The Straits Times, 12 April 1978

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 242 1 The 'most Russian of the Russians' UNITED NATIONS, Tuesday THE news that Arkady Shevchenko might become the first UN employee to seek political asylum anywhere sent shock waves through the ranks of the UN Secretariat where he has been known as a doctrinaire bureaucrat who is harsh to subordinates. "He
    UPI  -  242 words
  • 643 1 'Differences with the Kremlin' UNITED NATIONS, Tuesday THE SOVIET UNIONS highestranking United Nations official has stunned the world body by turning his back on his country and going into hiding. A L'X announcement yesterday said Undersecretary-General Arkady Shevchenko, 47, a former aide to Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
    Reuter; AP; NYT; AFP  -  643 words
  • 290 1  -  EDMUND TEO By OFT duty and off guard Jack Lord, better known to Hawaii Five-O fans as Steve ('"Book 'lm") McGarrett, wielding chopsticks rather than his handgun as he comes to grips with a Chinese dinner. Immaculately dressed, as always, in a floral
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  • 113 1 CJINOAPORE striker MoO hamed "Mat") Noh was suspended for three Malaysia Cup matches, effective from yesterday, by the disciplinary committee of the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) for kicking Perils goalkeeper Marlmuthu In a Malaysia Cup match 10 days ago. This means that
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  • 87 1 Lee to visit Sri Lanka pOLOMBO, Tues.— Mr. v> Lee Kuan Yew is expected to arrive here on Saturday with four of his cabinet ministers for talks with Sri Lankan President Junius Jayewardene, informed sources said today. The talk* will centre mainly on bilateral relations and will be held from
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 58 1 BANOKOK. Tues. Thailand's King Bhumlbol and Queen Slrtklt today presided over th« ceremonial cremation of 583 victims of clashes with communist guerillas last year. The annual ceremony took place two days after 23 Thais died in an attack by communist guerillas and Cambodian Khmer Rouge soldiers
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 45 1 NFW YORK Tue». Dow Jones averages, baaed on first hour of trading on the New York Slock Exchange: 30 Indus 770.37. off 3.38; 20 tramp 207 98 off 0.82; IS utlls 105 89. off 0 03: 65 stocks 269 79, off 094 UFI.
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  • 261 1 Casino hotel murder THREE SINGAPORE TOURISTS HELD JAKARTA, Tuesday rp HR E E Slngapo- reans have been charged with the murder of a 72-year-old Malaysian woman who refused to lend them money for gambling, police sources said today. All four arrived here by air last Saturday in a group of
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 321 1  -  LEE THIAN SOO By ■pilK Social Welfare Department Ins warned people wanting to adopt babies to be cautious following reports that infants have been stolen from Thailand and sold to adoption agents in Malaysia and Singapore. A spokesman for the Ministry of Social Affairs, noting
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  • 38 1 JERUSALEM, Tues. Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Brgin will spend tomorrow In hospital for routine medical checks, his office announced today. Mr. Begin. 65. has suffeiod a number of heart attacks li: the past. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 65 1 UNITED NATIONS, Tue». A Soviet spokesman Mid today UN Undersecretary 'General Arkady Shevchenko, who Is refusing to return to Moscow, was a "victim of a premeditated provocation" involving US intelligence services. He added that a protest had been lodged with the US State Department, with a
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 66 1 BANGKOK. Tues. Three people wore killed and more than 40 Injured today when a grenade exploded at temple fair In southern Thailand, police said. Police :ald the grenade was thrown by an unidentified man In the Muang district of Pattanl province before dawn where people
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 nbermain Registered Trade Mark INSWNTffiHllflfti ALL DEPARTMENTS FIRST W FLOOR "LOVING WARF' ALUMINIUM SAUCEPOT With Wooden Knob Handles Dia 20cm (7%") REGULAR n#n«i £T O C PRICE $14 00 NOW>/ XJ C. K. TANG LTD 310, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE 9 1 TEL: *****0 (5 LINES)
      45 words
    • 95 1 EXCLUSIVE CLOCKS GERMANY Sales Service fltf*J^., CHUN CHONG ■RiLS bRL) 62, South Bridge Road wtpf Singapore, 1. t TtHr^Nii^ Tel: *****1 *****2 m \f *EUECTRO3S«^~ a World's largest selling rangefinder electronic A camera. (Over 5,000,000 sold to-date!) Takes Perfect pictures automatically. In any light Even dim candlelight! Hk SriGn Popular,
      95 words
    • 108 1 HEALEY'S BAG OF JOY FOR BRITONS Back Page ISRAELIS pull out of South Lebanon 2 VIETNAM training POWg to oust Khmer regime 3 INTERIM govt rejects call for talks with guerillas 4 BUFFER tones to cut down smell of pif farms 5 Hell rider gets five months Page 10 DRIVE
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 450 2 U.N. FORCES MOVE IN TEL AVIV. Tuesday JSRAKLI troops today started to pull out of southern Lebanon, exactly four weeks after sweeping across the border to strike at Palestinian guerilla bases. In the first phase of a two-stage withdrawal, Israeli tanks and troops started falling back
      Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  450 words
    • 96 2 CAMBRIDGE (Massachusetts), Tues. One of the inventors of the atomic bomb said yesterday that the controversial neutron warhead Is not deadly enough to be effective on the battlefield but could speed up all-out nuclear war. "It will probably not Improve the deterrence of war
      AP  -  96 words
    • 69 2 MANILA. Tues. Fire of still unknown origin today swept through a five-storey building In downtown Manila destroying property estimated at 500.000 pesos 1 8$ 153. 998), police reported. At least seven film exchange and movie production companies on the building's third floor were destroyed In the
      AFP  -  69 words
    • 95 2 PRINCESS Margaret (above), under attack for her friendship with Roddy Llewellyn, 31, was applauded on Monday night when she returned to her official duties by attending a Westminster Abbey concert for charity in London her first public engagement since she caught flu two weeks But the
      AP  -  95 words
    • 193 2 BEIRUT, Tuesday CYRIAN troops stepped into ChristiapMuslim fighting today on the .southeast edge of Beirut, sparking a third straight day of shell, machine-gun and rifle fire. The flare-up followed a nationally broadcast warning late last night that the country's Syrian-dominated Arab peacekeeping force would shoot
      AFP; UPI  -  193 words
    • 243 2 No secret deals with govt over Moro, say Brigades ROME. Tues. The kidnappers of former Prime Minister Aldo Moro have rejected secret deals with the Italian Government for his release, while their hostage again appealed to the authorities to secure his freedom In a message left for reporters In four
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    • 79 2 MADRAS. Tues. Troops were moved Into Dlndigul town, 300 km south-west of here, late last night to quell rioting by farmers in which six people have been shot dead and scores Injured. Police said 13 policemen were injured in a clash near Dindigul yesterday with
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 56 2 MANILA, Tues. A woman guerilla of the communist New People's Army (NPA) was killed and four others were captured when their vehicle plunged Into a ravine while being chased by government troopers in northern Philippines, authorities said today. Two of those captured were NPA field commanders while
      AFP  -  56 words
    • 50 2 SEOUL, Tues. The prosecution today arrested outspoken opposition Member of Parliament Kim In-Kl on charges of tax evasion, law violations and extortion. A spokesman for the opposition New Democratic Party In a statement charged that Mr. Kim's arrest appeared to be an act of political reprisal. AP.
      AP  -  50 words
    • 154 2 BONN, Tues. The seven leading industrial countries yesterday In a Joint statement said they Intend to tackle the current key world economic problems on the basis of an "action of reciprocal support." In a statement issued through the West German Government press service, they
      AFP  -  154 words
    • 135 2 SYDNEY, Tues. Police in Sydney's western suburb of Bankstown have been called tn to Investigate the theft of two moulded fibrerlass swimmine pools weijhinc two tonnes. The police are punled not so much as to the difficulty of lookIng for the pools, bat figuring oat
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 375 2 Investment is Personal MANAGEMENT I INVESTMENT AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. Investment is a very personal INFLATION AND ITS subject and one that requires AFFECTS ON YOUR MONEY much more consideration than a casual glance at an advertise- THE QUEENSLAND 60I.D ment. the reading of journal- COAST BOOM istic articles or a
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    • 218 3 BhuttoIndira secret pact on Kashmir? T^EW DELHI, Tues. India claimed today that deposed prime ministers Indira Gaudhi of India and Zulf i k a r All Bhutto of Pakistan had a "secret understanding" on the Kashmir dispute. Details were withheld. The reported BhuttoGandhi deal was disclosed by Indian External Affairs
      AP  -  218 words
    • 77 3 JAKARTA, Tues. Defendant Sawlto Kartowlbowo, 47. an Indonesian mystic who is being tried for subversion and conspiracy to topple the Suharto Government, has asked that the President, the Vice-President and eight other govern- merit officials be called to testify at his trial, it was reported
      AFP  -  77 words
    • 90 3 Guilty of taking payoffs THE only IS Congressman so far to have pleaded guilty in the alleged South Korean influence-buying scandal, Richard Hanna (above) testifies before the House Ethics Committee in Monday. Hanna said he had recommended to South Korean officials that Seoul follow the example of countries such as
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 221 3 Riot squad battle embassy raiders in Seoul SEOUL, Tues. Helmet ed riot police fought shouting South Korean labour union members outside the US Embassy here today as the de monstrators attempted to break into the em bassy to protest against alleged American bugging of President Park Chunghee's office. About 300
      AP  -  221 words
    • 84 3 BANGKOK, Tues In spite of reduced surpluses from last year's crop-robbing drought as well as dim predictions for the future of Thailand's rice production, rice continues to hold Its lead as the nation's largest revenue earner and the backbone of Its economy. Thailand exported a
      AFP  -  84 words
    • 80 3 MANILA, Tues. Muslim rebel* have kidnapped a land -owner and a fishpond operator on Basllan Island, southern Philippines, and demanded a ransom of 500.000 pesos <S*lM,loo> for one of them, the military said today. Col. Cutlo Buer.c Jr., Constabulary (national police) commander at the Southern
      AFP  -  80 words
    • 95 3 'NARITA RAIDERS HAD INSIDE HELP' TOKYO, Tues. Radicals who stormed the control tower of the new Tokyo international airport at Narita last month were assisted by collaborators within the airport authority, a major Tokyo newspaper reported today. The Mainichl Shimbun quoted police as saying they learned of the collaboration during
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    • 123 3 rKYO, Tucs.—Tokyo has a ISS725,000 <S1.6 million) hangover after a cherry blossom viewing party on Sunday. That Is bow much the city's officials expect the 360-tonne cleanup operation to cost. An estimated 750JJOO people jammed Tokyo's I'eno Park in the traditional salute to spring. One official
      AP  -  123 words
    • 357 3 'Vietnam training POWs to oust regime' Captured Khmers 're-educated' BANGKOK, Ttoa. VIETNAM, in a programme to "reeducate" Cambodian prisoners of war, may be planning to raise a military force from among the captured Cambodians to spearhead and administer any future military drive against the Phnom Penh regime, observers here said.
