The Straits Times, 13 April 1978

Total Pages: 32
1 33 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 459 1 Many Vietnamese killed: Cambodia BANGKOK, Wednesday VIETNAM has launched a massive attack on Cambodia all along the frontier between the two communist countries, Cambodia's Phnom Penh Radio claimed today. The Vietnamese troops were driven back with heavy losses, the radio added. Vietnamese media have not mentioned
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  • 177 1 Hanoi wants peaceful solution HONGKONG, Wed. ■yiETNAM today once again called on Cambodia to negotiate a peaceful settlement to their border conflict, saying that "nothing could be gained through violence." Radio Hanoi did not, however, comment on Cambodian allegations that Vietnam had launched a new large-scale offensive across the entire
    Reuter; AFP  -  177 words
  • 42 1 NEW YORK. Wed. Dow Jones averages, based on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Indus 768.80, off 1.38; 30 transp 207.73. off 0.06; 16 utlls 106 19. up 0.20; 65 stocks 269.57. off 0.18. UPI.
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 323 1 Doubts on Israeli pull-out BEIRUT, Wednesday FIOUBTS were grow11 ing here today on the extent of the Israeli troop withdrawals from southern Lebanon. The Israeli occupation forces still maintained firm control over most of south Lebanon today, despite the announced withdrawal. Heavily -armed troops entrenched In scores of fortified positions
    Reuter; AFP; AP  -  323 words
  • 40 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. The first major restructuring of the Carter White House, with an Influx of aides with broader experience than many who now «rye the President. U expected to be announced shortly, several White House aide* said. NYT.
    NYT  -  40 words
  • 127 1 ROME. Wed. rALIAN police scored a major success In their war against rampant kidnapping when they rescued two hostages within six hours here yesterday. First, they stormed a hide-out and freed 16-year-old Mlchela Marconi, daughter of a wealthy Industrialist. Then last night they Intercepted three men transferring
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 98 1 WASHINGTON, Wed.— President Jimmy Carter told a press conference today: "I don't definitely plan to run for re-election" to the presidency in 1980. He said he had not yet thought seriously about the question. He Indicated recently In private conversations that he might not seek a second term
    AFP  -  98 words
  • 55 1 BEIRUT, Wed. The Al Hayat Hospital In conservative-h cI d south-eastern suburb of the city was heavily bombarded today, sources said as shelling In the area intensified. A hospital employee confirmed that the building bad been "seriously damaged" and that itaff and patlenta had taken cover In the
    AFP  -  55 words
  • 280 1 JAKARTA. Wednesday THE Indonesian Government has arrested three leading intellectuals, including a top official of the strictly Islamic Party (PPP), in what appeared to be the start of a new crackdown on the Muslim opposition. The Jakarta military commander confirmed today that the three men were
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • 270 1 19,700 detainees to be freed by end-1979 JAKARTA, Wed INDONESIA'S Chiefs 1 of Internal Security and Military Intelligence said In a Joint Interview yesterday, that all but 200 or 300 of the nearly 20,000 remaining p o 1 1 1 ical prisoners would be freed by the end of next
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 142 1 CROWD WATCH DUEL TO THE DEATH -Page 9 'LESS promising prospects for 1978* 2 BIG flare-up looms as Christians fight Syrians 3 ALARMING wave of unrest in India 4 'BRITAIN will si e n pact with guerillas in Rhodesia' S 'POLITICAL war against motorists in Singapore' 6 GOOD chance of
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    • 108 1 SOUND EQUIPMENT Obtainable At All Dealers Sola Agent* WO KEE HONG (M) PTE. LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR One a day It 's a pleasant way to keep on looking sweet Looking beautiful is only skin-deep if you don't feel the glow of beauty inside. Each Hicee tablet contains a strong
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 183 2 Singapore growth rate hit 7.5 pc in 1977- MANILA, Wed.— Singapore's frowth rate climbed to 7.5 per cent last year from Its 1976 flours of 6.8 per cent, according to the annual report of the Asian Development Bank which listed the economic performances of specific countries In the region. The
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 492 2 'Less promising' economic prospects MANILA, Wed. THE Asian Development Bank (ADB) warned today that world economic prospects for 1978 were less promising than in the past two years and forecast more problems for developing countries unless industrialised nations sustained better growth rates with less trade restraints. The warning was sounded
      Reuter; AFP  -  492 words
    • 265 2 New Carter drive against inflation WASHINGTON, Wednesday PRESIDENT Carter said yesterday the federal government will spearhead a new fight against inflation and urged industry and labour to cooperate voluntarily for the good of the nation. Mr. Carter ruled out mandatory wage price controls and promised continued federal efforts to cut
      UPI  -  265 words
    • 228 2 Senator calls it a 'smoke screen' WASHINGTON, Wed. President Carter's anti-lnflatlon announcement yesterday received generally bad reviews with one Republican senator calling it a "smoke screen." Sen. William Roth, Jr.. Republlcan-D c 1 a w a r e, said Mr. Carter's statement "Is a smoke screen to hide the fact
      Reuter; UPI  -  228 words
    • 89 2 LONDON, Wed. A London ear thief is in for a nasty surprise, because the strong-box he took from a car yesterday contains £30 (SSI3O) —pins a deadly cobra. The snake fancier who owns the car found later minus the strong-box said he bought thr snake when
      AFP  -  89 words
    • 124 2 LUXEMBOURG. Wed Mr. Wilhelm Haferkamp, the Common Market's top man on trade. Issued a warning yesterday that over protection of home Industry could hurt Western Europe's relations with the rest of the world. Mr. Haferkamp. In charpe of external affairs on the European Commission,
      AP  -  124 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 175 2 ADVANCE IN HI H WITH THE NEW ADVENT LOUDSPEAKER! The New Advent loudspeaker AUVL \l ifl an improved version of the original Advent, the top seller of any single speaker in U S A for a number of years. Based on acoustic suspension and only 2 drivers, the New g|J
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    • 120 2 The Problem: Few people realise that cockroaches can be a health hazard. As cockroaches infest food wastes and live on human excrement, they carry bacteria that can cause diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid, cholera and other diseases. The Solution: Bins #fttctlv4 fof months. B fH i I To control cockroaches, spray Baygon
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    • 68 3 Sheep row over ADELAIDE, Wed. Australia's live sheep export dispute has been resolved. Mr. Bob Hawke, president of the Australian Council of Trade Unions, said last night. Mr. Hawke, the country's top union official. said that after a fourhour meeting with 12 unions involved In the protracted dispute, the immediate
      AP  -  68 words
    • 341 3 Police wait to quiz wounded guerilla ROME, Wednesday FALIAN police today waited anxiously to question a wounded urban guerilla who might provide a much-needed breakthrough in their hunt for the kidnappers of former 1 Premier Aldo Moro. Crlstoford Piancone 28, was the first guerilla police have captured vlr tually "In
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  341 words
    • 188 3 Jailed for killing King Farouk's sister LOS Angeles, Wed.— Riad Ghall, a former Egyptian diplomat, has been sentenced from one to 15 years in jail for killing his wife, Princess Fathla, sister of the late King Farouk of Egypt. Ghall, 57. was charged with shooting his estranged wife in her
      Reuter  -  188 words
    • 109 3 Move to curb trucks sale to Libya WASHINGTON, Wed -The State Department said yesterday It had recommended restricting the sale of heavy lorries to Libya because they could be used in attempts to overthrow neighbour- g t£ 0V rr e TT r Iments1 ments fondly to the United States Spokesman
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 378 3 LONDON, Wed. The Labour Government has given something to nearly everyone In Britain in a £2.5 billion (SslOB billion) tax cutting budget. But many Britons are far from happy. Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey yesterday provided Income tax cuts for all, especially
      Reuter  -  378 words
    • 480 3 'Next 48 hours will be crucial* BEIRUT, Wed.— Fierce fighting exploded on the south-east edge of Beirut today for the fourth straight day, and top political leaders said the capital was at a crossroads either quick peace or a huge escalation. President Ellas
      Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  480 words
    • 302 3 Backfire— a barrier to Salt? WASHINGTON, Wednesday THE United States faces serious negotiating problems in trying to get the Soviet Union to accept restraints on the Backfire bomber in new Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (Salt) talks, US officials acknowledged today. Officials declined to confirm or deny whether a key stumbling
      UPI  -  302 words
    • 143 3 GADDAFI ON WHY MEN ARE BETTER ROME, Wed— Libyan leader Colonel Ma am mar Gaddafi, speaking with rare candour, said that women were inadequate "either biologically or morally" to do the same job as men. In an Italian television interview broadcast last night, the 36-year-old Head of State also volunteered
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    • 63 3 Asylum given to seaman HONGKONG, Wed. An East German merchant seaman who wanted to go to the Weft has been flown to West Germany within 13 hours of requesting help from the West German consulate here. A consular official mid the sailor, described as being in his early 20s. was
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 111 3 Refugees return home BEIRUT, Wed. Thousands of refugees, prodded by their government, returned to homes In southern Lebanon yesterday as Israel took Its first step to relinquish territory across the northern border. At least 5.000 southern Lebanese headed home from refugee camps in Sldon and Beirut on the first day
      AP  -  111 words
    • 66 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. Rumanian President Nlcolae Ceauaescu. seeking further US support for his Independent line In the communist world, opened two days of talks here today with President Carter which will also cover Korea and the Middle Bast. Mr. Ceauseacu Indicated recently that he was interested In continuing
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 30 3 MOSCOW. Wed. Defector's mother Antonlna Agapodu. 68, who attempted suicide alter officials rejected her family's latest emigration application. was out of danger today, the hospital said. Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 321 3 EAST COAST Hill Nut to Kitong Sasvww Palace/ Upper East Coast Road Located on elevated land in Katong Luxurious split-level houses facing the sea With individual front and rear gardens EAST COAST HILL stands on a 20-acre site off Upper East Coast Road which is about 195 feet above sea-level...
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    • 379 4 NEW DELHI, Wed •pHE alarming wave of unrest currently sweeping India is approaching crisis proportions, political commentators said here today. Faced with a mounting death toll from police firing, and student, worker, caste and religious rioting, the Janata Party Government of Prime Minister Morarjl
      Reuter  -  379 words
    • 178 4 Seoul bid to get written assurance from US SEOUL, Wed. South Korea is making diplomatic efforts to get a written assurance from the United States that American Intelligence agents did not bug President Park Chung-Hee's official residence in the *****. Foreign Minister Park Tong-jln said today. Testifying before the National
      UPI  -  178 words
    • 38 4 VIENNA, Wed. A new hot-line network the red telephone system will soon provide Instant liaison between top law enforcement officials In Austria. Italy, Switzerland and West Oermany to help step up their fight agalr-rt terrorism. NYT.
      NYT  -  38 words
    • 266 4 Demo leaders won't ask for release MANILA, Wednesday A RRESTED leaders of a peaceful Opposition post-election protest march here will not petition any court for their release but will defend themselves against the sedition and Illegal assembly charges, their lawyer said today. Former Senator Jovito Salonga, who met the more
      Reuter; UPI  -  266 words
    • 27 4 MANILA, Wed. The •fflclal Philippines News Agency Is opening an office In Peking, Bureau of National and Foreign Information director Lorenzo Cruz said today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 126 4 MjACAO, Wed. China is expected to open up about 1M square kilometres of its territory as a special tourist sone with simplified entry procedures for overseas tourists, Chinese travel sources said today. The special sone is situated immediately north of the border with Macao and
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    • 132 4 Bhutto's wife goes on hunger -strike- LAHORE, Wed The wife of former Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfikar All Bhutto has cabled the martial law authorities that she is on a hunger strike. Mrs. Nusrat Bhutto, under house arrest, is heading the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in the absense of her husband.
      UPI  -  132 words
    • 33 4 TOKYO. Wed. Police took Into custody yesterday a 13-year-oid boy In connection with six nree at schools on Tokyo's east side. They said arson b suspected In all six cases. AP.
      AP  -  33 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 831 4 Enter now for the •AJINOMOTO Big Appetites Contest K=^ Er=fif iff ilr-^^-'^f-fci^a* O f* m I U Li' And win these fabulous prizes! Six Bth Prizes National Table Fan F3ONMH Ist Prize National 26-inch Colour Television TC26DIS Ten 9th Prizes National Hair Dryer EH6OO 2nd Prize National 20-inch Colour Television
      831 words
    • 147 4 The Problem: V Apart from their painful bites, ants have an annoying habit of feeding on your food sometimes even before you do. If you're not careful you'll find armies of them all over your food. But even more serious, ants are sometimes known to spread diseases. The Solution: rtsWual
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    • 232 5 JAKARTA, Wed— VicePresident Adam Malik has warned that the government will scrutinise its officials who are engaged in business or have shares in private companies. Mr. Malik told a meeting of top government officials here on Monday night that conflict of interest had become one of
      AFP  -  232 words
    • 131 5 MOGADISHU, Wed. President Slad Barre said today 20 loyal officials were killed ana another 34 wounded in last weekend's abortive coup attempt against his government. The majority of the army plotters were quickly rounded up but a few escaped an army dragnet and were still
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    • 142 5 Rumour of Neto's death denied LISBON, Wed. Angola reacted yesterday to growing speculation that it's Marxist President Agostlnho Neto had died on a surgeon's table In the Soviet Union by claiming he was on vacation at Black Sea spas. The official Angolan news agency Angop said Mr. Neto has been
      UPI  -  142 words
    • 62 5 MANILA, Wed. Some 156 suspected guerillas of the underground communist New People's Army (NPA) have surrendered to military authorities In the southern Philippine town of Tambullg. military sources said today. The group, which surrendered yesterday, was led by Roland Patallnghug, described by the sources as an NPA
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 35 5 PEKING, Wed. The Great WaU of China which up to the beginning of the century could only be reached by mule Is now linked to Peking by a brand-new tourist train service. AFP.
      AFP  -  35 words
    • 160 5 f ONDON, Wed. VeteJu ran magistrate Mrs. Vera Bray said yesterday she's quitting In disgust because a London court was too lenient with a member of the royal family charged with speedIng. "It seems there's one law for the rich and one for the poor."
      AP  -  160 words
    • 441 5 Plan to disarm Smith's army DAR ES SALAAM, Wednesday THE British Government and Rhodesian guerilla leaders will sign an agreement this weekend that would pave the way for an internationally acceptable Rhodesian settlement, including a ceasefire and introduction of United Nations forces
      Reuter; NYT  -  441 words
