The Straits Times, 3 April 1978

Total Pages: 34
1 34 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • 407 1 PEACE DEMO BY 45,000 Begin urged: Make new concessions TEL AVIV, Sunday A MOVEMENT of Israeli army veterans calling itself Peace Now drew a crowd of 45,000 by police estimate to a rally yesterday demanding that Prime Minister Menachem Begin make new concessions for peace. The crowd, huge by Israeli
    Reuter; AP  -  407 words
  • 61 1 A GREAT moment for a Nigerian dancer on Saturday as a visiting YIP looks up and gives him a congratulatory handshake. The visitor was US President Jimmy Carter, who attended the cultural programme during his visit to Nigeria which ends today. Mr. Carter was the first US
    UPI  -  61 words
  • 153 1 SINGAPORE CABIN CREW: NZ STRIKE THREAT AUCKLAND, Sun.—The A New Zealand Stewards and Hostesses I'nion has threatened to r» °n strike in protest against the use Of Slncapore Airlines Cabin crew on an Air New Zealand DC-10 which has been leased out to Singapore Airlines. Officials said today the onion
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 143 1 GUNMEN KILL MALAYSIAN 'TEC IN THAILAND KULIM, Sun. A Malaysian Special Branch detective on special duty in southern Thailand was shot dead last Thursday by two unidentified gunmen, a police spokesman said here today. Officer Low Boon San was on a visit to the Thai town of Haadyal when two
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 86 1 Lee in HK for week's visit HONGKONG, Sun. Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew arrived here today for a week-long unofficial visit A government spokesman said Mr. Lee was here for "purely private business" and gave no further details. Mr. Lee Is accompanied by Mrs. Lee. Dr. Yeoh Ghlm Seng,
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  • 134 1 BANGKOK, Sun— Thai police arrested a woman and seized more than 1,000 sticks of dynamite on a south-bound train yesterday after a home-made bomb exploded on the train shortly before it was to leave Bangkok's Hue Lampong station. Pour people were injured. Later, police found
    AP  -  134 words
  • 133 1 fOODMAN 8 1 ab 1 c's vf durable stayer. Regal Tan, won the $82,500 Singapore Derby over 2,400 metres In brilliant fashion at Buklt Timah yesterday, giving Penang trainer Teh Choon Beng his third Derby success. Shouldering 56 5 kg. the five-year-old New Zealand gelding
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  • 263 1 Gunners in Cambodia shell Thai town BANGKOK, Sunday rjUNNERS inside Cambodia resumed the shelling of the border town of Aranyaprathet In Thailand last night. Thai border police officials in Bangkok reported that 107 mm Chinese rockets were used in the shelling. "Cambodian gunners pounded the district township with long-range Chinese
    Reuter; AP  -  263 words
  • 17 1 THE Straits Times today Is 34 pages In two sections. Make sure you get both.
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  • 324 1 More guerillas move into S. Lebanon BEIRUT. Sunday PALESTINIAN guerillas have sent reinforcements into southern Lebanon while Israeli occupation forces fortified their positions along the front line. The sheil-battered area remained quiet. Israel Invaded south Lebanon last month, vowing to stamp out Palestinian commando activity near Its northern frontier. The
    Reuter  -  324 words
  • 81 1 S1NOAPORE took a st*p "nearer to the last four when they beat Perils 3-1 In the Maltysla Cup soccer match it tti National Stadium last night. The result took Singapore to the top of the table In the north zone. After RoH Yaeoob had equalised (or
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  • 61 1 JERUSALEM. Sun. Defence Minister Exer Welzman will be making a farther visit to Cairo, probably next Wednesday, It was officially announced here today The announcement was made after the •veekly Cabinet meeting by government secretary Arleh Naor. He said that General Weliman might "if necessary" have
    AFP  -  61 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 81 1 KING'S J^ m SAFETY -M SHOES Oil J /\Resistant \^^F/ bt'iSHbH bs^^^^ vp~-bvsisj H |^^Mod«l 703 4ffib», KINGS SHOE MFG. PTE. LTD. «|)j[S| 122, Blk 36, Dakota Crescent, ESv^pl Singapore 14, .■ngsTTaTth Tel: *****1 *****27. DXTSBOBK *^-Jr Extra sensitivity and selectivity. AM/FM stereo receiver. Fully automatic precision balanced 3-speed record
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    • 294 1 THE LADY SEIKO QUARTZ. A STARTLING NEW STANDARD OF ACCURACY FOR WOMEN. 4302-0029 N lL^^^ SEIKO Someday all watches will be made this vs j\ DEVAN ON THAT STUDY BY XL GRADS Page 10 GOVT plan to ensure peaceful vi ting In Philippines 2 MINISTRY will back efforts to raise
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 411 2 Guerillas threaten disorder IijANILA, Sun. The Phillp- pine martial law regime is mapping out security measures to ensure peaceful voting in Friday's parliamentary election in the wake of a supposed threat from some groups to create disorder at the polls, officials said today.
      AFP  -  411 words
    • 131 2 Belgrade, Sun. The renewal of relations between the Chinese and Yufo s 1 a v communist parties following a break of close to 30 years has Just been confirmed here by the three-week visit of a high-level tact-flna-lng team from Peking. State-to-etate relations had
      AFP  -  131 words
    • 403 2 Travellers in danger, say anti-Narita leftists NARITA, Sunday T EADERS of ultra-left groups said today that lives of travellers may be threatened If the Japanese Government opens the new Tokyo international airport at Narlta '"We gather here today not merely to meet but to explore ways to deal a damaging
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    • 265 2 Kriangsak gets rousing welcome in Shanghai HONOKONO, Sun Prime Minister Kiiangsak Chomanan of Thailand received a rousing welcome from airport crowds when he arrived In Shanghai yesterday as part of his official visit to China. The official New China News Agency (NCNA) monitored In Hongkong said the Shanghai Airport "was
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    • 48 2 OSTEND, Sun. Three June* Enior paintings, valued at about USfMO.OOO (SS2.070.000). were stolen from the Ostend city museum during Friday night, police said. The paintings were Identified by museum authorities as ■The Dead Mother". "Self Portrait In a Flowered Haf and "The Carriage. neuter. f
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 86 2 lUSAKA. San. a Zambia is to recall all unmarried women from its missions abroad because their sexual habits are damaging the country's reputation, the Zambia Dally Mall said yesterday. The c overnmen towned newspaper quoted Foreign Mrnist«r Slteke Mwale as Mylnr the women were
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 343 2 US, Britain working for meeting on Rhodesia LAGOS, Sunday PRESIDENT Carter said today that the United States and Britain were trying to arrange a meeting of all parties to the Rhodesian problem to reach a peaceful settlement for black majority rule. He told reporters the two western powers wanted the
      Reuter; AP  -  343 words
    • 187 2 fAKARTA, Sun.—A slxJ member Kuwaiti oil technical team will arrive here on Tuesday for talks with Indonesian authorities on the planned US$BOO million <551.84 billion) refinery project In Batam Island, just south of Singapore. Oeneral Piet Haryono, director of its state oil and
      AFP  -  187 words
    • 64 2 LAGOS. Sun. Students from the universities of Ibadan and Ife ■U(ed a combined demonstration In Ibadan yesterday to protest the current visit to Nlrerla of United States President Carter. They carried placards blaming American investments and arms for keeping racist regimes In southern Africa In power and called
      AFP  -  64 words
    • 38 2 KOMORO. Sun. TWO people were killed and 31 others Injured today when a but plunged seven metre* onto a padl field after a head-on collision with a car In this central Japanese city, police said.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 905 2 Crowing like champions! Every chad wants to grow up to be a champion. And you can give him the chance. With Dumex Full Cream Milk. Oumex Full Cream Milk provides every child with the nourishment he needs to grow like a champion. It's made from fresh cow's milk, rich B
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    • 136 3 Rioters attack G-G's office: 26 held ffEHERAN. Sun 1 Twenty-six yeople were arrested when rioters uttacked the Governor-General's office In Khomaln, goternment sources said last night. It was the sl>th successive day of scattered disturbances li. Iran. Latest ofllclal reports blamed foreign -Inspired elements tor fie disturbances. In Khomaln 200
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 75 3 NAPLES, Sun. Months of largescale police operations have made life so hard for south Italian cigarette smucrlers that many are giving up what used to be a thriving business. But law enforcers are beginning to wonder if this is a good thing
      UPI  -  75 words
    • 327 3 Russians now policing the world, says China HONGKONG, Sun. The Soviet Union has taken over from the United States as a world policeman and its armed forces have "completely lost their domestic functions," a dlsoatch from the official Chinese news agency said yesterday. The charge was in the form of
      UPI  -  327 words
    • 71 3 ISLAMABAD. Sun. Mr. Taroichl Yoshlda, president of the Asian Development Bank, said yesterday the bank was studying several projects in Pakistan for possible financing. Mr. Yoshlda. who arrived in Karachi on Friday night from the Philippines for a five-day visit to Pakistan, told reporters here the
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 67 3 TEL AVIV, Sun. Israeli Journalists went on strike yesterday, silencing radio and television stations and shutting down all Israeli newtpapers. The striken were demanding salary increases of 60 to 80 per cent. Their net salaries currently range up to a maximum of Israeli £5,000 a month <Ss77o).
      AP  -  67 words
    • 217 3 Ponti and Sophia charged with currency offences ROME, Sun. A Rome prosecutor cuarged film producer Carlo Ponti and his actress wife Soph, a Loreri yesterday with currency offences that could get them from one to six years in jail. Prosecutor Paollpi Hell, in mi ordered Ponti, 65, to be arrested
      UPI; AP  -  217 words
    • 57 3 CAIRO, Sun. Arab League ministers meeting here have allocated US $15 million <5534.65 million) from a special fund for aid to droughtstricken countries in Africa, the Middle East news agency reported last night. A further US$lO million from the fund is being set aside for Arab-African
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    • 41 3 RIO DE JANEIRO. Sun. The Brazilian Coffee Institute has reduced the export registration price for coffee from US$3 (554.60) to US$l.7O per 451 grams. The reduction, apparently to stimulate export, will go Into effect tomorrow. UPI.
      UPI  -  41 words
    • 311 3 DIRECT TALKS TO GO ON DESPITE SNAGS SAYS SADAT CAIRO, Sun. President Sadat said today direct talks with Israeli leaders would continue despite the difficulties encountered in following up his initiative for peace ip the Middle East. In an Interview with Egypt's weekly magazine October, Mr. Sadat confirmed Israeli reports
      Reuter  -  311 words
    • 416 3 Hint of resistance to UN troops BEIRUT, Sun. 'J'HE top radical Palestinian leader said yesterday his forces would escalate fighting in south Lebanon and oppose anyone even the Lebanese Army who kept them from hitting Israel. .Dr. George Habash, leader of the Popular
      UPI  -  416 words
    • 277 3 NEW DELHI, Sun. MR. Sam Nujoma, president of the Southwest African People's Organisation (Swapo), yesterday rejected a Western plan for black majority rule in Namibia (South-west Africa) because It was unclear on the status of Walvis Bay, Samachar news agency reported. The agency said Mr
      Reuter  -  277 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 51 3 till I I A W jfl jifl CORPORATION (S) PTE LTD Manufacturers of Pokka Milk Coffee Pokka Lemon Tea Pokka Orange Drink Pokka Milk Tea Pokka Milk Shake are proud to announce the appointment of Sime Darby Sales Re Ltd as their sole agents in Singapore. SIME DARBY- ON THE
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    • 342 4 1 5-year-old 's hijack bid foiled by stewardess RICHMOND (Virginia), Sunday A 15-YEAR-OLD boy armed with a rifle failed In an attempt to hijack a Piedmont Airlines Jet yesterday when an alert stewardess ushered the passengers out a rear exit and the crew escaped down aro De.a roDe. The youth,
      UPI  -  342 words
    • 258 4 ILO on way to closing US-loss gap "^EW YORK, Sun. Director general Francis Blancfcard of the International Labour Organisation said today that the ILO was well on its way to closing the gap left in its budget when Its biggest duespayer, the United States, pulled out last Nov 4. In
      AP  -  258 words
    • 339 4 M-East plane deal: Outlook better WASHINGTON. Sunday ADMINISTRATION officials said yesterday they are confident Congress will not block the sale of warplanes to Saudi Arabia and Egypt, although the deal may have to be changed somewhat in Israel's favour. j 1 President Carter's package proposal to send US$4.B billion (S$U
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    • 197 4 Population strain on resources near crisis? WASHINGTON, Sun.— The world's population may be on the verge of overburdening natural resources that sustain life, a food and population expert says in a book published yesterday. "Signs of stress on the world's principal biological systems forests, fisheries, grasslands, and croplands— lndicate that
      AP  -  197 words
    • 40 4 COLOMBO. Sun. Air Ceylon, art Lanka's 30-year-old national carrier which boasts an accident-free flying record but has earned a bad reputation both at home and abroad for delayed and ccncelled nights, ended Its International services yesterday. APP.
