-ELECTRIC APPLIANCES (PTE) LTD is looking for an energetic end dynamic SALES REPRESENTATIVE to sell its home appliances Responsibilities a To co-ordinate Dealers/ Company relationship a To establish new sales outlets a To promote the Company's products Basic
      670 words
    • 901 17 PROMOTIONAL FIRM RfOtHRCS 10 male' female Outdoor Sales Promoters Experience not essential Basic salary and transport •allowance provided Call personally today/ tomorrow. 41-A Bras Basah Road (7) *****4 Miss Tan WANTED FEMALE PART-TIME Promoters Phone for Interview ***** REOUIRED FEMALE SALES Car vassers by local manufacturing company of stationery products
      901 words
    • 685 17 II EMPLOYMENT I DA DA BAG SHOP 12S Ist Fl. Plate Spurs. Spore t. invites Singapore Female Citizen of Pleasant Personality with experience in selling leather goods and shoes Bask pay plus incentive commission. Applicants are to interview at the above address between 11 00 am 3.00pm WE «RE LOOKING
      685 words
    • 702 17 OBE R G 1) PRECISION TOOL GRINDERS a) Surface grinding b) Cylindrical QnndinQ c) J.g grinding Must have relevant and prcnrn working experience and ir» prepared to work shift Preference given to I hose with Trade Certificate. 2) TOOL ft DIE DRAUGHTSMAN/ DESIGNER Technical School Certificate plus 4 years' working
      702 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 644 18 II EMPLOYMENT I ill Taehnleal SINGAPORE AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING (PTE) LTD. Invites applications from suitably qualified Singapore Citizens for APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING IN VEHICLE MECHANICS REQUIREMENTS 16 years of age ti above: Completed Secondary' Four Education: Interested In the trade of Vehicle Mechanics: Preferably serving Part-Time or completed Full-Time National Service Those
      644 words
    • 662 18 II EMPLOYMENT I iTsTn if I I CORONA MANUFACTUREKS fmT asssi TE Ll .aassa! Ait*a» ol SCM Careerasan USA I itisnufactuftng •tecrrv fyosiftMßrs Baßß^^fTa3P^n^^^Bsl re?<HUrs*sJ! RTSTtjPffl FEMAIf PRODUCTION OPERATORS 6 E(tuCeti*on (Any n<9cfiun>| Prepared to worfc on 2 or 3 rotating shifts OR 'pGrtTtsaTsent 3rd sftifi W* wfcotTv you to
      662 words
    • 534 18 uuea WEA Records Pte. Ltd. A leading American Record Company will be opening an office soon and requires the following personnel (A) RECEPTIONIST/ SECRETARY Must possess pleasant personality and be capable of undertaking seen tanal duties (B) SALESMAN Preferably have some experience In consumer product^ sales (C) ACCOUNTS CLERK Must
      534 words
    • 584 18 II EMPLOYMENT FEMALE WORKERS Slarting pay $8 80 per 4 M\ pm I lfi am HI Free transport provided II No experience necesII No scope work. HI No -.tuft rotation Airrondilioned and ll Single or BsMltMl ll Singapore Blue/Pink IC holders or Malaysians H $11.00 increment on I The Personnel'
      584 words
    • 666 18 SEMT SA SENTOSA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION has xacancie.s for the post of A) RANGER B) ASSISTANT TECHNICIAN (MECHANICAL) Entry qualification! A Minimum Secondary 2 education Candidates should be physically lit with normal vision. 1 63 m tall and U kg in weight. Those with experience in police' security work and in
      666 words
