The Straits Times, 28 January 1978

Total Pages: 54
1 54 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1978 25 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 214/1/78
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    • The Sunday Times
      • 164 1 /\NE day after Christmas, a little more v than a month ago, the most famous man in the entertainment world died at the ripe age of 88. His name was Charlie Chaplin. News of his death stole tht- headlines from the momentous
        164 words
      • 273 1 FS only a little bean but It could save the world from the growing problem of hunger. Tomorrow the SUNDAY TIMES examines the lowly soya which the experts say is one of the brightest hopes on the food scene. Did you know that a
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    • Sunday Nation
      • 108 1 TYD you suck on your spectacles or polish them with a handkerchief before answering a difficult question at a committee meeting? Or, if you are a schoolboy, do you bite your nails every time you are faced with a problem?
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      • 94 1 JAPANESE businessmen In Tokyo are known for their lavish expense-account entertainment. This goes on despite the recession. Depending on rank, anything from the cost of a titillating hour at so-called osawari (touchIng) cabarets to the price of golf club membership ranging from about
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      • 75 1 rE SUNDAY NATION starts another new sports column tomorrow. This Is specially for the expatriate readers In Singapore AND for those sports fans who follow Just about every game that is played under the sun. The column will feature foreign sports news that is not carried by
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      • 59 1 ALLY MacLEOD, Scotland's football manager who just returned from a trip to Argentina, says he iv convinced that for the first time ever the World Cup will be won on Latin American soil by a European team. THERE was no "live" telecast of the RedanSingapore Malaysia Cup match
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  • 38 1 MANILA. Fri. The Philippine martial law regime tonight passed a new electlon cod; paving the ground for parliamentary elections next summer and reviving political parties which had lain dormai.t for more than five years. AFP.
    AFP  -  38 words
  • 54 1 ISTANBUL. Fi|. A policeman and two students have been shot dead In Turkey In continuing political violence which officials say has claimed nearly 40 lives so far this year. The policeman was killed and his companion critically injured when gunmen fired on his ca- In Oazlantep province
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 14 1 UP TO NOON TODAY: Mainly fair, according to the Singapore Meteorological Station.
    UP  -  14 words
  • 650 1 Japan to ease exchange controls TOKYO, Friday JAPANESE tourists will be allowed to take with them up to US$l2,OOO <S$30,000) in Japanese currency a 30-fold increase on the current limit when foreign exchange controls are relaxed in April. In addition, no limit will be placed on
    UPI  -  650 words
  • 43 1 Tighter curb on news SALISBURY, Frl. The RhodcMan Government today extended Its newly-Introduc-ed powers of censorship on news copy relating to the guerilla war. A government gazette published today brought under government control comment on the military situation as well as news. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 54 1 JAKARTA, FTi. In- doneslan acting Foreign Minister Mochtar Kusumaatmadja briefed Asean ambassadors in a secret session tonight. Neither the minister nor the ambassadors would discuss the content and nature of the briefing with reporters. An official statement is expected to be releas- I ed tomorrow, a Foreign
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  • 138 1 "VO woman would want to be In the shoes of Edouard de Moura Castro's mother as she sat by his hospital bedside in Santa Barbara, California, and heard him plead: "Mommy, please turn off the oxygen. I don't need it anymore." They were the
    UPI  -  138 words
  • 165 1 JAKARTA. Fri. TNTERNAL security ■I chief Admiral Sudomo today mef a group of Indonesian newspaper edkors, but announced no date for the lifting of a ban on seven leading dallies, lnfoi med sources said. However, the ban was still expected to be lifted within the next
    Reuter; AFP  -  165 words
  • 384 1 Contact 'lost' with Cosmos debris OTTAWA, Friday ITS and Canadian teams have temporarily "lost" a source of high radiation believed to come from debris of a nuclear fuelled Soviet satellite that disintegrated over Canada on Tuesday. A Canadian deftoce spokesman said that after the Initial detection of abnormal radiation In
    Reuter; AFP  -  384 words
  • 45 1 NEW YORK. Fri Dow Jonea aveiagn, batad on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange 30 Indus 762 38. off 0.96. 20 transp 209 05. off 0 53; IS utils *****, up 0.1T; M (tocks 268 36, off 028— UFI
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  • 60 1 LATEST GANG SENDS FINGERTIP PARIS. Frl. The kidnappers of the Belgian- born French industrialist Baron Edoaard-Jean Emplan nave sent a fingertip to the Baron's family, source* close to the family said today. They said the fltagertlp was left in an automatic left luggage locker In a Paris station on Wednesday.
    AFP  -  60 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 28 1 KING'S *gm SAFETY W SHOES Oil 0 /^Resistant Modal 706 ,£&>, KING'S SHOE MFG.PTE LTD jßifiJ r% 122, Blk. 36, Dakota Crescent, ViV-/j^ Singapore 14, k.ngsoncarth Tel: *****1 *****27.
      28 words
    • 204 1 $3.5 MIL TIMBER CARGO SWINDLE Page 13 WE are near accord on principles says Dayan 2 US exports to Far East may hit $65 bil in 1978 3 REFUGEES rescued, then raped by Thai fishermen 4 ITALIAN Reds pile up record $2.8m deficit 5 FIRMS show keener interest in export
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    • 131 1 T Look! Two sensors! TAGITA-g® §@KB@UTE World's first with TWO sensors. Ingenious. Instantly twice as safe (both sensors have to be touched by the hand -nothing else will do) yet so light to the touch the sensors and Safety Lock need only the lightest touch ever. An absolute fine control
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    • 4 1 nbermain Registered Trade Mark
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    • 63 2 CHINESE Vice-Pre-mier Ten X Hsiao-ping leaves Peking on Thursday for Burma amid speculation that be would try to persuade Burmese President Ne Win to help mediate an end to the frontier war between Cambodian and Vietnam. Seeing him off is Vice-Premier Li Hsien Nicn and other
      UPI  -  63 words
    • 109 2 Lack of spares cuts Cairo strength BEIRUT, Fri. Lack of spare parts and m;intenance have opened gaping holes in Egypt's, air defence screen and reduced the country's military capability to its lowest level since the 1973 Arab-Is-raeli war. Arab miltary sources said yesterday. The sources are from a pro-Egyptian country
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 480 2 TEL AVIV, Fri JSIUELI Foreign Minister If OS he Dayan said yester day he thought Israel and Egypt were within reach of agreement on a declaration of principles governing Middle East peace. In an address to Bar11 a n University, Mr. Dayan
      Reuter; UPI  -  480 words
    • 100 2 KUWAIT. Fil. The United States has decided to shelve a proposed sale of 60 sophisticated F-15 warplanes to Saudi Arabia because of pro-Israeli Congressional opposition, the Kuwaiti newspaper AlQabas said today. The dally also suggested that the Carter Administration would turn down an Egyptian re- quest
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 386 2 Israel made N-weapons in 1974: CIA paper WASHINGTON, Friday rnHE Central Intelligence Agency conclud- ed In 1974 that Israel already had produced nuclear weapons and that many other nations Including Japan, South Africa, Spain, Iran, Egypt and South Korea could develop such weapons, a declassified document showed yesterday. The Information
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    • 254 2 Democrat chief explodes the 'Aussie myth' MELBOURNE. Fri— The leader of the Australian Democrats. Mr. Don Chlpp, today attacked Australia's high textile tariffs and the government's recognition of Indonesia's takeover of East Timor, the former Portuguese colony. In a sr eech marking Australia Day. the anniversary of the arrival of
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 123 2 MOSCOW, Fri. Art collector George Costa Ids left here yesterday to settle In the West after giving the bulk of a priceless collection of Russian avant-garde paintings to the Soviet state. Mr. Costakis. a 65-year-old Greek, took many years to build up one of the
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 192 2 Tunisia calls state of emergency TUNIS, Friday ARMY troops patrolled the deserted streets of Tunisia's capital early today to enforce a state of emergency declared after clashes between workers and police in the nation's first general strike since lndependence in 1957. The government refused to release casualty figures in the
      UPI  -  192 words
    • 76 2 MADRAS, Prl Tamil Nadu Chier Minister M. Q. Ramachandran. a leading film star himself, has stated firmly that he will not allow kissing scenes In Tamil movies despite liberalisation of central government censorship rules. Mr. Ramachandran, 00, who made more than ISO films In 40 years
      Reuter  -  76 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 389 2 I UIHTTEn ESTHTE I Near the new fly-over at Bukit Timah/Farrer/Adam Road junction At 41/24 1 /2 miles BuKit Timah, opposite Chinese High School. PtiQSO II FIRST CLASS RESIDENTIAL AREA SPACIOUS GARDEN Most Ideal And Luxurious Treat yourself to the Refreshing atmosphere Split-level garden Houses beautiful greenery and with continuous
      389 words

    • 582 3 WASHINGTON, Friday UNITED States exports to the Far East in 1978 are estimated at US$2B billion (5565.8 billion), up eight percent from the year before, the US Commerce Department predicted yesterday. The outlook for exports to emerging nations is "clearly
      AP  -  582 words
    • 131 3 Business prospects in EEC 'slightly better' BRUSSELS, Frl. Leading industrialists in the European Common Market see a slight Improvement in business prospects for the Community, though the immediate outlook for employment in EEC indus'rr remains poor, the EEC Commission said yesterday. In a survey, the commission said the pessimistic outlook
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 23 3 BANGKOK. Frl Thailand's National Policy Council (NPC) met here today (or wlde-rar.frlng discussions Including relations with neighbouring Cambodia and Laos. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 27 3 MO6COW. Frl. KOB security police have arrested Viktor Rtskhlladxe. a member of a human rights monitoring group In Soviet Georgia, dissident sources leported today. AP
      AP  -  27 words
    • 87 3 MANILA, Frl. Visitors to the Asean Trade Fair here In May will be offered 20 per cent discount in Manila hotels for up to a month before and after the fair. Its chief organiser. Trade Secretary Troadlo Qulazon announced today. Better discounts are available for prearranged groups,
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 321 3 US ready to respond positively to Asean: Envoy MANILA, Friday rFHE United States intended to respond as positively as possible to requests for cooperation from Asean, American Ambassador David Newsom said here today Addressing the American Chamber of Commerce here, he said those who had watched US policy develop and
      Reuter  -  321 words
    • 83 3 LONDON, Pri— A Lon-don-based socialist group yesterday published a report accusing Britain of racialism over its administration of Hongkong and of permitting working conditions which were "a disgrace to a country which pioneered industrial safety legislation." The document "Industrial health and safety in Hongkong" was compiled for
      Reuter  -  83 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 587 3 MANUFACTURING MANAGER mm Our Client, a prestigeous and highly successful international organiEf sation in Singapore, seeks to appoint a qualified and experienced 9 executive to this position. The Company, a leader in its field of m activity, employs a work force in excess of 400 personnel and is engaged in
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    • 410 3 SALES MANAGER (Electrical Products) Around $35,000 per annum A leading international manufacturing group requires an organisationally mature and high energy Sales Manager to take the lead in motivating an experienced executive team to maximise its marketing and sales capabilities in Singapore and coordinate its South East Asia Regional activities. The
      410 words
    • 532 3 SALES MANAGER $3,000 plus Company Car Our Client is part of one of the world's leading international organi sations engaged in the manufacture and marketing of a range of modern and highly sophisticated office equipment. This wellknown and well-established Malaysian Company is now seeking a qualified and experienced Sales Executive
      532 words

    • 355 4 BANGKOK, Friday fishermen rescued a small boatload of Vietnamese refugees, raped two women among them and tossed three male refugees overboard, survivors told police. Officials Involved In refugee relief said today the two women, one man and a baby involved were still
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    • 143 4 Detainee Aquino may run for election MANILA, Fri.—lmprison c d Philippine opposition leader beaigno Aquino and other political detainees may run In the summer Parliamentary elections, but they will have to remain In detention, a government spokesman said today. The spokesman, Information Secretary Francisco Tatad, was commenting on President Marcos'
      AFP  -  143 words
    • 162 4 Japanese pilots to be trained in the US? rpOKYO, Fri.^Japan's 1 Air Self-Defence Forces (ASDF) is considering having its pilots trained in the United States to upgrade their capabilities to handle ultra-modern American jet fighters expected to be introduced within a few years, a Tokyo newspaper reported today. The Asahi
      UPI  -  162 words
    • 68 4 LONDC::. r.i. British soldiers are the worst paid in the Nato alliance witn a lieutenant earning less than a private soldier in five of the 12 Nato countries, Defence Minister Fred Mulley has tola tne House of Commons. He said a private in the British army
      AFP  -  68 words
    • 61 4 LONDON. Fri. Britain is to make an anticipated reimbursement of US$l billion (552.3 bi<lon) to the International Monetary Fund in view of the improvement in its financial position, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Denis Healey, said yesterday. He told the House of Commons that British indebtedness
      AFP  -  61 words
    • 66 4 HONGKONG, Fri. Foreign journalists have been shown the blackened ruins of a border hamlet in Vietnam where 27 people were "butchered" by Cambodian troops two weeks ago, the Vietnam news agency reported today. Correspondents from 11 nations visited thp village of Ba Den where 'the aggressor troops on
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 66 4 WELLINGTON, Fri. The Ntw Zealand Government is tc prosecute the master and crew oi a Japunese trawler for illegal fining in waters banned to lvi iim vessels The trawler, the Tomi Maru 81, was escorted Into poit on Wednesday dv a n v il fisheries
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 60 4 FIGHTING OFF THE WIND A GROUP of people anchor themselves to each other and a bus stop in downtown Toronto on Thursday as winds gusting up to 100 km an hour hit southern Ontario. Parts of the downtown area were cordoned off by pol'ce as windows were blown out of
      AP  -  60 words
    • 71 4 MANILA. Fri. The Philippine Board of Investments will discourage but not prohibit production of local Items already produced In excess by ether Asean countries. It was reported toaay. The EhglUh dally Times Jrurnal pointed out that inder the Asean regional Industrial complementation scheme, the board can
      AFP  -  71 words
    • 267 4 26 die as blizzard lashes mid- West fHICAGO, Fri. At least 26 people have died in the worst blizzard to lash the American middle west for more than 10 years. Police fear the death toll will soar because thousands of motorists are still trapped on snowbound highways. Winds of up
      Reuter  -  267 words
    • 47 4 COLOMBO. Fri. All pcllce leave in Sri Lanka has be. n cancelled immediately and a special security operation was launched ti ensjr that celebrations to mark the assumption of the island's Presidency by Prime Minister JR. Jayacwardene on FVb 4 I will proceed smoothly. AP.
      AP  -  47 words
    • 269 4 |>ARIS, Fri. Diploma I tic sources said yesterday Cuban Defence Minister Raul Castro and Ethiopian President Menglstu Halle-Marlam escaped unhurt In an assassination attempt in Ethiopia two weeks ago. A bomb was hurled at a car carrying the two men and an unidentified
      Reuter  -  269 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 75 4 4 V m m >h v I m Jtk :^U at w^^^^m J Wac*aL I Tokyo Seamless Com Wt fromWicoal Now, from Wacoal, a Seamless Brassiere Collection for today's Asian woman. Whatever you're wearing, seamlessness in your brassiere means no unsightly protrusions through the overclothing. Wacoal Seamless Brassiere Collection, for
      75 words
    • 92 4 1 <WN£SE mt Y£MZ 1 I WWVY CJBRHS I 11 on the ms. rasa sayang g YOUR CRUISE FARE INCLUDES: Free nightclub and cabaret entertainment Jp"' Pi|| ««r Trtvtl Amrl or .*lfcJtfV (drinks at very reasonable shipboard prices) Gs^£. ft A plush Casino featuring Blackjack. Roulette and (^IIJI*^ 1 OJiJSI
      92 words