    • 86 5 9 black ministers named SAUSBURY, Wed. Rhodesia's interim governm en t yesterday named nine black ministers to serve as a lowertier ministerial council alongside nine whites during the run-up to majority rule. Three of the black ministers were drawn from each of the three nationalist parties involved in the internal
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 140 5 'Ethiopia rallying for all-out attack on rebels' MADRID, Wed.—Ethiopia is concentrating troops in three places In readiness for an all-out attack soon on Eritrean rebels, an Eritrean Insurgent leader said here yesterday. Mr. jeremlas Debassay, a member of the central committee of the Marxist Eritrean Peoples' Liberation Front (EPLF), said
      Reuter  -  140 words
    • 79 5 TOKYO, Wed. The Japanese authorities, determined to open Tokyo's new International airport at Narita on May 30 without fall, will start constructing another fence around the Inland airport this week to protect it from extreml-^s' assaults, the Transport Ministry said yesterday. The airport, whose original Inauguration
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 25 5 BANGKOK. Wed. Communist guerillas killed a policeman and an armed volunteer In a roadside ambush In central Thailand yesterday, police said. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 231 5 Has normal service resumed on your Black White TV? Isn't it time to trade-in for a Colour TV? -you may buy, hire-purchase or rent. We pay up to $300 for your Black white TV in working condition. •We have a wide range of selected and Just look tt tome of
      231 words
    • 261 5 til Di sr JL| -V(o&xffiax\ Sww. IMMJ 1\ HOTEL I it^H,^^^B ARTS CR4FTS of INDIA SMGAPORE HANDICRAFT CENTRE 163-AJANGLIN ROAD, TEL *****89 Mon-Sat:a3oa.m.-7.3opim. Sun WOO am. -7 00 p.m. 1 i mpi jl^fll 21 II MMi^^^^ I <t^^^T* g r Foamwall construction: l^'%'fl!f^F m i /I h m Leonard's "FOAMWALL"
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 234 5 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS (7). 7 Back from America. Is 9 Craftsman and policeman. Eli sojourning in Euiope? a mighty man in poetry (7) <lli 8 A sprite disturbed villains 15 Two pages with permits i7i for publicity material (Si. 10 Unsulted for work (6). 16 Musical speaker, or.c to
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  • 254 6 Look who's smiling it's McGarrett JACK Lord, better known to Hawaii Hve-0 fans as Steve McGarrett and also as "the man who rarely smiles," yesterday managed a bip grin for the press alter a hearty lunch at the Mandarin Hotel. Straits Times photographer Albert Sim caught th- actor in m
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  • 81 6 rpHERE was a net increase of 291 private cars and station wagons In February, according to the latest statistics from the Registry of Vehicles. The number of company cars also increased from 14,341 as at Jan 31 to 14,520 in February, showing a net
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  • 57 6 THERE Is no damage to the local freighter. Golden Land, which ran aground oft Hongkong on Tuesday, a spokesman for its owners, Guan Guan Shipping, said yesterday. He said the vessel was yesterday dlscha rgl n g cargo in Hongkong. It was on its way from Singapore to
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  • 667 6 POLITICAL war is being waged against Singapore motorists who have been hit by draconian measures designed to curtail their growth, Mr. Milton Tan, president of the Automobile Association of Singapore (AAS), charged yesterday. He said: "Realism dictates that the measures taken against the car
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  • 49 6 UNITED Owim Finance Ltd. has teen elected chairman bank of the Finance House Association of Singapore's 1971/79 management committee. Others In the are: Warfoong Mortgaie and Flnaixe (8) Ltd. and Oolden Cattle Finance Corp. Ltd.. vice-chairman, Founeae Finance Ltd., secretary; and Overseas Union Trust Ltd., tressurer.
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  • 121 6 DID THIEVES CHANGE THEIR MINDS TTHIEVES who broke into X a furniture store in Orchard Road Tuesday morning apparently changed their minds and left their loot outside the store. The thieves got into Courts <8> Pte Ltd after breaking a window on the first floor. They removed two carpet rugs,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 780 6 JUST RELEASED! from Behind Asia's Headlines... The tycoons and terrorists. statesmen and scoundrels ™^^B moneymen and mystics who I 1 make the news across the con »»uil Onuil lniirna) I tment. Straight off the front From The Asian Wall airew juui i page of The Asgn Wal| Streel 1 Journal
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    • 128 6 The Problem: Mosquitoes are the mosTannoying of all insect*. They bite and cause itching. But what people fail to realise is that mosquitoes also transmit serious diseases like dengue fever, malaria and yellow fever. The Solution: jS 19$kju&\ spray. #rt6ctiv* for month*. Ha > I Baygon is the most effective
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  • 166 7 Shippersto West Africa plan hike in rates rE Singapore and West Malaysia/West Africa lAngola-Cameroun Range) Freight Conference proposes to in crease its freight rates by 13.4 per cent from next month. A meeting between the Singapore National Shippers' Council and the conference will be held here on Friday to discuss
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  • 39 7 MR. Chia Kirn Watt has been elected president of the Government Pensioners' Association. Other officials are Mr C. Karthigeasu (vice-president). M Chan Yang Pun (secretary). Mr. R. V. S. S. Sundram (treasurer) and Mr. M.S. Menon rauditor).
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  • 33 7 MR. Fok Tal Loy has been re-elected chairman of St. Andrews Parents-Teach-ers Association. Other officials are Mr. Oopinath Pillay. vice-chair-man; Mr. RN Daniel, secretary and Mr. Jacob Nlnan, assistant secretary.
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  • 566 7  - Good chance of progress at common fund meeting PHILIP LEE: By London, Wed. A DETAILED feasi- bility report on the setting up of a common fund to help stabilise world commodity prices will be the object of close study by over 20 Commonwealth ministers, including one each from Singapore and
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  • 292 7 Optometrists have a choice of two associations /OPTOMETRISTS in Singapore now have the choice of belonging to either one of two optometric associations recently approved by the Registrar of Societies. Both asso c 1 a tions, which have set up protem committee and are expected to hold their first annual
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  • 140 7 out on May 8 THE Board of Commissioners of Currency will be releasing the proof version of the 1978 $10 Silver Coin bearing the Telecommunications design on May 8. The coin, which costs $30 and is legal tender, is similar in design and specification to the 1978
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  • 39 7 SINGAPORE Technical Institute Students' Council will hold Its ISth Freshman Orientation for 550 students of this year's January and April Intake*. The programme will begin with a convention at the DBS Auditorium tomorrow at 4 p m
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  • 84 7 POSTMAN Abdul RaI him bin' Yaacob, 19, was yesterday charged in a magistrate's court with corruptly accepting a $2 red packet from Chew Slew Luan as a reward for delivering mail to a house in Upper Serangoon Road. Abdul Rahlm was alleged to have committed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 403 7 Iron Tablets Fofthcircalmeiitnf mJm ••on defcency anaemia H^^ and as a darfy koo l^kk. suppiement tw women W^\. Formulated for quck V^ absnrpliunand assimilation y 100 Tablets mGuardian Iron Tablets provide the essential mineral-IRON which enables the red blood 2 cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Guardian Iron Tablet,
      403 words
    • 150 7 HOW TO ENTER THE WORLD OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCE. J^^r' Sift— .aLWn*K2Ii r y vj»^tf '-Vs£Wa r N -T 7 &ii^^^^^9 *Br ft The world of international finance is to the right start, internationally. And, of course, professional advice. tough and very competitive. Or help solve any problems you Enter it
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  • 286 8  - Vicious calls drive singer out of hotel EDMUND TEO By SINGER Teresa Carpio (right) has eneefced out of the Mandarin Hotel to escape harassment from a vicious caller. The Hongkong-born songstress told me yesterday that she had just about enough of a woman's incessant nuisance calls. The most vicious of
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  • 276 8 Japan team on floating power plant mission A TEAM of 14 top industrialists and three senior government officials from Japan will arrive in Singapore today to see the possibility of leasing floating power stations :o the Republic. Leader of the mission will be the vice-president of the giant Ishikawa-jima-Harlma Heavy
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  • 64 8 MR. Hew Chcon Kee hits been elected president of the Singapore Scout Association Stamford District's scout council. Other officials elected Included Messrs. Michael Koay Say Lean. A. W. Klrby. Loo Kong San, Charles Bridges. Han Lim Juan, Choh Oek Ling, A. K. Slgamcney and Bro. Joseph Klely.
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  • 326 8 FPHE Royal Netherlands A Embassy recently picked Singapore charities to receive $17,655 ln surplus funds earmarked as Dutch aid to Third World Countries. This was disclosed by the Dutch Charge d'Affalres, Mr. H. Prlncen. He said: "The Dutch government had some funds available to help
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  • 60 8 MR. Bobby Och and Mr. NO. Kutty havt. been unanimously re-elec^d president and Ylce-proddent respectively of the Old EngineerIng Apprentices Association (Singapore) for the third successive year. Other officials aru Mr. Tan Ah Tee secretary. Mr. Bernard Sim asst. secretary: Mr. Johnny Tan treasurer and Mr.
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  • 40 8 THE TJnlvenlty of Singapore Language Centre will hold a 10-week ooune on elementary Chinese starting on April 34. Those lntcreeted should register and pay their feea tt the Recordlnn Room. Language Centre, University of Singapore before April 21.
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  • 72 8 WONO Chan Fah, 51, was yesterday charged ln a magistrate's court with committing criminal breach of trust involving $15,000 from the estate of the late Ng Sen Choy. He was alleged to have committed the offence at the premises of Wing Loong Tailors ln High Street on
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  • 421 8 'Cost should be minimal* THE Singapore Medical Association (SMA) yesterday made a public appeal to the Health Minister to review the increase in charges at accident and emergency units of hospitals as it feels that a good A and E
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  • 331 8 Annual medical convention opens on Saturday rpHE Singapore Medical 1 Association will hold Its ninth medical convention at the Alumni Medical Centre ln College Road from Saturday to April 22. This year's theme of the annual function is Comprehensive Medical Care. The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Singapore, Dr. Kw
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  • 117 8 $13,000 CLAIM BY FIRM DISMISSED A 1974 civil claim for SI 3.332 by a firm, formerly ln the stockbroking business, against a merchant, Mr. Wong Thay Ming, was dismissed by the Chief Justice, Mr. Wee Chong Jin. ln tha High Court yesterday. The order was made after the plaintiff firm.
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  • 115 8 rpHE Prime Minister 1 will, at the invitation of the President of Sri Lanka, visit that country from Saturday till Thursday. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew will exchange views with President Junius Jayewardene and Prime Minister Ranaslnghe Premadasa on bilateral, regional and International subjects.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 421 8 f■% THE TIME m PROVEN. V^ WORLD FAMOUS instruments P that stay accurate PRICE/PERFORMANCE 260-6 MULTIMETER T^TuD^^nu »5 distinctive versions and PKtArV IMKVAAjM accessories are available. MODEL 464-D (31/2 Digit) v DIGITAL MULTIMETER. m' 1 For Battery or Power-line operations 1 Model 460 -3D DMM 1 1 ht^^*^^^*^ High Accuracy
      421 words
    • 123 8 The Problem: Flies are more than just a nuisance. They breed in rubbish dumps and filthy places, and as such spread diseases when they settle on the food you eat. Some of the diseases spread by flies include typhoid, diarrhoea and cholera. The Solution: aa^^ Uw gTfiGCtiv© for morstni. lout
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  • 150 9 SINGAPORE has achieved Its goal of being a major financial centre to the extent that It could set the pace In International foreign exchange markets, a leading Swiss banker said yesterday. Mr. H Baschnagel. who Is executive vicepresident of Swiss
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  • 147 9 HONOUR FOR FAMILY PLANNING PIONEER A SINGAPORE pioneer In family planning, Mrs. Ooh Kok Kee, has been appointed patron of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). She was among three pioneers In the world nonoured as patrons at the IPPF members assembly held in Edinburgh in November last year. The
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  • 213 9 Change your style of trading: Raja THE Foreign Minister, Mr. S. Rajaratnam. last night called on textile traders to unite and try to sell their goods not only to South-east Asian countries but throughout the world If they wanted to keep the trade Important to Singapore. He said if textile
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  • 280 9 Tanglin Club gets solar water heater SOUTH EAST Asia's first industrial solar water heater has been installed in Singapore's TangUn Club. The system of 20 panels feeding two 400gallon tanks was recently set up In the club's new squash court, which will be ready later this month. The supplier of
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  • 50 9 JANUARDI, 24 (rom Indonesia, was tailed a year by a court yesterday (or having a forged Identity card In Bedok North Avenue 1 on Monday. He was also Jailed a concurrent six months (or overstaying here alter the expiry of his visit pass on Dec 13 1976.
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  • 227 9 Crowd watch duel to the death A LUNCH-TIME crowd watched in horror as a contract worker was stabbed to death in the canteen of Southern Wood Products Pte. Ltd. in Jurong at noon yesterday. Before he died, Lim Ming Moon, 25, fought his assailant with a Eye-witnesses described the duel
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  • 101 9 Don't invite robbery parents told P>LICE yesterday appealed to parents not to dress their children up In expensive Jewellery as this could Invite robbery. This followed an Incident In Jurone on Monday morning when a woman braaenly robbed a five-year-old kindergarten girl of her gold chain after signalling to her
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  • 63 9 MOHAMED Raahld bin Mohamed Said. 31, and Mahadl bin Kadar. 23, were each Jailed 18 months (or attempting to steal a pick-up van along Tan Chlng Road on Wednesday morning. Mahadl. a police supervisee, was also Jailed another three yean (or breaking Into a (Inn
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  • 44 9 AN nxlnnMtan couple walking along Bunnah Road weie saved from a rotjber on Tuesday morning by the timely arrival of a police officer. Ttat robber panicked and fled, leaving behind a gun, three round* and a spent cartridge
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  • 118 9 NEW JOB FOR RATNA SINGAM RETIRED Deputy Commissioner of Police V.N. Ratna Slngam has Joined Rollel Singapore (Fte) Ltd. aa its personnel manager. He Joined Rollel on April 1 after more than 30 years with the force. Mr. Ratna Slngam Joined the force in June 1944 as a constable and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 179 9 HIT HOLBORN LAW TUTORS London Courses Full— time Part— time and Short Intensive Revision Courses COURSES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 1978/79 COMMENCE 7th OCTOBER 1978 University ol London LLB External Degree University registration still available lor overseas students wishing to take HLT lull lime courses. Bar Part 1 Group B;
      179 words
    • 360 9 M f\£^kmf I 'sf B^T^P^ f* M sC^ s»* <f B New Cortina's crisp elegance is in the tradition of classical European styling yet every line and feature is functional. From the front 'air-dam" spoiler for speed stability and safe roadholding to the big wrap-around tail lamps, new Cortina combines
      360 words