      AP; UPI  -  357 words
    • 257 3 Marcos frees 500 'death of democracy' marchers MANILA, Tuesday PRESIDENT Marcos tonight ordered the release of more than 500 people detained lor participating in a peaceful march on Sunday protesting the "death of freedom and democracy" in the Philippines, an official announcement said. Excluded from the reI lease order, however,
      AP  -  257 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 223 3 MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES I 1 Agricultural Minafemcnt Course: Specially designed for managers of agriculture based I enterprises who have had tertiary education with I several years of actual management experience. Topics The Malaysian Agricultural Environment, I Concepts and Tools of Management and Applied I Agricultural Management subiects which includes I
      223 words
    • 266 3 B^B\ BbsSb9BC^Z^'""'^^ L^B^B^b! THE APPEALOF EEUGEOT 6(M LIES INITS IVMNYSTROM^OINTS STRONG POINT ONE: From the very beginning, Peugeot 604 has been designed y-^ <*""^\^ DESIGN to be one of the most desirable cars in the world. X^ |7 hf Th e elegant shape, fashioned by renowned Italian master _jj( /Efc
      266 words

    • 336 4 SALISBURY. Tu«a DHODESIA'S inte- rim government has rejected an Anglo-American call to sit down and discuss the future of the country with black nationalist guerillas. But the multi-racial Interim government, set up to implement an Internal settlement in Rhodesia, said it would
      Reuter  -  336 words
    • 70 4 MOSCOW. Tues. Trade between the United States and the Soviet Union dropped by nearly US$1 btllton (S*2.31 blUioni last year, taking the US from second to sixth largest Western trading partner with the Russians. The Soviet Union's other major Western trading partners maintained their positions, with West
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 115 4 REUNITED AFTER 20 YEARS APART AN excited Joe Anthony (right) of Illinois happily welcomes his parents, Pun Yuen, 68, (left) and Malom Park, 78, on Monday at Chicago's O'Hare airport alter an agonising 20year separation. After meeting his parents, who arrived from Seoul, Anthony beamed: "I can't believe it. I
      UPI  -  115 words
    • 58 4 PARIS. Tues. Baron Empain, recently released by kidnappers after two months' captivity, has stepped down as president of the Empain Schneider Group for health if asons, the board announced today. His closest aide. Mr. Rene Engen, takes over as the Baron withdraws from the presidency
      AFP  -  58 words
    • 88 4 SALISBURY, Tues.— A group of black Rhodesian children who left school last week to Join guerilla fighters walked into an ambush set by government troops near Botswana the following morning, sources said. Two boys and a girl in the group of 20 were slightly wounded
      AP  -  88 words
    • 158 4 TranskeiS. Africa ties in the balance JOHANNESBURG. Tues. —Political analysts were today split on whether South Africa would take a hard or soft line In reaction to a surprise break In diplomatic relations with Transkel the black homeland It created. Transkei, internationally cold-shouldered as a product of apartheid, yesterday broke
      AFP  -  158 words
    • 224 4 WASHINGTON, Tuesday THE Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was embroiled in the worst scandal in its history today after three former top officials were charged with approving burglaries. Patrick Gray, who resigned in disgrace as acting director of the FBI five years ago,
      Reuter  -  224 words
    • 176 4 worst Defector's mother drinks acid in protest MOSCOW, Tues. Soviet doctors said today they were fighting to save the life of a defector's mother who tried to commit suicide by drinking cleaning add in the Soviet visa office. Doctors at a special clinic for poison cases In Moscow's SJclifosovsky Hospital
      UPI  -  176 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 327 4 El Had any rl Yo-Ho-Ho If A lately? 300 years ago Captain I Morgan made his Xi«r^B\ I headquarters in ■l^^LV I Jamaica, took what he jj#/i9^>i I wanted and wanted jmiTf** I only the best! JifFf? I Captain Morgan's ll [v^o 1 Spirit lives on in /I xVvA'twV bhtv
      327 words
    • 10 4 hi J** !s^j ir'iaMU mtMWrm dm ABE IB? "^^s*^ B|i
      10 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 260 4 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 6 Flower dtv and flower 1 An orderly of Northern town (9). Ireland (6) 1 An engine passes on an < Clacked fish Indeed! (7). American railroad (6). 9 Man to speak to (or capl- Rubbish In decline (6). tal Investment (4-5). 14 Philosopher Involved In
      260 words

  • 419 5  -  CORINNE THAM By USING the ran of the mn to keep cool may sound like a paradox. Bat chemical engineer, Dr. Chiam Joon Tonf, has no doubt that solar air-condi-tioning will be the answer to Singapore'! heat problems. And he Is
    419 words
  • 330 5 Judge orders doctor to repay $10,000 A DISTRICT Judge yesterday ordered a doctor to repay a $10,000 loan to his godmother and said he had "taken advantage" of her and was "unable to reciprocate the love and affection she showered on him." District Judge Mr. Chandra Mohan said this before
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  • 708 5 By EVELYN NS and GEORGE JOSEPH WHILE charitable inTT stitutions yesterday expressed disappointment over SIA chairman J. Y. M. Pillay's recent remarks on corporate philanthropy, trade unions stepped up their attack against what they termed his "outrageous" views. .hough they felt it was
    708 words
  • 437 5 rpHE Parks and Re- creatiop Department has carried out heavy planting on buffer zones to screen the pig farms in Punggol and seal off the smell of pig waste from the main road and nearby residential' areas, a spokesman of the
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  • 101 5 THE Education Ministry yesterday reported sales of 1,200 tapes of the foreign voice that is to give dictation to 6,700 candidates sitting for their London Chamber of Commerce and Industry examination next month. If each candidate had bought a tape, this would leave 5,700 candidates
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 281 5 It's true, especially in this part of the world NEC has not been known as a manufacturer of colour televisions. And if you are worried about it, there's no need to be. NEC has had experience in electronics and telecommunications since the beginning of this century. Today it has a
      281 words
    • 149 5 Introducing the 51cm colour TV from the people you Ve heard so little about because they have been in outer space. Vm^K^St' -1 CT m^B^B^B^HL^HM^B^LFHRi'" Wr O^/T~*hm\w' I Iff^l vSSEB"' >i^Oi^b^L^L^Hl^kVk?C'B!^^^L^E2k^b^«^^L^L^k^Eb^L^ W j a^B^r^^aNMaWj^f^^ I LI b^H^^^blH ■W f r*mKmm&wMKMK M. F/ Saw OJFJBr *il UO life :sit^v jHß&rfl W'Außt
      149 words

  • 494 6 mHE Health Ministry 1 is planning to hold a national health campaign next year to militate against "harmful life-styles." It Is to inform the public on the hazards of smoking, mental and ohysical stress, over eating and physical inactivity This was disclosed by
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  • 219 6 OAA PLAN TO CUT TRAVEL AGENTS' DISCOUNTS MEMBERS Of the Orient Airlines Association (OAA) have been told to cut down their discounts to travel agents and a meeting to discuss the new discount structure will be held this month. This means that travellers who can get discount fares may soon
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  • 213 6 'Good luck' ang-pow brings misfortune to Idris NOT every "ang-pow" brings with it rood luck as the case against postman Idris bin Abu proved yesterday. For minutes after Idris, 40, had received a twodollar ang-pow from battery shop proprietor Slew Boon Leone in Bukit Timah Road on the third day
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  • 418 6 A FATHER who has been awaiting the outcome of an Australian inquiry into the death of his saiior son at sea is to appeal direct to the Communications Minister, Mr. Lim Kim San, if he falls to hear, by
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  • 51 6 THE Lions Club of Singapore. Tanglin. will hold a premiere of the Cantonese film. Follow The Star, at the Odeon cinema tonight. The premiere, in aid of the National Kidney Foundation, is under the patronage cf the Senior Minister of State i Foreign Affairs). Mr. Lee Khoon
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  • 29 6 NGEE Ann Technical College Students' Union has donated a cheque for $2.058 25. raised from a walkathon. to the Lee Kuo Chuan Home for the Aged.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 390 6 The fbninsula Plaza Your investment opportunity right in the established heart of city centre retailing Strategically located at the corner of Coleman Street and North Bridge Road 6 Shopping floors front 31.5 sq metres with a balanced tenant mix including BATA on part of the Basement, Ground and First Floors
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  • 137 7 SINGAPORE'S rigbulldlng Industry which has been Interested in orders from China since the change in leadership there, received good news yesterday when a local rigbullder won a multimillion dollar contract to build an offshore oil rig for China. The shipyard, Bethlehem Singapore, signed the contract for
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  • 641 7  -  GLORIA CHAN Locked up 7 hours, court told By A CLERK yesterday spoke of how her estranged hu s band beat her up and tied her to a steel cabinet with a dog's chain when she refused to allow him to see
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  • 113 7 NEARLY 900 people called at the Kreta Ayer Consumers- Service when it resumed business on Monday nignt. Mr. Chan Fook Chuan, secretary of the management committee of the service, said the shop was re-established in response to appeals by Kreta Aver residents. Formerly sited at
    113 words
  • 84 7 A LAWYER, Sivagna- nam Santhiran, 39, was yesterday charged In a magistrate's court with committing criminal breach of trust involving $147,410.34 from Messrs. Braddell Brothers. He was alleged to have committed the offence when he was working at the law office at OUB Chambers
    84 words
  • 332 7 A FURNITURE company, which had planned to five away a 62.000 lounge set for only one cent, has bee asked by the authorities to call off the idea for fear of causing a -stampede. R o c c o Furniture Discount
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 109 7 dS!SSISSSSm\ Achieve amazing results in English with the ExaminerPlan Course who better to prepare from BRITISH SELFITJZZ TJZ™ f^ Y o£ ENTRE the latest techniques of LONDON testing than the experts The brilliantly devised. who have spent years easyto learn lessons and marking the GCE Eiamma expert advice from GCE
      109 words
    • 412 7 WOWlMl! g. i mbmb hm HßßHa^gaja^B^B^a^a^Ba^B^Bß^Bi^^^ i^* t j FU JICOLpR F 11 400 colour prints from FUJILAB for only 90 cts I 170 FUJICA cameras HERE'S HOW I g[l Buy Fujicolor F-II 400 Super Film between I fla^^^Jl Hf Ist April and 31st August 1978 and with jl 9kw~
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 313 8 ALL was quiet on board the Vietnamese freighter Yam Co 24 yesterday as police and Home Affairs Ministry officials continued discussions to decide the fate of the four alleged hijackers. Informed sources said the matter was still "wide open" although one of the options
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  • 31 8 MR. Lye Kwok Teow, a Primary Production Department officer, will talk on Fish Rearing as a Hobby at Toa Payoh library's lecture hall on Friday at 7 30 p.m.