    • 154 5 Meeting discusses setting up of Asean bank BANGKOK, Frl. The Aaean banking conference today discussed the possibilities of setting up an Asean investment bank. The meeting also reviewed, current Investment activities and opportunities In Asean and examined present md future Investment needs, a press statement said. It said certain legal
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 164 5 Poster attack on province leader PEKING. Frl. A leadIng polltburo member. Gen. Chen Hslllen. was attacked by name on wall posters during the lai.t few days In Shenyang, capital of north-eastern Uaonlng province. A group of foreign visitors travelling In that province read a big-cha-racter poster accusing the commander of
      AFP  -  164 words
    • 298 5 Italian Reds pile up a record $2.8 m deficit ROME, Fri. •pHE Italian Communist Party has piled up a deficit of 1.1 billion lire (Ss2.B million) in running the biggest political and electoral machinery of Marxism in the West, according to official party figures released today. In releasing last year's
      Reuter; AP  -  298 words
    • 106 5 JAPAN'S OFFER TO ASEAN NEWSMEN TOKYO, Frl. The Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Association said today it has offered to invite one Journalist from rach member state of the five-nation Asean to Japan this year for six months. The association said the iirorramme was proposed at the second day of
      106 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 188 5 tima... f^ ETERIMR-MHTIC Model E 01 /"^"-V 646 4014 4110 fc^ uK&mncc. W mtSbVm^ Of l\ J 111 (becmosm. ff v < s.\ m Vustxh... '!L jZjl M %AxMiL\ Model E 01 Model E 01 647 4029 25 20 646 4021 41 30 W ETERNfI-MRTIC The one you'd give yourself.
      188 words
    • 29 5 Roland Keyboard Instruments Roland Strings Sound-System, Echo Units Roland Synthesizer-Roland Combo Piano Sole Agents <Swee</jee/? No 16V North Bndye Rd i Capitol ßiniUingi Singapore 6 Cable SWEEIEECO Tel *****7
      29 words
    • 69 5 11 x m m> Amw ilm^ '^Hi i^i^k v i^i^^ J ff lr j| I Anchor Beer wishes you all prosperity and happiness in the Year of the Horse with two special Festive Cartons: a Festive Carton containing 24 cans of Anchor Beer and another Festive Carton containing 12 cans
      69 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 264 5 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS characters about some1 Lee was out to set this ea&t (8). creature <6i 7 rxtechment of a rising b Elderly new of ex- jester (5). perlenced campaigners? 8 Pleasing leading director «3| &>• on elecritlctty board (10>. 9 Dicky hires pig to com- 12 Bishops getting
      264 words

  • 182 6 rIE ashes of Dr. K. Prakash and the body of Michael Ooh Choo Wan, who were both drowned in Tanjong Prlok harbour In north Jakarta on Wednesday were flown back here yesterday. Dr. Prakash, 28, was the doctor of the Singapore
    182 words
  • 108 6 22 road deaths in November rpWENTY TWO people 1 died in 21 road accidents last November, an increase or three, both in fatal accidents and deaths, compared to the same month in the previous year. The number of people seriously Injured in road accidents that month was 217, nine fewer
    108 words
  • 61 6 Drugs charge man to go on trial AZMI Anls Ahmad, 29, was yesterday committed to stand trial In the High Court for trafficking in 74.86 grams of heroin at the Woodlands Customs Checkpoint on June 24 last year at 8.55 p.m. He was committed at the end of a preliminary
    61 words
  • 278 6  - Stabbed but woman routs two robbers PAUL WEE By A PLUCKY 39- year-old woman last night spoke of how she put two armed robbers to flight despite being stabbed four times during an abortive hold-up early on Wednesday. Madam Mai Chin Hwa, who was waylaid when returning home after work
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  • 405 6 Awards for outstanding social work volunteers pERTIFICATES of appreciation will from this year be awarded annually to outstanding voluntary welfare workers, acting Social Affairs Minister Dr. Ahmad Mattar said last night. The awards will recognise the outstanding contributions that they have made In the service of their fellow beings, he
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  • 63 6 Body found in sandpit DIVERS from the SAP lut night recovered the body of a man from a flooded •mjidptt in a quarry In Tunplnea Avenue, off IS km Tampine* Road. The man. Identified by police as Peh Bwee Hock, aged about 40. li believed to have drowned In the
    63 words
  • 29 6 KWONO WU Slew Pick San Theng Ajociatlon will present wg-powi to some 1.000 aged people on the (round floor of People's Park Complex at 2 pjn. tomorrow.
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  • 218 6 SINGAPORE'S indigenous entrepreneurial and industrial skills need careful cultivation, according to the president of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Wee Cho Yaw. In a message in the first issue of the Chinese Chamber's bulletin, a new monthly publication of the
    218 words
  • 222 6 Nantah enters new stage of progress V^ANTAH has entered a new stage of de» velopment with the im-, plementatlon of a plan to make it an equal partner of the UnlverS slty of Singapore, ac« cording to the chalrma* of the Nanyang UnlverS sity Council, Mr. We* Cho Yaw. Mr.
    222 words
  • 59 6 A FAMILY of three was made homeless when fire swept through a row of two-storey houses near the Junction of Aljunied Road and Paya Lebar Way yesterday. Nobody was Injured In the blaze which started shortly after 8.45 a.m. The Are destroyed a motor-workshop as well as
    59 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 106 6 1 <$&' 1 I 4^' 1 wY L f B^KTT'^r^B^Bl /Vh t M 9026 Italy Fabric a Wm&Er*rl ■BW w ¥vmn tttu imifi Shirt,,,, JF '^S^P 4 Hi 9 ifjht,X&tr,Vi>h>urful I '^^_^^^^HA, ff t ifiorff #f on lor tfi«» I v\^^H^^^^^B| AVii* li»#tf .f. f I t k )J|?*M Clean,
      106 words
    • 124 6 Ev IkJ II deSuya J 1 par tuwMtM! a Beßtimc -^5! necklace JV^, L CD. Quart* wlth'JmLCeH, jg£= TZZr J£SX with every purchase oj the Quarol!! 1. Solif Ctlli Quirt/ M 2 SundiilQuimwithchfonoßfiph HBO 3. Bittimi Slim Uniiii Quarti 321 GG TIM 4. BntMM SUM Unmi Quirti 321 SS MM
      124 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 670 7 tt ORCHARD «K\T. A M KATONC J*_, MMM 68, ORCHARD ROAD KflVffl f^ \m 1 > V NEXT TO SEAVIEW HOTEL 4&Jr Z^m\W\ fIWS Hi hW:::-::;;:- j^^^^ plaza singapura UV Al V S^^B^K TEL:4O9OII >jwCttillihhl W^ filliiliiHi'^'ffillffli OFFER UNTIL 3 TH lAN 197S BSB^j^BjbSUb! EtBI BA\\\&\ \Hll Wa ml*. BTB
      670 words

  • 138 8 Two die instantly in road mishaps rr r O men died In two road accidents within hours of each other on Thursday. At about 5 p.m. a motorcyclist, Neo Chye Seng. 21. crashed Into the rear of a stationary SBB bus In New Upper Changi Road. Police said Neo died
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  • 41 8 THERE will be no film shows (or the public at the National Museum next Wednesday and on Feb 8. The museum will resume screening films for the public on Peb 15 at 8 p.m. as usual
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  • 209 8 Yugoslav VicePresident on private visit THE Vice-President of Yugoslavia, Mr. s>wvan Doronjski. arr.ved here at noon jeiterday with his wife for a one-day private visit Alter checking in at the Mandarin Hotel, Mr. Doronjski \isited Parliament House and called on the Speaker, Dr. Yeoh Ohim Senx. Later in the afternoon,
    209 words
  • 39 8 THE Singapore Kalralee Kala Nilayam, a cultural organisation, will stage two Mulayalam plays, Swamathakkol and Awan Veendum Veiunnu, et the Cultural Centre on Vtb 4 at 7.30 p.m. Tickets at $5 are available at the a? oclatlon.
    39 words
  • 55 8 TWO New Nation journalists have left for the United States on separate scholarships. Feature writer Sonny Yap will attend the Unlverslty of Michigan on a six-month Fellowship In the Humanities for Journa'lsts Reporter Gerry de Sllva will be in Honolulu on a four-month Jefferson Fellowship, awarded annually
    55 words
  • 77 8 THE National Dance Company, formed in 1970 by the Ministry of Culture, Is looking for people who have at least three years' dancing experience or training with any cultural organisation, or school. Applicants must be between 14 and 25 years and at least 1.52 m for females and
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  • 407 8  -  LEE KIM CHEW By INITIAL response from local manufacturers to government overtures to help them widen their overseas markets is encouraging. Trade Department sources said. More firms are now showing a keener Interest to take part in the various International trade fairs to
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  • 269 8 STPB seeks hotel drinks price list rVHE Tourist Promotion Board has apx proached the Singapore Hotels and Restaurants Association requesting a breakdown of prices charged for beverages in Singapore's guest establishments. The move Is to enable the STPB's complaints committee "to better answer queries from the general public on the
    269 words
  • 72 8 A FORMER Singapore lawyer, Mr. John Harold Withers-Payne, died In Jersey, Channel Islands, on Dec 15 last year. He was In hu early 70s. He was senior partner of the firm of Drew and Napier when he retired and left Singapore at the end of 1961.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 436 8 *1 k You could save a bun THE BTRAn lMbde in I Japan I cars Look at Ford prices. I to costf Look at Escort's features! \mm/ Unbeatable value. I 1 Escort 1300 GL LX t« MfrH vC^^^^fc_V I*^1 0 Duallinebrakes Q Halogen headlamps J,VJ^^^^ q Front disc brakes O
      436 words
    • 207 8 y LUNAR NEW YEAR \JJ SMJE Carpet Rug Now on till 31 st January 78 All imported from USA U.K. and Japan Designs Sii* Prict Japan Carpet 170 cm x 255 cm $55 Kismet Carpet 184 cm x 274 cm $95 Lulow Carpet 1 84 cm x 274 cm $162
      207 words

  • 154 9 $21,920 award for leg injury A FORMER machine l\ operator, whose left leg was fractured as a result of a road accident four years ago was awarded $21,920 In general and special damages by the High Court yesterday. Chla Pong Tee, now a boiler-man in a textile firm, told Mr.
    154 words
  • 69 9 SCHOOLGIRL REPORTED MISSING AU-YEA R-OLD schoolgrl, Saseelamarjr (above) has bffn reported missiiu from her home since Jan 9. Her mother, Madam Mariadass Kulandasamy, said Suseelamary left their house in Race Course Road for school at about 11.30 am. that day. Since then, she has not returned. Anyone who knows her
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  • 28 9 THE president of the International Diabetes Federation. Dr. Rolf Luft. will speak on Health care programme for Diabetics at the Holiday Inn at 3 pm today.
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  • 612 9 Doing business with Japan ANY Singapore businessman's efforts to sell successfully in Japan will be short-lived if he tries to bypass Japan's complicated distribution system in order to deal directly with the retailer. The Japan External Trade Organisation (Jetro) advises against this practice as
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  • 108 9 Sent for trial on revolver charge LABOURER Kee Ah Bah. 26, was yesterday committed to stand trial In the High Court for having a .22 revolver during a robbery at a construction site offlce on Feb 26 last year. Kee, who was charged under the Arms Offences Act, was committed
    108 words
  • 56 9 THE Singapore Cat Club will hold an exhibition of pedlgrre cata at the Oriental Garden, Ooodwood Park Hotel, tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 5 pm There will be a selection of Longhaln (Persians) from Australia. New &*land. England and the United States. The Shorthalr section will
    56 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 274 9 J^^r MmAmf I I M B WANE jeans W^r are available ma variety of styles from the traditional body-hugging bell bottom to the latest range in Europe and the State, sfim,narrow bottom jeans. available at all leading departmental stores SOLE OISTRBUTOR SINGAPORE MALAYSIA. BRUNB AND INDONESIA ENG V ICK TRADING
      274 words
    • 326 9 pp— ABSOLUTE VALUE ■«H||l FOR YOUR MOINEY H BB^B LOUDSPEAKER Don advent mm ADVENT/2W ADVENT/3 SMALLER ADVENT ADVENT 400 UTILITY ADVENT The Advent speaker has achieved The Advent philosophy is that it the highest sales of any single is not necessary to have more speaker for many years in U.S.A.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 421 10 I Girls' dress in a variety I of colours and sizes $43. I Boys' Wrangler jeans I $37.50 Boys' T-shirt I with hood $39. P^^^^^^ *^Mm\ mJLmwkmW W ree a P acke t of ten Angpow' I^^^' MB I for Chinese New Year given with V feW .^bl lW Mm
      421 words

