The Straits Times, 16 April 1978

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Sunday Times No. 2186 APRIL 16, 1978 30 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 215/1/78
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  • 261 1 Big-bang demo plan in Manila fizzles out TtfIIVNILA, Sat. A threatened massive protest demonstration against President Ferdinand Marcos' administration fizzled out tonight after authorities warned that all participants would be rounded, up and detained. Only a small group of between 30 to 40 nuns and youths showed up In a
    UPI  -  261 words
  • 119 1 A NEW generation of 73 community centres with sophisticated facilities will be built over the next five years to meet the growing recreational needs of Singaporeans. The Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs). Mr. Lee Khoon Choy, said this when sketching an
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  • 822 1  -  LESLIE FONG Those with drive must take the lead in building up a sense of community: Lee By SINCAPOREANS with the ability, energy and drive must take the lead in building a sense of community in the new housing blocks throughout the island. They must
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  • 23 1 TODAY'S Sunday Times is 30 pages in two sections. Make sure you get the second section which contains your Sunday comics.
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  • Article, Illustration
    383 1  -  NANCY BYRAMJI By MARIE'S THE ONLY ONE FOR JACK... rjOOD Lord! It's Steve McGarrett, that tough and handsome Hawaiian t o p-c o p with the enigmatic charisma —caught with a woman. And she's the only woman he would be caught with In his private life. For she
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  • 270 1 BLACK 'YES' TO ALL-PARTY RHODESIA TALKS DARES-SALAAM, Saturday DLACK Rhodesia guerilla leaders have ac- cepted an Anglo-America invitation to an all-party Rhodesia conference, British and American spokesmen announced today. The spokesmen said they were not aware of any preconditions for attending such a conference. The two leaders of the Patriotic
    Reuter  -  270 words
  • 79 1 COLOMBO, Sat—Singapore's Prime Minister and his wife arrived here tonight on an Informal flye-day visit as guests of President J. R. Jayewardene at Nuw a r a Ellya. the hill-country holiday resort. Although the official programme Issued by Sri Lanka's Foreign Ministry does not Indicate It,
    AFP  -  79 words
  • 66 1 BANGKOK. But Trat police superintendent Ctolonel Rangrit Suwannanont and two other police officers were killed In an ambush by communist Insurgents In Trat province near the ThalCamfcodlan border, an official report said today The superintendent's car was seriously damaged as It hit a landmine and
    AFP  -  66 words
  • 14 1 UP TO NOON TODAY: Isolated showers, according to the Singapore Meteorological Service.
    UP  -  14 words
  • Article, Illustration
    104 1 STAR WARS OTAR WARS is, simply, the most successful film ever made. Jaws, The Godfather, Gone With The Wind they are also-rans by comparison. It is a story that takes you thousands of light years away to another galaxy. It Is a story of war on a scale that is
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  • 383 1 The oil-rig refugees: UN steps in KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday rE United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) today offered to provide temporary care in Malaysia to 261 Viet>amese refugees who rushed aboard a supply vessel alongside an Esso oil production platform and refused to leave. But it was not immediately
    Reuter  -  383 words
  • 51 1 LATEST Train crash: 10 dead BOLOGNA. Sat. At least 10 people were killed and 100 were injured today when a passenger train left the rails near Bologna and another then ploughed into it, police said. "There are probably many more dead and injured in the wreckage," a police spokesman said.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 268 2 Moscow warns Peking against 'expansionist policy' MOSCOW. Sal. The official Soviet news agency Tass yesterday warned China against "expansionism." commenting that peoples and governments which bordered China could "not remain Indifferent" tc attacks on their sovereignty and territorial Integrity. The warning came two days after the publication of a Mongolian
      AFP  -  268 words
    • 114 2 Proposals to restructure Jardine Matheson HONGKONG, Sat. Directors of Jardine Matheson and Co. (South-east Asia) Ltd. and Jardine, Matheson and Co., Ltd. today announced that proposals could be made for restructuring Jardine Matheson (South-east Asia). These proposals are expected to Involve the Issue of a Singapore dollar denominated loan stock
      AFP  -  114 words
    • 385 2 MOSCOW, Sat. The Soviet Union's first "free trade union" may Just fade away following the International La bour Or gnhlsa tlon's statement yesterday that the ILO was not competent to grant It recognition. Mr. Vzevolod Kuvakin. acting as head of the movement
      AFP  -  385 words
    • 100 2 CREW members aboard a Chinese fishing boat hold up a blackboard which rays I otsuri-Jima (one of the disputed Senkaku islands in the East China Sea) is Chinese territory and that they have the right to fish there. The about-140 Chinese fishing boats, some reportedly armed
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    • 34 2 LAHORE 8«t. Pakistan will ship 56 train coaches to Bangladesh In July as pan of a 100-coach order from the ct^itry. Mr. Oulzar Ahmad, chairman of Pakistan Railways, said here yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 513 2 TOKYO. Saturday JAPANESE Government leaders said today the country must establish firm control of disputed islands in the East China Sea which are Japanese sovereign territory, according to an official spokesman here. But an emergency meeting of Cabinet ministers and senior
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    • 106 2 Blown fuse that cost N-station $8.1 million OTTAWA, Sat. For want of a fuse, a Canadian nuclear power station has suffered a three-week shut-down and losses totalling US$3.5 million (818.1 mv? lion). The blown five at the Pickering (Ontario) Installarj™,,™ 1 A Pr" 2 reportedly led to the cooling of
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    • 80 2 Fire destroys Indian Embassy MANNILA. Sat. A nre totally gutted the Indian Embassy here last night In the latest of a dally rash of similar Incidents in the Philippines, the embassy said today. An embassy spokesman saW that the blaze destroyed many documents and flies. Everything Is In ashes. Even
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 330 2 Rhodesian guerillas now closer to accord DAR ES SALAAM, Saturday DHODESIAN guerilla leaders have moved R% towards accepting some key AngloAmerican proposals for settling the breakaway British colony's 13-year-old independence dispute, according to United States i officials. But Patriotic Front chiefs, Mr. Joshua Nkomo and Mr. Robert Mugabe, would not
      Reuter  -  330 words
    • 65 2 Cold wave hits France PARIS. Sat. Mere than 60 centimetres ol snow fell on high ground in central and southern France late yesterday and early today in unseasonal storms that blocked highways with huge new drifts and disrupted coirmunlcations around numerous towns Including the Industrial city of Cler-mont-Ferrand. The French
      AP  -  65 words
    • 34 2 TOKYO. Sat. The popularity of Dip Fukuda Cabinet dropped to a low of 20 per cent, according to a public opinion poll taken this month by the major dally Yomiuri Sh.mbun. AFP.
      AFP  -  34 words
    • 275 2 S. Korea takes steps to ease curbs on imports SEOUL, Sat. The South Korean Gov eminent today took a major step towards import liberalisation designed to meet growing foreign pressure for more imports, stabilise domestic prices and improve competitive ness of local industries. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry said
      Reuter  -  275 words
    • 25 2 BANGKOK. Sat. Cambodia will celebrate Its third anniversary throughout the country on April 16. 17 and 18. Radio Phnom Penh announced today. AFP.
