The Straits Times, 25 March 1978

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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  • The Sunday Times
    • 110 1 FIVE men were still drinking In a wine shop in Amoy Street at 2 a.m., although it was well past closing time. Chew Llew Tea, who was in charge of the shop, then asked three of the men whom he recoglilsed as regular customers to
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    • 105 1 It's on again— The Great Oscar Race... THE Academy Award Oscar race has bepun and Hollywood is all geared up to select the top Him stars of the year. The awards ceremony is scheduled for April 3, but already the jostling and jockeying has started with friendships, petty vendettas, old
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    • 94 1 WITH more than 100 horses at his Yorlcshlre stables, Ken Payne, former window cleaner, was cne of the top trainers on the horse racing circuit He notched up dozens of winners each season. But his greatest victories were scored against the bookies. For Payne
      94 words
    • 74 1 MOTORING costs are so prohibitively high in Singapore that before long only the upper middle and higher income groups would probably be able to buy and maintain a car in a roadworthy condition. But if you are still thinking of disposing of that old car of
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  • Sunday Nation
    • 117 1 THE drug problem has been contained, the Home Affairs and Education Minister, Mr. Chua Sian Chin, told Parliament this week. That still leaves 20,000 of the population estimated to be addicts. Eight areas are known to the law as drug prone. SUNDAY NATION went to
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    • 179 1 WHEN a woman conducts an orchestra, she is a conductor. But when she conducts a bus, she Is a conductress. Why are job descriptions like teacher, lawyer, doctor and accountant sexless? And why, on the other hand, do we say Girl Friday, and
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  • 64 1 BANGKOK. Frl— Two Thai civilians were killed In a Joint attack by Cambodian soldiers and Thai communist guerillas on a tapioca plantation near the northern frontier. Police said the at- tackers. armed with automatic weapons and grenades, also set tire to two trucks last Wednesday when
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 714 1 BEGIN'S FATE AT STAKE? Talks with Carter go badly TEL AVIV, Friday THE Israeli Prime Minister, Mr. Menachem Begin, returned here today with a shadow hanging not only over the special Isracli-U.S. relationship, but also over his own political future. His talks with President Carter in Washington this week fared
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  • 102 1 LAHORE, Fri. The finance minister under former prime minister Zulflkar Ali Bhutto was arrested today on a martial law order against public disturbances, a military government announcement said. Mr. Mubashlr Hassan, who also was a founding member of Mr Bhuttos Pakistan Peoples Party, was tossed into
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  • 63 1 PRESIDENT Suharto (left) embraces the new Vice- President Adam Malik after Dr. Malik took the oath of office in Jakarta on Thursday. Dr. MaUk will soon move his office into the state palace. He will later move into the mansion-like offices of the Vice-Pre-sident across Monas
    AP  -  63 words
  • 133 1 Boy dies in cholera epidemic X LUMPUR, Fri A THREE and a-half year-old Chinese boy has died of cholera In Krlan, PeraK, tne acting Director ot Health. Dr. Abdul Talib bin Latiff, said today. The Krian, Kinta and Dindings districts of PeraK nave Deen declared chclera-infected. He said that during
    AFP  -  133 words
  • 69 1 PEKING, Fri.— China mad* It clear yesterday It wou.d only sign a proposed peace and friendship treaty with Japan If a controversial antihegemony clause so far resisted by the Tokyo Government was Included. A vice-chairman of the National People's Congress (.Parliament). Mr. Ulanfu, told a group
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 39 1 BANGKOK Frt. Laos would welcome any assistance from friendly nations to help the country's economic reconstruction and its efforts to relieve impacts from the severe drought there last year, a Laotian Government spokesman said here today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 72 1 LONDON. Frl—Angola said today It had repelled an attack across Its border by forces from nelghbourlng Zaire. Luanda Radio, monltored here, said the Zalre forces were backed by planes In the attack four days ago. The radio quoted a Detente Ministry communlque as saying the
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 202 1  -  AHMAD OSMAN By THE two Vietnamese pilots who made an unauthorised landing here on Wednesday night flew to San Francisco yesterday after the US Government accepted their application for resettlement there. Lt.-Col. Lai Dal Ngoc, 37 and Capt. Dlnh Cong Gelng, 40, left by a
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  • 31 1 KINSHASA. FTI. At least 22 people were killed and many injured in a train accident two days ago in eastern Zaire. Azap news agency reported today.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 29 1 NEW DELHI. PTI. Lieu-tenant-Oeneral P. P. Malhotra will succeed General Tapishwar Nath Ralna as Chief of Staff of the Indian Army, an official announcement said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 284 1 Dollar falls to a new low TOKYO, Friday rpHE US dollar clos- ed at a record postwar low rate of 228.20 yen on the Tokyo foreign exchange market today after heavy Central Bank Intervention to prevent a further fall. The Bank of Japan bought an estimated $20C million in active
    Reuter; UPI  -  284 words
  • 54 1 TOKYO. Frl Japanese diplomats, accredited In African countries, ended their three days of talks here today, with a recommendation for expansion of economic assistance to Africa. The 15 ambassadors and consuls-general also recommended that the Japanese Government should assist In eliminating racial discrimination in South Africa.
    AFP  -  54 words
  • 30 1 NICOSIA. Frl The Prime Minister of the wlfproclatmed Turkish federated state of Cyprus, Mr. Necat Konuk. resigned today, blaming disloyalty amor.g party colleagues and the economic situation. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 106 1 LATEST Turkey offers asylum to Bhutto h ANKARA, Frl.—Turj could offer asylum Pakistan's ez-Pre-—ler Zulfikar All Bhutto, now under sentence of death. Prime MlnUter Bulent Ecevit said today. Mr. Ecevit sent a plea on behalf of Mr. Bhutto, convicted in a Labor* court last week for his part in plotting
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 29 1 kings SAFETY V SHOES Oil fj /^Resistant jm **~~dbvs«n. Mod 70S <£&fe, KINGS SHOE MFG. PTE.LTD. 3RiUjHt 122, Blk. 36, Dakota Crescent, vWgdT Singapore 14, K»£s«"t«iM Tel: *****1 *****27.
      29 words
    • 110 1 HOME OWNERSHIP THROUGH Hlfl OVERSEAS UNION TRUST LTD (A subsidiary o! Overseas Union Bank Limited) We provide loans ror purchase of houses, flats and other properties up to 80% of valuation on easy repayment terms up to 20 years. Other facilities include: Short-terms Loans and Hire Purchase facilities at competitive
      110 words
    • 248 1 MINISTRY ACTS OVER TEACHER SHORTAGE -Page 10 VIOLATION of US arms law by Israel 2 JAPAN pledge to reduce surplus with EEC 3 WAR of words spreads at Peking University 6 OUTCRY over A and E fee Increase S "SAVE Woodlands" plea to HDB 9 Why drug kings skip S'pore
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    • 4 1 abermain Registered Trade Mark
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Untitled
    • 415 2 VIOLATION OF U.S. ARMS LAW BY ISRAEL? Probe into use of F-15 in Lebanon WASHINGTON, Fri. A toplevd investigation has been started to determine whether Israel's use of IS weapons in the invasion of Lebanon lias violated an American !j\v which limits the >.se of its arms exporls. A Defence
      Reuter; AP  -  415 words
    • 62 2 ANKARA. Fri. A Turkish deputy public prosecutor was shot dead today, the latest victim In a wave of violence which has cost around 90 lives so far this year. «Ne witnesses said Mr. Dogan Ui was shot several times by two asfc«.'-ii'.s In the centre of Ankara
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 157 2 MOSCOW, Fri. Soviet railways have started express services on several new routes between Moscow and the south but they take longer than the old slow trains, a weekly newspaper reported. Literaturnaya Gateta said disgruntled travellers wrote in protesting the "illogical changes in the iTmetable" for
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 173 2 More oil spills as tanker splits again BREST (Fiance), Fri The wrecked supertanker Amoco- Cadiz broke apart again early today off the Brittany coast and the last 50,000 tonnes of oil in Its tanks began to spill Into the sea. The vessel broke at the rear justj ust under its
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 257 2 pAKISTANs chief martial law administrator, General Zia-Ul Hag, said in an interview televissed here last nigiit that it was not In his power to spare the life of former premier Zulfikar All Bhutto, now under sentence of death. He told Srltish Independent Television News
      Reuter  -  257 words
    • 44 2 Dutch 'no' ti;e Hague, rri. Dutch Foreign Minister ChrLstoph Van Ocr Klaauw said today he would refuse to give the US a commitment to allow the neutron bomb to be stored In Holland, if disarmament talks with the Soviet Union brought no concession*. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 112 2 LONDON, Fri. Princess Margaret, Queen Elizabeth's sister, was yesterday described In Parliament as a parasite by an angry leftwinger. There have been strong protests from a small group of ruling Labour Party nclticlans recently about the princess, who is separated from her husband and who
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 59 2 LIU Yuet-Man (right) who collapsed two years ago from kidney failure is pictured in San Francisco with his brother Liv Yrung-Wal who came to the United States from China after a prolonged ordeal of red tape. Yenng-Wal came to the US to donate bis kidney to
      AP  -  59 words
    • 66 2 Police raid airport opponents TOKYO. Fri. Police early today raided a score of strongholds of radical opponents of the new Tokyo International Airport. A police spokesman said 800 riot police took part In the raid, which was stlii continuing. The raid followed bomblnps and destruction of fuel pipeline linking the
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    • 38 2 WASHINGTON Fri. Senator Henry Jackson, whose Easter trip to the Soviet Union was abruptly cancelled by Moscow earlier this month, urged the administration yesterday to resolve all Issues blocking full diplomatic IH With frhlna UPI.
      UPI  -  38 words
    • 70 2 WASHINGTON, FM. Congressman Charles Dlggs, a leading civil rights advocate and founder of the black caucus In Congress, was indicted today on charges of cheating the United States Government of more than US$lOO.000 (SI230.000) by falsifying office payrolls. Mr. Dlggs. a Michigan Democrat who has served 24 years
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 235 2 'Set deadline for M-E peace' call to Arabs CAIRO, Friday ■pGYPT'S semi-official Al-Ahram news- paper called yesterday for President Sadat and hardline Arab opponents of his Middle East settlement bid to meet urgently, set a deadline for an Arab-Israeli peace deal apd prepare war plans as an alternative. The newspaper's
      Reuter  -  235 words
    • 201 2 'NO NEED TO FEAR THAT KNOCK AT MIDNIGHT' NEW DELHI, Fri. Prime Minister Morarjl Desal and his Government yesterday renewed pledges to free India from fear and sought to reassure citizens disappointed by his first year of rule. Stressing the return of freedom to the world's largest democracy, Mr Desal
      AP  -  201 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 89 2 %(vC\AV l^° o toGtizenWatchCaLtd rN^v^l j^SIl and Gilman Singapore Pte. Ltd V \J o0 0 /Bfes JJ 0 on the opening of their j 8 o new Citizen Quartz Centre ■Hi Am my Jj*& ME if 4 i XXI <-JL 1 ICI £LLy\. JL V^ At m\ x [^mw^^*^**** m\\Cj^
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  • Untitled
    • 205 3 PRESIDENT Carter and X British Prime Minister James Callaghan conferred for two-and-a-half hours here on the economic Ills besetting the western world and ways to restore business confidence. They met at the White House yesterday to discuss International ec on omlc cooperation prior
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 242 3 US will consider any arms request by Zambia LUSAKA, Fri. The Uniiea mates Cioveinmeia wouiu "seriously consider" aims supplies II requested oy £*****14 and omer lrumiinc states in soumern Ainca to aetena uiemseives trom attacks Dy Knodesia, trie be> ambassador to tne United, Nations, Andrew Young, sa.d here yesterday. Interviewed
      Reuter; AFP  -  242 words
    • 86 3 Tongsun tells of payoffs to Seoul men WASHINGTON. Frl. Senate investigators quoted Tongsun Park as telling them yesterday he paid more than US$l million (552.3 million) to South Korean administrators and legislators In addition to his payments to US congressmen. "He sent them gifts," Seaator Harrison Schmitt, cochairman of the
      AP  -  86 words
    • 50 3 BANGKOK. Frl. Radio Phnom Penh today renewed its claim that Vietnam Intends to "swallow" Cambodia. The broadcast said that "faced with this threat, the heroic people of Cambodia have Joined the revolutionary forces to staunchly defend Cambodian national dignity against all enemies especially the Vietnamese aggressors." —APP.
      AFP  -  50 words
    • 45 3 PEKING. Prl. China la organising Its first big multinational industrial exhibition since 1848 Id Peking next October. The fair, further proof of China's opening to the outside world, will have stands from a dozen countries and concentrate on agricultural machinery. APP i
      AFP  -  45 words
    • 341 3 JAPAN and the European Common Market today wound up more than a week of tough trade negotiations here with a joint communique in which Japan forecast a reduction in its huge balance of payments surplus Japan plso promised to do its best to
      Reuter  -  341 words
    • 60 3 BANGKOK. Frl—The new permanent constitution, presently being drafted, will guarantee full human rights Including the most 11 b c ral freedom-of-press policy In Thailand's constitutional history, a government official said yesterday. It will permit government censorship of news only In the event of war. national emergency or martial
      AFP  -  60 words
    • 163 3 'ARAB BANK PAID OFF LANCE'S $8m LOAN' WASHINGTON. Frl. The head of an Arab- controlled bank in London paid off a I 553.5 million (SSB million) loan owed by former US Budget Director and Presidential confidante Bert I.ance without asking for a signed note, a lawyer lias told a court.
      AP  -  163 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 276 3 .ataaVaVaVaffaaffaffaVatsaVaVaVaVatmaMam* Jr^ >mW j£o alt aaffaaff] I W^zL aw*^ -Jr 41 i^k^aawJ bbt aarr -^U aaL M ■aa* aaaW at naßßß^^^Bßßal £,^V!aa>3 mW M E^ F^ v ifsßaJJi ftv 1 KOREAN CHESTS AND SELECTED ORIENTAL ANTIQUES Rm Wti cantivy carwl opium tMd with partings on lacquw 19»h c«ntury Owns* doubt*
      276 words
    • 410 3 P^2^BSa^-*3--E-mv»iiE3-S2-.«Ba«3iS«--a^ adaK PERSONNEL MANAGER Around $30,000 p.a. This position is with a leading international organisation engaged s in the manufacturer and marketing of very fast-moving consumer j products in the region. The Company operates a network of j! branches in Malaysia and is currently employing approximately 2.000 personnel. The person
      410 words
    • 847 3 SALES DIRECTOR (Capital Project Engineering) Around 5565.000 p.a. plus company car V 3 A progressive international Group of Companies with extensive Kfl investments and successful marketing/manufacturing operations M in Malaysia engaged in a comprehensive range of engineering pro- II ducts is seeking the services of Sales Director. The Director will
      847 words