      AFP  -  40 words
    • 30 4 TOKYO. Sun. Three East European countries Po and. Hungary and Czechoslovakia are planning to Join the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the mass olrculatton dally Yomlurl reported today.— AFP.
      AFP  -  30 words
    • 119 4 Rail union to expel Nat Front members LONDON, Bun. Britain's biggest railway union has voted to expel members of the extreme rightwlng National Front, which advocates the forcible repatriation of coloured Immigrants. The vote was taken by the national executive of the 180,000-member National Union of Railwaymen on Frday. The
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 93 4 MOSCOW, San.—Soviet television revived spy charges against five former American correspondents In Moscow yesterday, screening cinefilm and photographs which had apparently been taken by the KGB security police. In a film about links between the press and US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), they were ac-
      Reuter  -  93 words
    • 173 4 ROCHESTER, (New York), Sun. Eifht years after stealint a bottle of rare French wine, a mysterious thief with a rullty conscience returned It to the Rochester liquor store from which he took It Mr. Sherwood Deutsch, owner of the store, said a man walked in this
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 216 4 A New Hotel For Sale in Hong Kong Ultra- Modern design Ready for accommodation inJune,l97B Our luxury hotel includes the following special features:— 24-storeys of total floor area 180,000 sq.ft. 500 semi-furnished rooms. Centralized air conditioning system. Ample carpark facilities. Prime location in downtown. If interested please direct all enquiries
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    • 122 4 IJI SINGAPORE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT C 0.,( PTE LTD. w^J 204. Cantonment Road, Singapore 2. Tel: *****91/2 distributors in MANAGEMENT AIDS PTE. LTD. mmr Room 605, 6thTkx>r. ICB Building, 2. Sfienton Way. Singapore 1 Tel. *****90 I Billy Pugh Co. Inc. 1 have the pleasure of appointing Central Industrial Suppliers Pie
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  • 276 5 More PUB counters to cope with crowds at lunch-time rB Public Utilities Board will open more counters for bill payment at its headquarters In Somerset Road during lunch-time to cater to crowds during that period. This follows complaints that the present payment counters at the building cannot cope with the
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  • 22 5 OWNERSHIP of the Whampoa Consumers' Club *h transferred from the PAP Whampoa branch to the Whampoa citizens consultative committee yesterday.
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  • 136 5 BASKETBALL match tonight at Kota Raja community centre at 7.30. TALK on Income tax oy Miss O. Vasudha tonight at 7.30 at Telok Blangah community centre. Another on mass media and its Influence by Mr Ngeow Pek Hua and Mr. Frank Wong on Friday at 8 p.m. at
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  • 589 5  -  CHOO WAI HONG By r«HINESE secondary schools have been told that the Education Ministry will encourage and support any move on their part to raise the standard of English among their students. Although there are no hard and fast rules, principals have
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  • 203 5 Sizes of toothpaste to be shown on packs THE amount of toothpaste in every tube sold here will be shown on the packing by the end of this year. An article in the latest issue of Our Metric Way, a Singapore Metrication Board publication, says all toothpaste distributors here have
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  • 469 5 MALAY stream teachers prefer to be retrained to teach in English than to be re-deployed as second language teachers, according to the secretary of the Singapore Malay Teachers' Union, Encik Abdul Latiff Taris. He explained in an interview that there were 1,800 Malay
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  • 96 5 Woman seeks grandson AN anxious grandmother, Madam Kwek Chwee Hee, 63, Is looking for her grandson, Tan Kirn Ouan (above), 24, who has been missing from home since last Wednesday morning. Kirn Ouan, unemployed speaks only Hokklen and was seen w aring a red and black striped shirt with light
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 203 5 Announcing the winners of the f IJ üm CHUPACHUPS \gfJLj FLAVOUR CONTESrvjiy Ist prize— Chopper Bicycle Serena Yap 3-A Tai Thong Crescent Singapore 3. H&M Blk. 109. 231 4G Bedok North Road, Singapore 16. Foong Chin Chao 26-D, Blk. 6 Queens Crescent, Singapore 3. Timothy Teo 58 Cheng Soon Garden,
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    • 406 5 Singapore after dark When the blanket of darkness envelopes Singapore, the city takes on a whole new character. Thousands of hawkers set up their stalls. You'll find them along roadsides, in car parks and in little nooks and crannies wherever there are people to see their lamps and hear their
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    • 374 5 The Regency Lounge is informal. It's really an open area divided up by clusters of huge comfy chairs and couches. By either good luck or good management, the music is confined mainly to the dance floor and the nearest tables. So you can talk. But you'll probably be too busy
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    • 328 5 lights cut across the huge room (it seats 800) to pick up tl.e first of many dancers There are about 200 hostesses at the Apollo who will keep you company share a dance, a drink and some conversation. This is not for free by the way. You are charged for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 102 6 SINGAPORE |f^^ To commemorate this event, Joanne Drew is throwing IP*B| open its doors. To all ladies! Whether you just |HHL J^U OSk want to come and browse around. Or whether you have 1 WF BJ IH i JHH Hk '^^ol BL <^»^Mj|*plfw!» ■■•^Kvv- .^^^^E^vvHl^l mWiL :^^?ta £|f IV A
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  • 383 7  -  IRENE NGOO: By London, Sunday gPURRED by the success of its last sales trip to Singapore, the Birmingham Chamber of Industry and Commerce Is to send another mission to the Republic this month. A trip by the chamber last April
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  • 146 7 IKEBANA, the Japanese art of flower arrangement is not confined to only Japanese blossoms a:i the world's flowers can share its glory. So said Madam Norko Ohno (above), founder and president of the Kokusai School of Ikebana. "It would be sad if people equate the skill
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  • 314 7 Age for vehicle inspection THE mileage travelled by a car is expected to be a major criterion in determining the minimum age for the vehicle inspection now being considered by the Ministry of Communications. This was indicated by the Senior Minister of State
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  • 416 7 MPs to raise these questions in the House on Friday rE MP for Thomson, Mr. Ang Nam Piau, will ask the Finance Minister if the government will set up a Central Foreign Exchange market to reduce the risk taken by manufacturers In Singapore who buy raw materials rrom Japan and
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  • 65 7 A 35-YEAR-OLD man was charged on Friday In a magistrate's court with threatening to kill a man In order to extort $30,000 from him. Ng Choon Keng waa alleged to have put Veo Meng Thian In fear of Injury In Ttas Street on March 27. No plea
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  • 48 7 MRS. Jaya Ahmad has been elected president of the Asian Women's Welfare Association. Other officials Include Mrs Nlmml Hanad, first vicepresident, lira. Betty Urn second vice-president. Mrs. Marie Hea.rn. secretary, Mrs. Keka Slnha, asst. secretary. Mrs. Gladys D'Souza. treasurer and Mrs Prem Adwaney. asst treasurer.
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  • 86 7 THE Parliamentary Secretary (National Development) and MP for Geylang East, Mr. Ho Cheng Choon, will attend a balloting ceremony for 286 three-room, fourand five-room flats in Geylang East Estate tomorrow at 2.30 p.m. at Block 105, Aljunled Crescent. This will be the seventh ballot for the sale
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 141 7 _Jjjj^H^M|Mßfi If lm m I fpONETTE LIPSTICK lll[| I BEAUTY DEMONSTRATION jW J1 Misses V Murakami and F Taniguchi ■S^tS^.Sy Shiseido s Top Japanese Beauty Consultants 1 Ife 3 will give free demonstrations and advice Mm a on the latest make-up and skin-care at Leiko Facial House oriental emp. (pte)
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    • 140 7 HAPPINESS IS GOOD HEALTH Join the Hilton Health Club truly Comprehensive and equally Exclusive Health Centre with Sauna Bath. Turkish Steam bath, Hydro-Pool, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Massage service etc. &n SmAuivi QpuriomS*nwm&mt -^a^L^L^Lif H^^haflafea^a^alaV^afe^^a^^_ M^\ LIMITED MEN MEMBERSHIP NOW AVAILABLE ORDINARY (MhN) COMPANY (2 NOMINEES) Entrance Fee: $450 1,200 Quarterly
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 145 8 J We congratulate our Singapore distributor, CONMAC PRIVATE LIMITED, I I for their outstanding sales performance I I Over 120 units TCM Fork Lift trucks I I sold in 8 months I H I I TOYO UMPANKI CO., LTD. I; 15-5, l-CHOME^ISHI-SHIMBASH!, W\ MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. HHB JBHk Mk Twrl
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  • 305 9 REPORT litterbugs to the Ministry of the Environment. The Housing Board has given this advice to flat dwellers in its estates whose neighbours persist in littering. The HDB, in the latest issue of its publication, Our Home, says one area where littering is prevalent
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  • 210 9 'Students eager to identify with police' AT a time when young people in most parts Of the world shy away from anything suggestive of uniformed discipline. Singapore students, on the contrary, were eager to Identify with the police force. Dr. Lawrence Chi a. chairman of the National Police Cadet Corps
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  • 109 9 FLOATING HOTEL FOR RIG WORKERS THIS floating hotel, "Hotel Quebec", will serve as the luxurious home for some 140 men working in an offshore oilfield In the Java Sea. The $2} million accommodation bargc-cum-heUpad was built at Selco Shipyard in Jurong from a flat top barge. The "hotel" is leased
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  • 19 9 MR. Michael Pam has been re-appointed chairman of the Housing ami Development Board for another three yeais.
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  • 193 9 'Circuit' now closed to the skateboard youths YOUTHS who used the entrances to an underground pedestrian walk at the East Coast Park as a skateboard "circuit" have found themselves stripped of this improvised facility. A Straits Times team yesterday found raised cement strips on the roofs of the pedestrian walk's
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  • 71 9 THREE new postage stamps in 10-cent. 35-cent and 75-cent denominations on the gardens and parks of Singapore will be released on April 22. A limited quantity of presentation packs ol the new stamps at $2.10 each will be on sale at all post offices that day. Advance
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 224 9 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 4 Chest containing a pagan 1 He's lawless a uttle c *?d? d and a cross t6> Krasplng also! (6) 5 Operators melting from S Dull essay about the East the darn heat (6 3 6) brings insincere praise 6 One tnanks wnat nippers (g) do
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  • 488 10  -  N.G KUTTY By SINGAPORE secretarial student Doris Young, 19, who played the leading role in They Call Her Cleopatra Wong and Bionic Boy 11, has been contracted to star in a television series to be shot in
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  • 32 10 CONSUMERS' Association of Singapore (Caw) president. Dr. Lee Ngak Seng, will speak in Mandarin at the Toa Payoh branch library on Friday on How to Buy Cheap and Nutritious Pood.