      AFP  -  25 words
    • 234 2 MELBOURNE. Sat. It's a Sunday morninr and a 12-year-old boy is playing a Bach minuet on a piano. Suddenly there is a knock on the door and a police patrol stops the music. The gentle strains of Bach are in breach of Victoria's Environmental Protection
      AFP  -  234 words
    • 525 3 That blast at EEC: Fraser comes under fire CANBERRA, Sat. AUSTRALIA'S opposition party leader Bill Hayden said here today Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser's recent outspoken criticism of the European Economic Community (EEC) was the wrong way to handle trade negotiations. In a statement commenting on Mr. Fraser's description yesterday of
      Reuter; UPI  -  525 words
    • 280 3 Lost nuclear device: Desai pledges full probe NEW DELHI, Sat. Prime Minister Morarjl Desal today pledged a full inquiry into a report that an American nuclear-powered spy device had been lost in the Himalayan snows and might contaminate the headwaters of the sacred river Ganges. The Premier. who pressed for
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 67 3 LONDON. Bat. A short man with a bald head who worked for Britain's biggest security company U missing So Is £100.000 (SH31.000) In banknotes from the company strongroom, police said today Uollce forces throughout Britain were ordered to find Hugh Archibald Campbell. SO. a former soldier
      AP  -  67 words
    • 206 3 Birth control spray to go on test NEW DELHI, Sat. A nasal spray contraceptive developed at the Indian Institute of Medical Science Is to be used In experiments on women In seven countries. The World Health Organisation (WHO) Is sponsoring a three-month trial the first of Its kind— beginning next
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 58 3 BANGKOK. Sat. A Senior Chines? official, possibly Communist Party chairman Hua Kuo-feng. will visit Thailand before the end of this year, Peking's Ambassador to Thailand told local newsmen yesterday. Today's newspapers in Bangkok quoted Mr. Chai Tse-mln as saying either Mr. Hua or Vice-Premier Teng Hslao-peng
      UPI  -  58 words
    • 63 3 KARACHI. Sat. Vast deposits of uranium have been found In a 240-kilometre long, 16-kilometre wide area In the Dera Ohazl Khan district of Punjab province, the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission disclosed yesterday. Commission engineers are busy designing a production plant to process the uranium which will
      AP  -  63 words
    • 151 3 Sharp rally on Wall Street HISTORY was made on New York's Wall Street on Friday, as this picture, taken through a flsheye lens, shows. The stock market staged its sharpest rally in 25 months in a rush of buying. The volume of the New York Stock Exchange came to 52,278,180
      AP  -  151 words
    • 79 3 NEW DELHI. Sat. The government has taken over six textile mills under the management of Swadeshi Cotton Mills owing to the gross mismanagement of the company, it was announced yesterday. Mr. George Pernandes, Minister for Industry, who announced this in Parliament, said the state -owned
      AFP  -  79 words
    • 45 3 MOSCOW, Sat. Demonstrators took to the streets of the capital of Soviet Georgia yesterday to protest a plan to drop Georgian as the offiial language of the proudly nationalistic Caucasian republic. Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, was reported quiet last night. NYT.
      NYT  -  45 words
    • 162 3 J.\ ROCHELLE (Nort them, France), Sat. The little French coastal freighter, Trieux, has become an outcast of the sea, unwanted even by local ports It has so often called into because of its carco an evil-smellinf black glue-like substance. All 900 tonnes of it.
      AFP  -  162 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 221 2 "S 8 iWESM Jr w-f I I t«k tav^a^^^H vT' -"\S25r ~^9* I r 9* 1^ "^"""^HS c cl c awa y wiTn a tne cumbersome parts in our tweeter which were the cause of distortion and other reproduction interference. Instead, we created a whole new technology based on the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 312 3 COURAGE \L CONFIDENCE J^Jh ieaoersrip mmM OAIE CUBNtGiI 10 ways the Dale Carnegie Course helps men and women: a Sptak effectively THE DALE CARNEGIE COURSE promotes ond develops these qualities in thote wha are active in business, community or social work. Deep down yau knaw the obilitias you have. Your
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    • 247 3 L/ JCLLECnONI97BJ CLLECn0N1978 i irWk A fashion presentation of Australian Designer's Collections by Stafford Ellinson, Hall Ludlow, Bernhard Hammerman, Carlo Zampatti, Goet Poespo, Tony Bonnici, George Gross and Mcl Clifford Australia's foremost couturier. YKK Zippers in the world of fashion, Swimfashion by Speedo and hats from Moray Milliners. LUNCHEON FASHION
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  • TV highlights
    • 903 4 TODAY: MULLIGAN'S STEW <Ch. 5, 2.35 p.m. Colour): The Mulligans are concerned over the welfare of their youngest son's new pal whom they felt is being ill-treated at home In "The Biggest Mansion You Ever Seen." WHITTAKKRS FIFTH (Cb. 8. 5.20 p.m., Colour): International recording
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    • 739 4  -  LEONG WENG KAM By CHIANG SIEW CHAO playing dual roles a* the leader of the Rad Flower Party, Chen Jia Lira, and Emperor Chlan Long In Book and Sword (Tuesday. 9.30 p.m. Ch. 8). ALL PROGRAMMES ON CHANNEL 8 TODAY: MANDARIN DRAMA (8.05 p.m. There are
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 371 4 £3 National TOP COOL AIRCONDITIONERS HAVE OVERCOME ALL NOISE SOURCES By incorporating many unique engineering features. National airconditioners are so quiet, you can hear the temperature drop! The double-float suspension system compressor works silently because internal moving parts are mounted on springs and housed in a compressor shell that is
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 61 4 WAI. Si*tipire 550 pm dim). SHili Keckil 441 a.m. (1.9 m). ftrt Dicksoi 11.37 a.m.' (1.8 m). tSJ .7 34 p.m. (1.9 m). Srtili IteeW 3.37 a.m. (1.5 m), 5.39 p.m. f«t OickiMi 12.52 i.n. (lkm), l.lg p.m. ( WATER consumption on Friday was 681,000 cubic metres (149.8 million gallons),
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    • 658 4 On vourTV 10.00 AM Opening and Cartoon toner Trail (Repeat) 10.25 Classic Keystone Comedy Capers 5.10 Sunrivtrt— The Future Heir 10.40 Warna Wanii (Malay) 6.00 Pak Long 11.00 Sunday Matinee-Call Of The Wild, starring 6.30 News in Brief Clark Gable, Loretta Young and Jack Oakie 6.35 The Hagemeyer Special 12.20
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 92 5 Bi 1 1 4 fR Si B *vi ii'Hi'- COLOGNE FOR MEN A treasure. A pleasure. A cologne. HHI H|^^ Dadi 7. Cologne for men. Created to mirror your life-style. 3 Totally masculine. Majestic. Exciting. And excitable. I J Use Dadi 7. It's the feeling you like! JU^nL MJrwk lIIIMfc
      92 words

  • 301 6  -  RANEE GOVINDRAM By THIS polar bear, one of two flown in from Frankfurt on Friday, will have a lonesome time in Singapore because her mate was found dead hardly 12 hours after arrival here. And yesterday, zookeepers at Singapore Zoological Gardens had
    301 words
  • 53 6 PROF Choo Scow Cheow, Deputy Vice-chancellor of the University of Singapore, will open a four-cay seminar on blosclencs education In developing countries at Hotel Equatorial tomorrow at 9 a.m Dr. S. Bhagavantam. president of the Committee on Science and Technology In Developing Countries (COSTED), will also speak
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  • 557 6 Five political detainees are released THEY REPENT INVOLVEMENT WITH COMMUNISTS AND PLEDGE LOYALTY PIVE political de- tainees, Including two women and a youth, have been released by the Internal Security Department after recanting their past communist activities. The five Ng Liang Mvi, 18, Loh Kheng Wah. 29. Koh Song May.
