The Straits Times, 15 April 1978

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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    • The Sunday Times
      • 142 1 STAR WARS -you've heard about it, now READ about it... OTAR WARS is, simply, the most suc- cessful film ever made. Jaws, The Godfather, Gone With The Wind they are also-rans by comparison. It has already grossed more money than any other picture and it has yet to be shown
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      • 116 1 AIL you have to do is say: "She to a single woman" and the heads turn and the tongues wag. Is she unhappy? She must have had a love affair that ended sadly... did she? Such a poor thing, left on the shelf... b
        116 words
      • 70 1 nnHE World Cup finals are only weeks A away. So, starting tomorrow, the SUNDAY TIMES Introduces you to the stars who are expected to play a large part for their countries ln Argentina. These men who could dominate the headlines in June come under the expert eye
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    • Sunday Nation
      • 119 1 T»HIS week we begin a series of short stories by local writers. Catherine Lim, a teacher of English language and literature ln a Junior college here, writes this week's story: ADELINE NG AI CHOO. It Is taken from a collection of short
        119 words
      • 109 1 The Chens— a meeting of more than minds TUiEIR joint byline Is Dr. Peter Chen and Madam Tai Chinr Ling. It appear* for the Joint surveys you've been reading about in the press: on ufe in Housing Board estates, family planning, divorce in Singapore, etc. HE heads the department of
        109 words
      • 77 1 YES, says this weeks If You Ask Me writer. You can hear profanity almost anywhere In the buses cinemas, amusement centres, etc. Words that used to be taboo are now flaunted not only by adult*, but students, even children ?L...° or v'u Four letter
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      • 44 1 n!£ UU K S ""C™* »»nager of the brilliant Dutch soccer team that captured the imagination of fans the world over in H74, tells Eric Batty why there will never be another team like JOHAN CRUYFTs first goal in Hollands 4-0
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      • 19 1 #a^aLHgEM rr ™E a-**-" IN PURSUIT OF PERFECTION Colonel Foster's new hotel ln the Cameron Hlgh^nds
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  • 184 1 261 Viets 'take over 9 supply ship KUALA LUMPUR, Friday MALAYSIAN Navy ships are on their way to the Esso oil production platform Tapis, 215 km off Trengganu. to help evict 261, Vietnamese refugees who have "taken over" a supply vessel. The refugees, including 75
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  • 511 1 WASHINGTON. Friday rE State Department yesterday denied news reports that there were serious divisions among President Carter's senior advisers over relations with the Soviet Union. Two articles in yesterday's edition of the New York Times said the main disagreement was between Secretary of State Cyrus Vance
    Reuter; UPI  -  511 words
  • 555 1 MANILA. Friday PRESIDENT Marcos said today the aimed forces were on the alert to smash a communist plot to create widespread violence in Manila tonight and tomorrow, and said rumOun that the capital would be burned were designed to foment mass hysteria. Speaking
    AFP  -  555 words
  • 51 1 LONDON. Prl. Britain's annual rate of Inflation dropped to 9.1 per cent la&t month, Its lowest figure since August 1973. the government announced today. The year-on-year Inflation rate, as measured by the retail price Index, was running as high as 26.9 per cent In August
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 44 1 NEW YORK, Frl. Dow Jones averages, based on flrrt hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Indus 788 03. up 12 82; 30 transp 212.12 up 254; IS utlls 106 19. up 0.20; 65 stocks 274.74. UF 3.41. OPI.
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  • 74 1 HONGKONG, Frt A box of "edible bird's nest" aent from But Malaysia turned out to be 22 kilos of prepared opium worth about HK|6OO,OOO (*****,000). Customs said here today. The parcel, which had been sent from Kota Klnabalu, was Intercepted yesterday at the airport here. An
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 88 1 Fs a sight that would make any parent's heart miss a beat, bat 10-year-old Bela Hornath's mum and dad most be quite used to it Bela holds the record of being the world's youngest pro skateboard rider. He to seen above ln Ma 11 bu
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  • 79 1 HONOKONO, Frl. Ambasaador Leonard Woodcock, chief US envoy to Chin* and former president of the United Auto Woikers Union, was married this afternoon to Sharon Thouhy, a nurse at the US mission, ln a civil ceremony ln Peking presided over by a Chinese official The
    UPI  -  79 words
  • 51 1 NICOSIA. Frl. A Saudi man was publicly beheaded In Riyadh. Saudi Arabia, today for murdering a fellow tribesman three years ago, Saudi state radio reported The radio Identified the man as Manoug Bein Saad Otelbi and said he had bera convicted of premeditated murder ln a stabbing.
    AP  -  51 words
  • 59 1 MANILA, Fri. By late tonight there was no sign of any trouble or exceptional noise in the capital, though In many areas the local Volunteer District Guards, organised by the government, were out on some suburban streets armed with batons. Police were also clearly standing by
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 37 1 System F-U $1375 fe. TA-1 1 Integrated ,^^^^m Stereo Amplifier <^k jS ST-11FM-AM Stereo Tuner PS-1 1 Direct Drive Automatic Turntable I I SS-1 1 2-Way Speaker System •TC-188SD Air-cushioned Tape mT^ Eject Cassette Deck OUIM X.
      37 words
    • 150 1 BANGLADESH MISSION MAN IN KL DEFECTS Page 13 JAPAN patrol boats head off defiant Chinese crait 2 "WE'LL invade Somalia" threat by Ethiopia 3 CALL for end to M-E peace talks 4 ISRAELIS in final phase of pullout 5 BANKRUPTCY action against lawyer adjourned 7 Waitress tells of suicide pact
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    • 54 1 S€NDING MONCY OV€RS€AS? There's a convenient way of doing it. Via The Chartered Bank. The Bank offers a complete service for the transfer of funds. Remittances may be sent either by mail or through our direct telex links to our branches and correspondents worldwide. €tt The Chartered Bank f^^V Amembeiol
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 442 2 Japan patrol boats head off defiant Chinese craft Moving toward a showdown TOKYO, Friday \f()RK Japanese patrol boats converged on disputed islands in the East China Sea today following continued violations of Japanese-claimed territorial waters by Chinese fishing boats, some of them armed with machineguns. Japanese Prime Mini- ster Takeo
      Reuter; AFP  -  442 words
    • 140 2 Koreans storm embassy in protest over bugging SEOUL, Fri. A group of slogan chanting Koreans stormed into the United States Embassy's main lobby and stayed 15 minutes today, in the latest anti-Ameri-can demonstration over alleged bugging of the Korean Preside ntial mansion. Elsewhere, about 25,000 students and citizens in Seoul
      AP  -  140 words
    • 57 2 LARISA (Qreece), Fil Some 2.000 students clashed with police In this city of northern Greece yesterday, while demonstrations against a government-sponsored aniiterrorlst bill spread around the country. Seven people were arrested and an undisclosed number Injured In Larlsa Police said those arrested, Including a union organiser,
      AP  -  57 words
    • 300 2 CCFENHAGEN, Friday JAPANESE External Economic Affairs Mm*- ister Nobuhiko Ushiba yesterday forecast that the yen could only weaken now alter its prolonged rise against the American dollar. He was commenting at a news conference after talks here with Danish Foreign Minister K.B. Anderson, current
      Reuter  -  300 words
    • 36 2 DAR ES SALAAM. Frl. A cholera outbreak has killed 29 people on the Island of Zanzibar und another 179 people are being treated In hospital, the Tanzanlan ruling party newspaper Uhuru said today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 79 2 CALL FOR 'NOISE BARRAGE' MEMBERS o' croup calling then. stives the Concerned Citizens For Justice are seen distributing pamphlets to motorists ursine participation in new anti-government "noise barrage" in the Metro Manila area to protest the results of the recent Philippine legislative election. A security alert was ordered yesterday following
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    • 94 2 Stoppage hits rail service TOKYO, Fri. Japanese railway services were virtually crippled today when engineers began a 24-r.our strike from midnight to back demands for better pay and working conditions. About 80 per cent of the scheduled 1,500 trains running throughout the country were Idle because of the strike, which
      Reuter  -  94 words
    • 170 2 REDDY REMOVES BARRIERS TO CIVIL LIBERTIES NEW DELHI, Pri. A new Act removing several controversial clauses from India's constitution came into force yesterday when President Neelam Sanjiva Reddy gave his assent to a Bill passed last December by parliament. The controversial provisions, described by its opponents as "rape of the
      Reuter  -  170 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 266 2 \a^ //^^H IN > HBnTokyo m\ *f 'andLo^jr very owiyfcpmmy Wong, I. /ISonny Bala The ww Moonglows, a Constellation.LouisTan Limited 3 I^^Bh We'll be expecting you. _.IVPI I cool, cool cats I^^ Tel: *****1. J BHfIH _^^a^a^a^am H^^^v *^st^ tjt w\ IFfiffi 1 6 Em^S Kotex Mini Kotex Regular n
      266 words
    • 218 2 m^ The most modern in town Beauty Salon Opening Tomorrow Introducing 3 special points and methods: >4s^k 1 We use the latest and most effective way on beauty care, to make your skin more 4^k Bt attractive looking. Facial massage, bridal make-up, by our beauty specialists. fl 2) London-trained hair-stylists
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    • 356 3 Three hurt by shelling in Muslim district WE I RUT, Frl. Three people were wounded at dawn today when mortar shells crashed into Beirut's crowded Muslim Shiyah district, residents reported. But in general, uneasy calm prevailed on the frontline between Shiyah and neighbouring Christian Am Rummaneh, scene of five days
      Reuter  -  356 words
    • 52 3 TOKYO, Prl. Mr. Seljl Ozawa. conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, wlli visit China from June 11 to 17 to direct China's Central Orchestra, his spokesman said today. Mr. Ozawa. who Is Japanese, was !nvlted by the to conduct Brahms and other symphonies in Peking. he
      AP  -  52 words
    • 84 3 SIR ROUNDED by beauty contestants participating in the "Miss USA" pageant to be held In a fortnight's time, New York's Mayor Ed Koch carries out one of his more pleasant appointments on Thursday. He greeted (he contestants at City Hall. The c o
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    • 408 3 'We'll invade Somalia' threat by Ethiopia gTHIOPIA threatened today to invade Somalia if guerilla activity in the disputed Ogaden region is not halted. At a press conference, Ethiopian ambassador Mengiste Desta said Somalia, although defeated on the battlefield last month, had not abandoned its "expansionist policies" and continues to support
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    • 233 3 Uproar in Indian House over lost nuclear device' NEW DELHI, Fri. A stormy session of India's Parliament today demanded an explanation of reports that the US Central Intelligence Agency lost a nuclear spy device planted in the Himalayan mountains and the Indian Foreign Minister pledged to obtain the full facts
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    • 97 3 KUWAIT, Prl. Oil ministers of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries will discuss a new crude oil price hike at their May 4 meeting in Saudi Arabia, Kuwaiti Oil Minister Sheik All Khalif ah Al-Sabah said yesterday. The price hike would be one
      AP  -  97 words
    • 47 3 BELFAST. Prl. More than 300 provisional IRA detainees In Ulster have decided to give up washing They are also going to step cleaning out their ce!l». They plan to continue their new form of "strike" until th2lr political prisoner status Is restored. AFP.
      AFP  -  47 words
    • 89 3 HONGKONG, Fri. Thousand* of foreign businessmen attending the 43rd Canton Trade Fair which opens tomorrow will get the first look at some sop h I stlcated Chinese-made machinery which observers say reflects China's commitment to modernisation. In addition to the cX h 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 161 3 wwvvsrx nUnni! VvVLA^XLA UUDDVI hiiihks nUnni! made in Italy office furniture at 4o-50% discount J! Also available Display Shelving at $1200/- .jEaflCfa Our Clearance Sale for wallpaper is still on jRSBMi^n Opening Hours: Mon to Sat 9.30 am to 5.30 pm JSmwSmW!^ Irod.ln^io^W^om. W,'3MSmT World AAorkenng Agencies Pie Ltd, Un.t
      161 words
    • 430 3 SENIOR MINING ENGINEER Above $4,000 plus benefit. Our client is a major international mining company in Malaysia with wide and varied interests in metals and minerals The Com pany is experiencing rapid growth and is now seeking a qualified and well-experienced executive to fill this newly created position in its
      430 words
    • 133 3 LOkkREY COMPUTER ORGAN t v America i Prldo! A Prestigious Possession^M> X^aw FOR YOU Q£v THE ONLY ORGAN I^V^ta^al IN THE WORLD EVER I CREATEO: W with the ability to be played Mm automatically semi -*gk automatically- full automatically .^3| provided with A. O.C. (Automatic "^TJ Organ Compu ter) to
      133 words