    • 704 18 II EMPLOYMENT I FACTORY IN JURONG requires 1) SPRAY PAINTERS 2) POLISHERS 3) FEMALE WORKERS No shift work, good pey snd sttrsctive sllowsnces provided Interview et: MYMOLO PTE LTD 1. Fourth Lokyang Road Jurong. Spore 22 (You cen reach our factory by SBS nos 154. 42 snd 202). HYMOLD PTE
      704 words
    • 806 18 NGEE ANN TECHNICAL COLLEGE DRIVER Candidates should possess a Class 3 Driving Licence Preference will be given to candidates with some I driving experience Consolidated Salary Scale $2SOiIO 270/2SOIIO 310 In addition, an annual allowance squalling one month's salary or proportionals amount thereof is payable according to College's regulations Applications
      806 words
    • 805 18 II EMPLOYMENT I Urgently Required I. CONFIDENTIAL CLERK TYPIST ill (i c E O' level or equivalent (2 1 Typing Speed 40 wp m (3) Age 19 23 years (4) At least 2 years' experience In personnel work Salary range: S2tO/- lo S3OO/- per 11. DESPATCH RIDER 1 1 Completed
      805 words
    • 796 18 AIRCO WELDING PRODUCTS Invites applications for the following positions 1. STOREMANO must have Sec 2 education and able lo understand English Preference will be given to those with some experience In material handling, boxing and packing 2. MACHINISTS must have trade/ craft certificate in metal machlnlDg and some experience 3
      796 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 202 19 1 II WEg^ 1 JLft x I B I I v^HV^SSBBBvSto' I B^B^Bfl ™a I ■I^'^^^^^ Sfl B [BA^f "Mir* I B^Blß^B^B^Blß^Bir^ |vlj Ihi'^B^bV^E^^NE^i I^l Rl i'li i vffi BbV^ s^^Bh. B^B^^ ™^Jfc^^J^*"^ts fl^B> B^mfc* I S2 I I I? Hk b^b^bb^b^^b^b^b^bb ■'?|I itV^ 8888 "T^*"*^ at^^.^3 iJiiii lit 11%
      202 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 528 20 II EMPLOYMENT j I, C—sMraU Toa Payer) factory has vacancies for: FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Ahove 16 years J Training will be provided Malaysians and Singapore blue I C holders are welcomed PIMM rail personally to The Personnel Department. AURORA PRODUCTS CORPORA TION ASIA PTE. LTD.. 625. Lorong 4. Toa Payoh,
      528 words
    • 681 20 Pharmaceutical Factory In Jurong requires FEMALE PACKERS Malaysian* an lalconw. Apply personally at SUNWARD CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL CO. PTE LTD. No. 11. Wan Lee Road. Jurong, Singapore 22. International Diving Company requires Qualified and Experienced local DIVERS for Far East Operation. Interested please apply to: S.T. Boi ASI2SI Singapore. giving lull
      681 words
    • 995 20 111 VEHICLES A BOATS WE SELL NEW SUBARU (PRIVATE COMMERCIAL) AND WE OFFER HIGH MICE FOR YOUR TRADE IN VEHICLES) Far enquiries and teat -drive Call NO KEONO CAR TRADERS PRIVATE LIMITED (NEW CAR DIVISION) Tel: *****7. SSISS7. *****3S MUST SELL 1(71 Mercedes 280 S. beautiful condition, tax. insurance. July.
      995 words
    • 1027 20 1(70 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200. •■nglne. paintwork. Interior tip i op Road tax August $5,950 0 no. Contact Lee *****63 1(71 DECEMBER DATSUN 1200 re. 1 owner, accident free, excellent condition View at: 71. Duneam Road Tel: *****1 Best offer secures END NOVEMBER 1(73 Datsun 140J SSS. alrcond. radio cassette and
      1,027 words
    • 1805 20 111 VEHICLES A BOATS REG. 1(74 MAZDA 929 aircon. sporl-rlms. cassette/ radio, new tax/ insurance $11,000'- o no ***** '74 MERCEDES. USED as second car. low mileage, only 39.000 km. in very good condition, with concealed alrconditioner. cassette and radio nice number SS234S Keaaonabtt price $31,000 Tel *****1 *****2 H