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  • 100 8 A HOUSING Board clerk was yesterday charged in a magistrate's court with three counts of corruption, involving a total of $450. Kandasamy Jayaseelan. 25, was alleged to have corruptly accepted $100 from Mr. Chong Fook at a work site in Bedok North Avenue 3 In October, 1976. He
    100 words
  • 192 8 WHEN a lone (unman walked up to a petrol kiosk In Lorong 2, Toa Payoh. to rob its cashier on Mondaj night. little did he know that his intended victim had 20 years' training in the Shaolin martial art. The cashier, Mr. Pang Cheng
    192 words
  • 365 8 Thieves get away with $115,000 TWO gangs of thieves struck twice within hours early on Monday one stealing about $1()4,(J(K) worth of gems from a jewellery shop, the other carting away a bulky steel safe containing more than $11,000 from a confectionery firm. One break-in was at the Singapore Handicraft
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  • 169 8 INSURING AGAINST FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISKS MOST banks in Singapore have foreign exchange departments to serve the needs of exporters, and foreign exchange risk can be insured against by what is known as "forward cover" in the foreign exchange market. The Senior Minister of State (Finance), Mr. Goh Chok Tong, gave
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  • 25 8 SINGAPORE Science Centre will screen two films. The Ruthless One and Food or Famine. at its Jurong premises on Sunday at 3 p.m.
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  • 313 8 Chen off to attend common fund meeting in London rE Minister of State (Defence), Mr. Bernard Chen, left for Lon don last night to attend a special two-day Commonwealth meeting on the creation of a com mon fund for commodities. With him was the deputy director of regional economic development
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  • 24 8 ST. Andrew's Mission Hospital will hold Its annual meeting at its premises In Tanjong Pagar Road on April 27 at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 60 8 AS a result of the success of the Second Islamic Exhibition now being held at the Victoria Memorial Hall, its organisers, Singapore Muslim Organisation's joint pro tem committee, have decided to extend it by six days. The exhibition will now close on Sunday. A total of 25,000 people
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1255 8 m Sir 1 VS Vv^ 1 a^aW Something special Sometnmg unique. And always your guarantee of comfort, safety and quality Design, exclusively by Rodenstock GERMAN OPTICAL M TECHNOLOGY fj£* AT ITS BEST </l\ «i I NRIC No. *****67/^ VfWW^ VOUCHER «ZE S L^ PRIZE Pang Siew Weng^SS-OOOA f N 9
      1,255 words
    • 133 8 MODULEX THE MOST VERSATILE FLEXIBLE CHARTING SIGN SYSTEMS FROM DENMARK *ojectScheduling Modu|ex Chartjng System fof J^^^^"^^^e«^^P^ Sales 81 Stock Control ■^^^•••((^i^^ Proiects Scheduling L Sft^fr Product on Planning H ocat on Organisation Charts ''^an9ly# Map Cnarts B~ —S^^^S^HSf' Computer Timetables g*ffWß^^^^^^3| Order Purchasing Schedules E~^ K j^l^H^hH Network Planning __^WKtS^^k
      133 words

  • Across the causeway
    • 281 9 'General election likely to be held in July' KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Poiilicai observers here beiieve the general election will be held in July during the school holidays. Nomination Day Is expected to be soon after the Umno general assembly which meets tor three days from June 23. Informed sources said
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    • 48 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The teachings of the Nasrul Haq brotherhood, a selfdefence movement led by Culture, Youth and Sports Minister Dntuk Abdul Samad Idrls. has been declared "not Islamic." The finding was announced today at a meeting of the heads of state religious deportments heie.
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    • 76 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Eleven more cases of cholera and (our carriers were reported In Peninsular Malaysia over the past 24 Hours, a Ministry of Health statement said today. Three of the cases were from Johore, two from Kelantan, four from Kedah and two from Perak. The
      AFP  -  76 words
    • 190 9 Student badly hurt in car drama AUCKLAND, Tuesday 20-YEAR-OLD Malaysian student, Anne Claire Morais, was seriously injured yesterday in a bizarre road accident in this North Island city. Police said she fell from a car speeding along Auckland's north-west motoiway at HOkm/h. I Eyewunesses said they saw the Malaysian girl,
      Reuter; UPI  -  190 words
    • 100 9 COLOUR TV: 'WHERE'S THE DEMAND?' KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Assemblers of colour television sets here have assured that they are well-stocked but asked: "Where's the demand?" Sales of colour TV sets, mainly in Johore and Malacca, have been slow elsewhere in the country, they claimed. The loca) assemblers were commenting on
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    • 209 9 Govt to spend $60 m on rice subsidy KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The government is expected to spend about $60 million this year to s u b s i dise the 360.000 tonnes of imported rice. Based on the upward price trend in the past few months during which the contracts
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    • 105 9 Cuepacs hails govt plan to streamline civil service KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Cuepacs has welcomed the government's announcement yesterday that the civil service machinery Is to be streamlined to make It more efficient. Cuepacs president T. Narendran said as a first step, the government should give greater powers to specialists In
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    • 51 9 PETALING JAVA. Tues. A 222-year-old Portuguese document from Saint Peter's Church In Malacca was today handed over to the National Archives here. The document, a five volume journal containing records of baptisms, marriages and deaths was handed over to the archives by Father M. J. Pintado Ircm the
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    • 165 9 Tourists may use 'Asean coupon' for currency KUALA LUMPUR Tues. —Tourists may use an ".Avail coupon," in place of currency for travel to Asran countries, it was stated here today. Talks are under way at the Asean Association of Banks to replace the Malaysian r 1 n c i t
      AFP  -  165 words
    • 515 9 PENANG. Tues TH E daughter of former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Othmap bin Mohamed told the Sessions Court today a bomoh who kicked and assaulted her must be "slightly off his head." Fauziah binti Datuk Othman, 37, said the bomoh, Pauzi
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    • 32 9 FENANO. Tuts. Polioe have detained 11 people for questioning In connection with the killing of businessman Ong Chu Sim, 49. in front of hi« father's Carnarvon Street shjp yesterday evening.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 62 9 re engine*? J**\ f VIO S J v*at sts fjsrs Chain Sa* X fjC*J Sales. Parts and Service i^Lr are available from importing I distributors and their authorised m i dealers in Thailand. Malaysia. X f Brunei. Indonesia and Hong Kong 1 FOR SOUTH EAST ASIA 'STIHUSEAJPTELTD 136 BUKIT TIMAH
      62 words
    • 773 9 If you want to be a success, t's really up to you You're the one who has to make up your mind about what you can do Before you do. though, take a look at the Home Study courses available There s no need to waste valuable time on travel
      773 words

  • 303 10 HELL RIDER SENT TO JAIL Worst case to come before courts' HELL RIDER, whose case, according to a judge, was the "worst" to come before the courts, was yesterday jailed for five months and fined a total of $3,000 for various traffic offences. District Judge Richard Magnus, who meted out
    303 words
  • 185 10 Petition by firm to make lawyer bankrupt A BANKRUPTCY action against a lawyer, said to be owing a creditor $5,874 on unpaid air tickets, has been set down for hearing in the High Court on Friday. Tong Kok Kong, it is alleged, has been owing this sum to Anglo-Frencn Trading
    185 words
  • 234 10 English test for teachers this month NON ENGLISH medium teachers including those in the Malay stream, will go through an English proficiency test later this month to be assessed on whether they can teach in English. If found suitable, they will attend a 120-hour re-tralning course at the Institute of
    234 words
  • 208 10 THE Consumers' Association of Singapore (Case) said last night that the Customs and Excise Department had set a precedent by allowing some cinemas to raise admission fees by 56 cents without a "dialogue" with Case. Said a Case statement: "A precedent has been set.
    208 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 331 10 b^bV <■! m^J b«^ m•« LIONS CLUB OF SINGAPORE TAN6LIN •<^P CHAR ITY" FILM~PR EM lER E (tjjf)* •national kidney foundation* Under The Distinguished Patronage of The Senior Minister Of State (Foreign Affairs) MR. LEE KHOON CHOY 2 ODEON: TONIGHT at 9.15pm j k Ttckata at tS.OO, $10.00 a 525.00
      331 words
    • 303 10 TAG TEAM ttk\ ■»ai»»iwi i P^^^ riilfT RIRI »-^H llfwlli .^aV *^B^B>^. rvriiTi a^^ KING Mi^bH 4r J'i. riIDTIQ 1 I BMW. .i*aW A I BTBbb^B^B^^P v \IS V llnsSr A afl BbW Plus other eiciting events: referees a^L^^^^^^^B I UCU at A CIaUCU indSaturiay, 15 April, %1 7 *t
      303 words
      30 words
    • 316 10 I'lttE-inj tail"™" MYS! (Phone *****80) ONLY 3 SHOWS DAILY j Note Times: 11am, 3.30 7.45pm-No Free List 3 days advance CASH BOOKINGS on (round floor TICKETS CURRENT DAY SALES ONL^ SIR LEW GRADE pmens B FRANCO ZEFFlREUfSprodicnon of I JESUS of NAZARETH® I starring ROBERT POrVELL asjesus ««fc«Msui ANN£ IANCROFT
      316 words
    • 533 10 ■'■■■■■■■■a LAST 2 DAYS' HURRY' all am. I 45. 4 00 6 30 9 I S RiChord Horr.i Ann Turkel g n ALISTAIR MACLEAN J B Jgotden Htn<ti.oui C 'lor lorn 2 DAYS No Free L.m I lam. I 45 4 00 6 45 9 15 1 Fu Seng "LIFI
      533 words

  • 208 11 ONE cannot help but stop to admire the products of fine craftsmanship of the early artists of China as Mi's Loo Enf Huay (above) did when she caught sight of the large jar, one of 400 porcelain pieces to be featured in a coming exhibition
    208 words
  • 173 11 S'pore dollar 'to get stronger' LONDOM. Tuesday THE Singapore dollar will probably harden this year and the Malaysian dollar will not be subject to wide fluctuations In the same period, London monetary experts Maxwell Stamp forecast in their latest report. They said that, although wages were tending to catch up
    AFP  -  173 words
  • 406 11 A CLAN association representing about 100 affiliates from four dialect groups is planning a campaign to get its members to speak Mandarin instead of dialects. The Kwangtung Association, whose affiliates represent the Cantonese, Teochew, Hainanese and Hakka dialect groups will soon issue
    406 words
  • 377 11 HOUSEHOLDERS need no longer despair or remain at the mercy of the maintenance man when their lights next blow a fuse or their taps spring a leak. For they can soon learn to do these repair Jobs at their community centres. The People's Association
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  • 121 11 A MAN who sued a motorist for negligence in a road accident damages claim yesterday accepted a compensation payment offer of $14,000 and costs In the High Court. Mr. Lee Ah Hock. 35. an office attendant, was cycling In Upper Paya Lebar Road when
    121 words
  • 218 11 Hokkien assn to donate land for old folks' home rE Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Is to help set up a home for the aged by donating a piece of land. This proposal was passed at the associations annual meeting early this month, and a special social welfare sub-com-mittee will soon
    218 words
  • 73 11 FOUR men were Jailed a total of eight years and oredered to be given 11 strokes of the rotan for an armed robbery which they committed more than four years ago. Teo Ah Tat, 25. Ooh How, 24, Chiia Chlew Hay, 26, and Lee Kim
    73 words
  • 49 11 GARMENT shop manager Wong Wee Sung. 39, was fined 11,000 by a magistrate yesterday when he pleaded guilty to a charge of Indecently exposing himself to a woman at a selegle Road bus stop on the night of Jan 9 last year. IV was his second offence.