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  • 737 6  -  PHILIP LEE By T ONDON. sat. The JL world's tin producers, who had looked forward to a favourable outcome In their campaign for upward revision of tin prices and a clearer picture of the US stockpile release programmes during their three- day
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 370 6 Hie School of Accountancy means Exam Success Home study witti the School of l^^. Accountancy and Business Studies \rjC has proved over the years to be the .^r^CV^ CS. most effective and complete method (^QV3 of studying for that all-important m \QWv^ pass in Accountancy. *r<ijXV m SOA gives you
      370 words

  • 184 7 SWEET news for housewives the price of sugar per kilogram Is to be reduced by four cents from tomorrow. Announcing this yesterday la a statement, the Sugar Industry of Singapore Ltd., said the retail price of sugar would be reduced from $1-24 cents per kg to
    184 words
  • 145 7 Jail and cane for two robbers r'O Malaysian me n were yesterday Jailed a total of five-and-a-half years and ordered to be given 24 strokes of the cane for robbery. Sim Ah Lek, 23, and Tan Tian Hoo, 18. were Jointly charged wltn robbing Mr. Lam ThOw Seng 27, a
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  • 143 7 WHEN the case of a man charged with assisting in carrying out an illegal public lottery was mentioned In court yesterday, proceedings however, centred on lawyer R Ramason's "most unusual application." Mr. Ramason represented Madam Low Sek Keng, who had bought lottery tickets from the
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  • 841 7  -  AHMAD OSMAN By f HINA understands Singapore's stand that it would be the last of the Asean countries to establish diplomatic relations with it. This fact was conveyed to Thai Prime Minister Oen. Krlangsak Chomanan during his recent six-day tour to China. This was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 223 7 [t? MBBBBj ESSO MALAYSIA BERHAD invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysians for the position of TRAINING ADVISOR The incumbent will undergo an intensive on-the-job training schedule under the guidance of an experienced Training Advisor, an expatriate. The position provides excellent opportunities for career advancement leading to Head of Development and
      223 words
    • 380 7 Linguaphone teams up with STP Distributors mm W -'m 1 n Mi A successful combination for language learning. Linguaphone expertise and STP Distributors marketing Know-how. Linguaphone, world renowned for its achievements in the language learning field, teams up with STP Distributors in Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei to bring you Linguaphone
      380 words

  • 963 8 HERE 20 MEN AWAIT EXECUTION EACH IN A CELL THAT HAS ROUND-THE-CLOCK SECURITY... EVEN AGAINST COPTER ESCAPE THIS is Death Row, Changl Prison's tightest security area a forbidding precinct, that few people from the "outside" have ever seen before. It comprises 24 cells strung
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 856 8 lit' Food Asia A The International Food,Dnnk.Catering& Hotel Equipment Exhibition Pj~~\ VJ^\ V^~\ 26 29 ApriM 978 Hyatt Convention Centre. Singapore South East Asia, the fastest growing tourist spot in the world will be the venue for an international display of food, drink and catering equipment. It will feature South
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    • 14 8 p~ "I i HI JHj I vJ One of the cells in Death Row
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    • 50 8 far -"S^nm T\ie exhilarating freshness of pjSrTrrJJ Aqua Velva—you put it on your sjEt|xS3^^ I face but you feel it all over. ((p^N Choose from these manly scents: IS^i MENTHOL MIST REDWOOD —^^^Sf AQUAVELVA A MAN'S FIRST CHOICE IN TOILETRIES JF I >£f IIMIBT soleagents I j L MORISON.SON JONES
      50 words

  • 141 9 JOY and thrill beyond expression was felt by factory worker Miss Ho Slew Kuen, 18, yesterday when she won herself a lovely $2,000 lounge set in a lucky draw. Her lucky number, 1434, was drawn from more than 4,000 entries received during the opening of
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  • 575 9  -  CHIA POTEIK By SINGAPORE looks forward to strength ening its already friendly ties with West Germany with the appointment of its first resident Ambassador to Bonn, Dr. Chiang Hal Ding, who leaves on Tuesday to take up his post. Although there has
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  • 360 9 A CHINESE secondary school has made sweeping changes in its curriculum to be in line with the government's bilingual policy. Marls Stella High School said that it has decided on the adjustments to adapt to the recent rapid changes in the education system following the
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  • 481 9  -  Jeffrey Low I By PAUL MCCARTNEY AND WINGS: LONDON TOWN (EMI). Get ready for Wings' fourth straight hit album. Paul McCartney's confidence after the worldwide success of "Band On The Run" (1973) has grown from strength to strength. And with almost a permanent touring and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 403 9 |PVk mW^Hm^^ "KAREN" Bedroom Set 3-door QJ| i WV^bbml wardrobe with full length mirror, ■^^^1 I 2 bedside cabinets headboard fixment g^^^^^^ with dressing mirror one double bed -,1^ (atypical item on sale) I iff Jlß^^^^M>j|jD Lmmmmmmmmmmlmmb 8919E itOH^^SoM 81 S JUST ARRIVED IMPORTED > \it«tf s *y S LOCALLY-MADE
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  • 421 10 GINZA OPTICAL HOUSE OPENS TODAY AT GINZA OF SINGAPORE LUCKY PLAZA Ginza Optical House the latest name in optical retail stores, opens today at 174, Ist Floor of Lucky Plaza. Singapore's newest and most modern shopping centre described as Ginza of Singapore. Ginza Optical House is headed by young and
    421 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 62 10 Congratulations GINZA OPTICAL HOUSE on your Official Opening Iliijijj^g I 7\ r 'l Congratulations GINZA OPTICAL HOUSE on your Official Opening A r jWlt^iM Specially created and designed for you. VIENNALINE s^,^ mmmmmmmt f\ immu OpXyl Sur.-glasses _nnj Available from all leading Opticians t-, d J~. c =ldH Sole Agent
      62 words
    • 126 10 CONGRATULATION to GINZA OPTICAL HOUSE on their official opening at AB^ The latest in fashion for your eyes. Created specially for the contemporary woman For those who cherish their individuality. Available now in various shades and designs Exclusively by Rodenstock. x GERMAN OPTICAL^ j TECHNOLOGY fiC AT ITS BEST wm.
      126 words
    • 98 10 CONGRATULATIONS TO GINZA OPTICAL HOUSE OH THE OCCASIOH OF THEIR OFFICIAL OPEHIHG FROM KWANG MENG CO. I I Lorong N, Telok Kurou, Singapore I 5 Tel *****24 *****77 AGENTS FOR HILTOP OPTICAL GOODS ALSO IMPORTERS. EXPORTERS WHOLESALERS OF Quality Lenses, Metal Frames, Cellulose Frames, Sunglasses, Spectacle Lenses, P.V.C. Products etc.,
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    • 184 10 Congratulations to Ginza Optical House on their official opening at Lucky Plaza New Dimensions in Sight HOVfl i Multicoated Only the clearest lenses can And they put an end to that age old provide the clearest vision: Hoya problem: annoying ghost images MULTICOAT* lenses. Our special Equally important, the front
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  • 419 11 A POLICE plan to realign existing divisions Into 10 zones instead of eight, when adopted, will provide infrastructure for the extension of an intelligence network in Housing Board estates. This is one reason for the compelling need to rezone the present divisional network, says an
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  • 363 11 Officers' mess system doesn't work here: Dr Goh A TTEMPTS to foster J\ camaradarie among the officers corps such as through the officers' mess have proven to be a mirage, the Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister, Dr. Ooh Keng Swee, said yesterday. He said: "In the British Army, the
    363 words
  • 168 11 gives himself up rI'MPET player Tony Castillo (above), wanted by the Singapore police for jumping bail on a drug charge in 1974, has surrendered to the Central Narcotics Bureau. Castillo, Singapore's "Boy Satchmo" of the early Sixties, returned here a fortnight ago. He is understood to have been in Thailand
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  • 232 11 100 take up airline's free trip offer IF someone offered you a free all-expenses-paid, two-day trip abroad with no strings attached, how many of you and your spouse can have your bags packed tonight and ready to take off by 8 a.m. tomorrow mornIng? Exactly one hundred Singaporeans are at
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  • 326 11 Price of increasing specialisation in medical care QINGAPOREANS tend »3 to run to a specialist at the drop of a hat because of increasing health consciousness and rising affluence, the Vice-Chancellor, University of Singapore, Mr. Kwan Sal Kheong, said yesterday. "If baby Is sick, his mother brings him to a
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  • 98 11 A SNATCH thief yesterday stole $11,650 from the counter of a bank in Battery Road and escaped. The cashier of the Chartered Bank had placed the money, in US currency, on the counter to answer a telephone call. He had hardly said "hello" when he
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 133 11 REMOVE STOMACH BULGE INSTANTLY! d^< &Mm W See the amazing difference <^~~H| |BJ~Ti I Also ideal for men L ,> I V_ I I I "ml IE INCHES SUMMER! With the amoiing Velco Belt. Instantly you look yeort younger. Give you an attractive, dim woittline. Fantaitic features Take inches off
      133 words
    • 405 11 There's always something very special for ><v at ALBERT'S The Right-priced Shop mb Right, you are invited to step in Albert's and you'll be amazed at the >^i B"^^. specialities we have in store for you and your special ones. A, 'St specialise in all types of camera models, photographic
      405 words

  • at the CINEMA
    • 634 12 WALTER SEOW reviews The Town That Dreaded Sundown THE TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN (next change at the Plaza) Is an old-fashioned thriller that is low on budget but high on chills. The reason for the town's fear— the town in question is Texarkana on 1
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    • 486 12 R. Y. C. YUE reviews One On One ITP till now, the toothy young actor, Robby Benson, has not had much luck with lo«e on the screen. In the mildly successful Ode To Billy Joe, seen last year, he jumped off a bridge after
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 418 12 "C A PIT OLTm SHOWING!* (*****9) 11, 1.45, 4, 6.30 9. 1 5 No Free List I ITALY'S FAMOUS FLYING SQUAD AND TOP DAREDEVIL DRIVERS DECLARE WAR a^Lt^^^Tiflßal I '^k^^^Bai BBBbI Ifla^aV^ "^^a&P^^^-^PBrS-^^ aßaTa»afK<rt^^a»Sß^^?s^'^^* \CAR VfflßSi ■with MAURIZIO MERLI, 61ANCARL0 SBRAGIA i LIDO HURRY-HURRY! SEASON ENDING SOON! (Phone *****4) 11am,
      418 words
    • 142 12 1 ibV Im bb> JbbL JfSr^ J i Mm m f I^^^ I /Sole Mi for fingaArea l/SHALPIt ASBOCI ttjA I 260O'^pdRoad.Sir^ap/re9 T e )Pi^[^23s2 MINISTRY OF CULTI RE— I MUSIC FOR EVERYONE THURSDAY J^SS^M A 20 4 Bpm M m m bbV s/NGAPcma m WL coNFERE/Vga^L m UP\ j
      142 words
    • 44 12 'No Free La*' Golden City 1 45, 4, 7. 9 30 Goloiy 1.15. 3 30, 7 t 9.30 Mil«t tuat^itOwan gub»mn A Mandarin Pictuo Colouocoo* BBPT^'^a^*Jß» f^ Sunday Morning Show at 11.00 a.m. An Englnh film in Metrocolor tlorring John Athlcy t "ofnek Woviii
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    • 255 12 :CATHAY:CONIN6@ A SH£ PJRtR UXE A XrTTEM FIGMTS IKE A HWn« TMS SOf Of TK MRC^SKBTMKADUOT.MtMESTSKIinMHfT! J" t't« S-n,. M H Tnnfv^T AR Til IK A 1030 m 1-30. S" g TODAY AT Uli|jfl/IRII 5 30 B.4spmg" (CASH BOOKINGS ONLY) §gT Wk lr^^^s| Baa^^ Bl La^r L^Z^Laaaaaa^vaal LaaaWUH I BR.