  • 194 11 9 months, rotan for axe attack on wife A LABOURER was yesterday Jailed nine months and ordered to be given two strokes of the cane by a magistrate for attacking his wife with an axe. and fracturing her skull and right Index finger Muthlah Subaschandrabose alias Mohammed Rashld. 25. pleaded
    194 words
  • 120 11 VAN driver Chan Slew Kuan, who last week was ordered to pay $148,875 all-in damages in a road collision suit, has filed his notice of appeal in the High Court. His appeal Is against the quantum of the damages, assessed and awarded by Mr. Alfonso
    120 words
  • 324 11 Groups that hinder nation's progress THK Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs), Mr. Chan Chee Seng, yesterday hit out at organisations which, by their indifference to community work, hindered the progress of the country. Speaking off-the-cuff at the Social Affairs Ministry headquarters in Pearls' Hill yesterday, Mr. Chan accused certain organisation
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  • 141 11 Medical students reminded to wear ties MALE clinical students of the University of Singapore have again been reminded that it is neceraary for them to wear ties, long trousers and overalls cxc ept in operating theatres and similar situations where different attire is needed. "The staff of our medical scriool
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  • 161 11 Incentive scheme for local seamen TWE National Maritime ■1 Board has launched an Incentive scheme for all local registered seamen from this month to encourage good work among them. The scheme requires ships' masters to submit confidential assessments of the seamen's performance upon their discharge. An NMB statement yesterday said
    161 words
  • 74 11 THE Central Young Peoples Section of the National Library will hold a talk In Chinese on career* In the technical field. th« police force and broadcasting at its lecture hall at 2.30 pjn today. Speakers are Mr. Wonx Kah Hoi of PSA s Staff Training Division,
    74 words
  • 28 11 THE Singapore Mariner*' Club will hold a Chinese New Year Ball for the shipping community at the club resUurant at South Quay at tonight at 8.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 132 11 KONG HEE FATT CBOY %hehestpku%tobuyawateh Wk EASTERN WATCH CO. Invite you to see the fabulous range of quality Watches We stock a comprehensive range of premium and non-premium Swiss and Japanese Watches at most reasonable prices. Our three showrooms are located at the busy shopping complexes for your shopping convenience
      132 words
    • 231 11 Samsonite I \ZjMK] Classic 100, Classic HI Ladies' Attaches Il|/J R For limited period only! 5 EB5E 85 6 1 Agencies §^j niPAAiiiiTir^^ M AeroMe Leather Goods Ataka Metro (MO/MS/MGM) Robinson s Jml K. |«i I Chancellor Chinese. Eastern Robinson s Clifford Centre Sen/ICe Repair m^ll III! Yuyi Oriental Toa
      231 words
    • 112 11 PEUGEOT From the very beginning the Peugeot 604 has been internationally acclaimed by motor trade and public They praised the styling and engineering, lauded the opulence and comfort, and raved over the superb ride Those who could afford to buy any car, regardless of price, still preferred the Peugeot 604
      112 words

  • 196 12 I^HE People's Association will be usherinr in the Year of the Hone 7 th colourful Chlngay procession on Feb 8. With only 10 days to go before the Lunar New Year, some 2,000 m *'J« rs of the Peoples Association and 30 other cultural
    196 words
  • 347 12  -  PAUL WEE pDrug addicts abscond from supervision By •JMIE Central Narcotics Bureau and police are poised for a round-up of all ex-drug addicts who absconded from compulsory supervision, including urine tests, to charge them in court, it was learned yesterday. It Is understood that
    347 words
  • 300 12 PSA to spend $191 m on development TWE Port of Singapore Authority is to spend about $191.6 million for major port development projects and other schemes for port Improvement this year. According to PSA estimates, $94.6 million will be for major port development, $36.7 million for port enhancement, $40.8 million
    300 words
  • 247 12 NTUC on the other side in ironic reversal -of roles- TIE NTUC, In an ironic reversal of roles, will act as the management when two unions start negotiating with it for new wage agreements soon, the New Nation reported yesterday. The report says that the claims have been served on
    247 words
  • 62 12 THE Indian High Commissioner here. Mr. V. Sid- dharthacharry, yes t c rday held a coctall reception at his residence In Pelrce Drive In honour of National Museum officers and participants of the Exhibition Jawahar. The exhibition. which opened at the museum on Thursday. Is In celebration
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 148 13 Briefcase snatch chase halts traffic MOTORISTS jammed their brakes while paasersby stopped to watch when a man sprinted across Boon Keng Road, chased by another, during an abortive robbery yesterday morning. But the first man, who was apparently handicapped by the briefcase which he was carrying, was caught after a
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  • 46 13 MEMBERS of the Marine Parade community centre building fund committee and residents' committee will go :rom house to house to collect old newspapers In Marine Parade estate tomorrow from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Residents of the area are asked to give their support.
    46 words
  • 285 13 $3.5 m timber cargo swindle by gang A SINGAPORE gang plotting to sink a freighter and then claim insurance for the ship and its non-existent cargo of timber has swindled the foreign cargo consignees of about $3.5 million. This was confirmed by a police spokesman who said Investigations were still
    285 words
  • 37 13 THE Finance Minister. Mr. Hon Sul Sen, will open Keppe 1 Shipyard's new Tuss yard today at 3 p.m. More than 3,500 employee* from the yard will attend the function, which Is an "In-house" event.
    37 words
  • 200 13 'Senseless teasing' caused suicide: Coroner A PRIMARY Production Department officer, unable to bear his colleagues teasing about his personal life after an operation, too. weedkiller to end his life, a coroner's court beard yesterday. State Coroner Mr. Khoo Oon Soo, before recording his suicide verdict on the death of Ng
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  • 57 13 A SHIPPING cleric Madam Lee Soo Lang, 25. wife of the manager of an advertising firm, was found dead at the foot of block 19, Bedok South Road, at noon on Thursday. Madam Lee, a mother of two, had lived In that block with her
    57 words
  • 369 13 A LAWYER, acting for the plaintiff in a civil claim, objected unsuccessfully in the High Court yesterday to a motion for a Queen's Counsel to be admitted to the Bar here as senior defence counsel in the trial proceedings. Mr. J. B. Jeyaretnam,
    369 words
  • 349 13  - Wording of charge under scrutiny by lords KEK SOO BENG By LONDON. Fri. The wording ot a charge against former Haw Par Brothers International Ltd. chairman Richard Tarling alleging conspiracy to steal came under close scrutiny yesterday by five law Lords hearlne the aDDeal. Counsel for the Singapore Government. Mr.
    349 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 73 13 l^^fc ONE 0F THE )C 1» I FINEST WHISKIES )C^^^. IN SCOTLAND" JT^'J^ What better /T^^ ===r guarantee for the Jjtss,^ J^^^^- 5515 International Scotch. -^^m^Z LANG'S FESTIVE fßuy Lang's S-year-old Scotch Whisky now 9 I and get a cute, iwWWrliJ miniature bottle free, 1«J wn e stocks last. I
      73 words
    • 758 13 nil $m >5H^E5r (wr** stocks iasn 5J B™" I'"™^^^^^"^^^""""™^"""^^1 4 Courvoiser Wi PUIAICCC Tt x^ v.s.o.p. LHlNtbt np?pni7n Fine Champagne L I new year -sSrrrl f I ■^■■■PH Dance I (^IFT HAMPFR^ tf^R Miniature) fk i oir nMivircno m f fsj offer 32.95 iPI 1 '^La All Branches Limited to
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 775 14 'REX LAST 2 WVS"Jjfc£Sffl| aWal.ft«a( Mul'mM (Phone *****) IwnkSSSSaSiS PIAVJLIf a^» I |»Tj(^^^^^^BS Anlilllll kApa^. llciinilßjJowsMOwff^T Wmmfßf 4^ 11I"1 1I 1 Xl 4°°*K J0 /^P^^BT^bJ BM 915 "aiaarM^OHL'^M I Tonight ot Midnight' bb '~a^B^aßißßiil btbW tl* 111 l v -Alwn T omoi row 9om) I ailllb mm^nm^^KSm^^K 111 l f
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 423 15 -.BCETAXCO FURNISHING SUPERMARKET AT COLDCW MILE TOWER^BASCMENT (Golden Theatre) BEACH MX, ■^L^^X^ H R^rV- Ot^ .^R^R^RB W^^t^T .^R^H > I RR^RrMrr^RH *^^^^RHRr! ■MPO^LOCALLY MADE E|afioft| f Jj^jt by Spacicliits cod «B^S^ moda by Craftsman. irSkaff t I Whether you're looking for simple modern design, J furnishing a home on a
      423 words
    • 276 15 Selina. senior Mary HB and her team of Quant beautician I dm Quant girls will be at ISETAN 28 January- 6 February 1978 to introduce Soft Focus, Mary's fabulous new range of 8 creamy soft, fashion colours for eyes 2O*V£» discount on all Quant cosmetics m w xw PLUS super
      276 words
      35 words
    • 580 15 Diamonds are a jWj O a girl's best friend... Wp. Pjj and for this new year, give her JUf r^l 2 presents instead of one* wi No. Diamond Price Special No Diamond Price Special DIAMONDS RINGS DIAMOND PENDANTS 3012 0 30CTS 650$ 3*o 4222 028 750 450 4169 021 650
      580 words

  • 322 16 The Straits Times SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1978 VIP VISITOR EXDR a long while China's foreign rela- tlons activities can be said to have been in the doldrums as the country became embroiled in its internal problems following Chairman Mao's death and in the purging of the Gang of Four. It
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  • 306 16 IVEST Germany's Economic Minister, Count Otto Lambsdorff, arrives in Washington today for talks on international economic matters. It will not be a happy visit. He will be delivering a disappointing message to the Carter Administration to the effect that West Germany will not take new measures to stimulate
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  • 457 16 T.F. Hawng takes you down memory lane Manwatching. The word comes from the title of a remarkable book the Sunday Nation IS serialising. The author Is Dr. Desmond Morris of The Naked Ape fame. Manwatching (an extension of birdwatching) is educational. I love it. I did manwatching in the High
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  • 586 16 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Straits Times, Malaysia. rr: declaration by the chairman of the Penang division of the MCA that the party might field independents should it not be allowed to contest more seats than It had been allocated for the 1974 election touches
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  • 803 16  -  MILTON CHASE LITTLE HOPE FOR CARTER'S PLANS By in WASHINGTON PRESIDENT Carter's proposal to phase out the current deferral of US taxes on foreign income earned by US corporations and their subsidaries is running into strong congressional opposition and stands little chance of approval
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  • 721 16  - Italy's real fears are over the future of the economy ROLAND DALLAS By In ROME ITALY'S latest crisis had produced reports of chaos and violence in Rome, talks of civil war and Western fears that the communists are about to enter the government. Despite all this, an American diplomat commented
    Reuter  -  721 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 18 16 jA SB9PS u^t s^sW H OVERSEAS 5 |jy ASSURANCE CORPN LTD. covered by life insurance OVERSEAS o^Shu v
      18 words
    • 188 16 PIMPLES PIMPLES PIMPLES PIMPLES WE ARE TOUGH ON SPOTS BUT GENTLE ON SKIN! We firmly believe that your face is far too valuable to entrust to the wrong hands Our team of fully qualified Beauty Therapists have extensive experience and expertise to effectively deal with all your facial and skin-care
      188 words