    49 words
  • 161 11 STATISTICS compiled by the police to determine the co-relation between crime and the drug problem here have indicated that a distinct link exists between the two. Figures released by the Home Affairs Ministry showed that of 774 people arrested between July and December last year
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
      51 words
    • 385 11 Optonica System 3000 D Optonica System 2000 Amplifier SMII33X 32W 2. SOhms. THDO 3%. Amplifier SMII22X 22W 1 2. Sohm. THDO 8%. Mic mixing. Micmmng. function indicator function indicator Tuner STII33X AM/FM. FM sens 1 BuY, air check Tuner STII22X AM/FM FM sen. 2 OuV. air-check tuning/signal meter. FM muting
      385 words

  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1978
    • 333 12 THE failure of a small group within the Somali military to overthrow the regime of President Slad Baire may not signal the end of the government's trouble, even though for the moment the poslt ion of the ruling junta appears strengthened. In the words of i diplomat in
      333 words
    • 314 12 FKW people v 111 disagree with Dr. Lau Telk Soon, MP for Berangoon Oardens and a university political science teacher, In ins call for political education of youths. Inculcation of political values of the n.iti.M and un awareness of the realities In ono 's own society are essential
      314 words
  • 388 12 REPLIES TO READERS Making Delta Circus safer for pedestrians rot if VfflM An QU k»uiiii- (81 March IS) Wlln II .|HKlMinun rruwiita m i>, ii.. Illtt) Im lllltTt-kteit In kiiuu iin ru ii im» a iiropuml i" n IN-H..I In-u »i»!iiuIim-.i lunclton i daiirlan ei^muk llnM Illi Ulrrn mail
    388 words
  • 497 12  - US Philippines links further strained in election VICENTE MAILIWANAG By In MANILA. PHILIPPINE- American reiatlona suffered a black eye In the torrid political IniiHiiiinu during the Philippine legislative elections held this month. The repercuwloni could be f»r-re»chlng Prjumiilt it iniKhl »dver«tly .iiini lit- aoiiutinns on the future of Anterlca'i
    UPI  -  497 words
  • 1342 12  - Growing debate in Japan on touchy issue of rearmament TOSHIO KOJIMA By ONCE a week an open lorry blaring martial music and bedecked with wartime Rlsing Sun flags stop* outalde the Prime Minister'* Office in central Tokyo while lta extreme right-wing occupants deliver ear•pllttlng harangues calling for Japanese rearmament. For
    1,342 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 189 12 Speaker Systems I Bpaatier Syalams ••i,,... «i ii. I r. „!>,... „,,.n i 1.,, iik I Meln r.1.1.,,,|> I I I 4 Si., I tmplMi I I Saaattai ChaiaeteiHtiei I »p»ei'ii s Sptiin t..,.. i.,i.,,, 1 Oood lonul b«l«'U Iml I I illml l.inal halan, t, Mill, „,,,,«l,i,«i iMmntiig ul
      189 words

  • TV Times
    • 166 13 SENTA Berger (above), the Austrian born beautiful redhead who hit Europe as the Viennese sexbomb at 19 in the beginning of the Sixties, makes a leading appear ance as a stunning young widow in tomorrow's Western Feature Special at 9.55 p.m. on Channel 5.
      166 words
    • 309 13 r certainly pays to chat up with readers who ring us up occasionally offering their constructive suggestions and ideas, whether acceptable or not, for it Is through such feedback that we gauge how TV Times is received by the viewers. Two weeks ago, a
      309 words
    • 76 13 In MY OLD MAN tonight, Arthur the son-in-law wants to be invited to dinner at the home of the "poshest" lady in the district charity workers Mrs. Pagetwood. When she arranges to call at Tennyson House to collect some jumble, he Is only too delighted to stay
      76 words
    • 711 13 It's the D J who matters, not the song f\F the many musical items broadcast by Radio Singapore, request programmes are by far the most popular among listeners. The passing years have seen the exit of old programmes, but requesting still survives. This is one programme in which listeners can
      711 words
    • 174 13 LUCAN, the new series of a boy in search of the true identity and whereabouts of his parents after he was abandoned in the jungle when he was very young, continues tonight on Channel 8 at 7.50 p.m. Kevin Brophy stars as Lucan with John Randolph as Donald
      174 words
  • 48 13 TODAY Sinoptre 2 04 p.m. :t.. Se«li Kechil 1.13 p.m. (2.1m). Part Oicksai 8 58 a.m. (2.4m). 9.22 p.m. (2.5m). TOMORROW: SiK*«e 1 35 a.m. aim) 2.43 p.m. 2.2m). StMi Ktckil 12 11 a.-n. (1.8m), 2.00 p.m. (2.1m). hrt DickSM 9.24 a.m. (2.3m), 9.54 p.m. (2.3m).
    48 words
  • 22 13 WATER consumption on Monday was 678,000 cubic metres (149.1 million gallons). 31.000 cubic metres (6.8 million gallons) more than on Sunday.
    22 words
  • 6 13 This is the mttn-ig*.
    6 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 238 13 With the opening of its new Coffee Lounge, Goodwood Park Hotel brings you into a world of elegance. A world where you can enjoy afternoon tea in one of the most beautiful restaurants in Singapore. Whilst mannequins float by in luxurious silks, comfortable cottons, gorgeous georgettes, etc. Creations from the
      238 words
    • 24 13 Singapore's It* i^%t"~ > 4f> Leading Fashion K^tf l^%l~'l #H I Department UV^IUI I Store Open Daily K)am-9pm ■Haveiock/Outram Roads. S pore 3 Tel *****1
      24 words
    • 361 13 UNLOCK THE SECRETS OF HI-FI WHEN YOU STEP INTO ANYONE OF THREE SOUND ROOMS AT MOHAN'S Q In N^^^H i^\ J w 1 1 1 1 fl m fl X• All the mysteries of Hi-Fi are solved V\\ \^R_ 3 at Mohan's, where gfiC, are available for your w^^^ •\nd
      361 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 352 13 Today's TV and Radio 3.00 PM Opening and the Old Man and the Eagle 3.25 Diary of Events (Malay) 3.30 Bonanza For a Young Lady 4.20 Intermission 6.05 Opening and Electric Company 6.30 News in Brief 6 35 Wild, Wild World of Animals Black Bear 7.00 Rampaian SuKan 5.55 PM
      352 words
    • 335 13 SINGAPORE 5 7.30 News and Newsreel (Malay) 7.55 Music at Karewood Paul 8.30 Mist Wanted The Pirate 9.30 News 9 45 Fall if Eagles Dress Rehearsal (Reseat) 10.40 My OK Ma* 11.05 Denny and Marie Show (Repeat) 11.50 Close SINGAPORE 8 7.40 Science Report 7.55 Limp 8.45 Hews and
      335 words
    • 98 13 f.M Sunset Serenade 1.40 Financial and Share Market Report 7.00 News 7.15 The Piano Examination Series 7.45 English by Radio English for Commerce 0.00 Armed Forces Hour 9.00 News S.10 Prog Summary followed by Strictly Instrumental 9.30 Short Story 9.45 From Broadway 10.00 The World of Books 11.15 Arts Circle
      98 words

    • 1201 14 THE last transacted ready sale at the cloae of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's price* together with 1977/78 high and low, ('Adjusted for script/rights Issue) -mi lu.ii ur>rB INDUSTRIALS l»77/7» UM Hi(h Low Company Sal* -for181 132 Aetna 174 -3
      1,201 words
    • 325 14 Closing Tone: Easy. TURNOVER: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore Including odd lots Ready totalled 2.881.000 units valued at $5,557,000 Industrials accounted for 2,001.000. finance 236.000. hotels 332,000, properlies 73.000, debentures, loans and bonds 5.000. oil palms 3.000, tins 31,000. and rubbers 110.000 'Settlement Contracts'
      325 words
    • 1549 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1 ,000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "set". Hi«
      1,549 words
    • 376 14 4 3/4% 1/5/7* (250.000) (1OO.75B) 5 1/4% 15/10/7* (250.000) I 101.30B 101.48S) 4 3/4% 15/*/80 (250.000) (100 05B 100.15S) 5% T F IS/4/81 (250.000) (102.95B) 5 1/2% 1/5/79-81 (250.000) (101.10B 101. 40S) 5% T F 1/5/83 (250.000) (100.40B) 5 3/4% T F 15/6/M-84 (250.000) (102. 70S)
      376 words
      • 344 14 HONGKONG: The market closed mixed In active trading with selling towards the close trimming earlier gains, dealers said. The Hang Seng Index rose 2.83 to 449.63 points, on a combined total turnover volume valued at $46.94 million. HKI Amal Rubber Associate Howls Bowaterj CheongKong ihmaSngs China Light City Hotels
        344 words
      • 292 14 SYDNEY The market closed mixed, with BHP unchanged at AS6.12 ANZ Bank two cents lower at $2 70 and CSR two cents higher at $2 74. dealers said. The Sydney All-Ordlnarles edged 0.09 point lower to 459.64. on a total turnover volume of 2 88 million shares. APR II
        292 words
      • 358 14 TOKYO: Share prices closed lower on profit-taking In blue chips In the absence of fresh market factors, dealers said. The Dow Jones average fell 15.01 points to close at 5.449 82 points, with a volume of 250 million shares The New Index closed at 407 25. down 1.54 points.