  • 1033 4 300 million watches a year by 1980-30% will be quartz Watches stretch IV2 times around the world Mr. Eiichi Yamada, President of the Citizen Watch Co. Ltd. arrived in Singapore from Japan yesterday for the 15th Anniversary of Citizen in Singapore. When interviewed, Mr. Yamada pointed out that Citizen views
    1,033 words
  • 973 4 Citizen watch was first introduced in Singapore in 1963 through Gilman Co. Ltd. who are the sole agents for Citizen in Hong Kong and Singapore. In the same year. Samson Sun and K.K. Tan of Gilman Co. Ltd. led a group of press reporters from both
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  • 530 4 The group is formed of many interrelated Citizen corporations and can be divided broadly into the Citizen Watch Co. Ltd. which manufactures watches and clocks; the Citizen Trading Co. Ltd., a sales outlet dealing primarily in watches and clocks and Citizen Business Inc. which specializes in the
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  • Article, Illustration
    331 4 Message from Mr. E. Yamada, President, Citizen Watch Co., Ltd. and Mr. K. Midzuno, President, Citizen Trading Co. Ltd. Fifteen years ago, when we first came to Singapore, Japanese watches were regarded with considerable skepticism by the general public. Now, all that has changed and Japanese watchmakers have achieved a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 615 5 Today Citizen open their first Quartz Centre in S.E Asia T^lic new Citizen Quartz Centre at HHUHHRHI^ H Cl T^Tr* 1 G-16 Lucky Plaza, Orchard Road VI Wm v/1 1 IZEIV QUARTZ opens today. ffßßu tfO^^^^H —n 1 1 a^— interior designer, H. Yokozawa, |^^J L-Zl^^^^^B P^B lk^^£ Ji W
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  • Untitled
    • 144 6 Disputed island: Japanese rule call rpOKYO, Frl. The X ruling Liberal Democratic Party urged the government today to establish Japan's rule over the disputed Senkaku Islands In the East China Sea. A resolution adopted by the party's executive council called for construction of facilities such as a heUport and harbour
      UPI  -  144 words
    • 367 6 War of words hots up at 'Peita' Row over standards of students PEKING, Friday A WAR of words between new and older students at Peking University, or Peita as the university is known, over who is best qualified to study there ippcars to be spreading, campus sources said today. They
      Reuter  -  367 words
    • 89 6 MANILA. Fri. A leading Philippine dally today deplored the recent publication In local newspapers of "For rent" advertisements for houses and apar tments carrying the stipulation "for foreigners only" or "foreigners preferred." In an editorial comment, the mass-circulation English language Philippines Dally Express wondered
      AFP  -  89 words
    • 113 6 HANOI: AID ONLY IF NO STRINGS ATTACHED TOTTED NATIONS. Frl. U Vietnam will accept a helping hand from any country, provided the aid is "disinterested and without any strings attached." Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Vo Dong Oiang said here today. He said his country "apDreciates all forms of bilateral or
      AFP  -  113 words
    • 27 6 HONOKONO. Fri. Vietnam yesterday officially abolished all private enterprises In the southern half of the country. Radio Ho Chi Mlnh Cltv announced last night AFP.
      AFP  -  27 words
    • 127 6 Ethiopia. Cuba terms for peace NAIROBI, Frl— Ethiopia and Cuba said today peace will be restored on the Horn of Africa only when Somalia publicly renounces Its claim to the Ogaden Desert and stops interfering In Ethiopia's Internal affairs. However, In a Joint communique Issued following a visit to Addis
      UPI  -  127 words
    • 69 6 BANGKOK, Fri. Storms in Thailand's north-eastern Nong Khai province have swept away hundreds of houses and caused over 10 million baht (Ssl.l million) worth of damage in the past week, according to reports here today. An official in the Muang district said that high winds and
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 50 6 ATHENS. PTI. The Greek Government liut night Introduced antl-teiro-rLst legislation which MU forth the death sentence for •eta of terrorism In which a person Is killed. The BUI. tabled In Parliament by Justice Minister George Stamatls, Imposed life-long Jail terms for kidnapping and hijacking. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 558 6 Congratulations to Citizen Watch Co. Ltd. Gilman Singapore Private Ltd. on the grand opening of Citizen's first Quartz Centre in South East Asia and Citizen's 15th Anniversary in Singapore from DILOK MAHADUMRONGKUL C. THONG PANICH THAILAND Sole agent for Citizen watches in Thailand WHAT WOULD YOU GIVE FOR 21 MEMORABLE
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    • 136 6 The Problem: Few people realise that cockroaches can be a health hazard. As cockroaches infest tood wastes and live on human excrement, they carry bacteria that can cause diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid, chi lefl and other diseases. The Solution: Rxcdtont space and rMjtiHijfll ftnrflv ■M #ff sctivs for months. i f^^BVl
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 672 7 11) i 1 GREAT ANNUAL I Now On IPPPPPbUBM Swiss BALLY Shoes JOHN LANGFORD, aVIP9IPP*IPBJ«BBB^B^B^BH t n ud cua^ lf:l» KTJtJjJj inoddsizes. SAVILLE RON Shirts from iIUUWJII QH To Clear MR. SHAG Car/Door Mats Large selection of Korean. b^b^b»blbWMblb^b^b^« USUAL PRICE range from LONDON (Selected d PS iansnnM ■!l 1
      672 words