    • 179 17 Ex-inmate searches for the Poh Leong Kok IWIBH to Inquire through your column, the present whereabouts of the Poh Leong Kok This is a welfare home for girls, established before the World War Two and financed by 10 very wealthy men of that society. According to my sources, the Poh
      179 words
    • 180 17 I WOULD like to bring to notice the danger that lurks at the children's playground situated at Block 15 of MarsUlng Estate No doubt most playgrounds are safe but in this case It is the field In front of the playground that poses a danger
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    • 319 17 A PAGE OF YOUR LETTERS MUCH as I am impressed by the efforts of the Australian educational authorities to promote musical literacy on a national scale, I feel It is wishful thinking on the part of Mr. simpllclous Chong
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    • 178 17 I REFER to your report (ST. Jan 23). under the heading "Move to Improve Grassroots Leadership." I would like to make some clarifications. The formation of residents' committees is not a project of the People's Association or the People's Action Party. It is an experimental project Initiated
      178 words
    • 125 17 AS a frequent cinema goer. I am disgusted by the deplorable condition of the cinema hall floors. They are usually covered with fcod wrappings, half eaten foodstuffs not to mention children's urine, which emits a sickening stench. Most of the more popular cinemas in
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 117 17 a •*j4§s J Mm 1 m mm Come and be beautiful, The Beauty Organiser Set worth $1 04 for purchases above $80. And an elegant HR seethrough umbrella with any 2 items purchased ±J (While Stocks last) HELENA RUBINSTEIN V The Science of Beauty J Outside black. Inside red. Or
      117 words
    • 459 17 Thomson tells you why you should be using a top -loading washer. The washing machine designed to care for you as well as your clothes! The washing drum I I IL I removed durm 9 in top-loaders I I wash without is held by I I J^k 11 I! soapy
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 886 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 1.15 PM Opening announcements followed by 6.35 Romantic n Classic Art Joseph Mallord Sesame Street William Timer (Part 2 repeat) 2.05 Saturday Matinee Hercules And The 7.00 The Struggle for Survival (last episode) Tyrants Of Babylon, starring: Rock Ste 7.30 News (Malay) vens. Anna Maria
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    • 1234 18 THE last transacted ready sale at me close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices *o«ether with 1977/78 hl|h and low. C Adjusted for script/ rights Issue) IF77/7H L., t MlCh Low Company Sale +or8ECTION ONE INDUSTRIALS 154 132 Acma
      1,234 words
    • 330 18 SINGAPORE UNIT TRUST lM«i|m prloM for Ju Ml The Commerce 1.77 1 88 The Savinf Fund 110 »1.IT Spore Prog Fund 0.81 0.86 Spore Security Fund 159 l.M Spore Invest Fund 1.01 1.07 A8IA UNIT TRUST IMaugm' prim tar Jan M) Mai Invest Fund 1 70 1.81 Mai
      330 words
    • 1590 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified All Time Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett." Big Board
      1,590 words
    • 309 18 4 .1/4% 1/5/7* (250.000) (100 60 B 100. 70S) 5 1/4% 15/10/79 (250.000) I 101 15B 101 22S> fi V4% IS/R/KO (250.000) (103. SOB) 4 .1/47, 15/9/HU (250.000) (99 t"H (I9.55S) fi .1/4% I/I2/H0 (250.000) (103.70B) 5% T 15/4/HI (250.000) 101 MB) 5% T F I5/I0/HI
      309 words
    • 1673 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS AniWTMto (2. ITS). «l«m (2.5SB) (2) 2 .37 (2) 2.80. A ChMs
      1,673 words
    • 33 18 LONDON: Oopfxr prlcei on Ttiunday iprrvloui la brmckmi Wntfcjr Spot buytra 1*23 lf«34). Mllcn £822 50 U63»>: Thrc« Month buyen <U3.S0 .(•47 501. Mllcn («M ({M8>. Mtrktt Uim: Steady. |al«t 21.400 tonnn.
      33 words
      • 46 18 Gentingi 221 +9 Temerloh 253 +8 NST 525 +5 CSuftn 268 +5 Supreme Corpn 255 5 MOment 266 H Bbyi 155 +4 Metal Box Spore 228 3 IVrlii Plant 183 3 C Securitiea 140 +3 Faber Merlin 90', +3 (CM 416 +2 Kempaa 390 *2
        NST  -  46 words
      • 42 18 Brrjuntai 735 -10 M Tobacco 590 -10 Shangri-La 344 -6 Srlanfor Drrdu 460 -4 Si Stramahip 225 -4 Tan (hen* 250 -3 Khon»(.u«n 164 -3 DufTIVv 142 -3 TimraPub 388 -2 <*C 266 -2 YHS 219 -2 Inl Wood 157 -2
        42 words
      • 29 18 Kaber Merlin HMf! Srruritin 106.000 Onlingi M.OO0 P>han((ont 7«,0W Haw Par 41.000 SIMM 40.000 Prrak Carbide 39.000 A P I 35.000 Sigma Mn.l 32.000 Olympia 31.000
        29 words
      • 39 18 Jan 26 Jan 27 B.T. Index: 528 97 540 04 Industrials: 264 70 264 43 Finance: 422.71 422.81 Hotels: 174.87 175.34 Properties: 167.35 167.67 Tins: ***** 141.54 S rubbers: 427.38 427.53 O.C.B.C: 236.69 236.15 S.E.S. Ind: 233.15 232.79
        39 words
      • 139 18 TWE Straits tin price 1 eased $24 to $1,620 per picul In Penang yesterday on an official offering down ten tonnes to 240 tonnes. The overnight London market was steady at lower levels with forward buyers down £55 to £0.040 ftr tonne LONDON: Tin on the day lost £95
        139 words
      • 30 18 Rubber Jan 27. Singapore: Feb 198.50 cts (up 1.75 cts.) Malaysia: Feb 200.75 cts (up 130 cts.) Tin: $1,620 (down $24). Official offering: 240 tonnes (down 10 tonnes).
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      • 67 18 Thursday Wtdntsday Melbourne (1) 135 90 155 00 London 173 00B 1T7.10B 173 508 177.508 Zurich 173 00B 177. 23B 176 238 178.008 Paris 107 94 1W.67 Friday Thursday Honlkonx 173 *3B 17« OOB 17« 138 17«.3O8 8 pore (2) 176 SIB 176 69B 177.178 177 328 Export pnrra
        67 words
    • 462 18 /OPENING prices In the V Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked up following higher London advices, dealers said. Prices later advanced fractionally on light upcountry buying and short-covering. Towards the morning close, however, prices fell back on stable bull liquidation. Turnover was moderate The morning session closed quiet. Prices
      462 words
    • 100 18 }AILY SSR and SMR price* at noon yerterday: EJl.S. <C»re^t Mth) (Forward Mth) M Buyer* Belter. B»r«™ Seller. ;SR 20 (1 ton DalleO ***** 193 00N 192 00 194.00N BR50 (ltonE) ***** 191 00N 190.00 192.00N >MR 5<^ EL^' ton pallet) 209 00 211.00N 210 M 212O0N
      100 words
    • 122 18 CHINCH PRODUCE II CHANCE, IINCAPORE NOON CLOtINC PRICK PER PICUL YltTMDAY. CHdwt «ll: Bulk »7S Mlltn. old drum (S3 teller*, new drum (88 lellwi C**n: Mixed <loo*e) UK Cont (tt buy en. Pmir: Muntok AST A white fob 10OS NLW f«45 tellen. Sarmwak wbiu lob. M% NLW (422i
      122 words
    • 430 18 MIXED trading took place in moderate volume on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. A mild rally seen during the early morning session petered out in the afternoon due to the lack of strong follow-through support. Interest was concentrated on a handful of speculative issues only
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    • 343 18 SELECTIVE support continued to buoy up prices In moderately active conditions on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. The market had Initially opened at around the overnight levels, but as buying interest trickled In. trading turned decidedly firmer in the afternoon. The few exceptions to this trend were
      343 words
    • 225 18 T"HE US dollar opened »t $2.3305 25 In the Singapore forex market yesterday. It gained some strength shortly after the opening and was taken to J2 3320 30 The dollar softened In the afternoon and fell back to close quiet at $2 3300 05 Interbank forward rates
      225 words
    • 112 18 Interbank rates at 3.00 p.m. Currenckf Nominal ratea Smithsonian P*rc*nUf» tinted reiUrdaj (croai) parity chance ss^Un- as as ?gs =ss Auft scnulnY* *****2 15.4084 U 1012 +M.M Bel franc (com) 7.1153 ***** 6.2915 +13.09 Danish kroner 40.6347 40.7230 40.3955 -r 0.58 French franc 49.2324 49 3244 55.1166 -10.67
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    • 295 18 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates u at close on Jan 27. US Dollar* I Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 7 1/16 8 1»/ 1« 1 mth 7 1/8 7 2 mths 7 7/16 7 5 16 3 mths 7 9/16 7 7/16 6 mths 7 13 16
      295 words
    • 61 18 ACBC 7 AI|«HHBuk T Bangkok Bask 7 Baak of America 7 Baak af Ckiu 7 Buk of Takyo 7 Buk Naaara l O (t«iM*U 7 Ckartmd Baak 7M Ch... MaakatUa 7 DBS 7H Pint CUcac* T 7 H8BC T lndocuat 7 to MaUyu iUaku* 1 Miuui
      61 words
      • 329 18 HONOKONO: Share prices closed firmer yesterday In moderate volume after earlier weakness as operators drew encouragement from Hongkong's smaller December trade deficit, dealers said. The Hang Seng Index was up 4.3J) to 406.85. JAN V HKS Anial Rubber 1 S2B -0 01 Hill HHll Hole ls 2 825 Bowulrrs
        329 words
      • 372 18 TOKYO Share prices closed slightly higher yesterday led by motorcycles, after late profittuklng pared early gains, dealers said The Dow Jones average rose 6.90 to close at 5.028.41 with volume of 290 million shares. The New Index closed at 376 17, up 0.60 JAN 27 Ymi Ajinunmui 453 -7
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      • 248 18 SYDNEY: The stock market closed slightly lower yesterday in dull trading following the consumer price figures announced on Thursday, dealers s;uil The Sydney AU-ordlnarles was down 0 22 to 465 96 Jan 27 c*nts INDISTWAL8 ACT 166 -1 AmpolPei rt -3 AN1 153 -1 APM 127 unch Bank NSW
        248 words
      • 183 18 STRIKING prices of the stock options officially listed on the Stock E> change of Singapore, the periods, bid and offer prices and business done yesterday, with the number of options traded shown In brackets (old Storage (March Jl.Tin (D.KIB U.32S). (•lunr SI. 70) (0.14B 0.3MS) and (March $2,201
        183 words
      • 204 19 NEW YORK, Thurs. Stocks fell sharply across a broad front In moderate trading today, and analyst! said the half-hearted rally attempts of the past few days finally gave way to Institutional selling. Some analysts attributed the fall to expectations of a sharp rise in US money .supply figures
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      • 65 19 A MSTERDAM. TTlurg. rk Prices were mixed with a firmer bias In quiet trading. MM and Roy»l Duicii firmed In otherwise steady Dutch Internationals. Other firm iharee were Ahold, 1'akhord and Hrinektn State leans were lower doling price* In Dutch fullden »lth tht dlftrrence on the prevloua so*! ion
        65 words
      • 188 19 yi'RlCH. Thurs. Stock prices advanced In very active settlement day trading, bolstered by heavy demand from Institutional buyers. Financial were mixed after their recent strength Landlj and GYR edged lower after the announcement of a capital Increase and proposed higher dividend. In the foreign sector, dollar stocks were geieraUy
        188 words
      • 277 19 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Thursday 475.8 Wednesday 483.2 Week Ago 486 0 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Thursday 763.34 Wednesday 773.44 Week Ago 778.67 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Thursday 75'fc to 76 Wednesday 77V, to 78 II K HANG SEND Thursday 402.87 Wednesday 405.57 Week Ago 402.18 ALL ORDINARIES Thursday 466 18
        277 words
    • 530 19 Dim outlook at Berjaya Kawat THE present downturn In the cyclical logging Industry has had Its effect on the fortunes of Berjaya Kawat. For the first six months of the current year ending April 30, 1978. the company's pre-tax profit fell from nearly Ms 2 million previously to $141 million.
      530 words
    • 278 19 THE Slock Kxchange of Singapore has asked Pan Rbctric Industries (Pan Xl) and Amcol Electrical Industries how they arrived at the price of $4 million for the .even- storey factory lu'ilding at No. 7, Kampong Khvu Koad. I'an Kl's wholly-owned subsidiary. Pan Electric Appl anc-es
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  • 242 19 Smokers warned against the risk of lung cancer AGROIP of smokers attending the FiveDay Plan to Stop Smoking at the Youngberg Memorial Hospital was told by a doctor about the increasing risk they took of lung cancer with each puff they took. Or. W.W. Eastman, a visiting Rotarian from Washington
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  • 132 19 MURDER BID CHARGE DROPPED A MAN, accused of being an accomplice in the attempted murder of a police constable in Oeylang last year, was yesterday given a discharge not amounting to an acquittal by a magistrate. Leong Ah Wei alias Ooh Ah Seng. 25, was given the discharge after Inspector
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  • 365 19 Australian nutrition expert yesterday urged doctors to help promote a more active life-style among their patients in view of the growing trend of obesity in the developing countries. Said Dr. B.S. Hetzel, chief of the Division of Human Nutrition at the Commonwealth Scientific
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  • 42 19 A JOBLESS man was Jailed three months by a magistrate's court tor stealing $280 from a petrol kiosk In Upper Fast Co»«t Pr>»d. Joseph Dennis De Wind, 28, admitted stealing the day's takings from the kiosk on MarchS. 1976.
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  • 35 19 THE Minister of Labour nnd MP for Telok Aver. Mr. Ong Pang Boon, will present ang pows to the aged at Hong Llm community centre at Pek'n Street tomorrow at 9 am
    35 words
  • 77 19 ENCIK Mansor Sukalml (Kampong Kemoangan) will ask the Minister for National Deve lopmtnt and Communications, Mr. Lim Kirn San. at the next sitting of Parliament on Tuesday to state the government's view on the role of social, cul- tural, recreational, religious and other private organisations In Housing
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  • 121 19 POLICE TO HOLD ROUTE MARCH FLICE will hold a route march for its 10th intake of 496 fulltime national servicemen from the eight land divisions and two reserve units at 9.30 a.m. tomorrow The march will begin from Telok Kurau Secondary School in Still Road, through Changi Road. Haig Road.
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  • 161 19 Special MAS flight to Malacca on Feb 6 MALAYSIAN Airline System will put Into service a special flight lrom Singapore to Malacca on reb 6 to •cope with the Chinese New Year rush. The flight, to operate on a FokKer Friendship, will leave at 1.30 pm and arrive in Malacca
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  • 37 19 OUTRAM Park community centre extension wing and education centre at Outram Road will be of fldally opened today at 11 30 a.m. An anti-drug exhibition will be held in conjunction with the official opening.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 18 19 \6bekßl)an D <saWßr^3sWa^B^ ai>>a»w »fe«atoji 2^^s^^£a&Date: 20th Jan 3rd Fefc (Sundays Open) SS Time 9 30am 5 30pm.
      18 words
    • 156 19 Quite a few boots are pretending to be us. They're succeeding too except... p»ftp.r*tton wntCh CIUNI Its* Otfou' m rl and rotl tn« Inntr nnirt) o* your boots. s fratnntm and comfort to your Johnton CotMck %o*x—% mad* only A tsMtrwr that't to toft <t aom% away with ttlffncts rd
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 822 20 CLASSIFIED ADS AT TOUR SERVICE sg Telephone Service:- U Weekdays gki *flfc 8.30 a.m. 500 pm. W Saturdays f%s 8.30 am 3.00 p m Public Holidays c.A.T.S. 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. |a3S-»*77| Counter Service Regular office hours Anaafone Service After office hours RATES Per word 60 cts (Mm. $9.00) Per
      822 words
    • 758 20 I FOR SALE A SHOPPING GUIDE Importer! Ik local refrigerators, freezers available GENERAL ELECTRIC KELVINATOR PHILCO LEONARD WESTINGHOUSE AEG KENWOOD HITACHI SANYO NATIONAL ACMA PAN ELECTRIC Itabfci all kinds of washing machines, televisions household appliances •Ea*y term* arrangaabl** For more details contact HENG COMPANY 399. JALAN KAYU (S) 2*. BRANCH:-
      758 words
    • 685 20 NITROSOL" BEATS THEM all This concentrated extract of .*****11:1 1 flesh and bone accelerates growth and increases flower power Velne Orchid Gardens -Bjaaa^^m^^Saß r\.X\VXXV\XV\.V\%< DUNLAP g CLARKE BPre-amp model 10#/ Sand power model 250, J iJSOO. 1000 for exportS igonly. 5 VIEW: S, f 2 SOUTH ASIA 3 351 Victoria
      685 words
    • 612 20 II EMPLOYMENT A firm el Chartered Accountant* nvites applications for the 'ollowing posit ons I. AUDIT MANAGER Applicants should be qualified Accountants (R.A.S and have several years of proil experience with the ibllltj to administer and supervise a number of staff While the work Is audit oriented, the nature of
      612 words
    • 460 20 A newly Mtebltonad Japanee* company manufacturing maaeurlno tapaa has immediate vacancies for ACCOUNTS CLERK 1-2 years accounting experience and be able to handle a complete set of books Independently Possess a LCC Accounting Certificate RECEPTIONIST/ CLERK Able to type 40 WPM and experience in office procedure and filing. Be able
      460 words
    • 691 20 II EMPLOYMENT \iWNOL \neptune opknt ljnes ltd nol requires immediateLV TELEX OPERATORS (MALE) Applicants must possess a School Certificate or equivalent and must have at least 1 2 years working experience In the operation of a telex machine Plaaaa apply Including paeaport *ii* photo and a contact telephone number with
      691 words
    • 731 20 The Promotions Department of I large Industrial organisation requires a STENOGRAPHER Applicants must be Slnga|>or.' Citizens, preferably in their early twenties and should at least possess a minimum of three OCE 'O' level passes with distinction in Kniilish. have a shorthand and typewriting speed of 80 wpm and 40 wpm
      731 words
    • 496 20 II EMPLOYMENT I it WE NEED TOP CALIBRE MALE/FEMALE I SALES EXECUTIVES Are you dlssatisfle/1 w J present Job' J Do you rtestn I < j better In ing and Do you have good tacts' Then we need VOUI I Beak qualrftcatlona: Applicant' '> j fluent Engl 'j 8v v
      496 words
    • 299 20 FURNITURE COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES .ii lurni liners .rid inllrrw >t partial have the to Mowing: rn-nce est mission a rite to:»»rtr*er Maiwall Road PoM Office. P O Boi 3945 i'j»e 2. MALAY SPEAKING Clifford d) Technical [f] xpandlng firm haa the ■-iclee:(1) TECHNICAL OFFICER HFE TECHNICAL OF- DDoir.tment: enti are raj
      299 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1119 21 II EMPLOYMENT I ©SANYO -w—^»-» ELECTRONICS (S) PTE. LTO, ASE PTE LTO Vacancies for: Machinery Manufacturing Company In Jurong haa immediate employ- 1) JUNIOR PURCHASING FABRICATION SUPERVISOR ASSISTANT a Well versed in weldin. nology and must be familiar qcE O Level with with Inner shield. MXi and credits in English
      1,119 words
    • 674 21 II EMPLOYMENT RENTAL SALES AGENT (FEMALE) This is a challenging Job which will bring you into contact with the travelling public You will be Involved In renting cars to customers. selling worldwide car rental reservations and some clerical work The paraon wa ere looking for a Valid driving licence Senior
      674 words
    • 780 21 FEMALE QUALITY CONTROL Trainee applicants should have at least a GCE 'O' level pass in Elementary Maths and speak fluent English 2 shifts rotational duties. (7.00 am 3Oopm3oOpm— 1100 pm) required Experience not necessary as training will be provided Starting salary basic $160 p m Please write to Metal Containers
      780 words
    • 1215 21 II EMPLOYMENT AN INTERNATIONAL HOTEL lequlres NIOHT AUDITOR a Must poaasn a School Car- i trncate and NCR Claaa 42 Car- Mftcate a Experience aa Night AudMar outd d# sin ■tovftntaigv a Fiaaaant pereonaWy Please apply giving full details of i qualifications and experience, re- cent photograph and telephone number
      1,215 words
    • 589 21 I 111 VEHICLES A MATS For Vtiiicltf ittk «p M Tintt Sitiirtity Car KarT ttiay 37- S S Sloop Mark Too' Fully equipped for racing or cruising IR^MHHHHHMfJ Finance available Tel *****65 •aWiMeMwJH STILETTO FIBREGLASS RUN- I ABOUT with 115 hp Johnson BMa%taflaaaaa»»>Jaaaaaaaaa»^EaaiEal| motor Excellent condition Tel: aaVaasßßjajßjajaaßßßßaavßSSßßajsaßSßßßassi *****6/ *****9
      589 words
    • 793 21 [IV ACCOMMODATION I PtOPtOITIES DIST. IS MYTHS ROAO single- THOMSON OREEN FURNISHED storey bungalow. 3 bedrooms. 2 split-level semi-detached doubletoilets. 1 bathroom, dining. 8,000 storey bungalow 3 bedrooms sq ft $540 partly furnished Dlst. large living/ dining, aircondl is East Coast Road double-storey tloned.) study and servant's terrace (3 years
      793 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1294 22 IV ACCOMMODATION 4 PROPERTIES ■b^ b^ NEPTUNE COURT SSOO: Jervols ■******************** close $750. River Valley Road jTTTTiTjnJMiBBJ $7SO ArnDpr Roar j $550: Paslr ■rWfVn p an|gn|{ $450. Seletar $370: jj^^^^^l Changl $350 *****3' *****9 BBS^iB^B^BBB^Baa^BjaB^B^BM APARTMENT AT M3-B. Upper t'haiiKl I rent |,t ffltttS Phone Mr Low *****W HILLTOPS APARTMENT
      1,294 words
    • 1389 22 lIVI IV ACCOMMODATION A PROPERTIES ■******************** JOHORE BAHRU CHARMING I hilltop single-storey hunealow I I Vp| H i freehold 1 behind Oovernment H Curst house 1 lounge. 3 bedK~~ dfttV aval I rooms, etc Land area approx W efad 8.000 sq ft Price J70. 000 on o W Tel 1VH222
      1,389 words
    • 1517 22 V SERVICES BUSINESS t, J ,,,,iea M »»»»»»^a»»»aaaiaMaMa»»*a*aaa**********»aia»*»aa«aaaaaa ZZ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM QUIRED by our clients (traders. shops rartones rommerri-il BJ v-hools) for expansion project* liUlaV^sUaßßßß**! Invpstment $5 000 lo $250,000 J Free rtisrussicins *****/ *****5 ITd" l^ xTJ*W 1 2^ P h pM»4Op M »40 TRADE HOUSE WITH ready buyers rheaotale
      1,517 words
    • 1061 22 V SERVICES I mSIHPS MMEDIATE REPAIR COLOUR. TROPICAL TV SPtCIAL «T In IW TV cassette, amplifier. Black/white colour repair aji- t ntenna Installation Fair tennae insullatlon Tel 51M12 harges Tel *****3/ 4023*1 Fair charges guaranteed leng Leong DAY/NIGHT T.V. service, fast and reliable antennae installation etc CIENCE TECHNICAL DAY/ Night
      1,061 words
    • 1247 22 VI EDUCATION A TMtHINC j ■■■"^■p* STAMFORD COLLEGE PART TIME PRIVATE INTRODUCES JAPANESE SECRETARIAL COURSE LANQUAOE You can now take a part time Learn easily and rapidly through evenings only, private secretarial audio-visual aids and the latest course at Singapore's elite leaching method Private Secretarial School l Beginners' class commences:
      1,247 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      295 23 MR. KWEK OUAN HONO aged 77 years passed away peacefully 27-1-78 'caving behind beloved wife. 2 sons. Walter and Foster. 6 daughters. Barbara Anne. Dorothy. Mary. Lily and Nancy 2 daughters-in-law. 6 sons-in-law and 21 grand-children to mourn his loss Cortege leaving 59 Conwiy Grove. Singapore 15 at
      295 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      46 23 lumm J? «VER LOVINfI memory of fX^,,,!?" EnR V""*, c-ii^uTn^^fX^r 1"-' Iti every loving memory ol »ur dearest MUM. Two yeurs have passed since you left us Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by all your loved MOM LEE SICW ENO Departed on 21.171
      46 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      48 23 A Year has passed, sine* you leu But memories o! you. still linger in our hearts Dearly loved and always remembered by Mum. Dad, brother, sisters brother-in-law, ,ui<i M.sler-in-law "The Lord n my Shaphwd Pi. DOROTHY CHAN SIEW HUN DEPARTED 2* /1 177 AGE: 11
      48 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 744 23 VI EDUCATION TRAINING j i a—— C»PITOL MUSIC CENTRE (AMA) BVBBJBVBBjpsjBJHBfIB conducts imiMr courses for aljj'H kui' in Pop/ clas*»»»1^ a»»»»»»»— S iral Pop singing by profes•■■■•■■a»««»»»»«B»»«B»«a»ja»a»»«a»l ilonal musicians Contact JAPANESE. ENGLISH. MANDARIN. Robefl i anon Unit 127 Ist. fir. Malay. Thai Conversation by Capitnl Shopping Centre Tel Language Experts,
      744 words
    • 1337 23 I VII TRAVEL m RESTAURANTS s^^pvaMM I ALL THAILAND *^^^*sfi Haaflyai'SongkPii/ Bangkok' Pattaya/Chiengmai BaY //^^SaBBBBBVxV^Bai luaat mean trMa/av} bf AY Vto Baam 0 rtiyt cckcmi WII m\- B^StamW mm 2? 9 2?32? j k> 3 BL^jj^Ba^B ll n330 J 646 4 13 4 ?0 421 4 ft. \MtBE2wJJ M SAWADDEE
      1,337 words
    • 591 23 I VIII ANNOUWCEMCNTS 4 PERSONAL MAKE FRIENDS INSTANTLY Wft^^ry^WWWWWWmWW through correspondence/ ■l|4^^^^^^^^^miLi^^^l telephone contact Serangoon m PO. Box 119. Singapore 12 Tel *****41 THE CHURCH OF Jesus Christ of ajvjjaaßaajjaaHaaajajaßßaiJaaaaaai Latter-Day .Suinls Open house 2Sth January 7 9 30 pm Film BWT!a^^^^^'l^^H Show Refreshment 253 Buklt |mm±^m^JL±JM^^m Timah Road. Spore
      591 words
    • 2165 23 times sot unlay car mart —a—— (■■■■■■■■■■Mia^i— am| IMS MINI STATIONWAOON. Road W mm t m f m f m^ m FfmW^ttM WtmmWmWftt9m m Mmf9lfmm\ Ux May Oood condition ri.Ti LtaTM Suitable for PARF $1, 700 313- A i Onan Road Spore 15 I^™^^^*^'''^ 1(70 Oel. MERCEDES 280S A^^^^mT mm
      2,165 words
    • 984 23 DECEMBER 1674' Comtner/ Dodt* Diesel Van MOOCL KCH 403S (2*4 ton) REGISTERED end May 1978 CONDITION Bodywork/ paintIng, tjrrei, engine etc., good price Negotiable PHONE Lm Foe* Ow Scon* toaM LM ItM. MERCEDES IKI. 1 owner Alrcond Very good condition Reasonable offer Ring *****2, Jim. i»73 FIAT 124 Special Beautiful
      984 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1111 24 times Saturday car mart mmm^^ m^^^^^^^^\-T> MINI 1000. Sports rims/ stwrSWHMVNVHV^RS^TTTr^I :rt iohmilp box. new paintwork. M ***** after LATE Wn VOLKSWAGEN 1200 KxcHliMit condition Tax May, 4 •INOAPORE UtrfD CA« (PTE) LTO > HMB74 OOLDHILL PLAZA STORE 6 MONTHS OLD Honda VH lOOacTEL: ISMII a 5515»0 ellent i-ondilmn 1(4.
      1,111 words
    • 648 24 I We are a stable multi million investment in I Singapore. For our expanding manufacturing tJ O operations we require: 3 SUPERVISORS 3 Production 2-3 years experience in organising and leading a I production line. Able to communicate effec- I J tively with all levels of staff and to motivate
      648 words
    • 696 24 -(tsso) ESSO PRODUCTIONOIL PRODUCTION SPECIALISTS Esso Production Malaysia Inc. has need for qualified offshore Production Specialists for its production operations. We are seeking highly qualified personnel interested in service with Esso Production Malaysia Inc. Experience: Minimum of 5 years oil field producing operations experience, preferably on offshore platforms. Education: Minimum
      696 words
    • 931 24 r co l Arab -Malaysian Development Bank Bmrtutd ARAB-MALAYSIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK, the first bank to link Malaysia and the Arab World with the aim of strengthening bilateral investment and trade through development finance, seeks a high ca'ibre person to fill the senior position of: MANAGER BANKING DEPARTMENT At Least U5525,000
      931 words