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    • 608 12 ORGANISATION' TTiwmtr.'M 32nd BIG DAY No Frt* L,.t HUMV $H IT NOW 3 »how» I lam. 3 30 4 7 45 3 DAYS ADVANCE CASH BOOKINGS on ground floor »l 50 Current doy iale» only JESUS of Nasorcth color m stornng ROBERT POWELL and AN ALL STAR CAST pU:»tVI»UM'*I:IK«I:M NOW
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 263 12 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACBOSB DOWN 1. roadie (6) 6. Pointed 1 Fortress 2. Make stake (6> Lukewarm (5) 6 > 3 "j" <«> **T TV. ii s __„v trays (5) 5. Deveutness (5) 10. Sign (6) ii oiip away i t* n -,t*A h»r. <c> i 7 uatai rhm t&\
      263 words

  • 651 13  -  EVELYN NG 'PLACE WHERE PEOPLE WITH PROBLEMS CAN GO TO FOR HELP' By (X>MMUNITY cc ntres can act as "crisis centres" to which people with suicidal tendencies or personal and social problems can go for help, suggested Mr. S. Vasoo, deputy director
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  • 488 13 rpHE government plans 1 to build about 73 new community centres equipped with sophisticated recreation facilities in the next five years to meet the emergence of a new generation of youths. Disclosing this yesterday, the Senior Minister of state (Foreign
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  • 65 13 MORE than 20 members of the Orchid Chapter. Singapore Jaycees yesterday brought cheer to inmates of Ang Moh Kio community hcme for the Aged. This is one of their community involvement projects which include visits to hospitals, homes for the aged and other organisations. Each inmate
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  • 11 13 THERE were 68 road accidents, two serious, on Friday.
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  • 131 13 DONATIONS pledged to Nanyang University's development fund by friends of Datuk Wee Khenu Chiang, 92. who died In Kuching last Wednesday, reached nearly $230,000 yesterday. Datuk Wee was the father of Mr. Wee Cho Yaw, president of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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  • 105 13 A $850,000 community centre will be built for residents of Serangoon Garden Estate constitutency. The proposed centra, to be sited at Cheng San Road opposite the Anglican Church of St Peter, will have up-to-date facilities. The joggers from the constitutency will spark off the
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  • 53 13 DR. Ow Chin Hock Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), will opan a photographic exhibition. Singapore: The Old And The New in Victoria Mcmorlai Hall on Wednesday at 5.3 b p.m. The exhibition <s open to the public from Ihursduy until April 27 from 10 a.m. to 6
    53 words
  • 269 13 Hospital clerk jailed for $22,000 cbt A CLERK in the revenue section of Singapore General Hospital was yesterday jailed for 18 months by a district judge for misappropriating hospital funds totalling $22,344 between January 1976 and last December. The court heard that Alexander Pushpam. 43, misappropriated the money collected from
    269 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 684 13 /^nL CORTIHA TO Sunday Specials W JyL happt sunmy forchedben \&f J yJy ree ma 9' c shows Free candies Hk SUNDAY BARGAINS /C^^^LV /T^fe^ {For today only) mk W> /W^\ I Eau De Cologne spray I E NESCAFE I £~j each I 250gm I Each customar It I I
      684 words

  • 437 14 The Sunday Times SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 1978 TUSSLE OVER THE DEPTHS rpHE long-playing United Nations Law of the Sea Conference has opened its seventh session with its 158 participating nations still deeply divided over whether and how to share the "common heritage of mankind" as the mineral wealth of the
    437 words
  • 585 14  - THESE ARE THE VICTIMS OF THE JAPANESE ECONOMIC RECESSION ROBERT CRABBE By from TOKYO AS THE small shlprt ping company w here he worked sank into bankruptcy, rhief accountant Kunihiro Uozumi led a life of quiet desperation. Pay raises stopped. Bonuses counted on to help pay for his new apart
    UPI  -  585 words
    1,737 words
  • 171 14 DAT VK Hussein Onn spoke in Kuala Lumpur on Friday of the need for a sober and level-headed appraisal of the New Economic Policy (NEP) whose socioeconomic coals could only be achieved in a spirit of cooperation, unity and tolerance. The Malaysian Prime Minister said that
    171 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 20 14 THE SEIKO QUARTZ. CHANGING THE WORLD'S STANDARD OF ACCURACY^^^ Someday alt watches mr will be made this way. v cfi^B^^^^
      20 words
    • 548 14 Stylift ALIOO the unique pick-up arm lifting device The 'Stylift" ALIOO is a unique |"jTg lift-off device no HiFi enthusiast can do without. It is designed to automatically lift the pick-up arm as it reaches the run out groove of a disc. Its operation is purely mechanical, there are no
      548 words

  • Timescope
    • 1874 15 STARTING TODAY AND EXCLUSIVE TO THE SUNDAY TIMES: THE FULL STORY OF THE YEAR'S MOST EXCITING FILM IT all happened in an unknown galaxy 1 thousands of light years from earth. The worlds were uniquely different from our own and yet it was a world
      1,874 words
    • 503 19 'Do you know of the rebellion against the Empire?' asks Luke Threepio. "Why, it's my primary function, sir. I am well versed in all customs." "I have no need for a protocol droid" said Owen. "Of course, you havent, sir," said Threeplo. "Not In an environment such as this. That
      503 words
    • 1067 16  -  LAURENCE MARKS By WASHINGTON: The Central Intelligence Agency distributed wholesale bribes to the French Cabinet in the early 1950s in an attempt to win approval for the proposed European Defence Community, according to a book to be published next month. In Dulles (subtitled "A Biography
      OFNS  -  1,067 words
    • 644 16  - All about the tragic Biafra story Frederick Forsyth By THE MAKING OF AN ARICAN LEGEND; THE BIAFRA STORY Penguin Books, ZH6 pages. REVIEW by KHAW YEN LEE FREDERICK FORr SYTH'S book on the Biafran war is one of the few written from a Biafran viewpoint. Most other works on the
      644 words
    • 822 16  - 'Hunk of junk that plays very good chess JOHN WALLACE By "|>E careful, that was D easy," said the computer, gobbling up a knight I had left unprotected In the middle of the chessboard. It was my third admonishment of the game, and I resigned a few moves later to
      Reuter  -  822 words
    • 437 17 Learning those lessons of life my view LAST week's topic: How would you place the following in order of importance for a teenager and why: Watching TV; wading books and magazines; taking part in sports, and carrying on an active role in social and community work? This letter wins the
      437 words
    • 111 17 AS A teenager myself, I feel that all are equally Important whether it be reading books and magazines, taking part in sports, watching TV or carrying on an active role in social and community work. It all adds up to a healthy and well-round-ed
      111 words
    • 242 17 IN MY opinion, playing an active role in social and community work is most important for a teenager. Through such work, a teenager can develop many fine qualities. By helping the aged and the less fortunate ones, he learns respect. He also learns to be
      242 words
    • 207 17 SPORTING WAY TO A LIFE FULL OF HARMONY IW OU L D consider sports an absolute necessity for the teenager. Sports can help create a healthy body without which all the other activities of the teenager will be impaired. It also helps create a healthy mind, teaches a person to
      207 words
    • 119 17 All four are needed I FEEL that you cannot leave any of the given •pursuits aside if a teenager is to grow up into a caring, healthy human being, well versed in what is happening around him and all over the world. However, if I must state the order of
      119 words
    • 1197 18 In defence of the SINGLE WOMAN 1 THINK the first reaction from many to the heading would be in the form of a question. Does the single woman need to be defended? Of course she does; because so often she is maligned for aio reason, and mainly by women who