    • 263 4 Dollar goes up and sterling is down LONDON, Fri. The dollar rose and the pound fell on European foreign exchange markets today, with sterling losing nearly a ceni against the US currency In early deals. Other European currencies also eased against the stronger dollar. The U8 currency appeared to be
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 351 4 JAKARTA, Fri. REOPENING of diplomatic relations with China, suspended since 1967, must be "carefully calculated from the point of view of trade, economy, culture, technical cooperation, and especially regarding the three million overseas Chinese population In this country," Foreign Minister Mochtar Kusumaatmadja said here today.
      AFP  -  351 words
    • 137 4 RADIO CITY ALIVE AND STILL KICKING NEW YORK, Fri. The show went on as usual at Radio City Music Hall yesterday just a day after the world famous tourist attraction and selfproclaimed showcase of the nation was scheduled to die. The 6.200-seat theatre, which has attracted more than 236 million
      Reuter; AP  -  137 words
    • 118 4 EEC told: Create alternative to US$ WEST BERLIN, Fri. Mr. Roy Jenkins, president of the EEC commission, called on member states of the Community yesterday to create a strong new international currency as an alternative to the US dollar. Speaking to West Berlins Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Mr. Jenkins
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 422 4 Call for end to M-E peace talks CAIRO, Fri. Several Egyptian MPs called for an end to peace negotiations with Israel yesterday, arguing that the lack of progress proves Israel has no intention to settle the Middle East conflict peacefully. But Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Butros Gha 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 SUPER AUTOMATIC *Tc^^^ highly sophisticated with 16 €< t&s^ \\S washing programs VS oO high speefl spinning 1500 rprr) |J sir tor Strong programs I,^^ v4\Q^ J| slow speed tor delicate fabric »ashmgs s y\ O* s r^£ wash load -6 kg 1 13 lbs) \^^v y~?-Jf^ unique frontal door
      318 words

    • 364 5 ISRAELIS IN FINAL PHASE OF PULLOUT TEL AVIV, Frl ISRAELI forces began the second and final phase of a token pullback from southern Lebanon today and their top commander said they can withdraw totally from the embattled region in a month if all UN troops are deployed by then. The
      Reuter; UPI  -  364 words
    • 37 5 MADRID, Frl. Heavily armed riot police guarded k;y points k Madrid and other cities today to prevent demonstrations by a n 11menarchists on the 47th anniversary of the pioclamatlon of the short-llv»d Spanlfh republic. UPI.
      UPI  -  37 words
    • 357 5 GLASGOW, Friday BRITAIN'S ruling registered its bes four years and deal Labour Party today it election result for .It a heavy blow to Scottish nationalism At a parliamentary byelection In Glasgow's Garscadden constituency, Labour gained a surprisingly easy victory over the Scottish National Party (SNP)
      Reuter  -  357 words
    • 69 5 HOUSTON. Ptl. The Soviet Union may now be the world's leading producer of oil, but a vettran observer of that country says It will not last and by the 1960s Russia will (ace a serious petroleum shortage. "Russian reserve ratios have been declining," Dr. Theodore Shabad
      UPI  -  69 words
    • 54 5 BOSTON, Frl. Senator Bdward Kennedy denied yesterday a published report that he was considering running (or the presidency In 1980 against President Carter. The Christian Science Monitor reported Sen. Kennedy had told a close friend that If Mr. Carter appeared vulnerable In his re-election bid. he might
      UPI  -  54 words
    • 149 5 BCNN, Friday WEBT Germany yesterTf day passed a new anti-terrorist law Inspired partly by the activities of the BaaderMeinhof guerilla gang and their lawyers. The legislation makes it easier for lawyers suspected of collaborating with guerillas to be excluded from terrorist trials and puts curbs on
      Reuter  -  149 words
    • 30 5 TOKYO. Prl. Japan and the United States will stage a (our-day joint naval manoeuvre In the Pacific oil this country from Monday, tr.3 Defence Agency said today. Rei'ter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 91 5 Waldheim in more talks VIENNA, Frl. UN Secreturjr-General Kurt Wuhlhrim today holds an unscneduled sreond round of talks with Turkish-Cypriot envoys on fresh proposals to set up a federal state in Cyprus and gradually withdraw Turk sh forces stationed on the island. Mr. Waldheim said after receiving the proposals here
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 246 5 SYDNEY, Fri. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fra^er tonight made his most bitter attack on the European Economic Co m m lsslon and particularly its president, Mr. Roy Jenkins, since he came to office. Addressing a largely American audience at a dinner of the
      AFP  -  246 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 59 5 CAGE GRILL (f S-BAR ROAST !j t PRIME_^ ft ISRIB QT^Dn of^t^ y Vl BEEF! /V»*i *a WA <us 7* r A brown and 1' outside, red '4 2 ■J-'-.y mside. so tf, S» n metti in 'A Served W "■ A v •,»orj fresh Ij V v/v /4
      59 words
    • 605 5 K^W^^WB^BfMil^3^*^^ PaperbMate \X^Am g^VV V^U^^^^^^fl li« 1^ idll Guaranteed for life I^aW \^m%^k 5 Proo< posla o e IS no> proof del| r v .^tmrnT^ IM Em P |o V e sanc)lheirrelallvesotThe nfl Coca-Cola Export Corporation, the '^•^H Gillette Company. F N Group ot m Companies and its advertising agency
      605 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 365 6 Mw 1,-,-^^B jH^Y' bi .^^b -J ra I I mßm new Philips coffeemaker, 2 free coffee cups and great tasting coffee for years to come Now for the small price of $39 Philips is Bring out the height of its flavour without coffee at serving temperature for as long as
      365 words

  • 232 7 MOTORCYCLIST Lee Chow Tet, 20. was yesterday fined $1,000 and disqualified from driving all classes of vehicles for seven years when he was found guilty on a reduced charge of speeding. Lee was earlier charged with riding in a rash manner In East
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  • 61 7 PEDESTRIAN Low Kwok Meng. 58. who was knocked down by a cyclist at the Junction of Kallang Road and Crawford Street on Wednesday night, died at Tan Took Seng Hospital the next day. Those who saw the accident should contact Sepoy Lines police station. There
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  • 16 7 THE National Museum will screen four films for students today at 10 45 a.m.
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  • 270 7 Kg Java Park to have drive-in, sports complex SQI'ASH/tennis complexes and a drivein restaurant and cafeteria are to be built at the Kampong Java Park. A Parks and Recreation Department spokesman yesterday ■aid this is to maximise the use of the six-year-old park and to promote sports. There are three
    270 words
  • 410 7 AB AN X RUPTCY nrtinn flvntnet a lawJer^ho^iTeged to have "disappeared" with a large amount of money fmm rllp nt accouVwa^ou". ed for four weeks by the High Court yesterday. The adjournment of the petition against lawyer Tong Kok Kong was granted following an
    410 words
  • 33 7 RAHIM bin All Arshad, 20. a labourer, was yesterday jailed by a magistrate's court for three months when he admitted stealing $1,900 from a shopkeeper In Andrew Avenue o.i April 10.
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  • 233 7 Kriangsak's trip: Upadit here to brief Raja T^HE Thai Foreign Minister, Dr. Upadit Panchariyangkun, arrived from Jakarta yesterday to brief the Foreign Minister. Mr. S. Rajaratnam, about the recent visit to China by the Thai Prime Minister, Oen. Kriangsak Chomanan. Dr. Upadit, who was accompanied by two Thai officials, was
    233 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 488 7 (^^^SifcvJfiS W I Mm 111 ■flU^^' HbvS. %MLWEk\IM THEAPPEALOF PEUGEOT 6(M LIES INITS MANY SraONGa^OINTS STRONGPOINT TWO The engineering of the 604 can best be described as inspired. FNGTNFFRING niMOiiXEnruiNO Ifs y6 2664 cc O HC engine is the result of co-operative research >-^ f**"" ?V^ between Peugeot, Renault and
      488 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 330 8 I COLOUR TELEVISION fe^^i^Su^S^ A >^R EGSffIVCR /®^T|W/CV'/ Available r >^m Y/V»^^ 1 B B -<a^ \^F yr >v s^^* I J Jx/VJ Model 4400 fli ~-~^™^^^B 56cm (22") _^^^^^^^^^H SM^^B^^Bflßßßßl^Hl^B' wtrfl (Remote control) Sl^^^B^bbbb^b^blbbbb^bsS bkb^b^B B^^^Bi^^r-—^^^*^ "■"■W^ i^"»' 3 Way 3 Speaker System L 12" Woofer H"! C_tjj---___a_a B
      330 words