      1,805 words
    • 908 20 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES iNRaVy lafWß LtiUjUlU UILUJ Raul Istate Aaent* 1 "^flaiattl «_al»^ bP^^b^^BMP Aa|' i INDUSTRIAL PREMISES FOR SALE a LEASE A. FLATTED FACTORIES Available In Upper Buklt Tlmah. Upper Paya Lebarand Alexandra Terrace. Rent from 60t psf Approved for light and general Industries Loading 250-300 Ibs/sq ft
      908 words
    • 860 20 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES OIST. 11 HILLCREST ROAD 2 storey semi detached 3 badfouma servant's amenities, aircoi.. telephone nice garden, fully furnnr-.><l $1,000 For viewing, please phone *****77' 2.*****2 *****9 DISTRICT 10: HENRY PARK. Modern 2-Slorey terrace house 3 Bedrooms, bathroom attached. servants room, split level living ilinniK $950 fully
      860 words
    • 842 20 BEDOK ROAD Self-contained Apartments in Hedok Road One bedroom, hall.' kitchen, bathroom with longbath Available Immediately Renmi $210 to $230 p m Inclusive of water Enquiries Principals only Tal: *****3/ *****7 (S'pora) DIST 11 OILSTEAD MANSION 3 bedrooms, furnished or unfurnished No iKeiits required Tel *****51 FLAT AT 23 Pasir
      842 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 723 21 ||V ACCOMMODATION k PROPERTIES Df Bese^BsepePßi Bank requires BUNGALOWS, APARTMENTS In populer residential location. Furnished/partly furnished considered, preferably with swimming pool and alrcondltion. Excellent terms o< peyment end leeee secured, please call: The Personnel Meneger et: *****3 with detailt OUR CLIENTS URGENTLY requires 3/4-bedroom Houses and Apartments preferably in Dlsts
      723 words
    • 718 21 LIAN HUAT BUILDING OFFICES TO LET Situated In city area corner of Enggor Street and Tras Street next to Oan Eng Seng School). 10 storey newly built Available from 40 to 300 sq m 2 high speed lifts. 24 hours security service, convenient carpark ready for occupation Mm* *****13 GOLOHILL
      718 words
    • 1514 21 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES ■fit TT 1 Bum ma'M over 2000 sq I Garden area over 4000 sq ft Economic pricing Luxurious lutings FresnoMLand Book Now' INSTALMENTS AVAILABLE PROMPT DELIVERY Po' enrju" v and fjookinqs Thomson Hill Ltd. 15th Fir. Par Easl Shopping Centre. Orchard Road. Singapore 9 Tel *****11
      1,514 words
    • 784 21 IV ACCOMMODATION 4 PROPERTIES j LUCKY PLAZA SHOPS for rent 390 sq ft groundflr. 405 sq ft Ist fir 405 sq ft -2nd fir. 415 sq.ft. 4th fir or 1.000 sq.ft. Ooldhlll Plaza Tel Mr Kang. *****2 AVAILABLE IN PENINSULA Shopping Centre at $200 p.s.f. or $150,000 ono Selling with
      784 words
    • 798 21 LUCKY PLAZA IST floor facing escalator Rental $2,250 p m (435 sq ft ideal for boutique. Ring Pau *****18/ *****25 LUCKY PLAZA 2ND Floor Unit, 269 sq ft Rent $1,350 p m Ring *****6 DIST. 9 LUCKY PLAZA area 243 sq ft Rental: $1,350 People's Purk Centre 348 sq. ft
      798 words
    • 1017 21 V SERVICES si HJSIMESS OOMT MISS SiNOA»O*rS ortenW*J||nilM^H I nil massage from Carol's Visiting ■U^KjJlaL^^^^^^l Srrvltt Call now *****01 from I 700 am. onwards. m C all michelle »m 212/ 2.***** ls»»»s»»»»»»»sss«»s»»»»»»»»MaiMiisss»» f or a relaxing massage For Immediate service. Michael Royston Agency only MOONLIGHT VISITING MASSAGE Services. Tel *****1.