      1,197 words
    • 87 18 A bachelor is hailed by his male friends as a hero, and bachelorhood a state to be envied no responsibilities, no coming home directly after work, nobody to worry about, no same face to meet every day. Everything is fine and dandy. But a woman? Dear me, no woman could
      87 words
    • 426 18  -  By rp HERE'S a new x scent In the air from Perfumes of Singapore, and it's a fresh tangy fragrance called Dadl 7. This time the local-ly-created perfume is a cologne for men although there Is nothing to stop the sporty woman
      426 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 719 15 WHEN IS A BICYCLE NOT JUST A BICYCLE? WHEN \TSkRAI£/OW! I Most people generally regard a bicycle as just a frame on two (P\l wheels. They overlook the fact /if a a D c y c e s a .machine.. machine. As YJ\\/y/ such a lot of engineering skills \\\C//
      719 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 782 16 QUALIFY,, promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED TRAINING IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS Learn at home to improve your position and to earn what you are really worth. ICS home-study courses have helped thousands of ambitious men to achieve promotion and better pay. Moderate fees all books supplied. Take the first step
      782 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1056 17 A Multinational Telecommunications Company invite 1 applications for the Appointment oi I MANAGER I Location: Singapore Requirement: Degree/ Diploma in Engineering At least 5 years experience in Sales of Telecommunication Equipment > Must be able to develop sales and provide technical support to Government Departments, Public Utilities and Private Users
      1,056 words
    • 606 17 I OPPORTUNITIES FOR GENERAL DEGREE GRADUATES I IN ARTS. SCIENCE. MATHEMATICS, SOCIAL SCIENCE I OR ECONOMICS AND DIPLOMA HOLDERS IN TECH I NICAL FIELDS. I Our new plant is looking for AREA SUPERVISORS as our front line I managers to spearhead teams of test operators to achieve high producI tion
      606 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 247 17 H< U'KICOKN l>.-< 2:1 i.i -lan -IP LONGSTAN DING disputes come to a head in the first two days of the week. If you're responsible lor many people, then you have to act quickly, make speedy decisions. If you're interested in Investments, property or anything that concerns long-term planning, then
      247 words
    • 240 17 HAWKS March 21 to April l!ii YOU'LL be conscious of a certain tension as the days go by. A purely personal problem takes up much of your attention: You have to decide what your feelings really are about this particular Individual. Moneywise the outlook Is encouraging and you should have
      240 words
    • 259 17 H.IA.M XX June 22 to July 22 THOUGH you may begin the week with money worries, you get what is due to you by Tuesday or the weekend. You will have to fight hard though (or your rights: You'll meet with much prejudice this week. The social outlook improves after
      259 words
    • 248 17 LIBRA Sept 23 to Oct 22 ALL'S well in your Job where money is concerned. You'll get some reassuring news on Thursday and Friday. But on the personal level you'll be worried, concerned about friends and family. Do your best to be tactful and to get people whom you have
      248 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1059 18 9l^|H|^^^|^V Boots baby ■^^Hpßa^^Ppi.^^ care products care for |W^L s your baby at prices Ik V* y° u can we U afford. I^K t s Over the years, Boots have built a worldwide reputation for their high quality pharmaceutical i products. And they approached the development of their baby care
      1,059 words
    • 80 18 Next week: Nalla Tan answers this question— why do so many 'single' women stay single? Bra Ik MSB iSE fe^. v Laal l*m*l w"' I lit "/•ill m iHTTiiw aVMil)laiffßßßyAK#jMßßßi«iaiMAMiliB4n B mm n i v 'si A ißfc. ■ft _aiß B\ 'AiflV' Mk 1 I w m. k M W
      80 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 95 19 PYREX WARE Own it with Pride Pyrex ware has a very special place m your home Complete in its range IB 7 are bake, serve and store ware S^m\ ■> o<^^^* A Plus a special range that can do all L^L\ E3 *»^r& A\ three And there are beverage jugs
      95 words
      5 words
    • 326 19 Kickers a just stepped into Lucky Plaza.^^L Kickers just stepped into Lucky Plaza! m^\\ With boots, sandals and shoes in all styles, '^^mmT\\ W*kWK V sizes and colours. They are made of super soft I *X^^ Nubuck leather and Nubuck Suede (washable) '^^m. with Patented Kick's sole which is non-skid.
      326 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 437 20 CLASSIFIED ADS AT YOUR SERVICE /^N^ Telephone Service:- Qkv j^l Weekdays A^r^)^ 8.30 a.m. 5.00 p.m. OPV^^B Saturdays 1^ 8.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. Public Holidays CA.T.S. 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 235-6677 Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mm. $9.00) Per column
      437 words
    • 212 20 SPECIAL OFFER Vinyl wallpaper $15.80 per roll carpet 50% discount Carpet-rugs 50% discount Curtains $2.00 per yd onwards AIRCONDITIONERS Sanyo-Weetrnghouea) 1 h.p. $695 rental $27 monthly Pi h.p. $765 rental $36 monthly Anti-rust coat $40 $30 for yearly service CARRIER CENTRAL UNIT 3 h.p $3,500 5 h p $4,600 7
      212 words
    • 301 20 I FOR SALE A SHOPPING GUIDE RENTAL DIVISION CLEARING 4 unHa Beautiful domestic size Refrtrretore ft $150/untts Twin-door size fe $2M/1 wiN Sharp 20" B/W Tetevteton (v S2OO/ALL IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. Also available. Brand New Cute and Fancy Air Peuflee $3/- Large Tomato Arm CuaMon $20/Flrst Come first served Cell:
      301 words
    • 265 20 WANTEO TO PURCHASE secondhand piano for beginners Any brand, any condition Reasonable price Contact *****8 1 YAMAHA ELECTONE DK-40A1. Contact *****74 and *****0 ADULT MALE OOLOEN Cocker Spaniel and Male Dobermann for sale. Going cheap. No Papers *****7 Thomas. BEAUTIFUL BIG BONE pedigree Alsatian dog 10 months. Female pup 2'>
      265 words
    • 358 20 II EMPLOYMENT GENERAL ELECTRIC (U.S.A.) HOUSEWARES PTE. LTO Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post of ELECTRICAL CHARGEHAND (2nd Shift) Qualification*/ Experience: Candidates should have at least 5 years Industrial experience and must possess a S.V.I, or I T.B. Electrical Certificate and an Electrician Licence Issued by
      358 words
    • 261 20 si si t> ISsV^ISBBBBV^R sT*9f staffs M ■B*rrtilvS^4sw^lSßßßsV^Bßsl H*. Bsr **m*'^BT 9 0* BBa^ ■3lf tasV4-> ■SF*Sr-4sw^H^KSsr^E^^Kev arfTsTffSV' ■r-T^y^E^c*y Caf^i' I I? a> LT^firsT -J BY 1881 aJ U. S T^t^afc i ■oiolS 5 W% MUSTAD Norweglen Manufacturing Company In Jurong he* the following vacancies: 1) MALE STORE-KEEPER 2) MALE
      261 words
    • 716 20 II EMPLOYMENT I COHONA MANUFACTURERS I rrt lto I faiMMMttSCMCowimv I VISA I merwtoCTurtn, rtarlrlu ftpl II am I SMbsMBSjIM FEMALE PRODUCTION I OPERATORS M you ant- 1 8 years of age end above: Having a minimum of Primary 6 Education (any nwkumt Prepared lo work on 2 or 3
      716 words
    • 891 20 PHILIPS requires FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORO AppNcanta should be: Age 16 -25 years Education Prl 5 Sec 3 Nationality Singaporean We oiler the lerlenlng benefits: 1) Oood pay 2) No shift 3) No microscopic work 4) A 5-day work week 5) Pleasant working condition 6) Job security Interested candidates please call
      891 words
    • 1008 20 111 VEHICLES A BOATS BO VAUXHALL VIVA 1150 CC. New paint, good condition. 4door. Telephone *****9 1000 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 c.c. Tax. Insurance June. Oood condition $6,000 ono Contact Blk 56. 304-B. Owen Road ■NO 1071 VOLKSWAGEN 1200 cc Price $6,200 on o. View 520-Q. Blk 68. Bedok South Avenue
      1,008 words
    • 1058 20 1970 MORRIS 1300. Radio. cartridge, new paint, tax, accident free, beautiful condition $5.20r. Tel *****82 1970 MODEL. TOYOTA Corona. Reg Nov. Tip-top condition with alrcond and sports rims Contact Mr Koh. *****9 1 HONDA 00 c $380 1 Yamaha 100 cc. $360 Tel: *****22 Mr Urn. COROLLA TOYOTA 1200 0.0.