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  • 75 10 SINOAPORE Jaycees (City Chapter) will make a strong bid in Taipeh next month to host next year's Jaycees International Asian-Pacific Regional Conference in Singapore. Thirty local Jaycees, led by its president, Mr. Eugene Lim, will be going to win the votes of delegates attending the conference from
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  • 252 10  -  IRENE NGOO By LONDON, Sun. Singapore Airlines has added a new chapter to its success story on Us London operations. Yesterday, it opened a regional sales office in Manchester as part of it* aggressive drive to penetrate deeper into the British airline
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  • 539 10 DEVAN REFUTES THAT REPORT SINGAPORE trade union leader c.V. Devan Nair has refuted a study by the SeiaiiKor Graduated Society which aalmed that Malaysian workers are 111 treated in Singapore. In a telephone Interview with tne Malay Mall in Kuala Lumpur Mr. Nalr, wno
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  • 147 10 Jailed for bringing illegal migrants to S'pore AN Indonesian who pleaded guilty to three charges of conveying prohibited immigrants from Tanjong Pin an g to Singapore was Jailed two years by a district Judge on Friday. Laeno Ahmad Naslr Ahmad, 29. a labourer, was sentenced on the charge of bringing
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  • 450 10  -  GEORGE JOSEPH By A SIZABLE cnmmunitv of migrant labour here comprising illegal Immigrants is rovlni from one worksite to another on temporary jobs and living in poor conditions. But despite insecurity of employment and discomforts of life, they prefer this lifestyle to what
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 285 11 Rash of German measles in past weeks JHhRE has been an outbreak of German measles in Singapore in recent weeks. A Health Ministry spokesman, who confirmed this, said there has beep a rise in the number of German measles cases isolated at Middle ton Hospital (for infectious diseases). No other
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  • 161 11 Firm to handle Jakarta Govt cargo THE Indonesian Na tlonal Shlpown ers' Association (INSAi has set up a company in Singapore to handle all Indonesian Government cargo passing through Singapore. The company, Pellta Utama. serves as a cargo booking centre and will cooperate closely with the Indonesian Embassy and the
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  • 51 11 CHUI Teng Shoon. 34. was fined a total of $2,000 on Saturday after he pleaded guilty to two drug offences. He was tinea S l.OOO for having 0.09 g of heroin In Johore Road on March 13 at 330 pm and another $1,000 for taking the
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  • 23 11 NATIONAL Museum will screen three films Clean Air C:ty. Floating Rice and The Story of Spode on Saturday at 10.45 ajn.
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  • 150 11 95 BOOKS A MONTH -FASTEST READ IN STATE WITH a record of reading 95 books in a (Ingle month, nine-year-old schoolgirl Hung Ning-Shinc (above) can beat many a voracious reader bands down. This former pupil of Jurong Primary School now staying in the United States did just that by topping
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  • 54 11 THRFE mahjong players were fined $50 each on Saturday for gambling In the corridor of Block 17, Jalan Tenteram. on March 30. They were Ng Sway Kwan. 19; Lee Boon Yu. 16. and Wong Chi Wan, 17. A fourth accused. Ng Seh Yu. 14. was given
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  • 266 11 V/J3VES are now under- »"*< way to form a centralised body to streamline the activities of the 97 Ma'ay and Muslim mutual benefit organisations In Singapore. Taking the Initiative to hold a convention to discuss the formation of such a central body Is
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  • 326 11 YOUNG Chinese men in Singapore with hyperactive thyroid may find themselves suddenly paralysed in the legs after a mahjong game or watching television. They would be among the 19 per cent of Chinese men with hyperactive thyroid glands periodic paralysis a condition
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  • 154 11 MOTORISTS proceeding to the city from Upper Thomson Road are advised to go via Ang Mo Klo Lorong Chuan/ Braddell Road and Upper Serangoon Road during the Cheng Beng Festival this month. A large number of Buddhists and Taoists are expected to visit cemeteries
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  • 105 11 SIX artists will present a week-long exhibition of paintings and sculpture at the Gallery of Fine Art on Thursday. They are Affandl Arshad. 36. Dullah, an Indonesian, Leo De Silva, 36. a Straits Times artist. Marjorle Lee Claus, 30, an American school
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 191 11 National Key Telephone Systems offer efficient speedy communication at low cost APPROVED BY TELECOMMUNICATION AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE (NO: 018 75K4) If RING *****2 FOR FURTHER Ml ECONOMICAL These telephone systems require neither switchboard nor operator, because each telephone is provided with its own switching mechanism. It assures reduced personnel expenses.
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    • 490 11 THE ITALIAN MASTERPIECE IS IN TOWN FABER. WASHING MACHINE Onr srt "Qurrn Sue \^^^^H^^H^^^^HI^^^^IHHHIHHIH^B9HIH^IHHIH^RViIH EwV^ Brd Shrrt with 2 I CVVi^ol p How bolstrr case Wmmifiwm i4*lC**a4Am\ Dixan Detrnrrnt. I wWw^Xwww Model FB6OO mH^K\V You're looking at a washing machine that is What a bargain for an Italian Masterpiece. crafted
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    • 481 12 iPOH, Sunday THE Umno leadership must be supported by all races, otherwise it will lead the party nowhere as "only blood will flow", the party's vicenresident, Tengku Razaleitjh Hamzah. warned loday. Ooenlng a political seminar of the Klnta Umno division bere, Tengku RazaleUh
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    • 415 12 Setbacks to Chinese: Opposition blamed KUALA LUMPUR, Sun \f CA Senator Michael Wong today blamed the opposition parties for causing setbacks to the Chinese community under the cover of championing its rights. "It Is they who, with their usual blundering and negligent approach, had thwarted the political progress of the
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    • 60 12 ALOR STAR, Sun. The ban on logging U still In force In Ulu Muda forest reserve in the Operation Kou area of Oubir near the Thai border east of Alor Star, a spokesman of the State Security Oommltee said today. The ban was Imposed about two
      60 words
    • 279 12 Life and cane for S'porean who shot two PCs JOHORE BARU, Sun A S 1 nga p o rean, Shamsuddin. alias Botak. alias Bachik Bahartn. 22. was sentenced to life Imprisonment and ordered to be given 12 strokes of the rotan yesterday for shooting two policemen. Shamsuddin pleaded guilty to
      279 words
    • 167 12 Sawmill's $480,000 claim dismissed KUCHINO, Sun. The Sarawak High Court has dismissed with cost a civil suit brought by a timber company against the government for damages to a sawmill in a military operation in 1970. Telok Sabang (1997) Bhd. claimed a total sum of $480,000 for damages In consequence
      AFP  -  167 words
    • 26 12 PENANO. Sun. An eye bank ii to be formally launched In Penang on Saturday by the Deputy Minister of Health. Dr. Sulalman Hajl Duud.
      26 words
    • 156 12 PONTIAN, Sun. INTENSIVE development works taking place on the Singapore side of the Stra of Johore have created problems for several kampungs In south Jonore. The Federal Government has formed a toplevel committee to study all aspects of the problems affecting people people living
      AFP  -  156 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 309 12 ■mjIHMI never doses." It's true. With The Hongkong Bank's hour of the day even Sundays and Cash Dispensers. holidays. If you have a Current Account or a Sa- It's so convenient! And The Hongkong vings Account at The Hongkong Bank, Bank has six Cash Dispensers located you are eligible for
      309 words

  • 382 13 gIXGAPORE exj)orts to Japan increased in the last quarter of 1i)77, but exports to the I'nited States, the European Economic Community countries, Hongkong. Australia and West Asia slowed. The latest Monetary Authority of Singapore quarterly bulletin says that exports from Slneapore to
    382 words
  • 232 13 External trade rose to $45 b last year SINGAPORE'S external trade last year expanded to $45 6 billion from $38.7 billion in 1967, says the PSAs 1977 annual report. The volume of seaborne cargo, which totalled 64.1 million tonnes In 1977, surpassed the pre-recesslon peak of 613 million tonnes achieved
    232 words
  • 125 13 PARIDAH (IN A CHEONGSAM) BEATS THEM ALL QUALJTY controUer Paridah Aminollah. 20, was crowned' queen of Marine Parade Neighbourhood B when she beat 11 other girls in the finals of the beauty contest held at the Ambassador Hotel en Saturday night. She took the title after appearing on the catwalk
    125 words
  • 351 13 rpHE Port Authority (PSA) has come under criticism for selling Spottiswoode Park flats more expensively to its employees than what the Housing and Development Board (HDB) will charge the public for each flat. Some "deeply disappointed" owners have protested in a letter
    351 words
  • 23 13 THE Japanese Icebreaker. Fuji, arrived In Singapore on Saturday on Its way home after completing Its 1977 78 Antarctic scientific observations.
    23 words
  • 108 13 UNDISCHARGED bankU rupts and non citizens are two new categories of people ineligible to take part In any election activity, with the coming Into operation of the Parliamentary Elections (Amendment) Act, 1978, on Saturday. The Act has added these two groups to the existing
    108 words
  • 318 13 Pianist from US has rhythmic feel but... GITA Karasik, a young pianist from the United States, gave a recital at the DBS Auditorium on Saturday night. Colncldentally, It gave us a second occasion to hear Beethoven's "Apasslonata" Soriata within the week. The "Italian" Concerto by Bach that was the first
    318 words
  • 49 13 THE president of the Singapore Institute of Planners. Mr. A. G. S. Danaraj. leaves today (or Manila to represent Singapore at a two-day conference of leaders of town planning Institutes frrm the Asean countries. The conference will discuss proposal to form an A&ean Institute of Planners.
    49 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
      110 words
    • 202 13 Europe lU.S.A. I or both with KEN -AIR < i£. <*» Vl UY A THE MOSTTALKED-ABOUT AMERICAN TOUR" 20 DAYS WEST with Lake Tahoe) Visiting Vancouver. San Francisco. San Jose. Reno/ Lake Tahoe. Las Vegas. Anaheim-Disneyland. Los Angeles. Tijuana. Honolulu and Tokyo. $3880.00 DEP V"> .'h/', yiA, 3Qfc <</'> 20*
      202 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 217 13 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavtntgh tfc Hal Camp X YES, /iF HE EVER OOT^\ BIMMV, DEAR^/' NOTH'NG You NEED THE FRESH^ r TUB MIGHT (IT 1 I OUT THERE'S NO I WILL YOU 6O DOiNG-lT5t AIR -BE SURE YOU j AIR WONT 1 V WILL/ y i TELLING WHEN
      217 words

  • The Straits Times MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1978
    • 316 14 mHAILAND's Prime Minister, General X Kriangsak Chomanan has described his visit to China as a complete success. So it has been, ending on an upbeat note with the Chinese Inviting the Thai king and queen to Peking. And Chairman Hua Kuofeng as well as Vice-Premier Teng Hslaoping have
      316 words
    • 339 14 However, on the question of communist Insurgency, there has not been any public revelation of what took place during the talks between the two sides. Gen. Krlangsak, when pressed by newsmen, would only remark that Thailand considered this an internal problem and did not look to
      339 words
    • 344 14 With reference to the letter from "Hopeful" (ST. March 23). he provision of psychla;nc outp.itient services on Sund.iys loi all working mentally ill patient: is not a long-term solution. Beaton one moi.thly Sun<ia> session will not cover all working mrntallv 111 patients The basic
      344 words
  • 934 14  -  MASATO IKEUCHI TARGET ZONES' FOR CURRENCIES PROPOSED By FOCUS ON JAPAN a regular weekly feature published by special arrangement with the Japan Economic Journal. Masato Ikeuchi is one of several of the JEJ's leading writers who are writing for the Straits Times. IN
    934 words
  • 524 14  - Lebanon war: PLO sees a silver lining DAVID PEARCE: By Beirut "TVESPITE the loss A/of men and territory in south Lebanon, Palestine Liberation Organisation leaders believe the eight-day war with Israel resulted in a number of political and military gains for them. Israeli military commanders believe the PLO lost up
    UPI  -  524 words
  • 577 14  -  EDUARDO LACSON: By Manila ASEAN holds its first trade fair here next month in an attempt to boost its trade with the outside world, particularly the industrialised countries of the West and Japan. The tWo-week trade fair, opening on May 7, is
    Reuter  -  577 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 2 14 wX yt
      2 words
    • 240 14 VITAMIN E Capsules for energy and strength Nyal Vitamin E Capsules Ij^fr-m^ jC B-group vitamins, for the j^y**^ WQk A vail able in 50m g, ,£>' fi»^l^ #lW 100mg,250mg, SOOmg K+^*'' > jffi Sole Agent Coid Storage MHP*****8 PL/1 Instruction Course This workshop course, with independent study program, video assisted
      240 words

  • TV Times
    • 457 15 Winds of change at Radio S'pore rpHE winds of change, very much needed x in Radio Singapore, has finally hit home and starting from this month listeners can Ret more interesting programmes and longer stereo hours. The station Is reaching out to a greater crosssection of listeners with more programmes
      457 words
    • Article, Illustration
      83 15 THE nosy Phyllis Llndstrom protests that supervisor Valentl Is working her too hard and this is Interfering with her private life. To teach her a lesson, Valentl switches jobs with Phyllis to show her whose job Is more difficult. The test, however, takes a broadly hilarious turn
      83 words
    • 318 15 WRINGING back the old movies to the small screen may not be to every viewer's liking, and for this reason TV Singapore has, I feel, made the right choice in scheduling these in the afternoon on weekdp ys. For some time, motion picture "oldies"
      318 words
    • 139 15 FILMING OF FIVE-0 ON APRIL 19 FILMING of an episode of the popular t c 1 c t I i o n series, HAWAII FIVE-O, is rxt»«et»«l to br-an on April 19 once the Cultn re Ministry here fives the script the rreen light. Star of the two-hoar episode Is
      139 words
    • 28 15 CATHAY Pmcino i« to operate mere TrlsUr service* from Singapore to Hongkong. Bangkok and Jakarta from this month to meet Increasing traffic flow la the region.