        358 words
      • 176 15 ~\[Vf/ YORK. Mon. The stock market, after stumbling over some mid-day profit-taking, scored Its fifth consecutive gain today In heavy trading. The advance was modest, however, with Investors' enthusiasm restrained somewhat by concern about President Carter's antl-lnflation address, scheduled for tomorrow. The Dow Jones Industrial average rose 4.07
        176 words
      • 92 15 Mon. Prices closed generally steady In quiet trading due to current restrictions against foreign Investors and domestic Investors' caution, dealers said. In little changed financial*. Interfood 'B gained, while Oerllkoo-Buehrle Bearer closed steady. In Industrials. Neatte Bearer lost ground, while Merkur rose. Ahmilsae showed no reaction to Its earning
        92 words
      • 127 15 AMSTERDAM. Mon. Share prices closed mostly higher, buoyed by the favourable OBCD report on Dutch economic prospects. Gain* were led by Ahold and Pakhocd, up two guilden, with only Royal Dutch. HVA. KNSM and Gtmt Bro- lower against the trend. Cloemi prices In Dutch guilders »nh thr diSercnce on
        127 words
      • 271 15 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Monday 483.3 Friday 467.1 Week Ago 462.5 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Monday 773.65 Friday 769.58 Week Ago 751.04 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Monday 102'. to 103 Friday 103V. to 103*4 H.K. HANG SENG Tuesday 449.63 Monday 446.80 Week Ago 451.67 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 402.84 Monday 402.13 Week
        271 words
      • 161 14 rE Straits tin price surged $27 higher to $1,568 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 87 tonnes to 272 tonnes. The overnight London market was firmer with forward buyers gaining £90 to £5.960 per tonne. LONDON, Tin on the dav rose £260 for Cash and
        161 words
      • 30 14 Rubber: Apr 11. Singapore: May 200.50 cts (down 1.50 cts). Malaysia: May 204.75 cts (down 1.50 cts). Tin: $1,568 (up $27). Official offering: 272 tonnes (up 87 tonnes).
        30 words
      • 51 14 Export pnce> In non-iterllng ami In US dollar jxr ounce. (1) Australian dollar ptr ounce. (2) Averaie price. lelbournt(l) lurlch •«rli iongkong Ipore (2) 156.85 191.00 178 70B 17».O0B 179.108 179 SOS 17A.75B 1TS.75B 178.SOS 178.SOS 180.90 180 87 Tutlday Monday 179 SOB 17R.S0B 180.108 178.908 179. 78B 179.
        51 words
      • 446 14 OPENING quotations In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were about unchanged, dealers said. The market later remained inactive most of the time with a slightly easier tendency on scattered offerings. Turnover was light. The morning session closed very quiet. The market eased further in the afternoon on stale bull
        446 words
      • 108 14 rxAII-Y SSR and 8MB prices at noon yesterday: May June R.A.S. (Current Mtb) (Forward Mth) Bayers Sellers Buyers Sellers >SR 20 (1 ton pallet) 193.50 195.S0N 194 SO 196. SON >SR 50 (1 ton pallet) ***** 193 50 N 192 SO 194.50N MJLE.UB. 5MR 5CV (1 ton
        108 words
      • 112 14 STRIKING prices of the stock options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options traded shown In brackets. Cold Storage (June *1.7»> (U.I SB 0.57S). C and C (June 12.20) (0.K2B 0.928). F
        112 words
      • 44 14 OCBC Ontinfi Straits Tradinc M Flour PMC FAN F E Levtnf itoa Rivcrvtow Nat Iron YHS Nanvanf Prr»i CoMSumgc 665 219 650 372 332 422 310 1«2 308 264 258 218 -20 -15 -10 -10 -10 -8 -8 -8 -6 -6 -6 -8
        44 words
      • 36 14 I M Flour KKampar B Sembawang Khong Guan MGUn G Lumber M Cement Metal Box Bhd SBS 210 290 222 161 145 88 274 230 145 10 +5 ♦4 +3 +3 +2 +2 +2 I
        36 words
      • 28 14 G Lumber API RobiMoa GtaliMi 1 OB SImUb Himuu SIm Darby Haw Par Spore Merlin 154.000 154.000 152:000 128.000 122.000 79.000 77.000 76.000 74.000 SS.000
        28 words
      • 32 14 3.T. Index: industrials: finance: Hotels: Properties: fins: 1 rubbers: 3.C.B.C.: Apr 10 740.28 28«.77 478.07 186.99 169.21 141.52 472.12 260.81 April 741.74 294.67 474.94 184 63 169.13 141.63 470.74 258 60
        32 words
    • 416 14 AN easier trend prevailed with losses of up to 20 cents I were sustained in weaker counters on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yester- day. In the afternoon, some support emerged and shares recovered to close above their day's low. On balance, declines out- numbered advances
      416 words
    • 146 14 Interbank rates at 3.00 p.m. Currencies Nominal nui Smithsonian pnrrnU|i qaioted yesterday (crow) parity change US dollar 2.3075 2.3083 2.8196 —18 16 Sterling pound 4.3283 4.3335 7.3469 —41 08 Hongkong dollar 50.01 50.07 50.51 —0 98 M'sian dollar 97.73 97.84 100 00 2 21 Aust schilling 15.9074 15
      146 words
    • 183 14 THE US dollar opened lower in quiet trading at $2.3070 80 In the Singapore forex market yesterday. Trading was thin and featureless In the morning but turned active In late afternoon trading which cuw the US unit bade up to the $***** level before closing at $3.3080
      183 words
    • 173 14 currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on April 11 LS Dollars (Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 7 6 7/8 1 nun 7 1/8 7 2 mths 7 5/16 7 3, 16 3 mths 7 1/2 7 3/8 6 mths 7 15/16 7 13/16 8 mths 8
      173 words
    • 55 14 RANliE of r«t« orfertd by dtecount houaes on April 11 OvernUht 1 to 3J*. Call deposit 2] o 3,' 3-Month Treaaury btlla 3 »/l» 3 1/16 3-Month Bank bills 4 7/8 4 3 4 3-Month CD 5 4 7/S •-Month CD S 3/l« 5 3/l» ■■Mil National Oilttunt C*.
      55 words
    • 35 14 Cloelng interbank rate* on iigapore dollars on April 11. Offer Bid vernlght 3 1/4 3 mth 4 13/16 4 3/4 mths 4 15/18 4 13/16 mths s 4 7/8 Source: Aitfey A Peaxce.
      35 words
    • 73 14 i THE PRIME rate of noit commercial bank* in Singapore now stands at 7 per cent. Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation it still ofTerinK b 1 per cent to iu best cuitomen while both Chartered and United Commercial Bank are maintaining their prime rate* at 7'. per cent. The
      73 words
    • 381 14 WITH little to stimulate fresh Interest, share prices generally moved lower under moderate profit-taking on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Although the overall trend tended slightly mixed to easier at the close, some selective support remained visible among a number of isolated counters. Lower-liner General Lumber for
      381 words
    • 452 15 Promet gives Jardines a boost ANOTHER record breaking performance by the Promet group has enabled parent company Jardlne Matheson (South East Asia) to offset disappointing earnings from its manufacturing sector and report higher earnings for 1977. Group net attributable profit rose from $8.39 million to $9.29 million, an increase of
      452 words
    • 201 15 THANKS to a better second half, AJlnomoto (Malaysia) has surpassed Its own forecast for the full year by turning in yet another record profit for the year ended Dec. 31, 1977. Consolidated group pretax profit for the year rose 17.4 per cent to M 53.88 million
      201 words
    • 85 15 THE Stock Exchange of Singapore has asked Straits Steamship from which reserve accounts It Intends to capitalise Its recent proposed scrip Issue of one-for-four. Moreover, the Exchange asked the company for a profit forecast for the current year ending Dec 31, Steamers had just reported a near 35
      85 words
    • 1674 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS Acma il TySi ill 1 78 Al.o.mol. ,_'4.-iB MM) (21 242 1
      1,674 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 822 15 Our client, a well established Local Bank requires i the services of a I LEGAL OFFICER I The successful candidate will advise the Officers of -B the Bank and its subsidiaries in routine legal mat- 1 ters and act as liaison between such Officers and JI the Solicitors serving the
      822 words
    • 454 15 requires EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Consolidated Salary Seal*: $415x25 465/525x25 675/735x30 885/985x45 I 165pm Qualifications Required University Degree Pass Degree $625/-pm (consolidated) Honours Degree $825/-pm (consolidated) or Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators $465/-pm (consolidated) or Full Higher School Certificate or the GCE at 'A' level m 2 subjects ond 'O' level
      454 words
    • 437 15 MALE SALES OFFICER Required by a commercial property organization with the following prerequisites- l Age: 30 to 45 yeors of age (2) Experience: 5 years, with wide knowledge in the property field and able to demonstrate proven ability in promoting sales (3) Languages: Proficient in English Mandarin, and able to
      437 words
    • 286 15 THE COMPANIES ACT (1970 EDITION) IN THE HICH COURT OP THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORS Name of Company:Tuan Company (S) Pte. Ltd. Address of Registered Office: formerly of No 29 Market Street Singapore 1. Court: Supreme Court. Singapore 6. Number of Matter: In Companies Winding
      286 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 645 16 CLASSIFIED ADS AT YOUR SERVICE y* Telephone Service:- jJ Weekdays t>^ 8.30 a.m. 5.00 p.m. W Saturdays /T^ 8.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. Vi Public Holidays C.A.T.S. 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. J3S-6677 Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mm. $9.00) Per column
      645 words
    • 348 16 TaaJaVK^aBTB slffa^ /O-^ Iv asft Ur\»V '^^^^X A aflaßßßaaV 1 £T~\ sTb.sbV /%ZD Ts^~~la^aa»a»-av I"m V T^WW /V =^I^^~ MEMOREXI C9O MRX Oxide Special Double Pack Cassette Now $795 aaa>B>B>BflaaC>Bk^*ZrXa.^|i^| m ir IVORY SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY WHOLESALER and RETAILER W< Specialise l»or> Caning TuSk Mah|Ofi( Scentv, Bndge Incenst Burner Pendants BangK
      348 words
    • 320 16 —^aaSBBBBBBBBBBBaI Km Gifts UUith Fantastic 1 Discounts I fe Come to PEARL HOUSE, B-39, 5 g Peoples Park Centra (11 a.m. 0 g a pm. daily). [0 Wallpaper (Imported from j> n! W. Germany) 5 N Frame Poatera 0 X S3 50 each I> Oi Ornamental Potted Plants E m-
      320 words
    • 274 16 FOR EUROPEAN JEWELLERY B SWEDISH. FRENCH *5 GERMAN CRYSTALS ENGLISH SILVERWARE kjl MEISSEN PORCELAIN^ ITEMS ALL REASONABLY PRICED A AT 'i UNIT 123, Ist FLOOR t SHOPPERS CITY I ORCHARD TOWERS i TEL: *****2/ *****64 ;5 CLEARANCE SALE 20%-50%d..count 1 This would include all teenage and lady dresses, pant suits,
      274 words
    • 325 16 SPECIAL OFFER FROM sth 20 APR. THIS COULD BE YOUR KITCHEN Usual Price SlOO/Now MS/FREE GIFTS: Celling Lamp. 2 pillows 1 Bolster. We specialise in manufacturing all kinds of modern furniture Prompt delivery price reasonable, satisfaction guaranteed. Showroom: MAGGIE FURNITURE INTERIOR DECORATION 357 Bedok Rd. S'pora 16. Tel. *****(6/ 2******
      325 words