  • 329 10 ]y|ORE than 300 people, many of them foreigners, have applied for teaching posts in the English medium here following the Education Ministry's call inviting applications for such posts in schools. Those who get Jobs may either be appointed to teach in English-stream schools
    329 words
  • 36 10 A PRIVATE dental surgeon from Manchester, Dr. Peter P. Kurer. will give a public lecture on Press Stud and Associated Bar Attachments at the Alumni Theatrette In College Road at 8. IS p.m. tomorrow.
    36 words
  • 134 10 MR. Gary Wang, 55, top aide to Singapore's first and only mayor, Mr. Ong Eng Ouan, died on Saturday. He died at Singapore General Hospital from cancer of the liver. Mr. Wang was a Journalist with the Hongkong Standard and the Malay
    134 words
  • 63 10 A GROUP of welders here have formed the Singapore Welding Society to promote the science of welding here and to act as the focal point for the dl_emination of welding knowled sre. The society has over 100 members. It Inaugurated its programme with a visit to Metalock
    63 words
  • 344 10  -  LEONG WENG KAM By MORE than 150 national servicemen from Chinese medium schools admitted to Nanyang University for the coming academic year are undergoing a special intensive English language course at Nantah's Language Centre. These servicemen disrupted from military service for the course
    344 words
  • 493 10 A WORKSHOP supervisor, accused of beating and wrongfully confining his wife with a dog chain in his workshop, told a magistrate yesterday that she had a temper tantrum on Oct. 26, 1976 and asked for a divorce. Koh Keong Seng, 29, said this happened
    493 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 292 10 The Foulks^ s it way means 1. Studying with the largest established firm of accountancy tutors in U.K. 2. Enjoying the benefits of over 90 years of tutorial expertise. 3. Being informed of the latest changes and current events and topics of interest and relevance through the exclusive "Foulks Lynch
      292 words
    • 152 10 I YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US FOR A SLIDE PRESENTATION AT THE GARDEN BALLROOM, HOLIDAY INN ON 22ND. APRIL, 1978 AT 330 PM. Why Shen tours Is Different! 3. migW sty bexde fl**f 1 3nn <* <**ah«> in *T 3 jsu. <k> pan fj 5 tefc^ n °«0 *^ra.»
      152 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 199 10 Bringing Up F»th«r By BUI Kavanagh «c Hal Camp LIK"E IT OR NOT^) I I I'M &OING "TO THE I I BOX C/ WE'RE 111 MV >t>U LOOkf J t'dN v W-l RE ©OINQ < OPERA 7DNI&HT; IN THE SAME HANDSOME T Di-r.D i-r. p TO THE OPERA M JIGGS-TEU
      199 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 684 11 MMBl^M.BBt,BBBB»BBjBBBBBBl i-kw^"^^ ■cIL)WcA) C^O^B by A B mmm m^ mm^ m^^^ m^^^ mmm^^**^^^^mß^^^^^^^^^^ b^bV^BblHb^bb b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b B^^^^^_^-^^ B^_ tt^^H '^■■■a»BalßalM>MiMi^^^^^^^^B J^^i.,f^i. M^^B.^^^^i^,l^i^,^^^^^^^; k k E^ HaVflVflH «9 .^BV ,jB*I bibV^ >-i > ********''**>BbWßßb( I j V^ v^ i < p^^l ill IbbbbZSSbS S Ib^^^^^^bb^^^^^^^^^« BbH Vbb^bb\ bbVbBBB -^»^iß«Bßa,iaßiai «BBT 181 B^B^B^B^B^EaL'^
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 367 12 J^ CHDNG GAY 33! THEATRK LTU > -< a' t a ♦«♦««>>*>« rAinrw KACHItOAD adeic Tfliivf uULULN t«:mw4«7 Urßlw 1 vlAl DAILY aMOWai Ham, 1.30, 4.00, >.48, 9.30pm FORGOTTEN BY NATURE INVADEMY MODERN MAN! i^bbT^bbb^ ■bbbbJt^^j*»bbbbbb»/^^ BBBBVLVaBBafHiBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBEtIw-- X*i>L. ~l' siamng JOHN ASHLEY PATRICK WAYNE LENOftt STEVfNS SID HAIG »nd CEOftGE
      367 words
    • 454 12 I A\IYI y&o^ pmut nini r^H i 7 MBafcrn -Lw f 1 bW\ 3b "^S.l afl LbbbbW bbbßb«bbbbbbb\ bbY I Ir 4 [I /SbbbLbbV^ 1 ia ifi^*fU l Mkp/ bbbb»T_l^«bbT .AbbbbbK _^fi. Plus othar axciting events bbbbbbbbV f*^H jamn jP Ob Friday, W April "^J,? 1111 »«^Ssr Lts^N and Saturday.
      454 words
      277 words
    • 565 12 |||yCATHOV LAST DAY! 5 Show, at 11« m. 1.30, 4.00. 4.». ».13 rtfT*Tr4aß»aßaC^3 OOION CATHAY OPENS TOMORROW "13 NUNS" (Mondonn) Coth.y Oilmii Orchard Saturday at Midniaht' > Odeon Sunday at 9 00am FOLLOW THI $TAI" I HUKRY! LAST OATS! I 7th WIIK! 4«th DAY!! 1 30. 5 30 t 8
      565 words