  • 417 9 Man who chained wife to cabinet fined $1,000 WORKSHOP supervisor Koh Keong Seng, 29, was lined $1,000 yesterday for punching and chaining his estranged wife with a dog's chain when she refused to let him see their child. Magistrate Rahim Jalil who found Koh guilty on the two charges said
    Albert Sim  -  417 words
  • 27 9 THE Orchid Chapter of the Singapore Jayceea will organise a visit to Ang Mo Klo Community Home for the Aged today at 3 p.m
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  • 449 9 COMPANY'S APPEAL AGAINST WIND-UP REJECTED MALAYAN Plant (Pte) Ltd.. of Singapore, said to be owing Moscow Narodny Bank Ltd. $8,092,088 plus accruing Interest, yesterday lost its appeal against a High Court judgment ordering the company to be wound up for insolvency. The order against Malayan Plant was made by the
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  • 39 9 FOREIGN Minuter 8. Rajaratnam. will open the Nanyang University photographic society's 16th Singapore International Students' Salon at the Sin Chew Jit Poh promotion centre on April 28 at S The exhibition ends on April 30.
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  • 350 9 mHE Telecommunication X Authority of Singapore Is embarking on a major campaign to give its services a more personal touch. The campaign, which will include a major effort to improve its public and customer relations, was outlined by the MP for Jurong, Mr. Ho
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  • 62 9 MR Lee Kuan Yew last night opened the third conference of community centre management committees at the Singapore Conference Hall. Some 600 delegates from 166 community centres are attending the conference to take stock of the chancing social patterns and prepare for the future. The theme of
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  • 41 9 Lull in cholera FOUR cholera victims warded at Middleton Hospital have recovered and will be discharged from hospital shortly, an Environment Ministry statement said yesterday. No further cases of cholera have been reported since the last one was confirmed on April
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 453 9 PATE DE VERRE From 1550 B.C. an art form lives again A glassmaking technique that is 3500 years old, pate de verre faithfully reproduces original sculptures down to the finest detail a poetry in glass executed by painstaking artists of the Verrerie Artistiquedes Freres Daum. Art Nouveau objects by Daum
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  • 131 10 rIS is an artist's impiesMon of the $490 000 six-metre wide overhead pedestrian bridge to be built across Nicoll Highway for soc:er fans headed for the National Stadium. When the bridge is completed by the Public Works Department next January, it will be Singapore's widest
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  • 176 10 Passingout parade for NS firemen DR. Ho Ouan Lim, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Affairs, will review the passing-out parade of the fifth intake of fulltime national service firemen today at Alexandra Fire Station at 5 p.m. This fifth batch of 26 national service firemen was taught the basic skills
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  • 50 10 TENANTS of a luxurious apartment block at Holland Heights were surprised to nnd their lliu not working and a blackout on the staircase last night. They found out later that the PUB had come In the morning to cut off the power to the building.
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  • 71 10 THE government Is to acquire nine pieces of land near the junction of Kallang Baiu and Lavender Street, covering a total area of 2.286.3 kj. metres, for general development. According to a Government Gazette, a plan of the land In the Rochor district may be
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  • 153 10 THE Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs), Mr. A. Rahim Ishak. said that living in Singapore now demanded new methods of crime prevention and a higher degree of vigilance against urbanised crime. He pointed out that the social environment had changed and the pace of
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  • 415 10 AN Increasing numA ber of policemen will be found among relatives, friends and neighbours with the recruitment of nation a 1 servicemen into the uolice force, said the Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs), Mr. A. Rahim Ishak, yesterday. This slow oiendlng
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 414 10 Stay ahead with the t™fti forerunners r\ a l e tr y "4{\f\/i C-JTT A simple, sensible car Compact, Practical, tough, trouble free. jCPH^BIk LydloUM IV/vJ/A II A unique choice from Nissan a small car with 4 doors' Convenient JSHK^^PUHL. for qemng in and out of the back seat. F^^^mJ^i^^M.
      414 words

  • 240 11 Two Swedish firms may invest $25 m TWO Swedish engineering firms may invest more than $25 million here when they complete feasibility studies on investment prospects later this year, a banker disclosed yesterday. He is Mr. Tore Browaldh, vice-chairman of Svenska Handelsbanken in Sweden, which holds a 25 per cent
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  • 256 11  - Girl pupil who ignored teacher's advice is robbed EDMUND TEO By A KINDERGARTEN pupil, who liked wearing expensive jewellery and who ignored a teacher's advice against wearing the jewellery to school, was robbed of a chain on Tuesday. Rosamah Warnl binti Zaman, 5, was robbed of a $200 gold chain
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  • 96 11 WELLINGTON, Fri The Singapore Government has made a tidy profit out of its High Commission 1975 Mercedes car in Wellington. Wei line ton's city council is to buy the car for its mayor from the High Commission at a cost of NZ517,250 (5540,540)— more than
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 73 11 3 months' jail for Ihef t YEO Liang Teck. 33. a mechanic with Beecham Pharmaceutical Pte. Ltd., was yesterday jailed by a magistrates court for three months when he pleaded guilty to two charges ot stealing penicillin capsules worth $14,300 from his company. The court heard that Yeo used a
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  • 171 11 Corona to invest another $6m on expansion THE largest company manufacturing typewriters in South-east Asia, Corona Manufacturers, which Is also the only firm in Singapore making highquality electric portable typewriters at its Bedok plant, is to invest another $6.1 million here under an expansion programme. The American company would have
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  • 435 11 Ship repair jobs boost SovietSingapore trade TH E bilateral trade turnover between Singapore and the Soviet Union increased by 24.4 per cent to $260 million In 1977 with the trade balance In favour of Singapore, the Russian Ambassador, Mr. Y. I. Razdukhov, said yesterday. Mr. Razdukhov, who was speaking at
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  • 35 11 MOHAMED I a bin Chetop. 25. a Malaysian, was yesterday fined $1,500 In a magistrate's court when he pleaded guilty to entering Singapore without a valid pass some time in October laM year
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 161 11 Buy an ariston washing machine and get this exquisite gift! BHMta^JJ*'^' This elegant, dress watch, m m s P ec'a"yc a "y imported by M 1 Ariston, is yours FREE, Q Sfc.^^^^B when you buy an Ariston B l^H washing machine W i Model LB IO2 LB IS0 P^^fcb. IBil
      161 words
    • 232 11 *Ronco brings you 2 more exciting products! s^^. ss v v ■m. '^^K^^^^^ very simple, ingenious apparatus! Makes beautiful, I decorative flowers in minutes! "A HaVe fun, making your own shawls, Bk >y cushion covers, bed-covers, k H^l -X m trimmin Bs. Kit also contains a ■V page boo clct
      232 words

    • 90 12 FOUR DROWNED AFTER WEDDING PARTY TCLUK ANSON. Fri. A RELIGIOUS teacher at the St. Anthony's primary school here was among four people drowned when the boat they were travelling in tapsixrd in the Perak River near here yesterday. Rescue worr.ers i.-uiid the body of L'staz Zainuddin bin Imam Berkat, 55,
      90 words
    • 34 12 KUALA TRENOGANU. Frl. Four more chcleia cases have been confirmed here during the last 24 hours bringing the total to tlvz. All five cases were from Kampung Pulau Duyung aiid Pulau Ketam.
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    • 651 12 A fair share of economic cake for all— Hussein 'Need for sober appraisal of the NEP' KUALA LUMPUR, Friday F|ATUK Hussein Onn spoke today of the need for a sober and ievel-headed appraisal of the New Economic Policy (NEP) whose socioeconomic goals could only be achieved In a spirit of
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    • 163 12 Tinted glass test: 99 pc of cars fail KUALA LUMPUR, Friday NINETY-NINE per cent of cars sent for a tinted glass test here today failed to conform with the requirements of the law. City Traffic Chief, Supt. Samad Jaaman, said 1,000 cars had their windscreens and windows tested at the
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    • 329 12 $200 m investment foundation for the bumis launched KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. The $200 million Yayasan Pelaburan Bumlputra ißumlputra Investment Foundation t. which was launched by Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn today, will have a three-tier set-up. Deputy Prime Minister. Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, who is the foundation's chairman, said
      329 words
    • 57 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. The Election Commission has fixed April 32 as the last day tor nomination for the byeutction In the Selangor state Morlb constituency vacated by jailed former Mentrl Besar Harun Idris Polling will be held on May 6 If there 1; a contest, the
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 33 12 KUALA LUMPUR Fri. Pour more Japanese have arrived here, boosting the number of Japanese Overseas Cooperation Volunteers In Malaysia to 58. JOCVs realdent representative here. Mr. MlUuo Klnjo. said today. AP.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 246 12 KUALA LUMPUR. FH. —The economies of Asean liave become increasingly subject to the business cyfcie in japan, according to the Japan External Trade Organisation (Jetro). In a review of Aseanjapan relations in its December issue of "Now In Japan." Jetro said: "If
      Reuter  -  246 words
    • 109 12 Higher crude prices blamed KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. —Shell Refining Co. (FOM) Bhd. today blamed the higher crude prices for the drop in Its profits for last year. In a statement this evening, the company also attributed this to the effects of the fixed price contract for fuel oil for which
      109 words
    • 25 12 MANILA. Frl. The Philippines today began shipping a new consignment of 10.000 tonnes rice to Malaysia, the National Drains Authority said today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 144 12 Congratulations to the Hitachi Group of Companies in Singapore on the occasion of the official opening of Showroom at the PUB Building Ground Floor. from ■G C.V. PRIMA Technical Supply \frf Garuda Building Block 111, F— 18 wK Jl. Pangeran Jayakarta 141 1) Tel. *****0, eiJ373O, *****6. JAKARTA Sole Agents
      144 words
    • 25 12 Bm Jjr■^BbVtl I Proulr^lesents Taiwan attractive Singing Star Miss Chuang Li-Hung Appearing Soon Chenli-0 Lee Hsiu Ling t >\& Cocktail Lounge 3pm-7pm Dinner 7pm-10pm Niteclub iopm-3am
      25 words

    • 502 13 'I was earmarked for death' KUALA LUMPUR. Fri A BANGLADESH High Commission clerk here, Mr. A.T.N. Jobayer Ansari, said today he has defected from his government and has applied for either political asylum or permission to migrate to Australia. He told reporters that
      AFP  -  502 words
    • 136 13 Trader's appeal against life term dismissed KUALA LUMPUR, Friday nnHE High Court today dismissed an appeal by a businessman who was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for trafficking in 1,413 grams of heroin. Lai Fui Lam, 33, was found guilty by the Special Sessions Court last Oct 27 of
      136 words
    • 57 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A Royal Malaysian Navy minesweeper. KD Brinchnag. rescued 20 crew members of a Burmese vessel after it was Involved in a collision with an unknown merchant ship, 11 km from Tanjung Sepat, off Morlb, early this morning. The Burmese vessel, the 120-tcnne Nllar So.
      57 words
    • 105 13 PENANG, Frl. Six robbers, one armed with a pistol, forced their way into the office of Sharp Roxy Corporation (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd in Gottlieb Road here early today and got away with goods worth about $110,000. The robbers held up the company watchman, Ranjit,
      105 words
    • 156 13 139 Thai trawler men held off East Coast KUALA LUMPUR. Fri The Royal Malaysian Navy and Marine Police detained 139 crew members of 17 Thai deep sea trawlers operating in the sea near Trengganu in a combined six-day operation. The 139 fishermen and their vessels were handed over to Kuala
      156 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 709 13 Updating your home? Sinbor makes reramic tile selection easy and installation very convenient. In our specially designed showroom, take your time to browse around and study the wall and floor tiles. There are more than 250 designs in stock and these cover heavy duty external tiles as well as internal
      709 words
    • 211 13 COLOURFUL! GRACEFUL! ATTRACTIVE SETS FOR SSIOOorLESS. Enhance your home with the lastest German ceiling lamps. Imported directly from well-known manufacturers in Germany. Come and see our wide range. Crystal lamps. Wall lamps. Pull and push lamps. Gate lamps. Add atmosphere to offices, night clubs, restaurants, private houses, apartments or flats.
      211 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 237 13 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS to Bede in translation (8). 1 River-tales, familiar to the 6 Sweet Ro8e! c8) teller (7 8) 7 Leading actor desert* tur8 Hot-rod drivers? bulent priest; it's stan8 One African flower, in re- dard! (5 tlrtment for the Queen 12 Troops hide out in the i6i.
      237 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 415 14 :"CAPIf6L"\OVV SHOWING! I T»LnF«.mFmNV»,»»» i TOPomotvojniHytcujt bb^bbbV I Ibbb^bbbbbb^^^bbbbbV V v~--^v > MAURIZIO MERLI Gl AN CARLO SBRA6IA in :£ARWffi*\ IJADE -HVRRYSEE IT NOW! (Phone *****80) ONLY 3 SHOWS DAILY I Note Times: 11am. 3.30 7*spm-No Free List j 3 days advance CASH BOOKINGS on round floor Jl 50 TICKETS
      415 words
    • 499 14 Minolta mm-m WITH A UNIQUE SENSOR-TOUCH BUTTON •aflj^S^^. 1 ll'l bbbbbV^ Eli [..vbl ssi^^BTm bPv9lb^S The new tough lightweight compact KG- 2 is loaded with lots of remarkable features. Meter reading is activated by the lightest touch on the operating button. LED Computer read-out appears in super-clear viewfinder. A gentle
      499 words
    • 729 14 V™y I 3 Shows Daily At ADPUADII HURRY SOUTHRON i 1-30, 5.30, 8.45 PM. UHVIIIIIIII LAST DAYS! THEATRE S (TOMORROW EXTRA SHOW AT 10.30»M) CASH BOOKINGS ONLY! M RESTAURANT ffl .^^a^^M ,MK3to^. ■HMHM|K (Roof Garden), I BHM^| :^m H^^U Isllt^^^^^^B UIC Building, B^^^^^^^^^' I^V^^ WM proudly presents bkJl^Hkiv J B^H^K.
      729 words
    • 606 14 IgyjCflTHflVll |QOR£AN RATION j I*^SBaSSSSSSSpaSS!9aBSp| I Ll'H'.uHlvA^v.ll 'I NOW SHOWING' S Sho-i at 111 11 «m 1 30. 4.00, 7 00. 9 15 HI inSStttw I Mandor.n ColotScope Jufnm Drtve-ln Ciweme Cathay Od«n Orchard I fOLLOW THI STAR t n» S ColorScO[* I ■'iiMif litrgmi HURRY! LAST DAYS' Bth W(EK:
      606 words

