The Straits Times, 6 April 1978

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 558 1 Security forces put on full alert MANILA, Wednesday THE government tonight placed security forces throughout the country on full alert and banned political rallies in Manila in the wake of a rash of pre-election bombing incidents and mysterious fires. Manila mayor Ramon Bagatsing issued the order
    Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  558 words
  • 53 1 JAKARTA, Wed. Cuba will reopen Its embassy In Jakarta after being closed down for the past 11 years. Informed sources said here today. A Cuban Government mission was expected to arrive here at the weekend for talks with Indonesian officials on the opening cf the embassy,
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 425 1 Boost for Sudomo JAKARTA. Wednesday TN A major reshuffle 1 of the military leadership, Pre s Ident Suharto today handed over the powerful post of National Security Chief he had held for the past 12 years to his Chief Of Staff, Admiral Sudomo. The move was seen here as a
    Reuter; AFP  -  425 words
  • 374 1 Mr Lee on bilingual problems ]yjR. Lee Kuan Yew will speak his mind on bilingualism and other fundamental issues confronting Singapore in a two-hour discussion to be telecast over Channel 5 tonight from 7.45. The programme, which should be a "must" for every Singaporean who cares about his children's education
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  • 491 1 JERUSALEM, W*d. ISRAELI Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan may shortly visit Cairo, informed circles said here today. The visit probably would take place after that at the end of next week by Defence Minister Ezer Welzman, who is expected to raise the matter with Egyptian leaders while
    Reuter  -  491 words
  • 74 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. President Carter has named new chiefs of the US air force and the navy, and appointed Gen David Jone* as the new chairman of the Joint chief? of staff. Gen Jones, 56. the former air force chief of staff, will replace Gen George Brown
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 65 1 JAKARTA. Wed. The press pool of non-aligned countries has decided to assist developing and non-aligned countries without a national news agency In setting up their own agencies. This was announced here tonight by Bhrl D.R. Mankekar, the Indian chairman of the non-aligned agencies' coordinating committee, at the
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 27 1 NEW YORK. Wed. The Dow Jones industrial average, which gained 4.33 points yesterday, was ahead 026 point to 755.63 shortly before 11 am today. UPI
    UPI  -  27 words
  • 615 1 WASHINGTON, Wednesday THE Carter Administration, amid growing controversy over American plans for the neutron bomb, indicated yesterday that President Carter was reviewing his decision not to produce the controversial weapon. Privately, several Administration officials confirmed a New York Times report that before leaving on his visit to
    Reuter; NYT; UPI  -  615 words
  • 240 1 Nato will face 'crisis of confidence' PARIS, Wed EUROPEAN defence Cj officials warned yesterday that the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) will face an internal crisis of confidence If President Carter decides against production of the cont r o v ersial neutron bomb without obtaining adequate Soviet disarmament concessions in
    Reuter; NYT  -  240 words
  • 63 1 BEIRUT, Wed. Palestinian commandos ■aid here tonight they ambushed an Israeli army patrol m Jerusalem last night, killing or wounding some of the soldiers. The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine said the guerillas, who operated Inside Israel, attacked the patrol with machine-guns near the
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 122 1 1-16.00 ORDIIARY -16.00 HIOB lIDEII Spectacle wearers suffering from extreme Ametropia and using high-powered lenses which are uncomfortably thicK and heavy can now be relieved by switching to HIGH REFRACTIVE INDEX GLASS The Illustration above shows 2 lenses of the same power Note the significant difference In thickness and weight
      122 words
    • 197 1 FOOTBALL BOOKIE FINE SETS A 'FIRST Page 5 MANSFIELD warning on trade 2 DAY AN: We await US move on talks 3 THOUSANDS of guerillas move out to join big push 4 FATHER'S rain bid to save daughter from fire 6 DEATH sentence for man caught with 210k of heroin
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    • 12 1 kkowtti meow's BIGSTOPt ELECTRONICS (S) PTE LTD smwrotf lunrvi turn memm mum
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 450 2 Congress may have to act TOKYO, Wednesday 'J'HE US Congress may be forced to consider legislation which would adversely affect trade and economic interests of all trading nations if Japan continues to maintain a huge trade surplus, American Ambassador to Japan Mike Mansfield warned today. The
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  450 words
    • 215 2 LUXEMBOURG, Wed Foreign ministers of the European Common Market said yesterday the results of the recent EEC talks with Japan about cutting Japan's big trade surplus with the community fell short of what could have been hoped. But the ministers accepted the argument of EEC
      Reuter  -  215 words
    • 206 2 Cigarette smoke as an offensive weapon SYDNEY, Wed. Cigarette smoking will now be recognised as an offensive weapon in New South Wales following a decision handed down by a magistrate in a Sydney court today. The court ruled in favour of Mr. Brian McBrlde who claimed that a man assaulted
      AFP  -  206 words
    • 132 2 No slump for this dollar WASHINGTON, Wed.— The US Administration may be hard pressed to meet the problems of a slumping dollar but the Treasury does have some dollars that are not being hit on the world's foreign exchange markets: Good old silver do'lars. The adm 1 n 1 stratlon
      AFP  -  132 words
    • 25 2 SYDNEY. Wed. Dock workers in Sydney and Melbourne yesterday began a series of Industrial stoppages that could eventually affect 45 ports throughout Australia—CTPl.
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    • 398 2 ROME, Wed. TiHE Italian Gov- ernment has rejected outright any bargaining with the Red Brigades guerilla gang for the release of former Premier Aldo Moro, despite his dramatic plea last night that "there is not much time left." "I am a political prisoner who Is
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  398 words
    • 75 2 WABHINOTON, W«d. Libya, as a supporter of terrorists, cannot buy heavyduty American trucks but 200 Libyans are studying nuclear technology In the United States, a State Department official said yesterday. "The nightmare of all nightmares Is someone uses nuclear technology to hold or threaten hostages. What about
      UPI  -  75 words
    • 52 2 BOSTON. Wad. President Carter called on* of John Wayne's K>ni yesterday to praise the 70-year-old actor a* "a great national asset" and said he was praying for Wayne's recovery from heart surgery, a hospital spokesman said. Wayne had an operation on Monday to replace a faulty heart
      AP  -  52 words
    • 101 2 SHEFFIELD (England), Wed. The German bullet shot into the head of British soldier Robert Neale during the allied landings in 1944 killed him last week, a coroner said here yesterday. Back in Britain, surgeons inserted a plate into the soldier's head and he
      Reuter  -  101 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 558 2 &TPK Tape spectaists throu^wut the world -wrtti the most complete range of audio recording t^>es "Good mechanism is key to good sound." CHBONQ 4 OCX Cm~^^\ HOCK. CHEONG ELECTRONICS SON.BHD WM Dl ,'R|OU T OO FOR BRUNEI GLOBAL ENTERPRISES &CO l^^L^^^V i X ;n.KM,ISI TM ***** J^M X 8....1 335»
      558 words
    • 319 2 EAST COAST HILL Ntxt to Kttong Smvww Piitca/Upptr East Coist Ro»d Located on elevated land in Katong Luxurious split-level houses facing the sea With individual front and rear gardens EAST COAST HILL stands on a 20-acre site off Upper East Coast Road which Is about 195 feet above sea-level... affording
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    • 188 3 Mystery of rich widow missing from QE II SAN FRANCISCO, Wednesday A WEALTHY Swiss widow disappeared my- steriously from the ocean liner Queen Elizabeth II in the Pacific Ocean during the ship's current 90-day world luxury cruise, it was reported yesterday. The missing woman Carla Iris Bodmer of Zurich, was
      UPI  -  188 words
    • 30 3 HYDERABAD. Wed. A curfew was extended In this riot-stricken southern Indian capital until tomorrow as fresh attempts by mobs to set fire to government buildings were reported. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 136 3 China an 'objective ally' of Europe PARIS, Wed. China was described as an ■objective ally" of Uie ■even-member countries of the Western European Union in a report discussed by the political committee of the WEU assembly here, reliable sources said. The sources said the committee at a meeting discussed a
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    • 95 3 Killer's victory sign AS it turned out, this victory sign given by Samir Mohammed Khadar was not reflected in the judgment of a special assize court in Nicosia which sentenced him and an accomplice, Zayed AH (behind Samir) to death on Tuesday. Both of them were found guilty of murdering
      AP  -  95 words
    • 113 3 Philippines to recover $231 b war booty LAS VEGAS, Wed. The Philippine Government is preparing to recover US$lOO billion (Ss23l billion) in World War II booty which the Japanese burled or sank in hospital ships off shore, the Las Vegas Sun reported yesterday in a copyrighted story. The newspaper said
      UPI  -  113 words
    • 67 3 BRUSSELS. Wed— Millions of Western European workers planned rallies, demonstrations or strikes today In the nrst Europe-wide protest against rising unemployment. Mr. Mathias Hinterscheld. secretary- general of the European Trade Union Confederation, told a news conlerence here yesterday the "Action Day" was supported In 18 countries by
      AP  -  67 words
    • 42 3 WASHINGTON. Wed— The trade surplus of members of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries dropped by nearly OS|7 bilhoiussl6.l7 billion) last year, from U5566.2 to US«69 3 billion, the latest statistic* of the International Monetary Fund show. AFP.
      AFP  -  42 words
    • 331 3 3-nation talks on Korea: Yugoslavia asked to help CEOUL, Wed. The 0 United States has asked for Yugoslavia's mediation so that North Korea would respond to a tripartite conference with the US and South Korea to settle the Korean question on a "German formula", a highranking South Korean official said
      AP; AFP  -  331 words
    • 31 3 JAMMU (Kashmir), Wed.— Former prime minister Indira Gandhi today criticised the Indian Government for stayIng silent on the death sentence passed on Pakistan's ex-premler Zulnkar All Bhutto. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 254 3 Election defeat a setback for Indira's party NEW DELHI, Wed. TJtORMER prime mlnlsr ter Indira Gandhi's three-month-old party was defeated in what it had considered a crucial Parliamentary by-elec-tion In Haryana state, according to final returns announced today. The 60-year-old Opposition leader reacted by charging that Prime Minister Morarji Desai's
      AP  -  254 words
    • 177 3 rpOKYO, Wed. Pro1 posals that Tokyo's embattled new International airport at Narita be protected by trenches and drawbridges were followed yesterday by the disclosure It will have Its own ambassador. "Why not? After all. it's far enough away to be a foreign country" said
      AP  -  177 words
    • 281 3 MOSCOW. Wednesday PRESIDENT Leonid i Brezhnev today attended manoeuvres near one of the most sensitive spots on the troubled Chinese border in a clear demonstration to Peking of Soviet military determination. Tass news agency said he watched motorised Infantry, artillery, tanks and aircraft staging
      Reuter; AP  -  281 words
    • 156 3 Israel to halt arms sales to S. Africa UNITED NATIONS, Wed. Israel, in an apparent shift of policy, announced yesterday that it will comply with a UN arms embargo against South Africa imposed by the Security Council last November. In a note to SecretaryGeneral Kurt Waldhelm, the Israeli Government amended
      Reuter; AP  -  156 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 433 3 HIT HOLBORN LAW TUTORS London Courses Full— time Part— time and Short Intensive Revision Courses COURSES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 1978/79 COMMENCE 7th OCTOBER 1978 University of London LLB External Degree University registration still available for overseas students wishing to take HLT full time courses. Bar Part 1 Group B:
      433 words
    • 169 3 IMMJ »> HOTEL rHas normal service resumed on your Black White TV? Isn't it time to trade-in for a Colour TV? -you may buy, hire-purchase or rent. We pay up to $300 for your Black white TV in working condition. v l> •We have wide r«ng> of telacted «nd Jutt
      169 words