  • 610 13 Health Ministry survey shows: A SAMPLE nationwide survey on morbidity has shown that Singaporeans or those who live in Singapore are a healthy people, living up to their name as members of a rugged society. "It can be concluded that except for some specific conditions,
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  • 26 13 NO Ah Hoon. 23. an Indonesian, tv yesterday Jailed three months by a magistrate far entering Singapore illegally In August 1872. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 319 13 Drug supervisee given benefit of the doubt mHAM Yew Pun, 25, who 1 had one previous conviction for drug consumption, was yesterday acquitted on a similar charge, although his urine analysis report showed it contained morphine. Tham was given the benefit of the doubt after he said in his defence
    319 words
  • 140 13 Chamber chiefs father dies at 92 DATUK Wee Kheng Chiang. 92, (above) father of the president of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and chairman of United Overseas Bank. (I OB). Mr. Wee Cho Yaw, died yesterday in Kuching. Born in Kuching, Datuk Wee received his English education
    140 words
  • 30 13 SINGAPORE'S High Commissioner to India, Hnji Va lacob Mohamed. will attend the opening of Masjld Assyaklrln (mosque) In Yuri? An Road, Jurong, at 9.30 am on April 30.
    30 words
  • 251 13 pOLICE have arrested a suspect who Is believed to have cheated several department stores and Jewellery shops recently, i— The arrest was made following the quick action of an alert salesgirl. According to sources last night, the suspect, said to have been released from prison
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  • 112 13 12 soldiers hurt as army truck overturns TWO soldiers were seriously injured, and 10 others suffered minor injuries when their army truck overturned on its ffay to Mandai camp on Tuesday night. The accident happened along Adam Road near Adam Park at U. 50 p.m. At a bend The truck
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  • 147 13 FOUR NEW LAWYERS ADMITTED TO BAR THE Chief Justice, Mr. Wee Chong Jin, welcoming four new lawyers to the Bar, said yesterday that they were being "a little late" to gain admission into the legal profession. He told them that nonetheless he wished every one of the four success in
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  • 27 13 SINGAPORE Hindu Sabal will celebrate the HinduTamil New Year at Sri Veeraman Kallamman Temple, Serangoon Road, on Sunday from 7 p.m. to 10.30 p m
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 37 13 7 tf 5 MASSAGE ;>T SAUNA 1111 1 1 STEAM i RACIAL Daily K)am till 10 30p.m. INTER ROYAL HEALTH CENTRE 2nd Floor HOTEL ROYAL RMWACtt Newton Road Spore 11 Tet *****1 or 5 j4411 e*t 131
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      250 words

  • The Straits Times THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1978
    • 344 14 BRITISH Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey has presented a cautious budget, despite the huge £2.5 billion (5510.7 toll) In tax cuts. It Is clearly a reflationary budget, with nearly all the cuts coming from income tax, providing a substantial stimulus to the economy. Mr. Healey has practically
      344 words
    • 305 14 THE continuing conflict between the Khmers and the Vietnamese has taken an unusual turn. Observers believe, based on reports of travellers from Vietnam, that Hanoi is "re-educating" Cambodian prisoners of war to raise from among them a force capable of overthrowing the Phnom Penh regime. Vietnam Is
      305 words
  • 636 14  - The time Japanese workers take to the streets IKUO ANAI By in Tokyo APRIL is cherry- blossom time in •Japan. It is also the season for an equally colourful occasion the annual labour offensive for better Pay and working conditions. For two weeks every year, the normally placid Japanese worker
    Reuter  -  636 words
  • 971 14  -  JAMES RESTON PRESIDENT DIDN'T SEND EDITORS AWAY VERY HAPPY By Washington IN the last couple of weeks, President Carter has been criticised more severely by the press at home and abroad than at any other time since he entered the White House.
    NYT  -  971 words
  • 1085 14  -  STEVEN ROBERTS By in New York PUBLIC approval of President Carter's perfor- mance in handling the economy has plummeted to a new low point at a time when most Americans say they expect economic conditions to deteriorate further. These are
    NYT  -  1,085 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 43 14 iCJ PAN-WEST Ill PRIVATE LIMITED Designed for powerful straight /jr\ and deadly accurate shots Sf 1 makes par-golf 3^r JU seems so easy l jtM^^^^^Ew UNIT 228/230 2ND FLOOR. PLAZA SINGAPURA TEL *****6/6 13 LOWER GROUND. UC BUILDING SHENTON WAY TEL *****U J
      43 words
    • 302 14 APRIL 17TH ISSUE FUROR OVER THE NEUTRON BOMB: Th. p^pt.,ing way in which President Carter reachad hit daemon to postpone N Bomb production ha* produced extreme crrtici* -n of the President* foreign policy. PLUS VIETNAMESE FLEEING BOAT PEOPLE. MARCOS VICTORY AND BOOM IN BOOTS l^aj^^-jaajafcry v^r a. Get a copy
      302 words

    • 180 15 No valid reason for rise in PUB tariffs' I REFER to your front page article quoting Mr. Lim Kirn San, chairman of the PUB, regardIng the possibilities of Increase in power rates (ST, Mar. 28). As a consumer, may I point out that while Singapore has had stable charges for
      180 words
    • 95 15 mHE General Paper proX grammes telecast through the Singapore Educational Media Service are Interesting and helpful to Pre-unlversity students. Unfortunately, these programmes are telecast daily during college hours. It is not possible for college students to see these programmes as no time has been set
      95 words
    • 270 15 I REFER to your Par- liament report (ST. April 8) on the argument regarding the hike in hospital and dental fees. Dr. Toh Chin Chye saw it fit to justify such an Increase from the survey conducted by the Health Ministry on the congestion
      270 words
    • 279 15 rE cinema operators have a better, but only a slightly better case than the Customs and Excise Department In the ticket wrangle. The interests of cinema-goers would be better served If Case had asked for the rationale behind the decision to increase
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    • 519 15 rE Jurong Ice Rink has been closed for some time, and now we are told that the Kallang Ice Palace will soon cease to be an ice rink. This leaves Singapore, a major city In Southeast Asia, with no centre for
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    • 38 15 IVILL the authority TT concerned be kind enough to put up a school crossing at Commonwealth Avenue between Tanglln Primary School and Newtown Secondary School before any mishaps occur? A. KARIM bin A. RAHMAN, Singapore 3.
      38 words
    • 17 15 THE kilogram is for mass The metre is for length The litre is for volume.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 73 15 A FAGE CF YCUR LETTERS -ft touch of rp) *tmo*wwi*ii//iPOLt*ReENze I and other parts of Italy at: \^cL^cuue/una\ KISWMNTI imWNI with Italian Chef and Management ML KINDS OF MSr/I,PIZZ/l\ j% mm mo nno W^r Basement. DBS Building, 6 Shenton Way I I lllltmfr~~* Singapore 1 Telephone: *****76 1 s^Z?*\J 1
      73 words
    • 329 15 For all those who recognize the ,i kind word, and alwayscommon best way to see Singapore in style courtesies, is from the backseat. At a price He II know the best to see now less than you might __—^^7!?r^^7 .md the best to miss. The think, considering the r^^mr^K^^/ kind
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 957 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening and the Beverly Hillbilliss 7.05 Candid Camera Back to the Hills (repeat) 7.30 News (Malay) 375 Diary of Events (Chinese) 7 45 T Bionic We«a«-W«:cli One is laune 3.30 EigMHerKS rf Sh« U. (Mandarin drama Jg g^ 130 News and Newsreel 4.15
      957 words