      1,017 words
    • 446 21 VI EDUCATION k TRAINING GIRLS! Jobs are becoming harder to get you need better qualifications Enrol now at the ITC and quality lor the London Chamber ol Commerce Private Secretary s Certificate and the ITC s Private Secretary s Diploma the regions leading qualification lor a Private Secretary Our next
      446 words
    • 560 21 inlngua School of Language* LANGUAGE COURSES COMMENCING SOON NO CLASS lAS MORE THAN 12 STinENTS ENGLISH day classes' 10-weel. course? All levels Elementary Intermediate Advanced daily from 17 Apr. 83i 10.35 10.40 12 45 12 !>0 2.55, 3.'» 5 05 eveniui) claMes 12-we'k courses FRENCH ..ay classes' 10- week courses
      560 words

  • 340 22 pLAXS are under way to map out a vigorous traffic accident reduction programme based on the various causes of accidents. These Include the habitual traffic offenders who often drive In defiance of traffic laws, Jaywalkers who cross roads outside pedestrian crossings, errant cyclists
    340 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      33 22 PASSED AWAY ON 16/4/7* 8ADLV MISSED BY Friend*, collasguc* and stall of BuM Timah Exchange. Piisspfl away 16/4/78 Sadly mlaud by all Mt cIom trtamte. Tan Hung Siah TAN HUNG SIAH
      33 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      74 22 of M/S MAHEY BROTHERS passed away peacefully, on 17/4/78 beloved elder brother of Haijnalh Sharma. Nandklshore Kharma and father of Sltaram Sharma Cortege leaving Youngberg Memorial Hospital at 3 p.m. on 18/4/78 tor Mount Varnon Crematorium age 62. passed away on 15.4.78 leavirik behind her beloved husjand and
      74 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      149 22 IN EVER LOVING MEMORY OF Sadly miiwd but never forgotten by ■rite. 3 ton*. 9 daughter!, 2 deugh-tere-ln-la«r, I •ont-in-law. S3 grandchildren!. 1 adopted eon, 1 adopted daughter-in-law. 2 adopted grand children, relative! and frtende. of 20 Slglap Hill left this world on 184.77 "Though you are
      149 words
  • 191 22 $1,000 FINE, 7-YEAR BAN ON RASH MOTORIST A MOTORIST overtook three Mobile Squad officers in their car at high speed, skidded and almost hit a bridge, a court yesterday heard. Inspector Lul Seng Wan. prosecuting, said this when testifying against the motorist Tan Uew Cheng, 23, a Malaysian, who was
    191 words
  • 30 22 NOORDIN bin Mohamed was fined $20 yesterday for punching Mohamed Shaban in his right eye In Queensway Shopping Centre on April IS at 6.30 p.m. He pleaded guilty.
    30 words
  • 21 22 AN educational film on venereal disease will be screened at Toa Payoh community centre, at 7 p.m today.
    21 words
  • 291 22 PSA willing to buy back these flats rE Port of Singapore Authority is willing to buy back the Spot-tls-woode Park flats from any dissatisfied owner at the original 1975 selling prices. The PSA said it planned to use the re-pur-chased flats to house its young employees who were not yet
    291 words
  • 103 22 rfUHE Monetary Au1 thority of Singapore's $575 million Singapore Government Registered Stocks which opened for subscription yesterday has been over subscribed more than twice over. A MAS statement yesterday said the total application amounted to $1479 million. All three types of stocks were over subscribed.
    103 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1131 22 I VI EDUCATION k TRAINING 1 Now Learn French in a NEW French Atmosphere ALLIANCE FRANCAISE No. 4. Lorong Langsir Singapore 10 New Beginners Classes Stan on 17th and 18th April. TWICE or THRICE A WEEK I Mornings: I 10 30am to 12 noon -900 am to 10 30am Evenings:
      1,131 words
    • 635 22 VII TRAVEL I RESTAURANTS > t£. J7 U^"^"jß Vt 'aaSeaH I SPECIAL HONGKONG/TAIWAN/KOREA/JAPAN/BANGKOK DEP DATE 1/5.8/5 15/5 22 27/S 28'S 295 315 4/6 5/6 12/6 MANILA/TAIPEI/KOREA/ JAPAN/HONGKONG/BANGKOK 18 DAYS *****5/- Dtp date r/s.2i/s.a/5.4/s: ,8o, 8 o 2 7 ALL JAPAN/KOREA/TAIPEI/HONGKONG 17DAYSSS2370V- w dat E 5 ,5 5 r« ss« <*/c
      635 words