    • 175 4 Genocide in Rhodesia, charges Nkomo LUSAKA. Wed. Rhodes 1 a n nationalist leader Joshua Nkomo yesterday said that the Rhodeslan Government had embarked on a campaign to eliminate opponents of the Internal settlement. "The regime Is murdering our people at the rate of 12 a day. This is unpardonable genocide,"
      AP  -  175 words
    • 307 4 DAR ES SALAAM, Wednesday rpHOUSANDS of Rhodesian nationalist guerillas are being quietly moved out of a training centre in Tanzania to Mozambique where they will Join a large-scale guerilla offensive aimed at scuttling the internal settlement reacted between white minority leader
      Reuter; NYT  -  307 words
    • 39 4 JOHANNESBURG. Wed. Italian Maurice Manclnl, who spent 73 days adrift in the Atlantic In a lifeboat after his yacht was holed by a whale, died on board a rescue ship last night. It was reported today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 364 4 Row brews over N-f uel safeguards PARIS, Wednesday A MAJOR diplomatic row between the A Carter Administration and Its West European allies was brewing today after France blocked the opening of negotiations on new safeguards for US nuclear fuel supplies shipped to Europe. If the nine-nation European Common Market still
      NYT  -  364 words
    • 38 4 TOKYO. W«L Two JapuMM flnni. muui and Co. Ltd. and Mltaul Oonttnietlon Co.. hart tisMd a 8|35 4 million contract with the Prim* Oroup of Slnfapon to build a flour mllllnf complex la Sri Lanka. Rwt«r.
      38 words
    • 115 4 Founder defends CIA WASHINGTON, Wed. Mr. Clark Clifford, one of the founders of the United States Central Intelligence Agency, yesterday defended the agency's covert activities such as assassination of foreign leaders or overthrowing of other governments. Instead, Mr. Clifford said, abuses could be avoided by a new partnership between the
      AP  -  115 words
    • 52 4 PEKING residents gather in Tien An Men Square on Tuesday on the eve of China's annual Chlng Minn festival for the dead. Wreaths commemorating China's revolutionary heroes and leaders including Chairman Mao Tsetung. Premier Chou fcn-lai, and Marshal Chn Teh were laid around the Martyr's Memorial.
      AP  -  52 words
    • 67 4 BELFAST, Wed. Northern Ireland police said they have captured the most deadly weapon held by the guerilla provisional Irish Repubblican Army (IRA,, the Amerlcan-bullt M.60 mac-hine-gun. The gun can fire 600 rounds a minute but security forces claim it was the only one of its type
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 71 4 JAKARTA, Wed. VicePresident Adam Malik had a one-hour meeting at his residence yesterday with Mr. Ountur Sukamoputra, eldest son of Indonesia's late President Sukarno. Mr. Sukaxnoputra, who declined to comment on his talks with Mr. Malik, Is known to be critical of some of the policies
      Reuter  -  71 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 506 4 The mostHtalked-about w American tours. I j 20 DAYS WEST (with Lake Tahoe) V fj visiting Vancouver. San Francisco, San Jose. Reno/ /I Lake Tahoe, Las Vegas, Anaheim- Disneyland, Los V\. /I yf Angeles, Tijuana, Honolulu and Tokyo. j U'^vrsJ^^^^^^ De P arture:2 4 '5, 25/5, 28 5, 29 5,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 140 4 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 7 Laments heard from the country (5) 8 Understanding lot nt people' (9). 9 A form of tribunal? rii 10 Talks tediously about border flowers (9j 12 Mixes drinks (or charitable (unctions., perhapt •6. 11. 16 Declined to cut down? l4t. 17 Its quick In water,
      140 words
    • 71 4 6 Strangely contented spirit? (5). 11 Kind of foreign writing no one understands ill' 13 Aside in Macbeth, for example? i 5). 14 Airman left, declared Innocent (S) 15 Passages are Invariably about the foreign youth leader c9i. 20 Clever man associated with an ancient council (Si. 21 Description of
      71 words

  • 282 5 J)nIVER Poon Keng Choon, 44. yesterday became the first man to be charged in court for book-making during a soccer match at the National Stadium last month. The court heard that acting Det.-Sgt-K.S. Manlam of the Gambling Suppression* Branch was looking out for book-makers
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  • 165 5 MOTORIST Wong Wing Kay alias Eng Kee. 52, was fined $500 and disqualified from driving for a year by a magistrate yesterday when he pleaded guilty to drunken driving. Another $500 fine and a similar disqualification were Imposed on him on a second charge
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  • 184 5 'Ginza of S'pore' complex 95 pc occupied THE $200 million Lucky Plaza shoppine complex in Orchard Road, due to open on May 20, is already 95 per cent occupied. But it has been reported that even if Far East Ore a n i satlon Centre manages to let or sell
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  • 248 5 mHE Housing Board has A fined 120 licensed renovation contractors who illegally bricked up waste pipes in 418 flats at Tanjor.g Pagar Plaza They were fined $250 for each pipe enclosed, up to a maximum of $5,000. Under the board's rules, permission must
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  • 245 5 rpHE Singapore Tourist M. Promotion Board is to set up a New York office by the end of September to tap the lucrative North Ameri- can tourist market. Two other ofrices in Parts and In West Asia are also
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  • 137 5 Trader's fine reduced by $350 BUSINESSMAN Charles Kong, 36, who was fined $400 by a lower court for making an "incomplete declaration" to the Customs in respect of an article sent by his diplomat customer from abroad, had his fine reduced to $50 by the High Court yesterday. In the
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  • 94 5 Two cleared of taking ang-pow from shopkeeper TWO refuse collectors accused of corruptly taking "ang-pow" money from a shop proprietor more than two years ago were acquitted and discharged by a district Judge yesterday. Abdul Rahim and Urn Kay Ann were charged with receiving $5 from Mr. Ooh Slah Yeow
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  • 60 5 MR. Tony H C. Leong has been appointed president of the National Productivity Association by Its chairman, Dr. Lee Chlaw Meng. Vice-president Is Mr. Koh Kee San. Other members of the governing council are Mr. Yap Eu Win. Mrs. Irene Yeo. Mr. Foo Chee Chin. Dr. Law Song
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  • 29 5 RAFFLES Institution will hold a ■stamp exhibition at the school's auditorium today and tomorrow from 9 am to 4 p.m The exhibition is open to the public.
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  • 12 5 THE Customs (Amendment) Bill will be introduced In Parliament tomorrow.
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  • 389 5 4 motorists, lorry driver accused of road deaths U»OUR motorists and a lorry driver were charged in a subordinate yesterday with causing the death of five people four through negligence and one through dangerous driving. William Ec, 32, who faces four charges, was alleged to have caused the death of
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  • 45 5 THE new president ot the Asian Women's Welfare Association is Mrs. Jaya Anand and not Mrs. Jaya Ahmad as reported in the Straits Times on Monday. The vice-president Is Mrs. Nimmi Handa and not Mrs. Nimml Hanad. The errors are regretted.
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  • 110 5 A PLANE will be flown specially from Rangoon to fetch the Kwangtung Youth Acrobatic Troupe home after their performances In Singapore on April 18. It is understood that there is a direct flight to China from Rangoon which will be used by the troupe
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 225 5 I How Lady Godiva i was side-tracked to 1 (<S Our Lady Godiva rode by as fair jglA* 7fi®\ ■%f as fair could be. ..WMM Vf jS On a white horse she did come. ||fe riding high and free. Klipklop klip klop went Equus; p jif Throb, throb-throb went our
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    • 161 5 the fbninsa/a P/aza Ybur investment opportunity right In the established heart of city centre retailing Strategically located at the corner of Coleman Street and North Bride* Road 6 Shopping floors fro as 31 .5 sq metre* with a balanced tenant mix including BATA on part of the Basement Ground and
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  • 345 6 A FORMER bank officer who had cheated his employers of $385,469 over a six-year period had his combined jail sentences of eight years reduced to five by the High Court yesterday. Tan Kok Leong. 32, formerly of Asia Commercial Banking Corp. had made
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  • 54 6 AMERICAN pianist Thomas Mclntosh will use special effects like the projector, tape recorder, amplifier and lighting in his concert here on April 17. Called the multi-media show, it will be held at the DBS auditorium at 8 p.m. The show is part of the Culture Ministry's
    54 words
  • 238 6 CjINGAPORE's younger C 5 generation and their teachers will, for the first time, learn at first hand the political and economic factors which make the country tick, in their courses of study. Secondary 4 and preuniversity students will from this year read
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  • 230 6 OSMAN bin Jamchi, 43, unemployed, tried to con a scooterist into giving him $30, but he did not know that his plan was doomed from the start. For his victim turned out to be the deputy director of a detective agency, who pretended to
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  • 22 6 67th 'birthday' OUNONO Sayang Association will hold its 67th anniversary dinner at its premises in Ceylon Road on Saturday at 7.30 p.m.
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  • 262 6  - Father fails to save his daughter from flames PAUL WEE Ey A GRIEF-STRIC-A KEN grandfather yesterday spoke of his vain attempt to rescue his daughter who was turned into a human torch in a fire at their home in Tampines Way on Sunday. Retired fisherman, Awang bin Sabar, 70, who
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  • 81 6 THE Registry of Vehicles will not accept any new applications for taxi drivers' licences as there are now about 10,000 applicants on the list. The ROY said processing of these applications for the issue of licences is expected to be completed by the end of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 344 6 M mm Am tfl m\^r Fans low.! T^ITiTTTrSh-^?) The JADE are back for another J Q MAUII h&jjfUM exhilarating 6 months, to make dance L!kzf mtcumQ time a grejtt time for you. Hear their smash-hits, their unique sound, and jgi dance your cares away at Le Roulette f SUNDAYS*
      344 words
    • 199 6 New ncROW Racking System ANY STORAGE PROBLEMS? Do you want to know what ACROW will do for you? What it will save for you? For Information pest the coupon now to: ACROW Pty. Limited Matenols Handling Division I, Jolon Besut, Jurong Town S.ngapore 22 Tel *****2/3 Send me your brochures
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 237 6 Bringing Up Fathor By Bill Kavanagh 6c Hal Camp '•~7_ 1/1 WASN'T I THINK I'LL©O 1 /-AND WHILE YOU'RE^X INSECT/I SAW M3U I1"I 1 I WINKIN©, TO THE PCCTQR ANP J. AT THE DOCTOR'^, WINK3N© AT THAT/ r-T I J HAVE Hl/W y^ "S HAVE HIM LOOK AT rSIRL.'I—— "\J
      237 words