    • 1213 16 TtHE last transacted ready sale at the JL close of business on the Stock Exi hangr of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1977/78 high and low, CAdjusted for script/rights issue) SECTION ONE INDUSTRIALS High Low Company 8»U or181 132 Acma 175 +1 213
      1,213 words
    • 324 16 SINGAPORE I'NIT TRUST (Mangers' pricta for April 13) The Commerce 189 2.00 The Saving Fund 1.10 1.16xd s pore Prog Fond 0 90 O.tS Spore Security Fund 1.73 1.83 spore Invest Fund 1.12 1.18 ASIA UNIT TRUST (Managers' prices for April 111 Mai Invest Fund 1.83 1 04
      324 words
    • 1602 16 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "set". Big Board
      1,602 words
    • 1720 16 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Acaia (1 748 I 798). Aleom (1958 2 048) (1) 2.04 (1)
      1,720 words
    • 404 16 4 3/4% l/S/79 (250.000) (1O0.75B) 5 1/4% 15/10/79 (250,000) (101.308 101. 48S) 4 3/4% 15/9/80 (250.000) (100 05B) (12) 100.15 5% T F 15/4/81 (250.000) (102.958) 5 1/2% 1/5/79-81 (250.000) (101.108 101.40S) (4) 101.40 5% T F 1/5/83 (250.000) (100.40 B) 5 3/4% T F IV6/81-84
      404 words
      • 319 16 Hongkong: The market closed easier In moderate trading, dealers said. The Hang Seng Index fell 3.94 to 445.69 points, on a combined total turnover volume valued at $54.60 million. |APK 12 HK» Amal Rubber 1 85 +0.05 Associated Hbtels 2.75 BowaMra Cheong Kong J.BO unch ChlnaEnp 2 575 +0.025
        319 words
      • 388 16 TOKYO; Stock prices rose In moderate trading, led by electrlcals. cameras, and real estates, ending a five day fall, dealers said. The Dow Jones average gained 14.83 to 5.464.65 points. with a volume of 300 million shares. The New index was 408.90. up 1.65 points. APB 12 Yen Ajlnomoto
        388 words
      • 272 16 SYDNEY: Industrials closed Inn while speculative minings vere actively traded, dealers aid. The Sydney All-Ordinaries idded 0.37 to 460.01 points, on a otal turnover volume of 2.91 nilllon shares. INDUSTRIALS AC. 1 167 uneh N.I 138 unch t.PH 120 -2 ftmpol Pet 76 unch B H P SIS +4
        272 words
      • 185 17 YORK. Tues. The stock market today closed lower, reversing a five-day advance. The setback was attributed to profit-taking and to Investors 1 concern that President Carter's anti-inflation plan would be ineffective In. combatting Inflation. As expected, the President today ruled out mandatory wage and price controls, relying instead
        185 words
      • 58 17 AMSTERDAM. Tues. Prices closed mixed with Internationals lower apart from unchanged Aluo and slightly higher Hoogovtaw. Banking shares were firmer led by ABN. which was up two guilders. Insurances also firmed. Transports were mixed with KNSM and KLM higher but NetHloyd and Onuneren fell. Closing prices In Dutch guilders
        58 words
      • 171 17 JfURICH. Tues. Prices were weaker in continued light activity after a slightly lower opening. Vniuu Bank fell about three per cent on sustained selling from one Influential source. Industrials showed moderate losses, with Clba-Geicv. Nettle and Solaer Rctfstcred fnore depressed. 1 The Credit Suisse index (ell 1.5 points to
        171 words
      • 266 17 INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 470.4 Monday 463.3 Week Ago 467.8 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 770.18 Monday 773.65 Week Ago 755 37 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Tuesday 102 to 102 Vi Monday 102'. t0 103 H.K. HANG SENG Wednesday 445.69 Tuesday 449.63 Week Ago closed SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 403.23 Tuesday 402 84
        266 words
      • 57 16 ICBC TPlf7s is* Darby traiu Trading ntikCorp MC AC ,PI I Flour Sugin •iron MdCoin hitch B«by I Royal :cm 1 Banking 890 585 418 MO M 340 310 143 378 292 285 223 149 170 123 418 334 +29 +25 18 10 +8M +8 +8 +8 +8 +8
        57 words
      • 12 16 •iin CUinen üblic Textile Cement M Flour 180 70 270 206
        12 words
      • 26 16 API G Lumber atmm Darby SinCbew Haw Par LOB CityDev OCBC Waanwt NuyufPtm 235.000 117.000 M.OOO 87.000 72.000 88.000 59.000 55.000 53,000 52,000
        26 words
      • 36 16 INDICES INDICES Apr 1 1 Apr 12 B.T Index: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties: Tins: rubbers: 0.C.8.C.: S.E.S. Ind: 741.74 762.84 294.87 286.91 474.94 477.69 184.63 185.81 169.13 109.36 141.63 141.63 470.74 471.04 258.60 261.37 258.66 262.99
        36 words
      • 137 16 rE Straits tin price plunged $43 to $1525 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up four tonnes to 276 tonnes. The overnight London market was steadier at lower levels with forward buyers rising £20 to £5,980 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day fell £117 for
        137 words
      • 3 16
        3 words
      • 35 16 CLOSING PRICES Ruhiwr- Am 12 Sin.anor' May 201 25 cte (ud 075 ~jp 5 cw lup Malaysia- May 2»f- 75 cte "<1» 10° $4 n<«»i i o-?? o'3l °ner *at276 tonnes (up four s tonnes).
        35 words
      • 58 16 GO LD Export prices 'n non-sterling areas in Us dollar per ounce. (1) Australian dollar per ounce. (2) Average price. ttlbourne (1) •ondon lurich trU' [ongkong 'pore (2) Tuitday Monday I 156 30 IM.BS 179. 758 178.708 180.008 179.108 179. MB *****8 180.238 179 SOS 181.04 180.90 Wtdnetday Tunday 181.
        58 words
      • 437 16 /"OPENING quotations in Malaysian rubber market the Singapore rub- yesterday turned steadier to her vp«t«>rHnv close 10 cent U P' al J05;75 were "ahou? un^hange^ kll for May RSS dealers said. LONDON: Terminal RubTha market spent a rather ber closed variously below busy afternoon with values the day's
        437 words
      • 120 16 STRIKING prices of the stock options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore. the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options traded shown In brackets. Cold Storage (June 11.70) 10.458 0.585). C and C (June 12.20) (0.578 0.975). F and
        120 words
    • 458 16 MILD bout of enthusiasm saw the return of support for selected shares with moderately active trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. This was a welcome reversal of the easier conditions seen in the earlier part of this week. A steadier undertone pre- 1 vailed
      458 words
    • 353 16 BETTER trading sentiment saw the Kuala Lumpur stock market recovering some ground yesterday. The improvement came largely In the afternoon when prices picked up strength, after a generally dull and heslstant morning session. This is reflected In the 2.44 points gain In the blue chips indicator, the New
      353 words
    • 197 16 TrHE announcement of Pre- against the Malaysian dollar. 1 sldent Carter's antl- Sterling finned to M 4380'/ Inflation programme had 4.4422 and the Singapore little Impact on the US dollar closed at $102.25/34. Bniower OPe a't LONDON: Sterling firmed &307? a 8 rr 5 8l m "the
      197 words
    • 120 16 Interbank rates at 3.00 p.m. Currencies Nominal raUs Smithsonian percental* quoted yesterday (cross) parity chance 18 lb Sterling pound iongkong dollar K'slan dollar tust schilling iel franc (com) Danish kroner "rench franc Italian lire Ncth guilder Nor kroner Swedish kroner Swiss franc Deut mark Japanese yen Kust dollar
      120 words
    • 3 16
      3 words
    • 37 16 Closing Interbank rates on Singapore dollars on April 12. Offer Bid Overnight 3 1/8 3 1 mth 4 13/16 4 3/< 2 mths 4 15/16 4 13/16 3 mths 5 4 7/8 Source: Astlejr Pearce.
      37 words
    • 64 16 RANGE of ret« offered by discount houses on April 12. Ovrrnlght 1 to 3S<; Call depoul 2| to 31%. Cloimi S-Mo»,n $*"V"V Treasury bills 3 1/4 3 l/» I Bank bill* 4 7/8 4 3/4 3-Month CD 5 4 7/8 6-Month CD 3 5/16 3 S/l«•eorcs: National Ducsunt c.
      64 words
    • 70 16 THE PRIME rate of most commercial banks in Singapore now stands at 7 per cent. Ovenea-Chineie Banking Corporation is still offering IS'« per cent to iU best customers while both Chartered and United Commercial Bank are maintaining their prime rate* at 7 < per cent. The stated
      70 words
    • 447 17 Another move to make Haw Par tick HAW PAR Group has instituted a re-organlsatlon of its activities and Its top personnel aimed at allowing ttie senior managers to "concentrate on longerterm strategies (or the development of the group". This is doubtless a great disappointment for the luckless shareholders of the
      447 words
    • 210 17 CONTRARY to cptlmlstlc notes sounded In the last chairman's statei tent that the 1976 level oi profitability would at least be .maintained. United Engineers (Mala>sia) has suffered a slide in p rofitsf its for the year ended December, owing mainly to the heavier •Interest charges
      210 words
    • 63 17 HKITISH and Malayan ($21.96 million) for the year Trustees: Pre-tax profit ended Dec 31, 1977. $3,000 ($21,000) for the half Group gross revenue jear ended Dec 31, 1977. $52.18 million ($42.69 Gross income $173,000 million), final dividend 7.5 ($176,000). per cent tax exempt (3.75 Highlands: Group per cent
      63 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 621 17 ssssT^ssf^l^l^^s^^sr^i^s^^^l^ss^^sss^si^l^BHj The Port of Singapore Authority invites applications from Singapore/ Malaysian Citizens for the following appointments (A) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Salary: $1270 $2545 pm gross (B) ASSISTANT COMMERCIAL OFFICER/ COMMERCIAL OFFICER Salary: $690 $1540 pm gross QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: For Post (A) Minimum Second Class Honours Degree (Upper Division) preferably in Business
      621 words
    • 632 17 A WELL ESTABLISHED AND INTERNATIONAL MARINE ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF:SAFETY OFFICER THE POSITION The successful applicant will be responsible for planning, developing and Implementing safety rules, training programmes, procedures and campaigns in compliance with the regulations set down by legislation and Company policy. He
      632 words
    • 896 17 A General Manager k An established and expanding American International Company wishes to appoint a dynamic and resourceful General ■S Manager to head Its local operationjin Singapore Hut The Job: WBu Reports directly to the Area Manager, the appointee will be responsible for the developments and implementation of the total
      896 words
    • 667 17 IJPHfnSLsHB tjjj PUB TENDER NOTICE CORPORATE SERVICEB DEPARTMENT <Bth Floor. PUB Building, Somenvt Ron* Singapore 9) 1 Supply of 350 Sheets Ordinary Plywood D/BBOC (2 Items). (2)Supply of 14,000 No* Galvanised Mild Steel D' Iron (2 Items). (3)Supply of 15.000 NoS Galvanised Mild Steel Bull Dog Orlps (2 Items). (4)Supply
      667 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 646 18 CLASSIFIED ADS AT YOUR SERVICE y^\ Telephone Service:- H Qs. Weekdays J^v^^a^B 8.30 a.m. 5.00 p.m. W^ -^S Saturdays #Iv^ 30 a. m. 3. 00 p. m. n* Public Holidays CJLT.S. 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 235-4+77 Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60
      646 words
    • 449 18 FANTASTIC LOW DISCOUNT sale! I Photowalls at $47.90 each I Limited stocks left. Call *****56. A LARGE QUANTITY of Vx4'xB' US made O>psum boards going cheap Please contact *****38. FURNITURE EXHIBITION! AT ANG MO KIO NEW TOWN BLOCK 225 IST FLOOR DISPLAY HOURS: MONDAY TO SATURDAY 2.00 P.M. TO 9.00
      449 words
    • 622 18 H EMPtOYMEIIT f W rISIwCeTISFfSBIB A well-known industrial company I* looking lor a Commercial Photographer The applicant must be an experienced photographer with experience m the printing and developing processes in the photo laboratory including enlarging spotting and retouching of prints Preference given to tnose skilled in graphic designing including
      622 words
    • 611 18 HUNDREDS APPLY FOR ONE VACANCY BUT WE WANT YOU TO BE SELECTED Your resume/ application Is your most crucial first impression created on employers Whatever the fob, we at TELLING RESUME S PLACEMENTS wM: help you plan and write an effective resume/ application instruct you on Interview Techniques. makes the
      611 words
    • 780 18 II EMnOYMCMT ACCOUNTS CLERK Payroll/ Qanaial Accounting OuaHPxaWena a) School Certificate' O.C.E. b) LCC Intermediate Bookkeeping c) Ability to type 40 wpm d) Able to commence work immediately rjHBjSI 1. Preparation of monthly payroll 2. Typing sales Invoices, Pro forma invoices, debit notes etc. 3. Keeping Debtors' Ledger an preparation
      780 words
    • 710 18 The Rigliml ORtea af a mater U.S. requires a SECRETARY. ApaJteanto muet posssss the foßow1) Must be prepared to work hard 2) Must be able to work Independently 3) Typing speed at least 50wpm 4) Shorthand speed at least llOwpm 5) Must have at least 1-2 yean experience Please apply
      710 words
    • 820 18 H EMPtOYMOtT WANTED A FEMALE sales representative for our high quality hotel equipment etc. The successful applicants should have good connections with hotels, restaurants and catering services Candidates must be good looking, have pleasant personality, able to negotiate business at all levels Independently. Salary and commission will be paid to
      820 words
    • 627 18 We are looking for dynamic and aggressive SALESMEN AND SALESGIRLS to sell automotive spares and maintenance products Candida*** aftoutd poaaaaa the 1) Ability to mix and convince people 2) Possets driving licence 3) Pleasant personality 4) Interested in outdoor sales mtonelsJ candidates ptoaaa call paraonawi totVIKONO PTE LTD 275-B, Race
      627 words
    • 649 18 II EMPIOYMOIT PHILIPS requires 1J MECHANICS Trade 1 (electronics servicing) or private certificate in TV servicing with 2-3 years of relevant experience. Mbjbi The servicing of TV receivers 2) TRAINEE MECHANIC* OueMncatlone: Sec 2 or Sec 3 wlthprlvate certificate In radio/ TV servicing Working experience however Is not essentlai. Applicants
      649 words
    • 663 18 AN INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUC TrON COMPANY IN SINGAPORE INVITES APPLICATIONS PROM EXPERIENCED/ QUALIFIEO ARTISANS FOR APPOINTMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING POSTS: 1) INSTRUMENT SUPERVISOR Applicants must possess raa>vant trade certificate and at least five years supervisory experience In all aspects of process instrumentation, both electronic and pneumatic. Preference will be gi- tn
      663 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1238 19 -^E*a*ii*aaaa*ißß*iiiiiiii^aaaa**iiaaaaa>**>aa*B^*Bl*aiß>****B***a*Bj***aß*ißlßj jj II EMPLOYMENT Required tovimedtetoly t MALE QUALITY ai CONTROLLERS Secondary 4 qualifications with "Trade certificate In welding and brazing Inter aated applicant* to wrtto to: P.O. BOX 59. ALEXANDRA POST OFFICE. SINGAPORE 3 wfth full reauma anctoamg 1 nonr etui noble photograph. I a#*J***l***jM*l AMAH WANTED FOR English
      1,238 words
    • 1181 19 II EMPLOYMENT TWJ I Beecham I 1 Pharmaceutical* I Energetic Young Men who' are meticulous and not afraid of hard work are invited to join Bl M 1) LABORATORY SAMPLERwho would be responsible for taking quality control samples of raw materials. Intermediate and finished products and distributing the samples taken
      1,181 words
    • 1326 19 II EMPLOYMENT A) WAITERS/ WAITRESSES (B) COFFEE HOUSE COOK Applicants for post (B) must possess some relevant experience Experience not essential for post (A). Attractive fringe baneflta Interested persons, please bring all relevant documents for an Interview to> Th* Poreonnoi Ofncer, Th* American Club. 21 Scott* Road. Singapore*. mC SINGAPORE
      1,326 words
    • 1472 19 II EMPLOYMENT has the following vacancies 1) ASSISTANT ENGINEERS Applicants should be Singapore Polytechnic graduates engineering with at least 2 to 3 years experience In drart design/ supervision/ maintenance or alrcondltlonlng Installation 2) TECHNICIANS Applicants must have 2 years expertnee In electrical and alrcondltlonlng Installation and should have completed N.S.
      1,472 words
    • 671 19 111 EMPLOYMENT AN ESTABLISHED TRADING COMPANY requires 10 STRONG AND HARDWORKING STOREMEN to torn their prograaalva team If you are between the age or 16 and 26. willing to work long hours, not afraid to dirty your hands, then come and visit us at I*o PAYA LEBAR ROAD SINGAPORE 14.
      671 words
    • 668 19 TIMES PRINTERS BON SHJ) FEMALE FACTORY HELPERS Applicants must be Singapore Citizens, above 16 years or aft. be physically fit and be preparad to do shirt work *>ppty p#r9Ofi«wy let Time* Printer. Sdn Bnd 422 Thomeon Road Spore 11. TUTORS REOUIRED BY leading Tuition Centre Attractive salary (5468 SI. 152)
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 906 20 I 111 VEHICLES MATS I L^^Bssm^^S^^^^B^^^aß^T^^^Bl NO KEONG CAR TRADERS PTE LTD HOME OF OUALITY USED CARS 9 KM KEAT ROAD SINGAPORE 12 TEL: S$l2M, SSI27S. *****3. *****64 tr77: Datsun 100A/140J Air con. Toyota Corolla 1200 Alrcon. Mazda 323 Air con 1976: Dalhauu AIOKD. DaUu 120Y/1808 Alrcon 100A/120Y S/Wagon, T
      906 words
    • 949 20 TIONO CMOON CO (PTI) LTD Spore Secondhand Cars Centra (Oppoarks Japanaaa Club) S'pereS Tel: *****5/****** MODEL/ MAKE OF VEHICLES Private Cars 1577 /7S Toyota Corona 1600 aircon IS7S Datsun 1808 alrcon Mazda 808 alrcon IS7S Toyota Corolla 1200 alrcon Mercedes Benz 280S alrcon 1974 m Citroen OS 1015 Comfort 1974
      949 words
    • 925 20 111 VEHICLES 4HOATS I 1970 MORRIS ISSS MXII One owner, accident free Tel: *****93 ISS7 VAUXNALL VIVA In good running condition, eligible for PARF Price $4,100 Tel: *****03 1972 COLT OALANT OTO 1700 cc Aircon radio cassette Tip-top condition Selling $8,300 Contact *****4 IS7O OATSUN 1200. Oood condition with road
      925 words
    • 811 20 19M OPEL KADETT Coupe 1078 c c Road tax/ Insurance June Oood condition. $4,400 0.n.0. *****76 2OOOE CORTINA AUTOMATIC 1974 October, concealed alrcond, radio cassette, orglnal rims, red colour with white vinyl top $***** Parked at Garden Hotel carpark. 14 Balmoral Road. Spore 10. ED6IS4U 197S COLT LANCER 1200 c.c.
      811 words
    • 710 20 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION A PtOPCKTIES PROSPECT DEVEL ***** ROBINSON ROAD SING 'enu'C ol Land FrMOoaund lot in 4 M on comcelCAf PUnntfH] Aporovil OevwonicmctXo '4M *4wi Piimi i c OFF HOLLANO ROAD OIST. 10 BEAUTIFUL DETACHED BUNGALOW with 3 bedrooms and a study, large living, separate dining, well equipped kitchen
      710 words
    • 834 20 PROSPI CT COURT Luxurious Apartments at Bedok Road For Sate or Rani immediate occupation. Convenient transport opme'nt<pte)ltd. iAPOBE 1 TEL *****33 (5 Lines) > KKVH BMM Hud iFrwltm «KumrjrarK« XMOM OCSW/50/E 6' t' •>*'!* «0 0503 0»lt 4 CompWnn Mm Junt 1977 CHANCERY LANE DIST 11 Charming 2-storey house, beautifully
      834 words
    • 776 20 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION A PtOPCKTIES j B apartments in I Districts 9A 10 I TAMAN SERASI (Odd. Botanic Gardens) H RIVER VALLEY CLOSE I (Opp. Killinay Road) orange roaduln arnap (Near Marco Polo Hotel) JALAN JINTAN (Behind Fitzpatncks) I OXLEY GARDEN (Behind Cockpit Hotel) H Ample car park. Close proximity
      776 words
    • 752 20 DISTRICTS 9/10 Tftttofwty Fufiwsn#o 3/4-BEDROOMED APARTMENTS with servant's amenities, centrally located within shopping centres Facilities Include swimming pool and tennis court RENTAL: $900 $3,000 For vtawtng, plaasa contact SEX KAY 4 COMPANY Chartered Surveyors Valuers. Eat. Aganta a Pty Mgrs TEL: *****4/ *****5 DtST. 11 QUIET AND centrally located furnished
      752 words
    • 1401 20 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION I PtOPCKTIES AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE RENTAL IN DISTRICT IS (1) Groundftoor covered warehouse office space Total area 11.000 sq.ft. (2) Ftrat door partitioned office space, (suitable for light storage as well). Total area 4.600 sq.ft Beth ereaa auHabta for tnduaartat use. Rsasonabli rental rasas. For further details
      1,401 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 353 21 IV ACCOmmODATION I PROPERTIES b) wtmm utnwT MANSION Derbyshire Road Pleaiant surrounding* Central Locality. Near Ochard Road. Up-to-date luiuriou* dealgn Freehold Land 4 bedroom* Eaey Traneportetlon Ample Car Parking Space Caay payment Prompt handing over oo completion NON-CITIZENS ACCEPTABLE LOW SELLING PRICE laaj**aja ULTRA REALTY (PTE) LTD. ISth Fir. Far
      353 words
    • 807 21 EXCLUSIVE POINT-BLOCK HDB 4-room flat In District 11. Ideally located, no traffic Jam. ample carpark Fully renovated. Contact Mdm Lum telephone *****53 after 630 p m Highest offer secures 441 -B. RIVER VALLEY Road 3 Bedrooms Flat. Freehold. $65,000/- For inspection telephone *****3 STUDIO APARTMENT PEOPLE'S Park Complex. 19th floor
      807 words
    • 719 21 V SERVICES A BUSINESS FOR SOCIABLE AND charming lady escoru. contact Aphrodite 809. Bth fir Far East Shopping Centre. Orchard Road Tel: *****9" *****08 CARPET SHAMPOO/ COMPLETE floor care/ thorough house and office cleaning Charges reasonable Call: Cleanwell Services *****88 ext 306 DELICIOUS FOOD FOR your buffet, reunion or farewell
      719 words
    • 691 21 ■^i^^l^t^fla^al a^H ./IK afIJBBaA FOURSEAS a^a^a^— FINANCE LIMITED A wholly owned eubeMlary o( Four Sea* Communication! Bank Ltd. A member ol OCBC Croup OEPOSITB Havings/Fixed H.P7 MORTGAGE New Cars/ Equipments Houses/ Shop Units Ships 35 New Bridge Road Singapore 1 TEL: ***** Permit No. 1926 i A 400 OFFICES WORLDWIDE
      691 words
    • 841 21 V SERVICES A BUSINESS IMMEDIATE DAY/ NIGHT Repair TIAN CHUAN ELECTRONIC Serof B/W. Colour T.V. Aerial InataJ- vice colour black/ white TV latlon specialist Colour T.V, amplifier, cassette, fixing antenWashlng Machine. Refrigerator nae. household appliances Rental. HP. Tony *****1/ *****68 *****54 having T.V. ANTENNAE pro- v/ NIOMT T.V. service, fast
      841 words
    • 503 21 VI EDUCATION TRAINING GIRLS! Jobs are becoming harder to get you need better qualifications Enrol now at the ITC and quality lor the London Chamber ot Commerce Private Secretary s Certificate and the ITC s Private Secretary s Diploma the region s leading qualification tor a Pnvate Secretary Our next
      503 words
    • 796 21 STAMFORD CENTRE The largest and most progressive resource centre for education in business and the professions in South East Asia. Diploma In Administrative Management An intensive six-month part-time (Part I) course in Administrative Management leading to the AM (Cert) and Centre's Diploma qualifications will commence on ISTH MAY 1978
      796 words
    • 370 21 VI EDUCATION A TRAINING LL.B (LONDON) INTERMEDIATE preparing for June 1 <>7 9 Examination Typed Notes provided Tuesday/ Thursday 7 30 10 00 pm Just started SCS 15-A. Mackenzie Road (*****7 *****8) PUBLIC RELATIONS (J month!) Tuesday 6.30 830 pm Lecturers Mj CX Tseng Commencing 18th April 19.8. Premier Commercial
      370 words
    • 328 21 EXPERIENCED TEACHER OWN tultlnn to primary and w— taw students ir all arts and flHc* subjects: adulu In ErfUWfr Malay. French. Bahasa Indonesia and Dutch at tutor's plare or at student's home Reasonahle charges Ring Miss Lee *****J LEARN FRENCH AT AtlTaAcr Franca ise No 4. Loronc TarjJMlr Singapore 10
      328 words