    • 295 16 S 2 f 1 a. i. <•■ S i *a 5 #^j to o 2 ZZ(rr if !u-«h Mbbk iDon'tMissi jWWaWateWfc»l|B»P^»W»W^(sM J FOR HIM:- J \i CHEETAH'S exclusive collec- ij; tlon of JIM MAN Imported j J sports executive shirts, j '4 denim safari Jackets It Jeans 7. y. all
      295 words
      244 words
    • 212 16 Special Offers Whole set $95/= (Plus drilling quality guaranteed) Ebonite £k Bowling $75/= From 91b to 151 b. Lady Shoes Size to 24 cm only MIAM INTERNATIONAL r.S CORPN PTE ITO L! 3 9 wnampoa Writ Blk 34 i Soo'ri2Tei *****8813 inn) Special Offers For this month only Please contact
      212 words
    • 257 16 LAMP DECORATION AT BARGAIN PRICES From Weat Germany Ranging From $24/Fr66 Installation 1 For any purchase I From $100/- upwards. ABC Radio Electrical Service Shopping Centre Tel *****3 (*****. BALLY OF f SWITZERLAND BALMORAL ALSO AVAILABLE: SHOES IMPORTED FROM U.S.A., ENGLAND. SWITZERLAND AND ITALY 332. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD SINGAPORE 7
      257 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 759 17 II EMPLOYMENT b) tBMBI»rt*U and CUricsW ESTABLISHED LOCAL SHIPYARD IN JURONG requires (1) RECEPTIONIST CUM TELEPHONE OPERATOR Age below 26. REQUIREMENTS: a 0C E O' level certificate, preference will be given to those who have attended a Receptionist Course a Minimum 1 year relevant experience and ability to handle both
      759 words
    • 728 17 ACCOUNTS CLERK 1 1 Male Singapore citizen who has completed full-time National Service I) Passed L.C.C Intermediate BookKeeplng or equivalent 3) Some experience in work of Accounting nature preferred 4) Age around 24 years Applications stating full personal particulars, education, experience, expected salary' and enclosing a passport-size photograph (non-returnable) to
      728 words
    • 574 17 II EMPLOYMENT JAPANESE MANUFACTURER of Electronic Part*, soon to estabiiarted factory at Ayar Ra|al< Induatrial Estate, Invites a ppiic ants for th* poet of PERSONNEL MANAGER Prs-Requisltlcs Below 35 years of age Past experience In personnel management and work safety Implementation Related diplomas or full HSC holders Ability to speak
      574 words
    • 803 17 S2\ THERMAL We require TWO TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES to promote wide range of welding and engineering products. Applicants must possess own car and have at least 2 3 years sales experience In the same field An attractive sslary. car allowance and commhwion will be offered to the (elected candidate*. please
      803 words
    • 656 17 II EMPLOYMENT SALES REPRESENTATIVES (Mal* and Female) Few vacancies still exist in fast expanding company dealing in Office Equipment. Accessories and Stationeries Successful applicants will be rewarded with a basic salary (depending on experience). Transport allowance and attract:ve commission Applicant* who h*»* no eiperlence but are willing to learn are
      656 words
    • 619 17 METAL BOX SINGAPORE LTD is inviting applications for the following posts 1) LITHOGRAPHIC APPRENTICES Requirements/ Qualification*: Completed National Service Singapore citizens Possess Trade Certificate trom School of Printing or equivalent. School Certificate OCI O' Level or equivalent Successful applicants will be required to undergo training period of 4 year*. Upon
      619 words
    • 769 17 II EMPLOYMENT EUROPEAN STANDARD ELECTRONICS PTE. LTD. Due to expansion we require MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN (MALE) Applicants should possess an Industrial Technician Certificate In Electrical and Electronic Engineering or Mechanical Engineering Minimum 2— 3 years' experience In maintenance of production machinery and manufacturing plant SERVICE TECHNICIAN (HOME APPLIANCES) Applicants should possess
      769 words
    • 672 17 AN INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUC INVITES APPLICATIONS FROM I EXPERIENCED/ QUALIFIED ARTI SANS FOR APPOINTMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING POSTS: INSTRUMENT SUPERVISOR Applicants must possess relevant trade certificate and at least five years supervisoryexperience in all aspects of process instrumentation, both electronic and pneumatic Preference will be given to applicants with working experience
      672 words
    • 580 17 II EMPLOYMENT ASAHI ELECTRONICS (S) PTE LTD 6 6-A. Blk ft. Ksllsng Pises Spore 12 invites applications for the following positions (A)PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR OCI A' level iScience Stream! or equivalent Certificate holders with Fleet ronics knowledge and some supervisory experience a Sing.ii Mire Male Citizens igert abO*C B. completed N
      580 words
    • 644 17 MALE STOREKEEPER f§ a Minimum 4 years *i-w penenr* working as Stor*- keeper and having being In (j) charge of al leaat 3-S A subordinates I W a Posaasa QCE O' level or Z equivalent a Possess good knowledge of I Maths and English i) a Abl* to speak Engll*h
      644 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 549 18 II EMPLOYMENT SI Goner*. 1 1 EUROPEAN STANOARO I ELECTRONICS PTE LTD l#oe to expansion has va 'anIrie* for FEMALE PRODUCTICN OPERATORS I (Singapore C linens/ ron I. cHlxene) I No scope work I Working experlem c not necessary I Work in alr-conditloned -omfort I omplete primary education I Age
      549 words
    • 522 18 isetan Departmental Store has Immediate vacancies for the following positions A. SALES ASSISTANTS (MALE/ FEMALE) Age '7-24 yeurs Secondary 3 ant above Singapore Citizen Male applicants must be exenipled or completed National Service. B. SECRETARY (FEMALE) Age 19 24 years Smpipore Citizen OC E A' Level with credit in English
      522 words
    • 539 18 II EMPLOYMENT PHILIPS requires FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Appiksnts should be Age 16 25 years Education Prl 5 Sec 3 Nationality Singaporean We oner the toHowmg benefits 1) Oood pay 2) No shin 3) No microscopic work 4) A 5-day work week 5) Pleasant working condition 6) Job security Interested candidates
      539 words
    • 759 18 ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTER WAITRESSES needed by American Organlaanon to won an Dubai. Applicants must have minimum of two years relevant experience with preference to those who have handled, automated food processing equipment Must be presentable, hardworking with good stamina, tall, between 22-28 years and single. Sii selected applicant* will be
      759 words
    • 759 18 II EMPLOYMENT MITSUMI CO PTE LTD 2-F. Blk •th Ik, Kallang Placa, S'pora 12 wish to offer employment opportunities to girls who are 16 years and above and have Primary education for FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Good starting salsry Attractive fringe benefits Annual wage supplement Free medical and hoapltaIllation benefits interested
      759 words
    • 767 18 •UMIDEN SINGAPORE PTE LTD 18 Oul Way Jurong Slngapora 22 has the following vacancies FACTORY OPERATIVES (Male Female) Minimum primary Six level of education Age 16 -30 years Citizenship. Singaporean Must be prepared to work on shifts (3 shifts by rotation) PROVISIONS Starting salary Male $9 50 peV da, Starting
      767 words
    • 763 18 II EMPLOYMENT FORWARDING COMPANY REQUIRES driver with Class 111 driving licence: and knowledge of PSA procedures Call *****13 between 2 30 p.m 4.30 p.m. for Interview. URGENTLY REOUIRED FOR snack bar boys and girls. Interested call personally at: O7S. International Plaza. Anson Road Energetic young men, aged 25 30 required
      763 words
    • 691 18 REQUIRED PUMP ATTENDANTS ,ii tractive salary plus commission Call peraonally et MOBIL RETAIL TRAINING CENTRE. 751. BukH Tlmah Roed. Singapore 10 Tel: (***** MATURED AND RESPONSIBLE driver urgently wanted for Managing Director Preferably residents of dlst 21. 22 or 23 Call immediately *****7 for an appointment KAIHO JAPANESE RESTAURANT urgently
      691 words
    • 850 18 111 VEHICLES I BOATS NG TRANSPORT ft TOURIST SERVICE Provides special chauffeurdriven alr-cundltioned MERCEDES. MINI-BUB (8s'eater) and luxurious, comfortable and pleasant interior 44 SEATER COACHES for marriage, sightseeing, business and other uses. Kor Charter on monthly, dal-. ly and hourly basis Contact us at 02, Hotel Royal Ramada Newton Roed.
      850 words
    • 1061 18 1*77 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 1975 Toyota Corolla 1200 (alrcon) 1974 Colt Lancer 1200 Colt Oalant 1600 (alr-cond 1973 Flat 124 Special Mazda 808 (alr-rond.) Ford Escort 1100 Chrysler 180 (alr-cond > Automatic 1972 Vauxhall Viva 1600 (alr-rond I Oalant OT O 1700 Ford Escort 1100 Mazda FlOOO Bongo Colt
      1,061 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 875 19 111 VEHICLES A BOATS Offers invited for FORD CORTINA 2000 OXL I 1974. aircond tax paid till I tier '78 «;ood t-ondi- TOYOTA CORONA 1900 197J, II ainond. tax paid till M February 79 Oood condl- H Bolh car* Company r#fijwt#r#d. HI *****11 «»t. 25 f\ SINGAPORE USED CAR (PTE)
      875 words
    • 931 19 1974 Colt Oalant 1600 cc 4ri'ior alrcon. 1971 Mazda 929 4-door. alrcon 1972 Toyota 2000 MXII 1972 Cortina OXL 1972 Mazda 808 1971 Opel Manta L' Coupe 1970 Vauxhall Viva 1970 Ford Escort Stationwagon 999 c.c fer PARF Contact: KIM PANO ENTERPRISE 4. Jalan Hwl Yoh Singapore 19 (oil Ylo
      931 words
    • 525 19 111 VEHICLES A BOATS SCRAP (PARF) VEHICLES/ scrap metals wanted Stall 7 Chltty Road Spore 8 *****72 *****75 1 night 1 Tan WE PAY GOOD price for PARF scrap cars Any model and capacity Call *****98 Richard GOOD PRICE OFFERED to PARF scrap cars Any model and capacity Please contact
      525 words
    • 495 19 PROBLEMS SELLING YOUR secondhand/ scrap cars? We pay high price for any make/ capacity *****44 HIGH PRICE OFFERED for all good used cars Any make and model Contact Tal Thong Lee Trading Pte Ltd 17/ 18. Nankin Street *****5/ *****. CITROEN 1220 WANTED Above 1974 must be in good condition
      495 words
    • 784 19 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES Ballon S*curl«M (S) P*> Ltd (Real ErtatM DhrMon) offer on behalf ol client* SELETAR HILLS Doublestorey Detached Bungalow on 10.000 «q. ft. arith 4 bedroonie and 2 bathe Fully furnlahed Rental: 51.950 a LAGOON VIEW Apartment lacing the tea with 3 bedroom* and 2 bath*. Fully
      784 words
    • 848 19 OIST. 19 CHATSWORTH COURT luxurious Maisonette/ lovely view. 4 bedrooms' separate study Carpeted' drapes/ expensive fittings Central aircond/ swimming pool Available end of April Rental on application OIST. 9 BEHIND NVATT HOTEL Cosy 3-bedroom flat. Spacir'is living cum dining. Impo.ted furnishing. Available immediately. $1,200 OIST. 10 GARDEN HOTEL vicinity. Central
      848 words
    • 784 19 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES DIST. 9 CAVENAGH HOUSE Apartment with swimming pool 3 bedrooms, servant's, spacious living dining/ kitchen. Beautifully furnished, airconditioned $1,600 Call *****60 DISTRICT 9 PHOENIX MANSION 10th floor, fully carpeted, furnished. 4 alrconditioners Rental $850 p m For viewing telephone *****2 Mr Tan DIST. 10 STEVENS CLOBC.