  • 312 7  - Two expelled from floating university LEE THIAN SOO By STUDENT tranquillity on board the floating university S.S. Universe was interrupted when two students had to end their cruise prematurely in Singaporebecause they had broken a rule. The expelled students, a boy and a girl, both about 20, were found to
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  • 216 7 Safety checks at the cement factories TEAMS from the Labour Ministry's factories inspectorate recently visited cement factories In Singapore to check on their safety measures, following the death of a worker who was burled in a hail of gypsum last September at a Jurong cement factory. At a coroner's inquiry
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  • 33 7 THE Ministry of Culture will preset. t a concert by the Robert, guitar ensemble In Its Music for Everyone series at the Conference Hall on April 20 at 8 p.m.
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  • 62 7 THREE people were injured In a multiple collision Involving two lorries, a bus, a car and motorcycle near the junction of Jalan Senang and Upper Changi Road yesterday. The three, whose identities were not immedietely known, were sent to hospital for treatment. Police said the
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  • 317 7 S'pore Hilton general manager retires THE general manager of the Singapore Hilton, Mr. Urn Ewe Hin (above), Is retiring after 22 years with Hilton Hotels Corporation. He will, however, continue as a consultant for the company In South-east Asia. It Is understood that Mr. Lim, 46, will be succeeded by
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  • 55 7 THE Minister for Law, the Environment and Science and Technology, Mr. E.W. Barker, will move that Parliament approve the statutes of the A nan Inter Parliamentary Organisation (AIPO) when the House sits tomorrow. The statutes were approved at the Third Asean InterParliamentary Organisation Conference held In Manila
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  • 29 7 THE CAM Choral Club, a music group of church and mission services, will perform at the Singapore Conference Hall on Saturday at 4 pm. and 7.45 p.m.
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  • 80 7 THE American aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk and three other naval vessels will arrive here today for a six day visit. The 88.C00-t o n n c carrier Is manned by 464 officers and 4,325 men, and is commanded by Capt. E. J. Hogan, Jr. Rear Admiral
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  • 296 7 AS an economy mea- sure, sea water was used to fight a mock oil fire at the Brit i sh Petroleum refinery at Pasir Panjang yesterday. The water, pumped In from the nearby sea, fed 13 high-powered Jet hoses which were trained on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 41 7 §BE TALLER N.» •ciaxtriK He11, »..J HnaW m cr^M mrtwr 6m iwM J*?* »JJ" 7 cm. w iiHiin!**' lm n *•>* ffMUI S MOOT \f* m fK«n my (trttmnd, t«ir* TJ* c «n»^«rSs Inn. «X Umd 10, f, •****'**9 met h o4
      41 words
    • 143 7 ¥jLLIiJ.-.;:.Jiv. Nightly ot X \sH N»pt\jr>« ond Koiboh I] An electric and explosive show group with I] incredible energy. Watch them pulsate through I the rhythms of their original dance routines. It's tf certainly somethin' funky, somethin' pranky I] SOMETHIN' SPECIAL! If Neptune Show Kasbah Show I With Ivy and
      143 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 387 8 JOPBNS 00 EON TODAY!! 0 5 SHOWS DAILY: 11AM, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 A 9.15PM J •A MACABRE WHO-DO-IT THRILLER!: V** Vr J?" I if j p^ r f -«^_JHaiK^ a? ■'f ll aKa^aSfflr 't W WTIII \IIWi WEEK!!! I 5 StOWS AITIIAV 11.00 am. 1.30, 4.00, 2 dap y at
      387 words
    • 265 8 A CHARITY FILM PREMIERE in aid of the SINGAPORE ELDERS' ACTIVITIES CENTRE will be held under the distinguished Patronage of the Senior Parliamentary Secretary. MINISTRY of SOCIAL AFFAIRS MR. CHAN CNEE SENG TOMORROW 7th APRIL 78 at 9.31 pi in conjunction with the opening of KALLANG THEATRE (NEXT TO NATIONAL
      265 words
    • 345 8 jrajiiNißaaiiiiow showingil I DAILY S SHOWS! 11am, 1.30. 4.00. 7.00. t.Mpm IT'S EASY TO STEAL A MILLION THE HARD PART IS GETTING AWAY! STEUS sfc.SM WHT fwP^f :j -I wcino itimc ■cooT uw» *c«u— jow mm J?°^» L J nniu.|s;mmurf>uiiiMiun BMffO j ;:mi;N:iiir^iINEXTCHINnF YOU WILL GASP AT THE 43 SPECTACULAR,
      345 words
    • 399 8 JADE-- 4th WEEK! I Due to FILM'S LENGTH ONLY 3 SHOWS DAILY I Note Times: 11am, 3.30 7.45pm-No Free List 3 days advance CASH BOOKINGS on pound floor SI TICKETS CUWENT DAY SALES ONLY SIR LEW GRADE (toto FRANCO ZEFFIREILrS production of I JESUS of NAZARETH© 1 starri* ROBERT PCWELL
      399 words
    • 461 8 OWCMHtATiOg TODAY ONLY' I lam. I 30, 4 00, 6 45, 9 15 Jo* Don Boker Sondra Lock* ShW»» o4 CHIKARA" color Tomwrow Saturday Th« GAUNTLET" color I lam I 45. 4 00. 6 45. 9 IS Jom« Hampton Mimi Moynord HAWMPS" color S* Tomorrow Sotu'doy Chorlfs Bronson T*M<m Todoy
      461 words

  • 403 9 A BIOCHEMIST, testifying for the defence at the trial of a man accused of trafficking 18 grams of heroin, told the High Court yesterday that according to her estimate of the analysis of the pure heroin Involved, the actual amount would
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  • 250 9 SISTERLY love and a deter- mlnation to save a life triumphed over a 24-year-old clerk's fears of having to live the rest of her life on one kidney. So, with trust in God and a confidence gained from examples set by previous
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  • 65 9 CHAN Chee Seng. 27, a casual worker, was jailed for a day and fined $1,000 when he pleaded guilty to committing burglary of $450 worth of Jewellery. He entered the flat of Enclk Ismail bin Mahfud In Block 20. Telok Blangah Cres< unt. on Oct
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  • 261 9 rpWO airlines which did not follow the A recent government rule that all carriers should use the bank's exchange rate when converting the US dollar into local currency for freight charges started doing so from yesterday. This followed a Straits
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  • 449 9 /\NG Ah Chuan, 29, unemployed, was sentenced to death by the High Court yesterday when he was found guilty of trafficking 210 grams of heroin by transporting it in his car from Marsiling Drive to Bukit Timah Road last June 2. The
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  • 105 9 rpHE Public Utilities 1 Board may introduce flat rates for electricity In a move to encourage house owners to conserve energy. When asked to comment, a PUB spokesman last night would only say: "A re-study Is now being made on electricity rates." Mr.
    105 words
  • 102 9 Driving case: Man wins appeal A YOUNG labourer, Neo Peng Chuan, yesterday won In the High Court his appeal against conviction on a charge of allowing his friend, Yeo Soo Lung, to drive his car without third party insurance, In Nicoll Highway on April 9 last year. His counsel Mr.
    102 words
  • 46 9 THE MP for Kallang. Mr. S. Dhanabalan. will present prizes to winners of the Sixth Youth Weightlifting Championships at Kallang community centre, Block 22. Boon Keng Road, on April 16. The championships, organised by the Singapore Amateur Weightlifting Federation, will beein at 7.30 p.m.
    46 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 98 9 v 11 rTTTTMliiililliM j^ m 7' |B^B^^^^^BJBj^B^j\ > iwitbout^^ > BBBMHBB^B^B|J ■B^L BB^^_p S $1,695/ r^ H I HBBBBB riTIO mm\\J\J consisting of: ■LZXI^BBIBhBi AU-217 Integrated Stereo Amplifier (R.M.S. 30 Watts x 2) sj TU-217 FM/AM Stereo Tuner H V SR-232 Auto-return Turntable ■jjHBVMB SPX-4000 2-Way 2-Speaker System •-'-^Ib^B^^^^^^^Bl SC-1110
      98 words
    • 314 9 Fly-Cniise to UK., USA. CUNARD ADVENTURE WithQE2 For only *****9/M*****, you can enjoy 21 value-packed days to London, New York, Montreal, Toronto, Niagara Falls. Plus the once-in-a-lifetime experience on the world's most luxurious passenger liner. QE2. ONLY ONE DEPARTURE ON 31 MAY Highlights Tour price includes: Fly Singapore-London Round trip
      314 words

  • 1333 10  - Opening the way for restoration of China ties BILL CAMPBELL: MALIK: WE'VE CALCULATED THE SECURITY RISK By JAKARTA JUST how soon Indonesia will restore diplomatic ties with China is still a matter of conjecture. But from what Indonesian VicePresident Adam Malik said in Jakarta last week when reviewing current initiatives
    1,333 words
  • 347 10 The Straits Times THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1978 JAPAN'S BUDGET THE Japanese Parliament has approved a "super giant" budget for fiscal 1978, totalling a record-breaking 34,295 billion yen (SS34B billion), an increase of 20.3 per cent over the previous one. The Impression being conveyed is that the main purpose is to
    347 words
  • 328 10 SEVERAL issues have been raised recently from across the Causeway suggesting that Singapore is being problematic in a number of ways. There is the now celebrated study to show that Malaysians working here are made to suffer a fate worse than hell. Then there are the complaints
    328 words
  • 564 10  -  PAUL LOONG Br in HONGKONG HONGKONG has been scientifically proved to be the noisiest city in the world. And there Is no escape from It for most of the 4.5 million people living in this tiny British colony, said Norman Ko.
    UPI  -  564 words
  • 719 10  -  ALLAN DAWSON By n BANGKOK IN the fall from riches to rags and worse, the kings and princes of Indochina have been humbled, humiliated and removed from the spotlight. The best known of them all, ex-King, ex-Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia,
    UPI  -  719 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 44 10 (HI PAN-WEST Ill PRIVATE LIMITED nomfOM J wr Designed for powerful straight *jr\ and deadly accurate shots Sw JR LYNX Predator SJt makes par-golf ill UNIT 228/230. 2ND FLOOR PLAZA SINGAPURA TE,. *****6/6 13 LOWER GfiOUNO. UC BUILDING SHENTON WAV T=L *****V4 s y
      44 words
    • 208 10 APRIL IOTH ISSUE MARCOS BIG TEST: 23 million Filipinos head to the polls in what is turning out to be a national referendum on Marco's regime of "constitutional authoritarianism" PLUS: EXCESS SURGERY. CARTER IN THE THIRD WORLD and MALE MODELLING Get a copy trom your nearest newsstand M^^^^^^^^m Of rnjiiiriis
      208 words

    • 335 11 mHERE are many teaJ. chers who have raised questions on the role of education development officers 1 EDOs > their qualification, work, fitness and maturity. A former chief inspector of schools of West Malaysia, Mr. Paul Chang once wrote:— 'The
      335 words
    • 265 11 Is time spent on AEB course to be ignored? AS far back as 1973, the ROV in colloboratlon with the Adult Education Board have carefully planned a series of comprehensive training courses which Include both practical and theoretical lessons for vocational driving instructors. This is done with the view to
      265 words
    • 125 11 pOULD SBS introduce V* a bus service plying from Ang Mo KlO to Queenstown-Pasir PanJang? Could SBS explain why there are three out of seven bus services along Pasir Panjang going to Toa Payoh? (Residents of ToaPayoh are fortunate. They have to pay only
      125 words
    • 351 11 RAISING FARES WON'T SOLVE TAXI PROBLEMS 1 REFER to the interview reported in the Straits Times of March 24. with the president, Singapore Taxi-drivers' Association. His logic works in the following way: Because the taximen fear loss of earnings If they travel into traffic jam-prone areas, the solution is to
      351 words
    • 480 11 QINGAPOREANS have O an Ingenious way of solving their problems of shortages by simply jacking up the fees for the services in short supply. A case in point is the shortage of doctors manning the emergency units at our hospitals. Who but the
      480 words
    • 116 11 BETWEEN April 1977 and January 1978, my Lancia 1800 incurred bills amounting to £5,036 lor repairs and replacements. It sounds Incredible but it is absolutely true. This concurs with the AAS charges that some motor workshops are charging reckless and exhorbitant fees.
      116 words
    • 103 11 I REFER to your front page article quoting Mr. Lim Kim San, chairman of the PUB. regarding the possibilities of in crease in power rates (ST, Mar 28). The PUB, being a statutory body providing essential services, should not lose money. But at the same time, from
      103 words
  • 21 11 WATER consumption on Tuesday was 669,000 cubic metres (147.2 million gallons), which was a negligible amount more than on Monday.
    21 words
  • 9 11 USE metric make it a daily habit.
    9 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 102 11 1 •Q^^^^^^^^^^^lMNfiiiwiNltilWllFtN^M mPv^imW lm^^l^uS?ilrWnfillfl C^bVC KSk^sE^^^^^i9^iHHfQM|iPpil The -vost comprehensive and integrated program tor management and personal development —JC Y eager PhD A i PERSONAL jf Jl DYNAMICS 5V ADVENTURES IN ATTITUDES A unique breakthrough in the development of human potential. New discoveries of motivation, self management, human relations and Leadership
      102 words
    • 5 11 "r A l ETI JT^?|
      5 words
    • 323 11 For years Brooklax has solved constipation problems in a pleasant, effective way. A trusted name, Brooklax promises smooth, comfortable action in 8 hours. And Brooklax has a delicious chocolate taste that's so easy to take 1 The Delicious Chocolate Laxative. MRP *****8 For adults and children. Singapore $160/ '"^^^^^^^S^Bm^mi^^ H/
      323 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 360 11 On vour TV SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening followed by Window (Chinese, Repeat) 3.30 Diary of Events (Chinese) 3.35 Eight Heries of Shou Lin (Mandarin, Itput) 4.20 Intermission 6.00 Opening followed by Lassie Rim if Disaster (Part 2) 6.30 News in Brief 6.00 PM Opening followed by Banana Splits 6.25
      360 words
    • 323 11 6.35 Warna Warm (Malay, Repeat) 7.IS Candid Camera 7.30 News (Malay) 7.45 BiLingualism A Discussion with the Prime Miiister (English) 9.55 News aid Newsreel (English) 10.25 Feature Special The Rounders, starring Glenn Ford. Henry Fonda, and Chill Wills 11.50 Close SINGAPORE 8 8.45 News (Chinese) 9.00 Classical Masterpieces Edward fireig:
      323 words
    • 174 11 Brief S.IS Daily Digest. 1.21 Sunset Serenade S.4I Financial and Share Market Report 7.N News 7.15 The Violin Examination Scries 7.45 Science Report I.N On Feminine Lines J.M News 111 Prog Summary fol'owed by Strictly Inst'umental 9.31 Ring a Request 1I.1S On the Road 11.31 The RTS Orchestra 11 .M
      174 words