  • 237 15 Time now to move up to high-skill industries SOUTH-EAST Asia has one of the fastest growing air traffic markets, and air traffic in the area has been growing at the rate of about 20 per cent, the Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Defence) and MP for Tampines, Mr. Phua Bah Lee, said
    237 words
  • 30 15 BUKIT Ho Swe* community centre will hold courses in piano aii 1 guitar playing, fashion designing. Interior decoration, dressmaking, cooking am. art for children. For detnlls, ring *****.
    30 words
  • 291 15 SMALL companies could find man; big business opportunities in a world dominated by giant corporations il they were dynamic and prepared to take risks, a Dutch industrialist said yesterday. To quote Mr. Bert Twaalfhoven's corporate outlook: "Even the largest corporations cannot afford to develop
    291 words
  • 319 15 Midnight wait by suicide pact waitress Boy friend jumped to death next day J^S ex-nightclub waitress yesterday told a coroner of a midnight wait for her boy friend on the Kith floor of a block of flats to fulfil a suicide pact they had planned a day earlier. For 30
    319 words
  • 75 15 THE institute of Education's advanced Certl-flcate-ln Education course, designed to equip non-graduate teachers to teach in secondary schools, will start in July. Teachers who pass the advanced Certificate in-Edu-cation examination will be eligible for two Increments on their salary scales, provided the maximum of their scales
    75 words
  • 31 15 TANGLIN comrr.unlty centre will hold a Chinese and Malay cooking competition on April 30. Entries close on Thursday. Details can be obtained from the centre, telephone 51 3922
    31 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 160 15 1 King Curtis vs Giant Bab^Mk pTPfclVll^lJTl AT GAY MW Ij m\ i UNion I l world V M W TIME:9.OOP.M. STADIUM W 1A JUMBO TSI tfS RED WOOLF I Bffißßtt 1"*""1 Bp c£fcE2T-- JE oh,guch, BRUCE WEE Glv Wo d Sltdlum Offlc# 0R (wak) vt c I Suil. 131
      160 words
    • 211 15 <»> PIEU RESTAURANT <ts> 1 1^— 21. Yuan Chmg Road (Jurong) s|!fe^— -^^**3 (Opp: Jurong Ie Skating Rink) /^^>^^Cw^^k TiS^^Vi^ jH^\7%j^^ nORECRET THIS OFFER^ Popular Band: "Wonder Me" IMS NIGHTLY FROM APRIL 22 1978 J ONWARDS FIRST TIME IN JURONG. P I E.U. RESTAURANT iPMfc*T l|jLl BRINGS TO YOU TOP
      211 words

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1978
    • 324 16 THE major diplomatic row between Japan and China which Is brewing over the Senkaku Islands threatens to hinder the negotiations for a bilateral treaty of friendship. Chinese fishing vessels arrived iast Wednesday at the group of uninhabited, rocky islands trying to assert Peking's claim of sovereignty over them,
      324 words
    • 328 16 The ones who will be most cheered by the episode are the Russians, who have consistently opposed the conclusion of a Sino-Japanese treaty. Moscow objects to the inclusion of the so-called antihegemony clause, which the Russians have protested as being designed against them. This clause is a Chinese
      328 words
  • 467 16 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane More light MORE of it Have that for a clear bright understanding of bllingualism today. The problem is not with English. It's with Mandarin, with fostering its usage in public. True, we can get by Just on dialects. Perhaps. Hokkien alone. But would
    467 words
  • 723 16 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Straits Times, Malaysia. AI4-point strategy to clean up Johore Baru was announced by the Deputy Chairman of the •Johore Baru Municipality, Daluk Haji Abdul Rahim Kamli in September last >ear. One of the points and a major one at that
    723 words
  • 1889 16  - Euro-communists up against harsh realities MARK FRANKLAND FAILURE IN FRENCH POLLS UNDERLINES THEIR DILEMMA By THE failure of the French left -wing coalition in last month's election underlines the severe problems facing Europe's com- munists is convincing voters t hat their brand of Marxism is different from Moscow's. After visits
    OFNS  -  1,889 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 22 16 Mlen-B^. the natural food tuppl»mant-jj|oßiP^^ Enquiries: Nafta International Pte Ltd Suite 904, Supreme House, Penang Road, Singapore 9. Tel: *****3 MHP *****6
      22 words
    • 277 16 "Ire you Itvinv witlunlull m;//'" create your wall with excitement with selections from the over lOOOdferent subjects of classical modern art prints 8c posters at prices you can afford ||B«B| I mm HOKUSAI PICASSO £KTf God of Mirth The Three Musicians Off'CVt 29 Cupoape toM Qmtwt *9 Ground Floor 29
      277 words

    • 83 17 A PAGE OF YOUR LETTERS 1 REFER to the article 1 have been a regular headed "Regular blood blood donor for over 25 donors: More incentives years and have made 99 urged." (ST, April 1). donations up to date, and I am proud to have
      83 words
    • 536 17 Developing local entrepreneur ability in industry 1 REFER to the recent Budget speech and In particular to the Capital Assistance Scheme. I note that thp government is concerned over the lack of developm ment of lo;al entreprenearial aoihty in the manufacturing sector. Consequently action is beh.g taken to modify the
      536 words
    • 52 17 THE government has warned that those stubbornly refusing to save water and electricity stand to pay heavier penalties. Atter lunch recently, I travelled along Upper Jalan Ahmed Ibrahim near dementi Road, and noticed all the street lights along the road were on. CONSUMER,
      52 words
    • 291 17 HOW TO IMPROVE STAFF MORALE AT MAILS CENTRE I REFER to the points raised by Mr. Ng Yeow Chong (MP for Mountbatten) and the reply given by Mr. Ong Teng Cheong, Senior Minister of State Communication) in Parliament recently about the plans to build a new postal centre for parcels.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 886 17 Today's TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 12.55 PM Opening and Sesame Street 7.03 The First 365 Days in a Child's Lite 1.55 Lassie Feature Well Of Love, starring: 7.30 News (Malay) Lassie, Robert Bonner, Mary Gregory 7.45 Donny and Marie Shew 3.05 Hazel (repeat) 8.30 Starsky and Hutch 3.30 Police
      886 words
    • 22 17 WATER WATER consumption on Thursday was 677,000 cubic metres (148.9 million gallons), 7,000 cubic metres (1.5 million gallons) less than on Wednesday.
      22 words