    • 33 22 EN LIN PAN The funeral service willl take place at St. Andrews Cathedral on Friday, 14th April 1978 at 8.00 a.m. The cremation will take place at the Mount Vernon Crematorium immediately thereafter.
      33 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      6 words
    • 52 22 PNG SOON QUAN. p'ranrls Aged 74 passed away peacefully on Wednesday 12th April, leaving behind his beloved wife Margaret. f> sons. 4 daughters. 4 daughters-in-law. 3 sons-in-law and 11 grandchildren. Cortege leaves 62 Casuarlna Road for Church of The Holy Spirit on Sunday 18th April at 2.00 p m thence
      52 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      34 22 "You left us a memory we are proud to own And though Oone You Will always Be In Our Hearts Inserted by loving Wife and Family MR. V.K. VALLIPUBAM Departed: 13.4.1*75.
      34 words
    • 11 22 140 Acknowledgements mv^m *m 'mm i Thr Family of the late
      11 words
    • 7 22 Rente* nber your lo»ed onea "In M#ffl©rle^i!
      7 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1307 22 I \L/ W VvJEm i D ■imjJMM^njl^ ij Bam^yL^L^g^^^^^^Ag^^^aaa bb 3 HII^KWIIIIIIIIPMIRH 0 M§££¥lNiSP >:■ B-wMtfrraflßiuWS I s B'i^BWSrVJrPHIIIHH ej ■■■■HIHIpynMHMI :HPH|HB|OHq o ■QQSJjEQ£fijnH|l|BSS3 E3 j RP^^^ffl^Hißß^^aU^^l^l^^^Ba I 3 Hb^qhhllhHHblH BmS^TaWttmsniP^PllS^^ES^H I 0 > *iui^CT CC ,^^^||B^gjifl||jßij|ialiHliiiialMlillH 300t530E3000GD*****0®0E \Wt GOING ABROAD FOR STUDY. BMBVaBHiBIBBaIBBBBBBBV BUSINESS OR HOLIDAY aaaaaaaaaa^aaaßaaaaaaaaa—aaa— Contart us
      1,307 words
    • 44 22 HONEYMOON MARRIAGE AID -onfidenllally introduces to you wretaries. nurses, executives, eachers. engineers. businessTien, clerks, etc as friends/ life partner Ring *****97 WORLD MARRIAGE AID Centre iclps you set Ideal partner Call !17 2nd fir. Queensway Shop>lng Centre. S"pore 3 Tel *****8 or free hrochure
      44 words
    • 40 22 GENTLEMAN WISHES TO have penfrlends interMted In ESP development and occultism. Phone numbers appreciated Please write Advertiser P.O, Box 621 Colombo Court Singapore 6 LOOKING FOR FRIENDS/ partner* l We can help you Ouarantee Confidential Introduction For enquiries Kind 2844.180
      40 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    0 23
    0 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      28 23 Your family will always cherish sweet memories of you Your presence remains strong within us REMEMBERED BY WIFE AND CHILDREN. ■Ml. PETER TOK DEPARTED 13/4/72
      28 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    122 23 fl (aged 92 years), H founder and former Chairman of the United Overseas Bank Limited. passed away peacefully on April 12.1978 in Kuching, Sarawak. H Datuk Wee is survived by his wife, Datin Wee nee Koh Geok Siew; Four sons Hian Jin, Hood Teck, Cho Yaw and Cho Bian; H
    122 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 567 23 CLASSIFf£D| ADS AT YOUR SERVICE SilurtUn II P^ltHolMUrf CAM. Mam IMpm |m—77l I ICaMrhnto I «•»>!•' offtct hm'i lumltei tmttm I After offlct hourt LEMBAGA PELABOHAN KELANG KENYATAAN TAWARAN TAWARAN NO. 1486 Tawaran adalah dipelswa danpada Pamborong Bumiputrs di dalam bidang Keiuruteraan Awam yang berdaftar dengan LPK di bawah Kelai
      567 words
    • 202 23 ■kWiwyi DEWAN BANDARAYA KUALA LUMPUR NOTIS TAWARAN Tawaran tawaran adalah dipelawa daripada Kontrektor-Kontrektor Bumiputra sahaja yang berdaftar dengan Dewan Bandaraya dldalam Kelas 'E' dan keatas Tajuk II sahaja bagi menjalankan kerja kerja sapertl berikut: Tawaran untuk pemblnun prrpaiiUn di Lorong Bflakanß Jalan Kovtl Hlllr Off Jalan Ipoh, K.L. 2. Kontrektor-kontrektor
      202 words
    • 218 23 DEWAN BANDARAVA KUALA 1.1 MPIR NOTIS TAWARAN Tawaran-tawaran adalah dipelawa daripada Kontrektor-Kontrektor yang berdaftar dengan Dewan Bandaraya Kelas 'A' dan B dibawah Tajuk II sahaja bagi menjalankan kerja-kerja seperti berikut: Tawaran untuk "The Construction of Road Works For Extension to Existing Carriageways within The City Area (1978). 2. Kontrekter Kontrektor
      218 words
    • 868 23 IMPORTANT TRADE NOTICE DR. RICHARD J. MOUALIM B.Sc. (Honours) Chemistry-Physics B.Sc. (Chem. Tech) Ph.D. (Chem. Teach) Ph.D. Organic Chemistry) F.R.I.C. Awarded for original work in the field of chemistry and chemical technology. Dr. Moualim, President of J R Industries Inc., of U.S.A. will be arriving in Malaysia early May 1978
      868 words
    • 54 23 I The Directors, I I Management Staff I I of the I I United Overseas Bank Group I I extend their deepest sympathy I I to the bereaved family I I of the late I I Datuk Wee Kheng Chiang, I I Founder and former Chairman I I of the
      54 words