    • 1528 12 fJtHE last transacted ready sale at the I rloar of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1977/78 high and low, ('Adjusted for script/ rights Issue) ■acnoNONE iNDunrniALs f^ y*m Cmpuy Sal* +or181 132 Acma ITS -1 IK' 123'
      1,528 words
    • 1883 12 ¥>U) and offer prices officially fi listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "set." Big
      1,883 words
    • 1568 12 BID and offer prices offldally listed and otrtinr-sii in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS CAl*/"* 1 (2.468 2.508) (2) 250 Alcem (2 108 2 178) XALL
      1,568 words
    • 226 12 4 3/4% 1/5/7* (250.000) (100 758) 4 1/4% 15/9/80 (250.000) (*****8 100 103) t/4% 1/12/(0 (250.000) [MM 1% T F IS/4/81 (250,000) (102.70 B) 5% T F 15/10/81 (250.000) (102.5 OB) T F 1/5/83 (250.000) (100 308 100 408) sV4*TriW«l-W (250.000) (102.908) 7 1/4% 15/4/84 (250.000)
      226 words
      • 39 12 Apr 4 Aprs B.T. Index: 743.37 739 78 Industrials: 281.70 ***** Finance: 479.31 473.51 Hotels: 185 40 18S 49 Properties: 187. 3S 187 87 Jln»- Hll5 140:95 Srubbers: 471.27 470 12 0.C8.C: ***** 259 44 S.E.Blnd: 255.77 255.79
        39 words
      • 29 12 Haw Par 208.000 SiaCWw 144,000 API 142,000 Naavaaf Praaa 85.. 00 ( 71.000 Scataaa 69.0C0 M Bukiac M.OOO Wmtm* 63.00) Sim. Darby 57 OOC OCBC *****
        29 words
      • 23 12 OCBC 886 -25 Strait* Trading MS -25 F*N m «8 -12 Suprrnw C'orpn 200 -10 SentoM 183 .g M Bankinx 330 -8
        23 words
      • 48 12 M ToWco MO +50 STPIt7J 5«0 +10 IK 200+7 MtUlßox Sport 252 +7 Apollo 187 +7 Hunw M 181 +6 BcrjiuUi 710 +5 CSecuriti*. 114 +5 Tracton 374 +4 r E Levinciton 308 4 UUndAPea 2«2 +4 V H S Mil. 182 +4 Semb Shipyard 15$ +4
        48 words
      • 391 12 TOKYO: Stock prices rose sharply In heavy trading on extensive buying interest led by foods and Pharmaceuticals, dealers said. The Dow Jones average gained 48.16 points for a postwar record high of 5.527.90 points, with a volume of 510 million shares. The New Index was 410.62. up 3.64 points.
        391 words
      • 303 12 SYDNEY: The market closed mixed with BHP rising eight cents to As 6 60. The Wales six tc $5. 22 and CSR two to $2.57 while uraniums generally eased, dealers said. The Sydney All-Ordlnarles rose 0.77 to 459.46 points, on a combined total turnover volume of 2.89 million shares.
        303 words
      • 12 12 HONGKONG: The stock market was closed yesterday for Ching Ming festival.
        12 words
      • 41 12 THE Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Invites banks and discount houses to tender for a total of $30 million 91-day Treasury Bills to be issued from April 10 to 14. Each tender must not be less than $250,000.
        41 words
      • 119 12 STRIKING prices of the stock options officially listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options traded shown In brackets. Cold Storage (June 11.70) (0.528 O.SBS). C and C (June $2.20) (0.R28 0.888). Hume F E
        119 words
      • 203 13 NEW YORK, Tues. Stocks pushed higher In modi rate trading. Analysts aa 1 d technical factors were primarily responsible. Ttie market had lost ground In the past three consecutive sessions and some bargain hunting was Inevitable, they said. But they noted the problems that forced the market down
        203 words
      • 55 13 A MBTERDAM, Tues. Share prices cloied quietly gfd with Ak» nmg Dutch internationals Hoofovcu fell following an announcement of a large net toMjn the fourth 1977 In trie rest of the market nlTii 'VV u i»L_ deluded Nedlloyd, Btjrakorf and Amfa.. while lower share* »ere led by Naarden. G^
        55 words
      • 165 13 yURICH. Tues. Prtc*« er «ye»dy In continued qufct dealings. »Ith any chang™ again quit*- until Among banks Credit (Mmc rj*? slightly following the chairman's atatejnmt to the annual meeting wl.lle Bachrle ?"**».<* unone financial}. ■tan* i v rtehtnuif advanced In Insurances Among Industrials Nettie fnd Jrfmoli Wfre lUghUy M«h«.
        165 words
      • 252 13 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 467.8 Monday 462. S Week Ago 400.1 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 755.37 Monday 751.04 Week Ago 758.84 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Tuesday 101 to 101 V, Monday 99* to lOOtt U.K. HANG SENG Wednesday dosed Tuesday 451.67 Week Ago 444.41 SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 402.24 Tuesday
        252 words
      • 169 12 mHE Straits tin price 1 plunged $23 t 0 $1,476 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up five tonnes to 235 tonnes. The overnight London market was steady at lower levels with forward buyers falling £95 to £5.735 per tonne. LONDON: Tin on the day fell
        169 words
      • 55 12 Tuatday Monday Melbourne (1) .160.10 159 75 London 179.258 182 SOB 179.758 183.008 Zurich 180.008 183 008 180.758 183.758 Parll 180.80 182.69 Wadnttday TuMday Hongkong Closed 180 308 Cloied *****8 Spore (2) 179.128 179.858 179.788 180.438 Export prices In non-aterllnc ereaa in US dollar ptr ounce. (1) Aiatrallan dollar
        55 words
      • 461 12 rE Singapore rubber market yesterday opened fractionally lower following lower London advices, dealers said. Prices later fluctuated narrowly In quiet conditions with some stale bull liquidation absorbed by short-cover-ing. Forwards were quiet. Volume was small. The morning session closed quiet. A half cent was lost in afternoon dealings on
        461 words
      • 111 12 T-vAILY BSR and SMR prices at noon yesterday: Apr May X AS. (CiuTfnt Mth) (Forward Mthi Bayers Scllcri Buy en Scllcn SSR 20 (1 tort pallet) 102.00 194.00N 193 00 195.00N SSR 50 (1 ton pallet) 190.00 192 00N 191.00 193.00N MJLE.LB. SMR SCV (1 ton pallet)
        111 words
      • 113 12 CNINBBB PRODUCB IX* CHANCE, SINGAPORB NOON 1 CLOSIMQ MICH PIN PICUL P YIITIP.OAY. C—M atl: Bulk ,S5 Mller.. old drum 690 -U.ra. ».w drum e.T. liinti .i™,, irK/o«i t«T UK/Coot. l '"T*n- M Passar: Vfuntok ABTA white O f.o.b. 100« NLW (380 sellers. Sarawak wblt* f.o.b M% NLW
        113 words
    • 411 12 HEAVY profit-taking in selected shares, especially those of the OverseaChinese Banking Corporation group of companies, made for generally easier conditions on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Finance shares were particular losers with most traded ending the day lower while industrial shares were mixed with an easier
      411 words
    • 326 12 SUSTAINED selling pressure forced prices to close lower across a broad front at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. A distinctly easier note I was detected In the afternoon as more sellers emerged to dominate the scene. At the close, losses outnumbered gains by sfl to 17. Foremost
      326 words
    • 539 13 Goodwood's mysterious millions UNDETERRED by Its recent failures to take over Hotel Summit and Faber Merlin's chain of hotels In Malaysia, Goodwood Park plans to hit the acquisition trail again In the near future. In fact, a major acquisition is currently under negotiation but the hotel did not mention the
      539 words
    • 185 13 RICHARDS and Walllngton Industries, one of Europe's largest crane hire groups, have formed a new operating company in Hongkong in partnership with Sime Darby. Trading as Crane Rental and Rigging (H.K.) Ltd., the new venture Is a 50-50 partnership. Slme Darby is one of Richards
      185 words
    • 203 12 THE US dollar opened higher at $*****/90 in the Singapore forex market yestexday, on news of central bank and the rtderal Reserves continued support In European markets which saw the dollar/Deutsche mark rose from the $2.0050 to the $2.0250 level. The U8 unit hovered around the $2.3070
      203 words
    • 141 12 Interbank rates at 3.00 pm. Currencies Nominal ralei Smithsonian permiUf* quoted yesterday (crow) parity ctaanf US dollar 2.3066 2.3075 i 8196 —18.1* Sterling pound 4 3068 4.3120 7 3469 41 37 Hongkong dollar Holiday 60.M M'sla dollar 97.74 97 84 100.00 2.36 Aust schilling *****0 15.8701 12.1012 +30.74
      141 words
    • 161 12 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates v at close on Apr S. us DoiUn i Snoti OfE? BU 7 diva 7 7/8 1 mtlT 6 13/16- 6 li/16 2 mths 7 3/18 7 1/18 3 mIW 712 738 6 mtha 7 3/4758 9 mths 7 15/16 7 13/16
      161 words
    • 40 12 Closing interbank rates on Singapore dollars on Apr 5. Offer Bid Overnight 3 1/3 3 1/4 1 mth 4 11, 18 4 5 8 2 mths 4 7/8 4 3/4 3 mths 5 4 7/1 Saw*: Astley Peare*.
      40 words
    • 56 12 DISCOUNT Ranoe of m.i o«r<rt4 by d"<£^L£?T*, ""./i" 1 5STr*£.iJ n. to V% W H Cl.ttiL aiv a.n 3-Month T««»urr bin. t3 16 i l/ia S"S?"L h B»n« bill! 4 T/» 4 3/4 3 Month CD S 4 7/» 6 Month CD s 5/ie 6 Iwm: )Uomil DlmiM c.
      56 words
    • 70 12 THE PRIME rate of most commercial banks in Singapore now stands at 7 per cent. Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation is still offering 6. per cent to its best customers while both Chartered and United Commercial Bank are maintaining their prime rates at 7' < per cent. The stated
      70 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 662 13 f am BUMIPUTRA MERCHANT BANKERS BERHAD INVESTMENT ADVISER Our rapidly expanding Investment Department now has a vacancy for an Investment Adviser to join our team of Fund Managers. The prospects for advancement in this Department are good and the work is demanding and responsible We advise many major companies on
      662 words
    • 563 13 Are you good enough to sell yourself to us? Then you too can succeed with RANK XEROX. RANK XEROX markets one of the world's finest business equipment We are professional in our approach, successful, and have a comprehensive range of products to offer you a challenging career in an environment
      563 words
    • 343 13 TENDER NOTICE WATER DEPARTMENT (13th Floor, PUB Building. Somerset Road, Singapore 9) (1) Supply of uniform straight asbestos cement pressure pipes and collars. ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT (Bth Floor, PUB Building, Somerset Road, Singapore 9) (2) Supply and delivery of synchronous motors and servo motors (6 Items) (3) Supply and delivery of
      343 words
    • 604 13 EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE POST OF ELECTRICIAN R«sponaibiliti*e Under the supervision of the General Services Specialist, the Electrician will perform all aspects of electrical maintenance and repair works including modification of electrical wirings He will be required to a«sist in other general building
      604 words
    • 221 13 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER 18, 1970 EDITION) NOTICE OF INTENDED DIVIDEND In Bankruptcy Nos. 403/55 Chal Kong Electrical Service Sole Proprietress: Teo Gek Chay of NO. 1469 H. Block 47, Bendeemer Road. Singapore 12 128/59 Llm Guan Yam of No 150A. Block 104. Commonwealth Crescent, Singapore 3. 327/68 De Souza
      221 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1162 14 I ADS I lAT YOUR SERVICE y^X_ I Telephone Service:- M, Mfc 8.30 a.m. 5.00 p.m. w\~^^& Saturdays /ID* 1^ 8.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. \fj^* Public Holidays C.A.T.S. 9.00 a.m. —1.00 p.m. 23f>6*77 Counter Servioe Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES j Per word 60 cts (Mln.
      1,162 words
    • 525 14 II EMPLOYMENT Professional f— A vacancy for a NURSING POSITION will arise late May '78 at NZ Forces Hospital located at Terror Barracks Spore 27. Applicants must be Singapore Citizens below 40 years of age Registered Nurse In the Republic of Singapore (SRN) holding current practising certificates and must be
      525 words
    • 760 14 E/KfC EUROPE ASIA SECURITY MANUFACTURING PTE LTD has the following vacancy MALE KARDEX CLERK Minimum 3 years experience, with knowledge of typing Age not above 28 years We are providing: transportation from designated pick-up points 13th month payment long service Incentive tt other fringe benefits Apply personally between 7 a.m.
      760 words
    • 700 14 II EMPLOYMENT RECEPTIONIST CUM TYPIST required by an established foreign service organisation. Pleasant personality and relevant experience In reception work will be an advantage Apply stating salary expected with non-return-able photograph to S.T. Box A***** Spore before 12.4.78. SECRETARY WANTED FOR manufacturing and trading co. Able to handle correspondence Independently
      700 words
    • 668 14 URGENTLY REOUIRED A typist clerk Interested please call personally at Chin Heng Garments Factory Pte Ltd. 707-D. 4th floor Tanglln Halt Flatted factory. Commonwealth Drive Singapore 3. Tel *****6 REOUIRED GENERAL CLERK. Nc experience required Must speak English and Mandarin Interested ring *****33/ *****86 for an appointment REOUIRED FOR EXPORT
      668 words
    • 800 14 II EMPLOYMENT Living Wane tor the WorM requires 4 outdoor SALES PROMOTERS Male/Female Singaporeans between the age of 16 30. Pleasant personality and willingness to work Irregular hours Basic salary and attractive commissions will be paid to successful applicants. |n«ersel«<l pertes pteasa) appty m Room G7. Oroundfloor. Fooh Hill WMMNIQi
      800 words
    • 549 14 REOUIREO SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Age 22-28 with 2-3 years experience In pumping and related fields Possess car and driving licence Salary commensurates with qualifications and experience Interested apply to The General Manager. P O Box 4049. Spore 21 Female/ mate shop aeilsiann Fomsao ceoMors Experience unnecessary as Training Is provided Apply
      549 words
    • 713 14 II EMPLOYMENT COMPONENTS PRIVATE UMfTED invites suitably qualified candidates for the following positions JUNIOR OFFICER (FEMALE) Requirements Singapore Citizen Completed secondary education Some basic knowledge of German Language Ability to work and correspond Independently Experience in Sales Administration preferred LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (MALE/ FEMALE) Requirements Completed OCE A' level with Chemistry
      713 words
    • 408 14 INSPECTION AND NOT South Fjat Asia Ftp Ltd require* 2 Laboratory Technicians ApplacanLs should have minimum Sea 3 Apply personally at 3-A Jabui Mas Puteh Singapore 5 or Tel. *****60 m FACTORY IN JURONd reojuhsa CHINESE MACHINIST TRAINEE with VI Certificate In Metal MachsnBsj Oood pay No shift work c
      408 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 314 15 II EMPLOYMENT l) Qmnmwl THOMAS COWAN CO PTE LTD., (A MEMBER OF THE INCHCAPC GROUP OF COMPANIES) requires PEST CONTROL OPERATORS Candidate* should posses* the following qualifications: 1 Prlm.iry Kniilish Educa2 Holds a class 3 driving licence 3 lor 2 years experience In general pest control will be an advantage
      314 words
    • 485 15 i Qgp OBEROI IMPERIAL I HOTEL requires 1) ASSISTANT SALES 1 MANAGER/ I MANAGERESS ie With Sales experience of 1 to 2 years (not necesI sary) In Hotel line. I 25 years or above I* Mature, outgoing and pleasant personality Ie Able to communicate I with people at all levels.
      485 words
    • 532 15 II EMPLOYMENT EUROPEAN STANDARD ELECTRONICS PTE LTD due to expansion has vacancies forFEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS 1 1 No scope work I c Wo-king experience not I necessary I c Work In alr-condltioned comfort I Complete primary educaI tlon I c Age 16-30 I We provide I Attractive monthly salary I
      532 words
    • 588 15 17 Liv Fang Road Singapore 22 requires urgently GENERAL CLERK (Administrative) Duties: Answering phone calls Maintaining personnel records Prepare payroll Responsible for keeping petty cash books Typing and handling simple correspondence and accounts Other duties as may be assigned from time to time Attractive basic salary and other allowances ihali
      588 words
    • 555 15 II EMPLOYMENT SINGAPORE KCK (PTE) LTD Invites applications from Malaysia and Singapore citizens for the post FEMALE MACHINE OPERATORS c Appecams must be age IS and above. At least Secondary 2 Call at: Singapore KCK (Pfe) Ltd.. 2 D Block 6, Fourth Flow, Kallang Place), Singapore 12. from 9.00 a
      555 words
    • 604 15 PHILIPS requires 1) DOCUMENTATION CLERK QuaMflc ailuns GCE O- A' level In the technical stream Must be able to type, wi a strong preference for accura and meticulous work Oiiqsa: The filing and updating of Information from Overseas countries. 2) TRAINEE MECHANICS Applicants must have completed Sec 4 or be
      604 words
    • 708 15 II EMPLOYMENT CENTRAL PROVIDENT FUND MM mcumty omen (000 handler) (male) kcumtv officer (mali> O M .cotiin. a bumm Between the ace of 25 45 Secondary II education or Its equivalent Preference will be given to candidates who have experience In dog handling. a To perform security duties on shifts
      708 words
    • 694 15 A larg» well-established minufacturlng company Invites application: (or the post of OPERATOR <*—■—*-> Applicants must b« graduates from vocational/ technical Institute? or be apprentice-trained Preference given to those with experience In printing Industry. We pay attractive wages with good pi aspects of advancement. Please call personally with personal particulars and
      694 words
    • 597 15 II EMPLOYMENT FACTORY IN JURONO MALE/ FtMALI MACHINE OPERATORS (3 rotating aMfta) MALI POLISHER (Sac. 1. no ahM) FEMALE WORKER* (No (Mil) Good pay, attract** aNewanoaa ana •ring* barwMa prortdad. 1, Fourth Lokyang Raa« Jureng. Singapore 22 (Bua now IM, 41 and MS) •••••TANT HAIROREStERt WANTED. Experience In wash and
      597 words
    • 815 15 DAY/ NIGHT SHIFT Young Pump Attendants Call at IS3. Upper Thomson Road. Spore 20 (Shell Station). AMBASSADOR HOTEL REOUIRBS Bell-Hops and Coffee House Walters (18-1$ years) Experience not necessary Call personally during normal working hours at 42/46. Meyer Road, Spore 15. TRANSPORT COMPANY OUIRES experienced Chines* wi Wharf Clerks. Possess
      815 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      829 words
    • 1009 16 I*7o MERCEDES 200. Aircon new tax/ Insurance, cassette Tip-top condition $13,800 0.n.0. Phone *****3S 74 PEUGEOT $04S. Concealed alrcond sun roof, tax 9 months New Mlchelln tyres Tip top condition Asking $13,800 View Blk 33. Chal Chee Avenue.. Singapore 14 1(70 FIAT lIS, new road tax. Insurance, new paintwork, very
      1,009 words
    • 1766 16 111 VEHICLES ft BOATS FORD ESCORT 1*72 December 1100 c c 4-door. good condition. cassette $5,950 Tel: *****08 Mr 00l I*7o DATSUN PICKUP for sale. View at No 9. Lorong 107. Off Changl Road. Spore 15. IM* FORD ESCORT 1100. 2-door New paintwork. Good condition Price $4,200 o n.o Tel:
      1,766 words
    • 791 16 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES (tf^ Straits Trading Building VJTj} 2000, Straits Trading Building, CZ^r 9 Battery Road, Singapore 1 Office space for Rent Immediate occupancy From 530 sq. ft. to 6,500 sq. ft. (50 m 2m 2 to 605 m 2)m 2 Priced from $1.51 per sq. ft. (.09 m
      791 words
    • 699 16 DIST. 11 FABULOUS SEMI-COLO-NIAL Single-storey bungalow. 42.000 sq ft 4 bedrooms, huge living/ dining, separate servant's amenities. Spacious kitchen, ceramic tile flooring, fully airconditloned. utmost privacy, quiet neighbourhood Oood for entertainment Lovely garden Furnished/ unfurnished arrangeable Call: Mcßobertson *****60 DIST. 21 HOOVER PARK 2-storey terrace, big garden, furnished, aircond. telephone.
      699 words
    • 804 16 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES \p 2flScPo«PocPvcrvcrvcPo^? <» Outot. W«H furnished s£> <<i? apartments in Cgs X; Districts 9 10. £f J3 TAMAN SERASI lOpp Botanic Gardens) Jp RIVER VALLEY CLOSE Is. >» (Opp Killineyßoad) /V ORANGE ROAO'JLN %S Jg ARNAP C* (Near Marco Polo Hoten;© X; JALAN JINTAN OS (Behind
      804 words
    • 775 16 KUM NINO COURT dlst 10 practically designed with 3 bedrooms, furnished (1.300. Devonshire Court dlst. 9 attractively furnished by owner occupiers. $1,500 Call Comprehensive Housing *****2. RTC. 15*0*72/ IMMI*/ *****11 can help you In housing problems. Call us for accommodation now OIST. 11 LOCK CHO. unfurnished. $600. 3 bedrooms, large
      775 words
    • 634 16 IV ACCOMMODATION ft PROPERTIES CHRISTIAN COUPLE REQUIRES house in Macpherson or .Scrangoon area Rent $l!f>0 $M 0 June No brokers please Call Mr Chan telephone *****22 FOREIGN COMPANY URGENTLY I requires bungalows apartments t In good residential area Fur- nished/ unfurnished Contact *****59/ *****59. EUROPEAN COMPANY OIREC- TOR urgently requires
      634 words
    • 791 16 AZIZ JEANS CENTRE 489 North Brldf* Rosd Tel ****** inrl 2nd floor lor rent A large space. MM *q.ll. each floor suitable for offices and storing good*. TANGLIN SHOPPING CENTRE sth floor. Room No 535. 388 sq ft for N.ik $200 p.l f (negotiable) Principals only Tel *****0 (oftice hours
      791 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 537 17 IV ACCOMMODATION I PROPERTIES j •I Ummm»m Located on elevated land in Katong luiurioul »plil l*»*l houMS near the sea Individual front and rear Private garden Moderate price Prompt handing over ol hou**« Freehold land* Eaty Inttalment loan* available Enquiries LUCKY REALTY CO. LTD. 1 5th Fir Far East Shopping
      537 words
    • 478 17 ULTRA MANSION Derbyshire Road Pleasant surroundings. Central Locality. Near Orchard Road. 4*E Mart l*Tl I Up-to-date luiurtou* design I I Freehold Land I Easy Transportation I Ample Car Parking Space I Caay payment Prompt oendlnp. over on I NON-CITIZENS ACCEPTABLE I LOW SELLING PRICE I ULTRA REALTY (PTE) LTD. I
      478 words
    • 762 17 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES DIST. 11 BALE/ RENTAL 2-storey shophouse (175.000/ 51. 200 respectively Available Immediately Phone: RT.C *****72/ *****16/ *****11. NEW GROUNDFLOOR SHOP for sale or rent off Holland Road. Henry Park 35 frontage. 1.200 sq.ft ample free carpark. Call Mr Chua *****3. ONE SHOP FOR sale or rental
      762 words
    • 670 17 PEOPLE'S PARK CENTRE groundfloor shops for rent Area 352 sq fi 480 sq ft (facing main road). 2nd floor, area 340 sq ft. for sale: Buklt Tlmah Shopping Centre. Various sites shops for rent. Contact *****8' 9 SHOP SPACE 300 sq ft available at Queenstown Shopping Centre, no 113. Ist
      670 words
    • 1077 17 tUSINESS I SINGAPORE EXCLUSIVE MASSAGE hy young attractive professional masseuses Call Orchard Visiting Massage Service *****71 (I 00 am. onwards) MARINIS MASSAGE SERVICE provides massage at your place by experienced masseuses Tel: *****18 DON T MISS SINGAPORE'S oriental massage from Carol's Visiting Service Call now *****01 from 7.00 am onwards.
      1,077 words
    • 432 17 VI EDUCATION TRAINING ENROL NOW FOR driving at Tanglln Driving School. 16 Tanglln Road. Singapore Tel *****69 *****68 DAIHATSU FLOOR-GEAR Lorry gains successful test Enrol at Liberty Tel *****3' *****18 Mngua School ol Language* LANGUAGE COURSES COMMENCING SOON NO CLASS HAS MORE THAN 12 STUDENTS ENGLISH day classes 1 10-week
      432 words
    • 506 17 its GIRLS! Jobs are becoming harder to get you need better quali'ications Enrol now at ihe ITC and quality tor the London Chamber ot Commerce Private Secretary s Certificate and the ITC s Private Secretary s Diploma trie region s leading qualification tor a Private Secretary Our neat lull time
      506 words
    • 800 17 VI EDUCATION 1 TRAINING SYSTEMATIC BUSINESS TRAINING PUBLIC RELATIONS Certrflcete CUM MARKETING Dlplom. We offer a unique PR/ MARKETING qualification based on the L C C.I syllabus. Courae* eommewce 4th Mey, IS7S. Enquiries Stti noor Peeoe Gentle OR JOS Penlnaula CompNm. Tel: *****5/ *****2/ J2I4SS fT^e**m<AMHA*a»^t*V^*p^*vsT *^H (1) NEW PRE-U
      800 words
    • 807 17 PUBLIC RELATIONS CAHIfRS Interesting Useful. Prestigious Commencing 13 4 78 7 pm SJO pm. Singapore Commercial School (Opp. Rex) X*U J277J7/*****8 FULL/ PART TIME OCE O k A courses commencing In April fm Science. Commerce and J(Tt stream Enquiries Lett M«O| Private School *****43. *****3.. *e»ia*l el Engfcuwtwg c (El
      807 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 551 18 VI EDUCATION TRAINING flßs *A M VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS lELIABLE AND ECONOMICAL Ir- fares to Jakarta Denpasar Australia Europe and all ther worldwide destinations, 'ontact Alrmaster Travel Centre. 6 Dhoby Ghaut (near Cathay 'Inema). Tel: *****. *****. ***** (TA Lie No 283) bVbHbV^i^s' m m jH^^iwear Vjfiß^d jK^^^^P IVnning
      551 words
    • 161 18 UK TRAINED ARCM music teacher give* piano' organ/ wind instrument lessons at your home Phone Alan *****8 MALAY. MATHEMATICS, PHYSICAL Science (or all levels by experienced undergraduate tutors, satisfaction guaranteed. Tel. *****08 O.C.E. MATHEMATICS. PHYSICAL Science. Retired, trained graduate teacher (21 years' experience) *****2 (Ooh). 2.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. WANTED
      161 words
    • 97 18 VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS WORLD CHARTERS ORGANISATION for the most economical It reliable airfares to London Europe USA/Canada Adalatda Briabana AycMawd Jeddan Bahrain Dubai KuwaH Tehran DeM BotTtbaw MaWlrM ColofTtbo Jakarta .Be* Manila Bangkok Hjnokong Tokyo Rm-504, AFRO-ASIA BLDO •3. ROBINSON RO. SINGAPORE 1 Tal: *****32 *****2* 2221*41 *****31 ******0
      97 words
    • 120 18 INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAVEL AGENCY PTE LTD offers UvUl'lHU EUROPE 78 LONDON TO LONDON EUROPEAN CAPITALS In 8 days 9 capitals $571.00 EUROPE IN itOAYS Countrtaa $1037 00 EUROPE in 19 days H Countries $1152.00 EASTERN/ WESTERN EUROPE in 21 days 10 Countries $1422.00 SPECIAL DEPARTURE FULLY BHCORTBD SCHOOL HOLIDAYS 21
      120 words
      100 words
    • 83 18 ASEAN TRADE FAIR 71 Manaa 7/3/7* 21/3/78 SPECIAL DISCOUNTED AIRFARE. ACCOMMODATION AND CONCESSIONARY TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS FOR FARE OOERS 1 Enquire about our exclusive o((ers FROM DIAMOND TOURS (S) PTE. LTD. F22. I*4. Fir. SMoapof* HMon. (Offer valid (rom 15/4/78 to 31/5/78) (TA No 190) AIRFARES To any destination Check us
      83 words
      216 words
    • 168 18 MODERN ECONOMIC TOURS 2D3N Oentlng Casino $79: $149 (Boeing 707. train dinner In night club). 5-Day Gentlng. Penang L Cameron Highlands $155 $200 Air 4 Coach) 5-Day Oentlng. Pangkor 4 Frasers Hill $185 4DSN Haadyal It Songkla (Land of Beauties) $129 7-Day Pattaya Bangkok It Chengmal $695 Other popular tours
      168 words
    • 816 18 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS OXLEV TRAVEL SERVICE (PTE) LTD K.'io, 8 4. President Hotel Shopping (omplrv &X 1 M Kitchener Koad, Singapore. "> jyt\ Jf V Tel: 2it37hJH llOl.inesL^^^^ J* f Jt/ STPB 057 >y EUROPE 78 ITALY MONTE CARLO/SWITZERLANC DENMARK/ HOLLAND/ FRANCE/BELGIUM/ENGLAND/ PORTb3AL/SPAIN/GREECE) BEST OF EUROPE 6 DAYS S 7820
      816 words