  • 582 8  - Outcry over A and E fee increase SHEILA CHEONG By A PUBLIC outcry has greeted the announcement by Health Minister Dr. Toh Chin Chye that attendance fees at Accident and Emergency departments of hospitals are to be increased. Dr. Toh told Parliament on Thursday that the present nominal $4 charge
    582 words
  • 196 8 Plan for motel at Jurong Lake rejected PLANS submitted by a developer for Singapore's first motel on a site along Jurong Lake have been rejected by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), which offered the site for sale on a tender basis. The URA, however, has refused to disclose reasons for
    196 words
  • 333 8 rpWO government deX partments have turned detective in a combined effort to track down the source of a foul odour tormenting residents of two housing estates outside Jurong. Taking the lead Is the Ministry of Environment whose officials have even made night sleuthing
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  • 37 8 MR. Eric Cheong. UP for Toa Payoh, will be gueit of honour at the second anniversary celebrations o( the Toa Payoh community centre youth group at the centre's hall on April 15 at 7.J0 p.m.
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  • 423 8 Builders hail move to protect site workers rUNGAPORE contractors &nave welcomed the proposed move Dy the HDB to penalise contractors or their agents who assault or Intimidate HDB staff at worksites. The HDB is proposing to include a provision In its contracts to either debar or suspend a contractor, his
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  • 31 8 PROP June* Watte of FUndete University. South Australia, will live a public lecture on gallstone disease at the Alumni Medical Centre In Collect Road on Friday at 4.30 p.m.
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  • 40 8 AN Eaatcr Sunrise Service will be bald by the Bible Presbyterian Church of Singapore and the SlnfaMM-Malaytlan Council of Christian Churches at Mfccßitchle Reservoir tomorrow at 6.45 a.m. The serriee will be conducted by Dr. Tow Slang Hwa
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  • 106 8 IT was an ordinary looking wristwatch except that Sharifah Talbal. 10. (left) could only tell the time by feellnf it. She was among 56 blind adults and children who received braille watches from Citizen Watch Company yesterday for passing their mobility (travelling on their
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 329 8 Take advantage of Ponds' fabulous Hands 'NT Nails offer now A bottle of Cutexji when you buy Vaseline lntensivq| I KK Care Lotion §1 Ulr Regular or Herbal "^^■■A Chest ttrough Pond's proudly present WA\ j j their very special Hands 'N' Nails >Bi I offer, available now at all
      329 words
    • 139 8 The Problem: Apart from their painful bit's, ants have an annoying habit of feeding on your food sometimes even before you do. If you're not careful you'll find armies of them all over your food. But even more serious, ants are sometimes known to spread diseases. The Solution: Br I
      139 words

  • 780 9  -  CHRISTINA RODR.GUES 'DON'T LET IT BE A GHOST TOWN' By SAVE Woodlands from becoming a ghost town this is the appeal to the Housing Board by residents and shopkeepers there. A visit to the Woodlands HDB estate and interview with people there uncovered not
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  • 56 9 DR. Ng Eng Llm has been elected president of the Watten Estate Owners and Residents Association. Other officials are: Mrs. Llaw Lai Chun (vice-presi-dent). Mr. Quah Kay Seng (hon. secretary), Mrs. Wong Ylt Cho (hon. aot. secretary). Miss Anne Choi (hon. treasurer) and Mr. Llau Nyuk Slong
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  • 48 9 THE director of planning and review of the Education Ministry and director of In* dustriai mining Board. Mr. Lira Jit Poh. will present prises to winners of the Interschool metal-work competition The prize-giving will take place at Ton Tuck Secondary School on Thursday at 11 m.
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  • 127 9 SILO KEEN TO INVEST IN SBS rE Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (Silo) will invest In the new company, Sigapore Bus Service Ltd., if the government approved the union's appication for participation, according to a statement by Silo general secretary, Mr. Phey Yew Kok. The statement said Silo, which represents 9,500
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  • 184 9 SINGAPORE Alrlines will offer computerised reservation services for its passengers and travel agents in the Gulf area when Bahrain goes online with Kriscom from Thursday. SIA will then be the only Asian carrier in the Gulf area offering such a facility. Ac/f system
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  • 38 9 THE MacPherson Youth Group will organise the Singapore Finance Ltd. Challenge Shield Debate (or all Peoples' Association youth groups In the Regional Youth Council (East) next month. Application forms are available at the MacPherson community centre.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 29 9 IS Roland Keyboard Instruments Roland Strings •Sound-System. Echo Units Roland Synthesizer-Roland Combo Piano So'e Agents No 161 No'tf Br.dye Rd CaD'to I D Se 6 Cable SWEELEECO Tei *****7
      29 words
    • 682 9 SK|| Keyto Credit in English and General .||lilL|, Riper STUDY AT HOME over 100,000 Cambridge successes since 1950. A unique system of diagnostic teaching and testing by local experts ensures your certain success with credits and distinctions. Write today for details of this interesting and absorbing course. N.™ I Address
      682 words

  • 274 10 School's bid to raise standard of English THE Catholic High School has taken steps to gradually raise us standard ot English and make the teaching of Chinese and English subjects as the first languages. This adjustment of its teaching programme is in line with the recent major changes In the
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  • 277 10 THE Ministry of Education is stepping up recruitment of full-time and parttime teachers to overcome the shortage in the English medium stream. A statement released yesterday said: "To alleviate the situation and meet the Immediate requirements for English-medium teachers, various retraining programmes for excess
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  • 97 10 OFFER OF TWO RESEARCH GRANTS TO promote paedlatric research and raise me standard of care for sick children here, the Singapore Faediatrlc Society is awarding two grants of up to $3,000 each to qualified people engaged in such research. Besides doctors, the selection committee will also consider applications from ancillary
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  • 64 10 Mr. Lawrence Koh Boon Plang has been elected president of the Diploma In Mangement Studies Alumni. Other officials are: Mr. Lim Kok Eng. vice-president; Mr. Tan See Hoo, secretary; Mr. Francis Ooh Peck Seng, treasurer; and councillors Mr. Boey Bang Ann. Miss Mavles Ng Wah Mu.. Mr.
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  • 39 10 THE ClD's Scene of Crime Unit has been supplied with a 1.5 kilowatt generator. In addition to lighting up scenes of crime during hunt for clues, it will also power ultraviolet lighting used by the police.
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  • 294 10 Violist warns of bogus foreign conductors RENOWNED American vlollst. Raphael HiUyer, hat sounded a note of warning on (it ling foreign conductors to lead local orchestras: Beware of fakes. "As a conductor's job normally does not involve him to play with the orchestra, some people with good public relations techniques
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  • 153 10 PWD acts on 'skateboard circuit' rpHE game is up for a group of boys from the American School caught using some high ramps at the East Coast Park as an unofficial "skateboard circuit." For the Public Works Department Is looking into the possibility of putting up something to stop them
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  • 198 10 2 expats left before end of contract TWO expatriate school teachers a man and a woman left Singapore suddenly and did not return, although they had at least two years to go on their three- year contract with the Ministry of Education. They are believed to be amon? the first
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 376 10 S\ •y^H m>* i*Ji-w. W M om\^%9Sl^22m This book comprises a mouthwatering selec H^wP/fl Emml B?tj O t>on ol over POO recipes tor all the family It is I if illustrated throughout in colour, with step by QUmd X) step photographs to guide you through the 518/- per copy f\
      376 words
    • 126 10 The Problem: Mosquitoes are the most annoying of all insects. They bite and cause itching. But what people fail to realise is that mosquitoes also transmit serious diseases like dengue fever, malaria and yellow fever. The Solution: M #ff #ctiv0 for months. Baygon is the most effective insecticide you can
      126 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • 343 11 Drug kings skip S'pore because of stiff laws ]y|AJ()R drug trafficking syndicates arc now bypassing Singapore because of the Republic's stringent laws against traffickers including the death penalty and detention without trial under the Criminal Law Act. Singapore ls now shunned even by the hardcore traffickers, despite the lucrative returns
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  • 209 11 Section of road to close for work on new flyover rE section of Braddell Road from Upper Thomson Road to the flyover leading to Toa Payoh housing estate will be closed to traffic from 1 a.m. tomorrow to 5 a.m. on Monday. A Public Works Department statement said this was
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  • 70 11 MRS Molly Tay has been elected chairman of the Singapore Teachers' Dance Oroup organised by the Extra Curncular Activities Centre of the Education Ministry. Other officials are: Mrs. Ooh Beng Telk, vice-chair-man Mdm. Poo Kok Lin and Mrs. Ivy Yap Hoon Eng. secretaries and Miss Tan Yuen
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  • 26 11 GEYLANO district scouts will give a lunch and concert to 120 old folks and handicapped children tomorrow at the Dunman Chinese Middle School.
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  • 389 11 Bosses look at academic results AND personality WHEN recruiting graduates for Jobs, em- ployers look at their overall personality besides their academic results or paper qualifications. Graduates should thus take time to develop qualities which would help them be intelligent, vibrant, mature and skilful In meeting life's challenges. This advice
    389 words
  • 30 11 THE Pek Klo community centre will bold a Youth Night '78 for residents of Farrer Park constituency at Its premises In Cambridge Road on Thursday at 7.J0 p.m.
    30 words
  • 96 11 TEACHING AIDS SHOW AT SCIENCE CENTRE OVER i4O teaching aids designed by science teachers will be displayed at a competition cum exhibition, organised by the Science Teachers Association at the Singapore Science Centre auditorium from Friday to ADrll 2. Entries from 50 schools at three levels primary, secondary and preuniversity
    96 words
  • 326 11 SINGAPORE businessmen Interested in expanding or penetrating the markets in the European Economic Community and Africa should consider the possibility ot setting up manufacturing plants in Mauritius an island 1,931 km off the coast of east Africa. The suggestion was made
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 491 11 5 Functions. Hour Minutes B l^^^Bl I I Second. Month and Date with new I extended battery lite and H simplified battery replacement HERMODELSOF W*£-i«£J/ LCD LEO ELECTRONIC VBBV WATCHES ARE AVAILABLE Wt V also available the Don't lose out to others. Your child may full range of Texas have
      491 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 256 11 Straits Times Crossword ACSO6B or Bouth. In The Kebrldt* 19. v before begin badly < 4 '< (7). 7 HoodJett off if» almost 5 Nothing on boat nrst- «f>««dUuTlan (S. clas return (or 9 (7). Commercial oonaldered 9 Vegetable factory act f, nd »w»rded (I). It down (5). 13 Open
      256 words