    • 695 22 I VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS 8 Days Five Capitals 551.990 8 Days Rhine Cruise. Pans and Amsterdam 552.220 12 Days Eight Countries Ss2 420 15 Days European Round-up 552.450 14 Days Viking Viewfinder 5J2.390 13 Days European Highlights 552.130 '■KlVliiiM BVlJ^^^^^B^^^^BBJ BBBMJTBT7T^TrVTT%LftTITTVfIV NAM HO TRAVEL Servld (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. STPB LIC
      695 words
    • 765 22 ARCHIPELAGO 3 days K V SSung Coach/ Air «i*n 4daysKL. CH. Pen (Oent) Coach/ Air <"*,», S Days KL/ Pen/ CH (Oent) tin 5 Days Pen/ Oent K L (Air Coach) ?V) 6/7 Days KL. CH SlSV Pen (Oent) jl7 5 7 days East Coast dep 28/5. 4/6. 11/6. 18/6
      765 words
    • 286 22 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT 86/77 Soh Beng Hong (CHAPTER 18 1970 (formerly t/a Hoe EDITION) LlanHuatCo)ofNo. 40H. Blk 5 Upper AlNOTICF IS HFRFRV rlvon JUnled Lane S" 1^" n*j i ice. in ncKtoi given norp not in in a m that the First Meeting of 13 at 10 30 a m
      286 words

    • 377 23 A touch of class. again r<ARLSI!AD, (California), Mon. Gary Player, making a repeat performance of his stunning victory last week in the Masters, came from seven strokes off the pace yesterday to capture the Tournament of Champions by two strokes. Th« 41-year-old South African won the coveted Masters green jacket
      Agencies; UPI  -  377 words
    • 56 23 PARIS. Mon. Super Concorde, second favourite for the Epsom Derby, flopped on his seasonal debut at Longchamp yesterday. finishing fifth out of six In the Prix de Quiche behind Oay Mecene Trainer Francois Boutin blamed the colt's lack of lit ness. "He hasn't run since October and he
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 580 23  -  BLUE PETER By IT UAL A LUMPUR, Mon. Tropic Storm II (late Mr. Skin) is the pick of the newcomers entered for the Selangor Turf Club April meeting. A four-year-old brown Irish gelding by High Top out of Giddy Lyn, Tropic
      580 words
    • 271 23 I ONDON, Mon. Brazil will field the team who beat World Cup holders West Germany 1-0 earlier this month in their soccer international against England on Wednesday. Manager Claudio Coutinho decided on his line-up yesterday alter the three times world champions had completed their first training session.
      Reuter; AP  -  271 words
    • 63 23 ZURICH, Mon.— The Swiss First Division side Young Fellows of Zurich, who have won only one of the'r 24 games so far this season, said yesterday that they were put- tine their 20 players up for transfer. The club, virtually certain to be relegated, said
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 1254 23 WEIGHTS for the Selangor Turf Club April meeting this weekend. SATURDAY CLAM 3 DIV. 4 IJOOM 11 Chin Lye 67.0 10 Shining Eyes 86.0 17 Batu Sinai 55.5 7 C.I. A. 58.5 12 Cool Time 85.5 5 Snow Prince 53.3 3 Pemlnat 35.0 6 Temptation 53.0 16 Captain
      1,254 words
    • 188 23 Real win title again MADRID. Mon. Real Madrid, six times winners of the European Cup, clinched their 18th Spanish League soccer title yesterday by beating lowly Cadiz 2-0. Rmuita: Span^i Div. 1: Athletic Bilbao 4 Valencia, 1, Rayo Vallecano 1 Real Socledad 0, Elche 2 Real Bells 1, Sporting 1
      Reuter  -  188 words
    • 112 23 ijtRANKFURT, Mon. r Hansi Mueller, 22-year-old captain of VFB Stuttgart, is among the 16 West German players named by trainer Helmut Schoen for the friendly soccer match against Sweden In Stockholm on Wednesday. The West German Soccer Federation also named the preliminary squad of 40 players
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 237 23 ffUALA LUMPUR. Mon •■■■■The much awaited Asian tennis circuit may get underway with the first leg of the eight-leg circuit being held in Thailand from Feb 27 to Mar. 5 next year. At a meeting of representatives from the Philippines. Hongkong, Indonesia. Malaysia. Singapore, Thailand, and South Korea In
      237 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 86 23 \^^^W ■m 1 Jw^ I _^sissssssssl sss^sf^sssl I I (Conica ¥41 AUTOREFLEX Wg ~IBT ■I Sole Agents fmnm£ m.h.e. consumer <s>pte. Ltd. ■I II 111 MS* (A member of the Jebsen 4 Jessen Group ol Company) 1213, 12th Floor. Supreme House, Penang Road, Singapore 9. P.O. Box 2162 Tel: *****5/*****2.