    • 544 25 K. LUMPUR, Fri MALAYSIAN and British negotiators today adjourned their three days of talks over the Malaysian ban on the supersonic Concorde f1 i g hts over its airspace. Informed sources said today that the meeting was much more cordial than the last meeting
      544 words
    • 174 25 KLUANG, Fri. Firo destroyed part of the Veterinary Institute, about 10 km from here early yesterday morning, causing damage estimated at $300,000. Three deafening explosions, believed to be from large gas cylinders In a research laboratory, rocked the building. According to the Fire Brigade chief
      174 words
    • 233 25 Police open fire to break up triad clash KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Police fired two warning shots and broke up a clash between two rival tangs over a girl at Jalan P a d a n g in Jinjang North here last night 1'hey later detained three suspects two of whom
      233 words
    • 259 25 Hunt for fourth member of hold-up gang IPOH, Fri.— Police are looking for the fourth member of the triggerhappy gang, three cf whom were shot dead by police at their hideout In a deserted area opposite Bukit Merah New Village, about 6.5 km from here, yesterday. The Perak CID Chief,
      259 words
    • 360 25 Dr Lim's blast at 'kayu tiga' politics PENANG, Friday r<HIEF Minister Dr. Lim Chong Eu desv cribed today the concept of fielding independent candidates in an election by a member party of a ruling coalition as "the kayu tiga of local politics" or political chicanery. Dr. Lim, who is also
      360 words
    • 29 25 KUALA KANGSAR, FH._ An Illegal munsu distillery tv found by a police party In the Blntang HlJau jungle, 24 km from here, following a tip-off yesterday afternoon.
      29 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 83 25 GOODWILL of the Yt^ .kiij 1 i*ia I B 1 PORTABL E TYPEWRITER B SaUUft* fc^fMl Model -tippa" j Jp*~* m I Guaranteed for one year from date of mvoice 1 Ji COGNAC P.- 4151- onwards. J A MARNIER LAPOSTOLLE r st Thong Hiong Hng !3f!| a get R» G>W-
      83 words
    • 710 25 Metal Box Malaysia Berhad invites applications for the following MANAGEMENT POSITIONS ASSISTANT PERSONNEL OFFICER The successful candidate will be responsible for the development and implementation of personnel programmes covering employment (manpower planning, recruitment, salary and benefits administration, discipline) and welfare of employees in the bargainable category presently totalling 920. An
      710 words
    • 693 25 APPOINTMENT Applications are invited from suitable candidates to fill vacancies In the following positions In a well established local Bank (A) Train** Bank Officer* (B) Bank Clerks Qualifications and Exp*ri*nc« (A) University degree In Business Administration. Accounting or Economics. Candidates with professional qualification or diploma from the MARA Institute of
      693 words