      1,058 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 968 21 111 VEHICLES BOATS LATE I*7* TOYOTA 1600Statlon»agon First owner, alrcon. cassette player, rust-proof Excellent condition. $17,500 ono Vie* 25 Jalan Tambur Spore 20 or call *****31 AUOUST I*7o OPEL Rekord 1900. beautiful condition tax 7/78 Asking $6,900 on o View 1286X Blk 229. Avenue 3. Ang Mo Klo MID 73
      968 words
    • 967 21 1*72 CORTINA ISOOL Alrcon. cassette tax/ Insurance new. paint new Excellent condition Tel 496.55S REG. 1*77. OATSUN 120Y Statlonwagen One Owner. Tax June. Original Condition $15,300/0.n.0 Ring 294-3201 (9 3pm) 1*77 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 Concealed alrcond cassette/ radio, road tax June. Showroom condition $14,900 Tel *****5 I*7l AUSTIN 1300 lady
      967 words
    • 713 21 IV ACCOMMODATION I PROPERTIES OIST 11 UNFURNISHED ROOM with bathroom for couples/ singles View 110- A. Shrewsbury Road or tel: *****5. UNFURNISHEO BEDROOM. BALCONY attached Quiet and airy surrounding. Clemenceau Avenue Spore 9 near bus-stop Tel *****67 SHARE HOUSE WITH Eurasian couple Bachelor/ spinster/ couple $80 Hilda. *****49 Sunday Weekdays
      713 words
    • 637 21 3 ROOM IMPROVED FLAT Toa Payoh. parquet/ mosaic flooring. Selling 5530.0000 no Nodealers Interested parties ring Mr Tan *****9 10 a m 12 noon. I-ROOM HDB FLAT for sale. 17.500 43-L. MacPherson Lane. Blk 81. Spore 13 Tel: *****0 Mdm Soh c) Land THIS IS A RARE PIECE OF REAL
      637 words
    • 573 21 V SERVICES A BUSINESS 400 OFFICES WORLDWIDE Household removal, packing, transportation, shipping, aircargo For Instant efficient '24 hour' door to door service Telephone Lep International (FE) Ltd *****55 (office hours)/ *****5 page -2490/ 2489 (after office liours) SITI FROM BALI Provides You With Relaxing massage in Indonesian style. Call: EMERALD
      573 words
    • 622 21 TRY US. ELIZABETH health service massage by qualified li experienced masseuses/ masseurs Call *****2 now' CALL MICHELLE 2******/ *****13 for a relaxing massage For Immediate service. Michael Royston Agency only. ALOHA HEALTH BtRVICE provides you relaxlngmassage by qualified masseuses. Tel *****65, *****65/ *****84 WHEN IN SINGAPORE, remember Oriental friendly masseuses
      622 words
    • 1005 21 VI EDUCATION TRAINING GIRLS! Jobs are becoming harder to gel you need better qualifications Enrol now at the ITC and qualify lor the London Chamber of Commerce Private Secretary s Certificate and the ITC s Private Secretary s Diploma the region s leading qualification tor a Private Secretary Our next
      1,005 words
    • 648 21 VII TRAVEL ft RESTAURANTS uff H/j w^ JM M I [la-b| Triflf l/It wmmmmm^m I am interested in your tour preview. My proposed destination Is U.S.A I— l U.S.A. GREYHOUND COACH TRAVEL I ICANADA 1^ I EUROPE I I ASIA I I AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND Intended Month of Travel Name: Address:
      648 words

    • 322 22 SEREMBAX, Saturday Ministry of Trade and Industry is preparing a list of types of business ventures for bumiputra participation. This programme Is being prepared and is expected to be implemented before the end of the year, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Serl Dr.
      322 words
    • 268 22 Police ease up on tinted screen regulation KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Traffic police here have temporarily relaxed the enforcement of the regulation that says cars with tinted windscreens must allow at least 70 per cent light penetration. To enable motorists to have more time to comply with the law that came
      268 words
    • 34 22 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Malaysia and Bangladesh will sign a cultural agreement during Malaysian Foreign. Minister Tengku Ahmad Rlthauddeen's visit to Bangladesh on Tuesday, a Bangladesh High Commission spokesman here said today. AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 17 22 KUALA TRENGOANU, Sat. Thirteen people have been warded In the General Hospital here for cholera.
      17 words
    • 178 22 Unearthed: Sixth Century Hindu artifacts KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Recent arthaelojical excavations in the Bujang Valley, Kedah, have unearthed a unique, tight-sided structure and several artifacts of the HinduBuddhist period from 6th to 13th Century A.D., said Museum Curator of Archaelocy, Encik Adi bin Taha. The Chandl Bakit structure is unique
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    • 217 22 B'desh clerk seeks police protection KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday THE Bangladesh High Commission clerk here, Air Force Corporal A.T.N. Johayer Ansari, who said he had defected from his country, said today he would seek police protection from an assassination squad. He claimed that the squad was now In Kuala Lumpur and
      Reuter  -  217 words
    • 121 22 COLOUR TV: COMMITTEE TO STUDY PROBLEMS KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The government has set up an lnter-mlnl-ster 1 a 1 committee of offl clals from the Finance, Trade and Industry and Information Ministries to study problems relating to the launching of colour TV at the end of this year. The committee
      121 words
    • 78 22 KOTA BARU, Sat. The Kota Baru PAS division was dissolved today due to "the lack of confidence among members In the present party leadership." The chairman of the division. Encik Abdul Majid Phanlkodl, who is also secretary of the Kelantan Indian Muslim Association, said 100 Indian Muslims
      AFP  -  78 words
    • 44 22 TtM F»mlly Of TtM Law MADAM WU YOO VEE sincerely thank relatives and friends for their kind assistance, condolences, contributions, wreaths and attendance during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to doctors and nursing staff of ward 48. BOH for their kind attendance
      44 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      60 22 MR. BEAH SHEOK SANG aged 63 passed away peacefully on 14th April 1978 leaving behind WH* Yap Ylng Eng 3 aons Tommy. Sunny and John 5 daughters Doreen. Slew Hwa. Slew Leng. Patricia and Alice. 3 grandchlkkan Judy. Keong Keong and Lee Lan Cortege leaving Singapore Caakat on
      60 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      88 22 IN MEMORIAM FRANCIS PHUAN YUN ONN Died April 16, 1977 "I am the resurrection and the life: he who believes In me. though he die. yet shall he live" ijnim 11 25) Fondly remembered by wile. children and grandchildren. In everlovtng memory of our dear Mummy MARTHA
      88 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 668 22 Classified, ads C.A.T.S. |*3S-fr*77J VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS NAM NO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte Ltd S.T.P.B. LIC NO 140 West Malaysia Tour (Inclusive Denting/ Cameron Highlands) by deluxe alrcondltloned coach seven days Ssl92/-. six days Ssl72/-. departure every Sunday. Monday, Tuesday. Oentlng/ Cameron Highlands four days SJI3S/- Qentlng Highlands four
      668 words
    • 531 22 EXCELLENT VEGETARIAN FOOD. Paal service, aircondltioned. easy parkuiK 10 00 am. 830 p.m X wan I ill Vegetarian Restaurant. 190 Waterloo Street. Tel: *****9 KIM LEONG KEE Restaurant laircunrtit limed) 2. Purvis Street. Tel *****8 Lunch: Curry KishHead Special Dinner: Seafood. BtMunboal HOME COOKED FOOD delivered to homes. Serving Serangoon
      531 words
    • 30 22 SUNDAY TIMES RATES FOR PERSONAL ADS. A OBITUARIES •$9.00 for 15 words (run-on style) •$35.25 for 3cm. x 1 col. (semi-display style) •$44.06 for 3cm. x 1 col. (display stylt).