      28 words
    • 478 15 Daring young acrobats who fly through the air with greatest of ease T>OLD as lions and agile like monkeys that's the impression I have of the 29 young acrobats from Kwangtung after seeing their performance at the National Theatre, i They go through their stunts, some of which were death
      478 words
    • 100 15 THE Ministry of Culture and the 8 1 ng a pore Tourist Promotion Board have finalised the Chinese wayang programme at Hong Urn Park from April to June. Twelve performances will be staged fortnightly during this period, featuring six Hokkien and Teochew wayang troupes. The
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    • 7 15 USE metric, it's international. I
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 232 15 "The most comprehensive and integrated program for management and personal development" —JC V eager PhD A V PERSONAL W DYNAMICS ADVENTURES IN ATTITUDES A unique breakthrough in the development of human potential. New discoveries of motivation, self -management, human relations and Leadership development have been condensed into a penetrating new
      232 words
    • 23 15 I Singapore's |r"n|""^n Leading Fash,on W^jA |*>M|ril Department V■! V ULIUI I Store Open Daily 10am -9pm HaveiocK/Outram Roads Spore 3 Tel *****1
      23 words
    • 311 15 could only rent a (.ar mk night-owls. Because 24 hours minimum. ~^^^fl i*?» Avis knows people Now from 6pm toBamr^^^ HjjljH^ want to enjoy the you can take a y-s^j E^*^ goodlife on their own quality Avis car -"SIS HaL time. In the ri^ht fora special re- sSH kind ot
      311 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 771 15 Today's TV and Radio SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening followed by Sirmr Mafia 700 Don't Ask Me mEJoTeSLd 7M 3.35 Afternoon Matinee The Blue Lamp 7 45 Sandiwara Hampa (Part 1). starring: Dirk Bogarde, Jimmy 1.30 Rich Mi», Poor Mai (Part 10) Hanley, Jack Warner, Stanley Baker 9.30 News ail
      771 words
    • 51 15 SWIMMING TIMES mil. Stapam 6.29 i.m. (2.3 m), 8.53 p.m. (2.3 m) MUi UcU 6.43 p.m. (2m). tat MctaH 3.20 p.m. (2m). TMNMW: Xagm* 8.06 i.m. (2.4 m). 9.34 p.m. (2.4 m). MM bcftN 558 I.m. (1.7 m), 7.37 p.m. (2m). tot lictoM 4.11 a.m. (2.2 m), 4.28 p.m. (2.3
      51 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      237 words
    • 164 16 i^V.%%^V.\VSV.\\%SV.VVV.V»VJV.VbV.V.V.«. T^^;W;TSPSiOI LAST DAY! i^ 1111 1 1 1 1 ■nawnri 11, j; MAJOR CHARLES RANE 1 HAS COME HOME I TO WAR! <jT.A Ak. c i ROFJJNG Mr THUNDER VI Anompr hallcnnq F 1 ripentncc liom'hf Ijy^/JB^^^^^ I julhorol TAXI DRIVER (fjC^^^^^^fc} jjjt I wTluam devane Jot I TOMMY
      164 words
    • 517 16 JUMBO TSURUTA JpL I _«rti«B »cub I m\\ W^^^^Mt mwm^^' Mmwt Mm\^L «aB^LV wl BHB^^flrTtTtTj I r. P GIANT BABA v j :imib Wits 1 ••^BBBBBIBBBBBBJI I 4 *^ARK LTWIN Mr* L r WHARF RAT MW "I M M presents BaH^. "^Mmmr I1 B I C it 4 law mV
      517 words
    • 480 16 THE STRAITS TIMES. MON JADE "i9th"DAY!: Due to FILM'S LENGTH ONLY 3 SHOWS DAILY B Note Times: 11am, 3.30 7.45pm-No Free List I 3 days sdvanct CASH BOOKINGS on round floor SI TICKETS CURRENT DAY SALES ONLY flßl mmjmWr^' 'm\' v-"" LEW GRADE Drwwts FRANCO ZEFFIREHTS product™ of JESUS of
      480 words
    • 464 16 IDAV. APRIL 3. 1978 LjjCflTHflVl lUOR6AWtSITION NOW SHOWING' I I Mom. 1 30. 4.00. 6 30. Ml ELVIS PRESLEY JAILHOUSE J ROCK jA tiiiiir.M'TFiTm 6rh W[EK' 38th DAY" 1 30 5 30 6 4V" bW^J 12th ASTOUNDING DAY" llom, 30. 4 00, 6 30, 9 15 g^vw .^bbVAbWjl HUOSON A^J
      464 words

    • 2213 17 A 8 Mrrle* to ntim. SttaMa lUwa fMlifcii w^Uy Imm ualyrts Stock Kif*«— of StaHpm. TW r*Vt hick aad law foUow«d by tW «Mk'i »n— t la prieM. tha «rl4m4 jrtoM. tha Ml prtot Mniac* r«Oo aad volume NOTE: Closing Price mean* the price of lmit reported
      2,213 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 197 17 CTERLINO was under pres- sure last week despite Intervention by Uve UK authorities. It fell sharply from the $1 8850 80 level to a low of $***** 70 against the US dollar In the Singapore forex market while Sterling Sing was also traded downward Irom $4 3560 to $4.2950
        197 words
      • 196 17 rvUT to heavy surpluses In Japanese trade and current account and alao In the balance or payments the yen JUM after Ekster jumped to new all time highs acauut the dollar despite heavy Intervention* by the Japanese central bank The dollar subsequently lost ground over s broad front, falling
        196 words
      • 327 17 T AST week, the announce- ment by MAS of the Issue of 1575 million government registered stock did not show any significant Impact on the market as the Issue was, to some extent, anticipated by market dealers. The Interbank money market continued to remain extremely liquid with Overnight Fund
        327 words
      • 207 17 ASIAN currency average deposits rates (or the week ended Friday. Mar 31. US (Bid Prices) Hifh Lew 7 Days 7 1/8 8 15/16 1 Mth 7 7/16 7 1/8 2 Mths 7 1/4 7 3 Mths 7 7/16 7 3/16 6 Mths 7 11/16 7 5/8 8
        207 words
      • 162 17 I'HE local money market lajt 1 week w»j very easy with very low OvtrniKM trading rates at Urn nag* of 11/2 1 per cent dally 'o clow 2 2 1/2 on but dajr Term rate* saw a drop In the One*. Two* and Threw by about 1/8
        162 words
      • 114 17 THE foilnwlnr Ikat of stork* gim th* 1* most traded In on the Stock Enhance of Sinfspore laat w«k. It |hn the turnover ki th»f nit of mIU, clottn* prior, on Friday and the high and low for 1977 18. i r i 1.53J JnHcd Ovrntu Bank
        114 words
      • 79 17 WITH the prime rate cut to 7 per cent by DBS and Citibank, virtually all bank* in Singapore are now offering the tame term* to their beat customer!. Ovenea-Cbißeae Banking Corporation •till maintain! iv 6*. per cent while only Chartered and United Commercial Bank are now lining
        79 words
    • 327 17 T^BW YORK, m llh 1 stock market, Increasingly burdened by Inflation worries. retreated broadly In moderate trading. Analyst* traced today. nervousness to another large rise )n the nations money supply, reported late yet.terda/by the Federal Reserve. This comes on top of market concerned that the Carter Administration may
      327 words
    • 64 17 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Friday 463 8 Thursday 467.7 Week Ago Closed DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Friday 757.36 Thursday 750.63 Week Ago Closed LONDON DOLLAR riUEMIUM Friday 1034 to 103 Thursday 103 »4 to 104 H.K HANG SENG Friday 445.44 Thursday 444.0* Week Ago Closed SYDNEY INDUSTRIALS Friday 398.62 Thursday
      64 words
    • 234 17 •yITRICH. Frl. Prioes ended the week barely stead In listless trade dealers aald. The renewed weakeness of the dollar dampened buying interest. Domestic and foreign bonds closed quietly steady. Among foreign shares dollar stocks and Dutch Issues lost some ground, and German shares were barely steady. Swissair showed practically
      234 words
    • 126 17 Bw* Tew: Jmn—rj 4, 1971 100 1*77/71 Week! Action Point High Low Industrial Croup 17th 23rd dunce 244.03 145.90 Automotive 238.03 244.03 r 6.00 495.57 328.67 Banks, Insurance, Finance and Trusteet J35.2fi 343.7* >•** 176.64 1354* CbemtcaU, Sobber Product*. KWinmr, and Bmrtilng 173.44 176.64 320 228.39
      126 words
      • 60 17 B T Index: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties: Tins: t rubbers: O.C.B.C.: 8.E.S. Ind.: 681.32 280.97 452.68 181.73 ***** 139.06 470.12 248.08 249.U6 S92.21 281.36 4J2.3U 181.71 164.07 139.10 472.12 248.49 250.25 675.33 282.02 452.49 182.83 164.03 139.15 471.12 248.17 151.15 692.61 284.25 460.95 183.69 164.35 139.46 171.81 252.20 254.36
        60 words
      • 88 17 Mar 27 Mar 28 Mar 29 Mar 30 Mar 31 ft »T. Index: 987.9 b 100.78 992.6Z 10*5.74 1024.80 Imlitriah: 312 15 313.00 314.38 316.61 318.62 Finance: 380.87 380.66 381.44 385.91 391.63 HoteJa: 189.12 188.87 189.12 189.04 189.86 Properties: 163.69 163.89 163.69 164.00 164.82 t Tina: 153.83 153.58 153.95
        88 words
    • 57 17 Current payment Sri Properties 8% M. Cable* 10' Intraco li'-.'j Dnnlop Ind 21 4% Hifh Low 25% M. Breweries 8%(i; Date Total for Total for pay able the year prevfeos year May 24 1*% 16% May 27 12*% lt% May 27 124% 1»%(») May 29 274% 274% May
      57 words
    • 521 17 pEPPER prices fluctuated within narrow limits white other commodities held steady In a quiet Singapore produce market last week. Overseas Interest took a turn for the bttter with buyers In the marcel lor both pepper and coflee. Copra and coconut oil dealers had lnqulriee only on local accounts.