    • 252 26 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday A MALAYSIAN official team will soon visit Burma, Thailand and China to buy more rice to meet the shortage and at the same time increase the national stockpile, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir
      AFP  -  252 words
    • 105 26 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl The allocation of seats for component parties of the National Front for the coming elections has not yet been determined, the Deputy Prime Minister, Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad said today. Answering questions by reporters after meeting the visiting Yugoslav trade delegation
      105 words
    • 33 26 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. Malaysia and Sweden are now holding negotiations here to renew their textile agreement which expires March 31. the Swedish Ambassador here. Mr. X A Palthelm. ;ald today. AP.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 180 26 Malaysia going ahead with urea project KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. Malaysia Is folng ahead with its Asean urea lertlliser project, a spokesman of the Foreign Ministry said here today. He added that the fovetnntnt was now studying a report submitted by m Japanese team engaged to carry oat a feasibility of
      AFP  -  180 words
    • 151 26 BOTAK CHIN PLEA TO PRIVY COUNCIL KUALA LUMPUR, Frl— An application by Rangleader Wong Swee Chin alias Botak Chin, for special leave to appeal against the dismissal by the Federal Court concerning his application tor more time to appeal against his death sentence will be heard at the Privy Council
      151 words
    • 122 26 KLANO. Frl. Three robbers staged a lightning hold-up at an Illegal "casino" here this afternoon. Their leader, gun-ln-hand, fired two warning shots and, with two other dagger-armed accomplices, raided the "casino" In a longhouse, off 1.6 km, Jalan Meru. at 2.50 p.m. They took money
      122 words
    • 301 26 Call for a 'moral clean-up' of JB JQHORE BARU, Friday QEVERAL municipal councillors called for action against illegal massage parlours, nightclubs and bars which, they said, were ruining the image of Johore Baru. In calling for a "moral clean-up" of the town, the councillors said that both the municipality and
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 125 26 The Florsheim Shoe F^ir now on at Americaya lets you save up to 40% on America's favourite shoes A T° help you usher in the Chinese M New Year, Americaya is holding a very special Florsheim Shoe Fair where you can get up to 40 discount on every pair of
      125 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 175 26 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh Hal Camp /whether you "N she didn't cape say I I that show ended I V you were risht about I II LIKE IT OR NCTT, J A WORD-THATS THE 7 JUST AT THE SOIN3 OUT TONI«WT-W1 MASOIE, I'M _y ONLY WAV TO TREAT
      175 words

    • 64 27 T^EW YORK, Frl. J-l The New York Cosmos have sent a letter informing the West German Soccer Federation that Franz Beckenbauer can be released for the actual games of the World Cup competition In June, but not for training from February through May. Helmut Schoen, minnager of West
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 557 27 CCOTLANI) could be the most dangerous outsiders in the World Cup soccer finals in June. In a competition where attacking, rather than defensive skill brings the greatest rewards, the Scots will field one of the most goal-hungry teams of the 16 finalists who will take the field
      UPI  -  557 words
    • 336 27 ONDON. Fri. League soccer takes a back seat tomorrow as the 32 survivors in the English Football Association Cup meet in the fourth round. The charm of the cup comes wben the big clubs are pitted against the small, and the draw has
      Reuter  -  336 words
    • 61 27 HOLIDAY INN chalked up their fourth straight victory when they beat East Asiatic 4-0 In the Singapore Business Houses Football League Division 3 match at Balestier Road yesterday. Other Dlv. 3 remits Brown Boverl 2 Par E«m Levlngston 1, Vosper Spore 1 Premier Milk 0. Mitsubishi
      61 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 387 27 Stayahead with the rc^rrm forerunners Datsun 120Y sedans are dynamic, elegant, a choice family 4 door Long-nose, @H&!ll*+ short deck, eggshell curved sides and flowing body lines reduce wind resistance and increase stability at high speeds Large J line windows enhance the look of speed. In front a sophisticated new
      387 words
    • 277 27 Direct dr>v« motor m«*ns low nona A low vibration and high-powvr shaving. LBflb^BB^BB^I Lightweight and aaty to hold. Shaving rwad tills at 17°. B«t angle Easy to uu. pop up trimm.r ExcluirvtT tfiapadaiignfor battaf grip. for comfortable, quick (having. am j B /xl Supar ttiin foil for the cloMit. smoothest
      277 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 1292 28 GRAND CHINESE mwwpwe* Mrnf YEAIC flrFEKS ORIENTAL (Raffles Place) COW cow f T > ORIENTAL (Peoples Park) PIG MONKEY 1^1 HVPn fh I S [Rll UlllUl lULlJI lUU UllUUr CHINESE COW RABBIT B p-. YUYI ROOSTER RABBIT P-^^2 J N I > J 17^ I O^^^V^O^^S a"\ QUEENSWAY SNAKE GOAT
      1,292 words

    • 186 29 Taiwanese pair maintain their lead BOGOTA, Fri. Broth eTS Tze Ming Chen and Tze Chung Chen of Taiwan maintained their lead with a score of 149 yesterday, the second day of the four-day international golf tournament by pairs. West Germany who were lying fifth on Wednesday shot a 145 to
      Reuter  -  186 words
    • 625 29  -  ERNEST FRIDA By yyORLD Cup players Chang Chung Fa and Lim Kian Hong shot record equalling one- under par 71s in masterly fashion to be joint leaders at the end of the first round of the $5,000 Ovaltine Open golf championship at the Jurong
      625 words
    • 106 29 MONTE CARLO, Fri. Frances Jean-Pierre Nicolas and co-driver Vincent Laverne in a rented Porsche Carrera unofficially won the 46th Monte Carlo rally today, the first private entrants to beat factory teams in the classic event since 1956. Unofficial timings were: 1. Jean-Pierre Nicolas and Vincent Laverne (France) Porsche
      AP  -  106 words
    • 361 29 Richards gives Aussies a battering PERTH, Frl. A spectacular innings of 207 by South African Barry Richards, and a dazzling century by West Indian Gordon Greenidge, placed the World XI in a commanding position at stumps on the opening day of the World Series five day international match against an
      Reuter  -  361 words
    • 155 29 NZ wickets take their toll AUCKLAND, Frl. England's batsmen foundered here today and were all out for 210 on the opening day of their three-day match against Auckland. Brief scores: England Ist Inns: 210 (Boycott 32, Botham 33, Old 32, Snedden 3-35). Auckland 4-0. After the lifeless wickets In Pakistan,
      Reuter  -  155 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 36 29 The more you know about Scotch, the more you like SCOTC H WHISKY L One tumbler FREE with every bottle of Jiatianlirub Finest "&*> tumblers FREE with every bottle of '/ia/fii/if/M) Twelve >ears Old [gj] JebsenA Jessen
      36 words
    • 354 29 CHINESE CARPETS no* b* ck OUß SHOWROOM at Peninsula Shopping Centre, Ist Floor. Visit us at your leisure. *MT- QS^J %g^ $50 fcg£ Tientsin Talien Peking Tsingtao Hop* Shanghai GOG€ HOfK CO.P f TC.LTDi@»»&A*rRg&f) Carpet Dept 1-28. Peninsula Shopping Centre Coleman Street Sing*»re 6 Tel *****.*****6 GP O Box No
      354 words

    • 186 30 rE Football Association of Singapore have decided to send their Intermediate team to take part in the King's Cup tournament In Bangkok from April IS May 15. Though the squad have been in training for the Mara Hallm tournament In Medan since early
      186 words
    • 124 30 IOC 'no' to SA rpUNIS. Frl. The 1 International Olympic Committee's ex c cutive council rejected South Africa's application for re-admlsslon and failed to agree on another application from China, lOC president Lord Klllanln said yesterday. "We think this Is still premature," Klllanln told reporters when asked about South Africa's
      124 words
    • 40 30 LISBON, Prl. Sport Lg the Lisbon soccer team, N-" to visit China for thita weeks In June. Tram president Joao Rocha mXX that It would be the fl-si visit to China, by am»a m» or European team. AP
      AP  -  40 words
    • 602 30 PS on sport TWO decades ago, Chu Chee Serif, rex garded by many as the best goalkeeper Singapore has ever produced, would have been alert and agile enough to catch flying shrapnel. Today, at 54. he dlsplays the elasticity that would make even ballet
      602 words
    • 195 30 A NEW-LOOK V. Gopal A emerged Civil Service squash champion when he defeated 1976 Pakistan Airlines Open winner Oon Chong Hau 8-4. 9-8. 9-5 in a 38- minute tussle of skill at the Police Academy reports FA i RICK BASTIANS. The biK surprise was that Oopal did
      195 words
    • 223 30 KELANTAN 1 PERLIS O TRENGGANU 0 SELANGOR O KOTA BAHRU, Fri. A 78th minute header by outsideright Allmin Ahmad gave Ke lan tan a 1-0 win over gallant Perlis in a Malaysia Cup North Zone soccer match at the Sultan Mohamed IV Stadium here today. The
      223 words
    • 321 30  -  JOE DORAI By FT was thumbs up for Moha m c d Noh, Eric Paine and S. Rajagopal as they passed their fitness test at Jalan Besar Stadium, last night. The trio's Inclusion In the Singapore squad, which leaves for Kuala Lumpur today for
      321 words
    • 30 30 AMMAN. Prl— Will McOulnness. former manager of Manchester United, has accepted a three-month coaching job with the Jordan security forces football team. It was announced here today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 189 30 TWO players, Ahmad Sanwan and Sam Tan, were last night suspended four matches each by the Singapore Business Houses Football League Disciplinary Committee for misconduct In a league match, reports JOE DORAI. They were cnarged ror assaulting each other in a Division Three match on
      189 words
    • 209 30  - Hoteliers keen on inter-hotel meet DHARSHAN SINGH By HOLIDAY INN have invited more than 30 hotels in Singapore to Initiate the first Interhotel athletic meet. The Inn organised their own athletic meet last year, and the tremendous response they received, prompted them to start the inter-hotel meet. R. P. Sharma,
      Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  209 words
    • 105 30 ATHLETICS— SAAA Lotto cross-country Individual and team league: Zig-uut brlckre to Stone bridge (B.Bkm) run Mcßltchle Reservoir 3.30 p m GOLF— BOA local circuit tourney: Ovtltlne Open (Jurong C.C. 7.30 aJn.) HOCKEY SHA Junior knock-out tourney: IA "B" v SRC "V (BalMtler Road 6.15 pjbl). SOCCnt— Malaysia Cup: South
      105 words
    • 351 30  - 5 more players enlisted in youth team BERNARD PEREIRA and WILFRED YEO By THE Singapore youth soccer team, now preparing for the Asian youth tournament in Hongkong in April, have been further strengthened by the enlistment of five players from the national intermediate side. The players are Kasmanl Salva, Hassan
      351 words
    • 202 30 SEPAK TAKRAW In Singapore will undergo a revolutionary change when a series of seminars and workshop sessions, organised by the Singapore Amateur Sepak T a k r aw Association (PERSES). get under way on Feb. 19, reports BERNARD PEREIRA. The Brainchild of Enclk Mansor Haji Sukalml,
      202 words
    • 137 30 AFTER three empty years, Oceaneerlng I finally won the championship by whipping Van Leer 19-1 in the play-off for the Slngapo r e Industrial Easy Pitch Softball League at King's Road yesterday. The one-sldedness of the play-off the two teams had previously won a half each— came
      137 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 65 30 We are pleased to announce §i the opening of our new shop at 1 62, UPPER SERANGOON ROAD m SINGAPORE 13 §1 1 KIM HOCK 6UAN j§£ SPECIALIST: BARBECUE SLICED PORK PORK FLOSS W 1 ESTABLISHED 1900 776, Victoria Street, 7. Tel: ***** H G/M2, Fook Hai Building. Tel. *****6
      65 words