  • nioStmitsTiiitt's SATURDAY. MARCH 25. 1978
    • 333 12 ALTHOUGH Sultan Hamengku Buwono declined to stand for re-election as V ice-President ostensibly for health reasons, there was little doubt that he refused to be President Suharto's running ruMe primarily for political considerations. It was a blow to Mr. Suharto, coining as it did after some heavy-handed
      333 words
    • 334 12 NO SOONER is the heat taken out of one African problem than the furnace un- Dei another is stoked. And the spot most likely to get a good deal hotter in the next few months is Namibia (South West) Africa). The five Western powers Britain. Canada, France, West
      334 words
  • 497 12 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane The twain have met. THE East, the West The old. the new. as at Easter and Christmas Harken to the new hymns and "Inspirational" songs in 'he modern church services here today. Contrast them If you know, with those of yesterday. The result
    497 words
  • 841 12 Across the Causeway THr Ken a I Address, with which the fourth session of the fourth Parliament opened yesterday, touched upon practically e\er> aspect of national life while elaborating upon the need to strengthen the nation b\ the creation of a sound and lasting unity. The effectiveness of securil) measures;
    841 words
  • 517 12  -  JOHN RODERICK By in PEKING IN HIS characteristic blunt way, Senior Vice Premier Teng Hsiaopine has told China's millions they are backward, lack much vital scientific knowledge and will have to work hard to achieve modernisation by the year 2,000. He
    AP  -  517 words
  • 734 12  - Thailand's end-of-vear polls look like a reality... CURTIS CAVIN By in BANGKOK THAILAND'S first general election since early 1976, promised for not later than the end of this year, is beginning to seem a reality. The Election Bill is to be the present interim government 'i final step to set
    AFP  -  734 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 38 12 hi a Sure of I w thar steps -al the way! I Ift 4W 1 I'al BH I &h OVERSEAS 1 I Ujfe&Jcy ASSURANCE CORPN LTD (SINCE 1920) I rt- INSURANCE FOR ALL LIIC BIG OR SMALL Up]
      38 words
    • 377 12 The Problem: Flies are more than just a nuisance. They breed in rubbish dumps and filthy places, and as such spread diseases when they settle on the food you eat. Some ot the diseases spread by flies include typhoid, diarrhoea and cholera. The Solution: Excellent space and residual spray, bins
      377 words

  • Untitled
    • 589 13 This high-speed flyover is a danger to pedestrians f AM writing on behalf of members of Dunearn Road Hostels. Being a hostel resident, I have observed over the last one and a half years of my stay here, first, the massive traffic Jams at the Adam/Fairer Road Junction and later,
      589 words
    • 236 13 iirHILE I do not want ff to dispute the statement by Dr. Andrew O. K. Chew. Ar. Permanent Secretary <Health)/Dlrector of Medical Services headlined "Criticism of health services baseless" (ST. Feb. 25) In respect of the Issue of doctors. I wonder if he knows that patients in Woodbridge
      236 words
    • 176 13 A PAGE OF YOUR LETTERS *I*»HE recently proposed ■I- residents committees' biggest problem will be finance or lack of finance. Like non-union workers who are always wanting the benefits gained by unions without their paying for them, many residents will not enrol as members
      176 words
    • 278 13 Traffic flow at this junction is very slow fi/ITHIN the last few TT weeks, three changes have been made to the traffic flow In Claymore Hill Drive. First the parking along this street was eilmlnaicd. This resulted lmmealately In Improved traffic flow. It Increased the traffic along this street ond
      278 words
    • 336 13 T»HE decision by the Finance and Communications ministries to allow CPF savings to be used to buy SBS shares is commendable a a d has the support of the public at large In the words of the Finance Minister, the rationale
      336 words
    • 150 13 rE other day while 1 was visiting my sister's HUDC flat at Laguna Park, I was appall ed to find that no grilles were placed over the low wall outside both flats. Although my sister is fixing grilles inside her flat. lam worrled for her as
      150 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 226 13 Has normal service resumed on your Black White TV? Isn't it time to trade-in for a Colour TV? -you may buy, hire-purchase or rent. We pay up to $300 for your Black white TV in working condition. •We have a wide range of selected and Just look at some of
      226 words
    • 322 13 I Thomson I ■washing machines...! do all the work for you. Washing agents are released automatically I when needed. Cold water is heated to the temperature you want. All you do is dial the programme. Thomson is a better buy. I J32- 1 1 programmes 35ORPM S p,ncyclt M *njmel
      322 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 906 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 1.00 PM Opening air) Sesame Street 7.30 News (Malay) 2.05 Saturday Matinee: The Jackpot, starring: 7.4S Donny mi Marie Show James Stewart, Barbara Hale, Fred Clark 8.30 Starsky aid Hutch: The Guilty 3.31 Police Surgeon: Liv 5.30 News ail Newsreel (English) 3.SS Soccer: Singapore n
      906 words

  • 309 14 Stricter straits rules for tankers J^ STRICT voluntary reporting system will control the movements of supertankera and deep draught ships through Malacca and Singapore straits under the traffic separation scheme (TSS) now being finalised for the waterways. Under the system, the vessels will have to broadcast eight hours before entering
    309 words
  • 35 14 THE MP for Bedok. Haji Sha'ari Tadln. will open an Art for Everyone exhibition organised by the Ministry of Culture and Peoples Association, at the Bedok community centre on Friday at 8 m
    35 words
  • 27 14 THE Bukit Ho Swee community centre will hold classes on cooking, dressmaking, art. drama, guitar playing, tailoring and piano lessons soon. For details ring *****.
    27 words
  • 260 14 Shopmen unhappy with soft drink cases deposit SOME provision shop owners are unhappy with the Increased deposits they have to pay on plastic cases for soft drinKs. Previously, they had to pay a deposit of only 40 cents for a wooden case of two dozen 285 ml bottles of soit
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  • 74 14 THE director ol the Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind and president of the International Association for the Prevention of Blindncse. Sir John Wilson, will arrive here with his wife for a four-day visit on Thursday. Sir John will open the btaille library at the Singapore
    74 words
  • 42 14 THE Port of Singapore Authority will hold three courses on port administration, operations and accident prevention for senior and middle management personnel from th > shipping community next month. For more details contact PSA Training Department, tel *****11 ext. 2563.
    42 words
  • 202 14 SINGAPORE has worked out a new bilateral agreement on sugar with Australia. This was confirmed yesterday by the Australian Trade Commissioner here, Mr. Peter Home, who said three representatives from the Australian sugar manufacturers, CSR Limited, were here recently to negotiate with local authorities. Mr.
    202 words
  • 47 14 rE Law Society has told lawyer* to keep the bands and wine collars they wear in court "white, clean and starched." A circular from tbe socletj to members Mys that "a first and regular visits" to the laundry would not be "out of order."
    47 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 379 14 f ~~Mt^^CZHON^ GAY I L^A THEATRES LTD. J" 1 Pill ntll NOW SHOWINGI OONT MISSI f bULlirii 11« m, 1.30, 4.00, 6.45, I 1 WANG P'NG^ In 3D IM>< A IOF POLARIZED «l 1 ©OUtft <!«,*«, i LENS I!'— I GOLDEN f ...xKTteiilHS'lKk. 9 MIONITE TONITE -x^tt Jt) UWW J).
      379 words
    • 60 14 i Jurong Drive-In Cinema Odeon Orchard TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT! P 1 t L*# CAHTOMiat B> WtLJf^iMdm^Bf' rs '^W^ i V*"^^ LAM KIN MING CHEUNG YINQ LEONQ TIN JJ M ÜBTH OWOV-K 4T6\ti RI IV» SILVffI CITY* Toiifli MidiigM It Tmrnw Ninii| Skiw JURONG DRIVE-IN CINEMA: Now Showing! ]£r REVENGEFUL: aBBB
      60 words
    • 300 14 t unv n n 11, 1.30, 4, 7, 9.30 J A TRUE STORY OF AN ASSASSINATION J THAT HASN'T HAPPENED YET! i "GRABS YOU and SQUEEZES YOU UNTIL THERE'S NOTHING HFT BUT FEAR!" J """X GENE HACKVIAN /^^^BgACAJSOCE BEFt&EN BE L .n^^ I' l^. N»fr y+* ,<•£■ /*'i\j p*™»»*d s
      300 words
    • 437 14 mmm\ Jpsis of Nazareth\S!; Die to overwhelniaf Mock bookings patrons purchasing advance tickets are advised to contact Jade Manager by phone (*****81) before coming to j eisire availability of tickets. LIDO 3S& NOW SHOWING! I 11am, 1.45, 4, 6.45 9.15 —No Free List Attention! A MUST FOR ALL COURTING
      437 words
    • 573 14 til OWGAimSATION "■Xl'lwmtirM P 10th BIG DAYMo Free LiM 3 showt I lam. 330 745 3 DAYS ADVANCE CASH I BOOKINGS on ground floor $1 Currrm day tolet only m "JtSUS of Nataratfc" color itornng ROBERT POWELL ond AN ALL STAR CAST hintKU'wa-i.'mi JnOW SHOWING No Fre* L st Horn
      573 words