      • 36 18 1ST HSftfata lUrtiw ilc ICBC tr*IU Tr»di«« TPim .etfleC*. IIC l>UaCuliwn 424 107 259 234 320 080 675 610 575 290 25S 185 414 10 +9 +8 +6 5 ♦5 ♦5 +5 ♦5 +5 45
        36 words
      • 34 18 Prr.k Carbkk I'SccuritiM Vlron *PI Sin Chew Sim* Darby Island Pea Sanyang Prm* 3 Lumber 53 103 218 141 260 418 260 254 89S -20'. -11 -9 -S -5 -4 -4 -4 -4
        34 words
      • 24 18 3CBI" IHS Mil. *V«rnrt .'ily Drv Si«m« Metal Haw Par il.umbrr DOB 341.000 129.000 127.000 109.000 78.000 73.000 69.000 66.000 64.000
        24 words
      • 33 18 IT. Index: n dust rials Inance: lotels: topertles: Ins: rubbers: ).C.B.C Apr 13 Aprl< 774.11 775.7' 296.22 298 31 478 17 476.41 186.28 186.01 170.00 170.11 141.61 141.5' 471.35 471.5 261.75 261.
        33 words
    • 443 18 A BEAR raid on necond-li-ner Perak Carbide right from the opening beli brought the counter down by 25 i cents or 34 per cent from its previous closing at the height of selling on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. It was sparked off by
      443 words
    • 353 18 IT was another lack-lustre session on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with prices wavering on an erratic note. Following Thursday's heslstant mood, the market continued to drift Irregularly for the rest of the day. Trading yesterday was dominated by Perak Carbide which encountered selling pressure, particularly In
      353 words
    • 199 18 DEFLECTING the firmer xv tone of the US dollar In overseas markets on suspected Intervention by Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the US dollar opened higher at $2.3100/10 In the Singapore forex market yesterday. Trading was moderately active with the US dollar moving to the hlgest
      199 words
    • 130 18 Interbank rates at 3.0 C pjn. Correncla Nominal rate* SnitbMßUn ptmiUp quoted yesterday (croai) parity chance US dollar sterling pound Hongkong dollar hl'slan dollar Mist schilling 9el franc (com) 3anl&h kroner •"Tench franc Italian lire Neth guilder >Jor kroner iweolsh kroner Jwlse franc Deut mark Japanese yen Vuit
      130 words
    • 184 18 A BIAN currency depot-it Interbank rates as at close on April 14. US Dollars (Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 7 6 7/8 1 mth 7 1/8 7 2 mths 7 5/16 7 3/16 3 mths 7 7/16 7 5/16 6 mths 7 13/16 7 11/161 9 mths
      184 words
    • 37 18 Closing Interbank rates on Singapore dollars on April 14 Offer Bid Overnight 3 1/4 3 1 mth 4 13/16 4 3/4 2 mths 4 15/16 4 7/8 3 mths 5 4 15/16 Source: Aitley Pearee.
      37 words
    • 60 18 RANOE of rates offered by discount houses on April 14. Overnight 31 to 3t<* Call deposit 2 to 31 SM*J Bur tsll 3-Month Treasury bills 3 1/4 3 1/8 a-sfonuk Bank bills 4 T/S 4 3/4 3-Month CD 5 1/1* 4 13 18 5-Montn CD S 5 1« 5
      60 words
    • 71 18 THE PRIME rat* of most commercial banki in Singapore now stands at 7 per cent. Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation is still offering 6V< per cent to iv beat customers while both Chartered and United Commercial Bank are maintaining their prime rates at 7'-< per cent. The stated prime
      71 words
    • 537 19 Taxman bites deep into Genting HIGHER tax charges and extraordinary expenses have pared earnings considerably at Genting Highlands Hotel last year. Group earnings at the pre-tax level registered a good 25 4 per cent rise to Ms 27 54 million but a marked reversal In trend Is seen below the
      537 words
    • 280 19 SIM LIM Investments has caused further confusion in the minds of shareholders by its latest disclosure that the agreement to sell Its holdings In Boon Ann Properties (BAP) to Equatorial Investments Pte Ltd has been rescinded. This marks a reversal of the situation on
      280 words
    • 1208 18 rpHE last transacted ready sale at the X close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1977/78 high and low, ('Adjusted for script/rights Issue). SECTION ONE INDUSTRIALS I»77/U La* Hi(h Low Company Sab ♦<*- l8l 132 Aetna 175
      1,208 words
    • 326 18 SINGAPORE UNIT TRUST iMuifin prim tm April IT) The Commerce 1.90 2.03 The Saving Fund 1.11 1.17 s port Prog Fund 0.90 0.96 S port Security Fund 1.73 1.83 Sport Inveit Fund 1.14 1.21 ASIA UNIT TRUST iMiuim pricw tar April 17) Mai Invest Fund 1.72 l.Uxd Mai
      326 words
    • 1591 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange uf Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "set". Big Board
      1,591 words
    • 57 18 STRIKING prices of the stock options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options traded shown In brackets. C and C (June (2.20) (1.02 B) Inchcape (June 51. 90) (0.095) (4) 0.08. Sime Darby
      57 words
    • 151 18 4 3/4% 1/5/79 (250.000) (101. 10S) 5 1/4% 15/10/79 (250.000) 101 358 101 555) 4 3/4% 15/S/80 (250.000) (100 108 100 255) 5% T F IS/4/81 (250.000) (102.958) 5% T F l/S/83 (250.000) (100 40B) 5 3/4% T F IVS/81-84 (250.000) (102 80S) (4) 102.75 (4)
      151 words
    • 1718 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Alcom U »5B 1978) (2) 196 X.AIA Alai Held (0 958) (1)
      1,718 words
    • 43 18 MSI U Box (S) M Itxtile If H S (Ml rasek Jlympla J and C L'td Malacca I'arlsbtrg Wcunts 4 28 2.68 0.74 2 10 280 168 3 32 3.84 4 38 2.77 .28 .14 -l-.ll .11 1^.09 .06 .08 .06 .06
      43 words
    • 20 18 .11 aioip Hit am Tin P I >n Sec 6 10 8 90 1 43 108 —.11 .0' 0
      20 words
      • 328 18 HONGKONG The market eased throughout the day In light and quiet trading dealers said The Hang Seng Index plunged 5.17 to 436 96 points on a combined total turnover volume valued at $44.86 million. APK 14 HKS Anial Rubber Its Associated Hotels 2 70 Bowuters 13 OON Cheon» Koni
        328 words
      • 369 18 TOKYO: Share prices closed higher In active trading as selective buying spread over many sections with Investors anticipating a further rise In prices, dealers said. The Dow Jones average rose 37.37 to close at 5,303.55 points, with a volume of 430 million shares. The New index closed at 411.06,
        369 words
      • 292 18 SYDNEY: Many Industrial and mining stocks rose with BHP gaining eight cents to A 56.28 and traded at a high of $6 32 earlier, dealers said. The Sydney All-Ordlnarles rose 3.11 to 464 88 points, on a total turnover volume of 5.50 million shares. APR M onu INDUSTRIAL!) A
        292 words
      • 70 18 THE Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for the period from April 13 until further notice: Rubber 206% cts a kg. Copra $930.07 a ton. Palm Kernel $239 03 a ton. The rate of duties pay able are: Rubber 35 K, cts a lb. Research cess
        70 words
      • 31 18 LONDON: Coppv prlcti on Thursday (prcvlmu In bracket*). Wirahar Spot buyari MSB (£«B2i, tcllan <689 {IM2.M); Thr« montlu buy«ra *****0 (£707.50). ulltra £704 (I7OSI. Mirktt Una: Bt«dT (■Hit: 10,250 loonti
        31 words
      • 192 19 MEW YORK. Thurs.—The 1 stock market advanced •harply today In the heaviest trading session of the year, buoyed by a number of favourable corporate profit reports and a surge) In US automobile sales. Analysts .•■aid these factors offset some concern about money supply flguies Many analysts expected these
        192 words
      • 53 19 AMSTERDAM. Thurs. Prices closed mixed with a lower bias, though Dutch internationals were moetly higher led by I'nilever. Philips lost 0.10 guilder, while Hoocovrm was unchanged. Shippings and transports were weak. Cloamc prtcea In Dutch guilders with the difference on the previoua session a pncea Akio 2600 .10 Kon.
        53 words
      • 172 19 7URICH. Thurs. Prices firmed .".lightly In moderate turnover. Banks featured with buyIng support for the bearer shares of Union Bank and Credit Sitter. Financial* and Insurances were max( hlfrtier. while leading Industrials were little changed Dollar stocks and Dutch shares closed very steady, while Germans were narrow ly mixed
        172 words
      • 276 19 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Thursday 452 9 Wednesday 460.2 Week Ago 471.4 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Thursday 755.21 Wednesday 766 29 Week Ago 763 95 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Thursday 104' i to 105 Wednesday 1023« to 1034 M X HANG SENG Friday 436.96 Thursday 442.13 Week Ago 447.17 SYDNF.Y INDUSTRIALS
        276 words
      • 124 18 TOHE Straits tin price ■L eased $10 to $1,520 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up five tonnes to 215 tonnes. The overnight London market wu steady at lower levels with forward buyers falling £50 to £5.840 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day fell £20
        124 words
      • 30 18 Rubbrr Apr 14. Singapore: May 202.25 cts (up 1.00 ct). Malaysia: May 206.75 cts (up 125 cts). Tin: $1,520 (down $10). Official offering: 215 tonnes (up five tonnes).
        30 words
      • 62 18 Thufid., Wednesday Melbourne (1) 137 10 1M 95 London 178.008 175.U08 ITB.SOB 179 508 Zurich 178.258 170 JOB 179 006 IM2SH Parn 180 40 181.40 Fr.d.y Thur.d., Hongkong 178. 308 179 708 ITB.COS 180.108 8 pore (2) 179 348 180.948 1T5.868 181.S8S Export prlcei In non ittrllng *nu In
        62 words
      • 457 18 TMPROVED London ad■l- vices made for a slightly higher opening in the Singapore rubber market yesterday, dealers said. Later some week-end covering and continued forward demand advanced levels a further half cent before profit-taking came In towards the morning close. Turnover was moderate. The morning session closed steady quiet.
        457 words
      • 115 18 r\ All V SSR and BMR prices at noon yesterday: May Jane R-A.S. (Current Mth) (Forward Mth) Bayers Sellers Bayers Sellers SSR 20 (1 ton pallet) 194.00 196 00N 195.00 10T.OON SSR 50 (1 ton pallet) 192.00 194.00N 193.00 195 OON MR 8.1. B. SMR SCV (1
        115 words
      • 109 18 MINUS PROOUCI II V CHAHCI. SINGAPORE NOON CLOIINC PRICK PI« PICUL CiimiiC all: Bulk »8O itlltn, old drum (8S MUtra, new drum WO Mlitri. C**ra: Mixed (loou) UK/Coat. (S3 bu»»n. PtppM-: Muntok AST A whll* lob. 10O« NL.W »372 l ftllcra. Sarawak whltt fob. M% NLW ***** iHltri,
        109 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 579 19 I A WELL ESTABLISHED AND INTERNATIONAL MARINE ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF:SAFETY OFFICER THE POSITION The successful applicant will be responsible for planning, developing and implementing safety rules, training programmes, procedures and campaigns in compliance with the regulations set down by legislation and Company policy.
      579 words
    • 828 19 A major international Company engaged in a diverse range of manufacturing ond morketing activities requires PROJECT OFFICERS Successful candidates will be required to assist in the marketing, planning, development ond implementation of Telecommunications ond Defence Projects A pre-requisite required of candidates is a Degree or Diploma in Electronic Engineering with
      828 words
    • 551 19 SINGAPORE MOTORS PTE. LTD. With effect from Monday, 17th April 1978 our showroom will be at 19, Leng Kee Road, Singapore 3. Telephone: *****6 UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the 64th Ordinary Generol Meeting of the Members of United Engineers
      551 words
    • 350 19 BAILIFF'S SALE In The Subordinate Courts Of The Republic Of Singapore Writ Of Seizure Sale No. 1091 of 1977 In The Cause Of Behn Meyer St Co. 'Pte.) Ltd Plaintiff Versus Portafab (Pte) Ltd Defendant Auction Sale Of Electric planners. 2 woodworking machines, knife grinder, heavy duty drill, com'pressure Framar
      350 words
    • 761 19 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up No. 41 of 197K In the Matter of the Companies Act. 1957 And In the Matter of Patrick Phua .Associate* Pte Ltd. MHKRTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice is hereby (riven that a Petition for the Winding Up of the
      761 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 751 20 I Texas Instruments SINGAPORE (PTE) LIMITED invites applications for the following positions: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS PLANNER Financial analysis of actuals versus forecast, and systems software coordination/development. Requires a degree in Computer Science or its equivalent and experience in Electronic Data Processing. Preference will be given to those with accounting background. MECHANICAL
      751 words
    • 584 20 REGIONAL SALES MANAGER -FAR EAST Position available for Regional Sales Manager for South East Asia. Scope of the position includes sales and marketing responsibilities for electronic testing and measurement equipment (digital voltmeters, data acquisition equipment, precision calibrators, frequency counters and digital logic testing equipment) through distributors and agents throughout South
      584 words
    • 565 20 PERSONNEL AND ORGANIZATION L 4 DEVELOPMENT (PTE) LTD. I (MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONSULTANTS) I Our client, a well-estoblished trading Company m Audio equipment and accessories invites applications for the positions of: SALES REPRESENTATIVES to be stationed in their Petaling Jaya office and to cover the West Malaysia market only Requirements: Conduct
      565 words
    • 544 20 The CCAA Group Invites g applications from experienced g advertising practitioners to fill the m following senior positions: I Creative Director I Account Manager I Media Manager Copywriter We arc a leading group of advertising agencies with offices in Singapore. Hong Kong and Taiwan All full service accredited agencies Our
      544 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 578 21 CLASSIFIED ADS AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service:- ii Jv "J Weekdays ffe A 8 30 a.m. 5.00 p.m. W Saturdays /k> 8.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. Public Holidays C.A.T.S. 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 23f>6*77 Counter Service Regular office hours Antmfbne Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mln. $9.00)
      578 words
    • 701 21 1 MAMIYA CAMERA MS. 80. 45. 210 I lenses Electronic and two other finders, ten filters, closeup rings, several accessories: $1800 Faclt 1 1850 ball element electric typewriter $1500 3M. 355 Copying machine $220. all 1 year old large BxB and 3x5 foot Indian temple paintings $900 and $600: office
      701 words
    • 5119 21 I FOR SALE SHOPPIN6 GUIDE II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT MARVEL CANE ft furnishing Pte Ltd 425 River Valley Road (9) I Telephone *****38 Cane fur- I nlture. curtain, upholstery. cushion covers, carpets and dls- trlbutlng of latest furnishing fabrics PAN FURNITURE KITCHEN cabinet $80'- per ft run: Wardrobe
      5,119 words
    • 582 21 Schlumb«rg«r Schlumbefgar- Wwtd'l leading Oil-well Logging Company Invites application* for the position of "Computer Maintenance Engineer" The desired applicant should hava the following requirements 1 Possess degree or equlva- lent In electronic engineering 2 At least 3 years of expe- riencf In maintaining digit a I computers Preferably medium und
      582 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 793 22 II EMPLOYMPIT II EMPLOYMENT _J H EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT II EMPLOYMENT ell Ye>BßS%ssftsie>l A taedma sMpyerd InJurong kmrtee ftPP IIC HOtlel fOf PM POM Of SAFETY OFFICER OuelMcettene: Technician Diploma In Engineering from an approved Technical Collage or University Graduates In Physics. Chemistry or any Scientific/ Technological subject Candidates with
      793 words
    • 361 22 r^DAiiieFi TRAUB PRIVATE LIMITED Our company Is now embark Ing on an expansion programme and we Invite applications from suitably qualified persons to apply for the following positions (I) FOR OUR PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT 1. ONE MILLER With at least i years working experience 2. ONE FEMALE FITTER Preferably a graduate
      361 words
    • 372 22 A MANUFACTURER OF AUDIO PRODUCTS WELCOMES YOU TO A LONG-TERM and STABILIZED CAREER We Require: FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Requirement*: Age between 16 and 3S years Primary education Experience not necessary Singapore citizens Malaysian citizens We Offer t No shift work (normal 8 00 am to 5 00 p.m.) t Easy
      372 words
    • 524 22 GENERAL (fife ELECTRIC USA GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) APPLIANCE COMPONENTS PTE. LTD. nvites suitably qualified canlldates for the post of 1. SET-UP TECHNICIAN Requirements: Good School Certificate with Credit In Technical Subjects Must be able to read blueprints and perform simple mechanical adjustments Preferably In similar capacity. Be willing to work
      524 words
    • 463 22 bbsbT ~"~B*m JbbbPV^bl BaL^^k-^aass o> #^**r^E3 bbV<^* S EX 5 .essP I CORONA MANUFACTURERS I V PTI LTO An AMiliele of SCM Corporation. USA manufacturing electric hjoawriHra IrfSHSJ'S?^ L!*A|JBL JJLJsWIgJ: requires: FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS If you are: 16 years of age and above. 6 Education (any medium). Prepared to work
      463 words
    • 484 22 W% MUSJAO Norwegian Manufacturing Compeny In Jurong fie* the following vacen■tßfJ 1) MALE STORE-KEEPER 2) MALE GENERAL WORKERS For poet (1) Spore citizens between a s e 26-40 Possess school certificate or equivalent Must have at least 3 years relevant working experience In general store-keeping Knowledge in: a) stock control
      484 words
    • 572 22 PRODUCTION OPERATORS mm 1) At least Primary Education. 2) Age: 16—17 years. 3) Must work shift duties (3 shifts) by weekly rotation 4) Starting pay $8.40 per day $9 40 per day (If completed National Service) ■5) Shift allowance: 2nd shift $2 per shift 3rd shift $3 per shift. 6)
      572 words
    • 594 22 JOB VACANCIES FOR FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Our parent company. Oeneral Electric Company USA Is one of the largest in the world We manufacture Tubes and Semiconductors In our fully-modern factory In Kallang Basin COME JOIN US: If you are between 16 and 36 years of age Can speak either Mandarin.
      594 words
    • 756 22 TOKYO BVOKANf (S) PTI LTD 10. FMh Lsfcyone) Roed. Singapore, 23. Invites applicants for (A) ACCOUNTS CLERK Candidates muet be holder el GCE O level (with commercial subjects prvtOTßasMc) Of pOsMsMS H.S.CMum poaaan L.C.C. Inoyrmodsrto avOOltkvMpMQ MM/ Of HtQttOf ACcounting. We offer attractive salary plus transport allowance for 5-day work
      756 words
    • 644 22 A well odaMssnod CocMaM Lounge requires STEWARDESSES c 2 shlfU 330 —7pm S 11 45 p m Total Income In the region ot $1,000 plus Age 18 and above Experience not necessary Work permits available Accommodation provided for non -Singaporeans Charming Chinese girls preferred c Part-timers are also welcome to
      644 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 882 23 II EMPLOYMENT lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES I jIV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES j lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION k PROPERTIES I V SERVICES A BUSINESS •I »eßerßj REQUIRED HARDWORKING OFFICE boy Completed Primary education Able to speak English preferably staying at Districts 9. 10. 11. 12 With own motorcycle. Please state salary to
      882 words
    • 586 23 VAN DRIVER REQUIRED for company In Kallang Way Must be English speaking and not afraid of hardwork Ring *****10 on Monday CHAIRMAN OF INTERNATIONAL Company requires Experienced Chauffeur Only those above 35 need apply. Please call *****19 PUMP ATTENDANTS WANTED. Apply personally at Shell Station. 230 Whltley Road Spore 11.
      586 words
    • 885 23 DIST. 10 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL vicinity, modern 2storey residence/ elevated land 3 bedrooms/ study. spacious living/ dining area Separate servant's amenities Rental on application I DWT 11 HILLCREST PARK 2'>-storey semi-detached. 3 large bedrooms, alrcond throughout Tastefully furnished. Available immediately $1,500 FABER HILLS 2-storey semidetached, 4 bedrooms/ separate study, central alrcond/
      885 words
    • 774 23 SELETAR HILLS J-STOREY semidetached. 3 bedrooms, newly painted, matured garden. Fully furnished with telephone Rental $500 negotiable. *****2 b) Flats WESTWOOO SUPERB LUXURIOUS APARTMENT with swimming pool, centrally alrcondltloned. 4 bedrooms c GOLDHILL TOWER LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED APARTMENT with 3 bedrooms CONTINENTAL HOUSING PTE. LTD. TEL: SIS7SS DIST. 1$ JOO CHIAT
      774 words
    • 801 23 KATONG FURNISHED SINGLE bedroom with alrcond cooking, colour TV. free parking Preferably single working girl/ student/ European or American bachelor Rent $230 Ring *****18 FURNISHED ROOM WITH balcony at dlst 13 to let. Couple/ single Contact *****2 ROOM FOR SINGLE. Use of telephone, parking facility Quiet neighbourhood 79. Clover Avenue
      801 words
      564 words
    • 618 23 WESS ASSOCIATES 2*30*22 (3 lines) 2******/2****** REAL BARGAINS!' FABER GROVE IMMACULATE double-storey semidetached, split-level, central alrcond 5 bedrooms. 5.200 sq ft $175,000 0.n.0. OOLDHILL AVENUE Calif.. r lownhouse. 6 bedrooms, central alrcond $250,000 0.n.0. DIST. 15 -BEAUTIFULLY Renovated Single-storey detached. 3 spacious bedrooms $140,000 0.n.0. CHESTNUT AVENUE Cosy Single-storey detached
      618 words
    • 734 23 HDB 3-ROOM IMPROVED flat at Blk 98. Toa Payoh. 16lh storey, terrazzo flooring $17,000 on o Tel *****19 C.oh 4-ROOM HOB FLAT At Toa Payoh Ring *****87 Mr Tan. (9.00 a.m. 2 00 p m I HDB THREE-ROOM standard Jalan Batu extensively renovated $18,000 Ring *****8 H.D.B. 3-RM (OLD S
      734 words
    • 572 23 CARPET SHAMPOO/ COMPLETE floor care/ thorough house and office cleaning Charges reasonable Call. CleanweTl Services *****88 ext 396. WE RENDER SERVICE for repairing fitting of water pipes electrical wiring, house leaking painting *****8 CHARMING LADY ESCORTS to accompany you to Interesting places and entertainment spout Tel: *****0 JB*6K> «**®»«9V> t<»S#»(9V»
      572 words
    • 742 23 CLEARING BELOW COST 100.000 ruilb In good condition (or in 1 complete or partial lot Interested parties contact Multiplex Trading Co. 14A Tanjong Pagar Plaza. Singapore 2 Tel *****54 *****92 INVESTORS WANTED FOR viable projects Minimum investment $5000 For details, telephone *****36. Mr Allan Chan WE PURCHASE 810 quantities of
      742 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      75 24 tn loving memory of our b*lov*d MM M LOUIS RAJOO Departed 15 4.77 So sudden was the parting without a word of farewell Lovely memories of you remain deep In our hearts very well Every moment we miss you. we wish you were here We will meet
      75 words
    • 34 24 IN EVERLOVING MEMORY of dearest mother I) Soosalammai who left us on 15 4. 77 Sadly missed and always remembered by children and grandchildren Mass today 6 00 pm at Lady of Lourdes Church
      34 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      18 24 In loving memory of MUTHU LOUIS RAJOO Departed 15 4.77 Sadly missed by Ood-son. Joseph Leong L family
      18 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      18 24 In lovMg mtnory o* MR CHEOK GUAM KEE Departed on 15 AprH 1975 Sadly mlaaad but ••way* rmrn-
      18 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1026 24 V SERVICES I BUSINESS VI EDUCATIOH TRAINING VI EDUCATION I TRAINING 1 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS I VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS WHEN IN SINGAPORE, remember Oriental friendly masseuses Royston Agency *****13/ *****12 p CALL MICHELLE 2******/ *****13 ri for a relaxing massage For S immediate service. Michael t Royston Agency only
      1,026 words
    • 714 24 V^ SECRBTAmUS SCHOOL OF SECRETARIAL SKILLS Prepare* students ioz the London Chamber oi Commerce Industry and Pitmans Institute examinations. FULL-TIME PRIVATE*SECRETARY'S COURSES commence on Bth May 1978 The next PART-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARY'S COURSE (EVENINGS) commences on 17th April 1978 Write ior our brochure or enquire at SECRET ARIUS 75 Tanalin
      714 words
    • 1525 24 1 af BEGINNERS TYPEWRITING DAIW^ LV: 8.30 am 930 pm BookkwpinK Shorthand. Principles I of Accounts Sec 3/ 4/ Pre-U *e»y j| (morning/ afternoon/ evening); ae^piSHflßieai Pre-U Commerce Subjects eveI bSk nlngs. LCCI revision all subjects. I ffJ'B Tuition English. Maths. Prln- B rlples of Accounts (Sec 3/4) Classes commencing
      1,525 words
    • 309 24 t fix tt f^^ l I am interested in your tour preview My proposed destination Is U.S.A. I I U.S.A. GREYHOUND COACH TRAVEL I ICANADA I I EUROPE I I ASIA I I AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND Intended Month of Travel Name: Address: Tel: far* t^| «^S*)-J^i//sW r- jJiLr^^M V/ am— 4__t_LjßE3|
      309 words
    • 771 24 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte Ltd B.T.P B LIC NO 140 West Malaysia Tour (Inclusive Gentlng' Cameron 2 Highlands) by deluxe alrcondl- tloned coach seven days Ssl92 T six days Ssl72 departure every s Sunday. Monday. Tuesday Oen- c ting Cameron Highlands four days Ssl3s-. Gentlng High- 5 lands
      771 words
    • 596 24 MODERN ECONOMIC TOURS D3N Gentlng Casino $79. $149 Boeln. 707. train L dinner In light club) -Day Gentlng. Penang 4 'ameron Highlands $155: $200 Air It Coach i -Day Gentlng. Pangkor It rasers Hill $185 4DSN Haadyal It bngkla r Land of Beauties) $129 -Day Pattaya Bangkok 'hengmal $695 )ther
      596 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 475 25 OBITUARIES RELATIVES AND FRIENDS of the M r Chan Te ni! Oeok wish to yM^HMßn^^J^^^^^a^BH express their sincere thanks lo the staff of wards 54. 55 and 34 of TT^r^^^^^^^^""^™™» TTSH for their kind attention LOVING MEMORY of Madam to the deceased during his slay boh Joo Oek departed 15
      475 words
    • 3001 25 times Saturday car mart NO KEONQ CAR TRADER* PTE LTD HOME OF QUALITY USED CARS KIM KEAT ROAD SINGAPORE 12 TEL: *****0. *****6. *****3 *****54 H77: Dalsun 100A/ 14OJ Alrcon. Toyota Corolla 1200 Alrcon. Mazda 323 Alrcon 1t7S: Daihatsu A 10KD. Datsun 180B Alrcon/ 100A/ 120Y S/ Wagon. T. Corolla
      3,001 words
    • 1045 25 HOLDEN KINGSWOOD. February 1973 One owner, alrcon well maintained Highest offer secures Tel *****2 1970 FORD CAPRI 1600 GT new tax Tip-top condition $5,400 negotiable Call *****0 Reene i960 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE Softtop Excellent condition lSJalan Chempedak off Thomson Road. Spore 20 Tel *****46 FORD CORTINA 1S0OE 1 970 Tip top
      1,045 words
    • 828 25 DEC. 6t FORD Escort 1100. 2 doors Excellent condition $4,250 o.n.o. R In g *****40 NEW TOYOTA C«R and Commercial vehicle for sale. Highest valuation tor your trade-In vehicle. Contact Franc Is Koh. Borneo Motors. *****3 Ex t 25. 1969 VOLKSWAG.EN STATIONWAGON. Very g< >od condition View 22A Loron g
      828 words
    • 455 25 GUAN MENO TRADING (PTE) LTD tO, AttMfi S»Mt ft Singapore 7 M *****/ 321*70/ *****2 0 Aflpr office hours: Ong Choon Wah *****32 An* Tfck Lael *****93 We pay good price for scrap cars Q and secondhand vehicles m Below 1000 c.c $1350 1001 1600 c.c $3300 1601 2000 c
      455 words
    • 572 25 SINGAPORE BUS SERVICE (1978) LTD Applications are invited from 9 suitably qualified Singapore citizens 1 for APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING IN COMMERCIAL VEHICLE MECHANIC I Candidates must have completed > at least Secondary Two education and I (a) have completed full-time National Service; or (b) are exempted from full-time National Service; or
      572 words