    • 181 24 IT T ALA TRENGGANU, Wed. Foreign fishermen armed with guns are harassing Malaysian fishermen in the South China Sea. Officials described the situation as "serious" and said the catch of fishermen could be affected if the harassment continued. It is learnt that the foreijn fishermen in
      181 words
    • 249 24 Slain woman 'had gone to casino many times' KLANG, Wednesday ]Lf RS. TEE Gue Tlu, 69, of Klanfc who was a murdered In a Jakarta hotel-casn.o establishment on Saturday, had been to -he casino many times, her son, Mr. Tee Kirn Jeong, said today. Mr Tee, who flew back last
      249 words
    • 254 24 10 names proposed for post of Umno Youth leader KUALA LUMPUR. Wad AT least 10 names have been proposed, lor the post of head of Umno Youth. The movement elects its executive committee for a twoyear term on June 22. Umno sources here believe many more will be nominated by
      254 words
    • 40 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Six new cases of cholera and seven carriers have been reported over the last 24 hours Increasing the total to 233 cases and 231 carriers in Peninsular Malaysia, accordIng to a Health Ministry statement today.
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    • 45 24 KUALA. LUMPUR, Wed. Malaysian sawn Umber Is enjoying a mlnl-boom In Thailand. The latest Issue of Maskayu. an official publication of the Malaysian Timber Industries Board, says Thailand is now the third largest importer of ungraded sawn timber from Peninsular Malaysia. AFP.
      AFP  -  45 words
    • 27 24 PENANO. Wed. Burglars broke into the godown of Qeta Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd here early today and got away with worth of gas lighters.
      27 words
    • 37 24 BUTTERWORTH. Wed. Police Mixed BO grams of heroin In a raid on a house at Kampong Paya here yesterday They also recovered 110 empty plastic tubes believed to be meant for packing heroin
      37 words
    • 124 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. —Traffic Police and RIMY enforcement officers throughout Peninsular Malaysia will book vehicles with tinted windscreens and windows from Saturday. Federal Traffic Police Chief, Asst. Commissioner Mohamed Noor Khamls, told a press conference today that vehicles with tinted glass allowing less than
      124 words
    • 64 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The United Asbestos Cement Bhd.'s special share issue to bumiputras has been over-subscribed by more than nine times. At the balloting for the shares today, the company announced that 3.949 applications for 9.331.000 shares worth $16.8 million were received at the close last
      64 words
    • 143 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Australia presented an attractive growth market for Asean countries, its Senior Trade Commissioner, Mr. T.N. Cronln, said today. "This was supported by the latest trade figures which showed Asean exports to Australia had grown by almost 50 per cent In the six
      143 words
    • 314 24 Quit if you have lost faith, says PAS chief KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. —The PAS defeat In Kelantaa was described today as a "blessing" to the party by its secre* tary-general Haji Hassan Shukri. Hajl Hassan said the verdict of the people, resulting in only two PAS members in the Kelantan
      314 words
    • 57 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A IM-member strong Malaysian trade delegation left for Hongkong today on the way to Canton to attend the month-long China Trade Fair which begins on Saturday. A delegation spokesman said that their purchases would mainly be animal byproducts, cereals, oils and foodstuffs, light
      57 words
    • 339 24 PENANG, Wad. A STATE pharmacist, Mr. N. Poopala- slngham, told the Sessions Court here today that drugs seized by police from an Indonesian bomoh's house could have caused gangrene. Mr. Poopalaslngham wu testifying against the bomoh, Fauzl Taufan Machfud. Former Selangor Mentri
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 793 24 ?#W LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA t TANAH MELAYU W Permohonan-permohonan adalah dipelawa dan Warganegara Malaysia yang r memiliki kelayakan tertentu untuk dipertimbangkan bagi jawatan berikut: 1. (a) JAWATAN: Jurutera Awam. (Kontrak) (b)JABATAN: Lembaga Letrik Negara. (c) KUMPULAN: Kumpulan A. ■I. TANGGAGAJI: AlB $985/1345/1465/1585/1645/1705x100-2105/2205 Tanpa pengalaman 985 1 tahun pengalaman $1345 2
      793 words
    • 631 24 /^GENERAL MANAGER^, Our client, the Malaysian joint venture of a major international group of companies wishes to appoint a General Manager who will be entrusted with complete profit responsibilities and report directly to the Board of Directors THE COMPANY In the two years since operations began, the company's initial range
      631 words

    • 155 25 I ONDON, Wed. John Francome, British champion steeplechase jockey in 1976, and Scottish bookmaker John Banks are to face an inquiry into alleged breaches of British Jockey Club rules, it was announced here yesterday. The Jockey Club, the governing body of British horse racing, said the
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 842 25 K L race entries A TOTAL of 307 horses have been entered for the Selangor Turf Club race meeting on Apr 22, 23, 29 and 30. They comprise 131 horses from C.ass 3, 107 from Class 5, 52 from Class 6 and 17 Malaysian breds from Class b and 6.
      842 words
    • 114 25 MEXICO CITY, Wed. —Lord Klllanin, president of the International Olympic Committee wound up two days of talks with representatives of Los Angeles city here yester; day apparently clearing the way for the 1984 Olympics to be assigned to that city. The final decision will be
      Reuter  -  114 words
    • 51 25 EAST German Olympic swimming champion Andrea Pollak raises her hands after setting a world record for the 200 metres butterfly event In Leningrad on Sunday. Her time of 2 mm 11.2 sec. clipped 0.02 sec. off the record set by her compatriot Rosemary Gabriel in 1976. UPI
      UPI  -  51 words
    • 298 25 IBF have the solution to Taiwan issue DRESTON (England). Wed.— Stellan Moh- lin, Swedish president of the International Badminton Federation, is spending European championships week here locked in lengthy discussions on the thorny problems confronting the sport. Mohlin came to the attention of the sports world at large in May
      298 words
    • 198 25 HONGKONG. Wed.— The official New China news agency yfslf rday indicated that communist Cambodia may participate in the third Asian Badminton Championships in Peking. It is believed to be the first time Cambodia would be competing in an International sporting event since the communists took
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 318 25 ORLEANS, Wed. American Leon Splnks yesterday signed to defend his world heavyweight boxing title In a re-match against Muhammed All at the Superdome here on September IS. In Philadelphia, heavyweight boxer Joe Frazler it In a hospital suffering frurr viral hepatitis and his
      Agencies  -  318 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 162 25 Safety begins wKh B B Simon seat belts. Simon seat belts. They're DUAL-SENSITIVE TYPE engineered and built to exceptionally With a unique self-retracting belt on high international standards and reel, it has the buckle end fixed to a safety specifications. To fit any cable. Its self-locking mechanism is make or
      162 words
    • 890 25 MALAYSIA SHIPYARD ENGINEERING 1 Vjpr SDN. BHD. MSE invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced Malaysian I Citizens to fill the various senior positions needed for onshore and offshore jj engineering activities which are now rapidly expanding under its diversification m programme. 1 PROJECT MANAGER (OFFSHORE UNIT) m The Job
      890 words
    • 129 25 i (jfifok KENYATAAN TAWARAN ifXll UNIVERSITITEKNOLOGI Vg^ MALAYSIA Tawaran adalah dipelawa dan pemborong pemborong yang berpengalaman dibidanq jahitan, yang berdaftar dengan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia untuk menialankan Jf perkhidmatan menjahit pakaian seragam kakitangan Universiti mi bagi tahun *****9. Borang-borang Tender dan keterangan lanjut boleh didapati dengan mengemuka kan bayaran sebanyak $10
      129 words