      521 words
    • 203 17 TrOKYO, sat. Price* firmed In active trading on heavy buying' from Japanese corporate* and Institutional Investors to reach a postwar record high for the fifth consecutive day. dealers nld. The Dow Jone average rose 24.25 points to a 5,472 02. with a volume of 370 million shares. The Hew
      203 words
    • 152 17 A MSTERDAM. Frl Prices closed narrowly mixed in dull trading with AkM, Philips and I'nllevrr higher and Hoogovnu and Royal Dutch lower In Dutch Internationals, dealers said. In the rest of the market loner shares Included Kwn, Bijenkorf and Pakhoed, while higher Issues were led by KLM, Bob and
      152 words
    • 98 17 The averaged discount rate on 91-day and 182day Singapore Treasury BWls eased at the latent tender to 3.160 per cent and 3.330 per cent respectively from 3.105 per cent and 3.450 per cent previously the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said. Applications totalled $85.42 million for the
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 53 17 Export pncei In non-iterllng areaa In U8 dollar per ounce (1) Australian dollar per ounce. (2) Average price. Friday ThurwUy Iclbcurne(I) 1C7.49 158. U »u<Jon 1*2 SOB 179 SOB 1R3.25S 180.008 Surlch 181. SOB 17S.00B 182.258 179.758 'arl« 182.U 1HO.99 Saturday Friday longkong 182.8OB 18O.OOB 183.208 180.308 I port
      53 words
    • 31 17 LONDON: Copper prlcei on Friday (previous In bracket*). Wir.bir Spot buyer. £702 ({703.90). aellen £703 (£704.50): rnrre Monlhn buyer* £7t« [£715.50>. lellera £718.50 (£.l9>. MarkM twit: Firmer. lain: 52.050 tonnea.
      31 words
    • 42 17 pOR the ««k ended Saturday 1 April 1 the range of call ■ate received from Short Drponta M> Bcrhad wa» v follow: BANK FUND: 3J to 41 per GINIRAL FUND: 3| to 41 per Movement! of fund totalled (683 nllllon.
      42 words
      • 181 17 LONDON: Tin on the day gained £15 for Cash and £8 tor three Months Standard while High Orade was up £15 and £2 respectively on Friday. The afternoon market tended to bold steady In sympathy with other baa* metals during very slow trading which mostly Involved carries.
        181 words
      • 209 17 KEO to invest M$ll million on plant and equipment KEMPAS Edible Oil Sdn Bhd (K(o), a 70 per cent owned subsidiary of the Slme Darby group, will Invest M$U million on new plant and equipment to double the crude palm oil processing capacity of Its operation at Pasir Gudanj In
        Reuter  -  209 words
      • 197 17 T ONDON: Terminal rubber ■■-'closed uncertain on Friday, at or near the day's low* following sterling's Improve* ment against the dollar after the announcement of c record US trade deficit for February dealers said. Values at the close wer* mostly 005 to O.2Sp per kilo down from yesterday's
        197 words
    • 468 17 SENTIMENT ruled gen61 erally firm In fairly active trading at the Stock Exchange of Singapore last week. Gains were widespread with most blue chips making up rood ground on a combination of investor and Institutional support. Out of the five trading sessions, four were gainful. The market opened
      468 words
    • 392 17 AFTER the generally easier trading seen previously, the Kuala Lumpur stock market recovered some strength last week to maintain a fairly strong trend. However conditions were not as active as before, with only 17.28 million units valued at $37.03 million traded as against some 20 million shares valued
      392 words
    • 572 17 I ONDON: Concern over a the continued weakness of sterling on foreign exchange markets pushed govern ment bonds up to £2 1/8 lower and restrained a technical rally In equities, dealers said. The FT index was up 3.3 at 465.8 points. Trading was generally light following the long
      Reuter  -  572 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 572 18 Sg Za% ■Li r [4*3 WANTED SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE marketing orientated with agency or advertiser experience strong communication skills, good planning and presentation capabilities 'PRO' COPYWRITER a thinker writer with strong talents and natural creative instincts to zero-in concepts. 'OUTSTANDING' VISUALISER with the right feel for good art and graphics
      572 words
    • 722 18 I Nutri-Metics I the world's leader in the field of Pure Nutritious Skin Care Beauty M Aids, seeks qualified, capable, mature and experienced man to fill this I exciting and enriching position to be based in Kuala Lumpur I General Manager I Salary A negotiable attractive income fIE plus Company
      722 words
    • 259 18 We hove |ust concluded o few more agency lines ond ore looking for more young and dynamic marketing staff to |Oin our organisation SALES MANAGER This is a senior position Only applicant with a minimum of 3 years proven sales record and experience in the marketing of OFFICE SYSTEMS need
      259 words
    • 777 18 REGIONAL MINI-COMPUTER SALES MANAGER HKS9O.OOO-HKSI2O.OOO p.a. incentive bonus housing allowance An opportunity has arisen for a seasoned computer marketing man to pioneer a new venture for one of the world's leading names in EDP hardware. Based in Hong Kong, the appointee will be answerable to the Regional General Manager and
      777 words
    • 426 18 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT. CAP, 185 (Pursuant to Section 254 2 (bl AND IN THE MATTER OF MALAYSIA RUBBER J PRODUCTS (PRIVATE) > LIMITED At an Extraordinary General Masting of the above named Company duly convened and held at Room 1110, 11th Floor. Golden Mile Tower. Beech
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 572 19 c saxon SALES REPRESENTATIVE for SAXON Plain Paper Copter* We are interested in an active, agressive male/female with experience in pushing plain paper copiers Applicants must own a car A monthly income of at least $1 .900 (from an attractive salary and commission) awaits the successful candidate In addition a
      572 words
    • 740 19 4J I STATION MANAGERS SI A offers an exacting and exciting career to persons who ©possess at least a class II honours degree; A •are energetic and enterprising and enjoy the challenge A TO7 of being at the core of the airline's airport activities; W; have a flair for dealing
      740 words
    • 959 19 PRE TENDER NOTIFICATION 1> 7V^ SATS will be inviting tenders tor the supply and installation of the m Imp Motenal Handling System for the proposed SATS Air Freight Terminal /w? at Changi International Airport, Singapore 7Sm The "Request For Tender" pockage is expected to be released on 30 v\ Jw?
      959 words
    • 336 19 i A 4 f TENDER PREQUALIFICATION T SIA PLANT EQUIPMENT WORKSHOP 4. AND <& SATS MAINTENANCE CENTRE AT CHANQI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT PWD Closs 'A' Contractors, HDB or JTC P.I- mg Contractors are invited to register their in- yb.. IX7 terest to tender for the supply and instol- "T A lation
      336 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1181 20 CLASSIFIED ADS AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service:- i/^ g-J Weekdays j&± fc^L^ 8 30a.m. —5.00pm Saturdays /T> j 8.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. Public Holidays C.A.T.S. 900 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 235-6*77 i Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mm. $9.00) Per column
      1,181 words
    • 474 20 |Y|l#|^ Having 10 Sale? Special Offers? Discounts? IA/tl 1 KAIHWPP^ RARfiAINS ll^^^V-v^^ V V J M every Wednesday (commencing April 5) yfl \W AAIUTT CCI\ DAKUAin) -V^} Hh^ in The Straits Times Classifieds. II EMPLOYMENT We are expanding and urgently require the I following 32 ExperiencedF/Aanisl Experienced Accounts Clert P
      474 words
    • 776 20 ACCOUNTS SECRETARY FEMALE). Age 20-25 Personable appearance Fluent English Thorough background and experience in maintaining and controlling accounts and cash control for Air Transport. Air Charter Company Office situated at Collyer Quay Fullerton Square area Send personal details experience with recent photograph to 1401. Straits Trading Building. Battery Road. Singapore
      776 words
    • 497 20 II EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCED GENERAL CLERKS required Must have good command of English Kindly send applications together with a nonreturnahle photograph to Queen Street Post Office Box 146 stating qualifications and salary required WANTED MALAY OR Eurasian Kirk as General Clerks/ Typists In export company Apply personally 45. Arab Street Spore
      497 words
    • 660 20 NUTRIMETICS REQUIRES INDOOR Cosmetics Beauty Advisers to keep up with the rapid growth of the company We are looking for Ladies over 20 with a matured, pleasant and outgoing personality who have the ability to converse in English and Chinese dialects Free training between $300 $700 plus Incentives for successful
      660 words
    • 512 20 II EMPLOYMENT 9 Expanding ELECTRONIC COMPANY hae <Kinci« lor RADIO/ CASSETTE 2 LINE 5 FOREMEN (Male) g Dutiet Control of Radio j Cassette and Line Optra tors J Responsible for quality I and quantity aspects of I products I Training of subor-l d I nates I Qualifications J t Able
      512 words
    • 559 20 ELECTRONICS iSI PTE ITO require! TECHNICIAN/ RADIO REPAIRMEN Requirements Musi h.ive completed lull-nine National Ser- Aue below 26 years old Possess ITC Trade (ertitleatc or Radio Servicing OrtlflcatC with experience is ,m advantage Salary will be t-oinmen-siir a I c with quaillicit ions and experience Submit application* with contact telephone
      559 words
    • 589 20 II EMPLOYMENT METAL MACHINIST REQUIRED bl •veil established International company Minimum ntc oracle 111 with relevant working experience Write with details and contact telephone number to The Personnel Officer PO Box 897 Spore hy IS 4 78 AIRCON MECHANICS WITH at least 2 years working experience In package units Preferably
      589 words
    • 558 20 ross CHARTERED INDUSTRIES OF SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. requires (a) SENIOR CLERK-OF WORKS Qualification! a Eiperience Secondary education and Craft Certificate In building construction or equlvalei.t 6 ye^irs practice as Foreman in Construction worksite and ahle to use levelling Instruments Duties: Supervision of piling and building sitework Duration: For one year
      558 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 420 21 II EMFIOYMENT t) OeMMHd Fj'lTltr*nuT >aB BjBT W -«SK* L^Jfi^S I *^K^E- m m (-■"•Vasn n-at-aM 1 IkkS jxMj-S-lhaaVeSaW-t Cfil CiaQfi ri^ajßaasVaKaS^-L.] Haaaal a gfaafll SMGAPORf BUS SBtVH LTD Applications are invited for trie following vacancies: BUS DRIVERS REQUIREMENTS: At least 21 years of age and possess a Class 4
      420 words
    • 602 21 o(Nnnirm| •tnQepejre (Pi Ivate) Llmrtod H requires FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS We Offer High starting salary ofH $6 10 per day Attractive productivity^ incentive scheme while^H under probation Confirmation rate $18oH Per month Salary scale $180 $340 00 Afternoon shift SIOOPerH day Night shift $1 50 Per day^B Semi annual Increments