  • 716 26  -  S. Ml MUTHU Brigade's target in next 10 years: By fHK Singapore Fire Brigade will be able, within the next decade, to reach the scene of a fire anywhere in Singapore within eight minutes. This is the brigade's target in the
    716 words
  • 166 26 Robbers struck on the wrong day TWO robbers who planned to puU off a payroll grab yesterday found they had picked the wrong date tor it For when they struck at Pang Secur.ty Guard Service in High Street at 9.15 a.m., they found it was not its pay day as
    166 words
  • 62 26 SUPREME Court judge, Mr. Justice D.C. D'Cotta has retired as president of Tiong Bahru District Scout Association. The association's first vicepresident. Mr. Andrew Ng, was elected the new president. Other officials are First vice president. Bro. Joseph Klely, second vicepresident, Mr. Choo Cheok Hal; secretary. Mr.
    62 words
  • 66 26 THE Port of Singapore Authority will hold a course on the Role of tne Supervisor, at Its Central Training School, Keppel House In Trlolc Blangah Road The cour;-e will be held from May 2 to 8, Aug 14 to 19 and Nov 20 to 25. For
    66 words
  • 125 26 A MAN, who had been posing as a PUB officer has struck again. This time he stole $10 and Jewellery worth $900 from Madam Teo Ah Llm. 71. Madam Teo was In her flat in North Bridge Road when the conman called at 10.30 a.m.
    125 words
  • 290 26 Developed nations lack of political will criticised By PHILIP LEE London, Friday THE Malaysian Primary Industries Minister. Datuk Amar Haji Taib Mahmud, yesterday hit out at some developed countries for their lack of political will in implementing "real and acceptable" measures to start a Common Fund to help stabilise primary
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 392 26 y^ T7 Quality f^pT m M MX There's more to it than pieces MW M M J^ W of wood. At Roxy. we control m W M /^L m productions. No furniture loaves m. •iBV J^L our factory without the approval f^j 0 of our quality-control supervisors. rt/niJ Comlort Ifl/Iff
      392 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 183 26 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavanagh «c Hal Camp N 7 WELL. I AM.'"\| 1/IT'S MV FATHER -"N 111 1 CAN'T ANSWER I C MOU« PATWER WANTS I NOBOPy 1 ITS LATE HOURS, II HE WANTS TO J THAT QUESTION t J^rTO kNOW HOW TO < IS SURE I I
      183 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 569 27 The SGV Group Management Consulting Services An •xport-orientad European Company engaged in the manufacture and tales of sophisticated consumer electronic products it vitas applications for the post of: I FINANCIAL CONTROLLER I Around $40,000 p.a. Report, ig directly to the Managing Director, the successful candidate will bi! responsible for the
      569 words
    • 645 27 Yt v A well established shipyard in Jurong invites applications tot the post of: PROJECT MANAGER The Job An ability to plan, organise and control the smooth execution of projects. To interpret contracts, drawings, specifications, etc. Responsible for production schedules, production control and co-ordination of planning/estimaxing I activities. Also ability
      645 words
    • 960 27 I CHIEF ACCOUNTANT I Singapore Salary Circa $35,000 Per 4nnum B Our Client is a major international shipping company with a well established Wt and expanding business in Singapore. Pi The Company wishes to recruit a Chief Accountant. This is the senior financial H^ management position within the Company, reporting
      960 words