    • 40 19 140 Acknowledgements THE FAMILY OF the Late Khor Tlonj Whee sincerely thank relatives and friends for their kind assistance, wreaths, donations and condolences on their recent bereavement. Also sincere gratitude to doctors, nurses and staff of Outram Road Oeneral Hospital
      40 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      81 19 How painful were the days when I death struck On someone whom we loved so I much In silent tears we continue to prey That the merciful Jesus will hear us In every way In granting her soul to rest In I peace Sc that we on
      81 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      35 19 A«n*i llrim witt 1 ih. Itlil G«orfe Thomu iLtnoanj think I r«l«trv«i and frlondj for tfiV Ir kind I ttUndanct. wrttllii. condole ncu. I donatlona and wliunci rcndcnd I during thilr ractnt b*r«tv«n»at I
      35 words
    • 677 19 'IT WILL BE HARMFUL TO NATION'S ECONOMY' KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. J)ATL TKT K Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad today rejected a suggestion that the government take over major businesses and hand them over to bumiputras at a future date. The Deputy Prime Minister, who is
      677 words
    • 199 19 Aussie curbs: KL ready to hit back KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday APPROPRIATE retaliatory measures will be taken, if and when necessary, against Australia to safeguard Malaysia's exports to that country, Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad said in Parliament today. The Deputy Prime Minister and Trade and Industry Minister said trade restrictions
      199 words
    • 110 19 that don't work KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A recent survey carried out by the Federation of Malaysian Consumers' Association (Fomca) on 50 buses in Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya showed that only 20 had first-aid boxes. Fomca president, Mr. Bulblr Singh, said 13 of the buses had partially
      110 words
    • 99 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Th* Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Enclk Marian Oman, told Parliament today that the Medlterranee Club project now being built In Kuantan did not have a "nudist camp." An advisory committee comprising government officers and representatives of the club would be set up
      AP  -  99 words
    • 120 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Seven cases of cholera,including one death, and 12 carriers were reported over the paat 24 hours in Peninsular Malaysia. The fatal ease was a 63-year-old man from Bagan Tlanc, Krian district, Perak. Elfht of the 12 carriers reported were also in Perak.
      AFP  -  120 words
    • 145 19 POLICE 'CLOSING IN ON HIGHWAY GANG' KUALA LUMPUR, '♦cd. Police said yesterday they were Josing In on a gana> of armed highway robbers who held up two tourist buses In the last five days. They said they had pieced together information obtained from the victims and are on the verge
      145 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 663 19 VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS I fT-l rTrf Fi wm cfVi/ff^pom\ 6 Days Fiesta oft_—^■A SJ 890 I 5 Days Bali Holiday S$ 679 I 6 Days Bangkok 4 HcssffMVi!«i2!T p,., lw. c» ftcc I CHIHf 81 CUISINE 6SS I EUROPEAN SET-LUNCH 8 Days Delhi/Agra/ is now at Kashmir SS
      663 words
    • 449 19 THE NEW STRAITS TIMES PRESS (MALAYSIA) BERHAD INTERIM REPORT The Directors are pleased to announce that the unaudited results of the Group and the Company for the six months ended 28th February, 1978, compared with the figures for the corresponding period in the previous year are as follow Kumpulan Syarlsat
      449 words
    • 77 19 LEMBAGA AVER MELAKA TENDER NOTICE Tendera are Invited from suppliers registered with Jaba tan Kerja Raya. Semenanjung Malayala (or the supply and delivery of the following to the Store of Lembaga Ayer Melaka: '/t". V 1" CU» 'C' GALVANISED WON PIPES Detaila and tender forma can be obtained from Ibu
      77 words
    • 824 19 R Boustcad Engineering Ptc.Ltd. JH (A member ol the Bouiteadco Group ol Companies) I We are looking for suitably qualified and I experienced candidates for appointment as I TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES I The successful candidates should have a I minimum of three years' sales experience I preferably in the sales
      824 words