    • 145 31 MCI BLUE PITIH TIT ICRUTIHIER Red Dart W Commander Prince Melody Oraat Sign Second Nature w Commander Tak« A l» Oreat Slfn Second Nature C. AlMil Wane lla*ok Hlfheit Choice Myatla Dan Oo Akxif Tin Ingot c. Altai H«hMt Cholca Roaewood 4 Oriental Day Patuya D«v Dliclplc Cam Hlghlanda
      145 words
    • 124 31 to Corinthian over 1200 m last meeting here; beat all but Tin Ore Dlv 4 1200 m with SS last week; up division down 2 kg; worth another chance. GUAKDIAN SAINT: Winner of three races early last season: picking up amdn after a short lapse; close fifth
      124 words
    • 1037 31  -  BLUE PETER By TESTER PIGGOTT can land a double on Mick the Miller (Race Five) and Gallant Stallion (Race Six) at Bukit Timah today. Mick the Miller, a five-year- old by Kazakstaan. finished third to Napshot over 1600 metres last week after dictating the
      1,037 words
    • 1946 31 ffJ-JM 14S CLASS 5 1850m ■iUoJUi ($10,510 $7,350 to winner) 1 0828 OlWnH g (Detente) Rodgers 5 57 iiaiMI F HirtcNnaan 8 t 2224 U Boma Mm a (L» Bonne R«ln*) DanltU 6 MS (♦2.5b» Cboam 11 1 5624 I«W Surf* II K IHT Wee) Allan IMlud IS
      1,946 words
    • 203 31 Gentle Jim sparkles GENTLE JIM, the probable favourite In the $75,000 Lion City Cup in Race Six at Bukit Timah tomorrow, did a winning gallop in good going yesterday, reports Blue Peter. With ace English Jockey Lester Piggott up, the flve-year-old by Bye Bye strode out faultlessly over 600 metres
      203 words
    • 1326 31 ■-wm 2.1S CLASS 3, DIV 2 1850m liUftJUB ($13,000 $9,100 to wlnn«r) 1 4850IMOaf1|IR«<>cap) Allan.5 57 (ud+1 ••>' II?'!" J t 0160 r>*av TTama» II a (Inderapura) Du*m 57 <»J 51 I 7520 Wtm Ciwnri«ir a (Nawl) U» 5 »T (■>!.») 4 0070 >.»■■»« ir» (8uka Rial Manaof
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 473 31 MAZDA 323 AGAIN! The Mazda 323 is the only car that has I !!+&&s%•+ v**J***™ been proven for economy over long 'XO'X JBgHHJEI^ distances by owners. Petaling Jaya to djl btaMfer Port Dickson in October 1977. Johore rJJ^H MB&VSfe*^ W^ Bahru to Desaru in December 1977. hfiP'^S *Tf And in
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  • Article, Illustration
    66 32 A CAR barns in a Tunis street after violent clashes broke out between police and demonstrators during Tunisia's first general strike since Independence in 1957. Labour union leaders said at least 10 people were killed and many injured. The government has imposed a state of emergency and troops
    UPI  -  66 words
  • 75 32 BEIRUT, Fri. A general ■trihl was staged In Chris-tian-controlled areas of Lebanon today to mark thr second anniversary of ttir capture of the Christian town of Damour by Palestinian guerillas The protest strike followed a fresh outbreak of fighting between rlghtwtng Christian militiamen and an alliance
    AP  -  75 words
  • 75 32 MOSCOW, Frl. A group of Soviet workers, technicians and engineers are planning' to establish a "free" trade union and seek support from the International Labour Organisation, six membtr> of '.he group told foreign correspondents here ye&ttrday. ITicy said about 200 people had made It clear
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  • 46 32 WASHINGTON. Frl. Senator Daniel Moynlhan has called on Soviet officials to halt persecution of dissidents or face a cut-off of US food sales. The New York senator was addressing 10 Soviet dissidents at a Democratic Party dinner given in their honour. Reutuer.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 187 32 INDONESIANS must have faith in the x Indonesian Parliament's ability to control their government more, the Speaker of Parliament, Mr. Adam Malik, told the Indonesian community in Singapore on Thursday. Mr. Malik, who left Singapore yesterday for home with his wife and a special
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  • 43 32 DEATH MM. M. A. HLVA of Seremban. Malaysia puied away peacefully while on holiday In Sri Lanka. Body Uea In reat at 73-B Jalan Senang .Singapore. residence of •on Dr. Michael flilva. Cremation at Mount Vemen Crematorium Sunday 29tb 4 pm.
    43 words
  • 715 32 LONDON. Frl Government bonds lost ground today while equities closed mixed In light trading, dealers said At 3 pm the Financial Times Index was up 0 2 at 47a 0 Government bonds eased by up to 3/8 but were above lowest levels on bear closing operations and sporadic
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  • 400 32 DARES-SALAAM, Friday JJHODESIAN guerilla leader Robert Mugabe yesterday declared he would never accept a settlement agreed by white minority leader lan Sm ith and internal nationalist leaders, and said Mr Smith would stand trial after independence for aiding a "brutal" regime. Mr. Mugabe, coleader
    Reuter  -  400 words
  • 47 32 SALISBURY, Fri. More whites left Rhodesia in 1977 than in any previous year, the government said last night. Some 16,j00 whites left last year, about 1,000 more than in 1964, the year before Mr. Smith unilaterally declared independence for the then British colony.— UPl.
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  • 219 32 Callaghan: We won't accept this accord LONDON, Friday PRIME Minister James Callaghan yesterday backed up Foreign Secretary David Owens statement on Wednesday that an internal settlement between Rhodesian white leader lan Smith and moderate black leaders would not be recognised by Britain. He was replying In the House of Commons
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  • 189 32 LONDON, Friday THE Iranian heiress who said >he gambled away £3 million (Ssl3 million) in three years in casinos is facing trial on charges of stealing two rings worth more than £200.000 from Cartler, the jewellers, court records .showed yesterday. Mrs. Fatemah "Kitty" Mllinalre, 39,
    AP  -  189 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 349 32 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally Cover Price SOt Annual Subscription tlSS Circulation Manager leiephont S700I1 Ext 204 TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS... THE last few days saw a flurry of moves to upgrade fu'ther the quality of Singapore's electronic products. First on the scene was the product development assistance scheme set up by
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    • 325 32 SO YOU STILL SMOKE? THEN LET? TALK TEETH You wouldn't use a scouring agent to clean bone china, would you? It's the same with teeth. Yet ordinary toothpastes are too bland to remove tobacco film, and tea, coffee or other stubborn stains. The answer? New Clinomyn the toothpaste specially formulated
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 342 33 Apollo garden l^\| I T 5 large bedrooms with 3 bathrooms _^_f^^W I Spanish design split-level terrace Italian marble-floored Living Dining rooms full-height Italian ceramic wall tiles for kitchen, bathroom toilets aluminium doors windows with tinted glass H|^________>r ii___^»^>^ v ml mm /'^___J "BQ___________________' i mh *a^^*^^i >^" .lt. *^__j
      342 words