    • 1630 15 BUSINESS DONE (KL) BID and offer prices officially listed and buslne.-s In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with 'he number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Am (1.738) Alswn (2.N08 2.8 M) (1) IN (4) 2.57 CALL
      1,630 words
    • 32 15 A. Hitam 9.10 —.70 Sovraln 1.20 —15 Glenealy 1.44 —.10 Matsushita 3.20 —.10 Toshiba 3.90 —.10 D. Keramat 80S —10 DBS 3.42 —.08 Sg Besi 486 —.08 Utd. Malacca 3.60 —.08
      32 words
    • 25 15 Kramat 6.30 +.65 Rahman Hyd 3.74 14 Benta 295 +.15 Kg. Lanjut 199 +.11 Oriental 4.04 .06 Con Plant 5.70 +.05 Perlis 2^22 .04
      25 words
    • 64 15 MARA BUMIPUTRA FUND. Managers' prices for Mar 27 First Bumlputra 243 2.50 Second Bumlputra 202 2.07 Third Bumlputra 2. 0S 2 10 Fourth Buralputra 2OS 2.13 Fifth Bumlputra 1.4S ISO Sixth Bumlputra. IA) 124 129 Seventh Bumlputra (A) I.OS 1.11 Seventh Bumlputra IB) 1.34 1.39 Eighth Bumlputra
      64 words
    • 282 15 Shares close easier atKL rjVHE Kuala Lumpur A stock market yesterday finished the week on a distinctly easier note as prices continued their retreat In the face of further profit-taking and s. ale-bull liquidation. Trading was relatively quiet as operators chose to remained at the sidelines waiting for a more
      282 words
    • 687 15 Carlsberg turns in another bumper year MOVING smartly ahead for the fourth successive year, Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia has turned In another set of bumper profits based on Its ability to capture a larger market share. For the year ended Dec 31 1977, pre-tax earnings soared by 25.6 per cent to
      687 words
    • 686 15 KL Industries sinks deeper into the red KUALA Lumpur Industries (XLI) has, after much prompting from Its auditors, finally made some hefty provisions and writeoffs from Its balance sheet. The result, together with a massive extraordinary loss from sales of Investments, has thrown the group deeper Into the red and
      686 words
    • 67 15 THE Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for the period from Mar 23 until further notice: Rubber 207j cts a kR Copra $934 21 a ton. Palm Kernel $239.03 a ton. The rate of duties payable are: Rubber 38 cU a kg. Research cess one cent
      67 words
    • Untitled
      • 120 15 poKVO: Share prices clc* ed mixed in active trad Ing. dealers said. The Dow Jones average lost 4.30 to 5,262.48 points, with a volume or 310 million shares. The New index was ***** up 0.34 point. Vehicles, cameras and some other export orientated Issues declined, while Pharmaceuticals electrlcals and
        120 words
      • 203 15 ■vtEW YORK Thurs. Stocks finished mixed In a generally uneventful aesslon. paying only scant attention to a hefty Jump In mid March auto sales reported by the natlonss largest manufacturers Analysts said Investors were reluctant to make any commitments ahead of the extended Easter holiday weekend amid lingering
        203 words
      • 328 15 AMSTERDAM. Thure. prices closed mixed In quiet trading dealers said. Akas and Royal Dutch were lower while the other Dutch Internationals firmed. Philip, closed 0.30 guilders higher ahead of Its 1977 results due to be announced later today. State loans were steady. Closing pnrti in Dutch guilders with IX
        328 words
      • 113 15 FINANCIAL TTMEB INDUSTRIALS Thursday 480 5 Wednesday 462 8 Wtrtt Ago 458 3 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Thursday 756.50 Wednesday 757.54 Week Ago 762 83 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Thursday 88J to 89 Wednesday 88 to 98H HJt HANG BENG FWday Closed Thursday 438.53 Week Ago 429 07 ALL ORDINARIES
        113 words
      • 56 15 T>isn«sy OiOissfcy Malbouru l.l) 1M 60 1M IS Umtam 175.908 180.008 iso.oos iso.Taa larlcti ISO.UB 179.T58 HI 008 1W JOB Pan* iso.ll I7S.M Fr*«7 TMU., Hongfcoog Closed IDI.TOB ciom« ln.oos Sport (2) Closad 181 1»B Closed ISI.SM Export prvss In non-sterling inu la US dollar psr ounc* 11) Australian
        56 words
    • Untitled
      • 197 15 rE Straits tin price fell $4 to $1,515 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering down 27 tonnes to 180 tonnes. The overnight London market was steady with forward buyers failing £31 to £5,799 per tonne. LONDON: Tin finished with gains of £24 for Cash and
        197 words
      • 217 15 LONDON: Rubber Futures closed steadier mostly 1.10 to 0.50 per kilo up from last night. Volume totalled 492 lots of 15 tonnes Including seven Kerb trades and 13 Options seven of which were traded during the morning. Dealers said fluctuation of sterling during the afternoon made for some uncertainty
        217 words
      • 136 15 LONDON: World mine production of tln-ln-concentrate In October 1977 totalled 15,700 tonnes, against a revised 14.900 tonnes in September and 15,200 In October 1976, The International Tin Council said in Its March statistical review. This brings the 12month moving total to end-October to 183.000 tonnes against
        Reuter  -  136 words
      • 130 15 Money and exchanges KUALA LUMPUR: The US dollar recovered fractionally yesterday to close at $2.3575 85 against the Malaysian dollar. Sterling and the Singapore dollar were closed The Singapore forez market was closed yesterday. LONDON: Sterling fell sharply on foreign exchange markets on Thursday., touching a quoted low here of
        130 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 205 15 CLUB 88 COFFEE HOUSE/SNACK BAR Introducing Japanese delicacies adapted to suit local Western palates. Served only in the evening. Toban Yaki crock plate' an exciting epicurean adventure Teppan Yaki 'hot plate' J (Meaty morsels, fresh seafood leafy greens (A variety of meat, seafood vegetables Ifc j) cooked with specially prepared
      205 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1323 16 CLASSIFIED ADS AT YOUR SERVICE r Telephone Service:- jl "<J Weekdays bP% 8.30 a.m. —5.00 p.m. w fB Saturdays /T> J 8.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. V Public Holidays CA.T.S. 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 235-6677 Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours RATES Per word :60 cts (Mln.
      1,323 words
    • 1302 16 I FOR SALE k SHOPPING GUIDE "TELMIN" DOG WORMER. The s». only complete tablets available VPDir^iMSoMss Annin for trWnent. control of the four VCKI^JTNBMjaAUUIU major worm parasites Absolutely safe for the youngest puppies and pregnant bitches No fasting. For details. Oeneral Office EqulpAvelleble Triailal Audio Cobles ment. *****75/ *****69 Type
      1,302 words
    • 808 16 II EMPLOYMENT A leading FINANCE COMPANY ki Slngapora requires Male and Female CLERKS/TYPISTS. Requirements: Minimum O.C.E. preferably at A' level with 3 credits Including Mathematics and English. Ability to type at a minimum speed of 35 w.p.m. Knowledge of Chinese will be an' advantage. Applications In own handwriting giving full
      808 words
    • 813 16 REOU RED FEMALE GENERAL clerk wltn some experience Apply Ir writing with full resume md tel, phone number to Far East ReMgeratlon Pte. Ltd.. 15 Irving Place. Singapore 13. SECRETARY. KNOWLEDGE OF shorthand typing and simple Accounts essential Apply with nonreturnable photo and telephone number to 8 T. Box A
      813 words
    • 605 16 II EMPLOYMENT -FMC 1 A leading US Petroleum Equipment manufacturer has a vacancy for the post ofMACHINIST Applicants for this post must have at least 2 years experience In operating heavy turret lathe and drilling machines Preference will be given to applicants who have completed National Service Benefits Include free
      605 words
    • 675 16 Applications are Invited for the post of: MACHINIST 11, Electricity DepartWage Oroup V ($lO.BO x 0 40 12 00 x 0 60 13 20 pd) Gross Monthly Wage Is approximately $400/OueimcaMone and Experience: 1 Must be above 21 years old 2 Must have completed Secondary II and be able to
      675 words
    • 530 16 II EMPLOYMENT AMERICAN MARINE (S) PM., Ltd. requires Singapore and Malaysia citizens to fill the following positions 1) SKILLED CARPENTERS Must have at least 3 years experience in the furniture making trade Candidates must be prepared to take a trade test Salary commensurate with skill. 2) FIBREQLASS TOOLERS Painting/ spray
      530 words
    • 408 16 aafti B^bW A lv>^Mi^M|«MM| f$ SANYO ELECTRONICS (S) PTE. LTD FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS We era fast expanding and «t welcome you to |oln this company If you sre between 1 to 25 years of age. Working hours: 8 am to 540 p m (Monday to Friday oniy) No microscopic work
      408 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 2260 17 II EMPLOYMENT I II EMPLOYMENT i J^ l iZ.* CTU M 0 F°*»*" v "I" <••*"« tntemanonal Inepectton jffßPffrfTlffffy/TSnlTll f \t QUIRES Ai Female Production Company wHti worldwide operaMone M"»H"M*M»™M"*"'* GENERAL I Preferably "efhnlcaPstrtam': requires mmmmmmmmmmmm^ f4g UUllnl Bilingual speaking advantage MATERIAL EXPEDITORS Age 20 B) Shift Male Produc-
      2,260 words
    • 737 17 j IV ACCOMMODATION k PROPERTIES COLONIAL STYLE EXECUTIVE DETACHEO BUNGALOW in dlst ,0 with large swimming pool Well designed Interior with 3 bedrooms, study, patio. large living, separate dining, kitchen and servant's. Available furnished/ partly furnished. Rental negotiable. SEMI-DETACHED BUNGALOWS. DIST. 10. Spacious interior with 3/4 bedrooms located In quiet
      737 words
    • 3097 17 IV ACCOMMODATION k PROPERTIES IV ACCOMMODATION k PROPERTIEfc[ f»,SBS« r rw: ir&^rcssi wrm f vTn c dVbu v n*^ MM w TT f i i d Zaleha) No brokers. fc e nt above $200 Tel: *****7 BBm^Bßy^"H Katong Singapore 15 HOUSE AT 4S, Meng Suan Road. DIST. 10 CHIP BEE
      3,097 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 2431 18 VI EDUCATION TRAINING V SERVICES BUSINESS \'~7T m m^ mm H tALTH CBNTRB Feel like a JM KAY BENO CONSTRUCTION fBrll ng a a balh K0L,!":K 0 L,!": /^"f I I ■•asssl offers good eenrlces in under- vlgorating massage by charming ~^M I C I p-sSSriVff fifSSESUhu^A 1 GIRLS! icrles.
      2,431 words
    • 1806 18 VI EDUCATION I TRAINING STUDY IN CANADA. Parents and OXLEY TRAVEL SOTVICE (PTE) LTD. d cT^ncr P arSf m i^n ß B flB B 3 A B< M tlonal Day School. Toronto at Kitchefr lUesi. Sess-aper».^. yjf% X o o^°^3 7?;rior7B^ 7 j!Wr ton and Singapore on 31.3.7J at jf'
      1,806 words
      4 words
    • 1006 18 VII TRAVEL RESTAURANTS I BLUEBELLETOUR /Vx!^B«?g B -wSV\ HsngKons/OcsMPtrk/Msess/ /#VAS sbbbbV \V\ Bmgkok/PifHyi S diy« $$975 Iff M BHR\\\\ Dep 2/4. 9/4. 16/4 ebV WMebsSesl 23/4 .30/4 7/5. 14/5. 21/5. E^T~T^Taaal 28/5 4/6. 1 1/6 18/6 25/6. 29 ni 2n 9/7 16/7 \^Js^^^ GEMS OF ASIA -^yr HongKong/Oc«»nPirk/»iHU/ Biguw 9
      1,006 words