    • 463 26 PASTRIES (St Lv\j rj R wed Aus- tralia have high hopes of wiping out memories of a crushIng defeat in their first one-day international acainst the national against me West Indies when the second and last limited overs game takes place here togay
      Reuter  -  463 words
    • 73 26 Former Test cricket star dies BOURNEMOUTH (Enctand), W«d. Rjnner England cricketer Harold Olmblett killed himself while suffering from painful arthritte In his legs, an lnque;t here disclosed today The coroner at the Inquest recorded m verdict that Glmblett committed sulcldt while the balance of his mind was temporarily disturbed. Gimblett.
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 214 26 P3RT OF SPAIN (Trinidad), Wed.— Several organisations here, grouping themselves Into a body called the Committee In Defence of West indies cricket, have called for a Doycott of the fourth Test match between Australia and the West indies scheduled to start here on
      AP  -  214 words
    • 96 26 DISPUTE 1 Because of Love AUCKLAND, Wed.— A woman footballer has sparked a row In New Zealand football circles by taking the field to play for a male league team only to be ordered out by the referee. Rita Love, a 22-year-old clerk, lined up with the Second Division team
      AFP  -  96 words
    • 94 26 DISPUTE 2 Because of a ban AUCKLAND, Wed. Two rival New Zealand football organisations are locked In a dispute over tours by British teams being arranged for this country. Auckland Football Association, the sport's most powerful regional body, have committed themselves to matches against a Bobby Charlton AllStars XI on
      AFP  -  94 words
    • 294 26 LONDON, Wed. Nottingham Forest, unbeaten in the English Football League since last November, last night denied First Division title rivals Manchester City a chance to close the gap at the top of the table. Forest drew 0-0 at City's Maine Road ground
      294 words
    • 167 26 LOS ANGELES. Wed. Peru scored a 1-0 vlctc»7 over Mexico In a "friendly" soccer match here last night. But the game almost had to be abandoned soon after Peru's winning goal because of bottles thrown by angry Mexican fans. Peru's Raul Oorrlti scored the winning goal,
      167 words
    • 51 26 FIRST DIVISION (top tva tiuu). F W o l r rt Forwt J* 23 3 M 21 55 Kvtrton M M 10 t M 42 SO Arieoal S? 1« 10 (HUM Liverpool UK 52 II 46 Mm CUT M It 10 SISIIM Coventry M 18 10 10 72 54
      51 words
    • 371 26  - 'YOUR ADULTS WILL NEVER BE WORLD CHAMPIONS' Coach Roshan leaves with mixed feelings PATRICK BASTIANS By AFTER three months in Singapore, Roshan Khan, the 1956 British Open squash champion, returns home to Peshawar, Pakistan, with mixed feelings. He is happy that the solid month he spent training the Singapore team
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 220 26 mM v j£jHHiftt* 'liiitar"*^ HfcM H M Come in and take a look at the products that are H^Rj EJ H9 P^B k transforming life in Singapore. Without any pressure to i J llHp. Smß bTJ^B buVl you can md out what makes modern appliances l^^v W Sp 1 1
      220 words

    • 172 27  -  JOE DORAI By Dr. Wong: He appears normal and should be able to play Sunday's match because Eric Paine is not at his best through a knee injury. Paine had a poor game at Penang's City Stadium and we can't risk him again." Wee. who asked
      172 words
    • 134 27  - Japanese tourist wins golf tourney ERNEST FRIDA By HKANNO of Japan, who is on a week's holiday in Singapore, surprised all by winning the Sentosa Golf Club's women monthly tournament with 46 points In the stableford competition yesterday. Kanno, who plays on a handicap of 25, beat J3 others in
      134 words
    • 51 27 BADMINTON National schools tournament: secondary boys quarter-nnals (New Town. Buklt Ho Swee 2 pm); secondary girls quar-ter-finals (St. Margaret's. Henderson 2 pm). HOCKEY SHA under23 quarter-nnals replay: Police A v SAPS A B (Thomson Road 5.15 pm). RUGBY National schools tournament: lowersecondary: Monk's Hill v Siglap Secondary. Tel 0
      51 words
    • 244 27  -  WILFRED YEO By LIM TENG SAI, who on Tuesday appealed to the Football Associatio-a of Singapore to lift their oneyear suspension on him, has been offered support by his club, Tampines Rovers, and a number of Singapore players. Tampines last night submitted an appeal
      244 words
    • 195 27  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By poor responses of F and N trainees to join the national squad. It also comes in the wake of the sudden withdrawal of trainees Yik Khian Fel and Kelly Wee from the squad. Ylk, who stretched national junior champion Kamaruddln Musa
      195 words
    • 133 27  - SEA Games swimming standards up ALBERT JOHNSON By rE standard of swimming In Singapore has not dropped. It is just that South east Asia Oames standards have become much higher with the inclusion of Indonesia and the Philippines. At least, that is the opinion of Lim Teong Boon, manager of
      133 words
    • 86 27 TTTLE-chaaers St Gabriel's School made a bright start In the final rounds of the National Schools secondary boys badminton championships with a convincing 4-1 win over TUan Mong Hl^h at Buklt Ho Swee yesterday. Other results: Sec boys Buklt Ho Swee 5 Sin Mln High 0; AC3
      86 words
    • 37 27 UNBEATEN Queenstown 'B continued their winning streak when they bert Queenstown 'C 8-6, while Anglo-Chinese School beat Toa Payoh 6-4 In the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association's under- 17 waterpolo tournament at Toa Payoh pool yesterday.
      37 words
    • 376 27 Ishak (Spore) 6-1. 6-2; Bu Oil Choi (Kor) bt Yosafat (Indon) 6-0, «-l; V, Them* bt a Julnlo (PI) 6-1. 6-0; 8. Sangltan (Indon) bt Tlkkl Pang s-1 6-0; Daniel Lta (ffpore) bt EA Kellerman 6-2, 6-0; Samsllvan (Indon) bt Buresh Menon 6-3. 3-6, 6-3
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
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    • 286 27 Congratulations to the Hitachi Group of Companies in Singapore on the occasion of the official opening of 0 HITACHI Showroom at the PUB Building Ground Floor. from CHUCHEONGCOPTELTD 211 A Victoria Street Singapore 7. Tel *****6/9 Sole Agents for Hitachi Clutch Motor. CONGRATULATIONS to The Hitachi Group of Companies in
      286 words

  • 232 28 UNiTfcD NATIONS, W«d 'THE ranking Soviet A UN diplomat who defected this week wants to retain his U5576,000 a y e a r (*****,560) post at the UN, his lawyer said today. The Soviet diplomat. Mr. Arkady Shevchenko, U nder-Secretary for Political and Security
    UPI  -  232 words
  • 2 28
    2 words
  • 725 28 LONDON. Wed. Stock prices closed lower today In thin trading, dealers said At 3 pm the Financial Times Index was down 10.3 at 460 1 Uncertainly about money supply growth and the likelihood of higher short-term Interest rates, plus concern about the Inflationary effects of funding the public
    725 words
  • 37 28 MANILA, Wednesday PRESIDENT Marcos said today he still intended to move the Philippines away from martial law, but last Friday's elections showed he must be prudent and cautious about its dismantling.
    37 words
  • 125 28 INDIRA'S PARTY IS OFFICIAL OPPOSITION NEW DELHI, Wed. UORMER Prime Mlnlr ster Indira Gandhi's breakaway faction of the lonr-thne ruling Congress Party was today recognised as the official opposition in India. The Lok Sabha, lower house of Parliament, accorded her party official status as the main opposition. The Rajya Sabha
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    29 28 iWr. Shevchenko (arrowed) seen during the November 1977 Security Council session. On the left is the then president of the council, Mr. Manaur Kikhla of Libya. -AP picture.
    AP  -  29 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 344 28 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover met sot Annual Subscription UU Circulation Il|M|V Tetephont ifOOII Ext 104 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... The Government's first domestic borrowing this year takes place next Monday. More borrowings are expected this year and tradition may well be broken. The MAS strategy for the flotation of these
      344 words
    • 361 28 ••••••••j DRAGON BUACE SATURDAY^ FASHION I The latest ideas in clothes and W accessories from our local fashion 9 houses swirl before you. while 9 delicious Cantonese fare is 9 served for lunch. Special Lunch, S8 per person 0 0 Showtime. 1.45 p.m. 9 Sponsors for April 15, 78 Carnaby
      361 words

  • 1338 29  - An all- American soccer team in the next decade MILTON CHASE 'U.S. ONLY TWO WORLD CUPS AWAY FROM ATTAINING WORLD RANKS' By in Washington "\yiTHIN the next 10 years, the I'nited States will be able to field soccer team composed of entirely American players that will Ik- among the top
    1,338 words
  • 632 29  - New link between diet and heart disease STUART MCLUSKIE By in LONDON AN IMPORTANT new link between heart disease the Western world's biggest killer —and what we eat, has been established by researchers in England. The results of experiments with heart muscle might now lead to the rational use of
    632 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 312 29 Philips 36cm colour TV 835 What are you waiting for? W^m bW a^Lvb^KbMF fl Lm A bb B^B^B^B^B^^B^D^B^ <i i B^B^B^B^bl B^BVS^^B^bl B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BBHt/ B^H B^BM^lb^l IbV fl BY This remarkable little 36cm and fully transistorized. uncompromising colour floor of Plaza Singapura, the (14 inch) Philips colour TV It has eight
      312 words

  • Especially Women
    • 119 30 HAIR takes on a softer look this year with curls framing the face. Harsh geometries are definitely passe, at least for the time being. The Vidal Sassoon Artistic Team, recently here for a hair-de-monstration, showed both the way-out and the very wearable. They also demonstrated
      119 words
    • 680 30 Concave cuts and piggy -back perms LONDON'S LATEST HEADLINES: ■JMIKY breezed in and out over the weekend leaving quite a few heads ruffled. But nobody minded it a bit. For THEY were the much-acclaimed Vidal Sassoon's International Artistic Team, here to show local stylists the latest in hair-dos. And It
      680 words
    • 198 30 Discover new uses for honey... HONEY is one food product that has had acceptance over the ages, and yet new uses are being discovered in today's kitchens. Experiments cover the whole range from soup to desserts and the possibilities are becoming wider and wider as the Intrinsic qualities of the
      198 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 585 30 NYAL FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE for brighter, stronger teeth p Daily brushing with refreshing Nyal -'A Fluoride Joothpaste will effectively gff ki- M remove all stains and bad breath. Nyal $'m m Fluoride Toothpaste will also prevent M gum from bleeding and provide a j> W^SQ& protective film tor tooth enamel tS^
      585 words
    • 220 30 VVe created the Starter Set, one Rs£«^|«^H^^BHW«^ J^r month's supply of the 3 products gS§iSSjj^^^^^T^L^fc^^|^^ that make up Clinique's basic skin :<^9MP^y*C i care system, so you can discover ;"£^sS^jlMPf'' lk/^^^T t+ the quick, easy way to better and JtK^ 3 products, 3 minutes, twice a day. JLaav\ Wash. Clarify.
      220 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 989 31 I LEVER I I MANAGEMENT I APPOINTMENTS LEVER BROTHERS (MALAYSIA) S SDN. BHD. Invites applications for MANAGEMENT TRAINING APPOINTMENTS in the Technical, Commercial, Marketing and Sales I Departments. Applicants must be:— (1) University graduates, preferably with honours degree in any disciplines or its equivalent SB OR 9 Diploma holders in
      989 words
    • 607 31 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMIST j Kumpulan Guthric Sendirian Bcrhad invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysians for the post of Agricultural Economist. THE JOB: The successful applicant will essentially provide the financial /economic back up for the operations of our Guthrie International Plantation Services Department. This Section undertakes a wide range of assignments,
      607 words
    • 830 31 LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA TANAH MELAYU NATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD OF THE STATES OF MALAYA TRENGGANU HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT KENYIR DAM AND ASSOCIATED WORKS CONTRACT Prequalification of Tenderers The National Electricity Board invites applications from suitably qualified and experience contractors wishing to be prequalified as Tenderers for the Kenyir Dam and Associated Works
      830 words

  • 1086 33 Joyce Egginton on a unique sub-culture of homeless women in New York IT IS often observed, by those who live here and those who wouldn't want to, that New York harbours more crazy people than any other city on earth. In
    1,086 words
  • 677 33  -  C. FERNANDO By in Colombo SKI LANKA'S new pin-up girls are its corps of 275 young, attractive traffic wardens introduced a few weeks ago to control Colombo's chronic parking problems. In their bright yellow peak caps and apron uniforms, they have become the most
    Reuter  -  677 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 506 33 World! h L^^Hl VRl^^^B IBnninq ideas y&jJ± mf%i I m E»k> Metr Helena jfi^T f L l »9V ii K vm vrwiG jniklßttXft* ml" RAPE .^0 y^ .^flfifck^Bui^l I Why reporting is only the start of the long S^ *J&r ordeal. iw'' .^a V*^\ We investigate what really happens when
      506 words