  • 833 34  - Dayak tribesmen giving up their nomadic lifestyle INGO HERTEL By in Pontianak THE descendants of the Dayak headhunters in the wild interior of Kalimantan (Borneo) are slowly giving up nomadic life and accepting civilisation. And for once, this might prove a blessing, for the Dayak methods of food production are
    Reuter  -  833 words
  • 474 34  -  C. FERNANO By in Colombo NEARLY 4.000 people as far apart as Australia and America look at the world, many for the first time, through eyes donated by people from Sri Laiika. The man responsible is diminutive, bespectacled Sri Lankan optnalmologist Dr. Hudson silva,
    Reuter  -  474 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 358 34 Everytime you buy a big bottle of g^ Mi| BisquttV.S.O.P Cognac Brandy kill during this festive season, you'll ■L^ff getaminiatureqoidennfciffeand A usi t idyc H-S I Bisquit VSO P. Cognac Brandy jgj KQ^ from France. Famous for over h 1 j0 years. Very mellow. Very special A fine New Year
      358 words
    • 156 34 CLMD Free extension speaker Get an Elmo Extension Speaker free, with every purchase of an Elmo ST-1200HO or ST 600 projector, while stocks last, in Singapore only. Whichever Elmo 2-track Super 8 sound projector you choose will help you make your own sound movies creatively, W easily. Don't miss this
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  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 463 36 m mrmwr\w\ n lUI^OOOn^ diversification and to-day Ihrouph a combinatjofvc wbsidiaries ion I "Oil Id! W I W IVrx^V^lli^JV^ panies engaged in a wide range of marine-retrti J| I 1 SSSHSMiSSSS HSSHSSSSSSS AjlhflHIIlfcl M irc^^^^r^rrr^" 9 --^r^r^=si=^s ■■^T^B Tuas Shipyard represents a turning point and a new irtart It is
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  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 476 37 rS? m,n Board' -nember ember Board i ermanenSeTarJ-Nin-stry (Penmen, sSSS- (oJS-KSKwo*. Dra. -ge Oept. V < Valtje andN4ana< r of Finance) Ministry of Law) Department) of tnvironmenlj De/e*oc -^^lz—^—^^aaaii^i^i^i^i^i^i^i^— j^oO UHII ElßtllftjZ^^B HL^BLflii £r Congratulations to Wtf WVm m m KEPPEL SHIPVnRD LIIHITED f 1m m IB fl I^BflPn|j^H on
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  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 810 38 A 5b 90m nVGSl fl©n1 ing a very rar>9e 3 from I the s coming over dependent on any sector The biggest i^j-tT-t j-. aruxj^-TL r^^fc.^^ll^m tinues to develop this theme. 71 DOdwtdock j with Kajima CorpotjGC^jr luS Ilw2 tw should be regarded as a natural exte 5 objectives J
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  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 891 39 A 1 3|Tj Pl3nn©C V h.ghlight of faci'ities at the drydock is the travelling dock armc V«i iV*i i^^*« II 1 j whtc*i have a reach of 29 metres. Mounted on rails whk* run through H"^^m A I M^^^\#Jo t!-# L9 BU the len 3 tn of tne ctock thes6
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  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 1269 40 i yecrs after Sir Stamford Raffles founded Singapore, bears testimony to able. The abandoned pit became known as Cloughton s Hole. Though yVOPinf-^l 1^ mtGSD I the strategic location of the island as a shiprepair port. construction work resumed nearly 50 years later, the plan for the dock IX^P^VI *Jl.WW|-r
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  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 885 41 joint management by Tanjong Pagar Deck i atent Slip and Dock T^ 1913. During the 50?ear period jnder the Harbour Board two more Company, whicn >ad by then settled their differences. 1 n dry docks, named King's Dock and Queen's Dock, were added to the The situation for repair business
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  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 1122 42 ■wii I of 52.6 hectares. Major facilities include a 150,000 dwt drydock equipped with i capability for oil-rig construction, when It launched its first l^£% iC Ckl^l^^^l I 111 twn ve^a'i'e travelling stages (dock arms) with a maximum capacity of 400 kg c than r» has been able to offer
      1,122 words
    • 84 42 awl Best Wishes to I KEPPEI SHIPYARD LimiTED I on the official opening ofits I TUBS VRRD I I l 6A«HO 6<«U« €HH 9 iNMriN 9 (^t.J £t<<. No B Rhu Lane, (Off Taniongßhu) Singapore 15. Tel: *****87, *****45.*****2 W^ ajp Congnituhtiom I KEPPEI SHIPVRRD LimiTED I a« /fe official
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  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 933 43 WL A^~%y\fxk m |<^VK r\^v% fAvJ^Nr%yy%^Ny%4 1 the Shipyard's Education and Training Centre' Set up in 1967, the covering 6 months off-the-job and 2 years on-the-job, for candidates 'VianPUWvl L/wVvr l UUT ll Vl I L Centre is responsible for drawing up various development and training selected from the Shipyard's
      933 words
    • 108 43 JT Congratulations i|] I and Best Wishes to I I KEPPEI SHIPVHRD LimiTED I I on the official opening of its I I TUfIS VHRD I rf*« I'll iL^^Si k^> m^M^kw I wk\ It is our privilege to further contribute to the development of shipbuilding and j\ I repairing industries
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  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 475 44 to KEPPEL SHIPYARD LTD on the inauguration of their new facility TUASYARD SOLE AGENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS ie^ I UrTv frif (life 1 2 Straight-line Action 4<s*ti^ CLAMPS CUT COSTS etf? f Cpp^^ In Production, Processing Original Equipments B^fiT'^ 7 #3p Hold-down Action ~^J Fait-action Destaco Toggle Clamps cut
      475 words
    • 732 44 A fbreign mining Company operating in Malaysia wishes to fill the following senior management positions 1. GENERAL MANAGER The appointed person will be a Malaysian citizen with proven record of success at senior management level He is expected to hold, preferably tertiory qualifications in mining or mechanical engineering, together with
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    • 500 44 r saf SAF CAREERS FOR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN The SAF is a rapid moving organisation. It requires tough ond ambitious young adults to progress. If your age is between l6Vi and 23 years and a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident, then we would like to invite you to join
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    • 221 44 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE A SHIP'S NAME We. Pacific International Lines (Pte) ltd., of 45. Market Street, Singapore 1. hereby give notice that in consequence of out Intended purchase, we hav; applied to the Registrar rf Singapore Ships, undir Section 417 of The Merchant Shipping Act (ChapUr 172, 1970
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  • Page 45 Advertisements
    • 472 45 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE A SHIP'S NAME We, COSMAR FAR EAST PRIVATE LIMITED of 2D Chow House. 140/142 Robinson Road. Singapore 1, hereby give notice that in consequence of our clients' purchase of the vessel "MINI MOON", we have applied to the Registrar of Singapore Ships, under Section 417
      472 words
    • 210 45 AUCTION SALE Good Quality Curtain Material, Garden Chairs, Coffee Tables, Coat Hangers, Cusi-Brushes, Detergent, Typewriter Ribbons Paper Cutters. To Be Held At No 58 Market Street, Singapore 1 ON THURSDAY, 2ND FEBRUARY 1978 At 1 1 00 A M VIEWING: 30th, 31st Jan& I st Feb between 10 am to
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    • 449 45 SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE IN THE CAUSE OF Divorce Petition No. 265 of 1975 Execution No. 620 of 1977 and No. 655 of 1977. Llm Klan Poen also known as Llm Klan Poon Petitioner Versus Alice Tan In Nlo Respondent and Edward Wu
      449 words
    • 234 45 Qmplmientsand^est Qfisha to KEPPEL SHIPYARD LTD on the inauguration of their new facility TUAS YARD from |m_ CHUAN HIAP SEN 6 CPTE) LTD. 1 i74-176.Tyrwhitt Road. Spore 8. Tel *****55/*****88. ESTABLISHED 1927 Telex CHS R*****6. Cable Add ROPEHOUSE. THE LEADING SUPPLIER OF STEEL AND ENGINEERING PRODUCTS TO ALL INDUSTRIES ALWAYS
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  • Page 46 Advertisements
    • 598 46 The SGV Group Management Consulting Services Our client, a member of a well-established multinational manufacturing concern operating in Singapore, has now owing to expansion an opening in its organisation for a: I PERSONNEL and I ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER Around $26,000 p.a. The successful candidate who will be supported by a staff
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    • 690 46 The SGV Group Management Consulting Services A leading international property developer with a major prestigeous housing project in Singapore catering to a unique class of clientele seeks the services of an experienced executive to fill the position of: I MARKETING MANAGER I Up to $50,000 p.a. The successful candidate will
      690 words
    • 800 46 The SGV Group Management Consulting Services The Singapore Branch of a well-established international financial institution invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions: I DEALER I ASIAN CURRENCY UNIT/ CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MS-1 0/459) (Salary commensurate with experience) The successful candidate will be responsible for handling the ACU
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    • 686 46 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up No. MH of 1977 In the Matter of the Companies Act (Chapter 186) And In the Matter of SEALAND FOODS (PRIVATE) LIMITED ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice Is hereby given that a petition (or the winding up of the
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  • Page 47 Advertisements
    • 1085 47 HEWLETT M, PACKARD HEWLETT PACKARD SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD To meet with its expansion program, Hewlett Packard Singapore has vacancies for its Computer Systems Group. SALES EXECUTIVES We are looking for matured professionals who are interested in being associated with the latest advances in Computer technology. Applications are invited from candidates
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    • 602 47 I—Manageri Manager— Public Relations A leading Bank with substantial interests in Singapore, Malaysia and overseas is looking for a suitably qualified and experienced person to head its public relations function. This is a senior appointment. The incumbent will be responsible to Management for the overall planning, development and implementation ot
      602 words
    • 782 47 Tractors Singapore Limited SERVICE MANAGER Over $$40,000 Per Annum Negotiable THE COMPANY: Tractors Singapore Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tractors Malaysia Berhad, one of the world's largest Caterpillar dealers. TSL has a reputation of being a modern and efficient sales and service organisation. THE JOB: Service Manager To be
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  • Page 48 Advertisements
    • 830 48 FULLY CONTAINERISED TO EUROPE EXPORTS Spore PKelam H Wr| B'Untn Utm Le Hanre CartVfanßa, 28 1 301 H/2 212 22 7 (25,2) HamtwiErpmi 4.' 6 2 25/2 27? n (6 3) Totreßa, 9 2 117 4/3 (73 hi 123 HMfttr« Eiprm 17/2 19 2 12 3 14/3 15/3 19 J
      830 words
      739 words
    • 1221 48 ll AW USSCi^Im wA VESSEL VOYAGE vessel C F S Closes Arrives, departs 5 00PM RAPHAEL SEMMESV-930 feb 1/2 j»n so GATEWAY CITY V-685 feb 7/1 fe»6 PONCE V-317 «B 14/15 Feb 13 GATEWAY CITY V-686 feb 21/2? feb 20 DRY RfFRISEMTEO CONTAINER SERVICE SAILING EVERY WEDNESDAY FOR PORTS IN
      1,221 words
    • 888 48 SymtjtL Burma Fivt Star Siiippin| Corpn. M m^ "BURMESE NATIONAL LINE" I LOADING fOt RANGOON in»apor«Plusrnrej»air|rwa ?9,3l tan BISSI Agents in MalavSK TEPS MALAYSIA Xt Port Kelang Tei .381 I¥A Pensng Tei ***** ***** j^, Compania Argentina Dt W uPI\» > N"««Hcion Intarcontireantal S. A. C.I. F. j fi Km
      888 words
    • 843 48 K\ mm Y*s^D kU h if Orient Overseas GoMiauieA, Line FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICE TO EUROPE (VIA SUED S'ptre Heltrtt So ton LeHore H bur| R'Han Antawp 2tESo«ItT Mi 2m ?53 3 3 3 "3 ■CIUTNM 12/J ij/j j,,^ |/4 3/4 tl MF-TU« COMI W 11/3 19 3 •> 4 7
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  • Page 49 Advertisements
    • 1028 49 CONTAINERS*!? SERVICE TO UK CONTINENT I H'tat it" ll I r~. PMM —m A— Ml raaciclN lIV 21 laa II 111 'I* f* '3 Fel (IS FH) 11 FH liC" fll II Wl I liIaIDIR 2t Mar 22 MM 12 Apr IS Apr It Apr 121 lir) It Ap, '"lir
      1,028 words
    • 1365 49 Ben Ocean n tut sn/vx^e offiaV) Luki PAjw Fhnnpl Glen Lnf vk I NSMO Uk CONTINENT (Via SMI) Due S nfasore P. Ktltnc f tnanf turopt ••ONUS 1 S Fit 11/12 fit 111 fll S Mar B't.o. A.-n-t. H'burf. DuM.n. ENLOYkI 14/11 Fll 11/11 ftl 4 HIT liSMtl. Itnott, -Hult.
      1,365 words
    • 1000 49 HI BEN LINE I CONTAINERS MJil LIMITED II EU»tPEj_ S.nfapora P. WtJ I»• *"*«">■""' -AtOltAN BAY 31 IM ■Ml It fl* 21 Frt 32 Frt (25 Fill 1?Ttl S81"S 81 re 12 *B\,» ?a SSSISr" HX *****252Z2 KASUtA MARU 1 Mar S Ma. 34 Mk 31 Ma. II Ma. :l
      1,000 words
    • 1090 49 EXPRESS CONTAINER SERVICE. VIA SUEZ WESIBQUND TO MED/UK/ CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA r Maaj mmm 21 •'•mi m»u-i c ou-» mjum 11/1 »'i Ji/i awl 24/3 ioyama ii/i m 1 K3I.ICIH II 1 3t/ 2 II W I > lUILANOIA 2. I HI M > I J H.O OIUI 11/1 21, 3 14
      1,090 words
    • 840 49 THE BANK LINE LTD. LOABS FOR E I S AFRICA SPIimiANI laMaa, Mombau. larja O'lltal. Ollrttn. EL. PE. Capetoivn) Penanf P. Xi an| 11/11 Frt S'pon 11/11 Frt ratal east t mpj inici rot ia«jh,i maniu TESTIAM P|nan| P Kelar| Sport 11/11 Fit LYUXS ORIENT LIME EXPRESS SERVICE DIRECT FROM
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  • Page 50 Advertisements
    • 1107 50 *ltAWA7AllTl___N KAKIA LTD. muT cuntiNEiiui seivice t o ewope «i» sue: Sport P. Kelanf I. Hivre H'bur| Brpmfn tit OIIENTaI CHIEF 7W 3 Fel 4 rtl 23 Frt 25 Fel H Fel 27 Fl SEVEN SHS BRIDGE I4W I Frt II f fl 1 Mir 3 Mat 4 Mir SI
      1,107 words
      1,249 words
    • 956 50 NOL NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES LTD FULLY CONTAINERISED SERVICES: TO EUtOPt (VIA SIFJS'oori P. bliif niMtptoa H'turf Brea. R'rJan* ORIENTAL CNIEFt J Frt 4 Fel 21 Fit 25 Fit 21 Frt 27 Frt SEVEN SEAS MIDGE I Frt II Frt 21 Frt J Mar 4 Mar S Mar i CHEVALIER PAUL
      956 words
      910 words
    • 900 50 nri INTRASEA (PTI) LTO. nln Faber House. 234E Orchard Road. Singapore 9. Tetephone: *****1 1/*****57. |V] SUMA LINE JlkX-l^-J---llr^J COPENHAGEN f BWM SF.MI CINTIINEI SEIVICE TO EUROPE '"WIT STIAITSUI CONTINENT 21 24 BATS Sport P. Kela<i| Pf<it<f jam h sm| |aM mi illl I lIN At ATNEEI «m Sa.ltl Sa.'ll
      900 words

  • 897 51  -  MILTON CHASE Ey in WASHINGTON JO civic organisation in the IS as been pilloried r praised more lian the American iivil Liberties Inion (ACLU). It ias been constanty embroiled in conroversies since it >egan operations hortly after World ,Var I It is commended
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  • 393 51 members' dues and contributions. In its court cases, it depends almost entirely on volunteer attornes. It has a small staff to provide the media with information, mobilise public opinion and to lobby In Congress. Any organisation that considers it its duty to defend dissenters,
    393 words
  • Page 51 Advertisements
    • 74 51 L* V v >«■ X f ESTABP 1824 V M P2l v >V T/A .^1 IF' PALE DRY i(^j| y«f 1 N.LLf GHANDt CHAMPAGHt/ *^>^Wj P£l^\ PRODUCE OF FRANCE W^l p>^v iJ^pl Ul (Oneof&eoliJed edoAutAedntMnebfo t fine coqnac-a /Mttfafje often Qenc*a4ion& GRANDE CHAW* k &bcm ,-i Ugh* •'AK.NAC.KKANCK. j^s^k 'illSy
      74 words
    • 832 51 texwood good news V Get into the Texwood cowboy world «^g 9026 ooi **«y fifiKlHk The true blue jeans with If^Jl U t*tw* wild L' *nW WIKJ A forever favourite anywhere I MHf MBP £9H ---^c j>A «»la- in theworld isTexwood I '^X A lrVeSl lOOK Western Flares with the
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  • Page 52 Advertisements
    • 1240 52 S^OXLEY TRAVEL SERVICE QiL i& T U J^ SEMINAR ON The quality and prospect thc Tourist Trade. nv ol 'r^o.^i Tn«tit 11 tP nf REVIEW OF of topics including the OXley Travel lnsiliuie ux one-month camDalen .^1 i^. Service (pte) Ltd. Economics Busi- business of popularizing touis holding a semi-
      1,240 words
    • 317 52 s A totally new, I jj more fitting jean I fromAmco I everything you I want a jean to I be. Easily distinguished by Amco's exclusive jT Zip and Button. In extra slim fit or flares. <"^Hh .^B> Available in jA Wr denim, twill. /i corduroy. At jm W^** super
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  • Page 53 Advertisements
    • 302 53 LbT Bad Lar .jbbbbl .aßafl LaaT .aafl Wr W -4&* bbT bbbbbbbbV JbbbbJt .^H bbbbbbbbbbbV. H^^Ba^ftl If s a whole new I writing experience I bbtJl i I Baa A new way to write. The revolutionary Floating Ball. An advanced writing mode by Parker, I 111 innovators of today's writing
      302 words
    • 349 53 llH..lllllH^^^^.^..H.llHK I bV^ *^J *^^^^^^B Jaail I bbV bb>T y bbPM H- I r T 4B^H B#T bbbbbbbbbV aBBB^JfeaBBBK bbbbbß^ *^^l tTT^ BBBBBBBBW i" J^ BBBBBBBBBBBBB^V a^k^Bß^ Ht] Mm mmXJ\ 111 II m 9 .r ;>V bbbbblbß bbbT V j| CHINESE NEW YEAR flkT SPECIAIS ARE GREAT! r^^^^l^H Unisef is
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  • Page 54 Advertisements
    • 450 54 Surprise sale! Exclusive men's shoes. "Plus hundreds of other bargains from $7/- upwards. f^^^mm%\ Choose from mdre than 40 fine quality styles. Some imported from UK, jLjM France and Italy. Up to 50% discount on many lines. v JM |^_v M immmmmmJl^km*^ ut /7urry< stoc^ s are limited. Call and
      450 words
    • 136 54 Dresdner Bank will help you choose a piece of gold Gold isn't just gold. It's sold in many different kinds of coins and in bullion. It's bought for many reasons and has many different values. If you want to invest in gold, buy a piece of gold as a present,
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