  • 269 19  - Battle for Changi Airport projects J.D. INDRAN By A BATTLE has begun for several (,'hangi Airport projects and Japanese linns appear all set to beat local engineering companies and contractors hands down by underbidding them by several million dollars. The Japanese companies most of which are well-established are said to
    269 words
  • 89 19 Seminar on quality control THE MP for Potong Pasir. Mr. Ivan Baptist, will open a two-day seminar on Management of Quality Control at the Shangri-La Hotel on Tuesday at 9 a.m. The seminar Is being organised by the Singapore Quality Reliability Association and will be attended by 60 participants from
    89 words
  • 31 19 AMERICAN pianist Oita Karasik will give a recital in the Muilc for Everyone series, organised by the Ministry of Culture, at the DBS auditorium next Saturday at 8 p.m.
    31 words
  • 164 19 rpHE Home Nursing 1 foundation tHNF) Is .holding a competition to choose a logo which will promote its The deputy chairman Jof the HNF, Dr. 8. Devi, .said it hoped to make the services of the foundation better known to the .public by
    164 words
  • 292 19 MP urges residents to set up block committees HOUSING Board flat owners and residents have been urged to form block committees to look after the environment as well as their social and recreational needs. Making the point, the MP for Serangoon Garden, Dr. Lav Telk Soon, who was speaking at
    292 words
  • 104 19 rE Minister for National Development and Communications, Mr. Llm Kirn San, who is also chairman of the Public Utilities Board, will open the PUB building In Somerset Road on Monday at 6. p.m. An xhibition depleting the growth of the PUB over the
    104 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    45 19 142 Deaths Aged 71. passed away peacefully on 24/3/78. leaving behind beloved wife, two sons, one daughter one daughter-in-law, one grandson to mourn his loss Cortege leaves Blk 34. 25-H Tanglin Halt Road to Mt Vernon on 26 3 78 11am. MR TAN ENQ SENO
    45 words
  • 29 19 T. V»llupillai (Contractor) C«part*d: 24.3.77 One )ear has passed Memory of you still deeply filled our hearts and minds Sadly missed by loved ones
    29 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    27 19 T»y Thlan Oiom Drpartrd M-J-17 In the sweet byandby We »hall meet on that beautiful shore Fondly remembered by wife, children and loved ones.
    27 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 465 19 VII TRAVEL A RESTAURANTS NONYA'S COOK HOUSE "As oood a* hon»coo**d nonvs food" VtoM Oon, NN columnM Nonya Specialities Include Kway Pie Tee. Assam fish, fish head curry. Buah Keluak ay am c Outside catering too Blk 69. 2. S*na Poh Lan* Oft Tiong Rd. Opposite Tlong Bahru Msrk»t
      465 words
    • 385 19 FOB OUICK LUNCH ReservaI tinn visit Lai Wah Restaurant. 377 C Jalan Besar I alr-rondltlon) 1 Tel *****03' *****94 Branch 1 I Block 441 1436. Bendemeer Road (Alr-condltlon) Tel *****60 *****61 MALAYA COFFEE HOUSE 27 sum ford Road. Tel *****6 Dally Quirk Lunch from 1 1 00 am 300 pm.
      385 words
    • 636 19 I VIII announcementsl k PERSONAL KATONG PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 42. Joo Chlat Lane. Sunday School 8:15 am Sunday Service 9 45 a.m. and 5 30 p m. All are welcome Heb 10 25 TRINITY CHRISTIAN CENTRE Adult Sunday School 9 30am; Sunday Worship 10 30am. RELC. Orange Grove Road. All ix
      636 words
    • 893 19 1144 VOLKSWAGEN 1200. Q plate $2,850 o n o Tax March View: 25. Akyab Road. Spore 11 I*7l ALFA ROMEO 1 750 Coupe Alrcon.. 6-channel cassette, new tax Sports rims View Blk 3. 93J. Lorong 7. Toa Payoh (after II 00a m) 1(72 AUGUST MERCEDES 2808 Manual Denso alrcon. power
      893 words
    • 740 19 BEAUTIFUL 197S DATSUN 120Y with alrcond. cassette player, one owner, excellent condition $12.4000 no Contact *****0 TOYOTA SUPER CROWN Automatic Company registered mld1971 with alrcondltloner radio, cassette player Excellent condition throughout $7,000 Telephone *****75' *****10 (Home) END 'M MORRIS 1100. Up top condition. $4,100 0.n.0. Tel: *****2 after 2 00pm
      740 words
    • 1073 19 THINKING OF SELLINQ your cars' Why not contact Tanglin Used Cars We pay good price lor suitable cars Ring *****9 3721R3 Immediately PROBLEMS SELLINQ YOUR secondhand scrap cars' We pay high price for any make/ capacity *****44 QUAN HENQ TRADING (PTC) LTD •0, Albert Street Singapore 7 Tel: *****7j*****/J2000» After
      1,073 words