  • 313 20 Consumer Bulletin It was generally felt that contact lenses wore too expensive and those who responded to tne survey wondered if the National Trades Union Congress could set up an optical centr to curb exploitation of customers by private practitioners. of the public have
    313 words
  • 156 20 A CONSTRUCTION labourer attempted to extort money from a doctor after he read a newspaper article which said doctors were the "ideal target" for such attempts. District Judge Mr. Richard Magnus was told that Wong Seng Chuan, 22, a Malaysian, then looked up
    156 words
  • 50 20 MR Noor Mohamed Martcan, has been elected president of the Old Slglaplan Association. Others elected were Mr. Wong Kok Pow, secretary; Mr A. Hamld bin Mohamed Mydln. asst. secretary; Mr. Lee Sim Booy, treasurer and Mr. Quek Slang, asst. treasurer. A committee of five was also elected.
    50 words
  • 118 20 rE executive director of the Singapore Association for the Blind (SAB*. Mr Charlie Ooh. yesterday called for the launching of a Prevention of Blindness programme to educate the public on the symptoms of blindness. Mr. Ooh, who was a Rotary lunch speaker at Mandarin Hot/1. pointed
    118 words
  • 132 20 CJ SETS ASIDE MAN'S JAIL TERM rE Chief Justice, Mr. Wee Chong Jin, yesterday set aside a threemonth Jail sentence for rioting on Seah Tek Klat, 28, a labourer, and Instead fined him $2,000 Seah, represented by Mr. Leo Fernando, had appealed against the conviction and the Jail sentence. The
    132 words
  • 350 20 LIFE U much happier the second time around so croon the Four Aces for after years of separation, the original singers of the group which the world fell in love with in the *****, are back together again. To each in
    350 words
  • 163 20 A MEDICAL practitioner was yesterday fined $200 by a magistrate's court for betting with a bookmaker at his house on New Year's Day. Dr. J.M. Lewis, 62, pleaded guilty to punting In his house in Stevens Road an offence under the Betting Act. Woman
    163 words
  • 307 20 STATEMENT ADMITTED IN ERROR BUT CONVICTION STANDS A FORMER police constable, Llm Kirn TJok. who appealed against conviction by a district court on four corruption charges, yesterday succeeded In one of his grounds of appeal which concerned a statement he gave to a Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau officer. However Llm
    307 words
  • 289 20 Embassy in Jeddah but envoy to be named SINGAPORE'S proposed embassy In Saudi Arabia will be sited at Jeddah, administrative capital of the oil-rich kingdom, later this year. A Foreign Ministry source said the embassy would be manned by three or four officials but it was not yet known who
    289 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 297 20 iltftffltf Ms^lsWf^ffCr*^^ f~d HHft _^4flsHs^Hs^s^s^s^s^s^sl I h^lk^laHs^sl ,/^is^isV'^^is^^is^is^H l^Hw MflKw^Sßi a^s^slsU ''< I[ I 1^ 1 Vfc I j lil II «Wb m «^^sß kPsk^ 1 i^s^s^s^s^s^s^^^B W^^^^^^^^^^^^i»B ii^iP (H^^QlV^^^l V^^^^^^^^K 9^^H '^^H^S^C^l \O^ PLANTERS PEANUT BUTTER JAPAN WATER PITCHER -1 HILLS BROS. INSTANT COFFEE MBBfcfii^^^^^^^^^Sßl «jdj DEL-MONTE J"i!B J
      297 words