      784 words
    • 544 19 b) Flats HEADACHE OVER HOUSES problems 1 Why not call ***** *****0 *****7 and we will soU.vour problems at our earliest convenience EUROPEAN LADY WANTS to shire flat with European Phone 261R202 Miss And.-rsnn ■bHHsWH TONG LEE BUILDING Flatted Factory 35. Kollong Pudding Rd. near Al|umedßd (13) S~ el FROM
      544 words
    • 673 19 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE for rent Chinese Chamber 47 Hill Street 430 «i ft at $1 20 p v f inc-luriinK .iirccind and service Enqulrtn *****1 Mr Yip CARPETED PARTITIONED AIRCOND. nlfic-.' rixiin K:icllllle\ nf ■rk bank i'"-t Office Outside CBD Balestler Road *****21 Mr Unid INTERNATIONAL
      673 words
    • 905 19 you too^^ can own a home! District 21- $90,000/ up 2 storey terrace houses I in private, serene surroundings at EngKhong Park. I off Bukit Timah 7ms I 90°. loan available with I competitive interest tales 1 and easy instalments call YATVUENHONG CO PTE LTD 6th Floor International BullOino Orchard
      905 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 701 20 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES b) n— INTERNATIONAL PLAZA ROOM flat facing the sea expensive surnessed for total take over I'rlee $100,000 Owner leaving Telephone *****73 before 10.30 I ra FLAT BLOCK 'A' Pacific Mansion Dii S* 3 bedrooms, dining, bathroom $90,000 Tel *****98a m B p M OIST. t. HIGH
      701 words
    • 789 20 I SUKIT TIMAH SHOPPING Centre [ground floor shop for sale G-18 Area 160 sq ft S4SO ps f Contact *****8' *****9 SHOP SPACE AT Far East. Shaw. Lucky or Orchard required Ren- tal must be reasonable Write to ST Bnx A9UO6 CLEMENTI PARK MODERN shop with ample parking facilities and
      789 words
    • 660 20 V SERVICES BUSINESS aaaaaaa^LaaaaaaaV^>ArtLda>fcMLaaaWlJVH| f Wei known Hi-Fi products for I clearance. Suitable for re-export in South East Asian region. Interested party please write I for further details to The Manager Hi-Fi Products P.O. Box 1371 I Singapore U.S. IMPORT REPRESENTATIVE Maior U.S. Importer of Men* Jeana. Sweaters. Shirts need*
      660 words
    • 797 20 YMCA'S PRACTICAL COLOUR Photography Course commencing tonight. 700 p m Limited vacancies: inquiries Orchard Road YMCA *****8 LEICA MODEL I (1930) Black body Very rare Lelca collector's Item One of the very few In Spore Complete with Elmar f3 5/ 3 5 < m lens and original case All In
      797 words
    • 465 20 VI EDUCATION TRAINING SECRETA/UUS SCHOOL OF SECRETARIAL SKILLS Prepares students ior the London Chamber oi Commerce Industry and Pitman* Institute examinations The next PART-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARY'S COURSE (EVENINGS) commences on 17th April 1978 Write ior our brochure or enquire at SECRET ARIUS 75 Tanqlin Road Singapore. 10 (Tel: *****22) Registered
      465 words
    • 335 20 inlingua School of Languages LANGUAGE COURSES COMMENCING SOON NO CLASS HAS MORE THAN 12 STUDENTS ENGLISH day classes 10-week courses All levels Elementary Intermediate Advanced daily from 17 Apr. 8 30 10.35 10 40 12.45 12 50 2.55 3 00 5 05 evening classes 12-week courses FRENCH day classes 10-week
      335 words
    • 609 20 VI EDUCATION TRAINING GIRLS! Jobs are becoming harder to get you need better qualifications Enrol now at the ITC and quality for the London Chamber ol Commerce Private Secretary Certificate and the ITC s Private Secretary s Diploma the region s leading qualification tor a Private Secretary Our next lull
      609 words
    • 773 20 TELEX TRAINING CENTME Offers Comprehensive Practical Trainiiir with OKI- 4500 and OKI 5500 Machines by experienced teachers For enrolment Call At Room 605 People's Park Centre Use Lift No 6 Tel *****9 TELEPHONE OPERATOR (2 months) Using PABX i PMBX Switchboards Commencing 10th/ 13th April 1978 Premier Commercial School. 208
      773 words
    • 258 20 VI EDUCATION TRAINING ART FOR KIDS fnr CMM s io yr.irs Corasjienclnf IS A 7K include free expression u.ucr cokntr pelnuni etc Contact *****66 Metropolitan YMCA 1..r details Individual a group Tuition available at our centres or your home for Science, art and commercial subjects at all levels Telephone *****3.
      258 words
    • 334 20 INTENSIVE TUITION MATHEMATICS. Phjrskn ctiemiMry Physii ilMrteTtre ordinary' tdvanced I'wl h xpenenced. trained. Honors Graduate tearrx-r.' 1 9M***** EFFECTIVE HOME TUITION for all"*! level* lur>)CCtl Reasonable aj rharge* Success guaranteed i hi mtc 4'«.t2!i *m;nt> Night 44r>7HlWi SPECIALISED TUITION FOR all levels subjects by trained experienced bilingual teachers. Reasonable charges
      334 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 416 21 VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS For a copy of our fully illustrated Global '78 \i If I and SIA. colour brochures, call or write to: ]jf| G.C.NANDA& SONS PTE LTD UM I General Sales Agents for Singapore, Malaysia, I Thailand and Indonesia. 'Ifii 120-122 Stamford House, 39 Stamford Road, L'tra Singapore
      416 words
    • 369 21 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS EUROPEAN TOURS •I VI CAPITALS 7 Days »2145 KNOW CRUIBC. PARIS, AMSTERDAM 8 days ***** EUROPEAN ROUNOTRIP 14 Days S2So4'turaaian ranow 14 Days *****'SPCNDIO CITIES I* Days *****/ Prire* Include Airfares Dally Jumbo Flidhts European Tours (accom twin snarling) 2 Transfers Airport Hotel' Airport In London A
      369 words
    • 682 21 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. S.T.P.B. LIC NO 140 West Malaysia Tour (Inclusive Oentlng/ Cameron Highlands) by deluxe alrcondltioned coach seven days Ssl92slx days Ssl72/-. departure every Sunday. Monday. Tuesday Oentlng/ Cameron Highlands four days Ssl3s/-. Oentlng Highlands four days Ssl4s/- by deluxe alrcondltioned coach departure every Wednesday.
      682 words
    • 501 21 VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS SINGAPORE SUBORDINATE COURT PUBLIC CANTEEN (Mang Kaa Raataurant Branch) upper Creaa Straat TRY OUR DELICIOUS FOOD PRICES REASONABLE Special Hong Kong Roasts Soy Chicken Rice Cantonese Varieties Of Tim Sum Wan-Tan Noodles Rice Noodles Hokklen Prawn Noodles Spiced Stuffed Intestines Spring Rolls Teochew Koay Chap Yong
      501 words
    • 352 21 MALAYA COFFEE HOUSE 27 SlaiMord Road. Tel *****6 Dally Quick Lunch from 11 00 am 300 pm Happy Hours: Liquor and Beer. 20*> discount, from 3 00 Pm 5.00 pm Lounge: Western fc Chinese food. V.M.C.A. RESTAURANT Coffee House "A" Orchard Road, next to museum. Tel *****9 Oood quality, economical
      352 words
    • 491 21 I MSHI A competitive and fast expanding shipyard in Jurong offers: AJ CRAFT APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING B) CRAFT APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING FOR EX-NATIONAL SERVICEMEN The apprenticeship conducted jointly with the Industrial Training Board prepares young male Singapore Citizens between 16-23 years of|age with technical aptitude tor highly skilled employment in the shipyard.
      491 words
    • 82 21 GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE 1%3 REGISTERED STOCK s'i7e maturing 1979/81 s'i<7r maturing 1981/83 1977 TAXABLE REGISTERED STOCK LOAN NO 1 4 1 <7< maturing 1979 7'i% maturing 19H7 TAX FREE REGISTERED STOCK LOAN NO I 5% maturing 19H3 K'i'>; maturing 1997 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Transfer Books of the
      82 words
    • 800 21 TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, 1950 (No. 26 of 1950) This advertisement appears by direction of the Registrar of Trade Marks, Semananjung Malaysia, under the provision, of Section 49(7) of the Ordinance NOTICE is hereby given thot the following Trode Marks registered in the name of California Manufacturing Company, Inc a corporation
      800 words
    • 296 21 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER 18) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE IN BANKRUPTCY No. 150 of 197K Re: Chin Nyoh Pit also known as Chin Nyook Pit. trading with Wong Ser Chin as Yun Poh Pawnshop. Ex Parte: Madam Ang Glm Tee a Creditor NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT
      296 words

    • 454 22 LONDON, Tues.— Liverpool's hopes of retaining the European Cup for soccer were boosted yesterday by the news that Allan Simonsen, of Borussia Moenchengladbach, will miss tomorrow's somi-fin second 1c z match at the English champions' Anfield ground. Simonsen, European Footballer of the Year, has still not
      Reuter  -  454 words
    • 144 22 LONDON, Tues. England striker Trevor Francis will earn £40,000 (&172.800) for playing about 20 soccer matches while on loan to North American club Minnesota Kicks during the English League's close season, it was announced in Birmingham yesterday. Directors of Birmingham City, Francis's English League First Division club,
      Reuter; AFP  -  144 words
    • 292 22 MEXICO CITY, Tues. International Olympic Committee president Lord Killanin said yesterday that Los Angeles, the only city so far bidding to stage the 1984 Olympic Games, had withdrawn their demand to control all television fees. Lord Klllanin told a news conference that an
      Reuter  -  292 words
    • 300 22 I'll be serious this time, promises Ali T^EW ORLEANS (Louisiana), Tues. Muhammad All, predicting that he will be the first man to win the world heavyweight championship three times, arrived here yesterday to sign for a re-match Spinks flew In about Officials of Top Rank Spinks said he had nothing
      AP; UPI  -  300 words
    • 66 22 MOSCOW, TU«. Khallda Vorobyeva Of the Soviet Union broke her compatriot Tatiana Ayerlna's women's world speed skating record (or 1,500 metres at Alma-Ata In Soviet Kazakhastan yesterday with a time of 2 vain 7.18 sec. Avertna'a previous world mark of 2:9.90 was also beaten by Natalia Petruseva
      AFP  -  66 words
    • 24 22 CALCUTTA. Tues. India's hockey star Robert Claudius died in a road accident here on Sunday night. Samachar News Agency said yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 286 22 VyXIQHTs for the Ke dab Amateur ract mectlnc: The Su'tan of Kedah'i Cup. MARA Claa* 1 Dlv A 1.700 M. Semantan II 83.0 Royil Mark 78 Sky RMer 75 City Statue 70.C Movela Oa 70.t Bryalea 70! Simply Wonderful 70.1 Sensation 70 I Ten No Trumps 70.