      86 words
    • 45 23 If you can't stop smoking... ZACT! now! Unsightly nicotine stains can spoil an important day, a special moment, a good image. Restore cleaner teeth and fresher breath now. ZACT Smokers' Toothpaste. MM THE TEXTON GROUP 1001-1004 Malayan Credit House, Somerset Road, Singapore 9. Tel: *****11
      45 words
    • 94 23 ssH^^^ *LJ»ssA isssssi^^^^ $3850 for 21 days. San Diego Zoo See the mighty Se a World GRAND'CANYONat HoUywood no extra cost. One of Dta uS^ the Wonders of the CarTada^exico and Japan World not to be missed. Plus many other exciting I™} 1 sta J first class hotels and enjoy
      94 words

    • 484 24  -  JOE DORAI By CAMAD ALAPIT- CHAY, Singapore's injured raptain, will rejoin the Malaysia Cup squad next week a month earlier than expected. This happy news comes hard on the heels of Singapore's 7-1 thrashing of Kelantan, a victory that made them North Zone champions and
      484 words
    • 139 24 Dragon boat festival TpHE Singapore Tourtot Promotion Board, the Peoples' Association and the Singapore Sports Council are organising a dragon boat festival at the Esplanade on June 11. Highlight of the festival will be the dragon boat race. This race will be held over a grade one-kilometre course off the
      139 words
    • 194 24  -  ERNEST FRIDA By CINNIAH VELLASA MY was yesterday appointed new Singapore Island Country Club assistant professional. Vellasamy, who earlier this year admitted he had been a heroin addict, was one of three golfers interviewed by Th*m Tuck Yen, the SICC general manager. The other two were
      194 words
    • 211 24 TING SA TEE, of Seletar, played super golf to win the Chang! Open championship at the weekend reports ERNEST FRIDA. Ting, who plays off a 10 handicap, shot a gross two-over-par 71 to beat a w c 11represinted field of players from eight golf clubs. Jeffrey
      211 words
    • 187 24  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By A 20TH minute goal by Cyril Carvalho en/l abled the Armed Forces 'B team to beat Singapore Recreation Club 1-0 in the Singapore Hockey Association's under-23 knock-out semi-finals on the Padang yesterday. Armed Forces 'B will meet the winners of today's other
      187 words
    • 104 24  - Singapore Police win 2-1 By SURINOER SINGH A SINGAPORE Police hockey XI yesterday beat Royal Brunei Police 2-1 In their Inter-Forces Games at the Police Academy. In a game marred by a slight drizzle throughout, Brunei Police were the first to settle down and this paid dividends when they scored
      104 words
    • 122 24 Singapore Penan* Kedah Kelantan Perils Forces Perak NORTH ZONE P WDL F A Pts 12 9 2 1 35 10 20 12 8 3 1 21 6 19 12 5 2 5 13 11 12 12 5 1 6 17 22 11 12 3 3 6 15
      122 words
    • 160 24 SEASON-OPENING matches seldom make good gauges for any team's title-chances but it can be said with exception that Armed Forces can be counted out of this year's National Football League Division One championship race, reports WILFRED YEO. While Forces would most certainly want to dismiss last night's labor-iously-gained
      160 words
    • 189 24  -  PETER SIOW By IT was a night for defenders yesterday S. Balaram for Cairnhill and Jai Prakash for Farrer Park being the outstanding sentinels as the two teams fought to a goalless draw in the National League Div. 1 match. But Parrer rark might have had a joyous
      189 words
    • 297 24  -  WILFRED YEO By A BATTLE within a war Is the likely highlight tonight when defending champions Geylang Internationals and star-studded Tampines Rovers renew their National Football League Division one rivalry at the National Stadium (kick-off 8 p.m.). The battle in question is that of the respective
      297 words
    • 160 24 BADMINTON National schools tournament: junioi individual: secondary boys quarter-nnals (Bukit Ho Swer 3 p.m.). secondary girls semi-finals (Saint Margarets. Henderson 2 p.m i. HOCKEY SHA under23 k.o. semi-finals Forces A v Jansenltes (Padang). X r g B V National Schools Secondary Division Ntw Town v Willow Avenue. Monk's Hill
      160 words
    • 389 24 Holder sends Aussies reeling DORT OF SPAIN, 1 Mop. Vanburn Holder, who only got back Into Test cricket when the four top West Indies fast bowlers were banned last month, took a career-best six wickets for 28 here yesterday to destroy Australia on the second day of the fourth cricket
      389 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 307 24 COURAGE \1 CONFIDENCE J^M LEADERSHIP MM Ml DALF CMN Glf 10 wayi th« Dale Carnegie Count helps mta aid won en: Ac*** p«u tod cwrfMmct Spirt rftKtiiriy Ml rwrMN md your Imm B« it your toft wrth my froup Umimitu ntmn TkM md tawk «i ywr fwt Cmtrtl fwr md