  • 130 28 Gardener who 'wanted to have some fun' A GARDENER "wanted to have some fun" and took morphine a second time while under a supervision order. For this, Jum All bin Shahanan, 26. was Jailed three years by a district Judge yesterday. He admitted taking the drug at a house in
    130 words
  • 37 28 THE Supervisory and Management Training Association of Singapore will hold a 10-lecture cours? on the Practice of Management by Objectives for Results at Merlin Hotel on Tuesdays and Fridays from May 2. For details, ring *****19
    37 words
  • 157 28 niVORCE petitions filed in the High Court rose from 191 in 1968 to 1,113 last year a more than five-fold increase. The number of divorce petitions filed for the years 1969 to 1976 were 192, 250, 314, 308, 465, 398, 540 and 803 respectively.
    157 words
  • 69 28 THE State Bank of India has opened an office here to serve as the base for offshore operations in the Asean region. It is expected to contribute towards the increasing bilateral trpde between India and the Asean countries and oromote the formation of Joint ventures In
    69 words
  • 428 28 $151,000 arbitration award set aside AN ARBITRATION award in a contract dispute case between Chartered Industries of Singapore Ltd. and Goodwin Construction Co. (GCC) was set aside by Mr. Justice Chua in the High Court yesterday The judge, giving his J y decision in an appeal case, ruled that the
    428 words
  • 97 28 Jurong feeder service delayed rE Jurong feeder services operation will not begin on Monday as announced earlier because of delay in the shipment of new bus body kits from abroad. A Singapore Bus Service statement said that as the company did not have an additional 30 buses required for the
    97 words
  • 19 28 SINGAPORE Technical Institute Students' Council will hold Its orientation ball at the institute hall on April 29.
    19 words
  • 99 28 Used friend's IC: Illegal migrant jailed AN illegal Immigrant. Zakariyah bin Abu. 32, who made use of a friend's identity card to apply for a Singapore passport, was yesterday jailed for 18 months by a district Judge. The ldentlty-caid he used to apply for a restricted passport In November 1972
    99 words
  • 24 28 CEPTA TV headquarters has moved from Harding Road to its new building in Kay Slang Road. IU telephone number *****2 remains unchanged.
    24 words
  • 149 28 PAINTER JAILED 18 MONTHS FOR DRUG OFFENCES r>OLICE supervisee Teo Seng Lai, 22, was yesterday Jailed for 18 months for two drug offences and for falling to report at a police station while under a supervision order. Teo, a painter, was found with 0 05r of heroin in his possession
    149 words
  • 40 28 The People's Association Regional Youth Council (East) will hold a seminar. Let's Talk, at the National Youth Leadership Training Institute on April 22 and 23. The theme of the seminar Is: Towards Closer Rapport and Effective Communications.
    40 words
  • 270 28 Two who went on drinking spree ion stolen beer PWO teenaged friends who stole nine orates of beer were caught a few hours later in a deep stupor, a district court heard yesterday. Teo Yonp Choon, 19, unemployed; and Neo Oeok Koon. 18, labourer, were found drunk and Incapable of
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  • 27 28 LEND Kee community centre will hold a talk on Tropical Pish Rearing at Its premises on April 28 at 8 p.m. All are welcome.
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 426 28 RINA COMPANY INVITES YOU TO SEE A FULL RANGE OF TECNOEnS GAS COOKERS COOKER HOODS Hill I If I H^ aaaaaaaM mm —J Fully stainless steel body Crystal heat proof cover 4 gas burners with adaptable LPG/PUB nozzle jets Hot plate* Electric Oven, Electric Grill Timer Ad ustable legs Gas
      426 words
    • 427 28 ASSISTANT MANAGER CREDIT t MARKETING We ore o full service branch of o foreign bonk in Singapore In our current expansion programme. we have o voconcy for the position of Assntonf Monoger m our Credit ond Morketmg Deport menf QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE A tertiary education, preferably o good degree in Business Administration,
      427 words

    • 313 29 BIRMINGHAM, Fri.— The threat of a cricketers' strike in England this summer over Kerry Packer was averted at the annual meeting of the Cricketers Association the county players' trade union here yesterday. Following a conciliatory speech from Andy Caro, marketing director of Packer's World Series Cricket
      Reuter  -  313 words
    • 223 29 C.EVER Andy, who came in tlfth to stablemate Like A Dream over 1,700 metres In Ipoh last Saturday, Is worth an each-way bet In the 1.700 m Sultan of Pahang's Cup (Race 2) at the Kedah Gymkhana meeting in Alor Star today. Prior to that
      223 words
    • 409 29 RACE ONE II NM MALIK'S CUP 2.29 CLASS 1, DIV. B 1.700 M 1 Forex 83 1 8 2 Bt Your Pardon 75 (1); 3 Opera IV 75 (1); 4 Don Markoi. 72 (10); 5 Eagle Stride 71 •> (7); 6 Panglima Kakap 70S 7 Kota Tinggi 111
      409 words
    • 203 29 T>ORT OF SPAIN, Fri. I An airline pilots strike may force the fourth cricxet Test between Australia and the West Indies to be played over five consecutive days without a traditional rest day. The match, which staito here tomorrow was scheduled to end next Thursday with players taking
      AP  -  203 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 799 29 r^> Hwli^v at the Ultralinear's classic 2008 and the Ultralinear 225. VlJl^E^' I^UmUM^KfXVxXIk Listen to them. With 3-way aii suspension system low /Jr//Jmß!wl llHL\u\\^^L frequency driver, they are built for the serious music listeners. I **J$J-!%&a&Ektfj4 C"~ T^/M/Umi 1 1 BvVlWv^fc^ or a degree of sound purity unrivalled by other
      799 words