  • 328 21 Firm awarded $11 m airport contract A FRENCH firm has won a $11.6 million contract to "toughen" the soil at Changi reclaimed land to facilitate construction of the pavement for the second runway of the new airport. The firm. Techniques Louis Menard S.A.. has been awarded the special contract by
    328 words
  • 143 21 FRANCE'S TOP AWARD FOR MARSHALL DINNING the Chevalier I de la Legion d'Honneur or Knight of Honour award on lawyer, Mr. David Marshall (right) is the French Ambassador to Singapore, Mr. J. Gas- seau. The award the highest decoration bestowed on a person by the French Government in recognition of
    143 words
  • 343 21 SINGAPORE'S entrepot trade has risen steadily from $2.9 billion in 1971 to $8.4 billion last year, an increase of nearly 300 per cent, says the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Indastry. According to its research unit, re-exports accounted for 42 per cent
    343 words
  • 58 21 MADAM Ng Kwan Tal, 65, died in hospital early yesterday from Injuries she received when she was knocked down by a car In Jalan Kayu on Tuesday. Police yesterday ap- pealed to eye-witnesses to the Incident to contact the Sepoy Lines police station, tel. 913 344. There
    58 words
  • 25 21 SINGAPORE Telugu Cultural Society will celebrate the KaUyukU Nama YugadhJ Telugu New Year at the Sri Srinlvasaperumal Temple In Serangoon Road on Saturday.
    25 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 437 21 INDUSTRIAL ALMANAC DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA JUST PUBLISHED Contains: Presidential Decree No. 53 of 1977 on Capital Investment Presidential Decree No. 54 of 1977 on Basic Provisions on Capital Investment Procedures a wealth of L&s—i feU 4. t a information relating to Indonesian industrial H^ y organisational structure
      437 words
    • 381 21 I OVER 17.000 PRIZESvB^J I MORE THAN $600,000 MUST RE WON I Qualify for Lucky Draw tickets by leaving $500 or One ticket will be issued for every multiple of $500 more in your POSB Savings Account throughout the saved. 3-month qualifying period from Ist May -31st July Start Saving
      381 words

    • 106 22 BRIDGETOWN, Wed. Kerry Packer, the controversial Australian millionaire sports promoter, said yesterday that West Indian and other cricket authorities would destroy Test cricket if they continue to ignore their best players and field "boy scouts" for fans to watch. "Test cricket is regarded with a reverence
      AP  -  106 words
    • 377 22 GEORGETOWN, Wed. THE West Indies snatched three vital wickets in the last hour to set up a fascinating climax to the third Test cricket match against Australia here yesterday. Australia recovered] from a disastrous 22 tor three to reach 273 for four, only to
      Reuter  -  377 words
    • 83 22 W. INDIES Ist Ir.ns: 2«5 AUSTRALIA Ist Inns: 286 W. INDIES 2nd Inn: 439 A I STRALIA 2nd Inns: Darling c Wiliiams b Clarke 0 Wood run out 126 Ofilvle uw Clarke o Simpson c Murray b Clarke 4 Serjeant c Bacchus b Phillip IJ4 Cosier b Phillip 0
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 345 22 J ONDON. Wed. Pakls- tans Hiddy Jahan toppled his fourth-seeded compatriot, Oogi Alauddtn, 9-7, »-4. 9-4. to reach the semifinals of the British Open squash championship last night. Other quarter-final results: Geoff Hunt (Aust) beat Jonah Barrlngton (Brit) »-3, 9-2. 9-5: Mohlbullah Khan
      Agencies  -  345 words
    • 244 22 WEW YORK, Wed. Leop Spinks, a heavyweight champion for only six weeks, said yesterdayhe would dictate where and when his first title defence would be held. While promoter Bob Arum was in New Orleans opening negotiations for a bout with dethroned
      Reuter; AP  -  244 words
    • 176 22 Frazier floored by the flu PHILADELPHIA, Wed. joe Frazier has Influenza and will be unable to go through with a scheduled April 29 tight against South Africas Kallle Knoetze in Las Vegas, Nevada, the former world heavyweight champion's lawyer said yesterday. Knoetze arrived in Las Vegas yesterday lor the tight,
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 405 22  -  BLUE PETER By IPOH, Wed. Kaiser 1 Bill (Peter Lee) did a dashing workout m good going here today. The five-year-old by Cantanof strode out stylishly over 600 metres m 37.2 seconds. Kaiser BUI raced over I.Boom on this course m January and went with the pace
      405 words
    • 151 22 Watford move up BUT ROCHDALE MUST SEEK RE-ELECTION JONDON, Wed. Watford, clear leaders in the Fourth Division became the first team to clinch promotion in the English Football League when they scored a 2-0 victory at Bournemouth last night. Watford needed one point from the match to make sure of
      151 words
    • 125 22 Jam's goal decides BASLE. Wed. Austria yesterday warmed up for the World Cup soccer finals with a 1 0 victory over Switzerland here. Midfielder Kurt Jara scored the only goal in the fourth minute when his booming 20metre drive was deflected Into goal by Swiss sweeper Pierre Andre
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 99 22 (bottom nix Inmi) P W D L F A Ft! Chflsra 3« 9 12 15 40 59 30 Wolvn 3« S 10 17 42 57 21 Wmt Ham 37 J 20 43 62 2S QPR 34 S 13 IS 3D 35 25 Nrwcftstlt 35 6 ft 21 3D 83
      99 words
    • 144 22 RESULTS: :>:V. 1: Coventry 0 Newcastle 0. Middlesbrough 2 Chelsea 0. DIV. Chanton 0 Cardiff 0. Notts County 1 Fulham 1, Oldham 4 Bristol Rovers 1. Orient 0 Blackburn 0. Sheffield United 2 Brighton o. sunderland 1 Stoke 0. DIV. S: Colchester 2 Chesterfield 0. Gllllngham 1 Port Vale
      Reuter  -  144 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 127 22 Dunlop proudly announce theMaxfli professionals These 4 top international golfers wiflnow play the made-in- Malaysia Dunlop Maxfli baflexclusivelyontheAsianCircuit. JP* V fr-dk f" jf "|l'" fli 'lM^ Brian Jones Ben Arda Mya Aye Terry Gale Winner of the 1 978 Winner of the 1 976 Winner of the 1 976 Winner
      127 words