      30 words
    • 430 22 GULA PADANG TERAP BERHAD (KEDAH) Applications are invited trom Malaysian QMSM r tne 'o"owing posts Poet Quatmcations 1 Instrument Certificate n Industrial InstrumentaTechnician non and Control 0' SPM/MCE with minimum ot 2 yea's e«pe"ence m instrumentation 2 General Wireman Nil Certificate preferred but Electrician candidates having City Guilds AC/ DC
      430 words
    • 446 22 (AA) MOTOROLA mmtmyum mm. «ml Communications Group MOTOROLA SCHOLARSHIPS In keeping with our policy of contributing to the economic and social well-being of every community in which we operate, MOTOROLA, a leading manufacturer of communications systems and equipment, invites applications from suitably qualified and deserving Malaysians for the above scholarship
      446 words

    • 226 23 MADRID, Sat. National coach Ladislao Kub a 1 a yesterday dropped injured star defender Jose Antonio Camacho when he named the 40 players forming: the initial squad of Spain's World Cup soccer team. There was only one newcomer among the 40 names winger Antonio Guzman of Madrid's Rayo
      226 words
    • 926 23 HONOURS TO VETERAN DONALDSON Royal Mark (Phun) wins main race A LOR STAR, Sat. Kedah teacher Joseph Phun rode a brilliant race to land Royal Mark a length winner from Moveln On (D.M. Brown) In Race 4 the main race for Mara Class 1 Dlv 'A" horses over 1,700 meires
      926 words
    • 195 23 MI'NICH, Sat. Former national i > team captain Franz Beckenbauer will definitely not play for West Germany in the World Cup finals in June, it was officially announced last night. The West German Football Federation (DFB) said, following a meeting of their executive committee that Beckenbauer's
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • 212 23 Singapore jockeys form a society LOCAL Jockeys last week formed the Singapore Jockeys' Society to cater for the welfare of Jockeys in the Republic. According to an official of the six-man pro-tern committee, me mam aim of the society will be to implement iigiiter security measures for the protection of
      212 words
    • 423 23 LONDON. Sat. Jimmy Connors remains the only unbeaten player In tht Colgate tennis tournament this year and his victory against Mexican Raul Ramirez in Rotterdam last Sunday makes him a clear leader in the Grand Prix sundings. The American has 760 points. 232 ahead of Rimlrez
      423 words
    • 92 23 Focus on Antognoni GERD (Der Bomber) Mueller, Irani (Kaiser) Beckenbauer and Johann CruyfT won't be there. But the 1978 World Cup finals starting In Argentina on June 1 will bring to light new stars. The new headlinemakers may come from the mountains of Sweden or the valleys of Brazil, or,
      92 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 206 23 The ULTIMATE TOOL for the modern executive IP^rlH PearlcorderSD L. (1 li Microcassete recorder X The6ominuteMicrocassette, a quarter the size of a «^> I^V|i > J| regular cassette, can hold 6,000 words Jn^v fe^ -j of ordinary dictation. 7 IbA \H^ i 1 but offers excellent M The detachable modular
      206 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 54 23 AkP-rruLkfnk/i mk H^I^^HDL tn&LAxo* ewe Ml '*i *v, Wm S irturterruoi Or «P^ IKIJ v. hk»ia nxe A( ai TS* 1 M.VV V f?^V%' Inf *ttt"L it^T'^W rrjure to >>^"**- HR hj< no m t- X_, •>* Vk CLJm -SL. W&v&SSA.i* lilSll^W \to C*iw* n* kau. i u ki&it to
      54 words

    • 247 24  -  JOE DORAI By A THREE-GOAL margin that's the target, set for the Singapore team by coach Sebastian Yap, for tonight's Malaysia Cup match against Kelantan at the National Stadium. That Is why Yap yesterday decided to rely on his seasoned players rather than experiment with
      247 words
    • 76 24 KUANTAN, Sat. Pahang beat Sabah 5-2 in a pre-semlflnal match of the Malaysia Cup soccer tournament at the Darulmakmor Stadium here tonight. Sabah led 2-1 at halftime. Pahang's goals were scored by Rosmanl Mo- hammed Shah (14th, 60th and 65th minutes). Hamidon Abdullah (52nd mini and Wan Zawawl
      76 words
    • 133 24 VTORASHIKIN Is cluellless about soccer let alone Singapore's struggle In the current Malaysia Cup tournament. But this one- day-old daughter of Hasli Ibrahim could be the national team's good luck charm (or their Malaysia Cup match against Kelantan at the National Stadium tonight. At least
      133 words
    • 478 24 LONDON, Sat. Leicester City became the first English. First Division club to be sentenced to Second Division football next season when they crashed 4-1 to Birmingham at home today. A late burst ol goalscoring by Birmingham sent Leicester back to Division Two after six years
      Reuter  -  478 words
    • 364 24  -  Percy Seneviratne FROM THE SIDELINES TPHE Eighth Asian A Games, scheduled to be staged in Bangkok this Decemb c r, is still fighting to overcome the handicap of being disfigured at birth. Finance ;s no more a problem. But Israel is. The Thais who were complaining
      364 words
    • 278 24  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By UAPLESS Ceylon Sports Club 11 lost by a penalty flick to Armed Forces "A" in a SHA Unde r-23 hockey quarter-final match at Balestier Road yesterday. M. Jeevanathan, CSC's 22-year-old International was given the opportunity of putting CSC on equal
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    • 226 24  -  ERNEST FRIDA By DILL BOSLEY fired an immaculate even- par 71 on the first day of the Singapore Island Country Club Open golf championship at Bukit Course yesterday. He is two shots in front of his nearest rival Harry Dyne, who surprised many with
      226 words
    • 329 24  - Dr Tan hits out at apathy ALBERT JOHNSON By T\R. TAN ENO LIANG, chairman of the Singapore Sports Council yesterday fired a broadside at some Fraser and Neave badminton trainees who were indifferent to the scheme. Referring to the case of 14 trainees who had declined the Invitation to join
      329 words
    • 156 24 SINGAPOREANS will see three matches of the World Cup soccer directly telecast, live by satellite and in colour from Argentina where they will be played In June. The "live" matches will be the opening match between West Germany and Poland on June 2, the final match
      156 words
    • 110 24 SEOUL, Sat. South Korean Kirn SeungHack kept the lead, firing a five-under-par 67 for a total or 206 in the third round of the Korean Open golf iournament today. Five strokes behind the leader was another Korean Cho Tae-Woon with a total of 211 after shooting
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 183 24 CRICKET BCA senior league: SCRC v Ceylon Sports Club (Baleatler Road), Singapore Cricket Club v Singapore Recreation Club (Padang), Indian Association v Hell Orient <Balestier Road), BAP v NZ Force (TangUn)— all games at 10am. CROSS COUNTRY Special Constabulary meet (Police Academy 4p.m.). GOLF— SICC Open Bukit Course 7am).
      183 words
    • 44 24 PARIS. Sat. Nice beat Nautes 4-1 In the French Cup soccer nrst leg quarter-finals here last night. Other results: Sochaux 0 Marseilles 0, Valenciennes 0 Nancy 0. North American Soccer League results. Houston Hurricane 3 Memphis Rogues 0. Reut«r.
      Reuter  -  44 words
  • 52 24 COHOON LM KIM JOON. af«d SO. pwri >wax pMuafully oa 1&/4/TS Ictvtnf behind beloved •on 'imltl. daucbtcn Dorothy. Ajix. niiatMtb and Vtraolea. 1 dauichterin liw. 4 ■ofuln-law and 12 grindchildrrn Cortt(« Uavlni 18. C*rpma«l Road at 2.00 p.m. on 17 71 (or Qucxn ec P»ae« Cburch. tbtnec to C.C.X.