      286 words
    • 157 22 JEDDAH, Tues. Brazil soundly beat Saudi Arabian club champions Al Ahll 6-1 In a friendly soccer match here last night. Half-time score was 3-0. Brazil's first-half goals by Gerzo. Nunes and Gil came during a sevenminute spell midway through the first hall. Rout Putting the
      Reuter; AFP  -  157 words
    • 83 22 LONDON, Tues. The England squad, from whom the team to play Brazil in a frienCly soccer match here on April 19, are. Joe CcrrUan (Manchester City) Peter Shi' ton (Nottingham Forest). Mick Mills (Ipswich), Dave Watson (Manchester City), Brian Greenhoff (Manchester United), Trevor Cherry (Leeds), Billy Bonds
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 373 22 That decision to ban Greig, claims Richards LONDON, Tues Barry Richards. Hampshire's South African batsman, has condemned the eight-week suspension Imposed on former England captain Tony Orelg as "diabolical." Oreig lost the Sussex captaincy and was then banned by the disciplinary committee of the English Test and County
      Reuter  -  373 words
    • 670 22  - Player unique man of the golf world WILL GRIMSLEY By AUGUSTA (GeorA tfa), Tues. He is 69 kilograms of muscle, courage and unquenchable pride. "I don't say I am the best golfer in the world. I will say I have the best record in the world," South Africa's Gary Player
      AP  -  670 words
    • 46 22 ORESTON (England), 1 Tues.— England regained the team title at the 1978 European badminton championships here last night, beating Denmark 3-2 In a thrilling final. The victory was England's third In four European team competitions. They had won the first two In 1972 and
      46 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 368 22 A time machine locked in a vault of steel Before putting anything into a Tudor watch, we leave something y, out. t-' \j^z~ ~=^^^s«. The Twinlock winding crown s S jX^^ =^T^nT^*x" Water. Dust. And dirt. J^J^^^&^^S^ screws down onto the case like a fe We simply eliminate the places
      368 words

    • 487 23  -  JOE DORAI By g THE decision by the Disciplinary Committee was fair. What I did was wrong and some kind of penalty must be a imposed. I'm prepared to accept it. w NOH "J'M looking forward to playing in the Malaysia Cup final,"
      487 words
    • 182 23  - Khalsa pay dearly for erring players SURINDER SINGH By KHALSA Association 'A' team, participating in the Singapore Hockey Association Un d c r-23 knock-out tournament, yesterday paid a high price for their players who failed to turn up in time for their match they were eliminated 3-1 by Singapore Recreation
      182 words
    • 158 23  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By T»HE Singapore squad for the "Tour of North Malaysia" cycling race from May 6—9 have switched their training from flat country to hilly terrain to simulate actual racing conditions. a— a— This follows the advice of squad member, Julius Lim, who cycled
      158 words
    • 240 23  -  PETER SIOW By FUR players Loh Poh Heng. Ng Kaw Tee, Wong Toon Joon and Chua Boon Hal have been dropped from the national squad as a result of the Basketball Association of Singapore's new get-tough stand. The four players have not attended a single
      240 words
    • 340 23 Leong, Suria recalled by coach Yap EONG Kok Fan and S. Suriamoorthy were last night recalled to reinforce Singapore's Malaysia Cup squad for Sunday's home match against Kelantan, reports JOE DORAI. Leong and 8urla were members of the national squad before they were taken out three months ago to strengthen
      340 words
    • 166 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Malaysia's soccer team manager Ismail Junid is hoping for the rslcase of Soh Chin Aun and Santokh Singh for SM icing's Cup training here on Sunday. The two Selansor centre-backs are not among the 26 p'ayers preparing for the Bangkok tournament from April
      166 words
    • 79 23 Dunearn Tech continue winning run DUNEARN Technical continued their winning run when they beat New Town 7-0 (a try and a penalty goal) In the National Schools secondary division rugby match at Woodsvllle yesterday. In anoUier match, St. Andrew's trounced Whltley 28-0 TENNIB: Boys Post secondary Catholic Junior College 5
      79 words
    • 307 23  - Raja tells why his right leg is 'dead' DHARSAN SINGH By RAJAGOPAL Sockalingam is not, as many people believe, a footballer who can play with only his left leg. Yet he seldom uses his right leg, and for a good reason too every time he executes a kick or a
      307 words
    • 200 23  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By THE Singapore Lawn Tennis Association yesterday named their team to prepare for the annual Chua Choon Leong and Ouillemard Cups in Jure and September respectively. The players are Daniel Lim, Amir Leow, Mah Poh Soon, Patrick Loh, Leslie Yong, Barry Chia,
      200 words
    • 66 23 BADMINTON —National schools tournament secondary boys quarter-finals (New Town and Buklt Ho Swee 2pm > RUGBY— National schools tournament Post-secondary boys: Raffles Institution v Saint Andrew's Junior College. Anglo-Chinese Junior College v Saint Andrew's School (Police Academy 3.30 p.m. and 6pm TENNlS— National schools tournament Post-secondary boyi tournament (Fairer
      66 words
    • 286 23  -  WILFRED YEO By LIM TENO SAI. the stocky national cen-tre-back currency serving a 12-month suspension, has appealed to the Football Association of Singapore to consider lifting the ban. Lim, who has been paying penance since Dec. 27 for kicking an opponent
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 733 23 Before rustproof ing your car compare Tuff -Kote's Guarantee with any ordinary rustproofer's... /<—»«—> <— <—> <—> <— II >vvYryrrrvMfwyvvvik Ordinary Ruttproofer 'A' Guarantee I w 1 This guarantaa covan only thr Tuning L t J w trwatad metal turlac«a from rust k originating on tha matad o< auct>, p
      733 words

  • 90 24 KOREAN riot police blocking about 400 labour union members who tried to enter the US embassy in Seoul yesterday to protest alleged American bugging of President Park Chung-Hee's office. The confrontation was, however, brief, and the crowd was peacefully dispersed. The demonstration were sparked off by the testimony
    UPI  -  90 words
  • 310 24 SYDNEY, Tuesday MOST Australian ports were idle today as waterside workers walked off the Job protesting against farmers loading sheep aboard a ship in Western Australia. The farmers loaded the sheep aboard a ship bound lor the Middle East yesterday at the West Australian
    AFP  -  310 words
  • 70 24 First strike at Claridge's LONDON. Tuei. Clarldge's, one of London's top hotels, was last nlpht hit by the first strike In Its 163year existence. Some 60 kitchen staff, porters and chambermaids stopped work In protest against the sacking of a 19-year-old rook's assistant who claimed he had been fired after
    AFP  -  70 words
  • 53 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS DEATH V. VAOAMALAI NAIOU, seed 78, paised soir pcanfully in T.T.I.H. OB 11.4.T8, leavlni twblnit btloved wlft Muttuimah. •oos Ra»up«thjr Breedharmn. diaihuri Saraawmthy. Devmkl, Jayaletcbml, Kodlam UilUia. •on. in-law d»u«htcn-in-Uw and (raiulchildrtn to mourn bis lou Cortac. leaves Blk. 4. 27-V. Holland CIOM at 2.30 p.m. 12.4.7S for
    53 words
  • 58 24 NAIROBI. Tuts President Idl Amln of Uganda today announced that he would soon make a major Cablnst reshuffle. Radio Uganda, monitored here, quoted him as raying that many ministers and senior government officials would be affected because a number of them let him down. He
    AFP  -  58 words
  • 26 24 PARIS, Tues The Somali Embassy In France yesterday denied Western press reports that 80 officers were executed following Sunday'; abortive coup In Mogadishu. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 632 24 LONDON, Tues. BRITAIN today an- nounced a substantial stimulus to its economy, with big personal tax cuts, which it declared was Its first contribution towards a common international effort to solve world economic problems. Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey, presenting his annual Budget
    Reuter  -  632 words
  • 168 24 ANTWERP, Tuesday KIDNAPPED Belgian millionaire, Baron Charles Bracht, was killed by a single shot in the head, police sources said today. His body was found yesterday on a rubbish dump outside Antwerp, almost five weeks after he was abducted from a car park. An autopsy
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 713 24 LONDON. Tu«» The stock market closed quietly mixed today, awaiting the British budget proposals, dealers said. At 3 pm the Financial Times Index was up 2 8 at 466 1 Equities met some speculative Intneasures. but government bonds were defensively marked down by up to point In light
    713 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 261 24 OGENERftL If you're looking for a top quality refrigerator. look no further. af I jj%A unlqu« watat ll«F*"^^sl l «F*"^^54 k aflßjS^-k^ Mod»i t^t^i .tl££~.--_£9k^iaC^H^al IK 81 HCIW jl ~^^a»jarfj *W- J»T T^9^E~ kt)Wt>a9 bbbbW/^^JH Fatf^T* Jb^bb^^^^^BH&K WITH GENERftL'S REFRIGERATOR YOU GET: MORE SPACE. LOW-COST OPERATION, LONG-LASTING DEPENDABILITY Model ER-81
      261 words
    • 330 24 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Com Prte* tt» Annual Subscription $tU Circulation Miiamr Tritphont J7ooll En KM TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... Yet another reorganisation has taken place in the Haw Par family. The biggest question that long suffering shareholders have borne in mind is whether, and when, the group will recover from
      330 words