    • 466 23  -  JOE DORAI By *pWO months ago, when Singapore's intermediate soccer squad began preparations for the King's Cup tournament, they had their sights firmly set on the semi-finals. Today, Just two weeks before their departure for Bangkok, It Is beginning to look as
      466 words
    • 239 23  - Archers are off to Thai Open tourney DHARSAN SINGH By A SIX MEMBER Singapore archery team leave this morning to compete In the fiveday Thailand Open championships, starting today In Bangkok. The team of three men. Jeffe Llm, Patrick Phua and Bill Wee. and three women, Mona Jayos, Laura De
      239 words
    • 50 23 BINOAPOREB Ninth National Bowling championship* will be held at the Tenpln from May 27 to June 4. Tournament officiate are' Chairman: Wee Thlam Bock manager: Tonj Bng; director: T.T. Nathan: secretary &B "m; treasurer: H.K. Chuaco ordlnator: KM Mok; 2uad master: Andy Lauff; C Albert Ooh.
      50 words
    • 234 23 THE Asia Oames re- presentatlves of Malaysia, Thailand, Indo nesla, Japan and South Korea may take part in the Singapore Amateur Athletic Associations annual Open championships at the National Stadium from Sept 1-3 reports ERNEST XL. Venugopalan. the SAAA secretary, said that the five countries,
      234 words
    • 208 23 rE Volleyball Association of Singapore have nominated schoolteacher Ooh Seng Soon and physical education specialist Chong Chal Ouan for an eight-week volleyball course In Leipzig. East Germany, from June 3 July 30, reports PATRICK BASTIANS. Ooh, coach of the Combined Schools' squad for several years, and
      208 words
    • 117 23 THE Morning Glow Tennis Club last Sunday defeated the Ministry of Health 3-0 In the final of the Inter-club tennis tournament for the Dr. Chan Ah Kow Cup. In the final of the Martha Young Cup for women, Tanglin Club beat the American Women's Association 2-1.
      117 words
    • 209 23  - Yuen in danger of losing his berth By PETER SIOW VUEN CHIN PATT, 1 a former Singapore Junior table tennis champion, may lose his place In the national trainIng squad For Yuen, the 1971 Junior champion and an ex-lnternatlonal, has not attended a single training session since they began last
      209 words
    • 178 23  - PIA trip for squash winners PATRICK BASTIANS By PARTICIPANTS In the under-19 boys and girls' events of this year's Singapore closed squash championships in July will vie for more than the title. Pakistan International Airlines, sponsors of the event, will give the top boy and girl player a week's holiday
      178 words
    • 311 23  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By rrHOMAS Cup chamX plons Indonesia will not gloat over their recent successes in the Danish Open and AllEngland badminton championships. Their string of defeats m the All-England and the Inaugural world championships In Malmo last year are still fresh in their minds. More
      311 words
    • 314 23  -  SURINDER SINGH By WHEN the bully-off for the next World Cup hockey tourp ament takes place In India In 1981, Singapore will with luck be one of the 14 nations vying for honours. At least, that is what the Singapore Hockey Association secretary, S
      314 words
    • 286 23  -  ERNEST FRIDA By THE birth of an ASEAN golf circuit may take place next year. Patcrno Craxa, the Filipino touring professional, has been workIng hard on It for the past two months. He has met golf officials of ThaUand, Malaysia and Singapore during
      AP  -  286 words
    • 129 23 BADMINTON National schools tournament: Secondary and post-secondary final rounds (various venues 2pm i BASKETBALL Police Junior league final: Thomson v Kirn Keat (Kuo Chuan community centre 7.30pm HOCKEY— SHA under-23 quarter-finals: SAPSA 'B v Police (Nee Soon spm) RUGBY— National schools tournament Lower-second-ary: Monk's Hill v New Town, willow
      129 words
    • 84 23 CINOAPORE sprinter C. Ku- nalan will spearhead the Jogging Association of Singapore's quarter-marathon this Sunday at the National Staolum (6.45 a.m.). About 10.000 Joggers, Including Mr. Chan Chee Seng. Senior Parliamentary Secretary. Ministry of Social Affairs, will also to at the starting point. All participants
      84 words
    • 63 23 THE president of the Singapore National Olympic Council Mr. E.W. Barker. yesterday had an SO-mlnute discussion, on the sports exchange programme between the two countries, with the visiting All-China Sports Federation delegation. The Chinese delegation. who are on a reciprocal visit, are scheduled to tour the
      63 words
    • 100 23 Averages decide for Selangor SEREMBAN, Wed. Selangor were lucky to be awarded the match against Sabah in the MCA Colts cricket competition on a technicality when rain washed out play here today. The MCA competitions committee awarded the game to Selangor after working out the averages when play was called
      100 words
    • 94 23 DEFENDING champions Singapore Technical Institute retained the Post Secondary boys badminton title when they beat Jurong Vocational Institute 3-2 in the final yesterday. Other results: Hwa Chong 4 Raffles 1, NJC 4 Saint Andrew's 1. Final placing* 1 STI 2 JVI 3 Hwa Chong. Secondary Olrls' (Second
      94 words
    • 129 23 THE next National Aeroble I Fitness Award test wiu to held at the National Stadium on Apr It at 4.30 p.m. Registration forms, available at the Singapore Sports Council. National Stadium must be completed and re- turned by Apr 10. Registration will also to accepted on the day
      129 words
    • 285 23 Germans offer coaching course for two T»HE Football AssoA elation of Singapore will send two coaches on a fourweek course In Bonn, West Germany, this August, reports JOE DORAI. This is at me Invitation of the West Oerman Football Association, who have also Invited coaches from the four other ASEAN
      285 words
    • 52 23 JIIE Football A«ociation of Singapore yesterUay turned down FAS secretary Phil In rh>n «ld: "The dlte, c^fereVby the 5ufolavs are not suitable. They want the match to he l»yed on June 13 or 14 which will m re now «onsldering an jTLhT F«f 3 Berne JOE
      52 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • 66 24 DACCA. Wed. President Zlaur Rahman toiay reaffirmed a pledge to hold national elections this year to end the country'! three-year military rule. Speaking to newsmen at the airport before leaving for a five-day trip to Japan, air. Rahman said In accordance with a promise he made
    UPI  -  66 words
  • 283 24 rBEE woman natch thieves were detained by police yesterday only minut** after they stole pmrse from a Malaysian teacher. The victim, Madam Chew Yok Khuan. M, was shopping In PeoSle's Park with her ag slang over her shoulder when one of the thieves snatched the parse
    Wong Kwai Chow  -  283 words
  • 71 24 Five killed in storm PERTH, Wed Preak storms tore across Western Australia last night killing at least five people and causing widespread bushflres which forced the evacuation of 600 people from two townships. A spokesman for the state rescue service said the storms and bushflres caused millions of dollars worth
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 31 24 NEW DELHI, Wed. Malaria, diarrhoea and liver diseases were posing serious health problems In SouthEast Asia, according to the World Health Organisations Regional Advisory Committee on Medical Research. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 108 24 DOLLAR'S RALLY GOES ON rpOKYO, Wed. The ■1 US dollar rose against the yen in Tokyo today, helping share prices on the stock market soar to their highest level since World War Two. The dollar, which fell to a postwar record low exchange rate of 218 yen In Tokyo earlier
    AFP  -  108 words
  • 161 24 Hanoi tells Khmers to disobey orders BANGKOK, Wad. IN AN escalation of the propaganda war between Vietnam and Cambodia, Hanoi suggested today that C a m b o dlan soldiers turn their guns on their leaders. In a Radio Hanoi broadcast monitored here, the Vietnamese appealed directly to Cambodian soldiers
    AP; AFP  -  161 words
  • 348 24 Russia backs commandos' refusal to quit positions BEIRUT. Wednesday 'THE Soviet Unlop has pledged full support for Palestinian commandos who refuse to turn over their positions in southern Lebanon to United Nations troops, senior diplomatic sources said here today. The sources, in close touch with Soviet foreign policy, said the
    Reuter; AFP  -  348 words
  • 745 24 f ONDON. W«d. Prlcei cloae<r quietly firm today, and at 3pm the Financial Times Index was up 2 5 at 470 3 Government stocks attracted buyIng interest In longs following yesterday' banking figures and equities edged hither In the absence of sellers, dealers said Longdattd government bonds were
    745 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 209 24 In 1969 we made an investment in Shenton Wiy* Today our Fixed Deposit Accounts can help you make yours* In 1 969, before anyone An ICB Fixed Deposit else, The Industrial and Account is a sure and safe way Commercial Bank Ltd. had the to make your money work for
      209 words
    • 509 24 DRAGOMHIACr Ki Sill RIM A SATURDAY^ FASHION The latest ideas in clothes and accessories from our local fashion W 0 houses swirl before you. while delicious Cantonese fare is j served for lunch. 0 l# Special Lunch. S8/-++ per person 0 0 Showtime. 1.45p.m. Sponsors for April 8, 78 9
      509 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 569 25 TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGER A substantial and long established organization involved in food processing and distribution in Singapore and throughout Molaysio seeks to oppoint an experienced engineer to strengthen its technical management team. This is a new appointment, the need for which has been identified by growth ond development plans now
      569 words
    • 550 25 Finance Director SOUTH EAST ASIA 0 for the main board of a highly successful international company with a very large turnover derived from many sources. success in a main board appointment in a major international company is the prime requirement. Evidence of business achievement should include the appraisal and negotiation
      550 words
    • 656 25 PHARMACIST/ MANAGER An established Eurdpean Company wishes to appoint a Pharmacist to manage its Spore Office. The post offers great scope for advancement. Excellent salary conditions will apply will reflect the candidates' experience qualifications. Applicants please furnished full particulars by 12th April stating age, education, experience salaries drawn. Applications will
      656 words
    • 501 25 PUBLIC AUCTION Auction ordered by The Rotterdam Court on April 19th, 1978 at 11.00 a.m. m the building of The Rotterdam Court of Justice, Noordsingel 1 17, of the M.V. "SPLIT", built by Veb Schiffwerft Neptun Te Rostock (D.D.R.) m 1973, 5915,55 gross R.T., 3.319,47 nett R.T. 8027 tons deadweight,
      501 words
    • 700 25 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Mr. Eddy Quah Hooi Seng I/C no: *****85 is no longer m our employment with effect 31/3/78 and therefore not authorised to represent, transact any business or collect any monies on behalf of our company. Genaplast Pte Ltd 18 Neythall Road Singapore 22 NOTICE
      700 words

  • Especially Women
    • 367 26 /CHICAGO, If your girlfriend has slender legs, Its likely she's socially active, eager to please, and usually friendly and so are you. On the other hand, if she has big hips, there's a good chance that both of you are guilt-ridden,
      Reuter  -  367 words
    • 693 26  - The benefits of being a beauty LESLIE BENNETS By fIEW YORK Beauty is as beauty does, they say. They're wrong. Homey, o1 dfashioned adages n o t w i t h s tanding beauty doesn't have to do anything but exist for its impact to be powerful. So say the
      NYT  -  693 words
    • 368 26 XTEW YORK Despite IS all the advantages of good looks, social scientists insist there's no proven correlation between self-esteem and appearance. But the less-than ravishing sometimes have a hard time believing it. As a homely teenager, one New York woman reports, "I thought
      368 words
    • Article, Illustration
      51 26 ■SLOWER power again, cleverly em- ployed by Laura Biagiotti, said to be a designer of "star" quality. It's just a blooming cotton guaze tent dress in a vibrant floral print. With a shawl to match. Casually chic. Available in turquoise, pink and beige base at Link Boutique, Plaza
      51 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 330 26 Paris -Paris LANCOME 0 PARIS 9 J& An exclusive treat from LANCOME you won't want to miss! From March 29— April 16, LANCOME gives 3 exciting extras with every purchase of LANCOME products worth $60 or more 1. A superb gift coffret worth 2. LANC6mE's Paris Paris 3. At no
      330 words
    • 352 26 tm 1 k M^. NYAL FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE for brighter, stronger teeth Daily brushing with refreshing Nyal jmi Fluoride Toothpaste will effectively j/j m remove all stains and bad breath. Nyal A J <W Fluoride Toothpaste will also prevent m *E gum from bleeding and provide a '^j- M^&wA protective film
      352 words

  • 673 27  - Bhutto's fate may hang on foreign pleas SIMON HENDERSON By in ISLAMABAD f\NLY two scenarios v are being considered In Pakistan for the future of Zulflkar All Bhutto. The first one, his appeal against his death sentence for a political murder will take about two months, and the conviction and
    OFNS  -  673 words
  • 495 27  -  ANDREW WILSON By rpHE British Army will shortly start assessing the effect of an anti-smoking drive carried out during March among 23,000 soldiers and their dependant in the Army of the Rhine. In addition to displays and leaflets showing the health hazards of
    OFNS  -  495 words
  • 546 27  -  WILLIAM ROBBINS By BARS and liquor stores In several parts of India closed their doors last weekend as the country moved a big step toward total prohibition. Thli is an Important beginning, said Prime Minister Morarjl Desai. who has made
    NYT  -  546 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 156 27 1 earning while wining We are looking for somebody. Preferably a pleasant lady. A good talker. With an ability to appreciate and to know all kinds of wine. She has to conduct wine-tasting demonstations and wine promotions in hotels and major supermarkets. Sometimes even in Malaysia. She can work part-time
      156 words
    • 492 27 Come to Los Angeles with us. Ourway. people whose cultural and family Join our family to Los cl n traditions date back more than Angeles via Honolulu and Seoul tleven flights a week 4,000 years. And on every flight, 1 1 DC-10 and 747 flights a week. from Hong Kong
      492 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 1213 28 W Malaysian^Tobacco Company Berhad W Malaysian Tobacco Company Berhad (Incorporated in Malaysia) H B (Incorporated in Malaysia) WM In the High Court in Malaya at Kuala Lumpur H M Originating Summons No 166 of 1978 Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting H H in the Matter of WM Malaysian Tobacco Company
      1,213 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 2744 29 A Solicitor,: MaTava^fitn^Chamher h BAT I^ ustnes Ltd h Unit ledI ed Xin S dom d J>« ™dy a <*ess to the 3. The names, addresses and description, of the Directors of BATS W Malayan Bank Chambers Tobacco Division 'i technical expertise in the fields of modern manu- are set
      2,744 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 730 30 _j 15. Save as disclosed in this Document none of the Directors and neither of the 2 major shareholders, Chelwood Trading Investment Company Limited and Abbey Investment Company Limited, have any interest, direct or indirect, in any business or trade in Malaysia or Singapore similar to that of the Company.
      730 words
    • 448 30 Accumulated Cost Depreciation SS S$ SS F rixed assets Sir* s ™m ii ™oob (Note 62 n, Plant, machinery. equipment and vehicles 12,312,000 6,174,000 6,138,000 17 459 000 7 7i«;onn o iaa nnn Ldl__'_'s!JL L'JA-i™ 9.744.UUU work r,L ua a v t 1m goodwill and trademarks, at cost 1.500,000 Current
      448 words
    • 781 30 \7 1 r> ft 3-111 fttlOll KepOH S^gsi-o-^»«.-., v-« I 4I 4 Hoe Cman« Road Singapore 2 25th May. 1977 rv c. Dear Sirs. In accordance with your instructions, we have inspected the properties listed below for the purpose of preparing a Valuation Report to be ineluded in a Document
      781 words