    52 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 49 24 Marumanm A MAJOR ADVANCE IN RACKET PERFORMANCE SOLE AGENT fm par M? 7 FAR EAST SHOPPING CENTRE 545 ORCHARD RD SPORE 9 TEL *****8 TELEX RS^3l79 CABLE PAR GOLF -ed Dealers ortS BoCby-O iseian Melro(GrandOrcnard»» Sanwm •S I C C (Bukit Island) Singapore Tennis Centre S:aniey&Co» WmsionsPie Lid Yaohan(Orchard/Katong)
      49 words
    • 550 24 Nowyoucanbe •«r? a decision maker. .^Sk^v* All you have to do is make the first I^^pj^^ decision. .start a Home Study programme I f M with Collier Macmillan Schools. If you want to be a success, it's really your own home —in your own spare time, up to you. You're
      550 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous

  • Cargo and material handling special feature
    • 1034 25 THE new range of cargo and material handling equipment available in the local market is geared towards containerisation, which is fast becoming the major mode of shipment to and from Singapore. Containerisatlon as the latest method of shipping has caught up with local
      1,034 words
    • 319 25 Vital role of the forwarder in today's industry nnHE freight for- 'warder plays an important role in today's shipping and transport in d v stry. His main job is to ensure delivery of goods from terminals to consigness and from port to port. Normally, the freight forwarder is called to
      319 words
    • 643 26 nnHE gathering mo- mentum of development In the industrial and ocmmercial sectors in Singapore over the past few years has done much to reinforce Singapore's coveted position as the leading regional distribution centre of South-east Asia. Singapore's choice locatiori at the crossroads
      643 words
    • 361 26 Firm turns out products under licence, too factures under licence for an Increasing number of companies in the United Kingdom, Europe, the United States and Australia or assembles equipment Imported in knocked down condition. Among the vast range of materials handling systems made by the company are drag chain conveyors,
      361 words
    • 752 27 Cranes designed for long equipment life and minimum servicing it From Page Two a ship's low holds, a twostage full free Uft mast can be attached together with a slde-shlfter. Toyota forkllfts can also be attached with clamps to handle cotton or pulp bales and drums. Further, versatility Is obtained
      752 words
    • 574 28 SINGAPORE Airport Terminal Services (SATS) has begun construction of Its multl-mllllon dollar Air Freight Terminal at Paya Lebar Airport to meet Singapore's needs up to 1981, when the big move to fchangi begins. The building, designed and supervised by the
      574 words
    • 609 28 TNCREASED cargo 1 handling activities In Singapore have given a boost to the local transport and freight forwarding and warehousing industries here. New vehicles are available to speed up cargo hanaling and increase efficiency of goods transportation. In addition to lorries, some of the
      609 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 154 25 The only thing we break is the record. Cathay Pacific flies cargo to more cities, From Singapore, we have four all-cargo more often than any other airline in Asia. flights every week. We also have the first and only all-cargo Also, every week we have no less than freighter operating
      154 words
    • 206 25 Gom just a little better with MiHSHI ,^mmm\ W^^^ T TT^Ss A* to I m*% ■H^^^f^ f jJ*Ld mw^^^ I I m^ I Mllshibishi FD2O stacking bUTISIS! detergent powder with it. extr. long^^SSJP^^**^^; Mffrflhtahl FD3O at work in crane yard. High Lifting Speed small Turning Radius With a total of
      206 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 306 26 ALL THE FEATURES YOU WANT 1 IN A TRUE COMPACT. I***] IiOM US! I OltklJl I m I 4 m m% I Iml L "%B| I fc^ Fco kW m fr M r mm I Sole distributor: < >BBKL»*« 1-li-ig «J Bbfc**"*«»***-'-J!B| SWING L6ONG MACHIN€RY(PTG)LTD. KMtnttfVMlßfll 30, Ber'oi Road. Singapore
      306 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 448 27 *^w\ I mm\mm W\^r W\w j 3-ton (akMt with tui I \\\\mm\\\ mammmmmmum^ mm^ mumm mmmmm mumu muum^^^ 3AO° rotating paper lIHJflH^^ Clamp Mmm^^^^^^mr m^mmm a\^^^^- \m> M THE LARGEST SELLING FORKUFTIN SINGAKwiHQMA^YSIATODAY 1 Versatile everywhere: l In dockyard, factory, warehouse, kX\ sawmill, refinery, airport, inside j "ipu^ I containers,
      448 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 322 28 B^k^B^BßM- "AW B^ DaY) b^^t»^^bl r^^^^^ *4 1 trffc' bl'^'btL tk NOW with new improved models CAPACITY ■^■^■^■^■^■^B DIESEL b^^H 1000 KG 35,000 KG IBSfM GASOLINE 1000 KG 3.500 KG BATTERY tlw.7J?W<(cWHfffMi 700 KG- 2,500 KG. llWrflilWli FEATURES JiflpF Improved diesel engine High performance and comfort Small turning radius P""™"
      322 words
    • 386 28 Are You Familiar With The Components Built In Our forklift Trucks? DIESEL FORKLIFT TRUCK f jJi Model: 04 teriti Copac.f..i 2,000 X, 2 500 K9./K 9 3,000 K9./3,500K 9 ./3,5OO Iw'l Kg 4 000 Kf. Lood cantrt: 500 mm Lifting height: 3,300 mm/4,000 mm/4,500 mm Engint: Ptrkim UK Trantmiiiion:
      386 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 151 29 SKATE BOARDS I For every JB B,\lL| V^L purchase of 3 sets Mm V and above we will Brtfl& PK do the delivery. X, Four beautiful JH l colours for your Ml selection:- Oranie, i blue, jreen yellow. rolling vesba \^**p ipi >^splre parts avaiuble^S. The rolling Vesba is not
      151 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 216 29 THE BHN USER. I VHM^I I 1 [UZUWKJ^, WAIT UPi) /rvEeOr\ (T) (hereO /vjewr time ru\ Q^ x~n^ W?IW6> YOU A j l/flfjnjT/Qri/T MHELLO. SLUGGOj OH NANCy- lOH DRIVER---PLEASE N I |~~7 I HAVE TO I I JUST A FE»V I HAVE I CATCH A BUS HOLD THAT BUS--- /OKAY
      216 words
    • 98 29 MODESTY I w/tue £t*w* *un£ ivtsuec U' > [~9ut at rut to* is I 4#£Q| ll t t n. tK u l> 1 BLAISE g> THE vONSntCt* KIN6S fc. vtAPPftc hcvmbC IM rW?«K& By WTH D-OOMNELL P^£jg^V A\? 4 cftv £Zff* r iXr E R ~-A I f f\ <£
      98 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 405 30 I b I I I UJ 52. p a 2 i Q- n Z i re J™l Z X 1 Oils' 2 ■S Z I- O. XI 2 K< VI BY B^P GD I > b si 1 BEST OF PhH^p^n«^Kore,,Taiw. n /Hongkon g/B.ngkokg /B.ngkok SCENIC Manila /P«g«njan Baguio J
      405 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 179 30 CLouc>s Mte th« spawn V 'ii tf^^fc B^^^S^ '/T/^ V. 1 TRuST lT NOT J EdgZTrice Burroughs %mJ iW "j°i WT~-—^^ P^ */£N-9OA' THE <\.*s S> ;'->ry'; '->r y »»K B^AKE P«OR ?ON'T |MbW\ f^ I JV V S MOWSS AW CLOSING \\\ikiwk«, BATTLT.' THSY WILL WORRY. REYNA.' 'iß^BPVikl jL-^-X/
      179 words
    • 63 30 I STAN LEY by Murray Ball Continuing the adventures of the Great Palaeolithic Hero "MCYGUSi <i/3r MSOOM AMOIS r v J'UtUloGus. HONOURVDURWUOOM. -ff^tl "WHATmRVOU WISH fffcil IWIU6eAJITYOO- IVMATDOYWJ jji -lOTMC 7VJI OUNGEONS/ t©fe/ER-LIKE A KNG-^O WHATS \\AK'\'- < V k'^^iw... j^c, him SO mapp n vy HE'S ADVAVS I ZrTME
      63 words