      602 words
    • 520 21 II EMPLOYMENT w IMM Motor Works (Trading) Pte Ltd Mvrte* applications for the posts ol A ShippuiK Assistant B Senior Shipping Clerk c Account* Clerk Typist I) vil.s Representative A. Shipping Assistant Hetvieen the age of 20-25 Man Must possess (iCF. O' Level or Us equivalent Must be experience in
      520 words
    • 584 21 THOMAS COWAN CO PTE LTD., (A MEMBER OF THE INCHCAPE GROUP OF COMPANIES) requires PEST CONTROL OPERATORS Candidate* should possess the tallowing qualification*: 1 Priman Knglish Education. 2 Holds ,-iass :t driving licence 3 lor 2 years experience In general pest control will be an advantage 4 Cmpleled National Service
      584 words
    • 499 21 II EMPLOYMENT YEO HIAP SENG LIMITED Requires PRODUCTION WORKERS (MALE FEMALE) a Non-citizens may apply a Only 2 shifts a Attractive salary a Fringe benefits. Including attendance and shut allowance, medical benefits, plus free uniforms Apply personally. Mondays lo Fridays (between 9 30 am 11 30 am 2 00 pm
      499 words
    • 739 21 Kw-alH^^i We invite applications for the post Ol ASSISTANT STORE-KEEPER a Minimum (S C E 3 O Level which must include Mathematics Completed full-time National Service a Age below 25 years old a Relevant experience Is preferred Please apply with full personal det. uls slating salary expected, telephone number for
      739 words
    • 851 21 II EMPLOYMENT An esi.iblished publishing company requires FEMALE TYPESETTER/ TYPIST Applicants must have at least three Ci C E. O' level passes iniliidiiiK Knglish and be able to lype accurately at 35 w p in Preference will be given to applicants who are also proficient In HUM* Malay or Mandarin
      851 words
    • 805 21 URGENTLY REOUIRED MALE/ Female* Chinese. Malay. Indian and School leavers for an Interesting Job F.xpccted monthly Income $300 $600 No experience necessary Training provided Interview at 113-A. Blk 4. Queen's Road, off Farrer Road. Spore 10 today tomorrow ll am -4pm EXPANDING CLEANING COMPANY requires Oeneral Cleaners to work in
      805 words
    • 698 21 II EMPLOYMENT An American laetorv in foa Paroh hai McmncMi f<T FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Mow il years No working experience required as training will be proMded Singapore r>lue I.C holders and Malaysians welcomed Please call personally lo The Personnel Department AURORA PRODUCTS CORPORATION ASIA PTE LTO. (25. Lorong 4. Toa
      698 words
    • 910 21 WANTED PERSON WELL verseeHrT Import Kxport trade particular. rj dealing in spices Salary plua commission basis Apply with rul particulars and passport slaa photo (non-returnable) to S 'Sj Baa A***** URGENTLY WANTED: (1) Offl* cum Despatch Hi Chauffeur Please tel *****50 immediately < Jurong Based Food Industry requires MALE a
      910 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 818 22 111 VEHICLES A BOATS 1*74 FIAT 124 Special, two owners alreond. cassette, excellan4 condition road tax expires S«pl '78 Selling $14 200 Tel MM 1*74 BMW. SI model. 3 owners, excellent condition, road tax expires June 78. selling $29,500 Tel *****06 1W TON DAIHATSU lorry Reg April 1975 Oood condition,
      818 words
    • 764 22 WE PAY HIGH price for used, wrap can 109. Upper Serangoon K.,arl Tel *****0/ *****90. END '70. AUSTIN 1300 OT New paint, tyres Excellent condition $5,000 Please contact *****9 END 1671. TOYOTA Corona 1700 cc New metallic paint, tyres Tax 9/78 $7,200. Tel: *****5 1671 AUSTIN 1300 GT Saloon Alrcon,
      764 words
    • 866 22 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES DHDB TOM: 146 Hume Heights One single storey semi-detached house with 2 bedrooms and a living room situated In a quiet and serene locality at Buklt Batok Access Is by way of Lorong Sesual. 9'i ms Buklt Tlmah Road Minimum rental: $700 per month. Premises will be
      866 words
    • 763 22 DIST 15 SINGLE-STOREY BUNGAIOW. Furnished with telephone $500 Available Immediately Tel: *****8/ *****4 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED SEASIDE bungalow with garden. 4 bedrooms. 2 halls, 2 bathrooms and telephone. Dlst 19. Tel: *****57 (office hours) SOMETHING TO BEHOLO Magnificent detached In dlst. 10. Huge living area. Ideal for entertaining guests, tennis court,
      763 words
    • 668 22 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES FUTURA SUPERB LUXURIOUS APARTMENT with 4 bedrooms, large living/ dining fully equipped kitchen and servant's amenities, centrally alrcondltloned. swimming pool and 24 hours security. $3,500 CONTINENTAL HOUSING PTE LTO. TEL: 5397 M MR. WONO CAIRNHILL COURT LUXURIOUS 3-bedroomed apartment. Fully furnished Swimming pool under construction Call *****5.
      668 words
    • 521 22 b) Vteta BUSINESSMAN NEEDS DISTS 3 9 12. 14. 15. IS. 20. 22 apartment or HDB Dial *****9 JAPANESE BANKERS REQUIRE Apartments In Chatsworth Court. Leonle Towers, or similarities Phone: R.T.C. *****11 *****16 SMALL FAMILY NEEDS HDB/ apartments. Dlst 3. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 20. 22 Tel: *****9. FULLY
      521 words
    • 744 22 IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES JONBUNG^I UUUAUU JUUUU Agent. GROUND FLOOR SHOWROOMS/ OFFICES Chin Swee Road 506.1 sq.m Keppel Road/Cantonment Road- 182 53 sq m Serangoon Road 141.49 sq.m Thomson Road/Newton Road 92.94 sq.m. OFFICES TO LET West Coast Road 212.7 sq.m. to 313.3 sq.m. Serangoon Road 83 89 sq.m. to
      744 words
    • 718 22 DIST. 10 3-Storey Detached Bungalow Groundfloor living/ dining, pantry, kitchen and servant's. Ist floor 4 bedrooms 2nd floor store. Site area 1.500 sq.ft. Only $450,000 DIST. 14 Lorong Marzukl. 4 bedrooms. 1 bathroom. Vacant possession Only $70,000 CONTACT S.A.M.CO. SS32S7/ ***** PRESTIGIOUS 2-STOREY house on acre land situated In choice
      718 words
    • 797 22 IV ACCOMMODATION PROPERTIES MANDALAY ROAD (OFF Balestler Road) beautiful 4-bedroomed apartment Quick sale $76,000 Call *****92 OIBT. S PACIFIC MANSION. 1.800 sq.ft 3 bedrooms servant's, high floor. $84,000 negotiable *****2 *****4 HIOHPOINT APARTMENT DIST. t high level Beautifully renovated Central alrcondltlonlng Split-level living, dining. Price $275,000 Principals telephone *****85/ *****13
      797 words
    • 719 22 GENUINE BUYERS require DETACHED HOUSES/ APARTMENTS In Raffles Park Hlllcrest Whitley Holland Orove Westwood Pleaee cell Comprehensive Housing *****2 SPECIALISED IN HDB flits buyIng/ selling, please ring *****97 South Pacific Housing Agency GENUINE BUYERS URGENTLY re. quire houses apartments In good locality Principals please offer *****6 *****49 WANTED SEMI-DETACHED AND
      719 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 557 23 V SERVICES BUSINESS WE CAN SUPPLY around 10.060 pieces of Manau Can* every month Principals can contact Robert S»ow Co 82. Jalan2l'l Sea Park Pelaling Jaya Tel 03v«irr CIGARETTE LIGHTERS IMPOR TIN wish to contact retail/ wholesale shops throughout West Malaysia For more details, please write to Kllllney Road P
      557 words
    • 556 23 During Islh Feb to 15th May if you purchase any of the following Topcen Camaraa or Lanaaa Koniura Lanaaa or Talantoraa Toshiba a lac Ironic flash si Waaular Camaraa or llaatwa iadte Pockat Camaraa You can Join the Nanyang Agency's Easy-to-enter Easy-lo-wln Contest 100 prizes to be won Furthar dvtalls
      556 words
    • 513 23 VI EDUCATION TRAINING Sumford Group ol Collage* Slamtard Education* Tower* Asia's 'ully airconditioned and largest independent resource centre in Business Education CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 218 QUEEN STREET SINGAPORE 7 Pre-University I II Fulltime and Part-time Courses 1) GCE 'A' level Commerce, Arts, and Science. 2) HSC (Commerce Stream). 3)
      513 words
    • 174 23 s* intingua School of Language* LANGUAGE COURSES COMMENCING SOON NO CLASS HAS MORE THAN 12 STUDENTS ENGLISH evening classes 12-week courses Intermediate 3 Wed/Fri from 5 Apr. 7.30 9 10 Advanced Conversation Tues/Fri from 7 Apr 7.30 9 10 INDONESIAN evening classes 12-week courses Beginners 2 Mon/Fri from 7 Apr.
      174 words
    • 511 23 VI EDUCATION I TRAINING Ib GIRLS! Jobs are becoming harder to get you need better qualifications Enrol now at the ITC and qualify lor the London Chamber of Commerce Private Secretary s Certificate and tte ITC s Private Secretary s Diploma the region s leading qualification for a Private Secretary
      511 words
    • 747 23 BOOKKEEPING BEGINNERS' COURSE commencing 1 HIM 11th April, by Mr Choo Morning 10 am 11 a m Fvenlng 530 pm Tuesday Thursday or 7.30 p.m. Mondays Weekend sessions Sunday 10 00 am. 11 30 am Commencing 9.4 78 Enquiries: Peace Centre Commercial School. 226. 2nd Floor. Peace Centre. Selegle Road
      747 words
    • 673 23 VI EDUCATION TRAINING COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE (77th Practical Coima) Highly-appreciated Practical Course begins on Tuaaday. 4th AprU. Has proven extremely useful to those who want to be able to write good business letters executives, secretaries, clerical workers and school-leavers. Learn modern techniques In writing better business letters and reports Learn to
      673 words
    • 689 23 COBOL COMPUTER PROGRAMMING COURSES I with practlcals on IBM Com- puters. '■"inmencing Itth April 7i Tune Sunday* 1 30-5 30 p.m. Duration IS wtati (100 heura) Enrol now at: SYSTEMATIC BUSINESS TRAINING CENTRE 601. 6th dr. Phci Cantr* T«l: *****2/ 3245 M/ 3214 M SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF Science 593-A Serangoon
      689 words
    • 500 23 VI EDUCATION TRAINING SPECIALISED TUITION FOR ;ill levels subjects by trained experienced bilingual teachers Reasonable charges Tel *****2S *****4 Guaranteed Tuition for all subjects levels at your home our centre inquiries 32*022 *****4 *****43 EFFECTIVE HOME TUITION for all levels subjects Reasonable charges Success guaranteed Call MTC *****9/ *****6 Night
      500 words
    • 60 23 ADDITIONAL. MODERN, ELCafH TARV Mathematics tuition trftrJL perlenced teacher* Hnrp,. Centre Individual/ Oroup InToT: matlon lei *****78/ 446T7M EXPERIENCED LADY GRADUATES offer Engllsn Language and Literature tuition *****2 l n t 4422M</ EFFECTIVE TUITION FOR All Levels and Subjects at your home Success guaranteed Tel: 40«204' *****0 MODERN CAKE MAKING
      60 words

    • 69 24 140 Acknowledgements The family of ttw late MRS. LOUIS SNG SOON HEE iwa THERESA TAY KOH MENQ thank all friends, relatives, especially the members of the St Joseph Dying Aid Association who kindly made contributions and also rendered valuable service during their recent bereavement FAMILY OF THE late Mdm Slew
      69 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      35 24 OUEK NQAK PEOW imfm Piihil away 1/4/71 Leaving wife, 3 sons and 3 daughters. Cortege leaving 5/4/78 (Wednesday) from 4 Jalan Sahabat Spore IS off Kovan Road. 2.00 p.m. to Mount Vernon Cremalonum.