    • 580 30  -  HERMAN SAEN, LIEGE, By Friday PROWD violence, the soccer sickness of the seventies, is still on the increase in Europe despite concerted attempts to stamp out the growing menace to the world's No. 1 sport. Fighting fans have left their imprint on
      UPI  -  580 words
    • 102 30 Tourists start on a wrong note BOGOTA, (Colombia), Fri. Chinese soccer diplomacy did not seem to go too smoothly in Colombia. China's soccer team, here for a series of exhibition games were standing at attention for the traditional playing of the national anthems, when the band began playing Taiwan's anthem.
      AP  -  102 words
    • 367 30 O N D ON, Fri.— Those who quest i o n c d Nottingham Forest's ability to sustain their challenge for the English Football League title may have 10 shed their last lingering doubts in the next five days. Forest have home matches against Leeds and
      Reuter  -  367 words
    • 218 30 CARLSBAD, (California), Fri. Spain's Severlano Ballesteros birdled the final two holes yesterday to tie Bobby Cole of South Africa, and Bill Rogers at three-under-par 69 after the opening round of the U*****,000 (Sssl7 500) Tournament of Champions. Masters champion Gary Player of South
      Reuter  -  218 words
    • 104 30 LONDON, Fri. As from next season, English League footballers will be able to transfer from one club to another when their contract is finished, regard^ss of whether or not their club agree to transfer them. This decision to allow 'freedom of contracts' was taken yesterday afternoon
      AFP  -  104 words
    • 285 30 Unseeded Czech upsets Orantes to reach last four VIONTE CARLO, Frl. Tomaa Smld, the 22year old Czechoslovak, reached the semi-finals Jl the U*****,000 Grand Prix tennis tournament here yesterday with a surprise win over Manuel Orante& o! Spain. Smi<t who Is unseeded, beat the number four seed 3-6. &-X
      Agencies  -  285 words
    • 30 30 MILAN, Frl. BruzU befai Italian First Division alto ttiter-Mlkin 2-0 here la't night In a friendly soccer match In preparation for the World Cup finals m June. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 242 30 P^^^B H^ STAINLESS STEEL COOKER HOOD HI iW- j^j J|j STAINLESS STEEL GAS COOKER HOB^MBj? It's new fk It's a year round sale -^i^i^^r 1 *f^ It's Singapore first furniture discount warehouse bm^Bl. >\* r^] Rocco gives you the sale of the year Wearehere All year round. This new way
      242 words
    • 97 30 \ll Maruman THE WORLD'S FIRST TITANIUM RACKET SOLE AGENT*. It P GOLFn... M 27 FAR EAST SHOPPING CENTRE 545 ORCHARD RD S PORE 9 TEL *****8 TELEX RS ***** CABLE PAR GOLF Authorised Dealers: Best Sports Bobby O Isetan Metro (Grand/Orchard)* Nahar Sanwin S.I.CC. (Bukit/lsland) Singapore Tennis Centre Stanley Co
      97 words
      27 words

    • 371 31  -  JOE DORAI by fHE main topic for discussion last night after Singapore coach Sebastian Yap had named his 15 players for tomorrow's Malaysia Cup match against Kelantan at the National Stadium was: Will he carry out his threat of replacing some regulars? Ail because
      371 words
    • 292 31  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By TH£ Singapore Amateur Swimming Association have asked the Schools' Sports Council to help them boost diving. SASA want the schools to help produce promising young divers who can be groomed to represent Singapore overseas. SASA's move is a fol-low-up to
      292 words
    • 80 31 A MSTERDAM, Frl. Ajax Amsterdam beat Sparta Rotterdam 2-0 last night to reach the Dutch football Cup final Dutch Football Cup final There was no score at half-time and the Ajax goals came from Schoenaker and Geels. Sparta won the first leg 2-1. The other semi-final between
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 20 31 STAR United beat Football Referees Association of Singapore 4-1 In a friendly soccer match at Farrer Park yesterday.
      20 words
    • 22 31 SPECIAL Constabulary will stage their ninth annual cross-country run. from Police Academy to Macßltchle and back, on Sunday at 4 p.m.
      22 words
    • 333 31 SINGAPORE will revert to their sky blue I Jerseys for tomorrow i night's Malaysia Cup soccer match against Kelantan— because some of the players and officials believe the white set they have been dorm- Ing the last three games i have brought them bad luck, reports
      333 words
    • 107 31 Forces are fancied in final rKMER UFA referee George Suppiah will take charge of the 'Leon. Hin Sen*' trophy match between SAF Doctors and Alexandra /Chanji Hospital in the Singapore Doctors' football tournament final at the Alexandra ground today at 4.30 pm, reports ALBLRT JOHNSON. Says Dr. Tan Yew Ghee,
      107 words
    • 106 31 Hill moves to Derby for $I.lBm LONDON, Frl. ManChester Unlted'B England winger Gordon Hill signed for Derby County, their First Division rivals, at a £275,000 ($l.lB m) fee late last night. Manager Tommy Docherty, who was formerly In charge of the Manchester club, was recruiting Hill for the second time.
      Reuter; AFP  -  106 words
    • 22 31 THE Singapore Sports Council beat Burnley United 6-1 in a soccer irlendly at the National Stadium practice track yesterday.
      22 words
    • 206 31 CATHOUC Junior College strengthened thwr hopes of entering the seml-Mnals nt the National Schools post secondary boys tennis competition when they beat Anglo-Chinese Junior College 4-1 at Farrer Park yesterday Other result*: Post sec boys St Patricks 2 HCJC 3: Swiss Cottage 4 STI 1 Kl-GBY:
      206 words
    • 341 31 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Indonesia dominated the men's singles of the Malaysian Open tennis championships here today when four of their players qualified for the quarter-finals. However, they failed to make any headway in the women's section. Their best hope, national champion Yulanda Sumarno. the
      AFP  -  341 words
    • 185 31 South Korea's Kim takes over the lead SEOUL, Fri— South Korean Kirn Seung-Hack today carded a three-under-par 69 for a 36hole total of 139 to take over the lead from Filipino Paterno Braza after the second round of the Seoul Open, the ninth and penultimate leg of the Asian golf
      185 words
    • 214 31 ATHLETICS Fourth road relay league (Upper Thomson Road 4 pm). GOLF SICC Open (Buklt Course 2 pm); Changi Open i Chang! 2 pm). HOCKEY SHA under-23 quarter-final Jansenites v S/.FSA C (Nee Soon 5.15 p.m.); CSC v SAFSA "A" (CSC 5.15). SEPAK TAKRAW Interconstituency tournament: Pasir Panjang v Bedok.
      214 words
    • 295 31  -  ERNEST FRIDA By WITH defending champion Ashok Malik absent, seasoned campaigner Bill Bosley will start as the favourite to win the Singapore Island Country Club's Open golf championship at the Buklt Course today. Singapore's top 38 single handicap golfers have entered for the 36hole competition. Malik
      295 words
    • 215 31 KUANTAN, Frl. The Pahang FA will crackdown on players who "treat training lightly." The warning is directed at most of the newcomers who have slack- j ened in their training for the Malaysia Cud pre-semi-flnal playoffs, ac- cording to Pahang FA officials. Pahang FA secre avy
      215 words
    • 344 31  - Fans plan a petition for Lim WILFRED YEO By IM Teng Sai's appeal to the Football As- sociation of Singapore to lift the remainder of his one-year suspension has won the support of soccer fans. Several of them rang the Straits Times yesterday to say that they would be starting
      344 words
    • 267 31  -  PNG KONG KWANG By KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Selangor's plan to put their Malaysia Cup soccer team into centralised training from tomorrow for the semifinals has hit a snag. With the national squad due to report at the FAM House dormi tory for King's Cur
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 299 31 How much do you know about dates? There's more to them than meets the eye. Test yourself! IRAQ fDo you know that Iraq is the world's largest producer and exporter proteins x of dates? lt>s tr ue Iraq has the most ideal climatic and soil conditions for growing dates, carbohydrates
      299 words

  • 108 32 JAKARTA, Frl. A number of people were arrested here tonight following an explosion which damaged part of the Istiqlal Mosque, police sources said. Two people were injured by the explosion which took place on the main floor of the newlybuilt mosque. Damage was
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 470 32 SALISBURY. Friday FORMER Rhode si a n Prime Minister who was a political prisoner of the white minority govern in c n t for several yeais has urged the country's new rulers to unconditionally free all political detainees. Oarfleld Todd, detained and then confined to
    AP; UPI  -  470 words
  • 210 32 NEW DELHI. Friday AT LEAST 24 people in two northern I and violence also fla: were killed In clashes ndian states yesterday red on other parts of the country. Seventeen died when rival Sikh religious factions fought in the Sikh holy city of Amritsar
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 36 32 JAKARTA, Frl. The exploration of uranium deposits In Kalimantan (Borneo) has yielded encouraging milts and optimism that they can be exploited economically, according to director-general Balqunl of the Indonesian Atomic Energy Agency (Baton). Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 49 32 JAKARTA, Fri. The bupati (regent) of the Deli Serdang regency in north Sumatra has been sacked for corruption. Antara news agency reported tonight. It said the regent, Baharudin Siregar, had been known for some time to be under investigation over the use of presidential aid funds. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 26 32 H. fWAMINATMAN of Thakral Bru. hum away peacefully 14/4/78. Cbrtece Icavini O R about 10 00 am 15,4 7s (or Mi Vtrnon Crematorium
    26 words
  • 81 32 OENEVA. Frl.- Some 150 nations here to work out international rules (or exploiting the world's oceans today ended three weeks of procedural wrangling and agreed on a rough agenda (or their two-month session hare. The session Is the seventh of the nve-year-old UN conference on
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 713 32 LONDON. Krl. Britain's grim trade figures, which confirmed UK worst slock market suspicions, sent government stocks tumbling another 50 pence Just after the market closed today The Finance Times Index of 30 Industrials closed at 447 4 down 5 5 Later, however, quotations recovered to around their closing
    713 words
  • 85 32 UNITED NATIONS. Frl. Egypt warned oil companies through the United Nations yesterday that they risked being sued for compensation and fhui out of Egyptian oil concessions in Sinai If they associate with Im..«1I oil activity In occupied Kfrlons of Egypt. The warning was given In a
    AP  -  85 words
  • 31 32 RAWALPINDI. Frl. Head cf Pakistan mllnuiv government General Zia Ul Hag will meet other political lrade:* tomorrow to di«cuss th? formation of a national government. Informed sources said. AFP.
    AFP  -  31 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 91 32 flbJP^fi; 3sR. Sm fjfW Til r y __P WmF Mm anato*«trt«mrtaf«i T^^TTTIVSIh-^!?^ Trw JADE are back for another 0 W^Ai^l^Sr^fYlg exhilarating 6 months, to make dane« t-Xzf j-^ |][|> /jU time a grwt time for you. Hear their amasMiHa, their unique sound, and fik 1B»* dance your cares away at
      91 words
    • 289 32 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cow Prtct SOt Annual Subscription $1U Circulation Mana«tr Ultptumt *****1 t* 304 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... Misconception and misunderstanding about the Malaysian Government's objectives in formulating the New Economic Policy has led to considerable criticism of the NEP. Much of it is clouded by emotion. The Malaysian
      289 words