  • Untitled
    • 269 20 Govt told to give NBI more powers KUALA LUMPUR. Friday BACKBENCHER urged the government today to give the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) wider powers to deal with corruption in the country. Tengku Noor Asiah (NF-Tumpat) said if necessary, the NBI should be made completely Independent so that It could
      269 words
    • 196 20 BUS FIRM'S $16 mil PLAN TO IMPROVE FLEET KUALA LUMPUR, Frl.— The Sri Jaya Bus Company is embarking on a five-year fleet renew a 1 and expansion programme, estimated to cost $16 million, to improve its services. The company's director, Hajl Ahmad Roose said it planned to buy a total
      196 words
    • 148 20 Black box fails to cloar ntystry of crash KUALA LUMPUR, Fit The crash of a hijacked Malaysian airliner last December which killed all 100 people aboard, remains a mystery because the "black box" flight and voice recorders recovered from the wreckage have revealed very little. Communications Minister Tan Sri Manlckavasagam,
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 305 20 Defence called in baby kidnap case KUALA LUMPUR, Pri. Housewife Haslah Abu Bakar, 20, of Alor Star was ordered by the Sessions Court today to make her defence on a charge of kidnapping a baby who was then 19 hours old. Sessions Court President Shairuddln Aziz dent Shairuddln Aziz ruled
      305 words
    • 66 20 KUALA LUMPUR. PH.— Pernas Charter Management Sdn. Berhad (PCM) has been appointed general manager* of 12 major Malaysian mining companies within the Malaysian Mining Corporation Berhad (MWC) group. The agreements wen signed today by MMC chairman Enclk Junua SUdln who la alao the chairman of the
      66 words
    • 110 20 P TAXING JAVA, FrL Police today detained a man believed to hare relieved residents here of a few thousand dollars by claiming to be herbal medicine specialist. The man was taken to the Petoilng Jays police station this morning for questioning. Police also seised
      110 words
    • 168 20 KOTA BARU, Friday mHE new state govornment will need to scrutinise every agreement made between the previous administration and various companies in respect of more than 394,400 hectares of timber land in Kelantan. Finance Minister Tengku Razalelgh Hamzah, who Is also chairman of the
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    • 106 20 Mare govt funds for railway? KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The government will consider an Increased allocation for Malayan Railway under the midterm review of the Third Malaysia Plan to purchase more wagons to meet the very heavy demand from the Industrial sector. Communications Minister Tan Sri V. Manickavasagam told a press
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 564 20 5 9S^ TjJ^^K^m ■■■sbssssbbbsbl >^_ M^ Buy Sweetheart now and you can win yourself a beautiful i5-piece Noritake dinner set Buy Sweetheart lime Dishwashing liquid, win a Noritake stoneware dinner set. Now here's a great chance Buy Sweetheart now and Hssl ask !**> ssssl am mm sssi sssssl to win
      564 words
    • 131 20 Swing smooth and look sharp in Munsingwear Grand Slam shirts. Leading pros around the world wear Grand Slam shirts week after week, tournament after tournament. MUNSINGWEAR the great name in Golfwear, Anywear. HAVE AGEE&T WEEKEND WITH AIUN9NG\NE4R^ We bring quality to life. Sole Agent: EXCELSIOR (PTE) LTD 66 High St.
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  • m^ mm
    • 323 21 OUENOS AIRES, Fri. Only three countries have collected maximum points from their early matches in the fourth World Cup hockey tournament here, and two of them, Holland and Spain, meet in a Group "B" match this afternoon. The two sha>o the lead in Group "B"
      Reuter  -  323 words
    • 191 21 LONDON. Fri. I English football club Mlllwall were yesterday ordered to close their ground for two weeks and banned from selling alcobol indefinitely following a pitch invasion at a Football Association Cup-tie earlier this month. The ban was announed by the F.A., who also fined the
      Reuter  -  191 words
    • 157 21 T)ETER Chew's Group, 1 led by International Simon Fernandez, had to enduxe the harrowing experience of mandatory penalty kicks yesterday betore they beat jardlne Group 4-2 in their Business Houses Football League Junior knock-out quarter-nna] match. The lulltime score was 0-0. Two of their penalty takers Lewis chelliah
      157 words
    • 452 21  -  JOE DORA! By SEBASTIAN YAP, Singapore's soccer coach, is in a quandary because two of his key players are injured. Yap's problem is that he has to work out a strategy for tomorrow's match against Perak at Ipoh without Syed Mutalib and Zuinal Abiddin. The two
      452 words
    • 182 21 P S ON SPORT Are the cultured old-fashioned re ,ponse from the stands AJ can be inflammatory and can trigger off incidents that are u^ly and unfortunate. And, as soccer is a game of passion, mindless exuberance is so readily released at matches. It is bad enough when players are
      182 words
    • 79 21 Kelantan nip Forces KOTA KVIU Fri. Kruatan icrapped past Armed Forces 1-0 In their Malaysia Cup North tone soccer match befoie a poor crowd of about 2,000 here tooifht. Wan Alia Ahmad scored the winning goal in the 21st minute with a powerful shot into the top corner of the
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 85 21 The weekend's Malaysia Cup matches mjlfiffi M.oose, fluid styles from the softness W ll^rifl W IS i *^^j MJ APolyester/Avron printed with m P .^jL \il s^ \^^J siding flowers of pastel tones for f \A v^ 1^ the dainty lady you are. Fashion's I W L^ft P^l in tune
      85 words

  • Untitled
    • 2105 22  - Roving Eyes II can be safely followed BLUE PETER By ROVING Eyes II can be safely followed in Race Five at Bukit Timah today. A winner of two of his seven starts last season, the Wandering Eyes four-year-old finished a good s*cond to Thiam Slew over 1,200 metres at Ipoh
      2,105 words
    • 2626 22 Today's card FTJ MM 1-30 CLASS 2, DIV 4 1600 m sWUaaUI ($15,000 $10,500 to winner) 1 1758 R*mlO**a*ng (Ovation) DanleU 5 57 (d 3 +2.5) 1850 m SaM 14 13«WapM»umslBlggaln) X Noordln 857 (d 2 *3 5) 1850 m ASM 9 S 5558 Aktmte P*wr a (AS Lee) DanleU
      2,626 words
    • 2512 22 Tomorrow's card lIJJI 1.30 CLASS 3, DIV 2 1600 m UAitiSiMm ($13,000 $9,100 to winner) 1 200 S* Abu a (Abu) Chong 4 57 (same )lBSom Ol**n 4 I 0110 Tht*l 1 Stghdai g (Jacqueline) Allan 4 58.5 (dd +3.5) 1200 m Ch*w 19 S 419 Satu Slnal g (ST
      2,512 words
    • 185 22 SELECTIONS .RACI I BLUE PITIH TIT tcnuTiHim NatienvMe f. irl.n Oak 1 Silver Image Nationwide Tto Hul Tartar fill Paying Dr«lm Omtlr 2 UnwadM 111 I Jackal Berlari I Oenlleman p.rt .f J«r Chief 3 Patron Aerobatetrn Think Tank Patron M. »f Crann V*un, Bright Future Tuan Btur Tiftr
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 233 22 An unbelievable price for unsurpassed O^^ WATCH s "sSt/J 7 REF ***** AC JL *V^g^tf*ST\ Automatic Day/Date. ~^=^^^^^tP^Haßß^aßßaßßßßßßßlßaßßaaa^t^^^r~-= r Q With F) t > Purch.ise X I REF. ***** AC Automatic Day/Date Water Resistant Ricoh service centres SINGAPORE i B Chow House Rohmson Ro.icl a KUALA LUMPUR i 39 Jalan
      233 words

  • Untitled
    • 601 23  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By UONGKONG played their ace, Simon Swallow, against Japan In the East Asia squash championships at Kallang last night, but he had to struggle for 30 minutes before winning 9-2, 9-3, 9-1 against Seljl Sakamoto. Apart from u:.s power thanks to his
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    • 127 23 DIARY ATHLETICS Road relay league (Island Park car park 4 pmi. TENNlS— Friendly match: Singapore Selection v Brunei .Changl Swimming Club, 9 a.m.). GOLF Singapore Open (Bulc.t course a a.m.). SQUASH Qast Asia championships (Kallang, 4 p.m.). SOCCER: Malaysia Cup South zone: Pahang v Johore (Kuantani; Radln Mas intertournfy final:
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    • 283 23  -  DKARSAN SINGH By nVY WOLSTENHOLME, the Australian-based British golfer, believes that any player, who can fourputt a hole and still make a good score at the end of a round of upi and downs, stands a good chance of winning the Singapore Open.
      283 words
    • 751 23  -  ERNEST By FRIDA ]y|YA AYE, of Burma, found his magic touch on the greens with his five-day-old putter to shoot a scorching five -under -par 66 yesterday in the Singa p o re Open golf championship at the Bukit Course. His score propelled him to
      751 words
    • 341 23 THE DRAW and starting Ume* for the third round of the Singapore Open golf champiomoup at BuUt Course todky: ajß. M. Mucklerov (US), S. KyJe-UtU«ns y A. 8. MaUk (S-am); 8.16 YaauuhUa (J), j zim™™«»n (US), E. Campos iM-am); 8.34 S. Simpson (US), Ron Wood (Ahl?
      341 words
    • 110 23 JPOH, PrL Chen TzeMlng of Taiwan, cleared away to a fourstroke lead when he carded a two-under 70 for an aggregate of 141 on the second day of the Malaysian Open amateur golf championship here today. Malaysia's Sulaiman Bluah, who shared the first round lead with Chen,
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 935 23 me second round scores: a- 13 I Aye (Bur) 69, (32-34); 137— T. Takey«" <J) 70. 67 (32-35), Ben Az^ m (f) »7. 70 (36-34). «Efc? CA) *70 (34-35), B. Vivian (NZ) 69. 70 (36-34), Chang Chuni^ (8) 70. 69 (36-33). 140— Hall Underwood (US) 72 (37-3S).
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 169 23 C/*cim irai CHINON 60 SMXL 4l?**^w Zoom lens F/1. 2 8-48 mm. Minimum focusing distance in macro of 5 cm. Mike-mixing facility using boom mike Ufaiß i3S^fi^_ and standard mike. j~"^* :^SjljelJ ISsfcaiii Memo-lock for back-light control. HssP^s[^^^^^l 12 Fully automatic TTL exposure system fl sHTsiMH HsKku. with exposure compensation
      169 words
    • 5 23 Ira s^»l^ili!til.TjvJ'yj KpissyWU3w3 ji SJB
      5 words