      35 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      56 24 MRS. E D. ALLAN nee Doris Rozarlo passed away peacefully on 2/4/78 aged 65 yrs. leaving behind V A. Allan < Jnn 0.8.5. Lumut Perak. Malaysia, R. M. Allan S pore Mrs. I. C. Lee nee Iris Allan. Mrs Santa Maria nee Shirley Allan, brothers, sisters, In-laws, grandchildren and great
      56 words
    • 38 24 MR. WAN KUM TUCK passed away peacefully on 2.4.78 leaving behind his beloved wife, son, daughters, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, grandchildren. The remain Is at Singapore Casket Cremation will take place on Tuesday. 4.4.78 at Mt. Vernon at 11 am.
      38 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 547 24 VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS ■Bva^raanvßßw^H ■T*§3iK3i^Bal it nU 318, 3rd Fir Peninsula Shopping, ComDle« Coleman Street, Singapore b Tel *****8, *****8, *****3 Cable JETSPEED INTERNATIONAL AIM TRAVEL AGENCY PTE LTD offers KXCITINO EUROPE 78 LONDON TO LONDON EUROPEAN CAP TALS in 8 days S Capitals 5571.00 EUROPE in 16 days
      547 words
    • 307 24 o Oi Go to Europe on tours that have proven their value Ask your friends about the wonderful time they had on Global Tours m the past years Over 400 Depar tures covering all of Europe. There is one to Suit you FIVE CAPITALS 8 Days $804.00 Visiting Amsterdam, Paris,
      307 words
    • 499 24 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS Travel now Pay later! IANBkM/HONMONE t UMEA/TMTO MANIA TOU*. u/?iom t!.«H tt.Mt Osp 5/4 19/< 10/S 24/5 7/6. 2V6 TAIWAN NONBXOMC MMMW TMM S/12/14DAYS II ?M 11 4» Jl iii 0»0 3/4 10/4 17/4.24/4 '/SS/515/5 22 /5.25/5 29/5 31/5 2/6 4/6 9/6 14/6 lANSROK HONGKONG MANILA TOUR
      499 words
    • 749 24 SIAKSOM COACH TOoßtPrlnsep Street. Singapore 7 Tel *****8/ .***** HO lines) 7 days Malaya ur-con coach (including Cameron It Denting) $190/- dep every Sunday 5 days Helicopter Tour Penang. Kuala Lumpur It Gentlng (Return air-con coach) $215- dep every Tuesday. 3 days 4 nights Fraser Hills. Qentlng(stay in Merlin Hotel)
      749 words
    • 543 24 VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS V.M.C.A. RESTAURANT Coffee House "A" Orchard Road, next to museum. Tel: *****9 Good NEW KASHMIR RESTAURANT quality, economical Chinese. KASMMIRAN LOUNGE Indonesian ti Western dishes, or t-11 TomUnaon Road set meal From 8 a.m. 10 p.m. Singapore 10. Functions outside catering OFFERING FOR LOVERS OF •*<**"■
      543 words
    • 882 24 I iridf SCHOLARSHIPS Applications are invited from suitably qualified Malaysian citizens for scholarships tenable at Malaysian Universities and other recognised local institutions of higher learning. Awards are available for the following courses of study. Economics (Business Administration/ Accounting) Engineering (Mechanical/ Chemical) Accountancy (ACA, ICMA) Applicants should not be over 23
      882 words
    • 671 24 PEMBEPITAHU KERAJAAN NEGERI PERAK RANCANQAN PERUMAHAN AWAM KERAJAAN NEGERI TANJONQ MALIM II Pemohon-pcmohon adalah dtpelawa daripada Rakyat Negerl Warga Negara Malayala yang mempunyal kelayakankelayan aeperti di bawah untuk membell dengan bayaran anauran Rumah-rumah Awam Kerajaan Negert yang aekarang dibina di Tg. Malim bagl aemua kaum. Jenla rumahrumah awam ml ialah
      671 words
    • 392 24 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA Al KI'AI.A I.l'MPl'K BANKRUPTCY NO. 42 OF i 977 RE: Syartkat Shaifful I sued aa a firmi EXPARTE: First National City Bank. New York. NOTICE To: Syarikat Shaifful. No. 2161 Jalan Sarikei. Off Jalan Pahang. KUALA LUMPUR TAKE NOTICE that a Creditor's Petition has
      392 words

    • 2908 25  -  BLUE PETER By REGAL TAN brilliantly handled by Larry Olsen, won the $82,500 Singapore Derby for top-class stayers over 2,400 metres at Bukit Timah yesterday. Owned by Goodman Stables and trained by Penang trainer Teh Choon Beng, the five year-old by Entrepreneur
      2,908 words
    • 44 25 Ist No. *****4 ($4,424) 2nd No. *****2 ($1,264) 3rd No. *****4 632) STARTERS ($l5O each): Nos. *****1, *****7, *****1, *****5, *****0, *****4, *****9, *****4, *****2, *****8, *****5, *****2. CONSOLATION ($lOO each): Nos. *****1, *****2, *****3, *****6, *****1, *****8, *****2, *****4, *****7, *****0.
      44 words
    • 821 25 THE Stipendiary Steward's report on Saturday* races at Burnt Tlmah. Bute or going Soft. B*ee 1: Kirn Steed (TS. Chiami was slow Into stride. Shortly after the start, Bagtere (X Velayutham) attempted to whip around and In so doing. Inconvenienced Lac (app Y. K. Ton). Jockey Velayutham reported
      821 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 58 25 A c^ <o* Jy &mr 4P,Xy <r Jx y^V^-^r^r^ j\f C^T ovC^ *^2» fjr sS^ X>^^' Jy BlHb VRi PI Qi^i ill £-j^ <f^ ysgggra x-^^Jfiyfc-: y. '^ff^w^^^^S^ Bn^Bn^BnflHl^B^Bn^ln^Bn^ai^^^Ki^Bn^^?^Bn^Bn^HllnH *^t v\S^tKtjttt mm mmw** QaV afl PV"*^H |Pm»33 mmSSSSS^tmid k^P 4 /^RhF^ i fßy **l?^^tEsW Bm^ MBBBma E^^^ H3>^BBm &^GIfrwOQO^QHOOtRMtl/tH)t^wWßßlßßJßwWßso*&*t'ii6o**t^4o&*^^ I
      58 words

    • 150 26 f ONDON, Sun. Phil Thompson, Liverpool's England defender, has been charged by the English Football Association with bringing the game into disrepute. Fhe charge could lead to a suspension. Thompson's verbal attack or referee Pat Partrldfe In a television interview after the recent English L*arue
      AFP  -  150 words
    • 413 26 LONDON. Sun.— The two teams favoured to meet in the English Football Association Cup final. Arsenal and West Bromwich Albion came safely th rough their league trials yesterday. The FA. Cut semifinals are set for this Saturday with Arsenal going against lowly Second Division Orient
      Reuter  -  413 words
    • 1357 26 KIRST DIVISION Arsenal 3 Manchester United 1. Aston Villa 0 Liverpool 3. Bristol City 3 Newcastle United 1. Everton 2 Derby County I, Leicester City 0 West Bromwich Albion 1. Manchester City 2 Ipswich Town 1. Norwich City 3 Leeds United 0. Nottingham Forest 3 Chelsea 1. Queens
      1,357 words
    • 182 26 DARIS, Sun. Prance's injury-hit soccer team, playing without their captain and six other regular players, scored a shock 1-0 victory over' Brazil hi a friendly international here last night to boost their hopes for the June World Cup soccer finals in Argentina. The Brasilians, starting a
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 276 26 BUENOS AIRES, Sun.— Defending champions India bowed out of the fourth World Cup hockey tournament on an ignominious note, crashing to a 2-0 defeat for fifth place yesterday. India, once a hockey superpower, were trying to salvage some measure of dignity in their final match here
      276 words
    • 245 26 Simpson saves the day for Australia fEORGETOWN, Sun West Indies finished the second day of the third Test against Australia here yesterday with a lead of 17 runs and with eight second innings wickets in hand. Brief scores: West Indies 205 and 98-2; Australia 286 A fine seventh-wicket partnership of
      Reuter  -  245 words
    • 138 26 W. INDIES Ist Inn*: 205 AL ST Ist Inn.: Du-llnc c Qreenldge b Phillip IB Wood lbw Holder 50 Olcilvie c and b Phillip 4 Cosier lbw Clarice Serjeant b Clark 0 Simpson run out 6? LaiifhUn c Oreenldge b Parry 21 Rlxon c Holder b Phillip 54 Yardley
      138 words
    • 135 26 Borg to face Gerulaitis wILAN, Sun.— Top seed l Vitas OerulaiUs qualified for the final of the WTC t*ru,!* tournunent. beating Sandy Mayer S-? T-S, 8-1 here last night. The American will meet Wimbledon champion BJom Boiy who earlier defeated veteran American Stall Smith 6-7. 6-0. 6-2. In Oakland, California,
      135 words
    • 57 26 heavyweight champion ot the world. SWIMMING Australian swimmers, including work! record smasher Trscey Wlckhsm. won all four events on the thlra and final day of the all Japan Indoor swimming championships in Tokyo yesterday The Australians won a total of 12 events and lost two to Japanese in the
      57 words
    • 43 26 RICHFIELD, Sun— Oeorge Oerrln's 28 points. Including six free throws in the final three minutes, carried the Ban Antonio Spun to a 98-95 victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers on Thursday night, clinching their first National Basketball Association central division championship. AP.
      AP  -  43 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 493 26 Amov Canning \V, \Q\s\ ■iSjf «/>•- Corpn Flctorv J^iA XV^Sm .-SS»S^. y H '»P S'XQ s^^^ —^$^j;r ii- factories^ 0 (^^sn^\ yZ'/ V Comply 7f UPPER BUKI y^ C|RCUS J1 X J^. o\ N v rfS"V7°/ s« Sport y r —^\V«\ /iV___—^ V JURONG O-.-.V A Ch.Sch. \> /V 7
      493 words

    • 214 27  -  PETER SLOW By MOHAMED Noh, the ill gentleman of Singapore tocccr who put Singapore •n the victory trail against Perils with two goals in the 59th and 68lh minutes tarnished his image at the National Stadium last night. For the first time In his international
      214 words
    • 627 27  -  JOE DORAI By ("DACI! Sebastian Yap's team problems caused by injuries to key men Samad Alapitchay and DoFlah Kassim increased last night when "Gentleman" Mohamed Noh was sent off the field in the 80th minute of the Malaysia Cup soccer match against Perlis at
      627 words
    • 276 27 VTNETEEN young water-polo players will face a stern test when they compete in next week's under-17 and, on April 25, in the under-20 Singapore Amateur Swimming Associationorganised competi- tions at the Toa Payoh pool, reports ALBERT JOHNSON. They are Oan Ai Teck, Tan Chin Chye,
      276 words
    • 223 27 JAKARTA, Suii. Taiwan's Kuo Chle Hslung won the Indonesian Open golf championship by three strokes here today with a 72hole total score of nlne-under-par 275. Kuo finished the 18 holes of the 6,060 metres par-7l course at the Ancol seaside recreation centre with a
      223 words
    • 31 27 WELLINGTON. Sun.— A World Rugby Union XV slumped to their only defeat of a three-match tour of New Zealand by losing 21-15 to a Petone Invitation team here today.
      31 words
    • 145 27 A SOLID 58 by young Chris da sllva, eldest ton of former Singapore cricket captain Reggie da Sllva. helped the Armed Forces to force Ceylon sports Club to a draw In a Singapore Cricket Association League match at Balestler yesterday. CSC scored 199. but found young
      145 words
    • 28 27 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. —Armed Forces beat Kedah 3-0 in a Malaysia Cup North Zone match tonight, scoring through Ibrahim Din, Majld Mat Rabl and Nordln Abdullah.
      28 words
    • 48 27 BADMINTON National schools secondary and postsecondary final round (New Town 3 p.m.). BASKETBALL National schools tournament (Thomson Secondary 2.30 p.m.). RUGBY National schools tournament (Monies Hill and WAS B. IS a.m.). TABLE TENNIS National schools tournament (Chung Cheng 3.15). TENNIS National schools tournament (Farrer Park 2 p.m.).