      307 words
    • 304 24 AT PUBItC RADIO... YOU JUST MAKE Jglk YOUR WISH AND WE MAKE IT COME TRUE 5) SINGAPORE'S NO.I HIRE-PURCHASE CENTRE FOR SOUND COMBINATION SETS Public Radio has the biggest range of Hi-Fi Stereo Combination sets in town and we make your dream come true with only 10% DOWN PAYMENT and
      304 words

  • 50 25 A LARGK group of entrants taking part in this week's 82nd annual Boston Marathon checking in at the race headquarters in Boston on Sunday to pick up their racing numbers. The record fleld of nearly 4,700 entrants will compete on a 41km marathon course. AP picture.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 56 25 KOBE. Mon—A 16-year-old schoolboy and his girlfriend Jumped down from the roof of a 10-storev building in a suicide pact here today, but survived the fall, police said. The boy and the girl, also 16 sustained only minor injuries after crashing through the wooden roof of
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 29 25 BEIRUT, Mon. Christians staged a one-day school strike today to piolest a bloody Syrian crackdown last week on a middle class rightist neighbourhood in southeastern Beirut. AP.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 493 25 Waldheim: Israeli pullout too slow BEIRUT, Monday JJNITED Nations Secretary-(ieneial Kuit Waldheim today criticised the slow pace at which Israeli occupation forces were evacuating territory they seized in south Lebanon last month. Speaking on arrival in Speaking on arrival in Beirut for talks with Lebanese and Palestinian leaders, he said
    Reuter; AFP  -  493 words
  • 69 25 Surprise rise of US LONDON. Mon. The OS lollar made substantial gains on world money markets today (or no particular reason anyone could discern. The price of gold (ell as tlie dollar climbed everywhere. Opening rates were up In rrankfurt from 2 ***** marks on Friday to 2.0465 marks. In
    UPI  -  69 words
  • 34 25 KARACIQ. Mon. A onemonth house arrest order which expired yesterday en Bfnezlr Bhutto, daughter of ex-Premier Zulflkar All Bhutto, has been extended by a further month, Pakistan People's Party sources said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 232 25 Maid foils kidnap of prince KIEL (West Germany), Mon. Kidnappers today dragged a German prince from his bed and drove him from his castle at gunpoint, but 90 minutes later he was rescued by police who arrested the gunmen. Prince Moritz of Hessen, 51. a relative of the British royal
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 101 25 mOKYO, Mon— ThlrtyX three Vietnamese refugees, rescued by a Liberian freighter In the South China Sea, landed at Osaka today. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) said here that the group, picked up b.v the freighter Dignity on April 7, would be joined
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 715 25 LONDON. Mon Government £'*"*> 97 +1 bonds firmed on technical Prudential 138xd considerations while equities Ranlt 232 -8 showed small net gains, dealers Rerkltl 427". -2 said At 3pm the Financial Times "JS 1 Inl HOi +1 index was down one point at 448 4 RTZ l»»"t +7
    715 words
  • 389 25 Military action averted chaos: Suharto JAKARTA, Monday QENERAL Suharto today justified the recent military crackdown on antigovernment elements including the Muslim extremists and said that without such action "unimaginable chaos would have consumed the nation, democracy would have been smothered and the constitution cast aside." He said seen from whatever
    AFP  -  389 words
  • 31 25 BANBURY (England). Men. An official of the giant Sscurlcor security company today appeared in court charged with stealing more than £100.000 <SS430.000i from its vaults here last week. RgJJter^^^^^^^^^^^^
    31 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 251 25 V MALAYSIA UNION (RENTAL) PTE. LTD. 175. 810ck 30,Outram Park. Singapore 3 A k Tel *****97 Ample Parking Space f #fc O»f>O»OO+O+0»O»O+0»O» J *ms r s^ M 4515 X Jfc 4 BAND RADIO/ CASSETTE j p^^^^^^^. BB*""^^^ 9 MW/SWI/SW2/FM Ifl^^^ j^ stereo radio. 5000 H 0 SS mW max. output
      251 words
    • 247 25 BUSINESS TIMES Sir pipore s Financial Dally Covw Pile* SO* AnnuaJ SubacrtpUon $1U CtreuaiUon kUn*f«r Ttltphont HOOtl Ext 204 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTSJAPANESE Asian dollar convertible i bonds were given a cool reception when I they made their debut late last year but the situation has since changed. The yen has attained
      247 words