  • 74 24 AN eerie shadow slowly creeps across the face of the moon in a prelude to a total eclipse late last night. As thousands of Singaporeans watched, the moon disappeared behind a blanket of darkness for one-and-a-half hours from 11.07 p.m. Then as gradually as it appeared, the
    cameraman FRANCIS ONG shows the phenomenon taking place  -  74 words
  • 210 24 TURIN, Fri. The Red Brigades claimed responsibility for the shooting here today of Mr Giovanni Picco, 46, the last Christian Democrat mayor of this com-munist-run city where 15 alleged Brigades terrorists are on trial. The wounding of Mr. Plcco, still a leading regional
    AFP  -  210 words
  • 24 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS DEATHS MADAM TAN tlOK KIM beloved wife of Johnny Soh i»a«jed away peacefully at SOH 24/3/78. For runeral arrangement! pleaae rlnx MMM.
    24 words
  • 77 24 BELFAST. Fri. Extra police and troops will be on duty throughout Northern Ireland this weekend as Republicans hold parades In many towns and cities to mark the anniversary of the antl-Brltlsh Easter rising In Dublin In 1916. Police and military Intelligence sources say they have received
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 250 24 Britain seeks six-month trial for the Concorde KUALA LUMPUR, Fri._ The British Government has proposed that Malaysia grants a six-month trial period to allow the Concorde to overfly Malaysian airspace before any final decision is made over the issue. "This Is one of the suggestions I have made to the
    250 words
  • 474 24 UN peace force moves into southern Lebanon OEIRUT, Fri. The 11 United Nations raised its flag near the Litani River in southern Lebanon today amid unconfirmed reports that Iraqi troops may be moving to help Palestinian guerillas against invading Israeli forcos. The Unifd States State Department called on all sides
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  474 words
  • 63 24 TtMtYO. Fri. Japan today protested against China's recent nuclear test end demanded an Immediate halt to all similar tests. A Foreign Ministry statement said It was most regrettable that the teat on March 15 was conducted at a time when pollution of the atmosphere and
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 357 24  - Terror group admits plot on TV BILL CAMPBELL: By Jakarta, Fri pOL'R members of a Muslim extremist group appeared on television here last night to admit their involcment in a plot to create chaos aimed at upsetting the People's Congress session and preventing the re-election of President Suharto. They were
    357 words
  • 102 24 Thai firm gets arms-making licence BANGKOK, Fri— Thai Inter-Arms Co. Ltd. announced yesterday that lt has been authorised to construct a 1,000 million bant (Sslls million) arms and explosives factory, with the possibility of eventually supplying arms to neighbouring countries. Mr. Surat Osthanukroh. chairman of the company's executive committee, said
    AFP  -  102 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 125 24 We'd like to save you $114*onyour CTV How? Simple. Take advantage of Rentacolor's special rental rate and make a substantial saving of $60 a year pj^ Rentacolor throws in a free ctv licence (worth $54) waK**^ W~j^^^«»fc^'*>^^ when you rent your lßfovy^^Jl Tf^l J Only applicable 'V?-^ ilWfflr*^ to Decca
      125 words
    • 473 24 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price SOt Annual Subscription f ISS Circulation Manager Ttltphtmr )?001l Cm 204 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... SINGAPORE'S financial community has been waiting anxiously to reap the benefits of the move by the Hongkong government to slap a 1 7 per cent tax on all offshore income
      473 words

  • 1018 25  - The Left trades insults after crushing election defeat ANTHONY WINNING By in PARIS FRANCE'S communists and sor clallsts are at each other's throats after their stinging general election defeat and their uneasy alliance appears to be doomed. The common programme for government which has sustained the communist-socialist partnership since 1972
    Reuter  -  1,018 words
  • 642 25 WASHINGTON. Frl. President Carter leaves next Tuesday for Latin America and Africa on the second and final stage of a world tour to promote human rights and cooperation with developing countries. His week-long trip, will take him to Venezuela, Brazil, Nigeria and Liberia. It comes
    Reuter  -  642 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 495 25 Updating your home? Sinbor makes ceramic tile selection easy and installation very convenient. In our specially designed showroom, take your time to browse around and study the wall and floor tiles. There are more than 250 designs in stock and these cover heavy duty external tiles as well as internal
      495 words

  • 434 26 OOVIET-American rela*J tlons appear to have reached their lowest point In more than a year and many analysts feel the worst U yet to come unless both sides show new flexibility. On Issues ranging from the Horn of Africa to the neutron bomb. Soviets
    AP  -  434 words
  • 948 26  - REVOLUTION BUT MARKET STILL THRIVES ROGER MANN By In ADDIS ABABA "IytISTER, give me money," beckoned a ITI sad-faced six-year-old among the pungent smells of fresh garlic, ginger and chili peppers. He was clean and dressed in real clothes, in contrast to the ragged three-year-old with a shaven head who
    948 words
  • 516 26 The Highway Code gets longer and longer T ONDON, Frt A new of a very BriJJfh document known as the Highway Code has Just been publbhed by the government's "Department of the Environment. The book tells roadusers how to drive their cars, ride their bicycles, or simply walk on, across,
    OFNS  -  516 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 453 26 JAPAN PLASTICS MACHINERY SHOW Place: Jurong Town Hall Jurong Town Hall Road Singapore 22. Tel: *****3. Date: From March 28th to 31st 1978. Time: From 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. every day. (Open to Member* of the public. All welcome) PARTICIPANTS AND THEIR MACHINES Sumitomo Hcary Industrial, Ltd Injection Moulding
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 641 27 MARKETING SUPERVISORS MALAYSIA The Malaysion Branch of o long established and successful multinational Corporation morketing a diversified ond popular product range hos two immediate vacancies based in Kuala Lumpur The successful Marketing Supervisors will eoch have their respective Soles ond Promotional responsibilities classified by Product Groups as follows A PROPRIETARY.
      641 words
    • 624 27 I A) SALES SUPERVISORS B) SALES REPRESENTATIVES QVAN CANVASSERS TRAINEES I (FOR MALAYSIA SINGAPORE) urgently required by I MAJOR FOOD MANUFACTURER QUALIFICATIONS: For Position A Applicants must have the following qualifications in addition to the requirements listed for B Supervisory experience Good strong connection with wholesalers and provision dealers Able
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    • 544 27 INTERNATIONAL Manufacturing Company located in Jurong invites applications for the following senior positions MANUFACTURING ENGINEER Candidates must be Diploma/ Degree holder in Mechanical or Production Engineering or equivalent, with experience in tool and die design. Ability to improve and modify simple jigs, fixtures and presses to enhance production efficiency and
      544 words
    • 648 27 ACMA ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. invites applications for the following posts: 1. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS/ ASSISTANT INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS: Applicants should possess a degree or diploma in Industrial Engineering or Production Engineering from a recognised University or College. 2-3 years relevant experience would be an advantage. However successful applicants without relevant experience may
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 535 28 The SGV Group Managsment Consulting Servicst A Jspsnsss Company which will open a factory for the manufacture of precision plastic parti invites applications for tha post of: ADMINISTRATION MANAGER Around $26,000 p.a. Reporting directly to the Managing Director, th« cuccawful candidate will be rwponsibl* for the Company* accounting, personnel, purchasing
      535 words
    • 660 28 I HEWLETT HEWLETT PACKARD SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD A subsidiary of Hewlett Packard Corporation in U.S.A. invites application from suitably qualified candidates for the position of: PRODUCTION/INVENTORY CONTROLLER The successful candidate must have a Bachelor's degree or equivalent combination of education with at least 2 years' experience in a similar capacity.
      660 words
    • 742 28 A large Papua New Guin«a client is seeking the services of an Internal Auditor. The successful applicant would be responsible for undertaking internal audit and investigations under instructions from the General Manager or Secretary. A single person is preferred since the position will require extensive travel. An accounting qualification is
      742 words
    • 253 28 ADVERTISING ASSOCIATES §TE. LTD. (In Voluntary Liquidation) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 272(2) of the Companies Act. Cap 1.'1851 185 that the Final Meeting of Members of the abovenamed company will 1 be held at 19th Floor, Ocean I Building, Singapore 1. on Tuesday, 25th April 1978, at
      253 words
    • 254 28 Application with full particulars, details of experience and reference to* Coopers Lybrand Associates Pte Limited Management Consultants POBoxM Singapore (CiQ MCS ***** Coopers Lybrand Associates Pte Limited Management Consultants POBoxM Singapore SHERIFF'S SALES IN THE HIGH COURT 4 OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE IN THE CAUSE OF Suit No. 461
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 535 29 PEOPLE'S SCHOLARSHIP FUND (P S F) SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS FOR 1978/79 SESSION Applications for the People's Scholarship Fund awards are now open. Scholarships are available for study at the Universities, Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Technical College, Singapore Technical Institute, School of Printing, Vocational Institutes (ITC Courses only) and Junior College/ Schools
      535 words
    • 630 29 PEOPLE'S ASSOCIATION MLLANG SINGAPORE 14 Applications are invited from citizens or permonent residents of Sirgcpore for the following appointments(l) TRAINING OFFICER, NATIONAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING INSTITUTE (2) ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR (3) ASSISTANT PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER (4) RESEARCH OFFICER (5) EXECUTIVE OFFICER (6) ORGANISING SECRETARY (7) REPORTER Qualification* A Experience Posts I
      630 words
    • 598 29 LET JUfIIOR FLVIfIG CLUB LfIUnCH YOU IflTO THE WORLD OF flVlflTlOfl --^^^t^^^^^^^J^W As vacancies for membership in the Junior Flying Club are M-m^^^M limited, fill in the coupon below and return it immediately to: £^m The Man&9er jfc B|k 4 A Hardm 9 Road Tanglin, Singapore 10. The Junior Flying
      598 words
    • 456 29 CAKKKK AS SAF WOMAN OIKICKKS We offer young women who are physically fit and intelligent, the challenge of an exciting and satisfying career. I When selected you will be required to undergo training as officer cadets for nine months. During these nine months you will receive military training, attend vocational
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 1209 30 PHILIPS We are looking for motivated, dynamic and resourceful persons to fill the fallowing positions 1. SENIOR ENGINEER Pttponubilititj Responsible for the management of incoming quality con trol of components and materials for television manufacturing, statistical quality control, process quality control and outgoing quality assurance Qualification!: A University graduate m
      1,209 words
    • 988 30 HIM j I k Lv/ sA. 11 1 A 'M 1' l i\.i rl B^S^S^S^B^sl^S^SS*"*^ 1^ We need the bf'st to prepore lot ttw cMcnceoi our country Out mission is paramount <md this cm only be accomplished by I h« able leadership We in the SAF are prepared to tr.nn
      988 words
    • 1001 30 RESULTS OF THE CHILDREN'S CHARITIES DONATION DRAW 1977/1978 IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE APEX CLUB OF BUKIT TIMAH PERMIT NO. 85/77 SCSS WINNING NUMBERS *****3 4 1 *****3 8 1 I6I0I7 I2I 1 ***** I6I 1 ***** 2 I 1 8044 42 I ***** 82 21 1 996 I 22 I
      1,001 words