      48 words
    • 102 27 NEWLY-prcmoted Serangoon Gardens opened their National Football League Division Two campaign on a bright note when they beat Jalan Besar 6-2 at I Serangoon Gardens on Saturday, reports JOE DORAI. Serangoon's new find, striker Abu Bakar Saad, was their best performer with four goals, which
      102 words
    • 290 27  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By FOR the first time. Indonesia have included diving in the ASEAN age group swimming championships in Jakarta from July 6—BIndonesla have also decided to Invite other member-countries of the South-east Asia Games Federation to compete in the ASEAN meet. Singapore,
      290 words
    • 274 27  - Veteran Abbas routs his rivals PATRICK BASTIANS By yFTERAN cyclist T Abbas Muttalib will head Singapore's challenge in the Tour of North Malaysia from May 6-9. This was decided by the Singapore Amateur Cycling Association after he had won SACA's qualifying race yesterday the 100 km point race at East
      274 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 139 27 BANK BANK BANK BANK 1 m¥ '—HWvy' "^tUi'k ißv vrHB Jim I I Mm M W^\ *vi rt atr r^J fl fl /T fl wr -\\3w mii r] ■r Afl I m *j" lE HbV i»»«. B^nT*^*aß bls s 1 -^^bbb^bl b^v ai If your business target is the world,
      139 words

  • 98 28 HELMETED riot poUce clad in protective padded armour swing their lathis in Patna in Eastern India on Friday as they beat up demonstrators protesting against an Increase in the government quota of jobs reserved for lower-caste Hindus. Three people died and more than
    AP  -  98 words
  • 316 28 Clashes with students: Army says sorry JAKARTA, Sunday JAKARTA'S military commander today apologised to parents whose children were hurt In clashes with troops during the People's Congress session which ended last week. The commander. Major Oeneral Norman Sasono, said: "I apologise for the Inco n v c n lences that
    316 words
  • 36 28 LAHORE. Sun An earthquake of mild Intensity shook Lahore yesterday (or three seconds accompanied by a rumbling sound, the Associated Press of Pakistan uported. No details of any casualties or damage were given. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 56 28 BELGRADE. Sun. Twelve Yugoslavs received sentences from lour months lor arms smuggling, the Belgrade dally Politlka Ekspres reported yesterday. The report said the 12 were sentenced by a court at Slavonskl Brod. west of Belgrade, on Friday after they were found guilty of "unauthorised Import and
    AP  -  56 words
  • 35 28 WASHINGTON. Sun. Mr. Robert McNamara this weekend marked his 10th anniversary as president of the World Bank, and at the same time started out on a third five-year term In the post. AFP
    AFP  -  35 words
  • 402 28 Border row: Russia accuses China of bad faith MOSCOW, Sunday THE Soviet Union accused China of bad faith in the border dispute between the two nations yesterday as the train carrying Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev on a far eastern tour neared the contested area. Nine years after bloody nghtlng between
    AFP  -  402 words
  • 266 28 All-out Peking effort to boost technology HONGKONG, Sunday r<HINA will mobilise its entire population to study and raise the scientific and cultural level of the country. This was stated in a joint editorial by the Peking People's Dally, the theoretical journal Red Flag and the Liberation Army Daily, marking the
    AFP  -  266 words
  • 72 28 MANILA. Sun. A chain letter being circulated In the Manila area asks residents to sound cars horns, bang pans and shout on the eve of Friday's national elections to solidarity with imprisoned opposition leader Benigno Aquino. The letter urges five continuous minute* of noise starting at
    AP  -  72 words
  • 63 28 LAHORE. Sun. Retired general Tlkka Khan, arrested here on March 30 for leading a political demonstration against the death sentence passed on deposed Premier Zulflkar All Bhutto, has been released. It was announced here. Assistant advocate general Rashed Aziz, at a Lahore High Court hearing to challenge
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 301 28 LUSAKA. Sunday JgHODESIAN forces with jets and helicopters have launched their second big incursion into Zambia in a month, apparently raiding nationalist guerilla camps, diplomatic sources said today. The raid took place last weekend at the southern end of Lake Kariba part of the 724
    Reuter  -  301 words
  • 367 28 PoW: Hanoi has plans to conquer Cambodia BANGKOK, Sunday THE Vietnamese army has set up a special operational headquarters to coordinate and complete the conquest of Cambodia by the end of this year, a captured Vietnamese colonel said today in a Phnom Penh radio broadcast. According to Col. Nguyen Van
    AFP  -  367 words
  • 191 28 Three nations to cut oil prices NICOSIA. Sun. The Middle East Economic Survey, published here, said today that Nigeria, Algeria and the Libyan Jamah iriyah had decided to reduce most of their crude oil prices for the second quarter of this year because of rising competition from North Sea oil.
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 143 28 TOKYO, Sun. A Some 1,000 axeswinging fishermen and their supporters today blocked work to reclaim a bay in north-western Japan to construct a thermal electric power plant, police reported. Police said five workers were Injured when as- saulted by protesters who boarded work
    UPI  -  143 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 158 28 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price 50* Annual Subscription tISS Circulation Manafer Telephone 3700 i 1 Ext 204 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... The secondary market is in business with a vengeance as portfolio managers scramble for the new Government registered stocks and the Central Provident Fund livens up even the longer-term
      158 words
    • 357 28 APPROVAL SERVICE THROUGH our approval service you con see a I I wide selection of stomps on 10 days approval I You buy only whot you want and return the rest I I with payment A pocket of 55 different stamps, including I I Russia Rwando birds, New Zealand triangles,
      357 words

  • 1429 29  -  MILTON CHASE By in WASHINGTON Fast growing racket in America with yearly turnover of $3.9 billion "CHOP SHOP" in the IS does not make those beautifully engraved name or brand seals that the Chinese prize so much. An American chop shop,
    1,429 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 261 29 There is more to a tin of Milo than meets the eye When you buy a tin of Milo, you're goodness. The goodness of probuyinq more than just a tasty teins, vitamins and full cream milk chocolate drink. You're paying And that great chocolatey taste less for better quality each
      261 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 649 30 1 UNITED OVERSEAS BAIMK LTD iNCOBPO"fl T ED >N Ih( PEPuBuC 0* SINGAPORE) ANNOUNCEMENT To All Shareholders Subiect Results for the year ended 31 December 1977 R—ultt The Directors are pleased to announce that the audited results for the year ended 31 December 1977 of the United Overseas Bank and
      649 words
    • 157 30 New FOCL premises 4602 OCBC CENTRE SINGAPORE 1 OUR NEW PHONE NUMBER IS *****2 and promises. WE UNDERSTAND MONEY First Oversea Credit Limited A Joint Affiliate of Oversea Chinese Ban. ing Corporation Ltd and Midland Bank Group United Overseas Land Ltd Hotel Merlin Singapore Ltd Faber House (Pte) Ltd Mount
      157 words
    • 367 30 /^IK^ APPLIED RESEARCH V>l!^ CORPORATION Removal Notice Effective today, we have moved to 303 Tanglin Road, Singapore 10. New Tel. No. *****11 I our rruflMGEmEnT I I dDminiSTMTion office I I isnow dTUfIIT32I I PuaAsxtKomma I m I telephohe numms I REFTUJin UnCHrfMIGED I I CHANGE OF j TELEPHONE NUMBERS
      367 words
    • 578 30 St'BORDINATE COURTS SINGAPORE DC Summons No. 464 i of IS7H Between KAR EASTERN BANK LIMITED Plaintiff* And LOW CHEE CHIEW Defendant To: Low Chee Chtew late of Rooms 205-209. 2nd floor. International Plaza. Anson Road. Singapore. TAKK NOTICE that an tictton has been commenced .inamsi you in the Subordinate Courts
      578 words
    • 203 30 BAILIFF'S SALE In Thr SuMniinii* Court! Of Thr Republic Of •iinmjxirr Wi-1 Of l)i.lrr» No 7 01 117* Th. OMM Of Til k Kmk lan 4 Othrrs Plair.tiff Versus Ker Kok t a K«1 Eagle Oricwmation Defendant Auction Sale Of 01 up equipment, soft ciri'iks i>*<ler kltihen To Be
      203 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 586 31 Built in 1900, the Goodwood Park Tower is once again open, with all its original splendour. < Goodwood Park Hotel re-introduces the 19 th century Th«» npu/lv rpnnuatoH Tnu/or VWino hmiQPQ new public areas. Tower Lobby. With its leather ncr, for drinks, good quiet ket. The first of its kind
      586 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 228 32 In 1900a grand beginning The Goodwood Park Hotel Was go-rounds, side-shows and shooting built in 1900 as the Teutonia Qa TnTciubs reading room had been Clllb for the German converted into a ballroom for the occacommunity in Singapore. j^&£ f M every na It was the first time the German
      228 words
    • 315 32 freshments laid out on the lawn. Then came 1914 and the outbreak of World War I resulted in needless tragedy and the end of the Teutonia Club. When the war ended, the former Club building made news of a different kind before it embarked on its career as a hotel.
      315 words
    • 668 32 Reopened in 1978 with all its 19th century splendour MOW open for DUSiness, the newly pore's most expensive and most luxurious renovated Goodwood Park Tower Wing suite an exclusive club and a gourmet market creamy cakes and aM and 1 40 other menu items; an exclusive night-club, called the West
      668 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 598 33 The West End Club Goodwood's first exclusive nightspot. Neo-classic decorative theme throughout The Goodwood Park Tower Wing is decorated in elegant 18th century neo-classic style. Neo classicism was by far the most important influence to mould 18th century furniture. This return to Roman and Greek art was introduced and popularized
      598 words
    • 371 33 The West End ClubGoodwood's first exclusive club With the West End Club, the Goodwood Park opens its first after-nine spot for dancing, wining and entertaining. Handsomely decorated with suede and glass wall panellings with chrome trimmings and rich brown colours, the West End Club is designed to fill the need
      371 words
    • 382 33 ADVERTISEMENT Philips congratulate the Goodwood Hotels Corporation on the opening of the new Goodwood Park Tower Wing Wii/^K supplied the new Goodwood Park Tower with light ing and communication systems. Philips provide virtually everything for a hotel but the guests Hotel keeping is a service industry catering !I! duration for
      382 words
    • 90 33 Congratulations Goodwood Park Hotel \fe arc proud to hare installed the complete air conditioning system for Goodwood Park's Tower \fflng Kian Gwan Engineering Pte. Ltd. 918-1018 Tanglin Road Singapore 10 Congratulations Goodwood Park Hotel on the opening of its Tower Wing from Singapore Carpet Manufacturers Pte. Ltd M TANGUN r5r
      90 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 222 34 Congratulations to Goodwood Park Hotel on the opening of the^est End Club mr *A af CALDBECK MACGRECKMB (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. Th# irVaTW ond Spirit MOTcnont Congratulations to Goodwood Park Hotel on the opening of its Tower Wing from yfRCo THE MAIAVAH REFRIGERATING CO., (PTE) LTD. 200 CANTONMENT ROAD P O
      222 words
    • 149 34 J^ a^ a^^^a^^a^^^^^^^a^^^ B^L^^^^^^^a^L^^^a^^^^^^C^^a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^afl al |M arrf^^/^VIN^^T m. -*w Ik Vjjf^iOa^aaaal JW^^WapßßW^| Congratulations to Goodwood Park Hotel on the opening of its Tower Wing from 3D m ziwi wn:ks 2 ENTERPRISE ROAD. JURONG. SINGAPORE 22 REPUBLIC OF SfMGAPORF. CABLE: "FITZSALES" TELEX: RS ***** TEL: *****11 Congratulations to Goodwood Park Hotel
      149 words